Oh Yum! 22 Blayne Edwards Fiddler on the Woof ( MWYM )

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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication


Fiddler on the Woof

ISBN 9781419916816
Fiddler on the Woof Copyright © 2008 Blayne Edwards

Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower.
Cover art by Syneca.

Electronic book Publication June 2008

With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in
part by any means existing without written permission from the publisher, Ellora’s Cave Publishing,
Inc.® 1056 Home Avenue, Akron OH 44310-3502.

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copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is
punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000. (http://www.fbi.gov/ipr/)

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

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Blayne Edwards

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Blayne Edwards


Chapter One

“Excuse me, ma’am?”



For the love of God, what?!

Aubrey closed her eyes, bit her lip, and seriously considered just ignoring the day’s

umpteenth request for information, directions or advice. The first week of fall semester

was always hell. New faces, new classes, new names and schedules to remember.

Hundreds of lost little freshmen puppies wandering around campus, missing Mom.

“I’m a bit turned around,” he pressed.

Hordes of firm, barely legal, full-grown boys. None of whom saw forty-year-old art

history professors, no matter how well maintained or pleasing to the eye, as sexual

beings or girlfriend material.

“I’m trying to find Ayres Hall.”

The older Aubrey got, the more she hated September. Mainly because she was

bombarded from all around with reminders of the young, enthusiastic ass she wasn’t


If twenty-year-old men only knew…

“If you don’t mind, I could really use your help.”

Yeah, you and several thousand other freshmen co-eds, Aubrey thought as she adjusted

her bag’s strap on her shoulder and turned to face what she suspected would become

yet another adopted child. Another delectable man-boy who would come to her office

and cry on her shoulder when Daddy cut off the allowance or the latest love of his life

broke his heart

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The pup—twenty-two? Twenty-three, tops? A graduate student, no doubt—was pointing

at the map provided to every new student on the Knoxville campus.

He laughed at himself just a little. “I’ve been to this building before. Just last week.

And yet today I am completely…”

Lost. Yeah, she knew exactly what he was.

But that word never came out.


She watched him blink while he stuttered. Half-inch long black eyelashes fluttered

down and then returned to their task of framing two of the most intensely intelligent

blue eyes Aubrey had ever seen.


A primitive intelligence. Educated in fields and subjects Aubrey only wished she

could teach.


One hand released the map and shot out.

“Professor Bolinger,” he amended.

Aubrey stared at the fingers he’d extended. He wasn’t lost at all. He was Joseph

Bolinger. Dr. Joseph J. Bolinger, in fact. Child prodigy, musical virtuoso, master of the


Twenty-four. Last month. Adjunct professor for one semester.

And odd in ways no one on campus had yet managed to vocalize.

“Did you lose a bet?” Aubrey chuckled, still staring at his hand. The fingers were

long and slender. Strong. Quick.

She knew this because she’d heard him play many, many times.

“The entire faculty is wondering who you pissed off.”

“What do you mean?” Black brows knitted together as Aubrey finally slipped her

hand into his. “What makes you think I pissed someone off?”

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Aubrey shrugged. Her free hand motioned around the beautiful, but state-funded

campus. “You’re teaching here for a semester. Why are you teaching instead of

performing? And if you just love to teach, why teach here? Why not some Ivy League


He was warm. My God, he was warm. Probably all over. Several seconds passed

before Aubrey convinced her hand to release his.

The way he cocked an eyebrow at her question was confident far beyond his years.

Aubrey shifted her stance when a surge of moisture wet her panties.

“I’m teaching here for personal reasons,” he smiled. “Reasons I don’t care to


Aubrey’s jaw clenched. For someone so young to have the fortitude to deny

information this way was sexy as hell. But such a denial was also harsh. A kick in the

teeth to the one requesting it.

Especially if the one requesting it was extremely attracted to him, but old enough to

be his mother.

“Not right now at least.” The rest of his answer was anything but harsh. It was

playful, almost. And definitely sexy.

Aubrey could have sworn the man growled behind his smile.

“Perhaps I could repay you for showing me to my office and satisfy your curiosity

at the same time?” he asked. “Would dinner and the scoop on the resident wunderkind

be a fair exchange for directions, Professor…?”

This was not right. It wasn’t happening. Not to Aubrey. She’d waited too long,

wanted too badly to find a puppy like this.

“Aubrey,” she stated, hopefully. “Just call me Aubrey.”

“Aubrey,” he repeated. “Such a beautiful name. But completely suitable,” he added.

She blushed. Old enough to be his mom and Aubrey was blushing over his


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So very long, she had waited.

“Thank you, Professor…”

“Joseph,” he interrupted before she could finish.

He then stopped speaking. Completely. If Aubrey had been a decade or so younger

she would have sworn the young man in front of her was admiring her. Studying her

face, her eyes, her body.

“I’d like for you to call me Joseph,” he finally admitted.

Aubrey could feel the peaks of her nipples poking against her shirt. Protruding.

Obvious. Advertising her arousal where he could see it.

She wondered if this was why he licked his lips.

“Ayres Hall?” he asked once again.

Aubrey pointed. Thankfully the confidence and control she had gathered over the

years kicked in and guided her hand gracefully in the motion as she indicated the

direction he needed to travel.

“Two buildings over.”

“Thank you. And dinner?”

“Tonight.” Aubrey nodded. “Calhoun’s. Seven-thirty. I’ll meet you there.”

His grin was crooked and adorable. His blue eyes sparkling. Young and

mischievous. Full of life and energy.

They mirrored the way Aubrey still felt inside.

* * * * *


Joseph pressed his palms against the desk and laid his head back in the chair.


This time he said the only word he could think of to describe her out loud. Wow.

Professor Aubrey…something—Joseph reached for the faculty directory—was indeed

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something. Shoulder-length light brown hair, big green eyes, and an air of wisdom and

confidence that sent Joseph’s human mind spinning with fantasies of naughty little boys

having their short pants pulled down so the warm, soft hands of nursemaids and au

pairs could spank their bare bottoms.

Joseph loved that she was older than him. Aubrey was quite a few years older than

him, he believed. And true, most men Joseph’s age would never even look at a woman

fifteen years older than them. Especially not in a sexual way.

But most men Joseph’s age weren’t like him. They weren’t brilliant straight from the

womb like Joseph was when he was born. Most twenty-four-year-old men had yet to

deal with an adult intellectual capacity, much less the stress of being insanely gifted as


Sure, women Joseph’s current age were interesting to him.

When he was nine.

Still, Aubrey’s maturity wasn’t the worst of it.

She wanted him. She wanted him physically, at least. Her body hadn’t responded

as if Joseph was some snot-nosed kid. It had realized its attraction to him almost

immediately upon their meeting. Joseph knew of her desire probably before she did

because the canine part of him had smelled her arousal within seconds of her turning


Had he known her better, had they been close friends and if she had been privy to

Joseph’s secrets, he might have leaned over and whispered to Dr. Aubrey—his finger

traced the page until his eyes found her—Upton, “Ma’am? You are quite excited and

your pussy is about to become very wet.”

And if they were extremely close friends, Joseph would have then spun her around,

lifted her skirt, and mounted her from behind.

Joseph moaned and slammed the directory shut.

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He really didn’t have time to masturbate prior to his first pupil arriving, but

apparently he was going to have to make time. The bone inside his wolf/human hybrid

penis meant he was always erect. Always ready for a receptive female.

Aubrey had made his dick downright hard. Harder than Joseph could ever

remember it being before right now. Her eyes, her hair, the dark valley of her cleavage

and the way her breasts were pushed up, her stiff little nipples right there, as if offering

themselves to his mouth.

And the way she smelled. My God, did the woman know how good she smelled?!

Like sex. And desire. No human man would be able to detect it until her panties were

off and his face was between her legs. But Joseph could smell it through her panties,

underneath her skirt, and from several hundred yards away.

He could still smell her. He knew exactly where her office was and could walk

directly to the class she was teaching at this very minute if he wanted to because he

could still detect the aroma of her delicious-smelling cunt.

It was driving him mad.

“Professor Bolinger?”

Joseph stared at the speakerphone as he rubbed his aching crotch.


“Your ten o’clock is here.”

There was no time to jack off. And with the scent of her pussy still wafting from just

a few buildings over, he was just going to have to stay swollen for a while.


Hard. Aroused. Unable to concentrate on anything but Aubrey.

Joseph picked up his violin and tucked it under his chin to tune it.

“Send her in.”

No time to jack off. Dammit!


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Underneath the desk his dick throbbed.

He managed to smile at the student as she walked through the door. Another

cookie-cutter twenty-year-old blonde. Slim, big boobs, perfect face. Just like all the rest.

Two decades away from being half as sexy as Aubrey.

“Professor Bolinger, I can’t tell you what it means to be one of your students.”

Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard it all before.

“Please sit down.”

And be quiet.

The girl wasn’t aroused. But she was definitely gushing.

“It just amazes me that someone so close to my age has accomplished what you

have. You’re so talented. Such a genius. And your music is so inspiring.”

Think if I bent over it would be easier for you to kiss my ass?

“I’m eager to learn everything I can from you. I’d love to play violin like you


Violin? I play violin?

I’d much rather be playing Aubrey…

“So?” The young woman literally shivered in anticipation and excitement. “Are you

ready to get started?”

Started. Yes. Let’s get started teaching upper middle class co-eds who don’t possess a hybrid

ear for subtleties in tone, to play the violin.


Joseph silently scolded himself for being so grouchy. He wasn’t usually short

tempered, and rarely rude, especially with people who were willing to learn. He was

usually a very patient man. Very cordial and upbeat. And he loved teaching, almost as

much as he loved music.

Exactly the reason why his cousin had asked him to spend a few months in the

Smokies so he might teach the twins to sing.

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Unfortunately for his first adult violin student, Joseph didn’t usually try to teach

anything while his dick was this damned hard. Or with the smell of her taunting him.

Of course, it could be worse.

Joseph was just thankful he didn’t teach cello. Given his current physical state, he

was quite sure his arms weren’t that long.

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Chapter Two

“There’s medium rare, there’s rare….”

“I call this ‘protesting’.” He winked.

Aubrey snickered at his remark and watched him slice off another piece of steak.

He raised his fork to her mouth.

“Try it.”

The chicken on her own plate was done. Fully cooked and most likely dead for

several weeks.

Slap a bandage on it and Aubrey was quite sure the cow on Joseph’s plate still had a


“It’s still bleeding.” She laughed this time because she was nervous. And strangely

excited at the same time.

Try it.”

The thought of eating something so undercooked was disturbing. It was wrong.

It was erotic in a way Aubrey couldn’t describe.

Her tongue reached out to the meat before it passed her lips. Salty and sweet. The

spicy manmade flavor from the kitchen overshadowed by the tart decadent taste of


“That’s a good girl.”

Aubrey’s teeth tugged the bite from his fork.

A good girl? Had he really just called her a good girl?

Joseph’s finger caught a line of juice before it dripped off her chin.

“You missed the best part.”

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His finger. His cock. A piece of “protesting” cow.

What exactly was inside her mouth? Aubrey licked the juice from his finger and

then allowed a most unladylike sucking noise to escape when the digit slid back out.

“Good, isn’t it?”

It was. It was very good, in fact. Good enough to make Aubrey forget herself and

her manners for a moment.

“Gimme a little more.”

His crooked grin. The sparkle in those beautiful blue eyes. Aubrey wasn’t the kind

of woman who was easily smitten. Especially not so quickly and never by someone so

young. But that’s exactly what she was. Smitten with a man who had uncovered

something in her she’d never really known.

But what part of her had this pup found?

“It’s your wild side.” Joseph offered her another piece of meat. “The part of you

that’s still untamed.”

Aubrey hesitated before taking this bite into her mouth. Considering her own

thoughts, his comment was unnerving to say the least.

“My wild side?”

His free hand cupped her chin until her lips parted.


Joseph used his fingers this time to gently place the steak on her tongue and then

waited until she had licked them clean before taking them out of her mouth.

Even then he let his finger linger on her lips. Tracing their outline.

“The part of you that’s still more wild animal than civilized human being

recognizes this taste as something it likes.”

Aubrey chewed slowly, and listened.

“There haven’t always been grocery stores and butchers. Of course you know that.”

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Too intrigued by what he might say to be offended by his talking to her as if she

were a child, Aubrey nodded in agreement.

“And of course you know that before man could go out and buy food, he had to

hunt for it. And don’t forget that before fire, man was forced to eat all of his meat raw.”

Aubrey swallowed and let her tongue search her lips for any lingering juice.

“There’s a part of your brain that still remembers the taste of fresh kill. A part of

your DNA that recognizes the flavor of a successful hunt.”

Whether there was juice about to run down her chin or not, she wasn’t sure. All

Aubrey knew was that when Joseph dragged his finger across her bottom lip this time,

she was more than willing to take it into her mouth.

“You understand you’re still an animal. Don’t you, Aubrey?”

Even through the fabric of her skirt and his slacks, when he let his leg rest against

hers, Aubrey could feel the heat.

All she could do was nod.

“To primitive man, a successful hunt meant survival,” he continued. “It meant there

was something in the cave for him to eat.”

The tips of his fingers trailed lightly down her thigh.

“It also meant any human beings living in that cave would be healthier and, if they

bred, their babies would have a better chance of living. “

Aubrey spread her legs a little to allow his hand to dip between them.

“Just one reason why the taste of blood is so intriguing.” Joseph took a quick glance

around the room and lowered his voice.

“It brings to mind images of sex.”

Aubrey was so glad she had chosen the darkest corner of the restaurant for their

table. A darkened corner on a slow-business Monday night made it even better.

“Fresh kill meant it was a good time for men and women to breed.” He growled

and nipped at her earlobe. His hand now insisting she spread her legs for him.

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“That’s one reason why you’re so aroused right now.”

Aroused? Aubrey was aroused?

When this fascinating young man reached down to gather up her skirt, Aubrey

wasn’t just aroused. She was beyond logical thought. Yes, it was a public place and yes,

his actions would have been completely indecent and improper for a first date even if

she wasn’t a decade and a half his senior.

But none of those issues seemed like good enough reasons to stop him. As a matter

of fact, forget protesting at all. Hell, when the blue-eyed slut puppy beside her indicated

that he was going to finger her right there under the table, Aubrey couldn’t even hit

medium rare.

She was gone. Charcoal. Extra well done. It had been years since she’d been with a

man this alive and kinky. This daring and hungry for sex and fun and naughtiness. It

was a “not many more times in this lifetime” opportunity and Aubrey wasn’t about to

miss out on it.

His fingers tugged her cotton underpants to the side.

“Are you wet, Professor Upton?”

Yes, she was wet. Her pussy, her panties, probably the chair underneath her horny

ass. It was all wet. She’d never wanted to be arrested for indecent exposure—not to

mention robbing the cradle—so much in her life.

“Did that little taste of blood in your mouth make you want to breed?”

It was bad enough that he was gazing at her with such devious innocence when he

asked. Still grinning, still growling somewhere deep in his chest, blue eyes still


Sitting there beside him was already unbearable. Almost more than she could

stand. But when two of those marvelously talented fingers waited until the maître d’

approached the table—and then slipped beneath the crotch of her panties—Aubrey

almost came unglued.

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“Is everything okay, folks?”

Was everything okay? Yes. Oh God, yes! Aubrey thought to herself when his fingers

grazed her clit and then slid inside her. Everything is wonderful!

“Your entrees were prepared properly?” the server pressed.

Aubrey waited for Joseph to answer, but he didn’t. The naughty beast was simply

staring at her. Smiling.

Stroking two of his fingers in and out of her pussy while the waiter stood there

doing what waiters do best.


“Yes,” Aubrey finally managed. “Oh, yes,” she gasped when Joseph hit a very nice

spot inside her and her thighs involuntarily spasmed. “Everything’s fine.”

“Your steak wasn’t overcooked, sir?”

Joseph glanced at his plate and then back at Aubrey.

Still grinning. Still silent.

Still working his fingers in and out of her while the pad of his thumb circled her clit.

“His meat is delicious,” Aubrey stated. And then snorted in a most undignified way

when she saw how amused Joseph was by her statement.

“We’re fine,” Joseph joined her laughter and finally spoke up. “And we’ll take the

check as soon as it’s ready.”

She was going to come. Oh Jesus, she’d been horny ever since she’d met him that

morning and it was only going to take a moment or two of him touching her like this, a

minute or two of his fingers inside her, before she exploded. And it didn’t matter that

the waiter was standing there, right beside the table. Joseph was young and adorable

and extremely good with his hands, and so Aubrey’s pussy was tightening and flexing

and dangerously close to letting go.

“Would either of you like to see our dessert menu first, sir?”

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Joseph pressed a bit harder against her clit and he chuckled, no doubt at the

exasperation on Aubrey’s face.

“I don’t know,” Joseph hummed and ran his other thumb across her bottom lip.

“Would you like to see the dessert menu, dear?”

Aubrey was about to scream. No, goddammit! She didn’t want to see any fucking

dessert menu! There wasn’t a crème brulee in the world that could interest her right

now! What she wanted was for the waiter from hell to go away so she could grind her

cunt a little harder against the prodigy’s paw!

“I’m fine,” she soothed. “Thank you, though.”

Finally the infernal man took his leave.

“Come for me,” Joseph whispered into her ear when the waiter was gone. “I know

you want to come. I can smell it.”

He was an odd one, indeed. The rest of the university staff had no idea how odd he

was. He was downright bizarre.

But he was also sexy as hell. Young or not, Joseph was quite possibly the sexiest

man Aubrey had ever met. Smart, funny, great with his hands.

And a biter. Aubrey flinched as his teeth threatened to puncture the skin of her


“Come,” a bit more forcefully this time.

The twinge of pain he’d inflicted, combined with the increased pressure he put on

her clit was more than enough to do it. Those two factors could have pushed Aubrey

over the edge.

But what made her orgasm so powerful had nothing to do with either of those


It was the way he growled when he drove another finger into her pussy and

gripped her cunt. There was something so bestial both in the sound and the action.

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Something demanding. Something that made her feel wild and untamed, just as he had


It was enough to make even a woman nearing the end of her child-bearing years

want to breed with him.

Aubrey cried out quietly, her nails digging into his forearms, grasping for his face,

his neck, as many parts of Joseph as she could reach while her body released the tension

he’d built in it. Spasms rolling inside her, every nerve from her spine out awake and

alive, freezing fire shooting from the tips of her fingers and toes.

For the very first time in her life, Aubrey was indeed smitten. And while this news

was shocking enough, it didn’t hold a candle to her other realization.

In the span of just a few minutes and using only his hands, this “boy” had just

convinced Aubrey that he could most likely satisfy her like no man ever had.

* * * * *

“I suppose to just come right out and ask for a blowjob would be a bit much,

wouldn’t it?”

Aubrey almost doubled over laughing at his question.

“A blowjob’s more a second date request, isn’t it?”

Aubrey continued to laugh. Not that she’d really had the chance to stop laughing

since they’d left the restaurant. As they’d strolled arm-in-arm toward her apartment,

using his hands had fallen to number two on Joseph’s list of attractive traits and talents.

His wit was number one.

“Is asking for blowjobs the way you usually get them?” Aubrey was still laughing

when she asked. “I’d think with your above-average intelligence you’d have perfected a

more foolproof method of seduction than that.”

In a move that smacked of the protective nature of a man twice his age, Joseph

tugged her a bit tighter to his side.

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“I’m only brilliant in the intellectual sense,” he informed her. “Trust me, Professor,

the hormones in my body don’t give two shits about how smart I am.”

Aubrey was chuckling again when he stopped and faced her, pulling her against his


“All the blood drains out of my head and into my dick and I’m just another stupid

twenty-four-year-old guy with a hard-on.”

Again, Aubrey laughed. Then again, she couldn’t help it.

She’d never been this happy in her life.

“You’re gorgeous,” he said. Honestly. “You know that?”

Aubrey could only smile at his compliment. He was too damned good to be true.

Too perfect. Too exactly what she had always wanted to find in a man.

Still glowing, she pointed behind her.

“This is me.” She indicated the apartment building and then pulled out of his grasp

and stepped onto the sidewalk. “Third floor.”

“So I guess this is goodnight.” Joseph reached for her hand again. She let him pull

her back to him. “Can I at least get a goodnight kiss?”

“A kiss?” Aubrey touched the tip of his nose with her own and let her lips brush

against his mouth before turning once again to go.

This time, she tugged Joseph with her.

“I thought you just asked for a blowjob…”

This was not right. It wasn’t happening. Not to Joseph. He’d waited too long,

wanted too much to find a woman like this.

“You know it’s not socially acceptable for us to act like this on a first date,” Joseph

teased. “Don’t you, Professor?”

She was simply standing there. Looking at him. Her feet shoulder-width apart,

arms crossed, a glass of wine dangling from the fingertips of one hand.

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Joseph had been in total control while they were in the restaurant. He’d played her

just like he could play a violin. Truth be told, he’d never felt as confident or sure of his

sexual abilities as he had while he’d been pleasing Aubrey with his hands.

She just fit. For some reason, the woman had just felt right to him.

But now, in the privacy of her apartment, Joseph wasn’t as steady-handed as he had

been in the restaurant. He wasn’t so sure of himself now. Of course now they were in

her territory.

Where she was the boss.

“You started this,” she grinned. “I wasn’t even going to turn around this morning.

But you persisted.”

“Yeah, but I’m a hormone-ravaged kid,” he cocked his eyebrow at her and

countered. “Everyone expects me to try to get laid.”

The dimple in her left cheek grew deeper when she smiled.

“You’re old enough to know better.”

He loved hearing her laugh like this. It was throaty and deep. Nothing girlie or

insecure about the sound. It was a laugh that took a woman years to perfect. Years

during which she probably learned to ignore the urge to make her voice high pitched

and helpless just to try to attract a man.

Aubrey Upton didn’t need him. She wasn’t looking for a meal ticket or a man who

was willing to support her financially and emotionally while she pursued her dreams.

Aubrey had already pursued her dreams. She was the woman she was supposed to


Joseph was something this fully formed woman wanted.

“You’re scared.” Aubrey took a sip of wine and sat the glass down. “Aren’t you,


He took a breath. Forced a smile.

“What makes you think I’m scared?”

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He was a full head taller than she was so Aubrey had to reach up to wrap her arms

around his neck. Joseph wasn’t sure if he noticed her lips on his neck first or the hard,

pebbled tips of her breasts against his chest. Either way, they were both exquisite

sensations for him, despite his nerves.

Aubrey grinned.

“I can smell it.”

Joseph didn’t doubt her claim for one minute. If there was one thing he had learned

about full-blood females it was that their intuition was oftentimes uncanny in its

similarity to a hybrid’s canine abilities.

“Don’t be nervous.”

Her fingers worked soothingly at the back of his neck, his upper arms, the sides of

his face.

“I won’t bite.”

Joseph laughed and let his own hands roam her body. They found the curves of her

sides. The swell of her breasts. And when they discovered the small of her back he

couldn’t help but pull her closer to him.

“Not even if I beg?” he asked.

The playful nibbles down his neck made him want to bury his cock inside this

woman. Her mouth, her cunt, her ass, it really didn’t matter as long as they were as

close as physically possible. Joseph wanted some part of himself inside some part of


But being inside Aubrey was a pleasure Joseph knew he couldn’t have.

Aubrey knew nothing about him. Not really. Not the things that really mattered.

She didn’t know what he really was. Knew nothing about his hybrid blood. Nor did she

have any way of understanding what would happen to him physically if she really was

to give him a blowjob.

God forbid he make love to her.

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Still, her lips were so soft when she pressed them against his. Her mouth so warm

and sweet and inviting. Joseph’s erection strained against his slacks as he allowed his

tongue to explore and delve into her mouth.

“I want to taste you,” he murmured between kisses.

She nipped a little harder at his neck.

“You are tasting me.” Her hand slid down and gingerly gripped his dick. “And in a

minute, I plan on tasting you.”

There was no way he could let her see or stroke his bare cock. And no way she

could suck it, regardless of how eager she seemed and no matter how badly Joseph

wanted to let her do exactly that.

“I think it likes my idea.” She stroked the length of his erection through his pants.

“Almost as much as I like the idea of trying to tame something this size.”

She squeezed, just hard enough to make Joseph grunt, just shy of pain.

“Obviously you weren’t blessed with just brains and musical talent.”

Her pussy was drenched. Well-lubricated and eager to receive his cock. Even

without touching or smelling her, Joseph knew this.

Any man would recognize the posture of Aubrey’s body, the arch of her back as she

leaned into him, the black of her pupils and the flush of sexual excitement on her face

and neck as signs that she was ready for his penis. That she wanted it inside her.

But Aubrey wasn’t ready to deal with that part of him. Not yet. It was difficult

enough for a woman who’d been with a hybrid for months, or even years sometimes, to

deal with the way their bodies worked sexually.

Joseph had known Aubrey less than twelve hours. There was simply no way she

was going to understand when his prick swelled and locked them together after he

came or that if he came in her mouth he ran the risk of choking her to death.

Maybe someday, hopefully someday, she would know all his secrets.

And even more hopefully, she’d want him even after she knew them.

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Until he knew whether or not Aubrey was open minded enough to appreciate what

he was, there were definitely other things Joseph knew Aubrey could accept.

“I want to taste your cunt. I want to lick your pussy.”

A mixture of fascination and awe washed over her face.

“You certainly have a way with words, don’t you?”

Joseph cocked an eyebrow. And reached down to pinch at a nipple.

“Does my nasty mouth offend you?” he asked. “I assure you, in all other respects,

it’s perfectly clean.”

It took a moment. But her head finally began to shake back and forth.

“No,” she admitted. “You’re blunt. Direct…”


Aubrey laughed, most likely at the somewhat silly word and at the childlike way he

had said it.

“Is your bedroom this way?” He motioned and reached for Aubrey’s hand.

Again, her reaction was hesitant to form. Aubrey was testing him. Finding his scent

to see if she could trust him. Evidently she liked what she smelled because she took his

hand, allowed him to lead her around her own territory.

“You know, of course, the brain is the largest sex organ in the human body.”

He was grinning at her while she spoke. Grinning, and peeling her panties down

her legs as she lay back on her bed.

“Of course it is, Dr. Upton.”

This made her laugh. The way he was going along with her making fun of his

tutorial method of seduction. Still, it was the anticipation, the almost unbearable desire

to have his lips on her pussy and his tongue deep inside her that caused Aubrey to pull

her knees together when her panties were gone.

“That’s why smart chicks are so much fun to fuck.”

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He feigned shock as he lay belly down on the bed and ran his hands underneath her

ass. One grip and pull toward him was all it took to make her legs fall to a part.

Now who’s being the potty mouth, Professor?”

She was. But only because she was stalling. Buying time so she could prepare for

what she suspected was going to be the best oral sex of her life.

Even though she hadn’t yet given him a thing…

A single finger dragged through the curls covering her sex, grazed the crease

below, delved into her slit.

“You’re also the one who’s scared.”

Also true. But damned if Aubrey was going to admit that.


“So you think I’m scared?”


He was looking at her cunt. Studying it.

“What makes you think I’m scared?”

His index finger. The one that had already been inside her. It was now tracing the

outline of her pussy lips. But it wasn’t until Aubrey felt the warmth and moisture of his

breath between her legs that her entire body stiffened.

All ten fingers at one time. Working together to pull her apart. Working to expose


And then one long, slow lap all the way from the bud of her ass to the bristling

curls of hair.

Aubrey blushed at the way the pearl between her legs swelled and extended itself

in response to his tongue’s invitation. Just as quickly as her sex responded, Joseph’s

tongue and lips took the nub of flesh between them.

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Her fingers clenched and grasped at the comforter beneath her, trying in vain to

dispel the intensity of what he was doing while Joseph mercilessly sucked and lapped

at her clit.

I know you’re scared because I can smell it.

It wasn’t a joke anymore. This man could smell her fear. And he’d just

communicated as much to her.

But how?

It was a question that could wait. A question that would have to wait. For the

moment Aubrey wasn’t able to concentrate on anything other than what was

happening between her legs.

Joseph was kissing. Nibbling. Sucking at her clit, the lips of her pussy and tonguing

up and down the insides of her thighs. The young man who’d been so skittish in the

living room had suddenly recovered the nerve he’d had earlier that night and was

boldly taking control not only of Aubrey’s body, but of her good, common sense as


He’s almost half my age…he’s a fellow faculty member…

But he’s so good at what he’s doing!

The pressure and warmth of Joseph’s tongue. The languid way he lapped from the

bottom of her slit to the top. Taking his time, each time, and each time causing Aubrey’s

back to arch as she begged for his tongue to hurry and reach its goal.

“You’re killing me…”

When he chuckled at the desperation in her voice, Aubrey’s cunt flexed at the

vibration and his breath.

“I can stop.” His tongue delved into her pussy and then flicked teasingly at her clit.

“Would you like for me to stop, Professor?”

“No.” Aubrey’s hands found the back of his head and in an action she hoped didn’t

tell him exactly how badly she wanted to fuck him—after all they’d only known each

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other, what? twelve hours?—she wrapped her fingers in Joseph’s hair and tugged his

mouth back to where she wanted it.

Several more long, slow passes of his tongue as Joseph tasted every inch of intimate

flesh he could find. Between his licks Aubrey could hear and feel him breathing in her

smell. Savoring the flavor and aroma of her aroused cunt.

Aubrey wondered if the sight and smell and taste of her pussy was making Joseph’s

dick even harder than it had been. If his enthusiasm was any indication, he was much

more aroused now than he had been. Still, the position of their bodies wasn’t allowing

her to see or feel anything other than what he was doing to her.

“Let me taste you at the same time.” Aubrey dragged her fingers through his hair as

she prompted. “Come up here so I can suck your cock.”

“No.” No discussion. No argument. Not even a witty remark.


He was evidently amused by her mock pleading because he laughed quietly as two

of his fingers snaked their way inside her.

“You’re going to come again.” He sucked her clit between his lips while his fingers

stroked in and out of her cunt. “And this time I’m going to watch your pussy while it


He held the tiny bit of swollen flesh in his lips while his tongue continued to tease

and stimulate it. Sucking, just hard enough to drive Aubrey insane with pleasure as his

fingers thrust in and out of her, filling the aching need for cock that his foreplay had

produced in her.

Aubrey had never been with a man so in tune with her body. And no lover she’d

had, not even those who were as old as her or older had ever been as passionate about

pleasing a woman as Joseph seemed to be. He wasn’t worried about his fulfillment. Just

her own.

It made Aubrey wonder why he didn’t want her touching him.

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Her curiosity was soon overshadowed, however, by a delicious tingle. One that

started somewhere along Aubrey’s spine and quickly spread throughout her entire


“I’m about to come,” she panted. Gripping the comforter beneath her even harder

as that tingle became the beginnings of her climax. “Oh God, Joseph, I’m about to…”

His tongue was flat and wide when he pressed it against her clit this time. Flat,

wide and dragged even more slowly up the center of her body.

The juice of her pussy was something sinfully tasty to this man. She could tell by

the way he was working so hard to take every drop into his mouth, that Joseph loved

having her sex tempt his palate.

Knowing Joseph was enjoying this, knowing he seemed to crave the thick, salted

honey now dripping from her throbbing pussy, pushed Aubrey over the edge. He

wouldn’t let her suck his cock, even though she wanted to now more than ever.

So Aubrey would give him the one thing he did seem to want.

She’d never let go the way she let go for Joseph. So he could watch. Since he

apparently wanted to see this, no doubt so he could study it, Aubrey relaxed and let her

orgasm ripple from the very deepest part of her. No rushing it, no impatience to feel the

bottom fall out. Nothing but a slowly building crest of tension and excitement Aubrey

was sure would wring out her entire body before it was done.

Her nails found his shoulder and dug in when that tension could go no higher.

Down she came. With slow, pounding waves of release, Aubrey’s body thrummed

and pulsed and spasmed while Joseph’s fingers continued to slide in and out of her

gripping, hungry cunt.

The intensity of coming like this, with her legs spread wide and right in front of

him, was such that Aubrey couldn’t help but cry out. She’d never been a screamer. Not

before now. But with Joseph’s fingers still inside her, and with him watching her come,

every contraction of her body forced a yelp of pleasure from Aubrey’s mouth.

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It was indecent, the noises she heard herself making.

Like the sounds a wild animal would make during mating.

Finally, Aubrey reached the bottom. The violent intensity of her climax slowly

subsided, leaving her gasping for breath through her sobs.

Aubrey’s eyes were closed when he climbed up, between her legs, and lay on top of

her now-exhausted body. He was hard. Extremely hard. His cock like a steel rod

pressing against her belly.

She’d been right. No man had ever satisfied her like Joseph just had.

Now, if Professor Upton could just figure out why the wonderful puppy on top of

her was so reluctant to let her return the favor…

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Chapter Three

“Being a gentleman sucks.”

Joseph grunted, leaned back in the rocker, and propped his boots up on the porch


“I’d just given the woman what had to be the most mind-blowing orgasm of her

life…” He paused and pointed at the man beside him. “And I’m sure she’s had a few

really good orgasms in her time… So she’s primed, wet and ready. I’m harder than

Chinese math and more than willing to mount her because she’s just…”

At the mere thought of fucking Aubrey, Joseph could only shake his head and try to


“And yet, what did I do?”

“You went home and beat off.”

“Exactly!” He pointed at the man again. “I went home and friggin’ beat off! I didn’t

even let her suck my cock! And she was begging to suck me off!”

A devious smile overtook Joseph’s face.

“Older chicks don’t have the same hang-ups about sex that younger ones have, do


“No.” Joseph’s companion reached for the woman who had just stepped out onto

the porch beside them. “They do not.”

“So, how did you tell her?” Joseph motioned to the redhead who was now keeping

a watchful eye on the two wolf cubs in the yard. “And how did she react?”

“I thought he was a freak of nature.” The woman smiled and tugged at her

husband’s jet black hair. “But he has a great cock and makes a mean macaroni salad, so

I let the freak part slide.”

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Joseph chuckled at the playful way his cousin Damon Caine and his wife Chloe

treated one another.

“So you weren’t afraid of him?” Joseph asked. “Afraid he might hurt you or


“Well, yeah, but…”

“But she’s an even bigger freak than I am.” Caine winked at his cousin and then

smacked his spouse lightly on the ass. “So it all worked out.”

Joseph’s eyes wandered out to the yard. And to the two adorable, tumbling,

giggling balls of fur who were playing what he suspected was a game of tag.

“They’re gorgeous,” Joseph said.

“They’re rotten,” the twins’ mother quickly corrected him as she headed back into

the house. The screen door banged shut behind her. She raised her voice so Joseph

could still hear her.

“And it’s their daddy’s fault!”

Joseph sat up and put his elbows on the porch railing so he could watch the

toddlers chase one another. The two new hybrid cubs were a true blessing for the Caine

family. And with one of them a girl, a one in a thousand occurrence among

wolf/human hybrids, the pack’s blessing was even greater.

“You think I could be an alpha?” He glanced at his cousin when he asked. “Do you

think someday I could head my own pack?”

“I think you are an alpha.” Caine nodded. “I just think you’re too young to know

that right now.”

Too young to know that right now. Caine was right, twenty-four was young. To be

honest, it was very young. And even though Joseph knew he was more intellectually

advanced than most men his age, or perhaps because he was more advanced than most

men his age, he also knew his youth might be the cause of his feelings toward Aubrey.

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“It’s a crush,” Joseph stated. And nodded to himself. “She’s an older woman who’s

got her shit together and yet evidently thinks I’m all that. It’s stroking my ego.”

He nodded to himself again.

“I’m getting all worked up over a crush, aren’t I?”

Caine shrugged. And smiled. But didn’t say anything.

“You’re not helping,” Joseph said.

“I’m doing all I can.”

Joseph laughed. “And what’s that?!” He then quickly put his hand up, palm out.

“Never mind. This is one of those tests, isn’t it?”

“One of what tests?”

“You know,” Joseph stressed. “One of those ’If he’s really an alpha he’ll find the

right answer and if he’s not he’ll fuck up the rest of his life’ tests.”

Caine was still smiling when his attention went back out to the yard.

“It’s enough to drive a man crazy, isn’t it?”

Joseph turned to ask Caine what the hell he was talking about, but paused when he

saw the peaceful expression on his cousin’s face.

“What’s enough to drive us crazy?”

There was a yelp. A loud one. Followed immediately by the sound of a two-year-

old crying.

Caine shook his head as he stood to retrieve and no doubt comfort the sobbing



* * * * *


The beef tip on Aubrey’s fork hovered just inches from her lips as she stared across

the table at her best friend.

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“I am not in love with the guy!”

Suzanne shrugged. “I’m just saying…”

“And I am just saying!”

The sound of Aubrey’s fork against china punctuated the air. It irritated her to be

classified as “in love” with anyone. Such terms were for nineteen-year-olds who didn’t

know any better and commercials paid for by the diamond market.

Aubrey had given up believing in such romantic nonsense a long time ago. The

thought of finding one person she could not live without was absurd.

At least, it used to be.

“I am not in love with him.”

“Whatever you say.”

“I’m not.”


The same piece of sirloin was speared and lifted again.

“I think I’m…” Aubrey’s eyes searched the air around her. “Infatuated.” The tip

made it to her mouth.


“That’s all it is.”

“Of course.”

Aubrey slumped in her chair. “Will you please stop agreeing with everything I


Suzanne laughed and took a bite of pasta. “You look good, by the way. Lost some


Aubrey nodded. “About six pounds. Not even trying. Just sorta fell…”

Suzanne was smiling right at her now. “Just sorta fell off. Without you even trying.”

She took another bite. “How weird is that?”

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Aubrey slowly tapped the tines of her fork against her plate.

“He’s twenty-four.”

“I know how old he is.”

“That’s sixteen years younger than me. I could be his mother.”

Suzanne aimed her own fork at Aubrey’s eyes.

“But you’re not his mother, are you?” She cocked an eyebrow. “Why not have some


Suzanne was right. Regardless of Aubrey’s feelings, there was absolutely no reason

why she couldn’t have a perfectly wonderful time with her new playmate. He was

legal, she was legal. They both seemed to enjoy each other’s company. And there were

definitely sparks between the two of them.

At least, Aubrey believed there were.

“Why do you think he didn’t want sex?” she asked. “Don’t you think that’s a little

odd? Especially for a guy his age?”

Suzanne considered for a moment. “Maybe he’s intimidated. You’re an older, more

experienced woman and he’s basically a kid…”

Aubrey moaned.

“Okay,” Suzanne corrected herself. “He’s not a kid. But he can’t possibly have as

many sexual milestones behind him as you have…”

“You make me sound like a used car…”

Suzanne laughed. “Not used. You’ve just had all your bugs worked out. He’s a

smart guy. He’s bound to have thought about that.”

Aubrey rolled the possibility over in her head. “Performance anxiety, maybe?”

“Could be.”

“And you don’t think it’s because…”

Suzanne waited, but Aubrey didn’t finish.

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“Because why?”

Aubrey picked at her potato. “You don’t think it’s because I’m too old for him to be

sexually attracted to me, do you?”

Suzanne rushed to swallow the pasta in her mouth. “You said yourself that he was

hard as a rock! Obviously something about you turns him on!”

She was right. Again. Aubrey had always had her head on straight and knew that

any man of any age who didn’t find at least something attractive about her had issues

of his own. A grudge against women, immature, secretly gay. It was always something

that had nothing to do with her and so it had never mattered to her before when a man

didn’t find her appealing.

So why was the possibility that Joseph might not want to have sex with her driving

her so crazy?

“He’s cute, isn’t he?”

Suzanne nodded. “He certainly is.”

“And he’s smart.” Aubrey added.

“And talented.” Suzanne shot back.

Neither woman spoke for a moment. Nothing but the voices of other patrons, the

clinking of silverware, and an overwhelming, terrifying silence.

Finally Aubrey closed her eyes.

“Oh, God, Suzie.”


Aubrey was forty years old. She’d been to more countries than most people could

name and held degrees in subjects most people couldn’t even pronounce. Over the

years her sexual escapades had landed her in the beds of every type of man imaginable.

From castle romps with a real live duke who’d “molested” her during a tour of Europe

to rough and grungy sex on a fire escape with a New York artist whose name she’d long

since forgotten, Aubrey was sure she’d seen it all.

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“Oh, no.”

“For God’s sake, Aubrey!” Suzanne’s laugh was nervous this time. “What?!”

Why did what this “boy” thought of her matter so damned much?

Aubrey opened her eyes and stared at her plate.

“I think you may be right.”

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Chapter Four

Comedy Central. The History Channel. Animal Planet. Back to Comedy Central.


The living room went dark with a click of the remote.

Of course there were papers to grade. Opinions on Botticelli and Chagall to be shot

down. Future art critics Aubrey had to dissuade from ever stepping foot inside a gallery

or museum.

Tasks of which she wanted no part. Not right now.

“Jeez, I’m cranky.”

The words sounded even louder in the dark apartment. Louder, and more potent

than such sentiments ever had before.

Aubrey had never been lonely. She’d never even thought about getting bored. It

simply wasn’t in her nature to need anyone or anything to keep her occupied or


So what the hell was wrong with her now?

I’m not just cranky, she thought to herself. I’m horny.

Horny. Yes. Ever since that mangy musical pup stepped into her life all Aubrey had

thought about was sex. Sex in the restaurant, sex in her apartment, sex absolutely

anywhere Joseph wanted to have it as long as he was having it with her.

It was like she was thirty-one again or something.

She needed to masturbate. She needed to just break out the battery-operated

boyfriend and get the job done because if she didn’t, she doubted she would ever get to


And yet tonight, Aubrey doubted BOB would be enough.

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She needed to get off, and yet what she wanted was Joseph. She wanted him inside

her. Wanted to experience the exquisite pressure his cock would no doubt create as it

slid into her cunt. Aubrey longed to feel his breath on her neck and face as he fucked

her and to watch his pupils dilate in excitement. She wondered if he closed his eyes

when he came or if he could keep them open and look at her while he climaxed.

Aubrey wanted to ride him. To get him as hard as steel and then take her time as

she lowered her pussy inch by inch down his shaft. She wanted to let just the head of

his cock slip inside her, learn every detail of it, every vein and curve and ridge, before

she descended and discovered the rest.

Most of all, Aubrey wanted to know what noises Joseph made in bed. The helpless

uttering of a man about to lose control had always turned her on and she wanted to

know what Joseph sounded like when he came. Did he whimper and grunt quietly like

some small animal being tortured, or did he announce the arrival of his pleasure with

some manly bedroom mating call?

She chuckled at the thought of adorable twenty-four-year-old Joseph making manly

sexual noises. Until she realized the word “funny” wasn’t one that described the image

of Joseph grunting as he thrust his cock inside her and came.

If he ever matured enough to perform such an act.

Aubrey sat up on the couch and sighed. Remove the makeup. Smooth on some

lotion. Do the nightly rituals just like she did every night before she went to bed.

Try to ignore the X-rated images she’d just conjured.

As she headed to the bathroom she reminded herself to put some new coppertops

in BOB, but halfway across the living room, Aubrey stopped. The apartment was quiet

and dark, but something had caught her attention. Something very soft. Very faint.

She wasn’t even sure she heard it at first. Because at first, it was subdued enough to

be mistaken for her imagination. Aubrey would admit that she’d listened to recordings

of performances Joseph had given and would even admit that since she’d met him those

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recordings had been moved to the top of her CD stack. So the tunes were fresh in her

memory and she could have easily been humming what she heard.

But this wasn’t a song she’d ever heard him play. And so Aubrey wasn’t humming.

On top of that, her CD player wasn’t on.

So where was the music coming from?

Of course she knew it was him. Who else would be crazy enough to stand outside

in the dark and serenade a woman with his violin? A man Aubrey’s age would never

think about doing something like this. Most forty-year-old men were way past the point

where romance and spontaneity and really bad ideas were considered fun. All men

Aubrey’s age were worried about was their stock portfolios. Their IRA accounts.

Their ex-wives and the cost of their first divorce.

But Joseph wasn’t a man her age. Joseph was still young. Still vibrant and alive and

filled with the possibilities, hopes and dreams most people give up on as they grow


It seemed Suzanne was right yet again. Joseph was a kid.

A fact that only bothered Aubrey under certain circumstances.

The music was growing clearer as he made his way closer to her apartment. It was

eleven o’clock on a Wednesday night and Joseph was wandering around outside her

building, giving Aubrey a very personal performance.

The officers of her condo association were going to lose their minds.

Grounds for eviction or not, Aubrey opened the French doors of her apartment and

stepped out onto her balcony to listen to her gift.

It wasn’t just the sweetness of the notes in this particular performance that

immediately made Aubrey’s skin tingle and her nipples perk up. And it was more than

Joseph’s ability to wrench such passion and desire from the strings of an instrument.

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It was the song itself. The one he had chosen to play for her was much too rich for

his regular listeners. The music was too carnal, too sensual for people whose tastes ran

toward Mozart and Haydn.

Sweet, musical genius Joseph, the one whose gently played concertos and waltzes

could soothe the most hostile audience played like a savage as he plucked and stroked

the violin strings. The instrument was crying in his hands. Begging for mercy. Pleading

with him to either stop what he was doing to it, or put it out of its misery.

The song was both beautiful and cruel. Each note bending from one extreme to the

other and then back again. There was struggle in his composition. And pain. And yet

neither concept was dirty or in any way profane.

Joseph’s song brought to mind the innocent but bloody side of nature. The fresh kill

he had talked about and the urge to mate it caused. It reminded Aubrey of the blood of

lost virginity and of the screams and pain of giving birth.

His song tonight was like the score for the will to survive. Aubrey shivered in the

night air as each tone scraped against her skin. There were talons digging into her arms

and legs. Claws holding her down.

Fangs in the back of her neck.

The images of Joseph she had carried in her mind were shifting as she listened.

Suzanne wasn’t right about him. She wasn’t right at all. Joseph wasn’t a kid, not by a

long shot.

But what he was, Aubrey had yet to comprehend.

The yearnings Joseph was creating in Aubrey’s body, she knew very well. The ache

of longing and the craving for a man’s cock or his fingers inside her, Aubrey

understood and she knew exactly how to satisfy those cravings.

But she couldn’t see the solution to her problem. She could only hear him. Aubrey

suspected he was staying out of sight on purpose, although he could most likely see her

from wherever he was standing.

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He was teasing her. And that was fine.

Two could play that game.

Aubrey glanced around to make sure no one had come out onto the balconies on

either side of her before untying the sash of her robe. She let the garment’s sides fall

from each other and then stood there. Wherever Joseph was down there, he could

probably see her cleavage, the curves her breasts, and the patch of hair between her


Slowly, she ran her fingers down the opening of the robe, pulling it apart just long

enough to expose her nipples, and then let it fall to cover them again.

Her musical paramour missed a note.

Aubrey grinned.

Quick to recover, his song picked up again. Hungrier, more determined to capture

and kill its prey, the tune’s already bestial pitch became even more ruthless.

Only one side of the robe was pulled back this time. Just slightly. Just enough to let

him see her pinch one of her puckered peaks.

This time, when Aubrey closed her eyes and twisted the nipple in her fingers, the

music stumbled. He didn’t miss a single note but the entire song went down to its


The tempo slowed and became irregular, off beat, as Aubrey toyed with the dark

pink flesh. Joseph was too preoccupied with the vision before him to concentrate on

playing the song in its proper time.

Still, Aubrey wasn’t finished disrupting his performance.

The small planter by her foot made for the perfect prop as Aubrey lifted one leg and

pulled the bottom of the robe back. It was probably too dark for him to see exactly what

she was doing, but her position and the movement of her hands were undoubtedly

leading Joseph’s imagination in the right direction.

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Aubrey hummed and closed her eyes as her fingers slid down through the bristling

curls between her legs. Smiling at how easy it was for her to locate the hardened bump

of her clit, Aubrey began to show Joseph that she too could be very skillful with her


Once again, his music changed and a tune more seductive, more humanly sexual

filled the night air. Joseph’s violin began to set the scene for her body’s reactions and

pleasure. And as Aubrey had had many years to explore and discover every secret and

nuance that made her who she was, she knew exactly what she was doing when she

touched herself.

The pads of Aubrey’s fingers circled her clit and then pressed even more firmly into

the sensitive area around it. More pressure on the right than the left as her orgasms had

always come easier that way. She circled again and then dipped two of her fingers into

her cunt. They came back wet, sticky and warm.

Aubrey opened her eyes and lifted the juices to her mouth.

For a moment, until her fingers were out of her mouth and sliding back down to her

pussy, the music actually stopped.

He was hard. There was no way the man wasn’t hard. He was so aroused that he’d

forgotten all about the instrument in his hands. Aubrey smiled at how she had

managed to drag his attention away from the one thing he probably loved most in the


But Aubrey also had to admit it was Joseph’s fault that her cunt was as wet and

aching as it was. She wasn’t just horny. As she stood there working her fingers into and

out of her pussy, bringing herself closer and closer to climax, it wasn’t just the desire to

be fucked that was guiding her.

She wanted to be fucked by Joseph. It was his cock she imagined driving into her

every time she took another stroke. His hands on her breasts, his mouth on her nipples.

She wanted him to make love to her like he had played her first song. Brutally. With all

the mindless passion of an animal as it mated or took down prey. This was the image

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Joseph had planted in her head with his playing and now it was this style of

lovemaking she wanted.

And she wanted it with him.

It wasn’t the music that pushed her over the edge. It wasn’t even her fingers as they

took turns stimulating her clit and delving inside her pussy.

It was Joseph. Imagining he was the one inside her. It was the idea of being pressed

against his body, being filled by his fingers and his cock as he thrust into her over and

over again that was driving her arousal.

The spasms that overtook Aubrey’s body were sudden, almost violent. Nothing

slow or easy about the climax Joseph helped her find this time. There was no gentle roll

of pleasure or romantic throb inside her.

Aubrey came. With an abruptness that had never gripped her before, she came. The

fingers of one hand drove deep inside her pussy, trying desperately to diffuse some of

the intensity of her climax while her other hand held onto the railing in front of her so

she wouldn’t fall down.

And then, as quickly as it started, it was over. Even more bizarre than her vicious

hit-and-run orgasm was the quiet that surrounded the apartment after it was done.

Aubrey had thought maybe Joseph would come upstairs after they finished this little

game, and that they might play something else together. Her orgasm had been

wonderful but some good old-fashioned dick could have really finished her off.

Unfortunately, Joseph had brought her to this point, yet again, and then slipped off into

the darkness.

Aubrey panted in exhaustion as her eyes searched the grounds beneath her.

Joseph was gone.


* * * * *

Being a gentleman sucks!

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The words were only in his head, but they’d replayed themselves over and over.

Several hundred times.

It sucks. It sucks. It sucks!

Joseph sat back against the oak behind him and jerked mercilessly at his cock. He

was sick of being hard. Sick of jacking off. Sick of being horny and sick and fucking

tired of being nice.

When it came to sex, Joseph’s father had raised him to conduct himself as a man

instead of an animal. The patriarch of Joseph’s family had instilled in him a sense of

human dignity and self control rather than telling Joseph to follow his wolfish instincts.

Joseph knew this instruction was for his own good as many hybrid males were

never able to find mates due to their more feral sexual nature. So it was a valuable

lesson, indeed. It was just a lesson Joseph wished he hadn’t had to learn.

He’d never had a problem following his alpha’s advice before now. He’d never

wanted to defy his upbringing in this manner.

But he’d also never run into a woman like Aubrey. Aubrey made Joseph want to be

an animal. She was making him want to forget he was half human and that he was

capable of things like compassion and pity.

She made him want to fuck. Not just have sex and certainly not “make love”.

Joseph longed to have Aubrey out here, in the forest, where he could hunt her down.

Where he could stalk her after picking up the scent of fear she would emit while being

chased by a wild animal hell-bent on sexually devouring her. He wanted to smell her

cunt and her arousal as he sank his teeth into her neck to restrain her while he lodged

his prick inside her.

Joseph wanted to overtake her, overpower her and mount her. Aubrey was the

female of their pairing, she was physically weaker than he was, and Joseph was ready

to treat her as such.

As his balls tightened and his erection swelled even larger, Joseph listened to the

wolf inside him.

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To the beast in Joseph, Aubrey’s arousal was all the permission he needed to fuck

her. It didn’t matter to the animal in him if she wanted to have sex with him or not and

it didn’t matter if the bizarre biology of his dick bothered her or not. Aubrey’s body

responded to him each and every time and that was all the go-ahead the wolf in Joseph

was looking for.

She was female and she was physically receptive to his sexual advances. The scent

of her arousal when they were together was more intense than any female’s arousal had

ever been with him. Aubrey wanted to be fucked by Joseph. And Joseph was very

willing to fuck her.

What else did he need to know?

As Joseph stroked at his erection, he took his time transforming. He needed his

hands to be human in order to wring every last drop of cum from his cock. The pressure

was simply too much now that he’d found Aubrey. He was always hard since he’d met

her and always full of a maddening amount of cum that needed somewhere to go.

In her pussy, her mouth, her ass, it really didn’t matter to Joseph what part of her

he fucked. As long as he didn’t have to play the nice little boy any longer and as long as

he could fuck and then come inside Aubrey.

What seemed like anger was really frustration. Sexual frustration, the likes of which

Joseph had never before felt.

Joseph closed his eyes and imagined Aubrey, on all fours, in front of him. His hand

became her pussy as over and over he drove himself into her. Fucking her from behind

and allowing his erection the greatest depth. The head of his cock could touch her

womb if he mounted her in the position most agreeable to his species.

In Joseph’s mind, Aubrey accepted what he was. She understood that even after he

came it would be several minutes until he could remove his swollen prick from her

body, and she wasn’t afraid of him simply because of the physical changes his body

was about to make.

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She was his mate. His bitch. The one woman Joseph wanted to share the rest of his

life with.

Yet another fantastic creation from Joseph’s above-average mind.

His grumble turned into a growl when his mouth lengthened into a furred, jet black

muzzle. If only it were that simple. If only there weren’t so many other things to

consider. So many possibilities and ways for things to go wrong.

Joseph’s transformation finished just as a jet of white liquid spurted from his cock.

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Chapter Five

So, what do I do?

Instinctively, Joseph was a bit nervous as he followed his cousin into the woods

behind the house. The Caine pack lived in virtual isolation deep in the Appalachians. It

was secluded, for good reason. Still, even without the waxing gibbous moon shining

down on the forest floor, Joseph knew Caine could find his way around. These were his

mountains. His territory.

And Joseph was from another pack.

He had only been invited into Caine’s territory because, unlike his adult students at

the university who came to his office for their tutorials, the twins’ most important

lessons were best taught at home.

The wolf in Joseph knew the dangers he faced by crossing the boundary onto

another pack’s land. The man in him, however, had had no choice but to accept the


They were, after all, family.

Do I tell her what I am? Just come right out and say it? I mean, she’s an intelligent,

educated woman. Open-minded, I’m sure. But do you really think she’ll understand when I tell

her what will happen if I mount her?

Or do I just fuck her and see what happens?

Before answering his cousin’s question, Caine stopped. Lifted his head. And sniffed

the night air.


Joseph’s eyes immediately sought out the babies.

Tonight? Now?

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Caine lifted his head a bit higher and likewise checked the position of the cubs.

After a long, concentrated moment, Joseph watched the alpha’s shoulders relax.

Not tonight. Caine sniffed again. Turned his head to the side. A week or so ago, at least.

Oblivious to the danger, the twins had continued to play. Joseph smiled at the tiny

barking noises they made as they nipped and gnawed on one another.

Let’s go, kiddos!

They immediately obeyed Daddy and fell in line behind him. Following their

alpha’s lead. A lesson the youngest members of the Caine pack had already learned,

and learned well. Then again, Damon Caine was by far one of the most respected and

cherished alphas in hybrid society and almost any hybrid from any pack would have

followed him, or at least his advice. A fact that wasn’t for a moment lost on Joseph.

So? Joseph asked when the danger had passed. What do you think I should do?

Caine didn’t communicate his thoughts at first. When he finally did, Joseph heard,

Are you asking me as a man? Or as an alpha?

Joseph’s gait behind his three canine companions slowed.

Both, I guess.

On constant alert, Caine stopped again and lifted his muzzle to the night air.

Then instead of asking me how to fulfill Aubrey’s needs, I think you should ask yourself if

this is a situation where your own needs can be met. And not just those of your human side.

Joseph was quiet. The urge to mount Aubrey was driving him crazy, especially

with her arousal such as it was whenever he was around her. Still, the rational side of

Joseph was arguing that waiting until she could deal with what he was and possibly

having her in his bed from now on was better than fucking her once and freaking her


Love is powerful. It’s all-consuming at times.

After knowing Aubrey for only a matter of days Joseph was already more than

willing to agree with that statement.

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But if loving someone means giving up too much of yourself. Of either part of yourself…

Caine didn’t have to finish. Especially after he communicated his next thought.

You asked me if I thought you might someday head your own pack, Caine began.

Obviously that’s an issue of some importance to you.

They had reached the rock where the Caine cubs’ lessons would begin. It was a

large formation at the edge of Caine’s territory, and exactly the spot where Caine’s

father had taught his own twins to sing.

Caine took his place at the top and threw his head back.

The howl was an announcement that he and his young were there, and a warning

to any lost or trespassing wolves that they were not to be disturbed.

While the twins explored their new classroom, Caine sat down on the pine needles

next to where Joseph was standing.

Is having your own pack even a possibility with this woman? Caine finally asked.

The question was already spinning ’round and ’round in Joseph’s mind. Head over

heels in love with Aubrey or not, Joseph was half wolf. And in spite of his father’s very

valuable advice when it came to the way he conducted himself in full-blood society,

Joseph was thinking and reacting more like a wolf every day.

Joseph had always communicated not only by using his human voice and facial

expressions but also through smell and taste and subtle changes in vibrations and in the

air around him. His sexual needs and habits were much more animalistic than a full-

blood man’s and they were obviously becoming more primal the older he got. Joseph

had always possessed superior human reasoning abilities and his upbringing dictated

to him that he act like a man whenever he was in the company of full-blood humans.

And yet his instincts and his more animalistic needs and desires were beginning to

guide his actions much more often than his intellect or his humanity.

It seemed the wolf in Joseph had finally found a reason to grow up.

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So whether he loved Aubrey or not, and despite the fact that she was most likely

the cause of his recent maturity, Joseph was perhaps even more at the mercy of his

making than any human man. He knew it. Caine knew it.

And again, it sucked.

Frustrated, he pawed at the ground and then sat down on his rump beside his


Aubrey is forty years old, Joseph communicated. Hardly geriatric.

But hardly the ideal physical age for a human woman to start having babies, Caine

countered. You also have to consider that if she’s waited this long to have babies, she may not

want them at all.

Joseph’s heart sank.

It may be too late already for her to help you have a pack, Caine continued. Or she may not

even want kids. And while the man in you might be able to overlook that…

I’m a hybrid.

Both men’s thoughts were quiet as they watched the twins tumble and roll over one

another in their play. Joseph had entered the forest with a single question on his mind.

Now it would appear he’d be leaving with many more problems and complications

than he’d thought possible in his current situation.

As smart as Joseph was, he’d been naive enough to believe that love alone might be


Like I said, love is powerful. After sensing what Joseph was thinking, Caine finally

broke the silence. It is strong. But sometimes other urges, like the urge to breed, to have young

of your own…is stronger.

Caine had made his point. As Joseph sat there, watching the twins, he considered

how much he did want kids of his own. Not right now, but someday. Perhaps when he

was closer to Caine’s age.

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Joseph wanted a pack of his own. But by the time Joseph was Caine’s age, Aubrey

would be almost fifty.

The younger man’s heart sank even further.

Decide what you can and can’t live without, Caine communicated to Joseph. If you can’t

have cubs with Aubrey, decide if you can live without them. If you can’t live without a pack of

your own then you’ll have to live without her.

I think that’s the best advice I can give you, both as an alpha and as a man.

Joseph sat there, considering Caine’s words. It was very good advice. It was

rational, intelligent and based on logic and facts relevant to both sides of him.

It just wasn’t what either part of Joseph wanted to hear.

* * * * *

“Dr. Upton?”


“There’s a young man out here to see you.”

Aubrey picked up the term paper she was grading so she could see her calendar.

No appointments for at least two hours. That could only mean one thing.

A puppy with a problem.

Aubrey rolled her eyes and leaned closer to the speakerphone.

“Send him in.”

Only a few seconds passed before the door to Aubrey’s office opened.

“Excuse me, ma’am?”

Before the blush on Aubrey’s face had fully reddened the door was closed and

locked and Joseph’s palms were on her desk. He kissed the tip of her nose.

“I was told the old lady in here is an exhibitionist. And,” he added with a wink,

“apparently she has a very tasty pussy.”

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Aubrey groaned through a laugh and shook her head at him. “You are


Joseph rounded the desk, spun her chair and dropped to his knees between her legs

and framed her face with his hands. He then pulled her mouth to his.

“I’ve missed you.” He kissed her.

“You just saw me this morning.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Aubrey’s heart fluttered. She loved this. This getting carried away by the chemicals

and emotions of someone new. It was stupid and playful and impulsive and absolutely


What Aubrey didn’t like was the way Joseph seemed to be holding out on her.

Teasing, she could take. But it had been many years since she’d let anyone or anything

other than her desire and the desire of the man she was with have any say in her sex

life. So when it came to whatever game Joseph was playing, Aubrey really wasn’t in the

mood to fake issues or deny herself the pleasures of sex just because he hadn’t reached

the same level of comfort with his own sexuality.

“Did you miss me?” he asked.

Aubrey nodded and kissed him again. “A lot.”

Her answer made the puppy smile. And his smile made Aubrey melt.

She had seriously considered just coming out and telling Joseph she cared about

him. And that she cared about him probably more than she’d ever cared about any

man. Hell, maybe she really had fallen in love with him. After all, he was smart and

funny and evidently adored her and she was running out of reasons to deny that she

felt the same way about him.

Still, Joseph needed to know that if he was going to keep her, he was going to have

to grow up a tad. And he was going to have to grow up soon.

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At Aubrey’s age, she knew to appreciate things like life and youth and great sex

because such luxuries weren’t forever. Maturity, it seemed, had taught Aubrey to value

being a child.

Luckily, there was one upside Aubrey had found in her current predicament.

Although the thought had never occurred to her until she met Joseph, Aubrey had

considered that maybe coaching a young man through what she suspected was a sexual

rough spot wasn’t such a bad idea. Truth be told, she suspected such tutoring could

prove extremely erotic.

So sure, Aubrey could train the pup. She could help mold him into the man he was

born to be.

She might even want to keep him after doing so.

It was a task that certainly seemed doable and it seemed doable today. Joseph was

hard, as usual. In fact, when he tucked his hands between her bottom and her chair and

pulled her so that her pussy was pressed against his crotch, she suspected he was even

harder than he had been the first night they went out.

“Are you just happy to see me or…”

“No, I’m not happy to see you,” he cut her joke off and pulled her even closer. “I

am very…” a kiss on her neck, “extremely…” a bite on her earlobe, “happy to see you.”

How did he do this to her? How did Joseph make her feel this way. Aubrey hadn’t

yet figured out why his lips on her skin felt different than any other man’s lips ever


“I love when you touch me.”

He chuckled at her words and pulled her tighter.

“I love having your lips on me.”

He kissed her again.

“And I want you inside me.” Aubrey used the most soothing, mentoring tone she

had when she spoke this time. “Whatever fears are holding you back, whatever issues

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or problems you have, I’ll help you get through them.” She kissed him again before

adding, “Joseph, there is nothing you can admit to me, no fantasy, no desire or fetish

that will turn me off.”

She ran her hand down between their bodies, and gripped the shaft of his cock.

“I promise.”

His expression was somewhat odd, given the admission Aubrey had just offered. It

was as if Joseph appreciated and wanted to hear her words, but wasn’t sure what to do

now that she’d said them.

But as Aubrey soon discovered, the pup was quick to figure things out.

There was no conscious thought. No consideration given to self-control or

humanity. Not this time. The man who’d worried so about what Aubrey’s reaction

would be when his erection swelled and locked them together was nowhere to be found

when Joseph pulled Aubrey out of the chair and spun her around.

The wolf in Joseph was sexually maturing whether his human side, or Aubrey, was

ready or not. Then again, the man in Joseph also suspected it was Aubrey’s fault this

was happening to him.

Since he’d met Aubrey, mounting her, fucking the delicious-smelling bitch, was all

either part of Joseph had been able to think about. But the soft, submissive way Aubrey

had just spoken to him was the straw.

After putting his hand on the back of her neck and pressing her face down on the

desk, Joseph reached around and unsnapped her jeans. Together with her panties, he

slid them down her legs. He then released his cock from his own pants.

Aubrey struggled when she felt the fronts of Joseph’s thighs press against the backs

of hers. She struggled even more when he wedged his legs between hers and pressed

the head of his cock into her cunt.

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But she didn’t cry out, she didn’t scream, and she didn’t really fight. Nothing really

indicated to Joseph that she wanted him to stop and so deep, deep, deep his dick went.

As far inside Aubrey as he could get. Exactly where Joseph wanted to be.

The tiny mewling noise she made when he pushed his dick into her pussy made

him harder. She sounded so feminine. So easy to break when he thrust hard enough to

slap his balls against her clit.

Gripping her hips to hold her steady, Joseph took a stroke or two to find his

rhythm. He then repositioned his feet between Aubrey’s and began to fuck her.

These were the actions Joseph had been raised to control. The urge for a hybrid

male to simply take what he wanted from a physically receptive female was

overwhelming at times. But Joseph’s alpha had taught him from a very early age to

suppress such desires until he found a mate willing and able to accept them. All hybrid

men knew there were very few full-blood women who were willing to accept that a

hybrid’s urge to mate came from nature. Not from any desire to hurt or offend. And

while most hybrids knew there were many full-blood women who were into rough sex

and bondage, the sexual habits of a man with canine blood inside him often ran south of

even the most extreme fetishes.

“Rape” wasn’t a concept the wolf in Joseph could comprehend. But the man in him

knew there wasn’t a full-blood woman alive who hadn’t been born with a natural fear

of it due to the emotional and psychological aspects of human sex.

Joseph had no desire to rape anyone, least of all a woman with whom he could

easily spend the rest of his life.

But he wanted to fuck like this for the rest of his life. Joseph wanted a mate who

would understand and more importantly enjoy being mounted by a husband who

allowed his animal urges and desires to govern his bedroom habits. He wanted to

follow Caine’s very good advice and find a woman who could fulfill his needs. In

return, Joseph was more than willing—and able, he liked to think—to fulfill any

physical, emotional or psychological needs that woman might have.

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Whether or not Aubrey could be such a mate, Joseph wasn’t sure. What he was sure

of was that her pussy had started to clench and spasm, as if grasping for his cock,

almost immediately upon his rather brutish assault on her body. His style of

lovemaking pleased her physically, whether it pleased her mentally and emotionally or


His cock slid easily into and out of the warm velvety slickness between her thighs

as Joseph thrust and pumped. At first he used his grip on her sides to move her body

with his. Pulling her toward him as he fucked her. But when the intensity of being

inside Aubrey’s pussy became too great, Joseph slowed his strokes and leaned forward.

She was shorter than he so Joseph was able to bury his dick deep inside her and

then grind downward, into her cunt. With the desk so unforgiving underneath her, she

wasn’t able to get away. None of the pressure of his thrusts was lost as it would be on a


With every stroke Joseph took Aubrey expelled a grunt. Nothing loud. Just a small

reminder that he was bigger than her and on top of her, and that she was being fucked.

The slightly crude mental assessment of her reaction made Joseph’s dick even more


For a moment the human side of him kicked in and Joseph wondered if he was

hurting her. Or if she was taking any pleasure from the act at all. That worry was laid to

rest when Joseph reached around to try to stimulate her clit.

She was already playing with herself. Already rubbing the little button of flesh that

would allow her to come as well.

Joseph buried his face in the sweet smell of her hair and thrust harder.

Aubrey came before he did. When the tiny grunts ran together and her body

bucked and spasmed underneath his, Joseph felt the pulsing quivers of her orgasm.

They milked at his dick until Joseph could stand it no longer.

Aubrey’s next class wasn’t for several hours. Which was very good thing as Joseph

knew he was about to render her “tied up” for at least a half an hour.

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Nothing you can admit to me that will turn me off.

The words echoed through Joseph’s mind just as his cock swelled and, with a burst

of semen, he was locked inside Aubrey.

There was no going back now. No hiding. No avoiding her reaction to what he

really was.

Joseph panted, trying to catch his breath while reaching up to take Aubrey’s hand

in his own.

Was she going to understand? Did she really mean what she had said?

Or was Aubrey going to freak out?

“Joseph? Honey?”

Aubrey shifted up and off the desk an inch or so and felt her ribs pop back into


“Sweetheart, you’re hurting me.”

He shifted as well, taking his weight off her.

But his cock didn’t slide out.

Aubrey chuckled. “Are we just going to live this way from now on?”

He didn’t respond.

“Not that I mind,” she teased. “But it is going to make life a bit difficult.”

Joseph still wasn’t speaking.

Aubrey leaned back and turned her head as far as she could. She managed to get

her cheek pressed against his.

“Joseph? What’s wrong?”

He was looking at her from the side. Those big blue eyes were bearing down into

her almost as hard as his cock just had.

So intelligent. So talented.

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So primal.

Aubrey laid her palm against his face and pulled it tighter to her own.

“Talk to me.”

Aubrey wasn’t sure if the shiver she felt had run up his spine first, or hers.

Regardless, it broke the silence in a language she had never heard.

The pressure spoke next. That of his body inside her own. He was swelling, his cock

growing even larger than it had before they made love. Filling her in a way no normal

man had ever filled her. Gripping her from the inside, refusing to let her go.

Aubrey was locked to Joseph.

And there was nothing either of them could do about it.

“Aubrey, baby, I’m not like other men.”

Aubrey swallowed and let out a breath to try to accommodate the organ inside her.

“It could be half an hour or so before I can…”

He didn’t finish. But he didn’t have to. Aubrey stared down at the desk and

concentrated on what was happening inside her. Not exactly the issue or problem she’d

been expecting. But not anything she couldn’t deal with.

She hoped.

“It is a birth defect?” she finally asked. “Has it always been like this?”

Joseph pulled back as far as he could, allowing Aubrey more room to breathe.

“It’s not really a defect, although it is genetic. And yes, my penis has always been

like this.”

“So your dad, your granddad…” Aubrey trailed off. “How far back does it go?”

Aubrey wished he’d say something. Anything. Because what his silence was

screaming was everything she did not want to hear.

“Joseph, what are you?”

“What am I?”

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Aubrey pressed her forehead against the desk and whimpered. He was stalling.

That could only mean one thing. He was some kind of freak she wasn’t going to want to

comprehend. He was a weirdo, his dick was stuck inside her and he was fucking

stalling because he didn’t want to admit what he was.

What the hell had she done? And who the hell was this guy?

“Yes!” Fully prepared to panic at this point, Aubrey squirmed and tried to dislodge

his cock from her vagina. “What the fuck are you?!”

His hands dug into her sides as he tugged her back against him. “Stop pulling,

baby. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

Aubrey suspected he was right. From what she could tell, if she did manage to get

him out of her it wouldn’t be without some physical injury to at least her if not both of


It was a risk Aubrey was willing to take. Her flailing became much more


“What are you, Joseph?!” Her attempts to pull away from him were easily thwarted

when he sat back in her chair, taking her with him. Joseph then wrapped his arms

around her chest and pressed his lips against her ear.

“I’m just not like other men, Aubrey. There’s nothing wrong with me. I’m just


Human?” she spat. “Is that what you’re telling me? You’re not human, Joseph?”

Aubrey had never hated her education as much as she hated it right now. The

images that flashed through her mind tormented her with the possibilities they planted

in her imagination.

The pyramids. Stonehenge. Aboriginal cave drawings depicting creatures not of

this world.

“Joseph?” Aubrey forced calm into her voice. Just in case she was right. She’d heard

Martian death rays could leave nasty scars. “Are you an alien?”

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His arms around her tightened and it took a moment before Aubrey detected the

shaking of his body.

He was laughing at her!

“Oh God,” he chuckled. “I wish it were that simple.”

Simple?” Aubrey’s fear was taking a backseat to her anger. “What do you mean,


“I mean I wish I could explain what I am with a term as simple as ‘alien’.”

“Well, if you’re not alien then what the hell are you?”

He was still holding her. Still sitting with one arm wrapped around her waist. The

other arm had snaked up between her breasts and his hand was lightly touching the

bare skin of her neck. He was also rocking them both gently back and forth as they

waited for his dick to go down.

Pretty tender actions for E.T., she guessed.

“It’s not easy to explain what I am because we’re not really sure what we are.”

“We?” Aubrey asked. “You mean there are more of you out there?”

Joseph hummed. “Uh-huh. We call ourselves hybrids, although there’s been a lot of

discussion in our community lately as to the scientific validity of that claim.”

Not even Aubrey’s facial muscles could move. Her voice had no inflection

whatsoever when she stated, “Your community.”


“Your hybrid community.”


She was being punked. That had to be it.

Someone was obviously playing a joke on her. Aubrey looked around for a Candid

Camera crew.

“So,” she posed carefully, “you’re part human and part alien. Or at least your

community thinks it may be part human and part alien.”

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No.” He was laughing again. “Honey, listen, I’m not an alien.”

Aubrey’s patience was completely gone by now. She ground her teeth together and

turned as far as she could to face him. “Then what the hell are you, Joseph?”

The pressure inside her was decreasing. His cock was finally going down. Joseph

ran his thumb down the side of Aubrey’s face, causing her eyes to close.

Oh, come on. Would marrying a guy from another planet really be that bad? Aubrey

considered. I mean, it’s not like he’s a Yankee or anything.

“I’m part human, part canine.”

Aubrey actually heard the brakes in her head screech to a halt. Part canine. She

could love African-American guys, Asian guys, hell she could probably even learn to

love a guy from New York as long as he didn’t have a Brooklyn accent.

But did he just say “dog”?

“You’re part…canine.”


“As in border collie? Or schnauzer? Or, or, oh God, I just fucked a poodle?”

“Not exactly…”

Aubrey didn’t give him time to finish. His penis had deflated to the point where she

could pull it out of her without too much of a strain and so she did.

“You’re telling me I just fucked a dog?”

“I’m not a dog. Not exactly.”

“Oh. Okay. So, you’re not an alien.” Aubrey’s scrambled to pull her jeans back on

as her hateful words spewed at him. “And you’re not exactly a dog. And yet, you’re

damned sure not a man!”


Ouch, ouch and ouch!

Even Aubrey felt the sting of her comment. Joseph jerked away when she reached

for him.

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“Joseph, I’m sor…”

Nope. Just…never mind.

He didn’t say as much, but Aubrey could tell exactly what Joseph was thinking. He

didn’t need her apology. Didn’t want her apology. There wasn’t a goddamned thing

Aubrey could say to make this one better.

Fuck you, bitch.

She watched silently as he rearranged his clothing.

“Joseph, I…”

Still no. Just leave me the fuck alone.

He still wasn’t speaking, but Aubrey had never heard anything more clearly in her


She wished he had slammed the door behind him. Screamed at her. Called her a

cunt. Given her any indication that he was pissed off. Aubrey wanted to sense anything,

any feeling other than the one she knew she’d inflicted upon the pup.

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Chapter Six

“The Hall of Bulls.”

Aubrey hit “Enter” on the laptop and then glanced over her shoulder at an image

clearly depicting two bulls facing one another.

“These paintings were found in caves near Lascaux, in southern France.”

She hit the button again.

“Some of the animals whose images were found here, and in the caves of Font-de-

Gaume and Altamira, Spain, have since gone extinct.”

She clicked until the image of a bison appeared on the screen behind her.

“Other images are very vivid—and very accurate—representations of creatures

who not only still roam the earth, but whose existences were very important to the

artists who recreated their likenesses some ten to fifteen thousand years ago.”

Aubrey’s finger traced the screen, searching for the visual she wanted as she

mentally prepared the next statement of her lecture.

“Why were these animals so important, Professor?”

Perhaps the stick figure of man. She could point out that when compared to the

drawings of the animals they hunted, very little effort was put forth in the self portraits

of prehistoric man.

“I’m sorry, what?”

Looking up, Aubrey searched some hundred and fifty or so faces in the darkened


When he didn’t identify himself, she asked, “What was your question again?”

The response came from the very back.

“I said, why were these animals so important to prehistoric man?”

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Aubrey squinted to try to see him.

“Because apparently…” she squinted again, “even prehistoric man felt the need to

transform the most significant experiences in his life into visual symbols.”

“His most significant experiences.”

It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.

A challenge.

Aubrey almost smiled.

“Yes.” Shocked at how his mere presence in her classroom could quicken her pulse,

Aubrey took a moment to collect herself. “The experiences that meant the most to him.

And as a successful hunt was the cause of great celebration for prehistoric man, the

animals he killed were repeatedly represented in his art.”

Aubrey let out a breath of relief. It had been nearly two weeks since their somewhat

unpleasant “encounter” and he hadn’t once called or dropped by her office.

Border collie or not, she’d stopped denying that she was heartbroken by the

thought of losing Joseph on about day five.

“Okay,” he conceded. “But why, exactly, did prehistoric man feel the need to, as

you say, transform these animals into something else?”

Dozens upon dozens of eyes were watching her now. Hundreds of ears waiting to

hear what she had to say.

I was so afraid you weren’t coming back.

“One rarely recognized urge in mankind is the urge to communicate,” she stated.

“It’s an urge to connect with other people.”

“An urge?” he asked. “You mean like the urge to procreate?”

Aubrey swallowed…

“Like the urge to have sex?”

And wondered if the front row could see her nipples through her blouse.

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“Yes,” she nodded and searched the screen of the laptop for something. Anything.

“Man’s urge to communicate is very much like his urge to have sex.”

If only a pin would drop.

“So what you’re saying, Professor, is that prehistoric man drew pictures of animals

in order to fulfill some need he felt. A need to communicate.”


“A need to understand.”

Aubrey was silent, and still. As was the entire auditorium.


Like I want you to understand.

Aubrey took a breath. As did the rest of the room, she suspected.

It was quiet. It was too damned quiet.

You hear me, don’t you?

“Professor Upton…”


I need to connect with you, Aubrey.

“What is your question now?”

I need for you to accept what I am.

Aubrey raised her eyebrows and put her hands on her hips. He had stopped

speaking out loud completely.

We hate what we fear. And we fear what we don’t understand.

And yet Aubrey could hear Joseph. Perfectly.

“What exactly are you trying to say?” she asked.

You’re afraid of me, Aubrey. You could never love me because you don’t understand what I

am. You don’t understand my body, my genetics, my heritage or my methods of communication.

At the mere thought of not loving Joseph, Aubrey’s heart skipped a beat.

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But I do love you, Aubrey.

It skipped several more and Aubrey turned to study the image on the screen behind

her. Romantic as the moment was, it would be very unprofessional for her to let the

entire class see her cry.

And since I’m already hopelessly in love with you, I can’t live with myself knowing that you

couldn’t love me simply because I didn’t take the time to help you understand.

Aubrey was entirely too old for this heart-wrenching, romantic bullshit. This was

the fairytale twenty-year-olds dreamed about. Aubrey knew this because she’d been

twenty at one time.

It had just taken her twice that long to find the right man.

Behind her, the class was silent. Not even Joseph was talking. Aubrey dried her

eyes and turned back to face her students.

She had the strangest feeling that every single one of them knew exactly what had

just happened.

Aubrey cleared her throat and regained her composure.

“Do you have a question?”Aubrey asked.

Joseph grinned. “Actually, I do.”

Aubrey crossed her arms across her chest and waited.

“Professor?” he mused. “Are you implying that prehistoric man may have had sex

with the animals in these drawings.”

The auditorium exploded. Squeals and laughter, paper, notes and pencils. Anything

that could be used as an expression of amusement was tossed into the air or propelled

in Aubrey’s direction.

You mischievous little shit.

Joseph grinned and winked at her from way back there.

* * * * *

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“I have to admit, I’ve never read any of your books,” Aubrey shrugged. ”Of course,

like most people I always thought your hybrid stories were fiction, and I’m more of a

non-fiction kind of gal.”

Joseph watched Aubrey clasp Caine’s hand and smiled at the wave of jealousy that

washed over him.

Just as his cousin had predicted, the protective alpha male in Joseph was maturing

quite nicely.

“I’ve heard you’re a wonderful writer, though,” Aubrey stated warmly. “And now I

have a good excuse to check into your work, don’t I?”

Caine shared her laughter and even used his other paw to smother her hand


Instinctively, happily, Joseph growled.

“They’d certainly help you come to terms with Joseph’s family,” Caine admitted. “If

coming to terms with us is something you want to do. I also have several other books

that can help you better understand hybrids.”

Joseph’s mate released the other alpha’s hand and Aubrey’s fingers wove perfectly

in between her future husband’s.

“I’d like that.”

It felt good to have Aubrey beside him. It felt right. As she and Caine talked, Joseph

nuzzled her hair, gathering her smell. Studying her scent.

She was his. She didn’t know everything there was to know about hybrids, and

Joseph still had a lot questions for her, but they were mates.

Caine had been right when he’d advised Joseph to decide what he could and could

not live without. But it had taken Chloe and Caine’s mother two weeks to convince

Joseph that as long as he knew one thing for sure, that he could not live without

Aubrey, everything else would work out.

It seemed Joseph hadn’t been so naive after all.

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“Chloe’s in the house.” Caine motioned for them to follow him onto the porch.

“And you’ll have to meet the twins.”

Aubrey crinkled her nose in excitement at Joseph and gripped his hand tighter as

they made their way toward the main house on Caine’s territory.

Everything was going to work out. Still terrified of losing her, Joseph kept repeating

the Caine bitches’ words of comfort to himself. If Aubrey couldn’t have cubs, they’d

figure out another way for Joseph to have a pack of his own. If she was freaked out by

his bedroom behavior, Joseph would work with her. He’d be patient and make love to

her like a normal man, just like his alpha had advised him, until Aubrey could cope

with his natural urges.

He loved her. And she loved him.

What could possibly go wrong?

The music should have tipped Joseph off. He picked up on it, not so much the

melody, but the beat, a full minute or so before the Land Rover topped the hill.

No. Joseph heard the word inside his head. Oh, God, no, no, no!

He was probably breaking the bones in Aubrey’s hand, but he couldn’t let go. All

Joseph could think about was getting her out of there. Fast!

But his legs wouldn’t move.


The car door slammed but the hybrid’s shirt was already off. It was flung through

the open driver’s side window.

“How the hell are you!” the young man called joyously as he removed his shoes.

And then his pants. “Mom told me you were here teaching the kids to sing. I was

hoping to make it back before you left.”

Joseph could only nod. And squeeze Aubrey’s hand even tighter.

“Been out on the road,” he informed everyone within earshot as his underwear was

discarded. “Band’s really beginning to take off.”

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Joseph smiled weakly.

“God damn, I never thought I’d miss these mountains this much!”

He was naked now. Butt naked, except for a collar. A state of undress that was

perfectly natural for Joseph and the young man in question.

“It’s a pain in the ass having to wear clothes all the time.”

Joseph thought he heard Aubrey swallow.

Aubrey? This is another one of my cousins, Joseph needed to say. Another musical

cousin, in fact. We’ve always been good friends because we’re so close in age and have so much
in common.

But none of that came out. Joseph was still hoping against hope to find a careful,

delicate way to introduce Aubrey to the most disturbing issue she’d have to face when

it came to loving a hybrid. Unfortunately, it seemed that hope was very quickly fading.

“Look, dude, I gotta run around out in the woods for a while,” the extremely good-

looking and extremely naked young man said. “Been on that bus for too damned long.

But we’ll catch up after supper, okay?”

Okay. Sure. Whatever. Just please don’t…

But it was too late.

Transformations start in the spine. The back rolls, the shoulders slump forward.

Hands and feet become paws just after the face grows longer. Finally, a thick layer of jet

black fur sprouts over the hybrid’s entire body.

Aubrey made it to the point where hands and feet became paws.

But then she hit the ground.

“Dude?” At the sight of Aubrey fainting, Lee immediately straightened and

transformed back into a regular naked man. Joseph heard him sniff the pungent scent of

fear as he approached.

“What’s the old chick’s problem?”

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* * * * *

Wet, velvety sandpaper. Slobber. Little tiny growls and giggles.

Very slowly, Aubrey opened her eyes.

What the hell just happened?

On one side of her was a child. A girl, roughly two years of age. Long, shiny black

hair and dark, wild blue eyes.

On the other side of her was a cub. A wolf cub, if Aubrey’s Discovery Channel

education on wolves and their young served her correctly.

They were both licking Aubrey’s face.

“Isabelle! Isaiah! Stop that!”

More giggles and growls ensued as the pair rolled off the bed. Aubrey had to blink

and clear her vision when the little girl went down on all fours and in an instant took a

wolf cub’s form as well.

They galloped their way down the hall.

“I am so sorry.” An attractive red-haired woman sat down on the edge of the bed

and handed Aubrey a glass of water. “They’re absolutely feral. And we’re potty

training. Or housebreaking, or…” The woman waved her hand in front of her. “Or

whatever you want to call it.”

Aubrey gripped the glass as if she were drowning and it was a beefcake slice of


“They,” she repeated. “Joseph’s niece and nephew, you mean.”

The woman nodded and reached for the glass after Aubrey took a drink. She sat it

on the nightstand next to a picture of her and Caine.

“You’re Chloe.”

“Yes.” The woman extended her hand. “Chloe Evans, well, Chloe Caine. Depends

on whether or not he’s taken out the garbage that day.”

Aubrey felt the urge to chuckle.

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“And the man out in the yard?” Aubrey’s head was still foggy so her voice was soft

when she asked. “The naked man?”

Chloe shook her head and laughed. “That was the legendary William Barklee


“Lee Caine,” Aubrey repeated. “He’s in a rock band, isn’t he? The Doggy…”

“Styles,” Chloe was already nodding. “Whatever you do, don’t let him know you

recognized him.”

Aubrey smiled. “They have a video on MTV2.”

Chloe guffawed and rolled her eyes. “And lord, please don’t let him know you’ve

seen that. There’s not enough territory in these mountains to contain the ego he’d have

if you did.”

Aubrey made the mental note and settled back into the pillow once again. She was

still cloudy. Still a bit unsure of what had happened.

“So hybrids actually change into dogs,” Aubrey said.

“Not dogs,” Chloe corrected. “Wolves. Canis rufus, to be more precise.”

“Canis rufus.”

“Red wolves. Even though most of them are black,” Chloe explained.

Aubrey rolled to her side and folded the pillow under her head. “So why do they

call them red wolves? Why not black wolves or really hot, creative guys who grow a lot

of hair or…”

Chloe was laughing. “They’re called red wolves because originally it was believed

they were hybrids just like the nontransforming versions of Canis rufus. It was once

thought that grey wolves and coyotes interbred and that their offspring were the red

wolves found in the Appalachians and on the coast of North Carolina.”

Aubrey shook her head. “So where did the human part come in?”

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“Well,” Chloe began, “legend says that some of those grey wolves, some of the

males, found and mated with other partners. That they bred with females of other


“You mean human women.”


Aubrey watched a wolf cub scramble back onto the bed. Isabelle, she believed.

“That’s kinda kinky.”

Chloe grinned and cocked her eyebrow at Aubrey.

“So, you said originally they believed this. What do they believe now?”

Isaiah was gnawing on the comforter, trying to use the cloth to pull himself up onto

the bed. Chloe scooped the cub up and gently tapped his bottom.

“Well, I suspect that hybrids are actually another species altogether. One that

evolved like the two branches of domesticated dogs and wolves evolved.”

“Why do you think that?”

“For one thing, no one’s been able to figure out how canine sperm could possibly

fertilize a human egg. It just doesn’t make sense.”

“Yeah,” Aubrey nodded. “Pig and elephant DNA just won’t splice.”

Aubrey laughed. Chloe wore a blank expression.

“Not a big South Park fan?” Aubrey asked.

“What’s South Park?”

Aubrey waved her hand in front of her face. “Never mind. So you think hybrids

may be a completely different species of wolf.”

“No.” Chloe swatted at the cub that was biting the toe of Aubrey’s shoe. Aubrey

smiled at the sight until the woman’s next words came out.

“I think hybrids are a completely different species of man.”

* * * * *

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The whole wolf/human hybrid, new species of mankind situation was weird. There

was no other word for it. It was weird. Capital W, capital E, capital I…

Aubrey wrapped her arms around her body and gazed out over the mountains.

Joseph was out there, somewhere, in the forest and the dim light of dusk. Since

Aubrey had awakened she and Joseph had spoken, but barely. For the most part Joseph

had made himself scarce, citing lesson preparations for the twins as his excuse.

He was afraid to hear what Aubrey was going to say about his heritage and his

bizarre genetics. That much was clear.

As for Aubrey, she really wasn’t sure what she would say if given the chance.

“You okay?”

Chloe had been a godsend. Another woman, another intelligent, sane woman who

had already dealt with loving and accepting a man like Joseph was a blessing for


“I’m fine.” Despite her words, Aubrey shivered. “I am just completely…”

“Weirded out.”

No other word for it.

Chloe put her hands on the porch railing and took in the same view as Aubrey.

“I guess I had an advantage when I met Caine. I was probably better equipped to

deal with hybrids than most women are.”

Aubrey glanced at the other woman’s profile. “Why’s that?”

Chloe shrugged. “I’d spent the better part of my life studying wolves. I understood

their ways. I knew what made them tick. I knew what set them off, what would make

them turn violent. I understood their territorial nature.”

Perhaps Chloe was right. Maybe she had been better prepared to deal with loving a

man who was so different than most others. And maybe Aubrey was just fooling herself

to think that she could ever really accept Joseph for what he was. After all, when it came

to dating experience, Aubrey had had plenty of it.

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But she’d never even owned a dog.

“So yeah, I can see how you might be too weirded out by Joseph to ever really care

about him.”


Instinctively, Aubrey’s claws came out. “I am not too weirded out to care about

Joseph.” Aubrey’s defiance was loud and clear. “I am merely weirded out right now.”

Chloe shrugged again. So nonchalant. “It’s nothing to get upset about. I wouldn’t

see you as any less of a woman if you couldn’t deal with it.”

Oh, no, she did not…

Aubrey crossed her arms and turned to face the red-headed bitch beside her.

“If I couldn’t deal with it?” A predator from a completely different genre started to

surface in Professor Aubrey Upton. “You let me tell you something, Dr. Evans…”

“It’s Caine today. He remembered my tampons.”

“I can deal with Joseph just fine. I can deal with his being a hybrid, I can deal with

the strangeness of his dick and I can deal with watching him turn into a dog.”

“Well, they’re not really dogs.”

“And furthermore,” Aubrey ignored Chloe’s smartass correction, “I am perfectly

willing and able to deal with him as a man! I haven’t been running around in the woods

for the past forty years, playing with canids…”

“Canis rufus to be exact.”

“I’ve been dealing with men. All kinds of men from every different walk of life.

And since you said yourself that you believe hybrids are another species of man and

not another species of wolf, why the hell would I not be just as equipped as you were to

deal with my man?”

Chloe was still gazing out over the mountains. And she was smiling.

Aubrey heard the pop! of the piece of gum in her mouth.

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“You’re a bitch.” Aubrey couldn’t help but laugh. It was rare that another woman

outsmarted her or taught her anything about herself. It felt kinda cool. This time. “You

know that?”

Once again, Chloe shrugged. She then draped her arm across Aubrey’s shoulders.

“At least I’m not the last of my kind.”

* * * * *

In the pines above her, Aubrey could hear the woodwinds. The creek running

through the gorge was the brass. But the strings of the cellos and violas being plucked

and tuned as the orchestra waited for their conductor was what really had her


The high-pitched yelps of the twins as Lee helped them warm up were absolutely


“I am so excited!”

Aubrey giggled at Chloe’s maternal enthusiasm. And she had to admit, she was

pretty damned excited herself. Then again, it wasn’t every day that Aubrey got to sit on

a bed of pine needles deep in the Appalachians and listen to a vocal performance by a

pack of dogs.

Make that wolves. A pack of wolves. Canis rufus, to be exact.

“They’ve been working on this for weeks,” Caine’s mother explained. Both Aubrey

and Chloe helped the older woman lower herself to the ground. She then turned to

Aubrey. “And I am so glad you could be here with us to hear it.”

They were so warm. All of them. And so tightly knit. Aubrey could already see that

one benefit of hybrid life was a loyalty to family most full-blood human beings had

completely discarded.

If they ever really had it.

Chloe patted Aubrey’s thigh. “I think they’re ready.”

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The twins and Lee were at the base of the rock. All three fully furred and each one

standing at attention on four legs. Aubrey watched in awe as Caine and his father came

sauntering out of the brush. Caine was a massive black wolf. As black as the night, just

like Lee. And obviously the retired alpha’s color had once been just like his sons, but

age and a sprinkling of white hair had since turned him a dark, smoky gray.

Chloe elbowed her mother-in-law and then grinned at Aubrey. “You still think the

old fart’s a hottie, don’t you?”

All three women were still cackling when the “maestro” exited the woods.

Aubrey stopped laughing, and blinked.

“Is that…?”

The animal who walked with such dignity, such an air of elegance and grace to the

rock formation, could not possibly be the same twenty-four-year-old she had jokingly

called a kid. This creature could not possibly be the puppy Aubrey had fallen in love



It wasn’t his physical size or coloring that had Aubrey so enraptured. Joseph was

the exact same shade as Caine and Lee, and even a tiny bit smaller than the other three


But his demeanor. His pride. The confidence and agility he displayed when he

stepped to the edge of the rock formation and with a single, muscular leap, was

standing on top of it.

“Now that is a hottie.”

Aubrey could not agree more with Chloe’s assessment.

Joseph was hot.

There was no tapping of any baton. No shushes from the balcony so the concert

could begin.

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Joseph, the man Aubrey loved, simply looked into the eyes of every member of his

orchestra, communicating to each of them that he was ready. He then straightened his

spine, tilted his head back.

And howled.

The first note was low. Very low. A slow, warming vibration. One Aubrey could

feel in the pit of her belly. But then the next note rose, up to the trees, until the sound

reached out across the mountains where every other wolf in the surrounding territories

could hear it.

Joseph was magnificent. He was spectacular. And he became even more

breathtaking when the rest of his family joined in with their own howls. Aubrey

watched the muscles in six gorgeous, furry throats constrict and contract as Joseph led

the other hybrids through scales and tempos no composer could ever write down.

This wasn’t weird. It wasn’t bizarre or alien. And it most definitely wasn’t anything

Aubrey couldn’t handle.

This, Aubrey realized, was art.

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“Joseph?” A twig snapped. Aubrey took another step forward and stopped. “Is that


Nothing but night bugs replied. Night bugs. Aubrey had no idea what they were

other than tiny little unseen creatures capable of creating a deafening choir of silence.

Especially in the mountains.

“Joseph?” Nerves forced her to laugh. “Where are you?”

It was so dark that Aubrey could barely see her hand in front of her face. So dark

that when she stopped in a pine thicket and tried to look around she felt her pupils

strain in their futile attempt to find light.

Aubrey covered her breasts with her palms and squinted through the darkness.

“Joe?” She wrapped her arms around her chest and listened for signs of her boyfriend.

“Come on, honey. I’m cold,” she pleaded.

Just one more tidbit of information Aubrey had unintentionally learned about the

Smokies. No matter how warm it was during the day, nights were almost always a bit

chilly. Especially if the only thing you’re wearing is a red, hooded cape and lace panties.

“I’m cold. And…” Aubrey glanced from one side to the other. “And I’m a little bit


Aubrey’s nipples had peaked the second she stepped bare breasted out of the Caine

house and into the cool night air. Fear and excitement over participating in Joseph’s

fantasy was only making them harder.

“Joseph? Are you there?”

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He could see her. He wasn’t responding, but he was out there. The game was

supposed to be a bit spooky, but wherever he was, even if she couldn’t hear or see him,

Aubrey knew Joseph was keeping an eye on his “bitch”.

A hybrid’s genetic makeup was bizarre, but it also meant that Aubrey was loved in

a way she had never been loved before. If she never understood another thing about

Joseph or his kind she understood this.

There was no way the wolf or the man in him would ever leave her alone and


Reminding herself that she had nothing to worry about, Aubrey took a deep,

relaxing breath and got her head back into the fantasy. While snuggling under the

covers the night before, her gorgeous man-puppy had confided that he’d always

wanted to stalk and “eat” Little Red Riding Hood. He’d just never found a woman

spunky enough to play Red to his big bad wolf.

You’ve found her now, had been Aubrey’s reply.

“Oh well,” Aubrey called out into the darkness. “Here I am.” She opened her cape

and cupped her breasts with her hands. Pinching both of her nipples, she teased,

“Guess I’ll just take these goodies to Grandma’s house.” She waited. “Since no one out

here in the woods seems to want them.”

Suddenly it wasn’t just Joseph’s love and protective nature that told her he could

see her. Aubrey could feel him. Not physically, he hadn’t approached her. But when a

tingle traveled very decidedly down the length of Aubrey’s spine causing the tiny hairs

on the back of her neck to stand up, she knew.

No doubt about it. She was definitely being watched. Joseph was out there

somewhere, on all fours, staring at her with his beautiful canine eyes.

Aubrey smiled as she slid her fingers down into her panties. “See? I’ve got this nice,

warm basket of treats right here.” She let a sigh escape while she played with her clit,

and then let her fingers slip back to the opening of her cunt. “And I’d hate for them to

go to waste.”

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Aubrey thought about the pointers Chloe had offered on how to keep such a

“beast” happy. Basically, the wetter Aubrey was, the more aroused she could make her

pussy, the more controlled Joseph would be by his urge to fuck. And apparently,

according to the resident hybrid expert, there was nothing that made a hybrid man

happier than playing to his predatory nature by stimulating his urge to fuck.

As Aubrey combed her fingers through the damp curls between her legs, she

wondered if Joseph could smell her. Wondered if he could tell by the scent of her pussy

that her body was ready for him to mount her.

Only one way to find out, she decided. Intent on making her man’s sexual dream

come true, Aubrey leaned back against an obliging pine tree and spread her legs.

The cold night air immediately assaulted the hard button of flesh between her

thighs. Aubrey gasped but then reached down to part the lips of her pussy so she could

better stimulate her clit.

“I wonder how my goodies taste.” Aubrey pushed two fingers up into the wet folds

of flesh and then brought her glistening fingers to her mouth. “Mmmm.” She licked her

pussy’s juice from her fingers. “They’re salty and sweet.”

Somewhere very close by, another twig snapped. Aubrey didn’t allow her eyes to

seek out the culprit. Instead, she slid down the trunk of the tree and lowered herself to

the ground.

Arranging her butt on the tail of the cape, Aubrey slipped her panties off and

settled on the forest floor with her legs spread. In this position her hands could alternate

between toying with the firm nub of her clit and the wet slit behind it. Back and forth.

Rubbing her clit and then wetting her fingers inside her cunt. Rubbing again and then

pressing back inside her pussy. Within moments Aubrey could feel the tingle of an

orgasm building deep inside her.

Aubrey gasped when her body unexpectedly jerked at her own touch. She found

her nipples not only pert but excruciatingly sensitive now when she pinched first one

and then the other with her free hand. Imagining it was Joseph’s cock working in and

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out of her pussy, Aubrey bit down on her bottom lip as the muscles of her cunt began to

throb and pulse at her fingertips.

“If I’m not careful I’m going to make myself come,” she warned her still unseen

boyfriend. “Don’t you want to be here with me for that?” Aubrey closed her eyes and

marveled at how wet and aroused her pussy was. “I know you were supposed to chase

me through the forest, but being out here in the woods is a lot more fun than I


Joseph had been right when he’d talked about her wild side. It wasn’t the

apartment-dwelling, art history professor sitting against a pine tree with her sex

exposed to the elements, so it had to be the part of her that was still more animal than

human who was sitting with her heels digging into the dirt as she played with herself.

“Joseph,” she sighed without opening her eyes. Aubrey’s cunt was beginning to

clench and pulse. Slowly throbbing in anticipation of her orgasm.

“I don’t think this is exactly what you had in mind.” Her fingers dove deeper into

her cunt and she groaned. “I think I was supposed to put up more of a chase, wasn’t I?”

Her question was answered by the nuzzle she felt against the folds of her cunt.

Teeth. Lips. Tongue. Aubrey wasn’t sure which form Joseph was in when his mouth

first tasted her pussy. Regardless, he was human within seconds. Warm, thick fingers

slid up inside her.

Two fingers in her pussy, one in her ass. Just like she’d told him she wanted. Joseph

worked both parts of her body as his teeth and tongue teased her clit.

“You were supposed to hunt me,” she argued weakly. “Like the big bad wolf.”

He sucked her clit between his teeth and gently bit down. Aubrey wrapped her

fingers in his hair and pulled him tighter between her legs.

“This was supposed to be your fantasy,” her voice was tiny when she pleaded.

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Joseph pulled her lips apart and pressed his tongue flat against the opening of her

sex. With each upward lap, he curled the tip of his tongue at the bud of her clit, teased,

and then sucked it before lapping at her pussy again.

Aubrey tried to make her protests sound sincere. She genuinely wanted to help

Joseph live out his big bad wolf fantasy.

But another stroke or two of his tongue was all it was going to take. Another thrust

of his fingers in her pussy, her ass, and he was going to push her over the edge.

“Joseph, I’m about to…”

His cock, harder than she had felt it before, stopped her words. Joseph had

removed his fingers and mouth from her body and pressed the head of his dick against

her lips. Small forward movements of his hips urged her to swallow his shaft.

Aubrey abandoned her own pleasure for the moment, turning her attention instead

to Joseph’s gorgeous erection. As much as she wanted to come, she also wanted to make

Joseph happy. And if a Smoky Mountain blowjob was what he wanted, a Smoky

Mountain blowjob was what he was going to get.

“I love your cock,” she gazed up at him with a glint in her eyes. He was long and

thick and more than once Aubrey had to relax her throat in order to take all of him. But

she took him. Every wonderful, warm inch of him. Over and over, she swallowed the

head of his dick, all the while working her fingers up and down its shaft and even back

to tease his balls.

“Suck on them,” Joseph’s voice was strained when he made his request. “Suck on

my balls.”

Aubrey smiled and took one of the furred sacs into her mouth. Immediately his

dick grew even harder, making the skin of his scrotum even tauter.

“Is that part of your fantasy?” Aubrey asked before taking his other testicle between

her lips. “To have Little Red Riding Hood suck you off in the middle of the forest?”

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Blayne Edwards


Joseph grunted, his body involuntarily jerking a little before he quipped, “Actually

I was hoping to find Granny with her false teeth.”

Aubrey cackled before giving his penis one last pass down her throat.

“Now that you’re nice and hard, how about you fuck me people style?” she


She didn’t have to ask twice. Using the tree at her back to hold her fixed, Joseph

reached down and slid his hands under Aubrey’s butt, lifted just slightly off the

ground, and pushed his dick deep inside her cunt. He then withdrew it completely, and

then pushed it inside her again.

“Like that?” he asked.

Aubrey nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his

waist. “Just like that.”

The taste of her own body met her tongue as Joseph pressed his lips to hers and

thrust into her yet again.

“I love you, woman,” he whispered.

Aubrey giggled. “I love you too.”

He fucked her. Not slowly. Not gently. And not patiently. With his hands holding

the cheeks of her ass up and apart and his body weight pressing her against the tree,

Joseph drove his cock deep inside her. Over and over, each time pulling it out almost

completely, and pushing it deep inside her again.

Aubrey’s fingers dug into the muscles of his shoulders as she struggled to maintain

some semblance of self control. Her pussy, filled so deeply and so completely by his

erection, had started to spasm almost immediately upon his entering her. Within

seconds her body began to fall into a seemingly bottomless climactic abyss.

As she came Joseph detected the contractions inside Aubrey’s body and in a sexual

move he should probably patent, he purposely made his own actions mirror her


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Fiddler on the Woof


The result was wonderful. With every thrust her pussy gripped at his cock and each

time his head was sucked even deeper into her body.

The walls of her cunt contracted, Joseph thrust. Her pussy contracted again and he

thrust. Over and over and over again, forcing the sensation of her orgasm to continue

until Aubrey felt certain she would collapse from satisfaction and exhaustion.

Finally, Joseph couldn’t stop his body from joining hers completely. He came as

well. For several long, lazy moments his cock pulsed and throbbed inside her and his

cum filled her with its sweet sticky warmth.

When his cock slid out of her, Aubrey reached down and stroked it a final time. She

brought her fingers, wet with the juices from both of their bodies, to his mouth.

Joseph’s lack of hang ups over such things as oral sex and sharing bodily fluids was

just another reason Aubrey had found to adore hybrids. When Joseph licked her fingers

and then kissed her mouth, Aubrey’s pussy tightened, already wanting him again.

“My, what a big mouth you have.” Aubrey grinned and wiggled her eyebrows.

Joseph growled and grazed her neck with his teeth. “All the better to eat you with,

my dear.”

Chuckling, Aubrey gripped his semi-erect penis in her hand. “And what a big cock

you have.”

Joseph settled back on the forest floor and pulled Aubrey onto his lap. Within

seconds his dick was ready for her to ride. “I think we both know where this is


Aubrey straddled him and Joseph slid into her again.

“Did you get your fantasy?” she asked.

Neither of them was moving. Joseph was merely nestled inside her.

“The one with Little Red Riding Hood?”


Joseph pulled her close, pressing her nipples against his chest. “Not really.”

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Blayne Edwards


Aubrey pouted. “So, you’re not happy?”

“Oh, I’m perfectly happy. And I’ve got exactly what I want.”

Aubrey laced her fingers together behind his head and began to rock back and

forth. “And what is that?”

Using his hands on each side of her butt, Joseph began to guide her slowly up and

down the length of his shaft. “I’m not sure yet,” he grinned and nipped at her bottom

lip. “Could be a mate. Possibly a wife.”

“I can handle being either of those things,” Aubrey said.

“You sure?” he asked.

“I’m sure.”

Aubrey should have known he was up to something. She could see the mischief in

his blue eyes even before he asked, “Can I call you my old lady?”

Immediately she squeezed his cock with the muscles of her vagina. Joseph grunted

in delight at the pressure she was able to inflict upon his erection.

“No you may not, young man.”

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About the Author

Blayne Edwards was born, raised, and still resides in the foothills of the

Appalachians in Southeast Tennessee with the timber wolf bitch she adopted and the

human animal she married. She feels an overwhelming passion for writing, sex,

animals, fear, and loud obnoxious music and believes she was put on this Earth to

somehow become the embodiment of them all.

Blayne believes...in everything.

The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email

address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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Also by Blayne Edwards



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