Silnik Engine Technology

2 żÿ
This is a brief guide to the technical features and performance of the
Wärtsilä 32 engine, when used for emergency power applications
requiring fast and reliable start, fast loading, large load steps, and long
periods in stand-by mode.
DESIGN PHILOSOPHY................................................... 4 żÿ
BENEFITS .................................................................... 5 żÿ
EMERGENCY APPLICATIONS......................................... 5 żÿ
CRANKSHAFT AND BEARINGS ..................................... 6 żÿ
ENGINE BLOCK ............................................................ 6 żÿ
PISTON ....................................................................... 6 żÿ
PISTON RINGS ............................................................. 6 żÿ
CONNECTING ROD....................................................... 7 żÿ
CYLINDER HEAD .......................................................... 7 żÿ
MULTIDUCT ................................................................. 8 żÿ
STARTING AIR SYSTEM................................................. 8
FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM............................................. 8 żÿ
TURBOCHARGING SYSTEM........................................... 9 żÿ
COOLING SYSTEM ....................................................... 9 żÿ
LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM ........................................... 9 żÿ
MONITORING AND CONTROL...................................... 10 żÿ
EASY INSTALLATION .................................................. 10 żÿ
EASY MAINTENANCE.................................................. 10 żÿ
THE TOTAL SERVICE PROVIDER .................................. 11 żÿ
MAIN TECHNICAL DATA.............................................. 11 żÿ
The passenger ferry Finnmarken is equipped with two Wärtsilä 9L32 main The combined heat and power plant ItalGreen is
engines and two Wärtsilä 6L32 auxiliary engines. equipped with three Wärtsilä 18V32 engines running
on liquid biofuel.
The oil power plant Yue Yuen is equipped with twelve
Wärtsilä 18V32LN and three Wärtsilä 18V32 engines.
The Wärtsilä 32 is based on the latest
achievements in combustion technology; it is
designed for safe and reliable operation and
long maintenance-free operating periods.
The engine is fully equipped with all essential
ancillaries and a thoroughly planned interface
to the plant systems.
The submersible heavy load ship Blue Marlin is equipped with three Wärtsilä 8L32 engines.
" More than 1,000 engines in operation
" More than 10 Million accumulated running hours
" Production capacity of more than 500 engines per year
" Optimized for specific project requirements
" Strong engineering and project management capability
" Secured spare parts and service availability
" Local service personel and workshops available.
" Diesel engines are well suited to operate in emergency applications, requiring fast and reliable
start, fast loading, large load steps and with long periods in stand-by mode.
" This type of applications puts special demands on the engine and surrounding equipment and also
has certain implications for the operation and maintenance routines of the plant.
" Readiness to start at any time, requires that the engine should be kept in hot stand-by position
all the time.
" Testing and operating routines should be established to secure and verify that the plant is ready to
start at any time.
" Features such as slow-turning, pre-lubrication and extensive monitoring possibilities are built-in
features of the Wärtsilä 32 engine.
" The control and automation system should be designed to minimize the possibility for start
failures, blocking of start requests or automatic shutdowns.
" To secure that the engine is able to operate reliably over extended periods of time, at high load and
The main qualities of the Wärtsilä 32 are: with a minimum of attendance, a preventive maintenance program should be put in place. This
" Fast and reliable start program should cause a minimum of disturbance to the equipment and its readiness to operate.
" Rapid loading
" Reliability and safety
" Low maintenance costs
" Integrated lubrication and cooling systems
" Ergonomic interface
" Minimized consumables.
The latest advances in combustion
development require a crank gear that
operates reliably at high cylinder pressures.
The crankshaft must be robust and the
specific bearing loads kept at an acceptable
This is achieved by careful optimization
of crankthrow dimensions and fillets. The
specific bearing loads are conservative and
the cylinder spacing, which is important for
the overall length of the engine, is minimized.
Besides low bearing loads, the other
crucial factor for safe bearing operation is result is a virtually pipe-free engine with a alternative today for modern engines running
oil film thickness. Ample oil film thicknesses clean outer exterior. with high cylinder pressures and combustion
in the main bearings are ensured by optimal Resilient mounting is state-of-the-art in temperatures. Wärtsilä-patented skirt
balancing of rotational masses and, in the big many applications and requires a stiff engine lubrication is applied to minimize frictional
end bearing, by ungrooved bearing surfaces frame. Integrated water and oil channels in the losses and to ensure appropriate lubrication of
in the critical areas. All the factors needed for engine block are designed with this in mind piston rings, the piston skirt and cylinder liner.
a free choice of the most appropriate bearing and serve the double purpose of transfer of This design ensures proper lubrication of these
material are present. liquids and stiffening of the engine block. vital engine parts even after extended periods
in stand-by mode.
Nodular cast iron is the natural choice for For years, the outstanding piston concept
engine blocks today thanks to its strength and for highly rated diesel engines has been a In Wärtsilä´s three-ring concept each piston ring
stiffness properties, along with all the freedom composite piston with a steel crown and a has a specific task. They are dimensioned and
offered by casting. The Wärtsilä 32 makes nodular cast-iron skirt. More than 30 years profiled for consistent performance throughout
optimum use of modern foundry technology of experience has fine-tuned the concept. their operating lives. To avoid carbon deposits
to integrate most oil and water channels. The When it comes to reliability, there is no real in the ring grooves, the pressure balance on
deformation. Its temperature is controlled by housing. A special hydraulic tool is developed for
bore cooling of the upper part of the collar to simultaneous tensioning of all four screws.
achieve a low thermal load and to avoid sulphuric To eliminate any risk of wear in the contact
acid corrosion. The cooling water is distributed surfaces, an intermediate plate with a special
around the liners with simple water distribution surface treatment is placed between the main
rings at the lower end of the collar. At the upper parts.
end the liner is equipped with an anti-polishing
ring to eliminate bore polishing and reduce lube
oil consumption. The function of this ring is to The cylinder head design is based on the four-
calibrate the carbon deposits formed on the screw concept developed by Wärtsilä and used
piston top land to a thickness small enough to for more than 30 years. Its internal structure
prevent any contact between the liner wall and is designed for maximum stiffness, which is
the deposits at any piston position. Since there essential for obtaining both liner roundness
top of and underneath each ring is crucial. is no contact between the liner and piston top and even contact between exhaust valves and
Experience has shown that this effect is most land deposits, no oil can be scraped upwards by their seats.
likely achieved with a three-ring pack. Finally, the piston. The other positive effect is that the A four-screw cylinder head design also
it is well-known that most frictional losses in a liner wear is significantly reduced at the same provides all the freedom needed for designing
reciprocating combustion engine originate from time. The strength of the wear-resistant liner inlet and exhaust ports with a minimum of flow
the piston rings. Thus a three-ring pack is the materials used for years in Wärtsilä engines has losses. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
obvious choice in this respect, too. The top ring, been further increased to cope with the high analysis in combination with full-scale flow
which bears the greatest load, is provided with combustion pressures expected in the future. measurements has been used for port design
a special wear-resistant coating. optimization.
The vast amount of experience gained from
A three-piece connecting rod with all the highly operation of 1000 s of engines all around the
stressed surfaces machined, is the safest design world has contributed greatly to exhaust-valve
The thick high-collar type cylinder liner for engines of this size intended for continuous design and development. Put together, this
is designed to have the stiffness needed operation at high combustion pressures. For easy means that a valve material and geometry with
to withstand both pre-tension forces and maintenance and accessibility the upper joint superior performance is now available.
combustion pressures with virtually no face is placed right on top of the big-end bearing
Spex charging.
is distributed to each cylinder via air pipes and For ease of assembly/disassembly, these
channels, starting air valves in the cylinder parts are connected to each other with slide
Multiducts replace a number of individual head are pneumatically controlled by air connections. Since both the whole low-
components in traditional engine designs. passing through the starting air distributor at pressure system and the high-pressure system
Their functions are: the end of the cam shaft. are housed in a fully covered compartment,
" Air transfer from the air receiver to the The A and B-bank of the V-engines can the safety standard is unbeatable. The high-
cylinder head be fitted with totally separated starting air pressure system was designed and endurance
" Exhaust transfer to the exhaust system trains, each capable of starting the engine. tested at 2000 bar. Injection pressure is
" Cooling water outlet after the cylinder head Air reciever and valves for the pneumatic around 1800 bar.
" Cooling water return channel from the emergency shutdown system is built on the With a wear-resistant low-friction coating
engine. engine. on the plunger, no lubricating oil is required
for the pump element. Thanks to the profiled
Additional functions are: plunger geometry the clearance between
" Introduction of an initial swirl to the inlet air The ultimate safety in low-pressure fuel system plunger and barrel can be kept small, thereby
for optimal part-load combustion design is achieved with the Wärtsilä-patented allowing only a minimum of oil to pass down
" Insulation and cooling of the exhaust transfer multihousing principle. With this system the the plunger. This small leakage is collected and
duct fuel line consists basically of drilled channels in returned to the fuel system. Any likelihood of
" Support for exhaust system and its cast parts clamped firmly on the engine block. the fuel mixing with the lube oil is eliminated.
insulation. In the Wärtsilä 32 these parts are: Both nozzle holders and the nozzle are made
" The pump housing of high-grade hardened steel to withstand
" The tappet housing the high injection pressures. Combined with
Rapid and reliable starting is secured by the " The fuel transfer housing oil cooling of the nozzles this guarantees
 air-over-piston starting system. Starting air " The multicover. outstanding nozzle lifetimes.
57 63 °C
Lube oil
Charge air
Lube oil system
0.7 1.5 bar
Charge air
0.7 1.5 bar
Pr e­
Each injection pump is equipped with an Non-cooled chargers with inboard plain
integrated electropneumatic shutdown cylinder, bearings lubricated from the engine´s lube oil
connected to the overspeed protection system. system are used. This secures readiness to
The engine has an independent mechanical start and acceptance of rapid loading at any The Wärtsilä 32 engine is equipped with a
overspeed protection system, acting directly at time. complete engine on-built lube oil system,
the fuel control rod. including an engine-driven main pump, electrical
The engine can be equipped with for motor driven prelubricating pump, lubricating oil
example, engine driven fuel feed pump, fuel fine cooler, full flow automatic filter, centrifugal filter,
filter, electrical motor driven stand-by pump, The cooling system is split into two separate thermostatic valve and pressure control valve.
thus reducing installation work at site and circuits, the high-temperature (HT) and the The engine is fitted with running-in filters before
securing functional and pressure interphases. low-temperature (LT) circuits. The cylinder each main bearing, these filters are removed
The engine can be equipped with double liner and the cylinder head temperatures are after start-up of the installation.
shielded high pressure pipes and leak controlled through the HT circuit. The HT water The lube oil filtration is based on an
fuel alarms for early detection of possible pump and thermostatic valve are integrated automatic back-flushing filter requiring a
malfunctions. with the pump cover module at the free end minimum of maintenance. The filter elements
of the engine. The complete HT circuit is thus are made of seamless sleeve fabric with high
virtually free of pipes. temperature resistance. A special feature
The Single Pipe Exhaust pipe (SPEX) system The LT circuit cools the charge air and the is the centrifugal filter, connected to the
is designed for minimum flow losses on both lube oil. It is fully integrated with the engine, back-flushing line of the automatic filter. This
exhaust and air sides. including parts such as the LT water pump, LT provides the means for extraction of particles
The charging systems are designed to give thermostatic valve and transfer channels in the from the system.
high efficiency and extremely good start and engine block.
load acceptance.
Depending on the application, the monitoring, controls and signals is ensured by means to a minimum, the systems are fully pressure
control and safety functions of the engine can of physical separation, which is taken into tested at factory and the interaction between
be met either by utilizing a passive sensor account in design of cable routing and different components are tested and verified at
and actuator interface fulfilling class 1E connections. the factory.
requirements or an embedded control and
management system based on Wärtsilä s UNIC C1 automation system provides for:
advanced UNIC C1 automation system. " Critical protection functions Efficient and easy maintenance is incorporated
In the design of class 1E sensor and " Basic local monitoring into the design. In combination with the long
actuator interface the focus is laid on: " Hardwired interface to plant control intervals between overhauls, the hours spent
" Reliability " Speed and load control. on maintenance are reduced to a minimum.
" Redundancy Highest possible reliability is achieved with The lube oil filtration is one good example.
" Diversity hardwired connections and devices specifically Hydraulics are used for pre-tension of the
" Separation designed for the on-engine environment. Speed cylinder head screws, all the connecting rod
" Environmental, testing and maintenance and load can be controlled with electrical or screws, and the main bearing screws. The
requirements. mechanical speed regulator or alternatively distinctive Wärtsilä feature with individual
The engine is equipped with sensors, by means of electrical speed regulator with hydraulic jacks for each main bearing is of
transducers, switches and actuators to mechanical speed regulator as a back-up. course adopted. The unique fuel line design
fulfill requirements according to applicable enables injection pump exchange with a
standards and regulations. Essential operation minimum of work with less risk of error.
and protection functions can be realized An important design principle for the Wärtsilä 32 The multiduct arrangement allows the
with diversified or redundant devices. Critical engine is to build as much of the essential cylinder head to be lifted without removal of
protection functions  such as engine over auxiliary equipment as possible on the engine. water pipes, while the slide-in connections
speed, jacket cooling water temperature or This goes for lube oil and water pumps and on the manoeuvring side allows it to be lifted
lubricating oil temperature  can be provided thermostatic valves, lube oil cooler and filter, without removal of oil or air pipes. The water
with sensors enabling 2-out-of-3 operation. amply sized lube oil sump, engine control and pumps are easy to replace thanks to the
The operational reliability of essential monitoring. Installation work is thus reduced cassette design principle and water channel
Cylinder bore 320 mm
Piston stroke 400 mm
Engine speed 720, 750 rpm
Piston speed 9.6, 10.0 m/s
Voltage 0.4 - 13.8 kV
arrangement in the pump cover at the free end of the engine. There is
NOX emissions at 15% O2 970 or 710 ppm
greater accessibility to all the above components thanks to a minimal
number of pipes and an ergonomic component design.
60 Hz, 720 rpm 50 Hz, 750 rpm
Engine type
Engine kW Gen. kW Engine kW Gen. kW
More than 11 000 service professionals employed by Wärtsilä
6L32 2 880 2 780 3 000 2 890
8L32 3 840 3 700 4 000 3 860
and over 70 Wärtsilä owned service centres worldwide guarantee
9L32 4 320 4 170 4 500 4 340
12V32 5 220 5 060 5 220
outstanding field service support and fast spare parts supply 5 060
16V32 6 960 6 760 6 960 6 760
wherever the plant is located. Wärtsilä s total service commitment
20V32 8 700 8 450 8 700 8 450
means more than just providing a prompt supply of parts or sending a At 35 °C ambient and 45 °C cooling water temperature.
10 % overload allowed 1 hr every 12 hour.
maintenance specialist to fix a problem. It means taking responsibility.
Depending on the level of partnership required, a service package
Engine type Length Width Height Weight
can be tailored from round-the-clock technical support and original
6L32 5 297 2 300 3 421 30
parts deliveries to a comprehensive operation and maintenance
8L32 6 510 2 300 3 571 42
9L32 7 116 2 300 3 571 44
partnership on a day-to-day basis. The committed operation and
12V32 6 837 2 870 3 595 54
maintenance of power installations with more than 4500 MW of
16V32 8 206 3 296 3 595 63
20V32 9 276 3 233 4 139 89
installed power makes Wärtsilä the largest diesel engine power plant
operator in the world. Additionally a Condition Based Maintenance
(CBM) services can be provided, which is based on remote monitoring
Engine type Length Width Height Weight
of the units from CBM-centre in Wärtsilä factory. Personnel of the
6L32 8 766 2 410 3 740 58
8L32 9 750 2 410 3 740 77
operator are trained by the Wärtsilä Land & Sea Academy (WLSA).
9L32 11 200 2 410 3 740 82
This global network of training centres, with highly qualified
12V32 10 030 3 050 4 420 92
16V32 11 239 3 300 4 420 119
personnel and state-of-the-art remote learning systems, delivers a
20V32 12 200 3 300 4 420 130
thorough understanding of how to optimize the safety, reliability and
performance of the installation. Wärtsilä helps you to get the best
Subject to revision without notice.
from your personnel and your installation.
Wärtsilä enhances the business of its customers by providing them with
complete lifecycle power solutions. When creating better and environmentally
compatible technologies, Wärtsilä focuses on the marine and energy markets
with products and solutions as well as services. Through innovative products
and services, Wärtsilä sets out to be the most valued business partner of all its
customers. This is achieved by the dedication of close to 19,000 professionals
manning 160 locations in 70 countries around the world. Wärtsilä is listed on
the Nordic Exchange in Helsinki, Finland.
WÄRTSILÄ® is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2009 Wärtsilä Corporation.
11.2009 / Bock´s Office / Arkmedia


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