Walt Whitman, Complete Poetry and Collected Prose, ed. Justin Kaplan
(Library of America; Cambridge, c.1982); or Poetry and Prose (Library of
America, College Edition, New York 1996).
Walt Whitman, The Complete Poems, ed. Francis Murphy (Penguin English
Poets; Harmondsworth, Middx, 1975, revised reprint, Penguin Classics;
London, 1996).
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass and Other Writings, ed. Michael Moon (Norton
Critical Editions; 2nd rev. ed., New York, 2002).
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass; A Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems, ed.
Sculley Bradley et al., (3 vols., New York, 1980).
Walt Whitman, Whitman, ed. and sel. Robert Creeley (Penguin, Harmonds-
worth, Middx, 1973), with Intro. (1972) by Creeley (pp. 3-12), also in
The Collected Essays of Robert Creeley (Berkeley, Cal., c.1989), pp. 3-12;
see also Creeley (Robert), 'Reflections on Whitman in Age', Virginia
Quarterly Review, 81 (2005), 261-74.
Walt Whitman, The Collected Writings: Notebooks and Unpublished Prose
Writings, ed. Edward F. Grier (6 vols, New York, 1984).
Walt Whitman, Daybooks and Notebooks, ed. William White (3 vols, New York,
Walt Whitman, Correspondence, ed. Edwin Haviland Miller (6 vols, New York,
Walt Whitman, Walt Whitman's 'Drum-Taps' (1865) and 'Sequel to Drum-Taps'
(1865-6) [facsimile], ed. F. DeWolfe Miller (Gainesville, Fla, 1959,
reprinted 1979).
Walt Whitman, Specimen Days; & Collect (Facsimile reprint of 1883 ed.; New
York, 1995).
Walt Whitman, Walt Whitman's 'Memoranda During the War [&] Death of
Abraham Lincoln' [facsimile with holograph plates], ed. Roy P. Basler
(Bloomington, Ind., 1962).
Walt Whitman, Memoranda During the War, ed. Peter Coviello (New York, c.
Walt Whitman, An American Primer, ed. Horace Traubel (1904, reprinted, San
Francisco, 1970); and see also his 'Slang in America' [1885], collected in
November Boughs (1888), text in Walt Whitman; Poetry and Prose
(Library of America College Edition, New York, 1996), pp. 1189-94); and
see also Kramer (Michael P.), Imagining Language in America (Princeton,
Walt Whitman, Whitman's Manuscripts; Leaves of Grass (1860); A Parallel Text,
ed. Fredson Bowers (Chicago, 1955).
Walt Whitman, The Walt Whitman Archive; A Facsimile of the Poet's Manu-
scripts, ed. Joel Myerson (3 vols, New York, 1993).
Myerson (Joel), Walt Whitman; A Descriptive Bibliography (Pittsburg, 1993).
Kaplan (Justin), Walt Whitman, A Life (New York, c.1980, reprinted, 2003).
Zweig (Paul), Walt Whitman; The Making of the Poet (Harmondsworth, Middx,
Schmidgall (Gary), Walt Whitman; A Gay Life (N.Y., 1997).
Loving (Jerome), Walt Whitman; The Song of Himself (Berkeley, Cal., c. 1999).
Pollak (Vivian), The Erotic Whitman (Berkeley, Cal., 2000).
Reynolds (David S.), Walt Whitman (Oxford, 2005) [brief].
Greenspan (Ezra), The Cambridge Companion to Walt Whitman (Cambridge,
1995 and reprinted).
Allen (Gay Wilson), A Reader's Guide to Walt Whitman (New York, 1970,
reprinted, Syracuse, N.Y., 1997).
Allen (Gay Wilson), The New Walt Whitman Handbook (New York, 1986).
Reynolds (David S.), A Historical Guide to Walt Whitman (Oxford, 2000).
Myerson (Joel) (ed.), Walt Whitman; a Documentary Volume (Detroit, 2000).
Altieri (Charles), 'Spectacular Antispectacle; Ecstasy and Nationality in
Whitman and his Heirs', American Literary History, 11 (1999), 34-62.
Asselineau (Roger), The Transcendentalist Constant in American Literature
(New York, c.1980).
Bauerlein (Mark), Walt Whitman and the American Idiom (Baton Rouge, La,
Bayley (John), 'Songs of a Furtive Self: Whitman', in his Selected Essays
(Cambridge, 1984), pp. 1-7.
Bellis (Peter J.), Writing Revolution; Aesthetics and Politics in Hawthorne,
Whitman and Thoreau (Athens, Ga, 2003).
Berryman (John), '"Song of Myself": Intention and Substance' (1957), in his
The Freedom of the Poet (New York, 1976), pp. 227-41.
Bloom (Harold) (ed.), Walt Whitman (Philadelphia, c.2003).
Bloom (Harold) (ed.), Walt Whitman's 'Song of Myself' (Philadelphia, c. 2003).
Creeley (Robert), 'Reflections on Whitman in Age', Virginia Quarterly Review,
81 (2005), 261-74.
Donoghue (Denis), 'Leaves of Grass and American Culture', Sewanee Review,
111 (203), 347-74.
Duncan (Robert), 'Changing Perspectives in Reading Whitman', in his A
Selected Prose, ed. Robert J. Bertholf (New York, c.1995).
Folsom (Ed.), Walt Whitman's Native Representations (New York, 1994).
Fone (Byrne R.S.), Masculine Landscapes; Walt Whitman and the Homoerotic
Text (Carbondale, Ill., c.1992).
Gelpi (Albert), The Tenth Muse; The Psyche of the American Poet (Cambridge,
c.1991), Chap. V: 'Walt Whitman: The Self as Circumference'.
Greenspan (Ezra), Walt Whitman and the American Reader (Cambridge, 1990).
Grossman (Jay), Reconstituting the American Renaissance; Emerson, Whitman,
and the Politics of Representation (Durham, N.C., 2003).
Hollander (John), The Work of Poetry (New York, 1997), Chap. 12: 'Whitman's
Difficult Availability' (pp. 177-89).
Hollis (C.C.), Language and Style in 'Leaves of Grass' (Baton Rouge, c. 1983).
Karlin (D.R.), 'Whitman: The Civil War Poems', Proc. Brit. Acad., LXXIII (1987),
Katz (Jonathan Ned), Love Stories; Sex between Men before Homosexuality
(Chicago, 2001).
Klammer (Martin), Whitman, Slavery, and the Emergence of 'Leaves of Grass'
(University Park, Penn., c.1995).
Lawrence (D.H.), Studies in Classic American Literature (1923), ed. Ezra
Greenspan et al. (Cambridge, 2003), or Penguin ed. (Harmondsworth,
Middx, reprinted 1977); and see also Walt Whitman Quarterly Review,
21 (2003), 41-64.
Lawrence (D.H.), The Symbolic Meaning; The Uncollected Versions of 'Studies in
Classic American Literature', ed. Armin Arnold (Arundel, 1962).
Lindberg (Kathryne V.), Reading Pound Reading; Modernism After Nietzsche
(New York, 1987), 'Postscript' (pp. 211-31).
Long (Haniel), Walt Whitman and the Springs of Courage (Santa Fe, N.M.,
Loving (Jerome), Emerson, Whitman and the American Muse (Chapel Hill, N.C.,
Mancuso (Luke), The Strange Sad War Revolving; Walt Whitman, Recon-
struction, and the Emergence of Black Citizenship, 1865-76 (Columbia,
S.C., 1997).
Martin (Robert K.), The Homosexual Tradition in American Poetry (Austin, Tex.,
Maslan (Mark), Whitman Possessed; Poetry, Sexuality and Popular Authority
(Baltimore, Md, 2001).
Mazur (Krystyna), Poetry and Repetition; Walt Whitman, Wallace Stevens, John
Ashbery (New York, 2005).
Miller (James E.), The American Quest for a Supreme Fiction; Whitman's Legacy
in the Personal Epic (Chicago, 1979).
Moon (Michael), Disseminating Whitman; Revision and Corporality in 'Leaves of
Grass' (Cambridge, Mass., 1991).
Morris (Roy), Jr, The Better Angel; Walt Whitman in the Civil War (Oxford,
2000). See also Alexander Gardner, Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book
of the Civil War (1866; reprinted Dover Books, New York, 1959) [1866
ed. was in 2 vols].
Nathanson (Tenney), Whitman's Presence; Body, Voice, and Writing in 'Leaves
of Grass' (New York, 1992).
Pease (Donald E.), Visionary Compacts; American Renaissance Writings in
Cultural Context (Madison, Wis., 1987), esp. Chap. 4: 'Walt Whitman
and the Vox Populi of the American Masses'.
Poirier (Richard), Trying It Out in America; Literary and Other Performances
(New York, 1999).
Price (Kenneth M.), Whitman and Tradition; The Poet in His Century (New
Haven, 1990).
Reynolds (David S.), Beneath The American Renaissance; The Subversive
Imagination in the Age of Emerson and Melville (Cambridge, Mass.,
1988), Chap. 11: 'Whitman's Transfigured Sensationalism' (pp. 309-33).
Reynolds (David S.), Walt Whitman's America; A Cultural Biography (New York,
Santayana (George), George Santayana's America; Essays on Literature and
Culture, ed. James Ballowe (Urbana, Ill., 1967), Part 2: 'Emerson and
Whitman'; or Santayana on America; Essays, Notes, and Letters on
American Life, Literature, and Philosophy, ed. Richard Colton Lyon (New
York, 1968).
Sagar (Keith), 'Lawrence's Debt to Whitman', Symbiosis, 7 (2003), 99-117.
Shively (Charley) (ed.), Drum Beats; Walt Whitman's Civil War Boy Lovers (San
Francisco, 1989).
Sillen (Samuel) (ed. and intro.), Walt Whitman, Poet of American Democracy;
Selections from his Poetry and Prose (New York, c.1944, reprinted, New
York, 1955).
Sweet (Timothy), Traces of War; Poetry, Photography, and the Crisis of the
Union (Baltimore, Md, c.1990).
Tanner (Tony), The Reign of Wonder; Naivety and Reality in American Literature
(Cambridge, 1965), esp. Chap. 4: 'Walt Whitman's Ecstatic First Step'
(pp. 64-86).
Tapscott (S.), American Beauty: William Carlos Williams and the Modernist
Whitman (New York, 1984).
Thomas (M.W.), The Lunar Light of Whitman's Poetry (Cambridge, Mass.,
Tufariello (Catherine), '"The Remembering Wine": Emerson's Influence on
Whitman and Dickinson', in Joel Porte and Saundra Morris (eds), The
Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson (Cambridge, 1999),
Chap. 9 (pp. 162-91); see also Robert D. Richardson Jr, Emerson; The
Mind on Fire (Berkeley, 1995), Chap. 91: 'Whitman' (pp. 526-31). The
exchange of letters between Emerson and Whitman of 1855-6, first
printed as an appendix to the second edition of Leaves of Grass (1856),
is conveniently included in e.g. Murphy's ed. of The Complete Poems (see
above), pp. 762-73.
Vendler (Helen), Poets Thinking; Pope, Whitman, Dickinson, Yeats (Cambridge,
Mass., 2004).
Vendler (Helen), Invisible Listeners; Lyric Intimacy in Herbert, Whitman, and
Ashbery (Princeton, 2005).
Ward (Geoff), The Writing of America; Literature and Cultural Identity from the
Puritans to the Present (Cambridge, 2002), Chap. 2: 'American Literature
and the Body Electric'.
Waskow (H.J.), Whitman; Explorations in Form (Chicago, 1966).
Wilhite (Keith), 'His Mind was Full of Absences: Whitman at the Scene of
Writing', ELH, 71 (2004), 921-48.
Williams (William Carlos), 'America, Whitman, and the Art of Poetry', The
Poetry Journal, VIII.1 (November, 1917), 27-36, reprinted in the William
Carlos Williams Review, 13.1 (1987), 1-4; see also Aji (Hélène), 'Ezra
Pound and William Carlos Williams's Romantic Dilemmas: From
Obliteration to Remanence', Cercles, 12 (2005), 50-63.
Williams (William Carlos), 'An Essay on Leaves of Grass' (1955), in Leaves of
Grass One Hundred Years After, ed. Milton Hindus (Stanford, Cal.,
1955), pp. 22-31, reprinted in Roy Harvey Pearce (ed.), Whitman; A
Collection of Critical Essays (Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1962), pp. 146-54.
Wolosky (Shira), 'Walt Whitman: the Office of the Poet', in Bercovitch (Sacvan)
(ed.), The Cambridge History of American Literature, Vol. 4: Nineteenth-
Century Poetry, 1800-1910 (Cambridge, 2004), pp. 362-426.
J.H. Prynne, July 2007
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