Lucky Day Ranch 1 Ridden by the Werestallion M H Silver

Ridden by the Werestallion
5,000 word gay erotica short. It s Lance Kingley s first day on the job at
Lucky Day Ranch, and he s given a difficult solo assignment: breed a high-
strung Arabian to a thoroughbred mare.
What happens instead will shock and arouse him& and be his first intro into
the life of a ranch hand at a werehorse ranch, where randy men mount each
other to integrate their herd.
This wide-eyed human will soon be the newest werestallion at the Lucky Day
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© M.H. Silver. eBook edition.
Omega Weredog in Heat
4,700 word short story. Gay shifter erotica.
The last thing weredog Caesar Rodriguez expects is that living on the streets
will lead him to hot sex.
But that s exactly what happens when Omega werewolf Thomas Murphy
shows up to offer him a place to stay.
Soon enough they re tied together, moaning and grunting like the beasts they
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Ridden by the Werestallion
Lucky Day Ranch
A dry heat hung heavy in the air.
Lance got off the Greyhound bus at a little station far out in New Mexico,
flush between the desert and a small sleepy town. He slung his bag over his
shoulder and watched the bus pull away in a cloud of dust, wishing he was still
on it.
You re a long way from home, Tex, he thought, missing the humidity and
greenery in Waco, where he d grown up. A job like this waited for no one,
though, and every ranch hand west of Alabama wanted to work at Lucky Day
Ranch. With a generous salary, 400 acres, and some of the best cattle in the
country, they had a reputation.
So Lance had gotten on a bus all the way from Texas, arriving here in the
middle of a hot July day, $250 and a few changes of clothes on his back. He
sighted the small town in the distance and headed that way, shading his eyes
with one hand.
It s going to be a great job, he thought, trying to convince himself. You ll
really enjoy yourself. Everyone knows Lucky Day Ranch is a good place to work.
Of course, it didn t hurt that he d been fired from his past job because of
what essentially amounted to fraternization with his coworkers.
It took him close to an hour to hike through town, down Lucky Day Lane,
and all the way to the ranch. It was clear when he got there: the fence around
the property had a large metal sign that curved above it, nearly blocking out the
The property stretched in either direction as far as the eye could see, and a
simple dirt road led to the gates. Lance stood in front of them, awkwardly
regretting his current lack of a cell phone, and fumbled around until he found a
call button on the gate.
 Uh, hello?
A long, silent moment. It almost felt like no one would answer his call.
 Lucky Day Ranch, how can I help y all?
 Lance Kingley. I m here to report for work.
The gate buzzed.  C mon in.
Lance walked through the slowly widening opening. The sun beat down on
him from above; to the left and the right, short barbed wire fencing kept cattle
and horses inside their pastures. Further ahead, he could see the squat building
in which he would live for three months, until management decided whether he
would be taken on full time.
He reached the building. A man came out of the front doors and approached
him. Tall and tanned, wearing blue jeans bleached by the sun and a baseball
cap, he looked every inch the country man.
 You must be Lance, he said, reaching out and grasping his hand in a firm
shake.  I m Mark Gaines, your new boss. Follow me and I ll show you to your
new quarters.
Lance followed him into the wide, pleasantly cool building, which was
decorated with dark wood wainscoting and a golden chandelier. This was where
they entertained guests, even putting them up for the night, and gave rich
boarders the assurance that their ribboned ponies would be taken care of. No
doubt the ranch hands had dorms in the far, far back, grouped into tiny rooms.
 This way. Mark led him down a long hallway. On either side hung large
portraits of cowboys, horses, and cattle; some photographed, others painted. The
sense that he was headed into history was strong with Lance.
Opening a door, Mark showed him his spartan room: a twin bed, an old
dresser, one window, and a door to a small bathroom.
 You won t be here much, Mark assured him,  but it s home.
 Thank ya, sir. Lance set his bag down on the bed and looked around; he
felt useless without some work in his hands.  I know it s my first day, sir, but if
you wouldn t mind, I would like the opportunity to show you what I m made
Mark s eyes seemed to spark as he took in Lance s measure, weighing him
with his eyes.  You don t say. I m sure you d love an opportunity. He adjusted
his pants by the belt, and thought for a moment.  Alright, how about this: we ve
got an Arabian stallion we ve been trying to mate with our lead mare. She s
about to go out of heat. Think you can handle it by yourself? We just need them
fielded together.
An Arabian stallion breeding all by myself? The thought was madness, but if
this was the way they tested their new guys, Lance had no choice but to try and
prove himself.
 Sure, boss.
 I ll get Ulysses to help you. Mark strode out of the hallway and hollered
down the way.  Ulysses!
A dark-haired man with brown skin poked his head out of a doorway.
 Go ahead and show the new guy where we keep Ace of Spades. He s gonna
get him to mount Scarlet today.
The ranch hand grinned, like he d just been let in on a little joke.  Of course.
This way, new guy.
Lance jogged after him, trying to keep up with his long legs.  It s Lance.
 I ll remember your name when you re full time, the guy said, giving Lance
a look.  Let s get going.
I m having fun already.
Ace of Spades was high-strung.
He stood in his stall, huffing breath, his long tail swishing back and forth
impatiently. When they approached, he rolled his eyes in irritation, kicking his
feet against the stall bottom.
 This is him, Ulysses said, lounging against the stall door.  The mare is the
white one to the west, past the big pasture. The rest is up to you.
And he started to wander off.
 You ve got to be kidding me. You re not even going to try to help me?
 What do you really know about Lucky Day Ranch?
That threw Lance for a loop.  Is there something I m supposed to know that
you re not telling me?
Ulysses just shrugged, a wicked smile on his lips.  You ll figure it out.
Then he was gone.
It was just Lance and the stallion now - the high-strung, hot-blooded, irritated
stallion he was supposed to somehow get out into another pasture and on top of
a mare in heat. He was confident about all of those steps except the mounting
part; he d never supervised a breeding by himself, and had certainly never heard
of it, since hot-blooded stallions and mares in heat both had a tendency to get
into trouble. Either the ranch hands here were held to different standards, or the
boss was confident that nothing would go wrong between the two horses, and
was only sending Lance in to test his mettle.
Hopefully that s all this is, Lance thought as he picked up a halter and lead
from the tack wall and went gently up to Ace.
 Heeeey, little papa, he sung in a soft, gentle voice.  You re a beauty, ain t
Ace looked at him with accusing eyes. This is going to be tough.
Lance pushed the tack up to his shoulder and crept into the stall slowly,
making soft, come-hither noises as he approached the Arabian stallion.
Ace permitted him a pat on the side of his nose, which he turned into a
gentle, soft rub down. Soon he had the gorgeous horse nipping the air and
nudging his hand, his ears relaxing forward on his head.
 There we go, Lance said, holding the harness up and sliding it gently over
Ace s head. The Arabian accepted it with calm grace and dignity, as if to say  I
was only messing with you earlier, I m actually quite tame.
Soon Lance had him on a lead and was walking him out of the stables, the
other horses whinnying at him from inside their stalls as they walked past.
Once they were out on the grounds, it took Lance a moment to orient himself
and decide which direction was the breeding pasture. The sun was bright in the
sky overhead, and the horses grazed in a beautiful green pasture.
Lance led Ace past the big pasture, watching as the mares and geldings
inside looked up from their gazing to snort at him curiously. Ace had a mind of
his own, and had to be coaxed into walking again when he decided to stop and
nibble on grass or whinny back at a horse he passed through the fence.
He could see the white mare on the horizon, nibbling on grass in her distant
field, fenced off from the rest of the horses and tacked to a post.
 What a beauty, huh? Lance rubbed Ace s soft nose. He snorted against his
palm, his fur shining in the hot sun.
Lance pulled open the gate and led the Arabian into the field, latching it
firmly behind them.
Here we go. The mare was definitely in heat; her backside was swollen and
she held her hind legs far apart, as if waiting for a stallion to mount her. With
hope, all Lance would have to do is show the stallion to the mare and make sure
he mounted properly. He d only get a short chance; too long on her back and
Ace could cause serious damage.
The white mare with a thoroughbred, with fine lines and a soft coat. Lance
walked over to her and spoke to her, coaxing soft snorts out of her; she gave the
stallion a cursory glance, then went back to grazing. She seemed to be an easy
enough horse.
Ace, though, not so much.
When Lance took him by the lead again and tried to bring him around to the
mare, he froze and reared back, letting out a mighty scream.
 Jesus! Lance held on and pulled down sharply, trying to bring him back
down onto his forelegs; the Arabian windmilled for a moment, letting off some
steam, then bounced down hard. He rolled his eyes as Lance approached him,
reaching out a hand to stroke his cheek.
 How the hell do you have so many awards if you can t even deal with being
led by a harness, hmm?
The Arabian snorted as an answer, his legs still locked; behind them, the
mare had been infected with some of his skittishness and now fought her tack,
trying to back away from both them and the fence she was loosely tied to.
If this was a rookie test, it was one hell of a thing to get through. Lance could
only hope that the hypothetical foal these two could make would be a prize-
Finally, Ace calmed down and let Lance walk him over to the mare, where he
sniffed generously at her hind legs. Lance talked baby sweet to both of them,
glad for the mare s sunny disposition; she had soon calmed down and didn t
seem inclined to kick the stallion away from her.
Meanwhile, the scent of the mare in heat was bringing Ace into arousal; his
penis slid out of its sheath and drooped towards the ground, hard and slick.
Lance was ashamed by his own arousal in response; but with all the hormones
in the air, it was hard not to& well, get hard.
The mare urinated in response to Ace s attentions, a sure sign that she was in
full heat and receptive to them. Lance pulled the stallion up towards her
hindquarters, urging his head up and encouraging him to mount her.
The stallion fought him, wanting to make his own decisions; but his nature
got the best of him and he reared back, throwing his forelegs roughly onto the
mare s back. She buckled but didn t fight him, and with some effort, Lance
pulled Ace forward until his erection was lined up with the mare s hindquarters
and beginning to slip in.
Then the mare bucked.
It took Lance by surprise; she knocked her ribs into his side as she threw Ace
off and undid her tie-out. Lance fell to the ground and scrambled back to get out
of the way of errant horse hooves. She gave a great whinny of anger and
wheeled away, running towards some trees in the back of the pasture.
 Christ! Lance hauled himself up and grabbed Ace s lead, trying to calm him
down; the hormonal stallion was bucking and rearing, his penis curving along
the whole underside of his body, the head flared with excitement.
If he was high-strung before, he was even more so now.
 Calm yourself, buddy, Lance murmured, but Ace wasn t having it; he
gnashed at the air with his teeth and rolled his eyes, trying to pull his lead out of
Lance s hands. The stallion advanced on him suddenly, head down, ears, back,
twitching all over. Lance backed up, afraid for his own safety.
Then the strangest thing happened: Ace laid down on the ground.
His forelegs went first, struggling under his massive weight; then the back
legs went, and the whole, huge, seventeen hands with of horse flesh fell to the
ground on his belly. Lance watched him warily, trying to decide if the mare had
done some harm to him when she bucked him off; but it seemed almost
A downed horse is a dead horse, Lance thought, remembering his very first
lesson at his very first farm job; with a big weight and little legs, a horse that
went down wasn t soon to get up.
So Lance knelt down and ran his hands over Ace, trying to figure out what
was going on.
The flesh beneath his fingertips shuddered and moved.
Lance jumped back; the stallion s whole body was shivering and changing.
He opened his mouth and gave a big squeal of distress; the sound soon warped
and changed as his muzzle began to shrink. Dropping the lead, Lance backed
up and watched, wide-eyed, as the stallion grew smaller and smaller, his color
changing, his whole head shrinking back into his neck.
Within the space of a few seconds that felt like eternity, Ace of Spades had
turned into a human being.
Now the naked man, covered in dirt, his hair long and tangled, rolled onto
his stomach and pushed himself up onto his feet. Standing, he was well over six
feet tell, his muscles lithe and rippled, his eyes wild and unseeing.
A massive cock curved along his belly, still flared at the end like a horse s; it
was far too big to approximate anything Lance had ever seen, and he d slept
with his fair share of men. It was also nestled in a thick hair of red-brown hair,
with dusted the front of the man s chest and thighs, like it was leftover from
being a stallion.
 Holy shit.
The man - Ace of Spades - blew air out of his nose, snorting like an
aggravated horse. Then he advanced on Lance and grabbed him by the throat,
something angry and violent in his eyes.
 You re going to fuck me, he said, his voice an odd, flat tone, as if he was
speaking English as a second language.  My cock wants mare. Man will have to
And he pushed Lance down to his knees, his strength overwhelming due to
his size; he gripped the smaller man by the shoulders and pushed his hips
forward, rubbing his too-large cock against Lance s face.
Jesus Christ, Lance thought, his own erection pushing against the confines of
his thin blue jeans; he d never been so terrified and turned on in his life. It s so
big, it s frightening.
 Open your goddamned mouth. Human Ace was just as pushy as horse Ace;
he shoved his fingers into Lance s mouth and opened it up, then grabbed his
cock and insistently pushed the flared head inside.
He tasted salty and musky; Lance decided to go with it, and pushed his head
forward until he was practically choking on the tip alone. Ace wasn t satisfied
with that, though; he pulled Lance forward by the head until he was on his
hands and knees, then mounted his head like a stallion. From this angle his cock
seemed even bigger, and he thrust it inside Lance s mouth with all the finesse of
a stallion mounting a mare.
Closing his eyes, Lance concentrated on breathing through his nose; he had
to drop open his mouth to take the cock inside him. It spread him open, filling
him so much that spit dribbled out of his lips. Ace thrust in and out of him,
making huffing and snorting noises, his weight falling on Lance s back and
shoulders; his balls swung back and forth as he humped him insistently. Soon his
cock was slid all the way into Lance s throat, which ached from holding it.
 Yeah, yeah, take it, Ace said, his voice low and deep. Then he started to
grunt and pumped his hips, his balls rubbing up against Lance s face as he
humped his face in earnest. The rough, animalistic indignity of it made Lance s
cock so hard he had to unzip his pants and rub himself with one hand while his
mouth and throat got fucked open.
Within seconds Ace was coming inside him, hot and thick; Lance gagged on
the stuff as the stallion-turned-man pulled out of him, his thick cock covered in
spit and cum. It spilled onto the ground beneath them.
Ace wasn t done with him yet, though; he pushed him onto his back
insistently, his face still flushed with arousal. Lance s mouth and lips were
covered in cum, and he felt certain he was about to wake up from this strange
dream any minute.
 What are you? he asked, his voice rough from the rough mouth-fucking he d
just gotten.
 A werehorse. Didn t anyone tell you? Ace sounded incredulous, if it was
possible for a horse-man.
Lance shook his head, swallowing sticky cum to clear his throat.  No one
mentioned it.
 Well, get ready, Ace said, straddling Lance s legs,  because you re about to
be one too.
Then he ripped off Lance s shirt and shucked off his pants, his strength almost
unbelievable; he had the muscles of a horse, it seemed. Lance s cock sprang out
of his boxers, thicker and harder than it d ever been in his life; Ace s own flared
cock was still hard, despite having just come.
 You re almost ready, Ace said, and then he dipped a finger into the cum on
his chest and shoved it into Lance s mouth.  Swallow more of my cum.
Lance obeyed dumbly, responding to the tone of Ace s voice. As the cum slid
down his throat and into his stomach, he could almost feel his cock pulse and
twitch; the veins on it stood out against the skin. He whimpered from how hard
it was, and how heavy his balls felt.
 Almost there, Ace said, grabbing Lance s cock and squeezing it.  Your cock
is loving my cum inside you.
Is it my imagination, or is it getting bigger?
It was changing, too; the head was flaring out at the tip and flattening. Lance
watched it, transfixed; Ace began to stroke it through the change.
 There we go, he said, and then he dipped his head between Lance s thighs
and pushed his ass cheeks apart, shoving the flat of his tongue against his
asshole.  Keep swallowing.
There began the best rimjob of Lance s life. Ace bent to it with enthusiasm,
fucking inside him with his tongue and shoving his legs up to get better access.
Lance moaned, his cock pulsing and thickening against his belly, his whole body
alive with what seemed to be an aphrodisiac.
It s the werehorse cum, he realized, as he licked some of it off his lips. It s
making my cock like his.
And it felt amazing, even as it made him want to come even harder. Ace s
tongue inside him didn t help, either; he kept licking his way up to Lance s full
balls and working them as well, until he felt like any minute he would shoot out
all over the place.
 Alright, Ace said, leaning back and giving Lance a cold, cursory look.  On
your hands and knees.
Lance turned over, his now-huge cock swinging from his groin. The urge to
fuck it up against something, anything, was overwhelming; he spread his legs
apart and stroked his cock, preparing himself for what came next.
The werehorse braced his knees on either side of Lance s ass and pushed his
face down into the dirt.
 You have a lovely ass, he said, rubbing the too-thick head of his cock
between Lance s cheeks.  It s going to look even better with me inside it.
Lance whimpered as Ace pushed his cock inside him with little regard to
how it felt; his body stretched painfully to accommodate his fantastic girth. His
ass was still slick from the rimjob, though, and with help from the thick cum still
covering the giant cock, Ace fucked the tip inside.
 Uh, yeah, he moaned, blowing air out of his mouth like a rutting stallion.
Then he braced his hands on either side of Lance s side, clamping himself to his
body as he cocked his hips back and then fucked back inside him with a low
 Aaahh! Lance cried out as the huge cock spread him further. His own
erection pulsed with arousal, precum leaking out of it; Lance spread his legs and
grabbed his own cock, which was now so thick he could barely fit his hand
around it. He whimpered as he stroked it, his balls full of randy cum.
 That s it. Ace eased out of him and thrust his cock back in. Lance s ass was
opening up to him, spreading to accommodate that huge girth. He felt it as the
shaft pierced deeper and deeper, the werehorse s length halfway inside him.
Lance began to feel amazing sparks of pleasure spread from his ass as the
cock rubbed up against his prostate. He moaned with pleasured, face pressed
against the ground. His cock twitched and leaked inside his hands as he jerked
it with two tight, full hands.
Ace leaned forward with all his weight, hips pushing his cock all the way in
with a final, strong thrust. He groaned as his balls rubbed up against Lance s ass,
the whole shaft piercing his aching ass.
Then he nuzzled his hair with his nose, his breath as heavy and strong as a
horse, his strong muscles braced and bulged all around Lance. His smell was
musky and arousing; as he lipped Lance s ear into his mouth and nibbled on it,
he felt deep, primitive urges to fuck and rut come alive.
Ace rolled his hips out, drawing a full half of his giant shaft out of Lance, and
then pummeled it back inside him with a wet sound.
 Uuuhhh - yeah, oh God! Lance cried out, his cock leaking in his hand.
Ace reached an arm around and grabbed Lance s shaft above the balls,
squeezing it in a tight hand.
 You re one of us now, he murmured against Lance s ear, shallowly thrusting
inside him.  That cock will never be the same. You ll never be the same.
He twisted his hand, making Lance s whole body shudder as he reached a
place of pleasure he d never been before. His mouth fell open as he moaned out
into the open air.  Aahhh, aahh, yeah, make me cum.
 I plan on it.
To punctuate his point, Ace started thrusting in and out of him with full force,
the weight of his well-conditioned muscles slamming his flared cock up against
Lance s prostate against and again.
Lance pushed up on his hands and braced back against his weight, opening
up to the werehorse s girthy cock.
 Uh, uh, yeeeahhh, oh my god. He grabbed his cock and stroked it in
earnest, his swollen balls drawing up against his body as he approached orgasm.
 Yeah, fuck me, fuck me!
Wet grunts fell out of Ace s mouth as he grabbed Lance s hips and screwed
him so hard he came, thick jets of hot cum spilled out onto the ground. He
found himself making high-pitched, animalistic sounds, his whole body
surrendering to a pleasure he d never known before.
 Yeah, you fucking love it, Ace said, fucking him harder and harder as he
continued to come in a thick pool.  Uuhhh, yeah, uuuhhh.
The werestallion s thrusts pushed Lance forward with their force; it was all he
could do to hang on as the man s cock pummeled him to within an inch of his
life. He shuddered, his newly giant cock softening and drawing up into its
sheath, half-hard from the continued fucking.
I m never going to fuck any other way again, Lance thought, biting his lower
lip and bracing as Ace s thrusts grew shorter and more animalistic.
 Huuuhh, huuuuhhh, he moaned, his breath thick and hot, all of his weight
falling on Lance s back as he thrust - one, two, threefour, fivesixseven - and came
inside him with a deep, final thrust and moan.
Warm cum spilled in Lance s ass, filling him up and dribbling out of him; Ace
fucked through it shallowly, then drew out, a large splash of cum falling to the
ground. Lance glanced over his shoulder at the werehorse, who was flushed all
over, his softening cock still unimaginably huge.
That was when he realized they weren t completely unobserved.
Three of the ranch hands, including Ulysses, stood at the fence with their
cocks out; all of them were just as surprisingly large as Ace s. As he watched,
one of the men reached over, grabbed Ulysses s cock, and masturbated him until
he came in a thick jet, his eyes firmly planted on Lance s sore, wet ass.
What the hell have I gotten myself into? Lance wondered, his own cock
twitching to life at the sight of the man coming. He stood up and brushed
himself off, realizing with a jolt of alarm that his groin was furred and his legs
felt thicker and more powerful.
Ace gave him a cool glance, still a hot-blooded, cold-tempered Arabian even
as an (admittedly handsome) human. Lance was just wondering if he would turn
out like that soon, too, when one of the ranch hands opened up the pasture gate
and approached them, his cock back inside his pants was obviously hard and
long against his thigh, trapped inside too-thin blue jeans.
 Welcome to the ranch, the man said, reaching out a rough hand,
completely unashamed of either of their states.  Congratulations on your first
mounting. I m Magic s Last Chance, but just call me Chance.
Lance shook it hesitantly, embarrassed to realize he was getting an erection.
 So you re all like this? All the horses, all the ranch hands? He glanced around
the pasture, relieved to see that the white mare was still decidedly a mare,
hanging far out in the back of the pasture.
Chance laughed.  Nah, just us four - five, now that you ve been mounted.
Even Mark is a human, mostly on account of he s immune to the virus.
 You ll get used to that soon, Ulysses said, joining them with the last ranch
hand, his cock unashamedly hanging out of his still-belted pants.  It does that a
And he reached out to stroke Lance s erection, his hand expertly tight,
rubbing the still-sensitive head with precision. Lance shuddered and bucked into
his hand, his cock responding by thickening further.
 He has a wonderful ass, Ace said, reaching out and pushing Ulysses away.
 Let s not ruin him with misuse.
Ulysses shrugged, stuffing his girthy erection back inside his pants with some
difficulty.  Suit yourself, big man.
The last ranch hand reached out and shook Lance s hand, his palm still sticky
with cum.  Apollo s Chariot. And you ll need to find your own name. We can
 Lancelot s King, Ace said, interrupting him solidly.  That will be your new,
full name. But we ll call him Lance, Apollo. It suits him.
The others nodded, deferring to the one of them who had to be in charge.
 I m sorry, this is& a lot to take in. Lance backed away, running his fingers
through his hair.  Why me? And why& this?
Ace eyed the other hands and they stepped away respectfully; then he picked
up the tatters of Lance s clothing, wrapping him in his shirt with surprising
 Word spread of your way with horses, as word often spreads among our
kind. When your name came up as a viable candidate, we let Mark know that
we wanted you. He listened, because we re the best ranch hands, and the best
stallions, in the business. Now you have a home. Are you displeased?
 It would ve been nice to know, Lance said, pulling the T-shirt tight around
 It doesn t work if you know; you have to accept it. You ll see when you first
turn and run. You re stronger now. He got a far-off look in his eyes.  Wild. Free.
I ll be able to turn into a horse and run. That hit Lance in a sudden wave, like
nothing he d ever felt before; he wouldn t be on a horse s back, galloping
towards the sunset. He would be the horse.
Ace took his chin in his hands and met his eyes, the space between the
miniscule.  You will enjoy it, I m certain.
Then he kissed him for the first time, his lips warm and salty, his touch tender
and erotic. Lance met him with enthusiasm, welcoming him into his mouth; it
had been so long since he d gotten to truly connect with another lover without
Ace pulled back, a sparkle in his eyes, which reflected the coming sunset
beautifully.  Welcome to the Lucky Day Ranch.
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