Virtual Threads Beware Ethernet flow control

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Beware Ethernet flow control
After having been recently bitten by Ethernet's flow control
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mechanism, I decided to learn about this somewhat obscure but
commonly used facet of modern networks. This post is a summary of
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what I discovered about it and its associated benefits and dangers.
What is flow control?
Ethernet flow control, or 802.3x, is a way for a network device to tell
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its immediate neighbor that it is overloaded with data, such as when
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a device is receiving data faster than it can process it. It allows for an
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overloaded device to send out a special Ethernet frame, called a
pause frame, that asks the device on the other end of the wire to
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stop sending data temporarily. If the receiving device honors the
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pause frame then the sending device has time to catch up on the
stack of received data that it hasn't had time to process yet.
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There also exists an older method for flow control called "back
pressure" that is used in half-duplex environments (i.e. non-switched
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Ethernet). It consists of the overloaded device "jamming" the medium
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temporarily until it has the ability to accept more data. I don't know
much about half-duplex flow control, and thus I won't mention it
again; everything here applies solely to full-duplex flow control via
802.3x. Also, TCP has a mechanism for performing its own flow
control that is entirely different from Ethernet's flow control; I will not
be fully explaining TCP's flow control method here, as it would merit a
lengthy discussion itself.
Rules of the game
When thinking about Ethernet flow control, it is important to keep
several things in mind:
1. Flow control operates at a lower layer than TCP or IP, and thus
is independent of them. Put another way, flow control is
capable of being used regardless of what higher-level protocols
are put on top of it. An important side-effect of this is that
neither TCP nor IP know what Ethernet's flow control is doing;
they operate under the assumption that there is no flow control
other than what they may or may not provide themselves.
2. Flow control functions between two directly connected network
devices, and flow control frames are never forwarded between
links. Thus, two computers that are connected via a switch will 1/8
never send pause frames to each other, but could send pause
frames to the switch itself (and vice versa: the switch can send
pause frames to the two computers).
3. Pause frames have a limited duration; they will automatically
"expire" after a certain amount of time. The expiration time is
set by the device that transmits the pause frame.
4. A paused link is not a discriminator of protocols; it will prevent
any data from being passed across the link other than more
pause frames.
Perhaps you have begun to see some issues with flow control in light
of some of the above points. Let's start looking at them.
TCP breakage
Okay, it isn't true, TCP doesn't stop working when flow control is
enabled. However, an important part of it does stop working
correctly: its own flow control mechanism. TCP flow control uses a
more complex mechanism of timeouts and acknowledgement
segments to determine when a remote device is overloaded. It
basically sends at a faster and faster pace until it sees that some of
its sent data isn't getting to the remote device and then slows down.
This allows TCP to utilize network links in a somewhat intelligent
manner, as an overloaded network or device will cause some TCP
segments to be lost and thus cause the sender to send data at a
slower rate.
Now consider what happens when Ethernet flow control is mixed with
TCP flow control. Let's assume that we have two directly connected
computers, one of which is much slower than the other. The faster
sending computer starts sending lots of data to the slower receiving
computer. The receiver eventually notices that it is getting
overloaded with data and sends a pause frame to the sender. The
sender sees the pause frame and stops sending temporarily. Once the
pause frame expires, the sender will resume sending its flood of data
to the other computer. Unfortunately, the TCP engine on the sender
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will not recognize that the receiver is overloaded, as there was no lost
data -- the receiver will typically stop the sender before it loses any
data. Thus, the sender will continue to speed up at an exponential
rate; because it didn't see any lost data, it will send data twice as fast
as before! Because the receiver has a permanent speed disadvantage,
this will require the receiver to send out pause frames twice as often.
Things start snowballing until the receiver pauses the sender so often
that the sender starts dropping its own data before it sends it, and
thus finally sees some data being lost and slows down.
Is this a problem? In some ways it isn't. Because TCP is a reliable
protocol, nothing is ever really "lost"; it is simply retransmitted and
life goes on. Ethernet flow control accomplishes the same thing as
TCP flow control in this situation, as they both slow down the data
transmission to the speed that the slower device can handle. There
are some arguments to be made for there being an awkward overlap
between the two flow control mechanisms, but it could be worse.
Unfortunately, it does get worse.
Head-of-line blocking
In the last example, I considered the case where two computers were
directly connected to each other. This example is too simplistic to be
of much use -- when was the last time you saw two directly connected
computers? It is a bit of a rarity. Let's now look at what happens when 2/8
you introduce a switch into the mix. For our purposes, let us assume
that the switch fully supports Ethernet flow control and that it is
willing to use it. Our new setup will consist of two desktop computers
and one file server, all of which are attached to the switch. It isn't any
fun to make everything perfect, so let's also say that one of the
desktops has a 10 Mbps connection to the switch while the other
desktop and the server have 100 Mbps connections.
This setup is usually fine -- the 10 Mbps connection will be slower than
the others, but it doesn't cause too many problems, just slower
service to the one desktop. Things could get ugly, though, if Ethernet
flow control is enabled on the switch. Imagine that the 10 Mbps
desktop requests a large file from the file server. The file server
begins to send the file to the desktop initially at a slow rate, but
quickly picks up steam. Eventually, the file server will start to send
data to the desktop at 11 Mbps, which is more than the poor 10 Mbps
connection can handle. Without flow control enabled on the switch,
the switch would start to simply drop data segments destined to the
desktop, which the file server would notice and start to throttle back
its sending rate.
With flow control enabled on the switch, though, the switch takes a
very different approach; it will send out its own pause frames to any
port that is sending data to the now-overloaded 10 Mbps port. This
means that the file server will receive a pause frame from the switch,
requesting it to cease all transmissions for a certain amount of time.
Is this a problem? Yes! Because pause frames cease all transmissions
on the link, any other data that the file server is sending will be
paused as well, including data that may be destined to the 100 Mbps
desktop computer. Eventually the pause will expire and the file server
will continue sending out data. Unfortunately, the TCP mechanism on
the file server will not know that anything is wrong and will continue
sending out data at faster and faster speeds, thus overloading the 10
Mbps desktop again. As before, the cycle will keep repeating itself
until the file server starts dropping its own data. Unlike the previous
situation, the innocent 100 Mbps desktop bystander is penalized and
will see its transfers from the file server drop to 10 Mbps speeds.
This situation is called head-of-line blocking, and it is the major
reason why Ethernet flow control is somewhat dangerous to use. When
enabled on network switches, it can create situations where one slow
link in a network can bring the rest of the network to a crawl. It gets
especially bad if the backbones in your network have flow control
enabled; it should be obvious by this point just how bad that could
When to enable flow control
So what should you do? Should you completely disable flow control on
all computers and switches? Not necessarily. It is generally safe to
leave flow control enabled on computers. Switches, though, should
either have flow control disabled or configured such that they will
honor received pause frames but will never send out new pause
frames. Some Cisco switches are even permanently configured this
way -- they can receive pause frames but never emit them. To be
honest, the complete answer to flow control is somewhat more
complicated than this (e.g. you could probably enable pause frame
emission if a switch port is connected to a slow backplane), but the
safest bet is to disable flow control when given the option. 3/8
posted by Devin @ 2:56 AM
At 2:49 PM, Anonymous said...
Great Post!
Thanks for sharing your insights into flow control, I found it very
Keep up the great posts :)
At 2:46 AM, Tarry said...
This is a great blog. I already had bookmarked you , now I'm tempted
to link you on my blog! :-)
Good professional blogging!
At 2:31 AM, justin said...
I get more useful information from this article.
At 8:51 AM, skwiggley said...
Thank you for writing such a clear, interesting article. You explain a
relatively complex system very articulately.
At 4:22 PM, Anonymous said...
Thanks for the article. I took it and went to one of our senior
engineers ( we make switches) and we pulled out the Broadcom
Theory of Operations and looked up pause control.
What you say is essentially correct for a very simple network, but with
real switches the issues are much more complicated.
A few concepts that helped me:
-dropped packets vs lossless switching, the two ways the switch can
-this is a layer 1 protocol, so knowledge of the packet contents in not
-its the receiving end that generates a pause frame.
-switches are using multiple methods of traffic control
-switches can notice that a port doesn't support pause and react
differently than they would if it does.
The Broadcom documentation is NDA I think, and anyway my
understanding is limited. Plus it's written in Broadcomese. So I'll
attempt a weak paraphrase and explanation based on our engineer's
explanation, and stay away from Broadcom specifics.
While in theory it is possible to create head-of-line blocking using
pause frames, the switch is doing a lot of real-time processing to 4/8
prevent it. For one thing many packets will be subject to
prioritization ( not at layer 1 of course), and the switch may well have
a full packet queue on the port before the receiving end shouts
"pause!" If so, it will have to drop the packets or do some fancy queue
adjusting. For another its a slow machine at the end of a fast
connection thats likely to cause trouble. If there is a 10 meg
connection which is overwhelmed, that will happen at the switch side,
the buffers will overflow, and packets will be dropped before the far
side can cry "pause!" Of course both things can happen
simultaneously, in which case packets will be dropped and a pause
frame may get through too.
It looks like the switch is capable of manipulating the length of the
pause as well, though I didn't see the algorithm.
So the switch is trying to do lossless traffic management by default
using the pause frames, but generally packet priority will also be
implemented at a higher level, depending on selectively dropped
packets to manage traffic. ( these dropped packets may be
broadcast, and hence never resent BTW). So if you are setting up
your switch, you will be using both types of traffic management at
once. You'll have to make complex decisions about where to set the
various parameters, in order to get smooth operation among the
I don't claim expertise, just had access to some resources most of you
don't have.
At 6:06 PM, Devin said...
Just a few points to note about your comment:
1) A switch can and will generate pause frames, depending on its
configuration. Imagine two switches, #1 and #2, connected to each
other at 10 Mbps; if servers connected to switch #1 try to send 100
Mbps worth of data to desktops connected to switch #2, then switch
#1's output buffer to switch #2 will quickly overflow and switch #1 will
send pause frames to the servers.
2) Most switches don't do any "fancy queue adjusting". You can
sometimes manually override the size of the queue, but the common
case is to always have a fixed-size input or output queue.
3) A switch that receives a pause frame will not manipulate the length
of the pause; only the device that transmitted the pause will do that.
4) Higher level prioritization on end devices has little or nothing to do
with Ethernet flow control. It may or may not influence whether or not
an end device decides to start issuing pause frame, but it does
nothing to help in a head-of-line blocking situation.
The following link has comments from some switch manufacturers
about flow control. They are very enlightening, especially Cisco's:
At 6:19 PM, Anonymous said...
Greate, 5/8
But how to identify the slower endstation in switching networking with
non-management switch.?
At 11:11 AM, Eastbay Ed said...
Thank You! Helped enlightened me with an issue I was having w/
Bloomberg's T1 routers. I had my switch w/ Flow Control on 10 half
duplex as to their specs. I am assuming they didn't thus they were
seeing their circuits oversubscribed. When I asked them about flow
control they didn't know what it was. Go figure. Turned it off on my
end and their circuits are seeing normal load.
At 4:32 AM, Anthony Walters said...
Very good post - i've been bitten recently by the flow control monster,
it's good to get a good description on what was happening on the
At 11:13 AM, Anonymous said...
Thank you, thank you!
Was trying to figure out if I should turn my flow control on, but it
looks like it may be better left disabled. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
At 12:36 PM, Anonymous said...
I'm no fan of Ethernet flow control, but in practice, I think you'll find
that the interaction with TCP isn't as bad as you make it out to be.
TCP does double the transmission rate during startup and halve it in
response to loss as you say. But TCP is also measuring the round-trip
time for every ACK as the traffic flows. If transmission rate exceeds
the ability of the network to carry the traffic or of the receiver to
swallow it, this round-trip time will go up and TCP will slow down.
If likened to driving a car, you could say that TCP takes its foot off
the gas when the round-trip time goes up, but it steps on the brake in
response to loss.
If you were to actually construct the example networks you gave and
watch carefully with a network monitor, it's very unlikely that you'd
see loss with a single TCP stream passing through a switch port. Loss
does happen as multiple TCP streams contend for limited bandwidth
through something like a single switch port, but it usually isn't a
More details here:
And here:
At 7:13 AM, Anonymous said... 6/8
Thanks for the useful article!
I m adding the flow control into my Ethernet driver (core by
This MAC core allows flow control in Full-Duplex using the Pause
operation and control frame transmission. It also supports flow
control in Half-Duplex, using back pressure.
So I ve some doubts and questions:
1) Enabling the Flow-control in the MAC driver; do I need to verify the
link partner capability? My PHYs support pause and ANE.
for example:
if (priv->fc and phydev->pause)
[... init HW FC ... ]
2) Which existent driver could I get as example?
3) I can program the FLOW control register with the pause value. I
have not clear enough which value I ve to use.
4) If I configure the HW in order to handle the TX flow control. When
and how will the interface send a pause command?
5) When my MAC receives a pause frame; I ve not clear if the pause
time to be used is the value programmed into the relative register or
if it is the value within the received frame. In the latter scenario,
should the receive process check this kind of frames or it is handle by
the HW?
Sorry for the silly questions and thanks again
At 4:11 AM, Bharath said...
Really neat explanation!! keep it up. thanks i enjoyed reading it
According to my understanding, ethernet switches are designed not to
allow flow control on Uplink(backbone) ports.
Actually i myself validated a ethernet switch design wherein i had a
checker to detect this failure (i.e. flow control on uplink port)
At 12:12 PM, CCIE STUDY said...
Nice explanation of how flow control works. I have a query. Can i
enabel or disable flowcontrol on per port basis on Cisco Switches?
At 3:42 AM, Anonymous said...
Thanks for a good article.. I have a question though, if I have a cisco
switch, with flow control enabled, how will I know the number of
paused frames the switch already sent out? Is there a pause frame
Thanks, 7/8
At 10:29 AM, Anonymous said...
Awesome Post ,
I was looking for a Bandwidth Controller (with 1 WAN and 4 to 8 LAN
ports) and one guy told me I can control the bandwidth to each user
using flow control , anyone knows a good product to Bandwidth
controlling on Interface basis like 128K - LAN 1 /512K  LAN2 ?
Help me..
At 6:57 AM, Anonymous said...
Thanks for such an interesting post. I will be back to read the blog
again. I have found that Interoute have a great product -
ethernet reach
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