Marcy Jacks The Omega in Control

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Luna Werewolves 2

The Omega in Control

Josh Carpenter has almost literally run into his mate, and after
living his whole life believing he would never have one, he does

not want to let Taylor Cadman get away so easily.

Taylor grew up believing that alphas were cruel to their omega
mates, and if Josh wants to mate with him then Taylor will do it on

one condition. Taylor will be in charge.

It goes against all of Josh’s instincts, but if it means he can keep

his mate, then he’ll do it. Truth be told, being a submissive isn’t
his cup of tea at first. But as Taylor open’s Josh’s mind to the sort

of sex they can have, he begins to realize that taking the
submissive role doesn’t make him less of an alpha.

Then their relationship is tested to the extreme when Taylor
comes clean about his bloody past, and a group of rogue wolves
attack, threatening everything the luna werewolves have built.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal,
Length: 35,423 words

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Luna Werewolves 2

Marcy Jacks



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Marcy Jacks
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-208-8

First E-book Publication: August 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Luna Werewolves 2


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Josh Carpenter never knew omega wolves could be so pushy.

Literally, he was being pushed up against the nearest tree, his head
grabbed and that sinfully delicious tongue thrust into his mouth.
Dominating him.

Wait a minute. He was the alpha here, wasn’t he?
Josh pushed Taylor back a bit, breaking off their kiss with an

audible smack of their lips. “Wait a minute. Wait a minute,” he said,
panting for breath at the jolt of energy that kiss alone had thrust into

“What?” Taylor asked, impatient as his dark-blue eyes moved

back down to Josh’s lips.

“Shouldn’t we get to know each other first? I don’t even know

your last name,” he said.

“Cadman,” Taylor replied and then grabbed Josh by the face and

put their mouths together again. Josh was bigger in the shoulders than
Taylor was, but the other man wasn’t that much shorter than he was,
so there was barely a difference in their height, making it easy for
Taylor to dominate him.

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This was totally wrong. He was the alpha here, and it was he who

should be taking this position with his mate.

“Wait,” he said again, pushing Taylor back one more time. “This

isn’t right. I can’t—”

Taylor’s dark eyes flashed to gold. “I told you, the only way I’m

going through with this is if I’m in charge. I won’t have some alpha
dictating what I do for the rest of my life,” he said.

But Josh wasn’t going to dictate what he did for the rest of his life,

but then Taylor’s lips were back on Josh’s mouth.

They were so soft and felt so good to have on him. Fuck, he was

moaning now as the tongue was back inside of him, licking and
thrusting deep. Josh tried to get his own tongue in on the action, to
thrust it back against Taylor’s mouth, but the other man wasn’t having
any of it.

His cock was hard and pulsing in time to his heartbeat between his

legs, and goddamn it if Taylor’s wasn’t doing exactly the same thing.

Their energies were swimming together, but not merging. Josh

needed more than kissing and humping their dicks against each other
if he was really going to get what he wanted out of all this.

He supposed that letting his omega mate take the lead a time or

two wouldn’t really be hurting anything. Even Roarke had told him
that he liked it when his omega took control of their kisses, but as far
as Josh knew, Roarke never let Westley fuck him.

He could handle it. He was an alpha and he was strong, and it

wasn’t like he’d never taken that position before. It had been with
another alpha, so it wasn’t that much different.

Even though Josh’s instincts hadn’t been screaming at him at the

time to throw the other guy down and pound into him until either of
them could barely walk.

“What was that?” Taylor asked, pulling their lips away from each

other one more time.

His lips were a dark pink now and swollen from the kissing, and

Josh wanted to bite on them.

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“I didn’t say anything,” Josh said. “Unless I was mumbling

something through the kiss.”

Taylor looked at him sideways, a little of that suspicion still in his

eyes before he grabbed Josh by the hand and started walking with him
deeper into the woods.

It was almost full dark outside now except for the strip of blue that

was off in the horizon. The stars were out and shining in the rest of
the sky, but Josh could barely see them because of the heavy canopy
above his head.

“Where are we going?” he asked after a few seconds of walking.

His dick was bouncing between his legs with each step, and he swore
he would come right then and there if he didn’t touch himself soon.

He was purposely dropping behind a little so he could stare down

at the round swell of Taylor’s ass. God, he was gorgeous. Hard to
believe he could be this in lust with a man he’d only met roughly
twenty minutes ago after catching his scent and chasing him down in
wolf form.

“My camp is just a little ways this way. I have some lube and

condoms there for you.”

“Oh. Right.”
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Taylor said, and

even though it was dark, Josh’s excellent sense of sight allowed him
to see the way Taylor looked at him as he turned his head.

Josh’s answer to that was instant. “I really want to do this.”
“Good, then follow me.”
For the most part, luna wolves only mated with other luna wolves,

and alphas were always paired with omegas. Taylor was a luna
werewolf, he could smell it on him, but Josh was only a half breed, so
maybe this reaction from an omega was normal. Taylor could take
command a time or two, they could get to know each other better, and
when they did, he would feel more comfortable with Josh allowing
his urges to take over so that he could take the lead and properly
claim his mate.

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He couldn’t wait to bring the man back to his camp, where the rest

of his new small pack was waiting, and tell them that he’d found a
mate as well.

Taylor’s camp was nothing like the one that Josh was living in. At

the lake that he, Roarke, Matt, and Jason had all pooled their money
together to buy, there was a half-finished house being built, a fire pit
for cooking, three tents that they all slept in, a cooler, and even a
clothesline for drying the clothes that were, for the moment, being
cleaned in the lake.

There was a small tent, barely big enough for one person, where

Taylor had obviously slept last night. No spot made for a campfire,
which made Josh think that the man had been hunting small game in
wolf form and eating it raw, and a single gym bag of supplies that
Josh could see.

“How long have you been traveling?” Josh asked. He knew that

because of the rarity of luna packs, most luna werewolves, especially
the omegas, were forced to become lone wolves, taking care of

Omega lunas were in danger of being hunted down and taken for

sex slaves by other werewolf packs. The alpha luna wolves were
captured and forced to fight against other alphas, who were not luna
wolves, in caged rings until they died.

Josh was ashamed of the fact that he had been in one of those

packs for a period of time, but was glad he’d been able to get out of it
before too much had happened.

He could understand Taylor’s need to travel light and keep off the


“Long enough,” Taylor said, and he moved quickly to his bag and

unzipped all the pockets, putting his hand inside of every space there
was. Josh could feel the spike of impatience in his energy as he
searched for the lube they—Josh—would need in order to do this.

Seeing the man struggle to remember where he put the stuff

settled the jealous alpha inside of him. If he couldn’t remember what

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The Omega in Control


he’d done with it, then it must have been some time before he’d used

“Finally,” Taylor said, standing up straight with the tube in his

hand before coming back over to Josh.

Josh stood frozen under that dark and intense stare. There was

something absolutely sexy about being looked at like he was the prey
by an omega, but this was relatively new territory for him. Just
because he’d bottomed a time or two while experimenting with his
sexuality didn’t mean he was used to it or ready to be dominated like

“I won’t be able to do this all the time,” Josh said.
Taylor stopped in his tracks. He didn’t say anything, but the look

in his eyes was a big giveaway that he was waiting for Josh to make
his terms known.

“I’m an alpha. I’ll want to claim you, not just be claimed by you. I

don’t even know if that’s how it works for an omega.”

“Why wouldn’t it work that way? Sex is sex, so what does it

matter if we do it this way?”

He had a point. Would nature really be that picky if an alpha took

the submissive role to be with his mate? Right now he could feel the
urging inside of him, demanding that he come together with the man
in front of him, put his scent all over him. His cock and balls ached to
the point where it hurt, so clearly putting it off wasn’t helping
anything either.

“I guess you’re right, but still, I’ll want to be inside of you


To his credit, Taylor didn’t hesitate in his response. “Agreed, but

for now I want you to lean against that boulder over there. Keep your
back to it and spread your legs.”

“You really know what you’re doing, don’t you?” Josh said, and

he was so damned horny, his dick pulsing so much and begging to be
touched, that he did what he was told without anymore arguments

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about it. He leaned his back against the mossy boulder. It was cold
against his skin, but it did nothing to calm down his aching dick.

He had to touch himself. He had to keep from coming as Taylor

pressed their bodies together, and Josh ended up reaching down and
wrapping his fingers around both of their cocks. The heads rubbed
together, and their pre-cum started to mix, creating a sort of lube of its
own, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near enough.

“I know well enough what I’m doing to get you off,” Taylor said

in Josh’s ear, right before his teeth bit down on the fleshy lobe.

It was too much. His balls tightened between his legs and he came

hard, his cum spurting onto Taylor’s stomach.

He reached for the other man, grabbing him around the back of

the neck and pulling him forward for a rough kiss, forcing his tongue
between those pink lips as he marked his mate, humping against
Taylor’s pelvis and his own hand just to get more of that friction,
milking himself until he was done.

Only he wasn’t done. His cock was still hard and pulsing, his

body craving the energy of his mate as though nothing had happened.

And Taylor still had that ever-wicked smile on his face.
“You sure you’re an omega?” Josh asked.
“Since the day I was born,” Taylor said, and this time he was the

one to grab Josh by the back of the head and pull their lips together in
a kiss that would leave the both of them bruised.

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The Omega in Control


Chapter Two

Taylor never wanted to find his mate. He knew the rules, being a

luna omega werewolf. He’d seen the dynamic of his parents, the way
the man who’d sired him treated the man who bore him.

He’d seen his bearer punished for the smallest things, heard him

crying so much because the alpha in the family had to be dominant.

Sometimes that included hitting as a form of punishment.
That wasn’t his father’s first choice for abuse, however, being an

omega, and so desperate to have that exchange of energy from the
alpha that came with sex, just to be denied it again and again…Taylor
had seen what that did to his bearer.

Sex was used as a weapon against omegas, and Taylor wasn’t

about to let that happen to him. He didn’t care if he was mated to this
man. He was only half a luna werewolf by admission, and Taylor was
strong enough to go without being claimed in the traditional sense, so
a half breed should definitely be able to tolerate this.

To be fair to the man, Josh was taking it well. His legs were

spread wide while Taylor knelt down in front of him, sucking and
licking the guy’s balls into his mouth while he stroked the alpha’s
cock with his lubed hand.

See? He could take a submissive role. He just had to make sure

this alpha knew that he was never going to use sex against Taylor as a
form of punishment.

Josh’s well-muscled chest was rising and falling with the heavy

panting breaths he was taking, his pink nipples hard, and that was just
the way Taylor wanted to keep him.

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“F–fuck! That’s good, don’t stop doing that,” Josh moaned, and

when he reached down to card his fingers through Taylor’s hair, he
slapped the alpha’s hands away.

“Don’t do that,” he said before getting back to the task at hand.
“Sorry, sorry,” Josh said, sounding worried that Taylor might

actually stop teasing his cock and balls with his tongue before he went
back to moaning and thrusting his hips in the most obscene manner.

Taylor didn’t like it when people grabbed at his hair. He

especially didn’t want someone doing that while they were fucking

Well, all was forgiven, and he moved away from Josh’s balls and

sucked the man’s erect cock into his mouth.

He tasted better than Taylor thought he would. He expected some

kind of sour, salty taste, especially from Josh’s pre-cum, but that
wasn’t what he was getting at all.

It wasn’t the taste so much as it was the feeling he got,

swallowing the man’s dick and pre-cum down his throat. It was unlike
anything Taylor ever felt, and the urge to keep his mouth and lips
tight, his tongue swirling the way it was until Josh came again and
Taylor was swallowing his cum into his body, was all consuming.

He had to have Josh inside of him. Even if he wasn’t going to

bend over and take it from the man, he at least had to have Josh’s cum
inside of him, connecting them.

Christ, was this how a mated omega felt about sex with their

mates? Was this the urge that they all had and the reason why they
desperately needed sex on a regular basis?

Was this why they cried and acted like it was torture to be denied


Taylor shoved those thoughts out of his head. He didn’t want to

think about them because it didn’t matter. If he could connect with
Josh like this and still be the one on top, fucking the other man, then it
wouldn’t matter.

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The Omega in Control


They could still connect and get along as mates. They were just

going to do it differently.

But then Josh grabbed at his hair again as he arched his back and

moaned, canting his hips so that his dick thrust deep into Taylor’s

That annoyed Taylor, and he pushed himself away to glare up at

the man, knowing his mate could see it even in the dark. “If you don’t
cut that out we’re going to stop.”

“Sorry,” Josh said again, and it was the fact that he sounded like

he really meant it that prevented Taylor from being too angry with
him. “I just don’t know what to do with my hands.”

He guessed that was a fair enough excuse. Taylor had gripped

other men’s hair pretty hard a time or two when he was with a lover.

“Well, just hold onto my shoulders, or grab your own hair,” he

said and then noted that Josh’s red-brown hair was shorter than his. A
lot shorter.

“Actually, forget it,” he said.
Josh’s eyes went incredibly wide with panic. “No, wait—”
“Turn around,” Taylor commanded, keeping his voice sharp and

deep, knowing that was the sort of thing alphas responded best to.

Josh blinked down at him, so Taylor had to repeat himself. “Turn

around. I need to get you ready,” he said, leaning down and grabbing
for the bottle of lube that was on the ground next to his knees.

“Oh, right.”
Josh turned to do as he was told, exposing his tight, round ass for

Taylor to see as he placed the hands he’d been having such trouble
with on the mossy boulder before looking behind his wide shoulders.

Christ, that was incredibly hot. Taylor couldn’t believe he actually

had this alpha at his mercy, doing his bidding.

It was almost too much. He’d never had this sort of control over

someone else, and the power trip he was getting from it was going
right to his dick.

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He quickly reached for his cock, grabbing it by the base where the

balls were and squeezing just enough to keep himself from coming.

“Fuck,” he said, rising up on his knees and squeezing his eyes


Control. He had to keep control of himself. This alpha was being

incredibly lenient, but that would only last for so long if the man
started to suspect that Taylor couldn’t handle what was happening.

“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Fine,” Taylor said through his teeth, removing his hand when he

felt confident enough that he wasn’t about to come uncontrollably like
some kind of teenager. He took in a deep breath and flipped the cap of
the lube, pouring some into his hand and fingers. It warmed to the

“Spread your legs wider for me,” Taylor commanded, and Josh

did as he was told again.

Taylor was a little too eager when he thrust two of his lubed

fingers into the tight star-shaped asshole in front of him. He didn’t
expect the alpha to hiss in pain. He supposed it shocked him that an
alpha would even feel pain at all. They always seemed so strong and
in control of themselves.

“Sorry,” Taylor said—now he was the one apologizing—and he

pulled one of his fingers out. Damn the man was tight.

“No problem,” Josh replied, though from the sound of his voice he

seemed to be speaking through a pained hiss. “Just been a while since
I did this.”

And despite that, despite being an alpha, Josh was still going

along with this. The man he’d allowed himself to be taken by before
had likely shown a lot more care for his well-being than what Taylor
was showing for him right now.

He really was an asshole.
“I’ll be more gentle. I just got a little excited there,” he said.

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“I think you and I are both way beyond being just a little excited,”

Josh said, and that smile on his face, the one that showed off his white
teeth with the crooked fang, was absolutely gorgeous.

It made Taylor smile, knowing that this man here was being so

patient with him, when he had no reason at all to be so.

Taylor added more lube to his fingers, pushing the index one in

deeper and hooking it, searching for Josh’s prostate.

He knew he found it when the man’s energy spiked, and he lifted

himself up onto his toes, yelling into the night and bucking against
Taylor’s hand, trying to shove his finger in deeper.

“Oh, fuck! Taylor! Right there!”
This was definitely proof that an alpha could give up his control

for a time and not be hurt by it. Taylor pressed a kiss to the man’s
lower back, thrusting another finger inside of him and stretching them
wide apart, still pushing against Josh’s prostate.

He could feel some of their energy exchanging, but there was

hardly any buildup of strength like this, and Taylor knew it was
because he had to get inside of his lover. Right now.

Taylor was gentle when he pulled out of his lover, making sure

that he wouldn’t be too rough and cause the other man pain. He was a
fast learner, and he wouldn’t forget that just because this guy was an
alpha and giving him a chance here, didn’t mean that Taylor could be
as rough as he liked.

Josh did little more than sigh when Taylor’s fingers were

removed, but then he looked over his shoulder again to see what
Taylor was doing.

He poured more lube into his hand and pushed it against Josh’s

stretched pucker then stroked it over his own cock, making sure he
was nice and slick. Even the sensation of his own hand on his dick
was enough to make him shove as pleasure jolted deep in his belly
and made his balls go tight.

He looked up at Josh. The man’s eyes were wide, and he could tell

they were dilated even in the darkness of the woods. Taylor could

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smell his musk and sense just how much the other man was aching for
this connection between mates, the exchanging of good energy and
the building of strength.

He didn’t want to come too soon, however. He wished he had a

cock ring with him, but that would have to come for later.

There was something that Josh could do, however. “Grip your

cock, low and close to your balls. Don’t you dare come until I tell you
to,” Taylor said.

Josh might be an alpha, but he also must’ve been fairly used to

plain vanilla-type sex, because even that command had the man
blushing as he moved his hand down to obey. “All right.”

Josh shifted as his hand lowered, and he groaned again when he

touched himself, keeping a good firm grip on his dick.

“That’s good,” Taylor said. “Don’t let go until I tell you to.”
“How am I going to keep my balance with you fucking me and

pushing against me?” Josh asked. There was no sarcasm in his voice.
He seemed genuinely concerned about that.

“Only hold on with one hand. Use the other to keep your

balance,” he said, standing up, his hard dick already pointing right at
Josh’s ass, like it knew where it wanted to go.

Josh put his other hand down flat on the boulder he was propped

up against. His shoulders were trembling just a little, but then he took
in a deep breath and looked over his shoulder. “I’m ready.”

So was Taylor. He wrapped his arm around Josh’s middle, still

holding onto his dick with his other hand, and he guided it to Josh’s
hole until the head of his cock was pressing between the man’s ass
cheeks, and then touching against the stretched pucker of his asshole.

Josh groaned even before Taylor started pushing into him, and he

moved his hips backward to help ease the way inside.

The head of Taylor’s dick popped inside of that tight heat, and he

groaned and nearly fell against Josh’s back. “You’re so tight,” he
said, giving voice to the things he’d been thinking about since he first
put his fingers inside of the man.

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Josh moaned but didn’t say anything when Taylor continued to

push inside of him, until the entire column of his dick was wrapped
up within Josh’s asshole and he was balls deep.

It was so fucking good. Taylor panted against Josh’s ear before

pressing his face into his lover’s shoulder blade.

God. Did he really only meet this man an hour ago? How was it

he needed him so badly like this already, but had gone his entire life
without it?

It wasn’t enough. Despite how mind-numbingly good it felt to be

balls deep inside of the hot asshole of his new lover, that energy
exchange was still at a trickle. There was hardly any strength building
inside either of them, and Taylor knew that the second he came he
would pass out and sleep, like he usually did after sex.

He pulled his hips back, almost all the way until only the head of

his dick was still inside of that tight hole, before thrusting them
forward again.

That was better. A little. Taylor did it again and again, harder and

faster with each thrust. Some more of Josh’s energy came to him, but
not a lot. Was it supposed to be like this, or was it simply because this
was their first time together?

Still, it was hard to focus on whatever was bad when what he was

feeling felt so damn good.

Josh moaned and pushed his ass back against Taylor’s thrusting

hips, so clearly he was feeling just fine as well.

It had to be because Josh wasn’t a full-blooded luna werewolf.

The spiritual connection wasn’t going to be as strong as other luna
wolves reported it to be.

Which was also fine. Taylor was pretty sure he didn’t want

anyone reading his mind at all hours of the day, even though they
were sharing bodies.

They panted as gasped, and Taylor kept his grip so hard on Josh’s

hips as he slammed into the other man that he was pretty sure, alpha
or not, that he would be leaving bruises behind on him.

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“T–Taylor! Fuck me harder. Faster! I wanna come,” Josh moaned,

and it was the greatest turn on of Taylor’s life having an alpha
begging from him for a change.

Then he realized that Josh still had his own cock in that rock-hard

grip of his. He really wasn’t going to let himself come until Taylor
gave him permission.

Ouch, poor guy. Taylor decided to show some mercy to him as he

kissed and licked along the side of his neck. He was able to look
down the man’s body and partially see the way he held his own dick.
“Stroke your cock. I want to watch you come while I’m fucking you.
Come for me,” Taylor said, but he didn’t get the chance to watch Josh
come after that because his body just moved into overdrive. It was
impossible for him to stay still enough to look down and see the way
Josh came, his cum spurting out of him as he jerked his cock from top
to bottom, considering the way Taylor’s body and hips were moving
back and forth at a frantic pace as Josh squeezed his asshole around
Taylor’s aching, swollen prick.

And then he was coming, too, with a loud shout as his balls

squeezed and everything inside of him seemed to surge outward from
his dick and inside of Josh’s ass.

He milked himself until the pleasurable spasms stopped, and only

then was his body able to go boneless as he leaned up against Josh’s
back, listening to the other man’s heartbeat. Or maybe he was just
hearing his own. He wasn’t sure anymore.

“Th–that was…holy hell,” Josh said, and then he laughed as he

blew a sigh out from his mouth, resting his face down on his arms on
the boulder they’d just fucked against.

Even though he was tired as all hell, and Josh’s body heat was so

incredibly inviting, Taylor couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to the back
of Josh’s neck, and then again on each individual vertebrae of his
spine that his mouth could comfortably reach. “Worth it?” he asked.

“Oh yeah,” Josh said, and Taylor could hear the smile in his voice,

and that really lifted his spirits.

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This could actually work.
He gently pulled his softened cock out of the man. He was

surprised that he was immediately hard and ready to go for another
round, but he was still tired.

He decided to ask Josh about that. “You did feel our energies

exchange, right?”

“Yes,” Josh said, turning around. “Didn’t you?”
That was all Taylor needed to know. “I was just making sure you

could feel it, since you’re not a full-blooded luna wolf and all,”
Taylor said.

And then he winced when he realized what a shitty thing that was

to say.

“It’s okay,” Josh said, clearly seeing the reaction Taylor had to his

own words. “I get it. That is something to be genuinely worried about.
I’m just glad we were able to do this. Now we can really start to get to
know each other.”

Taylor smiled at him, suddenly feeling like a shy omega. “Yeah,

that sounds good. It’ll be nice to meet the rest of your pack. I never
thought I’d find a group out there who were like me.”

Taylor had to stop talking at the sudden panic that was in Josh’s

auburn eyes. “Oh fuck!” he said, groaning the words out and reaching
up to grab at his short hair.

He really was all about pulling on the hair.
“What? What is it?” Taylor asked, feeling a sudden sense of dread

deep in his gut. Whether that was his own fear that he really wouldn’t
be welcome at this pack, or a product of what he felt coming from
Josh, he couldn’t say.

“I was supposed to be hunting for supper. I bet the guys are

starving by now, and Roarke is going to have my ass.”

“Not literally, I hope,” Taylor said, and it was only after he

crossed his arms that he realized how jealous he sounded.

Josh looked sharply at him, and then he laughed. It was an

openmouthed, deep-in-that-six-pack-belly of his sort of sound, and a

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man as handsome as Josh looked positively amazing when he

“No,” Josh said. “We all basically decided to make Roarke the

alpha, so he’s the one I have to answer to when I come back without

“You all decided to make someone the leading alpha of the pack?

There wasn’t a fight for the position?” Taylor asked, not sure if he
should believe the words that were coming out of Josh’s mouth or not.

There was always a battle for the position of leading alpha of a

pack, even in the rare luna packs. That was just the nature of the wolf.
If there was someone who was stronger and thought he could do the
job better, then they only had to challenge the leading alpha to a fight.

Werewolves, of course, did die doing this. It was bad enough that

the other werewolves in the world were hunting luna wolves because
of jealousy or whatever, but the fact that luna wolves were killing
each other as well was just nuts.

“The men who took me in aren’t like other luna werewolves,”

Josh said, and he held out his hand for Taylor to take. “Want to come
and meet them with me? Maybe once they see you by my side they’ll
be a little more forgiving that I left them to starve, especially with
Westley pregnant.”

Even though this seemed like a classic case of too good to be true,

Taylor couldn’t help but allow himself to believe in it. That his time
spent on the road, being a lone wolf in constant danger from other
shifters, and even the human hunters who were always on the prowl,
was about to come to an end.

Maybe it was just the look in Josh’s eyes that allowed him to

believe it.

He took hold of his lover’s hand and squeezed tight. “All right.”

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Chapter Three

Josh helped his mate pack the few belongings he had, and holding

onto his hand, he ran with the man all the way back to the build site of
the new house where the tents and fire would be.

He was out of breath when he burst through the tree line. Even

though he was holding his mate’s hand and exchanging energy with
him, it wasn’t enough to get him through that simple run without
losing his breath.

Maybe he and Taylor just needed to get to know each other better

first. That, and Josh needed the chance to top the other man. Once he
did that, he was sure everything would be all right.

Still, he felt pretty damn guilty at the smell of pizza while the

other guys sat around the fire in their lawn chairs, and Josh knew that
they’d grown tired of waiting for him to bring something back and
had been forced to spend money that was in short supply on dinner.

Roarke and Jason, being alphas, were the first to notice the sound

of Josh’s approaching feet, and they both got up, clearly unhappy with
him, but the look on their faces when they spotted Taylor beside him
erased all of that.

Taylor seemed to shrink a little in on himself. Josh squeezed his

hand and stood a little straighter. He was the alpha in their new
relationship, so he had to be the one to show his mate that these
people could be trusted.

“Sorry I didn’t get back,” Josh said, and he walked toward his

small pack, holding his mate’s hand proudly. “I got caught up with

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“No kidding,” Jason said, a catty grin on his face as he was clearly

smelling the sex both Josh and Taylor had had while out in the woods.

Josh could smell the sex that both pairs of luna wolves had also

been having while he was gone, and he had to start thinking about his
really old grandmother quickly before his cock could harden.

“Who is this?” Matt asked, stepping up behind Jason.
Westley approached as well, a little slower thanks to the bulge in

his stomach where he carried his pup.

Josh cleared his throat, and he felt pretty damn good as he pulled

Taylor a little forward to make the introduction.

“This is Taylor Cadman,” Josh said, preening as the rest of his

pack took the guy in. “He heard through the gossip vine that there was
a luna pack looking to take people in, so he came here looking for us.
He also happens to be my mate.”

“He must be,” Roarke said, also smiling at the man as his anger

over Josh’s inability to supply the night’s dinner for Roarke’s
pregnant mate vanished.

Taylor cleared his throat and suddenly seemed to stand two inches

taller as he looked over the only two alphas in the pack. “I would like
the opportunity to join your ranks,” he said, his voice strong and deep,
like he was a soldier getting ready to be ranked, or something like

“You can relax a little, Taylor,” Josh said. “They won’t bite your

head off.”

Taylor actually looked at him with wide eyes, like he thought that

Josh might be serious.

“You’re an omega?” Jason asked, looking the man up and down,

and seeing very clearly that he was.

Omegas usually were easy to spot from their alpha counterparts

based on their body type. An alpha always had wider shoulders and a
boatload of muscle, usually without even trying for it. It wasn’t
uncommon for an alpha to have an incredibly defined six pack on

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their abs, and nothing short of drinking beers all day long and never
doing even the simplest of tasks would make that vanish.

Omegas could get that sort of defined look on their stomachs, but

it usually involved a ton of gym time because omega luna wolves
were made to carry the young. From an evolutionary standpoint, there
was no point for them to have that kind of look. For that, they usually
had somewhat leaner bodies by comparison.

An omega wolf could be skinny to average, as far as muscle went.

Taylor was slightly above average, with a bit of muscle on his back
and shoulders and a well-defined chest, but his stomach was flat and
plain, with no sign of his abs coming through.

The muscle he did have was likely a product of being on his own

for so long.

“Yes, I’m an omega,” Taylor said, replying to the question with a

lot more respect than he had when Josh had asked it. “Why?”

“No reason,” Jason said. “My mate’s a spitfire, too, you’ll both

get along.”

Taylor’s deep-blue eyes blinked wide, as though he hadn’t

expected this turn of events. “I can stay?”

“Of course you can, especially if you’re Josh’s mate,” Roarke

said. “Westley and I particularly owe him a debt. Just let me get your
scent and as far as I’m concerned, everything will be settled.”

“But you don’t know me. You don’t know if I’ll be a good fit or

not,” Taylor said, and he actually backed away a step.

“Taylor,” Josh said, refusing to let the man’s hand go. He looked

ready to panic and bolt. It seemed counterproductive to what he
wanted, but Josh thought he understood.

Why would this pack accept someone they didn’t know so

willingly, unless they were going to demand something in return from

Taylor was shaking his head as he was backing away. “This


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He couldn’t seem to finish his sentence, or even get it to where

Josh could understand what he was about to say. He had a pretty good
idea, however.

“It’s not too good to be true,” he said. “Taylor, look at me,” he

commanded, squeezing the omega’s hand.

Taylor did as he was told, compelled to obey the order of his

alpha. Josh hated using that sort of power on him, especially knowing
that Taylor didn’t like it, but he would make it up to the man later.
Right now he had to make sure he didn’t run away.

“You can stop running now. It’s okay. No one here will hurt you.

I’ve lived here for a good month already, and I promise you I was
thinking pretty much the same things you were. This is too good.
How can they just let me in after everything I’ve done, but it’s all
right. We’re making a real pack here, and you’re invited to stay. If
you don’t like it after a while, Roarke won’t force the issue if you
want to leave.”

Taylor seemed taken aback by that statement. “He would let me


“Absolutely,” Roarke said, folding his arms. “I don’t want anyone

who comes here to feel like a prisoner.”

Josh turned back to his mate, a smile on his face at the words of

his alpha. “See?”

“What about you? Would you let me leave?” Taylor asked.
That question was like a punch right in the chest. Was his mate

really asking Josh if he would just let the man go if he wanted to leave

Fuck, Taylor really was independent, and Josh’s reply would

determine whether or not the man trusted him from here on out.

“I wouldn’t want to let you leave the pack, but I would let you

leave if you felt scared or threatened, in a heartbeat,” he said. “But I
would follow you. Personally, it would take a lot before I could leave

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Taylor’s eyes brightened a little, and his stance became somewhat

less defensive, though Josh still wasn’t sure if that was the right thing
to say.

He stopped pulling away from everyone, so Josh decided that it

must have at least been good enough.

Josh put his arm around his mate’s bare shoulders and gently

began steering him toward Roarke. Josh was still naked, but Taylor
had some clothes to put on back at his camp, but he was currently
only wearing a pair of jeans. Josh suspected that he didn’t even have

That was going to change. Josh just had to be patient for when his

mate finally let him in. Until then, he was going to take care of Taylor
and show him that things here could be good.

Roarke did what all alphas did to anyone coming into their

territory, the same thing he’d done to Westley, Jason, Matt, and Josh
when they all decided that he would make the best alpha.

He bit Taylor on the side of his shoulder. Not hard enough to draw

blood, as that wasn’t a requirement, despite what some alphas liked to
believe, and the scar that Josh had from when he was in Lawrence’s
pack suddenly started to itch. It was just hard enough so that the
marks left behind from Roarke’s teeth would stay there for a good
couple of hours, and Taylor grunted from the pain of it.

Then Roarke licked his tongue all up and down the indents in the

skin caused by his teeth, which would mark his scent on the man.

It wouldn’t be a permanent scent, as they never were, regardless

of whether blood was drawn or not, but this was how it was done, and
when Roarke pulled back from Taylor’s throat and wiped his mouth
with the back of his hand, Josh could feel it in the air that something
was definitely different.

Taylor was in the pack now.
God. Was it bad that Josh’s dick had gotten hard watching his

alpha’s tongue licking along the side of his mate’s neck and on his
shoulder? He thought he would feel jealous at that, and even though

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he had no interest in sharing Taylor, it was still incredibly hot, and he
was forced to hold his hands over his cock just to keep the others
from noticing it.

“Welcome to the pack,” Roarke said, and he and Westley began

leading the man over to the campfire. “Unfortunately we only have
some pizza, wings, and soda on the menu for your welcome feast.”

“Pizza, wings, and soda sounds like the meal of an emperor right

about now,” Taylor said, and Josh smiled, warmth blooming in his
chest at the easy way Taylor grinned as he was pulled toward the fire
and given a chair to sit in.

Josh wanted his mate to eat his fill and speak with the others. He

wanted the man to become comfortable with the pack, small as it was
at the moment, but he also couldn’t wait to drag him away from here
and take him to his—their—tent where they could be alone again.

He suddenly understood what Jason and Matt, along with Westley

and Roarke, had to go through all this time, being newly mated and
all, having the urge to constantly fuck their mates and strengthen that
bond that they had. Josh knew they were feeling it, but he didn’t
understand it until just now.

He figured that for the next several weeks he was going to be

driving everyone insane with the sounds of sex coming from his tent,
or shirking duties so he could go off and push his lover against the
nearest tree while falling to his knees and sucking the man’s cock into
his mouth.

He had to stop thinking things like that or else he was going to

grab Taylor and fuck him right there in front of everyone.

It couldn’t be that difficult to keep his cock under control. Jason

and Roarke were both newly mated, and they still managed to get
their share of the work done in between bouts of sex. Josh could do it,

He just hoped that the next time he and Taylor came together, it

would leave them both stronger, with more energy, and better
connected like two mates were supposed to be.

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Chapter Four

Taylor was a fan of sex toys, and thanks to the shop in town that

sold them, he also quickly found an interest in bondage. The ropes
and cuffs were interesting to look at, but there was something
interesting about the ball gags and blindfolds.

He didn’t have much money, so he had to make sure he knew

what he wanted before he could make a purchase, which seemed to
annoy the guy behind the counter since he knew that Taylor would
come in, look around, and buy nothing.

He came close to picking up a couple of things on more than one

occasion, but there was a part of him that wanted to make sure Josh
would be okay with whatever he brought into their tent. That, and
after looking at the leather straps, gags, and blindfolds long enough,
he was starting to wonder who he was really planning on buying those
things for.

Taylor had been with this small and new pack for about a week

now, and he and Josh had sex every day during that week, sometimes
two or three times, but they never seemed to get enough of each other.
Even they should have managed to calm down a little in the amount
of time that had passed.

He didn’t understand what the problem was. He was fucking his

mate, even getting to know him a little, and at the moment, he was
learning that his new mate was getting tired of always being

“I’m just saying that we could try switching things up a little,”

Josh said. He was bare chested and had a sheen of glistening sweat on

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his tanned skin from working on the roof of the house with Roarke
while Jason, Matt, and Taylor put in the drywall.

The weather forecast called for rain in the next couple of days, so

they were all working overtime to at least make sure that the roof
would be finished and without leaks by then.

Hopefully, even though the house still wouldn’t be entirely

finished, it would be enough to allow them to move in.

Taylor handed his mate a towel and a bottle of cold water from the

cooler, trying not to stare too hard at the man as he toweled off and
dipped his head back, drinking almost all the contents from the cold

Taylor thought about how tired both he and Josh remained after

they had sex. How, despite feeling closer to the man, he didn’t feel as
close to him as Roarke and Westley, or Jason and Matt, looked.

Fuck, this was going to be hard. He clenched his fists tight.

“You’re right.”

Josh nearly choked on his water, and he had to right himself and

cough a couple of times before he could properly get his breathing
under control. “W–what?”

Did he have to sound so disbelieving? “I said you’re right.”
Josh stared at him, those eyes of his shocked before he finally

started to smile. He actually dropped his water bottle before reaching
forward with his hands and pulling Taylor’s face forward for a long
and deep kiss, thrusting his tongue between Taylor’s lips and licking

It was sweet. When Josh did this to him, he didn’t feel like he was

in danger, or scared, but he still couldn’t get over the fact that, as an
alpha, Josh wanted to dominate him.

Taylor pulled away from the kiss, and he really hoped that what

he was about to say next wouldn’t wipe that smile off of Josh’s face.
“Can we just do it my way for a little while longer?”

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And there went the smile, sliding down and away like rain against

a windowpane. “You can still top. In fact, I want you to,” Taylor said
quickly. “I just, I need…” Fuck, how was he supposed to explain it?

Josh’s heavy hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his panicked

thoughts. “I get it. Whatever makes you comfortable,” he said.

“Really?” Taylor asked.
“Really,” Josh said, and he pressed a chaste kiss to Taylor’s lips.

No tongue this time.

It was the first time anyone had ever kissed him so gently like

that, and oddly enough, that made Taylor’s dick harden as though
Josh had grabbed him by the ass, thrust their hips together, and
shoved his tongue deep into Taylor’s mouth.

Okay, thinking about that was only making his cock pulse with

lust now that he didn’t have time to feel. They were both only on
break, and the clouds in the sky were an indicator that the rain was
still coming, even though it seemed so far away.

“Tonight?” Josh asked, his breath warm against Taylor’s face.

And for the first time since they’d met, the energy exchange he felt,
the rush in sudden strength in his body, was greater with just the
touch of his hand alone, compared to when they were actually having

He felt like he could have sex with the man in front of him,

thrusting his cock deep inside and making Josh beg and moan out
loud for him in that pretty way that Josh did, and never once get tired.

Then he remembered that he wasn’t going to be the one doing the

fucking. It wasn’t enough to make his dick deflate all the way, just a

Apparently, even the idea of giving up his control to the man in

front of him wasn’t enough to make him lose his erection. Maybe this
wouldn’t be such a big deal.

“Taylor?” Josh asked, and there was some worry in his voice

when Taylor didn’t answer him right away.

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“Yes, definitely,” Taylor said, and he put his hand behind Josh’s

neck, feeling the soft hairs that were there, before bringing his face
forward for another long kiss. Hungry for more of that energy
exchange and the connection he’d felt only a moment ago.

God, it was so good. It was like he was touching the man’s soul.

There was a little darkness there, but otherwise it was light and

He wondered what Josh was feeling when he returned the kiss. He

was grinning like a fool when he pulled away, however.

“I have to get back to work,” he said.
“Me, too,” Taylor replied, though he was pretty sure that at this

point he was going to try and get out of here early so he could go to
that sex store in town.

Taylor watched his mate go, doing the whole hate to see you go,

but love to watch you leave thing where he had trouble looking away
from the man’s ass.

The first place he decided to run was back to Westley, who was

taking a quick break of his own from looking over the finances and
handing everyone water, or lifting whatever small, not very heavy
thing Roarke would allow him to pick up in his condition.

Needless to say, the poor guy was getting antsy watching

everyone else work while he was basically forced to sit on the

Taylor hoped he never got pregnant.
“Hey, Westley,” he called, and the other man turned to look at

him from where he’d been eating his sandwich.

He quickly wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. “Hey,

Taylor, what is it?”

Taylor felt weird talking to him about this, but he didn’t have

much of a choice if he wanted to get to the shop before it closed.
Things tended to shut down pretty early in small towns.

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“I was wondering if you would let me head out of here a bit early.

I’ll come back and finish helping out, but I wanted to head to the store
and grab some things.”

Westley didn’t need to know which store Taylor was going to, or

what he would be buying. Maybe he would bring back some snacks
and drinks or something to satisfy everyone when they asked.

Westley’s eyes popped open wide, as though he couldn’t believe

Taylor was asking for permission. “Oh, well, I don’t have a problem
with it, but you might want to go and tell Roarke first.”

Of course. He should’ve seen that coming. That was the whole

part about being in a pack. He had to answer to the alpha.

Not that he was complaining. This was exactly what he’d wanted,

but for the moment, he’d hoped to get to that shop without having to
let the alpha know that he was going off to buy sex toys for himself
and his lover.

“I’m sure he’ll let you go,” Westley said quickly. “You just said

you’re going to the store, right? He might ask you to pick up some
more nails for the nail gun while you’re out.”

“You’re right. I forgot about that,” Taylor said. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Westley replied, and because omegas had their

own way of speaking to each other without using words, he knew that
the other man was aware of just what Taylor really wanted to leave to
go and get.

The tricky part was getting his request off to Roarke while the

man was on the roof, without letting Josh hear him, knowing he was
inside the house.

He was pretty sure he did well enough. Roarke gave him a look

when he asked to go, but the other man only wanted to confirm that
Taylor wouldn’t be straying too far off the main road.

There was still another pack in the area, and it wasn’t exactly

uncommon for them to go into Willow Lake for supplies either.

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There was a truce between werewolf packs that, for the most part,

was always obeyed, and that was that there would never be any
fighting in public where humans could see them.

Taylor was given permission to go, provided he didn’t stay long

and came back when he had everything he needed.

He left right away, taking the truck that had recently been

purchased so he could get out there and back as fast as possible now
that he had more than one store to stop at.

The hardware store had to come first to pick up the supplies that

were needed. By now the owner, Jimmy, knew who Roarke, Taylor,
Matt, and Jason were by name, and they were considered to be his
favorite customers thanks to the house that was being built. He had
yet to meet Westley for the obvious reason that he was pregnant, but
the man knew of him and was always asking about him. He was a
nice, nosey old guy like that.

The next stop was to the drugstore where Taylor picked up some

soda and snacks, and he figured that while he was there he should
grab some more condoms before he forgot. He still had some back in
his pack. Werewolves didn’t carry human diseases, so while he had
been fucking Josh, there was no need for him to use them since alphas
didn’t get pregnant.

That was going to change after tonight, and Taylor wasn’t ready

to have any pups yet, so he made sure to buy a couple of boxes, as
well as stock up on lube.

Then he went to the sex shop with the blacked-out windows.
Thankfully, the usual guy wasn’t behind the counter, but it was

someone else.

Taylor stopped in the doorway, feeling like he’d been caught

doing something wrong when his eyes met the man’s behind the

“Oh, hi,” he said.
The guy just nodded to him, but he said nothing.

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To be fair, the last one hadn’t been very welcoming either. The

previous sales clerk had been a balding, heavyset man who didn’t
look like he showered too much, and spent the majority of his time
frowning. The guy either hated his life, his job, or Taylor in general.

Still, Taylor had been used to him, and sort of looking forward to

the look on his face once Taylor actually bought something from the

He’d been in and out of here so much that he already knew what

he wanted to get, and it was a simple matter of walking over to the
wall, where everything he wanted was hanging in their packages on
the hooks, and grabbing them.

He wasn’t sure if Josh had ever used items like this before. His

guess would be no, considering how innocent the man seemed, for an

Some of it would even be new to Taylor. For that reason, when he

grabbed the ball gag, he took the one that had the holes in it for easy
breathing. He took the leather shackles that were designed to be
belted in place and had the fuzzy interior, to prevent discomfort. He
also took a blindfold, a black cock ring with a sliding snake head that
looked more like a piece of jewelry than a sex object—and it
vibrated!—and another cock ring that especially caught his eye.

He hadn’t seen this before on his last visit, and he had to grab the

boxy and read what it was all about.

He instantly decided that he would be using this on Josh.
The P-spot cock ring. It almost looked like a black, circular end of

a wrench that was attached to a butt plug.

Combines the erection-enhancing power of a cock ring with the

prostate tickling thrills—

Taylor brought his stuff up to the counter to pay. He had that

normal feeling of red-faced embarrassment as the guy tried to work
the cash register and take Taylor’s money. He’d spent a lot more than
he’d meant to, but it would be worth it when he got back to Josh.

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Oddly enough, the man couldn’t figure out how to punch in the

order, no matter how hard he tried, and he was forced to grab a
calculator and add up the prices on each of the tags per item. He
didn’t charge the tax, and he bagged Taylor’s things and took his
money, undercharging him a couple more dollars since he couldn’t
open the register to give Taylor his change.

“First day on the job?” Taylor asked, smiling and hoping to

lighten the load of the poor guy.

He got the nastiest glare for his trouble. “Something like that.”
“I didn’t mean it like—”
“Have a nice day,” the guy said, and only then did Taylor realize

how big he was.

Wide shoulders, thick neck, a lot of muscle, and Taylor wouldn’t

doubt it if the man had an impressive six pack beneath that black T-
shirt he was wearing.

Taylor hadn’t really been paying attention before, but now

everything inside of him screamed out that this guy was an alpha male
from that rival pack he’d heard so much about.

What the hell was he doing in this sex shop? And where was the

other employee?

“Something wrong?” the big guy asked, his voice angry and


“No,” Taylor said, and he immediately averted his eyes now that

he knew the man was an alpha wolf. It was always better to not look
any unknown alpha in the eyes. Staring them in the eyes was only
asking for trouble, and not only had Taylor been doing that, but he’d
also made a joke at the guy’s expense.

He walked toward the door, as quickly as he could without

actually running. He could feel the black eyes of the alpha on his back
all the way out the door. Because the windows were black and tinted,
he couldn’t see what was happening inside of the store once he was
out, but again the multiple chills running down his spine told him that

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the alpha was standing at the glass, looking out at Taylor as he
jumped into the old red Ford and started the engine.

He couldn’t wait to get back to the house. This was exactly the

sort of reason why Roarke was antsy with the thought of anyone
leaving to go into town by themselves. With the luna pack so small, if
there was ever an attack, or someone was hurt while they were away
from the pack, then there wouldn’t be much that could be done by the
way of retaliation.

Taylor was about to make that worse when he returned and told

Roarke and Josh what he’d just seen, but being in the truck and
driving back to the construction site definitely helped him to get
control of himself, and the shaking in his hands had finally stopped.

The good thing about this was that he was no longer a lone omega

wolf. Even though his pack was small, he didn’t have to be afraid of
other alphas in the world completely by himself.

He told himself that all the way until he pulled up to the house.

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Chapter Five

When Josh heard the tires crunching on the gravel and flattened

dirt road, he immediately came out of the house to watch his mate
drive in. He hadn’t known the other man was leaving to run some
errands until he heard the truck starting up and driving away, and now
that he was back, Josh felt he could relax knowing everything had
gone well.

He didn’t expect to see the fear on Taylor’s face, or sense it

coming off of him in waves as he stopped and parked the truck.

Even the others could feel the difference in him as they all

stopped what they were doing to see what was going on, and Taylor
all but fell out of the driver’s seat after parking the vehicle, his knees
giving out on him as he fell to his ass.

“Taylor!” Josh rushed away from the house and over to his mate.

He skidded to a halt and knelt down in front of where Taylor was
sitting. The man was pale, but he didn’t look injured, and Josh
couldn’t smell any blood.

Josh immediately put his hands on his mate’s shoulders, sliding

his palms down Taylor’s arms until they were touching skin to skin,
and his calming energy was being put inside of his mate.

It was still at a trickle, but it was there.
Taylor’s skin was cold to the touch, and it scared the hell out of

Josh how much it felt like he was touching a corpse.

“Taylor? Baby, what happened?”
“Is he okay?” Matt asked when Taylor said nothing.
Josh wished he knew. Taylor wasn’t saying a word, and he

continued to just sit there with his eyes wide open, and it occurred to

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Josh that if there was something seriously and medically wrong with
his mate, then Josh wouldn’t be able to do a damned thing about it.

Roarke stepped up to them before kneeling down on Taylor’s

other side. “Taylor, answer me,” he commanded, his voice so rough
and uncaring that Josh growled at him.

Aside from flicking his eyes over to Josh, Taylor completely

ignored him.

At first. Josh was shocked when Taylor slowly turned his head

and looked at the alpha. “What?” he asked, his voice small and almost
not there.

He was barely blinking.
Roarke sighed. “I think he’s just in shock. Let’s get him to the fire

and warm him up,” Roarke said, and when he got to his feet, that was
when Josh took his cue to put his arms around his mate’s shoulders
and help him to his feet.

He was careful as he did it, making sure to not put too much

pressure on his hands. He wasn’t sure what kind of side effects there
were to shock. Would his mate flip out at being touched so much or
moved? Josh hadn’t even thought of that when he’d put his hands
under Taylor’s shirt to do the energy exchange.

Taylor didn’t pull away, panic, or scream. In fact, he did

something that Josh hadn’t been expecting at all, and if it had
happened under a normal circumstance, he would have even enjoyed

He returned the embrace and put his arms around Josh.
It was like he was trying to hide against Josh’s body, and he

seemed to let out a low-sounding purr as he was being led away from
the truck by Josh and the others.

Josh stroked his hands over Taylor’s hair. He was sweating a

little. “It’s okay, baby, everything’s going to be okay.”

Westley was already by the fire, feeding it more of the logs that

Roarke had chopped down not too long ago, but even before they got

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to the fire, Josh could already feel Taylor’s temperature come back to

He was almost himself again. He was blinking at least and looking

around, as though he didn’t understand how he’d gotten there, when
Josh set him down in one of the lawn chairs close to the warmth of the

He just continued to look around, but he didn’t say anything until

Matt offered Josh a blanket, which he in turn put around Taylor’s
shoulders, and then a cup of hot water.

They didn’t have any coffee or tea, but when he looked inside the

cup he saw that Matt had stuck a slice of lemon inside.

It was almost as if they were treating Taylor like he had the flu.

Guess they didn’t really know what to do for shock either.

“What’s going on? When did I get back?”
“You just drove in, baby,” Josh said. He handed Taylor the hot

mug so it would at least warm up his hands if he didn’t drink it, and
then he started rubbing his mate’s arms through the blanket around his

“Do you remember anything?” Roarke asked. “You weren’t really

responding all that well when you got back.”

“I thought I was fine. I felt fine and I didn’t think anything was

wrong,” Taylor said.

“Do you remember what happened?” Josh asked. “I don’t think

you’re injured.”

“Not injured,” Taylor said, shaking his head. “But I did see an

alpha wolf.”

That had every muscle in Josh’s body tightening up with rage.

“What did he do to you?” he demanded, and he almost didn’t
recognize his own voice for how rough it sounded.

He had to watch himself, or else he might just turn into his wolf

form right there and go on the attack.

“Nothing, that’s the thing,” Taylor said. “I didn’t even know he

was an alpha at first. He was in one of the shops I went to.”

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“Not the hardware store,” Roarke said, clearly thinking of the nice

older man who owned it, and worried for him.

“No, uh, one of the others,” Taylor said.
Josh was instantly aware of the blush on his face, and he had a

good idea of where his mate had seen the alpha.

“What happened?” Josh asked.
“He rang through my purchases, and we talked, but I was goading

him a little. I wasn’t meaning to. I didn’t even know he was an alpha
yet. I thought I was just making idle chitchat!”

“Shh, sweetie, it’s okay,” Josh said, and he cupped his hands

around Taylor’s, where they still held onto his warm mug. “You’re all
right now. That’s all I care about.”

Taylor kept right on talking. “Once I realized what he was, I

stopped talking and left. I think he knew what I was though, and I
could feel him watching me all the way until I got in the truck and
started driving. I thought I was fine. I was calming down and wasn’t
shaking anymore, but then I don’t remember getting here.”

Josh turned to look at Roarke. “Is that a symptom of shock?”
Roarke could only shrug. He had his arms half crossed and was

scratching at his chin. “Could be. I wouldn’t know for sure about
something like that. It would make sense, though. You thought you
were calming down, but really you were slipping into shock because
of what happened.”

“They won’t come here, will they?” Taylor asked, his eyes going

wide with fear and panic.

“I doubt it,” Roarke said. “They will be wanting revenge

eventually, but we pretty much destroyed almost every alpha in their
pack the last time Jason and I were there. It’ll be a while before they
can get their ranks back up. That might even be why one of them is
working in town. The pack could be collecting money for repairs to
their property.”

“Yeah, they didn’t have that much to begin with,” Josh said.
“How would you know that?” Taylor asked.

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Fuck. Josh’s entire face was incredibly hot now. How was he

supposed to answer that to his mate?

Thankfully, Roarke cut in before Josh had to confess to where he

used to live.

“We can’t all stay isolated from the humans forever. Even if we

decided to abandon this place and try for somewhere else, there would
still be other wolf packs in the area. We have to keep going into town
for supplies, but because it’s not exactly a far stretch that one of those
alphas might go rogue to get back at us, we’ll go in groups of two.
One alpha will go with one omega, that way neither will be alone, and
there will be two alphas back here to defend the territory.”

“Agreed,” Josh said immediately, but then he took stock of what

that meant for Matt and Jason.

Westley was pregnant, and therefore he wouldn’t be going

anywhere until it was time for the pup to get here, and Taylor had
proven that he couldn’t go out and face an alpha from a rival pack just
yet, so that left Matt to go.

Jason knew this as well, apparently, and to his credit, he didn’t try

to fight against it. “I want to be the one who goes out with Matt. I’d
just feel better if I was the one with him whenever we had to leave.

Roarke nodded. “I have no problem with that.”
It was all silent for about another minute after that as everyone

suddenly struggled to find out what to say.

Westley had to save them from that one. “I think we’re all done

working for the night. We should talk about what we’re going to do if
there is an attack.”

“Good idea,” Roarke said. “Also I’m starving for some of that

pheasant Jason went out and hunted for us.”

Josh recognized the chance to be alone with his mate when it was

presented to them. Roarke left him and Taylor with one final worried
look as he and the others moved away from the fire to get everything
they would need to cook dinner. They would be back soon to use the
fire to cook over, so Josh had to make this quick.

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“Taylor, are you sure you’re okay?” he asked, not at all certain

what he wanted his mate to say to that.

“I thought I was,” Taylor said.
That was as good as a no.
Josh didn’t understand it. Even Westley didn’t have that kind of

reaction when he’d been forced to live among the alphas of
Lawrence’s pack, and they had tortured him multiple times.

“Taylor, has an alpha ever hurt you?” he asked, keeping his voice

quiet so the others wouldn’t overhear him.

Taylor’s blue eyes were wide as they turned up to look at him, and

that only deepened Josh’s fear for him.

“Can we not talk about this now?” Taylor asked.
Josh wanted to push the issue, but even he knew that would be

making things even worse. Besides, this was definitely the wrong
place to be having a personal discussion like this. Too many people
around and Josh doubted Taylor wanted the others to know what went
on in his past.

Josh still didn’t know a whole lot about him in that regard.
“All right, but we’ll need to talk about it later,” he said.
He was glad when Taylor didn’t put up a fight. He just nodded.
Josh rubbed his arms some more. “You sit here. I’m going to go

and speak with Roarke for a minute. I’ll be right back, okay?”

Taylor sighed. “I’ll sit tight,” he said.
Because he just continued to look so sad, Josh had to lean in and

press a kiss to Taylor’s soft mouth.

Taylor’s lips parted a little as the man gasped. He really hadn’t

been expecting Josh, his own mate, to offer him this sort of comfort,
and it broke Josh’s heart a little.

Josh pulled away from the kiss before his cock could get any

ideas, taking the kiss as an invite to perk up and demand sex, which
wasn’t going to happen right now.

“I’ll be back,” Josh said again, and he left Taylor’s side.

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He found Roarke quickly. It wasn’t like the guy was hiding from

him. He was just standing by the cooler, leaning against one of the
walls that still needed brick work done to it, and drinking from a
bottle of water.

“How’s he doing?” Roarke asked when Josh came to stand beside


“Better. I think he just needed a minute to process everything,”

Josh said.

Roarke nodded. Then the man took another gulp of his water

before speaking again. “Come out and say it,” he said.

No point in disobeying an order from his alpha. “I didn’t like the

way you were speaking to Taylor. He has some problem with alphas,
and you were ordering him around when he was in shock.”

“Yes, I was, and I also heard that growl you sent me for it.”
Of course he did, but even though Josh’s instincts were telling

him to back down and get back in line where he belonged, when it
came to Taylor’s well-being, he just couldn’t.

“So, are you going to punish me for that?”
“Why would I? And me asking you that isn’t some sort of

admission that I was wrong to do what I did.”

“You didn’t have to be so aggressive toward him.”
Roarke shut his eyes and sighed. “I can tell you’re trying to stand

up for your mate, even though you don’t like confronting me with

Josh crossed his arms. “You took me in when you didn’t have to.

You could send me away whenever you want.”

“I’m not planning on doing that. In fact, I appreciate that you’re

not letting your inner alpha take over and start up some kind of fight
with me on this, but you need to know that I wasn’t very nice when I
ordered him to answer me because he was in shock. I was counting on
his instinct to obey me to override the shock itself, and hopefully snap
him out of it.”

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“Oh,” Josh said, feeling his face go flaming hot at the explanation

that actually made a lot of sense. “I see.”

Great. Now he felt like a total idiot, coming over here and

confronting the alpha of his pack over something like that.

Roarke clapped him on the shoulder. “We’re good. I probably

wouldn’t have been thinking too logically about it if something had
been happening to Westley. For that reason, we’ve both asked Jason
to be the one to cut him open when it comes time for the pup to be
born. I don’t think I would be able to hold my claws steady enough,
knowing it was Westley I was doing that to.”

And Josh couldn’t blame him for that in the least. He wouldn’t

have thought to command his mate so sharply like that when Taylor
was suffering from shock. “Thank you for understanding, Roarke,”
Josh said, and he pulled away from the wall to stand before his alpha,
and he dipped his head to the side, exposing his neck even more so
than it already was.

Roarke just laughed. “You don’t have to do that. I didn’t think of

this as a test against my authority, you know.”

Josh straightened. “You didn’t?”
“No. You and the others can come to me with complaints

whenever you want. I’m not Lawrence. I won’t take everything as a
personal insult to my manhood.”

Now Josh was sighing with relief. “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank


Roarke just nodded, and he finished his water before putting the

bottle back so it could be refilled later. “Don’t worry about it. You
just go take care of him. Regardless of what goes on in the pack, as
the only three alphas, you, myself, and Jason all have to work extra
hard to take care of our omegas. Until more people come,” he added.

Josh nodded, and he looked back at where his mate was sitting.

He no longer had the blanket around his shoulders, and something
that Jason and Westley were talking about was making him smile.

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“He and I are going to talk later tonight, when we’re alone,” he

said, thinking about how the house was almost finished. There were a
few rooms inside that now had doors put in and roofs over them.

Tonight would be the first night where they were all sleeping

inside instead of in their tents, and that was going to be something.

“You do that,” Roarke replied, and Josh went over to help with

the cooking and sit next to his mate.

He stopped before he could make it to the campfire and turned

around, jogging over to the truck. Taylor had gone into Main Street to
get some supplies and snacks. Josh figured he should grab those
before the night ended.

He opened the door, and there were indeed some bags on the

passenger seat. A couple from the hardware store, some from the gas
station, and another bigger plastic bag that was black and had no logo
on it.

If Josh were to look in a mirror, he was pretty sure he’d see the

reddest face in the world, if the heat in his cheeks was anything to go

Right. He’d suspected that Taylor had gone to the Sexxx Shop.

Sometimes Josh didn’t know what a store like that was doing in a
town so small, but then, some of the people who lived here were a
little far out there. That goth girl with the pink hair who went to
Sunday church, for example.

Maybe the store made up for sales from the lack of people nearby

by selling online as well. Josh didn’t know, but now that he had the
bag in hand, he was curious to see what was inside of it.

He’d been wrong before. His face wasn’t the reddest it could be in

the world before because it was nowhere near as hot as it was now.

The blindfold and leather shackles made him smile, and even a bit

eager, but the ball gag had him swallowing nervously. Was he going
to put that in Taylor’s mouth, or did Taylor plan on using it on him?

He kept right on digging. There was a pretty neat looking ring,

which Josh might’ve mistaken for some sort of pendant had it not

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been in the black bag with the other sex toys. And if the words “cock
ring” weren’t printed on the packaging.

That wasn’t even the strangest item. There was one more thing

inside, and the picture on the box confused Josh at first until he
started reading the description.

A cock ring that was attached to a butt plug.
He had to take a couple of deep breaths to calm his pounding

heart. He was nervous, but now his dick was so incredibly hard as he
thought about what it might be like to have these things used on him.

Would he tie down Taylor with the shackles, gagging him while

he fucked him, watching as Taylor was forced to beg with his eyes
because he couldn’t speak with his mouth?

Christ. No wonder Taylor always wanted to be in charge, if these

were the types of things he was used to. Why hadn’t Josh ever
thought to play around with toys like this?

Josh searched through the rest of the bags and found condoms and

more lube in the one from the gas station. He quickly put those in the
black bag before taking everything out of the truck.

As quick as he could, because he didn’t want anyone to see him,

he set the snacks down in the cooler and took the bag of toys to the
room that would be his and Taylor’s. It was bare, the hardwood
flooring wouldn’t be going in until tomorrow, and he doubted it
would be very soundproof, but he suspected that was what the ball
gag would be for.

He put the bag behind the door, so that no one would see it should

they happen to walk in, and then he went back outside to sit with his

Taylor was up and walking around again by the time he got there,

and Josh couldn’t resist putting his arms around the man’s shoulders.

The sky had gotten a little darker, and the light from the fire was

really giving Taylor a sexy glow.

“I can’t wait for tonight,” Josh said into his ear, and he felt the

way Taylor’s body shivered in his arms.

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He whipped his head around to the truck, clearly having forgotten

about his bag of goodies during his episode, but then he looked up at
Josh, and he returned the smile.

His was a lot more wicked, however. “Careful what you wish


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Chapter Six

The conversation about what to do in case of an attack by rival

alphas was more about prevention and self defense than returning any

Taylor didn’t like looking too deeply into this, but the fact of the

matter was that his new pack was too small to defend itself should
there be a full-on territory war. Roarke, Jason, and Josh were all
adamant that something like that might not happen since there were so
few alphas left in that pack, but Taylor was still afraid that the growl
of an alpha wolf could sound behind him at any moment.

He hated that fear, and he especially hated that he wasn’t strong

enough to handle it on his own. He’d grown to rely on Josh a lot more
than he thought he did over the last several days he’d been with the
pack. Without even realizing it, he found himself sitting close to Josh
on the log by the fire while Roarke spoke.

He gripped the other man’s arm and was all but in his lap when it

was over, and the only things Roarke had said were common sense
topics that Taylor already knew about.

Avoid rival alphas whenever possible. Don’t look them in the eyes

if you were forced to get close, and don’t instigate any fights since
none could be backed up anyway.

That last one was directed mostly at Jason and Josh, but everyone

pretty much understood the message.

Be polite and mind your own business, and the pack might just

have the chance to grow before it was destroyed.

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Taylor knew all about that, and he couldn’t help but look at Josh

as they got ready for bed, for the first time in the house that was being

Was it only a matter of time before Josh was out of his life

because of some alpha male fighting? Was Taylor still independent
enough of him that he could survive something like that?

“What is it?” Josh asked, noticing that Taylor was staring as he

pulled off his jeans, leaving only black underwear in their wake.

Taylor shook his head from his spot on their air mattress. They

had been delivered earlier that day, before he had gone into town, and
he swore it was the most comfortable thing in the world. “Nothing.”

There was electricity now, but they only had a single lamp

plugged into the outlet on the wall for light, since the ceilings weren’t

It cast the room in a bright glow, but otherwise it was nice being

indoors after so long of traveling alone and sleeping in a tent.

Josh looked at him, and Taylor knew the man had questions for

him. Questions that Taylor had most definitely been avoiding.

He wanted to avoid them for just a bit longer, so he bounded up

from their bed, nearly spilling the sleeping bags, which were now
being used as their blankets, onto the floor as he went for the black
bag in the corner of the room.

“Get on the bed,” he commanded, eager to put all the bad things

out of his mind and just enjoy himself with the handsome man in front
of him.

Josh shocked him to the core when he touched Taylor’s cheek

instead. “You know you can talk to me, right? I’m your mate and I’ll
take care of you. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

That was a promise that could never be kept if Taylor ever heard


He swallowed hard. “I know, but I figured that talking could wait

for a bit. You must be tired after working so hard on this house, so the
buildup of energy and strength would be really helpful right now.”

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Taylor could see the way Josh’s auburn eyes dilated, and his nose

flared as his breathing kicked up several notches.

Then Taylor could smell his lust as musk filled the air. He looked

down and saw the massive erection that was outlining his underwear,
and Taylor thought about how long it had been since someone had
been inside of him. Way too long.

“You’re on the bottom,” Josh said, mirroring Taylor’s thoughts,

and for the first time, he didn’t so much mind being ordered around.

“Yeah, but I still want you to get on that bed,” Taylor said, and he

even pointed at the air mattress, willing the other man to do as he told

Taylor sighed when Josh did as he was told, sitting down on the

air mattress and spreading his legs so that the outline of his cock was
clear to see beneath the black underwear.

He wished he didn’t have to have it like this just to feel safe, but

he was glad that Josh wasn’t the sort of alpha to just take what he
wanted. He was willing to go along with this.

“Should I take these off?” Josh asked, dipping his thumb under

the elastic and stretching it out just a little, teasingly.

“Yes,” Taylor said, and he started to pull his things out of the bag.

The packaging was all gone because he’d taken the time to clean off
the toys before putting them back into the bag. Now they were ready
to use.

Josh did as he was told, a look on his face that suggested he

thought Taylor was going to tease him by forcing him to keep the
underwear on.

Not right now.
He immediately picked up on the way Josh’s breath hitched when

Taylor pulled out the P-spot cock ring and lube.

“Getting into the fun stuff already?” he asked, and was that…?

Was he nervous?

“You’ve never used toys before, have you?” Taylor asked.
It was a big thrill when Josh shook his head to the negative.

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He couldn’t believe it. “Really?”
“Why’s that so hard to believe?” Josh asked.
Taylor had to know something, something that occurred to him he

had no clue about, even though he’d been guessing. “How old are

“Twenty-four. Why? What’s that got to do with it?”
That shocked the hell out of Taylor. “I’m twenty-five,” he said,

and now it was occurring to him that he still knew so little about the
man in front of him. They both knew so little about each other, and
yet they were already in a committed relationship.

Of a sort.
That number didn’t seem to shock Josh at all. “So you’re twelve

months older than I am. It’s not like I’m that far behind you,” he said.

“No, but I guess I thought you’d be older, being the alpha and


Josh’s lips pulled up in a wide smile. “You have a strange idea of

what it takes to be mated.”

Maybe he did. “The man who was my sire was ten years older

than my bearer. I guess I just never thought of it before that, that
wasn’t always the case.”

Josh kept right on smiling. “I’m going to show you all the ways

I’m different from other alphas,” he said, and in a show of bravery, he
crooked his finger for Taylor to come forward. “Now get over here
and show me how to use that.”

Taylor did, stepping closer to the man who was his…mate. He

hadn’t allowed himself to use that word, even in his head, when
thinking about Josh, but it was true and it was time he started
accepting that that was what they were to each other.

He took the tube of lube out of the bag and popped open the cap.

Taylor put a little in his hand, aware of the way Josh was eagerly
watching his every move.

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“First I’m going to lube your cock for me,” Taylor said, and he

reached down with his slick hand and wrapped his fingers around
Josh’s cock.

Josh moaned, and his dick swelled even more in Taylor’s hand, so

Taylor had to be fast with the cock ring. He hadn’t expected this
reaction, not really, but he managed to get the cock ring down the
column of Josh’s dick before the man could come.

Because that was now out of his reach, he put his hands over his

face and flopped back on his bed, moaning and humping his hips
against the ring and Taylor’s hand.

Already this was awesome, and Taylor hadn’t even put the plug

inside of him yet.

He wanted to wait until he was blindfolded before he did that.
Taylor tested the cock ring to make sure it wouldn’t slip off before

he let go of it and started searching through his bag again.

All the terrifying things that had happened earlier today were a far

away memory as the heat of his lover’s—his mate’s—body called to
him. Goose bumps formed on Josh’s thighs, and Taylor could feel
them where their skin touched.

The buildup of energy he felt, and that he knew Josh must be

feeling, was incredible.

“W–what are you doing?” Josh asked, lifting his head to look up

at him right before Taylor had the blindfold around his eyes and was
tying it snugly around the back of his head.

“I want you to feel everything I’m doing to you,” Taylor said

when he pulled back.

The blindfold was soft enough, but it had little ridges in the

material to fit against the eyes so that Josh couldn’t turn his head up
and look down, expecting to see something. He was completely
blinded at this point.

“I can already feel you,” he said, reaching up to touch the


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Taylor slapped his hand away, though not hard. “Trust me. You’ll

feel it better with that on.”

“If you say so,” Josh said, and he wiggled to make himself


He was being really good about the fact that his dick was

currently trapped and changing colors in a cock ring. Maybe it was
some of his alpha self control that was allowing him to be so mellow
about the fact that Taylor wasn’t touching him, but that was about to

Taylor was going to make sure Josh lost it before the night was


He then reached for the shackles, but Taylor was thrown for a

loop when Josh moved his arms and sat up to get away from Taylor as
he tried to put them on.

“No, wait, I don’t want to wear those,” he said.
Taylor wasn’t sure what to make of the fear that he could hear in

Josh’s voice.

Fear? Of him?
He thought of pressing the issue, and of telling the man just how

much he would enjoy it, but there was definitely something there that
told him he wouldn’t be going that far with his mate.

He put the cuffs aside. “Is it an alpha thing?” he asked.
“Kind of” was all Josh would say.
He was going to have to ask about that later. But then, that would

involve actually speaking to his mate and getting to know more about
him than simply what his favorite food and color was.

With stunning clarity, Taylor realized that was okay. He wanted to

do that. He wanted to get to know his mate better, to learn about him,
be with him, but most of all, at the moment, looking down at him
blindfolded like that with the cock ring around his erection, Taylor
wanting to sink his ass down on him and ride him.


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“Still here,” Taylor said, and then he laughed. “I think you’d

know it if I tried to leave,” he said.

“I’m so fucking horny and ready to come right now that you could

put a band of teenagers blaring their shit in the garage and I wouldn’t
hear them,” Josh said, his words coming mostly through his teeth.

“Well, I guess it’s a good thing you can’t come so long as the

cock ring is around your dick.”

Josh gripped the sleeping bag beneath him in tight fists. “Please

just come over here. Put me out of my misery already.”

“That doesn’t sound like proper begging,” Taylor said, and he

poured more of the lube into his hand before crawling onto the bed,
staying right beside Josh, and purposely getting close, but not
touching, knowing the man could feel his heat.

“You’re mean!” Josh said, though he didn’t sound angry about it.

“You have to be the meanest omega in the history of time.”

“You’re going to think I’m the nicest omega in the history of time

soon enough,” he said, and he took hold of the attached plug on the
cock ring Josh was wearing. When he touched and moved it so he
could slather the lube on it, that of course, caused Josh’s dick to jolt,
and he arched his back and opened his mouth wide.

He didn’t yell out, and he didn’t come either, but he was panting

pretty damn loud, his perfect chest rising and falling as he breathed in
deep, and his nipples were hard and dark. Taylor couldn’t resist
leaning in to suck one of them into his mouth.

“W–what are you doing?” Josh asked, and it was clear to Taylor

that he wasn’t talking about the tongue on his nipple, but the fact that
Taylor was now sliding the plug up and toward Josh’s crack, pushing
it inside and against his hole.

The plug wasn’t so big that Taylor thought he needed to put his

fingers inside of Josh’s ass, even though the man was still incredibly
tight. But even though Taylor loved fingering his mate, he was too
eager see Josh’s reaction when the plug itself was inside of him, and it

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wasn’t so long ago that Taylor had thrust his cock in there that Josh
would be in pain if he went without it.

So long as Taylor took his time, that was.
“I’m putting the plug inside you,” he said, feeling as it pushed

past the ring of muscle from Josh’s asshole.

The larger man sighed and even shifted his hips, allowing Taylor

an easier time of sliding it in. “Y–yeah, but I thought—uhhhng!—I
thought it was for you.”

“You thought you would wear the cock ring and I’d put the plug

inside of me?”

Taylor watched as Josh’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed

hard. “Y–yeah.”

Taylor thought about that for a second. He supposed it could

work, if the positioning was right and they were both facing away
from each other, but he had no interest in trying that right now.

“I’m more interested in riding your huge cock. You should see it.

It’s even bigger and thicker than normal with the ring on, and you’re
not exactly small to begin with.”

Josh missed the complimenting part of that sentence as he

blinding reached for Taylor’s hips and began trying to pull him onto
his lap. “Yes, please. I need you on me.”

Taylor pulled back. “Wait, not yet,” he said, and he thrust the plug

a little deeper into Josh’s ass until it was all the way inside of him,
stretching his hole.

The design was at a slight curve, so it only took another small

push before Josh was arching his back and crying out as the plug
touched his prostate. “Holy fuck!”

“Now you can feel me inside you while you’re inside me,” Taylor

said, and he spread his legs and lifted his knees so he could straddle
Josh’s waist.

Josh was gasping and panting mindlessly on the bed. He didn’t

even seem to notice that his mate was on his knees in his lap as he

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humped back against the butt plug and the cock ring that held his
erection trapped.

It was absolute porn watching him, and Taylor hurried to reach

into the little black bag and pull out the second cock ring he’d bought
and the condom. He added some lube to it before unclasping the little
snake head and putting it around his dick and locking it in place.

A rush of pleasure flooded him just by doing that, and he couldn’t

get the ring tight enough fast enough. He managed before he could
come, luckily, but he knew it wouldn’t hold forever.

“Taylor, please, touch me, ride me, fuck me. Just do something!”

Josh begged.

“You know it’s a rush to have an alpha begging me for


Josh groaned. “I’ll beg you all you want. Just please do it!” Josh

said, and he reached up and gripped his hair tight. It was clear he
wanted to yank off that blindfold and throw Taylor down before
pounding into him, but he was holding back because he knew Taylor
wasn’t comfortable giving up his control.

That was a turn-on in of itself.
“Okay, now just feel what I’m doing to you. You aren’t allowed

to touch me yet.”

“Trust me on this. Grip the sleeping bag if you have to, but just let

me touch you.”

“This was what those cuffs were going to be for, weren’t they?”

Josh asked, even as he did what Taylor said and gripped the sleeping

“Maybe,” Taylor said. “But I think I like this way better now that

we aren’t using them.”

Josh groaned, but then he jerked in surprise when Taylor grabbed

one of his hands. “What—?”

“Shh,” Taylor said, and he began stroking lube onto Josh’s

fingers. “Can’t forget about this,” he said, purposely being lewd about

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it as he stroked his hand up and down Josh’s fingers, mimicking what
it would be like it he was stroking the man’s cock.

“You are such a tease,” Josh said, swallowing hard. “I’m so going

to make you pay for this later.”

Taylor didn’t stop what he was doing because he recognized the

threat for what it was. Empty.

He had no doubts that Josh was going to tease him to the brink

when he got the first opportunity, but he wasn’t threatening to
actually hurt him. He wasn’t that kind of alpha.

“You can do that to me tomorrow night,” he said. “Now you can

touch me with this hand.”

Taylor then lifted himself up enough, forcing Josh to sit up a little

as well to extend his reach, and he pulled Josh’s hand behind Taylor’s
back and then lowered it until Josh got the idea of what he was
supposed to do.

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Chapter Seven

Josh was trembling from head to toe as he pushed his fingers into

the tight ring of muscle of Taylor’s ass. God, his asshole was
squeezing so hard around just two fingers, it was almost enough to
make Josh think that no one had ever been here before.

And that just made him growl in approval. “Are you a virgin?” he


Taylor laughed, even though his body was strung almost as tight

as Josh’s, and when he replied his answer came out panted. “Of
course not, you know that.”

“I mean have you ever let anyone fuck you before?” Taylor was

an omega, but Josh knew full well that he didn’t like to be topped, and
just because he had condoms with him when they met didn’t mean

Those could’ve been for the humans that Taylor had been with

who didn’t know he was a werewolf and wanted the protection.

This time there was something of a hesitation. “No.”
That was so fucking hot. Josh couldn’t believe he was about to be

the first one in this place. “I’m going to make you love it so damn
much. You won’t know how you went your whole life without a cock
in your ass.”

He could practically hear the smile in his lover’s voice as he

replied. “But I’ll be extra glad I waited for you to do it, right?”

“Damned right,” Josh said, and he pushed a third finger into

Taylor’s asshole.

He pushed them forward and back, mimicking the act of his

thrusting cock. Now that he knew at least part of Taylor’s hesitation

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to let Josh top him came from never having anyone doing that before,
he swore he would be gentle. As gentle as he possibly could be,
considering his own dick was still trapped inside of that cock ring,
and the plug was still inside of his ass.

Josh was sitting at just the right angle so that it wasn’t touching

his prostate, but he knew that if he so much as shifted where he sat, it
would hit that sweet spot inside him and he was going to lose his
mind and grab onto Taylor before throwing him down and fucking
him to within an inch of his life.

It was absolute mind-boggling torture, sitting there without being

able to see, and waiting for the telltale signs that Taylor could take

He was worried he might actually miss those signs, but then

Taylor sighed and started pushing back against Josh’s fingers. Up and
down he slid, back and forth.

“I’m imagining you doing that on my dick,” Josh said. “Riding me

slow and then hard. I don’t know if this cock ring will be enough to
keep me from coming right away inside you.”

“I think you’re fine,” Taylor said, and the next thing Josh knew

his dick was being grabbed by Taylor’s hand and squeezed before he
stroked him up and down, only once, and then pulled away.

Josh moaned and tried to thrust into the hand that was no longer

there, which was a mistake because that moved the plug inside of him
to the point where it pushed up against his prostate and stayed there.

He bucked hard, ignoring his dick for a minute and focusing

entirely on the pleasure inside of his ass.

Josh started grinding his hips down on the air mattress, but an air

mattress wasn’t exactly the thing required to use when he wanted to
force a plug deeper into his body.

“I think I’m ready for you now,” Taylor said, and Josh felt the tip

of the man’s tongue come down and lick up and side of his throat.
“You have no idea how fucking gorgeous you are like this with that
blindfold on and that ring around your dick.”

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“Oh, please ride me, Taylor. I can’t fucking take it anymore.”
He expected some more teasing, or for Taylor to demand that he

beg a little more before he was finally allowed to come, but the man
did neither of those things. He gently took Josh by the wrist and
pulled his fingers out of Taylor’s body.

“Lay back,” Taylor said.
Josh eagerly did as he was told. He felt like he was the one being

claimed in all of this, but at the moment he didn’t care. He just
wanted to get off, and he wanted to do it while balls deep inside of his

Even laying back like that put some pressure on the butt plug

inside of him, and Josh’s entire body went stiff as he struggled against
the pleasure that threatened to consume him and leave him as a
mindless monster.

“Taylor,” he panted, unable to stop shifting his hips as he tried to

push the plug deeper inside of him, and thrust his cock up and against
anything that might be there.

“I’m here,” Taylor said, and Josh felt a condom being rolled onto

his erection before he heard the sound of the cap being undone on the
lube once more. The smell of more of it hit the air, and then it was
being slathered on his cock.

It was driving him wild, not knowing exactly what Taylor was

doing and having to rely so completely on his other senses like this.
“Are you putting more onto your asshole?”

“Your dick is so huge that you’d better believe I am, and no

preening at the compliment.”

“Too late.”
Taylor didn’t chuckle or say anything else, but Josh did feel the

way he shifted himself up and was just a little higher on Josh’s body,
before he took Josh’s cock in hand and sank down.

The feel of that tight puckered ring, even after the stretching and

prep work Taylor had Josh do to him, pressing down around the head
of Josh’s cock and swallowing him inside, nearly made him come.

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He was so fucking close, and he was sure that he was coming for a

split second, but there was nothing there. He was still as hard as a
steel pipe, and then he realized that moaning sound was coming from
him as Taylor sank his ass down until Josh’s pelvis was touching
Taylor’s ass.

He could even feel the tight little swell of the man’s balls down on

his lower stomach.

Perfect. It was so fucking perfect that Josh thought he could die

right then from how absolutely fantastic it was and he would be a
happy man.

He reached inward for that exchange of energy between himself

and his mate. Now that Taylor was pushing his ass up and down,
sliding back and forward, slowly at first but then faster and harder as
he got used to it, Josh sought out that spiritual connection that he was
being denied ever since he’d first met the man.

It still wasn’t there. The flow of energy was barely at a trickle,

even though he was the one inside of his mate this time, and he
growled, this time in anger and frustration.

Taylor must not have noticed because he was still riding his ass up

and down the column of Josh’s erection, and from the noises he made,
he was enjoying himself an awful lot.

“Oh! Yeah, Josh! So fucking good. I love your cock in my ass!”
And Josh loved being there. He especially loved the way each up-

and-down thrust jolted the plug that was in Josh’s ass deeper, making
it strike at his own prostate with each bouncing movement.

Any other time and he would have lost his mind to the pleasure of

it. He wouldn’t have been able to think, but the fact of the matter was
that he still didn’t have that complete and full connection that he
desired with his mate, and it was overriding everything else.

He had to act. Josh couldn’t stop himself even if he tried, and he

growled again, determined to have that energy exchange and the
intermingling of souls with the man above him.

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He heard Taylor’s shocked yelp as Josh blindly reached for him

and grabbed him around his hips.

“Josh! What are you—?”
Josh had them turned over so quickly and was between Taylor’s

legs in a flash, holding the man pinned down on the air mattress. It
was shocking that he’d even managed to keep them both on the
mattress at all instead of tumbling blindly off of it, and through some
miracle when Josh leaned in to quiet his mate with a kiss, he found
Taylor’s lips on the first try.

He thrust his tongue deep, licking Taylor’s tongue and pulling a

desperate moan out of the man as Josh began frantically pounding
into his ass.

Then he felt it. It was there! That exchange of energy flowing

through him, through them both, as strong and vibrant as though it
was on tap.

God it was good. It was everything Josh had ever wanted, and he

finally had it. He was no longer being denied.

Even the cock ring couldn’t save him from coming now, knowing

that he was finally becoming one with his mate in the way they were
supposed to, and that neither would be denied anymore.

Josh didn’t even stop what he was doing to pull out and get the

ring off of himself. He came wearing it, and it was the most intense,
long, and hard orgasm he’d ever had. He was pretty sure he was
yelling, and he could hear Taylor crying out, too, as his warm come
spilled between their stomachs.

Josh didn’t stop thrusting his pelvis back and forth until his cock

was completely spent, and he collapsed bonelessly onto his mate,
sharing his heat as well as his energy. He could’ve drifted off right
then and there.

Then he realized what he’d done, and he ripped away the

blindfold he was still wearing. The room was a lot brighter than when
he’d put it on, but he could still see the way Taylor looked at him.

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He had a brow raised, and it appeared as though he was awaiting

an explanation.

“Fuck, Taylor. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—”
Taylor reached out and pressed his palm down flat on Josh’s chest

before gently pushing him off.

Josh was forced to pull out of his lover, but he remained on his

knees, staring at Taylor as the man sat up and removed the cock ring
he was wearing.

“Please don’t go. I know you don’t like things like that, and I’m

sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.”

He’d pushed his mate down and proceeded to fuck the ever-loving

hell out of him, knowing that Taylor feared dominating actions like
that. Just because the man had come didn’t make what Josh did any

“It’s all right,” Taylor said, though his voice sounded tired.
Josh shook his head. “No, I—”
“Josh!” Taylor snapped, and that had Josh clapping his yap shut.
Taylor’s eyes softened. “I’m being serious. Stop panicking. It’s all

right, and I’m not going to leave you.”

Josh felt pretty ridiculous, kneeling there with a ring around his

cock that was getting ready to fall off, and a plug in his ass, but he
didn’t dare remove them because he felt like, if he moved, Taylor
would vanish from his sight.

“But you hate being dominated,” Josh said, wanting to make sure

he got this right.

“I do. I never liked any alphas before I met you and the people in

this pack, but I guess it was wrong of me to constantly try to dominate
you. You’re the alpha and that goes against your baser instincts. I
should’ve realized something like that was about to happen.”

“It’s no excuse,” Josh said.
“Stop saying that like you think you just raped me or something. I

still wanted it and I still liked it, and yeah, it was a little scary at first
when you grabbed me, but because it was you I was able to handle it.”

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Then Taylor smiled at Josh. “Also, that energy exchange was

pretty damn awesome. I thought what we were getting before was
good enough, but I was wrong about that. What you just gave me was
better, and if it means letting you take the lead, the real lead, from
time to time, then I don’t mind.”

“You don’t mind, but you’re still not totally comfortable with it,”

Josh said.

Now Taylor looked away, as though it shamed him to have to

admit to something like that.

Josh reached for him, taking the man’s chin in hand and turning

his face so that he had to look Josh in the eyes.

Those deep blue eyes were swimming, like Taylor was getting

ready to start crying.

Josh cupped the man’s cheeks with both hands, and their faces

were so close that their noses and foreheads were touching.
“Whatever you’re comfortable with. I can wait for you.”

Taylor’s breath hitched at those words. “I love you,” he said,

sounding like he was blurting out those words for the first time to
anyone in his life.

And didn’t that just shoot Josh right in the heart?
“I love you, too,” Josh said, and pulled his mate forward for a soft


Their energies flowed together and flared brightly within them,

something only they would be able to see, but then, just as quickly as
it started, it stopped and they pulled away from each other.

There was still that hesitation on Taylor’s face, and some of that

same fear. That was all right, because at least now Josh had some
hope that they could get through this together.

“We’re going to have to start talking, really talking, aren’t we?”

Taylor asked with a nervous laugh.

“Yeah,” Josh said, and he realized this would mean he would have

to admit that, at one point, he was part of the very group of
werewolves who were finding and torturing omega luna wolves.

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“Before we do that,” Josh said, “Can I take the plug out of my


Taylor laughed and helped him to get the ring off his cock and the

plug out of his rectum.

Then he got serious as they were lying together. “You’re not

going to like some of the things I tell you about myself.”

Josh squeezed his mate tightly. “There’s nothing you can say that

would make me turn away from you,” he said. “But there’s something
about me that you really won’t like, and I want you to know that if
you decide you want me to sleep somewhere else for the night, then
I’ll understand that, too.”

“Same goes to you,” Taylor said, and he looked Josh in the eyes.

They were shining again, and he was fiddling with his fingers, as
though searching for something to do with them, and his voice came
out small. “I killed my parents.”

That, was definitely something Josh hadn’t been expecting. Not in

the least.

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Chapter Eight

Taylor could tell that his confession had pretty much just rocked

the world of his mate, and not in a good way. He supposed he was
hoping that the energy exchange, along with the mind-blowingly
fantastic sex would’ve made it a little easier for the man to hear.

Josh didn’t blow up on him or command him to leave the bed, or

the pack that, despite Taylor’s best efforts, he’d grown used to and
somewhat comfortable in, but the wide-eyed and openmouthed look
he gave Taylor was just as heartbreaking, and he had to slide out of

Josh had grabbed for his wrist and tried to pull him back. “No,

you don’t have to leave.”

“Right, like you want a murderer sleeping beside you at night,”

Josh had said.

“You’ve been sleeping beside me every other night,” Josh said.

“Just talk to me about this, make me understand. Did they hurt you?
Hit you? Was it self defense?”

It was none of those things, and when he said as much to Josh,

feeling the man’s hand slip away from his wrist was like a knife in the
stomach, and they just stared at each other.

“I’m going to go and sleep in the truck,” Taylor said, not wanting

to wait for his mate to throw him out first. He had to get out of the
room, out of the house that wasn’t his, but he couldn’t bring himself
to leave the pack land.

The truck wasn’t his to take anyway, so even if he did make the

decision to go, he wouldn’t have been driving it out of there.

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Taylor felt like he’d barely slept the entire night, and it seemed

like he’d only just closed his eyes and dozed off before there was a
knock at the window of the truck. Daylight had arrived.

It was Roarke, and Taylor felt his heart launch into his throat

before it started pounding so hard and fast he actually got a head rush
when he quickly sat up from where he slept and rolled down the

“Yeah?” he asked. Fuck, his voice sounded like he’d literally

swallowed a frog or something.

This was it. Josh had spoken to the pack alpha and Roarke had

made the decision that Taylor was too dangerous to have on his
property, let alone around his pregnant mate.

“Hey, not to be crude about it, but we all heard you and Josh

going at it last night. Did you have an argument after?”

Taylor didn’t understand. “An argument?”
“Well, you’re sleeping in the truck, and Josh isn’t really telling us

what’s going on.”

Josh hadn’t told his pack alpha about what Taylor had done? That

was…pretty shocking, actually.

Taylor rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He wasn’t sure what time

it was, but the cool temperature in the air and the direction of the
barely visible sun suggested it was still pretty early. “I’m just, still
having trouble adjusting to all this,” he said, being a total coward and
lying to the man who’d allowed him into his pack and in the house he
was building.

“Well, Josh has only been with us a couple of weeks, but he is a

good guy. I don’t think he’d hurt you, and I know I don’t know your
story and I shouldn’t be butting in,” Roarke said.

“You’re the alpha in charge of the pack,” Taylor replied, barely

able to look at the man. “It’s your job to make sure everyone’s happy
and in line.”

Not only that, the man probably thought he was comforting

Taylor. He was also very likely confused as to why the alpha would

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have his omega sleep outside. Roarke seemed like a good sort of
alpha like that.

Roarke smiled softly at Taylor’s words. “Well, either way, I know

you two have some stuff to work out, but you should come out and
join the rest of us. Matt and Jason are making the last of the bacon
and eggs if you want some.”

Taylor’s stomach growled. Greasy eggs and bacon sounded like

heaven at the moment, but he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep
anything he ate down.

And Josh would be eating around the campfire with them.
He couldn’t hide from this, and if he was going to end up leaving

these nice people very soon, then he figured he should go out and
enjoy a decent cooked meal with them before he was forced to live off
the game he hunted as a wolf again.

Taylor left the truck and followed the alpha over to the fire.

Everyone was there, the fire crackling beneath the grate and a couple
of big frying pans cooking overtop.

The smell of eggs and meat went right to Taylor’s stomach, but

then that vanished entirely at the sight of Josh.

He was standing alone, away from where Westley, Matt, and

Jason were huddled together and checking on their breakfast, and he
was looking at Taylor with the most puppyish look to his eyes that
Taylor had ever seen.

Sometimes he wondered if the man really was an alpha at all.

Then again, Jason and Roarke didn’t act like traditional alphas either.
Matt and Westley looked up and smiled as Taylor approached.

“Hey, there you are,” Westley said, as welcoming as he always


Josh really hadn’t said anything to them.
Matt came over with an empty plate in his hands and gave it to

Taylor. “It’s almost ready if you want to grab a seat,” he said, and
Taylor got the message since the only available place was on the big
log that Josh was standing next to.

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They were only walking on eggshells around him because they

were trying to be helpful. He wondered if they would be this way if
they knew the truth about him.

Feeling kind of awkward about it, Taylor smiled and thanked Matt

before going to stand beside his mate.

Roarke turned on the radio, and something country came on just

loud enough to hide anything that Josh and Taylor said to each other
while the others chatted and cooked. It was a nice backdrop, but
Taylor didn’t know if he would be able to handle it if something sad
came on.

“You didn’t tell them,” Taylor said.
“It’s between you and me, for now,” Josh replied.
That was fair. Taylor hadn’t exactly been clear with what had

happened between him and his parents, but he was pretty sure that if
he confessed to being some sort of psychopath who enjoyed it, then
mate or no mate, Josh would have to let him go for the sake of
everyone’s safety.

“You and I are going to eat our breakfast together and then go

someplace private to talk. We can’t run away from this.”

“I agree,” Taylor said, looking around at the smiling faces of the

other two couples around the fire. He wondered if he would ever see
them again after this day.

“Just please tell me that this isn’t some habit of yours,” Josh said,

and there was such an emotionally deep pain in his voice that Taylor
physically hurt just hearing him. It was like it was putting Josh in
agony just asking a question like that.

“Not a habit,” Taylor replied. “And I didn’t enjoy it either.”
The eggs, bacon, and toast were all plated and passed around.

Taylor put salt and pepper on his eggs and made a greasy, yolky
sandwich out of what he had.

He ate quickly, wishing he could savor the breakfast for the treat it

was, but he wasn’t going to be any more of a dick to Josh than he

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already was by purposely eating slow beside him just to put off their

But then, of course, eating so fast coupled with the intense anxiety

building inside of him made him feel like he was about to be sick. He
didn’t know how he managed to keep everything down when Josh put
his hand on Taylor’s shoulder and motioned with his head toward the
tree line.

Right. There was no way they could be talking about something as

serious as murder so close to the others without risking being

As they got up and walked away, Taylor could feel the eyes of the

others on his back, wondering what was going on most likely.

This really wasn’t fair to poor Josh. Everyone else clearly thought

he was overreacting about something and had made Taylor sleep in
the truck. Even if Josh never told them, when he asked Taylor to
leave, Taylor was going to have to make something up so that the rest
of the pack knew for absolute certainty that it wasn’t Josh’s fault.

Taylor was strong and independent, and only truly sharing energy

with his mate that one time shouldn’t be enough to make him die for
the lack of the man. Josh was also a strong alpha. The separation
wouldn’t kill him either, Taylor was sure.

He had to stop walking after a little while. He just couldn’t keep

on going at this pace, and the wait to find out what Josh wanted to do
with him was killing him.

Josh walked another three steps before he realized that Taylor was

no longer following, and he turned around.

Taylor’s fists were clenched, and his heart actually hurt from what

he knew was going to happen. He told himself that was normal. A
luna werewolf’s broken heart always hurt. It could even kill, but he
was going to survive this. He’d survived everything else in his life,
and he was going to make it through this, too.

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“Well?” he asked, his voice sounding so much smaller than he

intended. He could barely look up at his mate, never mind actually
looking him in the eyes.

Taylor was staring down at Josh’s feet when he heard the man’s

heavy sigh. “I need to know what happened. You say it wasn’t self
defense and that they didn’t hurt you, but why did you do it? You’re
my mate. Last night I told you I loved you, and I meant it, but then
you tell me something like that about your parents, and you insist on
sleeping in the truck…”

Josh trailed off as though he couldn’t speak another word.
Taylor could hardly blame him. He didn’t know how much he’d

be able to speak just to get this out, considering how his own throat
was killing him from the pain of holding back all the emotions he felt.
“There is no excuse. I did what I did,” he said, and he made the
mistake of looking up and seeing the absolute disappointment and
even a little horror in his mate’s auburn eyes.

He couldn’t just leave it like that, however. “There is no excuse,

but if you want to know why, I’ll tell you.”

“I would very much like to know why,” Josh immediately said.
Taylor had never told this to anyone, so he had to take in a deep

breath, hardly able to believe this was going to be put into words for
the first time. Only then did he realize that he’d been running from it,
and that speaking it out loud would almost make seem more real

“The man who sired me never hit me. He barely ever spoke to me,

though when he did, it was usually critical, and he rarely insulted me
or called me names growing up, but even when he was ignoring me I
could always feel that he didn’t much care to have me around.”

Josh folded his arms and leaned his back against the nearest tree.

“That’s a strange way for a sire to behave toward his pup,” he said,
and to his credit he didn’t start judging Taylor right then, and telling
him how child neglect was no reason for murder.

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“I know, but there are alphas who are like that with their families.

I used to think it was all alphas, until I met you, Roarke, and Jason.”

Now Josh’s eyes popped open wide. “You thought we would all

be cold and indifferent to each other?”

“Not just that,” Taylor said, and because he had no tree to lean on

while telling his story, even though they were all over the place, he
started to pace back and forth. “Like I said, he never hit me, but made
sure to hit my bearer as much as he possibly could. Growing up, I
thought it was normal to see your bearer with bruises, sad smiles, and
the occasional busted lip. It never occurred to me until I was a little
older that something wasn’t right, and by the time I was nine, I knew
for a fact that my sire wasn’t being good to his family. Even though
there we were no lone wolves who weren’t part of a pack that could
teach me that, I still figured it out from the other kids at school or
things I saw on the TV.”

Josh continued to stand there, waiting patiently for Taylor to

finish his story. “What happened?”

Taylor rubbed his face, old memories coming back as clear as day,

things he’d thought he’d let go and forgotten about still strong in his
brain. “When I was twelve I started actively trying to convince my
bearer to leave my sire. He would always make some kind of excuse,
saying that he loved him, that things weren’t that bad, that they would
get better, but they never did. They got worse. It was around that time
when I knew for sure that I was an omega. My body wasn’t getting
any bigger, and my anger wasn’t enough to make up for the

“I didn’t want to be like my bearer and get saddled with an alpha

mate who would do to me all the things my sire was doing every
night. I started working out and trying to get a six pack. I drank
protein shakes all the time to get my muscles to develop, but there
wasn’t enough of a transformation on my body to make me forget that
I was still an omega, but I didn’t stop. I kept at it all the way until I
was seventeen.”

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“Okay,” Josh said, and it was clear that he was hanging onto every

word Taylor said. “I need you to tell me how it happened that you
killed them both.”

“Right,” Taylor said, and he cleared his throat. “I came home one

day from school to find my bearer on the kitchen floor, cleaning up
his own blood from the tile. It was coming from his nose and mouth,
like he’d just been punched. He was crying, and I think that was the
thing that made me snap. Despite everything I’d seen growing up, I
never saw him crying like that, or smelled that much blood.

“My sire was ten feet away, sitting in his damned chair in the

living room. The TV was on but I couldn’t tell you what I saw. He
wasn’t even facing me when I attacked him and sucker punched him
in the back of the head.”

“So, that was when you killed him?”
“No,” Taylor said, shaking his head. “My sire pretty much let

himself go over the years, but he was still an alpha. I think the only
reason why he didn’t kill me right then and there was because I drew
first blood. He took that as his challenge and dragged me into the
woods. He ordered my bearer to stay behind.”

“Jesus Christ, Taylor,” Josh said, moving away from the tree, but

he didn’t come near Taylor, for which he was glad.

“We fought out there like alphas who fight for territory and

dominance do. He called me a weak omega and said that he was
going to teach my bearer a real lesson when he brought me back half
alive, but I felt so angry and powerful right then. Even though he was
an alpha, I felt like I could take him, like all the training I’d been
doing was leading up to that moment. I was confident because I was
younger and faster even though I still wasn’t stronger. We flew at
each other, and he got some good hits in. Parts of it I can barely
remember, but I do remember getting scared for a little while,
thinking he actually was going to kill me when he managed to throw
me down on the ground and started coming toward me. Then I
grabbed a rock and threw it at his head.

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“He went down right away, and when he did I jumped on him,

grabbing that same rock and smashing his head in until he stopped

The touch of Josh’s hand on his cheek startled him so much that

Taylor jumped. There was pity in his mate’s eyes instead of scorn, but
Taylor wasn’t ready to trust it.

“Then what happened?” Josh asked, not moving to touch him


Taylor sucked in a deep breath. He scrubbed at his face when he

felt hot tears fall down his cheeks. He hadn’t even realized how close
he’d been to crying. “I went back home. My wrist was broken, and I
felt like shit. I was so sure my bearer would be happy to see that I’d
won and set him free, but when I got back, he didn’t look at my wrist
or start treating the blood on my face. He just grabbed me by the
shoulders and asked where my sire was. After all that, the only thing
he wanted to know was where my Goddamn sire was.”

Just thinking about it made Taylor clench his teeth in a rage, and

he had to wipe his eyes again as the tears flowing down his face
started to itch.

Josh was still looking at him, clearly waiting to hear the rest of it.
Taylor sniffed. The sleeve of the shirt he was wearing was really

starting to get wet as he wiped his tears away. “I told him he was
dead, and that just seemed to throw him into shock. The man stood
there for the longest time until he turned around and went back into
the house. I took care of burying my sire’s body, and it was hours
before I came back, but my bearer was just sitting in the living room
staring at the wall. He completely shut off.

“The heartbreak killed him two days later. I couldn’t snap him out

of it. He wouldn’t eat and he wouldn’t sleep. I thought I’d have more
time to make him see that what happened was really a good thing, that
he was finally free of his abuser, but then I woke up one day and
when I checked on him he was gone.”

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“Oh, sweetie.”
“Don’t touch me!” Taylor yelped through his sobbing when he

felt Josh’s arms about to circle around his shoulders. “I just told you
that I killed my parents. Why would you want to touch me after that?”

He was sobbing uncontrollably now. The worst part was that it

was entirely against his will, and even though he tried to stop, he just
couldn’t make himself do it.

Josh didn’t turn away from him like Taylor expected him to. He

didn’t storm off or even just stay silent. He started talking. Stranger
still, it was in Taylor’s defense.

“Taylor, last night you told me that you killed both of your parents

and that neither of them hurt you, and that it wasn’t in self defense.
That’s not what you just told me now. It was in self defense when
your sire died.”

“It was a challenge in the woods,” Taylor said, almost each of his

words punctuated with a hiccough.

“That was no real challenge. You’re not an alpha, and he

shouldn’t have taken you out there. Even if you were an alpha, you
were seventeen. You were just a kid, and he was fighting you like you
were an adult threatening his territory. He was in the wrong, not you,
and as for your bearer, you can’t blame yourself for that either. You
didn’t even remotely murder your parents.”

Taylor just stared at him through his tears, unsure of what he was

supposed to say. Josh continued to look at him with pity and sadness
in his eyes. “Is this what you’ve been carrying around all these years?
That you think you murdered your parents, and that any alpha you
mated with would do to you what your sire did to your bearer?”

Taylor couldn’t answer that, but he didn’t need to. His silence was

answer enough for Josh, and this time when he opened his arms to
him, Taylor couldn’t hold back anymore and he allowed himself to
fall into that warm embrace.

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He could still hardly believe that he was feeling Josh’s strong

arms tightly wrapping around him, holding him close instead of
pushing him away.

Taylor sobbed into Josh’s chest for what felt like an eternity, but it

was something he’d apparently needed for a good long time, because
when he finished he felt like a weight had been lifted from his
shoulders that he’d been carrying around for way too long.

He actually felt a little lighter when the tears finally stopped, and

he was able to pull away, wipe his eyes, and even laugh. “You really
don’t think I killed them?” he asked.

“I know you didn’t, and I’m not about to ask you to leave either.

You’re mine, and we’ll get through this, you and me.”

“The others—”
“They will understand, but you don’t have to tell them if you

don’t want to. It’s your decision, and I would never force you to do

Taylor wiped his eyes as the floodgates opened again. “How did I

get so lucky that I stumbled across my mate in the middle of the
woods, and he’s the greatest guy in the world?”

“I could ask you the exact same thing,” Josh said, but then, as they

touched, Taylor felt the energy between them change as Josh became
worried, and he was the one to take Taylor by the shoulders and pull
away from him a bit.

Taylor looked into those dark amber eyes, and some of his fear

returned to him. “What is it?” he asked.

“Before we decide that everything’s right as rain, I need to tell

you that secret about me that I’ve been keeping.”

Taylor forgot all about that. Josh had said last night that there

would be things Taylor wouldn’t like about him.

He shook his head. “You don’t have to tell me.”
“Yes I do, because I don’t want this to be a secret between us. I

want our relationship to be a strong one, like the one Jason and
Roarke have with their mates.”

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Taylor knew Josh was right, and that was why he grabbed his

mate’s hands and squeezed them tightly, supporting the man he loved.
“All right,” he said.

Josh took in a deep breath, as though gathering his strength. “I

used to be an alpha in the neighboring pack that we’re currently
avoiding. Not for long, but I was there. It was the same one that
kidnapped Westley, and if I’d seen the man who scared you so much,
I might even be able to tell you his name.”

Lawrence’s pack, the one that Westley told horror stories about

and was filled with alpha wolves who were so terrible to their own
pack members and other people that Jason and Roarke had to kill
many of them just to save Westley from them.

Now the tables were turned, and it was Josh who was looking

down at Taylor, awaiting his judgment.

Taylor shook his head and cupped his lover’s cheeks. “That

doesn’t matter. You’re here now.”

Josh actually puffed out a sigh of relief before he gently took

Taylor’s jaw in both of his hands and brought their mouths together
for a kiss.

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Chapter Nine

The alpha inside of Josh demanded that he take his mate right then

and there. He wanted to strengthen their bond now that they were
finally past all the secrets, and most of all he wanted to put Taylor on
his knees and slide his cock up into the man’s tight ass.

Of course, he couldn’t do that. He knew better than to try, so the

first thing he did was command Taylor to stay exactly where he was
as he ran with all the speed he had in his body back to the house.

Everyone else was still sitting by the fire, talking, going over

plans for the house, and their heads raised up when Josh ran back to
the house.

His wide, stupid shit-eating smile must’ve been enough to let

them all know that everything was now okay, because they all
returned his smile, though theirs was mostly relieved, and said
nothing that could distract him from going into the house, grabbing
the lube and the cock ring that he’d enjoyed so much last night, and
then rushing back outdoors and toward his mate.

Taylor had his arms folded and was pacing by the time Josh

returned to him, but his eyes lit up like Christmas morning when he
saw Josh coming and then noted what he was holding in his hand.

“Right here?” Taylor asked, an eager smile on his face.
“Yes,” Josh said, and he started to strip out of his clothes with not

a lot of care or patience. “Right here, right now.”

It was a relief when he got his pants down and his cock free,

considering the way the zipper of his jeans had been biting into his
erection. He didn’t wait for Taylor to undress first. The man was still
wearing the clothes he’d taken with him when he’d gone to the truck

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last night, and Josh stuffed his hands into the tight waistband of his
jeans and found his dick.

“You’re so hard already.”
“Only for you,” Taylor said through his teeth.
Josh believed it. “You’re big, too,” he said, and he squeezed

Taylor’s dick and stroked him as best as he could in the confined
space of the tight jeans.

“God, Josh, please stop teasing me and put my dick in your

mouth, please,” he said.

“How can I say no when you beg me so nicely as that?” Josh

replied, and then he sank down onto his knees, unclasping and pulling
Taylor’s jeans down with him.

Taylor inhaled shakily when the cool morning air touched his

dick, but he didn’t lose any of his size.

Josh didn’t immediately part his lips and take the head of that

swollen cock into his mouth, however. Instead he took Taylor’s
erection in hand at the base and lifted his dick so that it was pointing
up, instead of just at Josh’s mouth like some kind of homing beacon.

“That’s it, Josh. I want to see your lips spread around it,” Taylor

said, his hands massaging Josh’s shoulders and the back of his head.

“You will, but not yet,” Josh said.
“Not—?” Taylor groaned, and when his knees buckled Josh was

quick to wrap his arms around his mate’s middle to make sure he
stayed on his feet. The entire time Josh mouthed his balls and let his
free hand stroke his spread thighs before sliding his hand around and
dipping his fingers into the crack of his ass. He didn’t push his fingers
inside yet because he had no lube on them, but he did enjoy the
sounds that Taylor made as Josh pressed his index finger against the
puckered ring of his asshole.

Fuck, Josh!” Taylor said, moaning out the words.
When Josh looked up, that was when Taylor decided to look

down. His cheeks were the prettiest shade of pink, and his lips were
parted as he panted for breath.

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“I–is this your way of getting back at me for teasing you last

night?” he asked.

Josh sucked hard on Taylor’s ball sac once more before pulling

away, leaving a sheen of saliva behind. “A little,” he admitted. “But
don’t worry. I’m not going to be mean and keep you waiting for

That said, Josh licked his tongue up the column of Taylor’s

gorgeous and thick cock. He swirled his tongue just beneath the head,
paying special attention to the little slit of skin that was there before
sinking his entire mouth down, taking Taylor all the way into his
mouth and to the back of his throat.

Taylor’s answering moan to that was the most wonderful sound in

Josh’s ears, and it was enough to make him shiver in pleasure, his
own cock becoming thick and desperate for attention between his
legs, but he ignored it.

Goose bumps formed all over his skin as Taylor thrust into his

mouth, and Josh purposely kept his lips tight as he swallowed around
his lover again and again.

“Josh! I’m gonna come! Stop,” Taylor said.
Josh immediately did as he was told, watching with the best kind

of satisfaction as his lover was forced to grip the base of his cock and
his balls just to get control over himself.

When Taylor opened his eyes again and looked down at Josh,

seeing the smile that was on his face, Taylor swatted at his shoulder.
“You’re such a tease,” he said, though not unkindly.

“I think you like me best when I’m teasing you,” Josh said, and

then, while Taylor was still gripping the base of his dick, Josh reached
his tongue out and pressed it to the slit of his prick.

Josh listened with absolute delight as Taylor groaned deep in his


“Josh, I want you to fuck me. Please, I need it,” Taylor said.
Josh looked up at him sharply. Taylor wanted it. He wanted Josh

on top of him and pounding his cock deep inside of his ass.

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“I will, I promise I will,” Josh said. “I’m going to make you feel

so fucking good when I sink my dick inside you, but for now,” he
said, and he reached over to where he dropped the lube and the cock
ring he’d used last night. “I want you to wear this,” Josh said, and he
opened the cap of the lube and started using it on the ring, making it
slick for when he slid it over the long shaft of Taylor’s heavy cock.

Fuck, he was so big right now, and when the cock ring was snugly

in place, that only served to make Taylor’s dick even bigger.

Taylor, for the most part, seemed hardly able to speak as he was

being fitted with the ring. “Y–you want me to–to…fuck,” he panted.
“I feel like I’m about to come right now!”

“The ring will help with that,” Josh said, knowing it was pretty

similar to what Taylor had told him last night.

He was really starting to get into the whole teasing thing.
Then Josh began to position the butt plug that was attached to the

ring after he lubed it up, pushing it between the crack of Taylor’s ass
and against his tight pucker. “I’ll be inside you while you’re inside
me,” he said, again, repeating what Taylor had told him last night.

“B–but the energy exchange,” Taylor said, struggling to speak as

Josh stretched his pucker by pushing it slowly, slowly, inside.

“We can take turns for that,” Josh said. “I don’t mind. In fact I’d

prefer to have as much sex with you as possible in as many ways as
possible. I don’t feel threatened as an alpha just because I want to ride
your huge dick hard and fast,” he said.

Taylor threw his head back and moaned. “Yes, do it!”
The plug finally slipped all the way inside, stretching Taylor’s

asshole nicely and preparing him for when Josh finally pushed
himself into that tight little space.

He could hardly wait.
“You need to lay back,” Josh said, and he held onto Taylor’s legs,

always making sure to keep skin-to-skin contact as his mate knelt
down to lie on his back on the soft moss and grass.

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“Ouch!” Taylor said, and then he hissed as he suddenly twisted

and reached behind him.

Josh worried that it was the plug and that he should have prepared

the man before inserting it instead of just letting last night’s activities
be preparation enough.

“What is it?” Josh asked.
Taylor’s hand came back, and he held in his fingers a sharp, small

rock. He looked at it briefly before tossing it away and smiling down
at Josh. “Hope there aren’t more of those,” he said.

They both snickered, and then Josh quickly reached for the lube,

pouring the last inside of the bottle into his hand before stroking it up
and down Taylor’s pulsing cock.

“I can feel your heartbeat inside your dick,” he said.
Taylor was clenching his teeth and hissing his pleasure. “You’re

not the only one,” he said, his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

Josh lifted himself up onto his knees when he finished with that,

and he reached his hand behind him to thrust his fingers inside of his
hole. He was used to the sensation of intrusion now, and he expected
the burn. It was a little different doing this to himself, but then he
realized that he kind of liked it. He had complete and full control
doing this, and as an alpha, that was exactly the sort of thing he liked.

He really could take the submissive role and be in control. It was a

very interesting thing for him to learn.

“That’s so fucking hot,” Taylor said.
Josh looked down and realized he was being watched. He smiled

at his lover. “You can do a show for me like this when we get to your
turn,” he said.

Taylor groaned and reached for him. “I promise, but if you’re

done, I’d really like for you to get on my cock already. The cock ring
will only stall me so much, and the plug feels so good in my ass.”

Josh bet it did. Taylor’s hips were gyrating against it on the grass,

making the plug move inside of him.

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“Yeah? Why don’t you tell me what it feels like,” Josh said.
“You already know,” Taylor replied then Josh pulled his fingers

out of his hole and brought himself up a little higher onto his knees as
he crawled up Taylor’s body, positioning himself right over his lover.

He reached for Taylor’s dick and positioned it so that his erection

was facing Josh’s hole. He lowered himself but then stopped right
when the head of Taylor’s cock touched his stretched pucker.

“I do know what it feels like,” he said, “but I want you to tell me

about it.”

“Tease, such a fucking—Nnngh!” Taylor groaned as Josh lowered

himself just enough so that the head of Taylor’s cock popped through
the ring of muscle of Josh’s ass.

Josh groaned at the now familiar burn, and his body felt warm all

over, knowing it was his mate who was doing this to him. “So fucking
good. That’s how you feel,” Josh said, gasping his words. It was a
struggle not to lower himself all the way until Taylor was balls deep
inside of him. “Your cock feels like…like velvet. It really does,” Josh
said, unable to think of another way to describe it.

“My alpha mate also reads romance novels,” Taylor teased, a

catty smile on his face, even as his mate was riding him.

“I do not!” Josh panted, and he slid down just a little farther. “The

weight of my body will push the plug deeper inside you. Tell me what
it feels like or I’ll stop,” he said.

That seemed to do the trick, and Taylor finally started talking. “It–

it feels like my cock is being squeezed and my ass getting fucked at
the same time. I fucking love it. I want more of it. Josh, please stop
teasing me and just—oh!

Josh found that he really loved cutting his mate off with his own

moans as he finally slid all the way down his mate’s cock, until he
was seated comfortably on his hips, and the tip of Taylor’s dick was
nudging his prostate, forcing him to bounce up and down just to get
more of that amazing feeling.

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“That’s it,” Josh sighed as he was filled up so much, everything

inside of him stretched and right as he humped forward and back, and
thrust his ass up and down.

Taylor’s fingers were digging hard into the skin of his hips. It

hurt, but not enough to make Josh even think about stopping what
they were doing.

Taylor’s tongue seemed to be trapped, as he couldn’t form any

words. The only thing that came from between his lips was desperate
gasping moans as he arched and thrust his hips up in time with Josh’s.

Yeah, Josh knew that feeling. That complete mindless lust that

took over when being fucked from both sides with a toy and by his

Josh purposely squeezed his asshole around Taylor’s cock on the

next painfully slow upward thrust. Taylor’s eyes popped open wide
when Josh did that, and they stayed that way when he came back
down again.

“You like it when I fuck you slow, don’t you?” Josh asked. “I

know I like riding you slow, feeling your dick stretching me open and
touching everything inside.”

“Fuck, Josh,” Taylor said, blinking blearily up at him before

squeezing his eyes shut again and panting breaths through his teeth.

“It’s driving you insane, isn’t it? My ass squeezing your cock

while that toy fucks you from behind? All the while you can’t come
because the ring around your dick won’t let you.”

Josh had to wrap his own fist around his aching cock since he was

so close to coming, but even that was hardly enough as he rode up and
down on Taylor’s dick. It was so good. So fucking good. He reached
out for Taylor’s energy, and he felt it there before both of their
energies began to mix together, stronger than ever before when Josh
had allowed himself to be fucked like this.

It almost felt like what it should be on a normal round of sex. In

fact, it was normal. Josh could feel strength and energy building

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inside of him as his spirit came together with Taylor’s. Maybe it was
because they’d both finally learned what dominance really was.

Christ, he wanted to let go of his cock and come. His own words

were working against him as his cock became thicker and harder in
his hand. Listening to the pornographic noises that Taylor was making
as Josh rode him weren’t exactly helping him either.

“What you’re feeling now is going to be nothing compared to

what I’m going to do to you when I get the chance,” Josh said, and
then the building pleasure in his balls and belly were just way too
much, and he had to give into it.

Josh moaned as he stroked his dick in time with his thrusts. He

couldn’t hold back anymore. He needed to come or else he thought he
would die from denying himself.

His orgasm was hard and lasted a full minute before his cock was

finally through and soft in his hand. His cum was all over Taylor’s
abdomen, and it was the sexiest thing in the world, knowing he’d
marked his mate like that.

Taylor moaned helplessly, and that was when Josh realized that

his cock was still rock solid inside of him.

Josh began canting his hips again, which brought sizzles of

pleasure to his cock, even though he was already spent, as Taylor’s
erection continued to prod against his prostate.

“Want me to let you come, baby?” he asked.
“Y–yeah!” Taylor said, and then he started to sit up. “I need to

take this off!” he said.

Right, the cock ring was keeping him from coming, but it seemed

he was already on his way when Josh lifted his ass up and off of his
lover’s dick.

Taylor was coming even as he pulled the cock ring off of his dick,

but taking it off as his cum was shooting from the head of his erection
seemed to make his orgasm that much better, if the sound of his shout
was anything to go by.

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Taylor tossed the cock ring and attached plug aside as he all but

fell onto his back and panted for air. They were both sweaty, and
suddenly the air around them seemed so much colder, so Josh decided
to snuggle in for warmth.

“That was great,” Josh said.
Taylor made a noise of agreement, and his fingertips were slowly

trailing up and down the flesh of Josh’s back.

He really liked that.
“I’m glad you and I had that talk,” Taylor said.
Josh snickered. “Well, don’t forget, we’re not done talking yet by

a long shot. We still have some more things to say to each other
before we go back.”

Go back and deal with the relief and smiles that were no doubt

waiting for them both back at the house.

Taylor looked at him, at the lewd smile that was on Josh’s face,

and then he returned his grin as he pressed those pillow-soft lips of his
to Josh’s and then rolled him over before straddling him. “Sounds

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Chapter Ten

It was well past lunchtime when they both finally returned to the

house. Taylor expected some sort of admonishment for being away
from the others so long, leaving them to work on the house by
themselves while he and Josh talked, fucked, made love, for hours on

Instead there were smiles and sandwiches waiting for them both,

which was a good thing, because even though Taylor had been
exchanging energy with his mate and building up his strength, he felt
like he’d just come from an extreme workout and was starving.

He watched as Roarke pulled Josh aside, and the two men talked

among each other while Taylor went off with Jason to gather supplies
and help install the windows while the alphas finished the roof.

Clearly the man just wanted to make sure that everything was all

right between Josh and Taylor, and for the first time in his life, Taylor
thought that everything in his life really couldn’t be any more perfect.

The rain came down in fat but slow drops, and the sky was a dark

shade of grey for midday. There was no time for any more breaks as
Roarke, Jason, and Josh all worked as fast as they could to finish the
roof and make sure it was sealed up tight.

Taylor helped Matt and Westley bring all the supplies inside, or

cover what was too heavy to lift and wouldn’t ruin with a bit of water

They worked until late in the day, and by the time Matt and

Taylor put in the last window, and the alphas finished with the roof,
was when the rain stopped coming down in a slow drizzle and just
started to pour buckets all over them.

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The alphas were soaked when they walked through the door, and

Westley, Matt, and Taylor couldn’t help but stare at them and laugh
since they were all still perfectly dry.

“Think that’s funny, do you?” Josh asked, and he stepped forward

and wrapped his wet arms around Taylor’s shoulders before bringing
him closer for a wet kiss, his hair dripping onto Taylor’s face, and
Taylor’s T-shirt and pants started soaking up all the water from Josh’s
skin and shorts.

Matt laughed and tried running away when Jason did the same to

him, but it was hopeless and he was caught for his trouble.

Westley stood perfectly still, smile on his face as he waited for his

mate to come forward and shower him with the same sort of affection.

Taylor’s insides warmed at the dynamic of the men around him.

This was his new home. His pack. He had a mate who loved him and
forgave him for the things he’d done in his past, and the best part was
that Josh still wanted him around.

Taylor had a home here, and he now had a real family.
Even though it was a pouring mess outside, the roof wasn’t

leaking, and he also had a dry place to sleep. Once he and Josh
toweled off that was.

“What are you looking at?” Josh asked, looking at the others the

same way Taylor was. “You’re distracted.”

“Just thinking,” Taylor said, and this time he put all of his

attention onto his mate as he pulled the man closer to him for another
long and soft kiss, opening his mouth to Josh’s gentle touch.

They were pulling each other closer, and Taylor thought this

might have to get finished up in their bedroom when suddenly the
lights from the lamps that were plugged in around what would
eventually become the sitting room, died, leaving them all in
complete darkness.

He wasn’t afraid of the dark, but the loud clap of thunder that

seemed to go off like an explosion beside the window made him jump

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and yell a little, and the room lit up from the light of the lightning
outside before it was dark once more.

Josh laughed and rubbed his arms. “It’s okay, just a little thunder

and lightning.”

“I’m not scared of it,” Taylor insisted, but even he could hear the

pouting in his own voice.

“I like watching lightning and listening to thunder,” Westley said,

and he moved closer to the window whereas Taylor was inching away
from him.

Taylor knew he was being stupid. That thunderclap hadn’t

actually been beside the window. It was far away somewhere, and he
was just being a baby about it.

Still, he didn’t mind the way Josh got all protective of him about it


“Do we have any candles?” Jason asked.
“Fuck, I think we’re out,” Matt replied.
“We have been using the electricity for a few days now,” Josh

said by way of explanation.

It seemed that once the power came on, no one had bothered to

restock the candles that they had been using before. And even then, it
wasn’t like they’d had that many candles to begin with, considering
their campfires had been the main source of light and warmth for the
longest time.

“I’ll go check the power box,” Jason said, and he vanished farther

within the house before going down the basement steps.

Taylor couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
“What is it?” Josh asked, sensing that there was something

disturbing his mate.

Taylor shook his head. “I’m not sure.”
“Roarke?” Westley asked, and that was when Taylor looked at his

alpha and saw the intense stare he had on his face as he looked out
into the dark rain.

“Everyone get away from the windows,” he said softly.

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Josh took Taylor by the shoulders and began leading him away

immediately, the same way Roarke did with Westley.

“What’s going on?” Matt asked. “Should I go get Jason?”
“Yes. Tell him to get back up here, try to avoid anymore

windows, and make sure he doesn’t storm back up here too loudly.”

Without asking anymore questions, Jason did as he was told, all

but running on the tips of his toes just to keep as quiet as possible.

Jason wouldn’t ask anything else because he knew better than to

waste time when his alpha gave him a command. Even Taylor had
never seen a look like that on Roarke’s face.

Well, he hadn’t been ordered to do anything and right now they

were all just standing around. “What did you see outside?”

“There’s someone there,” Roarke said. “I don’t think Jason’s

going to fix the power from the basement.”

Jason and Matt came back up the stairs quickly, though without

making too much noise with their booted feet on the hardwood floors.

He was holding Matt’s hand as he walked over to Roarke.

“What’s going on?” he asked, his voice calm and collected.

“I saw a dark figure sneaking around out there,” Roarke said.

“You, Josh, and I are going to have to go out there and handle it.”

Taylor didn’t want Josh to go, and he squeezed his mate’s hand

tightly in his own. “What if there’s more than one?” he asked.

“We’ll be fine, baby,” Josh said, but Taylor couldn’t bring his

heart to go back down to a normal rate.

“No, really, what if that’s a trap or something out there?”
“They’re on our territory,” Josh said. “They might not even be

wolves. It could just be a bunch of kids playing around and causing

“Yeah,” Roarke said. “We’re just going to head on out there and

see what’s going on.”

“Then let me go with you,” Taylor insisted, and he kept right on

talking when the alphas just looked at him. “Really. Matt can stay
here and protect Westley and make sure no one sees him, but I’m still

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good as a wolf. I’ll go somewhere and hide to make sure I have you
covered in case it’s something else.”

In fact, Taylor was willing to bet that they were werewolves out

there who were causing trouble. Roarke wasn’t the sort of leader who
would call everyone away from the windows if it was just a bunch of

Josh looked at Roarke, as though asking him for help. Taylor

hated putting his mate in this position, but he couldn’t just let himself
hide inside the house while his lover was fighting for all their lives.

Whether Roarke made his decision based on that, or the fact that

he and his alphas could very well be outnumbered, considering how
small their new pack was, Taylor wasn’t sure.

“All right, but stay hidden and out of the way. I want you in your

wolf form at all times, and if you spot something, let us know,” he

Taylor was already stripping out of his clothes. “I’ll tell Josh

through our link, and he can tell you and Jason,” he said.

“Just be careful, baby,” Josh said, touching his shoulder.
Taylor felt a flare of energy and strength spark inside of him. He

wasn’t an alpha, but he’d lived as an alpha long enough to know how
to fight if he needed.

“I’m not going to have a panic attack again,” he said. “I’m ready.

I can do this.”

Roarke nodded. “All right. Jason, Josh, and I are going to go out

the front door and call out to whoever’s out there. Matt, you let Taylor
out the back door once you smell that the coast is clear and then
immediately get back to Westley, arm yourselves, and hide in the

“Roarke,” Westley said, clearly afraid. As a pregnant luna

werewolf, he wouldn’t be able to shift into his other form. He was
virtually helpless if this turned out to be an attack on their pack, but it
was Roarke he was most concerned about.

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“I’ll be fine. I’m coming back for you,” Roarke said, touching his

mate’s face.

Taylor shifted into his wolf form, falling onto all four paws. Josh

didn’t do anything so drastic as fall on his knees and wrap his arms
around Taylor’s body, as that would’ve only created more fear in the
others that they didn’t need, but he did rest his palm on top of
Taylor’s head, and Taylor tried to send him as much strength and
energy as he could give the man before his hand was taken away.

“Let’s go,” Roarke said, and all three alphas moved in a single

line toward the door and walked back out into the dark rain.

Taylor had to force himself not to whine at watching Josh go out

into a dangerous situation.

“All right, let’s go,” Matt said, and he and Taylor walked toward

the back door.

There was someone waiting nearby, as though getting ready to

break in. Both Taylor and Matt could see his dark outline through the
fogged window, and they froze where they stood.

Would he be able to smell them on the other side of the door?

Taylor could smell him. It was definitely a shifter that was out there,
though he couldn’t tell what he was. The scent was too different from
a wolf, but Taylor had never smelled it on a shifter before.

How was Taylor supposed to slip outside unnoticed with him

standing there? But then there was a shout from outside on the other
side of the house sounded. It was Roarke, and the huge man, whoever
that was, walked away.

Taylor and Matt stood frozen for a couple of seconds.
“You think he’s gone?” Matt asked.

Taylor could only look at him and release a soft whine. He honestly
didn’t know what was going on. They hadn’t been expecting any sort
of attack, not yet, but here they were.

Taylor made the decision for them by walking to the door and

scratching his paw at it. He didn’t have the same psychic link with
Matt that he had with Josh or the alpha of the pack, but Matt was able

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to take the hint well enough as he opened the door a crack to let
Taylor outside into the pouring rain.

There was loud talking on the other side of the house. Taylor

recognized Roarke’s voice, but the rain made it more difficult than
even he would have thought to be able to sniff out exactly who was
around them.

This was going to be harder than he thought, but he wasn’t about

to let some alpha sneak up on his mate.

Careful of the fact that someone could very well be watching him

at this moment and he wouldn’t even know it, he padded closer to the
other side of the house. Mud squished between the pads of his paws
and got under his claws, and his fur was really starting to stick to his
skin, but he made it there as quietly as he could.

There were four alphas standing in a line across from Josh,

Roarke, and Jason. They were big, and even through the grey mist
created by the rain, even Taylor could tell that they looked angry as
all hell.

“Fight us!” one of them yelled. He had to be the leader since he

was the largest, and the rain was ricocheting off of the black Stetson
hat he wore. “We challenge you and your pathetic fucking pack! Fight
us right now for what you did to us!”

“We’ll only fight one-on-one,” Roarke said, and he had to raise

his voice a little just to be heard through the rain. “I won’t get into
any official battles with you while we’re outnumbered.”

Four to one really weren’t the best odds, but then there was the

fact that there were other wolves out here that they weren’t aware of

Taylor called out to both Josh and Roarke with his mind, letting

them know that there was at least one more man lurking around the
house. He watched as Josh tapped Jason’s wrist once. That was likely
their signal so that he would know what Taylor was telling them.

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Taylor’s ears perked as there was a low-sounding growl next to

him. He looked over and saw the biggest, meanest wolf he’d ever
seen in his entire life glaring at him through the trees and shrubs.

Taylor froze. He sent another quick warning out to his mate that

he’d spotted two more wolves, though he wasn’t sure if either of them
was the man he and Matt had spotted earlier.

He didn’t even get the chance to look and see if Josh signaled

Jason again, but one of the alphas in front of Taylor sent a warning
bark to their leader, letting him know that he spotted a spy.

Suddenly the eyes of the intruding alphas turned over and spotted

Taylor where he had been crouched low and hiding. “Not as
outmatched as you said you were, huh?” asked the leader over the

“He’s an omega. Leave him alone!” Josh said.
That only made the eyes of the leading alpha go brighter. “An

omega luna wolf? Didn’t our pack have one of those before you came
along and killed most of my friends and my brother? They were good
men who didn’t deserve it!”

“Don’t,” Josh said, and Taylor could feel the anger coming off of

him in waves. “Bud, don’t you dare even think about it.”

So these people were from Josh’s old pack. Josh even knew the

man he was growling at.

“Your new friends killed a lot of my family over one whore luna

omega,” Bud said. “Frank is dead because of all you, and you! You
fucking traitor, we took you in!” Bud yelled, pointing his finger at

“If I’d known what sort of pack it was, I wouldn’t have joined it,”

Josh said.

Roarke spoke up next. “We’re not leaving this land, and you’re

not getting any omega here as compensation.”

“Then we’ll take it. We’ll kill you and then burn that house down

before I personally piss on the ashes. Then I’m going to take every

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omega you have, including that little cowering shit over there, and
make them all my bitch for what you did to us.”

Bud motioned with his hand to the wolves who were still growling

and snarling at Taylor, and the wolf in black stepped forward, his
pulled-up lips suddenly looking a lot more like a smile.

“No!” Josh yelled.
Taylor had a split second of fear before that left him. If those

wolves attacked him and brought him down, putting their teeth around
his neck and forcing him to submit, then they would go into the house
and find Matt and Westley. Matt might be able to fight back a little
since he could transform, but Westley was helpless.

Taylor had killed an alpha before, and he would make sure to do it

again to anyone who tried attacking himself, his mate, or his friends.

The wolf actually paused, a look of confusion passing over its

eyes when Taylor growled back at it and didn’t move to run away. Its
companion, the grey wolf, trotted over to stand beside the black one
and give Taylor the oddest stare, like it couldn’t believe an omega
was standing its ground.

Even though he was soaked and probably looked like a drowned

cat, the hackles on Taylor’s back still went up high. He showed off his
teeth and crouched low, if getting ready to attack.

The two wolves looked at each other, not sure what to do.
Bud laughed out loud. “An omega that thinks it’s going to take out

two of my men? You’re all out of your fucking—”

Using the distraction of their alpha’s words against them, Taylor

lunged toward the black pelted wolf. He chose that target because he
was bigger, and he thought it would be better to take him out first.

He bit down on the eyes, feeling one of them pop like a little

grape in his mouth. It was such a disgusting feeling, especially
knowing what it was that was oozing on his tongue, that Taylor nearly
opened his mouth to release the other wolf as he started flinging
himself about, whining and howling as he tried to get Taylor off of

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Taylor wouldn’t budge, even when the other wolf jumped on his

back and he felt the sharp claws raking against his back.

He’d done this before. He told himself that over and over again.

Fighting was nothing new to him. It hurt but the pain could be ignored
until the end. He had to do this now. He couldn’t stop or else these
wolves would kidnap and torture him, Westley, and Matt, leaving
Josh and the others for dead.

Taylor was vaguely aware of Josh yelling out to him, but that was

it. He could hardly think as he was being bitten, scratched, and spun
around until he was so dizzy he thought he might actually puke.

Then his body was slammed into the ground as the wolf in black

finally thought to throw himself down. The pressure against his ribs
and the flash of pain forced Taylor to let go, and then those teeth
really were around his neck. The grip was so powerful that he could
feel the strong, razor-sharp teeth touching his skin even through the
protection of his fur coat.

He was still able to struggle and wiggle through it, and he tried

slashing at the other wolf with his claws, but then another pair of teeth
clamped down hard on his hind leg. The pain as the bone of his back
leg crunched was blinding, and he couldn’t breathe or think from the
force of it.

He cried out and didn’t stop, even as both wolves successfully

forced him down. He stayed there, forcing his body to go limp even
through the pain just so they would ease up their grip on him.

The black wolf transformed. Taylor could hardly see him through

the pain he felt, but considering the way he was holding onto his left
eye as blood seeped through his fingers, he was willing to bet that he
was thinking the same thing.

“You fucking mutt!”
Another flash of pain flared over Taylor’s eyes as he was

punched. He’d never been punched in wolf form before, and he
decided that it hurt just as much as if he’d been punched while in
human form.

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“Stop it! Stop it!”
That was Josh’s voice. He sounded terrified, and Taylor could

hear that all that terror and fear was directed at him. He wished he
could let his mate know that he was still all right, but his brain was
way too foggy and he could hardly think.

He did manage to get his eyes open and see the wreckage caused

by the attacking alphas.

Two more appeared with the other four, making it six against

three while the two wolves above Taylor held him down.

The good thing was that one of those other six wolves was lying

on the ground, dead, but Josh, Roarke, and Jason were all being
pressed into the muddy ground by the alphas above them.

The worst part was seeing how they weren’t even fighting back,

though the scowls on their faces suggested that they wanted to.

Taylor knew why. It was because of him. He’d been caught and

his life was in danger, so the alphas were cooperating to make sure
that Taylor stayed alive.

God, he was officially too stupid to live. It was his idea to come

out here, and now Josh was going to pay for that.

He called out to Josh and Roarke to fight back. Josh looked torn,

but Roarke didn’t move, so Taylor began yelling things through the
link that would anger any alpha.

He began screaming into Roarke’s head all the things they were

going to do to Westley if those alphas walked into that house. They
were going to find him and kill him. They might even take Matt as a
sex slave like what other omega lunas in the world were forced to do.

Roarke looked angry, but he still didn’t do anything, and

eventually Josh stopped fighting back as well. Taylor was forced to
stop what he was doing and come to the conclusion that maybe
Roarke was just waiting for the right time to spring, and he finally
managed to get control of Josh so that he couldn’t hurt himself while
trying to get to Taylor.

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Taylor had nearly blinded one wolf, and another was dead, so

there had to be something they could do.

“That was easy enough,” Bud said, and through the rain it looked

like he had blood building on his lip, and he wiped it away. “Now I’m
going to go and find your little bitches, and I’m going to make them
feel all the hurt that you put on our pack.”

He really didn’t get that Roarke had been defending himself when

he and Westley had escaped. It was crazy how delusional the man

“Look, we’re down, all right?” Roarke said. “You don’t need to

get revenge on the omegas. I was the one who killed your pack’s
alphas. I’ll answer to Lawrence for that if you want, but just let the
others go.”

“Christ,” Bud said. “You think Lawrence sent me here? I’m a

deserter. He wanted to wait until we were stronger before we
attacked. He’s sending strong alphas out to do menial jobs in town to
bring in money, when meanwhile the enemy was right here. I’m here
for my brother. I’m starting my own pack, and I could give a shit
about what Lawrence wants.”

“Then I’m the one you want,” Roarke said. “I was the one who

killed Frank. Me. You can deal with me and leave the others here.”

“I’m going to string you up and take your land,” Bud said. “It’s a

nice new house you built for me and my new pack, and I hear that
omega lunas are able to give energy and strength through fucking? I’d
prefer a female, but I was never choosy about that.”

Josh roared at the man. “Through touch! You fucking pig! And

only to their mates! Don’t you dare even think about hurting them like

He was lying, of course. Omegas could provide some strength and

energy to other shifters who were not mates, just not to the same

Of course, considering what Bud was talking about, Taylor wasn’t

exactly against lying to the man about that.

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“We’re not leaving this one alive!” said the shifter whose eye

juice Taylor was still spitting out. Guess he was still mad about that.

“We’re leaving them all alive,” Bud said. “We’re going to need

every omega luna we can get if we want to—”

The loud roar of something that was so much bigger sounded to

Taylor’s left, and he got a full whiff of that scent that he’d been
unable to place when he was still in the house.

A bear lumbered out of the woods. A huge black bear, and it was

running toward Taylor and the two men who held him.

They, naturally, let go of Taylor the second they saw the

enormous animal coming, and Taylor thought he was about to become
lunch, considering the blood he still had on him from his wounds.

No. The shifter turned and ran after the other alphas, catching one,

and giving the half-blind alpha a real chance to escape.

The wolf whined quickly, but then that sound was cut off sharply

as the teeth of the bear came down on its head.

Then an entire pack of wolves of all shapes and colors bounded

out of the woods, and they all growled and barked at Bud and his

Well, maybe it wasn’t a complete pack, but there were at least ten

of them, not including the bear shifter, and most of them were luna

Josh chose that moment to act. He rolled himself beneath the foot

of the Alpha who was pressing his boot down on Josh’s spine,
grabbed him, and twisted the man’s ankle, forcing him to twist with it
and fall to the ground or else have his foot broken.

They struggled and fought with each other. Taylor tried to get up

and go to him, but when he put pressure on the leg that had been
chewed on he cried out and went down.

Complete and total chaos ensued. Roarke and Jason were also

battling it out with the alphas who’d been holding them down while
the newcomer wolves who’d just arrived chased away Bud and the

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rest of his men. Some of them even jumped into the fight with Josh,
Roarke, and Jason.

It took Taylor a second to realize who these wolves were and what

they were doing here. They’d all answered the call for a new pack.
They’d found out, much the same way Taylor had, through word of
mouth and rumor, that a luna pack was starting up, and they came to
be a part of it.

Holy shit. Just in time, too.
There was a deep-sounding grunt to Taylor’s left, and he noted

that the black bear was coming back. In fact, it was right on top of
him, and it was so much bigger now that Taylor was looking up at it
instead of.

Josh screamed to him through their link, but Taylor couldn’t

move. The more the bear sniffed him, the more he became convinced
that he wasn’t about to become its lunch. It had showed up with those
other luna wolves, after all.

The bear stood up tall, but he didn’t do something bearlike, like

roar into the rainy night. He shifted, revealing a tall, naked man with
black hair and deep-brown eyes.

Taylor wasn’t sure if bear shifters had alphas, but the guy

definitely had the body of one.

“Let’s get you out of the rain,” he said, and even his voice was

soothing, and Taylor didn’t fight or struggle as the man gently hooked
his arms under Taylor’s body and lifted him as though he weighed
hardly anything.

He really didn’t know what to think about this, so he just held still

as the man stepped away from all the fighting and opened the door to
the house and went inside.

Wait a minute. When did he pick the lock?
Matt’s voice sounded from near the basement door. He must’ve

heard the back door opening and smelled Taylor’s scent.

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“What’s going on—?” He stopped talking as he took note of the

man who was still holding Taylor in his arms. Matt was halfway in
the door leading down to the basement, and when he stepped all the
way out, shutting it behind him since that was where Westley was still
hiding, it was enough for Taylor to see that he held a pretty big
hunting knife in his hand.

“Let him go, right now,” Matt said.
Taylor was very proud of the tone he used in his voice. He almost

sounded like an alpha.

“My name is Ash Fisher,” said the man who was holding Taylor.

“The other werewolves are being scared away, but this one needs
medical attention.”

He even lifted Taylor a little, as though trying to show Matt the

red blood that was staining his white wolf fur down by his leg.

Taylor tried to make himself look as calm and not afraid as he

possibly could. It wasn’t that hard, really. He wanted to shift back into
his human form, but he wasn’t feeling too comfortable with that since
it would leave him naked in the arms of another naked man who was
not his mate.

Matt didn’t lower the knife he held. He seemed to be trying to

decide whether or not this was a trick.

“Do you have a first aid kit?” Ash asked.
“In the kitchen,” Matt replied, sounding like he was on autopilot

or something.

Ash looked around the house, at the bare walls, some of which

still needed to have the drywall put over the skeleton of the house
itself. It was hard to tell which room was what, so Taylor certainly
couldn’t blame him for the confusion.

“That way,” Matt said, pointing with the knife.
“Thank you,” Ash said and then moved in the direction of the


He seemed pretty mellow. Maybe it was a bear shifter thing.

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“Taylor! Taylor!” Josh screamed. Taylor could hear it through the

walls and feel his mate approaching him.

I’m here, he said through their link just as Josh, Roarke, and Jason

burst through the back door.

They must have seen Ash walking toward this place, and Josh’s

footsteps pounded against the floor as he followed the scent of his
mate to the barely put together kitchen, but he stopped dead when he
saw Ash, still naked and Taylor lying on the foldable table. Ash was
gently applying disinfectant to Taylor’s wound, and he completely
ignored the things that were going on behind him.

I don’t think he’s an enemy, Taylor said to his mate.
“No,” Josh said, shaking his head and agreeing with Taylor’s


Suddenly the house was alive with people as Roarke and Jason

checked on their mates before inviting the other luna wolves into the
house. Josh never left Taylor’s side, and he continued to stare at Ash
with some suspicion. The man was absolutely huge, and a stranger,
even though he’d brought so many luna wolves to their rescue,
intended or not.

Taylor wanted to ask about the rival alphas, whether they were

dead or not, and he wanted to meet the other luna wolves. Josh and
his pack had been the most he’d ever seen in one place, but now there
were ten more and a bear shifter!

Mostly, he just wanted to be held by his mate.
“Okay, I’ll take it from here,” Josh said after a few minutes. He

probably sensed Taylor’s yearning for him and couldn’t resist
stepping in.

Ash just raised a brow at him.
Josh growled a little. “I’ll take care of him. He’s my mate.”
“He is?” Ash’s black brows went up high into his forehead. “Why

didn’t you step in sooner? I thought he had no mate to have been able
to go outside like that when there was a battle of alphas.”

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Taylor tried not to let that comment get to him, but Josh growled a

little more as he all but snatched the bandages out of Ash’s hands.

“Our pack leader is Roarke. Go find and speak with him so we

can get everything sorted out,” he said, and Ash nodded, either not
sensing Josh’s anger or choosing to ignore it as he left.

Taylor took that opportunity to shift back into his human form.

Fuck, his ankle looked like shit, and he had to look away from the
broken skin and red, bloody flesh quickly before he puked.

Josh provided a quick distraction by grabbing him by the face and

quickly pulling him in for several fast and hungry kisses.

“Was so. Fucking. Scared,” he said, punctuating each word with a

kiss on Taylor’s mouth. “I tried to get to you. I swear I did. I couldn’t
handle it when those fuckers started hurting you.”

“It’s not your fault. It was mine. I wasn’t quiet enough, and they

spotted me,” Taylor said, hugging Josh closer to himself, and only
realizing how cold he was when his body began to soak up Josh’s

“What happened to the other alphas?” Taylor asked as Josh began

rubbing heat into his back. He needed something to take his mind off
the cold.

“Three are dead, and the others ran away,” Josh said. “I can’t

believe how lucky we were that those luna wolves showed up when
they did.”

“They answered Roarke’s call,” Taylor said. “Just like I did.”
He looked up at his mate, and he never felt more secure in his

entire life than he did when Josh held onto him.

Josh smiled down at him. “I guess it’s a good thing we built a big


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Chapter Eleven

Josh was still a little weary of the bear shifter Ash until all the

luna wolves could be questioned and names could be taken.

Ten of them in total. Seven alphas and three omegas. Josh could

hardly believe there were so many of them, and he was still trying to
remember all of their names.

They all said the same story. Ash was the one who brought them

here. The omegas especially spoke highly of him. Apparently he’d
come across two of the omegas while they were being attacked by
another pack of shifters, and he’d stepped in and saved them, even
though he could’ve walked away.

“We told him where we were trying to go, and he offered to escort

us,” Bastion, one of the omegas, said when speaking with Josh.

It seemed that as Ash was escorting them, they came across more

luna wolves. Some were traveling by themselves, and others were in
similar trouble to Bastion and his companion. Josh couldn’t remember
the guy’s name, but ultimately, it seemed that all the wolves, even the
alphas, took to Ash as though he was the leading alpha of a pack,
even though he was a bear shifter.

It probably had more to do with his size and the calm way he

spoke than anything else.

They all turned their loyalty over to Roarke, however. He was the

alpha of this pack, and Ash wasn’t fighting him for the right to it, so
instinct bode the newcomers to offer their necks to their new alpha.

“I can’t believe we’re really part of a pack now,” said another

omega. Warren, Josh thought his name was.

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He had the bite mark from Roarke on his neck and was wearing

his shirt open as he walked around, like he was proud of it and wanted
to show it off to everyone before the indents of Roarke’s teeth faded

Some of the alphas wanted Roarke to bite them until they bled.

They were convinced they wouldn’t really be part of the pack unless
there was a blood exchange, so he just gave in and did it to the ones
that demanded it.

By the end, Josh couldn’t be too suspicious of Ash, not after what

he did for the luna wolves, bringing them here and then protecting
Taylor when he needed it.

“Will you stay?” he asked the man. The rains had finally stopped,

and everyone was outside, talking, laughing, and getting to know each
other as each luna wolf took to their new chores, whatever they may
be, like duck shifters to water.

Ash was the only one who hung back, and his eyes widened a

little as he looked down at Josh.

Christ, the man was tall.
“Is that allowed?” he asked.
Josh shrugged. “Why wouldn’t it be? I mean, I’m not the alpha,

but I couldn’t see Roarke having a problem with it if the other lunas
wanted you to stay. From the things they’ve been telling us about you,
I can say that they do.”

In fact, he knew that Roarke was thinking about it. The man might

even make the offer later on today.

“I’m not a wolf shifter,” he said.
“Packs don’t necessarily need to only have wolves in them,” Josh

said, and then he spotted his mate carrying some more firewood, and
the urge to go over to Taylor and spend time with him was damn near
overwhelming. “Just think about it, okay?” he said as he started
moving to where Taylor was.

“I will,” Ash said, nodding his head.

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Well, apparently Josh wasn’t the best at making people feel

welcome, but he did still hope that Ash decided to stay.

“Need some help with that?” Josh asked, and he reached out and

grabbed some of the logs out of Taylor’s arms.

The guy really was strong for an omega, but his ankle was still in

bandages. Taylor might heal fast because of the shifter gene and all
that, but Josh didn’t want his mate to strain himself too much.

“Thanks,” Taylor said, and together they walked over to the

woodpile that was steadily getting bigger now that there were more
hands to help chop down dead and dying trees.

“I think we’ll be all set for campfires for a while to come,” Taylor


“I’m not really thinking about campfires right now,” Josh


Taylor smiled at him as he put down the last of the firewood.

“Again?” he asked, though there was eagerness in his voice.

“Yes, again,” Josh said, pulling his mate closer. Things were still

settling down ever since the other luna wolves arrived, and Josh was
using every opportunity he could to get Taylor alone and in bed with
him as the need to put his scent all over his mate around so many
other alphas took over.

It was stupid, and it wasn’t like he felt jealous or anything that

Taylor might want to have a conversation with someone else, but it
was still instinct, and it made his cock hard whenever he so much as
saw the man.

With so many other werewolves on the property now, Josh

couldn’t just sneak away into the woods for some private time and
expect to not get caught.

They’d figured that out the hard way when one of the alphas

accidentally stumbled upon them while chasing a rabbit.

Even though he’d been angry and humiliated at the time, Josh

knew the guy hadn’t done it on purpose. He was too quiet and polite
for that. Rumor was going around that the man’s mate had been taken

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and killed by another pack of wolves, so Josh doubted he was type
who would jump in on another couple having sex, even as a joke.

It had still been too embarrassing. So for the moment, all bedroom

activities were going to be only in the bedroom.

“You wanna come with me? Take a break?” Josh asked, already

holding both of Taylor’s hands and slowly leading him back to the

In the three days that the other wolves had been on the property, it

was looking more and more like a complete house. All the drywall
and flooring was in, the electric was finished, and bathrooms tiled. All
that was left was putting the cabinets in the kitchen and painting, and
then more furniture could be moved in aside from air mattresses.

“Always,” Taylor said, and then both started running indoors.
Josh purposely chose not to see all the little smiles that were being

directed at him as he ran with his mate toward their room.

He shut and locked the door behind him, and when he turned,

Taylor was already on the air mattress, pulling his boots and jeans off,
leaving only the thin bandage wrap behind.

“How’s your foot feel?” he asked, stepping forward to kneel

down. He hooked his fingers in the elastic waist of Taylor’s black
underwear and slowly slid them down his hips, revealing his swollen

Taylor moved his foot in a circular motion. “Better. I think I’ll be

able to take the bandages off for good tomorrow,” he said.

They’d been worried at first that his ankle might be broken

because of the bite, but it was just fractured in several places. Luckily
it seemed to be healing properly on its own without having to resort to
a human hospital.

“I’m glad,” Josh said, and he lifted Taylor’s ankle and pressed a

kiss to bandage.

Taylor shivered. That was a reaction he hadn’t been expecting.
“You like that?” Josh asked.
“Yeah,” Taylor said.

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All right then, if he liked getting a kiss on top of the bandage, Josh

had to wonder if he would like being kissed all the way up his leg and

Josh proceeded to do just that, trailing his lips all the way up

Taylor’s leg and teasing the ever-loving hell out of him.

“Please put my cock in your mouth,” Taylor said when Josh began

pressing soft, sensual kisses all around his thighs, touching
everywhere but his erection or his balls.

Josh chuckled as he opened his mouth and decided to put his mate

out of his misery. He adored the sound Taylor made when he inhaled
a deep breath as Josh wrapped his tight lips around that swollen dick.

By now he’d gotten pretty good at this. He knew just the way

Taylor liked for Josh to use his tongue, and he knew it drove him wild
when he licked around the head, pressing the tip of his tongue into the
slit of Taylor’s dick before licking all around it and sinking his wet
lips back down around his cock.

Taylor raised his knees, reached down, and grabbed at Josh’s

hair—a habit he’d picked up thanks to Josh—and then he started to
gently hump his hips back and forth into Josh’s mouth.

Josh moaned as the sounds of Taylor’s keening gasps, and even

the feel of his hot prick sliding back and forth down his throat, got his
own cock throbbing and ready between his legs. He wanted to top this
time, and he was more than comfortable with the idea that Taylor
would let him.

They both knew more about each other now. Taylor knew that

Josh would want to fuck him from time to time, and that it wouldn’t
be because Josh wanted to control of dominate him, and the same
went for Josh when Taylor wanted to fuck him. They were
comfortable with each other like that, and it was the greatest feeling in
the world.

Still, he knew how much Taylor enjoyed it when he said it.
“I want to fuck you,” Josh said, his words coming out in a raspy

pant after he pulled his mouth away.

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Taylor’s dark-blue eyes were cloudy with lust, and his gorgeous

chest was rising and falling as he gasped for breath. He was still
wearing the red T-shirt he’d been working in, but Josh could see the
outline of his hard nipples.

“Do it. Fuck me hard, put your scent all over me,” Taylor said. “I

want to feel your huge cock sliding inside me.”

Damn, Josh thought he was the horny one of the two. Guess his

teasing was paying off.

He moved over to the small dresser they’d picked up from a

garage sale just yesterday and opened the top drawer. Inside, beneath
Josh’s extra pair of jeans and some folded socks, were the lube and
condoms. He pulled out the little cock ring as well. Not the one with
the plug attached to it, although that was a favorite, too, but just the
simple ring with the snake head.

“Put this on,” Josh said, tossing his mate the ring.
Taylor caught it and quickly pulled his shirt over his head before

tossing it to the corner, and then he put on the ring, tightening it
around his cock so that it made him harder, his erection swelling even
more than it normally would.

Josh never thought he would enjoy a cock ring so much, but there

were always fun things to learn where his mate was concerned.

“No blindfold?” Taylor asked.
Josh shook his head as he began to strip, balancing on one foot as

he pulled his boots and jeans off. “Nope. I want to see your eyes when
I make you come.”

Taylor grinned and pulled himself farther up the mattress,

spreading his legs as he waited for Josh to join him.

“Come and get me then.”
Josh grinned and crawled up the air mattress to kiss his lover,

holding the condom in one hand and the bottle of lube in the other.

As he sank his tongue deep inside of his lover’s warm mouth,

feeling Taylor’s mouth sucking on him in return, Taylor reached for
his hand.

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Josh thought he wanted to lace their fingers together, but instead

Taylor grabbed hold of the condom and tossed it away.

“What are you doing?” Josh asked.
“Don’t use it,” Taylor said, tightening his thighs around Josh’s

hips so that he couldn’t move to retrieve the condom packet.

“But you could…” he said, trailing off as his eyes finished the

sentence for him by glancing down at Taylor’s stomach.

Disease couldn’t be spread through sex for werewolves, or any

kind of shifter. Their healing abilities made that next to impossible,
but if Josh fucked Taylor without a condom, then as an omega luna
wolf, he could become pregnant.

And that was something that Taylor had made no secret that he

wasn’t ready for.

“If it happens then it happens,” he said, carding his fingers

through Josh’s hair. “I wouldn’t mind having your pup anyway. I
know you’d be good to him. You’re already so good to me. And, now
that I think about it, if we’re going to spend the rest of our lives
together, it is something that’s going to happen one day.”

“Are you absolutely sure?” Josh asked.
“I am. I’m ready for it,” Taylor said.
Josh honestly didn’t know what to say to that. He felt his eyes

start to burn though, which was ridiculous because he had been
willing to wait for his mate to be ready before pushing the issue of
having a pup with him.

But now Taylor was right here, looking him in the eyes, and

telling him that he trusted Josh enough for them to be able to take that
step together.

“All right,” Josh said, and he kissed his mate again, feeling love

swelling inside of him, and not just in his cock.

Taylor kissed him back with the kind of passion that he always

seemed to carry for their kisses. Josh thrust his tongue back and forth,
fucking him with his tongue, and then letting Taylor do the same to
him as he pushed forward and fought for dominance.

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Josh didn’t mind. There was something nice about having his

mate inside of him while he was inside of his mate. They didn’t need
the butt plug to accomplish that.

Because they’d been having so much sex over the last few days,

Taylor was already stretched enough that his body didn’t require
much prepping. Josh thrust two lubed fingers inside of Taylor’s tight
asshole anyway, just to make sure that he really would be ready to
take all of his hard cock.

Taylor moaned and humped against those fingers, his eyes

twisting shut as his mouth opened and he moaned.

“Yeah, put your fingers in deeper,” he said, clearly liking it, and

he wailed when Josh hooked them and thrust them a little harder
inside, finding his prostate.

“Yeah, fuck me!” Taylor moaned, sounding like he was in a

porno. “Put your dick in my ass and fuck me.”

“Times like this I really love taking orders from you,” Josh said

with a laugh as he slowly pulled his fingers away from Taylor’s

Taylor always thought he was doing that just to prolong his

torture, but really, Josh just didn’t want to hurt him.

Josh lifted himself up onto his knees and took the base of his dick

in hand. He was so damned hard, and his dick was pulsing in his palm
as he pointed the head at Taylor’s stretched hole and began slowly
pushing it inside of that warm space.

God, he always was a tight squeeze, even after the stretching, and

Josh hissed as his dick was completely submerged and gripped.

Taylor was gasping helplessly beneath him. “That’s good. Fuck

me fast, Josh.”

Josh complied. He’d been so eager for hours to get inside of his

mate and mark him that he could already feel his orgasm within reach.
He wasn’t going to last, but that was all right. With the energy he felt
flowing through him that Taylor provided, he knew he’d be able to go
again. Or Taylor could fuck him. It didn’t matter, just so long as this

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went on for as long as they could stretch it. They didn’t have the
chance to use that ball gag yet. Maybe it was time to pull it out and
give it a try.

Josh held himself up on his hands as he thrust his hips back and

forth, arching his spine and putting his whole back into it while
Taylor’s thighs squeezed his hips. Every inch of his skin that touched
or was inside of Taylor’s body felt good.

Then his balls were tightening and he was coming hard. The air

mattress was bouncing a little as he only picked up the pace, his cock
staying hard even as his cum spurted deep inside of Taylor’s body for
the first time.

Now he really marked his mate. Taylor might even carry his pup

because of that.

That thought was all the incentive Josh needed to keep right on

going, milking his cock inside of Taylor’s tight ass even after there
was nothing left, but he was still hard, and Taylor was pulling the
cock ring off of his dick as he shouted, his eyes shut tight and his
mouth wide as he stroked his cock, white cum spurting onto his

It was the hottest thing…Josh had to reach down and wrap his

hand around Taylor’s, forcing the man to tighten his grip as they both
stroked him until nothing more came from the slit of his dick, and
Taylor was left gasping like he’d just gone on a long and satisfying

A run that left a lazy smile on his face.
“How soon do you think you can be ready again?” Josh asked.
“In a minute or so if you keep touching me like that,” Taylor said,

and he stretched his body beneath Josh’s like some sort of werecat.

“Good,” Josh said, and he switched things around by tightening

his grip before stroking Taylor’s gently around the head of his cock,
feeling it slowly start to harden again in his hand. “Because we
haven’t used that ball gag or the cuffs you bought yet, and I’m kind of
interested in trying them out.”

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And those words alone were enough to get Taylor instantly hard

again, his cock standing at full attention in Josh’s hand.

Yeah, they were going to be in this bedroom for a while tonight.

* * * *

David Austen coughed and gagged as he woke up from the cold

hard ground just outside of the house that he shared with his mate.

His former mate, he should say. Christ, it hurt just thinking those

words, but the fact that he’d broken off their bond to each other, and
then he immediately passed out on the gravel of the driveway, proved

It had rained recently, so his clothes were all wet when he got to

his shaky legs. Every bone in his body felt like limp spaghetti, and his
muscles ached like he hadn’t used them in years.

Slowly, with the stiff feet of a duck, he turned around. There he

was. Vince was lying facedown in the wet grey gravel barely ten feet
away. He hadn’t woken up yet, so David had to act fast.

They’d both collapsed after David severed the connection of their

mating. The cheating he’d been able to handle, barely, but when
Vince punched him in the eye after an argument, fuck it, that was the
straw that broke the camel’s back.

Vince had chased after him when David announced he was

through, and David really thought he was in trouble when he ran

He didn’t think that breaking off their mating would happen so

quickly, or that the effects would be so strong.

Well, duh, he should’ve at least had an idea on that last part.

Breaking away from a mate was known to kill in some instances, and
David was lucky he was alive.

He checked on Vince real quick just to make sure that he was still

breathing. Yup. Out like a light. David hoped he woke up with as big
of a headache as David was feeling right now. Though he wouldn’t

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wake up with a sore eye, and David wasn’t mean enough to punch an
unconscious man, even one who might deserve it.

He didn’t think he had much time left to get out of there before

Vince woke up and tried to beg David to come back to him, or force
the issue when he refused. And he would refuse.

Vince had been David’s everything at one point in his life, but he

couldn’t ignore the man’s abuse anymore just because Vince hated
what he was. It was time to get out now before one punch turned into
something much more dangerous than that.

David ran back in the small house they rented together, grabbed

his gym bag and began stuffing it with clothes, his netbook computer,
drawing tablet, notebooks, and even some food that he could take
with him.

He was back out of the house in less than five minutes.
The truck was in his name, at least. It was old and ugly, but it

worked like a dream even after all these years, and David was so
happy to have it to get into as he started the engine. Warm air from
the heater passed over him and immediately made him feel a little
better about what he was doing. Then he looked at his eye in the
mirror, and he winced.

Damn, that was going to be swollen shut within the hour. The cool

rocks, even though they were pointy and uncomfortable, were
probably what had been preventing it from swelling too much while
he was recovering from breaking off the mating.

He’d gotten an email from an old friend. Someone was actually

starting up a pack for luna werewolves. A safe haven where they
wouldn’t have to hide, and they could all defend each other whenever
there was an attack by other shifters.

It could easily be a trap, but David would risk it any day. That,

and the two-day drive to get there might be enough to prevent Vince
from following him.

David put the truck in reverse, but when he turned his face back

up, he screamed and jumped in his seat.

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“Jesus Christ!”
Vince was standing in front of the truck, tears streaming down his

face as he glared at David.

If looks could kill…
David backed away from the house before Vince could get the

idea to approach any of the doors and try to get in. Vince didn’t chase
after the truck, but even that wasn’t enough to make David feel safe.
Not even when he was on the road and speeding down the empty

He couldn’t get out of there fast enough.




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Marcy Jacks lives and works in Ontario, Canada, where she is

fervently pursuing the writer’s life while writing about lots of
gorgeous guys. She loves hearing from readers, and you can reach her

For all titles by Marcy Jacks, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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