My Boyfriend's a Werewolf

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Table of Contents

Copyright Page
Title Page
My Boyfriend’s a Werewolf
If you want to read how Wolf and Eddie first met
About The Author
LYD Anthologies By Barry Lowe
loveyoudivine Alterotica

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Scanning, uploading and/or distribution of this book via the Internet, print, audio recordings or any other means without the

permission of the Publisher is illegal and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual

events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

My Boyfriend’s a Werewolf

Copyright©2013 Barry Lowe

His & His Edition

Cover art and design by Dawné Dominique

All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or

mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

Published by

loveyoudivine Alterotica 2013

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My Boyfriend’s a Werewolf

Barry Lowe

loveyoudivine s His & His

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His love makes me want to howl for joy!

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My Boyfriend’s a Werewolf


t was enough to turn me vegetarian. I gagged every time I opened the fridge, for there, swimming in

its own bloody juices, were the largest slabs of raw meat I’d ever had the misfortune to discover. It
reminded me of road kill on a plate.

When you’re desperately in love, and you’re living with your boyfriend, you have to put up with

some of the habits which you’d otherwise rather he didn’t have. Like raw meat in the fridge. Like
those difficult periods once a month that we didn’t talk about. He’d disappear for a day or two only to
return bloody and dirty, but he’d shower and apart from his breath smelling like a cage at the zoo for
the next few days, he was ‘back to normal.’ Oh, not forgetting he shed his hair (or is it fur?), in the
bed and all through other rooms of the house, clogging up the drain in the shower.

“Wolfgang,” I screamed. I only ever used his full name when I was angry with him.
I heard him hurry along the corridor as I tapped my foot in the small puddle of water

accumulating around my ankles. He stuck his head around the bathroom door. “What’s up?”

I had to tap my foot just to keep my anger simmering; his smile was so disarming it usually

distracted me from my purpose. Not today.

“You want your back scrubbed again?” he laughed, entering the bathroom, caressing his crotch

in preparation for extra-curricular activity. We’re both students at the local university and we were
close to being late for morning classes. “You’re insatiable.”

We’d already ended up fucking over the breakfast table, still turned on enough by each other that

any little touch or suggestion set us off.

I couldn’t trust myself to chastise him so I merely pointed.
He looked suitably admonished. “Sorry. I was in such a hurry, I forgot.”
“Is there anything so important it can’t wait until you clear your hair out of the drain?”
“I was in a hurry to make love to you in the kitchen. You know how a breakfast shag makes my


Way to make me feel like a bastard.
I sighed. Wolf could turn any situation around to his advantage.
Bending over I picked up the ball of soggy hair. Wolf took advantage and ran his finger quickly

down my crack before pushing into my moist ass.

“I never could resist you in that position,” he murmured. He withdrew his finger and before I

knew it, he was shucking his clothes in a paroxysm of haste before stepping into the shower, forcing
me bodily against the cool tiles. I was hard in seconds because Wolf at his masterful best totally
made me pant to be dominated. It usually occurred around his transformation, in the days leading up to
it or the days immediately after.

He slapped my cheeks hard, making me whimper. “You like that, don’t you?”
I nodded.
His voice was husky. “You know the drill, spread ‘em.”
Bending from the waist, thrusting my ass out to give him easy access, I leaned against the soap

tray for support. We’d reinforced it after our first attempts had proven so ‘energetic’ we’d torn it
from the wall.

There was no foreplay when we were both in this mood. I parted my cheeks as best I could

without slipping; Wolf aimed his cock and then pushed into me. The initial burn as his cock slid

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inside me in one smooth motion, pushing my anal muscles aside dismissively, was so pleasurable I
almost lost my load there and then. It was the combination of pain and pleasure that set me off. Not all
our lovemaking was of such intensity but we both enjoyed exploring the more animal instincts

He pummeled my ass like he was late for his bus – which he probably was – but the hard

pumping action was what I needed right now. The stress of the past few weeks had made me as
grizzly as a bear with a toothache. I don’t know how Wolf put up with me sometimes. I smiled at the
thought that, perhaps, it was because we were both great in the sex department as well as the loving.

“Fuck, I love getting inside you like this,” Wolf panted in my ear.
He was in particularly good form and I was on my way to being fucked into the middle of the

following week, making enough noise that the neighborhood would have heard had the house not been

However, that didn’t prevent someone just outside the bathroom door from hearing everything

that was going on. There was a knock on the door before Wolf’s dad’s voice boomed, “When you two
are finished, family meeting downstairs.”

“Okay, dad,” Wolf managed between thrusts. “Will be with you soon.”
That gave me some idea, at least, of how close he was, because I liked to time it so we both

erupted simultaneously.

“You good?” Wolf asked.
“Uh huh.”
“Come for me, Eddie. Now.”
I felt my bowels flooded with his werewolf/human spunk as mine splashed against the tiles to

dribble down the wall and across to the drain. I gave silent thanks that it had all…fuck…it hadn’t
worked. Before I’d even completed the thought, my nose tickled, then it itched, then…my lungs
exploded in a series of machine gun fire sneezes that simply would not stop. Shit, not again. It was
embarrassing. Not only that, it was the very antithesis of sexy.

It didn’t happen just when we screwed in the shower, it happened every time Wolf and I made

love these days.

He pulled out and washed his cock, cleaning my ass crack, his face screwed up in concern. “It

must be me,” he said. “It only ever happens when we get close up and personal.”

He looked so dispirited, I’m afraid I lied. “Nah, it happens other times as well at uni when

you’re not around.”

Wolf looked skeptical, but said nothing. We dried each other in silence; I guess we were both

wondering what the family confab was all about. It had to be important if it was called on a weekday

We went downstairs, Wolf gripping my hand in case it was bad news.
“Here they are at last,” my dad grinned.
I hugged him and he patted me on the back for being a good boy. Had I done something wrong he

would not have hesitated to show his fangs. When he did that you knew you were either in deep shit –
or else on your way to being dead. My dad, Declan, you see, is a vampire. Wolf hugged his dad and
Declan asked us to sit down. He’d made us all a coffee as we liked it so Wolf and I sat on the rug
around the coffee table while Declan and Canis rolled out some maps in front of us.

“What’s this?” Wolf asked.
Canis could scarcely conceal his excitement. “Our new home.”
Declan was quick to add, “If you two approve. We aren’t about to make any decisions without

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your input.”

“Our new home as in all four of us or…?” I asked.
“You know any home Canis and I set up will always be your home, Eddie, and your home, Wolf.

It goes without saying. You do know that, don’t you?”

We both nodded unconvincingly.
“What’s with a new home?” Wolf asked.
I was wondering the same thing, especially as the four of us had two perfectly good homes in the

town limits and the map they’d spread out on the coffee table seemed to have the sort of acreage that
suggested wide open spaces and long travel times to the university. After Canis and my dad had
become a couple, our house had been a little on the cramped side, particularly as the first flush of
romance encouraged not only Wolf and I but also Declan and Canis to explore various rooms of the
house as the setting for sexual completion. It’s not a good look to stumble across your dad being
screwed in the butt against the washing machine when all you want to do is rinse the skid marks from
your undies.

They’d also caught Wolf and me in some outrageous sexual high-jinks which drained the color

from their faces. Well, drained it from Canis’s, Declan didn’t have any color to drain being already
dead, but he did look decidedly queasy watching his adopted son spear his dick into his boyfriend’s
son’s ass.

It was all a bit incestuous living in each other’s pockets so Wolf and I began to spend more and

more time at Wolf’s house until it was just assumed we lived there. It worked out quite well because,
when the mood struck, the three of them could munch and suck vein on the chickens and rabbits we’d
kept in our back yard. The sound of the poor creatures squealing their last was a sound I could easily
live without. On the nights of the full moon, I’d close the windows and hunker down under the doona
knowing full well my boyfriend, my dad, and his boyfriend were supping sumptuously on live
animals. I tried not to think about it.

I was inquisitive. “What’s this all about, dad?”
“As you know, the town’s grown considerably. When I first moved here, mine was the only

house in the street. It gave me privacy. Now, we’re surrounded by so many houses it’s become
difficult to keep our, shall we say predilections private. Our monthly mood changes are in danger of
discovery now we’re part of the suburban sprawl.”

“You and dad want to move farther out?” Wolf asked.
“That’s the idea.”
“We won’t be deserting you boys if that’s what you think,” Canis was quick to add.
Wolf picked up on the reality of what his dad had implied. “You don’t want us to come with you


I felt Wolf relax just as I did. I should have kept my mouth shut but I was so relieved, I said,

“Thank God for that.”

In case my comments were seen as ungrateful, Wolf jumped in, “What Eddie means is, it seems

like your new place may be a long way out of town and that would mean a long commute to college.”

“Breathe easy, guys,” Canis said. “We don’t expect you to move in with us unless you want to.”
“Of course, there’ll always be a room for you if you want to come stay,” Declan added.
I looked at my watch pointedly, hoping they’d take the hint that we needed to wind this up if

Wolf and I were going to get to lectures on time.

“Don’t worry,” Canis said, seeing my distress. “I’ll drive you both. We needed to settle this

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with you this morning because the town council needs an answer straight away.”

“What’s the town council got to do with your new retreat?” I asked.
“They’ve offered the property if I continue to do what I do best.”
“What you do best is look after troubled kids. Oh,” I said.
“Yeah, oh,” Canis repeated. “The town’s grown and so has the number of troubled kids.”
“It’s all been unofficial in the past,” Declan continued. “They want to make it official, plus, they

want me to take on a group this time.”

“Are you sure you want to go back to that?” I asked. “After all, you haven’t had anyone since


“I miss it, Eddie.”
I looked at the floor. “I guess I’ll be jealous.”
“No need to be, Eddie. You’ll always be special to me. You’re my son. The other boys are just

passing through.”

Wolf, ever the practical one, broke in, “Won’t they want to do background checks and all that

sort of shit? They’ll find out.”

“I did think of that, Wolf,” Declan admitted. “They know if they dig too deep they’re likely to

discover something not quite right, but given my record they’re quite happy to fudge that part of it.
Provided, of course, I can get some of my success stories to vouch for me.”

“Of course, I will, dad.”
Canis made a suggestion. “We were wondering if you boys would like to come out and take a

look at the property on the weekend if you’re not too busy with school work.”

“We’d love to,” I said, answering for Wolf.
Declan and Canis weren’t about to take my word for it.
“Yeah, he speaks for me,” Wolf smiled.
“Come on, we don’t want you to be late for lectures.” Canis got up off the lounge to grab his


“Bye, dad,” I said, hugging Declan. “I’ll talk to you tonight.”
Wolf hugged him as well and then we hurried to Canis’s truck, part of the fleet he had for his

construction business. Wolf was a disappointment to his dad who wanted him to take over the
business one day, but he was not manually inclined; Wolf’s skill all resided in his brain. Whereas,
give me a hammer or a saw and I’d be happy for hours. Perhaps Wolf and I should swap parents.

The traffic crawled that day so by the time we reached the university I just had time for a quick

snog with Wolf before waving my thanks to Canis as I ran for the lecture theater where I was meant to
be taking notes for Melanie, a former girlfriend of mine with whom I’d remained friends after our
brief flirtation. She knew about Wolf and me and approved.

As I raced down the corridor, I felt the tickle. I didn’t have time to think about it as I made the

door and scrambled to my seat about thirty seconds before Professor Sunhill strode into the room,
slammed his cane onto his desk to silence the buzz of background conversation and demanded the
doors to the room be locked. He didn’t allow latecomers to enter and you had to know that if you
wanted to attend Sunhill’s classes there was no way of earth you’d be leaving early, bar via death.

I hated the bastard as he loved to humiliate his students, but he was one of the best lecturers on

the campus.

The tickle was spreading to my lungs. I didn’t want to be singled out so I managed to muffle the

first sneeze in my handkerchief. I’d taken to carrying proper big handkerchiefs around as since my
sinus problems began a few weeks earlier, tissues had proven insufficient.

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That first sneeze seemed to set off a tsunami of follow ups, almost like hiccups until students

began turning in my direction to glare at the interruption I was causing. I couldn’t help it.

“Perhaps an antihistamine, Mr. Trivet,” Sunhill said sarcastically, his back turned to me and the

class while he wrote of the whiteboard.

I’d tried all the drugs available over the counter but none of them had any effect on my sneezing.

My allergy to whatever it was, was not going to be assuaged by any common pharmaceutical.

I took my handkerchief away from my mouth and nose to respond just as a volcanic sneeze

spewed its way out of my mouth. I sprayed a number of students seated in the row in front of me,
attempted to apologize which merely brought on another fit, until someone pointed at me and another
screamed. That got Sunhill to turn to the class.

He dropped his marker pen and was leaping up the steps of the auditorium as all hell broke

loose. I felt lightheaded wondering why everyone had turned to stare, a few with looks of horror on
their face. My nose and mouth felt sticky and it was only when I looked down at the notebook I had
open on my desk that I noticed the white paper covered in a thin spray of what looked like blood. A
drop fell like a raindrop from my nose, spreading across the desk. I dabbed my handkerchief against
my face and it came away saturated.

I was hoisted aloft as Sunhill shouted out instructions to unlock the lecture theater door and I felt

myself hurried along the corridor. I sneezed again and a pattern of blood sprayed across the
professor’s pristine shirt. OMG! I was so dead. He prided himself on his smart attire and here I was
buggering it up with blood. This was one subject I was gonna fail – badly.

He kicked open a door much to the consternation of the woman seated behind the desk – at least

until she saw me at which point she signaled that I should be placed on the bench at the side of the

I didn’t remember a great deal about the next hour or so, except that I was cleaned up with a lot

of saline solution and cotton wool and that I mumbled my apologies over and over to Sunhill about
ruining his shirt until he snapped and told me to ‘shut up about it.’ Then I started on thanking him for
saving my life because the troubled looks on the faces of the doctor and her nurse seemed to signify
seriousness. Eventually, just to shut me up, they bundled Sunhill out of the room promising to inform
him of my condition and prospects for recovery. He, at least, had the good sense to ask me if there
was anyone he could ring.

Fumbling in my pocket, I handed him my cell phone and asked him to ring Wolf. I don’t know if

it was self-induced blood loss or the effects of drugs the doctor may have given me but my memory
was a montage of people fussing around me, a number of medical instruments, and another nasty
attack of the volcanic sneezes. Eventually I was strapped to a gurney and pushed through the college
corridors to a waiting ambulance.

At the hospital I was prodded and poked until I wanted to shout “Leave me the fuck alone,”

although I noticed Wolf’s concerned face on a number of occasions when they pulled the privacy
curtain aside to get more medical apparatus with which to torture me inside the cramped cubicle.
Eventually, the sneezing, the runny nose and the swollen eyes subsided and I was allowed up. Wolf
helped me off with my bloody shirt and got me to raise my arms while he slid a clean T-shirt over my
naked torso. The sneezing began again although it was only a minor outburst. This time there was no

He helped me down the hallway to a Dr. Bishop’s consulting rooms for the results of my tests.

Had I been truly ill, I guessed I would have been hospitalized at least overnight, but I’d been told by a
friendly nurse that I was being discharged.

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When we entered, the receptionist ushered us into the doctor’s suite immediately. Declan was

waiting for us, deep in conversation with Bishop who seemed to be an old friend.

“Ah, here he is,” Bishop said, indicating I should sit next to Declan who squeezed my hand in

support. The doctor referred to the folder that lay open on his desk. “You have a very serious allergy,
Eddie. When did you first begin these sneezing attacks of yours?”

“I noticed them about a month ago but I think I’d been sneezing more than usual before that.”
“Did anything change at that time? Did you begin using a new cologne or washing powder?”
“No, nothing. I’m pretty set in my habits.”
Bishop searched through his papers, producing a small sealed plastic bag that he held in his

hand. “Do you have a dog at home?”

Declan jumped in. “I have chickens and rabbits at my place and Eddie spends a lot of time there.

There are feral cats that break in sometimes to kill the poultry.”

“No, this is the hair of a dog,” Bishop reiterated. “In my opinion, a wild dog. Of some sort.”
He handed the plastic bag to Declan.
Bishop’s demeanor was one of resignation. “Now, I’m not going to ask what you get up to in

those two houses of yours. You’ve been a good friend for many years, Declan. You managed to turn
my sister’s boy from a wild brat headed for prison into one of the town’s most productive citizens. I
owe you. So, take heed of what I’m about to say. Those hairs, which we removed from Eddie’s
trachea, are wolf hair, Declan. If you are keeping wild animals in that zoo of yours, then I suggest you
think twice about it. If you won’t think of the illegality, then think of Eddie here. A few more attacks
like the one he had today and he may not survive. It’s your choice, Declan.”

He turned to me to add, “And Eddie. Stay well away from wild animals, especially wolves.”
“Can’t you give me something for it?” I pleaded.
Dr. Bishop slid a prescription across the desk. “It’s nothing more than a stop-gap measure,

Eddie, it’s not an antidote. Remember that.”

Declan signed the paperwork while I waited patiently for Canis to pick us all up. The drive

home was a miserable experience, all of us keeping our thoughts to ourselves. We didn’t exactly keep
wolves on our property but my boyfriend was a werewolf. I suppose that counted. I couldn’t be
allergic to Wolf. No way. We’d spent months together before the attacks of sneezing and sinus hit me.
It couldn’t be Wolf or his dad.

When we got back to our house, Declan and Canis turned the place inside out searching for any

stray feral animal that may have wormed its way into the space between the ceiling and the roof or
between the walls or under the floorboards. No luck. They then turned their attention to their own
home with the same result.

Wolf looked thoroughly defeated when he said, “It has to be us, dad.”
Declan tried being placatory. “That’s not proven as yet. No use despairing until we have

pinpointed the reason for Eddie’s sudden allergy.”

“One way to prove it,” Wolf suggested. “Eddie, why don’t you sleep back in your old room at

Declan’s and dad and I will sleep in our old place. We’ll give it until the weekend, see how it pans

“I don’t think I can last that long without…” My face went the color of a tomato when I realized

my dad as well as Wolf’s dad was listening.

“Young guys, it’s all they think about,” Canis laughed.
“I know a couple of older guys who aren’t much better,” Declan said.
It was amusing at the time but the next few days were agony and I spent a lot of time with my

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hand down my undies. Professor Sunhill had given me a couple of days off on medical grounds and
we all considered it safer for our experiment if Wolf kept away for the duration. We didn’t think
phone conversation was breaking the curfew so we spent time declaring our undying devotion and
jerking off to each other’s sexy voice.

By the weekend I pretty much had the answer to whether Wolf was the cause of my allergy. No

sooner had I got into the car with him to head off to Declan and Canis’s prospective farm, than my
eyes watered and my nose ran. When you consider I hadn’t so much as sneezed during the days we’d
been apart but began the moment I was in close proximity, the proof was pretty conclusive. We were
a dispirited bunch on the drive, Declan attempting unsuccessfully to keep up our spirits.

The farm itself took our minds off my problems. It was situated in a verdant valley with a stream

running through the substantial property. The main ranch-style house as well as the bunkhouse were
still in pretty good shape, while the barn and the coops for the various animals such as chickens and
pigs were rundown and in need of repair. But even I, young and callow as I am, could see the

“It backs onto a national park so when we get in a mood…” Canis didn’t bother finishing the

sentence before a dreamy look covered his face.

The freedom to run free would be a big incentive to live here. Plus there was plenty of space to

train recalcitrant boys to fit into the big, wide world.

“I’ll need a manager,” Declan declared. If he hoped I would offer my services, he was in for

disappointment. I had studies to complete. Wolf was the same. And Canis couldn’t give up his
lucrative business, besides which he’d be busy repairing the old buildings for habitation.

There was no discussion; all four of us just naturally fell into the belief that the property would

be Declan and Canis’s. There would be paperwork and political and economic hoops to jump through
but the two of them were up for it. I knew now that Declan missed the task of bringing his charges to
heel. I had been his last and I’d been no challenge for at least five years. He needed to sink his teeth
into something more satisfying. He didn’t ask, but I gave his venture my blessing.

“Why don’t you two head down to the river, have a swim, cool off while Canis and me…uh…”
“Sure, dad,” I said, dragging Wolf away, smirking at Declan’s reticence to admit that he and

Canis were as horny as Wolf and I.

We ran for the river, tossing our clothes aside as we headed toward the stream, yahooing as we

went. I didn’t care if I sneezed my brain out, I needed my man now.

Being the more conservative of the two of us, I stopped Wolf from dive bombing straight into the

stream lest there be submerged rocks or trees just below the surface. My caution was appreciated but
once I gave the all-clear, Wolf took a running leap into the waterway causing a wave to crash over
me, soaking me to the skin. I didn’t care because all I wanted was to fold my boyfriend in my arms.

Wolf surfaced, swimming toward me, his smile promising to obliterate the memory of our few

days of abstinence. I welcomed his kiss, taking his tongue inside my mouth, sucking it gently. He was
already hard as I squeezed his cock under the water before I inhaled a huge gulp of air and sank to my
knees engulfing his prick like a merman. He held my head gently against his groin, thrusting his cock
into my throat. It tasted delicious although I had to break away to fill my lungs with new oxygen. I
repeated the exercise a number of times until I felt Wolf’s ass cheeks quiver and he began to pump his
load into the back of my throat, I swallowed as best I could until my oxygen ran out and I had to break
the surface, gasping for air.

Wolf swept me up in his arms, planting a kiss on my spunky mouth, undoubtedly tasting his own

seed. “Sweet, Eddie.”

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It was my turn now. I bent him forward toward the bank of the river before I prized his ass

cheeks apart. I swirled my tongue along the crack of his ass like I would lick an ice cream. Then I
concentrated on his little puckered hole, flicking my tongue across it before attempting to worm my
way between the sphincter muscles. Wolf groaned as I massaged his balls while I fucked him with the
end of my tongue, pushing it as far as I could manage.

I hated doing him with just spit for lube but I knew he could take it. When his asshole was slick,

I rubbed the end of his cock gathering as much pre-cum as I could to further lubricate his anal pussy. I
was leaking copiously so between the spit and pre-cum I thought Wolf would be comfortable enough.

I teased the head of my cock around his hole before pushing into him. It was difficult at first,

until I reached forward to wrap my fist around his cock and he relaxed enough that I gained entry.
When he was comfortable he pushed back against me until I picked up the rhythm and began to fill
him. This was when Wolf was at his most vulnerable, so I leaned over him, nipping his ear lobe,
whispering in his ear.

“I love you, Wolf. There’s no way I’m going to let a little allergy come between us. I won’t give

this up. I can’t give you up.” I droned on hypnotically as I rammed my dick across the little nub of his
prostate, making him call out my name.

He was like putty in my hands, so I hoped he would give in to my plan. We’d discussed it in the

past and not only was Wolf implacably opposed, so were Declan and Canis.

“If it’s the only way we can stay together then I want us to do it, Wolf.” I took a deep breath. “I

want you to turn me.”

Wolf let out a cry that echoed through the trees, scattering birds into the afternoon sky, as he shot

his cum into the flowing stream, the grip of his ass muscles enough to tip me over the edge so that I
shot my seed inside him, once again marking him as mine.

We stood panting for a few moments, me holding him around the waist to keep him standing.

Eventually, my shrinking cock slipped free of his butt and I washed his hole with my fingers and the
cool water of the stream. We cleaned each other’s cocks silently, Wolf chewing the inside of his
cheeks as if in worry.

Spreading ourselves out on the banks of the small river to dry in the sun, Wolf leaned on his

elbow, watching me.

“Our dads won’t go for it, you know that,” he said.
“We don’t need their permission.”
“Maybe not, but I need my dad to talk me through the process. It’s not just a simple matter of

taking a piece out of your neck. It’s a dangerous process. There’s plenty can go wrong.”

I hammered home my advantage. “But you’re not averse to giving it a try as a last resort?”
“Only as a last resort.”
The sun suddenly disappeared behind a cloud. Or so I thought until I looked up into the savage

eyes of a man a little older than us. He looked as if he was ready to tear us apart for some perceived

“Are you two fuckwits out of your minds?”
It was obviously a rhetorical question and neither of us answered.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
Again, rhetorical. It was obvious we’d been swimming. If this guy was part of the district’s

moral majority we’d have to put him straight, so to speak.

Wolf had tensed, ready to shift if the stranger became more threatening.
Because we weren’t cowering under his belligerent gaze, the stranger seemed confused by our

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lack of fear.

“You don’t know what you’ve done, do you?”
“Not a clue,” I said. “But if you stop blustering and explain, we might be able to have a two-way

conversation instead of you just shouting at us.”

I got up to retrieve what articles of clothing were close by, handing Wolf his to cover up

because I really didn’t like the way the stranger was staring at Wolf’s engorged cock, stiffening
noticeably by the minute. I slapped him hard, just missing his balls.

“If you two jealous lovebirds have quite finished, this is serious.”
“So get on with it,” Wolf demanded.
“This river flows straight into the national park at the south boundary of the property.”
“So?” I asked.
“Your mate there is a werewolf, right?”
“How did you—”
“I can sniff out a werebrother at a thousand paces.”
It was Wolf’s turn to be surprised. “You’re…”
“Wow.” Wolf, unfortunately, seemed even more interested in the stranger now.
“I was thrown out of the pack for being gay. They don’t approve of unnatural acts, as they call

them. I overheard them planning to kill me. I escaped the pack during the night, laying false trails,
until they believed I’d left the area, all the time I was holed up here. Not a bad place to live. It’s been
deserted for quite a while. There was no chance the pack was going to come out in the open, so I was
safe. Now you’ve gone and bathed in the stream and your scent will be carried down to them. They’ll
know you’re here, and they’ll come to destroy you, me, all of us.”

“We’re not alone here,” Wolf said proudly.
“Doesn’t matter how many you are, this is one fierce pack, very protective of their turf. Your fag

boy doesn’t stand a chance against them. They’ll tear him apart.”

“Hey—” I interrupted.
I never got to finish my sentence because at that precise moment the earth rumbled as if in

warning before it opened up beneath me and I was dragged into the foulest smelling lair I had ever
experienced. The bigger problem was I had no idea whose lair it was, except for the luminous yellow
eyes that glared at me in the dark.

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If you want to read how Wolf and Eddie first met, you can find out in


"...light and humorous, with a bit of a twist ending...a good lark with a heavy dose of the fantasy to

His dad needs a relationship he can really sink his teeth into!

Eddie is an uncontrollable child until he is adopted out to Declan Travet, a dark and brooding presence in the town who turns problem
teenagers into productive members of society. Now 19-year-old Eddie wants to repay the favor by hooking his lonely dad up with a nice
man – but it’s difficult when his dad’s a vampire!

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"This was so cute!! Wasn't sure what to think about it, just bought it on a whim because the title
was funny. And it turned out to be funny and fluffy. Kendrick the vampire is completely adorable.
Just a quirky feel good story."
Lucy, GoodReads

Sometimes the dentist can be a real pain in the neck


Justin’s dental practice is going broke, until the night he rescues Kendrick, his mouth a bloody pulp,
the victim of a gang attack. To staunch the bleeding, Justin has to perform emergency surgery on his
mouth only to discover his patient has fangs. Although he believes them to be a Goth affectation,
Justin goes beyond the call of duty to help the mysterious young man who hints that he is a real
vampire. The two men begin for fall for each other but can they overcome their distrust and their
scepticism enough to embark on a relationship?

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About The Author

Barry Lowe is notorious for his Lowe-Life column which scandalized Sydney when it appeared
fortnightly in a Sydney bar newspaper in the 1980s. It led to fame, fortune and easy lays (well infamy
at any rate and the occasional not-so-easy lay, the fortune never arrived) so he has spent the last
couple of decades writing gay sex comedies for stage as well numerous erotica stories under his own
and various pseudonyms, plus his more recent autobiographical weekly column in Sydney’s SX

He is the author of the novels The More the Merrier: Gay Gangbang Erotica; Romancing the Bone:
Gay Romance Erotica; The Gravy Train, The Major and The Miners, and Busting Billy’s Butt. He has
also written a biography of Hollywood legend, Mamie Van Doren, Atomic Blonde, for McFarland

He lives in Sydney with his partner, Wally.

Check out his website at

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Four On The Floor
Jolly Rogering
The Devil His Due
Never Take Candy from Strangers
Done Like A Dinner
In The Family Way
Right Up His Alley
Group Therapy


A Serpent in Paradise
Desperate Remedies
Joshua’s Story
Emerald City
Danny’s Revenge
Future Tense

THE GRAVY TRAIN - eBook & Print

In the Soup
Salad Days
Whores d’Oeuvres
Beefed Up and Porked
Torte A Lesson
Café or Lay

A TOUCH OF THE SON - eBook and Print

Man of the Hour
Like Father Like Son
Sonny & Shared
Sonny Side Up
Eclipse Of The Son
Son & Games
Where The Sun Don’t Shine
The Sun Shines Out Of His Ass
Have Son Will Travel

ROMANCING THE BONE - eBook and Print

Carbon Dating
Let the Games Begin
Taking the Bait
Party Whip
Team Player
Davy Jones' Locker
Here's to You, Mr Robinson
Gay Dungeon for the Straight Boy
OMG! Santa's Got a Six-Pack
Vlad the Impaler
Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Love on Tofu

THE MORE THE MERRIER - eBook and Print

Marine Biology
Flesh for Fantasy
Buck’s Night
Four On The Floor
Sluts & Satyrs
Framing the Picture of Dorian Gray

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Fuck Buddy
Seven Card Studs
Dude, Where’s The Bar?
New Year’s Steve

BABY, I’M NOT A MONSTER - eBook and Print

The Vampire’s Guide to Dental Hygiene
Stupid Cupid
Pride & Joy
Seeing Things
My Dad’s a Vampire
Guys & Trolls


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Table of Contents

Title Page
Table of Contents
Copyright Page
My Boyfriend’s a Werewolf
If you want to read how Wolf and Eddie first met
About The Author
LYD Anthologies By Barry Lowe
loveyoudivine Alterotica

Document Outline


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