Fated 3 SimpleTwis of Fate

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Sometimes you run in to love. Sometimes it runs into you.

Fated, Book 3

Love at first sight? It’s so not happening for Morgan. Never mind that her two best friends, who are

both up to their eyeballs in happily ever after, are playing matchmaker. She wants out of her worst blind

date ever—and her “out” abruptly finds her when she’s knocked out cold walking into a door.

One look into the eyes of the beautiful woman with the gash on her head, and paramedic Evan

Marshall is a goner. Professional ethics say hands off the patient. Once her stitches are out, though, he can’t

resist the impulse to ask her out. As their first date flares into a white-hot affair, he feels it in his bones—

she’s the one.

Evan’s everything Morgan could ever want in a man, but things are happening way too fast. She made

that mistake once before and, certain this relationship is careening down the same road to heartbreak, she

slams on the brakes.

To her surprise, Evan lets her go. And by the time she realizes she just let her one chance at happily

ever after slip away, it could be too late…

Warning: Fated love strikes again. Featuring toe-curling sex, a sweet-talking man and a woman who

can’t help but give in to her secret desires. Will true love reign supreme? Most definitely…

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or

have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual

events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201

Simple Twist of Fate

Copyright © 2011 by Karen Erickson

ISBN: 978-1-60928-514-2

Edited by Bethany Morgan

Cover by Angela Waters

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: August 2011


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Simple Twist of Fate

Karen Erickson

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Chapter One

He checked his cell phone. Again. And he wasn’t discreet about it this time either. He blatantly

whipped it out of his pocket, looked at the time and sighed loudly. Right before his gaze cut to her half

finished dinner plate.

Morgan pressed her lips together so she wouldn’t say anything rude. The guy was an ass. There were

no other words to describe him. And the date had started only a little over an hour ago…

She was in for a torturous night. She just knew it.

“If we don’t leave now—” her date, Don the jerkbag paused, still staring at her plate of food, “—we’ll

end up being late. And I have to see the beginning of this game. It’s important.”

He was a Lakers fan, and she wasn’t. How did Mia know this guy again? Was he a friend of her

boyfriend’s? Oh, Morgan really hoped not. Jake was way too nice to hang out with a selfish jerk like this


“I guess I can get the rest of it in a to-go box…”

“Awesome. Waitress!” He yelled at their server, garnering the attention of more than a few people in

the busy restaurant and she wanted to slither under the table. Blind dates were the worst. Mia had been bit

by some sort of weird matchmaking bug, and she was on the constant hunt for the right guy for Morgan.

Yet again, it was a bad choice, not that she could blame Mia. Her friend’s intentions were good. But

this was it. No more blind dates. She’d rather be single with fifty cats living in a one-room shack than go on

an endless stream of crappy dates with awful guys.

The waitress took Morgan’s plate and offered her a sympathetic smile as if she understood the torture

she was enduring. Don practically wiggled in his seat, his knee bouncing up and down so fast he made the

table vibrate.

Someone was just a little too eager to get to a freakin’ basketball game, for the love of God. Morgan

had agreed to go on the date just for the experience since she’d never been to a live professional basketball

game before but jeez.

This guy was ridiculous.

He threw a few twenties on the table the moment the waitress returned with her leftover dinner in a

plastic bag and packed in a Styrofoam container. Don leaped from his chair, waving an impatient hand in

Morgan’s direction.

“Let’s go,” he tossed over his shoulder as he started for the front entrance.

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She trailed behind and clutched the bag tight. Dang it, she was still hungry. And she really didn’t want

to go to the game with him after all. During the entire—and very quick—dinner he’d been short with her.

He didn’t seem interested in anything she had to say though he didn’t have a problem talking her ear off

about himself.

Don was already at the front door, pushing it open against the hard wind that blew outside. Morgan

hurried her steps and tried to slide through the open space but the heavy glass door whipped back with the

wind, the metal edge catching Morgan on the forehead.

And she went sprawling to the floor.


The voice was low and rumbling. She’d never heard it before.

She wanted to hear it again.

“Hey. You awake?” Gentle fingers brushed against her forehead, and she winced. God, that hurt. And

was her head wet? How did that happen?

Morgan tried to lift her eyelids, but it felt like a thousand bricks sat on top of them. Her entire head


“Listen, I’m like way late, and the game is already in the second quarter.” Ah, she recognized that

voice, unfortunately. It was her blind date.

“Hold on, dude,” Mister Low Voice said, sounding completely irritated, which automatically made

him her hero. “We’re going to need to wrap her head and take her in.”

“Take her in? What do you mean? To the hospital?” Don’s voice was in full-on whine mode. “I don’t

have time for this.”

“From what I understand, you’re the one who did it to her.” The disgust in her hero’s voice was

blatant, and she wanted to laugh.

But it would hurt too much. She couldn’t even open her eyes let alone say anything.

“It was the wind, man. How could that be my fault?”

As if on cue, the wind whipped around them, brushing swiftly across her prone body and she realized

she was lying on the ground. They must’ve dragged her away from the door because she wasn’t on the

sidewalk. The grass was damp beneath her and so cold. She shivered and slowly cracked opened her eyes.

“Ah, there you are.”

She focused in on the face before her, and she swore time actually stopped. Her hero was drop dead

gorgeous. He watched her with dark blue eyes, his mouth curved in the slightest smile. He was making-her-

panties-dissolve-and-her-heart-flutter gorgeous, even while her head hurt and blood dripped down the side

of her face.

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Reaching up, she touched her temple and felt the sticky trickle of blood. Her eyes slid closed, and her

stomach roiled. God, there was so much of it…

“You’re okay,” he reassured as he dabbed at the center of her forehead, right along her hairline with

some sort of antiseptic that stung like crazy. “All head wounds bleed profusely. It’s not as bad as it looks.”

Which meant she looked really, really bad and he looked really, really good.

She had the worst luck ever.

“You’re going to be okay, right, Morgan?” She opened her eyes to see Don walking alongside the

other paramedic who approached pushing a gurney. Don’s expression was hopeful, and he bounced on the

balls on his feet. She’d ruined his entire night with her little incident.

She couldn’t help the sizzle of satisfaction that ran through her at the thought.

“I’m okay,” she said, not sure if she meant it. She looked at her hero, the paramedic with the sexy

blue eyes and close-cropped dark hair and he nodded. “You can go to your game if you want.”

“I can?” Don sounded like a child who’d just been given his greatest wish.

“Totally.” The last thing she wanted was him hanging around making her anxious and irritating the

crap out of her. She didn’t even know this guy.

“Thanks, Morgan. You’re awesome.” She wanted to roll her eyes, but it would hurt too much. “I’ll

call you.”

“It’s not necessary,” she said weakly but he didn’t hear her. He was already jogging toward the

parking lot.

“Is he your boyfriend?” her hero asked the moment Don was out of earshot.

Morgan tried to shake her head but it hurt too much. “No. Blind date.”

“Good thing. He’s a complete—“

“Jerk?” she offered.

“I was going to say something stronger, but jerk will suffice.” He smiled, and the dazzling sight of it

stole her breath. He could slay dragons with that smile. “Can you sit up? We need to get you in the


“I can walk,” she protested, groaning when he helped her into a sitting position. That door had really

done a number on her.

“Are you sure? We need to clean you up. Wrap your head and stop the blood before we take you to

the hospital.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Nah.” He shook his head with an easy smile. “It’s a definite gash and there’s a lot of blood, but a

couple of staples and you’ll be good to go.”

“Staples?” Her stomach pitched violently. That sounded horrendous. They weren’t talking about a pile

of paper. This was her head he wanted to—staple.

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“You’re going to be okay.”

She wanted to believe him. She really liked looking at him. And when he helped her stand, he

wrapped his arm around her shoulders, his muscles flexing and bunching as he pulled her to her feet.

Tingles scattered all over her skin at his touch, his nearness.

Of course, she was at her absolute worst. Blood streaming down her head from a horrible wound and

she was a little woozy, a lot in pain and oh yeah, on a date with the biggest jerk on the planet. Not her best

moment to shine.

Most likely her hero had a girlfriend. Why wouldn’t he? He was an absolute catch.

And she was an absolute mess.

It really wasn’t her night.

Despite the blood and the obvious date she was on, she was cute. The guy she was with, on the other

hand, was a complete asshole. He’d been ready to ditch her from the moment they arrived on scene. All

over a frickin’ basketball game—the guy had the balls to inform them he was missing the first half because

of what happened the second they piled out of the truck.

Nothing like a selfish jackass who worried about his precious game while a woman lay bleeding on

the grass.

Evan carefully wound the gauze around her head nice and tight to stem the flow of blood. It had

slowed to a mere trickle by the time they got her into the back of the ambulance, but he wasn’t going to

take any chances. It was a deep gash but nothing terribly serious. That door had caught her just right, and

she’d need a few staples along the edge of her hairline.

He didn’t dare mention staples again, though. The first time had nearly sent her into a panic. And the

last thing he wanted was a panicked patient.

She smiled at him when he finished wrapping her head, and a little zing zapped through him. Her

shoulder-length dark brown hair was a haphazard mess, sticking out in odd waves because of the half-

mummy look the gauze gave her. Bits of dried blood were still on the side of her face, and she watched him

silently with big, dark velvety brown eyes.

Eyes he could drown in if he didn’t watch out.

Shaking his head, he went about his tasks with measured efficiency, putting away supplies then

making sure she was comfortable. He’d been a paramedic for six years, and he was damn good at his job.

So good it tended to take over his life, but hell, the overtime pay was worth it. He had enough time for a

social life later. Right now, he had a job to do and plenty of money to make. He had big goals, wanting to

save for a piece of land in the country and eventually build a house on it.

“Thank you for helping me,” she said softly.

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“Just doing my job.” He shrugged, trying to pretend her appreciation didn’t mean anything beyond the


“You’re very good at it.” He met her gaze and lifted his brows. “Your job. You have a very…calming


“Until I mention the word staples.” Her eyes widened, and he felt like a complete ass. “See? I did it

again. Sorry.”

“It’s okay. It won’t hurt, right?”

Nah, the staples never hurt. It was the shot the patients got in the head to numb them before the

staples that usually had them freaking out. But he wasn’t about to mention that. “You’ll be fine.”

“Of course, I will.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She looked worried more than

anything, and he wanted to reassure her. Take her mind off what was going to happen next. They were still

a few minutes from the hospital and traffic was kind of hectic, he could tell what with the crappy way his

partner Wes was driving.

“So that guy you were with…”

She shook her head and winced. Her head was probably killing her. “My friend set me up with him.”

“Does your friend hate you?”

She giggled. “No, she’s one of my best friends. She means well, but the outcome is rarely successful.

She just wants to see me happy.”

“Happy with a jerk?” It was none of his business. He was just making idle conversation to pass the


Yeah, right.

“No, she wants me happy with a nice guy. But they’re never nice guys. They’re always sort

of…weird. I think it’s me.” She frowned. “I must repel normal men or something. I attract weirdoes.

Selfish guys who only care about the Lakers game they’re missing.”

Evan laughed. “He must be a diehard fan.”

“Totally. I only agreed to the date because I’ve never been to a professional basketball game before.

And Mia swore he was a good guy.”

“And you still didn’t get to go to that game.”

“No, I didn’t.” Her smile was rueful. “He made me quit eating my dinner so we could get there in

time for the beginning.”

“What a loser.” Evan shook his head. He wouldn’t rush her for anything. Well, maybe for some hot

and sweaty sex. There was nothing wrong with a quickie here and there…

Jesus. What was wrong with him? He never thought of patients like that.

“He was pretty awful. I think I’m going to ban myself from dating for a while.”

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Disappointment filled him. Not that he’d act on his urges. He had a strict rule—no dating patients.

There were a few of his fellow paramedics who had no qualms asking out their injured patients. They had

quite the reputation among their coworkers, but Evan wouldn’t do it. It was unprofessional.

And more than anything, he was professional.

“One bad date and you’re done?”

“Oh, it’s been more than one bad date. More like an endless string of bad dates.” Her cheeks turned

pink. “I probably shouldn’t be confessing any of this to you.”

“Why not?”

“I’m making myself look worse. And you probably don’t even care to hear about my dating endeavors

and how awful they are.” Her entire face was flushed.

He smiled. “You’re cute when you’re all flustered.” There, he said it. He was flirting. If Wes had been

there, he would’ve been shocked. He never flirted on the job.

She tore her gaze from his, her teeth sinking into her lower lip—her very plump lower lip. “I must

look awful.”

She did look plenty awful but he still thought she was pretty. “I’ve seen worse.”

“Great.” She rolled her eyes but smiled. “That makes me feel so much better.”

“I just put my foot in my mouth, didn’t I?” How long had it been since the last time he was on a date?

Did he forget everything he’d ever learned through the years in the care and wooing of a woman?

“Don’t worry, you’re forgiven.” Her eyes sparkled, and he saw it. A flicker of interest, a hint of

flirtatiousness in her tone. There was definitely some chemistry brewing between them.

“I appreciate your quick apology.” The truck slowed and swayed when it made a right turn into the

ambulance entrance of the hospital. Her eyes widened and she glanced around, a worried expression on her


Unable to stop himself he reached for her and grasped her hand. Her fingers were slender, delicate and

they trembled in his grip. Squeezing her hand gently, he smiled. “It’s going to be all right. I promise.”

She blew out a harsh breath, trying to calm herself. “It will be. I know it will be, but I’m still…”


“Yeah.” She exhaled again and tilted her head back, her eyes locked on the ceiling. “I’ve never had

anything like this happen to me before. I’m sickeningly healthy.”

He chuckled. “This is a minor blip. Next week you’ll be able to laugh about it.”

She looked at him once more. “Do you think it’ll scar?”

Probably. “It’s almost directly on your hairline so no one will notice.”

“It’ll be a scar I can brag about.” She tried to joke, but even her voice was quivery. Her hand still

trembled in his. He gave it another reassuring squeeze.

“You can say you got into a bar fight. And you won.”

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“I think the door won.”

He laughed. If he was lucky enough maybe he’d be the one who ended up winning.


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Chapter Two

Morgan left work early to go to the hospital. She had an appointment with the doctor who had taken

care of her almost a week ago. The wretched, horrible little man who had sunk the long, sharp needle into

her skull so she wouldn’t feel the staples going in.

She wasn’t exactly sure, but she had a feeling she might’ve preferred the staples to that needle.

Her appointment was in the emergency services section so she pulled into the parking lot at the back

of the hospital, searching each row for an empty slot. Finally finding one, she pulled the car in, grumbling

under her breath at the distance she’d have to walk. The hospital was always packed. It didn’t matter what

time of day it was.

Thankfully, the doctor had reassured her the appointment would be quick and she’d be on her way in

minutes. Considering it was a Friday, she should be thrilled. Out from work a few hours early and the

weekend ahead of her, what could be better?

How about not facing yet another lonely two days by herself? Mia was permanently attached to Jake’s

side, and Jenna was going on a special weekend getaway trip with Brett. Considering the guy was a

firefighter and rarely got a weekend off, this trip was special and much appreciated on Jenna’s part.

Morgan frowned and got out of the car, shutting the door and hitting the remote so the car locked. She

hated feeling sorry for herself. More than that, she hated being so—so jealous of what her friends had.

They’d both found great guys in unusual circumstances and had fallen instantly, deeply in love. In like—

days. Morgan had been skeptical of both relationships but here they were, still going strong. She had a

sneaking suspicion Brett was going to ask Jenna to marry him this weekend.

Jenna was going to get married, and she couldn’t even get a decent date. Life was completely unfair.

As she made the long trek across the parking lot, her thoughts drifted yet again to the sexy paramedic

who’d taken care of her. She’d never learned his name. The little gold name badge pinned to his uniform

shirt pocked had said E. Marshall. Her imagination had taken flight the last few days, trying to come up

with his name.

Edward? Too stuffy.

Elliott? Talk about stuffy.

Eric? Not bad.

Ethan? A possible candidate though she’d gone out with an Ethan in high school and what an

egomaniac he’d been.

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Earl? Laughable.

Eminem? His real name was Marshall Mathers, after all…

Okay. Clearly, she was crazy.

He’d been nice, her hero named E. Marshall. And sweet. Holding her hand when the ambulance

pulled into the hospital, offering reassuring words in that low, measured voice. A voice she still heard in

her dreams though he was murmuring much more exciting things. Like how much he wanted to kiss her or

demanding that she take off all her clothes…


Morgan stopped short and lifted her head to find the very man filling her thoughts standing before her,

dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt. It must be his day off, or maybe he’d just come off duty. “Hi.”

Pleasure filled her at seeing him again, at hearing that deliciously sexy voice.

He flicked his chin. “Back to get your staples removed?”

Her hand automatically went to the spot where said staples were. The gash had been deeper on her

skull so the doctor placed five staples just above her hairline and used a butterfly bandage on her forehead.

She’d pulled it off yesterday, and the wound was healing nicely. “Yeah. My appointment’s in a few


“Does it still hurt?”

“No, not at all.” The night it happened and the next day her head had throbbed mightily.

“Good.” He smiled, and her knees wobbled. “Glad to hear it.”

Oh, God. Was this it? A bit of not-so-stimulating conversation and then he’d just walk away from

her? No way could she let him get away from her again. But she wasn’t brave enough to ask him out or

anything. That had never been her style no matter how much of a strong front she’d put on for everyone.

Really, she was a big ol’ weenie, especially when it came to men.

Especially when it came to breathtakingly handsome and protective men.

“I want to thank you for everything you did for me that night. You were awesome.” She meant what

she said but also threw it out there to stall for time. To get him to linger with her just a few more seconds.

“If they send you one of those survey letters in the mail, make sure and tell them that. The powers that

be really do read those things.” He chuckled and sunk his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

Her gaze dropped to those pockets, the way the denim stretched across his thighs. She’d been too out

of it that night to really check him out beyond the dazzling face, but he had a great body. Broad shoulders

and chest, narrow hips, strong thighs…

Her cheeks grew hot, and she jerked her gaze back up to his, noticing his lips were curved into a slight

smirk. As if he knew exactly what she was thinking. “I’ll do so. Thanks again…”

“Evan.” He thrust his hand out, and she grabbed it, her entire body tingling at the contact. “I don’t

think I ever told you my name.”

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Evan. Better than Earl or Eminem that was for sure. “No, you didn’t. You were a little too busy taking

care of me. I’m Morgan.”

“I know.” He shook her hand, held on to it a bit too long. “I remember.”

He remembered her name. That gave her a little thrill. “Well, I should go. Don’t want to be late for

my appointment.”

“It won’t take long.”

“That’s what the doctor said. Though I’m worried how they’ll take out the staples.”

“They have a little tool that just lifts them out.” He demonstrated with the flick of his hand. “It’s


“Sounds like an actual staple remover.”

He laughed. “Kind of.”

“I probably could’ve had one of my coworkers do it for me.”

“But then we wouldn’t have run into each other again.”

“Oh.” Her belly fluttered at his words, the sincerity written all over his face. “That’s true.”

“Listen.” He took a step closer and glanced about the parking lot before his gaze met hers. “I never do

this. But I was wondering if you’d like to go out sometime. With me.”

She smiled, resisting the urge to giggle. Like who else would he be suggesting she go out with? “I

would like that.”


He smiled—that staggering, make her panties melt smile. Why wasn’t this man involved with

someone? He was gorgeous, he had a good job and he was nice. Maybe he had some weird quirk? Maybe

he was a total freak in the sheets?

Morgan frowned. Would she want a freak in the sheets? Her past lovers had always been pretty

standard. Nothing too outrageous, one had been particularly good with his tongue, the last guy particularly

bad with…everything.

“My work schedule is hectic, and I have the next couple of days off. I know this is kind of last minute

and I swear you won’t hurt my feelings if you have plans already but are you doing anything tonight?”

Her chest went tight. Oh, this was just getting better and better. “You won’t think I’m a complete

loser if I tell you I have no plans?”

“Not at all.” He slowly shook his head, his gaze never leaving hers. “I’d consider myself lucky.”

“Oh.” He struck her so dumb she could hardly form words.

His smile grew. “Maybe we could meet after you see the doctor?”

“Uh…” This was happening way too fast. Not that she minded, but her head was spinning. It had been

casual Friday at the office so she wore a pair of jeans and a white tank top with a thin black cardigan

thrown over it. Her makeup had probably worn off and…

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She was making excuses. But she’d never been asked on a date like this before.

“We can go somewhere for a drink, dinner?” He paused and she didn’t say anything. She couldn’t

find her tongue. “Or just drinks?”

“No, dinner sounds great. It’s just—” She blew out a breath, trying to calm the fluttering in her

stomach. “I’ve never been asked on a date while headed to the doctor’s before.”

His expression grew serious and worry filled her. If he backed out, she’d feel like a fool. “Like I said,

I never do this. I’ve never asked a patient out, it’s not my style despite the reputation a few of my

coworkers have cultivated. But I need to make a confession.”

Sexy studly paramedics asking out their cute patients—who knew it was an epidemic? “What is it?”

Evan moved closer, so close she could smell him. His scent was citrusy, clean and masculine and she

inhaled as discreetly as she could, absorbing everything about him. His heat, his strength, his…


He was almost too good to be true.

“I’ve thought about you a lot since that night,” he admitted, his voice low and a bit raspy. “And I’ve

been kicking myself ever since, wishing I would’ve gotten your phone number or something.”

“You could’ve looked up my records, I guess.”

“That would’ve been stalkerish, don’t you think?” He arched a brow, an incredibly sexy move that

took her breath away.

Which wasn’t hard to do. He merely had to look at her and her lungs were starved for air.

She laughed, trying to cover up the edgy sensation stealing over her. “Probably.”

“Well, I’m not a stalker.” His expression turned somber. “But I feel incredibly lucky to have run into

you here in the parking lot. Almost as if it was…fate.”

Okay, he was beyond too good to be true. And he was talking just like her friends, all about fated

meetings and meant to be. She didn’t even know this guy.

But she wanted to know him. If she was being truthful, she really wanted to spend more time with

him. Maybe kiss him. Feel those firm lips on hers, those big, strong hands sliding all over her body. His

arms sliding around her waist and crushing her to him…

“Do you believe in fate?” If he answered yes, she’d bolt. It was too freaky.

He shook his head. “Not really.”

She smiled. “Then we’ll get along just fine.”

“I probably should’ve suggested somewhere different.” Evan glanced about the crowded bar and grill,

wincing when a large group whooped and hollered at whatever just went down on the TV. It was a sports

bar, ironically enough and a Lakers game was playing on the many TVs mounted on the walls.

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They were surrounded by fans dressed in purple and gold. Evan preferred watching football. Hell, he

used to play it in high school. Basketball—he enjoyed the playoffs but didn’t much watch the regular


And he wasn’t a Lakers fan. Making such a confession would probably get him drawn and quartered

among this mob of fanatics.

“No, this is great.” She smiled and sipped from her glass of beer, a bit of foam still sticking to her lip

when she set the glass down. The urge to lean over and wipe it away with his thumb was overwhelming.

Would she freak if he tried to lick it away with his tongue?

Yeah, probably.

“You have…” He pointed to his upper lip and she cocked her head in question. Carefully she dabbed

her slender fingers to her lip and her cheeks flushed. With an embarrassed giggle she grabbed a napkin and

wiped away the lingering foam.

“I guess you can’t take me anywhere.” Her eyes sparkled and she reached for the plate of nachos that

sat between them. Grabbing a loaded chip, she shoved it in her mouth, her eyes closing as she murmured an

inarticulate sound of bliss. “So good.”

That pleasurable sound went straight to his dick. Watching her eat, his head spun a little. When she

laughed, his chest felt tight, like his heart might explode. He had it bad.

And he never had it bad.

He still couldn’t believe his luck when he saw her in the hospital parking lot. He’d approached her

without thinking, not about to let her get away from him again. Not after he’d spent the last few days

wandering around in a lust-induced fog, his thoughts constantly filled with images of her.

She was like the one that got away, and he couldn’t remember ever feeling that sort of regret over a

woman before. Hell, he’d even dreamed of her, the way she’d looked at him when he and Wes pulled her

out of the ambulance and wheeled her into the hospital. The panic, the vulnerability in her gaze, as if she

needed him.

Normally, he steered clear of needy women. With his job keeping him so busy, he preferred someone

independent, someone who could go on without him if he had to work a long stretch.

This was why he didn’t have serious relationships. He wasn’t one to stick around. It was…hard,

sticking around. With women, he liked it easy.

What he was feeling at this particular moment didn’t seem easy. It was like a whirlwind, smacking

him in the chest, hitting him everywhere. He’d been with her for approximately forty five minutes.

He was already plotting how he could get her in his arms.

In his bed.

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They sat on stools at a tall table located dead center in the bar. The noise was deafening, the TVs

blaring, the crowd cheering and laughing and chattering nonstop. The waitresses ran to and fro, carrying

pitchers of overflowing beer high above their heads. It was complete chaos.

Morgan sat quietly amid the chaos, pretty and fresh, her dark hair pulled into a ponytail. She devoured

chip after chip, washing it down with sips of beer. He liked that she hadn’t balked over beer and nachos.

More than a few prissy dates of his past would’ve wrinkled their noses at such a suggestion.

This woman seemed real.

“How long have you been a paramedic?” She yelled the question to be heard over the din.

“Six years.” He’d gone to college, thinking originally he wanted to be a cop but realized it wasn’t for

him. He’d considered being a doctor, but the endless schooling and enormous cost had stopped him cold.

“Do you like it?”

“I love it. It’s hard work and even harder hours, but I wouldn’t want to do anything else.”

“That’s so great. That you have such a passion.” He cocked a brow, and she continued. “When you

say you love your job, it comes across in your expression, your body language. You were so attentive that

night, so…efficient. You impressed me.”

“Just doing my job.” Her words of praise filled him with pride. He knew he was decent at his job, but

it was always nice to hear it from someone.

Especially someone as pretty as Morgan…

“Morgan? Is that you?”

The male voice came from behind Evan, and he turned to find her loser date from the night she was

hurt standing there, a beer mug clutched in his right hand. Clad in a Kobe Bryant jersey and jeans, his

expression was incredulous when his gaze dropped to Evan.

“Don. Hi.” Her voice was weak, and she shifted on her barstool. “What are you doing here?”

“I think it’s pretty clear.” He waved his beer at the front of his jersey, then at the TV. “The question is

what are you doing here? And with him?” He gestured at Evan. “Aren’t you the guy in the ambulance?”

“Don…” Morgan started but Evan cut her off.

“I am.” He stood, towering over Don the Lakers fan by at least four inches.

Don’s eyes narrowed. “What did you do? Ask her out while we were on a date?”

“You were the one who ditched her.”

“She said I could ditch her.” Don’s voice had turned into a slight whine. “I didn’t want to miss the

game. I paid good money for those tickets.”

“Yeah, and you left a woman bleeding on the ground so you could watch your precious team lose.”

Evan had seen the score when he caught a glimpse of the late night news. It had given him a surge of

satisfaction knowing that this asshole had hurried to watch them get so viciously defeated.

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Don’s eyes narrowed, and Evan swore he heard a little squeak come from Morgan’s direction. “Right.

And getting me out of there allowed you to poach on my date.”

“I didn’t poach.”

“Can’t even score a woman on your own so you gotta pick one up while she’s injured? That’s low,

man.” Don whistled and shook his head.

Evan’s hands tightened into fists. “At least I know how to treat a woman properly, unlike you.”

“Dickhead,” Don muttered.

“Asshole,” Evan tossed back.

Don swung with his free hand without hesitation, never letting go of his beer mug. His arm went wild,

over-swinging by inches and missing Evan’s face completely. Reaching out, Evan grabbed Don’s forearm,

stopping him and the two men stared each other down.

“I’m not about to fight in here,” Evan said through gritted teeth, releasing his grip on Don’s arm.

“Pussy.” Don swung again, his fist making contact with Evan’s jaw and that was it.

All hell broke loose.

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Chapter Three

“No!” Morgan lunged toward the two men, trying to break up the fight. Evan shoved her behind him

with one solid push, trying to get her out of harm’s way and she appreciated the gesture.

But damn it, she needed to stop this. It was ridiculous, the two of them fighting. Or Don picking a

fight. Over her.

“Don, stop.” She shoved at him, but he was solid as a rock. And enraged. His expression was fierce,

his eyes blazing with anger and he was swinging like crazy at Evan, who dodged his every punch with a

calm efficiency that probably drove Don nuts.

The bartender shouted from his perch behind the counter, demanding they stop or he’d call the cops.

Evan backed off from Don, holding his hands in front of him in a peaceful gesture but Don would have

none of it. Morgan ran in front of him, pressing her hands to his chest but he shoved her off, sending her

toppling to the ground.

“Ow.” She lay sprawled on the floor, turning just in time to see Evan sock Don in the mouth so hard

blood splattered and Don fell to the ground not far from her.

“Don’t ever put your hands on her again.” Evan looked like a conquering warrior as he stood over

Don, who lay in a crumpled heap on the floor, his hand covering his swelling mouth.

She scrambled to sit up, wincing since she landed too hard on her butt. Don had used every bit of his

strength to push her and a dull throb started in her shoulder where his hand had made contact.

“Morgan.” Evan knelt beside her, his dark blue eyes full of concern. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, shocked when the crowd swarmed around them as if nothing happened. A waitress came

over with a white rag, picking up the mug that had fallen when Don went down and swiping at the floor to

absorb the spilled beer.

Otherwise, it was as if nothing happened.

Evan drew her up to her feet, brushing his hands over her shoulders and arms. “Are you hurt?”

“My shoulder hurts a little from where he pushed me.” A murderous glint lit his eyes. “And…my butt

hurts. I landed hard on that floor.”

He smiled softly. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”

Evan tossed a couple of twenties on their table to cover everything and they left the bar, pushing

through the door and walking out into the cool spring night air. Morgan shivered, her thin sweater not

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offering much protection and Evan slipped his arm around her shoulders, his hand resting lightly on the

injured one. He pulled her close to him.

“You’re cold,” he offered when she glanced up at him. “Let’s go to my truck. I have a first aid kit in

there. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

He was so protective. And attentive. A girl could get used to such behavior…

His truck was parked almost directly across from her car, and she stood by the passenger side while he

opened the door and dug behind the seat. Pulling out a white metal box with a giant red cross on the front

of it, he set it on the seat and popped it open. The box was filled with miscellaneous medical supplies and

he turned to her, his hand going for the neck of her cardigan.

“Maybe you should take off your sweater.” His hand dropped away from her. “I want to make sure

your shoulder isn’t scratched.”

Slowly she unbuttoned her cardigan, her entire body quivering. The heat of his gaze seared her,

scorched her from the inside out and she pulled the sweater from her shoulders, revealing her bare skin. She

wore a tank top because it was always so warm in the office but now she felt almost naked.


“You’re bruising already.” He didn’t hesitate to touch her, his fingers skimming her shoulder. She

jumped at his gentle touch, his warm, rough-tipped fingers. “I can’t believe he pushed you.”

“I don’t think he knew what he was doing.”

“He hurt you. You don’t need to make excuses for him.” He pushed the sweater farther down her right

arm, till it bunched to her wrist. “Your elbow is bleeding.”

“It is?” She jerked her arm away from him to check out the injury. It wasn’t bad, just a trickle of

blood. “Why do you always see me at my worst?”

“This is how I see most people,” he said with a chuckle. “And trust me, if this is your worst, I think

you might slay me dead with your best.”

Her entire body tingled at his compliment.

“Climb into the passenger seat, and I’ll bandage you up.” He didn’t wait for her answer. Merely

rounded the truck and got into the driver’s seat. She had no choice but to sit next to him, pulling the door

shut to keep out the cool breeze.

He did the same, and they were all alone. No sound but their soft breathing, the jangling sway of his

key chain when he pushed the key into the ignition. The first aid kit rested on the console between them

and he reached inside, pulling out bandages and antiseptic spray.

“Let me take care of you.” His quiet words held more meaning than they should and longing

splintered through her.

She was being foolish. Believing there was more at play here than just a first date and a man ready to

help her because it was his job.

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Within minutes she was bandaged and she slipped the sweater back over her shoulders, hopeful he

hadn’t noticed her hard nipples poking against the thin fabric of her tank. Having him so close, his breath

brushing across her upper arm as he’d worked on her elbow had nearly been her undoing.

“Need anything else?” He placed his supplies back into the kit.

“I’m fine. But what about you?”

He appeared startled by her question, then glanced down at his right hand. “I guess I did scrape my

knuckles when I punched him.”

“My hero,” she murmured as she reached for his hand. She cradled it between both of hers, studying

the reddened, lightly scraped skin of his knuckles. His hand was large with long, blunt-tipped fingers and

so very capable. She brushed her thumb across his knuckles, and he hissed in a breath. “Hand me the

antiseptic spray, please.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He chuckled and handed her the antiseptic. She sprayed the damaged skin, then

brought his hand closer to her mouth and blew on the wound.

A choked sound escaped him and she glanced up, saw all the want and desire swirling in his gaze. Her

body went on high alert, nipples tightening even more and her skin went hot and shivery with need. They

stared at each other silently, and her breathing accelerated.

So did his.

“This is crazy,” he whispered, exhaling loudly. “I don’t even know you.”

It must’ve been the beer or the look in his eyes, she didn’t know, but she brought his hand to her

mouth and carefully kissed his knuckles. “Does that make it better?”

He shook his head and wrapped his fingers around hers, yanking her closer to him. “No. But this


He kissed her. And not some wimpy, tentative kiss either. No, it was hot. Deep. Wet. His tongue

thrust between her parted lips and swept inside her mouth with sensual efficiency before tangling with hers.

She couldn’t contain the moan that escaped her and he groaned in response, pulling her closer but the

stupid console was like a wall between them.

So he did what any he-man with bulging muscles would do—lifted her up and over the console so she

was sprawled across his lap. She straddled him, her knees on either side of his hips, her arms wrapped

around his neck. Their mouths were fused, their bodies as close as they could get to each other and yeah,

the steering wheel dug into her back and it was totally cramped but…

It was also totally awesome. Like her every teenage dream come true. She’d always wanted to be one

of those girls the hot guys in school took parking by the lake. She’d grown up in a small town and had

never been one to draw much attention from the boys. Half the time her irrational seventeen-year-old self

had wanted the sleazy do-anyone reputation rather than be invisible.

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With Evan, she didn’t feel invisible. He was wrapped around her, kissing her, his hands wandering all

over and she sunk her fingers into his short, thick hair, clutching him tight. She swore she felt the brush of

his erection beneath the denim of his jeans and she lowered her hips, ground against him in the subtlest of


He groaned against her mouth and his hands gripped her butt, pushing her closer.

Oh, God. Would they do it right here in his truck? Would he think her too easy if she happily caved?

Would she finally earn that sleazy do-anyone reputation she’d yearned for oh, so long ago?

She pulled back, desperate to catch her breath, her thoughts. Her head buzzed, her ears rung and her

entire body vibrated from his touch, the magic of his lips. He stared at her, equally out of breath, his lips

swollen and damp, his hair a mess from her tugging hands despite how short it was. His lids were heavy,

his eyes smoldered with unrestrained lust and an answering call clenched deep within her.

“We fogged up the windows.” She didn’t know what else to say.

He glanced about the cab of the truck and chuckled. “We did.” He pushed the open cardigan from her

shoulder, his fingers slipping beneath the spaghetti strap of her tank top. “How’s your shoulder?”

Her breath hitched in her throat when he skimmed her skin gently. The tank had one of those shelf

bras since she wasn’t the most abundantly endowed person and could get away with wearing it. “F-fine.”

He smiled, his gaze locked on his traveling fingers. If he went any lower…

“Are you comfortable?”

“Not really,” she confessed.

He out and out laughed, his fingers resting on the very top of her breast. “This is insane.”

“You already said that.”

“Ah.” His voice lowered. “Your skin is so soft.” Goose bumps dotted her skin by his words alone and

he traced them. “I don’t normally maul women in my truck. I’m usually much more considerate.”

“I don’t normally throw myself at men in their trucks either.” She nibbled on her lower lip, her entire

being focused on his index finger drifting down, tugging her tank top with it, exposing her flesh inch by

excruciating inch. “I don’t want you to think I’m…”

“Easy?” His lids lifted, a sweep of thick, black eyelashes and she stared into his eyes, momentarily

lost. How could she feel so connected to a man she didn’t even know? “I think this is something we can’t


“Wh-what do you think it is?” He was making her stutter, and she was never one without words. Well,

almost. When confronted by a too handsome man, then maybe she stuttered a little bit. Or when blind dates

went shockingly bad, maybe she didn’t say anything at all.

“Chemistry.” He tugged her tank down harder and exposed her left breast. “Fate.”

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Morgan’s pert, rosy nipple was too difficult to resist. Leaning in, Evan breathed over her skin,

watching with smug satisfaction as gooseflesh rose in response. Her nipple hardened even more, pink and

small and so pretty his mouth watered.

Just one taste…

He circled her nipple, slow and easy, his index finger catching on her skin. She was impossibly soft,

incredibly responsive and her accelerated breathing was doing things to him, things he’d never experienced

before. Inside, nerves and lust rioted at equal measure and he had to restrain from going completely

caveman on her.

He wanted to take his time. He also wanted to rush it and plunge deep inside her. Wanted to know

what it was like, to have her most intimate flesh clutch tight around him, driving him on, driving him crazy

until he came so hard he fucking saw stars.

She whispered his name, her fingers plunging once more into the hair at the back of his head.

Tugging, she tried to draw him closer and he resisted. Did she feel the same way? This urgent, pounding

need to take and plunder and fuck until they were both spent?

But not in his truck. This was just…ridiculous. He wasn’t some horny teenager ready to get it on

because he had nowhere else to strip a girl naked. He was a grown man with a house and a perfectly

good—and large—bed waiting for the both of them to put to proper use.

Just one taste, first. Just one…

He licked her, drawing a circle around her nipple once, twice with his tongue. Her fingers tightened in

his hair and she whimpered, a soft cry escaping her when he wrapped his lips around her nipple. She tasted

sweet, hot and exquisitely feminine and the way she wound herself around him, her entire body


Damn. He quivered too. It was amazing. She was amazing.

Grazing her sensitive flesh with his teeth, he cupped her neglected breast, his busy fingers tugging on

the fabric of her top until she was completely exposed. She ground her hips against him, driving him

fucking crazy and his cock strained against the fly of his jeans, desperate to burst free.

Morgan stilled, her entire body taut and she pulled on his hair so hard he yelped. “Ssh. Listen.”

He leaned his head against her chest and tried to hear but there was only her wildly beating heart, her

sweet fragrance enveloping him. Closing his eyes, he kissed her, licked her and she pulled his hair again.

“Someone’s coming.”

Oh yeah, he planned on her being the one who was coming. She was so damn responsive he was half

inclined to see if he could make her come just by sucking on her nipples.

It would be a first for him. If only she weren’t wearing jeans. A skirt would be much easier. He could

slide his hand underneath the fabric, slip his fingers beneath her panties and encounter nothing but wet, hot


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“Evan. Someone’s out there, they’re getting into the car right next to us.”

Her frantic tone broke through the lust-induced cloud surrounding him and he pulled away from her,

yanking her shirt up so she was mostly covered. She climbed off him and tumbled into the passenger seat, a

disheveled, sexy little mess. Her hair was half out of her once sleek ponytail, little strands framing her

heart-shaped face. He hadn’t covered her completely with the tank and her silky flesh enticed him, as did

her swollen lips.

She was gorgeous. Just looking at her got his blood pumping into overdrive.

“I, uh, got a little out of control, I guess,” he finally said when the people next to them piled into their

car and started it, pulling out of the slot.

“So did I,” she admitted, her soft voice winding all around him. Just like that he wanted her even


How the hell was that possible?

“Do I need to apologize?” He hoped the answer was no. If he offended her or freaked her out he’d

kick his own ass.

“For what? I was a willing participant.”

Mmm, yeah, she had been. Those sexy little sounds she made had driven him out of his mind. What

sort of noises would she make the first time he slid inside her?

He desperately wanted to find out.

“But I should probably go,” she continued. “It’s been sort of a—rough day.”

Reality crashed down all around him. He’d pushed too hard, and she was retreating. And he was never

the one who pushed hard.


“Yeah.” She nodded and nibbled on her lower lip. God, that was sexy. “Thank you for taking me out

for drinks. I’m sorry it got ruined by Don.”

“It wasn’t your fault.” He should’ve never gotten confrontational with that asshole. It ruined the entire


Of course, if it hadn’t happened he might never have got Morgan in his truck, in his arms.

“Well, maybe it was. A little.” She smiled and shook her head. “You’re a really nice guy.”

“Really nice?” He was almost offended at the general statement.

And he was also a complete ass.

“More than really nice.” Leaning over the console, she cupped his cheek, her fingers stroking his skin.

“Your kisses made my toes curl.”

He kissed her again because how could he resist that?

She broke away first, a little breathless, her expression dazed. “I should go.”

“You already said that.” Evan repeated her earlier words, which earned him a smile.

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“I mean it this time.” She reached for the door handle and he touched her shoulder, stopping her.

“I want to see you again.” And again and again and again…

“Okay.” She answered so quickly, so easily. Pleasure surged through him at the realization she was as

lost to this as he was.


She nibbled on her lip once more. He was sorely tempted to sooth the wounded spot with his tongue.

“This is moving so fast.”

“But it’s a mutual thing, right?”

She stilled and he dove beneath the neck of her cardigan with his fingers, touching bare skin. “Y-yes.”

He took her shaky voice as a good sign. “I don’t want to fight it. I always make excuses. This time I

want to give in.”

Her brows lowered as if she were confused. “Fight it? Fight what? Give in to what?”

“This. Us.” He was getting ahead of himself.

But for once in his life, he didn’t care.

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Chapter Four

“Emergency breakfast meeting, huh? What could be so urgent you dragged me out of a warm bed

filled with my boyfriend?” Mia yawned, immediately covering her mouth with her hand.

Morgan twisted in her seat, completely antsy and not from the giant cup of coffee she just slugged

down. “I met a guy.”

“Ooh, really?” Mia’s eyes lit with interest. “Someone better than Don? You know, I’m really sorry

about all that. What a bomb that date turned out to be.”

“You already apologized.” Morgan waved a hand. She had no ill feelings toward Mia for matching

her with Don. It was water under the bridge—though she couldn’t seem to shake the guy, unfortunately.

“Where’d you two meet? Are you going on a date with him? Give me details.”

Morgan pressed her fingers into the leftover crumbs of the cinnamon roll she had devoured. Her

appetite was as out of control as was her energy. She’d hardly gotten a wink of sleep last night. Just laid

there and tossed and turned, thinking of Evan.

Evan with the sexy blue eyes and the delicious mouth—man of the wondrous tongue and wandering,

skillful hands.

“You’re not going to believe this.” Morgan licked her finger before swirling it on the empty plate

once more. “I met him yesterday at the hospital when I was going to get my staples out. He was the

paramedic who took care of me the night I got knocked out.”

Mia’s mouth dropped open. “No way. Why didn’t you ever tell us about this guy?”

“There was nothing to tell.” Morgan shrugged. She was a liar. She’d been drawn to him from the start

but no way did she want to admit it, even to her friends. They’d nudge each other and give her bunch of

song and dance about falling instantly in love and fate and a blah, blah, blah. They were so big on it and she

was so down on it, she didn’t want to admit that yes, indeed, she had a strong connection with this guy. A

guy she barely knew but she’d had her tongue down his throat and he’d had her nipple in his mouth.

Her cheeks flushed at the memory.

“So are you guys going to see each other? Please tell me you agreed to a date with him. He asked you

out, right?”

Morgan nodded and launched into the entire story. The meeting in the hospital parking lot, the sports

bar, the intrusion of Don, the fight—she gave Mia every detail.

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Well, almost every detail. She certainly didn’t tell her friend how hot and heavy it had gotten in his


“And so we’re seeing each other tonight. He’s coming over, and we’re going to…hang out.” She

really hoped hang out meant have wild and crazy sex.

Lord help her, she was such a slut.

“Hang out.” Mia rolled her eyes. “Is this naked hanging out?”

“Mia.” Morgan glanced around the crowded coffee shop. The three of them met for breakfast or

coffee all the time and this was their favorite spot. Too bad Jenna was away for a romantic weekend with

her boyfriend. She’d probably eat this news up with a spoon.

“Sounds like it’s happening pretty quickly between you two.” Mia’s brows rose. “Also sounds sort of

familiar, don’t you think?”

“Oh, I don’t want to hear it.” Morgan covered her ears, and Mia laughed.

“You don’t want to hear it because you know what I’m trying to say. See? It can happen to you.”

“Nothing’s happened yet.” Morgan dropped her hands to the table.

“Besides a passionate make out session in his car like a pair of teenagers?”

Morgan’s cheeks were so hot she was surprised they didn’t burst into flame. “Stop.”

“Is he a good kisser?”

Like nothing she’d ever experienced before. “I’m not telling.”

“Which means he was absolutely amazing.” Mia sighed. “There is nothing better than that first kiss.

That first connection of lips, the spark and the thrill and the dip in the belly when he takes it a little deeper.

Jake kisses me sometimes, and I just want to melt.”

“Only sometimes?”

“Okay, all the time. Still. He makes me happy.” A secret little smile stole across Mia’s face. “And I

try my hardest to make him happy too.”

Always, always before Morgan would get jealous. She hated the emotion, hated envying her friends,

how she wished she had just a piece of what they experienced with the men in their lives.

For once, she didn’t feel jealous. Not at all.

Morgan frowned. She was so jittery her hands shook and her skin suddenly felt clammy. God, she was


So nervous. What was she thinking? One date with the guy, one delicious make out moment and she

saw permanence and forever after? Had she completely lost her mind?

“You look scared.” Mia slid her hand across the table and settled it over Morgan’s. “What’s wrong?

Are you having a panic attack?”

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Morgan had never had a panic attack in her life. Jenna lost it once and it had been a sight to behold,

right there in the middle of the lunchroom at work. “I don’t know.” She tried to inhale but hardly drew in

air. “Maybe I am.”

“Breathe, honey.” Mia squeezed her hand. “It’s just a guy.”

“Exactly. It’s just a guy.” So why did it feel like so much more? Like she was standing on the edge of

a vast and wide pool of water and she was this close to tumbling into the deep end?

“You must really like him. What’s his name again? Brett might know him, considering he’s a

paramedic. They work together all the time.” Mia whipped her phone out of her purse. “I should text Jenna

his name and have her ask Brett if he has any dirt.”

“No.” Morgan shook her head. “Don’t bother her. Please. She’s on her getaway weekend. They’re

probably boinking like bunnies as we speak.”

Mia laughed and shoved the phone back into her purse. Thank God. Morgan really didn’t want to

know the dirt on Evan. What if Brett really had some? She didn’t want to hear the bad stuff, if there was


Right now she was too enraptured with the good stuff.

“They’re probably sleeping off the marathon of boinking they had last night,” Mia said, still giggling.

“I bet she comes back with a ring.”

“I bet she will too.” Those two were so in love it was almost sickening.

Mia sighed. “I hope they have a big wedding. We could be bridesmaids.”

“And wear a hideous dress walking on the arm of some creep? No way.” Morgan had experienced

being a bridesmaid in a few weddings. All of them near disastrous in one way or another. Bad dress, bad

partner walking down the aisle—oh and the time she had to round up the small children scattering rose

petals along the aisle.

One of them had ended up puking rose petals on the hem of her dress. It had been a minor nightmare.

“Please. Jenna would make sure we look fabulous and all of Brett’s friends are hunky firefighters.

We’d be walking on the arm of a stud and you know it.”

The idea of hanging out with a hot firefighter would’ve literally lit her fire only a week ago. Now she

wasn’t interested.

She wanted Evan.

“I’m not interested in hunky firefighters.”

Mia smirked and shook her head. “Aw, you are so cute. You really have it bad, don’t you?”

Morgan shrugged. Should she admit just how bad she had it? She didn’t want to. Not yet.

She wanted to savor it a little longer. The giddy excitement filling her over seeing him later, the rush

of nerves and lust at the memory of what happened between them last night in his truck. His hands all over

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her, his mouth fused with hers, their tongues dancing. The slick, delicious slide, the taste of him, the rough

sounds he made, his heated breath.

Oh, God. She really, really had it bad.

Evan was a patient man. His mother had praised him for that particular trait when he was young and

dealing with his always impatient and bossy older brother. As life went on, he’d waited for the best

opportunities to fall into his lap. He would always bide his time and, when the moment was right, he

jumped on it. The method had worked for him his entire life.

Tonight, at this very moment, with the beautiful and obviously nervous Morgan at his side, he

struggled. Forget the formality and the carefulness and the not wanting to scare the hell out of her. Patience


He wanted her.

Naked and beneath him, her arms wrapped around him, her fingers stroking his skin. He wanted to

hear her murmur hot words in his ear, wanted to feel the silky clutch of her around his cock, wanted to

come inside her until he was spent and bone weary. He wanted to hold her close and fall asleep with her in

his arms.

Instead he tiptoed around her, not wanting to make her even more nervous than she already was. He’d

arrived with two bags full of snacks from the supermarket and she’d laughed in delight at his choices,

saying she rarely indulged in such a junk fest. Yet she’d dove right in, opening the bag of tortilla chips and

pouring salsa into a small bowl so they could share.

They picked an action flick to watch on pay-per-view but he couldn’t pay attention. He was too

enraptured with her scent, the heat radiating from her lithe body, the way she curled her fingers into the

pillow she clutched in front of her, especially during a particularly tense scene. He sat on the other end of

the couch, not too close but not so far away it was obvious he was trying to keep his hands off her. He

didn’t want to look too pushy, too much like an animal. He’d already proven that last night when he mauled

her in his truck.

Hell, he really wanted to maul her again. Forget trying to be the good guy. One look at her in those

soft black pants that clung to her legs like a second skin and a pale yellow T-shirt and he was a goner.

The movie was over and he followed her into the kitchen, the fresh floral smell of her hair making his

eyes cross. She grabbed the salsa container from the refrigerator and popped the lid, ready to pour the rest

of the salsa they didn’t finish back into the plastic bowl.

“I liked that movie.” She opened a drawer and pulled a spoon out of it, then began scraping the

leftover salsa back into the container. “I’m not usually one for nonstop action, but it was good.”

“Yeah, it was.” If asked at gunpoint what the plot of the movie was, he couldn’t remember it. He’d

been too busy watching her.

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He was still watching her. She was his newest and most exciting form of entertainment.

“Should we get another movie? Do you maybe want something else to eat? You brought enough to

feed an army.” She smiled and snapped the lid back onto the salsa and he stepped toward her, grabbing for

the grocery sack still sitting on the kitchen island so he could take a peek inside.

Maybe eating would take his mind off her.

Fat chance.

She went behind him, going for the refrigerator and he turned around at the very moment she reached

out with the salsa. Her hand went into his chest and the lid plopped off, spilling salsa down the front of his


“Oh, my God! Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz. You must think I’m an imbecile.” She wiped at his

T-shirt, drops of salsa falling onto the tile floor and he stood there, both bemused and aroused. His shirt

was soaked and the spicy smell of the spices, tomatoes and onions filled his nostrils.

Morgan ran to the sink and grabbed a dry washcloth. Turning on the water, she ran it under the spigot,

talking a mile a minute, apologizing again and again.

“I swear you always walk into trouble when you’re with me. Or I walk into trouble. This is so not

good. I ruined your shirt, didn’t I?”

He didn’t bother answering. Tugging it up and off over his head, he rolled it into a soggy ball and set

it on the island, then grabbed a napkin and wiped the dampness that seeped through off his skin. It was

doubtful she had a shirt his size to wear for the rest of the evening.

Doubtful even more she’d feel comfortable with him sitting around bare-chested while they watched

another movie.

“Let me clean you up.” She whirled around to face him, the wet washcloth clutched in her hand. Her

eyes widened as she drank him in, her gaze wandering over his half naked state and yep, there it was. A

flare of interest, a hint of simmering heat.

“Um.” Her hand fell, hanging limp at her side. The washcloth was so drenched it dripped water on the

floor. “You, uh…you took off your shirt.”

“It was covered in salsa.”

She took a step toward him. “I’m sorry.”

Evan smiled. She looked ready to pounce on him. And if that was the case, he didn’t want her to

apologize. “It’s no big deal.”

“I can wash it for you.” She waved a hand toward a doorway to the right. He saw the washer and

dryer within the tiny space and figured it was the laundry room. “So you’ll have a shirt to wear when you


“How long will that take?”

Her gaze met his once more, her brown eyes wide and unfathomable. “Um, a couple of hours, tops.”

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“I’ve got all night,” he drawled.

Her cheeks flushed and she came closer, reaching for the balled up T-shirt on the island. Her breasts

brushed his bare arm, a fleeting touch that had him reacting in an instant. Hard cock, tight skin, heat

flashing through his veins.

Curling his hand around her upper arm, he stopped her. She lifted her head, her eyes meeting his and

he tugged her closer. “I don’t want to watch another movie,” he whispered.

She visibly swallowed. “What do you want to do?”

“Come here and I’ll show you.” Yeah, his patience was flying right out the window.

The washcloth fell to the floor with a loud plop and he grabbed her around the waist, lifting her so she

sat on the edge of the island. She shrieked when he picked her up, her hands settling on his shoulders,

fingers curling into his skin. He savored the caress, the way she felt in his arms.

If she didn’t watch it, he’d take her right where she sat. They were in perfect position and he could

imagine his hands clutching the edge of the counter, his cock slamming into her again and again as she

writhed naked on the cold, hard granite countertop…

Her lips parted and before she could utter a word he kissed her. Her lips were soft, hot and wet against

his, and she tasted so damn good he gave a rough sound of pleasure when her tongue snuck into his mouth.

He tightened his arms around her slender waist, his hands sprawled wide across her back and he tugged her

closer. She slid toward him easily across the slick granite surface, and she shivered against him.

“I’ve wanted to do this all night,” he murmured against her neck after he broke their kiss. He nuzzled

her there, absorbing her softness, her sweet, slightly musky scent.

She wound her arms around his neck, her hands sinking into his hair. “I’ve wanted you to kiss me


They’d wasted at least two hours when they could’ve been doing this from the start. “Did you spill the

salsa on purpose?”

“No.” She tugged on his hair so he had no choice but to meet her gaze once more. “I would never do

that. You must think I’m a complete idiot though.”

“Not at all.” He dropped a gentle kiss on her nose. “But it was a smart tactic.”

Before she could protest he slanted his mouth over hers again, consuming her. He slipped his hands

underneath her shirt, encountering bare, smooth flesh and he stroked her flat stomach, felt an unmistakable

tremble move through her.

Did she only want kisses? He wanted to give her so much more. She felt so good in his arms, her hot

little body leaning toward him, her fingers tight in his hair. Their tongues tangled, her hands slid down his

pecs, across his stomach and his cock twitched in response.

“Watch it,” he warned when he pulled away from her to catch his breath. “I’m hanging on the edge


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She smiled shyly, a complete contrast to her sly fingers wreaking havoc as they stroked down his

stomach. His entire body quivered at her touch, and he released a shuddering breath when she curled her

hand around the waistband of his jeans. Her knuckles brushed against the sensitive flesh of his lower belly

and his cock surged in response.

“Morgan. Sweetheart.” He tried to jerk away but her grip was surprisingly firm. “If you don’t stop

those wandering hands we might have a problem.”

“Oh?” She met his gaze, all coy seductress and his brows rose. This was quite different from the

responsive yet full of regret woman he had in his truck last night.

He liked it.

“And why is that?” she asked when he didn’t respond. And how could he respond, what with the way

she was stroking his cock. Her touch burned through the cotton of his boxer briefs and he swallowed hard,

his lids fluttering when she cupped his balls and gave them a squeeze.

“Because this good time might end before it really began. And we don’t want that, do we?”

She immediately withdrew her hand, looking contrite. “No, we most definitely don’t.”

Evan laughed and shook his head. Grabbing her hand, he tugged her off the kitchen island and she

landed on her feet. “Come on.” His voice lowered. No way could she mistake his intent. “Let’s take this

somewhere more comfortable.”

Morgan entwined her fingers with his. “I’ll give you an up close and personal tour of my bedroom.”

“Sounds perfect."

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Chapter Five

Morgan led him down the narrow hall toward her bedroom, their hands clasped, palms pressed tight

against each other. Her entire body tingled in anticipation and she stole a look at Evan from over her

shoulder, smiling a little when she saw the raw intensity in his hooded gaze as he watched her. His lean,

hard body vibrated with a potent sexual energy, and she suddenly felt dizzy.

And full of doubt. What was she getting herself into? She’d never moved this fast before. No, more

like she was the type who had to take it slow, who had a certain pattern leading up to the whole sex thing.

First three dates all ending with nothing beyond a good night kiss. Fourth date and if she was still

interested, maybe she’d allow a bit of petting—over clothes, of course. If things were cruising along

smoothly, by the sixth date she was ready to do the deed albeit nothing too wild and crazy.

It always, always went that way. Since she’d graduated from college she rarely deviated from the

plan. Jenna told her more than once it was pathetic and had loved teasing her when Morgan went through

that Internet dating phase. Mia sympathized—she was just as anal. And she’d probably had a similar plan

until she met Jake and he turned her world upside down.

Morgan frowned. Just like Evan was turning her world upside down. Her life hadn’t been normal

since Don smacked her in the head with the restaurant door…

He stopped her just as they entered the bedroom and somehow she found herself pressed against the

wall just beside the door, their hands still locked together. He stood directly in front of her, so close she

could feel the warmth of his body radiating, wrapping all around her.

She reached out and rested her hand on the center of his very wide and very hard chest. His heart beat

true and strong beneath her palm, perhaps a bit quicker than usual, which she liked. That she had this much

power to affect him so…

It was a heady feeling.

Her fingers curled and she scraped her nails lightly down his chest, tangling briefly in the scant hair

that grew in the center, learning every dip and nuance of his firmly packed abdomen. He had a body worthy

of a prime athlete, rippling muscles and tight sinew. The faintest tremor ran through him beneath her touch

and she smiled, letting her hand rest on the waistband of his jeans. Lifting her pinky finger, she drew it

along the line of dark hair that led from his navel and disappeared beneath his jeans.

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She could touch him all night. The thrill of unsnapping his jeans, the zipper loud in the quiet of the

room when she tugged it down, she heard the hitch in his breath when she spread the gaping denim wide,

revealing gray cotton.

And a rather impressive erection strained against the front of it.

Tracing the length of him, her heart beat rapidly at what she was about to experience. He was big.

And heavy. His hips lifted in a subtle gesture yet he didn’t say a word and she delved her hand inside his

briefs, encountering hot, hard yet soft skin. A rough sound of pleasure escaped him, a hissed inhalation of

breath but otherwise he still said nothing.

God. It was actually hotter that no words were spoken. She could silently marvel at the gift before her.

With her free hand, she tugged on his jeans, making them fall to about mid-thigh. His underwear followed

and soon he was toeing off his shoes, kicking out of his clothes, shedding his socks until he stood before

her completely naked.

And she was still completely clothed.

“Got me where you want me?”

Morgan glanced up to find Evan watching her, one eyebrow raised, barely restrained heat filling his

eyes. He didn’t look embarrassed in the least to be on such blatant display. “Not exactly.”

His eyebrow rose even further, and she curled her hands into fists. Reaching out, she pushed at him

and he stumbled back from her, a surprised expression on his face.

“Get on the bed,” she commanded, secretly surprised at her bossy ways. There was something about

how he looked at her, did exactly what she wanted without being a wuss that captivated her. Made her feel

in control, in charge of her sexuality rather than always relying on the man to make the move.

With a chuckle he turned and went to the bed, giving her a mouthwatering view of his most

impressive backside. It was tight and firm, his thighs large and muscular. Oh, and his back. Broad

shoulders that narrowed into lean hips and the two shallowest dimples just above his ass…

Evan turned and collapsed on the bed, the epitome of the casual, going-nowhere reclining man albeit

naked as the day he was born. He clasped his hands behind his head, a smirk on his face as he lounged

against the pile of pillows at the head of her bed. His cock was thick and standing at full attention, arcing

toward his body nearly to his belly button and she realized she stood there staring at him like a dumbass.

“What are you waiting for?” His voice was soft but held an edge of steely command. “Get undressed,


The tables had turned, just like that. Hurriedly she shed her T-shirt and yoga pants, then slithered out

of her panties and unhooked her bra. He crocked a finger as soon as she was stripped, all come-hither

sexiness. She went to him, gasping in surprise when he tugged her down with one jerk of his fingers about

her wrist. Collapsing on top of him, he moved quick, spinning her around so she lay sprawled on the bed,

her legs spread, his body nestled intimately between them.

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Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the predatory glow in his gaze, the way his eyes

wandered over her face, drinking in her every feature. She wrapped her arms around him, one hand

clasping the back of his neck, the other sliding down his back. Marveling at his smooth, hot skin, the way

he felt rubbing against her. Hard upon soft, deliciously hairy where she was smooth. Time hung suspended

as they stared at each other, her breath stalled in her throat and she pressed ever so gently against his nape.

He attacked her. Devoured her with his mouth, licked at her with his tongue and his hands were

everywhere all at once. The urgent press of his cock against her belly drove her on and she whimpered with

need, yelping when he pinched her nipple so hard it hurt.

“You like that?” Bending down, he lapped at her still smarting nipple with the tip of his tongue. “Or

did I hurt you?”

“I…liked it.” With a wicked smile he did it again, tweaking her nipple between his index finger and

thumb, the pain his touch produced an exquisite sort of torture she’d never experienced before.

Oh, it felt good. Too good. He knew exactly what she wanted, which was scary. He stroked her,

kissed her all over her body, his mouth and hands lingering on all of her extra sensitive spots. Raining

kisses on her belly, he dipped his hand between her legs, cupping her sex. She surged against him, moaning

when he stroked her slit carefully with his finger.

“Evan.” She was so wet she could hear how creamy she was between her thighs as he searched her

folds. He slid one finger inside her, then another, pumping in and out, slow and steady.

Driving her out of her freaking mind.

“You’re so wet,” he whispered, pushing his fingers as deep as they would go. She arched into his

hand, grinding herself against his palm and he slipped lower, replacing his hand with his mouth.

His glorious, skilled, unbelievably good mouth.

A choked scream escaped her and she curled her fingers into his hair, holding him to her. He licked

her, searching every nook and cranny, a single finger returning to thrust deep. She loved it, loved how he

fucked her with his thick finger while sucking her clit. God, she was going to come, she just knew it. It was

going to happen, barreling down upon her with no hesitation and she held her breath. Held her body tight,

waiting for that one magical moment…

And she fell over the edge, her body consumed with shivers, her inner muscles clutching and

releasing around his finger as her climax took her far beyond anything she’d experienced with her vibrator.

There was no replacing the hard, hot flesh of a real live man. No matter how many vibrating levels her

toy had, it just wasn’t the same…

“You look far too pleased with yourself.”

His rumbling deep voice brought her out of her orgasm-induced haze and she smiled at him, lifting a

weak hand so she could stroke his hair. He lay between her thighs, his mouth quirked in the smallest of

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smiles, his eyes lit with unrestrained desire. Moving up, he rested his elbows on either side of her head,

pressing his mouth to hers, his cock nudging against her hip.

“I’m very pleased,” she murmured after breaking the kiss. “And I think it’s your turn to be pleased.”

“If you’re lucky, I have a feeling you’ll be—pleased again. And very soon.”

“Oooh, if I’m lucky, huh?” She liked a man with cocky confidence in bed. There was no doubt in her

mind Evan could deliver.

“I think you’re about to become very lucky indeed.” He kissed her again, his tongue deep in her

mouth, his big hands wrapped tight around her hips. She wiggled against him, her body responding

immediately to his touch.

She couldn’t wait to get lucky again.

Evan withdrew from Morgan so she could move, watching with anticipation as she rolled over and

reached for the bedside table drawer. She was looking for a condom, doing the right thing and yeah, that

was great but all he could think about was the amazing view he was being offered.

Morgan lying on her stomach, her delectable ass perched and ready for him. This was the first time he

was actually going to get inside her and he knew it was only the proper thing to do it the old fashioned way,


But admiring her ass, he knew it would be fucking unbelievable to take her from behind. Watching as

he sunk his cock inside her, sliding in and out and glistening from her juices, he’d wrap his arm around her

and touch her clit. Her entire body would quiver, she’d toss back her head, her hair spilling across her

shoulders as she shuddered around him and moaned his name…

He broke out in a sweat just thinking about it. Hell, his cock dribbled pre-come in anticipation.

Without thought he grabbed her, wrapped his hands around her slender waist and dragged her on her knees

toward him.

“What are you doing? Oh.” She gasped when he grasped hold of his cock and dragged it between her

lush cheeks. She trembled, a murmur of undeniable approval escaped her.

“You’re beautiful like this,” he whispered. And she was. Her creamy skin flushed pink with arousal,

she shifted her knees, spreading a little for him and he caught a glimpse of creamy pink flesh, open and

ready for him. “Give me the condom.”

Bearing her weight on one hand, she turned and handed him the little foil packet, watching him from

over her shoulder. Her eyes were wide, her lips swollen and damp from his. Her hair was a tumbled mess,

and she had that I-just-came look that beautiful women wore so well.

He wanted to put that look on her face again, times two. Tearing open the wrapper, he rolled the

condom on, his fingers shaking in the process.

Damn. She was really doing a number on him.

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“Tell me no if you don’t want this,” he murmured, his hands pulling on her waist once more,

positioning her perfectly. “You’re just so damn hard to resist.”

“N-no.” She shook her head and he paused, his hands dropping from her waist. Disappointment

crashed through him. Was she outright rejecting him? Or just rejecting him taking her from behind?

“I mean yes.” She hung her head low and took a deep breath. “I just don’t want you to think I’m…”

“You’re thinking too much.” He stroked her back, marveling at her smooth skin, the way she leaned

into his touch. “Just relax. Enjoy it.”

Slowly he entered her. Inch by excruciating inch he slipped inside, torturing himself. Her inner walls

clamped around him, hot and wet and inviting. Further and further he went until he was fully seated inside

her, the both of them panting heavily when he paused.

He withdrew then surged inside her again, establishing a slow but steady rhythm, captivated with the

scene before him. She worked with his movements, her body sliding up and down his cock, her butt

bumping against his hips. Little whimpers escaped her every time he went deep, and he groaned in answer.

Damn, this was amazing. If she was just some bimbo he picked up for a quick fuck he would’ve

completely taken over. Grabbed her hard and rammed inside her until he came with a fury that exhausted


But she wasn’t a bimbo. He already was trying to figure out how he could see her again. He wanted to

make it good for her, wanted to make this last. Despite the familiar tingling at the base of his spine, the

heavy weight of his balls, he was ready to come.

He wouldn’t, though. Not yet.

“Harder,” she gasped, grinding against him in a swaying movement that had his eyes almost crossing.

He broke out into a sweat, his breath sounding like a bellows as it sawed in and out of his lungs. He wasn’t

moving a muscle but she was working his cock, her frantic movements telling him she was close.

And he was always one who wanted to please.

Evan took her harder, slammed into her faster, his control slipping with his every thrust. He wanted it

to build, damn it. Wanted to ensure she would have an even better orgasm than the first one. “I’m not

gonna last,” he muttered between harsh pants of breath.

“Me either.” She sounded thrilled. “Oh God, I’m coming.”

Her velvety hot muscles tightened around him and then a gush of wetness, her entire body shuddering

as she came. She whispered his name, lowered her head to the mattress and he surged against her, his

orgasm taking him over.

He came with a gusty shout of her name, his hands so tight about her hips he’d probably left a mark.

Again and again he shuddered his release and he wondered if his entire body drained of fluid with that one


It certainly felt like it.

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When he found the strength he released his hold on Morgan and withdrew from her body. Got rid of

the condom in the little trashcan in her bathroom then slipped back into bed, drawing her close. She

snuggled even closer, her lithe body wrapped around him and he rested his cheek on top of her head,

breathing in her fragrant, slightly damp hair.

He was exhausted. She seemed tired too. Her body was limp, her breathing even and it felt so damn

right, holding her close. Her mouth pressed against his neck in the lightest of kisses and damn if his dick

didn’t offer a halfhearted reaction.

“Stay the night?” There was caution in her voice. He hugged her close and dropped a kiss on her head.

“Yeah. I’m wiped.” He closed his eyes. Being tired wasn’t the only reason he wanted to stay.

He liked her, wanted to get to know her better. The chemistry between them was off the charts. The

sex was like nothing he’d experienced in a long time, if ever. He wanted to explore this, see how far they

could take it, see if she could be…

The one.

His eyes snapped open and he stared unseeingly in the dark. This was crazy. And happening so fast, it

kind of blew his mind.

Okay, it really blew his mind. If he thought about it too much he would fill himself with doubt and

that was the absolute last thing he needed to do.

Instead, he closed his eyes once more and let exhausted satisfaction take over. His body still hummed

pleasantly from the orgasm and she was lightly stroking him, her fingernails grazing over his chest. It felt

damn good, too damn good and his cock was reacting rather aggressively considering he just came like a

beast only a few minutes earlier.

So he did what any other assuming man would do. He rolled her over so he lay on top of her, her legs

wound around his waist and he kissed her welcoming mouth. “Tell me where I can filch another one of

those condoms.”

Morgan giggled and waved a hand toward the bedside table. “Over there.”

And he did.

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Chapter Six

“Oh, my God, the ring is huge.”

Jenna preened, her hand thrust out in front of her, the glittering diamond on her ring finger giving off

such light Morgan was afraid she’d be temporarily blinded. “I know, right? It was so unexpected. I mean, I

had a suspicion he was going to ask me but I didn’t have a clue he would give me such a spectacular ring.

Though he could’ve given me a ring made of tinfoil and I would’ve loved it.”

Morgan believed her. Jenna was so gone over Brett the guy could do no wrong. And he was an

incredibly nice guy. Oh, and gorgeous. He had this way of looking at Jenna like she was the most beautiful

woman on the entire planet. It was sweet.

A few weeks ago she would’ve rolled her eyes but now she thought it was sweet. See what finding a

good man did?

“He has great taste.” Mia grabbed Jenna’s hand and admired it closely. “Did anyone help him pick it


“I may have dropped a hint or two what I wanted my ring to look like.” Jenna giggled. “But nope, he

did it all on his own.”

“Too good to be true, that one,” Morgan couldn’t help but add.

It had been two weeks since Jenna went on her weekend mini vacation with her boyfriend and come

back an engaged woman. It had taken the three of them that long to get together for a Saturday afternoon.

They were having a long lunch at one of their favorite restaurants.

“Don’t you play the cynical card, Morgan,” Mia chastised with a knowing grin. “You need to dish

about your new hunky boyfriend.”

Mia didn’t work with Jenna and Morgan any longer so she hadn’t heard all the details. Not that

Morgan shared many details with Jenna, for that matter. For once in her life, she was keeping



Savoring Evan all for herself to enjoy.

“She won’t even dish to me.” Jenna shook her head. “And I thought I was her best friend.”

“You’re too in love and planning your wedding. I didn’t want to bore you with my life.” Jenna was

totally wrapped up in wedding plans. They’d set the date nine months away, and she was already in full

panic mode.

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“I am never too busy for you.” Jenna’s expression was serious. “Come on, spill.”

Morgan sighed. How could she explain when she really didn’t understand it herself? It was just

happening so…fast. Like a raging wildfire out of control and consuming the side of a mountain and she

didn’t know how to slow it down. Didn’t know if she wanted to slow it down since she was sort of enjoying

the wild and bumpy ride.

She was really enjoying the wild and bumpy ride. Not only did she have fun with Evan and liked

talking to him, they had a lot in common. And the sex was unbelievably good.

It was almost too perfect. And that was the part that scared her the most.

“We get along great,” Morgan started, shooting the both of them a withering glare when she saw the

smirks on their faces. “He’s really sweet. He makes me feel good. The only drawback is that he’s busy. His

work keeps him going constantly, and he’s never one to say no. If they ask him to work an extra shift he

never hesitates. I haven’t even seen him in a couple of days.”

Though he had called her late last night and said the hottest, most arousing things she’d ever heard.

The moment she got off the phone she’d well…gotten off. But her hands didn’t bring her the satisfaction

Evan’s could.

Sigh. She was so gone for the man it wasn’t even funny.

“He sounds like Brett. Oh! In fact, I talked to Brett about your guy.” Jenna smiled, and Morgan’s

cheeks heated with embarrassment. She didn’t want to know what he said.

Well, fine, yes she did.

“What did he say?” Mia asked eagerly.

“I had no idea about this but I guess there are quite a few EMTs and paramedics out there who have

quite the lothario reputation.” Jenna shook her head and laughed. “Brett said they’re a bunch of players.”

Morgan’s heart sunk into the pit of her stomach. Great. Her potential boyfriend—she really didn’t

know what to call him—was a player. Just what she wanted to hear.

“But when I mentioned his name, Brett said Evan was a pretty stand up guy. In fact, he said Evan was

very serious, almost too serious. He works hard and is very good at his job, but he has a hard time letting


He didn’t have a hard time letting loose with her.

“Ah, is he all serious and no fun, Morgan?” Mia waved a hand and smiled. “I doubt that very much.”

“He’s very driven. He’s saving money to buy some land so he could build a house on it.” He’d

admitted that to her a few nights ago, the last night he spent at her place, in fact. They’d been talking after a

particularly delicious bout of lovemaking, and he’d admitted some of his future dreams. How he’d even

found the land he wanted to buy and was saving every extra penny so he could purchase it and soon since it

was such a good deal, what with the way real estate was currently priced.

He was very serious. Brett wasn’t kidding. So purposefully driven and he treated her so wonderfully.

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It scared the crap out of her.

“Oh, wow, sounds ambitious. Nothing wrong with that.” Mia took a sip of her lemonade. “Maybe

someday Jake could build his house.”

Jake and his father were partners in a construction company. “I can recommend him to Evan.”

Morgan’s voice sounded faint, even to her own ears. Her head spun and she grabbed her water glass, taking

huge gulps of it to calm her nerves.

Nope, didn’t help.

“You don’t look so good.” Jenna watched her with a careful eye. “What’s wrong?”

Morgan shook her head and pasted a smile on her face. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

“Liar.” Mia reached out and rested her hand on top of Morgan’s. “Come on, confess. We want to help


Morgan exhaled loudly. “You’ll think I’m stupid.”

“Never. I was ridiculous when I first got together with Brett, remember?” Jenna shot her a pointed


“She was ridiculous.” Mia giggled when she got the death stare. “And I was stupid too. We all do

stupid things for love.”

Love. The word was so big, so important. Amazing how four letters strung together could leave her

feeling so completely out of sorts.

“He’s too perfect,” Morgan finally confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. “Like I think

someday a bomb is going to drop and I’m going to find out he’s a serial killer or that he has another wife

and four kids. Something bad, you know? That I’m just his piece on the side and he’s been stringing me

along all this time.”

“I think Brett would know if Evan’s married, Morgan,” Jenna said.

Morgan rolled her eyes. “It’s just an example, Jenna. I just mean… I don’t know what I mean. He’s

wonderful. He’s sweet, he listens and he seems to like hanging out with me. I know he works hard so he’s

not around as much as I’d like but maybe that’s a good thing. Maybe he’d get sick of me.”

“He doesn’t sound like the type to get sick of you. He sounds like he really cares.” Warmth glowed in

Mia’s eyes and the sight of it made Morgan’s stomach roil. She pushed her plate away from her.

That was the part that freaked her out the most. That he could care. That he could already be—gulp—

in love with her. Why would he be? What did he see in her? She wasn’t that special, she never had been.

No, she didn’t think so low of herself that she wasn’t worthy but come on. Men did not fall instantly in love

with her. That sort of thing had never happened to her before.

“That’s the problem. I think he does care. And it’s happening too fast. I’m being completely

irrational, I know but I can’t help it. I’ve been seeing him for two weeks. Fourteen days. That’s not long

enough to know anything.”

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Mia and Jenna exchanged knowing glances, which only frustrated Morgan more. “And don’t give me

your fated, it was meant to be crap either. I don’t believe in that. I never have. Just because we have such a

strong connection doesn’t mean anything. It’s just…really great sex.”

Her friends stared at her mutely which urged her on.

“Yep, that’s it. Great sex. Fantastic. The man is amazing. I lucked out in that department. So I’m just

going to accept it for what it is, a really great affair and when it’s over I’ll mourn for a bit, I can’t lie about

that but it will be over. It has to be. Nothing this good sticks, right? Right?”

Morgan was rambling. She knew it. Jenna and Mia watched her with identical expressions on their

faces. As if they found her ridiculously amusing, which they probably did. Fine, she could be the butt of

their joke. She didn’t care. At least she was having great sex with a hot guy.

She frowned. Her friends were having great sex with hot guys too. And not only were they having

great sex, they were involved with really good guys. Seriously involved. Jenna was getting married. Mia

was practically living with Jake, and she worked with him at the family construction company as their

office manager. They both ended up with men who they met on a complete whim. Men who fell for them


Just like Evan and her.

“If you need to tell yourself that to feel better then great, but we know the truth.” Jenna smiled and

shook her head. “You’re just scared. And there’s no reason to be scared. He sounds like he’s the one for


“I hardly know him.”

“Sometimes you just know.”

“I’ve never believed that.”

“I think you need to become a believer,” Mia suggested.

She didn’t want to. She knew she was behaving like a spoiled brat but she couldn’t look any deeper

into this. Men left her, it was a known fact. She wasn’t good at relationships. They never lasted no matter

how hard she worked.

Enjoy it. Enjoy the sex. Enjoy the way he holds you and kisses you and looks at you like there is no

other woman in the room even in a crowded restaurant. Savor it because it’ll be gone in a blink of an eye…

She wasn’t in a good mood. Evan knew it, could tell from the moment he walked into her apartment

about an hour ago. For dinner he’d brought the sandwiches she loved so much from the deli close to the

hospital, but she picked at her sandwich and barely made conversation. He’d brought her a cookie, too, the

chocolate chip ones they made from scratch, but she didn’t even peek in the bag.

Damn it, she loved those cookies. He remembered the first one he gave her, how he’d licked a crumb

from the corner of her lips after she finished eating it and it had turned into a two-hour sex fest.

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Evan frowned and balled up the wrapper of his long gone sandwich, tossing it in the trashcan not far

from where he sat. Looked like there would be no sex fest tonight. She could hardly look him in the eye.

“Something bothering you?” He followed her in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as she

rewrapped her untouched sandwich and stuck it in the fridge.

“I’m not hungry.” She shrugged. “Thanks for bringing it by, though.”

He was tired after working a long ass shift. And it had been a hard one too. He’d hoped to collapse on

the couch with her by his side and watch mindless TV. Maybe snooze for a little bit before she woke him

up and told him in that sweet, sexy voice of hers that it was time for bed. And then he’d drag her back to

bed, strip her naked and have his wicked way with her.

But the way she avoided him, how she barely spoke to him, well it spoke volumes all right. He’d done

something wrong, but hell if he could figure it out.

A game player he wasn’t. He went to her and pulled her into his arms, holding her close. She snaked

her arms around his waist but held them there loosely, her face pressed to his shirtfront. “What’s the

matter?” He kissed her forehead softly. “Is something bothering you?”

“I don’t know.” Her voice was muffled against his chest. “I’m not sure about this.”

Wariness filled him. “Not sure about what.”

“About us.”

He waited for her to say something else, to explain herself but she remained quiet. When he couldn’t

stand it any longer, he withdrew her from his arms so he could look at her. Sadness filled her eyes along

with a heavy dose of confusion. “What do you mean, you’re not sure about us?”

She shrugged, her gaze cutting away from his. “It’s moving too fast and it scares me, Evan. I’m not

sure I’m ready for this.”

“Ready for what?”

“This. Us. How serious it is. We’ve been seeing each other for a couple of weeks and it’s just so…so

scary. Yet I don’t like to think about what life would be like without you. I’ve always been such an

independent person, and I almost feel like I need you too much.”

“Right, so it’s scary to think about life without me yet you don’t want to be with me anymore? You’re

not making any sense.” He felt like he was going to be sick. Was this her twisted way of trying to dump


“None of this makes any sense.” She started to walk away from him, but he stopped her, grabbing her

upper arm so she couldn’t escape.

“What do you want?” He was almost afraid to hear her answer.

She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I don’t know what I want.”

He pulled her closer, gripped her by her shoulders and gave her a little shake. Her eyes flew open, she

stared up at him and he wanted to both shake her some more and kiss her. God, she made him weak.

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So damn weak.

“I’ll tell you what I want.” Bending down, he brushed his mouth against hers. Her lips clung, parted

beneath his and he swiped them with his tongue. A tremor moved through him at her taste, at the possibility

that this could be the last time he kissed her. He needed to convince her that they belonged together. They

needed to work whatever problem she was having out.

“I want you,” he whispered against her lips before kissing her again. Her tongue met his tentatively

and just like that, lit a fire deep within him. His cock twitched, his entire body came alive and he pulled her

close, as close as he could get her.

But she struggled within his embrace, trying to break free and he wasn’t one to force a woman to do

anything. He let her go, watched in horror as she pulled away from him as if she needed the distance.

That hurt. More than he cared to admit.

“You can’t make this better by trying to kiss all thought out of my head. I need—I need time, Evan. I

need to think about things.” She turned her back to him.

“So you don’t want to see me anymore.” His chest ached, and he rubbed at it absently. Defeat deflated

him like a balloon. He couldn’t take this, her rejection. It sliced through him like a machete, leaving him

open and raw.

“I never said that.” Her voice was quiet with the slightest tremble to it. “I just need some space. I want

to think over things. And I can’t do that with you here all the time.”

“Fine. I get it.” He sounded like a big baby but she was completely shutting him out.

Evan left the kitchen and went to the couch, grabbing the jacket that he left draped across the back of

it. He shrugged it on, didn’t say a word even when she walked into the living room to watch him.

He went to the door and opened it, pausing for just a moment to see if she’d run to him. Try to stop

him from leaving.

She didn’t.


“See you later,” he tossed over his shoulder as he walked through the door, slamming it so hard the

windows rattled. He pounded down the steps, his strides long and quick as he headed toward his truck. He

refused to look back, knew it would be nothing but a disappointment.

She wasn’t going to chase after him, wasn’t going to stop him from leaving. She was letting him go so

she could think about things. What the hell did that even mean? It wasn’t like they spent all of their time

together. She worked fulltime. He had crazy hours. When they were together it felt like a stolen moment,

moments he’d always cherished.

Looked like he’d been the only one cherishing those moments. God, he was such a stupid ass.

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Evan climbed into his truck and started it, pumping the gas so the engine roared in the quiet of the

early evening. The sound gave him no satisfaction. Nothing did. He put the truck into reverse and unable to

help himself, glanced up at the window he knew was Morgan’s bedroom.

And saw her peeking through the cracked blinds, watching him.

Pissed, he backed out of the spot and sent his tires squealing as he fled the parking lot. He’d go home,

crack open a couple of beers, drown his sorrows in liquor and then crash out. He had to work early

tomorrow so he’d do what he always did.

Focus on his job. It was the only thing he could count on. The only thing that gave him any source of

true satisfaction. He needed to face the truth. What he’d shared with Morgan had been nothing but an


A pretty one, but an illusion nevertheless.

And that realization really fucking sucked.

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Chapter Seven

“You’re a dumbass.”

Morgan rolled her eyes. “Thanks for the faith. I appreciate it.”

“It’s true. You told him you wanted space? That you needed time because you couldn’t figure it out? I

hope you don’t lose him.” Jenna shook her head.

Morgan wanted to smack her friend. She also wanted to smack herself for telling her what she’d said

to Evan. Three nights ago it had happened and it still hurt. Bad.

Really bad.

Maybe it was the truth hurting her and not what she’d done. Jenna had a point. Maybe she was a

complete dumbass.

“It’s probably too late. He hasn’t called me. I left him a voicemail last night.” A complete moment of

utter weakness. “But he hasn’t called me back.”

They were in the lunchroom, splitting a sandwich from the Subway close by. Morgan wasn’t hungry.

She could hardly eat a thing and had probably lost five pounds these last couple of days after what

happened. She’d always wanted to lose those last five pounds and had no idea the breakup diet was the way

to go.

Not that she’d broken up with Evan but what with the way things were unfolding…

“Maybe you should go see him.”

“Maybe. I don’t know. I’m so confused.” All she knew was that once he wasn’t around she wanted

him close by at all times. She missed him. Missed hearing his laugh, his easy smile, the commanding way

he’d pull her into his strong arms and kiss her. She flat out missed him.

And being without him was growing more painful as each day passed.

“Well, you certainly don’t look happy without him. Weren’t you happy when you were with him?”

Jenna asked, knocking her from her thoughts.

“I was almost too happy when we were together. And something like that—it can’t last. Can it?”

“Listen.” Jenna leaned in close, her expression as serious as Morgan had ever seen it. “I did this with

Brett. I freaked out on him and acted like a twit.”

Morgan nodded. “I remember. You lost it right here in the lunchroom.”

“Yeah, thanks for reminding me of that pleasant memory. But we’re talking about you. And the

mistake you’re making, thinking this is so good you have to get rid of it because it can’t be real.” Jenna

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rested a hand on Morgan’s arm and gave it a firm shake. “What you have with Evan, it’s real. And you can

have it this good. I know you’ve gone out with some losers. I know you’ve had some bad relationships in

the past, we all have. But when it’s this great, this right, you can’t let it pass you by.”

As Jenna’s words sank in, Morgan blinked back the tears that threatened. Could it be real? Could

Evan really be the man for her? “This happened to me before, you know. Years ago, right before I

graduated college. I met a guy, we fell madly in love and moved in together within a couple of months.”

“And it ended badly?”

Morgan nodded. “Terrible. One day he came home from work and said he didn’t want to be with me

anymore. Asked me to move out since he got the apartment in his name only. I was such an idiot. I thought

he was the one.”

“How old were you?”

“I was twenty-two, he was twenty-five.” Morgan paused, the memories hitting her, one after another.

“He married someone else within nine months of dumping me. I think they’re still together.”

“It wasn’t meant to be between you two.” Jenna made it sound so easy.

“Yeah, but I thought it was. What if I’m fooling myself? What if he comes home one day and tells me

he doesn’t want to be with me anymore?”

“Kind of like what you did to him? Were you trying to beat him to the punch?”

Morgan was stunned silent. Maybe she did try and beat him to the punch. What was wrong with her?

Was she some sort of relationship saboteur?

“I don’t know.” She sounded like she wanted to cry. She felt like she was going to cry too.

“You were younger. We’re all stupid when we’re young and think we’re in love. Be glad you didn’t

end up with that guy. He wasn’t for you.” Jenna squeezed her arm. “I think Evan is the one for you. But

you have to be open to it. You have to let it happen and see where it takes you. Sometimes, with love, you

need to take a risk.”

A risk. Love and relationships were most definitely risky and she had always erred on the side of

caution. And maybe that’s where she’d made the mistake. She’d thrown out all her inhibitions the night she

first went out with Evan. And she’d definitely thrown them out the night they’d had sex the first time. A

shiver went down her spine every time she thought of how he’d taken her from behind. So deliciously

primal, so wickedly amazing it had been. She’d forgotten about feeling fat or embarrassed or afraid of what

he might think of her. She’d just…felt.

And never been freer.

“You should call him again. Tell him you want to talk to him. Spill your heart out to him and beg him

to call you back.”

“I refuse to beg.” Morgan crossed her arms in front of her chest. Well, she might beg if she got

desperate enough.

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“You know what I mean.” Jenna rolled her eyes and laughed, then immediately grew sober again.

“Call him, Morgan. Don’t be afraid to reveal your feelings. I have a feeling he’ll be pretty receptive.”

“Okay.” Morgan pushed away from the table and stood. “I’ll go call him. See you back in the office?”

Jenna nodded and smiled. “Good luck, sweetie. You can do it.”

“Thanks, Jenna. I mean it. I needed the pep talk.” More like the talk of getting some guts.


Morgan went outside to the parking lot and sat in her too warm car, staring at her cell phone for

endless minutes, gathering courage. It was now or never. She needed to reach deep and find the guts to go

after what she wanted.

And right now more than anything in the world, she wanted Evan.

Screw it. She dialed his number and yep, it went straight to voicemail. Not that she was surprised. He

was on duty most likely and rarely answered his phone. He had a job to do. One that he was very, very

good at.

“Hi, Evan, it’s me, Morgan. Um…this is really hard for me to say over the phone but I made a

mistake. I miss you. A lot. And I don’t want to lose you again. Could you call me, please? I want to talk to

you. See you. Touch you.” She took a deep, shuddering breath. “Please call me. I don’t want to go another

minute not knowing how you feel. Wondering if you’ll ever forgive me for the biggest mistake I’ve ever

made. And that’s turning you away. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before, and I swear if I was a

little less practical then maybe I would even think that I’m falling in lo—”

The voicemail cut her off and she glared at her phone, not sure if she should be angry or pleased that

it ended her speech at such a pivotal moment. She’d been about to confess she was halfway in love with


Talk about finding courage. Or she’d straight lost her mind.

Most likely the latter.

Evan hopped out of the truck, his mouth tight, his entire body taut. He mentally prepared for the

absolute worst, he always did when faced with a situation like the one looming ahead. It was bad. But this

was his job and he’d grit his teeth and get through it. Just like he always did.

His thoughts wandered to Morgan, as they were prone to do. What was she doing, how was she? He

hadn’t called her though she’d left him a single, almost breezy sounding voicemail. Hearing her voice had

both crushed him and pissed him off. How could she act like it was no big deal, what she’d done to him, to

them? But he couldn’t remain angry.

He cared for her too damn much.

The sun was bright and hot on his back as he jogged toward the scene. Three cars were involved in an

accident on the freeway, one fatality. The cars were twisted hunks of metal, smoke rising from one of them

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and he saw the fire engine headed toward them in the distance. Three lanes were blocked off of the six-lane

freeway, but the cars still passed by at an amazing speed. They should start demanding hazard pay.

He and Wes weren’t first on scene, but they were there to assist and take one of the injured victims to

the hospital. They found her lying on the side of the road, pulled to safety by witnesses who’d stopped to

help. She had a broken leg and possible broken pelvis and was in a lot of pain and they knelt beside her,

immediately beginning to prep her.

“Sir, sir!” Someone grabbed Evan by the shoulder and gave him a firm shake.

He turned to find a woman standing before him, a shaken look on her face. “Can I help you?”

“There’s someone else who’s injured. My daughter! Please come help her. No one has helped her.”

The woman pointed toward the snarled wreckage, her hand shaking visibly.

Evan glanced in his partner’s direction. “Go help her, man.” Wes nodded his head toward the now

crying woman. “I’ve got this handled. And I’ll put a call in for another unit.”

“Thanks, Wes. Gimme a few and I’ll be back.” Evan stood and followed the woman, unease slithering

down his spine as she took him to the other side of the wreckage. She was frantic, waving her hands all

over the place, her voice reaching a higher pitch with every sentence she spoke. He could hardly understand


And he hoped like hell her daughter wasn’t as bad off as she made her sound.

“There she is. She’s unconscious, she wouldn’t respond to anything I said. I didn’t want to leave her

but I didn’t know how to get her help.”

He didn’t know why anyone hadn’t noticed her. Kneeling, he looked her over. She was young, no

more than twenty and her face was covered in blood from the various gashes she’d received. He put a call

into the emergency service center, requesting more backup then glanced up at the mother. “How long has

she been unconscious?”

“Since the accident happened. She hit her head on the windshield. I dragged her out of my car.” She

waved a hand in the crumpled car’s direction. “I couldn’t just leave her in there though it was probably a

mistake. And I’ve been with her ever since. I didn’t want to leave her alone. But I’m afraid that was the

wrong choice.” The poor woman broke into tears again.

He checked the victim’s pulse, which was strong. Her arm looked broken, and she’d suffered a head

injury. He had a feeling she’d be fine but didn’t want to make promises he couldn’t damn well keep. “I

believe she’s going to be all right, ma’am. Another ambulance is on its way and should be here shortly.”

“Oh, thank God.” The woman blubbered all over him, and he offered her a quick one-armed hug. The

stench of smoke grew stronger and he realized the fire engine was already there. A handful of firefighters

surrounded the smoking car and were foaming it down.

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The traffic had slowed but the scene was still chaos. “You should probably go stand over there.” He

waved the woman over to the embankment where those who stopped to help stood. “It’s safer, not so close

to the road.”

“But what about my—“

“I’ll take care of her until the other ambulance gets here.” He smiled and gently urged her toward the

curbed embankment. She went without protest, and he headed for the wrecked car. The victim lay just on

the other side of it, and he wanted to make sure she was safe in her location.

It was pure chaos. Emergency personnel were all over the place, victims’ family members were

making an appearance and those who’d stopped to help originally still lingered about. He’d lost sight of the

mother of the victim he’d vowed to take care of and with a grim shake of his head he headed back toward

the car.

“Watch out!”

Evan turned, but it was too late. “Shit.” The car barreled toward him and he leapt as far as he could

but to no avail. The car clipped him, sending him to the ground and his head hit the pavement before his

body did.

Rendering him unconscious.

She picked up the ringing phone, not even paying attention since she was so focused on reading her

email. “This is Morgan.”

“Morgan, it’s Brett.”

She frowned at the receiver she clutched. “Hey. Want me to connect you to Jenna?”

“No, I need to talk to you.” He took a deep, shaky breath. “There’s been—an accident.”

Dread filled her and her skin went cold. “What do you mean? What happened?”

“It’s Evan. He was hurt.”

“What? Is he okay?” She clutched the edge of her desk with her free hand, dizziness swamping her. If

she let go surely she would slide to the floor in a faint.

“He’s going to be. He was actually pretty lucky, and the car knocked him to the ground but didn’t full

out hit him. He was rendered unconscious, but he came to just before they put him in the ambulance.” Brett

paused, and she swore she heard shouting in the background. Where was he calling from? How did he

know Evan got hurt? “He asked for you. That’s why I called.”

“He asked for me?” Her heart expanded at least four times its size and her chest went tight. “Where

are you, Brett? Are you with him?”

“We were both on scene at a car accident. I saw him get hit.” Brett paused. “He is one lucky mother

fucker. Oops, sorry.”

“No, it’s okay. What hospital is he going to?”

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Brett rattled off the name of the hospital, the same one she’d gone to when she’d been smacked by the

door. She hung up the phone and in a haze, went to her boss, saying she had an emergency and had to leave

work early. Grabbing her purse and her sweater, she started toward the elevator.

“Morgan, where are you going? What’s wrong?”

She turned to see Jenna chasing after her, a worried expression on her face. “I gotta go. Evan’s been


“What happened?”

Morgan pressed her lips together. She didn’t know if she could stand the look of worry on Jenna’s

face much longer. She was ready to completely lose it. “Your fiancé called me. He said Evan was hit by a


“Oh, my God.” Jenna gripped her arm. “I’ll drive you to the hospital. You shouldn’t go alone.”

“It’s okay, I’ll be fine.”

“No way.” Jenna shook her head. “Let me get my purse.”

Morgan watched her friend run to her desk, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. But it didn’t help.

Panic rose within her, threatening to take over and she closed her eyes, ran a shaky hand across her


He was hurt. But Brett said he’d be all right. She could only hope and pray that was the case.

She couldn’t stand the thought of losing him. Had he heard her voicemail? It was doubtful. But he’d

asked for her. And that gave her hope.

So much hope.

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Chapter Eight

His head throbbed like a son of a bitch. In fact, his entire body ached and damned if he could figure

out exactly where he was. Last he knew he was on the side of the freeway trying to do his job amid the


But then….yeah. The car had wiped past him, the woman behind the wheel with the shocked and

horrified expression on her face. She’d clearly lost control of her vehicle.

And hit him. Well, brushed past him, knocking him to the ground but still he’d taken the hit. She

could’ve killed him.

A rather sobering thought.

“Evan.” The soft, sweet voice drifted over him, through him and his skin prickled with awareness. It

was Morgan. He’d recognize her voice anywhere. “Evan, are you awake?”

Yeah, he was awake, but he couldn’t open his eyes. It hurt just to try. So instead he remained quiet

and still and focused on the feather soft bed he lay on, the blankets tucked tight around him. Her tentative

fingers smoothed across his forehead, and he sighed at the gentle touch.

“You are awake.” It was Morgan. And he wasn’t dreaming. She stroked her fingers through his hair

and she grabbed his hand with her free one, giving it a squeeze. “Or you can at least hear me.”

He could. He could feel her too. And it was so good, knowing she was there. Sitting next to him,

touching him, sounding worried about him. He thought she was done with him. Finished. Kaput. Maybe he

should get hit by a car more often.

Trying to turn so he faced her, he groaned when the pain shot through him and he fell back onto his


Maybe he should scratch that last thought. Getting hit by a car sucked balls.

“Do you need something? God, you must be hurting. I’ll call a nurse…”

“No.” His voice rasped and he tightened his fingers about her hand. Slowly, he pried his eyes open to

find her sitting at his side, worry etched all over her beautiful face, her eyes rimmed with red.

Had she really been crying over him? The image tugged at his heart.

“Hi.” She leaned in closer and smiled, her face level with his and she sifted her fingers through his

hair once again. “How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”

“I’m fine.” He tried to move again and gave up quick. “Hurts.”

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“You broke two of your ribs and got a concussion. Of course you hurt.” She brought their linked

hands to her mouth and kissed his, blinking rapidly as if trying to hold back tears. “They’re keeping you in

the hospital overnight for observation. Now you’re the one with the head injury.” She dropped their hands

but didn’t let go.

“We’re quite the pair.” He tried to smile but it hurt. Everything hurt.

Except where Morgan touched him.

“We are.” She glanced down at their connected hands, her thumb rubbing over his knuckles. “Are we

still a pair though?”

His heart plummeted somewhere in the vicinity of his feet. “I don’t know. Are we?”

“Did you get my voicemail?” She wouldn’t look at him.

“The one where you said you were wondering how I’m doing? Yeah, I got it.” What a bullshit

message it had been too. All casual, like nothing was wrong.

“No, not that one. That one’s awful.” At least she realized it. “I left you another one. Earlier this

afternoon, around lunchtime.”

“I never got it.” He’d been too busy working, taking care of injured people, getting hit by a car. Some

crazy with worry relative of one of the victims in the accident had plowed into him. He still couldn’t

believe it. Now he was laid up in a hospital bed, helpless and hurting and damn, it sucked.

“Then I guess I’ll have to tell you what I said.” She lifted her head and met his gaze, a tremulous

smile curving her lips. “I made a mistake.”

Hope rose within him. “What about?”

“You. Us. I walked away because I got scared. I didn’t believe what we had could last. I mean nothing

this good ever lasts, right?” She laughed nervously and he knew she wasn’t looking for an answer. She was

talking to herself so he let her go on. “But I really think it could. I know there are no guarantees, but Jenna

told me sometimes you need to take a risk. And I want to take a risk with you, Evan.”

He stared at her, at a complete loss for words. This was exactly what he’d wanted from the first

moment he saw her. He could finally see it. The instant he’d touched her and those pretty brown eyes had

met his, he’d known. She was the woman for him. The only woman he ever really wanted.

And he was a complete dumbass, unable to speak.

“Do you want to take a risk on me? With me? I’m kind of a pain in the ass and this won’t be the first

time I panic, I’m sure. But you’re so patient and you make everything so easy I know you can calm me

down. Smooth my ruffled feathers, you know?” She waited, hopeful he’d say something, he could see it

written all over her pretty face but he remained silent. Too overcome with emotion, something that had

never happened before.

The light dimmed from her eyes, and she started to withdraw. Shaking his head, he uttered the first

words he could think of to keep her close. Keep her from retreating.

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“Come here.” His voice was hoarse, and his throat felt tight. “Please.”

She leaned over him and brought her face to his. He cupped the back of her head, bit back the groan

that wanted to escape, ignoring the pain splintering throughout his body. She was worth the pain, worth the

bit of suffering he would endure.

He wasn’t about to let her go.

Their mouths met, clung. She parted her lips easily, damp and warm and welcoming and he dabbed at

her tongue with his. Unbelievably his body reacted, his cock twitching beneath the covers and he withdrew

from her, his breath coming rapidly, hers doing the same.

“You’re mighty powerful, woman. Giving me a hard on while I lay in a hospital bed.”

She smiled and gently withdrew from him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It hurts me more to know I could’ve lost you.”

She shook her head. “There’s no way that would’ve happened. I’m stubborn, but I would’ve seen the

error of my ways eventually.”

“Thank God for Jenna,” he muttered.

“Thank God you weren’t hurt more seriously.” Her face was solemn, her eyes big. Fathomless as they

drank him up. She studied him as if she wanted to memorize his every feature and he silently cursed his

faulty physical condition.

The way she looked at him, all he wanted to do was grab her. Strip her naked and make love to her.

Tell her how much she meant to him, how much she would always mean to him.

“Morgan…” His voice drifted, and he swallowed hard. He wanted to say the words but it was damn

hard. This was an important moment. “Morgan, I’m in love with you.”

Her eyes filled with tears and one tear dropped, sliding down her smooth, flushed cheek. Reaching

out, he caught it with a swipe of his thumb and lingered there. Her skin was so smooth, so fragrant and she

was so damned beautiful it hurt to look at her.

“I’m in love with you,” she confessed, her voice soft as she leaned down and kissed him once again.

And she belonged to him.

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Chapter Nine

Two months later…

“I still can’t believe you’re doing this.” They trudged up the path toward the cabin, Evan carrying

both of their suitcases. Morgan followed behind him, admiring the way his jeans tightened across his

mighty fine butt with his every step.

Her boyfriend was beyond hot. And yes, she still got a giddy thrill every time she referred to Evan as

her boyfriend, both out loud and mentally.

Most likely this meant she was completely mental but she didn’t care.

“What, taking a vacation? I don’t have a problem with taking a vacation,” Evan said from over his


“Brett told me you haven’t gone on vacation in years.”

“Brett needs to shut the hell up and mind his own business.” Oh, he sounded growly and terse, but she

knew Evan meant it good naturedly. He and Brett had already been acquaintances but in the last few

months, they’d grown into friends.

All of them were friends, including Mia and Jake. The men got along great, which relieved the

women more than they cared to admit. They spent a lot of time together and were even planning a Mexican

getaway next fall.

But this weekend…it was just for them. She had Evan all to herself at a seaside cabin on the central

California coast. And she wasn’t going to let him escape out of the cabin or the bed for the next two days.

Her entire body tingled at the decadent thought.

Evan gestured for Morgan to open the door since his hands were filled, and she walked inside first.

The cabin was airy and light, the soft blues and greens within reminiscent of the sea. It featured a sparkling

white kitchen and a casual living area complete with fireplace and TV, all one large, high ceilinged room.

The bedroom featured a California king sized bed and a giant bay window that faced the ocean An en suite

bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub completed the room. Perfect for a weekend of hot sexin’.

Just what Morgan had in mind.

Evan dropped the suitcases on the floor in the bedroom and she grabbed him from behind, sliding her

arms around his middle and clasping her hands against his firm stomach.

“Careful,” he murmured, his hands sliding over hers. “Don’t want to injure my healing ribs.”

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Karen Erickson



“Oh, I think they’re healed.” He was the healthiest man she knew. Nothing stopped him, absolutely

nothing. He’d had her naked and on her back the day after he got home from the hospital even though she’d

protested. A little. Until finally she flipped him over so he wouldn’t have to do a thing while she rode him

for all he was worth…

“Did you get me up here just to have your wicked way with me?”

She pressed her head against his solid back, absorbing his warmth, his scent. Would she ever grow

tired of this? Of him? She highly doubted it. “You found me out.”

He turned, staying within her embrace and slipped his arms around her waist. “Should we even have

brought clothes?”

“No, because I’m keeping you naked and in that bed all weekend long.” She stood on tiptoe and

kissed his chin, along his bristly jaw. He hadn’t shaved since yesterday and had the perfect amount of

scruff on his face.

His hands slipped down to cup her butt and tug her closer. “Keep that up and you’ll have me naked in

no time.”

“You’re so tuned in to my devious plan.” She wiggled against him, the brush of his burgeoning

erection urging her on. The moment they touched it was as if a match lit between them. Fiery hot and all

consuming, she couldn’t get enough of him.

And he couldn’t get enough of her either.

She kissed him, her hands slipping beneath the hem of his shirt, fingers trailing across firm, hot skin.

He broke the kiss to tear off his shirt and he cupped her face, gentling the kiss as his thumbs stroked her


Oh, she was a sucker for the face hold, and he knew it. Her knees wobbled, all the bones in her body

dissolved and she clung to his hips, her fingers curling around the waistband of his low-slung jeans. She

didn’t feel any cotton underneath the soft denim and she realized he’d gone without underwear.

Slowly, she broke the kiss, her smile so big it hurt her cheeks. “You’re a bad boy.”

His brows rose. “You discovered my secret?”

“I sure did.” She undid the button fly of his Levi’s one by one, her fingers brushing against bare, hot

skin. Wrapping her fingers around his cock, she stroked him, earning a hearty groan for her efforts.

She really loved it when he groaned like that.

Evan made quick work of her clothes, hurriedly yanking off her shirt, then helping her step out of her

shorts which he then tossed over his shoulder. She remained in her bra and panties while he stood

completely naked. She shoved at his shoulders so he had no choice but to sit on the edge of the bed.

Her mouth literally watered at the sight before her. And her heart panged hard, momentarily stealing

her breath. He was so beautiful, his body such utter masculine perfection, his cock hard and ready for her

attention. A pulse throbbed between her legs, her panties were damp but she wanted to please him first.

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Simple Twist of Fate



Show him just how much she loved him.

Morgan fell to her knees and rested her hands on his thighs, pushing them wider, her fingers gliding

along the sensitive inner skin. She could smell him, rich and musky and she pressed a kiss first to the inside

of one thigh, then the other. He quivered at first touch of her lips.

“You don’t have to do this,” he muttered but she ignored him, raining kisses up the length of his

thigh, toward the real treasure she wanted to get her lips and hands on.

“I want to.” She encircled the base of his cock with her fingers and he gave a startled jerk. “Let me.”

He smiled, his eyes heated unrestrained passion. “I’m not going to protest.”

No surprise. Her man loved nothing more than when she went down on him.

Tentatively she licked just the tip of his cock, circling the flared head with her tongue. He released a

shuddering breath when she dabbed at a particularly sensitive spot, and she wanted to laugh. She knew his

body so well, just as well as he knew hers but it was still always so new, so exciting when they came

together. She hoped that heady feeling would never end…

She traced his length from base to tip with her tongue, mapping out every vein, moaning low in her

throat when she took him fully in her mouth. Evan reached out and brushed her hair away so he could

watch, his eyes locked on her eager mouth. She put on a show, moaning and licking, a bolt of pleasure

spiraling through her when he placed his hands on either side of her head and held her still. He lifted his

hips, shallowly fucking her mouth with his thick cock and she gave over the control. Loving how he took

over yet he was always so careful, pushing her only so much. He knew what her limits were.

And she loved and trusted him because of it.

“Come here.” He tore himself away from her and grabbed her arm, yanking her onto the bed so she

lay sprawled underneath him. “We need to get rid of these.”

He pulled off her panties, fumbled with her bra until she was as gloriously nude as he. She rubbed

against him like an overheated cat, panting as she clutched his shoulders and buried her face in the spot

where his neck and shoulder met. She licked him, savoring his salty male essence and with one thrust he

was buried to the hilt inside her.

“God.” She choked out the word, her body melting all around his pulsating heat. He began to move,

his movements uncontained and fast and the delicious friction was too much for her to bear. She’d been hot

for him, teetering on the edge of orgasm since the moment she grabbed hold of him. She was going to come

embarrassingly quick and she didn’t even try to prolong it.

She simply let go, whimpering his name as waves of intense pleasure took over, throbbing from

between her legs, radiating outward throughout her entire body. Evan had no control either, coming with a

shout immediately after her, filling her again and again with long, shuddering spurts of semen. He

collapsed upon her in a quivering heap, his big, hard and sweaty body pressing her down into the mattress

but she welcomed it.

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Karen Erickson



He felt too damn good to push away.

“It’s so much better without condoms.” He kissed her leisurely, taking his time, ratcheting her arousal

back up about one hundred notches with one stupid-inducing kiss.

They’d quit using condoms a month ago when she’d gone on the pill and they’d both been declared

safe. And he was right. It was sooo much better.

She broke the kiss first. “Is that why you came so fast?”

“No.” He smiled and nuzzled her cheek with his. “I came so fast because of your remarkable skills.

And I didn’t want to come in your mouth.” He moved closer to her ear, his breath hot and damp. “I wanted

to come inside you.”

Morgan trembled. “I wouldn’t have minded.”

“I would’ve.” He kissed her again, rolling over and taking her with him, never breaking contact. She

lay on top of him, her legs straddling his hips, his half-roused erection brushing against her backside. “Are

we going to do it again?”

“If I have my way, we’ll be doing it nonstop all weekend.”

“Sounds good.” He kissed her neck and breathed deep, as if he tried to inhale her. “I love you,


“I love you too.” Oh, she couldn’t take it when he kissed her neck like that. Licking and nipping at her

skin, she was so incredibly sensitive there and he knew it. Reveled in it, really.

“I want to be with you always.”

“Me too.” She could hardly pay attention to what he was saying, what with the way he touched her.

He nipped at her earlobe with sharp teeth. “I want you to marry me.”

She yanked away from him, staring up into his eyes. Shock coursed through her. Had he meant to say

that? “What?”

He smiled, a gentle, heartbreaking curve of lips and her head started spinning. “I want you to marry


“You’re asking me now? While we’re naked and…”

“I wanted to wait till tomorrow. I was going to ask you when we took a walk on the beach, but I

couldn’t wait. It’s ridiculous to wait. I want you to be my wife, Morgan. Will you have me?”

She’d known him approximately three months. Ninety days, give or take. And he wanted to marry

her? Was he crazy?

Yes. And so was she. Crazy for him.

Smiling, she pressed him close and he slipped back inside her, fitting within her as if they were made

for each other. “Oh, I will definitely have you, Evan Marshall. Any way I can get you.”

“So that’s a yes?” He stilled within her, not moving a muscle and she realized he wasn’t even


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“Yes.” She kissed him, and he exhaled in a large sigh of relief. “Yes. Yes. Yes. Did you ever have a


“No.” He dropped a kiss on her nose, then her lips. “Never. We belong together. It was fate.”

Morgan smiled and kissed him again. She didn’t even bother protesting.

He was right. For once, she didn’t feel like overanalyzing.

It was fate.

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About the Author

After leaving the crazy working world to become a stay-at-home mom, Karen realized she needed to

get crackin’ and pursue her lifelong dream of being a published writer. A busy mother of three, she fits her

precious writing time in between chasing her children, hanging out with her wonderful husband and

pretending she has a maid. She lives in California.

To learn more about Karen Erickson, please visit


. You can also send

an email to Karen at



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Look for these titles by Karen Erickson

Now Available:


Fortune’s Deception

Fortune’s Chance

Fortune’s Promise

Jessie’s Girl



Under My Umbrella

My Favorite Mistake

Baby, Don’t Lose My Number

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He blew his chance once. Now he intends to blow her mind…

Jesse’s Girl

© 2009 Karen Erickson

Rick blew it, and he’s never forgotten it. It’s bad enough his best friend Jesse showed his true colors

and stole Blair, the girl Rick wanted. Rick never understood what Blair saw in the loser, and still kicks

himself for letting her slip through his fingers. But what’s done is done.

Blair is horrified when she realizes that Jesse’s lies cost her the happiness she might have found with

Rick. It’s been over with Jesse, but he won’t leave her alone. Help comes from a totally unexpected


When Rick sees them together, he’s confused but tells himself to get over it. Until Jesse lays a hand

on her in anger. Now all bets are off. A second chance is all he’s ever wanted and he intends to use it…up

against a wall, in his bed, over and over again.

Until she surrenders to the idea that she was meant to be his girl. Forever.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Jesse’s Girl:

Rick’s every freaking dream was coming true right here, right now. Blair standing close, offering

herself to him. Her hands rested on his chest, her touch set him aflame and he breathed deeply, trying to

gain some sort of control.

After she’d hooked up with Jesse, he never thought this moment could happen. He thought he’d lost

his chance with Blair forever. Even after hearing about the break-up he figured there was no way she would

be interested in him.

Guess he’d been wrong.

“What do you say?” Her soft voice wafted over him, caressing him much like the brisk fall breeze and

he inhaled sharply, marveling at the gift she offered him.

Herself. She would be all his. For tonight at least. Did she want more? Would she want more from


He hoped like hell that answer was yes.

When he didn’t answer, her brows lowered, her sexy mouth turning downward. She looked perplexed,

confused and he reached out, trailed his fingers over the soft skin of her cheek. He heard her sharp inhale,

let his gaze drift to her chest and saw her breasts lifting with her every breath.

He’d seen her breasts in the skimpiest of tops, dreamed of having his hands all over her countless

times. He couldn’t wait to get her naked, explore her soft skin.

If he didn’t watch it, he’d burst his jeans.

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“Rick? Are you all right?” She sounded upset and the last thing he wanted was for her to be upset.

What had started out as just another Friday night was going to end hopefully as one of the best nights of his


No way did he want to mess this up.

“Sorry.” His fingers drifted along her jaw, then up to trace her full lips. He loved her mouth, the

plump fullness of her lower lip, its berry pink color. She wore no lipstick that he could tell and still her lips

looked juicy. Delicious. “I’m thinking how much I’d rather be anywhere but here.”

Those brows furrowed even deeper and he leaned in close, brushed his mouth against hers. Just once.

It was the barest of touches and his entire body went on high alert. “I want to be somewhere else. Alone.

With you.”

“Oh.” Her breathless answer told him she felt the same way. The blaze in her beautiful blue eyes told

him that too. She was so beautiful he could stare at her all night. “Let’s go then.”

“Are you sure?” Once they made this next step there was no going back. He wasn’t about to let her

walk away from him now that he knew her relationship with Jesse was really over and had been for a while.

This wasn’t going to be a one-night thing. With Blair, he wanted the real deal.

“I’m sure.” She nodded, her hands curling into the fabric of his T-shirt. He wanted to feel her touch

his bare flesh, stroke him into oblivion, those delicate fingers curling around him. Just the thought of Blair

touching him nearly had him ready to explode in his jeans.

Rick took her arm and they started toward the parking lot. “Let’s go then.”

He linked his fingers with hers, clutched her hand tightly as they moved through the crowds and

toward the parking lot. Grim determination led him on, didn’t allow him to be deterred despite the fact that

he saw people he knew. A few of them waved and looked ready to stop and talk.

Nope, he didn’t want to talk. He had other things in mind.

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She ran straight into love’s arms…and he isn’t letting her go a second time.

Passions Recalled

© 2010 Loribelle Hunt

Forbidden Passions, Book 2

When his mate and his father died in a freak accident, Jason Leonidas left home and became a park

ranger in the Florida Panhandle. The distance and solitude suit him. After all, the less he cares, the less he


As a hurricane bears down on the coast, he races to secure and evacuate the park before conditions

worsen. Just as that point of no return passes he discovers an injured and unconscious visitor. Celeste

Lykaios, his mate…who died over a year ago.

Truth has turned Celeste’s world upside down. Not only did her family lie to Jason about her survival,

they lied to her about his abandonment. And the new boyfriend she’d trusted is trying to kill her. Her only

hope was to race into the teeth of the storm to find Jason. She almost made it.

As she and Jason unravel the betrayal that split them apart, the ragged strands reconnect, forming a

fragile hope that their love can be salvaged. Out in the storm, the killer waits for a chance to make Celeste

the stunning finale in a plan to over throw the Lycan alpha…

Enjoy the following excerpt for Passions Recalled:

There were jackhammers in her head. Even moaning hurt. Funny, she didn’t remember partying last

night. She frowned, and it made the pain worse. Actually she didn’t remember last night at all. Rolling

over, she pressed her forehead into the pillow and was immediately swamped by Jason’s smell. Oh, God.

Where was she?

She couldn’t think past the pounding behind her eyes, but when the room shook with a crack of

thunder she jerked her head up, wincing for her trouble. She hated storms. There was one window, and

outside it a palm tree whipped back and forth.

Definitely not in Kansas anymore. Or Atlanta. Whatever.

Rolling back over, she took stock. Her head hurt like hell, but everything else seemed fine. Only one

way to know for sure. Gingerly, she pushed up on her elbows, cursing the pounding headache that spread

over her face with the strain. She sat up, gasping, and looked around the room. To call it bare was generous.

It contained the bed and a dresser. The walls were empty. There was nothing to identify its owner but the

scent of the sheets on which she lay.

But that didn’t make sense. She looked out the window again as another gust of wind buffeted the

house. Rain tapped the roof, and she cocked her head, pressing her hand to the side that throbbed the most.

The sound echoed loudly in the room, and her headache seemed to pick up the rhythm, pulsing in time to

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the rain. It was familiar. Tin would be her guess, and that at least helped her narrow down her location to

probably somewhere in the South where in recent years tin roofs had become all the rage. She wasn’t sure

if she was relieved or disappointed. Not the Southwest, so not Jason’s home. She swung her legs over the

side of the bed and set her feet firmly on the floor.

And why the hell was she wearing a bikini?

Only one way to find out, Celeste.

She had to venture out of the room, find out where she was and who else was here, if anyone. Her

mind refused to accept it might be Jason, even if her body thrummed at the thought. She didn’t dare wish it

was so. She squeezed her eyes shut. Jason was over. Jason was the past.

She stood and took a step toward the door, but froze when a black leopard appeared and blocked the

space. Her eyes filled with tears.

The first time she’d seen Jason in leopard form, she’d been very confused. His brothers looked like

typical leopards in their were forms, tawny and gold with black spots. Jason was dark, his coat black, his

spots brown to cream colored. He’d explained that sometimes nature threw a genetic anomaly out there, in

the leopard and wereleopard worlds. Melanistic leopards were often born in litters with regularly colored

siblings, probably an evolutionary advantage for jungle ranging leopards. All of the big cat species had

melanistic or black versions. The same held true for werecats. Black was not a common color to see, but

not rare either.

Looking at him now, she remembered the pain of that conversation. His pain. She’d felt his loneliness

and had wanted to soothe it. He’d identified himself as the outsider in his family, but she’d seen how much

they loved him, how much they needed and respected him. Although, none of that had really mattered to

her. She’d thought he was beautiful. She’d loved him beyond reason. She should have known better, she

thought bitterly with the benefit of hindsight, but the observation didn’t make one damn bit of difference in

her reaction.

He padded closer, stalking, and she clenched her fists. She would not reach out and bury her hands in

that fur, would not give in to the tears threatening to fall. The big body pushed against her, his head butting

and rubbing against her thigh in a show of affection, and she couldn’t help the sigh that escaped. He pushed

her until the backs of her knees hit the bed and she sat, giving in to the temptation and sinking her hands in

his pelt.

Soft. Silky. So, so dark and lit with light at the same time, like the mysteries of the midnight sky. And

definitely Jason.

She was afraid to speak, afraid to shatter the spell. It was the best damned dream she’d had in over a


He moved closer, sat on his haunches and rested his front legs along her thighs. Then he licked her, a

long swipe of his tongue up the side of her face, over her old scars. The raspy stroke woke memories. This

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tongue, this man. Months alone and lonely and heartbroken in a hospital bed. Yet she shuddered as her

body responded to him, recalled the out of control feeling of being in his arms.

Memory shattered the dream.

Except it wasn’t a dream, was it? She pushed against the cat and scrambled back on the bed. Shifting,

the man followed, crawling up her body and pinning her under his weight. A growl rumbled deep in his


“No,” he ordered, refusing to allow her to retreat.

She tried to push him away, but he grabbed her wrists and held them next to her head, while forcing

her thighs apart with his knees and settling between them. His erection pushed hard and throbbing against

the juncture between her thighs. She grew slick, felt the swelling in her clit and saw by the way his nostrils

flared he knew it too.

“So long,” he muttered, before his lips descended on hers.

God help her, she couldn’t resist. She opened her mouth to him, accepted the stroke of his tongue. His

pelvis ground against hers in a matching rhythm, and she was positive the only thing keeping him from

plunging into her was the thin fabric of the bikini. It wasn’t much of a barrier, and she wished he’d throw it

away. She’d toss it herself if he ever let her wrists go.

The kiss was all too short as he broke the contact and trailed his lips along her jaw, down her neck,

and finally closed over the old mark on her shoulder. He nipped it lightly and her back arched, her pussy

flooding with cream as an intense orgasm froze her. God, she couldn’t respond to him like this, so quickly,

after so many months absence. It was mortifying, and she strained against him. She needed a minute to

collect herself, to attempt to build some kind of barrier around her heart. She feared she was too late.

Maybe she’d never managed to do it in the first place.

He released her wrists, rolled onto his back and moved up the bed, pulling her across his chest with

one arm around her waist. Somehow during the move he removed the bikini bottom. His cock insistently

pressed against her center and with his eyes he begged for admittance, but he was leaving the choice to her.

How could she resist? Her body had been dead for a year and now it screamed for the fulfillment only he

could give her.

Refusing to acknowledge the niggling worry over where he’d been or where she was or even if it was

real, she sat up on her knees and moved over his hips. She held her breath, closed her eyes and allowed the

fantasy to take over as she took him inside her. Slow. So slowly. If this was a dream she didn’t want to ever

wake up.

She felt his hands behind her neck, over her back. Shivered at the sensation of fabric sliding free of

her skin. He was finally seated all the way inside her, when his hands closed over her breasts. Her entire

system threatened to melt down.

“Look at me,” he demanded.

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Love can drive you over the edge. It can also let you fly.

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

© 2009 Crystal Jordan

In the Heat of the Night, Book 4

Pixie Parthon worked hard to make her music production company a success. Anyone who gets in her

way gets the business end of her Fae magic. Her savvy business sense kept her family afloat for years, but

now that her musician brother is mated and off on a world tour she’s feeling left in the dust.

Maybe it was a faint wish for a little love magic for herself, but she didn’t expect one night of cutting

loose to leave her marked for life. A little love bite is one thing. Give up her hard-won independence to a

pushy alpha werewolf? She’ll pass.

Malcon is just as shocked as Pixie, but for a different reason. From the moment he saw her, his desire

went far beyond getting into her pants. When she agreed—begged—to be bitten, he believed she also

sensed their destiny to be mates.

Now it’s too late. Nothing will convince Pixie that he has no intention of clipping her wings—not

even a month’s worth of orgasms on call. Crazy as it sounds, love is all he wants from her. Even if it means

letting her go…

Enjoy the following excerpt for Crazy Little Thing Called Love:

Three weeks later, Malcon was still on the campaign and gaining ground, I had to admit. I was

nowhere near giving in, but every moment I spent with him made me like him more, want him more, crave

him more. My heart jumped when I saw him each evening, and it saddened me to leave him every morning.

I counted the hours to when I got to see him again like some teenager with her first crush.

It scared the shit out of me.

I should call the deal off, tell him no, and move on with my life. I knew it. I’d even tried to make

myself say it more than once. So far, I was pathetically unsuccessful. I didn’t want to stop seeing him, and

that complicated the shit out of everything. That was exactly what he wanted. The problem was, things

were going smoothly. Nothing had been tested and crumbled under pressure, so it was all shiny and pretty

and new. I wasn’t running from coast to coast like I had so often. Wolf pack politics and business were

good. We were good. When the brown stuff hit the fan and splattered the way it inevitably did, he would

try to fence me in the way every other male had. So, while I was letting myself enjoy the moment, it was

with the slight dread in the pit of my stomach of waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Sucking in a deep breath, I refocused on the quarterly reports in front of me. I had a boatload of

meetings tomorrow, so I had to get a bigger boatload of paperwork done tonight. I should be relieved by a

break from Malcon, but I wasn’t.

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An hour later, my cell phone vibrated across the surface of my desk and made me jolt. My heart

raced, and I pressed my palm to my chest. I pushed the button on my cell phone that transferred the call to

the Bluetooth in my ear. “Hello?”

“Hey, Pixie.”

A smile automatically curved my lips at the sound of his voice. “Hey, you. What’s up?”

“Not much.” I could hear an answering smile form on his handsome face. “How late are you working


“Late.” I looked at the stacks of paperwork that covered every available surface in my office. I sighed.

“Very late.”

He hummed sympathetically. “That’s too bad.”

“What are you doing?” I leaned back in my chair and kicked my heels up onto the desk, crossing my


He chuckled. “Working very late. We’re taking a break for another forty-five minutes, but then I have

to put in a conference call to Tokyo.”

“Ouch. That’s what, a seventeen-hour difference?”

“About that, yeah.” There was a short pause. “So, I was thinking we should have dinner together.”

“If we’re both working madly on opposite sides of the city, how do you—” A knock sounded on the

outer office door. “Hold on a sec.”

My eyebrows arched. Was it him again? My sex clenched at the mere thought of what we’d done

together the last time we were in my office. I hopped up to open the door. A courier stood there with a

plastic bag from my favorite Italian place in one hand and a vase with a dozen purple roses in the other. I

blinked for a moment, then flipped the lock and opened the door. “Hi.”

“Pixie Parthon?” The kid offered a bashful smile.

I nodded. “That’s me.”

“Sign here, please.”

I scrawled my name on the digital pad he held out to me, and then collected my booty. Locking the

door behind the courier, I couldn’t stop the stupid smile that spread as I smelled the roses.

Malcon’s voice sounded softly in my ear. “Did you get it?”

“Yes.” A little laugh spilled out, and I carried the heavy crystal vase and food to my office. Clearing

off one of the piles of paper from my credenza, I set the roses in the middle where I could see them from

my desk. I couldn’t resist taking another lungful of their spicy sweet scent. “Malcon, the flowers are

beautiful. Thank you.”

His voice deepened the way it did when he was pleased. “So, like I said, I think we should have

dinner together.”

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“You had Moretti’s delivered to you too?” The stupid grin widened with delight. This was without a

doubt the most creative non-date I’d ever had. Okay, so it was the only one, but still. It was nice of him to

think of this.

I heard him shift the receiver against his ear. “They make the best veal parmigiana.”

Plopping myself into my chair, I opened the bag and all the various containers inside. There was even

a little bottle of Pellegrino. My stomach gave a rumble as I ripped open the packet of plastic silverware.

“Mmm, I love their three-cheese ziti. How did you know?”

“The manager told me your favorites.”

“Ha! Rosa is the best.” I forked a bite of it into my mouth and moaned. “Oh man. This is so good.”

His low growl filtered through the phone, and I moaned a little louder on the next bite to torment him.

He laughed. “Minx. I’m glad you like it.”

“I do.” I sipped the fizzing water. “I was going to skip dinner, so this is fabulous. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” I heard him chew a bite slowly and swallow. “So…how was your day?”

“Good. Busy.” Settling back in my chair, I spent the rest of his break chatting with him about how our

work had gone.

It was…nice. I really, really liked it. Almost as much as I liked him. I groaned when I hung up the

phone, dropping my forehead to my desk. God, I was in so much trouble with this man.

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Document Outline


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Past simple of verb To Be
The Sailor on the Seas of Fate Michael Moorcock
The Legend of Kyrandia 2 Hand of Fate
Might Magic IX Writ of Fate poradnik do gry(1)
Ship of Fate The Story of the MV Wilhelm Gustloff
Francis, Diana Pharaoh [Path Of Fate 01] Path of Fate [rtf]
Storm Constantine Wraeththu 03 The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire
Susan Smith Of Drag Kings and the Wheel of Fate
Uses of the past simple
Dynamic gadolinium enhanced subtraction MR imaging – a simple technique for the early diagnosis of L
Optimization of injection molding process parameters using sequential simplex algorithm
Angielski - Gramatyka - opracowania, Simple Past of the verb to be, Simple Past of the verb " t
10 Past Simple or Present Perfect Provide the correct form of the verb
17 Present Perfect or Past Simple Provide the correct form of the verb
Rules of the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous tenses

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