Buffy Christopher [Moon 01] The Mating Moon (pdf)

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Copyright © 2008 Buffy Christopher
Cover art by Kendra Egert

All rights reserved. eBooks are not transferable and can not be given away, sold or

shared. No portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any

electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, faxing, forwarded by email,

recording or by any information retrieval and storage system without permission of the

publisher, except where permitted by law, as this is an infringement on the copyright of

this work. Brief quotations within reviews or articles are acceptable.

ISBN 978-1-934657-56-0

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to a person or persons, living or dead, business establishments,
events or locales is purely coincidental.

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A Word From The Author:

Buffy Christopher

I love to write and I hope you love reading my stories. I live in Phoenix,

AZ, happily married to my hubby for sixteen years and have two beautiful

children. A daughter who has just become a teenager, and a son who is as

obsessed with his video games as I am with my writing. My family is my

strength and my heart. They are always there for me and support me no

matter what is going on. They are my blessing in life. Please visit me at


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The Mating Moon

By Buffy Christopher

Buffy Christopher


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For my husband, Daniel, for always standing by me no matter what and

helping me through the rough spots.

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Thank you to Tina Gerow, my editor, who has had the patience of a saint and

was always willing to answer my questions.

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The Mating Moon


Chapter One

Ivy pounded her fists against the firm arms that held her waist in an iron

grip. As panic bubbled up inside her, she tried to scream, but the sound

lodged inside her throat.

The attacker hauled her backwards easily shifting her smaller frame

against his hip. Her nose itched from the scent of dirty fur and the smell of

decay from the garbage that riddled the dark alley.

The half moons of his long fingernails bit into her flesh and sent a small

wave of pain spearing through her stomach.

Ivy’s instincts screamed “fight,” but she could only focus on the slimy

sensation of his hands on the bare skin of her stomach. Her body shook as

fear clawed at her insides turning her gut into an icy knot that froze her to the


Ivy couldn’t seem to string together a coherent thought. She snarled,

screamed and kicked like a feral animal as her fists connected with anonymous

places on her attacker’s body. Her attacker’s tight hold squeezed her harder,

until she felt like her ribs had been incased in cement, and she could barely

manage a half gasp of air.

With a muttered curse, he pulled her feet higher off the ground.

As she squirmed in an attempt to free herself, her heel connected with

his kneecap and a dull thud sounded.

The steel bands of his arms loosened, and she seized the opportunity.

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Her defense training kicked in, and she went limp in his hold.

The shift in weight threw off his center of balance and, as he adjusted his

grip, Ivy’s feet hit the ground.

She hunched forward using all her strength, doubling over his arms and

coiling in on herself.

Ivy reared back and swung her elbow in an upwards arch into his face.

A sharp crunch accompanied a yowl of pain as Ivy connected with what she

prayed was his nose.

At the same time, she kicked out, catching his leg just above the kneecap

in a downward angle.

A sound like a branch snapping filled the air, and he cried out as his

arms dropped away from her waist.

Ivy lost her balance and crumpled to the ground.

“Stupid bitch, you broke my nose.” The attacker cursed from somewhere

behind her.

Ivy focused on getting to the entrance of the alley.

Run. Now.


Spurred into motion, she rushed toward the lighted entrance at the

mouth of the alley. With the darkness around her, that entrance seemed as

though it was several miles away instead of only a few yards. Panic boiled up

inside her, her heart racing as her feet stumbled over the piles of rotting trash

that had permeated the air with a putrid stink that was like acid to the nostrils

and made her stomach roll in disapproval. She pushed on even as she feared

she would never make it into the light before he caught her and forced her

back into the dark.

“You can’t run from me, Ivy.” He plowed into the back of her knees

collapsing her to the ground.

A short, shocked burst of a scream tumbled from her lips. The brunt of

her weight landed on her knees, scraping them against the wet mucky


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The attacker scrambled up her body, and his arms locked around her

waist again as she tried to push back up. He threw his weight against her

back and pressed down until she fell flat onto the ground. She struggled to

breathe under the burden of his heavy body even as she tried to find purchase

with her hands on the slick ground to wiggle out from under him. Her nostrils

flared as they filled again with the scent of wet dog fur and dirty ground. She

growled inside her throat as her senses overflowed with information.

White-hot pain ripped through her, muscles stretched and Ivy’s fingers

elongated. Bones popped and distorted taking on the new shape of her tiger’s

paws. Muscles throbbed and cinched down, torquing her bones into unnatural

shapes while agony ripped a heated path through her body with claws that tore

and ripped apart her delicate flesh. Thousands of tiny needles stung her pores

as fur sprouted from her skin in a tingling rush. Her attacker’s arms tightened

around her shifting form.

Her clothing ripped and dropped away onto the alley floor.

Ivy stretched her claws testing the strength in her changed body. A

trembling growl emanated from deep inside her throat, the animal she had

become protesting the sheer terror that had invaded her brain.

With her transformation complete, she pushed up onto all four paws

with a roar and bucked her attacker off her back. His hands slipped and

landed in the fur near her spine, taking two fists full in his grip. He dug into

her skin and it took a second time of her throwing him off to send him flying.

She turned her head in time to see him bounce off the wall.

“Dammit.” The attacker steadied himself while he shook his head as if

he were dazed.

Her cat had protected her, knowing before she did that she needed the

help. Self-esteem bloomed inside her chest as heated warmth traveled through

her limbs, and she realized now that she could protect herself.

She turned fully toward the cursing man, her chest expanding and her

legs stiffening at the stench of his fear filling her nostrils as he cowered away

from her.

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The instinct to kill kicked in and flooded her with the desire for fresh

blood, warm and rich, spilling across her tongue. Ivy snapped her teeth


She stalked slowly forward, anticipation firing her senses. She wanted to

feel her teeth slice through the man’s skin as his hot blood hit her tongue.

The attacker pushed to his feet and backed toward the wall, his eyes

widened as she stalked toward him. A new surge of fear flowed off the man in

waves of acid stench and heat.

With her Were night vision she saw him perfectly in the darkness

although she did not recognize him. He was clean-cut and appeared military.

In fact, he wore a uniform of some sort that she didn’t recognize. Being able to

only see in grey scale in her tiger form made it difficult to tell what kind of

uniform he wore.

Her mind churned as she struggled to get used to the awakened senses

of her new body.

Ivy growled low and lethal as she bared her fangs at him.

Power vibrated through her in this form, and she could rip his throat out

in a single motion. Anticipation curled inside her belly, even though some

small place inside her brain recoiled against bringing death to the weakened

animal in front of her.

A strong ammonia smell hit the air, assaulting the delicate hairs inside

Ivy’s nose.

The man blanched as she continued forward, cornering him against the

wall of the dark rank alley.

Pride and amusement swelled inside her chest as she realized he’d pissed


Her tiger wanted to dismantle the man piece by piece until he was

nothing but bloody shreds of meat between her teeth.

Ivy’s world shifted, blurring her vision and making her head swim.

She tasted blood, rich and spicy on her tongue, matting her fur, slick and

wet. A mangled body lay on the ground in front of her covered in dark black

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splotches. Small lines of blood ran from wounds in the throat.

She stopped in her tracks, blinked and realized the attacker still cowered

in front of her. Not dead, but very much alive.

Anger surged through her hot and bright.

Ivy swiped at the man with her large orange paws, batting him against

the wall like a child’s toy. He grunted as he hit the wall with a loud thud.

He wasn’t so strong now that he couldn’t terrorize her petite human

form. Adrenaline surged through Ivy’s body causing a fire of bloodlust to

explode inside her brain.

She stopped in front of him and crouched. She threw her head back and

roared, a loud and feral noise that hurt her own ears. One swipe was all it

would take to kill him. One paw, claws extended, ripped across his jugular, his

skin tearing apart like tissue paper and he would be dead.

Instead, he paled as she swiped at him again and her claws tore open his

shirt. With an Oof, the breath rushed out of his lungs as he hit the red bricks

again. His eyes rolled back in his head before his body slid down the wall like

his form was made of Jell-O instead of bone and muscle. His head landed in a

puddle of dirty sludge.

The attacker’s body lay motionless on the wet ground. Ivy’s brain raced

as her tiger screamed for the taste of blood, but her human side disagreed,

trying to keep a tight grip on the tiger side of her personality. She growled

deep inside her throat, a purr of pleasure at having defeated him.

He had passed out and she considered it a personal victory that she

could affect him enough to make him lose consciousness. That wasn’t enough

for the tiger, though, it still wanted blood.

Ivy padded closer to the body and nudged it with her nose. When the

man did not move, she swiped her claws down his chest enjoying the

resistance of the soft flesh.

When she pulled her paw back, there were rips in the already tattered

uniform shirt. Blood welled from the wound and dark splotches began to stain

the shirt.

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Ivy lowered her head and sniffed. The rich spicy tang of coppery blood

filled her senses. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth and she lapped at the


As her tongue touched the hot liquid, the small voice inside her head

screamed, “No!”

The tiger inside her raised its head as if it sensed danger.

She backed away, licking her lips. The copper taste was exactly what

she wanted. She wanted more.

The sound of a siren flooded the night, hurting her sensitive tiger’s ears.

The sirens were getting louder, coming closer.

Ivy’s fight-or-flight response kicked in and she ran.

The darkness of the city enveloped her as she stretched her legs and

allowed her tiger free reign.

Her muscles burned making her body hum inside. She was so free and

wild. So right. The growing warmth through her heart and the lightness in her

head was a sure sign of her adrenaline-drenched joy.

Ivy didn’t stop until she was home.

Her heart labored in her chest and her breath came in pants. She easily

jumped the fence into the backyard of her two-story condo. Her tiger paced the

back yard breathing in the familiar scents of home. The fresh dewy scent of

cut grass surrounded her even as the sweetness of the night-blooming jasmine

grazed her senses.

She knew she was home, but she couldn’t think beyond that. A small

part of her brain screamed for her to pay attention. After several minutes of

pacing like a caged animal, she lay on the concrete patio and focused to force

her change back to human.

Several long minutes passed and nothing happened.

Ivy concentrated on what the change would feel like coming over her


Finally, the familiar slow ache started deep inside her bones and her

body shifted. She roared out in pain when her bones popped, her tendons

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shortened while her paws shrank into human hands.

The striped orange fur of her tiger itched as it receded, leaving her naked

skin at the mercy of the cold concrete beneath her.

She lay on the ground curled into a ball, whimpering as she wrapped her

arms around her knees. A cool, night breeze flowed gently over her skin

causing it to turn clammy where the sweat beaded on her body.

Her muscles still burned from the quick sprint home, but she was safe.

The tiger was safely caged.

Ivy remembered another time when she lay naked and shaking in the

cold night air. Her body had been covered with cold blood, which made her

shiver then, and now made her stomach lurch with disapproval.

Ivy threw up into the grass. Her knees and palms burned where she’d

scraped them in the alley, and the acidic smell of her soured stomach lingered

in the air near her head.

This couldn’t be happening. That night so long ago was back to haunt

her, and she wasn’t ready.

Slowly Ivy unwound her limbs and crawled over to the potted palm that

sat next to the door. The huge plant wouldn’t be easily lifted by a human. Her

naked frame shook as she pulled up the edge of the pot and reached for the

key underneath. It would have been easier to move the pot in tiger form, but

she hadn’t been able to think that far ahead. She was surprised she had been

able to control herself enough to force the change to happen.

She unlocked the single French door and rushed inside. A few more

steps took her to the keypad mounted on the wall, where she punched in the

code to disable the alarm and quickly reset it.

When the little red light winked at her, she blew out a huge breath and

sank to the cream tiled floor. Ivy was safely locked inside her home. A sense of

relief washed over her at the same time the night’s events took hold. She

dropped her head into her hands, a muffled cry escaped her lips as the attack

tore open the vulnerable side of her being.

She would not break down. Ivy didn’t want the attack to overwhelm her,

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she wanted to be stronger than her fear, but she just couldn’t seem to stop it

from sinking its bloody claws into her gut. Tears invaded her eyes.

Ivy had been so scared when the attacker grabbed her that it had flashed

her back to when she was a teenager. She was supposed to go on a double

date with her twin, Ian, but he had gotten sick at the last minute and wasn’t

able to go. Ivy went without him, even though he begged her not to go, just like

tonight. To this day the guilt of what happened to her that night still haunted


What she remembered of that night was all spotty memories at best,

flashes of her tiger form and blood. So much blood.

Ivy rubbed a hand over her eyes and pushed herself off the ground. The

past was best left in the past.

She inhaled long and deep to calm herself. Her thoughts were scattered,

bouncing inside her head as memories of that night long ago pummeled at the

door of her mind, begging for entrance.

Ivy slowly climbed the stairs, but paused in the hallway, her gaze

wandering toward the bathroom. She could probably use a shower after the

change, and a moment or two to wash the night away. However, taking a

shower seemed like more effort than it was worth, so she continued toward her


Ivy opened the top drawer of her bureau and chose an oversized gray T-

shirt and boxers. She just needed to calm down and maybe call Ian.

She tugged the shirt over her head and cold dread pooled inside her belly

as she realized her lanyard from the concert was missing. Ivy’s license and

house key had been safely tucked inside behind her press pass.

“Oh, no.” Her hands trembled as she brought them to her mouth. Ivy’s

chest cinched into a tight ache as fear descended again. When had she lost

her lanyard? Ivy prayed she hadn’t lost the lanyard during the attack.

What if her attacker had found her license and house key? What if he

now knew where she lived? Ivy’s brain raced with scenarios of him coming

after her in her home, her safe place.

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New tears formed inside her eyes as her breathing became labored. She

forced the thoughts away and held onto the tears as best she could.

Ivy took a long deep breath and dashed the tears from her eyes. Her

alarm was set she would be safe tonight. Ivy clenched her teeth together

against the fear that her attacker might show up tonight. She had injured him

pretty badly, surely that alone would detour him from seeking her out. Ivy

pulled the boxers on, crawled into bed and glanced at the phone.

Would Ian be up? Would he be busy? Ivy needed to talk to her brother,

to hear the sound of his comforting voice. She should have never gone without

him to the concert. He had asked her not to go alone, she should have listened

to him. What would he say? Her only worry was that he might be angry with

her for not listening to him.

Ivy picked up the phone.

The phone rang three times before he picked up.

A giggle sounded over the line, and Ivy rolled her eyes. He always had

someone sleeping over.



“Ivy, it’s two in the morning. Is everything all right?” He shushed the

giggles in the background.

“No.” Tears flowed slowly down her hot cheeks. Although fear twisted

her gut into a firm ball, a blazing anger radiated up into her face. She was

angry for a couple of reasonsangry at herself because she should have been

more careful, and angry at the attacker for throwing her carefully constructed

view of the world on its ear.

“What’s wrong? What happened?” Ian’s sharp tone radiated

protectiveness and concern. This is why she loved her twin brother, he always

cared about what happened to her. “Hold, on, Iv.” His voice muffled. “You

need to leave.” Sounds of protest met his words, and Ian’s angry growl was

quickly followed by a slammed door. Then, he was back on the line.

“Tell me what happened. Do you need me to come over?”

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She knew Ian’s guilt still ate at him from the night back in high school

when he wasn’t able to protect her. The guilt was what made him so concerned

for her safety.

“No. I went to the concert and when I left, this idiot grabbed me.” Her

entire body shook as fear and anger swirled around her burning like acid

against the back of her throat and she sobbed into the phone. She wiped her

eyes with the back of her hand as she forced herself to take slow, deep breaths.

“I’m coming over.”

“No, really, Ian. I just needed to talk to you. I’m safe…really.” A slight

sense of peace washed through her at Ian’s offer. To have that kind of male

protection would be welcome, but she didn’t want him to see her as weak, so

she protested. Ivy blinked to stop the tears that still fell as her body calmed,

and she settled into the covers. She didn’t tell him she’d lost her house key

and ID.

“If I come over, I can scent him off you and go after him. I’ll kill anyone

who puts his hands on you.”

“No, Ian, he’s not worth it. I don’t want you to hurt anybody. Really, I’m

just shaken up,” she managed between sniffs.

“So…what happened?”

Ivy relayed the events in the alley, but she hesitated when she reached

the part about her change into a tiger. The man had seen her change, which

was never allowed, but she didn’t know if she should tell Ian.

Part of the pack laws decreed they not expose themselves to humans.

Anyone who did, answered to the Alpha of their pack, and punishment from

him was always harsh and swift. Allowing a human to see you change was as

bad as murder in the human world. Although in the world of the pack, it

usually came with a severe beating as punishment instead of imprisonment.

Ian stayed silent as he waited for her to finish.

She figured she might as well tell him. “I changed. Right there in front

of him and had to fight the urge to rip his throat out.” Ivy remembered the way

her whole being had yearned and ached for the blood of her attacker. She

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could still feel the rush of power that flowed through her body as she’d taken

the small taste of his blood. “I wanted to kill him.” Ivy shook her head as she

wiped at her face again and remembered how dominant she’d felt in tiger form.

That dominance made her lock her breath down in her lungs as she was

enveloped by the cool calm of self-righteousness. Ivy curled up on her side,

goose bumps coasting over her skin as the foreign sensation ran through her

veins. With her head cushioned on her pillow, she wrapped her free arm

around the tightness of her rib cage.

“Ivy, it’s okay. You got away from him, that’s all that matters now.” His

voice held a gentleness she had come to rely on for comfort.

“But, I wanted to kill him,” she whispered, her torso tight with anxiety.

Her heart beat hard against her hand resting on her chest.

Ian sighed, and she pictured him raking a hand through his short blond

hair. “You’re a tiger, Iv. You can’t fight your instincts.”

“I know but…” Ivy worried her lower lip between her teeth wanting so

badly to scream at the sheer frustration of the whole situation. If only, she had

paid more attention to her surroundings. If only, she hadn’t gone without Ian.

The ifs pinged off the walls of her skull like little shouts of distress.

“You can’t expect your cat not to react when you’re in danger. It’s our

nature to protect ourselves, to kill when necessary.” Ivy considered Ian’s words

as she twisted her T-shirt in her hand. “You can’t be upset about the way you

dealt with him. Besides, you didn’t kill him…did you?” A hopeful hint colored

his voice.

“No. I did stalk him, though,” she admitted even though it made her

angst die a little because she still knew it was wrong. “I think I made him pee

his pants.” Ivy reflected on the power that had soared through her. Her lips

lifted at the corners into a small smile. A Were could become addicted to that

kind of power. The feeling of strength and control had filled her with false self-

esteem and made her want more.

Ian laughed and she couldn’t help the small giggle that slipped out.

“See, you did what you needed to do. Not everything that happens will

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end up like Chad, Ivy. You’ll be okay.”

“I just wish I knew exactly what happened that night with Chad. I don’t

remember killing him.” Ivy bit her lip trying to make the memories come to the

fore front of her brain.

“That was a long time ago and it doesn’t matter now anyway. What

happened is in the past.”

“I know it just haunts me. Sometime I dream bits and pieces of that

night, but I never see what happened. All I see is him dead and all the blood.”

“Stop it. I won’t let you do this to yourself.” Ian’s no nonsense tone made

Ivy shove away the thoughts of Chad.

“Hey, I have an idea. Come with me to the club on Saturday and you’ll

forget all about tonight.” Ian’s complete change of subject took Ivy by surprise.

Clearly he didn’t want to talk about Chad.

“Ian, I don’t know. Maybe.” She sighed and sniffled one last time. Ian

was always so good at distracting her and giving her a way out of her own

head. She loved him for that, but she hesitated, not sure if she should indulge

herself this once or not.

“Not going is not an option, Iv. I’m taking you out and you’re going to

have a good time.” Ian’s voice softened and Ivy cringed. She didn’t want him

feeling sorry for her. “You’ve been alone too long, it’s time we find you

somebody. The full moon’s only a night away.”

Most young Weres were absolutely obsessed with the hunt for a mate

and kept several partners while looking for new ones just to make sure they

covered their bases.

As her father said, to maintain the pack, young were needed, and to

breed young you needed a mate.

A female Were could only become pregnant on a mating moon when their

hormones peaked and they were at their most fertile.

Ivy hated when Ian teased her about the full moon.

She had never allowed herself to mate with anyone on the full moon.

Usually she just rode the heightened sexual desires out by herself. Her own

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version of penance for her crime.

Her mind drifted back to that horrible date in high school, a flash of

blood-soaked skin momentarily colored her vision red.

She just couldn’t seem to find anyone worth keeping for more than a

date, if that long. Besides, she didn’t trust herself or her tiger to be around a

man without hurting him. Well, at least not a human man. Maybe a Were

male would be okay if she could find one she liked, but she hadn’t tried to date

in a long time.

Deep down Ivy knew Ian was only trying to help by fixing her up with an

endless stream of eligible Weres. He loved her and wanted to see her happy.

Beyond that, when his mind was set, the argument ended. That’s just the way

it was with Ian.

Ian was only trying to help, but it still made her twist her hands in the

covers with nervousness. There were just so many things to consider before

she dated on the mating moon.

“I’ve had a horrible night, Ian, and I don’t really want to go out. But I

also know you’ll make my life a living hell until I agree. Fine. I’ll go.” She

sighed and shoved her worry down into the bottom of her stomach, where she

usually kept her feelings. The worry could just sit there for the rest of the

night, she was too tired to fight her emotions. “Thanks for talking to me.”

“That’s what I’m here for. Now, go to sleep, I’ll call you later.” He hung


She replaced the phone on the cradle and snuggled down into the cool

sheets. What a night.


Ivy tossed and turned as the familiar nightmare formed inside her mind.

She was back inside Chad’s truck, her human date from high school. He

kissed her on the mouth and squeezed her breast so hard it hurt. Fear knotted

inside her stomach as his hand rubbed down her side and he slipped under

her short skirt. The dream morphed quickly, and Chad’s voice boomed

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through her head. “You stupid, little bitch. You think you’re better than me?

You’re just a tiger whore like all the rest of them.” Chad’s usually pale face was

riot-red, his features contorted with rage, his lips pulled back in an animalistic

snarl as he came at her with a baseball bat he’d pulled from under the front


Instantly, her hands sharpened into claws extended for attack, and her

lips pulled tight into a snarl full of pointed teeth ready to rip through skin and

cleave meat from the bone. Her teeth sank into soft flesh, hot coopery blood

filled her mouth like rich thick wine.

The soft thunk of the baseball bat dropping onto the blacktop barely

registered over the urgent rush of his blood.

Blood coated her fuzzy face and wetted the now matted fur of her chest.

She threw her head back, shaking it as a roar tore up and out of her throat.

Ivy shot up in bed with a gasp

and clawed at the sheets that had

constricted her limbs. They were wrapped like coiled snakes around her body.

She shredded them from her torso and arms in an attempt to get away from

the bindings. Frantically she touched her face, her throat, and her chest

checking for the blood that had tinged her skin red and chilled her to the bone.

“It was just a dream.” Her heart labored in her chest, and Ivy’s body

pulsated with the heat of the fear running through her veins. As the memories

rushed back, she labored for a full breath while her eyes ran with scalding

tears and panic beat her chest like an alien trying to tear her apart. She curled

tight into a ball, her arms wrapped around her shins as loud deep sobs

wracked her back and shoulders, making her hunch even farther into herself.

All she could see was the blood.

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Chapter Two

Ivy woke to a loud thud, thud, thud.

Groggy, she reached for the clock in an attempt to turn it off. Ivy glanced

at the large red display through half-open eyes and groaned in frustration.

Why wouldn’t that sound stop? She smacked the clock again before falling

back onto her soft pillow.

It was seven in the morning for God’s sake.

The banging started again. She grumbled and almost fell out of bed in

her half-awake state. Catching herself on the edge of the bed, she straightened

and slowly headed down the stairs to see what was going on.

Still dressed in her gray T-shirt and boxers, she reached for the door,

then, remembered the alarm and turned it off.

The banging started again.

“Just a minute!” Ivy vowed to rip off whoever’s fist was about to break

down her door.

She left the chain in place and cracked open the door.

“Hey, sis. You up?” Ian’s smiling face stared at her through the crack.

Irritated at the sight of her overly happy brother at such an early hour,

she opened the door.

“Damn it, Ian. It’s seven am,” Ivy complained, her voice a low gravelly

rumble and laced with her annoyance. Her brother was wild, maybe he ran

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better without sleep. Not her, she always needed her beauty restespecially

after that nightmare last night.

Ivy’s stomach scrunched up tight making her woozy just thinking about

the attack.

Ian ignored her grumbling and grabbed her in a fierce embrace, picking

her up off her feet.

Ivy laughed in spite of herself. Just being around him made her smile,

and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

“I had to come see you first thing this morning.” He nuzzled her against

her neck. “You scared me last night, Ivy. Are you okay?”

Ian’s ribs expanded against her chest as his nose nuzzled her scalp. He

was trying to scent the attacker from last night.

“Ian, stop. It’s been hours since the attack.” She held him close even as

she acknowledged her lie. Scents lingered and Weres could smell anything.

She pulled back and looked into Ian’s face.

“I’m serious. I was really worried about you.” Ian placed her back on her

feet and ran his hands over her arms as if reassuring himself she was okay.

“I told you last night, I’m fine. I had a nightmare about high school

again. I just wish I could remember what happened that night. It’s still all

such a blur.” Ivy shook her head as if trying to clear away the muddled

cobwebs of the nightmare.

“The details don’t matter. It was a long time ago. What I want to know

about is your change last night.”

“Don’t you ever sleep?” She quickly changed the subject as she stepped

away from him.

Now that Ian was here, she did not want to talk about last night.

Bringing it up made the nausea rise up inside her stomach again.

This was the last thing she wanted to talk about. A flash of Chad Davids’

mangled body came into her mind. The memory of being coated in cold, wet

blood brought a shiver of icy fingers up her spine.

Ian’s eyes narrowed on her making her feel like she was under a

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microscope. He hid the scrutiny under a smile, and it was gone before she

could be sure she’d seen it.

“I’ll sleep when I’m dead, Iv, now get dressed.” He laughed. “I’m takin’

you to breakfast.”

Ivy sized him up through narrowed eyes. Ian’s smile stretched wide

across his cheeks showing neat rows of white teeth. His hair was tousled like

he’d run his fingers through it instead of a comb. He looked like he had just

rolled out of bed, and his shirt was a little rumpled. He was in an amazingly

good mood for seven in the morning. Even for him, five hours was not a lot of


A tug of intuition inside her gut made her shoulders stiffen and told her

he was up to something. Her bond to her twin was strong, and that tug had

never steered her wrong. Ivy had learned early to be leery of him when he was

like this. When they were kids, that tug of intuition would have been the first

sign they were going to get into trouble soon.

She arched her eyebrow at him and planted her hands on her hips.

“You don’t fool me, Ian Landry. So whatever you’re planning, just forget

it. I want no part of it.” Ivy shook a finger at him. “I swear if this gets me in

some sort of trouble, I will never let you hear the end of it. However, I do want

breakfast, so give me a minute to change.” She backed toward the stairs still

keeping an eye on him.

He raised his blond eyebrows and grinned that sly lady-killer grin of his,

dimples proudly on display. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. My

intentions are breakfast only. I swear.” He held his hand over his heart.

“Whatever.” She snorted and started for the shower. Since Ian

interrupted her sleep, he could freaking wait.

Ivy started the shower and stepped in. A strong coppery scent filled the

humid air.

Her gaze locked on her fingernails as the dried blood from last night

turned from crusted black to a mud red. Ivy’s fingers trembled and when she

grabbed the soap she almost dropped it. Her eyes stung with unshed tears and

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that familiar constriction inside her chest,—a sure sign of a panic attack—

returned to her. Ivy scrubbed the soap over her nails causing a thick lather to

form until all she smelled was the lavender calm of the soap.

The blood was gone, but the emotions stayed planted inside her body.

Her chest had yet to loosen and the panic sunk clawed fingers right into her

heart. It clenched down causing a wave of nausea to roll through her. Ivy held

back a gag as the nausea overcame her. She sobbed and dropped into the

corner of the cool tiled shower as the hot water beat over her numb body.

Steam surrounded her, filling her lungs with every sob, but she was so

wrapped up in her panic attack that she didn’t feel any of it.

With the soap still in hand, she scrubbed her arms as hard as she could

trying to cleanse away the invisible dirt she was convinced still coated her skin.

Ivy’s skin practically crawled at the thought of what she’d almost done last

night. She was sure the filth of those killer instincts had tainted her body.


The strawberry waffles and whipped cream were divine and reminded her

that it was summer on the coast. Mom used to make waffles with the

strawberries that had ripened in the garden when she and Ian were kids.

Ivy sighed and reached for her drink. Pleasant memories of her youth

momentarily drowned out the dark images from last night.

She glanced at Ian as he shoveled the last of his scrambled eggs into his

mouth. He ate as if this was the first meal he’d seen in months. But all Weres

had a metabolism that burned hot, it was part of their nature and the cat knew

what it needed.

He cut into his steak. “So you’re coming with me to the club tomorrow

night, right?”

“Yeah.” She looked up from her waffles.

Here it comes.

“I’ve got this guy I want you to meet. Now I know what you’re thinking,

but he’s cool, I swear.” Ian stared deep into her eyes almost like he willed her

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to accept what he was saying.

Ivy’s ire bubbled up inside her making her heart pound, but she placed a

tight hold on it to keep it in check.

“He’s got a job and he’s like us. You’ll like him and he wants to meet

you.” He took a huge bite of his rare steak, no doubt so he could use it as an

excuse not to talk.

“No,” Ivy replied slowly holding onto her irritation. Ian had been trying to

set her up since high school, or rather since a few months after the night of

that awful date. Her brother’s choice of dates for her had grown steadily worse

until she refused to go anywhere with Ian.

She had made him promise to stop setting her up with every eligible male

he met. Dating rituals be damned, because the males that had taken her out

had obviously never even seen the rules. “Make the female feel needed and

wanted” was not something any of the egotistical males she’d met seemed to


“What do you mean, no?” He looked at her with innocent eyes.

“I mean no, Ian. You promised me you wouldn’t do this any more.” Ivy

shook her head and placed her fork on her plate. She stared at him with

narrowed eyes. Ivy so did not want to go there with Ian right now. She had

been wavering on a thin emotional line of disaster most of the morning and this

was not helping her unstable mood. “I’m not looking for a male, Ian, and, no

offense, but you don’t have the best taste.” Her brain filed through past images

of some of her more slimy suitors.

“Come on, Iv. This is the last one, I swear. If you don’t like him, I’ll leave

you alone.”

“I swear, Ian, if this guy is some kind of freak, you’re toast.” She still

wasn’t sure she even wanted to hear this. She mulled over the possibilities

inside her head. A male near the mating moon? Was she willing to allow

herself that kind of indulgence? And after last night, could she trust herself

around a male? He was a Were, though, so he could hold his own, right? A

warm sensation crept into her chest when she thought about finding a possible

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mate. Deep down where she didn’t want to admit it to anyone, not even

herself, she had always wanted to find a mate.

“So, tell me about him.” She dropped her shoulders. Her anger had

ebbed, and she now had a hollow hole in her heart that ached of loneliness. All

this talk of mates made her realize how much she had missed over the years.

“His name is Edge, and”

“Edge?” she interrupted. “His name is Edge? Oh, come on, Ian.” She

groaned and rolled her eyes. “Why not Razor or Spike? Edge?” She laughed at

the idea of a guy who actually called himself Edge. “Let me guess, he’s six-foot-

three with dark hair to his shoulders and he wears a black leather jacket. Oh,

wait, does he ride a motorcycle?” Ivy rolled her eyes even as she nervously

twisted the napkin in her lap into knots.

“Not funny, Ivy. And no, he’s six-foot-four.” Amusement danced in his


Tea went down the wrong pipe, cutting off Ivy’s breath, and she choked.

As she coughed, Ian chuckled.

“Seriously, he’s cool. You’ll like him. I know it.” Ian’s hands rested on

the table.

“How’d you meet him?” Ivy dabbed at her lips with her napkin.

“At The Haven. He’s fast, Iv, beat me on both two legs and four. He

works there training the younger males to help them learn how to control the

change and their tiger forms.” Ian picked up his silverware and cut off another

chunk of steak. “He helps them channel all that energy, teaches them to be

happy with who they are. He’s all about our culture and helping the young

ease into life. He’s amazing with some of those kids.” Ian picked up his glass

and took a long swallow of his drink, giving Ivy a minute to think over what

he’d said so far.

The Haven was a training facility and community center as well as a

support system for Were-cats all rolled into one. Most Weres were all about

family and the close-knit relationships inside the pack. They liked to make

sure strong bonds were formed early with the young, and control was taught to

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avoid unfortunate mistakeslike accidentally killing a human.

She set her jaw so hard she thought her teeth would crack. Ivy was

annoyed at this whole conversation since it hit too close to raw memories for

comfort. Even beyond that, she was annoyed that Ian still felt compelled to

protect her.

“What?” Ian spread his hands out on the table.

“You know it wasn’t your fault, Ian. Even if you’d been there…” She

couldn’t force her words out.

“I know.” He reached across the table to squeeze her hand. “But you’re

my sister and I should have been there that night. Hell, I should have been

there last night. We can’t afford for you to be going to places like that by

yourself.” He ran his thumb over the back of her hand in soothing circles. She

closed her eyes as the pain of that long ago night came to the forefront again

making her head ache. She knew he was only trying to help, but all this talk

just made her hurt all over again.

“We moved away from the pack. I’m safer here than I was there.”

“I wish you’d stop trying to be so independent all the time. You need a

male, Ivy. Someone who can protect you and love you.”

Ivy sighed and knew she would never change his mind. Her jaw clenched

and her temples throbbed with anger that he thought she couldn’t take care of


“I’m a big girl, Ian. I can handle myself.”

“But, it’s not you I’m worried about, it’s those humans. Dad told us

never to trust them and look what happened last night.” His voice was stern as

he tried to be her big brother. It seemed as though his protectiveness could

physically chafe her skin. She jerked her hand from his grip.

“I do not need a male. I don’t want a male.” Lies, all lies. The ache in

her heart told her she knew differently, but maybe if she could convince him

she could convince herself, too.

“Stop with the attitude, there’s no weakness in wanting someone in your


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“And you would know,” she sniped at him.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” A shocked expression raised his

eyebrows, and his mouth gaped for a second.

“Your bedroom door revolves, Ian, but I’m sure you’re just looking for a

mate.” She crossed her arms over her chest while she glared at him.

“Ivy Landry, now you’re just being hateful. I’m a male, you know what

our culture dictates for us. So, yeah, I’ve had a lot of girlfriends, but no more

than any other male.”

She snorted. Ian had enough girls for ten males. Not to mention, he was

wilder than most males, too.

Ian narrowed his gaze. “I warn you, Ivy. Tread lightly.” He growled

between gritted teeth.

Ivy ignored his threat. She wasn’t afraid of her own twin, and she

definitely wouldn’t let him cheat her out of her anger.

“I don’t need some male dictating my life, telling me what to do and

when.” She slammed her hand down on the table making the glasses rattle. “I

will not be like mom, simply complacent to stay at home and raise her young.”

Now she growled at him in a tone so low only he could hear it.

“I will not lie down and die the second a male takes an interest in me.”

Her hand fisted on the table and her face and eyes burned with her anger and


He reached for her hand and she turned her head so he wouldn’t see the

tears and anger in her eyes. “I just hate seeing you like this. I want you to be


She would never make him understand how she felt, how unwanted and

insignificant. All those males and all the wasted time and energy dating them.

Trying in vein to get to know a male for them all to just end up jerks who only

wanted sex. That along with the memories of Chad Davids had eaten at her

until her body seemed to be chilled from the inside out, and a constant ache

had developed inside her chest. She had no prospects, so how could he expect

her to be open to mating? The whole thing made her stomach hurt. She would

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have to trust a male before she mated with him and she wasn’t sure she could

do that.

Ivy pushed her half eaten waffles away from her. Suddenly she wasn’t


“Do you know how many times I’ve been rejected? Made fun of by my

own kind because of how tiny I am compared to most females?” Ivy dropped

her gaze to her plate rather than see the look of pity in his eyes. “I know I’m

small, but damn it, no one has even shown interest in me in years. It’s like

they all know what happened with Chad.” Ivy stood barely five-foot-two inches

tall. For a Were, that was tiny, especially considering the average male was a

good six-two, which always left her feeling like the runt.

He lifted her chin and she stiffened as she met his gaze.

“They’re fools, Iv. I promise you, you’ll like this guy. Please try one more

time. If not for yourself, then for me.” He reached over and gently wiped the

tears off her face with his thumb.

Ivy wanted to argue with him, to tell him about all the emotions

screaming inside her head. She wasn’t worthy and didn’t deserve a mate after

taking a life. She was destined to ache and have a hollow place in her heart

forever. To be always alone. And yet, she knew it would be useless to argue or

make an even bigger scene inside the diner, so she gave up and gave in.

“Fine.” She sighed.

After they finished eating, he dropped her back at her condo.

“I’ll be by about eight, be ready, okay?”

“Thanks for breakfast.” She gave him a quick hug.

When he left, she locked up the house and turned on her alarm. Taking

out the yellow pages she looked up several locksmiths and made some calls.

Thankfully, it was Friday and was easy to get someone out. She worried about

her missing house key. What if it fell into the wrong hands?

In the bright light of the morning, this seemed like a bigger concern than

it had last night, when she had been just happy to be home and safe.

Three hours later, both her front and back door locks had been replaced,

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which restored some of her sense of safety.

As she wrote out the check, the hair on the back of her neck stood up.

Icy fingers caressed her skin making her shiver. When nothing seemed out of

place, she pushed her unease away. She ripped the check out of her book and

walked to the door. As she handed the locksmith his payment, he handed her

the keys and the feeling of being watched burned along her skin like a troop of

fire ant bites.

The feeling reminded her of how she’d had the same sensation last night

before the attacker’s arms had snaked around her waist. As she stood in her

entryway, Ivy realized she remembered a new detail of the attacker last night.

Her attacker was a security guard at the concert. She had bumped into him at

some point in the evening, which also explained why in tiger form she thought

he was in a military uniform.

Her home phone rang startling her. She checked the caller ID, but didn’t

recognize the number, so she let the machine answer the call. As she strolled

into the kitchen she heard a very irate voice talking over the speaker.

“Pick up the phone.”

Ivy stopped dead in her tracks from the deep voice that sliced cold terror

through her belly. The voice was eerily familiar like a ghost from her past had

tapped her on the shoulder. “I know you’re there.” The answering machine

clicked off before he could continue.

The hair on the back of her neck prickled at the deep voice. Her gut

twisted as fear clawed at her insides. He couldn’t know her phone number

unless he had found her lanyard. She bit her lip and wrapped her arms

around herself as the possibilities spilled through her mind.

Ivy reached out to replay the message, but hesitated. She glanced at the

security system to reassure herself that she was safe. Ivy pushed the button

and listened to the voice again. Although the speaker was calm, the contrast

between that and the urgency of the words made her feel cold inside.

Memories from last night replayed inside her head. The voice didn’t sound like

the same one that had yelled at her inside the alley last night.

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Ivy shook her head. The call had to be a wrong number. She just

needed to relax.

Ivy decided to go for a run, the physical exertion always made her feel


She headed to the training center, The Haven. They had an inside track,

and she would be safe there.

Ivy pulled in the parking lot and looked around for any sign that she was

being followed before she shut off the engine and exited the car. Ivy was being

paranoid, but she didn’t care. If the attacker had found her, she didn’t know

what to expect next.

There was no one near that she could see. The parking lot wasn’t very

full, which was good, easier to see around the cars that way.

Ivy sprinted to the front entrance of The Haven and swiped her security

card. As the lock disengaged, she pulled opened the door, and a hard hand

closed over her shoulder.

Panic snaked through her and threatened to claw its way up her throat.

Ivy hadn’t even heard footsteps of anyone approaching her. She glanced over

her shoulder to find a man of about six-foot, with a blond crew cut. His eyes

were so dark they were almost black and they narrowed on her as she stared at

him. She recognized him as her attacker and tried to step away from the

strong grip. “Get your hands off me.” She reached up to try and pry off his

fingers that were digging into her bare shoulder.

She whipped her head back toward the entrance as panic surged like fire

through her body, her chest tightened and her breath came in ragged gasps.

Inside The Haven, a tall, dark-haired man with broad shoulders walked past.

“Help me,” she shouted to get the dark-haired man’s attention. His eyes

widened and he changed direction quickly coming to her side.

“Ivy.” The attacker’s arm snaked around her waist even as his hand on

her shoulder clamped tight around her mouth. She screamed through his

fingers as he hauled her back through the door way. Memories rushed back

from last night. Fear of the change joined her panic, and she thrashed against

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his hold.

The man from inside the center grabbed her arms. She latched onto his

shirt and helped tear herself away from her attacker. The man from the center

shoved her behind him.

Ivy breathed a sigh of relief when the new man’s body was firmly placed

in the doorway between her and the attacker.

Thank God all males were protective of the females of their kindit was

an unspoken law, pack or not.

Ivy could see the attacker now. It was the security guard from the

concert. He was in street clothes, but his face was scrunched up and beet-red

with anger. His nose was slightly swollen and both eyes had black circles

under them. So, she had broken his nose last night. Good.

She took a step back as her protector grabbed hold of the open door and

braced his other hand on the doorframe, effectively blocking the attacker from


“You need to leave, now, or I’m calling the police,” said her protector.

Now that she saw her attacker in the light of day, she recognized him.

She studied his face and committed it to memory. Square jaw, dark eyes, crew

cut. He was a grown up version of MarkChad’s best friend from high school.

Her breath caught and her insides burned as she tried to drag air into her


“Mark?” The last time she had seen him he’d been thinner, not so

muscled up, and his hair had been long and shaggy.

“Come out here, Ivy, we have unfinished business.” He shifted on his

feet trying to find a way around her protector.

“Go away, Mark, leave me alone.” Her knees shook, but she forced

herself to step back as her heart thudded in her chest. How had Mark found

her? She had put several hundred miles between her and Mark “the crazy

Werewolf” to make sure he couldn’t find her. All he had ever wanted was

vengeance for Chad’s death, and he wouldn’t leave her alone until he had his

satisfaction. Ivy knew that from experience, he had made her life a living hell

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before she’d moved away. Supposedly, Chad had been under the protection of

the Werewolf pack in her home town.

“Ivy!” Mark tried to push his way past the man in the doorway.

The protector grabbed Mark’s wrist and pushed him away from the door.

The dark-haired man stood immobile in front of her and had a good four inches

on Mark, not to mention shoulders that filled the doorway.

She remembered Mark’s hands crawling over her skin in the alley and

bruising the soft tissue of her stomach. His voice had been filled with such

hate that it had made her stomach roll. He had seemed very angry and

determined last night. And now, Mark had a wild look in his eyes as his face

reddened. How long had he been following her?

“This is your last warning. Leave.” Her protector’s shoulders were stiff

and anger radiated from him in waves.

“He was like a brother to me, you bitch!” Mark spit at her as he stepped

away from her dark-haired man. “This isn’t finished!” A strange look almost

like fear crossed Mark’s features as he glanced at her protector before he

stormed away. The man shut the door.

Ivy’s stomach cramped like it was caught in a vice and was being

mercilessly tightened. Acid burned the back of her throat making her swallow

the vile taste before it erupted onto her shoes. She wrapped her arms around

herself in attempt to find a balance in the turmoil that rolled around inside her

head like a thunderstorm. Blood pounded in her ears, her heart raced and

cold sweat chilled her to the bone.

Ivy’s hand was at her throat pressed tight to her closing windpipe, her

head turned from side to side in disbelief, the word “No” repeated over and over

in her head like a broken record.

Mark had found her.

Since she moved away from the pack years ago she was vulnerable to his

revenge. The deep ache of knots inside her gut as she contemplated her pack

reminded her that they wouldn’t help her now. The room tightened around her

slowly getting smaller as her head spun with a dizziness that made her gaze

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bounce everywhere at once. Tears fell in hot sheets from her eyes and her

world slowly dropped piece by small piece out of her vision. Everything

narrowed down to a tunnel with a dark face at the end of it.

“Hey, are you okay?” She barely heard the words her protector asked her

as black clouded her vision and her body became light as a feather.


There was a gentle tap on Ivy’s cheek that made her eyes flutter slightly,

pulling her from the calm blackness that had enveloped her.

“There you are, that’s it, wake up, sunshine.” A deep male voice rumbled

against her ear.

She opened her eyes wide as she realized she was cuddled on a strange

man’s lap, her ear against his chest and his arm curled around her shoulder,

his fingers dangerously close to her breast.

The afternoon light glinted off his dusky golden skin. His dark hair was

pulled back in a ponytail and his white muscle shirt was a sharp contrast to

his hair and skin. Ivy’s eyes traveled over his strong clean-shaven jaw and up

over a nose that seemed to have seen it’s share of the hard side of a fist. Her

gaze locked onto his pale cerulean eyes framed with dark rich lashes.

Sudden warmth bloomed in her abdomen and made a beeline to the apex

of her thighs. Ivy basked in the hot streak along with the giddiness that

accompanied it which made her breasts tingle. She inhaled a huge breath to

steady herself, taking in a smell of pure male musk, sweat and sunshine. As

her nipples tightened into hard little pebbles inside her sports bra, she took a

chance and peeked up at her protector through her now lowered lashes.

“Hi.” Blood heated her cheeks even as she said it, but she couldn’t tear

her gaze away from his.

“Hi. You okay?” His slow grin revealed a row of neat white teeth, the

canines slightly longer than most people’s, and, for a second, she wondered

what it would feel like to have him sink his teeth into any part of her anatomy.

Cool fingers grazed over her skin as she replied.

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“Yeah, fine.” Her response came out on a dreamy whisper. Her heart

thudded now because of the close proximity to this very attractive male.

“Well, you’re safe now.” His hand ran a slow path up and down her arm,

slowly lingering as if he could touch her forever. “I’m Edge.”

“Oh my God.” Ivy licked her lower lip in a slow caress that had his eyes

following the entire movement.

What were the odds?

“I’m Ivy, Ian’s sister.” Edge’s eyes went wide, with what Ivy assumed was

surprise, then, he smiled slow and sultry. That smile radiated warmth that

played over her skin like a gentle caress, and she released a giggle. This was

the kind of luck she had. What a way to meet the guy. She couldn’t complain,

at least she was in his lap, and his hand was stroking her goose-bumped skin.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” Edge shifted Ivy softly onto the floor and stood

up. He held his hand out and she took it. His callused palm slid over her

small hand, and she shivered with excitement. Edge pulled her to standing

mere inches from his body. Ivy tried not to purr and rub herself against him

and all that sun-drenched golden skin. She hadn’t been this hot in a long

time. Desire just rolled through her body causing several erogenous zones to

throb with her pulse.

“Have you called the police about him?”

“Hmm?” She stared at him for a minute dumbfounded. What was he

talking about, the police? About who? Duh! Ivy wanted to slap herself in the

forehead when she realized what he was talking about. The whole situation

came racing back into her brain, taking away the bold warmth that had

encased her body in need. “No. Humans. I can’t call them.”

“What about your Alpha? Surely he’d help you. I remember Ian

mentioning your pack.” Edge rubbed his thumb lightly across the back of her

smaller hand. Heat laced up her arm and seemed to be making a direct path

to her belly. She could worship Edge in a heartbeat and forget Mark even

existed. Mark who?

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Ivy rolled her answer around inside her head. She couldn’t tell him she’d

been kicked out of her pack. A voice in her head grumbled about Chad still

affecting her life, but she made up a quick excuse as she finally remembered to

answer. “I don’t want to bother him, and they’re a few hours away. I have my

brother if I need help.”

Even though her Alpha didn’t blame her for Chad’s death, but it had

caused problems for her pack. Those problems had finally taken hold as

resentment towards Ivy.

She dropped her gaze. Why did the whole world have to suddenly erupt

into chaos? Mark wouldn’t stop until he had taken his revenge on her. That

was one of the reasons she and Ian had moved away from the packto hide

from Mark.

She should have known he’d find her, Mark was relentless.

“Well, you guys live here now and you’re not alone. If you need anything,

just ask.” Edge’s gaze was open and honest. The truth of his statement was

like a ringing bell that dinged all the way to her bones. Maybe her intuition

worked on people besides her brother.

“Thanks. I, uh, I was going to go for a run.” Ivy stared at their entwined

hands. For some reason, the contact made her feel very safe, like he wouldn’t

allow anything happen to her.

“You want some company?”

“Sure.” Ivy glanced back up into his face. He wanted to run with her?

How cool would it be to have someone to run with? She was free when she ran,

but to have someone to share that freedom with was a big thing to her. By the

time Ivy was old enough to run with the pack, the night with Chad had

happened, and she had never been invited. She had only ever run with Ian.

Pack mates often ran or hunted as a group, being together gave them all a

sense of community and belonging.

Ivy hadn’t run with anyone in a long time. She didn’t belong anywhere

anymorenot in her family or even in her pack.

Edge’s offer to run with her meant a lot.

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He released her hand, slowly slipping his fingers from hers and motioned

toward the hall. “Shall we?”

Ivy accepted the invitation and walked ahead of him trying not to shiver

as his gaze heated her back.

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Chapter Three

Edge watched Ivy as she walked in front of him.

A male knew his mate from the minute he saw her, and Ivy was his. His

heart expanded inside his chest at the revelation. His soul brimmed with

elation that he had always hoped to experience, but had doubted would ever


Ivy was tiny and perfectly shaped with a pixie-like face and delicate nose

slightly turned up at the end. She had hair a darker shade of blond than Ian’s,

and she had it pulled back into a severe ponytail. Ivy’s eyes had been a warm

chocolate as they gazed into his when she had woken from her five-minute

sleep. Her black running shorts hung low on her hips, and he remembered

how the white T-shirt was stretched tight across her full breasts.

Ivy’s hips swayed and the muscles of her gently bronzed legs tightened

and loosened with each step. Just the sight of her caused his blood to rush

through his veins, waking his tiger, which reared its head at the sight.

Ian hadn’t told him how hot his sister was.

Ivy turned into the doorway that led through the locker room to the

indoor track.

Her scent wafted behind her, filled with the warmth from the sun on her

skin. Edge wondered what it would be like to pull out the band holding her

hair and bury his face in her short, blond waves taking in that scent. Would it

feel like soft fur as it caressed his cheek?

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When she stopped at the opposite door, he nearly ran into her, so lost in

his thoughts as he was.

Ivy turned and glanced up at him with gorgeous big brown eyes.

“Did you want to change?” He motioned to the locker room.

“No, I’m good.”

“No, I mean, did you want to change?” Edge tried more emphasis, maybe

she hadn’t understood the first time.

“Oh, um, no.”

“Suit yourself.” He turned back into the locker room stripping his white

shirt over his head.

He disappeared around the corner and opened his locker where he

placed his clothes. Edge was so comfortable with his tiger form, he found it

easy to slip into it with nothing more than a thought. He groaned as a gentle

pain washed through his legs and out his hands and feet. His muscles

shivered then shortened and he fell onto all fours, claws extended. Edge shook

his coat and head as the warmth of the change flooded his senses. He soaked

up the joy his tiger form brought to his soul.

Ivy stood with her mouth gaped open as Edge emerged from the locker

room. She must have been surprised to see his white tiger form. Being a white

Were-tiger was rare, as a matter of fact, Edge had never personally met another

white Were-tiger. Ivy quickly closed her mouth and looked away.

Edge slowly stalked toward her. She stood back holding the door for

him, and he purposely leaned into her to brush her bare legs as he passed her.

He itched as he fought the urge to lean against her legs and invite her

fingers to graze through his coat.

Ivy shivered as he brushed past her, he could smell the musky scent of

her rolling off her body in waves. A growl sounded inside her throat, and Edge

chuckled inside his head at the thought of her holding back her tiger form.

Edge waited for her on the track as she stretched, his eyes tracking her

every movement, his mind cataloging every twitch of her muscles. The way her

calf tightened as she pulled her other leg up toward her butt. Sinew in her

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arms hardened and softened as she raised them high above her head. He

received a glimpse of her creamy stomach when she twisted to the side. The

view of her body made him long to see more of her bare flesh.

He didn’t understand why she hadn’t wanted to change form. She was a

tiger, after all.

Most of their people used The Haven as a sanctuary and, at any time of

day, different varieties of big cats could be found roaming the common rooms

of the center. They had a huge outdoor pool area, one for cats and one for use

in human form, the indoor and outdoor tracks, several recreation areas set up

for cat and human form alike, not to mention the obstacle courses and field

areas. Living in the city, most Were-cats used The Haven as a place to relax, it

seemed kind of weird to see someone not want to indulge their cat.

Edge wondered why he had never seen Ivy here before. He and Ian had

gotten to know each other really well in the last few years, and, although Ian

spoke highly of Ivy, Edge had never run into her. Maybe she was just really

good at keeping a low profile.

When she finally finished stretching, he stood and padded along the

track. His paws made the soft powder of the dirt track kick up in little puffs as

he walked. The small particles tickled his sensitive nose, and he sneezed.

Edge heard her soft footfalls behind him, and he allowed her set the pace while

he ranged just in front of her.

He would not have been able to tolerate her running in front of him.

That would seem too much like she was trying to escape from him, and he was

afraid his instincts to catch her would kick in.

They made the first lap, and he heard her stop. He glanced back over his

shoulder to see her take off her shoes and socks, then her T-shirt. Ivy was left

in a dark sports bra and her running shorts.

Edge growled low in his throat as his gaze ate up all that bared flesh. He

wondered what her skin would taste like. Was it salty or sweet? Would her

skin be as smooth and delicate as silk if his fingers glided over it? Ivy was

truly beautiful as she walked toward him. All he could think about was

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running his tongue over every inch of her warm skin.

“What?” She passed by him like a gentle breeze, her scent drifting on the

air like midnight rain.

She ran slowly at first, and he stayed behind to watch her taut butt jiggle

as she built speed. He stayed about five feet back, even though he knew he

shouldn’t. Even now his blood began to burn with the thrill of the chase. Edge

couldn’t help himself, he wanted to watch the muscles in her legs contract, and

see the sheen of sweat build on her body from exertion.

When they rounded the track again, his instincts grabbed him by the

throat and shook him hard demanding he chase her down and show her his

dominance. Edge roared, and his paws itched against the ground wanting to

propel him faster around the track.

His body ached. Edge’s muscles burned as he held them in check, the

blood made a musical thud in his ears as he fought not to charge her and drop

her to the ground. He shot past her in a burst of speed rather than tackle her.

Edge didn’t want to scare Ivy. He wanted her to enjoy this time with him after

what had happened in the lobby.

Edge heard her behind himher heart thrummed in her chest, her

breath panted in and out as her bare feet drummed against the dirt track.

He glanced over his shoulder and saw the determination in her eyes. Ivy

was chasing him now, he slowed to let her catch up.

She pulled ahead again, and he let her go for a little while, staying in a

slow lope to pace her.

Ivy’s muscles contracted and loosened as her feet pounded on the dirt

ahead of him. Her skin appeared to glow soft and silky smooth under the

indoor lights that simulated sunshine. Edge had always been one to appreciate

a woman’s body, and Ivy’s creamy skin tempted him to run his fingers all over

that exposed flesh. Edge burst past her and roared in playful challenge.

She growled in response and raced after him. His insides hummed with

pleasure as she took up the chase. His body tightened with a slow need that

rose inside the pit of his stomach.

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Edge ran from her, he slowed until she almost caught him, then sped up

and listened to her growl in frustration as she dug her feet in. He did it hoping

the aggressive actions would call her cat’s instincts to catch him.

The scent of her rising cat perfumed the air and he growled in

anticipation. Edge backed off again and let her take the lead.

Ivy’s legs flew and dirt puffed slightly behind her feet as she passed him,

the soft powder tickled the inside of his nostrils even as he tasted the gritty

earth on his tongue.

The scent of her cat trailed behind her making his body tense with

anticipation of her change. The muskiness of her cat had him growling deep in

his throat, in an attempt to warn her that he was now on the hunt. As it was,

his fur-covered skin itched to have her hands on him.

Ivy’s clothing ripped as her muscles shifted under her skin. Bones

popped and he watched as her body contorted into the tiger’s shape. She

grunted as her faced scrunched with the pain of the change right before she fell

onto all fours.

Her skin rippled with a sudden wash of orange fur and then stripes

formed over her body as her muscles grew under her flesh, filling out her arms

and legs. Ivy cried out as her form stretched and shifted. Her hands and feet

enlarged into paws with sharp claws.

She was a gorgeous orange and black tiger.

Pride blossomed in his chest at the sight of her regal form. Edge always

enjoyed seeing a fellow cat indulge their cat form. By how slow her change had

been and the amount of grimacing she had done, she didn’t change often

enough. Her body was sleek even though petite, and she had powerful muscles

that spurred her on.

Ivy put on a burst of speed and ran from him.

Edge’s instincts to chase her made his heart race and his body stiffen.

He needed to catch her and prove his dominance. Edge sped up and kept pace

with her as they raced around the track.

She panted hard, her paws pounded into the ground as she ran.

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Edge could have easily overtaken her, but the chase was too much fun to

abandon. He ran with her until he caught her. When he did, he pounced,

jumping on top of her still fleeing form and tumbled over her, taking her down

into the gritty dirt. Edge growled and licked her face in a show of friendliness

while he pinned her to the ground. His heavy body was flush against her

smaller form, his larger paws held down her shoulders as she struggled

underneath him. Edge chuckled to himself as she thrashed aroundthere was

no way she could get out of his hold.

Ivy managed to get her front paws free and swiped at his head and chest

with her claws. He gently slapped her shoulder back to the ground. She was

feisty for being so tiny. Ivy snapped her teeth in the air in front of him, mere

inches from his face. That was enough, Edge wouldn’t allow her to be rude

even if she seemed feral right now, his pride demanded he put her in her place.

Edge wrestled with her head and finally closed his teeth around her

throata male tiger’s show of dominancefirm and yet careful not to hurt her.

She stopped, her body stilled completely. Pleasure surged through him

at her submission. He was every inch the Alpha as his body shook and

muscles strained.

Ivy’s body contorted and heaved as her fur rippled and vanished. The

smooth skin of her small shoulder slipped from under the pads of his paws.

Ivy’s face screwed up tight and her eyebrows cinched hard as she squeezed her

eyes shut and a tremor coursed through her body once last time. She cried

out, then her eyes popped open wide, and she took a huge breath as if she’d

been holding it during the change.

“I give, you win.” She gulped deep breaths of air as he hovered over her

human form.

Edge stared at her as she caught her breath. A tightening started in his

stomach and worked its way down to his groin, he felt his sac go heavy as need

surged through his veins. He purred a soft invitation to her as he kept her

between his paws.

Ivy was gloriously naked, and he wanted to change back to human form

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so her soft skin could slide against his own naked body.

Edge licked her fingers slowly loving the salty taste of her hot skin and

pushed at her hand. She placed her hand on his head and stroked the fur over

his eyes.

Ivy’s fingers delved into his fur to find the sensitive skin below his ears.

Edge’s body tingled everywhere she touched him, as if little sparks of electricity

passed through her and into him. He closed his eyes and savored her touch.

Edge purred as she scratched behind his ear.

Her hands roamed over the fur of his neck and shoulders gently

squeezing and caressing him. Ivy’s face was open and almost awestruck as she

petted him, her eyes wide and her mouth gaped slightly.

He watched her delicate nostrils flare. Edge hoped his scent was

ingraining on her brain just as her musky, sunshine scent was committing to

his memory. Her hands buried deep in his fur made his cock harden and his

skin heat at the sensation. When his muscles started to twitch and ache under

his skin, he had to move away from her or risk changing into human form on

top of her. He savored her touch for a minute longer before he backed away to

change and head for the locker room. Edge wasn’t usually modest, but he

didn’t assume Ivy would be okay with seeing him naked. He also didn’t want

her to know how easily he changed, it would give away the fact that he was

older and an Alpha.

He needed her to want him for himself, not for his status among the


Edge’s white fur receded slowly as his muscles lengthened back into his

longer arms and legs. His bones reformed, snapped and popped growing into

their human shape. He clinched his jaw against the cracking and snapping of

the bones, even though the whole process hurt like hell, it was a momentary

pain. The pain left a dull ache inside his body after the change was done, but

since he loved being a tiger, the pain, in his opinion, was worth every fractured

bone and torn muscle. Edge pulled on his clothes forgoing the shoes. He was

in a hurry to get back out to Ivy and didn’t want to take the time to lace them

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up. Edge jogged back through the door with two bottles of water he’d taken

from his locker.

“You should know better than to play with a tiger.” He handed her the


“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” She took the water, popped the top and

took a huge gulp. “Really, thanks. That felt great. It’s been a while since I’ve

run like that.” Ivy’s body language was very closed, she wouldn’t exactly look

him in the eye and had crossed her arms over her naked breasts.


The delicate features of her brow furrowed.

“I don’t change much.” She glanced away.

A blush stole up her cheeks, and she seemed truly embarrassed about

being a Were-tiger. “Your cat is just an extension of you, indulging in the

change is part of who we are.”

“You have your cat under control.” Ivy bit her lip as if she hadn’t meant

to say that then muttered, “Never mind.” She waved a dismissive hand in the

air as she took another swig of water.

It seemed as though she thought her cat wasn’t within her control. To

Edge, that was ridiculous. He had always been proud of who and what he was,

maybe it was why he had been a natural Alpha.

“I’d like to see more of the other you.” He searched her face in an

attempt to understand what went on inside her brain, and to keep his eyes

from roaming over her naked body.

“Um, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

Edge’s stomach knotted at her abrupt words. He had to see more of Ivy.

The tiger inside of him roared in anger at her words, making his ears throb.

Edge couldn’t believe he’d been shot down before he had even had a chance to


Then she covered up all of that beautiful pale skin with her T-shirt. Edge

wanted Ivy to be bare as often as possible, if for no other reason than for him to

enjoy the sight of her creamy skin.

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His nostrils flared as a growl tried to rumble out of his throat, but he

didn’t say another word, just watched as she walked back to her stuff and

pulled her socks and shoes back on. She walked the track until she recovered

all of her torn clothing.

Edge stifled a moan of desire and walked over to her. “You want a pair of

sweats?” His body tightened as he caught a glimpse of the curls at the vee of

her thighs. Ivy’s firm breasts pushed at the front of her shirt and her nipples

were small pebbles against the material.

“Yeah, thanks.” Ivy tugged at the hem of her small shirt.

Edge strolled into the locker room again, taking his time. Ivy walked

toward the door as he came back and handed her the pants.

She drew the pants over her white tennis shoes, and Edge decided to try

a different tactic. “Would you like to grab something to eat?”

She peeked up at him from under her lashes. Her gaze said she wanted

to, but maybe didn’t want to admit it.

Finally after a long moment she spoke. “Sure, I could eat.” She pulled

the drawstring tight.


Ivy followed Edge to the small cafeteria just off the lobby of The Haven.

Judging by the fading light coming through the long, wide windows, evening

had arrived. Not many people had come from work yet so the cafeteria was

mostly empty. The entire area smelled like roast, potatoes and carrots, which

made her stomach rumble.

After having made her selections, Ivy settled at a table near the large

windows. Thankfully, she could eat like normal and not have to hide her

appetite from him like she did when she was in a human restaurant.

Edge sat across from her as the sun set outside.

She glanced up to find him watching her, his face highlighted in the soft,

orange glow. Edge was unbelievably handsome. He had long inky, black hair

and penetrating, blue eyes that made her feel like he could see her darkest

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secrets. His face was rugged. Maybe it was his slightly crooked nose—that

looked like he’d seen his share of fist fights up close—or the way he held

himself, shoulders back and square as if he dared anyone to take him on that

made Ivy decided he had a hard life. His crystal clear eyes seemed to watch

everything around him even though they were focused on her. Those eyes

promised to see straight through to her soul. Ivy’s hand shook as she reached

for her fork praying he couldn’t actually see inside her.

His eyes never left her as she placed a bite of salad in her mouth. Ivy

wasn’t sure what to do under his scrutiny, but she knew food was such a huge

part of their culture, it was normal to see a male so tuned in to a female’s

eating habits. Males used food as a way to care for their females.

A male brought food home to show he cared about her well-being, and

when a female ate for him, she was acknowledging his efforts. In dating, males

took special care to provide for a female he wanted as a mate. Sometimes

ordering for her or feeding her by hand. Eating became a sensual dance that

went deeper than just the act of chewing and swallowing.

His intense scrutiny sent a warm, tingly rush of heat through her chest

and reminded her of the rules of mating. Rule two specifically was feed your

female, show her you can provide for her and that her well-being is important.

Slowly, Ivy scooped up another bite and let her eyes linger over Edge’s

face as she placed the forkful in her mouth.

Edge’s skin was a rich brown caramel and his eyes were set just far

enough apart to balance his strong jaw. He had a small cleft in his chin that

made Ivy’s knees turn to mush.

Ivy also remembered as she chewed that a female could acknowledge a

male’s affections by eating for him.

Edge’s eyes turned a deeper shade of blue as she took another bite. If

eyes could smolder, his did. His dark lashes hooded his blue eyes as he

watched her.

The heat in Ivy’s body kicked up a notch. Electricity arched between

them through the air. She was tense as she slowly savored her food and drew

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out her movements. Once a male was on the hunt for a mate, he wouldn’t stop

until he had what he wanted.

Ivy enticed him with her body by eating slowly and making sure she held

his full attention, allowing her tongue to glide occasionally over her lower lip.

She wanted to ask him to be more to her. The only way to do that was through

the seductive dance of eating for him. The mating moon would come soon, and

she just couldn’t help herself. Ivy pushed away the thoughts from last night

and savored this moment as this male’s gaze roamed over her body.

During the whole meal she had experienced a sense of being wanted.

Ivy’s nipples ached with heat as she leaned forward. His eyes widened,

and he licked his lips. The heat between them intensified, twining around

them as her body purred in response to his gaze.

Ivy forced her thoughts to focus and continued eating her salad, even

though all she could see inside her head were his broad shoulders and narrow

waist hovering above her naked body. She fought not to wiggle in her seat as

heat formed in her belly and an ache grew between her thighs. Ivy waited

through several more bites before he finally picked up his fork and started his

own meal.

She took a drink of water to cool her hot throat. Her body hummed with

unfulfilled need, and she had to squeeze her thighs together to quiet the

blazing inferno that had started at her core. Edge broke through her turmoil.

“I know this is a little forward, but I’d like to give you my phone number.”

Ivy stared at him as her cat purred in response to the attention he gave

her. She pushed the salad around her plate. “Why?” Ivy didn’t gaze directly at


“I like you, and I’d like you to have my number.” Ivy wanted to jump up

and down in joy. She bit her cheek to settle the giant grin that threatened to

split her face in half.

He took a pen from his pocket, scribbled his number on a napkin and

handed it to her. “Just in case. I’ve been friends with your brother for a while

now, and I know it’s just the two of you in town.” He took a bite of his roast

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beef sandwich.

“I’d like that.” She laughed nervously and stuffed the napkin inside the

pocket of her borrowed sweats. “I could use someone besides my brother to

call.” Ivy picked up her fork and renewed her focus on her salad.

Edge liked her. He barely knew her, but he said he liked her. Ivy’s tiger

purred her approval again.


’m sure you’ve got males just busting down your door.” He grinned at

her as he wiped his napkin over his lips.

She stiffened at the comment and glanced up from her food. “No. I

don’t.” Edge didn’t know about her past. He wasn’t part of her pack.

“Well, you should, I mean look at you, you’re gorgeous.”

Her cheeks blazed hot. “Thanks,” she whispered shifting in her seat as

she finished eating. What would he think of her if he knew what she’d done?

Would he still be here talking to her? Ivy stashed her panic deep inside her in

a little windowless box. She couldn’t let it out, not now. Not while she was

enjoying Edge’s company.

“Would you like some dessert?” He interrupted her thoughts.

“No, I really shouldn’t.” Ivy shook her head.

“What do you mean you shouldn’t?” He arched an eyebrow at her.

“Well…” She always abstained from dessert in human restaurants, most

human women did, so she made it a practice for herself as well to blend in.

Edge stood up, walked to her side of the table and crouched next to her

chair. Ivy’s cheeks heated at the closeness of his large body. Her heart

pattered in a fast tap dance as excitement flared inside her.

“Ivy, look at me.” When she did he brushed his hand over her cheek.

She shivered as his touch sent little wisps of heat through her body.

“You’re safe here. You’re in our world, not theirs. You don’t have to

pretend here.” The sound of his deep velvety voice made her skin tingle. She

closed her eyes savoring the sound.

“It’s been a really long time since I’ve been able to relax and be myself.

Yes, I would love some dessert, actually.” Ivy didn’t want to tell him why it had

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been a long time. Besides the fact that she lived in a large city surrounded by

humans, she hadn’t been herself since before that night with Chad.

He smiled a devastatingly handsome grin, and her body softened in her


As he strode away, Ivy stared at his tight butt in his workout pants and

at those bulging biceps. Her tiger growled, the cat wanted him. So did Ivy.

She rubbed a hand over her face.

Ian was right, Edge seemed like a really great guy. Once Ian found out

she thought that too, he would tease her mercilessly, just because he could.

When Edge returned, he carried a huge slice of five-layer chocolate cake.

Ivy smiled up at him as he placed the cake on the table and sat beside


She reached for the fork, but he took it out of her hand. He sliced off a

good-sized piece and held it out to her.

Ivy glanced from the piece to him.

Accepting food. This was a big step in acknowledging him.

Her brain warred with her cat, who now roared inside her making her

ears ache. She wanted a mate, and this was a first step in that direction. Her

sensible side kept saying he’d find out about Chad, and, right or wrong, it

would change his opinion of her. But, oh, how she wanted this, craved to be

with someone, even though she told Ian she didn’t.

She really wanted to accept Edge’s offer because he offered something no

male had before. Himself.

She wanted a male to love her and care for her. And he used the rules,

those dumb archaic rules that had been drilled into her as a cub, and, like it or

not, they did mean something to her.

Ivy sat up a little straighter as she stared at Edge.

She truly wanted this.

Ivy leaned closer to him and slowly took the bite he held out to her.

A low rumble sounded from Edge as she chewed the rich mixture of fluffy

cake and silky chocolate frosting.

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Ivy lowered her gaze and his head lowered to hers. She remained still

but didn’t pull away. He brushed her lips with his.

Tiny electric shocks ran through her lips and into her body causing her

blood to heat and race through her limbs. Her body began to ache and burn

like a fire had been lit in her middle. She leaned into him pressing her lips

back against his, her hands caressed up his arms to his solid chest. His heart

raced against her palm, her own heart thumped wildly in her chest thrilling at

the sensations he was creating inside her.

She opened her eyes as he broke the kiss and he smiled.

“You taste good.” His voice was low and husky.

“So do you.” The kiss left her core heated and aching. Ivy noticed his

nostrils flare slightly as he went back to get a bite of cake. She was aroused,

and her musky scent was swirling around them both.

With Edge feeding her, they finished off the chocolate cake.

“Walk me out?” Ivy wiped her mouth with her paper napkin.

He nodded in response.

Edge grabbed a key card from the front desk and walked outside with

her. The sky was dark now, and he visually scanned the area. Once they

reached her car, Ivy opened her door and turned to stare up at him. He was

really tall.

“Thanks.” She wiped her damp hand on her borrowed sweats. Ivy was

nervous around Edge because she wanted this to be a beginning for them. She

didn’t want to mess this up.

“No problem. Will I see you tomorrow?” His hands came up and gently

caressed up and down her arms. Edge shifted his stance so his body was

much closer to hers almost pinning her against the car.

“Yeah, Ian’s picking me up at eight.” Her gaze roamed his face. His eyes

nearly glowed in the low light of the parking lot. Ivy’s body temperature was

still running hot under her skin from his nearness.

“Maybe I could pick you up, instead?”


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The corners of his mouth lifted in a small smile, and his spicy musky

scent came off him in a wave that struck her between her legs.

“That would be great.” Ivy’s arms slowly crept around his narrow waist.

He stiffened and Ivy backed off pulling her arms from around him.

Because of the kiss they’d shared in the cafeteria, Ivy assumed she could touch

him freely.

“Oh, sorry.” Her cheeks flared hot with embarrassment.

“You just surprised me. Come here.” His big arms engulfed her small

frame as he wrapped them around her and nearly crushed her body against

his. Ivy’s arms slipped back around his waist. She liked how standing against

him made her feel as if she was made to be there.

Ivy wanted to be skin to skin with him, to feel his masculine weight

pinning her body down. He smell was layered with the slight hint of

Obsession? Whatever it was she breathed in his scent, and her cat roared in

approval. His aroma made her body stretch against him as she nuzzled his


Ivy stopped herself, but as she did, he nestled his nose into her hair. His

whiskers caught and tugged at the strands of her hair. Giddiness radiated

through her, making her smile against his chest. She just wanted to stay there

in his arms, his presence made her world seem so right. Finally, she slipped

her arms from around his waist and backed away. If she didn’t move away

from him, she’d stay in his arms forever.

He grabbed her hand and kissed her palm. The heat of his lips scorched

through her body straight to her belly causing a searing wave to rise inside her.

“See you at eight.” She slowly slid into her car, forcing herself to turn the key

in the ignition and shift the car into drive.

Ivy drove home in a daze. Her insides were still boiling with heated

desire as she rounded the corner to her house. How was she going to deal with

this deep craving she had for Edge?

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Chapter Four

Ivy’s mind tumbled over everything that had happened with Edge as she


The rules of mating had been ingrained in the young in her pack hen

they were cubs, and she had to wonder if they cycled through Edge’s mind as


The females in their culture were supposed to be treasured.

No man Ivy had ever dated had used the rules the way he should have.

Those bad dates made her contemplate the worthiness of every one of the past

males she’d dated.

By the time she pulled into her parking lot, she sang loudly with the

radio. Ivy’s heart was like a soaring bird as she bopped in a silly dance up and

down while she exited the car and pushed her key chain to set the alarm.

The shuffle of steps behind her made her freeze. Her heart jumped into

her throat and cold fear crept like icy fingers up her spine, ripping her light-

hearted mood from her body. She turned slowly, but saw no one. Ivy quickly

walked to her door as a renewed panic surged inside her making her sick to

her stomach.

There was a note pinned to her door. Her heart sank into her gut. She

didn’t even need to read the note to know it was from Mark. Ivy snatched the

paper off the door and fumbled with the lock.

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When she finally opened the door, Ivy darted inside and slammed it shut.

Her heart raced in her chest, a cool trickle of sweat raced down the small of her

back. She turned off the alarm and reset it. Ivy raced up the stairs to her

bedroom window even as panic gripped her chest and tightened to the point

that she panted to get a breath in. As she peeked out through the dark wood

slats that obscured the view from below, her breath caught and suddenly the

view titled slightly.

Mark stood next to her car running his hand over the lime paint job. Ivy

recognized him from his crew cut. She backed frantically away from the

window and stumbled against the edge of the bed.


What was she going to do?

Ivy paced for a few minutes inside her bedroom. She needed to call Ian

and ask him to come over. Mark knew Ian from high school, too. Ian had

beaten Mark badly back then when he had first started harassing her about

Chad’s death.

Ivy glanced at the note still clutched into a ball in her hand. Fear sank

into her turning her stomach over. She pulled open the small sheet of paper.

I know where you live now. There is no more running.

Ivy crushed the note even as her heart beat against her rib cage. She

picked up the house phone, but there was no dial tone. Instead, she heard

someone breathing. Her heart seized in a sharp pain that ripped through her

body causing her knees to shake and her chest to cinch down cutting off her

air completely.

She slammed the phone back into the cradle. Her hand shook as she

picked it back upbut this time, the dial tone was steady. Her fingers flew

through Ian’s phone number as tears pooled in her eyes blurring the numbers

on the phone.

The phone rang. And rang. And rang. A sob tore from her throat as hot

tears flooded her cheeks. Anger rose under the fear even as she jabbed the

numbers again.

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“Damn. Where is he?”

Still nothing. Ivy had Edge’s number, she’d call him. The soft paper tore

as Ivy ripped the napkin that Edge had given her. Half of the number fluttered

to the ground. Ivy scrambled onto her hands and knees to retrieve it from

under the bed. With fingers that fumbled, she smoothed the two halves out

together on the carpet.

The front door rattled and Ivy’s stomach clenched. She curled her

fingers into the carpet as her skin itched and her muscles ached as they began

to stretch. Somewhere inside her body a bone popped and pain speared up her

arms. Ivy strained her ears as she listened for sounds from below over her

racing heartbeat that throbbed in her temples making her dizzy.

Ivy scrambled to her feet and picked up the phone again. She dialed

Edge’s number. Ivy wished she still had her cell phone, but she had lost it the

night of the attack. Replacing the phone hadn’t even occurred to her until this

moment. Ivy listened for Edge’s voice, her breath a mere whisper as she waited

with nerves that were strung as tight as piano wire.

“Hello?” Edge’s deep voice ran over her change-sensitized skin and

calmed her. She was not alone. Ivy instantly relaxed and sank to the floor

next to her bed, the phone gripped hard and pushed to her ear as if she could

just crawl inside and snuggle close to him.

“It’s Ivy.” Her voice shook so badly, she hoped he could make out her


“What’s wrong?” His husky voice was protective and alert, which calmed

the roiling fear inside her stomach.

“I tried to call Ian, but he’s not answering, and that guy’s outside my

place. I…I don’t want to be alone right now.”

“Give me your address.”

She told him her address, and he read the directions back to her.

“I’ll be right there. Stay inside. Do you have an alarm?”

“Yes, it’s set.” Ivy twisted the hem of her shirt in her fingers.

“Good keep the alarm on until I get there.”

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“I will.” She hung up.

Ivy silently maneuvered down the stairs and stole a quick glance out the

peephole. She couldn’t see Mark, but she knew in her gut, as it still churned

with fear, that he was out there. Ivy paced in front of the door for what seemed

like forever.

A sudden knock against the front door startled her, and she jumped. Ivy

hesitated, biting her bottom lip as she considered whether on not to peer out

the peephole. She pushed away her fear and ventured a quick peek.

She squinted through the peephole and a brief cry burst past her lips as

relief rushed though her at the sight of Edge.

Ivy turned off the alarm and let him in. Her hands trembled so badly it

was hard to turn the locks on the door. When the door was secured, Edge

gently caught her by the arms and pulled her close.

He tucked Ivy against him and lightly rested his chin on top of her head.

“You okay?”

She curled her fingers into his shirt. “No.” The sobs she held back

suddenly broke free and she buried her face against his chest allowing the

tears flow.

He stroked her hair as the endless stream of tears soaked into his shirt.

This was never going to end. Mark would never stop, and now, she’d

cried on Edge before they’d even had a first date.

She pushed back and dashed the tears away with her fingertips. “I’m

sorry, it’s just been a really bad twenty four hours for me.”

“Stay here a minute.”

Edge turned the locks and stepped back outside. On the porch, his

chest expanded and he turned his head sharply to the left. Ivy trembled as she

stood just inside the doorway clinging to the door frame. Edge disappeared

around the corner and was gone for a long minute.

She jumped when he came back, her heart bouncing in her chest.

“Just wanted to check and see if I could find him.”

Ivy stepped back inside, and Edge shut and locked the door. “He’s gone,

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looks like he took off in a car.” Edge rubbed Ivy’s arms. His touch sent heat

into her bloodstream and the chill of fear began to ebb.

“You want to talk about it?”

“Yes. No. I mean I do want to talk about it, but I don’t even know where

to begin.” She shook her head and strode toward her couch.

Edge followed close behind and sat down only after she did.

“I don’t want to dump my problems on you.” Ivy ran a hand over her

pulled-tight hair. She breathed deep, allowing the breath to calm her shaky

nerves. “I just didn’t want to be alone. I know he’s out there and he’s not

going to go away.”

This was pack business…but her problems weren’t the pack’s business

anymore. She was alone in this. Ivy’s stomach ached at the idea of being all

alone again without the pack. She glanced up at Edge.

“He’s stalking you. If you don’t think he’s going to stop, then you need to

do something to stop him.” Edge reached out and took her hand between his.

“You don’t understand.” She stood and paced away from him to stare

out at her backyard window.

“Then tell me.”

“I’m sorry, Edge, I can’t.” Ivy’s heart shriveled inside just knowing she

couldn’t confide in him. This was why she couldn’t get close to anyone. She

had to keep the secret of Chad’s death because she didn’t want anyone to know

that she finally

remembered changing into a tiger that night and mauling him

to death. That secret would always put a distance between her and someone


“You don’t have to tell me, but I’m not leaving you alone tonight.”

Edge stood behind her, and his hands landed on her shoulders. She

slumped against him and sighed. He seemed to care about this whole mess.

Edge turned Ivy and held her close. She stayed like that for a few minutes, just

soaking up his comfort, letting it seep into her soul as she relaxed in his

warmth. Edge’s touch was so gentle and soft as he rubbed her back, she

almost forgot about Mark.

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He tucked a strand of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her

ear. Ivy contemplated her reasons for not telling Edge about Mark. Telling him

a little about him wouldn’t out her secret, and she wanted to be closer to Edge.

He had come all the way over to her house to protect her, surely she owed him

something of the truth, even if it was just a little piece.

“That guy, the stalker? His name’s Mark. I know him from high school.”

Ivy walked back over to the couch and sat down, crossing her legs under her.

“Last night he grabbed me outside a concert and dragged me into an alley.”

“He attacked you?” Edge bit back a curse as he crossed his arms over

his chest and stared at her from his place in front of the window.

Ivy recounted the events in the alley, laying bare everything that

happened. She laid open her box of problems to him, and once she allowed it

out, her heart lightened a little.

“That’s terrible, Ivy.” His face was flushed with anger, and his voice had

a low rumbling quality to it.

Heat infused her face as he sat down in front of her. The shame of her

past still made her feel as if she had no control over her life.

“Why are you embarrassed? You didn’t do anything wrong.” He reached

over to touch her hand.

“I just feel like the attack was my fault.” Which, in reality, the attack

was her fault. Mark only came after her because of Chad, but she couldn’t tell


“It’s not your fault. Nothing you could have done would make it okay for

someone to attack you.” He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand as he

spoke to her. Ivy’s tension eased a little with every stroke of his finger, but her

heart contracted at the confidence she heard in his voice.

“Why is talking to you so easy?” She gazed into his blue eyes and found

the sincerity in what he said. Relief flooded Ivy as she realized he really did


“Mark’s gone for now. We’ll worry if he comes back.” Edge rubbed Ivy’s

arms and up over her shoulders. Ivy realized with Edge touching her how

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tense her muscles were. The stress in her shoulders was giving her a


“Turn around.”

Ivy turned around, her back to Edge.

The strength of his hands sent fingers of warmth down her spine. He

moved closer to her, and his leg brushed hers. Ivy dropped her chin and

relaxed as he eased the tension from her body. Her heart thudded in her chest

as his lips touched the bare skin of her neck. Ivy had forgotten how fast a male

moved in on a female. She was nervous, but excited at the same time.

Edge kissed a path up her throat to her ear. He gently tugged at her

earlobe and a moan escaped her lips.

Ivy’s body awakened under his touch, and she ached at the prospect of

having sex with him. Her brain raced with erotic images of the two of them

twined together on her bed. She had been alone too long. Ivy arched her back

and brushed against his chest.

Edge caught her chin and turned her face toward him. His lips touched

hers in a soft brush. Then his tongue stroked across the seam of her lips.

Ivy twisted toward him and parted her lips in invitation.

His tongue brushed the inside her mouth, and her breath escaped on a


Edge’s mouth was hot and spicy like he’d been eating cinnamon candies.

Their tongues worked against each other gently caressing back and forth. He

pulled her around to him. Their lips never broke contact as he drew her closer

until she moved onto his lap. Her body heated slowly as he deepened the kiss,

her excitement barely contained inside her. Ivy straddled his hips, her hot

center pressed tightly against his straining zipper. Her desire ramped up

making her breasts ache with need as her hands moved up his chest.

His chest was firm under her fingertips and she squeezed.

Edge’s hand trailed over her back as he titled his head to the side.

Ivy reached up and stroked through the soft strands of his hair. She

paused and pulled at the tie that held his hair in a ponytail.

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His raven hair fell around his shoulders, and she was suddenly

compelled to nuzzle into his hair, to take his scent deep into her lungs and

make it a part of her.

Ivy leaned in close until her breasts were crushed against his chest, and

she buried her face and hands in his hair. She inhaled his musky scent, and

her head spun. Edge smelled so good. Ivy pushed her lips against his and

kissed him this time. She plundered his mouth as he reached under her shirt

and stroked her back. Her excitement made her heartbeat speed up as his

hands caressed her bare flesh.

Edge pulled at the hem of her shirt until she lifted her arms.

Her bare breasts grazed against the cotton of his shirt, and her nipples

hardened. She lost herself in the actions of the moment. Ivy tugged at his

shirt desperate to experience her naked breasts against his bare skin. As she

raised his shirt, her breasts rubbed against his taut chest, making her go

damp between her legs.

He moved his hands to cover her taut peaks.

Edge’s callused hands rubbed her nipples as she moaned into his

mouth. His rough hands were so gentle as they caressed her, she was as close

to heaven as she’d been in a long time. Pure heaven would be his cock buried

deep inside her hot body. The rough denim of his jeans strained against her

thighs, but the sensation only made the need to touch him more imperative.

Edge smelled so spicy and warm that his musk stimulated her through

her nostrils. She exhilarated in the smell that sent more blood to her sensitive

breasts and made her head dizzy. She arched against his hand and her mouth

gaped open in a silent moan.

Edge dipped his head and caught her nipple between his lips. His

tongue was soft and silky as it rubbed over her nipple. Ivy had been without a

male for a long time. Edge made her heart beat faster just at the sight of him,

and her pussy grew even wetter. He swirled his tongue around her rosy nipple,

she groaned and clutched his head closer to her breast.

Her hands rubbed his scalp, and the gentle encouragement as she

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pushed him closer, made his cock jerk against her core.

Edge tugged at her nipple, and she ground her pelvis into his hardening

erection. He bit and teased until she cried out his name and quaked against

him in a wave of what she hoped was her first orgasm of the night.

Edge switched to her other breast and trailed his hand down her now hot

skin until he found the band of her sweats. He leaned her back against the

arm of the couch as he fumbled with the heavy material. Edge turned her into

some mindless female, who only wanted the pleasure this male could give her.

Ivy’s legs were spread, and he settled his knee between them with the

other foot on the floor.

His body hovered over hers, and the heat of his cock seared her through

his jeans.

Ivy was almost naked now as he pushed her clothes from her legs and

drew them off her ankles. Edge replaced his knee mere inches from her

throbbing folds as he tossed away the sweats. She brought her hands up to

cover her body, but he stopped her before she could.

Ivy lay under him fully naked now, and he swept her body in an

appreciative gaze that made her heart thrill with pleasure. Edge pulled her

hands over her head as he lowered his head to brush his lips over her ear.

“You’re beautiful.” His words made her chest fill with a sunshine that

made her want to giggle. “Leave your hands here.” Maybe he wanted her

completely at his mercy, the position was interesting and made her vulnerable

to his explorations.

A faint heat stole up her cheeks at his command. Edge’s tongue was soft

as he kissed her throat and chest, then lower as he dipped his tongue into her

belly button. He nipped at her hipbone and she groaned, arching under him.

Ignoring his request, Ivy reached for his jeans. Her hand brushed his

erection, and he hissed as sensation ripped through his body.

Edge moved her hands away and leaned down over her body. “Leave your

hands here. Please.” His voice sounded like gravel to her ears, and he placed

her hands firmly back above her head. Edge tasted her mouth again and ran

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his hands over her body.

“Please, Edge.” She begged him to give her the release she so desperately

needed as he explored lower and found her tender folds.

She was slick with need, and his fingers slid easily through her pussy.

Ivy could smell her own need, rich and musky, the heady scent

enveloped her. Ivy’s heart somersaulted in her chest with something very close

to bliss.

Edge glided his fingers through her nether lips separating them gently.

She was slick with hot moisture that she hoped invited him to slide a finger

inside her. Her sheath clenched around his invasion. Would his swollen cock

even fit inside her small body?

Goose bumps crawled over her skin, and a quiver of delight raced around

inside her chest.

Her arms clutched him to her as he worked his finger in and out of her.

Ivy gasped, and she was close to falling over the edge of orgasm. He moved his

thumb to massage her sensitive clit and pushed another finger inside her.

She was stretched slightly around him, and his fingers slid easily into

her slick heat again as he increased the rhythm.

“Ooh. Yes! Edge!” She writhed in his arms as he pumped his fingers

inside her. Her orgasm crested and flowed warm and slick over his hand as

she cried out. Her nails dug into his back as the last waves of pleasure pulsed

through her small body. Edge eased his fingers from her.

Edge closed his eyes, and his nostrils flared as if he was catching her

scent. Her body still pulsed with heat and tiny shudders made her tremble

against his arms.

Ivy watched totally enthralled as Edge licked her climax from his fingers.

Her breath caught in her throat as his tongue glided slowly over each fingertip

before he sucked it into his mouth for a second then slowly pulled it from his

lips to lick the next one. She had never seen a male savor a female like this,

and it stirred something deep inside her even as it made her throb with


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That he would want to taste her badly enough to lick her from his

fingers, amazed Ivy. Her body was sated but tense as she lay on the couch

under Edge. She still burned with the sexual need that had her heart tripping

in her chest, and her core spasmed inside her body.

Edge leaned back down and kissed her on the temple. His erection,

confined inside his now tight jeans, pushed against her thigh, and she wiggled

to move closer to him.

Edge moved his legs and sat back on the couch. He winced as he

adjusted his erection. Ivy grabbed her shirt off the floor and pulled it on over

her head. Desire burned under Edge’s thick dark eyelashes, but he wouldn’t

take her tonight. Edge would wait for the full moon. He had satisfied her

need, but would wait for the mating moon to take his own pleasure.

Ivy almost smiled. So he would to stick to the rules of mating. “Pleasure

your female before yourself.” Whoever came up with that one was a genius.

She stretched like the cat she was. Ivy was a little embarrassed about the

whole thing, though. She hadn’t been with a male in so long she had nearly

forgotten what being pleasured by a male was like.

“Edge, I don’t usually…” she started, but he stopped her before she could

tell him that she wasn’t like a normal female, promiscuity didn’t rule her life.

Hell, she’d only had sex a few times, so being with him like this was different

for her.

“Ivy.” He placed a finger on her lips and the look on his face said he

thought she was crazy for speaking up. “Don’t forget we are Were, we feel

differently and more quickly.” His hand cupped the side of her face, and she

nuzzled into his warm touch. “You don’t have to justify it to yourself, okay?

Just enjoy it. This is what a male should do for you.” He caressed her lower

lip with his thumb making her body tingle with anticipation. She wanted to

draw his thumb into her mouth and suck on it, as it was her tongue darted out

and brushed the tip of it. “But I understand. It’s been a long time for me, too.”

She glanced away slightly embarrassed by his admission, and he turned

her chin toward him.

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“I’m not too proud to admit that, lately, females haven’t interested me

that much, until I met you, that is.” He leaned into her and affixed another

scorching kiss to her already swollen lips. Ivy’s heart raced at his sweet words.

He admitted that she was different from other females. Could he be her mate?

Would she finally know true happiness without the shadow of Chad’s death to

darken her heart? Hope swelled inside her breast pressing out every doubt she

had until her entire body soared somewhere in the clouds and all she knew

was Edge’s touch on her body. Her senses were on fire. Her body was still

tight and heavy with need that made her pussy wet. He slowly released her

and stood up.

“Did you want to try Ian again?”

“Oh, yes. I forgot.” Ivy grabbed the phone and dialed her brother.

Edge paced to the window and stared out as if he inspected the night, his

hands stuffed into the front pockets of his jeans. What could he be thinking

about that made his eyebrows furrow like that? Ivy bit at her fingernail as she

mulled over what could be going though his mind.

Ian picked up on the second ring.


“Ian, it’s me. Can you spend the night here?” Ivy ran her hand over her

ponytail as she sat on the couch.

“What happened?” Ian’s voice was a low rumble, his tiger nature

growling to protect her even through the phone.

“I’ll explain when you get here.” Ivy glanced down and realized she was

still half naked. Edge still stood with his face to the window, but had crossed

his arms over his chest. She reached for the sweats.

“Are you alone? Why did you wait to call me until now, it’s already late.”

His voice was edged with anger. He was upset because he thought she was


“I’m not alone, just come over.” At the comment, Edge glanced over his

shoulder at her.

Ivy said goodbye and hung up, then dressed slowly to allow Edge’s gaze

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to linger over her body for a little longer. She enjoyed the way his attention

burned over her skin.

“That’s such a crime.”

“What?” She glanced around confused.

“Covering up all that delicious skin that I want to taste again.” Edge

growled and crossed the distance between them in a flash. He pinned her back

against the couch so quickly her head spun. Ivy wrapped her arms around his

neck tangling her fingers in his hair, and her legs latched around his waist,

cradling him with her body.

Ivy and Edge were so engrossed in a kiss that was changing into to

fondling again that they almost didn’t hear the knock on the door. Edge broke

off the kiss, and Ivy growled deep inside her throat as she tried to catch him

before he maneuvered away. Edge walked to the door.

Ivy sat up on the couch. Ian entered the door with his eyebrows raised

in obvious surprise as he glanced between Edge and Ivy.

“I should go, it’s late,” Edge said and started out the door.

Ivy fought the feeling of guilt that surged through her. She was no good

at relationships in general. Actually, she hadn’t had much experience at all.

Things moved so fast for a Were that she was usually in bed with a male before

she realized it had gone too far and wasn’t what she wanted. Another mating

rule fell into place as Ivy realized he made her feel wanted, and he had followed

all the rules, not to mention the way his hands moved over her body sent little

tingles of pleasure tripping up her center. She jumped up with tears of delight

in her eyes from how Edge had made her feel and rushed after him before he

made it off the porch.

“Edge, wait.” Her shaky voice betrayed her emotions.

Edge turned and gazed down into her eyes.

“Thank you.” She reached up to gently stroke the stubble on his cheek.

“You’re playing by all the rules.”

He cupped her face in his large strong hands and dipped his head to

place a soft kiss on her lips. Her heart tumbled over its self at the gentle act.

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Then he straightened and smiled.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at eight?” His eyes roamed over her face as if

searching for something.

Warmth enveloped her chest as love filled her up and she grinned.

“Eight.” She bit her lip between her teeth.

He stepped off the small porch, and Ivy stood watching until he climbed

on his motorcycle and roared off into the night.

Ivy shut the door with a sigh and locked the dead bolt. She leaned

against the wood and her heart beat hard. Edge was…Wow. Her thoughts

bubbled around her head and made her giddy, like a teenager in love.

A throat being cleared broke her revelry. That’s when she remembered


Ian’s smile stretched wide across his face showing his neat rows of white


“Told you so.” Ian’s hands were planted on hips, and he raised an

eyebrow, just daring her to contradict his statement.

“Ian, I don’t want to hear it.” He was so close she could hear his heart

beating, but her embarrassment at being caught had her fleeing up the stairs

with Ian close behind her.

“I can smell him all over you. Do you know what the living room smells

like?” He laughed as he ended the question, making it sound more rhetorical

than serious.

“I’m not listening, Ian.” She slammed her hands over her ears as she

raced toward the bathroom.

Ian plucked her off the carpet and hauled her into her bedroom where he

spun her around in his arms before he stared into her eyes.

“My baby sis got some.” He laughed as he spun her swinging her like

she was a child.

Ivy beat at Ian’s shoulders. Even as she began to laugh in amusement,

she fought it back trying not to allow all her happiness show. She socked him

in the chest.

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“Drop me now! You are such a male!” Ivy complained as Ian laughed and

plunked her butt on her bed.

“Admit it, you like him.” Ian poked her in the chest with his index finger.

“Say it, say it.” He put his hand to his ear. Suddenly Ian had turned into a

cub all over again teasing and aggravating her to no end.

Ivy fought the childish urge to stick her tongue out at him as she had

always done when they were cubs.

Ivy mumbled at him because she didn’t want to admit he had been right

about Edge.

“What? I couldn’t hear that, Iv. Louder please?”

Ivy jumped off the bed and socked him in the arm as hard as she could.

“Ow.” He rubbed his arm.

“Fine! You were right. He’s amazing.” She shook her hand to fend off

the soreness now coating her knuckles.

“Then why are you hitting me?” Ian whined like a cub, too.

“Because I hate it when you’re right.” She grabbed sleep clothes from

her bureau and stormed into the bathroom with a grin on her face.

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Chapter Five

Ivy stepped out of her bathroom and found Ian seated on her bed. He

had her high school yearbook open in his lap.

“You gonna’ tell me what happened?” He turned a page.

The stress Mark had brought settled back onto her shoulders.

She picked the note she had found taped to her door up off her dresser

and handed the paper to Ian. She clenched her jaw against the nausea that

seeing the note churned up inside her stomach.

“Mark left that on my door. What am I going to do?”

Ian straightened the note and smoothed the half sheet of paper out. His

eyes scanned the page, and his face turned red in anger as his lip pulled up in

a snarl.

“Not you, we. What are we going to do?” He crumpled the note and

pitched the paper into the wastebasket by the door. “I won’t leave you here

alone, but we need to catch him.” He ran his hand through his hair. That was

a sure sign he was frustrated. “God, Mark pisses me off.” He stood and paced

from the window to the doorway, his hands behind his back as he watched his


“We knew he might find you one day, but he’s not going to get to you. I

still don’t understand what was in the Alpha’s head when he made that deal

with the Werewolves.” He stopped in front of Ivy.

Ivy pulled Ian down to sit on the bed next to her and laid her head on his

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“He made the deal to keep me alive.” Ivy blew out a tired breath and

rubbed Ian’s back. She wanted him to calm down, there was nothing either of

them could do right now. Her eyes stung as tears of frustration tried to form.

She was so sick of everything that had transpired because she couldn’t control

herself. “How could the Alpha know that having me ostracized when I came of

age wouldn’t stop Mark from coming after me?”

“That’s a question no one can answer. The whole pack sat idly by for

years and allowed Mark to torment you. As if having to leave the pack wasn’t

bad enough, allowing Mark to harass you as a punishment was just uncalled

for, especially when none of them even lifted a finger to stop him.” Ian’s hands

fisted against his knees, his voice raw and rough with his anger. “The deal the

Alpha made can’t protect you anymore now that you’re out of pack territory. I

just thought Mark would take longer to find you.”

Hot tears ran silently down her cheeks. Hurt filled her chest because

everyone that had supposedly loved her, well, everyone but Ian, had stepped

aside and willingly allowed Mark harass her for the two years she’d had left at

her parent’s ranch…all in the name of punishment. The pain was like having

her essence ripped from her body. Her own family had permitted the

harassment even though females were supposed to be the most important

thing in the pack.

Ivy realized she was the only one who knew what actually happened that

night. Her memory tugged as the dream from last night started to replay inside

her head and all the missing pieces fell into place. No one besides her knew

what Chad had tried to do to her.

There was some law about killing humans, but at the time there had

been no preplanning with her tiger. Chad was going to rape her that night.

Fear so deep that the sensation chilled her even now had made her seize up in

terror. A memory of him ripping her panties from her hovered inside her head.

Her pack didn’t know Chad had been about to steal her virginity and Ivy hadn’t

remembered at the time. The pack medicine man had told her parents that the

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incident had traumatized her into blocking the memory of Chad’s death from


Ian’s fingers stroked through her damp hair.

“I just know I’ll have to kill Mark.” Ivy’s voice was barely a whisper. A

burning ache in her gut told her she would have to kill or be killed. Ivy wasn’t

prepared to do that, to take another life. “Ian, I remembered.”

Ian’s hand stopped stroking her hair now and the whole world seemed to

stop suddenly.

Ian didn’t breathe at all or at least she didn’t feel his rib cage expand

next to her.

“I remembered everything.” The room was so quiet she could have heard

a feather land on the floor.

Ian turned and gathered Ivy into his arms. A shame so deep that tears

formed in her eyes and choked her throat shuddered through her.

“He called me a ‘tiger whore’. He said I thought I was better than him.”

Ivy’s shoulders trembled at the remembrance of his words. He had known

what she was. That knowledge stuck out suddenly. “How could he have

known I was a tiger?” Bits and pieces of the story bumped around inside her

head. She didn’t want to tell him all the details, however, it would only make

him hurt worse. “You know, I’ve always known I killed him. I guess that’s why

I didn’t fight when they kicked me out of that pack.” Ivy still cried against Ian’s


“You know I can’t stand seeing you cry.” Ian’s voice was lower and

gentler than earlier when he had teased her. He shushed her now.

The front doorknob rattled. Then, a loud banging shook the downstairs

windows. Ivy quaked as her gaze shot to Ian for help.

“What do we do?” She bit her lip and more tears fell from her eyes.

Panic choked off her air as the banging escalated.

Ian’s face was a hard, cold mask, his mouth pulled tight into a white line

as he stood up and stepped over the book that had fallen to the floor.

Without a word, he stalked out of the room and down the stairs, fists

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clenched at his sides.

Instinct told her Mark was the one beating on her door. Ivy stayed close

on Ian’s heels even though anxiety tightened like a rope around her chest, she

couldn’t allow Ian to face Mark alone.

The person on the other side beat on the door and the wood creaked.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Ian threw the door open.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Ian crossed his arms over his chest

and glared at Mark.

Ivy snuck a peek at Mark’s face from behind her brother. Ivy’s stomach

sank to her shoes at the sight of Mark on her porch. His eyebrows were raised

in surprise that quickly melted into anger turning his face bright red.

“Get out of my way, Ian.” Mark raised his fists and held them in front of

him. They shook slightly and a glimpse Ivy could only think was fear crossed

across his dark eyes.

“Like hell I will. You threaten her, you threaten me.” Ian stepped

forward onto the porch.

Mark swung his arm toward Ian, the clenched fist aimed for Ian’s jaw.

Ian easily maneuvered out of the way, his arms dropped to his sides and his

big hands curled into fists. “Last warning, asshole. Leave my sister alone.”

Ian’s shoulders visibly tightened, and his face was a cold calm that Ivy had

only seen a few times in her life. Ian was ready to kill Mark.

“After what she did? Never.”

Without warning, Ian punched Mark in his square jaw. The skin on Ian’s

knuckles hitting the bone in Mark’s jaw made a loud thud sound that made Ivy


Mark stumbled back, his eyebrows raised and mouth slightly gaped open

as his hand flew to his jaw, and then, he fell to the ground. Ian pounced on

him landing square on his chest. Mark raised his hands in self defense as

Ian’s fists hit Mark’s unprotected body.

Ivy’s hands flew to her mouth as she rushed into the doorway, caught

between a gasp of worry and a cry of relief at seeing Ian pounding Mark into

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the cement.

Ivy stood in the doorway like she had in high school with her breath

caught in her throat as Ian pummeled Mark’s face and side.

Mark grunted in obvious pain each time Ian’s fist made contact, blood

gushed from Mark’s nose.

Blood scented the air, and Ivy reared her head in bloodlust. She wanted

a piece of Mark, too. Ivy panted as the aching pain of the change came over

her arms. Ivy cried out as she fought her tiger and orange fur sprouted on her

hands and forearms. She groaned as her fingers snapped and popped. Muscle

and bone shifted under her skin and her hands rounded into paws.

Icy fear kept Ivy in place staring at her paws. She had never partially

changed before and terror of the unknown froze her in place.

Ian glanced over his shoulder.

Mark took the opportunity to sucker punch Ian in the face and roll out

from under him. Mark scrambled to his feet and ran off into the dark night.

Ian sprinted after him.

“Ivy.” Edge grabbed her half formed hands.

Ivy gasped in surprise as his touch burned over her throbbing hands.

How was he here? Her brain couldn’t process him standing in front of her.

Ivy’s vision blinked between grey scale and color. She glanced down at her

monstrous hands as horror seeped into her brain and her chest constricted her

breath. A whimper came out of her throat as she locked gazes with Edge. Her

body arched backward and pain shot through her limbs ripping her paws from

Edge’s hands.

“Look at me, baby. Calm down, you’re safe.” Edge grabbed her face

between his large palms and tried to make her eyes lock with his as if he could

will the change away. Ivy couldn’t look at him as she fought for air above her

panic. She had to get more air into her lungs.

Ivy cried out as muscles shortened in her arms and legs pulling them

closer to her body, her spine snapped and lengthened as she fell to the floor

with a groan of pain that pulled her right out of Edge’s grasp. The thick orange

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striped fur burst from follicles all over her entire body enlarging her pores. She

panted as blood rushed through her signaling the end of the change.


She whipped her head toward the male voice and growled low in her


He held out his arms, palms facing out and slowly dropped to his knees

in front of her.

Ivy bared her fangs at him and pulled her paws under her in a low


“Ivy, it’s me. Edge. I know you know me. Your scent’s on me.” Edge

moved his hands closer to her, and she reared back with a hiss.

Ivy’s heart beat faster, her tiger smelled the blood from Mark’s nose that

had dripped onto the porch behind Edge and roared a loud warning growl at

him. She recognized Mark’s scent, but ignored her own. All she wanted was to

taste Mark’s blood. She tried to dart past Edge and out the door, but he side-

stepped in front of her. She swiped at his chest with her paw and snarled

baring her teeth in his face. If he wouldn’t move out of her way, she’d make

him move. Blood dripped from the scrape she’d made on his chest. Ivy’s

tongue lolled out of her mouth for a minute and dripped with saliva. Oh, she

wanted to taste hot blood. The need made her insides burn with an almost

sexual desire.

She lunged at him, lowering her head and butting him in the stomach.

His arms came around her, then slipped under her shoulders and as

they fell, he maneuvered with his legs and ended up above her.

Ivy’s face and front paws hit the pavement, and she groaned at the pain

that shot through her head.

Edge pinned her to the ground with his forearm and dug into the fur at

the back of her neck. His thighs pinned her shoulders down. Rage made Ivy

roar again, and she tried to buck him off her back. She wanted blood and right

at that moment anyone’s would do.

He had a fistful of fur and cinched down to keep her in place.

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Ivy’s vision was a wash of red as anger made her bare her fangs, her

paws scratched at the slippery tile floor trying to find purchase.

Edge planted his hands on either side of her head and she snapped at

his fingers.

A whiff of her scent drifted over her senses and something snapped like a

twig off a dry tree inside her rioting brain.

Mate. Mine.

Ivy stopped fighting and settled onto the floor as Ian stormed onto the


“Get off my sister!” Ian rushed at Edge dropping his shoulder like a

football player and plowing him off Ivy’s back.

Edge’s hand tugged at the ruff of her neck pulling out a small chunk of

fur. Ivy growled at the sharp pinch of pain. Edge’s hand slipped from her fur

and Ian and Edge tumbled to the floor.

Ivy jumped up onto all four feet and turned quickly toward the

scrambling males. She threw her head back and a loud angry roar ripped from

her throat grabbing Ian and Edge’s attention like she had doused them both in

cold water.

At some point, they had made it to their feet, and Ian’s hands clutched at

her mate’s torn shirt. Both males’ eyebrows hovered around their hairlines,

both were flushed from anger and exertion, and their mouths gaped at the long

feral noise that rent the air around them.

Everyone froze as she forced her way between Edge and Ian. She faced

off with her brother, growling at him, she bared her fangs. She kept Edge

behind her body by planting herself in front of him and tried to push him back

with the weight of her form. The instinct to protect her mate swelled up inside

her chest and adrenaline surged through her body.

Edge dropped to his knees next to her. His large hands thrust into the

fur at the back of her neck. Ivy purred, keeping a wary eye on Ian and leaned

into Edge.

“Sorry, Ian. Bloodlust over came her.” Edge stroked Ivy’s fur and she

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closed her eyes, allowing his fingers to awaken her skin. Contentment filled

her core like sun on a clear day.

“She doesn’t change a lot.” Ian’s gaze roamed over Ivy and Edge while

something that could have been awe lingered in his eyes.

“Why?” Edge scratched behind her ears, and she purred deep in her

throat as warmth and desire filled her limbs. Edge’s hands were so good

grazing through her fur. She could orgasm with him scratching her. The only

thing she could even compare the scratching to was when his hands stroked

over her naked flesh.

“I can’t tell you that. That’s Ivy’s business.” Ian shoved his hands into

his pockets and leaned his back against the nearest wall.

Ivy’s body melted into a puddle on the floor as she completely relaxed

and willed the change. She stretched as the muscles of her arms and legs

lengthened. Ivy’s hip bones popped as they realigned into her female form.

Her neck cracked as her spine shortened and reformed. Her fur disappeared

back into her skin, and her body quaked with small tremors inside her aching

muscles as the changed stopped.

“Ow, that hurts.” Ivy unclenched her sore hands as Edge stripped off his

shirt, and she sat up. He helped her pull the shirt on over her head. Edge’s

shirt engulfed her small frame. Ivy inhaled the rich spicy smell on Edge’s shirt

into her senses and committed the smell of her mate to memory.

Edge pushed her tangled hair away from her face and gazed into her


She rubbed the sore muscles in her thighs and Edge helped her to stand.

Ivy glanced at him.

The caramel skin of his well-muscled chest glowed in the light of the

entryway. Edge’s pecs and abs were defined and smooth like someone had

drawn them on him. His arms were muscular and thick.

Ivy couldn’t help the warm rush of desire that slicked the folds between

her legs. Ivy ran her tongue over her lips slowly wetting them even though she

wrapped her arms around her waist.

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“Why are you here, Edge?” Ian came to stand beside Ivy and wrapped

his arm around her.

Edge’s nostrils flared when Ian made contact with Ivy’s shoulder and

tension entered his upper body.

“I was worried about her. I thought you two might need help.” Edge

took a step forward.

“We’re not part of your pack.” Ian squeezed Ivy’s shoulder in a firm grip

as if reassuring her.

“Doesn’t matter if you’re pack. You’re Were. Pack or not, we’re all part of

the same family.” Edge shoved his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans.

His face was flushed with what Ivy guessed was annoyance, because his

eyebrow was arched.

“Thanks. I’m staying the night and I don’t think Mark will come back. I

banged him up pretty good.” Ian stroked a hand over Ivy’s shoulder and upper


“Can I have a minute with Ivy?” Edge’s gaze never left Ian, but his gaze

seemed to burn her just the same.

She was hyper-aware of Edge’s presence in her home at that moment.

Ivy’s chest tightened with now familiar panic at the thought of Mark coming

back to her home, but the slickness between her thighs made her remember

the small battle she’d had with Edge. When Edge subdued her, Ivy could have

orgasmed right there. For some reason, his dominance didn’t bother her. His

dominant maleness excited her.

Mate. Mine.

Ian glanced down at Ivy and she nodded. Ian released her shoulder and

stepped into the kitchen.

Edge visibly relaxed with Ian out of the room.

He stepped in front of Ivy, and she had to tip her head back to look at

him. He hunched over until they were mere inches apart. Edge pulled her

hands from around her waist and rubbed them gently.

“Are you okay?” His deep, gentle voice sent goose bumps over her body

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that heated her blood and her tiger purred.

“I will be.” Ivy’s gaze never left his cerulean eyes.

“I want you to know I’m here if you need me.” Edge’s callused hand

caressed hers sending heat licking at her insides. Joy flooded through her

body and sealed up all the little cracks of hurt Mark had caused.

“Okay.” Ivy didn’t know what to say. She fell end over end into the

smoldering, ocean depths of his eyes. The world around her receded until she

and Edge were the only ones left. So much had happened, but he was here

caring for her. Edge literally gave her the shirt off his back. She didn’t deserve



Edge leaned in closer and brushed his lips against hersthe barest of

touches that made her body burn into a slow rolling lava flow that started in

her core and radiated out into her extremities. Her arms snaked around his

neck and hugged him closer.

“Do you want me to stay?” His soft whisper brushed over her lips.

Ivy kissed him quickly and broke away. If she didn’t get away from him,

she would never let him go. Her body was ablaze with desire that leaked out of

her pussy and slicked her inner thighs. She wanted him to sate that need so

badly it was like a roaring train thundering through her body.

“No. I’ll be okay. Ian’s staying.” She clenched her hands in front of her

to stop them from reaching out and pulling him back to her needy body.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Edge’s finger brushed across her cheek.

“Yes. Tomorrow.”

Edge walked to the front door and left her standing in the hallway. The

door shut and he was gone.

Ivy lifted her hand and her fingers glided over her kiss-swollen lips.

Ian came out of the kitchen, but before he could speak, she did.

“I’m going to bed.” She kissed him on the cheek and then raced upstairs

needing to put as much space between her and the hallway as possible. She

ignored Ian as he called for her. Instead, she shut and locked her bedroom

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Ivy fell on the bed and tears of frustration spilled down her cheeks. She

had attacked Edge. How was he ever going to see her as a mate? He was so

male, strong and confident. Ivy was weak and out of control in her tiger form.

She hiccupped through a sob as she mentally beat herself up and prayed for

answers. Ivy wanted him so much her heart was near exploding with untapped

desire for him. She climbed under the covers of her bed and curled up into a

ball as exhaustion finally took hold of her body and she fell asleep.


Edge spent the next day doing anything and everything he could to

distract himself as he waited for eight o’clock. His dreams the previous night

were filled with visions of Ivy beneath him, of her soft pants against his ear as

he took her over and over.

Edge woke with his body ablaze and the hardest erection he’d ever had.

He could not alleviate the strain. Instead, he took a cold shower and prayed for

the day to pass quickly.

Edge was busy pretending to sort through paperwork when Ian strolled

into The Haven.

“Edge.” Ian placed his hands flat on the counter.

“What?” Edge nearly snapped his teeth at Ian. He hadn’t appreciated

the way Ian had come between him and Ivy last night. Edge sure as hell wasn’t

happy to see him now. He was an Alpha, and this was his pack territory.

Anything that went on with Were-tigers was his business, and Ian had acted

like Edge was the one in the wrong. If the Were in question had been anyone

besides Ivy, maybe he could have released the anger inside him. Ivy was his

mate, and he wasn’t about to allow some other male to handle his mate’s

business. Edge really didn’t care if that male was her twin or not.

“I’m here about my sister…”

Edge stopped shuffling and glanced up at Ian. Edge’s eyebrows were

creased, his eyes squinted with his aggravation. Edge unconsciously ground

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his teeth back and forth.

“What about Ivy?” The words came out a raw growl.

“I can’t just let you have her.” Ian leaned his hip against the counter and

crossed his arms over his chest. He had a grin on his face.

Edge crumbled the papers on the desk into his fist. After everything that

had happened last night, Ian dared to come to him like this? The stupid cub

had balls this size of grapefruit. Ian knew Edge was the Alpha and he still

challenged him? Edge was ready to shred Ian where he stood and carve that

damn smug look off his face.

Even so, Edge knew by the tone of Ian’s voice that he would have to

prove himself worthy of Ivy. Another part of the dance in the mating ritual.

Ian wanted to issue a challenge to prove that Edge was a male worthy of

mating with his sister. To be worthy, Edge would have to best Ian in tiger


Edge clenched his jaw allowing the muscles there to tick under his skin,

but said nothing. He already cared for Ivy, and if this was what Edge needed to

do to be with her, then he’d fight Ian. Edge tossed the papers onto the desk as

he came around the counter.

“Let’s do it.” Edge headed past Ian.

“Whoa, just like that? Let’s do it?” Ian’s eyebrows were raised and a

slight blush colored his cheeks. This pleased Edge and brought his anger back

down to a gentle rumble in his chest instead of the loud pounding in his ears it

had been before he saw Ian’s reaction. So the young cub wasn’t stupid after

all, he was a little afraid of Edge. Good.

“Yeah, Ian, just like that.” Edge growled and held his hands out. “She’s

my mate and if I have to prove myself to you, I’ll do it. Let’s go.”

“Lead on, my brother. Let’s see what you’ve got.” That phrase made

Edge almost turn on Ian. He’d changed his mind…the cub was stupid. Ian

followed Edge down the hall.

The training area was the size of a small gym. Edge pulled his shirt over

his head as he walked through the doorway and tossed it onto a waiting bench.

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“Damn, boy, you are serious, aren’t you?” Ian grinned as he pulled the

door closed and locked it.

“I never joke when it comes to something I want. I already care about

her, Ian, and tonight’s the mating moon.” Edge unzipped his jeans and pulled

off his shoes. After he had undressed, Edge stretched his arms over his head

as his bones began to crack and reform into shortening limbs. His body shifted

as heavy muscles formed down his hips and shoulders. His claws sprang from

his fingertips as they rounded into paws. He groaned as the change came over

him. Finally, Edge stood in white tiger form.

He stalked to the far side of the room, head lowered and shoulders tight.

While he waited for Ian to change, he took in deep breaths of air to center

himself and erase his anger. Ian, being Ivy’s twin, was important to Edge

because he was a part of Ivy in a sense. He didn’t want to hurt the cub, just

win the challenge and put Ian in his place. At the same time, to do that, he

had to have his head on straight.

Ian quickly removed his clothes and shifted. He was a black and orange

stripped like his twin. Even their markings were similar.

Ian growled low then worked up into a loud roar of the challenge, loud

and long, and Edge responded by doing the same.

The challenge made and accepted.

Edge and Ian walked a wide circle opposite each other around the room,

both proud chests puffed up, heads held high while Edge growled low in his

throat. Edge’s shoulders were tight with the need to fight and alleviate some of

his still burning anger. He planned as he stalked Ianhell, he could take the

cub. Edge was faster than Ian, but he needed to allow Ian to think he

controlled the challenge.

Anticipation made Edge’s breath move quickly out his nostrils. The

battle coming would be so sweet, and he would savor every minute of it

because this was for Ivy, his mate. The challenge was more important than

anything else had been in his whole life. Edge waited as he circled the room

opposite Ian. The stalking lasted for several minutes and then the muscles in

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Ian’s front legs tightened right before he lunged at Edge.

Edge bunched his own leg muscles and pushed off the mat. He collided

with Ian, their chests bumping into a mesh of orange and white fur. The air

rushed out of Edge’s lungs in a quick burst, before he breathed in deep and

gritted his teeth.

Ian growled a low rolling rumble as he slashed at Edge with his extended


Edge hissed in pain as Ian’s claws scored down his front leg and pain

shot through his leg. He jumped away from Ian and crouched to wait for Ian to

get back on his feet. Edge’s heartbeat raced as he anticipated Ian’s attack.

Ian growled and lunged again. They struggled through the dance of the

fight. Ian’s large paws swatted at Edge’s head and legs.

Edge knocked Ian back by head-butting him in the stomach.

Ian’s back paws slid backward. An Oof of air left his chest, and his front

claws scratched at Edge’s back. Ian tried to regain his balance as Edge dug in

with his paws trying to pin Ian to the ground to end the fight.

Ian managed to avoid the pin.

Edge whipped his head to the side and snapped his teeth together, barely

missing Ian’s neck. The scent glands between Edge’s claws secreted his dark

spiced marking scent, which was only ramping up Edge’s anger and making

him sloppy.

Ian roared and slashed Edge across the shoulder with his four inch


The slashes burned as if acid had been dripped on his skin, and the

smell of the metallic tang of his own blood encouraged Edge’s impatience.

Edge bared his fangs and hissed at Ian in an attempt to discourage the cub’s

attack. Edge was a patient tiger, but he had had enough of this fight. The

stupid cub had Edge’s ire burning so hot under his skin that the hold on his

temper was ready to shatter like a rock through a plate glass window.

Edge circled around Ian, lunged and retreated to throw Ian off and mess

with his head. Ian’s muscles were tight in his legs and shoulders, and the

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younger tiger jumped every time Edge came at him. It was time to end the


Edge lunged in for the kill, toppling Ian to the ground.

Ian grunted as Edge took him down, but thrashed, trying to strike Edge

with his unfurled claws.

Edge and Ian struggled, claws scratching deep, both pulling off clumps of

fur and drawing blood.

Ian twisted left and right pushing at Edge’s shoulder with his head while

Ian tried to get his paws under Edge far enough to claw the more vulnerable

soft fur of Edge’s belly.

Finally, with a deafening roar that made even Edge’s ears pulse from the

sound, Edge forced Ian’s shoulders back against the ground until Edge was

settled on top of Ian, pinning the cub. Edge opened his jaws wide and wrapped

his mouth around Ian’s throat.

Ian roared and the sound rumbled Edge’s teeth that were now locked on

either side of Ian’s throat.

The razor sharp points dug into the soft fur, and blood, sharp and sweet,

twanged against Edge’s tongue. Edge gently shook Ian by the throat making

sure to leave marks of his dominance on Ian’s skin.

Ian’s body went slack, his struggling paw fell away from Edge’s body and

a quiet whimper sounded through the gym.

Edge jumped up as soon as Ian stilled completely. Edge stalked away

from Ian back toward his clothing. His smug satisfaction radiated through his

body removing the last of his remaining anger at Ian.

Ian changed slowly. His bones reformed with an audible snap and his

orange-stripped fur pulled back away from his skin almost as if peeling away a

layer of Ian’s form. Ian stood and raised his hands high over his head

stretching out his muscles.

Edge quickly brought his own change about, gasping when his own

bones snapped. As he stood, his fur receded down his body.

Ian touched his fingers to his neck, and his fingers came away smeared

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with his own blood.

Edge couldn’t help but grin at the expression of surprise on Ian’s face.

Had the cub honestly thought Edge would not mark Ian well enough for him to


“Okay, you’re worthy.” Ian laughed as if the whole challenge was

dismissed. Ian retrieved his shirt from the floor and used it to wipe away the

blood on his neck.

Edge just smirked that the cub would now tell him he was worthy. Of

course he was worthy, Edge was an Alpha, and he couldn’t be anything but


Ian fastened his jeans and pulled on his blood-streaked T-shirt.

“Nobody hurts her and gets away with it. Got it?” Ian’s voice lost all of

his usual humor. Edge paused in pulling on his clothes to stare at the younger


“I promise you, Ian, I intend to take care of her. Ivy’s specialthe one,

my mate. She’s amazing.” Edge shook his head in disbelief, he couldn’t believe

he’d finally found his mate.

“Yeah, you just remember that.” Ian strode toward Edge. “I’m outta’

here. I’ll see you tonight. You picking her up?”

Edge nodded. “Ian?”

Ian paused and glanced over his shoulder.

“I want to know what happened to Ivy when she was younger.” Edge

pulled his pants into place.

Ian’s shoulders stiffened as he turned toward Edge.

“Can’t tell you that. You have to ask Ivy.” Ian acted like what Edge had

said was no big deal as Ian leaned against the door and folded his arms over

his chest. Ian’s body language lied.

Edge could see the weariness in Ian’s eyes. He blew out an irritated

breath. He was happy that Ian would protect his sister, but it would make it

harder to help Ivy. Edge could easily find out by making a few calls to the

Alpha of their pack, but he wanted Ivy to trust him enough to tell him on her

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own. Edge had hoped he could get some clues about her secret from Ian.

“She won’t change because of what happened to her. I’m right, aren’t I?”

Edge settled his hands on his hips as he examined Ian’s body languagehis

stance, the tight lines around his mouth, his clenched jawfor any signs to

lead him to the answer he sought.

“I. Can’t. Tell. You. Just let it go.” Ian’s color was getting ruddier with

the slow anger Edge saw in his eyes.

Ian clapped him on the back and walked out the door without another


Edge sighed as the door clicked shut behind him.

At least Edge had a true right to Ivy now. He had battled a male of her

family and won. His shirt scraped over his wounded arm and, as the cloth

made contact with the raw wound, he hissed in pain

He hoped Ivy would see the challenge for what it wasan important

tradition between families and packsand be proud that he had won the right

to pursue her as his mate. Edge pulled over the collar of his shirt and

inspected the cut in the mirror. He decided to head for the nurse’s station for

some antibiotics and maybe a good-sized bandage. With his Were healing

abilities, it would close up soon, but he wanted to make sure he didn’t risk

infection. As he walked though The Haven to the nurse’s station near the

lobby, he couldn’t help but wonder what kind of secret Ivy had hidden.


Ivy stared at the phone as it sat on the counter of her kitchen island.

She wanted to talk to her parents. After everything that had happened, she

was still the baby of the family, and the turmoil that had become her life made

her yearn to hear her mother’s light and song-like voice or her father’s deep

rumble. Either one would do. She just needed to feel some kind of connection

with her family.

Even though she’d been kicked out of the pack she still kept in regular

contact with her family. She just couldn’t be in the pack territory and was no

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longer recognized as a pack member. All that aside she still needed to hear her

mother’s voice.

Was she strong enough to talk to her mother without breaking down on

the phone? Her parents couldn’t come down and help her with Mark, even if

they wanted to. The pack wouldn’t kick out her family for visiting her or

talking to her on the phone, but if they lifted a finger to defend her, the pack

would draw the line.

Ivy picked up the phone and hit the speed dial. It only rang twice before

her mother answered.

“It’s Ivy, Mama.”

“Baby, how are you? I’ve missed you so much.”

Ever since she and Ian had moved to the city a few years ago her mother

acted like they had moved to China instead of San Francisco. Mom constantly

worried over Ivy and Ianher twins, who were the youngest in a family of

seven. Ivy, having been born last by a mere three minutes, was the baby of the


“I’m fine, Mom. I just wanted to call and talk to you for a few minutes.”

Ivy walked over to her couch and curled up next to the armrest. Her mother’s

voice sent a gentle wave of warmth over her, soothing her tense nerves.

“Ivy, tonight’s the full moon. Are you going out?” Ivy winced at the

question. Her mother haunted her children about the mating moon, the

unattached ones, anyway. Only the truth would appease her mother.

“Yes, I am.” She sighed low and quiet so her mother wouldn’t hear her.

Always the same question. Even though she was the baby, her mother couldn’t

wait for her to meet a male.

Some of her older sisters were mated and in the process of providing

grandchildren for her parents. Her mom and dad were overjoyed at the

prospect of more cubs on the ranch.

Ivy’s heart ached as she realized her cubs would never be at her parent’s

ranch because she had been banished.

“Oh, how wonderful. Harold.” Ivy pulled the phone away from her ear at

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her mother’s loud yell. Ivy nearly laughed, her mother was usually so proper

with her near-perfect manners, her voice had raised an octave with excitement.

“Ivy’s met someone! Pick up the other line.” Goosebumps broke out on Ivy’s

skin at the thought of having to talk with her father about Edge. She had

always been her daddy’s little girl and having to discuss a male with him made

her nervous.

“Iv, hello? What guy?” Her father’s voice boomed into the phone. Ivy

smiled at his loud voice, but bit her fingernail.

“He’s named Edge.” She wondered what had made her call her parents

with this information. Deep down she knew she would always need their

approval in some form. Ivy took a deep breath and told them about Edge’s

work he did at The Haven with the younger males.

Ivy’s dad mumbled in approval. “Ian called earlier and mentioned

something about a worthy male, is this the same guy?”

“What do you mean worthy male?” Ivy’s gut clenched with an instinctual

weariness, and she took a deep breath to brace herself for the answer she did

not want to hear.

“I thought Ian told you…” Her dad said, but her mother remained silent

on the other end. The silence told her all she needed to know.

“Oh, Daddy.” Ivy groaned as irritation made her gut ache with worry.

“He didn’t! Tell me Ian didn’t challenge Edge.”

Challenging a prospective mate was an old tradition. A male in the

female’s family challenged a prospective male and judged him worthy of their

femalean old, stupid tradition, in her opinion.

Ivy gritted her teeth and clenched her fingers around the phone. Anger

made her face burn, and she stood up to pace the living room. She would kill

Ian. “I don’t need Ian to judge males for me,” she growled into the phone.

“Don’t talk to your father like that. Ian did what was proper. You should

be proud of him, that he would honor you that way.” Her mother’s voice was

stiff and chiding.

Ivy rubbed a hand over her face and prayed no one got hurt during the

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challenge. “I’m sorry. I just get so frustrated with Ian sometimes. He’s just

such a male.” Ivy unclenched her teeth and tried not to growl at her mother.

She took a few slow deep breaths letting the air in and out of her lungs until

some semblance of calm returned. Ivy plunked down on the couch with her

forehead in her palm.

“Ivy, you have to understand about the challenge, it’s just our way.” Ivy’s

dad was always the peacemaker.

“I know. I just…” She squeezed her eyes shut and her shoulders

slumped. Defeat made her breathing a little shaky. There was no sense

arguing with them. They were as hardheaded as Ian.

“Now, Iv, you go on and have a good time tonight. This Edge sounds like

a good Were.”

“All right, Daddy.” Ivy rubbed her index finger and thumb over the

bridge of her nose. This phone conversation gave her a headache.

“I’m going to get off the line, love you, pumpkin.”

“Love you, too.” The phone clicked.

“It’s a full moon, baby, don’t forget it’s when we are closest with our

tigers. Our hormones and our bodies match chemically with our mate’s.”

Ivy tried not to groan in exasperation. Her mother was on a roll today

and here came the history lesson.

Suddenly Ivy was thirteen-years-old again and they were having “the sex

talk” for the first time. Ivy breathed slowly to calm herself, but listened

obediently. This stuff was important to her mother and she only had Ivy’s best

interest in mind, which made being mad difficult.

“That’s why you can only get pregnant on a full moon after you’ve met

your mate. It’s such a magical time.” Her mother sounded wistful, maybe she

was remembering when she met Ivy’s father. “Plus, it’s tradition for males and

females to enjoy each other. Anyway, I’ll let you go, call me later, okay?”

“Okay, bye.”

Ivy replaced the phone in the cradle and ran her hands through her limp

hair. That’s what happened when you were the baby, everyone watched out for

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you and everyone knew your business. Ivy stood and headed for the stairs as

her mother’s words repeated inside her head. “It’s the full moon, it’s tradition.”

Ever since she was a little girl she had known the full moon was special,

but it wasn’t until she reached puberty that she had realized the significance.

Her mother threw parties and barbeques at the full moon. Everyone had

celebrated and all but danced naked in the moonlight. As a child, Ivy had

watched from her window as everyone laughed and males and females left

hand in hand at the end of the night.

When Ivy was older, she found out what couples did when they left the

festivities. One night, she followed her sister and her sister’s boyfriend. Of

course, her sister was several years her senior, but Ivy watched as they became

so engrossed in each that they didn’t even hear her creep into the barn. Ivy

had been shocked at first and a little scared to see the boy pawing at her sister,

until she realized her sister wanted the boy to touch her like that. Things

slowly began to click into place, and when they consummated the fondling with

sex Ivy had been excited.

The urge to celebrate the full moon was embedded in all Weres, and Ivy

was no different. She had never found a way to celebrate the mating moon

correctly. Her memory of the full moon was clouded with Chad’s death. She

just couldn’t seem to get past that fact that she’d killed him on a full moon. Ivy

wanted to push away the past because being with Edge for the full moon would

be glorious.

She decided to take a shower and get ready for her date.

Maybe she’d dress up. Ivy liked the idea of Edge seeing her dressed up.

She could show off her body to him, tease him maybe with a tight shirt and a

short skirt. She slipped on her robe and wrapped her short hair in a towel to

dry. In her room she sorted through her clothes in search of the perfect outfit.

There were so many different things she could wear, but she wanted to look

sexy, and more than that she wanted to feel sexy. Ivy wanted to forget all

about Mark tonight and just enjoy being with Edge.

Tonight would be the night for her to be bolder than usualher

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hormones were already ramping up making her skin tingle.

Ivy headed back to the bathroom and toweled her hair. Rubbing gel in

her hands she messed up the back of her hair until it stuck out everywhere.

Then she blow dried the front and fixed her bangs so they lay above her eyes.

Ivy searched for her favorite black skirt. The skirt came just above her knees

and fit kind of snug around her hips. She couldn’t bring herself to drag on

nylons, they just seemed so…well not her. The skirt would have to be enough.

Ivy found a shimmery silver blouse that would show off some of her

cleavage and after donning her plunging bra, slid the blouse over her head.

She had just bought a new pair of gorgeous strappy, black sandals last week

that looped around the ankle and made her calves look fabulous. She opened

the shoe box and inhaled that wonderful new shoe smell. Ivy didn’t indulge in

things like that often, but she had a weakness for a sexy pair of shoes.

Ivy gently pulled the shoes from the white tissue paper like they were a

rare treasure she had unearthed in some ancient city. She sat on the end of

her bed and buckled the clasp on each shoe.

Ivy admired herself in the full-length mirror. Pleased with the picture

she made, she donned a little bit of make up, just some eyeliner and lip-gloss.

Most males liked the natural look and she didn’t even own perfume. With a

male’s heightened sense of smell, the shower gel would be enough. The musky

scent of a woman was important on the full moon.

When a female’s hormones kicked in and her chemistry aligned with the

tiger, the wet desire between her thighs became an aphrodisiac to a male. A

female’s scent was stronger, headier, so much so that sometimes even human

males couldn’t resist the call.

A chill went up her spine, and she shivered. Was she really doing this?

Ivy could only imagine the pure passion and sexual heat she could find

with Edge tonight.

As the sun set, the pull of the full moon on her body became a constant

ache in her belly. Her skin tingled, and the fine hairs on her body stood up.

Her nipples were hard from the simple contact of the fabric against them.

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Ivy brushed a hand over her breasts, her nipples beaded beneath the

fabric of her bra. Her breasts were hot, full and achy.

Ivy studied her reflection. She was either strong willed or stupid. She

had been attacked twice in less than twenty-four hours, so she needed to let

the moon fill her and bring her to life sexually. Being a sexual Were on the full

moon, stepping out of her fears and throwing away the memories of that

horrible night was what she needed most. She wanted to banish the anger and

the fear and fill that dead place inside her with passion and heat.

For so long she had been alone, despite the efforts of her twin to find her

a male. She had preferred life alone. For a long time she had wallowed in

Chad’s death, but Ian was right. The time had come to stop fearing that the

sins of the past would catch up with her and just start living.

When Ivy had moved out on her own, fear became a shadow over her

heart and her personality. She would always have to hide from everyone. Ivy

walked slowly down the stairs careful not to twist an ankle in the three-inch


Ivy wanted to live with Ian, but he was a male. He needed his space to

explore his life and find a mate. Males were always restless, that was a part of

their nature. The restlessness made them wild, but a good female, a mate,

calmed them down, made them less aggressive and helped them to focus that


Weres mated and settled down for life. Ivy wanted that for Ian. She

wanted that for herself. She should have been sowing her wild oats all these

years, too, and looking for a mate. But the fear that she would hurt a male

had stopped her.

Ivy always thought she held Ian back. No more.

Now it was her turn to explore life. Last night with Edge had just

emphasized how much she wanted a male.

The doorbell rang.

She looked out the peephole to see Edge fussing with his shirt. Her heart

jumped in anticipation of what they would do tonight and at the little glimpse

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of him through the door. Ivy smoothed a hand down her short skirt and

unlocked the door. She pulled the door open gave him a shy smile.

“Hi.” Her voice was so quiet it could have been a whisper.

“Hey. You look great.” His gaze raked her from head to toe heating her

skin as it passed over her.

She blushed and stood there slowly taking in his image. Edge was

dressed in black jeans and a white T-shirt that stretched across his gorgeous

chest. He wore biker boots and held a black helmet in his hand.

“You ready?”

Ivy stared at his freshly shaven face as his blue eyes locked with hers.

He was more than handsome, and the air in her lungs seemed to disappear for

a minute.

“Yeah, um, let me get my purse,” she finally managed after she was able

to breathe again. Ivy’s mind tumbled with an image of Edge’s golden body

naked on her large bed, stretched out as his erection bobbed against his

stomach. Heat pooled between her thighs and dampness started to seep from

her body.

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Chapter Six

Edge waited at the door, one hand shoved in his pocket, the other

holding his extra helmet.

Ivy looked like a goddess. She wore her short blond hair all spiked up in

the back. It made her look wild and made Edge’s body heat with anticipation

of what the night and the full moon would bring.

Her legs were long and gently muscled even though she was petite. Her

legs looked even better from under that tight black skirt than they had when

pounding into the dirt track the day before. He wondered how those long legs

would feel wrapped around his waist. Would they be strong and firm as they

squeezed above his hip bones?

How hot would her core be as she writhed beneath him and her body

flushed with heat and passion?

He inhaled deep to catch her lingering scent. She smelled like midnight.

Edge’s cock stiffened suddenly with a rush of blood. Her scent heated his

blood and stuck in his nostrils. A smile lifted the corners of his mouth as

excitement took hold of him and shook him hard upsetting his careful exterior.

His tiger growled a low rumble that filled his head until it was all he could

hear. Edge sensed her returning from the kitchen even before she came back

into the doorway twisting her keys back and forth between her delicate fingers.

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“Okay, ready.” She closed and secured the door.

He handed her the helmet and her eyes widened, and her face paled.

Her brows creased and her mouth turned down.

“I’m not wearing that.”

“No one gets on my bike without one.” Her shoulders shimmied slightly,

then, she straightened them and lifted her chin.

“Well, I’m not getting on that thing. I’ll drive myself.” She tossed the

helmet back at him.

“Ivy, you can’t drive yourself. This is a date, and I’m supposed to be

picking you up. Come with me.” He stepped toward her.

“No.” She stepped back.

“Why not?” He stepped forward again with a slowly sexy smile to try and

soften her nervousness.

“B-Because.” Her slightly golden complexion was now a pale white and

she backed up against her car.

There was fear in her eyes as she stared at the motorcycle. She seemed

to be searching for a reason not to get on the bike.

“I’m in a skirt!”

“Ivy.” He leaned in so close her breast brushed against his chest.

“What?” she snapped and raised her head, glaring at him.

“Ride with me.” Edge made a low purring sound in the back of his

throat. This close to her, the heat off her body soaked into ever fiber of his

being. “Please.”

Ivy shook her head and placed her hands on the wall of his chest. Edge

noticed that her hands shook.

“Why are you so afraid?” He brought his hand up to touch her face. He

gently stroked the back of his hand down her cheek.

She stiffened at the contact and her scent was the only thing he could

smell. The fragrance stirred a slow burn inside his groin bringing his cock

awake and stiffening it with each pulse of his rapidly beating heart. Oh, yeah,

it was definitely a full moon.

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“I’ll keep you safe, beautiful.” Edge caressed her soft skin until she

leaned into his hand and rubbed her cheek against his palm. Edge’s tiger

purred at the smooth skin of her cheek and her reaction to him.

“I promise.” He realized their faces were just inches apart now. Edge

wanted this female so badly his blood heated his entire body as it tore through

him sensitizing his skin. He lowered his head and brushed her lips with his.

Little sparks of electricity tingled through his lips as he gently rubbed

them across hers.

Edge wrapped his arms around her as she melted against him, her

hands caressed his chest petting him.

He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, and she parted for him.

Ivy sighed against his mouth as he gently thrust inside with his tongue.

Her taste was sweet like mint, and he savored her flavor by stroking his tongue

deep across hers. Slowly, he plunged and retreated tempting her tongue to


Gently, Edge broke the kiss and stepped back

“Come with me?” He offered her his hand.

She nodded in response and stepped away from her car. Her cheeks

were flushed a nice rosy pink, her lips were full and parted, plump from his


His body ached with need as he watched her stare at him through her

lush, brown lashes, her cheeks were flushed with blood. Edge smelled her

deep musky scent on the cool night air.

Edge handed her the helmet and helped her fasten the buckle before he

adjusted his own. He swung his leg over the large black cruiser and stood the

motorcycle up off the kickstand. Edge started the bike and used his thighs to

balance the weight. Then, he reached for Ivy.

She grasped his hand, her palm slightly damp from her nerves and tried

as delicately as possible to place her leg over the bike.

Edge grinned inside his helmet at the sight of her trying to be ladylike.

When she was finally seated, he showed her where the pegs were and grabbed

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the handlebars. What would her reaction be when he turned on the

motorcycle? He revved the engine, and her arms tightened around his waist.

She cinched up close behind him, and he groaned as her thighs came

around his hips.

His body throbbed with arousal as her firm breasts crushed against his


“The helmets have microphones. Are you ready?” Edge toed down,

shifting to put the motorcycle in first.

“Oh…I’m ready,” she said with a little more determination in her voice.

“Hold on, beautiful.” Edge eased off the clutch as he revved the motor.

Gently they eased out of the parking lot. He pulled out into traffic, and she

gasped again, her arms tightening around his waist.

They made their way through town to the nightclub where they would

meet Ian.

Edge was glad that he had been able to talk her onto the bike despite her

obvious fear of motorcycles. Maybe if she trusted him, she’d confide in him.

He would just have to bide his time until he could ask her about Mark and her

shaded past.

Ivy exhaled the deep breath she had been holding as they pulled to a

stop. Being on the back of the motorcycle was unreal, so freeing as the wind

whipped past her bare arms. Was that what flying was like? The wind had

tickled over her thighs and up her skirt like fingers teasing over her skin.

Edge parked next to the curb, backing into the space. He held the bike

still so she could climb off the motorcycle.

“I’m sorry, I acted so silly.” Ivy kept her gaze down staring at her new

shoes as if she was admiring them instead of embarrassed. Ivy suddenly felt


“Sorry for what?”

Was he serious? Surely he remembered her acting like an idiot over

riding a motorcycle. She stared at him, her brain turning back through the

scene by her car just moments ago, trying to decide what to say.

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“About the motorcycle…”

“Don’t worry about that. Everyone’s afraid of something.” He acted as if

this was nothing at all.

She watched him. No grumbling, no yelling, nothing. Ivy had a hard

time understanding this male. He was so calm about everything and so nice.

Edge being so kind was a hard thing for her brain to grasp. She was used to

males possessiveness and their overbearing nature, aggressive even, but not


Edge took Ivy’s hand and led her to the front of the club.

The bouncer spotted them and raised a two finger wave to Edge as they

blew past the line of people who all groaned at their entrance.

The music was loud and beat a rhythm into her head as they entered.

There were people everywhere. The dance floor overflowed, and the tables she

could see were all occupied. She was about to tell him they would never find a

place when she saw a staircase of metal that twisted above them.

Edge ascended the stairs and Ivy followed close behind. As they reached

the top, another bouncer waved them through.

The top floor was quieter. Ivy could actually hear the murmur of people

talking and the laughter of a group near the railing.

Ivy spotted Ian as Edge pulled her through the sea of tables. Ian sat

alone. Edge stood aside and let Ivy slide in next to her brother.

She gave Ian a hug. “Good pick, Ian.”

Ian laughed.

Annoyance made her jaw tick. Ian would gloat about this for a long time

to come. She responded by smacking him on the shoulder.

Ian grabbed his arm and grimaced, for which Ivy smacked again.

Edge rested his arm across the back of the booth behind Ivy.

The hair on her neck prickled at the heat that came off Edge. Her body

ached and warmed up in response to his heat as he lowered his head to talk

into her ear. “You want a drink?”

She nodded and leaned her head back to respond, accidentally brushing

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his ear with her lips.

“A Triple Black.” Ivy couldn’t help but smile at the look of desire that

made Edge’s eyes turn to molten blue fire. The moon surged through her

veins, bringing her hormones in line. Her body readied for sexual pleasure, by

wetting her core and tightening her nipples even more as she sat next to Edge.

Before he pulled away, she licked the ridge of his ear to tease him and

turn him on, too. He ran his hand over her shoulders and scraped his fingers

along her bare skin as he scooted out of the booth to retrieve their drinks. The

scrape of Edge’s fingernails was like lightening through her skin and made her

body pulse.

“So?” Ian tipped his beer bottle and took a long drink.

“So what?” Ivy pretended she didn’t know what he was talking about

even though her body still tingled from just being near Edge.

“Come on, Iv, you like him.” Ian set his bottle on the table and leaned

back against the vinyl seat his lady-killer grin plastered on his face.

“And…” Ivy arched an eyebrow at him.

“You gonna’ take him home? It is the full moon.” Ian wiggled his


Heat climbed from her exposed cleavage straight up her neck to her


“I am not answering that, but I guess since he’s a worthy male…” Ivy

was annoyed at her brother for the challenge he’d issued to Edge. He always

tried so hard to protect her. She wanted to be able to protect herself.

“He tell you?” Ian motioned toward were Edge had disappeared.

“No, Daddy did. You are so immature.” Ivy shook her head and stared

at him searching for marks of the challenge.

“Baby sister, it’s tradition and he is worthy.” Ian tilted his head back.

Ivy gasped. Big bite marks marred the right side of Ian’s neck. They

were red and puffy, but had scabbed over pretty well. “Are you okay?”

“Fine.” Ian readjusted his shirt to cover the marks.

Ivy grumbled under her breath. “Males.”

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“Where’s your date?” Ivy turned the conversation away from her.

“Haven’t found one yet. Never fear, the evening is young.” His eyes

flashed as a hot redhead in a short sheer black dress strolled by the table.

“Oh, look, there goes one now.” Ian was on his feet and after the redhead in an


Edge strode back with his and Ivy’s drink and scooted close to her.

“Do you dance?” His breath whispered close to her ear.

Ivy took a huge swig of her drink and set it down. Her head swam for

just a second. Alcohol always effected her quickly, because her Were

metabolism burned hotter than a human’s.

Edge stood up and led her to the floor.

Ivy let the music flow through her body. The music raced up her toes

and into her legs, then streaked through the heat in her belly until the beat

reached her breasts and surged out her arms. As she danced with Edge, her

skin tingled, the music bumped a path through her body, and she lost the last

of her nervousness that had held her in check since Edge picked her up.

Ivy ground against Edge right there on the dance floor, not caring that

other women surrounded her and Edge. Ivy wanted the world to know that

Edge was her male. The tiger hormones inside her surged hard into her brain

covering every thought with a film of pure possessiveness. Her tiger side

pounded in time with the musical beat, begging her to take action against the

women who danced near Edge. A fine sweat broke out on her body as Ivy

fought for control. Ivy clenched her lip between her teeth to keep the sound of

a roar from escaping as she gazed at Edge through half hooded eyes.

Her body was on fire with the close contact she made with the strong

hard muscles of his thighs. Ivy bit back a roar as his semi-hard cock brushed

her belly.

He pulled her close and kissed her until her senses reeled from his taste

and his smell engulfed her body. The stimulation sent heat and delight

scorching through her limbs and straight into her pussy.

Ivy moved away from Edge as she let her body writhe and pulse to the

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They danced through the next two songs, and she made teasing motions

with her hands rubbing across her breasts and the bare skin of her stomach.

Had it been her choice, she would have straddled his cock right there on the

dance floor. All she could see in her head was a vision of her dropping to her

knees in front of him, pulling free that hard erection straining his jeans and

wrapping her lips around the satiny head.

She wanted to take him inside her mouth, to discover if he tasted salty or

sweet. Ivy’s body burned with need as Edge’s hot gaze roamed the sway of her

hips. The cool air caressed her large stretch of bare stomach every time she

raised her hands above her head. All she could think about was how good his

tongue would be licking over that exposed skin.

Ivy’s breath labored, her heart beat wildly from the sexual tension that

arched like electricity between her and Edge. She wiped her hand across her

forehead to remove the dampness that had accumulated there.

Returning to the table, she lifted her drink to her parched lips and

gulped the liquid allowing the coolness to slide down her hot throat.

Edge slid next to her into the booth and leaned over to talk to her. “I

could watch you dance all night.” He adjusted his jeans then kissed the side of

her neck and licked her pulse.

Warmth shot through Ivy’s breasts and made her nipples tingle.

She fisted his hair in her hands and pulled his head from her neck to

capture his lips. His lips were like fire, burning her body as he caressed her


Edge’s hand settled on her thigh as the other one wrapped around her

nape pulling her closer.

Ivy didn’t even think to blush as she made out with Edge, right there in

front of everyone. Her desire ratcheted so tight she could conceivably explode.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and titled her head to the side to

allow him better access to her mouth.

He deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue inside her mouth.

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She pushed back with her own tongue allowing him to slide over her. Ivy

melted in Edge’s arms as the sensations of the kiss sent her head spinning.

His hand played at the hem of her skirt then slipped underneath.

The liquid heat of her core seeped out, slicking the delicate folds between

her legs as he fingered the smooth skin of her inner thigh. Ivy broke off the

kiss trying to pull air into her lungs. Her eyes squeezed shut, and his hand

became pure sensation as it drifted across her damp thigh under her skirt.

Edge kissed her ear and neck as he trailed his tongue over her skin

lapping at her like cream.

Ivy spread her legs to allow him access to the heated flesh of her body.

Her skin was hot and damp as Edge trailed his fingers over the close trimmed

curls of her pussy.

Edge groaned against her mouth.

She groaned, too, his touch a gentle caress that sent fire shooting

through her body.

“Ivy.” He rumbled against her ear.

Ivy delighted at the awareness in her body tonight, her tiger purred even

as blood throbbed in her ears. Edge brought the tigress in her slashing

straight through all her inhibitions.

His hand stilled under her skirt when a model thin woman passed their

table. Unfortunately, the model stopped.

“Hi, Edge.” The model’s sultry voice sent every nerve in Ivy’s body on

high alert.

Her tiger nature snapped her head to attention and a low roar came from

her throat. The scent of the other tigress drifted to her sensitive nose even on

the other side of the booth.

Edge moved his hand and squeezed her thigh.

“Sara.” Edge’s voice dripped with annoyance.

“Who’s the bitch?” Sara tipped her head toward Ivy.

“My girlfriend. Goodbye, Sara.” He turned his back on Sara and took Ivy

in his arms. He nuzzled deep into Ivy’s neck.

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Ivy glared at Sara over Edge’s shoulder and wrapped her arms around

him. Her mind roared. Sara turned and walked away.

“Easy, beautiful.” Edge stroked a hand down her arm.

Ivy hadn’t realized she still growled until Edge said something.

“Sorry.” Ivy wanted to claim Edge as her mate. Her hormones were

singeing her insides like a marshmallow kept over the campfire too long, and

her brain was hazed with multiple sensations as the pulsing club funneled into

her. Her thoughts were focused on Edge’s heat against her side and the threat

Sara presented. Ivy barely kept her growl leashed inside her and bloodlust

sank claws into her stomach urging her to rip Sara’s throat out to stake her

claim on Edge.

“Do you want to go somewhere else?” Edge caressed Ivy’s arm as he

kissed her neck.

“Sure.” Ivy grinned and her heart speed up knowing what leaving might

mean. Her thighs were damp with her desire and her nipples hardened in

response to his words. Ivy was more than ready to explore what sex with Edge

would be like. She gulped down the rest of her drink.

Edge and Ivy waded through the people who crowded around the dance

floor. Ivy noticed Ian on the dance floor as they passed. Ian had found his

date, the hot redhead. He waved as they passed by, and he winked at Ivy.

Ivy glowed with the flush of blood that infused her skin under the heat of

the full moon. Ian’s acknowledgement only made her more sure of what would

happen between her and Edge.

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Chapter Seven

Edge guided the bike through the city.

Ivy recognized that they were headed toward The Haven.

Edge pulled around back and keyed the gate code into the small keypad.

He parked his motorcycle in an open garage then helped Ivy off the bike.

Ivy wasn’t sure what they were doing here of all places. She was

confused as to why he’d choose to bring her here to be alone.

“What are we doing here?” She straightened her skirt.

“I live here.”

Ivy turned to gaze at the center. Her eyebrows drew down in

concentration as she studied the large grey building that looked more like an

office building.

“I’m an orphan. When some of the pack found me, they brought me here

to the center and to the Alphas of our pack.” Edge stared at The Haven as if he

was deep in thought or remembering something. His expression lightened and

he straightened his shoulders. “Nancy and Greg raised me, and since they are

the ones who own the center, this is where I’ve always lived, too.”

Ivy’s eyes widened at the revelation that he’d been raised by the Alpha’s

of his pack. For some reason it surprised her. She opened her mouth to ask

him about his childhood, but the look on his face made her guess he didn’t

want to talk about it. She closed her mouth and glanced back toward the quiet

center. Ivy followed Edge into the building past the darkened lobby and down

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the hall.

Edge stopped at an elevator, and they rode up a floor.

He punched another code into a small panel on the wall next to the door

and then opened the doors.

The apartment was large and loft-style, sectioned off with floating walls.

Ivy stepped off the elevator behind him as he flipped a few light switches.

Hidden lights in the rafters illuminated the airy rooms. Ivy stared in

wonder at the Spartan space. The couches were deep gray and the floor was

some kind of black tile. The whole space remind her of Edge himself, strong

and masculine, but comfortable.

Edge wiped his palms on his jeans. Ivy grinned a little at the idea of him

being as nervous as she was. Did he bring a lot of females to his apartment?

Ivy took in a deep breath of air through her nostrils but all she could smell was

Edge’s dark spicy scent.

He pulled his boots off and left them by the elevator. Edge turned to Ivy

and crouched in front of her. His gaze traveled up her long legs and over the

creamy skin of her thighs, if he leaned forward more he would be staring

straight up her skirt. The perusal of her flesh and the fact that he just might

get a glimpse of what he’d touched earlier made a shiver creep up her spine.

She moved her shoulders to dislodge the shiver before it took over her whole


Edge glanced up from his crouched position. As his gaze met hers,

Edge’s nostrils flared and a spark seemed to jump between them. The spark

hit Ivy directly in the pussy and made her ache. He smelled her scent. The

musk of her sex oozed out of every pore in her body and mingled with Edge’s

scent causing something close to a hormonal euphoria to overtake her brain.

She couldn’t help another deep breath just to capture it again. Sunshine

infused his spicy dark aroma, which would arouse her all night.

Edge used those long rough hands to unbuckle her right sandal and

smoothly remove it. Ivy’s breath hitched as he stroked her ankle, then, he did

the same to her left shoe. The sandals were sexy black leather with three inch

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heels, and the way his eyes moved over them made her wonder if he liked


Ivy closed her eyes and focused on the feel of his touch against her skin.

She tilted her head to the side and nibbled her lower lip trying to repress a

groan of pleasure at the desire his touch created inside her. Such a simple

touch, but so erotic at the same time. Ivy’s leg quivered slightly as he ran his

hand over her arch before he positioned her foot back on the floor. Edge placed

her sandals next to his boots, and that seemed to be where her shoes belonged.

“There. Now you look comfortable.” Edge grinned up at her. His smile

was slow and sexy as it slid over his face, those lips taunted her to kiss them.

“Thanks.” The corners of Ivy’s mouth pulled up in a smile as Edge rose

to stand in front of her.

Ivy’s stomach growled.

“Damned metabolism,” she mumbled as she rubbed a hand over her


“Come on, I’ll make you something to eat.” Edge led the way into the

kitchen and pulled out a stool for Ivy to sit on.

She sat as he rummaged through the fridge.

“You like veggies or meat?”

“Tiger.” She gave him an “are you kidding me?” glance as she looked at

the galley he called a kitchen. The huge island held a large stainless steel sink.

All his appliances seemed brand new and definitely cost a lot. Ivy was

impressed with the way he kept his kitchen completely spotless.

“Right, meat.” He flashed a grin that showed his perfectly sharp white

teeth. Ivy had always been a sucker for a nice smile and a sharp set of

canines. He pulled out eggs, onions, steaks and shredded cheese and

proceeded to cook a huge fluffy yellow omelet.

“I can’t eat all that.” Ivy’s eyes were huge as she studied the plate-sized


“Ivy, you don’t have to pretend around me. I know you can eat all that,

and I can’t wait to see you do it.” His voice was low in his throat and rough

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with what she hoped was arousal.

Ivy hadn’t dated a lot, only the males Ian had scared up for her from time

to time, and they had never followed the rules much. He offered her the plate.

She accepted the plate and placed it on the counter in front of her. If she

ate the food Edge offered, it meant Ivy accepted him taking care of herthat

she had confidence in his ability to do so.

He turned back to make one for himself.

Edge poured them both a big glass of orange juice. He stood with his

back to the stove, his plate balanced in his hand waiting for her to eat.

She forked up a huge chunk of the fluffy yellow omelet and chewed

slowly savoring the tastes as they exploded on her palette. The melted cheese

slid over her tongue with the sharp tang of cheddar. The steak had a smoky

flavor as if he’d barbequed it the night before, it was so tender the meat nearly

dissolved on her tongue. She moaned making sure she kept her gaze on him.

His eyes were vibrant blue and clearly reflected the heat of his desire. The

strain of the front of jeans was also a dead giveaway.

Edge’s gaze stayed locked on her until she had eaten a third of the

omelet, then he finally dug into his own. She wanted to preen under his gaze,

if she had bigger breasts she would have thrust them out toward him. His

attention made Ivy sit up straighter as her heart fluttered a little.

Neither one of them said a word as they watched each other enjoy the

feast he had created for them. Ivy took the last bite of her omelet and set down

her fork.

“Edge, that was fabulous. You’re a great cook.”

“Thank you, I really enjoy cooking, it’s something of a hobby of mine.

With our metabolism and all, I find experimenting with food fun.” Edge took

her plate and glass and set them in the sink, his lips quirked at the corners as

if he was amused. Ivy didn’t miss the fact that Edge’s gaze darted down toward

her chest, and could have meant that he liked to play with food rather than eat

it. He strolled around the bar and turned her stool to face him.

Ivy parted her knees and he stepped between them. A rush of blood

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flushed her chest and neck. A bead of sweat stole down the small of her back.

Ivy was so ready for this step with Edge that she could barely keep her hands

from shaking as she placed them on his chest.

Taking her face in his hands, he lowered his mouth to hers.

Edge teased her lips with his tongue and again she parted for him. He

swept inside her mouth devouring her in a long passionate kiss.

Her body roared to life as fire ripped through her. Desire burned her like

a star going supernova, she ached to have Edge inside her body.

Ivy pushed her tongue inside his mouth and kissed him back. Her

senses swam with the spicy musk that drifted from Edge.

He tasted rich and hot as he explored her mouth.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and ran her hands up and down

the tense muscles of his back as their tongues rasped against each other.

Edge’s kisses were sweet and she wanted them to go on forever. When she

thought he’d stop, Edge tipped her head opening her mouth wider to his. His

hand clasped her neck, holding her in place as his other hand glided over her

hardened nipple. Ivy wanted to whimper at the intense need he was causing to

grow inside her body. Edge’s kisses pulled the blood in her body to the surface

of her skin, sensitizing every inch of her until she pulsed in time with her


When he pulled back, Ivy gasped for air. Her heart throbbed as she

breathed deep causing her chest to heave.

Edge’s gaze was locked on her breasts as they heaved under her shirt.

Ivy’s nipples ached under the smooth fabric of her bra.

Ivy wanted his touch, wanted his hands to drift over her body exploring

every inch of her. Suddenly, she was wearing too many clothes.

Edge released her face to trail his palm across the raised nubs of her

nipples. The aching peaks hardened against his large, callused hands.

A slow heat trickled up her spine at the gentleness of his hands, and she

moaned as he rolled her nipple between two fingers.

Edge stretched her shirt over her head exposing her breasts still covered

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in her sheer bra. If it was possible, her nipples tightened further.

He bent his head and suckled her nipple into his mouth through the

material. Edge rolled her nipple between his tongue and his teeth, gradually

increasing the pressure on the tiny nub. Edge’s mouth was like liquid fire

against her skin and made her hips buck in an attempt to alleviate the burning

need and desire between her thighs.

Ivy gasped, her body quivered, and she tunneled her fingers into his dark

hair to tug him closer. Her core was scalding with heat against the cool top of

the stool as his teeth nibbled at her nipple.

He shifted his mouth to the other breast and Ivy allowed her head fall

back as a moan climbed out of her throat. “I want to lick every inch of you,

smell you on my skin and taste you in my mouth. I want to feel you hot and

wet as you clench around me. I want to feel you come for me, Ivy.”

Edge traced a line down her neck, over her collarbone with his tongue

and grazed his teeth over her shoulder. He lingered over her breast again and

drew a path between them, trailing his tongue over her belly.

Ivy closed her eyes as giddiness enveloped her, she wanted to giggle at

the idea of Edge tasting her sex, no male had ever done that to her. How would

it feel for him to graze her skin with his teeth and tongue like he had done to

her nipple?

Edge knelt between her legs his big shoulders forcing her knees wide as

he pushed her skirt up to her hips.

Her breath hitched as cool air flowed over her bare nether lips.

“You are so beautiful.” He lowered his head.

His hot tongue hit her sensitive nub and Ivy sucked in a surprised


He lapped over her clit, gently at first before thrusting his tongue

between her folds. His long fingers parted her lips and she had to brace her

arms against the rim of the stool to keep from toppling over as he stroked her.

Edge licked her in long lingering strokes up through her folds and ending

at her clit, until her arms shook with the effort to hold her molten body

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upright. He sucked her clit into his mouth and tugged gently with his teeth.

Ivy marveled at how good his tasting of her felt. She clasped her thighs

around his face, and her hands fisted in his hair as her body cinched and

tightened into a waiting coil of need.

“Ooh, Edge, you’re going to make me come.”

He sucked harder until she finally shattered, moaning loudly.

Ivy’s head spun so wildly with passion she nearly fell off the stool as her

body gushed cream and trembled. She never realized something so simple

would be so enjoyable.

Edgescooped her up into his strong arms and carried her to his large

bed. He placed her on the comforter then stretched out next to her.

Ivy heaved a sigh and peered at the strong lines of his handsome face.

She wondered if she had ever had the kind of intense pleasure that made her

insides feel like melting butter. No male had ever given her that kind of

release, and the heat inside her surged as she realized the night was not over.

His large hand stroked her still-shivering body as she arched her breasts

into his touch.

Her nipples hardened under his masterful fingers as he tugged on first

one then the other. She reached for his zipper, and he brushed her hand


Edge crawled up her body and used his arms to hold his full weight off

her. His pupils dilated, and her need for him was like an electric pulse that

crawled over her skin. Edge placed his hand between her thighs and glided his

fingers over her creamy slit.

She gasped as he found her wet center.

Edge sheathed his fingers inside her, his gaze locked with hers. His

hand trembled as he stilled, which gave Ivy time to grow used to his invasion.

His breathing was ragged and sweat broke out on his forehead.

She writhed under his touch, but her gaze never wavered from his. Edge

pumped his fingers harder into her core, and she moaned, her body arching

up, her breasts crushed against his strong chest.

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Edge’s hard erection rubbed gently against her leg causing her fingers to

itch with the need to hold his cock in her hand. She wanted to experience his

silky skin as it moved over his steel shaft.

“Edge, please.” Ivy stared at him from under half hooded eyes, she

couldn’t seem to open them any more than that, they were simply too heavy

from her arousal. “Please, it’s been so long.” She ground her pelvis against his

palm, her folds stretching around his hand.

Her folds were only slightly swollen, even though her body burned like a

paper match. Ivy ached from the little bit of fullness. Edge covered her mouth

with his and she thrust her tongue inside his lips. The kiss was long and deep

and pulled soft moans from her throat.

He removed his fingers from her then sat away from her and slowly

sucked on each of his fingers. Ivy reached down and allowed her fingers to

slide through her damp heat. She touched herself slowly drawing Edge’s gaze

like a light in the dark. He watched her as she touched her clit, drawing small

circles with her index finger. Ivy marveled at how hard and swollen her clit

was. The need to come made her push her two fingers faster.

“Ivy, I need to be inside you.” He stood to remove his jeans.

She arched her back as small flicks of lightening touched off inside her

core, and she ran her free hand over her distended nipple as Edge undressed.

When his cock sprang free, Ivy reached out to him with both arms, inviting him

into her body. Ivy licked her lips. What would that drop of clear pre-come

taste like on her tongue? Would it be salty or sweet? Suddenly Ivy had the

urge to suck him deep into her mouth.

Slowly he moved up her body. He licked her ankle and calf. His tongue

swirled over her knee, then the sensitive skin of her thigh. Small goose bumps

broke out on her leg making her hiss with pleasure. He moved higher nipping

her hip and then delving his tongue into her belly button.

Edge unzipped her skirt and slid it down over her hips making her lift so

he could pull the skimpy cloth off. Her sex was so close to his face she wanted

him to lick her again.

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After he dropped her skirt to the floor, Ivy’s hands tangled in his hair as

he moved his body over hers.

Ivy spread her legs for him as his knees settled between her thighs.

Edge hovered over her breast, teasing it with the tip of his tongue. He

pulled her hands from his hair and held them above her head, pinning her to

the bed

Her eyes went wide, and she smiled slow and seductive. She slid her

damp center against his hard cock, while her lips parted in a silent moan.

“Tell me, Ivy,” he whispered and he stared deep into her eyes. “Tell me

what you need.”

“I need you. I want you inside of me.”

“Tell me more, what do you want inside you?” Edge watched her entire


Ivy lifted her chin, she wasn’t afraid to be bold.

“I want your cock to slide inside my body and make me come as you take

me.” She twisted her hands in his grip, not so much to get free as to feel his

rough palms graze against her wrist.

Ivy’s skin burned like she was inside a furnace, her nipples were so tight

she thought they would burst. Her core was so wet that her juices dripped

from her and dampened her thighs.

Edge teased with his tongue making her body burn for him. This was

why sex on the full moon was so fun. She and Edge were hyper-sensitive to

stimulation and each other’s sexual needs.

Edge was painfully arousedshe had seen the evidence in the confines of

those tight jeans, but now his cock lay heavy against her thigh. The slit in the

silky head wept, wetting her thigh where it rested.

She rotated her hands in his grip and raised her head reaching out with

her tongue in an attempt to touch him.

A sly smile spread across his face as a low growl started inside her

throat. He switched his grip so he held her smaller wrists in one large hand

and his other hand disappeared between their bodies.

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She arched her head back against the bed as he touched her pussy with

the satiny head of his cock. She was slick and ready.

He slowly pushed inside her and he cursed under his breath. Ivy eyed

him closely trying to see why he’d cursed, but she didn’t want to ask. Instead,

she spread her legs wider to take him in, and he dropped his head to her

shoulder inhaling deeply.

“You smell so good.” He pulled out a little, pressed inside again. Her

body clenched at the twinge of pain the head of his cock caused, as if the

intrusion was too much, but she wanted this so badly. She hadn’t touched his

cock, but she’d seen it. She was sure she couldn’t wrap her hand completely

around him.

Ivy hadn’t had a male in some time. Would it be like being a virgin all

over again? Would she bleed again? A steel band of panic seemed to fasten

around her chest.

Her heart leapt into her throat and her eyes began to tear at the sharp

pain as he tried to enter her. “You’re not going to fit. You’re too big.”

“Shh, Ivy, you’re ready, just allow me a minute to convince that tight

pussy of yours.” Edge kissed her temple gently.

His words made her body gush. To think of her sexual parts as a pussy

was one thing, but to hear the words come from his lips made her hot all over


Edge placed his hand under her butt and tilted her pelvis up to thrust

inside of her again.

Her heart raced as more of him slid inside her slick heat. The pain faded

the deeper he entered her.

Edge pushed again, and she gasped as her sheath stretched around his

penetrating cock while white-hot heat speared through her.

His cock was so good inside her, she was so full.

Her body trembled at every pass as if she had never done this before.

Ivy was so tight she demanded patience and gentleness. Even though

her core blazed and was slick, he could barely move inside her. He was all

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around her, his scent in her nose, his big body surrounding her smaller form

like a warrior protecting a queen. The sensations stole her breath.

Edge pulled out all the way this time.

“No, don’t stop.” Ivy twisted in his grasp.

“Just give your body a minute, relax for me.” Edge massaged her clit in

slow circles bringing her closer to orgasm. Just before Ivy exploded, he nudged

his cock back inside her entrance.

Her body stretched and loosened this time and he was able to sink

farther inside her.

Edge’s cock jerked inside her as he drew his hips back deliberately slow,

in and out of her.

Ivy accepted more of him with every thrust until finally he was seated

inside her, his balls tight against her body.

He stopped and hovered above her, his gaze lingered over her face as her

body adjusted to his size.

She wiggled and tried to move her hands, but he kept them firmly

anchored over her head as he moved in slow thrusts teasing the place deep

inside her that would make her detonate.

Edge’s eyes changed to a deep ocean blue and his pupils narrowed down

to pin points. He bared his teeth at Ivy and roared out loud releasing her

hands as he clutched at her hips. Ivy arched into him needing to have his

teeth sink into some part of her body.

Ivy wanted Edge to mark her with his teeth so everyone who saw her

would know she was his. She needed him to spill his seed inside her so her

body’s scent would be perfumed with his own. Edge lifted her thighs and bent

her knees over his elbows. He spread her wide.

His jaw clenched as the lines around his mouth and nose creased with

what could have been stress.

Ivy snapped her teeth at him, which just spurred him on. She grabbed

his head and pulled him down, as his mouth sought the heat of hers.

“I won’t break. Take me, Edge, please.” Ivy crushed her lips against his.

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He thrust his cock harder into her, and she raised her hips, their bodies

meeting over and over again. He thrust harder, deeper, then faster until she

panted and clenched and gushed around his sensitive cock.

Her body arched off the bed as she screamed and scored his back with

her fingernails.

The wave of heat that poured out from Ivy’s orgasm sent her head


Edge buried his face against her shoulder, and his teeth latched onto her

neck. Ivy cried out his name in shock as Edge bit deep enough that the skin

on her neck broke under his sharp canines.

Edge groaned against her neck then his body locked tight against her as

if he could latch deep inside her and hold her to him forever. Edge’s cock

jerked over and over again spilling his hot seed.

Pure bliss exploded, painting the insides of Ivy’s eyelids a brilliant white

as she accepted all he had to give. She was thrilled that she would have little

white scars where his teeth had sunk into her neck. Finally he sank down on

top of her.

She wrapped her arms around his back and stroked slowly over his skin.

Edge purred as he lay against her.

His cock softened as it slid out of her quivering sheath. Edge rolled over

and pulled Ivy on top of him.

Ivy itched with the tug of hormones from the moon, and she moved a

caressing hand over Edge’s hard muscled chest.

His heart beat a tattoo against her ear and she noticed that hers was

trying to keep the same rhythm. Ivy wanted this male with an intensity that

caused a deep smoldering inside her soul. Ivy craved Edge again, even though

they had just finished. To entice him, she slowly scratched her nails down his

magnificent chest. She could spend hours caressing and loving his chest with

her mouth.

A deep rumble emanated from his throat and his arms curved around

her crushing her tighter against him. Little sparks of excitement from hearing

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his deep growl hardened her clit and nipples into rocks.

She needed him now.

The heat of the moon twisted her body into a constant throb of

earnestness. She would not be sated until they were both completely spent.

Her pussy ached for his stiff cock, and her heart beat a little harder at the

thought of him driving inside her again.

The deep urgency speared through her, making her body hot and tense.

She squirmed free of his hold and reached down to stroke his depleted


His cock twitched as she touched him, and she turned her head to watch

as it filled again with blood, the blue veins stood out as he became hard. Ivy

grinned, she loved the way he filled her fist and warmed the skin of her palm.

She pressed small wet kisses over his naked chest as she stroked her

hand from the base of his cock to the tip. Ivy marveled at his size, her small

fingers barely fit around him. Ivy drifted slowly over his body, first laving

attention on his brown flat nipple with her tongue.

His nipple pebbled under her attentions.

She was so excited by the feel of his cock and his hard nipple on her lips

that she bit him.

He moaned and placed a hand on her neck as she moved lower trailing

her tongue down his sweat-dampened skin.

Ivy tightened her grip as his cock throbbed inside her palm. She smiled

as he hardened further.

Ivy was bold tonight, like she could do anything and not have the shame

that usually ate at her and overwhelmed her. She stroked her tongue from his

base up between her fingers and over the tip of his cock. His back arched

making her smile slowly. A reaction like that only made her want to take more

of him with her mouth just to see what would happen.

Edge was musky and fresh like sunshine on a foggy day. The flavor filled

her mouth as she licked him again and took the bulbous head into her mouth.

Ivy sucked on him as she wrapped her tongue around him and his hand

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tightened on her neck.

She moved her hand up and down allowing the shift of silky flesh over

hard steel rod to make her body pulse with need. Ivy opened her mouth wide

and took him into her throat. Her eyes watered, but she pulled back for a

minute, then, took him inside her mouth again taking him to the back of her


She opened her eyes and saw a tremor shoot through Edge’s legs. She

drew him out of her mouth, stroked him again and his hips came off the bed.

“Ivy.” His breath caught as she repeated motion.

She twisted her hand from the base to her mouth as her head bobbed up

and down.

Edge’s hand gripped the sheet next to his hip in a tight fist. His cock

pulsed inside her mouth and she tasted a salty slick wetness on her tongue.

She backed off and glanced up at his face.

His brow was furrowed as if he was in deep concentration, his mouth

tight, his jaw clenched.

Ivy gazed down at his cock as it slipped from her hand and glistened in

the low light of the bedroom. A tear wept from the head and she bent to catch

it with her tongue. He was hot as the wetness fell onto her tongue, and she

tugged on him again to catch another drop of pre-come. With every tug, Edge

groaned or moaned, the sound low and steady.

She sucked him back into the cavern of her mouth and used her tongue

and hand to wet him all the way to his base.

Edge’s cock inside her mouth made power surge inside Ivy’s brain. Every

movement she made elicited a response from Edge. She continued to stroke

and suck him until his legs trembled.

His hand caught her shoulder. “Ivy, baby, you need to stop. I don’t want

to come in your mouth.” Edge’s eyes blazed as he stared down at her. His

need showed in the intensity of his vibrant blue eyes and the hard set of his


Ivy sat up on her knees. She threw one leg over him and lowered her

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core over his shaft. She palmed him again and held him straight up.

“I’ve always wanted to be on top.” She grinned as she slid herself onto


He placed his hands behind his head.

Ivy watched her hand as she lowered herself with gentle thrusts onto

him. She was relieved when he slipped easily inside her now that her body

held his come. His seed lubricated the path his cock took inside her until she

was fully seated on him, her thighs pushing into his hips.

“I’m all yours.” Edge pushed up with his hips, and Ivy gasped as the

pressure inside her womb increased.

She moved slowly at first, testing, up and down. At that angle, her clit

rubbed against the course hair of his groin. The friction made her body burn,

and a streak of pleasure ran through her center, straight to her wet core.

Ivy released a light moan as she trailed her hands up her own body and

rubbed her breasts. Her nipples beaded against her palms and were sensitive

to the touch.

“Use your fingers.” Edge watched her and licked his lips.

Ivy ran her finger over her nipples, catching them between her thumb

and forefinger. She twisted gently at first and sent more shivers through her

body and into her aching core. Ivy ground her pelvis harder against Edge as

she tugged on her erect nipples. A surprised, “Oh” came out of her throat. She

rubbed herself pushing Edge’s cock deeper into her core. Her breasts were on

fire with the sensations her fingers caused.

Edge’s hands moved to her hips, and he guided her motions as she

worked them both into a frenzy. Both she and Edge pulsed and throbbed.

Each one moaned and when their pleasure reached its peak, they both cried

out and shattered together.

Their bodies shook, and Ivy gushed around Edge.

Dampness ran from her body and onto his course hair.

Ivy collapsed with a sigh against Edge’s hard chest.

His hands stroked a heated path over her back and down across her

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butt. Ivy’s heated skin turned suddenly cold in the cool room.

Edge turned them on their sides and slipped from Ivy.

Ivy curled into Edge’s body as he pulled the comforter around them, and

Ivy’s lids were too heavy to hold open any more. Her body hummed with a

sated bliss that filled her like a warm soft blanket and healed the darkened

corners of her mind.


Ivy and Edge lay in a tangle of limbs. The light of the sun woke her as it

peeked through the windows of his loft. She didn’t move, just inhaled deep and

kept her eyes closed. The room was permeated by the smell of musk and dark

spicesIvy’s midnight perfume and Edge’s scent, the aroma of their union was

almost salty sweet on her tongue.

Ivy sighed. She had never been so sated. The sun was low in the sky.

Had she slept all day? The sky had turned a silvery gray when she and Edge

had finally collapsed on the bed.

Complete contentment radiated throughout her body. Her heart was so

full of the pure bliss that she thought she would glow like a star in the night

sky. Ivy could stay right here in Edge’s arms for the rest of her life.

“Good morning, beautiful.” Edge’s voice was rich and husky.

She opened her eyes and saw him staring down at her, his head propped

on his hand. He had a grin on his face.

“Good morning, yourself.” Ivy snuggled against the warmth of his body.

She never wanted to move from this spot in his bed, not ever again. Her body

was deliciously sore, not only between her legs, but her breasts ached and her

limbs were heavy.

Ivy remembered the intense pleasure, how he’d shown her new heights in

love making that she had never known. The passion of the night was

something she would never forget. Ivy gazed into those sparkling blue eyes

that reminded her of the ocean on a clear day. His smile sent warmth through

her heart and she realized that this was her mate.

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“You want some breakfast?” He brushed the hair away from her eyes.

Ivy moved closer to him. She studied him now. Really searched his gaze

and saw they were full of emotion. Edge’s happiness seemed to seep straight

into her pores, filling her up with love.


Edge was her mate, could it be possible that she loved him already?

What had he asked? Oh, yes, breakfast. He wanted to feed her again.

She smiled up at him as he awaited her answer. “Breakfast would be


Edge lowered his mouth to hers and caressed her lips with his. He

growled as he pulled away, but she wrapped her arms around him and held

him tight.

“I can’t let you go. Being with you feels too good.” She nuzzled his neck

with her lips. Her heart was so full it almost hurt, and she wanted to show

him how much he meant to her.

“Then don’t.”

She pulled back to look at him. His face was serious and Ivy knew that,

as his mate, this new relationship was no joke or passing phase of the moon.

Was it really that simple? Ivy almost asked him, but thought better of

asking. Her stomach growled.

“Breakfast. You need to eat.” Edge pulled her with him from the bed.

He was taking care of her, and her tiger’s roar of triumph sounded like thunder

in her ears.

Edge drew his T-shirt over her head. In the aftermath of the mating

moon, she was alive, whole and couldn’t wait to explore what else a

relationship with Edge held for her future.

After they ate, Edge led her back to the elevator.

He pushed the elevator button. When it arrived, he pulled her into the


“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

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He led her through the building. The deserted Haven was eerily quiet.

They entered the door to the tiger pool.

Ivy stepped outside in front of him and walked to the sandy beach area,

stepping in until her toes curled in the sand and her ankles grew wet from the

cool water. His hands settled on her shoulders and he trailed them down her

arms before kissing the back of her neck. Edge’s lips grazed over her neck in a

slow sensuous kiss. Ivy allowed the sensation to travel through her body until

it shuddered inside her core making her damp. She leaned her head back

against his muscular chest.

“When was the last time you changed?” Edge stroked her arms up and

down. A gentle chill crept over her skin as if his fingertips were calling the

blood in her body to heat her skin.

“The other day, with you.”

He pushed his T-shirt up her body exposing her stomach, brushing his

fingers over her skin. Ivy trembled a little at the touch of his hot lips on her

skin. The morning air was cool, and a gentle breeze glided over her bare torso

and thighs. The smell of the fresh water and sand seemed almost exotic where

they stood.

“And before that?” His lips brushed the skin behind her ear.

Goosebumps broke out across her skin as he shoved the shirt up

exposing her breasts.

“I haven’t changed on purpose in a long time,” she admitted and dropped

her head in shame. This all went back to Chad, a topic that made Ivy want to

curl up under a rock and stay there until the world had glossed over Chad’s

death completely. This was not a topic Ivy wanted to tackle after a night of the

most sensuous lovemaking she’d ever known. She was angry and her hands

clenched into fists at her sides.

“Ivy, I want you to change with me.” Edge brushed his lips over her ear.

Her spine went rigid. Did he not remember what had happened the last

time she’d changed? Ivy had tried to attack him. How could he ask her to risk

that again?

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“I…I can’t, Edge.” Not only did anger race through her mind, but fear,

too. A deep aching, gut-wrenching fear that she would hurt him. Her vision

became blurry as tears swam in her eyes at the fright that consumed her brain.

“I promised I’d keep you safe, right?”

Hope made Ivy glance up at him now. The idea that he could actually

keep her safe made hope a viable thing and made her heart ache.

She nodded her head.

“There’s no one here, just you and me. I want you to change and be

yourself, Ivy. I want to know the real you.” He kissed her neck just below her

right ear.

Her hand came up to rub the spot, funny she hadn’t noticed that her

neck was tender there.

Ivy shook as he pulled her shirt over her head and off her arms. She

shivered as his hands circled her body and skimmed through her curls at the

vee of her thighs, touching but not quite touching.

Something inside her body clenched and nearly snapped with the need to

please him. Ivy’s fear and anger were overwhelmed with the passion that

burned in her heart for him. She craved to be herself deep down in her soul.

For so long she had been denied.

Her cat had been denied, caged inside her body, never allowed to roam

free for fear of hurting others.

Hot tears dripped down Ivy’s cheeks as Edge caressed her skin. Ivy’s cat

roared, thundering over and over inside her head with approval until that was

the only sound she could hear. Her skin itched as though her fur would sprout

in an instant.

The hair on Edge’s chest brushed against her back, his strong hands

held onto her trembling shoulders.

“Do you know what I do here at The Haven?”

Ivy shook her head, her heart cinched down, her throat so tight she

couldn’t form words.

“I teach our young to control the urges of the tiger. I don’t think you

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need to learn control.” He stroked her shoulders and her neck.

Ivy calmed at his words and his hands so soothing and confident on her

body. “But you need to meld the two parts of you. Don’t be afraid, Ivy, it’s who

you are.”

Ivy’s body shook with the force of the unknown that uncurled in her

belly. She had never gotten in touch with her cat form. Every time she

changed she seemed so out of control, she feared she wouldn’t be able to come

back to herself, that the cat would take over and trap her inside her tiger form.

Ivy worried that her fear would take over, and she would not be able to focus

enough to change back to human form.

Edge rubbed her arms, and she took a deep breath.

“Listen to your tiger. She knows a lot more than you give her credit for.

Close your eyes and just feel.” His hot breath caressed her neck making her

melt on the inside. “Feel her. She’s you, just different. Let her come to you,

open your mind and your senses, permit her to flow through you.”

Ivy allowed Edge’s soothing hands to calm her. She breathed in through

her nose, taking in the smells of her surroundings. The water smelled slightly

of chlorine. The breeze shifted over her skin cooling her heated body. Edge’s

spicy scent entered her nostrils, and her cat roared with joy. Triumph

showered her in warmth.

Ivy’s courage rose, her spirit soared as her cat melded with her human

form. The tiger’s claws burst from her fingertips and from her toes. Fur

shifted over her skin, like a soft coat, it emerged without pain. She imagined

the two becoming one, a mixture of the spirits, a union solid and whole. Ivy

breathed out and moved away from Edge, willing the change to come.

The muscles grew and shifted inside her arms and legs. Her bones

popped and reformed into cat’s legs, her spine lengthened. The pain snapped

at her insides, sharp and quick and was gone as soon as it came. The change

was a lot easier when she permitted it to happen and didn’t fight.

As her vision switched to grey scale and as her large paws hit the water,

she roared to the heavens.

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Ivy breathed through her tooth-filled mouth and smelled Edge on a whole

different level. In this form, she smelled his tiger underneath his natural

musk, the cat scent was there as a deep spice. Ivy turned her head and stared

at Edge. She tossed her head and growled at him.

Edge stood in the water still in human form, but he answered her with a

growl deep inside his throat. He took a step toward her and she held her


She began to pace in front of him as cool water splashed over her legs.

“Look at you. You’re beautiful, strong and passionate. Be who you are.”

He stepped closer to her holding out his hand.

Ivy moved forward, her head low as she approached him. Edge was her

mate and deep down in her gut that knowledge sparked electric bursts of joy.

Ivy smelled his hand and then leaned into it.

He scratched her behind the ears and her limbs melted. She purred

deep in her throat, a sound that rolled her tongue inside her mouth as he

petted her tiger form and ran his fingers deep into her coat.

Edge’s touch comforted her, his hands were gentle and strong. Ivy

wanted him to change, the urge to play with him in his tiger form surged

through her. Ivy hadn’t been in her tiger form around anyone besides Ian. She

nudged him toward the shore.

He stepped back until he stood in the sand.

How to tell him what she wanted? She took his pant leg in her teeth and

tugged. Then she growled deep inside her throat.

Edge unbuttoned his jeans, slid them off and tossed them on a nearby


Ivy turned and sprinted out into the water splashing and lapping at the

cool, fresh water. She heard a growl behind her and turned to find his huge,

hulking white tiger staring at her from the shore. Ivy swaggered slowly toward

him, allowing her hips to swish as her tail whipped back and forth around her

legs. She didn’t have a care in the world, and her self-satisfied saunter seemed

to lock his gaze onto her body.

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Edge tracked her every movement as if he could see through her and

watched her muscles as they contracted and expanded. Ivy stopped before

they touched, and a deep purr of satisfaction rumbled out of her throat. She

rubbed her head up his foreleg, the sensation of his fur rasping against her

head sent heat soaring through her body until it found her core and seared her

insides. Ivy stroked her head under his chin, and her fur brushed against him.

She stretched out closer to him needing more of his fur against her body. Ivy

was so alive and having Edge close to her made her body hum with delight.

Edge tipped his head back and roared, the noise a loud thundering that

rippled across Ivy’s fur. The sound was truly a male declaration as if he was

staking his claim on her, telling the world that she was his. Edge rubbed his

head across her muzzle and over her shoulder before gently nipping her on the


If Ivy could have grinned, she would have. She allowed her tongue loll

out of her mouth smiling in the only way she could.

Ivy turned and loped away from him as her heart sped up, spurred on by

the savage glint in Edge’s eyes. Edge quickly sprinted through the lush grass

that surrounded the pool and gave chase. She was almost to the end of the

pool when a rush of air pulsed over her hindquarter, and Edge growled as she

slipped away from him. Ivy jumped into the deep end of the pool, splashing

water out of the sides and soaking the concrete border. She swam as quickly

as she could pull her paws through the water.

Edge stalked around the side of the pool, his head held low and his

stance crouched as if he’d spring at any second. Ivy treaded water in the

center. He roared, but she stayed where she was, daring him to come after


Ivy swam to where she could stand and shook until her fur stood on end

all over her body and cool air breezed over her exposed skin. The water

sluicing off her was cold as it dripped onto her paws.

Edge’s presence made her back tingle. He inched up on her slowly,

trying to be stealthy, but she would know him anywhere. She ducked away

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from him, and he whooshed by her, landing on his feet in the water.

Ivy danced away as he stalked her again to the other side of the pool.

She swiped water at him, and he lunged, pushing her back onto the sandy

beach and tackling her to the ground.

Edge and Ivy wrestled taking turns pinning each other and slipping


Ivy changed after he pinned her again, her small form under his large

white tiger.

He shifted on top of her and she couldn’t contain a laugh.

“That was so much fun.” She ran her hands up his damp arms.

“See, I told you it would be okay.” His rich voice enveloped her making

her skin break out in goose bumps as he stared into her eyes.

Ivy saw long pink scratches on his shoulder and reached out to touch

them. She traced the deep marks with her fingertip, her eyebrows cinched

down as she realized that the marks were from the challenge Edge and Ian had


“Are you okay?”

Anger made her cheeks flush with heat. She needed to beat Ian in the

head because Edge had been hurt during the challenge. Ivy had to bite her

tongue to keep her thoughts to herself. This was her mate, no one hurt her


“I’m fine, don’t worry, it’s nothing.”

“But this is my fault.” Her fingers traced the marks again. The puckered

pink skin was hot to the touch. Was it still healing? Would it leave scars?

His skin touched her from her breast to her thighs as he pressed against

her. He was hot and his skin was damp from the water.

“I would do it again in a heartbeat.” Edge kissed her lightly on the lips,

which sent heat spiraling through her body and liquid to dampen her core.

Excitement coursed through her veins.

Edge rolled off her and laid back.

Ivy tucked her hands under her head and stared up at the crystal blue

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sky with white puffy clouds that floated by. This day was perfect in her

opinion. Absolutely perfect.

Her hormones calmed, her mate was by her side and her tiger lounged

inside her soul.

Ivy enjoyed being a tiger. Power and confidence filled up her insides.

Now that she permitted her tiger to mesh with her human form, self-assurance

and strength seemed to radiate from her very pores.

The sun heated her skin as they rested on the sand of the faux beach. A

breeze still caressed her bare skin, making little goose bumps break out all

over her.

Ivy turned the past few days over in her mind. She thought of the gut

deep fear that had covered her like a heavy cloak in the alley the night she was

attacked by Mark. The fear wouldn’t come now.

The strength of the tiger numbed the fear, and the horrible ache in her

chest was replaced with warmth that radiated throughout her body.

Edge was silent next to her. She needed to decide what to do about

Mark. Just the thought that he was still out there somewhere made her want

to change and track him.

Ivy was determined not to be afraid of him anymore. She knew she could

hold her own with him. He was afraid of her, wasn’t he? That’s why he had

wet himself in the alley that night when she changed into a tiger.

If he was a Werewolf, why was he afraid of her? Ivy pondered the

question inside her mind. In all the time he had harassed her, she had never

seen him in his wolf form. Maybe he couldn’t shift? It was something to think


No, she would not be afraid of him, she decided.

A sudden warmth surged through her as she realized she knew exactly

what to do about Mark.

Ivy rolled onto her side and propped her head on her hand. Her gaze

roamed over Edge’s hard body. That magnificent golden body taut with

muscles made her ache.

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Focus, she needed to pay attention to the task at hand. Judging by the

sun that hovered above them in the blue sky, it was well into the day. “Edge?”


She stroked a hand over his chest. His skin was heated by the sun and

warmed her fingers as she skimmed them over him. “I need to go home.”

“Not alone.” He didn’t move.

“I need to take care of Mark.”

He cracked open his eyes and squinted at her in the bright light of the

day. “I can’t let you go there alone, Ivy. Not after everything that’s happened

between us.” He rolled toward her and ran his fingers through her damp hair.

“You are precious to me, and I can’t allow you to place yourself in danger.”

“This is something I need to do.” Ivy resisted the urge to drop her gaze

and surrender to his dominance. She had to take care of Mark herself. Ivy

didn’t want anybody fighting her battles for her any more.


His question caused her heart to contract with a sharp pang of fear. She

knew he waited to ask her about Mark, but she didn’t want to tell him

everything. She was sure deep in her soul that it would change his opinion of


“I just have to do this on my own.” She searched his face for some sign

of understanding.

His brow wrinkled and his lips tightened into a thin line.

“You need to trust me. I want to know why he’s hunting you.” Edge’s

voice had a hardness Ivy had yet to experience with him. Red flared in his face.

“I do trust you. I trust you enough that I changed into a tiger for you.”

She pushed up to sit beside him and crossed her legs as she faced him. “My

past is painful, Edge. I’m just not ready to share that pain with you.”

Edge’s face completely closed off as if all emotion bled right out of his

body, and he turned to stone in front of her eyes.

Steel bands of panic strapped themselves to her chest and closed,

tightening until a full-blown panic had her near tears.

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“Then you don’t trust me. I already see you as my mate. If you can’t feel

that connection between us, then I don’t know what I can do to make you feel

it.” Edge stood and brushed the sand from his skin. His movements were tight

and quick.

She quickly stood. “I do feel it. It’s a storm in my heart that only calms

when you’re near me. Edge, I’m falling in love with you.” She stretched her

hand out to touch his face.

Edge evaded her hand and moved away from her.

Her heart lurched and the weight of her secrets fell hard onto her


“You have to trust me, too, Ivy. Love isn’t enough.” Edge stepped close

and cupped her face in his hands.

Tears pooled in Ivy’s eyes, the hot tears threatened to spill down her

cheeks. Fear ran ragged claws over her brain making her body scream at her

to tell him the truth.

She didn’t want to lose Edge before they had even begun their

relationship, but to bare her darkest secret could be the last step in pushing

him away.

“I need all of you, even your secrets. I don’t care how dark they are. If

we are to be mates, your secrets can’t stand between us.” He caressed her

tear-streaked cheeks with his thumbs, gently pushing the tears away.

Fear won out as Ivy bit her lip and looked into his soft gaze. She couldn’t

tell him. Not now.

“I’m sorry.” New tears gathered and poured down her face. Her heart

ached with the pain that she could see her distrust had caused.

Edge didn’t say a word. He dropped his hands from her face and turned


She stayed planted in that spot. She couldn’t have forced her feet to

move if she had to.

Edge walked away from her.

Her body shook and her heart shattered into a million pieces as she

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watched the door shut on the only male who would ever bring any semblance

of happiness to her life. Ivy wrapped her arms around her naked body and

pulled strength from her tiger even as it roared, the sound pounding so hard

through her head that she thought her ears might bleed.

She had to take care of Mark first. Only when that was done would she

be free to be with Edge without her dark past shadowing her future.


Somehow, Ivy made it home.

Her brain had gone on autopilot at some point as her emotions churned

in her stomach until she was a big aching knot of pain, and stomach acid ate

at the back of her throat. Numbly, she opened her front door and turned off

her alarm.

When she’d gone back to his loft for her clothes, she hadn’t seen Edge.

She remembered the smell of his apartment. Their scents had combined

in a heady musk that lingered all over her. The scent was on her clothes and

inside her brain, digging a hole that would always be full of memories of her

and Edge.

Ivy nudged the front door shut and slowly climbed the stairs.

The weight of her secrets was almost more than she could bear alone.

Ivy removed her clothes and pulled on a pair of workout sweats and a fitted T-

shirt. She could move comfortably and easily in these clothes. Ivy could fight

in these clothes.

She trudged back down the stairs, her feet were so heavy, and it seemed

to take all her effort just to move them. She took a chair out of her kitchen and

placed it about five feet from the front door.

Ivy plopped down in the chair and curled her legs under her. She would

wait right here for as long as it took that rat-bastard Mark to show up.

Ivy would not run anymore. She stared at the door as day turned to

evening, the passage of time was marked by the shadows and light that played

over her tile floor.

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The tears had stopped hours ago. All that was left was anger so deep her

skin itched as her fur tried to sprout. She kept the tiger at bay by squeezing

her nails into her palms to give her something else to think about. Ivy held it

back easily now that she’d melded her two halves together.

As night fell and the shadows of her house darkened like the corners of

her mind, she took out her emotions and examined them. The fear of Mark

was no longer presentit had melted away in the path of her searing anger

caused by the fact that she had probably lost Edge forever.

She wanted to slap herself in the head for not trusting him. Not trusting

him was, more than likely, the most stupid thing she had ever done.

Her arms tightened around herself as she rubbed the chill from her body.

Ivy’s eyes were half closed, her breathing a steady rhythm of near sleep when

the doorknob twisted.

She came immediately alert, her back stiffening and her hands fisted at

her sides as her feet hit the floor.

The door slowly opened and a figure stood silhouetted in the doorway.

Ivy’s heart sped up as she inhaled Mark’s scent. He smelled like a dirty,

wet dog. Mark wore a shirt and jeans and had a hunting knife strapped to his


The door bounced off the wall and he reached a hand out to steady it.

Ivy waited, her gut coiled into a knot as Mark’s hand moved to his knife.

Her tiger growled low in her throat and power surged through her limbs

making her hands and feet tingle.

“Took you long enough.” Ivy stood and pushed the chair away from her

with a shove, toppling it over onto its side.

Mark didn’t say anything as he crossed the entryway toward her, but his

face was screwed up tight with a mark of hate. He unsheathed his knife as he

stalked toward her. “I’m going to cut out your heart,” he snarled.

Ivy let her hands relax at her sides. She stood on the balls of her feet

and widened her stance. “A knife? What kind of a Were needs a knife?”

Mark’s eyebrows shot up, then furrowed as his face reddened and his

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grip tightened around the knife.

Mark slashed the knife in a wide arc as he walked toward her. As his

arm reached the bottom of the arc, Ivy lunged and her fingers curled into


She concentrated on her fingers elongating and her claws erupting from

her fingertips as she rammed her hands toward his eyes.

Her heart raced with adrenaline as her claws sprang out.

Ivy slashed at Mark’s eyes with her right hand and at his wrist with her

left, digging deep furrows into his skin.

Mark shouted in pain and took a step back.

She smelled the rich coppery scent of his blood as it hit the air, and her

mouth ached as her fangs threatened to elongate.

She needed to get the knife away from him. A strange calm lulled her

insides into a quiet peace that Ivy had never known. Her hands slashed out

patterns across his body, patterns that she had learned as a cub to use to

defend herself from attack.

He shuffled backwards out of her reach and his hands came up to his

bloody face, the knife still in his grip.

She crouched low on the balls of her feet, her hands in front of her chest,

held like lethal weapons.

“Drop the knife and fight me like a Were.” Ivy clenched her jaw shut and

reminded herself that she was in control even though her hands were covered

in orange fur and her claws were that of the tiger.

Mark looked at his fingers. Then he clenched his fist shut and pulled his

hand close to his chest. “You are nothing.” He spat at her then lunged forward

with the knife.

Ivy’s held up her forearm as he came down for the blow. The knife

slicked open the fur on her forearm and pain ripped through her body.

Ivy’s left hand shot out to catch him in the side. She closed her paw

around his skin of his side and pulled away a chunk of his shirt and strips of


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Mark grunted. “You bitch.”

Ivy thrust her hand out hard and connected with his injured side.

He stumbled backwards and the knife went flying from his hand and slid

under the hall closet’s door.

Mark’s face paled as his weapon deserted him. He clutched one hand to

his side as he backed away from her.

“Come on, you rat-bastard.” Ivy motioned him forward with her hand.

Her courage surprised even her.

A trickle of blood ran down her arm from the large gash. Her arm

throbbed and pain lanced through her. Ivy kept her courage even though the

sight of her own blood made her stomach rumble and a wave of nausea wash

over her.

A dark shadow appeared in the doorway behind Mark.

Mark glanced over his shoulder as if he felt the presence, and his body

visibly trembled.

“Ivy.” Edge’s voice was calm, but firm. She saw his face clearly with her

Were night vision. His lips were a tight thin line of white, his brows drawn

down, and his body shook with anger as he stepped into the house and shut

the door, closing out the outside world. Mark stood still like he was afraid to

move as all the color washed out of his skin.

Mark’s gaze bounced between Ivy and Edge and that familiar ammonia

smell scented the air.

Edge’s nostrils flared and a low growl rumbled out of his throat.

Ivy knew he could smell her blood on the air.

Edge was suddenly a flash of white fur, claws and teeth as he tore Mark

to shreds. Ivy backed away from Edge to give him space to work as her arms

reformed into hands and the tiny orange hair follicles collapsed back under her

skin, her hand covered her mouth as he dismantled Mark.

Mark screamed in pain as Edge’s claws cut deep furrows over his body

and blood rushed from the wounds down his clothes onto the floor.

Edge drew his arm back and swiped one last time across Mark’s neck

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until the man’s slashed throat gaped like a hideous mouth of flesh.

Mark staggered into the wall behind him making a horrific gurgling

sound, his arms limp at his sides and slid down it as if in slow motion.

Ivy covered her mouth with her hand as she gasped at the grotesque

sight of the mauled Werewolf.

Edge’s shoulders were hunched. Blood coated his hands and blood

dripped from his now human fingers. His head turned slowly and his eyes

were that of a tigera vibrant clear blue that nearly glowed in the dark space

of her hallway.

“Mine!” He roared and lunged at Ivy, taking her to the ground. Edge

cuddled her close as he wrapped his body protectively around hers. He moved

her arm and lapped gently at her wound.

Ivy shivered as his hot tongue laved over her raw flesh. She stroked his

wild black hair, and he kissed the skin on her arm.

Edge pushed his lips against hers and thrust his tongue deep into her

mouth, devouring her in a sudden kiss. “Mine.” He growled low in his throat

as his hands roamed over her body.

Ivy was shocked at the feral moves Edge made toward her, but she

preened, arching her body into his, almost glowing at the attention Edge gave

her. Gurgling noises sounded nearby and she glanced around Edge’s shoulder

to see Mark sputtering for breath, as blood ran from his mouth.

Edge grabbed her head and pushed her face against his chest.

Ivy wasn’t sure how long she stayed in Edge’s arms, but after a little

while, he loosened his grip on her. She placed her hands against his chest and

stroked over his heart.

“Why was he here?” Edge’s voice was a rough rasp.

Ivy hesitated. Now or never. Her heart expanded until she though it

would explode in her chest because he had protected her. Her gut ached that

she would have to impart the truth now.

“I killed his best friend in high school.” Ivy shivered at the memories of

what Chad had done, and even worse, what he looked like after her mauling.

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She didn’t want to think about what Mark looked like now, mangled and lying

in a heap on her entryway floor. “His name was Chad, and he tried to rape

me.” The heavy weight of shame lifted as she told Edge the truth, even though

she still cried. She had waited for this to be over for so long that the tears just

spilled free.

“Oh, Ivy.” He caressed her face and tipped her chin up.

Ivy’s eyes glazed with tears again. She brushed a hand across her face

as she stared at him.

“No male should ever hurt a female.” He kissed her gently on the mouth.

“I want you to go upstairs and take a nice long bath.” He stood and pulled her

up with him. “I want you to soak until you turn into a prune and all this blood

is washed away. Can you do that for me?”

Ivy was incapable of speech, so she nodded and turned to go up the


“Don’t look back.”

She kept going, resisting the urge to turn around to see the mess in her


Ivy ran the hot bath and eased her tired body into the water, careful to

keep her slashed forearm out of the water resting it on the side of the tub. She

left the lights off, and, for the first time since she was a child, she had real

safety again.

There was no Were hunting her, and the fears of her secrets ruining her

life washed away like the blood on her skin.

Ivy dunked her head under the water. When she surfaced, she reached

for her towel.

Fingertips brushed hers, and she knew they belonged to Edge. He sat on

the toilet watching her.

“Hi.” Her voice shook a little. Despite the soul-deep calm she had in the

aftermath of Mark’s death, she was still afraid of Edge rejecting her.

“You know how I told you there needed to be no secrets between us?” He

waited for her response.

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Ivy nodded and held her breath, both wanting to hear his words and

fearing what he might say.

“I told you I was an orphan. It’s true. What I didn’t tell you is that I was

feral when they found me. I couldn’t even hold a form for very long. I shifted

between human and tiger constantly.” He took a deep breath and stared at his


His hands were folded and rested between his spread knees. “When I

was young, I had to do a lot of things that I’m not proud of to survive. Things

that, to this day, I have spoken to no one about.”

He twisted his hands together as he seemed to take his time on his next

thoughts. “I have killed before, too, Ivy. Many times. In the place I lived as a

cub, it was kill or be killed. That was all I knew. As I got older and time went

by, the guilt of those deeds weighed heavily on my head. I allowed guilt to eat

at my core, I thought I would never be able to outrun my past. That the past

would always find me.”

Ivy held her breath at his story, hope filled her chest that he would trust

her enough to tell her things he had never told anyone else. Her heart seemed

to pause as she waited to hear this knowledge that he wanted to share with


“One day an old tiger came to me in the center. I was pummeling a

punching bag because I was so angryback then I was always angry.” A sad

smile moved over Edge’s face at the memory. “Angry at being alive, angry at

the world. He tapped me on the shoulder, and I swung a punch at him. I will

always remember the way he ducked out of the way and laughed. The old tiger

told me he could feel my rage. He said he knew it ate at my soul and my heart,

but one day I would find peace with myself on my own terms. The old tiger told

me everything would be okay. Then he hugged me and walked away.”

Edge’s eyes filled with tears, but he sniffed and blinked them away. Ivy

had never seen a male show so much emotion and a pang of pride welled up

inside her.

The bath water had cooled around her, and her body broke out in goose

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bumps. She fidgeted in the water.

“Come here.” He pulled her from the water and wrapped a fluffy towel

around her before settling her on his knee. “You’re cold.” He rubbed the towel

briskly over her body, then, cuddled her close. Her ear lay over his heart and

she listened to the soothing thump as he spoke again.

“I’m telling you this, Ivy, because you need to know you’re not alone. I’m

here for you. I want you to be my mate. When I saw that slice on your arm,

that feral side of me went wild.” He stroked a hand over her hair as he spoke.

“I will never let anything happen to you again. I will never turn my back on

you or walk away from you, from us, again. I was angry and I’m sorry.” He

tilted her face up to his and searched her eyes.

Ivy was awash with warmth as she sat with him. Her heart throbbed in

her chest so full of love for this male that she thought she would burst.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you why he was hunting me. I just didn’t know

what to do, but you showed me how to be myself. I used that strength to fight

Mark. Strength I wouldn’t have without you. Thank you.” Ivy leaned toward

Edge and kissed him softly on the lips. Edge growled in his throat as he

pushed his tongue into her mouth. He kissed down her neck and teased that

tender spot with his teeth.



“What are we going to do about Mark’s body? You know he was a

strange creature for a Werewolf. He wouldn’t change and fight me.” Ivy

threaded her fingers through his hair. His scent engulfed her and made her

body tingle.

“About Mark. After you left The Haven, I called your Alpha up north and

he told me all about the situation with the Werewolves.”

Steam rolled through Ivy making her ears turn red.

“You called my Alpha? Why did you call him?” Ivy shot daggers at him

with her eyes.

“I needed to know what you were up against.” He smoothed his hand

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over her hair and pulled her back against his chest. “Anyway, your Alpha told

me Mark went rogue about a year ago. Apparently, he abused his power as a

Werewolf and his pack stripped him of his rank and ability to change.”

“How can they do that? We are born Were.” Ivy twisted a piece of Edge’s

shirt in her fingers.

“As Alphas, we have privileges that others don’t. We are blessed by

witches when we become the leaders of our packs with powers to control other


Ivy sat up and searched his eyes. Alphas? Her breath hitched at the

thought of her being mated to an Alpha.

“What are you saying?”

“I forgot to tell you. I’m the Alpha of my pack. I don’t only work at The

Haven. I own it. By the way, Mark and the foyer hallway have been taken care


“But you’re so young.” Ivy gasped at the revelation, then, narrowed her

eyes. She should have guessed, but Edge had never shown any sign that he

was so important. Ivy kissed him, and a slow grin spread over his face.

“We Weres are funny creatures that way. We age slowly, did you know

that?” Ivy frowned as she looked over his face searching for his true age.

“How old are you?” Her curiosity ate at her, and she tried to figure it out.

“Does it matter? I’m your mate, that’s all you need to know.” He nuzzled

her neck as he chuckled at her.

“No, seriously. How old are you?” Edge threw Ivy over his shoulder as

he laughed and carried her into the bedroom. He sat her on the bed and

stripped the towel from her. Edge gently prodded her forearm then tore open a

package of large gauze pads that he had gotten from her bathroom medicine


Ivy was puzzled as she watched him dress her wounded arm. This male

would never cease to amaze her.

“Are you going to tell me?” She turned his face to look him square in the


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“I’m only ten years older than you are.” He grinned slow and sexy and

kissed her on the mouth.

Ivy’s head spun as she did the math. He was only thirty-five? That

wasn’t old, that was actually very young for an Alpha. His admission sent a

small wave of fear ghosting over her spine. Would she be able to live up to his

experience of life? Still, Ivy couldn’t help a surge of pleasure that flowed

through her to know she’d won the heart of an Alpha male. She, who had been

ostracized by her own pack, was now an Alpha female of her own pack.

“I have a pack.” She grinned wide and threw her arms around Edge’s


“Yes, baby, you do. You’ll never be alone again.”

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Enjoy this sneak peek at The Fire Still Burns from Sapphire Blue


Chapter One

Brynn Harlow squared her shoulders and inhaled deeply, willing the

shaking in her legs to stop. She stared up at the side of the red brick building

where the letters BBGF&R were emblazoned in golden yellow, and didn't know

which she wanted to do more—run or puke.

It had been thirteen years since she’d left town in disgrace, and the

person she feared seeing more than anyone else upon returning could be

anywhere in that building now.

Becoming Black Bear Gorge Fire and Rescue’s first female firefighter

had been her dream. She’d planned for it her entire life all the way up until

she saw that little pink line on the pregnancy test…and realized she'd never be

Black Bear Gorge's first anything.

She wiped her sweaty palms on her jean-clad thighs, took one more

calming breath and then, with her head held high just to spite anyone who was

there to see, she walked into the rescue station.

The fire stations in California were library-quiet, but that wasn't the

custom in Black Bear Gorge's station. As she recalled the guys could get

pretty rowdy, but even when they weren't they were saying something. Her

unease grew as, for the first time she could remember, the station was silent.

Having been to the rescue station several times in her younger years,

volunteering to clean the station, do some office work, whatever got her near

the action during her school years and the summers in between, she knew

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where to find the chief.

All eyes in the station were on her. She recognized most of the men,

and some of those nodded in her direction, but most of the crew just stared

awkwardly until she reached the hall, which would take her to the chief’s office

and away from their sight.

As she neared the chief's office, she heard loud shouting. Outside the

closed door, she paused to listen as a familiar sounding male and Chief Parker

waged a war of words on each other. Brynn couldn't believe she hadn't heard

them outside the building when she first walked up.

“Since when is a private investigator an expert?”

“Look, she's knowledgeable in firefighting and catching the bad guy. I

know you've been trained to find arsonists, but have you ever actually had the

chance to put your knowledge to the test? We simply don't deal with these

things in Black Bear Gorge. She's a city girl. She can catch this guy.”

“I'm the arson investigator.”

Sweat trickled down Brynn’s spine as she placed the voice. Oh, please

don’t let that be who I think it is…

“And that's why you'll be assisting her.”

Assisting me? Her stomach took a dip.

“And what exactly were you smoking when you thought this would be a

good idea?”

“I thought you could put your personal feelings aside to do your job!”

“Let's get one thing straight right now. I don't have personal feelings for

that cold-hearted bitch!”

Oh, yeah. That’s Adam.

Brynn took a deep breath to help prepare her to come face to face with

the man whose heart she’d shattered thirteen years earlier, and she walked

into the office without knocking.

“The cold-hearted bitch has a name. I’d prefer you call me Brynn or

Ms. Harlow.”

Standing in the doorway behind Adam's back, her heart thumped

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loudly in her chest as she waited for him to turn. She braced herself for the

inevitable blow to her senses while Chief Parker sat behind his desk, his

formerly thick, dark hair now gray and thinned, and a tall blond woman, who

she didn't recognize, stood at the side of the desk sizing her up from head to

toe with bright eyes and a slight grin.

Adam slowly turned around and the air left her lungs. His dirty-blond

hair was now darker, with only the slightest streaks of blond left. His

shoulders and frame were wider than the last time Brynn saw him. The black

T-shirt he wore with the red BBGF&R logo was pulled taut over an impressive

chest. And those eyes, still a shade of blue that couldn't be duplicated by even

the most skillful artist, had hardened into two orbs of fury and, if she assumed

correctly, pain.

The trace of hurt she saw in them sucked the breath out of her. Anger,

disgust, even hatred, were what she had expected to see but that sliver of pain

took her off guard, reminding her she had truly hurt this man. The sorrow,

which came with that reminder, stabbed her in the heart.


He didn't return the greeting. Instead, he glared at her long and hard,

his nostrils flared, before finally turning back to the chief. “No way in hell am I

doing this.”

“Fine. You're off the case. Ms. Harlow can investigate the arsons and

you can go back to just putting out the fires.”

“But, I'm the arson investigator!”

The blond put her hand on Adam’s arm, shook her head and sent him a

look, which seemed to relax the tension in his shoulders.

“Not if I demote you, you're not.” Chief Parker pulled off his glasses and

wiped them on his shirt before placing them back on his face.

“You're no closer to finding the arsonist today than you were a month

ago. There was another fire yesterday. I don't want this firebug to keep hitting

us until Black Bear Gorge is nothing but charred remains of a once thriving

town. Brynn practically grew up in this station. Since leaving for California,

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she had completed courses in firefighting and had become a skilled private

detective.” Chief Parker leaned forward and looked pointedly at Adam.

“Finding people is what she does, so I suggest you swallow whatever

bullshit you're chewing onpardon my French, ladiesand get on board here.

Either you work the case with her or you don't work it at all.”

“Fine, but only because I’ll do anything to find out who killed my

brother in that fire.” Adam turned on his heel, spared Brynn one more

murderous glance, and stormed out the door, leaving a trail of curse words

behind him.

“That went well,” the blond commented, her words directed toward the

chief but her curious eyes on Brynn.

Brynn stared her down as well, wondering who she was and why she

seemed so close to Adam. She reminded herself it wasn't her business, not

anymore. Still, the pangs of jealousy refused to die away completely. A few

sparks still lingered as the woman left the office and closed the door behind


“I didn't realize I was going to be working directly with Adam Good.”

She laced her tone with accusation.

Chief Parker gestured for her to take a seat before his cluttered desk.

The small office was decorated only with photos of the crews, past and current.

She even spotted a picture of her and Adam together when they were junior

rangers. She had always wanted to be a firefighter. He had wanted to be a

cop, and had only been a ranger one summer, because it would look good on

his record when applying for the force. She had no clue what made him

become a firefighter instead.

“If I’d told you Adam Good was your partner, you’d never have agreed to

do this. I'm hoping this little incident isn't going to change your mind, Brynn.

Zeke Good's killer needs to be found and these arsons need to be stopped.”

Chief Parker leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Adam has had the training

and all, but you know as well as I do our arson investigation training isn't that

great. We simply don't deal with these things here. Shoot, the most hardened

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criminals we have are a few town drunks and even those boys don't do a whole

lot of bad.”

Black Bear Gorge was a safe town, far safer than the city she had

returned from, but far from perfect. Yet, the chief was right. As far back as

she could remember there had never been any arson or any murders that

didn’t result from something other than a fistfight gone too far.

“I could do this alone, you know. Just give me the files you already

have and I’ll get this done as quickly as possible.”

“I can't do that, Brynn. This is a fire and rescue matter. You're not

officially part of our team.”

Thanks, Chief. I could do without another reminder of what all I’ve lost.

Angrily she crossed her arms across her chest.

“Then hire me on.”

“I can't. The economy hasn't been doing so hot lately. I have all the

men, er, fighters I can afford. I'm already pushing the budget by hiring you on

in this capacity. I couldn't afford to suit you up, too.”

“I could volunteer.”

“I don't have the space.”

“I understand.” She understood this was going to be a long, hard case,

no matter how quickly she found the arsonist. “I suppose there's nobody else

you could partner me up with, huh?”

“I'm afraid not. Adam is the only guy we've got with any sort of

investigative training.”

“Now that you know this sort of thing can happen here, I assume you're

changing this fact?”

“Looks like we need to, doesn't it? I know we're ill-prepared for this,

Brynn. That's why I called on you. Your daddy always bragged about your

achievements. I knew you'd be perfect. Take care of this thing for me, so the

city boys don't come down here. They'll make us out to be small-town hicks

and you know it. We may be small and we may be country, but we have our

pride. Besides, Zeke's family needs some justice. They deserve to know who

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killed one of their own and why. Zeke deserves that.”

Brynn nodded her head although she wasn't one hundred percent in

agreement. The town's golden boy, Ezekiel Good, wasn't as golden as they all

thought, but she wouldn't speak of that. The man had been murdered. He’d

paid his dues. While she couldn't feel sympathy for him, she could feel it for

his family, even if they'd treated her as though she were the town whore.

“Why aren't the police investigating the murder aspect?”

“They did. It took them all of two weeks to declare it an accident,” the

chief said, his tone liberally laced with disgust.

“Adam isn't letting it go though, and I can't blame him. Although I'd

never have thought it could happen in this town, Ezekiel Good was murdered.

Adam needs your help on this whether he wants to admit it or not.”

Wonderful. The small town police system had struck out so now they

were passing the torch to her…the one person whose help Adam Good would

rather spit on than accept.

“Give me what you've got so far and I'll get this thing wrapped up as

soon as possible.” She rose from her seat, ready to complete the job and get as

far away from Adam as possible.

“You'll have to see Adam for that. He has the files.”

Of course.


“Is this everything?”

“You think I'm holding out on you?” The words came out harsher than

he'd intended, but Adam didn't care. The last thing he expected when he had

left for work was to be paired up with Brynn on the investigation, his

investigation. It was bad enough she had stolen his trust all those years ago,

but now she was taking away his job as well.

“I wasn't accusing you of anything.” Her tone relayed her exasperation.

“It was just a question. I like to make sure I have all the facts before I start on

an investigation.”

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“Yeah, I wish I had all the facts on you all those years ago,” he

complained under his breath.

“What was that?” She looked up from where she sat at one of the

tables in the training room to watch him as he paced. Her eyes, lit from what

he assumed to be irritation, were still the same pure green he remembered, her

bow-shaped mouth still as kissable. Her body was fuller than he remembered.

She wasn't heavy at all, just a little more filled out, more womanly. But her

hair killed him slowly.

He could still remember putting his hands in those thick auburn

waves, pulling her head down to his so their tongues could caress as she went

wild on top of him in his truck at Blue Mountain Park. They'd taught each

other everything they knew about sex, and she had always been wild,

uninhabited and adventurous. Unfortunately he'd been stupid enough to

believe she only shared that part of herself with him.

“Nothing,” he finally answered, trying to purge the old images of her

from his mind before they drove him insane.

He continued to pace the floor of the training room, too angry to sit. “I

could do this myself, you know, so don't go thinking I need you.”

She slammed her hands down on the table, her fiery glare hot enough

to burn a hole through him. “Look, I never wanted to come back to this town

in the first place, but now I'm here, and I'm doing what I have to do to get by

until I can get the money together to get the hell back out. I don't like working

with you any more than you like working with me, but I'm adult enough to

make the best of it so why don't you follow my lead and grow up.”

Adam stopped pacing and started to lash right back at her, but then

remembered his promise to himself. He would never let her know just how

deeply she had hurt him. Standing there yelling at her, letting it show loud

and clear that she affected him did just the opposite. Besides, he figured at

least half of his coworkers were somewhere close-by eavesdropping.

“Fine.” He schooled his features into as blank a mask as he could

muster and sat at the table before her, forcing himself to sit there when he

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really wanted to run.

Her sweet scent wafted across the table bringing back memories best

left forgotten, and he became infuriated by the fact that he was remembering

moments spent with her while his brother's killer was still on the loose.

“I want Zeke's murderer. I don't give a damn what I have to do to find

him, even if it means I have to work alongside you, but don't get in my way on

this.” He leaned forward with his hands braced on the table edge, purposely

invading her space.

She looked up from the papers before her to glare at him, closing her

hands into tight little fists. “I didn't apply for this job. The chief contacted me

because he knows I can find the arsonist. I’m a volunteer firefighter in Los

Angeles and a very successful private investigator. I'm not trying to get in your

way, Adam. I didn't even know you were the investigator. If I had, do you

really think I'd have taken the job?”

Adam sat back in his chair and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“I don't know, Brynn. I thought I knew you once and it turned out I was wildly


“Insult my character all you want, but I'm on this case whether you like

it or not.” She bent her head back over the files in front of her, reading the

pages. “So there were two incidents almost exactly a month apart.”


She looked at him briefly in what he assumed to be annoyance, before

returning her eyes to the information before her. “Depending on when your

brother was actually taken, the incidents may have actually been an exact

month apart. Why don't I see a list of suspects?”

“Right there.” He pointed at the sheet in front of her.

“Two names?”

“That's right.”

She smiled at him, one of those smiles people used when they thought

they were smarter than you and were about to say something clever to prove it.

“So tell me, how did Ames Anderson and Chuck Davis make the list?”

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Adam held her smug stare, determined not to show his growing

irritation with her and the situation he had been forced into. “Anderson’s a

drifter, hardly known by anyone, and Davis got into an argument with Zeke at

the bar a couple nights before his murder.”

“If my memory serves me right, Chuck Davis has had an argument with

just about everybody in this town, and is especially volatile when he's drunk.”

“So?” Adam shrugged, growing annoyed.

“So…why would he get into a spat with your brother and just up and

decide to burn him alive a few nights later? Did they even exchange blows or

was it just words that got thrown around that night?”

“Words,” Adam conceded, knowing there wasn't much evidence against

Davis but, hell, there wasn't much evidence against anyone.

“Yeah, must have been some pretty rough words to turn him into an

arsonist, especially since I can't see Davis having the mental faculties to pull

these two fires off.” Her gaze fell back to the papers. “These took planning.”

“What about Anderson? Nobody knows much about the guy.”

“And that instantly makes him suspect? That's the problem with small

town justice. The innocent are condemned with no evidence whatsoever.”

He picked up the loathing in her tone but didn't bother attempting to

determine where it came from. She could hate Black Bear Gorge, she could

hate him, all he cared about at the moment was finding his brother's

murderer. “So who do you think the guy is?”

“I have no idea,” she said in a tone completely devoid of emotion, a fact

which irked him. “I'm not so sure it was a guy though.”

“Why do you say that?”

Brynn shrugged, something odd in her posture, the way she wouldn't

look at him directly, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it. “Never rule out

the so-called fairer sex. Vengeful women are dangerous women. Did he have

any bad break-ups, dates that got out of hand?”

“What the hell do you mean by that?” Adam’s anger surged through his

veins, making it damned difficult to remain sitting across from the woman he

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wanted to strangle.

She had betrayed him, lying straight to his face while sleeping with his

best friend for who knew how long, and now she was insinuating something

like this about his brother. “My brother was a good man. You should know.”

“Should I?” Her eyebrows raised, her lips twisted into a near sneer. A

look he'd never seen on her before, a look that didn't seem right on her, but

then again, he hadn't known her as well as he'd thought.

Before he had a chance to respond, she erased the sneer and restarted

her interrogation. “Surely he must have had some sour relationships. No man

is perfect.”

“He never had a relationship serious enough to go sour. You remember

how he was.”

“So he was still a ladies man.” She sounded bitter. “Had he gotten into

any confrontations around the same time, other than the one with Chuck


“None I recall or I would have put it in my report.” Adam closed his

hand into a fist, barely keeping his temper under control. How amateur did

she think he was?

“Zeke was a good guy. He was looked up to, respected by his peers. He

held a steady job and stayed on the right side of the law. Sure, he could throw

back some beers, but he never touched drugs. There was no reason for him to

be murdered.”

“Apparently there was.” She closed the folder holding his report and

pushed it back toward him. “I'll check into the drifter, but don't bet all your

chips on this guy. He just might be simply passing through.”


She shrugged, rising from her seat. “He might be a psychotic crackpot.

We'll find out soon enough. Now, let's go.”

“Go where?”

She looked over her shoulder at him as she paused with one hand on

the door, giving him a good eye roll. “The crime scenes, of course.”


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