package use

Uses of Package org.omg.CORBA (Java Platform SE 6) function windowTitle() { if (location.href.indexOf('is-external=true') == -1) { parent.document.title="Uses of Package org.omg.CORBA (Java Platform SE 6)"; } } Overview  Package  Class   Use  Tree  Deprecated  Index  Help  Java™ PlatformStandard Ed. 6  PREV   NEXT FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes Uses of Packageorg.omg.CORBA Packages that use org.omg.CORBA javax.rmi.CORBA Contains portability APIs for RMI-IIOP.  org.omg.CORBA Provides the mapping of the OMG CORBA APIs to the JavaTM programming language, including the class ORB, which is implemented so that a programmer can use it as a fully-functional Object Request Broker (ORB).  org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage Provides the exceptions used with the DynAny interface (InvalidValue, Invalid, InvalidSeq, and TypeMismatch).  org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage Provides the exception InvalidName, which is thrown by the method ORB.resolve_initial_references and the exception InconsistentTypeCode, which is thrown by the Dynamic Any creation methods in the ORB class.  org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage Provides the user-defined exceptions BadKind and Bounds, which are thrown by methods in in the class TypeCode.  org.omg.CORBA.portable Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB.  org.omg.CORBA_2_3 The CORBA_2_3 package defines additions to existing CORBA interfaces in the Java[tm] Standard Edition 6.   These changes occurred in recent revisions to the CORBA API defined by the OMG.  The new methods were added to  interfaces derived from the corresponding interfaces in the CORBA package.  This provides backward compatibility and avoids breaking the JCK tests.  org.omg.CosNaming Provides a naming service for Java IDL.  org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage This package contains the following classes, which are used in org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExt:  org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage This package contains Exception classes for the org.omg.CosNaming package.  org.omg.Dynamic This package contains the Dynamic module specified in the OMG Portable Interceptor specification,, section 21.9.  org.omg.DynamicAny Provides classes and interfaces that enable traversal of the data value associated with an any at runtime, and extraction of the primitive constituents of the data value.  org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryPackage This package contains classes and exceptions from the DynAnyFactory interface of the DynamicAny module specified in the OMG The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification,, section 9.2.2.  org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage This package contains classes and exceptions from the DynAny interface of the DynamicAny module specified in the OMG The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification,, section 9.2.  org.omg.IOP This package contains the IOP module specified in the OMG document The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification,, section 13.6.  org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage This package contains the exceptions specified in the IOP::CodeFactory interface (as part of the Portable Interceptors spec).  org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage This package is generated from the IOP::Codec IDL interface definition.  org.omg.Messaging This package contains the Messaging module specified in the OMG CORBA Messaging specification,  org.omg.PortableInterceptor Provides a mechanism to register ORB hooks through which ORB services can intercept the normal flow of execution of the ORB.  org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage This package contains the exceptions and typedefs from the ORBInitInfo local interface of the PortableInterceptor module specified in the OMG Portable Interceptor specification,, section 21.7.2.  org.omg.PortableServer Provides classes and interfaces for making the server side of your applications portable across multivendor ORBs.  org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage Provides method implementations with access to the identity of the object on which the method was invoked.  org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage Encapsulates the processing state of the POAs it is associated with.  org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage Allows programmers to construct object implementations that are portable between different ORB products.  org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorPackage Provides classes and interfaces for locating the servant.  org.omg.SendingContext Provides support for the marshalling of value types. Contains RMI-IIOP Stubs for the Remote types that occur in the java.rmi package.    Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by javax.rmi.CORBA Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference. ORB           A class providing APIs for the CORBA Object Request Broker features. SystemException           The root class for all CORBA standard exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CORBA Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. AnySeqHolder           The Holder for AnySeq. BAD_INV_ORDER           This exception indicates that the caller has invoked operations in the wrong order. BAD_OPERATION           Exception thrown when an object reference denotes an existing object, but that the object does not support the operation that was invoked. BAD_PARAM           Exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is out of range or otherwise considered illegal. BooleanSeqHolder           The Holder for BooleanSeq. Bounds           A user exception thrown when a parameter is not within the legal bounds for the object that a method is trying to access. CharSeqHolder           The Holder for CharSeq. CompletionStatus           An object that indicates whether a method had completed running when a SystemException was thrown. Context           An object used in Request operations to specify the context object in which context strings must be resolved before being sent along with the request invocation. ContextList           An object containing a modifiable list of String objects that represent property names. Current           Interfaces derived from the Current interface enable ORB and CORBA services to provide access to information (context) associated with the thread of execution in which they are running. CurrentOperations           The interface for Current. DATA_CONVERSION           This exception is raised if an ORB cannot convert the representation of data as marshaled into its native representation or vice-versa. DataInputStream           Defines the methods used to read primitive data types from input streams for unmarshaling custom value types. DataOutputStream           Defines the methods used to write primitive data types to output streams for marshalling custom value types. DefinitionKind           The class that provides the constants used to identify the type of an Interface Repository object. DomainManager           Provides mechanisms for establishing and navigating relationships to superior and subordinate domains, as well as for creating and accessing policies. DomainManagerOperations           Provides the DomainManager with the means to access policies. DoubleSeqHolder           The Holder for DoubleSeq. DynAny           Deprecated. Use the new DynAny instead DynArray           Deprecated. Use the new DynArray instead DynEnum           Deprecated. Use the new DynEnum instead DynSequence           Deprecated. Use the new DynSequence instead DynStruct           Deprecated. Use the new DynStruct instead DynUnion           Deprecated. Use the new DynUnion instead Environment           A container (holder) for an exception that is used in Request operations to make exceptions available to the client. ExceptionList           An object used in Request operations to describe the exceptions that can be thrown by a method. FloatSeqHolder           The Holder for FloatSeq. IDLType           An abstract interface inherited by all Interface Repository (IR) objects that represent OMG IDL types. IDLTypeOperations           This interface must be implemented by all IDLType objects. IRObject           An IRObject IDL interface represents the most generic interface from which all other Interface Repository interfaces are derived, even the Repository itself. IRObjectOperations           This is the Operations interface for the mapping from IRObject. LongLongSeqHolder           The Holder for LongLongSeq. LongSeqHolder           The Holder for LongSeq. MARSHAL           A request or reply from the network is structurally invalid. NamedValue           An object used in the DII and DSI to describe arguments and return values. NameValuePair           Associates a name with a value that is an attribute of an IDL struct, and is used in the DynStruct APIs. NVList           A modifiable list containing NamedValue objects. Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference. OctetSeqHolder           The Holder for OctetSeq. ORB           A class providing APIs for the CORBA Object Request Broker features. ParameterMode           Enumeration of parameter modes for Parameter. Policy           Interfaces derived from the Policy interface allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices that affect its operation. PolicyError           A user exception thrown when a policy error occurs. PolicyOperations           Provides the operations for a Policy object. Principal           Deprecated. Deprecated by CORBA 2.2. Request           An object containing the information necessary for invoking a method. ServerRequest           An object that captures the explicit state of a request for the Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI). ServiceDetail           An object that represents an ORB service: its service_detail_type field contains the type of the ORB service, and its service_detail field contains a description of the ORB service. ServiceInformation           An IDL struct in the CORBA module that stores information about a CORBA service available in the ORB implementation and is obtained from the ORB.get_service_information method. ServiceInformationHolder           The Holder for ServiceInformation. SetOverrideType           The mapping of a CORBA enum tagging SET_OVERRIDE and ADD_OVERRIDE, which indicate whether policies should replace the existing policies of an Object or be added to them. ShortSeqHolder           The Holder for ShortSeq. StructMember           Describes a member of an IDL struct in the Interface Repository, including the name of the struct member, the type of the struct member, and the typedef that represents the IDL type of the struct member described the struct member object. SystemException           The root class for all CORBA standard exceptions. TCKind           The Java mapping of the IDL enum TCKind, which specifies the kind of a TypeCode object. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. ULongLongSeqHolder           The Holder for ULongLongSeq. ULongSeqHolder           The Holder for ULongSeq. UnionMember           A description in the Interface Repository of a member of an IDL union. UnknownUserException           A class that contains user exceptions returned by the server. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions. UShortSeqHolder           The Holder for UShortSeq. ValueMember           A description in the Interface Repository of a member of a value object. WCharSeqHolder           The Holder for WCharSeq. WrongTransaction           The CORBA WrongTransaction user-defined exception.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CORBA.DynAnyPackage UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CORBA.TypeCodePackage UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CORBA.portable Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. Context           An object used in Request operations to specify the context object in which context strings must be resolved before being sent along with the request invocation. ContextList           An object containing a modifiable list of String objects that represent property names. CustomMarshal           An abstract value type that is meant to be used by the ORB, not the user. DomainManager           Provides mechanisms for establishing and navigating relationships to superior and subordinate domains, as well as for creating and accessing policies. ExceptionList           An object used in Request operations to describe the exceptions that can be thrown by a method. NamedValue           An object used in the DII and DSI to describe arguments and return values. NVList           A modifiable list containing NamedValue objects. Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference. ORB           A class providing APIs for the CORBA Object Request Broker features. Policy           Interfaces derived from the Policy interface allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices that affect its operation. Principal           Deprecated. Deprecated by CORBA 2.2. Request           An object containing the information necessary for invoking a method. SetOverrideType           The mapping of a CORBA enum tagging SET_OVERRIDE and ADD_OVERRIDE, which indicate whether policies should replace the existing policies of an Object or be added to them. SystemException           The root class for all CORBA standard exceptions. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CORBA_2_3 BAD_PARAM           Exception thrown when a parameter passed to a call is out of range or otherwise considered illegal. ORB           A class providing APIs for the CORBA Object Request Broker features.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CosNaming Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. DynamicImplementation           Deprecated. org.omg.CORBA.DynamicImplementation Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference. ORB           A class providing APIs for the CORBA Object Request Broker features. ServerRequest           An object that captures the explicit state of a request for the Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI). TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextExtPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.Dynamic Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. ParameterMode           Enumeration of parameter modes for Parameter.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.DynamicAny Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference. TCKind           The Java mapping of the IDL enum TCKind, which specifies the kind of a TypeCode object. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyFactoryPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.DynamicAny.DynAnyPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.IOP Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.IOP.CodecFactoryPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.IOP.CodecPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.Messaging Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.PortableInterceptor Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference. Policy           Interfaces derived from the Policy interface allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices that affect its operation. PolicyError           A user exception thrown when a policy error occurs. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ORBInitInfoPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.PortableServer Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. Current           Interfaces derived from the Current interface enable ORB and CORBA services to provide access to information (context) associated with the thread of execution in which they are running. CurrentOperations           The interface for Current. Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference. ORB           A class providing APIs for the CORBA Object Request Broker features. Policy           Interfaces derived from the Policy interface allow an ORB or CORBA service access to certain choices that affect its operation. PolicyOperations           Provides the operations for a Policy object. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.PortableServer.CurrentPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.PortableServer.POAPackage Any           Serves as a container for any data that can be described in IDL or for any IDL primitive type. TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type. UserException           The root class for CORBA IDL-defined user exceptions.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.PortableServer.ServantLocatorPackage TypeCode           A container for information about a specific CORBA data type.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by org.omg.SendingContext Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference.   Classes in org.omg.CORBA used by Object           The definition for a CORBA object reference.   Overview  Package  Class   Use  Tree  Deprecated  Index  Help  Java™ PlatformStandard Ed. 6  PREV   NEXT FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes Submit a bug or featureFor further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples. Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Also see the documentation redistribution policy.


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