Melody Anne's Billionaire Unive Yvette Hines

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Text copyright ©2016 by the Author.

This work was made possible by a
special license through the Kindle
Worlds publishing program and has not
necessarily been reviewed by Melody
Anne. All characters, scenes, events,
plots and related elements appearing in
the original Melody Anne's Billionaire
Universe remain the exclusive
copyrighted and/or trademarked
property of Melody Anne, or their
affiliates or licensors.

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Her Billionaire’s Bargain

Billionaire Series Kindle World (spinoff

of The Billionaire’s Dance by Melody


Yvette Hines

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Zac Powers is a rich man who always

gets what he wants. Whether in

business or his personal life. Not many

people tell him, “No.” Until Kourtney

Deen, a striking beauty, refused to sell

her business to him so that he could put

up a luxury spa and golf course.

Business is business that’s what Zac

has always believed. He refuses to get

caught in the marriage trap like his

cousins. However, the day he meets the

feisty shop owner face to face, he can’t

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resist the attraction he has for her.

Kourtney refuses to allow herself to get

distracted. No matter how tall, grey-

eyed and handsome he maybe. That

road has already been traveled. Years

ago, she made some mistakes and had

to make some tough choices. Now, the

only two things she cares about are her

daughter and the success of her shop.

In Zac’s structured life, things have

always gone how he planned it, but one

unexpected event leads to another.

When he discovers that nothing is what

it seems and there are secrets, yet

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revealed, he learns quickly that it is not

his wallet he has to lean on, but his


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Chapter One

“Why the hell don’t I have the

final contract and plans on my desk for

the Grand Overlin project?” Zac

stormed behind his desk and eyed the

people filling the chairs on the other

side. He’d just finished a meeting at the

Strategic Improvement Development

East team. SIDE was a group of civic

organizers, businessmen and leaders in

the city who discussed and planned

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advancements in the Charlotte area.

They looked at all angles and levels,

both economic and civil.

In a few days, he would be

headed to the Mayor’s office. Mayor

Layla Foxx was more than anxious to

have the Overlin Project development

underway. The success of it would mean

more revenue for the city and after the

political convention placed a hole in the

Queen City budget, she was looking for

big ways to fill it. Luxury and sports

went hand in hand in Charlotte.

Especially in a place where they had

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their own major league football, hockey

and basketball teams, as well as the

NASCAR industry.

After college he had considered

relocating his dad’s business back to

Seattle where his mother’s family was

from. Katherine, his mother Adele’s

sister, was married to Joseph Anderson

and still lived in Washington. For Zac,

Charlotte the city he had spent most of

his life was starting to grow, fast, and he

wanted a piece of the pie. Over the last

ten years, he got more than a slice of it,

but he was gorging on his prosperity. He

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was more successful than his father had


His cousin Alex was

experiencing the same kind of corporate

success. As were Alex’s two brothers

Lucas and Mark in their own right. He

was close to his three cousins. Just like

him, they put career first and foremost.

Well, except for Lucas who fell hard

over a year ago when he was shot in the

ass by cupid’s nine millimeter.

Shaking his head, Zac felt sorry

for his older cousin, even if the man

appeared happy with his wife and new

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baby. It would never happen to him.

Zac’s younger brother, Rand,

was an artist and wanted no part of the

business world. Rand had married his

high school sweetheart a few years after

leaving school. Another difference

between the two of them.

Zac let his mind focus on The

Grand Overlin project. It was what the

city needed. Hell, what he needed. The

success of it would give him the clout to

seal other deals. Management of the new

Independence stadium for one.

Dillon Rodgers, his personal

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assistant and Rebecca Sanchez his

lawyer both stared back at him with

anxious looks on their faces.

“Mr. Powers, we’ve had a lot of

success in the last two weeks with the

tenants and shop owners in that area

agreeing to sign. They’re seeing this as

an opportunity for retirement and new

homes, bigger better things—”

Placing his hands flat on his

desk, Zac locked his gaze on her. “I

don’t care what they decide to use the

large amount of cash we are tossing their

way for rundown homes and stores that

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have barely stayed above water in years.

As. Long. As. They. Are. Leaving.” He

punctuated each word with a pause so

she clearly understood his message. He

wanted and needed this project to start

yesterday and it was already taking much

longer and stalling him from moving


Rebecca glanced over at Dillon

as if pleading for a little help. “They

have all signed except…”

“Except what?” Resuming his

full height, he waved his hands over his

desk. “Except there isn’t final

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paperwork on my desk.”

“There’s one person that seems

to be holding out.” Dillon jumped in.

“Holding out? For what damn


Rebecca licked her lips and

glanced down at her tablet.

Dillon not flustered by Zac’s

temper still leaned back cool in his

chair. That was one of the reasons Zac

had kept Dillon on as his assistant for so

many years. Dillon was steady and could

usually be trusted to get the job done;

exactly what Zac wanted for Zac

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Acquisition & Development.

“I assume more money.” Raising

a hand to forestall Zac, Dillon continued,

“And we have offered her quite a bit for

her little store. Hell, double what other

tenants have settled for.”

That gave Zac pause. The stores

on Lincoln Drive weren’t even worth the

lump sum they had drafted up to offer

them, but someone was refusing to sell

—wanting more. “What’s her…?”

“Kourtney Deen,” Rebecca

informed him. “She’s some kind of

cupcake baker that has been there for

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Staring pointedly at Rebecca and

then Dillon, Zac’s brows drew together.

“You’ve got to be kidding me? The big

plans for this city are being held up, not

by some community center or a

retirement home, but an old lady selling


He was pleased to see that they

both had enough sense to look contrite.

Shaking his head, Zac turned and faced

the large window behind his desk and

stared at the light rail, Time Warner

Arena and main bus depot to his left.

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People below him in the Queen City

were scurrying about at the end of the

day, some on their way home from work

others rushing to whatever concert or

game was being held tonight at the sports

center. Zac didn’t keep up with

entertainment events unless it was a

function he was sponsoring or something

he was required to attend for one reason

or another. In his world, business was

life and life was business. Acquire,

develop and expand that was the motto

of Zac Acquisition & Development.

When something or someone

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stood in the way of one of his top three

priorities he moved it. The cupcake

baker would have to be taken care of.

Glancing over his shoulder at his right

and left hand, Rebecca his office

manager and Dillon his personal

assistant, he asked, “I’m assuming that

Harrold and Rover sent someone over


Dillon sat up straighter and

adjusted his tie. “Mr. Powers I made

sure the lawyers went over personally.”

“And?” Zac shifted, fully facing

them again.

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“No success. She wouldn’t listen

to reason.” Dillon threw his hands up. “I

was on my way over before you walked

in from the meeting.”

Zac knew Dillon. He was a go-

getter just like he was. That’s why Zac

snatched him up from a few interns

fifteen years ago. If he wanted something

taken care of Dillon was just as

ferocious as himself—a virtual

barracuda in the business world. One

day he had no doubt Dillon would be

running his own conglomerate. Hell,

he’d already had it in the back of his

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mind to allow Dillon to hold the reigns

of Grand Overlin, get the assistant

treading water in the deep in.

“I can take care of that now, sir.”

Dillon started to rise.

“No need.” Holding a palm up to

him, Zac forestalled his movement.

“Make sure Vernon has the address. I’m

heading over myself.”

As he rounded his desk, headed

toward his private elevator, Dillon and

Rebecca rose.

“Mr. Powers, are you sure you

want to go down there?” Rebecca’s

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voice was tinged with apprehension.

“It may be better if I go.” Dillon

added, matching his stride.

Snatching his suit jacket off the

hook where he kept it while working in

his office, Zac looked at the pair. “I’m

going to the East Side of Charlotte, not


The concern on their faces didn’t

change. Disregarding it, he slipped his

arms into the jacket then fastened it as he

stepped into the elevator. “I’ll be back in

twenty. Have the S.I.D.E. team ready to

meet this evening.”

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They both answered

affirmatively as the elevator doors slid



“Okay, Stacey, I’m back.”

Kourtney called out as she came in the

back door of her store with the supplies

she’d just picked up. She deposited the

heavy box of decoration supplies on the

counter beside the pantry.

“Thank goodness.” Stacey was

standing by the door leading into the

front store room.

“Anything else in the van?” Eric

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set down the piping bag he was filling

and moved toward her.

“Yes. Two large sacks of

powdered sugar and the coconut flour.”

Eric went out the back door.

Moving to her office to put up

her purse, Kourtney called back to

Stacey. “How’s sales going? Sorry, I had

to leave you at the end of the lunch rush,

but if we didn’t go and get the supplies,

they would not have been delivered until

tomorrow. With this short notice

wedding, I needed the stuff tonight.”

Stacey was standing at the office

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door now with an occasional glance

over her shoulder. “I understand. There’s

this guy…” She glanced again in the

direction of the store entrance as if she

expected someone to come through the


Looking past her clerks

shoulders and seeing no one, Kourtney

frowned. “What guy? A customer?”

“Yes. No. He doesn’t appear to

want to buy anything or place an order.”

She fingered her short brown hair with

pink tips behind her triple pierced ear.

“Well, I asked him and he said he didn’t

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want anything but to talk to you.”


Taking a step into the office,

Stacey lowered her voice to a whisper.

“He looks like a lawyer or something.

You know like those guys that came last

week, but…more…” Stacey waved her

hands around in the air.

Shaking her head, Kourtney had

no clue what the young girl was trying to

tell her. “Is he still here?”

“Yes. He refused to leave his

card and said he’d wait. He’s been here

for almost forty-five minutes. Not

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looking too happy.” Stacey’s face

twisted as she bit down on the side of

her bottom lip.

Kourtney hoped it wasn’t another

one of those big wig lawyers from the

company who were buying up all the

property in her shop’s area of town.

Over the last two months she’d been

called, sent letters, approached and she

was getting sick and tired of telling

people she wasn’t going to sell. “I’ll see


Moving out of her office,

Kourtney led the way into the main store

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room of the converted house. It had

originally been her father’s family home,

then his older sister’s house and Aunt

Joy had converted it years ago into a

bakery and shop. Aunt Joy was eccentric

and loved the oddity of having her shop

in a neighborhood she’d grown up in all

her life.

Aunt Joy had passed away a few

years ago, and Kourtney had been

proudly running it ever since. In the store

room, where the smell of sugar and

spices was mellower than the kitchen but

still saturated the air Kourtney had no

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problem spotting the man at the front

window staring out into the wide

parking lot in front of the house. Even

from behind she could see that his dark

suit had to be tailor made to fit his body.

It wasn’t tight, but form fitting in a way

that displayed his broad shoulders, wide

back and narrow waist. His pants hung

with a sharp crease that traveled

perfectly straight without so much as a

bend until it got to the cuff centered at

the back of his shoes.

Moving around the antique

Victorian-style tables decorated with

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exact replicas of the cupcakes they

made, Kourtney closed in on the man. “I

was told you were looking for me.”

“If you’re Ms. Deen I have.”

The man turned slowly, his hands

shoved deep in his pants pocket

disturbing the hem of his jacket that was

fastened over what had to be firm abs.

Glancing up the five inches or so

to his square chin and wide mouth with

his uncommon full bottom lip, the

aquiline nose and met his gaze.

Crystalline gray eyes met hers and her

heart dropped—passed her feet and

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clear through the floor to the basement


“You are, Ms. Kourtney Deen,

correct.” He was staring at her as if she

didn’t have all of her facilities present

and frowning.

He was correct in that, since her

wits had just gone sailing out of her

mind. Taking a step back, she took a

deep breath and pulled herself together.

“Yes.” The first word came out weak, so

she lifted her chin and tried again. “Yes,

I’m Kourtney.”

“I’m Zac Powers, CEO of Zac

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Acquisitions & Development. It would

seem we have a problem.”

He didn’t hold his hand out, or

smile, nothing, just stared directly at her,

with the gray eyes that for her may see

too much. Swallowing, she folded her

arms under her breasts. “What problem

is that, Mr. Powers?”

“You’re in the way of progress.

All of your neighbors and customers, I’ll

assume, have made the wise choice of

moving on to greener pastures.

However, you’ve opted to stay.”

She knew what he stated was

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true. Even some of her long time friends

and acquaintances in the community had

come into the shop and asked her why

she wasn’t selling. It was true that a lot

of their daily business came from those

around them, however, the bulk of the

store’s income came from other sources.

Word of mouth had caused Cupcakes of

Joy to increase profits in the last year—


The bell over the door chimed as

a family of five came strolling into the

store. Kourtney spared them a small

smile before putting her focus back on

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the handsome face in front of her.

“People make choices that are

best for them. Our choice is not to

move.” Turning to head to the back of the

store, she glanced over her shoulder,

“Good day, Mr. Powers. Sorry you

wasted your trip.”

The frown creasing his forehead

deepened. As if he’d never had someone

turn him down or walk away from him.

Probably not.

Rushing away, she needed to put

space between them. Not allowing

herself another glance at the sexy as hell,

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dominate man in her store room, she

made a beeline to her office. Once there,

she closed the door and took several


She didn’t anticipate the

vibrations of the knocking that happened

through the door. I just need a moment


“One second, Stacey, and I’ll be

out.” Kourtney stepped away from the

door and attempted to get her bearings,

something she had not been able to do

before the impressive male figure.

Another tapping. Frustrated, she

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crossed the room and snatched the door

open. “Stacey, I ju—”

“I see you like to play hardball.”

It was not Stacey standing before

her. In the archway of the doorframe was

Zac Powers, like an ominous cloud of a

big summer storm he invaded her life.

“Only employees are allowed back here,


He shrugged and barely seemed

to give an ounce of credence about her

shop rules. “I don’t think you’ve even

looked at the contract and considered the

benefits of signing.”

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She shook her head. “How do

you know what I have and have not


“I’ve dealt with owners like you

before. Too stubborn to evaluate other


What? “I know you’re not

standing in my place of business

insulting me. You could have sent

another one of your goons to do that.”

He chuckled. “True. I mean no

insult. Just an experienced observation.”

“Well I have an observation for


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“One meeting.” He held up a

single finger.

Could he get any more

frustrating? “Mr. Powers—”

He placed his hands on the sides

of the frame, filling the opening and her

vision with his body. “If you’re so set on

staying, nothing I could say would

convince you otherwise so why not

allow me at least a moment to give you

my pitch.”

Ugh! She wanted to scream. The

only thing that she wanted was for him to

walk his high dollar shoes out of her

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store with him in them. However he

didn’t appear inclined to do that without

her agreement. Running a hand over her

bun, she let out a sigh. “Fine. When

would you like me to come by your


He shook his head. “Too formal.

We need some place that is neutral.”


“Dinner.” A smile appeared on

his perfect mouth and a small amount of

light flickered in his gaze.

She wasn’t prepared for the

change and the impact of his face

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becoming more friendly and less

business. Her heart did a flip. Having

him serious and business minded was a

lot safer for her. “I don’t think that’s a

good idea.”

“What could it hurt? You afraid

that a couple glasses of wine and good

food may lead you into doing


Yes. “No. I just think we should

keep things in perspective.”

His smile stretched his lips

wider. “No worries. I just would like a

chance to talk this out. Explain the city’s

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side and the benefits to the community.”

“I’ve heard this pitch frequently

from everyone else that has been


He leaned his shoulder against

the jamb. “Not from me.”

“You think you’re more

convincing?” Tilting her head, she stared

up at him. She didn’t want to, because

the more she stared at him the more

drawn in she felt and she needed to keep

her wits about her.

“Absolutely. I’ll send my car

around for you. What is your address?”

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There was no way she was

giving him her address. “I’ll drive


“So, you agree?”

Damn it. “Fine. Dinner.” She

allowed a small chuckle at the man’s

audacity to come out.

With a brisk nodded, he stared at

her for a long moment. There was

something in his eyes, not quite

recognition, but something. In a blink it

was gone, and he pushed away from the

door. “I’ll have my assistant contact you

with the details.”

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Before she could respond, he

was moving back through the kitchen

area and into the store front.

He couldn’t have made it fully

out of the store before Stacey and Eric

were before her.

“Oh, my word, that was some

impressive man.” Stacey was fanning


“Overbearing is more like it.”

Eric stood with his hands shoved deep

into the back pockets of his jeans.

They were both correct, but

instead of commenting she simply said,

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“It’s the city project. Whatever the

officials are attempting to have go down

must be big. Especially if after all the

lawyers and representatives have come

to us, the head man decided to grace our

humble facility.”

“So, are you going to sell?”

Stacey’s face was filled with concern.

Kourtney glanced at Eric and

saw the same level of worry. They had

been with her for over a year and she

understood when times were tough as it

was for all Americans now, no one

wanted to hear that they may be looking

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for new employment.

Eric took care of a sick mother

and Stacey’s husband had been laid off

for two years now and they had three


Easing their minds, she placed a

hand on both their shoulders. “No, I’m

not selling. C.o.J. was started right here

and it will stay right where it is. They

can build around us.”

Eric pretended to wipe his brow

in relief. The bell chimed in the front.

“Okay, back to work everyone.”

When her employees had left,

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Kourtney turned around and walked to

her desk. Sitting down in her chair she

took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

Her body was shaking inside so badly

she thought she’d be sick.

It had been years since she’d

seen Zac Powers. Stayed out of his path.

She never anticipated him strolling into

her little slice of Charlotte. Last time she

saw him was in Durham and she would

have preferred to keep it that way.

Apparently he didn’t recognize her and

she had no plans of enlightening him to

the fact either.

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Glancing across the

spreadsheets, order forms and calendars

on her desk she stared at the eyes

watching her, a picture of someone who

was her heart. Her life was vastly

different since their lives had crossed. It

would work out best for all if she kept

that knowledge in perspective.

Picking up the phone she made a


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Chapter Two

Three days later, Zac was still

plagued by the desirable Kourtney Deen.

Sitting in the restaurant awaiting her

arrival, she was now ten minutes late for

their dinner appointment, he allowed his

mind to fixate on her face again. Since

the day he was in her shop, the hazel-

eyed beauty, with dark brown hair had

driven him to distractions. Normally,

since he was around beautiful and

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attractive women all the time, those in

the corporate industry and those just

trying to get into his bed, it took him a

while to warm up to a woman.

That wasn’t the same for

Kourtney. No, he wasn’t even attempting

to fool himself into thinking that the

reason he invited her to dinner was

because he wanted to talk business. Yes,

he wanted to get her to sign the contract.

The project was important to him, but

more than that she fascinated him. And

honestly turned him on in a way that had

not happened so intensely in years.

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The fact he couldn’t figure out

what had pushed him to make the offer

for dinner. When he’d turned around and

seen those large greenish-brown eyes

gazing up at him and her full mouth, his

heart had stopped beating for a moment,

all thoughts from his brain ran south. He

wondered instantly what it would be like

to kiss her and how dark her eyes would

become when filled with passion and


Shit. He didn’t have time for

this. Too much was riding on the project

and he didn’t have a spare moment to

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start up a new relationship. Hell, he’d

never had time for anything in the last

few years. Zac Acquisition &

Development had grown in leaps and

bounds in the last five years and he

enjoyed it. Most of that time he’d spent

on his private jet going from one

destination to another. His lifestyle and

work were fulfilling and exhausting, but

he wouldn’t change a damn thing about


So, why he was sitting at Ruth’s

Chris in the South Park area waiting on a

woman he didn’t have time to see was

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something he’d analyze later.

In the opening of the doors to the

private room, he could see the maître d’

direct someone toward him, letting him

know the other half of his party had

finally arrived.

Rising, Zac stared through the

archway and watched his dinner

companion move with a grace and

elegance around the tables of other


She made a striking image in an

Egyptian blue gown—long, strapless and

a hint of sequin. The dark brown tresses

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that had been pulled back into a bun

earlier in the week were now cascading

over one side of her head, showcasing a

dangling diamond earring swaying in

one ear.

The impact of her beauty struck

him again and let him know that the other

day in her store had not been a fluke.

There was something about this woman.

“Mr. Powers, your guest, Ms.

Deen.” Bowing the older gentleman

stepped to the side and allowed

Kourtney to move deeper into the room.

Stepping forward, Zac held his

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hand out to her. “Ms. Deen, thank you for

joining me.”

With only a brief hesitation, she

slipped her slender long fingers over his

palm. Enveloping it, he stroked the back

with his thumb wanting to know the

softness of her skin.

She gave him a tentative smile,

before drawing her hand away.

Kourtney appeared a little on

edge or out of sorts as she glanced

around the opulence of the private room.

“This place is amazing. I’ve never eaten

here before.”

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Waving the maître d’ away, Zac

assisted her into her seat. “I’m glad I can

be honored with bringing you here.”

When the bare skin of her back

brushed his hand as she sat, he didn’t

miss the shiver that ran through her or

the heat shooting from his gut south

goading an already stirring dragon.

“Thank you.” She placed her

small clutch purse into her lap, as he

rounded the table and reclaimed his seat.

“Don’t you think that this is a bit

much for a simple business meeting?”

She asked as the maître d’ picked up her

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linen napkin and placed it into her lap, a

quick, efficient drape over her thin

clutch purse.

“I’d say yes, but I have never

been a simple person.” Zac leaned back

in his seat and allowed his gaze to

caress her features.

“That I can believe.” The smile

she gave him, pulled her full lips wide.

Tonight they were covered in a

deep plum color gloss, instead of the

clear shine they’d held at her store. Her

makeup, complementing her complexion,

still was very subdued compared to most

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ladies he spent evenings with. He

enjoyed the fact she didn’t mask her

beauty with layers of cosmetics.

“When your assistant contacted

me with the information, I thought he’d

mixed up your schedule.” Again, she

glanced around and took in the room.

Zac placed the wine order and

once the older man had left, he said,

“Dillon, my assistant, rarely makes

mistakes.” Thinking of her small shop

and doing a quick calculation of the

income she most likely brought in, he

considered what his dinner plans may

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have cost her. “I hope I didn’t cause you

any hardship in inviting you here


Her gaze shifted from the

chandelier above them to him. Hazel

eyes were clouded with confusion

briefly, then cleared in understanding.

“No, Mr. Powers, I have a few gowns

that would get me entry into places like


He inclined his head, taking in

that bit of information. Why would a

cupcake maker have a closet full of

expensive dresses? He wasn’t in the

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design business, but he knew custom-

made fabrics when he saw them. The

dress she was wearing now was

expensive. He never considered what

she would wear to the fine dining

restaurant, however, now seeing the

design and cut of the dress he wondered

now if she had taken a chunk out of her

small business funds to purchase it.

From his company’s research into her

cupcake shop’s financials it was a

successful business that was well in the

black over the last year, but it wasn’t

swimming in excess profits. A part of

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him felt a little guilt if he had caused her

to use funds she didn’t have.

Respecting her privacy, he

simply said, “That is good to know.

Please call me, Zac.” He lifted his water

and sipped.

“I’m not sure how appropriate

that would be, since this is a business

dinner.” She lifted a hand and fingered

the end of one of the few loose strands

of her hair.

“There’s plenty of time to

discuss business tonight. However, I get

bombarded all day long with Mr.

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Powers. Having you call me Zac will

not remove my desire to have your

signature on the contract.”

She appeared to consider his

words for a moment then nodded. “Fine.

Zac it is, but only if you call me

Kourtney. No one calls me, Ms. Deen.”

“Is it your maiden name?” He

knew that was none of his business, but

he couldn’t resist getting to know more

about the woman before him.

“Yes. I’ve never been married.”

It was her turn to drink from her water.

Unlike his small sip though, she finished

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more than half of hers.


The sommelier entered the room

with their wine. Zac gave the man his

attention as he tasted and approved the

selection. Once they had wine that man

left only to be replaced by their waiter

who handed them menus before Zac

excused the waiter, requesting a few

moments before they ordered.

He wasn’t going to analyze why

the knowledge that she wasn’t married

caused warmth to spread from his gut

upwards. This was a business meeting,

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he continued to remind himself.

“So, what would you

recommend?” She kept her gaze on her

menu, not glancing up at him.

However, he wanted to see her

eyes again. He enjoyed their

expressiveness and found himself too

often lost in their depth. Maybe he

should listen to the signs, the warning

and keep away from this woman. As

he’d berated himself before, there truly

wasn’t time for anything more than a

quick liaison.

As he allowed his own gaze to

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caress her, he didn’t fool himself into

thinking that anything about the sharp

business woman across from him was

into brief sexual endeavors. Getting that

message to his erect member that had

awakened the moment he saw her enter

the restaurant seemed almost impossible.

“For you I would suggest their

petite filet or the lamb chops, both their

steak and lamb are my favorites.”

Her green-brown eyes captured

his as she smiled. “Well, I will take your

word for it and get the filet.”

As if on cue, the waiter returned

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and after getting Kourtney’s steak and

house salad order, Zac ordered the

Cowboy ribeye and spinach au gratin to

accompany their table’s sides. The man

exited and pulled the door to the room

until there was barely an opening for

other diners to see in.

“Are you from North Carolina?”

Tilting her head, she stared at

him. “Wouldn’t you prefer to know about

Cupcakes of Joy? Why I will not sell


“Plenty of time for that. I’d much

rather learn some things about my dinner

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“Do you plan to be as


Picking up his wine, he held it

before him, not drinking, just gazing at

her. “Yes, where I can.”

She let out a soft laugh. “That’s

very cryptic.”

He tipped his wine glass slightly

in her direction acknowledging her

words. Over his years of business he’d

learned not to be too open with the

private affairs of his life. The

competition could too easily plant a

background image

woman in his life and use said facts to

manipulate against him.

“Well, to answer your question,

yes I’m from North Carolina. Originally.

Both my parents were from Charlotte.

We lived here until I was ten and

eventually my father, who was in the

military, was moved to a base in Florida

where I lived until college.”

“Where did you attend school?”

The gaze that was open and

filled with light became shadowed as he

observed Kourtney lick her luscious lips

then glance away.

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“I believe it is your turn to

answer a question.”

He drank some wine then placed

his glass back on the table. “Oh, is that

how we’ll play it.”

Her eyes connected with his and

the smile on her lips was wide,

however, Zac didn’t see any humor in

them. “Of course, this is all just a game

anyway to a corporate man like you.”

The sharpness of her words took

him back. Over the years his skin had

become thick enough not to feel offense

even at the most biting and hateful words

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from those in business, however,

something about the words of this

woman before him cut him deep.

“No, it is not a game to me. I take

the decisions I make for my company

very seriously.”

“Really? Then why all the dinner

plans and fanciness? What is it that you

hope to accomplish here tonight, Mr.


So we are back to professional

names? Instead of answering her

question, he posed one of his own. “Do

you ever relax? Do something for

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yourself that has nothing to do with your


“Not often. When you own and

operate a small business you’re not

afforded much time off that isn’t your

sleeping hours.” Snatching up her wine,

she drank—one, two, three little sips.

To him she appeared wound

tight, a little stressed. He hoped that the

city project he was spearheading wasn’t

the cause for it. If she took the money he

was offering her, she could possibly

retire on it or open up her store

somewhere else and hire more

background image

employees and she could step away from

it. He kept those thoughts to himself.

“The same can be said for larger

companies as well. My staff can attest to

that.” He paused and smiled.

When she returned his smile, he

continued. “Last thing I did for myself

was allow a comedy show to play in the

background while I was reviewing some

end of month reports.”

“Gracious. My life isn’t that

consumed. I do have a couple hours of

free time each day. I just have other


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The silence between them grew

as they sat and stared at each other. Two

people, both driven by the desire to see

their businesses succeed. However, Zac

could recognize the signs. The tension

growing between them had nothing to do

with contracts or corporate restructuring

—it was sexual.

As their first entrée was brought

in Zac rested back in his chair and

accessed the beauty before him. If he

desired company, he could easily call

several women that would appear at his

door without a single question, but

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instead he’d manipulated Kourtney into

joining him. Why?

“So, where are you from?” She

slipped a piece of calamari between her

plump lips.

“My family background is from

Seattle originally, but I’m a Queen City

native as well. Most of my mother’s side

of the family lives there most of the


“Are you from a big family?”

He reached to the center of the

table and added a few of the fired squid

onto his smaller plate. “Yes and no. It is

background image

just my older sister, younger brother and

I, but the amount of cousins we were

raised around is ridiculously in the


She stopped a speared piece of

food halfway to her mouth. “Oh, my.

That is big. Everyone in business?”

After two bites of the tender

meat, Zac nodded. “Yes, in one way or

another. My sister Hannah runs my

father’s company, and even my younger

brother, who is more laid back and

bohemian, owns a large gallery in


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“I’m sure your parents are proud

of all three of you.”

He shrugged. “It’s been years

since I looked toward my parents for

approval of what I did. I think my father

probably had dreams of all his children

working with him at Powers and Powers

Corporation, but it wasn’t for me.”

“Possibly too much like him to

work for him, mister owner of Zac

Acquisition & Development.” She

saluted him with her wine before she


Giving her a nod, he

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acknowledged her words. He was

impressed how perceptive she was.

Most people always just assumed that

Zac started his own business to prove

something to his father. However, he

loved his dad, Jake Powers, was a

formidable businessman, but a great

parent as well.

Zac did something that he never

did, he started talking about himself.

“You know for years while I was in high

school and college I worked for my

father in one capacity or another. I

wanted to be content, but I always felt as

background image

if I should be at the helm. Now, logically

I knew that one day I possibly could

have been running the family business,


“It never seemed like enough.”

She added as the waiter entered and

removed their plates and brought in their

main course.

When the man left, Zac agreed,


“My father offered to set up my

first contract for me. You know use his

connections to get me started. However,

I turned him down. From the first to the

background image

last contract I earn with Zac Acquisition

& Development it will be because my

team and I acquired it.”

“Is that the reason you went with

placing your first name on your


“Yes. The name Powers in

Seattle and Durham, as well as a lot of

places around the world opens doors.

When people hear Zac it takes some

investigative work to determine that

owner of ZAD is the son of Jake


She took a small bite of her

background image

steak. “It feels good to watch your

business succeed. Have something to

pass on to your children.”

Gazing at her, he pondered his

words. Just like his father he did want to

pass on his company to any offspring he

had…once he decided he wanted them.

He wondered if Kourtney desired

children, marriage. She appeared to be

close to thirty years old. Old enough to

have been married with kids if she


There was no engagement ring on

her left hand, which didn’t mean

background image

anything in this time and age, but Zac

doubted if she had a boyfriend he would

have allowed her to have dinner alone

with him.

The few bites of lamb in his

stomach soured some as he thought about

her leaving him that night and curling up

in the arms of another man. He refused to

peel apart those feelings. It was easier

just to keep this meeting on a superficial


Swallowing the bite of the lamb

chop in his mouth, he refocused on her

comment. “Is this where you’re going to

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make your pitch about your own store?”

Feigning shock, she stretched her

sultry shadowed lids and said, “Not at

all. I mean my little bitty cupcake stand

could never be compared to the

conglomerate you’ve grown your own

company to.”

“Touché. However, just for the

record, I don’t consider small business

owners insignificant. The reason I pay

more than top dollar for their

establishments and what they own.”

They ate in silence for a moment

then she said, “Your offer was

background image


“Are you going to take it?”

“No.” She smiled and humor

danced in her gaze.

If he wanted to he could pull a

million and one things out of his pocket

to convince her to take his offer,

including adding just the right pressure

and coercion to get her to bend to his

will. Hell, those tricks weren’t foreign

to him. However, as he studied her

smile, the beauty of her features and the

confidence she exuded, none of those

things were paramount in his mind. All

background image

he could think about were ways to spend

more time with her—being alone with


“I’ve not even attempted to

persuade you yet.”

She set her fork on the side of

her plate, tines down. “What do you call

all of this?”

Seduction. Instead of answering

her, he said, “Come with me somewhere,


“Excuse me?”

Seeing their waiter hovering at

the door, Zac signaled him over.

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“Yes, Mr. Powers.”

“Timothy, we’re finished. Can I

please have the check and a bottle of

The Prisoner and two slices of the

chocolate sin cake to go?”

“Excellent selection, Mr.

Powers. The Napa Valley Red Blend is

a perfect pairing for that dessert.” With a

smooth bow, Timothy collected their

plates and moved from the room.

“I don’t recall agreeing to go

anywhere else with you.” There was a

saucy jut to her chin.

With a simple tilt of one side of

background image

his mouth, he stared boldly at the

beautiful black woman sitting across

from him. He could name on one hand

the times in his life he felt the tingling of

reckless anticipation crawling along his

spine. However, for some reason

Kourtney inspired that level of

excitement in his blood and he was

going to journey along with it for as long

as he could.

“Tell me you don’t want to go,”

he challenged. “That I haven’t piqued

your curiosity.”

Sighing, she glanced away. He

background image

could see the multiple thoughts and

concerns playing across her features.

Just because the connection between

them was as evident as the table sitting

in the restaurant, he was not going to

push her. This was Kourtney’s choice. If

she rose and said she was headed home,

he would respect that. However, every

ounce of his soul hoped she would give


Her gaze slipped back to his.

“I’ll grant a few more moments.

However, my time is not unlimited.”

“Then let’s not waste any of it.”

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Rising from the table, he walked around

to her and assisted her up.

“What about the check?” She

collected her purse and moved beside


Their waiter entered the room

with a restaurant bag. Zac paused briefly

and collected the items as he pulled his

wallet out of the inside of his jacket then

handed the man his platinum card. “My

driver, Steven, will be in to collect this

from you.”

“Very good, sir.” Timothy

stepped to the side and allowed them to

background image


Zac escorted Kourtney around

the other guests and beyond the front

door where another restaurant staff

member held it open.

When his driver pulled up to the

curb in the champagne Rolls Royce, Zac

instructed him, “Steven, collect my card

and I’ll see you in the morning.”

Without question, Steven nodded.

“I’ll be there an hour before the Tomlin


“Have a good night.” Zac went to

the front passenger door and held it open

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for Kourtney.

Appearing a little in shock,

Kourtney moved toward him.

“Your car valet ticket, please.”

Zac held his palm out to her.

“You can just bring me back here

and I’ll drive myself home.”

“No need, Steven will take care

of it.”

She tilted her head and stared

from him to his driver. “He doesn’t even

know where I live.”

He smiled at her naiveté. “The

packet on you not only contained your

background image

business address but your home address

and phone number.”

Her brows knit in the center

above the bridge of her nose, as her free

hand not clutching her purse pressed into

her stomach. “That’s a big invasion of

my privacy.”

Shoving his hands deep in his

pants pocket, he held her gaze. He had to

remind himself, Kourtney would not be

familiar with big corporate America and

what all went into acquiring a company.

It was invasive, to a degree. “We’re not

stalking you. It’s a lot about your

background image

company, but it does get all contact

information. If we needed to send you a

subpoena we could have sent it to your


She gasped. “A subpoena?”

He held a hand up hoping to calm

her. “It shouldn’t get that far. Hopefully.”

He winked, trying to put her at ease.

Finally, she gave in. Taking the

ticket he handed it to Steven then moved

to the driver side of the car and slipped

in behind the wheel.


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Thirty minutes later, Zac pulled

into the vacant parking lot of Daniel

Stowe Botanical Gardens.

“What are we doing here? The

gardens are closed.” Kourtney was

gazing out the window at the night lights

glowing from the entrance.

“What can I say, there are perks

to having a company that is a corporate

partner. It gets you access to places at

odd hours.” He exited the car and went

to open her door.

“I’m sure it does.” She stood

from the vehicle and slipped her hand

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around his elbow.

The clicking of her heels along

the stone walk, was just as musical to

him as the sound of the birds and the

night insects that made noise around

them. This wasn’t his first time at the

gardens after hours. It was when he

always came and visited the place. He

enjoyed the solitude, it was the place he

came to when he needed to think and be

alone. However, this was the first time

he’d brought someone else with him.

“Have you ever been here?”

“Not since I was smaller. I’ve

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been planning a trip back, however, life


“The more successful one

becomes it means the less amount of

time they have to do enjoyable things

like a walk in the gardens.” Guiding her

away from the main visitor’s pavilion he

headed in the direction of the employee

entrance and used his access code.

“Wow, Zac Acquisition &

Development must be very good

corporate members.”

He chuckled. “You can say that.”

They walked in silence and

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moved through the different gardens and

around various fountain displays. As

they journeyed along the paths he was

thoroughly enjoying his decision to bring

her to his sanctuary. Kourtney didn’t feel

the need for senseless chatter, the quiet

didn’t appear to bother her and he

appreciated that about her.

Once they reached one of his

favorite spots in the place, the pond by

the Woodland Trails, he was impressed

when she slipped her heels off, stepped

off the designated path and walked onto

the lush grass.

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“I don’t know about you, but I’m

dying to have some chocolate cake, I

think this would be a perfect spot.”

The area was not well lit and if

it wasn’t for the springtime moon in the

sky that illuminated it, it would be too

dark to see the edge of the water.

“A perfect choice.” Moving

beside her, but keeping his shoes on, he

was happy that it hadn’t rained in weeks

so the grassy area was dry. “Here.”

Removing his suit jacket he laid it on the

ground for her to sit upon.

“Such a gentleman.” She smiled,

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with his assistance she settled on the

inside of the coat.

He took up a spot beside her.

“My mother would hate to discover that

all her hard work on my brother and I

had not been heeded.”

“Well, she should be proud.”

“I’ll remember to tell her that.”

Removing the two small containers and

plastic forks from the bag, he handed one

to Kourtney. “Your dessert.”

“Oh, I have such a passion for

chocolate, this may not be pretty.”

“Please enjoy. I’d hate to be the

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man that stands in the way of a woman

and her passion.”

He watched her take a bite of the

cake and heard her moan at the decadent

flavor and close her eyes. The sound

coming from her had an instantaneous

reaction in his body. His mind had no

problem conjuring up other ways to get

her to make such a sound.

Attempting to keep his mind from

journeying any further along that path, he

pulled the wine out to the bag. “I’m

afraid I don’t have cups so we’ll have to

do this the college way.”

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She opened her eyes and smiled.

“I’m game.”

“I’m driving so I’ll only have a

sip or two.” Wiggling out the loosened

cork, he lifted the bottle and sipped then

passed it to her.

“You’re not trying to get me

intoxicated are you, Mr. Powers, then

present me with a contract to sign?” She

held the bottle and eyed him


Raising his hands, he shook his

head. “I promise I have no contract on


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Smiling, she tipped the bottle

back and took a small drink. “Wow, the

combination of these two is amazing.”

He took a bite of his own cake

and winked at her. “You think you could

add a cupcake like this in your line up?”

Setting the bottle down between

them, she bit into her dessert again and

sat there for a moment not swallowing.

He imagined she was taking apart the

ingredients to determine what she would


“Hmm, maybe. It is very likely. I

think a moist cake with a silky cocoa

background image

wine infused filling would create the

same amazement for my customers.”


She laughed. “You look shocked.

Like you believe we are making

cupcakes from box recipes or


Shrugging his shoulder, he

answered honestly. “I didn’t give it much

thought truthfully.”

“I’m not surprised to hear you

say that. You’re a business tycoon, when

you want a treat I’m sure you have

multiple people on your staff who go out

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searching for just what you want.”

He stayed silent and stared out

over the pond. There wasn’t much he

could say to that. It wasn’t that he

preferred not to do things himself, for

himself. However, he knew that as soon

as he uttered a word of something before

it was fully out of his mouth someone

was taking care of it.

She rocked her shoulder into his.

“Don’t get all morose on me. I’m sure

having others around to do your bidding

has its perks.”

“And drawbacks.” He didn’t

background image

regret his life, but there were times that

he missed simple things like going to get

his own dessert. Or spending that

moment with a beautiful woman

undisturbed. His cell phone was off, but

he was sure that when he turned it back

on there would be several messages on

it. Things he needed to take care of,

reassurance messages that things had

been taken care of and such. Dillon was

efficient if nothing else.

“Since we know how staid my

life is. Tell me. When you’re not baking

creative cupcakes what are you doing?”

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He wanted to steer away from business


It was her turn to become silent.

Setting her tray on the grass on her other

side she stared down at her hands

playing with the sequin pattern along her

dress. “I spend a lot of my free time at

parks, zoos and reading children’s books

out loud.”

“Ah, I should have figured you

would be one of those big sister

volunteer types.”

The gaze in her eyes was

shadowed and distant when she glanced

background image

at him. He wondered at the reason

behind the look. Most people enjoyed

volunteer work, it was the reason they

did it. He wondered if there was

something else that drove her to reach

out to those children, but he allowed her

to keep her secret.

“You’re from a large family, do

you want kids of your own?”

Her line of questioning shocked

him for a moment. He couldn’t recall the

last time someone asked him about his

desire to have a family. Most of the

women in his life enjoyed the lavish

background image

lifestyle they were a part of on his arm

and were too into themselves and the

glitz and glamour to think about children

and settling down.

“I don’t put much thought into it.

But, I guess I do. Maybe two or three

like my parents raised. Are you from a

large family?”

“No.” she picked up the wine

bottle and took another drink. “It was

just my mother and I from the time I was

around one year old when my father died

in a train derailment accident, until she

remarried several years later.”

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“You two are probably very


A dry laugh came out. “You

would think. However, when I was

fifteen she married a man that had two

small children and she liked the

complete family package a little better. I

was closer to my aunt, my father’s older

sister, Joy. She was the one that owned

the shop I now have. I spent every

summer with her.”

He was beginning to understand

this woman a lot better the more time he

spent with her. Kourtney’s decision not

background image

to sign the contract was very personal to

her. Not that the homes and other

business owners had given up wasn’t

just as important, but to Kourtney he

could see that her taking care of this

business had a deep significance for her.

“It’s a legacy.”

Glancing at him, as if she forgot

for a moment he was there, she frowned.

“What is?”

“The cupcake store. Your aunt

provided some kind of solace for you

there and apparently willed it to you

when she passed and now you want to

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keep it just how she left it to you.”

“Still standing with all four

walls would be great.” She joked.

“Something I can pass on.”

He smiled. “Maybe we can

figure something out.”

Her eyes lit up. “Do you mean


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Chapter Three

Drawn in by the brilliance of joy

in her gaze, he swallowed, attempting to

moisten his mouth. There was something

about this woman. She was infectious to

his soul in a way that kept him feeling

off kilter. Something that made him feel

as if the ground under his feet wasn’t

completely steady.

It was easy for him to chalk it up

to her beauty. She was gorgeous, lithe

background image

and had large eyes and lips that begged

to be kissed. However, it was more than

that and even more than her intelligence.

That mystery was the single thing that

had him inviting her to dinner, taking her

for a quiet dessert in the gardens and

leaning toward those luscious lips of


Even as a bullhorn went off in

his head, warning him not to give into

his baser desires he didn’t listen. As a

businessman, he learned to go by his gut

when an opportunity presented itself. He

was doing just that.

background image

When his lips met hers a part of

him expected her to pull away. Slap him

for being forward. He rejoiced as her

lips softened and yielded under his.

Deepening the kiss he wrapped his hand

around the back of her neck and drew

her closer. When he glided his tongue

into her mouth and got his first taste of

her, sweet and warm, his body went up

in flames. A sense of deja vu rocked his

core. As if he’d held her before, tasted

her before responded to her with the

same level of madness. That’s exactly

what it was.

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If he’d met Kourtney before now,

he’d have remembered. In his past he

didn’t have long term girlfriends, but

he’d had too many short term ones to

count. However, it was something he had

always been strategic about. Men that

hopped into bed with strange women on

a constant bases could find themselves

in trouble in multiple ways. Zachary

Powers was more meticulous than that.

He handled his bedroom liaisons the

way he dealt in the boardroom, designed

tactics. Since he was twenty in college,

every one he slept with provided an

background image

advantage to him in some way.

However, he’d been the same for


Then Kourtney’s tongue swept

the top of his and groaned. Leaning her

back, he continued to kiss her. He

cradled her head with one hand and her

hip with the other. His mouth feasted on

hers, drawing more of her passion into

the gall storm that was swirling around


He heard her moan and felt one

of her hands fist in his hair while the

other gripped his back. Knowing that she

background image

was as carried away into the blazing

inferno as he was just ignited his lust


This is insane. The small corner

of his brain still trying to function

argued. This is no way to make a deal,

negotiate a contract.

Dragging a hand up passed her

narrow waist, he rested it a moment

beneath the lush curve of her breast. Her

heart thump, thumped hard under his

hand. Its frantic beat matched the pace of

his own.

Drawing back, he whispered her

background image

name over her lips and felt their moist

fullness below his. He stared at her,

seeing her lids lowered and her mouth

swollen from his kisses. Enticing.

Cupping her breast, he massaged it and

discovered the stiff peak.

He cursed the dress that didn’t

allow him to feel the softness of her skin

compared to the contrast of the puckered

edge of her nipple.

She sighed and arched into his


Dipping lower, he kissed her

neck and licked along the curve that led

background image

to her shoulder. The taste of her skin had

him wanting more. He returned to her

mouth as he slipped a knee between her

thighs. He pressed higher until the fierce

heat of her sex was spreading over the

top of his thigh. Flexing and shifting, he

increased the pressure on that molten


A shiver raced through her body

and she quaked beneath him, grinding

into him.

Shit, she was so responsive it

elevated his desire for her, turning it into

a need he was finding hard to refuse.

background image

The elegant material of her dress

was a flimsy barrier to what he wanted

at the moment. To feel the warm silk of

her skin. He dragged the layers up by

fistfuls toward her hips until his fingers

could graze the top of her knee.

Breaking the kiss, she gulped in a

loud breath. “Zac…wait.”

Staring down at her, he didn’t

move his hand any higher, but continued

the circles along the center thigh.

“Kourtney.” Her name sounded like

music to his own ears. “Tell me you

don’t want this.”

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She licked her lips.

The sight of the tip of her pink

tongue in the dim light, made his hard

shaft throb. His mind conjured up images

of things he’d like to see her do with it.

“What are we doing here? This.”

She waved a hand between them.

His hand went higher toward the

apex of her thighs until he was stroking

just along the lacy edge of her panties.

“Doing what feels right.”

Kourtney whimpered and shifted

against him as he teased the sensitive

skin at the bend of hip to her sex. “I can’t

background image

think…when you touch me.”

“You do something to me, too,

baby.” That was the truth. Being around

this woman was like no other. The

madness to kiss her, touch her, fuck her

made him a stranger to himself.

Below the delicate material of

her panties he found her wet, swollen

and supple. “Damn,” the curse came out

on a groan as he captured her mouth in a

fierce kiss.

When her hands slipped over his

chest and caressed him through his shirt

he rejoiced at her touch. He circled her

background image

clit and knew she was as drawn as he

was by the waves of passion swelling

high and crashing down on them.

Her thighs parted wider, giving

him freedom to move. Wanting her an

equal participant to what was happening

between them, he rolled to his back and

brought her with him. She was sprawled

over him, her legs outside of his. In her

wanton position, he had more access to

her wet sex. Locating her opening, he

pressed two fingers there and glided

them up along her tight walls as far as he

could reach.

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She pulled her lips away and

cried out.

Fuck she was tight as she

clenched and pulsed around him. He

lowered his other hand to her ass,

holding her in place as he drew out and

thrust back in.

A beautiful sight. He watched her

lips part and her head tip back as she

rolled her hips on his hand. It wasn’t

only his hand that could feel the motion

of her pelvis, but his shaft. She was

undulating her sweet ass in his hand,

proverbially fucking herself with his

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fingers. He was loving every rocking

movement. He gripped her cheeks tight,

refusing to miss a single flex of her firm


“Come for me, baby. I want to

see it, feel it, hear it…” Taste it. His

mouth salivated as he thought about how

the nectar of her sex would coat his

tongue. He moved his hand more

aggressive, pumping his fingers hard and

deeper into her purposely pushing her

toward the edge.

She was close. Evidence of her

pending orgasm was in the rough pants,

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the biting of her nails into his shoulders

and the choppy thrusts of her hips.

He ventured with his thumb

beneath her panties and pressed along

her clit with firm circles as he curved

his fingers forward inside of her.

The scream she released as her

body stilled then shook on top of his

reduced him down to a simple-mind

Neanderthal man. All he wanted to do

was claim her. Roll her under him and

bury his hardness into her until she

submitted to the demands of his lust in

every way.

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Limp, she collapsed over him as

one quiver after another racked her slim

form as her climax ebbed away.

His hand, still gloved between

her legs was doing more petting the

stroking. Removing his hand from her

backside, he brought it up and brushed

the loose strands of hair from her face.

“I want you, Kourtney.”

Shifting, she looked down at him.

Her hazel eyes looked more green than

brown in the shadows. “Haven’t we

gone far enough? This situation is

becoming complicated.”

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“Never. I won’t let that happen.”

He drew along the bridge of her nose.

“I’m too old to be rutting in the grass

like a teenager.” He chuckled. “But, I

can’t see this night ending without me

inside you. Come home with me.”

Her lids stretched with his

words. He could tell his boldness had

shocked her. But he had never been one

to play coy. The heat of her sex, still

blazed even through her damp panties,

where his hand now rested outside of.

Her body tensed and something

flashed in her eyes but went away just as

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quick. His gut tightened as he could feel

her struggle, palpable between them, as

he wondered if she would tell him no

and ask him to take her home.

“Just tonight, Zac. No strings.

You won’t sleep a yes out of me.”

Sitting up with her still in his

lap, she became a pile of silky dress and

beguiling woman in his arms. “Who said

anything about sleeping?”


What am I doing? Those words

kept replaying in her mind as she sat

listening to the low playing jazz music

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on the car radio. Even as the question

tried to get her to think rationally and not

travel this road with the man, the

stroking of his hand on her thigh pushed

it away.

She was no stranger to Zachary

Powers’ magnetic appeal. Or rather her

attraction to it. This wasn’t the first time

she’d gotten swept in by her own mind-

boggling desire for the businessman. She

should be more immune. It had been

years since the last time. But having him

walk into her bakery like a ghost from

her past brought too many dormant

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feelings and emotions she had for him to

the surface. Maybe that was the problem,

she’d never dealt with them, but instead

she had stuffed them down and

convinced herself they had gone away.

Had been a fluke of a moment.

The cloud of confusion as to why

she was even in the car with Zac headed

to his house in the first place was

pressing in on her. This was dangerous

ground for her. The fact he didn’t appear

to even remember her, them, should have

been enough to make her act more

sensibly this time.

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When his hand moved from her

knee to the center of her thigh and

stroked her there as he played the silk

fabric of her dress against her, she was

bulldozed again by her lust.

One night. One more night. She

convinced herself. Too many nights,

she’d ached for his touch. Believing that

she’d imagined the energy between them.

This time when it was over, she’d walk

away. This time she was blindsided but

going into it with her eyes wide open.

More importantly, no matter what

happened tonight she wasn’t giving up

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her bakery.

“A penny for your thoughts.” His

rich tenor seduced her like aged

bourbon, captivating and heady.

“I’d rather worry about the

nickel.” They were at a stop light and

she used the opportunity to lean in and

kiss him.

He met her over the console and

deepened the kiss. Once again they were

carried away in the moment until several

car horns went off behind them.

Drawing back, he winked at her

then drove through the light. “If I keep

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kissing and touching you we’re going to

get arrested.”

She smiled at him. It did

something to her to know that he was just

as blown over by the impact of what

was between them.

On the rest of the drive they

remained silent. Zac continued to caress

her thigh through her skirt but they

listened to the music comfortably.

When he pulled into the gates of

a house she could only describe as a

brick mansion the enormity of the kind of

man she was with hit her. She wasn’t

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insecure or a shamed of being a small

business owner or someone raised in a

low income environment, but she

couldn’t help but question what she was

doing with such a man.

“Hey, you still with me?” He

cupped her chin and guided her gaze in

his direction.

“Um…sure.” Feeling nervous,

she licked her lips.

“You still want to do this?” His

thumb brushed along her bottom lip,

twice, as his shadowed gaze held hers.

“As I said before. I won’t force you, but

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I want you more than anyone I’ve wanted


Hearing the rich, rough timbre of

his voice and seeing the need reflected

in his eyes, it pushed her over the edge.

“I want this.”

His exhale was hard and muffled

as it filled her mouth on the hard kiss her

gave her. When they were able to drag

their lips apart he didn’t waste time in

getting them out of the car.

“Let’s go.” He pushed a button

on his visor that closed the gates at the

end of the drive. Once he was out of the

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car, he walked over to her door and

opened it.

She took the hand he held out,

offering her assistance from the vehicle.

As they walked up the path to his front

door, she liked the way he linked his

fingers through her own. It made her feel

protected, cared for and brought an

intimacy to the evening she didn’t


“Welcome to my home.” He

released her hand as he allowed her to

step along the cream-colored marble


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The place took her breath away.

The entrance and formal living room to

the right reminded her of a museum with

all of its large paintings on the wall and

stiff back furnishing but the family room

on the left of the foyer was carpeted with

plush dark furniture and a fireplace. It

practically invited a person to take their

shoes off and step into it.

Beyond it, she could see an

archway that led into a dining room.

“Would you like a tour?” He

whispered in her ear as heat and strength

surrounded her as he stepped behind her.

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Just his lips touched her ear, but his

presence still seemed to envelop her.

She leaned back into him. As

wonderful as it would have been to let

him stroll her through the luxury, taking

in the opulence of one room after the

other, there was only thing she wanted

right now. One reason she’d come there.

“No. I want you to finish what you

started in the gardens.”

The sound that came from him, as

he fastened his arms around her waist

and buried his face in the curve of her

neck was practically animalistic, a

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growl. He stood there for a long

moment, holding her body against his.

“Zachary…” She called out his

name, questioning, not sure why he was

delaying. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, yes. Just trying to compose

myself. Keep from ripping your dress off

you and taking you on the stairs.”

She glanced at the spiral

staircase before her. The marble of the

foyer continued up them. It made them

look cold and uninviting as a bed for

sex. However, the way her body

throbbed with desire for this man, she’d

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let him take her anywhere. “You don’t

hear me complaining do you?”

He whipped her around to face

him. “Damn, woman, you are going to be

the death of me.” Sweeping her up in his

arms, he moved forward and carried her

up the steps.

She laughed as he took them two

at a time, proof of the urgency that

consumed him. Leaning in, she kissed

him from his chin, to his ear. There she

nipped the lobe and sucked it into her

mouth before releasing him and licking

along the side of his neck.

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In her past relationships, she’d

never been the aggressor. She’d

participated, but allowed the guys to

take the lead. Even the last time she and

Zac were together he had pursued her.

When an unexpected kiss on a balcony

ended with them stumbling into a dark

bedroom and his taking her against the

wall while others partied on the other

side of a wall, Zac had still dominated

the encounter. Now it was her turn.

At the top of the steps, he hung a

slight right and entered a room then

bowed his head and took her mouth. The

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kiss was hard, demanding and forced her

to parlay or get run over with passion.

She joined him.

Gripping the back of his head

with both her hands, she took over the

kiss. When his tongue entered her mouth

she drew it deeper into her mouth. She

suckled him, keeping her lips snug

around the appendage she allowed him

to pull back but quickly dragged him

back in.

He released her feet, but took

hold of her ass and held her to him as he

thrust his hard shaft along her sex. Her

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sighs became moans. When his hands

started to move up the back of her dress

to the zipper, she pushed away.


“You first. I’ll set the pace of

this.” She yanked at the knot of his tie

then slipped it down.

“Can’t we both undress?” He

shucked his jacket off and let it fall to

the ground.

“We’ll get to that.” She popped

open one button after the other of his

crisp white shirt. Glancing over his

shoulder, she frowned. “This is a very

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small master suite in a house of such


“Oh, it is not the main bedroom. I

want you too bad right now to take the

steps needed to get to my room. Trust

me, we’ll get here.” He winked at her as

his heated gaze left a blazing trail along

her body.

She wanted him so much at the

moment she didn’t care where they came


When she parted the sides of his

shirt, she ran her hands up along the soft

cotton of his undershirt. The muscles

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beneath it were hard and she couldn’t

wait to get everything off him and feel

his skin against hers. But she had

something else in mind now. She took

hold of his buckle as she lowered

herself to knees.

His clear gray eyes stared down

at her, but he didn’t stop her.

Needing to see what she had only

felt inside of her years ago, she released

the zipper and button trapping his

hardness in his pants. She gasped when

his length was revealed to her hungry

eyes. It was hard for her not to shiver in

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both nervousness and excitement at his

size. It was only the fact that she’d taken

him into her before that shored up her

courage and boldness.

“To your liking, Kourtney?”

“Very impressive, Mr. Powers.”

She smiled at him as she leaned forward

and swiped her tongue over the crown.

It twitched and he groaned.

She loved that she had him at her

mercy. Grasping him, she stroked up and

down his thick, hot, steel encased

member. Lowering her mouth, she glided

him along her tongue. She could feel

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every shiver that racked his body.

His fingers slipped into her hair,

removing pins that had kept it stylish and

elegant. The bent metal rained around

her and silently fell to the carpet as she

worked her mouth up and down him. She

gave his shaft the same treatment she

showed on his tongue during the kiss.

“Enough!” He pulled her away.

Before she had a minute to consider

what would come next, his mouth was on

hers and the carpet was at her back. His

hands were under her dress for the

second time that night, except this time

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he was removing the flimsy barrier that

separated them.

There was a popping sound as

the material snapped under his strength.

“This first time is going to be

hard and fast, but I’ll make it up to you

the rest of the night.”

She didn’t ask for gentle. She

thought that she wanted to be the one in

charge of him, but she liked him this

way. All consuming, on the fringe of

barbaric. It made her feel as if his desire

for her overpowered him, propelled him

to the point of madness. “Do it.”

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He had had her dress rucked to

her waist and her legs parted, preparing

to settle between them. “Fuck, condom.”

“I’m protected.” She’d learned

her lesson well on that.

“Then we’ll have double the

security.” He sat up on his haunches as

he grabbed his coat behind him. Digging

into the inside pocket he removed his

wallet and soon produced a packet from

behind one of his credit cards.

For a moment she wondered if he

always carried one, or if he’d grabbed it

with expectations of them being in this

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position. She shoved the last thought

aside. The gall storm that surrounded

them could not be prepared for. Even she

had risked being alone with him,

believing she’d gained wisdom since her


Once he was back, insinuating

himself between her thighs he smiled

down at her. Sexy and confident, he

kissed her. “Now where were we?”

“About here.” She wrapped her

legs around his hips.

Zac drove forward.

She cried out.

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Remaining still, he stared down

into her face. His gaze held her as he

waited for her sex to become accustom

to his depth and size. The thickness of

his shaft felt as if it was too much and

wonderful at the same time.

“You okay?” He used the back of

his knuckles to caress her cheek.

Turning her face, she accepted

the gentleness of his touch, his care.

“Yes. I’m very good.”

That single moment was the only

calm in the hurricane of their passion.

They rocked against each other, kissing

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and taking everything that each of them

could give and demanded more.

His thrusts became faster,

deeper, harder as he worked the zipper

at her back. When it was undone, he had

her dress lowered and freed her breasts

in the process. “Just beautiful.”

“Please.” She gyrated her hips

and slid her sex up and around his

length. The feel of his hands on her

breasts, squeezing and massaging every

place but the tip had her pleading. Her

nipples tightened and ached as if begging

for his attention.

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“Is this what you want,

sweeting?” He used his tongue to circle

one then the other.

“Yes.” She arched her back,

offering herself to him. Locking her

ankles at the small of his back she

tightened her walls around his shaft as

her orgasm swelled toward the


When his mouth was fixed firmly

around her nipple it was all she needed

to push her over the edge. She came,

thrashing and calling out his name as his

mouth tugged and flicked her nipple and

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his formidable thrusts didn’t stop.

Pulling his mouth up to hers, she

kiss him between whimpers of pleasure.

Wanting to see him come undone too, she

pressed against his chest and used her

strength to urge him to his back.

Straddling him, she buried her hands into

the carpet above his shoulders. Locking

gazes with him, she started to rotate her

hips as she rose up and down his length.

Her breasts that he had adored so well

bounced above him. She was sure she

looked wild and scandalous and she

hoped so. She wanted this man to see

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what he did to her, how his skill and

pleasure made her erotically uncivilized.

She wasn’t after a beauty pageant

crown but the peak of pleasure. It was

her plan to take him along for the ride.

“That’s it, Kourtney, ride me.”

He gripped her hips, pumping up into her

and meeting her at every fall.

It felt too good. She concentrated

hard not to come again before pushing

him through the gates of ecstasy with her.

Working her muscles, she tightened her

sex around him and increased her


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“Arrgh, shi—ahh…” The sounds

that came out of his mouth couldn’t be

considered words as he held her in

place and pressed deep.

He was pulsing inside of her.

Her body was so attuned to him that was

all she needed to have her climaxing


Rolling over, he had her beneath

him once again. As he thrust once, twice.

“I could fuck you all over again, right

here. But I want you in my bed for the

things I want to do next.”

She smiled at him. “Have a few

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plans do you?”

“Oh, yeah.” He moved away

from her. Getting up, he adjusted his

clothes as he stared down at her. Taken

in her wanton display he winked at her.

Blushing, she used one hand to

pull her dress down as she sat up and the

other to fan her face. When he held his

hand out to her, she took it then let him

help her to her feet. A little unsteady at

first, she clutched her dress to her

breasts as she took in a few fortifying

breaths. “Lead the way.”

He placed a hand at her waist

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and guided them out the door of the guest

room and down the long hallway by-

passing several doors. Some were more

rooms, one a gym with weights and a

treadmill, the other an office. That was

the last one before he ushered her

through double doors and into his inner


It was the only thing she could

think to call the massive room that could

fit her three bedroom townhouse into it.

“Oh, my word.”

One of his walls was floor to

ceiling to windows. He had a sky light

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over the bed, the carpet was practically

ankle deep and the super king-sized bed

with its dark blue and gray trimmed

comforter beckoned a person to climb in

and lay under the stars.

“Make yourself comfortable. By

that I mean get undressed.” He turned her

to face him then kissed her soundly

before heading off to the right and a

smaller set of double doors.

She took a brief moment to enjoy

the strut of his long stride and the stagger

of his hips. “Um, the windows.” She

called after him.

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Glancing over his shoulder, he

said, “No worries. They’re privacy

windows. You can see out clearly, but

not in. But if you’re more comfortable

push the black button for the curtains on

the bedside remote.” With a crooked

grin he entered the bathroom.

Walking toward the bed, she

figured by his smile, Zac assumed she’d

freak out and close the curtains.

Normally, she was more conservative

than she’d shown herself to be this night.

In keeping with the pattern she’d already

set forth, she went to the wing black and

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indigo blue pinstriped wingback chair in

the corner. She dropped her dress and

stepped out of it before tossing it along

the back. The remnants of her panties

around the waist didn’t make sense to

keep, but she didn’t know what else to

do with them at the moment. Working

them down over her hips she placed

them in the chair then took off her thigh-

highs and added them to the pile. Her

shoes were still in the other room where

she lost them during their first tumble.

A toilet flushed and the sound of

water came through the opening in the

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doors. Moving to the bed, she got on it.

It was higher, as well as bigger than her

own queen-sized bed. In the center of it

she went through a few poses to catch

his gaze when he came back into the

room. Their time tonight was limited and

she was going to enjoy it to the fullest.

Tomorrow they would be back at odds


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Chapter Four

He stretched and allowed

himself slow seconds to wake up as he

felt the pleasure of his well-used

muscles. His mind flashed the memory

of the night before as it replayed all the

things he’d done with Kourtney. Even as

he became more awake, his shaft was at

full mast as he thought about how to take

her one more time before driving her

home. He felt beside him and was

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shocked not to feel her supple curves

lying next to him. Opening his eyes, he

smiled as he rolled to his side and

looked toward the beauty on the other

side of the big bed.

The grin dropped instantly. She

wasn’t there. He frowned and sat up,

looking toward the bathroom trying to

pick up the sound of running water. If she

was in the shower again, he’d join her.

Burying himself deep inside of her while

the water cascaded over them both again

made him even harder just thinking about


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No water was running. There

was an eerie stillness to his home.

Finally, he glanced over to his chair and

saw it was empty. Lifting a hand he

dragged it through his hair and wondered

when she had left and how he’d slept

through it. More important to him was

how she’d gotten home.

There was a vibrating sound that

drew his gaze to his cell phone on the

nightstand closest to him. He reached for

it and grabbed it from where it sat

among four condom wraps.

Last night he’d placed his phone

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on Do Not Disturb but Dillion and Steve

were the only two numbers that could get

through. They were also the only two

that knew who he was with last night.

The time on his phone read 5:40 am.

“What do you have for me,


“Mather’s from the Paypal

project wants to move your meeting up

to ten this morning instead of next month.

He wants to discuss the contract

regarding the acquisition of the


Fuck. He knew this was going to

background image

happen. With the new HB2 law in North

Carolina he was having more

renegotiation meetings than he cared to

ever have. Deals he was working on

with major organizations and companies

were being dropped or moved to other

states. It made the Grand Overlin project

that much more important that it went off

without a hitch. Investors from outside of

the Carolinas were hesitant and were

having to be seriously courted to put

funds into his state.

“Aren’t we meeting with Mayor

Foxx at ten?” Flipping the sheet off, he

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stood. His day was tanking since the

moment he discovered his beautiful

lover gone. In the buff he stroll toward

his bathroom.

“You did. However, as soon as I

got the call I had Rebecca on the line

with the Mayor’s staffer. You’re

expected at the Mayor’s office at nine,


“Got it. I’m going to take care of

a few things from my home office. Can

you let Steven know he can meet me here

at seven forty-five and I’ll head directly

to the Mayor?”

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“Will do, Mr. Powers. Rebecca

and I will have the file and we’ll meet

you there.”

He ended the call with his

assistant then went to the shower to turn

the tap on. Things that he noticed were

beside the towels in the hamper from a

few hours ago, when he and Kourtney

showered somewhere between their

third and fifth round of love making, no

other towel was used.

“Why creep out in the night?” He

frowned. She had to call a cab or have

someone pick her up to get home. It

background image

didn’t sit well with him that she would

rather leave on her own than wake him

up when she was ready to go.

Was she ashamed of the fact

she’d slept with him? The thought

caused his gut to tighten and a sour taste

in his mouth. She was a grown woman.

In this day and age, she had nothing to

feel bad about two consenting adults

hooking up for hours of passion. He

hadn’t planned on having sex with her

when he set the date, nor when he

invited her to go to the gardens. It had

just happened. Hell, yes, he was

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attracted to her, like no other woman, but

he prided himself on self-control.

Until Kourtney Deen.

“Until Kourtney Deen.” He

repeated out loud as he climbed in

beneath the hot stream of water.

His mind flashed images of them

together. Everything about the night

before he saw vividly playing in his

mind’s eye as he closed his eyes and

washed his hair. He didn’t smell the

clean fresh scent of his shampoo, no. As

he inhaled he smelled her. She smelled

of vanilla musk. A combination of baked

background image

goods and her own natural scent. Every

time he was inside of her it had sent

vibrations and powerful currents through

his skin as if he was jolted by electricity

—the touch of a live wire. It was

something about that sensation that

caused a niggling in the back of his

mind. He wasn’t sure why.

He was like a person that had

taken too many drugs and whose mind

was stuck in a fog and he couldn’t

clearly see what was in front of him.

Pushing that thought even further back

into his mind, he washed up, rinsed and

background image

got out.

The image of her shaking in

passion as her sex clenched around his

shaft almost had him groaning.

Did I hurt her? A thought

entered his mind that maybe he’d taken

her too hard, too deep. She’d asked for

it, begged him multiple times to give her

more. And he had given her everything

and then some. The sex between them

had been rough, wild and all-consuming,

but she’d responded in cries of pleasure

and enjoyment. However, it was the only

thing he could fathom that led her to flee

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in the pre-dawn night.

He’d need to see her soon and

ensure she was all right.

However, his day was jam-

packed and time wasn’t his friend.

Finding an open space in his schedule

over the next week was like picking the

lock at the US Treasury. Practically


Somehow he’d do it.


“Mommy, can I wear my Doc

McStuffins outfit to school?”

She didn’t want to open her eyes.

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Instead, she wanted to burrow herself

deep under her covers to get more sleep.

She was worn out. This Friday was her

off day and more than ever she needed

the rest. Especially after last night.


“Zendaya, please sweetheart.”

Kourtney peeled the blanket from her

face and placed a finger at her lips.

“Why are you still sleeping?”

The bright, pale gold features of her

daughter peered at her closely. “Are you

sick, Mommy?”

The love she had for the little

background image

girl filled her with an overwhelming

amount of joy as it always did. It was the

wild light brown curls with natural

blonde highlights surrounding her

angelic face that made Kourtney smile.

Sitting up, she stroked the nest of swirly

locks. “No, button, I’m not sick.” She

couldn’t stifle the yawn that erupted and

came out loud. “Just tired.”

“Is it cause you had that


“Function. Yes, the business

dinner went longer than I expected.”

Keeping the thoughts about the night

background image

before PG for her daughter helped her to

shove what actually transpired to the

back of her mind. “No, you can’t wear

your costume. That is for Annie’s

birthday next week.”

“Oh.” She scrunched her nose.

“Did you bring me somefen?” She

beamed a wide smile at her, minus two

front teeth.

Kourtney couldn’t hold back the

laugh. The snaggatooth diction was too

precious. She’d miss it when her seven

year old’s adult teeth came in. “No. I

didn’t. But, I will take you to the movies

background image

tonight and out for pizza. How does that


“Ya!” Zendaya jumped up and

down beside the bed.

“There you are little miss. I

leave you alone for two minutes and

you’re off waking up your momma.”

Margo, her live in nanny and all around

everything, stood in the doorway with

her hands on her hips. The older black

woman had been a preschool teacher for

twenty-five years. After she retired, she

started working as a nanny for single

moms. She and Zendaya were her

background image

second family.

“I didn’t mean to.” The word to

came out on a whistle of wind through

the gap as Zendaya attempted to look


“Mm-hm. Opening this door and

standing where your standing speaks

pretty clear of what you meant to do.”

Margo waved her over. “Come on, so

you can eat your breakfast and I can get

you to school on time.”

“Give me a kiss, Zen, before you

go.” Kourtney leaned over the side of the

bed and accepted the tight hugs around

background image

her neck and sloppy kiss on the cheek

from her daughter and returned one to

her daughter’s cheek right below her ear

where a small birthmark sat, an odd

thumb-size shape like a heart. “Now

hurry so you aren’t late.”

“Okay.” She rushed to the door

and right by the live in nanny at full

speed. The striped tights, green skirt and

white shirt were all a blur of colors.

“That girl is going to be a track

star, mark my words.” Margo nodded.

“That and an academic

scholarship would make me very happy

background image

when it’s time for her to go to college.”

She agreed.

“I know that’s right.” Margo

grabbed the door handle and began to

close it behind her. She paused for a

moment and said, “Glad you made it

home safe last night.”

“Thank you.” Kourtney truly

appreciated the woman’s concern. She

also loved the fact that the woman never

interfered in her personal life. Not that

she’d ever had one in the three years

Margo had been with them. She’d texted

the nanny and let her know that someone

background image

would be dropping off her car and keys,

but that she was all right. She didn’t see

the older woman as a mother, more like

a wise friend, but she didn’t want her to

worry either.

Kourtney knew her behavior last

night was out of the norm, and even

though she was having her own issues

with her actions, she was grateful Margo

kept her opinions or curious questions to


“I’ll be off to the supermarket

after I drop Zen at school, text me if you

think of something you need outside of

background image

the standard.”

“I will.” Kourtney watched her

bedroom door close behind Margo. She

leaned back and exhaled loudly and

forcefully. Usually she liked to get up

and spend some time with her daughter

on Friday’s, but today she was just too

tired. She knew the reason for her

exhaustion too.

Lack of sleep was one reason.

Maybe if she’d allowed herself more

than thirty minutes of sleep after the last

round of sex with Zac, she’d be a little

less zombie-like. However, she couldn’t

background image

stay. Even those few minutes in his arms

and curled along his side started feeling

too right. Made her think and wish for

something that couldn’t be. There had

been words rolling up her throat that she

could hear herself saying. Words she’d

decided never to utter.

For the first time in years, she

wanted the perfect pictures always

featured on Hallmark cards. It wasn’t

meant to be. She’d given herself the

night of reckless passion and when it

was done, it was done.

She scooted down beneath the

background image

pile of blankets and felt every twinge of

her over used muscles. Her sex throbbed

from tenderness, as well as a desire to

be filled by Zachary Power’s thickness

again. She groaned pulling a pillow over

her head, blocking out the sunlight as she

tried to block out the memories of the

night before.

It plagued her that he didn’t

remember meeting her years ago. A part

of her had hoped something would jog

his memory, but it hadn’t. She’d made

the right decision.

Leaving his arms hadn’t been an

background image

easy task mentally or physically. It had

taken long excruciating minutes for her

to slide in small increments from his arm

locked around her waist. Once she’d

gotten free, she quickly grabbed her

things from the chair and tiptoed to a

bathroom at the opposite end of the

upper level and showered fast. While

she was dressing, she’d ordered an Uber

to pick her up. She’d gotten her shoes

from the guest bedroom, but hadn’t put

them on until she was outside.

All his marble flooring could

have possible awaken him to her

background image

departure. She didn’t want the

conversation or a long good-bye. To her,

everything between them was now

settled. She wasn’t going to sell, so he

had no reason to seek her out again.

Realizing, sleep was not coming

back to her anytime soon, she decided to

get up and take a bath. A long hot soak

might do her sore spots a world of good.


“We can get others.” Rebecca

disconnected the conference call as she

glanced in his direction.

“How? None as big as these.”

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He shoved the Deutsche Bank file down

the table in the general direction of

Dillion. Even though he could care less

at this point if it ended up in Dillion’s

hands or on the floor. After two hours of

conference call discussion with the CEO

of the bank and president of the Cary

software company that had been working

on helping the German financial institute

integrate to the Tar Heel state, Zac was

losing another big deal on a property.

Dillion began to rattle off other

companies such as a big clothing

manufactory and two different family

background image

networks and the major crime network

that were still looking to build filming

studios at the old Phillip Morris plant.

All that his assistant listed and a

few more were true, but Zac was

frustrated. In the last week since meeting

with the Mayor and following that up

with a heated conversation with the

Governor of North Carolina, it had been

hell week at Zac Acquisition &


“Mr. Landor sent in the

financials for the last quarter and a side

by side perspective package for the next

background image

quarter and year.” Dillion leaned back in

the swivel leather seat as he snapped the

cap on and off his pen against the high

glass oak table.

“I saw them.” With the meeting,

Zac didn’t have a chance to delve into

them the way he really wanted. “The

future doesn’t look good.”

“Mr. Landor is on your schedule

this afternoon to give you a more

accurate break down of the fine points,”

Dillion informed him. “The bottom line

he expressed to me was that Overlin had

to come through without a hitch.”

background image

Zac got up and stood by the

window. He stared out over the city it

was dark, but the lights were bright like

welcoming beacons. His hometown. It

was growing fast, booming in commerce

and the population. Charlotte was the

place to be. Until a few weeks ago.

Overlin had to work. Zac knew

that and he’d been avoiding the issue for

a week. He didn’t purposely set it aside,

but with all the other projects going up

in smoke, he’d thankfully gotten a

reprieve. If he didn’t think about

Overlin, he didn’t think about Kourtney

background image


That wasn’t true. To his body and

soul, those two things were not mutually

connected. Even if his mind could block

it out for the most part, as soon as he

was laying down at night emotions took

over and his last thought as well as his

first thought in the morning was of

Kourtney. It took every amount of effort

for him not to analyze the feelings that

were going deep for the beautiful, sexy,

smart, stubborn woman. The admiration

and feelings he was starting to have for

Kourtney weren’t new to him. He’d been

background image

‘in love’ before in high school then again

in college. It was the college break-up

that had almost taken him off his firm

business plan. His discovering she had

been using him to get his father to invest

in her father’s company proved to him

that everyone was an opportunist.

Relationships with women after

that became just as much a mutual

business negotiation as everything else

in his life.

The impression that he was

missing something big with her had not

gone away and was consuming his gut

background image

more. Over his lifetime, he’d learned to

trust his gut. It had not steered him

wrong in business or his personal life,

ever. But what was it?

“The bottom line I saw is that the

Overlin contract has to come through.”

Rebecca’s voice broke into his thoughts.

He glanced to his left. In the

corner was the miniature of Overlin, a

one yard by one yard table top design of

the luxury, hotel, hot springs mineral spa

facility, and more important the spa. The

PGA was in talks with the city and him

about adding at least three annual

background image

tournaments there, two celebrity

tournaments. Where celebrities went,

fans followed and paid out big. The

structure drew him. He crossed the

space toward it and stared down at the

small tiny house on the east side of the


Like all the other businesses and

houses that had been around the property

previously, it was a removable piece. It

had to go.

Turning, he faced the other two

in the room who had continued the

conversation between each other. They

background image

both stopped talking and glanced at him,


“Move the financial meeting to

tomorrow sometime if Jim can do it.”

His financial guy Jim Landor was a

grandfather of six and a family man.

Even though he generally worked on the

weekend, he never made that a

mandatory thing for his staff. Even

Dillion got time off, but with a phone

attached to his hip. “If not, Monday first


“Will do, boss.” Dillion keyed in

notes on his tablet.

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He looked to Rebecca. “Get me

a copy of the contract for the last

business and meet me at the elevator. It’s

getting signed tonight.” Adding one more

instruction to Dillion, he headed toward

the door. “Call Steve and tell him to

bring the car around in ten.”

“Mr. Powers. It is seven at night.

That bakery closed at two.” Rebecca

called from behind him as he strutted out

of the conference room.

The corridors were now silent

and bare. Ninety-eight percent of his

staff had already gone home and started

background image

their weekends. To him the weekends

were just quiet business days for him to

plan, prep, strategize in making his

company bigger, better.

“Then I’ll go to her house.” Zac

never broke stride. “Dillion inform


“On it, boss.” Dillion was now

in step with him pressing a speed dial

button on his phone.

“See you at the elevator.”

Rebecca peeled off and went in the

reverse direction toward her office.

He passed Dillion’s office with

background image

its glass walls and walked into his. The

only glass in the room was a wall of

windows that matched the ones in his

bedroom. He could see out, but no one

saw in. Not even at night with all the

lights on as it was lit up now.

His assistant had gone to his own

office, and Zac was grateful. He needed

a few moments to compose himself, get

his thoughts together. There was no

doubt in his mind a battle awaited him

with Kourtney. It was the discussion

there were supposed to have eight days

ago over dinner. Or any subsequent day

background image

since then.

They’d have it now. She’d see

the power and unmovable fortress that

made and ran Zac Acquisition &

Development and brought them to the

success they’d achieved over the years.

Good sex and feelings be damned, this

was business.


“Alex.” Zac called out after

pushing the button on his steering column

to activate his cars Bluetooth as he

negotiated the uptown traffic. “How are

things in Seattle?”

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Normally Steven would have

driven him, but he’d sent his driver

home, because the mission before him he

preferred to do alone. Mostly, because

he had learned from other times that

being around Kourtney Deen was always

unpredictable. Convincing her to sign the

contract and sell the property her store

sat on to Zac Acquisition &

Development was not going to be a cut

and dry task. However, he had no plans

to leave until she did. He had racked his

brain and couldn’t see any other way

around it.

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“Ah, great, Zac. Anytime you

want to bring your side of the family

back here, we will take it.” His cousin


“See I was thinking you all were

getting tired of the rainy weather and

wanted more sunshine.” Hearing from

his cousin was just what he needed right

now. He was so mentally stressed

speaking with Alex provided him a


“Doubtful. The Anderson

corporate roots run too deep here, just

like you all have done there in North

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Carolina, Zac.”


“So, what do I owe this call to?

Did the Powers side forget to get our

family reunion deposit in?”

“If you did, I’d leave that call to

my mother to handle with yours. I try not

to get very involved in all that.”

They both chuckled in agreement.

“So, you’re not calling about

business or the reunion so what’s going

on.” He took the interstate ramp that

would lead him in the direction of


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“I got married.” Alex declared.

Shocked, Zac wasn’t sure how to

respond to the three word announcement.

Even though his older cousin Lucas had

fallen, Alex was more like his self—

business minded. Alex was driven, and

ate and breathed corporate success

above all. Just like him. Pulling himself

out of his reverie he asked, “What

prompted your walk down the aisle? I

didn’t even realize from our last talk

months ago that you were leaning in that


“I wasn’t.” Alex exhaled hard

background image

into the phone. “She got pregnant.” He

paused. “I couldn’t walk away from this

my son. Instant love when I saw Jacob’s

little face.” The tone of his cousin’s

voice revealed the awe Alex was


“Well, if you’re happy…”

“With my son yes. Jessica, my

wife, and I are working through it all.”

“Well, I guess that just leaves

Mark and me. You know my brother was

the first to fall.”

“It changes everything.”

There was a weight and

background image

knowledge to Alex’s words, Zac had to

be honest with himself that he just didn’t

understand. “I’m sure. Well, I’ll get my

assistant to send you all both a wedding

and baby gift. Can’t wait to meet your

Jessica and Jacob next year.”

“Maybe you’ll have some lady

as your plus one at the family reunion.”

“Doubtful.” Zac laughed hard.

“We’re both too busy to talk anymore


“Then explain to me what the

hell your Governor was thinking in

signing that law.”

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“Fuck if I know.” Now this was

the exact discussion Zac expected from

his tycoon cousin as he took the exit off

the interstate.


“Can I haf cheese on my

popcorn, Mommy?” Zendaya kneeled on

a stool at the bar and watched the

popcorn bounce up and around in the


“Yes, button, you sure can.”

Kourtney set a large bowl on the small

kitchen island.

“Cheese doesn’t like Ms.

background image


Kourtney laughed. “You mean

Ms. Margo’s body doesn’t like cheese.

She’s lactose intolerant, remember? In

milk, cheese, ice cream or things made

from a cow.” She turned to cross the few

steps to the refrigerator.

“Lactose. Laaaactose.

Lactooooose.” Her daughter continued to


She couldn’t help but smile at

her daughter playing around with the

word. It was game night for her and her

daughter. Instead of going to the movie

background image

as they had done last Friday, they were

staying in and playing Shuts and

Ladders, Uno and Sorry as they gorged

on popcorn. It was the nanny’s night off.

Tomorrow Ms. Margo would take

Zendaya to her best friend’s party and

sleepover while Kourtney went to work.

At the open refrigerator, she

asked, “Do you want apple juice or

sweet tea?” Normally, she limited the

sugary drinks her daughter consumed,

but on Friday and Saturday she was

more lenient.

Zendaya’s lips twisted from left

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to right as she contemplated her choices.

“Sweet tea.”

“Ah, spoken like a true southern

girl.” She smiled back at her daughter as

she grabbed the glass pitcher from the

top shelf.

Her daughter beamed. “It’s done!

It’s done.”

“Okay. Wait, I will help you get

it out. Otherwise I fear I’ll be picking up

popcorn from the floor all night.” She

poured their two drinks first, then placed

them on the round kitchen table where

the first board game was already set up.

background image

When she returned to the island her

daughter was already holding the

scooper and the bowl.

She was glad she’d purchased

the popcorn maker. It was a smaller

version of the maker at a theater. The

popcorn was better than microwave or

pot cooked and it highly entertained her

daughter, in turn made it a pleasure for

her to watch.

“Now, button, remember to be

careful. Some of the kernels can be hot if

they touch your skin.” She undid the

latch that held the glass door closed

background image

during popping.

“I’ll be careful, Mommy.”

Zendaya dug into the hill of popcorn and

dumped the first scoop into the bowl.

Then she used her other hand to pull one

out and pop it into her mouth. “Yum.”

“An official taster’s job is never

done. It is how I make sure my cupcakes

are delicious each and every time.”

“Oh, yeah.” Her daughter was

rocking back and forth as she started

scooping again.

Kourtney was sure her daughter

was remembering the chocolate cupcake

background image

a blood orange cream filling and a

chocolate ganache topping. There was

still two more on the counter.

“That’s good.” She took the

scooper and closed the glass door.

“What kind of cheese do you want?

Cheddar or parmesan?”

Zendaya left the bowl on the

counter as she jumped down from the

stool and rushed to the refrigerator.

Kourtney went to get the microplane

grater from the drawer.

“Can we have both?”

Her mouth went dry at the

background image

thought of the two different cheeses.

“Um…they normally don’t go together,

but sure. It’s your popcorn.” She went to

the cabinet and grabbed a smaller bowl

to fill with her own popcorn. Her palate

and a seven year old’s tastes buds were

not the same.

“Who’s phat?” Her daughter was

eating a pinch of cheese as she turned

toward the front of the townhouse the

direction of the knocking sound.

“I don’t know who that is.” She

said, just as they finished preparing one

bowl with dual cheeses and another with

background image

cayenne, garlic powder and kosher salt.

Grabbing the two bowls, Kourtney

placed them on the table. “I’ll see. Be


“Okie dokie.” Her daughter was

barely paying attention to her as Zendaya

was busy shoving handfuls of over

cheesed popcorn into her mouth.

Shaking her head and laughing at

her daughter antics, she went to the door

and pulled it open.

“Good evening, Ms. Deen.”

Oh, God, please let the floor

open up and swallow me.

background image

Her heart stopped. She was sure

her heart stopped beating for seconds,

maybe even a full minute as she stared

into the face of the man she expected

never to see again.

Heat infused her body from the

inside out as Zachary’s gaze made a

slow caress of her form like molasses

running down a tree. She now knew how

a cherry felt under the fire of a flambé.

She regretted her casual at home attire.

This man was invading her

personal space, her life in more ways

than one. Her heart was pounding and all

background image

she thought about was that she needed to

get rid of him. “What are you doing


His clear gray eyes met hers, the

warmth still present. “I’m glad you made

it home safe.”

“Yes, it took me a week to get

here.” She wished she could retract the

bite in her tone. He would think that she

cared that he didn’t call after their night

together. Don’t you?

“When a woman creeps out in

the middle of the night it doesn’t give me

a sign they are interested in my

background image

continued attention.”

Zing. He got her. There was a

shadow in his eyes and a tightness to his

brow. Regardless of her reasons for

leaving his arms, it had been wrong of

her not to at least leave a note of some

kind. Refusing to relent, she folded her

arms and gave him a hard look.

His gaze dropped to her breasts

and she realized her mistake. The

crossing of her arms lifted her

unrestrained breasts high beneath her

tank top.

“I ask you again, what are you

background image

doing here?”

There was a twinkle in his eyes

now and a tilt to his sexy firm lips. “The

contract.” He held up a legal size

envelope. “I need you to sign it.”

“I told you I wasn’t doing it.

Cupcakes of Joy is mine. I’m not selling

it. I’m not moving it. I’m not negotiating

with your company in any way…end of


“Kourtney, I’m not taking no for

an answer.” The corners of his mouth

were tight and the texture of his words

were practically a growl.

background image

“No.” She swung the door.

His smacked the palm of his

hand against it, stopping it. “I’m not

leaving until you hear me out. My

company would pay for moving it.

Literally lifting the whole establishment

and relocating it where ever you want.

Like Arboretum District, it would

double your revenue out there.”

“Hel—” She bit off the word

thinking of her daughter in hearing shot.

“No. Mr. Powers, it’s not going to

happen. My customers know me in this

community. I’m a staple, a fixture.” She

background image

shoved at the door.

He remained a solid opposition.

“What community? Have you bothered to

open your eyes outside your store?

Things are changing on the east side.”

“Yeah, it’s called

gentrification.” That was a hot spot

button from her. “Big business comes in

and decides the people that live there

have to go.”

Zac stood there for a moment just

staring at her. “Those homes were

dilapidated. Not to mention when we

bought out the strip mall there was only

background image

four stores in a fifteen space mall.” He

stepped into her space, bringing his

warm spice smell with him. “Overlin

will bring jobs and revenue to the area.

How many people are you hiring with

your glorified bake sale?”

Both pissed off and hurt by his

words she stepped into his space. “Go to


“Mommy.” There was a patting

on her thigh. “Are you angry?”

She gasped. Her heart was

pounding now. Shocked that she’d

allowed this man to get under her skin so

background image

much that she forgot about Zendaya. She

had disregarded the one thing she

wanted to keep private.

Frozen in the spot, she wasn’t

sure what to do. What she wanted to do

was shove Zachary out the door and

slam it shut, locking all her dirty secrets


“Who’s phist?” Never one to be

ignored for long, her bold personality

daughter, wedged her way between her

and Zachary.

The powerful businessman

appeared just as shocked as Kourtney

background image

felt. He took a step back and stared

down at her daughter.

She inhaled. First to recover,

Kourtney tried to keep control of the

situation as she answered her daughter.

“This is a business friend of mommy’s.

Can you go back to the table?”

Before her daughter could move

Zachary hunkered down before Zendaya.

He looked from her daughter then up to

her with question in his gaze.

She was sure that he was

wondering why with all the things and

personal family matters they had

background image

discussed last Thursday night, why she

never mentioned her child.

“Hi. I’m Mr. Zachary. I’m a

friend of your mother.” His voice was

low and gentle. “What’s your name?”

Her daughter glance up at her as

if trying to get permission to answer the

strange man.

Caught in the set of mirrored

gazes, guilt built like bile in the back of

her throat. She gave a slow nod of

approval as Kourtney bit into the flesh of

her cheek.

“I’m Zendaya Marley Deen and

background image

I’m seven,” her daughter announced


“Well, Zendaya. That is a very

pretty name for a lovely little girl. It’s

nice to meet you.”

Zendaya beamed. “Thank you. I

like your eyes.” She reached poked his

cheek below one of his eyes. “They look

like my phriend Sammie’s kitten. Her

phur is gray.”

“So are yours.” Zachary’s brow

creased and he was looking at Zendaya

hard as if he were attempting to figure

out a puzzle.

background image

Kourtney needed this moment to

end. Quick. She stroked her daughter’s

wild curls back from her face. “Say

good-bye, button. And go back inside.”

“Okay.” Zendaya lifted her little

hand and waved. “Bye, Mr. Zachary.”

Obedient, she turned to go back inside.

“Wait.” He caught Zendaya’s

hand and drew her back.

She wasn’t sure what had made

him stop her daughter from leaving.

When Zendaya faced him again.

“Yes, sir.”

He didn’t answer her. Instead,

background image

still holding the little hand, he lifted his

other one and brushed back her hair from

the left side of her face.

Leaning over Kourtney looked to

see what had seized his attention. Did

Zendaya have cheese on her face?

Gently he caressed the birthmark

on the side of her daughter’s face.

“My mother has this same mark.”

Oh, God…

background image

Chapter Five

“Mommy said I’m her heart.

That’s why it’s shaped like one.”

Zachary nodded. His throat felt

tight, constricted and he wasn’t all too

sure why. It was as if he was on the cusp

of a big moment, but it didn’t make

sense. “My dad tells my mother the same

thing about hers. She got her mark from

my grandmother.”

The little girl smiled, a toothless

background image

grin that warmed his heart. He didn’t

spend much time around kids, he figured

that was the reason this little one was

bowling him over.

“My mommy doesn’t have one.”

Zendaya giggled.

Caressing the soft little cheek, he

barely contained the tremors in his hand.

“Can you give your mommy and me a

few minutes alone?”

She nodded, her wild light

brown with blonde highlighted curls

bounced around her face.

“To your room and put on a movie for a

background image

minute, sweetheart,” Kourtney


“Yes, ma’am.” Waving again,

Zendaya was off like a bullet.

He stayed low for a long

moment. The situation didn’t make sense

at all to him. Looking at the sweet little

imp gave him a vision of what a

daughter of his could possibly look like.

Her hair color was a slightly darker

shade than his, making her a sandy

blonde, but the eyes and her mark were

indicative of his mother’s family traits

that were passed down.

background image

It didn’t make sense.

“Zachary.” Kourtney’s voice


Bringing his gaze up her lithe

body: bare legs showed off under short

shorts, high, full, firm breasts free

beneath a dark tank top. “I’ve always

prided myself on being a man of reason.

One plus one always equals two.” He

rubbed his temple that was beginning to

throb. “But…this…it’s not making


“Zachary.” His name came out on

a wisp of breath.

background image

He was ready to think his mind

was playing tricks on him or maybe he’d

stepped into some alternate universe, but

the way Kourtney was worrying her

bottom lip and the fact her greenish-

brown eyes—completely different from

her little girl’s—wouldn’t meet his,

caused his heart to pound.

“What am I missing here,

Kourtney?” He shoved his suit coat back

to set his hands on his hips.

When she looked at him, there

were tears in her eyes. “Come in.” She

turned from him and walked away.

background image

Like a zombie he followed

behind her into the living room. The

place was quaint, homey. She had

knickknacks, throw blankets and pictures

decorating the place. Most of them of

Zendaya at different ages. He dropped

the envelope on an end table.

Kourtney stood in the center of

the room with her back to him. He kept

his distance, allowing her time. For what

he wasn’t sure.

"I'm sure you have questions

about Zendaya." Her back was still to

him as she shook her head. "I didn't

background image


"We've met before."

"When? If I'd met you before,

Kourtney, I'd sure as hell remember." He

crossed his arms over his chest and


She shrugged. Facing him, she

began, "I looked different then. My hair

was short and straight. I was dressed

different." She waved a hand down her

body, he supposed she was signifying

that she hadn't been strolling around in

booty shorts and a tank top that dared a

man to lift it to see what was beneath.

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Her long hair was in a ponytail.

"I'm usually pretty good with


"Well, it was dark and we'd both

had a couple drinks by then I'm sure."

She had his full attention now.

"Where was this drunken meeting?" He

wasn't one to get hammered. Not since

his sophomore year in college. But, just

like love, he steered cleared of imbibing

too much.

“At some corporate party at the

Westoria in Durham. I believe one of the

big internet companies or search engines

background image

were putting it on.”

Seven years ago he had just

landed his first two major contracts.

Google bringing fiber lines into

Charlotte. That construction had just

gotten underway last year, but it had

opened other doors, like him negotiating

the contract of the Bobcat Arena with

Time Warner.

Maybe it was because the

discussion was opening up a mental

door in his mind that things about that

night were coming back to him. He'd had

three glasses of champagne celebrating

background image

the acquisition. He recalled that he

hadn't been drunk, but he'd felt good. His

company was finally moving into the big

league. There were so many people

there that night, hired women. The

alcohol and warmth had got to him and

he needed some air. There had been a

woman out there at the far end of the

balcony of the president's suite, which

consisted of the entire top floor of the

luxury hotel.

"What were you wearing?"

"A cinnamon halter dress in


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Everything flooded back to him.

He stared at the woman before him but

saw her as she'd been that night. She'd

been stylish, carefree and captivating.

The soft spring wind outside had lifted

her dress and teased him with glimpses

of her thighs. He'd wanted to possess her

right then. Frankly it was exactly what

he'd done. After approaching her, they'd

spoken briefly of inconsequential things.

However, he had a single goal in mind.

When he saw the interest in her gaze,

picked up on every flirting overture she

made, no matter how subtle.

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When he leaned in for a kiss, her

lips had met his. “Why were you there

that night? Were you working with a


Her pink tongue came out and

slid across the fullness of her bottom lip,

moistening it. “In a way. I worked for an

escort service back then. I was having a

hard time in college finding the money to

stay in. Scholarships weren’t cutting it

and I’d maxed out my loans. One of my

friends was doing it and brought me in.

The company paid for designer gowns

and all the trimmings I needed for my

background image

date nights. On top of it the pay was


His hands fisted and tension sent

ice along his spine. “Were you someone

else's date?"

Her teeth sank into the side of

her tempting bottom lip as she held his

gaze. “No. What happened between us

wouldn’t have happened if I were.”

“Were you being paid to have

sex with the businessmen there?”

“It wasn’t a prostitution

service.” She stabbed a finger into her

chest and snarled. “I’m not a whore.”

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“I never said you were,” he

barked back.

Her hands swung up at her side

and down as she let out a harsh laugh.

“Your implication was pretty clear that I

was taking money for sex with rich


He couldn’t deny her words.

Years from that night he could feel the

burn of jealousy in his gut. “I’m sorry.”

Shoving a hand into his hair he tried to

wrap his mind around the whole

situation. That night, he’d found himself

yearning for her in a way he’d never

background image

desired another. He’d been insane with


They backed into a vacant room

off the balcony and he’d taken her

against the wall. There had been no

preamble, passionate kisses were the

only foreplay. She’d come twice before

a blinding orgasm finished him off inside

of her. It had been the only time in his

life he’d had sex without a condom. He

could almost feel her slick, hot, tight

walls, sheathing and pulsing around him

at the moment.

She’d walked out on him that

background image

night too. When their fever had

tempered, she’d excused herself to use

the restroom. He’d stepped back out

onto the balcony to give her privacy.

Twenty minutes had gone by and she

hadn’t come out of the room. Going in to

check on her, he’d been shocked to

discover she was gone. He went back to

the main part of the suite where over

sixty people partied, and shook hands on

deals. He hadn’t wanted to show his

hand by asking around for her.

“It shames me to say that I didn’t

even think about the fact I hadn’t used

background image

protection until the morning.” He

glanced at her. She was now seated on

the sofa staring down at her fingers as

they plucked at each other. “I’ve carried

a condom in my wallet since that night.”

“Didn’t want to make the same

mistake twice.” Sarcasm filled her

words as she looked up at him then


“Yes and no. It was a foolish act

on my part, but I never regretted that

moment.” He crossed the room to sit on

the corner of the solid oak coffee table

before her, not touching her. “I thought

background image

about you a few times over the next few

months. But, it never dawned on me that

you could have conceived.”

Sharp greenish-brown eyes

stared at him. “Why not?”

“Mature women in my circle

protect themselves from pregnancy like

the Great Wall around China.”

She was silent for a moment.

“I’d been on a few dates before that.

But, I wasn’t used to your world. My

last boyfriend and man I was with before

that was well over a year. I didn’t see a

need for birth control.”

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The question he had to ask

weighed deep in the pit of his stomach,

in the place that was the very root of

who he was. “Did we create a child that

night?” Like a pot set to boil, tension

began to roil inside him.

“Yes, Zendaya is your daughter.”

She never broke eye contact as her soft

words crossed the space between them

and changed his life.

He bowed his head. A million

and one questions tumbled into his mind,

thoughts of every moment he had missed

with the beautiful little girl. He’d just

background image

gotten off the phone with his cousin Alex

who had been through a similar

situation. It made Zac feel as if he’d

been ignorantly living in a vacuum with

someone precious and pure kept from

him. Just like Alex, Zac was pissed, but

the hurt in his heart seemed

insurmountable. Instantly his throat

constricted and his eyes burned, all

while the disquiet in his stomach


“Why?” he bit out through the

strain around his vocal cords.

The silence in the room was

background image


Unable to take it anymore he shot

his gaze in her direction. Her face was

buried in her hands and her shoulders

shook even though no sound came out.

Reaching out, he took hold of her wrist

and pulled her hand away. As angry as

he was at her for all that she had

stripped from him, it broke his heart to

see the tears streaming down her face.

The urge to pull her into his arms

assailed him, but he held it at bay. There

were too many questions he wanted

answers to and even with all that was

background image

between them, she was a distraction to


“I didn’t know I was pregnant for

a couple months. I was under a lot of

stress with school. When I realized it, I

was scared. I had to tell the owner of the

escort service and without that money I

couldn’t stay in school.” The tears were

flowing freely now, dripping on to their

hands resting on her knee. “My aunt took

me in. She taught me her baking craft and

we raised Zendaya together until she

passed a few years ago.”

The flood gates seemed to open

background image

up, she broke down. Unable to refrain

from offering her comfort, he moved

beside her and pulled her into his arms.

He held her against his chest and stroked

her trembling back.

When she regained a modicum of

composure, he continued their

conversation as he handed her a

handkerchief from his pocket. Things

had to be settled. “If you would have

come to me, I would have taken care of

you, Kourtney. You and Zendaya would

have wanted for nothing.”

“By the time I figured out who

background image

you were, the son of Jake Powers of

Powers and Powers Corporation in

Durham, I couldn’t bring myself to seek

you out.” She moved away and rested

back against the seat.

At that time, his company was

just getting off the ground and most

people associated him with his father’s


“Why not? I had a right to know I

was a father.”

“I know.” She swiped at a stray

tear, clearing it from her cheek and

sniffed. “How would it have looked to

background image

have me show up and proclaim to be

your baby’s momma? You would’ve

seen me as some gold digger.”

“Maybe.” He couldn’t deny it.

There was too many of his colleagues

that had been trapped in a similar

situation, some of them by mistresses

and it ruined their families. “Honestly, I

don’t know how I would have reacted,

but you still should’ve never kept her

from me.”

“If I could do it over.”

“I’ve missed so much of her

life.” He stood and went around the

background image

room going from one picture after the

other, taking in the changes in his

daughters face and size.

“I’m truly sorry.” She rose too.

I’m a father. “I don’t know how

to forgive you for this, Kourtney.” He

faced her.

“It wouldn’t be right of me to ask

you to.” She moved toward him,

stopping directly before him. “I want to

make this up to you somehow, Zachary.

Make it up to Zendaya too.”

“I’m going to make sure you do.”

A small smile started at her lips.

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“I’m sure you—”

“You’re going to marry me.”

“What?” The small smile

dropped and her eyes widened almost

comically, making her appear as an

ebony version of Betty Boop.

He wasn’t even sure where the

suggestion had come from. Maybe

because he’d recently spoken to his

cousin Alex Anderson in Seattle and

found out that he’d gotten married and

had a child, so the thought had possibly

been resting in the back of his mind. The

Anderson and Powers boys had all

background image

achieved success, in their own right, but

what was it without someone to share it

with. Settling down seemed like the

reasonable, expected thing to do. Right

now, all he knew was that he couldn’t

stop agonizing over every second and

minute of Zendaya’s life he had missed

and how he refused to miss another

moment. His mind settled on what his

mouth offered, he steamrolled ahead.

“I want my daughter in my life,

permanently. End of story.”

“We can’t even agree on a

business contract and you expect us to

background image

pledge our lives to each other.”

“Oh, no. Not expect. We will.”

He folded his arms over his chest. “I

believe in the report on your shop, it

read you were closed on Sundays.”

She took a step back from him

then another. “What are you doing,

Zachary? You need to be rational about


“Trust me, babe, my mind is

clear as a bell.” He walked toward her.

“The day after tomorrow we will fly by

private jet to Vegas.”

Kourtney took another step back

background image

and shook her head. “You’re insane.

Does this gene run in your family like the

birthmark? Should I have my daughter


Our daughter.” He enjoyed the

sound of that. He continued advancing on

her. Soon she would have nowhere to go

in the small townhouse, a wall was a

couple more steps behind her.

“I’m not going to Vegas with you.

Or marrying you.”

He stopped. “You will or you’ll

lose Zendaya.”

She bumped into the wall. “You

background image

wouldn’t dare.” Fire streaked through

her eyes. “She’s my life. I’ll fight you.

I’ll never allow you or anyone to take

custody of my child from me.”

“You can try. We both know I

have the capital to win, regardless.” He

exhaled. “Look, Kourtney, this doesn’t

have to be a battle. I just want to raise

my daughter.”

“We can co-parent. Alternate

weekends.” She leaned against the wall

looking wilted and tired. The stress of

her secret seemed to finally be taking its

toll on her.

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His protective feelings towards

her kicked in. Seeing how worn

emotionally she appeared, it just made

him want to take care of her too. “No. I

want her in a real family. It was how I

was raised. The way I’ve always

envisioned I would raise my children.

With a wife and their mother alongside


“This can’t work,” she sighed.

He closed the gap between them

then placed his hands on the wall beside

her shoulders. The heat of her body met

his. “We’ll make it work.”

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“Are you doing this to gain

control over my business?”

Her words sliced him deep.

“No. That we will work out

somehow.” He gazed into her eyes. “I’m

doing this because besides the fact I

have a right to be father to Zendaya,

there’s something magnetic between you

and me. We knew it seven years ago and

we know it now.” He lowered his lips to

hers and felt the shudders move through

her body.

“Zac—” The trembling was

increasing in her even as she tried to

background image

fight her response. She inhaled deep, her

breasts brushed his chest and she


“Baby, we can do this. Trust

me.” He captured her mouth in a

passionate kiss.

She returned it in earnest, her

tongue swirling around his.

He made sure to keep his hands

pressed firmly to the wall. As much as

every ounce of him wanted to take hold

of her curves and hold her against his

body until they were both writhing in

pleasure, a part of his brain cognizant

background image

that their child was in the townhouse.

“Mommy!” On cue, a little voice

called out from down the hall. Fast feet

accompanied it.

They parted just in time.

“Are we going to play games?”

His daughter burst into the room full of

exuberance and impatience.

“Yes.” He lowered himself to

her level. “I really like games, do you

mind if I stay and play.”

Zendaya glanced from him to her

mother. He looked back over his

shoulder at Kourtney, still against the

background image

wall as if she needed the support.

She nodded approval at their


Exhaling a low breath, he knew

it was hard for her to give in and he

appreciated her support.

His little girl smiled. “Yup, you

can play.” She held her hand out to him.

“Come on, you need to pick your


Slipping his hand into her, soft,

tiny one, he felt the swell of emotion

again. They strolled hand in hand toward

the kitchen. “What do you think about

background image

wearing a pretty dress and being a

flower girl?”

“Can the dress be purple? I like

purple. Flowers are pretty.” She paused

swinging his hand between them she

frowned up at him. “What’s a flower



“Mom, Dad, I’d like you all to

meet my wife, Kourtney.”

She entered the Powers’ family

home in Durham beside Zac with her

daughter’s hand snug in her own.

Kourtney’s heart was racing, her mouth

background image

felt dry and she was so petrified at the

moment she thought she’d burst out

crying. The last thing she wanted to do

was face Zac’s family. Even though

when she voiced her fears to her new

husband, he’d told her not to be

concerned about it. He’d let her know

that he had spoken to his parent’s and

explained the situation. However, she

repeated the same question to herself

that she’d asked mentally a million

times, ‘How did someone explain a

situation where a woman kept a child

away from their father for almost seven

background image

years?’ She’d given herself no answer

then or now.

She felt like she was before a

firing squad with his parents, Hannah,

Rand, and his brother’s wife Monica.

“Well, she is absolutely

beautiful, Zachary, I can see how you

found yourself smitten with her a first

glance.” Katherine, her new mother in-

law, spoke first as she broke from the

pack and crossed the high gloss would

flooring of the living room to her with

hands stretched forward.

Smitten? That would not have

background image

been how she described her initial

interaction with Zac. But, he’d probably

given his parents the respectful version.

“Hi, Mrs. Powers, it’s nice to

meet you.” Kourtney allowed the older

woman to take her hands.

Katherine quickly pulled her into

a hug. “Oh, please, call me mom or

mama Katherine, which ever makes you


The older woman’s embrace was

firm, and wonderful. It had been so long

since anyone in a motherly figure had

hugged Kourtney, it made the impulse to

background image

cry even greater. No one since her Aunt

Joy who she missed a lot. Zac’s mom

smelled like peaches, brown sugar and

other spices. A clue to Kourtney that this

woman had cooked the meal that night.

“Mama Katherine, thank you for

inviting us to your home.” Kourtney

expressed her gratitude as they parted.

She had to blink more than a few times

to get the water to clear from her eyes.

Jake Powers came next, hugging

her and welcoming her. “This home is

your home, Kourtney.”

She sniffed more than once trying

background image

not to embarrass herself. It had been so

long since she felt a sense of family. In

the last few years it was just her and


“Mommy, are you crying?” Her

daughter tugged on her sleeve.

After a deep breath, she gazed

down. She smiled at her daughter to ease

Zendaya’s mind. “A little, button, but

they are happy tears.”

“Who is this little bundle of

goodness?” Jake crouched down before


“Dad, this is my daughter

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Zendaya Marley, soon we’ll officially

add Powers.” Zac came around and

squatted beside their daughter.

Kourtney knew he referred to the

fact that Zac had given his lawyer orders

to have Zendaya’s birth certificate

amended and have Zac added to it

legally as the father. She glanced from

her little one, to Zac who stared at

Zendaya with matching gray eyes. His

eyes were filled with multiple emotions;

joy, pride and love.

“Well, Zendaya, you are as pretty

as a tulip. Do you know you have a heart

background image

stuck on the side of your face?” Zac’s

father reached out and brushed a

fingertip gently over the mark, tracing

the pattern.

Zendaya giggled. “Yes. Mommy

doesn’t half one, but Daddy said my

grandma, has one.”

“Yes, I do.” Katherine lowered

herself to kneel before Zendaya and

turned her face to show her.

Reaching out her small hand,

Zendaya touched the marking on her

grandmother and followed the shape just

as her grandfather had done to her.

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That small action pushed the

tears Kourtney was holding at bay, right

over her lower lids. She had denied her

daughter so much.

“Hey, don’t forget mine.”

Hannah, Zac’s sister, and vice president

of Powers and Powers Corporation,

dropped to the floor in her business skirt

and impressive, five-inch heels right

beside her mother to reveal her

birthmark to her new niece.

Rand and his wife came to

Kourtney and introduced themselves then

offered hugs and to take her and Zendaya

background image

on a tour of their gallery the next day.

Kourtney accepted.

“Zac said you two would be

going on a delayed honeymoon in a

couple months, once you have a business

matter settled. Rand and I are

volunteering now to babysit.” Kindness

filled Monica’s gaze.

“We may have to take you up on

that.” Zac spoke first before Kourtney

had a chance to agree.

When everyone rose, grandpa

holding Zendaya in his arms, Kourtney

faced Zac’s family. “I want to apologize

background image

for the time you missed with Zendaya…

getting to know her. It was never my

intention to hurt any of you by not

sharing her with you.”

“In my old age, I have come to

realize that things in life happen not

always as we plan, but definitely how

they are supposed to eventually.” Jake

placed a comforting hand on her arm.

“We can waste our time

dissecting the past, or we can enjoy

getting to know you both and living a

fuller life in the future.” Hannah added

in her no-nonsense tone.

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“We’d never judge a mother who

was doing the best for her little one.”

Katherine cupped Zendaya’s tiny hand in

her own. “You both are with us now and

that’s the most important.”

Too full of emotions, Kourtney

nodded and mouthed a thank you.

Zac who had remained silent for

the most part, slipped his arm around her

waist and drew her to him. She leaned

her head on his shoulder and accepted

his care and support. They’d only been

married a week, but in that time, he

never let her doubt that he’d always be

background image

by her side.

“Well, I don’t know about

everyone else, but mom has cooked a

feast and I’m more than ready to dig in.”

Rand rubbed his stomach.

Monica elbowed her husband

lightly in the side. “I tell you, this man

only thinks about food and painting.”

“And you.” Ran winked at his


“Well, let me get to feeding y’all

before my baby boy starts gnawing on

the furniture.” Katherine led the way

toward the dining room.

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Zac slipped his strong hand into

hers and followed behind his family. “I

told you that they would love you.” He

leaned down and kissed her briefly on

the lips. “You’ve done a wonderful job

raising Zendaya. Thank you for all the

care you’ve given our daughter.”

It was too soon for her to hope

that her new husband would also love

her, but she was more than happy at the

moment to have his admiration and


background image


“Everyone, I think we have a

solid plan here. I think this should

conclude our meeting.” Zachary

commanded the room from the head of

the long conference table at Zac

Acquisition & Development. “The

ground breaking ceremony will be set up

in the next few weeks so be on the

lookout for the invitations.”

“I’ll get with publicity and have

background image

the request sent to the printer Thursday.

They’ll be special delivered next

Tuesday, Mr. Powers.” Dillion informed

Zachary, as he broadcast the information

on to the twenty-three men and women

getting to their feet.

“Efficient as always, Dillion.”

Zachary praised his assistant.

Kourtney rose from the seat

beside Zac. It was a first, and rare treat

that she was able to sit in on his business

affairs and watch him put plans in

motion. Powers was the right name for

him, because he exuded it like

background image

pheromones from his person. He was

smart and a master negotiator. He’d

presented his idea for the new idea and

design for the Overlin Project and had

everyone convinced it was the best and

right thing to do.

“I think this is a solid plan. I

can’t wait for this long awaited project

to be complete. Charlotte needs

something like this now.” Jason Hagstaff

the head of Charlotte’s development

committee shook Zac’s hand.

“I’m with you on that, Jason.”

She stared down at the new

background image

design of Overlin as the men chatted for

a few more moments before Jason left

with everyone else.

“So, what Mrs. Powers.”

She smiled and faced him.

Taking in all his sexiness as he sat,

perfectly at ease in his CEO spot. “I

think you did well, sir. Everyone seemed

excited and on board with the changes.”

“Are you?” He beckoned her

with a finger. “No one else’s opinion

matters more than yours wife.”

Thrilled to hear him call her

wife, as much as it excited her to know

background image

her thoughts mattered to him. She took

the steps needed to place herself before

him. “Yes. I’m happy with how you

joined Cupcakes of Joy with Grand

Overlin.” He patted his lap and she sat

down. “My bakery gets to stay there, but

now will be a part of something bigger,


He wrapped an arm around her

waist and settled her higher atop his firm

thighs. “I think it is a win-win situation.

We will build up to your shop and

extend the club house and restaurant

from it.” His free hand made idle circles

background image

on her thigh just below the hem of her


“I will get more customers, my

deserts added to the menu and be able be

a partner with the catering side of the

house as well. I love it.”

“But do you love me?” His

fingers flirted under her skirt now, but

his eyes were serious.

In the month they had been

married, they had praised and

complimented each other. Grown closer

as they shared his large house and spent

time with their daughter, who besides

background image

Ms. Margo was the only person at their

rushed Las Vegas chapel wedding. Their

daughter gave her love very easily to

both her mother and her father, because

she was a sweet child with a big, all-

inclusive heart. She’d accepted her new

life in the big house and having a dad to

show off to her friends. Zendaya loved

having another grandmother and a

grandfather as well. Ones she was

closer with.

For Kourtney, she was a lot more

cautious in revealing her heart. She

could willingly and with an abundant

background image

amount of pleasure share her body with

Zac, but hesitated in speaking three

special words. But she’d witnessed him

moving Heaven, Earth and all of

Charlotte for her cupcake shop, he didn’t

deserve not to know her sentiment

toward him.

Lifting a hand she stroked the

side of his face and looked into intense

crystalline gray eyes. “I love you,

Zachary Powers. Without analyzing the

speed in which it happened or how it

happened, I do love you.” She brushed

his lips with her thumb. “For the rest of

background image

our lives I will be sorry for keeping our

precious daughter from you.”

“I forgive you for that,

Kourtney.” He squeezed her thigh then

slid it down to her knee and back. “I’ve

gotten to know you and I realize you did

what you thought was best for all. You

weren’t out to hurt me and you definitely

weren’t trying to hurt our button.”

She smiled, loving hearing how

he’d adopted the nickname she used for


“Never.” Leaning in she kissed

him lightly on the lips.

background image

His hand at her hip moved up

and cupped the back of her head and

deepened the kiss. She didn’t miss his

other hand journeying further up her skirt

and palming her throbbing sex.

Her breath came out in hard

pants as she pulled away. “What are you

doing husband? We have to meet Ms.

Margo and your parents at Zendaya’s

school in an hour for the school track

and field fundraiser.”

He kissed and nipped the side of

her neck. “We have plenty of time. Not

to mention Steve drives efficiently but

background image

fast when it counts.” His hand was

inside her panties now, circling her clit.

Shocks of pleasure shot from the

seat of her desire to her nipples making

them tighten and ache. She found it

impossible to think with his salacious

touch. “Someone could come in here.”

“Let them.” With a strong arm

around her waist he shifted her position

so she was straddling him. “What are

they going to do report me to the CEO?”

She laughed at his cocky retort.

Fully involved in the seduction now, she

lowered her hands and worked at his

background image

belt and pants. “Maybe they’ll record us

on a phone and upload it to some social

media site.”

“Not if they value their job and

lif—” He groaned as she wrapped her

fingers around his length and stroked


“Such aggression.” She pumped

him then guided her thumb around his


“I’ll show you aggression.” He

yanked her skirt up to her waist then

gripped her hip and helped her rise

above him as his other hand shoved her

background image

lacy undies to the side to make room for

himself. “Put me inside you, honey.”

“Wait, don’t you want to get a

condom?” She rotated her hips and

played with herself using the tip of his

shaft along her slit, gliding up and down.

“No.” His gaze held hers. “I love


Her heart fluttered in her chest at

his words. She pressed her forehead to

his feeling overwhelmed by emotions.

“I want us to work on expanding

our family. I need to watch my son, or

another beautiful daughter grow inside

background image

of you.”

Her hand on his shoulder flexed,

clutching his muscle tight. “Zachary…

are you sure you want to do this so


“As I see it, we’re five years

later than most. So, we might have to

move faster for number three.”

Gazing at him, she offered him a

sultry smile as she lowered herself and

began pressing him inside of her. “Let’s

get the second one done and we’ll

negotiate on the third.”

“How about we just promise to

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love each other and let everything else

take care of itself.”

“You’ve got a deal, Mr.

Powers.” She couldn’t utter any more

words as Zac thrust hard and buried

himself deep along her slick walls. Pure

joy raced through her veins as her

billionaire made her a bargain she could

take delight in for the rest of her life.

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Other Book by Yvette Hines

Timberon Cat Series:

Secured Heart

On the Prowl

Rescued Mate

Stalking Nayla

Erotic Shifter Fairy Tale series

Bear’s Gold

Red’s Bear

Scoorge’s Bear

Hansel’s Bear

Full-figured Lingerie Series:

Love in the Afternoon

Nightie Night

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Secret Delights

Exclusive Pleasure

Stir Sticks and Stilettos Series:

Bedding the Best Man

Catering to a Millionaire

Holiday in Handcuffs

Nefarious Deeds

Wedded in Passion

Constructing Lust

Passion: Tis the Season

Strong Blends Series:

Holiday Fantasy

A Gentle Christmas

Submission Under the Mistletoe

One Reckless Night Series:

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Cinnamon Buns

By Invitation Only

Illicit Christmas

Slightly Sinful

Single Titles:

Fast and Furless (Southern Shifter

Kindle World)

A Kissing Dare (Dare to Love Kindle


Homebound for You (Hot SEALs Kindle


A Crashing Love

A Piece of Me

The Marriage Clause (Love and


Take this Man (Love and Marriage)

Santa’s Helper

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Golden Treasure

His Flight Plan

Sensual Chocolate

Haulcon’s Revenge

Pleasuring the Queen

To Have and To Hold

Chelsea’s Somebody

Ho, Ho, Ho and a Dom

Wonderland: Rekindling Christmas

Taken: Stealing the Bride

Bet on a Mistletoe

Apprehension: Claremont County

Bound for Christmas

Holiday Affair

Internet Rebound

Lady Justice

Making the Man

Red Hots

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Reignited: Designed for Love

Sieged by Rym

Talkin’ Sexy

The Club

Trusting St. Nick

What White Boyz Desire

Charity Stories (100% Charity


Coming Together: At Last V2

A Shot at Love

Coming Together: In the Trenches

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USA Today Bestselling Author,

Yvette Hines loves romance and writing

it is one of her greatest pleasures in life

outside of her husband and two children.

Her belief in happily ever after began

when she was sixteen and started

reading romance books. Now as an

erotic romance author, she tries to show

that every woman no matter color, age,

shape or size deserves a high level of

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passion in her life. Residing in North

Carolina with her family and is a Rom

Vet. She loves to hear from her readers: or visit

her at

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