Sean Michael Love in G Minor

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A Torquere Press Games People Play - 1

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Games People Play: Love in G Minor

Copyright © 2007 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or
reviews. For information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78650.

ISBN: 978-1-60370-130-3, 1-60370-130-3

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press electronic edition / September 2007

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

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Chapter One

Jack let himself in and threw his briefcase at the table in his office, grinning fiercely as it thumped
loudly. What a fucking shitty day.

He'd managed to lose a sizeable chunk of someone else's money and damn it, that just made him
cranky. It didn't matter if the client had insisted on buying the damned stock, if he'd done his job
right, he could have made lemonade somehow, at least controlled the damage, but no. Several
million down the tubes.

He headed on down the hall and tossed his jacket at the bed, yanking on his tie. "Stevie? Where are
you?" he bellowed.

"Trying to read in the library, but someone was being a noisy bastard." Stephen leaned against the
bedroom doorframe, long, platinum hair artfully disheveled, glasses perched on that pointed nose.

"You did hear me come in then -- took you long enough to show up." He glowered for a moment
before crowing in triumph when the damned tie finally gave way.

"A dead man in Toledo could have heard you." He got a half-grin, Stephen's slender fingers helping
him with the tie.

He hummed, hands moving to settle on Stephen's waist. It was hard to stay in a bad mood when the
scent of your lover filled your nose. He made a show of it, raising his head a little, scenting the air.

Stephen stepped a little closer, rubbing them together. "Sensual bastard."

"You love it," he shot back, thumbs stroking Stephen's hips through soft woolen pants.

"You keep telling yourself that." Those blue eyes were sharp, shining, wanting him. Loving him.

He snorted and closed their mouths together, taking the hard kiss he wanted, grunting as Stephen
responded, pushing his lover back up against the wall. Stephen's fingers pushed into his hair,
tugging them closer together.

His cock was hard, aching, need like a drum at the back of his head, beating low and fast. He
started to hump, pushing Stephen hard against the wall with each push. God, he needed it. He
needed it hot and hard and fast and then he needed it hot and slow and intense.

One hand reached down, nails burning along his spine. He gasped. Yeah. Oh yeah, that's what he
needed, what he wanted.

"More," he growled, shoving harder, getting a hand between them in order to open their pants.

"Pushy." The sound of his dress shirt tearing was like a snarl.

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He arched, moaning. "You know it."

He got their zippers down, got his hand around both their pricks, working them nice and hard.

Stephen bit his bottom lip, hard enough to sting. "Yes. More."

A shot of lightning went through him at the bite. Fuck, he loved this. Loved this man.

His thumb stroked across the tips of their cocks, nail dragging over the sensitive flesh. A sharp cry
pushed into his mouth, Stephen arching against him. He did it again, the pain going up his spine,
settling in his balls as tight, hot need.

"Love!" Stephen's heat sprayed over him, the scent heady.

"Yeah." He just needed... he squeezed the head of his cock tight and cried out, his come joining

Stephen relaxed, nuzzling his neck, nipping and licking. He moaned, tugging Stephen's shirt off and
working his lover's pants down. "Wanna tie you to the bed and fuck you blind."

"You think you can?" Stephen was still hard, scorpion tattoo looking as if it was headed for those
heavy balls.

He laughed, fingers tracing the black ink. "What -- tie you up or fuck you blind?"

"Either or..." Stephen's skin was covered in goose bumps.

"Oh, I think I can. And what's more -- you know I can." He leaned in and scraped his teeth along
Stephen's collarbone. That pale-pale skin turned a sweet pink, blushing for him. He hummed, biting
this time, thumbnail sliding along the scorpion's tail.

The low noise came with the tug and pull of Stephen's fingers in his hair. Moaning, Jack wriggled
his hips and then stepped out of his pants. Then he was turning Stephen, pushing him toward the
bed. Stephen made him work for it, long body pressed against him, cock hard and proud.

It excited him, fighting Stephen for dominance, for control. He pushed Stephen down onto the bed,
following with his body.

"Such a pushy bastard." Stephen arched up, rubbing, pushing him.

"I try." He grinned down at his lover and reached beneath his pillow, pretty damned sure he had at
least one set of handcuffs there.

"Try harder." Stephen laughed for him, twisting beneath him, that long body spinning.

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He chuckled. "You moved the fucking cuffs."

"Don't want you to get bored, babe."

"No chance of that." He buried his teeth in Stephen's neck.

"Oh!" Stephen gasped, body moving in needy, restless jerks. Yeah, Stephen wasn't bored either.

He grinned and rolled, bringing Stephen with him, finding his lover's shoulder with his teeth as he
reached under the mattress for his back-ups.

"Jack! Love! Oh, fuck!" Those nails scraped at him, pulling him closer.

Fuck, he loved that burn, the scrape. Maybe he'd only cuff one hand.

He rolled them again, getting Stephen on his back and flipped the cuffs around one wrist and then
on the bedpost, shackling one arm. Stephen's motions slowed, careful not to damage those wrists,
those talented, musical hands.

"You shouldn't have hidden the fur-lined ones," he teased, turning his lover so that ass was high in
the air.

"Wasn't thinking." There was a dark "J" inked on the join of Stephen's thigh and ass, an intricate
design of Telemann's Overture in A Minor covering the small of his back.

Jack bent and traced that J with his tongue, teeth dragging behind. Those long thighs parted, balls
swaying, the scent of Stephen strong. Growling, he lowered his head, taking one of Stephen's balls
in his mouth.

"Oh..." Stephen stilled, panting, skin wrinkling under his tongue.

He chuckled around the sensitive globe and let Stephen feel his teeth.

"Jack." The whisper was rough, hungry, Stephen spreading. Yeah, there was his needy lover, right
there with him.

He pushed his thumb into Stephen's hole, his cock throbbing, aching to be buried in the tight heat.
Stephen squeezed him, groaning, muscles fluttering around his thumb. He shuddered and bit down
on the ball in his mouth again.

Stephen cried out, the chain on the cuffs tinkling.

Groaning, he slowly let Stephen's ball go. "Gonna beg for me, Stevie?" he asked, pushing his
thumb in deeper.

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"Not a chance." That little hole squeezed again.

"Damn." He chuckled and went for the other ball, adding his other thumb in Stephen’s ass. Stephen
rocked, body taking him in, tugging at him. He nipped at the ballsac and then bit at Stephen's ass.
"You want more, Stevie?"

"My name is Stephen." Oh, yeah. Stephen wanted more. Stubborn man.

"It is?" He let one thumb slide out, rubbing along the wrinkled flesh.

Stephen growled low, hole twitching under his touch. He buried his nose in the small of Stephen's
back, breathing in the scents of skin and sweat, musk and come. He rubbed his prick along the back
of Stephen's thigh, teasing them both.

Stephen moaned, the sound soft, husky. "So hot."

"You want a piece of it, Stevie?" He pushed his second thumb back in, pushing harder against
Stephen's thigh. He was going to make his lover fly.

"Oh. Jack. Love..." Stephen moaned, hips shifting, fucking slamming back toward him.

Oh, that was almost as good as begging. Almost.

He pulled both thumbs out this time, hand going to Stephen's balls, fondling them roughly.

"Bastard." Stephen lifted his head, hair wild and mussed, panting for it.

His hand slid along Stephen's cock, pinching the head and sliding back down. "Your bastard."

"Yes." His lover rippled, nodded. "Mine."

"Yeah." He traced the intricate tattoo on the small of Stephen's back with his tongue, letting the tip
of his cock slide along Stephen's crease.

"Oh. I want..." Stephen arched, moaning low.

He grinned, licked. "Beg, Stevie. Tell me just how much."

He could feel Stephen fight it, loved the way those slim hips rocked and shifted against him. "Been
days, love. Days."

"I know." Fuck, he loved that stubborn streak.

His cock bumped Stephen's hole, promising, threatening, and his lover growled, the sound sexy,
wild. "Do it. Jack. Love. I need, now. Fuck me. Need your cock, yeah? Need you."

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"Mmm, are you begging me, Stevie?"

The cuffs jingled again. "No. Bastard."

He groaned. Fucking stubborn, beautiful asshole.

He let his cock drag across Stephen's hole again and then collapsed onto his back next to Stephen,
stroking himself, letting Stephen watch.

He got a disbelieving look. "Jack? You've got that hand every fucking day..."

He pasted on a lazy, unconcerned grin. "You want it? You know what you need to do."

"Fuck off." Stephen's free hand reached back, three fingers sliding deep into that tight little hole.
Oh, fuck, that was beautiful, his Stephen flushed and hard, riding.

Shit, he was going to go off just watching if he wasn't careful. "Don't you make me cuff your other
wrist, Stevie."

"Too fucking busy jacking off to do it." Stephen rippled, eyes hot and watching him.

He reached lazily with one hand, looking for something to use, crowing when he found his tie.

"Fucking love that smile..."

He grinned and surged up, pushing his tongue down Stephen's throat. He grabbed Stephen's hand,
pulling the long fingers out of that fine ass and looping the tie around that beautiful wrist. Stephen
bucked beside him, rubbing hard, trying to get off.

He looped the other end of the tie around a bedpost, effectively shackling Stephen's second hand.
Then he went back to jacking off. "You still refuse to beg?"

"Bitch." Stephen's growl was part fury, part need.

He pushed his own growl of frustration into a hum, hand working his cock slowly. The trick was to
outlast Stephen's stubborn streak. Of course that didn't mean he couldn't tilt the scales a little. He
collected the liquid from the tip of his cock and painted Stephen's lips with it. Stephen groaned, lips
wrapping around his finger and sucking hard.

He couldn’t hide the ripple that went through him, so he had to start playing dirty. He slid his free
hand down to play with Stephen's balls, teasing and tugging on them. Stephen groaned and spread
for him, mouth still bobbing on his fingers. He reached back to Stephen's ass again, letting his
fingernail scrape along the wrinkled skin around Stephen's hole.

"Oh..." Stephen's head lifted. "Want you, love."

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"Yeah?" He scraped again. "You absolutely sure you do?"

"Yes. Yes, Jack. Fuck me. Make me yours."

He moved back onto his knees behind Stephen, fingers running in hard lines along Stephen's back,
nails leaving marks. He nudged at the hot little hole that he wanted into in the worst way. "You
ready to beg for it, Stevie?"

"Oh. Oh, fuck. Please. Please, love. I need..."

He shouted triumphantly and pushed into the best place on earth he knew. Arching, Stephen
moaned, words pouring from his lover. He grabbed Stephen's shoulders for leverage and just started
thrusting away, fucking his lover with everything he had. Stephen met each thrust, their bodies
slamming together, skin slapping.

It was raw and wild and just what he needed.

He got one hand around Stephen's cock, tugging roughly as he continued to plough in.

"Fuck! Love!" Stephen bucked, ass squeezing him like a fist.

He rubbed his thumb at the base of Stephen's cock, that spot which just made his lover nuts. "Come
for me, Stevie, show me how fucking good it is."

"Jack!" There it was, hot and needy, wet and musky and Stephen.

He moaned, shoving into Stephen and losing his load. It shook him from his head to his toes and all
points in between, and, damn, that made the day better.

Stephen moaned, relaxing beneath him. "Hey."

He purred, kissing the back of Stephen's neck. "Hey."

Pulling out made him grunt, but he did it, leaning up to release Stephen's hands from their bonds
before collapsing next to his lover. Stephen scooted close, skin soft and warm against him.

"Hey, Stevie," he murmured, tugging his lover closer.

"Mmm... love you. Bad day better now?"

"All better."

He turned Stephen's face up, giving his lover a warm kiss, full of banked passion. Stephen cupped
his face, tongue sliding along his.

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Jack hummed into the kiss and then lay there, hand stroking Stephen's skin. "We got anything
planned tonight?"

"Nothing magical, no."

"Lets go to Swann's then. Have a nice meal together." Stephen in good clothes made him horny.

"I'll call and reserve our table. Although God knows who'll we'll get. Sweet Trevor went home to

"Well I'm not fussy; I just want someone who won't spill the food. And who has a nice ass. And
who looks at you as if you're dessert and me as if I'm a god." He sighed. "Why ever did Trevor

"He got a sugar daddy. Somebody big and buff to take care of that sweet little body."

"Well good for him! Even if it does leave us without the best waiter in town."

They'd had a taste of that body more than once. Trevor played nicely, liked his sex a little kinky.

"Yeah, I know." Stephen pouted. "And left us low on playmates."

"We'll have to go cruising, Stevie." Not tonight though, he didn't need the pressure, wasn't in the
mood for sharing his lover, even if the pay off was a sweet sub they could take turns fucking into

"Yeah. Later." Oh, yeah. That was one of the things he loved about Stephen. The man knew him,
knew what he needed. Sometimes gave it to him. Usually made him work for it, though, and he
loved that, too.

He rolled Stephen onto his back and lay on top of that long body. Maybe they'd order pizza.

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Chapter Two

Rehearsal went well, the Mozart as natural as breathing, once the idiot oboe player finally got her
head screwed on straight.

The sun was setting, there was a chill in the air, he looked beautiful -- white turtleneck and slacks,
hair down -- and he was meeting his Jack for drinks at the Sevens Club.


Stephen hailed a cab -- once upon a time he would have walked, but the violin in his hand was
worth a small fortune and, hell, he could afford it these days -- and called Jack, making sure their
plans were still on.

"Richarson." Jack's voice was short, hurried, curt.

"Jack?" Damn it to Hell, that never meant anything good. "I'm on my way to the club."

"Stevie." His lover's voice relaxed a little. "I'm just wrapping things up here. We had a stock
bottom out and there's a bit of damage control to be done. I'll be about fifteen minutes late, all

Oh, now. That wasn't bad. "Sounds good. You want a martini, lover?"

"Yeah. And something to nibble on. I had to skip lunch. Love you." By the time the conversation
was over, Jack's voice was already distracted again and the phone clicked off.

Stephen relaxed. If Jack said fifteen, it would be an hour and he had time to play, to explore a little.

The Sevens Club was gold and classy; a little dance floor, a class-A menu and Bri, the bartender,
made a perfect Cosmopolitan.


He slid into the booth in the back, making sure he was under the lights, shown off to the best

"Can I get you something to drink?" The voice was low, soft, gentle and it was only that fact that
kept him from snapping. After all, it was a fucking bar. Well, the fact that the kid was cute and
puppyish with wide green eyes and brown curls and a mouth that begged to be fucked didn't hurt

"A Cosmopolitan, please."

"I'll be right back with that. I'm Benji, if you need anything else, just holler."

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A blowjob, please, and then you can blow Jack while I do unspeakable things to your ass. "Thank

He got a grin and a nod and then the opportunity to watch that ass wiggle to the bar.

The drink was perfect, Benji attentive and pretty and managing not to annoy him. When it had been
closer to forty-five minutes than half an hour, he ordered a dry martini along with a refill and an
order of potato skins.

"Will you need another place setting?" Oh, clever. Cute and clever.

He nodded. "For my lover, yes."

"And that would be me." Jack stood behind the little waiter, towering over him.

The wee thing jumped about twenty feet in the air, dropping his pad. Oh, too cute.

"Hello, love."

"Hey, Stevie." Jack looked good, if tired, in his dark grey suit, and light grey tie.

"I... I'll be right back with your order." The waiter-baby scrambled and Stephen reached for his

"Long day?"

Jack nodded, mouth quirked in a half smile. "It's looking up though." Bending, Jack kissed him
softly, teeth dragging along the inside of his bottom lip as the kiss ended. Jack eased back, sitting
across from him.

He preened and purred, legs stretching to rub against Jack's. "I got you an order of potato skins. It's
not caviar, but it's something."

"I just want something so I don't faint on you. It's been a bear of a day." Jack shook his head and he
could almost see his lover turning work off. "How was your day?"

"Luscious. The oboe player must have gotten laid, she was in tune." He winked, grinned, took one
of Jack's hands and started massaging it.

Jack sat back, eyes softening. "Oh, that's nice. You spoil me."

"I do my best." He rubbed harder, working the tense spots.

"So who's the cute little muffin serving us this evening?"

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"Benji. He's a doll-baby, all wide-eyed and trembly." His voice lowered. "He'd bruise beautifully."

Jack grinned at him. "I noticed his skin was rather pale. I noticed his lips, too. And his ass."

He grinned back. "Can you imagine it?"

"I can, lover." The heat in Jack's eyes was intense. "You always find the best toys."

"I don't know if he'll play, yet..."

The he in question came up, drinks in hand. "Here you go. Your food will be ready shortly."

"Thank you," Jack murmured, turning those eyes on Benji. "I'm sorry if I startled you earlier."

The slender cheeks pinked, eyes dropping a second. "I... Thank you."

"You're new here, aren't you?" Oh, Jack was interested, pouring on the charm, blue eyes warm.

"Yes. I just came in for college." Those eyes were so pretty, gentle.

"College? Cute and smart," Jack teased. "What are you majoring in?"

"Vocal performance and education."

Oh, a singer and a teacher. The kids in this city would eat him alive.

"My Stevie here is a violinist." Jack nodded at him, eyes twinkling. Asshole knew he hated being
called Stevie.

"Oh? Wow." He got a grin, a shy look. "You look like an artist."

He chuckled. "Thank you, I think."

"Oh, it was a compliment, lover. Wasn't it... I'm sorry where are my manners? I'm Jack." His lover
held out a solid hand.

"Hello, Jack. I'm Benji. Well, the manager here says I should be Ben, but my name's really Benji."

Oh, God. They could eat him with a spoon. "And I'm Stephen."

Jack was practically purring. "Oh, Benji is a fine name."

Benji turned bright pink. "Thank you, Jack. I should go get your food. I'll be right back."

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Jack watched the sweet little ass as Benji hurried away before turning back to him. "Oh, Stevie, it's
not even my birthday!"

He chuckled. "Singers are high-maintenance, Jack-love."

"Higher maintenance than violinists?" his lover asked, one eyebrow raised.


Jack laughed, socked foot sliding along his calf. "I want to watch you seduce him, Stephen-love. I
want to watch him kiss you with those beautiful lips, sweet body trembling at his boldness."

"He's got eyes for you, love. You have him entranced." He spread his legs, purring.

"I'm the main course, Stephen. That doesn't make the appetizer any less appealing."

"Speaking of appetizer, yours is on the way." The sweet little thing picked his way across the bar,
the lights dim, atmosphere intimate.

"Excellent. I find my appetites very much in need of satisfying." Jack pinned him a look. "Reel him
in for me, lovely. I'll make it worth your while."

He purred, nodded, leaned back against the velvet of the booth, watching the boy walk, watching

Those pretty hands were trembling as the food was placed on the table. "'s your food."

"Thank you, Benji. It looks delicious and I'm very... hungry." Jack's voice was soft, intimate.

"Would you like anything else?"

He reached out, fingers sliding over Jack's fingers. "I think we need cream, sweet boy."


He licked his lips. "Sour cream."

"Perhaps Benji has sweet cream instead of sour," Jack murmured.

"I..." Those eyes went wide.

"Do you, pretty one? Are you sweet?"

He ran his finger through the salsa and licked it off. "Or spicy?"

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"Oh, now, look at that face, Stephen. That face does not say spicy." Jack chuckled. "There is one
way to settle it though, isn't there?"

"I... There is? Oh, I have another table. I... I'll bring you some cream. Sour cream."

He chuckled, watching the sweet boy back away, cheeks blazing.

Jack was pouting. "Will he be back, Stevie? Or will there be another boy serving us the rest of the

"He'll be back. Spoiled brat." There was something about this one, though.

"It's not my fault -- you're the one who brought up cream and now I have to taste him."

"Can't you see him? Bound, bent over a chair, well-fucked, well-spanked, begging to come?"

Jack's eyes nearly closed, the purr soft. "You're going to make me cream, Stephen-love."

"Mmm..." He scooted closer, moaning low. "Pierce those little nipples, make him spend a day
plugged and hard. Bruise those pretty lips."

"Stephen... " Jack's tongue ran over his lips. "Don't stop."

"We'll make him beg, love. Keep him hard and wanting, mark his skin." He grinned over, winking.
"First one who gets him to beg to be fisted, first one with a hand in that little ass? Gets a weekend
of whatever he wants."

"You're on. Fuck, I love your mind, Stephen. And your mouth. So dirty." Jack shifted restlessly.

"I love you." He chuckled. "Take him out, dress him up, fuck him in a bathroom."

"Oh, yes." Jack gave him a look. "Bring him back for another round of teasing and I'll take you to
the bathroom and fuck your brains out."

He grinned, nodded as the sweet thing brought a cup of sour cream. "It's a deal."

Jack rolled his eyes and mouthed "cheater" at him.

"No..." He found a warm smile for Benji. "Thank you, lovely. Do you like cream or salsa on yours?
Which do you recommend?"

"Maybe he's never had it spicy." Jack looked Benji up and down. "Though it would be the perfect
condiment for such a sweet dish."

"I... I can't eat too much spice. I like buttermilk dressing on mine."

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"Where are you from, lovely?" The mid-west or he'd eat his hat.



"Not too much spice?" Jack reached out and stroked Benji's stomach through his dress-shirt. "Just
not used to it or do you have a delicate tummy?"

Benji flushed dark, eyes huge and it was all Stephen could do not to come across the table. "Not
used to it. I..."

Jack purred loud enough for Benji to hear, fingers still stroking the slender belly. "Untried then.


"Relax, pretty thing. We won't bite." He sipped his drink, licked his lips. "Much."

Jack laughed softly, the sound shivering up his spine. He could only guess what effect it would
have on Benji. "And we'll make you ask nicely first."

"I have to work. Would you like another?" So husky, so sweet.

"When do you get off?"

A man could fall in love with that blink. "Nine."

"We'll keep your seat warm," murmured Jack.

"Oh. Okay. Okay." Their empty glasses were taken, the glass tinkling together.

"Mmm... When you get our last round, get a glass of red wine for yourself. It will make your lips so

"Oh, yes. Such a brilliant mind for details, my Stephen." Jack's foot was climbing along the inside
of his thigh, eyes promising him a good hard rutting in the fancy bathrooms the club sported.

"I... Okay. I'll be back."

"Such a good boy."

Jack watched Benji leave again and then turned to him. "Come on, love. We've time to do the deed
and be back, all civilized like, for the wee thing."

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"Mmm... I like playing civilized..."

He stood, slowly heading for the bathrooms, winking at the little one as he passed by. He could feel
Jack following him, the weight of his lover's gaze quite palpable. Oh, he loved it when Jack played.

Stephen slid into the private bathroom, Jack right behind him, locking the door with a loud click.
Jack pushed him up against the wall, pushing his hair out of the way for sharp teeth to worry the
skin of his neck. "You make me so hard, Stephen. Tease me so."

He bucked backward, growling low, rubbing. "Need you, love. Hard. Deep."


Jack's fingers slid around his waist, undoing his belt buckle, his button and zipper, pushing his
pants down around his ankles. As quickly as that, Jack's hard cock was pushing into him,
demanding entrance.

"Yes. Fuck me." His fingers scrabbled on the wall, toes curling.

Jack's hands wrapped around his hips, that cock pushing in deep, holding there for a moment before
his lover growled and began to fuck him.

"Love..." He braced himself, slamming back into each thrust. "Gonna make him ours, Jack. Gonna
mark him."

"Yes. Ours. Mine. My Stevie." Each word was punctuated by a hard, deep thrust, Jack giving him
exactly what he wanted, what he needed.

"Yours. Love. Gonna..." He closed his eyes, so fucking close.

"Yeah. Yeah, Stevie. I want to feel it."

He grunted, hips bucking, come spraying against the wall.

"Yes!" Jack shouted, jerking into him and filling him deep with glorious heat.

He relaxed, humming, holding Jack in deep. Jack's mouth found his neck again, lips sucking up one
mark, teeth making another. "Oh... my hungry love."

"Just starving, Stephen-love."

"Yeah. Yeah." He moaned, nodded. "We going to take him home?"

The cock inside him throbbed, but Jack's words were quiet, serious. "Only if you want to, love."

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He smiled, leaned back, their cheeks sliding together. His Jack loved him so. "We'll play, love.
We'll drive him mad."

"He'll wonder if it's possible to die from pleasure."

"He'll beg and he'll ache and he'll need us."

Jack moaned, hips drawing small circles, making the cock inside him move. "No one else will
satisfy him the way we can."

"No one ever will. Jack-love. We haven't had a toy in too long..."

The small circles became shallow thrusts, Jack's fingers digging into his hips again. "A toy made
just for us. So delightful."

"Yes. Yes, Jack-love." He was getting hard again.

Jack moved faster, growing breathless. "Such innocence. Delicious."

"Yes. Something to share." He leaned his head back. "We share our toys so well..."

"We do." Jack's teeth worried the line of his neck, cock sliding deep.

"Oh..." He groaned, that cock pegging his gland. "There, love."

"Right there." Jack moved, hitting his gland over and over again, pulling him back onto that hard
cock, making him fly. Again.

He groaned, riding hard, eyes rolling in his head.

"Love you," whispered Jack, the words breathed against his neck.

"Oh..." He came, whimpering low, Jack filling him, heart and soul.

Jack was right behind him, repeating the words again, coming deep inside him.

They rested together a moment, then their eyes met in the mirror. "He's going to think we left him."

"Would that make him relieved or disappointed?" Jack gave him a wink, groaning as their bodies
parted. "We can't have him thinking that."

"No. He should know he's wanted." They cleaned up, Stephen arranging his hair in the mirror
before straightening Jack's tie.

Jack gave him a kiss and unlocked the door, taking his hand to walk him back to their booth.

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The games were about to begin.

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Chapter Three

They'd left. It didn't surprise him, not really. He'd felt like nothing but a bumpkin for the entire two
and a half months he'd been here. Truth be told, he'd already contacted OU to see if he could
transfer in January. Go back home where he wasn't a complete fish out of water.

Still... They were both so sophisticated, so strong. The violin player was beautiful and pale --
platinum hair, ice eyes, he'd almost whimpered when the man sat in his section. Jack was different,
less ethereal, dark with flashing eyes.

Warm hands.

He chuckled to himself, busied himself with helping the barback slice lemons and oranges and
limes. A guy couldn't argue with a month's worth of good fantasy material and, God knew,
fantasies were always better than the real thing.


When he looked up again, they were back, sitting across from each other in the same booth.
Stephen was practically glowing, Jack looking at him as if he was the bee’s knees.

Oh. Oh, wow.

The knife slipped, nicking his finger, making him wince. "Damn. I... I need another cosmopolitan
and martini and a glass of house red for table forty, Bry."

Bry chuckled. "Stephen and Jack? Yeah. Watch them, they're wolves. Sexy, but wolves."

"Oh. Okay. Yeah." He grabbed a bandage and plastered it on. "I will."

"And there's no way they asked for a glass of house red." Bry laughed and pulled down one of the
expensive bottles.

His cheeks heated, "They... they just said a glass of red..."

"For you? Oh, sweet pea, what I said about wolves? Goes double for you." Bry poured out the glass
of red and made the cosmopolitan and martini.

"Yeah?" He looked up into those big brown eyes. Bry was a nice guy, who'd helped him out a lot.

"They eat sweet, innocent little farm boys like you for breakfast, Benj. That's all I'm saying."

"I'm not that innocen..." His words trailed off at Bry's look and he blushed again. "Okay, okay. I'll
be good."

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Bry chuckled. "Not you I'm worried about being good, sweet pea." Bry gave him a wink and
handed him the tray of drinks.

"I'm off the clock, right?" At Bry's nod, he turned. "Take my apron off?"

Bry did, giving his ass a bit of a fondle while he was at it.

"Bry!" He giggled and squeaked, rolling his eyes.

His ass was slapped. "Go on. Your wolves are waiting and if I'm not mistaken, giving me the evil

"Mean old man." He grinned at Bry and then made his way over to their table, careful not to spill.

"We thought you'd forgotten about us." Jack pouted at him.

He put the glasses on the table, blushing. "Sorry. I thought you'd left. Got... got tired of waiting."

"Oh, you're worth a wait, pretty one." Stephen picked up the pretty pink cosmopolitan, sipping

Jack got up and indicated that he should slip into the booth. "It’s warm for you, I promise."

"Oh..." He remembered what Bry said about wolves, but slid in anyway. They had waited for him,
after all.

Jack sat down again, and Stephen leaned across the table and it was suddenly close and intimate.

"Enjoy your wine," Jack suggested, voice low.

"Th...thank you." He sipped, the flavor strong and rich, sort of like cherries.

Stephen and Jack shared a hot look, their fingers sliding together sensuously.

"Are you seeing anyone, Benji?" Jack asked him, those eyes holding his again.

"Seeing? No. No. I go to school and work." The people around here were... nerve-wracking and

"Excellent." Jack's hand slid along his for a moment.

"Oh..." He shivered, took another drink. "Wh...what do you do?"

"He means besides me, lover." Stephen winked at him, so perfect, so pretty.

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"I'm a stock broker. It's a lousy business and I don’t advise going into it. Still, it keeps Stephen in
the manner to which he's become accustomed." The teases were fond.

Stephen laughed, tossed that pretty hair. "And I'm worth every penny, wouldn't you agree, sweet

He blushed, nodded, fingers tracing the bowl of the glass.

"You are, Stevie. That and more." He could feel it when Jack's eyes turned back to him, the
attention almost physical. "So what do you do for fun, Benji?"

"There's a pool table on campus, and bowling. I like to swim, too. Normal stuff."

"Boring stuff. We like to play, too, but I doubt anyone would call it normal stuff."

Stephen chuckled. "Oh, now. We play in the water, Jack..." Oh, that sounded wicked.

"We do at that. Benji here would enjoy our water games, don't you think, Stephen?" The way Jack
spoke, every word sounded dirty.

"Oh, he would be... entranced." Stephen licked those full lips.

"And you were right, lover, that wine does wonderful things to his lips." Jack moved a little closer,
arm going around his shoulders. "Would you like to be entranced, Benji?"

"My lips... I think I'm a little out of my league with you two..." Way out.

"Nonsense. We saved you a spot at our table, didn't we? Stephen, tell him I don't play with people
I'm not interested in."

"No. Jack is very sure of himself, sweet one." Stephen reached across, stroked his cheek. "You
have no idea how charming you are."

'Me?" He blinked.

Jack purred and moved closer so their thighs were touching. "Yes, sweet thing. You. I want."

"I... But... You have him..." And he's beautiful.

"Oh, he wants you, too."

"Me?" He was sort of broken-record-y.

Stephen chuckled. "Yes, Benji. You."

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"Shall we prove it with a kiss?" Jack asked. "You can judge and let us know which of us you think
wants you more."

"Here?" Oh, God. He worked here.

Stephen nodded, cupping his jaw and leaning over the table. "Here."

Then his lips were covered, taken in a long, deep kiss from the most beautiful man he'd ever seen.
He could barely hear Jack's purr over the rush of blood in his ears.

"My turn," murmured Jack as Stephen's lips slowly left his. Jack's hand replaced Stephen's on his
chin, turning his head for a hard, wanton kiss.

He whimpered, world spinning, breath lost. Oh. Oh, God.

Jack barely let him take a breath, one kiss turning into another and then another and almost without
him knowing, he was pushed against the back of the booth, head tilted up for Jack's... invasion. His
hands curled around Jack's shoulders, not sure whether to pull closer or push away. A hum filled
his mouth, making his entire body vibrate and Jack's hand slid to his hair, cupping his head and
tilting it as the kisses grew deeper.

Oh, God.

Oh, God he was going to.


At work.

Oh, God.

He pulled back, moaning, gasping. "I..."

"Oh, sweet thing, you'd make my night if you did." Jack's voice slid along his skin like a caress.

"Oh, I..." He moaned, blinking, dazed.

"Give him what he wants, sweet thing." Stephen's foot slid along his thigh. "Then we'll make you

"Yes, fly," murmured Jack, mouth covering his again.

He opened, thighs trembling as he came, whimpering low.

Jack purred, the kiss gentling.

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Those dark eyes watched him as Jack's hand pushed into his pants, brushing the tip of his cock,
making him gasp. Then Jack brought wet fingers up to his mouth, licking one clean before holding
the hand out to Stephen. Stephen leaned forward, sucking his come off Jack's fingers, eyes hot and


Oh, God.

Jack's nose rubbed his, that tongue coming out to lick at his lips. "You taste luscious, Benji. Doesn't
he, Stephen?"

Stephen purred, sweet and wicked all at once. "Like honey. You can't buy that kind of treat, love."

"Come home with us, Benji. You won't be sorry."

"I... Okay. Okay." Surely if they were regulars and he disappeared someone would know.

Bry would know.

Jack purred, pleasure flaring in the dark eyes. "He's coming home with us, Stephen."

"Was there ever any doubt, love?" He blinked over at Stephen, alarmed, and that long hand brushed
his bottom lip. "So pretty."

"Never," murmured Jack, leaning in to lick at Stephen's fingers, his lips.

He moaned, the sound surprising him. "I... I should go get cleaned up..."

"Stephen. Clean the boy up."

Jack's hand opened his button, was pulling down his zipper.

One of those platinum eyebrows arched, the intensity between the two men sizzling. Then Stephen
reached over, plucked the silk handkerchief from Jack's pocket and gently, sensuously cleaned his
cock before pushing the silk back into Jack's jacket. Jack's laughter was husky, electric and the man
made no attempt to remove the come soaked silk from his pocket.

The man stood, holding a hand out to him. "Come along, pretty."

He took that hand, ignoring the looks he got from Bry and the other waiters. "Okay."

Jack purred and put his hand on the man's arm, while Stephen took Jack's other arm and they left
together, heads high.

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Lord above, he was going to have one adventure before he went home, or die trying.


Jack couldn't stop purring.

Sweet Benji's hand trembled ever so slightly on his arm, but the boy was so brave, coming with
them despite his obvious fright. Which meant the dear boy was going to let them do stuff to him,
such wonderful stuff. And the best part of it was, there were no losers here. Well... except for
anyone who wasn't them.

They grabbed a cab, Stephen sliding in first and then Benji, with him bringing up the rear. He and
Stephen squished Benji between them. He gave their address and settled back, hand dropping to
Benji's thigh. The sweet thing jumped and shivered, Stephen petting him gently, murmuring low.

"We're not really kidnapping you," Jack told Benji solemnly. "I mean you said yes, right? Do you
think we should get that in writing, Stevie? Just in case?" Damn, this kid was easy to tease.

"I know. I do. I'm just... I've never. This doesn't happen where I'm from..."

Stephen chuckled. "Welcome to the big city, sweet thing."

"And no matter what you've heard, we don't bring just anyone home. You're special." They had the
reputation as players, but very few actually made it out of a club with them.

He couldn't remember the last time he'd looked at someone as a long-term fixture. Oh wait. That
would be Stephen. He looked at his lover over Benji's head. Stephen's eyes were warm, dancing,
excited. The words 'love you' were mouthed.

Jack purred, stroking Benji's leg. Despite their earlier fucking, his cock was hard, eager. Benji's
legs parted, closed, hips sliding on the upholstery.

He leaned in and whispered into Benji's ear. "Do you need, sweet one?"

Those soft, pretty eyes blinked up at him. "Oh..."

"Oh, so pretty." He licked those wine-stained lips. "Tell me what you want, sweetling."

"I don't know. It's all so big. I don't want to do anything wrong."

"Oh, Benji, that's not possible. There are no limits."

"Kiss me again? Please?"

Stephen simply hummed at the request.

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"My pleasure." He bent to that upturned face, lips sliding over Benji's lightly to start and then with
more pressure, oh, so slowly deepening the kiss.

Stephen's hands slid over the slender body, caressing and stroking, touches seductive. He let his
own hands wander, occasionally brushing against Stephen's, just keeping Benji breathless and off
guard. Little did the sweet thing know about the things Stephen's hands could teach him. He'd learn,
though. Starting tonight.

The taxi slowed and he let Benji's lips go reluctantly. "You've an addictive mouth, sweetling."

"Thank you." There was a soft gasp as Stephen's fingers found a sensitive spot.

He chuckled and threw a hundred at the driver. It never hurt to spread around the green to ease
feelings when you were making out in public.

They tumbled out before their building, Jimmy opening the door for them immediately, the kid's
eyes wide.

"You can let him up anytime, Jimmy. Name's Benji."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Benji. Welcome to the Palm." So polite and proper, dear Jimmy.

"Thank you. Thank you." Those thin hands were fluttering, covering the hardness in the dark

So sweet. God, he couldn't wait to plunder that innocence.

They made it to the elevator and were heading up to the twentieth floor before Stephen took Benji's
mouth, the motion graceful and seductive. Jack leaned against the wall, humming as he watched.
His Stephen was so sexy, the sweet boy just making it that much better.

Benji reached up, fingers stroking Stephen's hair and shoulders, little moans filling the air. Jack
rubbed himself through his dress pants. They were inspiring. Stephen stepped back as the elevator
dinged, leaving Benji flushed and gasping. He couldn't wait to watch the boy sucking Stephen off.

They moved down the hall, Stephen's key opening the door. "Welcome to our parlor."

Jack chuckled. "We won't eat you, I promise. Well... yes, we will, but it won't hurt. Well... it might,
but... well, you'll enjoy it."

Stephen rolled his eyes, ushering them both in. "Come on. Would you like a drink, Benji?"

"Water. Water, I think."

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"Are you sure? There's a wicked little aperitif that would taste excellent out of your mouth." Just
another drop or two to ease the sweet thing’s fears.

"I... I could try that." Oh, so willing. So sweet.

Stephen hummed. "Good boy."

He fetched a bottle of Goldschalgger. "Open up, sweet boy. Be our vessel."

Stephen drew them over to the sofa, fingers trailing over Benji’s swollen lips, parting them.

He groaned, licking at Stephen's fingers and Benji's mouth and then he tipped the bottle. "Careful

Benji shuddered, eyes wide, watching, shivers more pronounced as Stephen pressed closer. "Don't
swallow, now. We want our sips."

"Yes, we do." He pressed a kiss to Stephen's lips first, taking a taste before turning and lapping the
liquid from Benji's swollen lips. Spicy and hot, the alcohol tasted heady from the sweet thing. He
and Stephen took turns, one licking, then the other.

They drank their fill and then he gently closed Benji's lips. "The rest is for you, sweet one."
Stephen stroked the slender throat, Benji swallowing, gasping.

He took the sweet thing's mouth as soon as Benji had swallowed, not giving him a moment to catch
his breath. Benji's hand slid around his neck, Stephen's fingers pushed between them, working his
jacket open and off. He hummed, fingers sliding over Stephen's arms and then down to the wee
one's sides.

Slender, warm, Benji was rippling, rocking, sliding between them. Jack met his lover's eyes,
purring into Benji's mouth at the heat there. Benji's shirt was next, Stephen's fingers sliding, finding
a tight nipple. He fought Stephen's fingers for that nipple, smiling over.

Benji moaned, body jerking and Stephen chuckled. "Sensitive. Oh, Jack, he's a dream."

He purred. "Our dream, Stephen-love."

"Yes." Stephen's lips covered his, tongue pressing deep.

His fingers grasped at Benji's chest as he sank into the kiss.

"Oh... you look so hot..." Benji's voice was gaspy, husky.

"Oh, Stephen-love. He's utterly perfect." If the boy enjoyed watching them, there'd be something
for him to do after they'd worn him out.

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Stephen nodded, turning to lick Benji's lips. "Perfect."

"Naked. There's not enough naked in this room." His hands went to Benji's pants, undoing them.

Benji blushed dark, head ducking. "I..."

"Shh... let us see, sweet one." Stephen nuzzled Benji’s thin neck, humming.

"We'll show you ours, if you show us yours." He murmured the words, fingers tugging at Benji's
pants. Mmm... Benji had a long, slender prick, pretty gold curls and tight balls. "Oh, Stephen, look
how pretty!" Fuck, he wanted to watch his lover suck that. And then lick the taste right out of
Stephen's mouth.

"Mmm... so lovely. So sweet." Stephen leaned down, slid one soft cheek against Benji's shaft, the
boy's eyes going wide at the touch.

Jack stroked Benji's cheek, looked into the pretty eyes. "We promised we'd make you fly,

"Yes. Yes, I remember. He's so soft, Jack."

Stephen pinked and moaned.

"Just wait until you're inside his mouth, Benji. It's heaven."

"Oh..." Those eyes rolled, closed.

He kissed each eyelid and glanced down at Stephen, smiling. "You look beautiful together, Stevie."

Stephen winked. "My name is Stephen, Jack."

He grinned, finger sliding along Stephen's cheek. "Is it, lover?"

His lover moaned, stretching. "Yes."

"Either way, I still want to watch you suck him off."

"Have you ever been sucked before, sweet Benji?" Stephen licked Benji's shaft, purring.

"No. I haven't. Not anything."

"Oh, not a virgin?" Oh, how did they get so lucky?

"Yeah. I just... a small town isn't the place, you know?"

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"Oh, you're not in a small town anymore, Benji." He stroked the sweetling’s lovely belly and then
Stephen's cheek, encouraging his lover to take that pretty cock into his mouth.

Stephen took Benji in, all in one fell swoop, that pretty mouth sinking all the way down. Jack
moaned, his own cock surging at the sight.

Benji shivered, eyes wide, watching. "Oh. Oh, fuck..."

"Mmm, sweet, Stevie. You're blowing his mind."

Those icy blue eyes shone up at him, dancing, rolling a little. He chuckled, stroked Stephen's cheek
again, traced along Stephen's lips and Benji's cock. "You're blowing mine, lover."

Stephen pinked, a soft moan brushing his fingertips, that pale head bobbing faster. He moaned
again, hand sliding to touch Benji again, fingertips dancing over the slender belly, up to the tight
little nipples.

Those pretty eyes were desperate, wide, fastened onto Stephen's mouth. "I'm gonna come again..."

"That's the idea, beautiful."

Benji looked up at him, flushed, gasping. "Me? Beautiful?"

"Oh, yes, little one. And even more so with my Stephen's mouth wrapped around your prick." He
purred and tugged on one of Benji's nipples.

Benji's eyes closed, his lips open, entire body jerking as Stephen swallowed.

Jack smiled, hand stroking down along Benji's body, soothing the wee one as he waited impatiently
for Stephen to decide to let Benji's cock slip from that perfect mouth. He wanted a taste.

Stephen lifted his face, lips red and wet, breath coming a little fast. "Sweet."

He growled a little, impatient and needy, mouth plastering to Stephen's as his tongue swept in to
taste for himself. It was sweet, Benji's taste colored by the flavor of Stephen himself and, shit, he
could drown in this, in the taste of the two of them together. It not only turned him on, made him
want; it felt right.

It confirmed that Benji wasn't just some kid they were bringing home to play with for a weekend;
he could taste it in Stephen's mouth, could see it in his lover's eyes. Stephen moaned, leaning over
Benji to rub against him, hot and wanton and demanding.

He looked over at Benji, breaking their kiss as he rubbed Stephen's ass through his lovely dress
pants. "How do you feel about returning the favor, Benji? Stephen's cock is hard. He needs you."

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And then he would fuck Stephen's sweet ass while Benji watched. In the morning, he could take

"I..." Benji blinked. "What if I do it wrong?"

Stephen snorted, lips opening to retort, sharp-tongued bastard.

He put his hand over Stephen's mouth. "I'll walk you through it, sweet thing."

Stephen's teeth grazed his palm, threatening, but not hurting, and he pushed his lover back, long
legs spreading wide.

"Help me get his pants off, Benji. You don't want to be the only one naked." The more their
sweetling helped, the more comfortable he'd feel, Jack was sure of it.

Benji’s fingers were trembling, but talented, quick, baring Stephen's cock in no time, one finger
sliding along the shaft. Jack was more aggressive, tugging the pants the rest of the way off once
Benji had them undone.

"Isn't my Stevie lovely?"

"He's like an angel, so pale..."

Those ice blue eyes rolled again and Jack gave Stephen a look. Don't ruin it, now.

"You know what this angel needs, sweet thing?" He waited until the warm eyes turned up to him.
"To be debauched."

Benji grinned, blushing a little, but those eyes danced. "That would be perfect."

Laughing in response, he grabbed Benji's chin and tilted the sweet face up for a hard, eager kiss.
"Then make it so, sweetling."

Benji looked over at Stephen, covering the swollen lips in a deep, long kiss, Benji's fingers
brushing over Stephen's hips and thighs.

Jack leaned back, stripping his pants away, eyes heavy as he watched them. So lovely together.
Stephen wasn't near as unaffected as he wanted to believe, either, shifting, flushed, cock full and
hard. Moaning softly, he slid his hands along Stephen's thighs, fingers occasionally brushing
Benji's. "He's ready for you, Benji, you can save the foreplay for some other night."

Benji looked up, a little blinky, a little dazed. "Oh. Oh, right. Sorry. His lips are... Sorry."

"He tastes like you at the moment, Benji. Did you like that? The flavor of your come in his mouth?"

Benji ducked his head and bent, mouth sliding along Stephen's cock, ignoring his question.

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He wrapped his fingers in Benji's hair and tugged the sweet head up. "I asked you a question, Benji.
I expect an answer." He said the words casually, but he held onto Benji's head, not letting the sweet
thing look away.

Those brown eyes were wide, searching his, nerves beginning to show. Stephen's hands reached
out, petting and easing, gentling Benji. Oh, they worked so well together.

"How did you like the taste of yourself in another man's mouth, sweetling?" He would have his

"It was hot." Benji swallowed hard.

He chuckled. "It was indeed, sweetling." He closed his mouth over Benji's, tongue sweeping
through, taking in the taste of Benji, and the faint hints of both Stephen and Benji's come.
Delicious. "Now, I believe you were in the midst of debauching an angel."

Benji buried his face in Stephen's belly, Stephen's fingers petting the gold curls, a soft hum
sounding. Those icy eyes were wicked, sharp.

Jack grinned at his lover and ran his hands along Benji's back, soft and easy, occasionally letting
the little bit feel the bite of his nails, the sharp edge of his need. It was magic, the way they went
from soft to sharp together, the way his Stephen knew when to be soft, when to push.

Benji slowly moved down, taking the tip of Stephen's cock, licking and sucking so gently, so

"You aren't going to hurt him, sweetling. Let him know you're there..." He breathed the words
against Benji's lower back, lips fastening on to suck up a mark.

Benji shivered beneath him, Stephen starting to push up, sliding deeper into the soft mouth.

"Oh, you're making him need, sweetling, making my Stevie fly."

Stephen groaned, legs spreading, fingers tangling in Benji's hair.

"That's it, my beautiful ones. Come, Stevie, I'm eager for my turn. I'm going to fuck you so hard
while our sweetling watches."

Benji groaned, head jerking and Stephen's eyes went wide, throat stretched out as color suffused the
long body.

He moaned, fingers sliding on Benji and Stephen's skin. "Yes, oh yes, my lovelies."

Benji lifted his head, Stephen's come sliding from the corner of the red lips. Groaning, Jack leaned
in, lapping at the sharp, salty come. Benji whimpered, pushing into the kiss. He licked at the taste

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inside Benji's mouth, noting how different and yet still so very sexy it was from the taste of Benji in
Stephen's mouth.

Then he pulled back and lay against the couch, stroking his aching cock. "It's my turn now."

Stephen's hand circled his prick, thumb rubbing the tip. "You'll wear him out, love."

"Bed's big enough for three and he's small enough I could carry him." He reached out, stroked one
flushed cheek. Stephen knew just what he liked, what felt good, hand moving as they spoke. He
groaned, hand wrapping around Benji's neck and tugging him forward. "Explore me, sweetling.
Taste and touch and lick."

Benji's cheek was so soft, so warm against his belly, tongue brushing against his cock, light and
hot. He watched, loving the sight of Benji's face near his prick, of Stephen's talented, delicate hand
working him as ably as any violin.

"Hedonist." The word was full of love, a compliment, an admiration.

He hummed and stretched, let his eyes close as he trusted in Stephen to guide Benji. He pushed into
each touch, moaning and purring, sharing his pleasure. One of Stephen's hands wrapped around his
balls, squeezing a little, teasing. Benji's head was bobbing slowly, suction sweet, if a little clumsy.
Groaning, he spread his legs, started to hump, holding back and keeping it gentle.

"So hot, love." Stephen's teeth fastened around his nipple, bright and sharp.

Jack gasped, bucking into the touch, hands reaching out, wrapping in long silky hair and soft curls.
Such a contrast, such tentative care versus the bright hunger of his Stephen. It was intoxicating,
sending his arousal higher, his body reaching eagerly toward his climax.

"Come on, love. Let him taste you. Let him feel you come." Stephen's lips covered his, tongue
pushing hard, fucking his mouth, eyes shining.

He cried out into Stephen's lips, body shuddering as he shot into Benji's mouth. Benji sighed, damp
cheek resting on his belly, panting softly.

He murmured, touching them both idly. "Come kiss me, sweetling, let me taste myself."

That pretty, thin face lifted toward him, bruised lips parting for him. He licked into Benji's mouth
once more and again the flavor had changed, now colored by his own musk. Groaning, he
plundered the sweet mouth. Soon he would need again, would take Stephen's ass hard while their
beautiful boy lay exhausted and asleep next to them, lips swollen from sharing pleasure.

Benji moaned, soft and low, eyes closing, prick firming against his thigh.

He kissed the boy until his own prick began to fill again and then he threw back his head and

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laughed. "We may have underestimated him, Stevie -- he's getting hard again. Maybe it's his ass I
should ream while you fuck his sweet mouth."

Benji flushed, shook his head. "I haven't. I don't think I can, Jack."

"Oh, sweetling." He stroked Benji's face and then let his hand slide down to stroke the filling cock.
"Would you deny me this?"

"I..." Benji moaned, eyes opening again. "You..."

Stephen chuckled, licked the boy's shoulder. "Bed, Jack."

"I'm not the one you need to convince." He chuckled and let Benji's cock go, standing and
stretching, showing his body off to his two admirers.

"Come to bed, Benji. No one's going to make you do anything..." Stephen stood, held a hand to
Benji, who took it.

"I may pout though," Jack warned. "And I have a very effective pout."

"Deadly, even." Stephen winked at Benji, making the sweet thing laugh and nod.

"Okay. Bed is cool."

"Oh now I'm going to have to pout for having my pout derailed.” He laughed and headed for the
bedroom, letting them get a good view of his backside beneath the edges of his shirt.

Stephen's hands swatted him, nice and hard, Benji's laughter following them down the hall.

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Chapter Four

He almost felt sorry for the wee thing.


No one could resist in the face of Jack's hunger, Jack's need. Jack's desire.

Stephen grinned at Jack, who was standing by their bed, talking low and soft to Benji.



He might have to growl a little. "You're not totally naked yet?"

Jack looked over, one eyebrow rising. "Pushy, pushy." One finger slid across Benji's lips.

He smiled without even wanting to. "Don't make me beat you, Jack. Love."

Benji gasped, pinked, watching them close.

"Mmm... I do love it when you talk dirty, Stevie." Jack's eyes dragged over him, a hard touch. Still
looking at him, Jack grabbed Benji's hands and brought them to his own chest. "Undress me,

"Uh-huh. I. This is okay, right? I don't want to make problems."

Well, damn it. How could he snarl in the face of that? "As long as I get to touch."

Jack chuckled and held out his hand. "You're too far away for touching, lover. Get over here."

That hand went the rest of the way to dissolving his grump and he chuckled, posing. "Too far

"Don't be coy, Stevie. Get your ass over here." Jack grinned and as soon as their hands connected
he was tugged close, mouth taken.

He heard Benji gasp, felt the lean body pressed against his as Jack took him, stole his breath. Jack's
fingers slid into his hair, tugging him slowly out of the kiss and toward Benji. "He needs our

"Do you, Benji? Do you need kisses?" Such a pretty boy.

"God, yes. Yes, please." That mouth lifted to his and he took it, tongue pushing in.

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Jack groaned, leaning in to suck at the skin beneath his ear. "So fucking sexy."

His hum was instinctive, immediate and answering by a musical sound from Benji. "Oh, shit. Oh,
shit that's something."

Jack's hand ran along his spine, nails dragging over his skin. He nipped Benji's bottom lip, tugging
a little at the burn Jack offered him. That hand slid down and grabbed his ass. Then Benji jerked
against him and he knew Jack's other hand was busy on their sweet thing's ass.

"Mmm." He backed off of the kiss, nuzzling the corner of Benji's mouth. "Sweet."

"Sweet, sure, but sweet doesn't get us naked." Jack swatted his ass and then Benji's. "Undress me
first and then the two of you can fight over who gets fucked by me." Oh, those dark eyes were

"There'll be no fighting." He brought Benji's fingers to his chest. "Touch me, pretty one."

"No? I'm not worth fighting over?" Jack pouted.

"You're worth fighting over. Benji here wants to watch, don't you?" He traced Benji's face, trailing
the lines. "You want to watch Jack's cock sink into my ass."

The sweet thing nodded, eyes huge. God, truly adorable.

Jack hummed and licked his lips, stripping himself, that beautiful cock hard and full. "Shall I make
you scream, Stevie?"

"I'd love to see you try, love." Benji’s pretty little hands slid on his skin, the touches light.

Jack pulled the sheets down, opened the drawer of their bedside table and took out the lube. "Will
you show him how to prepare you, Stevie? I'd love to see him open you up for me."

"Oh, now. He's a bright boy. It won't take much showing." He returned the sweet thing’s caresses,
fingers sliding down Benji's chest.

Jack lay back on the bed, watching them, hand idly stroking his prick. "Fucking sexy, babe. Both of

"Mmmhmm." He leaned in, chuckled. "Let's see how long he'll wait." He leaned down, his mouth
on the soft skin of those lean shoulders, teeth just making a mark.

Jack growled. "Hey."

"Mmm?" Winking at Benji, he nibbled down toward one pink nipple.

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"You're not playing fair, Stevie. Come to bed and bring the sweet thing with you."

"No one ever said I was fair." That little bit of flesh went tight, hard in his lips.

Jack kept working his prick, but Stephen could tell it was taking a lot for his lover not to come over
and drag them both onto the bed. "You're going to pay for teasing me."

"Promise?" He bit Benji's nipple, the sweet thing crying out.

"I promise." Jack growled at him, and crawled across the bed to lick from the top of Benji's ass to
his shoulder.

"I!" Benji rippled, hands grabbing his arm. "Oh..."

"Mmm... such soft skin." Jack's eyes smiled at him over Benji's shoulder. And he be damned if
Jack's fingers didn't creep right around Benji to play with the nipple he'd been tonguing. He bit at
those fingers, making both Jack and Benji chuckle and shift.

Jack continued licking until he'd reached Benji's ear, eyes on him the entire time. "I'm going to fuck
him, Benji. I'm going to plug his ass with my cock. Can you feel it right now? Rubbing against
your ass?"

"Yeah. Yeah, oh God. I..."

Stephen rolled his eyes, shook his head a bit. Innocent thing.

"He loves it, my Stevie, loves it when I fuck him. He's going to scream." Each breath made Benji
shiver, Jack's wicked tongue sliding over the sweet skin.

"I don't scream." He surged up, met Jack's tongue with his own.

Groaning, Jack filled his mouth with sound and heat, and then they fought over Benji's skin,
tongues dueling. Benji shivered, twisting between them, shifting and rocking, back and forth. Jack's
teeth scraped over the mark he'd left on Benji's shoulder, and then worked up another one right
beside it, eyes hot and laughing and full of love as they stared right at him.

"I'm going to... You'll make me hard again."

Jack laughed. "That's kind of the point, sweet thing." Another mark was pulled up on Benji's neck.
He was going to be spottier than a Dalmatian by the end of the night.

"Sweet kid has to work tomorrow, Jack-love."

"No. No, tomorrow I'm off."

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"No, tonight you're getting off..."

Jack laughed softly. "Again and again and again." Jack winked over at him, hands sliding down
along Benji's chest toward the sweet thing’s belly. The back of Jack's hands slid against Stephen's
chest, warm and good.

Benji's knees buckled, Stephen just catching the little bit. "Oh, come on. Bed."

"Finally! I've been saying that since we got here." Jack winked at him, and the three of them settled
on the bed, Benji between them.

"You are a spoiled bastard, love." He leaned over Benji, took a long, slow kiss, eyes fastened to

Jack's eyes blinked slowly, and when their kiss ended, he grinned. "Maybe. But I'm your spoiled

Jack's hand slid over Benji, over him, teasing and light. His own hand followed the mirrored path,
Benji’s moans and hums musical. A tenor. Jack started sucking up more marks -- on Benji and on
him -- those lips so hot, teeth sharp and wicked, biting and scraping.

"I thought you were going to fuck me, love." He nipped Jack's ear, tugging on the lobe.

"I was. In fact, this sweet thing was supposed to stretch you for my cock." Jack grinned and bit his
bottom lip in return. "I got distracted."

Reaching past him, pushing Benji tight between them, Jack grabbed the tube of lube and handed it
over to Benji. Stephen rolled, got up on hands and knees, spreading. It was a damn good view, he
knew it.

"Oh, yeah, just look at that, Benji. That there is the finest ass in the city." Jack slapped him hard
enough he could feel each finger against his skin. "Just begs to be reddened, too."

"Fucker." He growled and Benji gasped, long fingers easing over the skin.

"Don't let him fool you -- he loves it." Another slap hit his other cheek.

"Liar." Okay, he did; he fucking got off on the burn and the sting. Still. The little waiter didn't need
to know that.

"Am not." Jack leaned in and bit his ass, hard. "You love that, too."

"Oh. You... You'll bruise him." Mmm. Someone was fascinated.

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"Yes, I will. Touch where I bit, you can feel the outline of my teeth. You could bite his other ass
cheek." Jack's voice was husky, seductive.

"No. No, I couldn't mark him. He's so perfect..." Oh, he was liking Benji more and more.

Jack laughed. "Oh, to be so young and innocent." Then his lover laughed. "On the other hand, I
don't think I ever was. Now let's get your fingers all slippery..."

He could hear them kiss, hear Benji's soft laughter. Then his hole was circled by slick fingers.

"Yeah, just like that. Tease him a little, and then start slowly, just one finger."

"Just one? He's so pretty..."

"Start with one. You build it up -- add more when he begs for it. And yeah, he's pretty. And he
knows it." Jack chuckled and slapped his ass again. "Push it in now, sweet one, all the way in."

"So mean to him..." The words were whispered against the skin of his hip and Stephen chuckled.
No. No, nowhere near mean.


Benji's finger pushed into him, one of Jack's following it in almost immediately.

"Mmm..." His head tossed and he pushed back, riding that touch, letting it fill him up.

"Deep as you can, sweet thing." With Jack's encouragement, Benji's finger pushed deep, as did
Jack's, both of them wriggling inside him.

"More..." Teases. Both of them. Pretty teases.

"See? He's pretty, yes, but he's beautiful when he begs."

He felt another of Benji's fingers touch his ass, but then it disappeared. "No, not until he really begs
for it." Evil bastard Jack.

"Fucker." He lifted his head, glared over his shoulder.

Jack grinned at him, the look wolfish and fucking sexy and Jack's finger pushed in hard, sliding
against Benji's gentler touch.

"Jack." He pushed back, moving as sensually as he knew how.

"Fuck, you're something, Stevie. Something special." That long finger fucked him hard and deep

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again. "Benji here wants to hear you beg for another finger. He wants to give it to you, too, but he
wants to hear you beg first."

"I don't beg." He wasn't doing it. Not for the waiter. Goddamn it.

Jack bit his ass again, teeth sinking into his skin just as that finger nailed his gland.

"Oh." Eyes rolling, he bit down on his cry, bucking and rocking, finger nudging his gland over and

"Go ahead, Benji, put in another finger because that is as good as begging." Jack's voice was rough
with it, need coloring every word.

"Is it? He's so soft inside. So hot." Those hot little kisses were driving him crazy.

"You're making him hot, sweet thing. Making him writhe on your fingers." Another of Jack's slid
into him, too, the four fingers stretching him, opening him wide.

"Fuck..." Yeah. Yeah, just like that. That was perfect.

"You haven't ever been fucked, have you, Benji?" Jack's words were spoken against his ass, breath
hot, tongue hotter whenever it came out to lick at him. "Stephen loves it. He loves it when I fill him
with my cock."

"No. No, I haven't. I haven't yet."

"You will. You'll let us both have you." Stephen grinned at the gasp his words got.

"You'll look as wanton and beautiful as Stephen. Well... almost." Jack bit his ass again and then
growled. "Enough. I need his ass. I need to bury myself deep inside him."

"It's about fucking time." He winked at Jack, wiggled his ass.

That earned him another smack, and then another, Jack settling behind him, between his legs. He
spread wider, thighs gone hard, cock leaking in slow drops.

Jack's prick rubbed against his crack. "Watch, Benji." And with that, Jack sank slowly in.

"Jack. Love." His eyes closed, spine curved as he shook.

"Mmm... you watching, sweetling?"

"Uh-huh. I'm watching. Please."

Jack stopped. He actually stilled, buried deep inside. "Please what?"

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"Don't stop." His growl and Benji's plea were in perfect harmony.

Laughing, Jack started moving, short, little jerky movements. Stephen was going to kill him.

"Are you taking notes, little one? This is not how to do it."

"Bitch." Jack pushed in hard, prick hitting his gland.

"Uh. Uh-huh." Oh, shit. Right there. Do it again.

"Fuck." He could hear it in Jack's voice, hear the need take over everything else.

Jack thrust hard, over and over. That made it easy to push back, meet each thrust with abandon,
nothing but heat and pleasure on his mind.

"Benji. Grab his cock or something." Jack's fingers were hard on his hips, gripping tight.

"Huh?" The voice distracted him a second, then he got it. Oh. Right. Little bit. Focus, Stephen.

"Touch him," muttered Jack. "Your hand. On Stevie."

"Oh. Sorry." Gentle fingers wrapped around his cock, moving slow and steady.


Much better.

He approved, bone deep.

Jack chuckled, the sound rough and sexy as hell. Then that prick hit his gland again, pounding into
him. He closed his eyes, rocking between hand and cock, all three of them driving the rhythm.

"So fucking tight." Jack's voice was little more than a whisper, the slap of their bodies together
almost drowning it out.

"Yeah. Come on. Come on, come on, love. Harder." Please.

Jack gave him what he wanted, gave him what he needed. "You too, Benji. Let him know you're

"Like this?" That hand tightened and his eyes rolled back up into his head.

"Yeah. Yeah, like that. More."

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"You got it, Benji. Let's make him lose his mind." Faster and harder, Jack just pounded into him,
fingers digging into his hips.

"He's leaking, so hot."

Like he had a choice.

"Yeah. He's gonna blow soon." Jack sounded like he could barely speak, voice grating in his throat.

"How can I help?" Jesus, had he ever been that young?

"Suck... suck him."

"I. Oh. Oh." Benji groaned, lips sliding on his side, on his belly. Oh, yes. Yes, that was. Yes. His

Groaning, Jack kept pounding into him, hitting his gland over and over.

"Close. Love. Please." Wait, was that begging?

Jack obviously thought so. "God, I love the way you beg, Stevie."

"Love you. Come on. Gimme."

"You first."

Jack's thrusts got harder. The kid was rough and awkward, suction keeping him off-kilter. Like he
knew, Jack reached around him, grabbing Benji's head and holding it still so each thrust pushed him
in deep.

He lost it, humping and rocking, entire universe shooting from his cock. Jack's shout followed him
down, that cock filling him in hot pulses. Stephen's elbows buckled as he sank to the mattress. Jack
came down with him, cock staying buried deeply.

"Mmm... God, you're sexy. Isn't he beautiful, Benji?"

"He's amazing."

He rolled his eyes, stretching. "Well-fucked, too."

Jack slid out of him, rolling off him. "You're welcome."

"Mmmhmm." He chuckled, nodded. "Anytime."

"What about you, sweetling? You need?" Jack's hand slid over Benji's skin.

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"Please. Please, he made me hot." Benji pushed close, desperate, heated.

Jack's hand dropped to Benji's cock, wrapping around it and pulling. "You gonna let me fuck you

"I. I." Oh, look at that. It was adorable.

"Yes, you, sweet boy." Jack's nose slid along his neck. "Imagine that face when we really start

"This hasn't been playing?" Benji groaned, swallowed, hips bucking into Jack's hand.

He could feel Jack's grin against his shoulder. "This is just the warm up, sweetling."

Jack's hand moved faster, tugging hard on Benji's prick.


Stephen met Jack's eyes, amused, tickled. So sweet, they'd get cavities. Jack leaned in and kissed
him, mouth open, tongue sliding, giving Benji a show. He opened up, kissing back, thanking Jack
for the game, for the fuck. For all of it. Jack took the kiss deeper, groaning into his mouth. It might
have started off for show, but he could feel the solid truth of it, Jack's love and need flavoring the
kiss. He met Jack's eyes, giving it up, loving Jack with all he was.

"Love you." The words were pushed into his mouth, nearly silent, but there, filling him with Jack's

"Yeah. Yeah, love." He settled, smiled.

"I think we'll all sleep well tonight." Jack spooned up behind him, arm beneath his head.

"Mmmhmm. We'll get something decadent for brunch." He fully intended to sleep in.

"After we eat the sweet thing as an appetizer."

"You know it, love." He nodded, listening to Benji gasp.

Jack's hand slid over his hip to wrap around Benji's, tugging the sweetling in close. Benji's hand
landed on his waist, the lean body cuddling in. It wasn't long before Jack's breathing had slowed,
soft, almost snores sounding.

He approved. He really approved.

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Chapter Five


Shit, he was.


Benji slid out of the bed, shivering a little, balls aching.

He couldn't believe he'd...

With two...

In this fancy...

Oh, wow.

A warm hand slid across his ass, making him jump. "You're not leaving so soon, are you,

"I. No. No, I just. I can't believe. I." Okay. Okay, shut up.

Jack chuckled, fingers playing on his hip. "Come back to bed and we'll make you believe."

"I... I should wash my face..." His cock started lifting, filling.

"Or you could just come to bed." Jack's voice like a touch, shivering down his spine.

"I..." He moaned, looked up into those dark, shining eyes. "Yeah."

"Good boy." Jack bent slowly, mouth closing over his.

Oh. Oh, so hot. He moaned, opening, gaze caught by Jack's eyes. Jack's tongue dove into his
mouth, sweeping through it. It felt like he was being devoured. All Benji could do was hold on,
cling to Jack's shoulders as his knees buckled. The man's hands slid around his waist, pulling him
up against the hot body. His head was swimming, heart slamming in his chest. His cock filled,
rubbing and sliding against the inside of Jack's thigh.

"Look at you, all ready to go." Jack's hand slid down to his ass, cupped it. "What do you want,
sweet thing?"

"I don't... Everything? You two just... I want everything."

"Everything -- so hungry." Jack chuckled, the sound sexy, sliding down his spine. "That's why
you're here."

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"I'm hungry because I'm here." He met Jack's eyes, blinking slowly. "You... I've never met anyone
like you."

"That's because there's no one like me or my Stevie." Jack drew him back into bed, pulling him
down to lie on top of that long, muscled body.

"No. No, you both are... amazing." He rubbed, he couldn't help it. He was so hard.

Jack's prick was hard, too, and hot -- like a brand against his belly. "We are." The hand on his ass
slid, one finger pushing against his hole. "Want this, Benji?"

"I..." He blushed dark, hid his face a second. "Does it hurt?"

"Did it look like Stephen was in pain?" That finger tapped against him, slid over the skin around his

", but I haven't..." He'd never and he'd read enough to know it could.

"We won't hurt you, Benji. We'll open you up first with our fingers and our tongues. We'll make
you go out of your mind, but we won't hurt you." That finger kept playing, sliding on his skin and
pushing against his hole, but never going in.

"If you two don't let me sleep, I may hurt you." Stephen - beautiful Stephen - cracked one eye,

Jack only laughed, not seeming the least bit put out. "Don't mind him, sweet thing, he's just jealous
that we're playing without him."

"Not jealous. Sleeping." Still, one long hand reached out, trailed over Jack's side.

Biting at his earlobe, Jack whispered. "Why don't you suck him, Benji? It'll put him in a great

He groaned, arched up under Jack, that finger almost penetrating him.

"Or we could just keep doing this and once I'm in you, filling you with my cock over and over
again, then you can suck him." That finger pushed almost into him. "Would you like that, Benji?
Would you like us to take your mouth and ass at the same time? Fuck you from both ends."


Oh, shit.

He caught himself nodding, needing it, needing something. He rocked up against the touch, hips

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"Mmm..." Jack's murmur was sexy, vibrating beneath him. "You hear that, Stevie? Benji wants us
both at the same time."

"No. He didn't say anything." Stephen's hand landed on his belly, the fingers slapping a little.

Jack only laughed. "You're just listening with your eyes closed, Stevie."

They rolled, Jack putting him between the two of them, Stephen at his back, Jack plastered up
against his front and that finger pushed harder against him, just the tip going into him. Stephen's
hands slid down his spine, teasing against Jack's fingers, making him shift and pull away.

"We need the slick, don't we, sweet thing?" Jack's finger kept teasing, sliding, not letting him forget
what Jack wanted, what Jack had said.

"I. Uh-huh." Slick. Slick was good.

Jack's fingers disappeared momentarily, coming back all slippery and slide-y.

"Oh." He went still, staring a little. "I. I don't. What do you want me to do?"

"Enjoy yourself, sweetling. That's all you need to do -- Stephen and I will take care of everything
else." As Jack said it, that finger slid into him.

Stephen cuddled close, lips on his jaw. "Easy, now. This should feel good."

"It will." Jack sounded so sure. "You need to feel him inside, Stephen. He's unbelievably tight,

"Mmm. Let me share." Benji wasn't sure what had caused Stephen to go from grumbly to sex
kitten, but he appreciated it.

"All yours, Stevie." Jack's finger slid away, hand moving around to cup his balls, roll them.

"Let me in, little bit. Let me feel." Stephen’s finger pushed in deep, suddenly, and the sensation
surprised him.

"Isn't he tight, Stevie?" Jack kissed the corner of his mouth and then licked across his lips. "And
doesn't my Stephen feel amazing? Those long fingers know just how to play a man..."

"He... Good. It's so good." He spread, head tossing, body spreading for that touch.

"Yeah, sweet thing. This is why you came home with us." Jack took his mouth again, tongue
sliding in.

He pushed into the kiss, moaning low, just shaking. So fine. So very fine. As they kissed, one of

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Jack's fingers pushing back into him, right next to Stephen's. Oh. Oh, full. He moaned, twisted a
little, but he stayed with the kiss. Jack deepened the kiss, finger sliding in and out of him over and
over again.

They moved together, leaving him almost empty, then stretching him wide again. All of a sudden
they hit something inside him, something that exploded through him. Something huge. He jerked,
head slamming into the pillows, eyes rolling back in his head.

"Mmm... have you ever felt that before, Benji? Ever had anyone touch you deep inside like this?"
Those fingers pushed against that place again.

" No. Please."

Never. Christ.

"You beg so very prettily." Jack's lips slid over his face, touching him lightly and making his skin

"Another finger now, Benji."

"I... I don't know if I..." Oh, would he stretch?

"Sh... you remember that I said we wouldn't hurt you, right?"

"Mmm. Mmmhmm. I remember." He did. He remembered.

"Good." Another finger pushed into him. Three. Three fingers inside him, moving, stretching, Jack
and Stephen together.

"Full." He barely heard Stephen's chuckle, the sound echoing in him. They could laugh, it didn't
matter. It all felt so good.

Jack moved against him, and he could feel the thick cock slide across his belly, tip leaving a trail of
wet heat. "I want you. I want to be inside here." Jack's fingers jabbed deep, hitting that spot again.

"Oh. Oh, please. Again. More." He needed.


"You're a natural, Benji." Jack hit that spot again, and then again and again.

Oh. Oh, sweet fuck. Fuck, he was going to... Oh. He knew he was babbling, knew he was going
crazy. Knew it.

"Yeah, go ahead and come, sweet thing. It'll make you more relaxed, make it easier, won't it,
Stevie?" Their fingers just kept pushing into him, pressing that spot like it was a button.

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"Mmmhmm. Just come on, now. You'll get it up again." Lips wrapped around his cock, the heat
nearly unbearable.

"Yeah, come on. Come in Stephen's mouth, let him suck you down."

He shot so hard his spine felt like it would snap.

They were there as he came down, not easing him, keeping him hard and needy, keeping him
worked up.

"Did you see his face when he came, Stephen? So lovely."

"I was busy, love. He's going to be so tight around your cock."

The fingers inside him suddenly disappeared as Jack moaned, the sound wanton and sexy. "Oh yes,
please, Benji. You're ready now, right? Ready to let me fuck you?"

Benji blinked, nodded. Yeah. Yeah, he was... if he wasn't ready, he'd never be.

"Hands and knees, sweet thing, in the middle of the bed so you can take Stephen's cock with your

Jack's dark eyes held his, full of heat, need.

Stephen's hands helped him, moved him, got him settled - shaky and trembling - on the bed.

Jack's hands smoothed down along his spine. "It's going to feel good, Benji. We're going to take
care of you." He could feel the heat of Jack's prick against his ass.

"Mmmhmm. And you're going to take care of us." Stephen's cock nudged his shoulder. "You get
settled first, Jack-love. I don't want him biting me."

"Yes. No biting, sweet thing." Jack's hands spread his ass, thumbs teasing across his hole, one
pushing in.

He clenched and gasped, spine arching at the stretch.

Jack kissed his spine. "Sh. Sh. Just relax, little bit."

"I... I'm trying." He was seriously considering being scared.

He got another kiss, the thumb inside him slipping in and out, Jack's other hand drawing little
circles in the small of his back. "Distract him, Stephen."

Those pretty eyes suddenly appeared in front of him. "Easy, huh? Jack's not into pain. Pushing?

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Stretching? Maybe so far as uncomfortable. No pain. I promise." Then he got a kiss that scrambled
his brains.

"Mmm... that's it, lover. You tell him how good it'll be, show him. Sexy beasts." Jack's voice went
low, more sound than actual words. Both thumbs pushed into him again, stretching, but not hurting,
and the unbelievable heat of Jack's cock slid against the back of his thigh.

"Mmm." Those eyes were right there and Benji had to admit, it didn't look like Stephen was

"Okay, sweet Benji. It's gonna be me now. You just let it happen, let me fill you." Jack's thumbs
disappeared, Jack's hands hot as they spread his ass cheeks apart. The head of the man's cock
bumped against his hole, rubbed, and then pressed. Stephen kissed him again, parting his lips,
stealing his attention as Jack slipped inside. "Oh, fuck. Jesus. Stephen. He's tight. So fucking tight."
Jack kept pushing in until he could feel the man's hips against his ass.

"Mmm. Tastes sweet too, love." Stephen blew into his face, making him gasp. "Breathe."

Jack chuckled, but the sound turned into a moan -- one of the sexiest sounds he'd ever heard. "Oh,
fuck. Benji, I have to move."

"He's ready. He's ready, love."

"Thank God." Jack's hands wrapped around his hips, holding him tight as that thick cock started
moving, sliding nearly out of him, dragging over his skin. Then, slowly and surely, Jack pushed
back in again, stretching him wide, sinking in deep.

He gasped, eyes rolling back in his head, pleasure just shooting up his spine.

"Fuck, you're amazing, little bit. So tight. So hot." Jack groaned and repeated the movement.

"I... Good. So good."

Stephen's hands held his head still, one kiss becoming another, then another.

"I knew you'd love it," murmured Jack, moving a little faster now, filling him over and over with
hard heat.

He couldn't stop moaning, couldn't stop moving and kissing and jonesing on it. Then Jack found
that spot with his cock, the spot that made everything just light up inside him. Someone's hand
grabbed his cock and he almost screamed, seed pouring from him again.

"Fuck! Tight! God!" Jack had stilled, buried deep inside him while he came, his ass clamped down
tight around Jack's heat.

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He whimpered and fell forward into Stephen's arms, shivering hard. Jack moved gently, cock
moving in circles now instead of in and out. Shudders rocked him, keeping him hard and needy.

"Yeah, little bit. We're not nearly done yet. Gonna blow your mind entirely." Jack's slow motions
continued, never letting up for a second.

"N...not done?"

Stephen's chuckle didn't sound mean, more warm.

"I haven't come yet, sweet thing. And Stephen hasn't had a chance at your mouth." Jack started
thrusting again.

"I'm not sure he's up to a blowjob, love. I think you broke him."

Jack moved a little faster. "Is that right, Benji -- are you done?"

"I. I don't... No. Don't stop." He wanted more.

"You sure, little bit?" Jack's fingers danced over his spine.

"I..." He chuckled, the sound weak. He didn't know.

"Stephen and I could take care of ourselves." Jack didn't stop, though, or slow down, just kept
pushing into him over and over.

"No. No, I'm not. Not selfish."

"Didn't say you were," muttered Jack. One hand slid off his hip and down his spine again.
"Stephen, he wants your cock, lover."

"Mmm. You want to suck me, little one? Are you sure?"

He nodded, moaned low. "I want. Please."

"He almost begs as nicely as you do, Stephen." Jack's fingers slid up and down his sides.

"I don't beg."

He moaned low, squeezing around Jack's cock.

Jack moaned, fingers squeezing on his hips. "Of course not, Stevie. Now get your cock in his
mouth. I need to move."

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"Whiner." Stephen laughed and knelt before him, cock slipping over his lips. Oh. Oh, Stephen
tasted good. Fine.


"Not whining, wanting." He could hear it in Jack's voice, that need, making his voice husky.

"He's lovely, isn't he?" Stephen rocked, pushed in, cock sliding over his tongue.

"Very." Groaning, Jack began to move again, pushing nice and slow, in and out.

Oh. Deep. Deep. He moaned around Stephen's cock, shaking with need, with overwhelmed hunger.

"Together, Stephen."

They both pushed in at the same time, finding a rhythm as they took him. Benji just shorted out,
eyes rolling back into his head, nerves firing madly. Oh. Oh, fuck him. So good. So much. They
moved faster and faster, cocks so hard and hot inside him. He could hear them, moaning and
groaning and saying filthy, sexy things, praising him.

"Oh, fuck. Benji. Gonna make me come." Jack took him with more and more force, cock hitting
that spot inside him over and over.

He sucked harder, eyes closed, entire focus on his cock, Jack's cock, Stephen's cock.

"Soon. God. Stephen. Kiss me."

He could feel them leaning toward each other, could hear the wet, sucking noises of their kisses.

Oh. Oh, god. He was gonna... gonna again.

Jack's thrusts turned into jerks, the cock inside him throbbing, filling him suddenly with more heat.
He whimpered, sucking hard as Stephen followed right behind, seed in his throat, on his lips. Jack's
fingers met Stephen's on his cock, both hands wrapping around his prick and tugging together.

He cried out, shaking violently as he shot, went boneless on the bed. Jack and Stephen kissed over
him again, and then sandwiched him between them, mouths meeting against his own lips. He
couldn't even respond, blinking and moaning, just hanging on.

"Do you think we broke him?" Jack asked, grinning wickedly.

"I definitely hope so, Jack-love."

If he could move, he'd pinch someone.

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Jack laughed and wrapped an arm around him, holding him against Jack's firm body. "Now we can
all sleep the sleep of the wicked and sated."

He nodded; he could sleep a little more. He so could.

"Mmm... yeah, that's it, little bit, just let go." Jack's hand patted his hip, the man nuzzling into his

"Mmm." Let go. Let go. He could do that.

"Yeah, just like that. We'll break out the toys when you wake up."

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Chapter Six

They'd had a wonderful, orgasmic day, blowing Benji's mind, among other things and now it was
time to go out to dinner.

He'd insisted on Swann's, calling to make reservations for the three of them.

Of course it turned out they had to make another stop first. Their sweet thing didn't have the right
clothes, so they had the taxi let them out at Paul Roger's first. Jack himself was dressed in dark grey
with a cream shirt and red tie. Stephen looked stunning as always. It was their little bit who stood
out. Not for long though.

"Our little bit needs a suit," he told Luc, the sweet brunette twink who worked for the store.

"Well, sir, what would you like? Double-breasted? Single?" Luc stared at Benji who started

"Oh, he'd look lovely in a double-breasted, wouldn't he, Stevie? Maybe in dove grey, with a mauve
silk shirt?"

"Mauve? Just put the child in pink." Stephen snorted, shook his head. "White with the barest hint of
blue, please."

Jack grinned. Stephen had the most exquisite taste. "Whatever Stephen says."

"I... Jack. Stephen... I can't afford..."

"Pshaw. You don't have to, little bit." He smiled at Luc, making sure the sales clerk knew that
money wasn't an object. "It'll be on me."


Stephen rolled his eyes, leaning over and kissing Benji hard. "Hush."

Chuckling, Jack sat in one of the big leather chairs near the changing rooms. "You can thank me
properly in a moment or two." He looked toward the little booths and winked.

Benji's eyes went huge, and, fuck, wasn't that sexy - that little bit of panic. He let his legs spread, let
Benji see how just the idea affected him. His eyes flicked over to Stephen's and he grinned; he
owed Stephen for finding Benji. They hadn't had so much fun in ages.

"Go strip down, now. Luc will find you options." Stephen gave the sweet boy a nudge, bumping
hips with Benji.

Jack licked his lips, admiring his Stephen and Benji together. Perhaps they would both join Benji in
the change room...

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"Sit with me," he ordered Stephen as Benji went.

"Bossy." Stephen slipped into his lap, sprawling, unashamed.

"I just know what I want." He wrapped his hand around Stephen's waist, mouth moving over
Stephen's neck.

"You do. Good thing I'm willing." Stephen leaned harder, ass sliding against him.

Groaning, he pushed up a little, letting the rubbing turn him on. "I love that you're willing."

"You love that I play." Stephen smiled, neck twisting to lap at his lips.

"Mmm..." He touched the tip of his tongue to Stephen's. "I do. There's a lot about you I love."

"Let me count the ways..." Stephen's smile relaxed, widened.

"I hope you can count that high." He took a quick kiss, enchanted as always by his beautiful lover.

Oh, someone was pleased - cheeks flushed, heart pounding beneath the thin silk shirt.

"I want to do things to you that will get us arrested. Right here, right now." He held Stephen's eyes,
let his need show.

"I want you to do things that would get us deported, beloved." Stephen near growled, ass going
tight on his thighs. He'd been too focused on sweet Benji, he could feel it, feel Stephen's need.

"The changing room next to the sweetling's is empty. Go. I'll be there in sixty seconds." He slid his
hand along Stephen's silk-covered chest and tweaked a nipple. Hard.

Stephen cried out, jerked. "Ass." Still, Stephen stood, moved across the floor.

"Just making promises," he called out, licking his lips as he watched his lover's ass move in
perfectly fitted expensive slacks.

Luc came out of Benji's room with a tape measurer. "He'll fit nicely. Will he require shoes?"

"Sure. The whole nine yards. Money's no object." He figured there was no better way to make sure
Luc kept Benji occupied long enough for him to fuck Stephen.

"Excellent, sir. I'll keep you informed as to our progress." The wink he got was lascivious, at best.

His eyebrow went up, but he didn't spare the man another thought. He had the most beautiful
bastard in the entire world waiting for him. He opened the door to the change room. Stephen was
there, perched, sprawled, dark red cock sliding in and out of one of those long, fine hands.

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"Mine," he growled as he closed the door, watching, wanting, his cock so fucking hard.

"Mmmhmm. Yours." Stephen spread a little farther.

He went to his knees and, batting Stephen's hand out of the way, took that needy prick into his
mouth. Stephen swallowed a cry, just barely, those hands tangling in his hair as that pretty cock
jerked. He hummed and began to bob his head -- he wasn't going for finesse here, just trying to get
his lover off.

In the changing room of Paul Roger.

The thought made his own prick jerk and push against his zipper.

"So fucking hot, Jack-love. So fine." The raw, rough sound of Stevie's voice sent him to the moon.

He grabbed the handkerchief out of his suit pocket and pushed his hand into his pants, jacking
himself as he sucked and licked and worked to get Stephen off.

"Jack. Jack, I..." He felt Stephen shudder and then his mouth was filled, salt and heat pouring into
his lips.

Yes! Stevie's cock muffled his shout of triumph. He kept sucking, cleaning Stephen's prick as his
own spunk sprayed out of him into his handkerchief.

Stephen groaned, going boneless and lazy. "Oh. Better."

He chuckled, feeling smug -- feeling pretty boneless and lazy himself. "You needed that."

"Uh-huh. Seriously."

Grinning, he leaned forward and sucked in the very tip of Stephen's cock, tongue lashing across it.

"Fuck!" Stephen bucked, eyes rolling back in his head. Oh, that was pretty.

He pushed his tongue into Stephen's slit, let his teeth scrape a bit.

"You... I... Shit..." Stephen whimpered, humping up toward his mouth.

"Slut," he murmured, letting his tongue drag down one side of Stephen's cock and then up the other.

"Uh-huh." Agreeable slut.

Agreeable, sexy slut.

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There was a noise from the changing room next to them and he grinned. "You think our little bit
will let me fuck him in the men's room at Swann's?"

"It's a definite possibility, Jack-love. The little thing is more than half in love with you."

He snorted. "You're the beautiful one, Stevie. You're the reason he agreed to come with us."

"Mmmhmm. But you're the one he's blinky for."

"Well I am irresistible." He leaned up, lips offered.

"Utterly." Stephen smiled down at him, tongue sliding over his lips.

He fondled Stephen's balls as he pressed his lips to his lover's, letting that hot tongue in. This kiss
was more aggressive, Stephen pushing down into his touch, hard enough that it had to ache.

"Mmm... " He let go of Stephen's balls, and tucked the already half hard again cock back into
Stephen's dress slacks. "You're going to have to wait for round two, Stevie."

"You're always wanting me to wait." Stephen chuckled, nipped his bottom lip. "And my name's

"Anticipation makes it better, love." He stood, putting the messy handkerchief in his pants pocket,
grinned. "And I know your name."

"Are you sure?" Stephen kissed his temple, whispered the softest 'love you' in his ear, and stood.

"No, I'm not sure, but they're going to kick us out if we go for round two in here. Plus we need to
see how our little bit's doing with his new clothes." His eyes lingered on his lover, though, moving
slowly over the beautiful lines.

"Let's go get him, then. I'm starving."

He pushed his fingers through his hair, and pulled down the edges of his jacket. He'd do.

Striding back out the door, he looked around for Benji and their sales clerk. "Well? Have you got
anything to show me? Does our little bit look magnificent?"

The sales clerk had swollen lips and shining eyes. "He looks amazing, sir."

He raised one eyebrow and gave Stephen a look. It seemed their little bit was a fast learner. "Let's
see you, Benji."

Benji looked dapper, the suit hanging nicely, waist tiny, ass draped beautifully. It was hardly
surprising Luc had stolen a kiss.

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"You do indeed look amazing. Now we can go to Swann's and be the envy of everyone in the
place." He handed his credit card over to Luc.

"Thank you. These are... they're beautiful."

He nodded. "Almost as lovely as the man who wears them." He gave Benji a wink and then tilted
the sweet face, taking a kiss. Benji opened to him, soft and eager, hungry. Sweet. He devoured that
sweet mouth, letting the kiss linger until Luc cleared his throat. Then he broke away, eyes holding
Benji's. "We'll continue this later."

"Yes. Yes, please." Benji touched his lips, moaning low.

"Dinner first. Stephen and I are going to feed you. We're all going to feed each other."

He signed the credit card slip and put an arm around Benji's shoulders, holding his other arm out
for Stephen.

Stephen chuckled, fingers wrapping around his bicep. "Spoiled man. Such appetites."

"Mmm... appetites you share, Stevie."

Jack walked out of the store and headed down the street: Swann's was only a couple of blocks away
and he was in a mood to show off. Stephen waved to a couple of friends, a lovely older lady that
was staring in disbelief at them and a priest. Jack just beamed at everyone, proud to have these two
men on his arms.

They arrived at Swann's, the Maitre D' opening the door for them. "Mr. Richarson, welcome."

Stephen's smile widened. "Is there a quiet table for us? Something out of the way?"

"Of course. I have just what you want."

They were led to an intimate table in the back, fairly sheltered from the rest of the dining room.

"Oh, this is perfect." Jack slipped a fifty in the man's hand.

"It smells delicious in here. I applied here once, to be a dishwasher." Sweet boy.

"That would have been appalling -- hiding you away in the back of the kitchen." He kissed Benji's
hand and pulled a chair out for him, and then another for his Stephen.

"Thank you, Jack-love." Stephen smelled like heaven - sex and soap and herbs.

He lingered, sliding his cheek against Stephen's hair, wishing it were loose. Then he sat and picked

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up all the menus. "I'll order for us." He knew the best finger foods, knew what he wanted to taste on
their tongues.

"Beautiful, bossy man." Stephen chuckled, leaning over to stroke Benji's belly. "How do the clothes

"I am" Jack agreed. There was no point in denying it. He sat back and watched Stephen seduce
Benji all over again.

"They're so soft, Stephen. So fine. I'm almost scared to eat in case I spill."

Jack chuckled. "We'll feed you, little bit -- you won't be able to spill a thing."

Benji blushed a deep, dark pink, head ducking. "Are you sure?"

He laughed, delighted. "Well, nothing on the outside of the suit." So sweet.

"I'm not going to ruin my clothes, Jack. They're too fine."

Stephen chuckled, shook his head. "Don't challenge him, dear one."

"Stevie's right." He gave Benji a wink. "I think we'll start with the garlic shrimp. I'll have to feed
you those mouth to mouth to keep the butter from dripping onto your suit."

"Mouth to..." Benji groaned, swallowed hard.

Stephen just chortled. "Come now, Benji. Try to be more of a challenge."

Jack licked his lips and decided on the surf and turf, chicken fettuccini Alfredo and the citrus salad
with salmon for their entrees. Dessert would be the triple chocolate mousse cake of course. He
leaned forward and slid his index finger along Benji's lower lip. Benji leaned forward, sucking his
finger, so careful.

"Mmm..." Such a fast learner, and Benji was as sensual as he and Stephen. His prick throbbed, and
he gave Stephen a smile before focusing on Benji again. "You have a mouth made for sucking."

Benji's cheeks went a deep, dark red. "I. I."

"Say thank you, Benji."

Benji looked at Stephen, rolling his eyes a little. "Thank you, Benji."

Their waiter showed up, just in time and he ordered a cosmopolitan for Stephen, a martini for
himself and then he looked over at Benji. "What's your poison of choice, little bit?"

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"I'd like a cosmo, please. With a sliver of lime." It made him grin, made him remember that Benji
knew his booze.

Jack ordered the rest of their dinner at the same time and was promised the shrimp to follow closely
upon their drinks which would be "right up".

He sat back and let his foot slide along Benji's leg, from ankle to calf. Benji jerked, legs spreading,
eyes going wide. Jack didn't say a word. Instead, he repeated the move along Stephen's legs.
Stephen's eyes didn't go wide; they went heavy-lidded and sexy as fuck. Stephen made a sound just
for him: half moan, half growl. He licked his lips, slid his foot up higher.

"Mmm." Those thin, long thighs spread for him, the offer clear as a bell.

He let the toe of his shoe push up against Stephen's balls, gentle enough not to hurt, hard enough to
really feel. Then he slid his foot back down along Stephen's leg, watching the heat in his lover's
eyes flare. Their drinks came and he took a sip, slipping his foot out of his shoe for his second
assault. Benji was first again. He waited until the sweet thing was drinking and then began, his toe
slipping up under the brand new dress slacks.

Benji sputtered, pink vodka trailing down that pointed chin. "Oh. Oh, that was mean."

"It was meant to be thrilling." He leaned over and licked the liquid from Benji's chin and jaw,
cleaning him like a cat.

"I..." Benji moaned low, shivering a bit. "You're going to get me arrested."

"Arrested?" He looked over at Stephen, frowning.

"For... for public indecency."

Stephen chuckled at Benji. "He's adorable."

"Oh, little bit, we haven't come anywhere near public indecency. Yet." Grinning at Stephen, he slid
his foot back up along the inside of Benji's leg, this time on top of his pants, heading very slowly
toward his crotch.

Benji gasped, shifted away. "Jack!"

"Tsk, tsk. What happened to your sense of adventure, little bit?" He let his foot drop away and
turned his attention to Stephen, his toes teasing their way up the inside of his lover's leg.

"I never promised to be adventurous." Still, Benji's hand reached out, slid down his spine in a very
public caress.

Oh, he would forgive the shift away for that. He smiled at Benji and slid his foot back up the slim

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leg. Benji moaned softly, offered him a smile. Yes. The lad learned quickly. Humming happily, he
relaxed back against his chair again, letting his foot climb slowly higher and higher.

Stephen sat back, watching them with an idle hunger, the glitter in his lover's eyes promising
mischief. He did love how Stephen's brain worked and couldn't wait to see that mischief come to
fruition. In the meantime, his toes danced up and nudged Benji's balls.

Benji jerked, moaned. "Jack. You'll make me..."

"Do you need a handkerchief?" He reached into his pocket, finding it empty. "Oh... I seem to have
used mine." He smiled over at Stephen, humming at the memory.

Stephen's smile answered his, those eyes laughing. "You'll have to be very careful, Jack-love. Not
let him come until you can fuck him in the bathroom."

"Stephen!" Oh, Benji's eyes were huge again. This was terribly entertaining.

"Yes, I guess I will." He sighed and mock-pouted, his toes brushing Benji's balls again.

Stephen laughed and, this time, Benji chuckled, actually pushed back a second, cheeks flushing

"Mmm... yes, that's better, little bit." He would have pressed his advantage, but the waiter returned
with their appetizers. Oh, that would do.

Humming, he picked up a shrimp, dipped it in the garlic butter and popped it in his own mouth.

"They smell luscious." Stephen reached over, took one and nibbled on it.

"They are." He grabbed another one, popping it into his mouth and leaning toward Benji to feed it
to their sweet thing.

"I. Jack." Benji leaned forward, eyes looking to see whether anyone was watching.

He raised an eyebrow and waited. Come on, little bit, you know you want to.

Benji took a deep breath, then took the bite, so careful not to touch his lips.

"Oh! Cheat! Did you see that, Stevie? He cheated."

Shaking his head, Jack took another shrimp, removed the tail and dipped it in the butter and put it
between his lips. This time he leaned in toward Stephen -- they'd show Benji how it should be done.
His lover slid those long hands up along his thighs, lips parted, close. Hungry. His belly tightened,
their lips meeting, tongues sliding together as the shrimp passed from his mouth to Stephen's. The
kiss was too light, too soft. Too quickly over.

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Then Stephen leaned back, smiling. "That was luscious."

He took a deep breath to find some sort of calm -- that was the joy and torture of this play -- having
to wait, the anticipation building, for both of them. Or in this case, all three of them. "Yes. And the
shrimp wasn't bad either."

"The waiter's coming back, guys." Benji shifted, picking up the martini glass again.

"You think the waiter wants some of our shrimp, Benji?" He rubbed his foot along Benji's leg

"Uh. No. No, I think the waiter wants us to be polite." Benji winked, grinning.

He laughed, but just before the waiter got to their table, he leaned in to whisper, "You didn't."

"Didn't what?"

"Want us to be polite." Jack grinned. "You wanted this." He pressed his toes against Benji's lap.

"I want to watch you seduce him. It makes him so beautiful."

He looked over at Stephen. "No, he's already beautiful. But your wish is my command, little bit."

"This outing is supposed to be about seducing Benji, Jack-love."

"I could just seduce you both."

"You could try." Stephen's fingers trailed up his legs, dancing almost lazily.

He raised an eyebrow, his prick jerking, trying to get Stephen's attention. "Is that a challenge, my
love?" Those eyes just stared into him, daring him. Challenging. "Double seduction it is. Are you
ready, little bit?"

"Ready? Ready for what? What do you need me to do?"

So sweet. So cute.

He leaned forward and traced Benji's lips with his tongue. "All you need to do is be yourself. I'll do
all the rest."

"Oh. Oh, I'm pretty good at that." He got another wink, a quick grin. Benji was slowly coming into
his own.

"Yes, I do believe you are." He grinned as he looked over at Stephen. "Game on, love."

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"Bring it on, Jack." Stephen finished his cosmo, raised his hand to order another.

The waiter brought their food just then. "Another, sir? Very good. Anyone else?"

Jack nodded. "Yes, we'll all have another, thank you."

Stephen had the citrus salad with salmon, Benji the chicken Alfredo and he had the surf and turf. Of
course they were all going to share. He waited until the waiter had left and then ran his finger
through the cream sauce on Benji's plate and offered it to those sweet little lips.

"Mmm." Benji hummed, leaned forward and sucked his finger clean. "Oh, so good."

"Is it? I want to try some." He opened his mouth expectantly.

Benji's finger slid along the edge, then offered the rich cream over to him. He wrapped his lips
around the offered finger, humming as he sucked the sauce off it. His teeth grazed the pad and his
tongue licked and danced on Benji's skin as he held their sweetling's eyes. Benji's cheeks flushed
and the sweet thing just stared at him, so hungry.

Jack slowly let that finger go, letting it bring his lips into a pout as it pulled away.

He held that gaze a moment longer and then blinked slowly and turned his attention to Stephen.
"Share yours, Stevie?"

"My name is Stephen." Stephen winked, gathered up a tiny slice of mandarin orange and offered it
to him.

He leaned toward his lover. "Thank you... Stephen." He gathered the mandarin slice between his
lips, let it melt on his tongue before lapping at Stephen's fingers, licking the juice off them.

"My turn, Jack-love. I'm starving." Stephen pulled his fingers away, just tapping his chin.

Licking his lips, he took his fork and wrapped a single strand of fettuccini around his fork and then
laid it on a spoon so that both ends were exposed. "Shall we?" he asked, lips wrapping around one
end of the pasta.

Stephen laughed, grabbed the other end and pulled. They met somewhere in the middle, lips
caressing, tongues cleaning the cream. He hummed happily, let Stephen see his pleasure.

"You two... The waiter's coming back." Benji's voice pushed between them, Stephen leaning back
with a soft moan.

Jack sat back, but slid his foot back up along Benji's leg, watching the sweetling as the waiter
placed their drinks in front of them. "Thank you," he murmured, still watching Benji.

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"You're welcome, sir."

Stephen chuckled, nibbling on another bit of orange, a bite of chicken.

With the waiter gone again, he was free to play with them, and play with them he did. He fed one
and then the other, touched their legs and crotches with his foot, his hands also rubbing beneath the
cover of the table. He looked, and hummed, and let them both know that they were the absolute
center of his attention. In other words, he did his very best to seduce them both and, by the time
their plates were clean, he was sure he'd managed.

Taking his napkin when they were done, he dabbed at Benji's lips, and then at Stephen's. "I think
it's high time we made a trip to the men's room, wouldn't you agree?"

"All three of us, Jack? Isn't that a touch obvious?" Like Stephen's hard cock wouldn't be obvious.

"The challenge was to seduce you both at the same time -- I'm taking my reward of having the both
of you at the same time as well. Besides, if I haven't made myself perfectly obvious already I've
been doing it wrong."

Stephen's laugh rang out, Benji's joining it. Oh, that was musical. Fascinating. He might have
seduced them, but they seduced him right back, just by being themselves, by responding to him.

He stood. "I will refrain from holding your hands on the way there, but I expect you both to follow
me shortly."

"You think we'll follow?" He was going to turn Stephen over his knee.

"Oh, I don't think it. I know it." With a last look, he headed toward the men's room.

He made his way across the restaurant, the waiter winking at him as he passed, daring to ask if
everything was to his pleasure.

"Just fine," he called back, chuckling softly.

Jack had to work not to speed up, he was that eager to get to the men's room and have his wicked
way with not one, but two beautiful men. He was a lucky, lucky man. The bathroom was quiet and
elegant, and he made a casual search of the stalls, grinning widely when they proved to be empty.
Perfect. Benji opened the door first, cheeks blazing, beautiful slacks tented with the sweet thing's

He opened his arms, tugging Benji in close and rewarding him with a deep, hard kiss. One of his
hands slid down to press against Benji's cock as his tongue pushed into the hot mouth. Benji
opened wide, let him in deep, erection riding his palm. Oh, the need there was delicious, and he let
his other hand slide down to Benji's ass, encouraging the movement of those eager hips.

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"Please, Jack. I don't want to ruin my clothes. They're so perfect..." Oh, sweet, sweet man.

He walked them back toward the handicapped stall, knowing there'd be room enough in there for
all three of them. Where was Stephen, anyway?

The door creaked, then locked. "You two are incredibly impatient."

He laughed, grinning up at Stephen over Benji's shoulder. "You just took forever, love. I thought
for a moment you weren't coming."

"I had to take care of the bill, Jack-love." Stephen winked, sliding over to them.

With the door locked, they didn't need to go into the stall and he leaned against the wall instead,
Benji resting against him. "Oh, good thinking!" He worked Benji's jacket off and handed it over to
Stephen to hang over a stall door.

"I am brilliant." Stephen's laughter filled the air. "Utterly brilliant."

He began to pop open Benji's shirt buttons, beaming at his lover. He loved Stephen's laughter. "You
deserve a reward."

"Absolutely. Are you going to fuck him, Jack? He looks ripe for it."

"Stephen!" Benji blinked, stared over. "We're in a bathroom!"

"Ripe and observant."

"I am." Jack turned Benji's face back to him, tilted it so he could stare into those wide eyes. "I'm
going to make you scream with pleasure, little bit."

"Uh-uh. No screaming. They'll call the cops..."

"Oh, no they won't." He grinned over at his lover. "Will they, Stevie?"

"Not with what I left on the table, Jack. Not a chance."

"There you go, Benji -- scream as loudly as you want." He stopped any further protest with a kiss,
fingers undoing Benji's belt as he devoured the sweet mouth.

Benji's kiss was just as hungry, tongue sliding against his, wet and slick and quick. He pushed the
silk underwear down with the new trousers, grabbing himself a double handful of that cute ass,
squeezing. Benji's cock pushed out, slapping against his hip, leaving a wet spot for him.

"Mmm... I can smell you, little bit."

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He took another kiss, his fingers teasing along Benji's crack. "Get him ready for me, Stevie."

"Stephen." Stevie's amused little growl was accompanied by a bite to Benji's shoulder.

He slipped a hand into his own jacket pocket and grabbed the small tube he'd slid in there before
they'd left home. He handed it over to his lover. "Just lube him up, babe."

Stephen nodded and winked, mouthing 'love you' over Benji's shoulder.

He smiled and nodded. "You, too," he murmured before diving back into Benji's mouth, his hand
finding the hard prick and wrapping around it. Jack could taste when Stephen started slicking Benji,
started working that tight little ass. He stroked Benji, just enough to make him feel good, not
enough to make him come. "Is he tight, love?"

"Mmm. He is. Hot, too. You'll love it."

Benji whimpered, eyes rolling in his head. "I. You. Oh. Please."

"You've got him absolutely speechless, love. Why don't you take him first?"

"Oh, God. Stephen. Please. I haven't felt you. Please."

Stephen's cheeks flushed, eyes going hot. "You want me, then?"

Benji nodded, lips parted, chest heaving. "Please."

"The little bit begs so prettily, Stephen. Let him have your prick." He let go of Benji's cock to grab
both ass cheeks, spreading them apart.

Stephen held his eyes, the sound of his lover's zipper loud. Groaning, he licked his lips, and then
Benji's earlobe. "Stephen's gonna fuck you now, little bit, and you're going to love it. He feels so

"Yes. Please." Benji nodded, spreading for Stephen, for Stephen's cock.

"Come on now, love. We don't have all night." And Benji was leaking all over his thigh.

"I'm right here." Stephen pushed, Benji's eyes rolling back as his ass was filled.

"Yes. Yes, just like that. Can you feel him, little bit? Inside you?" He nibbled at Benji's neck,
looking up at Stephen's face.

Stephen stared at him, lean cheeks flushed, hips jerking. He smiled, and let go of Benji's ass,
reached for Stephen to bring him into a kiss. Stephen's tongue pressed into his mouth, fucking him
just as surely as Benji. He grabbed hold of Benji's cock again and the three of them rocked, Stephen

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pushing the sweet thing into him over and over. Benji's little needy sounds became wails, those
fingers clinging to his arms.

"Come on, little bit, let him feel you come." Jack tugged harder on the hard cock in his hand.

Heat spread over his wrist, Benji groaning, shuddering in his arms.

"Mmm... yes, sweet thing." He kept stroking, pulling out shudders and aftershocks.

"What... what about... Oh. What about you?" Benji was gasping, whimpering for him.

"Just because you came, doesn't mean I can't still fuck you." He offered his hand over to Benji to
lick clean, his other hand reaching back to stroke Stephen's cheek. “Come inside him, love."

Stephen nodded, face turning toward his touch.

"Mmm... beautiful." He dragged his thumb along Stephen's lower lip.

Stephen gasped. Jerked. Came with his name on those lips.

"Oh, there we go. My lovelies all taken care of." Now they could take care of him.

"Now it's your turn." Benji leaned up, kissed his jaw.

He turned his face to take Benji's lips. "It is," he murmured as their lips parted. "And you're all
stretched and ready for me."

"I am."

"Come on, lovelies. We're running out of time. Less chatter, more loving."

He laughed and leaned past Benji for another kiss from Stephen. Then he shifted places with Benji,
pushing the sweet body up against the wall as he undid his pants. Benji was open, slick, hot as a
brand around him as he pushed in deep. Fuck. Yes. That was fine. He rested his hand against the
wall by Benji's head, his hips snapping as he fucked that lovely ass.

Stephen's hand slid over his ass, nails scraping along his skin. Groaning, he pushed back into that
touch and then forward into the hot grip of Benji's ass.

"Come on, Jack-love. Give it up. You've been hot since you blew me in the dressing room."

His hips jerked at the words, shoving hard into Benji's body as he came.

"So fucking beautiful, love." Stephen's teeth nipped his earlobe.

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"Oh, I'm the ugly duckling of this group. You and Benji are the beautiful ones." He helped Benji
get his pants back up and tucked himself away.

"Come now. Let's escape and go find coffee." Stephen kissed Benji's cheek, his throat.

"Yes. Just me and my guys."

He opened the door and sauntered out of the restroom, confident his lovers were right behind him.

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Chapter Seven

The rain pounded on the cab and Stephen groaned, grabbing his umbrella, his violin. He'd had the
shittiest day in the history of days - he'd fallen in front of Symphony Hall, scraping hands and
knees, tearing his slacks. His sixteenth notes were sloppy because his palms were raw. It was

His head hurt.

His knees hurt.

And if Jack didn't either leave him alone or dote on him, he was going to have a temper tantrum.

The place was dark when he let himself in, but he could see light coming from under the bathroom
door. He put the violin away, then headed for the light without turning any others on.

When he opened the door, he found the bathroom full of candles, the light dancing over the walls,
the floor, Jack at the mirror in nothing but a towel, shaving. "Stephen! You're finally home."

He found a smile, a nod. "I am. The weather's brutal. How are you?"

"Waiting for you. I drew us a bath." Jack nodded toward the tub and then rinsed the shaving cream
from his face.

"Oh..." He could cry. Or just moan with pure joy. He slipped his shoes off, then started carefully
unbuttoning his shirt with his bandaged, sore hands.

Jack turned, and frowned. "Stephen, love -- what happened to your hands?"

"I fell." He motioned to his knees. "Hard."

"Oh, love! Love..." Jack began to carefully undo the bandages.

"Don't. Don't, they're sore..."

"They need to be taken care of. You need to be taken care of. My poor beauty."

"Oh..." He leaned close, letting Jack touch. Pet. Pamper him.

"Come sit, love." He was led to the comfy chair they'd set in a corner of the room, Jack carefully
undressing him before pushing him to sit.

"We need antibiotic cream and those waterproof bandages." Jack fussed and gathered the things he

The sheer relief of being cared for left him breathless.

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Kneeling in front of him, Jack took his hand and gently swabbed it with the cream. "Love, you need
to be careful of your hands. You make magic with these."

He blinked. He'd been half-afraid Jack would growl, half-afraid that he'd be laughed at. "I didn't
want to ruin the violin."

Jack did growl at that. "The violin is replaceable," Jack said as his hands were rewrapped, his knees
tended to next.

"Thank you. It's been a terrible day." He leaned forward, kissed Jack's temple. "So glad you're

"Mmm... I had a little fun with ropes planned and had to set everything up. But I can adapt."

"Fun..." He pouted dramatically. "Don't tell me I don't get to play..."

"You're hurt."

"I'm scraped. You weren't intending on crucifying me, right?"

Jack chuckled. "No. No crucifying." The strong hand slid over his cheek. "You're really up to

"I've had the worst day, Jack-love. I need you to make it better."

"Oh, I can make it better, Stevie." Jack grinned at him, glint shining in his eyes. "I can make you so
much better."

His hands were taken and Jack started walking backward, leading him out of the bathroom. He
followed, holding Jack's gaze, just caught and happy and where he wanted to be.

The bedroom had indeed been prepared. There were candles here just like in the bathroom, and
Jack had them lit in short order. The bed was stripped down to black silk sheets, heavy silk ropes
ready at both the head and footboards.

"I thought your skin and hair would look amazing against the black silk. I was right." Jack's voice
had taken on a growl, the glint in his eyes becoming heat, pure and simple.

"Oh..." He groaned, went up on tiptoe for a kiss. "You are amazing, Jack. Luscious."

"That's why you love me."

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Jack put a hand behind his head and tilted it for the kiss, his lover's mouth pressing hard and sure
against his, stealing his breath. There were a ton of reasons. More than he could tell Jack, even if
his mouth wasn't busy. He was walked to the bed, bent over it, Jack's arm in the middle of his back
keeping him from falling back. And still Jack kissed him, devouring his mouth. His head was
swimming, heart throbbing like it was doing triplets against his ribs.

"My only problem," Jack murmured against his lips. "Is whether to tie you face up or face down..."

"What would the difference be?" He nuzzled, lapping at the soft, swollen skin.

"Face up I get to look into your eyes and see the scorpion." Jack's fingers traced the tattoo around
his prick. "Face down I get to see the overture and your ass. Mmm... your ass."

He beamed, spread a little, shook it.

"Face down it is." Jack was just growling, eyes eating him up just like his lover's mouth had.

"What has you so excited? Did something happen?" He turned, easing himself on his elbows.

"You have me excited, love. Fucking love this hot body." Jack's hands slid over his skin, touching,

"Mmm. I'm glad." Not that he worried. He was still young. Talented. Beautiful.

Jack kissed the small of his back, tongue tracing the tattoo there. "You gonna be okay on your
front, love?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm comfortable." Little sparks flashed behind his eyelids, spine arching up toward
Jack's tongue, which kept sliding, tracing each note, the staff, and then down to his crack. He
nodded and moaned, spreading wider, hips canting to offer himself to Jack.

"Fucking sexy, Stevie." His right ass cheek was bitten, and then soothed by Jack's hot tongue.

Grunting through his teeth, he pushed back against Jack's tongue, groaning low. Jack's hand
grabbed his balls, tugging. His thighs went rock hard and he groaned. "Jack. Fuck."

"Oh yeah, that's definitely on the menu." Jack chuckled, tongue sliding to lick at his hole.

"You... you have the best i...ideas."

Jack might have answered, but the sounds were lost inside him as Jack's tongue pushed in. Oh, fuck
yes. More. Sweet. Hot. Stephen leaned forward, and then pushed back, riding the pleasure. Sounds
poured out of Jack, each one vibrating inside him, and Jack's cheeks, freshly shaved and smooth,
rubbed against his skin.

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He let himself answer Jack, moaning, crying out, just begging for more.

"Fucking need you." It was all the warning Jack gave him, his lover rising up and pushing into him.

"Jack!" He tried to push up, get to his hands but they didn't want to hold him.

Jack leaned over him, grabbing his wrists and holding them together above his head. The back of
his neck was kissed. And then Jack began to fuck him, driving him into the mattress. They rocked
together, skin slapping, his ass aching with the burn and the stretch. Jack's hands moved on him,
fingers digging into his skin.

"Love." He twisted a little, searching for more friction on his cock.

"You need something, Stevie?" Oh, that teasing bastard.

"Fucker." Jack knew what he needed.

Jack's strokes became shallower, the touches lighter, teasing.

"Goddamn it. Jack." He was going to kill the bastard.

"You want me to stop?" Jack asked, slowing even more.

"No. Don't you fucking stop."

Jack laughed, the sound husky and wild. "Okay, Stevie. I won't stop." Leaning over him again, Jack
nipped at his neck.

"Promise. Fuck. Do that again." His body went tight.

"This?" Jack nipped at his shoulder this time, teeth scraping.

"Uh-huh." He let his head fall forward, gave his lover more skin.

Each new thrust was accompanied by a bite, some soft, some hard, each one hot.

That was it. Just that. Stephen was flying on it, just floating and soaring and... "Jack!"

"Oh fuck, feel that. Feel you." Jack jerked, hips snapping into him.

"Yes. Yes. Oh, love!" He keened, the world a crescendo all around him as he shot.

Jack's fingers tightened on his hips again, squeezing, bruising him as a deep cry met his, heat filling
him deep.

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They slumped together on the bed, Jack hot and heavy atop him. "Very naughty, Stevie."

"Huh?" He fucking loved that word.

"Distracting me with this sweet ass. I was going to tie you up." Jack smacked his ass. Hard.

"Ow! Bitch!" Like they didn't have time.

"You telling me you don't like it?" Jack hit him again.

"I..." No. No, he didn't say that all.

"That's what I thought." His lover's hand landed on his ass again, the man moaning for him.

He groaned, struggling a little against the sting.

"Reach for the ropes, Stevie." Jack rubbed his ass.

"Uh-huh..." He reached out, bandaged hands wrapping around the ropes.

"Don't let go." The words whispered into his ear and Jack's hand came down on his ass again.

"Fuck. Jack. Jack, I..." He pushed back for another slap, another, the burn and sting sexy as all fuck.

"You'll feel this all day tomorrow. Sitting, standing, walking -- all the time."

"You... you'll think about it. All day. All the time. My ass, warm for you."

Groaning, Jack smacked him again. "As if I didn't already think about you all the time."

"You've been busy, thinking about our little server, huh?"

Jack chuckled. "He's a hot one, isn't he? You think he'd like this as much as you do?" Another hit

"No." No, he didn't think so. He didn't think he wanted Benji knowing about this, either.

"No, I don't think so either." Jack's lips captured his earlobe, teeth biting. "There's no one else like

Oh, fuck. That made him groan, hips bucking.

"My sexy lover." Jack smacked him again. "Fuck, that's pretty."

"Fuck. Yours." Stephen groaned, unsure whether to push back or pull away.

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"Oh, yes. You are." Jack hit him again and then shifted, moving back between his legs and rubbing
hips and firming cock against his red ass. "And I'm yours."

"Yes. You feel so good, Jack-love." His skin was just singing.

Jack alternated smacking him with rubbing against him until his ass and his thighs were burning.
He could feel every hair on Jack's legs as he rubbed, and whenever the heat of that erection pressed
against his skin, it felt like he was on fire.

"Jesus. Jack. Love. You're making me burn." It wasn't a complaint.

Jack knew, another smack sending the fire straight through him. "Good."

Reaching for the bedside table, Jack leaned over his back. His earlobe was given a bite and he got a
stinging kiss. Then three things were tossed on bed next to him: a cock-ring, the lube, and a plug.

"Oh, you evil fucker." He adored that man. Honestly.

Jack just laughed and smacked his ass again. "You love it."

"I love you." Simple and fucking complicated as that.

"Mmm... sweet talker." Jack picked up the cock-ring and trailed the leather down over his back.

"Now why would you want to use that thing on me..."

"Because you need so beautifully." Jack bit his ass. "And I want to hear you beg some more."

"I... Fuck, that stings!" He didn't beg, damn it.

"Mmm... does this sting?" Jack's tongue slid over the skin he'd just bitten.

"No." No, that felt like Heaven, making him vibrate like a violin string.

A chuckle blew air over his skin, and then Jack bit the back of his thigh, soothing the bite with his
tongue again. Those teasing nips and licks continued, driving him insane, but fucking settling him
at the same time. Jack's internal rhythm was fascinating. So fascinating that he almost didn't notice
Jack working the leather cockring around his balls and the base of his cock.


He whimpered, the pressure perfect and maddening, all at once.

"Mmm... I want you up on your knees, Stevie -- are they up to that?"

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"Yeah. Yeah." Hell, the way the endorphins were coursing through him, he could do anything.

"All right, let me do this first." This turned out to be the plug pushing against his hole.

He tensed, then pushed back a little, the tip spreading him.

"Oh yeah, Stevie, take it in. You know you want it." Jack held the plug still, but didn't help push it

"Stephen." He groaned softly, head drooping as his hips rolled, taking the plug in bare centimeters
at a time.

"Fuck. That's stunning. You are stunning, Stephen. Keep going."

He nodded, kept moving, rocking back and stretching, spreading easily. Groaning, Jack wrapped
his other hand around Stephen's prick whenever he rocked forward, his cock slid through Jack's

He was going to explode. Burn up. Scream. Something.


It took forever, but finally the plug was fully seated, Jack twisting it, nudging it.

"Jack." He twisted to look over his shoulder. "Full."

"Yeah. And fucking sexy, too. Okay, let's get you up on your knees." Jack helped him, arms around
him to help him straighten and steady him. "Hands up over your head, Stevie."

"Huh?" He raised his hands, entire body swaying.

"Oh, yeah. Beautiful." Jack looped one of the ropes around his wrists.

"What're you doing?" Fuck, he was hard.

"Sculpting." Those warm fingers slid over his body, touching his nipples, his bound cock, his
burning ass.

"What?" He shivered, thighs spreading to give him balance.

Jack moved around in front of him. "You're like a piece of artwork and I'm sculpting you."
Grinning, Jack leaned in to chew at his nipples.

"Weirdo." The ache and burn made him shift, had his ass squeezing the plug in time.

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Jack looked up at him, licking at his skin. "Me?" His right nipple was bitten.

"Uh. Uh-huh." His hair slid across his hot ass, making the skin tingle.

"Then what does that make you?" Jack took just a nipple between his teeth and shook his head back
and forth.

He almost lost his balance, teetering drastically. "Yours."

Jack's hands settled on his hips, steadying him. "Oh, yes. You are that." Jack took a long, hard kiss
and then got off the bed, walked slowly around it.

"Jack?" He followed with his eyes, fighting for his balance.

"Looking at the best fucking thing I've seen. Ever." Grinning, Jack came back to bed, and lay next
to him, hands sliding on his own body.

"That's mine..." He pulled at the bounds, eyes fastened on Jack's body.

"Yeah?" Jack pinched his own nipple and arched.

"Yes." Jack wasn't the only one that could growl.

"Then come and get it." Jack grabbed his own cock, started stroking it.

Stephen pounced, leaning hard and landing right on his bastard lover.

"Oof! Fuck, Stevie." Laughing, Jack wrapped around him, one hand finding his ass and teasing
along it.

"What? You called. I came." He found the first piece of skin he could and bit down.

Jack arched, hand jerking and smacking his ass. He bit again, tugging at Jack's skin, making his
lover feel it.

"Stevie. Shit." Jack pushed against his mouth.

He eased up a little, then started sucking, leaving a mark.

"Marking me? You're in a mood." Jack's fingers tangled up in his hair, keeping him where he was.

"You're mine." He pulled harder, hands twisting in the ropes.

"There's never been any doubt of that, Stevie. Never." Jack's hand slid along his arms to his wrists,
playing with the rope.

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"Never." He groaned, shivering, almost overwhelmed.

The rope pulled away, Jack's fingers twining with his.

"H...hey. Hey, Jack." He searched his lover's eyes, just buzzing.

"Hey. I've got you, Stevie, yeah?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it's big, yeah? You and me."

Jack smiled. "It's everything, Stevie."

"Everything." He leaned in and brought their lips together. The kiss was different from the others.
Almost soft, gentle. It touched him down to his toes.

"Thank you."

Jack's fingers slid through his hair. "For what?"

"For loving me. I needed you."

"Loving you's the easy part, Stevie."

"Are you sure?" He wasn't sure loving him was all that simple.

Jack drew back a little, looking into his eyes. "Of course I'm sure. What's going on, Stephen?"

"What do you mean?" No deep conversations during sex.

"I mean what's this thank you and are you sure crap?"

"We're just talking. Christ." Just because he was having a day.

"No, we aren't just talking." Jack's hand slid down to jostle the plug. "We're fucking."

"Yeah." He jerked, teeth clicking together as the plug nudged his gland.

"And you got all weird." Jack pulled the plug partway out and shoved it back in again.

"Did. Did not!" Fuckhead.

Jack laughed, rolling him onto his back and taking his mouth. There. That was better. He dove into
the kiss, just letting everything else go.

"Torn between fucking you again and making you wear the ring and plug overnight."

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"Bitch. Don't be evil."

"Okay, just the ring, then..."

He stared at Jack, then started chuckling, pouncing on his lover, taking a deep, happy kiss. Jack
managed to get a knee between his legs, pressing it right up against him, just barely bumping the
plug. His hand found Jack's cock, fingers wrapping around and pulling.

Groaning, Jack moved into his hand, hips pumping. "God. Stevie. Love you so."

"I know. Come on before the bandages chafe." He grinned against Jack's lips.

"I don't know, that could be..." Jack groaned, arched. "Fun."

"Uh-uh. Chafing. Bad." Come on, love. Give it up.

Jack's laugh turned into a hoarse cry, heat shooting from his prick. "Stephen!"

He groaned, leaned down to lick Jack's cock and belly, hips just barely fucking the air.

"Nobody needs like you do, babe. So fucking gorgeous." Jack undid the cock ring, tugging it off,
and following that up by stroking him off.

"Jack. Jack." His thighs went tight, balls drawing up. "Just like that."

"I know." Jack leaned in and nipped at his collarbone, the bite sharp and clear.

Spunk poured from him, just pulsed right out of him, that bite making him ache.

"There we go." The bite was soothed by Jack's tongue, and then they were kissing, soft and lazy,
bodies melting together.

He cuddled in, blinking nice and slow. "Better."

"Good." Jack kissed the side of his mouth, eyes closing.

His hip was petted. "Good."


Yes, it was.

The perfect end to an awful day.

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Chapter Eight

Jack finished shaving and rinsed out his razor, washed his face clean of any excess shaving cream.

He and Stephen were getting ready for an evening out with their sweet thing. Opera. To culture the
boy up. Though Jack wasn't sure how much culture Benji was going to get; the only thing the opera
was good for was seeing if you could get your lover off without anyone else noticing. He was
remarkably good at it. Or perhaps it was just that his Stevie was particularly easy when it came to

His cock perked up at the thought and he took one last swipe of his hair with the brush before
heading for the bedroom. "Oh, Stevie..."

"Hmm?" Stephen was half-dressed, long hair loose along the lean back.

"Oh, look at you." He leaned against the doorway and did just that.

Stephen grinned, tossed his hair. "Me? You like?"

"Just a little." Of course his prick gave that away as a lie, pointing straight at Stephen.

"Mmm. Is that mine or are you saving it?" Stephen licked those pretty lips, stared.

"Oh, it's yours. One hundred percent. Always."

Stephen chuckled softly, chin lifting. "Come closer, then."

He pushed away from the doorjamb and took a single step, standing with his legs slightly spread for
balance. "Come and get it."

Stephen arched an eyebrow, legs spreading a bit. "You come here."

"No, I think you should come here." He could just see Stephen on his knees, mouth open...

"Do you?" Stephen's hand dropped to the tent in the pale slacks.

"I do." He let his own hand drop, grabbing his prick loosely, stroking it slowly.

"Sexy fucker." It was a matter of time. Stephen was willful, but impatient.

"You think?" He let go of his cock to cup his balls, rolling them in his hand.

"I know." Stephen opened his fly, that long, pretty cock popping out.

Jack swore he could smell Stephen's need, and it made him hungry. He stood his ground, though,
knowing it wouldn’t be long before Stephen couldn't resist for another moment.

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Stephen's belly was blushed a sweet, deep rose. "Jack."

"Right here for the taking, Stevie. All you have to do is come here."

"Fucker." Stephen shifted, stepped closer to him, nipples hard, dark in the pale skin.

"Your fucker." He curled his hands around his balls, nearly crushing them with the effort not to
reach out and touch.

"Mine." Stephen came right up to him, eyes burning. "Mine."

He nodded, pushing Stephen's hair back off his face. "All yours, babe. Now fucking kiss me."

"Yeah." Stephen smiled, lips meeting his, dead-on.

His hands slid to Stephen's shoulders, pulling him in closer. Groaning, he opened wide, let Stephen
in. His lover's hands pushed into his hair, dragging them closer together.

"Mmm..." He grabbed one of Stephen's hands, dragged it down over his skin toward his prick. No
one knew him like his Stephen. No one could. Those fingers wrapped around his cock, playing him.

"Fuck, yes."

Groaning he returned the touch, finding Stephen's prick, staring into those blue eyes as they
stroked. Stephen held his gaze, needing him. Adoring him. He slid his tongue over Stephen's lips,
pushed it between them. Stephen caught his tongue, started sucking on it, pulling in time with the
hands on his cock. Groaning, he squeezed Stephen's prick tight, his hips starting to rock.

Stephen's slacks fell to the floor, giving him more skin.

"Yes. Like this." He brought their cocks together, moaning at the sensation of that heat and
hardness against his own.

"Jack." Stephen nipped his bottom lip, tugged.

"Oh, fuck." He groaned, moving faster, hand working their pricks hard.

"More. Need you." Another quick bite, then Stephen dove into the kiss.

He reached for Stephen's balls with his free hand, tugging and twisting as he jacked them both off,
Stephen's tongue down his throat. They started to lose their rhythm, both of them bucking. He
wanted his lover to go first, but it felt so fucking good. Groaning, he pressed his thumb into
Stephen's slit.

Heat bubbled out, spraying over his hand.

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"Yes!" Shouting hoarsely, he jerked and came, the scent of them sudden and strong and twined

They stumbled together, heading for the bed. Falling into it, he took one kiss after another, hands
moving randomly over Stephen's skin. Stephen rocked against him, cock half-hard, kisses sweet
and needy.

"So hungry tonight." He slid his hand down over Stephen's ass.

"Always. Always for you."

He nibbled at Stephen's lips, like they were the most delicious treat. "We need to leave to pick up
the little bit soon."

"Do we have to?"

"I thought you loved the opera?" His lover certainly dragged him to it often enough.

"I do." Stephen smiled, licked his lips before pulling away. "I'll get a cloth so we don't smell like

He stopped Stephen from going, tugging him back. "Why don't you want to go?"

"I'm just not feeling friendly."

He arched his eyebrow.

"What?" Stephen stared back.

"I just get the feeling there's more to it than that." There wasn't really anything he could put his
finger on, just... something was off.

"No. No, I just..." Stephen growled a little, rolled his eyes. "Damn it, Jack. Drop it."

Oh, like he was going to do that. He let it go now and Stephen would get himself into a mood.
"You just what, Stevie?"

"I'm getting older. I can't compete."

Jack felt a little like he'd been dropped in the middle of a conversation. Was Stephen having a crisis
of faith in his musical talent? "Can't compete with..."

"With our beautiful, innocent, fine young lover." Stephen rolled his eyes. "I'm being a fool. We're
going to be late."

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"With Benji..." He just looked at Stephen, floored. "You think you need to compete with Benji?"

"Let it go." Stephen's cheeks flushed a dull red.

"No. I won't. You don't have to compete with anyone, Stephen. There is no competition -- you're
mine. And if this is stressing you out, we won't do it anymore." He might be a hungry, greedy,
horny bastard, but Stephen was the fucking center of his world.

"I don't. Shit. It sounds stupid, Jack-love. Ridiculous. It's a game."

"Damn straight it's just a game and if you're not having fun playing it anymore then we stop." He
tilted Stephen's face, made those eyes meet his. "I like Benji, sure. I love playing like we do, but I
love you more, Stephen. You."

"I..." There was a tension in Stephen that he hated, a hint of shame, of worry.

"You what, Stevie?" He wanted it all.

"I'm sorry. Go on to the opera. This is ridiculous."

No, he didn't think it was ridiculous at all. Stephen might try to blow it off, but he wasn't happy,
wasn't easy in his skin. "Am I going to have to tie you down until you tell me?"

"Oh, stop it. Can't we just let it go?"

"Right, tying you down it is. I'll just call the little bit first to let him know we're canceling this
evening's plans." Stephen really could be the most stubborn man on earth.

Stephen's eyes flashed, the tension between them going heavy, sudden, charged.

"Talk to me," he growled. "I'm not a mind reader."

"I don't ask you to be. Shit. I just. I'm not used to being the old lover. I don't... Fuck!" Stephen
threw up his arms. "I don't want to fucking feel this way!"

"Old! Stephen, there isn't an old bone in your body." He grabbed the man and tugged him close,
growling. "You're the most beautiful, most exciting man I've ever known." He took Stephen's
mouth, putting his passion and his conviction into it.

Stephen moaned, opening to him, tongue fucking his lips. Finding Stephen's hips with his fingers,
he dug them in, bruising his lover as he pulled their lower bodies together. Stephen's cock jerked,
hot against his belly, against his skin.

"Gonna love you until you can't remember your name, Stephen, let alone anything else."

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"Swear it."

"I swear it, Stephen-love."

Stephen nodded, kissed him hard, eyes just shining.

He kissed back, giving his lover his full attention. He'd missed something, missed some sign that
Stephen was unhappy, worried. He'd have to pay closer attention to his lover.

Stephen stretched for him, rubbing against him, crying into his lips. He slid his fingers to those dark
nipples, pinching and tugging.

The phone started ringing and Stephen went stiff, eyes flying open.

"Ignore it, babe." He pinched Stephen's nipple again, holding the icy eyes.

"You sure?" Stephen went up on tiptoe.

"Absolutely." He pulled his lover to him for a hard kiss. "Whoever it is can wait."

"Yes." Stephen's hand cupped his shoulder blade, dragged him closer.

He rubbed and slid, his mouth sliding over the lean jaw, stopping to suck up a mark.

"Yours." Stephen groaned, chin lifting, offering him more.

He bit his way down Stephen's neck, determine to make his lover wear turtlenecks for the
foreseeable future. He'd leave as many hickeys as needed. Maybe it was even time for a new tattoo.

"Want my mark on you, Stevie."

"Yes. Yes, Jack-love."

"Right here," he murmured, biting just above Stephen's left nipple, right over his heart.

"Anywhere!" Stephen arched, hips jerking.

"Mine," he said, biting the spot again.

"Yours." Stephen shot, spunk spraying on his skin.

He made a show of rubbing the come in, made sure Stephen saw him doing it.

Those dazed eyes just stared, hot. Happy.

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He'd do everything in his power to make sure they stayed that way.

Benji was sweet and they'd had fun, but the little bit was just going to have to understand that
Stephen was the center of the universe.

It was simply the way things were.

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He'd known it was going to end, eventually.

Still, Benji'd wanted the thing with Stephen and Jack to last longer than a handful of weeks. Of
course, Stephen had found him a fabulous job as a vocal coach for a private school; Jack had
helped him find a flat. They'd been good to him. They'd let him down easy. Hell, the three of them
had gone for supper two nights ago. But…

Benji sighed, smiled at Bry. "Could I have a glass of white wine, please?" He liked coming to the
bar, just because it was familiar.

"White? You sure?"

"Do you have another suggestion, Bry?"

Bry shrugged. "You just seemed fond of the red."

"I did, didn't I?" He grinned, nodded. "You're right. Do you mind if I change my order?"

He received a warm smile. "You can have anything you want, Benji."

His cheeks heated and he blushed, smiled back. "That sounds tempting."

"Yeah?" Bry put a wine glass on the bar and grabbed a bottle of the good stuff. "How tempting?"

"I..." He chuckled. "I'm still not very good at this flirting thing..." Unless Bry wasn't flirting...

"No? I thought you had the wolves teaching you everything they knew about everything."

"I... I'm not a wolf, Bry. You were right about that."

Bry's expression softened and a hand rested on top of his. "Did they chew you up and then spit you
back out?"

"Sort of? I think I just... They're different than I'm used to. Good, but different."

"Honey, you're an innocent lamb and I don't think they ever were. I warned you." Bry poured his

"You did. It was... educational." Exciting.

The bottle was un-corked and Bry leaned against the bar across from him. The barback had warm
eyes. Brown. "You okay?"

"I guess? Yeah. I mean, I knew that it wasn't... Well, love."

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"No? You seemed pretty smitten."

"They were sort of overwhelming." What was he supposed to say? It wasn't love.

"Yeah, that's what they do." Bry gave him another soft smile. "So... does this mean you're back on
the market?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I think I am." He missed having fun, being touched. Touching.

Speaking of touching, Bry's fingers slid along his wrist. "I get off at midnight. If you don't mind
waiting around awhile..."

Tingles climbed up his arm, just as sweet as you please. "I don't mind."

Bry's eyes lit up. "Just one thing, Benji. I don't... I don't share well. If we go out, it's got to be just
you and me."

"I think I've been shared enough, Bry. I think I'd..." He grinned, shrugged. "I'd like to be the one
someone wants."

"Oh, baby, I've been wanting you for months." Bry's hand brushed his cheek.

"Honest?" He'd always thought Bry was out of his league. Of course, being with Stephen and Jack
had altered his league.

"Honest. I think I started wanting you the first time I saw that sweet ass framed by your apron."

"Then I can definitely be here at midnight. I can watch you work."

"Yeah? I'll put on a good show for you."

Bry's fingers moved to slide across his lips, and then Bry leaned forward. He found himself leaning
in, fascinated. Caught. Bry smelled good, like soap and some aftershave he didn't know the name
of. Their lips touched, just softly.

Benji couldn't have stopped his smile if he tried.

And he didn't.


A Torquere Press Games People Play - 83


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