Liz andrews Sexy Secret Santa

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Liz Andrews

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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered
offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the
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Sexy Secret Santa

Liz Andrews

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by
Loose Id LLC
870 Market St, Suite 1201
San Francisco CA 94102-2907

Copyright © December 2008 by Liz Andrews
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of
this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing,
photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 978-1-59632-843-3
Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Maryam Salim
Cover Artist: Natalie Winters

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To getting a good kick in the behind.

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Chapter One

“Come on, it’s time for presents.”

The pretty Hispanic woman bopped in and out of her cubicle so fast Molly Zaworski

didn’t have a chance to even respond. Not as if it would have made a difference. Tanya

Garcia was stoked on this whole Secret Santa plan, and nothing was going to bring her down.

Any other time Molly would be right there with her, but she wasn’t feeling Christmas this

year. It was less than a week until the holiday, and she still hadn’t caught the spirit.

Three weeks ago she’d broken up with her boyfriend, right after the Thanksgiving

fiasco. She’d forgiven him for his seeming lack of good graces while they dated, but his

rudeness at her family dinner was the last straw. When she told him it was over, he’d shown

his true colors, insulting her weight and ranting about how she was lucky he’d even asked

her out. She was thankful she’d found out what an asshole he was before she’d slept with


Although she knew it had been the right thing to do, she still felt a little sorry for

herself. This was supposed to have been her opportunity to exchange gifts with a significant

other. Instead she had to settle for getting lame gifts from an office Secret Santa.

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Tanya had bullied and bribed every employee in the small financial offices of Titus,

Lang, and Bachman to participate in the holiday extravaganza, and even the founding

partners weren’t immune from her strong-arm tactics. Yesterday had been the day to pick

the names. Molly had hoped she might pick Josh Bachman’s name, one of the partners, but

no such luck. Instead she’d gotten their secretary, Greta Hanson. She had no idea what to

buy the older woman and had spent the evening agonizing over her purchases.

She should be thanking her lucky stars she hadn’t gotten her wish. With the crush she

had on Josh, her gift-buying decision might very well have caused her a heart attack. Better

to just admire him from afar than to bring her attraction to his attention and suffer the

humiliation of rejection.

After the insults from her ex, she no longer was under the illusion that the extra

weight she’d put on in college hadn’t multiplied exponentially in the years since she’d

graduated. In fact, once she realized she’d gone over the dreaded two-hundred-pound mark,

she’d all but forgotten she had a scale.

“Molly, come on. We’re waiting for you.” Tanya’s boisterous voice projected all the

way from the other room.

Talk about humiliation.

She stood and headed toward the workroom where all the gifts awaited. Of course once

she arrived she was forced to wait until they reached her name. Since it was alphabetical she

had the unique advantage of seeing all the other gifts before she received her own. Just as she

suspected, some were better than others. She had a pretty good idea who the male gift givers

were. They stuck to the tried and true, Christmas candy.

Her name was eventually called and she could tell from the box she hadn’t escaped the

phenomenon. She smiled, but inside she fumed. Why would anyone give an overweight

woman a huge box of chocolates? It wasn’t as if she ate sweets every day. In fact, she was

quite a healthy eater, at least most of the time. Everyone binged once in a while. It didn’t

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seem to matter though. The pounds she’d gained in college had never left and every year

they were joined by a few more.

She wasn’t her ideal weight by any means, but she had started to work out on a regular

basis. Right after her breakup, in fact. And she loved


of her curves, she thought,

glancing down at her bountiful chest. It didn’t mean she needed a gift to add to them. This

was without a doubt going to become a re-gift. Of course that meant finding someone who

wouldn’t be offended by a box of candy.

The party began to break up, although some of the employees stood around chatting

about their various gifts and speculating on the givers. Molly decided to hang out for a

moment, hoping to speak with Tanya. She felt a tingling at the back of her neck and turned

only to be caught up short. Josh was staring right at her. Or was he? She looked behind her,

but there was no one else close and when she turned back he was walking right toward her.

The man was gorgeous, but in an understated kind of way. Sometimes he even wore

sexy reading glasses, although they did nothing to shield his piercing, dark brown eyes. She

could tell from his muscular build he exercised, because there was no way he could look like

he did without some work. Most appealing to her, though, was his brown hair. Usually he

wore it short, but once in a while he would let it grow longer and it would show a hint of

curl. It was during those times she wanted to run her hands through the thick strands. She

was always disappointed when he cut it.

“Did you enjoy your gift?”

“Oh, yes, thank you.” Why she thanked him she had no idea. The man made her

nervous. She was always worried he might discover her crush. “What about your gift? Was

it…nice?” Ugh, she might as well just give it up. She’d never be able to have a decent

conversation with him.

He held up the box of scented candles. “Yeah, I’m sure these will come in handy.”

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She couldn’t tell if he was being serious or sarcastic, so she just smiled. And then the

awkward silence arrived, stretching between them until she thought she’d scream. Although

it was only a few minutes -- well, perhaps not even that long -- it seemed interminable.

“I guess I should be getting back to work.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Tomorrow?” As a billing representative, she didn’t often interact with him.

“Gift-giving day number two.”

“Oh yes.” She’d forgotten for a brief moment they’d be giving a gift each day until the

company holiday party on Friday. “Well, I’ll talk to you later.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it.”

Confusion furrowed her brow as she made her way back to her cubicle. This was the

most Josh had spoken to her since she’d interviewed for her position six months ago. He

must have been feeling the holiday spirit today.

Upon reaching her cubicle, Molly’s discovered a small red-foil package sitting right in

the middle of her desk. The card on top had her name written in a flourish. Not one to deny

herself the joy of a gift, she began to rip open the package. Once devoid of paper, she lifted

the lid and stared. She was bewildered by the items inside, two small silver rings. They didn’t

look like any earrings she’d ever seen. Remembering the note, she dug through the shredded

paper until she found the paper with her name, opened it, and read the words written


I would be most honored if you would wear my gift tomorrow and think of me.

Once she read it, however, she was no more enlightened than she’d been earlier.

Gathering everything, she sought out the one person who might be able to shine a light on

this mystery. Tanya was alone in the workroom cleaning up when Molly walked in.

“Hey Molly, wasn’t the gift exchange a blast?” Joy filled the petite woman’s brown

eyes. Her friend was her opposite in almost every way, from her lithe, tiny figure to her dark

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coloring, but most especially in her enthusiasm for this particular project. “This is so much


“Yeah, tons of fun.” She was trying her damnedest not to rain on her friend’s parade,

but she had to wonder, was the woman on drugs? “I need help.”

“Sure, what’s up?” Tanya threw the last load of trash in the garbage canister and pulled

out a chair to sit down. Molly joined her at the table and handed her the jewelry and note.

“Can you explain this?”

Tanya read the note and then glanced into the box at the rings before busting out in

laughter. “Oh my God, where did you get these?”

“I found them, wrapped up on my desk when I got back to my cube.”

“You’re kidding.”

“No, I’m not. Now do you mind letting me in on the joke?”

“These, my dear innocent, naïve friend, are nipple rings.”

Molly opened her mouth, but no words emerged. Thinking back over the note, she

could feel her face begin to redden.

Someone had given her nipple rings and wanted her to wear them. That was…well she

couldn’t even think of words to describe the request. Her reaction, on the other hand, was

significant to say the least. She was actually turned on by the idea.

“You’re considering it, aren’t you?”

Tanya’s words startled her. “What? No, why would you think that?” She should have

known better than to lie to her best friend.

“Please, I see that gleam in your eye.” Her friend’s eyes shone with delight. “So, who do

you think left you the naughty jewelry?”

“I have no idea.”

“I know who you wish it was.”

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“Of course you do. But wishing doesn’t make it true.” Tanya was privy to all her secret

fantasies about Josh and had been encouraging her to flirt a little with him. Flirting just

wasn’t her style, however. She wasn’t aggressive and couldn’t imagine coming on to him.

Which was probably why she was alone for the holidays.

“But it could be Josh. I mean, it could be anyone.” Never let it be said Tanya couldn’t

beat a dead horse.

“True. Like one of those bitches from reception playing a joke.”

“Please, those two ding-a-lings couldn’t come up with an idea between the two of

them. This is a man. One interested in you. I say go for it.”

“What the hell does that mean?”

“Wear the nipple rings and see what happens.”

Tanya was deluding herself. For one thing, Molly had no idea how to even put the

things on. “How would he know I was wearing them? It’s not as if I’m going to be topless.”

“Silly, your nipples have to be erect to put them on. That’s how he’ll know. Then

maybe he’ll reveal himself.”

“You mean flash me?”

“Now you’re just being moronic. You know perfectly well what I meant.”

“Okay, so I wear the nipple rings and find out who the mysterious gift giver is. What


Tanya wiggled her eyebrows. “Then you let nature take its course.”

* * * * *

Josh watched through the conference room window as pretty little Molly left the

workroom, confusion filling her hazel eyes and furrowing her brow. She clutched the gift

box and card in her hand while Tanya, the effervescent office manager, followed with a

smirk of satisfaction evident on her face. It didn’t take much detective work to figure out

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they’d been discussing the naughty jewelry Molly had received. And as the mystery gift

giver, he was more than interested in the outcome of their conversation.

If it wasn’t for Tanya’s Christmas spirit and her spilling information about Molly’s

recent split, he would have more than likely spent another holiday without the voluptuous

blonde beauty being any wiser about his infatuation with her. Not that she knew he was the

one gifting her with the naughty trinkets yet. But she would and, if everything went right,

he’d be ringing in the New Year with her on his arm and in his life.

He turned his attention back to the conference room and his two partners as they

wrangled over another minor issue. Josh glanced at his watch wondering when this meeting

was going to be over. Although he understood the importance of regular communication, he

sometimes wondered if a meeting was necessary to complete the job. But Victor Titus, one of

his partners in the company, was nothing if not regimented. The man wasn’t known as “The

Iceman” for no reason.

Which was a bit amusing when Josh realized how many women fell over themselves to

grab his friend’s attention. Josh figured it was the other man’s dark good looks as well as the

idea they might be the one to melt his icy heart. Just over six feet, with black hair and a dark,

imposing gaze, Victor considered women much like he did his designer suits, something to

utilize in the right situation and then put away at the end of the day. He was never unkind,

just as pragmatic in his personal life as he was in business. And, in business at least, it had

paid off with generous sums of money.

That payoff was the only reason Josh suffered through the once-a-month meetings

without complaint. Well, without voicing his complaints at least.

“Just one last thing on the agenda,” Victor announced.

“About time,” Brandon Lang, the third partner muttered. His dark blue eyes were filled

with disinterest and annoyance. The aggravated look was something of an anomaly for his

blond, easygoing friend. If Victor was considered the brooding one, Brandon was the good-

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time playboy of the group. That was, until he was forced to sit through one of these life-

force-sucking meetings.

“Don’t think I didn’t hear that,” Victor said.

“Good. I wouldn’t want to repeat it,” the blond man said, much to Josh’s amusement.

Although the two men argued, the three had been friends since college. They each had

their own skills, which complimented the others well and had made their company a rousing

success. If sometimes that meant they had to rein each other in or tell someone to back off,

then all the better it came from a friend.

“Let’s wrap this up so we can all get out of here,” Josh said.

The two men turned as if one, their earlier ire with each other forgotten.

“Why, do you have a hot date tonight?” Brandon teased.

“No, I’m just ready for this day to be done.”

Even staid Victor had to jump on the bandwagon. “Yeah, don’t forget. Josh doesn’t


“I do too.” As soon as the words left his mouth, he realized how ridiculous they

sounded when it was true he hadn’t dated in quite some time.

Although he’d been impressed with Molly’s resume, when she’d walked into his office

six months ago to interview for her job, he’d been struck by his immediate attraction to her.

Her wit and charm had drawn him in, although he had to admit she wasn’t his usual type.

She was a little shorter and a little heavier than the girls he’d dated in the past, but he didn’t

care. Her body more than turned him on. He hadn’t been interested in another woman since.

“Really? I don’t recall you mentioning seeing anyone in the last six months,” Victor

reminded him.

“Or even showing an interest in dating anyone,” Brandon added.

“Are we done with this third degree yet?” His irritation bled into his question.

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“Hell no, this is fun.” Brandon couldn’t keep the smile off his face.

“The grinning idiot is right about one thing. You haven’t shown an interest in anyone

in months. Unless you count the odd meetings you’ve been having with Tanya.”

Victor’s words, although stated in a calm fashion, held a wealth of meaning. Josh

always thought there was something between his friend and the feisty office manager, but

prior to this he figured it was mutual dislike. Of course, the line between love and hate was a

thin one.

“The only reason I’ve been meeting with Tanya is about this Secret Santa project of

hers. You both know how wild she’s been over making this work. All in the hopes we’ll

make it an annual tradition.” He neglected to mention how he’d been pumping her for

information about Molly.

“Forget Tanya,” Brandon said, with a wave of his hand. “Maybe it’s time we started

setting you up.”

“Absolutely not.” He’d thought about revealing his attraction to Molly to his partners,

but after this display he knew they would hound him without mercy.

“If you’re not interested in women, we can always find a guy for you.” As much as he

tried, Brandon couldn’t keep a straight face.

“Enough. There is a woman I’m…pursuing right now, okay? So no more talk about


“Who is it?” This was from Victor, who seemed genuine in his curiosity, without the


“I’ll let you know if it develops into something. Damn, you two are worse gossips than

any little old lady. Can we just please end this god-awful meeting already?”

Although it looked as if Brandon wanted to say more, Victor must have sensed his

desire for the end of the topic and wrapped up the meeting. Josh realized he’d been a bit rude

and unreasonable and knew he’d be apologizing in the morning, but for now he was more

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interested in seeing Molly before she left. He’d know soon enough if she’d decided to wear

the nipple rings, but he still wondered if she’d say anything about her gift.

When he walked toward her cubicle, however, he discovered she’d already shut down

her computer for the night. At first he thought she might have left, but there were still items

sitting on her desk, including his gift box.

“Did you need me for something?”

Her voice came from behind him and the soft words made his groin tighten at the

implication of her question. What he’d love to tell her is how he needed her spread out over

his desk, her skirt pushed up around her waist as he lapped at the essence gathered between

her full thighs. And then, just when she was trembling in his arms, ready to explode, he’d

pull back and sink his cock into her welcoming warmth while she wrapped her legs around

his waist. That’s what he needed her for.

He did his best to pull himself together before he turned to face her. “Just wondered

how your first Secret Santa day went.” Although lame at best, it did generate a reaction. Her

eyes widened and a flush crept over her face.

“Oh, well it was fine.”

“Is that your gift?” He nodded toward the jewelry box on her desk and was amazed to

realize her earlier flush was nothing compared to the redness now covering her cheeks.

“No, this is…something else. Another gift.”

“Oh, an admirer?”

“I’m not sure.” She blinked as she processed the possibility. “Maybe.”

“Well, I hope all the gifts you receive are something…special.” He was going to do

everything in his power to ensure they were.

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Chapter Two

When Molly walked into work the next morning she felt as if she were on display. She

was dead tired after tossing and turning from her racing thoughts about wearing the nipples

rings. But in the end her curiosity outweighed her apprehension. She hoped by wearing the

gift she’d figure out who had given it. The gift giver would be looking for some sign she was

wearing the rings, and she could only hope she’d notice who was paying her extra attention.

Of course the actual process of getting the damned things on this morning had her

almost regretting her decision. Tanya had been correct when she told Molly her nipples

would need to be erect for the rings to stay on. And her attempts to get them into that state

had her squirming even now in remembrance. She’d done what she usually did when she

masturbated and read a scene from one of her favorite erotic novels. When she started to get

turned on, she began to pinch her nipples to bring them to hard little points. Then, before

she began to second-guess her decision, she placed the rings over the diamond points and

squeezed them closed tight.

Once the rings were situated she was shocked about how good they felt. Although not

a permanent piercing, the bite of the metal on her sensitive flesh made her hyper-aware of

her body. She had to wonder if that was the intention of the gift all along.

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She couldn’t go without wearing a bra and for a moment wondered if the material

would hinder someone’s ability to see the rings. Although the jewelry itself wasn’t clearly

visible, her bra did nothing to hide the erect state of her nipples. Even after slipping on her

blouse it was obvious. She wasn’t sure if she could spend the entire day knowing everyone

would see her on display. On the other hand, this could be her only chance to find the

mystery gift giver.

She settled in at her desk, determined not to obsess over the situation. Her resolve

lasted for about five minutes.

“So I guess I don’t have to ask what you decided.”

Molly glanced up into Tanya’s knowing eyes. She could feel herself flush with

embarrassment. The idea of her friend not only staring at her breasts, but specifically her

nipples was a tad disconcerting.

“Keep your voice down.”

Tanya rolled her eyes, but moved into Molly’s cubicle, taking a seat in the guest chair

and scooting it close before speaking again. “It’s not as if anyone will know what we’re

talking about.”

“Don’t be too sure. Think about it. If you noticed I’m sure the entire office could see.”

“Yeah, but I was looking for it,” Tanya said with a laugh.

“Well maybe somebody else is as well.” And she could only hope she’d be able to spot


“Speaking of which, have you figured out who your naughty gift giver is yet?”

“No, in fact you’re the first person to even stop by this morning.”

“Well come on, let’s work this out. Any candidates who might have been paying you

extra attention?”

Molly thought for a brief moment about her odd encounter with Josh the evening

before, but then dismissed the idea. He was just being polite. Besides, not only was he one of

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the partners, he was gorgeous to boot. He wouldn’t be interested in someone like her. She

might have some decent assets, but he was champagne and caviar and she was diet cola and

cheese whiz. She needed to set her sights on someone who might be interested in a

more…full-figured kind of gal.

“No, no one I can think of.”

“Really? Hmm.” Tanya seemed surprised. “Well let’s narrow down the list. There aren’t

many eligible men working here.”

“Well there’s George and Harvey in accounting.” In truth, Molly thought they were

more interested in their own sex than the opposite, but she was trying to be democratic.

Tanya tapped her finger on her chin, deep in thought. “You know, I think those two

are gay.”

Molly laughed. “I was just thinking the same thing.”

“Do you think they might be interested in each other? Maybe we can fix them up. Or

maybe they’re already a couple, just keeping it quiet.” Tanya could shoot off on a tangent in

the blink of an eye.

“Who knows? Can we get back to the topic at hand, namely me?”

“Yes, of course. Who else is there?”

After a quick discussion they had a list of five single, possibly heterosexual men who

might have given her the gift. The problem was, Molly didn’t find herself attracted to any of

them. Still, she was interested in figuring out who it was. “Not much of a list is it?”

“We’re not done yet.”

“We’re not?” Molly thought they’d been pretty thorough.

“The three partners aren’t on the list, and all three are eligible bachelors.”

Molly snorted. “That might be, but they’re not candidates for the list.”

“Why not? Do you think they’re gay?”

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“No.” She tilted her head in thought. “Why, do


think they’re gay?”

Tanya rolled her eyes. “Of course not. I’m just trying to figure out why you don’t think

they’re good candidates for the list.”

“Come on, let’s be realistic. They’re the bosses and I’m a lowly peon. Besides, I’m not

their type.”

“Maybe that’s true for Victor. He seems to like the vacant-headed bimbo type.” Tanya’s

mouth twisted with derision before she seemed to shake herself out of her funk. “But

Brandon and Josh look as if they’re decent human beings. Why wouldn’t you be their type?”

Her friend could be completely dense sometimes. They’d had this discussion many

times in the past, but Tanya refused to believe that some men just might not be interested in

doing the nasty with a bigger girl. And anytime Molly even suggested that might be why she

was desperate and dateless for so many years her friend just waved the possibility away,

insisting it was her shyness and not her weight that was the problem.

“I don’t know. But I’ve seen Brandon with about thirty different women since I’ve

worked here, and I’m not anything like them.”

“You mean those women weren’t funny, intelligent, sexy, and stacked?”

Molly knew what Tanya was trying to imply, but she was also very realistic about

herself. “No, what I meant was that I’m not the athletic, androgynous, rich type he seems to

go for.”

“Urgh, I’m not even going to argue with you, but let me tell you right now, you have

no idea what men like.”

Thinking back to Tanya’s derogatory comment about Victor, Molly had to think her

friend didn’t know much either. Because if she wasn’t mistaken, Victor was very much

interested in the feisty office manager, who was as far from a vacant-headed bimbo as it got.

“Fine, I know nothing. Can we move on, please?”

“What about Josh?”

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Molly could feel herself reddening at his name. She’d been attempting to avoid

mention of him, but Tanya wasn’t going to let her off easy. “What about him?”

“He could be your mystery man.”

“Maybe,” she mumbled, lowering her gaze. She could feel her body reacting to the idea

Josh was the man who might have sent her the nipple rings. Her already-sensitive nipples

now felt as if they were throbbing. The reaction caused a domino effect between her legs as

her sex flooded with cream.

Oh my God, at this rate I’ll never make it through the day.

Tanya, however, seemed oblivious to her dilemma. “No maybe about it, he goes on the


Molly couldn’t help but hope he very well might be her naughty gift giver. Although

he’d never shown any interest, Josh was one of the reasons she’d broken up with the loser

she’d been dating. She figured there was no reason to keep dating a man she had zero

attraction for when she was so interested in someone else. Not that she’d been able to gather

her courage since the breakup to approach Josh. But now that he was on “her list” maybe she

could figure out if the attraction was mutual.

“Okay, he’s on the list. Now what?”

Tanya smiled. “Now the fun begins.”

* * * * *

Josh had decided to come into the building late today on purpose to make sure Molly

would already be there when he arrived. He planned to stop by her cubicle on the way to his

office in order to see if she’d worn the gift he’d given her. He’d been hard since he woke this

morning just thinking about the possibility.

The idea that she’d been touching herself just a few hours ago in order to prepare her

nipples for the rings was one of his fantasies. He’d had to tamp down his urges when the

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thought had come to mind in the shower this morning. As perverse as it seemed, he wanted

her to see his desires, just as he hoped he saw hers.

He turned the corner to head toward Molly’s cubicle when he came to a halt. Tanya

and Molly were sitting with their chairs pulled close together and their heads bent,

whispering away. He could only speculate at what they might be discussing. The office

manager was more than aware of his interest in her friend. She’d indicated she wasn’t averse

to seeing them together and, in fact, had even offered to help him in his cause.

In truth, though, his eyes were for Molly alone. Although she doubtless didn’t realize

it, she dressed to his particular tastes. She had a habit of wearing flowing skirts that showed

off her sexy legs. Even more though he liked her blouses, which -- at initial observation --

seemed professional. The sheer fabric, however, molded her figure and highlighted her

ample cleavage.

Which is what had given him the idea for his gift. They’d been talking one day last

week and he’d leaned forward to brush something from her face. He’d watched with

fascination as her body had reacted to his touch. Her nipples peaked and a flush infused her

skin from the tops of her breasts all the way up her face. He’d had an immediate vision of her

nude, her nipples clamped in the silver rings.

The remembrance had his already-interested cock hardening further, and he once

again reached down to adjust himself. As if sensing his attention, Molly took that very

moment to look up and caught him. Her eyes widened and her perfect bow-tie lips formed

an O of surprise.

Instead of moving his hand right away, he left it over his cock for a second, making

sure she saw his every move. When she continued to stare much longer than necessary, he

smiled, moved his hand into his pocket, and headed over toward them.

“Ladies, how are you both this morning?”

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At his question, Molly lifted her gaze from his groin and blinked up at him. She licked

her lips before beginning to speak and he had to stifle the groan that rose within him. It was

as if her every movement was meant to tease and tantalize him.

“Good, we’re…good.” Molly voice held a slight husky quality, and he imagined it

might be how she sounded after a bout of loving.

“Did you ladies have a pleasant night?”

“Yes,” Tanya answered.

Molly nodded her head, before saying, “It was okay.”

If things were left up to him, she would never be so lackluster in her description of her

nights again. “Wonderful.”

So far he’d been diligent to avoid looking at the one place he most wanted to glance,

but he could hold out no longer. He needed to know. In his best attempt at being subtle, he

turned to Tanya and asked some inane question about Friday’s office party. While she

prattled on, he cut his gaze toward Molly.

Her nipples were poking against the silky fabric, their hard points standing at

attention. He noted with regret that he couldn’t quite discern whether or not she was

wearing the jewelry. He ached to peel the blouse from her body to discover the truth, but

was thwarted by a clearing throat.

“Um, Josh, have you heard a word I’ve said?”

Of course not

. He pulled his gaze from Molly and her delectable breasts and turned

toward Tanya. “Of course. It sounds as if you have everything under control. The party

should be a big success.” Unable to come up with any reason to stay and talk, he smiled and

excused himself.

His frustration as he walked to his office was all-consuming. He’d vowed to see this gift

giving through until Friday, but he was going to be fighting his desires the entire time. He

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could only hope Molly was feeling as on edge as he. With any luck, she was anticipating

what would come when her secret admirer was revealed.

He attempted to work, but it was a futile effort at best. The entire day his mind

continued to drift to Molly. Although he couldn’t prove it, he just knew she was wearing

those nipple rings and the thought had him reaching to adjust his cock again. All he could

think about was all the different ways he could take her and make her his. His imagination

ran wild with the possibilities.

Molly bent over his desk, and her skirt rucked up around her waist, tempting him to

take her from behind. Her rounded ass would be perfect for him to hold on to as he eased

into her wet, welcoming pussy.

Or Molly on her knees, her eyes wide with anticipation as he fed his cock into her

mouth. Her face would be flushed with desire as she took him deep into the back of her


But the one image he kept coming back to was Molly on her bed, her legs spread wide.

Only this time she had a dildo in hand, the same one wrapped in Christmas paper in his

bottom desk drawer. She was fucking herself with it, but begging him to take her ass at the

same time.

The knock at his door had him jumping. “Come in,” he shouted, annoyed at the


Victor opened the door, striding into the room and slamming the door behind him.

“What the hell is up your ass today?”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I’ve been fielding complaints most of the day about you and your nasty

attitude. When did you turn into the Grinch? That’s supposed to be my job, remember?”

Josh ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily. He supposed he had been a bit of a

bear. In fact, now that he thought over the day he realized he owed most of the office an

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apology. It was the second time in as many days, he thought, recalling the similar incident

with his partners just the day before.

“You’re right; I’ve been a complete ass. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t tell me. Start with Greta and work your way around.”

“Jesus, even Greta is mad at me?” She was a barracuda in her own right and usually

gave just as good as she got. If he’d gone so far as to piss her off, he must have really been


Victor sat down and leaned back in the chair. “Not mad so much as worried. She knows

something’s bothering you.”

This was as much of an opening as his friend would ever give. They were guys and

didn’t talk about their feelings like women did.

“The woman, the one I mentioned yesterday, it’s Molly.”

Victor sat up, shock written over his face. “Molly, really?”

“Why do you seem so surprised?”

“She just doesn’t seem like your type.”

“And what type is that?” Josh asked, his jaw clenched tight. Victor had better not say

one word wrong or he might find himself in a world of hurt.

“She’s a bit shy is all.”

Josh settled back in his chair, allowing his muscles to relax. He should have known

Victor wouldn’t have been insulting. “I happen to like Molly just as she is.”

Victor sat back as well. “How long has this been going on?”

Josh sighed heavily. “Nothing’s going on. That’s the problem.”

“Wait a minute. I thought you said yesterday you were pursuing her. So what’s


“She has no idea I want her.”

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Victor caught his gaze with a pointed stare. “Um, sorry if I’m being dense here, but

isn’t that the point of the pursuit?”

Josh picked up a pen and whipped it across the desk at his friend. “Thanks for the news

flash, asshole.”

“I’m not the one who’s in contention for the ‘Prick of the Year’ award right now,”

Victor reminded him.

“Look, she just broke up with her boyfriend. I didn’t want to be her rebound guy.” It

wasn’t as if he didn’t want to drag her into his office and have his wicked way with her every

day. He was trying to be nice here.

“Well if you wait too long, you won’t be anything because she’ll move on.”

As if he needed Victor to point out the obvious. Maybe talking to his friend wasn’t a

good idea after all. “Don’t you think I know that?”

“No, I don’t, because you’re not making any sense. You’re pursuing her, but she doesn’t

know it. What the


does that mean?”

“I’m working with Tanya on her Secret Santa project, and I’m giving Molly some



Victor slowly nodded his head. “So that’s why you and Tanya have been meeting so


“I told you it was about the Secret Santa thing.” Josh frowned. Did no one listen to


“Yeah, I hear you. I knew it was something more.”

Once again Josh noted the subtle hint of jealousy in the other man’s voice. One of these

days Victor was just going to have to admit he felt something for their Latina office manager.

“Anyway, I’m giving Molly these gifts, but since she doesn’t know it’s me, I don’t know

what she thinks about them.”

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Victor stood and shook his head. “I don’t know, man. But if you really want to know,

why don’t you call her and just ask? In the meantime, think about what you can do to make

it up to the rest of the employees for being such a dick.” With that parting comment, he left

the office.

Josh leaned back in his chair, reflecting over the conversation. Victor might not know

much about his own love life, but he’d given Josh some good advice.

Give her a call. Not a

bad idea.

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Chapter Three

As Molly exited her bathroom wrapped in a warm cotton robe, she eyed the gift she’d

set on her bedside table. When she’d found it this afternoon on her desk, she had decided not

to open it while she was in the office. Something told her it would be another naughty

present. Tanya had been disappointed, however, and threatened to bombard her at all hours

of the night, begging to be told what was hidden in the festive wrapping.

Molly stuck to her guns, though, determined to open the gift in private. She was

disappointed she hadn’t been able to figure out who had given her the nipple rings. Just

thinking of the jewelry had her peaks throbbing again. And her thoughts instinctively

turned to Josh. She’d hoped against hope he would reveal he was the gift giver, but instead

she was still left guessing.

She sat on the bed with the pillows propped behind her and legs crossed. She couldn’t

put it off any longer; it was time to open the box. Picking up the gift, she placed the box in

front of her before slipping the card from the envelope to read what was written there.

I hope you enjoy my gift tonight, and maybe you’ll tell me all about it.

Her brow furrowed in confusion. If she didn’t know who he was, how did he expect

her to tell him about the gift? No longer able to contain her curiosity, she ripped into the box

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and dug through the tissue paper until she found an oblong plastic package. She pulled it out

to find a bright pink vibrating dildo.

The words on the card came back to haunt her,

enjoy my gift tonight…tell me all

about it.

She dropped the plastic package as if it were on fire. This had to be a practical joke.

Two seconds later, she picked up the toy to examine it again. The package boasted complete

satisfaction and even noted that batteries were included.

Oh. My. God.

She was actually considering trying it. Although she had a little vibrating bullet, she’d

never used a dildo. It looked intimidating, but at the same time…

She shook her head in confusion. How is it that a mystery man had such control over

her that she was willing to do these outrageous things?

Almost without thought, she pulled the scissors from her bedside table to cut open the

package and then returned them to the drawer. Throwing the plastic remnants back into the

box, she placed it on the floor and returned her attention to the toy. It was shaped like a

penis, although it had an added feature. When the vibrating dildo was used as intended, the

feature would tease and stimulate her clit.

She could feel a flush creeping over her body. Could she really do this? When the

phone began to ring, she welcomed the interruption.

Picking up the receiver, she hit the Talk button. “I’m so shocked you lasted this long

before you called.”

“I didn’t realize you were expecting my call.” The deep voice that answered wasn’t the

one she’d been expecting.

“Oh, um, I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.” She pulled the phone back and

glanced at the caller ID, but it only registered private caller. “Who is this?”

His low chuckle sent a tingle of awareness over her senses. “I’ve left you a couple of

clues as to my identity.”

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It was him. She struggled to place his voice, but all she could tell was that it seemed


“How did you get my phone number?”

“There’s a lot about you I know.”

This man had given her some pretty naughty gifts and now he was calling her at home.

She should be freaked out. Instead she was turned on. “Like what?”

“Hmm, I don’t want to give away too many secrets. At least not yet.”

“Why did you call?”

“I wanted to know if you received my gift. You left a bit abruptly today.”

He must be watching her every move. So why couldn’t she figure out who he was?

“Yes, I…I decided to open it at home.”


“I was surprised, it wasn’t what I was expecting…not that I was expecting anything…I

mean…” His rough chuckle cut off her stumbling words. Damn the man. He had her

stuttering like a young girl on her first date.

“Have you tried it?”

“Ahh, no.”

“Do you want to?”

She wasn’t going to answer; she really wasn’t. But then she opened her mouth and did

it anyway. “Yes, but --”

“Let’s stick with your first response.”

“I don’t know. This seems…”

“Exciting, adventuresome?”

Yes and yes

. “No, wrong. I don’t even know you.”

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“Are you wet? Does the idea of using the toy while I’m listening on the phone turn you


She couldn’t believe he was asking her these questions, or that she was so willing to

answer them. When had she turned into such a wanton? “Yes.”

“Good, because I’m hard thinking about you.”

Oh my! Molly slipped her tongue out and ran it over her lips. Who was this guy, and

how was it possible she was becoming unbelievably aroused by a mere stranger? “What are

you doing to me?”

“Did you enjoy wearing your nipple rings today?” The abrupt change in topic had her

mind skittering to keep up.

“How do you know I wore them?”

“Oh, I know. Your face was flushed and your nipples were hard little points all day.”

“You were watching me?”

“I always watch you. How could I not? You’re such a sexy little thing.”

Molly let out a sharp nervous chuckle. “Are you sure you have the right woman?

There’s nothing little about me.”

“Oh, I know exactly who I’m talking to and fantasize about, Molly, and I like every soft

round part of you. So much so that I’m stroking my cock just thinking about getting you

underneath me.”

She wasn’t laughing any longer. “You are?”

“Oh yeah, baby. Molly?”


“Tell me something.” His voice lowered into a seductive pitch. “What are you


“A-a robe.”

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“Is that it?”


“Mmmm…I like the sound of that.”

And she liked the sound he made when he said that.

“I want you to take it off for me and lay back on the bed.”

“Lie back…why?” she asked, even though she already knew the answer. She slipped

the cotton off her body and shivered as she settled back against the pillows. Her reaction

wasn’t from cold, but anticipation.

“Because I want to listen to you come for me as I stroke my cock and come for you.

Would you like that, Molly mine? Would you like to come for me?”

“I don’t even know who you are.”

“Which only makes this all the more fun. Play with me, Molly, and I promise you, you

won’t regret it.”

His words were like a siren’s call, beckoning her to the dark side. And she went

without regret, more than willing to experience something wild and naughty.

“Are you touching yourself, Molly mine?”

For some reason his nickname seemed to make it all the more intimate. She cupped her

breasts and touched her tender nipples. “Yessss.”

“Hmm, tell me all about it.”

“My nipples are sore from the rings, but very sensitive. I just barely touch them and I

can feel it…lower.”

“In your sweet pussy?”

She could feel the flush spread over her body. How was it she could be embarrassed by

a word when she was essentially having phone sex with a stranger? “Yes, my pussy is wet

and aching.”

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“Let’s see what we can do to relieve that ache then.” It sounded as if he shifted and she

wondered if he was nude as well. Was he holding his cock in his hand right now, stroking

himself as they talked? “Do you have the toy?”

“Yes, I have it.”

“Good. Turn it on and run it over your body. Get used to the feel.”

It only took a moment for her to find the switch and turn on the dildo. The advertising

didn’t lie; the batteries were already installed as the latex toy buzzed to life. She rolled the

fake penis over her aching breasts and down her rounded stomach. But in a masochistic

streak, she kept the dildo from between her legs, instead teasing her inner thighs and the

crease between her stomach and the top of her mound.

“How do you like it?”


He chuckled harshly. “You haven’t touched that aching pussy yet, have you?”

Did the man have a secret scope into her bedroom? He seemed to be able to read her

every move. “No, not yet.”

“Run it between your pussy lips. Get it wet with your juices.”

Doing as he commanded, Molly spread her legs wider and ran the buzzing toy along

her creamy seam. The intensity of the vibrations shocked her and she gasped, pulling the

dildo away.

“Did you like that?”

“It was too much.”

“Oh no, it could never be too much. Turn the vibrations down a bit, so it’s on the

lowest setting. Then get it nice and wet.”

With a quick motion, she had the toy almost muted and returned it to the juncture of

her thighs. With the vibrations on low she was able to run the dildo back and forth, coating

it with her juices. Her breathing became hitched as she continued to play.

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“Baby, I can hear how much you like that. Now turn it up, just a little, and tease your

clit for me.”

She’d been avoiding that sensitive bundle of nerves, but with resolve, sped up the

vibrations and slid the toy higher. Her body bowed at the touch. “Ahhh, oh God, it’s


“You are so damned responsive. I wish I was there right now to lap up all that sweet,

sweet cream.”

His words in combination with the increasing stimulation had her poised on the edge

of climax. “I don’t think I can last much longer,” she panted.

“Put the toy in your pussy, Molly mine. Put it in and imagine it’s me fucking you.”

Josh had been hard since he’d picked up the phone and although it had pained him to

do so, he’d not touched himself the entire time they’d been talking. While they’d spoken, her

voice had drifted over the phone as if she’d been caressing him. She was the perfect

embodiment of sultriness and innocence, all wrapped in one hot little package and his cock

had jumped, begging for attention. Even so, he’d continued to hold out, prolonging the

inevitable. But now, he didn’t know if he could wait much longer.

“I don’t think…”

“Don’t think, just feel.”

Pushing down his briefs, he kicked them off his legs. With images of Molly filling his

head, he ran his fingers across the length.

“What are you doing to me?”

He imagined what she looked like right at this moment. Eyes closed, he could see

Molly lying on a bed and her full thighs open in invitation. He imagined her pussy glistening

with the evidence of her own desire, stuffed full with the vibrator.

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“Tell me what you need, Molly mine.” His hand tightened over his throbbing shaft as

he envisioned her begging him. She would be naked, her hands on her breasts, squeezing the

plump mounds and pleading for him to taste. Lucky for her, he would be more than willing

to try those melons.

“I…I don’t know.”

His thoughts shifted for a moment and in his fantasy he was sitting next to her on her

bed. He watched as she reached between her legs to stroke her swollen folds before moving

to her clit. Her mouth would be wide open and her body would quiver as she rubbed her

finger back and forth as he whispered words of praise. She would pinch and squeeze her

nipples, as he stroked his hardening cock.

“Touch your breasts, Molly mine. Remember what they felt like when you were

wearing the nipple rings.”

With the faint sound of the toy humming in the background, he listened as she gasped

and moaned, knowing she was playing with herself. His hand began to move over his shaft

with slow, measured strokes.

“Those are my hands on your breasts, my fingers pinching your nipples, baby. Can you

feel it?”

“Yes, yes.”

He continued to talk, purposely deepening his voice as he focused on the fantasy he

was creating for both of them.

“And I’m rubbing my cock against you, Molly mine. You’re so wet, so aching. I am too.

I need to be inside you.”

“Oh God.”

He stroked his hand up and down his erection in rhythm to the cadence of her

breathing. Pausing for a moment, he squeezed the thick, bulbous head in his hand and

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gathered the slippery precum there. He used his juice as lubrication, spreading it all along the

length of his aching shaft.

“Don’t stop, Molly, keep going. Let me inside.” He immediately knew when she’d

plunged the toy into her pussy at her keening cry.

Josh pumped himself for all he was worth, his swollen shaft beating a tattoo in his hand

as he pulled on it. “That’s it baby, I’m fucking you. Can you feel me?”

“Yes…God…so good.” He could barely understand her words as she gasped, and he

knew she was riding the dildo as if it were his cock.

“Don’t come yet. We want this to last.”

“No,” she sobbed into the phone, “I need…”

“I know what you need and I’m going to give it to you.”

He might seem to her as if he was in control, but it was only an illusion. His own

orgasm wouldn’t be denied much longer as he struggled to hold out. Even so, he fought back

the need to come as he continued to try to weave his fantasy to Molly.

“You feel so good, so tight on my cock. With every stroke I’m going deeper and


Her stifled moan had his hand tightening on his erection. He was more than ready to

come and now he knew she was too. “No baby, don’t hold back.”

“Wh-what?” Her confusion was more than evident.

“Tease your clit and fuck yourself hard. It’s time for you to come. Let me hear you.”

Molly did as he commanded, screaming out her release. Hearing her breathy cries, Josh

allowed his body to take over. His hand sped over his aching erection as he stroked himself

to completion. His balls began to draw up tight against his body and his cock exploded,

shooting stream after stream of creamy semen onto the towel he’d grabbed.

Taking a deep breath, he attempted to calm his racing heart. He realized he’d dropped

the phone and scrambled to retrieve it.

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“Molly, you still with me?”

“Yes.” Her voice was a mere whisper and he wondered if he’d pushed her too far.

“You were beautiful, so responsive.” He realized he’d been speaking plainly for quite

some time. While she was in the throes of passion she probably didn’t comprehend much of

anything, but now…

“I can’t believe… I’ve never done anything like this before.”

He cleared his throat harshly, once again lowering his voice. “This is only the

beginning, Molly. Only the beginning.”

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Just call me Saint Nick.”

“Bu --”

“Night, Molly mine.”

“Wa --”

Josh didn’t wait for her to her say good night. He simply hung up the phone before he

was tempted to confess all to her. There was time for the two of them to talk later. Right

now, he needed to shower, then prepare her present for the next day. If she enjoyed this one

half as much as she did the vibrator, she’d be his by the weekend.

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Chapter Four

“I deserve a medal.” Tanya’s declaration startled Molly from her silent ruminations. All

she’d been able to think about today was the previous evening and the things she’d done. She

knew she must be wearing a permanent blush. And as much as she knew it was a fool’s

dream, she continued to secretly hope Josh was her caller. That was who she’d been thinking

of last night when she’d done all those scandalous things. She thanked God it had only taken

place over the phone. If he’d in fact been in the room with her, seen her naked and writhing

on the bed… The embarrassment of that might have actually killed her.

Dragging her attention away from her lustful thoughts, she asked, “Um, how do you


Tanya rolled her eyes before settling herself in Molly’s guest chair. “You never called

last night and I restrained myself from calling you.” She sat back, with an expectant look on

her face.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was distracted.” In fact, after her mystery caller had hung up

the phone she’d soon fallen into a blissful sleep, lulled by the fantastic climax she’d

experienced. It was only in the light of day that she began to question her ability to resist

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temptation and a seductive voice. A voice she was sure she could recognize again, although

perhaps only over the phone.

“Okay, give.”


“What or who distracted you? Because that is not the look of simple distraction. And

what was in that box?”

Molly knew without a doubt Tanya wouldn’t be put off any longer. She glanced around

to make sure no one was listening and then motioned for her to lean in close. “It was a

vibrating dildo. And I was distracted because



Tanya’s eyes widened. “He, as in the gift giver?”

“None other.”

“So…who is he?”

“I don’t know. I…his voice was familiar, but I couldn’t quite recognize it.”

Tanya sat back, a look of disgust clearly visible on her face. “Well damn.”

“I know. It’s frustrating.”

Tanya smiled then. “But hey, it’s not all bad. You finally have a real toy.”

The blush she thought she had under control crept back over her face. “Um, yeah.”

Tanya stared at her intently. “Oh. My. God. You had phone sex, didn’t you?”

Molly cringed and glanced around, mindful of the busy office, something Tanya

obviously wasn’t. “Could you say that a little louder and let the people in the next block hear


Tanya dismissed her apprehension with a wave of her hand. “Please, no one heard me.



, this is



“No, it’s not. This is my life.”

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Her friend sighed. “Okay, I’m sorry. But…it’s something significant in your life, right?

Something you’re going to discuss with your best friend?”

“It’s just so embarrassing. I can’t believe I did something like that. And with a complete


“Come on, it’s about time you let loose and had some fun. The question is, was it any


Damn her pale skin. She might as well take a red marker and color her face. “Yes, it

was better than anything I’ve ever experienced.”

“Anything? Even better than…” Tanya made an obscene gesture with her hand and

finger, simulating intercourse.

Molly nodded, unable to put into words her lack of experience. She’d had orgasms

through masturbation before, but never during intercourse. Technically she still hadn’t. But

last night was closer.

“Wow. Okay. Well, we need to figure out who this guy is because you need to get

together with him in real life. I have a feeling he’d blow your socks off.”

“I’ve been trying to figure out who he is without any luck. The only thing I can think

of is that we possibly try to catch him if he gives me another gift.”

“If? Do you really have any doubt?”

Molly shrugged her shoulders. “Who knows? Sure, I’ve received two so far, but it’s no

guarantee there’ll be more coming. And I’m no closer to discovering his identity than he

seems to be in revealing it.”

Tanya furrowed her brow. “So what’s your plan to catch him?”

“Never leave my desk?” she offered halfheartedly.

“That’s realistic,” Tanya said, with a twist of her mouth. “He won’t bring over the gift if

you never move.”

“Fine, what’s your suggestion?”

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Tanya scrunched her face in doubt. “I don’t know.”

“Fat lot of help you are.” Molly couldn’t fault her, though, as she had few ideas herself.

“Maybe you should just let this play out. I’ll bet he plans to surprise you Friday at the


“But that still leaves one more gift today.”

Tanya flashed a wicked smile. “What’s wrong with that? It’s not as if these gifts have

been the usual Christmas mugs and goofy ornaments. They’ve been useful, and fun.”

“You are such a pervert.”

“I’m not the one wearing nipple rings and having phone sex, freakola.”

“Shut up.”

“Are you picking on Molly?” The deep voice caused Molly to freeze and glance up into

Josh’s smiling face. She wondered with a growing sense of dread if he’d overheard any of

their conversation.

“Me, picking on sweet little innocent Molly?” Tanya smirked. “Never.”

Josh shifted his gaze between the two women and cocked his brow. “Okay, if that’s the

story you’re going with.”

“It is,” Tanya replied. “Now, I need to discuss some party plans with you.”

Molly watched as Tanya practically dragged Josh from her cubicle. She shook her head

and turned back to her computer. Thinking Josh might be her mystery gift giver was

ridiculous. Why would he be interested in her when he could have any woman in the office?

The very disheartening thought stayed with Molly for the entire day. Try as she might,

she couldn’t figure out who had sent her the gifts. Even her very lame attempt at sitting at

her desk all day resulted in nothing more than a very irritated bladder. At the rate she was

going, not only was she going to need Depends very soon, she was also never going to figure

out who her mysterious caller was.

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Fed up with guessing, Molly went to the workroom for the daily gift exchange,

unsurprised to receive yet another gift she wouldn’t use, this time flavored cocoas. Since she

had decided to give up sugar, this gift was going to be added to the re-gift pile she was

accumulating. Frustrated, she attempted to slip out before everyone had finished but was

stopped by Tanya, who caught her arm.

“Hold on, I’m coming with you. We’re almost done here.”

Molly sighed, but nodded and stood there tapping her foot. She wanted to hurry back

to her desk to see if another gift was waiting, but she stuck around knowing she’d have hell

to pay if she tried to ditch Tanya. Five minutes later, her friend was finished and the two

women arrived at Molly’s cubicle to find another wrapped package, this time in silver and

purple paper.

“Oh my God, open it, quick.”

Tanya seemed more anxious than she did. Instead of ripping into the paper she slipped

the card from the envelope, expecting another cryptic note. She wasn’t disappointed.

This is a gift for the bo h of us. I get half and so do you, but you’re not allowed to use it

until tomorrow. Think of it as the gift that keeps on giving. Until then, dream of me. I know

I’ll dream of you

. Molly reread the note, confused at the puzzling message. What good would

a gift be if she only had half of it?


“Hurry up already. I want to know what it is.”

“Jeeze, give me a minute.” Tearing the paper off, Molly opened the box to find another

sex toy. At least that’s what she thought it was.

“It’s a butterfly.” Tanya’s vast knowledge of sex toys and accoutrements seemed to be

never ending.

“Explain, please.”

Tanya picked it up and held it in front of her. “This part goes against your clit and these

straps wrap around your thighs. You can wear it under your clothing.”

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“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Molly pulled the toy away from her friend to examine it

closer. “These things wouldn’t fit around my thighs in a million years.”

“You can put it in your panties if you fit it just right.”

Molly was dubious, but nodded. “I suppose.”

“Where’s the controller?”

“I don’t know.” Molly searched the box, but it was empty. Then it hit her.



have the controller. “I guess that’s what the note meant.”

“Are you going to do it?”

Could she? Wearing the butterfly would mean allowing her body to be subjected to

sexual stimulation at his every whim. The thought should terrify her, but she was excited


“I’m going to do it.”

* * * * *

When Friday finally arrived, Josh was more than ready to reveal his status as Molly’s

naughty gift giver. The party wasn’t until later that afternoon, however. The one saving

grace was Molly’s final gift. She had been more than willing to play along with the two

earlier gifts, and he was certain she had worn the toy as soon as he saw her walk into the

office this morning. Never tentative in the past, today she walked oh-so-gingerly through the

aisle and to her cubicle.

He wanted to turn the butterfly on to see if she reacted, but he wasn’t sure of the range

of the remote-control device. Besides, from this angle he wouldn’t be able to observe much.

He needed to be closer, much closer.

Before he could reach her though, Tanya and another coworker, Bob, waylaid her.

Even though Josh was convinced Bob was no real competition, he didn’t like the way Molly’s

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face lit up when she talked to the other man. As barbaric as it was, he didn’t want any other

man to make her smile but him.

Josh stopped where he was and stared at the pretty woman. She was dressed up for the

party, wearing another sexy skirt, this time black velvet. Her top was an emerald green and

crisscrossed over her breasts, ending in a deep V that showcased her bountifulness. He was

close enough to see her better, but not close enough to hear her speak clearly. The distance

was fine though. He didn’t need to hear her talk, just watch her come.

As subtly as possible, Josh slipped his hand into his pants pocket and switched on the

remote control to the lowest setting. The change in Molly’s demeanor was instantaneous.

Her pretty eyes widened and her mouth opened, her lips forming the cutest O shape.

Oh yeah, she was wearing the toy.

Her gaze swept the room in an attempt to discern the source, but with so many people

around he knew it would be impossible for her to pin him down as the culprit, something

she soon discovered as well. Turning to her friend, he could see her eyes widen as she

silently communicated her distress. It took Tanya a few seconds to catch on, but he watched

as she hustled Bob from Molly’s cubicle.

All the better for me

. Bob was gone and now no one was there to witness her coming,

except for him. The thought that he was able to control her orgasm, especially surrounded by

so many others, had his cock rising. She was his, even if she didn’t know it yet.

She’d finally been able to adjust to the involuntary reactions of her body and was once

again turning to look around the room. Thankfully, he was out of her direct line of sight for

the moment. Slipping his hand over the controller, he moved the switch up another notch.

Molly’s body jerked in response to the added stimulation, her hands curving around the edge

of her desk.

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He wished he could be closer, to see the sweat he was sure must be gathering on her

upper lip. To watch her nipples peak as the vibrations continued to tease her swollen clit. To

hear the breathy little moans she would make as she fought to hold back.

What he could see was good though too. She’d moved her hands from the desk to

clutch at the arms of the chair. He watched as her eyes closed and she puffed out short little

breaths. She wasn’t even attempting to look around anymore, concentrating instead on her

own body and the reactions he was causing. His cock jerked in need as her tongue peeked

out to lick over her ruby-tinted lips.

Just that sight had him wondering what it would be like to have her mouth on him,

licking and sucking at his cock. He watched as she shifted in her chair. Was she trying to

fight the sensations coursing through her body or welcoming them? He would have to ask

her tonight. Maybe while he was licking the sweet cream from between her thighs.

Damn it, he needed to see her come, right now. Flipping the power switch to full, he

gazed at her with rapt attention. Molly’s back bowed sharply gripping the chair arms tight as

she fought off the oncoming climax. But her body wouldn’t allow her to run from the

inevitable. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as she rocked forward with the force of her


Beautiful at any other time, when she was in the throes of passion she was exquisite.

He reached in his pocket and switched the remote off. He wanted to walk over to her

and gather her in his arms. Instead he watched from afar, frustration bitter in his mouth.

Fuck his plan, he was going to tell her now.

Fate had other ideas, however. Two steps later he was halted by his partners, who

needed his help with a high-profile client. As much as he wanted to blow them off, he knew

he needed to take care of business. He glanced back at Molly with longing as they dragged

him away.

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Although he intended to return to Molly as soon as possible, it was as if the universe

conspired against him. Work kept him busy right up until the time the party started. As the

entire office shut down, the drinks began to flow. He watched with interest as Molly

accepted a glass of wine and drank it in two gulps. Although he didn’t care if she wanted to

relax, he didn’t want her drunk.

Just as he began to head in her direction, Tanya climbed on a chair. Stymied again. He

leaned back against the wall as he waited for her announcement.

“Settle down,” she called out, hands on her hips. “I’d like to start by thanking the

partners for their generosity this year in allowing us to begin our Secret Santa gift exchange

extravaganza, which I


will become an annual tradition.”

Josh just rolled his eyes at her subtleness. They had discussed it today and agreed to

acquiesce to her pleas.

“Anyway, it’s time for the final gift and the big reveal. So, if you think you know who

your Secret Santa is, go ask them. And enjoy the party.”

The crowd erupted into applause and everyone began to figure out who had their

presents. Josh watched as Molly looked around the room as if she was searching for

something. Or someone, as the case was. She looked up at him in that moment and their

gazes locked. Pushing away from the wall he headed in her direction, the entire time

keeping his gaze on her.

Before he reached her, however, he was stopped by Bob, in a surprising twist of fate.

“Hey Josh, I was your Secret Santa.” The other man handed him a box. Glancing back

at Molly, he noticed she had moved away from her previous spot and was talking to Greta,

handing her a present. He turned back to Bob and smiled, quickly opening his gift, a bottle of

wine and two glasses.

“Thanks, these will come in handy.” He hadn’t planned it, but a bottle of wine might

just make tonight even more romantic.

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“Glad you like it. I know the other gifts were kind of lame.”

“No, not at all.” Josh was stuck being polite and had to talk to Bob for a few more

minutes before he could escape. Making a quick survey of the room he found Molly was once

again alone. He tucked his gift under his arm and headed for his prize, not allowing anyone

else to stop him in his quest.

When he finally stood next to her, he watched as her hand fluttered up to play with

the silver necklace she wore. “Hi.”

He was amused by her nervousness. “Hi there, yourself.”

“Thanks. For the party I mean.”


She licked her lips. “Yes?”

“I’m your Secret Santa.”

Her eyes widened for a moment and then she nodded. “Oh, well, thank you for the

chocolates, ornament, and cocoa.”

He took a step forward, trapping her between his body and the counter behind her. “I

gave you some other gifts as well.”

“Oh.” She swallowed hard, her eyes blinking. “Oh.”

“Is that all you have to say?”

“I…I need to get out of here.”

Molly bolted around him and ran from the room, leaving him staring after her with his

mouth agape in surprise. Of all the reactions he’d expected her to have, that wasn’t one of


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Chapter Five

After running from the workroom, Molly headed back to her cubicle. She hoped that

with the rest of the staff in full-blown party mode no one would notice she was leaving

early. Her computer was already shut down so all she had to do was grab her purse and she

could bail. As she reached her desk, her face flushed in remembrance of what had happened

there earlier in the day.

At that time she thought that being brought to orgasm by a stranger was the most

exciting part of her day. Josh’s announcement soon changed that idea. When he revealed

he’d been her Secret Santa, she tried to tell herself it didn’t mean he’d given her the naughty

gifts as well. Until he blew that theory out of the water.

She should be happy. Instead she was running scared, like a rabbit.

Why? Because I got

what I wanted and now I don’t know how to deal with it.

Shaking her head in disgust at her own illogic, she grabbed her purse from the desk and

headed toward the door.

“Molly, wait.”

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She stopped and turned to see Josh bearing down on her. His face was a mixture of

concern and frustration. When he finally arrived at her side, he reached out and tucked a

strand of her hair behind an ear, causing a shiver to race up her spine.

“Is everything okay? You rushed out of there pretty quick.”

She nodded, unable to speak for a moment. His touch ignited all the pleasure sensors in

her body. She wanted to just lean into him, but at the same time she felt as if she were in a

dream and any minute she’d wake up to find it was all just a cruel joke. “Sorry I took off like

that. I just needed…some air.” Some time to come to terms with the fact she’d been fooling

around with her boss was more like it.

“Come here.” Josh grabbed her hand and pulled her the few feet until they were in his

office. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you something to drink.”

Molly sank into the couch, grateful to be able to relax, if only for a minute. She needed

to get her bearings and figure this out, if only so she could explain it to him. Because she

knew without a doubt he’d want to hear why she’d run. Closing her eyes, she felt the tension

slowly seep from her body. Until she heard the sound of a cork pop. She opened her eyes to

look around the room and realized he’d closed the door behind them so no one knew they

were there. And he was, at this very moment, pouring them each a glass of wine. As if her

mind wasn’t fuzzy enough already.

He handed her a half-full wineglass. “Here. Just a sip, to calm your nerves a bit.”

She did as he suggested and to her surprise he was right. As the warmth from the wine

seeped into her blood stream, she could feel herself beginning to return to a normal keel.

“Thank you.”

He joined her on the couch, taking a sip of his own wine before asking, “So do you

want to tell me why you ran away?”

She decided to try and turn the tables on him and asked, “No, but why don’t you tell

me why the big charade?”

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Instead of chagrin, however, Josh just smiled. “I had no hidden agenda, other than to

tease and tantalize you all week. Did it work?”

She could feel her face flame as she remembered all the things she’d said and done.

“Yes, you know it did.”

“Good.” He set his glass down on the table and moved closer to her, taking her own

glass from her nerveless fingers and placing it on the table next to his. “Are you ready to

explain your running out of there?”

“I didn’t run, I --”

“Yes, that’s right, you needed some air.”

“Exactly.” Why she felt the need to hide her cowardice she had no idea.

“So why did the knowledge that I’d been the one giving you the gifts suddenly have

you looking for air?”

“I…ah…” Damn him and his logical brain. She couldn’t think of an argument fast


“Do you want to know what I think?”

Molly blinked and nodded.

“I think you were scared.”

She shook her head in denial. “I’m not scared of you.”

Josh leaned forward until they were mere inches apart. Although she felt like pulling

back, she’d just declared she wasn’t scared of him so she held her ground. The heat from his

body was palpable and she could smell his cologne, some musky, masculine scent that made

her want to drool.

“I’m glad to hear that. But I don’t think it’s me you’re scared of. I think it’s this.” He

closed the gap between them, pulling her toward him. Slipping one hand around to the nape

of her neck, he bent his head to capture her lips.

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With a fierceness Molly never expected from him, Josh took her mouth under his,

parting her lips with his tongue, and kissed her with a passion borne of need. His kiss was

surprising, but entirely welcomed. Although she’d run earlier, as soon as his lips touched her

own she was his.

Molly moaned softly and wound her arms around his neck and sank into his embrace.

Mentally she might not have been prepared for Josh to be her Secret Santa, but physically

she was more than ready to surrender her body to him. Any second now she might wake up

and realize this was all a dream, so she was going to enjoy the moment to the fullest while

she could.

Before she could completely lose herself in his kiss, though, Josh pulled back. Opening

her eyes she stared, flushed and with bated breath, at the man before her. From the hungry

look in his brown eyes, he was as aroused by their simple kiss as she was.

“Tell me, Molly mine” -- the nickname brought forth a flood of memories from their

night on the phone, making everything all the more real -- “did you enjoy coming for me


Did she ever. “Yes.”

“I bet you didn’t enjoy it as much as I enjoyed watching you come.”

“You…watched me?” Where had he been? Molly thought back long and hard and

couldn’t recall seeing him anywhere. “From where?”

“From only a few feet away. I saw the way your body trembled as you came; I saw the

way you held so tightly to the arms of the chair and bit down into your lip so you wouldn’t

give yourself away.”

“You saw all that?”

“Yes, and I want to see it again.” Josh moved off the couch and knelt in front of her.

“But this time” -- he grasped her legs and pulled them as far open as her skirt would allow --

“I want to see it up close and personal. Tell me, Molly mine, are you still wearing your toy?”

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She’d thought about removing it after she’d come earlier, but hadn’t. Now that decision

might come back to haunt her. Or be the best one she’d ever made. “Yes, I’m still…yes.”

“Good.” His hand left her knee for a moment and he pulled the remote control from his

pocket. “The bad part about only watching was that I couldn’t touch. But now I can.”

He thumbed the switch, and the toy nestled against Molly’s clit buzzed to life. It was

only on the lowest setting, but her body still arched at the sudden sensation. “Oh my God.”

“That’s another thing I missed earlier. I can still hear your breathy gasps from our

phone call the other night. You sounded so out of control when you were coming.”

When Molly went to speak, he flicked the switch, turning the butterfly speed up

another notch. Instead of the smart retort she’d planned to utter, her lips parted in a silent


“Are you wet, Molly mine?” He didn’t wait for her reply, but instead slid his free hand

up the inside of her thigh. She always wore thigh-high stockings instead of pantyhose. When

his hand encountered the lace top he murmured, “Nice,” before moving higher. As he rubbed

the cotton material of her panties, the butterfly pressed harder against her clit. She gasped

and gripped at his arms. “Oh yeah, these panties are practically soaked right through. I think

you like this, Molly mine.”

“I…God, yes I like it.” The vibrations were rocking her body now and she could feel

her orgasm approaching. Just a little bit more and she’d be there. But it wasn’t meant to be.

She rocked her hips up, trying to get that firmness she needed only to have him flick the

switch to off. “Wh --”

“Not yet, Molly mine. As beautiful as you look coming, I want to taste it.”

He couldn’t possibly mean what she thought he meant could he? Although it was

embarrassing to admit it, she’d never received oral sex. She wasn’t too sure if she wanted a

man with his face between her legs like that. It made her feel too…vulnerable.

“I…ahh…I’ve never…”

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“Shh.” He pressed her back against the cushions. “Just lie back and relax. You’re going

to love it.”

That was easy for him to say.

Once he’d felt her wetness and her trembling at his brief touch, he knew he had to

taste her. When she admitted she hadn’t had much experience with oral sex, it was like an

obsession for him. He wanted to lap at her juices and feel her pussy contracting as he ate at

her. To be the first to make her come this way.

“Please, could you lower the lights?” Molly’s pleas, although stated prettily, were going

to go unheeded.

Josh shook his head. “No way. I want to see your dew, your thighs trembling, your

pussy swollen and rosy.” He tugged at her panties. “Now lift up for me, Molly mine.”

Pressing herself back against the couch, she lifted her hips and he swept the panties down

her legs, taking the butterfly with them as she settled back onto the cushions. Pushing at her

skirt, he bunched it around her waist. She was still dressed, but completely exposed to him.

The light dusting of blonde curls covering her pussy were nicely trimmed and did

nothing to mar the beauty hidden there. With her legs spread wide, her lower lips were

exposed and he could see the dew gathered. Nevertheless, he wanted more.

“Lift your left leg and place your foot on the couch.”

“What…why?” She blinked in confusion.

“Because I want to see you.”

“This is so embarrassing.” Her hands covered her cheeks.

He was beginning to realize she was uncomfortable with her size or worried that he

might be. He’d soon relieve her of that notion, even if he had to keep her constantly naked to

do it. “It doesn’t have to be. Just relax and let me take care of everything.”

“What if I can’t?”

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“You can and you will.” Josh reached up to pull her hands down and sent her a level

look. “Trust me.”

“I…I do.” Molly slowly raised her leg and did as he’d bid.

“Hmm, Molly mine, this is one fine feast I see before me. I’m going to enjoy it.” He ran

a finger through her crease and she jerked her hips in response. Her reactions were so

instantaneous, so honest, he wanted to see more. “You’re sensitive here, aren’t you?” He

traced the edge of her pussy lips until he reached her clit, gently raking his fingernail over

the tight bud.

“Oh God, yes, yes.” Her voice, although urgent, was a hushed whisper.

Unable to wait any longer, he bent his head and gave her a long, slow lick. Molly

squirmed and moaned as he continued to taste her. Moving toward her clit, he flicked the tip

of his tongue up and down across it several times, then dipped back to taste her juices. He

began to lick in earnest, slowly up and down at first before increasing his speed.

He slid a finger through her slickness as his tongue continued to tease her clit.

Working the digit inside, he curved it around to stroke the top of her pussy. He knew when

he’d found that special spot when her hips literally lifted from the couch and she moaned his


Josh moved his lips away from her sweet nectar. “That’s right, Molly mine. I’m the one

doing this to you, making you feel this way. Just remember that.”

As he flicked his tongue over her clit, he added a second and then third finger,

penetrating the slick walls of her pussy. He began to fuck her, sliding them in and out, all the

while nibbling at her tender clit.

“Josh, don’t stop, please, don’t stop.”

As if I could

. No, he wanted to watch her come apart in his arms before he sank

himself balls deep inside her.

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Sliding his lips around her clit, he sucked hard as his fingers sped up their rhythm. Her

hands grasped at his head and entwined in his hair. It was all the encouragement he needed.

He sucked harder and returned to that special spot deep inside, rubbing until she was

squirming beneath him. As he moved faster, she moaned louder, writhing back and forth.

She whimpered as he pulled his hand from the slick walls of her pussy, but he didn’t

leave her wanting for long. Grabbing her ass with both hands for support, he kept his mouth

glued to her clit.

“Oh fuck, ooooo, I’m…I’m going to come.”

He chuckled to himself at her cursing and redoubled his efforts. With a harsh groan,

she thrust her hips toward him and squeezed his face between her thighs as her body

contracted and the orgasm swept over her. She trembled as he thrust his tongue deep into

her pussy to lap at her copious juices and continued to shudder with aftershocks as he licked.

When her legs finally relaxed, he lifted his head and stared at Molly. She lay supine,

head lolling back against the couch, a soft smile on her face. Although she might be relaxed

now, he had a lot more plans for her. Later, when they had more time and weren’t doing this

in secret in his office while a party was being held only a few feet away, he would have the

time to do what he wanted. To strip her bare and explore every inch of her delectable body.

He wanted to prove to her just how beautiful he saw her. But for now, he needed to be inside


Josh rose to his feet and immediately began to unbuckle his belt.

“No,” Molly said softly. “Let me.”

Her husky voice had his erection aching to be set free, but he would never deny such a

lovely lady her pleasure. “Of course.”

When she sat up, he stepped forward, putting his waist in reach. She fumbled for a

moment with his buckle, her nervousness evident. Only after she had unfastened his pants

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and tried to delve her sweet little hands inside did he step away. “No, baby, if you touch me I

won’t last long.”

She nodded and sat back, her legs slightly spread. He wished he had a camera to

capture her at this moment: her hair mussed, lipstick gone, eyes shining with eager

anticipation, and thighs open for him. Thankfully, he’d been prepared for this eventuality.

He stepped out of his shoes, then pulled out the condom he’d stashed in his pants pocket and

shoved the foil package between his lips. Acting quickly, he pushed the pants along with his

briefs to the floor. Kicking his garments away, he sheathed himself, then knelt on the couch

between her legs.

With his cock in hand, he spread the lips of her pussy, stroking her seam and bumping

against her clit with the head. She whimpered and moaned, tilting her hips toward him in an

open invitation.

“Are you ready, Molly mine? Is this what you want?” He wanted to hear her say it. To

know she wanted this as much as he did.

“Yes, please Josh. I need --” Her words ended on a gasp as he plunged inside. He pulled

back, inching out slowly as he felt the walls of her pussy gripping him tight. “No, don’t leave

me.” Her arms grasped at him.

“Don’t worry, Molly mine, I’ll give you everything you need.” Josh proceeded to do just

that. Bracing a hand on the arm of the couch, he powered forward and sank himself into her

velvet depths. “Wrap your legs around me, baby.”

She adjusted herself accordingly, digging her heels into his ass. He ignored the pain and

sank impossibly deeper inside her. She was heaven, all he’d imagined and more.

Again and again he thrust into her welcoming heat, fucking her hard without pause.

She met his every stroke with open abandon.

“Josh, Josh, Josh.” She chanted his name as he thrust into her.

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“Take me. Take every inch of me.” He wanted to imprint this event onto her very soul.

She was finally beneath him and he never wanted it to end.

“Yes, oh God, yes.”

He leaned forward to take her mouth in a bruising kiss. She returned his fervor,

thrusting her tongue inside his mouth to duel with his. He pulled back to stare down into her

desire-filled eyes.

“Fuck me, Josh. Make me yours.”

Her begging proved to be his undoing. His powerful strokes were relentless as he filled

her, driving them both to the brink. He could feel her body begin to tremble beneath him

and knew she was close.

Sliding his hand between them, he found her clit and rubbed hard, pushing her toward

her climax. Her body clenched as the orgasm swept through her and she bucked up against

him as she rode it through.

“More, Molly mine, give me more.” Josh continued to ride her, not allowing her to rest

for one moment. He fought off his own orgasm and powered into her over and over until he

thought his muscles would burst from the exertion. She gasped and dug her nails into his

arms, her body responding to his once more.

“Oh God, I’m coming. I’m coming again.” Her voice held a hint of breathless


“Come for me. Now!” Her body rippled around his cock as she did just that. Her mouth

opened and Josh bent his head to capture her lips and cut off the scream he was sure was

forthcoming. Josh pressed forward one last time, thrusting deep and climaxing hard. She was

his now and he wasn’t ever letting her go.

He collapsed over her for a brief moment, both of them breathing harshly. Then,

pulling back, he reluctantly disengaged himself from her. As Molly lay on the couch, he

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disposed of the condom and grabbed some tissues to clean them both. She roused as soon as

he touched her tender flesh.

“Oh, you don’t have to --”

“I want to.” Once he was finished, he stood and tossed the tissues in the trash. By the

time he came back to the couch, Molly was standing and straightening herself.

“Do you think anyone noticed we were gone?”

“I’m not sure.” Josh bent down and grabbed her panties off the floor. “But ask me the

big one.”

“What’s that?”

“Do I care?”

“Josh.” Her eyebrows shot up in surprise.

“I’m not trying to keep us or what we have together a secret, Molly.”

“I know.” She smiled softly as she took her underclothing from his hand. “I’m not


“Good,” he said, with a firm nod of his head. That’s exactly what he wanted to hear.

“Come home with me tonight.”

“Tonight? But it’s Christmas Eve.”

“Did you have plans with your family?”

“No, we spent Thanksgiving together. They’ll be visiting my sister and her family out

of town for Christmas.”

“You weren’t going too?”

She shook her head. “No money for the flight.”

“So…” he teased. “Don’t you want to see what Santa left you under my tree?”

“Santa left me another gift?” Her lips twitched with the beginnings of a smile.

“Maybe. I guess it depends if you’ve been naughty or nice.”

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“I definitely think this would put me at the top of the naughty list.”

“Which is why you’re my type of girl.” Pulling her into his arms he tilted her chin up.

“So what do you say?”

“I say, let’s go.”

“Wonderful.” He had plans for their weekend and couldn’t wait to get started.

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Chapter Six

With a contented sigh, Molly opened her eyes and glanced around. From the very

masculine-looking room and the tender-yet-delicious ache between her legs, she could

surmise that last night had not been a dream. Wow! Merry Christmas to her.

Very carefully, she rolled over onto her side and stared at the sleeping man snoring

softly beside her. What in the world did she do that was so right it warranted her getting

exactly what she wanted from Saint Nick this year? She certainly had caught onto the

Christmas spirit in a big way.

Last night Josh had followed her back to her apartment so she could pack a bag,

insisting she include her new gifts as well. A flush began to cover her body as she thought

about what he planned to do with the toys. So far he’d proved to be very creative in his

lovemaking. In the past, the few partners she had weren’t very imaginative. In fact, both had

been downright boring in the bedroom.

After he pleasured her so thoroughly last night she wanted to return the favor. Besides,

she had the urge to try something she’d not had much experience with before. Sitting up, she

eased the sheet down his body and over his hips, exposing the object of her pleasure. His

cock, even in respite, was formidable in the light of day.

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Molly reached out with a finger to trace the vein that ran the length. The heat and

power radiating from him was tremendous. And growing. Just from her one touch his cock

was already reacting. She wrapped her hand around him, noticing the ever-changing

thickness and length. Her thumb rubbed over the crown. It felt like hard steel covered in

silken velvet.

The need to taste him, to take him in her mouth, was spiraling in her belly and making

her wet with just the thought. Anticipation had her licking her lips. Leaning down, she

flicked her tongue over the head, licking at the moisture that was beginning to gather there.

It was a little salty, but not unpleasant at all.

Being able to lick and taste him was good. In fact, she actually enjoyed it, but she had a

sudden desire to do a little more experimenting. Molly couldn’t help thinking taking him

deep within her mouth would be so much better. Of course this was one thing she’d never

been that good at. The first time she tried it, the guy had shoved his cock down her throat

instead of letting her take things slow. Rather than receiving a blowjob, he went home with

teeth marks and never called her again.

Josh was thankfully asleep though so she could experiment a little at her own pace.

Taking a deep breath, Molly opened wide and engulfed the head of his cock. It took a

moment for her to relax her jaw and get used to the sensation, but she realized it wasn’t as

bad as she’d feared or remembered. She sucked experimentally for a few seconds, until she

heard a rumbling groan from his chest.

She glanced up to see him staring down at her, desire flashing in his eyes. “Don’t stop,

Molly mine, whatever you do, just don’t stop.”

His pleasure-filled words were a catalyst to her and she smiled inwardly, reveling in

her power. Her nervousness and apprehension disappearing, she pushed down and took him

deeper into her throat. The suddenness of her actions caused her to panic for a moment and

she felt as if she couldn’t breathe. She started to choke and pulled back.

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“Slow, baby, slow. Don’t rush it.” Josh stroked her hair as she lifted her head, sucking

in air.

“I’m sorry, I --”

“Shh, don’t worry. It’s all good.” He tilted her chin up to stare directly at her. “Every

lick, every suck, and every scrape of your teeth. It’s good because it’s you who’s doing it.


Not really, but his encouragement was all she needed to keep trying. Lowering her

head, she slid her tongue around the crown of his cock before taking him in her mouth once

again. She eased down, going slow as he’d suggested. When she didn’t rush things, it

occurred to her she was able to breathe through her nose, which made everything much


“Yeah baby, that’s it. You’re doing great.”

His words spurred her on. Wrapping her hands around the base of his cock, she began

to move her head up and down, taking him deeper and deeper with every plunge.

“Harder, baby.” Josh wrapped his hands in her hair, but he continued to allow her to

control the motions. As he suggested, she sucked harder, working the muscles of her mouth

to massage his cock. Josh groaned his appreciation and she began to listen to the sounds,

learning what he liked and repeating those motions. When she found one particular move

that had his hips jerking up, she zeroed in on it.

“Fuck yeah. Again, more.”

The emotions that rushed through her at that moment made her dizzy with power. Her

pussy was practically sopping because she was so turned on. Although she hadn’t really

intended to go this far in her explorations, she suddenly had the desire to let him come in

her mouth.

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Speeding up her motions she moved her hand and allowed his cock even deeper into

her throat. Her gagging reflex hadn’t disappeared entirely, but she fought off her immediate

reaction and continued to breathe through her nose. She wasn’t going to chicken out now.

“So good, so fucking good.” Josh was holding her head now, his back arching and his

hips moving in rhythm with her mouth. Molly glanced up at that moment and saw his

shuttered gaze locked on her. “Don’t stop, baby. Don’t stop.”

At his pleas, she redoubled her efforts, closing her lips around him and sucking hard.

His fingers dug deep into her skull as his orgasm rushed through him. With a hoarse shout

and accompanying groan, Josh came and a torrent of seed shot into her mouth. Molly

struggled to swallow it all, but enjoyed the pleasure in knowing she’d made him lose his


After he finally settled back onto the bed, his harsh breathing was the only sound in

the room. Josh continued to stroke her hair as Molly lay on her side, her head pillowed on

his stomach and a smile hovering around her mouth. She’d been able to snag the edge of the

sheet and cover her body. During the throes of giving oral sex she might have forgotten what

she looked like nude, but just lying here was a completely different story.

“You are incredible, you know that?”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t sound so doubtful. Your enthusiasm was very apparent.”

She lifted her head to look at him. “What do you mean?”

Josh pulled her up to cradle her in his arms. “Some women give head because they

think it’s expected or as a bargaining chip. You did it for the simple pleasure and believe me,

there’s a difference.”

“How can you tell?”

“Because you had fun with it. You tried different things and paid attention to what I

liked.” He reached between her legs and stroked her pussy, rubbing his fingers in the

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moisture gathered there. Bringing his fingers back to his mouth, he licked them clean,

smacking his lips in pleasure. “And you got off on it. You enjoyed it almost as much as I did.”

The sight of him licking his fingers had her creaming even more. The man could make

her a molten puddle with a few words and strokes. She was like putty in his hands. He was

right, though.

“I did enjoy it, for the first time ever.”

“Good, I’m glad. It’s just too bad I’m going to have to wait a bit to recover.”


Josh chuckled. “It’s Christmas morning, Molly, did you forget? I still have one more

present for you.”

“Oh.” His presents had progressively gotten kinkier as the days had gone on so she had

no idea what to expect. All she knew for sure was that she would enjoy whatever he had


* * * * *

A few hours later, Josh sat on the couch with Molly in his arms. Christmas music

played in the background and they were enjoying the lights twinkling on the tree. When

they’d finally left the bed this morning, Molly had insisted on wearing something even after

he’d pointed out his home was quite toasty. As a compromise, he wore his boxers and

allowed her to wear a T-shirt she’d packed.

She didn’t realize it, but the shirt did little to hide her charms from his view. The thin

cotton molded her breasts and the hem only grazed the curves of her ass cheeks. All day he’d

touched her whenever he had the opportunity. He would stroke his fingers over her hand,

his knuckles would accidentally on purpose brush over the tips of her breasts, or his cock

would press against her rear as they worked in the close confines of the kitchen.

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Josh wanted to keep her on edge, teasing her as he had all week with sexual tension. It

looked as if his plan was working. Molly seemed to be wearing a permanent blush and every

time Josh touched her he noticed her changing breathing patterns. The eagerness shining in

her eyes did little to disguise her desire either. He had the feeling she’d been anticipating her

present since he’d mentioned it this morning.



“I feel bad.” She ran a finger down his chest, distracting him for a moment from what

she was saying.

“Why’s that?”

“I don’t have a present for you.”

He chuckled at her blatant hinting. “That’s where you’re wrong, but it’s okay.”

She furrowed her brow. “What do you mean, I’m wrong?”

“You’ll see.”

“Does this have something to do with my present?”


“Maybe you should just give it to me then.”

Josh smiled and stood from the couch, holding out his hand. “Let’s go sit by the tree.”

The Christmas tree was just to the side of the fireplace and they could sit and enjoy both

while he presented her gift.

Once they settled on the rug, Josh took Molly’s hands in his, garnering her attention.

“Before I give you your gift, I have a question for you.”

“Um, okay.”

“Why are you constantly trying to hide yourself from me?”

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She blinked and stared at him silent for a long moment. “I’m…I’m not sure what you


Dropping her hands he hooked his fingers on the material of her T-shirt. “This, for one


Unable to continue holding his gaze, Molly lowered her gaze to stare at her hands. “I

was cold.”

Josh reached out and, with a finger beneath her chin, tilted her head up. “We’re sitting

by the fire right now. You really can’t say you’re still cold.”

She looked as if she was about to cry and he wondered for a moment if he should have

pushed this. But he felt as if there was truly something between them, and if he wanted this

relationship to last then he needed her to get past this.

Molly swallowed hard and sighed. “I’m embarrassed. I don’t want you to see me


“I’ve seen you naked.”

She twisted her lips and shook her head. “Not really. At the office I was mostly dressed;

I just had my skirt pushed up. And last night we had sex in the dark.”

“What about this morning? You were completely nude then.”

A wry little smile crossed her face. “You weren’t really paying much attention to what

I was wearing or not wearing, just enjoying my mouth.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Maybe you’re right. But baby, I want to see you naked. I want

to enjoy exploring every luscious inch of you. Why would that embarrass you? Because I

know you’re far from repressed.”

She smiled a bit, but then sighed again. “We both know I’m overweight. I just

worry…” Her words trailed off.

“Worried about what?”

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“That once you see everything, you won’t want me anymore, that you’ll change your


Josh didn’t say anything for the longest time as he tried to process everything he was

hearing. One emotion continued to permeate his brain: anger. “I could kill that bastard.”

Molly’s eyes widened. “Kill who?”

“That fucking ex of yours. He really did a number on you, didn’t he?”

“He wasn’t exactly wrong about everything he said. I am overweight.” Face flushed,

she tried to turn away but he wouldn’t let her.

“So what? I wear glasses. We’re more than our looks.”

“It’s not exactly the same. You’re good looking with or without your glasses. I look

good with clothes on, but without, not so much.”

“To me you look good because of who you are. Don’t hide yourself from me. I’m not


She gasped. “God no, I don’t think that. I know you’re not.”

“Then prove it to me, let me through those walls you’re trying to put up between us.”

Josh watched the various emotions flitting over her face, hoping she’d make the right


Molly grasped the hem of her shirt and slowly began to draw it upward, pulling the

cotton over her head before tossing the shirt down. Then, as if she thought she might lose

her courage, she put her hand on her hips and shimmied out of her panties, flinging them

aside as well. He had to give her credit; she kept her arms by her sides and didn’t try to cover


Reaching out, he traced a finger along the curve of one breast and then dragged his nail

down her rounded stomach. He circled her belly button and watched as she shivered in

reaction. Nipples puckering and breathing hitched, she wasn’t unaffected by his touch.

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“Beautiful.” A rosy blush infused her skin and he could see her start to relax. He

reached behind him and grabbed a large wrapped box that was beneath the tree. “I think it’s

time you opened your present.”

“What is it?”

“You won’t know until you open it.”

Molly stripped the ribbon and bows from the box and ripped the paper off within

seconds. Lifting the lid, she dug through the tissue paper searching for her gift. She frowned

when all she found was more ribbon in the box. “I…I don’t understand.”

Josh took the ribbons from her hand and moved the box behind him. “Remember how

you said you didn’t have a present for me?”

She nodded.

“You’re my present, Molly. I want to wrap you up in these ribbons and explore you to

my heart’s content. I’ve fantasized about you for the last six months. How many ways I could

take you. I want to use your toys on you until you’re so hot you’re begging me to fuck you

any way I want.”

“And how do you want me?”

“Bound and at my mercy.”

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Chapter Seven

Instead of fear, Molly was intrigued. Here she was sitting nude in front of a roaring

fire. Josh could see every bump, roll, and bulge, and he didn’t care. He wasn’t running. In

fact, he wanted to tie her up and do, well, she wasn’t sure what exactly he wanted to do, but

she was more than willing to find out.


Josh cocked a brow and a wicked smile came to his face. “That’s my girl.”

“So where do we start?”

“I want you to bring your toys out here.”

She didn’t think she could still blush at this late stage, but she was wrong.

Nevertheless, she did as he requested. Returning to the living room, she handed him the

toys. Rather than releasing her hand, he pulled her down to his lap instead.

“Are you ready for this?”

She wasn’t even fully sure what


was going to be. All she knew was that she trusted

Josh. Molly nodded her head.

“No, I want to hear you say it.”

“Yes, I’m ready. For whatever you want.”

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“That’s my girl. Now lie down for me.”

Molly stretched out on the floor and put her hands over her head. Completely nude,

she was allowing him to tie her up. She felt vulnerable, filled with apprehension, yet excited

at the same time. Instead of analyzing, she was going to go with her feelings, and at this point

she wanted Josh, wanted what he was going to do to her. So putting her fears aside, she

opened herself to the pleasure.

Josh wrapped the ribbons around her wrists, securing them tightly. “Don’t move,” he

ordered in a husky voice. “You look so fucking beautiful stretched out like this.”

“What…what are you going to do?”

He gave a wicked chuckle. “Use your toys to tease you until you’re begging me to fuck

you, just like I promised.”


He brushed his knuckles over her nipples. Her distended buds reacted immediately,

tightening and hardening into diamond points. He picked up the nipple rings. “I’ve been

fantasizing about these all week. I’ve been wondering what you looked like wearing them.

Now I’m going to find out.” He leaned down and flicked his tongue over the tips of her


Molly cried out as the wet heat of his mouth enclosed over her engorged nubs. “Oh my


Lifting his head, he smiled down at her. “Do you like that?”

“Yes, yes.”

“Why, tell me?” Although it was a question he voiced it as a command, one she was

unwilling to ignore.

“When you suck on my nipples I can feel it all the way down to my pussy. It feels so


“So when you were wearing the nipples rings all day, you felt it deep in your pussy?”

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Her gaze caught his and she stared directly into his eyes. “All day.”

“Good to know.” He took the silver rings and fit them over her nipples. With his finger

and thumb, he squeezed the rings until they were tight. She gasped as the metal bit into her

flesh and her pussy flooded with cream. Her legs shifted restlessly and Josh reached down to

hold her still.

His hand stroked between her thighs, finding the slick evidence of her desire as his

fingers probed at her opening. Molly jerked her hips in reaction as he pressed inside and a

second digit joined the first. “Josh.”

“Yes, I can see how much you like nipple play. In fact” -- he picked up the dildo and

turned it on to its lowest setting -- “let’s see how easily you take this. Bend your legs and

open up for me.”

As Molly moved her legs into place, she trembled at the thought of him using the dildo

on her. Although she’d used the toy at his direction during phone sex, it was different

knowing he’d be the one to put it in her pussy.

Josh surprised her, though, and instead of immediately inserting it, he rubbed the

buzzing plastic over her distended nipples. Molly whooped in reaction at the unexpected

move. Before she recovered, he surprised her again and pushed the toy inside her. His wrist

twisted as he eased the toy back and forth. He moved slowly, teasing her as he’d promised,

pressing the dildo in a bit before pulling back and pressing forward again. She bit her lip in

an attempt to remain quiet.

“You don’t have to hold back you know. I love to hear you.”

Molly gave a shaky laugh. “Good to know.” Her efforts became futile, however, when

he finally had the toy seated fully and the extra appendage nestled firmly against her clit.

A low moan escaped her lips, eliciting a chuckle from Josh. “That’s the sound I was

waiting for.”

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She shifted restlessly as Josh continued to increase the speed. The constant vibrations

soon had her on the brink of orgasm. Just when she thought she would hit her peak, he

twisted the base, turning it off and ending her pleasure.

“Wh-why’d you stop?”

“I don’t want you to come too soon.”

She whimpered. “You’re mean.”

“You won’t be saying that later.” He promised, before twisting the base on the dildo

and starting the vibrations once again.

Molly planted her feet on the floor and pushed her hips up, searching for the elusive


she needed. But Josh continued his assault on her senses, driving her to the brink

only to pull back when she was ready to come. It seemed like hours, but she was sure not

much time had passed. Still, her frustration was such that she was ready to move her hands

from above her head and bring herself off.

“Are you ready to beg?”

Is that what he’d been waiting for?

“Yes. Please Josh, I need you to fuck me.”

“Any way I want?”

“Yes, anything.” Her desperation was making her reckless, but she didn’t care. She

wanted him and was willing to do whatever he asked. Besides, what could he ask for that she

was unwilling to give?

Josh switched off the vibrator, although he left it inside her. The ongoing continuous

stimulation had left her so wet she could feel her juices on her thighs and buttocks. He must

have noticed as well because she could feel him tracing his finger through the moisture.

When his fingers parted her backside, she jerked in reaction. “Wh-what are you


“You said any way I want, remember?”

“But” -- she twisted her head to stare at him -- “do you really want



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Josh chuckled. “So you’re an anal virgin?”

“Yes.” She wanted her answer to be emphatic and firm. Instead it sounded nervous and


He gathered the moisture from her pussy and slowly circled her rosette, teasing the

opening. “Relax. We’re just taking things slow right now.” Molly tried to control her

breathing, but it was difficult. This was uncharted territory for her. Josh’s finger was making

her feel odd. She’d never realized how sensitive the nerve endings were back there.

“Hmm, you’re starting to feel it, aren’t you?”

“Feel what?”

“How good this can be.”

She didn’t want to admit it, but he was right. Suddenly the idea of anal sex didn’t seem

that bad after all.

“Now we’ll add to the mix.” Josh twisted the base of the vibrator, teasing her clit once

again. Her body was still adjusting to the stimulation of the buzzing toy when Josh pressed

his finger forward, popping through the barrier of her ass.

All the sensations were too much for her over-sensitized body. Although he’d insisted

he didn’t want her to come too soon, neither one of them was in control of her orgasm. She

braced her feet on the floor and arched her back, moaning deeply as her climax swept

through her.

Josh watched in rapt attention as Molly came down from her release. She’d been

glorious as she finally let go and allowed her body to take over. Unable to stop himself, he

stroked his hands over her lush curves and felt her muscles tremble under his touch. But the

time for tormenting was at an end. Because it hadn’t only been her who’d had her pleasure

delayed. He was feeling the sting of the wait as well.

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When she finally began to settle, he pulled his finger from her ass and removed the

vibrator, turning it off and setting it aside. Then, with a gentleness he didn’t know he

possessed, he unwound the ribbons from her wrists. Drawing her arms down to her sides, he

tenderly massaged them. He wondered for a moment if he had pushed her to the point of

exhaustion with all his teasing.

“Beautiful, Molly, just beautiful.”

She turned her passion-filled eyes toward him. “Fuck me, Josh.”

Guess I didn’t push her too much

. “As my lady commands.”

Josh found the condom he’d stashed in the nearby table and quickly sheathed his cock.

Then kneeling between her spread legs, he reached up to cup her chin. Lowering his head,

Josh claimed her lips in a slow, thorough kiss, overpowering in its sensuality. Her eyes

drifted closed and she moved her arms to grasp his shoulders as he moved into position.

Moving his hand between them, he grabbed his cock and rubbed it against her slick

slit. Molly shivered at the slight touch. “Are you ready, baby?”

“Yes. God, yes.”

Josh needed no further encouragement. He drove his cock inside her moist pussy with

one solid thrust. Gripping her hip, he pulled back, withdrawing a bit before pushing inside

even deeper. Josh pounded into her pussy with single-minded urgency. His fingers bit into

her supple flesh and he pumped harder into her willing body.

Moaning, Molly wrapped her legs around his waist and held on tightly as he tunneled

inside her. “Ohhh…”

Josh ground his hips against hers, fucking her as deeply as possible. He pulled back and

plunged into her again, speeding up with every movement.

“Take me, Molly, take every last inch.” His cock throbbed. He wanted to come, but he

wanted this to last too. Gritting his teeth, he fought against his urge to rush through this


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He didn’t want it to ever end. Losing himself in Molly was the best feeling he’d ever

experienced. He wanted to savor every single thrust into her body and every accompanying

moan from her lips. The soft clasp of her pussy surrounding his cock was an exquisite

pleasure and one he didn’t want to end too soon.

“Yes, Josh, yes, fuck me.” Molly’s nails raked his shoulders as she rocked against him,

pushing back with his every forward surge. Her heels dug into his back as she fought for her

climax. “More, please.” Her moaned request was like a match to the fire, spurring him on.

He reached down between them, searching for her clit. Finding the sensitive bud, his

fingers rubbed back and forth, drawing out her thankful cries.

“Yes, yes, yes,” Molly chanted. Her pussy squeezed tight around his cock as her release

rocketed through her. The pulsing of her silken walls was too much temptation and he could

no longer deny his pleasure. He plunged deep one last time and, with a hoarse shout spilling

from his parched throat, he joined her.

Exhausted, he wanted to collapse, but he knew Molly was just as worn out as he was.

As gentle as he could, Josh pulled out of her and moved off and away from her. He grabbed

the condom by the base and stood, keeping it on his cock all the while.

“I’ll be back,” he said softly to Molly, who looked as if she was moments away from

falling asleep. After making his way to the bathroom, he quickly cleaned up then brought a

washcloth to wash Molly.

As he stood over her, Josh couldn’t stop the pleasure he experienced knowing he had

finally made her his. It felt right, as if something finally clicked. She didn’t know it yet, but

he wasn’t ever letting her go. And he was going to make sure she knew it before the night

was over.

Kneeling, he pressed the cloth between her legs. She stirred and opened her eyes to

stare at him.


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“How are you?” He quickly finished his task and wrapped the cloth in a towel he’d

brought along as well before lying down next to her.

“Tired, happy, hungry.”

“That’s quite a list.”

Molly rolled over to face him and placed her hand on his chest. Taking her hand in his,

Josh sucked a finger into his mouth causing Molly to giggle. “You’re insatiable.”

“Only for you.”

“That still seems so…incredible.”

“Why? You like me, so why is it strange to think I would like you?”

Molly sat up then, looking down at him with a frown on her face. “How did you know

I liked you?”

Oh boy!

“Um, well, you did sleep with me.”

“No, there’s something else going on here. You’ve never so much as hinted you liked

me and then these Christmas gifts. Come on, give, what’s the story?”

Josh pulled her back down into his arms and began to stroke her back. She lay there

stiff for a moment, but eventually began to relax in his embrace.

“I was struck by you the moment we met, but then I found out you were dating


“Oh, him.”

Josh smiled against her cheek. Obviously there was no love lost there. “Yeah, well,

when I found out you’d broken up, I thought I would give you some time to recover before I

started to pursue you. When Tanya approached me about this Secret Santa thing --”

“Tanya. I knew it. She spilled the beans, didn’t she? She told you I was fascinated with


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“No, not exactly, but that is good to hear. She had kind of figured out I was interested

in you when she caught me staring one day. So it was more like she told me she’d rig it so I

could get your name. And I decided to take advantage of the opportunity.”

“I’m glad you did.”

He sat up and gave her a questioning look. “What was that?”

“You heard me, I’m glad.” Molly sat up as well and stretched. “I never would have…I

wouldn’t have ever approached you, so even if she did maybe let something slip, I’ll always

be grateful to her.”

“Me too, baby, me too. I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment.” Josh stood and

then hauled her into his arms, literally.

“Oh my God, put me down.”

“Nope, you’re mine now.” He strode down the hallway toward the bedroom.

Molly wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on for dear life. “Does that

mean you’re mine?”

“Damned right it does.” As he reached the bedroom Josh headed toward the bed. As

much fun as it had been to make love to Molly under the tree, he was ready to return to

some comfort. He sat on the bed and tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “Did your

Christmas turn out like you expected?”

Molly shook her head with a smile. “Nope, but Santa certainly gave me everything I

hoped for this year.”

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New Year’s Eve

The office was once again in full party mode. One week made a big difference,

however. The last time Molly had been partying with her colleagues, she’d been worried and

apprehensive about discovering her Secret Santa. Today she basked in the knowledge she

was Josh’s woman.

The first day they returned from their weekend rendezvous, he’d been true to his word

and made their relationship very clear to the entire office staff with his multiple displays of

public affection. Some were shocked, but Molly was more surprised by the number of

coworkers who commented on what a good couple they made.

“Hey Molly, do you want a glass of champagne?” Tanya waved the bottle at her and

Molly nodded, grabbing two glasses. After she’d discovered her friend’s involvement to bring

her and Josh together, she’d been trying to think of a way to return the favor. Molly was

certain there was a spark between Tanya and Victor, and she was determined to fan the


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“So how did you convince the partners to throw another party so soon after the

Christmas bash?” Josh had told her he wasn’t sure how it had all gone down, but after a

closed-door session with Victor, Tanya had gotten what she wanted.

Tanya’s eyes sparked at the question. “I had to sell my soul to the devil is all, so

everyone better appreciate my sacrifice.”

“Oh come on. It couldn’t have been that bad.”

Taking the glasses from her, Tanya began to fill them. “You may think that, but you’re

wrong. It’s worse.”

Molly laughed. “Please, you know you want to get together with Victor. You just

refuse to admit it. Maybe you’d like me to push him in the right direction? Kind of like you

did with Josh.”

“Shhh.” Tanya’s eyes widened and her head swung around to ascertain if anyone had

overheard. “Is this some kind of payback? Because if so, it’s not funny. Josh and you worked

out just fine, remember that.”

“And I appreciate it.” Molly was eternally grateful in fact. It had only been a week, but

her time with Josh had been the best of her life. “Is it so wrong for me to want you to be just

as happy?”

Tanya frowned. “I’m not in the same situation as you.”

“And what exactly is



“That is a story that requires plenty of comfort food, alcohol, a lot more time, and a lot

less people around.”

“I’m not letting you off that easily. We need to plan a girls’ night out.”

“Deal. Now why don’t you take these” -- Tanya returned the two glasses, now filled

with bubbly, to her -- “and go find your man.”

Molly chuckled. “Will do.” She left the workroom and headed toward Josh’s office,

knowing he’d still be in there, working diligently while everyone else was partying. As she

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passed her cubicle, she was brought to a halt by a gift bag sitting on the desk. Christmas was

over, so who could be leaving her a gift? Of course one name immediately came to mind.

Hooking her pinkie through the strings, she hefted the bag and continued on to Josh’s office.

The door was ajar as she approached. “Knock, knock.”

“Hey, Molly mine, come on in here.”

She pushed open the door and entered the office before closing it behind her with her

foot. The need for a little privacy was on her mind. “I brought you something to drink.”

Josh took a glass from her and they clinked them together before they both took a sip.

“Happy New Year.”

“And a Happy New Year to you too.” Molly leaned over the desk to brush her lips over

his. She’d become a little bolder in the last few days. Even so, he didn’t seem satisfied with

the light caress. He took her glass from her and placed it as well as his own off to one side of

the desk. Then, hooking his hand behind her neck, he deepened the kiss, sweeping his

tongue into her mouth to swirl and dance with her own.

Molly moaned into his mouth and dropped the gift bag, bracing her hands on the desk.

His touch continued to make her melt, and she forgot everything around her. She was ready

to crawl onto the desk and let him do whatever he wanted. It wasn’t as if they hadn’t fooled

around in the office before. In fact, the possibility of being caught was a thrill she’d come to

love. To her frustration, though, Josh broke the kiss and pulled back.

“I see you found something on your desk.”

Her disappointment disappeared and she smiled. “I certainly did. I wonder who would

have left me such a gift.”

“Maybe if you look inside you’ll figure it out.”

“Maybe I should come over to that side of the desk and we’ll look at it together.”

Josh sat back in his chair and patted his lap. “Sounds like an excellent plan to me.”

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Scooping up the gift bag, Molly was soon around the desk and settled on his lap. He’d

more than assured her of his pleasure in her body and she’d slowly but surely begun to shed

her inhibitions about her weight.

With an eager grin, Molly slowly opened the bag. She wasn’t in a big rush, because she

knew whatever the gift was it would be something they’d both enjoy. The most important

thing was that they were starting the New Year together. Everything else was just icing on

the cake.

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Liz Andrews

Liz Andrews is a critically acclaimed, multi-published author who enjoys writing erotic

romance almost as much as she enjoys reading it. A romantic at heart, Liz is a fierce believer

in happily ever after and heroes who make the heart swoon. When not writing, the Ohio

native enjoys reading, going to the movies and hosting dinner parties for her friends.

She can be reached at her website or you can email her directly at You can also check out month updates on what’s happening with Liz

at her newsletter,


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