Question Tags 2 ANG

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I'll be fired, won't I?

You will come back
soon, won't you?

She'll be here tomorrow,
won't she?

We'll have something to
drink, won't we?

They will help us, won't

It won't rain now, will it?

We won't win, will we?

I've told you what to do,
haven't I?

You've heard the news,
haven't you?

We've met before,
haven't we?

Mary has broken her leg,
hasn't she?

You haven't had
breakfast yet, have you?

They haven't bought the
car, have they?

He hasn't phoned, has

You've put on weight,
haven't you?

Lucy has grown lately,
hasn't she?

I haven't been driving
too fast, have I?

You've been drinking
again, haven't you?

It's been raining, hasn't

You've got a problem,
haven't you?

She's got long hair,
hasn't she?

We've got a lot to do,
haven't we?

Sarah hasn't got a car,
has she?

You wouldn't do that,
would you?

That would be great,
wouldn't it?

They would like to get a
rise, wouldn't they?

She wouldn't say that,
would she?


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