Caitlin Ricci [Nichols Sisters 02] Give Me Fever [eXtasy] (pdf)

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Juliet is pretty, bright, and might actually have her life
together if she wasn’t so confused about love.

Juliet has watched her older sister, Ophelia, fall in love and
she knows she wants that for herself someday. But right now
she’s just having fun and enjoying what she has with her
boyfriend. When he makes a big mistake, though, it might
end up being the final straw for them, especially when a
friend she’s never really thought that much about starts
making waves in her life.

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Give Me Fever

Copyright © 2014 Caitlin Ricci

ISBN: 978-1-4874-0051-4

Cover art by Melody Simmons

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Give Me Fever

Nichols Sisters book 2


Caitlin Ricci

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Chapter One

uliet Nichols shimmied into the pale blue gown her sister,
Ophelia, had picked out for her as her bridesmaid’s dress.

Maid of Honor dress, maybe. Juliet frowned. What was her
title when she was the only one standing with her sister?

Not that it mattered, really. What was important was that

her big sister, her best friend in the whole world, was getting
married in just two short hours and Juliet had yet to get her
dress on. With a little bit of maneuvering she managed to get
the silk zipped and then stood in front of the antique full
length mirror in the corner of the room.

She loved the little bed and breakfast Ophelia and her

soon-to-be husband, Leonardo, had chosen for their
wedding. Ophelia said that was where they had been
staying when they’d gone out on the whale watching tour
and he had proposed to her almost six months before. To
Juliet it seemed fitting that they would be married here,
surrounded by their family and friends. It was nice.

She even wanted it for herself someday. Not the Alaska

part—they could keep that. The beautiful frozen landscape
was far too cold for her. She much preferred the heat and
sun of her Colorado home. She was a native and would
always find her home between those flat plains and high
Rocky Mountains.

She straightened the skirt, smoothing her hands over the

fine material. Looking herself over in mirror she decided she
would be keeping this dress. Absolutely. Her sister had


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excellent taste, sometimes. The dress was a beautiful 1940’s
remake with the classic square neckline with black bows in
the corners. It also had a black tie around the waist. And the
final touch was bit of lace on the hem that fell just below her
knees. It was elegant and beautiful. Classic without being

Just like Ophelia was.
The dress might have been her sister’s stroke of genius

but the shoes though were all Juliet. They were black velvet
peep-toe pumps. They would kill her feet after an hour of
wear, but they were gorgeous and made her legs look

Not that she was conceited or anything. She giggled.
Juliet turned, checked herself one last time in the mirror,

added a bit more lip gloss and then met Richie in the
hallway. He was a good man, she thought as she took his
arm. He was lean and wiry. And his hair was a shocking
shade of bright red that matched his freckles. He was one of
her sister’s closest friends, and although she had only met
him a month earlier Juliet had already warmed to his easy
charm and happy-go-lucky attitude.

He was handsome in his simple black tux, but he was no

match to Leonardo when she caught sight of him. Her
sister’s husband, as she had taken to thinking of him, looked
comfortable in his gorgeous black tux as so few men did. He
gave her an easy smile and a little wave as he saw her before
turning back to the conversation he was quietly having with
her father.

She was happy for their relationship as well. Leonardo

was not hard to like, and her father was equally charming.
Ophelia had lucked out with him and she was overjoyed for
them both.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” Richie asked her as he

snagged a warm tea from a side table for her.

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She took the tea gratefully and drank deeply before

answering him. Mm, Chamomile. Perfect. “He’s busy.” She
almost snorted at herself. He’d been busy for at least a
month now. Maybe more, though. She’d been so caught up
in Ophelia’s wedding plans that she probably hadn’t
noticed. Wasn’t that one of the reasons that they had broken
up a few weeks before only to get back together a week

“Too bad for him,” Richie said as he grabbed a stuffed

mushroom. The dinner would come later, but the appetizers
were out now. Ophelia was ever considerate of her guests.

Juliet allowed him to lead her around for another half

hour of snacking and introducing her to various people that
Ophelia was close to but Juliet would probably never see
again before the music began and her father started moving
people toward their seats. She moved to the front of the
small aisle, the warm sunrise filtering in through the
windows around her, warming her skin even as the cold
wind battered the panes. She grabbed her small bouquet of
white roses from the side table and shared a smile with

“You’re fine,” she whispered to him.
His smile spread into a grin. “I know I’m supposed to be

nervous, but I’ve got this stone in my gut that’s worried that
she’s gone off and figured out that I’m completely unworthy
of her.”

Juliet smiled through the tears in her eyes. This wonderful

man could be so silly sometimes. “Tell the stone to suck it
up. You two are awesome together.”

Before she could stop him he grabbed her and pulled her

into a tight hug. “You’re a great little sister-in-law,” he said
into her hair before he kissed her temple. He set her back on
her feet and she tried to rearrange her crumpled flowers. Eh.
They would have to be good enough.

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With a start she realized that Alabama was playing in the

background. She smiled, loving the song and glad that
Ophelia had taken her advice to have it as her wedding

And then she caught sight of her big sister and a lump

came to her throat and she heard Leonardo gasp. Suddenly
he couldn’t look anywhere else but where the love of his life
stood with her father.

Ophelia had always been beautiful in a quiet, unassuming

way. She was usually a mess. Just last month they had gone
to a department store to get some new clothes and Juliet had
ended up having to take over most of the picking out of their
clothing. Ophelia had always been blind to anything but
comfortable jeans and t-shirts.

She had done well on her own this time, Juliet realized.

Her wedding dress was a pale cream and in a style Juliet had
never seen before. It looked like a longer version of a flapper
dress. The long slender lines were the same, and the dress
was covered with gentle lace and delicate beading.

Juliet blinked back her tears as Ophelia kissed their father

on the cheek and then handed her a large bouquet of
flowers. She smiled at Ophelia and stepped back to give her
space next to Leonardo, but her beautiful big sister would
have none of that. Ophelia took her in a fierce hug, holding
her tightly as she smoothed her hair.

“I love you, baby girl,” Ophelia whispered to her.
Juliet choked back happy tears. “I love you, too. Now go

get married!” she whispered.

Ophelia laughed and pulled back just enough to kiss her

sister on each cheek before they both wiped away their tears.
With one last wide smile to her sister, Ophelia turned to
Leonardo and took his hand. “I’m ready,” she told him.

He grinned and they turned toward them both toward the


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Words were spoken, and though Juliet listened she could

only see how happy her sister was and how her face lit up
with joy every time that she looked at Leonardo. He was a
good man, and he would be good for her sister. And Ophelia
loved him more than anything.

Leonardo took a deep breath and spoke his vows.
“I take you, Ophelia Beatrice Nichols, as my friend and

my love. My hopes and dreams are with yours. I will work
always to bring us together through compromise and
understanding. I will be forgiving and gentle. I promise to be
faithful to you in all ways and be a source of comfort and
support, encouraging you whenever possible and in
whatever you may need. Together I know that we can be a
family and I can’t wait to start our life together.”

Juliet blinked back more tears as Ophelia said her vows.

Her voice was shaky but she managed to get every word out
just fine.

“Leonardo DaVinci McKenna, I promise to always give

you the best of myself, and to never ask more of you than
you can give me. I promise to respect you, every part of you,
and do my best to help you in whatever you may want in
life. I will give you the best of myself and never hide from
you. I promise to love you in the good times and the bad,
from now until forever.”

They exchanged rings and they kissed, their fingers

entwining. Leonardo pulled her into a tight hug and her
arms came around to circle his back. They stayed like that
for a few long moments, holding each other as their family
and friends clapped and cheered around them.

Over Ophelia’s head Leonardo caught Juliet’s gaze and

smiled. It was an easy, happy smile that she instantly

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Chapter Two

uliet shook off her jet lag as she stepped off the plane at
the Denver International Airport. Her parents had gone

off on a vacation. Ophelia and Leonardo were off on their
honeymoon. She would have the whole house to herself. She
grabbed her one suitcase and called a cab to take her home.

Almost an hour later she was back home. After a long

shower, she was curled up on her bed with a bowl of
popcorn in one hand and a glass of sweet tea in the other.
She was sorely behind on her TV time and in desperate need
of the mind-numbing comfort after so many hours spent on
various planes.

It wasn’t long after she got settled into marathon re-runs

of Bewitched that her doorbell rang. With a groan and a sigh
she pulled herself from her pile of pillows and went to the

“Dean,” she said as she opened it, surprised by his

appearance and annoyed by his lack of manners in not
calling ahead. It shouldn’t have bothered her, though. Dean
had his own sort of idea of what manners were when it came
to everyone else, and she’d had plenty of time to get used to
his ideas.

“Hey babe,” he said as he took her quickly into his arms

and kissed her. It was a deep kiss, which was welcome, and
she found herself melting against him even as his hands
went underneath her thin tank top and spread out over her


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ribs. She stepped back, breaking the kiss and dancing out of
his way.

“I missed you at the wedding,” she said as she led the

way upstairs to her bedroom.

He laughed. “I don’t do weddings. You know that.”
She rolled her eyes. “Thanks for letting me know. At least

now I don’t have any pesky expectations.” Her tone was dry
and teasing, just as she meant it to be.

She could tell Dean took it exactly as she meant it as he

laughed. They had never had any expectations of each other.
They would continue this, whatever it was, for as long as it
was fun for both of them. Not that she didn’t envy what
Ophelia had found with Leonardo. She absolutely did.

He fell next to her on the bed, pulling her under him as

his mouth found hers again.

* * * *

Juliet jumped in the shower right after Dean had rolled off
her and fallen promptly to sleep. She was getting dressed in
a pair of low slung jeans and a green blouse when Dean
woke up. Juliet smeared on a hint of pink lip gloss and put a
hair clip in her hair as he slowly sat up.

“Hey, babe,” he said sleepily as he rose from the bed and

wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. “When do
your parents get back?”

She turned in his arms and loosely hung her arms around

his shoulders. “Two weeks.” She knew what he was going to
say before he even said it. Sometimes his predictability was
good and comforting. Other times, like now, it was irritating
that she couldn’t seem to find more depth within him.

“I plan to keep you in that bed for the next two weeks,

then,” he whispered in her ear as his hands began playing
with the hem of her shirt.

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“Uh uh,” she told him quickly, dancing out of his grip.

“I’ve got stuff to do while they’re gone.”

He gave her a blank look.
“The auction...” she reminded him. “Next week?”
The confusion left his handsome face to be replaced

instantly by a petulant scowl. “I don’t want you doing that. I
thought I told you that already. Why are you trying to hurt
me with it still?”

God, he could be so whiny sometimes. She rolled her


“It’s fine,” she told him in gentle, soothing tones like

those she would use for the spoiled child he was acting like.

“It’s an auction,” he muttered darkly. “So that men can

bid on you. Like a whore.”

She hissed at him. “It’s a charity auction to raise money to

help feed starving children in America, you ass. It’s not a
date. And it’s not cheating.”

He continued to pout.
“Gah. Fine.” She sighed. “You know that I can’t stand the

pouting face. You can stay over tonight.”

He gave her a soft smile and went to get showered. As she

heard the water start in the bathroom she used to share with
Ophelia, she pulled out her statistics book and a notebook.
She heaved a great sigh and opened her dreaded homework.

Twenty minutes later Dean came back out wearing just a

towel and looking freshly shaved even though he smelled
like her honey and oatmeal body wash. Wasting no time, he
came straight to her and began pressing soft kisses to the
back of her neck. She would not be easily swayed this time,
however, and shrugged him off even as tingles began
swirling in her belly.

“I’ve got to study,” she told him as she went back to the

problem currently aggravating her.

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He laughed. “What for? It’s not like you’ll need math

while you’re designing stuff I’m just going to be stripping
off you anyway.”

She huffed at him and put her pencil down with an angry

clack on her glass table. “Check your libido, Dean.”

He shook his head at her and threw up his hands. “If you

want to stay inside and waste your spring break, then that’s
your call. I’m out of here.”

She waved at him over her shoulder without taking her

eyes off the book in front of her. “Bye, then.”

Dean slammed the door on the way out.

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Chapter Three

fter a few hours of struggling over statistics, she had
accomplished little more than a splitting headache and

tired eyes. She padded downstairs, her dog, Iago, quick on
her heels as she heated up a cup of chai tea and and dished
out a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. She sat
down on the back deck and looked out at the setting sun as
she dialed her dad.

“Hello!” he answered his phone.
She smiled and instantly relaxed as she got comfortable in

the lounge chair. “I need help with statistics.”

There was a strangled choking sound on the other end

and she giggled. “I’m not good at that math stuff, darling.
You know that.”

She nodded. “I know, Daddy. What I was hoping that you

could do was maybe suggest someone that could tutor me.
I’m sure you've got a student or another teacher or an aide
or somebody that has to be good in math.”

“Ah,” her father sounded quite pleased with himself and

she could picture his smile. “I know just the student. Tanner

“As in Australia?” she interrupted, writing down the


He made an impatient noise. He always had hated to be

interrupted while he was speaking. It was the professor in
him, she supposed. “Yes, like Australia. He’s a good young


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man. Very smart. Good too. Honorable. I think you’ll like

She snorted. “You don’t have to sell him quite so strongly,

Dad. I’m not buying him and I’m not dating him. All I need
is a guy that’s reasonably better at math than I am.”

“Of course, darling. Here’s his number.” She quickly

jotted down the number that he rattled off the top of his
head. She would have wondered how he knew his number
so readily, but her father knew details so easily like that. Her
father took a breath. “I wish that I could help more, sweetie.
I really do. I feel just awful about it.”

“Don’t,” she told him quickly. “We get our love of books

from you. Our imagination. Our brains. Ophelia and I were
so lucky to have you whenever we had a book report due or
some teacher assigned us Hamlet and thought it would be a

He chuckled at that. “Little did they know.”
“Exactly,” she said with a smile. “I’m gonna call Tanner.”
“All right. You do that. He’ll help you. Are you keeping

busy?” he asked. It was a prerequisite question that he had
to ask as a dad, but she still loved him for his concern.
“Staying out of trouble?”

Yeah, she thought, except for having Dean in her bed the

moment she got home. She would own that, though. Her
fun, her troubles and her mistakes were all hers to own. No
regrets. It had been her motto for years and it would stay
that way. “Yep, I’m good, Dad. I’ll see you and Mom in a
few weeks.”

“Good. Go call Tanner. And get some sleep,” he said just

before she said her goodbyes and they both hung up.

She finished up her ice cream and then dropped the bowl

haphazardly into the sink before dialing Tanner’s number.

He answered on the third ring.
“Hello?” he asked.

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She took a breath, her mouth suddenly dry. “Hey. Um.

My name’s Juliet Nichols. My dad, Professor Nichols, said
that maybe you could help me.”

She could hear him moving around in the background.

He moved papers around and sat down on what she
thought sounded like a bed. “What do you need help with,
Juliet?” he asked her.

She liked how he said her name. Liked that he didn’t call

her babe or sweetie or sweetheart right off the bat like Dean
had. There was respect in that. “I’m having trouble with

He chuckled, the warmth spreading through her and

helping ease her muscles. “How much trouble?”

She frowned and decided just to go for blunt. “I suck at


“Fair enough,” he said. “When would you like to start?”
She flipped through her planner. Her weeks were packed

as usual, but she did have a little bit of time here and there.
“Would tomorrow afternoon work? About two o’clock?”

Juliet could hear the smile in his voice as he said, “Sure.

Want me to come there?”

“Yes please,” she said. “Do you need the address?”
“I’ve delivered books for Professor Nichols before. I’m

sure I can find it again,” he said easily, as if helping
professors, and especially her dad, was a normal occurrence
for him.

“Oh!” she said quickly, remembering something

important. “How much would you like for helping me?
Whatever you ask is fine. I just want to make sure I have the
cash on hand.”

“Don’t know,” he said. She could hear the shrug in his

voice. “Let’s see how much help you need and then go from

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That sounded reasonable. And yet... “I’m not going to

sleep with you for help,” she said quietly. There was a
strangled choking sound on the other end of the line and her
heart caught. Dear God, had she killed him? “Tanner?” she
said worriedly as she clutched the phone just a little tighter.

He seemed to have recovered himself enough to laugh.

“Do you really think I’d exchange sex for tutoring from the
daughter of my favorite professor? I realize that you don’t
know me, but your dad certainly does and I think that you’d
trust his judgment, by the way he gushes on and on about
you and your sister in class.”

She blushed deeply, suitably chastised. “No, I guess you

wouldn’t. That was stupid. I’m sorry I said anything. Will
you still come over even though I’m an idiot? I really do
need help with math,” she pleaded.

The smile in his voice was plain to hear and fully

welcome. “Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Thank you,” she gushed. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you then.”
Juliet hung up before she could further humiliate herself

in front of a guy she didn’t even know.

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Chapter Four

he multiple showers a day were getting a bit old, Juliet
thought the next afternoon as she combed through her

wet hair yet once again. She ran some conditioner through
her hair and shot Dean a look as he rolled out of the
bathroom. She had wanted to shower alone, damnit. The
shower was her one place to just think and let everything
wash away. Literally and figuratively. Though she
welcomed Dean in all his glory most of the time, her body
had really wanted a rest after so many rounds with him the
night before.

She had a hard time saying no to good sex with him most

of the time, but she had really, really wanted to this last

“Where do you want to go for lunch?” Dean asked her as

he leaned against the wall beside her. He had managed to
pull on a pair of shorts, though the top button remained

“Can’t,” she told him quickly as she went to her closet

and pulled out a tank top and a pair of lounge pants.
Knowing that Dean was watching her, she picked out her
least sexy underwear and started getting dressed.

“What do you mean that you can’t?” he pressed, crossing

his arms over his chest.

She sighed as she fastened her bra and pulled the top over

her head. “I have a tutor coming over this afternoon.”


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“Then I’ll stay,” Dean said quickly. “We’ll stay in, have

lunch together.”

She shook her head at him and gave him a light push

against his chest as she stood up. “Nuh uh. You’re going
while he’s here. I don’t need you hovering while I’m trying
to learn statistics.”

His mood instantly turned dark. “He? You never said

your tutor was going to be a man.”

She rounded on him, her hands planted firmly on her

hips. “Really, Dean? Seriously? Do you really want to pull
all this jealous crap with me right now? We are friends who
loosely date and have sex. We’re dating, but we both know
that we aren’t committed. In fact we even said up front that
we would only continue this as long as we were both having
fun.” She took a deep breath, catching his gaze and holding
it. “And right now, babe, I’m not enjoying this so much. So
pack in the stupid and see me later this week or, if you can’t
be mature enough to do even that much, then just go.”

His face fell and he blinked at her. “Babe. I—”
The doorbell rang downstairs, startling both of them.

Juliet’s gaze snapped to the nearby digital clock on her
dresser and she groaned. Of course Tanner was on time and
of course she had completely lost track of it.

“You were just leaving,” she told Dean quickly as she

smeared on some deodorant. “Think about what I said. I’ll
call you later.”

She held her hand up to stop him. “I need to be tutored

right now. I can’t handle us and tutoring and right now. I
think you need to think about things a bit more before we
continue, anyway. It’s fun between us. We do great between
the sheets. But if we don’t do well outside of that, then there
isn’t much left for us right?”

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He shrugged and moved toward her bedroom door. “I

don’t want us to be over.”

She gave him a playful shove as she moved past him to

get the front door. “It won’t be. We will talk soon. Now go,
and try not to glare at him please?”

He humphed as she opened the door and he grabbed the

keys to his Audi.

“Tutor better not have scratched my baby pulling in,” he

muttered darkly as he stepped up to her. He tried going for
a kiss but all she gave him was her cheek as she turned and
got her first look at Tanner Brisbane.

He was taller than she had imagined, probably a little

over six feet. A head taller than her. He had wide shoulders
and, from what she could see through the thin t-shirt he
wore, sinewy lean muscle. Under the sleeve of his left arm
she could just barely make out the outline of an intricate
tattoo. She wanted to see more of the dark ink that swirled
over his muscles. Wanted to touch it.

She blinked away those thoughts. Regardless of how

good-looking Tanner was, those thoughts were highly
inappropriate with Dean just a few yards away. She looked
to where Dean was and watched as he gave Tanner’s beat-
up Chevy pickup truck a dirty look as he got into his car and
sped away.

Juliet met Tanner’s gaze once Dean had disappeared

down the street. He had green eyes. Not emerald green, but
a soft green that she found almost comforting and that
looked really good against his lightly tanned skin.

She felt a sense of recognition there, but she had no idea

when she might have met him or where she could have
possibly known him from.

“Come in please,” she told him, finally remembering her

manners and how not to stare. “And thank you for coming.”

“No problem,” he said.

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She knew he was smiling from the warmth in his voice,

though she had her back to him. She led him over to their
small breakfast table just off the kitchen. “Can I get you
anything?” she asked him. “Water, milk, juice, tea, soda? I
think we’ve got some beer, too.”

When he didn’t answer right away, Juliet turned around

to see him looking at a picture she had taken during the
wedding. Their official pictures weren’t back yet, but she
had loved this one so much she had printed it up and
framed it. She came up to his side, the warmth of his arm
bleeding into hers. “That’s Ophelia,” she said, pointing to
her sister. Juliet had taken that picture just after they had
arrived at the reception. She had gone up to Ophelia, thrown
her arm around her sister’s shoulders and snapped her
camera. “That’s Leonardo,” Juliet said, pointing to the
smiling man just behind them.

Tanner nodded. “I’ve seen Ophelia a few times.”
Juliet frowned and turned to him. “You have?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“Where? I know we haven’t met before. But you seem so

familiar,” she told him as she crossed her arms over her

He smiled at her and turned to pick up a book from the

corner of the table. She had bought it at her favorite little
bookstore off campus the week before.

“Your father owns the bookstore,” Juliet said quickly,

smiling as she figured out where she had seen him and why
he had seemed so familiar. “I’ve only seen you there once or
twice.” She turned back around and went to the fridge to
grab herself a bottle of sweet tea.

“You’re right. And I’ll take one too,” he said, coming up

behind her and resting his hip against the kitchen island. He
pulled out a pair of glasses from his pocket and slipped
them on. At her questioning gaze he gave her a shy smile. “I

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have prescription sunglasses that I had on while in my truck.
Sometimes I’m slow to remember to put my regular glasses
on when I switch them over. I’m not blind, but I tend to miss
little details like the edges of tables without them.”

Juliet giggled. “Well, we can’t have that.”
She grabbed him a drink and then plopped it down in

front of him before sitting down at the table in front of her
book and notebook. At least she had remembered to pull
them out before he came over. It made her appear somewhat
more prepared than she actually was for his visit.

“Mind if I have some music going in the background?”

she asked him. “Sometimes it helps me think. Though right
now I don’t think much will help. I’m really bad at this. I
hope I’m not a lost cause.” She giggled nervously and pulled
her hair back with a clip.

He chuckled and slid into the seat next to her. “Music is

fine and I doubt that you’re that bad. And statistics isn’t

She gave him a quick smile before she turned around to

pop her MP3 player into its docking station. She pressed
play and then turned the music down as the music started to

Tanner laughed softly and tapped the extra pencil she had

laid out for him on the table. “Billy Idol. Very nice.”

She grinned at him and then pulled her chair closer to his

as they bent their heads over her book.

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Chapter Five

er phone beeped just as they were finishing up the first
chapter an hour later. She ignored the text message

and stretched her arms over her head. Her back was aching
and her head hurt, but at least some of the concepts were
starting to make more sense for her. Tanner had been patient
and kind. She’d have to thank her dad for suggesting him.

She caught his gaze looking at her stomach and looked

down to figure out what he might be looking at. Her shirt
had ridden up slightly with her stretch and her belly ring
was showing. She had just changed it from the original
barbell to a small pink rose that morning, and although it
was much prettier than the plain metal it had itched like
crazy for the first hour.

“Like it?” she asked him. He turned away quickly and

blushed. She giggled. He had a cute blush. She would have
to find more ways to make him blush.

He shrugged off her question, going for nonchalant and

failing. “Yeah, it’s pretty,” he said quietly after a moment’s

“Want to touch it?” she chirped, hopping up from her seat

and coming to stand next to him. His face was level with her
belly button as she brought the hem of her shirt up to show
him better. “Ophelia got it for me when we went shopping
the day before her wedding. She got a blue whale tail. Go


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“Uh...” Tanner said, his eyes wide as he looked up at her.

“No thanks.”

Blushing deeply and feeling stupid, Juliet pulled her shirt

down and stepped away from him. “Sorry,” she said quietly.
“Yesterday I mention sex and today I’m throwing my belly
at you. I feel really stupid.” She took another step back.

Tanner got up slowly and came toward her, his hands at

his sides. “Hey, you’re not stupid. It is a very pretty
piercing.” When she didn’t move back from him he placed
his hands on her hips, holding her in place against him.

“Tanner...I...” she whispered, her hands resting on his

arms. She gulped deeply, hating that she leaned into his
touch, into him, even as she reveled in the warmth of him.

Juliet leaned her head back, her nose just barely brushing

the rough stubble of his chin as she touched him. God, this
was wrong, she thought. He was her tutor, a friend of her
father’s, since he would never allow a stranger to have his
home address, and someone she barely knew. Scratch that,
she didn’t know him.

And plus there was Dean to consider. She gave a little

mental sigh at the thought of him just as her phone rang and
Disturbed began to clash with Bryan Adams coming from
the speakers.

She groaned and stepped out of Tanner’s hands. He let

her go even as he turned to watch her bend to pick up her
little blue phone. “Hello, Dean,” she said softly.

“Is he still there?” he barked.
She rolled her eyes and Tanner laughed. She found that

she didn’t even care that Dean could hear him. “And good
afternoon to you too. Yes, he is. I think I’ll invite him to stay
for dinner if he can. I’m learning quite a bit. And I will talk
to you later, Dean. I’m busy at the moment. Which you
already knew.”

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He knew that she was about to hang up. Of course he did.

Dean was many things, but stupid wasn’t normally one of
them. “Go on a date with me, Juliet,” he said quickly.

She paused, the phone already lowered from her ear so

that she could hang up on him. “We haven’t been on a date
in months.”

He chuckled. “Yeah. We haven’t really left your bedroom

since we got there.”

Tanner choked on the tea he was drinking. Well damn,

Juliet thought. She really didn’t want the man that she had
enjoyed being held by a few minutes ago knowing that she
was sleeping with the jerk that he had seen her with a few
hours before.

“Uh huh. You’re running out of time, Dean. Again, I’m

really busy today,” she told him. She shouldn’t be annoyed
with Dean for mentioning their bedroom activities. He was a
normal, everyday guy. Of course he thought about sex a lot.
They all did. Didn’t they?

She looked to Tanner, wondering if she could figure out

his thoughts just as easily as she could read Dean.
Unfortunately he was looking away from her. Trust him not
to play fair.

“Go with me to Renzi’s on Saturday,” Dean was saying.

He sounded like he wanted the date, which was odd. He
usually only used his wanting voice when she wouldn’t
have him over at night.

“Sunday,” Juliet countered, feeling slightly better about

going out with him. “Free downtown parking and they will
have the dinner menu.”

“It’s going to be more expensive though,” he whined.
Juliet laughed at him. “Wow, be a baby will you? You

drive a freaking Audi A8. That’s an eighty thousand dollar
car. I think you can afford the ten dollar price difference
between lunch and dinner. But if you don’t think I’m worth

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it we could always just go to McDonalds...” she let her voice
trail off meaningfully.

Dean was quick to back up. “No, no. Sunday for lunch

sounds really good. Maybe we could go dancing afterwards.
I know how much you love to dance, so wear those cute
heels you picked out a few weeks ago.” He took a breath.
“And when did you find out how much my car cost? I didn’t
even know that, and it’s not something my family would
have ever talked about.”

She rolled her eyes. “I googled it after the first time you

drove me in it, you wacko. See you on Sunday. Bye, Dean.”
She hung up the phone before turning back to Tanner who
was picking up his keys.

“Tanner?” she said gently, coming up next to him. She

put her hand on his shoulder to stop him. “Do you have to
go? I thought maybe you could stay for dinner.”

He turned to her, a frown seated low on his full lips. “Did

you use my presence here to jostle your boyfriend into
action?” he asked her seriously.

Juliet bit her lip. That was a really weird way of putting it,

and she didn’t think that she had used him to make Dean
jealous. But maybe...She sighed. She probably had screwed it
up again.

“I don’t think I did. If I did, then I didn’t mean to.” She

took a breath and smiled at him. With short, quick
movements she took the keys from his hands and put them
down on the table. “Will you please stay for dinner? I really
would like you to. I can’t make more than cheese quesadillas
on my own without lots of help, but we’ve got some leftover
enchiladas and lots of frozen meals. My mom actually made
a few weeks’ worth of food for me and put them in the
freezer so I wouldn’t have to choose between eating out
every night or starving to death.” Juliet paused, trying to
think of more excuses to convince him to stay. She really did

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like having him there with her. “And we haven’t even talked
about your payment yet. I promise I won’t offer you my
belly again,” she teased as she stepped away from him.

He returned her smile. “All right. I’ll stay,” he said as he

followed her back into the kitchen.

* * * *

That night Juliet lay on her bed with all the lights in the
house on watching a horror movie with her dog and a few of
her sister’s Doubles. Tanner had gone home an hour before,
having stayed well past dinner, which ended up being the
enchiladas. Juliet had even practiced making margaritas for
them, which, although they tasted okay, she was sure were
supposed to have more alcohol in them. She was still getting
used to the taste of the stuff, and since Tanner had to drive
and she wasn’t sure how late he would be staying she didn’t
make them nearly as strong as her mother did. She felt more
mature, though, with him than she did with Dean. With
Dean, when they ate it was a quick snack right before or
after going up to her bedroom.

With Tanner she had set the table and he had dished out

the food. She had made the margaritas and he had lit a few
of the pumpkin spice candles Ophelia had sent over from
Seattle the month before. Then they had sat down to have a
real dinner in the dining room.

He had even seemed to fit there as he sat next to her and

remarked on how good her mother’s cooking was. He’d
laughed at Iago’s begging and had stayed to have a bowl of
ice cream on the back deck with her. Hell, he’d even helped
clean up. Not just grab the dishes and toss them into the sink
kind of cleanup, but real honest-to-God rinsing of the dishes
and loading them into the dishwasher.

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He moved through their small kitchen like he was at

home there. Like he had been there before plenty of times.
Looking back, she realized that Iago hadn’t barked at him.
Her old boy was getting up there in years, but he still barked
at strangers and even Dean got a woof or two sometimes.
Tanner he merely trotted over to, wagging his tail and
plopped down by their feet as they had studied together.

Very strange. She was going to have to ask her dad about

how often Tanner had been at the house and how she had
never remembered him being there before.

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Chapter Six

uliet arrived at the recreation center mere minutes before
her class. She pulled the Jeep into the nearest parking

space, luckily only two rows away from the wide, arching
front doors, and barely remembered to lock it before
running inside. She flashed her badge just long enough for
the woman behind the counter to give her a nod of
recognition and wave her through.

Her teacher demanded punctuality, and Juliet hated being

late. She managed to get to her station just before her
instructor, Chef Chopra, came bursting into the class. Juliet’s
stomach fluttered, as it always did, when she was in the
smaller woman’s presence. The Indian woman was sheer fire
and persistence, all in a barely five foot package. It was
intimidating to say the least.

“Class,” she began quickly, her voice ringing across the

small room. “Today were are going to make a Kitchri. Now,
this is a fairly simple dish, but you will not be allowed to
slack. Not that I ever allow you to.” There was a bit of quiet
laughter from the women around her. “Now, your
ingredient lists are at your station. Get to it.”

Juliet began reading over the spice list just as her friend,

Ester, came up to her side. “What is a Kitchri anyway?”
Ester said as she plopped down next to her.

“Indian breakfast food. Spices, rice and lentils,” Juliet

replied quickly as she moved to the variety of small spice


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jars that stood at the end of the counter in her little kitchen
work space.

Ester gave a low whistle. “You looked it up.”
Juliet rolled her eyes and began measuring out

ingredients. “We have a syllabus.”

“So,” Ester said, hopping off the stool and going to her

own kitchen area that was just across from Juliet’s, “have
you told Dean about your classes here yet?”

She shook her head. “Nope.”
Ester made a sour face, pursing her lips together and

wrinkling her nose. “Why not?”

Juliet shrugged as she kept working. “He’s weird about

stuff like this. If I study for too long, if I go to class too often,
he’s just kind of...” She blew out a breath, unsure of where
she was really going with it.

“He wants you stupid except when you’re in the sack.

There you’re supposed to be creative,” Ester supplied with
another face. It was no secret her friend didn’t like Dean.
Hell, most of her family didn’t really like him, either. But he
was fun and she enjoyed what they had. Usually. It had been
so much simpler months ago. All they had wanted was sex.
They would go out a few times, have sex, and repeat. He
wasn’t jealous back then. Hell, she hadn’t even told him they
were supposed to be exclusive, ever. She didn’t care about
stuff like that.

“Moving on,” Juliet said quickly. “I’ve got a new tutor for


That brightened Ester up considerably. “Good. You’ve

been struggling to pass that class for months. It was about
time you finally broke down and admitted that you needed
some help. So what’s he like? Do we know him? How did
you find him?”

Juliet grinned at her as she began stirring her pot of

lentils. “My dad recommended him. He’s a student of his.

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His dad also owns the bookstore on the way home from

“Tanner?” Ester said, startling her.
“You know Tanner?” she asked. Ester nodded like it was

some big secret. “How does everyone know him but me?”

Ester laughed. “You’ve seen him a few times. He’s usually

carrying a pile of books or covered in dust from the back
room. Though...” she paused for effect. “I’m not surprised
you haven’t noticed another man, considering how tightly
Dean has you wrapped around his finger. And other

Juliet scowled and waved her spoon at her. “I am not

wrapped around any part of Dean. And use some decorum.”

“Oh I just love it when you use those big smart-people

words. Decorum. Mm, so sexy!” Ester teased her.

Juliet blushed deeply and went back to stirring her lentils.

As she smelled the warm spices and the richness of her dish
she decided that she would have to call Ophelia to tell her
about this new dish.

After class Juliet was full, as usual, after tasting a bit of

everyone’s dish, and on her way home she decided to stop
by the bookstore. Luckily there was parking right in front of
the cafe across the street which was rare to find on such a
crowded main street.

She hopped out of the jeep, locked it up and tossed her

keys into the little purse she had draped around her wrist
before making her way to the bookstore. The bell over the
door chimed when she came in. The bookstore wasn’t busy
yet, but there were a few people milling around. She saw
one woman looking at the historical fiction novels against
the back wall and a man sitting in a little alcove with a travel
book in his hands.

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“Juliet!” the owner called to her from his place on a short

step stool, where he was arranging a few of the large books
on the top of a shelf.

“Hello, Mr. Brisbane,” she called to him as she began

reading the back cover of a new mystery book. She frowned
at it, finding the most likely killer just a little too obvious,
and put it back down.

“Hello, my dear,” he said, coming up to the counter in

front of her. “How’s your family?”

“They’re good. Mom and Dad are out of town for a few

weeks and Ophelia and Leonardo are off on their
honeymoon,” she told him happily.

“That’s good. Very good,” he said as he began pulling a

few books from under the counter. Judging by the titles, they
were all ones that her parents had ordered. “This is the latest
shipment,” he said, confirming her suspicions.

She pulled out her wallet and handed him her card. “I

was wondering also if you’ve got any new Indian

Mr. Brisbane smiled at her and went to the little cookbook

section just off the front counter. “We got this one in last
week. I think Ophelia will enjoy it.”

“I’ll take it,” she said as she took the book and added it to

the pile. She wasn’t sure why she never corrected his
assumptions about her lack of interest in books. Just because
she didn’t read a book a day like Ophelia or dream about
Shakespeare in her sleep like their dad, didn’t mean that she
didn’t enjoy a good romance once in a while.

As Mr. Brisbane began to bag up her purchases Juliet

spotted a small gray paperback along a shelf behind him.
“I’d like that one too please,” she said quietly. She held it
after he handed it to her. It was a poetry book by Louisa May
, and one that she hadn’t seen before, at that.

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“I didn’t know that Ophelia liked her works,” Mr.

Brisbane said.

This time Juliet was too wrapped up in her new poetry

book to care about correcting his assumptions. She paid
quickly, thanked him and then walked across the street to
the cafe, the book still firmly in her hand.

She ordered her usual, a mint hot chocolate with extra

whipped cream, and sat down in the corner booth where she
could see the clear blue sky and watch the people passing by
as she read.

About an hour later, well engrossed in a poem, Juliet

heard a familiar voice ordering an iced tea and a banana
smoothie. She looked up to see Tanner and a little boy
standing at the counter. Once they had their drinks, Tanner
turned to leave and spotted her. Juliet smiled at him and
after a brief hesitation and a look to the boy with him, they
joined her at the table.

“Hey,” she said warmly as she put her receipt in the book

to mark her place.

Tanner smiled at her and helped the boy into his seat

before taking his own. Juliet looked the boy over, noticing
that he had the same lean build as Tanner, the same soft
green eyes.

“This is my brother, Drew,” Tanner told her, catching her

curiosity. He looked really good today, she mused. A soft,
worn t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans over dirty
sneakers. Not everyone could pull it off and look so at ease
and confident enough not to care. His glasses slipped a little
down his nose, and he used a fingertip to push them back

“Hey, Drew,” she said, trying and failing to catch the

boy’s gaze. “I’m Juliet.”

“Smell nice,” the boy said. He shook his head and began

to hum softly to himself.

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He was autistic, Juliet knew instantly. She had read

enough about enough things that she knew the classic signs.
She might be weird about her interests, because there were
so many, but at least she was good on her facts.

“He’s eight,” Tanner said. He put his hand on the back of

Drew’s shirt, rubbing his neck. It looked like it was a
protective move as much as it was comforting.

Juliet smiled at him and touched the top of Drew’s hand.

The simple tap interrupted his humming and his eyes came
up to meet hers. “Hey,” she said softly.

“Turmeric,” he said, just quickly enough before he went

back to humming.

“Wow, that’s pretty awesome that you could smell that,”

Juliet said. “I don’t know too many people who even know
what turmeric is, let alone be able to smell it on me.”

Tanner smiled at her and she returned his smile just as

easily. “You’re good with him,” he said, the relief clear in his

She quirked a brow at him. “I like kids,” she said quietly.

It felt strange to be admitting that. No one knew that about

“How’s the statistics going?” he asked.
With a sigh Juliet rolled her eyes. “I hate math. I know I’ll

need it someday, but I hate it. Do you think you might be
able to come back over sometime?”

He nodded. “When?”
Juliet bit her lip, considering. “How’s Monday at noon?”
“Sounds good.” He tapped his brother lightly on the

hand, much as Juliet had. It had the same effect, stopping
him and bringing his attention up to meet his brother’s face.
“We gotta go, Drew. Dad’s expecting us.” He turned back to
her as he stood up. “Bye, Juliet.” He slipped his hand into

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“Bye, Tanner,” Juliet said, meeting his gaze briefly. “It

was nice to meet you, Drew.”

Drew nodded, his lanky hair falling into his eyes.

Measure for Measure. Juliet.”

Juliet’s smile grew wide. “Super impressive, Drew. Most

people think of Romeo when they hear my name. I don’t
even think I was reading Shakespeare on my own at your

He shook his hair and pursed his lips. “Bye bye.” He

waved his hand at her.

“Bye, Drew,” she said. She met Tanner’s warm,

approving gaze one more time before he turned them away.
Juliet watched them as they walked across the street, Drew’s
hand still tightly clasped in Tanner’s as he helped him walk
between the parked cars and over the cracked sidewalk.

She slowly finished her hot chocolate and then went


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Chapter Seven

ean was thankfully on time for their date, and as usual
he looked great in his button down black shirt and

slacks. He had a flash of color on his cuff links, but otherwise
the effect was sleek and stylish. Juliet supposed that was
how she had always seen Dean. He was as put together as
his car and just as expensive to maintain, though the cost of
keeping Dean was more in line with giving him attention
than routine maintenance.

“You look beautiful,” he said, handing her a potted

African violet and kissing her cheek. She smiled at him as
she put the plant on the kitchen table. Trust him to
remember that she preferred potted plants to the ones kept
in vases.

And she did look good. The short black dress was one of

her favorites. It hugged her curves while still giving her
enough room to dance freely.

As she turned he planted a soft kiss on her neck and

brought his hands to her ribs, just under her breasts. Though
there was warmth in his kisses she found that there was very
little heat within her as a reaction.

“Can’t we just stay in?” Dean whispered to her, his hands

going higher.

Juliet rolled her eyes and spun in his arms. “We’re going

out to lunch and then dancing. You promised.”

“Afterwards?” he pressed.


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She gave him a flip shrug. “Be good tonight and I’ll let

you stay.”

There was heat in his gaze as he led her from the house.

She kissed Iago on the forehead and he promptly turned and
went back upstairs to continue his nap.

Lunch was wonderful, as it always was. Dean was the

gentleman she remembered him being from the first few
months they’d dated, and she even found herself laughing
with him on occasion. They spent hours at the restaurant
talking and laughing, enjoying the moment and each other’s

Juliet really started to have fun, though, when they went

to the club. Juliet felt the heady beat of the club’s music rush
through her as she and Dean walked past the bouncer and
made their way to the bar. The club was understandably
crowded on the warm Sunday night, and Dean garnered
quite a few curious female glances. He kept his hand on the
small of her back as she ordered a Colorado Bulldog and he
ordered a Vodka Tonic. Top shelf, of course.

They sipped their drinks quietly as the music played

around them. “I don’t know how you can drink that,” Dean
said in her ear as his hands came around to rest on her hips.
He squeezed less gently than she would have normally
allowed but the sweet drink was already getting to her.

“It tastes like chocolate milk. Ophelia turned me on to it,”

she said as she grinned up at him. He grinned back and she
brought her arms to hang loosely around his neck as he
began moving against her.

“You are so gorgeous,” he told her just before his mouth

took hers. She moaned into his kiss, her arms tightening
around him as she swayed to the music. His drink was
warm on her tongue as it mixed with the sweetness of her

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Their drinks forgotten, Juliet and Dean moved to the mix

of people dancing on the club’s large floor. Juliet didn’t
know the song, didn’t know most of them, but loved the
beats just the same. She knew Dean just loved watching her

Half an hour later they came back to the bar, downed a

few Vodka cranberries and then returned to the floor as the
music grabbed them. They were loud and wild as they
danced together oblivious to everyone else around them.

Just past four in the morning they stumbled into Juliet’s

bedroom, still laughing and clinging to each other.

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Chapter Eight

he rooster crowing in her room was Juliet’s alarm clock.
Intellectually she knew that, but still in the morning

when it shrieked through her sleep deprived and alcohol-
induced haze, she blinked wearily around as she wondered
why someone would let a rooster into her room. Then she
realized the fuzzy taste in her mouth was the vodka and the
heavy thing trapping her legs was Dean’s thigh. She wiggled
free and then pushed on his shoulder.

“Dean, wake up,” she said, even as she yawned.
He grumbled and rolled over, giving her his back. Juliet

sighed and lay back down. There was nothing to get up for.
It was spring break after all. A few more hours of sleep
wouldn’t hurt. In fact, it would help her mind quite a bit.

Then she remembered Tanner and her eyes popped open

as she scrambled for the clock. “Crap!” she jumped out of
bed, stumbling and going down hard on her knees with a
thunk as her foot caught in the sheet. “Dean, it’s almost ten
o’clock!” she shrieked.

“Uh huh.” His voice was muffled from the pillow he

threw over his head. “Close the curtains will you babe? It’s
too bright.”

Juliet cursed and threw a flip flop at him. “Get up! You

can’t sleep here anymore!” She rushed into the bathroom to
start the shower running as she rifled through her closet for
something that was both clean and matching.


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“What’s your problem?” Dean asked with a yawn as he

stretched his arms high above his head and watched her.
“Come back to bed. There’s time for more fun before a nap.”

She rolled her eyes and tossed a pair of shorts and a tank

top on the bed. She moved to her dresser and pulled out a
pair of matching underwear which she tossed on top of her
other clothes.

“Grab the red ones instead,” Dean said, holding up the

blue pair she had picked out. “Those are sexier.”

“They aren’t for you,” she told him before she stormed

into the bathroom. “And get your stuff together!”

He came in after her just as Juliet was washing her hair.

“What do you mean they aren’t for me?” he asked, the
confusion and a pout already evident even through the
soapy water.

“Tanner will be here at noon,” she said quickly before she

rinsed out the shampoo.

Dean slammed the door as he left. Huh, that was new,

Juliet thought. Not even a complaint or an accusation of her
cheating. Strange.

She shrugged it off and washed her face.
Dean wasn’t there when she got out of the shower. Again

she shook it off as she got dressed and applied some
moisturizer. As she was combing out her hair she heard the
doorbell ring and trotted down the stairs to answer it. And
that’s when she saw Dean, in all his naked glory, sitting at
her dining room table.

“My mom and dad eat breakfast there!” she shrieked at


He shrugged, unconcerned. “I want that boy that you’re

playing with to know who he’s dealing with. You’re mine,
not his, and he doesn’t have a chance in hell of being where
I’ve been almost every night this week.” He gave her a
pointed look even as the color drained from her cheeks.

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“You—You—” she stammered, too mad at him to make a

coherent thought.

“Yes, darling? I...”
She stamped her foot. “You ass! Get out!”
He held his hands up and went back to her bedroom, she

hoped to get dressed. “Fine. God in Heaven, woman. I was
just playing with you. Maybe you’re about to start bleeding
or something.”

She screeched at him again even as he closed the door.
There was another knock on the door and she took a deep

breath and smoothed her hair. She pasted a happy-go-lucky
smile on her face and opened the door to see Tanner on her
front porch with a bag of take out in his hand.

“I thought,” he gave her a sheepish smile. “That since you

made me dinner last time I could bring you something. It’s
burgers and fries. I uh...hope that’s okay...”

Juliet followed his gaze up the staircase to where Dean

stood shirtless as he made a show of buttoning his pants.

“Really Dean?” she called up at him, exasperation and

annoyance clear in her voice. “Just get dressed and go

He huffed and sat down at the landing to put on his socks

and shoes.

Juliet rolled her eyes as she turned back to Tanner. He

looked even less sure of himself now. “Bad time?” he said,
his feet already turning to leave.

She reached out and grabbed his shirt sleeve. “Nope.

Perfect timing. And a burger would be awesome. Thanks for
thinking of it.”

Tanner nodded and let her pull him inside. He gave a

cursory nod to Dean as he followed Juliet out onto the deck.
“Want a drink?” she asked him as they passed the fridge.

“I’ll grab something. You?” he said, placing the bag on the

patio table before going back inside.

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“Soda would be great,” she called after him as she pulled

two chairs up to the table. She remembered that Dean was
still there just in time and she rushed inside to make sure
that Tanner was still okay.

She shouldn’t have worried. Dean was watching him with

a scowl and a glare firmly in place, but Tanner was just fine
on his own as he got two sodas from the fridge. He had an
easy grace about him, a confidence that couldn’t be taught
by even the best modeling or acting teachers.

Iago lumbered out of her parents’ room, his tail wagging

happily when he noticed that he had company. Dean got
two quick barks. “Stupid dog, you’ve seen me at least a few
times a week for almost a year now.”

Iago came up to Tanner, his wag moving from just his tail

to take over his whole body until he was a wiggling bundle
of happiness at the man’s knee. Tanner bent down to pet
him, Iago closing his eyes in pleasure as he found just the
right spot on his neck.

Juliet watched in wonder as her dog licked Tanner’s

scruffy chin and the man chuckled and patted him on his
head. “The treats are in the—Oh.” Juliet closed her mouth as
Tanner went to the small sugar container on the counter and
pulled out one of Iago’s peanut-butter-flavored treats.

Even Dean noticed Tanner’s familiarity with her kitchen

and it made his scowl grow darker. Before he could erupt,
though, Juliet stepped in front of him. “I had fun last night,”
she said as she embraced him in a quick hug. “Thanks for
taking me out.”

“Uh huh.” He returned her hug even though he was still

watching Tanner. “See you.”

He gave her a quick kiss on the lips. He sought more, but

she quickly pulled away. She wasn’t a fan of possessive
kisses just for show, no matter who they were from, but this

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morning Dean was a far cry from the man she had danced
with for hours the night before.

She locked up after him before joining Tanner on the


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Chapter Nine

nce again studying had been hard, but at least it was
slowly getting easier. That was progress, she supposed.

It was late afternoon when she and Tanner finally called it
quits and put away her books. They had moved to the
backyard and were taking turns throwing the ball for Iago.

“You’re really good with Drew,” Tanner told her, tossing

the ball for her old dog. He lumbered over to the beat-up
tennis ball and brought it back at a slow trot. It had been
years since she had seen her dog actually run like he had
when he was a puppy, but the old spark in his eyes was
there as he played, which was good enough for her.

“I like him,” Juliet said, warming under his compliment.
Tanner bent down to rub Iago’s back and scratch at the

base of his tail before he tossed the ball again. “I think he
likes you, too. One of his favorite things to do is to spend the
day at the zoo. He’s in love with the penguins.” He took a
breath and caught her gaze. “Would you like to join us on

She shook her head and sighed. “I’d love to Tanner.

Really I would. But I’ve got a bachelorette auction that day.”
Juliet smiled at his blank look. “I know that you’ve seen the
flyers around campus. Hotties for Toddies and all that good
stuff?” she blushed. “It’s a horrible slogan. I didn’t make it
up. But a bunch of us girls are going to be auctioned off for
dates, and the money raised goes to help starving kids in
America. It’s actually pretty awesome, and all I have to do is


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stand up there on a stage and look nice and then go on a
date with someone. Not too hard at all.”

He shared her smile. “So do you already have a date

picked out yet, or does the guy have to figure it out for

She giggled. “The guy has to do all the work. And it

doesn’t have to be a guy. I could get bid on by some
gorgeous lesbian girl.”

He laughed and then ran his hand through his hair. “You

know, it really is a great thing that you’re doing. It’s a good
cause, and you’re putting yourself out to spend time with
some stranger on top of it. All for some kids that you don’t
even know.”

She shrugged, loving his praise and warmed by it at the

same time. “I told you, I like kids.”

He nodded. “So how about the zoo the Saturday after?”
“I’d love to,” she replied with a wide grin as she tossed

the ball for Iago.

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Chapter Ten

uliet joined Ester for their weekly pottery class the next
day. Though neither of them had any real talent, the fun

of it was in seeing who could get the messiest while still
mastering the skill needed to perfect the famous lopsided
bowl technique. Ester's therapist had suggested pottery
years before as a way to deal with something she had only
told Juliet glimpses of, and even after her friend had stopped
going to therapy, they still continued to have fun playing in
the clay.

"You look lovely today," Juliet teased her as a large chunk

of the wet red clay landed in her glossy black hair.

"You're a brat," she said as she smooshed her bowl back

into a lump on the middle of her wheel. "But I will take your
compliment, since it is true." Juliet couldn’t help but watch
her friend work the clay in front of her, and not really
because she was good at it. Ester was what poets would call
a classic beauty. She was petite and curvy, much different
than Juliet’s slim build. She tried not to be jealous of her
friend’s good looks, but it was pretty hard.

Juliet giggled. "As you should."
"So how goes it in the world of Dean?" Ester asked her,

nearly gagging on his name.

Juliet rolled her eyes at her. "Come off it. He's not that

bad. And he's fine. Still not happy about the auction, but he
won't cause a scene at it." She paused and bit her lip
uncertainly. "Hopefully."


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Ester rolled her eyes but widely kept quiet about him.

"And Tanner?"

Juliet's blush wasn't subtle.
"Uh huh," Ester said, leaning forward. "Tell me."
"He's taking me to the zoo next Saturday. With his

brother," Juliet told her quietly.

Ester pursed her lips. "I wasn't aware that he had a

brother. But that's not the point. What's wrong?"

"Dean thinks I'm cheating,'' she admitted.
Her friend's laugh was loud enough to draw stares from

most of the people in the small class. After a quick
admonishing look from the teacher Ester got back to
molding her clay into a loose rendition of a bowl. "Dean
always thinks you're cheating," Ester reminded her. "Even
with me. The point is, what do you think?"

Juliet's answer was a long time coming. "I think that I'm

starting to like Tanner," she said, her voice barely more than
a whisper. "I don't cheat, though. Never."

"Of course not. Only cruel people hurt those they care

about, and you aren't cruel. But tell me, do you want to?"

Juliet sighed. Sometimes Ester knew her too well.

"Sometimes I find myself wanting to kiss him."

Ester shrugged. "Nothing wrong there. It's perfectly

normal to want to do something. Just don't act on it until
you decide which one you care about. Tanner doesn't
deserve to be played with, and even though I can't stand
Dean, he shouldn't be hurt either."

Juliet breathed out a sigh. "You're right, of course you are.

I'm dating Dean, so I have to keep it to just friends with
Tanner. Thanks Ester."

" problem," her friend said before turning her

focus back to the clay in front of her.

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Chapter Eleven

ater that afternoon, Juliet was walking Iago through the
neighborhood park when her phone started ringing. She

walked over to the nearest bench and plopped down before
answering Ophelia’s happy ringtone. This week it was
Carrie Underwood. Next week she was thinking of changing
it to Taylor Swift.

“Hey, Ophelia,” she said brightly, patting Iago gently as

he laid down between her legs.

She could hear Leonardo laughing in the background as

Ophelia answered her. “Hey! How’ve you been?”

Juliet sighed. “Confused. You?”
“All right. That’s not a good emotion for you. And I’m

good. Our honeymoon is excellent. I love Alaska, as you
already know. It’s the best place in the world. And I worry
about you all alone in the house with only Iago to keep you
company. So tell me everything,” Ophelia said gently.

Juliet took a deep breath. “Dean is driving me crazy. He’s

so jealous and egotistical, and I’m just not having fun
anymore, but every time that I say something about it he
suddenly becomes nice again and we go out clubbing or he
tells me that I’m gorgeous and all the happy fluttery feelings
come back from when we first started dating.”

“So tell him what you’re thinking,” her sister prodded.

“You’ve never hesitated to tell a guy something before.”

“Uh huh. Easier said than done. Then there’s Tanner, a

student of Dad’s, who has been tutoring me. I really like


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him. He’s got a little brother who’s autistic. And they seem
super close. He’s really nice. Comfortable. And Iago likes
him and you know he likes so few people and damnit, I just
don’t know what the hell I’m doing.” Juliet sighed. She ran
her hand through her hair, frustrated by it all. “I talked to
Ester about this earlier and she told me I needed to choose
and not to hurt Tanner or Dean. And then I thought that I
would just stick to Dean and not even think about Tanner
that way again. And then I saw my statistics book where I
left it on the table and all of my feelings about Tanner came
crashing back. Ophelia, I almost kissed him in our kitchen
the first day we met when he came over to tutor me. Dean
had just left, and that’s just so not okay. I’m not like that.
Never. Well, not anymore at least. I’m trying to do better.
Something’s got to be wrong with me.” Juliet watched a little
boy run across the park with his mother and father. They
had a husky puppy with them and they looked incredibly
happy, the woman running after the little boy, the dad
laughingly following them.

“Okay, baby girl, I need you to take a breath. Go with

your gut. If it says to stay with Dean, then find a way to
make it work with him. If it says go with Tanner then you
know what you need to do,” Ophelia told her. “I know
you’ll choose right. And I won’t even tell you how much I
dislike Dean sometimes.”

Juliet laughed through her stress. “You and Ester both.”
Ophelia giggled. “I gotta go, Juliet. I love you a lot. We

will be there for your auction—Leonardo and I decided to
come spend a couple weeks with all of you before heading
back to Alaska. I wouldn’t miss the chance to see my little
sister in a ball gown decked out like a beauty queen.”

“See you soon,” Juliet said, “And I love you, too.”

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She hung up the phone and kept walking with Iago.

Hopefully the cool evening air would help clear her
scattered mind.

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Chapter Twelve

uliet parked her jeep in the small parking lot of the local
raceway. She was under a large oak tree that was just

beginning to provide some shade from the spring sun. It was
her preferred parking spot, and had been for months. Right
next to her was Dean’s shiny Audi, a perfect beacon in a
parking lot full of dusty trucks and generic sedans. She took
a minute to compare her vehicle to his, as she usually did
when they were side by side. The jeep was still new-looking.
She’d had it nearly a year now and still loved every minute
that she was in it. The Wrangler fit her perfectly. Her style,
her personality.

Though she did like being in Dean’s Audi, sometimes, it

always felt too luxurious for her tastes. She was a burger-
and-fries kind of girl. A steak cooked rare on a good
Saturday night with her beer in a mason jar, but definitely
not a tartar-and-crème-brulee-every-night kind of girl.
Though she did enjoy the occasional party, usually with
Dean by her side, that wasn’t how she wanted to live her life
anymore. Sure, when she was a teenager. it had been fun.
Now, though, she wasn’t so sure.

Juliet walked up the short flight of stairs and stopped

briefly at the ticket stand. She was surrounded on all sides
by people. Some families, mostly single guys. Some already
with a cup of beer in their hands. Soon, she knew, they
would probably have a paper plate full of bbq ribs in the
other. The firefighters had a stand just around the corner


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with some of the best pulled pork sandwiches she had ever
eaten. They were a personal favorite, especially when paired
with the frozen lemonade they made so well.

She came up to the ticket booth and smiled at the teenager

they had working there in the afternoons. She had seen him
off and on on her visits to the track. He checked her friends
and family pass, matched her name with his guest list and
marked her off before waving her through. They weren’t all
so thorough. Pretty soon he would probably be just like the
rest of them and glance at her pass, assume she belonged
there, and let her in. It wasn’t his fault, just how the job wore
on people.

She grabbed a frozen lemonade and said hi to the

firefighters working at the little booth.

They offered her a sandwich with extra sauce, just the

way she liked, and even said they’d toss in their sweet
potato fries on the house but she unfortunately had to turn
them down. Nothing against them of course. They were
fabulous guys and the food was already making her mouth
water. But Dean liked to go out to dinner after he finished a
race. Win or lose, they always went out. He usually won,
though. Or at least placed.

She stepped into the stands and walked down the long

flight of metal stands to the first gate. A few people waved
to her as she stepped into the friends and family area, and
she waved back to the few people that she did know in the
stands. She went through the final gate and stepped onto the
track. A quick walk along the wall and she was in Dean’s pit.

Dean saw her before the others and gave her a quick hug

and a kiss before he turned back to his car. The guys around
him said their quick hellos before turning back to the car.
She went over to the side and sat down in the plastic folding
chair to watch them. She took a sip of her lemonade and
settled in for the race.

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Chapter Thirteen

uliet had been looking forward to the auction for months,
and now that the day had finally arrived she could barely

contain her excitement. She and Ophelia had spent the
morning in a salon. Their nails had been done and they had
both received facials. Ophelia had taken an inch or two off
her long curls. Juliet now sported a lovely loose bun that
looked somehow elegant and carefree. The dress had come
from another girl’s home. Her mother had donated all of the
dresses that the girls were wearing at the auction. They had
to return them at the end of the night, of course, but tonight
Juliet was more than happy to be wearing such a beautiful
ball length gown. It was a dark emerald green, one of her
favorite colors, and the long skirt made her feel like a
princess as she walked around on heels she couldn’t hope to
see past all the length of the dress. She loved how it felt to
wear, had loved to twirl in it before, when she hadn’t been
wearing her heels, and loved the envious looks that the other
girls had given her when they had drawn numbers out of a
hat and she had been chosen as first to pick out her dress.
Lucky number one. She giddily found a chair just past the
curtain of the stage and sat down to watch the audience just
before the auction started.

There were lots of faces out there. Lots of men she didn’t

know. All of them looked nice, but not all of them had
dressed up. There were some that had hoped to impress
their future dates by wearing tuxes. Others had gone for a


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simple button down shirt. Some wore ties. Others didn’t.
Most were around her age, though it looked like there were
a few fathers of students in the crowd as well. Professors
couldn’t bid, but that was the only rule that had been
enforced. Juliet was even surprised to see a few women in
the crowd. She saw Ophelia and Leonardo seated at a table
with their parents off to the side. She was glad to see them
supporting her and this cause. Just to attend the auction
required a purchased ticket, and a small portion of that
money did go to the wine that many of the guests were
sipping or the little appetizers that they seemed to be
enjoying. But the vast majority of the money went to the
charity. And it was one that she believed in as well. That had
been important for her when the sorority had asked her if
she wanted to participate months before.

At first she had thought it was a joke. The sorority wasn’t

known for being nice to people that weren’t their sisters, and
while Juliet knew she was well liked and even considered
attractive in some circles, she was not one of their sisters.
And she had told them as much. But then one of the girls
had explained to her that her ideas of the sorority were
founded in the past. They were the new sorority, and they
were out to do good and be inclusive.

So Juliet had given them a chance. And while she wasn’t

about to go pledge herself to these girls, she was proud to be
participating in this auction to raise money for such a good

“That dress looks hideous on you,” a voice at her

shoulder said, startling her out of her memories.

Juliet blinked up at Dean. “What are you doing back


He made a face. “Checking up on you. With obvious

need. Can’t you go change?”

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She looked down at the beautiful gown and frowned. She

loved this dress. It looked good on her. “I like it. And we’re
starting in a few minutes anyway, so no, I can’t go change.”

He frowned. “Pity. Too bad you couldn’t have chosen that

gown,” he said, nodding to a woman who stood talking with
a friend of hers. Her dress was much tighter than Juliet’s and
the neckline plunged almost to her navel. It showed off the
woman’s ample cleavage, of which Juliet was sorely lacking,
and also her perfect tan, which, again, Juliet was lacking in.

“I can’t wear something like that,” she said quietly, trying

not to look at the woman with envy. It wasn’t her fault that
she was beautiful.

Or that Dean found her more attractive than Juliet.
That thought twisted in her gut as Dean rattled off more

problems with her outfit and her hair. The neckline was too
modest. The color was too dark. She had on too little lipstick,
not enough eyeliner. And her eye shadow was the complete
wrong shade for tonight.

He finished it off by tsking softly to her as his arm came

around her shoulder, his long fingers curling into her upper
arm. “Whatever am I to do with you, Juliet?” he asked her,
as if she should know the answer. She shrugged and looked
down at her hands. At least he hadn’t had anything negative
to say about her manicure. Maybe he hadn’t noticed yet.

Pulling her closer against him, nearly smashing her into

his side, Dean put his free hand up and cupped her chin,
bringing her gaze to his. “You know I’m just trying to help
you right? I’d hate for you to make a fool of yourself and feel
horrible after such a big, important night.”

She nodded. He was right. Dean did just want to help her.

That thought warmed some of the ice from her belly. “Will
you be bidding tonight?”

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He smiled at her. “Of course. You wouldn’t mind if I bid

on a few other girls too, right? I’d like to help out the cause
as much as possible and we did decide it wasn’t cheating.”

Her breath caught. He wanted to date other girls? “But—”
Dean shook his head. “Now Juliet, don’t be selfish. I came

fully prepared to spend a good sum of money to help the
cause tonight. And I can’t very well single you out to spend
all of it on can I? That would embarrass you. So this makes
the most sense.”

He was right. She nodded slowly. “It isn’t cheating,” she

whispered to herself, knowing in her heart that they weren’t

“Of course it’s not. Why would I want to cheat on my

beautiful Juliet?” With that he kissed her forehead and stood
back up. She didn’t want to look, in fact she knew that she
shouldn’t have but she couldn’t help watching him walk
away. She also couldn’t help the pain that moved through
her as she saw Dean give the woman in the low-cut dress
more than one look as he passed her.

The music started, the announcer began speaking, and

Juliet bucked up for her turn on stage.

The woman in the other dress was three ahead of her, so

she had a pretty good view of her as she walked gracefully
down the stage that had been set up in the large meeting
room. Her bidding started out faster than most of the other
women’s and it continued to go up from there. Just when
she thought the bidding would stop at just over five
hundred dollars, a new voice spoke up.

Her heart sank as she recognized Dean’s voice and, as

usual, he was throwing his money around as if it didn’t
matter. But as people started to register his two thousand
dollar bid for another woman, they did notice, and it did
matter. Hot, salty tears pricked her eyes and she had to
forcefully swallow past the lump in her throat. It wasn’t

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cheating, she reminded herself. It was just for charity. He
just wanted to help.

The woman got off the stage and she was beaming. She

had brought in by far the most money so far. Her self-
satisfied smile continued until she caught sight of Juliet
standing against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest as
she hugged herself tightly.

“Oh jeebus,” she said, coming in front of Juliet and

putting her hands firmly on her shoulders. “He. Is. An. Ass.”

Juliet didn’t reply, didn’t even meet the woman’s gaze.

She couldn’t. Dean had found her attractive. He had wanted
her. So he had bought a date with her. It wasn’t cheating. He
couldn’t have purchased her to be able to cheat. They had
talked about that.

The woman just shook her head and walked away when

Juliet never looked up.

The next woman went, a pretty platinum blond with long

legs. Juliet’s heart sank further when she heard Dean
bidding again. He had far overbid, just as he had on the
woman before, and she was stunningly beautiful with her
smile as she came back to their little group. The next woman
went and Juliet couldn’t watch her go. At least she didn’t
hear Dean bidding on this one.

“Nichols! You’re up!” the announcer called to her.
Juliet gave herself a mental shake and squared her

shoulders. She could do this. She plastered a bright smile on
her face, licked her lips and walked out onto the stage as the
announcer started telling the audience about her.

Dean started the bidding at seven hundred. She gave him

a small, thankful smile at that. He bid first and he bid big.
She started to relax a bit. A few more bids were placed and
he outbid them aggressively. She was watching him as she
stood at the end of the stage and jutted out her hip. Ophelia
waved at her and she gave her sister a smile back. Then a

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few more people bid and Dean started to look startled.
When she looked back to find Dean, she saw him walking
out of the room, his phone pressed against his ear.

She frowned at him until another bid caught her

attention. Juliet scanned the crowd, searching for the bidder,
and caught sight of Tanner. He gave her a small smile and a
wave just before the announcer declared him the winner.

As she was getting off the stage, Dean came back in. He

smiled at her until he caught sight of the chalkboard where
the results were totaled. Once he saw her final bid his face
darkened and he became furious. She caught the dark look
that Dean shot to Tanner before she went back behind the
curtain and walked off stage.

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Chapter Fourteen

he house phone started ringing while Juliet was in the
bathroom brushing her teeth. She heard Ophelia yelling

down the hall. Before she could spit out her toothpaste and
go ask her sister what was going on her cell phone started
ringing. She cleaned up quickly and picked up her phone
from the nightstand.

Before she knew it, Dean was yelling into her ear.
“Dean?” she asked wearily. She had been upset for a few

hours last night and really hadn’t had enough sleep to deal
with him so early this morning.

“Tell that bitch of a sister of yours never to hang up on me

again,” he seethed in her ear, his voice like acid on her skin.

She blinked at the screen, making sure it really was him

calling. “Uh...”

“And don’t you dare go out with that redneck trash

tonight,” he continued. It sounded like he was pacing in the
background. Maybe even banging things around. She could
hear glass breaking somewhere near him.

Her already very thin breaking point snapped and she

flipped her phone closed, hanging up on him. She tossed her
phone aside but it started to ring again. She ignored it the
first time as she went to comb her hair but as her phone
continued to play “Disturbed” throughout her small
bedroom it began to get harder and harder to ignore the

“Yes?” she snapped irritably.


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He sounded even angrier now as he said, “Don’t you ever

hang up on me again.” Dean seemed to curse the words and
she cringed from each one as if slapped.

“What...” she gulped. “What happened last night? Why

didn’t you bid on me more?”

He sighed. “I ran out of cash. I got up to go get cash, and

then I got a call, and by the time I got back that asshole had
already bid on you.” He sounded really upset and she found
that she could almost believe him. But there was one more

“You bid so much on the other girls,” she took a breath,

“that you ran out of cash when it came to me.” The words
hurt to say. But they hurt more to keep inside. She knew
they were true, and yet she had hoped that they weren’t.

“I know, baby,” he said, his voice soft and pleading, “I

didn’t do well with my money.”

Juliet shook her head. That was a lie. “You never don’t do

well with your money. Don’t lie to me, Dean. I’ve had
enough. We’re done.” She took a deep breath and pressed
her head to the cold wall. “Please don’t call me again.”

He laughed, and the brittle sound grated on her nerves.

“You’ll change your mind. You’ll come back to me. You did
last time.”

“Not this time,” she whispered just before she hung up on

him. She hoped it was for the last time.

She got dressed and thankfully only the silence of her

bedroom greeted her. Juliet applied a bit of lip gloss and just
a swipe of mascara.

Then her phone rang again. It wasn’t Disturbed, but he

could be calling from a different phone. Maybe he had
borrowed his father’s phone or something. She didn’t really
much care. Juliet muttered darkly under her breath as she
grabbed the phone from where she had tossed it.

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“Stop calling me,” she nearly screeched into the phone,

her knuckles turning white as she gripped it in her hands.

“Sorry. I’ll let you go.”
Juliet blinked and her breath caught. “Tanner?”
He laugh was warm and soft. Much like himself. “Yeah,

it’s me.” He paused and she could hear the soft intake of his
breath as well as the scratch of his beard against the phone.
“I was going to ask you if you wanted to go for our date
tonight, but if you’re not feeling up for it...” he let his voice
trail off, leading her but letting her choose their next step.

She found herself smiling. “I want to go out. Tonight

sounds great.”

There was warmth in his voice. “Sounds good. I’ll pick

you up at six.”

She nodded before she realized that he couldn’t see her.

“What should I wear? I’ve got a few nice dresses and the
heels to match them.”

“,” he said, a hitch of uncertainty in his voice.

“You’ll want to be warm.” After a short pause he added,
“And comfortable.”

“Okay...” Juliet replied slowly. Warm and comfortable?


“Yeah, jeans would be good,” Tanner said, the edge

leaving his voice as the warmth flooded in.

She smiled. She could do jeans. “I’ll be ready.”
“Good. See you then.”
He hung up before she did, but she hardly noticed. She

hadn’t worn jeans on a date in well...She frowned. She
couldn’t remember ever wearing jeans on a date. Certainly
never with Dean.

Ugh. She groaned. Thoughts of him were not very

welcome, and since the dates had to be completed within the
week thinking about him going on dates with those two girls

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who she knew were much prettier than her was not a good

Juliet went over to the mirror to look at herself

objectively. If such a thing were possible, she should be able
to do it. She started with her hair. It was shorter than her
sister kept hers, but they shared the same loose brown curls
that had strands of both blond and red throughout. It
needed to be trimmed, but it wasn’t unhealthy by any

She had freckles, though they weren’t as pronounced as

her sister’s. Her eyes were large, her nose not too big for her
face and her mouth was a good shape, though her lips were
a bit full. Her chin was narrow as were her shoulders. Her
breasts, as Dean had pointed out, were lacking, but her
stomach was only a little rounder than flat, and her hips
were a good shape. Guys usually liked her legs and butt,
and years of horseback riding with a family friend had left
her with well-shaped thighs.

“What on earth are you doing?” Ophelia asked from her


Juliet made a face into the mirror. “Looking at myself


Her sister rolled her eyes and steered her over to the bed.

Juliet sat down obediently and watched her sister as she
tsked. “Tell me why, and don’t you dare mention Dean’s
name, because I swear to God if he has you second guessing
how pretty you are for even a minute I will go castrate him
with a rusty spoon.”

Juliet couldn’t lie to her sister, but she didn’t doubt

Ophelia’s threats either. “I can’t do that without lying to
you,” she said, opting for the truth.

Her sister blew out an irritated breath and flopped on the

bed beside her. “Do you think Dean will cheat?”

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She shrugged. “If he does, then he does. I can’t stop him,”

she said reasonably. “I’d prefer that he doesn’t, of course.
And we’ve always said we weren’t exclusive. He’s just never
been so blatant about finding other girls attractive before.”

Ophelia nodded. “Of course.”
“But if he does, then at least I would want him to tell me.

Sometimes, though, I get the feeling that he is already
cheating on me,” Juliet said quietly.

Her sister sat up and put her arm around her shoulders.

“I know it’s none of my business but...” She frowned.

“I keep the condoms in the top drawer of my dresser,”

Juliet supplied easily.

Ophelia laughed and released the breath she had been

holding. “Good. That’s really good. I’m glad you’re being
protected...and um...”

Her sister was blushing a deep red. “Yeah, that too.”
Juliet playfully jabbed her sister with her elbow. “You’re

so much fun to tease.”

She stuck her tongue out and twisted her hair up into a

loose bun. “It’s bothering me,” Ophelia said as she caught
Juliet’s questioning look.

“Get it cut.”
Her sister made a face and shook her head. “Not that I

don’t love how yours looks, but I couldn’t have mine that

Juliet shrugged. She loved her short hair. Loved how fast

it was to get dried in the morning and loved how it never
bothered her neck or shoulders like Ophelia’s seemed to.

“Tanner told me to wear jeans tonight,” Juliet said with a

sigh. “I’ve never worn jeans before to a date. Does he mean
my nice dressy jeans, or my holey, dirty, play in the mud
jeans? And what shoes should I wear?”

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Ophelia laughed and ruffled her sister’s hair. “It’s cute to

see you flustered about going on a date with a guy. I’d say
stay away from either extreme with your jeans. You’ve got
to have at least one pair of jeans that aren’t messy yet aren’t
your best. And wear sneakers. He didn’t expressly say boots

Juliet shook her head.
“So go with your cleanest pair of tennis shoes. What else

did he say?”

“To dress warmly,” she said. “Should I wear a jacket


Ophelia shrugged. “Or a hoodie. It sounds like a hoodie

would be better. Go for some layers, though, so you can take
them off just in case you need to.”

Juliet smiled at her. “Look at us. You’re actually giving me

advice on what to wear out on a date.”

Her sister laughed and bumped shoulders with her.

“Super rare, I know.”

Juliet grinned. “Very rare.”

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Chapter Fifteen

anner showed up perfectly on time. Iago was happy to
see him and even managed to lick his hand before

lumbering back up to her bedroom to continue his nap.

“Tanner, good to see you again,” her father said as Tanner

came into the living room by her side. They shook hands.

“Hello, sir,” Tanner replied with a big grin.
The sir rocked Juliet. No one had ever called her father sir

in front of her before, but her father didn’t so much as blink
at the formality of it. She caught Ophelia’s gaze over
Tanner’s shoulder. She looked just as startled as Juliet felt.
Did Tanner call him sir all the time?

“How’s the essay coming?” her father asked and Tanner

groaned good-naturedly.

Their mother pushed on their father’s shoulder. “No class

talk tonight,” she chided him warmly. “It’s Juliet’s date. You
can bother the poor boy tomorrow.”

The sisters giggled and then Tanner led Juliet out to his

truck. He held the door for her and helped her up into the
warm cab. She ran her hands against her jeans, feeling the
rough texture under her fingertips and against her nails. Her
stomach fluttered nervously as Tanner slid into the seat next
to her.

She giggled and played with the strings on her hoodie.

She had been forced to borrow it from Leonardo, since she
didn’t own one herself, and she was glad that she had. The
soft, worn fabric felt good against her skin.


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“You look good in jeans,” he said quietly as he shifted his

truck out of park. He wasn’t looking at her, but she could
feel the warmth in his gaze every time that his eyes flicked to
her. She smiled under his praise.

“They’re okay for tonight?” she asked him.
He nodded and turned off her narrow side street and onto

the main street. “They’re perfect,” he said.

She grinned. “I’m glad. Usually Dean has me change

because I don’t do a good enough job dressing myself and—
” She caught his scowl and her words froze on her lips.
“Tanner?” she asked, her voice wary.

He shook off her concern. “Sorry. Just because I don’t like

him doesn’t mean anything.”

Juliet nodded slowly. She took a deep breath and gave

him a small smile. “I don’t really like him much either right
about now. Want to have a nice night without thinking
about him?”

Tanner smiled thankfully at her. “Yeah.”
She settled into the seat beside him as he drove quietly

into the night. Though his Chevy pickup was an older
model, the interior was clean and it was obviously well
maintained. The dash sported a newer radio with lots of
little gadgets and buttons and there was a small GPS unit
that was currently turned off. The cab was warm, the fabric
soft and the air smelled fresh, as if he usually kept the
windows down when he drove. Right now the windows
were up, a thin barrier against the cool night air while she
stayed warm inside the cab.

The seat was more like a long couch and she found that

she liked the intimacy of it. Her seats in the Jeep were
comfortable of course, but this was different. This was a long
stretch of cushion with barely any space between the two of

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Occasionally Tanner would drop his hand down to his lap

or even rest it on the fabric of the seat next to him. When that
happened their fingers were so close she thought they could
almost touch. She wanted to touch him, wanted to feel the
brush of his fingertips against hers. But each time she
thought she could reach out and do it, he would pull his
hand back and hold the steering wheel again. He wasn’t
even conscious of it, or else he didn’t even notice how much
she wanted to feel that connection.

Country music played softly over his radio and she found

herself lulled into a comfortable peace by the familiar

“Where are we going?” she asked as he pulled off the

highway toward an exit marking the entrance to a little town
she had never heard of.

He gave her a small, secret smile and tightened his hands

on the steering wheel as he turned onto a narrow dirt road.
“There’s a spot up here I found awhile back. Sometimes I
like to drive when school gets to be too much or there’s too
much stress or life just seems to be too much. I’ll grab Drew
and a few bottles of water and drive until I find somewhere
that takes away the world.”

She whistled softly. “Sounds nice.”
He nodded. “It is.” Tanner’s gaze caught on the letters on

her hoodie, as they glowed bright white against the darkness
of the cab. “Titan?” he asked.

Juliet tugged at her hoodie. “It’s the name of the rig

Leonardo works on,” she said. “Ophelia had it made for

“You two seem really close,” he said.
“Ophelia and me?” she asked. Tanner nodded. “We’re

very close. She's one of my best friends.”

“And you and Leonardo?” he continued.

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She smiled at him. “He's a great guy. He obviously loves

her and he's really good to her.”

Tanner returned her smile. “Good. She seems happy.”
“She is,” Juliet said.
Tanner tapped his fingers nervously on the steering

wheel. Juliet frowned at him. “Please relax. You seem really

His hands went still on the wheel. “I am,” he said quietly.
Juliet quirked an eyebrow at him. “Why?”
His cheeks turned a soft shade of pale pink. “This is my

first date.”

She scrunched up her face in disbelief. “Really?”
He nodded. “Yep.”
“How’s that possible? You're older than me,” she asked,

blinking at him as if it would make sense if she just focused
a bit harder on him.

Tanner laughed. “I’m only older than you by a year.”
Juliet nodded. “Still, though...” she shrugged and looked

away. She wouldn’t tell him why she really doubted this
could be his first date. She wouldn’t tell him how much she
wanted to touch him. Or how much she wanted to run her
face against the short stubble on his cheeks and chin. He was
soft and gentle, and he listened to her like Dean never had.
Even her parents had always divided their attention
between her and her sister. All she had ever wanted was for
someone to spend all of their considerable attention on her.

Maybe that was why she had liked Dean so much at first.
“I’ve always had Drew to look after, and casual dating

pales in comparison to that,” Tanner was saying as he pulled
off into a small field. He slowed as the rough dirt road
turned into deep ruts just before he parked his truck.

“Wait here,” Tanner said as he stepped out of the truck.

She tensed slightly, all manner of horror movies going
through her mind as she realized that she had gone to the

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middle of nowhere with a guy that she barely knew and
now he was going to break out the chainsaw. The women
hosting the auction had warned them about that and she had
listened just like all the girls had when the women had told
them to stay in town, to drive themselves, and to let people
know where they were going.

And she had done none of that of course.
“You look a little wild,” Tanner said as he opened her

door for her.

“You were just coming around to get my door?” she

asked him, disbelief plainly clear on her face.

“Yeah...” He frowned, tucking his chin against his chest.

“What did you think I was doing?”

She gave him a sheepish smile. “Um, getting your

chainsaw maybe?”

His lips quirked into a smile and he took her hand.


Juliet got out of the cab with his help and followed him

around to the back of the truck. He pulled the tailgate down
and then used one of the tire covers to easily climb up, as if
he had been doing it for years. Which he probably had been.
She looked at him uncertainly. She had been around trucks
before but she had yet to find a graceful way of climbing
into the back of one.

With his help though, she managed to climb up until she

was kneeling in the bed of his truck. It took her another
moment to get her balance and stand up. She walked slowly
over to where he was unloading something from the large
silver trunk that sat just below the window of the cab.

Moving closer she could see that he was pulling a small

cooler out along with a bundle of blankets and pillows. Last
he pulled out a little lantern. With a twist of his fingers the
light sprang to life, illuminating the small space between

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Juliet settled in next to him, pulling her knees to her chest

and putting her chin on top of them as she watched him.
“Where are we, anyway?” she asked him quietly as she
stared at the darkness around them. There were some lights
off in the distance to her right, a small cluster of them that
she thought could possibly be a house or two, but they were
at least a mile off.

“We’re east of Denver by almost an hour,” he told her as

he sat down next to her. “And we’re about ten minutes off
the highway.”

“So...nowhere?” she asked him with a small smile.
He pulled out a bottle of lemonade and one of sweet tea

and offered them both to her. She took the tea gratefully.
“Yeah, pretty much nowhere. Sometimes it’s the best place
in the world.”

She nodded, fully understanding what he meant as they

settled into the silence of the night. After a few quiet
moments as they sipped their drinks she finally looked up at
the stars above them and her breath caught.

“Wow,” she whispered as she craned her neck back as far

as she could.

Tanner chuckled low and deep beside her. “Yeah. That’s

it exactly. That’s why I come out here with Drew.”

She nodded slowly. “I get that.”
“Here,” Tanner said, handing her a plate.
Juliet looked down to see fried chicken, potato salad, corn

bread, watermelon and a chocolate chip cookie all in small
piles on her plate. She went for her favorite first. “Yum,” she
said as she took a bite of the cookie.

Tanner nodded, a piece of chicken in his hand. “Drew and

I made them this afternoon. He made the corn bread himself.
It’s from a mix, but I think he did a pretty good job. He likes
spice though, so be careful.”

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“Thank you,” she said, her voice quiet in the darkness.

“It’s lovely. This was a great idea.”

He smiled at her and they ate in easy silence, neither

needing to waste the quiet on unnecessary words. She ate
heartily, savoring the simple foods and enjoying Tanner’s
company more than she ever had on any other date.

It occurred to her that it was a sort of irony that a date

that had been paid for through an auction was turning out to
be the best date she had ever been on.

Once they were done eating, he stretched out the blankets

and the pillows and lay down on his back. After a moment
of hesitation she followed him. He had a blanket for each of
them, which she eagerly wrapped herself in as she laid
down next to him and got comfortable on the thick
comforter under her.

“I come out here to stargaze,” he told her as he got

situated under his own blanket. “Way out here where there
aren’t any lights from the city it’s so much easier to see them.
They sky is clearer, the air cleaner.”

“I completely agree with you,” she said quickly.
He smiled at her.
“Tell me about Drew. How does he know Shakespeare so

well?” she asked him after a moment as she stared up at the
night sky.

“When he was born I started reading him whatever books

I was assigned to read for high school. I read him everything
from my algebra homework to my biology book. Then in
college I started reading him whatever I was assigned there,
too. I’m a literature major, so most of my classes have been
with your dad and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how
much he likes his Shakespeare.”

Juliet laughed. “I knew he used his works in a few of his

classes, but I hadn’t realized it had become such a backbone
for him.”

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Tanner grinned. “I’ve read him Measure for Measure four

times now for four different classes with Professor Nichols.”

“Wow. No wonder he recognized the reference to my

name so easily.”

Tanner’s smile was proud as he nodded. “Yeah. He’s a

smart kid.”

Juliet shared his smile and stretched her arms over her

head as she looked up at the stars. “I’ve gotta say Tanner,
this is by far the best date I’ve ever been on.”

He laughed deeply. “I don’t know if that’s a good thing or

if I should feel sorry for you.”

She shook her head, her smile firmly in place. “It’s a good

thing. Believe me. It’s a very good thing.”

Her gaze caught on a shooting star and she stretched her

arm up, pointing it out to him. Tanner reached up too,
pointing out another one to her. She followed the star with
her eyes as his hand caught hers and his fingers wound
around hers, intertwining their hands. She was glad that the
darkness was so thick around them as a warm blush began
creeping over her cheeks. It flooded to her neck and over her
chest until she felt warm all over as his fingers held hers
between them on the blanket. His fingers were warm and
rough, the callouses tickling her fingertips.

“Tell me about your truck,” she whispered as she turned

on her side, facing him.

“It was my dad’s,” he said, letting go of her hand just to

wrap his arm around her and pull her close to him. She
rested her head on his chest and breathed deeply. She
snuggled into him, pressing herself into his side and into his
warmth as the night seemed to chill around them. His other
hand came up to his stomach and rested there, waiting and
expectant until she slid her hand into his fingers and let him
hold her.

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“It’s a ‘77 Chevy,” he said quietly as he gently stroked the

pad of his thumb against her hand. “He gave it to me when I
was ten, and we’ve spent every summer since then slowly
fixing it up. He promised me that it would be ready on my
sixteenth birthday and that I would get to drive it on my first
date.” He laughed dryly and she smiled at him. “He was
right about the date, just not the year.”

“What happened?” she asked him.
He shrugged. “Drew was born, my dad started losing it,

my mom had an affair, and a year after he was born, almost
to the day, mind you, she left us.”

Juliet tried to sit up on her elbow and look at him but he

held her in place.

“Uh huh. You’re comfortable. Stay that way.”
She smiled and snuggled back into his side. “I’m sorry


He shrugged. “Don’t be. I’m not.”
“Do you still see her?” she asked him.
He shook his head. “Sometimes. It used to be more, but

now it’s barely once a year.”

“Do you miss her?” Juliet asked as she took a deep breath,

breathing him in.

She huffed at him, disbelieving.
He chuckled. “Yeah, sure. I used to miss her a lot. She’s

my mom, so of course I did. But...” He shrugged. “She chose
her new husband and his kids over us. So no, I don’t really
miss her anymore now. And before you ask—no, I’m not
angry. At first I was. But now, not so much.”

Juliet could understand that. He seemed incredibly strong

to her, to be able to deal with everything he had been
through and growing up so quickly and just to find the love
of his brother out of all of that and not to hold on to any of
the anger.

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It made her feel incredibly selfish and immature. Even

before her twenty-first birthday a few months earlier, she
had spent years partying where all she cared about was how
much fun she was having and how much more she could
have the next night. While the man beside her had been
going to high school and then to college while raising an
autistic child, she had been partying, staying out late and
having sex with guys she barely knew. Compared to him, it
had left her feeling weak and just a little bit dirty. She had
always loved her life, had always been fulfilled from it and
fine with the choices she had made. But next to him, it just
didn’t seem like enough.

“Hey,” he said, rubbing her shoulder gently and pulling

her closer to him. “Tell me what you’re thinking. You’ve
gone quiet.”

“I’m not like you,” she whispered bitterly. “You’re good,

you’ve led a good-person kind of life.” She frowned. “If that
makes sense at all.”

He shrugged. “And you’ve what? Killed elderly women

with boiling acid?”

“No, of course not. but—”
He put his finger to her lips. “Shh. I know you, or at least

I’ve known of you for years now. You’re Professor Nichols’
younger daughter. Everyone that has ever taken his class has
heard you and your sister referenced plenty of times. And
Dean isn’t exactly unpopular, so it’s hard not to hear about
him and therefore you in relation to him. You’ve partied. So
what? You’re young. We both are. There’s no reason you
should feel bad for having fun with your life.”

“You didn’t,” she quietly said.
“Ah, no, see that’s where you’re wrong. I did have fun.

Drew and I go to the zoo almost every weekend. I see a
movie with him at least twice a month and we eat pizza
every week. We’ve done laser tag and bowling and gone

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fishing for weeks during the summer just the two of us. So
no, I haven’t gone out with people my own age in a long
time. Actually, you’re the first in a few years. But yes, I’ve
had fun. Lots of it, in fact. And don’t feel bad for me for
raising my little brother. And don’t beat yourself up for
living the life that you have. You’re a good person, Juliet.
Accept that and embrace it,” he told her, his voice strong
and his words sure.

She laughed. “You sound like a self-help guru.” She took

a breath. “Or a saint.”

He shook his head. “No, I sound like a composed adult.

And I’m not a saint. Far from it actually.”

The way he said it, the heat behind his words as his

breath ran over her forehead, made her belly tighten and her
mouth go dry. “Tell me,” she whispered to him, her body
moving closer to his. She knew that she was begging him for
whatever he would say to keep her feeling this way about

But he shook his head and pulled away with a soft smile.

He would say no more about it.

They stayed up for a few more hours watching the stars

and then fell asleep together under their blankets, her head
still nestled firmly on his chest.

* * * *

Juliet awoke the next morning in a hazy fog, her mouth dry
and tasting disgusting as she smacked her lips together. She
was cold and her hair felt like it was a mess. She was about
to tell Dean that he left the window open and that he needed
to go close it when she heard a rooster crowing faintly in the
distance. And it wasn’t a rooster like her alarm clock noise
either. This was a real live rooster somewhere near her. She
slowly blinked open her eyes and saw Tanner first, his face

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sporting even more unshaved hair and his clothes a mess,
from what she could see above the blanket. The second thing
she saw was a cow munching on some hay just beyond the
fence a few yards away.

“Tanner,” she said, shaking him quickly as she began to

panic. Her parents were going to kill her. She had promised
them that she wouldn’t stay out all night again while they
were in town. They couldn’t control her while they were out
of town, but she would certainly try to obey them while they
were in town to give her their horribly disappointing looks
that they were so damn good at. She shook him again for
good measure, since he wasn’t waking up fast enough.

He groggily blinked up at her. “Hey,” he said with a

sleepy smile just before he stretched. His stretch was languid
and involved his whole body. Just like a cat’s. He pulled off
his blanket and she saw that his hoodie had ridden up with
his stretch, showing off the lean expanse of his stomach and
the dark trail of hair that stretched from his navel to below
the button of his jeans.

Juliet found herself following that dusting of hair with her

eyes and she caught herself licking her lips just before
Tanner pulled his shirt down and sat up next to her.

“My parents are going to kill me,” she grumbled. “I

wasn’t supposed to stay out all night.”

“No worries,” he said with a large yawn. He ran his

hands through his messy hair. She wasn’t sure what look he
was going for but he only managed to make it look worse.

“Oh I’m worried,” she told him darkly. “Very.”
He shook his head and licked his lips. He rubbed his eyes

and shook his head again. Juliet was trying not to find it
adorable that he took longer to wake up than she did in the
mornings. She thought it was pretty cute, actually, and
under different circumstances, she would have probably
kissed him and brought him back to bed instead of

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panicking and wondering how many times her dad must
have called to yell at her during the night.

She flipped open her phone only to find an empty screen.

Well, not empty. The picture of her, Ophelia and Iago was
still there as her wallpaper. And the clock read just after
eight in the morning. But aside from a text from Ester telling
her to have fun on her date with Tanner, there was nothing
else that she had missed. No furious calls, no angry fathers,
nothing. She blinked at her phone in disbelief.

“It’s not here,” she whispered to herself.
Juliet showed him her phone. “My dad didn’t call. I was

sure that he would have started to call and yell at me for
being late, starting at early this morning.”

He shook his head and yawned again. “That’s what I was

telling you not to worry about. I cleared it with the

She just stared at him. “You cleared what with my


He waved his hand in a general manner to indicate

everything around them. “The date, us staying out all

Juliet frowned at him. Dean had used that line once, too,

and she had been grounded for two weeks that time. She
couldn’t be too sure so she pressed the speed dial key for her

“Hey pumpkin. How was your date?” her dad asked


Juliet just stared at the man across from her. “You and

Tanner really talked about us staying out all night?

Her mother’s chiding voice came in through the speaker

and Juliet realized that she had been put on speakerphone.
“Of course they talked. Tanner’s a good boy. Not like that

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Dean fellow you’ve been spending time with lately. Did you
know that Tanner’s dad owns the bookstore we all use?”

Juliet rolled her eyes. “Yeah Mom, I know.”
“So come on home when you’re ready Juliet,” her mother

said. “We’re making pancakes and sausage. And your sister
is juicing the oranges right now.”

“Okay, Mom, I’ll be home soon,” she said just before she

hung up.

“Do you have to go?” Tanner asked as he came up beside

her. He sounded resigned yet still a bit hopeful.

With a slow nod Juliet said, “Yeah. I'm actually really

surprised that they let me stay out this long.”

Tanner nodded. “We probably shouldn't push it. Why

don't you hop in the cab while I put these things away?”

“I'll help,” she said.
He paused, a pillow held loosely in his hand. “You don't

have to,” he said.

She smiled at him. “I know. But I want to.” She started

gathering the other pillows. They had cleaned up their trash
from dinner the night before, so the morning clean up went
quickly. He tossed the blankets haphazardly into the metal
trunk, not bothering to even fold them, which intrigued her.
If his truck was anything to go off she knew that he
obviously cared about his things. But he didn’t seem to be
fussy about them like Dean was.

They cleaned up quickly and then she joined him in the

front of the cab. It was warm and comfortable, and although
she was dirty and hadn’t brushed her teeth since the
morning before, she was relaxed next to him as he put the
truck in gear and started driving them back home, the
sounds of Santana playing softly through the speakers.

She yawned as they got back on the highway. Halfway

through the drive back his fingers found hers on the seat in

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the space between them. Their hands stayed loosely
entwined during the rest of the ride back.

“Thank you for the date,” she said quietly as Tanner

pulled into her driveway.

He smiled at her and brushed a bit of hair out of her eyes.

“You’re welcome, Juliet. I had fun.”

She blushed and hopped out of the tuck. “I did too,” she

said quickly. She wrapped her arms around herself, hugging
her middle as she walked up the short sidewalk to her front

Tanner came up beside her and rested his hand on the

small of her back. She turned to him quickly, breathing
deeply as she rested her head on his chest and he wrapped
his arms around her shoulders.

Juliet nuzzled her face into the warmth of his neck.
“I want to kiss you,” he whispered to her.
His simple declaration made her belly tighten in

anticipation as butterflies began to spin and arc through her.
“I would like that,” she said, her voice barely a breathy

His arms tightened around her, pulling her closer against

him. Her hands went to his sides, stroking the heat of his
skin through the warmth of his hoodie. She could feel his
heart beat through his neck as it pressed against her cheek.
He turned his head and nuzzled the side of her head, just
above her temple.

“You’re so tempting,” he said with a breathy laugh. “But I

know you’re dating Dean and I won’t ask you to cheat on
him. I know you’re not like that.”

She bit the inside of her cheek. Dean. She had forgotten

completely about him as she had held this man’s hand, had
stood in his arms, had slept with her head on his chest
throughout the night. “You don’t know me that well,” she

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told him softly, the sadness creeping into her voice, despite
the happiness she felt at being wrapped in his embrace.

She felt his mouth spread into a smile against her


“No,” he said quietly. “I don’t know you very well.” He

took a breath. “But I’d like to.” His voice was hopeful,
leading but not demanding. She nodded against his neck.

“I’d like that too,” she told him, her voice just as honestly


The front door to her house opened and she turned to

look at the intrusion. Her sister stood with the corners of her
mouth quirked up into a small smile. She was in her usual
state of dress, a pair of loose jeans worn out in the knees and
a t-shirt. Her feet were bare and her skin was flushed. Her
lips were dark and swollen as if she had been interrupted
from a heated kiss with Leonardo. It warmed Juliet’s heart to
see her sister looking so happy and fulfilled.

Tanner looked at her, too, and Juliet expected him to pull

away from her but he only put his chin on top of her head.
“Hey, Ophelia,” he said warmly as he continued to hold her
close, his breath warm against her messy hair.

“Good morning, Tanner,” Ophelia said brightly.
His arms slowly slipped from her sides and he placed a

gentle kiss on her forehead. It was barely a breath of a kiss
but it still had her ducking her head to hide the blush that
covered her cheeks.

“Thanks again for the date, Juliet. I’m glad my first date

was with you,” he said. “See you soon, I’m sure. At the very
least your dad has his weekly book order to pick up, so
hopefully I’ll see you there in a few days.” He took an
awkwardly slow step back, his keys ready in his hands.

“It was good to see you again, Ophelia. Say hey to the

professor and your mom for me please,” Tanner said, taking
another step back.

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Juliet caught his gaze and saw the hesitation in them that

she was sure mirrored her own. She wanted him to stay. She
didn’t want him to go just yet. Maybe not anytime soon
even. She just couldn’t think of an excuse to get him to stay.

“Pancakes,” she quickly blurted.
Tanner’s eyebrows shot up and his smile turned into a

grin. “Huh?”

Ophelia stepped up to save her from her blurting

stupidity. “Mom made pancakes. There’s always plenty. I
think what my sister meant to say was would you like to stay

for breakfast, Tanner? I would so very much like your company on
this fine beautiful morning.
Right, Juliet?”

Her sister was grinning at her and Juliet knew that

somewhere, sometime she would both get her sister back for
embarrassing her and thank her heartily for saying the
words she couldn’t seem to form. Her father would get a
kick out of her not being able to talk to a boy. Not just
because she dated a lot, but because he had thought that
those one-word-a-day calendars were the best gifts for his
daughters for many years in a row before they reached their
teens and could tell him what they actually wanted. Though
for Ophelia it usually involved books or a new science kit
and for her it was most often the latest cd or some new

“Really, Juliet?” Tanner asked, the laugh ready in his

words. “Is that what you meant to say?”

Juliet grinned at him and nodded. He wanted to laugh

because he was happy. Just like she did. This was a man that
would never laugh at her, would never ridicule her or make
fun of her. She was as sure of it as she was that yes, she did
want him inside at their breakfast table where he had looked
so comfortable during their tutoring sessions not so many
days ago.

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“All right then,” Ophelia said as she held the door open

for them. Juliet’s hand tightened on Tanner’s, their fingers
lacing together, and she led him inside her home.

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Chapter Sixteen

he next afternoon Juliet was reading a book at the
breakfast table when she heard the doorbell ring.

Everyone was out back getting ready to start the barbecue
and she could hear her dad and Leonardo talking about the
best temperature to cook steaks to. They were having
cheeseburgers, so the point was moot for the moment but
she could see the merits of both sides of the argument. It
didn’t help though that her father was talking about cow
steaks and Leonardo was talking about elk. She supposed
that rare was rare, no matter where you were from, and she
knew her father liked his steaks at medium rare, so she
figured the conversation was mostly just for her father’s fun,
as he enjoyed having a decent debate with a man over the
age of twenty-two. But Leonardo sounded like he was
having just as much fun debating with him as well. She
thought again about how lucky Ophelia was to find
someone so wonderful for herself that he seemed to fit so
easily with them all. Even if she did have to go to colder-
than-anything-Alaska to do it.

She opened the door with a contented smile on her face. It

froze in place as she saw Dean standing on her doorstep.

“Hey,” she said carefully. “What are you doing here?”
“Can I come in?” he asked, his voice bitter and cold. She

had never seen him like this and it caused a ripple of
uncertainty to flow through her, but she had never flat out


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said no to him before and she wasn’t about to start while he
was acting so strangely.

“Sure,” she said, stepping out of the way. He came in, his

shiny black shoes making barely a noise on the stone entry
way. She closed the door behind him and looked at him

“How was your date?” he asked her coldly, startling her.
Juliet narrowed her gaze at him. “How were yours?”

When he just stared at her, she rolled her eyes. “Don’t start
this crap Dean.”

He moved in closer to her, his hands at either side of her

hips as he pressed her up against the wall behind her. It was
a familiar, intimate position they had shared often in this
same spot, but today it just felt wrong.

“I heard that you spent the night out there with him.

Showed back up yesterday morning, both of you looking
well-sexed, as you had his arms around you on your
goddamn porch for the whole world to see what you were
doing to me behind my back,” he spat in her ear.

She trembled against him and tried to push against his

chest, but he was so much heavier and so very much
stronger. “Are you having me followed?” she said
incredulously. She hated how her voice cracked and how
she felt so very small and vulnerable next to him. She felt
pitiful and frightened, something she never would have
expected or wanted to feel within her own home. She had
invited him in, and the situation needed to be fixed and
calmed down before someone came in and found them like
this. She didn’t need her family to see him at his worst.

“I’ve got friends in his neighborhood,” he told her, his

voice growing calm in a sort of chilling quiet. It scared her
more than his anger had a moment before. “So how did you
set it all up?”

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Startled and confused, she stopped pushing against him

and blinked up at him. “Huh? Setting what up?”

He rolled his eyes at her and held her chin firmly between

her fingers. “I’ll say this slowly so that you can understand,
but don’t you dare lie to me. Can you do that for me, baby

She nodded slowly, not wanting him to get mad at her

when he had control of her face. She took a deep breath and
plastered a friendly smile onto her face. “I’ll tell you
anything you want to know, Dean. You know that, sweetie.”
She brought her hands up to stroke his chest through the
fine material of his expensive sweater. Her fingertips paused
over his heart. The beat was slow, controlled. She pulled
back her hand, her nails curling into her palm. She couldn’t
hide her fear of him as she licked her lips nervously and
stared up at him. If anything, her fear seemed to make him
happy in some sick way. His eyes seemed to almost glitter as
he moved his hand to the side of her face so that his thumb
could still stroke her bottom lip as most of his fingers lay
against the pulse in her neck.

She was shocked to feel him put just the first little hint of

pressure against that tender flesh. “Stop it, Dean. This isn’t
funny,” she hissed at him.

“I should hope not,” he said as he moved closer against

her, pressing so hard against her that he nearly made it
impossible for her to breathe. “Now tell me about how you
had sex with that stupid hick and how you played me in
front of everyone.”

She shook her head against his chest. The cramped space

made the movement nearly impossible. “I didn’t know that
he was even there until you left and he placed the bid.” She
tried to force her hands between them to push on his chest,
but with him so close and his hands at her sides she was
effectively pinned. “Please let me go, Dean,” she whispered,

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her voice cracking. “We can talk about this later. I promise.
Just let me have this afternoon with my family.” She hated
how tears pricked her eyelashes and how she shook with
fear. Most of how she hated how goddamn weak she felt
being trapped with him at that moment.

“No, Juliet,” he said steadily. “I think we’re going to be

talking here for a while.” His hand moved fully to her neck
while his forearm kept her shoulder pinned against the wall.
Her eyes widened as she felt his fingers curl around her
throat. “Now, we’re going to play a game. And I know how
much you like games.”

Hot, salty tears fell from her eyes to spread over her

cheeks. “No, please Dean, no.”

“How long were you cheating on me for? Weeks?” he

asked. “And remember, sweet Juliet, there is a downside to
lying to me.” That last threat he said with just the slightest
hint of pressure against her neck, as if to drive his point
home. As if she could mistake his intent. But still, she
couldn’t lie to him. She wouldn’t ever put Tanner in danger
if she could really help it and she wouldn’t say what this
man wanted her to say just to save her own skin. Any police
officer would have told her to do it differently. Though they
would have told her to scream for help. It would have made
so much more sense than having him on top of her and
being so vulnerable when her family was only a few rooms
away. But somewhere in her mind she thought she could
still salvage this situation. She could calm Dean down. He
would leave quietly. Things would be okay. Her family
would never have to know about her latest screw-up in a
long line of screw-ups that involved guys. Though
admittedly, they had never had her pinned to a wall with
her throat in their hand.

Juliet took a deep breath and met his dark gaze. “I. Never.

Cheated. On. You.” She made sure every word was bitten

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out so that he could fully understand her. Cheating to them
was sex without the other person knowing. They had
discussed this. Communication was essential in any
relationship, and she had made sure that there were ground
rules for theirs. Aside from her one weak moment months
ago in the tattoo shop when they were barely starting to go
out, she hadn’t even kissed another man in all the months
that they had been together. She couldn’t say the same for
him. She didn’t have proof, and she certainly didn’t have the
names of the women that he wanted more than her, but like
the women at the auction she knew that they existed.

His fingers tightened on her skin and she gasped past

even the light pressure of his warning squeeze. “Don’t you
lie to me, slut. I’ll—”

Suddenly she was free as Dean was being yanked away

from her. Juliet sank to her knees and hid her face under her
arms, cowering against the side of the wall as she heard
Leonardo yelling at Dean. She could make out bits and
pieces of what he was saying but mostly it was just noise to

That was, until she heard Dean yelling at her sister. That

snapped whatever mis-timed self-preservation ideas she’d
had when she had crumbled to the floor to protect herself.
She shot to her feet on shaking legs and rounded on him.

“You don’t talk to her that way!” she screeched at him,

startling her gathered family. “You’re a bully, and you’re
mean, and you need to leave, and don’t you ever come back
here!” Juliet felt Ophelia’s arm come around her stomach,
supporting her and holding her all at the same time. Beside
her, she saw Leonardo and her father standing off to the
side, ready to step in should she need it. Her mother was
behind them, protected and safe as she stared at the scene in
shock and horror, clutching a loudly barking Iago in her

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“Don’t ever call me again,” she whispered brokenly just

before she scrambled out of her sister’s arms and stumbled
up the stairs as she tried to run on shaking legs.

She continued to hear voices from downstairs, but after a

few minutes of arguing she heard the front door slam, and
the house slowly filled with an uneasy, floating silence. She
pulled that quiet around herself like a blanket as she curled
up on her bed, her mother’s frightened face seared into her
mind. She was so scared, and Juliet had brought that horror
on her. No mother should have to see violence in her home,
against her children and the family that she loved. And Juliet
had exposed her to that out of her own stupidity. That
realization left an acrid, burning taste in her mouth as the
guilt and shame began to settle deep in bones and whisper
through the blood pounding in her ears.

Her door opened, squeaking on rusted hinges as two sets

of footsteps came near her. She shut her eyes tightly,
unwilling to see the hurt on her mother’s face. Or worse, the
disappointment. She couldn’t handle that right now. She
knew that she wasn’t Ophelia, but dammit she was okay
usually. Sometimes. She tried anyway. It was just hard to
live up to perfection all the time.

“Open your eyes, sweet girl,” her mother cooed, her

warm hand stroking the hair off her forehead. Juliet slowly
obeyed her mother as Ophelia laid down on the bed behind

“I’m so sorry, Mommy,” she choked out as a wave of

fresh tears began streaming down her cheeks.

Her sister’s arms came around her stomach, tightening

around her and holding her close as her mother’s face came
closer and she pressed a kiss to Juliet’s forehead. “What are
you sorry for?” she asked.

Juliet swallowed hard. “Bringing him into my life. Letting

you see that. Not protecting us.” She took a deep breath.

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This one hurt the most. “Not being better,” she whispered,
the words bitter and harsh against her tongue. She hated
saying them, but the truth sometimes hurt, especially when
you were admitting it about yourself.

She was flipped onto her back as Ophelia turned her over.

Her sister pressed her forehead against hers as she crowded
her on the bed. “What the hell are you talking about? Stop
that shit this instant.”

Juliet grinned and then laughed brokenly. “You cursed,”

she whispered. It was such a rare occurrence that it
demanded attention.

Her sister rolled her eyes and sat up, giving Juliet her

space. “You’re always good, Juliet. And that idiot’s crap isn’t
your fault.”

“I brought him into our lives,” she protested.
Ophelia huffed loudly.
“You aren’t responsible for that young man’s actions.

Though I’d like to skin him myself, and would have, if your
father hadn’t stopped me,” her mother said vehemently. Her
fingers came up to trace Juliet’s neck.

Juliet shared a smile with her sister. Hearing their mother

talk about skinning someone was almost comical. She was
fierce, but she was tiny in a family of people of average
height. Iris Nichols though was no one to mess with.
Especially when it came to her kids, whether they be her
daughters or the kids that she taught through her youth
literacy programs at their local library just a few blocks up
the street.

“It’s going to be okay,” Ophelia told her as she stroked

her sister’s arm. “You’re going to be fine. Everyone makes
mistakes sometimes. Just call Dean a mistake and move on
from him. You’re so much stronger than you give yourself
credit for.” Her mother nodded for emphasis.

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Then Leonardo and her father came into her room and

she watched as Leonardo gave Ophelia a gentle kiss on the
top of her head. Although he stayed next to his wife, Juliet
knew his attention was on her. And it felt good to have that
kind of protection on her side.

He reached up and stroked her cheek and brushed the

hair off her face. She was glad she had such a big bed, with
the three of them on it. She remained lying down. It was
comfortable and allowed her to curl onto her side instead of
sitting up and facing them all right now. It was futile,
though, since lying down also allowed everyone to crowd
around her and look down at her as if she was on a surgical
table and being dissected.

That was an image she didn’t particularly like, so she

slowly sat up, crossing her ankles and tucking them under
her as she brought her knees up to her chest and wrapped
her arms around her knees. At least she was wearing shorts
today. Being in one of her short skirts would have been just
too much vulnerability for her at that moment.

“You’re so much better than that jerk. Don’t waste any

more tears on him,” Leonardo told her seriously.

She gave him a grateful smile and brushed the tears off

her cheeks. She was starting to come back to herself with the
help of the love of her family all around her. These people
loved her, she belonged to them and with them, and they
would forgive her for this most recent stupidity as they had
all the other times before. She had to stop making such
horrible mistakes, though.

“You’re one of the good guys,” she told him honestly, her

voice serious. “One of the very rare ones.” She turned to
Ophelia. “You got super lucky.”

Juliet took a few shuddering breaths and went to the

bathroom before anyone could say anything more to her.
She brushed her teeth and splashed water on her face. After

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patting her face dry and applying a bit of mascara and some
lip gloss, she came back out to her bedroom to find her
family still gathered around her bed and watching her

“I think the burgers might be ready to go on that old

grill,” Ophelia said brightly. There were a few nods of
agreement and Juliet gave her sister a grateful smile.

She hung back as everyone left her room. Ophelia was the

last one to leave and Juliet gave her sister a big hug and she
was happy to get one in return.

“Thank you,” she whispered into her sister long curls.
“Anytime,” Ophelia said as she gave her one final

squeeze before pulling away and leading her downstairs to
where their family waited on the deck.

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Chapter Seventeen

few days later Juliet and Ophelia walked into the
bookstore ready to pick up their father’s latest order.

She was happy to see Tanner behind the counter and she
gave him a smile. She couldn’t help the blush that swept
over her cheeks or the flutter of her heart at the sight of him
with a well-read paperback in his hands as he sat perched on
a wooden stool behind the counter.

“Reading the merchandise?” she teased him as Ophelia

began to browse the rows and rows of books.

“Something like that,” he said with a grin as he put the

book aside.

She picked it up and read the familiar title with a smile.

“Treasure Island. I used to love this story.”

“Yeah, well, I preferred the Muppets movie version

myself,” Tanner said with a shrug. “I was going to tell Drew
about it and I wanted to make sure that I had all my facts
straight before I presented it to him.”

She nodded. “It’s always good to have your facts


He smiled at her and ran a hand through his hair. “Here

to pick up your dad’s books?”

Juliet cocked her hip against the counter. “Yep. And I

wanted to see you again, too, or else I would have just sent
my sister to fetch them.”

“Fetch things yourself!” Ophelia called good-naturedly

from somewhere in the stacks.


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Tanner grinned and took her hand in his. His fingers

played against the palm of his hand. “Well, whatever the
reason, I’m glad you decided to come in.”

“Me too,” she said softly, leaning closer to him. “Thank

you again for the date, Tanner. I had a lot of fun.”

“I did, too,” he said, leaning into her too.
“Which of these mysteries do you think Dad might like,

Juliet?” Ophelia called to her. Juliet gave Tanner an
apologetic smile before joining her sister in a corner of the
small store marked with a brass plaque denoting it as the
mystery books area. They settled on one neither of them had
heard of before, but the obscurity of it would probably
appeal to their father.

“I’m so glad Dean is out of your life now. You’re going to

be so much better off now without him. You’ll see,” Ophelia
told her. Juliet knew how well sound carried in the store, but
found that she didn’t care if Tanner knew she’d broken up
with Dean. It would save her from having to tell him herself

They approached the counter and Ophelia put the

mystery book on the counter as Tanner started bagging the
books for their father. “I’m sorry about Dean,” he said, not
looking at her. “If you need anything or want to go to a
movie or something sometime just to relax and stuff, give
me a call, all right?”

She startled, surprised by the softness of his answer.

There was no pressure in it. Just a friend asking another
friend out to a movie. But— “You aren’t that sorry are you?”
she asked him with a smile. “Usually you’ll look me in the
eyes. You wouldn’t just then.”

He sighed and met her gaze. “You should probably know

that about me. I don’t lie well. Along with an addiction to
chocolate chip cookies, it’s one of my quirks.”

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“Or charming qualities, depending on who you ask,”

Ophelia said pointedly as she moved to the section of new

Tanner blushed and shifted his weight. He rested his

forearms on the counter as he leaned toward her. “Yeah,, Juliet, I’m not sorry that he’s out of your life. I
don’t think it was any secret that I didn’t like him much.
And I didn’t like how he treated you, especially at the

“Amen,” Ophelia called over her shoulder.
Tanner cleared his throat. “And as much as I would like

to just sweep you up into a relationship now with me since
you’re free and all, I’m not like that.”

Her smile was uncertain. “You’re not?”
He shook his head. “You need time to heal. I was serious

though, about going out sometime if you wanted. Just didn’t
want you to think I just wanted to date you or something.”
He was blushing and took a step back from the counter as he
looked away and cleared his throat, unsure of himself.

She let out a breath. He was full of so many constant

surprises. “That’s really sweet of you, Tanner. Thank you.
Are we still on for Saturday?”

He nodded. “Only if you’re up for it, of course.”
She gave him a small smile and said, “See you then.”

Juliet grabbed their bags and met Ophelia at the front of the

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Chapter Eighteen

he following Saturday Tanner picked her up for the zoo,
but Drew stayed in the truck. “He was being stubborn

about not wanting to go in,” he told her apologetically as
they walked back to his truck.

She shrugged. “I was ready to go anyway and plus, new

people can be scary sometimes.”

Tanner gave her a smile and got the door for her. He

helped her climb in next to Drew and then came around the
front of the truck to get in on his side.

“Hey Drew,” Juliet said as she buckled herself in. It was a

bit chilly out, and she was glad to see that he and Tanner
were both wearing hoodies. She had chosen to get dressed
up, or as dressed up as one could get for the zoo. She was
wearing her nicest pair of jeans with her black knee high
boots over them and a pink sweater. Ophelia had said she
looked nice, and the quick glances that Tanner took
whenever they hit a stop light confirmed it. His attention
made her feel pretty and special.

“We’re going to the zoo today,” Drew told her proudly.

“We go lots, but I guess it’s okay that you came today.”

Juliet laughed even as Tanner scolded him for his

rudeness. “Well thank you for that,” she told him. “I’m glad
to be here with you.”

“Favorite animal?” Tanner asked her as he pulled onto

the highway.

Juliet pursed her lips as she thought. “Elephants.”


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“They smell,” Drew informed her.
She ruffled his hair. “Yeah, they do. And they’re also

super smart, and they take care of each other for years, and
they live in families.”

“Ever ridden one?” Tanner asked.
She shook her head. “I ride horses, but I’ve never been on

anything bigger than them. I don’t do heights well.”

He smiled at her. “That’s probably safer.”
She shared his smile and settled in for the short ride to the


The zoo was thankfully not too crowded, and they were

able to get close enough to see all the animals that Drew
wanted to. Juliet was struck again by how close Tanner
seemed to his brother and how well he took care of him.

“Want some ice cream?” Tanner asked her as he got in


“Yes, please,” she said, coming up beside him, Drew

clinging tightly to her arm.

Tanner tried to pull him off her but he stubbornly refused

to let go. “C’mon Drew. Don’t cling to her.”

She put her hand on Tanner’s shoulder. “It’s okay

Tanner,” she told him. “I don’t mind at all.”

He looked at her uncertainly. “You sure?”
She smiled at him and moved her hand to Drew’s upper

back. “Yeah, I’m sure,” she said with a soft smile. Tanner
returned her smile and ordered their ice creams. He also
ordered them a plate of chicken tenders and French fries for

Juliet pulled a few water bottles out of her bag as they sat

down. She had purchased them and some postcards at the
first gift shop that they had gone into and now she was glad
that she had. The line for drinks was getting longer by the
minute as the day began to warm up into the early afternoon

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hours. It would still be cold as soon as the sun set, so she
was glad she had dressed at least a little warmly.

“Did you get lots of pictures?” Tanner asked her as she

sat her camera on the table next to her.

“Tons,” she told him. “Especially of the penguins.” She

licked the honey mustard dressing and chicken tender
crumbs off her fingers before turning on her camera and
handing it to him. She had opened the saved images folder
to one of her favorite pictures of the day, one of Tanner and
Drew in front of the penguin exhibit. It had been Drew’s
favorite, and the picture was of the two of them turned away
from her as they watched the penguins. Drew had his face
and hands plastered against the clear plastic barrier. He was
grinning widely.

“I’d like a copy of this picture if that’s okay,” Tanner said

as he handed her camera back to her.

Juliet blushed. She planned to print one out for herself

later today. It was a great profile picture of them both. She
knew the perfect silver frame to put the picture in, and there
was room on her dresser for at least another few pictures.
“Sure,” she told him as he put her camera away and took
another bite of the chicken tender in front of her.

They finished lunch and walked around for a bit longer

before piling back into his truck. She was pulling out her
water bottle once they got back onto the highway when a
small plush jaguar fell onto the seat next to her. She looked
up at Tanner questioningly.

“Surprise,” he said simply. “I saw how much you liked


She stared at the little cat in wonder as she picked it up

and began stroking its fur. He was right, she had really
wanted it, but had decided against getting it. “I haven’t
been given a stuffed animal since I was a little girl.”

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“Sorry, I should have asked first,” Tanner said with a

frown as he pulled off the highway and onto the side streets.
She quickly reached around Drew to be able to put her hand
on his arm.

“Don’t say that. I like it a lot. It was very sweet,” she told

him with a reassuring smile. After a moment he returned her
smile and she settled back into the seat, her little jaguar held
tightly in her lap.

Once at her house, Tanner left the truck running so that

Drew could listen to the radio as he came around to Juliet’s
side and opened the door for her. He helped her step down
and then as they walked up the sidewalk together his fingers
slid into hers. It was natural and easy and she smiled at him
as she curled her fingers around his. On her porch he pulled
her into his arms, the jaguar squished between them as their
hug lingered and she breathed in his warmth. She liked
being pressed against him like this, like there was nothing
between them and he wouldn’t mind holding her for a lot
longer than they had time to. She found she wouldn’t mind
holding him that long, either.

Drew honked the horn, hurrying Tanner along, and with

an apologetic smile he kissed her forehead and walked
quickly back to the truck. She waved to them as they drove
off and Drew waved back to her, which made her giggle just
before she went inside.

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Chapter Nineteen

he first day back to school after any break was always
difficult for Juliet, and the Monday after spring break

was no different. She woke up late, had forgotten to wash
her favorite jeans and was barely on time for her first class of
the morning. She was having even more trouble focusing
this morning than usual, and being the daughter of a
professor on campus hardly helped. Her professors had the
ill-conceived notion that growing up around the notion of
classes and students and colleges made her somehow
immune to everything going on around her, somehow above
the normal day-to-day activities of being a student. As if she
had already developed a jaded, been there done that sort of
attitude when it came to school, so they assumed that she
would always have her papers and projects in on time or
early, and that they would be exceptional because of course
she had already done this all before.

A professor from a class that she had detested the

previous semester had actually threatened to tell her father
that she had received a failing grade on one of the
professor’s papers. She had told him to go ahead and had
walked off. Of course nothing had come of it. Not that she
thought her father had really been upset at her. He probably
would have done what he did when her third grade teacher
had assigned her Tolstoy since Juliet had made the mistake of
complaining that she had read every book that the teacher
had assigned for the year and could she please read


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something new and different. Her dad had gone straight to
the teacher and spoken to her. She wasn’t sure what he had
said and she had never asked him, but the next day the
teacher had taken her to the school library and told her to
pick out whatever book she would like to read that month
and to write a report on it when she finished it. The teacher
had even been nice to her. Juliet could almost remember the
woman apologizing for losing her temper and snapping at
her. She had read The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson
Burnett and had loved it. She had devoured it in less than a
week, with many late nights spent under her blankets on her
bed with a flashlight, her book, and a baggie filled with
Oreos. The paper that she had turned in the following
Monday had received an A. It had been the beginning of her
being able to choose her own books to read in many of her
literature classes over the years.

But that was to be expected, too, as the daughter of a

professor. At least she could understand literature
professors expecting more of her because of who her father
was. But the professors who expected her to understand
subjects like math just because her father was a professor, or
worse because her sister had multiple degrees, had started
getting to her while she was still in high school. They would
get upset with her when she didn’t understand the concepts
and would often ask her father how they should go about
teaching her when she just couldn’t seem to learn. He had
been at a loss too, so she had struggled and had barely
gotten through most of her required math courses.

Thinking back, she realized that Tanner had been one of

the very few people to be patient with her when it came to
her trouble with math. Thinking about his unending
patience and his easy manner had her smiling despite the
monotone voice of the professor or the dull nature of the
material. It was a sales class, so a little math but a whole lot

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of detailing the markets and trends and looking for clues as
to what to design and release and when.

She was frustrated with her degree choice. Lots of people

changed their majors, she knew that. No one in her family
ever had. Or if they did have a change of heart, they did
what Ophelia had done—just finished the degree that she
didn’t really want and then started an entirely new one.
Juliet didn’t really want to do that, though. She didn’t have
the patience or the desire to get multiple degrees.

She only wanted one. The right one. But she wasn’t sure

exactly what that was at the moment. She had chosen
fashion design because she liked clothes. She really truly
did. She liked dressing up her older sister like a doll and she
liked being able to help her friends with their clothing
choices and styles. She enjoyed shopping, like many women
her age, and she really liked texture and color. She had a
portfolio in her backpack of designs that she would like to
see in completion someday. But was this what she wanted to
do? She wasn’t sure. She wasn’t positive it was anymore. But
she didn’t know what she’d want to do if not this—and one
thing about her father, he liked to have someone come up
with their own choices before they asked his opinion. And
she would need more than just his opinion. She would need
his approval to switch all of her classes if that was really
truly something she wanted to do, since he paid her bills.

She would table it for now before she gave herself a much

unwelcomed headache in the middle of class. Eastern
wintertime markets demanded her attention at the moment

Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she discreetly

looked down to read the text message without alerting the
professor to what she was doing. Not that the professor
couldn’t tell she wasn’t fully present for the class anyway.
She hadn’t taken a single note, and today was supposed to

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be entirely material that she needed to know for the final test
that was worth a good thirty percent of her grade.

Are you dating Tanner? The message read.
Juliet sighed. Already the rumors were beginning. It

wasn’t a large campus but it certainly wasn’t Midwestern
small, either. She had noticed quite a few people paying
more attention to her once she had started dating Dean
almost a year ago, though. The attention had been strange at
first, but she supposed that she had let it blend into the
background after the first curious month.

He’s a friend. She replied back, not that it was the girl’s

business. But being rude wouldn’t have seemed right. She
had barely spoken to the girl in the months since she’d met
her, and she had certainly never received a text message
from her. Juliet couldn’t even remember what class she had
shared with the girl now that she tried to place her.

My brother saw you holding hands at the zoo, the girl

continued to text.

Juliet rolled her eyes. Rudeness and manners and all that

good stuff aside, she was getting really tired of feeling like
she was being watched. If it wasn’t Dean and his friends
then it was people that wished they were friends with him.
As far as she was concerned, the whole lot of them could just
go jump off a bridge. They were welcome to have him after
what he had done to her. Just friends. And you’re welcome to

spread that to everyone else who may be gossiping about me.

Okay so that last part might have been a bit rude. But she

could not stand people that gossiped and wanted nothing to
do with them. Her phone vibrated again and she looked
down at the message and blew out an irritated breath at the
unflattering curse. With a few quick keystrokes she deleted
the girl as a contact of hers and then closed her phone again.

Class let out a few minutes early because the professor

was starting to lose her voice, and Juliet ignored the girl on
her way out the door. It was easy when she wasn’t sure

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which girl it was, but she assumed she was somewhere in
the group that was currently giving her glares. She shook
them off and walked to her next class.

On her way through one of the smaller courtyards she

saw Dean. She was hoping he wouldn’t notice her but he
tried to come toward her just as she was going into another
hallway. She gave him a nod to let him know that yes, she
did see him, and that no, she had no intention of speaking to
him right now or ever again. It seemed a bit more civil than
giving him her middle finger when she was supposed to be
the civil and enlightened daughter of a professor. Hoping
her ex-boyfriend fell down a flight of stairs and broke his
pretty nose was hardly fitting to that image, but it was still
pretty fun.

Her textiles class went much faster than her previous class

and as she finished her classes for the day she was happy to
be able to drink in the late spring sun as she made her way
to her bright yellow jeep. She loved her little beauty and
couldn’t thank Ophelia enough for giving it to her when she
had taken the job that relocated her to Alaska on a more
permanent bases.

She drove home slowly, enjoying the side streets and the

sun on her cheeks and hair. As she pulled into the driveway
she was glad to see that the blinds in the house were open,
meaning that Ophelia and Leonardo were there and not on a
walk with Iago like they had enjoyed doing most of the
afternoons during their trip. She was especially happy to see
Ophelia stretched out on top of Leonardo’s lap on the couch
as they watched TV in the living room, because they would
be flying back to Alaska tomorrow and it would probably be
months before she would see her sister again.

“Hey,” Ophelia said sleepily as she made room on the

large couch for Juliet by her feet.

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“Hey. Anything good on the TV this time in the

afternoon?” she asked. She sat down in Ophelia’s vacated
spot and then pulled on the pants of her sister’s jeans to get
her to stretch back out. She quickly accepted and lay her feet
over Juliet’s lap. On the floor by her feet Iago lay snoring

Ophelia shrugged. “Just judge shows.” She snuggled

further into Leonardo’s tummy and his arms tightened
around her.

“How was class today?” Leonardo asked as he stroked

Ophelia’s hair. If her sister could purr, she would be. Juliet
was sure of it as she watched her sister close her eyes and a
soft smile come out to play on her lips.

“There was some minor gossip about me,” she began.
“Anything that you can’t handle?” Leonardo asked.
She shook her head no but wondered idly what it would

have been like to have a big brother ask her that in high
school, when girls could be some of the worst bullies. She’d
have probably loved him just as she loved Leonardo for who
he was and the wonderful things he did for her sister and
how he treated her each and every day.

“And Dean tried to talk to me and I blew him off,” she

told them as she settled deeper into the couch.

“Keep your head up,” Ophelia told her, oblivious to the

way her husband’s face had turned into a scowl at the
mention of Dean’s name. “Don’t let him get you down or
upset you.”

“Will do,” Juliet said cheerfully. Honestly, she wasn’t

worried about him anymore. He was a mistake, nothing
more. She wouldn’t allow him to be anything more than that
for her, now or ever again.

Leonardo caught her gaze. With deliberately slow

motions he moved her hair away from her neck to check it
for bruises just as he had been doing ever since that

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afternoon. There hadn’t been anything more than faint
shadows of bruises the next morning, but still he checked.
She had still taken to wearing her hair down, but since it was
barely past her chin, there wasn’t much else that she could
do with it anyway. She proudly offered him her neck to
reassure him. Once he was satisfied that there were still no
bruises marring her pale skin he sat back and returned to
rubbing Ophelia’s side.

“Need anything done about him?” Leonardo asked her.
Juliet giggled. “You already did it. Thank you though.


He nodded but still looked a bit worried. “You going to

be okay once we go home?”

Juliet sighed. “I’m going to miss you both terribly. You

know that. But yeah, I’ll be okay.”

“We’ll be back soon,” Ophelia reassured her. “Or you

could come up to Alaska to visit us.” She laughed as Juliet
made a face.

“I have a thing about places where the high for the day is

in the single digits for most of the year,” she told her.

Leonardo chuckled. “Yeah, well there is that.”
Juliet nodded and settled in to watch a little TV.

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Chapter Twenty

uliet watched sadly as Ophelia and Leonardo walked into
the bright artificial light of the Denver International

Airport. They were dressed warmly for the first leg of their
trip which would take them into Canada. From there it
would be a long series of layovers and changing planes to
finally arrive back at the little Alaskan town that they called
home. She remembered that trip from when she went to
Alaska for their wedding and she did not enjoy the flights
into Nome or on the way back. And Ophelia and Leonardo
would be going so much further north than that.

She watched them go until an impatient driver started

honking behind her. Then she put on her headset and called
Ester as she pulled out of the airport loading area. .

“Hey,” she said as soon as her friend answered the phone.

“Are you busy?”

“Not terribly,” Ester said with a sigh. “Just studying for a

test that I should have studied for over the break. I didn’t,
though, because I’m an idiot. So what’s up?”

“You’re not an idiot. I was just wondering if you wanted

to hang out. But you seem busy,” Juliet replied as she
merged onto the highway.

“Yeah, I am. And it sucks ‘cause I would so rather be with

you today,” Ester said, the reluctance and disappointment
obvious in her voice.

“It’s all right,” Juliet told her. “I’ll see you later.”


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Juliet hung up the phone and turned on the radio. She

didn’t want to go home and sit in the big house all alone, as
she missed her sister. And she was still a bit uneasy about
being there alone after what had happened with Dean. She
doubted that he would come back, but still, she was uneasy

As George Strait came across the radio she got an idea.

She flipped through her phone to one of the contacts that she
often used and pressed the little green send button.

“Hello?” the kind elderly woman said as she answered

her phone on the second ring.

“Hello, Mrs. Banks,” Juliet said. “It’s me, Juliet Nichols.

May I come see the horses today?”

The woman laughed, her dry voice becoming brittle in a

way that broke Juliet’s heart. She had known the woman for
years and she was almost like a grandmother to her. She was
an almost grandmother only because she had been Juliet’s
English teacher many years ago, and some part of her was
still unnerved by the deceptively frail lady that could
intimidate her with barely a glance.

“You are welcome to come out here and visit me anytime,

Juliet. You know that. Should I expect you in half an hour?”
the woman said sweetly.

Juliet quickly pulled off on the nearest exit and popped

into a parking space in an empty parking lot. “Let me
check,” she told Mrs. Banks as she climbed out of the jeep
and walked around to the back. Her duffel bag was still
there, just as she had left it the last time she had gone to see
the woman. She had meant to bring it in a few days ago and
was glad that she had forgotten completely. “I have my bag
with me,” she said brightly. “I will see you in thirty

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“Very good. See you then, dear,” Mrs. Banks said just

before she hung up.

Juliet hopped up into the back of the jeep and began

pulling her riding boots out of the duffel bag. Thankfully she
had just worn some low heeled sandals that morning and
they came off easily. She kept a few pairs of socks in the bag
and put a clean one on, making a mental note to take the
dirty ones in and wash them that evening. Her boots went
on smoothly like a favorite pair of worn jeans and soon she
was tossing her sandals into the bag and getting back in the
driver’s seat for the short trip up to Mrs. Banks’ home.

She lived a short drive off the highway in a housing

subdivision that was built in the late thirties. Many of the
homes showed their age but they were all well taken care of.
It was a quiet section of town and each house had a few
acres with it. Some people used the space as just a place to
play football with their kids, others had put in large pools
and one or two had added either a tennis court, a basketball
court or in one family’s case- both. But the majority of the
homes were as they were meant to be, with sturdy wooden
fences that lined the quiet streets and a couple of horses
grazing in the pasture.

She would have loved to live in a place like this, Juliet

thought, if she could have ever afforded it. Back when Mrs.
Banks and her late husband bought it in the fifties, it had
been affordable. Now it was close to a million dollar home.
She should know. She had checked often in the area when
she first graduated high school as a place to dream about
living someday. But that was little more than a dream now
as the reality of her situation had set in. If she stayed in
fashion, she could make a life for herself. It might not ever
be plush, but it would most definitely be comfortable. And
she was able to visit Mrs. Banks as often as she wanted to, so
it was almost like having a home in the beautiful

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neighborhood of Pine Run. Almost, but not quite. But it was
enough to sustain her for now until she graduated college,
got her degree and her career really got moving. It was still a
good dream, though.

Juliet pulled her jeep into the little dirt alcove Mrs. Banks

used to use for her trailer when she was still young enough
to go rescue the horses in need herself. She had long since
sold the trailer, but everyone that knew her knew that she
would spare no expense rescuing a horse any day of the
week, even now. Though she had never been a formally
recognized rescue, the people in the neighborhood often
referred to her as that woman on the hill that rescues those
old horses. Though it was usually much shorter than that.
She deliberately kept an open stall available for just such a
needy horse and although sometimes she found homes for
the horses that she rescued, the four that were currently
grazing in the pasture were her permanent pets. She hadn’t
been out riding on any of them for years, but Mrs. Banks had
enough friends that the horses got regular exercise and she
paid a kid a few houses down to muck the stalls every
afternoon. She still came out every morning and evening to
toss the horses a few flakes of hay and to talk to them and
stroke their faces.

Juliet went through the smaller, people-sized gate and

then down the narrow dirt path to where the horses were
happily grazing. She had forgotten to bring any carrots or
apples for them but a quick stop in the barn turned up a
handful of the sugar cubes Mrs. Banks made sure to keep on
hand for her beauties at all times. They were Misty, Ginger,
Black Beauty, and Merrylegs. Like her father, Mrs. Banks
taught literature, though to a much younger audience than
her father. Her kids had all been about Drew’s age and so
she had named her horses after her favorite horses in her
two favorite books, Black Beauty and Misty of Chincoteague.

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Juliet had teased her about Ginger, since she was a mare in
the book and the big chestnut quarter horse in front of her
was a very handsome gelding.

But no matter. That was the horse she had ridden as a

child. He was still her favorite, though she was far too big to
ride him now. She petted his pretty red face and stroked him
between his ears as he reached forward to take the sugar
cube from her palm. She had been visiting Mrs. Banks when
a neighbor of the woman’s had pulled up in his trailer and
had unloaded an emaciated, dirty horse the color of rust that
his previous owners had called Rudy. The story was that he
had been neglected after the daughter had outgrown her
love of horses and then the husband had lost his job. It was a
sad story, for sure, but even at such a young age Juliet had
been furious. The neighbor had told her to be careful around
him since he was a strange horse, and Ophelia had tried to
pull her away from him, but she had simply ignored her
sister, running out of her arms and over to the big gelding
she would spend the next few years riding. He had been
lame even then, his front right ankle swollen and bleeding
from an injury that was never treated. The vet had been
called that morning and Rudy had been treated to his first
meal in a while, attention from the vet, a good brushing
from Juliet with the help of Mrs. Banks, and the first
affection he had been shown in many months, from what the
vet could tell. And then he had been given a new name. Mrs.
Banks named him that evening as she sat reading to her
horses the way she used to read to her children in class. She
still read to them every night, Juliet knew. The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer
lay on top of a hay pile, ready to be picked up
again that evening.

“Hey Ginger,” Juliet said to him as she rubbed his ears

and ran her fingers through his long red mane. “Hello
beautiful.” Of course the other three horses couldn’t be

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ignored. Black Beauty, who was actually a stormy dark grey,
was a Thoroughbred who wasn’t fast enough to race. He
wasn’t quite sane, but he could be settled enough to go for a
short ride with a bit of work and a rider with a lot of
experience. Merrylegs was an almost white Arabian cross
with a fine head, intelligent mind and only one eye. His
other had been badly damaged in an accident with barb wire
when he was barely a year old. Though his white hair hid
most of his scars, the ones over his cheek were still clearly
evident and they saddened her every time that she saw
them. Still, though, she loved him just as much as the others
and thought he was no less beautiful for his signs of wear.

Then there was Misty. Of the four of them, she was the

one that most resembled her namesake. Like the fictional
Misty, this Misty was a pony with a large spotted pinto
pattern that made her look more like a fat milk cow than a
horse. She was a good old girl who was well into her
twenties and on occasion still had some spunk to her,
though those times seemed to be getting more and more
rare. She had been a beloved schooling horse once. She had
taught children how to ride for years, showing them
everything from basic horse care to jumping to the
beginning levels of dressage. But that was many years ago
and now she was fully retired as she ate her senior feed that
had to be mixed with water and her joint supplement paste
to help her eat since age and poor care had eaten away at the
few teeth she had left. She was the only horse of the four that
no one ever rode, though Juliet tried to take her out for
walks whenever she was over.

She was debating who to take out first when Mrs. Banks

came down from the house, a cane in one hand and a new
halter and lead rope in the other. “Hello, dear,” she called as
she got closer. All of the horses crowded up to the fence as
they clamored for attention from this woman who had saved

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their lives. She gave them each a pat on their noses and
kissed her little Misty on the forehead.

“Hello, Mrs. Banks,” Juliet said politely. She had always

enjoyed a certain formality with the woman. This woman
had taught her to curtsy properly and how to have afternoon
tea like a lady. She despised improper grammar, and
swearing in her presence was a sin that would get you sent
outside to polish the saddles. Or to the kitchen to chop
onions. Both were chores that had to be done more often
than not, and they were both tasks that Mrs. Banks disliked

“Who were you thinking of taking out first?” she asked

Juliet as she ran a critical eye over her horses. She didn’t
assess them as their previous owners had. She was looking
for sore spots on their coat from rubbing against the fence or
any swelling from stepping in a hole. Seeing none, she
entered the small pasture and put the new halter around
Misty’s head. “I was thinking of taking Misty out on a
walk,” she said after a few moments as Juliet continued to
debate whether she wanted to go for a ride first or a walk.

That solved that decision. She grabbed Ginger’s well-

worn halter and lead rope from the hook by the gate. The
two horses walked well together, and since Juliet could ride
neither it was easiest to walk them together, but it was hard
to keep control of both of them if something were to happen
to spook one of them. She usually had to just take one of
them out at a time, which meant their time for a walk was
shortened so that she could get both of their walks in during
the day before the sun went down.

Once she had Ginger’s halter on him, she followed Mrs.

Banks out of the pasture as the other two horses began
munching on the lush green grass, knowing that their turn
would be soon. They led the horses down the same familiar
trail with its lush canopy of trees and flat paths that wound

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between the houses. Horses of all sizes and colors greeted
them as they passed and although Juliet knew from
experience that Ginger could and would gallop when asked,
he was content to go slowly as Mrs. Banks and Misty set the
pace with her cane.

“Tell me about that sister of yours,” Mrs. Banks told her

as they passed the house with the Emus.

Ginger always got a little uneasy around the large birds,

even though they were secluded in a small pen well inside of
the fence they were walking past.

“Easy Ginger,” she told the big gelding. “I know, buddy. I

think they’re crazy scary too.” She sent the offending birds a
glare for good measure.

“Child, your grammar is atrocious. Speak like you write.

Write like you speak,” Mrs. Banks called back to her.

Juliet couldn’t resist needling her. “My dad says to write

like you speak, so that my essays are more approachable.”

“Nonsense,” Mrs. Banks said primly. “If everyone wrote

like they spoke, the education system would collapse. People
hardly ever speak well. That’s the problem. So people
should write like they speak and they should speak like they

“Yes, Mrs. Banks,” Juliet said, feeling very much like she

was back in elementary school and this woman was still her

That was how her father had met Mrs. Banks. Sharing a

love of literature and teaching, they had instantly formed a
connection that had lasted so many years later.

“Tell me about your sister,” Mrs. Banks said. “You

ignored me the first time I asked.”

“She’s well,” Juliet was quick to answer her this time.

“She and Leonardo flew back to Alaska this morning.”

“I cannot wait to see the beautiful children those two will

create. You miss her, I’m sure.”

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Juliet nodded. “Of course. She’s my sister.”
Mrs. Banks tsked her. “Not of course. Not because she’s

your sister, at least. You miss her because you are friends,
which is so much stronger than blood. Some people, like
your father most likely, will say otherwise. But blood you
cannot choose. And all the evil people in this world are
related by blood to some poor family that wishes that they
could choose their family. But of course they can’t. But
friends, you can choose. You can love your friends. And you

“Yes, I do.”
Mrs. Banks nodded. “Then love your sister because of

who she is. Because of the choices she has made in her life
and because of the character of her spirit. But do not ever
love someone blindly because of blood. Do you understand
me, child?”

Absolutely. As usual Mrs. Banks made perfect , and she

was using her teacher voice, too, so Juliet could almost feel
that uncomfortable wooden desk under her butt as she sat
doing her cursive in Mrs. Banks’ afternoon class. “Yes, Mrs.

“Good. That’s very good. Oh, child, my bones are aching.

We will turn around here up at the next left. It will take us
straight back home. Are you going to stay and go for a ride
still today?”

Juliet nodded. “I’d like to ride them both when we get


“Very good. Beauty has been acting up again, so be extra

careful with him. He’s not right in the head, that big boy of
mine,” Mrs. Banks said with a slow, sad shake of her head.

“I’ll treat him well,” Juliet reassured her. It was a

privilege to spend time with this kind old woman and to get
to ride her horses. She would never do anything to
jeopardize the kindness that this woman showed her. And

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hardly anyone got to ride Beauty when he was acting up.
Mrs. Banks was afraid someone would hurt her big boy in
his stupidity. But she trusted Juliet with him. And Beauty
was always better after a good workout. She’d be sore in her
arms and chest from fighting him every minute for his head
for the first half hour but after he got back into the swing of
riding and listening to someone other than himself for a
change, he really was a good horse to ride. His gaits were
smooth and powerful. If he could be controlled for extended
periods of time, he could have had a career in show jumping
years before, when he was in his prime.

Mrs. Banks had hired a trainer once to come out and look

at him, thinking that perhaps his lack of manners and a
sound mind were just more of a lack of training. The woman
had spent the afternoon with Black Beauty before she had
announced that he was just sadly incurable. She theorized
that something that had happened to him on the track had
broken him inside. Juliet’s guess was abuse, but she figured
that any sort of trauma could cause that in a horse just like it
could in a person. She adored him, craziness and all.
Besides, it was more that he had some eccentricities than that
he was actually bonkers.

But, trying to saddle him up back at the barn, she realized

that she could always be wrong. He was especially nuts
today. He wouldn’t hold still, wouldn’t allow her to put his
bridle on and kept invading her space, which was something
she didn’t like with most people. With an animal that
weighed more than a thousand pounds, it just wasn’t going
to happen. He had even lifted his leg to kick at her a few
times as she had tried to take the time to brush out his long,
almost black tail. After another attempt to get the western
saddle on she gave up on it and the bridle and decided to
just ride him like she had been doing for years. She grabbed
another lead rope and clipped it to the ring just under his

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chin on his halter along with the first one. It wasn’t the safest
way to ride him or any other horse, but she knew from
experience that pushing him to be ridden her way was just
going to aggravate both of them and lead to disaster and
probably her getting hurt as he dumped her on her butt in
the small arena.

So, she decided to play it his way just for today. Juliet

used a rail on the fence to climb up on him and let him walk
around the pasture with the other horses. Ginger came to see
what she was doing a few times before finally losing interest.
Both Merrylegs and Misty also came close enough to
investigate what she and Beauty, were doing but neither of
them got nearly as close to her as Ginger did.

Beauty had tossed his head and flattened his ears but that

was fairly normal behavior for the feisty gelding. If she
didn’t have the years of experience riding him and learning
his habits and cues like she had, his sudden bouts of energy
might have thrown her as he decided to take off into a gallop
and change paces every few strides—as if he had no idea
what he really wanted to be doing but was not at all happy
with what was happening currently. She wrapped her
fingers in his mane and held on tight to him, ready for
whatever he was planning to do. He tried a quick buck,
which was a new behavior for him, but there was very little
height or real intent behind it, so maybe he just had
something that was irritating his legs and not that he wanted
to actually throw her off.

Eventually he settled into a slow, gentle canter. It burned

his muscles and let her relax for a change, which was a
welcome relief. As predicted, her arms and chest ached from
just trying to hang on to his head. She needn’t have
bothered, though. The ground was soft and she was wearing
her riding helmet, so on the off chance that he did manage to
throw her, which wasn’t completely unheard of, she would

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go home with little more than a few bruises. That was
nothing to sniff at, but they wouldn’t leave her aching for
days, unlike the results of fighting him for control of his
head would.

After a few laps around the pasture he finally slowed into

a happy walk. His tail was high and his head was held
proudly as it bobbed with each graceful, arching step. His
dark gray coat shone with a light layer of sweat and Juliet
knew that her pants would need to be washed before she
could do anything this evening. She would probably shower
first before she went out too, she thought with a wry smile.
She really stank.

Now that Black Beauty had his sanity back, she stopped

him with a gently uttered “Whoa” and a shift of her weight
on his back. Once he had come to an almost complete stop,
which was as good as it got with him, she slid off his back.
He was much more relaxed now, the wildness completely
gone from his gaze as he wandered off to munch on the lush
green grass. He gave a happy nicker to the other horses and
then started to roll in a patch of bare dirt. She’d watch him to
make sure he really would be okay for a few more days, but
he would probably be good for another week if it came to
that. She made a mental note to make sure to come up in a
few days and ride him again so that he didn’t get that bad
again. She’d also make sure to brush him out before she left.

Merrylegs was next, but thankfully he wasn’t nearly as

much of a pain in the butt as Beauty was. Because he was an
Arabian cross he didn’t have quite as small of a head as
other Arabians, so he and Beauty were able to share halters.
She slipped the halter over his face, latched it behind his ears
and climbed up onto his back in barely a few minutes. He
responded easily to her leg pressure and they had a relaxing
ride around the pasture before she brought him over to
roughly the same spot that she had found him in and easily

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dismounted him. They had only trotted, so he was barely
breathing heavily. He went back to grazing and she gave
him an affectionate rub on his shoulder.

Beauty cleaned up easily with just a bit of brushing, and

she gave his nose a pat before sneaking a final sugar cube to
Ginger. Juliet walked the short distance up to the house and
found Mrs. Banks in a lawn chair with a glass of iced tea in
her hand and a small bundle wrapped in cellophane plastic
wrap held loosely on her lap.

“I’ll be leaving now. Thank you for letting me come out

and ride the horses and take Ginger on a walk,” she said.

Mrs. Banks smiled at her. “You look better.”
Juliet nodded and a big smile spread across her face. “I

feel better.”

Mrs. Banks nodded and then looked down to her horses

in the pasture only a few yards away. “You’re good with
them. Most people, especially young people your age who
didn’t grow up around horses, wouldn’t have taken the
chance on Beauty that you did today. If they had, then he
probably would have thrown them anyway. He’s picky
about who rides him like that. And most people would not
have fallen in love with Ginger as you did when you were so
small that you barely came up to the underside of his belly.”

Juliet blushed under her praise and shifted her weight on

the balls on her feet. “Beauty is a good horse. He just needs
to focus for a bit before he can remember that he’s supposed
to be a horse again sometimes. And as for Ginger, there’s not
much else I could have done. I remember what he looked
like that day. Most people wouldn’t have been able to do
anything less than what I did if they had seen him.”

Mrs. Banks chuckled. “You’re wrong about that, child.

People don’t always do the right thing when it comes to
animals, and certainly not when it comes to people, even
their own family. But I remember how you were that day.

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You were a hellcat that whole day until you knew that he
would be safe for the night. You even begged to spend the
night next to him just to be sure of it.”

“I don’t remember all that,” Juliet said quietly as she too

watched the chestnut gelding graze next to Merrylegs.

“The very young and the very old have the pleasure of

forgetting these unwelcome memories. The rest of us are
stuck with them, unfortunately,” Mrs. Banks told her sadly.
With a clap of her weathered old hands she dismissed those
thoughts. “On to happier things now, I should think. Here, I
baked these this morning. Now, you’ll not eat the entire
pound cake yourself. It’s for your family, too. And you will
make sure to tell Ophelia that I enjoyed meeting her
Leonardo when they came up yesterday.”

“Yes, Mrs. Banks,” Juliet said as she took the small bundle

in her hands. “I’ll see you soon.”

“I’ll be here waiting, child. Go home and get cleaned up.

You stink to something awful right about now.”

Juliet laughed and waved as she walked away back to her

jeep. She waved to the horses one more time before climbing
back up into her jeep and heading back home. She hadn’t
lied when she’d told Mrs. Banks that she felt better after the
hours of riding. She was sore, tired, dirty and most of all she
reeked of horse sweat, but she felt like she was more at
peace than she had been in months, maybe. She was
breathing easier, her mind clearer and her skin no longer felt
quite so tight around her.

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Chapter Twenty-One

y the time Juliet had returned home her parents had
already left a note on the fridge saying that they were

going on a date and she should invite Tanner over so that
she had some company. The note was in her mother’s
flowing script, the beautiful words blending together to look
more like art than a scribbled note on the back of a grocery
store receipt. Juliet added a pack of sticky notes to her
mental shopping list for later that week. Her mother used
whatever piece of paper she found lying around for the
notes that she wrote for herself and everyone else but Juliet
was sure that soon she would run out of scraps of paper.

Her parents often went on dates, and it was one of the

things Juliet thought that made their relationship last so
many years instead of ending in a messy, bitter divorce like
many of her friends’ parents had. When she got married, she
planned to still have dates with her husband, too.

It was never an if she got married idea, Juliet thought, as

she tossed a bag of popcorn into the microwave. It would be
when she got married. Aside from her name being associated
with one of the great love stories in literature and the irony
that it would be that she herself never got married, it just
wasn’t what she wanted. She didn’t need a man in her life to
feel happy in her life or good about herself. She knew that
much. And she knew plenty of people that were perfectly
happy and fine with their lives even though they were
single. That wasn’t it either.


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She wanted a husband and kids and all that because she

wanted to share her life with someone. Someone that liked
her family, liked her dog, made her feel pretty and
competent and intelligent and someone that she could enjoy
spending time with. She had never thought Dean was that
person. He was for dating and for fun while it lasted, and
when it stopped being fun he was supposed to just walk
away, nice and clean and super easy. Only it hadn’t been,
but there was nothing she could really do about that now.

As she stepped out of the shower and plopped onto her

bed she turned on the TV and she started to consider calling
Tanner. There was a Bones marathon on and she tossed
some popcorn into her mouth as she switched the channel

She liked spending time with Tanner. He was a really

good guy, and even though she had only really just started
to get to know him over the past several weeks, she knew
enough about him that she might even consider him a great
guy. She wouldn’t play teenage girl games with him like she
had when she was younger, and she wasn’t interested in just
having fun with him like she had been with Dean. He was
someone that she could see actually being committed to, and
not just in the sense that sex was cheating and kissing was
not, but actually being in a defined relationship with him
where she could be his girlfriend. They were already
holding hands together in public, and she had woken up in
the back of his truck with all of her clothes on correctly, so it
wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibilities.

She didn’t think that he could be the one absolutely for

sure. Mr. Right and all that good stuff was great for some
people. Hey, it had worked out splendidly for Ophelia. But
she was barely twenty-one, and while she knew plenty of
people in her classes that were married and had children,

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and even some single parents as well, that just wasn’t where
she wanted to be in her life right now.

Her phone started ringing, the latest Jason Aldean song

filling her bedroom with its country beat. “Hey, Ophelia,”
she said as she flipped open her phone. She didn’t bother to
look at the name on it since she had chosen that new ring
tone for her sister only the night before.

“Hey,” her sister said. Juliet could hear her walking

around an airport, though which one would be a mystery to
her since they all sounded the same to someone that
travelled as little as she did. “Have you called Tanner?”

Juliet rolled her eyes and snorted. “You’ve been talking to


“She called and left a voicemail. So did Dad, actually. I

guess they both thought of it but neither actually bothered to
talk to the other person,” her sister said lightly. “So have

“Nope, I just got home not too long ago. And besides, it’s

getting kind of late. Maybe he wouldn’t want to come over
just to keep me company,” Juliet said. She doubted her own
words even as she said them. Tanner would come if he
could, she knew that instinctively. That was just what kind
of guy he was.

Ophelia sighed into the phone and Juliet could hear the

irritated tapping of her nails on some hard surface. “Juliet...”
she began.

She laughed and shook her head. “First, are you annoyed

with me, or with having to change planes every few hours
on your way back home?”

“You’re tapping your nails, and you only ever do that

when you’re really annoyed with something,” Juliet told her.

The tapping stopped instantly. “I hadn’t realized that I do

that. It probably drives Leonardo nuts. And I’m a little

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annoyed at both. You know how impatient I can get when
I’m forced to wait for something,” Ophelia said. “But really,
you should call Tanner. I’m worried about you.”

“You shouldn’t be,” she said. “I’m fine. I’m just relaxing,

watching some TV, eating some popcorn. I’ll probably run
down and get a drink here in a few minutes. We might even
have some coffee left in the pot that I could pour over some
vanilla ice cream and make a yummy iced coffee.”

Ophelia took a breath and Juliet could hear her sit down

in one of the squeaky chairs. The airport might have been in
Canada then. Ophelia had complained about the squeaky
chairs in that country’s airports ever since her first visit there
years before. “I’m sorry,” her sister said at last.

Juliet blinked at the phone in confusion. “For what?


Her sister took a breath “I’m sorry that I didn’t realize

how bad Dean was and try to stop him before now. I should
have protected you. But I was so busy with my own life up
here that I just assumed that you were okay, when obviously
you weren’t.”

“Oh no, Ophelia, don’t blame yourself,” Juliet said

quickly. “I don’t think anyone knew just how far he could
go, including me.”

There was a long pause before her sister spoke again.

“Still, it’s for the best that he’s gone. And maybe you should
call Tanner to keep you company for a little while at least.
You know I adore Iago, but the old man isn’t much of a
watch dog.”

Juliet laughed. “Great segue, dear sister. Sure, I'll call


"Great," Ophelia said brightly. "Since I already asked him

to come over."

Juliet groaned loudly into the phone. "Seriously?"

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"Uh huh." At least her sister sounded a little remorseful

about interfering in her life. Juliet couldn’t be too upset at
her though, she was sure that her sister was just looking out
for her and trying to please their parents too.

Just then the doorbell rang. “That’s probably him now,”

Juliet said. “But since no one warned me that he was coming
over, I suppose I will just have to greet him without getting

Ophelia gasped. “You can’t greet him naked!” she hissed,

her voice muffled as if she was covering up the phone to
keep from letting the general crowd around her know the
indecency of her little sister and her scandalous ways.

“I’m not naked, you dolt,” Juliet laughed, happy to be

teasing her. “Still though, a little heads up would have been
nice. I could have put on something nicer than an old t-shirt
and a pair of shorts.” She got up from her bed and started
downstairs, Iago slowly lumbering after her. She checked
the peephole, recognized Tanner and began unlocking the
door. “It’s him. Bye, Ophelia.”

“Bye, Juliet,” her sister said just before hanging up.
She pulled her t-shirt down as far over her barely-there

shorts as she could manage before opening the door. It was
less than she would have liked to wear around him so early
in their dating, but it would have to do for the moment. She
really hadn’t expected company, after all.

“Hey,” she said with a smile once she caught sight of him.
He returned her smile easily. “Your sister asked me to

come check on you.”

“Just my sister?” she asked him as she motioned for him

to come inside.

He came in and gave Iago a rub between his ears before

turning to her as she closed and locked the door. “Your dad
might have called me as well. And your mother too,” he said
with a blush.

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She giggled. “Uh huh. So, since you’re here, feel like

watching a movie?”

He pulled a disk out from underneath his hoodie. “I

thought you might be interested in this,” he said, handing it
to her.

Juliet grinned as she caught sight of the familiar title. “The

Exorcist. One of the best classic horror stories of all time.”

“Good choice?” he said a bit uncertainly.
She linked her arm through his and led him upstairs to

her room. “Perfect choice,” she told him giddily.

He paused at the doorway to her room and she turned

back and looked at him questioningly. “It’s really...” he
pursed his lips as he looked around her bedroom, “girly,

She rolled her eyes and tossed her fuzzy purple pillow at

him. He caught it easily but he still looked a little bit dazed.
“I’m a girl, Tanner. Come on in and get comfortable.” She
popped the movie into the player and flopped onto her belly
on the bed where she had been minutes before. Tanner still
stood in her doorway and she locked gazes with him. He
looked really unsure of himself and a bit uncomfortable.

She got up from the bed slowly and with a soft smile took

his hands in hers. “It’s okay, Tanner. I should have asked
first if this would be okay. I forget sometimes that you aren’t
as experienced as other guys I’ve dated in the past. We can
go downstairs, if you want.”

He shook his head and pulled her close for a soft kiss on

her temple. “No, this is good. If...if you’re okay with it too?”
he asked her uncertainly.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him. “I am.

I’m very okay with it. I wouldn’t have invited you in the
house or upstairs into my room if I wasn’t.”

He gave her a soft smile and allowed her to lead him to

the bed. He sat back against her headboard and she lay

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down beside him. As she started the movie she threaded her
fingers loosely through his.

“You’ve seen it before,” Tanner observed when she failed

to react to some of the beginning creepy scenes.

“It’s one of my favorites,” Juliet said with a grin. “But I

will be screaming pretty soon. Just a warning.”

Tanner returned her grin easily. “Fair enough.”
She curled up against his side and Tanner wrapped an

arm around her. About halfway through the movie she
reached up and turned his face to hers. She nuzzled the
underside of his jaw before stretching her neck up and
brushing her lips against his. Before she could deepen the
kiss he turned his face away from hers with a sigh and
reached around her to pause the movie.

“Tanner?” Juliet asked him uncertainly as she sat back a


He gave her a reassuring smile and pressed his lips to her

forehead. “Is this really what you want, Juliet?” he asked her
quietly. “You know my dating history. Or, I guess, lack of
one. I’m only interested in something long term, and I know
that’s not your usual style. If you want to be with me, I need
you to accept Drew as part of a long term package as well,
because he’s not going away, and there may be times when
if we’re going out he’s going to be coming too or times when
I can’t go out because I promised him that we would do
something together. And I need you to understand that
about me.”

He looked at her eyes and sighed softly. “I know. It’s a lot

to take in. And it’s a ton to ask someone, especially at our
age. I just wanted to be sure that you had all the facts before
you made a decision about us. I want you to think on it for a
while, please, and be absolutely sure that dating me is
something you want for the long term, and that you can be

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committed to me, since I won’t accept anything less than

She blinked at him for a long time before taking a deep

breath and curling back up against his side. “Thank you for
telling me all of that,” she said quietly. “I really respect that
you know exactly what you want and that you value and
love your brother so much.”

“And you’ll think about it?” he edged.
She nodded against his chest. “I’ll think about what you

said and give you an answer.”

He smiled down at her and wrapped his arms around her

shoulders, pulling her in close to him. “Thank you.”

He turned the movie back on and they both settled in to

finish watching it. Juliet stayed quietly lost in thought
during even her favorite parts of it, but when it was over
and Tanner had turned the movie off, she sat up and caught
his gaze.

“I’d like that kind of relationship with you,” she told him

quietly as she held his gaze.

He cocked his head to the side as he studied her. “Are

you sure?”

She nodded quickly, her decision made. She’d never been

in a long-term relationship or in something that felt so
committed already, but the decision felt right and solid and
she knew that she was capable of it being with him the way
that Tanner wanted. The way that he deserved. “I am.”

He gave her a small smile and got up from her bed,

bringing her up with him by their still entwined fingers. He
gave her a hug which she eagerly returned as she pressed
herself fully against him. “I should be going home now,” he
said quietly into her hair. “It’s getting late, and I’ve got to
work at the bookstore in the morning.”

She nodded against his chest. “Thanks for coming over.”

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“My pleasure,” he said as he stepped back from her. Juliet

found that she instantly missed his touch and wrapped her
arms around herself. She grabbed the movie for him and led
him to the front door where he gave her a kiss on her cheek.

She leaned in to surprise him with a kiss on his lips but he

turned away with a teasing smile. “Soon,” he told her,
hugging her one last time before leaving and getting into his
truck. She watched him drive away until his taillights
disappeared around the corner.

She knew that it was his respect for her and his own

manners, but she was left a bit confused by his
unwillingness to kiss her. She frowned and went to bed,
deciding that some sleep might help clear her head.

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Chapter Twenty-Two

he next afternoon Juliet sat outside between classes with
Ester as they drank in the warm sunshine. She laid her

head against the back of the bench and sighed wearily.
“Fashion is starting to lose it’s magic,” she told Ester
miserably. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Ester laughed and said, “Thank God. I was bored out of

my mind most days listening to you talk about fabrics and
colors and matching.”

Juliet playfully shoved her.
“So what would you like to do?” Ester asked her.
Juliet shrugged. “Not sure. Just not this.” She stood up

and gathered her things, slinging her backpack over her
shoulder. “I’m not going to the rest of my classes today. I’ll
catch up with you next time.”

Ester stared at her. “You’re not going to class? Why not?”
Juliet shrugged again. Fashion didn’t feel right. At that

moment, being at school didn’t feel right either. Her skin
was too tight and everything just felt wrong, strange and
uncomfortable. “Doesn’t feel right,” she said. “I can’t explain
it, Ester. All I know is that I don’t want to do fashion
anymore. I don’t know what I want, but I know that I can’t
sit through an hour-long lecture on textiles, and I have no
interest in ever working on my portfolio again.”

Ester whooped and grinned at her. “Good for you, girl.

Break out of those faux fur chains and go do something that
you enjoy, for once.”


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Juliet laughed and hugged her friend. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Bye, girl!” Ester called as Juliet turned and walked the

short distance to her jeep.

On her way home from the campus Juliet saw the

bookstore and quickly pulled into the mostly empty parking

“Hello Juliet,” Mr. Brisbane said as she stepped through

the door.

“Hello.” She quickly looked around and relaxed when she

didn’t see Tanner or Drew around. “I’m looking for a book
on autism,” she told him as she leaned against the counter.
His look was skeptical and she pursed her lips at him.
“Please, I just want to know,” she said.

His expression softened and he reached under the

counter. After a moment of rifling through books he pulled a
slim volume onto the counter. “This is the one I read when
Drew was first diagnosed. And it helped.”

“Thank you,” she said as she pulled out some money.

“Please don't tell Tanner about this. I don't want him to take
it the wrong way.” She was gone before he could ask her
what way that would be.

Back in her Jeep she called Ophelia and filled her in on

everything that had been happening.

After a few moments Ophelia asked her, “Are you sure

that you’re ready for all that? An autistic child is a huge
deal, and you’re so very young.”

Juliet laughed uncertainly. “I’m dating his older brother,

not adopting him. But yeah, I certainly hope so.”

“Me too,” Ophelia said. “But be careful with both of


Juliet promised she would and then hung up the phone,

saying she would call again soon. She missed her sister
terribly, but she did sound happy to be back home and

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surrounded by the life that she was starting to build so far
up north.

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Chapter Twenty-Three

few days later Juliet found herself at Tanner’s house.
They were hanging out in his backyard. She was

surprised to find out that he only lived a quick ten-minute
drive from her house. She loved his backyard, with its lush
grass and a big swing on the back deck. They had spent a
good hour on that swing just hanging out and soaking up
the sunshine as they sipped some lemonade. Only a few
yards away Drew was running around playing and rolling
in the grass. She liked how closely Tanner watched his
brother, letting him have fun and enjoy himself but ready to
jump in just in case Drew needed him.

She slipped her hand inside his and her heart warmed

when, even though his gaze didn’t stray from Drew, he
squeezed her hand back.

“Tell me about yourself,” she said, taking a sip of her


He chuckled and kissed her temple. “What would you

like to know?”

She shrugged. “Where’s your mother now?”
A dark look came over his face and Juliet was about to

take the words back when he shook his head.

He swallowed and licked his lips before beginning to

quietly speak. “I told you most of it on our date. A year after
Drew was born she divorced our dad. She’d starting dating a
coworker and they got married almost a year later. I see her
sometimes. It used to be a lot more but now, not so much.


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It’s not so bad. She just couldn’t handle it. But after she left,
and especially when he found out about the affair, Dad
started to lose it. He really wasn’t eating or taking care of
himself very well.”

“So who took care of Drew?” she asked him.
“I did.”
She frowned. “You would have been only...” She tried

doing the math in her head but failed. The number just
didn’t seem right.

“Seventeen,” Tanner said.
Juliet’s mouth opened. “You were just a kid then. Raising

an autistic kid.”

He smiled at her and reached up to ruffle her hair. “Don’t

look so offended. It wasn’t so bad. I worked hard to get my
high school diploma by the end of that year, so I graduated
as a junior. I love my brother and I don’t resent either of my
parents for the choices that they made. My best friend is my
little brother. That might be weird for a lot of people,
especially since we’ve got quite a few years difference
between us, but it’s true.”

“You’re pretty awesome,” she told him, cuddling into his


He shook his head. “No I’m not.” He licked his lips and

smiled at her. “Mind if I kiss you now?”

She smiled at him and tilted her chin up for him. “Not at


Their first kiss was everything that she had ever wanted

in a kiss from a boyfriend and had never gotten from anyone
before Tanner. It was soft and gentle and she could feel his
warmth flowing through her as his arms tightened around
her. And what started out innocent and sweet turned into
craving and desire as she pressed herself against him.

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She knew that he wanted more than just a simple kiss,

and she was more than willing to give it to him when he
pulled back from her.

“Easy, Juliet,” he whispered softly to her, his breath

coming in soft pants that fanned her heated face. “Let’s

She paused at those words. She’d never waited before,

had never held off until the moment was just right. Always,
in every relationship she had ever been in, she had gone
with whatever had felt good at the time. She had been damn
careful, of course. She wasn’t stupid by any means. But she
had never waited, either. This waiting thing with Tanner,
though, sounded pretty good. It made her feel soft and
feminine. Cherished. Like she was something special.
Something worth waiting for.

She smiled at him and nodded, tears pricking her eyes.

She blinked them away before he could see, but still his
hands came around to hold her tightly.

“That wasn’t a rejection,” he said quickly, his voice tinged

with worry. “It’s not that I don’t want you.”

She laughed and shook her head as she cuddled up to

him. “I know. It’s just that no one has ever said that to me
before. No one has ever made me feel the way that you do.”

He shook his head. “I don’t believe that.”
“It’s true.”
“Then men are stupid,” he said. His voice was so sure, so

adamant that Juliet laughed just that much harder.

“Except you though, right?” she asked him.
He smiled at her. “Nope. I can fully admit to being stupid

too sometimes. Come on, let’s go make the pizza.”

Juliet giggled and let him pull her inside as he called out

to Drew that it was time to come in for dinner.

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Chapter Twenty-Four

he next morning Juliet decided to skip her class on
modern European fashion trends and instead stay home

with a bowl of orange slices and Tuck Everlasting. It wasn’t
her favorite book, but she did enjoy the story. She was a
romantic at heart though, and the fact that the love story
didn’t end up as she thought it should always disappointed
her. She chose, as she often did, to ignore the story’s lessons
about mortality and the consequences of immortality, and
instead focus on the innocence of first love and the
adventure of it all.

The phone rang and Juliet answered it automatically,

expecting Ester to call her and ask how she was doing on her
stint away from the real world.

“Hey,” she answered happily and she tossed the

beginnings of a shopping list into the book to mark her

“Hi, Juliet.”
She sat up slowly, her heart beating loudly in her ears.

“Hello Dean,” she said, her voice quiet and a bit unsteady.

“I’m sorry for being such an ass to you that night,

sweetheart,” he said quickly. He did sound a bit sincere, she

“Uh huh.”
“So how are you doing?” he asked her.


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She blew out an irritated breath. He sounded actually

concerned with her well-being, and it was nice of him to ask
but still, she remembered how he had been. “I’m fine.”

“That’s good. Really good. Hey, I was wondering, do you

ever think that we could be friends again?” he asked.

She frowned. “Maybe,” she hedged.
“Thanks, Juliet. You’re really great. Talk to you soon.

Bye.” He hung up quickly and she was left staring at her
phone in confusion.

She couldn’t remember a time when she and Dean had

ever been just friends, but he sounded sincere and genuine,
so she was willing to think about giving it a shot. She
frowned, remembering the bruises that he had left on her
neck. Maybe not.

Juliet went back to reading her book and a few hours later

she met Ester at the coffee shop after her friend finished with
her classes for the day. “Hey,” she said as she grabbed an ice
tea and pulled up a chair next to her best friend.

“Hey yourself,” Ester said as she pulled her ebony mane

into a tight bun. “So how was your day off?”

Juliet grinned at her. “Really good. Only...Dean called.”
Ester paused, her iced coffee a mere inch from her mouth.

“And?” she asked as she took a sip.

“He says that he wants to be friends,” Juliet said quietly.
Ester put her glass down so hard that some of the creamy

liquid sloshed over the sides. She even drew a few stares.
“That is such a load of crap,” she hissed, leaning forward
and crossing her arms in front of herself on the table. “And
how dare he call you after what he did to you. The nerve of
him. Total jackass.”

Juliet nodded along with her. “But he did sound


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Ester pursed her lips and sat back in her seat. With slow,

measured movements she took a sip of her coffee. “Right.
And you believe him.”

“Not fully but…” Juliet shrugged. She hated feeling

wrong for wanting to believe that Dean could have some
good somewhere in him, but the way that Ester was looking
at her made her feel just as stupid as Dean had often accused
her of being.

“He’s just playing games—ignore him,” Ester said matter-


Juliet frowned. “I don’t think he would play games like


Ester let out an exasperated sigh. “Call your sister, then,”

she said. “She’ll tell you the same thing that I am.”

“All right.”

Juliet mulled over Ester’s words after she got back home.

What if Ester was right? What if Dean really could play
those kinds of games to her?

She dialed Ophelia. “Hey, I need your opinion,” she said

as her sister answered the phone.

“All right...what’s up?”
She sounded busy with plenty of noise in the background.

“All right, I’ll make this quick. Do you think Dean is capable
of change, or do you think he’s just playing games?”

Ophelia sighed and Juliet winced, dreading what her

sister was about to say.

“Juliet...he’s...well...My husband had to pull him off your

neck. All right? I don’t like him and I don’t want you to,
either.’re an adult. Trust your gut. I think he’s an
abusive ass. But I think you know that too. So just, I don’t
know, trust yourself I guess.”

She smiled. “Thanks, Ophelia. I needed to hear that.”
“What’s your plan then?”

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“Don’t know yet,” Juliet said, shrugging. “But I’ll figure it



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Chapter Twenty-Five

uliet laughed as Drew’s car raced in front of hers,
narrowly beating her to the virtual finish line on the TV

screen in front of them. She stood and ruffled his hair.

“All right guys, I’m off.” Juliet really didn’t want to go

and barely resisted picking up the controller again even as
Drew grabbed her hand and begged for a rematch.

“You’ve got to?” Tanner asked, looking just as sorry

about it as Drew did.

She nodded. “Yeah, I’ve got a pottery class at the rec

center.” She tilted her chin to the side, considering them
both. “You two wouldn’t want to come, would you?”

Tanner nodded quickly. “Sure we would. Right, Drew?”
He popped up next to her and took her hand, something

he’d been doing off and on since she had come over that
morning. They’d done little more than play video games and
watch movies for the few hours, but she’d had a lot of fun.

“I guess that settles it then,” she said, sharing a grin with


She started up the Jeep and drove down the familiar

streets to the rec center. They came into the center barely a
few minutes before her class was supposed to begin. With a
smile she realized she was usually more on top of the time
than that, and the fact that Tanner could get her to almost be
late for a class must say something about how much she
liked him.


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There was hardly anyone else in the class when they

entered. She’d chosen this class on purpose, wanting to have
some privacy not to feel like a complete idiot when she
couldn’t even figure out how to make a simple bowl.

“We can put our stuff down here,” she said, showing

them the cupboards. Her purse fit neatly inside one of the
little holes and then she realized that the guys didn’t really
carry stuff. Not like she did, anyway. She put her little
combo lock on the door and showed them to her favorite
pottery bench. It faced away from the busy parking lot,
toward the mountains.

“How long have you been coming here?” Tanner asked,

helping Drew onto a stool and then taking his own next to

“A few months.” She sliced up a bit of the clay that was

already there waiting for them and gave the guys a chunk
each to play with. Drew immediately squashed it between
his fingers and laughed while Tanner plopped it onto the
pottery wheel. “When I first came here I was a mess. But I
wanted something physical and creative that I could do,
even if I really couldn’t make anything. Now, though, I can
sort of make a cup. Not a good cup, and nothing anyone
would want to drink out of. But it’s still a cup.”

Tanner smiled and started to form a little bowl, copying

her movements as much as possible. Drew looked like he
was having fun simply getting messy. Juliet didn’t mind, it
was by far her favorite pottery class, though she didn’t
accomplish much more than getting dirty.

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Chapter Twenty-Six

wo days later Juliet was lying outside, trying to get some
sun on her perpetually pale skin, when her phone rang.


She smiled. “Hey, Tanner. What’s up?”
“You wouldn’t want to come join me for a bit of

volunteering today, would you? I’m at the Pit Bull rescue in
Thornton. It’s a bit of a drive.”

Juliet nodded. “About forty minutes.”
The disappointment was clear in his voice. “Yeah, I know.

It is pretty far. Want to grab something to eat afterwards

Juliet got up from her lawn chair and went back inside.

“We can do that too, but I’m on my way. Thornton isn’t all
that far. And it sounds like fun. I love Pitties. Do you have
any puppies there today?”

Tanner laughed. “We’ve always got puppies. There’s this

pretty little blue and white girl I think you’ll like.”

“Sounds great. See you soon.”
She hung up, got ready to go, and was on the road in less

than ten minutes. The rescue was nearly forty minutes away
from her house, and over an hour away from his, but as soon
as she saw him walking a dog in front of the kennels when
she pulled up, she understood the devotion he had to have
to this place. It was clear in his face as he bent down to give


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the big mix a rub along his neck and shoulders. He didn’t
appear to have seen her yet, so she watched him as he stood
back up and gave the dog a treat before leading him along a
worn dirt path that ran along the outside of the kennels.
Dogs barked at him and sometimes the dog he was walking
got distracted and barked back, but a slight reprimand from
Tanner was enough to get the dog walking correctly again.

He was smiling even before he spotted her and quickly

waved her over. Caught, Juliet slid out of the Jeep and
started toward him.

“You look like you really love them,” she said, walking


Tanner nodded. “I do. I’ve always wanted a dog.”
Juliet nodded. She couldn’t imagine life without her old

man. “Why don’t you have one then?”

With a frown, Tanner shook his head. “We can’t. My

mom’s allergic, and Dad’s never allowed us to have one just
in case she ever comes back. I know she’s not going to. But
my dad, he’s not so convinced...” His voice trailed off and he

“That’s really sad,” she said as she bent down to rub one

of the dogs.

“Yeah, it is,” he admitted quietly.
She turned around at the loud screech as Ester grabbed

her in a tight hug. “Hey!”

“What are you doing here?” Ester asked her. “Hey,

Tanner,” she said, nodding to him.

“Tanner brought me,” Juliet told her. “You two know

each other?”

Tanner nodded. “I trained her on her first day a few

months back.”

Ester grinned at him. “Yep, and he was a great teacher.

Well, I’m off! See you tomorrow after class, Juliet!”

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“Bye, Ester!” she called after her friend’s retreating back.

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

he annual caving club meeting was the next afternoon
and Juliet was really excited for the trip. She loved

caving and the excitement and danger of it always made her
happy. She drove to the spot, parked her Jeep and grabbed
her stuff without missing a beat. She could practically hear
her body humming with happiness as she strapped on her
equipment and joined the others at the mouth of the cave.

Until she remembered that Dean was in the club. She

wasn’t sure why she forgot that detail, especially since it was
Dean who had first introduced her to caving years before.
But she’d driven two hours south to get there and wasn’t
about to turn around and go home just because he was there.

“Hey,” he said, stepping up to her. “Want me to check

your pack?”

She shook her head. “No, but thanks. I think I’ve got it


He shrugged and stepped away. Maybe this wouldn’t be

so hard after all. If he was just going to leave her alone and
treat her like everyone else, then she could handle this just
fine. No problem.

Her phone beeped and she looked down, surprised that

she had missed a call. Maybe her music had been up too
loud on the highway coming down. She sat down on a flat
rock and called Tanner back—this way if the call was
important, he didn’t have to wait hours to hear back from
her while she was in the caves and had no reception. The last


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time she’d tried to talk to Ophelia when she’d been caving
had probably been the most frustrating conversation in her
life just because of the lack of clarity in the call.

“Hey, Tanner,” she said brightly.
“Hey, what are you doing today?”
She reached down and took a drink from her water bottle

before answering him. “The caving club is doing their
annual trip. I should be back late tonight if you wanted to
come over.”

“Juliet, get off the phone, let’s go!” Dean called loudly to


“Was that Dean?” Tanner quickly asked.
Juliet nodded and started to gather up her stuff. “Yeah. So

did you want to come over later?”

“After everything he did to you, how he treated you,

you’re still spending time with him?”

Tanner sounded hurt, but really, who was he to question

her? Juliet was instantly defensive. “Yeah, Tanner, I’m out
with the caving club. Sorry to tell you this, but you don’t get
to choose who I go out with. Sometimes I do stuff just for
me. This is one of those times. I like excitement, and this is
one way that I can get it.”

Tanner was so quiet that for a moment she thought he

might have lost the call. “My life isn’t exciting, Juliet.”

“Babe, c’mon, the others are leaving,” Dean said, coming

up behind her.

She quickly held up her hand to tell Dean that she needed

a minute and to shut up. “Tanner, I know that. We’ve talked
about that. But sometimes I just need a bit more. I like
having fun, too, and caving is one of those things that I just
like doing. Can’t we just talk when I get back home? We
could go to dinner or something.”

“That’s fine. You can have all the excitement you want

without having to worry about me and my non-exciting

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life.” The call ended and she pulled her cell away, staring at
the screen. Had he really just hung up on her?

She tried calling him right back but he didn’t answer.
“Juliet?” Dean said, sitting down next to her in the dirt

beside her rock.

“He just...” Her voice broke as tears threatened to fall. “I

think he just...” She lost the battle with her tears and
dropped her phone into the dirt as she covered her face with
her hands.

Surprisingly enough, Dean’s arms came around her and

he held her close. She let herself lean into his touch,
accepting his comfort as she felt the world spin around her.
“I think he left me,” she whispered brokenly between her

“That’s okay, babe, you’ve got me. I’m here for you.”
The first brush of his lips against her temple might have

been an accident. She could rationalize that. But the kiss on
her cheek definitely wasn’t. She struggled and pushed him
away, forcing herself to her feet.

“What the hell?” he snapped at her.
She shook her head and wiped her eyes. “I just got broken

up with, and you’re sitting there trying to kiss me? Really?”

Dean shrugged. “So? Now that he’s gone, we can get back

together. There’s nothing more in between us.”

She frowned and bent to get her phone. “Except for you.”

Juliet climbed back down the hill, got in her Jeep and drove
home. Tanner was probably just mad. It would take her a
few hours to get back home, so he’d be fine when she called
him again when she got there. She was sure of it.

By the time she pulled into her driveway, she was feeling

nearly normal. Tanner had just been a bit mad at her. That
was okay. She’d call him and he’d come over and everything
would be fine again.

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She went inside and lay down on her bed, ready to call

him. “Hey, I—”

“Hey, Juliet. Look...I really don’t want to hear from you

again. Please stop calling me.”

The call was gone and she was frozen, staring blankly at

the phone as tears started to fall down her cheeks. She’d
been so sure.

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Chapter Twenty-Eight

uliet, it’s been two weeks!” her father said, scolding her
from the doorway. “You’ve barely eaten, you’ve missed

all your classes, and you haven’t left the house. Go outside
and do something!”

Juliet turned over and pulled the comforter back around

her shoulders. Her phone rang and she picked it up,
ignoring her dad as he stomped down the stairs. “Hello?”

She hoped it was Tanner, but knew that probably after

two weeks he wouldn’t be calling. Not anymore.

“Hey girl,” Ester said, sounding hesitant.
Juliet sighed and rolled over onto her stomach. “Hey. I

don’t know when I’m going back to class. But it’s not today,”
she said, quickly repeating the gist of the last few
conversations they’d had.

Ester chuckled. “Yeah, I’m not calling about that.”
Juliet blinked. “You’re not?”
“No. See...oh, how do I put this?”
“Just say it,” Juliet said, wondering why her best friend

was suddenly sounding nervous talking to her. It was very
weird and not at all like Ester to act this way.

“All right, so I want to ask out Tanner.”
Juliet’s mouth fell open. Her best friend wanted to ask out

her ex? What the hell? She wanted to say no way, that wasn’t
going to happen. He was hers.



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But he wasn’t. Not anymore. She’d screwed that up

royally. And now Ester wanted to ask him out.

“It’s fine,” she said quickly, trying not to snap at her best


“Really? You don’t mind? It’s just that, well, we’ve sort of

gotten closer in the past few weeks. I’ve been volunteering
here more since you haven’t wanted to hang out, and he’s
been here a lot with his brother and—”

“Totally fine.” Juliet pressed her face into the pillow,

hoping Ester couldn’t hear her tears. “Look, I’ve got to go.
Things to do and stuff. But it’s fine. I’ll talk to you later.
Okay, bye.”

She hung up quickly, not caring that Ester hadn’t said

goodbye too or that she’d pretty much just hung up on her
best friend. Who was probably now going to start dating the
only guy who had ever really cared about her. What little
desire to get out of bed had quickly fled with that latest

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

et up, Juliet,” her dad said, barging noisily into her room
the next day.

She turned over and glared at him, especially when he

started pulling clothes out of her closet and tossing them
onto the bed next to her. “What are you doing?” she
groggily asked him.

“I got you a job. You’re starting today. Now get dressed.

No more staying inside. No more moping. I’m sorry for
whatever happened with Tanner, but you’ve got to get out
of this house.” Her dad put on his best stern teacher’s face
and she frowned.

“We’re all very worried about you, sweetie,” her mom

said from the doorway. “You’ve got to get up and get going.
This job is a good one. Your dad stuck his neck out on this
one, so to speak.”

Juliet reluctantly sat up, the comforter falling off her

shoulders and disrupting Iago’s sleep. “Where’s it at?”

“The literature department on campus. You’re going to be

helping students with their assignments,” her dad filled in
for her. “And we leave in an hour. It’s just for a few hours
today. Low pay, I’m afraid. But it’s something. And it’ll get
you out of the house and being around people again. That
has to be worth something. Right?”

She slowly nodded and forced her unused muscles to

move. “Thanks. I’ll go get ready.”


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She tried not to feel guilty at her parents’ identical

expressions of relief.

* * * *

Six hours later Juliet stretched her arms over her head and
glanced at the clock. Her first day in the department was
almost over. “Think you’ve got it?” she asked the student
across from her. The freshman nodded, though his face still
looked pinched. “What part’s troubling you?” Juliet leaned
closer to him, getting a look at his essay as well.

He pointed to the reference page. “I just don’t understand

where all these periods go. And then I’ve got to reference
stuff in the actual essay too?”

She nodded. “Yes, you do.”
“It just seems like a lot of work. And it’s sucks. It’s


Juliet laughed. “Yeah, it is. But it’s the way to get a good

grade. Plenty of professors will mark you down for not
having the correct formatting, even if your actual paper is
stellar. It’s horrible but that’s the rule. So let’s get you
through this. Okay?”

He nodded, sighed and tried again. She smiled as he got

better this time. After the fourth time of rearranging things,
checking the style guide, and touching the details up again,
she thought his paper was ready to turn in.

“Looks good,” she said, leaning back. “Ready to print it?”
The freshman nodded. “Yeah. And Juliet?”
“Thanks. Your dad is a really hard teacher and I wasn’t

sure about coming here today once I saw your name on the
list of helpers, but this wasn’t so bad.”

Blushing, she smiled at him. “Thanks. I had fun too. It

wasn’t so bad.”

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She helped him print off the paper and showed him out of

the study area. Her dad met her in the hallway as she was
locking up. “How’d it go today?”

“Pretty well, actually. Thanks for getting this for me. I

know I’ve been a mess these past few weeks, and I’m going
to try to be better. Tanner and I had fun but maybe that’s just
all it was meant to be,” she said quietly. Her dad didn’t need
to know she was just trying to put on a brave face, or that
she’d barely stopped thinking about him since her dad had
dropped her off that morning. She’d dreaded seeing Tanner
again, hoped he wouldn’t come to the department for any
reason. And she’d been lucky enough that he hadn’t.

Maybe she could avoid seeing him for the rest of the

semester, too.

Her dad smiled at her, appearing fooled by her act. For

now at least. “That’s great, honey. Really great. Maybe
someday you can double date with Tanner and Ester.” Her
stomach clenched at that idea and she hoped it didn’t show.
“I need to run to class, but can you drop this book off at the
elementary school on the way home?”

To Kill a Mockingbird?” she asked, taking it from him.

“Don’t they have their own books?”

Her father chuckled. “Yes, but this one has all of my notes

from when I taught it. Mrs. White is waiting for it, so run
along and I’ll see you tonight. Your mother is making a
quiche for dinner.”

Juliet nodded and tucked the little book into her purse.

“See you tonight.”

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Chapter Thirty

rs. White wasn’t hard to find, and five minutes after
arriving at the elementary school, Juliet was ready to

head home. Until she heard Drew’s voice coming from the
open door of a classroom.

It couldn’t be him. She was sure of it. But still, she

stopped just long enough to make sure it wasn’t.

“Open your book,” the teacher said, turning to the dry

erase board in front of the class. Most of the students did.
But Drew was busily being focused on something else.

“Drew, open your book now,” the teacher demanded.
Juliet frowned. He wasn’t doing anything wrong. Not

really, anyway. The teacher just didn’t have his attention
and wasn’t talking to him like she’d seen Tanner do. He
continued to scribble on a piece of notebook paper even as
the rest of the class began whispering amongst themselves.

“Drew!” the teacher said, sounding angry now.
Juliet had seen enough. Screw it all. She walked into the

room and knelt down next to Drew, quickly covering his
hands with her own. His bright eyes instantly turned to her
and she smiled up at him.

“Hey, Drew,” she said softly. “Let’s open that book up.


“You! Get out of my class right now! You don’t belong

here,” the teacher snapped at her. “Take your hands off that


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Juliet rose up but kept her hands on Drew’s. “I’m his

friend. Please calm down, take a breath and try not to get so
aggravated with him. It’s not his fault. Here, if you just—”

“Well, if he wasn’t so stupid I wouldn’t have to yell at

him,” the woman retorted nastily.

“That went well,” Juliet said, slipping her hand into

Drew’s. “C’mon hon, let’s go get something to eat. I’m

He hopped out of his little seat and followed her to the

front of the classroom.

“You can’t just take him,” the teacher said, stepping in

their way.

Juliet’s mouth thinned into a hard line as she stared the

woman down. “Call his brother, then. But it had better be
before I do. And after I talk to him, my next call will be to
the principal, then the board of education, which my father
is a member of. I’m sure they’d love to hear how you called a
little autistic boy stupid in front of an entire class of

“Well, I’m calling the police,” the woman continued.
Juliet shrugged. “Okay. But Drew and I are still leaving.

I’m not letting him stay with a teacher that is verbally
abusive to him. There’s no way in hell that’s going to
happen. So get out of the way or I start screaming about
what an awful teacher you are and everyone in the school
will know what you did.”

The teacher’s bony face paled and she stepped a few

inches to the left. It wasn’t much, but it was enough. With
her heart pounding and a smile on her face, Juliet helped
Drew get his backpack and slide into the Jeep.

She called Tanner and left a voicemail as she pulled into

the parking lot of her favorite pizza place.

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It took him a whole thirty minutes and two slices of pizza

to join them. Seeing him there, so close she could touch him
but knowing that she couldn’t, made her heart ache.

“Are you going to have me arrested for kidnapping?” she

asked him as she took a large bite of her pizza. Beside her
Drew was carefully nibbling on a slice of pepperoni.

Tanner shook his head and sat down next to his brother.

“One of the kids called his mom while the teacher was at the
principal’s office, probably trying to explain herself. His
mom called me while you were trying to call.”

“So why didn’t you call me back?” Juliet asked him.
He shrugged. “I knew he was safe with you. And I was

too mad right then.” He took a breath and met her gaze.
“You helped him today. But that doesn’t mean you can take
him whenever you want to.”

She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Of course not.”
He grinned. “But I’m glad you were there for him today.

It means a lot to me.”

She shrugged. “Didn’t do it for you,” she said as she

stood up. “Bye, Drew. I’ve gotta get to home.” She kissed
him on the top of his head and turned away, but before she
could get her purse on Drew tackled her in a tight hug.

“G’bye,” he said quickly before releasing her. Juliet

ruffled his hair, waved goodbye to Tanner and then left
before she risked touching him.

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Chapter Thirty-One

fter her third day helping students she came to an
epiphany. As soon as she got a break she called her

mom. “I want to take some early childhood education
classes,” she said before her mom could even say hello.

There was a pause and Juliet frowned. “Mom?”
“Are you sure that’s wise, dear? You had such trouble

with statistics last semester. There’s a lot that goes into being
a teacher.”

Her heart sank. Her mom didn’t think it was a good idea.

She’d had so much fun helping the students, and with Drew
on her mind the past few days, it had seemed to click. “And
you don’t think that I can do it?”

“Now I never said that,” her mom said hesitantly. “It’s

just that—”

Juliet angrily shook her head. “But that’s what you were

thinking. I’m smart too, Mom. I may not be a freaking genius
like Ophelia, but I’m still smart. I read Tolstoy and get it. Les
Mis is one of my favorite stories. I’m not dumb. Not by a
long shot.”

“Well, I never said that. Stop twisting my words. I just

think that maybe you should stick to what you’re good at.”

Too upset to say anything more, Juliet hung up on her

mother. She’d probably get an earful about it when she got
home that night. But she just couldn’t deal with the woman
right now. Her phone rang—she saw that it was her mom
calling back and she ignored it. By the time Ophelia tried to


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call her she was looking at the classes she’d need to get her
degree in special education. On her father’s fourth attempt at
getting her to pick up she’d already registered for her first
semester of classes.

Sitting back and feeling pretty proud of herself, she

smiled at the computer screen in front of her. All of her
general education classes would still apply, and for the first
time in a few semesters, she was actually looking forward to
the classes she’d be taking.

She reached for the phone, wanting to tell Tanner about

her new decision and how Drew had really influenced her
choice. But then she remembered that they weren’t really
friends and he had no reason to want to talk to her again.

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Chapter Thirty- Two

uliet was about to start up her Jeep the next afternoon
when Ester called. She frowned and ignored it. She’d

barely spoken to Ester in weeks and didn’t want to expose
that nerve again. Besides, what if her best friend told her
about her dates with Tanner? Though she hadn’t heard if
they were officially dating or not, Juliet had imagined it very
well. Up to them getting married and Ester being pregnant
with Tanner’s baby, even. That thought especially had made
her cry the hardest.

Ester called back two more times before Juliet finally

answered her phone. “Hi,” she said, hoping she didn’t
sound as cold as she felt.

“Why didn’t you answer?” Ester asked, sounding frantic.
“I was driving.” It was only a half lie, since she was

actually driving even if that wasn’t the reason she hadn’t
picked up. A voice in the background caught her attention.
“Is that Drew?”

“Yes. And he’s driving me crazy. Can you come get him?”
“Huh? Why isn’t Tanner there with you?”
Ester huffed loudly. “He’s working at the store right now.

I told him I could handle it. But Juliet, I don’t really like kids.
Not really. Maybe for a little bit. Like five minutes. But I
can’t do this. He’s making me crazy. Can you come get him?
Just for a few hours. Then I’ll come get him when Tanner is
getting off and no one will know.”


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“Except Drew,” Juliet said coldly. “But yes, I’m on my

way. Where are you?”

“My house. Thank you for coming. You sure you don’t

mind hanging out with him for a while?” Ester asked.

Juliet shook her head. “I adore him.” They hung up and

Juliet was pulling into Ester’s driveway less than ten
minutes later.

“I’ll call you in two hours to bring him back,” Ester said,

pulling him out of her house. “He needs to be clean and
happy—I don’t want Tanner knowing I couldn’t handle a
little time with his kid brother.”

Juliet rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’ll have him back to you in

time. But maybe next time you might want to tell him the

“Like you did?” Ester snapped.
Juliet stopped getting Drew buckled in to turn and look at

the woman who she once thought of as her younger sister.

“I asked you if you minded me asking Tanner out. Then

the next day you started ignoring my calls and avoiding me.
Why didn’t you tell me?” Ester asked.

Juliet’s face fell. Of course her best friend would know her

better than that. “Because I didn’t know how much I loved
him,” she quietly admitted.

Ester nodded and stepped back. “Good answer. See you

in a few hours.”

Juliet nodded and she backed the Jeep out of Ester’s

driveway. Once they were back on the road she dialed Mrs.
Banks. “Hey, can I bring a young friend up to meet the
horses today?”

Mrs. Banks laughed warmly. “Of course you may. You

know I love having you over here. See you soon?”

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“Yes ma’am.” As the call ended she turned and smiled at

Drew. “I’m taking you to my favorite place in the whole
world,” she told him.

She winked at him. “You’ll see.”
A little while later she pulled into her usual spot by the

barn and turned to see Drew looking around wildly.
“C’mon, Drew. I’ll show you around.” She held out her
hand and he quickly took it.

* * * *

An hour later Juliet was in the middle of helping Drew
guide Ginger around the small arena when Ester called.

“Tanner’s getting off early and wants to pick Drew up

now!” She sounded frantic and Juliet couldn’t really blame

She continued to keep a close eye on Drew to make sure

he was safe as she answered her. “Stall him and I’ll get Drew
back to your house as soon as I can,” she said quickly. It was
the best she could do. They weren’t nearby at all. And she
wasn’t about to rush out and leave Ginger with all her tack
on. It would take all of the original extra hour that she was
supposed to have had with Drew to get everything put away
and get him back to Ester’s house before Tanner showed up.

“That’s not good enough,” Ester snapped.
Juliet sighed irritably. “Then tell Tanner the truth.”
“All right...all right. I will. Where are you?”
“Mrs. Banks’ farm,” Juliet said quickly. “And Drew’s

riding Ginger. He seriously loves it, Ester, you should see his
face. He’s laughing and happy.”

“You took him way up there?”
Juliet nodded. “You said I had two hours.”

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Give Me Fever


“Yeah, I did. You’re right. Sorry, I’m just—”
“It’s fine. Just come get him or tell Tanner where we are

so that he can come get Drew,” Juliet said quickly.

“Will do. Bye.”
Juliet put the phone back in the pocket of her jeans and

walked up to Drew. “Having fun?” she asked, walking
alongside him. He nodded quickly, his wide smile telling her
everything she needed to know about how much he was
loving this. “I’m glad. You look really good up there. Totally

“I do?”
She nodded and patted Ginger on her shoulder. “Thanks

for coming out here with me today. I really needed your

The kid beamed brightly and she smiled up at him.
Twenty minutes later she heard a truck pull up and saw

Tanner get out. He looked upset and she turned away,
ignoring him in favor of the smiling child next to her. He
could be pissy all he wanted—it wasn’t her fault Ester lied to
him. Sure, maybe she should have called him to tell him she
was taking Drew. She realized that. But it wasn’t as if she
was a stranger to either of them.

She heard the arena gate open on its rusty hinges and

looked over to see Tanner coming in with them. “Go ahead
and stop her, Drew. Sit back in the saddle and pull back just
slightly on the reins.”

“Can I tell her whoa too?” he asked.
Juliet laughed. “Yeah, you can cowboy it up and say that

if you want to.” She walked toward him, ready to help him
stop her if he needed.

But Ginger stopped easily for him, especially after his

loud “Whoa!” that caught the attention of the rest of the

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Caitlin Ricci


horses in the barn nearby. She came to his side and held
Ginger still as he dismounted.

“You did great, buddy,” she said, high-fiving him. She

helped him pull the reins over Ginger’s head and handed
them to him. “Here you go. Lead your horse to the rail and
tie her up.”

He grinned and happily did as he was told.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that happy, or that eager

to follow directions,” Tanner said, quietly coming up beside

She nodded. “I think he had a great time. Mrs. Banks, the

woman who owns these horses, said he’s welcome to come
out anytime. So if he wants to, just let me know and I’ll bring
him. I try to get out here a couple times a week.”

“Thanks, for picking him up and spending time with him

again. You didn’t have to,” Tanner said.

Juliet nodded. “You’re welcome. But I didn’t do it for you.

I like Drew. I like spending time with him. I know you and
Ester are together now, and that’s fine. But I still want to—”

“We’re not together,” Tanner said quickly.
Juliet looked over his shoulder to see Ester getting out of

the truck as well.

“You’re not?” she asked, clearly confused. “But I

thought...” She shook her head. “You’re really not together?”

Ester came up to them and nodded. “We’re really not,

Juliet. I asked you if I could ask him out because I wanted
you to think about it, to see if you actually wanted him after
everything with Dean. Then when you said it was fine I
thought maybe I’d misjudged your relationship with Tanner

Juliet’s heart started to speed up. “You didn’t,” she

whispered, looking up at Tanner.

Ester laughed. “I know. You ignoring me for a few weeks

really helped solve that one. But no, Tanner and I are

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Give Me Fever


friends. I wanted you to know what you were missing out

“But...” Juliet shook her head.
Tanner slowly slipped his arms around her. “I was upset

when you were with Dean. I was worried about you, afraid
that he’d won you over again and that he was going to hurt
you again. But then I saw you with Drew and I saw how
much you care about my brother.”

Juliet came closer, leaning into his touch. “I care about

him a lot. He’s a great kid. But what about us?”

She nodded. “Where does that leave us? I’m not dating

Dean, you’re not with Ester...I know we hurt each other, but
do you think...” Did she dare to ask? Dare to hope?

“I never stopped caring about you,” he whispered,

leaning down so that his face was only inches from hers.

She smiled. “Me neither. Care to try again?”
“Absolutely.” He leaned down and quickly kissed her.

Juliet smiled and hugged him tightly.

Ester patted them both on their shoulders. “Take care of

my girl, Tanner. I knew you two would work it out

Juliet pulled back and laughed.

The End

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About the Author

Caitlin was fortunate growing up to be surrounded by
family and teachers that encouraged her love of reading. She
has always been a voracious reader and that love of the
written word easily morphed into a passion for writing. If
she isn't writing, she can usually be found studying as she
works toward her counseling degree. She comes from a
military family and the men and women of the armed forces
are close to her heart. She also enjoys gardening and
horseback riding in the Colorado Rockies where she calls
home with her wonderful fiancé and their two dogs. Her
belief that there is no one true path to happily ever after runs
deeply through all of her stories.

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