It Started with a Kiss (McKenzi Lexi Buchanan

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McKenzie Family Tree































The McKenzie Family Tree

Dear Reader
Other books by Lexi Buchanan
About the Author

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Copyright © 2020 by Lexi Buchanan
All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any
electronic or mechanical means, including information storage
and retrieval systems, without written permission from the
author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Published by HFCA Publishing House

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Elias and Pippa McKenzie

Lucien & Sabrina (Entice #4)

Alexander (Kissing Cousins #4)

Olivia (A Cowboy for Christmas #8)

Michael & Lily (Seduce #1, The Wedding #1.5)

Michael Jr (A Business Decision #2)

Charlotte (Secret Kisses #3)

Sirena (Baby Makes Three #1)

Joshua (A Secret Affair #9)

Sebastian & Carla (Rapture #2)

Madison (If Only #5)

Dylan (One Christmas #10)

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Ruben & Rosie (Delight #3)

Ryan (It Started with a Kiss #12)

Sofia (A Bakers Delight #7)

Jaxon (The Pregnant Professor #11)

Ramon & Noah (Cherished #5)

Paige (Princess & The Puck #6)

Rachel (Kissing Cousins #4)

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P R O L O GU E - R Y A N











Eve, I cast my eyes once more to the girl my
cousin, Alexander, brought with him. Alex doesn’t
appear to be into the poor girl, especially as I
haven’t seen him in a while. As it is, she tries to
blend into the wall, which is not going to happen.
She’s young and fresh-faced, which tells me the girl
is innocent—too innocent for me. It doesn’t stop
me from casting glances in her direction as I listen
to my sister, Sofia, babble on about a new cake
creation she’s come up with.

It’s not that I don’t care about what she does

because I do, it’s just that she talks about different
flours, sugars, icing, and I get lost within the first
sentence. I’m more about alcohol and spreadsheets
—not that anyone knows this about me. The drink
they know plenty about as it’s what we serve at

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Kenza, the club my parents own, the one I manage.
What my siblings and cousins forget is the volume
of figures I have to go through daily. Luckily, I’m
good with numbers, and it didn’t take me long to
have a program up and running to log everything,
including staff wages.

I’m a people person, so managing and working

at Kenza is fun, not to mention the perks of the
pretty ladies that come through Kenza’s door. It’s
because of this reason that I think the girl is too
innocent for me to sweet talk.

“Ugh,” Sofia stamps her foot, snapping my

attention to her. She continues, “You did not hear a
word I just said.”

“I did.”
“Repeat what I said then?” She stands with her

hands on her hips and an angry scowl on her face.

“It’s a minute to midnight,” Aunt Lily shouts,

dancing past us.

I grin at Sofia, who rolls her eyes and waltz’s

off while my eyes stray back to the beauty who
looks like she’d rather be anywhere else but in this

The countdown starts, vibrating through my

body. The girl slowly starts to move toward
Alexander, who looks more panicked than excited.
My brain switches down, and before I know what
I’m doing, I lightly wrap my fingers around her
delicate wrist and tug her from the room. She

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follows without digging in her heels.

Out of sight, I press her into the alcove in the

hallway. Her eyes widen, and she nervously chews
on her bottom lip before running her tongue over
the chewed spot. My eyes heat, and I force myself
to meet her gaze. “Tell me your name?” I whisper
as the countdown continues.

I press my mouth to hers, which opens with a

gasp of surprise. Her innocence hits me full force at
the way she tentatively reaches out to my tongue
with hers. I give her time to get used to our tongues
gently sliding together before I angle my mouth
over hers and show her what a real kiss feels like.
My hands flex, wanting to touch so much more of
her. My brain starts working again, and I know I
have to stop this…then, she wraps her arms around
my neck, her fingers digging into my nape. Her
moan goes straight to my dick while my hands go
straight to her ass. The moment I start thrusting
against her and consider where I can take her to
ease the ache I have in my groin, I come to a
sudden stop.

I can’t fucking do this to her!
Pulling my mouth free—which is not easy

considering how much I want her—I reach for her
shoulders and hold her away from my body. “We

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can’t do this,” I hiss, breathing heavily. “You’re a
nice girl. I’m not a nice guy.”

Tears hover in her emerald green eyes, and I

feel like a bastard. Instead of walking away without
another thought, I cup her face and press my lips to
her forehead and whisper, “You’ve no idea what
I’d like to do to you.” The kiss lingers, and then, I
do move away—not just to another room, but out
of the house.

Large fat snowflakes fall from the sky as I stand

and look up. Closing my eyes, I inhale and exhale
slowly, begging for my body to cool from the fire—
lovely and innocent—Gretchen has ignited.

The girls I meet in Kenza are not the nice girl

next door kind. There is no innocence about them.
Is that why Gretchen called to me—because I felt
her sweet innocence from across the room?

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P R E S E NT D A Y - R Y A N











Gretchen at my aunt and uncle’s New Year’s Eve
party. Four years of looking for her in all the other
women I’ve been with since that night. And now
she is in my club. Everyone else disappears because
all I see is her.

Silky red hair shines under the lights and her

cheeks become rosy pink with my eyes on her. She
knows who I am, and I’m betting she knew that
before she even came here this evening.

She still looks sweet and innocent, but since the

time I last saw her, that can’t be true. No way has
she not felt the touch of a man. Anger swiftly
clouds my vision at the thought of someone else
touching her, which is ridiculous.

I shake my head to clear it and finally move my

gaze from Gretchen when I hear someone laugh

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close to me—my brother, Jaxon, and he’s here with
his pregnant girlfriend, Poppy. A slight heat creeps
onto my face as I cough to clear my throat from the
lust stuck in there.

With only a slight hesitation, I move closer.

“Two nights in a row,” I comment. “What have I
done to deserve this?” I drawl, casting a sidelong
glance toward Gretchen, catching her eyes on me
before she quickly averts her gaze.

“Who’s the girl?” Jaxon asks.
“What girl?” I ask, but only after casting

another glance toward her.

I’m an idiot.
My brother’s eyes roll, and he laughs. “I’ve

seen her before.” He taps a beer mat while
thinking, and then he announces, “She was
Alexander’s date for New Year at Aunt Lily’s and
Uncle Michael’s before he got together with
Rachel. I can’t remember her name.”

“Gretchen,” I say immediately. “Leave it.”
Poppy smiles softly and asks, “How long have

you been managing Kenza?”

Relieved to have the subject changed, I reply,

“Around five years.” I shrug and place bottles of
water in front of them. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

Disappearing around to the back of the bar

where it’s dark and quiet, I lean against the boxes
of wine I have stacked up. They’re against a wall,
so not going to tip from my weight. I need a minute

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to catch my breath after seeing Gretchen. She’s
beautiful and hasn’t changed from the last time I
saw her. My heart beats hard in my chest knowing
she’s so close. However, I force myself to
remember why I walked away before, although the
reason doesn’t mean I don’t want to go and claim
the girl.

I need my head screwed on right.
Nothing has changed.
I’m still Ryan, the carefree womanizer.
I can’t even deny that about myself. My

womanizing increased after Gretchen, and it eats
away at me. I’m more stained than I was before. I
joke and fool around with my family and friends. I
flirt with the females who spend time in Kenza and
do a lot more with some. None of them have ever
appealed to me on a more permanent level. Until
recently, it had never bothered me. Being the only
McKenzie without a significant other to take to
family events has started getting to me—not that
I’ll ever admit that to anyone.

Gretchen, though, I see so much more, and I

shouldn’t. She’s too sweet to want to be with
someone like me.

I run my hands through my hair, cursing,


“Hey, boss? You back here?” Rob pauses when

he sees me.

Clearing my throat, I ask, “Everything okay?”

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“I need to take a leak.”
I chuckle. “Go.”
Moving out from my hiding spot, I cast another

glance over to where Gretchen was, and she’s gone.
My eyes search, but I don’t see the girl.

For the best!
Not having far to look for my brother, I grimace

at him and his girlfriend getting it on. “Can you
two”—I lean close—“please not have sex on my

Giggling, Poppy hides her face against Jaxon’s


“You need to get laid,” Jaxon comments.
“And you need to take your girl home,” I say,

grinning. “Otherwise, I’ll call Dad.” I wink and
move away, hiding how miserable I’m suddenly

My family would laugh if they knew the

carefree bachelor was lonely. Don’t get me wrong,
as much as I love babies, I’m in no rush to become
a Dad. Thought alone scares me to death—a small
baby relying on me for everything. I shudder at the
thought. However, having a girl to call my own has
started to sound nice. Really nice in fact.

Clearing my throat, I ignore the smirk on Rob’s

face as he joins me. “The ladies at the far end have
been asking about you?”

My eyes stray in that direction, and on any

other night, I’d be over there, sweet-talking my

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way inside the girl’s panties. Not tonight. Tonight,
I’m going home alone.

“You’re not going to go over and talk to her?”

Rob questions. “Are you coming down with
something?” He presses his hand to my forehead,
which I knock away laughing.

“Asshole!” I hiss and give him my back.
I hear him laughing as he moves down the bar

to entertain the girls with his version of charm and

Shaking my head, I occupy myself with drying

glasses. I may be the boss, but I’m a firm believer
in digging in with the rest of the staff. I’d be bored
out of my mind stuck in an office all day and night.

As it is, the crowd has thinned out, meaning I

don’t need to be involved in the serving of drinks.

Unable to help myself, I cast my eyes over the

large room once again and don’t find what I’m
looking for or rather whom I’m looking for.

“She’s in the far corner,” Rob laughs when my

eyes snap to his. “She’s hot. Don’t blame you for

I scowl and ignoring Rob, my eyes search the

dark corners of the club. My heart flutters when the
lights briefly catch her red hair. Since I last saw
Gretchen, I’d only have to walk past a woman with
red hair and I’d be taking a second glance—hoping
it would be Gretchen even though I had no idea
what I would have done had it been her.

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My cousin, Alexander, would have known how

to get in touch with her if I’d only asked. I hadn’t,
no matter how tempted I’d been. Gretchen and I,
had been at a different place in our lives.

I’d been managing Kenza alone for twelve

months, and she’d looked so young—a college
student. A clever one as well from what I
discovered online. Social media isn’t something she
took a lot of time over, but there had been posts
now and again. The photos saved on my phone
were buried, so only I knew how to bring them up.
I’m not a stalker, but I couldn’t help myself from
checking her out, seeing what was happening in her

It's the first time I’ve seen her in the flesh since

the night she knocked me on my ass with such a
powerful kiss.

“If you clean that glass anymore, it’s going to


Blinking, I force my eyes to the glass in my

hands. “Okay, smartass.” I laugh and snap the hand
towel on his arm.

He grabs it and snapping it back, tosses it at me.

“That’s why you hired me.”

“Shut the fuck up, and announce we’re closing

in ten minutes.”

I refrain from looking for Gretchen because she

mixes me up inside. Hopefully, she won’t keep
coming back to the club. Lifting my hand, I rub the

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ache in my chest as I admit the lie. I do want her in
my club. I want her in here, alone, sitting at the bar
with her attention on me alone.

Rubbing a hand down my face, I sigh, feeling

tired and damn lonely. The woman from earlier
appears, moving toward me like she has a mission. I
know what she expects from me. However, I’m not
inclined to give her that. I’ve been going through
the motions with countless women. It isn’t what I
want. Not any longer.

My family knows me as the one who likes to

play. Thanks to Jaxon hooking up with the Prof,
I’m the only single one amongst the family now. I
enjoyed being single. Now, I think I want what my
cousins have—a real home with a girl of my own.

“You look tired,” the woman says in a voice

meant to entice. “I’m sure I could”—she glances to
my groin and back—“wake you up.” Her pouty red
lips do nothing for me. She is attractive and perhaps
if I hadn’t seen Gretchen tonight, I would have
taken the woman in front of me up on what she is
offering. Then again, maybe not.

Stepping back, I say, “We’re closing.” I nod

toward the exit. “Have a nice evening.”

Her gasp of surprise hits my ears as I turn and

walk away. Rob stares from his position behind the
bar, and I give him the finger as I head down the
hallway and into the office.

Dropping my tired ass into the chair behind the

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large mahogany desk, I sit back and try and relax.
The desk I casually rest my feet on has been in this
office since before I was born. My dad had hauled
it in here with one of his brothers before the club
had opened.

Sighing heavily, I find relaxing is easier said

than done when my head is full of thoughts of
Gretchen. I want to be selfish and take what I want
from her. However, I already know that I’ll want a
whole lot more than I ever have from anyone with

Her sweet innocence has played hell with my

mind and body since that night and I have a feeling
it’s going to be worse than ever now she’s
reappeared in my life. The sexy innocent needs a
man who isn’t a flirt or manwhore. A scowl creeps
onto my face at the last thought. I need to change
so I’m the only man she’ll look at.

Not only do I want her trust, but I need to

figure out exactly what else I do want from her
because I don’t have a fucking clue how to be a
boyfriend. Boyfriend. I like the sound of that. Not
too long ago, I’d run like hell if that word was
mentioned. For now, I’m going to give myself six
months to live like a fucking monk. No partying.
No dating. And definitely, no sex. I can do this with
Gretchen being the end game.

Six months.
I can do this!

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owned club looks more enticing than he had been
the night he’d kissed me in the most fantastic way.
A way that I haven’t been able to forget. His lips
hadn’t just pressed gently against mine—they’d
been firm and demanding. His tongue had been hot
and slippery. My body had become swollen and
achy with a need I hadn’t experienced before or

In the dark corner that I’ve moved to after he’d

spotted me in the opposite corner, I still have the
perfect view of him. The man oozes testosterone.
He dresses in black jeans, fitted to his firm ass. His
black button-down is open at the neck, stretching
across his chest as he moves. Don’t get me started
on the strength I see in his arms. The shirt has been
pushed up his forearms and his biceps strain against

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the fabric. What I wouldn’t give to have those arms
around me again—to be pressed tightly against his
body so that his erection gets trapped between us.
I’ve imagined many times what it would feel like to
have his long thick cock sliding inside of me…of
course, having never had one inside of me before,
it’s hard to imagine properly.

I’ve waited a long time to come back to

Lexington and see Ryan. I’d wanted to find out
whether or not my reaction to him that New Year
had been blown way out of proportion. Looking at
him now, I knew it hadn’t. I’m sure he recognized
me, so why hadn’t he acknowledged the fact?
Perhaps, that evening hadn’t been as memorable to
him as it had been to me. I mean, it had changed
my whole life in the seconds our mouths had
connected, and our bodies had pressed together.

My head is telling me to leave this alone—go

back to Boston and forget all about Ryan
McKenzie. It’s what I should do. However, I’m not
ready to do that yet. Over the next week, I’ll do
everything I can to attract his attention to the point
that he approaches me because I’m not sure I dare
to approach him.

Not like the woman who approaches him now

with all her curves visible and breasts larger than
melons. Her fingernails flash under the light, and
Ryan barely misses those claws. I smile as he
shakes his head and backs away from the woman.

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He snaps something to her, and then gives the
bartender the finger, before he disappears down the
‘staff only’ hallway.

My heart pounds, knowing he turned her away.

Is it because he’s seen me? My belly is full of
nerves making me feel unsettled at the thought. I
want to hope I had something to do with that
rejection I witnessed. Ryan won’t have behaved
with the women—that I do know. I’m aware of his
reputation just like I had been all those years ago.

Not liking the way my thoughts have turned, I

move toward the bar and place my empty glass on
the black granite surface.

“I’m Rob.” The bartender appears and moving

my glass out of his way, leans on the bar. “I’ve
noticed you like the boss, huh?” He grins. “And
you are?”

Heat creeps onto my face. “Gretchen.”
“Nice name.” He glances around and adds

under his breath, “Will we see you tomorrow

Nodding, I swallow around the lump in my

throat. “I’ll be here.”

“Good. I think it’s going to be fun.”
I frown, wondering what he meant by fun and

move through Kenza to the street outside. The Uber
I ordered is waiting, so I jump inside. After
confirming my destination, I settle back for the
short five-minute journey. I would have walked,

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however, at two o’clock in the morning, I grab a

The 21c Museum Hotel is central, modern, and

welcoming. I tip the Uber driver and have the door
opened by the hotel doorman, who has a warm

“Did you have a good evening?” he enquires

while I retrieve the keycard I have to use if I want
the elevator to move upwards—it doubles as a
room key.

“I did. Thank you.”
In minutes, I’m locked behind my bedroom

door and I let out a deep sigh.

I did it.
I went on my own to a nightclub. Not only did I

do that with my knees trembling, but I stayed for
hours watching Ryan.

He probably thinks I’m a stalker or something,

which is, um, maybe a little bit accurate. I’m not
crazy or anything, though.

Kicking my shoes off, I flex my aching toes

after they’ve been squished in the high heels all

The soft pile carpet feels good as I move into

the bathroom, stripping my clothing as I go. The
cold air conditioning pebbles my nipples, making
them ache. I turn the shower on and while I’m
waiting for it to warm up, I look at myself in the
mirror over the sink. I spread my fingers over my

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hips and move them to my flat belly.

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“ S





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I glance at him with a brow raised when he

indicates with his head toward the dark corner
closest to the bar.

My heart lurches in my chest as I move away

from my annoying friend and assistant manager. It
takes control not to stare in the direction Rob
indicated. Instead, I continue placing cleaned
glasses back on the shelves and slowly cast my eyes
around the room. I try not to be too obvious about
it…and then there she is.

The moment my eyes focus on the girl, she

quickly averts her gaze. I smile, knowing she’s
watching me as closely as I’m going to be watching
her. I’m under no illusion that the sexy girl knows
exactly who I am. Just like I know exactly who she
is—the girl I’ve been unable to forget. On nights

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alone, I remember the feel of her lips on mine. I
remember the way she’d clung to me—her soft
curves against my harder shape. My cock had been
so hard from the moment our lips had met that an
hour later, I’d been in the shower with my hand for

Giving my back to the growing crowd, I quickly

slip my hand into my jeans and straighten my
throbbing dick. I get some relief now that it’s not
squashed. Knowing she’s so close yet so far is a
cause of frustration.

Rob laughs as he moves past my loitering figure

to reach for a new bottle of vodka. “What’s gotten
into you?” he asks on his way back to finish making
the cocktail.

“That’s what women say when they mean

everything is wrong.”

“Shut up,” I hiss. “Don’t I pay you to serve the


“Don’t worry, I won’t be charging you extra for

the advice.”

“I should hope not considering you haven’t

given me any.”

Rob pauses. “Go and talk to her.” He grins.

“That’s your advice!”

“Idiot,” I mumble. “I have paperwork to do.”
Rob grins and shakes his head.
A guy is allowed to go and work—hide—in his

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Without one more glance in Gretchen’s

direction, I forcibly shove my sleeves up. I come to
a surprising stop when I recognize my cousin
blocking the way through to the office.

My grin widens as we hug tight. Levi is a

second cousin. He’s the son of my father’s cousin,
Dante De La Fuente and his wife, Emelia. Growing
up, we’d see a lot of Levi and his sister, Emma,
because they lived in Essex, Vermont, while the rest
of their family lived in Montana.

“Not that I’m complaining,” I say, my arm

around his shoulders while leading him to the
office, “but, to what do I owe this visit?”

Levi grins. “I’ve finally got the money together

to open another Emelia’s here in Lexington.” He

“Sooner rather than later, huh?”
“Hmm.” He sits back in the guest chair and

rests an ankle on his knee while he debates how to
say what he’s here for. I know him that well.

“Go in with me.”
I blink a few times, thinking I’ve misheard and

Levi laughs. “Never thought I’d see the day you’re
left speechless.”

Shaking my head, I reply, “We talked about this

years ago.”

Levi nods. “When your parents took you, Sofia

and Jaxon, on holiday to Vermont.”

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I frown. “You wouldn’t stop looking at Sofia as

I recall.”

“What can I say she was hot. Still is.”
My frown deepens and he laughs. “Sofia is like

a sister to me, get your head out of your ass.”

“Leave my sister out of this and you might have

a deal.” I sit forward, resting my hands on the desk.
“Do you think this could work between us?”

“I don’t see why not. It’s what we used to talk

about as teenagers. As adults, you’ve been
managing Kenza for years. I’ve been managing
Emelia’s in Essex alongside my sister for three
years. I’ve talked to Emma about this and she’s
more than happy to stay in Essex. Mom and Dad
are onboard with the plan. Emma is going to be
involved at some point.”

“You have it all planned.”
“I want you to come and see the building with

me tomorrow.” He stretches in the chair. “I’ll email
you the plans and proposal. The building is run
down and I own it.” He grins. “I wasn’t letting a
bargain get away from me. It’s out past the
Kentucky Horse Park in a small town, Blossom
Creek. Just remember, it needs a lot of work. It’s
more the location that I want you to see. The view
behind is worth everything. It’s amazing, Ryan.”

“I believe you.” I have paperwork on my desk

and bills needing paying, but I’m excited to see
what Levi has planned. “Send me that email in the

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next hour and I’ll read it tonight.”

“Will do.” He stands and glances toward the

door. “I think I might hang around for a while. Lots
of pretty ladies out there.”

Rolling my eyes, I add, “Email me before

leaving this office. Otherwise, you’ll get carried
away and forget.”

A few seconds after punching buttons on his

phone, he slips it into his back pocket. “Done.” He
leaves the office door open and shouts over his
shoulder, “I’m hoping the redhead is still out

I scramble from behind the desk and jog to

catch up to him, which I do, and steer him over to
the bar. “Let me get you a drink on the house.”

“I thought you had work to do?” His head turns

as he looks around the club. “She’s gone.”

My head snaps to the corner where Gretchen

has been partly hidden, and to my dismay, she has
gone. When I look at Levi, his eyes are filled with
humor. “I watched you watching her when I
arrived. I couldn’t resist teasing you. She watched
you too if you want to know.”

“Asshole,” I mumble, secretly excited to hear

she had her eyes on me.

Levi laughs, tips his beer toward me in a salute.
I leave him to it.
A smile on my lips as my cousin disappears

through the crowd of people on the dance floor. It

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soon slips when I realize Gretchen has left. It
doesn’t stop me from slowly searching over the
sweaty bodies for her. I do see Levi dancing with a
couple of girls. They’re regular and always up for a
good time. Unfortunately, I have firsthand
knowledge of that.

Wincing, I continue looking but don’t see

Gretchen anywhere.

Has she left?
Before I even realize what I’m doing, the cold

evening air hits me in the face. I’m standing on the
sidewalk watching cabs pull away from the club. I
don’t see her. Then again, the pavement is bustling
with people waiting to get inside the club. Even
though she has a head of red hair, her petite frame
keeps her hidden.

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talking to Ryan than I was when I first arrived in
Lexington. If I weren’t frustrated, I’d love this
game I seem to have fallen into. However, I am
frustrated. I want his sole attention on me and not
on the women who bid for his attention when he’s
working the bar. He’s flirty and although I’m well
aware of his reputation with the ladies, so far, I
haven’t seen anything to believe he’s really like

As I wiggle into the red dress and pull it down

over my bottom, I gasp when I catch sight of
myself in the mirror. I chew on my bottom lip as I
try and tug at the material of the dress to cover
more flesh. It doesn’t work. When I bought this
sexy number, I had no idea I’d be so revealed.

The top part of the dress is made up of four

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pieces of material—two at the front and two at the
back—they are held together with a jeweled
choker. My intention tonight by dressing in this
seductive way is to get his attention to the point
that he reacts.

Slipping my feet into the matching red high-

heels, I twirl in front of the mirror, knowing I look
hot. I feel uncomfortable, though. This is going to
be the first and last time I’m ever in anything
remotely like this. I’d much prefer yoga pants and a
t-shirt with everything covered. Even a skater dress
with a pair of boots is preferred.

Inhaling deeply, I grab my purse and quickly

leave the hotel room before I can change my mind.
In the elevator, an older man and his wife join me
on the floor below. My nerves are so profound at







hyperventilating on the floor. The man only stares,
making me so uncomfortable that I scramble out
and quickly walk outside to where the doorman
gives me a second glance before whistling for a

My heart pounds until I arrive at the club. The

moment security spots me, I’m waved through into
the beautiful place. In part, I wonder whether or
not Ryan has said something to security because
each night I’ve been here, I haven’t had to wait
outside. That first night I had for a short time until
the security guard had taken pity on me waiting

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alone. Kenza is a popular place and the word is that
nothing illegal goes on at the club. The McKenzie
family has a strict policy on the subject of drugs or
any kind of underhand dealings.

Thinking of Ryan, he’s already behind the bar

serving drinks to the flirting ladies. He appears
distracted from where I’m standing, while he’s
keeping an eye on the dark-haired man. The man
has been at the bar for the past few nights.

A throat being cleared drags my gaze to Rob

leaning across the bar toward me. His eyes are full
of mischief as he looks me over before casting a
glance toward his boss. He chuckles. “What can I
get you this evening, Gretchen?”

“Water, please.”
“Coming up.”
I swallow around the lump in my throat and

force myself to concentrate on the man getting me
a bottle of water from the small fridge behind him.

“Are you sure you don’t want anything

stronger?” He asks me this each evening.

I shake my head and notice his eyes shift to my

hair that falls around my shoulders.

“I have a feeling the boss is going to need a

drink when he catches sight of you.”

Oh.” My legs feel weak as the man disappears

to serve other customers.

His words give my confidence a boost, so

before I end up on my ass on the floor, I move into

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my corner. It’s challenging to keep my gaze
elsewhere, but I read an article online last night
about ignoring the man you want. It said if he’s as
interested in you, then being ignored will irritate
him and have him making the first move. So, I’m
trying that out. If it doesn’t work, I’ll be leaving a
negative review.

Keeping my gaze away from the bar, I search

around looking for a man—a red herring. I find
him. Medium build with shaggy blond hair. He’s in
a group of three men drinking beer. He’ll do. He
appears safe because his attention is on his friends
as they talk. I don’t want to encourage anyone to
approach me. I shudder at the thought and would
have no clue how to handle that situation. I’m not
all that sure how to handle Ryan if I’m honest with
myself. Something is compelling me to go after him.
It’s not only lust. I want to be near him. I do want
to experience being in his arms again, but there is
more to it than that. I wish I could put my finger on
it. However, I can’t.

“I haven’t seen you before.”
I’m pulled from my woolgathering by the guy

I’ve been staring at. My stomach dips as he moves
closer, his eyes staring at my boobs.

I jump, hearing my name shouted seconds

before an arm wraps around my waist from behind.

“Don’t fight me,” Ryan hisses, moving me to

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his side.

“I saw her first,” the man glares, making no

move to go away.

“She’s been mine for four fucking years.” Ryan

tightens his hold and marches me from the central
part of the club, down a hallway, and into an office.

He lifts me by the hips and plonks my ass down

on his desk. His eyes, when I work up the courage
to meet them, are dark and heated. I lick my lips
and watch his eyes narrow before I feel his hands
on my legs. They slide upwards and he pushes my
knees so that I open to him. He wastes no time and
grabbing my ass brings me up against the front of
his jeans as he steps between my spread legs.

His face is inches from mine as I wrap my

hands around his biceps. There is a lot of strength
in this man and I want it all. I want him.

I slide my hands up over his shoulders and feel

him shudder at my touch on the nape of his neck.

Ryan drops his forehead to mine and holds my

gaze. “You looked at me. Tonight, you looked at
him. I didn’t like it.”

“It got your attention,” I whisper.
“You’ve had my fucking attention for four

years, Gretchen.”

“Then why have you ignored me?”
Breathing heavily, Ryan catches his breath

when I wiggle my hips, rubbing on the hardness
pressing against my softness. “When I saw you in

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the club for the first time, I told myself I had to go
six months without sex. It’s been two up to your
arrival here. I had four months to go.” He rotates
his hips. “I lasted days, Gretchen—fucking days
before I came after you.”

Frowning, my hands drop from around his neck

and I push him away, wiggling from his desk. I
stumble slightly in the high heels and end up
dropping down into the chair opposite his desk. He
looms over me, as I ask, “What you’re saying is
that you’ve abstained from sex for two months and
I’m convenient?”

Ryan narrows his eyes and very slowly perches

on the desk. He crosses his ankles and grips the side
of his desk. My eyes stray to the bulge behind his
zipper—that he doesn’t try to hide—before I drag
them up to his face. The asshole smirks.

“There is nothing convenient about you,

Gretchen.” He pauses. “Four years ago, you blew
my head off with that kiss.” His jaw twitches. “I
had to jerk off three times that night before I could

The pulse between my legs throbs while I feel

my breasts swell, my nipples tight as I inhale
nervous breaths. Ryan’s gaze dips and as he stares
at my breasts, he grows thicker between his legs.

Averting my gaze, I feel a blush creeping up my

neck and onto my face.

Ryan gently grips my jaw in a large hand and

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turns my attention back to him. “The reputation
that proceeds me is from when I was fresh out of
college and really enjoying life. That hasn’t been
me in a long time.” He winces. “I’m not a choir
boy. However, these days you’d think so.” He
clears his throat and moves to sit behind his desk.

My body feels alive from the way he’s looking

at me and I find my voice has deserted me. What
I’d say to him, though, is unclear because all I want
to do is walk around his desk and sit on his lap.

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,” I







breaking. Doesn’t she realize how much I want her?
How many times I’ve imagined her lying on my
desk while I lick her pussy.

The innocence surrounding her tells me to go

slow. However, I wish my body would get the
message. My cock is hard and thick, leaking
precum in my pants with how aroused I am for the
beautiful girl. Her sexy legs are smooth and begging
for me to continue touching. Gretchen’s arousal is
easy for me to see in the way her breathing has
changed. Her round breasts have swelled, and the
hard tips press against the material of the thing she
calls a dress. I struggle to look away, especially
when I’m wondering if she has a nipple piercing.

My eyes watch as she fidgets in the chair before

slipping her tongue between those plump lips and

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licking along them. I have a visceral reaction to the
tempting girl with the head of my cock, ready to fly
off. The image of those red lips wrapped around me
has my eyes snapping closed while I concentrate on
breathing through my frustration. “We need to talk.
Just give me a minute.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she whispers.


I open my eyes and see her head tilted to the

side with a frown on her beautiful face.

“I’m an asshole.” Standing, I hold my hand out.

“Let’s get out of my office.” My fingers wrap
securely around hers. And much to her delight, I
bring her hand up to my lips, where I leave a
lingering kiss. I love how her cheeks go rosy when
she has my full attention.

“I don’t suppose you have a t-shirt I can

borrow?” she asks her tongue once again, slipping
between her lips. It might be a nervous gesture, but
it turns me the fuck on.

What did she ask? T-shirt!
She sighs. “Now I have your attention, I’d be

more comfortable if I were covered back up.”

I give her a wolfish grin and chuckle. “You

have no idea how much I appreciate this dress.” I
trail a finger down from her collarbone to above her
belly button. Her skin breaks out in goosebumps,
hardening her nipples. My hand is so close and I’m

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dying of curiosity.

Holding her gaze, I slowly stroke the skin at her

side before moving my hand upwards and slipping
it inside to cup a full breast. Gretchen catches her
breath, trembling from my touch. She grabs hold of
my biceps, clinging to me. Her head drops back and
she moans.

I’m in dangerous territory now because I don’t

want to make love to this girl in my bar. I want to
spread her out on my bed, where we can stay for a
long time.

Her reaction, though, is an aphrodisiac and with

my thumb and finger, I hunt for the hard nub.
When I find it, I nearly fucking come in my jeans at
the feel of that pierced nipple.

I tingle from the top of my head to the tip of my

toes and everything hard in between. Gretchen
moans, her breasts heaving with every twist and tug
I do to her nipple. I can’t get enough and have to
see it.

Pressing her up against the wall with my hips, I

shove the material covering her beautiful breasts
out of the way and know I’m about to react like a
fucking teenager.

The silver ring is hooked through a nipple and I

can’t hold off any longer. I don’t know why a
nipple ring is turning me on, but fuck if I don’t care.
She’s the sexiest girl I’ve ever seen. Capturing the
bud in my mouth, I let my tongue play with the

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silver in between sucking and tugging with my
mouth and teeth. The other doesn’t go unattended
as I squeeze and rub with my fingers while
Gretchen rubs frantically against my cock.

With my balls ready to explode and my cock

leaking precum behind my zipper, I finally come
back to my senses. Holding Gretchen steady, I
slowly lick around her nipple before lifting my
gaze. Her cheeks are flaming red while she
struggles for breath.

I’m glad I’m not the only one having a hard

time—no pun intended—pulling back. My hands
tremble as I cover her gorgeous tits before resting
my forehead against hers. “A nipple ring,” I
whisper, unable to hide the lust in my gaze knowing
what she has hidden under her clothing.

Gretchen swallows hard and says, “I’m a good

girl. I don’t do anything spontaneously.” Her
cheeks grow hotter and I grin in delight.

“I’d say that was spontaneous combustion.”
“Yes, well.” She pauses. “I was teased on my

twenty-first birthday for being more into reading
than being wild. So,” she smirked, “I showed them
I could be wild if I wanted to and got the piercing. I
went in and made an appointment. Paid. Told the
woman I’d be back after I had numbed the coming

“In other words, you got drunk as a skunk

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before letting someone touch your boob, huh?”

“Something like that.”
“Well, whatever led up to you having it done,

I’m really grateful.” I wiggle my brows and kiss the
tip of her nose. “It’s such a big fucking turn on.”
Shoving a hand to the front of my jeans, I rearrange
my cock into a more comfortable position.

“I took a chance coming here, Ryan. This isn’t

like me. At all.”

“Why did you keep coming back?” I wrap my

fingers with hers, needing to keep the connection
we have going. I want her to talk to me and not be

“I wanted you to remember me.”
I burst out laughing. “I never forgot you. I

spotted you the first night you were in my club.”

She winces. “I’m in town for a few more days.”
My stomach drops, hearing a few more days.

She can’t leave now she’s back in my life.

“Move in with me,” I blurt before I can form

any other words. “I mean, I have space. There are
two bedrooms upstairs. You’ll save money not
staying in a hotel, and unless you have something to
do in Boston, then…stay with me.”

We’ll share a bed.
Letting out a loud breath, she moves away and

my fingers twitch to pull her back so that she’s
close. Having her across the office means I can no

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longer smell the light flora scent that I get a whiff
of every time she moves her head.

“I didn’t think this far ahead. I only wanted to

get you to notice me. I wanted to know if what you
made me feel four years ago had been real.”

“And was it?”
She nods, giving me a shy glance. “I can’t just

move in with you.”

With the way she hesitates, I know she wants

to. “I’ve never had another woman in my

She raises a brow and laughs. “You expect me

to believe that Mr. Casanova?”

I deserved that after my reputation, but it hurts

hearing it from her lips.

“Ryan?” She reaches for me, pressing her hands

against my chest. “I’m sorry. I was teasing with that
name. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m not like that.
It’s just all so sudden. One minute I’m in the club in
this ridiculous dress desperate for you to notice me,
and the next, we’re all hot and bothered in your
office, and then,” she rapidly inhales and exhales,
“and then, you’re asking me to move in with you.”

“My reputation has followed me through the

years since I first started working at Kenza.” I
cover her hands and press them into my chest. “I
promise, Gretchen.” I kiss her forehead and add,
“No girl, unless we’re related, has stepped foot in
my apartment. It’s my space and I’ve never

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welcomed anyone in there. It irritates me having
family visit me, if you must know. So, the fact I’ve
asked you to move in there with me is a huge step
for me too. However, I’m serious. I don’t want you
in Boston. I want you here with me. Four years ago,
I walked away because I didn’t know what the fuck
had happened to me when I kissed you.” I chuckle.
“You scared me to fucking death.”

“You’ve been in my dreams ever since. My lips

tingled that night, not to mention other parts of my

“Is that so?” I try to hide a laugh,

unsuccessfully I might add. “Parts of me tingled
too.” I press a lingering kiss to her cheek. “So,
tomorrow, we’ll pick your stuff up from the hotel
and move you in here, right? I’ll give you a key.” I
slip an arm around her waist and tugging her close,
drop my face into the curve of her neck. “Please
say yes.”

“My heart’s racing,” she murmurs.
“Does that mean, yes?”
“What if I don’t want a separate room?”
I tighten my hold around her before slowly

separating our bodies. The caveman in me wants to
say, “fuck it,” and yank her panties off and have
her spread out on my desk while I pound into her.
Unfortunately, the decent guy in me forces my
body to get ahold of itself. “If you’d rather share
my bedroom, I won’t have any complaints.”

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“Didn’t think you would, but it’s nice to have it


“We’re still in the office, which isn’t a good

idea as I can’t keep my hands off of you.” I open
the door and taking her hand, move us into the
hallway. “I forgot you wanted a t-shirt.” I glance
around. “Come to the bar with me for a few
minutes and then I’ll get you settled upstairs.”

“I can go back to the hotel tonight.”
“Hell, no!” I wince at the sharpness of my

words. “It’s okay.” I squeeze her hand. “I have this
need to make sure you stay where I put you.”
Stopping abruptly, she slams into my back. I turn
and grip her shoulders. “I don’t know what the fuck
is wrong with me.” I shake my head. “Look, I know
I’m coming across controlling, but I’m not, okay?”

“Oh?” She cocks a brow and it’s the hottest


“Maybe a little bit,” I concede.
“I’ve already agreed, Ryan. I don’t have any

plans to leave.”

“Good.” I quickly kiss her smiling lips and

putting her in front of me, walk her toward the bar
and Rob, who can’t wipe the smirk off of his face.

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, I





matter which way I turn. The t-shirt he gave me is
comfortable, but I have a belly full of nerves. He
showed me the spare room after getting me a shirt
to wear and left me to decide which bed I wanted
to sleep in.

I’d chosen his room the moment I’d seen his

unmade bed. I knew it would smell of him, which
probably explains why I’m struggling to sleep. It’s
late, gone two in the morning and Ryan has only
just come back into his apartment above the club.
The soundproofing works its magic because I
haven’t heard a sound. Not even the sound of
traffic in the street has gotten through the windows.

Feigning sleep, I wait with anticipation as I

sense Ryan standing in the doorway of his bedroom
with his eyes on me. I know this without even

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having to turn my head and look at him. I’m not
sure whether to let him know I’m awake or to
continue pretending I’m asleep. While I’m trying to
make my mind up, I hear the rustling of clothes.
The light in the bathroom goes on, followed by the

Willing myself to sleep before he climbs in the

bed, my eyes snap open when I hear a loud groan.
The sound suddenly cut off, followed by a curse.

My body grows hot and uncomfortable when I

realize he probably did more than shower. Heat
rushes into my cheeks and I feel my nipples tighten
into hard buds. I swallow around the lust rising and
try not to fidget. The man is going to kill me with
need at this rate.

The light goes off in the bathroom and I try and

listen for his footfalls. However, my pulse is
throbbing so hard through my ears that I can’t hear
anything. The bed dips and then I feel him sliding
under the covers with me seconds before a warm
arm wraps around my belly, tugging me against him.

“I know you’re awake,” he whispers into my

ear, sending goosebumps racing down my spine.
“Did you hear me?”

My face is on fire, but I’ve waited a long time

to be with this man. My embarrassment has no
place in this room with us. “I heard you.” I swallow
around the lump in my throat, and ask, “Did it feel
good spilling all over your hand?”

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He presses his hips into my ass. “It didn’t feel

as good as it will coming inside you.”

I moan and rock against his long and thick


Ryan asks, “Did it make you wet, knowing

what I was doing?”

“Find out,” I dare, wanting his hands on me

more than anything.

His arm around me tightens before he lays the

palm of his hand on my belly and spreads his
fingers wide. He slowly pulls the t-shirt up until
he’s touching bare skin. Unable to help myself, I
wiggle in his hold. The ache I feel is deep and
needy and I can’t catch a breath. My impatience is
growing for his touch where I ache.

Laughing, Ryan uses his other hand and lifts the

back of the t-shirt, baring my ass. I want to die of
embarrassment, but the moment he presses his
pulsing cock between my cheeks, I can’t think.

“No panties,” Ryan mumbles, his dick jerking

against my bottom.

I reach up for his hand on my belly and slowly

pull him lower. He chuckles, which turns into a low
growl as his fingers slide over my mound and
continue moving until they’re pushing through my

I find myself flipped over to my back. He

nudges my legs open and kneels between. His eyes
glitter, dark and filled with lust. “Get rid of the t-

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Tossing it to the floor, Ryan stares at my chest. I

have to fight with the urge to cover myself. My
breasts shake as I breathe slowly and my legs
twitch, wrapping around his waist.

Fuck!” Ryan pants. “You are so beautiful that

I don’t know what to touch first.”

A spontaneous laugh bursts out of my mouth,

stunning Ryan…and just like that, I’m comfortable
being naked and turned on with the man. I smirk. “I
know exactly what you want to touch first.” I raise
a brow and play with the ring through my nipple.

Ryan wraps a hand around his shaft and slowly

strokes himself as I play, arching upwards.

“Stop!” Both my wrists are pinned over my

head with his large hands as he comes down over

My breasts tingle as the hair on his chest teases

them while his dick throbs and leaks against me.
Tightening my legs around his hips, I raise my hips
and rub my pussy along the hard length of him.
Ryan clenches his jaw tightly and closes his eyes.
“I’m going to be coming all over you in a minute.”

“I want you inside me.”
His eyes snap open and he lets out a long

breath. “Are you sure?”

“I’ve waited four years to be naked with you.”

I reach between us and brush my fingers over the
head of his wet cock. “I’m very wet and I’m aching

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with a need to have you filling me.”

His eyes search mine and once he knows I’m

serious, he leans over, retrieves a condom from the
nightstand. In seconds he’s rolling it down his

The man is beautiful with a body hard and

unyielding, tanned with dark hairs sprinkled over
his chest. His shaft sprouts from neatly trimmed
hair, and his balls hang heavily beneath. As my
eyes take him in, his cock twitches hard.

Ryan slowly settles on top of me and drops his

forehead against mine. Holding my gaze, he lifts to
one side and slowly runs a hand down over my
chest and belly, landing between my legs. It’s
reasonably easy considering I’m spread wide open.

A finger slips between my lips down there and I

jerk in surprise when he enters me with a thick

“So wet,” he whispers and then his lips cover


His kiss is just as powerful as I remember, and

I’m lost in the smell of him. The taste of him. The
feel of him. His finger never stops moving as I feel
myself swell and something powerful gathers in my

Groaning, I beg, “Ryan, now, please.”
Removing his finger, he presses at my entrance

with his penis and slowly enters me with the tip.
“Oh,” I moan. “Can you feel me around you.”

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Fuck!” He curses. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“It won’t hurt for long. I’m ready for you. You

feel good.”

“God, help me.”
I chuckle. “He’s not going to help you now.”
He presses in further, his eyes never leaving my

face. “You feel really good,” he pants, his face
tight. “Hot. Wet. Tight…Fuck! You’re squeezing
the fucking life out of my dick.”

“I can’t help it. You feel good.”
His forehead drops to mine. “I’m not all the

way in yet.”

“Ryan, I need you.”
“Hold on to me.” He slides out to the tip and

wraps me up in his arms. His lips find mine and he
kisses me. He doesn’t stop. Our mouths are hard
and heated, and then I feel him withdraw slightly
and shove in; hard and fast. I gasp, breaking from
the kiss, and dig my fingers into his back.

I feel my muscles spasming around his dick,

trying to push him out. Ryan clenches his jaw and
breathes heavily while I can’t stop squeezing him.
I’m not sure what I want him to do, nor am I sure
what I should do. However, Ryan dips his head and
suckles my pierced nipple into his mouth. Instead
of my body calming down, I convulse and ripple
around his penis as I come. Rockets go off behind
my eyelids as I hold Ryan to me, the pleasure
intense and beyond anything I’ve experienced

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Hearing Ryan growl, he pulls out as far as I’ll

let him, and slamming home, he grinds down, his
cock spilling a powerful release into the condom.
He grabs my hips, pushing me into the bed while his
penis does a slow glide back and forth, causing little
aftershocks to run through my body.

A guttural moan leaves his mouth as he

collapses on top of me in an exhausted heap before
withdrawing from my body. He rolls to his side, and
whispers, “Give me a minute.”

When I think he’s asleep, Ryan rolls from the

bed and walks into the bathroom. I watch him
remove and flush the condom before he comes
back with a washcloth. He doesn’t say anything,
just cleans between my legs and throws the cloth
back into the bathroom.

Climbing into bed, he pulls the covers over us

and snuggles me into his arms. “Please don’t

“I have nowhere else I’d rather be,” I reply

softly, my eyes drooping.

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, I





attention to stay on the road in front of us. The
vision of my girl kneeling between my legs with my
cock in her mouth is the most erotic thing ever.
How the fuck I’d slept through some of that is
beyond me. I’d woken as my orgasm was being
sucked out of me. I thought the head of my dick
was about to blow off with how strongly I finished.

The beautiful girl has a wicked side to her, and I

wanted to see what else she dared do. And there
was me thinking she was a shy virgin. The virgin
part was accurate, but the shy part is none existent.
It would appear whatever the fuck is going on
between us, has gotten rid of that. I’m glad. I love
the teasing side of her, even if I think it’s going to
kill me.

I desperately wanted to stay in bed for the rest

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of the day. Unfortunately, I’d arranged to meet Levi
out at the restaurant he wants me to be part of. I’ve
already decided I want in, but there is fun in
watching him become impatient for my answer.
Emelia’s is well known, so I know without even
checking, that if Levi wants to build a restaurant
here, then it will be just as successful.

“Tell me about your aunt and uncle.”
“Who?” I’m confused.
“Levi’s parents?”
“Oh!” I laugh. “Dante and Emelia are cousins

to my dad. It’s just easier calling Levi a cousin.” I
glance at her and notice I have her full attention, so
I add, “Dante was a priest and Emelia, his

“What?” She laughs. “That’s crazy.”
“Yes! Love in purgatory.” I grin. “You’ll have

to ask Levi his parents’ story. He’ll tell you.”

“I can’t get my head around it.” She settles with

her head on the seat, but her eyes are all over me.
“Does your family have any other crazy stories?”

“Hmm, you mean like my kissing cousins?”
She sits up straighter and then laughs. “You’re

talking about Alexander and Rachel, right?”

“I forgot, you know, Alexander.”
“Not really. My sister is friends with him, that’s

how I ended up being there that New Year. I hadn’t
wanted to go, but my sister bribed me. I’m glad I
ended up where I did.”

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“Me too.” I squeeze her hand. “What did your

sister bribe you with?”

Glancing over to her, I catch a soft smile on her

lips. “Handmade macaroons—passionfruit. She
makes the best. Whenever I tried, they’d look like
burnt blobs. Rina has so much patience when
cooking, whereas I want the food ready in

“My sister, Sofia, is a baker. It’s all she’s

wanted since she was old enough to walk.” I smile.
“Her husband Shane reaps the benefits, although he
spends time in their home gym so he can keep on
doing so.”

“I remember Sofia.”
“I think Levi wants her to have some input into

the dessert menu. Maybe come in and make them
up on the weekends.” I shrug. “He runs Emelia’s
with his sister in Essex over in Vermont. It’s been
around more than twenty-five years.”

“How amazing is that?”
“I know, right?” Turning the truck along the

dust track leading to the old barn and land that Levi
has already purchased, I turn the engine off and sit
staring at the site. “Until Levi turned up asking me
to go in with him, I’d never given thought to a
venture outside of Kenza.”

“Would you be able to manage it with Kenza?”
“That’s something we’d need to discuss,

although I have a feeling Levi is really talking

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about me being a silent partner.” Jumping down
from the truck, I run around and open the door.

“My lady.” Reaching into the cab, I grasp her

hips and haul her into my arms. “Let me show you
around and you can give me your thoughts.”

“Really?” she asks, surprised.
“I need advice as to the feasibility of going in

with my cousin.” I kiss the tip of her nose and
taking her hand, tug her toward the barn. “I’m sold
on the venture. The idea excites me. Your opinion
matters to me. So yes, I want to hear your true

Perking up and grinning, she says, “Then lead

the way,” running off in front of me.

My eyes stray to her silky legs in a pair of my

shorts that hang loosely on her. A safety pin holds
them up and knowing she’s naked beneath my
clothing is driving me crazy. As she bounces in
excitement, her magnificent tits jiggle under the
thin white t-shirt she has knotted at the waist. Just
the thought of one jiggling tit, in particular, has me
hard as a rock. The silver piercing is so fucking hot
that I can’t get enough. Who knew I’d be such a
goner for a pierced nipple?

“Your eyes are burning a hole in my chest,”

Gretchen whispers, casting her eyes around us
before she smirks.

I narrow my eyes, wondering what the hell

she’s up to…seconds later, I bite my tongue at the

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sight of her hands cupping her breasts. Her fingers
and thumbs work the hard buds of her nipples until
I notice her thighs rubbing together.

It’s painful to walk with my cock trapped in my

jeans, but the need to have my hands on her drives
me forward.

She reaches for me as I reach for her. “What

the fuck have you done to me?” I groan, shoving us
through into the barn. “All I want is you naked in
my arms.”

Chuckling, Gretchen runs her hands through my

hair. “All you want is to play with my nipple ring.”

“You know me already.” I shove the t-shirt up

and clamp my mouth around the arousing flesh.
“Never seen anything as sexy.” Cupping the breast
in my hand, I hold it to my mouth while I play with
the other.

She hooks a leg over my hip and starts rubbing

her sweet pussy on my dick, driving me nuts. It’s
the strong urge to come that finally slows me down.
I gentle the suction on her tit while I slip a hand
behind her back and caress along her spine. Kissing
the tight nipple, I press butterfly kisses over her
chest and up along her neck to her waiting lips.
“You are so beautiful,” I whisper, brushing my lips
over hers. “And, as much as I want to fuck you in
here, I’m not going to. However, when we’re back
at the apartment, I am going to make love to you.”

“You make my legs weak.” She grins. “Other

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parts of my body react to you as well.”

Chuckling, I admit, “You make one particular

part of my body ache.”

“Tell me more,” the minx teases.
I pinch her bottom and quickly move out of

reach. “I’ll show you a lot more when we get back
to Kenza.”

Her smile suddenly slips as she meets my gaze.
“What just happened?” I ask.
She swallows hard. “What are we doing,


My legs eat up the distance between us and

reaching out, I draw her closer and gently cup her
face. I take a moment to think because her question
surprised me. What are we doing? What do I want
to happen between us is what she really wants to
know? Searching her gaze, I smile and leaning
forward, press a soft kiss to her lips. “We are doing
what we’ve both wanted for years—each other.” I
laugh realizing how my words sound as Gretchen’s
eyes fill with amusement.

“Well, we’re certainly doing each other,” she


Coughing to hide a laugh, I say, “Honestly

Gretchen, I’m taking this thing—whatever it is—
between us, one day at a time. One thing I do know
is that I want you to be my girlfriend.” I grin like a
loon. “I’ve never had a girlfriend before, but I want
that with you more than anything. Just you,

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Tears appear on her lids, which she blinks away.

“Good.” Throwing herself into my arms, I hold her
tight and then hear her giggle. “Now that’s sorted,”
she backs away. “Tell me what plans there are for
this barn.”

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. H


voice is strong and deep and such a turn on. He is
well aware that I’m hanging on to every word he
speaks. The cocky smirk on his lips tells me he
knows exactly what his voice is doing to me, and
he’s enjoying it. His phone chooses this moment to
ring and with a glance at the screen, he says, “I
need to take this.” He blows me a kiss and heads

He brought to life for me how the barn will look

once it’s been converted into a restaurant. I imagine
the entrance side of the barn all in dark glass, fairy
lights sparkling in the night to lead guests inside
where they’ll receive a warm welcome. Tables in
dark wood with burgundy and white tablecloths. A
small vase with fresh flowers on the center of the
table. Soft music playing throughout the evening, a

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small dance floor to one side.

Swaying to imaginary music, I smile and let out

a contented sigh when Ryan pulls me into his arms
and carries me along to the music in my head. I
smile in delight.

“My brother, Jaxon, is getting married this

weekend. Will you be my date?”

Butterflies flutter in my belly. “Really? You

want me to be your date at a family wedding?”

“Yes.” He kisses my forehead. “I want you with


“Then, yes, I’ll be your date.” Grinning, I add,

“It gives me an excuse to go shopping.”

“I’ll come with you.”
Raising a brow, I laugh. “You like to shop.”
He winces. “No. I hate it. But if you’re going to

be trying on clothes, then I’m sure the store
assistant won’t mind if I help you. It’ll be fun.”

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”
He burst out laughing. “Hey, I’ve never done it

in a store before.”

And just like that, I want him again. I rub my

thighs together and enjoy him watching me. “I can
still feel you inside of me from last night. You’re
really big.”

He cups himself and groans. “I’m more than

willing to spend the day playing with you,” he
raises a brow and licks his lips as his eyes linger on
my chest.

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I back away and tease, “I never thought my

piercing would turn you on so much.”

“It’s attached to you and your perfect set of tits,

so how else do you think I’m going to react?”

Heat blooms on my cheeks as the wicked man

stalks me like his prey. I guess that’s what he’s been
to me these past few days of wanting him to make a
move toward me in Kenza—prey.

“Have I told you how delicious you look in my


“A few times.”
He reaches out and grabs my wrist, hauling me

in close to his warm body. I wrap my arms around
his neck as he holds me close. “You are so
unexpected,” he breathes the words against my lips.
“But I want to keep you.”

I’m sure my smile lights up my whole face. “I

don’t mind you keeping me.”

“Good. I want to show you the view from the

back, and then we’ll swing by your hotel and get
you packed up.” He caresses along my jaw with the
tips of his fingers before rubbing them over my lips.
“I’ve never wanted anyone to call my own, until I
saw you.”

Sliding my fingers into his short hair, I massage

his scalp as I pull myself closer to capture his lips.
The kiss is supposed to be short and sweet. It ends
up hot and erotic. He kisses me until I get dizzy
with the need for air, and even then, I have time for

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a quick inhale, and then he’s on me again. My
breasts swell and tingle, there is an ache inside of
me, throbbing for more. His erection presses against
my belly, every solid inch of him. He doesn’t let me
up for air until the sound of a car door slamming
penetrates the fog.

“We have company,” he pants, his hands

trembling as he puts me away from him. “Give me
a minute.” He lets out a shuddering breath and
makes sure his t-shirt covers his groin.

I smirk. “You’re good to go.”
“I may be, but your nipples are beacons.” He

chuckles as I glance down.

He isn’t joking either. You can even make out

the piercing.

“I should have given you something else to

wear.” Frowning, he continues to stare and only
moves his eyes up to my face when the door behind
me opens. “It’s Levi.”

Ryan wraps an arm around my shoulders.

“Levi, meet my girlfriend, Gretchen. Gretchen, my
cousin, Levi.” He squeezes my shoulders before
taking my hand. “I’m going to show Gretchen the
view from the back.”

“Is that what you’re calling it now, huh?” Levi

laughs. “I forgot to take pictures and Emma is
bugging the shit out of me to send her some.” He
winces. “Emma’s my sister,” he adds for my
benefit, lifting his phone and snapping a picture of

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Ryan and me. “She’ll want one of you two as well.”

Ryan shakes his head and leads me outside,

where I find myself mesmerized with the view.
Fields and fields of sunflowers go on for miles in
front of my eyes. Rolling hills are just full of yellow
flowers. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful

“I bet you didn’t know these were out here,

huh?” Ryan slips behind me and wrapping his arms
around my waist, drops his chin onto my shoulder.
“This, right here, is what made my decision to go in
with Levi a no brainer.” He sighs. “I was most of
the way there once I heard his idea, but seeing this,
my decision was made. This side of the barn is the
one to be opened up. Imagine dining during the day
or early evening with that view, and once it’s dark,
the moonlight will be overhead.”

“It sounds amazing, Ryan.”
“We’ll have to have some sort of glass over the

outside dining area to keep the bugs out. However,
it’s going to look good…and I’m going to have you
on my arm when we open.” He kisses my cheek.

I turn my face toward Ryan and reaching for his

face, I cup his whiskered cheek as I lift my lips to
his. “I’d like that a lot.”

“Hmm, me too.” He moves his lips in sync with

mine, tightening his grip on me as our kiss grows

“I hate to interrupt,” Levi drawls.

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We slowly break from the kiss and Ryan kisses

the tip of my nose before replying, “Don’t you
have anything better to do.” He laughs.

“No. What are cousins for but busting your

balls?” Ryan winces. “At least stop with the
touching and everything.” He waves his hands
around. “It’s damn frustrating.”

“Hang out at Kenza a bit longer and I’m sure

you’ll get hooked up.”

“Maybe, I will.” Levi glances between us. “I’m

heading back into town.”

“Join us for lunch first,” Ryan invites. “I

promise we’ll keep our body parts covered.”

“Jeez, thanks!” He shakes his head. “I’ll meet

you at the Italian down the road.”

“We can do what I promised, right?” Ryan

whispers, his lips trailing down my neck.

“I’m not dressed for a restaurant.”
“There’s a small boutique next to the

restaurant. We’ll get you a dress.” He kisses along
my jawline. “And a pair of shoes that fit you.”

“The red shoes I wore last night fit me.”
“Those shoes are ‘fuck me’ shoes, and no way

are you strutting around in them today. I’m having
a hard enough time not taking you back to my
apartment and spending all day between those
beautiful legs of yours.”

Clearing my throat, I move out of his arms and

take his hand. “As much as I’d love that, I’m not

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sure my little pussy could take your penis over and
over again in one day.”

My words have the desired effect, and his

mouth falls open before snapping closed. I grin as
he walks me back to his truck. Every step he takes
is one of frustration. He even limps once or twice.
It feels good and fills me with excitement, knowing
he reacts to me in this way.

At the truck, he lifts me inside and gives me a

pointed look.

I smirk in return.
“You know,” he grabs his erection and after

some wrangling gets the large bulge to lie against
his groin, “I think I was in high school the last time
I had blue balls.”

Giggling, I add, “It will be good for you to


“Easy for you to say,” he grouches.
I kick the too-big chucks from my feet and curl

into the seat, spreading my knees in a way to tease.

Ryan’s eyes go straight between my legs as a

curse leaves his mouth.

“Drive, Ryan.” I love teasing this man, and the

way he reacts to me is all the confidence I need to
sit in this way.

“Close your legs,” he hisses, forcing his eyes to

the road as he turns the truck and points it in the
direction of the restaurant.


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He doesn’t answer until he comes to a stop at

the lights, and then he slowly turns his face toward
mine. His eyes narrow and drift downwards.
“Because”—he inhales and slowly exhales—“my
dick is hard as fuck with you sitting there, showing
me your wet pussy.” He licks his lips and continues,
“Your little pink clit is swollen. All I want to do is
pull over to the side of the road and shove my face
between your legs.”

“Oh!” I finally do as he asks and close my legs,

but only because I need to ease the ache that is
building. I rub them together and give a little moan,
which has Ryan cursing.

“You win,” he hisses.
He slides a hand up the leg of the shorts. I

whimper and slide further down in the seat to give
him better access.

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“ A






,” R




making up a couple of cocktails while I pull a glass
of beer.

I give him a sidelong glance and feel myself

smiling when I focus on Gretchen. She’s sitting at
the bar with Levi for company, while I’m helping
Rob, and the two other servers this evening. I
couldn’t be happier. Her smile alone is enough to
set me up for the day, in more ways than one.

Coughing to hide another laugh, he says, “I’m

curious, though.” He pauses, composing himself,
“If you’re wearing multiple condoms at the same
time, do you feel anything?”

I go still and watch him trying not to bust a gut

laughing. “Haha, very funny.”

“I thought so.”
I roll my eyes. “You’re still okay for Jaxon’s

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bachelor party tomorrow night, right?”

“Before you closed Kenza to the public, I was

on shift, so it’s all good. Besides, I’m curious as to
what your uncle Sebastian has planned.”

“God, don’t remind me.”
Rob laughs. “You haven’t said what the girls

are getting up to.”

“They’re not. Poppy is asleep by seven each

evening, so they’re going to do something once
she’s had the baby.”

“Ah, okay.” Rob moves along, serving drinks.
Thinking back to the condom remark, I cringe

because those words had left my mouth. I mean,
when you have a sister and cousins popping out
babies, it’s scary shit, especially when at the time of
the remark I was still a carefree bachelor.

Rapidly blinking, I find a stacked blonde

leaning on the bar toward me. “You’ve been staring
at me.”

I frown.
Have I?
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but I was thinking

about something else.” I smile. “What can I get

“Are you sure you don’t want to play?” She

pushes her boobs together and I’m happy to know
the move does nothing for me.

Shaking my head, I pour her a glass of red wine.

“On the house.”

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Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a hand

with sharp fingernails moving toward my wrist so, I
quickly avoid her grip and move to the end of the
bar. Levi laughs and Gretchen looks nervous.

“Everything okay, here?”
“I was going to ask you that,” Levi smirks.

“You legged it over here as though your jeans were
on fire.”

“Very funny. I wasn’t talking to you.” I lean

toward Gretchen, wrap a hand in her long hair and
bring her toward me. “I wasn’t aware that I was
staring in her direction until she came over and
pointed it out.” I brush a soft kiss across her lips. “I
got lost in thought thinking about…things.”

“I believe you.”
“She’s stunning.”
Incredulous, I move out from behind the bar

while quickly unfastening the apron, which I push it
into Levi’s chest. “Take over for me. Back soon.”

I grab Gretchen’s hand and drag her down the

hallway and into my office. The moment the door is
locked, I push her forward over my desk, flipping
the skirt of her dress up over her round ass. The
black thong she wears is soaked as I pull it down
her legs, forcing her to step out of it.

Making quick work of my zipper, I take my

cock in hand and press the length between the
cheeks of her ass. My hand's cup and squeeze her

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butt, pressing her flesh together, giving me friction
as I rock my hips.

Gretchen uses her hands to push up slightly

from the desk, and my view over her shoulder and
down between her tits is superb. However, I nearly
fucking come all over her lower back when she
unzips the front of the dress and her tits spill out.

“This is going to be the quickest quickie,” I

hiss, align my dick and slide home in one hard
thrust. I freeze. So, fucking good. Then— “Fuck
me! No condom. Oh, fuck! Don’t move. Don’t
even squeeze me because I’ll come. Fuck!”

“Ryan,” she gasps, moaning loudly. “Come

inside me. I’m on birth control. Don’t stop.” I cup
her tits and start pinching and rolling her nipples. I
hammer my cock in her wet heat, pull on the silver
piercing, which drives me out of my mind. My dick
jerks so fucking hard, and when Gretchen pulses
tightly around me during her release, I squirt a long
stream of semen. The stuff just pumps into her and
I never want to stop. The pleasure unravels me as
I’m on my toes, trying to get deeper. With each
small twitch of her pussy, I spill more, rocking my
hips in the warmth.

Entirely spent, I collapse on top of her, pushing

her face-first into the desk. “I’ll move. Give me a
minute.” I pant, my hands squeezing her breasts.

“I like having your weight on me. Your hands

on my breasts,” she comments. “You’re getting

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hard again.”

“I can’t help it. I’m too fucking excited being

inside you without a condom.” I pull out and help
her to face me with her butt on the edge of my
desk. Her red hair hangs in disarray around her face
and she looks like she’s just had the best fucking of
her life. Not that I’m going to tell her that.

Too distracted looking at how fucked she is, I’m

only aware she’s moved when a small hand wraps
around my cock. Her thumb rubs over the head
before she puts me at her opening. “I want you

She wiggles, trying to get me inside of her,

which I accommodate by shoving my hips forward.
Her eyes roll as she lies down on my desk.

“I’m never going to be able to work on this

desk again. You know that, right? All I’ll see is you
naked, offering me your pussy.”

Arching, she clamps around my flesh, her tits

heaving. I’ve only just come, but my release is
building in my balls at the sexy nymph.

“Fuck me, Ryan.” She trails a hand over her tit

and tugs on the silver, moving her hand lower and

I can’t move my eyes from that hand and

swallow my tongue when she starts playing with
her little clit.

“Don’t stop doing that,” I hiss, gathering her in

my arms and clamping my mouth over her tit. My

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tongue tickles and tugs on that piece of silver,
which drives me insane and she blows apart—her
orgasm triggering my own. I spill into her in sync
with the tight convulsions wrapping around me.

Panting, I lie her back down and follow her, my

face between her tits while I try and catch a breath.

“What was I doing before you turned my


Her hands caress my head while she laughs. “I

think you were serving bar.”

“I don’t think I can walk.”
“That’s my line considering how wide my legs

are spread.”

“I push myself up and give her a sated grin.

“You can spread your legs anytime you want for

Sliding free of her body, I wince when semen

follows my dick.

“I’m covered in it, right?”
My eyes follow a trail of semen running down

between the cheeks of her ass as it dangles for a
moment and then drops to the floor. “You are.”

“You don’t need to sound so pleased with


“It’s hot as fuck.” I yank my t-shirt over my

head and use it to clean her up, taking my time. She
watches me through narrowed lids as I make sure
she’s dry before I wipe up the drop on the floor.
Unable to help myself with her pussy in my face, I

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lean closer and press a kiss on her clit.

“Oh God,” she wiggles. “Too sensitive.” One

last kiss and I stand, helping Gretchen to do the
same. “I can’t believe how you only have to look at
me and I’m wet,” she mumbles, distracted with
putting herself together. “And when you touch me,
my nipples throb and my pussy aches.”

“Are you trying to get yourself fucked again?”

I hiss the question through clenched teeth.
“Because I have to tell you, I’m not sure how the
hell I’m going to finish working tonight knowing

Smirking, she moves closer and cups my

substantial package, squeezing in a way that means
business. “I’ll wait upstairs for you,” she whispers
into my ear, nibbling my lobe. “I’ll be naked in
your bed.”

Chuckling, she walks out of the office while I’m

left standing in the room like a fucking teenager
with my cock so hard, I could pound nails.

Something has to give, though. We can’t go on

fucking like bunnies. We can’t be together without
my dick being inside her tight little pussy. Snapping
my eyes shut, I know I’m screwed, and it’s only
just hit me.

I’m in a serious fucking relationship. There is

nothing to panic about. I’m a grown-ass man at
twenty-eight. I’m the only one in my family who

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doesn’t have a significant other, so why the fuck is
my heart about to beat out of my chest with panic?
Gretchen is beautiful on the inside and out
and…and I’m in love with her.

Oh. My. God!
How the hell did that happen?
Stop being an idiot.
I wipe my sweaty palms down the leg of my

jeans and move to grab a clean black t-shirt,
dropping the other in my gym bag. Swallowing
around the lump in my throat, I exhale a shuddering
breath and head back to work.

Rob gives me a knowing glance and Levi is

busy kissing face with a dark-haired girl. At least I
can avoid one of the two or I can keep my head
down and avoid both.

Gretchen is the only girl for me, that is all I

know. I just need to figure everything else out
because the thought of marriage and kids scares me
to death. However, we’ve only been together a
week even though it was four years in the making.

No need to panic.

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nephew’s bachelor party was taking place. He
looked around. Found his brothers. And headed
straight toward them. They’d already claimed the
large round booth nearest to the bar. He shook his
head. Apart from getting older, the dynamics were
the same. However, Noah had been part of the
brothers since he’d met Ramon. Also, Sebastian’s
son-in-law—he still hadn’t gotten used to referring
to Derek, who was nearly as old as he was, in that
way—and his brother, Michael’s, son-in-law,
Garrett, tended to join them.

He’d never seen that coming. His daughter,

Madison, was head over heels in love with Derek,
so who was he to complain? All he ever wanted for
his daughter was to find a man who cherished her.
She had in Derek. Didn’t mean Sebastian didn’t

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wince every time he heard the man referred to as
his son-in-law. Made him feel twenty years older.

Lucien, his oldest brother, sat nursing an Irish

whiskey, his eyes on him. Sebastian grinned and
shoved his brother over to make room. “So”—he
met each one in the eye—“I think we need to
embarrass our kids and give them the condom

Ruben choked on his drink while Garrett and

Tanner gave him a confused look.

Sebastian explained, “As the boys reached the

age of fifteen, we gave them the ‘sex’ talk and
showed them how to put a condom on a banana.”
He grinned. “At least there were no accidental
pregnancies while they were still at school.”

“Jaxon was still at school,” Ruben added, about

his son.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. “He’d finished, so

knocking Poppy up doesn’t count.”

“They loved that talk,” Lucien commented,


“What about the girls?” Derek asked.
Ruben groaned and dropped his face into his

hands. Lucien chuckled. Ramon snorted while
taking a drink. Noah hit him on the back. And
Sebastian was bursting to tell Garrett about his
wife, but he glanced at Michael first. That did it. It
took a lot to embarrass his brother but remembering
giving Sirena the birds and the bees talk, did it

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every damn time.

“The girls got the talk”—Sebastian smirked

—“however, Sirena, so we discovered, had done
her own research.” He shook his head and met
Garrett’s frown. “Before you get the wrong idea,”
he added. “She’d known the talk was coming, so
had used her father’s computer to find everything
out for herself, her aim, to embarrass us.”

“Don’t remind me,” Michael moaned. “Her

search history can never be unseen.”

Garrett laughed, relaxing. “Do I want to


“I’m never repeating it.” Michael lowered his

voice. “Lily thought it was hilarious, as did my

“Sirena asked questions,” Lucien told Garrett.

“Lots of questions about, um, certain parts of the
male anatomy.”

Ramon grinned. “As Michael is her father, we

did the right thing and sat back and watched him
squirm while he tried to come up with answers.”

“I did offer to answer her questions, being an

expert on the male anatomy, but I got scowled at by
her father,” Noah added with a wink at Ramon.

Sebastian bust a nut laughing. “Michael

sweated and finally told her to ask her mother…I
still think we should have recorded it.”

“Bastards! The lot of you,” Michael grumbled.
Derek cleared his throat, “Do I want to know

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how Madison reacted to such a talk?”

Ramon grinned at Sebastian before he said,

“Madison and Olivia had the talk together. Olivia
sat there, looking bored while staring at her father,
who squirmed. Right, Lucien?”

“I remember,” Lucien drawled. “Madison went

bright red the moment her father said penis.” He
smirked at Sebastian, who shook his head in
remembered horror.

“The moment we finished talking, they quickly

got up and left the room.” Michael laughed. “All
we heard the moment the door closed was the two
of them screaming laughing. They’d planned the
whole damn thing.”

“Hell”—Garrett winced—“I can’t imagine

giving one of those talks to my son or daughter. I
shudder at the thought.”

“Their grandpa sounds like an expert, send

them to him,” Derek laughed.

Michael winced. “I can do without that.”
Sebastian stood and cast his eyes over the

younger generation before he turned to his brother,
Ruben. “I’m sure you have some bananas around
here, right?”

Ruben’s eyes popped. “Sit down, Sebastian.”
“Please,” Lucien begged. “Sit down and have a


Rob, the assistant manager of Kenza, placed

Sebastian’s drink on the table in front of him.

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“If you insist.” Sebastian took a long sip of the

caramel-colored liquid he’d always favored—the
finest single malt Bowmore.

Ruben looked at Sebastian warily and rightly so

because anything involving his younger brother
could get their wives hot and bothered, and not
necessarily in a good way. “Are we safe from the
sex talk now?”

Sitting back in the booth, Sebastian grinned.

“You are.”

A roar of laughter drew their attention toward

the younger generation, where they stood around
catching up. It was good for them to be able to
hang out together now that they were older with
wives—and some of them with families—of their
own. Sebastian thought it was especially nice to
have Levi in the thick of things with the others.

“Is it a good idea to let Sebastian sit quietly?”

Lucien, commented.

Sebastian cast his eyes over his brother. “How

much of that Irish whiskey have you been

“Enough to know you’re thinking about

something, and that has me worried. Tonight, of all
nights, I do not want to be in trouble with my wife.”

“I didn’t come up with anything other than the

condom talk, but as that was voted against, I’m
sitting here being thankful for everything I have.
Everything we have.” He sighed. “When I was their

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age, I never thought I’d have what I do today.” He
looked around the room before meeting the gaze of
each one of his brothers. “We need a toast.”

Standing, Sebastian put two fingers into his

mouth and whistled to get the attention of the men
in the room.

“I’ve been told I have to behave myself tonight

because my brothers all want sex with their wives,”
he grinned, and added, “me included.”

“Dad, I feel sick,” Dylan moaned.
“Me too,” Ryan added.
“Grow up boys!” Sebastian winked at Dylan. “I

just wanted to say how proud we are of our sons
and the men you’ve become. A special mention to
the men who have taken on our daughters, we
thank you.”

As he expected, laughter erupted throughout

the room, and once it had quieted, Ruben stood.
“Let’s raise our glasses.” Ruben held his glass up.
“To my youngest son, Jaxon, on the eve of your


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, I



“Go and pour yourself a drink of my uncle’s
Bowmore and join us.”

His eyes widen. “Really?”
“Go, before I change my mind.”
He’s back within minutes. “Thanks, boss.”
“You’re welcome. You’re off the clock now.

They want anything else to drink, they know where
it is.” I clunk my glass with his and Levi joins in.

“You do realize that we are the only three

bachelors in the room,” Levi observes.

“Dylan,” I mumble. “Dylan and Jenna are

engaged, not married.”

Levi rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
I do know what he means except, I have

Gretchen now, and the funny thing is, only Levi
and Rob know about her. “Can you two not

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mention Gretchen to my family,” I ask quietly. “I’m
taking her to the wedding tomorrow so that will be
soon enough.”

“Sure,” Levi agrees. “I’ll keep her company

tomorrow while you do your best man duty.”

Frowning, I turn to him. “Why are you offering

to look after my girl?”

“Stop being a jealous asshole. She’s going to be

out of her depth with all the McKenzies around,
plus it’s been a while since I was around everyone.”

Gretchen is going to be nervous in the family

gathering and I’m surprised to hear that Levi will
be too. Instead of teasing him about it, I’m grateful.
“Thank you. I’m sure she’ll be happy for the

Rob snorts. “Since when did you get all


“I’m turning over a new leaf,” I say as Rob

disappears behind the bar.

He sits back down a minute later and takes the

bottle of Bowmore from behind his back. “Refill,

“Uncle Seb is not going to be happy,” Levi

mumbles, having another glass of the amber liquid.

“He’s driving so will only have the one glass.” I

sit back and just enjoy watching my family

There are a lot us, so when we are together it

gets noisy and we have been known to get

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competitive—the girls being more so on occasion.
It actually feels strange them not being around
tonight. I thought with Poppy not being able to stay
awake in the evening that something would have
been arranged for us all during the day. However,
from what I heard Poppy was insistent that Jaxon
had his bachelor party, so of course, I offered
Kenza. It’s working out well, because everyone is
having fun just being together.

Time passes quickly while I’m drinking the

single malt with Levi and Rob, and it isn’t until I try
and get to my feet that I realize I may have had a
bit too much whisky.

“Fuck!” I slam into Rob who laughs. “When

did everyone leave?”

Levi speaks. “Do you have him, Rob?”
“Yes. I’ll get him upstairs and lock up.”
Rob, I think it is, wraps an arm around my

waist. “You’re drunk, boss. I’m going to help you
upstairs to your girl.”

“She’s hot.” I sigh. “Sweet. Sexy. Pierced.” I


“She’s pierced? Where?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Fucking hell! How much whisky did I drink?
“Forget I mentioned anything.”
“You got it, Ryan.” The asshole laughs.
“You’re not going to forget it?”
“No. But I’m hoping you’ll forget you told me.”

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“He’s drunk? How did that happen?” Gretchen

asks and for some reason I find her questions funny.

“Shut up, Ryan,” Rob chuckles. “Shove him in

the shower and he’ll sober up.”

I swing the door shut in his face and hear him

shout. “Thank you, Rob. How’d you like a pay
rise? Thanks boss, I accept.”

“I’m not that drunk,” I shout back, and turn to

a giggling Gretchen.

“Bathroom.” She takes my hand and leads the


“I need your help in the shower,” I suggest

while kicking my shoes off. I struggle with
coordination, so Gretchen knocks my hands away
from my zipper.

“If you’re meaning what I think you are, then

I’ll be very surprised if you get hard with how
much alcohol you’ve consumed.”

Naked as the day I was born, I allow Gretchen

to shove me into the shower. I cup my balls and
dick, and smirk as she watches me stroking myself.
“If I prove you wrong and get hard, you have to get
on your knees and suck me off.”

She narrows her gaze. “Okay.” Tossing her

clothing off, she stands and watches my flaccid
cock swell with arousal while I jerk off watching
her play with the pierced nipple. I wince, knowing
there is no way in hell I’m going to admit I’ve told

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Rob about it. What the fuck possessed me to blurt
that out?

All thoughts fly out of mind when Gretchen

knocks my hand away. “I can take it from here,”
she mumbles, pressing her lips to the head of my
erection. Her hands slide over my thighs to land on
my ass, which she caresses before holding me still.

My eyes roll and I hiss as she takes every

fucking inch of me into her mouth and down the
back of her throat. The sight of her on her knees
with my flesh disappearing into the heat of her
mouth is fucking hot. I cup her face in my hands
and hold her gaze when she locks eyes with me.
“I’m going to come, Gretchen.”

She slowly releases me. “That’s the intention,

Ryan.” Her mouth encloses me again, only this
time, she swallows.

Oh! Fucking hell!
My vision blurs as my release is sucked out of

my body. It’s fast and dirty and the more I watch
Gretchen’s mouth work, the more I squirt inside
her. She doesn’t give a shit either because once I’ve
stopped coming, she very slowly licks me, and
pulling back, lets me slip from between her swollen
lips. She pinches my ass, moving away, but as I
start to slide down the wall, she grabs me. “Oh, no
you don’t. I need you to help me get you to bed. I
can’t do it if you pass out on the shower floor.”

“I want you to sit on my face.”

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Her eyes heat. “I’m not taking advantage of

you while you’re drunk.” She hiccups a laugh.
“Actually, I think I just did take advantage of you.”

“Honey, you can take advantage of me any

time you want.” I smirk. “Besides, I’m fairly sure I
only managed to get hard while laced with liquor
because you said my junk wasn’t working. I had to
prove you wrong.” I grin like the sated fool I am. “I
also think having you standing naked in front of me

“Duh, of course, it did.” Wrapping us both in

towels, she says, “I hope you remember this in the
morning, otherwise, I’ll have to do a repeat so you
can remember it.” She smacks me on the ass as I
follow her toward the bed.

She gets under the covers and before I fall

asleep with her wrapped in my arms, I whisper, “I
think I have amnesia.”

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, J








hour, that is if he doesn’t pass out. Jaxon has been
trying to hold it together. However, having his
brother and male cousins ribbing him about being
tied down isn’t helping the poor guy.

“It’s a family tradition to get to the groom,”

Sofia, Ryan’s sister says. “They’ll have a bet going
as to who will make him crack first.” She rolls her
eyes. “I dread to think what would happen if the
teasing worked on getting the groom to

“I’m not from a large family, so I like watching

how close everyone is.”

“We are close. Would you believe everyone

here is immediate family? Poppy only has a brother
present and he is walking her down the aisle. So,
this is all the McKenzie’s.” She grins. “Well,

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technically, I’m a Fletcher now, but you get what I
mean, right?”

“I do.”
Nerves flutter in my belly as I look around at

the gathering at the home of Ryan’s aunt and uncle,
Lily and Michael. They have a horse training center
on their property, which is managed by someone
else now that Lily and Michael are enjoying their
retirement. From what Ryan told me though, it
sounds like his uncle Michael is still heavily

“I’ve hidden for long enough.” Sofia winces.

“Elias, the son of my cousin, Sirena, is the page boy
and he is the devil.” She picks up her dress, which
looks fantastic on her. “Excuse me, Gretchen.
We’ll talk later because I want all the details about
you and my brother.” She pauses. “You can leave
the naked bits out.” Laughing at herself, she moves
through her family on the large patio and
disappears from view.

Overwhelmed being the odd one out in such a

large family gathering, I let out a massive sigh of
relief when Levi joins me.

“How’s Ryan this morning?”
I feel a blush rush into my cheeks and Levi

chuckles. “I take it he’s fine?”

“That’s enough of that.” He shudders. “I

promised Ryan I’d keep you company, so no need

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to look like a scared kitten.”

“I’m so out of my depth here.”
“Me too.”
Startled, my eyes jump to his. “How? I thought

they’re your family.”

“My mum and dad are cousins to Ruben and his

brothers, right?”

I nod.
“We haven’t hung out for maybe ten years. The

only person I have spent time with over the years is
Ryan. I’m still family and in town, so I got an
invite.” He shrugs. “It’s nice seeing everyone, but it
makes me anxious to be around them.” He drains
the glass of champagne, helping himself to another
as the waiter passes. “As we’re the two strangers
here, how about we sit together as Ryan has other
things to do?”

“I’d love that.”
He busts out laughing. “Don’t let Ryan know

you’re relieved to have me for company.” Holding
his arm out, I slide mine through and let him lead us
to seats on the back row. “Oh,” he mumbles as I sit,
“I should have asked if you wanted to sit back here
or up there.”

“I’m fine here.” I pat the seat beside me. “You

can tell me who everyone is as they take their seats,
and, maybe, I’ll remember.”

“Yeah, good luck with that.”
I nudge into his shoulder. “You have nothing

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better to do, so humor me, please.”

“I love a girl who begs.” He wiggles his brows


Rolling my eyes, I remind, “Who’s who?”
“If you’re not willing to play, then I guess I can

do that.” He glances around. “So, who do you

“Lily and Michael. Alexander, of course, and

his wife, Rachel. Her sister, Paige, and her husband,
Seth. Jaxon and Poppy. I was doing my masters
while they were at college together. I’ve met
Ryan’s mom and dad today, along with Sofia and
her husband, Shane. Some of the others I do
recognize, but it’s been a long time.”

“Okay, then! At your two o’clock is Ramon and

his husband, Noah; adoptive fathers to Paige and
Rachel. Then we have near the oak tree, Lily and
Michael’s offspring. Michael Jnr, his wife, Brooke.
Michael’s twin, Charlotte and her husband, Tanner.
Their sister, Sirena, who is married to Garrett…I
hope you’re following?”

“I think so.”
“Talking to Lily is the youngest, Joshua and his

wife, Mallory. Just arrived is Lucian and his wife,
Sabrina. Of course, you know their son, Alexander
—” Levi waves his hand in the air. “And then their
daughter, Olivia, and her husband, Geary.” He
pauses. “I’m going to need a refill when I’ve

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“I’ll get you one.”
“Last of all, we have Sebastian and his wife,

Carla. Their son, Dylan, who went to Ireland for
Christmas and came back with a girlfriend, Jenna.
Madison is a few years older and is married to
Derek, father of Tanner and best friend of Garrett.
Confusing as fuck, but they’re family.”

I laugh, wanting to know their story because

both Garrett and Derek are much older than their
wives. There are probably a lot of stories to be told
and I can’t wait for Ryan to tell me. I’m not going
to remember their names either—too many of them
for that.

“Levi,” a male voice rumbles behind him, “nice

seeing you here.”

“Uncle Eric.” Levi jumps up and hugs the man.

“I’m coming around for you, Aunt Sylvia.” He slips
in front of me and takes his aunt off her feet.

“Put my wife down,” Eric says.
Laughing, Levi stares at the man behind the

couple. “Well, fuck! Ryker, what the hell are you
doing on this side of the Atlantic?”

“On my way home for Valentina’s graduation. I

can’t believe my little sister is old enough to be
going to college.”

“Hell, I forgot about that. Don’t tell her I said

so. I’ll be there.”

Ryker’s eyes drift over me, which Levi notices.

He takes me by the hand and tugs me into his side.

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“My uncle Eric and aunt Sylvia.” He points to
Ryker, “My cousin, Ryker, son of Eric’s brother,
Aiden and his wife, Sarah. This is Ryan’s girl,

“Hmm.” His uncle Eric gives him a look before

shaking my hand.

“Trust me, Ryan is my boyfriend. Levi had his

tongue down a girls’ mouth last night.” I cringe as
the stupid words tumble from my mouth.

Ryker bursts out laughing as his eyes fill with


Levi slams a hand over my mouth. “My

sensitive Aunt doesn’t need to hear that.”

“Your sensitive Aunt has heard a lot worse than

that,” Sylvia says with a teasing smirk on her face
as she eyes her husband.

“I bet,” Levi hisses under his breath. “Join us.”
They take their seats beside us, and Levi asks,

not so politely, “I know why Ryker is here, but why
are you?”

I choke on a sip of champagne and laugh.

“Sorry,” I chuckle.

“We’re used to him,” Eric says. “Sylvia held

McKenzie Holdings together once upon a time.”

“A long time ago,” Sylvia sighs, whimsically.

“That’s how I met Eric.”

“The best thing that ever happened to me,” Eric


“You didn’t think so at the time,” Sylvia

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“I didn’t know what the hell to do with you.”
“You sure figured that out quickly.”
“Oh, God! Please stop.” Levi shudders.
“I forgot how good it is to be around family.”

Ryker grins.

Eric gives him a long look. “You need to come

home more often.”

“You sound like my mom, although Valentina is

the worse. I can’t talk to her without her asking
when I’m coming home.” Ryker looks pained as
though he wants to be home but can’t for some

Sylvia changes the subject. “So, Levi, you’re

opening a business with Ryan, huh?”

“We used to talk about it as kids.” Levi shrugs.

“And now it’s going to become a reality. I can’t

“From what we’ve heard, Emma is excited to

be involved and can’t wait for a trip to Lexington.”

Sylvia is quite lovely and delicate. However, I

have a feeling nothing gets past her. Her husband
positively adores her as he keeps his arm around
her shoulders with her pressed into his side.

“I’ve sent her a ton of photographs, but

somehow I get the feeling I haven’t sent enough.”
Levi shakes his head. “She’s not going to settle
until I get back to Essex so she can come up here
and see for herself.”

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Distracted, Levi stares off over my left

shoulder. “Ryan’s grandma and grandpa have just
arrived.” He drops his mouth to my ear. “Pippa and
Elias are in their nineties and live in an assisted
living facility a few miles from here.”

I watch as Lucien and Sebastian, push their

parents’ wheelchairs to the front, so they get the
best view. Watching them, and how their family
greets them with so much love on their faces, is
beautiful, making my eyes water.

“Married seventy-three years,” Sylvia whispers.
Levi adds. “Ryan will introduce you later. He’ll

kill me if I do it.”

“That’s fine.” I sniffle and offer Sylvia a watery

smile when she passes me a tissue.

“I never attend weddings or family events

without tissues.” Sylvia dabs at her eyes. “I’ve
discovered from day one that brothers never grow
up.” She chuckles. “They’re fine apart, but
together, well, they get downright entertaining.”

“That’s true,” Levi says. “My mom is worse.

When she’s with her twin brother, Diego, they’re so
funny. Mom tends to get embarrassing because she
knows Diego will cringe. It’s gotten worse as we’ve
gotten older and understand more about what she’s
actually talking about.” He shudders, straightening
in his seat. “She’s my mother, so it’s not right.”

I bust out laughing. “You mean she talks about


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I catch Ryker cringe as Levi shudders and says,

“The wedding is about to start.” He nods toward
the front.

I’ve been distracted and find Ryan standing at

the front beside his brother, glaring at Levi. I
chance a glance at Levi and he’s grinning like an

Rolling my eyes, I wait until I have Ryan’s gaze

and blow him a kiss, following it with a very slow
lick of my lips. His eyes don’t move from my
tongue until I watch him straighten his jacket.

I hear Levi chuckling beside me, but I ignore

him because if I don’t, I’ll be blushing like crazy. At
least I got Ryan’s mind off of his cousin, though.

However, I’m then distracted as Poppy slowly

makes her way up the flower-lined aisle,
accompanied by who I presume is her brother. She
is glowing as her eyes stay on the groom, anxiously
waiting for her.

Poppy’s dress of white silk shimmers over her

pregnant belly. She looks stunning and so happy.
Jaxon takes one of her hands into his, and the other
he places on her stomach. Even from where I’m
sitting, I can feel the heat between the two of them.

The rest of the wedding ceremony is a blur and

seems to go fast, and before too long, they are
pronounced, man and wife. Cheers go up as we all
get to our feet. Ryan sneaks a kiss as he walks past,
holding the page boy’s hand—must be his nephew,

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Elias. He must have been bribed with something
because he appears to be on his best behavior.
Nothing like the little devil, Sofia had mentioned.

Not long after, I find myself hiding inside the

balcony doorway because I don’t want to be in the
way of the family photographs, but I want to watch.
It’s also nice being out of the sun, which I find
uncomfortable for any length of time.

“Who’s the chick?” I overhear in a male voice.

“She looks familiar.”

“Gretchen, she’s friends with Alexander,”

replies Ryan.

I hear the confusion in the other man’s voice, as

he asks, “Why would Alex bring someone else to
the wedding?”

“You’re an idiot, Dylan. She’s with me.”
Dylan laughs. “You brought a date to your

brother’s wedding? I mean, she is a date, right? Not
just a fuck buddy?”

A frown appears across my brow as the tone of

the conversation changes and I’m not sure I like the
way it’s going nor do I think I want to hear
whatever else is said.

“Get off my back,” Ryan hisses.
“You really like her, huh? That’s new.”
“She knows you don’t want kids or to get

married, right? Have you told her that? Or, have
you changed your mind?” Why is Dylan saying

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these things?

“I haven’t changed my mind,” Ryan replies.

“It’s nothing serious. We’re just having some
mutually satisfying fun. So, shut the fuck up.”

I don’t hear what follows because blood is

rushing through my ears at the overwhelming
sadness, I feel at hearing those words leave Ryan’s
mouth. Nothing serious. Mutual satisfying fun.

After everything we have done and said, I

expected so much more from Ryan. I never
expected to hear him refer to me in those words.
Never. I’ve given him my heart while he was
having fun.

Wanting to run away and hide, I turn quickly

and smack into a hard, male body. I look up
through watery eyes and find Ryker. He glances
behind me to the goings on outside before he turns
his gaze on me.

“I heard them too, Gretchen,” he says softly.
My heart sinks at the humiliation running

through me.

“I’ve seen the way Ryan looks at you. He was

probably being defensive at the questions from his

“Maybe.” I swallow around the lump in my

throat. “If you’ll excuse me.” I dash out of the

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. S


says she is fine when I know she isn’t. A woman
answering ‘fine’ means there is something wrong
and she’s either upset or pissed. I’m not sure which.
With it being my brother getting married, I have
things to do, which has meant me leaving her alone
or with Levi. I’ve wanted her by my side, but that
hasn’t worked out too well.

She has said all the right things, but her eyes

look dull. I’m used to seeing them alight with
happiness and pleasure.

I watch her now across the room. She’s sitting

next to Levi and my cousin’s. Dylan and his
girlfriend, Jenna. Alexander and Rachel. Paige and
Seth. They take up the eight seats around the table.
The conversation includes Gretchen and she
appears to be actively involved, but something

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about her has my belly in knots. Once or twice, I
catch Levi giving her an odd look, as though he too
realizes something is wrong.

Being the best man means I have to sit with the

wedding party, and as much as I want to go over
and check on Gretchen, I do nothing. Today is
about my brother and Poppy. It’s annoying that I’m
now distracted with her instead of concentrating on
the family.

Lost in thought, my sister, Sofia, leans her head

on my shoulder. “I never thought I’d see the day
when you lost it over a girl.”

I snort. “Who says I’ve lost it?”
“You haven’t taken your eyes from her since

we sat down.” She takes a sip of her lemon water.
“She looks just as miserable as you do.”

I perk up in my seat. I wonder if that’s why she

looks upset. “You really think so?”

Turning to look at Sofia, she frowns on meeting

my gaze. “Okay, tell me you haven’t blown it? That
girl is in love with you. What did you do?”

“I. What? I haven’t done anything. You know

I’ve been busy with Jaxon before the wedding, and
I only had five minutes with Gretchen before the
photographs. There hasn’t been time for me to
screw up.”

“Hmm, well, she was fine before the wedding

because I kept her company for a short time and
then Levi took over.” She looks across the room

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and my eyes follow.

Levi notices us looking before he turns and

looks at Gretchen, who keeps her head down. He
whispers to her and she shakes her head before
getting up from the table. She continues to the side
of the marquee before disappearing from view.

“Sofia, I need to find out what is going on.”
“Of course, you do. Don’t worry. I’ll be

delighted to give the speech in your absence.”

“Jeez.” I lean around Sofia and say to Shane

with amusement, “Do not let your wife make the
speech. I beg you.”

“Man-to-man,” he grins, “you have my word,

my beautiful wife will keep her sexy butt in the

I cringe. “Please don’t talk about my sister like

that. It makes me want to puke.”

Sofia pokes me in the side as I get to my feet.
My mom frowns as she sees me leaving the

marquee, but I can’t talk to her until I know what is
going on with Gretchen.

Outside the sun is nearly set and I make

Gretchen out on the family gazebo that overlooks
the small man-made pond. Fairy lights twinkle,
capturing the girl I’ve fallen in love with, in soft
light. She is beautiful. I knew this already. Seeing
her now, my heart clenches in my chest.

Moving toward her, I whisper, “Gretchen,” so

as not to frighten her. Her shoulders tense before

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they droop, and she drops her head.

What the heck is going on?
I’m desperate to bring her into my arms, but

something tells me she won’t welcome that right

“Are you okay?” I wince at the lame question.

“Please talk to me. You seemed to be enjoying
yourself and then you got sad all of a sudden.”

Very slowly, she turns her face toward me, and I

see the tears on her cheeks. I cup her face and hold
her still. “Tell me.”

“I gave you my everything, Ryan,” she hiccups,

“and all I am to you is nothing serious and
satisfying fun.”

Oh shit!
Fuck! I’m sorry.” I quickly kiss her lips and

hold her close. “I was talking to my cousin. I
wanted him off my back. I promise you. I didn’t
mean those words. Dylan knows I didn’t mean
those words.” I start panicking at the disbelieving
look on her face. “Gretchen, please.”

I rest my forehead lightly against hers and

continue, “You have to know you mean more to me
than satisfying fun. God, you’ve been in my head
for four years. I’m crazy about you. You are the
only girl that I’ve ever called my girlfriend. It’s
you, Gretchen. There was no way in hell I was
admitting how much I fucking love you to him
when I haven’t even told you.”

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Her eyes widen in surprise, as do mine. Seconds

later, she bursts out laughing through her tears and I
grin. The surge of relief I feel is overwhelming. I
can’t believe I was such a fucking asshole to mouth
off to my cousin when what came out of my mouth
was bullshit.

I lean in to kiss her, but she pulls out of my

reach, shaking her head. “I’m a mess. Let me wash
my face,” she gives me a teasing look, “then you
can kiss me.”

“I’ll help you clean up.” I do have an ulterior

motive, which she is well aware of as amusement
enters her gaze before she becomes nervous.
“What you said to Dylan—”

“What I said to my cousin shouldn’t have left

my mouth, especially as I didn’t mean it. Dylan
knew that too. There is also no way my family
would allow me to lead you on—they like you.”

“You really love me?”
Tangling my fingers up with Gretchen’s, I

admit, “I really do love you. Those words have
never left my lips before.” I pause. “Unless I was
referring to someone in my family, that is. Even
then, I don’t say them often. I mean—”

Her hand covers my mouth. “I get it.” She

sighs. “Will you show me how much you love me?”

The pulse in my groin is onboard with that.

However, I have a speech to give. The blood
rushing south thickens my dick and her breath

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against my ear as she whispers, “I’m sure we can
be quick,” has precum soaking into my boxer

Glancing around for somewhere we can go, I

notice the barn. It’s cliché in my family, but who
the fuck cares? I sure as hell don’t.

“Over here,” I pull her with me, my legs eating

up the distance until I realize Gretchen is wearing
high heels.

Once hidden, I move away from her. “Give me

a minute, so I don’t blow the minute I’m inside
you.” I rest my hands on my hips and concentrate
on breathing, which has no effect when Gretchen
pulls her dress off over her head and my eyes land
on her naked body.

She hangs the dress on a nail in the wall and

prowls toward me. I don’t stand a chance.
Reaching out, she cups my cock before she presses
the palm of her hand around me. My eyes cross
while my whole fucking body tingles from head to

Taking the zipper down, she reaches inside my

pants and her eyes glitter when she wraps her hand
around my erection. “All for me.”

“Every fucking inch.” I whimper when she

pulls me free of my pants and her eyes focus on the
dripping head.

Before I realize what she’s doing, Gretchen is

on her knees, holding me to the tip of her tongue

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and wiggling her tongue into the slit. I can’t breathe
with the heat of her mouth pleasuring me. It’s so
fucking hot watching her—watching me—while
she’s sucking on my dick.

The need to come is tingling in my lower belly

and rapidly dropping to my balls, and as desperate
as I am to come while she sucks me, I want to be
inside her wet pussy. She knows it too as she gives
me a long slow suck before letting me plop out of
her mouth.

Like a spider monkey, she quickly climbs up me

when I finally get with it and grab her ass. Her legs
wrap around my waist, her arms around my neck as
she tries to lower herself. I grab my cock and press
the head into her and see fucking stars as she drops
down. My legs won’t even move to get us against
the wall. It turns out they don’t need to, as
Gretchen holds my gaze and starts bouncing up and
down. “Touch me, Ryan. Play with the silver.”

Her legs tighten around me and I move my

hands to her amazing tits. I only have to tug on the
hoop through her nipples that drives me insane for
my cock to thicken and lengthen.

“Yes,” she throws her head back and comes.

Her body twitches and her chest heaves as her
orgasm rips through her, taking me over. I quickly
grab her hips and press her down while my cock
squirts with pleasure inside her sexy body. I grind
deep and hiss through my teeth when her legs drop

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from around my waist, creating tight friction as
she’s held up with my dick and an arm around her

“I think I’m about to drop to my ass.”
She giggles, which turns into a moan as I pull

her off me. “I want to continue playing with you.”

I give her a sideways look while hunting for

something to clean us up with. There is nothing but

“Let me help you with that,” Gretchen smirks

and bending over, starts licking my cock.

“That isn’t such a good idea.” I moan, her lips


“Umm,” she pulls free, tugs up my shorts and

pants and shoves me away. “You better, um, work
the zipper. I don’t want to get your penis trapped in

“Jeez!” I cover my dick and wangle the zipper

up and hope for control as I take her dress out of
her hands. “You are beautiful.” I kiss each nipple
and can’t resist tonguing the silver.

“You’re getting me worked up again.”
“Serves you right for licking my dick.”
“I was cleaning you up.”
I trail my fingers over her bottom and up over

her shoulder, delighted when her nipples tighten
into hard buds.

Slipping the dress over her head, I help smooth

it down over her glorious curves before I fasten the

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halter at the back of her neck. “I didn’t clean you
up. You want to know why?”

“Hmm,” she mumbles as I wrap my arms

around her from behind.

“Because it drives me crazy knowing you have

my semen running down your legs. It means you’re
mine.” I turn her in my arms. “I’m sorry I said what
I did, and I promise, Gretchen, that I won’t ever
give you a reason to doubt my love again.” I kiss
her lips. “I love you. Please forgive me.”

“I think I’ve just shown you that I forgive you.”

She rests her face in the crook of my neck. “I love
you too, Ryan.” On a heavy sigh, she asks, “Don’t
you have a speech to give?”

Oh, fuck!

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E P I L O GU E - T E N Y E A R S L A T E R









patio at Uncle Michael and Aunt Lily’s house. For
as long as I can remember, we have always
congregated here for events and just to get together
as a family. I think it started when our grandparents
became too frail for traveling. The assisted living
facility where they’d chosen to live during their
frailer years was five minutes away, so it had been
the obvious choice for the family to gather—my
grandparents hadn’t missed anything while they’d
been alive.

My chest ached to baptize our fourth child,

Haven Ruby McKenzie, and not having them here
with us. They’d passed away five years ago within
two months of each other. Their presence was still
missed and had been for the arrival of more great-
grandchildren, including our third daughter, Mila

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Elizabeth. At least they’d been able to watch the
last of their grandchildren get married, which had
been Dylan and Jenna.

I grin, watching my cousin wrestle with his two-

year-old daughter, Hanna Margaret, on his lap. His
wife, Jenna, cradles Vivien Lauren to her breast
beneath a thin white muslin cloth, the same as my
wife uses when she’s in public and feeding Haven.

Mila, our one-year-old is the best-behaved baby

I’ve ever seen. She’s always smiling and happy to
be held by anyone. She bounces on her grandpa’s
knee while trying to bash her five-year-old sister,
Greta Ray, on the head with her pacifier. Luckily
my father is quick and diverts her attention. Six-
year-old Raelyn is currently reading a story about a
tiger who came for tea to her grandma.

My brother and sister and cousins think it’s

hilarious that I’m outnumbered at home with five
females under the roof. I don’t care. My sexy wife
and four children are the best part of me—the best
thing I’ve ever done in my life.

I’m still the boss at Kenza even though I

promoted Rob to manager seven years ago. I spend
three days there, although behind the scenes and
two at Emelia’s in Blossom Creek. Both businesses
are thriving.

To my surprise, Charlotte sits next to me,

looking exhausted and lets out a loud sigh as though
she’s relieved to get off her feet. “Tanner knocked

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me up again.”

I blink in surprise and burst out laughing. “I’m

sure he didn’t do it alone.”

Giving me the evil eye, she moans, “This is not

what I expected at this age.”

“Jeez, Charlotte! You’re not exactly old.

Landon’s ten, and Ezra’s nine, so, at least you don’t
have four under six.”

She chuckles. “There is that.”
“Your husband either just got laid, or he’s

delighted you’re knocked up.” I nod in Tanner’s
direction when I notice him grinning like a fool.

“Both.” She grins.
“Gross, Charlotte! Having sex in your old

bedroom again, huh?”

“I can’t get enough when I’m pregnant.” She

gazes at her husband. “Then again, I can’t get
enough when I’m not because my husband is hot.”

I roll my eyes and kiss her on the cheek.

“Congratulations. Now go and distract Tanner
before your mom and dad notice the sated look on
his face.” Giggling, Charlotte disappears from view.

Gretchen takes her place with an unsettled

Haven in her arms. “She needs feeding.”

Wrapping my arm around her shoulders, I say,

“Rest on me and get comfortable.”

I take the muslin cloth from her hand and shove

it into her bra strap, so she stays covered. With
some fidgeting, Gretchen gets Haven attached.

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“Hmm,” she mumbles as Haven suckles. “What

was going on with Charlotte?”

“She’s pregnant.”
My wife lifts her eyes to mine. “For real?”
I nod.
Gretchen chuckles. “That serves her right for

teasing me when I got pregnant soon after Mila was
born. I told her all the teasing would come back to
bite her on the ass.”

“I doubt she’ll ever admit it, but I think she’s


“I agree.” Sighing, Gretchen nuzzles closer. “I

love this place”—she kisses my neck—“right

I press my lips to the top of her head and enjoy

the subtle scent of cherries that lingers from the
shampoo she uses. “Are we done having kids?”

She chuckles. “As much as I love being

pregnant, I think so.” Her gaze lifts to mine. “Is that

“Honey, we have four perfect girls. I’m good.

In fact, I’m better than good.” I grin. “However, if
we accidentally get pregnant again, I’m not going
to complain because I love you.”

Gretchen turns her face up to mine and

whispers, “I love you more.”


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I hope you have enjoyed the McKenzie Cousin’s


Look out for McKenzie appearances in the De La


Blossom Creek series, coming in 2021.

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Lucien and Sabrina (Entice)

Alexander and Rachel McKenzie (Kissing Cousins)

Arya Louise

Matilda Maureen

Olivia and Geary Tyler (A Cowboy for Christmas)

Isabella Greer

Bowie Lucien

Fox Alexander

Michael and Lily (Seduce, The Wedding)

Sirena and Garrett Hudson (Baby Makes Three)

Elias Michael James

McKenna Lily

Pippa Ella

Charlotte and Tanner Jackson (Secret Kisses)

Landon Elias

Ezra Matthew

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Isaac Derek

Joshua and Mallory McKenzie (A Secret Affair)

Sterling Elias

Silas Joshua

Sebastian and Carla McKenzie (Rapture)

Madison and Derek Jackson (If Only)

Nora Claire

Georgina Sarah

Dylan and Jenna McKenzie (One Christmas)

Hanna Margaret

Vivien Lauran

Ruben and Rosie McKenzie (Delight)

Ryan and Gretchen McKenzie (It Started with a


Raelyn Ava

Greta Ray

Mila Elizabeth

Haven Ruby

Sofia and Shane Fletcher (A Baker’s Delight)

Florence Rose

Ford Liam

Scott Ruben

Jaxon and Poppy McKenzie (The Pregnant


Lilian Rose

Yvonne Marie

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Ramon McKenzie and Noah McKenzie


Paige and Seth Reynolds (Princess and the Puck)

Bode Oliver (twin)

Eason James (twin)

Rachel and Alexander McKenzie (Kissing Cousins)

Arya Louise

Matilda Maureen

McKenzie Brother’s Reading Order

Book 1: Seduce (Michael & Lily)

Book 1.5: The Wedding (Novella)

Book 2: Rapture (Sebastian & Carla)

Book 3: Delight (Ruben & Rosie)

Book 4: Entice (Lucien & Sabrina)

Book 5: Cherished (Ramon & Noah)

McKenzie Cousin’s Reading Order

Book 1: Baby Makes Three (Sirena & Garrett)

Book 2: A Business Decision (Michael & Brooke)

Book 3: Secret Kisses (Charlotte & Tanner)

Book 4: Kissing Cousins (Rachel & Alexander)

Book 5: If Only (Madison & Derek)

Book 6: Princess & the Puck (Paige & Seth)

Book 7: A Bakers Delight (Sofia & Shane)

Book 8: A Cowboy for Christmas (Olivia & Geary)

Book 9: A Secret Affair (Joshua & Mallory)

Book 10: One Christmas (Dylan & Jenna)

Book 11: The Pregnant Professor (Jaxon & Poppy)

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Book 12: It Started with a Kiss (Ryan & Gretchen)

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Thank you for reading It Started with a Kiss, and thank you for

your reviews! It’s really appreciated.

Subscribe with your email to be alerted about new releases,

sales, and events.

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Rafael is all about vengeance . . .

After witnessing the brutal murder of his

mother and younger brother, Rafael DeLacroix
lives in a world of darkness. With vengeance eating
his soul, he moves to Sweet Meadow with his
father. There, Rafael discovers a unique connection
to the girl next door.

Wren is all about butterflies . . .
Trapped in a world of her own, under the

watchful eye of her father, the Reverend—leader
of their small town—Wren is filled with dreams of
flying free like a butterfly. Her life takes an
unexpected turn when the boy next door befriends

Not everyone is happy with their growing

friendship, and just when Rafael and Wren discover
what is really going on in Sweet Meadow, darkness
settles over the town.

A standalone, romantic suspense/coming of age,

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Cover Designer: Robin Harper, Wicked by Design

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Bad Boy Rockers

Book 1: Sizzle (Jack ‘Phoenix’ & Thalia)

Book 2: Spicy (Reece & Callie)

Book 3: Sultry (Donovan & Mara)

Book 4: Savor (Ryder & Dahlia)

Book 5: Sinful (Jace & Savannah)

Book 6: Silent Night (Novella)

Kincaid Sisters

Book 1: Meant to be Mine

Book 2: You Were Always Mine (coming soon)

Book 3: Will You be Mine (coming soon)

McKenzie Brothers

Book 1: Seduce (Michael & Lily)

Book 1.5: The Wedding (Novella)

Book 2: Rapture (Sebastian & Carla)

Book 3: Delight (Ruben & Rosie)

Book 4: Entice (Lucien & Sabrina)

Book 5: Cherished (Ramon & Noah)

Book 5.5: A McKenzie Christmas (Novella)

De La Fuente Family (McKenzie Spinoff)

Book 1: Love in Montana (Sylvia & Eric)

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Book 2: Love in Purgatory (Dante & Emelia)

Book 3: Love in Bloom (Mateo & Erin)

Book 4: Love in Country (Aiden & Sarah)

Book 5: Love in Flame (Diego & Rae)

Book 6: Love in Game (Kasey & Felicity)

Book 7: Love in Education (Andie & Seth)

McKenzie Cousins

(McKenzie Spinoff)

Book 1: Baby Makes Three (Sirena & Garrett)

Book 2: A Business Decision (Michael & Brooke)

Book 3: Secret Kisses (Charlotte & Tanner)

Book 4: Kissing Cousins (Rachel & Alexander)

Book 5: If Only (Madison & Derek)

Book 6: Princess & the Puck (Paige & Seth)

Book 7: A Bakers Delight (Sofia & Shane)

Book 8: A Cowboy for Christmas (Olivia & Geary)

Book 9: A Secret Affair (Joshua & Mallory)

Book 10: One Christmas (Dylan & Jenna)

Book 11: The Pregnant Professor (Jaxon & Poppy)

Book 12: It Started with a Kiss (Ryan & Gretchen)

Jackson Hole

Book 1: From This Moment

Book 1.5: When we Meet (Novella, in the back of From This


Book 2: New Beginning (coming soon)

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Romantic Suspense



Standalone Novella’s

One Dance

Educate Me


Holiday Season

Kissing Under the Mistletoe

A Soldier’s Christmas

The Sheriff and the Cougar

Written as Rona Jameson

Butterfly Girl

Come Back to Me

Summer at Rose Cottage

Tears in the Rain

Twenty Eight Days

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English born Rona Jameson is an author of romance who
currently resides in Ireland with her husband, four children,
one dog and three cats. She’s been writing since 2013 as Lexi
Buchanan, which is where you can find her more explicit

Follow on social media:



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