Clue to the Swine Flu

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Get a Clue

to the

Swine Flu


and other

Gobalists Games

Solve the Mystery to

“WHO done it” and how to protect

you and your family against

bilological weapons

Brenda Wehrman

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The copyright below exists to probit thirdparty sales of

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However, the book is available for FREE DOWLOAD

provided the reader does so directly from our site at:

Send people you know to this site to get a copy for

themselves. When they subscribe, readers will get a

complementary copy of the recordings of the

teleseminars on this subject by national experts. Much of

that information is not repeated here. Additionally,

contact details will allow us to keep you informed of

developments, documents and other solutions as they

come to light as well as newer editions of the book.

Please note: The footnotes in this book are listed directly under the related

content to give you easy assess to research further the information provided.

“Get a Clue to the Swine Flu” Copyright © 2009 by Brenda Wehrman
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means: electronic,
mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other without the prior written
permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations in articles and

For requests for information and speaking engagements:

ValYOU, P.O. Box 54111, Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. 45254

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DISCLAIMER: This series is intended for general information. It does not constitute a
claim. The contents may not be misconstrued as directive advice. Readers are urged to
consult with their personal advisors and health-care professionals in making their own
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author, publishers, associates. employees, agents and representatives safe from all liability,
expenses and proceedings. Statements made in this book have not been evaluated by the
Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or
prevent any disease.

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…the everyday miracle

of two free-spirited soul mates

wanting to swim together

in the same direction

through the ocean of life.

Love truly is fathomless.


Once more, my darling husband has been my encourager and

editor. Contributing both passion and practical input, he is

the epitomy of a trailblazer: informed and energetic towards

real change. How blessed I am to have someone who shares

so perfectly the mission to TAKE BACK our planet.

Thank you Ian.

From the ValYOU Vault of Romantic Treasures

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Table of Contents



1. My Genesis into the World of the Sickness Racket


2. Just How Much Money is at Stake to Swindle?


3. AK-47 Machine Guns, AIDS, and an African



4. Slow-Tracking Natural Remedies and Fast

Tracking Vaccinations 39

5. How Do You Sell a Pandemic?


6. The Hoax from Hell 62

7. An Aborted Fetus in My Vaccination? 69

8. Why Pass the Bio Defense and Pandemic Vaccine

and Drug Development Act? 79

9. Road Blocks, Detention Camps and Other

Diabolical Plans 93

10. WHO done it? 114

11. Fear, Falsities and Twisted “Facts” 171

12. Physical and Political Protection from the Swine Flu 179

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ver the past few days leading up to the writing of this

booklet and a series of teleseminars that we conducted on the
H1N1 Swine flu and its accompanying vaccination, I have
talked to investigative journalists, law enforcement, medical
researchers, and key personnel at departments of health all
over the world. Many are too afraid to talk about what they
know and those who do, are getting threats on their lives.
Could it be there are very influential people who do NOT
want this planned “pandemic” stopped and if so why?

It seems people more powerful even than government

heads of nations are behind this long-planned orchestration
which turns out to be multi-pronged in its deadly agenda.

Sound shocking?
No - certainly not, if you take the time to read the

mountain of documented evidence presented within these
pages. History alone attests to the hidden schema lurking
outside the perimeters of most school textbooks, but
nevertheless presents in plain sight for open-minded, probing

"The subject of vaccination, is, fortunately, one
on which anyone capable of appreciating figures
can form a sound opinion."

- M. Beddow Bayly, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

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At least 10 years in the making, the question remains:

will the world-wide catastrophe these autocrats hope for,
fulfill its objectives or will it fall short of its mark? For our
sakes, let’s pray it does.

Whether the Swine Flu of 2009 becomes a pandemic as

widespread as the main-stream news media is proposing or
not, the way this event has been handled poses the need for
inquiry as to what is going on behind the scenes. Already, I
have information in from several sources that if this years
plan cannot be pulled off as planned, it will again be
attempted next year – perhaps as the Lujo virus “Rat Flu.”

“New virus from rats can kill 80 per cent of human victims,” Simeon

Bennett and Tom, The Sidney Morning Herald, September 15, 2009,

The march is on. Will we stop this advancing army

of atrocity against humanity?

This book is about far more than just the swine flu. It is

about the steady strides of despotic killer drones of evil that
possess a mindless drive to destroy.

It is about what we can do to procure victory.
This current debacle is one of many. My personal

experiences in healthcare attest to that fact. I too have
harrowing indicators to stay well away from attempts to
bring longevity to the lives of those underprivileged in
continents such as Africa. For a long time, all indicators
seem to point to a definite desire by globalists to thin the
population. But lately, this dedication to wickedness seems
to be pointed squarely at Americans. And now we are finally
taking notice. At last, our antennas and shield of defense
are going up - as they should have been all along.

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These strategists are of a far different ilk than those

here at ValYOU who believe we live in an ABUNDANT
world where new inventions and affordable health
discoveries are coming forward that will enable us to provide
for an expanding population. Furthermore, if people groups
can get the information they need to become empowered,
there is hope of solid reform, reeducation and restoration of
our planet. With new technology, vast numbers of viewers
could have unprecedented access to advanced forms of
communication. This could expose such people to the tenets
of liberty that will break the tentacles exerted by both old
cultural and new collectivist control.

Imagine if billions knew how to recognize and

demand liberty. We invite freedom-lovers the world over to
unite with us to inject resources to this cause. Our goal is to
rise up a restoration army of 1 million liberty guardians who
will commit to TAKE BACK our nations.

We must stand in solidarity to create a NEW earth

hegemony - one that is built on the principles of love and
peace upon which our earth was originally founded. We all
have within our DNA an imprint which knows how this
planet was designed to look. It did not involve sickness and
debauchery – nor should we stand blithely by and allow it to
now. It was not rooted in sinister control. It did not include
vaccinations that are riddled with the tissue of aborted babies
nor the brains of monkeys (as so few know).

In this correct, beautiful world within our inner mind’s

eye, we know it should not contain images of plaques that
begin in laboratories where employees work feverishly to
inject every supposedly “surplus” man, woman and child
with a mutation of genes which are designed to destroy the

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“excess populous” whom their evil bosses deem are not
worthy to exist.

So, if this is not the world in which we were intended to

live – why are we not banding together to create something
different? Why have we allowed it to get to this condition?

This book is far more than merely an expository to

educate and enlighten – it is a call to action. Will you answer
that call? Will you help us TAKE BACK our birthright?

Most people on this planet have lived under bondage

for so long that they don’t even know what freedom looks
like. They have never tried to reject the garbage dished up to
them because they have never seen or heard an alternative
presented. Even more dangerous to the agendas of globalists
than a healthy population, is an informed one.

Quiet simply, there is a litmus test for knowledge

through which everything we have been taught must be

If it is TRUTH, it will set you FREE.


If it not Truth, it will not set you FREE.

This is a sieve through which we must push all data

given by the media, our schooling system, our politicians,
our parents and yes, even our religious leaders. Relative
thinkers sometimes recoil in repulsion at the thought that it
could be that easy to decipher whether or not we have been
fed a bill of baloney. But the bottom line is… it is that easy.
So, that being said, we need to take a hard look at the Swine
Flu debacle.

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A. How will the expected “pandemic” impact
Reports are coming in from all over the
country: law enforcement are being trained how to
forcefully corral the public in the event of a pandemic.
But if this were to actually occur, have they been drilled
to uphold the constitution and the right of individuals to
CHOOSE their destinies? So far, the only choices our
insiders have told us about are “The bus to a detention
camp” or the vaccination. Sounds extreme? Read on.

"California Swine Flu Checkpoint Identified?” Paul Joseph Watson,
PrisonPlanet, Monday, September 28, 2009

B. Are we really being empowered to stay healthy?
Are we getting access to the latest NATURAL
preventions so we don’t get sick with the Swine Flu in
the first place? Are we being given other options than
the vaccinations? Why haven’t we been told about the
latest clinical studies on Vitamin D3 that according to
some national medical authorities is the most effective at
protection available? If the U.S. government can
announce on all the main stream news that they are
paying for every American man, woman and child to get
an expensive inoculation out of our already stretched tax
dollars to the tune of upwards of $USD800 million –
why not also order a big supply of inexpensive Vitamin
D3 or nano-particle silver? Could that omission is a tell-
tail sign that something is ethically awry. I wonder.

San Francisco Business Times, July 14, 2009,

C. Is the powerhouse behind this being transparent?
Have the politicians who get the majority of their
campaign funds from pharmaceutical companies

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stepped forward, waved their hands in their air and
given us full disclosure? Have they revealed the
connection between the laws they are passing for mass
vaccinations and the opportunity this presents for a
major payback “thank-you” to the drug companies who
have paved their way into office? To further ensure,
honest, full-disclosure, why haven’t decision makers
connected to this “pandemic” such as John Holdren, the
recently appointed Director of the White House Office
of Science and Technology Policy, given us all a copy
of the book he co-authored a book in 1977, entitled Eco
? Would the public be a little less ho-hum about
skipping down to the nearest Walmart for a jab of the
season’s flu cocktail if they knew that in this book
contains the perfect solution to overpopulation: mass

Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne

H. Elrich, John P. Holdren, W H Freeman & Co (Sd); 3rd edition (July 1978)

Don’t let all these little clues hidden in the paragraphs

above allow you to think you automatically know “who done
it.” Many surprising twist are to come.

Before the advent of thousands of television channels,

some of us were once inclined to fill our nights with such
old-fashioned games as “CLUE.”

Just when we thought that Professor Plum had used the

candlestick in the Library to do his dirty work, one’s powers
of deduction came under serious doubt.

And so it may seem, by the time you put the clues

together by the end of this book. With this goal of
condensing the information for my fellow detective readers,
let us quickly scurry into the roll of sleuth…

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Chapter 1

My Genesis

into the World

of the

Sickness Racket


got my first real brush with the message “Stay out of our

business – or else,” when I started a health company in New
Zealand. We were developing a number of cutting edge
alternative compounds. It was exciting; there were people

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getting well and on every turn another testimony surfaced
that ran something like this: “I had been using drugs for a
condition for the past twenty years. I spent a ton of money
but nothing worked. Then I tried the natural route with this
inexpensive product and I was cured within days [or

Though I am not a medical doctor, my background has

been in counseling, and over the years, I had come to see that
many psychological problems are linked to physical ones. I
had seen marriages destroyed because of ill health and the
accompanying astronomical hospital bills.

Medical Bills Leading Cause of Bankruptcy, Harvard Study Finds, Feb, 3,


I’d counseled parents in their raw grief after the death

of a child – a preventable death, had they been privy to
alternative remedies.

Forced Chemotherapy, Forced Drugging and Forced Vaccination of


I saw how health care (or lack thereof) has such

widespread ramifications upon our society and when given
the opportunity to develop some new products arose, I
quickly jumped at the chance to be proactive. Over the next
week, it seemed people with new un-marketed formulas
came out of the wood-work and I was thrilled to be involved.

In my naivety, I envisioned that the way we dealt with

sickness in this world would easily change in a matter of a
few short years.

Imagine what this planet would look like if people

could get affordable solutions? Imagine if people could
begin to be feel empowered. No longer would they fear

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sickness or meekly follow the instructions to drown their
cells in multiple daily doses of toxic drug cocktails.

We had been working with a potent seed extract when

the Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) Mad Cow
disease broke out in Europe. Space here does not permit, but
the genesis of this outbreak is worthy of your investigation.
It too will reveal the money trail to those who stood to
benefit financially as well as the untimely deaths of those
who tried to expose it.

As I commented earlier, I was unaware of the danger of

getting in the way of Big Agriculture or Big Pharma profits
and enthusiastically asked an associate to call the London
Department of Health. “We’ve got something that will help
you. We can put you in touch with the developer of this
compound and he will work with your scientists.” The
conversation outlined exactly how the extract would kill the
pathagens upon contact. This outbreak could be squelched in
short order, we went on to say to the woman with whom I
spoke at the department.

“That’s great,” she yelled back. “I can’t hear you too

well because right now there is a riot outside our building.
People are screaming for answers. And we don’t have any.
We need this in at our office immediately. I’ll have someone
higher-up get in touch with you ASAP.”

Nobody called.
We contacted them again.
They didn’t want to know.
They wanted us to go quietly into the night…

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“But do you have other options to combat Mad Cow

disease – other than to kill all the animals, bankrupt the
farmers and administer drugs that clearly aren’t working?
Don’t you at least want to look into this compound? We are
working with a nationally acclaimed, award-winning
scientist with multiple doctorates. We will send you some of
the compound free of charge.”

The answer was still “No.”
They firmly did not want to know.
At the time, I scratched my head in simple disbelief. I

didn’t want to connect the dots as to how this might affect
our future success in business because I still wanted to
remain optimistic. I was on a crusade to make sure everyone
had access to inexpensive treatments that did not involve
mortgaging your home or require you to get another even
more dangerous drug to combat the side effects.

For instance, a woman I spoke to was put on an

experimental chemotherapy drug for abstract restless pains in
her legs. Because of the reactions to the drug, she told me
that she is now on over 26 other drugs to deal with the
escalating side effects of the drug prior – and she STILL has
the pain in her legs!

About the time a doctor decided to start me on the

second (make that the first) drug, an original thought of my
own would have surfaced. Powers of deduction would have
kicked in.

Not this woman - when I suggested she try a natural

compound that might help, she said, “But my doctor hasn’t
recommended it. It’d be too experimental.”

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Could you get anymore “experimental” than the drugs

she was already on!

I told her how the natural compound had helped me and

that simply adding a magnesium-based powder to my
bedtime routine enabled me overcome a similar kind of
cramps. But despite this personal testimony and the evidence
she might have gained had she checked out the literature and
the telephone number of a naturopathic doctor, this woman
felt she had been scammed by the very suggestion that she
spend money on a product. Yet, she was willing to have her
insurance company penalize all the rest of the participants in
her HMO with a hefty “experimental” drug. But it was
offensive that I would be getting a $2 referral fee from the
natural compound. I shook my head in disbelief. This kind of
“stinkin’ thinkin’” has kept people bound in sickness and
poverty for centuries. What makes the story even more
poignant is that this woman was wealthy. She and her
husband frequently traveled all over the world and did not
have to work so she had access to huge chunks of time to
research alternatives. She preferred to keep lining the
pockets of the drug companies even through she was getting
sicker at their hands.

And we wonder why we are in financial ruins!
Isn’t it about time it became politically CORRECT to

chastise people who are stubborn when they won’t consider
something as simple as researching their options? I think that
given our current economic situation, we owe it to ourselves
to challenge those who are bound and declared to remain
serfs: “Get your own HMO. We don’t deserve the premiums
we have to pay – merely because you are so beholden to a
white lab coat that you willingly become a human guinea pig
for a science project or allow yourself to become a pin

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cushion for practically untested (and government fast-
tracked) inoculations.”

I can speak from experience. THREE times I was

diagnosed with what looked like cancer. And in all three
cases, I couldn’t afford insurance to pay for my “condition.”
Incidentally we all get cancer in our bodies from time to time
and it CAN be overcome with natural compounds. I am
proof of that. I am no longer afraid of getting sick.

The first time, I had just returned to the United States

from a lengthy stint overseas and had no medical coverage.
Not having any insurance was the best thing that happened to
me. I began juicing, stopped eating meat and took a powerful
aloe vera based compound that removed the protective
protein coating around the tumor so that the nutrients could
get to the deformed cells. Within months I was well.

The second time, I had just left a difficult relationship

and this clearly had taken its toll on my body. I had to walk
away with nothing to my name and start afresh. The
company I had established was stripped from me through
dirty tactics. After paying my bills each month, there was no
money left over for insurance so I simply did without. This
time I did all of the above (completely coming off meat) and
taking an American Indian remedy called Poke. Like any
remedial compound, this extremely potent herb had to be
carefully researched. It infuriates me that we are considered
so dumb by mainstream medicine that they presume we can’t
administer anything without caution.

I took some of the Poke powder internally (along with

other herbs), and made a poultice to apply to the tumor on
the outside of my breast under the lymph nodes. Within a
couple weeks the tumor rose to the surface and exited the

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body. Within a few more weeks, the pain was completely
gone and I got a clear bill of health – without the financial
bills or surgery scars that normally accompany such a

Note: By way of disclaimer, I am telling you my

personal experiences and am not recommending you
necessarily do the same. In fact we are so bound up by laws
that if I were to do so, I could be prosecuted. It’s tragic that
we have become so used to being controlled in our society
that we don’t rise up in indignation across this country in one
accord. Another disclaimer: I am not suggesting violent
dissention – with current laws, this might get me locked up
as a terrorist.

Readers, why have we become so desensitized by

authority figures who have drummed into us “that this is
just the way things are?”
As a result of this type of
compliance, we no longer DEMAND our liberty.

Why have we accepted that our lives must be regulated,

legislated and livelihoods confiscated, all because elected
official decided to draft up a bill one day and pay off some
campaign debts? Why are we continuing to suffer at the hand
of politician colleagues who co-signed a bill because inside
was an earmark clause that would give them a sizable chuck
of change for their favorite project?

It’s incredible to read some of these bills. The earmarks

often have nothing to do with the genre of the bill. They are
clearly there for the sole purpose of payoff: “I’ll scratch your
back; you scratch mine.”

The third time I became seriously ill was because of

long-hours and job-related stress from someone who had
vowed to get my job and was therefore spreading discord.

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When it became clear that my diagnosis was a liability to the
organization, I was dumped without even one month of
extended medical coverage, even after five years in the
senior position. I was on my own – and again, not having
health insurance was the best thing that happened to me.

It’s no wonder today, that I am so passionate about

including health empowerment messages within ValYOU’s
training on reclaiming “Liberty and Livelihoods.” When you
no longer have your health, you become susceptible to all
sorts of other forms of control.

And globalists know this.
They understand that if a sick population can be made

to become more sick through vaccinations and drugs, they
will achieve the objective of making more money in the
sickness-industry (note: what they propagate cannot truly be
termed the “health” industry).

But perhaps even more sinister is the second incentive

to keep people permanently sick and on mind-numbing
drugs: these people can be more easily controlled.

It has always amazed me when I hear people complain

about the cost of natural remedies. It seems they resent
having to pay anything for health preservation. Yet these
expenditures should be considered an investment as part of
their arsenal in the fight against tyranny. Like ammunition,
these health compounds fire out of the barrel of a loaded gun
in our defense.

Sheeple cannot be so easily corralled when their

brains are clear and sharp. Neither will they be so easily
led into legislative traps when armed with the energy to stay
alert to slippery tactics.

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Many years earlier, just after the Mad Cow (BSE)

debacle, when I was still naive about the politics of health
care. someone warned me, “If you want to be successful, you
need to pick less controversial problems to combat.” But I
still hoped that the world of health care was more easily
penetrable than the facts were currently indicating.

I figured that everyone could see through the logic of

allopathic vs. naturopathic medicine. The allopathic method
is to give a specific drug to treat a specific condition.
Whereas the naturopathic way is to treat the whole body. In
the later, it is deduced that one does not generally become ill
unless there is a larger, overall stress on the body and
therefore, a targeted drug to treat the symptoms is less
effective than looking at the root cause of the problem.

This made sense to me. When I grew up in Papua New

Guinea, we became aware of a tribe who became sick with a
phenomenon called “the laughing disease.” The natives of
this area would literally laugh themselves to death.
Anthropologists from around the world studied the tribes and
wrote fascinating papers with complicated hypotheses. It
won them acclaim, but it took someone with street smarts to
do a little more research than merely take notes, to actually
help the people themselves.

This individual discovered that the natives were

cannibals (as were some of the people from our region).
They had partaken of the brains of their conquests. In
layman’s terms, this caused them to contact a brain-eating
disease; additionally their diets created malnutrition. They
might have sounded like they were laughing, but they really
weren’t that happy. In fact, they became incredibly ill and
some died as a result. It turns out that eating your neighbor’s
brains for breakfast isn’t such a bright idea.

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Turns out we are not designed to eat our own kind.
And neither were the cows who contacted the mad cow

disease. Though nature intended them to be vegetarians, they
were being fed ground up meat from cows and sheep and in
the process exposed to toxins.

This disease was no new phenomenon. It was not a

phantom condition for which the only remedy was to destroy
all livestock and consequently, the farmer’s livelihoods.
Neither was it a fearsome, raging, uncontrollable beast over
which they had no recourse. Simply not true.

Even though they refused to check out our remedy,

what the main health departments of Europe already knew
was that farmers who used essential oils to treat their cows
and had not resorted to cow cannibalism and drugs to treat
their livestock, were immune to the pillage. This was true
even when their property bordered those hardest hit.

Imagine if it became widely known that essential oils

could halt – or at least prevent a plague’s outbreak?

Perhaps a human plaque could thus be halted too?


That piece of news could NOT get out. No wonder the

mainstream media conveniently forgot to tell you that piece
of evidence.

The people who were trying to blow the whistle were

punished severely. The lawyer of a farmer who was trying to
get the word out was run off the road.

In his November 2000 article, “Mad cows, Bretons and

Manganese,” George Monbiot reports that the transmission
of BSE has never been satisfactorily explained by the

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prevailing theory. The consumption of meat and bone meal
from infected cows has doubtless had an important role to
play. Yet this explanation alone fails to account for the huge
numbers of cattle in Britain which continued to become
infected after contaminated feed had been removed from the
food chain.

Again, you can’t treat a big problem by narrowing your

deductions as is the case in the allopathic school of study.

It’s no accident that Thomas Edison has only three

months of formal education. He could think outside the box.

While the British administration was fumbling around

to come up with a hypothesis to fit the facts, it took a self-
taught Somerset farmer called Mark Purdey to discover what
might be one of the root causes of BSE. This man single-
handedly mastered the brain’s complex biochemical
pathways. He learned that Prions, the brain proteins whose
alteration seems to be responsible for BSE, are designed to
protect the brain from the oxidising properties of chemicals
activated by agents such as ultra-violet light. He suggests
that when the prion proteins are exposed to too little copper
and too much manganese, the manganese takes the place of
the copper the prion normally binds to. This means that the
protein becomes distorted and loses its function.

And that’s not all. If the cows were left alone without

external stress on their systems, they might have been able to
naturally overcome the imbalance.

But, they hadn’t been left alone.
Nature had once more been attacked by big agricultural

and big pharmaceutical companies.

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Mark Purdey asserts that BSE arose in British herds

during the 1980’s because the Ministry of Agriculture started
forcing all cattle farmers to treat their animals with an
organophosphate pesticide called phosmet and furthermore,
to do so at far higher doses than are used elsewhere in the

I spoke to a friend here in the United States who has a

popular radio show in New York city. He explained how his
investigations revealed that the government authorities
required this toxic pesticide to be poured directly along the
line of the spinal cord. The skin of cows (and humans) is a
highly absorbable organ. Essential oils can travel straight
into the blood stream when applied to the spinal cord or even
the bottom of the feet. While toxins are applied to this area
of the anatomy – especially to an already weakened or
imbalanced system, you quickly push those substances into
the cells, as was the case with these cows’ bodies.

Purdey has shown that Phosmet captures copper. When

at the same time, the cattle feed was being supplemented
with chicken manure from birds dosed with manganese to
increase their egg yield, this caused the prion proteins in the
cow’s brains to be deprived of copper and overdosed with

It is not coincidence that when Phosmet first became

mandatory in Brittany, France, twenty of the country’s initial
28 cases of BSE surfaced there.

“Mad cows, Bretons and Manganese” George Monbiot, Thursday 23

November 2000 02.14 GMT

Rather than thank Mark Purdey for his assistance in

providing the clues that would solve the riddle to the Mad
Cow mystery, the only reward this man received was to be

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reviled, misrepresented and physically attacked. His lines
have been cut and his house burned down.

By comparison, our company got off light with the

rebuttal, “We don’t want to know.”

When you are willing to make money at all costs, you

are capable of making unscrupulous sales of toxic substances
while holding hands with the heads of government
departments who pass your product into law. But once those
actions cause problems in the community, you have to resort
to other means to put a lid on your handiwork. And it sure
helps to have obedient media.

These greedy gangers know that a “pandemic” such as

BSE is only the start of one’s profit-making efforts. What if
the bankrupt farmers who had been forced to destroy their
lifestyle could be pressured to sell that land - for pennies on
the dollar?

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Chapter 2

Just How Much


Is at Stake to



n espionage agent told me that a public who is quick to

attach every event to globalists, forget that the core reason
for many destabilization exercises is quite simply the lure of
making a quick profit.

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It takes years and as much as a billion dollars for a drug

to make its way past clinical trials and finally to market, but
with a “pandemic” looming – well that is quite another thing.
Politicians can order the FDA and other willing
organizations to fast-track a new compound or vaccination
without the usual safety tests.

Drug companies who sell the 2009 Swine Flu

vaccination stand to make an estimated 1.5 billion dollars in
selling their wares to the countries that the WHO (World
Health Organization) has insisted must be prepared.

On Sep 15


2009, ABC News, AOL, and other

mainstream news streams reported the associated press
article which stated that the FDA has just approved the
vaccine for “Mass vaccinations next month.” One version of
the press release announced, “Health and Human Services
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told Congress that 45 million
doses will arrive around October 15


followed by more

shipments each week.” Eventually, "we will have enough
vaccine available for everyone,” Sebelius was quick to point
out “everyone who wants it, that is.”

“Sebelius: Govt Approves New Swine Flu Vaccine,” Lauran Neergaard, (AP) September 15,


Has she already heard that the public are getting wind

of how law enforcement are training for forced inoculations?
But that is another chapter.

Earlier, on July 23rd, 2009, the Idaho Observer reported

in their article the exact total size of this order that was
placed with the manufactures of the vaccine: “HHS
Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has ordered 600 million doses
of swine (H1N1) vaccine, two doses for nearly every man,
woman and child in the U.S.”

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That is a lot of money out of pocket for taxpayers.

Clearly, someone plans to do a lot of vaccinating. And who
is at the end of the intended target of that needle?

On the surface, citizens might think those inoculations

are not costly because the price for the consumer is low. In
fact, they are being offered in some areas for as little as $10.

But is that the true cost to the country’s coffers? In

Texas when Govenor Rick Perry tried to mandate that all
teenage girls be given the Human Papilloma Virus vaccine,
protestors discovered that it would ultimately cost the
taxpayers over $400 per vaccination. As of July 3, 2008, 15
Cynthia Janak reports that 15 patients have died from the
vaccination, 255 patients were hospitalized and 159 patients
were disabled at the time of her report.

Cynthia Janak’s July 8, 2008 article “Gardasil Tragedies – Where are the

Reports?” “FDA and HPV—when did they know the truth?” by Cynthia A.
Janak,, 2007-12-12; VAERS: Vaccine Adverse Events
Reporting System—Search for “HPV4″ and “Patient Died.”

HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) & Cervical Cancer Vaccine: Merck’s


The cost of administering the Swine Flu to U.S.

taxpayers will be in the vicinity of $800 million dollars and
the impact of the economy in the trillions.

“Swine Flu Pandemic Would Cost Trillions,” John Carney, The

Business Insider, April 25, 2009

And no doubt there are a lot of health care professionals

in the financial chain that stand to take even more money out
of the pockets of families who are already extended

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In Britain, the average General Practitioner could see

their salaries soar by £27,000 once a swine flu vaccination
programme is in place, The Daily Mail revealed. With the
average GP having 1,800 patients, that means a salary boost
of just over £27,000. This inoculation campaign would give
doctors a pay rise some 25 per cent above their usual salary
of £107,000. There are approximately 33,000 GPs in the
country and the vaccination programme will cost the NHS
£900million in payments to them – this would be over and
above the monies paid directly to the manufacturers of the
vaccination. Granted, these GP’s have a heavier work load
with a mass vaccination, but the point is that ultimately, this
is an expense to the taxpayers.

You would think that given the astronomical layout

such a campaign would cost, that the British government
would be careful to notify doctors about the risks of the
vaccination. Anyone thus warned may opt not to have the
inoculation and thereby cumulatively save the taxpayers an
enormous expenditure.

But apparently not so. Like the U.S. government, they

appear rather happy to shell out the big cash, whether or not
people might really need the jab. Because, rather than
warning the GPs about the risk (who have first point of
contact with the patients), the British Health Department
opted to inform the specialists who would be dealing with
the aftermath clean up once the vaccinations have been
administered. This seems a little backward because the
economy there is also in dire straights.

According to The Daily Mail, the British Health

Protection Agency sent letters to 600 neurologists on July


, warning them once the swine flu vaccination campaign

begins to be on the lookout for cases of Guillain-Barré

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Syndrome (GBS), an autoimmune disorder affecting the
peripheral nervous system.

Have the people appointed to protect our health

forgotten so quickly the swine flu campaign of 1976 that
ended up bringing with it devastating results?

At that time, for every one person that died from the

actual swine flu, 25 people died from adverse reactions to the
vaccine, and several hundred people developed crippling
Guillain-Barré Syndrome – some reports indicate that more
than 500 cases had been recorded. Previously healthy young
people became paraplegics.

A.D. Langmuir, D.J. Bregman, L.T. Kurland, N. Nathanson, and M.

Vicotr, “And Epidemiologic and Clinical Evanluation of Guillain-Barré
SyndromeReported in Assocation with the Administration of Swine Influenza
Vaccinations,” Am J Epidemiol 119, no.6 (1984): 841-79.

This time, it looks likely that the results will be worse.

This time, there are more vaccinations.

Think about it – let’s get a clue. The 1976 outbreak of

Guillain-Barré Syndrome came about because they had
rushed a relatively untested vaccination through the approval
process. But what are we hearing all over the news these
days? We are being prepped and conditioned to accept yet
another untested vaccination.

On the website MedlinePlus, a .gov website that is a

service by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the
National Institutes of Health reveals that they have some idea
of what creates the debilitating neurologically crippling
disease. Here is what is listed as the cause:

Some people may get Guillain-Barre syndrome
after a bacterial infection or certain vaccinations
(such as rabies and swine flu
). A similar

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syndrome may occur after surgery, or when
critically ill. [Emphasis mine].

Guillain-Barré Syndrome, MedlinePlus,

A participant in German swine flu vaccine trials has

come forward with startling allegations that he experienced
serious adverse side effects after taking the swine flu vaccine
- including coughing up blood. The 40 year old German
businessman named Axel described to a German publication
exactly what happened after he was vaccinated on August
10th: "I felt totally beat. On the third day, my kidneys and
head were aching and I got a fever. I then had a coughing fit
- and the wash basin was suddenly red - it was blood!"

You can find the original German article containing

Axel's story here (it is in German though):

On Youtube is a video of Dr. Girard being interviewed

on French television about this. You will need to know
French to understand it, but on the sidebar is a translation.
Here are some excerpts:

Dr. Girard: “A vaccine is being developed in conditions

of amateurism such as I have never seen. Lets take the
pessimistic hypothesis: one death among every 1000
patients. There are plans to vaccinate 60 million people and
you already have 60,000 deaths, and this time, young people,
children, pregnant women.”

Interviewer: “What you are saying is serious because

many people are getting ready to get the vaccine and you,
you are saying: ‘You must not get a vaccination!’”

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“Yes, it is a vaccine that has been developed at great

speed in conditions that put in danger the public health.
There is a need to return back to the obligation that
politicians have right now to protect citizens against the
desire of the pharmaceutical industry to make money with all
these vaccines. There is a public health code of law from
2007 which obliges all health professionals who give their
opinions to reveal their interests. That law is ridiculed every
day. All the people who you see saying: ‘the flu, its very
serious,’ have interests, and that is why they say what they
say. The public health administration is an example to us of a
daily violation of the law. I am a medical specialist and I am
against medicines that have no purpose. This vaccine is not
just badly developed: it is not developed!”

Dr Marc Girard, is a specialist in the side effects of

drugs and a medical expert commissioned by French courts.
Not only is he saying on French TV that the "swine flu"
vaccine could cause 60,000 deaths in France, especially
among young people, children and pregnant women,
he also said that the people promoting the "swine flu"
vaccine are doing so because they have links with the
pharmaceutical company.

But just how much money is there to be made from the

LONG TERM side effects of an untested vaccination?

How do you put a price on the drugs and hospitalization

that may net obscene profits over the upcoming years?

The toxins within certain vaccinations are not

necessarily going to show up immediately. Any manufacture,
knows it wouldn’t be smart to paint a target on your back
with percentages of toxins that are that high (well, perhaps

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not until now, when the U.S. government gives them
complete IMMUNITY).

The Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of

2005 (S. 1873).

Were it not for those who have suffered immediate side

effects, there would likely never be investigative

For instance, Jenny Tetlock was a teenager and like

other peers of her age, she used to enjoy life to the full. Then
she fell prey to what neurologists suspected was Lou
Gehrig’s disease, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). She
developed the degenerative muscle disease after being
vaccinated against the cervical cancer-causing HPV virus. At
first, a tearful Jenny told her mother how her seventh-grade
gym class laughed when she tripped on a hurdle that
everyone else cleared easily. Then a few weeks later came a
limp. Before long, this previously healthy teenager was left
nearly completely paralyzed and passed away on March 15



2009 after receiving her vaccination in March 2007. By the
end of March 2007, her first symptoms had occurred.

“Did Gardasil Kill Jenny Tetlock?,Friday, July 31, 2009

Long-term sick people can be

highly lucrative to drug companies.

When a doctor makes a decree to a patient that he or

she has a terminal illness but the only thing keeping them
alive is a certain expensive drug, the individual may consider
selling his grandmother’s kidney to get that medication.

See how it works?

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If you have a pandemic on the horizon and you can

convince people that they will die without your vaccination,
you can go to sleep with dollar signs floating around your
eyeballs. And when the media is instructed by your beholden
subjects in the government to start talking incessantly on the
news about a “pandemic,” that next yacht is as good as

In the following chapter on the AIDS pandemic, I

explain how my personal experience with a colleague let me
to conclude that these drug lords will kill to protect that long-
term racket.

People the world over will kill for just $50, why is it

automatically labeled a conspiracy to propose that an
unscrupulous drug honcho might be willing to kill to
preserve a $300 BILLION dollar pharmaceutical industry of
which AIDS medication alone brings in 7 billion?

“Pharmaceutical Industry,” WHO, 2009,

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Chapter 3


Machine Guns,

AIDS, and an

African Journalist


hen I began to learn about some of the behind the scenes

information I am about to reveal, my phone lines may not
have been cut as happened in the previous chapter to Mark
Purdey – but they were tapped. And I experienced other

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One such attempt to shut me up came after a scientist

contacted us with a new natural remedy for AIDS. I was still
living in New Zealand at the time.

After discovering some of the inroads we were making

in taking raw natural ingredients and turning them into
formulated, labeled products ready for market, I was invited
to travel to the United States to meet with a brilliant scientist
who believed all signs pointed to a cure for AIDS. Naturally,
I was intrigued and too green to know what a wasps’ nest of
bureaucracy into which I was stepping. So in short order, I
was on a plane back to revisit what I thought embodied the
freest nation in the world: my homeland of America.

Each time I enter the United States and enjoy the

privilege of walking through the customs line reserved for
citizens of this great nation, I want to kiss the ground. I resist
this urge because many travelers would not fully understand
the comparisons made after living in other countries for long
periods of time. Visiting a tourist spot in these nations for a
week or two is not enough to gauge the true liberty tenor of
other societies.

While I have come to love the people of New Zealand

and other countries overseas, few share our legacy of a
Revolutionary War where men (and women) shed their
blood because they believed so wholeheartedly in our
inalienable rights – rights that even our government cannot
take from us. Why? Well, because they never came from our
government in the first place. They were given to us by a
Creator to whom we owe first loyalties.

Few citizens of other countries have been ingrained

with the deep spirit of national patriotism as have
Americans. Yes, we most definitely have our faults, but

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having traveled extensively, I reserve the right to my (albeit,
personal) opinion. If ever the great nation of America is
crushed under the globalists who spare no respect for
national borders or such notions as patriotism, then a very
dark cloud has settled over the entire world. No wonder I am
periodically told by individuals from other nations, “We
hope the Americans understand that when they fight for
freedom, they fight for more than just their own

The doctor I was about to meet on this particular trip

back the United States, knew the meaning of oppression. He
(I’ll call him Doctor X to protect his family) had been held
under duress by the Germans during World War II and
forced to work on their experimental projects. For some
reason, he seemed to feel he could open up to me. I learned
that he had observed humans being treated like lab rats.

On another front, Doctor X also became privy to high-

level intelligence activities, including time travel. He
mentioned something interesting which I never forgot,
“After 2012, they entered some kind of dream time. It is as if
another era existed when the travelers entered that zone.”

He had been involved in helping to create the hydrogen

bomb and then felt guilty about his role in the project. Ever
since that time, his focus had been on finding a cure to an
ailment that would help humanity. The goal was a type of
penance, it seemed.

Many years of research later, Doctor X had created a

compound which seemed to have proof positive effect on
AIDS patients and excitedly built a hospital in Africa where
reportedly upwards of 1000 patients were treated and went
into remission.

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When he began announcing his success, this ruffled

some feathers of people who were already making huge
profits on anti-viral drugs on which their patents would be
placed for their entire lifetime.

About this time I came across the research of another

brave scientist who revealed his findings about a lab-created
hybrid virus which he said later came to be known as AIDS.

A man returning from China told me that for some

inexplicable reason the spread of AIDS seemed to follow the
trail of where the Hepatitis vaccination had preceded by
mandate of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Was this all a co-incidence? Was it similarly a

coincidence that AIDS broke out in pockets of our own
society that were instructed to take the Hepatitis vaccination
because they were high risk: the inner city homosexuals and
intravenous drug users? These people were told their
government was trying to “protect” them.

Was AIDS a gay disease as touted by the church and

civic “authorities” or was it an HIV vaccination disease?
Read the following literature sources and make your own
deductions from the CLUES they contain:

Scheier, R, Hepatitis vaccine: the Danger of AIDS
Transmission, Z Hautkr, 1984 Apr 15; 59(8):502-506.

Macek, C, "AIDS Transmission: What about the Hepatitis B
?", JAMA, 1983 Feb 11; 249(6):685-686.

NA, "The Risk of AIDS after Hepatitis Vaccination,"
JAMA, 1985 May 24-31; 253(20):2960-2961.

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Taubman, L B, et al, "The Question of Possible Relationship
Between Hepatitis B Vaccine and AIDS", AM J Med, 1984
Apr; 76(4): A 59.

Kato, S et al, "Hepatitis B Vaccination and AIDS," JAMA,
1985 Jul 5; 254(1):53.

Schwartz, AM, et al, "Hepatitis Vaccine and the Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome
", 1983, JAMA, Oct:

Sacks, H S, et al, "Should the Risk of Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome
deter Hepatitis B
?" A Decision Analysis." JAMA, 1984 Dec 28;
252(24): 3375-3377.

Papaevangelou, G et al, "Risk of AIDS in Recipients of
Hepatitis B Vaccine", NEJM, 1985 Feb 7; 312(6):376-377.

Francis, DP, et al, "The Safety of the Hepatitis B Vaccine.
Inactivation of the AIDS virus During Routine
Manufacture", JAMA, 1986 Aug 15; 256(7): 869-872.

Schultz, TF, "Origin of AIDS," Lancet, Mar 7, 1992,

Some further research of my own revealed that

numerous doctors and investigative journalists had reached
similar conclusions to the authors above.

I met one such researcher when I was visiting Nigeria

on a speaking tour. At the behest of a caring CIA officer who
insisted I either not go – or have bodyguard protection at that
dangerous time in the nation’s history, I finally agreed to get
the recommended bodyguards. It seemed an overkill, but on
the way to the airport, we were accompanied by a truckload
of soldiers carrying AK-47 machine guns who nervously

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pranced around when we were forced to stop for a flat tire on
an isolated stretch of road.

Once at the hotel, one of the nation’s top journalists

with the biggest television station was so insistent about
seeing me that he pushed past the bodyguards, demanding to
talk to me. He knew I would be meeting with the Minister of
Health and other upper level government ministers for a tour
of facilities and possible philanthropic activities. As we
talked, this persistent man came armed some facts and a
burning question. After announcing why he and his
investigative colleagues knew that AIDS had been created in
a laboratory principally for population control, he concluded,
We know what is going on behind the scenes with AIDS
here in this country but do you Americans know this?”

Back in the United States, Dr. X was one of maybe only

a handful of Americans at that time who knew what was
going on. And this knowledge came at a cost.

One day, Dr. X got a visit from representatives of the

U.S. government. “We’ll take the cure for our high-ranking
military personnel,” they haughtily announced. As they left,
they turned to inform the biochemist, “You are not to
promote this product. And if we ever see this compound on
the market, you will be dead in three months.”

This dire warning had come just prior to my visit to the

States to meet with the doctor. I knew ahead of time that
there had been a threat on his life and that by association,
given that I had been commissioned with the marketing, how
this included a threat on my own.

After only a brief hesitation, I did what most of my

liberty-minded readers would have done: I decided that I
couldn’t live with myself if I let hurting people die

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needlessly, and therefore determined that the risk was worth
it. What good would my life be if I constantly lived with a
guilty conscious to remind me of cowardliness? I decided the
threat of such a prospect was worse than the threat of
physical danger.

On the way home from that trip to meet with the

scientist, I had a very personal warning to stay away from
the project. But the worst warning of all came with dire
consequences for the scientist himself.

Prior to leaving, Dr. X said to me, “I’m going to die

from something anyway, so I’ve decided to go ahead and
market the product regardless of threats.” Plans were made
to begin the marketing process.

Three months later, to my great shock and sadness, I

learned the biochemist had mysterious died of a “heart

Much of his research went with him to his grave.
The fact that government officials had visited him prior

to his death to deliver the warning to stay out of the drug
companies’ business did not escape me.

Oh, what treachery has befallen our nation.

Do we need another Nuremburg?

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Chapter 4


Natural Remedies

and Fast-Tracking



pparently I can be a little slow to learn from dangerous

experiences because even with the AIDS compound
incidence still fresh in my mind, I once more jumped at the
chance to market yet another controversial natural substance.
A gentleman contacted my partner and I about helping them

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bring to market an aloe-vera based compound that had
showed marked efficacy with cancer patients. They had stage
three and four tumors in recession and in hushed tones even
ventured to use the FDA-forbidden term, “cured.” Hundreds
of people who previously had been given a death sentence
had regained their health.

It all started with the formulator’s race horse developed

cancer. The animal was too valuable to be put down without
a fight, so the owner created a natural mix of herbs, aloe vera
and other herbal ingredients which he administered to his

Within a short period of time, and to everyone’s

amazement, the animal recovered totally.

A few people heard the story and asked if they could be

slipped a sample of the formula for a friend of family who
had also been terminally diagnosed with cancer.

Quickly word spread and now there were over 700

success cases. So, armed with this anecdotal evidence, we
began working with an FDA lawyer to develop a label for
the compound and accompanying brochure. Some of the
testimonies listed included:

Man: Cancer of bowels, lungs, liver, throat.

Terminal. Decided to delay chemotherapy to try
product first. After three months on product
reported to doctor for chemotherapy. Doctor did
tests and said there was no longer any reason to start
treatment. The man’s sugar diabetes disappeared

Man: Prostate Cancer. 4 times its normal size. Dr.

said surgery was not an option due to swelling.

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Could explode if they attempted to operate. Man’s
PSA was extremely high. After being on the
product for 1 ½ - 2 months, doctor said prostate had
returned to normal and no cancerous tissue

Woman: Brain tumor has gone down to ½ its size.

College Student. Tumor is now dormant and girl
has gone back to school. Still on product (very
recent testimony).

Woman: Ovarian Cancer: Given 3 - 4 months to

live. Started product in September last year. By the
time she had started the 2nd bottle, she noticed a
marked improvement. By Christmas of the same
year, she was cleared of cancer by Doctor. She is
sending us 9 other testimonies of people who had
cancer and have also been cleared.

There were some cases which did not respond, but our

odds were much, much higher of success than that typically
found with chemotherapy, so we decided to proceed with
getting out the word about the compound.

Soon this “word” got to a large pharmaceutical

company in Indianapolis. It seems they also wanted to
market this compound and were willing to pay handsomely
for the sole rights to the formula. Forty million big ones, in

The owner became excited. Soon his lawyers were

talking to their lawyers and finally the day of the big
transaction occurred. The man set at a big table flanked by
lawyers on both sides.

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Just before he signed the contract, he decided to

inquire, “So when am I going to see this on the market?”

“Oh, you are not,” the agents for the pharmaceutical

company responded matter-of-factly.

“Why not?” the man asked in shock.
“Well, right now we are making too much money from

chemotherapy. The public is happy to get chemotherapy
right now. When they decided they would prefer a natural
remedy and it looks like there is enough of a demand to
profit from this new compound of yours, we will roll it out.”

Thankfully, the formulator had enough integrity to yank

back his contract from their grimy death-drenched claws.

Did you know that nitrogen mustard, a chemical

warfare killing agent, and the grandfather of chemotherapy
agents, is still used on cancer patients today!

“Overcoming Terminal Breast Cancer,” Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D.

The toxin is marketed under shrouding brand names

and comes with hundreds or thousands of percent mark-up.
You might as well get it cheap from your local agricultural
dealer – or your local terrorist supply shop, if you are going
to be suckered into sticking it directly in your veins.

When I was a manager at a television station, one of my

duties was to interview the various people who organized
fund raising events for the American Cancer Society. I knew
the local philanthropists’ hearts were in the right place, but
what I discovered about the organization eventually made
me stop doing these interviews.

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John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and friends funded the

establishment of the American Society for the Control of
Cancer (ASCC), the predecessor of the ACS, in New York
City in 1913.

The Gentle Legions, Richard Carter, (1961)
Ralph Moss, The Cancer Industry (Equinox Press, Brooklyn, NY, 1996).

From the start, its goal was to urge the public to consult

their doctors at the very first suspicion of cancer. In 1978 it
was found that the American Cancer Society was hoarding
millions of dollars while claiming that it couldn't do vital
cancer research for lack of funds.

“Who Controls the Cancer Industry?”

Bennett, J. T., and DiLorenzo, T. J. Unhealthy Charities: Hazardous to

Your Health and Wealth. Basic Books, New York, 1994.
Hall, H., and Williams, G. Professor vs. Cancer Society. The Chronicle of
, January 28, 1992, p. 26.
DiLorenzo, T. J. One charity's uneconomic war on cancer. Wall Street Journal,
March 15, 1992, p. A10.

I personally once asked the local head of the agency in

my area, “Do you ever take any of your funds and use this
money to research natural compounds?” Given the sour
facial expression, you would have thought I had asked her to
relocate to the dark side of the moon. The answers was a
resounding and irritated, “No.”

How can this society be interested in a cure when to do

so would force it to disband? Let me explain: an article
appeared in Harper's magazine stating - "The American
Cancer Society was designated by charter as an emergency
organization which must disband the day a cure is found". If
the American Cancer Society admitted that a cure was found,
they would have to be disbanded, and give up that $400

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million a year. Its executives would have to stop getting their
enormous salaries.

In the 1920s, the Rockefellers, who controlled Standard

Oil of New Jersey, signed an extensive agreement with the
German pharmaceutical company Interessengemeinschaft
or IG Farben, for short. According to Dr. Rath
Foundation and other numerous sources, the name stands for
"Association of Common Interests" and was nothing other
than a powerful cartel of BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, and other
German chemical and pharmaceutical companies. IG Farben
has become infamous as the single largest donor to Adolph
Hitler’s election campaign and the companies responsible for
horrific experiments on humans such as slicing open the
pregnant bodies of women who were alive – and without any
anesthesia. It is less well known that IG Farben became the
largest single profiteer of the German conquest of the world
during the Second World War.

The Dr. Rath Foundation further reports that “just

fifteen years after they were convicted in the Nuremberg
War Crimes Tribunal
, Bayer, BASF and Hoechst were again
the architects of the next major human rights offences. In
1962, they established the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
This organization necessitates the reader researching its
agenda as time does not permit our exploration of the subject
Let me underscore, however that this sinister plan lurks right
on the doorsteps of implementation as early as December
2009. By default some of its agendas will pass on that date
and it must be repealed. Congressman Dr. Ron Paul has been
working towards that end, but politicians have been slow in
standing against their campaign financiers. Please get
educated on the subject and take immediate action. Our

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website does have some information on

the subject under the category “Physical Freedoms.”

“The History of the Business of Disease”

Some may ask why the Rockefeller Standard Oil

company wanted to diversify into pharmaceuticals. The
reason is that it really is not diversifying at all. You see, oil
products are used quite extensively in the manufacturing of
drugs. This despite the research by (albeit controversial)
Hulda Clark that petroleum causes cancer and conditions the
body to host parasites. To thank her for her efforts, the FDA
confiscated her entire pallet of books, fresh from the printer
– so much for freedom of speech!

The Cure for all Diseases, Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., 1995

Oil compounds are commonly used in pharmaceuticals.

No wonder an executive of the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil
was invited to join the Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital’s
board of mangers, and when World War II came along, the
oil company’s representative was appointed chief of research
for the chemical warfare service of the U.S. military. His
chief function was to conduct studies of the effects of poison
gas… which later was introduced as chemotherapy.

The real pandemic in this country is not the

Bird Flu, the Swine Flu or the needless

deaths from drug side effects. The real

pandemic is in the minds of patients who will

not DEMAND alternatives.

Angry as it makes us to learn of such horrendous stories

of greedy pharmaceutical companies, we as a passive society
must shoulder at least some of the burden.

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We have handed over our birthright of health into

the hands of gangsters who would rather see us poisoned
by experimental chemotherapy and vaccinations than
protect the sanctity of life.
We know their true colors and
yet we keep telling ourselves that we can trust such an

We are the willing victims in this because we would

rather place our lives without question in the hands of man or
woman who has been trained at the feet of the drug
companies than to listen to our own bodies.

It is not my purpose to tell you what to do with your

health and will therefore, once more, make a cursory
disclaimer: “Consult the advice of your medical
professional… this information is only provided for your
information and entertainment…” etc.

What I can do, however, is tell you that I have great

respect for medical physicians who have stepped outside the
boundaries placed around their minds to bring gifts of
healing to their patients. Thankfully, there are increasingly
more of these who operate with genuine adherence to their
Hippocratic oath.

Furthermore, what I can do is tell you that there are also

other professionals such as naturopathic doctors who take the
health of your whole body into consideration and where
possible, one can consult them too.

"FDA virologist Peter Reeve… acknowledged that the

FDA suspended its own independent tests of vaccine
purity 15 years ago, leaving it entirely up to the
to ensure the vaccine is contaminant free."

'The Virus and the Vaccine'”, Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher

Atlantic Monthly, Feb 2000

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Don’t be as incredulous as one doubting man who

countered, “I can’t believe that the drug companies would try
to stop a cure for AIDS or cancer from getting on the market.
This likely never happened. If such breakthroughs exist, the
American Medical Journal would surely have written about

This kind of head-in-the-sand approach is why our

legislative officials think the average populous can be
conned into a mass vaccination program. This type of
attitude is what hurts the rest of us. For this reason, we must
become aggressive about educating those who need a rather
big wake up call. They need to understand that their
selfishness and desire to be mollycoddled by a man (or
woman) in a white coat is the cause of the greatest pandemic
of the mind ever spread.

Yes, some people LIKE to be sick for the attention it

gives them. And these people put the rest of us at risk. It
takes work to get well. It takes time to research and be
empowered. It takes money to buy natural remedies to
STAY healthy so no emergency care is required. Smart
people understand this.

Our job to educate does not end at our own family’s

doorsteps. We must spread the word further a field.
Thankfully, an increasingly larger number of alternative
health companies are offering affiliate referral incentives. I
think this is wonderful. We need all the motivation
possible to help Americans – and similarly other nations,
TAKE BACK control of our physical and political

For this reason, we highly recommend every reader

invest an hour once a week to log into our teleconferences to

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keep high the motivation needed to be the trailblazer
percentage whose critical mass will turn the tide.

The time for sweet talk and gentle suggestions to get on

natural prevention is over. Ill-prepared people put the rest of
our lives at risk. Their cavalier attitude can become
instruments of death. Blunt it may be, but that is the reality.

When the looming specter of mandatory swine flu

vaccinations became a real threat, I called up some of my
family members. This is what I said, “We have been together
over the past few weeks. If you contact the swine flu, you
will be putting me at great risk. Here is why: if you get sick
with something that merely resembles the swine flu, the
authorities will ask you with whom you have been in contact
over the previous weeks. This exposure may give them the
legal right to demand all associated parties be vaccinated and
that could include me. Now either you get on the compounds
that will keep you healthy or please stay away. You see, I am
not afraid of the flu itself because I am on those compounds.
That is not what concerns me. What I am concerned about is
being forced to take a potentially lethal vaccination
because if you are not protected and therefore contact the
disease, this potentially strips me of my right to reject the

These vaccinations have been fast-tracked. Why should

I expose my body to hidden dangers – all because someone
in my family wants to be nonchalant about their health?

One relative wanted to rush to the doctor at the first

sign of a sniffle with possible flu symptoms. Because he was
closely related to us, I urged him not to go, but instead to get
on high amounts of Vitamin D3 which has been clinically
proven to combat the flu. I explained that while it might be

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nothing more than minor symptoms of the ordinary flu,
medical personnel have been instructed to treat all sniffles as
a potential swine flu case.

The Secretary of the Health and Human Services was

given the power to arrange for the “apprehension and
examination” of persons reasonably thought to be infected. A
cough or a fever is enough to put you in quarantine without
legal recourse –if they so choose.

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Chapter 5

How Do You

Sell a



efore any created pandemic can cause turn a profit, the

medical mafia's propaganda blitz must be successful, and
millions must be swept into a panic. Previously healthy and
happy citizens must be hypnotized and terrorized into
placing a cocktail of vaccine toxins into their bloodstreams.
For anyone to allow pus, putrid flesh of animals and fetal
tissue including the most lethal of chemicals on this planet

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into their already overtaxed immune systems, that person
must have already been seriously BRAINWASHED.

Let’s not mince words.

We have been deliberately brainwashed from our

childhood by the writers of history books who include
heroic references to men like Louis Pasteur.

Yet a round-table of German virologists, and

specifically one Prof. Richard Haas alleged Pasteur’s vaccine
to be ‘an archaic monster."

Even if an animal is rabid, the bite causes infection in

an infinitesimal percentage of people —and never causes it if
the normal hygienic rules are followed, like the immediate
washing out of the wound with water. When the vaccinated
person dies anyway, it is blamed on a “defective vaccine.”

In the article “Slaughter of the Innocent,” reference is

made to Paul de Kruif’s best-selling Microbe Hunters
(Harcourt, Brace, 1926/1953) in which he gave a highly
fanciful account of 19 Russian peasants who, bitten by an
allegedly rabid wolf, traveled to Paris in order to receive the
newly announced Pasteur treatment from the old master
himself. The article goes on to read, “According to de Kruif,
16 of these Russian patients were ‘saved’ by Pasteur’s shots
and ‘only three’ died. Pasteur became an international hero
after that exploit and contributed substantially to the
glamorization of ‘modern’ laboratory Science. Three deaths
out of 19 makes over 15 percent casualties.
But knowing,
as we know today, that not one in a hundred people
bitten by a rabid dog is likely to catch the infection, we
must infer that at least some and probably all three of
those Russian peasants died because
of Pasteur’s vaccine,
as did uncounted people later on.
Besides, at the time there

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were no facilities in Russia to find out whether a wolf had
rabies. Hungry wolves attacking villagers in winter were a
common occurrence; and even today many people, in Italy
for instance, believe that any dog that bites them must be
affected with rabies, otherwise it wouldn’t have bitten them.”

Rabies vaccination Hans Ruesch (Slaughter of the Innocent)

Herein rests the real facts of our early educational

introduction to the “miracle” of vaccinations.

But not all the blame rests on the heads of the historians

– why aren’t our medical doctors alerting the public the what
they know: approximately 1/3 of doctors refuse to be

Researcher and author Neil Z. Miller reports that

approximately 66% of pediatricians and obstetricians refused
the MMR shot in one study.[1] An equal percentage of
doctors refused the Hepatitis B shot, mostly citing safety
concerns because of rumors of animal DNA contamination
in the shots.[2] The American Medical Association's (AMA)
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine cite a 1994
study where approximately 1/3 of doctors were working
without mandatory flu vaccines.[3]

1) JAMA, 2-20-81.
2) Mendelsohn, Dr. Robert, “The Drive to Immunize Adults,” Herald of
Holistic Health Newsletter, Sept.-Oct. 1985.
3) Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine, Dec. 1996. (AMA).

But not all doctors are coming out with honest

transparency about vaccination dangers.

After a scary discourse on the deadly potential of swine

flu to his television studio audience, ABC’s Dr. Oz
enthusiastically stated, “everyone in the audience is getting

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one of these shots.” With the glee of someone getting a
Christmas gift, the audience reacted with applauding and
cheering, by now sufficiently brainwashed to roll up their
sleeves for the poison to be injected into their veins.

Undoubtedly, the media plays a significant role in how

the public responds to vaccinations. Campaigns such as
“National Influenza Vaccination Week” makes it sound like
it is your patriotic duty to get your shots. When the human
brain is bombarded over and over again with a message they
will undoubtedly be predisposed to buy into the desired
result: buy a flu shot (or get the taxpayer-funded Medicare to
buy for you).

Marketers know that a person has to hear a spiel at least

three times in order to buy. Ethical television, radio and print
brokers will tell not to waste your time with just one
advertisement. They tell you that a message must be
presented in close succession repetitively. That’s why you
will see the exact same ad within minutes of the previous.
One might be inclined to think the advertiser is foolishly
wasting their money. Don’t you already know what they
have just said? But remember, the repetition is not aimed at
reaching your conscious mind – but rather to brainwash your
subconscious mind. This practice is aimed at hypnotizing
you. Vaccination manufacturers can afford to get the
smartest marketers on the planet to pass the resistant
threshold of at least three successive messages in close
proximity. Do you think this statistical fact has escaped

Of course not. This is why they plan such events as the

“National Influenza Vaccination Week.” They need to have
multiple sources telling you in a relatively short period of
time (over a focused week) to get that shot. By the time

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you’ve been brainwashed by several stations ordering the
same directives 100 or more times, the odds are, you will
become the robot hoped for and obediently march down to
the closest jab depot.

In late November and

December 2003, the influenza-

related media coverage, which focused

primarily on an early,

severe influenza season, increased dramatically


explained 85% of the variation in influenza vaccinations.

“Influenza Vaccinations of Young Children Increased With Media
Coverage in 2003”; PEDIATRICS Vol. 117 No. 2 February 2006, pp.
e157-e163 (doi:10.1542/peds.2005-1079);

A controlled media is necessary to carefully time

messages. When some stations get as much as 80% of
their advertising budget from pharmaceutical companies
– to whom do their loyalties lie?

When their licenses depend on certain government

official’s unconstitutional approval do you think they will be
anything but obsequiously obedient to agency mandates?

A Kentucky caller on our teleconference on the swine

flu explained how a traffic officer had recently called his
home one day wanting to talk to his daughter. When the
officer discovered that she had just left the home, he insisted
that they keep calling her cell in an effort to stop her from
traveling through a particular intersection. It turns out that a
man with what appeared to be the swine flu, had been loaded
into an ambulance and there were plans to vaccinate
everyone passing by the vicinity. His daughter was pregnant
and he didn’t want her vaccinated. Further adding to this
father’s panic were the ramifications of what happened to the
sick man. The FBI had arrived on the scene, seemingly out
of nowhere and rudely demanded the local law enforcement

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step out of their way. They then took the man to a barricaded
location over 100 miles away. The media was instructed not
to cover the story.

When a state legislature friend tried to get some word

on the man, he too was given scant information, only to say
that there were already 30 cases in Kentucky as of mid
September. These had been accumulating over time.

Why hasn’t the media covered this? Do they even

know? Or are the authorities purposely trying to keep the
sick count low until their supply of vaccinations can arrive
and then they can dump all the numbers on the public at

Imagine if you heard the news reporter announcing the

following: “Just in from Kentucky, 30 cases, reported today.
From Tennessee another 30. This pandemic is spreading fast.
Get to your local inoculation depot for a vaccination while
supplies last.” This inference that the cases were diagnosed
that very day wouldn’t be true, but likely the lie would pass
by undetected.

They might as well keep the sales diatribe up with even

more of a blatant sales pitch: “Going cheap for just $15
make that $10. Let us get to your pregnant women first. We
will even agree to come into your schools. We kindly kept a
special shot just for you – so hurry.” Only half an hour later,
the story is repeated. In another half hour, they again repeat
the “breaking news” of the 30 cases. Maybe, in another four
hours, the number now jumps to 40. Perhaps these new cases
are because of the vaccinations themselves, but how are we
to know?

Short of pulling out a hypnotic binary beat to

accompany the repetitive lullaby drone of the alpha-theta

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inducing news agent, you are being brainwashed rather
nicely nonetheless. Many television watchers don’t realize
that the flashing, flickering lights of a screen can induce an
alpha-theta state within seconds anyway.

Can you see how such a dump of numbers of cases of

the swine flu would terrify the gullible members of the
public into RUSHING to get vaccinated, thereby depositing
vast amounts of money into the coffers of the drug
companies? And in so doing, they may be unwittingly
lining their own coffins.

On April 25th, 2009, Yeny Gregorio Dávila, a doctor to

Mexico City revealed that two of his colleagues died from
the Swine Flu - AFTER they vaccinated them. This certainly
didn’t get reported in the mainstream media.

“Death toll to rise in Mexico,” Barbara Miller reported this story on

Monday, April 27, 2009,

Neither did the media correctly portray the facts in

relation to the Avian flu. On April 14


2006, Julie

Gerberding, the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDD) revealed that although the disease had
indeed killed about half of the two hundred people confirmed
cases who became infected with that virus, the media had
failed to communicate that these were in close daily contact
with sick flocks – many shared the same living space! Only
two of those who contacted the virus had been infected by
person to person contact.”

“Key Facts About Influenza and Influenza Vaccine,” Centers for Disease

Control, www.cdc.gove/flu/keyfacts.htm

What other mitigating factors isn’t the media telling us?

Apparently not all CDC spokespersons are as forthcoming as
Geberding because Peter Doshi, a Harvard graduate student

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discovered that while the CDC currently says that the
regularly flu kills 36,000 people in the United States each
year, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) date
showed an average of 1348 flu deaths per year.” The rest die
mainly from pneumonia! In his letter he posed a question in
the British Medical Journal, “Are U.S. flu death figures
more PR than science?”

Peter Doshi, “Are US Flu Death Figures More PR than Science?” BMJ 331

(December 10, 2005): 1412,

Why are these numbers being inflated? Dr. Joseph

Mercola in The Great Bird Flu Hoax, minces no words:
“Keep in mind that the more people they can frighten into
getting their flu shot, the greater the profit for the vaccine
manufacturers…. The fact is, government organizations like
the CDC work hand in hand with businesses to sell profits.”

“The Great Bird Flu Hoax,” Joseph Mercola, Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2006.

Media analyst Nelson Thall, the former Chief Archivist

for the McLuhan Center on Global Communication, writes,
“They create the disease in order to offer the cure.”

In The Great Bird Flu Hoax, Mercola further highlights

the movie Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America. It was
unabashedly promoted as a “fictional examination” about
what would happen if there were to be a bird flu pandemic.
Just four days after the movie aired on May 9


, President

Bush announced that he was allocating $1 billion to five
companies to develop vaccines
against seasonal influenza
or a pandemic strain. Mercola concludes, “It’s an incredibly
brilliant form of marketing – to paint a disaster in a fictional
setting in order to create a receptive mind-set for
vaccinations and drugs as a possible solution.” Though only
a small percentage of population saw the film (5.3 million),

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it generated enough public sympathies to enable our
government to send these funds to the following companies
who stood to benefit from the windfall: GlaxoSmithKline,
MedImmune Inc., Novartis AG, Computer Sciences Corp
unite DynPort Vaccine Co, Baxter International Inc., and
Solvay Pharmaceuticals.


Earlier this year, Discovery Communications, aired a

show called “The Colony.” According to their website, the
show “is a controlled experiment to see exactly what it
would take to survive and rebuild” after a global catastrophe,
specifically a worldwide viral pandemic such as the swine
flu scheduled to strike this autumn. Once more, the prospect
of societal breakdown and survivalism is exaggerated to
condition the masses to line up and demand they be injected
with deadly toxins and cancer viruses in the form of a

At a cost of upwards $800 million dollars in

vaccination costs associated with the Swine Flu (close
enough to $1 billion this time too), what is a measly few
million to produce a movie to sell the American tax dollars
on the concept that the price tag is worth it? Apparently our
memories about the Bird Flu fiasco are short lived.

San Francisco Business Times, July 14, 2009,

A pandemic simply couldn’t be sold to the public

without the assistance of enough mainstream media stations

A media investigation caught 77 television stations

disguising commercials as fake news content. These
misleading stories were presented to the public as neutrally

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covered journalistic pieces, yet the stations were in reality,
being paid to present them. Clients included giants such as
Intel, General Motors and others.

“Fake TV News: News Release, Investigation Catches 77 Local TV

Stations Presenting Corporate PR as Real News.” April 6, 2006,

Why are we GIVING grant money to pharmaceutical

companies who are already wealthy, to do research on a
product that is almost guaranteed to be bought from our
government – with even more taxpayers dollars? Isn’t this
double dipping into taxpayers’ coffers? It would seem that
after so many years of the U.S. buying vaccinations that the
billion-dollar manufacturing companies would have enough
in their kitty to pay for their own testing. Must our
politicians shell out TWICE for this debacle?

Isn’t it time we rise up and get rid of these people who

seem so willing to give away our money in such obscene

When have you ever heard of the government giving

grant money to natural health food companies to the tune of
$1 billion dollars? There are a lot of internet marketing ad
campaigns talking about grant money, and I checked it out.
What I found was disturbing on many levels. I walked away
from a large grant of almost half a million, because to accept
the money, the Federal Government wanted me to sign a
clause that said I would agree to not lead any rallies or
engage in any other protests if I accepted the money. I called
the federal grant office and they confirmed this, further
verbally saying that grantees were agreeing to never say
anything negative against the government.

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I shuttered to think how many church groups have

accepted grants and now can only put tape over their mouths.
I can’t help but wonder whether Bush’s “Faith Initiative”
grant programs were aimed at helping or hampering the
voice of the churches in their communities? I guess if a
minister wasn’t planning to do anything to protect the
constitution and only concentrate on his or her church
administrative busywork, it wouldn’t matter. But was that
Christ’s focus? It was for liberty that he came… to “set the
captives free.”

I discovered that you had a better chance of getting a

grant if you were from another country either doing business
there or wanting to come to the United States to do business,
than if you had been born and lived in the United States and
paid taxes all of your life. Furthermore, the idea that the
average farmer can easily get subsidies from the government
is a fallacy. The legislature who wrote the bills for these
grants did not have these moms and pops in mind; rather
they were paying off large campaign mega-farm donors who
didn’t need the money in the first place. The applications are
so complicated, that to get these grants, you must already be
so sufficiently large and successful that you can afford to put
a lawyer and accountant on the payroll to take care of all the
filing requirements. Two-thirds of all farm subsidies go to
just 10 percent of farms, most of which earn over $250,000

Data provided by the Environmental Working Group at

No wonder so many Americans want to throw out the

whole lot of politicians bar a very few – and start all over
again. No wonder so many States already have or are in the
process of seceding from the federal government’s tentacles.

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Chapter 6

The Hoax




e have been led to believe that vaccinations have saved

us. But have they really? The following graphs, based on the
official death numbers as recorded in the Official Year
Books of the Commonwealth of Australia, are taken from
Greg Beattie's excellent book "Vaccination A Parent's
They illustrate that the decline in death rates from
infection began long before vaccinations were introduced.

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Vaccination – A Parent's Dilemma, Greg Beattie (1997, The Oracle Press,


Are you as angry as I was after seeing these charts? The

hoax perpetrated upon the American public is painfully
visually obvious.

We hear ad nauseam from medical personnel that our

society is safer now because of vaccinations and the parent is
asked to schedule his or her baby’s next flu shot as if there
were no alternative to consider. The doctors have been
themselves indoctrinated at medical school and
unfortunately, few have bothered to do their own research.

I have had so many parents tell me that they were guilt

induced for choosing not to have their child vaccinated. One
woman told me that she was scolded severely as an unfit
mother, for her choice not to vaccinate. Others have been
told that they are “selfish” for exposing other children to
childhood illnesses because their child is supposedly

Still others cannot get their children into school until

they vaccinate or indicate that they have a religious reason.
This ploy to inoculate by pressure is more than merely a
suggestion. Parents are instructed by their doctors to
vaccinate their children.

Only the smart few who research outside the bounds of

their doctor’s mandate seem to discover that they have not
been given the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help
us God, if Americans don’t stand up and say, “Enough is

What we don’t hear is that in most cases,

these diseases were almost non-existent

by the time inoculations began for the disease.

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We also don’t get the complete picture about why they

were naturally on the decline in the early 1900’s. At this
time, parents were beginning to take precautions such as
washing of hands. Still other sanitary improvements such as
sewage disposal and better distribution methods for food and
water were the reason why cholera, typhoid, tetanus,
diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were on the decline. So,
why does the medical community give immunizations credit
it does not deserve for such “advances in health”?

Gregg Beattie writes on the front page his website,

“When I evaluated what I found, I decided not to have my
children vaccinated. I had no idea how much wrath this
decision would draw from promoters of vaccines, and those
who are determined to see the status quo upheld. In 1996 I
found myself [at the] Maroochydore District Court in a two-
day battle with some of the nation's leading 'experts' in an
effort to determine whether my unvaccinated children had
the same rights as vaccinated children.”

On another inner page of his site, Gregg reveals the


• In 1989 the U.S. health department documented 170

measles outbreaks in the country and found that
89% of the victims had been vaccinated! School
outbreaks were reported where ALL the victims had
been vaccinated.

• In the same year a 20 month study of whooping

cough in Nova Scotia was published revealing 96%
of the victims had been vaccinated.

• In Australia in 1996, the South Australian Heath

Commission released seven years of data on

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whooping cough showing 87% of the victims had
been vaccinated.

Greg concludes, “Statistics such as these abound in the

medical literature. Vaccinated does not mean protected. It
means... we believe you may be less likely to get the disease.
Good luck! If vaccination does offer some level of protection
it is clearly not the level we have been led to believe.”

“The greatest threat of childhood diseases lies in the

dangerous and ineffectual efforts made to prevent them
through mass immunization... There is no convincing
scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited
with eliminating any childhood disease
,” says Dr Robert
Mendelsohn, M.D.

W. J. Collins, M.D., (Lond.) M.R.C.S, another

physician in 1883 was fast to pick up on the trail of human
lives in the wake of new vaccination programs: “I have no
faith in vaccination; nay, I look upon it with the greatest
possible disgust, and firmly believe that it is often the
medium of conveying many filthy and loathsome diseases
from one child to another, and no protection whatever
against small pox. Indeed, I consider we are now living in
the Jennerian epoch for the slaughter of innocents, and the
unthinking portion of the adult population."

Shouldn’t the medical profession have changed its tune

a very long time ago? Perhaps the most damming
observation is the report way back in 1880 by the
International Anti-Vaccination League that points against
vaccination. This organization reported that “that since
vaccination has been rendered obligatory, infantile syphilis
(under one year old) has been increased in England,

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according to a Parliamentary return, dated February 25th,
1880, from 472 per million of births in 1847, to 1,736 per
million in 1877, or fourfold; and that other inoculable
diseases, such as pyaemia, scrofula, erysipelas, and
bronchitis, were also augmented in infants. In England, the
increase of inoculable diseases was 20 percent,
notwithstanding an expenditure of 200 millions sterling since
1850 in sanitary works. Another Parliamentary return (No.
443, Session 1877) demonstrates that 25,000 babies are
yearly sacrificed by diseases excited by vaccination

International Anti-Vaccination League points against vaccination 1880

[See: Deaths and smallpox vaccination quotes]

"The blood-brain barrier is not intact in infants

until at least 6 weeks of life. This is why a newborn with a
fever must be subjected to a spinal tap to rule out
meningitis. Any virus or bacteria that a newborn is exposed
to can go directly to the nervous system. This is why the
Hepatitis B vaccine at birth is so dangerous… I think this
normal delay in the forming of a blood-brain barrier is an
important piece of the puzzle and one of the reasons for the
surge of autism in the 90's."----Mary Barbera RN, MSN

"A single vaccine given to a six-pound newborn is the

equivalent of giving a 180-pound adult 30 vaccinations on
the same day
… Further, it is very well known that infants
do not produce significant levels of bile or have adult renal
capacity for several months after birth. Bilary transport is
the major biochemical route by which mercury is removed
from the body, and infants cannot do this very well. They
also do not possess the renal (kidney) capacity to remove
aluminium. Additionally, mercury is a well-known inhibitor
of kidney function."--Boyd Haley Ph.D.

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Chapter 7

An Aborted


in My



f over 25,000 living babies were “yearly scarified” in 1880

by vaccination-caused diseases, then we must address the
dead babies or aborted fetuses that are used to create the
vaccinations in the first place.

The AMB Biotechnology website reveals the following:

mandated vaccinations provide over $5.4 billion dollars in

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annual revenue to the pharmaceutical industry. Of this, over
$1.2 billion dollars is generated by the sale of vaccines
produced using aborted fetal cell lines.
Two of the
childhood vaccines recommended by ACIP (the Centers for
Disease Control Advisory Committee for Immunization
Practices) are only available in the US as products produced
using aborted fetal cell lines; the rubella and the chickenpox

Rubella is clinically named: RA273 (R=Rubella,

A=Abortus, 27=27th fetus, 3=3rd tissue explant) cultivated
on WI-38 cell line.

“The Chickenpox, Hepatitis-A and MMR vaccines
were developed using aborted fetal cell lines, MRC-5
and WI-38. This has never been hidden from the
public. When parents take their children to the doctor
for inoculations, who asks for the package inserts?
Who asks for a list of the vaccine ingredients? Most
parents want to know the risks and possible side
effects. Parents are mostly concerned with the health
of their children as some doctors are. Doctors have
been administering the vaccines for years. Yet, how
many of them have ever checked into the
ingredients? This has always been right at their
fingertips. What would happen if they did? They
would read that the vaccine contains ‘MRC-5’, ‘WI-
38’ (or both) ‘human diploid cell lines’.
“In the present case, human lives were taken in order
to provide cells for research and, in some cases,
precisely to qualify for federal grants; in the case of
vaccines, tissues were taken following abortions

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performed for unrelated reasons.” (The NCCB
Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, Vol. 12, No. 4
Aug-Sept 2001, The Human Embryo as Research
Commodity Special Edition)
It was the intent of the abortionist and the researcher
to destroy these babies specifically for vaccine
manufacturing. But first, the abortions had to be
pre-arranged so the researchers were available to
immediately preserve the tissues

"In order to sustain 96% of the cells, the live tissue
would need to be preserved within 5 minutes of the
abortion" [Dr. C. Ward Kischer, Embryologist and
Emeritus Professor of Anatomy; Specialist in Human
Embryology, University of Arizona College of
Medicine (Tucson, Arizona) Personal interview 7-02,
ALL Conference]

“Truth About Vaccines,” Sep 16, 2009,

It would seem hypocritical to fund a pro-life group

who is not also actively campaigning and educating
against vaccinations.
My purpose is not to draw moral lines
as much as to say that we can’t have it both ways: rejecting
abortion and accepting vaccinations.

Churches who decry abortion have a responsibility to

instruct their parishioners to make a conscientious objection
with regard to vaccinations. If they believe it is morally and
ethically wrong to cut short a life, then they must become
more involved in leading the charge for political activism
against the vaccinations that drive the profitable abortion

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Pro-life readers, once armed with this knowledge also

have an obligation to inform their church and the
organizations who decry abortion of this material. If these
groups do not make a public stand, then I would suggest
voting with your feet. It’s about time the church is made to
take responsibility for the state of our nation(s).

For some reason, parishioners feel that their obligations

to God allow them to turn a blind eye to the operational
tactics of churches who do not protect in practice the
messages touted from the pulpits.

For instance, you can not preach liberty of the soul

with any integrity unless you are also training your
church attendees about how to reclaim political, financial
and physical liberty.

In our book, Secret Frequencies of Quantum Creation,

my husband and I write a segment on the need for the
churches to fulfill their obligation to minister to the WHOLE
person. Excerpts below:

Unfortunately, some churches have become huge
money-making rackets today. Next time you are
traveling down a poor neighborhood, take note of
how many times a huge, fancy church edifice will be
sitting in the midst. Something is wrong with this
Granted, people want a beautiful place to congregate;
there is nothing wrong with that. But when the on-
going extraction of funds is not deposited back to
help the people who worship there, then there is a

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Some people say, “Well, the house of God must be
cared for best of all.” But the “church” isn’t a
building. It is in the hearts and lives of PEOPLE.
That’s what it says in the Bible. When there are
church members who can’t afford to get the health
treatments they need and their physical temple is
being destroyed at the cost of having erected a
religious brick and mortar building, why should this
be the case?
In reality, more churches would become successful if
ministers would begin giving their people what they
need. For a long time, we have been proponents of
practical sermons for daily life. A minister’s
congregation had fallen to about 50 people. One day
he was made aware of the need to start teaching
people how to lead a full and happy life, how to
prosper, establish harmonious human relationships,
build a business or profession and how to be healthy.
The preacher began practicing what he preached and
demonstrated these laws of life from his pulpit. In
just three months, he had built up his church to over
Many people don’t know that in the Old Testament,
the tithe a person gave to their priests was given back
to needy people who lived in a very small
geographical circle – likely one’s own extended
family. This raised the standard of living for all. They
were reaping what they were sowing. When does
common sense have to be at odds with faith? Of
course, the people who want you to send it all to their
religious project don’t want you to consider this fact.
And this lack of truth is keeping people poor.

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Also, the ministers of the church back in New
Testament times were men who knew about essential
oils (the highest resonating and healing plant
substance on the planet) so giving a tithe to the local
pastor would have been an investment in the health of
one’s own family. These elders of the church were to
lay hands on the sick, anoint them with oil and pray
for them. These ancient healers were revered because
they knew so much about spiritual and physical
healing tools. They were practitioners. These healers
weren’t slapping on a bottle of putrefied olive oil
and merely telling you to trust in the symbolism.
They knew specifically
which potent oils could fix
specific diseases.
It would be like giving your doctor
a stipend out of your wages to stay healthy. [This is
what people do in the East].
How much better to invest in natural remedies and
better still, buy the proper nutrients to stay well. We
offer affordable cardio testing for churches and
businesses. 50% of heart attacks have no prior
symptoms and we’ve seen reversal of heart
conditions in a short period of time with a Nobel
Prize breakthrough (see our website). Thankfully,
there are increasingly more companies and religious
institutes educating about drug-free alternatives to
specific conditions as well as highlighting the need
for vitamin and mineral supplementation.

Church leaders, who care about the welfare of
their parishioners will right now, be doing
everything in their power to stand against
freedom and health-obstructing legislation.
seriously question the ability of any leader to

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adequately care for their flock, if legal health choice
preservation is not a vital part of their program.
Further, if money is being taken in each week in
tithes and offerings and nothing is being extended
towards efforts that will keep their people free from
the wiles of drug company “foxes” who are stealing
from their sheep and throwing into them into
financial ruin (medical bills are the #1 cause of
bankruptcy in the United States), then for what are
people parting with a whopping 10% of their

Book found at:

Those who carry zero empathy for the plight of the

unborn child (are at least honest about their indifference), but
I must hold accountable those who purport a moral stance
against abortion and yet once informed, do nothing to
broadcast an outcry against vaccinations.

In “The Fetus As Transplant Donor the Scientific,

Social, and Ethical Perspectives”, author Peter McCullough,
(who is an immunologist at the University of Western
Australia) outlines some of the technologies which have
been used to get fetal brain tissue for the creation of
vaccinations. For example, he talks about how in Sweden
they have been puncturing the sac of a pregnant woman from
seven to 16 weeks. “They put a clamp on the head of the
baby, pull the head down into the neck of the womb, drill a
hole into the baby's head, and then put a suction machine
into the brain and extract the brain cells

Fetal liver and kidney were rapidly removed and

weighed. Now at 21 weeks, what they were doing, or 18
weeks, or 16 weeks, was what are called prostaglandin

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abortions. They would inject a substance into the womb. The
woman would then go into mini-labor and pass this baby.
50% of the time, the baby would be born alive, but that didn't
stop them. They would just simply open up the abdomen of
the baby with no anesthesia, and take out the liver and

“Truth About Vaccines,” Sep 16, 2009,

The embryonic kidney cells are used as a host to

support the growth of many viruses in the manufacture of
vaccinations. According to Dr. Philip Brunel, Chief Medical
Editor of ‘Infectious Diseases in Children’, March 2003,
“They provided an almost ideal substrate for the production
of some of the vaccines we now use. Before the discovery of
these cells, some vaccines were grown in avian eggs or cells
derived from avian embryos. Other vaccines (eg, polio) were
grown in kidney cells obtained by killing monkeys. In
contrast to the human diploid cells, each time cells were
required, a monkey had to be killed to obtain their kidney to
produce cell cultures. This not only put a drain on the
monkey population but also carried the risk of harboring
monkey viruses, e.g., SV40, which is known to be oncogenic
in some species. Also, some of the monkeys bit handlers and
infected them with herpes B virus, which was often fatal.”

Apparently, it was an outrage to thin the monkey

population by killing these creatures for their kidney tissue,
but human abortions have provided an alternative that is
acceptable to the medical companies that make vaccinations.

What are the spiritual ramifications to injecting aborted

tissue into millions of our nation(s) newborn babies?

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“Miscarried babies cannot be used in the production
of vaccines since most miscarriages are due to
chromosomal abnormality and therefore renders the
tissue too dangerous to use in case there is any
transference of disease into the vaccinated person.
Early embryonic cells can also not be used as they
are not large enough to take a tissue sample from,
therefore all unborn children used in vaccine
production must be over the age of 12 weeks
gestation and without any genetic abnormality.”

Source: “Vaccination and Abortion”

Human fetal cell line WI-38 has been used in the

production of the following vaccinations: Measles, Mumps,
Rubella and Chickenpox. Erling Norrby confesses, “One of
my duties as a young student in the laboratory in Stockholm
was to dissect human fetuses from legal abortions and send
organs to the Wistar Institute.” Such material was the source
of many important studies of cell lines of the Institute, such
as Leonard Hayflick's study of WI-38.”

Norrby, Erling "Listen to the Music: The Life of Hilary Koprowski (review)",

Perspectives in Biology and Medicine - Volume 44, Number 2, Spring 2001, pp. 304-306

Next time you jump in line for that quick little jab

which is nonchalantly touted by your M.D., media and health
official as a “must-have”, consider the ramification of
introducing foreign DNA into your cells. What are the
physical and spiritual consequences of willingly hosting
dead human tissue in your cells?

Ever without contemplating any faith-based concerns,

what are the scientific consequences of mutated cross-DNA

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Has our “modern” vaccination medicine taking us back

into the stone age of cannibalism? Injecting or ingesting – is
there really a difference between the two?

You decide.

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Chapter 8

Why Pass the Bio

Defense and

Pandemic Vaccine

and Drug

Development Act?


he Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug

Development Act of 2005 (S. 1873), nicknamed "Bioshield
Two" and sponsored by Senator Richard Burr (R-North
Carolina), strips Americans of the right to jury trial if harmed

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by an experimental drug or vaccine if they are forced to take
it in a public health emergency. If WHO or government
agents decide that a potential threat is looming, they can
enforce this vile piece of legislation on such a whim.

This unconstitutional bill and others such as The United

States Emergency Medical Powers Acts and Federal
legislation, including the Patriot Acts I, II and III,
Biomedical Advance Research and Development Authority
(BARDA) and others provide for mandatory vaccination or
drugging. These are aimed at protecting the interests of
pharmaceutical companies over your own, and some go as to
provide tax-payer funded subsidies.

In fact, if you doubt the effectiveness of unproved

vaccinations, you are called a "Vaccine Resister" and being
equated to a new form of "terrorism." Those who refuse will
be classified as felons.

A new law just passed in Massachusetts imposes fines

of up to $1000 per day and up to a 30 day jail sentence for
not obeying authorities during a public health emergency. So
if you are instructed to take the swine flu vaccine in
Massachusetts and you refuse, you could be facing fines that
will bankrupt you and a prison sentence on top of that.


“Bioshield” and other legislature has become a drug

company’s dream legislation, but your nightmare. It’s no
wonder that much of the support for the Bioshield bill came
from Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of
America (PhRMA) and its members.


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If you take the vaccination (forcefully or voluntarily),

and have a negative reaction to it, you are stripped of all
your rights to recourse
as an American citizen.

Why would this be necessary if the proposed

vaccinations were safe?

Just how negative could a “reaction” be?
Pharmaceutical makers of inoculation campaigns would

prefer the media never make mention of the way Americans
reacted when they were subjected to the harmful MMR
(measles-mumps-rubella) or DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-
tetanus) which resulted in nearly $2 billion in damages.

Neither do they want attention drawn to the cumulative

fall-out suffered when the last swine flu shot was
administered in bulk.

By 1977, after the swine flu vaccinations and more than

500 case of Guillain-Barré Syndrome had been reported, a
wave of law suits began. Eventually, the U.S. government
would end up paying victims and their families,
approximately $90 million in damages.

“Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999: Controlof Infectious

Diseases.” MMWR 48, no. 29 (July 30, 1999): 621-29,

Not surprisingly, private insurance companies have

totally abandoned coverage for damage to life and property
due to:

• Acts of God
• Nuclear war and nuclear power plant accidents
• Vaccination

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The United Kingdom paid out for 900 children with

serious brain damage from DPT vaccines. Yet despite this,
the Department of Health insists the vaccines are safe.

William Wain whose son Paul suffered brain damage as

a result of the Smallpox and Pertussis Vaccines, is outraged,
"It now transpires that during the Clinical Trials children did
in fact suffer severe and irreversible brain damage as a result
of the Pertussis Vaccine and accepted as such by Medical
Experts appointed by the Department of Health... It is now
an established fact that the present figure now stands at over
900 which is an absolute disgrace in a civilized country."

Wm. H. Wain,

One of the chief claims of groups critical of

vaccinations is that the SIDS rate dropped in Japan after the
age for the DTP vaccination was raised from 2 months to
two years.

Author Viera Scheibner of Vaccination: 100 Years of

Orthodox Research shows that Vaccines Represent a
Medical Assault on the Immune System
repeatedly made the
claim that after the Japanese changed their pertussis
immunization policy in 1975, the phenomenon of SIDS
(Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) completely and
immediately disappeared.

The Japanese government paid out 11 claims for

"Sudden Death" in that time period under a vaccination
compensation system.

When the Philippines began a ten-year campaign of

vaccination against smallpox, the death rate rose from 10%
to 74%.

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Public outcry has already started in America due to

the possible insertion of the oil-based adjuvant, squalene in
the Swine Flu Vaccination. Many researchers have linked
Gulf War Illness with the anthrax vaccines [contained
squalene] administered to our soldiers since many of those
diagnosed were never deployed overseas… military as well
as civilian doctors have come forward to confirm this.

Note: Dr. Bill Deagle, M.D., our guest of the second

night of our teleconference on the Swine Flu (of which you
can get a recording by subscribing to ValYOU), asserts that
the squalene in the 2009 Swine Flu vaccinations are 1000
times stronger
than the content in the anthrax vaccinations
taken by these Gulf War military victims of experimental
inoculations. As a physician working with these cases, he
learned first-hand the devastation. When he promised to
blow the whistle on the dirty fiasco, his life was threatened.
Clearly, there are powerful people behind this vaccination
campaign. No wonder he is anxious to warn people not to
take the Swine Flu Vaccination.

Did you know that most vaccinations contain some of

the following: Formaldehyde (a disinfectant and known
carcinogen), Aluminum (a neurotoxin), Acetone, Triton X-
, Phenol (disinfectant/dye), Ethylene glycol (antifreeze),
Methylparaben (antifungal/preservative), Pig and Horse
, Cow Pox Pus, Rabbit brain, Dog kidney tissue.,
Aborted Fetus Tissue, Thimerosal (49.6% mercury) and
other immune suppressing agents?

Formaldehyde is a very toxic compound that has been

used for embalming. Strict safety measures are employed to
reduce the exposure to the person doing the embalming. A
funeral home director told me that he is finding that
rigamortis (stiffening of the body after death) is setting in

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faster now – he says it is because of all the preservatives that
the human body already has in it before death!

The Swine Flu vaccination is reported to contain

Thimerosal as a preservative. It is 49.6% mercury by
weight. You’ve probably heard of thimerosal in relation to

- Dr. Andrew Weil, “Health and Healing”

“Because scientists breed bacteria and virus strains in
such nasty things as rotten eggs, sheep guts, monkey
brains and fetal diploid tissue (minced aborted babies),
they have to preserve it. The cheapest way is
thimerosal, a mercury derivative that is a highly toxic
heavy metal that attacks every organ and system in
your body. Mercury is strongly implicated in
Alzheimer’s disease and the epidemic of autism in
vaccinated children. To make thimerosal, scientists
start with elemental mercury. Then, they hop it up
1,000 times by converting it to ethyl mercury. Then,
they add aluminum to the vaccine that has a synergistic
effect with the mercury, causing it to be 10,000 times
more toxic than elemental mercury. Mercury is used to
sterilize the flu vaccine. Consider this insanity:
Researchers tell us that it's unsafe to touch or swallow
the mercury from a broken thermometer yet it's
perfectly acceptable to inject the same poison directly
into your body through a vaccine. How is the human
body supposed to build immunity by being exposed to
neuro-toxic poisons like mercury and formaldehyde?
Don't worry. Your doctor knows what's best for you!”


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Mercury inhibits a number of energy-generating

enzymes and antioxidant systems – it lowers your immune
system. And yet, ironically, the flu shot is supposed to build
our immune system. Isn’t that the inference given when you
are instructed to trot off to your doctor at the mere mention
of a newscaster authoritatively admonishing: “Its flu
vaccination time?”

In layman’s terms let me explain what happens when

you get Mercury in your system. Imagine your nerves like
the palm of your hand. The fingers are the peripheral nerve
tentacles that reach out and spark a reaction – causing the
synapses to fire off information between the nerves. Those
fingers are what provide the connectivity in the brain and
other places where nerves are congregated. When mercury
gets introduced into the body, those fingers get fried... all the
way back to the core – or core palm of the nerve. Imagine
your fingers like nylon where someone lights a match to the
tip and it shrivels up. That’s what happens. After you’ve
gotten a big dose of mercury in your system, you may have a
lot of potential floating around in that brain of yours, but the
information just doesn’t get connected the way it should.

Now, for a child, when this mercury hits them, their

systems can react violently. Autism jumped from a rate of 1
in 5000 to now 1 in 67. One doesn’t have to have great
powers of deduction to conclude that this spike isn’t merely
the result of a “genetic default.”

Every 20 minutes a new autism case is added at a cost

of $3 per child, $90 per year for this epidemic that will hit
every pocket and school budget. When Polio reached 1 in
3,000 it was considered an epidemic, yet the CDC still
denies that the autism epidemic exists whereas according to
the Department of Education autism has now reached 1 in

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And the rate of autism in Great Britain has been cited to

be as high as 1 in 58 (socialized medicine hasn’t helped their

Gallup, Raymond and Yazbak, Dr. Edward, "When 1 in 150 is really 1 in


“The U.S. has one of the highest infant mortality rates
of all industrialized nations. The five countries (of those
30) with the lowest infant mortality rates give less than
one-third the number of vaccines the U.S. mandates, and
their autism rates are as little as one-tenth of ours… Our
national media (including Public Radio) receive billions of
dollars in pharmaceutical sponsorship and advertising, and
are generally uncritical of the vaccine program. Former
National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Bernadine Healy
noted a study that found delaying the DTP vaccine by
just a few months decreased by 50 percent the risk that
a child develops asthma

Not even our dogs and cats receive thimerosal in
vaccines; for them, it was removed in 1992. When too
many vaccines overwhelm our pets' immune systems, it's
called vaccinosis. There is no such diagnosis in humans.”

“Dr. Frank Engly, a researcher who served on the CDC,
FDA and EPA during the '70s and '80s, said, ‘The CDC
cannot afford to admit thimerosal is toxic because they
have been promoting it for several years ‘

“A recent report on CBS' "60 Minutes" revealed that,
Congressmen are outnumbered 2 to 1 by lobbyists for
the pharmaceutical industry that spends roughly $100
million a year in campaign contributions and lobbying
expenses to protect its profits.’
" In fact, there have been
over 1,500 bills placed in front of the House of
Representatives over the last eight years dealing with
pharmaceutical issues -- and the drug companies, almost

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without exception, have gotten what they wanted."
Pharmaceutical executives are also allowed to sit on CDC
advisory boards where vaccine recommendations are

“Drug companies abuse power by quashing evidence linking vaccines to

autism,” Nicole Crosby, 03 May 2009,

An employee’s nephew developed autism the day after

his vaccinations. Now, because of public protests, it has been
asserted that manufactures have taken Thimerosal out of
children’s inoculations – but they are apparently still putting
it in flu vaccinations!

In the United States, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, a

Harvard-trained emerging diseases expert, and Sherri Kane,
an investigative journalist, have released evidence in legal
affidavits that leaders of a private global biotechnology
“trust” behind the pandemic flu, including its origin and
alleged prevention via vaccinations.


Horowitz, in a Sept. 26, 2009 news release entitled,

“America's H1N1 Expert Says Scientists Are Clueless About
Immune System Reactions to Vaccinations,Dr. Leonard
specifically exposed the connection between America's
leading promoter of getting vaccinated for the H1N1 flu, Dr.
Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for
Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the drug
companies who mutually stand to benefit from a pandemic.

Horowitz first declares the practice of vaccinations are

“outlandishly barbaric and horrific, with risks far worse than
using blood-letting leeches," then he goes on to say, "Dr.

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Fauci's statement evidences the fraud and ignorance
underlying vaccination programs in general… Fauci admits
being clueless about the fundamentals of immunity operating
bioenergetically or electro-genetically, not chemically, that
vaccine proponents criminally neglect to prosper by
poisoning people."

Excerpts from the rest of the article are below:

"There's no possible way these "fast-track trials," lasting
only six weeks, can assure safety," Dr. Horowitz warns.
"Most vaccine injuries occur months, not weeks,
following injection.

In evidencing Dr. Fauci's fraud, Dr. Horowitz encourages
everyone to discern author reliability. Fauci is the senior
author of a recent article in the New England Journal of
that neglected important historical facts
concerning the genetics of this novel H1N1 virus.(See:
NEJM Vol. 361;3:225-229, July 16, 2009) Other authors
in the same publication provided more thorough
disclosures supporting Dr. Horowitz's claim that
"laboratory sourced" outbreaks occurred in 1977 and
probably by military experiment in 1976.

"This H1N1 flu virus was also "laboratory sourced," Dr
Horowitz says. It is clearly a combination of Asian bird,
Mexican pig, and human corpse virus from the 1918
Spanish flu that vaccine-makers dug up despite protests by
scientists worldwide."

In Horowitz's view, Fauci is guilty of "gross criminal
negligence" and "drug prostitution" with direction from
the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It is material fact
that the CIA, David Rockefeller, and associates in the
Partnership for New York City (PNYC) including Co-
Chairman Rupert Murdoch,

news releases and

dissemination of intelligence by Fauci's agency, the

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NIAID, and "biopreparedness" policies generally, for
"national security" according to their own documents and
the Washington Post.

"Pro-vaccine propagandists like Fauci never openly
discuss the risk of bioengineered "live" viruses for
vaccines that might mutate further. The H1N1 vaccine's
virus was designed to mutate easily for splicing together
deadly genes. More recombination is assured as new
mutants circulate through live-bodies worldwide," Dr.
Horowitz said.

"This is a compelling reason to stop vaccinating people
immediately," Dr. Horowitz explains. "People need to
wake up and reject these vaccinations. It's insane to
advance this H1N1 vaccine program knowing the
likelihood of creating worse pandemics, unless your
intention is depopulation

Last week Dr. Horowitz sent the FBI an official

Legal groups are using this affidavit to petition courts for
injunctions against the FDA and state health officials that
are certifying the new flu vaccines" safety. Toxicology
science proves otherwise.

Dr. Horowitz's affidavit provides several indicting
disclosures regarding Dr. Fauci, including his close
friendship with the infamous AIDS researcher Dr. Robert
Gallo, credited for allegedly co-discovering HIV. Dr.
Fauci is a co-patent holder on an ingredient used in the
new vaccines for AIDS and H1N1 flu.
The chemical is
called interkeukin-2 (IL-2) and it is thought to boost
cellular immunity. (See patent No. 5,696,079; Dec. 9,
1997) Fauci credits Gallo for his co-discoveries in the
field advancing IL-2, the "immunologic enhancement" of
vaccines and other "geneto-pharmaceuticals." This
discovery is central to all gene therapies and the future of

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vaccines. The assignee on this patent is "The United States
of America as represented by the Department of Health"
that licensed IL-2 to CHIRON Corporation for use with
other vaccine additives called "adjuvants."

The Associated Press reported that Fauci received at
least $45,072.82 in royalties
when the government
licensed IL-2 to CHIRON, the drug industry's major
supplier of chemicals. The IL-2 adjuvant is formulated
with other toxic chemicals including nonoxynol-9, a
spermicide and HIV-killer linked to spontaneous
abortions, and thimerosal, causing brain damage and
widespread autism in children.

Fauci, allegedly, donated his IL-2 royalties to charity to
avoid conflict-of-interest charges. But he admitted it was
his decision to withhold disclosures to patients and
reporters researching IL-2 in the trials that he supervised.

CHIRON Corporation makes the leading adjuvant for
the H1N1 "swine flu" vaccine named "MF59."
product also contains a tremendously toxic "oil in water"
immuno-poison called squalene. Substantial scientific
evidence and US Congressional testimonies condemned
squalene's link to Gulf War Syndrome following its use in
anthrax vaccines. Squalene is even more concentrated in
the H1N1 flu vaccines
produced for sales overseas by the
American-based Baxter Corporation.

"I am aware that IL-2 is the "common denominator"
among immune system functions, and can cause severe
side effects," Dr. Horowitz wrote for

. Dr.

Horowitz remains concerned that CHIRON may be adding
IL-2 in is "proprietary" formula secreting this knowledge
so that Fauci's conflicting interests, and close ties to
leading drug industrialists, go unnoticed. In a recent study,
IL-2 caused no benefit whatsoever stimulating the
immune systems of 5,800 subjects at a cost of $85

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million. CHIRON and taxpayers paid the tab.

Yet, more

money and time will be spent researching Fauci's co-
discovery to advance next generation vaccines and

“America's H1N1 Expert Says Scientists Are Clueless About Immune

System Reactions to Vaccinations,Sept. 26, 2009, News Release, Sherri Kane.

No wonder this swine flu vaccination has sparked an

international outcry.

Germans are filing lawsuits against the State of Berlin

for actions regarding the Swine Flu.

Criminal charges have been filed in France against the

French Health Minister Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin, the
Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux and the Minister of Justice
Madame Michèle Alliot-Marie for their role in preparing a
forced swine flu mass vaccination campaign.


In New Zealand, 40,000 warnings against taking the

Swine Flu Vaccinations have been letter boxed in the central
Auckland area alone.

It is not necessary that officials get caught in the cross-

fire of such an outcry, when there are alternatives available
to the inoculation.

Canada’s decision to include body bags in a flu-supply

shipment of vaccines to Northern Manitoba Indian reserves
created a national uproar.

No thanks to most of the medical profession, the

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mainstream news media or the governments of this planet,
the public is nevertheless getting educated about the swine

The “Biodefence and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug

Development Act” was not the first time a government has
sought to protect its pet pharmaceutical cronies. In Canada,
medical verbiage was changed to cover the tracks of
vaccination-created polio: “In June of 1959... all non-
paralytic cases of poliomyelitis were to be henceforth
recorded as 'meningitis, viral or aseptic,' a disease which
itself only became reportable in 1952 (Canada).”

Catherine Diodati MA (Immunization History, Ethics, Law and Health


The good news is that there is an increasing divide in

the opinions of government medical personnel. Dr. J.
Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and
research virologist of the US FDA courageously blew that
whistle when he reported, “There is a great deal of
evidence to prove that immunization of children does
more harm than good.”

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Chapter 9

Road Blocks,

Detention Camps

and Other

Diabolical Plans


hen in office, President George W. Bush spoke

repeatedly of a “Military Takeover In Case Of A Flu
Outbreak.” (CNN October 4 & 5, 2005) and possible
quarantine of the victims of bird flu!

The Posse Comitatus Act, (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on

June 18, 1878, prohibits federal military personnel from

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acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United
States. This prohibition includes the use of the National
Guard during peacetime. This means our military cannot
march the streets policing the citizens as occurred during
Nazi Germany days. This law was designed to keep us safe
from tyranny.

So how did the administration intend to get around this

rather substantial law upon which many American have
placed comfort? Simple: overturn it with a countering piece
of legislation.

Public Law 109-364, known as the "John Warner

Defense Authorization Act of 2007" (H.R.5122) (2), which
was signed by the President Bush on October 17, 2006, in a
private Oval Office ceremony, allows any residing President
to declare a "public emergency" and station troops anywhere
in America and take control of state-based National Guard
units without the consent of the governor or local authorities,
in order to "suppress public disorder."

On the very same day, President Bush seized

unprecedented power when he signed the equally odious
Military Commissions Act of 2006. The two laws
complement one another. The former prepares for martial
law and the later for torture and detention.

Section 1076 of the Authorization Act, grants the

Pentagon another $500 billion plus for "Use of the Armed
Forces in Major Public Emergencies
." Section 333," But it
goes further to include interference with State and Federal
law and allows the President to “employ the armed forces,
including the National Guard in Federal service, to restore
public order and enforce the laws of the United States when,
as a result of a natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious

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public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other
condition in any State or possession of the United States, the
President determines that domestic violence has occurred to
such an extent that the constituted authorities of the State or
possession are incapable of ("refuse" or "fail" in)
maintaining public order, "in order to suppress, in any State,
any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination,
or conspiracy."


Greg Evensen, an award winning former Kansas State

Trooper and Kansas Marshall joined us on our recent
teleconference to highlight the 2009 Swine Flu debacle. I
contacted him because I had seen a YouTube video in which
he revealed some rather shocking news from fellow officers.
His sources were informing him that they were bring trained
to co-ordinate roadblocks and mandatory vaccinations.

During that call, Greg Evenson shed even more light on

updates. It seems officials were planning to enforce
inoculation. His contacts, mainly in the Midwest, revealed
that roadblock plans will exist at checkpoint of major
intersections where traffic would be slowed or completely
stopped. Their training involved plans for all documents to
be searched. If the driver and occupants could not produce
evidence of the issued wrist bands or verification that they
had been inoculated, they were to be apprehended and placed
on buses bound for the nearest detention cell.

Yes, this sounded far-fetched. I thought so too. I prefer

to focus on positive news and still believe that our best
defense is to stay mentally fixed on the belief that good
people in our planet will halt evil designs. However, I also

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know that we can remain hopeful, whilst having the courage
to know the facts. In this case, I did what my background as
a television station director has instilled: speak to the source
directly. So I called and talked with Greg in person.

Greg confirmed that these wrist bands would be

encoded with a bar code, “similar to what you see when a
UPS driver does when he scans a package in just a matter of

Naturally, this divulgence caused quite a stir when he

first shared this on YouTube and as a result, he received
thousands of calls from across the country. But just a few
days before our conference call on September 17


, 2009,

Greg received information that a story had broken which
confirmed his own sources.

The Boston Globe reported that the Boston city’s health

department has used this very wrist band tracking technology
that Greg revealed seven months ago. It seemed to
corroborate Greg’s assertions and that it is being put out by a
company in Milwaukee Wisconsin called EMSystems who is
in conjunction with a global security company with a focus
to provide tracking systems.

Boston launches flu shot tracking” Stephen Smith, The Boston Globe,

November 21, 2008,

“U.S. Gravediggers to be Fully Employed; Surprised?” Greg Evensen -

September 19, 2009,

Many month’s before, Greg had received a call from a

staff member at a hospital in Milwaukee Wisconsin, who
reported that workers there had observed a semi-trailer truck
pull up and unload pallets upon pallets of wrist bands with
tracking and encoded capabilities.

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My first response to this news was similar to many

others, “Oh… no. Not more of this diatribe.” Then it
occurred to me that we have heard so much about the
imminent mandatory distribution of I.D. tracking devices
that we have become desensitized. I imagine the citizens of
Nazi Germany heard many third-party reports before it
touched them first-hand.

My intelligence sources around the globe reveal that

there are numerous technologies and methods of
implementing human tracking that exist. Which one raises
to the top is anybody’s guess. Already there are human
guinea pigs with the chip infused under their skin. But if or
when they will be widely implemented still remains to be
seen. Our diligence can keep the impact contained and, better
still, halt it.

We need to make sure we do not confuse the Bible

scripture’s explanation of tribulation with an endorsement.
Prophecy should be considered a helpful warning, not a
warped predetermination by a sadistic deity.
“Have I any
pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord
GOD: and not that he should return from his ways, and
Ezekiel 18:23.

Judging by the tone of some preachers, you’d think they

get satisfaction from human suffering.

By contrast, suppose these prophetic warnings were

only to protect. What would they be protecting us from? In
Revelation 16:2, those who received this device became
inflicted by “a noisome and grievous sore” in those places
were they were marked.

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Well, let’s step back from a religious focus, and

concentrate only on the medical ramifications of receiving a
chip in one’s body.

We already know that millions of pets now carry a

microchip. The public has been told that his chip is “safe”
and that is can be easily administered under the skin similar
to a vaccination. This tiny injectable chip contains a one-of-
a-kind identification and is recognized worldwide.

What are we not being told about the health risks of

these chips to the animals who have received them?

Jeanne, the owner of “an unforgettable French Bulldog

named Léon, created a website in memory of her beloved
pet: The story begins: “In April 2004, Léon was diagnosed
with a fibrosarcoma (cancer) at the site of his microchip
This location (dorsal neck/interscapular area) is
also commonly used to vaccinate dogs, cats and other
animals. As a result of Léon’s vaccine and/or microchip-
induced fibrosarcoma, I started asking a few questions. And
those questions led to many frightening and disheartening
answers which revealed that Léon’s health problems were
man-made. The answers also revealed that the
pharmaceutical companies, medical community and those
who are meant to protect us are fully aware of these
problems, yet blindly and recklessly steer us down the same
misguided and ill-fated path. [For the full introduction to
Leon's exceptional story and the scientific studies about
implants visit


It appears now in retrospect that while pet owners may

no longer need to fear losing their pets, they have sacrificed
the pet’s longevity. That little chip has a receiver that
connects to a satellite, which in turn targets radiation to

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the spot in the body where the chip was injected. This
constant exposure to radiation results in a cancerous sore at
that location which may also spread to other parts of the

While humans may not have a chip INSIDE them as

yet, we certainly can gauge the results of having radiation in
close proximity to the body.

World renown physician and author, Dr. Sherry Rogers,

cautions that cell phones’ electron radiation smog causes
Leaky Brain Syndrome, and that radio frequency
electromagnetic fields make the blood-brain barrier so leaky
that even large blood proteins like albumen, which are also
the carriers for a lot of drugs and chemicals in the body, pass
right through into the brain where they damage the neurons.
This leakage also allows an onslaught of heavy metals
into the brain and it happens within a few hours of
exposure. Once it is triggered, the leaking lasts as much
as eight weeks after one exposure
. Therefore, many other
environmental chemicals can pass into the brain and
stockpile during this time.

Dr. George Carlo, the cell phone industry’s former

chief scientist, whom I interviewed just after he was invited
to address the British Parliament, wrote an alarming book on
the extreme health hazards posed by wireless communication
devices. The book is titled Cell Phones, Invisible Hazards in
the Wireless Age
. His findings on the dangers posed by the
microwave radiation from cell phone antennas – disrupting
cardiac pacemakers, penetrating the developing skulls of
children, compromising the blood-brain barrier, and most
startlingly, inflicting genetic damage that is a known
diagnostic marker for cance

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"Would You Put Your Head in a Microwave Oven?"

subtitled Radiation Hazard By Gerald Goldberg, MD is
probably the most poignantly posed refuter to those who say
we should throw all caution to the wind. The lead-on
question is: "If it can cook my food, why wouldn't it cook
my brain?

Robert O. Becker, M.D. showed in his 1990 book,

Cross Currents, The Perils of Electropollution, how our
human bodies and immune systems are being adversely
affected by man-made electromagnetic fields from power
lines, radar, microwaves, satellites, ham radios, cell phones,
computers, video display terminals, and even electric
appliances. In his book, Dr. Becker pointed out that
electroradiation once considered safe, is now correlated
with increases in cancer, birth defects, depression,
learning disabilities, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Alzheimer ’s disease and Sudden Death Syndrome.

Since the introduction of Cell Phones…
• Brain Cancer rates in America have increased 25%

• Testicular Cancer is up 50%

• Sperm Counts are down 35%
With l.6 billion people using cell phones worldwide,

this may be the largest clinical trial ever conducted on the
human race. Does that alarm you?

Granted, there are other mitigating factors besides cell

phones, but scientists fear that cell phones and cordless
phones create the greatest risks for our children because their
skulls are smaller and thinner, and radiation is able to
penetrate more easily. Studies show that brain tumors have
replaced leukemia as the number one life-threatening disease

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for children in Australia, Europe and the UK. Brain tumors
are the number 2 killer of our children in the US.

All this to say that the combination of a radiation

attracting chip within the human body has got to be even
worse than the impact we have already seen with cell phones
outside the body. (For a solution to combat electromagnetic
radiation (EMR), you can visit: our website’s “Physical
Freedom” directory on the sidebar (

Remember that exposure to EMR is cumulative!

This means that the medical risks increase the longer you do
nothing to protect yourself against their stress on the human
body. When combined with massive injections of toxic
substances such as those found in vaccinations, the immune
system goes into a state of shock and cannot withstand the
assault. Bear in mind that when the last swine flu shots were
given in the 1970’s they not only were much less potent, but
we also did not have a population with long term exposure to
cell phone radiation.

When scientists wish to induce cancer in lab animals

exposed to experimental radiation, they often prime them
first with a CARCINOGENIC chemical – such as those
found in vaccinations!
If you could put a tracking device
into the bodies of a population you want to thin and at the
same time
inject the carcinogens to fast-track that deadly
ticking time bomb – you’ve saved yourself a lot of time and
bother. And because this destruction takes place over time,
few – if any could prove that you were a homicidal maniac.

It would be the perfect mass murder tool!
Then to boot – you would make money on sickness-

care as these people were dying. Their families loose their
loved ones and their money – all the same time to you. Yes,

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for the maniacal murderer, this would be the perfect plan to

In his article, “The Chip is at the Tip of the Needle,”

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer (New German Medicine), wrote:
“Yesterday, 27 August 2009, I was giving an introductory
talk about German New Medicine (GNM) near Vienna,
Austria. My wife was with me and about 40 listeners. At the
end as part of the discussion the swine flu was mentioned
and a lady got up and declared the following: A friend of
hers works for a pharmaceutical company in Vienna and told
her that the swine flu injection needles indeed contain
nano particles in their very tip
, which cannot be detected
with the naked eye but are clearly visible with as little as a
12 times magnifying microscope like children’s toy
microscopes. The staff of the pharmaceutical company was
advised that these nano particles work in the human body
like a motherboard in the computer and lots of data can
be stored on it, which will make cash cards obsolete.
measure was also intended to do an accurate census and to
protect babies, as many mothers would simply “discard”
their newborn, without knowledge of the authorities.

“This lady further disclosed that she was working in the

medical field. She had asked a lawyer who came to her as a
patient how it was possible to avoid being chipped. He told
her that he was aware of the planned chipping of the
population; in fact most upper class members of society were
aware of this plan. For this year no forced vaccinations were
planned but to rather encourage people through the media to
volunteer for the jab.

In case too few would come forward, forced

vaccination was planned for next year. Exempt from those
were certain professional groups like the police, medical

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personnel, politicians etc. Being a lawyer, he knew ways for
himself to avoid the jab, but for the majority of the
population there was no escape.”

In an interview with Dr Gert Hamer (GNM) by Helmut

Pilhar (Engineer) on Wednesday, August 26, 2009, Helmut
asked the following:

Pilhar: Geerd, are you talking about the $1000 fine
and 30 day arrest threats for refusal to take the
vaccination in the US?

Hamer: Yes, but the objectors (death chip opposers
are traitors) are not going to be put into normal
prisons but in especially prepared concentration
camps of which hundreds have been prepared all over
the country


. And you can

leave those only by getting chipped. And once you
are outside it is open season through the death chip.
By chance these people are then going to drop dead
like flies after their release.
Pilhar: Are you talking about the beginning of the
great population cull?
Hamer: It can only mean that. Otherwise it does not
make any sense to get the military and the police
involved, threaten with such draconian penalties, all
just to get the people to participate in a simple
seasonal flu shot campaign. It just does not make any
other sense. Apart from the fact that there cannot
even be a vaccination like that. You vaccinate in
October (northern autumn) for the next summer. That

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is totally laughable. With Tamiflu you can maybe
suppress typical healing phase symptoms for 2-3
weeks and even that is totally brainless in the light of
Pilhar: It is noteworthy that in the US there are
literally as many as 100,000 plastic coffins stock

What for? And apart from that the

population has been systematically stripped of
weapons and protective dogs.
Hamer: You can best understand what the intent is by
what is NOT talked about. One may talk about the
vaccination, but nobody mentions the chip implanting
by name. That is really strange because the chipping
is the obvious issue in the face of these massive
governmental measures. And that the Hitachi chip
works and can be combined with the death chip we
already talked about during the last interview.
The same can be seen in how my GNM (German
New Medicine) fared. For 28 years one was only
allowed to discuss Hamer, the “Unperson”, but not
whether GNM actually works and whether its claims
are repeatable, and can be proven to work, in spite of
30 verified published results. The same applies to
Tamuflu! There are endless discussions about
Tamiflu causing harm but none about the chip. Of
course Tamiflu is harmful, it is a poison. It is also
very damaging in the healing process or in the
vagotonic phase of a pregnancy (last trimester). But
the death chip adds a whole new dimension. That this
death chip is going to be used without concern can be

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seen in the fact that chemo and morphine have been
used without concern in spite of final mortality rates
of 98%, while 98% could have survived with GNM.
Imagine the unscrupulousness of all oncologists, as
they are fully aware that GNM adds up from a
scientific perspective and works.
Pilhar: It is also very strange that the Americans
have created this Martial Law, under which
critics can be easily removed by the thousands and
And once you have chipped the people they
cannot run away from you anymore.
Hamer: It is obvious that this chip battle has been
under preparation for many years. The idiotic swine
flu, that does not even really exist, was actually the
wrong tool: 3 dead pigs and one child, dead from
who knows what, with that they lied and constructed
a worldwide pandemic into existence. But it goes to
show what a well organized world press is able to
achieve: They can turn a mole hill into a mountain.
Pilhar: It started with the AIDS lie, then followed the
BSE lie. After the 9/11 lie followed the Anthrax lie.
Then it was the Bird Flu lie, now it is the Swine Flu
lie. Next year we’ll have the Mice Flu lie.


It all

points to the “Endloesung”, the final solution. When
everybody has a chip then that will constitute the
complete slavery, then everybody can be manipulated
and assassinated arbitrarily.

* Note: I found reference to the “Rat Flu” - “New virus from rats can
kill 80 per cent of human victims,” Simeon Bennett and Tom, The
Sidney Morning Herald, September 15, 2009,

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Hamer: First they jump on the babies and the
pregnant women. They are first to be treated with
chips and Tamiflu. Many of the pregnant women in
their last trimester are going to lose their babies,
because Tamiflu is totally toxic. But also the women
themselves can die, as their bodies are vagotonic
during the last trimester. It is a known fact that
during vagotonia one flu shot or one morphine
injection can be deadly.
In the meantime there seems to be some panic in the
US. Where in the world can you flee to, people are
asking themselves, where will you not be forcibly
injected with the death chip and have one free
moment away from your enemies?
One has to consider realistically what it would be like
to carry this death chip and know that any day you
can simply be switched off by the Centre in Tel Aviv.
You are completely defenseless against that and
complaining won’t do you any good: “If I only had
known...” Therefore it is really important for the
ruling class to keep the people in the dark about it as
long as possible.
Once the slaves have the death chip implanted they
are allowed to know about it. Then they will be like
trained poodles. Nobody will dare to speak up. It will
be like among the Masonic brethren. Everybody
knows that the moment he utters a word of dissent, he
will be served poison in the coffee by the always
Jewish Grand Master and won’t survive another day.
The whole world is going to be a concentration camp

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full of slaves, except for the members of one
religious group. To have the death chip implanted is
the potential personal death sentence at any given
How naive do you have to be to demand of Mossad
and the CIA to disclose what their real intentions are,
“to table the facts”? The mouse never believes the cat
will come.
In a company with several hundred staff, which
produces, or better fills the injection needles for the
chip vaccination, it will only need one or two
“reliable” people to insert the chip at the end. Then
all the other workers can confirm that they knew
nothing. This is called “quality control” and “final
check” and appears completely normal.
Strange is it too that every single chip vaccination
needle has its own individual code number, which is
added to the ID number. Why else would the silly
“summer flu shot” needle have its own individual
number and why should the passport accompany the
supposed flu vaccination? And why do the
Americans not want to let anybody into the country
who does not have a chip?
Pilhar: The Club of Rome declared in the 70s in
one of their publications (possibly in
Mankind at
the Turning Point
) in effect that either the birth
rate would have to be reduced or the death rate
The Max Planck Institute believes that the
world population must be reduced to 2 billion people.
In the US there is the so called “American



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message engraved in 100 ton granite blocks, that the
world population has to be reduced to 500 million
people, to reach an “Era of Reason.”
When you look at the supposed issue of
"overpopulation" it is interesting to note that
apparently the State of Texas alone could feed all
6 billion people.
If one piled those 6 billion bodies
with an average weight of 80kg and a volume of 80
liters on top and side by side of each other in a cube
shape, the sides of this cube would be only 800
meters long. In Austria we could hide such a cube in
the next valley.
I don’t believe in the so called “overpopulation”
but rather suppose that the globalization fanatics
don’t need 6 billion work slaves
and therefore want
to reduce the population to one tenth. [a smaller
population is easier to control]
Hamer: Helmut, you were right when you said during
our last interview on 13 August 2009: “Once they
have accomplished that, they have won.” Therefore
the German New Medicine had to be suppressed,
because if this awareness and knowledge had been
common place they could not have done it. “Lewwer
duad üs Slaav!” Rather dead than slave! (from
Pidder Lueng, by Detler von Liliencron).”
Cheers to the GNM, the New Biological Medicine
and a world view of freedom and truth for us all.

Source: “Nano Chip [Death Chip] at the Tip of the Needle”,

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The danger in hearing once more of tracking devices

such as these wrist devices or the Real ID data incursion in
our driver’s licenses is not that we stop believing they exist,
but that we stop fighting against these diabolical measures to
control every man, woman and child on the planet.

I can promise you, given the scope of the globalists’

plans to exterminate the largest percentage of the
population, that waving a little placard at Washington
D.C. isn’t going to change much.
You can attend Tea
Parties all day long, but that is not going to make a big
enough change in the direction of our futures in time to halt
this moving train of destruction. There has to be local units
in place to halt the monstrous shove to totalitarianism and we
have such a strategy. One of the best investment of your time
is to plug ValYOU’s weekly conference calls and to join the
ValYOU Network of Guardians to establish a local and
personal network that will protect you and enable you to
truly be proactive:

([Sidebar: “Network of Guardians.]

There are some who stick their heads in the sand

and don’t want to know what is going on – they are no
help to the cause of liberty (in fact, they are part of the
problem because they then enable wicked men to go ahead
with their plans unchecked which enables them to boast:
“See, the average public doesn’t mind – the rest of you must
be fanatics”).

Then there is yet another group of people who are so

fatalistic that they help to attract every negative event
proposed because they hold a morbid fascination towards
Armageddon-type destruction.
Their attitude is that all this
evil was foretold in prophecy and therefore there is nothing

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they can do about it. Some actually take delight in declaring
that the end is near.

These are the folk who apparently aren’t aware that

Hitler had his own tracking devices. Apparently, he
sometimes used the numbers 666 to mark his victims. I can
imagine how the fatalistic preachers of that time began to
immediately announce that Revelation had been fulfilled and
their church members should now prepare to be extracted or
ruptured. Thankfully, there were many good clergy who
were not so inclined to roll over for evil.

Instead, these heroic ministers risked their positions and

lives to challenge parishioners to become proactive in their
communities. They shared the admirable spirit of the early
American [outspoken] patriot preachers who have been
credited with turning the tide in the Revolutionary War.

Were it not for liberty-loving soldiers from around the

world who willingly laid their lives on the line to fight to
free the fatalistic, religious Germans who had given up and
given in to fatalism, our world would look very different
today. The concentration camp records show that there were
many German church leaders and young people within the
underground movements who did not share such sentiments
of pessimists.

Waco was one of the worst examples of a heavy-

handed, unconstitutional atrocity committed by the American
government upon its citizens. If you have not done so, you
owe it to yourself to watch a series of videos on the subject
on YouTube. I lived in New Zealand at the time and a top
journalist in that nation shared with me a video tape she had
been sent on the inside story. Her station had researched the
facts and cleared the story for air. Then at the last minute, it

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was pulled by a call from what she described as one of the
highest-ranking government authorities in the United States.
Much of that now-squelched documentary that I watched is
contained in some of the (liberty-based) videos on YouTube.
What you will learn about the deliberate arrogant violation of
constitutional rights will likely leave you disturbed as it did

However, that being said, if you watch the Waco

documentaries, you will see that David Koresh maintained
a morbid fascination with what he believed would be his
violent end at the hand of a corrupt government.
addition to some other perversions of faith, he chose to teach
frequently on scriptures that spoke of cataclysmic events,
even nicknaming his location, "Ranch Apocalypse."

I propose that at some level, Koresh attracted what

eventuated into his life. We must be careful what we dwell
upon. More important than the information we know is
our approach to what we learn.

Does this knowledge make us feel empowered and

determined to change the status quo if it is harmful? Or does
your brain’s past conditioning make you want to cower in

You have the choice to change the way you look at

world events. You CAN use enlightenment to invigorate
yourself towards reformation.
Please visit ValYOU for
ways to join with others towards that end.

Stay plugged into our weekly teleconferences so you

have access to the strategies we regularly provide our
members. This time spent will be one of the best ways you
can invest in the future freedom of your family.

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Some of the insider information we give you on these

calls may shock you, but it will always be accompanied
by solid solutions.

It became apparent to me in conversation with Greg

Evenson that his ultimate goal was not senseless fear
mongering, but rather to get the word out to avoid the
planned events. Therefore, we invited him to participate with
other speakers and to provide insider information on the
swine flu for our members. You can access these two
teleconferences on our website at by subscribing at

. We spoke on the call about increasing

number of American law enforcement who are vowing to
uphold their oath to defend the Constitution of the United
States and its citizens – even if this means disobeying an
order to do otherwise.

Nevertheless, there are still many law enforcement

personnel who would proceed with their drill to forcefully
inoculate all citizens. The reality is these plans do exist and
there are people in positions of power in our nation who care
only about the next deposit into their bank accounts.
Similarly, they will do anything for the next promotion. So, I
asked Greg, “What would you suggest that we do, were the
kinds of events officers are currently training for to actually

Here is how Greg replied: “Do you have the means to

defend yourself and enough food? Nuremberg has shown us
once and for all that a police officer has a right – an
obligation even, to disobey criminal orders. But,” he
admonished, “we would be the victims of our own making
if we do not have means by which to take care of
… When the time [forceful vaccinations] comes,
sit at home. Don’t go to the mall, you won’t go to work. Get

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off the roads so you are not caught at a checkpoint and for
goodness sake, do not get an inoculation.” He concluded,
“When we know a hurricane is approaching Florida or the
Gulf coast, people take measures to protect themselves and
they do it quickly and without compromise. This is the same
thing, only this hurricane that is approaching is 100 times
greater and it is going to take that same type of preparation.”

We can walk that fine line between

protecting ourselves for a worst case scenario,

but mentally preparing for victory.

Just because we fight one battle, does not mean the

fight is over. We must remain alert to the next planned attack
on our liberties.

"But you must remember, my fellow-citizens,
that eternal vigilance by the people is the
price of liberty, and that you must pay the
price if you wish to secure the blessing. It
behooves you, therefore, to be watchful in
your States as well as in the Federal
-- Andrew Jackson, Farewell
Address, March 4, 1837

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Chapter 10


Done it?


ho is behind the propagating of the Swine Flu? We have

a clue about the “why” – it seems that conversations with
numerous agents, medical experts and investigative
journalists who have done extensive research have come to
the same conclusion that the aim is tow-fold:

1. To thin the herd: population control
2. To track & subdue human beings: planet control
Granted, this sounds like a conspiracy. But is it?

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What is the definition of conspiracy anyway: West’s

Encyclopedia of American Law defines conspiracy this way:
“An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or
subversive act.”

So far, have we determined that this might apply?
I would venture to conclude that it does indeed,

especially given the following:

Jim Humble was inventor of the first automatic garage

door and a research engineer in the aerospace industry where
he set up experiments for atomic bombs, completely wired
up the first machine to be controlled by computers at the
Hughes aircraft company. One day, he was inspired to direct
his brilliance in a different direction – towards health. While
prospecting for minerals in South America, two of his
colleagues were struck down with the most deadly form of
malaria - one that usually results in death if no intervention is
made. Even though help was on the way, it was still going to
be too close - the only thing that Jim could do was to dose
them both with his own mixture of Miracle Mineral
Solutions (MMS) that he had been taking personally for
years. As it turned out, both patients were sitting around
laughing about their experience less than 4 hours later!

Upon returning home, over the next several years Jim

fine-tuned his MMS formulation, and then went back to
Africa where he personally treated over 2000 people himself,
and another 75,000 people via his missionaries that he
personally trained.

I have personally had malaria numerous times when

living overseas in the jungles of Papua New Guinea. On one
occasion, I was so ill, it seemed I would die. I remember
hallucinating; the head aches were so severe. One oscillates

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between being so hot, you feel like you are on fire and then
within minutes you feel so freezing cold that you are shaking
and your teeth are uncontrollably rattling.

Malaria is a horrendous disease and the only prevention

drugs available at the time had so many side effects, one
really shouldn’t be on them for long periods of time.
Therefore, I can appreciate the benefit Humble’s compound
offers to the world; especially given its efficacy in numerous
other aspects of health.

Humble soon discovered though, that some people

didn’t take too kindly on him elbowing into their
pharmaceutical turf. With threats looming, he decided to get
up his base in Mexico where he hoped to have more freedom
to distribute information to the world on this alternative

My goal in writing this investigative book was to also

provide affordable prevention and remedial options to
readers. Therefore, I followed an intuitive hunch to see if Jim
Humble’s MMS compound has any impact on the Swine Flu.

Imagine my pleasant surprise when I discovered that he

attests that it can! But when I tracked him down via email, I
was shocked to learn that his assertion had forced him to flee
the country of Mexico under threat for his life!

Here is his story in his own words:

“When the swine flu broke out in Mexico City about
May 1, 2009. I don't live near that city but I thought
"here is a possible chance to show that MMS can
cure the Swine flu. So, I had my friend call the
Mexican Senate and mention that MMS would
probably handle the swine flu problem. At that time

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our friends in Mexico City, even one that worked in
the main swine flu hospital had verified 2000 swine
flu deaths.

“However, one top senator told us that their hands
had been tied and that the Senate could do nothing
and that I was advised to leave Mexico immediately
as someone very powerful didn’t want anything to be
done about the swine flu. The indication was that if it
looked like MMS could do something, it might be
unhealthy for me in Mexico. Seeing that whoever was
doing the swine flu was powerful enough to tie the
hands of the Mexican Senate,
it was good enough to
make me decide to leave immediately.

“At the airport one of my friends who was there to
see me off was called by someone who said that a
town nearby had quite a few cases of swine flu. They
asked for help. I thought we might be able to do
something so I cancelled my flight. We called a
doctor in town and he said that he would accompany
us to the town the next morning. He was enthusiastic
about doing something with the swine flu. However
the next morning he wouldn’t talk to us and his
secretary told us not to bother attempting to
communicate. I took that as further reason to leave,
so I left that day on the airplane bound for Mexico
City, and immediately on to other places away from

When I asked Jim Humble if he would speak at our

teleseminar on the Swine Flu, he replied that he could not
risk exposing his current location. He did however, promise
to send through some protocols on how to use his MMS in
the case of the Swine Flu. The question to be posed in this

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chapter is: who could have that much control that an entire
government would be running scared – so scared in fact that
they would allow their own people to die, rather than pull in
every possible hope of resolving the health crisis?

As stated, all roads seem to lead to two issues:

population control and planet control. This cannot be
accomplished on a broad scale without a lot of parties
working together. In the following pages you will begin to
see the pieces of the puzzle connect a number of
organizations including the WHO (World Health
Organization), the World Bank, Secret Societies,
Government Administrations and Pharmaceutical companies.
What will shock you is exactly how this orchestration has

Before you debunk the above as “conspiracy”

remember the former definition of conspiracy: “An
agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or
subversive act.”

Read to determine for yourself based on the facts in one

or more parties are working “together” to commit a
“subversive” act. If after reading the following you think
their actions are honorable – then I stand corrected.

There is a solution to the ever expanding population of

our planet and it does not have to include force and violent
murder against humanity. I will conclude with this at the end
of the chapter. One solution I can pose right here is this:
those who feel the world is too overpopulated and that
some must die should consider themselves to be the first
to solve the problem.

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Certainly only some globalists advocate death (note: for

people other than themselves) as a means of population
control, but we must expose some of the most outspoken.
The height of arrogance and wickedness is to propose that
another should die so that your life is preserved. You would
think that anyone that selfish has no business in politics.

Yet, John Holdren, the recently appointed Director of

the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy,
in his co-authored book entitled Eco Science: Population,
Resources and Environment
suggests some people have
more of a right to exist than others.

Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment, Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H.

Elrich, John P. Holdren, W H Freeman & Co (Sd); 3rd edition (July 1978)

This manual of “solutions” advocates extreme

totalitarianism to control the world population. I’m sure this
is one book that isn’t going to be re-printed for the citizens
of America to read right now [an old copy is selling for over
$300 on Amazon right now], but I suggest you visit the
website provided as an upcoming footnote. There are
photocopies of pages for you to see firsthand the
philosophies of this man who now has a direct hand in
YOUR right to exist: Proposed actions include:

Women could be forced to abort their pregnancies, whether

they wanted to or not;

• The population at large could be sterilized by infertility

drugs intentionally put into the nation's drinking water or
in food;

• Single mothers and teen mothers should have their

babies seized from them against their will and given
away to other couples to raise;

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• People who "contribute to social deterioration" (i.e.

undesirables) "can be required by law to exercise
reproductive responsibility" -- in other words, be
compelled to have abortions or be sterilized.

• A transnational "Planetary Regime" should assume

control of the global economy and also dictate the most
intimate details of Americans' lives -- using an armed
international police force.

Here are some excerpts from the book Ecoscience:
“Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory

population-control laws, even including laws requiring
compulsory abortion
, could be sustained under the
existing Constitution
if the population crisis became
sufficiently severe to endanger the society… It would even
be possible to require pregnant single women to marry or
have abortions
, perhaps as an alternative to placement for
adoption, depending on the society… If this could be
accomplished, security might be provided by an armed
international organization, a global analogue of a police
. Many people have recognized this as a goal, but the
way to reach it remains obscure in a world where
factionalism seems, if anything, to be increasing. The first
step necessarily involves partial surrender of sovereignty
to an international organization

“Adding a sterilant to drinking water or staple

foods… No such sterilant exists today, nor does one appear
to be under development. To be acceptable, such a substance
…must be uniformly effective…”

NOTE: According to Dr. Bill Deagle, M.D. on our call (subscribe to

ValYOU to download and listen), the Swine Flu vaccination can sterilize.
ccines laced with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) have been given to
women in developing countries. When introduced into the body coupled with a
tetanus toxoid carrier, antibodies will be formed not only against tetanus but also

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against hCG. In this case the body fails to recognize hCG as a friend and will
produce anti-hCG antibodies. The antibodies will attack subsequent pregnancies
by killing the hCG which naturally sustains a pregnancy; when a woman has
sufficient anti-hCG antibodies in her system, she is rendered incapable of
maintaining a pregnancy.( Source: Abortifacient vaccines loom as new threat,”
HLI Reports, November 1993, pp. 1-2.; “Clinical profile and Toxicology
Studies on Four Women Immunized with Pr-B-hCG-TT,” Contraception,

February, 1976, pp. 253-268.“Observations on the antigenicity and clinical
effects of a candidate antipregnancy vaccine: B-subunit of human chorionic
gonadotropin linked to tetanus toxoid,” Fertility and Sterility,
October 1980,
pp. 328-335.)

“A program of sterilizing women after their second or

third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the
operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than
trying to sterilize men. [Doesn’t this reek of sexism?]

“…UNEP and the United Nations population

agencies, might eventually be developed into a Planetary
Regime—sort of an international superagency
population, resources, and environment. Such a
comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the
development, administration, conservation, and distribution
of all natural resources, renewable or nonrenewable… The
Regime might also be a logical central agency for regulating
all international trade… and including all food on the
international market. The Planetary Regime might be given
responsibility for determining the optimum population for
the world and for each region and for arbitrating various
countries' shares… the Regime would have some power to
enforce the agreed limits.

“John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and

mass sterilization needed to save the planet”

According to an article by Amanda Carpenter in the

Washington Times, Holdren and his co-authors have now
distanced themselves from the words published in

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Ecoscience 32 years ago. From the article: a statement that
said, "This material is from a three-decade-old, three-author
college textbook. Dr. Holdren addressed this issue during his
confirmation when he said he does not believe that
determining optimal population is a proper role of
government. Dr. Holdren is not and never has been an
advocate for policies of forced sterilization."

“Population Czar” Amanda Carpenter, Washington Times,

You decide: Is it true that he has “never been an

advocate of policies of forced sterilization”? And if one
statement appears blatantly incorrect, what of the rest of his
assertions that he no longer feels this way? Besides, few
people would set out to author a textbook for college kids
unless they felt pretty strong about passing on such views

to the next generation.

Apparently, there are other members of America’s

administration that celebrate the appointment of John
Holdren. In a CNN report, Jay Rockefeller is quoted as
saying, “The President, I think, has surrounded himself with
some of the most brilliant choices.” After this disturbing
introduction, Rockefeller addressed the science czar
directly, stating: “Dr. Holdren, I don’t want to embarrass
you, but I sometimes refer to you as walking on water.”
That comment seems to reflect the Rockefeller’s long-time
devotion to depopulation and eugenics philosophies from

“Rockefeller Refers to Obama’s Science Czar as ‘Walking on Water’”,

Terence P. Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief, Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D. in “Dialectics, Rockefellers,

and Population Control,” outlines some significant historical

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connections. Before you discount the disclosures below as
just the ramblings of another “conspiracy nut,” consider that
Dr. Cuddy heralds from an illustrious investigative career as
an economic risk analyst for an international consulting firm,
a Senior Associate with the U.S. Department of Education,
an author or editor of twenty books and booklets and guest
on numerous radio talk shows such as USA Today and
CBS’s Nightwatch. Cuddy has also testified before members
of Congress on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice and
written hundreds of articles appearing in newspapers around
the nation, including The Washington Post, Los Angeles
Times and USA Today.

Below are highlights from his article on the

Rockefellers connection to eugenics over the years:

1910---The Eugenics Record Office is established at Cold

Spring Harbor in New York. It is funded by the Carnegie
Institute, and will receive funding from the Rockefeller
Foundation which will be founded in 1913. The Rockefeller
Foundation also will fund Nazi Dr. Ernst Rudin's eugenics
research at the Kaiser Wilhelm Brain Research Institute in
Berlin. At the Third International Congress on Eugenics
held in New York in 1932, Rudin will be unanimously
elected president of the International Federation of Eugenic
Societies. Rudin and other Nazis will be transported to the
Congress on George Herbert Walker's and Prescott Bush's
Hamburg-Amerika Lines.

1911---John D. Rockefeller, Jr., forms the Bureau of Social
Hygiene… In the early 1900s, Rockefeller introduces
Margaret Sanger to the monied elite who help her form the
Birth Control League that will become Planned Parenthood.
She eugenically advocates limiting "dysgenic stocks" such
as Blacks, Hispanics, American Indians and Catholics, as
well as "slum dwellers" such as Jewish immigrants. [During

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the 1930s Margaret Sanger openly supported the Nazi plan
for genetic engineering of the German population, and the
propagation of a "super race."]

August 1912---Frederick Gates, head of the Rockefeller
General Education Board (GEB, founded in 1902), writes in
THE WORLD'S WORK that "in our dream we have
limitless resources, and the (rural) people yield themselves
with perfect docility to our molding


) Fall 1937---

Rockefeller Foundation gives a grant to Princeton
University to study the influence of radio on different
groups, and a grant by the GEB will be made to study how
the broadcast of "The War of the Worlds" fit into the
Princeton Project.

1939---Rockefeller Foundation organizes a series of secret
seminars involving communications scholars with the aim
of manipulating Americans to accept involvement in World
War II. This is part of a larger effort before 1945 whereby
the Rockefeller Foundation underwrites Harold Laswell and
Walter Lippmann, who advocated a world in which elites
ruled by manipulating mass sentiment

March 27, 1942---Senator Harry Truman refers to the
Standard Oil (Rockefeller) dealings with the Nazis as
"approaching treason."

1945---Rockefeller Foundation medical director Alan Gregg
begins search for an institution that will see if wartime
could be relevant for civilian society.
Regarding this, the foundation will fund the Tavistock
Institute of Human Relations.

1950-51---Rockefeller Foundation chairman John Foster
Dulles takes John D. Rockefeller III on a tour of Third
World countries stressing the need eugenically to control
the growth of non-white populations.

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1952---John D. Rockefeller III and John Foster Dulles
found the Population Council to fund population control

1959---Rockefeller Brothers Fund (for whom a young
Henry Kissinger has worked) publishes THE MID-
in which one reads: "We cannot escape, and indeed should
welcome, the task which history has imposed on us. This is
the task of helping to shape a new world order in all its
dimensions---spiritual, economic, political, social."

September 1961---Former Rockefeller Foundation president
Dean Rusk (Rhodes scholar) as Secretary of State publishes
"Freedom From War" detailing a 3-stage disarmament plan,
including "the disbanding of all national armies...other
than those required to preserve internal order and for
contributions to the United Nations Peace Force."

March 11, 1969---Vice-President of Planned Parenthood-
World Population Frederick Jaffe's "Activities Relevant to
the Study of Population Policy for the U.S." is printed
containing a memo to Population Council president Bernard
Berelson. It includes examples of proposed measures to
reduce U.S. fertility, such as (a) encourage increased
homosexuality, (b) fertility control agents in water
(c) encourage women to work, (d) abortion and
sterilization on demand, and (e) make contraception truly
available and accessible to all.

March 20, 1969---Dr. Lawrence Dunegan attends a meeting
of Pediatric physicians in Pittsburgh where the speaker is
Dr. Richard Day, national medical director of Planned
Parenthood (funded by the Rockefeller Foundation) from
1965-68. Dr. Dunegan recounts that Dr. Day said that in the
future there will be hard-to-cure diseases created, and that
cures for nearly all cancers had been developed but were

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being hidden at the Rockefeller Institute so that
populations would not increase.

July 1, 1970---Senate Appropriations hearings are held for
the Department of Defense and refer to eminent biologists
who believe that within 5 to 10 years it would be possible
to produce a synthetic biological agent (infective micro-
organism), an agent that does not naturally exist and for
which no natural immunity could have been acquired.
Tentative plans to initiate a program to develop such an
agent were discussed by the National Research Council
(remember it was via the National Research Council
that the Rockefeller Foundation funded Alfred Kinsey's
Hearings in the British House of Commons from
April 8 to May 13, 1987 regarding AIDS will include the
following: "Every biological scientist who has
dispassionately studied the virus and the epidemic knows
that the origins of the virus could lie in the developments of
modern biology....Some who know perfectly well what has
happened are deliberately fudging scientific data to keep the
heat off them and fellow members of their molecular
biological 'club'."

1970---David Rockefeller becomes chairman of the
Council on Foreign Relations
(CFR) until 1985. During
this time, Rhodes scholar Richard Gardner will write "The
Hard Road to World Order" in the CFR's FOREIGN
AFFAIRS (April 1974), in which he will advocate that "an
end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece-by-
, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned
frontal assault."

March 7, 1972---The Rockefeller Commission on
Population issues a report advocating population control,
stating that further growth of the American population could
cause economic problems, and that "in any case, no
generation needs to know the ultimate goal or the final
means, only the direction to which they will be found."

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In other words, they will control population, but they're
not going to tell us how!

August 10, 1973---THE NEW YORK TIMES publishes an
article by David Rockefeller praising "the social
experiment in China under Chairman Mao's
despite the fact that tens of millions of
innocent people have been slaughtered by the Communist
dictatorship there.

1973---The Trilateral Commission is begun by David
and will issue a report stating that "population
planning should be an integral part of social and economic

1973---George H.W. Bush praises the Population Crisis
(PCC) for having played a "major role in
assisting government policy makers and in mobilizing
United States' response to the world population challenge."
The PCC was founded by General William Draper, Jr.
(vice-chairman of Planned Parenthood), and is largely
funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

John D. Rockefeller III is published and applauds sexual
liberation and the "humanistic revolution" while disparaging
"old-fashioned nationalism."

1974---CFR chairman David Rockefeller (and other
globalists) encourage David R. Young to form in early 1975
Oxford Analytica, which will be the first private-sector,
overt, global intelligence network. Among its clients will be
the U.N., NATO, the World Bank, Chase Manhattan
Bank, Bechtel, ChevronTexaco, Shell Oil, IBM
, etc.
Among its international advisory board will be Rhodes
scholar and former U.S. Senator Bill Bradley as well as
James O'Toole who is Mortimer J. Adler Senior Fellow at
The Aspen Institute. And among its members will be Rick

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Warren, mega-church pastor and author of THE PURPOSE
DRIVEN LIFE, who is also a member of the CFR.

December 10, 1974---The National Security Council's
NSSM 200, "Implications of Worldwide Population Growth
for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests," is marked
"classified" and "confidential." It is proposed by Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger (formerly with the Rockefeller
Brothers Fund) and will be given final approval by National
Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft. The document states that
"if future numbers are to be kept within reasonable
bounds...There is an alternative view that mandatory
programs may be needed

1975---Rockefeller Foundation president John Knowles in
the annual report states: "The web of interdependence is
tightening. We are one world and there will be one
future---for better or for worse
---for us all... It is also
necessary to control fertility rates at the replacement level
and to achieve zero population growth as rapidly as

November 1977---The Soviet NEW TIMES reports that
David Rockefeller just sent a message to Kremlin leaders
saying: "My congratulations on the occasion of the 60th
anniversary of the October Revolution
." This is despite
the fact that the Soviets have killed tens of millions of
innocent people.

April 19, 1985---Jim Grob of "The Rockefeller Project"
writes a memo on Seattle Public Schools stationery, and
it cautions that "the term 'global education' is an extreme,
political hot potato at this time" with "right-wing Christian
groups" opposing its use, and that instead of using the term
"global education,' district personnel should note that a
"temporarily safe term is---multicultural/international
curriculum development."

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“Dialectics, Rockefellers, and Population Control,” Dennis L.
Cuddy,, December 4, 2006,


In Dr. Cuddy’s article above, he writes that in

December 1980, Archbishop Peter Proeku Dery of Ghana
revealed that "the World Bank denied loans to Ghana until
my country agreed to institute a nationwide contraception
and family planning policy. There was also pressure to
legalize abortion, although the Church and the people have
so far been able to prevent this. For how long, I don't know.
The World Bank's attitude shows a total disregard for the
beliefs of the people of the Third World."

In November 1990, the World Bank again launched a

population control project for Ghana with US $27 million
and the goal of cutting the size of the next generation of
Ghanaians in half, from approximately 45 million to only 25
million by the year 2020.

The Founder of the World Bank, John Maynard Keynes

was reportedly an active member of the Bloomsbury group
with whom Margaret Sanger closely associated.

Stefan Kühl in “The Nazi Connection Eugenics,

American Racism, and German National Socialism 2002”
uncovers the ties between the American eugenics movement
and the Nazi program of racial hygiene, showing that many
American scientists actively supported Hitler's policies. The
following are some of his rather shocking assertions:

The World Bank in 1968 had already determined that its
foreign aid funding would be tied to population control

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[Source: Steven Mosher, “McNamara’s Folly: Bankrolling Family
Planning,” Population Research Review 13, no. 2. (March/April 2003),

The World Bank has for over 30 years provided in excess
of $2.5 billion in grants to 130 reproductive health
projects in some 70 countries. In company with private
funding from the foundations established by billionaire
moguls [Rockefeller, Bergstrom, Buffett, Gates, Soros,
Hewlett, Packard, Turner etc] the World Bank and
UNFPA provides incredibly large financial contributions
to ‘population control’ projects. [Note: Former President-
Gloria Feldt of Planned Parenthood has affirmed that the
giving from the (Gates) ‘Foundation’ is not used for
abortion services.]

Other Buffett linked funds have provided support to
Family Health International (FHI) for evaluation of
quinacrine sterilisation and for the manufacture of
‘manual vacuum aspirators’ for third world distribution by
International Projects Assistance Services(IPAS).

UNFPA [United Nations Population Fund] proudly
acclaims itself 4–“the world’s largest international source
of funding for population and reproductive health
programs”. In 2003 it zealously stated–“We advocate
close attention to population problems and help mobilize
resources to solve them.”

The one child policy in China attracted significant support
from the UNFPA, the World Bank and IPPF [International
Planned Parenthood Federation]. Private funding
contributions were also made by both the Ford and
Rockefeller Foundations.

The close associations between many of the leading
personnel in responsible positions involved with aspects
of ‘Population Control’ could well lead to the conclusion
that they all belong to the same FIRM. Starting at the top

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we have James D. Wolfensohn, the most recent past
president of the World Bank; he also served as a Director
on both the Rockefeller Foundation and the Population
Council–participating on their respective finance

The UNFPA now claims that 37% of Ibero-American and
Caribbean women have been sterilized.

In 1992 USAID expended $300 million to achieve
sterilization goals.

Kissinger, as a member of the Club of Rome, in 1974
supervised the production of National Security Study
Memo 200 [declassified in 1989] This memo discussed
the implications of population growth.8,9,10 This stated
that population growth in the developing world would lead
to a desire for self determination of their economies.
Proposals were made that their populations must therefore
be controlled. Even so this fact was to be withheld from
the country's leaders
. Amongst the countries specifically
targeted were India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria
Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand,
Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia, Colombia. and Indonesia.

[Source:, The
Brotherhood Part 6: Population Control; www.educate-]

“The Nazi Connection Eugenics, American Racism, and German
National Socialism,” Stefan Kühl, 2002,
n_control.htm#3.0 The Global Population

A man I knew in New Zealand until he met his demise

was sitting in a bar in an African nation, currently struck by
famine. The man seemed depressed and was getting
increasingly inebriated, so the gentleman from New Zealand
sat down beside him. He was shocked to hear the following
drunken testimony: “I can’t live with myself anymore. I am

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PAID to keep food supplies diverted from the people in
this nation who need them. Our goal is to give the press the
impression that these people are overpopulated and that
there is not enough food to feed them – yet
we are
artificially CREATING that condition because evil men
don’t want this ethnicity to exist on the planet

Apparently, some arrogant elements of society believe

they have more of a right to breathe air than others. I
propose: does the world really need them? How exactly does
the world benefit from their ilk whose hearts are so
diabolical that they want genocide badly enough to kill to
achieve their goals? Do we really need people of that
character? It’s time the tables were turned to force them to
prove exactly how their service makes the planet a nobler
place to live. And if they think the world is overpopulated,
shouldn’t they be the first to voluntarily exit?

In the summer of 1999, a PRI representative visited the

headquarters of the United Nations Population Fund
(UNFPA) in Vietnam. Though its charter condemns the use
of coercion, women testified that the organization was
forcing them to use IUDs; punishment for non-compliance
included fines and forced abortion.

"Vietnam's One-or-Two Child Policy in Action," Daniel Goodkind,

Population and Development Review 21(1):85-111 (March) 1995, p. 98-99.

Steven W. Mosher, president of the Population

Research Institute (PRI), challenged President Bush for not
withdrawing funding for the Vietnam UNFPA program
following his investigation. This despite what PRI described
as "first-hand evidence" of forced abortion and
. UNFPA denied it was sponsoring such
activities, but PRI delivered a videotape of its evidence to the
White House. "Dozens of women told us that coercion in

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this UNFPA county program is worse today than ever
before, and told us of the abuses which they have recently
suffered, including imprisonment and the destruction of
," Mosher said in a statement.

“Taxpayer Tab for UN Population Control: $34 Million,” Matt Pyeatt, Staff Writer, December 21, 2001

Kühl includes a quote by John D. Rockefeller &

Frederick Osborn [Am. Eugenics Society] in 1952 at the
founding of the Population Council: “We must convince
government leaders in poor nations that they have a serious
population problem—we must show them how to solve it
through [our] population control.”

Keep reading to the end of this book, for there you will

find the proposed course of action that the leaders of small
developing countries can take to stand against programs
designed to usurp their right to make decisions for their own
people. As I will explain, the U.N. representatives of these
countries are being duped into thinking that their
opinions matter.
They do not, they are merely figureheads
to present to the world a supposed unified front for globalists
so that these controllers can then in turn dupe the entire
planet’s populous into mass submission. These leaders of
small nations are being USED. Pitifully so.
And it’s time
they decide to no longer be part of such a horribly sick game,
played at their expense.

In our own nation, the centralized federal government

has so dictated all commerce, that no longer can Americans
simply hang up a shingle and go to work. All the licenses to
buy and forms to file are enough to turn most off being
entrepreneurs. America is crushed by the heavy-handedness
of elected legislatures as much as they are being crushed by
greedy Wall Street bankers. The politicians who passed the

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treasonous bills who gave the money to the bankers can’t
hide behind immunity. Oh no. We need to make these people
who have sought to destroy us face a tribunal for treason.

Furthermore, those organizations which have been

formed with roots to these traitors must be abolished.

Unless this happens, we cannot expect to operate in

liberty in our everyday lives. The globalists’ media puppets
want us to believe that the populous of certain countries are
second-rate citizens. We have been lied to by these despots.
They have chosen to keep hidden the fact that nations in
Africa have been deliberately
suppressed so the average
person would have no power to speak out against the
pillage of their country’s rich natural resources.

The Soviet famine of 1934 was politically instituted by

the Stalinist regime to destroy Ukrainian resistance. Starving
owners of farms were shot when they attempted to go into
their own fields to harvest grain, yet Stalin’s trains were
filled with wheat that was rotting on the carts.

In 1970, Henry Kissinger said,

"Control oil and you control nations;

control food and you control the people."

Ethiopian starvation during the 80’s was inflicted by the

harsh policies of the then communist government. The
problem was not over-population – it was a deliberate

Despite massive documented corruption in the U.N. oil-

for-food program, where investigators have accused more
than 2,200 companies and prominent politicians of bilking
the $1.8 billion, only a few sacrificial lambs were accused of
wrongdoing. The top tier scavengers walked away smiling.

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Massive Corruption Cited in U.N. Oil-For-Food Program,

Wires, Friday, Oct. 28, 2005

Yet, regardless of this gross mismanagement of funds,

in February 2001, the U.S. Senate voted for $582 million to
the United Nations
as part of a deal to pay-off an alleged
U.S. financial debt to the world organization. They didn’t
mind footing American taxpayers with this outrageous bill,
despite the fact that the U.S. should not owe anything to
the U.N. – it has already spent billions of dollars in
peacekeeping expenses that the U.N. hasn’t credited or
reimbursed to the U.S.

On whose side do you think the loyalties of the U.S.

Senators who voted for this additional half billion
expenditure rests, yours – or the U.N.’s?

Linda Shenwick, a whistleblower revealed U.N. troops

being sent into Africa and Asia as peacekeepers were
spreading AIDS. "They did nothing to deal with that
problem," she said, further stating that when the U.N.’s
Madeleine Albright briefed her senior team at the mission
about the problem, Albright told them, "Don't go out of the
room with this." Shenwick was eventually locked out of her
office, her safe combination changed, telephone lines cut,
and told to leave the building under armed guard escort.

“Corruption Plagues the U.N.”, Reed Irvine and Cliff Kincaid, Media

Monitor, April 11, 2001

The U.N. Charter and constitution is reportedly a thin

paraphrasing of the Soviet model which its co-author wrote,
borrowing from the Marxist socialist paradigm. World
regionalism is spelled out clearly in the U.N. Charter,
Chapters 8 through 11 which is designed to override all

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national sovereignty. [see “The United Nation Hoax” by
Hilmar Von Campe].

"It is the sacred principles enshrined in the
United Nations charter to which the American
people will henceforth pledge their
allegiance." - President George Bush
addressing the General Assembly of the U.N.,
February 1, 1992.

Does the U.N. really deserve such utter adulation? Did

we Americans ever give our consent to his “pledge of
allegiance” on our behalf? I think it is about time we started
taking back our state’s sovereignty which has so clearly
eroded at the hands of such leaders.

Apparently, other nations are a little more gun-shy

about climbing into bed with the U.N.’s agendas. There
must be a good reason why increasing numbers of
African nations do not trust the U.N.’s recommendations
for mass vaccinations.

The Washington Post article by Glenn McKenzie of the

Associated Press, reported on February 24, 2004 that “two
more states in Nigeria's Islamic north joined a boycott
Tuesday of a massive polio immunization campaign,
demanding government proof the vaccines don't spread
AIDS or sterility as Islamic leaders contend… Northern
states maintain their own lab tests show contaminants in the

Apparently, these people are able to connect the dots in

ways few Americans have done. The article goes on to say:
“Fourteen million people live in the four states that have
blocked the immunization…”

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By now, I hope that readers will understand that this

means “fourteen million” will likely NOT get polio.

Undaunted, WHO launched the 10-nation emergency

immunization campaign, sending hundreds of thousands of
volunteers door-to-door with vaccines to inoculate 63 million
children in other states.

An osteopathic physician told me that after the U.S.

(due to public outcry) prohibited the genocide of infants here
with mercury containing vaccinations, the companies
promptly sent them off-shore for distribution in Africa. How
magnanimously philanthropic.

In “Vaccination, The Silent Genocide,” Guylaine

Lanctot, M.D. brings to light some rather disturbing

It is noteworthy that since l968, virologists (virus

specialists) have installed their sophisticated equipment in
certain hospitals in Zaire. At a CIA hearing, Dr. Gotlieb, a
cancerologist, admitted having dispersed, in 1960, a large
quantity of viruses in the Congo River (in Zaire) to pollute it
and contaminate all the people who used the river as their
source of water. Dr. Gotlieb was named to head up the
National Cancer Institute!

In 1988, the Ambassador of Senegal gave a radio
interview reporting on the ravages of AIDS in his country
where entire villages were being decimated. A few years
earlier, scientific and medical teams had come to
vaccinate their inhabitants against hepatitis B.

Vaccination is a weapon at the service of biological
. It permits the targeting of people of a certain
race, and leaves the others who are close by more or less

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In 1986, the medical authorities administered the vaccine
against hepatitis B to Native Inuit children in Alaska,
without any explanation or the consent of their parents.
Many children fell ill. And several died. It seems there
was a virus called RSV (Rous Sarcoma Virus) in the
American Indian tribes have been subjected to
many vaccinations. Let us be aware that they are difficult
to beat into submission, and they own vast tracts of land
which the authorities would like to have for their own
benefit. Recently when I met a group of Native women to
chat about health with them, the subject of vaccinations
cropped up. I was giving them some information on the
topic when, suddenly, the group's nurse confided in me
that the federal government had given her complete
freedom in the management of their health, but on one
strict condition. That every vaccination had to be
scrupulously applied to all

Captain and biologist of the US Navy at Fort Detrick, Neil
Levitt, reported the disappearance of 2.35 liters of an
experimental vaccine. A dose sufficient to contaminate
the entire world.
Fort Detrick is a research laboratory
which manufactures vaccines. It is located in Maryland,
quite close to Washington, D.C. and it is attached to the
National Cancer Institute at Bethesda, a suburb of the
capital. It is hardly astonishing that, in every major
vaccination campaign, one finds the same tangled web.
Government, the military, Saint W.H.O., financiers,
researchers, laboratories, universities, the CIA, and
the World Bank.

In this regard, Robert McNamara, the former President of
the World Bank, former Secretary of State in the United
States, who ordered the massive bombing of Vietnam, and
a member of the Expanded Program on Immunization,
made some very interesting remarks. As reported by a
French publication, j''ai tout compris", he was quoted as

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stating: "One must take draconian measures of
demographic reduction against the will of the
populations. Reducing the birth rate has proved to be
impossible or insufficient. One must therefore increase
the mortality rate. How? By natural means. Famine
and sickness
." (Translation)

“Vaccination, The Silent Genocide ,” Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. November 14,

WHO – (World Health Organization)

Much death has been accomplished under the

misleading term of “health.”

George Orwell in his novel 1984, coined an expression

“New Speak” to confuse and propagandize a gullible
community through “Political language... designed to make
lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an
appearance of solidity to pure wind...”

Are vaccinations one such “New Speak” trojan horse?
Dr. Jong Wook Lee (1945-2006), was the previous

director of the World Health Organization. Was it a mere
coincidence that Lee, who was a vaccine expert who in 1994,
was placed in charge of the WHO Global Programme for
Vaccines and Immunizations? [Source:,
January 30, 2003, Geneva].

Subsequent to the passing of Dr. Lee, the WHO

position was awarded to Dr. Margaret Chan in November
2006. Chan has previously served as Director of Health in
the Hong Kong Government (1994-2003), representative of
the WHO Director-General for Pandemic Influenza and
WHO Assistant Director-General for Communicable
Diseases (2003-2006).

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Exactly, how much do vaccinations play into the

WHO’s agenda?

A lot – it turns out.
In 1995 the BBC aired an investigative documentary

verified by the Philippine Department of Health and the
Philippine Medical Association that tetanus vaccines from
the WHO were combined with a chemical known as beta
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, an anti-pregnancy agent.
The BBC Horizon program entitled "The Human
Laboratory", which was never aired in the United States,
revealed that Philippino women of child-bearing age were
administered the tainted vaccine and many miscarriages
ensued. Dr. Reynaldo Echavez of the Philippine Medical
Association stated that the presence of the HCG in the
tetanus shot would cause the women to develop HCG
antibodies, which will then cause spontaneous abortion if the
women become pregnant.

BBC documentary:

Given its track history, it was a rather ominous

announcement when on July 13, a World Health
Organization (WHO) Global Alert headlined, “WHO
recommendations on pandemic (H1N1) 2009
vaccinations” suggest that universally mandated ones are
It stated that on July 7, the pharmaceutical industry-
dominated Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on
Immunization held an “extraordinary meeting in Geneva to
discuss issues and make recommendations related to vaccine
for the pandemic (H1N1) 2009.”

Did you know that WHO “recommendations” are

binding on all 194 member countries in case a pandemic

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emergency is declared under the 2005 International Health
Regulations Act and April 2009 WHO pandemic plan.

Read the rest of the information provided in

“Governments Intensifying Fearmongering Strategies For
Mass H1N1 Vaccinations,” at, an on-
line source:


arlier this month, Canadian doctor Lanctôt warned that

the global elite plan to exploit a pandemic in order to
introduce their soft-kill bioweapons into society. “I am
emerging from a long silence on the subject of
vaccination, because I feel that, this time, the stakes
involved are huge. The consequences may spread much
further than anticipated,” writes Lanctôt, who believes the
(H1N1) virus will be used in a pandemic concocted and
orchestrated by the WHO, an international organization
that serves military, political and industrial interests.

Lanctôt warns that the elite and their minions will
introduce a compulsory vaccination that will contain a
deadly virus and this will be used specifically as a
eugenics weapon for “massive and targeted reduction
of the world population.
” Moreover, a pandemic will
also be used to further establish martial law and a police
state, according to Lanctôt, and activate concentration
camps “built to accommodate the rebellious” and
eventually transfer power from all nations to a single
United Nations government and thus fulfill the sinister
plans of the New World Order.

A concerned citizen called the Arkansas State Health
Department for advice on what he could do to opt out of
the vaccine only to be told that mandatory vaccines were
constitutional and could be enforced at gunpoint by the
government if necessary.

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“Governments Intensifying Fearmongering Strategies For Mass H1N1

Vaccinations,” at Prevent Deasease, an on-line source:

Hitler claimed to have gotten his inspiration for the

"final solution" from the extermination of Native Americans
in the U.S.

During the French-Indian War in 1763, the Indians

greatly outnumbered the British and were suspected of being
on the side of the French. As a supposed "act of good will"
the British give them blankets but purposely failed to reveal
that the blankets came from a hospital that was treating
smallpox victims
. Consequently smallpox raged through the
Native American community and devastated their numbers.

In 1931 Dr. Cornelius Rhoads, under the auspices of the

Rockefeller Institute for Medical Investigations was
instrumental in infecting humans with cancer cells. He later
went on to establish the U.S. Army Biological Warfare
facilities in Maryland, Utah, and Panama, and was named to
the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. While there, he began
a series of radiation exposure experiments on American
soldiers and civilian hospital patients.

James A. Miller, special correspondent for Human Life

International wrote an article in which he claims that “The
WHO began its ‘Special Programme’ in human reproduction
in 1972, and by 1993 had spent more than $356 million on
"reproductive health" research. [source: Challenges in
Reproductive Health Research, Biennial Report 1992-1993,

World Health Organization, Geneva, 1994, p. 186.] It is this
"Programme" which has pioneered the development of the
abortificant vaccine.
Over $90 million of this Programme's
funds were contributed by Sweden; Great Britain donated

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more than $52 million, while Norway, Denmark and
Germany kicked in for $41 million , $27 million, and $12
million, respectively. The U.S., thanks to the cut-off of such
funding during the Reagan-Bush administrations, has
contributed ‘only’ $5.7 million, including a new payment in
1993 by the Clinton administration of $2.5 million. Other
major contributors to the WHO Programme include UNFPA,
$61 million; the World Bank, $15.5 million; the Rockefeller
Foundation, $2.5 million; the Ford Foundation, over $1
million; and the IDRC (International Research and
Development Centre of Canada), $716.5 thousand.”

James A. Miller, Are New Vaccines Laced with Birth-Control Drugs?,

HLI Reports, Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland; June/July 1995,
Volume 13, Number 8.

In her article, “Polio Perspectives,” Edda West is

insistent that the polio virus is the sole cause of polio is
accepted by most people as gospel, and that the Salk and
Sabin vaccines eradicated polio in the western world is
etched into our collective consciousness as the major
medical miracle of our time. But the history of polio and its
vaccines is shrouded in a murky mist of political/scientific
manipulation, altered statistics, redefinition and
reclassification of the disease, increased cases of vaccine
induced paralytic polio
, and monkey viruses transmitted by
contaminated vaccines to millions of people worldwide."

“Polio Perspectives,” Edda West, Editorial for the Vaccine Risk

Awareness Network (VRAN) Newsletter (June-Oct. 2001)

I have corresponded with Jane Burgermeister who is

one of several whistleblowers on a connection between the
Baxter pharmaceutical company and WHO. [I must note
there that another investigative researcher, Arthur M.
Evangelista, PhD, asserts that the pharmaceutical firm

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responsible for "reverse engineering" the tri-recombinant flu
vaccine is Novartis, not Baxter.]

Author’s Note: Our objective must center on first

ascertaining if there is a possible threat against humanity
(from WHOmever is not as relevant as whether or not there
is reason to be alarmed and therefore take immediate
measures to protect oneself. I personally make no claims
against parties, but I think we have an obligation to our
families to study the past history of institutions and
to determine if they have our best interests at
heart. Let us not be doomed to repeat history. Vaccinations
have an ominous past of legal side effects. To ignore this
would be as foolhardy as a husband welcoming an arsenic
cocktail from a wife who tried to kill him once before with
the same brew.)

According to Jane, Baxter curiously obtained a patent

for the Swine Flu vaccination as much as two years before
the first swine flu outbreak in Mexico City in April 2009.
Otfried Kistner, (an advisor to WHO), was the head of
virology at Baxter’s Austrian subsidiary in Orth an der
Donau, from which 72 kilos of contaminated vaccine
material with the live H5N1 avian bird flu virus was sent to
16 labs in 4 countries. Baxter’s Patent Application US
2009/0060950 A1 gives “Kistner et al” as the applicant for
the patent.


Though I have not seen the court documents,

Burgermeister claims that the pandemic material, which
could have killed 99% of the world's population, was
destined for normal influenza vaccinations. She reports that
anyone who had been injected with such material would

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have caught the bird flu — with a mortality rate of 63
per cent — from the vaccinations!

It was only by providence that the contamination was

found after the batch was first tested on ferrets in the Czech
Republic, before being shipped out for injection into
humans. The ferrets all died and the shocking discovery was

Some Czech newspapers speculated at the time that

Baxter was embroiled in a conspiracy to provoke a
from which it would reap billions in profits from
producing the vaccine to counter a bird flu outbreak.

According to a report by the Czech News Agency CTK,

one of the largest English language news outlets in the
country, the Czech Health Ministry has halted talks with
Baxter citing “the firm’s inability to guarantee that the
vaccine is safe and who will bear the risks for possible side-


How far back does the quest for population control

measures through biocrime go? Jane cites opinions that the
Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919 was spread by
contaminated vaccines. She further asserts that the Austrian
and international authorities are involved in a cover up of a
crime syndicate who stands to financially profit from a

[This claim is backed up by Eleanora McBean Ph.D.,

N.D. in her book “Swine Flu Expose.” Eleanora witnessed
first hand the Spanish Flu pandemic and traced it back to the
vaccinations given to World War I soldiers. A free copy of
her book is available at our website when you subscribe).

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She concludes, “Scientists have noted that the

construction of the swine flu virus from a combined 3 or 4
other viruses, including the original Spanish flu strain from
1918, that had to be carved off an Inuit Eskimo’s cadaver
tissue, making it quite apparent that the virus was actually
concocted in a laboratory. A la Frankenstein science? Think,
people, think. Don’t be the WHO’s lab rats – and don’t let
your kids or our enlisted US military be their lab rats
anymore, either.

In Vaccinations Exposed and Illustrated a book written

in 1920 by Chas M. Higgins he tells that “our American
History, as you well know, tells us that our first President,
the illustrious George Washington, died in 1799 as the result
of a medical malpractice common at that time, viz., the
barbarous and dangerous practice of indiscriminate bleeding
to cure disease.”

We now have three generations of soldiers who have

been forcefully vaccinated. Russell Blaylock, M.D. has
written a booklet entitled BioTerrorism: How You Can
, in which he discusses weaponized anthrax: "These
anthrax germs have been genetically altered to make them
generally antibiotic-resistant and resistant to vaccination
methods. These organisms are much more virulent than
naturally occurring anthrax.” Dr. Blaylock goes to explain
that excitotoxins like the ingredients in NutraSweet and
MSG have destroyed the immune systems of consumers,
making it impossible for them to survive chemical warfare.”

Not coincidentally, the current U.S. Secretary Of

Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, was the influential head of GD
Searle, the pharmaceutical company that won FDA approval
for aspartame.

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I spoke with Mrs. Betty Martini, considered the world’s

expert on the health impact of artificial sweetners. She
declares, “Aspartame is a chemical hypersensitization agent.
It triggers polychemical sensitivity syndrome, the same as
multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome. Anthrax vaccine
had never been proven safe or approved by the FDA and
should never have been given to the troops. The soda
companies knew “the gun was loaded” before they ever sent
the drinks to the Persian Gulf.

Martini’s website:

Vaccinating our troops with experimental toxins and

exposing them to depleted uranium (DU) weaponry (used
for the first time in the Gulf War), has made our soldiers
victims of the administration they sought to serve.

In some studies of soldiers who had normal babies

before the war, 67 percent of the post-war babies are born
with severe birth defects - missing brains, eyes, organs, legs
and arms, and blood diseases.

“If American leaders treat our own allies like this, how

do they treat their enemies?” According to some reports, the
U.S. has illegally conducted four nuclear wars in Yugoslavia,
Afghanistan and twice in Iraq since 1991, calling DU
"conventional" weapons when in fact they are nuclear
weapons. Some of the anger that boils over in the middle
east is the resurgence of horrible deformities within the
families of the area in which the uranium was deployed.
What’s worse is that uranium does not dissipate. Depleted
uranium has a half life of 4.5 billion years.

Can we afford the fallout from anymore wars on this

planet? Who are the parties that are benefiting from
declaring these wars? Hitler and his henchmen were

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treated by society as guilty of war crimes because they
started World War II. Who today is being held to the
scrutiny of a tribunal because they started the wars since
I propose that this must take place or we will continue
to expose our finest men and women to harm – only to profit
a few. Do readers agree?

All it will take is enough numbers behind us to rise up

and take back our nation. This does not have to be done with
violence; it can be through first taking back our judicial
system. We need lawyers to join ValYOU who are ethical to
join forces with us to first demand the impeachment of all
legislators who have participated in the death toll of our
fellow Americans. We need a military who will stand up
and protect the citizens of the United States – for haven’t
they been the worst-abused of all?

Terry Jemison at the U.S. Department of Veterans

Affairs stated in August 2004 that over 518,000 Gulf-era
veterans (14-year period) are now on medical disability, and
that 7,039 were wounded on the battlefield in that same
period. Over 500,000 U.S. veterans are homeless. After
giving their all for their country, many of these have been
left without the proper medical care, and unable to work, are
living like vagabonds. I cannot help but weep when I
consider how they have been treated.

I know of men who were in the military and tried to get

out because of what they knew. They were treated as through
there was something mentally wrong with them and their
records muddied in the process. To permanently discredit
them, untruths were written in their charts. As mentioned
earlier, Dr. Deagle’s life was threatened when he tried to
expose the truth about the vaccinations his soldier patients
had been given.

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Before the American military or law enforcement

unthinkingly obey orders to pull a gun to force vaccination
upon their own brothers and sisters, they need to face the
facts about how the military has been treated by those in
authority over them. A little unreported fact of the Yellow
Fever Vaccine of WW2 is that a disconcertingly large
number of US Army men died of Hep B or C about 10 years
later after the War was over.

If this is what those running the war machine will do to

their fighting men, how much less consideration will they
have for the average American public.

Again, if you are a member of the military, you need to

join forces in solidarity to reclaim our country. We need new
leadership. Visit

and once subscribed

click on the side bar link for “Network of Guardians” under
Organizational Freedom to find out more.

“Society is being weeded out right now, as minority

species are being eliminated very specifically by biological
germ warfare and other tactics meant to insure the
elimination of those less genetically favourable...Our food is
being tampered with, by the insertion of food additives and
substances like aspartame. ....They view this as a massive
genetic cleanup."—from Thanks for the Memories: The
Memoirs of Bob Hope's and Henry Kissinger's mind control
slave by Brice Taylor p281

This fits right in with what Dr. Rebecca Carley said

“They went to Alaska and dug up bodies of people who
died from the Spanish flu, which was actually caused by
inoculations given to soldiers in WW1. They did the DNA
deconstruction of the virus and they’ve combined that
with the bird flu in order to make a pathogen which will

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target young people, 20 to 60 years old. You’ll suffocate
on your own blood. People who get this insane vaccine will
be coughing and sneezing on others, which will spread it.
The pandemic will happen very quickly once it gets started.”

Bertrand Russell at the Forum – “The Impact of

Science on Society” “…if a ‘black death’ could be spread
throughout the world
once in every generation, survivors
could procreate freely without ever making the world too

Prince Philip, (husband to the Queen of England, in his

forward to “If I were an Animal” United Kingdom, Robin
Clark Ltd., 1986: “I must confess that I am tempted to ask
for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.”

Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911), in Hereditary

Improvement stated callously that if the unfit continue to
propagate— “it will be easy to believe that the time may
come when such persons would be considered as enemies to
the State.”

So apparently, WE are the “enemies of the State.

Americans who support liberty-advocating philosophies
are being targeted as terrorists
and we need to loudly
decry such traitorous propaganda.

I implore you to send as many of your friends and

family to our website to get this book (they can get it for free
on the condition that they download it from the site and the
book is not forwarded it directly). If we make any changes,
the updates book can then be placed on one central location
so this increases the likelihood of people getting the most up-
to-date version. More information is coming in all the time
from our source.

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Our strength can only exist in large numbers of people

who are empowered with the knowledge of what we are truly
up against. Then, armed with that foundation of truth, we can
step up and employ strategies with the necessary vigilance
and vigor.

If we do not fight to become the victor, we will by

default become the victims. You choose. But agendas of
people who exist to exterminate the largest percentage of the
world’s population will not go away unless we purposefully
combat such treachery.

Hollywood film producer Aaron Russo told before his

untimely death of the astounding admissions of Nick
Rockefeller, who personally told him that the elite's ultimate
goal was to create a microchipped population and that the
war on terror was a hoax, Rockefeller having predicted an
"event" that would trigger the invasions of Iraq and
Afghanistan. You can watch him talking about this
conversation in the following video:


(Please note, for your convenience, some of the videos

in this book are available at our website. When you subscribe

, and confirm, you will get directed to a

page with a list of past teleseminars and shows including
those on the Swine Flu and a “Solutions” page.

Once you watch Aaron’s video, you will understand

further what espionage agents mean when they reveal that
our military are being used as pawns by the globalists for
their agendas – most notably now in Afghanistan.

If ever there was a time to play the detective game of

CLUE it is now – to process what I am about to outline for

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you. Rather than indict myself, I will give you the pieces and
invite you make the deductions: Afghanistan produces 90
percent of the world's opium – much of which is used by the
large pharmaceutical companies in the making of morphine
and other drugs from which they make huge profits. When
the Taliban decreed a religious ban on opium production in
July 2000, this seriously impacted supply to the drug

Reportedly, the Skull and Bones (which includes a

roster of America's elite) made some of their fortunes from
opium trade under the corporate name "Russell and
Company" in the 1830's.

Now that the U.S. is the occupying force, opium sales

have resumed and the nation is under the control of the
military commander in charge. The whole land is also
supposed to be under US martial law, Under this
arrangement, the military officials have control over
boarders and ports because we still occupy the land. Now,
five short years later, and completely under Bush and Blair's
watch, opium production has skyrocketed to unprecedented
levels. Yet, confusingly, the Bush administration reported
via the press that six months before 9/11/2001 the Bush
administration paid the Taliban $43 million to issue an edict
banning opium production.

Things are not always as the news media would have us

conclude. Are we simply putting the lives of our men and
women at risk so we have a reason to control the flow of
drugs in and out of that country? Make your own judgments
on why the situation is the way it is.

What would our planet look like if the health

technologies that exist had been allowed to surface? Much

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opium is used for patients who are being treated for war
wounds or cancer. What if they didn’t have to be in injured
in a war in the first place? What if they didn’t have to have
cancer in the first place?

Many natural healers have reported that numerous cures

for cancer that have been squelched. Is not this an act of
treason? Is not this an act of murder?

In conclusion, what are the alternative solutions to

population growth which do not include force and violent
murder against humanity?

Sustainable farming: Permaculture emerged in the

mid-1970s as an accessible system of ecological design and
is one example of how a plot as small as a quarter acre can
feed an entire family. “Permaculture One”, a book written by
Bill Mollison and his student, David Holmgren is a system of
agriculture that has rippled out from Tasmania, Australia to
over 120 countries and has become synonymous with
sustainability and eco-living.

We did not inherit this land from our fathers.

We are borrowing it from our children.

- Amish Proverb -

Irrigation: If the U.N. and WHO put even a quarter of

its budget for population control into creating wells and other
water sources for the world’s poor, they would begin to
come out of poverty in short order. Then they would get
educated and become more productive contributors to
society, and live more healthily on fresh produce rather than
having to live on musty grain handouts.

Water has long been used as a weapon. Despite the

U.N.’s attempts to instruct Israel to return the flow of clean

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water to the Gaza strip, the people are slowly being poisoned
off. Tragically, this deliberate blockage is proving to
depopulate the area. Our media fails to report the travesty.

Put Environmentalism into Perspective. On his show,

Sean Hannity exposes the man-made drought in California,
“all because of a two-inch fish.”

In Fresno, California, nearly 40,000 farmers in the

Central Valley are unemployed because a judge ordered to
turn off the irrigation system in order to save a small fish,
which is endangered. The minnow is called the Delta Smelt
and it lives in the water, which is pumped into the San
Joaquin Valley. Environmentalists complained and a judge
ordered the pumps be turned off. But, no water means no
crops and no jobs. Once known as “The Food Basket
America,” food banks can't keep shelves stocked because of
all the needy families. This will eventually filter down to
impact all Americans.

Although most farmers are screaming that the current

Administration is putting "fish over family," and a pleading
letter has been written to the President, as of this writing,
nothing has been done. A few environmentalists are holding
their ground. It seems the fish take precedent over whether or
not humans can feed themselves and stay alive. If our court
systems continue to make stupid decisions that impact the
lives of American citizens, we need to start pulling back the
layers and ask why this is taking place.

In “The Real Culprit of Our Gasoline Woes:

Environmentalists,” Brian Simpson asserted that David
Graber, a research biologist at the National Park Service,
stated, "We are not interested in the utility of a particular
species, or free-flowing rivers, or ecosystems, to mankind.

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They have intrinsic value, more value-to-me--than another
human body, or a billion of them."

He also exposes the environmentalists who prevent

drilling in Alaska and offshore, which leads to less supply
and higher prices. But is that all there is to the story? Stories
have been circulating for years that large oil companies have
paid some environmentalist groups to stage problems for
their competition. This begs the question: is a consortium
using extreme environmentalists to devalue the land in
Fresno, so they can come in and control it for cents on the

America, it is time that we stand up and TAKE BACK

our communities. The judge needs to be impeached by the
people of that region and all hampering parties aggressively
investigated for suspicious ties. How long are we going to
stand back passively and allow our nation to be hijacked?
What is happening is wrong and there needs to be some
righteous indignation from the people in that valley.

We have choices. We need to use them, America. If

ever there was a need for strategy, this is it.

Expose Hypocrisy: I am a strong advocate of

protecting our planet. I think we all need to do much more
towards respecting the beautiful earth that feeds us, much
like a child should respect one’s mother for the nourishment
she provides. But far from extreme environmentalism being
the solution, this anarchy against environmentalism had
produced little change to date. And there is a reason for this:
many people pushing this agenda are more concerned about
lining their own pockets than protecting the planet.

For instance, former Vice President Al Gore’s lofty

attempts at cap and trade carbon tax to reduce CO2

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emissions may sound like an unselfish act on the surface
to some people, but it pays to dig deeper for CLUES.

In The Investor's Business Daily, on April 29, 2009,

their article entitled, “Cap-And-Trade: Al Gore's Cash Cow,”
reveals that not everyone will suffer with implementation of
the “growth-killing” tax. Excerpts include:

“When Gore left office in January 2001, he was said to
have a net worth in the neighborhood of $2 million. A
mere eight years later, estimates are that he is now worth
about $100 million. It seems its easy being green, at least
for some.

“Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., was curious about how
a man dedicated to saving the planet could get so wealthy
so quickly. Blackburn asked Gore about Kleiner-Perkins,
noting that at last count they "have invested about a
billion dollars invested in 40 companies that are going
to benefit from cap-and-trade legislation
that we are
discussing here today."

“He also is co-founder of Generation Investment
Management, which sells carbon offsets that allow rich
polluters to continue
with a clear conscience. It's a
scheme that will make traders of this new commodity rich
and Bernie Madoff look like a pickpocket. The other
founder is former Goldman Sachs partner David Blood.

Al Gore has promised at a conference in the United

Kingdom that the impending virtual energy tax under the
U.S. "cap-and-trade" legislation will bring about "global

According to The Washington Times and The

Associated Press, the Secret Service and the Connecticut
River Joint Commission directed Pacific Gas & Electric to
unleash approximately 4 billion gallons of water in 1999 into

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the Connecticut River so Gore's rowboat wouldn't get stuck
during a 4-mile photo opportunity. The release of the 4
billion gallons from a dam upstream raised the level of the
river by 8 to 10 inches.

"So much for the environmentalist Vice President,"

remarked Republican National Committee Chairman Jim
Nicholson. Citing Gore's book, "Earth in the Balance,"
Nicholson recalled that Gore "once lectured us that
'increasing per capita use' of fresh water, combined with
'global climate change,' could lead to 'poverty, hunger, and
disease,' 'revolutionary political disorder,' and 'wars fought
over natural resources like fresh water.'" ("Earth in the
Balance," pp. 111, 113, 279). According to water usage rates
published by the Pennichuck Water Works, Inc., which
serves the region, the value of the 4 billion gallons wasted
was approximately $7.1 million
, Nicholson said.

“Gore’s Ride Not Water Over Dam,” Bill Sammon, Washington Times,

August 6, 1999,

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a self-

described “independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan research
organization” issued a press release which began an email
exchange across this nation which states, "Al Gore’s global-
warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an
Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee
Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a
gold statue for hypocrisy. In his documentary, the former
Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by
reducing electricity consumption at home. Gore’s home uses
more than 20 times the national average.” A second
independent review revealed the figure was roughly 18 times
the national household average in 2006.

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Gore is highlighted here simply because the previous

serves as an example of how the media rarely highlights
inconsistencies. One such omission is his message on global
warming which has received widespread acclaim in
mainstream media but has not weathered recent scientific

New inventions: We are getting contacted by people

who have cutting edge scientific developments and
technology, that once released can exponentially sustain an
ever growing population. We choose to believe that we live
in an abundant world. With that mindset, solutions will
continue to surface.

Natural, healthy birth control: There are numerous

natural methods which can allow couples to space their
children without resorting to aggressive methods that
potentially harm or sterilize a woman permanently.

Responsible Eating: It’s true that the wealthiest fifth of

this world’s population consumes more than 66 times of this
earth’s resources relative to the poorest one fifth. Much of
that is due to excessive animal consumption. Whereas two
acres of land on which vegetables are grown could feed
15-20 people, it can only feed 2 people who are beef
We do not need to eat as much protein as we are led
to believe if we are getting that protein from a plant source.

It is my hope that as a result of reading the information

below, readers will eat reduce their meat intake – as this is
one way to lessen the excuses of people who advocate
population control and prevent them from taking drastic

Furthermore, if we remain healthy, there are also less

chances of vaccinations being forced upon us – and everyone

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If we ate less meat, I believe we would have less

cancer. But some companies would rather you forget the
correlation between certain diets and sickness. Doctors tell
us to cut back on meat because so many degenerative
diseases are linked to this diet, yet they wouldn’t dare tell us
to cut it out completely. Why? Because most patients would
be up in arms about having to totally readjust their social

They don’t think about the fact that the reason it tastes

“good” is because it has been lathered and soaked in
seasonings and sauces. On its own, the meat wouldn’t be
palpable. A raw berry tastes good without any additions.

Heavy meat eaters don’t think about the slaughter house

workers who talk of the meat being ripped from cows and
pigs while still alive because these animals are not always
killed by the stun gun. They don’t pause to think about how
the skin is ripped off live creatures as they are sent down the
assembly lines being killed one piece of meat at a time,
because that steak is “tastier” when the blood was freshly

Yes, they hear the phrase, “we are what we eat.” But

they don’t think about how this relates to putting death - or
dead flesh - into their bodies. Dead foods equals death; live
food equals life.

They don’t think about how they are injecting the

impact of an adrenal flood of fear-driven hormones that has
just coursed through the veins of the animal who went
fighting to its death. For instance, in Korea some people
there believe that if a dog releases adrenalin into its blood
before it dies, the meat is better. So the dogs are often

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tortured in a very cruel manner before they are killed in an
attempt to make a better tasting meat.

They don’t see the chickens fed hormones to fatten

them until they can’t waddle to market and because of the
unnatural weight gain are riddled with broken bones. They
do not see how these creatures are stuffed into cages for their
entire lifetime with so many other chickens that the only way
they can stretch out is to stand on top of another. And if their
bones weren’t broken this way, they certainly were when
they were thrown into the trucks that take them to the
slaughter house. They have lived in their own excrement and
eaten the excrement of the other chickens and these bodies
will soon be eaten by a human – hormones and all.

Whereas in the 1900’s a woman did not menstruate

until she reached approximately 17 years of age, now the
average age for puberty is 12 because of all these added
hormones in animal flesh. We decry teen pregnancy
rates, but this is only a
symptom of an animal diet which
may be the main cause. Yet this is rarely discussed by the
meat-industry beholden politicians, nor is it brought to light
by agricultural departments and medical professionals, many
of whom know the connection.

Young chickens are bred far too young, just as our

young women are being bred and impregnated far too young.
They have become targets of the appetites of men because
their bodies have developed so early just as the forced early
development of chickens is designed to satisfy the appetites
of a populous. Morally, we are reaping what we are

Could the violence that resonates from the killing

animals in turn be resonating as violence into our societies?

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It’s just not natural to enjoy the process of killing an

animal. Are we being treated like animals because we have
treated our animals with cruelty?

Chas M. Higgins in Vaccinations Exposed and

Illustrated (available as a free download at our swine flu
resource page once you subscribe to
explains what happens to the animals used in cultivating
cultures for vaccinations. Just as anti-abortionists cannot
truly in good faith receive vaccinations, neither can those
who propose to stand against animal cruelty, partake of

Higgins writes: “the LIVING calf or heifer is first

bound down on a movable tilting table, and its belly is
shaved and on the clean, tender skin of a most tender part
one or two hundred cuts or scratches are then made, as
shown [picture in book], and into these cuts or scratches is
rubbed some ‘seed virus,’
obtained directly or indirectly
from human smallpox, and other known or unknown human
or animal infections.

“We can all now imagine… what must be the tortures

and suffering of the vaccinated heifer with one or two
hundred festering wounds on its belly, when we recall the
great suffering often caused to a child with a single wound
on its arm, and we can also imagine what must be the effect
on the entire system of the heifer itself… Now after the calf
has been inoculated as described, it is removed from the
table and allowed to stand on its feet in its stall securely tied,
and carefully fed and tended and allowed to remain thus for
about a week, with its one or two hundred festering wounds
gradually filling up with ulcerative or suppurative disease
matter. At this stage the calf is now again strapped on the
table for the collection of this accumulated disease matter.

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This dangerous complex disease matter is now squeezed
and scraped out (imagine the torture of the heifer as its
one or two hundred wounds are successively scraped
…[all done while the animals is still alive].

“After the virus has been taken from the vaccinated

calves, it has been the custom, in some cases, to free the
diseased calves and let them mix with healthy herds, and in
other cases the vaccinated calves have been butchered and
their carcasses sold for human food

I am not proposing that a human’s life should be

sacrificed to protect an animal, as is advocated by extreme
environmentalists. But should we be partaking of meat that
was obtained through a creature’s suffering? I don’t even
own a pet, nor am I particularly fond of the idea of getting
one due to my busy lifestyle, but nevertheless, can’t conceive
of needlessly butchering another living mammal when there
are other land preserving, food choices from where to obtain
my protein.

Few refined people would eat meat if it meant that

every few weeks they had to chase down their pet cow, look
into its blinking eyes, slit its throat and tackle the bloody task
off sawing through its bones and tissues, then clean up the
fecal matter deposited from the traumatized animal. If they
had to do this, few would ever meat again. The logic of this
fact should stop most from engaging in this barbaric practice.
I have counseled people who were traumatized as a child
because they were forced to watch animals being killed.

Our churches don’t tell us that Jesus accused the

slaughter of animals by calling temple butchers not only
“thieves” but also “killers” as seen in the original text.
Preachers commonly say this was referring to his decrying of

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commercialism in the temple because animals were being
sold from the street-slaughter house/temple. Yet people who
trade commercially are not “killers.” Conveniently, this word
has been dropped in modern translations. Incidentally, such
was the outcry back then that Jesus paid for this attempt to
stop the butchering of animals with his life three days later.
A similar outcry would be heard today by most religious
institutions if a modern-day minister tried to tell church
attendees to stop killing and eating animals. Instead, today
after a message on Sunday morning from the passage
“blessed are those who are merciful,” it is typical to head to a
restaurant and order a big steak of animal flesh.

Constantine came from a barbaric meat-eating ethos.

This gluttonous man was touted as a father of the church, yet
he did all in his power to take away the spirit-sensitivities of
people in order to create the religion of his desire. This
“leader of the faith” would pour molten metal down the
throats of vegetarians.

“The World Peace Diet,” Will Tuttle, Ph.D., World Peace

Soon the early church began making concessions –

partly to reduce the persecution and partly to satisfy people
like Paul who was a Sadducee and had developed a taste for
meat thus “allowing” other people to eat animal flesh. The
historic fact that Jesus Christ was a Nazarene and member of
a group who were conscientious vegetarians is completely
ignored. Clearly, the reality that Jesus was an outspoken,
radical political activist is not the only thing church leaders
have sought to suppress in the recent discovery of the Dead
Sea Scrolls.

I don’t place credence on the modern “Food Chart”

after reading the following by Luise Light, M.S. Ed.D.,

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former USDA director of dietary guidance who was
responsible for creating the original food pyramid – until it
was altered. In her book, “What to Eat: The Ten Things You
Really Need to Know to Eat Well and Be Happy,” she
exposes the corruption in the food industry:

“The original food pyramid I was in charge of

developing was not allowed to be published… In my case, I
was taken to the posh hotel… for a meeting… At that
meeting, I was offered an attaché case full of money (sixty
thousand dollars) for eliminating all mention of the word
in a new nutrition and health program I was
developing for the American Red Cross.”

Luise refused the bribe.
Our school books don’t tell us about how Edison

refused to eat meat when inventing because his brain worked
clearer without animal flesh. Or that Einstein decried cruelty
to animals.

There is a selection of vets who believe vaccines are

damaging pets. Charles E Loops, DVM, Pittsboro, USA said:
"The first thing that must change with routine vaccinations is
the myth that vaccines are not harmful. Veterinarians and
animal guardians have to come to realize that they are not
protecting animals from disease by annual vaccinations, but
in fact, are destroying the health and immune systems of
these same animals they love and care for." Christina
Chambreau, DVM, Madison,USA, agrees: "Routine
vaccinations are probably the worst thing that we do for our

Education: Again, if budgets of organizations were

directed in smarter ways, we could use resources to make
enormous strides in the quality of life of our planet. Few

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developing nations have programs that teach naturopathic
medicine. One of our liberty strategies involves establishing
television stations to provide self-sufficiency training and
health prevention. If you would like to combine your
resources with ours to that end, you are welcome to contact

Free-Market Local Economic Enterprise: Quite

simply, we’ve been lied to; we’ve been told population
growth must be a problem – even worth killing for,
according to some sources.

Yet, according to the World Bank Development’s own

1997 Report, South Korea, with 3.5 times the population
density than China, produces 16 times the manufacturing
output per capita.

Niger could well be used as propaganda for the cause of

“population control” because of their economic and food
supply problems. Yet even here the problems are not too
many people. By comparison Niger’s population density is 9
people per square km. Compare this with the USA at 28;
Japan at 340; the Netherlands 484 and Hong Kong 6,621.

So, pure logic based on the facts reveals that one cannot

equate population density as a factor or cause of poverty and

From 1900 to 2000, world population grew from

1.6 billion persons to 6.1 billion. However, while
world population increased close to 4 times, world
real gross domestic product increased 20 to 40 times.

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The 1998 winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics,

Amartya Sen from Bangladesh: has stated convincingly that
famines in the Third World are not caused by actual food
shortages but by institutional failure. While some
uninformed individuals are quick to wave the
“overpopulation” flag, he places the blame of government
control and interference. Officials dominate the buying and
processing of jute, the major cash crop, so that farmers
receive less for their efforts than they would in a free market.

Collectivism, whether as Communism or Fascism,

removed the incentive to work. Impoverished farmers fled to
the city, dishearten that the government owns 40 percent of
industry and regulates the rest with price controls, high taxes
and unpublished rules administered by a huge, corrupt,
foreign-aid dependent bureaucracy.

Another striking case of how the lies of population

backfire is the difference between the Malaysian government
that abandoned population control in 1984, thus ushering in
remarkable economic growth under free market reforms and
those nations that decided to obediently comply with the
International Conference on Population and Development in
Cairo. Though the countries of Ecuador, Uruguay, and
Bulgaria reduced their population growth, they still had
deteriorating economies.

Outlaw GMO agriculture and pesticides: Did I just

get my name put on a hit list?

Even if the health risks are still up for discussion, our

economy would likely improve greatly if Genetically
Modified Organisms (GMO) engineering were discouraged.
Hybrid seeds are patentable. And they are generally designed
to only produce one season which is horrible for the

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struggling farmer – but great for the Big Agricultural giant
that sold it to him/her. Additionally, engineered traits require
chemical activation, thus enforcing annual license fees from
farmers. The price of GMO corn seed is now three times
greater than it was just a few years ago. Poor farmers cannot
afford this increase.

Some argue that there are serious health risks. What are

the risks of artificially tampering with our food supplies?

According to those against GMO, animal studies show

that DNA in food can travel into organs throughout the body,
even into the fetus. More than half the offspring of mother
rats fed GM soy reportedly died within three weeks. Soy
allergies skyrocketed by 50% in the UK, soon after GM soy
was introduced leaving some to conclude that the GMO was
the cause.

As William Engdahl explains in Seeds of Destruction, a

farmer found evidence that planting Syngenta Bt-176
genetically engineered corn to feed his cattle in 1997 had
been responsible for killing off his cattle, destroying his milk
production, and poisoning his farmland.

When sheep grazed on a particular brand of GMO

cotton plants after harvest, within a week 1 in 4 died.
Shepherds estimate 10,000 sheep deaths in one region of
India. Farmers in Europe and Asia say that cows, water
buffaloes, chickens, and horses died from eating

this GMO corn variety. U.S. farmers reported this variety
caused widespread sterility in pigs or cows

If rats that eat GMO soy and cattle that eat GMO corn

have severe health effects and some die, then what is
happening to humans?

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We’ve already proven that a productive populous can

sustain a growing populous. But what if people become so ill
from GMO that they can no longer think or function
effectively? Worse still, what if those people within a society
who are responsible for providing FOOD to the rest of
populous (the farmers) become ill as a result of living in
close proximity to pesticides? This is when you have a major

Many European, Asian, and African countries have

banned GMOs to protect their farming systems and food
supplies, yet we are seemingly complacent that these
controversial seeds have entered our food supply.

The newest and most alarming developments of



engineered food are pharm-crops, pharmaceutical

drugs and vaccines grown on food. Very little information is
available to the public sector, but permits have been issued to
grow birth-control, AIDS-vaccines, herpes simplex-vaccines,
and animal vaccines on food in the open field. If the
antibiotic gene inserted into most GM crops
were to transfer, it could create super diseases,
resistant to antibiotics.

Increasingly greater numbers of people are reporting a

diagnosis of Morgellon’s disease. At the time of this writing
over 14,000 are registered at the Morgellons Research


To see pictures:

Patients describe their condition as a feeling of bugs or

parasites scuttling around beneath their skin, accompanied
by open lesions that heal slowly and ooze out blue, black or

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white fibers that can be several millimeters long. These
fibers appear like pliable plastic.

Vitaly Citovsky, Professor of Biochemistry and Cell

Biology at Stony Brook University in New York, discovered
that the fibers contain the substance Agrobacterium, a
genus of gram-negative bacteria capable of genetically
transforming not only plants, but also other eukaryotic
species, including human cells

According to the Centers for Disease Control, "Persons

who suffer from this condition report a range of coetaneous
symptoms including crawling, biting and stinging sensations;
granules, threads or black speck-like materials on or beneath
the skin; and/or skin lesions (e.g., rashes or sores) and some
sufferers also report systemic manifestations such as fatigue,
mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, and
changes in vision."

Dr. Randy Wymore of Oklahoma State University

found that the multi-colored fibers do not match any
common environmental fibers.

Is this one more way in which our government’s lenient

stance towards artificial substances from Big Agriculture and
Big Pharmaceutical companies are harming us –
Vaccinations being another?

By Presidential Executive Order [1992], the US had

defined GMO seeds as harmless and hence not needing to be
regulated for health and safety.

As a result of this lovely gesture towards preserving the

health of Americans, genetically engineered food does not
have to be labeled in America. Roughly 75% of U.S.
processed foods- boxed cereals, other grain products, breads,

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chips, cookies, candy, frozen dinners, cooking oils and more-
contain some genetically modified ingredients.

One study shows that there has been a 5900% increase

in land devoted to GMO crops in a 10-year period!

Pesticides present cause the unavoidable destruction of

beneficial insects and spiders and interfere with natural pest
control. We must consider how GMO impact the balance of
our ecosystem.

Until now, the United States Patent and Trademark

Office has refused to grant patents on seeds. Former
responsible lawmakers knew this was nature’s life form and
not to be handed over for tampering. But in 1980, the U.S.
Supreme Court opened wide the door for a handful of a
corporations to begin taking control of the world’s food
supply. The resulting one-season hybrid seeds could
eventually put entire nations at the mercy of whether or not
the Big Agricultural giants allow them access to another
annual allotment. We need to repeal legislation that restricts
renewable food source of seeds. In the short term, we need to
frequent local organic markets that do not use GMO seeds.

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Chapter 11


Falsities and

Twisted “Facts”


ne group that defiantly deserves to be listed in the “Who

Done it” chapter is crooked pharmaceutical companies that
set themselves up to financially benefit from a self-generated
pandemic. I covered their involvement briefly in connection
with activists who have eugenics motivations. There are
those who do not create a pandemic but nevertheless
communicate falsities and propagate fear for no other reason

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than making a fast buck. They may not have engineered the
biological warfare compounds themselves, but are quite
happy to disseminate them for a chunk of the pandemic pie.

In the earlier mentioned Sept. 26, 2009 news release

entitled, “America's H1N1 Expert Says Scientists Are
Clueless About Immune System Reactions to
Vaccinations ,Dr. Leonard Horowitz exposed the
connection between America's leading promoter of getting
vaccinated for the H1N1 flu, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of
the National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID) and the drug companies who mutually stand to
benefit from a pandemic. Horowitz further declared that Dr.
Fauci is a co-patent holder on an ingredient used in the new
vaccines for AIDS and H1N1 flu.”

“America's H1N1 Expert Says Scientists Are Clueless About Immune

System Reactions to Vaccinations,Sept. 26, 2009, News Release, Sherri Kane.

The U.S. government is the largest purchaser of

vaccines in the country. In fact, nearly 30 percent of the
Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) annual budget is
composed of purchasing vaccines and ensuring vaccination
is completed for every child in the country. It goes without
saying that placement of key pharmaceutical lobbyist within
such institutions would have to be a huge priority for drug

When I was a television host, I interviewed a doctor

who was selling flu shots for his hospital. I had done my
research and I couldn’t help but ask him some key questions
which he didn’t appreciate.

1. How is the vaccination supposed to help us with this

years’ flu when they use strains from LAST year’s flu and it

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is prepared up to 18 months – or more in advance? Short of
being psychic, how can they tell?

2. Is the flu shot really helping people when in a review

of 64 studies of 98 flu seasons of the elderly, flu shots were
deemed non-significant for preventing the flu.

A study published in the October 2008 issue of the

Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine found that
vaccinating young children against the flu had no impact
on flu-related hospitalizations or doctor visits during two
recent flu seasons. The researchers concluded that
"significant influenza vaccine effectiveness could not be
demonstrated for any season, age, or setting" examined.


A 2008 study published in the Lancet found that

influenza vaccination was NOT associated with a reduced
risk of pneumonia in older people.
This supports an earlier
study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

The New England Journal of Medicine May 1, 2003;348:1747-1755


Research published in the American Journal of

Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine also confirms that
there has been no decrease in deaths from influenza and
pneumonia in the elderly, despite the fact that
vaccination coverage among the elderly has increased
from 15 percent in 1980 to 65 percent now.


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In 2007, researchers with the National Institute of

Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the National Institutes
of Health published this conclusion in the Lancet Infectious
: “We conclude that frailty selection bias and use of
non-specific endpoints such as all-cause mortality, have led
cohort studies to greatly exaggerate vaccine benefits

Lancet Infect Dis. 2007 Oct;7(10):658-66.

A large-scale, systematic review of 51 studies,

published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
in 2006, found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any
more effective than a placebo in children
. The studies
involved 260,000 children, age 6 to 23 months.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jan 25;(1):CD004879

And that the CDC has reported that 71% of all

hospitalization for swine flu was among those who are
already sick or on chemotherapy
. Surely they don’t expect
the public to voluntarily opt for the flu shot if they are

Apparently, so. But that should come as no surprise.

They have been vaccinating perfectly healthy infants for
decades. And are our children getting healthier?

"I've been practicing for 40 years, and in the past 10 years

the children have been sicker than ever."

-- Dr Doris J.Rapp, pediatric allergist.

"Like sheep being led to slaughter, people are following

the advice of medical pundits as though they are gods with
divine intellect. Why is it that so few dare even question

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what's in a shot before allowing a doctor to jab you with a
needle?."--Greg Ciola

Two-hundred years of historical evidence and published

medical literature support the following theses:

1. Vaccines cause, rather than prevent the spread of


2. Vaccines prepare the body for infertility, chronic

illness, behavioral/neurological disorders and/or sudden

“Cot-death is no longer a problem of clinical medicine,

but is one of medical politics. We have long had the
knowledge and experience as to how these unnecessary
deaths can be avoided. In the meantime... to prevent your
offspring from becoming a SIDS statistic just make sure that
its daily intake of ascorbate from conception on is sufficient.
Under this regime the neonate is so robust and healthy that
there has never been a case of SIDS among these ascorbate
corrected infants, not even a case of respiratory distress
during birth.” -Irwin Stone, Ph.D.(1981) in "Every Second
Child" by Dr Kalokerinos (1974).

That bit of information would have saved the lives of at

least 150,000 children since its discovery. Is it really about
child health – or about selling vaccinations?

Vaccinations are indeed a racket.

By the time the average child is 3-6 years old,

he or she may have been inoculated 74 times!

40 years ago, there were only 5 vaccinations that a

doctor could sell to you. Let’s get a clue – 74 vaccinations
represent A LOT of charges to your HMO.

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The vaccine industry is lucrative. Merck, one of the big

three vaccine manufacturers reportedly makes over 1 billion
dollars per year in vaccine sales alone.

Helping this company increase their profit is the U.S.

Government. Vaccines are legally mandated in all 50 US
(though legally avoidable in most), yet these same
companies are "immune" from accountability for the
consequences of their products.

Regardless that the first mass vaccination program,

using Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine in England, was
officially declared a public health disaster by a Royal
commission in 1896, the vaccine myth has survived. Today
there are vaccines for many diseases and they contain the
most toxic substances on earth. Among them are ethyl
mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, live and dead viruses
cultured in animal tissue and aborted human fetal tissue,
phenols, monosodium glutamate, aspartame and ammonium

Do you know the definition of Fascism? It is when the

government and large corporations unite to exert control and
coercion for profit. Gauging by the fact that so many
campaign dollars come from pharmaceutical companies (not
to speak of the other large companies/cartels), does the term
apply? I’m a huge advocate of Free Market Enterprise, but
honest business practices do not include this type of

One fascist collaboration like the swine flu – if

allowed unchecked to be unleashed, can kill billions. Now
is not the time to wave our hands in frustration and fatalism
at the collaboration and corruption we have seen. We must
band together to TAKE BACK our nation.

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Are we sick enough already – politically and

physically? Isn’t it about time to create a new guard?

It amazes me how much we have tolerated. Our

republic was one set up to be controlled by “we the people.”
How far we’ve come.

The media picks and chooses while most Americans

watch and sit back in our lazy boys – still trusting the
integrity of the information. Some people watch sessions of
Congress, wave their fist at what makes them mad and
somehow feel they have done something.
Is this emotional
connection to the problem doing anything to change it?

I propose that at our hearts we feel powerless. Only

people who feel as though nothing can truly be done,
misdirect their anger in such unproductive ways as yelling at
the television.

I want to change this disease of hopelessness across

America. Do you?

Will you join us in getting as many people to ValYOU

as possible to learn the strategies and information we will be
presenting. We must act in solidarity. Comparatively
unimportant dissimilarities must be set aside.
We must
concentrate on what we can do within the NEXT YEAR to
remove the old tapestry of corruption and put in a new
system of accountability.

Fear is what holds most of us back. Fear is what has

been at the heart of many physical plagues too. In my
book, Cannibals, Grass Skirted Angels and the Apparition
, I tell the story of a woman I met while overseas whose
large family had surpassed a pandemic in the early 1900s
much like the Black Plaque. Every family in the country

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seemed to have at least of member dead or dying, and yet
this woman’s family were seemingly immune – despite the
father farming them out to work as nurses in the homes of
sick patients. It’s an incredible story worth reading.

I have no doubt that the chemical cocktail in the

vaccinations can make one sick and then highly contagious.
But the question is: how will we react to this news?

Will we be proactive

or give in to the planned pandemic?

I’ve been told by intelligence agents that half of the

diabolical plans they feed to the underground press are never
intended to happen. The globalists know that if we believe
we are destroyed – then we are
. If we believe that we are
outnumbered, outwitted and overcome – then we are.

You see, they understand the power of the mind. They

understand that we can turn ourselves into victims at our
own hands. If we fall into the trap of fatalism, then they win
without ever having fired a shot.

This tactic saves them a lot of money.
Plus, how can you point the finger at them in a

Nuremburg-type trial if they snuck little warnings to us about
what they were going to do and we did nothing. Even better
for them is if we lay over and died out of fear.

The next chapter is going to tell you how to put

yourself back in the driver’s seat of your destiny. It will
explain how to keep your family safe no matter what
biological warfare is sent our direction – provided that is,
you take action. Perhaps there is still time.

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Chapter 12

Physical &

Political Protection

from the

Swine Flu


f the earlier mentioned Dr. Girard is saying that the

vaccination that’s touted by our government as THE #1
choice for prevention could cause the pandemic, I’m inclined
to conclude that we need to consider alternatives other than
the one we are being offered. It’s like saying to the man in

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the execution chair. “Which would you prefer – AC or DC?”
Not much of an option.

I don’t care for either of the options: swine flu or the

vaccination. Must we really conclude that these options are
the only doors held open for the masses?

Dr. William D. Kelly warns: "Do Not Take Any

Vaccinations. This is the standard deceptive way you are
given the Establishment's Biological Warfare infections."

It’s one thing to firmly keep your sleeve rolled down

and insist you will not accept the vaccination. But here is
where reality kicks in: if you have a family member or
colleague who gets sick and they have been in contact with
you, then you could be forcefully quarantined or vaccinated.

So what is the solution?
1. Personally use preventative measures.
2. Insist that others use preventative measures.
Yes, I said “insist.” Now is not the time to be bashful

about getting the word out. The more people around you that
stay healthy, the less chance of mandatory government
vaccinations making any sense.

This is the time to protect your family and those closest

to you. It is noble to try and get the word out to everyone you
know throughout the country, but getting the word out to
people in your immediate vicinity (within a 50 mile
radius) will net you the greatest protection for your time.

For everyone residing further a field, send them an

email with the following link:

. With this

link they can download the “Clue to the Swine Flu” and get
other free publications that are afforded just for subscribers.

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Once a subscription is confirmed, they will be taken to

a landing page from where they can find all the resources
they need, including a “Solutions” page to order the
following compounds listed below as your prime
NATURAL defense. These are sources deemed by my
research to be the most potent and the best value:


During the Great Plague in Europe in 1413, four thieves

were captured in Toulouse, France. The judge offered them a
plea bargain if they would reveal their secret. Despite
robbing the dead and dying, they remained healthy --
immune to their bubonic plaque victims. It was discovered
that the thieves rubbed an essential oil concoction that
included clove, cinnamon and rosemary. This was worn on
their temples, hands and ears. Although the plague was
highly contagious, they never contracted the disease
. Our
ValYOU "Protection Zone" is inspired by the original
formula of these thieves and can be found at the above
website along with the other recommended items of defense.

Interestingly, the father of modern aromatherapy was a

military doctor in the French Army, Dr. Jean Valnet. He
retired in 1959 with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel and had
gained numerous distinctions and decorations rewarding his
courage and medical efforts. He brought to the attention of
doctors and the public the power of oils to heal when, in
1964, he published his book – “Aromatherapy-the Treatment
of Diseases with Plant Essences”, since reissued regularly.

During WWI the civilian military hospitals used

essential oils extensively for their wound–healing and anti–

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bacterial properties. Today, given the threat of biological
warfare, astute people are wearing it (temples, wrists, neck
and/or bottom of feet) as a preventative measure to protect
themselves from contracting airborne germs, bacteria and

Protected Brain: Further, certain essential oils (such as

those in this blend) help to keep someone who is on duty,
alert and aware of what is going on around them. These oils
stimulate blood flow and oxygen transport within the blood;
this enables the brain to react quicker and heightens mental
clarity. They contain sesquiterpenes (biologically active
therapeutic compounds - i.e. anti-bacterial and anti-
inflammatory) which can cross the blood–brain barrier.

Protected Emotions: We know that good and

(unfortunately) bad emotions are triggered by smell.
Therefore, it is vital that someone who is under stress is
smelling scents that will build feelings of confidence,
protection and wellbeing, thereby blocking out negative
smells that lower one's vibrations and makes them
vulnerable. An elevated existence depends to a large extent
on aromatics that help us stay impervious against those that
would dampen our spirits.

Protected Body: Wearing Protection Zone (temples,

wrists, neck and/or bottom of feet) will help to create a
protective shield around you from airborne antimicrobial
molecules. This formula is a combination of some of the
strongest immune-building essential oils that are the most
powerful antimicrobial, anti infectious, anti bacterial,
antiviral, antifungal known to date.

Protected Surrounding Air: Essential oils are less

than 500 atomic mass units or amu, allowing the molecules

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to readily leap into the air so they can enter your nose.
Because these molecule size vapors are so light, they remain
suspended for up to several hours, killing airborne viruses,
bacteria and fungus on contact. Science indicates that this
creates a protective, positive force-field in the atmosphere.
So powerful are essential oils that they can penetrate the
inner cell membrane within 20 minutes of those who smell
the oil. No wonder simply smelling the oils is reported to
give physical relief to many people who are suffering from
an ailment.

Pure Essential Myrrh is one of the oils in Protection

Zone. The highly acclaimed therapeutic properties of myrrh
oil are anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiphlogistic,
antiseptic, astringent and fungicidal. Dr. Joel Wallach, a
nationally-renowned doctor who stayed in our home told us
that he carried a little bottle of myrrh around his neck and
when he gets on a airplane, he sprinkles the essential oils
around him.

You must reapply these oils several times throughout

the day, taking a moment to breathe them in when you do.
For young children, this oil is best applied on the bottom of
the feet. One of the most loving things my husband does
while we are watching a DVD, is to massage my feet with
the Sensual Zone massage oil mixed with a few drops of the
various essential oils we have available through ValYOU. I
let the Sleep Zone do its magic just before bedtime.

During the day, I also gently heat the oils in a diffuser

in the home, placing an electrical one that plugs into the wall
socket in both our bathrooms and kitchen. Periodically, I turn
these on to protect the entire household against airborne
pathogens. It also lifts the atmosphere.

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We have a selection of extremely affordable diffusers.

Again, our goal is to help make people healthy by providing
economical options. Our essential oils are also comparatively
highly affordable because we buy in bulk and pass the
savings on to you.


Traditionally, the flu season hits during the winter

months when there is not as much sunshine hitting the skin
and therefore it is not consuming as much Vitamin D3.

Vitamin D3 (not D1 or D2 – which can be toxic) may

be the most important supplement you’re not taking — or
not taking enough of. Most of us have little idea that taking
regular amounts of it may help stave off some of the most
common life-threatening illnesses. In recent studies, Vitamin
D3 has been shown to lower the risk of diabetes,
hypertension, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, memory loss
and several types of cancer.

The Chicago Sun-Times went even further, linking

African-American death rates from aggressive forms of
breast and prostate cancer to low levels of vitamin D.
Melanin protects the skin against ultraviolet light which
affects the skin’s ability to activate pre-vitamin D. The
darker pigment of African-American’s skin blocks the sun’s
rays. So the darker the skin, the less vitamin D you produce.
In the scientific literature, the difference is striking.

Dr. John Cannell, founder of the Vitamin D Council,

was one of the first to hypothecate that influenza is merely a

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symptom of vitamin D deficiency in the paper Epidemic
Influenza and Vitamin D, published in the journal
Epidemiology and Infection two years ago, followed up with
another study published in the Virology Journal last year. In
a new study involving 19,000 Americans, a new study
confirmed that people with the lowest blood vitamin D
levels reported having significantly more recent colds or
cases of the flu

“Epidemic Influenza And Vitamin D,” J. J. Cannell, 15 Sep 2006,;

Author Dr. Adit Ginde stated: "The findings of our

study support an important role for vitamin D in prevention
of common respiratory infections, such as colds and the flu.
Individuals with common lung diseases, such as asthma or
emphysema, may be particularly susceptible to respiratory
infections from vitamin D deficiency."

Dr. Mercola, M.D. covers this information further:

“A recent study published in the October issue of the
Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine found that
vaccinating young children against the flu appeared to have
no impact on flu-related hospitalizations or doctor visits
during two recent flu seasons... But after adjusting for
potentially relevant variables, the researchers concluded that
"significant influenza vaccine effectiveness could not be
demonstrated for any season, age, or setting
" examined.
Additionally, a Group Health study found that flu shots do

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not protect elderly people against developing pneumonia --
the primary cause of death resulting as a complication of the
flu...Vitamin D, “the sunshine vitamin,” may very well be
one of the most beneficial vitamins there is for disease




Dr. Harry Elwardt, N.D. who spoke on our recent

Swine Flu Teleconference, recommends 5000iu of Vitamin
D3 a day or 2000iu per 100lbs. For children this is adjusted
according to weight. He asserts that his research has led him
to conclude that supplementing with Vitamin D3 is perhaps
your greatest protection against the Swine Flu – or any
illness for that matter.

He explained that Canada is now offering Vitamin D3

as an alternative to the vaccination. Here is what he
recommended on the call: “If you start getting any
symptoms, sniffles, up your vitamin D supplements to
50,000ius for the next three days and you will be over it in 3
days. Understand that once you have contacted the flu virus,
your body has then created antibodies to fight it. If I ever get
challenges, I will say I’ve already had it. Right now, they are
about a year behind in testing for it, so it will take a while to
get around to testing you.”


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We have sourced a LIQUID Vitamin D3 compound

(“Swine Flu Solutions” link at our website:

under the sidebar directory of “Physical

Freedom”). Liquid compounds give you approximately 98%
absorption vs. 10-20% with a tablet. Further, tablets can get
stuck in your colon. Autopsies have found tablets lodged up
to 20 years after they were taken with the name on the tablet
still visible. Furthermore, the preservative put in most
capsules, even “natural” ones, may be a carcinogenic (cancer
causing) substance, and puts strain on your immune system –
something you do not want if you are trying to stay healthy.

Not only does this economical compound contain

5000ius of Vitamin D per one ounce serving, it also contains
all of the following. In one ounce you get Amino Acids for
your heart, 12 vitamins and nutrients such as large amounts
of Vitamin B12, 70 ionic minerals, Omega 3, 8 antioxidants
including Grape Seed extract, CoEnsyme Q10 and the
hugely popular anti-aging Resveratrol. To buy these
ingredients at your local health food store individually. We
have since gotten to know the owner of the company and are
impressed with his dedication to restoring people’s health at
an affordable price.) at the time of this writing – a fraction of

Amino Acid L-Arginine - 5000 mg- per ounce - Over
69,000 medically published clinical tests dating back over
30 years have proven that arginine converts to nitric oxide
in our blood vessels and increased nitric oxide will help:
• Lower Blood Pressure—Lancet 1990
• Lower Cholesterol—J Nutr 1996
• Improve Diabetes—Diabetes Care 2001
• Improve Sexual Function—BJU Int 1999

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• Reduce Blood Clots & Strokes—Circulation 2001
• Improve Heart Failure—J Am Coll Cardiol 2000
• Improve Wound Healing—Surgery 1993
• Improve Kidney Function—Kidney Intl 1999
• Improved Memory—J Physiol Pharmacol 1999
• Increase Muscle Growth & Performance —Med Sci

Sports Excer 2000

Dr. Jacob Rajfer reported to the New England Journal of
, as much as 80% of sexual dysfunction in men
and women is directly attributable to some form of nitric
oxide failure

“This year scientists proved definitively that nitric oxide
translates sexual excitement into potency by causing
erections. The pelvic nerves get a message from the brain
and make nitric oxide in response. Nitric oxide dilates the
blood vessels throughout the crucial areas of the penis,
blood rushes in and the penis rises to the
occasion.” Science Magazine 1992

Amino Acid L-Citrulline – 200 mg per ounce. This is
another amino acid that helps to improve the efficacy of

70 Plant Source Ionic Minerals ( 2,000mg/oz ) - Your
body most efficiently absorbs minerals in plant source
ionic form. Elemental minerals in pill form are essentially
rocks, and your body was not designed to absorb rocks.
Besides, most pill supplements usually contain only 11 or
12 minerals, not the 77 plant-source ionic minerals in
Mega Cardio Health Plus.*

12 Vitamins & Nutrients - large amounts of each
element of the B-Vitamin Complex, and Vitamin E, and
other specialized nutrients.*

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8 Fortified Minerals - balanced amounts of Zinc,
Chromium and Vanadium, small amounts of Calcium and
Magnesium (larger amounts might interfere with the
absorption of other nutrients), superior antioxidant
minerals like Selenium, and absorption-aiding minerals
like Copper and Manganese.*

8 Specialty Antioxidants: (powerful free radical fighters
to support anti-aging)*

Grape Seed Extract ( 60 mg/oz ) - Grape Seed Extract is
an important source of one of nature's most potent
antioxidants, the proanthocyanidins. Research has shown
that proanthocyanidins (bioflavonoids) function in the
body as anti-inflammatories, antihistamines,
antiallergenics and are major free radical scavengers.
Proanthocyandins possess up to 50 times stronger
antioxidant activity than Vitamin E, Beta Carotene or

CoEnzyme Q-10 ( 100 mg/oz ) - CoEnzyme Q-10 is
essential for human life and health and is needed by every
cell in the human body. It is involved in generating 95
percent of the energy needs of your body through the
production of ATP, the basic energy molecule. Worldwide
studies confirm that CoQ10 can enhance and revitalize the
heart, the immune system and cellular function.*

Resveratrol ( 100 mg/oz ) Resveratrol is the antioxidant
found in the skin of red grapes and is a constituent of red
wine. Each ounce of Mega Cardio Health Plus™ contains
as much resveratrol as 115 glasses of red wine. *


On Dr. Mercola’s September 2009 blog entitled, “IV

Vitamin C Used to Recover Terminal Swine Flu Case”,

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writes the following: “Dr. Thomas Levy sent me a report on
a case where vitamin C was used to completely cure a case
of swine flu. He says that adequately dosed vitamin C, to his
knowledge, has never failed to cure an acute viral syndrome.
According to information he received from a colleague in
New Zealand, John Appleton, the following occurred: A
Waikato farmer went to Fiji for holiday, and started
developing flu-like symptoms, but decided to tough it out.
He arrived back in New Zealand very sick with swine flu.
…he continued to deteriorate, despite the use of Tamiflu and

“His brother-in-law (who knows a bit about vitamin C)

contacted Dr. Thomas Levy in the U.S., who referred him to
Dr. Appleton. Dr. Appleton provided a lot of info on vitamin
C and referred the family to CAM (Centre for Advanced
Medicine), in Auckland.

“The family pushed to get him some IV vitamin C, but

the hospital refused. CAM doctors encouraged the hospital to
try vitamin C.

“The patient deteriorated further and was on life

support. The family was told nothing more could be done
and life support would be switched off. His lungs were not
functioning. The family said NO -- not until everything has
been tried.

“The hospital was pushed hard to give him IVC and

reluctantly agreed, saying if there was no improvement by
Friday that's it.

“The patient showed signs of improvement by

Wednesday, to the hospital’s surprise. Concerns were
expressed about his kidneys, and a new specialist wanted to
stop the vitamin C use -- the family was told his liver was

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failing, “caused by vitamin C”. Dr. Appleton gave them lots
of data showing the liver is more likely to be affected by

“Patient recovery continued to the point where he could

be transferred to Waikato (closer to home); he was on a
ventilator and NG tube feeding. The doctors there were more
receptive to vitamin C, but wouldn't agree to continue the
treatment. The family got a high profile lawyer involved who
wrote a letter about patient rights and called the hospital to
recommend that they sort it out with the family.

“The hospital continued with IVC, albeit at a much

lower dose. A CAM doctor traveled to Waikato to endorse
the treatment and recommend IVC at higher doses. The
patient continued to recover -- he was now conscious. The
hospital staff was stunned -- they had never seen anything
like this

“The patient was told by his brother-in-law that IVC

had saved him. The patient’s wife had not lost her husband
and children have their father. The patient was by this time
fully 'with it' and talking normally with family and taking
Lypospheric vitamin C (6 grams daily).

“For those doctors wondering about doses, Dr. Levy

communicated directly with the brother-in-law to find out.
On the Tuesday following the initial "deadline" 25 grams
were given intravenously. On Wednesday, 25 gram infusions
were again repeated twice. Thursday the patient received 75
grams, and starting on Friday he received 100 grams
intravenously and stayed at this dose daily for another 4 to 6
days. Then the new consultant had the vitamin C
discontinued completely. One week later, the IVC was
restarted at only one gram twice daily.

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“Dr. Levy encourages everyone to resend this case

history to any and all who you think could benefit, including
your friends and contacts in the government. Obviously, a
reasonable daily dose of vitamin C could be expected to do
an even better job at preventing H1N1 while having no
downside relative to the mass vaccinations getting ready to
take place.”

“IV Vitamin C Used to Recover Terminal Swine Flu Case”, Dr. Mercola
September 2009 blog entitled,


The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and others used silver

vessels for water and other liquids to keep them fresh.
America’s early pioneers placed silver and copper coins in
their caskets of water to retard the growth of bacteria, algae,
and other spoilage organisms. They also put silver dollars in
their milk to keep it fresh.

In 1881, Carl Crede pioneered the placement of 2%

silver nitrate in the eye of neonates to prevent gonorrheal
ophthalmia, a technique which has been in widespread use
ever since.

Then, in the early 1900's silver foil dressings were used

for wounds and continued to be used until after World War II
with the advent of antibiotic drugs.

It seems we’ve come full circle because now that such

virulent strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria have become a
serious concern, that a company has begun working with
antibiotic manufactures to introduce silver to the equation.

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Many centuries ago, it was discovered that families

who could afford to feed their children with a silver spoon
experienced less sickness related deaths – thus the phrase
reference to privilege: “He was born with a silver spoon in
his mouth.”

With the resurgence of silver as a remedial substance,

has come the introduction of colloidal silver and other types
of liquid silver compounds. However, there has been much
concern about the accumulation of silver in the body.

With nano-silver technology, this is no longer a

problem. The manufacturer with whom we are working as
been given the highest EPA (Environmental Protection
Agency) grade. The silver solution this company provides is
a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent. Dr. Ron Leavitt,
Microbiology Department, Brigham Young University
asserts that “to-date, there are no pathogenic bacteria tested
that [this] product has not killed.” -

In fact, the manufacturer (who will be on an upcoming

call) has explained the antimicrobial has undergone rigorous
testing and has been found to kill Anthrax, Bubonic Plague,
Hospital Staph, and SARS. It is the first antimicrobial for the
hospital in many years. This assertion backed up by Paul K.
Carlton, MD and Director of Integrative Center for
Homeland Security, Former Surgeon General of the United
States Air Force.


resonates at a frequency selectively destructive to

pathogens. In fact, it has been measured to resonate at 890
to 910 terahertz. This is the same frequency at which
germicidal ultraviolet light resonates.
Like tiny
“flashlights” these nano-silver particles vibrate to destroy

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bacteria, viruses, and yeast throughout every capillary in the

Silver also has a magnet charge that attracts the virus’

incomplete DNA and protects it from clawing onto healthy
cells. This stops the reproduction of viral diseases like
influenza, hepatitis and cervical cancer when this incomplete
genetic material seeks to destroy the body.

In Brigham Young Medical University Research of

1999 and 2006, it was illustrated conclusively that silver was
effective on over 650 bacteria, virus, mutant viruses,
resistant antibiotic strains, fungi, yeast, the common cold and
even AIDS. Yet Big Pharma will never tell you about this
research, nor the fact that the Chinese have used it for 3000
years now.

If taken for prevention, Tamiflu produces resistance.

18% of the influenza virus is resistant to Tamiflu already.

CDC. Update: swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) virus---United States and

other countries. MMWR 2009;58:421.

In addition, some drugs such as Tamiflu are not

recommended for children under 13 years of age. Relenza
cannot be used in children under one or in adults over 65.
The antivirals must be given within 48 hours of the onset of
illness or the virus will run its course.


"Let thy food be thy medicine,

and thy medicine be thy food."

Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine

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Simply making the effort to eat more healthfully is a

powerful form of defense.

Paul Brag, a health advocate had a pandemic-relevant

warning: “Those who do not have enough time for good
health, will not have good health for enough time."

Here are some first-aid diet and lifestyle secrets:

• Eat garlic regularly

• Enzyme-rich foods (a good percentage of raw)
• Enjoy adequate sleep and sunlight (Vit. D)

• Exercise (the rebounder is one of the best)

• Emotional stress reduction
• Eliminate sugar and white flour

Make time for the sauna. The infrared sauna is a touch

of heaven when you are sick and the weather does not permit
outdoor basking in the sun. Research suggests the dry heat
might speed recovery and even stop a cold from developing.
When you sweat out the toxins through the largest organ: the
skin, you help the immune system do its job. Incidentally,
that is why nature gives us a fever when we are invaded by
an army designed to destroy our cells. A proviso: anyone
with circulation or heart issues needs to first check sauna use
with a health practitioner. Each time I use my sauna, I
always take an ounce of the Cardio/Vit. D compound earlier
mentioned to replace the mineral electrolytes that are
sometimes lost while sweating. Do your research about this
amazing sauna tool. I found it (and Turmeric) was an
enormous help in overcoming the inflammation I
experienced when I got Lyme disease.

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Though we’ve talked about the conspiracy to use a

generated Pandemic for population control and the mutation
to artificially inflate expected death tolls, make no mistake: a
pandemic is nothing to sneeze at – whether it was created in
a laboratory or through natural means.

The CDC reports the following pandemic death






Russian Flu H2H2



Spanish Flu H1N1



Asian Flu H2N2



Hong Kong H3N2


Good hygiene has been at the heart of squelching every




O - Water: Washing one’s hands after contact with

another person or after using the restroom is one of your best
lines of defense. According to the DCD, most influenza is
transferred by hand contact.

What many people forget is than when they put their

hands on mall doorknobs, elevator rails and other places
touched by thousands of people, they risk infectivity too.

You must be especially careful not to put your

contaminated hands on the inside corner of your eyes or
inside your nose membranes.
The hair of our nostrils is
there for a reason: to protect us from airborne germs. But

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when you push past this barrier by picking your nose, you
risk spreading germs.

If you are the one that is sick, you need to stay home

and wear a mask if you absolutely must go out in public.
There are sensible reasons for quarantine measures in the
case of an outbreak.

There are some airborne methods by which germs are

spread which many people forget: for instance a flushed
toilet. The spray going into the room. For this reason,
shutting the toilet lid before flushing and burning some
essential oils
in the bathroom is a smart way to counteract
that airborne bacteria.

Influenza Transmission Rates (CDC, 2009)

• Body fluids and hand to hand contact 70%
• Air borne 29%
• Animal 1%





O: Hydrogen Peroxide: The CDC suggests using a

topical disinfectant. throughout the day. Though bleach is
commonly used by many as a disinfectant, I prefer hydrogen
peroxide. For simple disinfectant purposes, they type you get
at the grocery store or local pharmacy would suffice. But
because many of the surfaces in kitchen areas will be used to
prepare food, I buy a food-grade compound.

Hydrogen peroxide is the atom H




. This means it has

water (H


O) and an extra oxygen molecule attached.





is one of the most powerful oxidizers known –

stronger than chlorine, chlorine dioxide, and potassium

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Hydrogen peroxide for water treatment has been

extremely popular and preferred across Europe for decades
and in greater numbers in the U.S.A. each month. Its
growing popularity for pools and hot tubs will no doubt
mushroom to other industries and household use in the years

Hydrogen peroxide is available in various strengths and

grades. What you’ll find at your local drugstore is 3%
pharmaceutical grade. This product is not recommended for
internal use because it contains an assortment of stabilizers
such as acetanilide, phenol, stanate and tertrasodium
phosphate which should not be ingested. There is the 6%
grade used in beauty shops to color hair, also not
recommended for internal use. A 30-32% grade used for
various scientific experimentations and to clean electronic
part has added stabilizers.

35% Technical Grade differs slightly in that phosphorus

is added to help neutralize any chlorine from the water used
to dilute it. Only 35% Food Grade is used in the production
of foods like cheese, eggs, and whey-containing products
and is the only grade recommended for internal use. It is also
sprayed on the foil lining of aseptic packages containing fruit
juices and milk products. As a note for interest, finally, there
is a 90% grade that is used as an oxygen source for rocket

Chemical manufacturers that are hydrogen peroxide’s

competitors argue that there are certain dangers concerning
handling the required 35%. As is true of most compounds –
natural or not, in high concentration, this is true. I highly
recommend storing this high-strength compound far out of
the reach of children, because if a child were to drink it
straight, it could kill them.

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Don’t ruin a good thing for the rest of us by not using

caution. There are more than 970,000 deaths from
medical drugs and doctor mistakes each year and no-one
things a thing about it because they are “practicing”
medicine; but if one single death results from someone
taking an herb or natural compound, the FDA can spend
millions of tax-payers dollars getting that herb off of all
the health food shelves.

That being said, once diluted and when used prudently,





can be used very beneficially. Simply become educated

about how best to use this gift.

Hydrogen peroxide is only one of the many components

that help regulate the amount of oxygen getting to your cells.
Its presence is vital for many other functions as well. It is
required for the production of thyroid hormone and sexual

If you are adding Hydrogen Peroxide to your drinking

water for added oxygen (approximately eight drops of 35%
food grade), remember to only have it on an empty stomach.
Research the use of this compound carefully - i.e. how to
store it safely.

Unfortunately, certain agencies have tried to cloak this

and other vital information on H




from the public for

many years. If you are curious to know more, visit the
website from where I get mine:

Food-grade hydrogen peroxide is used by many people

each night and sometimes through out the day to gargle and
rinse their mouths. It also helps to whiten the teeth.

A little bit of watered down hydrogen peroxide can be

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placed on a washcloth, which is then put in a plastic bag to
be used throughout the day to wash the hands of your family.

Note: remember that nano-silver can be used in exactly

the same way for most all the purposes mentioned regarding
hydrogen peroxide and many people prefer this safer
nontoxic option. It is also excellent to use as a gargle.


This compound was earlier mentioned in relation to its

formulator, Jim Humble and his warning from the Mexican
Senate if he were to spread the word about MMA working
with the Swine Flu.

In an effort to source prevention and remedial options

for my readers, I have communicated directly with Jim
Humble over the past couple weeks. I wanted to hear from
him personally regarding protocols specifically in relation to
the MMS’s use with the swine flu.

Here is how he responded:
“For prevention, take 6 drops a day” [you may need to

work your way up from one drop – a detailed protocol is
given in the free booklet you get with an order of the

I spoke with the people who sell the MMS linked from

our website. They also suggested (as per Humble’ protocol]
to bathe in the diluted compound: 30 drops + 2 ½ teaspoons
of the activator. Apparently, some people add a little DMSO
to the bath water if they have it. I cannot recommend using
DMSO or anything else that may be construed as a
“prescription” because this product like some of the other

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compounds has been attacked by mainstream allopathic
institutions. Interestingly it is widely used in the veterinarian
industry and was used by the public until attempts were
made to squelch its use – other fascinating research topic.
DMSO is a powerful carrier which does require care in use.
A warning to be careful with potent substances to always in
order because if a compound is strong enough to be
effective, it may be strong enough to harm if not handled
properly. The balance is to not rush out and use a product
without finding out what the manufacturer or developer has
found through documented research to be the correct,
suggested usage.

Here is another question I asked of Jim Humble: “After

people have come down with the flu or they are forced to
take the vaccination, what dosages do you recommend?”
Here is how he answered:

“Follow the HIV protocol until well. That’s 3 drops an

hour 8-10 hours a day.”

Please study further the intricacies of how to use the

MMS and how to source it for your family by visiting the
links about the affordable compound found at: “Swine Flu
Solutions” link at our website:

under the

sidebar directory of “Physical Freedom”. You will also get
the link simply by subscribing to This will take
you to a place where you get see past featured shows and a
link to “solutions”.

Our goal is to get natural compounds like this into the

health departments of developing nations around the world.
If you would like to help us do that, you can contact us. This
MMS compound is unbelievably affordable and like several
others with which we are working, it has the potential to

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remove a huge percentage of the sickness and suffering that
exists as part of a daily struggle to survive. The reason
people in third world countries appear to not be productive in
self-sufficiency industrialism is that many are so sick that
mere survival is their first concern. If we were in their shoes,
it would be our too. When people can finally rise above this
first basic instinct, they then can progress to the next level of
long-term sustenance and success. Smart philanthropy
centers around preventative health and education. This must
be the focus of all leaders of these nations too.

“MMS is in daily use by at least 230,000 individuals
since its public release in 2006. No one has died from
its use – even when they mixed it backwards – or
overdosed by mistake. If you read the articles at the
MMS-Education site

“MMS is attracted to germs and viruses because it seeks
to rip electrons out of the walls of pathogens, causing
them to implode and die. Swine Flu viruses have
electrons to give up and MMS will never know that this
virus was a slightly different viral strain.”


At the Health Freedom U.S.A. site, there is a petition

that you can sign: While we still have some time, I urge you
to add your voice to the nearly 2 1/4 million emails which
are flooding the boxes of legislators at the State and Federal
levels, secretaries Sebelius of HHS and Napolitano of DHS
and the White House. Our voices are loud, and becoming
louder. There is not much time to make them heard.” If this

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petition is still in place when you get this book, I recommend
you sign it:



Political action is important, but personal protection is

even more vital when a crisis is imminent. When you know
that a hurricane might be passing through your city, you
don’t sit back and wait until it is five minutes away from
your family to then scurry with the hopes of protecting them.
What you do, is spend a little effort prior to the possible

This sensible approach applies to the supposed swine

flu pandemic. Let’s hope it never eventuates. But be
prepared none-the-less.

Just as you would not go down and shoot the weather

man because he warned you about an approaching hurricane
and it never happened – don’t “shoot” this messenger down
in flames either. I am not suggesting you stock pile a year’s
worth of groceries. But I think it makes sense to have some
simple items which can feed your family for several weeks if
you were to be quarantined. For instance, Idaho is making
plans for a possible quarantine.

“H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Iowa Contemplates "Forced

Confinement" in a "Quarantine Facility" by Michel Chossudovsky, Global
Research, September 4, 2009

A recent study shows that the average American family

would starve to death if they couldn’t get out to buy
groceries in one month – that figure might be conservative.
You want to be able to weather the season out without the

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risk of being stopped at a checkpoint and forcefully

Here is a game plan – this check list is just plan

common sense to keep on hand for any kind of emergency;

Maps: Print off road atlases and maps of your

immediate area. Become familiar with backroads so you
don’t have to go through major intersections and thus
increase your chances of forced vaccinations- better still,
stay home. Get connected with people in your local area so
you know where else you could go if you need to move from
your home that is within walking distance. If you become
aware that your region will be forcefully vaccinated,
immediately more to another geographical region. Re-locate
to a more rural area near resources and a clean water source.

Food and Supplies: In addition to enough food to last

you for 30 days, have household items such as toilet tissue,
batteries, flashlight, gas/kerosene/diesel, candles, radio etc.
Seeds such as alphalpha and buckwheat an be sprouted into
living nourishment which is life sustaining. With a little
water and some sun, these easy-to-store seeds can last for
years. Have some other items which can be used
immediately. Don’t advertise the fact that you have a
stockpile either before or during a crisis event or will be
bombarded by thieves. Keep a low profile.

Water: Keep as much water as possible in containers

that are changed periodically to keep your supply fresh.
Know who close by has a well and is not on city water.

Sanitization: Have disinfectants and means of

disposing with waste.

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Home Remedies: Familiarize yourself with some of the

health remedies and prevention measures. Stock those items
and begin taking them NOW to supercharge your immune

Cell phones and chargers: Have a way of

communicating if the power goes out.

Exchangeable Commodities: During Hurricane

Katrina, certain items were more valuable than cash: like
alcohol and cigarettes (just making a point here – not
instructing you one way or another). However you will want
to have some cash on hand. Buy gold and silver necessary to
barter your gas, food etc.

Get your vaccination exemption now. Though some

legislation that has been passed overrides religious
exemptions, it may still protect you in some cases. You can
go down to your Department of Health and get a form for
your children. On our website, we also have a form you can
ask your doctor to sign if they try to vaccinate you. This
form asks them to state that the inoculation is safe. This may
be overridden by a Marshal Law edict, but there is always a
chance it will not. One newly reported story is of a man who
was stopped at a checkpoint on his way to the West Coast.
He saw military personnel and law enforcement and heard
someone talking about a vaccination. When the officer came
over to him, he said he had already taken it. With the car
behind him honking, that was enough for the frazzled officer
to wave him on and he remains unvaccinated as far as I
know. Don’t be antagonistic – use your wit and wisdom.

When I lived in Papua New Guinea, road blocks by

gangsters were always a worry. Once when some people
from our station were on their way into town, their van got

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stopped. Immediately, the sharp thinking nurse flew into
action. Stuffing something under her skirt to create a
pregnant bulge, she began moaning in agony. The driver was
instructed to say she was in labor. With the woman
screaming at the top of her lungs, the disorientated detainer
waved them through.

Protection: As U.S. Marshal Greg Evenson instructed,

have a firearm for protection. He instructs to “sharp-shoot
practice with your weapons” so you are prepare to use them.
Some people have an aversion to guns. If you think that
waving a big stick is going to protect you sufficiently in the
face of a gun-waving lunatic, then, that of course is your
choice. If you are confident that you will never have any
regrets if you cannot guard your family from harm, then that
is on your conscious. It surprises me how many people are
squeamish about the prospect of ever taking the life of an
intruder in self-defense, yet don’t understand that they
appear willing for the intruder to take the life of their loved
ones – seems a deplorable double standard. Pity help those
unfortunately enough to live in their family.

Keep Calm and Strategic: Whenever there is any kind

of civil unrest, people become jittery and there is a greater
increase in violence. Make sure you stay calm. As vital as it
is to be prepared with some form of protection, don’t rush
out in indignation to be a martyr against the establishment.
Those who carry a chip on their shoulder seem to attract all
kinds of problems from law enforcement into their lives.

Remember that if forced vaccinations were ever to

become exacted, this is a sign that the administrative powers
have lost control. They no longer can get their way through
normal means and now they must do it by force. If you stay

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calm, you can employ smart strategy to again bring back
liberty and peace.

My concern is that some hot-headed patriot is going to

do something rash and put everyone else in jeopardy. This is
not the time to conclude that you must sacrifice yourself
without wisdom to the notion that the “tree of liberty” must
be “watered by the blood of patriots.”

I have been told repetitively that this is what the

globalists hope will occur because then they will have
justification in the eyes of the world to impose marshal law
within a given community. I am not an advocate of
passivism, but I also understand the stupidity of rash
behavior. I know of numerous cases where outside agitators
were brought in to try and stir up strife. Don’t get caught up
in these types of traps.

Even constitutional-abiding law enforcement must

“keep the peace” if you go crazy and start shooting off
rounds without provocation. Their lives are at risk during
time of unrest and like everyone else, they are concerned
about reacting too slowly to threats. Don’t make yourself
that threat. The use of a firearm should only be a last resort
when someone is seeking direct harm to the lives of those
you love.

Remember that somewhere in our American DNA is

the collective memory that we have fought tyranny and won.
Use that knowledge to your advantage. Rash actions are at
odds with the preferred strategic thinking as illustrated in
“The Art of War,” a Chinese military treatise that was
written by Sun Tzu in the 6th century BC. Hunker down and
figure out ways to make smart choices.

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Yes, this is a major counter-weapon against a pandemic

outbreak. If they appear open-minded and genuinely
concerned about of the people they lead, then email your
mayor, minister, employer – or employees a copy of this
book and the accompanying website:

Educate your email list: send out the

link to everyone on your list and ask them to subscribe so
they can receive a free copy of “Get a Clue to the Swine
They will then get not only the book, but assess to solutions
as these surface. Have a goal of emailing at least 20 people.

Educate your Community: Send the “Clue to the

Swine Flu” book to 3 radio stations. If every reader did this,
we would turn the tide in this nation. Ask them to interview
me (contact details are at the front of the book).

Educate Your Family & Friends: As I stated in

chapter four – you need to have a serious talk to your family
especially about the need to take preventative measures. It’s
not just the health ramifications we are talking about, were
someone in your circle of influence to get sick. There are
economic ramifications too. If these globalists get their way
in planning a mass pandemic, our nation would loose billions
in revenue within a few days – not to speak of the billions
spent on health care bills and downtime at work.

Educate Your Colleagues; Bosses need to consider

buying at least the nano-Silver, MMS and preferably the
Vitamin D3 compound. Once people are educated – they will
not want to miss a single dose and your investment will pay

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Imagine if your company is closed down by quarantine.

Imagine the revenue lost if the business you own is
mandated to halt all sales because they don’t want orders
delivered in case of contamination. Worse still will be the

Don’t forget what happened during the Mad Cow’s

debacle. The only people who benefited were the investment
bankers who could call in failed mortgages (keeping all the
equity in the farms) and buy up failing businesses for cents
on the dollar. Many other peripheral businesses like
agricultural-supply companies also failed.

Educate Your Officials: We are talking with State

legislatures and city officials to consider offering the
Vitamin D3 compound over the “flu season.” If you know
someone in these decision-making positions, they need to
talk to us as we have arranged for them to acquire this in
bulk at wholesale prices
from the manufacturer.

Why should they do this?
1. To avoid public outcry from lost jobs and disruption

to city services.

2. To avoid paying out huge amounts in medical bills

and raised premiums (that come out of tax-payer’s pockets).

There is no excuse for a pandemic outbreak – and ALL

of these consequences, if people in leadership positions make
smart choices.

Educate your Church: I can speak at your church as

my schedule allows. You want as many people close to you
as possible that share your views against taking the
potentially-dangerous vaccinations.

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If your church refuses to find out how they can help

their congregation stay healthy at a time like this – you might
want to consider finding another one. These are the best
times to weed out who in leadership really cares about their
flock (or citizens in the case of city officials).

We must begin to vote with our feet in religious groups

who pay no attention to anything other their administration
and religious activities. This cloistered, self-involved focus
needs to broaden. A sizable percentage of the blame for the
criminal mafia within our political circles must be laid
squarely at the feet of the church that has refused to step up
and expose what is going on.

Complacency is almost as bad as participation.

And there as been an awful lot of complacency.


I know first hand having lived in countries where the

church groups played a major role in reclaiming the
sovereignty of their nation. When I lived in New Zealand,
the globalists had set three different dates over a six year
period (1981 – 1987) to use manufactured chaos (a common
tactic) to cause instability. Yet these church groups rose up
and stood against these plans by praying and actively raising
a red flag. I learned from an espionage agent involved in the
planning of this nation’s overthrow that the groups were
directly credited as the preventing factor. Because they
spread the word about what was going on behind the scenes,
the clandestine operation was exposed. The light of truth
dispel darkness. Prayer has historically turned back
many a tide of nefarious plots.

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Corporate prayer can be used to accomplish

phenomenal results as evidenced by a scientific experiment
in the year 2000. In this experiment, a large group of people
from numerous faiths
were organized via the internet all
over the globe. They were all assigned the task of
deliberately feeling the feelings of peace at the same time.
With a combination of news reports and geologic sensors, it
was verified that during and immediately following their
time of prayer, terrorism dropped, ceasefires took place, air
strikes were called off with planes already airborne, stock
markets rallied, and peace prevailed all over the planet, and
notably in places which normally had no peace, like Israel.
The results of corporate feeling prayer were planetary.

I share this to explain that while this swine flu may not

end up being as widespread a tool to achieve the globalist’s
plans, they will not stop trying again – next year. Or perhaps
the year after that… It may even be two years between
planned pandemics (as it can take 2-3 years to put one in
motion), but the reality is that we stand a great chance of
being retargeted until they get results.

Bear in mind, that this agenda of repetitive attempts

does not mean they will ever win – IF we get active. For
instance, in New Zealand, their agent told me that this nation
was picked to become the first test case for the New World
Order. But each time (due to the aforementioned groups),
their plans were fowled. These powerful men relied on the
help of psychics to instruct them when to make certain
moves. Yet, when they tried to remote view or astral project
into the meetings, they couldn’t see what was going on.
There was a hedge of protection around them that shrouded
their conversations and prayers. Each time, the advisors
would go back to their bosses, “The environment is not right;

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these people have too much resistant power. We must abort
our plans.” After three attempts, the globalists moved on to
find another country for their test case.

For the full story, read “John’s Story” as soon as it is

released. Stay connected to our calls because we will give
our special ValYOU members a free copy when it comes out
in the next few weeks/months.

Lest we sometimes become overwhelmed by breaking

news of pandemic outbreaks and lose heart regarding how
much influence we have to change the course of events – be
encouraged. We indeed do have more power than we can

The secret is to be proactive.
May I suggest you visit our website and participate in

the “Prayer for Prosperity” project? You can find this by
going to:

If we can raise up a

large enough group we can turn the tide, so please tell your
family and friends to get involved.

John, the formerly mentioned espionage agent, said that

this solidarity of numbers is our key – provided the parties
involved are educated about what is going on and can work
in unison to make major changes. What is going to make the
best impact: dropping lots of little stones here and there in a
big ocean of corruption, or all at once as one big bolder?
When we work together a conservation of energy works in
our favor. Our sizeable splash strategically planned will do
more to displace and overturn those blithely floating traitors
than a little letter here and there. The key is to orchestrate
massive letter bombs, massive campaigns, massive
legislative repeals, massive liberty-reinstating changes.

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This is not the time to hear messages of doom and

gloom where preachers verbally whip their parishioners
for not being pious enough.
When destruction hit our
nation on September 11, 2001, we heard way too much of
that warped approach to the pain and suffering.

This is not much different than what happened during

the Black Plague. During the pandemic outbreaks, many
believed God was punishing humanity for its sins. Strange
penitential practices returned like those of the flagellants
who went from town to town publicly whipping themselves
until they bled.

Rather than allowing ourselves to be flogged by

ministers who create fear-based sensations and accomplish
nothing, all those energies could have gone into 1) Education
about Vaccinations, 2) Health Prevention, 3) Prayer and 4)
Exposing the real perpetrators. (Watch: Loose Change 2nd
Edition – search under Google or YouTube video).

"It does not require a majority to prevail,

but rather an irate, tireless minority

keen to set brush fires

in people's minds." - Samuel Adams


Sadly, many leaders of small developing countries are

blithely attending events at the United Nations and other off-
shoot forums of globalists and they attend thinking they are
part of something great – or maybe that they are special.

As I said earlier, I suggest that U.N. representatives of

these countries are being duped into thinking that their
opinions matter. They do not, they are merely figureheads to

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present to the world a supposed unified front for globalists so
that these controllers can then in turn dupe the entire planet’s
populous into mass submission. These leaders of small
nations are being USED. And it’s time they decide to no
longer be part of such a horribly sick game, played at their

It is time they understand that there are alternatives to

the centralized World Bank’s money and indebtedness. Most
of the orchestrations of these organizations hold merely
illusions of control.
As a consultant with connections to
much behind the scenes intelligence information, I can vouch
that they could step out from under the umbrella that is
designed to crush them, if they so choose. Evil rules more by
fear than by fact. Remember that F.E.A.R. is: False Evidence
Appearing Real.

I propose that we need another alliance of world

leaders who respect and retain the sovereign rights of
nations to choose their own destinies, who respect the
right to life, and who stand by tenants of liberty.
If leaders
want to be part of this new move towards true world
harmony, they need to contact us to join the international
alliance of freedom.

The same duped illusion of power applies to

members of the armed forces and secret services. For far
too many years, these individuals have believed that they are
special, that they are the elite. In the eyes of the globalists,
you are not. For instance, members of the CIA rarely get
invited to join the “inner circle.” They are bodyguards with
blood on their hands and the globalists godfathers would
rather not have them around as memories of what is really
going on – therefore these agents will not be invited to the
elite’s private home events.

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In rare cases, an agent might be pulled in a little tighter,

but it is always because they know too much and the global
godfather of that nation may have the philosophy of “keep
your enemies closer.” (I know who some of them are and
have protected myself should my life ever be cut short by
planning for the release of exposing information should that
happen). Even if these globalists appear to make allies, they
do not trust each other (nor their own children) – especially
the agents who work for them. That is why they don’t look
troublesome loose strings hanging around who might
become a threat.

One CIA agent who has arrived in New Zealand from

the United States (to get away as far as he could from the
strings to the organization), apparently had not traveled far
enough. He told how he kept having suicidal thought that
would not go away; yet ironically he was happy in his
retirement. He told another ex-CIA friend about this. The
other agent told him to place a tape-recorder by his bed as he
slept. The next morning the agent was shocked. He listened
as his breathing go heavy and bore clear evidence that he
was sound asleep. Then he heard a voice begin to say, “I
want to kill myself” over and over again in a hypnotic
rhythm. Despite all this years of faithful service, the
agency still wanted him dead
– such was his reward.

It is time that agents of these intelligence groups begin

to see that they are pawns and turn coat to pledge their skills
and services to truly protect the people of the United States
of America. There needs to be a counter intelligence freedom
force. Increasingly more numbers of people are joining
together towards this end from around the world, but they
should be aware that before they do, they will be checked out
– by their own who are on our side, so be warned.

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These agents finally understand that they are seen by

the despots they serve as nothing more than fancy
bodyguards to do their bidding.
[The chain of command
goes much higher than the United States of America. One
insider told me – 33 degrees higher]. Presidents are on a
need-to-know basis by their handlers. This is why I don’t get
too hyped up or hyperventilated about party lines. Hero
worship is a sign the sheeple are looking for a savior because
they no longer see themselves as self-sufficient and

Most men and women who join the FBI or CIA do

so because they are patriotic, decent people who want to
service their country
. But if they are involved for long, they
will however understand it isn’t quite like that. Once they see
the picture, they need to reallocate their loyalties – or they
will be destroyed by the very people they have sought to
protect. Is a pay packet worth it if your children die with all
the rest in a mass population control venture?

It’s time for those law-enforcement personnel who

are gearing up to usurp control over Americans to get
honest with themselves. Do they really think their
children are being targeted for special consideration or
exception from the Swine flu that is about to be

Of course not.
The nature of this swine flu outbreak is designed to be

nondiscriminatory. They only intend for the fittest to survive.
And your precious little newborn baby simply isn’t that “fit”
to survive an avalanche of toxic cocktails. Darwinism has at
its core a sinister side. While it sounds very good in theory, it

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doesn’t sit too well when it is one’s precious little sick child
who is slated to be treated with such callous discard.

For far too many years, some Americans have set

smugly in their lazy boys, agreeing in principle that the
world is overpopulated. They have not had access to the
information that I have been given, else they would be a little
less inclined to agree with such philosophies. I have had
former espionage agents tell me that eventually, the
biggest target for extermination was always Americans!

Think about it: if you wanted a smaller population who

would be most inclined to not kick against the pricks and be
passively obedient to world domination – would freedom-
loving Americans be part of that mix? Absolutely not!

And what intelligence agents don’t understand is that

they too are targeted. Once draconian measures of electronic
tracking are fully functional, the globalists won’t need so
many babysitters. Those trained in defense will also be seen
as their greatest threats.

It’s time to get a CLUE!
Regardless of the dire day and age in which we live, I

would not be wasting my time if I did not think there was a
chance we could RECLAIM OUR PLANET. I most
certainly do and we have a strategy for that to happen.

It’s time the average citizens of all nations across this

planet raised up in solidarity to TAKE BACK our right to
live without tyrannical men and women calling the shots.
Yes, we absolutely need another Nuremburg. We must
swing far away from global government – towards local
smaller governments such as state sovereignty
. It is almost
impossible to keep tabs on a huge federal government that is

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vague and untouchable. A local representative is close
enough geographically to look you in the eye if you so

Our founding fathers never intended to have such a

heavy-fisted federal government. A study of the original
first constitution
, the Articles of Confederation which were
used to legally formalize the thirteen United States of
America, reveals how our founding fathers first thought this
nation would operate. From the Articles (that were later
squelched), we see their early intent for almost autonomous
state governance.

But Alexander Hamilton (a banker who married into

one of the country’s richest and most powerful families)
came along and twisted everyone’s hand. He wanted to
have some way to manipulate the Americans to accept a
centralized, national bank.

In a vote-rigging speech in 1787 and in his Federalist

Papers, Hamilton declared that the British government held
the best model in the world and though he was fully
conscious that monarchy in America was impossible, he
wished to obtain the next best solution in an aristocratic,
strongly centralized, coercive, but representative union
with devices to give weight to the influence of class and
property. In his mind, a strong federal government was the
best way to achieve his agendas.

Thomas Jefferson fought with Hamilton vehemently,

accusing him of idealizing the corrupt controlling British
aristocracy, but lost in the end to the vote of the Federalist
politicians who had been swayed by Hamilton.

The Articles were replaced by the US Constitution

on June 21, 1788. In the original Articles of Confederation,

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the centralized government lacked taxing authority and it had
to request funds from the states. No wonder the anti-
federalists such as Jefferson considered these limits in
government power to be necessary and good.

When the new government was inaugurated, Hamilton

became secretary of the treasury in Washington's cabinet.
Soon afterwards, Hamilton advocated national debt, tariffs
and excise taxes. He hoped by these measures to strengthen
the national government at the expense of the states and to
tie government to men of wealth and prosperity.

Unfortunately, the Interstate Commerce Clause (Article

1, Section 8, Clause 3) is the Achilles heel of our present-day
Constitution and must be repealed if State legislature will
ever have any real power over the federal government. The
many States that are threatening to secede are a first
assertion in the right direction. If a pandemic and economic
collapse were to bankrupt the Federal government and they
stopped their funding of State programs, the individual States
would be forced to secede in order to indemnify themselves
from the liabilities imposed by our biggest international debt
lien holders such as China. Each state could then set up a
local bank backed by assets within their own territory. In no
way am I proposing that disbanding should be our first
choice, but we do need to understand that if the tentacles of
the Interstate Commerce Clause remains in place, we are all
legally bound to the financial decision of the federal
government and it has used this justification for all
subsequent totalitarian powers exerted.

Whereas our founding fathers intended the money to

flow to the federal government at the discretion of the states
(makes sense – doesn’t it?), now the money trail comes to
the state from the federal government. With this reversal of

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flow comes a very hefty fine to our liberties. It means you
and your state representative will have very little power over
the federal government.

But just as it took one strong voice FOR the

centralization of the Federal government to put this in place
back when our nation was founded, we need not have many
voices AGAINST it, for this to change.


- Calling All Guardians

There is power in partnering with people who also

make a pact to stand together. Right now, this is particularly
timely for military personnel. When I consider how the
armed forces have been attacked by their own military
hierarchy with experimental vaccination, I become incensed.

Gary Matsumoto, in Vaccine-A uncovers a story of

betrayal. This award-winning investigative journalist shows
that the worst friendly-fire incident in military history
came from something no soldier had any reason to think
would harm him: a vaccine administered by the military's
own medics. When troops went to the Middle East to fight
the Gulf War in 1991 and the Iraq War in 2003, many—
perhaps thousands—received an experimental anthrax
vaccine instead of the FDA-approved vaccine. Without their
knowledge or consent, the U. S. government used them as
human guinea pigs in a massive medical experiment that
went disastrously wrong. A endorsement quote on his book’s
website { reads:

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“I thought we stopped using grunts as guinea pigs
decades ago. Even the Nazis didn’t run medical
experiments on their own troops in combat. This
book explodes like a grenade in the Pentagon’s
privy. Read it and weep; better yet, get mad.”
– Col. David H. Hackworth (U.S. Army, ret.).

Matsumoto, underscores his book’s primary warning in

the subtitle of Vaccine-A : “Why GI’s are Only the First
Victims.” He writes, “Squalene adjuvants are a key
ingredient in a whole new generation of vaccines intended
for mass immunization around the globe.”

“Vaccine A- The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing our Soldiers and

Why GI’s are Only the First Victims,” Gary Matsumoto,

Tens of thousands of our soldiers are being killed as

victims of biowarfare, betrayed by the very government they
risk their lives to protect. This mass murder is taking place
because the U.S. government is given immunity to conduct
unethical experiments when these men enlist.

Eleanora I. McBean, Ph.D., N.D. witnessed firsthand

the Spanish Swine Flu pandemic and traced it back to the
vaccinations given to World War I soldiers.
In excerpts
from “Swine Flu Expose” (1977), she writes, “There was
seven times more disease among the vaccinated soldiers than
among the unvaccinated civilians, and the diseases were
those they had been vaccinated against. One soldier who had
returned from overseas in 1912 told me that the army
hospitals were filled with cases of infantile paralysis
he wondered why grown men should have an infant disease.
Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of
vaccine poisoning. Those at home didn’t get the paralysis
until after the world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.

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“I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s

office after being vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so
I wrote to the Government for verification. They sent me the
report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The
report not only verified the report of the seven who dropped
dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63
deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the
yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war. That
was only one of the 14 to 25 shots given the soldiers. We
can imagine the damage that all these shots did to the men.
[See the chapter on What Vaccinations Did to Our Soldiers.
– a free copy of Eleanor’s book is available at our website
when you subscribe].

“The first World War was of a short duration, so the

vaccine makers were unable to use up all their vaccines. As
they were (and still are) in business for profit, they decided
to sell it to the rest of the population. So they drummed up
the largest vaccination campaign in U.S. history. There were
no epidemics to justify it so they used other tricks. Their
propaganda claimed the soldiers were coming home from
foreign countries with all kinds of diseases and that
everyone must have all the shots on the market

“[Today’s] scare-head campaign cry is that the swine

flu is like the 1918 flu which killed 20,000,000 people… the
doctors were just as confused and inefficient then as now.
However, one thing is certain — the 1918 Spanish
Influenza was a vaccine-induced disease caused by
extreme body poisoning from the conglomeration of
many different vaccine
s. The soldiers at Fort Dix who were
said to have had Swine Flu had been injected with a large
variety of vaccines like the vaccines which caused the 1918
flu epidemic. The flu epidemic at Fort Dix was in no way

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related to swine. There were no swine at camp (unless we
want to sarcastically call the vaccine promoters who caused
the diseases -”swine.”)



“Strong men, hale and hearty, one day would be dead

the next. The disease had the characteristics of the black
death added to typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, smallpox,
paralysis and all the diseases the people had been vaccinated
with immediately following World War 1. Practically the
entire population had been injected “seeded” with a dozen or
more diseases — or toxic serums. When all those doctor-
made diseases started breaking out all at once it was tragic.

“That pandemic dragged on for two years, kept alive

with the addition of more poison drugs administered by the
doctors who tried to suppress the symptoms. As far as I
could find out, the flu hit only the vaccinated
. Those who
had refused the shots escaped the flu
. My family had
refused all the vaccinations so we remained well all the time.
We knew from the health teachings of Graham, Trail, Tilden
and others, that people cannot contaminate the body with
poisons without causing disease. “

Shouldn’t our scientists and medical doctors have

learned something from history? Are the rigors of medical
school to keep them so busy that they don’t have time to
research and come to any conclusions for themselves? We
are reaping the results of an education provided by the drug
companies and it’s killing us. It is killing our soldiers.

Every time a new enlistee rolls up his or her sleeve to

“take one for the country” these young naive men and

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women, don’t know just how quickly they are being asked to
put their lives on the line.

Our soldiers have been willing to guard us. Now we

must get the word out to inform them about vaccinations and
in so doing – guard them. Yes, our nation(s) will not see
liberty until we stand together to shield each other from the
enemy of tyranny that shadows us all.

We are calling a new GUARD. One united by the

common goal to PROTECT. This involves protecting oneself
and others. It involves a pact to guard the Constitution of
America. All freedom-loving individuals are invited to join.
But no group needs to be part of this more than military
personnel, law enforcement, and intelligence agents.

A man told me recently that a few years ago he was in a

protest when Bush was at an event down South. This man
was waving a placard in protest about the activities that
unnecessarily put our troops in harm’s way. The head of the
security detail for the Secret Service walked up to him and
said in a kindly tone, “I agree with you. But, my job is to
protect the president – not arrest him.” The statement was
made with the inference appendage, “though I wish I could.”

For far too long, all branches of the armed forces

and law enforcement have kept silent about their real
feelings in a false sense of loyalty to hierarchy. They
thought to speak out would cost them their jobs – instead,
their silence has cost many their lives.

Isn’t it time to stand up and be counted amongst the

truly brave? There is a war going on – a covert war to
weaken America and it’s finest.

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In addition to destroying our strongest men and women,

they are also killing our weakest. I have met numerous
people in intelligence circles; tragically they feel they must
remain silent because it has been drummed into them
(brainwashed, in fact), that their job is to remain clandestine.
So, even though they disagree with what they see happening,
they think they must protect “the institution.”

Really? Is it smart to protect WRONG actions? Does

this make sense? Sadly, some military men and women
don’t seem to ACT in congruency with the understanding
that if an orchestrated event such as the Swine Flu were
to sweep across their nations(s), their
families and darling
children would die too.

Let’s get a clue.
We hear about law enforcement who are being trained

to coordinate roadblocks to force people to take the
vaccinations. What appalls me is that all these men and
women don’t stand up and stop their leaders from even
training them in such unconstitutional plans! Why don’t they
put them in their place?

Why tolerate these actions?

Thankfully, increasingly more members of the

military and intelligence agents are learning that they
really are expendable to the people for which they work.
Many in high positions have been shamed by initiation rites
of passage into compliance. But now is not the time to
protect one’s own reputation at the cost of protecting one’s
loved ones.

If ever there comes a time when America truly needs

protecting on a mass scale, we need a group of trained

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individuals who can be contacted to stand guard. If ever
there comes a time when citizens are attacked, we need
people who are committed to protect the Constitution.

Our goal is a restoration army

of one million liberty guardians.

The ValYOU Network of Guardians seeks to provide a

forum where people can express their collaboration with a
commitment to TAKE BACK our nation(s). We do not
advocate either of the following attitudes: anarchy,
antagonism – or fear. But we must have pertinent people
from society in place who can participate in a strategy to take
back our liberties. In this restoration army must be a sizable
percentage of military personnel and intelligence agents.

The armed forces are being treated like “throw-

away dolls” – just people to be played with in a war game
to make money for the manufacturers of the military-
industrial complex
of which the pharmaceutical cartels play
a big role.

In the United States it generally takes 5-10 years and up

to one billion to get a new drug approved. Very few new
drugs get approved by the FDA every year. And yet there are
two exceptions that short-cut this process:

1) a Pandemic and
2) a Military experiment.
If the globalists use their collaborators to roll out a

supposed “pandemic,” their vaccination can be approved in
as little as six weeks. It doesn’t take a Mensa genius to figure
out one would save an awful lot of money in clinical studies
to railroad that pandemic. How dumb do they think we are?

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Forced vaccinations are nothing new in the military.

Writes Matsumoto, “The unethical experiments detailed in
this book are ongoing, with little prospect of being self-
limiting because they have been shielded from scrutiny and
public accountability by national security concerns.”

Are we doomed to repeat history because we forgot the

past? Now forced vaccinations upon the PUBLIC are
chilly current prospects because military personnel have
not screamed loudly enough
. Yes, kudos to some who do,
but isn’t it time more of our finest stand up and say, “Not on
my watch.” Isn’t about time they became Guardians who
say, “I may have been willing to stand back when it was my
life on the line, but I will no longer be silent when now on
the line is the lives of American citizens whom I swore to

If that is your heart’s cry, go


once subscribed, go to the Network of Guardians side
directory under Organizational Freedom and log your pledge
of solidarity.

We invite everyone who wants to be a guardian to enlist

using the appropriate link in this “RESTORATION

• Law Enforcement/Military Personnel

• Intelligence Agents

• Legal Professionals

• Health Professionals

• Financial Advisors/Accountants
• Audio-Visual/Media/Journalists

• Ministers or Spiritual Mentors

• Political Leaders

• Educators – and others

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I dare you to be part of this new American

Revolution. If enough crucial people join, we can have a
peaceful change of the guard where people who HONOR the
principles of liberty are put in positions of power.

In this Gideon-style army of Guardians there is no

room for fear, faintheartedness, fatalism or those with a
false sense of loyalty to the commands and control of
corrupt leaders.

When government agents are calling constitutional-

loving patriots fowl names like “terrorists” – don’t you think
it is too late to worry about being called a radical because we
simply want to live in liberty and peace? Isn’t it rather
ironical that we who want freedom are called “terrorists?

I do not play into the conspiratorial extremists who

constantly sound like victims. Neither do I talk about many
of the farfetched stories I’ve been told by insiders (even if
some may be true), because I see no point in focusing on
defeatist emotions.

Instead, let us focus only on how our knowledge can

translate into EMPOWERED ACTION. Now is the time
to sound the bugle for revolutionary change.

Will you answer that call? Will you be part of the

restoration army of Guardians? Will you rise above fear and
frustration to be part of the SOLUTION? Will you stand in

ValYOU is a network to highlight and liaison many

organizations who share the common goal of liberty. We
cannot work in isolation. We must unite to form an alliance
of organizations who though each a little different, – are all
working together for personal and professional freedoms.

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Let’s vow never again to put ourselves in this

position where a few despotic people can hold a pandemic
over our heads.
We now know with a careful study of
history that each pandemic outbreak could have been
prevented with good hygiene – something that was almost
non-existent years ago.

Since then, add to the mix such causes as poor nutrition

(most pre-plague populous had been starving) contaminated
vaccinations, and other instruments of mass destruction such
as the small-pox infected blankets given to the American
Indians. A similar outbreak of small pox was caused in the
holocaust upon the Canadian Indians when healthy children
were forced into the beds of children who were dying from
smallpox to forcefully contaminate them.

“The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples by Church and

State in Canada, A Summary of an Ongoing, Independent Inquiry into
Canadian Native "Residential Schools" and their Legacy,” Rev. Kevin D. Annett,
M.A., M.Div.

The weaponization of plague has a long history. One

legend says that the Mongols infected the city of Kaffa by
shooting infected corpses over the walls with catapults. It is
more likely that rats carried infected fleas into the town.
Fleeing ships then carried infected rats to Constantinople,
Italy, and Marseilles during the year 1347. In 1348, the first
outbreaks appeared in England. In July 1349, it spread to
Scotland. In 1350, it stalked Scandinavia. In 1351, it arrived
in Kiev, Russia.

Biological warfare has been verified in military

tribunals. During the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials the
accused, such as Major General Kiyashi Kawashima,
testified that during World War II, a secret branch of the
Japanese army known as Unit 731 infected Chinese water

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supplies with cultures of Y pestis. They also bred human
fleas (Pulex irritans) and infected them with Y pestis. The
fleas were then packed into bombs and dropped over
populated areas of Manchuria, causing several plague

Daniel Barenblatt, A Plague upon Humanity, 2004, pages 220–221.

We must realize that there is a war against our

health as well as our liberties.

Sick people make easy targets

for mental control and financial control.

If we stand together, we can TAKE BACK our legacy

of FREEDOM in all its facets.

"Unless we put medical freedom into the
Constitution, the time will come when
medicine will organize into an underground
dictatorship... To restrict the art of healing to
one class of men and deny equal privileges to
others will constitute the Bastille of medical
science. All such laws are un-American and
despotic and have no place in a republic..."

- Dr. Benjamin Rush,
Signer of the Declaration of Independence

The ValYOU Network of Guardians consists of more

than just American citizens. If we are to TAKE BACK our
planet we need all people around the world who care about
its restoration to stand up and PLEDGE to support our right
to live in peace and protection.

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Together we are the guardians of our families… our

future. No longer are we defenseless victims to be played as
pawn in globalists’ games.

We’ve gotten a clue.
As GUARDIANS in a restoration army, we are the cure

to biological warfare.



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VALYOU Network of Guardians

Solidarity to take back

our nation(s). Learn

how to use the

"Ten-ship" strategy

to keep your family secure.

Learn what the early colonialists did to
provide their family with the
protection and provision they needed
to flourish. With the destabilization of
our economy, we need (more than
ever) a solid solution has been proven
by founding fathers to work – yet one

that also combines the forward thrust of today’s technology.
What you will discover in this book is a vivid glimpse of
what these founders imagined our world to look like.
Everyone is tired of merely waving a placard at a rally unless
this solidarity is also backed up by STRATEGY. What
people want is a workable plan that is likely to see an
immediate turn around towards liberty, peace and prosperity.
If you follow these simple steps, you can see results in your
community within weeks! This book will put you back in the
driver’s seat of your destiny. It will again give you HOPE for
a brighter future. It outlines how you can be the trailblazer
even in worst case scenarios of economic collapse, but also
how you can build now for a positive LEGACY that will
last. The ultimate goal is to TAKE BACK our nations(s).

Stay Connected to ValYOU to Get Your Copy


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