Devon Rhodes His Last Resort {AReFreeRead}

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Devon Rhodes

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Devon Rhodes Copyright © 2011

Cover photography and design by Devon Rhodes

Edited by Stacey Birkel

A Devon Rhodes publication

This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or business
establishments, events or locales is coincidental.

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles
and reviews.


This book contains material that maybe offensive to some: graphic language, homosexual
relations, adult situations. Please store your books carefully where they cannot be accessed by
underage readers.

A Devon Rhodes publication

November 2011

Previous published in Don’t Read In The Closet, A M/M Romance Collection, GayRomLit
Retreat Special Edition Anthology

M/M Romance Group publication © 2011

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“The thing is...” Trask looked down as he steeled himself to repeat the words

that had caused him no end of trouble the previous two times he’d told them

to a prospective roommate. “I’m gay.”

And you’re my last resort.

Silence greeted his confession. That at least was much better than the first

guy, who had immediately screamed obscenities at him and thrown his
belongings out into the hallway before manhandling Trask out the door,

finishing by yelling that he wasn’t living with a “fucking faggot.” He winced at

the memory. It hadn’t exactly been the coming out Trask had envisioned when

he’d bravely decided to start college as he meant to continue. He’d hidden his

sexuality away all through his early teens as well as high school, at first unsure

of his feelings, and then, once certain, afraid of his peers’ reactions.

But college was supposed to be a time of growth and discovery—hard to

achieve from inside a closet. So he’d made up his mind that he would be up

front about his orientation from day one, especially with his roommate. After

all, if he did end up finding someone to date, he didn’t want it to be a surprise
down the road for the person sharing his room.

Call him Pollyanna, but he’d never quite envisioned that reaction.

He’d gathered his scattered things in the hallway, avoiding meeting any of the

gawkers’ eyes. Luckily he’d only brought up one load before starting the

conversation. Then he’d headed back to the Housing Office.

The second room had been in a different dorm, newer than the first. Trask had

hoped the karma of that would carry over to luck with his second assignment.
No yelling and shoving this time around, and his hopes had started to rise. Just

one bad apple maybe…

Then he’d looked up.

The intense look of disgust and revulsion had him swallowing and holding his

breath. But it was the subsequent hushed phone conversation—snippets of

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which he’d overheard making clear that several friends of his roomie would
be coming over to “meet” Trask and “put him in his place”—that had him

removing his things once again for the trek back to his car then back to the

now-familiar Housing Office.

And who knew that three-strikes-and-you’re-out applied to more than baseball?

“Mr Maitland, this assignment is your last resort. If this roommate is

unsatisfactory, you will be unable to use on-campus housing.”

His gut had seized. “But my scholarship only applies if I live in a dorm my first
two years!”

“Then I suggest you find a way to get along with this roommate.” The woman’s

face had softened just a bit. “I understand your situation. But I cannot reassign

you again after this.” As he turned to leave, keys and paperwork in hand, she’d

called after him, “Good luck.”

The current silence in the wake of his third declaration was so thick around

him that he was drowning in it. Trask took a deep breath and looked up to find

a stunned expression to go with the silence. At least this roommate—he

checked the sheet, Lee Carmine—was not physically threatening. Standing a
few inches shorter than his own six feet, with a slight build that made his own

trim form seem muscular in comparison, Lee wasn’t likely to be able to shove

Trask out the door like the first guy. Now, that wasn’t to say he wouldn’t have

friends who could do the job, like Bachelor Number Two, but it wasn’t a sneer

on Lee’s face. Just a surprised blankness.

Worked for him.

“So if that isn’t a problem for you, I’m hoping we can get along okay this year.”

He mentally crossed his fingers and shut his mouth, awaiting a response.

Lee opened his mouth as if to speak, then shook his head as if to clear it. His

brown eyes seemed huge in his face as he stared at Trask. Finally, he nodded.

“Um, yeah. That’s…fine. Okay with me. I mean…” A tinge of red was creeping

up from Lee’s chest to his neck and cheeks. “I don’t mind. If you were thinking

I did, I mean.”

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Trask found himself smiling for the first time all afternoon. Poor guy seemed

at a loss for words, at least ones that made sense. He tried to ease the

awkward scene.

“You seem like a nice guy, especially in comparison to my first two


Those dark eyebrows went up in curiosity and interest. “Yeah?”

Deciding to take the initiative and start unpacking, Trask moved toward the
unclaimed side of the room. He tossed his first suitcase on the unmade bed

and unzipped it. “Oh yeah. First guy literally threw me out of the room. Second

guy was on the phone to his homophobic homies without one word to me. And

then I got you.”

Looking stunned, Lee sat down heavily on his own bed and watched as Trask

put clothes into his dresser. “You mean, you told two guys just what you told

me and they both freaked out on you. And then you came in here and went

through it all a third time?”

Trask nodded as he closed one drawer and opened the next.


He stopped and turned toward Lee. “Why what?”

“Why would you even go there? I mean, why not just keep your mouth shut,

get moved in and…” He waved his hand around vaguely. “And avoid the


Trask frowned and gave up on working. “I just wanted to be honest and
upfront about it. Didn’t want any surprises down the road. I mean,” he paused,

“suppose I’d not said anything. I get all moved in and settled, then the first

time I have a date come back to the room everything goes to shit. Not how I

want to live. Not anymore.”

“Anymore?” Lee echoed, his gaze sharpening on Trask. “So…you aren’t ‘out’ at


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“Wasn’t until just before I left. This is kind of new to me, actually talking about

it. New as in, today is…” he paused for a moment, thinking about the hurdle

he’d crossed, “is the first time I’ve told anyone.

Lee appeared thoughtful. “I would never have guessed that. You seem really


Trask’s eyes narrowed at the admiring and slightly wistful tone of Lee’s last

statement. But, worn out by the events of the day and knowing he had

multiple trips to make up and down the stairs until his car was empty, he let it
go and gave his new roommate a smile.

“So…roomies?” He offered his hand.

Lee stood and crossed the small space in a couple of steps, his warm, dry hand

taking Trask’s in a firm shake.

“Roomies. You need some help bringing your stuff up?”

“Hell yes. Then dinner’s on me.”


What were the freaking chances? Lee’s mind churned in total turmoil. He’d

proudly come out at fourteen and his family, though a bit stunned at the

reality of it, had proven to be supportive of his decision to be out in the

community and at high school as well. Maybe a bit too supportive. They were

constantly asking for updates on his love life, and…well, c’mon, there are some

things a guy just doesn’t want to talk about, even obliquely, with people who’d

changed his diaper.

For the whole of his freshman year, he’d enjoyed the freedom of being away

from his over-protective parents and older brother. He’d had a lot of fun…and

a lot of sex. At least, until one of his buddies had pissed off the wrong person

right before spring finals week. Suddenly, his entire small group of friends had

ended up with more or less targets on their backs.

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At first, Lee hadn’t been concerned about the threats being tossed their way,
thinking the bullies would give up and move on after school was out and the

dorms were closed. But two of his friends who were also staying for the

summer had ended up hospitalized after being caught alone. The police hadn’t

made any arrests, and the attackers—and Lee knew who they were, no way

was it random—always provided one another with alibis.

What had finally driven home to Lee how vulnerable he was, was coming

home to find one of the guys in his new apartment after work one evening.

Luck had been with him and instead of freezing in place, he’d managed to slip

back out the door the moment he realized he wasn’t alone. His neighbor, who
he’d been chatting with moments before as they climbed the stairs together,

was still bringing groceries into her apartment and he’d shoved her inside,

slamming the door almost on the guy’s fingers then quickly fumbling for and

turning the deadbolt.

After pounding on the door for a time, he’d finally left but only after taunting

Lee. “We know where you live, little fag. Next time you’re at the hospital won’t

be as a visitor.”

He’d thought of the bruised and battered face of Cary, who had over thirty

stitches, and Larren, still in the hospital with a damaged kidney.

And he’d started packing.

The act of a coward? Maybe. But Lee had heard the determination in the guy’s

voice and had seen what they’d done to his friends. As much as he’d like to

think he could stay safe, he was only around a buck fifty…probably a hundred

pounds less than a couple of their tormenters. And even if he told someone in

authority he’d been threatened, they couldn’t protect him 24/7. Without his

friends around—since most of them had either decided to take time off from

school or move home or, in one instance, transfer as well—there was nothing
to really keep him there.

So he’d transferred schools and decided to keep a low profile here. Oh, not

forever, of course. Three more years was an unrealistically long time to not

have sex. But at least this year, while he was still an underclassman living in

the dorms. No privacy for much anyway—he could wait nine months or so

until he had his own place again.

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Now all of a sudden, he had a sexy as hell, innocent new roommate who was

out there blithely waving his banner, not knowing how dangerous the world

could be.

Lee didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.


Lee heaved a sigh of relief as he entered the room to find it empty. He needed
a break from Trask’s presence. The unrelenting hard-on was killing him, and

he had a hard time with self-love in the not-so-private dorm showers with

their billowy shower curtains that didn’t stay put. Oh, they were good for

catching a glimpse of naked ass…or the occasional less-modest resident taking

care of things. But it really wasn’t his style.

No, he wanted a little privacy. Well…or a date. He hadn’t connected with

anyone over the past two months since he’d arrived. Not surprising since he

hadn’t exactly put himself out there. The only gay guy he knew of for certain

was Trask. And his roommate wasn’t having any better luck finding someone.

Lee could tell Trask’s confidence was starting to take a hit, and he empathized.
His normal sunny personality was becoming more subdued by the day, and

though they hadn’t discussed the details of their social life, the dates coming

back to the dorm room Trask had mentioned and seemed to look forward to

on the first day had never materialized.

As for Lee making a play for Trask, he’d boxed himself in with his lack of

truthfulness at the start of term. Lee had had the perfect opportunity that first

day to answer with “I’m gay too.” But he’d still been clinging to the cloak of

anonymity, a real comfort after the fear and—yes—guilt at his cowardice for

letting himself be chased off, at not standing up for himself.

To admit his interest now would look just weird. Wouldn’t it?

And, oh, was he interested. Instead of the constant contact killing his

attraction, it somehow only served to strengthen it. His little predilections—

like mumbling to himself in his sleep, and the way he licked his lips constantly

when he was concentrating—were endearing, not off-putting. And his All-

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American blond good looks were enough to drive a man to desperate
measures. Like now.

Realizing he’d been unconsciously rubbing his cock while ruminating, Lee

gave up and gave in. With a glance at the clock to confirm it would be some

time before Trask returned from his last class, he unzipped his jeans and

fished his iron-hard erection out of his boxer briefs.

Lee’s temperature soared at the welcome feel of pressure, which left him

feeling hemmed in by his clothing. He removed his hand from his cock just

long enough to quickly and efficiently skim his clothing off. Naked in the
middle of the room, he walked toward his bed then veered at the last moment

and crossed to lay back on Trask’s instead.

He made do with spit since his slick was across the room now. Taking his

erection firmly in hand again, Lee quashed a small trickle of guilt at taking this

step…invading his roommate’s space with this act. With rhythmic strokes, he

worked himself to the edge then paused. The urgency was there, but his mind

wouldn’t leave him alone, thoughts of the bed’s owner screaming at him to

take action.

Wouldn’t this be better with Trask? He’s gay, you’re gay. Obviously you get
along. Make a play….

Lee ran his fingers underneath his sac and then gripped, pushing his tightened

balls and cock lewdly forward, as if offering the package to an invisible


Trask…suck it. Let me show you, teach you, touch you….

Suddenly it was clear what he should do. Why hide a moment longer? Fate had

put them together for a reason, and it was time to take the lead and reward
Trask for his bravery in coming out…and his part in renewing Lee’s faith in



Trask walked dejectedly toward the dorm, barely noticing the beautiful riot of

fall colors as he walked through campus. College just wasn’t working out like

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he’d dreamt. The course work was tough—he actually had to
study…hard…which he’d never done in high school. He missed his couple of

good friends from high school. And he was no closer to having a boyfriend…or

even a hookup…than he’d been while carefully in the closet. He snorted to

himself. Here, he’d thought that he’d have magical gaydar, which would point

him in the direction of any number of handsome, witty gay guys, just waiting

for someone like Trask to come along.

Yeah right. Keep dreaming!

His sighed. All coming out had done for him was alienate him from the first
two guys he’d met here. Though he’d ended up with Lee as a roommate, which

was great. He was as good a roommate as Trask could have wished for, so the

other two were no loss, really.

Lee. Trask couldn’t figure him out. Mostly of the time he seemed really naïve

and young, even though he was a year older than Trask. His stammering

through their first encounter had Trask mentally setting him in the to-be-

protected category in his head. Lee’s small stature didn’t do much to

counteract this pigeonholing—though he was fit, with a wiry sort of

musculature on his slight frame.

But every once in while, Trask would catch an expression from Lee that didn’t

fit those parameters: A knowing smirk. An assessing once-over. A heated gaze,

quickly averted.

Lee wasn’t gay, but maybe he was curious. Trask found himself considering

that more and more frequently lately, wondering whether Lee would be

receptive to some flirting…or more. But did he really want to rock the boat?

Even for someone as adorably sexy as Lee? It wasn’t like Trask really knew

what he was doing anyway.

You could learn together…

“Yeah, or he could freak out and send you back to the housing department,

and that can’t happen,” he chastised himself under his breath as he

approached the dorm’s side entrance.

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Steadily climbing the stairs, he reached his floor and walked all the way to the
end of the hall, saying hi to a few guys along the way. Their room was the

furthest from both the common room and bathroom—true—but they only

had neighbors on one side, which was a bonus.

The door was locked when he tried to open it, so he fumbled his keys out of

his pocket. What met his startled eyes when the door swung open had him

hardening in what seemed like seconds. Lee…stretched out naked on his bed,

stroking his cock.

Shaking off his shock, Trask nervously glanced down the hall to confirm
nobody else was around before hurriedly stepping into the room and closing

the door behind him. Lee gave him a slow, completely wicked smile and made

no move to stop what he was doing, offer excuses, or cover himself.

Completely blown away and at the same time more aroused than he’d ever

been in his life, Trask was at a loss for what to do now. He probably should

have stepped out of the door before closing it, but walking away from this

carnal display was something he could not deliberately do. Not when it

appealed to everything in him.

“Did you lock it?”

Lee’s voice was huskier than usual, his own arousal making itself heard. Trask

suppressed a shudder, feeling as though he’d walked into the porno. Now in

HD, ‘Fucking Freshmen’…

Trask realized he hadn’t answered the question. “Um, yes.” He wouldn’t have

been able to pull his gaze away from the action of Lee’s hand on his hard,

reddened cock if his life depended on it.

“Good. Why don’t you get comfortable?” Lee waved his unoccupied hand
toward the small, ugly floral-print second-hand couch they’d managed to

squeeze in to give themselves somewhere to sit besides their desks and…beds.

“Why are you on my bed…doing…that?” Trask blurted, then could have kicked

himself. Could he sound any more like a clueless virgin? And speaking of

which, the confident, sensual expression on Lee’s face almost made him seem

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like a stranger rather than the man he’d shared nearly every waking…and
sleeping…moment with for the past two months.

The unease he probably should have been feeling from the start finally kicked

in. Lee must have seen the change in this expression, because he gave Trask a

sympathetic smile and rose, walking over to take him by the hand and tug him

toward the couch. All the while, his erection led the way, unabated, bobbing

with each step.

“I know this is coming a bit out of left field, but I decided I was being stupid,

not letting you know how I feel about you.”

Trask shot Lee a glance, feeling wholly out of his element, which in turn made

him irritated. “Out of left field? And what do you mean, how you feel about

me? Since when are you gay?”

Lee gave him a rueful smile. “Since forever. Like the song says, I was born this


Shock made Trask feel a bit ill. “Then why didn’t you tell me? On that first day?

God knows I could have used a little bit of…of support.”

His smile faded to a serious expression and he lightly touched Trask’s hand.

“It’s a long story that I promise I’ll tell you soon. Suffice to say, after five years

of being out, I had what seemed at the time to be pretty big reasons to keep

that to myself. Now, though? I just want to kiss you.”

Trask’s cock liked the thought of that, and the hell with needing any more

explanations. “Just kiss?” Oh my God, did I just say that out loud?

Lee burst into laughter, confirming Trask’s embarrassment. “For starters. If

that’s okay with you.” His eyes were lit up with humor, but there was also a
thread of seduction in his voice.

Things started to add up in Trask’s head. “Five years? So you’ve probably…um,

done…stuff then.” Realizing he just as good as admitted he was still a virgin, he

exhaled and dropped his forehead onto his palm.

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Lee didn’t reply right away, instead, leaning in to claim a commanding kiss.
Encouraging Trask’s participation with his agile lips and the strokes of his

tongue, Lee made his head spin with sensations. Or maybe it was being

lowered, almost without his realization, to lay back on the couch, Lee’s lips

never leaving his own.

He was braced over Trask, naked and aroused, and suddenly Trask couldn’t be

passive for a moment longer. He sat back up, pressing Lee up to a sitting

position then rising to quickly strip out of his own clothes. Now as naked as

Lee, Trask sat back down, the instinct to cover his cock and balls with his

hands almost unbearably strong.

His roommate just grinned. “Wow. Nice. You look even better than I would

have thought from the peeks I’ve gotten.”

“You’ve been peeking at me?”

“Every chance I get,” Lee confirmed with a smirk. “But this is much better. I

can really look you over.” And he proceeded to do just that, making Trask

squirm with a stomach-flipping combination of embarrassment and


Lee pushed on his shoulders and Trask slowly acquiesced to the wordless

command and lay back on the couch. His erection unashamedly stood straight

up, tilting back slightly toward his stomach. He reached for it, only to have his

hand batted away.

Instead, Lee took him in a sure grip and brought his mouth down just over the

head. At the first feel of that hot, wet cavern engulfing him, Trask stiffened and

then sank bonelessly back into the couch cushions, giving himself over to the

blissful feelings as Lee pushed his lips down his shaft then sucked hard back

up to the ridge. He run his tongue firmly under the head, then delved into his

“Ahh!” Trask couldn’t stifle his cry, and his cheeks went red with his self-

consciousness. The visual of Lee bobbing up and down over his groin was

mind-blowing. Along with the physical sensations, including now cupping his

balls and stroking his sac, it quickly brought Trask to the brink. But just as he

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thought he was past the point of no return, Lee gave his cock a hard squeeze at
the base.

“Ungh. What the hell? I was almost—”

“I know. That’s why I stopped you. I want you to fuck me.”

His brain was offline, which must be why it was still so hard to reconcile the

juxtaposition of his naïve-seeming roommate with this seductive stranger

now rolling a condom onto his cock. Just that right there almost took him over

the edge.

“I’ll show you how to get me ready some other time. But this first time, I

wanted to be ready to go, so I did the prep work while I was waiting.”

First time? We’re going to do this more than once? Oh God…

Lee had punctuated his unreal explanations with strokes to his exquisitely

sensitive cock. He now straddled Trask and without hesitation placed the tip

of his erection against his body, guiding it to his entrance with one hand while

the other was braced firmly on Trask’s chest.

He wiggled a bit, seemingly to be more of a tease than part of the process, and

kept his eyes locked on Trask’s as sank downward. Trask felt the tip of his

cock slip inside the tightest, hottest place imaginable. His eyes closed with the

effort not to come right away.

“Ahh, yeah. God, you feel good. Just wait until you’re all the way inside of me.”

Lee drew just slightly upward and then sank down again, further this time. He

repeated the process, controlling the movement each time, until Trask felt

Lee’s balls touch his lower belly. Lee’s cock stood at attention, and Trask’s
hands naturally settled bracketing Lee’s hips, though he let his roommate

remain in the lead. Gaze bouncing between Lee’s heavy-lidded dark eyes and

his wagging cock, Trask was mesmerized by the vision of Lee fucking him,

riding atop of him.

Finally, the urge to move was no longer something he could withstand. He

planted the soles of his feet, one on the couch and the other on the floor, and

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began to thrust upwards while pulling Lee firmly against him with his hands
on his hips. The near withdrawal followed by a body-jarring impact was the

single most erotic thing he’d ever felt.

And Lee’s warm gaze urged him onward. His lips fell apart as his breathing

quickened, and after a lick to his palm, he began to pump his own cock, fisting

it tightly, the speed increasing until his hand was a blur.

Trask felt the rhythmic squeeze a moment before Lee went still and lost his

balance and rhythm. Trask gripped his hips tightly, supporting him as the first

ropy line of cum hit from nipple to bellybutton. Another couple of spurts filled
his navel and covered Lee’s hand.

Thrilled beyond measure at having made his beautiful roommate come, Trask

gave a handful of hard thrusts before completion hit him like a tidal wave,

pulling him under and leaving him blind and deaf to anything but the man

atop him wresting the satisfaction from him. He filled the condom, coming

longer inside that heat than he’d ever remembered or imagined.

Lee had a slight smile on his face as he slumped forward onto Trask’s chest.

His arms automatically enclosed Lee in a natural-feeling embrace and they

caught their breath together until Trask had no choice but to deal with the

He made a quick trip to their in-room sink to use a washcloth before returning

to Lee, who had moved once again to Trask’s bed. Shaking his head in wonder

at how quickly things could change, he eased onto the small bed and spooned

Lee from behind, holding him close by necessity as well as desire.

“Wow,” he murmured into Lee’s ear as he looked at the couch on which he’d

just lost his virginity. “All of a sudden I really love that couch. And the new


“You mean the real me,” Lee corrected, a hint of some emotion evident in his

voice. “That’s the me you should have seen from that first day.”

Trask held Lee even closer, fitting their bodies together until he couldn’t tell

where Lee ended and he began. “I liked you from the start. You may have been

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my last resort…for the first thirty seconds or so, but you went from last to first
in a hurry.”

Lee squirmed around until they were facing one another. He grinned at Trask,

that sexy, knowing smile that so belied the initial wholesome impression he’d

given Trask. “To be your first, I believe. And there are a lot of firsts yet to

come. So…” Lee slid his hand down to the small of Trask’s back, pressing their

groins together in a light grinding motion.

“So…” Trask echoed. “Okay with you if we upgrade from roomie to boyfriend?”

“Oh yeah….”


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The Author…

Devon started reading and writing at an early age and never looked back.
After a creatively-sapping career in the business world, she gratefully took
some time off to be at home. At 39 and holding, Devon finally figured out
the best way to channel her midlife crisis was to morph from mild-
mannered stay-at-home mom to erotic romance writer. She lives in Oregon
with her husband and two girls, who are (mostly) understanding of all the
time she spends on her laptop, aka the black hole.



Blog: My Turn To Write at


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