Vincent Diamond Animal Attraction

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Torquere Press

Copyright ©2007 by Vincent Diamond

First published in, 2007

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Table of Contents
Foreword ? Vincent Diamond
Make Me Beg ? Aaron Michaels
Brahmas and Pitbulls ? BA Tortuga
A Hound, A Bay Horse, and a Turtledove ? Elazarus Wills
White Mountain ? Sarah Black
Cold Iron ? KC Warwick
Gerbil Falls in Love ? Dianne Fox
Chasing Samson ? Kiernan Kelly
Bungalow Bill ? Ansley Vaughan
Canine Connection ? Neil Plakcy
Indigenous ? J.L. Jensen
Birds of a Feather ? CB Potts
Horseplay ? Sean Michael
Puppy Tax ? J. Rocci
What We Leave Behind ? Shanna Germain
Author biographies

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Foreword by Vincent Diamond
From the lush fur of a healthy cat, the soft feathers of a

barn owl, or the subtle sensuality of a horse, animals have a
way of bringing people together. In Animal Attraction, we
have domestic pets: cats, dogs and gerbils. We have wildlife
in these pages: bear, elk, a jaguar, elephants. An eagle and
an owl represent the feathered species. Horses are here as

And here too are the men who love them. Cowboys,

veterinarians, a bookstore owner, a game officer, a gigolo,
horsemen, writers, a farrier, and even an elephant trainer
make an appearance in the pages that follow. Their lives and
loves are captured in these romantic stories.

Some of the stories are light-hearted and fun; a couple are

serious and have sad moments. They all reflect their author's
love for both their animal and human characters. These
animals have a voice and a purpose. They help their human
friends—literally and figuratively—to find themselves, find
compassion—and to find each other.

Thank you and enjoy!
Vincent Diamond, 2007

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Make Me Beg by Aaron Michaels
Daniel found his lover out on the back deck of his beach

house, crouched down and hunched over.

"Hey," Daniel called softly from the open sliding glass door

between his living room and the deck. "Didn't know where
you'd disappeared to."

Jeremy turned his head and smiled at Daniel. The late

afternoon breeze off the Pacific lifted the long strands of
Jeremy's sandy brown hair away from his face.

"C'mere," Jeremy said, not moving from his crouch.
Daniel padded across the deck on bare feet. Ever since he

and Jeremy had started fucking each other, Daniel went
barefoot around the house—either his or Jeremy's—as often
as Jeremy did. Jeremy said it made his back feel better.
Daniel thought it was just because Jeremy was a middle-aged
hippie throwback who didn't like shoes, but he gave it a try.
He had to admit it did make his own back feel better.
Whether it was posture or just finding another thing in
common with a lover twice his age, Daniel didn't know. And
he didn't much care. All he did care about was that he was
happy. And he cared about Jeremy, but that went without

"So why are you out here when we could be inside getting

naked?" Daniel asked. He waggled his eyebrows to match the
teasing tone in his voice.

Jeremy just laughed softly. "Wanted to show you


"Something naughty?"

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Daniel liked playing the sex-crazed person in their

relationship. It made Jeremy laugh, and besides, it wasn't
that far from the truth. Daniel had never wanted sex as much
as he did with Jeremy, and that was saying a lot.

"Maybe later," Jeremy said with his own wicked grin.
Daniel rested a hand on Jeremy's warm shoulder and

leaned over to see what Jeremy was looking at. He laughed
when he saw the small black and white cat winding around
Jeremy's ankles, rubbing against Jeremy's hand.

"I see you've found Mortimer," Daniel said.
The cat leaned hard against Jeremy's hand and Jeremy

scratched it behind its ears. Daniel could hear its purr from
where he stood.

"I've been feeding it for the last week," Daniel said. He

crouched down next to Jeremy. "I see you've found a new
friend," he said to the cat. "Should I be offended that you
purr for someone besides me?"

Daniel held his hand out to the cat. It looked from Jeremy

to Daniel, then walked—pranced almost on its toes—over to
Daniel. He grinned as the cat leaned into his hand so hard it
practically fell over on its side.

"He knows who feeds him," Jeremy said.
Daniel looked up from the cat to see Jeremy watching him.

Jeremy's soft, loving gaze almost took Daniel's breath away,
and he suddenly felt shy. Strange, that was, since being
naked with Jeremy had never made Daniel feel shy. He
couldn't hold Jeremy's gaze, so he concentrated instead on
the cat.

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


"What?" Daniel asked just for something to say.
"Didn't know you liked cats."
Daniel shrugged. "I'm more of a dog person I guess, but I

like all animals."

"Well, Mortimer certainly likes you," Jeremy said. The cat

was now rolling around the deck while still managing to rub
its head against Daniel's fingers. "I know how he feels."

Jeremy's soft, raspy voice sent shivers down Daniel's

spine. A moment later, Jeremy's fingers did the same thing as
Jeremy began stroking Daniel's hair.

"He's probably just hungry," Daniel said softly, still not

quite daring to look at Jeremy. "Haven't fed him yet today."

"I'll do it. Where do you keep the food?"
"Broom closet, top shelf."
Jeremy leaned forward and brushed his lips against

Daniel's temple. "I'm hungry too," Jeremy murmured before
he got up and went into the house.

Daniel frowned at the cat. What was with Jeremy today?

They'd been fucking for a couple of months now—that was
what they did—and Daniel knew they cared about each other.
They just never said it.

The big L.
Never out loud in so many words anyway. Daniel always

thought that was the way Jeremy wanted it. Words obligated
a person. No words, no obligations.

But the way Jeremy was acting today made him wonder.
A few moments later Jeremy was back with a bag of cat

food. "Dish?" Jeremy asked.

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Daniel nodded at the end the deck. "It's down there, on

the grass in the shade. Need to check his water too."

With the first rattle of cat food in his dish, Mortimer

scampered away from Daniel and wound around Jeremy's
legs. Jeremy held the dish up for a moment out of Mortimer's
reach. The cat meowed and chipmunked up on its hind legs.

"Tease," Daniel said with chuckle. Jeremy put the dish

down in the grass and Mortimer immediately started
crunching away. Daniel raised an eyebrow. "You didn't make
him wait very long."

"He begs pretty."
Jeremy filled the cat's water dish then took the bag of cat

food back inside. After Daniel petted Mortimer once down the
length of his back, he followed Jeremy inside and shut the
screen portion of his door. He loved how the fresh air off the
ocean made his house smell. He just didn't want Mortimer
following them into the house. Cat claws in sensitive areas at
an inopportune moment was an experience Daniel could live

"I beg pretty," Daniel said. He walked up behind Jeremy

and wrapped his arms around Jeremy's waist as Jeremy
stretched up to put the cat food away.

"You want cat food?"
"I want you." Daniel kissed the back of Jeremy's neck and

pulled Jeremy up against him. "Make me beg, Jeremy."

Jeremy's head lolled back alongside Daniel's. His mouth

was open just enough for Daniel to see a glimpse of Jeremy's
tongue. His eyes had fluttered closed.

"Mmmmm," Jeremy murmured. "Beg for me, Daniel."

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Jeremy's voice was so sinful, so full of lustful promise, that

Daniel shivered even in the warm evening air.

"Please." Daniel brushed his lips against the side of

Jeremy's face. "Take me, make me feel—"

Jeremy's mouth on his silenced Daniel's words. Jeremy's

kiss was gentle, soft. Loving. Most of the time they fucked,
hard kisses and harder thrusts that left both of them boneless
and out of breath in each other's arms. Other times they
played, teasing nips and bites and laughter as they came
together. Only rarely did Jeremy make love to him, and even
then his kisses weren't like this.

"Not with words," Jeremy said when his lips left Daniel's.

"Your body. Beg with your body."

Like the cat.
Daniel smiled. He and Jeremy were both community

theater actors in their small, coastal Oregon town. This wasn't
the first time they had play-acted with each other.

He led Jeremy by the hand to his bedroom. Daniel sat

down on his bed and pulled Jeremy down next to him.

"This doesn't look like begging," Jeremy said.
Daniel put his finger to Jeremy's lips, shook his head

silently at him. Jeremy grinned, a bemused expression on his
face. Daniel kissed the top of Jeremy's shoulder then pulled
away. He crawled up on the bed on all fours, and Jeremy
turned so he was sitting on the bed cross-legged, watching.

Be a cat.
Daniel had never been a cat, and most especially he'd

never been a cat begging to be fucked. He let himself
remember Mortimer's shameless purring, rubbing, twining. He

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


let his eyes go feral, let his need radiate from every pore in
his body.

Daniel knew he was at least somewhat successful when he

saw Jeremy's nostrils flare with a quick intake of breath.
Otherwise Jeremy still sat passive, watching.

Daniel started out by arching his back and humming deep

in his throat. He couldn't do an actual purr but the hum got
close. He closed his eyes, rolled his shoulders slowly,
sensuously, let the stretch travel up his neck, an easy tilt of
his head to the side, baring his neck to Jeremy. He knew
Jeremy had a special appreciation for the hollow created by
the sharp angle of his collarbone at the base of his neck. He
let Jeremy take a good, long look, then he bent his head the
other way, opened his eyes and gave Jeremy a smoldering
look from beneath half-lidded eyes.

Jeremy licked his lips but didn't move. Apparently he

wanted a little more begging.

Not a problem.
Daniel sat back on his knees. Holding Jeremy's gaze, he

started a striptease. Daniel started to sway, first with his
hips—not a quick, jerky motion like he might do on a dance
floor. No, this was as slow and sensual as his shoulder roll
and timed to a throaty jazz saxophone playing in his head.
Daniel thought of a smoke-filled jazz club, the spotlight on
him on the dance floor, and Jeremy sitting at a round table in
the dark, just at the end of the spotlight's glow, eyes only for
him. Daniel let the jazz music play through him, control his
movements, and when the music was practically thrumming
in his veins, he started to remove his clothes.

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


The shirt went first. It was only a t-shirt, no buttons to

open one at a time, but Daniel still drew out the gradual
revealing of his skin. Tanned and toned from time on the
beach and in the water, Daniel pulled his shirt off inch by
precious inch. His skin practically burned with the heat of
Jeremy's gaze.

When Daniel had drawn his shirt all the way off, he threw

it behind his head and let the momentum bend his body
backwards. His own cock was hard and he knew Jeremy had
to see it pressed against his jeans. Daniel stretched his arms
up and behind himself, tilted his head back and fell with his
palms braced flat on the bed, his spine arched in a bow, his
body on display. He heard Jeremy try to stifle a moan. He half
expected to feel Jeremy's hand on him, but Jeremy still didn't
touch him.

Daniel hummed again and rolled to his side. He kept the

arch in his spine, but now he slid his hands down his torso, a
slow exploration of his own skin from collarbone to his
pebbled nipples, over the defined hardness of his ribs until his
fingertips disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans. His
hands continued their slow glide, now toward each other,
meeting at the fly of his jeans. He popped the button, pulled
the zipper down with one hand while the other slipped lower,
lower, until Daniel touched himself and a moan of his own
escaped his lips.

Daniel felt the mattress move. He looked over his shoulder

at Jeremy. His lover had scooted back against the headboard.
His eyes were dark, mouth slack, open enough that Daniel
could hear the deeps breaths wafting over Jeremy's lips. As

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Daniel watched, Jeremy unzipped his own pants and released
what looked like a painfully erect cock. But still Jeremy made
no move to touch him.

If Jeremy didn't succumb soon, Daniel was going to damn

well forget the game and just jump his lover. One touch of
Jeremy's cock would be all it would take. Of course, Jeremy
would never let him hear the end of it when they came back
to reality after fucking each other senseless.

And they would be fucking each other senseless. They

were both too wound up not to. Daniel felt the sexual tension
in the air. It filled his head, made his cock throb in his hand.
He pumped down his length, back up to the head, and felt the
slickness there. And got an idea.

Daniel turned his head away from Jeremy, shut his eyes,

and proceeded to wiggle on the bed. He imagined the same
throaty jazz saxophone playing slow and sultry, used the
music to add a sensual feel to his movements, used the
friction of the cotton bedspread against his jeans to draw his
pants down over his hips. When the jeans fell beneath his
buttocks, Daniel rolled on his back, used his legs to kick off
his pants all the while he stroked his own cock. He could hear
Jeremy's rough breathing, knew without looking that Jeremy
was stroking his own erection.

When his pants were gone, kicked off the side of the bed—

and Daniel had never been more glad he wasn't wearing
underwear; one less thing to take off without moving his hand
from his cock—Daniel rested his feet on the bed, legs spread,
knees bent and feet flat. He wanted to make sure Jeremy
could see the show.

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


On the next stroke Daniel let his fingers slide through the

slickness at the head of his erection. He swirled his index
finger around the tip, coating his finger and driving himself
crazy with so much attention to the most sensitive part of his
cock. His hips bucked up of their own accord, his thighs
flexing, cock straining upwards. He groaned a little, then
groaned more when he quit touching his cock and instead
teased his entrance with that slick finger.

Jeremy moaned right along with him.
Daniel managed to lift his head to look at Jeremy. Face

flushed, Jeremy was stroking his own cock, slow steady pulls.
His eyes were dark and the lids drooped, his mouth was open.
Daniel didn't have to concentrate on sending a lust-filled
glance at Jeremy. Daniel's every movement screamed put
your hands on me, put your mouth on me, put your cock in

To drive that point home, Daniel slipped his finger inside

himself. He dropped his head back on the bed, unable to hold
it up anymore even to look at Jeremy, unable to do more
than think of the combined pleasure of one hand on his cock,
the other hand fucking himself.

He felt the mattress move and Jeremy was on him.
"You beg pretty," Jeremy said, voice low and rough against

Daniel's ear. Daniel didn't get a chance to reply.

Jeremy clutched at him, hands on Daniel's shoulders, and

plunged his tongue into Daniel's mouth. This was no gentle
kiss. Jeremy plundered Daniel's mouth, pressed against his
lips hard, tongue thrusting deep. Before Daniel could begin to
respond, Jeremy moved his mouth away, kissed a trail down

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Daniel's body, grabbed Daniel's wrist to stop his strokes, and
then Jeremy's mouth engulfed him.

Daniel cried out and curled up, his shoulders leaving the

bed, as Jeremy's wet, wonderful mouth surrounded him.
Jeremy sucked him, licked him, like the world depended on
Daniel coming as quickly as possible. And when Jeremy's
finger replaced Daniel's inside him, Daniel did come. Long and
loud and as hard as he had ever come in his life. Muscles
stretched as tight as steel, Daniel shuddered underneath
Jeremy, toes curled into the bedspread, his hands clutched in
Jeremy's soft hair.

"Fuck me!" Daniel wailed when Jeremy didn't move his

mouth away. Instead Jeremy continued to lick and suck at
Daniel's hypersensitive flesh. Daniel was barely aware when
Jeremy inserted a second slick finger inside him. He had a
random thought as he wondered when Jeremy had time to
lube his fingers, then Jeremy curled his fingers inside Daniel
and all thoughts dissolved in a burst of pleasure. Jeremy
whispered in his ear, "Turn over," and then Jeremy was
kneeling behind him, the blunt pressure of his cock at Daniel's
entrance, and Daniel wondered when Jeremy had put on the

Then Jeremy slid inside with one sure, deep thrust, and

Daniel stopped thinking.

Jeremy fucked him the way that he had kissed—hard and

deep. One hand reached up to grab Daniel's shoulders to hold
him steady, the other hand snaked around Daniel's hips to
grab his heavy, bobbing cock, half hard again already. Still
sensitive from his mind-blowing orgasm, Daniel whimpered

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


when Jeremy began stroking him in time to his thrusts. His
entire groin felt like he was on fire.

Daniel's arms couldn't support him any more. Nearly

boneless, his shoulders sank to the bed. He turned his head
to the side. His hands clenched the bedspread underneath
him. Jeremy let go of his shoulder and grabbed his hip, pulled
Daniel's backside up to slam against Jeremy's thrusts until
Daniel took over the motion. Up on his knees, ass in the air,
Daniel rocked back against Jeremy. The change in position let
Jeremy drive deep inside him, and Daniel groaned.

"Gonna come again," Daniel moaned. "Please ... don't stop

... harder ... fuck me harder."

"God, Daniel." Jeremy's voice was gruff. "You're so fucking

beautiful, sexy and beautiful. Gonna kill me one of these
days, you know that?"

"Never gonna happen."
Daniel grabbed the bedcovers and pushed back hard,

clenched around Jeremy. Jeremy cried out and his fist
tightened around Daniel's cock, and then they were both
coming, Daniel spilling himself over Jeremy's hand, Jeremy
shuddering and then falling against Daniel's back.

Daniel's legs slid out from under him and then he was lying

flat on the bed, Jeremy draped over him like a sweaty

Jeremy began to chuckle once the aftershocks wore off.
"What's so funny?" Daniel muttered. He felt plastered to

the bed, his hot, sticky stomach molded to his bedspread.
He'd have to remember to throw the bedspread in the

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


laundry. Next time, he told himself, next time remember to
roll back the spread first.

Jeremy lifted himself off Daniel with a groan. Daniel turned

his head and watched his lover dispose of the condom. He
was still chuckling.

"What are you laughing about, old man?"
"You," Jeremy said. "You were being the cat, weren't you?"
Daniel grinned an exhausted, satiated grin. "I was a damn

sexy cat."

"That you were." Jeremy stretched out next to Daniel and

pulled him close until Daniel was spooned against him,
Daniel's ass nestled against Jeremy's crotch. "And you call me
a method actor," Jeremy said.

"Babe, if I was actually being that cat," Daniel said with a

wicked grin, "I would have been the one fucking you. He is
named Mortimer after all."

Daniel looked over his shoulder at Jeremy. One eyebrow

raised, he waited for a comeback.

"Maybe Mortimer likes boys," Jeremy said. "He certainly

likes you."

Daniel pretended to think about that for a moment. In

reality he was just playing with Jeremy. He enjoyed their
post-sex banter almost as much as their pre-sex banter.
Truth be told, he enjoyed pretty much everything with

"Mmm.... "Daniel said. "That's true. He even likes you.

Maybe Mortimer does like boys."

"I like you and I like boys." Jeremy kissed him on the tip of

his nose. "Well, I like one boy, not all boys."

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Jeremy's expression turned serious. Daniel's throat went

dry. He'd been in relationships before when it all turned sour
after that one little word was said. It placed so many
expectations on everyone. Daniel was half afraid Jeremy was
going to say it, and then as he thought about it, he was more
afraid that Jeremy never would.

"Jeremy?" he asked after a long moment of Jeremy just

staring at him.

"I saw a different side of you today." Jeremy cradled

Daniel's face in one strong hand. "I realized that I've seen so
many different sides of you and there's not a one I don't like."
Daniel saw Jeremy swallow hard. "More than like."

Daniel glanced away, frowned a little, found himself staring

at a tattoo on Jeremy's upper arm. So much life, so much
passion, all in this one man. All given to him. It amazed

"Same here, old man," Daniel said, not knowing he was

going to make the admission until he said it. It astounded him
to admit that out loud, but even as he said it, he realized it
was true. This had stopped being just about sex long ago.

Jeremy made a small sound in the back of his throat, then

he moved around Daniel to bring their faces together.
Jeremy's kiss was tender, soft—loving. Strong, gentle fingers
cradled Daniel's head. Daniel made a soft sound of his own,
sank his fingers deep in Jeremy's hair, and kissed him back
with just as much tenderness.

When the kiss finally ended, Jeremy's eyes were deep and

liquid, full of an emotion that Daniel realized Jeremy was not

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


going to voice. Not today. Maybe not ever, but the feeling
was there nonetheless and that was all that mattered.

Daniel wondered if Jeremy could read the same emotion in

his eyes. He hoped he could. For the first time in his life
Daniel wasn't afraid to let it show.

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


Brahmas and Pitbulls by BA Tortuga
Lord have mercy, them cattle looked like teddy bears in

the pasture. Dean looked over and scratched his head and
decided to go on ahead and buy more propane for the tank.
He didn't care what the weatherman said. Them critters knew
what was what.

He shook his head and got back to tacking shingles on the

barn roof. No matter what anyone said about the winter
coming, it was warm as hell right now and he wanted to get
the roof right and tight before it thought about raining. The
dogs set up a ruckus right about then, the silly mutts barking
and barking, making the other animals go crazy, too. Well,
what the hell? There he was, dangling off the roof and the
damned place was going crazy.

"What the heck are you up to, cowboy?" Will hollered,

coming down from the house to the lot, ballcap shadowing his
lover's face. The work on one of the fence rails must've gone
easier than they'd thought.

"Oh, I'm up here looking for aliens." He snorted, wiped his

face with his bandana. "How's that fence going?"

"It's going, but I swear to god, I'm gonna kill..." Will

trailed off, disappearing around the corner of the barn, and he
could hear the man grunting and mumbling.

"Kill what?" He crab-walked around, following the sound of

Will's voice.

"Don't you hurt yourself. I think we got something here."

All he could see was Will's ass, upturned next to the watering

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Animal Attraction

by Vincent Diamond


"Huh?" He leaned over as far as he dared, the eaves

creaking away.

"There's this ... Ow!" Will popped out, the dogs setting up

such a fever pitch that he worried there was a skunk or
something out there. But whatever that was wiggling in Will's
hands was buff-colored and tail-wagging, not black and white.

"Well, I'll be..." Dean slid forward, damn near going over

as he strained to see.

"Hey! Come down by the ladder, cowboy. Looks like we got

us a puppy." Will was grinning up at him, flinching every time
the little thing bit his hands.

"Another one? Lord, lord. Well, I wonder who dumped him.

Poor feller." Dean rolled over to the ladder, heading down.
They hadn't had a new puppy in a while. Not that they were
keeping this one, but...

Will met him at the bottom, holding out the wiggling

bundle. "Looks like a pit mix, huh?"

"Oh, look at you..." He pulled his shirt on and took the

pup, looking ... her over. "Yeah, and she's needing a flea bath
and some water. She's been on her own a while."

She wasn't scared, though, hell no. That tail was wagging

her whole butt and she was gnawing on Will to beat the band.
Lord. "Yep. But look at that face!"

"She's got herself a pretty smile." He chuckled and

scritched a floppy pair of ears, that puppy happy as a pig in
shit. "Come on. Let's find her some food."

"Sounds good. Oh now, hush, you bunch." Will handed him

the puppy and spent some time loving on the dogs they
already had, reassuring them that they weren't being

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by Vincent Diamond


replaced. Dean got them to the loafing shed and got the pup
to eating on a bowl of leftover Puppy Chow back from when
they'd found ... Poppy? Red? Biscuit? One of the latest bunch.
Then he started filling everybody else's dishes.

Poor little baby was so hungry that she wolfed the food

down and promptly started horking it back up. Bless her little

"Lord, lord. Let's try this again, a little slower." Dean got

her water and cleaned the mess.

"She's really hungry, huh?" Will leaned down and held the

bowl while the little girl pushed it around, snuffling and

"She's starving and doesn't have the foggiest idea how to

be a stray. She probably heard the others and came looking
for her momma."

"Well, they'll give her a tough time to begin with. We

probably ought to keep an eye on her." And didn't Will look
tickled? "What are we gonna call her?"

This was his job—Dean wasn't sure when he'd inherited it

or why he kept the job, but he did. He knelt down and looked
into that eager, smiling little face. Sweet baby looked like she
could just fall over from pure relief that somebody was willing
to do good by her. "Clara. She looks like a Clara to me."

"Clara it is." Hooting when the pup crawled up on his

knees and licked his face, Will clapped him on the back. "I
think she likes you."

"Shit, Ace, I think there's a sign down the road in Labrador

Retriever that says 'suckers in the blue house, look cute'."

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"You think? It must be in goat and pony, too." They did

have themselves a way with strays and rescues.

"Goat. Pony. Barn cat." He cut a look over to Will, deciding

this was as good a time as any. "Buckin' bulls..."

Will tilted his head, those pretty eyes staring right at him.

"We don't got any of those, Dean."

"No.... "He stared right back, just loving his cowboy to

death. "Not yet."

"Huh." Sitting back on his boot heels, Will scratched puppy

ears and looked him over consideringly. "That initial
investment is gonna be high. But it sure would be fun."

"Well, I got a call the other day and we could get some

heifers at a good deal and there's a breeder at Sherman that
wants somebody to look over his bulls and is willing to cut a
deal on semen if I do." Dean held Will's gaze, knowing how it
was a risk, knowing that they were ready for it, finally, after
building a herd for so many years. "I might be able to get on
a couple of the new ones, too. See how they feel up under a

"Yeah? Well, there you go." Looking happy as a pig in shit,

Will stood, those long legs popping and creaking. "I think
that's a plan, cowboy. I'm in if you want me."

"Want you? Shit, Ace. When don't I want you?" He grinned

over, nodded. "You'll need to come out, pick the heifers."

Will had a real way with the ladies, which always made him

laugh. "You got it. Now, what about this little girl?"

"What about her? I reckon we'll give her her shots and a

collar and a little blanket of her own, huh?" Like they wouldn't
take her in. They'd done named her.

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"We ought to start with the flea bath. Ain't no sense

getting us and the rest of the dogs all bit up..." His Ace did
have a habit of talking while he wandered off and did shit.

Dean chuckled, watching that puppy bouncing along,

chasing at Will's heels, barking away.

"Lord, y'all. Were you looking for another pup to join the

pack?" Five pairs of brown eyes stared at him. "No? Huh, you
sure didn't run her off..."

"What?" Will came back with the puppy wiggling under one

arm, the big aluminum tub in the other. The other pups split
like a piece of firewood, running like the wind.

"Nothing. Just talking to the family." He laughed good and

hard. "They know what's coming, don't they?"

"They do. Let's hope they didn't get any fleas, because

then you'll have to round them up and dunk them..." Oh.
Cruel man. Poor little Clara sure didn't know what was
coming, even when Will started filling the tub.

Dean bent down and started talking. "I tell you what, you

think you'll like a bath? I mean, we ain't got a dog yet that
wants the water, you oughta."

Clara licked his nose, whining low in her throat in that pit

bull way, wagging and woofing and prancing around. And lord
love her, when they plopped her in the bath, she just settled
right down to play. He grinned over at Will and they got to
scrubbing. "She's a solid little thing, huh? She might could
hold a cowboy on her back when she gets grown."

"She might could. You have to wonder what kind of a

monster she's mixed with, huh? Look at her feet."

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"I know it. Pit's have them dainty little things." Lord knew

this baby girl didn't have a bit of dainty on her.

"No shit." That came when little Clara decided to get out of

the tub before they were done. That pup climbed Will like a
ladder. Oh, fuck, that was something else. Dean started
hooting, clapping as that little tail went ninety to nothing.
Spitting and flailing, Will went ass over teakettle, falling back
on the ground and getting wallered on but good.

"She likes you, honey." Dean righted the tub and grabbed

Will's hand, hauling him up.

"She likes us both because we've been nice, I bet." Ace

leaned on him a bit, watching the puppy get muddy. "Promise
me the bulls will be less trouble."

"I hate to lie to you, Ace." Bulls weren't nothing but

trouble and money.

The puppy had ahold of Will's jeans, tugging like mad, but

Will moved right on up, leaning on him and begging a kiss. "I
know, cowboy. I'm just teasin'. You know, I could call Dad,
too. I think he knows some folks in the bull business."

"If it won't get him all pissy. Last thing I need is for him to

blow a vein because he's het up about me." Lord knew Will's
folks looked for reasons not to like him sometimes.

"Everything makes Dad pissy since he had that pneumonia

that made him back off the ranch. He might be tickled to get

"Then we'll ask." He patted Will's butt, enjoying the way

that denim fit in his hand.

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"Cool. Now, how excited are you about getting back up on

that ladder? 'Cause I could use a shower..." Those eyes were
just naughty, come-get-me eyes, now.

"Yeah? I'm thinking the rain'll hold a few days..."
"I'll come on and help you after I get the fence done,

which is maybe another twenty minutes of work. So they can
both wait a bit..." Hoo yeah.

"Then I think that shower's waiting on us, Will." Dean

reached out, fingers touching Will's wrist, feeling the calluses
by Will's thumb.

"Then let's get this little girl settled and we'll get wet."

Will's hand slid up to grasp his, warm and firm, a cowboy's
hand for sure. Lord have mercy, that was just fine. Yessir.

It didn't take a minute to settle the new pup. Of course,

they needed to run down and feed the horses and throw down
some food for the barn cats. Then Will went to check the
water and he threw out the chicken feed and goddamn, what
were they fixin' to do again?

Will reminded him once they were standing out in the

yard, staring. Yup, Ace wandered right over and hooked an
arm around his waist. "Shower, cowboy."

"You got it, Ace." He nodded, leaned a bit as they

wandered, the path familiar as breathing. Will's boots knew
the way, too, and by the time they hit the house, Will was
kissing on him, his neck and cheek.

He loved the brush of mustache on his skin, loved the solid

way Will leaned against him. His back hit the front door as
soon as it closed, Will pressing against him, kissing him good
and hard. Reminding him what they were up to. His hands

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slid down Will's bod, touching those long, fine-as-hell thighs
all the way down.

"Mmmmm." That hot mouth slid along his chin, all the way

over to his ear so Will could nuzzle up underneath. "Too much
denim, cowboy."

"I. Uh-huh." His knees buckled a little, eyes rolling.
"Yeah. Dean..." Those arms looped around his neck, not

helping with the undressing at all, and Will kissed him again,
lips and tongue moving slow and easy. He managed to get his
fingers moving, stopping to stroke each and every bit of skin
he bared.

"Oh..." That moan came out rough against his skin, Will's

whole body starting to move for him, like the man was riding
a horse. He slid down, nice and careful, lips open as he went
for that hard cock that was waiting for him.

"Dean!" Lord, Will could make some fine noises. Deep,

harsh. God, almighty.

"Yeah. Yeah, lemme..." Will's cock slipped right into his

lips, his hands stroking those amazing long legs.

One hard thrust caught him almost unawares before Will

held back, legs shaking, ass tight as a drum. Will did love his
mouth. He knew it because of the hottest words he'd ever
heard coming down around him. He groaned around Will's
prick, letting those words drive him, move his head faster.
Will's rough fingers combed through his hair, knocking his hat
the rest of the way off. He saw it roll across the floor out of
the corner of his eye. Then Will's cock slid over his tongue
and he forgot about his hat, about anything but pulling Will in

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"Dean. Cowboy. Please. I need to..." Will babbled for him,

just like the kid he'd been when they met, going to town with
words and body. Filling him up.

He hummed and nodded, letting Will take all he needed.

Will grunted, thrusting harder, fucking his mouth like there
was no tomorrow. He could feel Will's balls draw up when he
cupped them, could feel the muscles coil under his hands.
Then Will was giving it up for him, coming like crazy. That
was what he needed, just that. Dean groaned low, swallowing
around Will's flesh, drinking his cowboy down.

"Oh. Oh, damn, cowboy. I. Oh..." Will slid down against

him, cock slipping out of his mouth as Will melted right into
him. Landing on his knees facing Dean, Will took a kiss,
humming a damned happy tune.

He'd have grinned, if he wasn't needing so bad, down deep

in his belly. He wrapped one hand around Will's nape, tugged
him in close. That tune got lower, more intense as Will
reached for him, the heel of Will's hand pressing against him
through his jeans. Then those fingers pulled at his zipper,
letting him free.

"Please, yeah?" He pushed up toward that touch, eyes

rolling like a balky horse.

"Yeah. Want you. Gonna ... like you did for me. Gonna

suck you, lover." Will bent and licked at him like he was ice
cream. Oh. His face heated thinking about what they'd done
with peach ice cream, once. He'd damn near died. Still
thought on it when he took himself in hand, brought himself

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Now Will's mouth was hot, though, all hot. And wet. Sliding

down over him, that mouth took him in, Will's lips sealing
hard around him.

"Will." He planted his heels, forced himself not to thrust

up, take Will's mouth like he needed to.

Dark lashes swept down to hide Will's eyes, but he knew

what was what when Will's throat opened for him, relaxing
enough to let him in. To let him do what he wanted. What he
had to have. Dean let himself go, head thrown back, hips just
going to town. Will sucked hard enough that he thought he
might just die happy, right here on the floor. When he came it
was shouting and shaking, right into Will's mouth, those
hands stroking him, soothing him, praising him.

"Goddamn, Will. You ... you're something." Something all

his. Something like home.

"Mmm. You know, we still need that shower." Will was

laughing at him, long lashes tickling his cheek. "Love you,

"Yep. The hot water heater'll be even more full now." He

grinned, nipped Will's bottom lip. "We're gonna be back in the
rodeo business, Ace. You and me in the stock contractor

"Oh." Like that hadn't even dawned on Will, that sweet

face lit right up like the new puppy when Dean scratched her
ears. "Oh, that would be cool. Not so much on the road,
though, right?"

"Hell, no. We got pups to feed. Horses. Them beefmasters

in the back pasture." He wasn't looking to leave home, just to
play a little.

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"Cool. We got us a good place." Laughing low and happy,

Will kissed his cheeks. "But I wouldn't mind going on a trip or

"Nope. Wouldn't mind a couple paychecks either. We could

hire us a roofer."

"We could. Keep your ass on the ground where it belongs."

Yeah. He wouldn't mind that a bit.

"Right now, come keep my ass in the shower. We'll worry

about the rest tomorrow."

"You got it." They stood, leaving the rest of their clothes in

a pile by the door, and headed for the shower. He never
worried about tomorrow with Will. It always worked itself out
for the best.

Even if those goddamn dogs put out welcome signs for

every stray in Raines County.

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A Hound, a Bay Horse, and a Turtledove by Elazarus Wills
I thought by loving all beside
To prove to you my love was wide
And by the rite I soared above
To show you my peculiar love
Henry David Thoreau—Verse written in his journal
November 7, 1840
Osmer Gale knew that feeding the starving elk would have

drawn the stern, but unspoken, disapproval of Henry
Thoreau, an emotion that he imagined he felt even from the
temporal distance of a century and a half. It might also have
provoked a lecture very much like the one he received from
December Mercado.

"I wish you wouldn't encourage these people," was the

first thing December Mercado said to him while standing on
the cabin's porch one winter day.

"Pardon me?" Osmer managed, still half asleep from a

mid-afternoon nap, as he stared at the tall, part Apache, part
Latino game warden.

"The feeding that they're doing. It's just gonna keep the

herd bigger than it should to be healthy. They'll compete with
the deer next summer and the deer hunters will complain
when their numbers go down. And so will the cattle guys. If
the elk herd's too big to make it through a bad winter, then
it's too big. Feeding them will generally make things worse,
not better." December Mercado wore jeans and a brown
leather jacket with New Mexico Game and Fish patches and
badge on his right front pocket. He was the most beautiful

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man Osmer had ever seen, skin the color of hot cocoa mixed
with blood, eyes like dark chocolate, with an almost haughty,
high cheek-boned face.

* * * *

Osmer had come from Boulder to the sage and pinyon

foothills of Northern New Mexico, a fresh Master's degree in
literature and a book contract in hand. The cabin belonged to
his ex-stepfather who had divorced his unfaithful mother
during his freshman year at the University of Colorado. He
had also come to this place to spend an extended amount of
time wandering around inside of the head of Henry David
Thoreau, trying to persuade the moody Concord philosopher
to yield up his secret life, the one he had hidden away like a
Victorian chamber pot, pushed far back under the bed. Osmer
knew how the book would go because he had written a well
regarded novella, for which a publisher had paid him a small
advance to expand into a doorstop-weight novel. His work
was clear, but his inspiration and commitment to do the work
was not.

Osmer dawdled from early fall into winter, fixing things

around the cabin, cooking elaborate meals, harvesting pinyon
nuts and trying to get to know his Latino neighbors. Much
time was spent brooding over his abandonment that summer
by his longtime, older, architect lover who had taken a
consulting design job in Singapore that would run for several
years. Ambition triumphing over true love, real or imagined.
Osmer hadn't decided if he was heartbroken, angry, or
relieved. He just wished he had more energy.

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The elk arrived in the first week of December shortly after

the first snows, unusually heavy that year, had come roaring
out of the west across the Colorado Plateau. During normal
winters, the elk herds wintered by wandering from the oak
brush slopes just below where the aspen groves began, down
to the valley hayfields and back again. During early winter
that year the snow in the oak brush was already too deep
even for their powerful bodies and they were forced to stay

"How can the elk be starving if they are constantly

breaking into the haystack enclosures?" Osmer asked Susie
Argullo-Estrada Gonzales.

"Them elk, they are browsers. They need that wood, you

know," she told him as they sat on the ridge road in his old
Land-Cruiser with the motor running and heater groaning
hard. Susie was forty-two, a powerfully built local ranch
woman. "It used to be that if they couldn't eat up in the oak
brush they would come down here, eat willows along the river
'til things got better. Can't do that so easy now. All elk-fenced
through here." She waved a hand with its work-cracked
knuckles at the valley below.

Other than the village, there were just a couple of resort

dude ranches along with large parcels with second homes
owned by out-of-state rich people. Hayfields and cottonwood
groves. The ground was all under three feet of snow.

"The deer make out okay, but them elk get into the hay

too much. Get the impacted bowels. Like horses do
sometimes. Eat too much green alfalfa. Muerte' dispacheo."
Susie inhaled and blew smoke from her hand-rolled cigarette

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out the Toyota's partially open passenger side window. Osmer
shivered and turned the fan on the heater up a notch.

"So how does feeding them hay save them, if hay will kill


"We cut brush—places they can't get, orchard prunings,

feed them that too. Some hay. Not too much. Enough to keep
them out of haystacks," Susie said.

"Why do you do it? Other than to save them."
"Saving them saves us," Susie said. "Hunting money

important here. Half the elk herd starves in a bad winter lots
of people around here have a very bad fall next year."

"Okay," said Osmer.
"I'll help." He paused. "Do you know anything about that

game warden?"

"The pretty one you mean?" she laughed.

* * * *

After that, Osmer took his turn helping to feed the elk

every other day. He worked for an hour or so in the early
morning, throwing brush and hay into the snowy fields off of
the back of a chained up flatbed farm truck. The elk usually
stood in ragged groups several hundred yards distant until
the truck had passed, then venturing over to nibble and
chew. At home he tried to write but mostly just drank local
wine and read his copy of Henry David Thoreau's journals for
inspiration. Henry remained distant and uncommunicative.
Osmer tried to keep a journal of his own. He lay naked on his

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bed, legs apart, looking out at the mountains and slowly
masturbated, thinking of December Mercado.

"So I hear you're a writer," December Mercado said as he

sat at Osmer's small kitchen table. The game warden had
returned a few days after they had first met. "Are you writing
about the elk or the local multi-cultural experience? Poor
Chicanos and the last of the Apaches doing custom farming,
building horse barns and cleaning pools for millionaire
refugees from California and Texas."

"Neither," Osmer said. He explained about the book that

he was supposed to be writing. About Henry David Thoreau.
The table was set up at the entrance to a small lean-to,
south-facing greenhouse that had been added onto the
nineteen forties vintage cabin.

"Ahh..." December said sipping at his coffee. "So what was

the secret life of Thoreau? I've always thought of him as the
ultimate nineteenth century slacker. Mooching off of his
relatives. Couch camping at Ralph Waldo Emerson's house.
Scribbling down every thought for posterity. Pithy, but not
very practical." He smiled, causing the radiating lines at the
corners of his eyes to deepen and Osmer's breath to quicken.

"That is one school of thought," Osmer said carefully.
"And yours?"
Osmer looked into December's umber eyes and stepped off

into deep water. "Henry Thoreau was the first great gay
American writer or maybe it's a tie with Walt Whitman."

"Right. I remember American Lit in college. Everybody

says that but nobody can prove anything. He did ask Ellen
Sewall to marry him," December said.

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"He wrote love poems about Ellen's brother," Osmer said

defensively, but was pleased that he had met someone with
whom he could discuss Thoreau.

"He was also reading tons of Greek classics in the original

language and we all know those guys practically invented
homoeroticism. Maybe he was just trying to write stuff like his
idols," the game warden said. He winked and grinned.

Osmer's eyes widened. "I've heard that argument, too.

What convinces me, besides the fact that Henry never
marrying or having another girlfriend his whole life, was that
he was always railing about the dangers of giving in to
sensuality—our animal natures. He was obviously talking
about himself."

"And how about your animal nature?" December asked. He

sipped slowly at his cup of coffee. "I noticed the rainbow
bumper sticker on your car. That's why I came back to see

Osmer choked on his buttered croissant.

* * * *

Osmer first saw it from the back of the truck, fifty yards

away, feeding on an elk carcass. The bear was large for a
black bear, probably old too, but Osmer couldn't tell for sure.
It looked old. Half of one ear was gone, leaving a ragged
stump. Its pelt looked rough and patchy. He slapped the top
of the truck cab with a gloved hand. When Susie, who was
driving, looked back, he pointed.

"That damn bear should have been in hibernation over a

month ago," she called. "Probably sick or something. We

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should call the game warden. Not good this close to the

By the time December arrived, this time in brown insulated

coveralls, tranquilizer rifle in hand, the bear was gone. "Shit,"
said December scanning the nearby hillside with an oversized
pair of binoculars. "This is all I need, but better some of these
pet elk of yours than some sheep or the rico Anglo's Angus
bulls or something."

"The bear is scaring the elk from the feeding ground here.

Just the scent of him is enough," Susie told him. "We'll have
to move the feeding a mile down valley and hope he don't go
there too."

"How about you just stop feeding the elk?" December


"Fish and Game says that it is okay. We asked them."

Susie was indignant. "Mercado, you are not being official
when you go say something different."

"You're right but that doesn't mean that I'm wrong,"

December said softly.

* * * *

"She's right about one thing," December told him later.

They were driving around snow packed gravel roads in the
Game and Fish truck. "There is something wrong with that

"It looked old," Osmer said. "Maybe it has bear Alzheimer's

or something." He gasped as December let go of the wheel
with one hand and punched him in the shoulder.

"You're funny!" he whooped.

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"I was serious," said Osmer. He looked away from his

beautiful friend and out the side window. A dozen llamas
grazed in a snowy field. In the distance a gigantic house
protruded above the pinyons and cedars, all sharp angles,
varnished logs, glass walls and redwood decks.

"Oh," December said. A long minute of silence followed.

"We're probably going to have to trap him or someone will
probably shoot him. If that doesn't work maybe I'll have to
shoot him."

"Won't that upset your balance of nature or something?"
"The bear's the one that's unbalancing things," December


They drove to December's office. It was one room in a

gray painted cinderblock building that he shared with a couple
of federal Forest Service guys. The trap, a huge pipe-like
affair mounted on its own trailer, was in the parking lot out
back. They hitched it to the truck, and after stopping at the
small grocery in the village for stale bakery goods to bait it
with, took it to the field where the last feeding had been
done. They stood together in the snow and looked at the late
afternoon light on the foothills.

"Do you really think he will come back here?" Osmer


"Not really, but if I don't try, and he kills a sheep or two

tonight, my supervisor in Taos is going to be all over me. By
the way, I'm house-sitting up the mountain. It beats my
trailer. Come by tonight. I'll draw you a map," December

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"You don't need to draw me a map," Osmer said and

stepped into the taller man's embrace.

* * * *

"So you think that Ellery Channing was really Henry's

boyfriend," December said as his naked body slid into the
steaming water of the hot tub. His breath turned to visible
white vapor as he spoke. A full moon lit the view of the valley
from the deck of the big house.

Osmer stared at his smooth muscular chest while the

vision of those legs lingered behind his retinas. He drew a
breath of cold mountain air. "Well, I think he probably came
closest with Ellery. They were best friends his whole adult life.
Channing himself, in some of his writings and letters, sounded
a lot like Truman Capote on an extra bitchy day. When Henry
died of tuberculosis at forty-four, Channing said that he had
lost half of the world. I don't think that they ever actually did
anything or Thoreau, or Channing himself, would have written
a heavily Victorian coded poem about it."

December's head was just showing above the water and

he was laughing softly.

"You, that's all. You are just so fucking—earnest. But,

you're also cuter than hell. How do you know they weren't
having sex constantly, but knew enough not to talk or write
about it?"

"Because. People were stronger in those days. Henry wrote

private letters to friends that made it clear that sex was
something to be avoided. He was very prudish that way,"

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Osmer said. "When he met Walt Whitman, the one thing he
was put off by was Whitman's full tilt sensuality. He must
have known that Whitman was gay. The guy had pictures of
naked Greek gods and stuff pasted on the walls of his room.
Henry wasn't stupid."

December pulled Osmer to his feet and embraced him

from behind; strong arms circling his belly, one hand dipping
down to cup his scrotum. Osmer purred and pressed his hips
forward. Behind him the other man pressed his erection
against his back. It felt like a promise. He felt him shift,
reaching for something. The sound of a cap coming off and
the touch of cool wet fingers probing.

Osmer stopped him. "No. I'm not into that. It's just not

me." December rested his chin of Osmer's shoulder and
kissed his right ear. "Ahh, some sort of halfway Thoreauvian
limit. You fuck but you don't fuck.

"I fuck. I've fucked since I was fourteen," Osmer assured

him. "I just don't fuck that way."

"You a top? You don't seem like a top. I didn't think you

were such a role player." December had returned to caressing
Osmer's sex.

"No, it's not that. It doesn't feel right to me. It never has."

Lips nibbled at his neck; down the top of his spine.

"And Henry wouldn't approve." December began to give

him a standing massage, working the tips of the fingers and
thumbs of both hands, beginning just above the sensitive
areas in back of Osmer's knees. Osmer sucked cold air in
through his clenched teeth. "I've spent the last two nights
rereading Walden."

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"Henry denied his own nature because of when he lived."

Osmer rose on tiptoe in the steaming water as December's
insistent dancing fingers worked their way up his inner thighs.
"I try to be true to mine."

In the natural course of things, when December's hands

had made their caressing way to the outside of his hips,
Osmer turned and took his new lover into his own arms. He
heard him exhale with a sound very much like wonder. They
stood that way for a long time, pressed flesh to flesh, hands
stroking thighs, buttocks and backs. Tongues exploring
tongues. Strong teeth nipping insistently at firm wet skin.

Osmer kissed his way downward out of the embrace and

there in hot tub mists, just inches from the surface of the
water, he took December slowly and lovingly into his mouth.
One forearm was between slightly spread thighs, finger-
spread hand clasping the now chilly firmness of ass-flesh.

"I'm fucking freezing up here," December moaned as he

stroked Osmer's thick blonde hair.

"You're pretty warm down here," Osmer said indistinctly,

only his head and neck above water. If he paused, he could
feel the beat of the older man's heart through the pulse inside
of the satin flesh against his tongue. He began to move again
while luxuriously fondling himself. Suddenly December pulled
away and was climbing out of the tub.

"Look. It's the goddamn bear." December Mercado stood

naked on the redwood deck pointing at a dark speck moving
in the moonlight across a distant field.

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Osmer came up out of the water and slumped onto the

edge of the hot tub. He squinted into the night. "It could be
anything. You can't tell from here."

"You can't, I can."
When Osmer and December checked it in the morning, the

trap was empty. There were clearly defined bear tracks in the
snow circling it.

"Shit," said December.
"It probably followed the elk," Osmer said. "They're

feeding down-valley today."

The ravens drew them to the elk carcass, rising two or

three at a time and then dropping back down into some
cottonwoods under laid with willow brush.

"Bear or mountain lion kill," December said pointing to

gaping, ragged holes in the haunches.

"Isn't this what you were arguing for?" Osmer asked.

"Nature taking its course. The stronger taking the weaker.
Darwin personified."

"One sick old bear is not nature."
"It's not a catastrophe either."
"No, and if it were up to me I'd leave it alone but I also

have a job to do," December said.

"So do I," Osmer said. "I should be writing. I think this has

given me an idea about Thoreau battling nature. His nature.
He probably saw himself, his desires, as unnatural, separate
from nature."

"He had a vision of himself, of what he was and he stuck to

that," said December.

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"Yes. And I wonder if he would have been happier if he

hadn't. If he had embraced Whitman's sensuous howl," said
Osmer, "I wonder what the bear is thinking."

"Let's call the bear Henry," December said.

* * * *

That night, Osmer and December had just adjourned from

making love in Osmer's narrow bed and walked out into the
greenhouse naked. Both were damp, grinning and breathing

"Henry Thoreau was one dumb shit," said December.
"Think of him as a monk or a priest. The spiritual

satisfaction of denial of the flesh," Osmer said.

"Ah how low I fall when I am tempted by them," December

quoted. "And that was just tea and coffee, not fucking." He
held up his jelly glass of Chablis to the third night of the full
moon, which had just risen over the pinyons.

"Fuck me all the way to Alamosa," whispered December.

He stood close to the slope of the glass staring out at the
small apple orchard. A cow elk stood with front hooves
balanced on a gnarled old trunk. The entire landscape was
silver gray in the moonlight.

Osmer sucked in his breath in response to the beauty of

the scene. The elk made small lunges upward to pull down
higher branches that had not already been pruned by the
local deer. After succeeding a couple of times in nipping a few
inches from the tips of twigs, the animal grabbed and held the
next branch between its teeth and jerked it powerfully to the

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side and down. A good sized limb broke loose with a crack
Osmer could hear from inside the greenhouse.

"That's why people deer fence everything," December said.

"She's destroying that tree."

"Let her," said Osmer. "Those trees probably should have

been pulled out years ago."

December didn't answer. That was when they saw the old

bear. It waddled slowly out of the trees a hundred yards
upwind from the elk, which was deeply involved with the limb
from the apple tree. The bear's head was bobbing back and
forth, muzzle in the air.

"Shit, I think it's almost blind. Operating by scent," said

December and headed back to the bedroom for his clothes.
Osmer followed.

* * * *

December opened the truck quietly and got his rifle off of

the rack behind the seat. Osmer saw that it was a 30-06, not
the drugged dart gun.

"I don't want to do this but I've done all that I can do,"

December said. "There comes a time when you just don't fit
into the scheme of things anymore." He braced the weapon
across his arm on the hood of the truck. Osmer saw the
glimmer of a tear as his beautiful friend squeezed the rifle's

Osmer stepped closer and wrapped his arms around

December Mercado. He would start the book in the morning
and he would not stop until it was finished.

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The body of Henry, the unnatural bear, was almost frozen

when the two of them loaded it into the Fish and Game truck
the next morning. Osmer and December kissed one another
with an intensity of passion, which should have, in a world
controlled by cause and effect, brought the dead bear back to
life, but didn't. Then, December drove it out onto the mesa
east of town where the ravens would appreciate the gift.
Osmer got into his Toyota and drove down valley to help feed
the starving elk.

* * * *

On that same day of the year, one hundred and sixty years

before, Henry Thoreau sits at his small desk in his cabin at
Walden Pond some two miles from the village of Concord,
Massachusetts. He stares out the window at the falling snow
for long minutes, then dips his quill pen into the ink and
begins to fill a fresh sheet of paper. An hour passes and he
stops, rises to stretch cramped muscles, and considers the
snow again. Then, with a sigh, he gathers up his work of the
day from the desktop, several pages in all, and gently, like
placing an infant robin back into its nest, he slides the pages
onto the top of a log burning bluely in the small open
fireplace. When he sits back down there is a slight dampness
in his eyes.

"It is not easy to find one brave enough to play the game

of love quite alone with you, but they must get some third
person, or world, to countenance them."

Henry David Thoreau—March 14, 1842, in his journal.

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by Vincent Diamond


White Mountain by Sarah Black
Bobby drove his old pickup truck up the dirt road leading

to Christmas Tree Lake. Tucked into a quiet corner of the
White Mountain Apache reservation, it was a powerful, secret
place, ringed by fir trees and blue spruce and huge lodgepole
pines. Sun and Moon Creeks drained icy waters from the
mountains down into the lake, the way blood flowed from the
limbs back into the heart. Apache trout of mythic size swam
in its cold waters.

Bobby hadn't come for the fishing. He wouldn't have

minded standing on the shore of that lake and throwing in a
line. But a person had to be invited to fish up here, or pay
through the teeth for the privilege, and he hadn't been
invited. He was a guest, and not a particularly welcome one.
His heart was aching, getting worse the farther he climbed
into the mountains. Something about the clean smell of pine
needles and snow and mountain air reminded him of
loneliness, and everything important he had lost in his life.

He eased the truck off the road, pulled in next to a pickup

truck even older than his own. An Apache man was leaning
against the tailgate waiting for him, his face raised to the sun.
Bobby climbed out of his truck, anticipation knotting his
stomach. He couldn't believe it. He walked around the back
and studied the other man.

Clayton looked good, soft flannel shirt over faded Levi's,

and the same hiking boots he had worn ten years before.
He'd let his hair grow out since college. It tumbled past his
shoulders, shiny black in the late afternoon sunshine.

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"Hey, Bobby."
"Good to see you, Clayton. Where's Darryl?"
"He couldn't make it. The Tribal Council asked me to come.

They knew we used to be friends."

We used to be friends. The saddest phrase Bobby had ever

heard. No, wait. He knew some sadder ones. We used to be
lovers. We used to be in love.

Clayton put his hand out and Bobby took it. Clayton's hand

was warm and strong, stronger than he remembered. "It's
good to see you, Bobby."

"You look great. Why did you come? Are you here to try

and stop me?"

Clayton looked carefully at Bobby, his black eyes narrowed

against the sun. "No, Bobby. I'm here to keep you safe. The
jaguar's dangerous, and I know you'll be climbing up into the
caves to try and get your pictures. You're as hard-headed as
a rock, always have been. I don't suppose you've outgrown
that in the last ... How long has it been?"

"Nine years and three months or thereabouts."
They looked at each other for a long time, and Bobby knew

Clayton could read his feelings in his face.

"And I came because I wanted to see you again, Bobby."

Clayton turned and started hauling the bags out of the back
of his pickup. "Let's pack our gear in from here. The
campsite's about a mile, right on the edge of the lake. I've
already got camp set up."

"So it's true, Clayton? You've seen it? There really is a

jaguar up here on the reservation?"

Clayton turned. "A female, Bobby. And she's pregnant."

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Clayton leaned over to pick up one of the bags of camera

gear, and Bobby could smell him, that warm scent that he'd
been smelling in his dreams for nearly ten years.
Sandalwood, and something green and lemony. Bobby had
never known if it was Clayton's hair or his skin or his soap or
his aftershave but it hadn't changed, and the smell paralyzed
him. He leaned back against his truck, and the loss, the
yearning and desire moved over him the way a gray storm
cloud moved in front of the sun, blocking out light and

Clayton turned. "Bobby, where's..." He closed his eyes, set

the bag gently down. "Don't look at me like that, Bobby."
Then he could feel Clayton's hands moving through his hair. A
hard thigh shoved between his legs, pressing into his groin,
and Clayton's mouth was on his, his tongue moving into
Bobby's mouth like it belonged there, like it had been ten
minutes instead of ten years since the last time they had

Clayton held him still, his big hands on either side of

Bobby's head. "Don't look at me like that, Bobby. I can't
stand it." Clayton was talking against his mouth. "Bobby,
please, this is hard for me, too..."

Then Clayton was kissing him again, and Bobby could

move, could move his arms around Clayton's strong back and
hold them close together. Just for this one moment.

Bobby felt a little panic, like everything was coming

unmoored in his chest. Oh, God. Clayton was just feeling
sorry for him. He must have looked pathetic, desperate
enough to need a mercy kiss. Bobby had never had much of a

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poker face, and it was really just too much, seeing Clayton so
unexpectedly like this.

Clayton rested his forehead against Bobby's and sighed,

and Bobby straightened up, his hands falling to his sides.
"Yeah. Okay, sorry, Clayton. I didn't mean to make you..." He
turned away, staring down into the deep green of the fir trees
surrounding them. "I didn't mean to make you

Just for a second Bobby looked back into his dark face, and

he could tell they were both extremely aware of his cock
lurching away against Clayton's thigh.

Clayton looked away from him and stepped back. "Yeah.

No sweat. Old friends and all that." His voice trailed away,
and they both turned without another word and started
slinging backpacks over their shoulders.

* * * *

Clayton watched Bobby walk ahead of him into the forest.

The path was narrow, hardly visible, a deer path more than a
foot trail, but Bobby had walked through this forest with him
before, and he knew the way. Clayton could feel his heart
swelling with joy, swelling and overflowing, tears falling like
rain deep in his chest, just from seeing Bobby again. From
seeing him and tasting his mouth. There was no joy without
sorrow, too, and all that joy and sorrow seemed to be
wrapped up in the sight of Bobby's elegantly curved back
walking ahead of him in old Levi's and a faded green tee shirt,
walking on a footpath through land that was clean and
beautiful and alive, partly through the work of his own hands.

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He could tell when Bobby started to notice, started to see

the lupines and wild strawberries and the delicate, pale green
ferns growing in patches of sunshine and shadow on the
forest floor. The ground was carpeted with tiny yellow star-
shaped flowers that smelled like lemons when you walked on

Bobby stopped and turned to him. "The forest, it smells

like you, Clayton." He had moss green eyes, luscious and
fertile. Clayton remembered the first time he had ever looked
into those eyes, knowing then that he was lost for all his life.
He had a small, private place inside him that belonged to
Bobby's eyes. Well, that was okay. He was an ecologist. What
did he expect? It was natural for green eyes to affect him this

He cleared his throat. Yeah. Keep talking. You're one stoic

Apache, man. That was real strong. You kept your hands off
him for, what, forty-five seconds? No? Okay, thirty seconds.

Bobby was waiting for him to catch up. "Clayton, did you

do all this? I can't believe how different it looks up here. I
mean, I read about it, but I didn't really understand."

"I didn't do it, Bobby. I just picked up the rivers so the

land could heal itself."

Bobby stared at him, then turned in a circle, looking at the

forest. "You've been the head of the Riparian Ecosystem
Restoration project on the reservation for eight years,
Clayton. Every environmental group on the planet has been
giving you green stars and offering you big bucks to come
work for them. You call it picking up the rivers?"

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"Yeah, Bobby, I do." He was grinning, suddenly happy.

"Remember when we started it? I don't know how many trash
bags full of junk we hauled out of here."

He could see Bobby's face turning red. He'd never been

able to hide his feelings, not ever, not a single one. "I've been
keeping up with you, too," Clayton admitted. "I've got copies
of all your Arizona Highways photo spreads. You did a Sierra
Club cover I really liked, too. Those wolves in Montana."

Bobby turned to look at him, his face serious. "The jaguar

came back because of what you've done up here, Clayton.
Because the land is so healthy, and the water. What do you
think is going to happen if I publish photos of a wild jaguar in
the White Mountains of Arizona?"

Clayton slid his pack off and worked his shoulders.

Couldn't they even get to the lake? Why couldn't Bobby just
let the place sink into his skin, into his mind a bit before he
started dragging this thing out into the open? Clayton didn't
want to argue.

He stared off into the forest, a stand of silvery aspen trees

like pale ghosts in the distance, listening, their green and gold
leaves rustling as the wind passed over them. "I think if you
publish photos of the first jaguar in this part of Arizona for
over a hundred fifty years, then we'll have so many tourists
and photographers tramping around that they will ruin this
place. The balance is too fragile, Bobby, and the mountain
can't sustain that many people." He picked up the pack and
moved ahead of Bobby down the path. "But you already know
that. And I think if you don't take the pictures and write the
story, then someone else will."

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When they got to the campsite, Bobby walked down to the

lake, and the look on his face reminded Clayton of Christmas
morning when Santa had stopped by in the night. He'd seen
Bobby's face look like that a few other times as well, like
paradise was sitting in front of his eyes. Clayton put Bobby's
camera gear down and walked down to join him at the lake's

Clayton was very sure that no lake in the world was as

beautiful as Christmas Tree Lake. Water was his business, so
he could say that pretty convincingly. But he felt it in his
bones as well, felt as if the cold green waters held the
magical beating heart of his land.

He had suspected more than a few times, late at night

when he was alone and dreaming, that his work, repairing the
damaged waters of his people's homelands, was really an
attempt to repair his own damaged heart. Or maybe he had
just done it all so he could see this look on Bobby's face, with
the setting sun warming his skin, and watch Bobby turn his
head and look at him and nod, and know what he had done.

A blue heron stood slender as a reed on the far shore, and

Clayton looked around for the eagle and the black bear that
would come down to the far shore for supper.

Bobby ran back up to the campsite, started tearing his bag

apart until he found his camera. "Holy shit, Clayton." He came
back down to the shoreline, fumbling with the light meter.
"I've never seen anything like..." Clayton watched him lift the
camera to his eye and start to focus, all his energy and
attention moving like a light beam through the viewfinder.

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by Vincent Diamond


Clayton walked back up to the campsite, threw Bobby's

jeans and socks back into the bag, then found the fishing
poles. He got a piece of bacon out of the cooler, tore a tiny
chunk off and baited the hook. He carried both poles down to
the lake and propped the second one up against a tree. Trout
sounded good for supper.

He didn't realize that Bobby was taking pictures of him for

a few minutes. He'd just been enjoying the feel of cork in his
hand, the stretch in his shoulder when he cast, the setting
sun spreading flame across the lake, and warmth across his
face. And he'd been enjoying knowing Bobby was here with
him. It felt like they had planned to meet up here, when they
were both old enough to forgive and forget. It felt like
everything that had happened before was so far in the past
that none of it mattered, just that they were here together.
"What are you doing, Bobby?"

"Uh, I'm taking pictures. What are you doing?"
"Hmm, let's see. The fishing pole is a strong clue."
"Isn't the Apache trout on the endangered species list?"
"How much are you planning to eat? We don't want to tip

the balance of nature or anything."

Bobby lowered the camera, then set it on the bag and

picked up the other pole. "I wouldn't mind throwing in a line.
Got any worms?"

"How about a piece of bacon?"
Bobby took the piece from his outstretched fingers and

threaded it onto the little hook.

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He swung his pole in an arc, let his cast fly out over the

green waters. The bugs scattered as the baited hook plopped
into the water.

Hmm. That was several feet farther than his best cast.

Clayton started reeling in his line, cast again, and put some
muscle into it this time. There. A little farther than Bobby's.

Bobby glanced over at him, reeled in his line, and when he

cast again his hook dropped into the water inches past
Clayton's. Bobby looked at him and winked, and his cocky
grin made him look twenty-two again.

Clayton felt his cock give a lurch. Three days. He wasn't

going to make it three days with Bobby. He felt a tug on his
line. "You're all cast and no trout, big guy," and felt a cocky
grin of his own spread across his face as he reeled in their

* * * *

Bobby threw a couple of pieces of firewood from the neatly

cut stack onto the fire, then settled back on his sleeping bag.
The night sky was brilliant with stars against the deepest
indigo blue he had ever seen, and while he knew Clayton
hadn't ordered up a beautiful clear night sky just for his
pleasure, the way he'd organized everything else so perfectly,
he could feel Clayton's hand in the beauty surrounding them.

"Why'd you cut the firewood? I could have done it. You

didn't leave me anything to do."

"Stop complaining. You got to do the dishes. Besides,

Darryl set everything up, not me. Camping at the lake is his
concession." Clayton rolled over. "This may surprise you,

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Bobby, but most men who pay two hundred fifty bucks to
come up here and fish don't want to cut their own firewood
and set up camp themselves."

"Oh." Bobby stared up at the sky again. He needed to just

live in the moment, this very moment, try to let all the
conflict, all the history pass him by. He wanted to feel Clayton
on the bedroll next to his, hear his little sighs and movements
that were still as familiar to him as the beating of his own
heart. The wolves were howling up the mountain, and the
sound nearly cracked his bones. The wolves reminded him of
what ten years of loneliness felt like. Too many memories, too
much conflict still unresolved. He rolled over and stared at
Clayton across the flames of the campfire. "Clayton, I need to
talk to you..."

Clayton made a show of staring at his wrist. It would have

been a better piece of sarcasm if he'd actually been wearing a
watch. "You lasted longer than I thought you would, Bobby.
But I don't want to talk about it."

Bobby lay back down and stared up at the night sky again.

Smart ass. "You with anybody, Clayton?"

"Nope. You?"
"Of course not."
What if they didn't say anything about it, about what

happened before? That wasn't gonna work, since they were
about to do a repeat performance, only with a jaguar this
time. A jaguar in the White Mountains. That was nearly
unbelievable. But he believed it now that he'd seen the land
again. It felt like he was stepping into paradise. He could
believe a jaguar would find its way up here.

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What if they just said they were sorry, left it at that?

Leaving them free to ... He rolled over again, then stood up
and walked to the end of Clayton's bedroll and kicked him in
the foot.

Clayton looked up at him, a half-smile on his face. Bobby

stared down at him. Clayton had been doing all the surprising
today. Bobby pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it down
on Clayton's chest.

"I'm sorry that I haven't been with you every night for the

last ten years, Clayton."

Clayton looked up at him, pulled the discarded tee shirt up

to his face and smelled it. "I'm sorry, too."

Bobby unzipped his Levi's and started pushing them down

his hips. Clayton watched him, not saying a word, his black
hair spread out around him and the light from the campfire
painting red and gold across his dark skin.

Bobby kicked off his cowboy boots and shucked his jeans

down, then shoved his feet back into the boots. Clayton didn't
move, and Bobby stood at the end of his bedroll and took his
erect cock in his hand. "This is what I've spent the last ten
years doing. Jacking off with a picture of you in my mind
spread out underneath me. I like your hair."

"And I like your boots. Get down here before you freeze.

You're acting like an idiot." But when Clayton scrambled up
and tugged him close, Bobby could feel the hunger in his
hands and the huger in his mouth and in the erect cock that
was trying to escape from Clayton's jeans.

Clayton pulled him down and wrapped him up in strong

arms. "It's too cold for this back to nature shit, Bobby. What

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are you doing? You're not a kid anymore." But his mouth was
so sweet, almost tender.

Bobby could smell him, could smell the campfire and the

lake and the fir trees and it filled up his heart, filled it up and
tipped it over. Clayton pulled him down until Bobby was lying
on his back, and he leaned up on his arms and looked down.
He ran his thumb over Bobby's mouth, then held his face and
leaned in for another kiss.

Clayton knew how to kiss, or maybe Bobby just tasted love

on his mouth. They held each other in the firelight and kissed
like the night would last forever.

Clayton stood up and pulled his clothes off eventually. His

lanky brown body was stronger than it had been before. He'd
been bony in college, and you could count his ribs. Not
anymore. Clayton knelt between Bobby's knees, then climbed
back on top of him, slid up his body until they were skin to
skin, mouth to mouth, cock to cock.

"I love you, Clayton." Bobby said it against his mouth, just

like he used to, I love you while their cocks were sliding
against each other.

Clayton went still, leaned up until he could look down into

Bobby's eyes. "Me too, Bobby. Always." Then he reached for
his discarded jeans, stuck his hand down in the pocket, and
pulled out a condom.

Bobby stared at him as he rolled the condom up his erect

cock. It was green. What the fuck kind of man bought green
condoms? "What do you think you're gonna do with that?"
Then his belly iced over. "Clayton, oh my God, you aren't
sick, are you? Nobody gave you..."

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Clayton shook his head. He was on his knees between

Bobby's thighs, and he reached down and wrapped his fingers
around Bobby's cock. "I'm fine. But I do have a confession.
I'm not a virgin."

It was all Bobby could do not to punch him in the mouth.

He felt loose and shaky inside, like he'd done once when he
was tracking a grizzly, then realized the grizzly was tracking

"Jesus, Bobby, it's been ten years. Haven't you ever heard

of safe sex? What's the matter with you?"

Okay, punching him in the mouth was not going to be

enough. He scrambled up, pushed Clayton over, snatched the
green condom off and threw it into the woods.

"Ow! Watch it!"
Clayton was laughing at him, and he tumbled him to the

ground again, rolled him over onto his stomach, and pulled
his hips up. His cock was in place, and he pushed hard
against Clayton's body. "Who've you been with, Clayton?
Who?" What was he saying? This was ridiculous. "Did you let
somebody else touch you?" He sounded like an idiot, but he
couldn't seem to make himself shut up.

Bobby pushed inside. Clayton gasped, a small sound of

pain, and Bobby's anger fell away like water. Clayton looked
back at him, and his sheet of black hair slid across his broad
back and over one shoulder. "If you give me syphilis I'm
gonna cut your heart out and eat it."


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Clayton sighed and pressed back against him. "Okay,

then." Bobby's heart was beating double-time. He reached
around Clayton's hips, wrapped his cock up in his fist.

"Don't let me hurt you, Clay." He was thrusting again,

shaking with the effort of not being fast and rough and hard,
and he could feel Clayton's cock swelling in his fist.

"Another brave Apache fucked by the White Man." Then

they were both giggling, then laughing, and Bobby was still
laughing when his balls clenched and his fingers tightened
around Clayton's cock and he exploded inside him, buried
deep inside the body of the only man he had ever loved.

* * * *

Clayton woke up with Bobby's arm thrown across his

chest. He was snuggled into Clayton's neck, muttering in his
sleep. Bobby had always been a restless sleeper, prone to
middle-of-the-night unintelligible shouts and flailing arms and
the occasional leap out of bed. Clayton could still remember
the first time this had happened, the way his heart had seized
up in his chest. But careful questioning the next morning
revealed Bobby wasn't having bad dreams, and he never
remembered any of it.

A couple of times in the last ten years Clayton had woken

up in the middle of the night, his heart racing like mad, the
faint echoes of a shout fading away in the distance. And he
had known that Bobby had just startled awake, wherever he
was, then curled back up again with his pillow, still asleep.

Clayton eased out from under Bobby's arm and pulled the

sleeping bag back up until it covered his shoulders. Their

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clothes were scattered helter-skelter around the campsite. It
looked like there had been a bear on the loose looking for
honey. He found his jeans and stepped into them, pulled on a
clean hooded sweatshirt from his bag. The dawn was just
light enough he could see to find his boots and tip toe down
to the lake.

He sat down to pull on his socks and boots and studied the

tracks in the mud. Deer, maybe a young elk, a couple of
wolves, yearlings, maybe. A wild turkey and some hens. He
looked out across the lake. A couple of ducks floating on the
still surface, the heron in his usual place. The bald eagle that
had her nest in the top of the lodgepole pine came streaking
across the water, those deadly yellow talons carrying a trout
bigger than the ones they had eaten for supper last night.
Clayton studied the bird. This was the female, her wingspan
nearly seven feet. He hadn't seen the male for a few days.

Clayton started hiking around the lake's edge, skirting the

shoreline. He startled a couple of young cottontails who had
come out for some berries, but they just stared at him and
held very still until he passed. The mother deer and her fawn
were the same way. Cautious, but they didn't run. The wildlife
up here, this particular mix native to the White Mountain
Apache reservation, it would never last an invasion of nature
lovers and scientists and photographers. Change was coming,
and he couldn't do anything to stop it. Helplessness. That's
what he felt whenever he thought about the jaguar.

The animal seemed almost supernatural, though he had

seen the surveillance tapes himself and knew they were real,
that she was real. She seemed powerful, like some mythic

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god. He could understand the Aztec's urge to worship the big
cats. But she was more than that. She was some sort of
fulcrum. The fate of his land seemed ready to tip, and she
was walking back and forth, swinging her weight first one
way, then the other, their yaquara.

Science seemed to have deserted him. The Tribal Council

kept asking him what it all meant, what were the
consequences, what policies should they make to protect the
land? He had no more idea than the medicine men and the
elders summoned to answer the same questions.

He hadn't meant for things to go like this with Bobby. He

just hadn't been able to resist seeing him. Darryl had been
happy enough to take the fee and an extra fifty bucks and let
Clayton go in his place. When he had recommended to the
Tribal Council that this particular photographer be given the
job of photographing the jaguar, he'd had no intention of
seeing him. But Bobby was just too much to resist.

The ground was spongy and damp under his boots, the air

clear and cold, and he could feel the peace surrounding him,
sky, earth, trees, water, all in balance. It hadn't always been
that way. Bobby had been camping up here with Clayton ten
years ago, and he had taken pictures of a pair of Apache men
climbing up to a bald eagle's nest. He got pictures of them
climbing down with the dead eagle, taken for feathers,
probably. And he got pictures of the babies left to die.

Clayton remembered Bobby's hands shaking when he put

the photos down in front of him, one after the other. He'd
asked Bobby to take it to the Tribal Council, let them handle it
because there was a very sensitive lawsuit pending between

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the White Mountain Apache and the federal government over
mismanagement of their tribal lands.

The Tribal Council had listened carefully, had studied the

photos and studied his young face and asked him what he
had been doing on their land. They told him to leave it in their
hands. No one told him that a senior Council member
recognized his son in one of the photos.

So when the Tribal Council pulled Clayton's scholarship for

grad school, because he had brought this troublesome white
man to their lands and caused them shame, Bobby took the
photos and the story to the Sierra Club.

By the time Clayton made his way back to the campsite,

the sun was fully up and he could smell coffee perking. Bobby
was sitting on a little campstool with a coffee cup in his hand.
He was wearing reading glasses, studying a report sitting on
his lap. There was an iron skillet of bacon popping over the
fire, and Bobby had the carton of eggs sitting on the other
campstool, along with a pile of paper plates and a couple of

Bobby looked up and smiled shyly at him. "Hey, Clayton."
Clayton couldn't speak. His chest was suddenly so full of

happiness, so full of gratitude that he had woken up this
morning with this man's body nestled against his, next to this
lake, the most beautiful lake in the world. He lifted the coffee
pot and poured himself a cup, then dumped the eggs and
plates off the chair.

Bobby dropped his eyes back to the report, something like

pain moving across his face. "Clay, did you read the Fish and

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Wildlife report? When they decided to deny establishment of
critical habitat for the jaguar?"

Clayton nodded. "Yeah. They denied it because there was

no established population in this country. They think those
two jaguars that have been photographed down on the border
with Mexico are really established on the Mexican side of the
border. They were just visiting."

"But that will change if there's an established population?

Like your pregnant female?"

"It doesn't matter, Bobby. Fish and Wildlife doesn't have

jurisdiction over White Mountain Apache land."

"They couldn't use some loophole in the Endangered

Species Act to come in here and change what you've been
doing with the land, could they?"

Clayton shook his head. "The tribe has control. We're

following all the guidelines, anyway. They could make some
corridors, designate habitat for travel. But it seems unlikely,
Bobby. They did a good job on the report, I thought. No other
possible conclusion."

"So what's the Council going to do? I mean, here they are

with maybe the only jaguar left established in the wild in the
United States."

Clayton looked up and met Bobby's eyes. "I think they'll

try to make some money off her. Eco-tourism, like that." He
shrugged. "The tribe needs the money. Schools, clinics, lots
of things."

Bobby nodded. "And what do you think should happen?"
Clayton stared into Bobby's green eyes, the color soft as

songbird's eggs, and felt the uncomfortable weight of

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indecision settle back into his stomach. "I just don't know,

Bobby slipped the reading glasses into the pocket of his

shirt. He reached for the iron skillet and started lifting pieces
of bacon onto a paper plate. "Well, in that case, let's eat
some eggs and then go get pictures of your girl. Fried or

Clayton eased his legs out and settled back in his chair.

"You decide." He watched Bobby at the fire, enjoying the
sight of his lean body and the skillful way he wielded a
spatula. He felt better, somehow. Bobby dumped a plate with
three fried eggs and a mess of bacon onto his lap. He felt
better having Bobby here, having a friend. Maybe he needed
to just let it go, like he'd told Bobby to do last night. He'd
stop worrying, and let whatever was going to happen,
happen. And for today, and for tomorrow, he'd have Bobby
with him again. "Hey. Thanks for last night."

Bobby looked up at him, the breath catching in his throat,

love and desire and desperate longing moving across his face.

"Bobby, don't look at me like that."

* * * *

Bobby watched Clayton's long ponytail in front of him, like

a black exclamation point down his strong back. They climbed
up into the rocks, heading for a line of isolated caves a couple
of miles above Christmas Tree Lake. The remote surveillance
cameras had caught a glimpse of her in the same area twice,
and Clayton had climbed up and found her den.

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"It was weird, Bobby. She must have known I was coming,

but she stayed in the den. That's when I realized she was
pregnant, and pretty close to having the kittens. Otherwise
she would have hidden. Or just knocked me down and eaten

"Is she that big?"
"Oh, yeah." He looked back over his shoulder. "I swear, I


Bobby slid his pack off and leaned against the rocks at his

back. "Let's stop for a second, okay?"

Clayton hesitated a moment, then slid his pack to the

ground as well. "You know I'm not really ... I'm not an
imaginative person." Clayton stared off into the distance. "I'm
a scientist. But the jaguar, she ... I don't know." He shook his
head. "Just ignore me. I don't know what I'm talking about."

Bobby reached a hand for his arm and tugged him close,

buried his nose in Clayton's hair. "I love the way you smell.
I'm afraid of bears."

"You are? When did that happen?" Clayton looked

surprised, then started grinning. "You did that story on the
grizzlies up in Alaska. Was that..."

"Yeah. One of those goddamn bears tried to eat me!"

Bobby pressed a hand to his stomach. "I still feel a little sick
when I think about it."

Clayton pulled Bobby up close. "I won't let any mean

Apache bears get you, baby." He hesitated. "I got this idea
stuck in my head. She doesn't seem real. More like a myth,
like one of the old gods that have come back."

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They held each other in silence for a moment, and Bobby

closed his eyes, breathing deeply. "So, is one of the old gods
a jaguar?"

"Bobby, I have no idea. I live in this world, not the last one

or the next one."

"You healed the land."
"You healed the waters, so the land could come back to

herself. And now the old gods have started to return."

"Give me a fuckin' break."
Bobby felt something that was almost like glee. "That's

what the Tribal Council thinks, isn't it? Holy shit."

Clayton nodded, reluctantly. "I think so." He threw up his

hands. "Which makes me a little redundant, don't you think?"

Bobby stared up into his dark face. So that's what it was.

Clayton thought they didn't need him anymore, because he
had done his job. And it was true. "They don't need you
anymore, so come be with me. Come to Alaska. Come to the
Black Sea. Come with me and we'll go see the Nile. There are
lots of rivers that need you, Clayton. And I need you."

Bobby could tell by the shock that froze his face that

Clayton had never considered leaving the White Mountains.
Well, he could damn well consider it now. The reservation
wasn't a prison for Apache, not anymore. He was considered
one of the foremost experts in riparian restoration in the
world. There were other waters that needed him.

He didn't really understand the way Clayton, the way all

the White Mountain Apache felt about their land. Like it was
alive, like it was their mother, and they could feel her when

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she was hurt. Bobby thought that what he felt for Clayton,
what he had always felt for him was at least as strong as
what Clayton felt for the land. Bobby shouldered his pack
again and started back up the trail.

The mountain was getting steeper, and they were climbing

with hands and feet now. Loose bits of limestone rained down
on Bobby's head, so he climbed up next to Clayton and they
went together. "Going up's one thing. How are we gonna get
back down?"

"We'll be sliding on our butts with a crazy cat right behind

us, is my guess. How are you gonna set up the camera?"

"I've got a webcam, a motion-activated night camera, plus

my regular Canon. I'm gonna leave my webcam and the
motion sensor camera. My guess is that we'll be taking
pictures tonight from a warm sleeping bag, with the solar-
powered computer. We ought to monitor them tonight, make
sure the cameras don't get jostled."

"Huh. I had this picture of you in my mind hanging from a

climbing rope, snapping pictures upside down while the cat's
licking her claws."

"Nobody's been worried about me in a long time. It's nice."
"I have been, Bobby. You just didn't know it."
"So why don't you try it from a little closer? You're not

gonna just leave when we're done here, are you Clayton?
Wave good-bye, see you in another ten years? That's not
gonna work for me."

"I don't know what's going to happen, Bobby." He raised

one hand to Bobby's cheek. "Something. Something big. I

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don't know. We need to be quiet from here. We're getting

Bobby looked at him, and Clayton picked up Bobby's

scraped and dusty hand and pressed his mouth to the torn

They climbed in silence now. When Clayton touched him

on the shoulder and showed him a cave right over their head,
fronted by a narrow ledge, Bobby pointed him left, then he
climbed right.

Bobby attached the webcam to a group of tumbled

boulders, set it down between two rocks that didn't look like
they were going anywhere. The focus would be narrow, but
he thought it would catch the length of the ledge and the
entrance to the cave. He was starting to wish he'd brought
that rope Clayton had mentioned when the first two kittens
tumbled out of the cave.

They were playing, rolling back and forth in a furious mock

battle. Bobby raised his camera and started shooting. When
the third kitten stalked out of the cave on stiff little legs,
pounced on the other two, he went to his knees, laughing. He
had maybe twenty shots when he felt the vibration under his

It wasn't purring, and it wasn't growling, but something

between the two. He stared around him. It seemed to be
coming from the caves, the trees, the rock walls surrounding
them. "Echoes," he said. "Clayton, can you..."

He looked around, saw Clayton backing slowly away. The

jaguar was in the shadows, her massive head coming around
the rock opening. She was staring at Clayton, her breathing a

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harsh, rhythmic growl. The kittens stopped, scampered back
behind her, and she roared, a blast of sound that caused
Clayton to clap his hands over his ears.

Her head was huge, jaws massive. Bobby remembered

reading somewhere that jaguars killed their prey by crushing
their skulls between those jaws. He looked around for a
weapon. There was nothing. A few sticks, a few tiny rocks. He
slid his backpack off, grabbed the motion sensor camera, and
threw it at the cat's head.

She turned and snarled, then roared again, her ears flat

back and her teeth bared. "Clayton, run!" He screamed it, but
the jaguar's roars were too loud. Bobby hung the camera
around his neck, then scrambled backward over the ledge.
Clayton was coming, and so was the jaguar. He skidded and
rolled down the mountainside, tearing clothes and skin, and
Bobby heard the sharp, hollow snap when Clayton's arm hit a
rock and fractured.

He scrambled over to him, one hand covering the camera

lens, and wrapped his other arm around Clayton's waist.
Clayton had the broken arm cradled against his chest,
groaning. "Oh, fuck, Bobby..."

"Let's keep going."
They didn't slow down until they got back to the campsite

at Christmas Tree Lake. Somewhere along the way the jaguar
stopped following, or else became very quiet. "Where's the
first aid kit, Clayton?"

Clayton was sweaty and pale, weaving on his feet. "How

the fuck should I know?" Bobby could see a purple lump
coming up on his forehead.

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"What do you need?"
Bobby wrapped his arms around him and kissed him

instead, left blood and sand smeared across his face. He
grabbed both of the camera bags. "Let's go, Clay. It's not safe

By the time they got back to the truck Clayton was

staggering. Bobby was afraid it was shock, or some voodoo
left by the jaguar. Her roars were still echoing inside his head.
He climbed into the truck, locked both doors and pulled
Clayton into his arms.

"Okay, hospital." He put his mouth on Clayton's mouth,

kissed him, held their lips together until Clayton's were warm
again, and no longer shaking, and his warm breath on
Bobby's cheek was steady and calm. Bobby pulled away and
fumbled in the backpack for the keys.

"Did you get your pictures, Bobby?"
"I don't know, Clayton. Do you think I care about the


Clayton opened his eyes. "I just don't want to go back,


Bobby put the pickup truck in gear. "We're not going


* * * *

Clayton walked into the Tribal Council meeting with Bobby.

Bobby was carrying his laptop in a very professional-looking
briefcase, but he still looked like a boy who'd been beat up in
a schoolyard fight. Clayton didn't look much better. He was

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still pissed off that the hospital had put a hot pink fiberglass
cast on his broken arm. They said they were out of green.

Bobby set up the computer for the webcam, put it on

PowerPoint. He also had manila envelopes full of paper photos
of the kittens playing on the ledge.

The old men and women came into the council room,

studied the photos in silence, watched carefully while Bobby
showed them how the camera worked and explained that
they could watch the jaguar and the kittens on their
computers. Bobby left a picture up on the screen from the
webcam, the jaguar with her mouth open in a roar, ears flat
back against her skull.

The Chairman stood up and thanked Bobby in Apache and

in English for his work. Bobby nodded, closed his laptop

Clayton leaned close. "What are you doing? Don't you need

to show them your story, get permission to publish?"

Bobby shook his head. "Not this time, Clayton. I wasn't

trying to get a story, and the pictures belong to them. I'm
working for the tribe."

Clayton stared into Bobby's soft green eyes. "A gift, and an

apology." Bobby smiled back at him, his face flooded with
desire. "I didn't come for the jaguar."

"Don't look at me like that, Bobby."
The Tribal Chairman cleared his throat. He had been the

newest member of the council ten years before. The scandal,
Apache shame splashed across the cover of the Sierra Club
magazine, the way Clayton's scholarship had suddenly
disappeared, the way the entire sorry event had unfolded had

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made him so angry, had made everyone so angry, that it
forced a turning point for the tribe. A turning back toward the
land, the language, the water. And now the jaguar returning
to these lands after so long was another turning point. The
Tribal Chairman was Clayton's father.

The old man looked at him for a long time. The pink cast

on his arm got a swift, pained glance. Then he turned and
studied Bobby, gave a deep sigh through his nose and rubbed
his forehead. Clayton had to hide a grin.

"Son, what do you think about this strange visitor to our

lands, now that you have seen her up close?"

Clayton touched a scab across the bridge of his nose. "I

think she doesn't like me." The members glanced at each
other, and several turned to look at the picture of the jaguar
snarling, her ears laid back. "I don't think she wants me

Clayton was joking, but his father nodded. "Maybe she

doesn't. But I think you can trust us to decide what's best for
the land." He studied Clayton's battered face, and Clayton
thought he detected a faint note of sarcasm in his father's
voice. "This isn't the entire world, Clayton, up here on our
mountains. This is our place, but there are other waters in the
world. The land is safe now. Maybe it's time for you to cut the

Cut the cord? What the hell kind of Apache saying was

that? Was he being kicked out of the nest? Was he being
fired? He turned to look at Bobby.

"I didn't have anything to do with this, Clayton, I swear."

He leaned forward. "Listen. I've seen a place more beautiful

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than Christmas Tree Lake." Moss green eyes. "Come with me
and I'll show it to you."

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Cold Iron by KC Warwick
It was dusk when Talin led his horse up to the blacksmith's

cottage and knocked wearily on the weathered door. The
place stood beside the cross-roads, some distance outside the
village, and had an ancient look about it, as though it had
stood there for a thousand years. Maybe it had. He felt too
tired to stand, too tired to look back over his shoulder for the
pursuit, almost too tired to speak to the tall, black-haired
man who was suddenly there on the doorstep, looking at him
with calm dark eyes. With effort, Talin made himself form the
words. "My horse lost a shoe."

The man nodded, stepping quietly up to the animal and

patting it on the shoulder with easy familiarity. He was a
young man, not much older than Talin, and not as big as
might be expected for a blacksmith, but he was lean and
strong, muscles clearly defined under the tanned skin.
"What's the horse's name?" he asked as he drew one strong
brown hand along the animal's back and down its hind
quarters to grasp the hind leg which he had already identified
as the problem.

"Cloud," Talin replied wearily. The grey, hearing his name,

pricked an ear and gave a soft nicker.

The smith bent to examine the hoof and remarked, "The

sole is bruised. Probably the shoe twisted as it came off." He
let go of the animal's foot and straightened up, his dark eyes
meeting Talin's again.

"I was riding fast over rough ground," Talin admitted. "I

stopped and led him as soon as he went lame, but I had to go

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on. I realize he should be rested." He stroked the horse's
neck gently.

"I can put a leather pad under the shoe, but as you say, he

needs time to recover. He's a good horse, shame to ruin

"I know." Talin caressed his mount's face with affection.

"He's loyal and brave, and very fast. I owe him—a great

The smith regarded him soberly. "How far behind is the

pursuit?" he asked. Talin gave him a quick surprised look. "I
can recognize the hunted when I see them and I know who
generally does the hunting around here. You're running from
the People of the Hills, I would guess."

"It was hard to escape." Talin suppressed a shiver. "Now

that the sun is setting, they'll be on my trail."

"Then come inside the forge," said the smith, taking the

reins from his hand, "and let me see to Cloud for you."

He led the way to the next building, throwing back the

bolts on the wide door and leading the horse inside. Passing
through, Talin noticed that around the lintel and door jambs
were nailed interlocked horseshoes. "You'll be safe here," the
smith's voice said from the dark as he kindled the lamp.
"There's cold iron round the door, they won't pass that." The
light flared up and then settled into a steady glow. "Sit down.
There's a stool against the wall."

Talin watched as he stripped off his shirt, fastened on a

worn leather apron and began to work the bellows so that the
banked-down fire in the furnace burned red. The long muscles
of the smith's back slid under his skin as he bent and

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straightened; his body was hard and strong, his movements
economical. Tired though he was, some part of Talin
responded to the sight with a flicker of interest, but he was
too weary to do more than note the attraction. Here in the
forge he felt safe, safe enough to relax for a while, but he
could not stay here forever.

He must have closed his eyes, leaning his head back

against the rough stone of the wall, because he was roused
from what had almost become sleep by the voice of the smith
at his side. "Here's wine and bread. You'll feel better if you
eat something." He set a plate and a cup beside Talin and
stood looking down at him, his face in shadow.

The smell of the bread made Talin realise how hungry he

was. "My name is Talin. I don't know yours." He was following
a train of thought almost too swift for him to be aware of.

"I'm called Bran," was the reply, and he turned back to the

forge. The fire was going well now, and the smith took up a
slender shaft of metal in the tongs and thrust it into the heart
of the coals. Talin sipped the wine and rested as the lean dark
figure at the anvil let the hammer fall in heavy strokes,
bending the red hot metal to the shape of the shoe. The
bread was fresh and the taste of the plain cheese was
welcome, after the exotic food he had lived on within the

Bran worked in silence, except when he spoke to the

horse, but somehow the clanging of the iron and the sudden
hiss as the hot shoe was dipped into water to cool it, were
comforting sounds. As he fitted the shoe to Cloud's foot,
pungent smoke filled the forge and drifted out into the dusk,

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and Talin closed his eyes and listened to the softer tap of the
small hammer as the nails were driven in. He wished that this
interval of refuge could stretch out forever...

"That shoe's firm enough now and I've checked the

others." Bran's voice roused him once again. "But the horse
won't be sound on that foot. He'll carry you, but he'll be

Talin sat up, thinking quickly while he put down the cup

and stretched his aching limbs. He looked across at the smith.
"Then can I trespass on your kindness still further and ask
you to shelter him for me for a while?" He drew off the gold
ring which he wore on his middle finger and held it out on the
palm of his hand. "This is all I have to offer for payment. If
I'm not back to reclaim him in a few days, you can sell him—
or keep him if you wish. If you can find him a good home I'd
be grateful." He knew that he would not be coming back, not
without a mount to make his escape on.

Bran patted the horse on the neck, unfastened his apron

and crossed in two strides to where Talin was rising stiffly to
his feet. "I'll shelter both of you," he said in his quiet voice.
"Stay here. You'll be safe." He reached out and took the ring
from Talin's hand, closing his long fingers around it.

"I can't stay forever," Talin pointed out, trying to goad his

numb mind into reason. "They'll find me and drag me out of
here somehow, and then I'll be lost. I must go now, before
moonrise. I've stayed long enough already."

"If you try to cross the moors alone and on foot, they'll

take you. It's no use running; the only thing to do is stop and
fight. If you stay here, I'll fight with you."

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Talin looked up into the dark eyes that gazed down into his

own. "Why do you want to help me?" he asked. "You don't
know me, or anything about me."

A very faint smile touched the smith's mobile mouth.

"Even exhausted and travel-stained as you are, you're quite
the most beautiful person I've ever seen," he stated. "Is that
reason enough?"

"No." Talin shook his head. He felt as though he knew this

stranger and understood him. "You're not that shallow.
What's the real reason?"

"That you put your horse before your own life," said Bran

simply. He took a step closer and his arms closed round Talin,
pulling the other man against him. Talin could smell smoke on
him and feel the slickness of sweat on the bare skin against
which his cheek rested. His hands of their own volition slid up
the hard spine and caressed muscles which were like
whipcord. For a moment they held one another, then Bran
loosened his grip and reached for Talin's hand. He slipped the
ring onto the middle finger again and told him softly, "I claim
you as mine. I'll win you back from them, I swear it."

Talin nodded, wanting to believe this because it was the

only chance he had, and wanting for other reasons, half
acknowledged, to trust himself to this unknown man. Bran
said "Come into the cottage. I'll turn Cloud into the paddock.
He'll be safe enough there."

A door led through from the workshop into the living

quarters and he followed Bran unresistingly into a room with
a low ceiling and a wide bed in one corner. "Sleep," he was

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told. "You'll need your strength when they come. I'll be back

Left alone, Talin shrugged off his clothes and slid between

the coarse, clean sheets, feeling his eyes closing as he did so.
He scarcely stirred when Bran lay down beside him, except to
turn into the arms which reached out to gather him close.

He slept calmly and deeply and when he awoke again, the

moon was high in the sky, shining down through the window
above the bed and turning the worn floorboards to silver. He
was aware of warmth at his back and a strong arm anchoring
him against the body behind him, calloused fingers spread on
his ribs just above his heart. He could feel in his mind the
pursuit moving closer, drawing a noose about the forge, but
he no longer cared. He covered Bran's hand with his own,
sliding it upwards to the curve of his chest and drew in his
breath as strong fingers brushed over his nipple. Bran made a
small interrogative noise and Talin turned his head on the
pillow. "You claimed me as your own," he reminded.

"Then you know what I need to do, but I can only do it

with your consent."

"I thought it was understood that you have that." He rolled

over and took Bran's face in his hands. The kiss was gentle to
begin with but rapidly became more passionate, fueled with
the urgency of need. The smith tasted of smoke and Talin
remembered the dimness and safety of the forge. Bran's
hands on him were warm and skilled; he lay back and felt the
other man's weight shifting onto him, and arched up against
that demanding hardness.

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Bran raised his head and asked softly "Are you sure you

want this? There are other ways we could make certain of
your safety. I feel as though I'm taking advantage of your
desire for freedom."

"Desire certainly comes into it," Talin agreed a little

breathlessly, drawing his fingers down Bran's spine and
feeling it flex at the sensation. Trust him to pick a man with a
conscience, he thought ruefully. "I want this. I want you.
Believe me, it's been a long time since I was given a

The smith's hold tightened protectively. "Did they hurt

you?" he asked.

"Not hurt, no." Talin thought about it. "Humiliate is

probably a better word. I don't want to remember that. Make
me forget."

Strong fingers slid between his thighs, caressed gently and

then closed with welcome firmness around him. He gasped
and pushed into that tight hold, moving against Bran's body,
wanting more. Bran leaned down and kissed him, his tongue
thrusting deep into Talin's mouth before withdrawing and
then entering again.

Outside in the paddock, Cloud whinnied suddenly, the

sound very loud in the stillness of the night. They froze,
listening for other indications that the hunters were closing in,
and from away in the darkness came the sound of a horn.

Talin felt desire drain out of him, to be replaced by another

stranger sensation, the feeling that his body was changing,
that he was being altered somehow by a force outside
himself. It was as though he were trapped, unable to move or

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speak while some terrible nightmare took place around him.
Bran was holding in his arms the body of a bear, growling and
slashing at him with wicked claws, and Talin felt the beast's
fury in his own mind. He saw the smith recoil in shock, then
close his eyes and tighten his arms round the bear as it
roared and snapped at him. In a heartbeat, the creature had
become an immense snake, writhing and hissing on the bed,
its forked tongue shooting out from gaping jaws. Talin wanted
to scream at Bran to run, before he was torn to pieces or
crushed to death, but the smith clung on grimly to the
creature, and then that too was gone and in its place was a
scorching flame, licking round Bran's body so that Talin felt
his own flesh shrink back from the heat of it.

How long this ordeal lasted, he had no idea, but abruptly

he was back in his own body, lying panting on the bed, with
Bran half across him, breath harsh against Talin's shoulder.
Talin whispered hoarsely "You didn't let go of me." He knew
that was important for some reason.

Bran lifted his head, his face pale, the bones showing

under the skin. "If I'd let go, they'd have taken you," he said

"Are you hurt?" That was important too, probably more

important than anything else.

The smith shook his head. "It was an illusion," and he

shivered suddenly at the memory.

There was silence outside. "Is it over? Have we won?" Talin

asked, half knowing the answer.

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"No." Bran's voice was grim. "They were just playing. Now

we come to the serious bit." He sat up. "Put some clothes on.
I'm not going to face them stark naked and neither are you."

It never occurred to Talin to argue—but when the

disembodied voice called his name it never occurred to him to
argue with that either. He had become used to obeying it and
now it was hard to resist.

"Talin. Come outside. Don't make me come in and get


He took a step towards the door and Bran's hand closed

round his arm. The smith called out "Cold iron round the
door. You cannot enter, creature of the Hills."

"Talin, you are mine. Come outside to me."
It was as though a mist filled his mind and through it he

was vaguely aware of freeing himself from Bran's grip and
walking to the door, which swung open before him. He heard
Bran curse and he paused on the threshold.

They were pale in the moonlight, pale horses and pale

riders ranged in a semi-circle like a crescent moon on the
turf. The one who had called stood between the horns of the
crescent, his long silver hair falling to his waist, his eyes the
color of river ice. Bran's voice said dryly "If you must get
abducted, then by all means choose the most powerful in the

The pale, proud face turned towards him. "You know me,


"I know of you. You may be a lord in the Hills, but here

you are no more than I. He is mine. I claim him from you."

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He might just as well not have spoken. "Talin, come here."

The command was lazy but imperative. There was no
possibility of not obeying it. Talin stepped over the threshold
and into the moonlight.

Then Bran was there in front of him, a drawn sword in his

hand. "If you want him, then you fight me first."

The escort shifted, drew a little closer to their lord, eyes on

Bran. Once again, Talin wanted to tell him to run, to save
himself because there was no point in fighting, but once again
he could say nothing. There was no need, anyway, because
one slender hand flicked dismissively and the sword flew
through the air and landed with a thud on the turf. The hand
beckoned to Talin and he stepped forward mindlessly to obey
the summons.

Bran flung himself in between the two of them, but at the

same moment there was the sound of hooves on the smooth
grass and Cloud launched himself against the sky, clearing
the paddock fence with effortless grace, the pale horses
scattering as he landed amongst them. Talin's captor glanced
round, a frown on his face, but he did not move. That one
would not move for man or beast, too proud and too sure of
himself. When Cloud reared up and came down again, one
iron-clad hoof struck his shoulder.

There was a terrible sound, deeper than a scream, as if the

air around them was being ripped apart, and a flash of light
so great that it blinded them. When Talin opened his eyes,
there was nothing on the turf except Cloud, gleaming white in
the moonlight and gazing with pricked ears back towards the

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Hills. After a moment the horse lowered his head and began
to pull at the short grass beside the cottage.

"That animal has more sense than either of us," Bran

remarked, going forward to pat the smooth neck with a hand
that was not quite steady. Talin, without speaking, opened
the paddock gate and waited as Bran took a lock of the
horse's mane and led him through. "No jumping out," he told
the animal severely. "Not unless your master needs you to
defend him again, which the gods forbid he should." Then he
picked up the sword casually and glanced round at Talin.
"Coming?" he asked and turned back towards the house.

Inside, they sipped wine from the same cup, neither of

them sure what to say. "It's over," Talin said at last.

"Yes," Bran agreed soberly. "You're free of them. What will

you do now?"

Talin remembered how the smith had held the bear and

the snake and the flame, to keep him safe. "I was rather
hoping that you would finish what you began earlier," he
suggested diffidently. "After all, you never know who might
come riding along here to lay claim to me. You'd better make
sure of me yourself." And he looked at Bran with the glimmer
of a smile.

The moon had moved round and the bed was in shadow

now. Talin licked the smooth hollows of the smith's collarbone
and ran his fingers lightly over the rough skin of his nipples.
Bran murmured something encouraging, pushing Talin's
thighs apart and letting his own fingers move down over the
other man's arse and between his cheeks. They were slick
with something, Talin didn't know what it was but he could

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feel it as one finger eased into him and began to move. He
moved with it, struggling to get more contact, and Bran
shifted position so that his weight was over his partner.

Another finger slid in, stretching carefully. Talin murmured,

"Go on," pushing himself down onto them so that—"Ah!" That
was exactly where they needed to be.... He arched, rubbing
himself against Bran's warm body as it moved above him and
remembered that he ought to be reciprocating in some way.
But when he tried, Bran told him softly, "It's all right, just let

There were more fingers now but that was good and he

was panting, needing to do something about the tension
building in his groin, but the fingers which had been inside
him were grasping his wrist and there was something else
nudging at his entrance, stretching him still further as it slid
into him, burning a little before he relaxed and
accommodated it. Then a change of angle and he gasped, a
ragged sound that became a groan of pleasure as the friction
within him increased. Bran was moving in powerful thrusts,
caressing that spot within him until it became unbearable,
and then just before he thought he would die of frustration,
slick fingers closed round him and he pushed into them
frantically. Light exploded behind his eyelids and he grasped
desperately at Bran while pleasure coursed through him.

At the same time—or maybe a hundred years later—he felt

Bran pushing deeper still and then the sudden quiver of
sensation as Talin unconsciously tightened around him,
followed by release that filled him with liquid fire. He cradled
that throbbing wetness within himself, unwilling to lose

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anything of this closeness, until Bran gently withdrew and
reached for the towel which lay on the chest beside the bed.

Talin curled against the smith, feeling hard muscles under

his hands and soft skin against his cheek. "Do you think that
was convincing enough, as a claim?" Bran asked with a hint of

"I think it will do," Talin replied solemnly. "Though it would

probably be better for repeating before too long."

There was a pause. "You'll stay with me then? Even though

you know nothing about me?"

"I know that you would have fought to the death for me,"

Talin pointed out. "And besides, my horse appears to trust
you and his opinion is probably worth far more than my own."

Bran pulled the blankets closer around them both. "Then

maybe the three of us will do quite well together," he
remarked, but Talin was already half-asleep.

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Gerbil Falls in Love by Dianne Fox
The waiting room of the veterinary clinic was a cacophony

of sounds. There were squawks, squeaks, barks, meows,
chirps, purrs, and in the quietest moments, soft hisses from
the cardboard box a little boy was holding in the far corner.

The woman sitting next to Finn had a tabby kitten on her

lap. Its tiny meows sounded more like high-pitched squeaks
to Finn's ears. He watched as the kitten stood on the woman's
leg, tottered a few steps, and fell over.

"How old is she?" he asked.
"He's a boy, actually. Eight weeks old." She picked the

kitten up in both hands. She rubbed under his chin, her smile
soft and adoring. "We're getting your vaccines, aren't we?"
she cooed.

The kitten mewed, as if he were objecting to the idea of

getting shots, and Finn laughed. "Talkative little guy."

He didn't have to come to the veterinary clinic often, but

when he did, he always enjoyed himself. Even if Gerbil was
never very happy about the trip.

"Our dog was like that, too," the woman said. She put the

kitten down onto her lap again, where he could settle in the
dip between her thighs and knead her pantlegs. "That's why
we picked Wrigley, here."

"How does your dog feel about the idea of a kitten moving

in on his territory?" Finn was curious, since he was planning a
similar addition to his household.

"Our dog passed away about six months ago."

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"Oh." Finn felt horrible for making her say it out loud. "I'm

so sorry. What..." He stopped for a moment to decide if his
question would be insensitive. "Can I ask what happened?"

"Old age," the woman said, offering Finn a sad smile.

"We've been talking about it a lot and we finally decided we
were ready to try again, so we got Wrigley."

"He's adorable," Finn said smiling down at the kitten, who

mewed back at him. The waiting room door opened up,
interrupting Finn's laughter. Everyone looked up to see if
they'd be called in next, Finn included.

The nurse glanced down at her clipboard. "Gerbil


"That's us." Finn smiled his goodbye at the woman and

picked Gerbil's carrying case up carefully.

"If you'll just follow me..." The nurse waved her clipboard

vaguely in the direction of the hall that was revealed past the

Finn followed her back, lifting up the clear carrying case to

see Gerbil inside. "It's okay, buddy. Just a quick check-up and
then I'll take you back home for a biscuit."

The nurse turned to look back at him, an amused smile on

her face. Finn refused to be embarrassed about talking to an
animal. For all his refusal, though, he was still blushing when
he walked into the examining room.

"Dr. Decker will be with you as soon as he can," she said,

still smiling. "He's with another patient right now, but it
should just be a few more minutes."

"Thank you."

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Once the nurse was gone, Finn's blush started to fade. He

sat down on the little wooden bench inside the tiny exam
room and put the carrying case down on the table in front of
him. Popping the lid open, he scooped Gerbil up into his
hands and let the tiny ball of fur skitter from one hand to the

"Dog biscuits when we get home," Finn said, bringing

Gerbil up to eye level. "I promise."

As Finn spoke, Gerbil stopped moving and stared at him

with his big black eyes, whiskers twitching. Frantically, he
started to wash his pale grey face with both tiny hands, which
only made Finn feel worse about dragging him out here.

"Mr. Spencer?"
The voice startled Finn and Gerbil both. Finn jerked, but he

managed to close his hands over Gerbil's body just in time to
keep him from skittering off onto the floor. He put Gerbil back
in his carrying case, and then looked up to see the

Decker must have been new at the clinic. Finn didn't

recognize him, though he did appreciate the man's bright blue
eyes and easy smile. Definitely better looking than the other
vets Finn had met: tall and dark, with his sleek black hair
neatly parted to one side.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Dr. Decker came

over to the table. He looked down at Gerbil, who was—yet
again—frantically washing his little face. "I'm Dr. Decker. And
this must be..." He checked his clipboard, looked at Gerbil,
then raised his eyes to Finn. "Gerbil?"

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Finn grinned, reaching out to run a finger down Gerbil's

dark dorsal stripe. "Yep." He laughed at Decker's expression,
all cautious confusion. "Yeah, I know he's not a gerbil. He's a
dwarf hamster, a Winter White."

Dr. Decker smiled, obviously relieved that he wasn't going

to have to break the news to a new pet owner that he had the
wrong rodent species entirely. "Oh, good."

Finn laughed again and picked Gerbil up to let him run

over his hands. "I get that all the time."

"How did Gerbil get his name?" Dr. Decker asked, putting

his clipboard aside. He watched the little hamster run from
one of Finn's big hands to the other.

"I used to date this guy, this little bitty guy. His nickname,

something he picked up in high school, I guess, was Gerbil,"
Finn said with forced casualness. He shrugged and offered
Decker a tight smile. "Seemed like a good name for a

Dr. Decker just nodded, but there was a hint of pink

creeping over his cheeks. "So what brings Gerbil into the
office today?" he asked finally.

Finn slipped Gerbil back into his carrying case so he could

pay attention to the conversation. "I'm thinking about getting
another hamster. A friend of mine breeds Winter Whites.
She's got a male that's not suitable for breeding, I guess, and
I thought Gerbil might like a friend."

"And you wanted to make sure Gerbil was healthy before

you brought a new hamster into the mix?" Decker picked up
the clipboard again to check Gerbil's medical history.

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"No, actually," Finn said, standing up. The veterinarian was

tall, but Finn still towered over him. "I know he's just fine. I
was hoping you could tell me if it's okay to get another male

Decker put the clipboard down again, on the counter

behind him this time. "Why wouldn't it be?"

"I read somewhere that putting two males in the same

cage system will make them aggressive, that they'll fight with
each other." Finn shrugged, reaching down to run his thumb
along Gerbil's dorsal stripe again. "I don't want Gerbil to get

"It can be a problem." Decker reached down into the

carrying case. "May I?" he asked, glancing up at Finn, who
smiled back at him.

"Sure. He doesn't bite. Much." Finn did, but only when

asked nicely.

Decker picked up the little hamster and carefully prodded

his belly, and then looked at his eyes and teeth. "It can be a
problem introducing any pair of hamsters," he continued. "It
doesn't matter if they're both male, both female, or a mixed
set. If one hamster is there first, he's going to think of that
space as his." He put Gerbil back into the case and looked up
at Finn, smiling a little. "How would you feel if somebody
suddenly moved in with you, without any warning?"

"I've only got one bed." Finn said it with a grin, made it

sound like a joke, but he didn't like the idea of someone
moving in with him. Last time he had, it had ended badly. He
wasn't ready to take that risk again.

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A hint of a grin tugged at the corners of Decker's lips as

Finn watched, and slowly his own grin became more real.
Decker put Gerbil back down as they both started to laugh.

"You're going to have to clean out the cage," Decker said,

when they both finally stopped laughing again. "Clean it out
and put Gerbil in his carrying case or something, then put the
new hamster in first."

"Won't that just make him think the place is all his?" Finn

asked doubtfully. This whole new hamster thing was just so
complicated. He didn't want Gerbil to be lonely, though.

Decker shook his head. "No. You'd think so, but really it

just puts them on equal footing. The new hamster will have a
chance to explore, and when you put Gerbil back in, he'll see
the new guy already in there. It'll seem pretty natural."

Finn nodded slowly. "Okay. How long should I wait before I

put Gerbil back in?"

"Wait until the new hamster seems comfortable, when he's

not looking so panicked about being in a strange place
anymore," Decker said.

Finn was still nervous about the whole thing.
Decker pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. Digging

through, he found a business card and started writing on the
back of it. "Here's my card," he said. "You can give me a call
if you have any more questions, okay?"

Finn looked at the card as he took it from Decker's hand.

Truman Decker. He flipped it over to see what was written on
the back.

"That's my home number," Decker said. "In case you've

got questions after the clinic closes for the night."

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Something about the way he said it made Finn look at his

face again. Decker looked a little nervous, pinched around his
eyes and the corners of his mouth, like he was taking a risk.
Finn's eyes trailed down Decker's body as the veterinarian put
his wallet away again.

The man certainly knew how to dress. For all that he

looked barely old enough to drink, there was none of the
nurse's fresh-out-of-college uniform of khaki pants and a polo
shirt or Finn's own sloppy jeans and t-shirt. Decker wore a
dark blue shirt that brought out the color of his eyes and
charcoal wool slacks that made Finn want to touch, to see if
they were as delicately textured as they looked.

"I'll do that," Finn said, finally looking back up at Decker's

face. "Thank you." He grinned, just a little, letting Decker
know that he liked what he saw.

He picked up his clipboard and stuttered a quick, "Good

luck with your new hamster," and then he was gone.

Finn chuckled, looking at the empty space where Decker

had been. He smiled down at Gerbil. "Come on, buddy. Let's
go home for some biscuits."

* * * *

"You've got everything ready for the new addition to your

family?" Linda asked, flashing Finn a teasing smile. Gently,
she picked up a little ball of fluff from the temporary cage she
had set up in her dining room.

"The cage is all cleaned out and Gerbil's hanging out in his

carrying case, eating biscuits," Finn said, holding out his
hands to accept her offering.

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The new hamster was darker than Gerbil, who had a

naturally light coat even in the summer months. Finn put him
down carefully inside the new carrying case he'd bought. As
soon as he realized he was free again, the little hamster
skittered away.

He was very active, exploring his new space with

enthusiasm. Every so often, he bumped the wall beside him,
shook himself off, and started again. When he found the little
piece of carrot-shaped wood Finn had left for him, he settled
down, gnawing on it contentedly.

Finn liked him already. He hoped that Gerbil would feel the

same way.

"Have you picked out a name?" Linda started to clean up

the temporary cage she'd been holding the hamster in,
tossing the used bedding into the garbage.

"Not yet." Finn smiled down at the tiny hamster's antics,

watching him nearly fall over onto his back in his efforts to
get more of the carrot into his mouth. "I wanted to get to
know him a little better first."

"You're such a softie," Linda said, looking over at Finn with

an indulgent smile.

"Yeah." Finn grinned at her, shrugging his broad shoulders

and opening his arms to offer her a hug before he left. "But
that's why you love me."

Linda came over and wrapped her arms around Finn,

squeezing tighter than one would think her little body could
manage. "No. I make fun of you because you're such a softie.
I love you because you were so good to my brother."

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Finn's breath caught and his chest hurt. He held her close,

resting his cheek on the top of her head. "Gerry was good to
me, too," he said quietly, barely whispering the words. "I still
miss him."

There was a snuffling sound and Linda nodded against

Finn's chest. "Me, too."

She was quiet for a while, but Finn knew what she was

thinking. Gerry had been gone more than a year now. It
didn't seem fair that she and Finn couldn't talk about him
without one of them—usually her, but sometimes him—
breaking down into tears.

"I wish you'd known him before," she said softly, like she

always did.

Gerry had been in remission when Finn met him, but not

for long. He'd gotten sick again just after they moved in
together and he was sick for a long time before he died.

Sometimes, Finn had felt like he'd walked right into Hell

when he let Gerry move in, but mostly he knew that it had
been worth it, worth all of it. There had been so many late
nights spent holding Gerry, sitting on the cold tile of the
bathroom floor, because the chemo made him so sick.

Later, those late nights and all the days between them

were spent in the hospital, holding Gerry's hand and watching
the jagged lines of the heart monitor. Finn drank so much
coffee, those long days and nights, keeping himself awake so
he'd know when it was over. He hadn't had a cup since. He
couldn't stand the taste.

After a while, Finn breathed with the rhythm of the

morphine drip. Drip. His heart beat with it. Drip. And then

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they'd stopped the morphine and there was nothing to make
Finn's heart beat anymore, nothing to remind him when to

"Me, too." If only so he could've had more time. There

hadn't been nearly enough. Not even two years.

He buried his face in Linda's hair and closed his eyes. He

held her tighter, letting the beat of her heart and the slow
rhythm of her breaths keep him going for a little while longer.

* * * *

"Here you go, little guy." Finn put the new hamster into

Gerbil's cleaned-out cage. The little ball of fluff just sat there
for a moment, rubbing tiny paws over his face in fear. "It's
okay," he soothed. "Don't be scared."

After a few minutes, the hamster started tentatively

exploring the new space, finding the food dish and stuffing his
little cheeks full of seeds. With cheeks wider than the rest of
his body, he tottered around.

It didn't surprise Finn at all to see that he never turned his

attention to the tubes that led up to the second level of the
cage system. Finn watched him bump into the walls and toys
a few times before he finally found the nest and settled down
to empty his cheeks and eat a little.

Finn smiled. It was good to see the little guy relax so

quickly. He went to collect Gerbil's carrying case and brought
it over to the table by the cage.

"Hey, want to see your new friend?" he asked, carefully

lifting Gerbil out of the case with one hand and popping open
the lid to the top level of the cage system with the other.

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Gerbil seemed glad to get out of the carrying case; he

skittered around on Finn's hand until Finn cupped him
between his palms so he couldn't run off.

"I'll put you in the top," he told Gerbil. "That way you can

relax a little before you meet the new guy." He lowered Gerbil
in through the top and watched as he skittered around,
looking for treats.

"You are such a pig," Finn said, laughing as Gerbil shoved

little bits of dog biscuit into his cheeks.

Checking on the new hamster, Finn saw that he was

bumbling around again, exploring his new home. He
wondered if Gerbil would hear him and go investigate. Sure
enough, by the time he looked back up, Gerbil was working
his way down one of the little tubes, fat cheeks and all.

Finn watched nervously as the new hamster froze and

turned slowly toward the tube Gerbil was coming down. They
circled each other, the new hamster bumping into the food
dish and then into the wall as they moved around. Finally,
Gerbil backed the new hamster into a corner and they piled
onto each other, rolling over and over.

The squeaking sounds were horrible. Finn knew they were

just establishing dominance, but finally, he couldn't watch
anymore. He reached into the cage and got a grip on one of
the hamsters. He didn't care which one it was, he just pulled
it out.

A quick glance at the squirming body told him it was

Gerbil. Finn held him by the scruff so he wouldn't feel the
sharp end of Gerbil's frustration and panic. He made soft,
soothing noises as he checked the little ball of fluff over for

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scratches and bites, then put him down into his carrying case

After he'd done the same to the new hamster, he reached

for the phone. He meant to call Linda, but found himself
digging through his wallet for Decker's business card instead.

Finn looked at the card for a moment, then shrugged.

What the hell? It couldn't hurt.

By the third ring, he was starting to rethink the whole

idea, but finally someone picked up. "Hello?"

"Dr. Decker?" The voice didn't sound familiar, but he'd only

spoken to the man once before. Finn hoped he'd dialed the
right number.

"Speaking. May I ask who's calling?"
"This is Finn Spencer. You saw my dwarf hamster today..."

He gave Decker a moment to try to remember him and was
pleased when it worked.

"Gerbil," Decker said, sounding more confident now.

"Right. Is there a problem?"

"Maybe a little. I'm not sure," Finn admitted, watching the

little hamsters tumble over each other. "I picked up that
other hamster I was telling you about and I did what you
said, cleaned out the cage and put him in first."

"Okay," Decker said. That telltale extra bit of silence that

went with body language in telephone conversations told Finn
he was nodding. "It didn't work?"

"I don't know. Maybe. They were rolling all over each

other, like they were trying to fight for dominance," Finn said.
"I separated them again. I don't want them to get hurt."

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Decker made a thoughtful little noise, but he didn't sound

like he was worried. Finn relaxed a little.

Before Decker could say anything else, though, Finn

started talking again. "I was hoping you could come by and
check on them. I could make dinner, maybe, to pay you back
for your time?"

Silence told him he'd surprised Decker with his suggestion,

but he didn't take it back. Finn was sure, after the way
Decker had behaved at the clinic, that the interest was

He was right. "I can come by and check on them. And you

can take me out to dinner, to pay me back for my time,"
Decker said. This time it was Finn who was surprised into
silence. "Give me directions to your place?"

* * * *

"You still have them separated?" Decker asked, as Finn

opened the door.

Finn almost laughed at the man's focus. No 'hello', just

business. He caught sight of Decker's clothes first, though,
and all the laughter in him faded away. Here were the jeans
and t-shirts he'd been thinking Decker didn't wear.

Dark jeans run through with some kind of metallic thread,

and worn like a second skin over Decker's long legs. Black t-
shirt, long-sleeved and made from something tight and shiny,
so that it fit close over every line and curve. It had a
crewneck cut low enough that it showed something colorful—
a tattoo, Finn guessed—creeping out along Decker's skin.

The man definitely knew how to dress.

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"Yes? No?"
Decker's amused question brought Finn's attention back to

the topic at hand. The hamsters. "They're still separated." He
let Decker inside.

He led Decker through to his office, where the new

hamster was in the big, empty cage system and Gerbil was
still in his carrying case. They were both looking much calmer
than they had been.

"I already checked to make sure they didn't hurt each

other," Finn said, popping the lid off the carrying case and
pulling Gerbil out. "But I didn't want to put them together
again if they were going to keep fighting."

"May I?" Decker held his hands out to take Gerbil.

Reluctantly, Finn passed him over. Decker looked Gerbil over
carefully, then held him in one hand as he opened up the

"You're going to put him in there again?" Finn asked

nervously. He didn't want them to get hurt.

Decker just nodded, lowering Gerbil down into the lower

level of the cage. Gerbil pattered off Decker's hand and Finn
waited for the squeaking to start. And kept waiting.

The two hamsters were just inches apart, but neither paid

any attention to the other. Gerbil licked at the water bottle,
while the new hamster pulled seeds out of his cheeks to hide
in the bedding.

"Have you named him yet?" Decker asked, his attention on

the hamsters.

Finn looked at the hamsters again and smiled slowly,

nodding. "I think so, yeah. I'm going to call him Mouse."

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Decker turned to look back at Finn, grinning. "You used to

know someone named Mouse?"

"Nah." Finn laughed a little. "But I think it fits."
Nodding, Decker turned back to the hamsters in time to

see Mouse bump his side against the food dish. He frowned
and carefully reached in to pull the little hamster out.

"You okay, little one?" he asked quietly, cupping Mouse in

his palm and looking closely at his face.

"Glaucoma," Finn said, answering Decker's question. "It's

pretty bad. That's why my friend's not breeding him."

Unlike humans, there was no possibility of laser surgery to

correct the problem. "It's a common health problem with
Winter Whites," Decker said, putting Mouse back into the
cage and watching him bobble over to the food dish. "He
seems to get around okay."

"Yeah, Linda said he'll be fine," Finn said, smiling at how

confident Mouse seemed to be in moving around the cage.
"She just doesn't want to risk having problems with the

Decker nodded. "I don't think you're going to have too

much trouble with them, now," he said, gesturing toward the
cage as he turned back to face Finn again. "Having a chance
to calm down must've helped with the transition. And no
surprises, they saw each other as soon as I put Gerbil in the

"Oh." Finn frowned. "I put Gerbil down in the top part of

the cage before. It would've been better if I'd put him down
with Mouse?"

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"Maybe." Decker shrugged. "It's hard to say, but

sometimes it helps when they animals know right away that
something's different. No surprises, no confusion about
whether or not it's supposed to be okay." He flashed Finn an
easy smile; he seemed much less nervous here than in the
clinic. "Just like people."

Finn laughed. "Yeah, okay. I guess I screwed that up." He

walked up beside Decker and checked to make sure the latch
was secure on the top of the cage.

"They're okay now," Decker assured him.
"Yeah, they are." Finn fought down a blush; he knew he

was like a worried mommy, the way he acted about taking
care of Gerbil. To mask his embarrassment, he offered Decker
a slow grin. "Hungry? I think I remember saying something
about dinner."

"Starving." Decker tilted his head back and gave Finn a

matching grin. "Where are you taking me?"

* * * *

Finn took him to a quaint little Italian place where no one

would mind that they weren't really dressed for the occasion.
Finn especially, since he was still in the jeans and t-shirt he'd
worn to the clinic. Decker didn't seem to mind.

"So what do you do when you're not being the proud Papa

to a dwarf hamster?" Decker asked. He smiled as he twirled
pasta around his fork.

"I'm a computer security consultant," Finn answered. "I do

some freelance. Mostly contract work with corporations that

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want someone on the outside to take a look at their systems
and make sure they're not vulnerable."

"Sounds like your job keeps you pretty busy."
"Yes and no." Finn smiled. It had been a long time since

he'd gotten to know someone new. "Sometimes I have to
travel. Most of my work, though, I can do remotely. So I get
to work from home a lot."

"That sounds really nice," Decker admitted, smiling wryly.

"Sometimes I wish I could work from home."

Finn laughed at that. "It's not always easy," he warned.

"What would you do if someone showed up with a sick

"Good point." Decker laughed, shaking his head. "I don't

have that kind of space."

* * * *

"Do you want to come in?" Finn asked. They were standing

between his car and Decker's, and Decker had his keys in
hand. "For coffee. Or something."

He grinned. 'Or something' was more what he had in mind,

but he could do coffee first. Decker was surprisingly nice to
talk to.

Decker didn't answer. He smiled, though, and leaned up to

brush his lips over Finn's.

Finn took that as an invitation to try to convince him. He

cupped Decker's face gently in his big hands and kissed him,
licking his way into Decker's mouth.

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Decker made a pleased little sound and moved closer, so

Finn slid one hand around to the small of his back, pressing
Decker's body close to his own.

Their kisses deepened and Decker threaded his fingers into

Finn's shaggy blonde hair. He made soft, wanting sounds and
rocked his hips against Finn's thigh. Finn could feel how hard
he was, even through the heavy denim of their pants.

"Come in with me." Finn murmured the words against

Decker's mouth, flicking his tongue temptingly against
Decker's lips. The invitation didn't have the intended result,

Decker pulled back, untangling himself from Finn's hair

and hands and body. He shook his head, looking around on
the dark pavement of the parking lot to find his keys. "I can't.
I have an early shift at the clinic tomorrow."

It sounded like an excuse, to Finn's practiced ears. He

knelt and picked up Decker's keys where they flashed in the
hazy glow of the streetlight. "I know you're interested," he
said quietly, holding the keys out for Decker to take.

Decker looked up, surprise showing clearly on his face. "Of

course I'm interested." He smiled then, and shook his head.
"But I don't do casual sex."

He leaned up and brushed another kiss over Finn's lips,

slipping the keys out of his hand. Finn didn't say anything. He
didn't know what to say, how to react.

"Thank you for dinner," Decker said as he pulled away

again. "I had a great time."

"Yeah. Me, too." Finn felt a little sullen, like a pouting

toddler who'd been told he couldn't have a new toy.

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"You have my number," Decker reminded him, smiling

gently. "Give me a call if you want to go out again sometime."

He cupped Finn's cheek in his cool, soft hand. It seemed

like he was going to say something else, but if he was, Finn
never got to hear it.

Headlights rolled over them as another car pulled into the

lot, and Decker pulled back. He jiggled his keys in his hand
and said, "Call me."

Finn just nodded. It wasn't agreement, it was just

acknowledgement that he'd heard Decker speak. Decker
seemed to understand that. He nodded at Finn, and turned

Frustrated with himself and with Decker, Finn stood in the

dark parking lot and watched as the red flash of Decker's
taillights faded away into the distance.

* * * *

Finn wasn't going to call Decker. He wasn't. The lean

veterinarian wasn't his type at all. Of course, these days, his
type was four fingers and a thumb, or some other nameless,
faceless pleasure he'd never have to see again.

After a week of remembering the easy flash of Decker's

smile, the genuine interest in his tone and expression as they
talked about Finn's work, and the softness of his lips when
they kissed, though, he finally gave in.

The phone felt cold and unfamiliar in Finn's hand as he

dialed. He changed his mind about calling three times before
Decker finally answered.

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"Hello?" Decker sounded distracted, and Finn had to

convince himself not to just hang up.

"Hey. It's Finn. Um, Finn Spencer..." Before Finn could

make a complete fool out of himself by trying to explain how
they knew each other, Decker rescued him.

"Hey, Finn. It's good to hear from you." He sounded

sincere, much to Finn's surprise. It made him smile a little,
hopeful before he remembered that he shouldn't be.

"Yeah." Finn wasn't sure what to say. After a few seconds

of uncomfortable silence, he found himself asking, "Do you
want to meet me for dinner?"

There was another little silence, and Finn was sure Decker

was going to refuse. "Tonight?" he asked, instead.

Finn couldn't help laughing in relief and surprise.

"Whenever you've got time?"

Whenever Decker had time turned out to be that night.

They went to a little Indian place Decker knew; the naan was
excellent and as they ate, they talked about why Decker had
gone into veterinary medicine.

"My brother," he said. "He'd bring home all these strays.

You know, the baby bird that fell out of the nest, that kind of

Finn nodded; he imagined Linda used to be that child,

fascinated by the animals around her. Gerbil was his first pet.
And now Mouse, he supposed, was his second.

"My parents humored him. We'd all get in the car and take

the animal down to the vet, see if they could do anything for
it. After awhile, I started asking questions." Decker smiled

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fondly at the memory. "By the time I was in high school, I
was working there part-time."

They stayed long past the dinner hour, drinking chai and

talking. Finn had no idea how long they'd been there, how
many refills they'd gotten on their teas, when he finally
noticed that the waitstaff were hovering near the table,
wanting to clean up and go home.

The rest of the place was empty and dim. Decker smiled

sheepishly and Finn left a generous tip as an apology.

He had time again three days later, so they went out for

pizza and beer. Over the weekend, it was a movie. It was a
high-tech thriller and Decker laughed when Finn picked apart
the bad computer lingo and impossible situations used in the

It became habit, over the next few weeks, for Finn to call

Decker every few days or so and ask if he'd like to go out. It
started to feel comfortable. Normal.

Finn was careful to meet Decker at their destinations, to

avoid that uncomfortable moment when he knew he'd want to
invite Decker back to his place and also knew that Decker
would say no.

It didn't always work. Sometimes he wanted to ask

anyway. They would stand between their cars, both holding
their keys, getting ready to drive off in their separate
directions. Finn would smile down at Decker, getting ready to
thank him for a fun evening, and Decker would lean up to kiss
him before he could get the words out.

The kisses started off soft and sweet, but inevitably they

would grow more heated. Decker would thread his fingers into

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Finn's hair and Finn would suck Decker's tongue into his
mouth, growling out little wanting sounds.

By the time they pulled back from each other, Finn wanted

to ignore his common sense and invite Decker back to his
place anyway, but he knew it would just earn him another
rejection. Whatever this was, it wasn't the kind of thing where
they had sex at the end of the night.

So he always bit back that invitation and thanked Decker

for a great evening, instead, and they would both smile and
turn away, getting into their separate cars and driving off into
their separate directions.

* * * *

"Dinner?" Finn asked, holding the phone between ear and

shoulder as he typed. Working from home definitely had its

"Why don't we do something a little different tonight?"

Decker suggested. "It's the weekend; I don't have to be in
the clinic tomorrow morning."

Finn finished his line of code and got up to drop a couple

dog biscuits into the cage with Mouse and Gerbil. They were
getting along much better, lately. "What do you want to do?"
A movie, maybe. They did that last weekend, and the
weekend before.

"Let's go dancing. I know this great club downtown, I think

you'll really like it." Decker sounded so certain and excited by
the prospect, Finn couldn't say no.

"Sure. Tell me where to meet you?"

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That was how he'd ended up here, in the steamy dark of a

crowded nightclub, with Decker's ass grinding back against
his groin. He had a hand on Decker's belly, low enough that
his fingers brushed against the belt that was stretched low
over Decker's hips like caution tape.

Police barrier. Do not cross.
Finn wanted to cross. He wanted to slide his hand down

the smooth plane of Decker's chest and belly. He wanted to
feel Decker react when Finn cupped his cock and balls
through his jeans. But he didn't.

They moved with the music, something with a heavy bass

beat that sounded like the best kind of sex, hot and intense.
The bodies around them writhed and shifted in undisguised
imitations of sex. Some weren't imitations at all, with hands
slipping past the barriers of clothing and tongues sliding over
bare skin.

Finn laced his fingers through Decker's and dragged their

hands up behind his own neck. Decker made a noise that
sounded like a moan as he arched, stretching his body out
against Finn's chest.

Finn watched down the line of it, watched how Decker's

hips and feet never stopped moving. Decker moved like sex,
too, with an instinctive rhythm that told Finn everything he
needed to know about how good it would feel to really touch

Stretched out and moving to the beat of the music, Decker

gave Finn's fingers teasing glimpses of the smooth heat of his
skin, his belly bared by his shirt riding up and sliding down
again as he moved. Finn's grip on Decker's hand tightened

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and he slid his big hand up over Decker's chest, dragging
Decker's shirt up with it.

Decker's bare chest wasn't as bare as Finn had expected.

The flashes of color along the edges of his collar were fully
realized here, a serpent twined around Decker's chest, tail
disappearing past the caution tape of his belt and into his

The curl of red-pink up Decker's neck was the tongue

licking out, Finn realized. He couldn't resist flicking his own
tongue there, tracing the color over Decker's olive-dark and
sweat-slick skin.

Decker moaned outright, writhing, and pulled away.
Before Finn found breath to protest or apologize, Decker

had turned around and pulled him back in. Decker sucked and
licked at Finn's mouth until Finn's brain finally caught up
enough to start kissing him back.

He pushed Decker backward through the crowd until he

found a dark corner with at least the illusion of privacy, and
then he slid both hands under Decker's shirt, pushing it up
out of the way so he could touch. With an arch and a tug,
Decker got rid of the shirt entirely, shoving it into his back
pocket and pulling Finn's mouth back down to his own.

Finn's hands slid over Decker's chest, exploring the ridges

of muscle and lines of bone. He plucked gently at Decker's
nipples and Decker cried out into his mouth. It sounded so
good; Finn did it again.

Decker cried out again, but this time he pulled away, too.

He pulled back from the kisses and he pushed Finn back with
both hands, shaking his head.

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"Not here." Decker sounded breathless, and his blue eyes

were dark and wide with more than just surprise.

Finn stumbled over his apology when his eyes met

Decker's. "We should go," he said slowly, finally, nodding.

He didn't know what he was saying, didn't have any kind

of a plan, but Decker didn't want to be here, so they had to
leave. It was Decker's turn to nod, and they made their way
out of the hot dark of the club and into the cool night, lit by
streetlights and glowing neon signs.

* * * *

Outside, the night air was cool, but it didn't help Finn

relax. Without talking, or even looking at each other, they
walked to their cars. Finn dug his keys out of his pocket and
turned toward Decker to smile down at him. It was habit, all
of it, burned into him by a dozen nights just like this one.

Only, those dozen nights hadn't really been quite like this

one. This was the first night Finn had to try to ignore the way
Decker's body moved, the way that green gold black serpent
twisted over his skin—soft, smooth, sleek skin, Finn's
fingertips reminded him—as he pulled his shirt back on.

"Thanks for—" Finn started to say, but Decker interrupted

him with a kiss.

Finn didn't have time to bite back the moan as he felt

Decker's tongue flash against his lips. He shoved his keys
back into his pocket and pulled Decker closer.

"Finn." It was just a warm puff of Decker's breath against

his lips, and then Decker was kissing him again.

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Finn didn't want to stop kissing—after that, they'd go back

to their separate cars and drive off in their separate
directions—but Decker didn't give him a choice.

"Finn," Decker said again, his lips sliding against Finn's.

They were slick from their kisses and Finn wanted to taste
them again. "When are you going to invite me back to your

It wasn't even remotely what Finn had expected to hear.
"I thought." He couldn't think at all, with Decker's body

pressed so close. Carefully, Finn nudged Decker back, just a
little. "I thought you didn't want..."

"I don't." Decker stepped closer again, slithering past the

barrier of Finn's hands and pressing himself against Finn's
body. "Is this casual, Finn?" he asked softly, breathing the
words against Finn's lips.

It was everything Finn could do not to dip his head and

kiss Decker again, to drown out Decker's words and his own
questions in the touch of lips and tongue.

When Finn didn't answer right away, Decker rephrased his

question. "If I come home with you, are you going to fuck me
and never call me again?"

At first, the only answer Finn had for him was kisses, so

that's what he gave. Decker seemed to understand, or at
least was patient enough not to push.

"No," Finn whispered finally.
Decker just nodded and asked again, "When are you going

to invite me back to your place?"

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"Tonight. Come home with me?" He traced his thumb over

the slick softness of Decker's lower lip, and then dipped his
head to kiss him lightly, softly. "Please?"

* * * *

They split up to drive away in their separate cars, but this

time, Decker followed Finn out of the parking lot and all the
way back to his house. It should have been uncomfortable,
the moment when they got back out of their cars and looked
at each other over the roof of Finn's little blue sedan, but it

It wasn't, because Decker smiled at him. Finn smiled back,

and tilted his head like an invitation. It was just so easy.

Inside, they shed their shoes and Finn got his arms around

Decker to kiss him again. They stumbled their way through
the front hall, not paying much attention to where they were
going, bumping into walls as they focused on their kisses
more than their feet.

Bits of clothing dropped here and there—shirts and socks,

Decker's went first—until they finally made it into the
bedroom. Decker gave Finn a push toward the bed and they
tumbled onto it, Decker riding Finn down into the sheets.

Finn's hands slid over Decker's chest, tracing the edges of

the serpent tattoo, but Decker's hands were far more to the
point, working the button and zipper of Finn's jeans open so
he could slide a hand inside.

His hand was warm and smooth and it was so gentle,

trailing delicately down the length of Finn's cock. Finn

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whimpered, and Decker's grip tightened as he stroked
upward, just once.

"Take them off," he demanded, and rolled off the bed to do

the same.

With a few quick tugs and wriggles, Decker dropped his

jeans to the floor. It took Finn longer, distracted by the
realization that Decker hadn't been wearing anything under
his jeans, and finally Decker came over to help.

He dragged Finn's jeans and boxers down his legs, and

nuzzled a little at the base of Finn's cock while he waited for
Finn to kick the last of his clothes onto the floor. Finn moved
faster then, knowing that once he was naked, he would be
naked in bed with Decker, and that was exactly what he

This time, when Decker rode Finn back down onto the bed,

they were skin against skin, the head of Finn's cock sliding
along the curve of Decker's ass. It made Decker writhe, and
Finn reached out to touch Decker again, to trail his fingers
over that serpent and down to curl around his cock.

Decker kissed him, hot and deep, and rocked his hips to

push his cock through Finn's hand. It was slick and the idea
that Decker was that turned on already made Finn moan. He
tightened his grip, and stroked slowly, until Decker pulled
back from their kisses and whispered, "Condoms?"

Condoms. Right. Finn took his hands away from Decker's

body to reach into the bedside table and get what they
needed. Decker took the condom and rolled it over Finn's
cock so slowly and delicately that Finn had to struggle not to

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His desperation made Decker smile. He kissed Finn hard

on the mouth, then lower, over his neck and chest, and finally
licking Finn's nipples with little, teasing flashes of his tongue.

Finn got his fingers slick, trying to concentrate between

those little flickers of hot, wet tongue on his skin, and Decker
seemed to know when he was ready. He arched over Finn's
body, giving him plenty of room to slide his hand down
between them.

Finn pushed one finger in, slow, and moaned at how tight

it was. "Let me fuck you," he whispered, sliding his finger
almost out and in again, watching Decker writhe and push
back for more.

He gave more, slipped in another finger with the first, and

Decker moaned.

"Yes." He sounded breathless, like he had back at the

nightclub, and that was when Finn finally realized that the
dancing had had just as much of an effect on Decker as it'd
had on him.

Finn used his clean hand to pull Decker down for more

kisses, licking into his mouth. Decker tensed when Finn
slipped his fingers out, but he didn't protest.

It only took a few seconds for Finn to slick his cock and

then Decker was crawling further over him, pressing down
and back. He was so tight, even now; Finn bit back a moan
and tried to focus on letting Decker go at his own pace.

Decker sucked at Finn's tongue, though, and made him

forget that he wasn't supposed to arch up, wasn't supposed
to push into Decker's body faster, harder, fucking him and
making him cry out.

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The cries sounded everything like pleasure and nothing at

all like pain, so Finn didn't stop. Decker rode him, pushing
back into every thrust. He fucked like he danced, all
instinctive grace and rhythm, though that rhythm faltered a
little when Finn wrapped his slick hand around Decker's cock.

It was all a flurry of motion after that, with Decker moving

faster and Finn thrusting deeper. They both cried out when
Decker came, his body clenched tight like a fist around Finn's

Finn rolled them over and Decker pulled his knees up so he

could get in deep with every stroke. He buried his face in the
curve of Decker's shoulder, biting his lip to keep from crying
out, as he finally started to come.

Decker writhed, though, and tightened up around him

again, and despite his efforts to stay quiet, Finn couldn't hold
back a soft moan.

Afterward, lying there with his head on Decker's chest and

Decker's hands tracing delicate patterns over his back, Finn
wasn't sure what to say. Decker didn't seem to mind.

* * * *

When Finn woke up the next morning, he was alone with

only a dip in the pillow beside him to prove Decker had been
there at all. He tried to convince himself that what he was
feeling was relief.

It may have been, but relief wasn't usually so heavy.
Finn rolled out of bed to grab last night's boxer shorts,

only to find that all his clothes were neatly folded on top of

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the dresser. He smiled; that seemed just like Decker, to tidy
up before he left. Maybe it was a good sign.

He grabbed a clean pair instead, and stumbled into the

bathroom to take a piss and wash up. Clean and dressed as
he was going to get ten minutes after waking up on a
Saturday morning, he padded through the house to his office.
And he smiled.

Decker was in his chair, wrapped up in a robe much too

big for him, watching the hamsters. Finn didn't say anything,
just crept up behind Decker and wrapped his arms around

"Hey," Decker whispered. He didn't sound at all surprised,

just pleased. Contented, maybe.

"G'morning," Finn murmured, nuzzling at the side of

Decker's throat.

"I think they like each other." Decker pointed to the cage.
Gerbil and Mouse were little bi-colored pile of fur, light and

dark, curled up against each other in the bed-fluff of their
nest. Finn smiled and kissed Decker's cheek, thanking him for
pointing it out. Gerbil obviously wasn't lonely anymore.

"Come back to bed?" he asked, brushing his lips over the

rim of Decker's ear.

Decker turned his head to catch Finn's mouth with his own.

"Yeah," he murmured, a hint of a smile in his voice. "Bed
sounds good."

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Chasing Samson by Kiernan Kelly
Keene Gray was on a mission.
Stalking the rows between the shelves of books, eyes

rapidly scanning titles as his long, tanned fingers brushed
across the spines, he determinedly searched for the one he

"Keene, give it up. You're like a dog with a bone over this,

boy. We just don't have it!" Ruby called over from the
espresso counter where she was steaming milk for a café au

He grunted. "This time you're wrong, Ruby. I know we

have it." He turned and resumed his quest, determined to find
the book in question.

Ruby knew the store's inventory as well as she knew her

own name, much to Keene's grudging admiration and
perpetual annoyance. He was constantly trying to prove her
wrong, but hadn't managed it yet.

Ruby was indeed a piece of work. She could be pigheaded,

stubborn, sharp-tongued, and could hold a grudge longer
than anyone Keene had ever known. She was often crass,
loud, and had no qualms at all about saying exactly what was
on her mind. Her only saving grace, besides having
memorized their inventory, was that she was also seventy-
two years old and not flustered in the least by Keene's
handsome face and hard body.

Wherever Keene went, he attracted attention through no

fault of his own. It had been that way since his last growth
spurt late in his teens, and it still made him every bit as

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uncomfortable now as it had then. He caught a glimpse of
himself reflected in the window glass as he passed by, and
resisted the urge to cringe.

As black and as gleaming as obsidian, a long tail of silky

hair dripped well past his shoulders, bound by a simple
leather thong. A forest of thick eyelashes shadowed warm
brown eyes generously flecked with gold. His strong nose,
which on anyone else might have been called hawkish, fit his
face perfectly and complemented his high cheekbones and
full, sensuous lips.

Rolling his eyes, he turned away from his reflection, nearly

tripping over the woman who'd asked for the book. He'd seen
her stalking him through the rows like a predator, and she'd
crept up behind him while his back was turned.

She grinned up at him, batting her eyes and doing the

hair-flip thing. He mustered up a small smile as he tried to
edge past her, but she was having none of it. He was
cornered between Contemporary Romance and Mysteries, and
she was closing in for the kill.

"Has anyone ever told you that blue is definitely your

color?" she purred, fingering the buttons on the front of
Keene's shirt.

"No." Again Keene smiled politely and tried to squeeze

past the woman. She stepped up closer, backing him into the

"Well, it is. And this shirt fits so well across those broad

shoulders of yours. Did you play football in college?"

"No." Keene was beginning to panic. He couldn't push past

her without seeming rude, but the only other escape route

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was over the top of bookcase. He wondered if he could smack
her over the head with a hardcover and make it out of the
store before she regained consciousness.

It was his body that got him into these fixes, no matter

how hard he tried to keep a low profile. He could slouch and
slump his shoulders, he could duck his head, but the fact
remained that with a six-foot four-inch frame carrying over
two hundred pounds of pure muscle, Keene was hard to miss.

Had he been straight, he supposed that his looks would

have been a boon. As it was, all they did was get him into
sticky situations with his female customers.

He settled for a diversionary tactic. "Oh look, I think I see

your book over there," Keene said, pointing behind the
woman. When she turned to see, he slipped away and made a
beeline for the end of the row. "Oh, no, sorry. That isn't it. My

It wasn't the first time Keene had wished that every

woman had Ruby's laissez-faire attitude towards his looks. It
was the true reason Keene kept her in his employ—the last
thing he wanted at work was another cooing, blathering
female hanging onto his shirttails. He had to deal with enough
of them as customers without having to have one on the
payroll. Ruby might have been annoying, but at least she
wasn't a hormone-factory on the prowl for a husband.

Not that he'd ever tell that to Ruby.
"I'm telling you that we don't have it, Keene!"
"Yes, we do. I saw it not long ago!" Keene called back,

resolutely scanning the rows while at the same time trying
not to get cornered again by his amorous shopper. He refused

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to admit defeat. Ruby wasn't the only one in the shop who
could be stubborn.

"You're imagining things! We haven't had a copy of Love's

Fire since 1997!" Ruby argued over the hissing of the silver
and brass coffeemaker. Keene could barely see her over the
machine, just a few soft tufts of her white hair poking up from
behind it. "It's out of print, Keene!"

"But I saw it!" Keene retorted mulishly.
"No, what you saw was Love's Flame."
Keene froze, blinking. Damn it. For all her years, Ruby

remained sharp, with a memory that would shame an
elephant. Keene didn't doubt that she could rattle off the title
of every book he had in stock. She was right.

Sheepishly, Keene led the woman back to the shop's

checkout counter. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but I was mistaken. We
don't have a copy of that book, and it is out of print. I can try
searching for a used copy, if you'd like," he said
apologetically. "Would you like to leave your phone number in
case I find one?"

"Yes, that would be fine," the woman replied with a small

laugh that sounded suspiciously like a prepubescent giggle.
Keene was hard-pressed not to flinch. He jotted down her
name, number, and the book's title on an order form, scotch
taping it onto the register when he was done.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" Keene asked

when the woman lingered at the counter, smiling up at him.

"Oh, well, actually..."
Here it comes, Keene thought.

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"I was wondering if you might like to grab a cup of coffee

with me," the woman finished, flirting shamelessly. "There's a
café right down the street—"

Bingo. Right on cue. "Thank you, but I'm afraid I can't,"

Keene interrupted, trying not to sound rehearsed. "But we do
have an espresso machine right here in the store," he smiled.
"I'm sure Ruby would be happy to brew you a cup. Ruby!" he
called. Seeing her lined face peeking around the corner of the
machine, he continued "I think this young lady would like—"

"No, no ... that's all right. I'm afraid I'll have to take a rain

check," the woman cut in, sounding a bit embarrassed and
not a little hurt. She bustled toward the door, avoiding eye
contact with him. Keene felt badly, but if he drank coffee with
every woman who hit on him he'd be perpetually jazzed on

Besides, it wasn't as if he had any interest in them other

than as customers. It would really only have wasted both his
time and hers.

The small bell over the door jingled as she slipped outside,

and Keene relaxed, breathing a sigh mixed with relief and
regret. Relief that she'd gone without a fuss (some women
refused to take the hint), and regret that he'd probably lost a

Walking over to the espresso counter, he sat down on one

of the tall stools that lined it. "Let me have a decaf, Ruby,

"Decaf," Ruby repeated, as if it were a dirty word. She was

a true caffeine addict, if Keene had ever seen one. That was
the reason she'd been so persistent in hounding Keene until

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he'd installed the espresso counter. She'd told him that she
was tired of walking down the street to the café every ten
minutes for a cup of coffee that tasted like piss-water.

"Ruby, with all the caffeine you drink everyday, it's a

wonder that you sleep at all," Keene marveled, adding a hefty
amount of sugar to the strong black coffee Ruby set in front
of him. "It's not good for you. Hasn't the doctor told you to
cut down?"

"Ha! He's tried," Ruby cackled. "I told him that I've already

buried one husband and two doctors, and that I'll probably be
singing Ave Maria at his funeral, too." She laughed and
poured a dollop of cream into Keene's coffee. "He didn't think
that was very funny. I swear, that boy has no sense of
humor. I'm seventy-two years old, Keene! I'm too old not to
enjoy the time I have left."

Keene smiled. For all her faults, he was very fond of Ruby.

He secretly thought of her as a grandmother, and he
suspected that she felt the same, although both would rather
poke themselves in the eye with a pencil before admitting it.

"So, what was wrong with that one?" she asked, her sharp

blue eyes peering at him from over the rim of her cup.

"What one?"
"That last one. The one who wanted Love's Fire."
"Ruby..." Keene groaned, not wanting to get into it with

her again. They practically had the same conversation every
time he turned a woman down. Ruby didn't miss a trick, and
never hesitated to stick her nose into Keene's business.

"I'm not getting any younger and neither are you, Keene

Gray. Do you want to spend the rest of your life alone, with

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nothing but piles of musty old books for company?" Ruby
asked, setting her cup down, rattling it in its saucer. "You're
too damn picky for your own good!"

"Ruby, trust me. I'm not being picky."
"No? Then what do you call it? She seemed like a perfectly

nice woman to me."

Keene was saved from lengthy explanations that would

have been out-and-out lies by the tinkle of the bell over the
shop's door. "Customer," he said to Ruby, suppressing a
smile, rising and turning to greet the shopper.

The afternoon passed swiftly. Keene managed to avoid any

extended conversations with Ruby until just before closing

"Keene?" Ruby's bony finger jabbed him in the shoulder

blade as Keene squatted, arranging books on a lower shelf.
"Come to dinner tonight."

"Not one word, Keene Gray. Not one. I'm making

spaghetti. Stop at the bakery on your way and pick up a loaf
of bread," Ruby said firmly. She turned and left the store
before Keene could think of a gracious way to refuse her.

Damn it. He'd been looking forward to going home to his

apartment, undressing, popping open a beer, spending the
evening scratching his balls and watching the Discovery

Well, maybe not exactly looking forward to it, but as fond

of Ruby as he was, it would have beat sitting in her lemon
yellow kitchen with its lace curtains and green linoleum floor,
eating spaghetti while being lectured on his lack of a love life

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by a seventy-two year old straight woman. Besides, Ruby's
cat, Samson, hated him.

Keene had a way with animals. Furry, feathered, or finned,

it didn't matter. Keene had an affinity with them all. Except
for Samson. Whenever Keene visited Ruby, the cat would hiss
and arch his back as if Keene were a six-foot, four-inch pit

He simply couldn't understand it. Keene had tried

everything he could think of to win Samson's heart. Treats.
Toys. Catnip. He'd even changed colognes, reasoning that
perhaps the scent was offensive to the furry little demon.
Nothing worked. The cat simply hated him, and that was all
there was to it.

Sighing, he looked down at the stack of books waiting to

be shelved, decided that they could wait until the next day,
and set about locking up for the night. Whether Keene wanted
to or not, he was going to spend the evening being lectured
by Ruby and hissed at by Samson.

* * * *

Keene arrived at Ruby's house precisely at eight o'clock

with two fresh, hot loaves of fragrant bread tucked under his
arm. He'd gone home only long enough to shower and change
into jeans and a soft gray button-down shirt. Pressing the
doorbell, he waited patiently for Ruby to answer the door.

"Come in, Keene! It's open!" Ruby called from somewhere

inside the house.

Keene let himself in, taking care not to allow Samson to

escape, should he be lurking behind the door. A big gray tom,

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Samson had never been neutered to Keene's knowledge, and
constantly sought ways to escape into the world at large.

Not that Keene blamed him. He felt a strange kinship with

the cat, as a matter of fact, regardless of Samson's obvious
dislike for him. They had a lot in common. Both spent an
inordinate amount of time with Ruby, and neither one was
getting laid.

Carefully closing the door behind him, Keene scanned the

living room looking for Samson. He'd been the recipient of a
sharp-clawed swipe across the ankles on more than one
occasion when he'd walked too close to the cat.

Samson was not in the living room, or the kitchen for that

matter, Keene realized as he kissed the top of Ruby's head in
greeting and set the loaves of bread on the countertop.

"Where's the demon-feline?" he asked, accepting a glass of

lemonade from Ruby.

"He's not a demon. He's just prickly," Ruby huffed. She

turned back to the stove where several pots were steaming.

"He's a devil cat, Ruby. I swear that I saw tiny horns and

cloven hooves on him the last time I was here," Keene

"Just because he doesn't like you, Keene Gray, doesn't

make him evil," Ruby said. She held out a wooden spoon to
Keene's lips. "Taste this," she ordered. "More salt?"

"Nope. Perfect, as usual, Ruby."
"Hmph. More salt. Just as I thought," Ruby sniffed,

reaching for the shaker. "Samson is probably hiding under the
couch. He'll come out when he smells the meatballs."

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But the meatballs were served along with al dente

spaghetti and a glass of wine, without a single appearance by
Samson. By the time Ruby had served them both a fat wedge
of apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream, even Keene was
getting nervous. It wasn't like Samson not to follow his nose
to the dinner table.

"Samson? Come here, Samson! Mama's got ice cream!"

Ruby called, setting a saucer of melted ice cream on the floor.
She snapped her fingers and pursed her lips, making kissy-
sounds, but to no avail.

Keene followed Ruby as she marched from room to room,

searching for the cat. Together, they looked under the
furniture, in the closets, anywhere the cat might have
squirreled himself away, but couldn't find a trace of him.

By the time they'd finished searching Ruby's bedroom for

the third time, Keene was becoming concerned for her. She
looked pale, her aged face drawn with worry.

"He's gone, Keene," she said, turning tearful eyes up at

him. "He must have gotten outside. I never let him out. He'll
get lost, or hurt! What am I going to do?"

For all her steely and bristly exterior, Keene knew that

Ruby loved that cat more than anything else in the world. He
was the last tie she had with her late husband, and Keene
worried that losing Samson might be too much for her to

"Sit down and try not to worry, Ruby. I'll go look for him,"

Keene said, taking her elbow. He led her to the sofa, helping
her settle down into it. "It'll be okay. I'll find him."

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As Ruby sniffled and wrung her hands on the couch, Keene

grabbed a flashlight from the kitchen and stepped out onto
the front porch. "Samson!" he called, shining the beam across
the front lawn.

The evening was warm and the neighborhood quiet. All

Keene could hear was the chirping of crickets and the growl of
car engines from the main drag two streets over.

God, I hope he didn't wander over there, Keene thought as

he stepped down off the porch and walked across the lawn to
the sidewalk. There's too much traffic. He'd be little more
than feline mush if he tried to cross that street.

Keene pointed the flashlight at the lawns, swinging it in

wide, slow arcs as he walked. "Samson!" he called, over and
over again.

He'd walked the length of Ruby's block and was halfway

around the corner when he caught a flash of gray in the
light's beam. "Samson? Come here, boy! C'mon ... here,
kitty, kitty!" Cutting across the lawn, Keene trotted around
the side of the house, following him.

He thought he saw something slip under the leaves of a

lush hydrangea bush, heavy with large, pink blossoms.
Dropping to his knees, he shone the light underneath it,
calling for Samson.

"Lose something?"
The voice startled Keene. He popped up, sitting back on

his heels, looking up.

Not as tall as Keene, the man who'd spoken nevertheless

had some height to him. His face was shadowed, but there

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was one thing about him that Keene could see plainly. His

A cop.
Shit, just what I need. Arrested for trespassing because of

a cat that would rather choke on a hairball than be in the
same room with me,
he thought.

"My cat. Well, not my cat, actually. He's a friend's cat.

Samson. Big, gray tom," Keene said, aware that he was
rambling. "I think he went under here," he said, pointing
toward the bush.

"Come with me."
"Look, I didn't mean to—"
"Come on," the man said sternly. Keene stood up slowly,

stretching up to his full six-four. His height made no
impression on the man, other than a slight widening of his
eyes. "Inside," he said, leading Keene toward the house.

He lived here? Great. Figures the demon-cat would pick a

cop's house. Following the officer into the house, Keene
began to get angry. He hadn't been doing anything wrong—
he'd just been trying to help a friend. What kind of a world
was it where a man was arrested for trying to find an old
woman's cat?

Keene was led into a kitchen that was a gourmet cook's

wet dream. Copper bottom pots hung over a spacious island
in the center of the large room. A stainless steel stove with a
double oven sat in one corner, and if Keene wasn't mistaken,
that huge side-by-side refrigerator was a Sub-Zero. On the
granite countertop stood organizers chockfull of shiny kitchen

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gadgets. The air was fragrant with spices, most of which were
being grown fresh in a window box over the sink.

Keene, who when backed into a corner could at best

manage a decent macaroni-and-cheese casserole, was

"I'm Richard, by the way."
"Huh?" Keene blinked. He'd been fully prepared for the cop

to read him his rights, not offer his name.

"Richard. Me," Richard chuckled, pointing to himself. "You

have a name?"

"Oh, yeah. Keene. Keene Gray. The cat belongs to my

employee. That's Ruby—my employee, not the cat. He's
Samson." Damn it, stop rambling, he thought. He clamped his
lips shut, feeling his cheeks heat as he watched Richard move
around the kitchen.

Shorter than Keene, Richard still topped the six-foot mark.

The blue fabric of his uniform was stretched tightly across his
broad chest and wide shoulders. His pants were molded to
powerful thighs and an ass that was so beautifully perfect it
made Keene want to weep.

Arrest me, Keene thought. Pat me down. Handcuff me.

Officer, I confess—I've got a concealed weapon in my pants.
Mentally slapping himself, Keene tried to concentrate on the
reason he was standing in Richard's kitchen—Ruby and
Samson, not the thoroughly lickable cop in front of him whose
sexual orientation was yet to be determined. Besides, Richard
was probably as straight as a two-by-four. He had to be.
Keene simply wasn't that lucky.

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Keene watched Richard root around in the fridge, removing

a small Tupperware container from inside. Opening it, he
scooped the contents into a saucer then turned to Keene. A
delicious lemony smell drifted up. "Maybe we can bribe him
out into the open," he said, smiling. "Tilapia. Grilled it

"Thanks," Keene said, following Richard back outside,

feeling both relieved that he wasn't being arrested and more
than a little disappointed that all Richard seemed to be
thinking about was the cat.

Hanging back, Keene allowed Richard approach the

hydrangea bush. Samson was more likely to come out if
Keene kept his distance.

Richard tossed Keene a curious look when he hung back.

"He hates me," Keene said by way of explanation.

"What did you do to him?"
"Nothing!" Keene protested. "I love animals—this

particular one just has a hard-on for me. He has since the
first day I met him."

"I'm an animal-lover, too. Been thinking about getting a

cat. For company."

"You're alone?" Keene asked, mentally crossing his fingers.
"Yeah. Married to the job and all that. In case you didn't

notice, I'm a cop. I work a lot of hours. You?" Richard asked,
placing the saucer on the grass and backing away.

"I'm not married," Keene said, a little too quickly. He

blushed when Richard's eyebrow quirked.

"Uh, I was asking what you did for a living, but ... okay,"

Richard chuckled.

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Keene was saved the trouble of dying from embarrassment

by the appearance of a big, gray tomcat sliding out from
under the hydrangea and attacking the saucer of fish.
"Samson!" he cried, taking a step forward.

Samson immediately spit, hissed, and arched his back.
"Wow, he really does hate you," Richard snorted. "Better

let me do this—he's liable to try to turn you into sushi if you
touch him."

"Told you so," Keene muttered under his breath.
Richard bent and scooped up Samson, who nuzzled under

Richard's chin, purring loudly. Damn cat. Damn lucky cat.

"So where does this big boy's owner live?" Richard asked,

scratching behind Samson's ears.

"Just around the corner from here. She's worried sick

about him."

"Let's go then," Richard smiled.
God, Richard had a great smile—straight, white teeth and

dimples that could swallow a man whole. Keene managed a
smile of his own as they walked out of the yard toward the

"Mind if I ask you a question?" Richard said, as they

strolled toward Ruby's.

"Sure, shoot. Not literally. I mean you can question me.

Ask me a question, I mean—"

"I get it," Richard laughed. "Are you always this eloquent?"
"Most of the time I'm a lot worse."
Richard laughed, a warm, contagious laugh that made

Keene's lips lift in response. "I was going to ask ... well, it's a
little personal. A lot personal actually."

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"Which side do you butter your bread on?"
"I try not to eat too much bread. Too many carbs."
Richard laughed again, although this time Keene wasn't

sure he understood the joke. "That's too cute. But I was
asking if you were gay."

Keene nearly bit off his tongue. "What? Me? What makes

you think that?" For the life of him, he couldn't keep the
defensive tone out of his voice.

"I wasn't thinking it. I was kind of hoping," Richard said as

they approached Ruby's house. "I was thinking of asking you
to dinner."

Keene froze, standing stock still on the sidewalk. His

mouth flopped open like a dying fish, his eyes wide.

"Whoa! Don't be mad, okay? I guess my radar must be on

the fritz," Richard said.

"I-I'm not mad," Keene said. His mouth felt as dry as the

Sahara, and his stomach had suddenly turned into a butterfly
sanctuary. "I am."

"You am what?"
"Gay, I guess."
"You guess?"
"I know," Keene said with a helluva lot more conviction

than he felt.

Samson meowed doubtfully. At that moment, Keene would

have happily flung him into the nearest lake, but Richard just
laughed. "Then, how about dinner?"

"Sure. I mean, I guess so. Yeah," Keene stammered,

mentally swearing to get a grip on his tongue even if he had

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to use a clamp and a vise to do it. "This is Ruby's place," he
said, nodding toward the small clapboard house.

He rapped on the door, letting himself and Richard inside.

"Ruby?" he called, seeing her sitting on the sofa exactly
where he'd left her. Her chin touched her chest, her eyes
closed. Poor thing. She must have cried herself to sleep, he
thought. He shook her shoulder gently.

Ruby didn't wake up. Didn't even flutter an eyelash. Keen

felt a bolt of panic spear his gut. "Ruby!"

Richard dropped Samson, appearing at Keene's side in an

instant. He put a hand to Ruby's throat, his face solemn.
"She's not breathing! She's got a heartbeat, but it's faint. Call
911!" he ordered.

Keene felt his heart kick into overdrive as he reached for

his cell phone and dialed the three infamous digits. He
watched Richard pull Ruby onto the floor, cup the back of her
neck with his hand and pinch her nose closed with the other,
and begin to breathe gently into her mouth.

For all his height and muscular body, Keene felt like a

helpless five-year old as he watched Richard administer CPR
to Ruby. She was his friend, the closest thing to a
grandmother that Keene had left in the world. She was family
as far as he was concerned, and watching her cling to life on
the threadbare rug of her living room was agonizing.

Something warm and furry brushed against his ankle.

Looking down, Keene saw Samson rubbing his head against
his leg. Without thinking, he bent down and picked Samson
up, cradling him in his arms. He didn't question why Samson
had chosen that moment to forgive whatever trespass Keene

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had committed against him. He just laid his cheek against
Samson's soft fur, grateful for a little comfort from something
warm and living.

Sirens wailed, drawing closer. The next few minutes

passed in a blur for Keene. Paramedics arrived, clustering
around Ruby. There was flurry of activity and then she was
gone, whisked away on a gurney.

"Hey," Richard said softly. He looked as troubled as Keene

felt, rumpled and weary. "You okay?"

Keene nodded, although he felt everything but okay. He

felt sick to his stomach with worry and not a little guilt. If
he'd hurried, if he'd found Samson sooner...

"Come on. Let's lock up and I'll drive you to the hospital,"

Richard offered, relieving Keene of Samson.

Keene nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He'd lost his

parents years ago, had no other relatives. Ruby was the only
person he'd let into his life, and now there was a distinct
possibility that he'd lose her, too.

Suddenly there were strong arms around him, holding him

tight. "She'll be okay, Keene. You'll see," Richard whispered.
His badge dug sharply into Keene's breastbone, but Keene
barely felt it. All he really felt were Richard's arms, his warm
breath against Keene's neck, and Richard's hands sliding
soothingly across his back.

He found strength there, in Richard's embrace. Nodding,

Keene swallowed hard and pulled back, looking Richard in the
eye. "Thank you. For everything," he managed to say.

Richard nodded, gently brushing his fingers across Keene's

cheek. "Let's go."

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"You don't have to drive me. You've done enough, Richard.

I'll be okay."

"Don't argue with the nice man with the badge and the

gun," Richard smiled.

Amazingly, Keene felt the urge to smile back, regardless of

the fear for Ruby that knotted his gut. Making sure Samson
was inside where he belonged, he locked the door behind
them as they left.

* * * *

It turned into a long night. Things had been dicey for Ruby

for a while, but eventually the doctors managed to stabilize
her. She'd pull through, they'd said, and would be back to her
old, prickly self in no time. Of course, she'd have to watch her
diet. Her heart wasn't as strong as it used to be.

The first thing Keene planned on doing was ripping out the

espresso machine in the store. No more caffeine for Ruby.
Not a drop. He was not going through this again, no matter
how much she whined.

Richard had stayed the entire night at the hospital with

Keene. He fetched them soft drinks and bags of chips from
the vending machines, tried to distract Keene with stories
about his years on the force. All in all, he'd been Keene's
saving grace, and Keene was more grateful for his support
than he could say.

They stopped by Ruby's to pick up Samson. She'd be in

the hospital for a few days, and Keene hadn't wanted to leave
the cat by himself for all that time. Now they stood outside of

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Keene's apartment door. "Richard, I don't know to thank you
for everything," Keene said, slipping his key into the lock.

"Don't mention it. All in the line of duty," Richard

answered, smiling.

Was that the only reason Richard had stayed—because it

was his job? Keene wondered miserably. He nodded and
turned toward the door.

"You could ask me in, you know."
"In. Inside. The opposite of outside," Richard said, nodding

toward the apartment.

"Y-you want to come in?" Keene stammered in surprise.
"Don't mind if I do," Richard chuckled, slipping past Keene

into the apartment. He flicked on the lights and sat down on
the sofa holding Samson while Keene remained at the door,
watching. Was this part of the job, too? Somehow, Keene
doubted it, and felt a strange stirring in his belly. Nerves, yes,
but something else too. Excitement. Desire.

Swallowing hard, Keene closed the door and walked stiffly

toward the sofa. He wasn't sure what Richard expected, or
what he should do. What he wanted to do was tear the
uniform from Richard's body and pound him face first into the
sofa, but Keene was fairly certain that wasn't first date
protocol. If this was a first date, which it isn't, Keene
reminded himself. Should he sit? Stand? Offer to make

He opted for standing in the middle of the living room as if

his feet had taken root in the carpet, dimly aware that
Samson had leapt out of Richard's arms and was nosily

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exploring the apartment. "Hi," he finally managed to say.
Wonderful. Way to dazzle him with your verbal brilliance,

"You really are just too cute," Richard smiled, patting the

cushion of the couch. "Come sit down before you fall down."

The sofa was small, and the men sitting on it were large.

There wasn't a lot of room between them, and Keene could
feel the heat from Richard's body, even through their

"Why do I get the impression that, no matter how

gorgeous you are, you've never dated a man before?" Richard
asked, turning toward Keene.

Gorgeous? Keene felt his heart flip-flop in his chest. "I'm

not exactly out," he replied, feeling his face heat.

"Not exactly?"
"Not at all."
"Okay, fair enough. But you're out to me, and you must

know that I want you, right? Did from the minute you looked
up at me from the hydrangea bush," Richard whispered. His
fingers were twisting in a stray lock of Keene's long hair, his
eyes heated.

"Nothing like cutting right to the chase, huh?" Keene

mumbled. He felt his body harden, the crotch of his jeans
suddenly growing unbearably tight.

"Comes from the job. Cut through the bullshit, get right to

the facts," Richard smiled. "How do you feel about me?"

"Like ... like I want you naked. Now." Keene was shocked

not only by his audacity to say such a thing, but by the raw
need that laced his voice.

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Richard laughed. "Sure you're not a cop, too? That

sounded suspiciously like an order."

"I-I just..."
"Shut up and pucker up, Keene. And that is an order,"

Richard said.

Suddenly, hard muscles surrounded Keene as a warm, wet

tongue swept his mouth and Keene's body was pushed
backwards on the sofa. Something tugged at the thong that
held his hair in a tail, letting it spill free. Strong fingers
twisted in his hair, deepening a kiss that already threatened
to steal Keene's breath away.

Deep within Keene something broke free, something

primal, needful, and hungry. Richard felt hard, every inch of
him, smooth and muscular, and Keene suddenly couldn't get
close enough to him. Couldn't get enough of the sweet taste
of him, couldn't feel enough of his heat through their clothing.
He pulled at the back of Richard's uniform shirt, freeing it
from his trousers, sliding his hands over the firm muscles of
Richard's back. His fingertips danced over the knobs of
Richard's spine, felt the sharpness of his shoulder blades.
Grew bolder, sliding down, kneading the solid flesh of his ass.

Keene moaned into Richard's mouth as Richard's hand

found his erection, stroking it through the denim. Fingers
worked at his belt buckle, then at his zipper. He felt himself
released, only the thin fabric of his briefs separating his cock
from Richard's fingers. Then that was gone as well and
Richard's fingers were wrapped around Keene's length.

Keene gasped for air, his hips rocking up into Richard's

touch. "Oh, God..."

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"Breathe," Richard ordered, nipping at the flesh under

Keene's jaw.

Richard's cock rubbed at the juncture between Keene's

thigh and groin, hard and burning hot, even though the fabric
of his trousers. Keene wanted nothing more than to touch it,
taste it, to rub it over every inch of his body. Growling, he
tore at Richard's belt and fly, trying to free it.

Richard tilted his hips, making it easier for Keene. When

his hands closed around the thick hot flesh of Richard's cock,
Keene felt his throat close with the sheer pleasure of it.

Silken skin burning his palm, strong fingers stroking his

own cock, warm lips smashing against his, hard muscles
pressing against him ... Keene felt his balls tighten and his
penis slick with precome. "Richard..." Keene whispered, trying
to warn him of the impending explosion.

"Gonna come? Not yet, Keene," Richard moaned. He lifted

his hips, shoving his pants down then tugged at Keene's. Only
to happy to oblige, Keene lifted his ass from the sofa, letting
Richard slide his pants down past his hips.

Not totally naked, but close enough. Their cocks nestled

against one another. Keene looked down between their bellies
at the two purpled, rounded heads rubbing against one
another, both slicked with beads of precome. His breath came
faster, growing ragged. "Richard..." Keene was practically
begging, pleading for Richard to move just a little bit faster,
aching to come, hovering at the edge.

Richard seemed no better off than Keene. His eyes were

dilated with lust, his full lips parted. "Now. Come now," he
groaned, wrapping his fingers around both of their cocks.

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As Richard fisted them together, Keene lost his battle with

restraint. He came hard, pinpoints of light exploding in his
field of vision as his entire body shuddered with a wave of
ecstasy unlike any he'd ever known. Every cell seemed to
implode as his hips jerked up into Richard's fist, covering it
with his seed.

Only when he'd crested the pinnacle and had floated down

into a state of semi-awareness, did he realize that not all of
the semen coating his stomach and Richard's hand was
Keene's. Panting, Richard looked down at him through
hooded, sated eyes. A finger traced a wet path across Keene's
stomach then touched his lips, letting him taste the salty-
bitter evidence of their pleasure.

"That was a lot faster than I'd intended," Richard

whispered, licking his finger clean. He leaned down and kissed
Keene softly. "I wanted it to last, to make it good for you."

"It was good. Better than I'd imagined it would be," Keene

answered. He felt boneless, completely and totally satisfied,
and couldn't have moved a muscle even if the sofa had
caught fire.

A large gray lump of fur suddenly insinuated itself between

them, curling up on Keene's chest. A raspy tongue scraped
his jaw as a purr machine rumbled to life. "Samson! You have
the worst timing, cat."

"I thought you said that he hated you," Richard grinned.

He sat up, stroking Samson's head.

"He did. I don't know what's gotten into him."

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"Maybe he just realized how thoroughly lickable you are,"

Richard chuckled. Keene grinned when he leaned down and
swiped his tongue across Keene's lips.

"You're pretty tasty yourself," Keene grinned. Samson

rumbled louder, as if in agreement. "But he's going to need a
bath now. He's laying in a puddle."

Richard laughed. "Speaking of tasty, I'm starving. How

about I scramble us a few eggs after we clean up?"

"Sounds like a plan," Keene nodded. He didn't question

why he suddenly felt totally at ease with Richard. Sharing an
orgasm with a guy will do that to you,
he reasoned.

Richard stood, but rather than pull his pants up, he kicked

them off. Lord! The man has an ass that looks good enough
to eat,
Keene thought. Keene's hands remembered how
Richard's firm globes had felt when he'd squeezed them, and
his cock twitched in response. Out of the question. He
couldn't possibly be getting another hard-on so soon after
having the Orgasm of the Ages, could he?

Well, Keene thought sheepishly, it wouldn't be the first

time he'd been proved wrong.

He set Samson on the floor and padded happily toward the

bathroom after Richard.

* * * *

"I can't believe that you took away my machine," Ruby

grumbled for the fiftieth time that day. Keene smirked,
busying himself with restocking a shelf. Ruby hadn't changed
a bit—she was just as ornery as she'd ever been. Three

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months without Ruby had been like being on a salt-free diet—
bland and barely tolerable. It was great to have her back.

"It almost killed you. The doctors said that all the coffee

you were drinking did a number on your heart," Keene
reminded her.

"Damn doctors don't know what they're talking about."
"Sorry, Ruby. No more coffee. Not even decaf."
The bell tinkled over the door, cutting off whatever caustic

tongue-lashing Ruby had been readying to unleash at Keene.
Keene smiled at Richard, standing up and stretching.

"Afternoon, Ruby," Richard smiled, waving at her. He

turned to Keene. "Ready?"

"Yup," Keene answered. It was Richard's day off and he'd

promised Keene lunch at the quaint new café that had opened
across town. A gourmet cook himself, Richard had been
anxious to check the place out.

"Honesty," Ruby grumbled, staring up at the two of them

with her hands on her hips, "you two spend too much time
together. How are you ever gonna find girlfriends if you ... uh
... oh..."

The look on her face was priceless as the pieces finally

settled into place. Keene almost felt badly for her. "Ruby..."

"Well, for the love of Pete's petunias!" she gasped. Balling

up her fist, she socked Keene in the arm. "Why didn't you tell
me, you big galoot? I've been spending all my time thinking
that you were just being too damn picky!"


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"Don't you Ruby me, Keene Gray. You should have told me

you were already taken! Would've saved me a world of

Keene smiled and hugged Ruby. "I'll be back soon, and I'll

bring you some lunch."

She wiggled free, turning on Richard, waggling her finger

at him. "Don't you dare let him come back today. He works
too hard. That girl he hired while I was in the hospital will be
in at two o'clock. I'll be fine until then."

"That's perfect," Richard smiled. "I have plans for us this


"What?" Keene asked. "I can't leave Ruby alone for all that


"You can and you will, or I'll tan your hide, no matter how

big you think you are," Ruby interjected.

"I was thinking we'd stop by the animal shelter after lunch.

Pick out our kitten," Richard said.

"Our kitten?" Richard's pronoun use wasn't lost on Keene.

He raised his eyebrows as Richard walked him outside the

"Well, yeah. Ours. Unless you don't want to..."
"Of course I want to, but how do we share a kitten?"

Keene asked.

"We can't. Unless we were living together..." Richard

grinned. He squeezed Keene's hand. "I mean, that would only
be fair to the kitten, right?"

Keene felt his eyes bug open and his jaw drop. "Really?"
"Yeah, really. I'm tired of only seeing you for a couple of

hours here and there. Our schedules never jibe. When I'm off,

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you're working. This way, we'll be together as much as
possible," Richard answered. "What do you think?"

"I think I want a gray kitten. Like Samson," Keene


"One that hates you?" Richard laughed.
"He doesn't hate me anymore. Besides, I'd love him even

if he did still hate me. He led me to you," Keene smiled.

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Bungalow Bill by Ansley Vaughan
"I'm sure this is it."
Theo peered through the darkness at the painted sign, and

turned the wheel, pulling the limousine off the road from
Chiang Mai. Despite the lateness of the evening, there was a
sultry heat and he was glad of the car's sophisticated air
conditioning. He smiled cynically to himself, reflecting that
when Norma Widgeon traveled, it was like the stately
progress of a medieval monarch. She more than triumphed
over the rigors of modern travel; she ignored them, as only
the very wealthy can.

"Yes, we're right," he told his passengers. "At last. Half-

way round the globe, just to get here."

"Thank goodness. Well done, darling. You are a clever

boy." His employer spoke in a well-educated drawl, only a
slight huskiness betraying her excitement.

He smiled again. Norma was such a mass of

contradictions. On the one hand she was highly conventional.
She believed no woman should travel without a male escort,
and had absolute faith in the power of money. But on the
other, she had one abiding passion which set her apart, an
obsession which brought the three of them to this remote
part of Thailand.

As they drove along the bumpy track through thick jungle,

Norma leaned forward, eagerly looking out into the gloom.

The third member of the party spoke sulkily. "There's

nothing to see. Only mud and trees. It's boring, Mom. I wish
you'd let me stay behind in Bangkok."

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"Nonsense, Loretta honey. You'll love it when we get


But when they finally reached the small encampment,

houses on stilts around an open area and a shallow pond,
Theo thought Loretta the party animal wouldn't be very

He jumped from the driver's seat to open the door for his

employer, and she made a regal entrance. "Mr. Brabazon? It's
good to meet you at last."

The man who greeted them was tall and tanned, his hair

so fair it was almost white. "And you, Mrs. Widgeon. Please
call me Bill." The voice was deep, attractive, with a slight
Australian twang.

"Thank you." They shook hands, and Loretta came round

the side of the car, eyeing Bill Brabazon with frank
appreciation. "This is my daughter, Loretta."

Theo saw Brabazon looking at him, waiting for an

introduction, but Mrs. Widgeon merely said, "He's my
assistant. Now, where are they? I'm longing to see them."

"In the forest. You'll see them first thing tomorrow. Let me

show you your quarters so you can get settled in. We start

Their house was on stilts, with a wooden staircase leading

to the living quarters. Bedrooms and a bathroom led off the
sitting room, an open pitched roof giving a feeling of space.
At the foot of the stairs, Theo struggled with the luggage, and
Brabazon called, "You can leave those. I'll get one of the boys
to bring them up."

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Mrs. Widgeon's voice, harsh and commanding, came from

the bedroom. "Theo, I want my valise." Theo began to mount
the stairs, and Brabazon went to help him, shaking his head.

The accommodation was clean and comfortable, although

far from their usual luxury. But Theo had come prepared, and
Brabazon watched in amazement as he opened a large cool-
box and began extracting gin, martini, a cocktail shaker, and
even a jar of onions.

"Well, we've had some interesting visitors here, but no

one's ever brought an entire cocktail bar before."

Theo sliced a lemon and measured ingredients into the

shaker. "You're hoping to get a handout from Norma, aren't
you? Believe me, unless she gets her creature comforts, you
don't have a hope in hell."

"And you've dragged all this from Bangkok?"
Theo gave him a look. "Please! We've been round the

world, you know. I've carried it from California."

An observer would have known Theo's nationality at once,

even before he opened his mouth and the well-bred British
accent emerged. He was very English-looking, tall and
elegant, a lock of brown hair flopping over striking hazel-
green eyes.

They dined with Brabazon in his quarters. Two Thai girls

cooked and served the simple fare, giggling softly as they
moved around the wooden table.

"Breakfast is from 0600 in the Centre. I should get there

as early as possible; there's a lot to do tomorrow."

"I think I'll turn in," Mrs. Widgeon said, getting up. "Come

along, Loretta, Theo."

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"And will you all be taking the course?"
"Not me," Mrs. Widgeon said. "The others will."
"No, Mommy, I don't want to."
"Nor me," Theo said. "This is very definitely not my thing."
"Nevertheless," Mrs. Widgeon said, in tones that brooked

no disagreement, "you'll begin the course tomorrow."

Later, Theo leaned against a post, smoking a last cigarette

and looking moodily out into the dark. The Thai girls left
Brabazon's house, still giggling. They were followed by
Brabazon himself. At first, it seemed as if he'd walk past, but
he stopped as if impelled. "Is it a good job?"

"It's as good as any other. It pays well."
"But you're an intelligent man. You can't mean to go

through life as a ... well, I'm not sure how to describe it. As a

Theo gave a bitter grin. "Steady on. I wouldn't put it quite

like that."

"You must have trained at something."
Theo drew deeply on his cigarette, then flung the butt on

the floor, extinguishing it with the toe of his shoe. "I'm sure
you'll find it hilarious to know that I actually studied farm
management. Agricultural college, the works. But things went
wrong, I had a breakdown."

Bill regarded him. "So this is an adequate substitute?"
Theo chuckled. "It pays the bills, and keeps me in fags and

booze. What else is there?"

Brabazon looked him up and down in a way which, with

another man and at another time might have set Theo's pulse
racing. "For you? I can't begin to imagine."

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When Theo was ready for bed, a tap on the door disturbed

a reverie involving the handsome Australian. He squared his
shoulders and prepared to do his duty as Norma Widgeon
entered, wearing a diaphanous black nightdress. "I like this
place. I think he'll get his money."

"Good. I'm glad."
"Yes. Now, Theo..." She slipped the straps of the

nightdress over her blade-thin shoulders and let it slither to
the floor. "I want you to show me just how much you like

* * * *

Theo got up at six, and padded to the window naked. He

pushed open the wooden shutters, meaning to lean out for an
illicit cigarette. Outside, level with his head, something
moved. Something large, and slow and grey. He gasped,
shocked out of his usual ennui by the sight of the majestic
elephant lumbering down the steep hill towards the pond. It
was so close he could have reached out and touched it.

It passed out of view, and another, smaller beast followed,

trumpeting loudly. Theo was transfixed. Viewing pictures or
films of elephants, even seeing them in the zoo was simply no
preparation for encountering them like this. Another of the
great animals moved past, this one with a man sitting astride
its neck. As the mahout passed the open window, he turned
and waved, laughing at the sight of the naked Englishman.

At breakfast, Norma couldn't stop talking. She might have

been a rich, spoiled widow from the West Coast, but her

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adoration of elephants was absolute, and having seen the
parade, she was gabbling with excitement.

When they'd finished, Brabazon hustled them through to

the reception area. "You have to register and then change."

"Change?" Loretta pouted. She wore a purple tee-shirt

which strained over her full breasts, and lilac silk slacks.
"Change into what?"

From the shelves at the end of the room he pulled out a

rough cotton garment, holding it up to show her. "This should

"What is it?"
"It's a mahout costume. It's traditional. You can put it on

in the changing room."

"I think not," Loretta said, narrowing her eyes. "I'm not

going to be a freaky side-show for a lot of Thai day-trippers."

"I'm afraid it's compulsory," Brabazon said, searching the

shelves again. "Here you are, Mr...."

"Call me Theo," the Englishman said, taking the costume

with a little moue of disgust. "Oh God..." He turned to Mrs.
Widgeon. "Must we?"

She nodded. "You must. I want pictures for the website of

the Oakland Ladies Elephant Trust, and they must be
authentic. Get changed."

They emerged, barefoot and sheepish. The dusty pink

outfits consisted of wrap-around trousers reaching just below
the knee, fastened with a sash—a cross between Bermuda
shorts and babies' diapers. The shirts had elbow-length

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Despite the trousers being wrap-around, they were too

small for Loretta. To get them vaguely decent she'd had to tie
them very tightly, and thighs, hips and calves bulged
unattractively. The top was also too small, and she'd left most
of the buttons undone, so her swelling bosoms were thrust
upwards, the cleft between them clearly visible.

Theo had fared slightly better. The garments fitted around

him all right; the problem was that he was about a foot taller
than the mahout for whom they had been made, and a band
of flesh was visible between the top and the sash of the
trousers, his elbows were exposed by the shirt, and he was
showing just enough leg to make him look ridiculous.

Mrs. Widgeon snapped happily away with her digital


"I feel like a bit-part player in an end-of-the-pier

performance of Aladdin," Theo said.

"Funny you should say that," Bill allowed himself a small

smile as he presented them with broad straw hats, like those
worn by Chinese peasants. "Come on, I'll introduce you to
your elephants."

The elephants were gathered with their mahouts in the

show-ring. Bill explained, "A lot of these men worked in the
logging trade. When that finished, they were unemployed. It's
no joke, having to feed a family and a five-ton elephant. This
centre is one of several that provides accommodation for the
men and their animals, and teaches them new skills. We put
on shows, and there are always people..." he looked over his
shoulder at Loretta and Theo, padding glumly behind, and

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smiled again. "...who want to learn the art of controlling one
of these magnificent animals."

In the ring, a blonde woman in jodhpurs marshaled a

sheepish group of people in pink uniforms. Bill said, "That's
Claire, who'll introduce you to your elephant. Another Brit.
So, Claire, I think for Loretta one of the smaller ones.
Ratana? She's very placid."

He glanced at Theo. "And for Mr. Carlisle, something

bigger. What about Lawan?"

Claire frowned. "Lawan? She's very skittish today."
"It doesn't matter. I'm sure he'll cope."
Theo, eyeing the largest of the elephants, at the end of the

line, couldn't help feeling Brabazon had it in for him. The
animal looked mean, and was pulling away from her mahout,
shuffling her back feet in the characteristic way elephants do
when they're not very happy.

Claire said, "Theo, this is Lawan, and this is Channarong,

her mahout."

Annoyed as he was, Theo couldn't help smiling at the fact

the elephant was introduced first. He reached out a tentative
hand, but Lawan pulled away, her eyes swiveling, and her
trunk curled upwards. Channarong said something to her in
Thai and thumped her flank with his stick. Lawan stopped
moving about and lowered her head, but she still wasn't
completely calm and her eyes were hostile.

"Bill, are you sure..." Claire said. "She's a bit..."
"Yes, of course. She'll be fine once he's up."

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The course participants, mahouts and elephants gathered

around Claire. There were ten students: Brits, Americans,
Japanese and one New Zealander.

"Welcome to the Hang Dong Elephant Camp. I know

you've already been told a little about what we do here, and
you'll hear more this evening. But now we're going to learn
how to communicate with this highly intelligent animal."

She pointed to one of the smaller elephants. "This is

Khemkhaeng. The name means 'strong' and he certainly will
be by the time he's fully grown. He's fourteen, just coming to
maturity. His mahout is Kiet."

Kiet said something and with slow deliberation the

elephant got down first on one knee, then the other. He
curled his trunk and placed his head on the ground. The effect
was of a very elaborate bow, and the tourists applauded
enthusiastically, only Theo resisting.

Kiet mounted the elephant, dismounted, got on again,

descended by sliding down his trunk, threw the stick he
carried and made the elephant pick it up and give it to him,
and finally got the animal to lie down, leaping off himself so
as not to be crushed.

"Now you're going to do that," Claire said brightly.
They began to master the first instruction, "Song soong",

which made the elephant lift its front leg, creating a step.

"Don't forget," Claire trilled, "These elephants speak Thai.

You must get your pronunciation right."

The novices had to climb on the elephant's front leg then

fling one leg upwards as if mounting a very large horse. Not
surprisingly, they found this difficult and there was laughter

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as they struggled to be understood, failed to make the leap
from leg to back, and fell back into the sand of the arena.

Only Theo resisted the fun. He was tired after the long

journey and dealing with Norma Widgeon's demands, in and
out of bed. And the carapace of indifference he'd built had
been punctured by Brabazon's cutting observations.
Channarong gave the instructions, and Lawan responded with
sullen acquiescence. Because he was tall and strong,
mounting was not too difficult, and in his state of
disconnection and depression, he sat on the back of his
elephant, regarding the others with something like disdain.

By midday, having been up since six, they were hungry. As

were the elephants—but elephants are always hungry. In the
canteen Norma showed Loretta the pictures on her camera
while Theo stabbed at the rice and chicken in his bowl.
Towards the end of the meal, Bill approached. "Well, Norma,
Loretta, did you enjoy the morning?"

"Brilliant," she said. "I've got some wonderful pictures."
"This afternoon we'll ride up into the forest. I thought

you'd like to come as well. We've got a howdah—like a big
sofa on top of the elephant—so you can travel in comfort."

"Oh, Bill, thank you!"
Her reaction was over the top, Theo thought sourly. His lip

curled, and Brabazon looked sharply at him. "Carlisle, could I
have a word?"

"Certainly," Theo said, glad to get away from the gushing

of the Widgeon females.

They went down onto the path which skirted the arena.

Theo took out a cigarette and lit it.

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"Look, I can tell you really don't want to be doing this.


"Absolutely right," Theo said, blowing out a plume of

smoke and looking at the Australian through narrowed eyes.

"So your petulance is in danger of spoiling it for everyone


Theo shrugged. "What can I say? I didn't sign up for this."
"God knows what you did sign up for. But if you're not

man enough to tell her you don't want to do it, then for the
sake of the genuine enthusiasts, just pretend to be enjoying
it. Don't ruin it for people who've paid a lot of money to come
here. Fake it." Brabazon's blue eyes swept his face. "I'm sure
you're used to faking it."

Theo looked straight at him. "You don't like me very much,

do you?" he asked. "I wonder why that is?"

"Because you're just the type of effete Englishman I

detest," Bill said bluntly. "Swanning around the world with
that infinitely superior air as if you still had an empire to

Theo's eyes widened. "Oh, you really don't like me." He

threw down his cigarette. "Well, in that case, I'd better
smarten up my act. You watch, I'll be a little ray of sunshine.
And I'll do my very best to cut out the swanning." He gave a
charming smile, and went back to the Widgeons.

Brabazon's hostility contributed to his depression, but Theo

recognized he'd been behaving like a sulky teenager. If he
didn't enter into the afternoon's activities with enthusiasm,
then at least he did his best to mask his own unhappiness.

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Unfortunately, as far as Lawan was concerned, the damage
was done. If an elephant takes against a human, there's not
much anyone can do. Elephants can be clever, even sly, and
in her forty years, Lawan had learned all the tricks necessary
to put an uppity man in his place. She pursued a policy of
dumb insolence. His instructions were obeyed, but just
slightly later than was necessary. If he told her to go left, she
hesitated, before turning so sharply he nearly fell. When
given the instruction 'Tag long' meaning she should put her
head on the ground so he could dismount that way, she went
down so fast that he nearly shot over the top. And all the
time, Theo had the uncomfortable feeling that she was
laughing at him. He'd never been laughed at by an elephant
before, and he didn't like it.

At last it was time for the bath. Humans and animals

frolicked in the muddy water of the pond, the elephants
rolling and splashing and enjoying themselves. Knee-deep,
Theo joined in, though without the joyful abandon of the rest.
And Lawan bided her time. When the mahouts called the
elephants out, she made what looked like a playful lunge,
rolling over and, in the process, knocking Theo down, to
general hilarity. Channarong helped him up. As he stood,
water pouring from his sodden clothes, Lawan, with perfect
comic timing, steadied her trunk for accuracy of aim and fired
a stream of water in his face. He went down again, and had
to be assisted out of the pond by Channarong.

As the elephants were led out, Theo began to walk towards

his quarters.

"Where do you think you're going?" Bill called sharply.

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"To get changed. I'm soaking."
"But first you look after your elephant. You must have

learned that at your posh agricultural college. The welfare of
your animal is paramount."

Theo gave an unfriendly glare, then masked his fury with

his habitual smile. "But of course. I just thought..."

"No time. We have to take them up into the forest now."
Theo remounted, muttering at Lawan, "You're getting a

very wet and squelchy rider. I hope you feel as uncomfortable
as I do." The elephant waved her trunk, as if congratulating
herself on the success of her stratagem.

They moved off in single file, walking up through the upper

part of the village, past the mahouts' houses and into the

Lawan was near the end, with Brabazon on a big bull

elephant bringing up the rear. Without warning, she veered
off the track, and lumbered towards a tree, passing neatly
under a branch. It hit Theo in the face and chest sweeping
him from her back. As the elephant walked on, apparently
unconcerned at the loss of her human cargo, Theo gave a cry,
clung to the branch for a second, and then dropped like a
stone into the mud below.

The shock of his sudden descent made him lose

consciousness for a moment, and when he came to, there
was a sea of faces around him: the mahouts, Brabazon and
several elephants, all regarding him with concern.

"Something tells me," he said weakly, "that Lawan doesn't

like me." He sighed, struggling to get up. "Today is
emphatically not my day."

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Brabazon wanted him to go back to the Centre, but Theo

could be every bit as stubborn as the elephant, and he wasn't
going to give her the satisfaction of seeing him sent home

"Well, if you insist," Brabazon said, annoyed, "you'd better

ride with me." Theo, still rather shaky, was pushed and pulled
by the mahouts until he found himself astride the neck of the
huge beast. The Australian vaulted up behind him so they
were close together, his back pressed against the other man's

"Well, this is fun," Theo said, in a voice which suggested

quite the opposite. But as they moved off he was powerfully
aware of the other man's proximity, of the fresh, masculine
smell, overlaid by the rather less salubrious odor of elephant.
They mounted a ridge, scrambling down the other side, and
the bull was at a sharp angle, head down, rump in the air,
negotiating the difficult terrain. The two men leaned back,
and Brabazon put both arms round Theo to steady him. For a
moment they were locked together in an embrace. Theo
thought, although he couldn't be sure, that he could feel a
hardness pressing into his back, and a sudden flash of
excitement went through him. "It can't be for me, though,"
he thought. "He's probably developed a hard-on from looking
down the front of Loretta's shirt all day."

The elephant righted himself, and Bill let go. "Don't want

you to have another fall," he said, almost defensively.

To dismount, they'd been taught to swing one leg over the

elephant's back and slide, facing it, until they hit the ground.
Perhaps because this elephant was larger than Lawan, Theo

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misjudged his descent, and he whimpered in pain as the shirt
was pushed upwards and his chest and stomach made contact
with the elephant's hide. It was like sandpaper and his misery
was complete.

Each elephant was tethered in an open bit of scrub, given

a last bamboo treat, and solemnly bid goodnight by the
mahout and student. Lawan, when it was her turn, moved
from foot to foot, shaking her head in what seem to Theo to
be mostly triumph but with a tinge of remorse. He hoped so,
and to show there were no hard feelings he patted her flank
and gave her a handful of bamboo. They walked back to the
camp, Norma perched grandly in the red howdah on the back
of one of the steadier females.

Brabazon insisted on taking Theo into his office to check

him over.

"I'm fine, just a bit shaken and bruised. I'll be right as rain

in the morning."

"You've got a nasty scratch on your face."
"That'll soon heal."
"Let me put some disinfectant on it at least. Wounds fester

very quickly here. I wouldn't like you to be scarred. How
would you manage without your pretty face?"

After the day he'd had, Theo would have been entitled to

take exception to this, but he let it go, submitting to the
Australian's ministrations with cotton wool and antiseptic. "It
stings," he said.

"That shows it's doing you some good," Bill replied, as if he

were talking to a child. His hands were large, and strong, but
surprisingly gentle as he cleaned the curve of Theo's cheek

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and stroked the elegant contours of his face. Theo closed his
eyes. Like this, one could almost imagine...

"You'd better let me do your chest as well. Elephant burns

can be very nasty."

Embarrassed, Theo allowed him to lift up the shirt, and

swab his chest and stomach with antiseptic. The skin was
rubbed and raw. As the hands moved downwards, to his
horror, he felt his penis stir and grow. In the wrap-round
trousers, concealment was impossible. His humiliation was

"All done," Bill said briskly. "You've got time to change

before supper. And I suppose you'll be back on martini duty
as well."

Showered and dressed in jeans and a thin sweater, Theo

found his limbs were stiffening and his face throbbed. But he
felt more cheerful as he and the Widgeons joined the group
for dinner.

Afterwards they bought beer from the bar, and heard more

from Claire about the work of the Hang Dong Camp. "We
provide a livelihood for nearly fifty mahouts, and more than
sixty elephants. As well as the courses, we have the show.
There's also elephant art, which we'll see tomorrow, and a
workshop making paper from dung—so you see, nothing is

"All these things are essential to finance the huge

expenses of running the place. We've also got a hospital, not
just for our own sick animals, but for other injured elephants.
Up on the border with Burma, there are loads of landmines,
and if an elephant steps on one it's lucky to survive. At the

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moment we have one young female who had part of her foot
blown away."

Norma dabbed her eyes with a tissue.
"One other aspect of our work involves helping bull

elephants in musth. Most male elephants come into musth
once they are full grown and it can last for months.
Sometimes a wild elephant goes on the rampage, terrorizing
villagers. Rather than let the animal be shot, we'll send a
team either to see it through the musth, or to bring it here.
We've saved many lives like this."

Someone asked, "What actually happens in musth?"
"The elephant's body produces an enormous increase in

testosterone. A tar-like secretion oozes from the temporal
ducts on its head, and it can appear to be in great pain or
discomfort. It becomes sexually aggressive and is capable of
great violence. Almost every case of a human being killed by
an elephant comes when it's in musth." Claire smiled. "Now
I'm sure you've had enough of me. So if you want to get
more drinks, the staff will perform Likay—that's dance, story-
telling and song."

The performance was disorganized, raucous and loud, and

after a few beers, everyone was laughing. Theo, now aching
all over, got up. "I think I'll turn in, I'm stiffening up after
that fall."

One of the Japanese girls said, "You very sore?"
Norma laughed loudly. "He'll live, but he's covered in

bruises. You should see his butt."

Theo saw Brabazon look up quickly in disgust.

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He'd only been in their quarters for a few minutes when

Loretta came in. She'd dressed for the evening in skin tight
shorts and a tiny crop-top which pushed her breasts upwards.
She reminded Theo of a particularly rapacious cheer-leader,
and she'd had quite a bit to drink.

"Ah, Theo babe, Mom's set for the night with that crowd.

Time for us to have some fun."

Theo sighed. This attempt at seduction was a regular

occurrence. He'd become adept at fending her off, but it was
tiring. She snaked her arms around his neck, rubbing her
voluptuous body against his. "Kiss me, Theo."

"Loretta, with the best will in the world, you know I can't.

Norma wouldn't like it."

"Norma wouldn't know. Just one little kiss." She pulled his

head down and fastened her lips to his. At that moment, Bill
Brabazon came in. Loretta, seeing him, said, "Oh fuck it all,"
and flounced off to her room.

"Ah, Carlisle," Brabazon said, stiffly. "I brought you some

ointment for the burns."

"Thank you. That wasn't..." Theo said, wanting to explain,

but feeling it would be unchivalrous.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I wouldn't have

come if I'd realized you were working overtime." He put the
ointment down on a table. "Goodnight."

The next day, Theo arrived in the show ring walking stiffly

and wearing cut-off denim shorts and a tee-shirt. Brabazon
greeted him sarcastically. "Decided to throw in the towel?"

"No, not at all," Theo said equably. "It's just that if I'm

going to be made a fool of, I'd rather do it in my own clothes.

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Lawan was at the end of the line, toeing the ground and

flapping her ears. Theo went towards her, but Claire called
out, "Theo, try a different one today. Mali over there."

"No, if you don't mind, I'll stick with Lawan. We got off on

the wrong foot and it was my fault. I should have known that
if you're offhand with a female, she'll always find a way to get

"I'm not sure..." Claire looked at Bill, who nodded.
"Let him try. We can always switch if there's any trouble."
Theo approached Lawan with a handful of bamboo as a

peace offering, and as she ate said, "Lawan, we started badly,
but today I'm going to behave better, and if you could see
your way to giving me a second chance, I'd be grateful."

He waited until she'd finished munching, then stretched up

his arms and put them on her temples, resting his cheek
against the top of her trunk. They stood there, quietly
communing, and then, as if some signal had gone between
them, Theo stepped back. "All right, Lawan the beautiful.
Let's go. Song soong."

She lifted her foot in an exemplary way, even spreading

out her ears to make it easy for him to grab one to lever
himself upwards. When he was astride, he glanced briefly
downwards to see Brabazon, for the first time, looking at him
with something like approval.

For Theo, the day took on a magical air. He and the

elephant moved as one, Lawan performed perfectly; she sat,
she rolled, she stood, she retrieved faultlessly. Channamong
danced around, applauding, and even the others stopped to
watch. Theo didn't notice, he was concentrating on Lawan,

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singing quietly, nursery songs. They were startlingly
inappropriate, but Lawan didn't seem to mind. Having put him
in his place the previous day, now she had clearly fallen in
love with him. Every now and again she stretched her trunk
over her shoulder and used the sensitive tip to ruffle his hair
and to caress the planes of his face with a surprisingly
delicate gesture.

When they finished their routine there was a spontaneous

round of applause, and Claire said, "Well done, Theo, well
done, Lawan. I'm giving you a solo in the show tomorrow."

In the afternoon an easel was placed in the show-ring. The

students chose colors, and each elephant was handed a brush
dipped in paint, which it slashed across the canvas with
gusto. Every animal had a different style; Lawan's was bold,
individual and wild.

Finally, they visited the hospital, away from the main part

of the camp. Here they met the female who had lost her foot.
Bill said, "At the moment, we're just bathing and disinfecting
it, then putting a bandage on it, like a sock. But we're having
a built-up leather version made which should make walking
more comfortable for her."

One of the mahouts bathed the stump, and Bill tried to

apply a fresh bandage, but she was plainly in pain, shaking
her head and making it difficult.

Bill had hardly spoken to Theo all day, but now he said,

"Carlisle, see if your dubious charms will work on this lady.
Her name is Sunee. Let's see you practice your elephant

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Theo stepped forward and offered Sunee some bamboo,

then began to stroke her at the top of her trunk, crooning the
words of the Beatles' 'Yellow Submarine'. And astonishingly,
she calmed down, rubbing her face encouragingly against his
hand while Bill got the bandage on.

"Not bad," was all he said.
That evening, Norma reminded Bill that after the

performance, she and Loretta were going to a spa in Chiang
Mai. "But that's only three days, then we'll talk about money."

"Going to a spa sounds much more attractive what I'm

doing," Bill said. "We've had a call to the border. There's an
elephant in musth terrorizing a village. We've got to round
him up."

"Isn't that terribly dangerous?" Norma asked.
"It can be. Last year one of the mahouts was killed. But

otherwise the elephant will be shot."

Norma said, "Why don't you take Theo? He'll get bored

hanging around the spa, and he could take some pictures for
the website."

Theo had been looking forward to a few days to himself

and Brabazon didn't seem pleased, but Norma insisted.

There was a full audience of visitors for that day's show,

which consisted of logging demonstrations by the mahouts,
and a hideously noisy elephant orchestra. Then the novices
were led out in an elephant chorus line and went through all
they'd learned. At the end, Theo and Lawan performed a
more complicated sequence. Finally they were presented with
their mahout certificates, to wild applause.

Theo asked Bill what he should take up north.

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"Not a lot. Washing kit, a change of clothes. Just shove a

few things in a rucksack."

"I don't have a rucksack," Theo said. "We travel with

matching Louis Vuitton luggage."

Theo saw Brabazon shoot him a look, convinced this was a

wind-up, but he returned a bland smile, and Brabazon went
off to find him a rucksack.

They drove for about five hours, the mahouts following in a

second vehicle. "They may have to stay with the bull for
weeks, you never know how long it'll last."

"And what, exactly, will they do?"
"Well, first we have to catch him, which is easier said than

done with a half-crazed pachyderm. Then they chain him to a
tree, and basically starve him."

"God, that's cruel."
"It's better than being shot. And somehow it does seem to

alleviate the symptoms. Nowadays we do a little
supplementary feeding of fruit, which seems to have a
calming effect."

At their destination, local men were waiting for them with


"Stay close," Bill instructed. "This is bandit country.

Rebels, mines, wild animals. God knows what Norma would
say if I let her precious boyfriend be eaten by a tiger."

"Off you go then, Bungalow Bill," Theo replied, earning

himself a frown.

Near the place where the bull had last been sighted they

could hear crashing and trumpeting, and through thick foliage

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they could see the elephant apparently banging its head
against a tree.

They dismounted in a small clearing. Brabazon said, "I

need to sedate him, but I don't want to knock him right out."

"Why's that?"
"The jungle's very dense here. If he falls, he could be

wedged between the trees." Brabazon advanced cautiously on
foot, carrying the tranquilizer gun. "I need to get a clear shot.
Keep behind me."

The elephant was huge, and obviously in distress. His skin

was streaked and white in patches. A treacly black substance
oozed from the glands on his forehead and ran down his face.
His eyes looked sore, and there was a steady drip of urine, as
if even this basic activity was beyond his control. He rubbed
his temples against the tree, as if they were unbearably
painful and itchy. Brabazon muttered, "I need to get closer."

The others kept back as he advanced towards the

maddened animal. He was about half-way across the clearing
when with ferocious suddenness, the bull turned and moved
fast towards him. Head down, the animal delivered a savage
swipe with his trunk, and Brabazon went down. The elephant
stopped. Between his feet, Brabazon laid crumpled, eyes
shut, apparently unconscious, the dropped gun out of reach.
The mahouts drew back, pulling Theo with them.

The elephant swayed from side to side, lashing around

with his trunk and making a dreadful keening sound. Each
time he moved, he lifted a foot from the ground and put it
down within inches of Brabazon's head.

"We've got to get him away!" Theo said.

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"No, very dangerous. We wait."
"Wait? If he puts one of those feet on Brabazon's skull,

he's had it. We'll have to grab him."

The lead mahout shook his head. "Wait. Elephant get tired

and move away."

Although he understood they knew what they were doing,

Theo couldn't stand there, waiting for the Australian's head to
be crushed to a pulp.

"I'll try to calm him down."
"No, he kill. Wait."
"I can't. I'll see if I can get the gun. If I can distract him,

two of you could race in and drag Brabazon out. Yes?"

"You be killed," the mahout said, with conviction. "But we


Feeling very foolish and afraid, Theo walked forward,

holding out a hand and speaking soothing voice. "Nice
elephant, good elephant. Just want to chat, no need to be

The elephant swayed, watching him. Theo reached up and

began to scratch the trunk at the top, the gesture which had
endeared him to Lawan. This animal was still rumbling, his
eyes flickering, but he allowed the intimacy to continue. "You
like that, don't you?" The gun was just behind him and he felt
around for it with his foot.

"Shall I sing? My other elephant friends like a song."
The beast was getting agitated again, so he reached up

higher and pressed on the temporal lobe, which seem to be
giving him so much trouble.

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"Shall we have an animal song? I know..." And in a rich

tenor voice which quavered slightly, he began to sing, "If you
go down to the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise..."

The elephant was still swaying, but no longer lifting his

feet. He put his head on one side, as if listening. Theo could
see movement in the undergrowth. He went on, ".... for every
bear that ever there was, is gathered there for certain

Two of the mahouts crept out of the bushes at the side.

Theo sang louder, "...Today's the day the teddy-bears have
their picnic."

They shot forward, grabbed Brabazon's legs, and dragged

him away. Theo swung his foot behind him, kicking the gun
into the hands of a third man. Then, feeling the elephant
deserved it, he finished the song, before walking very
cautiously backwards. He heard the whoosh of the dart as it
flew past him and embedded itself in the animal's shoulder.

The mahouts were supporting a now-conscious Brabazon

on the other side of the clearing.

"You fucking idiot," Brabazon said, eyes blazing. "You

fucking pommie wanker."

"Ah, reverting to type, I see." Theo took out a

handkerchief to wipe the sticky black stuff from his hands,
and noted he was shaking. "Perhaps we should get back to
camp before we exchange pleasantries."

The mahouts put chains around the feet of the now drowsy

elephant, preparing to tether him.

Theo pulled Bill's arm round his neck, supporting him until

they got to where their own elephants were.

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"Do you want to ride with me?" he said.
Brabazon scowled at him. "Fuck off," he said.
"Your conversation is getting rather monotonous, old

chap." They rode back to camp in silence.

The men they'd left behind had lit a fire and were cooking.

In the ablutions, Theo washed the Australian's hands and
face. He was badly bruised, nothing more.

"Christ, you were lucky!" Theo said.
"And you? You don't think you had the most amazing,

outrageous luck anyone has ever had. You should be dead.
Stone cold dead, beaten against a tree by a mad bull-
elephant. No-one, and I mean, no-one, approaches an
elephant in musth like that. Fuck!"

"Yes, well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Where are your


Brabazon indicated a tent. "This is it. We're sharing, I'm

sorry to say."

Theo shrugged. "Come on, sit down. That was a very scary

experience. Is there anything to drink?"

"Ask Pravat. There's some beer in the other car."
Theo came back with a crate and they propped themselves

up against their packs in front of the fire and drank in silence.
The others returned and said they'd moved the tranquilized
elephant nearer and would take in turns to watch him. One of
them said something to Brabazon, and he shook his head.
The man repeated it. Brabazon turned to Theo.

"The mahouts want me to tell you that what you did today

was the bravest thing they've ever seen. They say you saved
my life, and that you're a real, genuine mahout."

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Theo was startled and moved. "Thank you," he said,

deploying his meager bit of Thai. "Korp koon."

They drank beer and ate the inevitable rice and chicken,

after which the men moved off to the bigger tent. "They play
a particularly vicious form of Mah Jong. I sat in on a game
once and lost my shirt. Never again."

They relaxed, lying in front of the fire, the sounds of the

jungle loud around them. Brabazon said awkwardly. "They're
right, you did save my life. What you did was very brave.
Bloody insane, but brave. Thanks."

"No problem. It's always nice to find someone who

appreciates my singing."

"Yes, but the fucking Teddy Bears' Picnic..." Brabazon

started to laugh, and soon the two of them were helpless with

When they'd recovered, Bill said. "Tell me how you got into

this. I mean, you really are a gigolo, aren't you?"

"That's not how I'd describe myself. What happened was

that I fell in love and my parents disapproved. My father cut
me off and then it ended. I was drinking a lot, not qualified
for anything. Worse than useless, my father called me. And
accustomed to the high life. I was staying with a friend in
London, and he paid me to take his aunt out to dinner. It
grew from there. Money for old rope."

"You sleep with Norma?"
Theo nodded.
"The daughter, too?"

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"No, not Loretta. She's been trying it on since we set out,

but apart from anything else, I didn't think it would be

Brabazon laughed. "She tried it with me too. Are you


Theo rolled over onto his side so he could look at the other

man. "Happy? No, I'm not happy. Not often. I was happy this
morning with Lawan. That was a surprise."

"You're a natural."
"Thank you." He blushed. "What about you? How did you

get here?"

"I didn't get on with my folks either. I did what all young

Australians with itchy feet do, went to England. I'd studied
Zoology, so I got zoo work. On the way home, I was working
my passage, and when I got to Bangkok I fell in love. So I
stayed. Then I heard my father had died and left me some
money. I came up to Chiang Mai to look around and someone
told me about a camp, a few broken down old buildings and
ten elephants. It felt instantly like home. The money just
about bought the place and got me started."

"Great story. And your Bangkok girlfriend?"
"We fell out. It ended."
"What was she like?"
"By night she was the most glamorous cabaret singer in

Patpong. And by day, an equally seductive but terminally
unfaithful young man."

There was a long pause.
"A transsexual?"

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"Pre-op. That's why we quarreled. I couldn't bear him

wanting to cut off the very bits that made him interesting to

Theo stared. "You're gay? Bloody hell!"
"Sorry, does it offend you?"
Theo rolled onto his back, smiling. "I may have forgotten

to mention that the lover with whom I had the traumatic
affair at agricultural college was male."

"Oh. But Norma..."
"That's business. For pleasure I prefer something


"That explains everything." Brabazon turned so he, now,

was looking at Theo. "Do you know why I've been so
absolutely foul to you since you arrived?"

"I expect it's because I'm very irritating."
"True. But also because I fancied the pants off you from

the first moment I saw you. I was sure you weren't gay,
though later ... But I realized that if I wanted to get that
grant from Norma, I couldn't really seduce her lover."

"And now?"
"Now, I don't care about the money. Only you." He leaned

closer and in the flickering light of the fire, finally their lips
met in the gentlest of butterfly kisses. Bill drew back, his eyes
searching the other's face. "Do you feel the same?"

"I feel..." Theo's voice cracked. "I'm absolutely infatuated

with you."

Now the kiss was deep and searching and passionate.

When it broke, Bill's hand snaked down and touched the front
of Theo's jeans, feeling the hardness there.

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"I want..."
Theo started to get up. "I think we should go into our


Suddenly the night was filled with angry trumpeting.

"Damn, I'd better go and check on him," Bill said. "Take your
off clothes and wait for me. I'll be right back."

When he returned, Theo was lying on his back on his

sleeping bag, fast asleep. He was naked, his penis, deflated
now, resting on his thigh. His hair flopped across his face, and
his long eyelashes fluttered with each gentle breath.

Quietly, Bill stripped off his clothes, and got down on his

knees. With a hand that shook, he stroked the limp cock,
causing it to shudder into instant life. Theo opened his eyes.
"Is everything all right?"

"Yes, it's fine. We've given him another little shot. Oh, and

the boys have decided to call him Tio."

"After you."
"I'm flattered. I think. Oh ... Don't stop."
Bill lowered his head, inhaling deeply. He held the now

swollen cock against Theo's stomach and let his tongue trace
the line down the centre of the ball-sac, then drew one ball
into his mouth, relishing the maleness of the taste. Now he
swung round, kneeling astride Theo's legs, and took the
length of his cock into his mouth. His hands went up to the
pearly nipples, and he massaged them with his thumbs as his
mouth slid up and down. After a while, Theo gave a shout,
and fired semen into the Australian's throat.

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He flopped back on the sleeping bag, arms above his head,

ripples of sensation moving across his stomach. Bill pushed at
his legs. "Bend your knees. I want..."

Theo let his knees fall either side of his body, leaving

himself completely open. Bill's tongue flickered across the
exposed anus. As he introduced his fingers, Theo's hips thrust
upwards; his eyes screwed shut and his head moving from
side to side, making the tent shake.

"Must ... have ... you," he said with difficulty.
"Yes ... I've got to get some lube." Bill found a jar of

grease. "I hope you don't mind me using this. It's mainly for

Theo glanced at the rigid pole between his legs. "That's

fine. Actually, from what I can see, it seems entirely

Bill climbed on top of him, and they kissed, their tongues

mingling, bristles rubbing. The rigid cock was crushed against
Theo's stomach, sending shock-waves of desire through his
body. Theo said, "You know what they said about Bungalow
Bill? Not much up top but plenty downstairs."

Bill growled. "You're ready?"
"More than ready."
Theo felt something big, impossibly big, nudging at his

anus, which throbbed uncontrollably.

Bill powered inwards, concentrating. The white-blonde hair

flopped forward across his tanned face, and moisture
glistened on his forehead, and on the fine, high cheekbones.
Every now and again, Bill opened his eyes, and gazed into
Theo's, a startling blaze of blue. And Theo opening up to

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receive him, felt wildly fulfilled and happy. Bill moved slowly
at first, then speeding up, his hips swinging, slamming into
the tight channel, leaning forward for an open-mouthed kiss.

From outside, came the loud trumpeting of the

testosterone infused bull, and, almost in time with his cries,
Bill began to grunt, each sharp, guttural sound coming as he
thrust inwards, harder and harder, until with a shout he
climaxed hard, deep in Theo's spasming bowels.

They stayed like that, Theo's legs spread, knees bent,

hooked over Bill's muscled thighs, bristled jaws rubbing
together, the occasional soft kiss, until they fell into a deep

In the morning, they were awakened by the bellowing of

the elephant. Tangled together, they started to kiss, slow,
sleepy exchanges, which were interrupted by a greeting from
outside the tent. Bill got up pulling on his jeans, getting the
zip up over his swollen cock with difficulty.

"I've got to go. Your namesake needs a shot. Back soon."
They left for Hang Dong after breakfast, leaving the

mahouts in charge.

Back at the camp Claire was marshalling the elephants for

the next show. Lawan bounded over to Theo, if an elephant
can bound, like a giant Labrador, nuzzling him with her trunk.

"You've made a conquest there," Claire said.
"And here." Bill added quietly, then more loudly, "Well,

Carlisle, what do you want to do? You can drive into Chiang
Mai to join your party. Or you can do the rounds with me, and
we can discuss that ... idea I had."

"I think I'd like to talk about ... what you said ... first."

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They went to Bill's quarters and to bed. For one day and

one night, they were blissfully happy, oblivious to anything
but their newly discovered love and lust. But as Theo
prepared to drive to Chiang Mai to pick up the Widgeons, they
returned to reality.

"I'll have to go back with them," Theo said.
"What are we going to do?"
They were in Bill's sitting room. Theo pushed the blonde

hair from his lover's face. "I don't know. But I do know that I
adore you."

"And I ... Christ, Theo, we can't live thousands of miles


"No. But I have to get them back to London. Then we'll

work out what to do."

Norma and Loretta were glowing with the effects of the

spa. They all ate together in the Centre, and eventually,
Norma said, "Well, I'm off to bed. In the morning, Bill, we'll
have that conversation about money."

Theo went back to Bill's room, briefly, and held him.
"Don't go," Bill begged him. "Please stay with me."
"But if I do, you won't get the money."
"I don't care about the money. I don't care about

anything. I want you, that's all."

"But Bill..."
"Christ, Theo, don't you understand? I'm in love with you.

In a way I never expected. If you leave now, if you go back to
London, I'm afraid I'll never see you again."

"Oh, my dear, dear boy. You mustn't say that. Here..."

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Theo pulled the Australian into his arms and they kissed

with desperate longing. Kissed with such passion that they
didn't hear the door open, didn't hear the hiss of breath from
Loretta as she witnessed their embrace. But they heard her
when she began to laugh hysterically.

"I came to give you a final chance, Bill, and what do I

find...? No wonder neither of you was interested in me. You're
just a couple of dirty faggots. Disgusting. Absolutely
disgusting. Wait 'til I tell mother!"

When Theo got back to their house, he expected to find

Norma in a rage. But she was calm.

"Loretta told me. But I'm too tired to talk about this now.

And tomorrow we'll be on our way to London. So let's leave

"But the money..."
She passed a hand over her eyes. "I can't think about that.


By eleven, they were packed and ready to leave. Brabazon

came over as Theo loaded their baggage into the limo.

"Bill," Norma said, shaking hands regally. "Thank you for a

most interesting few days. You'll understand if I don't feel
ready to talk about the bequest just now. But I love this place
and what you're doing with it." She got into the car, followed
by a grumpy Loretta.

The two men looked at each other.
"Don't go," Bill said. "Please."
"I have to." Theo put out his hand. "But I'll be back. I


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"God, I wish I could believe that," Bill said, with something

like a sob. Oblivious to the watchers, he pulled the
Englishman into his arms. "I know it's only been a couple of
days, but remember that I love you."

"Yes," Theo said in a shaking voice, "I love you, too."
He climbed into the car, and drove up the hill towards the


* * * *

For the rest of the day, Bill worked blindly, trying to

suppress his thoughts by sheer physical labor. When it was
time to take the elephants up into the forest, Channarong
came looking for him. "Mr. Bill, come. Something wrong with

She was in the ring, refusing to move. Neither the stick,

nor the lure of bananas or bamboo would make her budge.
She moved her head from side to side, an indefinable air of
sadness about her.

"She must be ill," Bill said. "Let's see if we can get her to

the hospital; I'll keep an eye on her."

When Lawan realized she wasn't being put out to pasture,

she moved willingly enough, lumbering up to the hospital
paddock. Bill started a thorough examination, his anxiety
temporarily deadening the pain that nagged at his heart.

After about twenty minutes there was a change in Lawan's

mood; from being miserable and sullen she suddenly became
skittish and happy. She put her head down to be scratched,
leaning against him flirtatiously. Then she performed a
shuffling elephant dance, flapping her ears cheerfully. Her

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eyes were shining and alert, and she made little trumpeting
sounds and waved her trunk in the air.

"What on earth has come over you, you silly elephant?" Bill

said. "I don't believe there's anything wrong with you at all."

She broke away and moved towards the gate, making

joyful elephant sounds. From the shadow of the overhanging
trees stepped Theo Carlisle.

The two men contemplated one another. "You came back,"

Bill said at last.

"I couldn't keep away." Theo vaulted over the paddock

fence. Lawan was overjoyed, frisking him with her trunk.

"She was pining," Bill said. "We both were."
"Oh my God, Bill..." He held open his arms, and Bill walked

into them. They kissed and embraced, until Theo broke away,
laughing shakily. "Steady on! Not in front of Lawan."

"You know, I don't think elephants care much about

contemporary morality. All that matters to them is that the
people they love are happy."

They resumed their kiss while Lawan snaked her trunk

around their entwined figures.

A little later, Bill said, "What happened? Why did you come


"At the airport and I realized I simply couldn't walk away. I

told Norma and that was it."

Bill gave a sigh of contentment. "Let's go home. I'd better

find Channarong and get him to take this daft animal out to
the forest. Lawan, song soong."

They both scrambled up onto the elephant's back; Theo in

front, in an echo of the day Lawan had caused him so much

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trouble. As they lumbered down the hill towards the Centre,
Bill said, "Well, it's goodbye to the new hospital buildings and
the laboratory. But I don't care. How did Norma take it?"

"Extraordinarily well. She said she'd have objected if I'd

left her for a woman. But as she could tell people that I'd
abandoned her in favor of an elephant, she didn't mind so
much. She asked me to give you this." He fumbled in the
pocket of his shirt and handed Bill a folded piece of paper.

Bill straightened it out and squinted at it. A check. "My

God!" he said, when he saw the sum. "She came up trumps.
How amazing."

Theo smiled as he felt Bill's hands snake round him from

behind, one pulling his shirt away from his trousers and
stroking his smooth chest until it reached the hardening
nipples, the other entering the waistband and pushing
downwards. And Lawan, sensing the mood, strode into the
center of the camp, trumpeting in triumph and waving her
trunk in unrestrained joy.

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Canine Connection by Neil Plakcy
I unlocked the gate to the dog park and let Jackson, my

Golden Retriever, off his leash. He bounded forward, eager to
make new friends and sniff new butts. It was a gorgeous,
crisp Monday afternoon in south Florida in early November,
and I hoped a quick romp would use up his cold-weather
energy and let me get back to my writing.

I headed over to Dorothy, a Shih-Tzu's mom I'd often

socialized with. She was talking with a tall, handsome guy
wearing a Florida State T-shirt and short shorts. "Hey,
Richie," Dorothy said to me. "Scott just moved back to Florida
from Ohio. That's his little Yorkie over there, Max."

Scott was gorgeous—six-foot-two of strapping man, with

close-cropped blonde hair, enough crow's feet around his
eyes to give him character, and an easy-going, ball-cap-
wearing jocky manner. He was in his early thirties, about my
age, and his blonde looks were a nice contrast to my dark
hair and tanned skin. Something about the warmth of his
handshake, and the way his eyes were willing to meet and
linger on mine, set my pulse racing.

A few feet away from us, his scruffy little Yorkie faced off

against Jackson. My big, happy Golden was down on his front
paws, giving the classic invitation to play, but Max wasn't
having any of it. He bared his teeth, snarled at Jackson, and
looked like he was having some kind of seizure, yapping,
leaping in the air and contorting his body.

"Don't worry, he's all bark and no bite," Scott said. He

hurried over and scooped the little dog up. "He's a little high-

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strung," he said apologetically. When Max wouldn't stop
barking, he carried the dog away—before we'd even had the
chance to get properly acquainted.

Dorothy and I watched them go. "Cute, but a nasty little

dog, though," she said. Winking, she added, "He's single, and
I think he plays for your team."

So my instinct had been right. By then, I was ready for a

cute gay dog-lover in my life. I'd been through a run of bad
boyfriends: slackers who lived at home, without career goals
or visible means of support; closet cases who were scared to
be seen in public with me; and guys who were obsessed with
their own good looks, intelligence, or supposed charm.

Jackson, on the other hand, was adorable and unafraid to

show affection. If he hadn't been a Golden Retriever, he'd
have been the perfect boyfriend. But though a dog provides
unconditional love and can warm your cold feet on a frigid
night, he couldn't meet all my needs.

The weather turned gloomy, and though Jackson got a lot

of visits to the dog park, the few times we'd see Scott and his
dog, Max would start barking up a storm and Scott and I
couldn't even begin a conversation.

Finally one sunny day I took the plunge, hoping the

change in weather was a good omen. As Scott held his
yapping dog in his arms, ready to head out of the park, I
asked, "Want to have dinner some time?" rushing the words
out. "I'd love to get to know you better."

He smiled, and rainbows started jumping out of my heart.

"That'd be great," he said. He managed to get a business card
out of his wallet without dropping Max, though the little terror

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made it as tough as possible for him. "I work out of my
house," he said. "Give me a call some time."

"Will do."
When I called him that night, I heard Max yipping in the

background. Jesus, I thought. Did that dog ever shut up?

"How are you adjusting to Florida?" I asked. It was mid-

December by then, and I knew a lot of transplants who got
homesick for cold weather as soon as Christmas decorations
appeared at the mall.

"If I don't hear another reggae Christmas carol for the rest

of my life I'll be happy," he said. "Somehow I can't picture
Santa with dreadlocks and a Jamaican accent."

"Yah, mon, how you t'ink he stay so happy all the time?" I

asked. "It's de ganja." My island accent isn't that great, but
Scott got the joke and laughed.

"You're a good boy, aren't you?" he asked.
I was thrown by that—until I realized he had Max on his

lap. I wanted to say, "I'll be a good boy, too, if I can sit on
your lap," but I thought we probably ought to have at least
one date first before I offered anything sexual.

He had the same sense of humor I did, finding amusement

in the idea that Canada sent all its bad drivers south for the
winter, even laughing at my joke about the two old ladies at
the deli and the waiter who asked them, "Is anything all

We finally made plans for dinner on Saturday night. When

I hung up the phone, I got down on the floor next to Jackson
and hugged him. "This one might be a keeper, puppy," I said.
"What do you think about that? You want a second daddy?"

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Then I remembered Max. How could Scott and I develop a

relationship when his dog seemed to hate me and mine?

Scott came by my house to pick me up, and stopped in to

say hello to Jackson. Just as he did with every guy, my
beautiful blonde boy rolled over and his tongue panted out in
sheer joy. "What a sweet puppy," Scott said, bending over to
scratch him.

He was wearing khaki slacks, a dark green polo shirt, and

leather deck shoes. He looked totally comfortable in his own
skin, and seemed to really enjoy sitting on the floor with
Jackson's head in his lap, stroking his golden fur. "What a
sweetheart you are," he said.

I finally had to drag Scott away for our dinner

reservations, and my last view of Jackson as I closed the door
was him sitting in the living room with a desolate look on his
face, as if I was taking away the only human who'd ever
loved him.

Over dinner Scott and I discovered how much we had in

common. Scott was a web developer, finally self-employed
after years as a programmer. I'd recently left a job as a staff
writer to focus on freelancing. We both loved having flexible
schedules, including lots of time to spend with our dogs.

"How long have you had Max?" I asked as our entrees


"Ten years," he said. "He was a college graduation present

from my parents. How about you and Jackson?"

"Just a year. He's still a big puppy, as I'm sure you figured


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"He must shed like crazy," Scott said. "As long as I brush

Max a couple of times a week he hardly sheds."

Looking back on it, I should have seen that comment as a

warning sign. But I was falling in love, and all I heard was
that he brushed his dog a lot. I equated brushing with love,
and all through that dinner Scott demonstrated his ability to
give love—to Max. Foolishly, I figured that ability could
transfer to me.

The evening ended well. It was a nice fall evening in South

Florida; the air was just a little crisp, the stars twinkling in the
dark sky above us. Scott walked me up to my door, and when
he kissed me good night I felt those rainbows jumping out of
my heart again.

I love my coffee, and when I stopping going to work I

indulged myself with a barista-quality cappuccino maker.
Before Scott walked back down my driveway, I asked him if
he'd like to come over for a latte or mocha some mid-
morning. "If you're like me, you need to get away from the
computer now and then," I said.

"Absolutely. How about Tuesday, around eleven?"
"I'll have biscotti," I said.
"Truly a man after my own heart," Scott said, as he waved

goodnight. Behind me, Jackson panted his approval.

That Tuesday, as we were finishing our cappuccino and

biscotti, Scott stretched one of his long legs so that his toes
tickled along my calf. "I don't have anything to rush back to,"
he said. "How about you?"

"I can take a little break," I said, leaning forward to kiss

him. His lips were a little rough and chapped, but they quickly

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warmed up as we made out. He started unbuttoning my shirt,
reaching a hand inside to fondle my pecs and tweak my
nipples, and I moaned with happiness.

Jackson tried to get in on the action, placing his front paws

on my thighs and sniffing at Scott's arm where it snaked
inside my shirt.

"What do you say we take this upstairs?" I asked, and

Scott eagerly agreed. He followed me to my bedroom, and I
closed the door, leaving Jackson in the hallway. Sometimes
you don't want a friend with you—even man's best friend.

Lying together on my bed, it felt deliciously sinful to make

out with a cute guy in the middle of a work day—but hey,
that's the advantage of being self-employed. For a guy who
spent most of his day in front of a computer, Scott had a
pretty sexy body, enough meat on his bones to grab hold of
but not so much that I'd feel like I was screwing around with
the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

We undressed each other slowly, savoring the sense of

discovery, ending up with Scott lying on his back and me on
top of him, chest to chest and dick to dick, as we continued to
kiss. His dick was long and fat, more than a mouthful, and
when we 69-ed I loved the way he fingered my ass. Could
this be love? It was certainly sexy as hell.

We worked on each other until we were ready to come, me

first and Scott just after, and then I rolled off him and
squirmed around until we were face to face again. Both of us
collapsed against the pillows in that happy post-coital glow
that comes when you've had thoroughly enjoyable sex with a
guy you actually like.

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Scott got into the habit of inviting himself over for a coffee

every few days, often followed by a romantic encounter
upstairs in my bedroom. I was eventually able to leave the
door open, and Jackson sprawled in the doorway as if
preventing either of us from ever leaving.

We spent every Saturday evening together, going to the

movies or out to dinner, though Scott could never sleep over
because he had to get home to Max. "Why don't you bring
him over here next Saturday," I said one day about a month
after we'd started dating. "I'll cook dinner, and we'll rent a
movie, and the dogs can play together."

Scott shook his head. "Max gets jealous, as you've seen at

the dog park. He wouldn't be able to play nice with Jackson."

I wasn't getting the message. "How about if I come over to

your place, then. I've never seen where you live."

"Max is territorial, and my place isn't much to look at. It's

jammed with computers and I don't have much when it
comes to creature comforts."

I gave in, though I admit I was suspicious. I had his home

phone number and called him there often, so he probably
wasn't hiding a wife or a boyfriend. How bad could his place
be? Over the next couple of months I kept dropping hints,
and he kept saying that Max's territorial behavior kept most
visitors away. "And I don't want you to get chased away like
the rest."

I wanted to say, "You let that little ten-pound dog boss you

around?" but I realized that Jackson controlled my life just as
much. At least Scott seemed to want to hold on to our

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On a Monday morning a weeks after that conversation, he

called me in a panic. "My DSL is down," he said. "I called the
phone company and they say it might be at least a week
before it comes back up."

"Bring your computer over here," I said. "My connection's

still working. You can have the dining room and I'll be in my
office. We won't get in each other's way."

"You're a prince," he said. By the end of the day, my

dining room looked like a back office at Microsoft, with three
separate computers, a tangle of wires, and blinking LED lights

He stayed for dinner but before I could entice him upstairs

he said he had to go home to feed and walk Max. The next
few days, he treated my house like his office, showing up first
thing in the morning, heading home for lunch, then ducking
out as soon as five o'clock approached to return to his tiny

"Why don't you bring Max over tomorrow," I said on

Thursday. "He's got to get comfortable with Jackson
someday. Maybe it'll be easier when he's on someone else's

"You don't know my dog," he said.
"So, what?" I said. "Is this all you want from a

relationship? The occasional cup of coffee, then a jump in
bed? Because I've got to tell you I want more." I took a deep
breath. It had been nearly six months, and I felt it was time
to lay all my cards on the table. "I'm not rushing anything,
but I want you to know that someday I want a guy I can

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wake up next to every morning. Somebody who loves me,
and loves Jackson."

We were faced off, standing across from each other in the


"It's not that easy, Richie," he said. "I have Max to


"I love dogs," I said, enunciating each word slowly. "I can

even love your dog, if you give us a chance to get to know
each other."

"Fine. I'll bring him over tomorrow."
The impulse motivated both of us at the same time, and

we fell into a long, passionate kiss. Then Scott hoisted me up
onto the counter, pulled my shorts down and sucked me to an
amazing orgasm, fingering my ass as I ran my fingers
through the short blond stubble on his head.

I thought we'd really turned a corner. We'd had that fateful

conversation about the future, and yet our passion for each
other was even stronger. Then Max came into my house.

The first thing he did was head for the dining room table,

sniff around for a moment, then pee on the table leg. "Max!"
Scott said, horrified. "He's housebroken, I swear."

"That's OK," I said, wetting some paper towels for the

cleanup. "It's a territory thing."

Every time Jackson approached him, Max snarled

menacingly. He wouldn't stop whimpering and crying until
Scott hoisted him up on the dining room chair next to him as
he worked.

Jackson and I went upstairs to my office. By the time we

came down again around lunchtime, Max was on Scott's lap

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and Scott wasn't getting much work done. "I'm going to run
him home," Scott said, standing up, cradling the Yorkie in his
arms. "It's a lot for him to get accustomed to."

That afternoon, Scott returned without Max. "You really

ought to vacuum a little," he said, sitting back down at the
dining room table. "There's a ton of dog hair everywhere."

Yeah, there was. I just hadn't had a chance to do much

cleaning, with Scott and all his crap parked in the dining room
and him hunched over his computer all the time.

Scott kept trying, bringing Max over every morning for a

few hours. The dog was a true tyrant, peeing on the carpet,
chewing the furniture, then throwing up. He wouldn't let
Jackson come within ten feet of him, and if I tried to pick him
up he nipped at my fingers.

One day while Scott was in the kitchen, I tried to trick Max

by wearing gloves. The little bastard peed on me.

"Yuck!" I said. "Max! Bad dog!"
Scott came hurrying out of the kitchen. "What did he do?"

I deposited the dog on the tile floor, and when I stood up
again Scott saw the wet spot on my shirt and started to

"Yeah, really funny," I said sourly, stripping my shirt off

and heading upstairs, Jackson galloping behind me.

I scrubbed down my chest, then dried off. When I came

back downstairs a little later, Scott said, "I'm sorry. But
you've got to admit it was pretty funny."

"You frightened him. He doesn't like anyone but me to pick

him up."

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"That dog has issues," I said. "Have you ever considered

taking him to some kind of dog behaviorist?"

"There's nothing wrong with Max," Scott said. He picked up

the dog and sat him on the dining room chair next to him,
and pointedly turned back to his computer.

After that, something shifted between us. Everything that

came out of his mouth seemed hypercritical, from the amount
of food I gave to Jackson—"He's getting fat, isn't he?" to my
own grooming habits—"Don't even try to kiss me until you've
shaved," he said one day when I greeted him at the front

I was starting to see where Max had learned his annoying

habits. Scott was just as spoiled and willful as his dog—but I'd
been too blinded by love and lust to see it.

I was having a hard time remembering what I liked about

Scott. Every little thing he did seemed to irritate me. I kept
thinking to myself, "I'm ready to kick you out of my life. And
your little dog, too."

After two weeks of daily companionship, I was delighted to

hear that the DSL service had been restored at Scott's house
and he could cart all his crap back home. I was seriously
considering the future of our relationship as he packed up his
last computer. Then he said, "I think we've been in each
other's back pocket a little too much over the last couple of
weeks. Maybe we ought to take a break for a while."

That hit me like a big truck, nearly taking my breath away.

Though I'd been considering breaking up with him, I didn't
want him to break up with me. I finally said, "If that's what
you'd like."

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"I think it's for the best."
The house seemed deadly quiet without Scott grumbling

over his computer, without Max yipping and whimpering next
to him. Jackson noticed it, too; he wasn't his usual happy,
effervescent self. I thought at first he might be sick, until I
realized that he was probably mirroring my own depression.

Damn. I'd thought Scott was a keeper. But it didn't look

like Max was ever going to accept another guy's presence, not
to mention another dog's. And if Max couldn't accept me,
there was no way my relationship with Scott could move
forward. Little dogs last a long time, and he could easily have
Max another eight or ten years. I wasn't willing to accept a
part-time boyfriend for that long.

We stayed away from the dog park for a couple of weeks,

until one day I decided it wasn't fair of me to keep Jackson
from his other canine pals just because I was afraid we might
run into Scott and Max. Winter had come to South Florida,
and with it a string of sunny, cool days. One especially nice
afternoon, I got Jackson into the car with me and drove over
to the park.

A block away, he figured out where we were going and

started doing his happy car dance, jumping from the front
floor to the seat and then tumbling back down. It was all I
could do to control him until I could get the car stopped and
his leash hooked up. Then he dragged me all the way to the

I unhooked the latch and let Jackson loose, then looked

up. Scott was standing at the far side of the grassy area,

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talking to Dorothy. Jackson began galloping over to them,
then caught sight or smell of Max and stopped cold.

Max, though, came running toward Jackson, then stopped

in front of him. He leaned his head down on his front paws,
then jumped back up. It was all the invitation Jackson
needed. Max took off down the park, Jackson behind. The two
of them began romping and rolling in the grass.

"Quite a change," I said, walking over to Scott and

Dorothy. "It's like Max is a different dog."

"He's been pretty cranky for the last couple of weeks,"

Scott said. "I guess he decided he missed Jackson."

"I think this is where I cut out," Dorothy said, scooping up

her Shih-Tzu, who'd been dozing at her feet. "Have fun, you

When she'd left, I said, "Yeah, Jackson's been pretty

moody, too." I looked at Scott. "Probably just mimicking me.
I haven't exactly been the happiest camper in camperland
since I last saw you."

"I was a jerk," he said. "Forgive me?"
"We have some issues we have to work out," I said. "I

think maybe I'm a little too sloppy for you."

"And I'm a little too anal," he said. "I'm just so

accustomed to it being me and Max. It's hard to let somebody
else in."

"And I assume too much," I said. We were looking into

each other's eyes, and I certainly liked what I saw in his. If he
was willing to try and work things out, I wanted to give it a

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"Look over there," Scott said, motioning toward the end of

the park, where Jackson and Max had finally worn each other
out and collapsed together, the little dog resting with his head
against Jackson's golden flanks.

"How sweet! Maybe they can get along."
"How about you come for dinner tonight?" Scott asked.

"You and Jackson. I'm not much of a cook, but I make a great
roast chicken."

We found we were smiling at each other. "Sure," I said.

"That'd be great."

And then we walked down the park together toward our


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Indigenous by J.L. Jensen
Jacob Redhawk was walking along the strip of green space

that everyone on the University of Minnesota's St. Paul
Campus called 'the mall' when he heard someone shout, then
felt something smash into the back of his head. When he
opened his eyes, he was sure he was dreaming, because
standing on the grass in front of him was a bald eagle, head
cocked, staring him in the eye.

"Don't move," a man's voice whispered behind him.
The eagle spread its wings, flapped them for a few

seconds, then it screamed.

Softly, under his breath, Jacob started speaking to the

eagle in his native tongue, Ojibwe, telling it how honored he
was that it was there, how brave Eagle had been to intervene
with the great spirit to save the world when the great spirit
had been angry and had wanted to destroy it.

He started when he felt a hand on his back. He gasped

when he felt a spark of energy travel from that hand straight
to his groin.

"Hold on. His jesses are tangled in your braid."
Jake nodded slightly and kept talking to the eagle, who

had calmed down and was watching him intently. After a
couple of minutes the warmth of the hand was back.

"Okay, I'll get him, then you can get up."
Jake told the eagle what was going to happen, and waited

for his first glimpse of the man who'd made him tingle. He
was shocked to see a short, slender, blond step in front of
him. The man held out his gloved hand and Jake briefly saw

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the piece of meat he held before the eagle jumped up onto
the glove and mantled, protecting its prey with its wings.

"It's okay to move now," the man told Jake.
Jake stood up and brushed grass from his jeans. He tried

to figure out where the man was from—he had a slight,
musical accent.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how it happened. I was exercising

him and he just took off. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."
"I don't know what got into him. He's never done that

before and I've been exercising him for a month!"

"Don't worry about it. You work at the Raptor Center?"
"Yeah. I've been volunteering there this summer. I'm

working on my Ph.D. in Animal Science."

"I'll be starting vet school this semester," Jake said. This

young man intrigued him. "I'm Jacob Redhawk, by the way."

"Oh! Sorry!"
Jake was fascinated by how red the blond's cheeks got.
"I'm Kai Maakotka. Pleased to meet you."
Jake saw Kai look at his hands, one holding the bald eagle,

and one holding the long leather jesses, and took pity on him.
"I'll consider my hand shaken, you don't have to put anything

"Thanks," Kai said with a grin.
"Hey, Kai? Time to go!"
Jake watched Kai turn towards the shout from further up

the mall.

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"Yeah, I'm coming," Kai yelled then turned to Jake. "It was

nice meeting you, Jacob. I'm sorry about letting Junior smash
into you."

"Junior?" Jake asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, he's barely an adult and his father was treated in

the clinic some years ago. Not my choice of names."

"So is he going to be okay?" Jake asked.
"Yeah, he just got a bit banged up. He'll be released in a

month or so."

"That's good. Eagle is important to my people."
Kai nodded. "We don't have bald eagles where I'm from,

but we have golden eagles and they're important to us."

Jake couldn't help himself. "Where are you from?"
"Kai! Now!"
"Sorry, gotta go. I'll see you around I guess."
Jake nodded. "I'll be around the next four years at least."
Kai laughed. "At least two for me. It really was nice

meeting you, Jake. Take care."

Jake watched Kai walk to the other volunteer, then he

headed to the Vet Med Library to get a head start on reading
for his classes.

It was only after he got home that night that he discovered

Eagle's gift—a white tailfeather was stuck in his braid.

The next morning, Jake woke from a dream so vivid he

knew it was important. He found himself in a pine forest and
as he looked around, he heard drumming. He headed toward
the sound and heard an eagle scream. He felt the brush of a
golden eagle's wings as it flew over his head and toward the

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sound. He followed the eagle and he heard someone singing
along with the drum. It sounded familiar, so he listened
intently, trying to recognize the words, but he couldn't make
them out. He finally made his way to a clearing in the forest,
and stopped in shock when he recognized the man standing
there, singing, the eagle perched on his shoulder, and a
shallow, painted drum on a table-like rock next to him. It was

* * * *

On Friday, Jake headed north, to the Red Lake

Reservation. He really needed to talk to his grandfather. He'd
had the same dream about Kai every night since they'd met
and was at his wit's end.

Five hours later, he parked in front of his grandfather's

mobile home, got out of his pick-up truck and stretched. His
grandfather opened the door as he started up the steps.

"Jake! It's good to see you!" He pulled Jake into a hug as

soon as he hit the landing. "Come on in. I'm just getting
some supper. You hungry?"

Jake shook his head. "I ate about an hour ago."
"Grab some coffee, then, while I finish up."
Jake sat at the kitchen table and watched his grandfather

fry a chicken breast, then pull a salad out of the refrigerator.

Jake raised an eyebrow at his grandfather; chicken wasn't

his grandfather's favorite meat.

"Janie's boy needed help," he said. "She gave me a


"I was wondering what would make you eat chicken."

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Jake's grandfather smiled. "It's a lot better than store-

bought and no extra hormones."

"Yeah, I suppose it is."
Jake stayed silent as his grandfather ate, his mind

wandering to the dream and his strange attraction to Kai.
He'd realized in high school that he was gay. He knew he was
lucky that he lived in the city—he could always find someone
to help him when his loneliness got too much to bear. If he'd
been living on the reservation, life would have been more
difficult. He'd hoped to find another Native American gay man
to live the rest of his life with, but as the years went on, he
slowly lost hope. Now he was torn between waiting for
someone who understood his culture and wanting the slender
blond man he'd just met.

When Jake looked up, his grandfather was watching him, a

concerned look on his face.

"Are you well?" he asked.
Jake nodded. "I've been having dreams, grandfather."
"Tell me."
When Jake finished telling his grandfather about the

dreams, he couldn't meet his grandfather's eyes. He only
hoped his grandfather wouldn't be upset with him.

"Jacob, look at me."
He looked up and met his grandfather's accepting gaze.
"Who is this man who has wormed his way into your


Jacob explained how they'd met. He wasn't prepared for

his grandfather to get up from the table, walk over to him and
lightly tap his forehead, then slap the back of his head.

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"Ouch! What was that for?"
"It seems that hitting you from behind may be the only

way to get your attention. Think, grandson. I know you are
intelligent. Eagle introduces you to a man who makes your
blood stir, and your heart leap. Eagle gifts you with a feather.
Then you dream about the man every night. I think you
would be foolish to throw away the man Eagle has given

"But he's white and not even American!"
"I'll agree with the 'not American' part. But white? Maybe,

maybe not. I suggest, grandson, that when you get home you
look up the word Sámi."

Jake enjoyed the rest of the weekend with his grandfather,

who brought him up to speed on the family gossip, and when
he got home, he fired up his computer and did a search on
'Sámi'. He was astonished to discover that there was a
European indigenous people, the Sámi, formerly known as
Laplanders. The more he read about the Sámi, the more he
realized how similar their history was to that of the Ojibwe.
He stayed up late, fascinated by the information he found
about the Sámi culture, religion and history. The next
morning he stopped by the Raptor Center, only to be told that
Kai had gone home and the people there didn't know anything
more. The Animal Science Department couldn't give him any
information due to privacy laws, so he gave up any hope of
finding Kai, even though he was plagued by dreams every

* * * *

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Almost two months later, Jake looked around the North

Star Ballroom in the student center and wished he were at
home, sleeping, and dreaming of Kai instead of attending the
annual Ethel Curry Pow Wow. He had a duty to be there,
however, because he had received the scholarship as an
undergrad and one of his cousins was a recipient this year.
He'd worn his regalia and danced in all of the dances, but his
heart wasn't in it. He knew his mother noticed, because she'd
asked what was wrong. The only bright spot in the evening
had been when he'd danced in front of some of the elders and
they'd placed dollar bills on the floor to honor him. He'd seen
them looking at the white feather he'd braided into his hair
after creating a beadwork anchor around the shaft, and he
was certain that the story of Eagle's gift had already
circulated through the room several times. Now the women
were dancing and he sat on a stool against a wall, waiting for
the night to end.

"Hello, grandson."
Jake looked over at his grandfather who sat in a chair next

to him. "Hello," he replied.

"How have you been? Your mother tells me that you have

not visited her recently."

Jake shrugged. "Been busy. School's rough."
Jake shook his head. "Nothing more."
When his grandfather raised his eyebrows Jake knew he'd

been caught.

"I'm still dreaming about him. That hasn't changed."

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"Eagle doesn't like his messages to be ignored."
"Look, grandson," his grandfather pointed with his chin to

the slender figure in the doorway.

Jake held his breath until the man walked closed. "Kai?" he


Jake was startled when Kai turned to face him—there was

no possible way Kai could have heard his whisper. When Kai
spotted him, his face lit up and he walked towards Jake.

"Jake! I hoped you'd still be here. I was going to be here

earlier but a great horned owl came in and I was the only one
who could keep it calm."

"Kai? I thought you'd gone home for good? That's what

they said when I asked about you."

Kai shook his head. "No, one of my great-uncles died and

my niece was getting married, so I had to go home for a
while. I got back a week into the semester and I've been
spending my time catching up. I kept looking for you, then
when I saw the poster for the pow wow I figured it was my
best chance of finding you."

Jake heard the chair behind him move as his grandfather


"I'm glad you came, Kai. I'd like to introduce you to my

grandfather, Lloyd."

Jake watched their eyes meet and wondered what caused

the shocked look to cross Kai's face when they shook hands.

"I am pleased to meet you," Lloyd said. "I will leave you to

talk. Jake, Kai, see me before you leave tonight. Please?"

"I will, Grandfather."

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"Sure," Kai said.
Kai and Jake spent the rest of the evening talking. Jake

persuaded Kai to dance one of the social dances and was very
glad his regalia covered his groin because Kai sure knew how
to dance. When the announcer thanked everyone for coming,
Jake realized just how late it was. He looked around and
spotted his grandfather sitting next to the Drum.

"I hadn't realized it was so late. We should go see my

grandfather and see what he needs."

"Yeah, the time just flew by. Where is he?"
"Over by the Drum. Come on," Jake said.
Jake and Kai walked over to the Drum and when Lloyd saw

them he rose and met them halfway.

"Come with me. I have something for you, noaidi."
Jake frowned, then as realization dawned—noaidi was the

Sámi word for shaman—he glanced over at Kai who looked

"How...? Oh! You feel like my great-uncle. I was wondering

why you felt that way."

It was Jake's turn to be stunned. He knew his grandfather

was an elder and had a lot of 'medicine' but he hadn't realized
that two medicine people could feel each other when they

Jake followed Lloyd and Kai over to the raised stage at one

end of the ballroom where he'd left his stuff. Lloyd went to his
own stuff and pulled out a round leather case.

"This is yours," Lloyd told Kai as he handed him the case.
Kai zipped open the case and gasped. "It can't be. This

was my great-great grandfather's! How did you get it?"

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"My grandmother's brother worked in the iron mines when

he was young. He met a man there who had come from
Finland with his grandfather when he was young. The young
man was in mourning for his grandfather, and was upset
because his grandfather had just started teaching him the
ways of their people before he died. My great-uncle became
close friends with the young man and brought him home and
introduced him to the elders, who adopted him. They stayed
together until they died; the no-longer-young man gave me
the drum about a year before that. He told me that I would
know who to give it to, that Eagle would tell me. When Jacob
told me of your meeting; when he told me your name, I knew
the time had come."

"His name?" Jake asked.
"My last name means 'golden eagle'," Kai explained as he

pulled the drum out of the case and examined it closely. "We
thought that we'd lost this forever when my great-great
grandfather took it with him. Thank you."

"No thanks required. I remember the love they shared and

I was honored when I was asked to be the caretaker for his
drum. Now I have a question for you. I remember my great-
uncle's partner singing. Do you also sing?"

"He sang?" Kai asked, a curious look on his face.
"Yes, he said it was a special kind of singing, a song that

celebrated an event, a time and place all in one."

"Oh, joiking!" Kai said.
"What?" Jake asked curiously.
"Joiking. Yes, I also joik," Kai said

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Lloyd nodded. "I suspected you might. If it's not improper,

may I hear you?"

"Improper? No, I would love to, but I don't have a drum

and I don't want to use a shaman's drum for joiking."

Jake went to his stuff and pulled out the drum he'd felt

compelled to bring along. He'd made the drum right after his
junior year in college, when he'd finally accepted the fact that
he was gay. He handed it to Kai. "Will this do?"

Kai took the drum and tapped it experimentally. "It's

perfect," he said with a smile.

"Good. It's yours."
"What? I can't take this!"
"Yes you can. I made it years ago and have never played

it. I've always known it wasn't mine. Tonight I needed to
bring it along and now I know why."

"Thank you," Kai said softly, then he started tapping a

complicated rhythm on the drum.

Jake watched with fascination as the drumming carried Kai

away and noticed that everyone still in the ballroom had
stopped what they were doing and slowly came towards

Kai started singing and a shiver went up Jake's spine as he

recognized the song from his dreams. He listened in awe as
he heard a sound like an eagle's scream and realized that
Kai's song was telling the story of how they met.

When Kai finished, he looked around at the crowd

gathered around them and blushed.

Lloyd put his arm around Kai's shoulder. "Thank you," he

said, then introduced Kai to everyone. Jake was proud and

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relieved when everyone greeted Kai warmly and several
people wanted to talk to him more about his song. Seeing
that Kai was occupied, he grabbed his bag and went to get
changed out of his regalia.

When he returned, Jake noticed that the building cleaning

crew was getting impatient, so he went to where Lloyd and
Kai were holding court.

"Grandfather, it is late and the janitors are getting

impatient. I think it is time for us to go."

Lloyd looked at his watch. "You are right. Come, now, it is

time to go," h told the gathered crowed, then he looked at
Jake and Kai. "Will you help clean up?"

"Of course," Kai replied as Jake nodded.
As they worked, Jake asked Kai, "Do you need a ride


Kai looked at his watch and groaned. "Damn, I missed the

last bus."

"I can drive you home. My duplex is only a couple of blocks

away, so I can go get my truck or you can come home with

"Won't your roommates be pissed?"
"No roommates. I live alone."
"Okay, let's go to your place. Let me get my stuff—Damn!

I forgot about the drums!"

Jake was surprised by the panicked look that crossed Kai's


"Jake, will you keep them for me? I live with four other

guys in a two-bedroom apartment and I don't want them to
get damaged."

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"Four guys? Where do you sleep?"
"On the couch. It was all I could get since I missed the

housing deadline for the dorms."

"Okay, let's go to my place and we'll talk and, yes, I would

be honored to keep your drums," Jake said.

They said goodbye to Lloyd, and walked along the silent

sidewalks towards Jake's duplex. There was just a bit of chill
in the mid-October night air, which Jake found refreshing
after the warmth of the ballroom. When Kai shivered, Jake
took off his jacket and put it around Kai's shoulders.

"Won't you get cold?" Kai asked.
"Nah, I'm fine. It feels good to me after a night of


"I'm sorry I didn't get to see you dance more."
"I'm just happy you came," Jake said as they reached the

front door of his duplex. He opened the door to the lower half
and motioned Kai inside. He turned to lock the door; when he
turned back, Kai pushed him up against it and captured his
mouth in a searing kiss.

Jake moaned; the kiss was everything he'd dreamt it

would be. He ran his hands up and down Kai's back, then he
pushed them under Kai's shirt—he needed to feel skin.

Kai moaned and pressed his body closer to Jake; pleased

with Kai's response, Jake deepened the kiss and pushed his
hips into Kai's. He'd never gotten so hard so fast, and he was
feeling a bit dizzy.

Jake moaned in protest when Kai pulled away.
"Oh, Damn! Jake, we have to stop or I'm going to—"

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Jake pulled Kai's head back down with one hand while his

other pressed Kai's groin into his own. He felt Kai go rigid and
felt his hips snap forward as Kai threw his head back and
cried out. That was all Jake needed to trigger his own climax.

Jake felt Kai go limp and grabbed him before he could fall.
"Kai? You okay?"
Jake breathed a sigh of relief when Kai nodded against his

chest. "Good. Kai?"

"You want to stay tonight?"
"Good, 'cause I don't think I can move."
Kai snickered. "Bed?"
"Don't think I can walk that far. We'll have to sleep here.

Hey!" Jake yelped as Kai bit his chest through the sweatshirt
he was wearing.

"Bed!" Kai said firmly, rubbing his cheek against Jake's


"Okay, okay, just give me a minute. You melted me."
"Only fair, you melted me."
Kai nodded, then slowly pushed himself upright. Jake

watched closely, ready to grab him again if he fell, but Kai
managed to stand upright. Kai looked around then headed
toward the bedroom. When he got to the door he looked over
his shoulder; Jake felt his heart and dick both leap at the
heated gaze Kai shot his way.

"Hurry," Kai said.

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"Oh, yeah," Jake said as he pushed away from the door

and followed Kai into the bedroom. He noted in passing that
Kai had put the drums safely on a table, then he turned his
full attention on getting into the bedroom and getting naked.

Jake froze in the doorway, the sight that greeted him

made his cock instantly hard. Kai was lying spread-eagle on
his queen-sized bed, his pale skin glowing against the black
Egyptian cotton sheets that were one of Jake's few
indulgences. He swore as Kai stretched out towards all four
corners of the bed, then one hand reached for his cock, which
was hard and leaking.

"Beautiful," Jake whispered as he stripped off his clothes

and watched Kai stroke himself.

"I don't hold a candle to you," Kai said, his stare so hot

that Jake could feel it on his skin.

Jake licked his suddenly dry lips, then grabbed condoms

and lube from his top dresser drawer before settling on the
bed between Kai's legs. He ran his hand along Kai's legs,
which were covered in soft, silky fine blond hair. Kai moaned
and reached out to Jake.

"Please, let me touch, too."
Jake shook his head. "Later. I want to learn what you like

first, then it will be your turn."

Kai groaned. "Not fair!"
Jake moved over Kai and kissed him. "I need to know

you're real, Kai. I've been dreaming of you every night."

Kai froze; his eyes went wide. "You, too? I've been

dreaming that I'm standing in a clearing next to great-great

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grandfather's drum, joiking, when a golden eagle flies up and
lands on my shoulder. Then, when I look up I see you."

It was Jake's turn to freeze. "The same. My dream was the

same. I'm in the woods, and I hear drums. A golden eagle
flies over my head and leads me to you, standing in a

Kai reached up and pulled Jake down for a kiss. "Then the

spirits are telling us something and I don't think we should
ignore them, do you?"

"No, I don't," Jake replied, kissing Kai again before he

resumed his exploration of Kai's body.

By the time Jake was done touching, stroking, kissing or

licking every part of Kai he could reach, Kai was pleading with
him to do something, anything to make him come. When Jake
sat back on his knees and started preparing himself to take
Kai's cock, Kai watched wide-eyed and started pleading in a
language that sounded like it was mostly vowels; Jake
suspected it was Finnish. When he rolled the condom down
Kai's cock, Kai's eyes widened. Before Kai could voice the
protest Jake saw in his eyes, Jake straddled Kai's hips,
grabbed his cock, positioned it against his hole and pushed
down, moaning as Kai's cock filled him perfectly. When Jake
looked down, Kai had the oddest expression on his face.

"Kai? What's wrong?"
"Wrong? Nothing's wrong. I just never expected you to

want me to—"

Jake leaned forward, moaning as Kai's cock rubbed over

his prostate, and silenced him with a kiss. He pulled back in
order to look Kai in the eyes. "Why wouldn't I want this?"

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Jake froze when he saw the expression on Kai's face.


"Because I'm smaller than most guys, they take me. I've


Jake kissed Kai gently as he trailed off. "Good. It's past

time you did this." He sat up and squeezed his ass muscles,
smiling when he heard Kai's groan.

Jake started to ride Kai's cock, squeezing it as he pulled

off, moaning as it rubbed over his prostate. He was relieved
when he felt Kai's first upward thrust and he rewarded Kai by
leaning over and giving him a deep kiss. All too soon he felt
the familiar tingle in his balls that signaled his orgasm

"Close, so close," Jake gasped, then groaned when Kai's

hips snapped up. He felt Kai go deeper than ever before, then
felt him stiffen and his cock twitch in his ass. The thought
that Kai was coming triggered his own orgasm and he shot
ropes of come over Kai's chest, some even reached his chin.
Jake fell forward, catching himself before he squashed Kai.
When he looked down at Kai, he felt a tug at his heart; Kai
had the most peaceful, content expression on his face that
Jake had ever seen. He got off the bed as quietly as possible,
because he didn't want to disturb Kai, and went to the
bathroom to clean up. He brought back a warm washcloth
and cleaned Kai up after taking off the condom and tossing it
in the nearby trashcan. Kai opened his eyes as Jake gently
cleaned his chest.

"Hey," Jake said softly. "You okay?"
"Better than okay. That was wonderful. Thank you."

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"You're welcome," Jake said as he draped the wet

washcloth over the wrought iron headboard. He stretched out
next to Kai and pulled the sheet and a light quilt over them.
"Tomorrow's Saturday, you gotta be anywhere?"

"No," Kai said.
"Good. We'll sleep in and talk more in the morning," Jake

said. He turned off the light on the bedside table and
snuggled next to Kai.

* * * *

Jake woke slowly, disappointed that he hadn't dreamt of

Kai. He froze when he realized there was someone in the bed
with him, then he remembered what had happened. He
reached out and stroked Kai's arm.

"Mmmmmm," Kai said before moving closer to Jake.
"Hey," Jake said softly. "How are you?"
"I'm good," Kai said. "How are you?" he asked, rubbing a

hand over Jake's ass.

Jake stretched and purred. "Great." He ran a hand down

Kai's back and pulled him closer. He heard Kai gasp when
their erect cocks touched. "Now I'm even better. Should we
take care of these so we can piss and clean up?"

"Please," Kai said.
Jake rolled so he was on his back and Kai was on top of

him, then he reached down and grabbed both cocks in his
hand. "Show me what you like," he ordered. Kai nodded and
started to move in Jake's hand, rubbing his cock against
Jake's erection. It didn't take much time at all before they
were both coming. Kai collapsed on top of him and Jake

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wrapped his arms around him, holding him tight. When he
could think coherently, he turned his head and kissed Kai's

"Bathroom, shower and breakfast?" Jake asked.
"Sounds good to me," Kai said.
They had just finished breakfast, when Jake asked, "Can

you stay the weekend, or do you have other plans?"

"I can stay, but I should go home and grab my laptop and

some clothes. I've got a paper due on Tuesday and need to
work on it."

"Sounds good to me. Let's go."
As Jacob pulled into the apartment building's parking lot,

he was determined to persuade Kai to move in. He was glad
that his pickup truck was slightly battered; if it'd been new he
was sure it'd be stolen and stripped down for parts within an
hour. He wrinkled his nose at the stench as they walked down
the hallway towards Kai's apartment. As Kai put his key in the
lock, they heard a thump and a crash from inside.

"Somebody's up," Kai said, biting his lip and opening the


"Hey, look who's home! It's the fag—!"
As soon as he saw Kai flinch, Jake grabbed the loud-

mouthed asshole and slammed him against the nearest wall.

"Kai, get all of your stuff. You're moving in with me."
"I couldn't look at myself in a mirror if I left you here, Kai.

I've got more than enough room for the both of us."

"Are you sure?"

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Jake looked at Kai and met his eyes. "Yes, I'm sure. Last

night was the first night since we met that I didn't dream
about you and wake up lonely and wanting."

"Oh! Me, too!"
Jake looked at the man he had pinned to the wall. "Will

there be a problem with Kai moving?"

"Nnnno. No problem."
"Good. Now help Kai get his stuff out of here, and you

won't have to worry about sharing this dump with a faggot

The guy slowly nodded, and Jake realized that he was

either half-drunk or hung over.

"Anyone else around who can help?" Jake asked the guy.
"Yeah, I'll wake 'em up."
In a very short time, all of Kai's stuff was moved from the

apartment and its basement storage area into Jake's truck
and they were on their way back to Jake's duplex.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I pushed you back there. I just

couldn't stand the thought of you living there while I have
space in my place."

"Don't apologize. I'm glad to be out of there and I was

afraid to ask you for anything more."

"Kai, never be afraid to ask, okay? Eagle thought we'd

make a good couple, yes? Let's trust in that."

* * * *

Jacob sat on a stool, watching the women dance at the

annual Ethel Curry Pow Wow, when his attention was caught
by the slender blond man walking towards him. He still

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couldn't believe that it had been four years since Eagle
introduced him to Kai, it seemed like yesterday, and their
passion was still flowing strong.

"So what did Professor LaPorte want?" Jake asked.
"The INS contacted him as a reference regarding my green

card," Kai replied. "He also wants me to joik at a couple of his
Indigenous Music classes again."

"Can't he use the CD you guys made?" Jake asked. It was

that CD and the book that Kai had written about Sámi culture
that were the basis for Kai's application for an 'exceptional
ability' green card. While he'd gotten an extension on his visa
because Dr. LaPorte had hired him to help with his indigenous
music research when Kai had finished his Animal Science
degree, it would be ending soon.

"No, this time he wants me to lecture about the drum,


Jake couldn't hug Kai because he was wearing his regalia,

so he settled for throwing an arm around his shoulders. "I still
can't believe your family told you to keep it. They're
considered national treasures in Finland."

"Yeah, but they need to be used. Grandfather and Uncle

know that."

When Kai had finished up his Ph.D., they'd gone to

Finland, well, more accurately, to Sápmi, so Jake could meet
Kai's family. Kai had been torn between returning home after
getting his degree or staying with Jake in the U.S. Both his
grandfather and his noaidi great-uncle told him his destiny
was with Jake. While they'd been very pleased to hear about

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the family's drum, they'd insisted that the drum stay with Kai,
as it was already in the states.

"I suppose it's a good sign that the INS is checking your

references," Jake said.

"Yeah, it is. I think they were surprised to find out that I've

been formally adopted by your tribe."

"Well if it comes down to it we can move to tribal lands,"

Jake said. The elders, after hearing how Jake and Kai had
met, had formally adopted Kai, stating that if Eagle thought
the two men were meant for each other, then so did they.

"Speaking of land, your grandfather keeps telling me we

need to start looking for a place so you can start your
veterinary practice," Kai said.

Jake rolled his eyes. "I told him that I was accepted to the

raptor medicine residency program and that it would be
another three years before I would be able to open my own

"I know," Kai said. "But he seems to think that we need to

act now. You should talk to him about it."

"I will. It's going to be tough to find a place where you can

raise reindeer."

"And for you to start your raptor rescue program," Kai

said. "But I think we'll find something, don't you?"

Jake nodded and saw a flash of white as his braid moved.

He'd started volunteering at the Raptor Center after Kai had
moved in with him and had been heartbroken when Junior,
their matchmaker, had suffered a setback. He and Kai had
spent hours nursing Junior back to health, and Jake had been
allowed to release him. It was only when Kai pointed at his

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braid that he discovered that Junior had gifted him with
another feather. It was then that he'd decided to start a
raptor intake center—someplace that people could call if they
saw an injured eagle, falcon, hawk or owl.

"Yeah, I think we will. We'll just have to wait for Eagle to

tell us where we need to be." Jake said as he tightened his
arm around Kai's shoulders. He had been so lonely before Kai
came into his life and he thanked Eagle every night for giving
Kai, the other half of his soul, to him. After four years he was
more in love than he thought possible. No matter what
happened, he knew he would be able to face it as long as Kai
was by his side.

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Birds of a Feather by CB Potts
My beeper went off just after two a.m., shrill, insistent

tones cutting through a particularly wonderful dream. There's
a reason why I went into ophthalmology rather than some
other specialty. Namely, I hate getting woken up in the
middle of the night.

That's one of very few lessons I learned from my old man.

He was a back-country GP, constantly leaving his bed before
the crack of dawn to bring squalling little rug-rats into the

Not me. No sirree, Bob. A little glaucoma, a little diabetic

retinopathy, some laser surgery, and my day's done by three

"Banker's hours," the old man would invariably scoff, on

those rare occasions we were forced to socialize, and failing
any other common ground, would find ourselves talking shop.

"Damn straight," I'd invariably reply, knowing the subtle

entendre would hit him right where it really hurt.

But banker's hours and a plum practice didn't mean I'd

managed to escape all the on-call responsibilities of a
physician. Having OR privileges at County General carries a
price: I was on the hook wherever a car accident, random
mishap, or God forbid, farm catastrophe endangered
someone's vision.

Which must be what was happening now.

* * * *

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"Bayner here," I dug in my nightstand drawer for a pad of

paper. "What've we got?"

"Oh, Doctor." Trudy was a good nurse, one of the old

school that thought some small measure of divinity was
conveyed with the MD. "You're never going to believe this."

This, I discovered upon reaching the ER, was a big barn

owl, smoothly gray feathers and a moon white face, avian
perfection marred by the aluminum shaft of a hunting arrow
lodged firmly in one yellow eye.

"Poor bastard." I looked up at Ranger Daniel Shad, who'd

brought the bird to the ER. "But I'm not sure what you want
me to do."

"Well," he said, that Vermont drawl slow and sweet like

syrup on a cold spring morning. "I'm thinking that we'd better
start by getting that there arrow out."

"Dan." Green eyes met mine. Incredible green eyes. Not

that I noticed.

"Dan, I'm a doctor, not a vet. I don't know the first thing

about birds. Not their anatomy, not their eye structures.
Nothing." I glanced at the owl, victim of some fool's piss-poor
idea of a joke. "I don't even know how to sedate him so he
doesn't feel any pain during the procedure."

"Doc, don't you think he's in pain right now?" Dan shook

his head. "They won't work on him down to the animal clinic.
Say they don't have the first idea what to do for him." His
voice was flat. "But they'd be more than happy to put him
down, without even trying." A shrug, resigned. "What's one
less predator, after all?"

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Even now, I can't tell you why I agreed. Everything I'd told

the Ranger about my lack of expertise, about the difficulties
operating outside of one's species, my misgivings regarding
sedation was true—but there was something in his voice, in
the set of his shoulders, in the way that forelock of black hair
curled forward when he bent his head to look at the owl that
made that truth irrelevant.

"Trudy, is the small OR still available?"
"Yes, Doctor."
"You'll have to assist," I told Dan. "I'm not having that

oversized parakeet of yours bite any of my nurses." Out of
the corner of my eye, I saw Trudy smile. That old girl knows
way more than she lets on. "And we'll have to work fast.
Human patients take priority. If we get a car accident or
something, you're out of here."

"Fair enough." Dan was already moving, the owl cradled

against his chest. "Lead the way."

* * * *

It wasn't the easiest procedure I've ever done. I had a

small amount of confidence going into the OR—foreign objects
are foreign objects, after all. They go in, they have to come
out, preferably doing as little damage as possible along the

That's on a good day. This was not a good day. Not really

news to me, and I suspect that Dan and the owl were feeling
the same way.

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Once the bird was secured and sedated, I got up close and

personal. The bad news immediately apparent. There was no
way to save the eye—at least, no way I knew of.

"I'm sorry, man." I looked at the Ranger, suddenly

reluctant to talk. "It's not going to happen for him."

He leaned forward, peering intently at the arrow. "Why?"
"Long story short," I said, pushing some feathers aside,

"the tip has severed the major blood vessel that supplies the
eye." I sighed, watching the downy curls flutter to the
ground. "He can't do without it, and we can't really repair it,
just circumvent it. It's the type of injury that requires major
surgery on a human—and even then there's no guarantees.
I'd need help—skilled help—to pull it off. On a person. On this
guy?" I continued, letting my fingers trace over the top of the
owl's head They were incredibly soft, softer than I would ever
imagine. "I wouldn't even know where to start."

Dan reached out, covering my hand with his own. The

gentle squeeze he gave spoke volumes: volumes about
longing and need, strength and tenderness.

"If you can start with saving his life," he said, voice calm

but insistent, "I can take care of the rest."

"Dan, he's going to be half-blind." I had to be blunt. That's

part of every doctor's job, the breaking of bad news. Believe
me, none of us like it. "What kind of life will he have? He
won't be able to fly, to hunt—nothing that an owl needs to

"You let me worry about that." Dan's voice held no room

for argument. "It won't be the first time I've played

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* * * *

Enucleation is always nerve-wracking. There's something

about taking the marvel that is the eye and pulling it from the
body, knowing that it's an irreversible, irreparable step that
shakes me to the core.

Trudy knew it. "You alright, Doctor?" Dan had left a few

minutes before, after pressing his thanks and phone number
into my hand. "That's never easy."

"At least my troubles are over." I stared at the doorway

long after the Ranger had left. "His are just starting."

* * * *

I could lie and tell you that the Ranger's place was on my

way home from the office, but it wasn't. Fact was, Dan's place
really wasn't on the way to anywhere. Tucked on the tail end
of a dirt road, tucked deep into the Green Mountains, you
only found this cabin if you were looking for it. "So, how's the

"Cranky." Dan led me around the back of his place to a

fenced in aviary. "There are two or three mice in there, but
he's not paying the least bit of attention to them."

"I bet they're paying plenty of attention to him."
"Wouldn't you?" Dan smiled up at the big bird, the gaze

frankly admiring. "Death on the wing. Kind of hard to ignore."

"He's not the only one." The words tumbled out of my

mouth before I could catch them, one of the few times my
tongue acted without my brain's consent. Dan raised an

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eyebrow, not unkind, so I pressed on, awkwardly. "I mean, I,
uh, was wondering..."

"Yeah." A pivot on a booted heel, and the Ranger was

facing me. "I've been wondering too."

The kiss was a surprise—most guys don't, in my

experience. That's not saying it wasn't pleasant, all velvet soft
lips and late day stubble, the taste of black coffee strong on
his tongue.

"Actually," Dan continued, "I've been wondering for a

while." His arms slid up around my neck, startling the owl. A
great flutter of wings as feather-covered claws struggled to
maintain the perch, the loss of depth perception clearly
evident. "But this might not be the best place to satisfy my

"Then lead the way." I took one step back, reluctantly

leaving the shelter of his arms. "You know where we're

"Hope so, anyway."
His cabin was small. Neat as a pin, with outdoor gear

strategically stowed about. Snowshoes hung on a peg near
the front door. Binoculars rested on the windowsill.

That's not saying I spent a lot of time studying the décor.

Once Dan had pushed the door shut behind us, my attention
was elsewhere.

"You've got the most incredible eyes, do you know that?"

His mouth was everywhere, on my lips, on my ear, working
down my neck. "So dark. So deep."

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"I was going to say the same thing about you," I told him,

fingers fumbling over the stiff fabric of his uniform shirt. "Not
the dark part. Green, like diamonds..."

Ok, I know diamonds aren't green. But his hand had

flattened over the front of my pants, putting just the right
amount of pressure in important places, so you'll forgive me if
I'm not up on my lapidary.

Dan grinned, and moved that hand. "Tell me more."
"As soon as I saw you, I wanted you." God, the pressure

was intense. "I mean, we had the owl and all, but damn ...
there you were, so hot, so fine..." I closed my eyes, arched
my head back toward the ceiling. "Dan, I'm gonna lose it if
you don't stop doing that."

The blissful touch disappeared. "We can't have that." A

half-mocking, half-chiding tone, sexy as hell. "At least, not
until I see you." One perfect eyebrow arched upward. "Did
you bring, you know?"

I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket, fingers shaking

uncharacteristically. I operate on people, for God's sake.
You'd think I'd have better control.

"I was hoping."
He plucked a blue square from the leather and smiled. "Me


My God, his mouth. What can I say about his mouth that

won't make me sound like a teenaged boy in love for the very
first time? I'm tempted to poetic language, and believe me,
that's not a temptation I should go with.

But Dan did things with his mouth that I never knew were

possible. The way his tongue wrapped round me, sliding over

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my length, squeezing like some displaced anaconda—it was
flat out insane. The heat, the wet, the insistent suction
constantly, constantly pulling me closer and closer to losing it

All the while, he watched me. Those brown eyes kept

looking up at me, careful, watching. Gauging reaction, guiding
action. I'm not sure what was a greater spur to pleasure: his
mouth on me or his eyes, equally weighty in their presence.

And let us not forget his hands. Not gentle, no. Dan had

woodsmen's hands, callused and worn yet tender. Knowing.

Could I resist him? Could I hold back? God knows I tried.
The devil knows I didn't try hard.
After that, when air returned to my lungs and he'd

clambered upright into my waiting arms, there are no words
for that. Only the whirlwind rustle of clothing to the floor, as I
stripped him the way a spring gale denudes the trees. Too
much fabric was between us, closely woven threads keeping
me from what I wanted. What I needed.

His body—a delight. Vermont pale, that creamy

complexion and well placed freckles ever a goad, even to one
so recently spent. Cranberry nipples rearing erect to greet my
tongue, a stomach far more muscled than one would imagine
possible. An intoxicating hollow of muscle, just above the
hips, directing my questing mouth further, further, down.

I may be an eye doctor, but I know anatomy. This,

presented to me, was perfection: the shaft proudly erect,
roped round with thick, healthy veins. The head flaring

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outward sharply, the deep, velvet crevasse underneath just
begging for a tongue.

When indulged, the throaty moans Dan issued were the

purest music, a guttural symphony of need. A swipe of the
tongue, then another, pausing only briefly to take the
proffered condom from his hand.

There's a certain pleasure from a substantial weight on the

tongue, a thickness that pushes your lips to their limits, the
bliss of a broad cock head flattening against the back of your

I came to know these pleasures well, exploring them as far

as possible. And yet there were more delights to discover: the
furry weight of Dan's balls, cradled in my grasp, the silky-slick
skin just behind his scrotum, delightfully responsive.

"Now, Doc," he growled, at long last and yet far too soon.

"Here it comes, now!"

* * * *

Familiarity makes any journey go faster: soon the twisting

turns to Dan's house became well known to me. We'd settled,
somehow, into a routine without agreement. I'd stop by after
office hours to check on the owl.

Dan would bring me to the aviary, explaining the day's

progress. It took a while, but soon the owl was taking mice
from his gloved hand.

"Hunger will overcome anything, even instinct," he

explained. "When the growling in your gut gets to be too
much to ignore..."

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I turned toward the owl, half hunched over his rodent

appetizer. "I know how he feels. I didn't know how hungry I
was until I saw you." A shrug, a smile. "And now I can't get

"Well, I'd say that's a good thing." Dan reached for my

hand. "Wouldn't want you cutting out on me after you've had
your fill."

"Mmmm." I pulled him toward the cabin. "I don't know if

I'll ever get my fill. But it'll be fun trying."

He was behind me, on me, in me.
"God, Dan." There was no discerning between the two, not

at that moment. Divine and man had merged in one, and they
had me at their disposal. "Please don't stop."

His hands were hard on my hips, controlling my motion.

"No worries." A slow slide forward, pushing deeply inside, was
accompanied by a groan of pure pleasure. "I could do this all

He paused for a moment, and then hitched his hips

another half inch, reaching that narrow point where I was
perfectly full; capacity strained to the utmost, my body
aching with accomplishment.

The mattress caught me, cushioning the impact when I

collapsed from pleasure.

"You okay?" He stilled, grip loosening a fraction. "Cause I


"No." My hips cantilevered upward, my flesh enveloping his

once again. "Give me more, more."

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"Here." His weight covered me, hot and sweaty against my

back. Again, I was filled, pushed to open deeper, wider, more
completely than ever before. "Here's more."

Some prayers go unanswered. This one was met with the

sharp edge of his teeth, slowly sinking into the flesh of my
shoulder. A half-growl marked what was rapidly becoming my
most favorite moment in the world; when the defender of
animals surrendered to inevitability and became an animal

"Now, babe." He was barely coherent, voice tight with

need. "Now."

"Yes!" My hips went up as his came down, bringing us

together at the pivotal point. He was hot inside me, I was hot
against myself. Heat and noise and crashing bodies; all of the
primal ingredients of need collided in us then.

It was enough to drop the pair of us, exhausted, into each

other's arms.

* * * *

Silhouetted against the charcoal gray of an autumnal sky,

the owl was an impressive presence, watching over Dan's
front yard from a substantial perch. If you didn't know, the
way he cocked his head to one side might seem natural, the
expected posture of a predator scanning the horizon.

"Do you think he'll ever fly?" It was a cold night for the

hammock, but snuggling close to Dan made it bearable.

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"I don't know. He tries his wings every now and again, but

I think he's scared. It's a big risk for him." Dan shrugged. "If
he crashes out, he's gonna hit that ground hard."

"But you're there for him."
"He doesn't know that."
Long fingers laced through mine, comforting in the

darkness. "But I do."

"Good thing." His kisses still were as good as ever, always

tasting of strong coffee, no matter what time of day I claimed
one. "Because I don't want you flying off on me."

"No danger of that. No danger at all."

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Horseplay by Sean Michael
Micah Orion cleaned out Daisy's stall while she was busy in

the ring with Lucy and Heather, Dr. Hamilton's patient. All the
horses were gentle, but Daisy was a real sweet paint, and he
put some extra hay in her box before grabbing a handful of
carrots and giving the rest of the horses a treat.

"How are you doing, Miss Ellie? How's that back leg of

yours?" He rubbed her nose, and she snorted at him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm stalling. But that pretty man is out there,

and I'm gonna watch him more than I watch Lucy walk the
kid around the ring, and he's going to watch me back and
then leave without a word. Just like always."

She snorted again, nose soft as she nipped at his shirt. "All

right, all right, I'm going."

Chuckling to himself, he headed out and took up a place at

the fence, a few feet from Dr. Hamilton. He watched Daisy
trotting in a slow circle, Heather's face all lit up. It made him
smile. That's why he ran the farm, had the kids come in and
ride. When that connection between rider and horse was
made, it was a beautiful thing.

His gaze cut away to the man beside him. Now that was

another beautiful thing. Dr. Hamilton was pocket-sized, quiet,
nut-brown from top to bottom with the softest, deepest voice
he'd ever heard.

"So," he said casually. "You've been coming here once a

week for what? Six months? Nine?"

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"Almost a year." Dr, Hamilton's gaze dragged over him,

almost a touch.

Micah nodded, and tried not to react to that voice, that

almost touch. And he figured after almost a year it was pretty
clear Dr. Hamilton wasn't going to be taking the first step.
"Almost a year. And every time you come here you watch me,
but you never say anything beyond the usual pleasantries."

Dr. Hamilton looked like he'd just been beaned by a line-

drive. "Pardon me?"

Micah closed some of the space between them. "I mean

I've seen you more than any of my last dates and I don't
even know your first name."

"Byron." Dr. Hamilton swallowed, licked his lips. "My name

is Byron."

Christ, even the man's name was something else. "Is it

now? I like that. Byron." He took another step toward the
man and offered his hand. "I'm Micah."

"Hello, Micah." Byron nodded, stepped closer, shook his

hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah. Yeah, it's really nice to meet you, too." He grinned,

still holding onto Byron's hand. "Finally."

"I ... I should check on Heather..." Those fingers brushed

the inside of his wrist.

Running away already. He didn't let go. "Maybe you should

come back this evening without a patient."

He could see a bulge in Dr. Hamilton's incredibly expensive

slacks, could see the flat belly go tight under the cashmere
sweater. "Maybe I could."

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Bingo. He'd known it wasn't all one-sided. Even if the man

hadn't responded to any of his signals. "I could take you
riding." In more ways than one.

"You think you can? It's been a very long time..." Hot little


Micah held that lovely brown eyed gaze. "If you think you

remember how, then oh yeah, I can." The look in those eyes
was pure fucking sex.

"I'll do my best."
"Cool. I'll see you this evening then. Around six?" He

wanted Byron for dinner. He might even feed the man first.
Or second.

"Yes. Should I bring anything?"
"Dessert if you want." He lowered his voice. "But really, I

just need you."

"Oh..." Byron's cheeks went hot, but those hot goddamn

eyes didn't slide away.

"Shall we seal it with a kiss?" he asked, bending toward


"I'm working." Those dark eyes held his. "And there's a

parent pulling into your drive."

Reluctantly, he stepped back, and let go of Byron's hand.

"I guess it'll have to wait until this evening, then."

"I suppose so. After a year, you might change your


He chuckled, but shook his head. "I haven't yet." In fact, if

anything, the nearly a year of waiting had only whet his

"No. No, I haven't either."

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Daisy came to a stop near the fence, blowing air out of her

nostrils and neighing softly. Micah didn't quite jump away
from Byron, but he had been somewhat startled. Lucy gave
him a look, which he ignored, choosing instead to watch
Byron with the girl on the horse.

Speaking gently, Byron helped the girl down, his entire

demeanor gentle, professional, caring. It had impressed him
from the start, the way Byron was with the girl. And he
wasn't an expert of course, but it seemed to him she was
happier from week to week.

Lucy clucked and Daisy followed her back toward the barn.

"I'll be along in a minute," he told his assistant.

"Promises, promises." Lucy grinned over, winked.

"Whatever you say, boss."

The doc helped the little gal into the car, spending a long

moment speaking with the mother. They were the ones he
felt the sorriest for—the parents—most of them looked

He waited until she'd driven off, not wanting to infringe on

her or her daughter at all, and then headed over, Dr.
Hamilton not going directly to his car for once.

"So, until tonight then?"
Dr. Hamilton looked over at him, then at the heavy gold

watch. "I deserve a fifteen minute break, I think. You still
interested in sealing the deal?"

His blood started flowing faster. "I am, Byron." He did like

the way the man's name tasted on his tongue, would Byron's
mouth taste as good?

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"Well, then. I suggest taking the bull by the horns, so to


Micah's eyebrows rose. For a man who never said anything

for a year, Byron was pretty eager. Maybe the man hadn't
realized they both swung the same way—not everyone read
signals. He stepped forward and took Byron's face in his
hands, tilting it slightly, and brought their mouths together.

Byron's lips were soft, warm, the kiss gentle and tentative,

almost chaste. Hardly the kind of kiss to seal a deal on.

He pressed harder against Byron's lips, his tongue sliding

along the place where they met, asking to be allowed in. The
moan that pushed into his lips was heated, rough, a complete
surprise from the retiring, gentle man. Those lips parted, the
doctor letting him in, letting him taste. One hand sliding down
to touch Byron's neck, to feel the rapid tattoo of Byron's
pulse, Micah deepened the kiss. Once allowed in, his tongue
swept through Byron's mouth, exploring the white, even
teeth, playing with Byron's tongue, teasing it into response.

It was like a dam breaking, the way Byron pushed close,

joined into the kiss with a need that had his toes curling, his
belly tight as a board. His mouth filled with Byron's flavor:
cinnamon and nutmeg with cloves, spicy and sweet at the
same time.

He made no move to end it, his tongue playing with

Byron's, his fingers stroking the warm neck, his body growing
tighter, needier the longer it went on. He couldn't remember
the last time a kiss had made him lose his head like this. Of
course, he'd been looking for months now: waiting, wanting

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to see that controlled son of a bitch spread out on his sheets,
bent over a saddle, hands and knees on the hay.

Groaning, he tilted Byron's head further back, tongue

pushing deeper, lower body pressing closer. Oh, fuck. That
pretty cock was right there, hard and hot in those thin-as-shit
slacks. He started rubbing, going way farther than he'd ever
intended this kiss to go, but his body was leading him, pulling
him along, and Byron's wasn't doing anything to slow him
down. No sir.

"Boss? You want me to saddle Charger up for ... Oh."
Goddamn it.
Byron stepped back, holding his eyes. "I should let you


He stroked Byron's cheek a moment, and let his hand drop

as he sighed. "I would rather you didn't, but I guess we've
waited nearly a year, we can manage another few hours."
Though now he'd had his taste and felt Byron's body react to
his own, he didn't want to.

"We can. I'll bring dessert." Byron shook his head, smiled.

"You have my cell number, if you change your mind."

"I won't." He managed to close his mouth before he added

'and you'll be dessert'. He didn't want to scare the man away
by coming on too strong.

"I hope not." Then Byron turned, slipped into a little black

BMW and backed away.

He watched until Byron's car disappeared at the end of the

lane and then turned to head back to the barn. Lucy was still
standing there, one hand on her hip, eyebrow raised. "Hush,

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"He's hot. He's queer?"
He rolled his eyes. Straight men did not kiss like that. "No,

but I figure if I kiss enough of them, they'll turn and we can
take over the world."

"You think? Can I watch, because damn, that was hot."

Oh, little bitch.

"Don't you have work to do?" he growled.
"I'm sure I do, boss..." She chuckled and waved, bouncing


He shook his head, but couldn't stick with the growling. He

had a date with a hot doctor tonight.

He was whistling by the time he hit the stables.

* * * *

Micah had the table set, wine breathing, salad made, garlic

bread in the oven, waiting to be turned on, and the steaks
marinating in the fridge. He'd fire up the grill once they were
ready to eat.

He glanced at the clock. Ten past six. He was sure they'd

agreed on six and was talking himself into believing that
Byron was merely late and hadn't changed his mind. He
swept an eye over the living room again, searching for
anything out place; cleaning at least would keep him from

The glare of headlights caught his eye, caught his attention

as his cock went sproing. Man, as eager as he'd always been
before Dr. Hamilton's patient's sessions with the horses, that
had nothing on tonight.

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He looked down at himself. Slacks nicely pressed, his shirt

was clean and ironed. He'd do. Even if he was leading with his
prick. He headed for the front door.

There was a storm coming from the north, the clouds

beginning to roll way off in the distance. Dr. Hamilton slipped
out of car, a cake box in hand. The man looked as good as
ever, and he'd be embarrassed about the way his own
trousers were tenting, except he'd felt Byron's prick equally
hard this afternoon.

He smiled and waved, calling out "Hello."
"Hey. Sorry, traffic out of town is insane and there was a

line at the bakery. Carrot cake?"

He grinned, taking the box from Byron, the brush of their

hands sending a jolt straight to his cock. "No problem, I'd
barely noticed you were late."

"Barely, huh? Well, that's more promising than not noticing

at all."

"Let me put this in the kitchen," he said, letting Byron in.

"It doesn't need to be refrigerated, does it?" He mentally
patted himself on the back for not jumping Byron

"I don't think so, no." Byron followed him, slipped the

raincoat off. The man looked fine, in loose dark slacks and a
tight white sweater that showed off lean muscles.

"I've got steaks. They can go on the grill anytime." And

the grill was under the overhang so the rain shouldn't matter.
So they could take as long as they wanted. Needed. "Would
you like some wine?" he asked before he forgot his manners

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"That would be wonderful, thank you." Byron smelled

good—soap and musk and something woodsy. He approved.
He wanted to know what that skin would smell like with the
hay from the barn, the leather...

He grabbed the wine opener and leaned against the

counter, pressing his prick hard along the edge in an effort to
make it back off a little. Of course the wine was already open
and he rolled his eyes at himself as he grabbed the wine
glasses he'd set out and filled them both.

"I'm no connoisseur, but I know what I like and this one is

really nice." Some wines tasted icky if they weren't served
with food.

"I don't mean to make you nervous, Micah. The wine

smells wonderful."

He chuckled. "I'm not nervous," he admitted. "More ...

trying not to be rude."

"Oh." One hand slid over his upper arm. "I have a very

high rudeness tolerance."

"Yeah?" He put his wine glass down and took Byron's,

putting it down as well. "I think maybe I should test this
tolerance of yours."

"Do you?" Byron stepped closer, eyes searching him. "I

think I might find that exceedingly intriguing."

He just smiled and brought their mouths together as his

fingers found Byron's waist and wrapped around it. Lord, that
kiss blistered him down to the root, Byron's need fierce,
sharp. He forgot about polite, about not jumping the man the
minute he walked in and just went with it. His hands slid
down to cup Byron's ass, tugging him closer.

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Byron's hands buried in his hair, tugging him close. They'd

make a picture, he knew, Byron's dark, lean lines against his
muscles. He could feel the heat of Byron's prick against his
thigh, the man as hard as he was. It made him groan,
rubbing them together as his tongue danced with Byron's.
Byron leaned back against the counter, pulling him in close,
body hot as August wherever they touched.

"Been watching you for nearly a year," he muttered,

mouth sliding over Byron's jaw.

"Yes. I've been having the most incredible fantasies..."
"You never said anything." Not one word, just the looks he

could feel down to his toes when Byron thought he wasn't
paying attention.

"No. No, I. I didn't want to overstep."
"Overstep?" He shook his head. "You're not overstepping."

Too much formality.

Too many clothes, too. He slid the fingers of one hand up

beneath Byron's sweater. That belly was flat and ripped, skin
smooth and silky and hot. "Can I take this off?" he asked, his
other hand tugging at the hem.

"We're not children, Micah. We knew what we were going

to do."

He chuckled and pulled the sweater up over Byron's head,

admiring the lines of muscle. "So why did it take us a year to
get here, hmm?"

"Because I was altogether too caught in a cycle of desire

instead of attempting to get what I wanted."

"Ooo, dirty shrink talk." He winked and slid his hands up

along Byron's ribs, heading right for the dark brown nipples.

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They tightened up for him, drawing up and reaching for his
fingers. By the time he got there they were hard and hot, and
he took one between his fingers, tugging on it experimentally.
Byron shivered, groaned right into his kiss. Mmm. Somebody
liked that. He tested the other one as well, just to make sure
it was as sensitive.

Byron grabbed his wrist, tugged his hand down. "That's

too big."

He raised an eyebrow, fingers creeping back up as he

rubbed their hips together. "Too big?"

"Mmm ... Mmmhmm..."
"Too big can be good." He tweaked both nipples at the

same time.

Byron cried out, hips jerking, the scent of want sudden and


"Christ, By." He tugged again, hips rubbing and rubbing,

pushing Byron up hard against the counter.

"You..." Byron's lips crashed down on his, those hands

dragging him in close enough that he couldn't breathe.

He pinched Byron's nipples again and again, soft, hard,

twisted and tickled them. Byron got his shirt tugged from his
waistband, worked his belt open while feeding him one little
cry after another. He returned the favor, getting Byron's
pants open so they could rub flesh on flesh. Then he went
back to Byron's nipples, letting Byron feel his nails. He could
just imagine little gold clamps against the dark skin.

"You're. I." Those pretty dark eyes rolled, cock moving

furiously against his.

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"Exactly." He groaned, gaze glued to Byron's face, the

pleasure dancing across it the same as the pleasure surging
through him, gathering in his balls.

Hot and wild, the smell of man filled the air, made him rub

and tug harder. He felt Byron still, felt the hard cock swell
against his own. Close. Goddamn. He could do close. He
found Byron's lips again with his own, and worked those
sweet, sensitive nubs harder.

Heat spread over his lower belly, hips jerking, come sliding

over his skin. The scent was something else, strong and
heady, and pure male. Groaning, he gave in, his own climax
taking him, adding to the heat and the scent between them.

His mouth softened against Byron's.
"This was an amazing appetizer..." Byron grinned against

his lips, eyes warm.

He chuckled softly and tugged on Byron's lower lip. "Yeah.

Not bad. Not bad at all."

"Mmm. I can't wait for the main course."
He reached past Byron and grabbed a couple of paper

towels, admired the cut of Byron's hips, the heavy prick as he
cleaned the come away. "I hear that. You want to eat dinner

"Yeah." Byron actually laughed for him, eyes dancing. "I'm


He tucked them both back into their pants, and offered

Byron his wine again. "I hope you like steak."

"I'm a carnivore, yes please."

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"You wanna help me grill?" he asked, feeling mellow and

easy in his skin. Except for the small of his back where
anticipation sat, waiting.

"I can do that." Byron's hand landed there, right on his

back, warm and solid.

He grabbed the steak out of the fridge and led the way out

to the deck. They stuck to the end with the awning, keeping
out of the rain that poured down. Byron settled on the swing,
watching him, watching the rain, laughing away. The man
looked good happy.

"How am I cooking yours?" he asked, spreading sauce over

the meat as it started to sizzle.

"Medium well, please. That smells amazing." One hand

reached out, just stroked his hip.

"I make my own sauce." He shifted, just a little closer to


"Mmm. How can you make that sound so sexy?"
"You've just got a dirty mind." Flirting quietly with Byron

had been enjoyable, if frustrating after time. Flirting when
they'd already had a taste of each other, when he knew what
was coming was fun and sexy.

"Moi? Surely you jest." Byron's dark eyes caught the

reflection of the flames, just made the man look attractive as

It was almost enough to make him forget about the steak,

but hey, it was steak. He flipped them over, moving his own
off the heat and letting Byron's cook just a little longer. He
looked sideways at Byron. "More hope than jest."

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"I can appreciate a hopeful man." That touch brushed his

ass again.

"Well, consider me hopeful." He pulled the steaks off the

grill. "Let's eat."

Byron nodded, stood and took one plate, fingers brushing

his. "Have you always raised horses?"

"Sort of. My father ran the stables of a rich man, I used to

accompany him to work. I loved the horses from the first
moment I laid eyes on them. But it was always a rich man's
game, you know? I wanted to do something different."

He settled at the table and served Byron some salad,

added some to his own plate. Damn, he'd forgotten about the
garlic bread. He was distracted.

It didn't seem like Byron cared much, eating easily. "You

do an amazing job, you know? I can make more progress
with some children after one hour here than I can in a year

"It feels good, being able to help in some small way. Now,

what you do..." He shook his head. "You work with those kids
everyday. Without you they wouldn't be able to come here to
ride at all."

"It's rewarding work. It can be solitary, but I hope I'm

making a difference."

"I've seen that girl today change for the better in the time

she's been coming—you're making a difference."

"Thank you." Byron stared over at him, focusing on him

like he was the center of the goddamn world.

It was heady, arousing. "You're not here to talk about

work though, are you?"

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"No." No, he imagined altogether too much of Byron's life

was about work, about being sensible and smart.

He could do something about that. "Have you finished your

dinner?" he asked, eager to find out what kind of noises
Byron made when he was bent over and needing.

"I am." He got a smile, a long look. "Tell me you're not

going to ask me to leave yet."

"Leave? Who said anything about leaving? You haven't

even seen my bedroom yet." He stood and held his hand out
to Byron.

Jesus, that smile made him randy as a stallion in a pasture

full of mares. "Do you have a sturdy bed?" Byron's fingers
twined with his.

He tugged, bringing Byron in close. "I'm going to show you

just how sturdy."

"Promises, promises." Byron pressed closer, cock

beginning to fill.

"I don't break my promises." He held Byron's eyes and

began to walk Byron backward toward his bedroom.

"You're the sexiest man I've ever met."
He kept walking, mouth taking Byron's in a passionate

kiss. Byron's tongue pushed alongside his, following him nice
and slowly, steadily. He cupped Byron's ass with one hand,
enjoying the way the high, tight flesh fit in his palm, the way
it moved with each step they took. Those muscles were tight,
hard, sensual and sexy. Byron's eyes searched his, just a
little unnerved, a lot needy.

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He stopped the kiss and their forward motion long enough

to turn the lights on, his bed made with fresh sheets, turned
down and ready for them, lube and condoms there on the
side table. "Gonna love you so good, Byron."

"It's been a long, long time since anyone said that to me,

Micah. A long time."

"Then I won't make you wait any longer."
He pushed Byron's sweater off, and started working on the

fancy slacks. So hard, so hot—that pretty prick throbbed,
pushing against the silky boxers, trying to get at him.

"I want a taste," he told Byron. He dropped slowly to his

knees, tugging Byron's pants and boxers down. He leaned in,
but stopped just short of Byron's cock. He glanced up. "I
don't usually do this."

"Do you like it?"
"Sometimes. When I want it. Like I want it now." He slid

his tongue across the tip of Byron's cock, the pre-come
almost delicate in his mouth.

Byron's eyes rolled, lips opening. "I ... You feel so ... Oh."
He chuckled. Incoherent already—damn, he was good.
Wrapping his lips around the head, he began to suck.

Byron stared down at him, eyes wide, huge, hungry. He
wrapped his hands around the man's hips, mouth opening
wider as he slowly went all the way down.

"Micah." The single word was groaned, nearly breathed


That sound, the musky scent, the way the hot flesh felt in

his mouth and under his tongue, they all combined, made his
own prick throb. He sucked harder, thumbs rubbing the

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hollows next to Byron's hips. Byron thrust, humping up into
his mouth, hips pushing against his hands.

He took Byron in his mouth, over and over again for a

moment or two, and then he came off, hands tightening on
Byron's hips, stilling them before either of them could lose
control. "I want you bent over my bed, Byron."

Byron groaned, tanned skin flushing dark. "What else do

you want?"

"What else?" He slowly stood and began to undo his

buttons, working his own clothes off. "Everything else. I want
to feel you around my prick—your mouth and your ass. I
want to bend you over a saddle and take you with the smell
of leather and hay all around us. I want to tie you to my bed
and make you scream."

Someone was right with him, stomach taut, cock

throbbing, entire body into it.

As soon as he was as naked as Byron, Micah advanced,

hands sliding over muscles as he pushed them back the few
feet needed to hit the bed. Byron was sexy and beautiful,
cock glistening with his saliva, nostrils flaring. Micah wanted.

He took Byron's mouth in a hard kiss. Byron groaned,

tongue sliding against him, yielding, letting him in. He pushed
the kiss hard and deep, hands sliding to cup the high ass
again. He squeezed it, one fingers sliding along Byron's
crease, making promises. Byron's ass squeezed him, cock
throbbing against his belly.

Groaning, he pushed Byron onto the bed, arm around the

man's back to keep the fall gentle, controlled.

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"You want me to turn over?"
Oh, his sweet lover wanted that did he? Maybe needed it.

To be turned over and taken. "Yeah, Byron. Turn over and let
me at that ass."

Byron moved, nice and easy, offering that ass like a mare

offered to a stallion.

He rubbed it a little, fingers digging in and feeling Byron

up. "Can't wait to be inside you."

"It's been a while. I like it. I like it deep and hard." Byron's

back grew warm beneath fingers, the flush traveling up his

"Good," Micah growled, voice gone husky and rough with

his want.

He reached over for the lube, slicking up his fingers and

then rubbing them along Byron's crease, his free hand
holding both cheeks apart, so he could watch as that little
hole winked, trying to get his attention. With a grin, he
pushed the tip of his index finger in.

"Oh, fuck." He chuckled, that word didn't sound natural in

Byron's voice.

He pushed his finger in further, wiggling it inside the tight,

clinging heat. "You're going to feel amazing around my cock,
Byron. Tight."

"Yes. Yes, please. I need." Byron braced himself, rocking

up against him on the bed. Micah loved that, loved that Byron
was so into it.

He pushed a second finger in with the first, scissoring them

apart, beginning to stretch Byron to take his prick. That little
hole was the tightest thing he'd ever felt, squeezing and

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squeezing around him. Leaning over Byron, he set a kiss at
the base of the man's neck, and then began to whisper into
Byron's ear as his fingers took their time working Byron.
"Gonna fill this tight little hole all up. Gonna drive into you
until you come all over my sheets."

Oh, fuck him. He could feel that, feel how Byron's hole

clenched and gripped his fingers. Groaning, panting, he curled
his fingers a little, searched for that little bit of flesh inside
Byron's body. When he found it, Byron arched, bucked wildly
on his fingers, right them for him. "Micah! I. More."

He could do more. He slipped a third finger in, using all

three to stretch and to rub against that little spot as his cock
leaked against Byron's skin. Byron rocked and groaned for
him, needing like nothing Micah'd ever seen before. "You're
gonna be such a sweet ride, Byron."

He twisted his fingers a few times and then let them slide

away so he could glove and lube his prick. He took a second,
just to stare at Byron, arched and spread and slicked for him.
Goddamn. "You should see yourself, Byron. You look good
bent over my bed."

"You say the most amazing things."
"I do the most amazing things, too." He spread Byron's ass

cheeks with his fingers and pressed his cock against that tiny
little hole.

"Promise?" Byron pressed back, trembling, begging for


"No promises. I'm just gonna do." He pushed in slowly,

Byron's eager body taking him right in until his hips were
pressed up tight against Byron's ass.

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He closed his eyes for a moment as he stilled, feeling

Byron's body tight and hot around his cock. Byron clenched
and squeezed, massaging his prick, driving them both higher.
He stroked Byron's back, waiting as long as he could to move,
building the anticipation as Byron's ass moved on his cock.

Finally, groaning, he couldn't hold still a moment longer

and he pulled almost all the way out, Byron's ass clinging the
entire way. He pushed back in, gasping as he sank deep.

"Again." That rich voice throbbed.
"Oh, yes." He did it again, and then again, hands holding

onto Byron's hips and pulling him into each thrust as he found
a rhythm. Byron cried out for him, again and again, pushing
up on the bed, riding him like a cowboy.

"That's it," he grunted. "Let me hear you, Byron. Let me

know just how fucking good it is."

"Jesus, you're..." Byron's shoulders hunched, thighs tight.

"This is so..."

"Fucking good," he suggested, moving a little faster. And it

was fucking good, Byron's ass so damned hot and tight, like
fucking heaven.

Micah nodded, over and over, even as that tight ass

pressed back against him. He wanted to do this all night,
make it the best damned fuck Byron had ever had. He
panted, and both their bodies began to glisten with sweat, the
smell of man strong. Byron stilled, ass so tight it almost hurt,
the muscles clenching tight.

Micah stilled as well, groaning. "Not until I say so," he

warned, one hand sliding up along Byron's spine.

"I." Byron shuddered, squeezing hard. "Yes. Yes, okay."

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"Good man." Very good man. Byron was a keeper.
He continued to rub Byron's back until the man's body

eased a little, and then he began to move again, finding that
good hard rhythm they'd been enjoying.

"Micah..." Byron whimpered, shuddered, ass working his

prick furiously.

He slipped one hand down around to Byron's cock, fingers

circling it and letting their motions push it through the tunnel
of his hand. "Now. You can come now."

He received a sob for his troubles and fuck if Byron didn't

make him feel ten feet tall, heat spraying over his fingers. His
eyes closed as Byron's ass milked his cock, the sensations
spurring his own orgasm. A few more jerks of his hips and he
filled the condom, collapsing over Byron's back. Byron
moaned, panting beneath him, hot and relaxed.

Grabbing hold of the base of his prick, Micah groaned as

he pulled out. He tied off the end of the condom and tossed it
at the wastebasket before settling half next to, half on top of
Byron. "Mmm..." He was feeling lazy and sated all through.

"Yes. Thank you. That was ... most pleasurable."
"I told you." He winked, hand sliding again along Byron's


Byron chuckled, nodded. "You did. You very much did."
"So you'll come back." It wasn't a question.
"Yes. Yes, please."
"Good. I want to see you over my saddle, ass warmed and

stretched, and ready for me."

"Oh, sweet Jesus."

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Micah couldn't help the smile. They were going to have

such fun. He patted Byron's ass. "Not quite, but I'm

He winked and grinned wide at the sound of Byron's

laughter. Such fun, indeed.

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Puppy Tax by J. Rocci
"I need a haircut," Sky murmured to himself, checking his

shaggy blonde hair again in his rearview mirror. At five-foot-
seven, in jeans and an old college hooded sweatshirt, he
looked more like a frat boy than a respectable business owner
in his thirties, especially with his hair in his eyes like that.

The impatient chuff from the passenger's seat made him


"Okay," he conceded as he opened the car door, "so we

both need haircuts."

Phoenix just stood up on the seat, mismatched eyes

eagerly following him behind the windshield as he came
around to the passenger side to let her out.

When he held the door open, the black and white Border

Collie jumped down to sit on her haunches off to his left.
Considering that she was sweeping the concrete parking deck
clean with her bushy tail, he'd definitely need to drop by the
daycare on the way home and toss her in the tub.

Sky grabbed her orange vest from the back seat, calling

her over to his feet. She came willingly enough, but fussed as
he fastened the Velcro strap around her middle. Having none
of that, he tugged on her collar and she settled, letting him
smooth her vest so that the embroidered word "Therapy" was
visible down her side.

Not that the hospital staff didn't know her on sight by now.

The two of them had been making the rounds regularly for
almost a year.

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"Are you ready to be adored and adorable in turn, Miz

Phee-phee?" Sky asked her as he snapped on her leash.

She thumped her tail, yipping up at him. The sound

echoed loudly in the hospital's parking deck, and Sky couldn't
help laughing at her expression.

"C'mon, trouble."
They took the stairs down to the covered walkway that

connected the parking deck to the hospital entrance. Sky
waited patiently, fielding questions and smiling as what
seemed like every healthy breathing being within fifty feet
had to come over and love on Phoenix as soon as they hit the
lobby. Phoenix just wagged her tail and went sniffing at pant
legs and fingers, planting herself in front of people like she
owned the place.

"Well, if it isn't Miss Phoenix and Mister Sky!" Barb, the

volunteer behind the information desk, exclaimed.

She came around to the front of the desk with his visitor's

badge in one hand and a treat held behind her back. Phoenix,
knowing the routine, jogged over and sat primly at the older
lady's feet, gazing up adoringly.

Normally, Sky discouraged people from giving Phoenix

treats during her visits, but Barb brought her toy poodle to
the daycare for grooming once a week and Phoenix was
comfortable with her.

"And how are you, sweetheart?" Barb cooed, holding out

the cookie so Phoenix could pluck it gently from her hand.
Barb scratched the top of the Border Collie's head as Phoenix
inhaled the treat.

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"Any requests today, Barb?" Sky asked as the older lady


"You're going to be a very busy man," she said and handed

over a room list. "As soon as people hear about your visits,
they all want one for their family, too."

"That's what I like to hear," Sky grinned and headed for

the elevators. "C'mon, Phee-phee."

First stop was Four South. Good. The nurses there were

friendly and most of the patients were elderly people with
cardiopulmonary problems. Phoenix could enjoy some quiet
time doing the rounds there, then they could head to
Pediatrics and she could wear herself out with the kids.

He fell into the comfortable routine of knocking on doors

and announcing their presence, Phoenix trailing at his side.
Her obedience was one of the reasons he brought Phee and
not his other dog, Anubis. Anubis listened, but the Great Dane
mix was too easily distracted from listening to commands and
his size often intimidated people. Phoenix was just a medium-
sized ball of fluff with a tongue, plus she'd never gotten into
the habit of jumping on people like Anubis.

Sky kneeled beside one of the patient's wheelchairs and

guided the older gentleman's hand to the top of Phee's head,
treasuring the man's delighted expression. The reaction of
people to a fuzzy face was Sky's favorite part of his work. He
loved running his doggy daycare and going to shows, but
this—This was what he did to set his own heart at ease.

"Her eyes are different colors!" Mr. Gardner said, voice

hoarse from his pacemaker. "I never seen that before. Is that

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Since Mr. Gardner had just been admitted with pneumonia

during their last visit two weeks ago and had been drugged to
the gills, Sky wasn't surprised he didn't remember pointing
Phee's heterochromia out before. He gave the same answer
he usually gave to the question.

"Lots of dogs and cats have it, Mr. Gardner. Sometimes

even people, too."

Phoenix, tired of holding still, nuzzled the man's

outstretched fingers and got in a lick or two. Mr. Gardner
looked tickled, chortling, and the cheeky little beggar scooted
on her butt until her head was resting on his knee.

"Huh. Who'd've figured, eh, girl?" Mr. Gardner murmured

as he stroked her ears. "I have a schnauzer at home named
Pippin. He's a yappy little thing. Likes liver. Poor boy's with
the grandkids. Terrors probably gave him a heart attack or
stuck him in a dress by now."

"More like he's cowering under the bed, pop," his daughter

said dryly from the doorway.

Sky introduced himself as she came in and they got to

chatting. After a few more ear scritches, Mr. Gardner was
starting to look wilted, so Sky took that as his cue to move

He and Phoenix visited four more patients on the floor,

spending about fifteen minutes with each. One was eating
lunch, so they came back to her last and then headed on to
the next part of their list.

Pediatrics was on Three West, and they waited in the

floor's small lobby for the elevator to come, chatting with an
orderly named Mike. Sky was never lacking conversation

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when he had Phoenix with him, especially since she believed
it was her god-given right to be loved on by anyone in the
same room and she made sure they knew it. Paying the
puppy tax, as Sky's employees called it.

When the elevator pinged and opened, Sky just about

stopped breathing.

Dr. Tony had snapped a file shut and pressed the hold

door button for them. Sky didn't even know the man's last
name since all the kids called him by his first, but the man
was gorgeous. Short dark hair, wire glasses that couldn't hide
his bright blue eyes, and a physique that implied an active
lifestyle. Lord bless whoever created scrubs, because they
clung to his ass even with the long-sleeved jacket on.

Sky probably drooled as bad as Phoenix with a rawhide

every time he saw the man.

Mike, the orderly, got in the elevator first, and then they

were both looking at Sky expectantly.

"Is it all right if she comes on?" Sky asked automatically,

hesitating before entering.

"No problem," Dr. Tony said distractedly and waved them


The quick ride to the next floor was spent in comfortable

silence. Mike rubbed Phoenix's scruff, and Sky got to stand
next to Dr. Tony, inhaling his light cologne. It was something
musky Sky had smelled before, but he couldn't place it. He
honestly didn't care what the name of it was, as long as Dr.
Tony kept wearing it so well.

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Phoenix didn't like to sit in elevators, so she surfed the

floor, paws braced. She didn't stumble when the car stopped
anymore, but she was all too happy to beat feet out of it
when the doors opened.

Sky was dimly aware of Dr. Tony exiting behind them, but

the nurses were looking up from their station and already
starting to coo. Phoenix's tail stirred up a cyclone, and she let
out an excited yip before Sky could shush her.

"A dog!"
Two small heads popped out of the lounge doorway, eyes

wide. Sky stuck close to Phoenix as they entered the pediatric
ward's wide lounge. Phee was good with kids, but he worried
that she might get too worked up from all the noise and
movement. There were four kids clamoring around them, and
a bored looking teenager playing with the video game system
in the corner.

"Be gentle with her," he reminded the kids when some of

the hands got grabby. A parent was there, too, and helped
ride herd with a nurse.

"What's its name?" A little girl with a wrist cast asked.
"Her name's Phoenix, but we call her Phee-phee."
Sky smoothly intercepted another kid's hand before she

could latch on to Phoenix's collar. The other boy with them
giggled when he got a tail in the face. "She's fluffy!"

Throughout all the chaos, Phoenix just stood there with her

tongue lolling, head turning this way and that as she was

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"Look, Dr. Tony! There's a puppy!" Ashley called out

excitedly over Sky's shoulder. He reflexively followed her line
of sight.

"I see that," Dr. Tony said with his brilliant smile that

made Sky's knees weak and his cheeks flush.

Sky refused to be distracted and turned back to Phee,

willing his blush away. He wasn't a teenager, for crying out
loud. The man was just too damn pretty. And probably
straight, with a trophy wife and five kids waiting for him at

Sky focused on Phoenix and the kids, but he could feel the

weight of the other man's regard between his shoulder blades
and knew the moment Dr. Tony left the doorway.

Once the kids had their fill of petting and Phoenix started

to get antsy, Sky announced that she had to go see all the
kids that couldn't leave their beds. He wasn't exactly immune
to the disappointed faces that followed, but he withdrew from
the room with practiced ease, promising to stop back in
before they left.

He went to all the rooms on his list, heart breaking a little

when the kids were too weak to get up but still so happy to
see Phee or were just skin and bones from whatever ailed

But they were smiling when he and Phoenix left, and that

was what mattered.

After they finished their last visit to the lounge, Sky

checked his watch. They'd been at the hospital for three
hours and he'd given Phee a bowl of water about an hour or

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so ago. He was surprised she'd lasted that long without tap
dancing to leave.

"Leave it," he said absently, and she stepped away from

the cleaning cart shelf she'd been eyeballing. When she saw
that they were going back to the elevator, she picked up the

The elevator car was empty when it arrived, and Sky

nudged Phee on. The doors were starting to close when he
heard, "Hold the elevator!"

Sky mashed the door open button, refusing to cheer when

the doors pinged back open and Dr. Tony got on.

"Sorry about that," the doctor said sheepishly, tucking his

hands in his scrub jacket.

"I didn't hear you coming, otherwise I would have held the

doors sooner," Sky shrugged, tearing his eyes away from
admiring how the stethoscope draped across the man's well-
defined chest. "What floor do you need?"

He lifted his gaze in time to see Dr. Tony glance at the lit

button on the console.

"Basement's fine."
Phoenix chose that moment to nose the doctor's knee,

demanding attention.

"You must be the Phee-phee everyone talks about," Tony

said to her, holding out his fingers for a sniff. When she
nudged his palm, Tony started rubbing her ears.

"All my patients love you, pretty girl. Yeah, they do," he

baby-talked her.

"We've been coming for a year," Sky said just to break the

growing tension in himself.

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The man liked dogs. He was so screwed...
"I'm Sky Bower, by the way." He grinned and held out his

hand, keeping his eyes on the doctor's, who didn't look away
from his direct and appreciative gaze.

"Tony Morasutti. Pleasure to meet you."
Tony held his hand just a little too long, squeezing once

before letting go. Sky's pulse picked up.

The elevator stopped at the basement level, where the

administrative offices and the hospital bistro were located.
People were waiting to get on, so Sky quickly guided Phoenix
out of the way.

Reluctant to just walk away, Sky turned to see where Tony

had gone and found the man right behind him. Sky slowed his
steps even though Phoenix was straining to reach the green
grass just beyond the doors to the outside.

Tony paused when Sky did, rubbing the back of his neck

and looking down at the floor, then up at Sky from over the
rims of his glasses. Sky's stomach flipped like he'd just
crested the hill of a rollercoaster.

"I know this is a bit sudden, but I was just about to go on

break, if you'd like to get some coffee..." Tony trailed off

Oh, score.
"I'd love to, but Phee's not allowed in the bistro." At Tony's

falling expression, Sky quickly suggested, "But the weather's
nice and they have tables out on the patio, if you don't mind
bringing the coffee outside? I can give you the cash for mine."

"I'll cover it." Tony smiled, eyes crinkling at the edges.
"I don't want to impose—"

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"You can buy the next round," Tony interjected

confidently. Warmth unfurled in Sky's middle.

"Fair enough. I take mine black with one sugar."
"All right. See you outside."
Phoenix hauled ass as soon as Sky started walking again,

and he let her relieve herself in the grassy patch off to the
side of the building, eyes tracking Tony's white scrub jacket
through the tinted bistro windows.

Well. The day was definitely looking up.
He found a clean table in the shade, looping Phoenix's

leash around his wrist but giving her room to roam a bit. Tony
got through the line quickly, and found Sky easily since there
were only a few other people outside.

"Careful, it's hot," the doctor said as he placed Sky's cup

on the table in front of him.

"Only way to drink it," Sky said and took a sip.
Tony shook his head but grinned, propping his chin on his

fist and studying Sky.

"So," he said as he cradled his cup with his other hand.

"You and Phee have been coming here for a year. How'd you
get started on that?"

Sky shrugged, reeling Phoenix back in before she could get

too acquainted with an unidentifiable lump on the patio.

"I own a canine daycare, and one of my clients was

volunteering. When Phoenix was old enough, I decided to give
it a try. I'm glad I did."

Very glad.
The lady in question rambled back over to their table,

sitting at the end between them and staring hopefully up at

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the table's edge. She sniffed the air with her shiny black
nose, and Sky laughed.

"There's nothing for you up here, brat."
"Is she an only child?" Tony asked as he reached out to

scratch behind her ears.

Phee-phee, ever the attention whore, groaned and flopped

down at his feet, exposing her tummy. Sky could sympathize,
since he'd probably do the same thing if Tony was touching

"Ah, nope," he responded after a moment's pause,

dragging his eyes away from Tony's broad hands. "Her
brother, Anubis, is at the daycare right now."

"Anubis?" Tony mused, bending over in his seat to reach

her. "A bird that symbolizes rebirth and a god of the
underworld. I'm sensing a theme."

"The real ruler of the house is my cat, Cait Sith. They live

in fear of her."

"Of course," Tony laughed and looked up at him. "I miss

having animals around. But with my long hours, it just
doesn't seem fair, you know?"

"That's understandable. At least I can take my babies to

work with me."

"It used to be worse, when I worked in the city. My

schedule was so terrible; I couldn't even keep houseplants

"What city?" Sky asked, curious.
Since she had lost her audience's attention, Phoenix rolled

to her feet with a chuff and started exploring under the table.
Tony straightened up, resting his elbows on the table.

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"Baltimore. I had a position at Johns Hopkins, and I was

doing work I loved, but things were just too crazy up there. I
definitely prefer the slower pace of a county hospital."

"Well," Sky said with a wry grin. "I don't know how much

longer it's going to stay slower, with all the urban spread.
We're mostly horse country out here, but DC is close enough
for the yuppies to commute. Not that I can complain, since
that's most of my profits right there..."

Tony laughed with him.
"That explains the housing market. My apartment here

costs almost as much as my last one in the city."

"That's because we're 'Historical Virginia'. I was lucky

enough to get a house out in farm country dirt cheap before
the housing boom. Not more than an acre, but enough for a
Border Collie and a Great Dane mix."

"Great Dane mix?" Tony tossed a puzzled glance under the

table at Phoenix.

"Oh, not her." Sky waved a hand. "Anubis, my great big

beast. Eats me out of hearth and home."

"Ah," Tony nodded with a smile, then frowned when he

caught sight of his watch. With a sigh he stood up.

"I have to get back in..."
Sky cocked his head, standing reluctantly. "That wasn't a

very long break."

Abashed, Tony looked away while his cheeks heated under

his olive complexion.

"I was technically on my way to fill out some paperwork,

but I decided to seize the moment."

Oh, Lord, that expression was likely to kill Sky dead.

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"Well," Sky said in a flirtatious tone. "Consider it seized.

Now what are you going to do with it?"

Tony's cheeks darkened further, but he grinned and pulled

out a notepad from his jacket. He scribbled something on it
and held it out to Sky.

"Here's my number. I would really like to meet Anubis

some time ... I have a soft spot for Great Danes."

Sky carefully folded the paper, tucking it in his back


"That can be arranged. When are you free?"
"Friday, say around eight?" Tony looked hopeful, so Sky

plucked the notepad from his hand and jotted down his
number before handing it back.

"Sounds good. I'll provide the food, you bring the wine."
"Great. I'll call you for directions when I get off work."
"In that case, I'll talk to you then."
Sky watched Tony walk back into the hospital with a grin.

Phoenix nudged his leg and he ruffled her fur.

"I have a date, kiddo!"
Butterflies burst out in his stomach. He hadn't had a real

date in—

Well, far too long if he couldn't actually remember. He'd

been so focused on getting the daycare up and running after
he broke up with his last boyfriend, he hadn't really done
much beyond going to the Bourbon Room in town
occasionally. The bar wasn't exactly a major hook-up spot for
him, either.

A date. Wow.
"Time for that haircut, yeah?"

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* * * *

Friday at eight turned into Fridays, Sundays, and Tuesdays

at eight for three weeks straight. Granted, all he and Tony
had done during those dates was talk and neck on the couch
like teenagers while 'watching movies', but Sky was enjoying

It had been far too long since he'd just let himself relax

and have fun, and Tony made it easy. They were taking
things slow, seeing where it led them, even though they'd
spoken on the phone almost every day despite their busy
schedules and spent pretty much all of their free time
together. He had the feeling they were setting foundations for
something much stronger than casual dating, and he didn't
mind it one bit.

Sky hummed to himself as he side-stepped a puppy tail

with practiced ease. Two hopeful pairs of eyes followed his
every movement, especially when he came close to the oven
and the roast beef hidden inside.

At the sound of Anubis licking his chops loudly and wetly

again, Sky snorted and pulled two bones from the top of the
fridge. He opened the back sliding doors, bracing himself
against the frame for the stampede.

"Y'all are pathetic," he said with a laugh as they barked

excitedly around him. He waited until they were sitting still,
whining through their noses, before giving them the bones at
the same time. As they took off to their respective corners of
the porch, he slid the door shut.

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Mutts out from underfoot, Sky washed his hands again

with satisfaction. He didn't have long to wait before the oven
timer went off, and he hurried to get the roast out. Sky
glanced at the stove clock and realized he'd actually be done
on time. That was a first. Of course, he always started things
early when he was nervous, and thinking about the purchase
he'd made at the store earlier just made him fuss with his
serving dishes some more. They'd talked about going further
last week, and the mere thought of Tony naked made Sky's
guts clench and his cock fill.

Sky took a calming breath and artfully arranged the roast

on a serving platter. The side dishes were already prepared,
and all he had to do was set the table. His house wasn't as
fancy as some in the area, but he kept it clean and neat, so
the candles didn't look utterly ridiculous with his nicest plates.

Tires crunching gravel set the dogs off, and Sky quickly

covered the roast, taking it out to the table.

"Don't even think about it, furball."
He pointed a commanding finger at Sith, who was on one

of the dining room chairs, little dragon eyes peering over the
edge at the covered dishes.

"Down. Now."
The calico yawned at him and stretched, hopping down to

the floor with a thud. He ignored the dirty looks as long as
she complied, and hoped he wouldn't find a hairball in his
shoes come morning.

A car door slammed and the dogs kept going nuts, barks

changing to ones of ecstatic recognition when Tony came to
the back door. Sky could hear the doctor greeting them

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lovingly, and checked his reflection in the hall mirror before
heading back into the kitchen.

"Something smells great," Tony said with a grin as Anubis

and Phee trailed in excitedly behind him.

"Roast beef and potatoes."
Sky leaned in for a quick kiss, but Tony had other ideas,

pulling him in closer and licking his way into Sky's mouth. Sky
groaned as he opened readily for him. Oh, it had only been
three days but he'd missed this something bad. Phone calls
just didn't make up for kisses every day.

Tony's hands settled on his hips, wrapping around him

until their bodies were flush. Sky stroked up to his shoulders,
pushing Tony's leather jacket off and sliding his fingers along
the nape of Tony's neck, pressing against his silky hot skin.

Anubis chose that moment to wedge his head between

them, the Great Dane level with their stomachs. They broke
apart ruefully, but Anubis didn't stop until he'd barreled his
way in front of Sky.

"Noob!" Sky growled in exasperation, shoving the wet nose

away from his crotch. "Go lie down!"

The dog blinked woefully up at him. Phoenix yipped from

her corner of the kitchen.

"Now, Anubis."
With a heart-broken look in his big brown eyes, Anubis

lowered his head and trudged into the living room. He flopped
onto the floor behind the couch with a heavy sigh, staring at
them like Sky was the meanest daddy ever.

"Drama queen."
Tony broke out in a deep belly laugh, shaking his head.

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"I don't think he likes that his person has someone to

distract him now."

Sky wiped his lips absently with a sigh. "Either that, or he

wants your attention all for himself, the way he carries on
when you come over."

"Too bad it's all yours," Tony murmured, catching his hand

and squeezing it affectionately. Sky held on.

He stole another kiss before releasing Tony's hand,

heartened that the other man didn't seem to mind his
occasional displays of possessiveness.

Sky pulled away and herded his two troublemakers out the

back door again. They went easily, used to being exiled
during formal meals; the disadvantages of having a dog tall
enough and sneaky enough to pull food straight off the table.

"I hope you're hungry," Sky said as Tony retrieved his

jacket from the floor.

"You have no idea," Tony groaned. "Today was a

nightmare and I missed lunch."

As they settled down to eat, they traded their war stories

of the day, Tony describing his patients from hell and Sky
recounting the fight between siblings he'd had to break up.
Sky took a good look at Tony and realized with a pang that he
really did seem beat. Maybe his plans for after dinner should

They had to clear the table, otherwise the dogs would

make a mess if given the chance, but when they had
everything piled in the sink, Sky caught Tony's wrist, pulling
him close.

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"I'll do them later, babe," Sky promised as he braced his

back against the counter. Tony melted into the vee of his
legs, covering Sky with his solid mass. "Are you sure you're
up for a movie, though? You look exhausted."

Tony chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest. With

deliberate care, he removed his glasses and set them on the
counter behind Sky, taking the opportunity to embrace Sky
and lower his head.

"I'm not that tired," he said against Sky's lips. "But I can

think of something else to do besides watch movies."

"Oh, really?" Sky grinned, fingers working the other man's

button-up shirt out of his slacks, then his t-shirt. Firm muscle
met his exploring hands and Sky deepened their kiss, tongue
sweeping along Tony's pliant lips, tasting the wine they'd had
with dinner.

"As long as you're not too tired," he said slyly when they

came up for air, grin evil.

Tony's response was to grind his hips forward, cock

already hard, and Sky moaned as the most delicious pressure
was put on his own erection.

"Do you think I'm too tired?" Tony murmured against his

neck, breath teasing the sensitive skin. His hips pumping just
enough to get Sky worked up.

"I think we have too many clothes on," Sky panted back.
"I brought an overnight bag," Tony said softly in his ear,

tongue tracing the rim. "If you don't mind..."

Sky groaned and caught those wonderful lips again. He

figured his enthusiasm at the idea was as good an answer as
any. Now if only his fingers would cooperate—

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He got most of Tony's buttons undone, distracted by the

corded tendons of the doctor's neck. Tony's skin was salty,
his cologne making Sky light-headed, filling his nostrils.
Tony's hands were under his shirt, long fingers splayed across
his back, wandering lower until Sky clutched at the other
man's shirt convulsively as his ass was massaged by those
broad hands.

Tony took over his buttons, yanking the shirt off roughly

when he forgot to undo his cuffs. The counter was starting to
dig into Sky's tailbone, so he pressed forward until Tony
stepped back, then steered them towards the living room.
The bedroom was too far away, but the couch was in easy

"I really want you naked right now," Tony moaned.
Sky's hands stuttered, a full body shudder, then he was

scrabbling to get his t-shirt off. Tony let him lift the shirt up,
mouth latching onto Sky's collar bone, bending down to his
nipples, teeth teasing them until they were hard nubs. Sky
gasped and let the sensations roll through him, unresisting
when Tony lowered him onto the cushions of the couch,
grasping at the man braced above him. Their erections
brushed again, Tony teasing him with a wicked grin.

"Unn—" Sky's mouth tried to form coherent words, but he

couldn't manage more than a few syllables, ripped from his
throat by Tony's fingers pressing on his stomach, so close to
the button of his jeans.

Tony's lips were scorching, kissing a trail from his mouth

to his ear, nipping his lobe until Sky groaned, shuddering
again as goose bumps raised on his skin. Sky's cock was

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straining in his jeans to the point of painful, skin sensitive to
the smallest touch. When Tony's lips moved to his collarbone,
biting lightly, Sky couldn't help it as his hips started rubbing
frantically against Tony's muscled thigh.

"You're so hot," Tony grunted, finally popping the jeans

button. Those talented fingers had just slipped under the
elastic of Sky's briefs when—

Anubis started howling outside the back door fit to raise

the dead. Phoenix's yips provided a counterpoint in the fugue.
The baying echoed throughout the house, and somewhere in
the dining room Sith was spooked into tearing down the hall.

The groping hands disappeared, and Sky wanted to sob

with frustration. Bracing his arms on the back of the couch
and the arm, Tony pushed himself up.

"They're not going to stop that, are they?" The doctor

panted. His clear blue eyes were bright and his cheeks were
flushed, and he looked utterly fuckable.

"Probably not," Sky groaned and maybe regretted having

pets for the first time in his life.

"We should let them in."
"We should."
Neither of them moved. Then Phoenix reached a pitch only

other dogs could hear, and Sky sat up, Tony disentangling
their limbs.

"I'll let them in," he sighed and stood, adjusting himself.

Tony trailed behind him as he went to the back door. Sky
gave him a sultry look over his shoulder. "We could move this
to the bed, anyway. I have supplies there..."

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"Sounds like a plan," Tony grinned, reaching for the hem

of his undershirt.

Sky opened the door so the dogs could thunder in, but his

eyes never left Tony's washboard abs and dusky nipples. He
didn't even protest when Phoenix head-butted his leg.

Tony stalked forward, capturing his mouth in a kiss. Sky

swallowed a moan when the other man pulled away.

"Why don't you lock things up, and I'll meet you in the


Sky had never gone through his nightly routine faster,

checking that the doors were locked and windows closed,
turning off lights as he went. He made sure the dogs had food
and Sith's dish was safe on her shelf in the laundry room.
Two minutes later, he was standing in his bedroom doorway,
admiring the naked man sprawled across his comforter and
shutting the door on two nosy pups.

"God, you're so hot," he said, shucking his jeans as he

approached the bed.

Tony smirked and ran a hand along his own stomach,

briefly tugging on his engorged cock.

"The view from here's not so bad, either," he said, voice

husky. "Be better up close, though..."

And after that, Sky couldn't really resist touching all that

offered skin, could he?

Sky ran his hands along the hard body underneath him,

settling his knees on either side of Tony's legs. Tony hissed at
the contact, cock straining as Sky proceeded to explore
everywhere except where Tony wanted it most.

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Sky took his time, tracing a finger across a thin white scar

down Tony's ribs. He followed the path with his mouth,
smiling when Tony shivered as Sky's lips heated his chilled
skin. When Tony reached for him, Sky caught the other man's
hand, turning it over to stroke along his arm.

Tony grinned and relaxed back on the bed, letting Sky

have control. Good. Sky wanted this to last, the earlier need
banked to a slow burn, something for them to savor.

"For a doctor, you sure have a lot of scars," he said against

a line of raised flesh on Tony's forearm.

"I, ah," Tony swallowed as Sky moved on to his hands,

running his lips across Tony's fingers and sucking a tip in. "I
went through an extreme sports phase in college. Plus, my
brothers loved to see how many stupid things they could get
me to do when we were kids."

"Really?" Sky swirled his tongue around a knuckle, pleased

at the hiss that drew. "I suppose that explains your choice of
profession. Do I need to be mean when I meet them?"

Tony chuckled. "Nah. We get along much better now that I

have over twenty pounds on both of them."

"Hm." Sky pressed a kiss to his palm. "Then their car tires

are safe."

Laughter rumbled in Tony's chest and Sky shifted his

attention to the smooth skin across Tony's abdomen.

"I love your skin," he whispered, rubbing his cheek Tony's

belly, pleased when his light stubble left the skin red. Tony
moaned, and Sky quirked an eyebrow, smirking. Maybe he
wouldn't have to shave three times a day for Tony's sake like
he had been.

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He kissed his way lower, letting his cheek graze Tony's

cock, grinning when it bobbed reflexively and Tony twitched.

"You're gonna kill me," Tony moaned hoarsely.
"Not till I'm done with you," Sky sing-songed, tracing a

ropey scar through the light hairs of Tony's thigh.

"What's this one from?" He murmured with a frown.
"Mountain biking," Tony gasped.
"Mmm," he growled into Tony's hip. "Accident prone,


Sky dragged his blunt nails down Tony's side, reveling in

the goose bumps raised amidst Tony's shivers. "I'm thinking I
may just never let you out of this house again. For your own
protection, of course..."

"O-Of course," Tony stuttered, hands clenching the

comforter. "I wouldn't mind—"

His words cut off in a gasp as Sky licked the crease of his

hip. Hm. Someone liked that...

Sky dragged his tongue along the skin another time, and

chuckled at the way Tony's hips rose from the bed. He waited
until Tony opened his eyes again, made sure he was being
watched as he switched to the other side, breath ghosting
across where Tony was desperate for him to touch.

"Yeah," Sky breathed on Tony's cock before wetly latching

on to his other hip. "I think I'll keep you."

An incoherent moan was his only response, but from the

way Tony was writhing underneath him, he was doing
something right. His own cock was heavy between his legs,
occasionally rubbing against the comforter as he teased
himself. And the more his own desire spiked, the more he

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wanted to draw it out for Tony, make him feel as good as he
made Sky feel just by being there.

He glanced up at Tony's flushed cheeks, the way his hair

clung to his forehead, his fists clenched in the sheets.

Finally, Sky took mercy on him and burrowed his face in

the soft skin of Tony's balls, inhaling deeply the musky scent.
Before Tony could recover his breath, Sky licked his way up,
tongue pressing hard as he wet Tony's shaft with his lips. He
propped himself on an elbow for a better view, and rolled
Tony's balls in his free hand as his lips finally closed over the
tip of Tony's cock. He sucked him in deep enough to taste the
bitter drops, swirling his tongue.

"Oh God," Tony groaned, back arching. His hands left the

bed, reaching for Sky and tugging at his shoulder. "Wait—I'm

Sky let himself be dragged up, Tony crushing his mouth as

soon as he could reach Sky's lips. Tony tore himself away and
gulped in air, gripping his cock until he calmed down.

"Too much teasing?" Sky asked sympathetically.
"Mmm." Tony grinned at him, rolling Sky over to pin him

to the bed. "Too much you, maybe?"

"Heh." Sky looked over at the nightstand. "Why don't you

grab that bag there, and we'll take the edge off?"

Tony arched a finely-sculpted eyebrow and reached for the

plastic bag. Shaking the contents out on the bed spread, he
grinned and held up the lube. He popped the cap open and
drizzled a copious amount into Sky's outstretched palm until
some ran over onto the bedspread.

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"Sorry," he said sheepishly.
Sky shrugged. "It'll wash. Just so long as we don't run


"I have more in my bag," Tony chuckled against Sky's

throat, sliding between his legs.

"Oh good," Sky said, ending on a moan as he reached

down to coat them both.

The lube was cool, but warmed quickly as his fingers

closed around Tony's cock. Tony pressed down, trapping
Sky's hand there, lips blindly seeking his as the other man
panted harshly.

"Nnn," Sky moaned, wrenching his hand out from between

them and grabbing at Tony's ass. He dug his fingers into the
smooth skin, sweat breaking out on his chest as Tony grunted
and bore down again.

"Harder," he demanded, arching up to meet the next

thrust. Their cocks slid together, blistering heat between

Tony complied, grip on Sky's hip hard enough to bruise,

stoking a growing inferno in Sky's guts that spread out to his
limbs, tingling and throbbing and leaving him breathless.
When Tony bit down on his neck, muffling his groans, Sky
shouted and came, letting himself drown in the sensations.

Before Sky's cock had finished spurting, Tony grunted and

added to the flood of heat between them.

They lay there panting, sticky with come and sweat, hearts

racing, and Sky didn't mind one bit. He felt...

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Like he'd been broken down into his component parts and

put back together, only things were just a little bit different
now. More complete. Whole.

"Oh, wow." Tony gasped into his ear, heartbeat thudding

against his chest. "That was..."

When Tony trailed off, pulling back to gaze happily down at

him, Sky smirked.

"That was round one," he said. "And since tomorrow's

Saturday, that means I can keep you up all night. After a

With that, he turned his head and yawned, stretching a

little so he could loosely embrace Tony.

Eyes soft, Tony ran his fingers through Sky's hair.
"Yeah. A nap sounds good."
After a moment of rearranging, Tony curled up against his

back, pulling Sky close. Sky sighed, limbs pleasantly heavy
and sated.

A whine came from the other side of the door, followed by

a scratch.

"The furry children want in," Tony murmured into his


"They usually sleep on the bed."
"Will there be enough room?"
"Doubt it." Sky yawned again and burrowed into the pillow,

gripping the arm Tony had around his middle. "We'll open the
door in a minute. They need to get used to you sleeping here

He could feel Tony's smile against the back of his neck.

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"Yeah. They do."

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What We Leave Behind by Shanna Germain
There is a dying dog the size of a small horse in my

kitchen. She is nearly as tall as the kitchen table. Nearly as
wide. A hell of a lot more long white hair.

"I'm sorry," I say to the man who brought her here.

"There's been a mistake."

The man who brought her is on his knees on my kitchen

floor, rubbing the dog's brown- and grey-tipped ears. He has
bits of grey in the dark hair above his own ears.

"It's okay, Annie," he says to the dog, who lets her tongue

fall from her mouth and tilts her head sideways to listen.
"This is gonna be sooo good for you. Okay, girl, it's all good."

He doesn't seem to care that he's talking baby-talk to this

polar-bear like creature in front of me. He doesn't seem to
hear me saying that the polar-bear cannot stay in my kitchen.

When the man stands, his knees pop on the way up. "Ack,

getting old." He shakes his legs out and laughs. "Too much
bending down to dogs is more like it."

Even standing, he can't seem to keep his fingers out of

Annie's fur. His fingers nuzzle the pads of her ears while he
pulls a clipboard from his shoulder bag.

I want to touch Annie too. She's almost all white, except

for those ears. From here, her fur looks like soft fuzz all over.
But I don't touch her. I can't. It's not that she's dying. That,
I'm used to. It's that she looks so damn healthy.

By the time Bella came to us, she was already missing her

back leg from the knee down and was getting oral pain meds
twice a day. Her owners had tried to save her by cutting off

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the tumored foot. But when the cancer spread, they decided
it was too much and turned her over to the shelter. That's
when she came to Thom and me.

It had been Thom's idea to take in a dying animal. A few

years back, our local shelter had joined up with a group of
vets to start a hospice program for animals—some strays,
some abandoned—who were dying, but still have quality time
left in their lives. The goal is to get the animals into a good
final home, a place where they can die with love and
compassion. "We can still do something good," Thom had said
when he'd heard of it. "Think of it, these animals, having to
die alone."

He was thinking of himself too, of me after he was gone.

That was after he got sick, but before we realized what it was.
We'd thought it was AIDS, of course. As a gay man, you
spend your whole adult life running from the thing you fear
most, so fast that you don't see the other things on the way
by. Until you get side-swiped by them. Car accidents. A guy
in the alley with a knife. With Thom, it was lymphoma.

I'd said yes to the first dog—Bella, a lab-something-or-

other—because I loved Thom, and I wanted to give him
whatever I could, even at the end. Especially at the end. It
made his skin ache to feel anything on it, but even so, it was
Bella he let in the bed at night, Bella he reached for when the
pain was bad. It was helping Bella toward her death that gave
us something to focus on, that helped us move toward
Thom's death in a way that felt, if not normal, no never
normal, but at least with some kind of plan.

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I didn't know that somewhere between those last days at

home and his final trip to the ER that he'd signed us—no,
signed me—up for another dog.

I try again with the man in my kitchen.
"Really, I can't take her," I say.
He has finally let go of Annie's ears and is signing a

clipboard with a big flourish curl. He holds the clipboard out to

"Of course you can," he says.
There is something in his dark eyes, a glimmer around the

edges, that shows he doesn't have any doubts. I signed on
for this dog. She is here in my kitchen with two months to
live. Of course I can take her.

I push the clipboard back at him. The ID tag clipped to his

shirt pocket says, "I'm a Pawspice Volunteer!" Beneath that it
says, "Seth."

"Listen, Seth," I say. "I can't take her. My partner signed

us up and..." It is too complicated, too much to say. The
words pile into my throat like bones and stick there.

Seth stays silent for a moment. Annie whines for the first

time and pushes the side of her face carefully into his palm.

I feel like I have to say something, so I say, "I can't do it


Seth holds the clipboard as though it's a Frisbee he'd like

to wing at my head. I can understand the impulse. He
probably sees this all the time—people who sign on for this
venture and then decide they can't see it through.

But he doesn't wing the clipboard. He just says, "You

wouldn't be alone. You'd have Annie."

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At the sound of her name, Annie pushes her cheek harder

against Seth's hand. When she doesn't get a response, she
turns her head my way. The kitchen is small, and she's so big
that she nearly touches my thigh with her nose. Her eyes are
so dark in all that white fur. I think what it would be like to
have footsteps in the house again, noise at the door when I
get back from errands. Somebody who needs me again.

I need time, so I ask, "What ... what is she?"
Seth doesn't seem to notice my change in subject. Or

perhaps he's content to ride it through.

"Great Pyrenees," he says. "Full-bred and papered." He

doesn't say it with anger. He doesn't shake his head like I
would have, to think of someone dropping off an animal, any
creature, papered or not, just because it was terminal.

"Pyrenees?" I've never even heard of it.
Seth smiles for the first time. It's a half-smile, shy enough

to bring out dimples on both cheeks. "It's Norwegian for small
horse," he says.

Annie wags her tail as though she gets the joke, and then

drops herself to the kitchen floor at my feet. Her body makes
a thud that's so loud I wonder if she's hurt herself, but she
just puts her head down on her paws.

I have to stare at her for a few minutes. She looks so

healthy. Thom and Belle both, showed their illnesses. They
were twins in the way their bodies responded. Losing weight
no matter how much I fed them, until their knees were bigger
than their thighs, until I could count every spine and rib with
my fingers. Thom's fine blonde hairs shedding on blankets
next to Belle's dark curls. Neither of them said anything, not

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by mouth, but at the end, their bodies knew no language but

This is what I think: I can't do this again.
This is what Seth seems to think: that I'm already doing it.
He is unpacking her things from his bag onto my kitchen

table. The bag says, "Pawsitively Pawspice" in green letters
with a big paw print on it. Like some kind of bizarre Mary
Poppins, he pulls out two leashes, cans of dog food, an
unopened package of very large bones, a bottle of meds that
shakes like maracas and makes Annie open her eyes warily.

"She doesn't need the meds very often," he says. "I don't

think she likes the way they make her feel."

I nod. Thom complained of that all the time. The pain, he

said, was easier than the disconnect. But then, the pain would
come on, hard, and he would let me open the IV, watch the
liquid drip-drip him into semi-consciousness.

"She looks so healthy," I say. I don't even realize I'm

going to say it.

"Nasal cancer," he says. "It's all on the inside."
"Nasal?" I'm not sure I know what that means even. I

mean, I know what it means, but, "How does nose cancer
land a dog on the hospice list?"

"It spreads," he says.
Seth keeps his eyes on Annie, who is, for the first time,

starting to sound like a dog who might have something wrong
with her. Her breath whines in, just a bit, only if you're
listening in a quiet kitchen.

Seth reaches into his canvas bag and pulls out a tennis ball

punched full of holes. Then he goes down on his knees next

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to Annie. I'm getting used to seeing the top of him like this.
Even though it's not my instinct, I like a man who will get
down on his knees. Thom was a gardener, always in the dirt.
Even near the end.

I realize that Seth is talking to me and Annie all at the

same time.

"C'mon girl, open up," he says. Then, to me, "Now, you'll

want to catch her just before she falls asleep, and get the ball
in her mouth. The holes help with the stridor, so she can
breathe. She's used to it, so if you just ask her to open, she
will. A bone works too, if you're out of tennis balls. Anything
big enough to keep her mouth open while she sleeps."

Annie takes the ball in her mouth and drops her head back

down on her paws. Her breathing is noticeably quieter.

Seth is still on his knees. I try not to look at his hands

across her back. He has good wrists, muscled enough to chop
vegetables and lift weights, soft enough to hold books and
wine glasses by the stem.

Seth is still talking about Annie. "You could give her one of

the pain pills, too, if she's having an especially hard time, but
the tennis ball usually does the trick."

I realize I'm not listening. What I'm doing is eying Seth's

back, the curve of his shoulders and hips. This realization
makes me want to fuck and cry. While Thom was dying I
looked at everything—everything—that walked by. I didn't
touch; that was our rule. But, Jesus, I don't know if I'd ever
been so horny in my life. We fucked some, then, almost to
the end. Thom joked we were like pregnant women or little

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old ladies. He was afraid I wasn't attracted to him anymore; I
was afraid to hurt him.

Near the end, sex took on this ritual: I would lie next to

Thom, barely touching, and we would kiss. Just our lips and
tongues. His lips still silver-soft from the chapstick he was
addicted to. And then I would suck. As much as he was
ashamed of his body at the end, he was always proud of his
cock. I'm so grateful for that, that he had something to be
proud of, always.

And I loved to suck him. The only part of his body that

didn't lose its weight, that stayed full and heavy and alive in
my mouth. I'd run my tongue up the ridges and veins. Play
over and over the soft curve of his head until his sighs
changed from the long, slow release to a near-pant. Until he
lifted his hips off the bed and put his fingers in my hair and
said my name, over and over. And then, sometimes, he could
fall asleep without the pain meds. Sleeping then, he looked
like my Thom again. If I squinted, I could pretend I didn't see
the IV poles, the hospital bed, the meds and tissues scattered
around the living room. I could pretend he was just napping
in the middle of the day.

And then the truth would come back and I'd go down to

the laundry room and put already dry clothes in the dryer.
Beneath the loud clunk-clunk of jeans and t-shirts, I'd
masturbate, hard and fast, without lube, chafing my skin into
some kind of pain. Sometimes I came. Sometimes I just

But after Thom died, nothing. It was like my libido got

dressed up in its best clothes, and laid down to be buried

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somewhere between Thom and Bella. For it to come back
now, sudden and with such force that my cock tightens in my
jeans, it wrecks me.

I back away from Seth, trying to shift my legs to hide

everything that's happening inside me. Seth raises his eyes to
the triangle of my jeans. I turn away and grab the first thing
my hand finds. One of Annie's tennis balls. When I squeeze it,
the air shoots out the holes into my palm. I pick up the cans
of food, put then into the cupboard, so I don't have to turn

"Well, I guess that's settled, then," Seth says to my back.
I'm not sure anything is settled, least of all me.
But I find myself stacking another can of food in the

cupboard, saying, "I guess it is."

Even as Seth gathers his things, I keep my back turned. It

isn't until he says, "I'll see you both in a week then," that
everything subsides and I can turn and meet his dark eyes.

This, finally, is when I realize that somewhere between "I

can't," and "you can", I've lost the battle. Annie is staying,
and this man is going to be back in my house in a week's
time. And I have no idea how to feel about either.

* * * *

For the next six days, Annie and I try to get acquainted

with each other. She's learning to navigate the small house
with her big body, and I'm learning to get used to the sound
of movement in the rooms again.

Every day, she chews her tennis ball at the back of my

home office while I build websites and answer emails. Every

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night, I make up the bundle of blankets for her to sleep on in
the living room and every night, she stands at the foot of my
bed watching as I read or do crosswords or try not to think
about Thom. She doesn't whine or even beg. If she did, I
think I could turn her away, make it clear that the bed, the
bedroom is not her space. But she just watches me tongue
hanging, until I sigh and pat the covers.

"C'mon then," I say. And she does. Crawls on her elbows

and knees across the covers like she's trying to make herself
smaller. Which is nearly impossible for a dog her size. Even
the bed lilts sideways at her weight. I give her one of the
holey tennis balls and she chomps on it for a while and then
puts her head on Thom's pillow to sleep.

So far, we haven't needed the drugs, and I think that

makes us both happy. It's a slippery slope, and slipperier at
the end. And although Annie's chart says five weeks, I know
that could mean anything. Belle lasted longer than she was
supposed to. Thom didn't.

Every morning, before our walk, I read the quality of life

checkpoints off to Annie. It's a lot of H's and a few M's. Hurt,
hunger, hydration, hygiene, happiness, mobility, more. It's
supposed to gauge how she's doing, what her quality of life is
like, if she's having more good days than bad.

I don't know if we got one of these for Bella. I'm sure we

did, but I don't remember it. I wish I'd paid more attention. I
wish I'd had a chart like this for Thom. Although he probably
would have thrown it across the room. He'd voted for calling
the vet to put Bella to sleep as soon as she started showing
real signs of pain, when she started having more bad days

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than good. But he, he wanted to hang in until the end, no
matter the cost.

On our seventh day, the day that Seth is scheduled to

come by for his check-in visit, Annie seems her usual tail-
whipping self. Between breakfast and her walk, she manages
to knock over the vase of yellow Calla lilies that I bought ...
well, I won't let myself think why I bought them. The vase
didn't break, but the Callas weren't salvageable.

Sometimes I swear she knocks shit over just to say that

she's alive. Today, I wonder if she's not doing it to spite me
for running the vacuum last night. Or maybe she's as nervous
as I am about Seth coming. The way my body's jumping, if I
had a tail, I'd be knocking crap off every surface too.

I tell myself that I'm just nervous because I've gotten used

to having Annie in the house, and he could decide it's not
working out. But the truth is I'm excited, too. Just to see.

"Okay, Missy," I say as I give both of us a once-over in the

bedroom mirror—the tip of her tail is soggy from its run-in
with the vase and I've got a squeaky toy tucked in my shirt
pocket, but otherwise we look pretty good. "We need to make
a good impression today," I tell Annie, who just wags her tail
at me.

And then Seth's knocking on the door, calling. Annie and I

nearly trip each other up trying to get to the door. Halfway
across the kitchen, I calm myself and let Annie run ahead.
Even so, when I swing the door open, we're both panting like

Seth's standing there, with a bone the size of Texas in one

hand and what looks like a hand-picked bunch of black-eyed

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Susan's in the other. Annie looks back at me like she's
smiling. I take a big gulp of air.

"Hey," I say.
"Hi," he says. I'm not sure if I noticed his smile last time,

but I do now: straight white teeth, a full bottom lip that I
want to suck.

We stand there while Annie's tail goes back and forth

between the two of us. Seth holds out the bone.

"For you," he says to me.
We both look down at the huge thing in his hand.
Seth realizes what he's done. "Oh, ah..." he says. The tips

of his ears darken with color. I'm not sure I've ever seen
anything so sexy. He tries to switch hands, to offer the
flowers instead, but I take hold of his wrist. I don't mean to.
If I'd thought first, if a vision of Thom had entered my head, I
would not have done it. But my body moved first, took his
wrist and now I'm holding his hand that's holding the bone.

"Come in," I say. Seeing him redden, the way he fumbles

through my doorway, is something Thom would never have
done. I'm so grateful for the difference, for not having to
compare him to Thom, that I pull him into the kitchen and
press him back against the fridge. I find his mouth, that
bottom lip, and I suck it my mouth. He tastes of peppermint
and basil.

Seth says something, but I can't tell what it is. Whatever it

is, it must be good because his arms go around my back and
he pulls me against him. The knotty end of the dog bone digs
into my shoulder, but I don't care because our mouths are
pressed together, our chests and cocks pushing into each

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other. He's big and the feeling of him through his jeans
makes me grow large, too.

I put my hands in his hair, feeling the soft black curls, the

coarse gray strands. Jesus, I want to unbutton this man right
here, I want to bend him over the kitchen counter, and take
him. I try to tell him these things with my hips, the curve of
my cock against his. He answers with his tongue, scraping the
edge of my teeth, licking the inside of my cheek.

The fridge squeaks as Seth and I press into each other,

harder and harder. The sound makes Annie bark, once, sharp.

All at once, we're a tangle of flowers and dog bone and

tongues and panting. I step back, away from Seth's dark
eyes. A flower petal brushes my ear as I break from his arms.

"I'm sorry," I say. "I don't know..."
He smiles, and for the second time today, I am aroused by

straight, white teeth. He seems to have recouped his lost
confidence. His face is still flushed, but I don't think it's
embarrassment this time. My own cheeks feel overly warm.

Seth goes down on his knees to give Annie the bone. She

pushes the healthy side of her face against his palm before
she takes it between her teeth. Still on his knees, he holds
out the slightly crushed bouquet of flowers. "Would you have
a vase for these?" he asks.

* * * *

We do what's civilized. I refill the Calla vase with water

and try to rearrange the flowers in a way that makes them
look less like they were in the middle of a lust crush. And
then I offer him lunch and he accepts.

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I slice up cheese and salami. Pull yesterday's tomato and

mozzarella salad from the fridge. He takes the knife I offer
and slices a loaf of bread at perfect diagonals.

"Beer?" I ask.
He seems relieved.
"I'd love one," he says.
We eat while Annie gnaws her bone in the corner of the

kitchen. We don't say much. It's the lunch of two men who
were too nervous to eat all day. The lunch of two men who
know that dessert is going to be the best—and longest—part
of the meal. I watch his hands while he dips slices of bread
into olive oil. I want to suck the oil from his fingers. Better
yet, suck it from his tongue. But I hold myself steady. I eat. I
mention how well Annie's doing. How healthy and happy she

At the end, we clear the table as though we've been doing

this for years. There is no step-siding. Seth doesn't ask where
the dishes go, or how to stack things. He just does. And then
there is no more to do. Annie is asleep with the bone holding
her jaws apart. Her breathing is nearly silent.

Seth straightens a towel that's hanging on the fridge.

"What now?" he asks, without looking at me.

I touch his back, at the curve-in place just above his ass.
His voice low, still looking at the towel, Seth says, "I want

you to fuck me."

His words make my cock pulse in my jeans. Oh Jesus. I

bury my face in his neck. Even here, he smells of herbs.

"I want that too," I say against his skin. I take his hand

and pull him away from the towel rack. I mean to go to the

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living room, something less personal, but that's where Thom
is, the memories of his last months and days, and I lead Seth
into the bedroom instead. I think it surprises us both, this
wide, carefully-made bed waiting in the middle of the room.

Seth stops in front of it. I realize that if I stop now, I'll

back out. I'll send Seth on his way, and Annie and I will live
out the rest of her days in the safe, lonely rooms of this

Instead, I push my hands against Seth's chest. Somehow,

in pushing him away, I pull him closer. My fingers open the
buttons one-by-one. I'm shaking, and I have to hold on to
each button tightly. Seth kisses my neck while I work. His
hands slide down the back of me, from my shoulders to my
waist. I hear my belt buckle open, feel the warmth as he
slides it from my jeans.

Everything's too slow for me.
"Please undress, I want to see you," I say.
Seth lets go of my jeans. He undresses quickly, dropping

his clothes around him in piles. His body is lean, but muscled.
His cock swings up, long and thin. The smooth head a
beautiful pinky-purple. His body is so alive, so much muscle
and blood pumping that I'm afraid to touch him.

It doesn't matter. He comes to me, undresses me as fast

as he did himself. Even so, I marvel at his hands everywhere:
buttons, sleeves, sliding my underwear down my thighs so
my cock springs up.

"Oh," he says. And he never comes up from taking my

underwear off. He stays on his knees, so I can see the lean
muscle of his back, and just below that, the perfect curves of

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his ass. He licks his lips and presses them to the head of my

It's been so long since I've felt anything other than my

own hand that just the press of his lips there makes me want
to grab the back of his head and fuck his mouth. I try to keep
still. When he opens his lips, lets me slide inside him, against
the press of tongue and teeth, it's almost too much. I grit my
teeth to stem the rising pleasure. His tongue finds the sweet
spot just beneath my head, laps at it.

"Ah, Jesus," I say. Through my gritted teeth, it comes out

as something less awed, more primal. I pull Seth up from his
knees. His lips are cherry-wet. He licks a drop of pre-come
from his big bottom lip.

"What are you doing to me?" I ask, even as I'm laying him

down on his back on the bed. He doesn't answer. He doesn't
have to. The way his cock jumps as I position myself over
him, the way he puts his legs up to give me access, says it

I lick my finger and use it to find the swirl of his asshole. I

press against it, and Seth opens for me, already pushing
down on my finger.

"More," he pants. I enter with a second finger, let his body

settle over it. He wraps his fingers tight around the base of
his cock. The color darkens even more. My cock is jumping
every time Seth's ass tightens around my fingers. It wants in.
I want in.

"Seth, I want..."
"Yes," he sighs. "Yes."

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I fumble in the nightstand drawer for lube and condoms,

hoping there's something left over. Hoping I won't break
down when my hand hits a cellophane wrapper.

Thankfully, Seth puts his other hand around my cock. He's

wet his palm and his fingers slide over my skin, slick enough
to take my mind off everything that came before this
moment. I find a half-empty bottle of lube and one lonely
condom in the bottom of the drawer.

Seth wraps his fingers around the base of my cock while I

roll on the condom. He tightens his grip, a human cock ring
that makes me pump my hips against his hand as I spread
lube over the surface.

"It's cold," I say.
Seth's already raising his hips to me, the perfect circle of

his asshole waiting.

"Don't care," he says.
I push my way inside him. Just the head at first. How

much I've missed this entering is something that I feel in my
whole body. This is how I try to be: Slow. Careful. But Seth is
sucking me in with his low moans, with his fingers tight on
my ass.

The slide inside is: oh, fuck. And then I'm buried in him,

his ass contracting and releasing around me. I stop.

"I don't know how long I'm going to last," I say. "I can't


Seth pulls my face down to his, offers me that big bottom

lip to suck on. It shushes me.

"Just fuck me," he says against my mouth.

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I do, oh god, I do. Rising and falling inside him. Seth

pushes his hips upward to meet my thrusts. We are greedy
together, wanting it all.

And then I close my eyes, just for a second, and see

Thom's face. For some reason, it's okay, though, he looks
happy. Or at least he doesn't look unhappy.

When I open my eyes, Seth is pumping his cock at the

same rhythm as I'm fucking him. His head is thrown back,
and he moans low. Visceral. The sound, the feeling of his hot
skin around me, I finally come.

Coming is like this: Everything emptying. Everything

filling. The long, slow release of something I've been holding
on to for too long. It is liquid leaving and me becoming liquid
and the way Seth says "aw, god", and Annie's low whine from
the other room.

* * * *

When I wake up, I've got a big white paw in my face, and I

realize that sometime while we were sleeping, Annie must
have crawled in bed with us.

Seth's already awake. His fingers are back in the fur at

Annie's ear.

"I need to tell you something," he says.
My mind says: oh, shit. My mouth says: wait and listen.
"I got assigned to you on purpose," he says.
Seth drops his eyes, pretends to pick something out of

Annie's fur. And then his words come out in a tumble.

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"Thom came in to the shelter in person when he signed up.

He was so sweet, told us the whole story. He wanted you to
have something after. It was supposed to be sooner, that's
what he wanted, but there wasn't a good match. I asked to
be assigned to you."

I shift Annie's paw off my shoulder, lean up a little. "Is that

kind of creepy?" I ask.

The tips of Seth's ears are growing a dark red. I can't help

it. I think of his cock.

"Maybe," he says. "But Thom was so nice, and I thought,

'a man who's in love with this man must be amazing too'. I
just wanted to see if it was true."

He swallows audibly. The sure man who was in my bed

minutes ago has disappeared.

"And ... you were not only nice, but you were so sexy. I

got sucked in."

His lip is pouting out so far I'm tempted to bite it.
Instead, I ask, "Would you like to get sucked in again?"
The tips of his ears still showing red, he nods.
I run my finger along the edges of his lips.
"Let me feed the small horse, then," I say. "And when I

come back, I'll see what I can do."

* * * *

It's been three months and two days, and Seth has moved

in. He's brought his life with him: paperwork and photos from
Pawspice, a shed full of gardening tools, his ability to grow
herbs and tomatoes like he's made of fertilizer.

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Annie's days are switching from mostly good to mostly

bad. Something has speeded up inside her, is pushing her
quickly toward the end. Five times a day, we coax her to eat
by cupping alfredo sauce in our palms and letting her lick it

This morning, while Seth cooks breakfast, I mix up the

solution to wash Annie's coat—mostly water, a little lemon
juice and hydrogen peroxide. She lies on the rug in the
kitchen, the ball between her teeth. She has it almost all the
time now, and still she needs the meds.

I wring out the sponge—my skin is permeated with the

scent of lemons—and I run it carefully over Annie's face. She
closes her eyes when I get near her nose, and I talk low to
her, tell her I'm sorry if I hurt her.

Seth chop-chops the onions on the board. The room smells

of acid and tears.

"I think it's almost time," I say. I'm talking to Annie and to

Seth. Somehow, they both nod.

Not today, not tomorrow, but soon, we will lose Annie and

all she has brought to us. Well, not everything she has
brought to us. We'll still have: Memories. Tennis balls filled
with holes in every room in the house. A bed that sags on one
side. Each other.

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Author Biographies
Sarah Black lived five years on the Navajo reservation in

Arizona, and looks forward to throwing a line into Christmas
Tree Lake this summer. Visit her website at for new releases scheduled summer of
2007 from Loose ID and MLR Press.

Dianne Fox has been writing nearly as long as she could

read. Her first novel was nearly a dozen pages long and
featured full-color illustrations by the author. It was about a
caterpillar. Years later, she managed to get herself published
in several college literary magazines, but she stopped writing
due to a traumatic experience she likes to call "graduate
school". With that finished, though, she's taken up writing
again and, so far, it seems to be going fairly well.

When she's not dreaming up sexy scenarios at her

computer, Shanna Germain can be found walking the
streets of Portland, eavesdropping in cafes and cracking a
whip (lightly) over her writing students. Her writing has
appeared in places like Absinthe Literary Review, Best
American Erotica 2007, Best Bondage Erotica, Cowboy Lover
and Salon. Visit her at

J.L. Jensen discovered the world of gay erotica while

doing research for a historical romance where the characters
decided to form a M/F/M relationship. After corresponding
with several authors, J.L. finally submitted a short story called
"Prospecting" to Torquere Press, Inc. which was accepted as a
part of the publisher's Cherry Bomb line. J.L. keeps writing
stories, and is currently cursing the characters from one story

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that decided they wanted to have fun with characters from
another story, making a third story a necessity!

Kiernan Kelly lives in the wilds of the alligator-infested

U.S. Southeast, slathered in SPF 45, drinking colorful tropical,
hi-octane concoctions served by thong-clad cabana boys. All
right, the truth is that she spends her time locked in the dark
recesses of her office, writing gay erotica while chained to a
temperamental Macintosh, drinking coffee, and dreaming of
thong-clad cabana boys. Sigh.

Often referred to as "Space Cowboy" and "Gangsta of

Love" while still striving for the moniker of "Maurice," Sean
spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his
immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day
retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by
horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay
pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours
between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra
by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing
along with the soundtrack to "Chicago." A long-time writer of
complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the
advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys,
writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together
to see if they spark. Sean's webpage is at

Aaron Michaels lives in northern Nevada, where he's

owned by several high maintenance cats. In between dishing
up the cat food and serving as a convenient pillow, he's hard
at work on his next novel. Aaron's blog can be found at

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Neil Plakcy is the author of Mahu and Mahu Surfer,

mystery novels set in Honolulu, and co-editor of Paws and
Reflect: Exploring the Bond Between Gay Men and Their
. His fiction has appeared in many publications, including
Blithe House Quarterly, Verbsap and In The Family, and
anthologized in My First Time 2; Men Seeking Men; Cowboys:
Gay Erotic Stories
; Travelrotica for Gay Men; Best Gay Love
Stories: New York City; Ultimate Undies;
and By The Chimney
With Care
. His website is

CB Potts is the author of the best-selling Rockhounds

Series from Torquere Press, as well as far too many silly short
stories. She's got a soft spot for birds, and spends many
enjoyable hours with her binoculars checking out her
feathered friends. At least that's what she tells the cute guys
who just happen to be working near her favorite bird-
watching haunts.

J. Rocci lives in the Washington D.C. area with the love of

her life and their three furry children. She writes wherever
her Muse takes her, usually in the form of her partner in
crime (and best friend) demanding more smut. Her previous
Torquere Press release is the fantasy Cherry Bomb,
"Unbreakable," and she can be found on the web at j-

B.A . Tortuga enjoys indulging in the shallow side of life,

with hobbies that include collecting margarita recipes, hot tub
dips, and ogling hot guys at the beach. A connoisseur of the
perverse and esoteric, BA's days are spent among dusty
tomes of ancient knowledge, or, conversely, surfing porn sites
in the name of research. Mixing the natural born southern

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propensity for sarcasm and the environmental western
straight-shooting sensibility, BA manages to produce
mainstream fiction, literary erotica, and fine works of pure,
unadulterated smut. More info is at:

Ansley Vaughan is a journalist, who has worked in print,

radio and television news. She read history at university and
trained as an actress. She writes erotic adventures and the
latest, 'A Personal Statement', is an m/m story which deals
with the rise and fall of a senior British cabinet minister who
gets embroiled in a scandal. Her first novel for Freya's Bower,
The Facility Trip is an m/m romance which was published late
last year. Four others are due out soon. Without giving the
game away, she's prepared to say that the events in her story
are based on her own experience, as she's been through the
training process described...

KC Warwick: I'm as old as the hills and was brought up

on Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, both of whom I still love. I've
been writing male/male romance since the days of pen and
paper. My home is in the heart of the English countryside,
where I write obsessively, surrounded by animals. My story
'Learning The Hard Way' appeared in Iris Print's Connections
anthology, and "Dead Cert" was in Bent Issue 3. "Thieves in
the Night" will be an upcoming Torquere Press Single Shot. I
have just finished writing a historical novel set in Elizabethan
England, which is my other interest.

Elazarus Wills is a journalist and used bookstore owner

residing in a small mountain town in Western Colorado
somewhere between Aspen and Telluride. He writes romantic
erotica for enjoyment and is a student of the work and life of

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Henry David Thoreau and early gay history. He believes that
if Henry were alive today, he would be out. He would also be
appalled at the state of the world.

Writer and editor, Vincent Diamond is a Floridian whose

work has appeared in print in Country Boys, Hot Cops, Love in
a Lock-Up, Men of Mystery, Best Gay Romance 2007, Best
Gay Love Stories 2005
and 2006; in the e-books Feathers,
Chance Encounters, Under Arrest, and Play Ball from
Torquere Press; and online at Fishnet, Clean Sheets and
Ruthie's Club. Time away from the keyboard is spent riding
horses, gardening, and pondering the inestimatable beauty of
tigers. More info is at:

If you are connected to the Internet, take a

moment to rate this eBook by going back to

your bookshelf at


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