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Cross-Promotions Can Help You

Make New Friends

A great example of cross-promotions comes to us from

event marketing. A grocery store acts as a ticket reseller for a
major local event with proceeds going to charity. The event
organizers want to sell tickets to the grocery store’s shoppers,
and the grocery store wants the opportunity to draw in the event
customers who don’t normally shop there. Both entities want to
increase traffic and sales.

Don’t worry about acquiring cross-promotional partners with

compatible products. The most important consideration is finding

partners who have match-
ing customer demographics.
Once you establish partner-
ships you can concentrate on
how to productively interact.

C r o s s - p r o m o t i o n s

should offer valuable busi-
ness development out-
comes. In the grocery store
example, the store has a spe-
cial interest in the goodwill it
receives by being associat-
ed with the event’s charity
of record.

Sometimes the best way to help oneself is to find a way to

help someone else.






Quick Ideas 26 to 27


Take what you know

about your customers and
prospects, and think about
where else this type of cus-
tomer may go to spend time
and money. Consider what
you have to offer that would
be of value to potential part-
ners. Then, approach them
with some ideas.


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