Early Chinese evidence of the Bible stories

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Early Chinese evidence of the Bible stories



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The Chinese character for "to covet" has the woman symbol combined with two trees.

The Chinese character for a boat combines vessel with person and the number 8.

There were 8 persons in Noah's ark.

Bible Probe makes nothing on books recommended. Link is provided for convenience only


Here is a simple illustration of the Chinese language's testimony to the events
in the book of Genesis. The Chinese word for boat is made up of three
component radicals.

The left most character means "ship" or

The upper righthand character is the
Chinese number "eight."

The bottom righthand character is the
word for "mouth" or "person." The first
boat mentioned in the Bible is Noah's
ark. Just how many people or "mouths"
were aboard this ship or vessel?



tells us: "In the selfsame day entered

Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth,
the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and
the three wives of his sons with them, into
the ark."
So Noah's ark was a ship or a

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Early Chinese evidence of the Bible stories



vessel with eight people. Yet the Chinese
language -- predating the Hebrew in
which the Old Testament was written by
at least 700 years -- records this fact in
perfect detail.


Genesis 3:1-5

The word "devil" is composed of two characters -- the second character is actually contained inside the
first character. The connotation given by repeating the "devil" portion of the character twice is to
emphasize the evil nature of this being. A close look at the component characters inside this ideographic
set of characters will show an astonishing level of detail found in the book of Genesis. Yet the Chinese
written language predates the Hebrew of the Old Testament by 700-1700 years! These characters give us
further proof of the accuracy of the Old Testament account of creation.

First, we have a character with the meaning of "secret" or "private."

Then we have another variation on the character for "man" or "son."

In this character, you see an enclosed garden divided into four parts.

When we combine these characters, we see the meaning of the second
character for "devil":

The devil was crafty, tricky, and secretive in his private approach to the
person in the garden -- Eve (he didn’t try to talk to Adam as well).

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Early Chinese evidence of the Bible stories



He spoke to Eve with the voice of a man so that she could understand. This
whole event takes place in the garden of Eden.

Now, to form the "tempter" character, we first top the "devil" character with
two trees. Why two trees? Because although there were many trees in the
garden of Eden, only two receive specific mention: (1) the "tree of life" and (2)
the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil" (

Genesis 2:9

). Satan's specific

temptation to Eve was to get her to make a wrong choice between these two
trees and cause her to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

We then add the character for "cover" to indicate that this temptation took place
under the "cover" of the trees of the garden. Again, Satan does not do his work
out in the open light but under the shade of trees. The Deceiver comes to us in
subtilty and craftiness.

Now we see how the characters come together. Do you see how perfectly these characters for the devil
(mwogwei) tell the story of

Genesis 3:1-5



The word "covet" or "desire" pictures a woman making a decision between two

Genesis 2:8-9

shows us that there were two significant trees side by side in

the garden from which to choose. The woman made a wrong choice as we are
told in

Genesis 3:6



Here again we see the two trees at the top of the character for "forbidden." The
bottom portion of this character is an abbreviated form of a word for God plus an
added little "hook" (bottom center) which changes the meaning from "God" to
"God commands or notifies." So the word "forbidden" means "God makes a
commandment about two trees."

God in fact made specific commandments forbidding Adam and Eve to eat from
either of the two trees (at different times). He first forbid them to eat of the "tree

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Early Chinese evidence of the Bible stories



of the knowledge of good and evil" (

Genesis 2:16-17

). After they fell to

temptation, He forbids them to eat of the "tree of life" (

Genesis 3:22-24


Isn’t it interesting that the Chinese language still makes reference today to
these two commands of God regarding the two trees in the garden of Eden? The
Chinese language predates the Hebrew of the Old Testament by 700-1700 years,
and yet it contains a true and accurate record of events from the book of Genesis.
Isn't God wonderful to preserve such a record for us!


The Jewish Exodus out of Egypt

The Bible says that the Pharoah of Egypt led his entire army in chasing the Hebrews
(Jews) led by Moses. It says that the Lord God parted the Red Sea, the Jews walked
across. The Egyptian army followed on chariots, and all--including the Pharoah perished
when God closed up the Red Sea to smite the Egyptians.

Diving explorations of the Red Sea have found chariot wheels from this period, and
petrified bones - probably of Egyptian soldiers.

Above is a chariot wheel

Read about these discoveries


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Early Chinese evidence of the Bible stories



See the Hand of Hope:


The Exodus Happened


Chariot Wheels

found in the Red Sea


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