All The Right Spots Lisa Renee Jones

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resemblance to actual events or locales or persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All The Right Spots: The Jump Zone Series Book 1

Copyright  2003 Lisa Renee Jones

ISBN: 1-55410-053-4

Cover art and design by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books, a division of Zumaya

Publications, 2004

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All the Right Spots


Chapter One


is mouth went dry just looking at her.
Jennifer Cavender.
His Jennifer.

She sat on a barstool, looking more refreshing than

any one of the hundred exotic drinks sold at the
Paradise Bar and Grill. After all, he had waited years
to see her again. And there she sat, the woman of his

Still giving off those sweet, innocent vibes that only

the girl-next-door types delivered with such

Ah, but he knew better.
The woman—and she was all that and more—was

a sexy, demanding she-devil when it came to
bedroom games. God, how he had missed her. How
had he ever walked away?

They would have married. Should have.
Everything had been perfect. They had been

completely head-over-heels in love. Getting enough
of each other had been next to impossible. They had
spent every waking moment possible together.

Inwardly he smiled, thinking back to their old

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weekend rituals. Friday nights had always been spent
together: they would unwind from the week with
some much-needed one-on-one time.

No matter what they had chosen to do, they had

enjoyed themselves. Sometimes they would have all
night movie marathons. Other times it would be a
nice dinner and to bed early. Sleeping with her had
been like a reward. He’d considered it the best part of
the day. Laughter had always come easily, as had
conversation. Often they had talked for hours on end,
and then made love for just as long. Sleeping always
came in the early morning, which made sleeping late
on Saturday a must. When they woke the next
morning, they would make love.

At least once.
Often more.
God, how he had loved holding her, and touching

her, looking into her light blue eyes, brilliant with
passion. In all his life, he had never found anything as
sweet as being naked with Jennifer, holding her, and
feeling her warmth like a second skin. His eyes
drifted shut, remembering how it felt to have her soft
flesh pressed against his own.

He wanted to feel her press her body next to his as

she melted into him. His fingers itched to be entwined
in her long, blond hair and feel it draped over his

He smiled, still reliving one of those Saturdays of

the past. When they finally made it out of bed, they
would go to Starbucks. They would be there for
hours, talking, reading, and drinking far too much

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Jennifer, being wired, would need help working off

the caffeine rush. He was glad to help, and would
take her back to her place, where they would put that
rush to good use. In bed.

In a frenzy, they would discard their clothing,

hands all over each other. Compliments of her
caffeine high, it was always fast and intense. Then he
would slow her down, and love her with slow

He sighed.
They just couldn’t get enough of one another.
A thought occurred to him, and he almost laughed

out loud. But not with humor.

They say a man should think with the head

between his ears, not the one between his legs. Well,
they, whoever the hell they were, had been wrong.
The head between his legs had been more astute than
his brain about where he belonged, past and present.

He belonged with Jennifer.
And she belonged with him.
It would be tough convincing her he wasn’t the

jerk she thought him to be. But he was ready for the
challenge. A firm believer in planning and research,
he had spent time preparing.

Compliments of their mutual friend Marcie, he

knew no one was warming her bed. The thought of
another man touching her intimately was pure hell. It
had been like a form of torture, miles away in some
jungle, thinking about her making love to another

Unable to do a damned thing about it.
Time after time, he had convinced himself she was

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better off without him. He had thrown himself into
combat, trying to forget. But it never worked.

With the calm after battle, he always came back to

her in his mind.

She’d never gotten serious with another man. If she

had, he would have gracefully bowed out, and been
happy for her. It would have hurt, but he would have.

But she hadn’t.
A fact he was damned thankful for. Another

chance with Jennifer was a blessing he intended to
make a reality. Maybe, just maybe, she had never
claimed another because they she too clung to the

Thankfully, Marcie was still big on girl talk. She

had been his one link to Jennifer the entire five years
he had been away. Always a plethora of information,
Marcie covertly kept an eye on Jennifer for him.

Now that he was older and more mature, he knew

leaving hadn’t been the answer. There was no way
could you have convinced him to stay five years ago,
but that was then, and this was now.

Now he knew he’d been a damned fool.
His decision had been based on his father’s alcohol

habit. The night he had enlisted in the Army, he had
truly believed he would turn out just like his old man.

A mean drunk.
Jennifer deserved better than that for a husband.
In his heart and mind, he had felt he was doing her

a favor. Regret etched his heart with pain. He had
simply let years of happiness, time they could have
been together, slip away.

All he could do was pray he took the right steps to

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win her back.

He still loved her. Always had.
There was no doubt in his mind. He still knew how

to please Jennifer. He was relieved no one else had
figured out how.

Deep down, he knew their incredible chemistry in

bed went beyond the physical. It had a lot to do with
the unique emotional bond they had shared.

And though Jennifer might have been a she-devil

in bed, he knew she was picky about who made it
there. Apparently, that hadn’t changed.

His eyes drifted shut as his mind replayed their

past lovemaking. Their bodies entwined, skin to skin.
Her long, silky hair draped over his chest. The way
she came unglued in his hands was like heaven on
earth. Those soft little purrs of her pleasure she
made…God, they drove him wild.

And he was certain he still knew how to drive her


Yes, he knew all the right spots to touch her, to

make her come. But more importantly, he knew how
to love her.

It was going to be a rough road to success, but with

a little skill, and a lot of determination, he was certain
he would win.

He had to; he loved her. And no other woman

would do.

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Chapter Two


hey had never been able to keep their hands off
each other.

Marcie was willing to bet the chemistry

between Bobby and Jennifer was still so hot it sizzled.
Of course, they would have to get past explosive first.
Marcie said a silent prayer. Please let Bobby handle this
right. Please.

If it didn’t, and Jennifer found out she knew what

he was up to, she would be in deep trouble. Being a
close friend to both Bobby and Jennifer stuck her
smack in the middle of a dangerous battlefield.

Standing behind the Paradise bar, Marcie

nervously set a margarita in front of Jennifer and
watched her take a long swallow. She knew she was
about to deliver startling news. Mustering her
courage, she took a deep breath and dropped her
bomb. “Bobby is coming into town for the wedding.”

Jennifer sat down her drink with a loud clunk. Her

face held shock, and a hint of pain. “What?” She
asked, as if she thought she might of heard wrong.

Marcie just nodded up and down. She knew

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Jennifer was about to react. Expectantly she waited
for the inevitable; Jennifer’s complete, utter

Jennifer stiffened at the silent confirmation. “Please

tell me you’re joking.”

Marcie felt Jennifer’s anxiety like a jab in the

stomach. She hated how torn up over Bobby she was
after so many years. But it also confirmed she wasn’t
over him. Jennifer and Bobby needed another chance
at love. She knew Jennifer wanted it as much as
Bobby did. She was just too pig-headed to do it
without intervention. What were friends for? It was
her responsibility to take care of Jennifer. And she
was going to. Even if it caused her some short term

Marcie kept her tone steady, trying to soften the

impact of her words. . “I wouldn’t joke about Bobby.”

Eyes full of torment, Jennifer’s tone held a tense

edge. “I can’t believe he has the nerve to show up
here after being gone for five years.” She paused for a
heartbeat, and made an irritated sound. This time
pain and bitterness slipped out of hiding and into her
voice. “Like he gives a damn, or something.”

Marcie stared at her friend, trying not to get angry.

Typical of redheads, she could have a hot temper,
especially when feeling defensive as she was now.
Bobby was her friend, too, and Jennifer was not being

And damn it, Jennifer loved Bobby.
“He does care,” Marcie proclaimed, and admitted

what she shouldn’t have. “I’ve been in contact with
him every month of every year.” She paused trying to

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figure out the best method of getting her point across.
Having already said this much, she decided to press
forward. Softening her voice, she added, “He worries
about you.”

Jennifer stared at her, blue eyes wide. Then she

looked away, arms folding in front of her. In a
mumbled voice, she said, “Whatever.”

Face twisted in frustration, Marcie’s voice was

etched with a hint of impatience. Jennifer was being
selfish, and she didn’t like it. “Jenn, I know this is
tough for you, but Bobby’s like a brother to me. I’m
getting married. Of course he’s going to be here.”

A pregnant silence followed.

* * *

Jennifer’s mind raced with painful memories. She had
grown up with Marcie and Bobby, all living within a
block of one another. Bobby was the oldest by two
years. He had intentionally taken on a big brother role
with both her and Marcie.

But time brought with it a mutual attraction

between her and Bobby. It danced in the air like an
electric charge every time they were near one another.
But it was the times that their eyes would meet and
lock that had said it all. Those looks would heat her
from the inside out.

They both knew how much they wanted each

other. But it didn’t seem right. After all, they were

The inevitable happened one Friday night when he

drove her home after a party. One minute he was

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walking her to her front door, the next they were in
bed. She didn’t even know exactly how it had
happened. She invited him inside, as she had many
times. But as she entered the house, he had reached
out and caught her, hands on her waist.

Their eyes had locked, their mutual attraction

burning hotly. Next thing she knew, they had their
hands all over one another. She could almost feel the
first touch of his lips, even now. It had been a whisper
of a kiss, but, oh so, potent. She had felt it in every
inch of her body. Moments later, it had turned to a
hungry exploration, hot and sexy. Her fingers raised
to her mouth as she replayed those first few moments
of intimacy.

Then they dropped with a bitter thought.
A year later, they were in love, and talking

marriage. Until that dreaded night when he just up
and walked away from her without a backward
glance. He had joined the Army without even
discussing it with her, callously throwing out all their
future plans. The last she had heard from Marcie, he
was part of some kind of Special Forces team.

Snapping pulled her out of her reverie. “Hello?”

Marcie said.

Shaking herself mentally, Jennifer refocused on

Marcie. The bottom line was Bobby was indeed like a
brother to Marcie. “I’m sorry,” she said, meaning it. “I
know you want him here.” Reaching across the bar,
she squeezed Marcie’s arm and plastered on a bright
smile that didn’t quite make it to her eyes. “Two short
weeks and you’ll be a married woman.”

Marcie had met her husband-to-be, Mark Hancock,

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the owner of the very successful Paradise Restaurant
and Bar only six months before. It had apparently
been love at first sight.

Marcie smiled as she glanced across the crowded

room at Mark. “Yeah,” she said in the midst of a
dreamy sigh.

Mark looked up as if he felt Marcie’s eyes on him

and then motioned for her to join him. Obediently,
Marcie darted from behind the bar. Jennifer sighed in
relief, happy to have a few minutes alone.

Blowing a strand of hair from her eyes, she tried to

think rationally. She was older and wiser now. Her
career was going strong. Writing had been her dream,
and now she had her own column in the San
Francisco Times.

Her life had gone on without Bobby. She was

successful and happy.

She frowned. Wasn’t she?
Yes. Mentally she firmed her resolve. She wasn’t

going to let Bobby’s visit upset her. She would
pretend the past didn’t even happen.

She could do this.
Grabbing her purse, she decided she’d go freshen

up and return a new woman. A little spray of
hairspray, a dab of powder, and she had a new
mindset. Her plan intact, she swiveled around on the
barstool and started to slide off.

The minute she was on her feet, she was stopped

dead in her tracks as she ran smack into a rock-hard
chest. She stood stunned for a long moment as strong
hands, familiar and warm, settled on her arms.
Slowly, her gaze traveled upwards to confirm what

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her body already knew judging from the instant rush
of heat shooting through her veins.

Bobby Evans.
She gulped. Already his spicy male scent, so

familiar, so inviting, and so damned arousing, was
insinuated into her senses. There was something
about his smell that had always drawn her to him and
made her hot.

Her eyes traveled from his chest upward.


His dark brown eyes fixed on her face. “Hey,

Jenn.” His voice was a deep baritone, his tone

It was the same voice he had used when he used to

whisper sexy, naughty little things in her ear during
lovemaking. A flashback to a few of those moments
sent her heart racing.

The things she had done with Bobby.
Who was she kidding? How could she act like

nothing had ever happened between them? The man
had been more intimate with her than any other had
or maybe ever would be.

She took him in like a starving woman would food:

with hungry absorption.

Time had served him well. At twenty-eight, he was

now a fully developed man. He was bigger, broader,
and even more appealing than before. At six feet and
several inches, he towered over her five-foot-four

Blond hair, worn short seemed to accent his tan,

which he wore well. He wore his tight, black tee even
better. She couldn’t look any further down without

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being obvious. But she wanted to.

His hands still rested on her arms, making her skin

tingle, her stomach flip-flop. She grasped for casual
conversation, trying to seem unaffected by his
nearness. “I’m surprised you’re here so early. I
thought it would be closer to the wedding when you

Damn, her voice had quivered enough to be

noticeable. It was hard to act unaffected when the fire
of an old passion was now awake and burning in
every nerve ending of her body.

“I wanted to be here as early as possible.” He

didn’t say why and she didn’t ask.

His gaze never left her face as he studied her with

such intensity she wanted to scream at him to stop.
What did he see? Did she live up to his memories?
She didn’t want to care what he thought, but she
couldn’t seem to help herself.

He left her. She shouldn’t care what he thought of

her. The rawness of a pain so old went against logic.
But it was what it was, and she was now face to face
with the source.

“How long will you be here?” Inwardly, she

cringed. Why had she asked him that?

She searched his expression for a hint of his

reaction to both her question, and to seeing her again.

And she found what she was looking for. There

was a familiar intimacy in his gaze that touched her
heart and her body. There was warmth to their
nearness, a subtle sizzle, forcefully demanding her

His brow inched up slowly. “Because you want to

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know how long until I leave, Jenn,” he asked softly,
and then paused for a split second, “or you want to
know how long I’m staying?”

She knew what he was asking, however oddly he

chose to do so…Was she glad to see him?

Yes. No. She didn’t want to be, but she was. Damn

it. No! Damn him.

A desperate need to escape, to bolt from his

attention, was almost overwhelming. She didn’t want
to feel the way she was feeling. He had been with her
for only moments, and she felt like ice in front of a
fire: wet and melting.

Jennifer wasn’t sure how long it was before he

answered. It could have been mere seconds. Her mind
wasn’t digesting information properly, for some
reason. She looked at his hands on her arms. “I need
to go.”

He stared down at her, his eyes willing her to look

up at him. She tried to resist the pull, but it was like a
magnet, drawing her gaze. When her eyes met his, he
said, “I took several weeks of leave.”

Why? No, she wasn’t going to fall into the verbal

trap he had just set. He wanted her to ask. She
wouldn’t do it.

She’d ask Marcie later.
Wetting her dry lips, she watched his eyes follow

the action. Her heart rate increased. He wanted to kiss
her. She knew it with everything female in her. And
already her body responded, her nipples tingling, and
the first hint of dampness clung to her


No matter how much her body cried for him, her

heart felt the knife he had delivered. She would not

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go to him again.

After several seconds, his eyes lifted to hers. “You

look good, Jenn.”

His voice held a husky quality, far too sexy for her

just-proclaimed willpower, as it danced on each and
every one of her nerve endings.

“You look good, too,” she said and meant it. He

did. Too good. A desperate need to unplug the charge
of electricity in the air had her reaching for humor.
“Big,” she said, forcing a laugh she hoped sounded
natural. “God, you’re huge. What do they feed you
military men?”

He chuckled, and then surprised her by bending

down and kissing the tip of her nose. “You’re as
adorable as ever.” His gaze slid to her purse, where it
still hung over her shoulder. “Going somewhere?”

Still recovering from the feel of his lips, even on her

nose, had her temporarily speechless. The spark that
casual kiss had created all but set her on fire. Worse, it
created a tidal wave of memories.

Nights spent in bed, forgetting to sleep, lost in each

other’s bodies, making love for hours on end. All the
amazing things he had done to her, with her, and for
her, poured from her mind to her body.

To think she had convinced herself that she hated

him for running out on her, and leaving her alone. Yet
now, seeing him again, she knew she had never
stopped loving him.

For that she hated herself. She couldn’t—no,

wouldn’t—allow herself to get burned again. She had
learned to be alone. She did it well.

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She hadn’t realized she had slipped into her own

little world of panic and pain. “Huh?” Had he asked
her a question?

Bobby looked at her purse, and her eyes followed

his gaze. “Going somewhere?”

That’s what he had asked. “Oh, um, just going to

the ladies' room.”

“Bobby!” Marcie’s voice reached near-scream

magnitude in her excitement as she spotted him.
Marcie was half running towards Bobby. Within
seconds, she was giving him a bear hug of sorts.

Jennifer decided it was a good time to make her

escape to the bathroom. She needed to pull herself
together, anyway. If she didn’t find a way to calm her
reactions to Bobby, she would never make it through
the weeks to come.

Tonight, she would settle for a façade of


The bathroom was empty, and Jennifer let out a

sigh of relief. She needed a few minutes to herself. For
several seconds, she simply leaned against the wall
and took a few deep breaths.

She needed a plan to toughen her resistance to

Bobby. It scared her how easily she reacted to him.
“No,” she called out to the empty room, desperation
etching her voice. He was going to hurt her again, she
just knew it.

Somehow, someway, she had to deal with him

without getting all emotional again. The answer, no
matter how she tried to will it existence, just wouldn’t

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Sooner or later she had to go back into the bar, and

face him. Better now than later so she could make her
excuses and go home. Alone. And wallow in her own
self-pity. Maybe in a big bubble bath. After that, she’d
eat chocolate.

Yep, that was the plan.
Anything to make her feel better.
She pushed off the wall, not bothering to fix her

hair or make up. Her plan had her feeling better. She
wanted to get it into action.

Not giving herself time to chicken out, she pulled

back her shoulders and reached for the door. Taking
the stairs that led into the bar area, she found Bobby
standing with one booted foot propped up on the
ledge, a beer in his hand, and his full attention on her.

He pinned her in a heated stare. The intimacy of

his gaze was had her desire to stay unaffected,
already falling to the wayside. It drew a response
from her beyond her control.

The way he looked at her was…arousing.
Because she simply couldn’t help herself, her eyes

drifted down his body. Dressed in jeans and a simple
T-shirt, there was something so sexy about him. It
was an inbred sensuality he oozed. He'd always had
that certain male something. Now it seemed more
defined, closer to the surface.

He looked cool, confident, and in control. There

was an added edge of experience and confidence time
had delivered enhancing his natural assets.

She had always loved his body, but years of

military life had turned him into ripped perfection.
She wanted to yank his shirt from his pants and run

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her hands across his skin, and touch his chest and

Even his short, military-style blond hair looked


When her gaze settled back on his face, his eyes

danced with amusement. A slow blush washed over
her face as she inwardly cursed her own stupidity.
She hadn’t meant to be so obvious in her appraisal.

Forcing herself to cross the distance between them,

she almost stopped in her tracks as he made an
obvious, slow perusal of her own jean-clad body.

Somehow, she kept walking.
In the past, his boldness wouldn’t have surprised

her. They had never been able to keep their hands or
eyes off one another.

But things were different now.
She wasn’t his, and he wasn’t hers. Yet, there was

no mistaking the look in his eyes, as if he wanted to
strip her naked and do all the things he knew pleased

Oh, and he indeed knew exactly the right things to

get her hot.

The message in his gaze was so direct it felt as if he

actually touched her. Her first instinct was to bolt
straight for the door. Reason, however, told her she
had to start dealing with him now or he would keep
her in turmoil the entire time he was here.

Besides, she knew Bobby well enough to know she

needed to make a graceful exit. Anything too extreme
would only ensure he followed.

She slipped back onto her barstool and took a sip

of her margarita before she met his gaze again. When

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she looked up he was still watching her, his eyes dark
and guarded. Quickly, she averted her gaze, needing
to keep her emotions hidden from him.

“Your hair has gotten longer,” he said, pulling a

silky strand between his fingers. It was a gesture a
lover would make.

For some unknown reason, anger rushed over her.

Maybe because every time he touched her, she
melted. She didn’t want to hurt any more than she
already had over Bobby.

He had lost his right to touch her that way—or any

other way, for that matter. “Don’t,” she said flatly.

She stared at her glass, but he stared at her. She

knew without looking, feeling the heaviness of his
gaze. She knew the minute he turned away, taking a
drink of his beer.

Pushing to her feet, she grabbed her purse, which

was on the arm of her chair. “I have to go,” she
mumbled and then called across the bar. “Marcie,
sweetie, I’m taking off.”

Marcie shoved a strand of red hair out of her eyes

and frowned. “So soon?”

Nodding, Jennifer made up an excuse. “I was up

late last night.” Let him wonder why. ”I’m wiped

He sat his beer down. “Can I catch a ride to


Jennifer glanced from Bobby to Marcie and back to

Bobby. “You’re not staying with your father?” They
had never gotten along, but still, to not stay with him
was surprising.

He looked away as if he didn’t want her to see

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something in his expression. Seconds later, he fixed
her in a direct, seemingly unaffected stare. “I’m
staying with Marcie,” he said and offered nothing
more on the subject. “I took a cab over here straight
from the airport. Mark stuffed my bags in the
restaurant’s office. I’m pretty wiped out myself. I’d
appreciate it if you could give me a lift.”

This was so not good, but what could she say? To

deny him a ride would be rude, and risk upsetting
Marcie. “I suppose I can give you a ride. It’s on the

“Let me grab you a key,” Marcie said to Bobby.
“I can give him mine,” Jennifer offered, eager to get

this over and done with.

Marcie was being flagged by a customer, and was

obviously rushed. “Oh, that would be great. Thanks,

So, as Bobby went to get his bags, Jennifer faced

reality. Her plan to retreat to solitude and hide from
Bobby was officially delayed.

How indefinitely, was the question.

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Chapter Three


s Bobby followed Jennifer outside, he felt the
rush of the cool breeze carried in by the bay
with bittersweet appreciation.

This was his home, a place he found solace and

peace. But somehow it had been lost to him. Just as
Jennifer had been.

He loved the mild temperatures San Francisco was

so famous for, the nearness to the ocean, and mostly,
he still

loved Jennifer.

Darting a quick look at her, he wondered what his

chances of winning her back truly were. There was so
much about his reasons for leaving she didn’t know.

Their first encounter had proven she still

responded to him. She didn’t want to, but she did.
And how could he blame her? She was simply afraid
of being hurt, wearing protective armor that he would
have to gently remove.

The question of approach had his mind racing.
How could he explain his state of mind so many

years before? In his youth, his father had so easily
convinced him he would be nothing more than a
drunk himself one day.

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He knew Jennifer. And he had some major baggage

to overcome. She had a phobia about caring for
someone and then having them leave her. Even
having grown up with her, being a close neighbor and
friend, he had struggled to earn her trust the first go-

Lord only knew he had spent long nights thinking

about what a jerk he was for making her biggest fear a
reality. Walking out on her had been wrong for so
many reasons.

Her parents had died when she was very young,

forcing her to live with Marcie. Not that Marcie’s
family hadn’t treated her well. They had. Still, the loss
of her parents at such a young age had made an
impact on her ability to love freely.

“The black Jeep is mine,” she said, pointing.
“Want me to drive?” he offered, but his mind was

still thinking through his plan. He would have to play
the game right, and draw her into their connection
both emotionally and physically. A simple
explanation and apology wouldn’t win her back. No,
he would have to do far more.

The way he saw it he needed to set off her temper,

just so, and get her thinking and feeling. Inwardly, he
sighed. He hoped he was right, because he didn’t
want to screw this up. He wanted her back in his life
for good this time.

“Do I want you to drive?” Jennifer asked in mock

disbelief. “I remember how you drive.” She laughed.
“Forget it.”

She popped open her trunk and he put his bags

inside. Progress, he thought as he slammed the lid

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shut. Her joking around with him was a good thing.
He followed her to her side of the door and pulled it
open for her. “You always said you liked it when I
drove fast.”

“That was…” she stopped. They both knew the

rest. In the past, she used to tell him she liked him to
be in charge in bed. She used to tell him he was

She stepped around him, clearly mad that he had

referenced a past bedroom moment. “Stop it!”

He laughed and gave her a mock salute. “Your

wish is my command.”

The ride to Marcie’s was a silent one, both deep in

thought, no doubt about the other. Wordlessly, their
awareness of one another seemed only to grow in the
small, darkened space the car provided.

The ride was also short, and Bobby was thankful.

To stay in such a small space with her and keep his
hands to himself was getting more difficult by the

Part of him longed to pull her in his arms, and kiss

her with all he had. Then, he would hold her, and tell
her how damned sorry he was.

By the time she parked in Marcie’s driveway, and

turned off the ignition, he was past ready to get out of
the car.

Not that he intended on keeping his hands to

himself. He just preferred to act with a little more
control than he was feeling.

A little air would help.

* * *

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Fumbling with her keys, Jennifer couldn’t manage to
find the right one. She didn’t look at Bobby. It was
enough that she felt him with all the fiber of her
being. “Why don’t you just unlock the door, and keep
the key? Marcie can give me another one.”

“Save me two trips. Get the door so I can grab my


Going anywhere with Bobby was a bad idea,

especially to a dark, empty apartment. Not going
would seem rude or scared. The absolute worst part
was, she knew Bobby would know she wouldn’t want
to seem either of those things. It made her think that
he was manipulating her.

“Fine,” she spat, a bit abruptly, and shoved the car

door open.

She unlocked the trunk, leaving him to grab his

bags. The quicker she unlocked that door, the quicker
she could be on her way.

Darting across the lawn, she headed for Marcie’s

door, plotting her escape. Struggling to get the key in
the lock, she lost valuable seconds. Bobby was on her
heels as if he didn’t have huge bags to carry.

When she finally managed to get the door open,

she flipped on the light switch, needing the safety of a
lit room. With Bobby right behind her, she had to step
inside so he could get by with his bags in tow.

In her mind, she planned her actions. The minute

he stepped past the hallway, she would step back to
the door and make her get-a-way.

It seemed a grand plan, until she heard the door

slam behind her. She turned to watch him drop his

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bags to the ground directly in the way of her exit.

Suddenly, the small hallway seemed like a tiny

little box. Their eyes met and locked. His held a
predatory gleam. Instinctively, she took a step

With a smooth, obviously calculated move, Bobby

stepped forward and angled her back against the
wall. He rested his palms beside her head, his thighs
on the outside of hers…touching.

His strong body encased hers, surrounding her

with his potent, male presence. Memories of their
bodies naked and the tenderness of their lovemaking
urged her to touch him.

She both hated and loved his nearness. Her teeth

came down on her bottom lip so hard she almost
drew blood. Willpower came with hard
concentration. Desire mixed with emotion was a
powerful weapon against her defenses.

But why was he doing this?
What did he want from her?
And why did he think he could just walk back into

her life and act as if time and pain had no value?

“What are you doing?” To her distress, a bit of

desperation filtered into her tone.

One corner of his mouth twitched. “You know

exactly what I’m doing.”

She mustered up a somewhat steady voice. “Unless

you mean pissing me off, I haven’t a clue.” She glared
at him. “Move.”

She reached out and shoved on his rock-hard chest.

A critical mistake, she realized too late. Muscles
flexed beneath her fingers, making her hand warm

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and tingly.

Touching her favorite part of his body was like

pouring gasoline on a dimly lit fire. Instantly, her
body raced with heat so alive she could hardly catch
her breath.

Their eyes locked and time seemed to virtually

stand still. Heat crackled in the air; mutual desire
burned in their shared gaze. The past became the
present as their bodies responded to the sweet
memories of remembered pleasures.

His gaze dropped to her lips and then slowly slid

back to her eyes. “We still make each other hot, don’t
we, Jenn?”

His voice, a seductive whisper, stating the simple

truth…No matter what their history, their attraction
still lived.

Jennifer felt her control slipping away as if her

fingers slipped from a ledge. She was falling. For him.

She felt it as surely as she did the ache between her

thighs and the tingling of nipples. Grasping for some
semblance of sanity, she yanked her hands off his
chest. “You can’t just walk back into my life and
expect me to fall back into your arms. It’s not going to

He quirked a brow in challenge. “You know you

want me as much as I want you.”

Jennifer didn’t even try to deny the truth. She had

always been a lousy liar. Her defense mechanism
lashed out at him. “Funny, I don’t remember you
being so damned arrogant.”

He smiled wolfishly. “I’m confident, not arrogant.”

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He dipped his head and nuzzled her neck. Surprised,
aroused, and too shaken to move, she sucked in a
labored breath. His warm breath touched her ear.
“Because I know how good we are together.”

He nibbled her lobe, which had always taken her

desire one notch higher. And he knew it. Despite her
best efforts to hold it back, she whimpered.

“God, I love how you smell when you get turned

on,” he said hoarsely, his lips trailing along her neck.

For a mere few moments, she relished the feel of

Bobby. His lips. His breath. His smell. The way he
was big where she was small. He made her feel
feminine and soft, and…sexy. Her lashes fluttered to
her cheeks. But with the soft feel of lovemaking came
memories, and pain.

A flash of him leaving her jolted her eyes open. She

pressed on his shoulders as hard as she could in an
effort to get away from him, but he was like a steel
rod, unmovable.

She didn’t want to feel like this again. It hurt to be

left alone. Soon he’d be off to the Army again, and
she’d have an open wound.

Tears threatened as she squirmed desperately to

get away from him. “Leave me alone!” She
enunciated each word with biting precision. “This
isn’t going to happen.”

Wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her

close. “Hey, hey, calm down, sweetheart. I’ll behave, I

She beat on his chest. “Just let me go.”
“Be still and look at me a minute and I will.” He

delivered the promise in a soothing tone.

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And God, she wanted to be soothed. He stroked

her hair, and she buried her face in his shoulder,
taking comfort from the very person causing her ache.

Willing herself to calm, slowly her tears subsided.

His arms were a shelter, like a safe cocoon. If
only…but she didn’t finish the thought. Because it
had too many endings and none of them came with

“I’m listening.” She whispered the words, not

daring to look up at him.

He reached down and tilted her chin up with his

finger. His eyes were dark and hard to read, but his
tone held certainty. “This thing between us isn’t going
to disappear. If it hasn’t by now, it won’t. We want
each other. I want to make love to you again, Jenn.”

She moved so Bobby’s hand fell from her face,

reacting to his words so loaded with implications. All
the calm she had managed to muster slipped away.

Her eyes burned, and her lips trembled as she

pressed her palms against his chest. “Don’t call it
that.” Love was for people who cared enough to stick
around. Her next words were meant to shock him.
Maybe even make him angry. She didn’t use
profanity, but he had asked for nothing less. “We
fucked, and nothing more.”

He flinched visibly. “That’s not true, and you know


Bitterness etched her voice as she stared anywhere

but into his eyes. “It is true. I stopped pretending it
was more a long, long time ago.”

He laced his finger into her hair and gently urged

her to look up at him. His voice was gentle, his eyes

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suddenly softer. “I’ll simply have to prove you

Without warning, he bent his head and brushed his

lips across hers.

She didn’t have time to think, let alone resist. His

lips were soft, their touch a whispered caress. Though
the kiss lasted mere seconds, the impact threatened to
destroy her good sense. It had been so long since she
had felt his mouth on hers. It made her want things
she shouldn’t.

But she did.
His lips lingered mere inches above hers. “Just sex

could never feel like this. As you lie in bed tonight,
think about my hands and mouth on your body,
about me tasting you, about loving you.”

Wetness pooled between her legs. Her eyes drifted

shut. God, she remembered. She’d never forgotten.
Lord help her, she wanted him so badly it hurt. She
had to get away from him.

Her eyes popped open and met his. Letting him

know he had gotten to her was a mistake. She had to
convince him he hadn’t. “Nice try, but you’ll have to
do more than string a few suggestive words together
if you intend to change my opinion.”

A sly smile slid onto his mouth. “It’s far more than

just words. Maybe you need a demonstration.”

Panic flared, making her stiffen. “No!” So much for

acting unaffected.

Trying to recover from her outburst, she glared at

him desperately reaching for anger not passion. “Let
me go.” Reluctantly, he released her. Only she got the
feeling he did so only because he was ready, not

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because she told him to.

Before he could change her mind, she stepped

around him, rubbing their bodies against one another
in the process. It hurt to move away from him, and he
made no effort to make the process easier. His body
remained close, almost framing hers as she moved.

Jennifer balled her fists at her side as she turned

towards the front door, stepping around the suitcases.
As she reached for the doorknob, his voice drifted
through the air and straight through every nerve
ending of her body.

Amusement laced his words. “This isn’t over. It

never was.”

Jennifer fought the urge to turn and refute his

statement. It was over. And it had been since the day
he left without so much as a goodbye.

But she wasn’t sure she could take another round

with him. Let him say or think what he wanted. There
was no us to the two of them. And there wouldn’t
ever be again.

Just before she pulled the door shut, she heard,

outside the door, she heard, “Dream of me, Jenn.”

And she knew she would.

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Chapter Four


obby cradled the coffee cup in the palms of his
hands as he leaned against Marcie’s kitchen
counter. The scent floating from his cup

reminded him of Jennifer’s love for coffee. A slight
smile played on his lips. She would be so cranky
before her first cup. He’d always found it adorable.

It was early, the first rays of sunshine just

beginning to brighten the room. But he’d been up for
hours. Lack of sleep had done nothing to tame the
adrenaline racing through his body.

He had another chance with Jennifer. He was eager

to win her back. Sleep was secondary to see her, and
working his plan to win her heart.

Marcie refilled her cup and then held the pot up to

Bobby to see if he wanted more. He declined with a
wave of his hand, so she set it back on the burner.

“Mark still doesn’t understand why you can’t just

tell Jenn about your father.”

Bobby shot her a look. She was hiding behind

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Mark. It was her who wanted to know.

When he didn’t respond, she continued her probe.

“I told him it wasn’t easy with Jenn, but he thinks you
should be honest with her.”

Bobby made a low sound in his throat and crossed

one foot over the other. “Come on, Marcie. Jennifer
has selective hearing when she’s emotional.”

Marcie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and

shrugged. “I told him all that, but he still didn’t get it.
Then again, he doesn’t get you staying with me either.
The concept of brotherly love with the opposite sex is
foreign to him.”

Amusement danced in Bobby’s eyes. That was the

only part of this conversation he believed truly came
from Mark. He understood the way men thought. No
doubt, despite Bobby’s intentions towards Jennifer,
Mark was jealous.

One corner of Bobby’s mouth hinted at a smile. “I

gather that is why he stayed the night.”

Marcie took a sip of coffee and leaned against the

counter. “We always stay together, just usually at his
place. I wanted to be here, though, since you just got

His brows dipped. “I didn’t mean to put a kink in

your plans.”

She waved away the words. “I wouldn’t have

missed the chance to see you in a million years.”

“I’m glad,” he said and clunked her lightly under

her chin.

“So,” Marcie asked. “How did things go last


“None of your business.” Taking a drink from his

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cup, he shot her a covert look. Seeing a familiar flash
of determination in her green eyes, he almost sighed
out loud.

She wasn’t done with her probe.
“At least tell me how you plan to move forward. I

don’t want to see Jennifer hurt.”

“Marcie,” he said with a hint of irritation in his

voice, “this is between me and Jenn. Besides, you
know I would never hurt her. ”

Lips pursed, indignation in her face, she plopped

her hand on her hips. “I helped you make this
happen, and as much as you don’t like the facts, you
did hurt her once. I don’t want to feel like I played a
part in it happening again.”

His spine stiffened. Her words might be truthful,

but no less easy to swallow. “I appreciate what you
have done thus far, Marcie. But now, you need to step
back and let us work things out our way.”

She fixed him with a stare. “You mean, your way.”
His jaw clenched. “Marcie, don’t push. If you

didn’t trust me to be good to her, you shouldn’t have
helped me in the first place.”

Setting her coffee cup on the counter, her back now

equally as stiff as his, she studied him intently. “Don’t
hurt her, Bobby.”

“I never meant to in the first place,” he said


After a long moment, her shoulders relaxed and

her expression softened. “I know, I’m sorry. I’m all
she has, and I worry about her.”

He let out a heavy breath. “That’s not true. She has

me, too.”

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Now if only he could convince Jennifer of that fact.

* * *

Jennifer was about to make a pot of coffee when a
knock sounded on her front door. Silently, she
wondered who would be stopping by.

Pulling the sash of her knee-length black silk robe

firmly into place, she padded her bare feet towards
the door.

Rising on her tiptoes, she tried to look through the

peephole with no success. A knock sounded again.
With a sigh, she pulled open the door.

Finding Bobby standing there, looking sinfully

handsome, presented her with a rush of emotions.
Surprise, shock, pleasure, and anger washed over her
like a tidal wave.

He held a large Starbucks cup and a box of Krispy

Kreme donuts. A charming grin on his too-sexy lips,
he raised the coffee in mock toast. “Peace offering.”

She stared at him, trying not to worry about the

fact she hadn’t so much as brushed her hair since she
had gotten up a mere twenty minutes earlier.

This wasn’t Bobby’s first time to bring her morning

favorites after a fight the night before. In the past, this
exact play always got him past her front door.

Once he was inside the house, he always managed

to get inside her. She prayed for the strength to make
this time different.

“This isn’t going to work,” she said flatly, trying to

mask any doubt she felt.

She had done nothing but think of him all night

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long, not sleeping until the wee hours of the morning.
At three a.m., she had convinced herself to have one
last hot night with him. At four a.m., she had decided
she would never allow him to touch her again.

At five a.m., she had fallen asleep.
“Oh, come on, Jenn.” His eyes twinkled

mischievously. “Let me in.”

In what?
The door?
Her heart?
Her body?
What exactly was on the line here?
“I’m not having sex with you,” she blurted.
He gave her a sexy smile that she felt all the way to

her toes. “Now, or ever?”

Forever was a long time. She paused for a split-

second too long, trying to hide her feelings, before
managing to say, “Ever.”

In an effort to recover, she defiantly tilted her chin

up, and stared him in the eyes, daring him to say

Stepping forward, he crowded the doorway

forcing her into the hallway. He pinned her in a
knowing, coolly confident gaze. “You’ve never been a
good liar.” Then he had the audacity to wink before
marching through her hallway towards her living

She fretted a bit over what he would think of her

home. She had no pictures. Why would she? Her
parents were gone, and so was he. She didn’t want a
reminder of her loss. It was a simple home, with very
little décor. A basic couch and chair. Nothing fancy.

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Jennifer slammed the door shut as loudly as

possible, which was pretty loud, because it even
made her jump. Bobby didn’t so much as turn

Jabbing her hands into her hips, she followed

behind him.

He set the donuts and coffee on the table, shrugged

out of his leather jacket, and then settled onto her
couch as if he belonged there.

The new day, she realized, had done nothing to

diminish his affect on her senses. The sexy one-day
stubble on his square jaw enhanced his male appeal.

Before he sat down, she managed to get a good

look at the way his faded jeans clung to his long, well-
toned thighs and truly ogle-worthy backside.

He patted the cushion beside him. “Starbucks,

baby. It’s a white mocha, your favorite.”

“How did you get here?” she asked. “You don’t

even have a car.“

“Marcie took me to rent one this morning.” He

patted the cushion again. “Come drink your coffee.”

It wasn’t like he was leaving. She might as well

enjoy his offerings. He owed her that much and more.
Still, if she had a few more clothes on, she would feel
a lot better.

Making sure he knew they wouldn’t be alone for

long, she said, “Marcie is picking me up to go
shopping soon.”

With trepidation in her steps, she walked towards

the couch. Intentionally, she sat as far away from him
as possible, rather than the spot he had indicated next
to him.

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“I know,” he said, giving her a knowing smile.
Picking up the Starbucks cup, she took a long

swallow, ignoring Bobby as he messed with the donut
box. The first jolt of mocha hit her taste buds with
delight. She made a sound of pleasure. “God, that’s

Beside her he chuckled. “That’s why we always

had sex after I brought you coffee.”

She looked at him like he was crazy. “What does

one have to do with the other?”

He had a wicked gleam in his eyes. “I had to prove

I could make you moan better than Starbucks, Krispy
Kremes, or any combination of the two.”

She didn’t even know what to say to that. “Oh.”

No other words seemed to form.

He kept pushing. “And I always did.” He let the

statement linger a moment watching her fingers
fidget nervously around her cup. “Didn’t I, Jenn?”

For a moment she just sat there. Then, stiffening

her spine, she primly set the coffee on the table. “Did
you get chocolate-filled?”

Tugging the box her direction, she leaned forward

to get a view of her choices.

“Of course,” he said. “You know I know what you

like.” The double entendre couldn’t be missed. Before
she could think of something smart or witty or even
biting to say, he added, “A fresh batch had just come
out of the oven when I got there.”

He plucked one from the box and held it to her

lips. “Taste,” he said, as he met her gaze, his eyes
challenging her.

Not willing to back down from his challenge, she

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bit into the sweet, flaky pastry. Her eyes rolled shut.
“Um.” She chewed and swallowed. “So good.”

He took a bite of the donut as she watched. They

had always shared before. Everything, anything, all
things. His message was clear. He meant for them to
do so again.

The tip of her tongue dashed out of her mouth to

lick a bit of chocolate substance from her lips. Bobby
made a low sound in his throat and dropped the
donut back in the box.

Before Jennifer realized his intent, his hand was

wrapped around her neck and his mouth was
covering hers. His lips were firm, but his kiss was
gentle, as if he was soaking in the very feel of her.

She should have pulled away but her body had

other ideas, quickly heating with a desire to
experiencing what he offered.

To feel what only he made her feel just one more


It was only her mind resisted.
His tongue slowly slid into her mouth, and she felt

herself sinking into a cloud of pure need. She kissed
him back with the yearning of years lost. The minute
her tongue touched his, she felt a wave of pure,
molten heat slide down her body.

He moaned as if he felt it as well. Pleasure swept

through her at his response. No matter what she
might say, the truth was she wanted him to want her.

Her arms slipped around his neck, and he moved

his hands to her waist and pulled her closer. His body
against hers was like coming home.

He was so hard all over against her softness; so

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male, and so obviously aroused she felt her willpower
slip further.

He tasted like chocolate, and sex, and something

else that was uniquely Bobby. A flavor she had never
forgotten, and no man had ever matched. His lips had
an amazing way of sending tingling feelings of
pleasure to every inch of her body. It made kissing
him addictive.

He deepened the kiss, urgency and heat, flaring to

new levels as she melted against him without
resistance. She knew the moment he knew she had
completely given into him. His hunger seemed more
potent and alive.

They both wanted more of each other, clinging,

and hungrily moving their tongues together.

She didn’t know how it happened, but suddenly,

she was on her back, her thighs spread, as he slid
between them.

She felt his weight like a long-awaited pleasure.

Her hands slipped over his broad shoulders soaking
in the feel of him even as he heated her palms. She
had missed him so much.

He raised his head, looking at her through half-

veiled eyes, his face etched with passion. “Let me
please you.” His voice was husky with desire.

In the back of her mind, she knew he was asking

for more than her permission. He wanted her
surrender. “I….” Her words were lost when he
nuzzled her neck and nibbled her ear.

“Bobby,” she said, in the midst of a long, pleasure-

evoked sigh.

“I want to make you come.” His finger lightly

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feathered one of her nipples through the thin silk of
her robe. Pleasure made it instantly tight with
arousal. She moaned softly, arching her back ever so

“Let me please you.”
“It’s not a good idea,” she said in a voice lacking


He tasted her mouth again, quickly sliding his

tongue along hers, and then gently pulling her bottom
lip into his mouth. Lightly suckling, he seduced her
with his mouth.

She wanted him so badly it felt as if his touch was a

part of her completion.

“Bobby, I…” Her voice trailed off again as she

shivered. She wanted him. And she was so afraid of
what her surrender would mean. It was impossible
for her to simply have sex with him. She was too
emotionally involved.

He leaned up on his elbows looking down at her. “I

would like nothing more than to please you. Take
what I’m offering. Don’t think, just feel.”

Her eyes were wide. God, she wanted to do as he

bid. Wanted it with all her being. The emotional
aftermath would be hell, though, and she knew it.

It would be so much easier if she felt he was using

her. Then she could let her anger control her actions.
Instead, there was tenderness in his eyes, and
gentleness in his voice. What they had shared in the
past had seemed so special.

But it had all been a big façade. A fairy tale created

in her mind. A bubble burst when he left her. Yet
looking in his eyes now, his gaze held determination.

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To please her, and even, perhaps love her.

And most certainly, for some reason she didn’t

quite understand, he needed her to verbally agree to
what he offered.

She couldn’t just take it. She had to accept it with


She struggled through the lusty haze of her arousal

to make sense of his motivation. As if he could tell she
was on the line between yes and no, his hand slid to
her breast, gently cupping it, and then kneading.
When his fingers plucked at her nipple, she tingled all
over, her body begging for more.

Breathless she complained about his approach to

her surrender, but most certainly, not about his
actions. “You don’t play fair.”

He pressed his hips to hers, showing her the proof

of his desire. It made her moan. She liked—no—loved
knowing what she did to him. His breath tickled her
ear. “All you have to say is yes.”

His lips brushed her neck, her chin, and then her

lips. “Say it,” he urged as he nipped at her lips. “Say

“Yes,” she whispered into his mouth, and was

rewarded when he kissed her deeply, thoroughly,
and with complete perfection.

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Chapter Five


ennifer felt as if she was living a sensual dream of
sorts. Not her first involving Bobby.

Her fingers inched into his hair, as his lips

trailed over her jaw, neck, and the sensitive spot
behind her ear. When he made it to her collarbone, he
slid the silk of her robe off her shoulder. The strap of
her matching camisole was next.

He kissed and licked her shoulder, and continued

trailing downward. Teasing her with his lips and
tongue, her nipples ached to feel the warmth of his

As if he read her mind, his hands went to her

breasts, filling his hands with them and making her
ache with pleasure.

His mouth nipped through the silk barrier of her

camisole, at first one nipple, and then the next. Her
breathing was rapid, her body floating. It felt like
forever since she had felt like this, so hot, so out of
control, so amazingly turned on.

Since the last time she was with Bobby.

* * *

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Bobby could feel Jennifer’s body soften for him.
Touching her again felt so right. She was his. She
always had been. How had he gone five long years
without her?

His voice was a hoarse whisper he hardly

recognized. “Let’s get rid of this robe.”

Willingly, an urgency to her movement, she slid

first one arm, and then the other out of the robe. ”And
this,” he said as he pulled the camisole down to
reveal her breasts.

For a moment he could do nothing but stare at the

pebble-like, rose colored nipples. She had beautiful
breasts. Even more amazing than he remembered.

They fit his palms perfectly, and just to test his

memory, he filled his hands. Then he plucked gently
at her nipples, loving how plump and aroused they


called for his mouth. He lowered his head,

lapping at it with his tongue, nipping with his teeth,
and then suckling. “I have always loved your
nipples.” He looked up at her, making sure she was
watching him as he circled one peak with his tongue.
“Did you know that?”

“And you love that I love them, don’t you?” he

asked as he moved to the other nipple and suckled.
She arched her back, her hands lacing through his

“God, I love how sensitive your nipples are. It

turns you on that I like to play with them, doesn’t it?”

She moaned in response.

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“Answer me,” he demanded with the slightest hint

of toughness.

She liked it when he talked a little dirty.
She gasped as he scraped his teeth against one of

her stiff peaks, and then bit down a bit rougher than
before, silently demanding an answer.

“Yes,” she whispered.
He knew all her hot spots.
If he gave her breasts enough attention, she would

practically orgasm before he even made it between
her thighs.

“I want to touch you all over,” he said, as his

mouth found hers again. His hand found the flatness
of her stomach even as his tongue sensually stroked

His lips lingered just above hers, tasting her in

between words. “Are you wet for me, Jenn?” Lips
brushed lips. “Um?”

His fingers slid down her stomach, and under the

silk of her boxers. He cupped her mound, and his
fingers found the warm, slick wetness of her arousal.
Knowing she was turned on, feeling the evidence,
made him instantly harder. He could feel the strain of
his erection against his zipper.

“Nice,” he said. “I love when you’re wet for me,”

nuzzling a nipple with his lips.

The temptation to make love to her was almost

overwhelming. He wanted to bury himself deep
inside her, and feel her as if she was a part of him.

But he wouldn’t, not now, not today. This was for

her, and her only.

Pulling gently on her silk boxers, silently he urged

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her to raise her hips. “Let’s get rid of these.” He slid
the silk hugging her bottom down her legs.

Moving so that he was on his side, her on her back,

his leg shackled hers. The position gave him the
perfect opportunity to watch her.

He liked watching her come.
He slid his hand into her soft, blond curls, and

then used his finger to tease her clit. She squirmed
slightly, biting her bottom lip.

Using his leg, he urged her thighs wider apart, and

then slid two fingers over her nub and straight to the
heat of her arousal.

Sliding his arm under her neck he pulled her

mouth to his as he slid his fingers inside her,
devouring her with his tongue and fingers in the
same instant.

He started a slow, caressing motion with both his

tongue and fingers. With a practiced skill he had
never forgotten, he slowly took her to the edge.

His lips teased, feathered along her skin, tasting

her and absorbing the woman he loved so much. Her
flavor, her smell, the way she felt. Touching her set
him on fire, giving him a rush of heat from head to
toe. It was amazing to him how a simple brush of her
hand against his could sometimes make him hard.

She made him crazy with desire. And he loved

knowing he did the same to her.

And she was so close to coming.
He could almost taste it as his tongue lingered

inside her mouth. Her body clenched at his fingers,
begging for more. With the past as his guide, he
increased the pressure on the spot that had never

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failed him.

She was barely kissing him back, a sure sign of

how near she was to release. More aggressively,
driven by her arousal and his own, he suckled her
nipple, this time almost roughly. She moaned loudly,
turning towards his mouth, hands around his head.

He kept his fingers moving inside her body,

caressing that spot she loved so much. The tension of
her building release was in her body. His mouth
found hers, kissing her passionately, pushing her over
the edge.

And then she shattered.
Her body spasmed around his fingers, and one of

her hands dug into his shoulder, fingers pressing into
his shoulder.

His body yearned to experience her pleasure, to

sink deep inside her, and know her once again. God,
he loved making her come.

His fingers slowed and lightly stroked, bringing

her down while still ensuring she enjoyed every last
moment of her body's response. No way was he
letting her cut it short.

When she finally relaxed, she was blushing as if

embarrassed. Her breathing was still a bit erratic, as
her palm cupped his cheek. “That was...” she wet her
lips, “um…thank you.”

He laughed. Just like old times. “I never

understood why you said 'thank you' after.” He
leaned forward and brushed his lips over hers. “I
should say 'thank you' to you.”

Touching her again was like heaven.
Her eyes drifted downward, and then her hand

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cupped his erection. “Not yet, you shouldn’t.”

He grabbed her wrist. “No,” he said gently, but

firmly. “This was for you.”

Her brows dipped and she opened her mouth to

speak, but a knock on the door stopped her. Her eyes
flew to the clock.

“Oh, no,” she said, as she flung her legs to the side

of the couch. “That’s Marcie, and I haven’t even
gotten dressed.”

He leaned forward and ran his hand down her

arm. “Calm down. Go shower, and I’ll make an
excuse for you.”

She grabbed her boxers from the floor. “Like

what?” she asked desperately.

He grinned. “How about your alarm didn’t go off,

so you were sound asleep when I got here a few
minutes ago?” He nodded towards the coffee. “Take
your coffee, so you can enjoy it while you get ready.”

She ignored his comment about the coffee. “That

could work. Okay,” She said and shoved her arms in
her robe before taking the coffee she handed him. A
knock sounded again.

“I’ve got it,” he said and winked.
And her, he hoped.

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Chapter Six


onight she would have to see him.

she w

Jennifer paced her living room, dressed and was
physically ready to leave her house. Mentally,

as near breakdown.

Instead of typical bachelor/bachelorette parties,

Marcie and Mark had opted for a combined party.
And tonight was the night.

There was no hiding from Bobby, though she

mentally plotted ways to do so as she had shopped
with Marcie.

Of course, he would be at the party.
She didn’t want to see Bobby, let alone want him.

Both seemed inevitable.

Just hours before, she had been intimate with

Bobby. What had she been thinking? She hadn’t, she
thought with disgust.

She was too busy having an earth-shattering orgasm.
Avoiding him seemed the only way to make

certain she didn’t act on that want. He had proven she
couldn’t resist him. Her heart couldn’t take another
encounter like the one that morning. His touch made
her body ache, but it also stirred her heart and mind.

Already, she was in too deep.

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She had never gotten over him. That wasn’t a new

reality. It had simply been tucked deep enough that
she didn’t have to deal with it daily.

Only alone, in hiding, when no one else knew.
But his presence, and his attention, was opening

that wound. Having him around for a month,
allowing him to touch her, would surely destroy her
when he left.

Mark was holding the party at his house, and she

knew he expected a wild night. He had already told
all the guests he was taking up car keys at the front
door. He had an oceanfront home that was big
enough to hold half the city.

At eight o’clock, she sat in front of Mark’s house,

and turned off the car engine. Staring at the house,
she considered leaving. She had dressed in a sexy
black jumpsuit, telling herself it wasn’t for Bobby.
Form-fitting, it hugged every curve, looking a bit like
a cat woman suit. Only not shiny. She didn’t do shiny.
It was, however, the sexiest thing in her closet.
Though it showed very little skin, it managed to
invite the imagination to work.

And she had wanted an excuse to wear it. It made

her feel sexy.

A bitter laugh escaped her lips, and seemed to

bounce off the windows, taunting her. She had so
dressed for Bobby. Who was she trying to fool?

She was in trouble, and she knew it. If he did the

right thing, she was bound to respond. She just
wanted him too damned bad not to.

Excuses filtered through her mind. The best of

which, she concluded, would be a sudden illness,

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perhaps food poisoning.

She sighed, giving up on the idea of skipping out

on the party.

No way was any excuse going to fly. Marcie would

never forgive her for not showing up. She had to go

Forcing herself out of the Jeep, she wished she had

waited until later in the night to arrive at the party. Of
course, that wouldn’t have been good, either, and she
knew it. As it was, she had bowed out of helping set
up for the party and was feeling guilty as hell about
it. Marcie was her best friend. She didn’t want to let
her down.

Music filtered through the air as she opened the

front door of Mark’s house. She had been around his
place so much she didn’t bother to knock. He was
quickly becoming family.

The song registered instantly in her mind, Marvin

Gay singing let's make love tonight. Her stomach
twisted in a tight knot.

If the song was any indicator of what was to come,

she was in deep trouble.

The instant she stepped into the foyer, a number of

people called her name. Already the house was
crowded. A young guy, maybe twenty-three at the
most, held out his arm to block her path. She
glowered at him. She wasn’t in the mood for games.
Her tension was on ultra high. “What?” Irritation
etched her tone.

“I’m Ned, and you can’t pass without giving me

your keys.” He pointed to a very full brown paper
bag by his feet, where apparently he had collected a

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large load of keys.

“Who are you?” she demanded wondering about

giving her keys to some stranger. “And where is

He frowned. Obviously Ned was no rocket


“Ah,” he said, “name's Ned.”
Jennifer rolled her eyes and then dug her keys from

her purse. She flung them in the bag. Moving through
the house, she pasted the kitchen, and then the front
sitting area. Waving to people here and there, and
offering a few greetings, she plastered on a fake smile.

All she really wanted to do was to find Marcie and

make her presence known. Then she would slip into a
quiet corner where Bobby wouldn’t find her.

She found Marcie standing in the center of the

sunken living room. She stood next to Mark, holding
his arm as she talked with Sally, one of the waitresses
from the restaurant.

Watching Marcie fidget and giggle told Jennifer

she was already tipsy.

Jennifer had never cared much for Marcie’s

behavior when she was drinking. She loved the
woman, but she was a bad drunk. Hard to control,
and a blabbermouth. If Marcie had a secret, it would
come out when she was drunk.

Jennifer herself wasn’t much of a drinker. She

never even managed to finish her regular Friday night
margarita. Expelling a breath, Jennifer took the step
leading to the sunken living room. Maneuvering
through a group of talkers, she avoided being
stopped, not making eye contact with anyone.

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Marcie’s eyes widened when she saw Jennifer.

“Hey, Jenn,” she said a bit dramatically, then flung
her arms around Jennifer’s neck and gave her a huge

“I love you like a sister,” she said into her hair.

Leaning back, she looked into Jennifer’s eyes. “You
know that, don’t you?”

This was new. She had never seen drunk,

sentimental Marcie. “Yes, sweetie, I do.” Marcie kept
her arm wrapped around Jennifer’s waist.

“Hi, Jenn,” Sally said with a twisted grin on her

face. She was a cute, twenty-something brunette, a
Sandra Bullock type who was always fun to be

“Hey,” Jennifer said to Sally, and then looked at

Mark, and gave him a nod and smile.

Mark was the proverbial tall, dark, and handsome.

He was also smart and deeply in love with Marcie.
“Good thing we are taking up keys tonight,” he said
and grinned.

Marcie looked up at Jennifer. “You should get a


“I don’t want,” she said and lost the rest of her

sentence as she caught a glimpse of Bobby. Her pulse
rate jumped to double time. Forcing herself to
continue, she added, “a drink.”

Marcie pressed her about needing a drink, but

Jennifer had tuned her out. Her attention was
completely focused on Bobby. She vaguely heard
Sally and Mark saying something as well, but she
didn’t catch what.

Bobby stood at the fireplace, leaning against the

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ledge, one foot crossed over the other. His stance was
casual, almost lazy, but his body said rock-hard and
on alert.

He wore jeans that had a sexy rip in the knee, a

button-down blue shirt, and scuffed boots. He looked
all male, a bit dangerous, and sinfully irresistible.
Which was exactly why she had to put distance
between them?

She turned to Marcie, and blurted, “I need a


“Finally, she listens,” Marcie calls behind her.
Jennifer darted through the crowd towards the

kitchen. Ignoring the hired bartender, she opted for
the kitchen, hoping to be alone.

The drink wasn’t her real agenda. Avoiding Bobby

was. However, at this point she wasn’t against a
drink. Maybe even needed it.

Finding her chosen hideaway empty, she let out a

breath of relief. A little peace and some time to pull
herself together was a godsend.

She found several bottles of alcohol on the counter.

She looked at the selection, but found no mixers.
Shrugging, she picked up a bottle of tequila and
poured some in a plastic cup.

She stuck her nose to the rim and then pulled back

as the smell pinched at her nose. “I can’t drink that
stuff,” she mumbled under her breath.

Facing the counter, she rested her palms on the

edge and let her head fall forward. Her mind raced
and worse, her body screamed for Bobby.

Worse, with so many pent up feelings, she felt like

she might just cry. So much for composure.

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Suddenly, she felt a muscular frame settle behind


There was no mistaking the spicy male scent, so

him, or the gentle, yet oh-so-masculine hands that
came down beside her own.

She didn’t move.
As her body took in the feel of his nearness and her

senses reeled with his presence, she suppressed a tiny
little moan.

Damn it, why did he have to feel so good?
He nuzzled her ear. “This black jumpsuit looks so

damn good on you.”

His voice was a seductive purr as he spoke over

her. “You look absolutely eatable. Should we find out
if I’m right?”

“Bobby, stop,” she said, but she couldn’t seem to

make herself move or try to escape. His muscular
body fit hers like a glove, making her hum with
sexual awareness. “Just stop.” Her voice was a soft
plea. She couldn’t push him away.

Instead he stepped closer, pushing his hips firmly

against her backside. He was wonderfully, obviously,

For her.
She didn’t want to react, but her body had other

ideas. Goosebumps danced on her skin as heat
gathered between her thighs. The first signs of
wetness hit her like a seductive cry for more.

“Stop,” she whispered even as her skin tingled,

and her nipples puckered.

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“I can’t, Jenn,” he said as his warm breath trickled

along her neck, tantalizing her senses. “I missed you
too damned much to walk away now.”

Before she could fully take in the importance of his

words, his hands slipped to the front of her thighs
and slowly, yet firmly, slid upwards. She moaned,
feeling the last of her control slip away.

She wanted this—maybe even needed it.
One of his hands flattened on her stomach, and he

pressed her bottom against his hardness.

As he arched into her, she let her head fall back on

his shoulder. “Bobby.” It was a whisper, because it
was all she could manage. So intense were the
feelings he evoked, her lashes fluttered to her cheeks.

His hand moved to cup her breast while the other

one stayed on her stomach keeping her tightly
pressed against him. “I want to taste you, all of you.
It’s been so long.”

In her mind she thought what she couldn’t manage

to say.

Without warning, a man and woman burst into the

room, clinging to one another. Jennifer stiffened,
appalled at how they must look.

Bobby looked over his shoulder as the couple

turned to make a quick departure.

But relief was nowhere in sight, as Marcie emerged

through the door in a fit of giggles. “Jennifer?”

Jennifer cringed. They were so busted. Bobby

whispered into her ear, “We’ll finish this later.”

Stepping to her side, and moving away from her,

she felt the loss in every inch of her body. He leaned a

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hand on the counter, his body angled towards her
rather than Marcie.

She turned to face

him, and her eyes traveled

down his very nice chest, just below his belt. The
evidence of his arousal was still quite evident.

Thus why he was hiding from Marcie’s full view.
Try as she might, she couldn’t hold back the tiny

smile that played on her lips. One of his brows inched
upward as his eyes locked with hers.

The shared secret of what had just happened

between them, seemed to pull her further under his
spell. It reminded her of their many intimate little
secrets of the past.

“What are you two, ah, up to?” Marcie asked with

a naughty tone to her voice and a wicked gleam in her

Jennifer gave her a dirty look. Marcie laughed

harder. “We’re going to play truth or dare. The maid
of honor has to participate.”

Bobby’s face went blank as he stared at Jennifer

through now heavy-lidded eyes. She stared back at
him, but spoke to Marcie.

Her words were spoken through clenched teeth.

“No way.”

Marcie stuck out her bottom lip in an exaggerated

pout. “I’m getting married. This is supposed to be my
final big party time. The maid of honor should be
right by my side enjoying this.”

Jennifer shut her eyes and let out a heavy sigh. She

opened her mouth to decline, but her words were cut
off by Marcie’s plea.

“Please,” she begged, and was suddenly by

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Jennifer’s side, her arm around her back.

Jennifer’s eyes popped open and locked with

Bobby’s. “Fine,” she said weakly, knowing she was

Bobby’s face showed no reaction.
Marcie smiled brightly. “Great!” She grabbed

Jennifer’s hand, then Bobby’s and tugged. “Bobby’s
playing, too.”

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Chapter Seven


obby and Jennifer exchanged looks as they
were herded towards the living room. Neither
of them wanted to play truth or dare, but what

could they say?

A circle of about fifteen people had formed in the

living room. Marcie scooted in next to Mark, and
patted the rug next to her. Jennifer sat down as
directed and watched as Bobby squeezed into a spot
directly across from her.

“Okay,” Marcie said to the group. “This is how this

works. We are playing a game called Rock and Roll
Truth or Dare. It’s the adult version.” Her eye brow

Jennifer’s eyes darted to Bobby’s. What did adult

version mean? He shrugged in response to her silent
question, seemingly unaffected.

“Simply roll the dice,” Marcie instructed, pointing

to a flat board sitting in front of her, “and if you get
an odd number, you choose a card from each pile.
One truth and one dare.” She indicated the two decks
sitting by the board. ”You get to pick one or the other.
If you don’t want either, you have to strip off one

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item of clothing.”

Jennifer shook her head and started to get up.

Marcie grabbed her arm. “Oh, no, you don’t,” she
said to Jennifer, and then to the room, she added,
“The maid of honor is trying to run out on us, you

The group all started talking at once, with a general

consensus that she had to stay. Jennifer looked at
Marcie. Her expression was murderous.

Marcie smiled, ignoring the look Jennifer was

frostily giving her. “You have to do this.”

For several seconds, Jennifer didn’t respond. Then,

because she had no choice, she said, “Fine.”

“You can go last,” Marcie said in a low voice for

only Jennifer’s ears. Then to the group, “Mark and I
will go first and pass the board around the circle.”

Marcie rolled the dice. Even number. She slid the

board to Mark.

Mark rolled the dice. Odd number. He drew two


Marcie giggled with anticipation. “Read the cards

to everyone,” she said anxiously.

“Truth card,” Mark said. “Who is the best lover

you have ever had?” He grinned and looked at
Marcie. No need to answer. Everyone knew what he
would say.

At least if he was smart.
Marcie smiled. “Read the other one.”
“Dare card,” Mark said. “Perform a striptease for

the room.” His eyes widened. “I’ll take the truth.
Marcie is the best lover I have ever had.”

Everyone booed, yelling it was too easy for him.

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“I’m the groom. That’s how it should work,” he said
with a grin as he bent down and gave Marcie a quick

The next person to play was Sally. She rolled an

odd number, and drew two cards. “Truth, have you
ever used a vibrator?” She crinkled her nose. “Dare.
Choose someone in the room and kiss them. Must use

Everyone stared at her.
In Jennifer’s mind she wondered what she would

do if Sally or anyone else chose Bobby. Jennifer didn’t
like this game one bit.

Sally bit her lip and then said, “Truth. Sometimes a

good vibrator is better than a man who doesn’t know
what he is doing.”

The room filled with laughter from the women,

and complaints from the men.

The game continued, resulting in one guy mooning

the room, a girl stripping off her shirt, leaving her in
her bra, and two people Jennifer thought hated each
other kissing.

Now it was Bobby’s turn.
He rolled the dice. Odd number. His eyes met

Jennifer’s from across the room. Anticipation
thrummed through her veins.

“Truth,” he said, reading the card. “What is the

kinkiest thing a person of the opposite sex has ever
done to you, or with you?”

A slow smile spread on his lips, but he didn’t look

up. She knew exactly what kinky thing he was
thinking of, and felt her cheeks redden.

Once, years before, they had played their own

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private version of sexual dares. Surely, he wouldn’t

“Dare,” he said, reading his next card. ”Kiss

someone of the opposite

sex. Must use tongue.”

His eyes went to Jennifer, fixing her in a stare.

What did he intend to do? She didn’t want him to kiss
her, but it would kill her to watch him kiss someone

If he took clothing off, that would be bad. Everyone

would be checking him out.

“Truth,” he said slowly, his eyes still locked with

her. She didn’t want him to tell their secrets. They
were private, and still special in some way. If he told
any of them, it would taint their relationship. Surely,
he knew that.

Suddenly, he started unbuttoning his shirt. Several

women, including Sally, started making noises,
cheering him on.

Jennifer’s eyes slid shut. She didn’t know how she

was going to deal with seeing his naked torso, let
alone deal with the rest of the room doing the same.

The women making sounds of appreciation told

her the deed was done.

Forcing herself to open her eyes, she found Bobby,

as expected, without his shirt. Resistance was futile.
She had to give him a thorough once over. He looked
so broad, so muscular, and so sinfully perfect, she
could hardly breathe.

A slow, mischievous smile appeared on one corner

of his mouth. He knew she liked what she saw. Still,
she reasoned with herself, it meant nothing.

All the women in the room liked how he looked.

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The next player rolled the dice, and she used it as her
excuse to break eye contact.

Jennifer listened and watched each person as they

took their turn, nervously hoping no one would
choose to act out a dare with Bobby.

She wasn’t sure she would react well.
Finally, it was her turn.
She rolled the dice. Nine, and odd number. Damn

it. Now she had to risk drawing truth and dare cards.
She read the first card, hoping and praying it wasn’t a
bad one. “When was the last time you had an orgasm,
and who or what gave it to you?”

She almost choked.
“Dare,” she said. “Straddle the person of your

choice while giving them tongue action.”

Could it get any worse?
Oh, yeah, she could choose to get naked. Not. Her

jumpsuit and her very tiny bra was all she wore.
Several people had tried taking off shoes and that had
been ruled unfair. To get her bra off would mean
unzipping down to her waist.

Her heart raced, her temples throbbed, not to

mention a few other critical parts of her body. She
stared at the dare card, not even considering looking
at Bobby.

But he was watching her. She felt his eyes like a

heavy blanket.

She didn’t know what to do.
Damn Marcie and her childish, stupid games. The

group started yelling at her to make a decision. Still
she stared at the card.

A swish of movement drew her gaze just as Bobby

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reached her, on his hands and knees. He sat back on
his heels in front of her.

“What are you—“She never finished the question.

Bobby lifted her, seemingly without much effort.
Seconds later, she was straddling his lap.

“Bobby—" Her words were lost again as his mouth

came down on hers, his tongue sliding against her
own in a soft caress.

Her fingers touched the warmth of his bare

shoulders as his hand slid to the back of her head, and
into her hair.

Thinking didn’t occur. Melting did.
God, how she wanted him.
She kissed him back, deeply, hungrily, oblivious to

the room of people. Her arms laced around his neck,
her lips clung to his.

Long moments later, he ended the kiss. He made a

sound resembling a growl and pushed to his feet, her
in his arms.

Marcie’s voice registered in some far off place in

her brain. “Second door at the top of the stairs. It

* * *

Bobby carried Jennifer up the stairs as she buried her
face in his neck. After everything that had happened
between them that morning, and then in the kitchen,
it upset him she had resisted coming to him when she
drew that card.

Yet as soon as he kissed her, she had responded

without hesitation, even clinging to him.

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That, at least, represented progress.
He took the stairs, rapidly making his way to the

door Marcie had indicated. He stepped inside the
dimly lit bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him.
Slowly, he eased Jennifer’s legs to the ground.

His hands settled on her waist. “Why didn’t you

come to me, and kiss me of your own free will?”

His mind raced with ways to tear down the layers

of resistance she clearly had erected. She looked at his
chest, and let out a shuddering breath. Capturing her
chin with his thumb and forefinger, he gently forced
her eyes to his. “You wanted to, but you didn’t.”

Her lashes went to her cheeks and then back up.

“I’m feeling very confused and….” Her voice trailed
off abruptly. Her eyes shut.

Gently, he urged her to talk. “And?”
He wanted to know her feelings so he could deal

with them. Screwing up with her again would be hell.
No, it simply wasn’t an option. Part of him just
wanted to take her, to make love to her until she
admitted she still loved him. But even as his body
burned with need, he held himself in check. This was
too important to rush.

Her eyes opened, meeting his with a flash of

defiance. “I’m still mad as hell at you, damn it.”

His stomach twisted in a painful knot. There were

so many things he wanted to tell her, but she wasn’t
ready to hear them. If he could just get her to open up
to him, he would make the past up to her a hundred
times over.

His voice was an understanding caress as he

slipped his hands into her hair. “I know you are,

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sweetheart. You have every right to be. I can’t change
the past. God knows I wish I could, but I’m here now
and I need you, Jenn.”

She opened her mouth to speak, torment flashing

in her eyes, and she shut it again. Slowly, he bent his
head down and brushed his lips over hers, savoring
the flavor that was so uniquely hers.

He took some measure of comfort in the fact that

she seemed to lean into him rather than pull away. He
knew she wanted him, but he needed her to give
herself to him. He didn’t want pure desire to dictate
her actions. It had to be based on more.

“I’ve missed you,” he said as his lips hovered over

hers. “Let me show you how much.”

He wanted far more than the physical from her. He

wanted, no, needed her to open up to him

Surprising him, she slipped her arms around his

neck and leaned more fully into him. “Yes,” she
whispered. “I need you tonight.” She hesitated. “I
wish I didn’t, but I do.”

Relief flooded his mind. Even though he didn’t like

the second half of her statement, she was willingly
coming to him.

In a smooth movement, he slipped his arms under

her body and was lifting her. He carried her to the
bed, gently laying her on her back, and then slipped
between her knees.

Resting his weight on his elbows, he looked down

at her. His soul cried out to her. He wanted to wash
away her pain. Knowing he had caused the turmoil in
her now glassy baby-blue eyes made him ache.

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He trailed a finger over her creamy, white cheek.

”Let’s make a deal.”

“What kind of deal?” she asked cautiously.
“Tonight we focus on here and now, and start

making new memories.” He nuzzled her temple.
“Will you give yourself to me that freely?”

“You ask a lot.”
“Yes,” he said trailing light kisses across her cheek,

and then looking at her. “For that I can’t apologize. I
want a lot. Will you give it to me?”

For a long moment, she searched his eyes. Finally

she said, “Yes.”

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Chapter Eight


he needed Bobby.
Having him on top of her, his body pressed to
hers, was like a dream come true. Though her

mind was filled with a confusing mix of thoughts and
heart ached with emotions, her body was quite clear
on its needs.

He filled the hole in her heart, and answered the

calling of her body.

At least for now.
As his lips settled on hers, kissing her with sweet,

sultry passion, she moaned with fulfillment. She
kissed him hungrily, trying to sate the insatiable
desire somehow unleashed.

Her hands clung to his neck, but she wanted to free

them to touch his body.

It had been far too long since she had experienced

the freedom to know him so intimately. Now that she
had decided to experience this, she wanted it all.

To touch him, taste him, and feel all that he offered.
He explored her body with delicate precision, as if

he cherished her like some sort of fine gift. She could

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feel it in his touch, and the way he kissed her. He
seemed to savor each moment.

Her head rolled backwards as he feathered kisses

on her neck, and trailed towards her collarbone. She
was quickly sinking into a heady cloud of desire.

He was both tender and demanding. It was a

combination she found absolutely consuming. With
each brush of his lips, each lap of his tongue, he made
her yearn for more. And where his lips weren’t, his
hands seemed to touch.

His voice was husky, his eyes hot with desire as he

leaned on his elbows and looked at her. “You have on
far too many clothes.”

Their eyes locked as he began pulling down the

zipper that ran straight down the middle of her
jumpsuit. “I never stopped wanting you,” he told her
hoarsely. “Never.”

Her hand went to his cheeks, her eyes softening in

response to the emotion she heard in his voice. “Nor I,
you,” she whispered, wishing it weren’t true, but
knowing it was.

He went still for a long moment. His eyes glistened

with arousal, lust, and to her pleasure and surprise,
some deeper emotion. Did she dare to think it might
be love?

She shoved the thought aside, afraid of what the

answer might—or rather, might not—be. And as if he
knew she needed reassurance, he kissed her. Deeply,
passionately, and with such urgency she could hardly

When he ended the kiss she wanted more, and


didn’t disappoint. Slowly, he kissed his way back

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down to her zipper and slowly began dragging it
downward as his mouth followed.

Her hands went into his hair. His warm breath

trickled along her skin, leaving goose bumps in its
trail. Once the zipper was past her stomach, he
flattened one hand possessively there.

“God, you're beautiful,” he said with appreciation

in his eyes.

He made her feel beautiful. He always had.
Kissing her stomach, he teased her with his tongue,

dipping it into her navel and then pulling the zipper
all the way down to the top of her blond curls.

He looked up at her, and smiled. “You still don’t

like underwear, I see.”

She laughed, but passion made it a short, husky

sound. And he moved, leaving her without his touch,
and searching for more.

“Let’s get rid of your boots.” He slid off the bed,

and then wrapped his hands around her legs. Careful
not to hurt her, he pulled her down, until her knees
hung off the edge of the bed.

With rapid, urgent hands, he unlaced her boots

and discarded them. As he watched, she sat up and
slipped her arms out of the jumpsuit.

His eyes seemed to grow hotter as they lingered on

her black, lacy bra. Then he moved, urging her to lift
her hips, clearly wanting barriers removed. She
settled flat on her back, and allowed him to pull the
jumpsuit from her legs.

Taking her hand, he lifted her back to a sitting

position. “Let’s get rid of the bra, too.”

He unhooked it, and she shrugged out of it, and

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tossed it to the floor. His eyes hungrily explored her
body. His gaze lingered on her nipples, making them
harden with the need for his touch.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pressed his bare

chest against hers, and nibbled her earlobe. The hair
on his chest brushed her sensitive nipples. She arched
her back, pressing her chest to his, trying to get closer.

Next to her ear, he whispered, “I could keep you

like this forever.”

Clinging to him, her hands pressing into the

rippling muscles of his back. “Bobby.” She said his
name in a soft, pleasure-filled sigh.

With him feathering kisses on her neck, she was

riveted by the intensity of her body’s reaction.
Emotions etched her tone as she said his name yet
again, “Oh, Bobby.” She loved him so much.

Gently he leaned her back against the bed,

following her down, gently spreading her legs wide.
He kissed her for long moments, his hands exploring
her body.

He cupped her breasts, teasing her nipples, and

then caressing her waist and backside. ”I want to kiss
you,” he slid his hand between her legs and stroked
her wetness, “here.”

Yes, please, she thought, but only moaned because

his fingers were doing deliciously little things to the
spot he wanted to kiss.

He stroked her sensitive flesh, trailing kisses down

her neck. He slowly moved towards her breasts,
cupping one with his free hand, and then suckling her

When his teeth bit down with careful

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deliberateness, she gasped.

He slid a finger inside her body, making her cry

out with pleasure. “It makes me crazy that you’re this
wet for me. I need to taste your pleasure.”

Slowly he slid down her body, gently tweaking her

nipples as he did so, one with his mouth, the other
with his free hand.

He crouched at the end of the bed, between her

legs. Sliding his hands to the inside of her thighs, he
nudged them open.

She grabbed the bed linens in anticipation.

* * *

Bobby’s mouth gently closed down on Jennifer’s nub,
suckling the sensitive skin. His dick grew harder as
the intimate taste of her body lapped at his senses.

Her desire was like a sweet wine as his tongue

circled her clitoris and delved into her supple body.
He arched her back, grasping the bedspread with her
hands, calling his name. Urging her higher, he slid his
finger inside her even as his tongue continued to
pleasure her.

He needed this.
He wanted this.
And so did she.
Slipping a second finger inside her, he felt her

fingers inched into her hair. She was so ripe for
orgasm; he could tell she was on the edge already.

As much as he wanted to take his time, she was

ready to come.

He’d just have to make sure it was the first of

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several for the night.

He found that precious spot inside her, the one that

always made her come unglued, and stroked it back
and forth with his fingers. His tongue lapped at her,
tasting her with hungry urgency.

She squirmed, and even pulled his hair a little too

hard. But he didn’t care. He just wanted her pleasure,
and her orgasm.

Come for me.
And she did.
She trembled, her body clenched at his fingers as

he slowed his motion. His tongue gently teased her to
complete fulfillment until the tension eased.

“Oh,” she said and laughed, clearly a bit

embarrassed. She always was after he did that. He
found that adorable considering how intimate they
had been. “That was, um, a good new memory.”

He would have smiled, but his need to get inside

her was so urgent he couldn’t even think or breathe.
He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom
before quickly disposing of his clothing.

She leaned up on her elbows as he stepped

towards her, his erection jutting out in front of him,
pulsing with his arousal.

Her eyes dropped to it. “Oh, my, that’s even more

impressive than I remember.”

This time, he smiled. “Let’s make some more


He ripped open the condom. Jennifer scooted

towards him holding out her hand. “Let me.”

He handed her the condom, more than willing to

allow her the honors. He sucked in a breath as her

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hand closed around his penis, and slid up to the tip.

She ran her thumb along the bottom side of his

erection, a spot she had always known to give him
pleasure. And it still did.

The fact that she remembered what he liked

pleased him. It also turned him on almost as much as
her soft hands on his hard body. He shut his eyes as a
wave of heat surged through his body.

His hand closed down over her wrist.
“I can’t wait,” he said. “Put it on or I will.”
She rolled the condom over the tip of his penis,

making it jump in reaction. Her hand circled him
again, holding him steady.

Impatiently, he waited for her to roll it down his

length. Normally, he would enjoy the experience.
Now, at this moment, he just wanted to join with her.

The second she was done, he leaned over her,

urging her to her back. Spreading her legs, he slid
between them, feeling the rush of anticipation.

It had been so long since he had made love to her.

Moments felt like hours as he slid his penis along her
wetness. The condom kept him from experiencing the
heat of her arousal and silently, he cursed.

If she was on the pill, she would have told him.
Resting his weight on his elbows, he kissed her,

loving her flavor. At the same time his dick touched
the entry to her core, begging to get inside.

He wanted her so badly, he throbbed with need.

Using one of his hands, he guided the tip inside her,
and swallowed her moaned response.

Unable to wait any longer, he sunk deep into her

body. Together they gasped. For long moments, he

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didn’t move. They stared into each other’s eyes, both
aware of the implications of what they were doing.

Their past was becoming the present, their desire

for one another as hot as ever. In that shared moment,
staring at one another, bodies joined, the love
between them was more alive than ever.

He felt it in his heart, his stomach, his mind, and

yes, most definitely, in his dick…Love had a way of
making desire potent and intense.

As much as he wanted to move, to pour himself

deep inside her, to let her body milk him dry, he
wanted to make it last.

He had waited far too long to rush. Ever so slowly



began to move gently up and then back down in her

After several strokes, she whimpered, arching into

his body. “Bobby, please.”

Looking into her passion-filled eyes, he knew what

she wanted. After all, this was his Jennifer. He thrust
into her with a passionate force and watched her eyes
shut with pleasure. Then he stilled momentarily, his
lips close to her ear. “Please what, sweetheart?”

“You’re such a tease, Bobby Evans,” she said in a

voice that crackled from the pure heat of her need.

“Mmmmm,” he said, drawing his penis to the very

edge of pulling out. Then he lunged again.“Does that
feel like I’m teasing?” Immediately he moved again,
this time just as forcefully. Again and again, he
moved in and out of her body. Her legs wrapped
around his calves as her body lifted to meet him.

Her soft little sounds of pleasure, and the way she

called his name over and over, pressed his urgency.

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He moved faster, harder, responding to the demands
of his body, no longer able to hold back.

She was just as frantic, her body moving with his,

her pleas for more murmured over and over.
Suddenly, she tensed, her nails digging into his

Her body squeezed his penis, sucking him further

into her depths as it did exactly what he had wanted.
She milked him with tight spasms of pure, potent,
demanding rapture that pushed him over the edge.

He moaned as his body convulsed, exploding with

such pleasure, he thought he had died and gone to
heaven. When the very last drop of his pleasure was
drawn from him, he collapsed.

Sated, exhausted, and satisfied for the first time in

five years, he kissed the woman responsible. The one
he had loved all his adult life.

The one he wanted to marry.
After a few long moments, Bobby rolled to his side

to rest on his chest. He brushed an unruly strand of
hair from her eyes and then kissed her forehead.

“I better clean up,” he said as he slid from the bed

and quickly disposed of the condom. He wanted to
hold her without it as a barrier. “I’ll be right back.”

He wanted to enjoy holding her.

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Chapter Nine


he minute Bobby’s body moved from her side,
Jennifer felt the loss. It was as if a whirlwind of
emotions were being held at bay by his strong


Without warning, she felt the burning of tears

forming in the back of her eyes. Her chest was tight
with emotion, her stomach churning.

Desperate to get away from Bobby, she moved

quickly to the opposite side of the bed. She sat on the
edge of the mattress, her back to him. Tugging at the
balled-up covers, she was eager for coverage. Only
Bobby tugged the opposite end, stopping her form of

His voice held understanding. He knew something

was wrong. “Come back here,” Bobby said. “I’ll keep
you warm.”

The logical spot to run and hide after sex you

regretted was the bathroom. It was in the hallway,
and she had no clothes on. All she could do was try
and get a grip on her emotions. But it wasn’t
happening. She was beyond control. Her shoulders
shook and a sob escaped her throat.

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She felt Bobby’s weight shift on the mattress as he

reached for her. His hand came down on her
shoulder. “Wow, sweetheart, what’s wrong?”

She stiffened, and tried to shrug his hand off.

“Please,” she said in a trembling voice. “D...don’t
t...touch me.”

Surprising her, he slid his arms under her and

pulled her into his lap, his back settling against the

She didn’t have time to fight him. The shock of his

action, along with her emotional state, left her too
stunned to react.

“Talk to me,” he said, smoothing her hair with his


His words set her off again, making her squirm to

free herself. She didn’t want to talk to him. He held
her easily, and the feeling of being trapped was the
final blow to her fragile state.

“Fine,” she blurted in a sob. “Damn you, Bobby

Evans. What right do you have to come back into my
life and do this to me? What right?” She glared at him
through her the beginnings of a rainstorm of tears.
“You hurt me, and I can’t do this again. I can’t survive
it.” Tears were taking over her words. “J...just let me

He moved and flipped her to her back, settling

between her thighs and resting his arms by her head.

“Get off!”
“Baby, please just hear me out. There are so many

things I need to tell you. Please believe me, I never
meant to hurt you, and I sure as hell didn’t want to
leave you.”

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“Funny,” she said bitterly. “I don’t remember it

that way.”

He stared down at her, searching her expression so

intently, she turned her face away. He leaned down
so that his mouth was next to her ear. “You’re
everything to me, Jennifer. I regretted leaving you
every single day I was away. There are things you
don’t know, things I should have told you then. I
have no excuse except I was young and foolish. I
would have explained the minute I got back, but I had
to be sure you were ready to listen.”

She turned to face him again, fixing him in a

blurry-eyed stare. “Why did you come back now?”
she asked, needing to understand, to cope.

He sighed. “I’ll explain everything tom—”
No way. She cut him off. “Now.”
“It would be better if I show you. Will you spend

tomorrow with me, and let me try to make things
right?” He paused and added, “Please, Jenn. Let me
hold you tonight. God, it’s been so long since I slept
with you. If, after tomorrow, you can’t forgive me, I’ll
leave you alone.”

Tears clung to her lashes, but somehow the tears

had stopped. “Please,” he said, and rolled over and
pulled her under his arm. God, she wanted him to
hold her. She did. Her head rested on his shoulder,
and his hand stroked her hair.

“You won’t be sorry,” he promised. “Just stay with

me tonight.” A paused, and then: “Please.”

As his warmth, and his male scent, infused into her

senses, she snuggled closer. She couldn’t help it. His
words echoed in her mind, you won’t be sorry.

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Oh, how she wanted to believe him.

* * *

The room was dark, her body warm. She snuggled
closer to the source of warmth. Her eyes opened as
memories flooded her mind.

She moaned inwardly at the bittersweet feel of his

body wrapped spoon-style around her own. He felt
safe and wonderful. She let her eyes drift shut, taking
a moment to soak in the perfection of feeling so loved.
But what if he left her again? Everyone she had ever
loved had left her.

Panic formed quickly as it always did when she

feared a loss. Ever since her parents’ death, she had a
problem with loss. She knew it. She’d seen counselors
about it.

Still it existed.
She couldn’t take Bobby walking out on her again.

And he would. His leave was short lived. No matter
what he said now, he had chosen his path years

The need to run to some safe haven away from

Bobby was quickly becoming urgent. She refused to
be crushed by Bobby Evans again.

His words danced in her head. You won’t be sorry.

Reality seemed the opposite. He would leave again,
go on some mission, and she would be alone.

Awakening her old feelings for him had done

nothing but open a wound that hadn’t ever fully
healed. The sooner she got away from him, the less

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damage he could do.

Gingerly, she lifted Bobby’s arm and started to

slide away from him. Immediately he raised his head.
“Where are you going?”

Think. Think. Think. “Ah, bathroom,” she said. “I

have to.”

He kissed her shoulder, and then let his head drop

to the pillow. “Hurry back, sweetheart.”

Sliding from the bed, she grabbed her clothes with

shaky fingers and quickly dressed. Once she pulled
on her boots, she stared down at Bobby. He was
asleep, with a peaceful look on his face. He even had
a small smile on his lips as if he was having a good

He looked perfect.
She still loved him. Probably always would.

Fighting tears, she forced herself to turn away.
Grabbing her purse she hurried across the room, and
reached for the doorknob.

This was the right thing.
She repeated the words in her mind several times,

trying to reassure herself. Stepping into the hallway,
she felt a wave of loss so heavy her stomach flip-

She bit her bottom lip. Silently she said a little

prayer, looking skyward.

Please let this be the right thing to do.

* * *

Slamming the door of his rental car shut, he stepped
forward in long, angry strides. In mere seconds, he

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was at the street side entrance of Jennifer’s apartment.
He still couldn’t believe she had run out on him.

When she hadn’t returned from the bathroom after

fifteen minutes, he knew something was wrong. The
instant he realized her purse was gone, his fears were

She had tucked her head and went into hiding.
Well, he wasn’t going to stand for it! He’d be

damned if he was letting her duck and run. He had
waited too long for another chance with her.

She wasn’t getting away this easily.
He pounded on her door without a care in the

world about any level of noise he might make.

Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, he

pounded again and then called her name more
insistently. And loudly. Someone yelled for him to
shut up. He ignored whoever it was.

He didn’t care who he woke up. He waited a

moment and when he got no response, he repeated
his actions.

Abruptly, the door flew open. Jennifer glared at

him, one hand on her hip, the other on the door.
“What in the hell are you doing? The neighbors are

He pushed through the doorway, taking her with

him, and slamming the door behind him. Towering
above her with an angry scowl on his face, he said,
“What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Don’t you talk to me like that!” she yelled up at

him, not seeming the least bit fazed by his anger or
his size.

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She never had been in the past. Clearly, that hadn’t

changed. As angry as he was, he admired the way she
held her own with him.

“We made an agreement,” he said, a degree


She crossed her arms in front of her silk camisole,

which he had not only noticed, but admired. It was
blue, like her eyes, and very sheer.

Her eyes flashed. “No, you talked, I listened. No

agreement was made.”

He took a step closer, but she didn’t flinch or move.

They were inches apart. “Don’t screw with me like

Her mouth dropped open, and a loud sound of

disgust came from her lips. “Me?” she demanded, her
voice hinting at the emotional state she was in. “How
can you, of all people, tell me not to screw with you?”
She stepped forward and poked his chest. “All,” poke,
“you,” poke, “have done to me,” poke, “is screw with

He stared down at her, suddenly feeling his anger

slipping away. She really thought he had screwed
with her. “Sweetheart,” he said gently, and reached
for her.

She jerked away. “Don’t call me that. And don’t

touch me.” She shut her eyes and opened them again
as if grasping for control. “Just don’t.”

He let out a breath. Damn, he hated using his size

against her, but she really left him no option. He
scooped her up as she screamed and kicked. “Put me
down, Bobby Evans!”

“Calm down. I just want to talk.”

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“Put me down, you big bully. I hate this.” Then she

burst into tears. “I…really...”sniff, “hate this.”

He sat down on the couch, with her in his arms,

and then cradled her like a child. “Please don’t cry.”

“Then leave me alone.”
“I can’t do that, Jenn. Not this time.”
She looked at him. “What do you want from me?”
“I want you back,” he said, without one second of


Tears streamed down her cheeks. “So you can

leave me again?”

His finger gently wiped at the wetness on her

cheeks. “I want a place in your life. The question is,
will you make one for me?”

Her eyes were turbulent. “Why should I?”
Pain ripped at his heart, but he reminded himself it

was her emotions talking. “Give me a chance to show
you. Go with me tomorrow. I have a surprise for you.
I’ll explain the past.”

“Explain now.”
Her state of mind was so unclear right now, but he

didn’t see how he could simply deny her request.
“Are you going to really listen? To hear what I am
telling you, not what your angry mind decides
selectively to hear?”

She scowled at that. “I don’t do that.”
He laughed without humor. “Oh, yeah, you do.”
She started to deny, but then seemed to accept his

words. Slowly, she lowered her head onto his
shoulder as her hand slipped to his chest. The tension
in her body eased.

For the longest time it seemed, she just rested

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there. He didn’t rush to speak, knowing she needed a
minute to gather her thoughts. Besides, he was more
than content to hold her in his arms and on his lap.

Finally, without looking at him, she whispered,

“I’ll listen.”

Then she raised her head, and looked at him.
When he studied her expression, looking into her

eyes, he saw she meant her words. He nodded. Then,
gently he sat her beside him with one of her legs
draped over his lap. Turning to face her, he took a
deep, calming breath.

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Chapter Ten


obby sat a moment in silence, preparing
mentally for what he was about to admit.

Saying the words was hard. “My father is an


Her brows dipped. “I thought he was just a beer


The implications of her words extended beyond

her meaning. But she had no idea. Jennifer had no
clue that alcoholics were often what people classified
as just beer drinkers.

“And an alcoholic,” he told her.
He saw understanding flow through her eyes, and

watched her nod. “Go on,” she said softly.

“It got worse after my mother died. He drank more

and more. That’s why I stopped taking you around to
see him.”

She frowned slightly. “You said he was working

double shifts.”

He could see her mind at work, remembering. “At

drinking,” he said with a bitter bark of laughter. “He
lost his job long before I left. Correction,” he said. “He
lost several jobs back to back. That’s why I was

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working all those extra hours.”

Pain showed in her eyes for him. “You never told


He took her hand. “I know. You have no idea how

many times I’ve regretted not doing so.” He paused,
battling with inner demons. “I was ashamed.”

She didn’t like that answer. “But it was me.”
His rebuttal was quick and from the heart. “The

person I most wanted to impress.”

“We were beyond that.” She stared at him, a

question in her eyes. She wondered if they had been
as close as she had thought.

And they had been.
But what could he say? He should have told her.
She stood up and walked to the window, pushing

back the curtain and staring at the sky. With her back
to him, she said, “But we weren’t beyond secrets, I

Should he go to her? He wasn’t sure he should

press her. He sat completely still, hoping for a sign.
“It wasn’t about us,” he said, hoping she would
understand. “It was about me.”

She turned around and pinned him in an angry

stare. “How can you say that? We were supposed to
be close.”

“We were close,” he said, desperate to make her

understand. “I didn’t want you to doubt me because
of what my father was becoming.”

“I would have told you if it had been my father,”

she said in a shaken voice.

“And I should have told you,” he said. “Please,” he

patted the couch, “you promised to listen. Sit with

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me, and hear me out.”

She looked at him, then at the couch, and then at

him again. Her eyes were darkened with emotions,
clouded with unshed tears. After what felt like a
lifetime, she moved to sit down next to him.

Because he had to touch her, needed to, he reached

out and laced his hand around her neck. “I never
meant to exclude you. I just wanted to protect you.”

Her hand brushed his cheek, her eyes softening.

“Tell me.”

Reluctantly, he released her, but his eyes stayed

trained on her features. “The night before I joined the
Army, you were at the library studying for a test, so I
went by to check on him. He was sloppy drunk when
I got there. Completely sloshed. ” He paused. “I was
used to seeing him drunk, but that night he was
worse than the other times. He told me he had gotten
fired again.”

His expression grim, he continued. ”We fought. I

told him I wanted to put him in rehab. He got
aggressive, even threw a punch at me.”

Jennifer gasped and pressed her hand to her

mouth. “Sorry,” she said. ”I just can’t imagine a father
and son throwing punches at each other.”

“Yeah, well, it happens.”
She sat there a minute watching his expression.

“Go on,” she urged softly.

“He said a lot of harsh things, told me I was no

better than him. He said I would be drinking just like
him some day.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You didn’t believe him, did


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He didn’t acknowledge nor deny her statement. “I

was upset by his words. More hurt than angry. I left
him there alone, screaming after me. I was supposed
to meet you later that night, but—“

“You never showed up,” she said, finishing his


He saw the painful memories in her eyes. “I was on

my way to your place when I got the phone call. He
had wrapped his car around a telephone pole.”

“What?” she said in complete shock.
He nodded. “He was so drunk that he was hardly

injured. They say that happens a lot with drinkers.
They never tense up, so they don’t get the same
injuries others might.” He sighed. “But I felt horrible.
I had left him drunk and angry. When I went to the
hospital, he refused to see me.”

Clearly she was stunned. “I can’t believe you

didn’t tell me this.”

“I couldn’t. I began thinking he was right. Maybe I

was worthless. I let him down; I’d let you down.” He
took a deep breath. The memories were as clear as if it
had happened yesterday. He had relived that night so
many times. “I called the only person I thought might
be able to help my father, an old Army buddy of his.
Then, I enlisted.”

“And left me behind.”
“Because I wanted you to be happy.”
“By deserting me?”
“That’s not how I saw it then.”
“And now?”
“I spent years in crazy places, doing things you

wouldn’t believe, all the while, trying to forget what I

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left behind. Believe me,” he said with emotion, “I
know how badly I screwed up.”

“Yet you waited five years to come back.”
“It took me a good year to even think like a normal

human being. Then Marcie said you were dating, and
I thought you were happy. What right did I have to
just show back up? By the end of year two, when you
were still single, I decided to give you five years. If
you weren’t happily married, raising a family, I was
coming back for you.”

* * *

Silently, Jennifer digested the information Bobby had
shared with her. It was hard to swallow the way he
had shut her out of his life.

Her feelings were mixed.
Yet, knowing what happened was so much better

than not knowing.

She looked up at him and saw the ache in his heart

shining in his eyes. At that moment she knew; no
matter what their future might or might not hold, she
wanted to love him while she could.

Even if he left her again. He needed her to love him

now. And she needed to love him.

Slowly, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to

his. He made a noise deep in his throat and pulled her
into his lap as his tongue delved into her mouth. She
could taste his desperation, the need for her

All she could think of was taking away his pain.

She sensed how deeply it ran, how alone he felt. Her

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hands began to roam his body, her mouth begging
him for more.

She rotated and straddled him as he moaned his

approval. Suddenly, there was a frenzied passion
between them, lacing their kisses, driving their touch.
Her camisole was gone and she didn’t even
remember how.

Breathing heavily, she reached for his pants, and

ran her hand over his bulging erection. “Please tell me
you have a condom.”

“I do,” he said. “Four.” He kissed her again.
“I planned ahead.” He nipped at her lips. “Before

the party.”

That was all she had to know. She reached for the

button on his pants. It was snug because of how
aroused he was. Bobby helped, and she sat back on
her knees and watched him unbutton the waistband.

The second he was unzipped, she moved and

tugged down his pants to his knees, but not before he
yanked his wallet out of his pocket.

In his impatience, Bobby dumped the contents on

the couch. Cursing the need for protection, he
shuffled through the mess. The three remaining
condoms and several credit cards dropped to the

Impatiently, Jennifer grabbed a condom and

yanked open the package. In a matter of seconds, she
had shoved down her silk boxers and rolled the
condom into place. Eager to feel him inside her, she
positioned herself above him, and with his help to
balance herself, slid down his body.

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“You’re very…” He moved and she couldn’t finish.
“Hard?” he asked hoarsely.
Her body felt like it was on fire with desire. “Yes,”

she whispered.

“For you, sweetheart. Only for you.”
He held her hips as they moved together in an

urgent pace, driving to release. They couldn’t seem to
get close enough.

She wasn’t sure who came first. They both cried

out, their bodies locked together as if in perfect
harmony. Waves of pleasure turned her nerve
endings into live wires of electric charges.

She collapsed on his shoulder as the last spasm

rocked her body, his hands on her back.

Later, maybe minutes, she wasn’t sure, he

whispered tender words in her ear. Then he caressed
her hair, and lifted her in his arms.

She didn’t care where he was taking her.
She was with him, and that’s all that mattered.


Jennifer’s eyes floated slowly open. She didn’t move
as her eyes took in the brightness of the sun shining
through the cracks in her blinds.

Bobby held her tightly, as if he thought she might

escape. Snugly pressed against his side, her head
rested on his shoulder. One of her legs was entwined
with his. It felt so good to be this intimate with him.

She nuzzled his chest and took in a deep breath.
She loved his heady male smell. It enveloped her

senses, wrapping her in warm, wonderful feelings.

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She felt protected and cherished. It was an amazing

She looked at him as he slept, the sexy whiskers of

morning darkening his strong, square jaw. He was so
completely male in ways that touched every part of
the woman in her.

A desire that bordered on need rose inside her. She

wanted to please him as he had her at the party. The
feeling was overwhelming in its intensity.

She carefully slid between his legs, pushing the

cover away from their naked bodies. She bit her lip as
she stared down at his naked perfection. Every inch of
the man was sexy.

Now, with sunlight streaming through the

window, she glimpsed signs of the years he had spent
in the Army. There were random scatterings of scars
on his arms, a few on his legs, and one long, thin one
on his side.

They somehow made him more, rather than less,

sexier. She wondered about them, and the pain they
must represent. What things must he have
experienced to mark his body in such a way?

He had fought for his country, and she was proud

of him. She silently vowed to kiss each and every scar.

As if he sensed her attention, his head raised and

he looked at her. Understanding dawned quickly as
awareness slipped into his now sharp gaze.

She could only imagine how she looked, naked

between his legs. He was taking her in, heat forming
in his eyes as a muscle jumped in his jaw.

Her eyes trailed downward. He was quickly

becoming hard, clearly aroused by the aggressive role

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she intended. Knowing she turned him on always
turned her on as well. She felt the tiny ache between
her thighs that always came with her own arousal.

She stared at him. Looking at him alone made her

wet. “You’re absolutely perfect.”

He leaned up, reaching for her, but she flattened

her hand on his stomach. “No,” she said. “Please. Lay

He looked like he might argue, but instead he did

as she asked. She touched his growing penis first with
her fingers. When he sucked in a breath, she smiled.
Wanting even more of a reaction, she circled his
width with her palm. He thickened in her hand.

“You like that, do you?” she taunted naughtily.
Heat flared in his eyes. “You know exactly what I


“I think,” she said moving her hands up and down

his now quite large length, “I’d like to test my
memory. Will you tell me if I forget something?”

Not giving him time to respond, she pulled his

erection upright and leaned over. She touched her
tongue to the tip.

The salty wetness that pooled there in response

only made her savor the opportunity to pleasure him
all the more.

He was such a mix of strength and control, always

had been. It was a powerful feeling to see his eyes fall
shut with the pleasure she brought to him. She ran
her tongue up and down his length, loving the
enjoyment she saw etched in his features.

She took her time, careful not to miss any spots,

enjoying the experience, not just the act.

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* * *

Bobby moaned as Jennifer slowly drew him further
into her mouth. He was quite possibly having the best
moment of his life. Jennifer’s long blond hair was
draped over his stomach, her mouth on his cock.

She took him fully into her mouth, moving up and

down in slow, sensual strokes. She looked up,
meeting his gaze as she sucked his dick. Watching her
take him in her mouth, clearly enjoying the act, was a
real turn on.

A male fantasy.
His fantasy.
She looked like a sex goddess. Hell, she felt like a

sex goddess.

His body tensed as she increased the pressure,

sucking harder while she still managed to run her
tongue down the length of his erection. It was a talent.
One he was incredibly pleased she owned.

He felt like he was about to explode, each stroke of

her tongue making him hotter. If she stopped now, he
might just die.

Unable to control his reactions, his body bucked,

and his hand tightened on her head. She seemed to
read his body like a book, increasing the speed and
pressure yet again.

It pushed him over the edge, making him release

suddenly. It was a surprise eruption of utter ecstasy
so intense he quaked and cried out.

Still she sucked and licked, and brought him down

with the sweet caresses of her tongue. And as he

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relaxed, her mouth still tasting him, he decide, she
really was a sex goddess

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Chapter Eleven


ennifer watched as Bobby opened the passenger
door of his rented Maxima. As she started to get in
the car, he wrapped his arms around her, and

pulled her tight against his body.

Surprised by the sudden movement, she looked at

him with a question in her eyes. His hands slid
around her waist as hers settled on his chest.

He stared down at her, his emotions displayed for

her viewing. She knew he regretted the past. It
showed. “I’m crazy about you, Jennifer. I always have

But you still left me. She couldn’t help it. It still hurt.

She wasn’t sure what he wanted her to say or do. She
loved him, but it was going to take some effort to get
over the past.

Not finding words to express her feelings, she

pressed her lips to his. His hand settled at the base of
her spine, and his tongue slid between her teeth.

He kissed her deeply, a sensual showing of love

that pulled at her heartstrings. She melted into him,
loving how he felt.

How they felt together. She wanted to forget the

past. If only it would get out of her head. Last night

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she had for a short few hours, lived in the present.

Today, in the light of day, she worried about the

day his leave was over. Saying goodbye was going to
hurt beyond belief.

The kiss ended in locked gazes. “I’m glad you’re

going with me today.”

“Me, too,” she said, touching his cheek, trying to

absorb how he felt into memory.

For the day he left her.
Once they were in the car, Jennifer asked, “So

where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” he said as he pulled onto the road.
She stared at his profile, noting the tense line of his

jaw. “A surprise, huh?”

He flicked her a quick look and a grin. “I’m going

to share with you a little of what I have been doing
the last five years.”

She gave him a curious look. “Huh,” she said,

trying to imagine what he was up to.

They drove in silence for a few minutes before.

There were so many things she wanted to ask him
about the past five years. She worried about the
danger he was going back to. If she couldn’t be with
him, knowing he was alive and well at least gave her
comfort. “Those scars. How did you get them?”

He looked at her a moment, and then back at the

road. His tone was flat. “Do they bother you?”

“No,” she said sincerely. “Actually, I feel kind of

guilty for saying this, because I am sure they had to
have been painful…” She didn’t know if she should

“But?” he asked a bit tensely.

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She looked at him, quietly admitting, “I think

they're sexy.”

He laughed and slanted her a glance. ”Sexy, huh?”
“Yeah,” she said with a bright white smile, happy

her declaration hadn’t upset him. Still, she wanted to
know about the dangers he faced. Her voice softened,
and her smile faded. “So how did you get them?”

He didn’t look at her. “Let’s just say I haven’t been

in the safest of jobs this past five years.”

“Oh,” she said.
He responded to her tone. “Jenn, it’s not that I’m

shutting you out.” He looked at her and the road,
back and forth, several times. “A lot of my missions
were top secret, overseas stuff. The stuff I can tell you,
I will.” He paused. ”Okay?”

“Okay,” she said in as even a tone as she could


Her stomach felt sick and nervous. He would leave

again soon. It was part of his job. She couldn’t smile.
But she wanted him safe. Would she know if
something happened to him? She didn’t know about
his past injuries.

He had said he wanted her back in his life, but

what exactly did that mean?

He changed the subject, his tone saying he was

shooting for a different mood. “I bet you didn’t know
I read your column all the time, did you?”

That got her attention. “You do? How?”
He was watching the road. “Marcie clips it and

sends me a month at a time.”

“You’re kidding?” she asked in complete surprise.

Her mind was racing. Marcie had been keeping him

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up to date? God, she loved that woman. Half to
herself, she murmured, “She never told me.”

“I know, I asked her not to.” Then he said the name

of her column, pride in his voice. “Single in San Fran,
by Jennifer Cavender. Pretty impressive stuff.”

She shrugged. “It’s nothing world-shattering. It’s

just, you know, entertainment.” He risked his life, she
gave dating advice.

There was no comparison.
During the rest of the drive, they talked about old

times. The subject of his departure seemed to be in the
air, but never spoken about.

An hour later, they pulled into the driveway of a

small airfield. “Where are we?” she asked, watching
one of the planes take off.

Bobby grinned. “I thought it would be fun to show

you what I love about my job.”

Jennifer tried to smile, but she couldn’t. ”Oh,” she

said, wishing she could find other words.

But she was lost in the future. He was talking

about the job he loved, which he would be going back
to—and leaving her behind.

It was hard to be excited.
“Skydiving,” he said, and pushed open his door

and stepped outside. In a matter of seconds, he was
opening her door, helping her out of the vehicle.
“And you’re going to jump with me.”

Her eyes widened. “I’m not jumping. Are you


He laughed and wrapped his arms around her.

“Trust me, baby, you’ll love it. I’ll keep you safe.”

She opened her mouth to protest louder, but he

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bent his head and stopped her with his lips. Dipping
his tongue into her mouth and taking his time to kiss
her quite thoroughly, she soon forgot what she was
arguing about.

When he ended the kiss, the sound of airplanes

jolted her out of her just kissed mode. No way was
she jumping out of a plane. “That was an unfair
negotiation tactic.”

He smiled. “All’s fair in love and war.”
Jennifer's eyes narrowed. Was this love or war? She

wasn’t sure, but she had the distinct impression his
words had a hidden meaning of some sort. Before she
could challenge him, a voice drew her attention.

“Hey, Bobby, you back already?”
Bobby turned and raised his hand in greeting.

“You know I can’t stay away.” Bobby looked at
Jennifer. “Jenn, this is Jason Brady. He’s an ex-Special
Ops guy I used to work with. He owns this place.”

Jennifer eyed Jason. Military-style short hair told

her he hadn’t been out of the Army long. And he was
huge, like Bobby. “All you Special Ops guys are
giants,” she said, thinking out loud.

Jason laughed. “Special Ops will do that to a guy.”

He eyed Bobby. “You’re right, she’s something.” He
shook his head and smiled. “See you two later. Gotta
get back inside.”

As Jason turned and headed back to the building,

Jennifer shot Bobby a look. “She’s really something?”

“Something special,” he said brushing hair from

her eyes, and then kissing her forehead. “That’s what
I meant, and that’s what he meant.”

“Sweet talk won’t get me into that plane,” having a

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thought, she added, “or out of it, for that matter,”
another thought, “especially not out of it.”

He took her hand and pulled her forward. “I won’t

take no for an answer.”

* * *

Jennifer had been put through all kinds of classroom
instruction, including videos, testing, and a lot of

Now, hours later, she stood in the equipment room

of the jump school wondering how she had gotten
talked into this skydiving thing. Bobby was
determined to personally help her dress and prepare
to jump to her death.

He was always considerate like that. Pressing her

hand to her stomach, she tried to calm down. She
wouldn’t die. She hoped.

“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” she

mumbled, looking down as she sucked in a nervous

He touched her cheek, and she looked up at him. “I

know you,” he said with a hint of something she
couldn’t identify in his voice. “You’ll love jumping.
It's a pure adrenaline rush.”

“I don’t think it’s safe to have this much rush in

such a short amount of time,” she commented,
averting her gaze from his. Emotionally he was
overloading her, but it wasn’t easy to admit that, so
she didn’t.

Let him think what he wanted about her words.
He laughed and tucked a lock of her hair behind

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her ear. The intimacy of the action made her heart
flip-flop. He always had to have his hands in her hair.
And she liked it.

“I’m quite certain you can handle anything thrown

at you, Jennifer Cavender.” There was a deep, husky
quality to his voice that made her search his face.

She stared into his eyes, trying to read what she

saw in them. “You have more confidence in me than I
do, apparently.” But she wasn’t talking about the
jump. She was referring to her ability to handle him
leaving her again. Apparently, he thought she would
be fine.

She wasn’t so sure.
His response seemed directed at her unsaid words.

“You're safe with me, Jenn, and deep down you know

Suddenly the supply room felt very small. The last

thing she wanted to do was to be weak and cry, but
her eyes burned with unshed tears. She didn’t want
Bobby to know how horribly she was handling all of

Making him feel guilty for leaving her again wasn’t

what she wanted. He clearly loved his job. Why else
would he be showing her a part of it he loved?

Deep down, what she did indeed know was that

she loved him. And she knew that meant letting him
go again.

Intentionally, she changed the subject, diverting

her gaze to look around the room. “You aren’t treated
like a customer here.”

“Jason and I go way back,” he said, and then

handed her a flight suit to put on. “Slip this on over

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your clothes.”

Jennifer stepped into the suit as she leaned on

Bobby for balance. Once it was on, he zipped it up the
front. “You’ll tandem jump with me, and only me.
None of these other guys get the honor.” He leaned
forward close to her ear. “It means I’m on top,” he
whispered in her ear, and she heard the smile in his

“You’re being very bad, Bobby Evans,” she

scolded as she leaned back to look at him.

He winked. “And you love it.”
Jason walked by with equipment in his hands. He,

very nicely, pretended not to notice what was going
on between her and Bobby. But Jennifer saw the smile
hinting at the corners of his mouth that said

“Behave,” she said to Bobby as he nibbled at her

ear. “Not here, in public, with a bunch of guys
running around.” Her reprimand was a whisper near
his ear.

He grinned. “Okay, but first admit you like it

when I’m bad.” A wicked gleam shined in his eyes.

She made a little growling noise, and said, “Yes!

Now shut up!”

He tilted his head back and laughed.

* * *

Jennifer stood in the plane, air pressing through the
open door in fierce gusts. Her stomach was in knots.
No way was she jumping out into that wind and
falling to her death.

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“I can’t do this, Bobby,” she yelled, because it was

so noisy. She pressed her back to his front, trying to
get away from the door.

His hands settled on her shoulders. “Yes, you can.

Trust me.”

She shook her head, staring at the door. She leaned

her head back on his shoulder and looked up at him.
Bobby kissed her, and then pushed her glasses onto
her eyes.

“Please,” he mouthed soundlessly.
He was already attached to her for the jump. If he

wanted to push her out of that door, she couldn’t stop
him. But he wouldn’t, and she knew it.

Bobby would never force her to do anything.
She took a deep breath. This was a part of his life.

Something he loved. And damn it, she wanted to hold
onto any part of him she could.

At that moment, she decided to do it. She was

going to jump. She wanted to know Bobby again, and
understand his life as it was now.

She mouthed, “Okay,” and nodded. He smiled.
She prayed.

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Chapter Twelve


ennifer jumped.
The wind whipping around her body proved it.
Really, Bobby jumped and took her with him, but

only after she said he could. Her feet had been
planted inside the plane, and somehow wouldn’t
move. She had tried. It was as if they were cemented.
Rooted. Unmovable.

Bobby had jumped. And now she was along for the


Her stomach was in her throat, and she was

holding her breath. Do not hyperventilate, she
reminded herself.

Just breathe. In, out. In, out.
Slowly she began to settle down a fraction. She felt

like she had been shot from a cannon as she moved
through the air at one hundred and eighty miles per
hour, wind biting at her skin with pressure like force.

Bobby pulled her arms out to her sides like they

were wings. Only she wasn’t a bird, and she couldn’t
fly, and she didn’t really see the point.

Oh, yeah, balance. The instructor said balance. She

lifted her arms a bit more. Balance sounded good.

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She reminded herself that Bobby would take care

of her. He had said he would be there—on top of
her—and he was.

If she had to die, she couldn’t think of a better way

than having him in top of her, unless it was her on top
of him.

She did, however, prefer the bedroom to the sky.
Bobby released a small chute. Remembering her

training, she was pretty certain it was supposed to
keep them from tumbling. She tried to take comfort in
the fact that everything was going as she was told it

The little device thingy the instructor had given her

to tell her when to pull her chute became her focal
point. Watching for the moment to pull the parachute
had her freaking out. Watching, watching, wanting.

What if the chute didn’t open?
The meter registered time to pull. Bobby motioned

to go ahead.

She pulled the string, and then braced herself for

the jerk they said would follow. Sure enough they
lifted up with a leap, and a jolt.

It worked! It worked! Her chute opened. Yes!
Suddenly, they were floating, and it didn’t feel like

they were about crash into the ground anymore.
Everything was much slower.

She began to relax. She even looked around a bit.

Down came last. To her surprise, down was okay. She
wasn’t so scared anymore. To her surprise, skydiving
was a fascinating way to look at the world. The
scenery was amazing. San Francisco seemed so
spectacular from above. The colors of the season were

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so alive, and vibrant. To see things get bigger and
bigger as she floated downward was an unexpected
adrenaline rush.

Just as Bobby said it would be.
Now that she knew she was safe, she had a crazy,

kind of on-top-of-the-world feeling.

Bobby pointed at the mountains, and spoke near

her ear. “Everything looks better from up here.”

She doubted if he could hear her because of the

way she was position, so she just nodded. He was
right, it was amazing.

When they landed, she wished it wasn’t over. She

tumbled forward as they touched ground. Bobby
followed, coming down on top of her.

He braced his weight on his hands so she wouldn’t

get hurt, but still she managed to get a mouthful of
dirt. She was trying to spit it out when she felt Bobby
unhook their belts.

Then, without warning, he lifted her to her feet,

and turned her to face him. He lifted his goggles,
placing them on his head, as she used her hand to
brush dirt from her lips.

He lifted her goggles for her, laughing. “Dirt

sandwich, huh?”

“Yeah,” she said and then flung her arms around

his neck. “It was amazing up there. Can we go

He laughed. “Of course we can.” His voice showed

his pleasure. “I knew you’d like it. There is something
so free and wild about the experience.”

She nodded in agreement. “I was scared at first,”

she admitted talking quickly, “but then the chute was

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out, and I knew I wasn’t going to die,” she was so
excited she could hardly grasp words, “then, well…it
was a rush. You were ri—”

He cut her off with a kiss. His mouth was hot and

demanding. And boy, did it light her up and on fire in
a whole different kind of rush. Maybe it was the
adventurous nature of the jump, but she wanted him
right there in the middle of a nowhere.

She wrapped her leg around his and pressed closer

to his body. He moaned, low and hungry. “I missed
you,” he said against her mouth.

“Show me how much,” she challenged, but the

sound of a Jeep approaching from behind her told her
no such thing was going to happen.

He grabbed her butt and cupped it, successfully

easing her into his now-aroused body. “Later,” he
said hoarsely. “And that’s a promise.”

A slow smile slid onto her lips. Slowly, he moved

his hands to her waist and setting her away from him.

“One I don’t intend to let you out of,” she said


Jason parked right in front of them, smiling like the

cat that had eaten the canary. Clearly he had seen
their display.

* * *

Hours later Jennifer found herself sitting around a
table in the back of the equipment room listening to
stories about Bobby. She had been shocked to find out
that Jason wasn’t Bobby’s only Army friend working
at the jump school.

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Ray Walker, who she hadn’t met until late in the

day, was also an ex-Special Ops guy who clearly
knew Bobby quite well.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Ray said setting down his beer

can. “Tell her about the drinking bet Bobby used to do
in the bars.”

Jason started laughing, and Bobby looked at

Jennifer. “Don’t believe a word these guys tell you.”

Jason slapped the table. “You have to hear this one.

He would go up to some guy, any guy, in a bar. He’d
ask if the poor unsuspecting dude wanted to make a
bet. The guy would ask what kind of bet.”

Ray laughed. “A sucker’s bet.”
Bobby laughed, and Jennifer smiled. “I told them, a

good bet.”

Jason ignored them all. “The guy would fall for this

every single damn time. Bobby would make it seem
so easy for the guy to win.”

Now Jennifer was curious. “What was the bet?”

she asked, eager to hear.

“He’d tell the guy he could drink four tall glasses

of beer before the guy could drink one shot. The only
catch was neither of them could touch each others'
glasses, and Bobby got a one-beer start.”

Jennifer looked at Bobby who grinned with guilt.

“And?” she said looking at Bobby, not Jason.
“Where’s the catch?”

“They were drunk, for one thing. Bobby always

picked the drunk ones,” Ray inserted. “And every
damn time, the stupid sons-a-bitches bit.”

Jason elbowed him. “Watch your language.”
Jennifer laughed. “What the hell for?”

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Ray’s eyes widened, and then everyone laughed.

Bobby leaned down and kissed her temple. “Finish
the story,” she told Jason.

“Okay,” he said. “Bobby would drink the first beer

and then flip it over the top of one of the shots. The
guy couldn’t touch Bobby’s glass, so he couldn’t get
to his shot. All he could do was pay up and watch
Bobby enjoy his beers.”

Jennifer’s mouth dropped open as she turned to

shake a finger at Bobby. “That’s horrible, Bobby
Evans.” Then she laughed. “Not that it surprises me.
He used to tell all my boyfriends I didn’t like sex.
Told them he was like a brother to me, and I’d
confessed to him.”

Jason spit out his beer, almost choking, and

splattering Ray in the process. “Jeez, man,” Ray said
wiping off his arm.

“Sorry,” Jason said. “Why’d he do that?”
Bobby answered. “Because I didn’t want anyone

else to have her but me.”

His tone was so serious, the room fell silent.

Jennifer looked at Bobby, surprise in her eyes. “Ready
to go?” he asked quietly.

Jennifer tilted her head to the side studying him.

“If you want,” she answered just as quietly.

He stood and took her with him. “I want.”
Thunder rumbled above, shaking the walls with its

depth. “I guess that storm's here,” Ray said.

“Then we better hit it before it gets worse,” Bobby

said still looking at Jennifer.

She wondered if he was thinking of their goodbye

and regretting that moment. She was. Before she

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could read his expression, he turned to his friends.
“See you guys later.”


As they stepped out of the building, darkness
enveloped them. Thunder again rumbled overhead,
and little droplets of rain pelted down on them.

“Come on,” Bobby said pulling her with him as he

took off running.

As if the rain was plotting against them, it

suddenly came down harder, and faster. When they
got to the car, Jennifer anxiously waited for Bobby to
unlock the door, planning to climb in quickly. Instead,
she found herself plastered against the car with
Bobby’s mouth covering hers.

He kissed her with intensity, raw and possessive,

and utterly consuming. She quickly forgot the cold
night air, and the rain that was now plastering her
hair to the sides of her face.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed

him back with everything she had. Somewhere in his
kiss was a question she didn’t understand. Whatever
the question, in her kiss, she tried to make sure he
knew her answer.

When he lifted his head, he looked into her eyes,

ignoring the storm raging around them. “I love you,
Jennifer. I’ve always loved you.”

His voice was packed with so much emotion it

made her heart get stuck in her throat. She couldn’t
find words for a minute. Hearing him say he loved
her meant everything to her. Well, almost everything.

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She didn’t want him to leave her again. But she also
couldn’t deny the here and now. She needed him,
wanted him, and yes, loved him.

He seemed to take her hesitation as a negative.

“God, Jenn,” he said in a tormented voice. “I’m sorry
for everything. You have to believe that. I’m sorry.”

She moved her hands to cradle his face. “I love you

too, Bobby. So much it hurts. And I forgive you. I do.
Stop saying you’re sorry. It’s okay. It’s the past. I—“

He cut her off with another kiss, this one tender,

but just as long and emotional as the first one. Then
he nipped at her lips. “I want you like I have never
wanted another woman. Here, now, in the rain.”

She laughed into his mouth, but it was desire, not

humor lacing her voice. Nobody else did this to her.
Nobody. He was leaving and she wouldn’t experience
this again. Deep down, she knew only Bobby could
move her this way.

“The crazy thing is I want to say yes,” she

admitted. “I want you, too. Here, now, in the rain.”

He brushed his lips across her as water poured

down their cheeks and into their mouths. “Knowing
my buddies, they are watching us from the window.”
He pressed his forehead against hers. “Besides, I have
one more thing to show you tonight.”

He leaned back and looked at her. Water clung to

his lashes and somehow only made him more
deliciously sexy.

“I’m afraid we’re too wet to go much of

anywhere,” she said laughing.

He grinned. “Not for this place.”

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Chapter Thirteen


ifteen minutes later Bobby pulled the car up to a
beachfront house, and said a silent prayer that
Marcie had gotten everything set up for him.

Rain beat on the windows at a ferocious pace, making
the view of the house, and the ocean, obscured.

“What is this place?” Jennifer asked through

trembling lips.

He took her hand. “Ours for the night. Let’s get

you inside and dried off.”

She tilted her head to the side, and looked like she

was going to ask something, but didn’t. Instead, she
said simply, “All right.”

He squeezed her hand before letting it go. “Stay

put and I’ll come around and get you.”

She nodded as a sweet little smile slipped onto her

lips. He liked that smile. It was a smile that came with
intimacy. The kind he wanted now and forever with

They ran to the house, mud puddles splashing

around them, laughter on their lips. They stepped
inside the front door of the house, and directly into a
small hallway. Bobby flipped on the lights and put his

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hand on Jennifer’s back to urge her forward towards
the living room.

He flipped on the light and stood behind her,

taking in the scene that she was seeing for the first
time himself. Silently, he vowed to thank Marcie in a
big way.

Everything was perfect.
A blow-up mattress covered in a white down

comforter sat in the middle of the empty room like a
centerpiece to the hard wood floors. Champagne
chilled in an ice bucket with two long-stemmed
glasses beside it.

A single red rose was in a vase by the glasses.
“You like it?” Bobby asked settling his hands on

her shoulders.

She turned to him, tears in her eyes, looking

amazingly beautiful with her hair plastered to her
face and her makeup smudged. “I love it. I can’t
believe you did all of this.”

He smiled. “Marcie helped, since I was with you all

day and couldn’t sneak away. We even have clothes.”
He looked down at their dripping ones, and then back
up. “Dry ones,” he promised. “Marcie packed a bag
for you. If you want to slip out of those wet things
and get under the blanket, I’ll start a fire.”

She grabbed the front of his wet T-shirt. “What is

this place?”

“You’re wet and cold,” he said wanting things to

be perfect. “Let me start the fire and then I’ll explain.”

As Bobby got the fire started, he tried to keep from

peaking glances at Jennifer. But it was hard. When he
finally had the logs burning, he turned to find her

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stripped down to her glorious ivory skin. Her nipples
were erect and rosy red. Instantly, he went rock hard.

Not now, he told himself. After.
She smiled, waggling a finger at him to tell him to

come join her. The movement made her breasts shake
in a seductive little dance. He bit back a moan. “Get
under the cover so you won’t catch cold,” he told her,
trying to gain a little control.

“Only if you get naked and join me,” she answered


“Deal,” he said and pulled his shirt over his head

and dropped it on the fireboard for good measure.
She slipped under the blanket, covering herself. He
silently sighed in relief.

Now he could focus.
He stripped down to his boxers, and then kneeled

down beside her. She raised the blanket. “Get naked
and get in.”

“Wait,” he said. “You asked what this place is.”
She lifted up on one elbow, balancing on her side

and giving him a pretty picture of her perky round
breasts, slender waist, and curvaceous hips.

He didn’t give her time to respond. “I bought it.

That is, I put a down payment on it. I have ten days to
change my mind.”

She blinked and then sat straight up. She pulled the

cover around her shoulders, but did little to cover the
front of her body. “You did? But what about the

“You see, I own part of the skydiving business

with Jason and Ray. We’ve been partners for years.
They got out of the service before I could. But now,

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well, I’m up for reenlistment.”

* * *

Jennifer stared at him. It was too good to be true. Did
she dare think…? “Are you saying you're here to

“It depends,” he said, watching her closely.
She waited but he didn’t say anything else. Her

stomach was flip-flopping. Majorly. Over and over.
She needed to know his answer. “On what?” There
was urgency in her tone.

“You,” he whispered, and then he stood, moving to

the fireboard and reached into his pants pocket. She
wanted to scream at him to get back and explain, but
before she could, he returned on his own.

He held his hand out and there sat a black, rather

wet, velvet box. She covered her mouth with her
hand. It couldn’t be.

Then he said the words. “Marry me, Jennifer. Make

me the happiest man in the world.”

She couldn’t speak. Shock had her unable to find

her voice. But she wanted to respond. So she shook
her head.

“Is that a yes?” he asked, eyeing her nervously.
“Yes,” she whispered. “Oh, God, yes. Of course. I

love you.” She flung her arms around his neck, not
even bothering to look at the ring. It was from him,
for her, and because he loved her. That was all she
needed to know.

“I love you, too,” he said looking down at her.

“Now,” he said, running his hand down her bare

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back and pulling her tighter against him. “What do
you say to a little celebration?”

She smiled her approval. “I’m already naked,” she

said, slipping her fingers into the sides of his boxers.
“Now it’s your turn.”

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About Lisa


isa Jones lives in Austin, Texas, a college town
where sexy cowboys and UT Football players
almost seem to be the harvest. The eye candy
produced stimulates the, um, well, mind.

Needless to say, Lisa doesn't have trouble

conjuring up new men for her books.

Having spent years in the corporate world, Lisa

laughs at the shocked reactions her ex-peers have
when they read her writing. Her response….every
good girl has a fun, slightly naughty one dying to get

Hers is loose and loving it!


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