Dee Dawning Forbidden Passion (pdf)(1)

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A Dark Eden Press Publication


Forbidden Passion Copyright© 2007
Edited by Colleen Simpson
Cover art by Renee George

Electronic book Publication: July 2007

This book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without
written permission from the publisher, Dark Eden Press, Inc.® 8824 Jeanes Lane, Alvarado, TX

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is
purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

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Dee Dawning

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Part One – The Lovers

After hiking four leagues from her village, Adalina could sense his closeness. She rushed

up the hill, and, as she crested the rise in the meadow, there he was—her heart leapt. The object

of all her dreams was less than a hundred-fifty cubits away. She was in ecstasy. Mitheas waved

at her. She waved back, and he threw her a kiss. Her pulse rose and her heart raced. She couldn’t

wait for his strong arms to enfold her frame and for his large hands to roam her body once more.

She was deeply, hopelessly in love with one she was forbidden to be with.

They were meeting, as before, in a meadow beside Caspia Sea, the great inland body of

water, located less than a half league from the roadway that meandered between his city


her village. It was a safe meeting place, a location where few traveled, where they could be

together, alone and unseen. It was a hideaway where they could make love without fear of


Recalling how happy he made her, and how wonderful he made her feel when she was in

his arms, Adalina picked up her pace. She moved faster and faster. Before long, she began to

sprint across the meadow, her garments flying off as she discarded her clothing while she ran.


Seeing her dashing across the meadow, undressing as she drew closer, Mitheas had to

laugh. She was so alive, so vibrant, and so utterly beautiful. She exuded vitality and gaiety. Just

watching her rush to him made him feel giddy. He felt a tingly feeling of excitement in his chest

and marveled at how happy he’d been since they first met. She made him feel; right now, like the

king he was destined to be. It was heartbreaking that he couldn’t declare his love for her—that

they had to hide their illicit lovemaking.

By the time she reached Mitheas, she was out of breath and naked. Laughing, she playfully

jumped into his arms, wrapping her limbs around his neck and waist. Holding her tight, he

closed his eyes and kissed her as they spun in a circle. Round and round, they turned until they

were almost sick with dizziness, laughing as they fell, each sprawled out on the grass soaking up

the warmth, and staring into the sky. It was a warm, summer day and both suns were high in the


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After their heads had cleared and they stopped laughing, Mitheas turned on his side. He

reached out and placed his hand over her breast. She closed her eyes and shivered, before turning

her head toward him, gazing at him with love.


How she loved him. She wanted to scream it to the sky, to the sea, to the two suns, to the

God of Love, of Nature and of Bounty. Mitheas’ face was beautiful. His eyes were cobalt blue,

darker than, but not unlike, the tint of his skin. His nose was straight and noble, his lips thin, his

mouth wide.

She ran long fingers along his cheek, then behind his head. She gradually pulled his face

toward her yearning mouth. As his cool lips engaged hers, they locked, while his long, blue

tongue invaded her mouth. She tensed as his tongue engaged hers, a pleasant sensation surging

through her. As his large hands began to wander over her body, her ass, her breasts, she wanted

more. Oh yes, she wanted much more. After the long, luscious, passionate embrace, she rolled

away, got on her knees, and stood up. With hands on hips, laughing and eyeing him in a

mischievous manner, she teased him. “Just how are you going to make love to me with your

clothes on? Or did you suddenly discover modesty?”


Sitting eyelevel with Adalina’s sexy mound, Mitheas’ gaze roved over her. Adalina was

shorter than he, by almost a head, yet, because of her lithe frame, she appeared regal. Her

flawless skin possessed a lavender tinge, typical of the Fala. Her intense purple eyes were

framed with plum-colored lashes and perfectly-arched platinum eyebrows. He adored her smooth

face. High cheekbones accented her long straight nose and thin raised lips. Her long platinum

hair had been tied back to accommodate the royal hairpiece she had discarded with her clothes,

thus revealing her sensual pointed ears, a Falan trait.

Adalina was as beautiful as you would expect a Falan princess to be. She was both sinewy

and shapely, seemingly created for sex. It drove him near madness. He coveted her body, and

dreamed about it, more often than not, when they were apart.

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She was an ardent swimmer, which seemed to keep her in excellent condition for their

long, strenuous sessions of lovemaking. Her breasts were high, as young breasts usually are, and

not very large. Mitheas knew that she loved the feel of his mouth on her breasts and when he

suckled at them; her lilac-colored nipples became swollen and taut. Ironically, the breasts he

loved came from the despised Earthlings, since the Fala didn’t have breasts until they came. As

far as he was concerned, the development of breasts was the only good thing that had come from

the Earthlings. Certainly, the advent of pubic and body hair wasn’t welcome on their otherwise

perfectly smooth bodies. But enough! Right now, his obsession, Ada, his sexy lover, was here

naked in front of him, exuding desire.

He sensed her growing impatience. “Mitheas, are you going to answer me?”

Mitheas arched an eyebrow, “Maybe I don’t want to make love.”

Her smile changed from playful to curious, “Oh! What are we here for, to go swimming in

the sea?”

“To make love, but maybe I’d rather do something else. Something better.”

She edged forward, close enough that her mound was teasing his wide eyes, near enough

that he could sense a stimulating feminine bouquet being emitted from the treasure between her


Adalina, who exhibited a never-ending thirst for sex, seemed curious.

“What might that be?” she wanted to know, placing her hands upon her hips. “What could

be better than making love to me?”

Shaking off the sudden erotic vision that the proximity of Adalina’s glorious vulva had

provoked, Mitheas reached for the bag he had earlier set beside him and showed her its contents.

Adalina cocked her head and placed her fist under her chin: “Cassal berries? Eating cassal

berries is better than having sex. Are you daft?”

“It can be,” he flashed a mischievous smile, “if I eat them off you.”

Adalina’s eyes grew wide. Her skin blushed a bright violet and she giggled, waving her

forefinger at him as she said, “Naughty, naughty boy.”

Laughing with delight, she tried to turn and run, but, with catlike grace, he grabbed her

hips and slowly pulled her wriggling form toward his flailing tongue: “Whoa! Not so fast!”

When his lengthy tongue began to lick her ultra-sensitive clit, she desisted. Still standing, she

stiffened and gasped, then moaned. She reached down and ran her fingers through his dense

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ebony hair. She lifted one leg up and placed her thigh over his broad shoulder, dangling the rest

of her leg down his back, in order to increase his access to her purplish pussy. Almost

immediately, she did the same with her other leg. Now off the ground, her thighs resting upon

his broad shoulders, her slinky form commenced an undulating motion, grinding her hot, soaking

cleft into his welcoming mouth.

With his tongue still massaging her clit and his hands wrapped around her back, he lowered

her to the grassy earth.

Mitheas scooted to his knees. Scrutinizing Adalina’s lovely form now lying prostrate

before him, he grabbed the bag of cassal berries, took a handful of the orange berries, and

crushed them over both of her breasts. He could feel her nipples rise as he applied the squished


“Mmmm,” he said as he wrapped his lips around a jutting nipple.

“Mmmm, is right,” she said, half laughing. “God, I love it when you do that. Sometimes I

wish you had two heads so you could suck both of my nipples at the same time.”

“I wouldn’t like having two heads; it’s too hard concentrating on you with one, let alone

two,” Mitheas joked; now attending her other breast.

Adalina laughed with delight. One of his hands traced its way down toward her clitoris.

Touching her there, she stiffened. “Ahh. Don’t talk anymore, just keep making me feel good,

baby,” then, playfully, she added, “On second thought, three heads would be even better.”

Mitheas paused, “You would want me to be a three headed monster so I could be a better


Clearly enjoying herself, she said, “When you put it that way, I guess not. Actually, you are

perfect just the way you are. Ooh, ooh, my hungry pussy is calling you. It craves the attention of

your forked tongue. Can you hear it?”

Mitheas rose up and whispered sexily in her ear, “All right, I’m going to eat your fabulous

pussy now. Are you ready?” She nodded vigorously.

His tongue left Adalina’s gorgeous face and headed south, leaving a wet path on every

sensuous spot on her streamlined, lithesome body. Her neck, breasts, ribs, navel, hips, loins and

pubis all gleamed from moisture as Mitheas finally arrived at his destination—her delicious

moist blossom. Wrapping an arm around each of her thighs, he spread her folds with his thumbs

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and dug in. Fervently inserting his tongue into her sopping wet pussy, his right hand went to her

clit, massaging it with his fingers.

Mitheas paused long enough to grab another handful of berries. He crushed some allowing

the juice to trickle over her, and then shoved the balance in her luscious vagina. Diving back

between her legs, he enjoyed sharp tangy blend he had created with her juices.

Ada began to whimper. Soon, she was sighing, and then moaning.

Mitheas focused his full attention on Adalina’s cunt. He flittered his long, blue, forked

tongue over her clit and into her vagina, while talented fingers, now free to tickle, tease and

squeeze, moved up her lithe torso to her bloated nipples.

Mitheas loved eating Adalina’s pussy. He loved the taste, especially enhanced by the tangy

cassal berries. Also, he loved the way it gave her such pleasure and made her go out of control,

but, most of all, he loved the extraordinary view from between her legs. He opened his eyes and

scanned the length of Adalina’s lean, sensuous frame. Her back arched up off the grass and her

head tossed from side to side, as did her hips. Her arms periodically slapped the ground and she

moaned between sighs of his name, “Ahhhh, it feels so good Mitheas.” Occasionally, she’d run

her long fingers through his hair, sometimes closing her fist around a bunch and pulling, as she

elevated her hungry snatch into his mouth. “Don’t stop… yes… that’s it, more of that, give me

more, much more, mmmm… mmm. I love it! Eat me baby, suck on my clit… you are so good.

You always make me feel so good …”


When Mitheas began to flick her nipples with his fingers, a subtle awareness came over

her. Inexorably the sensation spread from her clitoris to the extremities of her body. An

indescribably pleasant, tickly curtain descended over her. Every touch, every current of air that

brushed her uncovered body, made her quiver in anticipation. She was coming. Past the point of

return, waves of pleasure washed over her, culminating in a sudden euphoric, sensory explosion.

Her body rocked back and forth. She screamed, clutching his hair in her fists, moving his head in

time with her heaving motion.

In moments, it was over. Whimpering, she went limp, completely relaxed.

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But not for long. After a few moments to recover from her explosive climax, Adalina rose

up on her knees and said, “Now it’s your turn.” She started ripping Mitheas’ clothes off, and,

when he was naked, she ground the remaining orange cassal berries over his large, rigid, blue

cock. “I hope the orange glaze on your cock tastes as good as it looks.”

She cupped his balls in her left hand as he liked, squeezing them as she stroked his long

shaft languidly with her right hand. “Your cock seems so large; I sometimes wonder how it can

possibly fit inside me.”

Adalina detected a bead of pre-cum on the head of Mitheas bold cock and lapped it up.

“Mmm, it’s tasty when mixed with the cassal berry juice.” She took the head of his royal rod into

her mouth. She milked it, his moans exciting her more and more, as she continued to use her

hand to stoke the shaft in time with the downward thrusts of her mouth. He closed his hands

upon her platinum hair, trying to guide her movement.

She glanced up and their eyes met. He seemed to be watching her as she impaled her

mouth on his shaft. He moved his hand down from her hair and placed it over the hand that

stroked him. It seemed like he couldn’t take his eyes off her as her mouth slid up and down on

his cock. He slipped his hand to her lips through which his member pummeled her tonsils, and

felt his staff sliding in and out of her.

She could tell by the puckering of his jewels that he was about to cum. Yanking her head

away, while continuing to stroke him, she saw his eyes roll back in his head. Accompanying

Mitheas’ groans of pleasure, a fountain of thick fluid gushed forth wildly, shooting randomly in

multiple directions, with a couple of drops reaching her platinum hair. After the initial eruption

of four or five spurts, each diminishing in intensity, the force of the thick, creamy, pinkish cum

reduced to a stream running down his masculine shaft, much of which ran over Adalina’s hand.

She liked watching this display of his sexuality, but she was not yet finished. Using one of

his discarded socks, she wiped the seminal fluid from her hand and his groin. She placed her

hand back on his semi-rigid cock and continued stroking it, until it was again hard, then in one

graceful motion, she raised herself above him and mounted him, easing his huge erection inside

her a half inch at a time. Fully impaled on him, she wasted no time moving raucously in an

erratic, rocking, circular motion, her sensitive parts pushing into his uplifted groin. His hands

wandered back and forth between her hips and her breasts, where he teased her purple nipples

with his fingers. She loved this position. This is the best feeling in the world. She felt like she

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was fucking him when she was on top, as opposed to being fucked in the other positions. She

had control of the motions that would most please her and set her aflame. She ground her vulva

into Mitheas’ pubic area, easing back and forth as if riding a boonsan—the Galan riding animal.

After feverish minutes of hard fucking, she once again experienced orgasmic bliss, jerking

spasmodically, burying his cock inside her to the hilt.

Regaining her equilibrium, but still shaking, she rolled off Mitheas onto her hands and

knees. Mitheas ran his hand inside her thighs. “Wait, don’t move.”

She stopped. With a curious look, she said, “What?”

Mitheas got up on his knees and maneuvered behind her.

She smiled. “You wicked man. Don’t you ever get enough?”

“Nay. You are the one who is insatiable.”

She purred as he massaged her genitals from her swollen ultra-sensitive clit to her moist

recess. She gasped as he slipped his engorged penis deep between her warm wet folds and into

her hot pussy. Clenching his teeth he pumped into her haven once more. “Ummm, besides it’s

your fault.”

“Oooh, oh yeah. God that feels good,” she groaned. “How is it my fault?”

Holding onto her hips, he pulled her back onto his cock, driving it deep inside her wet

pussy, “It was you who stuck your fine, taut ass up in the air. And from between your legs the

folds of your sex winked at me, as if to say come and get me.”

Adalina laughed uproariously but Mitheas wasn’t laughing. Vibrations in her pussy

surrounded him, tightening and gripping him like a vice. He was about to cum again, and did.

With a final thrust, he deposited the last drop of pink seminal fluid deep inside her, and

flopped over on the grass, exhausted, his erection, pointing to the sky, slowly dissipating.

She snuggled up beside him, and then she angled her upper torso over his, and laid her

head high on his chest. His eyes were closed and he didn’t move, so she took each of his hands

and crossing his arms around her neck, placed his right hand on her left breast, and the left to her

right breast. Contented she closed her eyes, and soon they both fell into a restful sleep.


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With a jolt, Adalina awoke. Did I hear something? Looking into the sky, she noticed that

the small, yellow sun, Parris, had caught up to and passed the red giant, Darius. That meant that

many minutes had passed, perhaps even an hour or more. She sat up, and Mitheas stirred. When

she stood up, Mitheas spoke, “What are you doing?”

“I feel sticky; I’m going to the lake to bathe.”

“No! Don’t leave yet. I feel like making love again.”

“When I get back, baby.”

“But, you’ll be all wet and cold!”

She laughed, and said, “Another new sensation for us to experience.”

Mitheas feigned a move toward her, and she jumped.

He laughed and said, “Hurry my love.” He grasped his erect penis, and held it out for her to

see. “My manly pride needs your special attention.”


Freshly bathed and still dripping wet, Adalina came around the corner of a stand of trees,

planning to run and jump into the waiting arms of her lover. Instead, three helmeted soldiers,

with loaded spear-guns, were standing around him. She started to run to him, when someone

grabbed her from behind.

Adalina stomped on his foot and broke away, but another soldier grabbed her before she

advanced three paces. Swinging her fisted right hand, and connecting with her new assailant, she

broke free once more, only to be corralled by the original attacker, who had recovered. He

grabbed, and held, both of her arms behind her, and pushed her towards the other soldiers and


The leader spoke, “A Fala, and a pretty one. Prince Mitheas, you know better than that. Co-

mingling with Falas out of season is forbidden. Your grandfather, the king, will be sorely


“As I am sorely disappointed in you, Cap’n Magis. Sneaking around and following me.”

“The law is clear, and applies to everyone. Even royalty. However, because of your status,

I will grant you and your tramp Fala a favor. I will not mention in my report that you were seen

fucking the Fala.”

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“Do as you will. I’ve got nothing to be ashamed about. I will proudly proclaim my love for

Ada to grandpa and that we have made love.”

“Humpf!” Cap’n Magis turned to his men and said: “Take the wench to the castle, and

place her in detention.”

“Yes Cap’n,” answered the sergeant.

They placed a pole behind Adalina’s back and between the crooks of her elbows, and

bound her hands. Wide eyed, Ada stared imploringly at Mitheas. He noticed that tears had

welled up in her eyes. They tied a rope around her waist, strung it to the large six-legged

boonsan, and led her off.

“Don’t worry, my love. Everything will be fine. I’ll see to it,” yelled Mitheas.

She turned, and forced herself to smile. Now Mitheas was worried. He whispered to the

Cap’n, “I will personally hold you responsible should anything befall her. You hear!”

Cap’n Magis, concern now revealed in his eyes, said, “Oh sergeant!” The sergeant turned

to the Cap’n. “One more thing. Make sure that you and your men keep your hands off the sexy

Fala whore.”

The Sergeant bowed his head and said, “As you wish, sir”

“What about my clothes?” yelled Adalina, not liking the long stares she was getting from

the soldiers.

“What clothes? I see no garments.”

“They’re scattered about,” Mitheas said.

The sergeant asked his commander, “Should I gather her clothing?”

“Nay. I want Lor D’ana to see the Fala harlot the way we found her.”

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Part Two – The Law

The following day, the guards retrieved the lavender-tinged Fala maiden from her

restraining cocoon. They led her, barefoot, over the cold stone flooring, up stairs, and through

numerous hallways, occasionally pushing her in the back as they went. One of the guards would

periodically provoke her by grabbing her teat or pinching her bun.

“Keep your filthy hands off me,” she screamed at the harassing guard.

He laughed, “I wouldn’t want to be in your shoes,” he said. “Your good looks and sexy

body won’na carry no weight wit our Lor.”

With one in front and two behind Adalina, the guards led her through a huge pair of doors,

into an enormous room. Dozens of spectators lined the carpeted path to the throne. The guards

pushed the young Fala forward. Though she was small and naked, she stood up straight, as she

passed the audience and approached the imposing king—the grandfather of her forbidden lover.

The cruel guard seemed to take pleasure in personally pushing her forward, and roughly

throwing her down at the feet of Lor D’ana.

Cap’n Magis spoke, “As you requested Sire, we have brought the Fala maiden who was

discovered in the company of your grandson Mitheas.”

“Thank you Magis. Stand up, child, please.”

As she stood, D’ana scrutinized the naked Fala. At two and a half cubits, compared to his

three and a quarter cubits, she was small, even for a Fala maiden. He decided she must be young.

“How old are you?” asked the king.

She stood, looking proud despite her circumstances, and spoke. “I am over twelve cycles.

My Lor.”

She is young. “Cap’n Magis, why is the prisoner unclothed?”

“It is the way we found her when we captured her, as was your grandson.”

“My grandson was naked?” Lor D’ana inquired.

The captain looked down and nodded.

“And you could not locate clothing for the Fala? Are we so crass that we treat our prisoners

worse than animals?”

“I’m sorry, Sire. As a law breaker, I did not think she deserved such consideration.”

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“As a presumed law breaker. I have not yet decided, Cap’n.”

“Yes, of course, Sire.”

Lor D’ana studied the nude body of the Fala maiden. She was very pleasant on his eyes,

“Child, you don’t care that we perceive your nakedness?”

“Of course, I would prefer to be clothed, but we Fala are proud of our bodies and think

they are beautiful, therefore we do not care when others happen to see them.”

“Tell me child, what are those round objects below your shoulders.”

She smiled, “They are called breasts, my Lor. I think it has been too long since you have

visited the Fala.”

Lor D’ana hid his embarrassment by firing another question at the maiden: “Why were you

and my grandson both discovered unclothed?”

“I wish not to answer, my Lor.”

“Why child?”

“I wish not for you to be angry with your grandson, whom I love.”

“What is love?”

“It is an emotion from the elder days.”

“About what would I be angry?”

A strong voice reverberated from the rear of the throne room, “Because we had just made

love, grandfather.”

All eyes turned and watched the handsome young prince, heir to Lor D’ana, since the death

of his father, stride forward to the throne platform.

Lor D’ana rose to hug his grandson. “Ah, Mitheas, it is good to feel your presence. You are

always welcome, grandson.”

Seated back on his throne, a puzzled look on his face he queried Mitheas, “Tell me, what is

‘made love’?”

A smile formed on Mitheas face. He stepped up to his grandfather, bent down whispered in

his ear. Lor D’ana looked confused, “What is that?”

Mitheas whispered again.

Lor D’ana’s eyes grew wide. “Cap’n Magis, I wish to speak with my grandson in private.

Would you clear the hall?”

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The Cap’n and his guards began to clear the hall. The troublesome guard grabbed the Fala

maiden by her arm, and started to lead her away.

“Leave her, please!”

The guard shrugged and left.

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Part Three – New Reality

“Now grandson, you and … what is your name child?”

“I am Adalina, daughter of Glyness, niece of Glyna, Queen of the Fala.”

D’ana was perplexed. Picturing the tempestuous red-headed beauty, Lor D’ana said,

“Glyness the witch is your mother? You are my step-niece?”

“Yes, Queen Glyna, your nominal mate, is my aunt so I guess you can call me your step-

niece if you like.”

“Grandfather, I love her more than life, and we want to be married.”

“But you can’t. No one has married since the elder days. Since the Plague!”

“And no one has made love, until Mitheas and I started half a cycle ago,” argued Adalina.

D’ana was astonished, “You have been fucking for half a cycle?

Adalina continued, “I prefer calling it making love, but yes, a little longer actually.”

“Grandfather, remember, the Plague happened over four hundred cycles ago, when the evil

Earthlings descended on Gala and raped our Fala, transmitting the plague to them, who in turn

gave the it to their Mala. Even when the Mala and Fala knew what caused the Plague, the Mala

could not resist making love with their Fala, ultimately killing the Mala. Then our ancestor, the

great one…”

Lor D’ana cut in, “Yes, You need not edify me on my ancestors. I know what Lor

Saa’amal did, and that is why we are all still alive today. I am entrusted with enforcing the Law

of Saa’amal and keeping the plague at bay. The beneficent Earthlings came and captured the evil

Earthlings, and took them away, but, before leaving, they first showed my ancestor how to

reproduce without having sex. He knew that both Mala and Fala could not stop copulating if they

lived together, so he built the fertility lab and the village of Clinic, and then banished all Fala to

it. I myself have visited the fertility lab numerous times, and my chosen mate, your aunt, the

Queen, milked my penis of its male extract for insertion into her vagina, and has borne me three

children since the death of my son. It is simple. If the penis never touches the Fala’s vagina, the

Mala cannot catch the plague.”

“That’s my point grandfather. The Law of Saa’amal has been successful. After four

hundred cycles of Falas and Malas living apart, with no sex, the separation has killed off the

plague. The benign Earthling scientists have conveyed that to their contact, Glyness, who in turn

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informed Glyna. Our lovemaking proves we are now free to live, love and reproduce as we once

did. Not as Malans and Falans, but as Galans, once more united as citizens of Gala.”

Adalina’s excitement showed. “Yes uncle! Once my mother realized we were in love, she

urged Mitheas and me to make love—insisted on it. We have made love multiple times, on

seventy-eight occasions, and we’re both still alive and well. Look how healthy we are.”

D’ana glanced over Adalina once more. She was indeed a healthy specimen, perky too.

Adalina continued, “Making love, or fucking, as you call it, is wonderful. It’s a heavenly

gift, and it’s up to us to reintroduce the sexual practice to our species. The physical mating of

two people in love is a celestial experience.”

Mitheas put his arm around his grandfather, “We believe that making love ultimately

makes us healthier, more balanced, and bonds us to our chosen mate.”

Ada added exuberantly, “And don’t forget to tell him how good it feels. You have to

experience it for yourself; it feels divine.

“Glyna, your mate of twenty cycles, Queen of the Falas had requested for me to deliver an

invitation, when, and if, the opportunity arose. Perhaps my mother foresaw our arrest and told

her. Nevertheless, she wished me to request that you join with her so that both of you can

experience a true mating—your first experience of the celestial bliss of making love to your

queen and mate. Or, if you prefer, your first actual Fuck!”

Indecision flashed in Lor D’ana’s eyes. He was perplexed, “Mitheas, Adalina, I have never

done this. I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

Ada cocked her head and put her hands upon her naked hips, “Then it’s about time you

learn, uncle,” she said, “the sooner, the better.”

“Yes, grandfather. Adalina and I didn’t know what to do when we started, but, once we

did, we didn’t want to stop—we couldn’t stop. Every available minute we make love. It feels

that good. Making love to Ada makes me feel like a god!”

Lor D’ana’s hand rubbed his chin. “A god, huh?” Scanning this Adalina’s nakedness once

more, he asked, “Child does your aunt have those …what did you call them?”

“Breasts, and yes, only her’s are larger; mine are still growing.

“Larger? Hmmm. And that area between your legs—it is?” he continued.

Ada smiled knowingly, “Uncle have you never beheld a naked Fala?”

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His demeanor took on a sad appearance. “Nay. Until today…you. Glyna milked me fully


Ada felt sorry for the deprived leader. She pointed to her nether region and said, “This is

called a clit. It makes me feel extraordinary.” Fingers pulling her labia apart she said, “These are

my folds, they cover and protect this here—my vagina. This is where Mitheas inserts his penis.”

Lor D’ana felt his own penis stirring, “And your aunt Glyna. She possesses the

same…equipment as this?”

Ada laughed to herself at her uncle’s term for her pussy. “Yes Milor. All Fala have this

‘equipment’, and it is going to waste. Think how much less grumpy your Cap’n would be if he

could get laid.”

“Get laid?” asked D’ana showing confusion.

“It is a slang term for having made love or fucking. There is much to learn about sex.”

D’ana rubbed his chin again, “Indeed, I can see that. And you don’t think I’m too old to

make love to Glyna.”

“I don’t see why. You have only lived half your life cycle. Shall I send word to my aunt of

your imminent arrival?”

“I’m inclined to agree but for one more thing. Could you show me how Mitheas puts his

penis in your vagina?”

Ada turned violet from embarrassment, and Mitheas turned purple from anger.

“Grandfather, that’s just not—”

Ada shushed Mitheas and spoke, “It isn’t that easy. Mitheas doesn’t just bury his cock in

my pussy. We have to work up to fucking with foreplay.”

Once more D’ana was confused. “Cock, pussy, foreplay, what are these new words?”

“Sorry uncle. There are many colorful slang terms for the sexual organs and sex acts. His

cock is his penis and my pussy is my vagina.”

“And foreplay?”

Smiling vacantly she said, “I love foreplay. It’s almost as wonderful as making love.”

Leaning back, she spread her arms and ballerina-like, on her tip toes, in a dreamlike daze, slowly

spun in a circle.

Lor D’ana waited for Adalina to continue telling of foreplay, but she kept turning.

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When she didn’t explain, Mitheas finished for her, “Foreplay is…well… I guess it’s where

two people show affection and do pleasant things to each other as a prelude to making love.

Foreplay excites your partner and makes them ready to make love.”

Referring to Ada’s spinning, Lor D’ana asked, “Is that foreplay?”

“No. Ada sometimes does that when she is happy:”

“Can you show me foreplay?” D’ana asked.

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Part Four – Prelude to Coitus

Lor D’ana was very interested in this foreplay. His grandson and Adalina were a fine

looking couple, lean and agile specimens, he with his ultramarine blue tint and she with her royal

purple tint. A Mala and naked Fala were visible together for the first time in hundreds of cycles.

He felt uneasy, wanting to watch them, but he had to learn everything he could if he was going

to make a decision about the archaic law. Besides, he must impress the exquisitely beautiful

Glyna. She had borne him three children without so much as a kiss. Kissing was not allowed. No

touching, except for milking his penis. Nothing that would encourage sexual congress. Now

things were different. Something had happened, and he had been given an opportunity to reverse

history, to do something that was previously forbidden. He was going to get the opportunity to

rescind the Law of Saa’amal. He needed to get it right, even at the expense of the youngsters’


Glancing back at Adalina, he couldn’t help but admire her form. She was the first naked

Fala he had beheld. Breasts! She had breasts. Marvelously elegant things. He had seen pictures

and paintings of naked pre-plague Falas and none appeared to have breasts. He couldn’t wait to

gaze upon Glyna’s breasts, to squeeze them, to kiss the darker round things in the middle.

He recalled how, before and after she milked him, he had enjoyed their talks. A strong,

intelligent, and lovely woman with fiery red hair, they would talk for hours during their allotted

time. He could see some of Glyna in Adalina. Maybe that was why he liked her, and could not

take his eyes off her. Mitheas claimed he was in love with Adalina and vice versa. He, himself

had forgotten that term, for over hundreds of cycles, sex had been forbidden, the term had

become obsolete, yet, now, he wondered if he wasn’t in love with Glyna all these cycles.


Mitheas decided if it would please his grandfather, and make him inclined to be favorable

to the sexual revival of Galans, letting him watch a little foreplay wouldn’t hurt. After all, it was

preferable to sneaking around with Ada and never being allowed to marry.

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With Ada still dreamily spinning trance-like, Mitheas grabbed an arm halting her spin. He

put his arms around her and began kissing her.

He had expected to show Lor D’ana a kiss, explaining as he did that, while touching lips

was pleasant, touching tongues was much more exciting, but Ada had other ideas. Her reaction to

his kiss was extreme, her enthusiasm excessive. She responded, kissing him back passionately,

while her busy hands began removing his clothes. Ada removed his blouse before their kiss had

ended. Next, as she went after his pants, she took his hands and placed them on her bare

buttocks. When she dragged down his pants to the floor allowing him to step out of them, she

also removed his slippers. Now, they were both naked.

He hadn’t expected the foreplay to go this far, and was embarrassed that his grandfather

could see him this way. Ada snuggled into him, laying her cheek upon his chest. She said, “I love

you,” as she reached around him and gripped his taut ass. He bent down to kiss her, and, as their

tongues danced, his cock swelled. She noticed, and switched one of her hands to his growing

problem, fondling it gently.

Suddenly, Ada went limp and her legs gave way, only Mitheas’ strong arms keeping her

from falling. With distress etched on his face, he ran one arm under her thighs and lifted her into

his arms.

Lor D’ana jumped off his throne and was by his side in seconds, concern plastered on his

face as well, “What in Parris happened?”

“I don’t know,” answered Mitheas, his eyes watering up. “She just collapsed, without


“Come with me.” Mitheas’ grandfather led him through a curtain behind the throne and

into a lavish royal sleeping room. He rushed to his giant-sized bed. “Lie her down here, while I

fetch the royal healer.”

Mitheas laid her down, and sat on the edge of the bed. He was slightly reassured when he

took her wrist and felt a normal pulse. He went around the gigantic bed, and crawled in next to

her, placing his arm over her. To his everlasting relief she opened her eyes and smiled, “Mitheas,

I adore you. Where are we?”

“We are in grandpa’s sleeping room. We were in the throne room kissing, and you just

passed out. Grandpa had me bring you in here. Are you all right?”

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She nodded. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I have been having occasional dizzy spells, but

I’m fine right now.”

Glancing around the huge ornate room, she said, “My, isn’t this room marvelous?”

Still worried, Mitheas dug deeper, “Tell me about these dizzy spells. Why are you having


She kissed him, “I didn’t want to worry you. Your grandfather is about to become a great

grandfather, and you a father. I’m afraid all the fucking we have been doing has made me

pregnant. Can you forgive me?”

Finally understanding, Mitheas’ face lit up, “We are going to have a baby?”

Ada brushed her hand across his face, nodding vigorously, “Yes, a royal bundle of joy.”

“What’s to forgive? God, I love you. If blame is to be accessed, instead of credit, then I am

equally responsible. From now on, you must tell me everything. No more secrets. Promise?”

“I promise, and, yes, I’m fine. I think I got too excited explaining the wondrous joys of sex

to your grandfather.”

“So this is you grandfather’s sleeping room. He sleeps in this huge round bed alone?”

Mitheas thought about it, and then answered, “I guess so. Why?”

A wicked smile formed on Ada’s sensuous lips, “Mitheas, sweetheart. Do you realize that

this is the first time since we started making love that we have been in a bed together?”

“Yes. What about it?”

Ada’s lips formed a pout, “What about it? Haven’t you ever wished we could make love in

a real bed? I have dreamed about this; how wonderful it would be to make love with you in a

bed, instead of on the ground, or in a pantry, or a buggy, or the bell tower.” She rose up on her

knees, energized. “Imagine, my love, how perfect our love making would be in this soft,

heavenly bed.”

“But Ada, it’s not our bed. It’s grandfathers’ bed, and he only left to fetch the healer. He

could be back any moment.”

“And he might not. What if he can’t find the healer? Instead of minutes, it could be tens of

minutes. Doesn’t lying naked in a bed with me give you the urge?”

She was on her knees above him. His eyes scanned her essence. “What if my grandfather

comes back?”

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Her sex was tingling and getting wet. Determined to convince him, she lifted one leg over

his torso, straddling him. She reached for one of his hands placing it on her wet sex. “We simply

stop making love, that’s all.” She gasped and began moaning, as his clever finger began teasing

her clit and dipping in and out of her sopping wet gash. Catching her breath, she continued, “You

realized the soldiers watched us having sex and it didn’t kill us. If he finds us making love, you

can tell him that Glyna is waiting for him to make love to her like this.” Bending her knees, she

lowered her behind, stopping when she felt his erection burrowing between her cheeks. She felt

behind her, and touched his bulging cock. He is ready.

She leaned forward, lying on his massive chest, snuggling the top of her head just under his

chin. He hugged her tightly. “I love you so much.”

“Then make love to me.” She reached down and grasped his prick, sliding her hand gently

up and down the shaft, wishing it were inside her.

He groaned and quivered.

“Your cock wants to make love,” Ada teased.


Lor D’ana was very worried about his fascinating step-niece, Adalina. She had collapsed

while playing foreplay with Mitheas. He hoped it wasn’t the foreplay that caused her to give

way. It did look like a fun game. It made him want to play foreplay with his mate, Queen Glyna.

As he stepped through the drapes that separated his sleeping room from the throne room,

intending to tell Mitheas that Healer Untas would be there shortly, he was flabbergasted to find

his Mitheas and Adalina kissing in a fervent embrace. After watching, unnoticed, for a few

seconds, he felt the drape begin to move. The healer had arrived.

Stepping back through the drape, D’ana intercepted him, and told him that his niece seemed

to be better, and he would call him if things changed again.

Back at the entrance, but not entering, he refrained from entering and announcing his

return. Instead, he separated the drapes enough to peek surreptitiously, as the handsome young

couple performed the ritual of foreplay, while he milked his penis imagining his lovely mate,

Glyna was doing with him what Ada was doing with Mitheas.

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He couldn’t help but recall the bittersweet meetings with Glyna, where she would milk him

in the daytime and he, lonely that evening, recalling her sexy lavender hands on his erect blue

penis, would milk himself.


Kissing the top of Ada’s head, Mitheas slid his hand to her breast, rubbing a course finger

over her tender nipple. Squirming off him, she slid up until their lips were touching. His lips

paused to nibble on her lower lip then upper lip. His hungry tongue slipped between her lips,

teasing her tongue as his busy hand traced a path to her nether region. The tingly sensation in her

abdomen sparked a small but growing flame of desire in her loins, which exploded into desire

when his middle finger slid over her clit and buried itself deep in her hot, humid hole. She jerked

as a tremor of pleasure passed through her. Wanting more, she raised her pubis, grinding into his

probing hand.

Ada continued stroking his sex. He sighed into her mouth as they kissed. She thought about

all the times she had sucked on that beautiful blue cock. Sliding it in and out of her mouth, how

her tongue slipping over the ridge of the crown excited her. The wonder of his long, thick sex

filling her mouth, needing her mouth, craving her mouth, loving her mouth.


Lor D’ana was spellbound. He had never been more aroused. His hand was working

overtime on his pleasure pole, when Adalina changed positions. He almost fell through the

drapes when she put Mitheas’ hard penis in her mouth and moved her hand and mouth up and

down it. Ahh, the unknown wonders of the mouth, first they put their mouths together so close

they seemed attached, and then she put her mouth over his grandson’s lucky cock.

Lor D’ana was jealous. He wondered if Glyna would milk his cock with her mouth. He had

an urge to stop them and say: “Okay, I’ve seen enough. I’m convinced. I’m ready. Let’s all go to

Clinic so I can get orally milked by your aunt,’ but no, he mustn’t let them know he had been

spying on them.

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Adalina was on top of his grandson, and her prodigious posterior appeared to be near

Mitheas’ face, but Lor D’ana couldn’t see. Mitheas’ hands held onto Adalina’s cheeks tightly,

and they were both moaning. Adalina took Mitheas’ rigid shaft out of her mouth. Lor D’ana was

impressed at the size of his grandson’s cock. Adalina held Mitheas’ prick down and off to the

side. What is she doing?

D’ana almost fell through the drapes again as, she enveloped one of Mitheas’ testicles into

her mouth as if it were a tasty cassal berry. She sucked on the testicle then switched to the other.

Her tongue licked the scrotum before swirling over the length of his staff. Nearing the crown of

his proud member, she laved the small groove the ridges formed near the top with her tongue

while stroking him with her hand. Even while Glyna had been milking him, Lor D’ana had never

been so excited.

Suddenly, he yanked the drapes closed. She looked directly at me. He opened the drape a

slit and peeked, then snapped it shut. Yes, she is definitely looking. She knows. He opened the

drapes again. Adalina looked at him, and smiled, before swallowing Mitheas’ entire organ. She

did it again and again, keeping eye contact with Lor D’ana, while Mitheas was going wild and

shoving his groin upward, in anticipation of her downward oral thrusts. His groans became

shriller, and, as his cock began to pulsate, Mitheas cried out with pleasure. Lor’s eyes were glued

to Adalina’s. She seemed pleased as a run of milky pinkish ejaculate escaped her mouth, and ran

down her chin. Within seconds the king also came…into the drapes.

When he finished, glancing once more through the drapes, looking directly at him, Adalina

bobbed her head once, as if she knew. She knows. How? Her mother…Glyness—the witch? Does

she have psychic abilities like her?


Adalina noticed movement within the drapes. A pair of eyes surreptitiously peered out from

within—Lor D’ana. She should be angry—furious, but for some reason she wasn’t. She smiled,

in effect inviting his continued voyeurism. She knew Mitheas wouldn’t approve, but she wanted

desperately to get the law of separation and forbidden sex removed, and Lor D’ana was the one

to do it. She, with Mitheas’ unsuspecting help, was going to get the king so revved up, so horny,

that his acceptance of the queen’s invitation would be assured, and, hence, the law voided.

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As she continued devouring Mitheas’ cock, his scrotum puckered, testes retreating almost

inside his groin. Previous experience had taught that her love was now near orgasm, and she

could easily bring him to ecstasy. After four deep oral plunges, she felt a squirt in the back of her

mouth. Even with Mitheas’ penis penetrating her lips, Adalina managed to smile conspiratorially

at Lor D’ana. She collected her lover’s spunk in her mouth, letting a portion of the thick, pinkish

ejaculate escape her mouth, running down her chin, before swallowing the rest.

Mitheas apologized, “I’m sorry Ada, I blew it.”

Ada teased him, “I’ll say you blew it, blew it right in my mouth.”

“I know. I’m sorry about that too. Now, there’s not enough time to make love in this bed

before grandpa returns with the healer. What now?”

Speaking loudly for Lor’s benefit, “You could finish eating my pussy. Come around here,

baby.” She lay on the bottom of the bed, legs spread wide, exposing her purplish privates, aiming

straight at the drapes.

“I’m right here. You don’t have to speak so loud.” Mitheas went to the foot of the bed and

got on his knees between Ada’s spread legs. As Mitheas got in position to service her saucy

snatch, she turned slightly so that her lover would not block Lor’s view of the enthusiastic

tongue-fuck she was about to receive.


Lor D’ana couldn’t believe how much there was to this foreplay, kissing, feeling, touching

tonguing, fondling, kneading, rubbing, sucking, stroking. And to top it off they each put the sex

of the other in their mouth. Adalina had done it to his grandson, and it had made both he and his

grandson have an orgasm, and now Mitheas was about to return the favor for Adalina.

Fascinated, D’ana watched as Mitheas’ fingers spread Adalina’s genital folds apart,

exposing her deep sexual recess. Even though Lor D’ana had just climaxed, his penis stirred

when Mitheas slipped two fingers into her chamber. Lor D’ana marveled at how Adalina’s

aroused and swollen clitoris resembled a miniature penis. Mitheas slowly swirled around her clit

with his forked tongue. Adalina groaned, and grabbed of fistful of Mitheas’ ebony hair, pulling

his face closer to her love bud. His face dove into her sex, feasting on her clit and pussy, burying

itself in between those sweet thighs, sucking and slurping her sensitive areas. D’ana’s penis

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stood up. He had never dreamed that you could do that to a Fala, and once more began to

personally satisfy his royal blue staff.

Adalina moaned as she rocked and rolled. She extended one leg out sideways to the

maximum, the other leg hooking around her lover’s neck. Reaching up, Mitheas’ fingers found

Adalina’s nipples, and, shortly thereafter, she screamed, “Oh my God! Oh, baby… I’m coming.

Oooh, it feels so fucking good.

As it was with Mitheas, where watching and hearing him ejaculate caused Lor D’ana to

climax, the Lor climaxed once more as Adalina went through the throes of sexual nirvana.

However, Lor D’ana became so wrapped up in his giant orgasm (the best he ever had) that he

lost his balance, and tumbled face first into the drapes, ripping them from their bindings, and

tumbling in a heap of king and fabric to the floor.


At such a commotion, the lovers ceased their activities, and watched the spectacle of their

King and family relative rolling around the floor looking like a mummy wrapped in a colorful


While Ada, placed a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh, Mitheas quickly went to the

assistance of Lor D’ana, “Let me help you, Grandpa. Lie still, you’re only making things worse.”

When D’ana ceased his futile effort to extricate himself from his bindings, Mitheas found

an end and began to unwrap D’ana, lifting the tapestry as the king rolled away from him. Once

free Lor D’ana stood and thanked his grandson.

His bluish tinge turned purple though, when Mitheas said, “What’s this sticky stuff all over

these draperies? Grandpa, your penis is exposed, please put it back in your trousers before you

embarrass Adalina and yourself.”

After making himself presentable, he put his arm around Mitheas’ shoulder and, guiding

him in the direction of his lovely Fala, he said, “It matters not, son.”

As they walked toward Adalina, D’ana became disconcerted by the gleam in her eye. When

they stopped in front of her, he continued, “What matters is that Adalina is all right. I see you

have recovered from your fainting spell. What was wrong child?

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Ada, covered herself, in false modesty, with a pillow, “My Lor, I’m afraid I withheld from

you, a little secret. I am with child—your great grandchild.”

“My child, that’s marvelous news. It is only fitting, after such a revelation, that I share my

recent decision.” Lor D’ana paused and smiled at Adalina, who knowingly smiled back. “I have

decided to journey to your village of Clinic, whereupon, I will marry my mate of these many

years, your beautiful Aunt Glyna, and, after the ceremony and the requisite revelry, Glyna and I

will adjourn to her boudoir, where, with your guidance, I will re-institute the marital rites, which

my ancestor curtailed hundreds of cycles ago and…Fuck her socks off!”

Ada giggled. “That’s wonderful uncle, but I have a feeling…” Ada paused and winked at

D’ana, “that she may… fuck your socks off.”

Lor roared with laughter, “Adalina, may I call you Ada?” she nodded. “Ada, you are too

much. Now, I want to leave as soon as possible. Mitheas, would you be a good boy, and, after

you put your clothes back on, get my carriage and organize a proper escort be prepared for

immediate departure. You and Ada will accompany me. You will ride alongside Cap’n Magis,

and Ada will accompany me in my carriage, so I can better make the acquaintance of my future

grand-daughter—mother of my great-grand-child.”

When she realized that she would have to be married to Mitheas to be Lor D’ana’s grand-

daughter, Ada’s eyes widened and her face lit up like a thousand glow-moths. Tossing he pillow

away, she jumped up and hugged the huge king.

“You mean Mitheas and I can be married?”

Lor D’ana’s eyes gleamed as he flashed an enormous grin, “Yes, the sooner the better, after

all, you are pregnant. I suggest a double ceremony.

“I hope I can find someone who knows how to perform a marriage after all these cycles.”

“Thank you, oh thank you so much. You have made me so happy.”

With the sexy body of his very attractive step-niece pressing against him, Lor D’ana once

again felt a stirring in his groin. Grabbing her by the shoulders and pushing her to arm’s length,

he turned back to Mitheas, “And while you’re gone find some garments for you fiancée, will


After joining Ada and his grandpa in their embrace, Mitheas turned and hurriedly left to

follow his orders. Lor D’ana turned back to his grandson’s very spirited fiancée and said, “Ada. I

know you put on a show for me so I would know what I and all my subjects have been missing. I

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appreciate you letting me see you and Mitheas make foreplay so I would know how to woo your

aunt, whom I love. You are an attractive, shapely, uninhibited, young woman, who is about to

become my grandson’s wife. Take pity on this sexually frustrated and inexperienced old man

and, after today, try to never let me see you naked again. Seeing you like this takes my breath

away, and makes my heart race as if to jump from my chest.”

Ada broke free of his arms and hugged her king again. “I’m so glad you are my aunt’s

mate. You are a good man, and an honorable leader, and I love you. Not like I love Mitheas, of

course, whom I adore, but I love you nevertheless. I will do as you say, but you needn’t worry.

After you bed Aunt Glyna, you will have eyes for no other. I am but a girl compared to the

queen’s regal womanhood.” Ada pulled away and spoke, smiling coyly, “May I borrow your


A look of confusion flashed on D’ana’s face but he trustingly handed it to her.

She went to the head of the bed and pulled one of the silk, king-sized pillow slips off a

pillow. She cut three holes across the seamed top, and slipped the crimson pillowslip over her

arms and head, forming a sheath over her gorgeous lavender nakedness. She handed the knife

back to her uncle, took his hand and kissed him on the cheek.

“Shall we find Mitheas and leave for Clinic, Milor? Isn’t it a beautiful day for an


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Part Five – The Visitor

Hand in hand, Lor D’ana and his lovely step-niece exited the bedroom, heading for the

huge throne room doors when Mitheas barged through them.

“Ah Mitheas. Could you possibly have made the arrangements already?”

“No sir, I was just beginning when a visitor arrived.”

“A visitor? Why would you rush up here to inform me that a visitor arrived? Who is

this visitor?”

“Someone very important to me and my future wife, Adali—”

“Ahh, there you are, Gustan D’ana. I have been looking…Adalina, you are here. Thank

the Gods.”


D’ana was not only awed by the red-haired beauty his eyes absorbed, but consternated

by the possibility of an unwanted confrontation, under awkward circumstances, with his

mate’s gorgeous sister. In the past, his dealings with the irrepressible, Fala witch—Ada’s

mother had been unpredictable at best.

When Ada saw her mother, she rushed to her. Taking her daughter in her arms they

hugged, before Glyness continued, “Sorry to barge in on you Gustan, but, when my daughter

failed to return home yesterday, I was frantic. I knew she had gone to meet Mitheas, so I

came to ask him if he knew where she was. It turns out she was here.”

Addressing her daughter, “Ada, why didn’t you come home…what are you wearing?

Where are your shoes, child? This isn’t what you wore.” Her face flashed disgust as she

rubbed Ada’s improvised dress between her fingers. “Feels like bed sheets. Ada where are

your clothes?”

Ada didn’t want to answer her mother the witch, but she knew her mother’s psychic

abilities extended to reading her thoughts if she wanted to. Witch was more of an honorific

title for her powerful extrasensory abilities, than any reference to practicing witchcraft. “I’m

sorry Mother. I couldn’t locate them this morning.” Not exactly a lie.

Glyness noticed that the King suddenly looked uncomfortable. “What’s going on Adalina?

Where are your clothes?”

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“They’re by the Caspia Sea where Mitheas and I met. The soldiers wouldn’t retrieve them

when they arrested me.”

Lor D’ana suddenly found something interesting on the ceiling.

Glyness’ large blue eyes grew larger, “You were arrested? For what? Never mind, I

know for what. That archaic Law of Shamu.

D’ana corrected, “Saa’amal.”

Glyness froze her sister’s nominal mate with an icy glare, “Shamu, Saa’mal, who cares:

it’s still out of date dreck.”

Summoning all his nerve, D’ana stared directly at the red-headed witch, “No it isn’t.

We would be extinct if it wasn’t for the law.”

Glyness rolled her eyes. Waving her hand in dismissal, she said, “In case you haven’t

noticed, we are almost extinct anyway, we have been steadily losing population for centuries,

with three hundred million pre-plague Galans down to less than ten million. And my research

shows that it’s because there is no longer any familial structure. Resurrecting love, marriage

sex and the family will reverse this disastrous trend. But that’s another discussion.”

Focusing back on her daughter Glyness demanded, “Ada. Tell me what they did to



Ada was in a pickle. She didn’t want to show her future husband’s grandfather in a bad

light, but, if she lied, her mother’s uncanny abilities would sense it. After reviewing in her

mind, what happened, she decided that her uncle hadn’t done anything wrong, unless spying

on their amorous interlude was wrong.

“It was the soldiers, mom. They trussed me up and tied me behind a boonsan. When I

asked if I could have my clothes, the soldier in charge said, “No, I want Lor D’ana to see the

Fala harlot as we found her.”

Glyness shot Lor D’ana an angry glance, “Fala harlot? Go on,” she urged.

“They took me to the citadel and threw me in a moldy restraining cocoon, and wouldn’t

even let me wash the boonsan droppings, that I was forced to walk through, off my feet.

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Then, this morning, they paraded me naked in front of everybody, and one of the guards kept

grabbing my breasts and ass.”

Glyness gave the Lor a look that would melt snow, “You had my daughter paraded and

brought before you naked? I’ve heard enough, let’s get you home. Gustan. Expect to hear

from my barrister.”

Mitheas seemed shook up, “Wait, ma’am. What about me?”

Glyness stared at Mitheas with affection, then regret, “Obviously, you can no longer

see my daughter. ‘The Law’ won’t allow it.”

A look of panic came over Mitheas’ beautiful features, “You can’t do that. We love

each other. What about the experiment and our love making? Is it to be for naught?”

“I suppose if you don’t consider the enjoyment you derived from all the sex you shared

worth while, then it’s for naught. Glyna and I had hoped we could again become the vibrant

energetic race we were before the plague, but the policies of the past have sealed the Gala’s

continued demise. Without sex in their lives, our citizens merely go through the motions of

life, not really living.

“Gustan, is it not true that both production and reproduction have declined to alarming


D’ana’s face revealed sadness. Staring at the floor, he nodded.

“I rest my case.” Holding Adalina around the shoulder, Glyness started to leave, but

Mitheas stepped in the way and wouldn’t let them pass. “Wait. You cannot deny love. Are

you a heartless woman? Look at your daughter.”

Glyness looked at her young daughter. Tears rolled down Adalina’s cheeks to her chin,

and onto the makeshift sheath. She turned to face Ada holding her arms. “Are you all right?”

Adalina was distraught. Half crying, barely able to talk, Ada answered as best she

could, “No, I’m…I’m not all right. You… are about to ruin my life. You are ripping my heart

out. I love Mitheas more than life itself and it’s your doing. You! Using Mitheas and me as

pawns in your grand experiment to save Gala. We are in love. You never even let me finish

my story, jumping to conclusions as you always do. Uncle D’ana is a sweet man. Things got

much better once I got to see him. He berated the Cap’n for not giving me clothes, and asked

me if I wanted clothes, but everyone had already seen me so I declined.

Dee Dawning

Forbidden Passion


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“Mother you cannot know. You have never loved anyone. If I can’t be with Mitheas, I

would surely want to die, except I’m carrying our child of love. I need Mitheas to help me

raise my baby. Lor D’ana said he could. He said we could be married, right after he married

Aunt Glyna.”


A look of bemusement settled on Glyness’ face. A strong woman, she was convinced of

her infallibility, and the rightness of her convictions. She couldn’t digest all this information.

Did she get this wrong? Her mind was overloading. Marriage, love, sex, babies? My Gods,

babies! The grand experiment continues. Love, marriage, sex, babies! “You are expecting?

Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Mother, you have trouble dealing with the unexpected.”

A frown crossed Glyness’ lovely face, “I suppose I deserve that. When is the baby


“I don’t know. I just know that I suddenly feel different, and I have missed two bleed


“We need to get you to Clinic, and get you examined by the gyna-healer. This is

fabulous news. Come here Mitheas.”

Still concerned, Mitheas came to the headstrong woman. She grabbed his face and

kissed his cheek. “Welcome to the family. You and Ada are about to become the first natural

parents in four hundred Galan cycles.”

“Now, Gustan, I have apparently jumped to some erroneous conclusions about you. For

that I apologize. Please tell me of your plans.”

“Adalina has extended an invitation from your sister to visit her for the purpose of

initiating sex. I have decided to accept that invitation. We were about to leave for Clinic

before your inauspicious arrival.”

Contrite, Glyness answered that criticism, “I suppose, I deserve that. Go on. What


Dee Dawning

Forbidden Passion


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“Only that, I wasn’t going to merely take Glyna as a lover: I was going to marry her,

after which Mitheas, with your permission, would wed your very lovely and spirited

daughter, of whom, I might add, I am very fond.”

“I am delighted. They have my permission. Anything else?”

“Yes, I suppose just what you are after. Following Mitheas’ and my precedent of taking

a wife, I will officially rescind the Law of Saa’amal. I will then announce that a Ritual of

Courtship begin, the purpose of which will be to merge the genders as we once were.”

Glyness slid over to Gustan, and kissed his surprised face, “I’m sorry I prejudged you.

Glyna always said you were a good person. Now, my Lor, I don’t suppose you can find room

in your carriage for your cranky ole, future sister-in-law?”

“I can always find room for such a breathtaking Fala as you.”

Glyness felt a stirring within her, where she hadn’t in years. She studied Gustan with an

intensity that made him look away. At fifty-nine cycles, he was still a handsome man, and he

was obviously charming. Taking his arm, she began to walk toward the door “Shall we go to

the carriage? Tell me Gustan, am I wrong, or do you have a younger brother?”

“Yes, Rowan—three cycles younger. He looks very much like me, but I think he’s

better-looking and more personable.”

“Hmm, three cycles. Gustan, you know that I’m five cycles younger than Glyna. Now

that we have made up and are allies, do you think you could introduce me to Rowan?”

Lor D’ana laughed, “Great minds think alike, my lady. I was thinking the same thing.”

Dee Dawning

Forbidden Passion



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