Brats in Training 4 Lynn Hagen Training Michael

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Tasty Teasers

Brats in Training 4: Training Michael

Michael Grafton was a temptation sent to drive PJ crazy. He just
knew it. The man was a Dom through and through. Michael just
didn't seem to know it. When Michael finally asks PJ out, PJ is
thrilled down to his toes. He wants to be dominated by Michael. He
needs it. He wants a Dom that can rein him in and give him
boundaries. He thinks Michael is the answer to all of his prayers.
There's only one problem.

Michael has never dominated anyone before.

When PJ goes totally bratty and pushes all of Michael's buttons,
Michael does the only thing he can do. He calls in his friends for
some help in punishing his new sub. What started out as a night
doomed to failure turns into a dream neither Michael nor PJ can
believe is true. When someone tries to come between them, will PJ
believe in his Dom or revert to his bratty ways? And will Michael
be able to stop him?

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), BDSM, Contemporary
Length: 23,105 words

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Tasty Teasers

Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-043-9

First E-book Publication: August 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Tasty Teasers


Copyright © 2012

Chapter 1

PJ tossed the towel over his shoulder, cutting his eyes to the man

on the treadmill. Now that was one hell of view in his opinion. The
man was glistening with sweat, wearing nothing but workout shorts,
and his buns were so damn tight that PJ knew for damn certain that a
quarter could bounce off of those delicious golden mounds.

“I’ve warned you about ogling the clientele,” Miss Jenny Fisher

said from behind PJ with a growl. “Go clean the benches, and stop
staring at Mr. Grafton’s ass.”

PJ mocked Jenny when her back was turned. She was too damn

built to mock her to her face. He wasn’t stupid. But she had nerve to
talk. His boss studied and drooled over Michael Grafton’s ass just as
hard as PJ did.

If not harder.
They seemed to be in competition with each other when it came to

the men who frequented Total Body gym. The only thing that he and
Jenny had to figure out was which man was gay and which was

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And even when PJ found out a man was gay, Jenny still went after

the guy. She would get pissed and take it out on PJ when the guy
turned her down.

Duh, they were gay. It didn’t take a genius, or a moron, to figure

out why they told Jenny no. She was missing one very hard, and erect,
vital part.

Okay, so PJ had tried with the straight men as well.
Big deal.
A guy could hope.
PJ reached down to grab the cleaning spray, glanced over his

shoulder to make sure Jenny had gone into her office, and then
unhurriedly walked toward the treadmill area. They needed to be
wiped down, honestly. All of those big and brawny men had left their
sweat all over the machines.

God, he was getting hard.
He sprayed the towel and then began to wipe down the machine

next to Michael Grafton’s. PJ wasn’t sure what Michael did for a
living, but the man had walked through the gym doors this evening in
a very expensive-looking suit and highly polished shoes, carrying a
Nike gym bag over his shoulder.

It had taken everything in PJ not to run behind the man into the

locker room and get an eyeful when Michael changed into his shorts.
Usually the man came dressed and ready, but not tonight.

But as much as PJ wanted to see Michael’s tight ass and hopefully

big cock, he wasn’t that perverted. Okay, he was, but PJ really liked
Michael and didn’t want to blow any chance that he may have—and
his shot at getting a chance with Michael Grafton was about a zillion
to none—with the man.

PJ could see the raw potential in Michael’s jade-green eyes and

knew the man would be the perfect Dom. He just didn’t know if
Michael played or lived the D/s lifestyle. It would be a good waste of
a very masculine man if the guy didn’t.

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As PJ wiped the treadmill down, Michael began to slow his pace.

His body was glistening with so much sweat that PJ was half tempted
to grab a clean towel and wipe the man down right where he stood.

Michael began a slow walk, snatching the towel from the handrail

on his machine, and patted his face. PJ just stood there, watching
every move Michael made. The man was a walking wet dream. His
cinnamon-brown hair was deliciously curled at his neck, damp with
perspiration. His muscles flexed and bent as he wiped the towel
across his forehead. His pouty lips were slightly parted as he breathed
in a few gulps of fresh air.

PJ growled as he cut a glare at Jenny as she stood outside of her

office, hands balled into fists at her sides, glaring at him with eyes
that had been lifted with surgery not too long ago. “Benches, now!”

If her arms weren’t just as thick and well defined as Michael’s, PJ

would have had it out with her eons ago. But, even though he worked
at a gym, his body lacked the definition most men wore in this place.

“Yes, Jenny,” he answered with a tight smile and then muttered

under his breath, “Wicked Bitch of the East.”

Tossing the towel over his shoulder, PJ reluctantly walked away

from the god known as Michael Grafton. One of these days he was
going to get Michael’s attention, and then game on.

“Excuse me.”
PJ stilled when he heard Michael’s voice. It always rattled him to

the core whenever he heard the man speak. He had one of those
sensual, thick, deeply orgasmic voices that made PJ want to whip his
dick out on the spot and jack off as he listened to the man talk.

Turning his head, PJ’s face fell when he saw Michael talking to

Jenny. He would have bet a year’s pay that Michael was gay. Not that
the man had acted in any particular way to say that he was. But most
men only talked with Jenny if they were interested. She may be an
overbearing bitch, but for a female, she was a looker.

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Lynn Hagen

His heart sank and his cock softened as he watched Jenny openly

flirt with Michael. She batted her eyelashes and tossed her hair back
over her shoulder, laying it on so thick that PJ was choking on her
dramatics from across the room.

He couldn’t stand there and watch his dreams go up in smoke. He

had been lusting after Michael for months now and dreaming about
the man fucking him into the dumbbells. Now he stood there feeling
like the dumbbell.

PJ was normally an outspoken, outgoing, big-time brat. But for

some gods-only-knew reason, he clammed up around the sexy god.
Every time Michael passed him in the gym, PJ’s brain smacked the
crap out of him and then slid from his ears.

He was a total and utter drooling moron around the man.
In defeat, PJ walked toward the locker rooms. Even if he wiped

the benches down, he would still be able to see Jenny and Michael
across the gym. And that was something he couldn’t stand by and

He tossed the cleaning bottle on the bench in the locker room and

plopped down on the bench, resting his elbows on his knees and
placing his chin in his hands.

What a fucked-up way to find out the man was straight.
Jenny of all people was going to snatch his dreams of being

dominated by Michael right from under him.

And the bitch would rub it in his nose every chance she had.
Maybe he should clock out and go home. He was in one sour-ass

mood right now. If he walked back out and saw Jenny, he just might
lose his job.

And have his ass handed to him at the same time.
PJ glanced up when the locker room door opened and in walked

Michael, his lost dream. He could hit on the guy, like he always did,
even when he found out a guy was straight, but it didn’t feel right.

Michael had been more to PJ than a booty call.

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Brats in Training 4: Training Michael


But even the knowledge that Michael was straight didn’t stop PJ

from checking the guy’s ass out as he walked by. He inhaled deeply,
taking in the sweat and musk. He shivered at the scent that was all

PJ’s heart thundered when Michael stopped walking and stood

right in front of him. He couldn’t lift his eyes. He was too busy
staring at Michael’s groin and fighting the urge not to lean forward,
pull the man’s shorts down, and swallow his cock whole.

“Would you mind?” Michael asked, which forced PJ to finally

look up at the man. “I need to get to my locker, PJ.”

PJ’s whole world tilted when Michael said his name. How had the

man known his name? They had never spoken to each other. The guy
barely acknowledged that PJ existed. He slid to the far side of the
bench—because he just couldn’t manage to stand and show Michael
his erection—and watched as Michael pulled his belongings out,
setting the gym bag right next to PJ.

He left his items on the bench as he grabbed a towel and walked

to the showers. PJ swallowed as he glanced down at Michael’s
belongings and then back up at the shower room. Why on earth would
the man leave his belongings out for anyone to steal?

Now PJ had no choice but to sit there. He wasn’t going to allow

anyone to take Michael’s things. And it gave him the perfect excuse
to wait so he could see Michael walking around in a towel.

If he was lucky enough, maybe the man would drop his towel

right in front of PJ. He could only pray he saw the man’s package. It
would be worth the disappointment in finding out that Michael was
interested in Jenny instead of him.

Or maybe it would only torture PJ all the more seeing what he

would never be able to have.

The shower cut off, and PJ wasn’t sure if he should leave or stay.

He wanted to see, and he didn’t want to catch a glimpse of what he
knew would be pure perfection. The choice was out of his hands when

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Michael walked back over by the lockers, because there was no way
in hell PJ was passing up the chance to see Michael’s goodies.

“You work here long?” Michael asked as he reached up in his

locker and grabbed his deodorant.

PJ opened his mouth to answer, but all that came out was,


Michael grinned, showing off a set of straight, pearly-white teeth

as he placed the stick of deodorant back in his locker. PJ was
mortified. He wanted to crawl under the bench and pray that Michael
hadn’t heard that moronic sound. He couldn’t think of a time he was
more embarrassed.

And PJ had done some wild and crazy things in his life.
“Was that a month or year?” Michael asked, his jade-green eyes

sparkling as he sat on the bench next to PJ.

That so wasn’t helping. All PJ could do was stare at the man’s

bare chest, still glistening with droplets of water. He licked his lips,
wanting desperately to sip every drop from Michael’s powerful body.

“M–Month,” PJ managed as his eyes zeroed in on Michael’s

nipples. They were dark brown, taut, and begged to be suckled.

“Well, it has to be longer than one month. I’ve been coming here

for six, and you’ve been here every time.”

PJ blinked, glancing up at the handsome man, amazed that

Michael had noticed and bewildered that he had. If Michael was
straight, why would he take notice in PJ? But the man couldn’t be
gay. He had been talking to Jenny.

“Nine,” he managed to say as he finally ripped his gaze from

Michael’s flawless form.

“Well, I think it’s about time I asked you out then.”
PJ whirled his head back around, almost falling from the bench as

he gaped up at Mr. Michael Grafton. Oh, no. He was starting to hear
things now. He could have sworn Michael just asked him out. But that
was impossible. Not only had Michael talked to Jenny, but he was so
far above PJ that he was getting a nosebleed from the high altitude.

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Brats in Training 4: Training Michael


“Or not,” Michael quickly added as he grabbed his suit, which

was still hanging in his locker.

PJ jumped from the bench, nearly colliding into the man. “Yes!”
Michael glanced at PJ, and the sexiest smile imaginable appeared

on Michael’s face. He released the suit and turned. “Yes?”

PJ nodded quickly as he sat down on the bench once more. “Sure.

Where do you want to go?” Thank fuck his brain was working and he
could actually string two coherent thoughts together again. He was
starting to think he would need a damn drool bib.

“How about Antonio’s?” Michael asked as he flicked his wrist

and the white cotton towel went floating to the floor.

PJ froze.
“It’s a great place to eat. I know the chef who works there.”

Michael grabbed his boxer briefs from his gym bag and held them in
his hand as he glanced at PJ.

PJ’s mouth dropped as he stared at the long and flaccid cock that

lay nestled in a bed of cinnamon-colored curls.

“I could meet you there later so you can go home and change,”

Michael continued, but just stood there holding his underwear in his
hand, his cock smack-dab in PJ’s face.

PJ’s tongue slid out and trailed across his bottom lip as he

imagined what Michael would taste like.

Michael lifted his leg, planting his foot on the bench, his cock

dangling between his legs.

“So, does that sound reasonable?”
Michael’s words were not registering at the moment. He could

hear the man talking, but PJ’s vision had narrowed to one long and
thick piece of flesh being flaunted in front of his very eyes.

Gods, help me.

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Lynn Hagen

Chapter 2

Michael knew damn well what he was doing. And he wasn’t

ashamed to admit that he was tired of waiting to ask the sexy little
gym assistant out. He had spotted PJ in Total Body months ago and
had wanted the man ever since.

He was going to use everything in his arsenal to get the man

interested in him. And dangling his cock in the guy’s face seemed to
do the trick. PJ was everything Michael loved in a man. He was slim,
short, and had the most gorgeous set of grey eyes he had ever seen.
The man had a full head of blond hair, and his lips were so full that he
was positive the man could suck a golf ball through a water hose.

And fuck if Michael didn’t want to find out.
He ran his hand between his balls and his thigh, pretending to

scratch and then smooth his skin. He watched as PJ’s eyes followed
every single move Michael made with his hand. He used the back of
his hand to “accidently” brush his cock, letting it sway slightly, and
saw PJ’s eyes fill with burning liquid lust.

“T–That sounds reasonable.” PJ nodded, but his eyes never left

Michael’s groin. “W–We could…uh…we could…that is…”

Michael held the chuckle behind his lips as he smoothed his hand

over his abdomen, gently scraping his fingernails over the skin. PJ’s
grey eyes followed the motion and then dropped back down to
Michael’s half-hard cock.

He wasn’t unaffected by what he was doing.
“Is there something wrong, PJ?” Michael asked, leaning a little

closer, placing his cock so close to PJ’s lips that he had to fight not to
grab the younger man’s hair and push his face into his groin.

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“There…no…I wanted…” PJ licked his lips as he curled and

uncurled his fingers, as if resisting the urge to reach out and grab
Michael’s cock.

Michael’s hand slowly lowered from his stomach, tracing through

the curls surrounding his dick. His fingertips caressed over the base,
and his cock jerked.

So did PJ.
“Damn it, PJ,” Jenny said as she slammed opened the locker room

door and then abruptly stopped. “What’s going on in here?”

Michael shrugged, turning to look at the annoying gym

supervisor. Ever since he had joined the gym, the woman was forever
fawning over him. He had politely turned her down over a dozen
times, but even his patience was wearing thin with her.

“I’m having a conversation with PJ. Are you supposed to be in the

men’s locker room?” His voice took on a steel edge, wholly not
appreciating the way she glared at PJ, and then her eyes raked over
Michael, her chest rising and falling a little quicker.

“I’m sorry,” she said and then cut her eyes back to PJ. “You need

to get out here and finish those benches.” The door closed, and
Michael and PJ were alone again.

PJ jumped from the bench, an angry scowl on his face as he

glanced at the door. “I guess that’s my cue to leave.”

What a shame. Michael was really to hoping to get some quick

head from PJ before he dressed. There was nothing wrong with
getting a little sample from the man. “Are we still on for dinner?”

An irresistibly devastating grin slid across PJ’s face as he nodded.

“I’ll be there. Antonio’s, right?”

Michael chuckled. “Yes. How does eight o’clock sound?”
“Perfect,” PJ said as he glanced longingly at Michael’s cock and

then headed for the locker room door, mumbling the words cock
under his breath.

Michael agreed.

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Once PJ was gone, he had no reason to stand around naked. He

pulled on the jeans and button-down shirt that were stored in his gym
bag, pulled his socks and shoes on, and then grabbed his belongings,
heading for the door.

He saw Jenny watching him, a mixture of resentment and lust in

her eyes. Maybe he needed to have a talk with the proprietor of Total
Body about his choice of supervisors. She was being very

He caught a glimpse of PJ wiping the benches down, a deep

glower on his face. Michael planned on changing that look just as
soon as he got PJ back to his place.

Not only was Michael pleased that he had finally gotten a date

with PJ, but he would have something to toss in his friends’ faces.
Taylor McKinley, Jacob Lyndhurst, and Alexander Sheffield each had
the perfect sub, leaving Michael as the last man standing alone.

He planned on changing that just as soon as he had PJ in his bed.

All three Doms were going to shit bricks when they set eyes on
Michael’s submissive. Not saying that theirs weren’t nice-looking
men, but PJ was every gay man’s wet dream.

There was just one teeny-weeny problem.
Michael had never dominated another man before.
He had never told his friends about this little oversight. And if he

could prevent it, he never would. Those three men would never let
him live it down if they found out that the all-powerful head of
foreign exchange, Michael Grafton, had yet to play a scene.

But PJ was the perfect submissive to get his feet wet. The man

appeared to be quiet, demure, and shy. Michael would have him
mastered in no time.

He slid behind the wheel of his silver BMW Nazca M12 and

drove away from the gym. He navigated through the city streets, and
drove his sports car into the garage at The Quest, a condo building
where he lived.

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Brats in Training 4: Training Michael


After parking his car, he walked through the PeLiDesigned lobby

of limestone walls and ingrained wood flooring, heading toward the
elevators. Once in his condo, Michael dropped his gym bag by the
door and walked past the expansive floor-to-ceiling glass windows in
his living room and headed straight for his bedroom.

He needed to find something simple to wear on his date with PJ.

He didn’t want to wear what he normally adorned and outshine his
date. The man was the center of Michael’s evening, and he wanted
everyone to know this.

He pulled out an Ermenegildo Zegna short-sleeve polo shirt. That

was casual enough. He also grabbed a pair of jeans as well. Michael
quickly dressed and then examined himself in the mirror. Normally,
he wouldn’t take such measures to make sure he looked perfect, but
Michael was after a very hot little man.

Once he was satisfied, Michael drove to Antonio’s. He parked his

own car. He wasn’t a snob by any means, but when owning a car
worth just under six hundred and fifty thousand dollars, he didn’t trust
too many people to park it for him.

He spotted Taylor, Jacob, and Alexander sitting at their usual

table. The three were already enjoying their drinks as Michael joined

“I thought you forgot,” Jacob teased as Michael took a seat.
“You wish,” he replied as the waiter immediately rushed over and

took Michael’s drink order. Normally he would have ordered a
scotch, but he was meeting PJ tonight, so he kept it light with just an

Alexander’s brow rose a fraction of an inch. “No scotch?”
Michael glanced toward the door, anxious to see PJ outside of the

gym. “No, not tonight.”

Taylor glanced toward the door, and then at Michael, a smile

tickling the side of his mouth. “Expecting company?”

Michael grinned. “You could say that.”
Taylor leaned closer. “Do tell…please.”

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“I don’t kiss and tell, thank you very much.” Hell, he hadn’t even

kissed PJ yet. If he was going to spill the beans, he wanted something
to spill first.

Taylor had a smug little twist to his lips when he leaned back in

his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. “Admit it. You don’t
have a date, do you? You’re just trying to put one over on us.”

“No, I really do have a date,”—Michael grinned—“and he’s


“Is he a sub?”
Good question. “We’ll see. This is our first date. It’s too soon to


“So, you’re not even sure if he is a submissive?” Jacob asked, his

mouth curving into an amused smile. “You must not like him very
much if you are inviting him to have dinner with all four of us at one

Oh, ho, ho. Michael liked PJ very much. He just wanted to rub the

fact that PJ was a walking wet dream in these guys’ smug mugs. Even
if he had nothing to kiss and tell about yet, he knew PJ’s arresting
good looks would give these men plenty to talk about.

He just prayed like hell that PJ didn’t stand him up.
“Can you give us a hint of what he looks like?” Jacob asked as he

leaned a bit closer, curiosity burning heavily in his light-grey eyes.

“You will have to wait and see,” Michael said with a mischievous

lift of his brow.

“What do you mean I can’t come in here?! Who are you to tell me

where I can and can’t go?”

All four men turned to see what was going on at the front door,

and Michael’s jaw hit his chest. PJ was standing just inside the door,
arguing with the hostess. “My clothes are clean even if they’re not
fancy. What else do you want?”

Michael quickly scooted his chair back, hurrying toward the door

to stop PJ before he was either thrown out on his ass or the police
were called. “He’s with me, Raul.”

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Raul’s brows shot up, and then he cleared his throat, giving a nod,

his face a stoic mask of nothingness. “Very well, Mr. Grafton.”

“Hey.” Michael smiled at PJ.
PJ’s glower slipped from between his eyes, to be replaced by pure

heaven. His smile made his grey eyes shine like diamonds. “Hi.”

“I’m seated over here.” Michael waved PJ further into the

restaurant and rolled his eyes when he saw his friends staring slack-
jawed at PJ. He wasn’t sure if they were shocked by his looks or if
they were stunned by his outburst.

It might be both.
“Guys, this is PJ.”
The men glanced up at Michael, and then each of them openly

assessed the small blond. Michael bit his lower lip, suppressing the
urge to laugh in all of their faces and say na-na-na-na-na, look what I
They looked completely stunned by PJ.

And that’s exactly the reaction Michael knew his submissive

would get.

Michael took a seat, smirking at his friends. “PJ, this is Taylor

McKinley, Jacob Lyndhurst, and Alexander Sheffield, my associates.”

The three nodded at PJ.
Before Michael could lift his hand for the waiter, the man was

hurrying toward their table. “Give him your drink order, PJ.”

PJ grinned at the men surrounding him, and Michael nearly

growled. He didn’t like PJ giving his friends that sultry, devastating
smile. That was for him alone.

“I’ll have a diet water,” PJ said and then sat back, smiling smugly.
Michael wasn’t sure what to say, but he bit back the grin as his

three friends once again gaped at PJ.

“Sir,” the waiter said, glancing around the table and then settling

his eyes on PJ, “there’s no such thing as a diet water.”

PJ chuckled and sat forward. “No sense of humor. Just give me a

water then.”

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“Very well, sir.” The waiter hurried away, glancing back at the

table before running into the kitchen.

“Damn,” PJ began, reaching under the table and wiggling around.

“My balls itch.”

Michael’s jaw dropped as Taylor spewed his drink across the table

and Jacob hooted with laughter. Alexander just sat there with a stoic
face as he stared at the small blond.

Oh, hell.

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Chapter 3

PJ sat back, tossing his arm over the back of his chair. He glanced

at each man sitting at the table and knew he was looking at four very
dominant men. They amplified power, money, and masculinity.

No one would ever take them for anything but Doms.
Well, PJ was still wondering about Michael. The man had very

great potential, but he hadn’t said anything about PJ’s inappropriate
language at the table. PJ was testing the man, seeing just how much
he could get away with, but all Michael was doing was staring at PJ
like he was a lime-green alien from another world.

He didn’t reprimand PJ. He didn’t command that PJ apologize to

his friends for his crass words. The man didn’t even glower at PJ. He
just sat there slack-jawed.

So it was time to turn up the heat.
“So, are you expecting some ass for this meal?” he asked Michael

as he grabbed the man’s coffee and took a sip. “Because I don’t have
a problem giving it up for a fancy place like this.” He waved his hand
around to encompass the entire restaurant. He was waiting for the
Dom to come out in Michael. PJ knew for a fact the man had it in
him, but Michael wasn’t reacting to anything PJ said.

Not in the way PJ wanted him to.
PJ wanted to be put in his place, and he wanted to be punished. He

was sick and tired of playing with Doms who didn’t have a fucking
clue what PJ needed. Most gave up on him within the first week—
some within the first hour—claiming that PJ was the ultimate brat and
they weren’t going to waste their time on him.

It was true that PJ was out of control.

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So, he remained untrained.
And damn if he didn’t want Michael to rein him in and take

control. PJ yearned for a master, and he had a feeling that Michael
was the one he had been searching for all these years. He was going to
bring the Dom out in the man if it killed him.

Or someone handed him his ass on a silver platter.
“Know your place, boy,” Alexander snapped at PJ.
PJ gave an allover body shiver. “Are you going to teach me?” PJ

smirked at the man “Sir,” he tacked on.

“Michael.” Alexander gritted the one word out from a jaw

clenched so tight that PJ was waiting to see the man’s teeth shatter
and fall out. “Control your sub.”

PJ’s eyes slid over to Michael, waiting, hoping, and…nothing


What in the hell was he going to have to do to get this man to

react to him?

Murder someone?
He had been a nervous wreck around Michael at the gym. But PJ

knew that if he wanted what Michael could potentially offer, he had to
kick the shy shit aside and get down and dirty.

He just hoped like hell that none of the other men at the table put

him in his place. PJ wanted Michael, and he wasn’t going to take any
other substitution.

Michael sat forward, plucking his coffee from PJ’s hands, and set

the cup on the table. “Is there something bothering you, PJ?”

PJ growled inwardly. Seriously? That was his way of controlling

PJ? By trying to reason with him and talk things out?

As frustrated as he was, PJ slowly smiled and shook his head.

“Nothing at all, babe. I’m hungry as hell. When are you going to
order my food for me, toots?”

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“Toots?” Taylor repeated the word as he rested his elbows on the

table and laced his finger together. “I swear, Michael. If you don’t
control him, I will. He’s a mockery to all Doms everywhere.”

“You won’t touch him,” Michael warned with growl as his head

snapped around to glare at Taylor.

“Then fucking do something with him,” Taylor demanded. “I

would have paddled Doby’s ass if he had been this disrespectful.”

Oh yes, please. PJ waited, hoping. He could feel his ass start to

tingle just at the idea of Michael’s thick hand coming down on it. The
anticipation was killing him. He didn’t even mind if Michael did it
right here in the middle of the restaurant.

“I will handle my sub in the way I feel is proper.”
PJ’s eyes widened as he watched Michael lean back in his seat,

looking for all of the world like he didn’t have a single care.

But…PJ wanted to be spanked.
Maybe he needed to up his game a little. Just what would it take

for Michael to punish him? PJ’s eyes slid to the other men at the table,
a small smirk of amusement crossing his lips when he saw the
angered glower in each of their eyes.

He had just the thing.
“So, if I fuck the rest of you, can I get dinner here again?”
Dead silence met PJ’s words.
He could almost swear he heard crickets chirping.
When the silence continued, PJ suddenly got the impression he

might have bitten off more than he could chew. Taylor, Jacob, and
Alexander were all looking at Michael, not PJ. Why didn’t they
demand that Michael control him again?

PJ turned to look at Michael and found it suddenly hard to

breathe. The glaring disappointment on Michael’s face sent his heart
slamming into the floor.

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Michael sighed deeply and scooted from the booth. He reached

into his pocket and pulled a wad of money out, tossing it on the table.
And then he reached for PJ.

PJ tried to scoot out of grabbing distance because he had the

distinct feeling that this situation wasn’t going to end like he wanted it
to. Michael just reached over and grabbed his wrist and yanked until
PJ had the choice to follow or get pulled to the floor.

“Where are we going?” PJ asked as he was pulled through the

restaurant toward the front door. “What about dinner?”

Michael was silent until they walked through the front doors. He

paused for a moment, looking up and down the street, and then started
walking again.

When Michael suddenly stopped, PJ thought the man was finally

going to speak to him. His jaw dropped when Michael turned to the
car PJ hadn’t even noticed sitting there, opened the back door, and
shoved him inside.

“I don’t like playing games, PJ. If you want to act like a complete

slut, that’s your business, but I refuse to put my time in on someone
who can’t be faithful to me.”

The door slammed in PJ’s face before he could even open his

mouth to reply. He was stunned as he watched Michael lean into the
front passenger window and toss some money at the driver.

“Take him wherever he wants to go.”
With that, Michael spun away and stalked down the sidewalk. PJ

watched as he bypassed the restaurant and went to a fancy car parked
down the street and climbed in. PJ couldn’t believe that Michael had
just dumped him like that.

Well, yes he could. He had been pretty damn bratty. He just

wished that Michael would have put him in his place instead of
running. And that was exactly what Michael was doing—running.

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The cab driver glanced over his shoulder. “It’s your dime, dude.

Where do you want to go?”

PJ smiled wickedly.

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Chapter 4

Michael was solemn as he pulled into his parking spot, turned off

the engine, and climbed from his car. As he made his way to the
elevator, he couldn’t stop wondering how he could have misjudged PJ
so badly.

The man had seemed so sweet. And gods, he was beautiful.

Michael could have stared at PJ all damn long day. Since meeting the
man, he had had numerous fantasies of jerking off while watching PJ,
just looking at him.

He was fucking gorgeous.
But it didn’t seem like the inner person matched the beautiful

outer shell. Michael sighed as he punched the button for his top-floor
condo. He had really wanted things between them to work out. No
one had captivated him as much as PJ had.

But just thinking about the offer that PJ had made to Michael’s

friends made his stomach churn. Apparently, PJ wasn’t quite as
innocent as Michael thought he was. Michael’s shoulders slumped as
the elevator doors opened and he walked into his apartment.

Maybe he should just give up on the idea of having his own sub.

He sucked at it. Five minutes into his first try and already his friends
knew how bad he was at it. They would never let him live this down,

Michael shook his head as he walked into the little room off of his

bedroom. He had spent so much time making sure this room was just
perfect for his sub, whoever that might have been. He’d had the room
specially outfitted with just about every damn sexual toy that he could

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imagine using. There were baskets of butt plugs, dildos, feathers,
restraints, floggers, blindfolds, and lube—there was lots of lube.

And a custom-made bed with built-in restraints on all four sides

sat right in the middle of the room.

Michael had dreamed of having a full-time sub that would help

him fulfill every dream and fantasy he had ever had in this little room.
And yet, it still remained empty.

Michael turned and shut the door. Maybe he could turn it into a

sitting room or something. It was becoming more and more obvious
to him that it would never be used for the purpose he had intended it

Michael undressed and tossed his dirty clothes into the hamper.

He took a quick shower, dressed in a light pair of leisure pants, and
then went to pour himself a drink—a really big drink.

He was just taking his first sip when the doorbell rang. Confused,

Michael stared at the door for a moment. Maybe it was maintenance
or security. Everyone else had to be buzzed into the building.

Figuring it was something like a lightbulb being out or something,

Michael walked over and opened the door. The glass in his hand
crashed to the floor when he saw PJ leaning against the wall right
outside his door.

“What are you doing here?” He was more than a bit confused on

what the man was doing at his condo. How did PJ even know where
he lived? He hadn’t told the guy. And how had he gotten past the
doorman? Michael was going to have a very serious talk with Orlando
about letting just anyone walk into the building.

“You told the cabbie to take me wherever I wanted to go,” PJ said

as he brushed past Michael and walked right in like he owned the
place. Michael gritted his teeth, slamming the door closed as he spun

“I was not referring to my place. You’ve proven to me just what

kind of man you truly are, PJ. And as I’ve told you, I don’t want an
unfaithful man who offers himself to my fucking friends!”

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Damn! Michael usually never lost control. He was the poster boy

for calmness. But dealing with PJ was driving him insane. The man
had been everything Michael had wanted and more at the gym.

But outside the gym…
“I’m not going anywhere, Michael.”
Michael ran a hand down his face, feeling his fists balling up. “Go

to hell, PJ.”

“I can’t,” PJ said as he flopped down on Michael’s very expensive

living room couch. “Satan still has a restraining order against me.”

Michael wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh or toss the man out on

his ass. He sighed, his shoulders losing some of their tension as he
glanced at the gorgeous man. “What do you want from me, PJ?”

And please don’t say money. Michael would be thoroughly

crushed if PJ was doing all of this to get some damn money from him.
He couldn’t think of any other reason why PJ would be acting this
way. Michael thought him the perfect submissive, but he turned out to
be the perfect satanic being instead.

PJ slid from the couch, his movements so languid that Michael

thought of a cat as the man walked slowly and seductively toward
him. The guy’s hips were swaying from side to side, mesmerizing
him, hypnotizing him, and just flat-out captivating him.

“What I want is you, Michael.” PJ ran his hand over Michael’s

chest, tipping his head back as he gazed up at Michael with those
pretty light-grey eyes. “What I want is a master who knows how to
rein me in. What I need is for that master to be you, Michael

Michael’s cock jerked in his pants as he heard the words he had

been dying to hear. He looked down at the man he had been dying to
have. PJ wasn’t after anything but what Michael was already willing
to give.

Michael laced his fingers into PJ’s blond hair, yanking the man’s

head back as he lowered his head, his lips so close to PJ’s that he
could feel the man’s breath on his face. “Liar.”

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PJ’s eyes went from a burning heat to confusion in the blink of an

eye. And then he rolled them and yanked away from Michael’s grip.
“What in the hell do I have to do to bring the Dom out in you? I’ve
tried playing nice boy, brat, and I was even seductive just now. What
the hell are you looking for, Michael?”

“For you to be yourself. Stop playing games with me, PJ. I don’t

even know who the real damn PJ is.”

PJ chucked, and Michael felt like he should have kept his mouth


“You saw the real me in the restaurant.”
“A whore?” Michael growled the question out between clenched

teeth. If that was the real PJ, then he didn’t want any part of the guy.

“No, a brat!” he shouted. “Spank me, whip me, chain me up, and

gag me. For fuck’s sake, punish me before I implode!” PJ pointed a
finger up at Michael, his little nostrils flaring. “And I swear to god if
you try and reason with me, I’ll tell Jenny that you’re straight and you
really like her.”

Michael narrowed his eyes. “You wouldn’t.” He would have to

quit the club and possibly move if PJ planted that little lie in her head.
The woman was relentless. She didn’t know how to take no for an

“Try me.”
The challenge in PJ’s eyes finally snapped what little control

Michael had left. He felt like he was on a roller coaster ride with the
man. He went from elated and interested to wanting to kick PJ square
in his beautiful back end.

If PJ wanted to be punished, Michael suddenly felt like he was up

for the task.

He watched with a great deal of satisfaction as PJ’s eyes widened

as he bore down on the man. He grabbed PJ around the wrist and
dragged him down the hallway toward his special little room, not that
PJ was resisting much.

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He stopped at the door and spun around, pinning PJ to the wall

with a hand at his throat. “Here are your rules, PJ. One, you will not
wear clothes in my presence unless given strict instructions to do so.
Two, you will refer to me as master at all times.”

Michael didn’t miss the way PJ’s eyes rounded with each of his

words, nor the soft flush that began to redden his face. What was most
noticeable, though, was the hard cock that began to press against his

Michael may not have played a scene before, but he had done a lot

of research and he was pretty damn sure he knew exactly what he
wanted from a sub. If PJ truly wanted someone to master him,
Michael was confident that he could do it, but it would be on his

“Three, you will not touch yourself in a sexual manner unless

given my permission to do so. If you come without my say-so, you
will be punished, and I can assure you that you will not enjoy your
punishment. Four, you will obey all of my orders the instant I give
them. If I tell you to bend over so I can fuck you, you will bend over,
no questions asked. Five, I will punish you when and where I see fit,
even if it’s in a room full of people. Are these rules understood?”

PJ nodded rapidly.
“I expect to hear a verbal response when I ask you a question, PJ.”
PJ shuddered. “Yes, master.”
“Very good. Now, what is your safe word?”
Michael blinked in surprise. “Zombie?”
“Yes, master.”
Okaaay. “Zombie it is.” Michael dropped his hand and stood

back, leaning against the wall behind him. “Now, strip.”

PJ just stared as if Michael was speaking a foreign language. He

didn’t move. He didn’t even blink his eyes. Michael started to wonder
if he had made the world’s biggest mistake until he looked into PJ’s
eyes and saw the need shining in their deep grey depths.

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Michael just hoped he would be able to meet that need.
He stepped forward and spun PJ around. He bent slightly and

brought his hand down on PJ’s ass with as much force as he could
muster considering he didn’t really want to hurt the man, just get his

PJ yelped and went up on his tiptoes.
Michael swatted him again for good measure and then spun him

back around. “I believe I gave you an order, PJ.”

“Ye–yes, master.”
Michael stepped back and leaned against the wall again, watching

PJ through hooded eyes as the man slowly began stripping his clothes
off. He could feel his semihard cock fill with each inch of skin that
was revealed to his hungry gaze.

The more clothing that PJ stripped off, the more Michael was

convinced that he was looking at the most beautiful man he had ever
met. PJ was slim, but he had gorgeously defined muscles under his
shirt from his time at the gym.

When PJ dropped his pants and stepped out of them, Michael

almost choked on the air he had been inhaling. He had never been a
bottom in his life, but if he was ever going to consider it, it would be
for a cock like the one hanging between PJ’s legs. He wasn’t huge,
but he wasn’t exactly small either, shorter than Michael was but nice
and thick.

It really was a beautiful cock.
“Fold your clothes and stack them neatly next to the door.”
It was incredibly hard for Michael to keep his domineering tone

when all he wanted to do was drop to his knees and worship the body
before him. But, PJ wanted him to be a Dom, and Michael wanted to
give PJ what he wanted.

Even if it killed him.
Once PJ’s clothes were neatly folded and stacked next to the door,

Michael stepped over to the door. “Close your eyes, PJ, and keep
them closed until I say otherwise.”

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PJ’s eyelids slowly fluttered down. Michael grabbed him by the

arm, opened the door, and pulled his new sub inside. He kept one
hand on PJ’s arms as he dug a blindfold out of the basket by the door
and then slid it onto PJ’s face.

“This is a special room, PJ, a very special room. I built it with my

sub in mind, and what I wanted from my sub. And, while I may play
with you in here, you will have to earn the right to see what’s in it.”

“Yes, master.”
Michael drew PJ over to the hooks hanging in the ceiling next to

the bed. He raised one of PJ’s arms and strapped a soft cloth-lined
cuff around his wrist, and then he did the same to the other wrist.

Once PJ was restrained, Michael walked over to his toy closet and

pulled the large double doors open. He stared at the contents for
several moments before his eyes settled on the ones he wanted.
Michael grabbed them and walked back over to PJ.

The longer he stood in the room with PJ at his mercy, the calmer

Michael began to feel. Maybe this was what being a Dom was all
about. He felt invigorated, energized, and peaceful all at the same
time. He also felt horny as hell. His cock ached so much that small
drops of pre-cum soaked through the front of his leisure pants.

He was just grateful that PJ couldn’t see him. He needed to be in

control here, and if PJ saw how turned on he was, Michael would
never gain the upper hand with the man.

Michael popped the top on a bottle of lube and lathered up the toy

he planned to use on PJ. While the man would be punished for his
behavior at the restaurant, Michael also wanted him to remember the

“Bend over and grab your ankles, PJ.”
PJ bent over, the chains his sub was shackled to allowing the man

to move, for now. Michael swallowed hard when he walked around
behind PJ and got a good look at the pert little ass sticking up in the
air. He almost said to hell with it, dropped the toy, and plunged his

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cock into PJ’s tight little hole, but that wouldn’t prove that he could
be a good Dom.

Michael pushed the tip of the toy against the tight, puckered pink

hole between PJ’s ass cheeks. He worked it around and around the
edges, pushing in at the middle every once in a while. After a few
minutes, Michael was able to push the little egg-shaped device past
the first ring of muscles in PJ’s tight hole.

Once it was in place right where he wanted it, Michael squatted

down and snapped the straps around PJ’s thighs. He turned PJ and
snapped the rest of the device around PJ’s balls and the bottom of his

And then he stood back to admire his handiwork.
“Beautiful,” he whispered.
“Thank you, master.”
Michael hadn’t even realized that he had spoken out loud until PJ

said something. “Are you comfortable, PJ?”

“Uh, not exactly, master.”
Michael chuckled. “Good.”
PJ’s chest rose and fell in rapid movement as Michael grabbed the

remote off the stand next to the bed and pushed the button, raising the
cuffs into the air until PJ’s arms were raised up above his head.

Michael stripped off his leisure pants and moved back until he

was in his favorite chair, the soft plush leather cushioning his body.
PJ dangled from the air in front of him, but his feet could touch the
floor. With his remote, Michael could move the man anywhere in the

And that was just what he did. PJ yelped when the machine began

to move but quickly got the idea and walked forward until he stood
directly in front of Michael, so close that their knees almost touched.

“I told you that this was a very special room, PJ. I had it custom

designed for my pleasure. What do you think?”

“It’s…um,”—PJ swallowed hard—“very nice, master.”

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“Just nice?” Michael hit the remote that started the vibrating egg

in PJ’s ass. He smirked when PJ shuddered and started groaning.
Michael watched as PJ wiggled and strained, his hands fisting over
the chain holding him in the air.

And then he turned it up a notch.
“Yes, PJ?”
“Gonna come.”
“No, you’re not.” Michael chuckled wickedly. “That’s what’s so

wonderful about this room. I have so many special toys. Take for
instance the rubber ring around your cock and balls. No matter how
much you want to or how hard you get, you cannot come unless I
allow it.”

PJ whimpered.
“You were a very bad boy, PJ,” Michael said as he hit the remote

to the device holding PJ in the air, moving him back several paces.
Michael stood and grabbed the other item he had grabbed out of the
toy closet. “You embarrassed me in front of my friends.”

“I’m sorry, master.”
Michael actually believed PJ. But he still couldn’t let it go, not

when PJ had professed to needing punishment so much. “I believe
you, PJ, but you still have to be punished.”

This was the one part Michael wasn’t sure of. He walked around

behind PJ and swung the small paddle at PJ’s ass. “Count, PJ.”

“One, master.”
Michael swatted PJ’s ass with the thin wooden paddle over and

over again until his ass glowed rosy red. PJ counted every swat and
never used his safe word. Michael knew because he was listening
carefully for it. At the first sound, he would have stopped instantly.

When he had given PJ ten swats, Michael tossed the paddle aside

and rubbed his hands over the twin reddened cheeks. He heard a small
sob when he squeezed, and instantly felt like the world’s worst

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monster. Michael stepped around in front of PJ to find tears trailing
down his cheeks.

“PJ, do you need to use your safe word?”
“N–No, master.” PJ licked his lips. “Need to come.”

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Chapter 5

PJ could hear the uncertainty in Michael’s voice. He wasn’t sure

what he should do. He couldn’t see Michael’s jade-green eyes to
determine what the man was feeling. He couldn’t even move his

But he sure as shit wasn’t letting Michael back out on him. He had

worked too damn hard to get the man this far. Michael was “the one,”
and PJ wasn’t going to let him get away.

But Michael’s doubts were clear in his voice. “Master?”
PJ inhaled swiftly when he not only heard the door open, but felt

the displaced air race across his body. Had Michael just left him
standing here? He bit his bottom lip, listening.

PJ felt like he had been hanging there for a lifetime. He wasn’t

sure how much time passed, but his arms were starting to go numb.
He was starting to worry when he heard a door open. PJ assumed it
was the front door, because the noise was muffled.

Finally, he could hear low murmuring in the other room, voices

straining and some pitches growled while another person gave a low

Just what in the hell was going on?
PJ stilled when not one set of footsteps started heading his way,

but several. He wasn’t getting a good feeling about this. Warm, rough
hands grabbed his wrists and lowered them, but the cuffs weren’t
taken off.

The egg was removed from his ass, making PJ moan, and then he

was lowered to his knees. His ass was still a bit sore from the
paddling, but PJ settled on his knees without protest. Did Michael

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want him to suck his cock? He was all for that. The man had the
biggest cock PJ had seen, and he wanted that hard erection to sink
between his lips.

But PJ wondered just exactly who in the hell was in the room with

him besides Michael?

The blindfold was released, and PJ blinked a few times, and then

nearly swallowed his tongue. Taylor, Jacob, and Alexander were
standing there, all looking down at him with calm but determined
expressions on their faces.

Was he about to pay dearly for his remarks in the restaurant? PJ

hadn’t been serious, and there was no way in hell he was having sex
with these three men. Michael was nuts if he thought that was

“What’s going on, Michael?” PJ asked as he turned toward the

man. Michael was standing there looking just as determined, but with
a strange sort of regret in his jade-green eyes. PJ’s throat began to dry
out, and his erection, which had been hard and full just seconds
before, was gone.

Alexander stepped forward, and PJ had to stop himself from

cringing back.

“You will not pay attention to anyone in this room but Michael.

You are not to meet anyone’s eyes but his, and only when he asks you
to look at him. Do you understand, PJ?”

He didn’t understand a goddamn thing about what was going on,

but PJ nodded at Alexander, his eyes quickly lowering to the man’s
feet. It hadn’t been a polite request, but he wasn’t that stupid.

“I want to hear your acknowledgement, boy.”
“Understood.” That wasn’t what PJ wanted to say. He had wanted

to tell the man to go to hell, but with all four men standing around
him, and PJ cuffed and naked, it was the wisest thing to say.

When Alexander stepped back and Michael stepped forward, PJ

took a deep breath as the pressure in his lungs seemed to ease. He
wasn’t calm, not by a long shot, but seeing the other three men step

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back and having only Michael in front of him made some of the
tension leave his body.

He had a feeling he was about to put on a show, and PJ was

becoming a nervous wreck. He may be bratty, a loudmouth, and
pushed Michael to the limits to get the man to master him, but never
had PJ performed in front of other men.

For several long seconds, no one said anything. They just all stood

there. That little bit of calm PJ had claimed was slowly slipping away.
Why wasn’t anyone saying anything?

As one minute passed into another, no one spoke a word. PJ knelt

there, staring at Michael’s legs, wondering if this was a test. If maybe
these men were trying to see if PJ could remain in the rest position
without opening his damn mouth.

It was hard as hell, but he managed to keep his sarcastic remarks

at bay. Suddenly it was vital that PJ prove he could be the perfect sub
for Michael. He had yearned for the man over the past months at
Total Body, and now that he was kneeling before Michael, he wasn’t
going to do anything to jeopardize it.

He hoped.
He was a brat, after all.
PJ watched in stunned disbelief as Michael began to strip his

clothes from his body. What in the fuck was the man doing? His
friends were standing in the same room. They were watching.

“Michael?” He had forgotten the word master. He was too

shocked to think about what they had been doing before these men
showed up.

“You do not have permission to talk,” Michael said as he folded

his clothes neatly and set them aside.

PJ snorted. He couldn’t stop it. He had gotten away with so much

with other Doms in the past that it was an automatic reaction. “Like
that’s stopped me before.”

The moan quickly fell from his lips when Michael grabbed a

fistful of hair and yanked his head back, jade-green eyes locking with

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light grey. “I don’t know who you’ve played with before, but your
snappy mouth stops here.”

Oh, yeah. PJ was getting hard again. That was what he had been

looking for. But he became uncertain when he still saw that tiny
amount of hesitation in Michael’s eyes. He wanted it gone. He didn’t
want Michael questioning anything he wanted to do to PJ.

“And you are the one who is going to teach me?” One brow rose,

a challenge thick in his voice.

PJ could hear a voice clear somewhere behind them.
Michael’s eyes narrowed. “I will be the one mastering you.”
Oh, fucking hell. He was so turned on by the hard glint in

Michael’s eyes that PJ was in danger of coming all over himself. If
PJ’s hands were free, he would have clapped them together in

His cock throbbed, jerked, and leaked, but PJ couldn’t come from

the damn contraption Michael had encased his cock and balls in. He
wanted to growl out in aggravation. PJ dropped his eyes, feeling
excited and frustrated at the very same time.

“Was he punished for his blatant disrespect at the restaurant?” PJ

knew it was Taylor who was asking. He was the one that said PJ was
a mockery to all Doms everywhere.

“He had his ass paddled,” Michael replied.
“And?” Taylor asked.
PJ waited, wondering what else Michael was going to do to

punish him, but the man remained silent.

“Michael,” Jacob started. PJ knew that man’s voice. It was

smooth, unhurried, and the calmest of the three that were standing
behind Michael. “The man is practically begging to be punished. His
outburst and unacceptable behavior at the restaurant were too
obvious. He needs a firm hand and someone to put him back in his
place when he acts out. He wants you, Michael. I saw it in his eyes
when he was looking at you at Antonio’s. Why do you feel guilty for
punishing him?”

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Michael felt guilty?
Now PJ felt like a monster. He had pushed Michael past his

comfort zone and took him into unfamiliar territory. It was obvious
that Michael was clueless, and PJ wasn’t trying to disrespect the man.
But he could see so much bottled-up potential in the guy that it
practically screamed from his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” PJ murmured as he knelt at Michael’s feet.
“What did you say, PJ?” Michael asked, his voice softer than

moments before.

“I said I’m sorry. I thought you were the one.”
“The one?” Michael sounded truly puzzled. He squatted down in

front of PJ, gripping his chin and pushing his head back slightly,
making PJ meet his frown. “What do you mean, the one?”

“The perfect master for me,” he answered, feeling his hopes and

dreams slipping away with the tears that trickled down his cheeks. “I
didn’t mean to push you, master. I just wanted you to take me to task,
to put me in my place, and show me the raw potential I can see in

“I told you.” Jacob smirked.
PJ wanted to glare at the man, but lowered his eyes instead. He

could see all of his hopes and dreams going up in little wisps of
smoke. He had wanted Michael to be his master but maybe what he
wanted, Michael couldn’t give him.

“This is quite a set-up you have here,” Taylor said with a low

whistle. “Do you have anything like a Saint Andrew’s cross?”

PJ held his breath. He knew what Taylor was asking. He wanted

PJ flogged for his behavior. PJ’s skin began to tingle and hum as he
glanced up at Michael and then quickly lowered his eyes.

Please say yes.
Michael stood and walked across the room, opening a set of doors

on the far side of the bedroom. PJ’s eyes widened when he slid the
back wall out, producing exactly what Taylor was asking for. He was
about to pass out from the sheer adrenaline rush racing through his

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body. He’d never been flogged before, but hell if he didn’t want to
know what it felt like.

“First,” Alexander began, stepping forward, his hands neatly

tucked behind his back. “A Dom must determine what his
submissive’s needs are. With Dusty, I knew right away. My
submissive lacked guidance, inner peace. From what I’ve witnessed,
Michael, PJ lacks self-control. He must be taught that his behavior
will not be tolerated. He must grasp the knowledge that you will
punish him for being bratty and pushing you. You should never feel
guilty for giving your submissive what he is crying out for.” A wry
smile played across Alexander’s lips as he locked eyes with PJ. “But
that doesn’t mean he should enjoy it either. It is a punishment after

“But what if I hurt him?” Michael asked as he walked back across

the room. “What if I accidently go too far?”

“You’ll know when you’ve pushed your submissive to the edge,”

Taylor said as he crossed the room and ran his hand over the smooth-
grain wood. “And do not forget that PJ has the right to use his safe
word whenever he wants. And you must respect it, no matter what.
Even if you do something to him that you have done in the past, if PJ
safe words, you must immediately stop whatever you are doing.”

“His safe word is zombie,” Michael said.
PJ heard a couple of chuckles, but he didn’t care. He was dying to

feel that hard wood of the Saint Andrew’s cross press against him. He
was practically drooling to feel it hard against his body, holding him
still while Michael taught him a lesson.

“You’re being trained here, Michael, but some instincts are

ingrained in a Dom.” Taylor turned, waving a hand toward Michael.
“And you, Michael, are a true Dom. Give your submissive what he
needs, and you’ll find that you will be able to better control him.”

Oh, yeah. Now that was exactly what PJ was talking about. PJ

damn near whimpered when Michael reached down and released the
cuffs around PJ’s wrists. He didn’t want to be let loose.

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But then Michael pulled him to his feet and walked him across the

room, taking him closer to the looming cross. PJ’s heart sped up, his
knees buckling slightly as Michael pressed him into the smooth wood.

He sighed.
Michael lifted PJ’s arms, strapping each wrist with a soft leather

strap. He whimpered when his cock pressed into the cross, reminding
PJ that he was still unable to come.

Damn it.
PJ looked over his shoulder, watching as Michael knelt, strapping

each ankle next. He pulled at his hands, feeling the restraints give just
a fraction of an inch. He was bound and helpless, and had to lay his
total trust in Michael now.

PJ could barely see his master. He was craning his neck, trying his

best to see where Michael was.

“Have him turn his head,” Jacob instructed. “Anticipation of what

you are going to do is a punishment in and of itself. You don’t want
him to know when the whip is going to fly or where it is going to
land. You don’t even want him to know how hard, or soft, the blow is
going to be.”

“Turn around, PJ.” Michael’s words were more commanding,

taking on the tone of a true Dom.

PJ obeyed, closing his eyes and praying Michael came through his

lessons with flying colors.

Their very futures were riding on it.

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Chapter 6

Michael’s palms were sweating so hard that he could barely grip

the flogger in his hand. If he hurt PJ, he would never forgive himself.
He cast a worried look at his friends. They all had subs, and Michael
wanted PJ to be his, but was this the right way to go about it?

Would PJ hate him forever?
Alexander nodded at him.
“Count, PJ.”
Drawing in a deep breath, Michael brought the flogger back and

let it fly. The small leather strips landed against PJ’s skin, making
small white marks that almost immediately turned red. PJ hissed and
went up on his tiptoes.

“One, master.”
Michael glanced over his shoulder. Alexander nodded again.

Michael prayed he was doing this right. He had practiced using a
flogger so he could get it just right, but whipping a side of beef wasn’t
the same as flogging a live human. The marks were real, as were the
little moans that came from PJ.

Michael brought the flogger back again and let it go. More marks

appeared on PJ’s back, starting out white and slowly fading into
pinkish welts.

“Two, master.”
As Michael brought the flogger down again and again, the marks

started to create a crisscross pattern. PJ’s voice went higher and
higher as he counted out each stroke. The more he whipped PJ, the
calmer Michael grew.

And that was stranger than fuck.

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Michael started to wonder if there was something wrong with him.

How could he feel so much calmer when he was obviously bringing
PJ pain?

“Ten, master.” PJ whispered this time, his voice sounding choked

and strained.

Michael couldn’t stand it anymore. He dropped the flogger and

stepped over to PJ. His hand was trembling when he brought it up.
Michael clenched it for a moment and then stroked it down the side of
PJ’s face.

PJ shuddered and tilted his head back. Michael pressed his lips

together when he saw the tears trailing down PJ’s pale cheeks. He
would have apologized but PJ opened his eyes at that moment and
pure happiness shined in their grey depths.

“Good boy,” Michael whispered.
PJ smiled and the air in Michael’s lungs moved up and got caught

in his throat. Pure joy radiated from PJ. Michael didn’t need
Alexander, Taylor, or Jacob to tell him what to do now. His sub
needed to be cared for.

Michael reached up and uncuffed PJ, catching the man in his arms

when PJ collapsed. He gently lifted PJ and carried him over to the
bed, laying him down on his stomach. Michael sat down beside him
and stroked his hand down the back of PJ’s head, gently caressing

“You did good, boy.”
PJ shuddered again and a happy little sigh fell from his lips as his

eyes fluttered closed. Michael stood up and went to the bathroom,
getting a wet washcloth and a small basket that sat under the sink. He
had researched this part well and knew it was his responsibility to
care for his sub after a punishment.

Even if it wasn’t, he would have wanted to do it.
Michael ignored his friends as he set the basket on the bed next to

PJ. He took the washcloth and gently wiped PJ’s back down. As he
did, he inspected each little pinkish line for any sign of breakage.

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Luckily, there were none.
Michael grabbed a bottle of spray lotion out of the basket and

sprayed it on PJ’s back. It was a complex medical spray that Michael
had hired a chemist friend to make for him. It had a bit of lanolin in it
to make the pain not so terrible, but not take it all away. Otherwise,
what would be the point of the punishment?

It also had a healing agent in it that would keep PJ’s back from

becoming infected or leave scars. It had cost Michael a pretty penny
to get it made, but it was well worth the price if it kept his sub

Once PJ was all fixed up, Michael brought PJ’s hands up over his

head. He had soft velvet-lined cuffs attached to a hook at the head of
the bed. Michael carefully wrapped them around PJ’s wrists and then
reached down to draw the sheet up to his waist.

He patted PJ on the ass and then stood. “Rest, PJ. I’ll be back for

you in a little while.”

Michael gestured to his friends to leave the room and then

followed them out. Once the door was closed, he leaned his head
against the cold wood and just tried to breathe.

His first scene.
Gods, he hoped he hadn’t fucked it up.
Would PJ hate him now? Would he behave or turn into a brat,

pushing Michael even further? Was there a line PJ wouldn’t cross?
And what happened if he did?

“You did good, Michael.”
Michael turned to see his friends looking at him. He felt a little

like a science experiment with the way that they were staring at him.
A part of him was glad that he had called his friends because he
needed their expertise. Another part was mortified.

Now, they knew he wasn’t a real Dom.
What would they say?
What would they think?
“I need a drink.”

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“No,” Taylor instantly said. “You never drink when you are in a

scene with your sub. It’s the one sure way to fuck things up. One
drink turns into two and before you know it, you could harm your

“I wish I smoked,” Michael murmured as he headed to the kitchen

and pulled a carton of orange juice from the fridge. He quickly poured
himself a glass and drank it down. And then he poured another one
and stuck a bendy straw in it. If he was thirsty, there was no doubt
that PJ would be, too.

When he looked up, Alexander, Taylor, and Jacob were once

again staring at him. “What?”

“Why did you never tell us, Michael?” Taylor asked.
Michael shrugged. He knew the questions would come at some

point, and he really didn’t have an answer for his friends, at least not
one he wanted to give them. “I just didn’t.”

“Everyone had to start somewhere, Michael,” Alexander said.

“We all did. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Right. Michael felt his face flush at the knowing glint in his

friends’ eyes. “So, what now? Is his punishment over?”

“That’s entirely up to you, Michael,” Alexander said. “PJ has been

sufficiently reprimanded for his behavior at the restaurant, but you
need to be prepared for the next time. Because, believe me, with a
brat like PJ, there will be a next time.”

“It will get easier each time, Michael,” Jacob added. “PJ is one of

those subs that needs a strong hand to keep him happy. He needs
someone to reel him in. He needs you.”

“What if I can’t do it?” Michael asked, voicing his greatest fear.

Maybe he wasn’t the right Dom for PJ.

“You can do it, Michael,” Alexander assured Michael. “And PJ

has chosen you.”

Taylor chuckled, which immediately captured Michael’s attention.

“Most people believe that the Doms picks their subs, but that’s not
always true.”

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“You picked Doby.”
“Actually, I think fate picked Doby for me. It’s the only way to

explain how his e-mail ended up in my inbox. But that’s not what I

Michael frowned in confusion. “Then what do you mean?”
“What he means,” Jacob said as he pressed his hip into the

counter, his arms crossing over his chest, “is that sometimes subs are
looking for their perfect idea of a Dom. You seem to fit PJ’s profile. I
would suggest hot tea instead of juice, though.”

“Why?” Michael asked as he looked down at the glass he just

readied for PJ.

“Because,” Alexander took over. “I think you are experiencing

Dom Drop. It’s when the adrenaline rush of a scene is over and the
guilt or depression kicks in.” Alexander cleared his throat, shoving his
hands into his front pockets. “I’ve experienced it once or twice when I
first started scening.”

Michael didn’t know it had a name.
And Alexander the Great was admitting to a weakness?
Miracles really did exist.
Walking over to the stove, Michael turned the burner on under the


“I’ll make some tea. Go give your sub his juice,” Jacob said as he

waved Michael away from the stove. “We’ll just hang out here until
we know you’re ready to do this alone.”

Michael was grateful, and it only reminded him of why he hung

around the three men. They may have their quirky ways, but they
truly were good and helpful friends. He just wished his little secret
had remained a secret. As much as they were helping him out, he
knew for damn sure they were going to razz him about this later.

He grabbed the glass and took it into his special room. PJ was

lying just as Michael had left him. Michael stood in the doorway for a

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moment, taking in the work of art on PJ’s back, and wondered if the
man was okay.

He hadn’t used the whip lightly.
The marks on PJ’s back were more visible now, more vibrant, and

stood out against his pale flesh. Michael had to stop himself from
wincing. He had to remind himself that PJ had begged for this with
his actions. He had damn near put the whip in Michael’s hand.

He knew for years that he had wanted the perfect sub. He just

never thought the man would come in the form of someone who
needed such a heavy hand. Michael still wasn’t sure if he was the
right person for the job PJ needed. But as he crossed the room and
stared down at the bed, he knew he was willing to try.

Either that or get a restraining order against the brat.
Michael set the glass down on the table next to the bed and sat on

the edge. He glanced around the room and wondered if he really had
it in him. The room had cost him a mint, but at the time, Michael was
sure he knew what he was getting into.

But staring at PJ’s back, he wasn’t so sure now. It wasn’t that he

didn’t want to be a Dom. He could feel the calling in his bones. He
just wasn’t sure he could take on someone so needy.

He lifted his eyes to PJ’s serene face and wondered once again

how a man could look so damn peaceful after being whipped. Guilt
racked him as he brushed his hand over PJ’s soft blond tresses.

“Are you thirsty?” Michael asked as he lifted the glass and

touched the tip of the straw to PJ’s mouth.

PJ parted his lips, taking in three large swallows, and then rested

his head once more, never opening his eyes.

The man had to hate Michael. He wasn’t even willing to open his

eyes and look at him. Michael felt the edges of depression try to claw
its way into his gut. This was his first scene, and it very well may be
his last.

“What do you need, PJ?” Michael asked, worried that his sub

wasn’t going to answer him.

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PJ cracked his eyes open, and Michael gasped. The light grey was

so clear that they shimmered like uncut diamonds.

“You, master.”

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Chapter 7

PJ was in heaven. He knew Michael was the one. The man had

given PJ exactly what he had been looking for. No other Dom had
fulfilled him the way Michael just had. He ached in places he had
never felt before, and his body was humming all over. Damn, if he
didn’t feel good.

But he still saw the hesitation in Michael’s eyes.
“Why do you feel guilty, master?” PJ asked when he couldn’t take

the silence any longer. He wanted to reach out and touch Michael, but
his hands were still bound. His fingers ached to touch any part of the
Dom, to bring him comfort. For the first time ever, PJ wanted to
please someone other than himself.

It wasn’t that he was selfish. But he felt that whoever gained his

trust had to be able to hold on to it. And he was pretty sure Michael
could do just that.

Michael sighed, tracing his fingers down PJ’s arm. “I hurt you,


Wasn’t that the point of a punishment?
PJ lay there wondering what to do. He knew how to be a

loudmouth. He knew how to be just bratty enough to push someone’s
buttons. But when it came to the despondent look on Michael’s face,
PJ hadn’t a clue how to react.

“But I wanted you to punish me, master.”
“Why?” Michael asked, as if he couldn’t understand the deep need

inside of PJ to not only feel a firm hand on his body, but to know that
he was safe. He wanted boundaries, limits, and structure. He needed it

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“You wouldn’t understand,” PJ said as he turned his head away

from Michael. “You’ll think I’m a freak or something.”

PJ felt Michael’s hand grow firm on his arm. “No, I won’t. But I

need to know why you want me to punish you, PJ. I need to know that
I’m not a monster.”

His head snapped around so quickly that PJ felt something snap.

“You think you’re a monster?” What had he done? PJ had taken a
perfectly well-rounded man and made him do the things to PJ that PJ
wanted most.

No, he was the monster.
“I never had any structure growing up, master. My parents pretty

much let me do whatever I wanted. I hated it. I wanted them to tell me
to be in by a certain time. I wanted them to discipline me when I
became out of control. But they never did. They were so wrapped up
in their careers that they never had any time for me. I want someone
who has time for me, Michael. I want someone who can give me
boundaries and punish me when I don’t abide by them. I want—” PJ
turned his head back around, too ashamed to tell Michael what he
really wanted most of all.

The bed dipped, and PJ knew that Michael had gotten up. He

knew the man would. He was some sort of freak who wanted pain in
order to function. Who would want someone as twisted as he was?

PJ was surprised when Michael didn’t leave the room. Instead, he

walked around the bed and crouched down in front of PJ. “Don’t turn
your head away from me again.”

PJ shivered at the command. “Yes, master.”
“What you really want is someone who will love you. Someone

who will make you feel safe and cared for. Am I right, PJ?”

PJ nodded, stunned that Michael had taken PJ’s thoughts from his

head and voiced them out loud. “But what do you need, master?”

There was no way Michael didn’t need something from PJ. The

man looked a wreck.

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“I need to know that I’m not hurting you, PJ. I need to know that

what I’m giving you is exactly what you need.”

PJ chuckled. “I think my bratty behavior and chasing you to your

apartment should not only show you that I’m deranged, but that I need
what you gave me and so much more.”

“Yeah?” Michael asked, and a smile lit up his handsome face.
About damn time.
“I also need to come like nobody’s business. But I’m going to take

a guess and say that you’ll let me come when you’re damn good and

“You’re learning,” Michael said as he climbed up onto the bed,

his cock thick and pressing into his stomach. The sight made PJ’s
damn hole quiver and his ass muscles clench. He wanted that cock in
his ass so badly.

He moaned when he felt the soft cotton sheet slide from his body.
“You really do look stunning,” Michael said as his fingers played

over PJ’s ass. “My marks look good on you, PJ.”

Oh, hell. Michael’s guilt was slipping away, and arousal was thick

in his voice. PJ began to pant, pushing his ass out slightly, chasing
after Michael’s hand.

He yelped when Michael smacked him on one butt cheek. “Lie


“Yes, master.”
He was rewarded when both of Michael’s hands began to massage

his ass, and then one slid down between his legs to cup his balls.

“M–Master.” PJ moaned as he ground his cock into the mattress.

Grrr. Why couldn’t Michael take this damn cock cage off of him? It
would make it so much easier to blow his load if he wasn’t inhibited.

And he most certainly wanted to blow his seed all over the bed.

He’d been a good boy. Now he wanted his damn reward!

“Do I need to gag you?”

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“Does a bear shit in the woods?” Okay, so he had tried to behave.

But with Michael touching his ass, that plan wasn’t working out so

Michael jumped up from the bed, strutting across the room in all

his naked glory, and rummaged through the closet, coming back with
a ball gag and a strip of red cloth in his hand.

PJ nearly melted.
Michael lifted PJ’s head and secured the device, and then handed

PJ the strip of cloth. He smiled smugly at PJ. “Better.”

PJ nodded.
“If you need to safe word, drop the cloth in your hand.”
Like PJ was going to safe word when Michael’s cock was

prodding him in his side.

Michael crawled back onto the bed, situating himself between

PJ’s legs. PJ shouted around the gag when Michael dipped his head
and licked one long and sensual path down the crease of his ass.
Michael’s tongue lingered at his hole, but then moved on to his balls.
PJ grunted in protest.

Michael had turned up the heat and was becoming an animal.

Fuck, maybe that was his reward. PJ would gladly take it.

Just as long as he could come.
Gods, he hoped he was allowed to come.
Michael teased his hole with his finger as he lavished PJ’s balls,

but his fingers stayed around the perimeter, never sinking in. Maybe
this was another punishment, because Michael was driving him

“You have such a sweet little puckered hole, PJ,” Michael said

right before he licked around it, teasing PJ to the brink of madness.
His body was sweating, his pulse was racing, and PJ knew without a
doubt that he would have come by now if he wasn’t hindered.

“I’m going to sink my fat cock into this pretty little hole, PJ.”
Please let it be now…because PJ was about to pass the hell out.

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“And then I’m going to fuck you to within an inch of your life.

But first…” Michael pushed from the bed, PJ using every curse word
he had learned—and a few he had just made up—as Michael left his

“Don’t look so disappointed.” Michael chuckled. He slid his

fingers behind PJ’s head, unfastening the gag. “No talking.”

PJ nodded.
Michael offered the tip of his cock to PJ’s dry lips, tapping the

head against PJ’s mouth. “I want you to suck my cock, PJ. I’ve waited
long enough to feel those pouty lips wrapped around my dick.”

PJ wasn’t sure where all of this aggression was coming from, but

he really loved it. He prayed this was how Michael really was in the
sack. He opened wide, and Michael’s cock slid right in. PJ moaned
around the thick shaft, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as
Michael gave a quick thrust.

“Damn, so good,” Michael moaned as his fingers tightened. “I’m

going to master you, PJ. I’m going to give you what you need. I’m
going to learn every damn way there is to please you, and then I’m
going to torture the shit out of you with that knowledge.”

PJ’s cock throbbed.
“I may feel guilty at times for what I do to you, but I won’t let you


PJ drew his cheeks in, applying heavy pressure as Michael drew

his hips back.

“Damn,” Michael moaned.
PJ began to bob his head the best he could considering he was tied

up. He felt the tip of Michael’s cock tap the back of his throat over
and over again as he ground his swollen cock into the mattress.

Fuck, he wanted to come.
Michael’s head fell back, and a long groan left his lips as his seed

spurted to the back of PJ’s throat. PJ swallowed every last drop and
was licking the head for more.

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Michael lowered his head and gave PJ the evilest of smiles as he

pulled his cock free.

“Now for the real fun.”
PJ wasn’t sure what Michael meant by real fun, but from the glint

in the man’s jade-green eyes, he knew he was in trouble.

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Chapter 8

Michael tossed the condom and lube on the bed, right in front of

PJ’s face. He wanted the man to know exactly what he had in mind.
He had waited months to fuck PJ’s tight little ass. He wasn’t going to
wait a moment longer.

“If you become my permanent sub, PJ, I will expect you to get

tested.” Michael enjoyed the shudder that slid through PJ’s body
when he stroked his fingers between the man’s ass cheeks and over
his puckered hole. “I don’t want anything between us.”

“Pa–papers in my p–pocket, master.”
“We’ll wait until we can both be tested together, PJ. I want the

doctor to do a full physical on you and make sure you’re healthy
enough for our playtimes. I have a lot of plans for you.”

“Yes, master.”
“Do you like the idea of being my full-time sub, PJ?”
Michael grabbed a handful of PJ’s hair and pulled his head back.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, master.”
Michael smirked and let go of PJ’s hair, smoothing down the short

tresses. “I want you to grow your hair out, PJ. It will give me
something better to hold on to.”

“What if I don’t want long hair?”
Michael’s answer to that question was to lean back and swat PJ on

the ass hard enough to leave a red handprint on the pale white globe.
“Want to try again, PJ?”

“No, master.”

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Michael swatted PJ again. “What was that?”
“Yes, master?”
“You don’t sound so sure, PJ.”
“I forgot the question, master.”
“There was no question, PJ. I ordered you to grow your hair long

and you argued with me.”

“Sorry, master.”
Michael rewarded PJ by sliding his finger into the man’s ass.

“Obedience brings pleasure, PJ.” Michael wiggled his finger around
until PJ whimpered and pushed his butt back. He quickly pulled his
hand out and smacked PJ’s ass again. “Disobedience brings

Michael slid his finger back into PJ’s ass, adding a second one this

time. “If you want to receive pleasure, then you need to follow the
rules, PJ. Stay within your boundaries, the boundaries that I set down
for you. Is that understood?”

PJ just moaned.
“Yesss!” PJ groaned. “Yes, master.”
Michael grinned. He was pretty sure he was starting to get the gist

of this whole Dom thing. Reward his sub for good behavior and
punish him for bad behavior. It was pretty much exactly what PJ had
been asking for. Limits.

Michael continued to torture PJ with his fingers until the man was

loose enough to accept Michael’s cock without pain. This was one
area he refused to budge on. He might spank PJ or use the flogger on
him when he was bad. He might even deny the man an orgasm until
PJ thought he would lose his mind. But he would never hurt PJ while
fucking him.

Michael slid the condom onto his cock and then rolled it down

until it fit snugly. He then he applied more lube to PJ’s ass. Michael
grabbed PJ’s hips and pulled him up onto his knees and positioned his
cock at PJ’s tight entrance.

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“Did you know I was renowned for my stamina, PJ?” Michael

asked as he slowly began to slide into PJ’s ass. Fuck, it felt so good,
and it looked just as good, too. PJ’s ass pulsed around Michael’s cock,
sucking him in inch by inch. “I’m a legend even among my friends
for how long I can fuck a man without coming.”

While it was true, after feeling PJ’s muscles flutter around his

cock, Michael wondered if he had just met his match. Already he
could feel his balls filling, threatening to explode.

“I can fuck you for hours, PJ, and never let you come.”
PJ groaned, his hands balling into fists.
“Or I can fuck you for hours and let you come over and over


“Yes, please, master.”
“There are different types of punishment, PJ. They don’t all

involve a whip. If you disobey me again, next time, I won’t flog you.
I will bind your pretty little cock up and fuck you until you can’t
move, but I won’t let you come. I may even tie you up and fuck you
for an entire weekend, over and over again.”

PJ whimpered, and the sweet sound was music to Michael’s ears.

He thrust forward, fully seating himself inside of PJ’s ass, and then
leaned over until he could lick a line up the side of PJ’s neck.

“Is that what you want, my pretty little baby?” Michael

whispered. “Do you want me to fuck you over and over again,
denying you an orgasm?”

“I…” PJ licked his lips. “Master, I…”
Michael straightened up and grabbed PJ’s hips. He started

moving, the feeling of PJ’s body tightening and loosening around his
cock, bringing him more pleasure than he had ever imagined.

And watching PJ move beneath him, knowing that the man was

restrained and couldn’t get away from him, brought on a whole new
level of pleasure. PJ was his to do what he wanted. His to discipline.
His to fuck. And his to pleasure at his leisure.

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This was what being a Dom felt like. Michael knew the power that

was flowing through his body as he gazed down at the bound man
beneath him was something he had been looking for his entire life.

“Master, please,” PJ begged.
Michael pulled out of PJ and flipped him over onto his back. He

sank back into PJ’s tight little ass before the man’s head had even
settled back onto the mattress. Michael reached down and stroked his
fingers lightly over the tip of PJ’s cock as he thrust in and out of his

“See, PJ, there are lots of ways to be punished.” Michael flicked

his fingernail over the small slit at the top of PJ’s cock, cocking an
eyebrow at PJ when the man’s shaft jerked and small drops of pre-
cum dribbled out.

The desperation in PJ’s eyes turned his grey eyes dark. Trickles of

sweat dripped down his face and into his hairline. His lips were
slightly parted, soft little pants pushing out between them.

Michael heard PJ’s breath catch in his throat when he flicked the

first snap on the straps wrapped around his balls and cock. “There are
also lots of ways to receive pleasure, PJ. You just have to decide
which you like more.”

Michael flicked the next snap, giving the man’s cock just a little

more room to fill. “I know you need structure, PJ, but do you want to
get it through punishment”—Michael squeezed his hand around the
base of PJ’s cock for just a moment before flicking the next snap. He
had just one more snap to go before PJ would be free—“or do you
want to get it through pleasing your master?”

Michael leaned back and grabbed PJ’s legs, draping them over his

shoulders. He hoisted PJ’s hips up into the air and started pounding
into the man as fast as he possibly could. PJ’s body hugged him every
step of the way, gently milking his cock and drawing him closer and
closer to his orgasm.

“Do you want to please me, PJ?”
“Yes, master!” PJ cried out.

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“Good boy.”
Michael had barely flicked open the last snap before PJ was

arching into the air as he screamed, his cock shooting out rope after
rope of pearly-white cum. For once in his life, Michael was glad of
his stamina power. He continued to fuck PJ through his orgasm, never
stopping and never slowing down, not even when he felt PJ’s ass
muscles clamp down around his cock. He just kept going. The more
PJ cried out, the more powerful Michael felt.

When PJ screamed and came again, Michael felt like a king. But

he didn’t stop. Not even when he had to grit his teeth and dig his
fingernails into the palms of his hands to keep his orgasm at bay.

He did slow long enough to dribble more lube on his cock before

shoving it back into PJ. The man wanted to be dominated. Michael
was going to dominate him. Hell, Michael was going to fuck him into

“Master, I can’t…” PJ’s desperate grey eyes pleaded with


“Yes, you can, PJ. One last time, baby. Give me one more

orgasm, and then I will let you rest.” Michael grabbed PJ’s cock and
started stroking him in time with his thrusts. PJ whimpered and
strained against the restraints around his wrists.

“Master, please. I need… I need…”
Michael knew what his sub needed. “Come, PJ. Now!”
PJ’s cry was soft this time, and not much spunk came out of his

cock, but the man followed Michael’s order, coming with a shudder
and short puff of air before sinking back into the mattress.

“Good, baby,” Michael whispered as he reached up and brushed

the sweaty blond hair back from PJ’s face. “Now, it’s time to make
your master happy.”

PJ nodded but didn’t open his eyes, and Michael didn’t like that.

He wanted PJ to know who was taking him. To see Michael.

“Open your eyes, PJ, and watch me.”

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PJ’s eyes flickered for a moment before they fully opened and

landed on Michael.

“Who do you belong to, PJ?”
“You,” PJ whispered.
Michael could feel his body getting closer to the edge of bliss with

each word PJ spoke. “Your body is mine to do whatever I want with.”

Oh gods, he was going to come, and come hard. He could feel it in

the tickling of his balls. “I will punish you if you are bad, PJ.”

“I will reward you when and if I see fit to.”
His balls were tight against his body. His cock throbbed and

pulsed. “Who am I, PJ?”

“My master.”
“Yes!” Michael roared as PJ’s sweet words pulled him over the

edge. He jerked his hips forward and plunged into PJ one last time as
pleasure unlike anything he had ever experienced infused every cell in
his body. His vision went dark, his mind blanking out as pulse after
pulse of hot cum shot from his cock.

Michael slumped over PJ, too tired to move. He could feel PJ’s

chest rising and falling against him. The sweat dripping off his body
almost sizzled as it landed on PJ. Michael drew in lungfuls of air until
his breathing evened out, and then he raised his head to look down at
his little sub.

A burst of laughter shot out of his lips before he could stop it. PJ

was covered in sweat, covered in cum, and covered in whip marks
and handprints. And he was out cold with a happy little smile on his

Maybe he could be the Dom PJ wanted after all.

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Chapter 9

PJ grumbled as he flicked his finger at his bangs. Michael wanted

him to grow his hair out, so he was growing his hair out. Right now
though, he’d take a razor to it if he could. His bangs were too short to
pull back into a ponytail but just long enough to hang over his eyes. It
drove him nuts.

Michael seemed to like it though. He was constantly grabbing

handfuls of PJ’s hair and tilting his head one way or the other. PJ
usually didn’t mind the hair grabbing thing except for when he did
something bad and Michael grabbed his hair to reprimand him, and
then he hated it.

He was getting into trouble less and less as Michael set more and

more boundaries for him. He was also starting to feel more secure as
Michael grew into the Dom PJ knew he could be. Rules meant that PJ
couldn’t fuck up as much.

Well, as long as he was willing to follow the rules. But that was

getting easier, too. Michael’s imagination when it came to
punishments was making PJ rethink the whole brat thing. While PJ
preferred to be flogged and just get his punishment over with,
Michael had other ideas. He drew it out, making PJ wish he had never
even thought about being a brat.

Which was kind of the point to a punishment, PJ guessed. He

wasn’t supposed to like it if it was a punishment. And Michael had
quickly learned what drove PJ crazy. PJ couldn’t count the number of
hours he had been bound, restrained, gagged, and fucked until
Michael finally allowed him to come.

It cut down a lot on his bratty ways.

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Of course, Michael was also learning the fine art of rewarding PJ

when he was good. He was usually bound, restrained, gagged, and
fucked. But this time he was allowed to come as many times as he felt
the need.

And he felt it a lot.
Michael hadn’t lied. He did have phenomenal stamina. The man

could go for hours. PJ had made it his secret mission to get Michael to
come as fast as he could. He’d gotten it down to two orgasms.

Tonight was different, though, and PJ was so nervous he could

spit. Michael had planned a little dinner with his friends and their subs
to celebrate them being together for a whole month. PJ thought it was
a little weird to celebrate a one-month anniversary, but he wasn’t
about to argue with his master. His ass was still sore from the last
time he had argued.

Which was just about the time Michael had given him a list of

things to do before the dinner party and told him to pick up what was
checked off.

Was he going to do them?
Of course he fucking would. Running errands had been on the list

of things to do that Michael had given him. That was why his ass was
so sore right now. He’d earned himself a spanking and a cock ring for
arguing about how long the list was.

Damn cock ring.
He couldn’t come even if he wanted to. Michael’s wicked

imagination was created in the toys he’d had made to torture PJ. The
man had more toys than an adult sex shop. And he used every damn
one of them to either punish PJ or bring him unimaginable pleasure.

And sometimes the line between the two was very blurred for PJ.

He didn’t know if he was coming or going or just floating somewhere
in the middle. Michael liked to keep him guessing.

Michael was becoming the Dom PJ wanted, but he was also

becoming something more. PJ couldn’t quite figure it out though.

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There was more confidence in Michael nowadays. He was easier in
his skin, and easier at giving orders, pleasures, and punishments.

But PJ hesitated to believe it.
There was something deep inside of him that warned him to be

cautious. He wanted this too much, and he was deeply afraid that he
was going to be disappointed.

PJ wiped down the workout benches, grumbling to himself about

the long list sitting in his locker. By the time he got off of work and
completed everything on that dang list, he would barely make it back
to Michael’s in time to get ready for the dinner.

Michael had bought PJ some clothes, telling him that while his

clothes were fine, there would be occasions when he needed to dress a
little more fashionably. That was one time PJ didn’t argue. He liked
Michael’s taste in clothes. The man had style and a good sense in

PJ just couldn’t believe one damn polo shirt had cost two hundred

and fifty dollars. What was it made out of, fucking gold? He would
have settled for a forty-dollar polo at Abercrombie & Fitch, but
Michael wasn’t budging when it came to clothes.

And PJ secretly didn’t want the man to budge. The clothes felt

great against his skin. The cotton even allowed his skin to breathe
when Michael had given him a flogging or he wore the man’s

Who knew clothes were made for such things?
“After you wipe the benches down, I need you to gather the dirty

towels in the men’s locker room, PJ.” Jenny practically growled the
words at him before flipping her hair over her shoulder and turning on
her heel, walking back into her office.

PJ wanted to wipe her down…with LYSOL.
The woman had become unbearable ever since Michael became

his master. He hadn’t publicly announced he belonged to Michael, but
it was more than obvious that Michael was interested in PJ and not
Wicked Bitch of the East every time Michael came into Total Body.

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The furtive glances PJ stole as the man worked out hadn’t gone

unnoticed by Jenny. The way Michael lingered in the locker room
when PJ was in there hadn’t gone unnoticed by Jenny. And the way
Michael made sure he said good-bye to PJ hadn’t gone unnoticed by
the manager at Total Body.

She was practically spitting fire at PJ with her eyes every time she

glanced his way. If he didn’t need his job so much, PJ would have
laughed in her face. On more than one occasion Jenny had rubbed his
nose into the fact that she had snagged more men than PJ, a boast he
would gladly give her.

But it seemed Jenny couldn’t accept defeat when it came to

Michael Grafton. She was so damn surly lately that PJ was seriously
considering finding another line of work. The minimum wage pay he
earned was not worth the hassle.

He knew for a fact they were hiring over at The Fitness Center,

and the place looked like it had updated equipment as well. Maybe
they would pay more.

PJ pushed the thought away for the moment. He had more

pressing things to worry about than a bitter boss and finding another
job. The dinner Michael had planned was tonight, and PJ was going to
be shown off to Michael’s friends and their subs.

Talk about pressure.
PJ finished cleaning the benches of sweat and other gross things

that he didn’t even want to think about now that he belonged to
Michael and headed for the locker room. He was almost off the clock,
and then the real nerve-racking fun would begin.

He knew that this was Michael’s chance to show off his new sub

and the improvements that were made in the last month. But PJ also
knew that Michael wanted to show the other Doms just how far he
had come as a Dom.

PJ planned on making Michael proud of him. He planned to do

everything to the letter when Michael demanded it of him. He knew
this night was important to his master and there wasn’t anything… PJ

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stopped in the doorway of the locker room, blinking a few times just
to make sure he was seeing what he thought he was seeing.

It couldn’t be.
There was no way he could be seeing this correctly.
He stood there as anger, hurt, humiliation, and despair filled him.

The scene in front of him was so painful to witness that PJ quickly
backed out of the room. Hot, angry tears filled his eyes as he leaned
his back into the wall and pressed his hand over his heart.

The scene played over in his mind again, and again, and again, as

if the image wanted to torture and taunt him and make him remember
every single painful detail.

Michael had been in a full lip-lock with Jenny.
Jenny of all people.
PJ felt like he couldn’t get enough oxygen into his lungs as his

dreams of being owned by Michael slipped away to shatter into a
million pieces at his feet. His knees buckled and his heart hurt as the
tears streamed unchecked down his cheeks.

A cold, dark feeling of despair started to slowly spread over his

entire body. He had trusted Michael. He finally understood the
cautiousness he had been feeling for the past month. PJ now knew
why he hadn’t fully given his heart to the man.

He had been falling in love with Michael, but there had been

something deep down that he had been holding back.

Now he knew what that something was.
Pushing away from the wall, bitterness and raw misery filled him

up to the point that PJ had to get out of there. He couldn’t stand
around and wait to see Jenny’s eyes when she emerged from the
locker room with a triumphant smirk on her plastic surgery face.

PJ walked out into the late-afternoon sun, the resentment building

inside of him with each step. He wasn’t enough for Mr. Michael

It had all been a lie.
Nothing Michael taught him was real any longer.

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None of Michael’s rules or boundaries applied to him now, and PJ

felt that safe blanket he had found in Michael’s arms being ripped
from his body to be replaced by a cold bucket of ice being dumped
over his head.

He should have known better than to reach out to someone like

Michael. The man was rich, a bachelor, and sought out by many
women. PJ had witnessed a few who had practically thrown
themselves at the all-powerful Michael Grafton.

But PJ had felt just as powerful when Michael openly turned them


The closer toward home PJ got, the calmer he became. He wasn’t

going to allow Michael to crush him. He wasn’t going to allow
Michael to see how he had hurt PJ.

No, PJ was going to teach the Dom what it was like to be totally

and utterly humiliated. A wry grin formed on his lips as he turned,
and headed to run his errands for the dinner tonight.

A dinner that Mr. Two-Timing Michael Grafton wouldn’t soon


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Chapter 10

“Well?” Jenny asked as she leaned back, licking her lips and

smiling as if she had won some sort of gold medal. “Tell me you
wouldn’t much prefer my lips to PJ’s.”

At first, Michael had been too stunned to stop Jenny from pushing

him against the wall and sticking her tongue down his damn throat.
He hadn’t been expecting to see her in the men’s locker room. He
sure as shit hadn’t expected her to grab him and try to seduce him.

Michael’s anger began to mount as he stared down at the vile

woman, and his temper spiked to an all-new high. For months Jenny
had been throwing herself at him, and he had tried to his best to be
tactful with his declines.

She had gone too damn far this time. His jaw clenched as his

fingers curled into fists. He had never in his life hit a woman, and he
wasn’t going to start now. But damn if Jenny didn’t cross the line.

“I would suggest you move away from me,” Michael gritted out

between clenched teeth.

Jenny’s eyes widened and then narrowed. “You’re telling me that

PJ is a better kisser than I am?”

“I am telling you that PJ is a better everything than you are,”

Michael said, trying his best not to let his anger boil over. “I am
telling you that I will be talking with Mr. Landow about his choice in
managers at Total Body. And I am most definitely telling you that if
you ever come near me again, I’ll sue the stretch marks right off of
your thighs.”

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Jenny looked at Michael like she couldn’t believe he wasn’t

falling at her feet, worshiping her. Her light-brown eyes darkened,
and her lip pulled back into a snarl.

Michael chuckled, totally unaffected by the woman’s display of

anger. “You need to leave the men’s locker room, Jenny.”

“Fine, pick PJ over me. Let’s see how well that works out for him

when he doesn’t have a job tomorrow.”

Michael pushed away from the wall, walking over to his locker.

He’d had enough of her bitter comments and threats. “He’ll have a
job, Jenny, as my new personal assistant. I’m quite sure it pays ten
times better than this place, and the benefits are outstanding.” He gave
her a wink, seeing that he hit a chord. “Although I’m not sure your
next job will be as satisfying.”

“Okay.” Jenny held up her hands, fear finally replacing her anger.

“How about I never come near you again, PJ keeps his job, and this
never happened?”

Michael grabbed his bag from his locker, shaking his head as he

left the room. “Not a chance in hell, Jenny.” He left Jenny standing
there with her mouth hanging open and walked out into the main gym,
searching for PJ.

Michael looked around the gym for PJ, but didn’t see his sub

anywhere. He asked the man at the front desk, and the guy informed
him that PJ had left for the day. Michael pushed Jenny from his mind
as he headed toward his car. PJ was probably getting the things on the
list for dinner tonight.

As Michael drove away from the gym, excitement began to

bubble inside of him. Not only was he going to show off PJ to his
friends, he was going to ask PJ to move in with him. It was a huge
commitment, but Michael was tired of his sub not waking up next to
him in the morning.

He wanted PJ permanently in his life. The man was everything

Michael had been looking for, and he wasn’t going to let him get

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He was also going to tell PJ tonight that he loved him.
Michael pulled into the underground parking and quickly made

his way to the penthouse. He had things to get ready, toys to set out,
and a performance to go over. His friends thought they were bringing
their subs over for a meet and greet with PJ, but Michael also planned
on having a scene in the living room to show just how well PJ had
improved from that night in the restaurant.

Gods, he was going to love rubbing PJ’s performance in their


Michael had the sudden urge to rub his hands together and laugh

wickedly. PJ had come so far in the last few weeks. He had, too. He
felt so much more confident when in a scene with his sub, or just
when he was with PJ.

The man was amazing.
Not only did PJ have a body to die for, but he was truly a

wonderful person. Even though they didn’t come from the same social
circles, Michael had found that they had a lot more in common than
just sex.

They enjoyed the same documentaries and the same mystery

writers. Although PJ had recently introduced Michael to gay erotic
romances and they were reading their way through them at an
alarming rate.

They also enjoyed trying new foods together. Michael especially

enjoyed feeding PJ with the man sitting on a pillow at his feet or on
his lap. It was erotic as hell and made Michael feel like he was truly
providing for his sub when he fed PJ with his hand.

PJ’s bratty episodes had lessened more and more as Michael gave

the man more rules and boundaries. Michael was coming to
understand that PJ needed the structure of being a sub to feel safe and
cared for. He equated rules with love.

Michael planned on giving PJ enough rules that he would never

doubt that he was loved. Reaching into his pocket, he fingered the
buttery-soft leather collar he had commissioned for PJ. He hoped to

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give it to his sub tonight in front of their friends. He wanted the whole
world to know that PJ belonged to him.

Michael smiled when he heard the front door open and hurried

into the living room. PJ was just shutting the door when he reached
the room. “Hello, PJ, did you have a good day?” Michael asked as he
reached for his sub.

“My day was…interesting, master.”
Michael blinked in confusion when PJ sidestepped his arms and

walked right on past him. Michael turned as he followed PJ with his
eyes. Something was wrong. PJ’s posture was so stiff that Michael
was surprised the man didn’t snap in half.

PJ stopped but he didn’t turn around. “Yes, master?”
“Is something wrong?”
“What could possibly be wrong, master?” PJ asked, but he still

didn’t turn. Even though PJ was speaking to him, Michael felt like he
was being ignored. He didn’t like that. “You’ve planned everything
out perfectly, haven’t you.”

That felt more like a statement than a question, and Michael didn’t

know why. He reached over and grabbed PJ’s arm, pulling him
around. “PJ, what’s wrong?”

“I need to get everything ready for tonight, master.”
The party. Maybe that was it. Maybe PJ was nervous. Michael

smiled as he lifted PJ’s chin with his fingers. “You will be
spectacular, PJ.”

PJ finally raised his eyes to look up at Michael, giving him a smile

that made Michael swallow hard and suddenly wish he had a crystal
ball to read the future. “Yes, I am sure the show will be spectacular.”

Michael was left standing there feeling something ominous climb

down his spine as he watched PJ pull away and walk into the kitchen.
He started to go after the man and ask him what in the hell was going
on, because something obviously was, but the doorbell rang.

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Michael sighed and went to answer the door. He could pin PJ

down later. Maybe Jenny had been giving him shit again. It would be
just like the woman. She had been particularly harsh on PJ since she
discovered that he and Michael were an item.

“Hey, Alexander,” Michael said as he opened the door. He wasn’t

surprised to see Jacob and his sub standing behind Alexander and
Dusty. He had informed the doorman that he was having friends for
dinner and given them a pass to his condo.

Michael stood back and allowed his guests to enter. He had just

started to close the door when someone pushed on it. Michael pulled
it back open and then smiled when he saw Taylor and Doby standing

“Hi, come on in,” Michael said. “The others just arrived.”
“We know.” Taylor chuckled as he led Doby into the condo. “We

saw them enter the elevator, but the doors closed before we got past

Michael closed the door and followed his friends into the living

room. He waved his hands toward the black leather sofas that
surrounded the fireplace and looked out over the floor-to-ceiling
windows that gave him such a perfect view of the city. There was a
reason he paid an arm and a leg for this condo. The view of the city
skyline was fantastic.

“Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Juice for Doby,” Taylor said. “I’ll have a water for now.”
“Brian and I will have juice,” Jacob said.
“Same for Dusty,” Alexander said. “I’ll have a decaf soy latte.”
“I’ll be right back.” Michael headed for the kitchen to get

everyone’s drinks, frowning in confusion when he didn’t see PJ.
Michael would be the first to admit that he was a bit nervous. He and
PJ had worked so hard to get where they were in just a few short
weeks. But they had done it. PJ was the perfect sub, and while

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Michael didn’t think he was the perfect Dom yet, he was getting

The question was, where in the hell was PJ?

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Chapter 11

PJ could hear voices coming from the living room. He knew that

Michael’s guests had arrived. He also knew he was supposed to be
getting dressed so that he could go out and put on a show for them.

He was stalling.
PJ couldn’t think of anything less he wanted to do than to go out

and face Michael’s friends. He’d much prefer crawling into a hole
somewhere and crying his eyes out until his heart no longer hurt.

The problem was, that wasn’t an option. Michael expected him to

attend the party and behave, and that was the last thing that PJ had
planned to do. He knew his behavior would break any ties he had with
Michael. He knew he would be kicked to the curb just like always.

But at least he’d go out with a bang.
PJ stared down at the fashionable outfit that Michael had bought

for him. He fingered the soft material, thinking about how much he
had looked forward to wearing it against his skin. And then he
grabbed it, rolled it up into a ball, and tossed it in the dirty clothes

Fuck Michael, and fuck what he wanted.
The gloves were off.
He wasn’t going to be fashionable tonight.
He wasn’t going to be anything other than the total brat and

prayed he humiliated Michael as much as the man had humiliated
him. The man deserved no less for what he had done to PJ.

He still couldn’t believe that the other person was Jenny.
Fucking Jenny of all people.

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PJ took a deep breath and centered himself. He wasn’t going to

lose control tonight. He wasn’t going to show Michael just how badly
he was hurting. Nope, he was going to show Michael why he was
dubbed the ultimate brat at the leather clubs.

PJ walked to his dresser and searched around until he found the

sluttiest pair of boy shorts he owned. They were so tight he could
barely breathe and his ass hung out the backside, leaving nothing to
the imagination. They also rode so low on his hips that his pubic hair
curled over the top.

The matching mesh tank top was just the added touch he needed.

He reached into his drawer and pulled out nipple clamps, attaching
one to each side, giving the delicate chain a light tug and smiling to
himself. The ends of the clamps were in the shape of small, erect
lime-green penises. That should give an astounding impression.

PJ pulled his clothes on and then walked into the bathroom. He

expertly applied a thick line of eyeliner and then looked at himself in
the mirror.

Yep, he screamed cheap and easy.
Michael would hate it.
Just before he left the bathroom, he turned, and a lock of hair fell

over his forehead. PJ turned back to the mirror and watched the blond
locks fall over his forehead, and an unreasonable anger overtook him.

Michael had told PJ to grow his hair out. PJ hated it. He hated

anything Michael wanted.

He searched through the drawers in the bathroom until he found

just what he was looking for. Tears streamed down his face five
minutes later as he stared at his shorn hair. It was uneven and some
patches were longer than others, but Michael wouldn’t be able to grab
it now.

PJ doubted Michael would even want to touch it.
That was the whole point. He wanted to hurt Michael as badly as

PJ was hurting. No, as badly as PJ was dying inside.

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PJ wiped the tears from his face and then walked out of the

bathroom. It was time to put on a show, even if it wasn’t the show
Michael intended. PJ wanted Michael to feel the heartache that was
weighing him down so much. He wanted Michael to suffer. He
wanted Michael to realize that he had the perfect sub in his hands and
he threw him away.

All for that cunning bitch, Jenny.
PJ grabbed three pillows off the bed and walked out of the

bedroom. He could hear movement in the kitchen and knew Michael
was in there. That was just perfect. He wanted to get a head start on
his plans before Michael appeared.

He ignored the soft inhales he heard when he walked into the

living room. Plastering a huge smile on his face, he tossed the three
pillows down at the feet of Doby, Brian, and Dusty, smirking at them
as he sprawled out in one of the chairs. He slung one leg over the arm,
making sure all his glorious bits and pieces were in plain view.

“Figured you all could use something to sit on.” He wrinkled his

nose as he grinned. “Isn’t that what you all do, sit at the feet of your

Doby’s face dropped right before he buried it in Taylor’s shirt.
Dusty stumbled as he tried to move closer to Alexander.
Brian rubbed his arms until Jacob grabbed him and pulled him


Alexander, Taylor, and Jacob just glared at PJ.
Mission accomplished.
“You need to watch your mouth, PJ,” Taylor snapped.
“Or what?” PJ asked with an evil grin as he sat forward. “Are you

going to punish me?”

“PJ, that’s enough,” Alexander said curtly.
“Do your little boy toys know that you came over to play with me

and Michael?” PJ’s frosty smile almost fell from his lips when the
three men whimpered. But he wasn’t done yet, not by a long shot.
“Do they know you taught Michael how to punish me?”

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PJ sat back in his chair and started flicking at some imaginary dirt

under his fingernails. “Did you enjoy it?” Similar expressions of
anger and disgust covered Alexander, Taylor, and Jacob’s faces. “I
did. It’s just too bad that the lesson didn’t take. Oh, I know Michael
tries, but he doesn’t have it in him to be a real Dom. Not like you
three.” PJ glanced at the three men and then at their subs. “Maybe one
of you could punish me?”

Taylor jumped to his feet when tears started trickling down

Doby’s face. “I’d be more than happy to whip your ass, PJ.”

“Oh goody!” PJ clapped his hands together. “A repeat

performance from a month ago. You really do know how to swing a
whip.” He purred as he ran his hands over his groin. His cock wasn’t
hard. It lay flaccid in his shorts because PJ hated every second of
what he was doing. He didn’t want to hurt these men. He didn’t want
to look like a total slut to them. And it hurt more than he wanted to
admit that these three Doms looked at him like he was a piece of trash
to throw away.

But Michael had to pay.
He had to pay for ripping PJ’s heart from his chest and throwing it

in PJ’s face.

He heard something shatter to the floor and knew Michael had

entered the room. PJ steeled his spine, refusing to cry. All he wanted
to do was run to Michael and be enveloped in those strong arms.

But he was realistic. He knew that Michael was a two-timing

bastard. He didn’t care for PJ. Michael didn’t give one shit about him.

His body instantly tried to make PJ drop to his knees, but PJ

fought the urge. Michael had trained him well. But that training had
been a lie.

Everything about Michael Grafton had been a lie.
And that’s what hurt so damn badly.
But PJ forced the pain down with an iron will as he smiled at the

treacherous man. “Yes, Michael darling?”

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“What in the hell…” The words trailed off, Michael’s voice

growing quieter with every word. PJ’s stomach twisted into painful
knots, but he ignored the agony of losing the one man he had trusted.
The one man he had been willing to hand over his submission to.

And the one man who nearly had his heart.
“Don’t you like what I’ve done?” PJ gave a complete pirouette as

he spun around. “You already thought me a whore,” PJ said as his
hands landed on his hips. “I just wanted to show you how your words
rang true.”

The rumbling growl started off low, and then the room exploded

with Michael’s full-blown shouts. “So what, you were going to fuck
each of my friends?”

PJ slid his finger under the shorts, smirking in Michael’s

direction, but refusing to look at the man. If he looked at Michael, he
would fall apart. And PJ wasn’t giving the man another piece of him.

Not anymore.
The room grew deathly quiet. A mouse pissing on cotton could

have been heard in the deafening silence. PJ wanted to look, was
dying to look, but kept his eyes averted from Michael.

“Get out.” The words were spoken so low, so harshly, that PJ

almost hadn’t heard them.

“No problem.” PJ whispered the angry words as he headed for the

bedroom. He may be getting kicked out, but he wasn’t leaving his
things behind. He walked around the opposite side of the sofa, giving
Michael a wide berth as he made his way to the bedroom.

The room remained quiet as PJ closed the bedroom door. The

tears sprung free as soon as the door snicked shut. His chest vibrated
with the soft sobs as he walked to the closet and grabbed his overnight
bag. He may not live here, but he had brought a few changes of
clothes with him.

As he emptied the drawer, PJ made sure to leave behind anything

that Michael had bought for him. He didn’t want one scrap of

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clothing. The bastard could give them to the next sucker unlucky
enough to be charmed by Michael Grafton.

Besides, he didn’t want any reminders of the man. It would hurt

too badly to remember what he should have had, but lost.

“Why did you do it?”
PJ caught himself before he jumped. He hadn’t even heard

Michael walk into the bedroom. He caught sight of Michael out of the
corner of his eye, seeing the strong and powerful man leaning against
the doorframe.

PJ shrugged and kept right on filling the bag. “Don’t worry, you

can keep what you bought me,” he said bitterly between clenched
teeth. He didn’t even try to stop the white-hot tears from escaping as
he zipped the bag up and headed for the door.

Fuck Michael.
When he reached the bedroom door, Michael blocked his way. “If

you are going to act like the world’s biggest brat and then walk out on
me, I at least deserve an explanation.”

PJ dropped the bag, slamming the palms of his hands into

Michael’s chest. “Get out of my way!”

He could hear movement coming from the living room, but PJ

ignored it. He didn’t care what Michael’s friends thought of him. He
didn’t care what Michael thought of him. The only thing he wanted to
do was escape and run home where he could curl up into a ball and
cry until he was bone-dry.

“Not until you tell me why, PJ!”
PJ threw his head back and let out a scream. He felt all the

anguish, the pain, and the misery boil up and over. It leaked from
every pore in his body. “I saw you!” He stabbed a finger in Michael’s
direction. “You two-timing bastard. I saw you cheating on me!”

Michael’s expression held genuine confusion. Oh, he was good. If

PJ hadn’t seen Michael and Jenny together in the locker room, he
would have believed that look. He almost did anyway until a fresh
image filled his mind.

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“What are you talking about, PJ? I never cheated on you.”
PJ growled as he jerked his body down, grabbing the bag and

tossing it over his shoulder. “Get out of my way, Michael.”

“How did I cheat on you, PJ?” Michael asked, and this time PJ

heard desperation in the man’s voice. The anger slipped away,
replaced by bone-weary tiredness. PJ shook his head.

“With Jenny, in the locker room today. I saw you two making out,

Michael. Don’t deny it, please. I still do have a teardrop of dignity

Michael’s fist hit the wall, making PJ jump as he made a strange,

disgusted noise. “I didn’t cheat, PJ. She took me by surprise and
pushed me against the wall. She tried to get me to confess that she
was a better kisser than you.”

“And?” PJ asked as he held his breath.
Michael stalked toward him, his lips inches from PJ’s when he

stopped. “I told her that you were better at everything. I also told her
that I would be reporting her to Mr. Landow for her reprehensible
behavior and that I was hiring you as my personal assistant when
Jenny said she was going to fire you.”

All the air in PJ’s lungs whooshed out, leaving him standing there

wishing he had just confronted Michael instead of seeking revenge.
He took a step back, averting his eyes, needing more than ever to

All was lost with his Dom because he had taken what he saw in

the locker room and ran with it, instead of questioning Michael. PJ’s
bottom lip began to tremble as he sidestepped Michael and headed for
the bedroom door.

“Where are you going, PJ?” Michael demanded.
“I screwed everything up. I embarrassed you in front of your

friends, and I made a complete ass out of myself. I’m leaving so you
don’t ever have to look at me again.”

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PJ yelped when Michael grabbed his wrist and spun him around, a

heated glare in his eyes. “Oh, no, PJ. You are not getting away that

“I’m not?” PJ swallowed loudly.
“Not on your life, boy.” Michael pulled PJ back into the bedroom,

swung him around until PJ’s back was pressed into Michael’s chest.
PJ gasped when Michael grabbed the cuffs dangling from the ceiling,
snapping them around his wrists. “You are mine, PJ,” Michael said as
he walked over to the closet. “I am your Dom and you will be
punished for what you have done not only to your hair, but to my
damn heart.”

“Your heart?”
Michael rummaged through the closet, coming away with a few

things in his hands. PJ’s eyes widened as Michael tossed the objects
on the bed. “Yes, my heart. You see, PJ,” Michael began to say as he
walked back to PJ, ripping the mesh shirt from his body, “tonight I
planned on asking you to move in with me.” He reached down, and
with one hand, tore the shorts completely free. “I planned on telling
you I loved you and then collaring you.”

“You did?”
Michael’s jade-green eyes snapped and crackled with anger. Hurt

shone in them as he glanced at PJ. “I did.”

“Now?” PJ asked, afraid to hear the answer. He didn’t want to

lose Michael. He didn’t want to be tossed out on his ass. It had been a
big misunderstanding, and all he wanted to do was forget about it.

“Now,” Michael said as he grabbed the blindfold from the bed and

laced it around PJ’s eyes. “Now, I am going to show you just how
much I love you.”

PJ wasn’t sure how to take that declaration. It was spoken gently,

but Michael’s eyes had been a mixture of hurt and love. Talk about

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The room went dark as Michael tightened the blindfold. PJ

dangled in the middle of the room, his toes barely touching the floor.
He shouted when the first lash stung his back.

“I’m no longer going to ask you to move in, PJ.”
PJ’s heart sank. He should have known the rift that had split down

the middle of their relationship was too wide to fix. He wanted to cry
out for Michael to change his mind, to tell Michael that he was sorry.

“I’m going to demand it.”
PJ cried out again as the whip landed on his back. Michael’s

words sunk in, and PJ was a crying mess. He was so damn happy that
Michael was going to keep him that his cock instantly filled.

“Because,” Michael said as the tassels of the soft leather whip

skimmed over his erection, “I can’t see my life without you in it, PJ. I
can’t imagine a day without you.”

“You can’t?” Damn, PJ couldn’t speak a full sentence. Michael

kept stunning him with his speeches. The man was telling PJ
everything he wanted to hear, and PJ was thrown for a loop.

PJ felt the tickle of Michael’s breath on his cheek as Michael

spoke. “But you will be punished for shaving your hair off, and for
propositioning my friends.”

Oh, god. PJ remembered Michael’s friends. How could he face

any of them or their subs now? He had made a complete and utter fool
of himself.

“But you won’t be punished for acting out.”
“Why?” The question slipped from his lips before he could stop it.
“Because, PJ, you saw something that wasn’t what it appeared to

be. You were hurt and lashed out.” Michael’s lips brushed over PJ’s
so softly that PJ thought he had imagined it. “And for that, I’m the
one who is sorry.”

“I–I love you, Michael. I never wanted to embarrass you.”
“I know,” Michael said as his hand grazed PJ’s erection. “But you

are still going to be punished for your hair.”

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PJ grinned as Michael’s voice growled the words out. “It’ll grow


Michael chuckled and then grew silent as the whip landed once

again on PJ’s back. “Until then, I’m going to find very imaginative
ways to punish you, PJ.”

PJ moaned as Michael grabbed PJ’s cock and then whimpered

when he felt the cage being strapped onto his erection.

PJ was looking forward to his punishments. He knew a lot of them

were going to be filled with pleasure. Michael was a genius when it
came to showing PJ just how much he had learned, and PJ couldn’t

* * * *

Michael smiled as he walked through the restaurant toward the

table where his friends sat. It had been a week since PJ’s little disaster
and the first time he had seen the men. They had left while he had
been punishing PJ. The next week had been filled with moving PJ and
getting him acquainted with his new position as Michael’s assistant.

“Hey,” he said as he sat down. “Sorry I’m late. PJ had trouble

with the fax machine. He thinks it’s an evil piece of technology trying
to eat every fax he tries to send through, something about the faxes
getting beamed into outer space.”

“I’d ask you how your little brat is, but I can see it in your face,”

Alexander said. “Congratulations.”

Michael grinned. “Thank you.”
“So,” Taylor said, “all is well then?”
“For the most part. Mr. Landow took care of our little problem

down at the gym when he fired Jenny. It seems she’s been causing
problems for quite a few people. I wouldn’t be surprised if she has to
find a new line of work. Word is getting around, and no one will hire

“From what you said, she sounded like a real bitch.”

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“What she did to PJ was the last straw. If I thought it would have

helped, I would have pressed charges against her.” Michael chuckled.
“Believe it or not, PJ actually talked me out of it.”

“PJ?” Taylor scoffed.
“He didn’t want any reminders of what Jenny did or what he

saw.” Michael folded his hands together and rested them on the table,
staring down at them. He still couldn’t believe how close he had come
to losing the most important person in his life.

“So, how are things with PJ now?”
“Perfect. PJ has moved in with me and is my sub twenty-four–

seven. He’s having a little trouble adjusting to being my assistant, but
we’re taking care of that.” Michael smiled as he remembered the cock
ring PJ was ordered to wear while at work. If he was good at work,
Michael would take him home and reward him. If he wasn’t, Michael
took him home and tortured him in every sexual way he could dream

He had a huge imagination.
“PJ would like your permission to take your subs out to lunch,

without any Doms. He feels that he needs to apologize to them in
person and explain that he didn’t mean any of what he said. He was
upset, and rightly so, and he was using them to hurt me.”

“I’m not sure Doby is up to meeting with PJ at the moment.”

Taylor grimaced. “If I mention his name, Doby goes ballistic.”

“Brian would rather boil him in a vat of oil,” Jacob said.
“I’ll allow Dusty to meet with PJ, but I insist that I be there,”

Alexander said. “Dusty isn’t used to people like PJ, and I’m not sure
how he would handle it.”

Michael nodded. He suspected those would be the answers to his

questions. Each of his friends were fiercely protective of their subs,
and Michael couldn’t blame them. He felt the same way about PJ.

But he wanted PJ to have friends, and what better friends than the

subs of his friends? “Please, just think about it. PJ really has come a
long way and he—” Michael’s eyes bugged out of his head when he

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heard a throat clear and turned to see PJ standing there dressed in a
waiter’s uniform.

That wouldn’t have been so bad if Dusty, Doby, and Brian hadn’t

been standing right next to him, dressed in just the same manner.
Apparently PJ had taken matters into his own hands and made up with
the other subs. Michael couldn’t have been prouder of the man.

The jade stone on the collar around PJ’s neck shined almost as

brightly as the smile on his face.

“Good evening, masters,” PJ said. “How may we serve you



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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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