Readme&Przeczytaj mnie!

Wersja PL by IRA


Bardzo ciekawy modzik, podmienia zamknięte modele kantonów miasta Vivek na ten
otwarty z Molag Mar, z kolei podmieniając ten z Molag Mar, na ten z Vivek.
Autor dodał osobne, nowe otwarte modele dla kantonów Dzielnica Przybyszów i Arena.

Załączyłem 2 screenshoty dla zilustrowania zmian.


tradycyjnie: esp do katalogu data files, folder 112 do katalogu data files/meshes
po kliknięciu na ikonkę Morrowind, kilknąc na Pliki i odhaczyć 112_Vivec_Replacement_v_1.02_PL


1. Jest to mod wyłącznie estetyczny, urealnia grę - teraz w sielskim krajobrazie
Wysp Askadyjskich otwarte dzielnice Vivek są znacznie bardziej na miejscu, a z
kolei w nękanym popielnymi burzami Molag Amur świetnie się prezentuje Molag Mar.
Jednak fpsy w Vivek poleciały na łeb, na szyję, u mnie z koło 20 na 8-9.

2. Mod może być (na pewno jest) niekompatybilny z modami, które ingerują skryptami
w takie cele jak np.: Strefa Hlaalu, Plac, ponieważ usuwa te cele(!!!), skoro
wydobywa je na światło dzienne. Również koldiuje z modami które dodają walki na
arenie Vivek.
Nie psuje mainquesta, ani walk o przywództwo w gildiach w podstawce, ponieważ
mienia te skrypty.

README 112 Vivec Replacement
View my other mods and work in progresses at!
What I have fixed in version 1.02:
-Script error that (in some cases) broke the main quest.
-Minor alignent issues.
-Falling through the arena pit and Foreign Quarter upper level.

1. Description
2. Installation
3. Save Games
4. Known issues
5. What this mod contains
6. Uninstallation
7. Credits and Permisssions
8. Miscellaneous

1. Description

I always found it odd how Molag Mar, in the hellish landscape of Molag Amur,
had an open topped canton while Vivec, in the beautiful Ascadian Isles, was
closed in. This mod fixes that. Now, Molag Mar has a closed topped canton (Like
the ones previously in Vivec) and Vivec has open topped cantons (Like those
previously in Molag Mar). The foreign quarter and arena cantons have new,
custom meshes by AcidBasick. Also, a mini-shop is addded in the foreign quarter
plaza to cover up som stuff.

2. Installation

Copy the directory "Data Files" and paste it into your Morrowind directory.

3. Save Games

ALWAYS backup your savegame before using a new mod. Use of this mod is strictly
at your own risk. The author and contributors are not liable or responsible for
any problems which may result from the use of this mod.

This mod should not invalidate old save games.

4. Known Issues

FPS may be an issue, and if it is, I'm sorry. Not much can be done about it.

There is a slight problem with both the arena mesh and the Foreign Quarter mesh
that makes going up the steps to the plaza difficult. It will seem as if there
is an invisible wall there. To get past this, just hop up the steps. Once,
again there is not much I can do about this.

Before you use this, if you have any stuff in one of Vivec's plazas, I suggest
you move it first, otherwise you might not be able to get it back.

Any mod that adds anything to either, the top of Molag Mar, or to one of
Vivec's plazas will conflict with this mod. This mod, is compatable with
Vivec Expansion by Hoghead.

5. What this mod contains





6. Uninstallation

To remove this mod, delete:

-112_Vivec_Replacement_v_0.90.esp from your morrwoind\data files\ folder
-The "112" subfolder (and everything in it) from your
morrowind\data files\meshes\ folder

7. Credits and Permisssions

You may use anything included here in this mod if you:

a). Give proper credit to the creater of the materials
b). Contact me prior to release. You can PM me at the official forums as
"Szazmyrr3" or send an email to Not required, I would just
like to know if you do.

The meshes, ex_vivec_c_01_arena.NIF and ex_vivec_c_02_open.nif are by AcidBasick.
The file, 112_Vivec_Replacement_v_1.02.esp, is mine.
The file, 112_Vivec_Replacement_Interiorator_Compatable_Fixed.esp, was made by

8. Miscellaneous

ALWAYS backup your savegame before using a new mod. Use of this mod is strictly
at your own risk. The author and contributors are not liable or responsible for
any problems which may result from the use of this mod.

Please give me feedback relating to this mod! Send your praise, flames,
suggestions, and anything else related to OR, PM "Szazmyrr3"
(without the quotes) on the official forums.

Cleaned with TES Tool by Ghostwheel

A great big thanks to AcidBasick (without him, this mod wouldn't exist). Also,
thanks to Parpanghel for making an Interiorator compatable version of this mod.

NOTE: I have not tested the interiorator compatable version. If you have
problems with it, please contact Parpanghel.

And last of all, thanks to Skwirl_Jeremy for pointing out a script problem that
broke the main quest in some cases. (Which is now fixed.)



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