Sean Michael A Hammer Novel 29 Gravity

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,
and incidents either are the product of the author's
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations,
or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental
and beyond the intent of either the author or the

An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers
PO Box 2545
Round Rock, TX 78680
Copyright 2011 by Sean Michael
Cover illustration by S. Squires
Published with permission
ISBN: 978-1-61040-725-0
All rights reserved, which includes the right to
reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form
whatsoever except as provided by the U.S.
Copyright Law. For information address Torquere
Press. Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680.
First Torquere Press Printing: December 2011
Printed in the USA

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By Sean Michael


It had been a long damn day and Hunter Barrister

was more than happy to be sliding into a chair at the
Hammer, a sweet twink at his elbow, wanting to know
exactly what he wanted. It didn't get much better than

"I want a shot of whiskey and a beer chaser."
"Yes, Sir." The sweet boy gave him the dearest little


He smiled back, relaxing, feeling better already. He

did love his club. He'd been a member for a little under
eight years, and each year got better than the last. He
watched the cute little ass as it disappeared toward the

"Still hunting the young ones?" The voice was husky,

low. Horribly familiar, for all he hadn't heard it in years.
Fucking Forrest Greune.

Hunter's hands curled into fists. He looked over,

hoping Forrest had turned into a troll or a beast or
something. It hadn't happened. Hell, if anything Mr. All-
American was more beautiful than ever. Bright blue
eyes, perfectly trimmed hair, lightly muscled body
dressed in perfectly fashionable clothes. A desperate
surge of need went through him.

"Look what the rats dragged in." He could have

kicked himself for the words; he didn't want Forrest to
get the wrong idea and think he had any feelings left for
the asshole. Even if he did. No, especially if he did.

"Not so. Jack invited me. Have you seen him?"
"I'm not the maître’d here."

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"No. That's fairly obvious. You're one of the old bar

flies, still in your same stool."

Anger flared, hot and sudden -- how could the man

still get under his skin just like that? He stood, glaring
down at Forrest. "I pay a membership here, yes. That
gives me privileges and you don't have a single one, so
if you don't want to be thrown out on your ass I suggest
you get out of my sight."

Fuck, but the man was sex on legs.
"Gladly. Honestly, I was hoping you'd just moved

on." Ice blue eyes stared him down, then the man just
turned on his heel and walked away. Like Hunter meant
nothing to Forrest.

God damn it.
Hunter clenched his teeth together to keep from

spewing something nasty out. This was his club. His
place. Forrest had no right. The man had played with
him, but had never truly committed. Then he'd cheated.
And now Forrest had the gall to come back in here and
insult him?

He was still standing and glaring, trying to gather his

composure again, when his waiter came back with his

"Sir? Master?" The touch to his arm was feather light

and gentle.

He took a breath and found a smile for the sweet boy.

"Thank you."

Taking the whiskey, he shot it back, putting the glass

back on the tray before taking the beer and finally sitting

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He heard Jack's excited squeal. "Forrest! You came!

Oh, God. Look at you!"

It wasn't right.
Oh, sure, people broke up and had to deal with seeing

each other, but Forrest had never been seriously into the
scene, and then he'd cheated, broken Hunter's heart. He
hated how that made him sound like some old bitter
queen, but Forrest had hurt him more than he was
willing to admit to anyone, even himself. Hell, he'd
hidden it so well he'd been caught utterly by surprise
tonight. Even now his heart was beating faster, the pain
of their breakup proving he'd never really let go of his
feelings for Forrest. He wouldn't be this angry, this full
of hatred for the man if he didn't feel anything for
Forrest anymore.

And it didn't even matter to the evil, shallow fucker.
Hunter sipped at his beer, almost startled when his

waiter cleared his throat. "Did you want to order supper,

"What are the specials?"
"Spaghetti and meatballs, shrimp diavolo, and

mushroom risotto."

"I'll have the spaghetti, please." Comfort food at its


"Yes, Sir. Would you like a salad?"
"I would. Caesar, please. And another beer with my

meal." He was pretty sure the current one would be gone
before the food got to his table. "Thank you very much."
He smiled for the twink, making the effort, working,
helping to bring him back to something resembling calm
and relaxation. He'd buried his feelings for Forrest once;
he could do it again.

It didn't hurt that dear little waiter just melted for

him, vibrated. He'd have to ask if the pretty thing wanted

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to do a scene later on, something he could dive into and

He saw Forrest move onto the dance floor with Jack,

both men of a size, moving together.

Damn it, he was supposed to be over the man, but

here he was, getting all tense again. The problem was,
Forrest was beautiful and sexy, and he played with
enthusiasm and Hunter had fallen hard. All it had ever
been to Forrest, though, was playing: a game. It didn't
matter what it was, either -- relationship, scene. The man
was a flighty asshole who couldn't be trusted. He'd keep
telling himself that and maybe he'd get over it.

His salad came, and he had another smile for his

sweet waiter. The food did look good, even if he was
feeling less than stellar himself.

The little sub fluttered, flirted oh-so carefully. Hunter

found himself relaxing more and more. His spaghetti
came next, Hunter's ego being stroked with every
motion the boy made.

"It smells really good, boy." He sniffed happily and

nodded at the offer of grated cheese.

"I hope you enjoy, Sir. If you need anything, please

let me know."

"Anything?" He purred the word out. Maybe a

distraction would improve his mood .

The boy gave him a sweet look. "Yes, Sir. Anything."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."
Someone thought he was hot. He sat a little

straighter, flexed his pecs a time or two, showing off a
bit. The little twink moaned.

"Are you working until closing?"
"No, Sir. My shift was up half an hour ago."
That made him smile, and puff up just a little more.

"Then maybe you'll share the rest of my meal with me?"

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"Yes, Master. I would love to." Those dark eyes

shone up at him, glimmering with need.

Fuck Forrest. Fuck the sorry son of a bitch.
Hunter shoved his desire for Forrest away and patted

the chair next to him; he needed to be with someone
who wanted to be with him, who wouldn't break his
heart. "What's your name, boy?"

"Luke, Sir." Pretty little Luke pressed close.
He slid his hand along Luke's back, down to cup the

pretty little ass. "I'm Master Hunter."

"Yes, Master. It's so good to meet you."
"You, too, Luke. I think I've seen you here before,

but you've never served me."

"No, Sir, but I wanted to. I traded with Angelo


"I'm so glad you did." Luke was soothing his bruised

ego and heart, making him feel like the stud he wanted
to be.

"Me too, Master."
Hunter picked up his fork and spoon, rolling some

spaghetti onto the fork and offering it over to Luke. The
mouth opened like a wee bird. He fed the forkful of
pasta between the sweet, red lips. Those dark eyes
watched him like he was the most beautiful man ever.

He took a bite for himself, then offered another one

to the lovely boy sitting with him. He didn't even pay
attention when Jack and Forrest started dirty dancing,
laughing together. Really.

He speared a meatball and held the entire thing to

Luke's lips. Luke's hand landed on his thigh, the sub
balancing himself as he opened. Groaning, he pushed
the meatball in, watching as Luke's lips spread open.
Fuck, that was hot, pretty. Pure need.

He licked at Luke's lips as the boy chewed, tasting

the flavor of the meatball and sauce, finding the taste of

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Luke beneath that. Luke moaned for him, fingers curling
on his thigh.

"Very nice," he whispered, tongue making one last

swipe of Luke's lips. "Supper is particularly good here

"Yes, Sir. Delicious."
"So are you."
He fed them each another bite, enjoying this meal

more than he had any other in a long time. This was
what he had needed. A good, sweet boy who wanted
him. Who was eager to serve, to please, to fly. For him.

He held out one hand, stood. "Come home with me?"
"Yes, Sir." Luke pressed close, nodded.


Forrest watched Hunter leave with someone younger,

prettier, and obviously more desirable. He sighed softly,
drank his beer, and offered Jack a smile.

Jack reached for his hand and squeezed it. "You

going to tell me what's wrong, honey?"

"Nothing, sweetie. I'm just proof positive that

wisdom doesn't have a damn thing to do with age. I can't
believe he was here." Forrest had known Hunter was
still a member; he'd looked, but Jack said the man wasn't
in often these days.

Forrest had been gone for years, modeling all over

the world, saving his pennies to come home to the West
Coast, buy himself a tiny place, and live the beach bum
life. He'd just never thought that the one he'd once
thought was Mr. Right would still be there.

"Hunter? Yeah. He didn't bother you, did he?"

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"No. No, why would he? It's been a long time since

we broke up." Since Hunter had gone postal and accused
him of sleeping with every man in California.

"Then does it matter that he was here? He's just part

of the scenery, right?"

"Yeah. Of course, sweetie. Of course." He leaned

over, kissed Jack's cheek. "Thanks for making me your

"Are you kidding? You rescued me from an evening

of boredom. Oliver's off at some meeting and I really
didn't want to come in alone."

"Yeah. I got tired of looking at boxes." He didn't

have much, but he was just not motivated to unpack,
knowing he wasn't going to stay in the apartment once
he found a house to buy.

"You need help moving in, honey? I could round up a

bunch of studs with big muscles."

"Nah. I'm cool. I'm really just waiting to find the right

place to buy."

"You don't mean the right man?" Jack wriggled his


"Shit, I just want one that's alive and willing to pay

for his own dinner."

Jack giggled softly. "Oh, honey. You'll find


"One day, yeah?" Maybe.
"Yes. One day. Soon. Of course, fate could maybe

use a little help. I know this master..."

Forrest chuckled, leaned forward, rubbed his nose

against Jack's. "Is he beautiful and studly?"

"All the masters are beautiful and studly." Jack

paused for a moment. "In their own way."

"Uh-huh. Right. Did I tell you about this master I met

in Jakarta? Skinny and scarred and scary, but what he
could do with a whip..."

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Jack shivered. "Good?"
"Oh, God. Magic. Not a mark left, either." In his

former line of work, it had been important.

"Awesome! Did he make you scream?"
"Hell, it made me cry." And nothing made him cry. It

caused broken blood vessels.

Jack squeezed his hand. "It sounds divine, honey."
"It was fabulous." He winked. "So, more dancing?"
"As long as it's dirty." Jack bounced up and held out

a hand to him.

"For you, pretty baby, anything." He took a kiss,

grabbed Jack's ass playfully. Jack shrieked noisily and
jumped. Taking his hand, Jack dragged him onto the
dance floor.

Forrest laughed softly, then started rubbing, just

enough to tease. Jack had been the best friend a vapid,
brainless model could have. Hopefully the man was
going to be the best friend a slightly wiser former
middle aged model could have, too.

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Chapter One

Forrest sighed and got out of his 'Vette, waving to

Jack and Oliver. "Good evening, you two. How's your
week been?"

Oliver gave him a look. "We're fine, boy. How are


Forrest chuckled, even as he shivered. "Oh, Oliver,

don't tease."

"You need a master, boy."
Jack nodded, clinging to Oliver's arm. "You do,

Forrest. So bad."

"We'll see about that. I put my membership papers in

today, along with my deposit. Hopefully the board will
approve me." Like they wouldn't. He'd been a member,
he hadn't broken any rules, he had the money and the

As they went in, he saw a familiar pair of broad

shoulders out of the corner of his eyes. Jesus. It seemed
like the man was always here with his new one-and-
only. Hopefully the kid would be perfect. That was what
Hunter needed. The kid was hanging off him, looking up
with adoring eyes.

"Was I ever that young?" That stupid?
One of Oliver's eyebrows went up, but Jack gave him

a quick hug. "No one ever was, honey."

He grinned at Jack. "I love you, too, sweetie."
Jack put an arm around him, Oliver leading them

both to a table together. He slid in on the far side,
stretching up tall, his back popping.

A song with a catchy tune came on, and Jack turned

to Oliver who chuckled and shook his head. "Ask
Forrest, I'm sure he'd love to indulge you."

Jack stood and held out a hand. "Wanna?"
"Always." He loved to dance.

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Jack dragged him out onto the floor and started to

move with him immediately, shaking it hard. He closed
his eyes and let himself go, let himself move to the
music. God, it felt good. His hand connected with
something solid, sending vibrations up through his arm.

"Watch out!"
"Fuck! Sorry!" He turned to apologize, offer the guy

a smile. "I was in my own little world..."

"How come I'm not surprised by that?" Hunter

sneered at him. "You don't care about anyone but
yourself after all."

He flipped the guy off. "Go snarl at somebody who

can still be impressed with all flash and no substance,

Hunter snorted, putting his little twink behind him.

"Talking about yourself again, pretty boy? And you still
don't have the manners your mother should have taught

Jack tugged his arm. "Come on, Forrest."
He nodded. "Look, I apologized, man. Didn't mean to

touch you. Won't fucking happen again."

"As if your word means anything. Take out the

garbage, Jack."

Jack just gaped at Hunter, eyes huge, and Forrest

growled. "When my membership is approved, you'll be
bound to watch your fucking mouth."

"As you're not a member, you might want to fucking

watch yours. One more insult and I will have you
removed from the premises." Hunter's hands clenched at
his sides, and Forrest could practically hear the growls.

"Forrest, please." Jack was almost in tears.
"Come on, sweetie. Let's get you back to Oliver.

Don't stress him, huh? He's all bark."

All bark and the man hated him, still. It sucked,

because he couldn't change the fact that he'd been

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young, flighty, not ready yet to be a full-time sub. He'd
fought things, but he'd been a baby.

Hunter's lip curled, but he didn't say anything else as

Jack dragged him back toward Oliver's table.

Jack sat next to Oliver, tense as hell, but he just

stood. "I think I should go, at least until my
membership's approved."

Oliver was frowning, arm going around Jack, pulling

him close. "What's going on, Forrest?"

"Nothing major. Hunter still hates my ass. You know

me -- thoughtless, selfish, untrustworthy." He shrugged.
"That's never going to change." He wasn't the same kid
he'd been, but that didn't matter.

Oliver pulled Jack into his lap, fingers soothing over

Jack's back. "It's okay, Jack. Shh. You're fine."

"He is. Love you, sweetie, huh? Come have lunch

with me tomorrow? Please?" He could feel Hunter's
eyes on him. Judging him.

Jack nodded. "I'll text you."
"Thanks. See you, Oliver. Have a good one." He was

going to go dancing somewhere else, damn it.
Somewhere public. Somewhere that big, beautiful
assholes weren't.

He headed out, sighing. Fucking Hunter and his

fucking grudges. He wished the man would just


Hunter shook his head, looking at the men around the

table. "I'm sorry, but I have to veto Forrest Gruene's
membership. I know he's friends with your Jack, Oliver,
but he's not trustworthy. He's just a player and he's not
loyal. At all."

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Oliver looked at him, obviously surprised. "He left on

good terms with the club."

"Not with me." He met Oliver's eyes. "He cheated on

me, Oliver."

"It's been years, Hunter. He's not the same man he

used to be, none of us are."

Hunter shook his head; he didn't want to hear it.
Oliver's lips opened, then closed. "The rules state we

must have a consensus. If you refuse..."

"Then he doesn't become a member. I'm well aware,

Oliver. I still say no. He's just not club material and
someone would get hurt."

"A probationary membership, then. Let Forrest prove

himself to the club." The unspoken words "to you" were

Hunter shook his head again. How could he just

pretend it had never happened? Forrest had used him,
had made him fall in love with the man and then thrown
him away. The Hammer had been his lifeline back then,
it was his second home now; what would it be like to
come in and find Forrest subbing for someone else? "I
said no, and that's my last word on the subject."

Oliver met his eyes, the look odd and viciously

disappointed. "Then we're on to the budget for the year's
Halloween fete."

Hunter pressed his lips together, Oliver's

disappointment cutting deep. The man was an honorary
father to all of them, really.

He was unable to focus on the rest of the meeting and

it passed in a blur. When they broke up, he hurried after
Oliver, needing to explain again why he had vetoed
Forrest's membership. Oliver was on the phone before
he could catch up, heading out the door without stopping
for a drink.

"Master? Would you like your usual?"

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"Not now, Luke. I need to speak to Master Oliver."

He hurried after the man.

Oliver was standing by his Lexus. "...please, Forrest,

calm down. Come to the house and we'll talk."

Hunter stopped and crossed his arms, glaring as he

cleared his throat.

"I'll speak to you later, Forrest. Someone's waiting for

me." Oliver closed the phone, met his gaze. "I'm sorry,
Hunter. I was on the phone. What do you need?"

"I just wanted to make sure you understood that I'm

not being an asshole here. I'm not vetoing him just
because we split up." Oliver's face remained impassive.

"He cheated on me. He fooled around and played me

and then he slept with someone else the night he was
going to sign my contract. Hell, I thought something had
happened to him when he didn't show up. I called the
cops, I called the hospitals, I was desperate and all the
time he was with some other man."

One eyebrow went up. "You're absolutely right. He


"Out with another man and not even the decency to

let me know he wasn't lying dead in the street."

"Men. He was with other men."
Men. God. It had been even worse than he'd thought.

"Then you understand."

"I do. He was young. Flighty. Not terribly bright."
"He played me for a fool, Oliver. He was never

serious, though he let me believe he was. I don't want
another master going through the same pain."

"You made your decision, Hunter, and I'll respect

that. I have to tell you, though, I know exactly where he
was the night you are referring to." Oliver met his eyes.
"He was with me."

Hunter took a half step back, stunned. "He what?"

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"He was with me and Jack, from about three p.m.

until ten, when he left, then he came back at three in the
morning." Oliver unlocked the car door.

"With you and Jack...but... where was he from ten

until three?"

"With you, being accused of cheating, apparently."
"He was with me for maybe an hour of that. He didn't

show up until after eleven and was supposed to be at my
place at seven. Are you covering for him, Oliver? Why
would you do that?" Hunter didn't understand why
Oliver was taking Forrest's side on this.

"Excuse me?" Oliver blinked at him. "Are you

accusing me of malfeasance?"

"No, no. But..." he shook his head. "Oliver, why was

he with the two of you when he should have been with

"Because he was a silly little boy who lost the ring

he'd had made for his master and was hysterical." Oliver
opened his car door. "What's done is done. I do think
that you, perhaps, might look at how easily you accuse
people of wrongdoing."

Then the man slid into his car, closed the door, and

drove away, leaving Hunter standing there. Standing
there and wondering how he was suddenly the bad guy

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Chapter Two

Hunter sat at his table, idly watching the show on

stage. He was tired, and he was grumpy and he felt like
an asshole. He'd called Oliver to apologize, but the
phone had gone to voicemail and Oliver hadn't called
him back. He felt like a fool, a bitter old fool.

This whole thing... Why had Forrest come back?

Why on Earth would he have come back? It'd been
going around and around in his head, driving him crazy.

The front door opened, Oliver coming in, head

rolling on his shoulders. Hunter stood and headed
toward the man. Oliver met his eyes, then looked over at
a table. He nodded, heading to the table, shaking his
head at the offer of a drink from Xavier at the bar.

Oliver looked tired, unhappy. Tense.
"Would you like a drink?"
"No, thank you. I'm waiting for Jack. How are you?"
"I'm a cranky old man. How are you?"
"Having some family problems."
"Oh? I'm sorry to hear that." He truly was. Oliver was

an old, old friend, and he hated that they'd fallen out
over Forrest.

"Jack has a friend who missed a date, and we can't

locate him."

"Oh dear, I hope he's okay. He'll turn up, I'm sure."
"I hope so, too." Oliver offered him a smile. "How is


"Ah, Luke is a sweet boy who found a Master more

suited to him." Hunter shrugged. The boy was sweeter
than sugar, but not the brightest or the most
adventurous, and he'd introduced the boy to Tony.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you two were an item."
"He was a sweet boy, but..." He shrugged. There just

hadn't really been anything there to hold them together.

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Oliver actually chuckled, nodding. "You have to find

the one meant for you."

"MASTER!" Jack's shriek filled the club, the sound

ringing out. "MASTER, HELP!"

Oliver stood, chair falling behind him, and he headed

toward the door at a dead run. Hunter followed, coming
up on Jack right next to Oliver.

"Master. Master, he's in the alley. Oh, God. You have

to come."

Oliver grabbed Jack's arm, then pulled away, hand

covered in dark goo. "Jack?"

"He's dying. I called 911. Please, Master. Please."
"Show us," Hunter demanded, pushing Jack out the

door. All that blood couldn't be good.

Someone was lying in the alleyway, wearing nothing

but a long t-shirt, blood pooling under him. Hunter
could hear the sirens in the distance, but given all that
blood, he didn't think they'd make it. He and Oliver ran
toward the man.

The man cringed back, shuddered. "No more.


"Jesus, Oliver, Someone beat the shit out of this guy."

Hunter turned his attention back to the man. There was
blood everywhere, it had to be coming from somewhere.

"Forrest. Forrest, my Master's here. The ambulance is

coming. You'll be okay, I promise."

Jesus, fuck. It was Forrest.
"Where's the blood coming from?" He had to stop the


"He won't let me touch him." Jack was in tears.
Forrest moaned softly, curled into himself.
"Tell me where it hurts the most, boy." he demanded.

"Where did they cut you?"

Forrest whimpered, hand sliding underneath him.

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Oliver leaned against him. "Get him off the ground,

for God’s sake."

The ambulance lights were there now, the sirens


Hunter shook his head. "We have to be careful. We

don't want to make him worse."

Jack headed out, hollering for the EMTs, Oliver

touching his shoulder. "They're here."

He spoke to Forrest again. "The EMTs are here, boy.

They're going to fix you now."

Forrest sobbed softly. "Go 'way. Leave me alone."
"Shh. You're going to be okay." He found Forrest's

hand, squeezed it and Forrest screamed. He felt the
bones move, the poor thing shattered. Jesus. God. Shit.

The EMTs shoved him out of the way, and he let go

of Forrest's hand, feeling anger surging through him.
"Someone did this to him."

Jack was clinging to Oliver, sobbing. "Oh, God. Oh,


"Are the cops coming?" he demanded. "Did someone

call the cops?" Right on their fucking doorstep.

A police officer appeared, right on cue. "Can

someone tell me what happened?"

"He was supposed to meet us at home three days ago,

but he didn't show. My... Oliver was coming to help me
look for him tonight and I heard him crying."

"Who is he?"
Hunter answered that one. "Forrest Greune."
Oliver flipped his phone open. "I'm calling Frank."
Hunter nodded. "Frank will find who did this."
The EMTs moved Forrest to a gurney and started

wheeling him off.

Hunter followed them. "I'm going with Forrest."

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The EMTs were working hard, putting in IVs, cutting

the shirt off. "Blood loss. Multiple stab wounds. Sexual
assault. Blood pressure dropping."

Jesus fuck. Jesus. Beautiful, flighty, silly, stupid boy

Forrest didn't deserve this. No one did.

Forrest started shaking, legs and arms flailing,

making the whole gurney shake.

"God damn it, do something!" He knew shouting

wouldn't make anyone move any faster or do their jobs
better, but he couldn't help it.

"Sir, please, let us do our jobs." A young man pushed

him away, someone stabbing another needle into

"I'm coming to the hospital with you, though." It

wasn't like Forrest had anyone else.

"That's fine. Are you his partner?"
"I'm a friend. He doesn't have a partner right now."
"Do you have any medical info on him? Blood type,

allergies, illnesses?"

"No. No, I don't." Damn it. He didn't know anything.
He berated himself the entire way to the hospital, not

noticing anything but how pale Forrest was and how
dark the blood was until they arrived at the hospital, the
doctors whisking Forrest away.

Christ. Jesus. Fuck. Hunter started pacing almost


"Sir, can you give us any information?" A nurse came

out with a clipboard.

He knew Forrest's name, his age, his occupation, or at

least what it used to be. But he didn't even know where
Forrest was living. He scrubbed his hand over his face
as he answered "I don't know," to question after

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He'd offered his life to this man once upon a time,

drawn up a contract for them both to sign and now he
didn't even know Forrest's fucking phone number.

Oliver and Jack came barreling through the door.

"How is he? Do we know?"

He shook his head and waved them over. "No news.

But Jack, you might be able to help with the

"Sure. Sure, anything." Jack started rattling off

information. Phone number. Address. No occupation.

Hunter met Oliver's eyes. "Who did this to him?"
"We don't know. His phone is missing, his wallet,

keys. I didn't smell booze. It looks like someone
dropped him off almost six blocks away and he made it
to the Hammer."

"And nobody saw him? Nobody tried to help him?"

Hunter was outraged. Who let someone so obviously
hurt go by without calling 911?

"There were a few witnesses, apparently, but he was

moving pretty fast."

"How on earth he was even on his feet, let alone

moving..." Hunter shook his head, not able to shake the
feeling that this was somehow his fault.

"He told me he was going to Numbers, that club. He

was mad about..." Jack looked at him, then away.
"...stuff, and he wanted to dance. He was supposed to
meet me for lunch two days ago."

So it was his fault. Forrest had been out and upset,

not careful, because of him.

"We should have called Frank then. I simply thought

Forrest was pouting." Oliver sighed, looking old.

Jack stared at Oliver. "I told you, he's grown up. It's

been years for God's sake."

Hunter shook his head. "This is my fault. I'm the one

who didn't think he'd changed."

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"He's a good guy. He is. He just wanted to come

home and buy a house and relax, find Mr. Right." Jack
was fighting tears.

"I thought he'd cheated on me -- on the night we were

going to sign a contract together and I thought he was
out with another man."

"I know." Jack looked at him, lips twisting. "I told

him to go back and tell you the truth, but he said if you
didn't trust him, you wouldn't ever trust him. He was
right. He's not your boy."

Why did that feel like a punch to the gut? Two

punches. Jack didn't play fair. "Maybe not, but I still
wouldn't have wished this on him."

"Of course you didn't." Oliver looked at him. "My

friend, you would never wish that on anyone."

"No, I wouldn't. So how come I feel like it's my fault,


"Blaming people doesn't help." Jack sighed. "I just

want to see him."

"Let's see if they'll tell us anything." Hunter strode

back to the nurses' station.

All they would tell him was that Forrest was in

surgery. That was it. "Please let us know the minute you
have news."

He went back to Oliver and Jack, shook his head.

"He's in surgery."

Jack nodded. "What are they cutting? He was already


"They're probably sewing things up." There had been

so much blood.

"Okay." Jack started pacing again. "I'm staying here

for him. I don't want him to wake up alone."

"He won't. I'll take the first shift. Why don't you let

your master take you home and get cleaned up?"

"You don't have to. I know you don't like him."

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"I think I do have to, Jack."
Jack opened his mouth, and Oliver's fingers wrapped

around the man's wrist. "Jack. Home. You need to

"I will call you the minute I know anything." It was

the least he could do.

"Okay. Okay. Please. Tell him I love him, huh?"
"You'll probably be back before he's even awake."
"Still. If you get to see him, let him know someone

cares." Jack's eyes were like daggers.

"He'll know." Hunter growled; he was someone.
"Thank you." Jack sighed, nodded to Oliver, who

offered him a weak smile. "I'll keep my phone close."

"Go on." He growled again. "I'll hold down the fort


He got a hug, a kiss on the cheek. Then they were

gone. He started pacing again. This just wasn't right.
And there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

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Chapter Three

Hurt. Hurt. He twisted, tasting blood.
"Shh. Shh. Easy, Forrest."
"Don't hurt me. Please." He was sorry. So sorry.
"I'm not going to hurt you. No one's going to hurt


"Leave me alone. Please. I'm sorry."
"You're safe, boy."
He sobbed softly, knowing it was a lie. That was

Hunter's voice. He'd not been safe in Hunter's presence
in years.

"Shh. Don't cry, Forrest. No one's going to hurt you

here. I won't let them."

"Is he awake? Mr. Greune, I'm Officer Daniels, and I

have to ask you some questions."

A hand slid over his arm, holding on.
"I... Please, just leave me alone."
"The police just have a few questions for you,

Forrest. They want to know who hurt you." That was
Hunter again. Why was Hunter here?

"I... There were three guys. I was dancing and they

gave me a beer and I got... I don't know."

"You were drugged, sir. Scopolamine. You were

drugged and attacked. Where were you?"

"N....numbers. A club. Please leave me alone. I'll go,

okay. I shouldn't have come here." He should have never
come home.

"Stop that, Forrest, you're the victim here. You don't

have to go anywhere." Hunter was angry, that made
sense. He was always in trouble with Hunter.

"That's right, and I want to get them. I..." The Officer

hesitated. "Do you remember anything about them?"

"They were white. They were well-dressed. I wasn't

going to date them. I just wanted to dance."

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"Do you remember anything else about them? Some

way to distinguish them from everyone else?" The
Officer's voice was gentle, but insistent.

"They stabbed me. No one else has ever done that


The hand on his arm tightened at his bitter words.
"I'm sorry, sir, but is there anything physically about

them that you can remember?"

He shook his head. No. No, he wasn't going to think

about it. All he remembered was the beating, the
stabbing, the tearing, the pain.

"Are you su--"
"He's had enough, Officer. You can ask him again

when he's feeling better." Listen to Hunter growl. The
man was so angry.

"I'll be back. I won't let these pricks get away."
"Thank you, Officer, we appreciate your diligence."
It wasn't until the door closed that Forrest realized he

hadn't opened his eyes.

"He's gone." Hunter squeezed his arm again. "Jack

and Oliver will be here soon."

"When can I go? Have they said yet?" He was going

to go home, get his suitcase and his passport and go.

"No. You've just had surgery; I don't think they're

discharging you anytime soon."

"Okay." He listened to the sound of the machines.
"Forrest. I... I'm sorry."
"You don't have to stay." He didn't need company.

Not right now.

"I do. Jack'll kill me if I leave you alone." Ah. That

made sense. Hunter wouldn't be here willingly. "I had to
insist he go home with Oliver; he was pretty upset. He
wanted to make sure you knew he wanted to be here."

"He's a good friend." The last one he had left,


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"I'm glad he's been there for you." There was

something odd in Hunter's voice.

He would have nodded, but everything hurt. "Can

you tell me what all they did to me, the doctors?"

"They had to go in and sew you up, give you blood.

You almost bled out."

"They cut my face. Good thing I'm retired."
"I'd like to cut them. Starting with their balls."
"They used condoms. I told them I had AIDS so they


"Jesus." The word was half strangled. "Fucking


He kept his eyes closed. Yes.
"I don't know what to say, Forrest."
"You don't have to say anything." He knew Hunter

believed he deserved it, deserved to be used. He just
didn't think he was strong enough to hear it.

"I feel like I should. Like I should offer you some

sort of comfort; I just can't think that anything I'd say
would make you feel better. I was an asshole to you."

"You aren't my friend, so you don't have to pretend.

I'm sorry I came back. I'm leaving, as soon as they let
me go home, okay? Please leave me alone." He was so

"No, don't run away. It was wrong of me to hold onto

my anger at you. I was a serious jerk and I'm sorry."

"Forrest. Forrest, you're awake. Oh, honey. You're

awake." Oh, he knew that voice. His dear Jack, such a
good friend.

He heard Hunter sigh, and then Jack was leaning

close, not touching but sort of air kissing. "I was so

"Jack, I need to go home. Make Oliver tell them to

release me."

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"I don't think so, Forrest. Oh, honey, you look


"Yeah." The tears were close. Very close. "I need a

nap. Please."

"You want me to sit with you, honey? Master Oliver?

Can I stay?"

Oliver came to him, he could feel the man looking at

him. "The scars are going to be rakish, Forrest. We'll be
right outside the door when you wake up."

The tears did come then, leaking out, stinging the

cuts on his face.

"Don't cry, honey, please!"
"Let him cry, Jack," Hunter said softly. "It's


"Come on, Jack. We'll sit outside, let him rest."
"We're right here if you need us, honey."
The door closed, and Hunter put something in his

hand. "There's the button for the nurse. Use it if you
need it."

"I will." Go away. Please. He just wanted to sleep, for

a month.

Hunter kissed his forehead and then he heard the door


He was alone.
He let himself lie there and hurt and cry.


Hunter left Forrest's room and joined Oliver and Jack.

He leaned against the wall, sighed. Jack glared at him.

Oliver popped Jack in the butt. "Boy, be polite."
"I probably deserve it, Oliver."
"Is he going to be okay?"
"The doctor says he is." Hunter didn't know if it was

true, though, Forrest had seemed so broken.

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"He lost a lot of blood, and the soreness hasn't really

set in yet. It's going to be a harsh week." That was Doc
Manning, face serious as he joined them in the hallway.
Thank God one of their own was here. "Dr. Hallen did a
good job on him."

"When are they going to let him out? He wants to go


Doc shook his head. "There are hundreds of stitches,

tears in his rectum, he lost enough blood that he had
organ failure. Both hands are broken, one arm, one
ankle, and his tailbone. His spleen was torn. Shit, he had
a tear in his throat, for fuck's sake. He'll be in here a few
weeks, then they're going to want him to move into a
nursing facility."

"Jesus Christ." It seemed like he was saying that a lot.

"You make sure they know to spare no expense in taking
care of him, Doc." It was the least he could do.

"Can't we bring him home with us, Oliver?"
Oliver stared at Jack. "My dear boy, you're leaving

for Sydney in two weeks; I have a business trip to New
York planned. We're not medical personnel."

"I'll keep an eye on him, Jack, help him as much as I

can." He wasn't going to abandon Forrest. Too bad that
sentiment was coming too late.

"Does he have any family?" Doc asked.
Jack shook his head. "His mom had breast cancer,

and I've never heard him talk about his dad."

"He left when Forrest was little." At Jack's surprised

look, Hunter growled a little. "I was with the man at one

Jack blushed. "I know. I'm sorry."
"I know I haven't been very good to him since he's

been back, but we were together once."

"Yes, Sir. I just... I'm sorry."

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"Enough. We just have to figure out how to help

Forrest." Oliver was right.

Hunter nodded. "I'll cover his hospital bills. Can the

club help out with the care facility?" He'd offer to do
that himself, too, but he wasn't made of money.

"Forrest has money. A lot of it." Jack shrugged. "He

was like a super model, huh? On billboards and stuff. He
has money."

"That's good. That's that taken care of. If you're going

to be gone, then I'll make sure he gets what he needs,
help out where I can." He felt so responsible.

"I won't make you do that, Hunter." Oliver patted his

arm. "I can call Marcus Goodfellow."

"No. It should be me. I was wrong. I wish someone

had told me the truth of what was going on back then,
but even so, I could have forgiven him." And then this
wouldn't have happened.

"He didn't want me to." Jack sighed. "He said trust

was trust and that it was gone between you."

"I'm not perfect, Jack. Nobody is. Communication is

probably more important than trust, or at least as
important. If I'd known the truth, we could have worked
on the trust and maybe things would have ended
differently." Or not at all.

He could hear sobbing coming from the room, harsh

cries. Doc frowned, "He'll hurt his throat."

"Jack should go talk to him. Calm him." He knew he

wasn't who Forrest wanted to see. "Oliver?"

Oliver looked at him, seriously. "Jack isn't the man's


He looked back for a long moment, and then nodded.

No, Jack wasn't Forrest's master, and neither was Oliver.
Nor was Marcus.

He nodded. "I'll go."

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Jack gaped, but Hunter ignored it and headed in,

Forrest nothing but tears and stitches and bruises.

He grabbed a tissue from the box, whispering 'shh,

shh,' as he did; he didn't want to surprise Forrest. Then
he leaned over the man and gently wiped away the tears.
"Doc says you're going to do damage to your throat, so
you're going to have to stop that now."

"Why are you here?" Forrest sounded like a crow.
"Because I'm your master."
The soft sobs started again, shaking Forrest's body.
"Shh. Stop that now. You're going to hurt yourself."
"I want to go home." Forrest was hooked to a dozen

machines, and as far as he knew, hadn't opened his eyes
yet. The man was going to be in here a long time.

"I'd like to say sure, Forrest. I'd love to be able to

check you out and bring you home, but you were badly
beaten and your body needs to heal, it needs help doing
that. So this is going to be your home for awhile. We'll
help you make it as comfortable as possible."

The tears started again, leaking out from the closed


Hunter wiped them away. "It's okay to cry, just don't

sob, don't hurt your throat."

"I'm thirsty."
That had to be good, right?
There was a cup of ice chips on the table by the bed,

and he grabbed one. "I'm going to rub your lips with
some ice."

"My hands hurt." Forrest almost looked at him.
"They're both broken. They've been set." That was

pretty baldly put, but he didn't think pretending it wasn't
there or hadn't happened would help at all.

Forrest took a sobbing breath. "What else?"

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"Tears in your throat and anus. Your spleen was cut.

They've sewed you back up, casted you. Now it's a
matter of giving your body time to heal."

"Okay." Forrest accepted the ice chips, poor lips

cracked and dry.

He ran a second chip along those poor lips, watching

the droplets slowly wet them.

"Will they bring something for the pain soon?"
Hunter reached over, pushed the button on the drip.

They'd told him that it was a 'push as you need it'
machine. "It shouldn't take long for that to kick in."

"Thank you. Why are you here?" Forrest shifted,

rocking himself, moaning.

"Shh. Shh. Don't move. Just lie there, okay?"
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The pale cheeks were


"This isn't your fault."
Forrest was muttering, crying, restless.
"Are you in pain? You can have more drugs if you


The door opened, the nurse coming in, the man tall

and thin. "Hey, there. Is he awake? I need to check

"He's awake. He's hurting, crying."
"Well, let's get the pain down, okay? Are you thirsty?

Maybe some juice?"

Forrest groaned. "I want to go home."
"God, I hear you." Forrest got a grin. "Me, too, but I

have to work. Name's Terrance, man. Me and Ginny,
we're your team right now."

"I'm Hunter. I'm sure you’ll be seeing a lot of me."
"Hey, Hunter." Terrance nodded to him. "You have a

police officer waiting to speak with you, Forrest, when
you're ready. He left his number."

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"When he's ready, right? No one's going to

interrogate him." Anymore than they already had.

"No. No, when he's ready. They just want to find the

bastards that hurt you, man. You're not on trial."

"Yeah, sorry. He's just hurting right now." And

Hunter was feeling a little overprotective.

"I know. I'm going to check your catheter. It

shouldn't hurt at all, okay?"

Hunter wrapped his hand around Forrest's arm. "I'm

right here."

"I'm sorry. I know you don't want to."
"No, that's not true. This is just where I want to be."
Forrest sobbed softly, shaking his head.
"No. Stop that. Please. I told you I was sorry, that I

made a mistake." He didn't want to make it harder on

"You hate me."
"I don't. Truly." He didn't. If he hated anyone right

now, it was probably himself.

"Okay, Forrest, I'm going to check your incisions,

okay?" Terrance lifted the blankets, checked the
bandages, as soon as Forrest nodded. Hunter appreciated
how the man made it seem like Forrest had a choice.

Hunter bit back his sigh. This was going to be a long

haul; he needed to deal.

"Looking good. Sore, though."
"Can we do more for him, Terrance? For the pain?"
"I'll speak to the doctor on duty, see what we can do."

Terrance met his eyes. "We have to make sure his
organs don't get too depressed by the drugs. That way
lies renal failure and pneumonia."

"Depressed? His organs?"
"That's what the pain meds do, make things work


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"Ah, I see. Well, there's alternative methods of pain

relief. I can look into it." The club had so many
resources at their fingertips.

"That would be fabulous. Still, right now I'll get the

doctor to get him some relief."

"Thanks, Terrance, we appreciate it."
"That's what I'm here for."
He nodded, squeezing gently on Forrest's arm.

Forrest didn't say a word, and he looked over. Forrest
was asleep. He gave a sigh of relief. God, this was hard.

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Chapter Four

Forrest listened to people coming in and out,

touching his bandages, changing his IV. Forrest didn't
care. He didn't care about anything.

Hunter's fingers wrapped around his arm, the only

point of warmth in the whole room. "Hey, Forrest. How
are you doing today?"

"I want to go home." His throat hurt, his voice almost


"I know, boy. Not today. How about some ice?"
A cold ice chip was rubbed along his lower lip, back

and forth, water slowly dripping. He opened up,
moaning softly. Please. The ice chip slid in, touching his
tongue, melting on it.

"More?" Another ice chip bathed his lips and then

slid into his mouth.

"Thank you." He wasn't sure why Hunter was still


"Anything you need, boy."
He cracked his eyes open, dared to take a peek at


The man was a fucking stud, chiseled jaw, piercing

eyes, the whole nine yards. And there was a softness
there now, a kindness, worry.

"Hey, look at you." Hunter gave him a small smile.
"Hey. I. What day is it?"
"It's Tuesday. Is that what you meant, boy?"
"Yeah. Maybe. How long have I been here?"
"Five days now. How are you feeling?"
"I hurt. I want up."
"That's going to hurt more. Just stay where you are

and stay calm. There's a button here that you press if you
need more pain meds." Something was put next to his

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elbow, above where his cast ended. "You should be able
to get it with your elbow there, but let me know if you
can't and we'll help you out when you need it."

"Okay. Are you leaving?"
"No, no. I'll be here for a few more hours. Then Jack

will come."

He sighed. Jack fussed and made him tired. He loved

Jack and would never say no, but the man exhausted

"What's wrong, Forrest?"
"What's not wrong? I'm hurt, I'm scarred, I'm scared

and tired. I can't do this anymore! I want out! I need out
of here!" He started screaming, or trying to. His voice
wasn't his anymore.

"Shh. Shh. Please, Forrest, you'll hurt your throat."
He banged himself with the casts, beating at himself.

"Why didn't they kill me?"

"Stop that!" Hunter held his arms, stopping him.


He screamed again, and nurses were there, doctors,

needles pushing into his IV.

"Just relax, Forrest, please."
"I'm so scared..." Something hit him and his eyes

rolled, the room spinning. "Oh, God."

"It's okay to be scared. I have your back." Nurses

were still messing with him, so he just stared at Hunter,
willing the man to not lie to him. Hunter stared back,
holding his gaze. "I'm right here and I'm not going to
abandon you."

"You don't like me." Hunter hadn't ever liked him.
"That's not true. I've been a bastard to you since

you've been back, and I was wrong."

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I tried so hard, but I was

young, silly. I never cheated. Not once. Never once."

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"I know that now. Wish you'd said something then."

Hunter smiled wryly.

"No. You didn't trust me. We didn't need to sign a


"No, not a contract then, but we could have worked

through it. You didn't trust me enough to tell me the

"No, I didn't."
Hunter took a deep breath. "Now we can start over."
"No one will ever want me again. We don't have to


"That's the pain talking."
"I don't want to lie about it. I'm going to go home and

get my passport, get the fuck away from here."

"It's going to be a long while before that can happen,

Forrest. And I'll be here for you. Right here with you."
Hunter managed to sound so sincere.

A scratching came at the window, and he winced.

More photographers. "Tell me the blinds are closed

"They are. No one who doesn't belong here is

allowed in."

The papers had already snuck a few photos, had even

sent a guy in dressed as a nurse. Marcus Goodfellow had
been there, then, and Hunter had come within minutes.
There was nothing like two tops in full protection mode.
It had been... impressive.

Forrest took a deep, deep breath, the world spinning

around him. His casts hit the sides of the bed as he tried
to hold on.

"Just keep breathing, Forrest. Let me worry about

everything else, okay? You'll have plenty of time for
that later."

"The room is moving."
"That's the drugs. Just enjoy the ride."

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"You'll stay here, hold the bed?"
"I will stay right here and make sure you and the bed

stay grounded."

"Okay." His eyes closed again, everything swinging

in slow circles.

He felt Hunter's hand on his arm, heard the man's low

murmurs, though he couldn't quite focus enough to hear
the actual words.

Eventually he floated away, somewhere safe, where

no one wanted to hurt him.


The days all kind of melted one into the other.
Hunter had left his business in the capable hands of

his assistant and his accountant, so he could spend his
time with Forrest. A lot of the guys from the club came
to spell him, but once Jack left for his assignment in
Australia, it was mostly just him.

He couldn't help but think that if he hadn't been such

an asshole, Forrest would have been at the Hammer
instead of out at the club where he'd been beaten. This
was Hunter's penance -- his way of making it up to

Forrest was healing, slowly. They had the man in

physical therapy, had the catheter out.

He was worried about Forrest's emotional recovery,

though, and with Jack gone, Forrest had very few
friends here. Hell, Hunter was pretty sure that Forrest
had very few friends, period, thanks to the vagabond
lifestyle the model had lived.

Forrest only opened his eyes if he had to. The man

talked to the police, looked at pictures, did therapy, then
went back to the silent breathing. The doctors were

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beginning to talk about medicating him further, giving
him psychotropics.

Hunter was going to have to get through to Forrest

before he wound up spending the rest of his life

He picked up breakfast at the little diner near his

place and drove to the hospital, determined to get
through to the man today.

"Good morning, Forrest."
"Hey." The dark circles under Forrest's eyes were

huge, black.

"Hey. You're looking tired today."
"I am. They're going to take the stitches out of my

face and chest today." Forrest was listless, almost like he
didn't care.

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"
"They itch, so yeah. I just told them I don't want to


"You're going to have to face yourself sooner or later.

And I bet it looks worse in your imagination." The scar
was going to be deep, obvious, slicing Forrest's cheek,
but Hunter thought it might actually make the man look
more attractive, less doll-like. More unique, memorable.
"I'll come with you -- moral support."

Forrest sighed, nodded. "If you want to watch. I

don't. I want the casts off. I can't do shit until they're

"They'll come off as soon as you've healed enough.

Until they do, I'll help you."

Forrest looked at him for just a second, and he could

see the hysterical fit, hiding right there.

He put his hand on Forrest's chest, pressed just

enough that he was sure Forrest could feel it. "I'm right
here, boy, and I'm not going anywhere. You are going to
lean on me."

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"You used to call me boy, back when you meant it."
"I don't use the term unless I do mean it." And he did.

He meant it.

"I'm not anybody's anymore."
"Until you're well again, you're mine." It would make

Forrest's life easier, and that's what he wanted to do.

Forrest looked at him, then sighed. "Eat your


"Our breakfast. I brought some for you, too."
"I'm not hungry."
Right. If Forrest didn't start eating, the man's skin

was going to fall off.

"Eat anyway." He sat down and opened the bag. "I've

got a cheese bagel."

Forrest leaned back, ignoring him, eyes closed.
"I also have a bacon sandwich. With avocado." He

knew that was Forrest's favorite.

Forrest's eyes opened. "Yeah?"
"Yes." He pulled the sandwich out and tore off a

mouthful, offering it to Forrest.

It felt like a victory, when Forrest opened up for him.

Smiling, he popped the bite between Forrest's lips.

Forrest moaned, eyes closing as he chewed. "Oh,


"It's good, huh?" He broke off another bit and handed

that over, too.

"Uh-huh." Forrest chewed, so slowly.
Hunter waited patiently until the man swallowed and

then gave him another piece.

"The avocado is so fresh."
"Yeah." He got three more bites into Forrest before

the man started protesting. "How about just the rest of
the avocado?" He pulled the slice out from what was left
of the sandwich and slipped it between Forrest's lips.

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"So good." He nodded at Forrest's words -- soft, ripe,

with a hint of salt from the bacon, it was probably
delicious and easy on the man's stomach.

"I figure the food here leaves a little to be desired."

He finished the sandwich off himself -- he'd find
something new for lunch. There was that soup place just
around the corner. "I brought some movies, too."

That actually got a flicker of interest. "You did?"
"Yeah. I've got a couple action flicks and some

romantic comedies."

"Nothing scary, though?"
"Nope. Not a one." Scary movies gave Forrest

nightmares. He used to be shy about it, but Hunter had
soon discovered that fact.

"Thank you." He got a shaky grin. "The nightmares

are bad enough."

"Do you want to talk about them?"
"No. No, I can't."
"Are you sure? It might help." He would be here for


"The knife didn't hurt as much as when they did my


The words surprised him. "I'm sorry," he said softly.

"I wish I had been there for you."

"I'm glad you weren't. There were more of them.

They would have hurt you."

"They're cowards." It made him so angry to think

about them.

"They didn't seem very scared at the time."
"Because they were in a pack. None of them would

have taken you on if they'd been on their own. Even two
on you. Asshole cowards." He wanted to find them and
do to them exactly what they'd done to Forrest.

"The knife felt cold."

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He squeezed Forrest's arm. "You felt cold. When we

found you."

"I had to get home, but the club was the only thing I


"It's your home."
Forrest stopped, looked at him, eyes clear. "Not


"It is. I'm taking back my veto." He would do so

much more than just that, given the chance.

"I don't need a sympathy membership. I wasn't good

enough to come in before I'm definitely not good
enough now." Forrest lifted his chin. "I'm not... I'm
broken. I get it."

"You're not broken, Forrest. And I know things about

you now that I didn't know then."

"That I'm a worthless, selfish asshole who deserves

whatever he gets?" Forrest's hysteria was ramping up.

"Stop that, boy." He put his hand on Forrest's chest

again, pressing a little harder than he had last time.
"Don't you put words in my mouth. And nobody, not
anybody, deserves what happened to you."

"I didn't ask for it. They put something in my drink."
"You see? Cowards. You aren't, though, and you're

going to get through this and have a good life and you're
going to show them."

Forrest started crying, chest pushing into his hands.

"Why didn't they just kill me?"

"They thought they had, Forrest." He grabbed

Forrest's face with his free hand, wiping away the tears.
"And I'm glad they didn't. You have a life to be here

"I never did it." Forrest met his eyes. "I loved you. I

never once thought about another man when we were

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"I know that now. I wish you'd told me then, but I'm

sorry I didn't trust you enough to not go there in the first

"It was for the best. I learned a lot."
"Maybe, but if I'd known the truth, I never would

have voted against you joining the Hammer."

Forrest shook his head. "I don't belong there

anymore. I know that now. I know."

A nurse came in. "It's time to take out stitches,

Forrest. Are you ready?"

"He's ready." Hunter leaned in to whisper. "This

discussion isn't over."

Forrest turned to meet his eyes, the man's lips

accidentally brushing his. Electricity shot through
Hunter, shocking him, his own lips parting on a
surprised gasp.

He didn't believe that.
He licked his lips, holding Forrest's gaze. If the nurse

hadn't been there to take out the stitches... He backed off
slowly, pulling the chair close to the bed so he could be
near if Forrest needed him.

"We'll do the chest first, then the belly. Then your

cheek, okay? I'm going to give you a boost on the pain

"Ah, the good stuff that sends him flying." Hunter

touched the top of his arm again.

She nodded, smiled. "There's no reason for this to be

awful, huh?"

"You ready, Forrest?" Hunter was right there, hoping

to be something warm and solid for Forrest.

"No." Forrest was blinking, nice and slowly.
"Should she do it anyway?"
"Uh-huh. It'll make the itching better, won't it?"

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"It will." Hunter squeezed his arm again. "Let's get it


Forrest leaned back, eyes closed as the scissors,

bandages and tweezers came out. When the coverings
came off the stitches, Hunter forced himself not to
wince. He watched every stitch as it came out; he
refused to look away. The poor skin was red, the scars
deep, but healing. He wanted to touch them, make them
his, ease him. It was rather amazing, really, that Forrest
was still alive, still breathing.

"Oliver's right, you're going to look very rakish."
"At least I was retired already."
Hunter couldn't help but agree. The modeling world

would have turned their backs on Forrest the second this
happened. Luckily, that wasn't a factor.

The nurse smiled at Forrest. "I think that the scar on

your cheek will be sort of mysterious, and the pull
should be so much better with the stitches out."

"Mysterious, I like that. What do you think, Forrest?

Ready to be mysterious?"

Forrest shook his head. "I just don't want to see it."
"You don't have to today." Eventually Forrest would,

though. He would have to face it.

The nurse gave Forrest a sympathetic look. "Okay,

chest is done. I'm going to bandage that up, then

"You're doing great." Hunter wished there was more

that he could do, something more than spouting out stuff
like 'you're doing great.'

"I think that you should take a walk today. Go to the

courtyard. Get some sun." The nurse patched up
Forrest's chest.

"We could do that." He nodded. It was a great idea.

"It's a beautiful day."

"I just want to stay in here."

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"You can't hide forever, Forrest." This was something

he could do. He could keep Forrest from hiding away.

"Until they let me out."
The nurse shook her head, and Hunter nodded at her

in agreement before replying. "No, I think we should go
out. You need to walk, get a bit of exercise. The sun will
feel amazing on your skin."

"I said no."
Oh, he remembered that stubborn set of the lips. It

was still arousing.

"And I said we're doing it." He still remembered

Forrest's safeword, too.

"Fuck you." And that wasn't it.
"There's a pretty lady working on your stitches,


Forrest sighed. "She's heard worse."
"That doesn't mean you want her to hear it from you."

He kissed the side of Forrest's face that wasn't scarred.

"No. I don't suppose so." Forrest actually opened his

eyes. "You kissed me."

"Yes, I did." He'd like to do it again, too.
Forrest didn't close his eyes. He held that gaze, not

flinching away from the scars at all.

It took about twenty minutes, and more than a couple

of winces from Forrest, but then the stitches were out.

Hunter smiled when the nurse was done.

"Congratulations -- your stitches are out! Well done."

"Thanks." Forrest closed his eyes again.
He gave the nurse a nod. "Thank you." Then he made

a wheelchair motion, and she nodded back.

He was going to get Forrest outside one way or the

other, and he had a hunch the threat of the wheelchair
would have the man walking. The catheter was out now,

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and Forrest had a soft cast on one leg, but he could bear

"So, what do you say to a walk -- test out your legs."
"I'm staying in here."
"You can walk out that door with me, or you can get

wheeled out. Your choice."

"I said no." Forrest glared at him. "You don't get to

tell me what to do. Maybe I'm a Dom now, you know?
You never even asked me."

He managed not to let his lips twitch. Just. "Are


"Am I what?"
"A Dom now."
"Absolutely. I'm all Toppy now. Grr."
He was going to spank Forrest's ass. "And I'm a sub

just waiting to roll over and let you spank me."

Oh, God. That was a laugh. An honest, real laugh. He

grinned, enjoying the sound, so very much.

"Come on, boy. Let's go get you some sunshine."
"You swear you won't let anybody bother me?"
He stood up, let his chest fill with air. "No one comes

anywhere near you."

"Okay. One walk." Forrest looked at him. "I trust


Hunter drew in a deep breath at the words. "I won't

let you down." Never again.

He helped Forrest put on his robe, and they headed

outside for a walk.

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Chapter Five

All of the machines were unplugged, now, and they

were trying to decide where to send him. He'd been in
the hospital for three and a half weeks and all that was
left were the casts.

Forrest just wanted to go home. Go pack. Run away.
The door to the room opened, and Forrest sighed.

"Hunter, you have got to sleep. You're ear..."

The flash bulb of the camera hurt his eyes, and he

tried to scream as best he could with his ravaged throat.

The door slammed closed, Hunter growling. "I'm

gonna sue the fucking hospital if they can't get the
security together to keep those jackals away."

"Hunter." His voice was a croak.
"Shh. Forrest. You're going to ruin your voice for

good if you keep yelling like that." Hunter grabbed his
glass and dug out an ice-chip, popping it in his mouth.

"They won't leave me alone. I don't want to go to the

nursing home."

"Then you come home with me."
"I hate the hospital and this stupid bed, and I...

what?" What had Hunter said?

"I said you can come home with me."
"But..." He shook his head. "Why?" He knew Hunter

didn't hate him anymore. He knew it, but not hating
someone and helping them wipe their ass and wash
themselves was something else altogether.

"Because I care about you, about what happens to


"I... I can't. I need help with...stuff." Bathing.

Shaving. Eating. Stuff. Everything.

"I know. Which is why you can't just go home on

your own."

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"But..." Wait. Were they having the same


Hunter folded his arms across his chest. "But what?"
"You can't want to take care of me."
"But I do. We can hire a nurse, make sure you have

everything you need."

"I want to go home. I want to sleep in a real bed."
"Then it's settled. I'll let the staff know and they can

get the paperwork done and finally spring you." Hunter
smiled at him, like everything was settled.

"I. Is your... I mean, is it safe there?"
"It is. The police patrol it regularly. The windows are

double-paned and the doors are thick and I'm not going
to let anyone hurt you."

"My apartment isn't safe. They took my wallet. They

have all my information." He knew Hunter knew this.
Someone had changed the locks, cancelled his credit

"They have no clue where I live. You'll be safe


"Okay. I just want to sleep in a real bed."
"As soon as we can arrange it." Hunter looked at his

tray of food. "Did you eat any of that?"

"No. The nurse hasn't been in, and I'm not hungry."
"Good thing I brought you a breakfast sandwich from

the diner then." Hunter hoisted a bag he hadn't even
noticed the man was carrying.

"You..." Oh, God. Yes. Please. "Avocado?"
"And bacon." Hunter beamed at him, setting the

sandwich on the table in front of him and unwrapping it,
then holding one half to his lips.

It smelled heavenly, and Forrest ate eagerly. So good.
Hunter smiled. "It's nice to see you with an appetite."
"I love these sandwiches. Thank you."

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"You're welcome. They put the hospital food to

shame, that's for sure." Hunter ate some of what looked
like an egg and bacon sandwich. "And they're easy
enough to make at home that I won't have to go out to
the diner every morning to feed you."

God, he was a huge time suck like that. "I'll make it

up to you."

"All you have to do is heal."
"I will." He'd heal and go as fast as he could.
"So you think they'll spring you today if we tell them

we know where you're going?"

"I hope so. I want out." He needed out.
"Yeah, I can see you're going a little stir crazy. Lots

of room at my place, nice private garden, too."

"I just want to sleep in a real bed." Everything hurt.

He knew he was harping on it, knew he was whining,
but he just couldn't himself. He wanted out of the
hospital and to sleep and sleep until everything went

"One of the nurses recommended a memory foam

bed. She said it would help ease you."

"Don't you have a guest room with a bed in it?

There's no reason to go to the trouble of buying a new

"It's no trouble, and you need to be comfortable."

Hunter seemed to have an answer for everything.

"You know I'm trouble." That probably hadn't


Hunter chuckled, nodded. "I think maybe I could use

a little trouble in my life."

"What... what if they come?"
"Then we call the cops and they go to jail."
"What if they hurt you?"
"They aren't going to hurt me. They aren't going to

hurt you. You -- we -- will be safe at my place."

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Forrest didn't believe it. He wasn't safe here anymore,

but he wasn't going to argue.

Hunter reached out to him, rubbed along his lower

lip. "You had a smudge."

"Thank you. I want my hands back."
"You'll get them back. You'll need to be patient."
"I'm not good at that." Patience was not his strong

suit. It never had been.

"Then this will be a good lesson." Hunter smiled

gently. "You take the good that you can find."

He leaned to sip from his straw, the orange juice

watered down.

"We should go for a walk when you've finished that


He wasn't sure why Hunter always had a hard-on for

making him get up and go.

"Don't give me that look. It's good for you."
"I didn't say anything." Butthead.
"You didn't have to say it with words."
He flushed. Hunter always did pay very good


"Come on, let's go to the garden. It's another beautiful


"Okay. Can you help me with my robe?"
"Of course. Although I do like the view without it."
"Stop it. No flirting." It pleased him though, didn't it?
"Me? Flirt?"
"You." They got his robe on, his slippers. "I'm

throwing these clothes away when I leave."

"I picked up a few things for you for when you come

home. Soft sweats and t-shirts, cozy hoodies."

"I can write you a check. I mean, I can't, because I

can't hold a pen, but..."

"Don't worry about it, Forrest."

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"I have to. I don't want you thinking I'm just taking

advantage of you." That was one of the things Hunter
had accused him of, way back when, taking advantage
of Hunter's money, Hunter's goodwill.

"I don't think that." Hunter checked the door. "Looks

like the coast is clear."

"Okay." He headed out, refusing to look at himself in

the bathroom mirror on the way. He had a beard and
mustache going now, and he thought that would work.

Hunter put an arm on his back and led him from the

room out into the hospital corridor. They headed right
out to the courtyard, to the sunshine. Hunter stood for a
moment, eyes closed, face tilted up toward the day.

Forrest let himself admire. Still beautiful. The man

was still beautiful.

"Feels good out here, doesn't it?"
He nodded, then headed over to the bench. Somehow

he'd gotten old. Hunter joined him, arm coming around
his shoulders.

To his utter shock, his eyes filled with tears. "Please

let me go home with you?"

"I've already said you can -- that you will." Hunter

squeezed his shoulders.

He nodded, kept his eyes closed.
"I know it's hard to believe right now, but it's going

to be all right. You are going to be all right."

"I don't think so."
"I do." Like Hunter believed just saying it would

make it true.

Forrest sighed softly. "Then that'll have to be enough,

for now."

"It's something to build on, hmm?"
"Yes. Yes, it is."

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Chapter Six

Hunter's place was a huge split-level on a nice piece

of land. Open and airy, every room had large windows
either looking out onto a lovely front yard with its old,
large trees, or out onto the back yard with its gazebo,
little pond, pool, rock garden, flower beds and large
vegetable patch at the very back. There were also fruit
trees, lilacs, and several tall elms, the yard backing onto
a patch of wild land. His nearest neighbors were more
than an acre away on either side.

It was nice and private.
His master suite was large and only up four stairs, but

he had a ramp installed anyway to make things easier for
Forrest. He also put the new bed in his bedroom next to
his own king size bed. It would be easier for them both
if he could be right there to help Forrest in the middle of
the night and he had a hunch that any suggestion that
they share his king would be rebuffed.

There were bouquets everywhere -- Hunter thought

that every single member of the Hammer had sent one,
all wishing Forrest congratulations for getting out of the
hospital and offering help, should it be needed. They'd
been coming in for a couple of days, and Hunter knew
that Forrest would be touched when he saw them.

He pulled his car up to a stop next to the stone path to

the front door and turned off the engine. Forrest didn't
have any luggage -- he and Oliver had moved Forrest's
things in the day before, and had gone shopping together
for soft, easy to get into clothing for the man.

"Here we are," he said as he shut the engine off,

turning to give Forrest a smile.

"Oh, Hunter... it's beautiful. You did so well."

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It was worth being outside the city, to have this.

"Thanks. I sold a couple of web businesses. Built my
dream house."

Forrest nodded. "I was going to buy a house."
"Yeah?" He got out and went around to open

Forrest's door for him, offer the man help getting out.

"Yeah. That's why the apartment just had boxes. No

furniture, really."

"We moved those into the guest room here for you.

Oliver spoke to the landlord and took care of breaking
the lease for you so you weren't wasting money on rent
for an apartment you aren't using."

He helped Forrest up and then put his hand in the

small of the man's back as they went up the walk to the
front door.

"I... you did? So they don't know where I am at all


"That's right. They've got no way to trace you back

here." A small silver lining in his attitude toward Forrest
-- no one outside of the Hammer would connect them.

"Okay." They got Forrest in, the house serene, quiet.

It felt good having Forrest here.

"Would you like the tour or do you need a break?"

The trip home was the longest Forrest had been out of

"I need a bathroom."
"We'll go to the closest; it's just off the hall."
He locked the door behind them, turned off the alarm

and led Forrest to the bathroom just off the hall.

They had a rhythm going with this from the hospital,

thank God, because he'd hate to have to fight the man.
He tugged Forrest's sweats down and helped him ease
onto the seat, then did his best to ignore Forrest as
business was taken care of. Forrest stood and Hunter
took care of redressing him.

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"I'm sorry."
Forrest looked at him, opened his lips.
Hunter put his fingers across them. "I said hush."
Forrest blinked at him, lips closing.
"There you go. No more apologizing for shit you

can't change, and you've said thank you so you don't
need to keep saying that either, got it? Nod if you do."
His finger stayed right where it was across Forrest's lips.

Forrest nodded, eyes fastened on his.
He smiled slowly. "Excellent."
Forrest was still the most beautiful man he'd ever


For a long moment they stayed, just like that. Then,

as his finger dropped away, Forrest swayed slightly.
"You're tired. Quick tour and bed? Or would you like to
set up in the front room on the couch?"

"Bed. Please. My head hurts."
"Okay. You need to make sure you let me know

about stuff like that. There's no reason for you to be
suffering." He put his arm around Forrest's shoulders,
gently leading him to the ramp up to the master suite.

"This... this is your room, isn't it?"
"Yeah. I didn't see the point of putting you at the

other end of the house where I might not hear you. I put
your bed with the special mattress in here."

He'd offer to share his bed, but he imagined Forrest

would say no. Besides, any movement on his part was
likely to cause pain for Forrest, at least for the next little

"Oh, Hunter..." Forrest shook his head. "I'm so


"What did I say about saying you're sorry?" He

growled, helped Forrest down onto his new bed. "And
what are you sorry for now anyway?"

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"Interfering with your life so much. Your sub has to

be blind with jealousy."

Hunter shook his head. "I broke it off with Luke

some time ago."

"It wasn't my fault?" Forrest settled immediately,

moaning. "Oh, God..."

"No, we finished before... before you were attacked."

Then Hunter chuckled. "So much better than that
hospital bed, isn't it?" He'd laid in the damn thing
himself before buying it, making sure it was worth the

"Uh-huh." Forrest looked blissful. That was it. He

was buying one in king size.

"Here's the remote that controls the TV, cable box

and blue ray player. There's also a sound system and it's
hooked up to the computer so you can play anything off
of my iTunes. There's a stack of magazines on the little
table here, and an iPad with a bunch of books. Order
whatever you want off Amazon -- I have an account
with them."

He pointed to the door about eight feet from Forrest's

bed. "The bathroom is over there. The sunroom is
through the door on the other side of my bed. There's a
super comfy couch there, a little fireplace. There's a
phone here on the table, and the intercom button will
reach me wherever I am if you need me and I'm not

"So much trouble. I'm so much trouble for you."
"Forrest, I didn't have to have you here. There were

institutions you could have recovered in, several
members offered to have you at their places, and you
could have hired twenty-four seven home care for
yourself at your place. I offered. I chose to have you
here. If you were too much trouble, I wouldn't have done

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"I wanted to be here." The admission was soft,

offered gently.

"So it's what we both want. That means you don't

keep apologizing or worrying about putting me out."

Forrest nodded to him, smiled.
He touched Forrest's arm. "Now are you hungry or

anything? There is a nurse coming in for a few hours
every day, just to help with logistics and physio and to
make sure I'm not screwing stuff up, but he doesn't start
until tomorrow."

"Can you... Just... Stay in here until I fall asleep?"
"I can." He pointed to Forrest's bed. "I can sit with


"Please." Forrest moved over.
He sat next to Forrest, careful not to bump the man as

he lay back, head against the edge of Forrest's pillow.
"Shit, this is comfortable, isn't it?" It sort of swallowed
his body up, cradled it.

"Mmmhmm." Forrest took a deep breath, let it out,

then snuggled into him.

Hunter held himself stiff for a moment, surprised,

and then relaxed, warmth going all through him. It felt
so good, so right.

Now he just had to figure out how to make it work.


Forrest slept for days. The bed was comfortable, the

house was quiet, and no one came to bother him except
the nurse who came daily. It was amazing. Hunter woke
him up for food, the most wonderful fresh sandwiches
and cold juice that had actual flavor.

One morning he woke up on his own -- really woke

up -- and he went to the door that opened to the

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courtyard, wanting to see the sunshine, smell the

Hunter was already up, out there, dressed in loose

black pants, and he went through what looked like a
series of katas, moving slowly, gracefully, powerfully.

Forrest tried to back up, quietly, not wanting to be in

the way.

"You can join me if you like."
"I... I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to interrupt. I just woke


"No, it's fine. Come and sit or join me. It's a gorgeous


"It is." He headed over, sat. "What are you doing?"

That was new.

"Tai Chi. Helps me start the day right."
"When did you learn that?"
"About three years ago. I was working like a madman

on a new venture and it was stressing me out badly. This
forces me to slow down, to relax for a bit."

He leaned back and watched, eyes half-closed as he

soaked up the sun.

"This might be a good thing for you to take up to help

you recover, get back in shape."

"You think? I'm not feeling graceful."
"I wasn't to start with." Hunter made a few more

movements. "It's about learning grace, not necessarily
starting with it."

He'd been graceful, sort of. Once. He wasn't sure he'd

ever feel like this body was his, ever again.

"You want to start with a few breathing exercises?"
"I..." What kind of an ass would he be to say no after

all Hunter had done for him? "Sure. Okay. I'll try." He
held up his still-casted hands. "So long as I don't need

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"No. You can do it sitting if you like." Hunter settled

next to him, sitting straight upright.

"Okay. I can sit." He tried to straighten, the scars

pulling a little.

"Close your eyes."
That was easy. He was safe here. Safe.
"Now breathe in." Hunter's voice was low, soft, deep.
He took a shaky breath in. It seemed like it had been

a long time.

"That's it. Hold it a moment. And now out again."
Forrest released the air, almost gasping a bit from it.
Hunter's hand landed on his back. "Easy, easy. Now

breathe in again, nice and slowly, feel your lungs expand
against my hand."

He inhaled, let his chest move.
"There, like that. Hold it... and out again, slowly."
They breathed together, in and out, deep and slow.
"There you go. Just like that. The first step."
In. Out. In.
He moaned softly, body relaxing.
"Very good. You're a quick learner." Hunter's voice

was hypnotic.

He started to respond, but it was hard work, to push

the words past his ruined throat.

"Shh. Don't say anything, just breathe."
Just breathe. He could do that. Time went away,

disappeared, leaving him quiet, floating, limbs heavy.

"Just keep breathing -- you've got the rhythm now."
Suddenly, a feeling of pure, unadulterated panic hit

him, his eyes flying open, his heart racing.

Hunter turned to him, the hand on his back warm.

"Forrest? What just happened?"

"I. I have to. I can't. I. Oh, God." He couldn't breathe.

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"Breathe, Forrest, you were doing great -- just keep

breathing." Hunter stared at him for a moment and then
leaned in and brought their lips together softly.

He sobbed once. They'd hurt him. Ruined him.

Broken him. And now Hunter was being good to him,
when he wasn't any good to anyone. God had a vicious
sense of humor.

Leaning their foreheads together, Hunter whispered,

"Shh, it's all right," the words blowing softly against his

"It isn't. It never will be again." He whispered the

words against Hunter's lips. "They should have finished
the job."

"No, boy. Don't you ever say that. You're going to

heal. You're going to have a good life."

"I'm ruined." There. It was said.
His eyes opened, the single word surprising him,

making him laugh.

Hunter smiled, nodded at him. "That's better."
"You're still a big dork." And Forrest was afraid he

still was in love.

"I'm the big dork who made you laugh, though."
"You are." He dared to lean in, kiss Hunter's cheek.
Hunter turned his head, their lips landing together.
Oh. Oh, please. He didn't pull back; he let their lips

rest together. Hunter's eyes stared into his own, then the
warm lips against his moved, slowly, softly, but
undeniably. He took in one shaky breath, not sure he
believed this. One of Hunter's hands came up, gently
pushed the hair from his face. Those fingers slid over his
beard, his cheeks.

The kisses stayed gentle, one following the other like

drops of rain on the parched ground. When Hunter lifted

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him, so gentle, so careful, to bring him inside, it felt like
the most natural thing ever.

Hunter carried him into the living room, settling him

on the couch. "Are you hungry?"

"I don't know." He was floating.
"You probably are. You slept the night through.

Again." Hunter smiled.

"It's easy to rest here."
"Good. I want you to rest, to heal."
He nodded. "Can we have something awful for us?

Pancakes and bacon?"

"Mmm. That sounds good, doesn't it?"
He nodded. He wanted something decadent.
"You're on. We'll do pancakes and bacon smothered

in syrup."

"With butter."
Hunter chuckled. "With loads of butter."
He nodded. "God, yes. I haven't had pancakes in...

ten years."

"Shit, really?"
"Yeah. Diet. You remember." It had been a thing.
"I do. I just didn't realize you'd not broken it ever."
"Discipline. It's a thing." He sighed, looked down. "I

know you didn't think so, but I have some."

"Yes, I can see that now." Hunter turned his chin

back up, looking into his eyes. "A new beginning for us,
okay? Leaving the assumptions of the past behind."

He thought about it, but even if it was a mistake, they

deserved to let the old crap go. "A new beginning."

Hunter nodded, hands warm on his arms.
"With pancakes."
Hunter put his head back and laughed. Forrest

winked, his chuckles joining in.

"Come on. You can sit and watch me make you


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Now that was a surprise to him. "Since when do you


"I can manage pancakes and bacon."
Forrest would pay to see that.
Hunter picked him up again, carrying him into the

large, airy kitchen.

He leaned hard, watching. "You have a great house."
"I know." Hunter smiled. "I got lucky, really. Made a

shitload of money -- enough to build this." Hunter set
him down gently in one of the padded chairs in the
breakfast nook corner of the room.

"I get that." Hunter looked at him, and he shrugged.

"I made a good, good living. Enough to retire."

"Feels good, doesn't it?"
"It was a little weird, at first, but... I'm getting older

and I'm no actor or singer. It was the right decision."

"You have any hobbies you want to indulge?" Hunter

had about four pots out and measuring cups and spoons.
They'd only been in the kitchen a few minutes, but there
was flour everywhere.

"Hobbies? No. No, I was going to travel, relax,

maybe get a cat."

"No reason you can't still do that." Hunter made a

face. "Except for the cat part. You know they stink a
place up, right?"

"I've never had one. Never had a pet, really, but a dog

seems hard to travel around with."

"Yeah, I'd think that'd be true." Hunter added liquids

to the pancake batter and started mixing it, the electric
mixer sending more flour flying from the bowl.

"Wow..." He chuckled, tickled.
Hunter stopped the mixer and swept up most of the

dry ingredients that had gone flying, adding them back
into the bowl and then turning the mixer back on
carefully, grumbling a little as he did it.

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"You look cute in the kitchen," Forrest teased.
Hunter stuck out his tongue.
"You do." He couldn't stop laughing. "You don't have

a little twink you make dust and cook for you in a maid's
apron and nothing else?"

"Why? Are you applying for the job?"
"I am not a twink!"
Now it was Hunter who was laughing. "Doesn't mean

you wouldn't look good in a maid's apron and nothing

"I don't know about that." The beard hid most of the

scar on his face, but nothing would hide the others.

"You're right -- you'd look better with nothing at all

on." Hunter leered and waggled his eyebrows.

Forrest chuckled, blushed. He didn't think so. He

thought he was going to be wearing a lot of clothes from
now on.

Hunter looked into his bowl. "Good enough. I think

next time, we go out to IHOP or something."

"I'll clean up."
"There actually is a maid who comes in a couple

times a week." Hunter put the griddle on the stove and a
cast iron pan as well, grabbed a slab of bacon out of the

"Cool. What's her name?"
Hunter grinned. "Francisco."
"Oh, ho!" He chuckled. "You do have a boy!"
"Well, he's not mine, and I don't make him wear a

maid's outfit. But yeah, my maid is a guy." Hunter
looked a little sheepish.

"That's cool." He approved.
"Most of the food in the freezer is prepared by this

guy who comes in, grocery shops, and makes meals.
Some go in the fridge, some in the freezer. He shows up
about once a month." Hunter grinned. "In fact, I invested

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the start up money. It's a good little business and he's
going to need to hire people on to expand soon."

"Yeah? I just grabbed smoothies and coffees."
"Ah, the model diet." Hunter had bacon going and

was pouring large, misshapen pancakes on the griddle.

"Yep. Uppers, caffeine, and fruit."
Hunter and he had already worked through that mess,

years ago, and he was over it now.

Hunter took out a couple of plates and put them next

to the stove. Then he set the table, running back to flip
the pancakes; he hadn't burnt them. Forrest cheered, sort
of applauded, tickled. Hunter chuckled and bowed. Then
he put a couple of the misshapen pancakes on each plate,
along with far too many slices of bacon to be healthy,
and brought them over.

"Oh, God. Perfect. I love it." He applauded again,

though it wasn't a normal sound at all.

Hunter gave him a smile, looking pleased.
He grabbed a piece of bacon, munched happily.


"That's probably the first time anyone's ever said that

about my cooking."

Forrest looked at him. "It's the best breakfast I've ever

had." The weird part was that he meant it.

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Chapter Seven

"You excited?" Hunter smiled at Forrest. Two

months later and it was casts off day, and he imagined
Forrest was very excited. He was and they weren't even
his casts.

"I don't know." Forrest didn't smile back. The man

was getting quieter daily.

Hunter thought maybe he was going to have to do

something about that. "You've got to be looking forward
to getting rid of the casts."

"What if they..." Forrest sighed. "Yeah, I am."
"What if they what?"
"Nothing." Forrest went back to staring out the


He turned Forrest to face him again. "No. Tell me."
"I. What if they don't work? What if they're ugly?

What if..." He shook his head.

Hunter leaned in and pressed his lips against

Forrest's, quieting the man. "It's going to be fine."

"I don't know." Forrest looked like he was about to

have another panic attack. The nurse insisted that was
normal, so did the police and the psychologist, but still.

He pressed their foreheads together, keeping himself

in Forrest's space. "It is going to be fine. We go, we get
the casts off, we make fun of your lily white skin, and
then we celebrate. It's a good thing that's happening

Forrest looked at him. "I don't want to go out. I don't

want to have to leave yet."

"No one's asking you to leave, and if you want to

have our celebration here, I'm good with that. We have
meals in the freezer, or we can order out. Hell, if you
want company aside from my hard ass, we could invite
Oliver and Jack over to celebrate with us -- I'm sure Jack

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would make sure the food was appropriately
celebratory." In truth, he didn't want to share the
moment, or Forrest.

Forrest shook his head. "No company. Please. Not


He smiled, letting his pleasure show. "Cool. I have to

admit, I wanted to share this celebration between just the
two of us."

Forrest nodded, stepped toward him. "Can I have a


He wrapped his arms around Forrest. "Of course. I'm

right here for you, Forrest. Always." It was a big
promise, but one that he made easily. A part of him
wondered if it hadn't always been true, deep down
beneath the hurt.

"I'm sorry. I just..." Forrest leaned.
He was going to start punishing the man for

apologizing. "Stop that. No more apologizing. And I
don't want to have to say that again."

Forrest shivered, the motion almost invisible.
"I'm not teasing you. I mean it."
Forrest's eyes went wide. "You mean it?"
"I mean it. You apologize to me again, and I'll spank


"You can't spank me."
He snorted. "Sure I can."
"I'm broken, remember. I'm not a good sub."
"You don't look so broken to me and, as I recall, you

had a lot of potential as a sub."

"I sucked and you know it. There was never another

master who wanted me. I paid for it. Did you know that?
Went all over the world and paid to get it, then came
back home and got hit with a hammer."

A hammer that Hunter had helped to create.

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"I wanted you then and I still want you, Forrest." He

did. More than he'd ever expected to want anyone.

"I'm ruined. Torn. Scarred. Ugly."
"Two of those are true. You're torn and scarred.

Healing, though. I'm patient, far more patient than I used
to be. I'll wait for you to heal."

"Why?" There it was, the frightened hysteria, the

anger, the tears. "I'm a freak!"

"You think a few scars change what's inside you?"
"Yes! They hurt me! They hurt me for HOURS!" The

scream was hoarse, raw, pure pain.

It tore at him, but he knew Forrest needed this,

needed to scream out his nightmare. He stayed strong
for Forrest, listened to it. Forrest sobbed and screamed,
tales of pure horror filling the air, and Hunter wanted to
scream, wanted to kill something. Someone. Several

When Forrest was left with nothing but sobs, Hunter

held the man close.

He carried Forrest to the sofa, held the man in his lap

and cradled him. So strong. Forrest had survived. Had
walked to the Club, found them. Found help.

"You amaze me, Forrest. That you survived that, that

you survive it every day."

Forrest didn't answer, but the man held on, stayed

with him, and he took it. He held on as Forrest's
hiccupping breaths calmed.

"I'm sorry."
"Now, what did I say about you apologizing?"
Forrest grumbled softly, but he thought there might

have been a smile.

"I owe you a spanking when we get back from

getting the casts off."

Forrest shook his head, cheek on his shoulder. "No


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"I warned you what would happen if you apologized


"You're acting toppy again."
"That's because I am toppy. And you're subby and I

told you what would happen if you apologize again."

"I..." Forrest moaned against his throat.
"It'll wait until we're back. Something for you to


"You're serious?"
"Absolutely." He met Forrest's gaze, held it.
"I..." Forrest's eyes were worried, the heavy beard

and long hair framing them.

"Tell me. You have a voice here."
"I'm scared that I can't, that I'll never get hard again,

that I'll never love it again."

He nodded and cupped Forrest's cheeks, meeting the

lovely, worried eyes. "That's a valid worry. One that we
can work on alleviating when we get back from the

"What if they come to the hospital?"
Hunter worried that Forrest would never feel safe

again. Forrest worried about the shower door being
closed, about shadows on the curtains at night.

"They won't. They're cowards and won't attack

anyone when others are around. There's security at the
hospital, doctors and nurses and me. I'll be there."

"When are the cops going to find them?"
"I don't know." It had been long enough that Hunter

had a hunch they weren't going to be found. Not unless
they did it again. They had Frank on the job, and even
he hadn't turned up anything useful. It was maddening.

Regardless, he wasn't ever letting anyone touch his

boy. Ever again. "You'll be safe, Forrest. I'm not going
to let anyone hurt you again."

"You deserve more than me."

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He shook his head. "You don't see how special you


"I'm a freak. A scarred up freak."
"Stop that. Stop it right now." He would growl if he

had to.

"No. No, I'll never work again. People will stare at

me. My hands will be fucked up."

"You were retired, remember? Besides, that doesn't

make you a freak, love."

"You can't love me."
"You can't tell me what I can and cannot do."
"You can't love me!" Forrest tried to scream again,

but the poor voice was giving out.

"I can too!" He gently wrapped his hand around

Forrest's throat. "And you have to stop that. Don't make
it worse."

Forrest's eyes filled with tears. "Why couldn't you

love me before?"

"Because I was an idiot and an asshole." He held

Forrest close.

"I had bought you a ring. I lost it on the way home. I

looked for it for hours, asked Master Oliver and Jack to
help me."

"I still wi--" he cut himself off. If he wanted Forrest

to stop apologizing, he had to stop wishing things had
happened differently. They hadn't. Shit happened. Bad
shit this time around, but they needed to move forward.

Forrest shrugged. "I wasn't worth trusting."
"No. I never said that. We both should have trusted

and we didn't. We've changed. We can move forward as
the men we are."

Forrest rested against him, sighed.
"I've got you. You're safe. I'm not going to let anyone

hurt you again."

"I'm just...I'm s..." Forrest stopped himself.

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"Good boy. Very good boy." He squeezed Forrest


He held Forrest for a few more minutes, then they

had to think about going. "Come on, Forrest. It's time to
get these casts off. Time to take the next step."

"If they don't work, you'll bring me back here?"
"I'm bringing you back here whether you can use

your hands right away or not." He was keeping Forrest
this time. Permanently.

He just needed to convince Forrest of it.


His hands didn't work right. They were pale, stiff,

weak, and they ached. Forrest sat in the bathroom with
the door locked, staring at them, tears catching in his
beard. The doctors and nurses had assured him it was
normal, that he just needed physio therapy, time.

Still. He'd hoped, hadn't he?
Hunter's knock sounded. "Let me in, Forrest."
"I'm busy." Leave me alone.
"I've let you be busy for twenty minutes, Forrest. It's

time to let me in."

"I'm not ready." He'd never be ready.
"Let me in." Hunter jiggled the handle.
"No." He looked at his hands, slowly bending the


"Don't make me break down the door, love."
"Don't break your house. Just leave me alone for a

little while."

"I did. Now it's time to let me in."
He heard the door knob rattle again, then the push

lock popped out. Damn it. Hunter came in, looking tall
and studly and concerned.

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He sighed, head ducking. "I just need some alone


Hunter kneeled in front of him. "I think you've had

enough time alone in your head." Hunter's warm, whole,
lovely hands wrapped around his.

"They're ugly.'"
"They're yours, and that makes them beautiful."
He shook his head. "They used to be."
"They still are -- just in a different way."
He stood up, stumbling out of the bathroom, vision

blurry with tears. Nothing was the same. His voice was
different. His body. His face. His hands. His world.

Hunter's arms wrapped around him from behind and

pulled him up against the strong body.

"Leave me alone..." He held on tight.
"I can't." Hunter didn't let go, just held him there in

the hall.

"They broke me."
"They did. But you can heal; you can make a new

you. They haven't won."

"I'm so tired." He wanted to go to bed, sleep forever.
"Let's go sit in the garden. The sun is beautiful


He nodded, let Hunter lead him to the courtyard, to

the huge, soft chaise lounge that waited in the sun.
Hunter sat and pulled him down to lounge together. He
hid his face in Hunter's throat, closed his eyes tight.

One of Hunter's hands slid along his back, up and

down, over and over. The tension started to disappear,
fade away, under Hunter's touch.

"I know you wanted more from today, but you've

taken an important step, a big step."

"Can I stay here?" Just for a few more days. Maybe a

couple of weeks.

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"You're staying. Now that you've healed more, I'd

like you to move to my bed. It's more than big enough."

He nodded. He'd love that. For Hunter to hold him

while he slept.

"Good." There was a wealth of satisfaction in

Hunter's voice.

"I don't know what to do now. I feel lost."
"I see you, though. I've found you." Hunter tilted his

chin and stared into his eyes.

"Please don't make me fall in love with you again. It

would be so easy." Easier than breathing.

"Falling in love with you again was even easier."

Hunter slowly brought their mouths together.

Forrest moaned into the kiss, eyes closing as tears

threatened again. He was so tired of crying. Hunter's lips
moved against his, the man's breath filling him. It let
him take one long, deep breath in. Hunter's tongue slid
gently against his lips.

Forrest opened -- how could he not? Humming,

Hunter accepted his invitation, tongue dipping into his
mouth. The touch was gentle, warm, loving on him.
Hunter was so warm, hands still holding his, easing the

They kissed each other for a long time, soft, gentle,

lazy kisses. Hunter didn't push it into anything else, just
held him, kissed him. He thought he'd just stay, right

One hand let go of his, Hunter stroking his beard, and

then his hair.

"It's getting long." He'd never worn it so long.
"It is. With the beard you look like a hippie."
"Good." Maybe no one would look at him, pay

attention to him.

"I like you clean shaven. Groomed."
He shook his head. "I'm going to just let it all grow."

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"We'll see." Hunter looked right at him as he said it.
"I'm never shaving again. Never wearing tight

clothes. Never going dancing. Never looking at myself
in a mirror."

Hunter shook his head. "No. You're not going to stop


"I can do what I want." So there.
Hunter's smile was rather Mona-Lisa-like -- it held

secrets. Forrest found himself fascinated with it again,
just watching.

"I want you," Hunter said quietly. "I want to touch


"I don't know if I can get hard, Hunter." He tried to

take Hunter's hand, willing his own to work.

Hunter's fingers wrapped around his. "I won't be

upset if you don't, but I want to touch you, I want to give
you the pleasure of that at least."

"I want to be with you."
"Good. Thank you."
He leaned a little. "I'm nervous. Weird, huh?"
"No, I don't think so." Hunter kissed beside his

eyebrow. "It's private out here, warm in the sun,

"It's lovely." He followed Hunter's lips.
Hunter teased him, mouth sliding over his cheeks and

across his nose, along his jaw line. He leaned into
Hunter, letting the man hold him. One hand slid along
his arm, warm on his skin.

"I've missed the way you smell. No one ever smelled

like you."

"How do I smell?" Hunter's hand kept moving, now

from his arm to his chest, fingers lightly dancing on him
through the material of his t-shirt.

"Like coming home."

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"Oh." Hunter pressed their lips together, kissing him

passionately this time.

He cried out into the kiss, meeting the hunger easily.

He wanted Hunter to want him, to need him. Hunter's
tongue pushed into his mouth, taking him this time
rather than exploring. He tensed for a second, then the
crushing fear he thought he'd feel didn't come, and he
moaned, opening. Hunter pressed him back against the
lounger and leaned over him, the kiss deepening further.

He moaned, hands trying to touch Hunter's hair.

Hunter stroked his belly, tugged his t-shirt out of his

He stilled. "I. Don't look at the scars, okay?"
"I'm going to see them, love. I have seen them."
"You saw them as a friend, not as..." Not as his Sir.

His lover. His Master.

"Ah." Hunter nodded, understanding in his eyes. "I

won't look this time, Forrest, but I'll have to look soon.
They're a part of you now."

"Someday. Not now."
"I can live with that. I'm happy just to focus on your

eyes this time." Hunter got his t-shirt up, fingertips
dancing on his belly.

Forrest felt it, the touch soft, warm. Fascinating.

Those fingers stretched out, slid toward his hip and up
along his side. Forrest let himself feel it, let himself

"I'm going to take your t-shirt off. It's in the way."
"I. Okay." He met Hunter's eyes, held the gaze.
Hunter's eyes didn't drift away, their gazes only

separated while the t-shirt went over his head. His hands
covered his scarred belly as the shirt fell to the ground.
Hunter took his hands and pulled them away, but never
looked away from his eyes.

"I'm ugly now."

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Hunter shook his head. "Not to me."
"I don't know what do to."
"Let me touch you."
The urge to say 'yes, sir' was huge, but they hadn't

agreed to that.

Hunter's nostrils flared and their lips met again, the

kiss hard and good. Forrest groaned, the rush of pleasure
perfect. Hunter's fingers flicked across his right nipple.
The flood of arousal was enough to scare him. Groaning
into their kiss, Hunter did it again. His cock jerked at the
little zing of sensation.

Hunter's dark eyes held his gaze, the kiss growing

more intense. A little wave of panic built inside him, but
he let Hunter have it before it grew. His other nipple
received a softer touch, even as Hunter's teeth nipped at
his lower lip.

"Is it normal, to be scared?" After all he'd seen, done?
"Yes. But I won't let you fall, Forrest."
"Are you scared?"
Hunter nodded. "I'm scared I won't give you what

you need."

Somehow that made it easier. "I'm glad you're here."
"I am, too. And I'm glad you're here, too. I'm glad

you're staying."

He just hoped Hunter kept feeling that way.
Those warm fingers kept moving on him, sliding over

his skin. He started moaning, sounds leaving him in

"Yes. Good." Hunter encouraged each noise.
He watched every second, eyes on Hunter,

fascinated. It was the same, but so, so very different.

"The beard is interesting."
"Good." Because he was keeping it.
"Not necessarily good. Just interesting." Hunter's

fingers rubbed through it.

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He stuck his tongue out at Hunter, winked. Laughing,

Hunter tugged on the beard.

"Ouch! No pulling!" He started laughing, too, hard.
Hunter sniggered a few more times, then slid a hand

down, tickling at his ribs. This touch was gentler,
teasing him. Then the touches morphed, became sensual
again. Forrest groaned, lips parting as he moaned.

Hunter didn't linger over his scars, but didn't avoid

them, either; it was almost as if they weren't there. He
didn't believe it was possible, but somehow it was.

Hunter came back to his nipples, fingertips sliding

across them, making them sing.

"Mmm." He breathed in, exhaled, the soft caress


Thumb flicking back and forth across his right nipple,

Hunter's other hand slid down, dipped into his
waistband. His belly tightened, Forrest's heart beating
faster. Hunter hummed softly and stroked his belly, then
those long fingers dipped into his waistband again. He
gasped, unnerved and needing and scared, all at once.

"Shh. I have you." Hunter's fingers pushed a little


"I'm scared." What if it didn't feel good?
"That's okay, you're allowed." Hunter sucked gently

on his earlobe. "Are you excited, too?"

"I think so. I think I am."
"Good." A sharp bite stung his ear, soothed

immediately by Hunter's tongue. That little ache made
him jerk, press closer.

The fingers at his waist pushed into his sweatpants

for real, touching his prick. Suddenly, for a long second,
Forrest couldn't breathe. Then Hunter bit his earlobe
again, teeth sharp. He inhaled in a rush, filling his lungs.
Hunter's hands slid around his cock, warm and solid,
holding him.

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Forrest held on tight, shivering, trusting Hunter.
"Breathe, love."
He nodded. "It's not you. I promise."
"I'm not worried about me, Forrest. Just breathe and

feel. Nothing has to happen." Hunter's hand kept

"I can't do this. I can't. I'm not ready."
"You don't have to do anything but feel, Forrest."
"I'm scared."
"Then feel that, but know that I'm right here, holding

you." Hunter squeezed his cock.

He hid his face in Hunter's shoulder and cried.

Hunter's free hand slid up and down along his back, the
hand in his lap cradling him.

Slowly, he found himself relaxing, dozing, floating in

Hunter's arms.


Hunter sat in the sun, Forrest curled up against him,

asleep. Poor man was scared, scarred, but Hunter had
felt Forrest's response more than once while they'd
talked and petted. He was hopeful.

He never stopped touching, stopped holding, stopped

cradling Forrest. The man was his. His. He could feel it.
His boy, damn it. He'd made the biggest mistakes of his
life with this man, but he could learn, damn it. He could
learn, and he could make it up to Forrest.

Forrest sighed softly, eyelashes fluttering. Hunter

reached down and gently rubbed Forrest's belly. The
scars were there, raw and thick, fascinating his fingers.
It was amazing that his Forrest had survived this.
Survived and was going to thrive, he swore it.

Bending, he placed a soft kiss on Forrest's lips, his

tongue sliding out to taste.

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Forrest's eyes popped open, meeting his. "I fell

asleep. I'm sorry." Another apology.

He shook his head. "I said no more apologizing."
Forrest blushed. "Habit."
"That's a habit you need to break." That hint of

excitement was back, buzzing between them. "I'll help. I
will give you a spanking -- just a single swat for now --
every time you say it."

Forrest didn't answer; he just stared.
Hunter smiled, stroked a finger along Forrest's cheek.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes. Are you?"
"Yes. Less for food and more for you."
Forrest smiled. "You used to say that to me all the


He smiled at that, nodded. "I did, didn't I? It's as true

now as it was then."

"I was an idiot back then."
"That almost sounds like an apology."
"But it's not."
"Good." He nodded, cupping Forrest's cheeks.

"Good." He brought their lips together.

Forrest's kisses were tentative now, almost scared. He

deepened the kiss, slowly pushing Forrest. Those poor,
shattered hands settled -- like butterflies -- on his
shoulders. He hummed softly, letting Forrest know how
much he appreciated the touch.

"I need a shower. I smell bad."
"I could shower."
Forrest nodded. "I will need help."
"I'll be there to do more than just help."
Forrest nodded. "Please. Let's get clean."
Standing, he held a hand out to Forrest. When Forrest

put his arm out, and Hunter helped him up. He pulled
Forrest close, hands sliding on skin.

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The master shower was huge, perfect for the two of

them to touch, bathe, relax. He set the water to fall
gently and stripped himself and then Forrest's sweats.
Forrest held one hand over his scars, eyes avoiding the
mirror. Hunter didn't comment. One day Forrest would
have to look, would have to accept the scars as a part of
himself. He didn't have to do that today.

Hunter drew Forrest into the spray, and Forrest's

knees buckled. No more casts. No more stitches.
Nothing to not get wet. He held Forrest close, letting the
water fall over them.

"I need to get clean. Please. God, I want to be clean."
"Wet first, then soapy, then wet again."
Forrest nodded. "Yes. It's been weeks since I could

be naked, naked."

"I know."
"They touched me." Forrest's voice cracked again.
"I know." Hunter shifted them, putting Forrest more

fully in the spray.

"They touched me!"
Hunter growled, the sound deep and angry. "I would

kill them if I knew who they were."

"I want someone to. I want someone to hurt them."

Forrest's hysteria was so close to the surface, all the

"Me, too." Hunter's lips pressed against Forrest's.
He drew Forrest in, rocked the man a bit, making

sure Forrest felt him. "I have you," He murmured the
words against Forrest's lips, needing the man to believe

"I swear, Forrest. I'm right here and I have you."
Forrest leaned into him, eyes closing. "Okay."
"It is. It's going to be okay." He would make sure of

that. He got a nod for an answer, a tiny sigh.

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He grabbed the soap and started cleaning Forrest,

rubbing the suds everywhere he could reach. His boy
began to relax under his touches, under the cleaning. He
wanted to make Forrest forget all about everything but
his touch, to clean all the others away.

Hunter stroked the long back, the poor scarred ass,

the sensitive small of Forrest's back. Forrest was still
beautiful, still striking. Perhaps now more than ever, the
imperfections proving Forrest's strength.

He nuzzled their cheeks together as he helped the

water sluice away the soap. The wet beard tickled his
skin. "I could shave that for you." He could take it right

Forrest shook his head. "I'm keeping it forever."
"No." He wasn't allowing it.
"I am. I'm growing it and my hair forever."
"No. We could do it now, in fact. It wouldn't take


"I said no, Hunter."
He'd heard, but that wasn't how this worked, was it?

"But I said yes. You can choose whether we do it here in
the shower or out of the shower."

"I'm going to grow it all to my knees."
He chuckled. "Oh, I don't think so."
"I am." Forrest leaned his face to the spray.
"No." He would shave that beard right now if he had


Forrest looked at him through barely slitted lids, then

closed his eyes. He took it as agreement and grabbed his
can of shaving cream.

"I'm not going to let you do it."
"You going to safeword?" Because that was the only

way he would not do it.

"You don't know my safeword."
"It's not still blueberry?"

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Forrest's eyes met his. "You remember?"
"I do." He remembered a lot about Forrest. A lot.
"I'm not going to let you do it."
"Then you're going to have to safeword, because I'm

doing it. Today. Now." He held Forrest's gaze. "I'm
making you mine again."

"No. No, I'm not ready. I don't want you to see me


"It's too late. I already see you. I've seen you for days,

Forrest. For weeks."

Forrest started to shake, breath coming quick and

light. "No. I have scars. No looking. No one. Ever."

"I've seen the scars, and they don't scare me." He

moved Forrest to the bench at the back of the shower,
lowering him carefully.

"No. No. No..." Forrest covered his face with his

hands, shoulders hitching.

"Hands down, Forrest. Now."
"No..." Still, no safeword.
He took both of Forrest's hands in his, bringing them

down to the man's lap.

Forrest shook his head. "No. I'm not yours. You

didn't want me anymore. You thought I fucked around
on you and I never did. I never even looked at any other

"I made a mistake, but I know the truth now."
"I was stupid and young."
"We're both older now. And you are, you know.

You're mine now. I'll keep telling you until you believe

"I don't know what to do, Hunter. I don't know what

to do."

"You let me be your master."
Forrest stared at him, shaking violently, eyes wide.

"You. I. You..."

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"That's right. Me. We both made a mistake all that

time ago. Today, we put it right."

"What if it's broken forever? Like me?"
Hunter shook his head. "You're not broken, Forrest.

One day you'll believe that, just like I do." He wouldn't
let Forrest, or what they had together, be broken. It was
as simple as that.

Forrest lurched forward, pushed into his arms. He

held on tight to his boy. He wasn't letting go this time.
No matter what. It looked to him like Forrest was
willing to let him now.

He pressed a kiss to Forrest's head. "I'm going to get

the scissors now and cut down the facial hair."

"Not yet. Not yet, Hunter."
"Yes. It's time. It's the first step." He slid his hand

through Forrest's hair. "I'll just cut the beard."

Forrest actually lifted his chin at the touch, letting

him in.

"Just the beard, so I can rub our cheeks together."
"I have scars." Forrest relaxed for him, though.
"I know. I can handle it. And so can you."
He reached out of the shower to the medicine cabinet.

There were little scissors there. He grabbed a razor and
the shaving cream as well. Forrest's eyes closed, shutting
him out.

He knelt back in front of Forrest. "Open your eyes,


"Why?" Those eyes opened, slowly.
"Because I need to be seen, too."
Forrest started to cry again, not harsh sobs, just tears

sliding down the man's face, but Forrest watched him.

He carefully cut away the hair, working slowly, yes,

to make sure he didn't tug or pull or hurt in anyway, but
also because it was something that he wanted to last. He

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wanted them both to be in this moment, to remember it

The scars were there, but they weren't off-putting,

were oddly appealing. He was going to have to be
careful, shaving around them, but that was okay. It
would make things even more intimate between them.

"I'm like Frankenstein now."
"You know that he was the scientist and not the

monster, right?"

"What?" Forrest focused on him, really there for the

first time.

"Frankenstein was the scientist."
"Frankenstein was the green dude with the bolts in

his neck, from the movies."

"Technically, he was Frankenstein's monster, and you

don't look anything like him."

"Weird." Forrest didn't argue with him, grinned at


He smiled back. "Have you read the book? I have it

here somewhere."

"No. No, you know me. I'm a movie and fashion

magazine type."

"You can always try something new."
Forrest chuckled softly. "That was why I came home,

to try to be a grown up."

He leaned in and brought their mouths together,

charmed by Forrest's honesty. The rough stubble tickled
him, teased his chin, his lips. Humming, he slipped his
tongue between Forrest's lips. Forrest let him in, let him

One kiss flowed into another and another. Then

Forrest started kissing him back. A low, needy groan
came out of him, the touch of Forrest's tongue against
his just perfect. He cradled Forrest's head, licking the
sweet mouth, touching Forrest's teeth. Then he sucked

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on Forrest's lower lip. Forrest's hum was soft, gentle,
vibrating his mouth.

He made another sound, enjoying the kisses more

than he could say. Forrest's gnarled hands slid over his
skin, the touch careful.

"Yes. Feels good."
"I can feel you."
He smiled. "Yes. You're touching me. With your

hands." With those poor, broken, beautiful hands.

Forrest nodded. "They're ruined, too."
He shook his head. "Can you feel me?"
Forrest nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, you're warm."
"Then they're not broken."
Smiling, he took Forrest's hand and kissed the palm.

Two of the fingers curled, touched him. It made him
smile and he pressed their lips together again. This time
the kiss was easier, hotter. Needy, almost.

He slid his hands over Forrest's cheeks, the stubble

scratching at his fingertips. The scars were heavy, still
swollen. He would be so careful when shaving his lover,
make sure there was no pain. He needed to see, though.
He needed Forrest to understand where they were,

He sprayed some shaving cream into his hands and

then spread it onto Forrest's face.

"Promise me you won't think it's ugly."
"You could never be ugly, Forrest. I promise."
Forrest met his eyes again. "Don't lie. I know. All I

know some days is what beautiful is."

"I do not lie to you, boy." He growled a little with the

words. Forrest shivered, skin coloring a little bit. Hunter
took up the razor, ran it under the hot water to warm it
up. Forrest held onto his hips, but lifted his chin.

"Good boy." He slid the razor slowly across Forrest's


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"I'm so tired, Sir."
The sound of "sir" in Forrest's voice almost made him

sob. "When we're done here, I'll feed you crackers in

Forrest laughed for him. "Crumbs."
"I know." He met Forrest's eyes. "But you're worth


Forrest wanted to believe him, Hunter could see it.
He smiled and then went back to shaving, carefully

running the razor over the next patch of skin. He had
never been so careful, never been so aware of how
important something was. He didn't really look at the
whole, not until he had shaved Forrest's entire face.
When he did, he found that Forrest was leaner, older, but
the scar wasn't too bad.

When it was healed, it was definitely going to be

rakish. People were going to wonder, but they weren't
going to be disgusted by it.

"How bad is it?"
He ran his fingers over the smooth skin, the change

of texture where the scar was utterly fascinating to his
fingers. "It's good. You look good. When it's more
healed it's going to give you a devilish air."

"Maybe. Maybe I'll just be scary."
"You don't scare me."
"I swear, Forrest. You look good. A more mature

version of the young beauty you were."

Forrest didn't answer him; the man simply nodded.
Leaning in, he kissed Forrest again, enjoying the way

it felt so different than it had a few moments ago.
Smooth, soft, and vaguely minty.

"Come to bed with me, Forrest. I want to taste you all

over now that there aren't any casts in the way."

Forrest nodded to him. "Okay. Okay, yeah."

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The ready agreement made him want to cheer.
Forrest let him get them out of the shower, dried off.

He kept touching, fingers sliding on Forrest's skin, lips
brushing against Forrest's. He touched the scars gently,
and Forrest moaned, stepped away.

"They're a part of you, Forrest. And there isn't any

part of you I won't touch."

"I hate them." There was the beginning of fury in

those words.

"They are a part of you now. Hate the people who did

this to you, not yourself."

"I'm never going to look at them. Never."
"You will." He kissed the one on Forrest's face.
"Never." Stubborn boy.
"We'll see."
He led them both to the huge bed, eased Forrest down

into the blankets. He climbed up with the man, lying
next to Forrest and letting their bodies touch, slide

"You're warm."
It was time to get rid of the hospital bed. "All the

better to heat you with."

"I thought I was going to die."
He wrapped himself around Forrest. "You didn't,

though. You fought to live."

"I just wanted to be home."
"You are now."
"I am. Somehow."
He tilted Forrest's head and brought their lips

together. Forrest was home. No more stitches. No more
casts. His hands wandered the warm skin, not skipping
the scars, but not making a big deal of them either.

Forrest was beginning to fade on him, again, which,

after the drama of the day, didn't surprise him at all. He

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gentled the kisses and pulled the covers up over them.

"I will. I'll hold you." For as long as it took.
Forrest nodded, just once, then boom, the man was


Hunter kissed Forrest's forehead and allowed himself

to settle, curled around his boy.


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Chapter Eight

Forrest's hands woke him, the muscles tight,

screaming, and he groaned, bolted up in the bed, the
gnarled, awful things held up in front of him.

Hunter sat up beside him, big hands covering his,

warm and solid, holding him. "Shh. Shh."

"They hurt!" He groaned, panicked. "I want the casts

back. Please. Please." They hadn't hurt in the casts.

Hunter wrapped him in strong arms. "I'll get you the

painkillers. You don't have to go through this alone."

He nodded, hysteria flooding him. Anything. Cut

them off.

Hunter was only gone a moment, coming back and

pressing two pills into his mouth, holding a glass of
water to his lips.

He took the pill, then looked at Hunter. "They hurt.

They hurt."

"I'm sorry. The doctor said they might." Hunter took

them in his again, the warmth easing things a little.

He panted, shaking, but he left his hands in Hunter's

fingers. Trusting.

Hunter slowly rubbed his hands, gently massaging.

"Breathe through it, Forrest."

"Trying. Trying... Hurts so much..."
"Look at me, Forrest." Hunter met his eyes. Hunter

was so fine. Beautiful. "Concentrate on me. Let the pain
take a back-seat. It can take care of itself until the meds
kick in."

He nodded, eyes on Hunter's. "I'm so scared, all the


"All the time? Oh, Forrest, you have to share that

burden so you're not carrying it alone."

"They're still out there, still here."

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"They can't touch us here. This place is safe." Hunter

leaned their foreheads together. He hadn't dismissed
Forrest's concerns out of hand; that made it better

The pain pill started working, and Forrest found that

he could breathe a little.

"You're getting better and stronger every day. We're

going to do those morning exercises together and then,
when you're up to it, you can take self-defense courses.
Hell, we both can."

"Do you think my hands will get better?" The doctor

insisted they would -- get better, not be good.

"I do. Forrest, the casts have been off for less than

twenty-four hours. Give them time. Work with the

He blinked and swayed a little, then nodded. "Yeah."
"Yeah. Okay. Just relax." Hunter was still holding his

hands, the warmth increasing.

Hunter started to rub, fingers forcing the muscles to

ease. "Yes. Relax. I'm here. You're safe. You're good."

Hunter gently eased him back onto the pillows.

"Mmmhmm." The massage of his hands continued,
Hunter staying close, keeping him warm.

"Better..." God, better. Better.
"Good." A soft kiss slid along his cheek.
"Uh-huh. Missed you. Was so angry at you then, but I

missed you."

Hunter nodded. "I can relate."
He actually laughed. "I bet you can. I was a shit. I

was too young to know how to be a good partner."

"And I was too strict, too worried about being

perceived as the big bad top."

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"I had other Doms while I traveled. I learned how to

find myself." What would Hunter think of that?

"Were they good to you?"
"Some of them were. Some just wanted the money."
"I can't imagine having you in my dungeon and

thinking of only money."

"No? Do you have one here?" He was starting to fade

away, but he was tired of sleeping.

"I do. I even have chains on the wall." Hunter stroked

his cheek. "You don't have to pay for it, though."

"You may never want me in there."
"I already do."
"Yeah?" He wanted to believe that. "I'm not ready."
"I know. You will be."
He sighed, finally let his eyes close. "Do you really

believe that?"

"I do, Forrest. With everything I am."
"Okay. That'll be enough."
"You'll believe it." Hunter sounded convincing.
"Maybe." He loved that confidence.
"You will." Hunter pressed their lips together, not

letting him make another reply.

This kiss was enough to make the world tilt, just a

little bit. Hunter leaned him back into the bed, hand
sliding over his chest. The touch was warm, solid,
keeping him centered.

"You have no idea how sexy you are, do you?"

Hunter's words were husky, softly spoken.

"I used to be."
"No. You are."
He shook his head. He used to be a beautiful man.
Hunter growled at him.
Forrest's eyes popped open. "Love that sound."
Hunter smiled down at him. "Yeah?"
"I do." He always had.

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Hunter growled for him again. He shivered, his

cheeks heating. Hunter looked pleased, the man's fingers
sliding down to stroke his hip.

"In the morning, can we have blueberry muffins?"
"Mmm. Yeah, we can."
"Really?" That sounded so damn good.
"Uh-huh. Really." Hunter grinned. "We can even try

to make them ourselves if we want."

He chuckled. "You and me, man. Daring men."
"We are -- you've seen me in the kitchen."
"Yes. It's entertaining."
Hunter stuck out his tongue. He tried to reach for

Hunter's tongue, but his hands just... wouldn't work.
Hunter played along, though, nibbling at his knuckles.

"I'm sorry."
Hunter growled. "Don't make me spank you."
"No spanking."
"You say I'm sorry one more time and I will put you

over my knee and do it."

"You will not." His cock actually jerked.
"Go ahead, boy. Try me."
His breath sped up, his legs moving restlessly. "I..."
Hunter's eyebrow went up, the man quiet, waiting.
"I... I'm sorry?"
That growl was back, and Hunter shifted, sat on the

bed and dragged him over the strong thighs. The move
was gentle, careful of him, of his hands, his scars, but he
was still ass-up.

"I don't ever want to hear you say that to me again."

Hunter smacked his ass. It wasn't as hard as it could
have been, but it wasn't gentle, either.

He moaned, his body tensing a little. "I don't know if

I can do this, Hunter."

"Two more. You can do it."

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Then the next hit came, followed immediately by the

third, Hunter's fingers rubbing as soon as it was done,
turning the sting into a low burn.

"Mmm." He rocked, eyes heavy, the burn sweet and


"You've got a great ass, Forrest. Colors beautifully."
"Thank you. Warm."
"Been a while, hmm?" Hunter kissed his right ass

cheek. "I can be good for you."

"Been forever."
"I have you now." It sounded like a promise.
"Gonna keep me?"
"I am, Forrest."
"Okay." Okay, he could believe that.
"Yes. It will be." Hunter kept rubbing his ass, the

backs of his thighs, his lower back. "Are you okay like

"Uh-huh." His eyes closed, and a soft blanket covered

him. Hunter's lap was warm beneath him, the hand on
his back solid, there.

Finally, he could sleep.


Hunter got up early and attempted blueberry muffins.

Attempted and failed.

He called the Hammer and begged Xavier to make a


"I'll send Trey. He does our pastries. He's a doll


In an hour, a sweet-faced man with thick glasses and

a warm smile rang the bell, a basket of muffins in hand.

"Ah, Trey. You are a lifesaver." He handed over a

huge tip.

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"Anytime, Sir. Have a lovely day." Trey smiled at

him, long chestnut hair caught up in a leather band. The
lovely man would make someone an excellent sub some

Hunter closed the door and took the muffins to the

kitchen, set them out on a plate. He heard Forrest
moving around, heard water running in the bathroom.

"I'm in the kitchen," he called out, putting milk in a

pot and setting it on the stove for hot chocolate.

"'Kay. Coming." Forrest came in, face wet, towel in

his gnarled hands. "I'll need another pill at some point, I

"Sure. I've got hot chocolate on the go, and there's

muffins. You can have one with that."

"Okay. You made muffins?"
He glanced around the kitchen; it certainly looked

like he had. He shook his head. "I tried."

"They look amazing. Thank you."
"They should be -- they're from the Hammer. I didn't

want to disappoint you."

"You don't."
Warmth filled him at Forrest's words. "Thank you."
Forrest offered him a smile, then the softest kiss on

the cheek. He hummed, turned to rub their lips together.

"Good morning." Forrest leaned into him, the act


"Morning, love." He held Forrest lightly, offered

another soft kiss.

One of Forrest's hands rested on his stomach. They

felt less feverish than yesterday. He would bet it would
be a few days more of pain pills, though.

After a few more gentle kisses, he drew his head back

some. "You want your muffin warmed up with some
butter on it?"

"That sounds fabulous."

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"It does, doesn't it?" He sat Forrest at the table and

put two of the muffins on paper towels in the

"What are your plans for today?"
"I thought I would see if I could entice you to do

some katas with me this morning, out in the sun."

Those pretty eyes looked at him, and Forrest nodded.

"I'll try."

"That's great. We'll start slow, let you build up your


The microwave beeped, and he cut Forrest's muffin,

slathering butter on each half.

"You'll make me fat."
That made him snort, just the idea of Forrest being

fat. "You need a little meat on those bones."

Forrest held the muffin half in both hands, careful.

He watched without making it obvious, pleased that
Forrest wasn't doing too badly at all. There should be
improvements every day.

Forrest ate well, only dropping the muffin a few


He had two himself, along with a second cup of hot

chocolate "Was that enough?" He thought Forrest still
didn't eat enough.

"My hands hurt."
"I can feed you if you'd like. Or make you a

smoothie?" Something that wouldn't take much hand

"I'll be fine, Hunter."
"We're going to do work, so you need to get enough

to eat."

"I ate."
He pulled another bite of muffin off and Forrest

opened for him. His fingers lingered on the pretty, warm

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lip. Forrest licked his fingers clean. He hummed
happily. Then he fed Forrest another bite.

Slowly, bite by bite, he fed Forrest an entire second

muffin. By the time the last crumb was gone, he was
achingly erect. "I want you."

"I... I could suck you. I can't give you a hand job

and..." Forrest dropped his eyes. "I don't... My hole is...
You know."

"Love, it wasn't a demand. I just wanted you to know

that you arouse me."

"Oh. I. Sorry, I just... Sorry."
He growled. "Forrest!" He stood and went to help

Forrest up. "That's two spankings before we start."

"What?" Forrest followed his touch naturally.
"The rule is no more apologizing. You know that."
"Sorry. I just... Damn it!"
Hunter chuckled. "You just want me to warm your


"No, it's just natural. Habit."
"You need a new habit."
"I could take up gum chewing."
"God, no. That would drive me insane."
Forrest's laugh made him smile, made warmth fill

him. He touched Forrest's cheek, leaned in to swallow
that laugh. Forrest's lips were tart, sweet. Warm.

"Why are you always apologizing, babe?"
"Because I'm always sorry."
"Always? That's a hell of a way to live."
"It seems like it. I fuck up a lot."
"Well, I want you to fuck up less and not to apologize

at all. Besides, most of your apologies have been totally

"I'll get right on that." Cheeky little monkey.

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He chuckled and nodded toward the door to the

backyard. "You can have your spanking outside, and
then we'll start our morning exercises."

"You're going to spank me again?" That excitement

didn't escape him.

"I am. You said I'm sorry. Three times."
"I did."
"So I'm going to spank you. Three times." He held

Forrest's gaze. "I'm going to take you into the yard, and
put you over my lap and give you three swats, and when
we exercise you'll feel it, feel the imprints of my hand."

Forrest's cheeks were blazing.
He kissed Forrest softly. "Come on."
"Okay. Yes." His Forrest was trembling.
He took one of those gnarled hands in his and led

Forrest out to the backyard.

"It's a beautiful day."
"It's a glorious day." Bright and shiny and Forrest

was responding to him. That made it special.

"Yes." Forrest eased over his thighs, moving


"Mmm. You have an awesome ass."
He hated how unsure Forrest was now; he'd just told

Forrest that yesterday.

"Yes. It's fantastic." He rubbed it through Forrest's

sweats. "Can you lift a moment? I just want these down
enough to touch skin. I love your skin."

Forrest moaned softly, lifted. He slid the soft sweats

down to Forrest's thighs, giving an answering moan as
the creamy flesh came into view. God, Forrest had the
perfect ass. He rubbed it gently, not able to see any sign
of the swats he'd given the man yesterday.

"Stunning, babe. Just... yeah."
He loved Forrest's blush, the little moan.

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"Ready for your spanking, babe?"
"Yes, sir."
"Good." He rubbed Forrest's right cheek and then let

his hand fly with a good, solid smack. He knew it didn't
hurt, knew it would burn so good, and Forrest's soft
moan felt so good to him. "No more 'I'm sorry'. I mean
it." He swatted Forrest's other cheek, then the first one

"I'll try."
"Good. I'm going to give you two more. To help you


He swatted both cheeks again, watching as his

handprint slowly pinked. Forrest's only answer was a
soft moan. He rubbed his hand over Forrest's ass,
encouraging a burn. Forrest's muscles tensed, relaxed,
tensed again.

"Come up now." He pulled Forrest up -- he didn't

want Forrest straining anything.

Forrest leaned against him, and they breathed

together, there under the sun.

"Are you feeling up to some katas?"
"I'll try."
"That's what I wanted to hear."
Forrest murmured something under his breath, so

softly he couldn't hear.

"What was that?"
"I... I said I'd try to do almost anything for you."
"Oh." He smiled at Forrest, warmth filling him.
One of those poor hands touched his face. He turned

his head and kissed Forrest's fingers. The fingertips
barely moved, but they did move. He stood and drew
Forrest up with him.

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They both needed to center; they both needed the

sun. The movement would do Forrest good as well.

"We'll start by standing and breathing."

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Chapter Nine

Forrest did all the work that Lindsey asked him to --

lift this, move these cones, turn these knobs. He tried not
to snarl at the therapist -- it was her job to help, but
Forrest kind of wanted to kill her.

"You're almost done. You're really improving."
He rolled his eyes. Good thing he'd never been good

at anything.

Hunter's head popped around the door. "How's it

going in here?"

"Great," Lindsay said, all bounce and cheer.
Forrest just turned the last knob. "Am I done?"
"You are."
"Good. I need a shower. See you next week." It

wasn't polite, but it wasn't mean, either.

"Same time on Tuesday, Lindsey?" Hunter asked,

giving them both a warm smile.

"You know it. I'm bringing crayons. We'll color."
He was going to have a melt-down.
Hunter chuckled and saw her out, returning soon.

"You don't look happy."

"I'm going to take a shower."
"That sounds lovely. I'll join you."
"I'm not in a good mood. Fair warning." In fact, he

was in a shitty goddamn mood.

"Therapy not go well?"
"I turned screws. I get to color next." Goodie.
"I can think of a few things you could do in between

therapy sessions to work your fingers."

"I... I'm never going to jack off again."
"Why not?" Hunter got the water started.
"My hands don't work?" He held up his claws.

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"They will, though." Hunter drew Forrest into the

shower and then took his hand, pressed it against
Hunter's cheek.

"Yeah. I'll be able to color." Color. Jesus.
"Stop that, Forrest."
"Stop what?"
"Putting yourself down, being negative."
"I'm allowed to be negative."
"Not all the time you're not."
He sighed, turned toward the water. "I'm useless and

bored and ugly and..."

Hunter growled and swatted his ass. "You're my sub.

You're stunning, even with the scars, and clearly I'm not
keeping you busy enough."

That little sting felt so good. So good.
"I mean it," Hunter added.
"When did I become your sub?"
"A while ago."
"Are you sure?"
"More sure than I've been about anything since I

joined the lifestyle." Hunter sounded confident in his
words, that was for sure. Forrest let his eyes close, let
himself breathe into the words.

Hunter's hands, slick with soap, began to move over

him, the touches somewhere between clinical and

"I hate being broken."
"Patience, Forrest. You'll get your movement back in

your hands."

"No more being patient, damn it." He'd been patient

for months.

"It's not going to happen overnight. It'll take work.

Time." Hunter soaped up his hands. "The good news is
you aren't doing it alone. Now go ahead and wash me."

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He didn't know if he could, but he tried to smooth his

hands over Hunter's chest.

"Mmm. There, see? Not useless."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm trying. I am. I'm just angry."
"You're doing more than trying, love. I wasn't being

sarcastic -- you're washing me."

"I keep telling myself that at least I was sort of

worthless before. At least I'm not more worthless now."

Hunter growled. "No. You are not worthless. And

you need to stop running yourself down."

Forrest loved that growl. Still, he shrugged. What

was he supposed to say?

"Don't make me spank you for that, too."
"For what? I didn't apologize."
"For talking yourself down." Hunter kissed his nose.

"You're special -- you're my sub."

"What if you don't want me after you try me out? I'm

older now. Less flexible."

"I'm not 'trying you out,' I'm taking you as mine.

You're not a fish to be thrown back."

He looked up, met Hunter's eyes. God, he needed to

hear that, needed to know that. The man looked right at
him, eyes serious, sure.

"You. You're taking me?"
"You're my boy, Forrest."
His breath caught in his chest. "Your boy."
"That's right. My boy."
"I. I." He started shaking, the weight of the day, the

year, just crashing in on him like it was safe to do now.

Hunter wrapped around him and held on, keeping

him close -- keeping him upright.

"Master." The word sounded distant, even to his own


"It's okay, Forrest. I have you."
"Please." Keep him.

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"I have you. I'm not letting go."
The sobs came, hard and harsh, wracking his body.

Hunter rocked him gently, the flow of water washing the
tears from his face. When the storm ended, Forrest felt
better, like he could breathe. Like he could move.
Hunter was still holding him, too, steadfast and strong.

He almost apologized, but what came out was,

"Thank you."

Hunter beamed at him, kissed him softly. "You're

welcome, babe."

Hunter eased him out of the shower, helped him get

dry, and then they moved to the bedroom. No one said
anything, but they both needed to touch. The covers
were soft against his skin, but not warm like Hunter's
hands as they moved over him.

He took a kiss, hands resting carefully between them.

Hunter's mouth was hot, tongue soft as it moved against
his. Hunter rubbed his hips, thumbs sliding on skin. The
sensation was so good, and he pushed into it.

"Mmm." The hum vibrated through his mouth.
"Master." He loved that word.
Hunter smiled. "That's right."
He reached up, tried to trace Hunter's lips. Hunter

smiled, licked his fingertips. That felt so good. So damn
good. Then the man took one into his mouth, sucking
softly. His breath stopped and he waited for the pain to
hit, but the warmth, the care made it good. Smiling
around his finger, Hunter rolled gently against him, hard
cock dragging along his thigh.

"I like how you feel." It had been so long.
"I like how you feel, too."
"It's not awful?" He felt different.
"No, babe. It's not awful at all. You are not awful."
"My body feels awful sometimes."

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"How so?" Hunter kept touching him, hands so very

good on his skin.

"I don't fit inside me anymore."
"Maybe your vision of yourself hasn't changed to fit

who you are now?"

"God, I hope it hasn't."
"You've lost me."
"I don't want to believe I'm fucked up and ugly."
Hunter shook his head. "You aren't. Not at all."
"I hope not."
"You're not." Hunter's hand slid along his cheek, then

Hunter used a single finger to trace his eyebrows, his
nose. "You're still stunning."

"I feel horrifying."
"No. You're not."
He shrugged, eyes down.
Hunter growled a little and tilted his chin. The kiss

was strong, Hunter taking his mouth like the man owned
it. Owned him. Forrest moaned, the rush of desire
surprising him, scaring him a little bit.

"You turn me on, boy. You can't deny that." Hunter's

prick pressed against his thigh, hot and hard.

"I don't know what to do."
"You need to stop worrying about what to do next

and just do what feels right."

He never used to worry all the time. Never.
Hunter's mouth covered his again, the kiss

demanding his attention. Fuck. Fuck, yes. He crawled
closer, letting their bodies touch. Hunter's low groan
filled him, and the thick cock rubbed against his skin.

He didn't think he could get hard, didn't think he

could do that, but he could touch. Hunter's thumbs slid
across his nipples.

"Hunter." That felt good.

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"Yeah, babe. Right here." Hunter's thumbs slid past

his nipples again.

He moaned, his nipples going tight. Hunter groaned

softly, hips rubbing against him. Oh, please. Please let
this be good. Hunter's hand slid down along his belly.

"I don't think I can get hard." He kept saying it, but

he didn't think Hunter was listening, so he had to say it

"I don't care. I just want to touch you."
"What if it sucks? Touching me?"
"It doesn't suck, babe"
Forrest looked into Hunter's eyes. "No?"
"No. Now this? This is suck." Hunter winked at him

and then moved down.

"What? You shouldn't..." That panic was right there,

ready for him.

"Shh." The sound blew across his cock.
Forrest gasped, jerked away. "Oh, God."
"Hunter, but I accept the compliment." Then Hunter's

tongue slid along his prick.

"Don't let them get me." The words popped out of his


"Nobody is going to get you but me."
"I... I didn't mean to say that."
Hunter licked his prick again. "You're allowed to say

anything you want, Forrest. It's safe here."

"They made me filthy. Made me ugly. Inside."
"That's where you can fight them, though. The scars

you can't change, but how you let what they did affect
you -- that you can."

"I'm trying." He just wasn't doing a spectacular job.
Hunter grinned. "Try harder." Then the man took his

whole prick in.

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Forrest's world stopped -- his breath, his heart, time.

Everything. Hunter hummed, lips and tongue and hot
mouth all around him.

His eyes crossed. "I'm scared. I'm scared."
Hunter hummed, one hand stroking his hip

soothingly. All the while Hunter gently sucked him. He
reached out, fingers brushing Hunter's hair. Hunter
nuzzled into the touch, still sucking gently, tongue
teasing his tip.

"Love." He whispered the word, putting almost no

breath behind it.

Hunter hummed harder, and the suction increased as

well. His body tightened, his cock beginning to fill, to
swell. Hunter's head began to bob, sliding off him, then
taking him back in to the root.

"Oh, God..." His thighs went tight. Hard.
Tongue working the tip as he sucked, Hunter's fingers

slid, moved between his thighs to roll gently along his

"I feel you." It felt good.
A rumbled around his prick was Hunter's answer.

Hunter's hand surrounded his balls, cradled them, held
them. That tongue was magical, rolling and sliding on
his prick, adding to the sucking sensation.

"Yours." His body started moving, slow, careful.
Nodding, Hunter increased the suction again, pulling

hard on his cock.

"Please. Please let it be good."
Hunter pulled right off. "It will be. It already is."

Then Hunter took him back in.

He nodded, but he wasn't convinced. He kept waiting

for the fear to come back.

Hunter was taking no prisoners, though, head

bobbing, tongue working, fingers rolling and sliding on
his balls. Finally, he had to give up, give in, head thrown

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back as he spread. Shifting, Hunter settled between his
thighs, body so warm.

"Master." He whispered the word. He wanted it to be

true again.

Hunter nodded again, the motion slightly changing

the suction around his cock. Then Hunter looked up at
him, warmth in his eyes.

He came, the spunk hiccupping out of him, drawn by

the look in those eyes. Hunter's eyes closed as the man
drank him down, still sucking hard on him.

Hysterical tears came next, the relief almost crushing.

Hunter cleaned his cock, then rose up and pulled him

"Oh, God. Oh, God. Please. Don't make me go."
"You're my sub. You're not going anywhere." Hunter

was smiling, grinning even.

"I promise. I do." Hunter sealed the words with a

kiss. "And Forrest?"

"You came."
He nodded, meeting Hunter's eyes. "And it didn't


"It felt good, didn't it? Your body belongs to you,

Forrest. Those animals don't own you."

"It felt good."
"Those animals don't own you." Hunter repeated the

words a third time. "Those animals don't own you."

"No. I don't want them to."
"Good. They don't. This is your body. Together we're

going to make you fly."

He hoped Hunter was right. Of course, the man had

made him come. And it hadn't hurt; it had felt good. He
kissed Hunter's shoulder. Hunter hummed happily,
kissed him back. The man didn't say anything, but

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Forrest could feel the thick cock, hot and heavy against
his thigh, the tip moist.

He reached down, fingers measuring the sweet flesh,

from base to tip.

Shaking his head, Hunter groaned. "You don't have


"I know." He wanted to.
"Okay." Hunter started pushing into his hand.
"If I can't squeeze hard enough, tell me."
"Feels good, really good."
He focused on doing his best, on making his ugly,

awful hands give Hunter pleasure. Hunter kept rolling
that fine prick into his hand, making soft, happy
sounding noises. He leaned down, lips wrapping around
the tip of that sweet prick.

"Forrest!" Hunter cried out, hands landing in his hair.
He could do this. Willingly. Honestly. He could want


"Fuck. Forrest. Yes."
He couldn't close his eyes, but he watched. Every

second he watched, he sucked, he loved Hunter.
Hunter's hands slid over his head, stroked his cheeks,
low moans coming from the man all the while.

Hunter tasted like he remembered -- like pure, needy

male. Hot drops slid onto his tongue from the tip, one
after the other, just like the noises falling onto his ears.
Forrest groaned, pulled harder, demanding Hunter's

"Oh, fuck. So good." Moaning for him, Hunter thrust

with his hips, cock doing deep.

He swallowed hard, throat working, sore fingers

brushing Hunter's balls.

"Babe!" Hunter shouted for him, came for him; salty,

bitter, wonderful spunk poured into his mouth.

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Forrest took Hunter in, cleaned the man's cock with

his tongue.

Hunter's hands stayed on his head, stroking and

petting. "So good, Forrest."

He rested, cheek on Hunter's stomach.
"Mmm. Love you," Hunter said softly.
His cheeks heated, he was so pleased.
The soft touches to his head continued, the quiet

between them soft, sated. Slowly, Forrest let his eyes
close, let himself relax. Breathe. Rest.

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Chapter Ten

The doorbell rang again, and Hunter grumbled. "I'm

coming, I'm coming." They hadn't been expecting
anyone, and he'd been out the back, enjoying the sun
with Forrest.

He opened the door on Forrest's best friend. "Jack!

This is a surprise."

"I want to see him. He's my best friend and it's been

months I want to hug him and if you don't let me, I'll...
I'll call the police." God, that was adorable.

He stepped back. "You'd better come in, then." He

just hoped Forrest didn't refuse to see Jack.

Jack grinned. "Oh, thank you. Forrest? Love? I

brought you a bottle of pomegranate juice!"

Hunter followed slowly. Come on, Forrest. Come say

hello to your friend.

Forrest came out of the back, and he could see Jack

stop, startled at how pale, how changed Forrest was. To
Jack's credit, the man just squealed, headed over.

Good man. Hunter smiled encouragingly at Forrest.
Forrest found a smile for Jack. "Jackie."
"Why don't you boys go out in the yard, and I'll bring

out glasses for that pomegranate juice."

"Come into the back." Forrest offered Jack his arm,

keeping his hands hidden.

It was a start.
Hunter nodded and went to get the glasses and the

leftover muffins. He didn't take long, wanting to get out
there and give Forrest support if needed. He was not

Jack was sitting beside Forrest, fingers stroking over

Forrest's hands, tears falling. He hung back a moment,
not wanting to interrupt them.

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"What are you going to do? Will they work again?"
Forrest nodded. "Enough to be functional. They don't

think I'll be able to spend a lot of time using them in the

"I want the police to get the bastards who did this."
"Me, too."
"Me, too," Hunter said softly. "Actually, I'd rather

have a go at them myself, but I don't want to wind up in
jail, so the cops will do."

Jack looked at him, eyes fierce. "They'll get hurt

worse in prison. Worse than you can do."

"I'd like to hope so. They need to be caught first." It

was frustrating, that there weren't any new leads.

Forrest sighed. "It doesn't matter. It's not like I could

do anything useful."

Jack giggled. "Jacking off was useful."
Hunter laughed, his own growl for Forrest to stop

that forestalled by Jack's response.

"Yeah, yeah." Forrest grabbed his balls, carefully. "I

can't squeeze too hard yet."

Jack shrugged. "Oliver has me on a no-jacking off


Forrest winked. "Poor baby."
Hunter chuckled again. "Is it a punishment or a


"For me? It's a way to get into trouble." The words

made Forrest chuckle. "What?" Jack poked Forrest
playfully. "You used to get into trouble a lot."

Forrest sobered, the light in those pretty eyes fading.

"Not anymore."

Hunter did growl then. "Why not?"
Forrest shrugged, and Jack made a soft little sound,

kneeling before Forrest. "We'll find you a Master,
honey, I promise. Someone who'll push you."

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Forrest's lips brushed Jack's forehead. "I have who I

want, Jackie."

"That's right, Jack, He has a master."
Jack looked at him, at Forrest. "Forrest?"
Forrest nodded.
"Yes. Me. He's going to be all right, Jack."
"Oh. Oh, Forrest..." Jack looked like he was going to


"Stop it, Jackie. No hysteria. I'm too tired."
Hunter growled. "There's nothing to cry about. We

still love each other. We're together. It's a good thing."

"It is. I swear. I'm just. Wow."
Hunter went over and slid his hands over Forrest's

shoulders. "Thank you. I think."

Jack chuckled, blushed. "Can I tell my Master?"
"Sure. We don't have anything to hide."
"Oh, Forrest." Jack leaped up, hugged Forrest tightly.

Forrest stiffened, but let Jack hold him.

Hunter gently squeezed Forrest's shoulders. "We

could have you and Oliver over for supper." That made
Forrest look a little bit panicked. "When Forrest is

"Whenever. I could call him now." Jack looked so


"Forrest will call when we've picked a date." He

would push his lover to make it sooner rather than later.

"Okay. Okay, sure. Yes. Oh, God, Forrest, I'm so


"I'm tired. I'm sorry, Jack. I need to go. I don't feel

well." Forrest stood, looking about a thousand years old.

"I'll see you out, Jack." Hunter smiled gently at Jack.
"Of course. I... Can I send food? Games? Books?"
Forrest shook his head, disappeared into the master


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Hunter put his arm around Jack's shoulders. "He

needs time."

"I can't... Master Hunter, his hands." Jack looked


"They were broken, Jack. Brutally. But they're going

to be okay. He has a physical therapist. He needs us to
be positive."

"I will. I promise. I swear. I just..." Jack shuddered.

"It's so bad."

"I don't ever want to hear you say that again, Jack.


Those wide eyes met his, and Jack nodded, teary.
"He's changed, but he's still Forrest, and we're going

to let him know every day that he's ours. My sub, your

Jack nodded again. "I wouldn't say anything bad to

him. I promise."

"Good. Thank you for dropping by." He meant it, too.
"I can come back, right?"
"You'd better. He needs his friends."
"I've always been that. Always." Jack hugged him,

kissed his cheek. "I should go."

"Come back on Tuesday. It's his best day." In

between therapy days.

"Tuesday. I'll bring bagels." Jack waved, headed out

the door.

Hunter locked it behind the man and then headed for

the master bath. He could hear the water running, could
hear music playing.

"It's me, babe," he called out as he walked in. He

didn't want to startle Forrest.

Forrest was in the shower, eyes closed. "Sorry, I

needed to be alone a minute."

"It's been awhile since you've had a visit with a

friend. He's coming back on Tuesday."

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"He thought I was scary, my hands. I could see it."

Bloodshot eyes met his. "I used to be beautiful."

"You're still beautiful, just in a different way."
"I'm glad you think so."
"Jack didn't think you were scary, either." He

stripped and stepped into the shower with his lover.

"I am not!" He was affronted by the accusation.
"Are to. I could see it. Jack was horrified."
"Of course he was. He was horrified for you, not at

you. There's a huge difference."

Forrest looked at him, needing to trust him. "You

really think so?"

"Babe, listen to me. Jack cares about you a lot, he's

your friend. He saw your hands, and he felt bad for you.
He imagined himself in that position and cried for you.
He's coming back on Tuesday -- he didn't want to go so
quickly today. Those are not the actions of a man who's
horrified by you."

"I'm horrified by them."
"I'm not." He picked one up one of Forrest's hands

and kissed it. "They're proof that you survived horrors
and they're a challenge -- you need to work hard to get
full use back."

"They'll never be the same."
"No, but neither will you. And drastic though these

changes might be, you have to remember that we're all
changing, evolving as we grow older, as we grow up."
He wasn't going to let Forrest go any farther down the
road to self-pity. It wasn't helping anything.

Forrest sighed. "I'm worthless now. I mean, I was

retired anyway, but... it was my choice, then."

Hunter snorted. "Listen to yourself. I was retired.

You still are retired -- and it's not because of what

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happened, it's because that's what you chose to do long
before any of this!"

Forrest did him the favor of blushing. "I'm trying to

have a snit."

He smiled softly. "And I'm not letting you."
"That's me. Breaker of snits."
Forrest actually laughed for him.
"That's my boy." He tugged Forrest close and licked

at the smiling lips.

"You don't think thirty is too old to be a boy?"
"You'll still be my boy when you're eighty."
Forrest chuckled softly, but Hunter thought the man

was pleased.

He grabbed the shampoo and started working on

Forrest's hair, massaging his lover's scalp.

"Mmm. So good."
"Mmmhmm." He slid his hands down to rub Forrest's

neck and shoulders, working out the tension.

Forrest relaxed for him, hummed softly. It was so

different now; Forrest's focus came faster, settled on
him. He continued the massage on down Forrest's back,
over the lovely ass. Then he tilted the showerhead,
letting the shampoo slowly wash away.

From the back, Forrest didn't look so different.

Hunter traced a line along Forrest's spine, pressing
slightly. There used to be a line of hot spots, right... oh,
hell yeah. Right there. He kept rubbing at them, hitting
them one after the other. Forrest started moaning for
him, soft, amazing little sounds. He wasn't sure if
Forrest was even aware of making the little noises. He
kept touching, rubbing, slowly including more of
Forrest's ass in each sweep.

Aside from the spanking, Forrest hadn't let him touch

and, after the attack, Hunter wouldn't blame the man for

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never indulging in ass play again. Although that would
be a shame, Forrest had been a fabulous size queen. And
had a gorgeous ass.

He slid a finger along Forrest's crack.
Forrest tensed. "Hunter, I."
"Right here, babe. It's me." He slid his fingers back

up along Forrest's spine.

"I just... It's broken down there."
"Are you sure, lovely?" He didn't think so.
Forrest nodded, eyes downcast. "Yeah."
"How? How do you know?" The only thing broken

was in Forrest's mind.

"They tore me. With..." Forrest stiffened, pulled

away. "I need to get clean."

He wrapped his arms around Forrest's middle,

tugging Forrest until his chest was pressed against
Forrest' back. "It's okay. I have you. They can't hurt you

"I just. I need to get clean."
"Then let me clean you." He grabbed the soap,

rubbing it between his hands.

"They hurt me."
"I know." He started cleaning Forrest, running his

soapy hands over his lover.

"No. They hurt me."
If Forrest didn't think he knew, there was only one

thing to do. "Tell me."

"No. No. I can't. I can't tell you."
"You can. You don't think I understand -- I want to

understand. Tell me."

"No!" Forrest jerked away from him. "No. They'll

hurt me."

"What? No, they can't get you here."
"Leave me alone. Leave me alone."
"Forrest. Babe. It's me. You're safe."

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"I can't do this."
He turned Forrest around and pressed their foreheads

together, looking into his lover's eyes. "Yes. You. Can."

"They hurt me. They called me a whore and hurt me."
"They were animals. They should be taken out back

and shot for what they did to you."

Forrest leaned forward, refused to meet his eyes.

"They... they used a bottle. In me. I'll never be right

"You've had enormous dildos inside you, Forrest,

you'll recover from this."

He shook his head, swallowed hard. "Never."
"Is that what you want? You want to spend the rest of

your life believing that you're broken? Feeling sorry for

"Fuck you. I wanted you for years and you didn't

want me. I can feel sorry for myself forever!"

"No, you can't! Because I wanted you, too, because

I'm here now. Because we have a chance to be happy
together here, now. Don't you fucking throw that away."
It felt good to yell a little bit; felt good to hear Forrest
yell back. "This, what we have here is too fucking
important to let someone else steal it from us."

"They made me SCARED!"
"You can overcome that, Forrest. You're stronger

than you think."

"I'm fucked up, Hunter. Deeper than I can imagine."
"Not as badly as you've convinced yourself you are.

We are going to un-fuck you. We're in this together."

Forrest stared at him. "I need to scream."
"Then scream, god damn it."
Forrest threw his head back and screamed, the sound

tearing from that poor throat. Forrest might be
whispering for days, but Hunter thought it would be
worth it.

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He squeezed Forrest's hips. "I still have you."
Finally, Forrest was done, slumped, head lolling. He

drew the man close, held him as the water fell down
around them. It was going to be all right. They were
going to make it all right.

All he had to do was figure out how.


Forrest sighed to himself as he left the ear, nose and

throat doctor with a note and strict instructions not to
speak loudly for a minimum of three weeks. He
crumpled it up, shoved it in his pocket. Stupid throat.
Stupid body. Stupid screaming.

Hunter stood as he came into the waiting room,

joining him quietly as they went to the elevator.
"Everything okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah," he croaked.
"Are you supposed to be speaking? Nod or shake

your head."

He winced. "I'm okay." Three weeks was a long time.
"What did I say? I said nod or shake your head."

Hunter shook his. "And you didn't answer the question.
Is there a prescription for anything? Answer without

He bounced on his toes and opened his lips to

answer, when Hunter glared, held one hand out. Damn
it. He handed the doctor's orders and the prescriptions
for throat spray and anti-inflammatory over.

"No more talking, Forrest. I mean it. And we'll go fill

the prescriptions before we go home." Hunter rubbed his
back, leading him to the car.

He sighed again. That touch was so warm.
"I still think the shouting was good for you

emotionally, but I guess we'll have to find some other

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outlet for all that stuff going on in your head, as clearly
screaming is not good for your throat."

He stuck his tongue out. "I like screaming." Not like

Jack did, but still.

"Yeah, but your throat is not so impressed." Hunter's

hand slid in soft circles on his back.

"I'll be okay." The touch was an addiction.
"You will be." Hunter opened the car door for him.
"I will." He swallowed around the swollen soreness

of his throat.

Hunter drove them home, only stopping on the way

to pick up his prescriptions.

"Home sweet home."
He nodded, croaking out his thanks.
Hunter opened the door for him, locked it up behind

them and then grabbed him, pulling him close. "I'm glad
you're okay."

"I'm fine," he squeaked.
"You will be." It sounded like a promise, the way

Hunter said it.

He nodded, swallowing hard again. Damn, it was


"How about a nice cool juice?" Hunter took his hand

and led him to the kitchen.

"I'm tired of being sick." He wasn't going to not talk,


"I think that's a good thing."
He nodded. Good. They had an agreement, then. He

wasn't sick.

"Come on. Juice. Some time in the sun out back."
Hunter's hand slid along his back, down his spine. He

leaned into the touch a little bit, let himself feel it.

They stopped in the kitchen, Hunter turning him,

bringing their mouths together in a long, slow kiss.
Forrest returned the affection, tongue meeting Hunter's.

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"You taste good," Hunter told him.
"Thank you." This time the words were only a


Hunter kissed him again and then went to the fridge

and grabbed the apple juice, pouring two glasses. He
drank deeply from his, the cold surprising him, hurting
his throat.

Hunter grunted. "You okay?"
He nodded, then shook his head, then nodded again.
Hunter chuckled softly. "I take it you're not sure."
He blushed, shrugged.
Hunter tugged him close to hug him. "It's okay, babe.

You're allowed to be not sure."

"Okay. Thank you." Forrest leaned in, rested close.
"Come on. Out in the back. You need some sun."
"Do I?" He let Hunter lead him down the hall.
"You do. You're as pale as a ghost."
"I feel like a gho...ghost!" He pushed the words out.
Hunter nodded. "I'm not surprised to hear that."
Well, that was unexpected. "No?"
"You've been hiding from life."
He shrugged. There wasn't anything out there.
"You've been hiding from yourself." Hunter tugged

him out into the sun. "I won't let you hide from me, too."

He privately thought even Hunter wasn't that good of

a top.

They settled in the big hammock, rocking slowly as

Hunter held him. His eyes closed, and he relaxed, the
sun warming him, bone deep. Hunter touched him,
hands moving slowly over him, exploring him.

He didn't talk -- it took more effort than he could

muster for that -- but he hummed, deep in his throat.

"Shh." Hunter whispered it against his ear, fingers

beginning to work his buttons open. The little sound
melted him, the touches made him dizzy.

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His shirt was opened, Hunter's fingers dragging over

his skin, touching it all -- his belly, his nipples, his ribs,
the scars. They were ugly. Horrible. Unnatural.

"Hush." Hunter's voice cut through his thoughts,

though he hadn't said anything.

He looked up, blinked. "H..." How did Hunter do


"How did I know? Ancient master secret." Hunter


He chuckled. Did masters need secrets?
"What are you most into these days?" Hunter's

fingers got back to work.

He looked at Hunter. "You."
Hunter grinned. "So anything I'm into..."
He reached up, fingers trying to touch Hunter's smile.

"W...what are you into?" His voice was so ugly.

Hunter's lips twitched, and he knew exactly what

Hunter was going to say. "You."

That made him laugh, and he rested. "Not yet."
"Eventually. And I'm into control, you know that.

Binding without ropes."

He nodded. Hunter wanted to give near impossible

orders, see how close he could push a man to the edge.

"We fit together better than ever now."
He swallowed hard, then whispered, "I looked for

someone to make me feel like you did for years."

Hunter slid warm fingers over his cheek. "I'm sorry."
He shrugged. "It is what it is. I'm sorry you get a

broken me."

"Stop that. You're not broken. Just bent a little."
"Still not fair."
"Life's not fair, Forrest. I was stupid and believed the

worst of you, but now I have a second chance. I'm going
to take it."

He nodded. Yeah. Yeah, they both would take it.

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Chapter Eleven

Forrest's voice had come back, his throat healed. But

he was still pale, withdrawn. Hunter had had enough. It
was time to push the man harder, to not let Forrest be
complacent. He was going to start with a whipping. He
had a nice, soft whip that would do the job perfectly.

He headed for the backyard. "Forrest?"
Forrest didn't answer, but he saw the man,

headphones on, lying out in the late afternoon sun. He
went out, calling Forrest's name, making noise so he
wouldn't startle his lover. Forrest looked over at him,
waved, offered him half a smile.

He made his way over to Forrest, sitting down with

him. Forrest turned, cheek resting on his thigh.

He patted Forrest's shoulder. "How are you doing,


"Fine. How was your day?"
"Not bad. Very productive meetings. How was your


"Still. I slept a lot."
"Aren't you getting tired of sleeping?" He sure was

tired of it.

"No." Forrest nodded, though.
"Yes, you are. You need to come back to the land of

the living."

"Bah." Forrest's eyes closed.
"No bah. Come on. To bed."
"To bed? Why?" Forrest blinked at him.
"Because I'm going to have my wicked way with


"Are you?" Forrest kissed his thigh. "I don't know,

Hunter. I'm not feeling very present."

"That's why we're doing this. You'll feel present

when the scene's over." A little holding onto the

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headboard, a little spanking. Making Forrest come

"I'm not ready."
"You're never going to be ready if we wait for it." He

sat Forrest up and then stood, held his hand out.

"Maybe it's not what I am anymore." Forrest gave

him one hand, though.

Hunter snorted. "And maybe the grass isn't green."
Forrest's tongue flashed out. He leaned in and tried to

capture it between his lips. Forrest chuckled for him, and
he took that as a good sign.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as he led Forrest down

to the bedroom.

"No. I had a muffin earlier."
"You don't need to eat like a bird anymore." When

they'd been together before, it had made him crazy, how
little Forrest would eat in order to 'keep his figure'.

"I know, but I don't want to get fat."
"You're not going to get fat."
"I might." Stubborn boy.
"That won't happen."
"Huge and swollen."
Hunter laughed, tickled at the thought that Forrest

could ever learn to eat enough to get that big. He'd have
to eat non-stop. Forrest elbowed him, playful. He
grinned, delighted Forrest was playing.

Hunter eased the loose shirt off Forrest's shoulders,

fingers on the man's ribs. Tilting Forrest's chin up, he
took a long kiss. It took Forrest a few minutes, then his
boy began to respond. He hummed into the kiss,
deepening it. Forrest moaned, tongue flicked into his
mouth, tasting him.

He got a hold of Forrest's ass, squeezing it. Forrest's

butt rolled back into his touch.

"You've still got it, babe. Sexy."

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Forrest looked at him, so young suddenly. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." He pushed Forrest's hair away from his face.

"You are."

"I don't feel like it, sometimes."
"I'll have to remind you more often then."
Forrest's kiss was gentle, almost shy. "I wasn't fishing

for compliments."

"I know, babe. But you make me hard, and you need

to know that."

Hunter's cock was cupped, Forrest's hands petting.

Groaning, he leaned back in for another kiss. His sub.
He wanted to touch, to make Forrest feel, to push a little

He slid his hands over Forrest's bare shoulders,

enjoying the heat of skin. Forrest's fingers worked his
fly open, his cock held in a gentle grip. And not once
had the man complained about how well his fingers
worked. He hummed his appreciation for the touch as he
worked Forrest's pants open, too.

Forrest wasn't hard for him, not yet. He would be,

though. He'd already proved that things below the belt
worked just fine.

Forrest jacked him, carefully, slowly, focusing on

him. It was easy to hold that gaze and walk them slowly
over to the drawer where he kept the ropes, the dildos
and cockrings. Forrest followed easily, hand still

"Rope," he murmured, licking along Forrest's neck to

the bottom of his ear.

"Hmm?" Forrest's chin lifted.
"I was thinking of getting rope, but I don't think you

need it. I think you can keep your arms over your head
by sheer will alone."

"I don't want any ropes yet."

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"I don't think you need them, period. You always

were the best at holding that stillness until you were

Forrest smiled again, blushed. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." He brought their mouths together,

licking at Forrest's lips.

Forrest relaxed, body slowly melting into him. He

grabbed a little flogger and tossed it onto the bed before
starting to strip Forrest down.

"I might panic. I don't know."
"I bet you don't. I bet you do it because I want you to

do it, because you want to please your master."

"I haven't had a master of my own in years."
"You do now, though." He was Forrest's master. Now

and for always.

"Yeah. I guess I do."
"You do. We don't need to sign a contract or make a

big announcement to prove it. We can do those things,

"I don't need them."
"I know." This time was different. This time felt so

settled and right. Like they fit together tongue in groove.

He eased Forrest down on the mattress, spreading the

man out. "Hands over your head."

Those hands -- which were getting better and better --

moved up above Forrest's head.

"Leave them there until I say you can stop."
Forrest nodded, eyes hooded as the man watched

him. He slid the little flogger across Forrest's belly. He
admired the tight abs as they jerked, leapt. He might not
even need to actually hit Forrest with the flogger, just
doing this might be enough.

He traced the scars, made them his, traced the line of

curls above Forrest's cock. Those were his, too. Moving
the flogger down, he slid it over Forrest's cock, down to

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his balls. It spoke volumes to him, how Forrest never
tensed, never shifted.

"Your stillness is such a turn on. Your control makes

me hard." His words hit home; he could see it in the way
Forrest settled.

He ran the leather back up over Forrest's cock, let it

slide across the tip. His lover wasn't hard yet, not
completely, but there was interest there. He reached out
and rolled Forrest's balls. Forrest's sac drew up,

"Sexy boy."
"Old man, you mean."
He snapped the flogger lightly over Forrest's thigh.

"I've more years on me than you do, so watch out who
you're calling old."

Forrest moaned for him, softly. "Only a few."
"No contradicting me, sexy boy."
"What do you want to be called? Sir? Hunter?


"I think Sir has a certain ring to it."
"I can do that."
"Good." He gently flicked one nipple and then the


Forrest hummed softly, smiled at him. He let the

flogger fall across each one, not slapping it, just
brushing with it.

"Sir. So good."
He nodded. Good. This was what Forrest needed, to

feel, to have pleasure. To be alive and know it.

He swung the flogger back and forth along Forrest's

chest, all the way down to his belly. The heavy scars
weren't ignored, but he didn't focus on them either. They
were part of Forrest now. He caught Forrest's hips a
touch harder than he had the man's chest. Forrest's
response was only a shiver.

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"Mmm. You have such lovely control." Praise and

lots of it were the order of the day. He'd say things over
and over until Forrest started to believe them.

"Thank you, Sir. I'm trying."
He nodded. "I can tell." He slid the leather flogger

down along Forrest's legs

Forrest's toes curled, calf muscles tensing. Smiling,

he kept moving it down, heading for the toes.

"No tickling."
"I won't tickle."
"Thank you." And just like that, Forrest believed him.

It was stunning, arousing, having that trust.

He flicked the flogger across one sole. He got a

flinch, but that was all. So strong. So good. He flicked
the flogger against the other sole.

"Sir." Forrest's voice was husky now, those eyes

focused on him.

He met Forrest's eyes and smiled, running his

knuckles up one sole and then the other, hard enough not
to tickle. That earned him a low, needy cry. He kept his
fingers moving up along Forrest's legs, touching.

"Do you want my legs still?"
It was a good question, and he nodded. "Yes." It

would take more of Forrest's control, involve him even
more in this.

Forrest nodded, those legs heavy, resting open the

smallest bit.

"Good boy." He slid the flogger up between Forrest

legs, letting it move quickly, hitting the tops of Forrest's
inner thighs. Every bit of praise seemed to sink into
Forrest, proving how badly his boy needed him.

He kept lightly hitting with the flogger. He wasn't

hitting hard enough to hurt, but it was hard enough to
notice, Forrest's skin slowly pinking beneath the
onslaught. Forrest was relaxed with it, breathing easily.

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He ran his fingers along Forrest's right side, using his
nails to lightly score the skin. The pale skin pinked,
scratches rising under his touch.

"Beautiful." He scored Forrest's other side next.
"I have scars."
"I know. They're a part of you now." He traced them


"I think I'll always hate them."
He bent and kissed one, then another. Then he let the

flogger drag over them. Forrest's eyes closed, the light
eyelashes fluttering the barest bit. He flicked the almost
hard cock, watching it firm up the rest of the way. His
brave lover. So strong, so trusting.

Bending, he kissed the tip of Forrest's cock. Forrest's

lips parted, the softest sigh filling the air. He flicked his
tongue back and forth across the slit.

"Oh, Sir. So soft."
It made him smile. And flick his tongue back and

forth again. Forrest actually chuckled for him. Grinning
now, he blew along Forrest's slit. That got him a full-
fledged laugh.

Then he wrapped his mouth around the base of

Forrest's cock, gently scraping his teeth over the velvet
skin. Forrest's body shivered, the action involuntary and
beautiful. Groaning, he repeated the edgy caress.

"Master." Forrest was responding so well.
"Yes." He let go of Forrest's cock and took one of the

man's balls into his mouth.

"Oh..." Hunter felt the thigh under his neck go hard.
It made him hum around Forrest's ball. He felt the sac

wrinkle under his tongue, try to tighten. He tugged
gently and then let go, moving over to the other one.
Forrest stayed still for him, but he could feel all the little
jerks and jumps of the man's muscles. Humming, he
sucked on Forrest's other ball, slapped it with his tongue.

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"Sir!" Oh, that got an actual jerk.
He hummed harder, tugged a little.
"You. Oh, God. Sir."
He'd have smiled if his mouth hadn't been full.
Forrest groaned, belly drawing in, hips rolling. He

spread Forrest's legs wider with his hands and nosed his
way beyond Forrest's balls to where the skin was like the
softest, hottest silk. The scent of his lover was heady
here, strong and familiar. Delicious.

He kept moving like this was nothing special, like

Forrest hadn't said he was broken. He slid his tongue
along Forrest's hole. Forrest stilled, breath stopping.

"I love you, Forrest." He licked again, across

Forrest's hole.

"I... No. No, don't." Forrest pulled away from him,

pulled into himself. "Don't."

"Why not?"
"Don't. I don't want. I need a shower."
Forrest slid out of the bed, almost running for the

bathroom. He followed quickly. He wasn't going to let
Forrest shut him out.

Forrest tried to close the door behind him, fingers

clumsy on the frame. "Leave me alone. I need time."

"No. You've had nothing but time. I know feeling

good is scary -- hell, feeling is scary. But you've been
hiding for long enough."

Forrest shook his head. "I have to get clean." It was

like an obsession these days.

Hunter shook his head and pulled Forrest back

toward the bedroom. "After our scene, we'll shower

He looked into Forrest's eyes. It wasn't stubbornness

he found there, it was fear. He cupped Forrest's cheeks
and kept looking. "I want to celebrate you and taste you

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and love you, Forrest. I am not going to hurt or belittle
or pain you in any way."

"You can't... they touched me. They ruined me there."
"No. They didn't. They hurt you. They didn't ruin


"They did! I'll never get touched there and have it be

right!" Forrest couldn't scream at him, probably never
would again, but the intensity was there.

"You have to trust me, babe. I'm not going to hurt

you. I'm going to make it right. With my mouth and my
fingers and my cock and my heart."

Forrest shook his head. "I have to get clean."
"No. You have to do this first." He led Forrest back

to the bed.

"No." Forrest started to dig in. "Leave it alone."
"I will not. I'm not letting you get lost."
Forrest shook his head, met his eyes, and whispered

his safeword. "Blueberry. I can't, Hunter. It makes me
sick, to think about them touching me, hurting me."

He sat Forrest on the bed and knelt between Forrest's

knees. "I want to change that, babe. I want to help you
get that back."

"What if I can't? What if you can taste them on me?

In me?"

He shook his head. "I won't. I know this is you."
"You don't know that."
"Yes, I do. It's been six months, Forrest. You don't

smell or taste like them. You won't."

Forrest reached for him, pushed into his arms and

held on.

He held on tight. "I'm not letting go. And I'm not

giving up on you." Even if Forrest was trying to give up
on himself.


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After a few minutes, he rubbed Forrest's back. "Let's

get into bed and try this again."

Forrest didn't move, but he didn't argue, either.

Hunter tugged, pulling Forrest down, back into the
sheets that smelled of them. Forrest stayed wrapped
around him, close to him. He tilted Forrest's face, taking
a kiss.

The kiss was tentative, careful. Nervous. He

deepened it, tongue licking into Forrest's mouth. He felt
it, when Forrest decided to relax, to let him in. He
hummed, petting Forrest's arm.

Then he spent some time touching Forrest's hand,

keeping the touch gentle, but refusing to ignore the
gnarled thing. He wouldn't shun any part of Forrest. It
was all his lover -- and all his. Forrest started weeping as
he touched, but Hunter ignored it, taking Forrest's other
hand and loving it as well.

His lover had to work through this, had to let go of

the pain and the shame and the terrible things those men
had done to him. Forrest had to move forward -- into his

His hands moved to the flat belly, to the ripped abs.

He slid over the scars, making them a part of Forrest
again -- just another part of his lover's body. Forrest
shifted, and there was almost a moan. Almost. He
deepened the kiss, tongue pushing harder into Forrest's

Hunter's hand slid around, gently touching Forrest's

lower back, drawing circles. Forrest shivered, started
kissing him back. That was his boy.

He teased the top of Forrest's crack, then traced more

circles just above the lovely ass. He took his time,
letting Forrest just have good sensations. He had all day.
All week. All month. They'd take however long it took.

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Forrest was heavy-lidded, breathing into his mouth.

He counted teeth with his tongue, his fingers sliding
down along Forrest's crack. Forrest murmured softly,
but Hunter just kept kissing. He hummed into Forrest's
mouth and let his fingers drag over the tight little hole,
then again.

"Please." Forrest looked so worried.
"Trust me." He kept touching.
"I'm frightened."
"I know. But I have you, and I won't let anything bad

happen to you."

"Does it feel different to you?"
"No, Forrest, it doesn't." He looked into Forrest's

eyes. "It feels like you."

"You swear? As my friend?"
"As your friend, as your lover, as your master, I


"Okay." Forrest kissed his lips, the touch gentle,


He cupped one cheek, kissed Forrest back. This time,

when he touched Forrest's ass, his lover didn't tense.

"Mmm. I want to rim you, babe. I remember how

much you love that."

"If you don't like it, promise you'll stop?"
"If I don't like it, I will stop. I promise."
"Can you hold me for a minute, first?"
He kissed Forrest's nose and pulled him in close.

Forrest stayed close, breath easy, relaxed, as they both
were quiet together. He let his fingers trail down over
Forrest's ass again, touching the round globes of muscle
this time. Forrest's response was a soft kiss to his

"Sexy, Forrest. You are so sexy." The man made him


"Just yours, hmm?"

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"Just mine," he growled, the words fierce. "Mine."
"Yes." Forrest sounded perfectly satisfied with that


He gave Forrest another kiss, and then rolled his

lover onto his back. "Spread your legs for me, babe."

Forrest spread, slowly, carefully. He hummed and

began to kiss his way down Forrest's body, starting at
the warm, soft lips. His good man. His lover. Forrest
hummed, the sounds so soft.

Hunter licked the lovely lips and then kissed Forrest's

chin, his throat. Forrest's chin lifted, throat working for
him. He swirled his tongue around Forrest's Adam's
apple, then sucked on the hollow beneath it. He felt
Forrest swallow for him, heard the soft moan.

He headed for the right nipple next. The little bit of

flesh went hard for him, proving that his lover was with
him. He licked at it and then wrapped his mouth around
it, sucking. Forrest's fingers brushed through his hair.

He hummed and let the sweet nipple go, moving

down along one set of ribs He traced one after another,
nibbling and tickling on the way. Then he ran his tongue
along each muscle of Forrest's abdomen. He didn't play
long, not wanting Forrest to get tense, nervous. He
placed a sucking kiss on the top of Forrest's cock, and
then one on each ball.

"Love you." Forrest trusted him enough to spread, to

let him in.

He nosed the skin beyond Forrest's balls. "I love you,


Forrest whimpered, but one knee bent, leg spreading

for him. He bit gently at Forrest's right inner thigh, then
licked the small hurt. That time he got a chuckle, sweet
and soft. Smiling, he pushed his face between Forrest's
legs, breathing in the strong scent that was pure Forrest.

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He said a little prayer that Forrest would be able to do

this, would be able to trust him. He licked across
Forrest's hole, the wrinkled skin hot beneath his tongue.
Forrest tensed, but didn't pull away. He hummed softly
and stroked Forrest's thigh with his fingers as he licked
again. The flavor of his Forrest hit him, right, arousing.

Hunter moaned and teased the tip of his tongue along

that tight little hole. He licked a few more times, and
then taking a deep breath to keep himself under control,
he pointed his tongue and gently pressed it against the
tight ring. Forrest moaned for him, the sound shaken and
soft, but a moan, nonetheless.

He nodded and pushed his tongue in farther. He knew

how good it felt to be on the receiving end of this, and
he wanted that for Forrest. He backed off, licking again,
making this his, theirs.

"Love you." He kissed Forrest's balls, then licked,

then pushed his tongue in again.

Forrest's thighs went tight, and he rejoiced at the low

cry he got. He started a slow rhythm, tongue going in,
then sliding out. Soft words started pouring out, Forrest
beginning to move with him.

Yes! Yes. He spread Forrest's ass with his hands,

pushing in deeper.

"Hunter..." Forrest moaned, ass rocking into his

touch. He slid a hand up Forrest's thigh and grabbed
hold of the hard cock. "Yes..." The single word made
him feel like a god.

He pushed his tongue in as far as he could, wriggling

it inside Forrest, his hand loosely stroking the hard cock.

"Please..." Forrest's hands found his head.
He stopped only long enough to tell Forrest, "You're

allowed to come."

"Oh, God. Sir. Love. Hunter, please. Don't stop.

Make me yours."

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He didn't say anything, simply pressed his tongue in

even deeper, his face pressed up hard against Forrest's

"Yours. Yours, love. So good."
He knew it was.
He squeezed harder on Forrest's cock, hand sliding up

and down it. The sweet prick leaked for him, the scent of
Forrest perfect. His tongue was getting tired, but he
wasn't going to stop until Forrest had come, until his
lover had this back.

"I. Close. Close, love. Sir. Love. I."
He felt Forrest jerk, hole tightening.
"Come for me." He pushed his tongue back in and

squeezed Forrest's cock head tight.

Come spread over his fingers. Just like that. Yes. Oh,

yes. He'd told Forrest it would work, that the man wasn't

"Sir..." Those poor fingers stroked through his hair.
He gave Forrest's hole one last lick and then turned

his face to kiss Forrest's fingers.

"Love." Forrest's voice cracked.
He nodded and moved back up Forrest's body, took

his lover into his arms. Forrest pushed close, almost
clinging to him.

"I've got you, babe."
"Yes." Forrest nodded, held on.
"I've got you forever."
"Promise? Always?"
"I promise, Forrest. You're mine, and you always will


"Okay. You've got me."
"I do."

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Chapter Twelve

Forrest slipped into the pool, moving in the water,

hands loving the weightlessness. Therapy had been hard,
almost brutal, and all he wanted was to hide. He'd done
a couple of lazy laps when there was a splash near him.
He stopped, looked over, terror taking him over for a
heartbeat before he recognized Hunter.

His lover smiled at him, swimming closer. "Hey,


"Hey." He offered Hunter a smile. "I wanted to


"It's a nice day for it." Hunter slid a hand along his

arm and then turned onto his back, floating along beside

"How was your day?"
"I sold a company." Hunter grinned. "Made a ton of

money. We should celebrate."

"Congratulations. I had therapy."
"And how was therapy?"
"Hard. Really hard."
Hunter stroked his cheek. "But you made it through it

-- see, I told you we should celebrate."

He almost smiled. "I did. I cried, though."
"I'm sorry. I'm glad you're still working it, though.

Despite how hard it is."

"Thanks." The words felt good, like Hunter meant


Hunter moved closer, body warm, even through the

water. He was drawn over, needing Hunter to touch him.
Hunter's hand found his belly, sliding across it.

"Mmm. Hey." Hand sliding up, Hunter palmed his

right nipple, then slid down and wrapped around his

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"You... " The touch was possessive, familiar.
"Yes, me." Hunter brought their mouths together,

kissing him.

Hunter's strong legs kept them moving until they

could stand. The kiss deepened then, Hunter pulling him
against the strong, hot body. The strong, hot, naked

"You don't have a suit on."
"You should try it; it feels amazing."
He chuckled, wiggled out of his suit. "Ta-da!"
Hunter laughed and dragged him in close, their

bodies rubbing together in the water. It felt good -- to
play, to laugh. Hunter's hands landed on his ass to tug
him in even closer, to rub them together.

"Mmm. You're warm." And this was easier, in the


"So are you." Hunter kept kissing him, tongue sliding

through his mouth as their bodies slid.

Forrest felt sensual, relaxed, the water buoying him.

Hunter got a hand around their pricks, holding them

"Mmm." He was almost purring.
Smiling, Hunter rubbed their noses together. "You

feel so good."

"I do." This was heaven.
Hunter took his lips, the kiss long and languid, slowly

building heat. One hand encouraged his legs to wrap
around the lean body, Hunter holding him. "I've got you,
babe. I've got you."

"Yes." And he was happy with that.
Hunter's hands were hard on his ass, one finger

sliding along his crack now. It was easier not to tense,
not to pull away. Not easy, but easier. That finger slid
right down, teasing his hole. His breath came a little

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faster, but he just held on. That finger tap-tap-tapped
against him, sparking along his nerves.

"Hunter. Sir. I. Don't drop me."
"I have you, Forrest. And I'm not letting go."
He nodded, took a deep breath, and rubbed against

Hunter's slick belly.

"Yeah, babe. Just like that." The very tip of Hunter's

finger pushed into him.

He nodded, trying to trust, to let go of his worry. That

finger teased, but didn't push in. Still, it felt really good.
The caresses began to energize him, to make his hole
ache, tingle. They rubbed together, cocks bumping,
Hunter's finger continuing to work its magic.

Forrest began to pant, then he pushed back against

that warm touch, needing a little bit more. Hunter gave it
to him, finger sinking slowly into him.

"Hunter." His head fell back, his mouth open and


Hunter's mouth latched onto his neck, lips closing

over his skin.

"Oh!" He bucked, rubbing a little faster.
The suction got stronger, and Hunter's finger pushed

in farther. The water moved against him like another
caress. Hunter scraped his teeth along the mark he was
pulling up, finger wriggling inside him.

"Please." He wanted to come, to feel good.
"Please what, babe?"
"I need you. So bad."
"Come for me and I'll take you inside and make love

to you."

"Oh, God. I want to. I want you to. I don't want to

freak out."

"You won't. My fingers are inside you; you came

from my tongue yesterday." Hunter's finger pushed all
the way in, moved, made him feel so good.

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"Yes. Yes, I came. Sir..."
"It was good. You tasted amazing."
He moaned, flying a little bit, and when Hunter eased

another finger in, he bucked.

"Come, babe. Show me how good it is, how much I

make you feel."

"Yes. Yes." His shoulders left the water, Hunter's

fingers sinking in deep.

"Fuck. Sexy. Need you."
"Yes." He shot, hard, body shaking around Hunter's


Hunter groaned and took another kiss, tongue hot

inside his mouth.

"Master..." He held on tight, shaking.
"I have you." Hunter's fingers slid out of him. "I'm

not letting go."

"Good." Never. Never let go.
"Yeah, very. Come on. Bed. I want you." Hunter

rubbed the hard cock along his belly. "I need you."

"Yes. I'm yours. You have to make me yours."
Hunter nodded and shifted, both arms tight around

him as he started walking toward the stairs at the corner
of the pool.

Forrest hid his face in Hunter's shoulder, trusting the

man's strength.

It was cool as they got out of the water, but Hunter

was moving quickly. He licked and lapped at Hunter's

"Mmm. Making me feel good, babe."
Good. He wanted to make Hunter need.
They made it to the bedroom, Hunter setting him

down like he was precious. Hunter stayed close,
heedless of being wet. His lover lay on top of him,
pressing him into the mattress. Forrest nodded,
encouraging, trying his damnedest not to be scared.

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Hunter's mouth closed over his, the kiss gentle. He

felt something in his belly melt. His master's fingers slid
to his neck touched the mark left behind. That was right.
He belonged to Hunter, top to bottom and everything in

The kiss deepened, Hunter sliding slightly off him,

hand stroking along his side. He followed, legs

"So eager for me."
Forrest nodded. He was. He wanted to be.
"Love it. Love you."
"I know." He did.
Hunter's mouth took his again, hands sliding on his

skin, warm and good, setting his nerves alight. Easy as
pie, Forrest curled in, leaned into each touch. Hunter's
kisses spread to his jaw, his cheeks, his neck. Low
moans filled the air.

"Yes. Hunter. Love."
Hunter shifted, reaching up for the lube, their bodies

rubbing together as he did. Forrest focused on kissing
and nibbling, on tasting and testing Hunter's skin.
Hunter's happy moans continued, the sounds intimate.
Hunter's cock was hard, warm and solid against his

Hunter slid a finger against his nipple, rubbing small

circles within the areole.

"Mmm." He chuckled, his skin tingling and alive.
Smiling, Hunter bent and licked at the tip of the

nipple he'd been teasing.

"Yes. Yes, love."
At his words, Hunter took the whole nipple into his

mouth and sucked. His eyes crossed, his fingers in
Hunter's hair. The suction continued, Hunter's other
hand moving to stroke his belly, and then his cock. He

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let his legs sprawl. This was his Hunter, his lover, his
best friend, aside from Jack.

Humming, Hunter moved to his other nipple, hand

sliding down to cup his balls for a moment. The pressure
was careful. Sweet. Caring. Hand moving down,
Hunter's fingers slid along the soft skin beyond his balls
and then touched his hole. His muscles tightened,

"I have you." Hunter's fingers tickled, stroked.
"I know. I'm yours. I'm with you here."
"And we're going to make love, and it's going to be


"Yes." God, he hoped so.
Hunter kissed him again, and when the long finger

next touched his hole, it was slick. Forrest sighed softly,
tensing his muscles and forcing them to relax.

"Shh. Shh." Hunter stroked along his crack.
He nodded and bent one knee, his leg sliding up

alongside Hunter's. Hunter groaned again, fingers
pushing into his hole, one then the other, just the tip.
Forrest focused on the kisses, on the way Hunter stared
at him. That gaze was like another touch.

He smiled, tongue sliding on Hunter's lips. Hunter

grabbed his tongue, sucked on it. Hunter's fingers
pressed into him, spread him, stretched him. They found
his gland, sparks shooting up his spine. He started to
pant, to shiver. Hunter pushed his finger against that
spot again and again.

"I'm ready, please. Ready."
"Not yet. You're not ready yet." Hunter pushed

another finger into him, spreading him. He groaned, bit
his teeth against the pleas that wanted out. Hunter slid
his fingers in and out, sometimes hitting his gland,
sometimes not.

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"I'm ready. I am." There was a little bit of wildness in

his words.

"Almost." Hunter pushed in twice more before his

fingers slid away.

He cried out as Hunter's touch left him.
"I've got you, babe. And we're both clean. No glove,


He'd been tested twice since it had happened, and

Hunter had been tested the last time, too. Still, Hunter
stared down at him, waiting for his reply. It was his
decision; Hunter was giving him control of this.

"If you trust me, I trust you."
Hunter nodded, and he felt the heat of Hunter's cock,

the rounded, blunt head at his hole. "I trust you."

His eyes got a little wet. It was weird and wonderful,

all at once.

Hunter kissed the sides of his eyes, then his mouth,

slowly sliding the head in while their lips were touching.
His body shivered, his lips open as Hunter's prick
stretched him.

"I used to love this."
Hunter's hand wrapped around his prick. "I think you

still do."

"I want to. So badly."
Hunter held his gaze as the hot cock slowly spread

him open. The pressure was sweet, familiar, and Forrest
held his breath, waiting to see if bad memories would hit
him. There wasn't room for anything else, though,
except for Hunter's gaze, for the love shining down at

He reached up, fingers tracing Hunter's face. "Love."
Smiling, Hunter chased down his fingers, sucking

them into his mouth.


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Suddenly, the pleasure went from soft and dear to

hard-edged. Wild. Hunter nibbled on the fingertips as
his hips settled deep inside Forrest.

"I want you." Maybe needed.
"Got me." Hunter started moving, slowly pulling

almost all the way out before gliding back in again.

The sensation was deep, making him groan. Hunter

pressed their lips together, swallowing the sound right
out of his mouth. They started to rock.

Groaning into his mouth, Hunter set the pace, made

him feel amazing. The big bed moved with them, the
pillows cradling them. Hunter rocked harder, finding his
gland and making everything go up several notches.

"Oh." He reached up, hands wrapping around

Hunter's neck.

"There, huh?" Hunter stayed on that spot, knocking

into it over and over.

"There. There. There." He moaned the words, over

and over.

Hunter nodded, hitting that spot again and again. In

this, they'd always had a rhythm, even when nothing
else had worked. He could feel the pleasure building
higher and higher as their bodies met.

His eyes met Hunter's, both of them right there.
"Love." Hunter's word was barely spoken, but it

filled the room.

He nodded. "Yes."
"Yes." Hunter nodded as well as said the word, and

started moving faster, driving harder into him.

God, he was close. So close. So needy.
Then Hunter's hand wrapped around his cock. That

firm, solid touch was all he needed. He shot so hard his
eyes rolled.

"Forrest!" Hunter kept pushing into him, coming

within a few thrusts, filling him with heat.

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The waves of pleasure surrounded him, left him

gasping and shaken, but somehow settled. Hunter stayed
buried inside him, mouth sliding over his in a kiss that
was more sharing of breath than anything else.

"It was good." He whispered the words.
"For me, too." Hunter smiled at him, cock still

buried, though Forrest could feel it softening.

To Forrest's utter shock, he burst into tears.
"Babe?" Hunter slipped out of him and gathered him

into the strong arms, tugging him close. "Shh. Shh. It's
okay, Forrest. I have you."

"It is. It's okay." He was. Better than.
Hunter pulled back far enough to look into his face,

fingers brushing the wetness from his cheeks. "Good

He nodded, gulping in air.
"That's okay, then." Hunter kissed his face, held him.
"Yes. Love you. Stay here a second."
"Only a second?"
"A minute. An hour. Forever."
"I'm not going anywhere, Forrest. You're mine,


"Yeah." He found he could smile, just a little bit.
Hunter pulled the sheet up over them and held him

firmly against the solid body.

Right where he wanted to be.

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Chapter Thirteen

"Let's have Jack and Oliver over for dinner tonight."
It was cheating, a little, maybe, to have already

checked with Jack and Oliver that today was good, and
to spring it on Forrest about an hour before it would
happen, but Hunter knew if he gave Forrest too much
time to think about it, his lover would find some reason
to not do it.

"Over? We don't cook. We haven't called. It's late."

Wow, that was a lot of arguments in a short time.

"There's a lovely meal in the fridge from the service

that just needs to be reheated, and I'm sure if we call,
they'd be happy to join us."

Forrest stared at him like he'd grown a second head.
"Jack is very anxious to spend more time with you."

And he was anxious to keep Forrest moving in the right
direction -- forward with his life.

"I'm just tired and... my hands. He thinks they're


"He does not. He feels bad for you; he wishes it

hadn't happened." He took Forrest's hands in his and
squeezed them gently. "He loves you, and he misses

"I miss him, too."
"Then let them come for supper, babe. They'll only

stay for a little while."

"Maybe. If they don't have plans..."
"Let's call them and find out."
"Okay..." Sweet, worried man.
He dialed Oliver's number. "Did you want to ask or

shall I?"

"Go ahead."
"Oliver. Nice to hear your voice. How would you and

Jack like to come for supper? In about an hour."

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Oliver chuckled. "He agreed? Excellent. We'll bring

dessert, wine, and a deck of cards."

"Sounds great. We're looking forward to seeing you

both." He hung up and smiled at Forrest. "They'll be
here in an hour."

"That was easy."
"That's because they want to see you."
Forrest blushed, but there was a smile, a pleased,

warm smile.

"Come on, I need some help warming up the food,

setting the table and stuff."

"Okay. I can do that. What's in there?"
They'd changed their professional chef service to

deliver meals three times a week instead of just coming
in once a month, and it was working out well.

"We've got this huge lasagna."
"Oh, that's good. There's bread in the freezer and

salad." Forrest wandered, face distant, moving around
their kitchen.

He grabbed Forrest's arm. "Babe? This is going to be


Forrest looked up at him, eyes watery. "What if I

can't hold a real wine glass?"

He went over to the cupboard and took out a wine

glass, bringing it over to Forrest. "Give it a try."

They'd had a glass or two of wine themselves, but

only in plastic cups. Forrest's hands were improving, but
his control was iffy, at best.

Forrest took it, fingers shaking, barely curling around

the bowl.

"Shh. Relax. You're doing it."
Forrest shook, and he watched, refusing to help for

now. He knew when Forrest had had enough, and the
man was trying.

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"The bowl is much wider than the stem," he pointed

out gently.

"I know. I'm going to put it down and try to not break


"Okay. If it breaks, it breaks -- it's just a wine glass."
"Still." Forrest put the glass down fine, but then his

fingers didn't open, and the glass came right back with

Hunter didn't sigh or comment, he simply reached

over and massaged the poor fingers gently.

"I'm sorry."
"No apologies, love. We can serve the wine in regular


"I didn't break it. That's better, right?"
"It's awesome. We'll try again tomorrow, hmm?"
Forrest looked at him. "Would you have loved me, if

they hadn't hurt me?"

Hunter didn't answer right away; Forrest deserved

more than a knee-jerk reaction to that question. "I don't
think I ever stopped loving you. Eventually, I would
have realized that."

Forrest nodded once, slowly. "Am I better than that

little twink you were dating?"

"Ah, Luke. He was a very sweet boy and I thought he

would make me forget you. Which wasn't very fair to
either of us, but especially him. He needed someone
who wanted him for him and that wasn't me. I think he's
found that now." Hunter cupped Forrest's cheeks, staring
into his eyes. "I never loved anyone. I kept looking; I
kept trying to replicate what I had with you."

He could see Forrest, deciding whether to believe in

him or not, whether to trust. "I had a lot of Masters teach
me things, but it wasn't love."

"No, but this is." He leaned in and kissed Forrest

softly, thoroughly.

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Forrest's hands came to rest at his hips.
"Mmm. Your hands are definitely getting better."
"You think?" Forrest was working, so hard, every day

with Lindsey.

"I know so."
Forrest was holding his hips, not just touching them;

there was a difference.

"I'm trying hard to make them better."
"I know. I'm very proud of you."
Forrest nodded, offered him wan smile.
He smiled wryly. "Having our friends over for supper

isn't a punishment, babe."

"I know. I know; it's easier, though, to be just us. I

can forget that I'm not the same."

"We've all changed, though. Time does that to

everyone." He knew it wasn't just time with Forrest, but
it was still true.

"Time and hammers." Forrest looked surprised --

even stunned -- at the bitter, angry words.

Hunter touched Forrest's cheek and nodded. "Yes."
"I fucking hate them. I want to hurt them."
He nodded. "I want to help you hurt them."
"Okay." Forrest looked a little wild eyed, but each

time his lover let a little of this poison out, there was

"I bet Jack and Oliver would help us hide the bodies."
"I bet they would." There. There was a smile. A real


"We'd better feed them then. You said there was

bread in the freezer, right? See if any of it is already
garlicky or if we need to put some on it when we get it
in the oven."

He grabbed the lasagna out of the fridge and put it in

the over, following the timing and temperature
instructions taped to it.

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Forrest put the bread on the counter, pulled out a

plastic bowl for salad.

Hunter started setting the table, humming softly.

Though it was usually only for two, this had become a
routine, something they did easily together. He'd found
flatware with thick glass stems that Forrest could
manipulate easily, stoneware that held up to clumsiness.
After everything was out, he changed his mind and
stacked everything together on the counter, maybe
they'd eat out in the yard or in the dining room.

Every now and then, he and Forrest passed by each

other and he'd gently bump their hips together or stop
and take a kiss.

The house was starting to smell good when the

doorbell rang.

"Do you want to get that, Forrest? I need to check on

the lasagna." He wasn't sure it would work, that Forrest
would go to the door, but he was willing to try.

Forrest shook his head. "I'll look at the noodles."
"How about you come with me, and we can check the

lasagna later." He took Forrest's hand in his and tugged
him toward the front door.

Forrest hung back, but the security system was

working, showed Oliver and a happily chattering Jack.
He brought Forrest up next to him as he opened the door
wide to let their friends in.

"Oliver, Jack. Welcome."
"Forrest!" Jack squealed, grabbing Forrest for a kiss.

"God, I've missed you."

Hunter met Oliver's smile with one of his own. Jack

was just what Forrest needed to help pull him out of

Forrest hugged Jack. "Hey, man. How goes?"

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Jack bounced. "Good! I've missed you so much. You

don't know how happy I was when Hunter called and
invited us."

"We're having lasagna."
"Oh, is there garlic bread?" Jack bounced.
Forrest nodded at Jack, then nodded to Oliver. "Hey."
Hunter raised an eyebrow. "Just hey?"
"Hey, you?" Forrest winked at Oliver.
"Forrest." Hunter shook his head, but he had trouble

keeping his lips from twitching.

Oliver snorted, wrapped one arm around Forrest in a

gentle hug. "Don't make me put you across my knee,

Jack's eyes went wide, his lips forming an 'o' and then

he giggled and grabbed Forrest's arm. "I want to hear all
about what you've been doing!"

Jack led Forrest toward the kitchen, waving a bottle

of red on the way. Oliver shook his head and watched.
"He looks good, Hunter."

"He does, doesn't he?" Hunter nodded, and they

followed the boys more slowly. "He's doing very well

"Excellent. How are the hands?"
"Better. He's frustrated by his progress, but he's done

really well."

"I'm glad to hear it. How are you, Hunter?

Recovering well?"

"Recovering?" He frowned. "I'm fine, Oliver."
"Physically, of course, but you do have your ex-lover

living in your house. Your world is more than a bit

"I have my boy living in our house, Oliver. There's

no ex about Forrest." This wasn't temporary or a
hardship, and he wasn't giving Forrest up.

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Oliver looked at him, then smiled, once. "Good to


He smiled back and patted Oliver's arm. "Come on.

I'd hate to miss it if Jack manages to convince my boy to
get up to no good."

"That would be fun to watch, wouldn't it?" Oliver

chuckled, walked into the kitchen as the wine bottle

"It would be great fun. And even better -- we'd get to

punish them afterward."

"Punishments? For what? Pouring wine?" Forrest was

almost laughing.

"No, for mischief caused post-wine, although I don't

believe drinking is actually necessary for mischief to

Jack poured four glasses, and Forrest came to him,

settled next to him. "Like I'm mischievous."

"Jack could lead a monk into mischief."
"And Forrest isn't a monk." Jack winked over.
"Thank God for that!"
They all laughed together, and suddenly, somehow, it

was right between them.

Hunter checked the lasagna, pulling it out as the top

was all bubbly. "This is supposed to sit for five minutes,
now." He couldn't cook, but he could read and follow
directions in the kitchen with the best of them.

"Did you want to eat in the dining room, the patio out

back, or in here?"

Forrest's question made Oliver smile. "We don't need

to stand on ceremony, do we?"

"No, we don't. Let's eat in here." All the plates and

stuff were on the counter, just waiting to be set.

Jack and Forrest managed to get the table put

together, more wine poured.

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He got Oliver seated and took the lasagna off the

counter and the garlic bread out of the oven, began to
serve. "I hope everyone is hungry."

"I'm starving. I had the worst lunch today..." Jack

started jabbering on and on, and it made it easier, the
room filled with conversation.

The food was excellent, made better by friends and

conversation, and Hunter found himself looking at
Forrest, enjoying the ease on his lover's face.

When Forrest dropped his fork, it was Jack who

scooped it up and got another one, like it happened to
everyone, all the time. Hunter could have kissed him.
Except then he'd have a problem with Oliver.

Forrest grinned at his best friend. "Thanks."
"No problem." Jack kissed Forrest on the cheek and

poured everyone more wine. "I'm so glad you invited us,

"It was Hunter's idea, but I'm glad you came."
"You can invite them next time." Hunter gave the

table at large a wink.

"Maybe we'll invite you. We were thinking about the

beach house." Oliver was a good friend.

"That sounds lovely -- Forrest loves the water."
"We could have a barbecue, Forrest," Jack pled.

"Walk along the ocean."

"It's very private, too," added Oliver.
Forrest shrugged, looked down. "I don't know.


Hunter kept from nagging immediately, but that

didn't mean he was just going to let it drop away. "You
keep working on him, Jack, and so will I"

Jack nodded. "We want to go with you, get away for

a week."

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"Just the four of us, babe. We'd have such fun." It

would be good for Forrest to get out of the house, be
somewhere else for a while.

Forrest shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe, okay?"
Jack bounced in his seat and threw his arms around

Forrest. "Yay."

Hunter chuckled, no less pleased at what was

virtually a yes. Forrest hugged Jack back, the subs
resting together.

He glanced over at Oliver and smiled. Their boys

were good together. He remembered that from before.
Only now it made him happy when all those years ago
he'd worried, been jealous of the relationship, really.
Jack's hand slid over Forrest's hair, the caress gentle,
familiar, loving. It would have been very easy to slide
into guilt again over having driven Forrest away, that he
was partially responsible for the man being out there
with no one to look out for him or back him up.

He kept telling Forrest that it was over, though, that

they had to move on, move forward and that was what
he would do.

"I think we have a tiramisu in the fridge for dessert."

It would probably confirm to Forrest that he'd planned
this dinner before he'd brought it up just a short time

"We brought some of those lemon bars from the

Cream and Beat Bakery." Oliver's eyes were dancing.

"Cream and Beat Bakery? Really?" It sounded

positively obscene.

Jack cackled. "You should see this place, guys. The

guy who runs it is a doll -- funny and charming and
naughty. His name is Storm. Like his real name."

Oliver nodded. "His shtick is clever cakes, cupcakes

for the adult crowd. Desserts. The bakery is the tiniest
thing you'll ever see -- no room to eat in, sold out by

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noon, right between Rainbow Artists and the pizzeria

"Are you sure it's not a front for a spy or something?

I mean with a name like Storm..." Hunter chuckled.
"Cream and Beat. That's just... God."

"Awful. Just awful." Forrest was snorting.
"It's true!" Jack bounced up and grabbed the box.

Sure enough, there was a devilish, leather-clad chef
brandishing a whisk and a flogger.

"Oh, my God." Hunter started to laugh. How could he


"Are they good? The desserts?" Forrest was going to

hurt something, he was laughing so hard.

"God, yes." Jack opened the box, the lemon bars

looking absolutely scrumptious. "He gets you in there
for the name, and the box and he keeps you with his
mad baking skills. I think he's made a deal with the

Forrest's head tilted. "He's sleeping with Malcolm?"
They all cracked up. Malcolm had learned at Marcus

Goodfellow's knee, then had proceeded to blow through
every available sub at the Hammer like a hurricane.

Hunter went and got four dessert dishes and flipped

the on button of the coffee maker.

"Let's see if this punny man's baked goods taste as

good as they look."

"In the living room? The sofas are softer." Forrest

could lean against him there, too.

He nodded. "That works, babe. You and Jack bring in

the box; I've got the plates and forks." They'd do the
coffee once it beeped that it was ready.

Jack grabbed the box in one arm, Forrest in the other.

Hunter brought the plates and the forks and settled on
the couch, tugging Forrest down to sit next to him.
Forrest curled in, sighing softly, and he thought the

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sound was happy. He wrapped his arm around Forrest's
shoulders and knew their friends wouldn't be upset if
they had to dish up the dessert themselves.

Jack knelt in front of the coffee table, slicing easily,

whistling along with the music they’d put on. It was
nice, being together with friends, sharing their space
with people who cared about them. About Forrest.

"Do you guys think they watch the club?" Forrest's

words came out of the blue.

"You mean the animals who hurt you?" Hunter

asked, guessing that's where Forrest's mind was.

Forrest nodded.
"No. They don't. If they did the damned cops would

have caught them already." Oliver's lips were a tight

Forrest met his eyes, Oliver's. "Yeah?"
"Yes, babe. If they were anywhere near the club or

our home, the police would have picked them up
already." Or Frank would have found them. Frank was
the best damn private investigator a gay man in the
lifestyle could ask for, and if they were hanging around
the club, they'd have been found.

Jack teared up, one cheek resting on Forrest's leg. "I

hope they just fell into the ocean."

"I hope someone beat them to death." He looked at

Oliver, at Jack, at Forrest. "I do."

Forrest nodded. "Me, too. I hate them. They... I keep

trying not to hate them."

"You're allowed to hate them, Forrest. I hate them,

too. It's only natural. You just can't let it eat your life

Oliver moved, came to sit on the sofa with him, one

hand on Jack's head. "I need to be able to touch. You are
so strong, Forrest. You found us."

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Jack rubbed his head against Oliver's leg. "You saved

yourself, Forrest."

"I don't remember that. I don't remember any of it."
"You made it to the alley by the club. I found you."

Jack kissed Forrest's legs. "Thank God."

Yes, thank God. Hunter held Forrest tighter.
Oliver nodded. "Hunter was there; he stayed with


"I'd gone dancing. I was mad. There was a man who

bought me a drink."

"He drugged you." It made Hunter so angry, to think

what those animals had done to his Forrest.

Forrest nodded. "I screamed. I begged them to stop."
Oliver snorted. "Even I would have begged them.

You lived."

"You lived and you're getting your life back. That's

the best revenge. They'll always live with what they did
to you, with it eating at them."

"And if they come back, we will be there, Forrest.

They will not hurt you again." Oliver sounded fierce.

Hunter nodded, please to know he wasn't the only

one who was going to be vigilant, who was there for

Forrest hid in the curve of his shoulder. "Let's eat our

lemon bars."

"We can do that. Celebrate a wonderful supper and

the fact that we are all here to enjoy it, whole, in love."

"And are going to plan a fabulous, kinky vacation at

the beach." Stubborn Jack.

Hunter smiled, though, and kissed the top of Forrest's

head. "You'll have to call him often and make sure it's
the right kind of kink that he's planning."

"I said maybe. Maybe okay."
Jack chuckled. "How does the first week of

September sound?"

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"It sounds perfect." That would hopefully give

Forrest just the right amount of time to get used to the
idea without it being enough time for him to decide to
back out of it.

"Excellent." Jack looked inordinately pleased with

himself. They'd all done scenes together, once upon a
time. He wasn't sure Forrest was ready for that, yet.

It would still be good for Forrest to leave the house

for a week, to spend time with their friends. To begin to
stretch his wings again.

Hunter grabbed his plate and speared a bite of his

lemon bar, offering it to Forrest. Forrest opened for him,
easily. His tongue slipped into Forrest's mouth.

Forrest blinked, leaned back. "That wasn't lemon."
He nodded, smiled and touched Forrest's lip with his

finger. "I couldn't help it." Then he slipped the bite of
lemon bar into Forrest's mouth.

Jack chuckled softly, the sound warm.
He took a bite of his own. "Oh, this is good."
"Isn't it?" Jack crawled up into Oliver's lap with a

happy sound.

"Almost as good as Forrest's kiss."
Forrest's cheek heated. "Flatterer."
He turned to their friends. "Is it flattery if it's the

truth, Oliver?"

"Absolutely not."
"There you go, babe. Not a flatterer." He fed Forrest

another bite, then licked his fingers clean. "We're going
to have to check this little devil of a baker out. See if all
the baked goods are this tasty."

"The German chocolate cupcakes sure are." Jack

licked his lips blissfully.

"How about his éclairs?" They were Forrest's


Oliver's eyes actually crossed. "Better than sex."

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"Hey!" Jack pinched Oliver's leg.
Hunter laughed, hugged Forrest to him. "I don't

believe that."

"No?" Forrest was laughing, too.
"No." He kissed that smiling face.
This had been a good idea. Reluctant as Forrest had

been, having their friends over had opened Forrest up.
Maybe there was some healing happening.

He had to believe there was.

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Chapter Fourteen

The nightmares woke him, had him racing from

Hunter's bed and losing everything in his stomach.
Forrest shook, sobbing, his hands screaming, the
loudness of the dream still echoing inside his head.

Hunter's hands landed on his shoulders. "Babe..."
He jumped, still half-trapping in the memories.

"Don't hurt me!"

"Forrest." Hunter turned him, held his face and made

him look into his master's eyes. "It's me."

"I..." He stood, blinking, shaking his head. "Master.

Hunter. I."

Hunter drew him in close. "You had a nightmare,


Forrest nodded. "A bad one."
A soft kiss landed on his forehead. "I'm sorry, babe."
"Not your fault. Gonna swim."
"Come back to bed and let me relax you instead."
He nodded, pushed into Hunter, clinging. Hunter was

warm and solid, leading him back to bed and then
climbing in with him. The covers were pulled up,
making them a cocoon.

"You're safe. I have you."
"I'm sorry." He knew Hunter hated those words, but

they were true.

"No apologies, babe. You had a nightmare. It

happens." Hunter kissed his forehead and rubbed his

"It was loud there. Overwhelming."
"Was it about what happened?"
Forrest nodded.
"Do you want to talk about it? Work through it?"
"Why?" He didn't want Hunter to hate him.

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"Because it might help you put it behind you." Hunter

kissed his cheek. "You don't have to talk to me about it -
- we could find a therapist who specializes in this kind
of thing."

"I was angry, and I wanted to dance, so I went to


"That's a gay club, isn't it?" Forrest should have been

safe there -- he should have been safe anywhere, but
especially somewhere full of their own.

"Yeah. Young guys, mostly. Frat boys." Somebody

not Hunter.

"Assholes. They really need to be more selective in

their clientele."

"It was loud, crazy. I was dancing." That's what he'd

gone looking for. Dancing.

"You were having fun."
"I was trying to. I was so pissed off."
Hunter sighed, just softly, but it was there. "You were

mad at me because I blocked your membership."

"Yeah. I was. I mean, I get it. You hated me."
"No, babe. I was still hurting, and I didn't know it."
He blinked over at Hunter. "How could you not


"I thought I'd moved on." Hunter stroked his cheek.

"I'd convinced myself of it."

"I hadn't."
"That makes you smarter than me."
He shrugged. He'd been young, stupid. Flighty, but

he'd known he hadn't cheated.

Hunter brought their lips together. "You know I'd

change what happened if I could."

"It doesn't matter. If it hadn't been that night, it would

have been another. You didn't trust me, and I needed to
grow up."

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"Now it needs to go behind us. We need to move on.

You're doing so well, Forrest. I'm so proud of you."

"I love you, Hunter."
Hunter smiled. "And I love you. More now than I

ever thought I did."

He nodded, hid his face in Hunter's throat.
"And I'm not letting go. Not ever."
"Swear it?"
"I promise, Forrest. You're mine forever."
"My hands won't ever be what they were. They'll get

a little better, and then be bad when I'm old."

Lindsay had said he'd probably be on NSAIDs for the

rest of his life.

"Is that supposed to scare me off?"
"No." Yes.
"Because it's not going to. You hold what happened

to you out like a shield. And I understand that. You don't
want to be hurt again. I'm not going anywhere, though."

"You wouldn't hurt me like that. You couldn't."

Forrest believed that, bone deep.

"That's right. I won't hurt your body or your heart. I

swear it."

"I do, too."
"Thank you." Hunter kissed him again, gently but


The strong fingers slid over his shoulders, massaging

his muscles. His body fought the touch, like the muscles
had forgotten what relaxed felt like.

"So tight," murmured Hunter, working him.
"Usually that's a good thing. Not now."
Hunter paused for a second and then chuckled. "No,

not in this situation."

He tried to laugh, too, and it mostly worked. Hunter

kept working his neck, his shoulders, fingers warm and

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firm. It almost ached, when the muscles let go, let
Hunter have what he wanted.

A low grunt came from Hunter. "Better."
He moaned, but didn't answer. Hunter kept rubbing,

keeping the muscles loose and his skin warm. His
eyelids got heavy, the world slowing down.

"You're safe here, Forrest. I have you."
"Safe. Stay with me."
"You know I will."
"I do."
"Good." Hunter kissed the top of his head and tugged

him in closer, arms around him.

He held on tight, let Hunter love him.

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Chapter Fifteen

Hunter pulled the car up in the long drive of Oliver

and Jack's beach house.

Beach house.
He snorted. The place was a palace that just

happened to be on the beach. "Are you ready to 'rough it'
for a couple weeks, babe?"

It was Forrest's turn to snort, and Hunter had to admit

Forrest was being incredibly good. This was the farthest
Forrest had been from his house in months, and there
had only been three temper tantrums.

"Oliver believes in his creature comforts. I have to

admit, I like his style."

He turned and smiled at his lover, touched Forrest's

cheek. "Shall we?"

"Jack's waiting." Forrest leaned into his touch.
"I'm so pleased you agreed to come, babe. Almost as

happy about it as Jack is. I think you've made his

They headed in, Hunter carrying their bags, leaving

Forrest with the little overnight case that wouldn't tax
his hands.

"I wanted to try. I love it here."
He never got a chance to answer as Jack came

squealing toward them. "Forrest! Hunter! Forrest!"

Jack grabbed Forrest's bag, kissed them both. "The

pool is clean, the grill is ready. Come in!"

Hunter chuckled. "Sounds like you're all ready for


"We came in last night; it was the perfect idea. Come


The house was still as classy and relaxed as always,

the lines clean and open.

"How's the beach?"

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"A bit choppy, but lovely." Oliver looked odd in

gauzy pants and a loose t-shirt, almost like he was
playing dress-up.

Hunter smiled down at Forrest. "Shall we check it

out, babe?"

"Yeah. Should we unpack?" It wasn't like they'd

brought anything more formal than lounge pants.

"Nah. Let it wait. We'll wander on the beach -- get

into the holiday mood."

Jack bounced. "Can we go along, Master Oliver?"
"I don't see why not, should Hunter want us along."
He couldn't say no to Jack, not with the face that was

turned on him. "Of course."

Jack squealed and grabbed Forrest's arm.
Jack jabbered -- showing them the new grill, the new

deck chairs. Hunter grinned. There was no way Forrest
could stay in his shell with Jack around. Before they hit
the beach, Forrest was laughing as Oliver handed him
two folding chairs. Hunter set them out in the sand a few
feet from the water's edge

Jack pulled Forrest out toward the water, the surf. He

sat with Oliver, letting Forrest play with Jack.

Oliver looked over at him, smiled. "I was afraid you'd


"It was a close thing a time or two, but I was

determined to get him here." Forrest needed this. Forrest
needed to know he could do this.

"I'm glad. They'll play, they'll relax."
"Which will let us relax, hmm?" He probably needed

this, too, maybe almost as much as Forrest did.

"I definitely hope so. Work has been a bear."
"I'm sorry to hear that, Oliver." He'd done very little

work since Forrest had been hurt. He was lucky enough
to be able to do that. Things would tick along nicely on

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their own until he was ready to get back into the buying
and selling of businesses.

"Eh. It happens." Oliver waved his fingers idly.
Hunter chuckled, watching as Jack flicked some

water at Forrest. Forrest snorted, playing back for a few
minutes before they started walking again.

It made him grin. "That's what I like to see. It's so

easy for him to draw into himself."

"I can't imagine surviving that. He's very strong."
He couldn't imagine it, either. He also couldn't

imagine coming back from it as well as Forrest was. "He
is. He doesn't even know it, though."

"Do they ever?"
Hunter chuckled and shook his head. "No. No, they


Oliver laughed, and they watched their boys, walking

and talking, hand in hand.

"So what kinkiness have you got planned for the next

couple of days, Oliver?"

Oliver looked over at him, eyes twinkling. "I was

hoping you and Forrest would join us for some scenes.
We all enjoyed that so, once upon a time."

"I'd like that a lot. I think Forrest would, too. We've

done a couple of scenes, but only very light stuff." Hell,
it had taken long enough for Hunter to convince Forrest
that he wasn't 'broken', that he could still enjoy anal play
and making love.

"Maybe with us, it will be less intimate, less scary."
"I hope so. I know we'll eventually get there, but

there are days when I feel like my patience is being
really tested."

"Hunter, that boy tested you always. Why on earth

would that change now?"

He looked at Oliver for a long moment and then

laughed. "You're right."

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Oliver winked at him, then leaned back in his chair.

Jack and Forrest were only dots on the shore.

"You have a very devious mind, you know." He

admired Oliver, everyone in the community did; he was
glad he hadn't ruined the friendship they shared with his
bad behavior over Forrest. Or maybe it was just that he
was redeeming himself now.

"I do. Jack thrives when he works with a partner, you

know that."

"And he and Forrest are very compatible." Two peas

in a pod in a lot of ways.

"They are. And you and I have been very


"Until I refused Forrest's membership to the club."

He was not proud of that at all, but he hadn't realized
how deeply he'd buried the hurt of what he'd believed
was Forrest's betrayal.

Oliver nodded. "Yes. I tried very hard not to take

sides, but... yes. Until then."

"I would take that back if I could, Oliver. I would

give a lot to take it back and change what happened."
He'd even give up what he had with his lover to save
Forrest from what had happened.

"We all would, but that doesn't matter now."
"No. I keep reminding Forrest that we have to move

forward, leave the past behind us." Start fresh. He
needed that as much as Forrest did.

"I hope he can."
"He can." Hunter wouldn't accept anything else.
Oliver looked satisfied with that answer. Completely.
Out in the ocean, Jack squealed, Forrest's laughter

following behind. Hunter chuckled. "We should join
them, Oliver."

"Absolutely." Oliver stood up, handed him a bottle of

sunscreen. "For your boy."

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"Thank you." He grinned and winked before taking

off after Forrest.

Forrest had his back to them, the bottoms of the

man's shorts wet. Hunter was tempted to splash water on
his lover's skin, but decided startling him might not be
the right thing to do. Instead, Hunter made noise in the

Forrest turned, the worried look disappearing at the

sight of him and Oliver. "Hey."

"Hey, babe. The water feels good, doesn't it?"
"It does. It's great." One gnarled hand was offered to

him, a smile given to Oliver.

He took Forrest's hand and wrapped his fingers

around it. That smile was turned on him, warm, happy.
He couldn't help but tug Forrest closer and press their
lips together. Forrest hummed softly, lips opening for
him. He stepped closer, slipped his tongue into Forrest's
mouth. He loved the way Forrest's bare belly rested
against him.

The water was cool on their feet, the sun hot

everywhere else. It felt great. So did Forrest. Water
splashed against them, Jack's laughter ringing out.

He pulled back and winked at Forrest. "Let's get

him," he murmured quietly.

Forrest chuckled, and suddenly there was a glimpse

of the laughing, bubbly boy he remembered.

"Now!" He trusted Forrest to be behind him a he

turned, bent and sent water splattering toward Jack and

Water went flying, his lover right behind him. Jack

shrieked and bounced and took the offensive for himself
and Oliver, splashing hard. Five minutes later they were
all soaked, and laughing hysterically.

Hunter stole another kiss from his boy, this one

tasting of salt and laughter and happiness.

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"Mmm." Forrest was the most beautiful man he'd

ever seen.

He wrapped his arms around Forrest, pulling the

soaked body closer, pooling the warmth of their bodies.

"This was a good idea."
He beamed at Forrest. "Yes, yes, it was."
Forrest looked at Oliver. "Thank you."
Oliver nodded. "It was my boy's idea."
Jack bounced and laughed, coming over to hug them

both. "I'm so very happy you came."

"I am too, Jack." Forrest kissed Jack's cheek.
"I think we need to get our boys in out of the sun,

Oliver. I know mine needs feeding."

"Absolutely. I have no intention of any red skin from

the sun."

"There will, however, be plenty of red skin, I'm sure."
Jack giggled.
"Absolutely." Oliver looked positively wicked.
Hunter took Forrest's hand in his and led his boy back

to the house. Already this vacation had worked magic.

He couldn't wait for the rest of it.


They were eating burgers on the deck, the music

playing softly as they relaxed. Forrest was leaning
against Hunter's leg, half-assedly playing checkers with
Jack as they watched the sunset. It was a beautiful
evening, and it was relaxing, Hunter's hand dropping to
slide through his hair.

He hummed, moved a piece lazily. "Great burgers,


Jack beamed over. "Thank you!"
"Thank goodness we have friends who can cook,"

Hunter teased.

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Oliver chuckled. "I'm surprised Forrest didn't starve

over the years."

"That was my job. Starving."
"Not anymore." Hunter stroked his scalp.
"No. Not anymore." His eyelids got heavy for a


Those fingers kept working magic on his head. "Now

you're my boy."

"Yes, Sir." This time his eyes did close.
He could hear the soft, happy rumble that left Hunter.

Jack hummed, and he heard the man move, heading for
Oliver, undoubtedly. Hunter's other hand slid into his
hair and it turned into a real massage.

"Master." He moaned and leaned harder.
"Mmmhmm." Hunter's touch was like magic.

Everything in him tingled, ached. Hunter leaned over to
murmur in his ear. "Jack and Oliver have plans they'd
like us to share"

"Hmm?" He didn't open his eyes.
"Scenes for four."
"I haven't done that in a long time."
"I know. But Jack and Oliver are good friends. It will

be good. Fun, even."

"Do you think so?" Forrest needed to know if Hunter

really wanted that.

"I do. What do you think?"
He looked up into Hunter's warm eyes. "I might freak

out. And I've been a sub a long time to do that."

"I think there's no better place for something like that

to happen than here with your master and your best
friend and his master."

It was a safe place, a place of love. There would be

no judgment if he safeworded two minutes into the
scene with no one even naked yet.

"Can I sit in your lap?"

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"Mmm. I'd like that."
He crawled into his lover's lap, face in Hunter's


Hunter hummed again, hands sliding along his back.

"Don't worry, babe. We're going to have a good time
and it's all going to work out."

"I trust you." He hadn't before, all that time ago, and

Hunter hadn't trusted him, but... things were different

"I know." Hunter cupped his cheeks and brought his

head up so they were eye to eye. "I know." The words
were sealed with a kiss.

He leaned in, opened up, let Hunter's tongue flick

into his mouth. Hunter explored his mouth, breathed into
him. It was surprisingly erotic, his lungs filled with
Hunter. Hunter's hands slid down his back and cupped
his ass, tugging him in closer so he could feel the heat of
Hunter's need where it pressed against him.

"Hmm." He snuggled right in.
"You feel good."
"I do." He took every feel good moment he could get.
Hunter chuckled. "In my arms -- like you belong."
"Yeah?" Oh, that felt amazing.
"Yeah. It's because you do."
Hunter licked at his lips, tongue teasing. Forrest

chuckled, leaned in, let Hunter seduce him.
The kiss deepened, and Hunter's fingers slid over his
ass, drawing circles and squiggles. Forrest found himself
leaning into it, opening to it.

"Such a great ass." Hunter pushed his hand into

Forrest's shorts, grabbing hold of flesh.

"Hey!" He scooted closer, surprised by the sudden


Hunter chuckled and smiled at him, bucking to rub

their cocks together. Forrest chuckled, pressed Hunter

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down. Hunter pushed again, their pricks bumping,
sending a little thrill through him.

"Are you happy?"
Hunter met his eyes, the look serious. "I am."
"Good." He kissed Hunter's nose.
"You are, too." It didn't sound like a question, really,

the way Hunter said it.

"Yes." He thought so, maybe.
"Good." Hunter pushed a hand between them,

working at buttons and zippers.

"Hunter?" Here? Just like this.
Hunter turned to where Oliver and Jack were sitting.

"Look," Hunter murmured.

Oliver and Jack were in an almost identical position,

moving together slowly, hardly making any noise at all.

"Oh." Okay. They'd seen the scars already.
Hunter captured his mouth, hand sliding into his

shorts to tug out his cock. The world tightened down to
the two of them, the warmth, the easy way Hunter
touched him. Hunter undid his own shorts next, bringing
their pricks together, heat and hardness sliding, gliding.

"Mmm." That was nice -- familiar, easy, relaxing and


Hunter stroked them for a bit, and then took Forrest's

hand and wrapped it around their cocks with Hunter's
hand covering his, guiding their movements. Hunter
kept the rhythm slow, lazy, simple.

"What kind of scene do you want to do with Jack and


"I don't know. I don't want to fuck up." That life felt

very distant.

"You can't fuck up, Forrest. That's the point. These

are our friends and they love you and they want to enjoy
life with you." Hunter's hand kept his moving on their

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He looked over at Oliver, and the man spared him a

smile. "This is home. Listen to your Master."

"Home. Where they love you no matter what, hmm?"

Hunter moved their hands a little faster, making him see
how he was here with Jack and Oliver, having sex with
his master.

"Yes. Yes, it is love."
Hunter took his mouth, this kiss more serious. He

moaned, opened, his lips taken by Hunter's need.
Hunter's tongue fucked his mouth, their hands moving
faster. They rocked together, hips rolling, his ass on
Hunter's thighs. Hunter began to feed him happy, hungry
noises. He balls drew up as he got closer.

"You'll come for me," Hunter told him.
"Mmmhmm." Yeah. Yeah, he would.
"I love the scent that fills the air when you come."
"Hunter. Sir." His eyes crossed.
"That's right. The way you smell makes me hard."
Good. Good. He wanted to believe that.
"Can you feel how hard I am for you, Forrest?"
"Yes. For me." His hand moved faster.
"That's right, babe. God, so good."
He worked the tip of Hunter's cock with his thumb on

each upstroke.

"Oh, babe. Yes."
Hunter pressed their mouths together again for

another hot kiss. His master moaned into the kiss, their
tongues sliding, playing together. Hunter moved their
hands faster, their cocks so hard. His balls drew up,
beginning to ache. Hunter's teeth raked over his lower
lip, sank in gently and tugged on it. His eyes flew open,
his hips bucked restlessly.

"You need something stronger, boy?"

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"Yeah?" Hunter's free hand moved to his chest

beneath his t-shirt, sliding up toward his nipple.

"Sir." He couldn't think.
"That's right." Hunter's fingers found his right nipple,

stroked it, and then pinched.

He moaned, riding the sting, the ache. Hunter

pinched again, the hand around his moving more
quickly around their pricks.

"Please." He didn't need much.
Hunter's thumb pressed into his slit, pushing hard.

The side of Hunter's thumbnail caught the edge of his
slit. Seed poured from him, his cock pulsing.

"Oh, fuck, yes. Love that smell." Hunter moaned and

jerked, more heat fountaining up over their hands.

Forrest leaned forward, nuzzling and licking Hunter's

throat. Hunter kept their hands moving, slowly working
them. His eyes crossed.

Jack started to make noise next to them, little

whimpers that sounded like he was trying to hold back
his shouts.

Forrest moaned softly. "It's okay, Jackie. Love you.

You know."

Jack cried out and began to move and shout with

abandon, the love between him and Oliver beautiful to

Forrest leaned into Hunter, stayed close. Hunter held

him, hummed softly, as the strong hands slid over his
back. Forrest let his eyes close, let himself rest there in
Hunter's arms.

"Love you," Hunter murmured as the sound of Jack's

climax filled the air.

"Love." His lips brushed Hunter's jaw.
Quiet settled over the deck, only the sound of the

waves filling the air. He could just stay, right here,
forever. It felt like Hunter would let him.

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Chapter Sixteen

Hunter's favorite room in the beach house looked out

over the ocean, large windows on three of the walls
letting in lots of natural light. It was there that Oliver
had set up his playroom. Hunter took Forrest's hand after
breakfast and followed Oliver and Jack into it for a
shared scene. Forrest's fingers held him close, his boy

"There is no shame in safewording if you need to,

babe. Remember that. And you're with the people who
love you -- remember that, too."

"I know. I just... I'm scared."
At least Forrest was talking to him. "What are you

scared of?"

"Fucking up. That's what I'm always scared of."
"But you can't fuck this up, Forrest. You can't do

anything wrong." Whether they did a full blown scene or
Forrest safeworded right away, it would be okay.

"Thank you." Forrest didn't sound like the man

believed him, one hundred percent.

He had a hunch this was going to be one of those

times they would just have to prove it by doing it. He
led Forrest into the room, smiling at Oliver and Jack.
Jack was already naked, Oliver in loose, comfortable
clothing. Hunter knew getting naked was going to be a
problem for Forrest, but he hoped Jack could help him
with that.

Jack bounced and came over to hug Forrest. "I'm so


"You're a dork." Forrest's arms wrapped around Jack,

hugged the man.

Jack laughed and rubbed their noses together. "I'm a

dork who misses his best friend."

Forrest kissed Jack gently. "I'm nervous."

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"Of course you are! We're here to help, though."

Jack's fingers slid beneath Forrest's shirt and started to
tug it up.

Forrest stiffened for a second, then raised his arms.

Hunter smiled at Forrest, so proud he thought he might
burst. Jack tugged the t-shirt off and didn't say a word
about Forrest's scars, bless him. He seemed far more
intent on getting Forrest naked, working on the button
and zipper of Forrest's shorts next.

"You still smell good. I... We always played so well

together, huh?" Jack looked so vulnerable, and Forrest
groaned, grabbed his friend and kissed him, hard; the
two men so hot as they rubbed together.

Hunter took in a deep breath of relief, looked to


Oliver winked at him. "Don't come, boys. You do not

have permission."

"Oliver's right. If you rub off on each other, make

each other come, there's going to be spankings and cock
rings and no more coming for a very long time."

Jack moaned into Forrest's lips, lean body moving


"Your boy looking forward to a good hard

punishment, is he?" Hunter thought Forrest wanted the
same thing.

Oliver chuckled. "Jack missed him."
Hunter nodded and put one hand on Jack's shoulder

and the other one on Forrest's. "Come on, boys. Let's not
get to the punishments too soon."

Forrest curled into him, into his side. Hunter held his

other arm out for Jack, and he held the boy tight when
Jack fell into his arms.

"I missed you, too. It's so good to be friends again."

Jack spoke against his shoulder.

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Hunter nodded. "It is." He didn't apologize -- there

had been enough apologizing. They needed to move
forward. All of them.

Forrest reached out, took Oliver's hand in his gnarled

one and Oliver brought that hand to his lips, kissing one
scar after another. It put a lump in Hunter's throat,
watching the love and care Oliver had for his Forrest.

He shook himself and swallowed that lump away.

"So what are we going to do today to make you scream,

Jack chuckled. "I don't even care, so long as we're all


Hunter nodded. Together and playing, drawing

Forrest back into the world he got so much out of.

Jack looked at Forrest. "You're here with us, right?"
His boy nodded. "I promise to try not to freak out."
"And if you do, you'll safeword and it'll be all right."

Hunter kissed Forrest's nose. "You're allowed to freak
out if you need to."

"Okay. Okay." Forrest gave him a smile. "It's hard to

be freaked, in this sunny room."

Jack laughed and hugged him again, rubbed a little

until Oliver cleared his throat. "Sorry. Sorry. I'm just so
happy." Jack bounced over, kissed Oliver playfully,
arching into the gentle swat that connected to his ass.

Chuckling, Hunter slid his arm around Forrest's waist

and tugged him in close. Forrest leaned into him, cheek
on his shoulder. He let his hand slide down and squeeze
Forrest's ass. The lean muscles jerked, tightened, then
relaxed. He smacked one sleek globe, getting Forrest
ready for something more vigorous. Forrest sighed, the
sound soft, relieved.

He kissed Forrest's forehead and then nodded to

Oliver and Jack. "Sub tables, Oliver? Put Forrest over
Jack's lap for his spanking?"

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Oliver smiled, nodded as Jack moaned happily.
"Mmm. Yes, it's going to be lovely." Hunter helped

Forrest over to Jack, waiting for Oliver's sub to sit
before helping Forrest go over Jack's knees. He carefully
placed Forrest's cock between Jack's legs. "You have
permission to come during the spanking."

Jack's hands moved over Forrest's back, caressing. "Is

this okay, Masters? To love on him?"

Hunter nodded. "Yes. Of course."
He settled in front of his boy and Jack, rubbed

Forrest's ass.

Forrest shivered, and Oliver took a pillow, put it

under Forrest's cheek where it rested, carefully
supported the man's hands. "This is about pleasure,

Hunter nodded. "Yeah. You always loved a good


"Where would you like me, Hunter?" Oliver stroked

Forrest's hair.

"Would you like to take a few swats? I want to kiss

my boy."

"It would be my pleasure." Oliver smiled at him, and

Hunter nodded. The man would be gentle, treating
Forrest like an untried sub.

He knelt at Forrest's head, bending so he could kiss

his sub. "I'm very proud of you, babe."

"I'm trying."
Oliver's hand hit once, the sound solid, right.
"You're doing great. You're here, participating." He

kissed Forrest lightly.

The blows were steady, not too hard, but firm enough

that Forrest would feel them.

"Oliver's got a great touch, doesn't he? You ready for

it to be me?"

Forrest nodded, moaned. "Please. Your hand."

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"Yes, my hand now." He cupped Forrest's cheeks and

then slid his hands up over Forrest's shoulders and along
his lover's back.

Oliver backed away, pulled nipple clamps from his

pocket. "For my lovely boy."

"Mmm. Oliver has nipple clamps for Jack," he told

Forrest. Then he let his hands slide right down to
Forrest's ass. The skin was barely warmed, just the
tiniest bit pink.

He shifted, moved to get to a better angle. Then he

brought his hand down on one lovely ass cheek. Forrest
jerked, body rubbing on Jack's lap. Jack arched, offering
his chest to Oliver.

"Oliver's about to put the clamps on Jack's nipples.

Do you think he'll scream, babe?" He grinned at Jack.

Forrest's chuckle was hidden in Jack's gasp, the

happy little cry filling the air.

"I have to admit, I've missed your boy's noises,


Jack looked at him, surprised, eyes wide. "Really?"
"Really, boy."
His hand flew again, and this time Forrest moaned.

He nodded, pleased at Forrest's reaction, and swatted the
other cheek this time. Oliver timed the next clamp with
his blow, Forrest and Jack moaning together. Hunter
groaned. It was good, working together like this, playing
their subs like a pair of instruments.

Soon he'd find a plug, fill his boy, but first he'd finish

warming that tight ass. He found a rhythm, Forrest
starting to move with the blows. Jack's hands trailed
over Forrest's skin, fingers shaking the tiniest bit. He
leaned in, took a kiss from Jack. Jack cried out, hips
humping up, shifting Forrest. He smiled and gave
Forrest's ass another smack.

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Oliver moved to stand behind Jack, slowly rocking as

the long fingers played the clamps. Hunter kept
spanking Forrest, the lovely ass beginning to glow a
rosy pink. Forrest started breathing faster, wiggling,
fighting him.

"Is he hard, Jack? Is he leaking on your skin?"
Jack nodded. "He wants, Master Hunter. He does."
"Good." The word was more fierce than he'd

intended, but he needed this -- Forrest needed this. "You
can come when I give you permission, Forrest."

"I don't think I can, love. I. It's hard."
"You mean you won't be able to hold until I give you


"I mean I don't know if I can come."
Jack moaned, frowned at Forrest's words.
"Why not, babe?"
Jack had said Forrest was hard, leaking.
"I don't know. I..." Ah, Forrest was thinking.
"No thinking, babe." He started swatting Forrest's ass

with quick, hard slaps.

"Master!" Forrest jerked, hands scrabbling on the


"That's it," Oliver murmured, hands moving over

Jack, pinching and teasing.

Hunter nodded. "No thinking." It bore repeating. Just

like the slaps bore redoing.

"He's so hard," Jack groaned, head falling back.
"Close your legs around him."
"Yes, Sir. Yes. So wet, Forrest."
"Just do it, babe." He kept spanking, hitting hard.

"Let go and come for me. For us."

"Fuck..." Forrest's hips slammed back, forward, over

and over.

"That's it. Love you, Forrest. Love you."

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"Love..." Forrest groaned, and Jack's head fell back

throat working.

"Yes. Come for us, Forrest. Come." He let his little

finger nudge Forrest's balls on the next smack.

He smelled Forrest's need, Forrest's spunk, and Jack

actually wailed. Hunter moaned, his hand coming down
one last time, and then he rubbed Forrest's ass, letting
the sensations left by his hand burn.

"So hot. You're hot against me." Jack arched, leaned

back against Oliver's chest.

"Love you, Forrest. You're so sexy, so good." Hunter

reached over onto the table, slicked a nice sized plug,
something soft but heavy. He pressed two fingers
against Forrest's hole.

"Oh, God." Jack whimpered, lips open, whimpering.
"Take me in, boy."
"Master..." Forrest's legs spread.
He pressed his fingers deep.
"Forrest. God. So pretty." Jack was rocking, rubbing

off on Forrest.

"Jack is right. You are." He added another finger,

stretching Forrest open.

"You do not have permission to come, lad." Oliver's

voice was sure.

Hunter pegged Forrest's gland.
Oliver chuckled. "Language, language."
Hunter pegged that little spot again. Forrest pushed

himself up, almost off Jack. He put his hand in the small
of Forrest's back and held him down as he pulled his
fingers out. Oliver passed him the lubed up dildo, and he
began to push it in.

Jack's eyes were burning, lips parted. "So pretty."
"Stunning. You're stunning, babe."
"Can... can I touch his hole, Masters?"

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Hunter surprised himself by tensing, almost

growling. No one but him. Ever again. "No, Jack. I'm
sorry, Forrest is mine."

Forrest relaxed, moaned, and Jack smiled. "I

understand, Sir."

"Good." He pressed a kiss to the small of Forrest's

back. "So good, babe."

"So good." Forrest was crying a little, he thought.
He fucked Forrest with the dildo, then set it in his

beautiful boy's ass. Perfect. He helped Forrest up,
steadied him. "You made Jack a mess, baby. Lick him
clean for Oliver." He reveled in the twin moans from
Forrest and Jack.

He kept Forrest steady while that hot, sweet tongue

cleaned Jack up. By the end, Jack was moaning, bucking
up underneath him.

"Come sit with me, Forrest, while we watch Oliver

and Jack."

Forrest nodded, curled into his side as they went to

the huge, cushy chair. He sat and brought Forrest down
with him, finding the most comfortable way of sitting to
watch the show. Forrest's ass was hot, filled, the skin
swollen. It felt so good. A new beginning for the two of

Oliver was binding Jack's cock, wrapping soft cords

around and around.

"I'll bind your cock tomorrow. Make you wait for it."

He could feel Forrest's ass shift, working the plug.
"Mmm. You want that, babe? You want me to wrap you
and make you wait while I take you?"

"I. I want you." Forrest shivered as Jack moaned,

Oliver turning the man to expose the tight ass.

"I'm right here. All yours."
"All mine. Master."
Oliver took a paddle, started warming Jack's ass.

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"Mmm. That's nice. Not as nice as our little flogger,

though." He stroked Forrest's leg. Forrest loved the
flogger, loved the burn. "I brought it, you know.
Brought it to use on you."

Forrest jerked, burning ass sliding on his thigh.
"You want, babe? You want to come again, watching

Jack and hearing me tell you what I'm going to do to

"I. Yes. Yes, Sir. I. He's so pretty, isn't he?"
"Yes. Almost as pretty as you are."
Forrest shook his head, but blushed a rosy pink.
"It's true. You're beautiful."
"Yes. Still." He met Forrest's eyes. "Always."
"Thank you." Forrest kissed him, then settled, cheek

on his shoulder as Oliver turned Jack's ass red.

He was only partly watching, most of his attention

was on the man on his lap. His lover. His Forrest. He
leaned down, lips brushing Forrest's ear. "Love you,
babe. All of you. Forever."

"Love. Tell me, Sir. What you want."
Forrest was becoming erect again, swelling, eyes on

Jack. Jack was dancing, hips rocking back into Oliver's

"I want you to go get a paddle or flogger from

Oliver's collection and bring it to me."

Forrest moaned, stood, walking carefully with the

plug inside. His hand brushed Jack's side as he passed.
Hunter licked his lips, watching hungrily. God, he could
watch Forrest move for days. Lucky for him, he could
do exactly that.

"Sexy boys." He called it out, making sure Forrest

could hear him over Jack's moans.

"Say thank you, Jack." Oliver's voice was soft,


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"Thank you, Master Hunter."
He chuckled, the sound husky. "You're welcome,

Jack." He turned his attention back to Forrest.

Forrest had a flogger in hand, was mincing across the


"Mmm..." His cock jerked, going full on hard.
"Bring me a plug for Jack, sweet Forrest." Oliver

smiled as his boy passed by.

That was fine with Hunter -- it gave him longer to

watch Forrest move.

"Yes, sir." Forrest chose a medium sized plug,

carefully held it up. "This one?"

Jack whimpered.
"The next size up, please." Oliver's paddle landed

again. Hunter chuckled as Jack's moan sounded awfully
close to a scream.

Forrest brought Oliver the plug, then came to him,

flogger held carefully. He held his arms out, eagerly
bringing Forrest down onto his lap. Forrest settled in his
lap, moaning as that hot ass hit his thigh. He took the
flogger from Forrest's hand. The poor fingers relaxed,
rested in Forrest's lap.

He took the flogger and lightly hit it over Forrest's

thighs, just enough to feel without any real sting. That
would come later, when Oliver and Jack were resting
and could have their turn at watching. Forrest hummed,
spread a little. He let the flogger slide along Forrest's
inner thighs, all the way up to his balls. Forrest didn't
tense at all, but the heavy ballsac tightened up.

He kept moving it up, sliding the leather over

Forrest's cock.

"Tickles." Forrest wasn't watching Oliver and Jack,

wasn't watching as Oliver bound Jack's arms. Those
eyes were on his hands.

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"I can fix that." He flicked lightly, the leather lifting

and landing on Forrest's skin.

"Oh." Forrest jerked, shifted.
He repeated the movement across Forrest's right

nipple. The little bud drew up tight. It made him hum
and flick the other one.

"Yes, my Forrest?"
"I love you." Forrest sounded the slightest bit stressed


He met Forrest's eyes. "I love you, boy."
"Okay. Okay, good." Forrest turned, straddled his lap,

held on tight. "Just for a minute."

"No, I want to hold you for more than a minute."
Jack started moaning, and he looked over. Oliver had

a tiny crop out and was so-carefully whipping the
clamps on Jack's chest.

"Mmm. Do you want to see, babe? They're lovely


"Right now I need to stay here."
"Oh, I'm not sending you anywhere. You're mine, and

you're staying right where you are." He stroked Forrest's
back with the flogger, keeping their connection.

He slapped the flogger gently against Forrest's skin.

Forrest took a long, slow breath, but didn't tense. This is
where his boy had always excelled. Forrest could find
stillness in any scene; he had a core of strength. So
different from Jack, who was wiggling and dancing and
moaning and groaning. He pressed a kiss to Forrest's
right cheek, then his left, and then on the lips.

"Oh. Sir." Forrest moaned for him.
He slapped Forrest's ass with the flogger, knowing

the leather would make the ache from the spanking
bloom and burn. Forrest's eyes went wide, hot. He

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flogged Forrest's ass again. He felt Forrest's cock jerk
and swell, kissing his belly.

"So good, babe. God." He'd missed this. Specifically,

he'd missed this with Forrest.

Forrest nodded for him, moaned low, so fucking hot.
He let the flogger land on Forrest's ass again, hitting

low enough the ends flipped up and around onto his
balls. Forrest almost climbed up his body, jerking, and
Hunter heard Jack laugh softly. He took Forrest's mouth,
distracting his lover as he repeated the movement. He
didn't slam the leather down, but Forrest would
definitely be able to feel it.

He felt the soft cry, rather than heard it. It made his

own cock jerk, need flooding him like a drug. Forrest's
eyes rolled, the low moan enough to jar him. He flicked
the leather up over Forrest's back.

"Sir." Forrest gasped the word against his lips.
"Yes, Forrest. I'm here. I have you."
He could hear Jack's cries getting louder, but they

didn't register really. All he knew was his lover. He kept
flogging, hitting Forrest's back for the most part, slowly
building the heat. He wasn't interested in pain, just in the
sensation. He covered as much of Forrest's back as he
could, occasionally slipping down to hit the tops of his
thighs and tease his balls.

"Master. Please." He thought Forrest didn't know

what he was asking for.

"I'm right here, babe. You know what to do. Breathe.

Let it take you."

His Forrest moaned for him, pressed closer, cock

beginning to leak.

"My beautiful, wanton boy."
"Yours." Forrest's voice made his balls ache.
"That's right." He curled the ends of the flogger over

Forrest's right shoulder with the next hit.

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The blow was incredibly gentle, but still Forrest

shivered, pressed closer. He did it again, loving each
reaction, loving his boy.

"Master Oliver!" Jack sounded desperate, and Forrest

chuckled softly.

"Such a needy boy." He met Forrest's eyes. "You are,


"Am I?" Those eyes were just dancing.
"Mmm. You are." He pressed a kiss to Forrest's lips

and slapped the flogger down over the lovely ass again.

"Oh!" Forrest jerked, stretched against him.
"Take my clothes off, Forrest."
"I'll try." Those poor hands went to his buttons,

started unfastening, so carefully.

"Take your time, babe."
Forrest nodded. "I'll have to."
"We have all the time in the world." He kissed

Forrest's cheek and slapped the flogger gently on his
back, keeping the sensation going.

Forrest focused on his clothes, eyes on his chest.
"You're doing a great job, babe. A great job."
"You shouldn't have to praise me for something so


He wrapped his hand around Forrest's skull and

tipped his head back so their eyes could meet. "I don't
have to praise you for anything at all. I do so by choice."
The air went thick, hot, and Hunter's cock ached in his
pants. He held Forrest's gaze, the tension growing with
each passing second

"Yes, Master." Forrest panted, nipples hard as rocks.
"Keep going."
"Uh-huh." It took Forrest a second to move, the man

caught in him.

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He took one of Forrest's hands and guided it back to

his shirt. He knew Forrest could do it; he just needed
patience and time.

"Mmm... love it when you touch me, babe."
It was especially good because he knew it wasn't easy

for Forrest; it took effort.

They were in a little bubble of focus, of need, the rest

of the universe disappearing. He continued hitting
Forrest lightly with the flogger, knowing when he
stopped the pain would intensify and they weren't ready
for that right at this moment.

He groaned as one of Forrest's fingers slipped across

his nipple. Forrest repeated the caress, fingers dancing
over his skin.

"Yes. Babe." He nodded, his fingers tightening on the


"Love you, Master." Forrest leaned forward, licked

his collarbone.

"Mmm. And I love you, Forrest." He shrugged off his

shirt, moving the flogger from hand to hand as he
slipped his material off his wrists.

Forrest nibbled his skin, tongue and teeth trying to

make him need. His prick pushed at his jeans, trying to
get to Forrest. Forrest didn't seem to be in any hurry to
get down to it, though, teasing and lapping at his nipple.
He wasn't inclined to hurry his boy. The touches felt
good, that Forrest was so present and there with him felt
even better.

Jack gave a sharp little cry, and he looked up,

meeting Oliver's eyes. He'd forgotten about them. Oliver
nodded to him once, then went back to carefully
attaching clamps to Jack's sac.

He smiled and then turned his attention back to

Forrest. "Pants next, babe. Please."

"Suck in."

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He obeyed, licking his lips as he anticipated Forrest's

touch. Forrest fumbled a little, but did it, got his fly

"Oh, fuck." The curse came out of him as his cock

pushed up through the open zipper, straining at his
underwear now.

"Smell good." Forrest's fingers plucked at the elastic.
"All for you."
He curled his fingers into fists so he didn't try to help.

Forrest needed to do this himself. Forrest's hot, plugged
ass slipped off his thigh as Forrest knelt before him. He
nodded, his own fingers wrapping in Forrest's hair as he
spread his legs wide. His briefs were eased down,
Forrest's hungry lips wrapped around his cock as soon as
it popped free.

"Yes!" His hips snapped forward, pushing his prick

deeper into Forrest's mouth. Forrest sucked hard, tongue
slapping the tip. He moaned loudly, his fingers curling
around and around Forrest's hair. "Yes. Oh, good. Your

Forrest sucked him like he was a Popsicle, like he

was delicious.

"Love. Oh." He kept murmuring, moaning, letting

Forrest know how good it was.

That mouth was hot as fire, burning around him. He

spread his legs even wider, the pleasure huge. Forrest
braced himself on his thighs, took him in deeper.

"Babe. Soon."
That got him a nod, a harder suck.
"Good. Fuck." He pushed his prick deeper, feeling

his balls pulling up. His boy. His. Love. Damn.
"Forrest!" He called out his boy's name as he came.

Forrest swallowed him down, throat working, fingers

digging into his thighs. He jerked and shuddered, his
eyes dropping closed for a moment as the pleasure

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moved through him. Forrest's tongue cleaned him, kept
the sensations going. He shivered, hands holding tight to
Forrest's head -- holding on really.

"Such a good boy." He moaned, thumbs on Forrest's

temples, and his boy smiled around him.

"How's your back?" He slid his hands back, his focus

returning fully to his boy.

He helped Forrest back up into his arms. "Mmm." He

slid his hands over Forrest's back, just above the skin so
he wasn't actually stimulating it more, simply feeling the

The sounds of the crop hitting Jack's skin started to

slide into his consciousness, Jack's cries muffled.

"You boys still work beautifully together." He rubbed

his cheek against Forrest's.

"He's my best friend." Forrest leaned against him.

"The plug feels good."

"Mmm, does it?" He slid his hand down and jostled


"Yes!" That was almost a cry.
He jostled it again, fingers slapping over Forrest's

reddened ass. Forrest pushed deeper into his arms,
swollen lips on his jaw. He moved his head enough that
their lips met, slid together. His Forrest moaned, mouth
tasting like him, like his cock. He delved deeper, his
fingers playing with the plug, nudging it in again and
again. Forrest began to shiver, to tremble against him.

"No coming until I say you can." He would hold

Forrest's orgasm off for a while, but not a torturously
long while.

"Yes, Sir." Sweet love.
He tugged the base of the plug out, twisted it, and

pushed it back in again. Forrest groaned, pressed close,
sweet cock hard as nails.

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"You're gonna come so hard when I finally let you."
"I want to. I want it to be huge."
"Then hold on until I say you can." He kept twisting

the plug, pulling it partway out before shoving it back in
again. With his other hand, he pushed against Forrest's
rosy back.

Forrest sighed, face hidden in his shoulder. He kept

touching, building the sensations again. He wanted
Forrest to beg. He leaned in and wrapped his lips around
the pulse point on Forrest's neck, began to suck strongly.
Forrest's moan vibrated his lips, vibrated his body. He
sucked harder, tongue lashing at Forrest's skin.

"Sir..." Forrest whimpered softly, ass pushing back

toward his hand.

He smacked Forrest's ass and then grabbed the end of

the plug, fucking Forrest several times with it.

"More lube. Please. Please." There was the barest

hint of worry in that voice.

"Of course, babe." He slid the plug right out and

generously lubed his fingers, pressing them into the heat
of Forrest's body.

Forrest's ass trembled around him, gripped his

fingers. He slid them away and then pushed more lube
in. Forrest never had to fear being hurt or torn by
anything he did. Forrest relaxed for him, breathed for

"Better?" He slicked up the plug again, getting it

good and wet.

"Uh-huh. Thank you." Forrest's lips were soft, wet

against his jaw.

"Good. Never be afraid to ask for what you need." It

was a part of the trust they were building between them.

"I'm not afraid of you."

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"Good." He said it fiercely this time. Putting the tip

of the plug back at Forrest's ass, he pushed just the very
tip in.

Forrest hummed, pulled away, then eased back down.

He twisted the plug as he pushed it in, increasing the
sensation against Forrest's inner walls. He heard the soft
gasp, felt the shiver. He sent it in deep, until Forrest
gasped again and he knew he'd hit that little bump.
Hunter rocked the plug, hitting it over and over, loving
the way Forrest twisted.

"Hold on," he insisted. "No coming yet."
"No coming yet."
"That's right." He started fucking Forrest with the

plug again. It slid so easily, banging up against Forrest's

"I..." Forrest climbed up his lap, pushed against him.
"Mmm. So hard. So needy." He pushed the plug in

against Forrest's gland again.

"Yes." Forrest leaned back, stared at him. "Yes."
"I love it. I love you."
"Love." Look at that pleasure.
He pressed the plug in a few more times, wrapping

his hand around the lovely, leaking prick. Oh, Forrest
felt that. The lean body arched, cock pushing into his
grip. He rubbed his thumb over Forrest's slit, spreading
the leaking pre-come around.

"Close," Forrest warned.
"You can hold on a bit longer." Just a few more

seconds, just because.

"Oh, fuck..." Forrest offered him a sweet, soft little


"Yeah, that's right." He nudged Forrest's gland with

the plug again, squeezing the head of Forrest's cock.

"Master!" Heat poured from Forrest, splashing over

his fingers.

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He nudged the plug against Forrest's gland as his

hand worked his boy's cock, pulling out as much
sensation as he could for Forrest. They could discuss a
suitable punishment later. Something wonderful for
them both. Something Forrest would love.

He took Forrest's mouth, sliding his tongue in.
Somewhere in the room he heard Jack scream, heard

Oliver's deep moan, but they weren't important.

Everything that was important in the world was in his



Forrest slept for hours, then he slept for more, Hunter

curled up next to him. When he woke again, Hunter was
stroking his belly, hand moving gently. When he looked,
Hunter was looking back, the look in his eyes making
Forrest melt a little.

"Morning." His smile bloomed across his face; he

could feel it.

Hunter smiled back and leaned in, rubbing their noses

together and then pressing a soft kiss on his lips. "Good

He stroked through Hunter's hair, the strands catching

on his hands.

Hunter hummed for him. "Did you sleep well, babe?"
"Like a baby. No dreams. No pains." He kissed

Hunter's nose. "You?"

"Yes, very good. The sound of the waves hitting the

shore and your breathing lulled me right off."

"It's lovely here."
"That's because you're here." Hunter nuzzled along

his neck, nose not quite tickling his skin.

"Flatterer." He couldn't help his happy chuckle.

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"Maybe, but it's true." Hunter pressed close, rubbing

against him.

"Mmm. Are you going to take me today?" He stole a

kiss, their lips clinging.

"I am. Probably more than once. We could start

now." Hunter gave him one tender kiss after another.

It sounded like an amazing plan to him. Forrest

pressed closer, moaned under his breath. Hunter licked
his lips, tongue sliding along them. He opened easily,
hungry. His lover's tongue slipped right in then moved a
little deeper devouring him. It felt perfect, having
Hunter over him, surrounding him.

Hunter's hand slid along his side, then moved toward

his nipple, but so slowly. His skin actually
goosepimpled up, his belly going tight. Hunter gave him
a knowing smile, finger moving closer, then circling but
never quite touching his nipple.

"Ass." The touch made his eyelids heavy.
"Oh, I should stop?" He could hear the teasing note in

Hunter's voice, and it made his belly warm, even as
Hunter's finger slowed, stopped altogether.

"Tease." He grinned, like he knew Hunter wanted.
Smiling back at him, Hunter's fingers started moving

again. His fingers flattened against Hunter, the warm
easing them. Hunter pushed into his touch, humming
softly for him.

"Love how you smell, Sir."
"Oh, good.
Hunter's fingers finally tickled across his nipple. He

arched into the touch. Hunter wrapped a thumb and
forefinger around his nipple and squeezed.

"Master." Harder. More. Please.
Nodding, Hunter pinched harder and tugged, pulling

his skin.

"Oh. Oh, Master."

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"Yes." Hunter kept pinching and tugging, pinching

and tugging.

He couldn't stop wiggling
"Look at you." The words were purred, Hunter

sounding very happy.

He wanted, so badly. "We can stay here all day."
"Right here. Sounds good to me."
Hunter's mouth covered his, kissing him hard. He

nodded, tongue pushing against Hunter's, their kiss
growing wild. Hunter shifted, lying on top of him and
humping them together. Forrest held on, fingers trying
to dig in.

"Love your touch," Hunter told him, rubbing their

cocks together.

"Love you." He spread a little wider, let the friction

be a little more.

"Yes. Yes, Forrest." Hunter pinched his tit again and

then twisted it.

He groaned softly, his fingers trying to push into

Hunter's shoulders. Hunter turned his head and kissed
Forrest's fingers.

"Master." He forced his fingers open a little more.
Hunter drew one into his mouth and began to suck on


"Oh..." Tears came to his eyes, but it wasn't pain, it

felt amazing.

Hunter's tongue swirled around the tip, and then the

suction continued.

"Yours." He ached, in all the right ways.
Hunter nodded, nibbled on this fingertip.
"Feels good." So little on his hands did.
His lover smiled around his finger and then slowly let

it go, pulling the next one in instead. By the third finger
he was sobbing with need, entire body shuddering with

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"God, you're beautiful. Sexy." Hunter stopped and

looked at him, growled the next word. "Mine."

"Yes. Please. Please, Master. Help me..."
Hunter kissed his finger tip and then reached for the

lube. The tube was opened, slick spread over his fingers.
Forrest watched, felt the cool liquid on his skin.

"You're going to get yourself ready for me." One of

Hunter's fingers pressed against his lips. "I'm going to

But what if it didn't work? Wait if he couldn't...
Hunter eased his fingers down.
Strong and warm, Hunter's fingers guided his, curled

them down around his ass. He was a little wigged out,
but more turned on. More needy. With Hunter's
guidance, he got one finger into his own ass, spreading
the slick. He focused, panting, the move stretching him.

"God, that's sexy."
He blushed, feeling it, loving Hunter's eyes on him.
Hunter helped him get a second finger inside, the

movements gentle and easy. His body tightened, shifted
around his fingers.

"Can you feel how hot you are? How amazing you

feel inside?"

Under Hunter's careful guidance, his fingers slid deep

and shallow and deeper again.

"Tight." He shivered, shook a little. "For you."
"Yes. You're going to feel so good around my cock."

One of Hunter's fingers joined in, sliding into him.

"You make me need."
"Good." Hunter pushed in another finger so they

were at two each, and he stretched them apart.

"Oh!" He arched, lips opening like it would ease the

stretch in his hole.

"So hot. So tight. So sexy. God, you make me want,


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"Yours. I swear. Every bit. Forever. I'd wear your

collar forever."

"Mine for always." Hunter nodded. "Yes." Hunter

slid their fingers out of him.

"Please." He needed.
"I won't leave you wanting, babe."
"I know." He didn't worry about that at all.
Hunter kissed him, settling between his spread legs.

His body was ready, so was the rest of him, and he
arched, begging for all he was worth. Hunter slid into
him, nice and easy, like they'd done it a million times

"Yours." He hummed, his eyes rolling. "Oh,


"Yes. Mine." Hunter pushed slowly all the way in.
Laughter bubbled out of him fueled by pure joy.
Hunter smiled down at him, looking entranced. "So

beautiful, my Forrest."

So long as Hunter believed that, truly, it was all

Forrest needed.

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Chapter Seventeen

Hunter helped himself to a cup of coffee and a

croissant and joined Oliver out on the veranda
overlooking the ocean. It was their last morning, and
he'd left Forrest deeply asleep after a night of pain and

"Good morning, Oliver."
"Good morning, Hunter. How are you this morning?"
He smiled and looked out at the water. "Very good.


"Exceptional. Jack is sleeping in."
He chuckled, unsurprised. Oliver had worked Jack as

hard as he'd worked Forrest. Harder even. "I'm not
surprised. Forrest is as well."

"It's good for them. To be worn out. Forrest seems

more relaxed."

"He is. This vacation is just what we needed. Thank

you for the invitation."

"Any time." Oliver looked over at him. "Have you

considered moving him? Taking him somewhere that
he'll feel safe?"

"I'm not sure he'd feel safer anywhere. And I don't

want to rip him away from the people he knows. You
know how hard accepting this invitation was for him. If
we go somewhere new..." He refused to let Forrest
disappear into himself.

"Ah." Oliver nodded. "Still, I wish the police had a

lead. Anything."

"You and me both. I wonder sometimes if they're not

looking as hard as they could because he's gay. I don't
want to believe it, but... to come up so empty -- I can't
believe these guys aren't still doing this kind of thing."
Still, Frank had come up empty, too, so it wasn't just the
police, right?

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"Maybe they weren't from here?"
"I hadn't considered that." It was only a marginally

comforting thought; it would be best if they were
caught, punished. If Forrest could know they were off
the streets.

"I can't imagine having to wonder like Forrest must."
"He knows he's safe at home and when he's with me.

It isn't easy, though."

"No." Oliver met his eyes. "But he's never been easy,

has he?"

They smiled together.
"Never. It's one of the things I love about him." He

sat back with a sigh and stared out at the ocean, the quiet
surrounding him.

"I do love it here. The privacy, the peace."
"It's a special place, Ollie. Thanks again for inviting

us." He and Forrest had been able to just be themselves
for a few days, with only their friends, nothing of the
outside world to touch them. He would be forever

"Any time, my friend."
The back door opened, Jack hurrying out. "Master?

Forrest's phone is ringing." He held the phone out. "The
call display says it's the police."

Hunter's heart started beating fast, and he held out his

hand. "I'll take it." He was hoping it was good news.

"Mr. Gruene?" The voice was familiar -- Officer


"No, it's his partner, Hunter Barrister. He can't come

to the phone right now." Though Jack could go wake
Forrest if there was news and they wouldn't share it with

"Sir, we need him to come down to the station. There

was a homicide last night."

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"A homicide? What does that have to do with

Forrest?" They'd been here last night; they'd been here
all week.

"Sir, I need him to look at a line up. The man who

was killed -- there are definite similarities."

"Oh. God. Okay, we're outside the city right now.

When do you need him to come in?" Oh, God. Someone
else had been hurt, someone who hadn't made it.

"As soon as possible, please. I need to be able to hold

these guys. I need him to look at them."

"It'll take us a couple of hours to drive back into

town. Can we say one o'clock?" That would give them
time if they ran into anything unforeseeable, but
wouldn't leave them waiting too long if they were early.
Hunter was worried too much time would lead to too
much thinking on Forrest's part.

"That works. I'll see you then."
"Thank you."
He hung up the phone and swallowed the bile that

threatened to come up. "They think they've got the men
who hurt Forrest."

"What? How?" Oliver sat up. "What happened?"
"They did it to someone else." He met Oliver's eyes.

"Only this time they killed him."

"Oh, my God." Oliver sat up. "You... they... killed


He nodded, the knowledge that that could have been

Forrest making him need to puke. He ran to the railing
and leaned over it, bringing up everything in his

"Jack, fetch Forrest. Now. Have him bring a glass of


Oliver's hand landed on the small of his back. "Easy.

Easy, now."

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He nodded; he needed to pull himself together for

Forrest. "I'm okay. I just... God, Oliver, that could have
been him."

"But it wasn't. He lived. For you."
Hunter nodded. "He did. He came to us, to where he

knew he was safe, and he lived."

He turned at the sound of Forrest coming out onto the

porch, and he opened his arms.

"Hunter? Hunter, what's wrong?" His boy pushed

close, already shaking. "What is it?"

"Jack, come help me make us breakfast." Oliver drew

Jack inside, giving them their privacy.

"Shh. It's okay. Everything is fine. We'll need to drive

back into the city, though." He held Forrest tight and
looked into his lover's eyes. "The police want you to
come and look at a line-up."

"Why?" There was the beginning of panic in those

lovely eyes.

He stroked Forrest's back, his own nerves calming

with the need to soothe his lover's. "Because someone
else was attacked like you were and they've caught one
of the guys."

"No. No, I can't. I won't. I can't."
"Babe. Breathe. Breathe for me." He held Forrest's

gaze. "This is a good thing. They think they have him.
They'll put him in jail, and you won't have to worry

"But... what if... What if someone sees me? Please.

Please don't ask me to do this."

"I will be with you the whole time, and they are very

careful with these lineups to make sure you don't come
in contact with the perpetrators. I think this is important
for you, Forrest. You need to face this man, to accuse
him." Personally, Hunter wanted to beat the man to a

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Forrest looked at him, shook his head. "No. No. I


"You can. You are so strong -- the strongest man I

know and you can do this."

Forrest shook his head, rocked against him.
"Yes, babe. It needs to be done. Don't let this man

hurt anyone else. Don't let him keep hurting you."

"Don't ask me to do this."
Hunter wished he could tell Forrest it was okay, he

didn't need to do this. But Hunter couldn't do that.
Forrest needed the animals who'd hurt him caught,
punished, put away.

"I'm sorry, babe. It needs to be done."
The tears came then, harsh and rough, wracking

Forrest's body. He held Forrest tight, wishing he could
take this for Forrest. He couldn't, though. All he could
do was be Forrest's Dom, Forrest's lover, Forrest's rock.
Forrest's friend.

And Forrest would survive it because he had already

survived far worse than this. Far, far worse.

"Come on. Let's go. We'll ask Oliver and Jack if we

can come back here after, steal a few more days away
from everything."

Forrest didn't answer, but his strong lover followed

him into the house.

"We need to go, but we'd like to come back here,

Oliver. I know we were scheduled to leave tomorrow,
but an extra couple of days might be just what we need."

Oliver handed him a key ring. "As long as you need."
Jack came toward Forrest, but Forrest just hid, turned


Hunter stroked Jack's cheek and wrapped his arm

around Forrest. "He needs to concentrate on getting this

Jack teared up, but nodded. "I love you, Forrest."

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"I know."
"Forrest is going to be just fine. He's going to identify

one of the men who hurt him and then they are going to
take the asshole to jail. This is a good thing." And
hopefully the asshole would roll over on his friends and
then they'd all be locked away for a very long time.

"It is." Oliver nodded. "They deserve to go to jail."
"And Forrest deserves to know they aren't out there

anymore." He kissed the top of Forrest's head. "Come
on. We'll get dressed and we'll go and then it'll be done."

Forrest was shrinking, relaxation fading, right before

his eyes. He told himself this was necessary -- they had
to get these fuckers off the street. It wasn't going to be
easy, but when it was done, Forrest would be able to

Taking Forrest's hand, he led him down the hall to get

dressed, to take the first step in truly putting what had
happened behind them.


He stood there, shaking so hard that his teeth actually

chattered. The big policeman whose name he couldn't
remember was talking, rambling nonsense about how no
one could see him, no one would know.

Forrest wasn't listening. He was just trying not to run.
Hunter stood behind him, solid and warm, both hands

on his shoulders. "It's okay, babe. This is scary, but you
can do it."

No. No, he couldn't. If there was a God, he'd be

struck down dead before the guys... It didn't happen,
though. Not at all.

Six men walked in and three of them... Three of them

looked familiar.

"You said only one of them. You said..."

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Hunter's arms slid around his waist, holding him tight

against the big body. "What's going on Officer Daniels?"

"Do you see the men, Forrest? The ones who attacked


Forrest nodded, knees buckling, flashes of the night

crashing into him.

Hunter held him up, arms like bands around him,

keeping him from falling. "Stay strong. Just a moment

"Tell us which ones, please."
They'd hurt him. Laughed at him. Ruined his hands.
The blond had been the one with the hammer, the

short one had swung a bat and... Things went grey,
distant. "One, three, and four." Please, let him die. Here.

"Are you sure?" asked the detective.
"You heard him," snarled Hunter. "He was very


Forrest spun around, stuck his tortured hands in the

policeman's face. "Number one held these over a cement
block while three fucking hit them over and over with a

"I know this isn't easy, but we couldn't tell you we

thought we had all three of them. You had to pick them
out on your own, to be absolutely sure. Your
identification will go a long way toward making sure
they serve life sentences."

"Can we go now?" asked Hunter, voice tight.
"Now. I don't care what he says. Now. You get me

out of here now, Hunter." Before he started shrieking

Hunter nodded, arm going around his waist. "We're


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Somehow, with Hunter's help, he managed to walk

out of there. The temptation to run into traffic was
sudden and sharp, huge. Painful.

Hunter had him, though, leading him down the street

to where they'd parked the car. "I have you. It's okay.
You did it. You pointed them out and told what they did
to you."

"Drive. Drive, Hunter, please. I'm going to... I have to


Hunter started the car and merged with traffic,

heading back toward Jack and Oliver's beach house. He
reached out and took Forrest's hand, holding on.

"Don't touch them. They're ugly. Broken. They

looked so normal. Those assholes."

"They are your hands and they are a testament to

your survival." The warmth from Hunter's hand was
nearly enough to make him cry. "And that's the thing
about evil -- it looks normal."

"I. I. They tried to kill me." He couldn't breathe.
"I know. You lived. You were so strong. You are so

strong. I'm so proud of you." Hunter's hand creaked on
the steering wheel.

This sound tore out of him, wild and devastated.

Even that was different now. His voice would always be
deeper, darker. Changed.

"Oh, babe." Hunter growled softly. "We'll be out of

the city in five minutes. I'll find a spot to stop."

He just kept screaming, crying out, over and over.
He hardly noticed when Hunter stopped the car, but

then he was gathered into Hunter's arms, held close,
tight. He screamed and cried until his voice was gone,
until the world was gone. Only Hunter was left. Hunter
rocked him, half murmuring, half singing to him.

It hurt so bad. Everything hurt. Everything.

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"I have you," whispered Hunter. "You're safe, and I

have you."

"Please." He held on tight. Please.
"I'm never letting go, Forrest. I will keep you close

and love you always.

He nodded, suddenly boneless, unable to even

breathe. Hunter pressed kisses over his face, murmuring
soft, soothing words.

"I..." His voice was a croak.
"Shh. You need some water." Hunter shifted and

stretched and then held a water bottle up to his lips.

Cool and refreshing -- it still hurt to swallow. He

drank deep, then pushed the bottle away.

Hunter took it, then pulled him close again, kissed the

top of his head. "They can't hurt you anymore, Forrest.
They're going to go to jail for a very long time."

He took a deep breath, tried to relax, but he couldn't.
One of Hunter's hands began to work the muscles in

his shoulders. "We need to get back to the beach house.
I can't give you what you truly need here on the side of
the road."

Forrest nodded. "I'm sorry. I tried so hard."
"What are you sorry for?"
"I don't know." He couldn't think anymore.
"Then don't apologize, babe. You have nothing to

apologize for."

"I need to go. Please. Let's go." Let's drive.
Hunter nodded and settled him back in his seat,

pulled his seat belt around and clicked it into place.
They moved back into the traffic on the highway.

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Chapter Eighteen

Hunter pulled up at the beach house and turned to

Forrest. After the deluge of sobs, Forrest had been so
quiet. Forrest's voice was blown again, the man's cheeks
still streaked with tears. Months of emotional work
seemed to have been destroyed in an hour.

It had been necessary, though. Hunter could

remember the haunted, hunted look in Forrest's eyes
when they'd first come home from the hospital and in
the months that followed. And now, Forrest had done it.
Forrest had identified them. By the time his lover would
have to do it again in court, hopefully Forrest would be
even stronger.

He slid his hand on Forrest's cheek. "I'm proud of


"In, huh?" Forrest croaked. "I need to go in."
"Shh. No talking. Let your throat rest." He got out

and hurried around to help Forrest. "I bet Oliver has
lemon tea."

Forrest trembled for him, pressed close. "Just take me


He wrapped his arm around Forrest's shoulders, and

they headed in.

The place smelled like food when they walked in --

undoubtedly their friends had resupplied the house. Jack
was a saint.

"Are you hungry?" He wasn't going back to Forrest

not eating.

"No." Forrest headed toward the back. "I need a


"Okay, shower first, and then some food."
He followed Forrest, shaking his head at Oliver's

subtle peek in from another room. Oliver nodded to him,
withdrew. They had very good friends, Forrest and him.

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He closed the bathroom door behind them and started

stripping. Forrest was already in the water by the time he
was naked. He climbed in and wrapped himself around
the lovely body. Forrest almost immediately started to
sob. He turned his lover, pressing their lips together and
absorbing the sobs into himself. Forrest grabbed onto
him, shaking violently.

"I have you." He pressed more kisses on Forrest's


"I can't. I don't know what to do. I can't breathe."
"Yes, you can. You are." He pressed their lips

together and pushed air into Forrest's mouth.

Forrest slumped in his arms, trusting him for support,

for strength.

He was there for his boy, holding tight, being strong.

"I love you, babe. And I'm so proud of you. My
beautiful, strong boy."

"That was so hard." Forrest sounded like a crow.
"I know. I don't think anything you do will ever be

that hard. But you did it. And you're still here. And now
things can get better."

"You promise? You promise me?"
"I promise, Forrest." He looked into his lover's eyes,

not holding anything back.

The tears came again, but this time the storm was

fast, easier. Real. He held Forrest through it, stroking his
boy's back, being there. He got them moving out of the
shower, out of the bathroom, out onto the private, sunny
balcony to dry.

"Take in the fresh air, babe."
"You'll stay?" Forrest reached for him.
"Where would I go? Where? This is my place, with


"Okay. I don't want to be alone."

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As soon as he sat, Forrest was in his lap -- naked and

damp and clingy.

"You're not, babe." It was a switch from the man

who'd just wanted to crawl into himself. Hunter took it
as a good sign.

The sun dried them off, warmed them, and Forrest

relaxed into him. He slid his fingers along Forrest's
back, moved in circles, ran them up and down along
Forrest's spine.

"I hate them." Forrest whispered the words. "I hate

them and I want them to be hurt."

"They will be. They're going to jail for a long time."
"Do you think it's my fault? That they did it again?"
"What? Of course not! How could you think it was

your fault they did it again?"

"I don't know. Was I the first one?"
"I very much doubt that you were. They knew what

they were doing when they got you. And you identified
them, Forrest. You've taken them off the streets."

"It hurt."
"I know." His voice was thick.
"I. What if I'd died? What if I'd died and we'd hated

each other?"

"It didn't happen, Forrest. You lived, we found each

other again. Don't make yourself crazy with 'what if's."

"But what if it had happened? What if you'd never

made up with me?"

"I would have been devastated." He probably would

have blamed himself for it for the rest of his life.

"Me, too. I was so young, so stupid. Always pushing


"And I didn't trust you; I didn't trust my heart. We

were both to blame for what happened all those years
ago. But neither of us made those animals hurt you."
He'd probably always blame himself a little, but he knew

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intellectually that it was those animals who were
responsible for what they'd done.

"I was out dancing." Forrest sounded so ashamed.
"Like thousands of others, men and women. You

weren't doing anything wrong."

Forrest nodded, stayed plastered to him. "I don't think

I'll sleep tonight."

"I'll stay up with you. We'll watch the waves."
"Okay." Forrest's fingers twisted around his. "Okay.

It's a deal."

"Good." He kissed Forrest softly, gently.
A soft tap came to the doorframe. "I don't want to

interrupt, but Master Oliver said you would need water."

Forrest looked over his shoulder. "Hey, Jackie."
Jack came over, putting a couple of bottles of water

on the ground next to them. "Are you okay, Forrest?"

"No." Forrest opened his arms, and Jack pressed in,

held Forrest close.

"You're going to be, though." Hunter made sure he

was heard. It was important, that Forrest held onto it.

Jack nodded. "Yes. You will. I won't stay long; I

know you need your master. I just needed to see you for
a second, huh?"

"Love you, Jackie."
"I love you too, honey." Jack hugged Forrest tight

and gave Hunter's cheek a soft kiss before disappearing
back inside.

Forrest tugged his arm around, keeping them close.
"I'm not going anywhere," he promised.
"Good. I need you."
"I need you, too, you know."
Forrest didn't answer him.
"You give as well as take in this relationship,


"I want to be your happiness."

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"You are, babe. I haven't been as happy as I am with

you in... ever."

"Good." Forrest sounded almost fierce.
He was glad. That emotion would serve Forrest far

better than the withdrawn numbness he'd had when he
left the hospital. Hunter ran his fingernails lightly down
Forrest's back.

Forrest shivered, made a soft noise, pressed closer to

him. "Hunter?"

"Yeah, babe?" He did it again, keeping Forrest's

focus on him, not on what ifs.

"That tingles."
"Yeah?" He did it a third time, scraping his nails just

a little bit harder along Forrest's skin.

"Uh-huh." Forrest didn't tell him to stop; his boy

pressed closer.

"Good." He pressed a kiss on the side of Forrest's

head and included the lovely ass on his next pass.

"You're making me feel good. I don't know if I want

to." Forrest sighed softly, the sound not unhappy at all.
"I may need to sulk and wallow."

"I think feeling good is a far better choice." He slid a

single finger along Forrest's crack.

Forrest did tense at that, but also pressed closer. "I'm


"I know. And I'm yours. We fit together. We make

each other happy."

He touched Forrest's hole gently. They were not

going to lose this. He brought his fingers to Forrest's
mouth, pushing two into the wetness. "Suck, babe."

"What?" Forrest's lips opened though, wrapped

around his fingers easily.

"Get them nice and wet."
Forrest groaned, mouth pulling at him. His prick

grew with each suck, soft moans coming from him like

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Forrest was sucking them out of him. They were going
to survive this. Both of them, together. Forrest's eyes
closed, the suction growing stronger. Groaning, he
started rocking, matching the rhythm of Forrest's mouth
on his fingers. His free hand stroked Forrest's back, side,
keeping them connected.

"Love how you feel, love you."
Hunter thought Forrest's eyelashes were wet again,

but Hunter ignored that. Forrest would find his way.

He tugged his fingers out of Forrest's mouth and slid

them back down to his lovely boy's ass.

"Shh. Shh, babe. I've got you."
Forrest looked over at him, searched his eyes, then


"That's my boy." He pressed one of his fingers into

Forrest's hole.

"Your boy. Promise me you'll be there every time I

have to deal with them."

"Every time, Forrest. I'll be there before and during

and after." He pushed his finger deep, finding Forrest's

"Master..." Forrest's eyes opened, went wide.
"Yes. Right here." He nudged that spot again.
"I don't..." Forrest's ass went tight.
Yes, Forrest did.
Hunter took Forrest's mouth and began to slide his

finger in and out. He made sure to hit Forrest's gland
with every single stroke. When Forrest was loose and
gasping, rocking with him, he pushed in a second finger.

"Tell me I still feel good to you."
"You feel amazing to me, babe. You're hot and tight

and silky. I can't wait to slide my prick inside you."

Forrest's response was a soft sob. "I want to be


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He growled and cupped Forrest's cheek with his free

hand, meeting Forrest's gaze. "You are mine. Do you
hear me? In your head and in your heart? You are mine.
I know it deep in my soul."

"Yours." Forrest moaned, eyes wide. "Yes. Yours.

Master, please."

"Yes, mine." He tugged his fingers out and spit on his

cock; it wasn't lube, but he would go slowly, let Forrest
take him in. He shifted Forrest, set his boy's hole at his

"Yours. And you're mine. My love. My master. My

Hunter." Forrest sank down and down, taking him in.

"Yes!" It was a shout, all his muscles clenching to

keep him from helping, from slamming into Forrest's
amazing, tight heat.

Forrest's ass settled on his thighs, body rocking.

"You. You owe me a spanking. Later."

"Mmm. You'll get it." It was so hot, having Forrest

ask for it.

"'kay. Not now." Forrest moaned. "I didn't think I

could feel good."

"I knew you could, I knew this was important." They

were joined, melting into one, and that was where
Forrest's focus needed to be today. On them.

"Yes." Forrest leaned back, and he held the lean, long


"Stunning." He watched as Forrest began to move on

him, a low groan leaving his lips.

The sun set Forrest's skin aglow, and Hunter found it

hard to breathe for a moment, knowing that he might
have lost this, lost his Forrest. Moaning, he kept one
hand around Forrest's back, the other he wrapped around
Forrest's hip, encouraging movement. Forrest rode him,
driving himself up and down, moving faster, harder.

"Yes. Forrest. God. Mine. All mine. All mine."

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His boy nodded, lips open, body jerking almost


He wrapped his hand around Forrest's cock, thumb

pressing against the slit for a moment. "You're allowed
to come for me."

"Oh, God. Hunter..." Forrest's ass clenched around

him, tight as a fist.

"That's right. Come on, love." He jacked Forrest's

prick quickly.

"Love. Love. Hunter. Love." Forrest's head fell back,

throat working, balls drawing into a tight sac.

"I love you, Forrest."
Spunk sprayed from his boy, covering his chest, his

belly. He moaned, kept stroking Forrest's cock, leading
his boy through the aftershocks. The sweet ass rippled,
worked his cock, demanded his pleasure, too. Leaning in
to take a kiss, he let himself go as their mouths met.
Forrest's tongue slid against his, touching his so gently.
He came hard, filling Forrest with his pleasure, with his

Forrest stayed right there, holding on, breath

beginning to slow. He took kiss after kiss, their bodies
joined, melted together.

"I want to wear your ring, Hunter. I want everyone to

know I'm not alone anymore."

"And I want to take you to New York. Make it


Forrest nodded. "We can ask Oliver and Jack to

witness it."

"That sounds perfect, babe." He gave Forrest another

kiss and leaned their foreheads together when it was
done. "Then everyone will know that you're mine."

"Yes. My husband. My partner. My Hunter."
"Your master, your lover, your man."
Forrest nodded. "Mine."

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And just maybe, that was long enough.

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"Jack, do you have his ring?"
"Quit it. I have it. You look perfect. Come on."
Forrest looked in the mirror again, futzing. "My tie's


Jack appeared in the mirror behind him. "If you'd

stopped fussing with it, it would still be fine." Jack
turned him, fixed his tie. "There. Perfect. Now come

"He seemed happy, right? Excited?" God knew he


"He hasn't stopped smiling since the plane landed.

Honey, he loves you and he wants to marry you. Get out
there and go to him so he can!"

Jack nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, it's time."
Forrest nodded, let Jack lead him out into the

courtroom. Hunter was there, beaming at him, strong
and solid and looking so happy. And his. All his.

Oh, God.
It was finally time.


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