Lynn Hagen & Stormy Glenn Phoenix Rising 2 Kyle's Return

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Phoenix Rising 2

Kyle’s Return

When a young man is found murdered in an alley, Detective
Anthony Santano follows his gut instincts right to the city morgue

only to witness Kyle’s return three days later. When keeping Kyle
safe in Portland is no longer an option, Tony enlists the help of
some not-so-law-abiding men to get them out of the state.

Struggling to make it day to day, Kyle Talon feels all alone in the
big city. When his young life is brutally snuffed out in a dark alley,

Kyle is surprised to find himself alive. He's even more shocked to
discover himself falling in love with the detective that witnessed

his return to the land of the living and has sworn to protect him.

They embark on a journey that not only strengthens Kyle as a

man but also teaches the detective that he has more to give than
he ever thought possible. Together, they just might have a

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Length: 36,507 words

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Phoenix Rising 2

Stormy Glenn and Lynn Hagen



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2011 by Stormy Glenn and Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-019-0

First E-book Publication: December 2011

Cover design by Jinger Heaston
All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Phoenix Rising 2


Copyright © 2011

Chapter 1

Kyle Talon ran as fast as he could to catch the bus. He hadn’t

meant to be late, but his alarm hadn’t gone off. Well, to be more
accurate, he had beaten the snooze button into submission.

Kyle’s arms flew out as he tripped over something on the

sidewalk, sending him sprawling onto the ground, face-first. He
quickly pushed to his feet and took off once again for the bus. He
wanted to throw something when the bus moved slowly down the

The driver did that to him every chance he got. He knew Kyle was

late on occasion—okay, almost daily—so he would drive the bus
slowly as Kyle ran toward it, but not slow enough so that he could
catch it. The driver had as much admitted that he hated redheads and
that Kyle needed to ride another bus.

The dickweed needed to get over the color of Kyle’s flaming-red

hair and let him board the bus before he was late…again.

Kyle’s lungs felt like they were on fire as he contemplated giving

up the chase. He was tired of the bus driver playing these petty-ass
games with him. He hadn’t done anything wrong to the man. He
barely spoke to the driver when he did actually board the bus.

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Kyle finally came to a halt, resting his hands on his knees as he

tried to catch his breath. He pulled in ragged gulps of air as the bus
disappeared around the block. He cursed, knowing he was already
walking on eggshells at work. If Kyle was late one more time, his
boss, Mr. Brewster, had warned him that he would be out the door.

He walked back down the block, taking a seat on the bench at the

bus stop, and waited for the next bus to come along. To hell with it, if
he was going to be fired, so be it. He was sick of that shitty-ass job

Kyle rubbed his sternum as he mulled over what he was going to

do now. If Mr. Brewster was going to fire him, then he needed to find
more work. Jobs were already scarce as it was. It wouldn’t be easy to
find another, and Kyle knew it.

“Morning, Kyle,” Rutledge, a friend who worked down at the

homeless shelter in Old Town, greeted him as he took a seat next to
Kyle. “I see you missed your bus again.”

Kyle brushed off his clothing from his spill and shrugged. “I don’t

try to be purposefully late, but the bus driver doesn’t have to be a dick
about it.”

Rutledge chuckled. “Not everyone is as kind as you are, Kyle.”
Kyle snorted. “I wouldn’t exactly call me kind, but I don’t screw

folks over if I can help it. That driver needs his ass kicked.”

His friend sighed. “Why don’t you come by tomorrow, and I’ll see

about getting you another job. We can work on your profanity while
we’re at it.”

“I don’t talk with any fucking profanity, Rutledge. I hardly ever

use the word shit.” Kyle sat back, not in the mood for another lecture.
He was sick and tired of everyone always trying to change him.

His mother called him useless all the time. Every single one of his

jobs that he’d held always had something to say about Kyle, some
little thing that the boss didn’t like. No one ever told him he was good
enough just as he was.

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“I’ll think about it,” Kyle grumbled as he looked down the street

where the bus had disappeared. He bit his bottom lip as he glanced
down at his hands, picking at his dirty fingernails. It wasn’t that he
wanted to be rough around the edges, but being raised in Old Town, it
kind of took the niceness out of a person and turned him into someone
who had to survive.

“You do that, Kyle,” Rutledge said as he patted Kyle’s shoulder.

“I’ll see you tomorrow down at the shelter. By the way, happy
birthday. Don’t forget that I want to take you out for your twenty-first
birthday on Friday.”

Kyle shrugged as he stood, slinging his backpack over his

shoulder. He didn’t care about a stinking birthday. He’d never had a
decent one, so why start caring why about one now? Kyle didn’t want
to be here anymore. Fuck the bus. He’d walk. “Yeah, well, you know
my alarm clock. I’ll try.”

Rutledge smiled as he stood as well. “I know you will.”
He was glad Rutledge thought so. Kyle wasn’t so sure he’d make

it. He began to walk down the street, praying that Mr. Brewster didn’t
fire him. Kyle was the only one who managed to keep a job, out of his
entire family. He didn’t want to end up like those deadbeats.

He curled his fingers around the strap of his backpack when he

noticed the same car pass him for a second time. Kyle noticed things
like that. He didn’t believe in coincidences, either. Ever since he
could remember, he was a target for bullies and perverts alike.

His short stature, skinny-ass figure, and fiery-red hair that made

him look five years younger made most thugs think he was an
automatic punching bag. Kyle was nobody’s punching bag.

As he continued his walk, with only two blocks to go to work, the

car passed him a third time. Kyle knew for a fact now that he was
being checked out. He shoved his right hand into his front pocket,
curling his fingers around the pocketknife he always carried.

Kyle was not getting a good feeling about this.

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* * * *

Detective Anthony Santano listened as the first officer on scene

ran the details down to him. There was a Caucasian male, about
twenty-one years old, red hair, no distinguishing marks except for a
strawberry birthmark on the side of his neck, resembling a bird. The
victim had been stabbed repeatedly in his chest and arms and bled out.

Tony walked over to the Dumpster and crouched down, studying

the victim. His eyes skimmed over the bloody shirt with multiple rips
from the knife inflictions. He used a pen from inside his jacket pocket
to press the fingers of one hand back, noticing defensive wounds on
the victim’s palms. The kid had fought like hell to survive.

Tony shook his head at the senseless killing. This guy had so

much life left to live. He stood, looking around the area for clues.
There was a backpack close by, a ratty-looking thing. Tony grabbed a
pair of gloves from one of the officers on the scene and snapped them

He grabbed the backpack and opened it. There wasn’t much in

there. Tony dug deeper and found a worn, well-used brown wallet. He
set the bag on the ground and opened the billfold. There were some
receipts, three one-dollar bills, and a state ID card. Tony pulled the ID
card out, studying it.

Kyle Talon. The address didn’t put him far from here, but it was

the birthday that made Tony curse. It was the guy’s twenty-first
birthday. It sucked that the guy was murdered on his birthday. Kyle
was too young to have his life snuffed out.

“Problem, Detective?” one of the officers asked.
Tony shook his head, feeling a tightening in his chest as he

studied the picture of a very gorgeous young man. “Today was his
twenty-first birthday.”

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The officer tsked as he walked over to Tony. “That’s what

happens when you live in this neighborhood. Life ain’t easy, and
some don’t make it. But it does suck to die on your birthday.”

Wasn’t that the truth? Tony had seen horrors in his time. But what

was the worst horror of all was seeing the young die. Tony was about
to hand the wallet and ID over when something clicked in his head.

He studied the face of the man on the card, thinking about how he

had died on his twenty-first birthday. He couldn’t help but think of
another case similar to this one that he could never close. Collin
Phoenix had died on his twenty-first birthday also and then three days
later walked right out of the morgue.

Tony noticed the red hair, just like Collin’s, and the small, slim

build, just like Collin’s. He wondered for a brief moment if he
weren’t just reading too much into this. The guy lying there dead even
had the same strawberry patch that was in the shape of a bird…just
like Collin’s.

This made Tony glance around, studying the onlookers, and even

the officers. He wasn’t too sure what to expect, but he didn’t see any
malicious-looking thugs hanging around. He finally handed over the
evidence and then studied the body once more before heading to his

There was one thing he did know for sure. Tony was going to be

morgue sitting for the next three days. He had to know if what he was
thinking was truth or a fucking fantasy.

* * * *

Three days later, Tony waited until he saw the two morgue

workers leave. He had placed a call, saying that the medical
examiner’s wife was at the hospital. It was a low move, but Tony
needed to get into the morgue without witnesses.

He stole along the hallway, watching over his shoulder as he

pushed the doors open. He never did like this place. It always gave

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him the creeps. Tony had seen his fair share of dead bodies in his line
of work, but somehow it was different here in the morgue. They
seemed creepier here.

He glanced around one last time before crossing the room to the

cold-storage unit. Pulling the door open, he walked inside the
freezing-cold room. God, this was nerve-racking. He knew what was
going to happen, but it was still weird as fuck.

Tony searched the labels on each silver-colored door until he

found the one he was looking for. He opened the small door and
pulled the drawer out that had Kyle Talon laid out on it then pulled
the sheet back. His stomach rolled at all the knife wounds scattered
about the young man’s body. He couldn’t understand how anyone
could do that to another human—

Tony jumped back when Kyle’s eyes suddenly popped open,

blinking rapidly as he stared up at the ceiling. Damn, his heart was
beating out of control. This was some strange-ass voodoo shit right

“Oh god!” Kyle shouted as began to thrash around. “Oh fucking


Tony hesitated for a moment and then closed the distance,

grabbing onto Kyle. “Keep quiet before everyone knows you’re not

“You did this to me! Get off of me!” Kyle rolled off the slab and

onto the floor with a thud. He winced and then pushed to his feet,
swaying as he backed away from Tony. “What did you do to me?
How? How can I be alive?”

“I didn’t do a damn thing to you. Now quiet down.” Tony was

trying his best not to freak out himself. He knew that Collin had come
back from the dead, but he hadn’t been there to witness it. This was
just—oh hell, he couldn’t even think of a way to even describe what
this was.

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Kyle’s Return


Kyle stood with his back against the cold-storage unit, his entire

body shaking. From fear or from the coldness in the place, Tony
wasn’t sure. Probably both. He blinked and then blinked again as, one
by one, Kyle’s wounds began to heal. “I think I need to sit down.”

Kyle’s eyes were darting around wildly, looking trapped and

terrified. Tony had an overwhelming urge to comfort the young man,
but he was trying desperately to wrap his head around the whole
situation. This just couldn’t be possible.

“I–I want to g–go home.”
Tony shook his head as he took in deep breaths. “That’s not

possible, Kyle. Everyone thinks you’re dead. If you show up at home,
all hell will break loose.”

“How do you know my name?” Kyle took a step away from Tony,

looking at him as though Tony was the one who had killed him.

“I can tell you what I know, but we have to get out of—” Tony

fell silent when he heard a noise coming from the hallway. It couldn’t
be the medical examiner. He had left for the hospital after Tony made
his call. He’d be gone for a while. There was no way the guy figured
things out this quickly.

A sudden thought occurred to Tony, and he jumped into action,

not thinking that he was grabbing someone who had just risen from
the dead as he shoved Kyle toward a door. He had to clamp his hand
over Kyle’s mouth to stop the guy from screaming, but Tony didn’t
care at the moment.

If everything was going the usual way for Tony, then Kyle’s

murderer was back to collect the newly risen. He reached out and
pushed the tray back into the unit and then closed the door, spun
around, and then yanked Kyle to what he assumed would be a utility

He watched through the crack in the door as two goons walked

into the morgue, guns out. They flipped the sheets from the two dead
bodies already lying out and then walked over to the storage unit.
Tony held his breath, and Kyle stopped struggling as they cursed.

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“Where in the hell is the body?”
“I don’t know, but Mr. Donahue isn’t going to like this. He

planned this one out to the T. We nailed the phoenix three days ago. If
the boss is right, he should just now be waking, not gone already.”

The first guy kicked the wall as he looked around angrily. “We

must have just missed him. Come on. Maybe he’s already on his way
to the funeral home.”

The pair took off back through the door. Tony knew his time was

running out for hanging around the place. He counted to twenty and
then pulled Kyle from the closet, yanking him along as he hauled ass
out of there. He knew he was going to get another call about another
missing body from the morgue once Kyle’s disappearance was

When Kyle started to struggle again, Tony had had enough. He

reached down and grabbed Kyle, tossing the naked man over his
shoulder. “I don’t have time for either of us to freak out right now.
We have a medical examiner that will be returning soon and hired
men out to kidnap you, so settle the fuck down and keep quiet.”

“Fuck you. Put me down now!” Kyle kicked his legs out, banging

his fists on Tony’s back.

Tony swatted Kyle’s ass. “I said quiet. I don’t want to end up

either explaining why I’m carrying out a supposed-to-be-dead body or
getting shot at by the men that came to take you.”

“But what the hell is going on? How am I alive? Why are those

guys after me? And if you smack my ass again I’m going to kick your
balls up into your throat.”

Tony rolled his eyes. It figures he got a noisy dead guy. The man

was frustrating as hell. Yeah, he got the whole I just woke up from the
dead, so what the fuck it going on
deal, but geez, couldn’t the man
follow instructions?

Tony burst through the back door, ignoring Kyle’s questions for

now as he ran for his car. He opened the front seat and deposited the

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undead body. He grabbed the blanket from the floor and tossed it over
Kyle. “Stay put.”

Tony walked around the car as he nonchalantly looked around. He

didn’t see anyone watching them, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have
a set of eyes on him now. He hurried into the driver’s seat to see that
Kyle had pulled the blanket free and was checking his chest and arms.

“Those fuckers stabbed me. I know the bastards did. The asswipes

jumped me in the alley. Where in the hell are my wounds?”

Tony sat there staring at Kyle in disbelief. The man had a mouth

on him. “You forgot the word shit.”

Kyle narrowed his eyes at Tony as he clenched his jaw. “I don’t

say that word…much. I am not vulgar.”

“Riiight.” Tony shook his head as he pulled away from the

morgue. He wasn’t even going to try and figure that one out. He had
already made arrangements with a friend of his, Sal Fernando, to help
him hide Kyle.

Tony drove through the city, wondering exactly what was going

on. He had been warned that Mr. Donahue wasn’t what he appeared
to be, but this was freaky as hell. Tony stole glances at Kyle as he
maneuvered his car through Old Town. There had to be a logical

“There’s my house. Just drop me off,” Kyle said as he pulled the

blanket around his shoulders. “Hey, why aren’t you fucking

Tony growled. “Well, sailor, I have another place to hide you for

now so you’re not in danger. Just chill the fuck out, and I’ll tell you
what I know once we get there.”

Kyle’s head snapped around as pure rage darkened his face. “If

you’re some kind of pervert or was in on my murder, I’ll fucking
haunt you.”

Tony chuckled at that. “You can’t haunt me, Kyle. You are not

dead.” Tony shook his head as he pulled into the alleyway behind

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Sal’s bar. He paused in pulling his phone out when sheer terror
registered on Kyle’s face. “What is it, Kyle?”

The man swallowed as his body shook. “I don’t like alleys


Tony cursed. He hadn’t thought of the mental triggers Kyle would

have now. He quickly made his phone call and then pulled Kyle from
the car. “Let’s get you inside.”

Kyle practically ran through the back door that Sal opened for

them. Tony glanced up and down the alley before slamming the door
closed behind him, and locking it.

“You’ll have to stay back here for now. I have a bar full of

customers. So, if you don’t want anyone seeing him, stay here.” Sal
looked at Kyle and then shivered. “Bizarre-ass shit, man.”

Kyle glanced around as Tony took a seat on one of the crates. He

shouldn’t be the one to tell Kyle all the twilight-zone news, but if he
didn’t, no one else would. “Have a seat, Kyle. There are some things
you should know.”

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Kyle’s Return


Chapter 2

Okay. He was not going to wig out. Really. There had to be a

logical explanation for all of this crap. Kyle scooted onto a crate
across from the man who stole him from the morgue. Geez, even
saying that silently in his head sounded odd. He didn’t want to know
what it would sound like out loud.

Kyle wrapped the blanket tighter around his body. He frowned

and glanced down when he felt something between his toes. He
instantly commenced his nuclear meltdown when he spotted a small
yellow piece of paper attached to his toe.

Ahh, get it off of me!” Kyle kicked his foot out, trying his best to

dislodge the toe tag. He kicked and screamed, his heart beating out of
control as the stranger shot across the room, grabbed his ankle, and
then ripped the tag free.

“Calm down, Kyle. I got it.” He held the tag up, which did not

bring Kyle any comfort at all.

“What the fuck is going on!” he shouted as he scooted farther

back onto the crate, almost curling into a ball.

The guy sighed as he sat down on the crate with Kyle. “I’m

Detective Anthony Santano. You can call me Tony. A few weeks ago
I got a report about a dead man missing from the morgue—”

“This has happened before?” Kyle asked incredulously. “Is it

some sort of disease the dead are getting infected with? Am I going to
start craving brains?” Kyle felt his panic attack coming back full
force. “Will I ever see sunlight again? Do I have to drink blood now?”

“No, Kyle. Now calm down and let me explain.”

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Kyle wasn’t sure he wanted to hear any of this. What if he had

been an experiment for the government and now they would have the
military after them? He didn’t like any of this and felt his stomach roll
at the idea of being on the most-wanted list.

Maybe it was aliens?
“Yes,” Tony said, “it’s happened before, once. A guy named

Collin Phoenix went through the exact same thing.”

“Please tell me he’s still alive because I don’t want a fucking

room reserved for me at the morgue.”

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose as he laid his other hand flat

on his thigh. “He’s alive and better than well. He’s immortal now.”

Kyle’s head spun at Tony’s words. There was no fucking way he

was immortal now. “You’re lying,” he sneered. Things like this just
did not happen except in movies.

“Will you listen?” Tony snapped. “According to Collin—”
“Who the hell is Collin?” Kyle growled. His head snapped back,

wondering where in the hell his jealous rage just came from. He
didn’t even know this guy, but the thought of Tony and this Collin
character together set his teeth on edge.

Kyle curled his fingers around the blanket as his eyes darted

around the room. He was scared out of his fucking mind. His life
hadn’t been a great one. As a matter of fact, it was crappy as hell. But
it was his life to live. Now? He hadn’t a clue what was going on, and
that scared him beyond words.

“Collin is the dead man I was investigating.” Tony’s voice

softened. “His life partner, Riojos, took him into hiding to keep him

Kyle didn’t want to examine too closely why he felt better that

this Collin guy was committed to another man. No, it was best he left
that feeling alone for now. He had too much other crap to deal with.
“So what do you know about all of this?”

“More than I really want to.” The side of Tony’s mouth pulled

back into a slight smile. “From what I’ve learned, you’re immortal

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now. Collin was crushed by a car and stabbed, neither of which killed
him. Okay, the car crushing him did kill him, but then he woke up in
the morgue three days later. His tears can heal wounds, and he can
make others immortal. That, Kyle, is about all I know. And the fact
that Collin and Riojos are on the run because someone is out to
kidnap Collin.”

Kyle bit his lip as he turned over everything Tony told him. It

wasn’t much, but it was still hard for him to wrap his head around.
Immortal? How long was that? Like, forever? His head snapped up as
he gazed into Tony’s sapphire-blue eyes. “Did he make you

Tony shook his head. “I chose not to be turned.”
Kyle again felt relief, knowing Collin didn’t turn the man. If Tony

was going to be immortal like him, Kyle wanted to be the one to do it.
Kyle blinked in surprise when he realized what he was thinking.
Maybe he really was nuts?

He desperately pushed those thoughts aside. It wouldn’t do him

any good. No one wanted to be with him. Any man he had been
interested in said Kyle was too gruff, too crass. His anger kicked in at
the years of rejection he had suffered through. Not only from the men
who had refused to sleep with him, but from his family as well.

“Fine, you did your good fucking deed by getting me out of there.

You can kick mud now, Tony.”

He was totally rethinking his words when Tony narrowed his

eyes. His lips thinned, and his face reddened. Not too many people
scared Kyle, but for some reason, he didn’t like Tony being mad at

“If you don’t stop cursing and get rid of that nasty-ass attitude of

yours,” Tony snarled, “I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank
the shit out of you.”

“Stop cursing. You shouldn’t use that word.” Kyle turned away

from the man who was getting past his defenses. It wouldn’t do him

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any good to want Tony to fuck him. The detective would only reject
him as others before him had.

Kyle turned his back on the cop. He was tired and really wanted to

lie down. This was too much for him. Too many scenarios were
playing in Kyle’s head. They went from one end of the scale to the
other—from science experiment to imagining what Tony looked like
naked. Kyle was afraid his brain had rebooted when he came back to
life, and now it wasn’t working properly.

“Get some rest. We’ll be back here for a while.”
Kyle was amazed that Tony hadn’t said anything about his

outburst, but the man was proving to be an enigma to him. Kyle lay
down on the crate, making sure the blanket was wrapped tightly
around his body.

“If I go to sleep, will I wake up?” he asked as his eyes started to


Tony reached over and ran a knuckle over his check, surprising

Kyle at how gentle the touch was. “Yes, you’ll wake up. I promise.”

Kyle wasn’t sure if Tony’s promise would hold true, but his body

and mind were totally exhausted from the ordeal. The adrenaline was
gone now, leaving Kyle one big, tired mess.

* * * *

Tony watched Kyle close his eyes and wondered about the guy.

From what he could tell about the man, he was rough and crass. But
there was something about Kyle that drew Tony in like a moth to a

He studied Kyle’s face as he slept, wondering what it was that

fascinated him so much—other than the fact that he had watched Kyle
wake from the dead. That right there should have been enough to send
Tony running in the other direction. But here he sat, staring down at
the sexiest dead guy he had ever met.

“How’s he doing?” Sal asked from the door that led to the bar.

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Tony shrugged his shoulders. “For just waking up after being

brutally murdered, pretty damn good.” And that was the truth. Kyle
should have been a raving lunatic after what had just happened to
him. Granted, he hadn’t been a cheery fella exactly, but Kyle was
taking this better than Tony would have expected from the street

“Let me know if he needs anything. I’ve made up a room above

the bar. As soon as everyone clears out, take him on up.”

Tony nodded. “Thanks, Sal. How’s Tibo doing?”
Tibo was one of Sal’s employees, but Tony suspected there was

something more going on between the two men. Tibo had been shot a
week ago, Collin crying over the gunshot wound, his tears making
Tibo immortal. He hadn’t outright asked how the guy was taking the
news of immortality. It really wasn’t his place to ask. But he was

“He’s good, taking it day to day.”
“I’m going to head on back to work. If you need anything, call me

on my cell.”

“Thanks, Sal,” he said as he turned back to the sleeping man.
Tony lifted one of his legs up onto the crate, resting his hands in

his lap as he tried to figure Kyle Talon out. The man was skinny as
hell. He couldn’t weigh any more than one hundred pounds, dripping
wet with rocks in his pockets. The thing that had caught Tony’s eye at
the morgue was the fact that Kyle’s body had absolutely no freckles,
anywhere, which was strange for a redhead.

Tony studied Kyle’s features. He’d never seen hair so damn red in

his life. Collin’s had been more of a deep auburn, but Kyle’s looked
as though it was on fire. He had a pert little nose, pouty lips, and an
angelic face. Tony snorted. God, looks were so deceiving. The man
was a damn pistol and a half.

After a few hours, Sal came and told Tony the coast was clear.

Tony reached over and gently pulled Kyle into his arms, cradling him

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close to his chest as he carried the man upstairs. “Can you park my
car a few blocks from here? I don’t want anyone to know where I’m
at in case they’re watching me.”

Sal nodded as he closed the door. The apartment was small, but

cozy. Tony walked to the bedroom, laying Kyle onto the full-size
mattress, making sure the blanket was still tucked around him.

“Where am I?” Kyle asked as he yawned.
Tony had an urge to crawl on the bed and pull the man into his

arms. He couldn’t figure out where these foreign feelings were
coming from. That wasn’t him. “In the apartment above the bar. Get
some rest while I go make something for us to eat.”

Right on cue, Kyle’s stomach growled loudly, telling Tony to get

moving. Tony chuckled as he left the bedroom and walked into the
kitchen. Sal had brought a handful of groceries up for the two of
them. It wasn’t much, but enough to make a decent breakfast. He
wasn’t sure what Kyle liked to eat, so Tony just scrambled some eggs
and made some buttered toast.

Would Kyle’s stomach be able to handle this after being dead?

Guess I’m about to find out. Tony separated the pan of eggs onto two
plates, tossed the toast on there as well, and then carried the plates to
the bedroom. Kyle’s eyes devoured the plate as Tony set it on the bed.

“It’s not much.”
Kyle didn’t say a word. He grabbed the plate and practically

unhinged his jaw as he ate the eggs and toast in less than two minutes.
His fork was chasing around tiny pieces of egg that were left. Tony
shook his head and grabbed Kyle’s empty plate. “I have six more
eggs. I guess you’ll need them.”

Kyle bit his lip, looking sheepish as he held his fork in his hand.


Somehow Tony didn’t think Kyle’s appetite came from being in

the morgue for three days as much as lack of food for years. The guy
was skinny as hell. Tony scrambled the rest of the half dozen eggs

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then took it right in to Kyle. He chuckled when the fork was in the air
before Tony had the plate on the bed.

“Slow down, Kyle. It’s not going anywhere,” he teased as he was

finally able to eat his own breakfast. Although slightly cold now, it
was still pretty damn good. Tony knew he had to go into work. He
was just wondering how to keep Kyle safe while he did so.

“I have to go down to the station. I need you to stay in this

apartment while I’m gone. If you need anything, Sal, the owner, can
help you out.” He saw the hesitation in Kyle’s eyes. The look that said
he was scared to stay by himself but too proud to voice his worry.
“I’ll be back, Kyle. I won’t leave you here.”

Kyle swallowed and nodded. Tony wasn’t positive that Kyle

would follow his instructions, so he made sure Sal knew he was
heading into work and to keep an eye on Kyle. He also suggested
Tibo go up and talk with Kyle about being immortal. Maybe if Kyle
heard it from someone who was experiencing it, he would feel less
out of touch.

* * * *

Kyle waited until he heard the door close before he scrambled

from the bed. There had to be something around here he could wear.
He searched the closet then the one dresser that had seen better days,
but came up empty-handed.

“Fuck!” he snapped as he pushed his hand through his hair. He

was frustrated as hell. He would be too damn obvious if he walked
out of here with a blanket wrapped around him. He jerked then ran
back over to the bed when he heard a light rap on the door. He
quickly lay down on the bed when he heard it squeak open.

He wasn’t sure who it was, but Kyle scooted down the bed,

pretending he was asleep. If it was another do-gooder, he was going

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to pull his hair out. Kyle didn’t need or want anyone’s help with any
of this.

Living on his own wits for so long made Kyle self-sufficient. He

didn’t even need Tony’s help. The man was getting past his defenses,
and Kyle couldn’t have that. It wouldn’t lead to anything he wanted to

“Hey, are you awake? I’m Tibo. Tony wanted me to come up and

talk to you about being immortal. Are you awake, Kyle?”

Kyle cracked his eyes open. Okay, maybe he did want to hear this.

He needed to arm himself with as much information as he possibly
could before he took off. “Yeah, I’m awake. I’ve just been lying

Tibo smiled as he sat on the edge of the bed. Kyle raked the guy

with his eyes, wondering just exactly who Tibo was. Why would
Tony ask him to come up and talk to Kyle? Was he Tony’s boyfriend?
The man was around Kyle’s height, slim, and simply gorgeous. Why
wouldn’t Tony want him?

“What?” he asked with a snit in his tone, jealousy once again

rearing its ugly head at this man who had done nothing to him. Kyle
looked away, not liking what was happening to him as far as the
detective was concerned. Kyle was becoming someone he didn’t like
very much.

“I was told that you’re immortal. Do you have any questions for

me?” Tibo glanced around the room, looking as though he really
didn’t want to be there, let alone answer any personal questions.

This made Kyle relax slightly. Nervous he understood. He sat up

and shrugged, unsure of what to ask the man. “How do you know
you’re immortal? Do you feel any different?”

Tibo shook his head, his eyes finally settling on Kyle. “Not really.

I remember I was shot, and I also knew I was dying.” Tibo tucked a
piece of strawberry-blond hair behind his ear, tears gathering in his
eyes. He inhaled deeply, as if trying to stave off the waterworks.

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God, Kyle hoped like hell this man wasn’t about to cry. Weak

feelings were never his forte. He never really knew what to do about
them. Kyle cleared his throat, trying to make Tibo continue.

The man smiled weakly. “I had a bullet close to my heart. I could

feel coldness entering my body, and I started to make my peace with
dying. Then Collin cried over my wound, the tears somehow healing
me. The bullet worked its way out on its own, and the next thing I
knew, Sal was telling me that I can’t die.”

Kyle listened intently. Thoughts whirled in his head at Tibo’s tale.

Can’t die? Kyle wasn’t too sure he believed that load of crap. Albeit,
he did wake up from the dead, but now he couldn’t die? That seemed
like too much to swallow.

“Okay, that’s all I wanted to know. Do you have anything I can

wear?” He waved to the blanket covering his naked body. “I’d like to
get up and move around.”

Tibo looked at him suspiciously and then nodded. “I could loan

you something of mine. I have some extra clothes in my locker
downstairs. I’ll be right back.”

Thank fuck. Kyle was relieved that he wouldn’t have to stick

around this joint. He needed to get home. Although his mom wouldn’t
win a Mother of the Year award, she didn’t deserve to mourn a son
that wasn’t dead. He wasn’t that much of an ass.

Kyle waited as Tibo ran downstairs and grabbed a few things. He

even lucked out when the man brought him a pair of boots. Tibo just
stood there in the doorway as Kyle climbed off the bed and turned to
face the other way and got dressed. It was kind of creepy.

Kyle also didn’t like the fact that Tibo had a knowing look in his

eyes. His opinion didn’t matter. No one’s opinion mattered. This was
Kyle’s life, and he had to live it on his terms. No one had ever looked
past the rough exterior to see who he truly was, and Kyle wasn’t
putting his trust in anyone to expose himself.

Fuck that, he’d been hurt enough.

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Chapter 3

Tony pulled the car into a parking lot a few blocks down from

Sal’s and got out, locking the door before heading out on foot. It had
been a long day, and all Tony could think about was getting back to
the sexy little redhead at Sal’s bar.

He shoved his hands into his front pockets as he walked, his eyes

scanning the streets. Tony was alert, ready for anything as he cut the
corner, heading down the street toward the bar. He was used to being
on alert. It was what he did for a living.

This thing with Kyle confused the crap out of him, though. Tony

didn’t like this needy feeling he had toward Kyle. He was a loner, not
needing anyone in his life. He was a cop through and through, going
out on calls, even if it was in the middle of the night.

Donald, his ex, had told him he would end up alone, even called

him cold-hearted. Maybe Tony was. Donald had bitched that Tony
didn’t need a lover. He stated that Tony would be better off with a cat.
Tony snorted. He wasn’t even a cat person. Not that he didn’t like
them, he just never had any pets growing up, so getting one never
interested him.

Tony passed a few people on the street, cataloging their faces in

his mind as they walked by him. He hunched his shoulders, trying to
look inconspicuous, and it was cold as shit out here. He reached the
bar, yanking the door open as he stepped through. He spotted Sal
behind the bar, Tibo standing right next to him. He looked around at
the small crowd that had already gathered and then stepped over to
the bar. Tony slid onto the stool, ordering a hot coffee.

“How is he?” Tony asked as Tibo poured him a steaming cup.

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“Better than I had expected. He took the news pretty well,” Tibo

said as he sat the carafe down. “He only asked how I knew and if I
felt any different.”

Tony’s mug stopped halfway to his lips, and then it crashed onto

the bar as he dropped it and ran up the back stairs. There was no way
Kyle had taken the news lightly. And there was no way in hell he
asked only two questions. A sick feeling sank into his stomach as he
threw the apartment door open.

Tony searched the rooms, cursing when he saw the back window

open. The little shit had used the fire escape. Tony kicked the wall
before heading back down the steps. Fuck! His jaw tightened as he
walked through the bar, Sal and Tibo looking at him in surprise as
Tony stormed from the bar.

There was only one place Kyle had been interested in going.

Home. Tony jogged the few blocks back to his car. He dug his keys
from his front pocket, hurrying to open the door when he reached it.
He gunned the motor and then tore from the lot, praying he wasn’t too

Kyle had no damn clue what was out there waiting for him. He

had no idea of the extent Mr. Donahue would go through to get his
hands on the immortal. Tony cursed and punched the dashboard as he
drove. If Kyle had gotten himself into a fix, Tony was going to kick
his ass all the way back to the bar.

His tires screeched as he turned down the street Kyle’s house was

located on ten minutes later. His eyes darted around wildly as he
looked for flaming-red hair. That little shit was in so much trouble.

* * * *

Kyle looked over his shoulder as he cut through a few backyards.

He knew this neighborhood like the back of his hand. Old lady
Johnson had the place right next to Kyle’s house, with very tall

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bushes. She never pruned them, which was a bonus for Kyle right
about now, considering he needed cover.

He was undead, not stupid. Kyle knew the less people who saw

him the better. But he had to at least let his mom know he was all
right. He hopped over a chain-link fence, landing on his feet, then ran
across the backyard.

When he saw no one, Kyle jumped the next fence. Two backyards

later and he could peek through old lady Johnson’s bushes to his
house. It was late evening. The sun was just starting to set off in the

Kyle paused by the bushes when he saw his back porch light come

on. He held his breath as his mother came out onto the deck. She
stood there looking up at the sky as if lost in her own thoughts. Kyle’s
heart went out to her. She looked so fragile, so tiny.

Kyle was about to part the bushes to say something when he

noticed a tall man in a white suit walking up the driveway. He
crouched down a little further, wondering who the stranger was. He’d
only been gone less than a week. There was no way his mother had
found a new boyfriend that quickly.

“Ramona,” the man greeted her.
Ramona had a frown on her face when she turned and looked at

the man as if he were an irritation. Kyle’s heart started beating faster.
Just exactly who was the stranger, and why did his mom look at the
man like she’d rather shoot him than talk to him?

“Is it done?” she asked as she turned her red head back toward the

setting sun.

This piqued Kyle’s interest. He pressed his head closer, listening

to what they were about to discuss.

The man nodded. “Yeah, it’s done. He put up one hell of a fight,

but we accomplished what we set out to do. But there’s a problem.”

His mom snorted, her head whipping back around to glare angrily

at the man. “Isn’t there always. You got what you wanted. My son is
dead. What more do you want from me? You shouldn’t even be here.”

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The man took a menacing step toward Kyle’s mom. “And you

were well compensated for your son’s death. But now his body is
missing. He left before we could steal him from the morgue.”

Kyle’s head spun as his world crashed down around him. His

mom had sold him out? Oh fuck, he was going to be sick. Kyle held
back the bile building in his throat and the tears threatening to stream
down his face as he listened to what was being said. Anger ripped
through him unlike anything he had ever known.

“What do you want me to do?” his mom shouted. “Everyone

thinks he’s dead. I can’t exactly put him on the back of a milk carton,
now can I?”

The fucking bitch! Kyle wanted to lash out at his mother. He

wanted to rail and scream, and…Kyle wiped his eyes. Once again he
was left with the feeling that he needed to know what was going on so
that he had the most information possible. He pressed his lips together
and continued to listen as the two talked.

“If Kyle shows up here, stall him and call us,” the stranger said.

“We need that body. He’s too damn valuable to be running around
loose somewhere.”

Kyle had heard enough. His life had no meaning anymore. Of all

the craziness he had ever gone through, home was the one place he
had taken solace. Now he didn’t even have that. He wiped his face as
he took a step back, ready to get the hell out of there.

He froze when a twig snapped under his foot. Kyle’s head

snapped up as he looked right into a stranger’s cold and calculating
eyes through the shrubs.

“Hello, Kyle.”
Kyle didn’t wait around to find out what the stranger wanted or

who he was. He hauled ass out of old lady Johnson’s backyard and
took off down her driveway. He skidded to a halt when he cleared the
house, seeing two men waiting by a car in front of his very home.

Kyle twisted his body around, taking off in the opposite direction.

He heard tires screech and knew he wasn’t going to be able to outrun

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them. He had to think. Kyle’s knees damn near hit his chest as he all-
out ran, his arms pumping to carry him away from his traitorous
mother and the men out to kidnap him.

Kyle cut across the street, heading for the deli when he saw Tony.

The detective gunned his car, heading straight for Kyle. When he
whipped his head around, he could still see the men in hot pursuit.
Kyle changed direction, running directly for Tony’s car.

There was no one else on this earth Kyle could trust now. He was

alone. His anger grew as he cut around to the passenger side and
almost ripped the door off its hinges as he jumped into the Crown

“Fucking go!” he shouted to Tony.
Tony threw the car in reverse, tossed his arm over the back of

Kyle’s seat, and then put the pedal to the floor.

Kyle gripped the dashboard, watching the men pull guns out.

“Guns!” Kyle ducked as Tony cut the wheel, throwing Kyle into the
passenger door. Tony ripped the gear into drive and then hit the gas
again. He looked behind him, seeing the men take off for their car. It
must have been Tony who had screeched around the corner because
the goons’ car was still parked in front of his house.

Kyle slammed his fists into the dashboard, shouting to the top of

his lungs. “She betrayed me! My own fucking mother sold me out!”
He slammed his elbow into the door and smacked his palm against the
windshield. “How could that bitch sell her own kid!” he screamed as
the tears finally fell.

Tony didn’t say a word. He just drove as Kyle let the hate and

anger and despair flow freely.

“I fucking hate her!”
His grabbed his midsection, curling forward as he wailed. This

couldn’t be happening. This just couldn’t be fucking happening. Kyle
cried harder when he felt a hand run over his back. After several
minutes, Kyle wiped his eyes as he stared at his feet. He laid his head
on his arms, wishing he had stayed dead.

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“I have you, Kyle. I won’t let anyone hurt you,” Tony said softly

from beside him as he drove down one side street after another.

Kyle didn’t want to talk right now. He was in too much pain. He

turned sideways, curling up onto the seat as he stared out of the
passenger-side window, looking at absolutely nothing. His mind was
trying its best to figure out why his mom would do something like
this. They didn’t have much, but he never took her for a cutthroat.

True, she lived off of the state, and his brothers were as lazy as the

day was long. But to sell him, to plot his murder, was something he
couldn’t even comprehend. Kyle’s tears dried as his jaw clenched.

No more. His trust wasn’t going to be given to anyone ever again.

He was done. He was tired of being fucked over by people that were
supposed to care for him. He wasn’t sure what Tony’s motives were,
but Kyle wasn’t even going to trust him.

No more.
He was done.

* * * *

Sal unlocked his back door as Tony carried Kyle inside. Having

them stay above the bar was no longer safe. The little flaming-haired
ghost had killed that. Not long after Tony had stormed from the bar,
Sal had received visitors.

They had tried to act like they knew Tony, were work buddies of

his or some shit. Sal knew better. One, Tony would never tell anyone
where Kyle was being kept, and two, the only friends Tony had were
him and Tibo. Sal saw right through that lie. After Sal played dumber
than a box of rocks, the men left.

Sal hit the light switch to his attic as he led the couple upstairs.

“It’s not furnished, but it’s clean, and the carpet is in good condition.
I’ll get some bedding for the two of you.”

“Thanks, Sal,” Tony said as he carried Kyle up the flight of stairs.

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“Yeah, whatever. Just remember me when I need help. Set

Firehead over there.” Sal pointed to a side of the room where the
carpet looked practically brand-new. “The floor is clean.”

Sal took off down the steps, reaching into the hall cupboard for

blankets, then stopped at the thermostat to bring the heat up. He then
grabbed a few pillows from the guest bedroom and then ran back up
the stairs.

“Here are some blankets and pillows. I’d suggest not leaving Mr.

Runaway alone. Although he can’t die, torture always hurts like a

Sal watched as Tony laid Kyle down onto the carpet. The guy

almost looked comatose. “Is he going to be okay?”

Tony shrugged as he took the blanket from Sal and wrapped it

around the thin man’s body. “I’m not sure. He had a really bad

Sal could see Tony was in protective mode and wasn’t going to

answer any more of his questions. That was cool. He needed to get
back down to his bar and Tibo anyway. “Call my cell phone if you
need something.”

“Thanks, Sal.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Sal was seriously considering opening a

shelter for the newly undead. It was starting to become a fucking
epidemic around here lately. “Later.”

* * * *

Tony cradled Kyle in his arms as the man whimpered. He wasn’t

even sure if Kyle knew he was making the soft, desperate sounds. It
had to be devastating to know his own mother sold him out. Tony
couldn’t even begin imagine what that felt like.

“Ssshhh, I have you, Kyle.” He ran his hands over Kyle’s red hair,

his other hand soothing the man’s back, his earlier anger forgotten.

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Tony lay there holding the smaller man as he tried to figure out

what they were going to do. Because whether he admitted it or not, a
deep part of Tony knew he would do whatever it took to protect this
man. He wasn’t going to allow Kyle to walk this road alone.

“She sold me out,” Kyle said as the palms of his hands rubbed at

his eyes.

Tony kept his arms wrapped around Kyle, cradling him close. He

wasn’t even sure what he was doing. It wasn’t like Tony had
experience in comforting someone. Tony had never allowed himself
to get close enough to anyone to let it get this far.

But Kyle was getting close, real close, and Tony wasn’t sure that

was such a good idea. Donald had said he was cold-hearted, and from
the way Tony had been in their relationship, he was inclined to
believe it.

Kyle sniffed and then pulled away, as if he had gotten all of his

crying out and was ready to take on the world, from the look on the
man’s face. “I’m cool. It’s no sweat off of my back. I hope she’s
happy with whatever he paid her.”

“Who is he, Kyle? What happened?” Tony asked as he sat up,

placing his back against the wall.

Kyle gave a shrug as he picked at a loose thread on his jeans.

“Some fucking guy was in my backyard, talking with the bitch that
gave birth to me. They were practically laughing about having me m–
murdered.” Kyle took in a ragged breath and then set his jaw. “She
said it wasn’t her fucking problem that my body was missing.
Whoever that guy was said I was too damn valuable to be running
around loose.”

Tony curled his hands into fists as he felt rage consume him. He

knew the people after Collin, and now Kyle, were ruthless, but he had
no idea how deep it went. He had an overwhelming urge to hunt the
fuckers down and shoot their sorry asses.

“We’ll figure something out,” Tony said as his head rested back

against the wall. “I won’t let you get hurt.”

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Kyle sat up, pulling his legs under him as he stared at Tony.

“Why? Why are you putting your fucking neck out on the line for
someone you just met? For someone you stole from the morgue? I
honestly don’t get your ass, Tony. What’s in it for you?”

That was the million-dollar question. What was in it for him?

Why in the hell was he getting involved? Since coming back to the
city after leaving Riojos and Collin at the cabin, the bad guys had
pretty much left him alone. What was it about Kyle that was making
Tony want to risk it all?

“I’m not looking for any kind of payment,” Tony finally said

when he saw the cautious glint in Kyle’s deep green eyes, “if that’s
what you’re asking.”

“Way to not answer my questions.” Kyle narrowed his eyes as he

pushed to his feet. “Remind me not to answer you the next time you
ask a fucking question.”

Kyle turned to walk away, but Tony stopped him, reaching out

and grabbing his hand. Kyle tried to yank free, but Tony kept a firm
grip. “Settle the hell down.” He growled.

Kyle stopped struggling but refused to look at Tony. “What?”
Tony sighed. This little redhead was impossible. He was as

mistrusting and brusque as Tony was. Damn, he finally met his clone,
only sexier…and shorter. “I would have given you answers if I had
them to give. I have no clue why I’m helping you. Maybe I can’t
stand to see a kid from the streets being fucked over like this.
Whatever the reason, I don’t have an ulterior motive.”

Kyle yanked his hand again, Tony allowing it this time as he

released Kyle.

“I’m not a kid, and why does my street status factor into this?

What, does that make me a charity case? Fuck you, Tony. I don’t
need anyone’s pity.”

Tony had had about enough. He had risked his very own neck for

this punk, and Kyle still couldn’t get his head out of his ass. Tony

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shot to his feet, tackling Kyle, both of them tumbling to the carpet.
Kyle fought, struggling to free Tony’s weight from above him.

“Lay still, damn it. I’ve had about enough of you treating me like

I’m a mat under your feet. You will speak to me with respect, or
you’ll get that damned spanking I promised you. Do I make myself

Kyle turned his head, refusing to look at Tony as he jutted his jaw

out. The little shit was defiant to the very end. Tony leaned back,
flipped Kyle over, and then let his hand fly, spanking Kyle’s right ass

“Are you fucking nuts?” Kyle shouted as he tried to cover his ass

with his hands. “My own mother never even whooped me!”

“Yeah, well, maybe she should have. But since she didn’t, I will.”

He let his hand fly again, slapping the other rounded mound.

“Stop it!”
“Not until you’ve learned your lesson,” Tony said as he readjusted

his weight on Kyle’s thighs. “Have you learned your lesson?”

Kyle balled his fists up in front of him but refused to give an

answer. Tony smacked his bottom one more time before Kyle howled.
“Okay, I fucking give. You win.”

Tony rubbed his hand over Kyle’s sore ass, wishing he was

rubbing it for a very different reason. Kyle had the perfect ass. “It’s
not about winning, Kyle. It’s about respecting one another. Think
about that. And stop with the cursing. It doesn’t sound right coming
from you.”

Tony knew he was going to have to take this in small steps. He

wouldn’t get on Kyle so much for the curse words, but the man was
going to start acting like he had some sense in his head. If not, Tony
was going to thoroughly enjoy spanking the man again.

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Chapter 4

Kyle sat next to Tony in his car as they drove over to the homeless

shelter Rutledge worked at. He was pissed as hell that Tony spanked
his ass. Who did the detective think he was? Kyle squirmed a little,
his ass still feeling the stinging from the flat of Tony’s hand.

He stole a quick glance at Tony as the detective drove through the

city. What really bothered Kyle was that he liked the spanking he’d
received. Was he going to tell Tony that? Hell fucking no. Kyle
winced, remembering Tony’s words about him cursing. Did he really
sound that bad? Was he really a gutter mouth?

Whatever. Kyle rolled his eyes. It wasn’t like the guy’s opinion

mattered anyway. No one’s opinion mattered but his. His mother’s
opinion used to matter to him a little. And look how that had turned
Kyle knew it was just better if he didn’t let anyone matter to him.

Then they couldn’t hurt him.
“We’re here,” Tony said as he pulled his car over to the side of the

street and carefully wedged it in between two other vehicles. Once he
had turned off the car, he turned to look at Kyle. “When we get inside,
I’m going to escort you directly downstairs. I don’t want you talking
to anyone. Understood?”

“Why the hell not?” Kyle snapped.
“Because it isn’t safe.” Tony frowned. “And stop swearing.”
Kyle rolled his eyes and climbed out of the car. He dutifully

waited for Tony to come around the car before heading for the shelter.
Somehow, he just knew if he took off, Tony would chase his ass
down—and more than likely smack it again.

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One of these days, Kyle knew he would figure out why that

thought intrigued him. He was a grown man, for fuck’s sake. He
should be kicking Tony’s ass for spanking him instead of wondering
just what he needed to do to force Tony to do it again.

Kyle heaved a sigh and followed Tony into the shelter. He wasn’t

the least bit surprised to see Rutledge sitting behind the desk in the
entrance hall. He was shocked right down to his toes when Rutledge
glanced up and smiled at him, though. Didn’t the guy know he was

“Hey, Kyle, I missed you on Friday.”
“Yeah, well, I was a little indisposed.” And locked in the morgue.
“So I understand.” Rutledge stood up and started around his desk

before his words sank into Kyle’s head. “Let’s head downstairs before
anyone spots you two.”

Kyle started following behind the man when his brain finally

caught up with the conversation. “Hey, wait a fucking minute. You
know what happened to me?”

Rutledge smiled over his shoulder but didn’t stop walking.

“You’re not the first guy I’ve hidden down here, Kyle. And you
shouldn’t swear so much.”

Kyle rolled his eyes dramatically as he started down the steps after

Rutledge. “What is it with you two and your obsession with my
language? I don’t correct your language.”

“We don’t swear like you do, Kyle.” Tony snickered from behind

him. “No one swears like you do.”

“I’m unique. Sue me.” Kyle walked through the shelter, having

been there before to hang out with Rutledge. He noticed a door
opening and saw a man peeking through it, watching him. He got a
shiver down his spine as he quickly caught up with Tony.

The three walked down a set of steps, ending in a room Kyle had

never known was there. He didn’t even know the fucking place had a

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Rutledge walked into the room first, pulling on a string and

illuminating the sparse room with the bare light bulb. “It’s not much,
but you guys can get some sleep here. No one will bother you.”

“Thanks, Rutledge.” Tony shook the man’s hand before Rutledge

smiled at Kyle and then left them alone.

Kyle was relieved to see two cots in the room. But a small part of

him had wished there was only one. He pushed that asinine thought
from his head as he sat down on the edge of one of the cots.
“Welcome to the Waldorf Astoria,” he teased nervously as he kicked
his boots off and then curled up on the bed. “Room service will be
here in the morning.”

“I sure hope so,” Tony smiled as he winked at Kyle.
Kyle averted his eyes, getting a funny feeling in the pit of his

stomach. Tony was flirting with him. Kyle gave the man his back as
he curled up tighter into a ball. It was fucking freezing down here. He
pulled the thin jacket around him tighter as he tried desperately to go
to sleep.

He jerked, spun around, and narrowed his eyes at Tony when the

man sat on his cot. “What do you think you’re doing?”

Tony shrugged, kicking his shoes off and then stretching out

beside Kyle. “It’s colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra down here. I
need warmth.”

Kyle’s throat went dry at Tony’s words. The man basically

wanted to cuddle. Kyle couldn’t think of anyone that had ever wanted
to cuddle with him. “There’s another cot over there. Feel free to hop
your happy ass over there and make use of it.”

“Stop cursing and go to sleep.” Tony yawned and then draped his

arm over Kyle’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, Kyle. I don’t bite.”

Somehow that confession disappointed Kyle.

* * * *

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Kyle woke with sweat pouring off of him. He stiffened when he

felt an arm pull him closer to a hard chest. It took him a moment to
remember where he was and who was lying next to him. Kyle lay
there quietly, letting his imagination take flight, pretending that they
were a real couple and that Tony cuddled him all of the time.

He wasn’t sure why he was allowing the fantasy to play out in his

mind, but with the way his life was turning out, Kyle needed
someone. Not just anyone, but Tony. The man was strong, reassuring,
and exuded masculinity, something Kyle had always craved.

He swallowed hard when he felt a hard cock press against his

back. Kyle was afraid to move a muscle. His heart was beating out of
his chest as Tony grumbled, shifted around, and then pressed his hard
shaft into Kyle’s denim-covered ass.

Kyle bit his lip to stop the moan threatening to spill. His hands

curled into fists as he pressed them into his stomach, waiting,

His breath froze in his lungs when Tony’s hand skimmed up his

body. His fingers made circular motions on his hips and then
continued their trek up his side. He wanted desperately to turn over, to
let Tony have whatever it was he wanted, but fear kept him rooted to
the spot. Fear of his inexperience, fear of rejection, but most of all,
fear of having his heart broken.

Because whether Kyle liked to admit it or not, he was falling hard

for Tony.

He did groan when Tony’s lips softly kissed behind his ear and

then trailed down the back of his neck. The hot breath blowing across
his flesh was spicy, masculine, and welcoming. Kyle was dying for a
kiss. To feel Tony’s tongue exploring his mouth was just too much to
hope for.

“I know you’re awake. Do you want me to stop?”
Kyle bit his bottom lip as he smashed his eyes together. Did he?

Did he want Tony to stop the one thing Kyle had craved his whole
adulthood? The closeness? A connection to someone?

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Tony’s strong hand pulled at Kyle’s shoulder, turning him over to

stare up into the detective’s rich, deep-blue eyes. In that span of time,
that single moment, Kyle would have given Tony his soul. He looked
at Kyle as if he truly mattered. Tony’s fingers ghosted over Kyle’s
face, his lips slowly capturing Kyle’s.

Kyle whimpered softly as he allowed Tony to kiss him. He had

never opened himself this way, and it scared him right down to his
toes. One of Tony’s hands pushed under Kyle, pulling him closer as
his tongue pushed between Kyle’s lips, wanting entrance. Kyle
opened, finally tasting man and desire as Tony’s tongue swept
through his mouth, making him want things he thought he would
never or wasn’t allowed to have.

Kyle uncurled his hands, tentatively reaching out and grabbing

Tony’s shirt, gripping it tightly as he opened his mouth wider, trying
his best to drink Tony in. He gasped when one of Tony’s legs slid
between his, giving his hardening cock friction as Tony’s hand
encouraged Kyle’s hip to move.

He rode the strong, muscular leg as Tony slowly rolled until he

was laying on top of Kyle, his weight pressing Kyle into the cot. His
head spun as Tony ground his cock into Kyle. He took a chance and
reached up, circling his arms around Tony’s neck, feeling how strong
the man truly was by the broad shoulders he felt under his hands.

Kyle’s stomach flexed nervously when he felt Tony reach

between them and unsnap Kyle’s jeans. Kyle wanted. He wanted with
a desperation that bordered on madness as he squirmed around,
allowing Tony to pull his jeans down his thighs.

“Kyle,” Tony moaned as he broke the kiss and then slowly pushed

himself down Kyle’s body until his lips hovered over Kyle’s hard
cock. Kyle hissed when Tony took his shaft into his mouth. Kyle
began to pant as he received his very first blow job. He cried out,
unable to stop his orgasm. Kyle had wanted it to last, but his body
was too amped up, too excited to hold off.

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Tony gave off a low growl as he drank Kyle’s seed down his

throat, licking him clean as he massaged Kyle’s balls.

Kyle blinked up at the ceiling, unsure of what he should do now.

He lay there stiffly as he wondered what Tony wanted. Tony gave one
long lick to his still-hard cock and then climbed back up Kyle’s body.

“Fuck, Kyle. You taste delicious.” Tony took Kyle’s lips, sharing

the taste of his own body with him. Kyle groaned. He wanted to do
the same to the man, but he was afraid to ask.

Tony leaned forward, grinding his cock into Kyle’s. He wished

Tony didn’t still have his jeans on. He wanted to do something. He
wasn’t sure what, but he wanted to make Tony cry out his name.

Kyle’s fingers fumbled between them, trying to unsnap the

detective’s jeans. It wasn’t as easy as Tony had made it seem. His
new lover smiled into his mouth, reaching between them, helping
Kyle free his shaft.

For the first time in Kyle’s life, he held another man’s cock in his

hand. He began a slow stroking motion, his fingers gliding over the
silky shaft.

Tony bit Kyle’s lower lip, pushing his cock into Kyle’s hand with

his hips. “Do you want to suck it?”

Kyle’s mouth went dry at the thought. He had never sucked

someone off before and worried he wouldn’t be any good at it. But a
larger part of him wanted to please Tony in any way he could. He

Tony rolled until he was on his back. He brushed his hands over

Kyle’s hair and then guided his head to the large cock lying against
Tony’s abdomen. Kyle was terrified but pushed the fear down as he
maneuvered around until he was looking directly at Tony’s cock.

“Suck it, baby.” Tony’s fingers massaged his head as his other

hand grabbed the base of his shaft, guiding Kyle’s lips lower.

Kyle’s lips parted, taking the crown into his mouth. The salty taste

of Tony exploded across his tongue as he opened wider, letting his
tongue explore the satiny skin.

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“That’s it, Kyle.” Tony encouraged as his hips began to thrust,

making his cock drive deeper into Kyle’s mouth.

Kyle gagged, pulling back as his eyes watered. Once he caught his

breath, Kyle took Tony’s cock back into his mouth, bobbing his head
up and down as he tried to please Tony. His hand snaked down
between Tony’s powerful thighs, his fingers grazing Tony’s tight sac.
Kyle wasn’t sure how good of a job he was doing as slobber escaped
his mouth and dripped down Tony’s cock, but he wasn’t going to give

Tony’s fingers carded through Kyle’s hair moments before his

hips shot forward, shouting Kyle’s name as hot spunk shot to the back
of his throat, choking Kyle. He gagged and pulled back, most of
Tony’s seed leaking from his mouth.

He wiped the string of pearly white seed from his mouth as he

looked everywhere but at Tony. He was embarrassed that he hadn’t
done the job as well as Tony had. He knew for a fact that his
inexperience was shining through.

Tony grunted one more time and then pulled his jeans up his

waist, securing his pants before he pulled Kyle down to lie on his
chest. “Get some rest.”

Kyle lay on Tony’s strong chest as he fidgeted around, pulling his

own jeans back into place before lying still. He wasn’t sure what had
just happened, but he prayed Tony didn’t treat him like used goods
come morning.

* * * *

Tony watched Kyle through the shadow of his eyelashes from his

position across the room. The man was acting fucking squirrely this
morning. His eyes kept darting around the room, and his damned
hands wouldn’t stay still. It was driving Tony freaking bonkers.

Tony wanted to say something to calm Kyle down, but he didn’t

have a clue what to say. He was also a little unsure of why Kyle was

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so freaked out. They had both enjoyed last night. Tony was sure of it.
There was no way Kyle could have faked the way his body had
shivered and trembled when he came. He couldn’t fake the orgasm
that he had experienced either.

It had made Tony feel like a god to produce such a reaction in the

sexy little man. Kyle had come unglued in his arms. If that wasn’t a
huge ego boost, Tony didn’t know what was. He’d suck Kyle off any
damn time he wanted it if that was the reaction he got.

Besides the stroke to his masculinity, he had also received the best

fucking blow job of his life. Tony was a little uncomfortable with
exactly how much he had enjoyed it. He hadn’t been with zillions of
men, but he’d had his fair share. He’d never gotten a blow job that
had almost literally blown his socks off—until now.

“You okay, little man?”
“I’m not little,” Kyle grumbled as he folded his arms over his


Tony arched an eyebrow. Seriously? That was the response Kyle

was going with? Tony was almost a foot taller than Kyle. “You’re not
a morning person, are you?” Tony wasn’t either, but he usually tried
really hard not to bite the head off of whoever he was sleeping with at
the time.

Tony suddenly frowned at the direction his thoughts were going.

True, he tried not to take his mood out on others, but when was the
last time he had actually woken up next to someone? Had he ever?

Tony racked his brain and tried to remember the last time he had

spent an entire night in bed with someone. He was drawing a
complete blank. He hadn’t even spent the night with Donald, always
preferring to go home and sleep in his own bed. He didn’t like
sleeping with other people all night long.

Kyle was different though. Almost all Tony could think about was

curling back in bed with Kyle and cuddling him close while they both
lazed around. And as sexy as Kyle was, he didn’t even mind if they
just cuddled. He just wanted Kyle in his arms.

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Tony blew out a deep breath and pushed his hand through his hair.

He was losing his mind here. He had known Kyle all of a few days, so
why was he so obsessed with the man? Why couldn’t he stop thinking
about Kyle and how much he wanted him?

“How long are we going to stay here?”
Tony turned to see Kyle sitting on the cot, his knees pulled up to

his chest. He looked a little tattered, like he was about to fall apart at
the seams. As confused as Tony was, he couldn’t allow Kyle to freak
out. One of them losing it was enough, and he had first dibs.

Tony walked over and sat down on the cot next to Kyle. As tense

as Kyle was, he wasn’t sure the man would accept his overture. When
he went to wrap his arms around him, Kyle threw himself against
Tony’s chest.

Tony buried his face in Kyle’s flaming-red hair and sighed deeply

as the heady scent of the man filled his senses. “You smell fantastic,”
he murmured. “I could eat you up.”

Kyle’s eyebrows were pulled down deep over his face when he

tilted his head back and looked up at Tony. “Are you for real?”

Tony blinked. “I think so. I’d be more inclined to answer that

question if I knew what in the hell you were talking about.”

“I was stabbed to death in an alley. I haven’t showered since I

don’t know when, and I’m dressed in someone else’s clothes. How
can you even think I smell anything but gross?”

Tony chuckled. “Because you do.” He leaned in closer and

nuzzled his nose into the crook of Kyle’s neck and inhaled deeply. He
grinned when he felt Kyle shudder in response. He just hoped it was a
good response.

“You smell fucking fantastic, baby,” Tony murmured as he

rubbed his nose against Kyle’s warm skin. “Right here, doesn’t matter
how long it’s been since you showered or what you’re wearing, you
smell like heaven.”

“N–No one’s ever thought of me as heaven before,” Kyle


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“I do.” Tony started alternating between sniffing Kyle’s skin and

licking it. Kyle tasted as good as he smelled. Tony really did want to
eat the little man up. He wanted to start at the top and lick his way
down to the bottom. And then maybe lick his way back up.

Tony gently edged Kyle down onto his back and started pulling

his cotton shirt up his stomach. He wanted more skin. When Kyle’s
shirt was up around his armpits, Tony moved from the man’s neck to
his chest. He latched his lips onto one of Kyle’s dark-hued nipples.
The cry that fell from Kyle’s lips made Tony’s cock rock hard. Had
anything ever sounded so erotic?

“Arms up, baby,” Tony said as he tugged the shirt up. He

definitely needed more skin, preferably naked skin from head to toe.
Once Kyle lifted his arms, Tony whipped the shirt off over his head
and tossed it on the floor.

He started to reach for the zipper on Kyle’s jeans when he noticed

the lower lip caught between Kyle’s teeth. He instantly stopped what
he was doing and cupped the side of Kyle’s pale face.

“Kyle, you’re okay with this, aren’t you?” Tony asked, his arousal

taking a nosedive at the nervousness displayed on Kyle’s face. “I
won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. If you’re not into this,
just say so, and I’ll stop.”

“No! I just…” Kyle’s eyes darted away. “Can you go slow?”
Tony grinned. “I can go as slow as you need me too, baby.” He

reached down and unzipped Kyle’s jeans. Moving over to stand next
to the side of the cot, Tony grabbed the legs of Kyle’s pants and
pulled them down his legs. For a man that was so short, he had some
damn long legs. Tony could just imagine them wrapped around his
waist as he pounded into the man.

Tony could feel Kyle watching him as he stripped his clothes off.

He slowed down, taking his time. He was horny as hell and just
wanted to get to the fucking part of things, but if Kyle needed him to
go slow, he’d fucking go slow.

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Once he was naked—and Kyle was panting from watching him—

Tony climbed up on the end of the cot between Kyle’s legs. He
stroked his hand down one of Kyle’s legs, awed at how smooth it was.

“Do you shave, baby?”
“Just… just my…” Kyle’s hands fluttered near his groin, drawing

Tony’s eyes like a magnet.

Tony inhaled sharply when he got his first good look at Kyle’s

shaved groin. “Holy fucking shit, Kyle.” The smooth skin covering
Kyle’s cock and balls was a work of art. How had he not noticed that
the night before? Was he blind?

“Ooww!” he cried out a moment later when Kyle smacked him on

the head. “What’d ya do that for?”

“Don’t swear.”
Tony’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously? You could make a sailor

blush, and you’re chastising me about swearing?”

Kyle just frowned.
Tony snorted then pushed himself up Kyle’s body until he reached

the hard cock jutting out from Kyle’s shaved groin. “Oh, I’m going to
love this,” he said right before diving in. Tony grabbed Kyle’s thighs
and pushed them up so he could get a better angle then made one long
lick with his tongue from Kyle’s perineum to the top of his cock.

“Oh, fucking hell!” Kyle shouted as he thrust his hips into the air.
Tony lifted his head, cocking an eyebrow at Kyle. “And you

reprimanded me for swearing?”

“Shut up and do that again!”
Tony chuckled but followed Kyle’s directions. The man really did

taste fantastic. He could lick Kyle all day long and be a very happy
man. Tony used his tongue to bathe Kyle’s body, moving back and
forth between his ass and his cock.

After a few moments, Tony licked his fingers then started

applying pressure, slowly inserting them into Kyle’s ass, one at a
time. By the time Kyle was humping into the air, his head thrashing
about on the cot, Tony was about ready to explode.

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He couldn’t for the life of him understand how Kyle was single.

He was the most responsive man Tony had ever seen. Tony knew
exactly when he hit a sensitive spot and when he didn’t. Kyle’s cries
and moans, and the shivers that racked his body, told Tony
everything. Kyle was a dream.

Tony finally lifted his head and sat up to kneel between Kyle’s

thighs. The sight of Kyle lying naked on the cot with his legs spread,
his skin flushed with arousal, and his mouth slightly parted as he
panted was the most erotic thing Tony had ever seen.

He stared for a moment, drinking the sight in, then leaned over

Kyle. “Come for me, baby,” he whispered as he wrapped his fingers
around Kyle’s hard cock and quickly jerked him off. “I need you to
come for me.”

Tony could see the edge of an orgasm riding Kyle hard in the

widening of his deep-green eyes. Kyle was close. Tony quickly
leaned over and covered Kyle’s lips with his own, thrusting his
tongue into his lover’s mouth, swallowing his cry as hot spunk shot
all over them.

Before Kyle could come down from his high, Tony sat back on his

knees and swiped his hand through the cum covering Kyle’s stomach.
He quickly lubed up his cock with the white pearly stuff then
smoothed the rest of it over Kyle’s hole, pushing some deep inside of

Once they were both ready to go, Tony grabbed Kyle by his hips

and flipped him over onto his hands and knees. He yanked Kyle’s ass
up into the air and lined his cock up. He’d have to start remembering
to carry around lube in his pocket if he planned on fucking Kyle
whenever the chance arose. And he did.

Tony took his time pushing into Kyle. For one, the man had asked

him to go slow. For two, he didn’t know how long it had been for
Kyle. All he knew was his cock felt like it was sinking into a vise grip
as he thrust into Kyle’s tight ass.

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When his balls rested against Kyle’s ass, Tony stopped and took

several deep breaths. If he didn’t, the show would be over before it
began, and he wanted this to be the best fuck Kyle ever experienced.
Tony planned on pulling out every trick he knew and using it on Kyle.
He wanted to be the one Kyle never forgot.

“Ready, baby?” Tony asked as he started moving. He nearly

swallowed his tongue as he watched his cock move out of Kyle’s ass
then sink back in. He had thought seeing Kyle all laid out on the cot
was hot. This was hotter.

Kyle’s body seemed to swallow him up every time he thrust into

the man, squeezing him and massaging him as if that alone could get
Tony off. It just might. Tony had never felt anything like it in his life.
If he didn’t know better, he would think Kyle was using his hand or
his mouth to get him off. It felt that damn good.

The more he moved, the louder Kyle became. There seemed to be

a direct connection to Kyle’s cries and the force of Tony’s thrusts.
Tony went with it, grabbing Kyle’s hips and pounding into the man as
fast and as hard as he could. The sounds of Kyle’s cries mingled with
the sound of their flesh slapping together. It was heaven to Tony’s

Tony knew he was close, but he’d be damned if he’d blow before

his lover did. He hunched over Kyle and reached under him to grab
his cock. Tony started jerking Kyle’s cock to the rhythm of his

“Come for me, baby,” he said, amused that he had used that

particular sentence again where Kyle was concerned. He suspected
he’d be using it a lot in the future. At least, he hoped he would. He
didn’t want this to be a onetime deal. He wanted more than that. He’d
have to wait and see if Kyle wanted the same thing.

“I–I…c–can’t,” Kyle wailed.
Tony turned his head and bit into Kyle’s shoulder, hard. Kyle

screamed and shot all over Tony’s hand. The scent of Kyle’s spunk
wafted into the air, filling Tony’s senses. Tony growled and thrust

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into Kyle’s tight ass one last time. His teeth sank further into Kyle’s
shoulder as his orgasm hit him with the force of a freight train.

He shuddered as a slight coppery taste filled his mouth. Fuck!

He’d been pretty rough with Kyle. He might even have left bruises on
Kyle’s hips with how hard he was gripping them. Tony hoped not.
Kyle was pretty slight, easily bruised, easily damaged. Tony knew he
would be beside himself if he hurt the man.

Tony carefully pulled free of Kyle’s body then reached down onto

the floor to grab his shirt. He cleaned Kyle up then himself then
dropped the shirt over the side of the cot. Tony collapsed down on the
cot next to Kyle and pulled the smaller man into his arms.

He was still reeling from the orgasm that had racked his body,

hitting every nerve and taking him to heights of ecstasy he had never
felt before. His muscles felt like he had just run a marathon. He just
wanted to lie there with Kyle wrapped up in his arms and pretend the
rest of the world didn’t exist.

For the first time in as long as he could remember, Tony felt


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Chapter 5

Kyle was in a state of shock. There was no other way to describe

what he was feeling right now. Everything was overwhelming. He
had finally lost his virginity, and to a man he barely knew. And he
wouldn’t have had it any other way.

It felt right to be lying in Tony’s arms, to have given the man his

virginity. Kyle was even glad he had waited this long to have sex,
even if it hadn’t been by his choice. He liked the fact that no one had
ever had him before now.

But still, he had just lost his fucking virginity. Shouldn’t there be

bells ringing or something? There should be trumpets blaring at the
very least. This was a momentous occasion. Right?

“Not that I want any names or anything,” Tony said into the

silence of the room, “but where in the hell did you learn to fuck like

Kyle blinked for a moment. “What?”
Tony laughed. “You’re a tiger in bed, baby. Where’d you learn


“I am?” He was?
“Oh yeah.” Tony laughed again. “It was very hot.”
“Oh.” Kyle frowned as the rest of Tony’s words filtered into his

brain. “Wait, what names?”

“I told you I don’t want any names, baby. I’m not real interested

in knowing who you’ve slept with before me. I was just curious where
you learned to fuck like that. You certainly rocked my world.”

“Who I’ve slept with before—” Kyle went hot then cold in the

blink of an eye. Tony thought he was a slut. He rolled to the side of

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the cot, batting at Tony’s hands as the man tried to grab him, then
stood up.

Turning his back on Tony, Kyle grabbed his clothes and started

pulling them on, his moves jerky and frantic. Tears gathered in his
eyes, and he tried desperately not to give in to the anguish filling his

Tony thought he was a slut. He probably thought Kyle put out for

every man that crooked a finger at him. No wonder Tony thought he
was a tiger in bed and asked where he learned it. Kyle was just
surprised Tony didn’t ask how much he charged.

“Kyle, where in the hell are you going?” Tony asked as Kyle

stormed toward the door.

“Away from you,” Kyle snapped without even looking at the man.

He couldn’t. Kyle knew if he did, he’d give into the tears threatening
to spill down his cheeks. And if it was the last thing he did, Kyle
would walk away with his dignity intact. His heart was lying shattered
on the floor, but he’d be damned if he’d let Tony see that.

“Kyle, damn it,” Tony shouted as he scrambled for his clothes.

“You can’t leave.”

“Fuck you!” Kyle reached for the door but didn’t get far as Tony

shot across the room naked, slamming his hand into the wood,
preventing Kyle from making a hasty exit. He glared up at Tony,
jutting his chin out in defiance.

“What in the hell is wrong with you?” Tony asked as he pulled

Kyle away from the door. “I haven’t a clue what just happened, but
whatever has gotten into you, I can’t let you just leave. It isn’t safe.”

Kyle punched the door, kicking it at the same time. Anger rolled

through him as he thought about the trust he had just freely given to
Tony. A trust no one else had ever had a glimpse at.

“Talk to me, Kyle,” Tony said as he punched his legs into his

jeans, looking at Kyle as if he were the insane one.

“You—I—never mind!” Kyle stomped over to the cot that hadn’t

been touched yet, flopping down on it and giving Tony his back. He

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felt the cot dip and tried to push closer to the wall. They were not
having sex again. No fucking way.

“What did I say or do to offend you, Kyle?” Tony laid a hand on

Kyle’s arm, making him want to forgive the man and forget that he
had practically called Kyle a slut. Kyle growled and pushed Tony’s
hand off of his arm.

“Go away!”
Kyle yelped when a hand landed on his ass. He spun around,

crouched on the bed, and hissed at Tony. His fingernails turned into
black claws as his vision turned red. Kyle’s chest was expanding and
contracting heavily as he bared his teeth at Tony.

“Holy shit,” Tony whispered as he backed away. “You’re—hell, I

don’t know.” Tony waved a hand at Kyle.

Kyle glanced down at his hands and then fell back onto his ass,

staring openmouthed at his fingers. Were those really claws? Did he
really hiss at Tony?

“What’s wrong with me?” he asked as he jumped from the cot and

shot across the room.

Tony was hot on his heels, grabbing Kyle around his waist and

lifting him off of his feet, pulling him toward the cot that they had
shared together. “Calm down. We’ll figure this out.”

Kyle narrowed his eyes at Tony, twisting his lips up into a

menacing smile. “You’d really help the slut out? Why, how fucking
kind of you, Detective.”

Tony cocked his head as he studied Kyle. “Is that what’s wrong

with you? You thought I was calling you a slut?” Tony jumped off of
the cot and began to pace around the small confines of the room.
“You have a lot to learn, Kyle. When a man asks where you learned
something from, he is not automatically calling you a slut.”

Kyle moved over the bed, pulling his knees to his chest as he

picked at the loose strings on his jeans. “That’s what it sounded like
to me. How was I supposed to know you weren’t really calling me a

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Tony blew out a breath as he placed his hands on his hips, shaking

his head. “Be honest with me, Kyle. How experienced are you?”

Kyle bristled at the question. He wasn’t sure how to interpret

Tony’s expression, so he erred on the side of caution, using his sunny
disposition to dodge the question. “Why should it matter?”

“Because then I’ll know how to better handle you.”
Kyle’s head reared back, his jaw going slack as he stared at Tony

in bafflement. “How better to—you know what, Tony? You can kiss
my ass. It’s none of your damn business if I’ve fucked a hundred men.
Piss off.”

Tony charged toward Kyle, his finger pointing directly at Kyle’s

face. “I’ve warned you about talking to me any old kind of way you
want. I’m going to make your ass burn if you keep it up.”

Kyle jumped up from the cot, crossing his arms over his chest as

he glared at the detective. “Fuck. You.”

Kyle yelped when Tony bent at the waist, grabbing Kyle around

the midsection and then tossed Kyle over his shoulder, his hand
landing on Kyle’s ass.

“Stop fucking spanking me, you dick!” Kyle pounded his fists into

Tony’s back, kicking his feet out. It didn’t seem to do any good. Tony
had a firm grip on him.

“Tell me.” Tony’s hand landed on Kyle’s ass again. Kyle slapped

his hand on Tony’s back, trying to get the man to let him go.

“Fuck you.”
Tony smacked his ass again and again and again.
“You! Okay? Are you happy, you sick son of a bitch?” Kyle

punched Tony’s back until the man put him down. He stumbled back,
yanking his shirt down as he glared at the detective.

“What do you mean me?”
Kyle swung, his fist connecting with Tony’s abdomen. “You are

the only one. Thanks for making me confess that!”

Tony took a step back and then paled. “I took your virginity?”

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Hearing Tony say it only embarrassed Kyle further. He wanted to

rage, to hurt the man, but most of all, Kyle wanted to escape. He was
humiliated beyond belief. He shot to the door, but Tony beat him
there, pinning Kyle against the old and well-worn wood.

“Get off of me.”
Tony covered Kyle’s body with his, cupping Kyle’s face as Kyle

stared up into sapphire-blue eyes, feeling the need to cry. “Why didn’t
you tell me?”

Kyle twisted his head out of Tony’s hands, looking to the side as

he shrugged. “Would it have mattered?”

Tony’s hand slapped the door beside Kyle’s head. “You’re damn

right it would have.”

Kyle could feel his entire body shake as Tony pulled his head

back around to stare into his eyes. “Yes, it would have,” Tony said

Kyle reached up, placing his hands on Tony’s chest, staring at his

fingers. “What happened to me?” He wanted to know, but he also
wanted to change the subject. The closeness was making him
uncomfortable. Kyle wasn’t use to someone invading his space.

They had had sex, but now they were in each other’s faces, talking

about the subject as if were a common topic between them. Kyle
wasn’t used to any of this.

Tony shook his head. “I’m not sure, babe.” He ran his fingers over

Kyle’s, as if Kyle’s claws would shoot back out again. Kyle watched
as well. When nothing happened, he tried to move away from Tony,
but the detective wasn’t budging.

He tensed, and Tony wrapped himself around Kyle as rapping

sounded on the door. Kyle clung to the man as Tony reached behind
him and pulled a gun out that Kyle hadn’t even noticed the detective

“Who is it?”
When no one answered, Kyle began to shake like a leaf. Tony

pressed his finger against his lips, indicating to Kyle that he wanted

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him to be quiet. Kyle’s head nodded quickly as he stepped away from
the door, coming in behind Tony.

He swallowed when Tony raised his gun and aimed it toward the

door. Kyle had never seen a real gun, let alone watched someone use
one. He was a nervous wreck, his muscles coiling as Tony stood
motionless, both waiting to see if someone was going to barge in.

Kyle thought he was going to lose his mind from the waiting

game. His palms became wet with perspiration as his muscles started
to cramp. There was no way out except through that door. They were

Tony hadn’t batted an eyelash. He was a motionless statue, his

eyes concentrating on the door.

Kyle screamed when a shot sounded. He knew it wasn’t Tony

who had fired his gun. Tony pushed Kyle aside as his gun exploded,
rounds firing off as Tony moved away from the door.

Kyle covered his head when the door slammed open. Two large

men came barreling in, one reaching for Kyle, the other for Tony.
Kyle panicked, his claws shooting out from his fingertips, and he
shredded the guy who tried to kidnap him.

“You little fucker!”
Kyle jumped to his feet, running toward Tony as the detective

fought bare-knuckled with the large man who had gone after him.
Kyle almost stopped to watch. That was how impressed he was. Kyle
swung around, catching the man who had attacked him in his sternum,
his claws tearing flesh from the man’s chest.

“Fucking bastard.” The man open-handedly slapped Kyle, making

him see stars as his head snapped back. Kyle thought his head was
going to snap right off with the force of the man’s hand against his

Kyle spit blood onto the floor as he turned his head back toward

the man. He was scared out of his mind and mad as fuck at the same
time. His temper shot through the roof, making Kyle hiss at his
attacker as Tony continued to kick the other fucker’s ass.

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“Come on, dead man. Give me your best shot,” the stranger

taunted as he took a step back, crouching down slightly as he blocked
his face with his hands, standing as if he were a true fighter.

The room turned crimson as Kyle’s anger rose higher. He had

been through too much within the past week, and he had reached his
breaking point. Kyle dug his feet in and then charged toward the
bastard wanting to take him away from Tony.

The man’s eyes widened as suddenly Kyle felt light as a feather.

Instinct kicked in, and Kyle flew around the room, diving at the man’s
head, his talons out and sharp as he clawed at the stranger.

The guy hit the floor, covering his head as Kyle tried to claw the

bastard’s eyes out. He fought with anger and pain, everything from
the past week fueling him as Kyle tried to tear at the stranger’s
head…and then everything went dark.

* * * *

“Come on, baby, open your eyes.”
Tony was going out of his mind. Kyle was out cold, and he wasn’t

waking up. Tony glanced at the two men that had broken in and
attacked them. At least one of them wasn’t getting up again.

The other, he wasn’t sure about. The stranger wasn’t moving at

the moment, and that was why Tony wanted Kyle to wake up so
badly. They needed to get the hell out of there before the guy woke up
or someone else showed up.

Deciding that he didn’t have time to wake Kyle up, Tony quickly

gathered their stuff, which wasn’t much, dressed Kyle in his jacket
and grabbed his own, then lifted Kyle up in his arms and carried him
out of the room.

When Tony reached the top of the steps, his jaw dropped. The

hallway was a complete disaster. Papers lay scattered all over the
floor. The door leading into the main room of the shelter hung off its

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hinges, and the desk that Rutledge usually sat behind was smashed
into bits.

And Rutledge was missing.
“Fuck, this is not good.”
“You don’t get to swear if I don’t get to swear,” Kyle murmured.
Tony’s eyes snapped down to the man in his arms. He wanted to

jump for joy when he saw Kyle’s eyes fluttering open. “Hey, baby,
how are you feeling?”

Kyle squinted up at him, a frown marring his beautiful face.

“What happened?”

“It’s a long story, baby, and we don’t have time for it right now.

We need to get out of here and find another place to hide.”

“I don’t like hiding,” Kyle grumbled as he snuggled closer to


He seemed to be trying to get to Tony’s neck. Tony bounced Kyle

up a little farther in his arms and tilted his head when Kyle burrowed
in, sniffing along Tony’s neck. “Is that better, baby?”

“Hmmm, you smell good.”
“I’m glad you think so.” Tony chuckled as he stepped over the

broken desk and made his way toward the entrance. He hoped to god
that Rutledge was okay, because his first priority needed to be Kyle.

As Tony carried Kyle outside to his car, he racked his brain,

trying to figure out a safe place to take Kyle. Sal’s bar was out as was
the cabin at Timothy Lake and the shelter. Those were all places the
bad guys knew about.

He also couldn’t take Kyle back to his apartment. He knew

someone had to be watching it. Kyle’s house was definitely out.
Kyle’s mother would turn them in to Mr. Donahue in a heartbeat.
That didn’t leave many options.

Tony almost stumbled as another idea came to him. It was so

simple it was almost funny. Instead of going for his car, Tony walked
them to the nearest MAX stop. He stood Kyle on his feet then dug

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into his pocket for transit fare with one hand, keeping the other firmly
wrapped around Kyle’s waist.

When the aboveground subway train stopped at the platform,

Tony cast a quick look around before pushing Kyle onto the train. He
found them a seat at the back of the train that would allow him to see
anyone coming or going and have their backs to the wall. No one
could sit behind them. Tony breathed a sigh of relief when the MAX
train started up again and took them toward the center of the city.

“What happened, Tony?”
“Ssshhh.” There were still a few people on the train, and Tony

didn’t want them overhearing anything they shouldn’t. “We’ll talk
about it when we get where we’re going.”

“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise, but I can guarantee you’ll like it.” Tony patted

Kyle’s shoulder to reassure him. “Don’t worry, baby. No one will
think to look for us there. And we will discuss everything once we get
settled in.”

“Everything?” Kyle swallowed hard.
“Yes, everything.” Tony smirked. He planned on covering

everything, including Kyle’s virginal status, or more accurately, his
lack of status now that they had had sex. He’d be lying to himself if
he said he wasn’t thrilled down to his toes that he was the only one to
ever experience the delight Kyle’s body had to offer.

That being said, he wanted to throttle Kyle for not telling him

beforehand. He wouldn’t have stopped, but he would have been
gentler. Even now he was ashamed of himself when he remembered
how roughly he had taken Kyle’s virgin ass. He should be shot!

“Yeah, baby?”
“That man up at the front of the train is talking on his cell phone,”

Kyle said quietly. “He keeps staring at us.”

Tony stretched his arm out behind Kyle’s head then glanced

toward the front of the train through his eyelashes. Sure enough, the

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man at the front of the train was watching them as he talked into his
cell phone.

“We get off at the next stop. Stay in your seat until I tell you to.”
Kyle nodded.
Tony kept a close watch on the man at the front of the train. He

wondered if he was overreacting, but with the way the guy was
watching him and Kyle, he didn’t think so. He didn’t know the
stranger, but the man obviously knew them.

When the train slowed at the next platform, Tony felt Kyle stiffen.

He tightened his arm around his lover. “Easy, baby. We don’t want
this guy to know we’re on to him until the last possible second.”

“I’m really starting to hate this, Tony,” Kyle grumbled. “This is so

not how I pictured spending my fuck day.”

Tony blinked. “Don’t you mean your fucking day?”
“No, I mean my fuck day.” Kyle snorted. “You know the day I

fuck for the very first time? I pictured it being a whole lot more
pleasant than this, with lots of sweating, grunting, and naked flesh—
hopefully a few orgasms thrown in, too. Running for my life did not
factor into my fantasy.”

Tony grinned. Kyle was a delight. Albeit, a delight with a potty

mouth, but still a delight. “Not to worry, baby, once we get settled in
for the night, I’ll make sure there are lots of orgasms.”

Just then, the train stopped, and the double doors on one side of

the train slid open. Tony waited until the last possible second then
jumped up and ran toward the door, pulling Kyle after him. If they
were really lucky, the door would slide closed before the man
watching them could slip through them. So far, luck hadn’t seemed to
be on their side. Tony could hope though.

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Chapter 6

Sal pulled the gun from under the counter, aiming it at the man

who had the audacity to come into his bar to question him.

“I told you once already. I don’t know where Tony and Kyle are.

Now if you don’t get out of my fucking bar, I will shoot you and tell
the cops you tried to rob me.”

The man tsked as he moved a step closer. Sal was amazed the man

moved at all. He was pointing a double-barreled shotgun directly at
the man’s chest. Was he nuts?

“I’m afraid I can’t leave until you tell me where you stashed them.

They have nowhere else to go. I know they came to you for help.”

Sal’s finger curled around the trigger. He was dying to look down,

to make sure Tibo was still crouched down behind the bar and unseen.
But Sal knew that if his eyes lowered, the shithead would figure out
that he was looking at someone.

“They’ve come and gone already. There’s no way they’d come

back. Tony knows it isn’t safe for them here.” Sal wanted to shoot the
guy for making him say that much. He felt as though he was betraying
Tony, but he had Tibo to look out for. His bartender was his first
priority. He clenched his jaw, raising the shotgun a little higher,
aimed over the guy’s shoulder, and fired a warning shot.

The guy ducked, looked to where Sal had shot and then his head

turned back to Sal, indignation clearly etched on his face. “You’ll
regret this, Sal. We’ve left you alone so far. But going against Mr.
Donahue isn’t a wise decision.”

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“Yeah, well. Tossing my friends to the fuckheads that want to kill

them isn’t a wise decision either. My mom taught me better than to be
a traitor. Now get the fuck out my bar!”

The man slowly backed toward the door, one of his hands rising

into the air slowly, cocking his finger back as if his hand were a gun.
He smiled malevolently at Sal. “See you around, Sal.”

Once the man was gone, Sal set the shotgun on the counter and

crouched down. “Are you okay, Tibo?”

Tibo’s entire body was shaking as he looked up at Sal. “I think I

wet myself.”

* * * *

Kyle looked around the room in amazement. Never in his life had

he stayed in a place like this. It was like a damn palace to him. He ran
his fingers over the plush comforter, and then he sat on the bed, afraid
of messing it up but unable to resist it.

He fell back, looking up at the ceiling as he lay on the softest bed

he had ever felt. Tony was over at the bar fixing a drink. “Can I have

Tony looked over his shoulder, studied Kyle for a moment, and

then grabbed another glass. Kyle watched as Tony added ice cubes
from a bucket on the bar and then he grabbed both glasses, handing
one off to Kyle.

“Thanks,” Kyle said as he took his first taste of alcohol. He

sputtered and coughed as the liquid burned going down his throat. He
wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, letting go of another
cough. “Do you think it’s a good idea to check into the Heathman
Hotel? We’re in plain sight now. They’ll catch us for sure.”

Tony sat on the bed next to Kyle, taking a drink from his tumbler

as he nodded. “That’s exactly what I want.”

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Kyle stilled. “For them to catch us?” His fingers played with the

glass in his hands as he looked around the room. He wasn’t sure what
plan Tony had, but this didn’t seem like a sane one.

“Mr. Donahue’s goons know about every possible place we could

go. They’ll be looking for us there. None of them will ever think to
look for us in a plush hotel.” Tony winked at him and then took
another sip of the amber liquid.

Kyle wasn’t quite sure Tony’s plan would work. It was crazy

enough, though, that they just might be safe, for the moment. Kyle
leaned forward and set the glass on the nightstand. He wasn’t too sure
he liked alcohol. The stuff was nasty, and it burned.

Tony chuckled as he pointed his glass at Kyle’s. “Too much for


Kyle shrugged. “I’ve never had it before.”
“Whiskey or alcohol?”
“Both.” Kyle got up and headed for the bathroom. “I need a

shower before my skin turns green from the dirt and crud clinging to

Tony nodded as he set his glass down and headed for the

bathroom. Kyle wasn’t sure he wanted company in the shower right
now. He needed to think. Too much was going on, and he needed to
decompress, even for a few minutes.

Tony used the bathroom and then washed his hands, walking back

into their hotel room with the large king-sized bed sitting front and
center. Kyle stared at the bed for a moment and then walked into the

He shut and locked the door, leaning his back against it as he

stared up at the light fixtures. Not only was his had spinning from the
events of the last week, but Kyle had fallen hard for the man in the
other room, and he was confused as hell about his feelings.

He’d never been in love before, and it scared him. It meant

trusting a man he’d just met. It meant opening himself up to a man
he’d just met. It meant confiding in a man he’d just met.

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Kyle pushed away from the door. Hadn’t he done that already?

Tony hadn’t betrayed him yet. Kyle was starting to feel as if he finally
had someone in his corner as he adjusted the water, undressed, and
then stepped in. Fuck, nothing felt better at the moment than the hot
spray washing away the week’s worth of filth. He tilted his head back,
letting the hot water stream over his hair and down his back.

Leaning against the shower stall, Kyle let the hot spray beat the

tension from his muscles. It felt good on his back and cascading over
his shoulders. After a few minutes, he grabbed the hotel shampoo and
washed his hair.

God, even his hair felt lighter after getting all the grime from the

red strands. Reluctantly, Kyle shut the water off and stepped out,
grabbing a towel and wiping his body down before running it over his
scalp. He looked down at his filthy clothes and shuddered just
thinking about putting them back on.

Kyle wrapped the large, fluffy white towel around his waist and

grabbed the toothbrush Tony had purchased for him. He scrubbed his
teeth for a good five minutes. Once he was done, Kyle looked at
himself in the mirror. Declaring himself scrubbed down and finally
clean, Kyle unlocked the door, grabbed the door handle, and walked
into the room.

Tony got up from the bed, passing Kyle as his eyes raked over his

nearly naked body with lust-filled eyes. “My turn.” His voice was low
and husky, making Kyle shiver.

Kyle swallowed and moved out of Tony’s way. He let out the

breath he’d been holding, when the bathroom door closed. Kyle
looked around and was surprised to see two trays sitting on a table in
the far corner. His stomach growled loudly as he crossed the room
and lifted the dome. Steam wafted up as he inhaled the delicious scent
of roasted chicken and potatoes.

He hadn’t realized he took so long in the bathroom. He set the lid

aside and took a seat, picking up the fork and taking a bite of the
chicken. His eyes rolled back as he stabbed another piece, shoving it

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into his mouth. Kyle was starving. He grabbed the glass of iced tea,
nearly choking as he gulped it down.

“Slow down.” Tony chuckled from behind Kyle.
Kyle turned around, his fork falling from his fingers as he stared

at the tanned skin that had only a towel wrapped around it. His throat
went dry as he saw the sinewy muscles decorating Tony’s biceps and
chest. His stomach was flat, a tight six-pack on display for Kyle to
ogle. Even the contrast between Tony’s tanned skin and the white
towel was amazing.

Fuck, the man was hot!
Tony sauntered across the room, lifting the lid to his food. Kyle

was so damn hungry that he almost stuck his fork into Tony’s
chicken. The detective took a seat, his sculpted chest sitting right in
front of Kyle’s eyes to drool over. That was so not fair.

“What do you remember about the basement at the shelter?” Tony

asked as he lifted his glass of iced tea and took a sip, his eyes
watching Kyle intently.

Kyle picked his fork up, pushing his food around his plate,

suddenly having no appetite. “Not much. I remember those assholes
shooting their way into the room. I also remember getting really
angry, so angry that I felt like I wasn’t even in my own body.”

Tony sat his glass down and picked up his fork, stuffing a piece of

chicken into his mouth, and then pointed at Kyle’s plate. Kyle jabbed
at his vegetables, shoving some into his mouth as he waited for Tony
to tell him what the fuck had happened.

Tony sat back, studying Kyle and then spoke. “You turned into a


Kyle stopped chewing his food, wondering if maybe Tony had hit

his head in the fight. There was no way he changed into anything. It
was impossible, improbable, and downright bullshit. He winced when
the curse word sounded in his head.

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“I can tell you don’t believe me,” Tony said as he took another sip

of his tea. “Believe me when I tell you that I had a hard time
processing what I saw. But I saw it. You were a large red bird.”

Kyle cocked his head to the side, trying his best to remember what

had happened back there. It was kind of fuzzy. He could only
remember the anger—no, the rage he felt at the men trying to take
him away from Tony and the horror at knowing those men wanted to
kill his detective.

“Nope, nothing comes to mind. Are you sure I was a bird? Like

what, a red robin or something?”

Tony snorted. “I said a large bird. If I’m not mistaken, it was the

mythical phoenix.”

Kyle’s mouth hung open as he stared at Tony. Now he knew the

guy hit his head. And then he began to laugh. “You had me going for
a second there.” His laughter died when Tony sat there stoically.
“There’s no way I changed into anything! That’s just not possible.”

“And claws shooting out of your fingers are?” Tony asked as a

brow rose high.

Kyle didn’t know what to make of anything anymore. It was all

too confusing. His head began to hurt from trying to figure out what
was happening. “I’m going to lie down.” He pushed his plate away as
he stood.

“You really should eat, Kyle. You’ll need your strength,” Tony


Kyle ignored him and pulled the comforter back, crawling into

bed. He’d had enough for one day. Hell, he’d had enough for one
lifetime. He couldn’t help but feel as though he cheated fate and that
he really was supposed to be dead. Every second he was alive was a
blessing and a curse. He wondered if fate would figure out her
mistake and come to claim him.

Kyle shivered as he curled up into a ball under the blanket. He

wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be alive or not, but if he wasn’t, it
sucked that fate gave him Tony after he died.

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* * * *

Tony watched Kyle crawl under the covers. They hadn’t even had

their talk yet about everything that was going on. He let it go for now.
Tony could see the exhaustion in Kyle’s eyes. All of the sudden Tony
felt old. He was tired of running and tired of Kyle almost being taken
from him.

He had to get them someplace safe. He had balked at the idea of

running back to the cabin with Riojos and Collin, but Tony was
starting to think they had the right idea. At least if they left the state,
Kyle had a better chance of staying out of Mr. Donahue’s clutches.

He pushed his own plate away as he stood, walking over to the

bed and climbing in behind Kyle. He could feel the smaller man
shaking under the blanket. Tony pulled Kyle to his chest, enveloping
him into his arms.

Tony laid his head on Kyle’s, wondering if they were going to be

running for the rest of their lives. And it would be both of them. He
meant what he had told Kyle. He wasn’t going to allow the man to go
this road alone.

Tony tucked his arms around Kyle’s smaller frame and pulled him

closer. “Yeah, baby?”

Shocked would be an understatement. Tony never expected Kyle

to thank him for his help. The smaller man was crass, defiant, rude,
and…fuck. Tony was in love with the little shit. He exhaled deeply as
the realization hit him on the head. He loved Kyle.

It was a defining moment in a man’s life when he discovered he

loved another. But to love someone like Kyle was even more
astounding to him. He saw past Kyle’s brusque ways to the scared
man hiding behind a potty mouth and false bravery.

“Am I going to die again?”

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Tony settled against his lover, trying his best to bring him

comfort. “If this is anything like what Collin has gone through
already, then no.”

“But what if I’m supposed to be dead and death realizes his

mistake and comes after me?”

Tony could feel the fear coursing through Kyle. It felt like a living

and breathing entity inside the hotel room. “You were meant for
greater things, Kyle.”

Kyle quieted. Tony thought for a moment that Kyle had drifted off

to sleep.

Tony smiled against Kyle’s hair. “Yes?”
“Your cock is poking my butt.”
Tony rolled to his back, a deep chuckle vibrating the bed as he

laughed. Kyle soon joined in the laughter. He was really beginning to
adore Kyle. Tony reached over and pulled Kyle until his lover was
draped over his chest, looking down at him.

“Stop subject jumping. I’m getting a headache.”
Kyle squirmed around, his ass making contact with Tony’s cock

again. Tony groaned and grabbed Kyle’s hips. “I want to fuck you,

His lover’s eyes widened, and he nodded. “Okay.”
Tony reached over to the nightstand, grabbing the lube he had

deposited in there while Kyle was showering. “Turn around. I want to
watch you stretch yourself for me.”

Kyle’s entire body flushed at Tony’s request. He bit his bottom lip

and then turned around, giving Tony a beautiful view of his ass. He
flipped the lid on the lube and squirted a small amount down Kyle’s
crease. “Give me your hand.”

Kyle reached back, giving Tony his fingers. Once he lubed his

lover’s fingers, Tony set the bottle aside and guided Kyle’s lubed
hand toward his hole. “Have you ever done this before, Kyle?”

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“No,” Kyle admitted as his fingers felt around his tight entrance

and then one of the digits pushed past the ring of muscles. Tony’s
cock hardened even further at the sight. He groaned as he watched
Kyle slowly push another finger inside of himself.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck your fingers.” Tony reached between them,

grabbing the base of his cock to stop the orgasm threatening to erupt
at the sight.

After Kyle inserted a second then a third finger, Tony reached up

and massaged his pale mounds, kneading them in the palm of his
hands as he watched the wicked play right before his eyes. “I’m

Tony moved his hands out of the way as Kyle turned back around.

He started to climb off of Tony, but he stopped Kyle from going
anywhere. “I want you to ride me.”

Kyle bit his lips as he glanced around the room.
“I’ll show you, love.” Tony repositioned Kyle while holding the

base of his cock. When the tip of his shaft touched Kyle’s hole, Tony
had to breathe out. “Go slow.”

Kyle placed the palms of his hands on Tony’s chest as he slowly

lowered his body, impaling himself onto Tony’s shaft.

“You feel so good, Kyle.”
Kyle blushed at Tony’s words, finally bottoming out. “I feel so


Tony grinned up at him and then gripped Kyle’s sides. “Tell me

when you’re ready to move, hon.”

Kyle took a few breaths and then nodded. Tony braced his feet on

the mattress and then tightened his hold on Kyle’s sides as he thrust

“Oh god!” Kyle shouted as he fell forward. “Do that again.”
Tony wrapped his arms around Kyle and began to plunge into the

man’s tight entrance over and over again. His head was swimming
and his body was humming as his cock took pleasure in his lover’s

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Kyle leaned forward and captured Tony’s lips. The kiss sent new

spirals of ecstasy through Tony as he thrust harder. Tony broke the
kiss, nipping Kyle’s ear. “Am I hurting you?”

“No,” Kyle grunted as he pushed back, sitting up straight and

planting his feet on either side of Tony. Tony lifted his hands up,
giving Kyle something to hold onto as his lover took over and rode
Tony like a pro.

“Oh hell. This feels so fucking good.” Kyle’s head rolled back

onto his shoulders as his lips slightly parted. He bounced on Tony’s
cock, taking Tony straight to the end. Tony released one of Kyle’s
hands and wrapped his fingers around his lover’s bobbing cock,
determined to make Kyle come first.

“Oh hell!” Kyle shouted as white ropes of seed shot from the head

of his cock. He shuddered and his rhythm faltered as his orgasm took
over. Tony grabbed Kyle and thrust a few more times, shouting
Kyle’s name as his seed spilled into his lover’s hot channel.

Kyle collapsed onto Tony’s chest, sweaty and gasping for breath.

Tony wrapped his arms around Kyle as he pulled the blanket over
them, settling them in for a long nap.

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Chapter 7

Kyle looked over his shoulder as he and Tony snuck around the

corner. Being in that hotel had been great, but he knew it couldn’t
last. Tony couldn’t afford to keep them there forever.

Now they were headed to pick up Tony’s car. The detective had

this grand plan of taking off to New York. Kyle wasn’t sure how he
felt about that idea, but what else was there? He had no one but Tony
now, and Kyle knew he would follow the man anywhere.

Tony stopped, making Kyle run into his back. He straightened

himself, looking past Tony to see the detective’s car. “Cool, we made

Tony’s arm shot out. “Not so fast. This was a little too easy.”
Kyle tried hard to focus on what they were doing. But it was hard

when he was smashed into Tony’s back. Visions of their stay at the
hotel played through his mind. Not only had he ridden Tony a few
more times, but he had gotten fucked in every possible position and
some impossible ones as well. He had been sucked multiple times and
had given what had to be a new world record of blow jobs in such a
short period of time.

He had learned that Tony was addicted to having Kyle’s lips

wrapped around his cock, which Kyle didn’t mind because that
usually meant Tony’s lips were wrapped around him. “I don’t see

Tony held his hand up as he did a quick head check around the

building. “That’s why I’m the detective. There are three men sitting
off in a car two rows over.”

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Kyle felt his heart plummet—so much for their fast getaway. Now

what were they going to do? There was no way they could dodge
bullets, get to the car, get moving, and then lose the guys. It wasn’t

“Come on.” Tony backed away from the brick building and then

turned on his heel, Kyle following close behind.

“What are we going to do now?”
“Go see someone that owes me a favor.” Tony shoved his hands

into his front pockets, and he led Kyle through the streets of
downtown Portland. He wasn’t sure where they were going, but Kyle
was tired and cold. He wanted desperately to warm up someplace.

“Here we are.” Tony grabbed Kyle’s hand and led him to the back

of the rundown apartment building. Kyle wasn’t too sure about this.
The place looked like it should have been condemned.

He followed Tony quietly up three flights of steps until they

reached a door that looked like a child used it to spray-paint garble all
over. Tony rapped loudly and then took a step back, pushing Kyle
behind him.

The door swung open, hitting the wall. A very large man pointed a

gun directly at Tony. “Who the fuck—” The man lowered the gun and
smiled. “Hey, Tony. What brings you to my neck of the woods?”

“I need to call in a favor, Stephan.”
Stephan nodded, moving aside as he allowed Tony and Kyle

entrance. He checked the hallway before closing the door. Kyle’s
mouth dropped open when he saw guns, drugs, and large piles of cash
openly displayed on the kitchen table. Just what the fuck was Tony

“Who’s the cutie?” Stephan asked as he dropped down onto the

couch, setting the gun he had held onto the coffee table.

“Mine,” Tony growled. Kyle took a step behind Tony.
Stephan chuckled. “Gotcha. Now what’s going on that you need

my help?”

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Kyle didn’t like the way that sounded. Stephan made it seem like

a person had to be in deep shit in order to come to him. Well, they
were, but Kyle was uncomfortable standing in an apartment with so
much criminal paraphernalia lying about.

“I need cash, and I need a car.”
Stephan whistled low. Kyle stood rigid, willing his body to stop

shaking so badly. He wasn’t sure if they were going to make it out of
this apartment in one piece. Guys like Stephan weren’t men to toy

“You’re asking a lot.”
“And so were you.”
“Point taken.” Stephan pushed from the couch, his gorilla-shaped

frame walking over to the kitchen table. He grabbed three stacks of
money and a set of keys that were sitting amongst five or six sets.
“It’s the black Hummer out back. Am I going to see it again?”

“Probably not.” Tony admitted as he took the cash and keys from


“We’re even now, cop.”
Tony chuckled as he stepped toward the door, almost rushing

Kyle out of there. “Hardly.”

Kyle took the hint and quickly opened the door, stepping out into

the trash-filled hallway. He was practically bouncing from foot to foot
as he waited on Tony. His nerves were shot, and he wished they had
grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the hotel. Even though he didn’t
like the taste, fuck if he couldn’t use a drink right now.

Tony came out of the apartment with a backpack, nodding at

Stephan. “Hope we don’t meet again.”

“Yeah, same here.” Stephan smiled and then closed the door.
“Can we please go?” Kyle asked as he started for the steps.
Tony reached out and grabbed his arm, stopping him. “Get behind


Kyle stepped behind Tony and then followed him down the steps.

His eyes kept darting around, expecting someone to jump out and try

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to kidnap him. Kyle was thankful when they burst from the back door
of the apartment building into a parking lot.

Tony hit the fob on the ring of keys until a black Hummer

chirped. “Fucking sweet.”

“Uh, do I want to know about any of that upstairs?” Kyle asked as

they ran toward the vehicle.

“I saved his sister’s life when a rival drug dealer tried to use her

against Stephan and then didn’t arrest his ass when I caught him with
the drugs and money. It’s a long story. But I can promise you that I
kept my nose clean.”

Kyle wasn’t sure he wanted to hear it. His life was already

complicated enough.

* * * *

Getting out of the city was the easy part. Staying awake on the

road wasn’t. Tony felt like he had been driving for hours, and they
were still within a hundred miles of Portland. He had spent ages
driving around in circles to lose any possible tail they might have
picked up before finally hitting the highway heading east.

“I don’t suppose you have a driver’s license, do you?” Tony asked

as he glanced over at Kyle.

“No.” Kyle snorted. “I live in the city. What do I need a license


“Just wondering.”
“You’re getting tired, aren’t you?”
Tony sighed. “Yeah, baby, I am.”
“We should have brought camping gear with us. I doubt anyone

would think to look for us in a campsite.”

Tony stared at Kyle for a moment then started laughing as he

changed lanes on the road, heading for the next exit. “Baby, you’re a
fucking genius.”

“No swearing.”

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“Right, no swearing.”
“If I can’t swear, you can’t swear.” Kyle shrugged. “It’s only


“All right, baby, it’s a deal.” Tony chuckled. He didn’t have a clue

in hell how he was going to keep from swearing, but for Kyle, he’d
give it a shot. For Kyle, he’d do just about anything.

Tony took the next major exit and drove to the nearest large

department store. He had a blast watching Kyle pick out their
camping gear. He was like an excited butterfly, flittering from one
thing to the next. Tony had to remind him several times that there was
only so much room in the back of the Hummer. Kyle wanted to buy

Once their purchases had been made, including several bags of

groceries and a cooler, they were on the road again. Despite having
been on the road for several hours, Kyle’s excitement was contagious.
Tony felt himself getting excited as well, looking forward to camping
with his lover.

Tony took an exit off the freeway and started driving up into the

mountains. He knew of a few out-of-the-way places from his time
camping as a child. One such campsite wasn’t even on any of the
maps. It was one of those places people had to know about, or they
would drive right on by it.

“The road is going to get a bit bumpy, Kyle,” Tony said as he

turned the truck onto a narrow dirt road. “Hold on.”

“Ya think?”
Tony glanced over and burst out laughing. Kyle had a tight grip

on his seat belt with one hand, the dashboard with the other. It wasn’t
helping. He was bouncing around in his seat like a Ping-Pong ball.

“Not funny.” Kyle growled.
“Sorry, honey.” Tony quickly pressed his lips together to keep

from laughing anymore. No matter what Kyle said, watching him
bounce around in his seat was funnier than shit.

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Tony carefully maneuvered the vehicle through the narrow road

until he came to the campsite. He drove the Hummer right up to the
edge of it then turned it around so it faced back down the road they
had just come down. If they needed to get away quickly, he wanted to
be ready.

“Okay, babe, time to unload all of this stuff and set up camp.

What do you know about putting up a tent?”

“Uh…” Kyle blinked for a moment. “Don’t they come set up?”
“Not hardly.”
Tony was still smiling while he unloaded the camping gear from

the back of the vehicle. He stacked everything on the side of the camp
then went about unpacking it all and setting it up. A good hour went
by before he finally sat down on a fallen tree log next to Kyle.

“So, what do you think?” he asked as he waved his hand toward

the now-erected tent and the rest of the camping gear. “Think you are
going to like camping?”

“I never knew it took so much work. In all the movies, everything

just goes up in a matter of minutes.”

“That’s because it’s in the script.” Tony laughed.
Kyle smiled as he turned the long-handled fork with his hot dog

stuck on the end slowly over the open campfire. “I guess.”

Tony scooted down the log, sitting on the leaf-filled ground,

stretching his legs out in front of him as he stared up at the stars in the
sky. “It’s beautiful out here.” He smiled when Kyle scooted down as
well, sitting right next to him.

Tony threw his arm over Kyle’s shoulders, pulling his lover closer

as they sat there and roasted hotdogs. It was peaceful, domestic.
Something that Tony never thought he would enjoy. He was finding
out a lot about himself with Kyle in his life.

“Why do you think they’re after me?” Kyle asked as he pulled the

long-handled fork from the fire.

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“I’m not real sure. There was this man, Mr. Dannenberg, that

visited Riojos and Collin up at Collin’s folk’s cabin. He said you can
heal wounds and that you have immortality.”

“He said that about me?”
Tony grinned. “No, he said that about Collin. I’m assuming it

applies to you as well. He also said to stay away from Mr. Donahue.
That the man would stop at nothing to get his hands on you.”

Kyle shivered. “I wonder why. I mean, I know I came back from

the dead and that now I’m immortal and all, but what does he want?”
Kyle stiffened and then snapped his head up, looking terrified. “What
if he wants to experiment on me? You know, to see how I did all
those things.”

Tony pulled Kyle back into his arms as he stared into the

flickering fire. “That’s a good possibility, hon. That’s why I want to
get you away from the city. Hell, the state. I know Riojos and Collin
were heading for New York. I just don’t know where. I figure we
could head that way and try to find them. Maybe they have answers to
what’s going on.”

“I hope so. Because I’m tired of not knowing.”
“Me, too, love. Me, too.”

* * * *

Tony kicked the sleeping bag off when he heard Kyle scream,

reaching for his gun. There was no way they had been found already.
No fucking way. Tony scrambled from the tent, gun raised and ready
as he looked around.

He lowered his gun slightly as he tilted his head to the side.


“Go away. Shoo.” Kyle waved again at the fawn that was eating

grass about twenty feet away. She didn’t look like she was paying
Kyle any attention. “Go!”

“Kyle, hon. That’s a deer.”

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Kyle spun around, waving his arm in the air. “I’m aware of what it

is. It just shouldn’t be in the woods.”

Tony chuckled as he let the arm drop that had been holding the

gun. “It’s a deer, babe. They live in the woods.”

Kyle shook his head as he stomped over to Tony. “It can live in

someone else’s woods. We put up a tent here. I don’t see the deer’s

“City boy.” Tony laughed as he dodged Kyle’s pummeling fists.

“You have to share when you’re in nature. She has every right to be
here, even more so than you.”

“How do you know it’s a girl?”
Tony pointed to the deer’s head. He didn’t know that much about

them, but he knew how to tell them apart. “She has no antlers.”

“I thought only reindeers had antlers.”
Tony laughed even harder, running to get away from Kyle’s growl

and fists. The smaller man chased him around the campsite, a stick in
his hand. Tony ran into the tent, deposited his gun under his sleeping
bag, and then walked back out to rescue Kyle from the wildlife.

He froze when a gun was put to his head.
“You can’t run. I don’t know why you think you can get away

from us,” the man sneered as two other men walked over and knocked
Tony to the ground, tying his hands behind his back. He looked up to
see Kyle tied and gagged, two other men hauling him over to their

“Just so you know, I’m going to fucking kill you.” Tony growled

just before he was hit in the head with the butt of a gun. He pretended
to pass out, all the while listening.

“Shouldn’t we kill him?” one of the men asked.
Tony knew they were talking about him.
“We have bigger problems. We need to get the phoenix to Mr.

Donahue before the man shoots all of us.”

“I still think we should kill him.”

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Tony breathed a sigh of relief when the men got into their SUV

instead of putting a bullet in his head. Now he had to get the rope off
of his hands and go after those bastards. They had Kyle, which meant
Tony wouldn’t rest until he had his lover back into his arms. He rolled
over, pushing his arms down his legs until he could push his legs
through and bring his bound hands in front of him.

He wrestled with the rope until he finally pulled it from his wrists.

“Fucking idiots don’t even know how to tie a decent knot.” Which
was a good thing for Tony.

He walked back into the tent, grabbed his gun and the keys to the

truck and then the backpack he’d gotten from Stephan. Tony grabbed
the small items Kyle had bought. Little things like clothes and a coat
he had fallen in love with the moment he had laid eyes on it.

Anything that belonged to Kyle, Tony grabbed. He shoved the

stuff into the backseat of the Hummer and then climbed in.

Little did those fuckers know, but Tony had contacts, shady

characters that owed him. It might not be a move a shining detective
made, but Tony never claimed to be shining. He wasn’t crooked, but
he had made acquaintances in all aspects of life along the way.

He gunned the motor and then took off down the dirt road as fast

as he could. Mr. Donahue had fucked up when he took that particular
phoenix. Kyle was his, and he was going to get his lover back.

* * * *

Kyle looked around the dingy room, wondering what he was

going to do. No matter how hard he had tried to turn into a bird—and
he still wasn’t convinced that he really was one—he couldn’t make
himself change. He knew if he didn’t find a way out of here, his
goose…err…phoenix was cooked.

At least he was no longer tied up. That was a plus. He could get

up and move around the room, but that was about it. And what a

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strange room it was, too. Kyle felt like he was in some sort of gilded

The single room and bathroom was set up like a palace. The bed

was covered in pillows and silk sheets in every color imaginable. It
sat on a platform low to the ground. Scarlet-red wallpaper covered the
walls, and every accent was gold-colored. Kyle still wasn’t sure if it
was real gold or not, but he was beginning to think so.

The bathroom was a masterpiece that even beat out The Heathman

Hotel. The tub was huge, big enough to fit several people. The shower
was almost as large as the tub, with showerheads coming out of the

What really astounded Kyle was the small rectangular swimming

pool just feet from the bed. Who had a pool in their bedroom? While
it was gaudy as hell, there was a certain intrigue to the place. It was
just too bad that Kyle was being forced to stay there. He was sure that
he would enjoy spending some lazy days with Tony in the room.

Kyle curled his legs up to his chest and rested his chin on his

knees. He wanted Tony. He hadn’t seen what had happened to Tony
after he was dragged off, but he hadn’t heard a gunshot. That had to
be something. Right?

Tony had to be alive. He just had to be. Kyle didn’t think he could

live without Tony anymore. The man was too wrapped around Kyle’s
heart. Kyle wouldn’t have been able to pry him out with a crowbar
even if he had wanted to. And he didn’t. He liked Tony right where he

Well, he’d prefer it if Tony was sitting next to him, sort of. He’d

prefer it if they were both back in the Hummer heading away from
this place. He wouldn’t wish Tony being caught and stuck in this
room for anything in the world.

Kyle jumped and scooted back on the bed when he heard the door

unlock, and then it slowly swung open. A man dressed in a white suit

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walked in, his eyes searching the room until they landed on Kyle—
and then he smiled.

“Hello, my little phoenix.”
Kyle scooted back farther onto the bed. “You?”
The man’s lips pulled back into a smile. “Yes, me. I was at your

mother’s house the other day.”

Kyle shook his head, trying his best to pull the memories to the

forefront. “No, further back.”

Mr. Donahue—Kyle assumed that was his name—walked closer

toward Kyle. He threw his head back and laughed, which sounded
more like a cackle, void of humor and warmth. “Very good. Your
memories are trying to come back.

Kyle’s back hit the headboard, a look in the man’s eyes making

his stomach tie into knots. The man was lecherous, of that Kyle had
no doubt, but he could tell Mr. Donahue wanted something more from
him. Something only Tony was allowed to have.

“Those aren’t memories. They are dreams. I’ve never lived up in

the mountains.” Kyle tried his best to pull the pieces together, to make
sense of his dreams as the man took a step closer.

Mr. Donahue shrugged, splaying his hands in front of him as his

eyes bore into Kyle. “If you wish to remain ignorant, that is your

Kyle inhaled sharply. He remembered. Oh god, he remembered!

He knew he was in some deep shit, and not even a shovel would get
him out of it. He didn’t even care about the curse word he’d used in
his mind. Mr. Donahue was the devil incarnate.

“Ah, I see you remember now,” Mr. Donahue said as he rounded

the bed, getting even closer to Kyle.

Kyle knew there was no way he could fight the large man off.

Kyle trembled as what he had thought were dreams begun to play
through his mind. They were more like nightmares.

A woman’s ear-shattering scream sounded in his ears as he stared

at Mr. Donahue. Somehow Kyle knew that the woman was his

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mother. But it couldn’t have been. His mother was a lying bitch who
had betrayed him.

“Yes. Think back, boy. Think back to that day. Remember who I

am. Remember what I can do to you.”

Kyle felt something snap into place inside of him. He felt the rage

build and build until all he felt was a hate so deep, so powerful, that it
consumed him. “You killed my parents.”

“Yes! Yes! Yes! You remember,” Mr. Donahue said with glee.

“What else happened? Who took the eyas?”

So that’s what the rat bastard was after—the name of the man who

had saved the young phoenixes. Kyle felt his body start to heat up,
rage and hatred coursing through his veins as he stood on the bed.
“You killed my parents!”

Mr. Donahue smiled. He clasped his hand together as he leaned

against the bedpost. “Yes, yes.” He waved his hand in dismissal.
“We’ve established that already. Now shift so I can pluck you clean.”

Kyle shifted but flew around the room instead, his talons open

wide as he went for the fucker’s head. He felt like his body was being
roasted over an open flame the closer he got to the man. Kyle finally
pulled back, swooping around to the other side of the room.

“That’s right. You can’t harm me. But I can hurt you real bad,”

the bastard said as his eyes followed Kyle. “You can run, but I will
get those feathers, boy.”

“Not today you won’t.”
Kyle flew around the room as joy flowed through him. Tony and

five other men burst into the room, guns drawn. He swooped low,
coming to rest on Tony’s shoulder.

“Fuck, watch the talons,” Tony whispered to Kyle.
“How dare you!” Mr. Donahue shrieked as he charged toward


Tony opened fire, the other men doing the same. Kyle squawked

as Mr. Donahue disappeared into a billow of smoke. The bastard had
gotten away!

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“Secure the room,” Tony ordered as he reached up and ran a

knuckle under Kyle’s beak. “You are a pretty one, aren’t you?”

Kyle squawked again, trying his best to figure out how to change

back. He didn’t know how he had done it in the first place, but he
didn’t want to stay a fucking bird!

“Calm down, Kyle. My acquaintances don’t ask questions. You’re


Kyle flew from Tony’s shoulder, circled the room, and then

landed on the floor next to Tony’s legs. Kyle pecked at his lover’s leg,
pissed that he couldn’t figure out how to shift back into his human

“Hey! I rescued you. Don’t take it out on me.”

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Chapter 8

Tony was never so glad to see anyone in his life. He didn’t care

that Kyle was in bird form at the moment. He was just glad his lover
was safe. Tony squatted down in front of Kyle, a little awed by how
beautiful his birdman was.

“You really do look amazing, baby.” Tony felt no fear as he

reached out and stroked his hands over Kyle’s red and orange and
yellow feathers. He knew Kyle would never hurt him. “And as
gorgeous as you are, birdman, I’d really like you to shift so I can hold
you. I don’t think my heart beat the entire time you were gone.”

Kyle squawked loudly and pecked at Tony again. Tony sat back

on his butt and held his arms out until Kyle hopped over into them.
He gently stroked his hand down Kyle’s feathered back as he spoke to

“Having a little trouble, aren’t ya, babe?”
Kyle squawked again.
“Okay, Riojos told me that Collin had trouble in the beginning,

too, so don’t get upset about it. I think it takes time to learn how to do
this, just like anything else. Think carefully, babe. Think about what it
feels like to have arms and legs and skin. Think about how wonderful
it will feel once you shift and I can really hold you.”

Tony’s mouth dropped open as Kyle’s form began to shimmer,

going in and out of focus. A bright light blinded him for a moment,
and then he held a very excited Kyle in his arms. Tony wrapped Kyle
in his arms, holding him as close as he possibly could without
crawling under his skin. He peppered kisses over the entire top of
Kyle’s head.

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“I am so glad you’re safe, baby.”
“H–He killed my m–mother,” Kyle sobbed.
Tony stilled. “Kyle, why would he kill your mother? He paid her

enough money to keep her quiet. Besides, if she said anything, she
would just implicate herself.”

“That wasn’t my mother,” Kyle snapped. “That was just the bitch

that raised me. Mr. Donahue, or whatever his name was, killed my
real mother and my father. He killed both my parents.”

“When I was a baby.”
“Can you tell me what happened?”
“It’s all kind of fuzzy, but someone attacked us. My mother gave

me to someone and told them to keep me safe. And there were

“Others like me.”
Tony frowned as he thought over Kyle’s words. If what he was

saying was true then there were more phoenixes out there and in
danger. “You said there were others.”

Kyle nodded.
“Were they siblings?”
“No, I don’t think so but…” Kyle shrugged. “Like I said, it’s all

kind of fuzzy.”

“Okay, baby, we’ll talk about it later.” Tony scooped Kyle up into

his arms and stood. The men he brought with him were watching him
and Kyle as he turned around. Tony growled until every last one of
them turned away. He set Kyle on his feet then yanked his shirt off,
offering it up to Kyle. No one got to see his baby naked.

Kyle chuckled as he took the shirt and pulled it over his head. The

simple cotton shirt barely fell to midthigh, but at least it was long
enough to cover the important parts. As an added measure, Tony
wrapped his coat around Kyle then lifted the man back up in his arms.

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“Wow,” Tony said as he got his first good look at the room. “This

place is unbelievable.”

“It’s a gilded cage,” Kyle said.
“A what?”
“A gilded cage. Mr. Donahue wanted my feathers. I think he

meant to keep me locked up in this room and pluck me over and over

Tony growled, his upper lip curling back. “Burn it down.”
The men with him nodded. Two of them went about setting the

place on fire. The others followed Tony as he carried Kyle out of the
room and up the stairs of a dark passageway. At the top of the stairs,
Tony pushed against the wall, and it swung open, letting them into a
very posh study.

“Where are we?”
“The west hills above Sam Jackson Road.”
“Behind the hospital?”
Tony nodded.
“How did you find me there?”
“I know people who know people.” And every single one of them

had something to hide that Tony knew about, so they would keep
Kyle’s secret, and Tony would keep theirs. It was a win-win situation
for each of them.

“Where are we going?” Kyle asked when they reached the street.
“New York.”
“Yep, I still think that Riojos and Collin had the right idea. We

need to get lost somewhere, and New York is the biggest city I

“Never been there,” Kyle murmured as his head started to flop

against Tony’s shoulder.

Tony readjusted Kyle so that his lover could nuzzle into his neck

as he carried him down the street. He knew Kyle had to be exhausted.
So much had happened to him in such a small amount of time. Tony

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was actually surprised at how well Kyle was handling it all. He would
have been freaking out by now.

When they reached the Hummer, Tony carefully settled Kyle into

the backseat where he could sleep, buckled him in, then drew a
blanket over him. He also grabbed a pillow from the back and slid it
under Kyle’s head.

“Sleep, baby,” he murmured then leaned down and placed a kiss

on Kyle’s forehead. “I’ll keep watch until you wake.”

Sighing deeply, feeling like the weight of the world sat on his

shoulders, Tony closed the door and turned to face two of the men
who had come with him to rescue his lover. “I’d like to thank you for
helping me get Kyle back, but there just aren’t words.”

“I think that’s as emotional as I’ve ever heard you get, Tony.”
“Shut up, Riley.” Tony could feel his face heat up. He turned his

attention to the other two men. “Thanks for helping out. You all might
want to stay low for a little while. Donahue isn’t someone to mess

“Yes,” Glade said. “We kind of got that when he disappeared in a

puff of smoke.”

“Yeah.” Tony rubbed the back of his neck. His muscles were so

tense he was surprised he could turn his head. “I was a little surprised
about that myself. I didn’t know he could do that.”

“Did you know your young man could turn into a bird?” Glade


“Yeah, I knew about that.” Tony chuckled for a moment. “Believe

it or not, he isn’t the first birdman I know.”

Tony instantly realized he had said too much when looks of

astonishment crossed the faces of all four men facing him. “Look,
thanks for your help again, but we really need to get on the road. I
have to get Kyle out of the area before Donahue regroups.”

“To tell you the truth, Tony,” Glade said as he fiddled with the

toothpick in his mouth, “I’d kind of like to stick around and see where
this goes. I haven’t had this much excitement in years.”

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“Me either,” Riley said. “Could be interesting.”
Tony’s eyebrows shot up. “Are you all out of your fucking mind?

People are trying to kill us. It’s all I can do to keep the two of us alive.
If you join up with us, they’ll be after you, too.”

Glade grinned. “And that would be the fun part.”
“We got trouble,” Judd said as he and Samuel walked around the

side of the truck.

Tony’s eyebrows shot up when Sal and Tibo walked around the

truck right behind him. “What in the hell are you two doing here?”

Sal growled.
Tibo just kind of stood there, shivering.
“We found them locked in one of the rooms when we went

looking for something to burn the place down with,” Judd said.

Tony’s mouth dropped open for a moment then snapped shut. He

pushed his hand through his hair as he turned and paced away for a
couple of steps. Things just kept getting better and better. Not!

“Okay,” Tony said as he turned back around. “Sal, I know you

love your bar and you wanted to stay here, but it’s obviously no
longer safe here for you. Kyle and I were planning on heading east to
track your brother down. I think you two should join us.”

“We’ve decided to tag along for protection,” Riley said. “We

might do better in a group.”

“And we might not,” Sal snapped. “Being associated with you all

hasn’t gotten us anything but trouble since the day we met the ghost

“Excuse me,” Glade said. “The who?”
“Collin.” Tony snickered. “The other birdman.”
“Ah.” Glade still looked confused.
“Tibo and I need to get some of our stuff together,” Sal said.
“I’m not sure going back to the bar is such a good idea, Sal,”

Tony replied. “Donahue could be waiting for us.”

“Then we’ll deal with it if he is. There are a few things we can’t

leave without, so if you want us to go with you, we stop at the bar.”

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Tony rolled his eyes. Sal could be such an ass. “Fine, we make a

quick, and I do mean quick, stop at the bar.” He wagged his finger at
the men standing around him. “And then we drive like hell.”

* * * *

Kyle’s head was throbbing. He felt like drums were going off

inside his brain. He opened his eyes then blinked several times. When
that didn’t get the blur to go away, he rubbed his eyes. Opening them
again, he realized it was dark outside. And he was moving.

“Yeah, baby?”
Kyle turned his head toward where Tony’s voice had come from.

He quickly figured out that they were in the Hummer again, and he
was lying down in the backseat, leaning against the door. He pushed
himself up into a sitting position and glanced around.

“Where are we?”
“We’re on the freeway somewhere outside of Boise, Idaho.”
“Idaho?” Kyle glanced around again. “I’ve never been to Idaho


Tony chuckled from the driver’s seat. “Baby, you’ve never been

out of Portland before.”

“Not true,” Kyle said. “I wasn’t born in Portland.”
“Oh yeah? Where were you born?”
Kyle frowned and met Tony’s blue eyes in the rearview mirror. “I

don’t remember.”

“What do you remember?”
“Trees, lots of trees.”
“That kind of makes sense, birdman.”
It was only as the man spoke that Kyle realized that someone else

sat in the Hummer with him and Tony. His throat clenched as he
pressed himself back in the seat and glared at the man sitting next to
him. “Who in the hell are you?”

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“Swearing, Kyle.” Tony chuckled.
“Fuck that,” Kyle snapped. “I want to know who in the hell he is.”

Tony laughed as did the stranger and another man sitting in the front
seat. Damn, he was surrounded. “Who are you guys?”

“My, he is a spitfire, isn’t he?” the man next to him said. “I guess

it’s true what they say about redheads. I wonder if what else they say
about redheads is true as well.”

Kyle yelped when the Hummer suddenly swerved.
“You’ll never find out.” Tony growled.
“Tony!” Kyle shouted.
Tony cut his eyes at the rearview mirror, his jaw clenched as he

looked at the man sitting next to Kyle. “He’s mine.”

“Duly noted.” The man chuckled and then stuck his hand out.

“Name’s Glade.”

Kyle stared at the beefy hand before shaking it. “Kyle.” He

quickly pulled his hand back, wondering what in the hell was going
on. He didn’t like strangers, not when all of this crap was going on.

“I’m Riley,” the man in the passenger seat said.
Kyle waved.
“Tony, can I sit up front with you?” Kyle asked as he kept his

eyes on Glade.

He felt the Hummer pull over to the side of the road. Kyle quickly

unsnapped his seat belt and climbed out. He ran around the front of
the vehicle and waited for Riley to get out then climbed in, slamming
and locking the door. He snapped his seat belt into place, feeling a
thousand times better.

“I won’t take offense to that, little bird.” Glade winked at him and

then sat back.

“Good. I don’t even know your fucking ass.” Kyle turned around,

facing front. He was brave in the front seat with Tony.

“Cursing again, Kyle?” Tony chuckled as he pulled from the side

of the road and guided the vehicle back onto the road.

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Kyle shrugged. “I don’t like waking up to strangers sitting next to

me.” He looked around as best he could in the dark. From what he
could make out, there were nothing but farms around as far as the eye
could see.

“Sorry about that. They wanted to come along for the ride. I

figured we could use all the help we could get.”

Kyle glanced over at Tony. “They? As in there are more than two

of them?”

“Hey, those two are sitting right back here.”
Kyle snorted. “Then stay back there. I was talking about you, not

to you.”

“Fuck, I like him.” Glade laughed as he chewed on a toothpick

that was sticking out from between his lips.

“I’m taken.” Kyle turned back around to smile up at Tony. He had

never in his life been happier than when he woke up to realize that
Tony had indeed saved him. He tried to scoot over, but after lifting
the armrest, he still had a small console to contend with.

“I don’t think you can straddle the cupholders, babe,” Tony teased

as he reached over and grabbed Kyle’s hand. Kyle took it greedily,
holding Tony’s strong hand in his lap as he stared out the windshield
at the long and dark road ahead of them.

He inhaled sharply and then schooled his features when the back

of one of Tony’s knuckles grazed his groin. He glanced over at his
lover to see Tony watching the road, a slight smile on his face.

Kyle shifted around, spreading his legs apart slightly. He was

hornier than hell and wanted Tony buried deeply inside of him. Why
couldn’t they be alone? Kyle needed them to be alone right now, so
he could have his way with Tony.

“Can’t they ride with the others?” Kyle whispered over to Tony.
“I can, but now that I know you want me gone, too bad,” Glade

said from the backseat.

Kyle turned his head, glaring at the man that was quickly irritating

the hell out of him. “You are a cheery one, aren’t you?”

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Glade once again winked at Kyle. “That I am. But if you and your

fella want to get it on, I guess I can hitch a ride with Judd.”

“I’ll explain it all later,” Tony said from beside him as his knuckle

pressed into Kyle’s hardening cock. Kyle almost groaned at the
pressure. He wanted badly.

Tony pulled the Hummer to the side of the road. “Get out.”
Glade chuckled as he flipped both of them off and then climbed

out, slamming the door behind him. Riley just shook his head and
climbed out of the vehicle as well.

“Are you sure someone is behind us to pick them up?” Kyle asked

as he watched the two men stand on the side of the road. “There’s
nothing around us for miles.”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” Tony assured him as he pulled back onto the

road. “The other vehicles will be along in a moment. We decided after
we left Portland to not drive too close together. They’re about a
minute behind us.”

Kyle grinned as he looked out the back window. The only thing he

could see were headlights coming in their direction, but he felt better
knowing they didn’t just kick the men out on some deserted back road
in the middle of Idaho.

He bit his bottom lip and then reached over, freeing Tony’s cock.

He had to feel some part of Tony inside of him, even if it was his cock
in Kyle’s mouth. Kyle took his time to appreciate the flat planes of
Tony’s sculpted abdomen before sucking the head of his lover’s cock
into his mouth.

“Hell, Kyle.” Tony inhaled sharply as one hand glided through his

hair. “I’m going to have to slow down.”

Kyle could feel the Hummer slow down as he sucked and licked.

Getting onto his knees, Kyle unsnapped his jeans. He pulled his cock
free, wanting relief desperately. He gripped Tony’s cock harder as he
felt Tony’s hand slide down his back, fingers running down his
crease, and then a finger entered his hole.

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He groaned around Tony’s cock, pushing back on the finger

working in and out of his ass. Kyle sucked Tony’s shaft to the back of
his throat as he moaned, stroking his cock as the tingles started up his

“You close, baby?” Tony panted.
“Uh-hmm,” Kyle replied, wiggling his ass around as Tony

inserting another finger. Kyle knew he couldn’t hold out much longer.
He wanted to feel Tony’s seed in his mouth, but he was close to
spilling his own.

Kyle doubled his efforts. He was determined to make Tony come

first. He created a seal, sucking vigorously as the flat of his tongue
played with a bundle of nerves under the mushroom-shaped head.

“Fuck, baby,” Tony groaned as his hips hitched. Kyle felt the

Hummer swerve slightly and feared crashing when Tony orgasmed.
Tony must have feared the same because he pulled over, and then
grabbed Kyle’s head with one hand, fucking his mouth.

Kyle moaned when he was the first to erupt, his seed spilling onto

the seat and console as he whimpered around Tony’s cock.

“Fuck!” Tony shouted as warm spunk shot to the back of Kyle’s

throat. The fingers in his ass fucked Kyle harder for a moment and
then slid free.

Kyle licked Tony clean and then leaned back, looking around for

something to clean his mess up with.

“Glove box,” Tony panted.
Kyle smiled at his lover. Tony looked sated and happy, a look he

always wanted his lover to wear.

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Chapter 9

Glade climbed out of the front seat, stretched, and glanced around.

When he took on the job of guarding the phoenix, his boss never told
him that they would be spending so much time on the fucking road.

His damn back was hurting.
He watched Sal and Tibo climb out of their vehicle and start after

Tony and Kyle into the diner. Having the other two men with them
was interesting. He knew something was different about Tibo, but he
hadn’t quite been able to figure it out—and Sal and Tibo weren’t

“You gonna tell them?” Samuel asked, as he, too, got out and


Glade shook his head. “It’s best they don’t know. Our boss said

nothing about telling Kyle that we’re his guardians. Somehow I think
the little potty mouth wouldn’t take it so well.”

Samuel chuckled as he closed the truck door. “Yeah, I got that

impression from him.”

The four headed for the diner, following behind Tony and Kyle.

Glade scanned the area, knowing that Mr. Donahue’s men weren’t too
far behind them. He would have to make sure their meal was quick.
Glade didn’t want to linger around too long.

Although the bastard had turned into smoke and disappeared,

Glade knew he hadn’t given up. That was the closest they’d gotten to
the son of a bitch in years. He was pissed that the man had gotten

They may not have found Collin in time, but Glade was going to

make sure Kyle made it away safely. And as for the other missing

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phoenixes, well, Glade could only hope other guardians found them
before Mr. Donahue did.

Glade slapped Samuel on his chest with the back of his hand.

“Let’s go get something to eat.”

* * * *

Tony looked around as he helped Kyle from the Hummer. He had

a feeling in his gut that they hadn’t seen the last of Mr. Donahue’s
goons. The small diner didn’t have too many cars in the parking lot.
As a matter of fact, there were only three cars parked there.

Tony looked over to the other vehicle, watching the men file out.

He watched Glade and Samuel talking. He wasn’t too sure it was a
wise move bringing them along for the ride. Sure, they could use the
added protection, but he didn’t know them all that well.

“Stay close to me, babe.” Tony grabbed Kyle’s hand, leading him

into a dismal-looking diner. The floors had seen better days, and the
tables looked like they were purchased at a dumpsite. He wasn’t too
sure about eating here, but they were starving.

Tony eyed the waitress standing behind the counter, chewing on a

piece of gum, looking more like a cow chewing her cud. He glanced
at the handful of patrons seated here and there throughout the diner.

Everyone had become a suspect in his opinion. From what he had

witnessed, Mr. Donahue wasn’t human and was probably capable of
things Tony couldn’t even begin to comprehend.

“Sit anywhere you’d like,” the waitress called over to them. Tony

nodded and chose the back booth. It enabled him to watch the door
and everyone in the place. As he took a seat, the men accompanying
them walked into the diner, spotted them, and then took a booth close
by. Sal and Tibo slid into their own booth, just a couple of feet from
Tony and Kyle.

“Exactly who are they?” Kyle asked as he picked up his menu.

“And why can’t we sit with Sal and Tibo?”

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“I think they need a little time alone.” Tony waited for the

waitress to leave with their drink orders before he replied. “These are
men I helped out here and there. They owed me a favor. When Mr.
Donahue had you taken, I cashed in a lot of favors to get you back.”

Kyle blushed as he beamed up at Tony. “Thanks for saving my


Tony reached across the table, tapping the end of Kyle’s nose.

“No cursing.”

Kyle chuckled as he studied his menu. “You better give up on

that. I don’t think that’s going to fucking happen any time soon.”

“It would if I spanked your bottom again,” Tony teased as he

watched Kyle look up from his menu, his eyes narrowing.

“Do that again and I’ll bite you!”
Tony was still smiling when the waitress brought them their

drinks. They ordered their dinner, and then the waitress took their
orders to the counter. Tony shoved the grimy menu back into the
holder as he looked around the small place.

A couple of men were watching them, scowls on their faces. Tony

figured them for homophobic assholes rather than Mr. Donahue’s
men. His fingers played with the silverware that the waitress had set
down, watching the men closely.

Whether they were hired goons or just simple assholes, Tony

wasn’t going to have his man hurt. He dared any one of them to say
one damn word to Kyle. After the stare-down contest, the men turned
back around.

“What’s wrong?” Kyle asked as he looked over his shoulder.
“Not a thing, babe.” Tony smiled at his lover, reaching across the

table to cover Kyle’s hand.

Kyle’s fingers entwined with Tony’s as he looked out of the dirty

window. Tony was really reconsidering eating here. If it hadn’t been
twelve hours since they had stopped, he’d be out of here, but he knew
Kyle needed to eat.

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“So, are we really heading for—” Tony reached up, laying his

finger over Kyle’s mouth. Although he didn’t think those men were a
part of the goon squad, he wasn’t taking any chances.

“Not here, love.”
Kyle nodded and then casually looked around. Tony moved his

arms when the waitress brought their food. He was impressed. It
looked good. The waitress smiled and waved her arm at the interior of
the diner. “Don’t let the place fool you. Ralph is a damn good cook.
He’s wasting his talents here.”

Tony cut into the roast, noticing how it fell apart under his fork. It

smelled delicious as he lifted his fork to his mouth. He smiled when
the men at the next booth whooped when their food arrived.

“I think they were hungry.” Kyle chuckled. “I’m surprised they

held out for so long on the road.”

Tony nodded as he stabbed another piece of roast. “Me, too.”
Once they were done eating, Tony patted his stomach and grabbed

the check. “We should get going.” He was surprised to see the four
men had eaten and were already up at the register paying.

“You guys ready?” Glade asked as he approached their booth.
Tony nodded. “Just finished up.” He scooted from the booth,

grabbing Kyle’s hand as he led his lover to the front of the diner.

“We don’t take kindly to your type around here,” said one of the

men who had been watching them.

Tony rolled his eyes. He had a feeling one of these assholes was

going to start some shit. He ignored the man as he paid for his and
Kyle’s meal.

“Fuck you, asshole,” Kyle spat as he turned around. “I don’t take

kindly to ignorant bastards like you breathing the air same as I am.”

Tony gripped Kyle tighter as he headed for the door. “Not now,

dear. We need to lay low, not feed him his balls.”

“I’ll do more than that,” Kyle shouted over his shoulder. “Let me

go. I’ll teach that jackass a lesson.”

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Tony had to grab Kyle around his waist, hauling his squirming

lover from the diner. “Calm down, pistol. You can’t let what someone
says bother you. As long as he didn’t touch you, we can let him live.”
Tony set Kyle on his feet as they walked toward the Hummer.

Kyle glared up at Tony. “You may be able to turn the other cheek,

but I’m gonna smack him in his.” Kyle ran for the door. Tony caught
up to him, hauling him off of his feet.

“Whoa, babe. Let’s get out of here.” Tony smiled as he carried

Kyle to the vehicle, his lover shouting obscenities at the diner.

“Glad he’s riding with you.” Judd laughed.
Tony shot the man a glare before putting Kyle into the passenger

side. His lover crossed his arms over his chest, pouting in the front
seat. Tony could only laugh. Watching Kyle defend them was
hilarious. It touched him, too. His little scrapper was ready to tear that
man a new asshole.

Tony climbed into his vehicle along with Glade and Riley. Judd

and Samuel climbed into the other vehicle, with Sal and Tibo getting
in their truck. Tony started the car back up and drove back onto the
main road, reaching over to grab Kyle’s hand. It was going to be a
long trip to New York.

* * * *

Kyle turned over in the bed. He blinked a few times until he

remembered they were in a hotel somewhere in Columbus, Ohio. He
stretched, feeling hungry as hell. He knew they were near some
college, Ohio State if he wasn’t mistaken. He had heard cars go by
with teenagers and young adults screaming to the top of their lungs
last night.

He stomach growled, and he remembered seeing a McDonald’s in

the parking lot across the street.

“You sleep well?” Tony asked from the desk in their room.

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Kyle pushed himself up onto his elbows and looked around.

“Shouldn’t we get back on the road?” He knew it wasn’t safe to stay
in one place too long. Not until they could get to New York and blend

“The men are watching the area. I wanted you to get a good

night’s sleep.”

Kyle threw the blanket back, noticing that he was as naked as the

day he was born. He quirked a brow at Tony. “Have a bit of fun with
me willy while I was asleep?”

Tony grinned as he stood, walked over to the bed, and then

crawled over to Kyle. “Nope. I’d rather wait until you are awake
before playing with your willy.”

Kyle laughed as Tony attacked his neck, kissing and licking him.

And then he began to tickle Kyle.

“Uncle!” Kyle cried as he tried to squirm away. He kicked his legs

out, trying his best to scoot away, but Tony’s arm snaked around him,
pulling him back.

The laughter died on Kyle’s lips when he saw the raw lust in

Tony’s eyes. But there was something more—something much more
in his lover’s eyes. Kyle’s breath caught when he realized it was love
he saw shining in Tony’s eyes.

He wrapped his arms around Tony’s neck as he pulled his lover

down for a heated kiss, trying his best to put all the love he felt for the
man into that kiss. Tony groaned into his mouth as he pulled at his
clothes, tossing them aside.

Kyle reveled in the feel of skin on skin. Tony’s hot body covered

his, his hardened cock telling Kyle exactly what the man wanted.
Kyle spread his legs in invitation as Tony’s tongue explored the
recesses of his mouth.

He wrapped his legs around Tony’s waist, enabling their cocks to

rub against one another. Kyle groaned as he began to grind against
Tony’s stomach. “Fuck me.”

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“Gladly.” Tony rolled, bringing Kyle to the top as he grabbed the

lube from under the pillow. Kyle’s brow rose.

“I was hoping,” Tony said as he shrugged.
Kyle ran his hands over Tony’s chest, feeling bold as he pinched

one of his lover’s nipples. Kyle leaned up, capturing the brown disc in
his mouth as he teased it with his teeth.

“Ah hell.” Tony ground his cock into Kyle’s as his head rolled on

his shoulders. Kyle watched the expression on his lover’s face. He
was still amazed a man like Tony would want him. The detective was
everything a man could want. He was strong, well defined, and
simply gorgeous. Kyle still couldn’t figure out what the man saw in
him. Whatever it was, he was grateful to have this man want him.

“Kyle,” Tony moaned as two slicked fingers slid right into Kyle.

Kyle bit Tony’s nipple when the burn set in. He opened his mouth to
apologize, when Tony shivered. Did he like that? Kyle licked one
nipple and then attached his lips to the other one, biting into it. He got
the same reaction. So Tony must have liked it.

Kyle pulled his lover closer as he nibbled on the man’s nipple. It

was hard to concentrate when Tony’s cock entered him. Kyle’s back
arched as he tried his best to drive the hard shaft deeper into his ass.
Tony felt so good buried deep inside of him.

“I love you,” Kyle blurted as pleasure rode him hard, making his

body come alive. He nearly cried when the powerful man responded.

“I love you, too.” Tony thrust harder, sliding one hand under

Kyle’s ass, lifting it higher as he plunged deeply into Kyle’s ass.

Kyle planted his feet onto the bed, pushed back, and then rode

Tony’s thick cock, feeling it filling him to capacity. Tony’s hands
reached up, skimming over Kyle’s chest as he took pleasure from
Tony’s body.

“Fuck my cock, babe.” Tony grabbed Kyle’s hips as Kyle

slammed his ass down onto Tony’s shaft. He mewled when Tony
curled his fingers around Kyle’s cock, stroking it as Kyle rode Tony

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Kyle fell forward, thrusting back as Tony’s cock drove up into

him. He whimpered at the sensation. Never in his life had he felt
closer to anyone as he did right at this moment. Tony was everything
to him. He didn’t know what he would do if he ever lost his lover.

“Come for me, babe,” Tony demanded in a guttural tone as he

squeezed Kyle’s cock, making his back arch as he cried out, hot seed
erupting from his shaft.

Tony dug his fingers into Kyle’s hips as he drove up into Kyle’s

ass, almost dislodging him as he shouted out Kyle’s name. Kyle could
feel his lover’s seed spurting into his ass as he fell forward, Tony
wrapping his arms around Kyle.

“We need to shower and get out of here,” Tony gently reminded


Kyle didn’t want to move from this spot, ever. He almost whined

when Tony pulled him up from the bed. He tapped Kyle’s ass. “Let’s
go, lazy bones.”

Kyle pouted as he made his way to the bathroom. This just wasn’t


* * * *

Kyle nibbled on his hash browns as Tony drove down the

highway. He glanced in the side mirror to see the other vehicles right
behind them. “Are your friends going to be staying with us when we
get to New York?”

Tony shrugged. “I can’t say for sure. Truthfully, I’m surprised

they’re still with us. Having worked with them a few different times, I
knew they were loyal men, but I didn’t think they would travel the
states with us.”

Kyle reached into his bag of food and grabbed his Egg McMuffin,

unwrapping it and taking a bite. He was starving. Sex really seemed
to work up an appetite in him.

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“If we keep driving like we are, we should be hitting New York

by nightfall. I’m not sure where to look for Riojos and Collin.”

Kyle wiped his mouth with a napkin as he glanced over at Tony.

“What if we don’t find them?”

Tony shrugged as he drove down the highway. “Then we settle in.

We have enough cash to get a place and lay low for a few months. I
don’t want you working. It’s too risky.”

“But what will you do? If you transfer to the detective unit here,

Mr. Donahue will find you.”

“I do have other talents. I wasn’t always a detective.”
This piqued Kyle’s interest. “And what would those talents be,

mister?” He now knew that Tony had some shady associates. Kyle
worried that Tony would get into something illegal to support them.
He didn’t like that idea. As a matter of fact, it scared him.

“I used to do carpentry work. I can always find a job on some

construction site.”

Kyle’s eyes widened. He imagined Tony in a hardhat, and his

cock tried to come back to life. Man that was hot! “Really?”

“Don’t sound so surprised. I’m a man of many talents.” Tony

looked over at Kyle and wiggled his brows.

Kyle giggled as he bit his sandwich. God, he would love to see

Tony in tight jeans and a hard hat. Hell, he’d pay to see it. Kyle
became excited, ready to hurry up and get to New York.

“I’m going to pull over. I need to rest. I’ll have one of the guys


Kyle wrapped the rest of his breakfast sandwich up, stuffing it

back into the bag. He wasn’t going to sit up front if Tony wasn’t
going to be up there. He’d sit in back where he could touch Tony if he
wanted to.

When Tony pulled over, Kyle grabbed his breakfast and got out.

He was ready to climb into the backseat when one of the vehicles that
had been following them screeched to a halt right next to Kyle. He

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dropped his bag of food as he took off, running around the truck to get
to Tony.

“Go!” Glade shouted as he jumped out and ran around the truck

Kyle and Tony had been riding in. Riley jumped out and climbed into
the front passenger seat. The second truck made a U-turn in the
middle of the road and began to drive back the way they came.

Kyle swallowed hard as he glanced around frantically. Riley had a

gun in his hand, and he seemed to be checking the magazine for

“What the fuck is going on?” Tony shouted.
“We got company. Get in,” Glade said as he opened the driver’s

door and climbed in. Kyle and Tony rushed into the backseat just as
Glade floored it, sending them careening across the seat as he sped
onto the highway.

“Where are they going?” Kyle asked as he got up and looked

behind their Hummer. He could see Sal’s truck following them, but
the third vehicle was driving away from them.

“To buy us some time.”
“Shit,” Tony cursed.
Kyle reached over and slapped him on his arm. “No cursing.”

Kyle honestly didn’t care right about now, but he was scared as hell,
wondering if they were really going to make it out of this ordeal alive.
He was starting to think they didn’t have a very good chance. It
seemed that no matter how much distance they put between
themselves and Mr. Donahue, it wasn’t enough.

“We shouldn’t go to New York.”
Tony gazed at him as he righted himself. “Why, babe?”
Kyle crawled onto Tony’s lap, resting his head on Tony’s broad

shoulder. “Because what if we lead them to Riojos and Collin? That
wouldn’t be fair. They have started a new life there. We shouldn’t
jeopardize it.”

“He’s right,” Glade said from the front seat.

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“Then where do we go?” Tony asked, looking from Kyle to


“Maybe we could reroute, head south.”
Kyle had an idea that nowhere would be safe, but the farther

away, the better. Maybe another country would help them escape the
man that wanted to pluck him clean. Kyle still couldn’t believe the lie
he had grown up with. No matter how he turned it over in his head,
none of it made sense.

Tony had tried to help him figure it all out, but the memories were

too blurry for him to put it all together. Kyle didn’t have a clue why
he was a bird, or why he was immortal, and he didn’t even know why
Mr. Donahue wanted his feathers, but he never wanted to see that
creepy man again.

“The Horn of Africa sounds pretty good right about now,” Kyle

mumbled. “Maybe the Amazon Jungle.”

Tony chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Kyle. “South it is.”

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Chapter 10

“You’re going to love New Orleans, baby.”
“As long as Mr. Donahue isn’t there, I’m sure I will.”
Tony frowned at the downtrodden tone in Kyle’s voice. For a man

who was usually a spitfire, Kyle seemed really quiet. Tony knew Kyle
had been through a lot, but it hadn’t all been bad. Had it?

“I meant what I said in Ohio, Kyle. I love you.”
“Then why in the hell haven’t you said it since?” Kyle snapped,

crossing his arms over his chest and shooting daggers at Tony with
his eyes. “I’ve said it three or four times, and you’ve not repeated it

Tony blinked. Kyle was counting? “Is that what’s wrong with


Tony swallowed hard when Kyle’s eyes narrowed. Okay, he

sucked at relationships. He knew that. He probably shouldn’t have
said that to Kyle. It definitely wasn’t the way to go with his baby.

“I didn’t mean it like that, Kyle,” he said quickly, wishing like

hell a hole would just open up and swallow him whole. He was really
fucking this up.

“Then how in the hell did you mean it?”
“I just meant that I had noticed you weren’t your usual chipper

self, and I wondered if that was what had upset you.”

“I am not chipper!” Kyle growled. “I have never been chipper in

my life.”

Tony was about to be handed his ass. He could see it in Kyle’s

eyes. Tony blinked in surprise when he looked over at Kyle. He could

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see something else in Kyle’s eyes. “Uh, baby, your eyes are turning

“What?” Kyle screeched. He unhooked his seat belt and leaned up

to look at his eyes in the rearview mirror. His eyes were no longer
filled with fury when he turned to look at Tony. They were filled with
fear. “What’s happening to me, Tony? What am I turning into?”

“You’re a phoenix, baby. We know this. It’s not a surprise.” Tony

reached over and grabbed Kyle’s hand, bringing it over to his thigh
and just holding it there. “We just don’t know everything you can do.
I’m sure we’ll learn more and more as time goes by.”

Kyle suddenly pulled away from Tony and wrapped his arms

around his waist as he turned to stare out the passenger-side window.
“Can you pull over?” he whispered. “I need some air.”

“Yeah, sure,” Tony said as his eyes darted back and forth between

Kyle and the road. “I’ll take the next exit.”

Tony lucked out. A couple of miles down the road was a rest area.

He pulled into the small exit and drove to the far end of the rest area,
away from other vehicles. Kyle was out of his seat and opening the
door before Tony could even turn the engine off.

“Kyle, honey, wait.”
Kyle jumped from the vehicle and started walking straight back

through the trees.

“Kyle, damn it!” Tony jumped out of the Hummer and hurried

around to the other side, speeding up into a small sprint to catch up
with his lover. Tony slowed down once he caught up with Kyle. He
just stood there and watched his lover fall apart. He didn’t have a clue
what to do to make Kyle feel better.

“Is that why you won’t say you love me?” Kyle asked quietly as

he rubbed his hands up and down his arms. “Because I’m such a

Tony growled and clenched his hands. He stomped over and

grabbed Kyle, spinning him around. “Now, you listen to me and you
listen to me good. You are not a freak. You’re different, but you are

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not a freak, and if I ever hear something like that come out of your
mouth again, no army on earth will be able to keep me from paddling
you until your ass glows.” Tony shook Kyle. “Do you understand

Kyle gulped and nodded. His eyes were huge, dominating his

face. Tony didn’t think Kyle was afraid of him, because he hadn’t
used his talons to get away or shifted and flown off. But Tony wanted
to make sure that Kyle understood exactly where he was coming

“I love you. You are the only man I have ever said that to.” Tony

stopped shaking Kyle and pulled him closer until their chests pressed
together. “I haven’t said it because I thought you knew how I felt.”

“I–I thought you didn’t mean it because you said it during sex.

People say all sorts of things during sex that they don’t really mean.”

“Did you mean it?”
“Yes,” Kyle said quickly, “which is why I’ve said it since then. I

wanted you to know that they weren’t just words spoken in the heat of
the moment.”

Tony’s heart sank. He grabbed Kyle’s chin and raised it so he

could look into Kyle’s eyes. “I’m not good at this relationship stuff,
baby. I’ve never cared about someone like I care about you. You have
to give me some slack here, ’cause I’m gonna screw up.”

“I’m sorry,” Kyle whispered as he pulled his chin away from

Tony and buried his face in Tony’s chest. “I’m not good at this either,
but I just thought…”

“What did you think, baby?”
“If we love each other, we shouldn’t be afraid to say it.”
“I’m not afraid to say it, Kyle. Hell, I’ll shout it from the treetops

if it will make you feel better.” Tony chuckled ruefully. “I just

Kyle sniffled as he laughed a little and smacked Tony’s chest.

“Well, don’t forget in the future. It could save us a lot of time and

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“I’ll try to remember that.” Tony curled his hand around the back

of Kyle’s neck and pulled him within a whisper’s breath away. “I do
love you, Kyle Talon, red eyes and feathers and everything.”

Tony pressed his lips against Kyle’s, enjoying the quick taste of

excitement that immediately filled him. No one on earth tasted as
glorious as Kyle. It was like fire and heat and everything passionate
all rolled into one.

“I could spend hours just kissing you,” he whispered against

Kyle’s lips right before running his tongue across them, demanding
entrance. When Kyle parted his lips and allowed him inside, Tony
groaned and pressed harder.

He kept one hand cupped around Kyle’s neck and reached around

Kyle with the other one to grab Kyle’s ass. Kyle had the world’s most
perfect ass. Tony couldn’t wait until they were somewhere private and
he could fuck that ass again. Hell, if the grass was tall enough, he’d
do it right here. His cock throbbed, agreeing with him.

“God, I want to fuck you so bad,” Tony said as he lifted his head

and stared down into Kyle’s eyes, thankful they were once again deep
green and not flaming red. Red meant Kyle was angry or upset. Green
meant he was okay. Deep emerald green meant he was horny. Deep
emerald green was Tony’s new official favorite color.

“Yes!” Kyle shuddered.
“The grass isn’t tall enough, babe.” Tony chuckled.
Kyle’s forehead wrinkled. “So?”
“No one gets to see your sexy ass but me.”
“You think I’m sexy?”
“I think you’re breathtaking.”
Kyle grinned. “I can handle breathtaking.”
“I’ll just bet.” Tony chuckled again. “I just wonder if I can handle


“Well, if you’d stop worrying about the height of the damn grass,

you could handle me all you want.”

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Tony roared with laughter. “Oh, baby, you’re too—” Tony swung

around when he heard someone behind him shout. He saw Glade
running toward him at full speed. Just as he started toward Glade, a
loud explosion filled the air. Tony grabbed Kyle and hit the ground,
covering the smaller man with his larger body.

“What was that?” Kyle screamed as the ground shook.
Tony raised his head when everything finally stopped shaking. He

looked back toward where had last seen Glade, just in time to see the
man climbing to his feet. Tony next saw a large billow of smoke
spiraling toward the sky. He jumped to his feet, grabbing Kyle from
the ground just as Glade made it to his side.

“The truck,” Glade said as he waved behind him. “We all got out

for a break, and then the damn thing exploded when—”

Everyone spun around when they heard tires screeching. “Fuck!”

Tony shouted as he grabbed Kyle’s hand and headed toward the
woods. “We need to get out of here.”

Tony held Kyle’s hand tight as he pulled him deeper into the

woods. He wasn’t sure how they were going to get out of this. There
were more than three vehicles that had pulled into the rest stop. Even
with the extra muscle they had brought with them, things were
looking grim.

“I need you to do something for me, babe,” Tony said as they

reached a clearing.

“Anything,” Kyle panted.
Tony’s heart melted. His lover had that much trust in him that he

would agree without even asking what it was. God, he really did love
Kyle. “I need you to shift and fly away from here.”

“No! I won’t leave you,” Kyle was practically crying as they

cleared the forest.

“Listen to me.” Tony stopped, pulling Kyle’s hand until his lover

was facing him. “I’d be able to fight better if I knew I didn’t have to
watch out for you.”

“But I can fight!” Kyle argued.

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Tony shook his head, wondering if he could get Kyle to see reason

in time. “Please, Kyle. I’ll just be distracted if you’re there. I love
you, and I don’t want to see you hurt. I won’t let them get their hands
on you.”

Kyle crossed his arms over chest, glaring at Tony. “Oh, now you

say you love me?”

Tony was five seconds away from pulling his hair out. They did

not have time for a debate. “Just do it, please,” he said with a little
more force in his voice. Tony hated talking to Kyle in that manner,
but desperate times called for desperate measures.

Kyle pushed the red strands from his eyes as he stared up at Tony.

“Where do I meet you?”

Tony breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m not sure. Circle around, but

stay out of sight. I don’t need them shooting at you. You may not be
able to die, but I’m pretty sure getting shot will hurt like hell.”

Kyle’s eyes widened as he nodded. “Okay. But I don’t want to

leave you down here to fight them without me. What if something
happens to you? I love you, Tony. You’re the first person to love me.
I can’t lose you.”

Tony cupped Kyle’s face, smiling down at his small lover. “I’ll be

fine. But I need to know you’re away from here.” Tony’s head
snapped around when a half a dozen men broke through the tree line.

Kyle spun around and ran, his legs carrying him away, and then

his lover leapt into the air, shifting into a phoenix and taking flight.
Tony’s heart thundered in his chest when one of the bad guys aimed
his gun at Kyle and then fired.

Tony pulled his piece out and got a shot off, dropping the bastard

before he was running in the opposite direction. He heard gunfire all
around him, but all Tony could think of was making sure Kyle got

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Tony’s jaw tightened when he felt a searing pain in his shoulder.

He tamped down the pain and hauled ass back toward the Hummer.
He had to make sure the others were okay.

When he cleared the woods, he saw Glade, Samuel, Judd, Riley,

and Sal crouched down behind the two vehicles, shooting it out with
the goons who had come to take Kyle away from him. He fired off a
few rounds before ducking down with the others.

“Where’s Tibo?” he asked Sal.
“In the men’s restroom. I shoved him in there when these

asswipes starting shooting.”

“Things aren’t looking good.” Tony spoke what his gut was

telling him. He wasn’t sure they would make it out of this alive. But
there was one thing he knew for a fact. If he was going down, he was
taking someone with him.

Tony rose from behind the car and opened fire.

* * * *

Kyle had counted to one hundred, twice. He took a chance and

flew back around toward the clearing. When he didn’t see anyone, he
flew over the rest area. His heart strangled his throat when he saw the
carnage below.

Men were strewn about, laid out dead or dying. Kyle screeched

when he saw that Tony was one of the men laid out. He descended,
not caring if anyone plucked him clean. His lover needed him.

Kyle refused to believe that Tony was dead. There was no way

that his lover was dead. Kyle wouldn’t have a reason to go on if Tony
was dead. He landed right next to Tony, pushing Tony’s shoulder
with his beak. When his lover didn’t move, Kyle felt like his world
was coming to an end.

He laid his head on Tony’s chest, crying because it hurt so damn

badly. His heart felt like it was being torn from his very soul. Kyle
moved in closer, wanting to die with Tony. There was no point in

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going on. Mr. Donahue had won. He had taken the very reason Kyle
wanted to live.

He felt coldness seeping into his bones as he curled up beside

Tony’s still-warm body.

“Cry into his wound.”
Kyle heard Sal but didn’t. His mind was gone. He didn’t want

anyone to come near Tony’s body. Kyle wanted to stay tucked against
his lover for eternity. He screeched when Sal came too close. No one
was touching Tony!

“Damn it, Kyle. Cry into his wound. You can save him!” Sal

shouted at him.

Kyle looked up, feeling hope replace the emptiness that had

started to fill every fiber of his being. He didn’t have anything to lose.
Kyle got up, letting his tears fall over the two bloody holes he saw.
One was in the shoulder, the other in Tony’s side.

He let the tears fall, tears of pain and anguish at losing his lover—

the one man who loved him unconditionally.

Kyle scooted back when Tony began to cough. His body racked

with coughing as he rolled over to his side. Tony’s hand hit the
pavement, pushing himself up slightly as he gasped for breath.

“He’s immortal now, Kyle,” Sal said before running off toward

the bathroom.

Kyle looked back at Tony, waiting, watching. When Tony’s eyes

blinked open, Kyle let out a loud screech as joy filled his entire body.
His heart burst with happiness as Tony pushed to his knees, laying a
hand on his chest.

“Fuck that hurt.”
Kyle shifted, throwing himself at Tony. “Oh god! I thought you

were dead.”

Tony wrapped one arm around Kyle. “I was close. Very close.”
Kyle shivered at his lover’s words. He didn’t want to think about

Tony dying. The thought made him want to kill everyone in sight.

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Kyle looked up when he saw Sal walking back over to them with Tibo
close to his side.

“I told you he would be okay.” Sal smiled as he winked at Kyle.

“We need to get moving. I have a feeling more are coming.”

“How?” Kyle asked with desperation in his voice. “How do they

keep finding us? How do we fight them off? I’m tired of running. I’m
tired of fighting.”

“You can’t give up now, Kyle. We’ve come too far for you to

throw in the towel now,” Tony said from beside him before getting to
his feet, rolling his shoulders and cursing.”

“At least you woke up right away.” Tibo snorted. “I was laid out

for hours after Collin cried into my wound.”

“That’s a good thing,” Tony said as he walked toward the men

who had ridden with them, fought with Tony to keep Kyle alive. Kyle
looked around to see Samuel with his back to the truck. He was
holding his side.

“Let me see that.” Kyle crouched down next to the man.
“I’m good. It’ll take more than a graze to keep me down.” Samuel

smiled at him.

Kyle nodded and then looked over at the other three. They didn’t

seem any worse for the wear.

“I guess we’re down to two vehicles now,” Tony said as he helped

Samuel to his feet.

“I’m riding with you, sunshine.” Glade smiled at Kyle.
Great. Kyle wanted to kick the dead men’s asses for this one. He

looked around, seeing that a dozen men lay about. All dead.

“How in the hell did the six of you kill all these men?”
“I was out cold,” Tony said. “So men, how did you manage to kill

a dozen men?”

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Chapter 11

Tony wasn’t happy with the we’ll tell you later he received, but he

didn’t have time to argue with the four men. They had to get out of

Glade steered the Hummer back onto the highway as Tony settled

down in the backseat with Kyle for the long ride ahead. He closed his
eyes, wondering what life was going to be like now that he was

He hadn’t wanted to be immortal back at the cabin when Collin

had offered, but now that he had Kyle, Tony knew he didn’t want it
any other way. He wanted every day he could get with the man, and
then some.

He must have dozed, because when he woke, they were entering

New Orleans. “How long have I been out?”

Kyle glanced over at him with worry in those gorgeous green

eyes. “A while. I was starting to worry, but Sal said you just needed
your rest.”

Tony pulled Kyle closer to him, inhaling his lover’s scent as he

rested his head on Kyle’s. “You must have been worried when you
saw me laid out.”

“You think?” Kyle said with attitude and then lowered his voice to

a whisper. “I didn’t want to go on if I couldn’t have you in my life. I
was ready to die with you.”

As twisted as it sounded in Tony’s head, that was the sweetest

thing anyone had ever said to him. “I’m all better now.”

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“Do you think we can stop somewhere? I need sleep, and trying to

rest in this Hummer just isn’t working. Will we be safe if we stop and
get a room?”

“We should be,” Glade said from the front seat.
“Do you always listen in on other people’s conversations?” he

asked indignantly. Tony noticed Glade seemed to have a bad habit of
doing that, and it was pissing Kyle off. He wanted to laugh, but from
the look on his lover’s face, now wasn’t the time.

“We’re in a Hummer. How much room do you think we have?

Sorry, next time I’ll wait for you to ask me the question I’ve already

“Smart-ass. If you weren’t so good at protecting us, I’d toss your

big ass out of a window.”

“Stop cussing,” Tony said and then yawned. “A room sounds

good. Even after all the sleep I just got, I could use more.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Kyle asked as he ran his hands over

Tony’s shoulder and side.

Tony pulled Kyle closer, reveling in the fact that his lover was in

his arms. “Yes, Kyle. I just need some rest. I was shot, twice. That
tends to drain a guy.” Tony held onto Kyle as Glade pulled off of the
highway and into a motel parking lot.

Glade cut the motor and tossed an arm over the seat, looking back

at them. “I’ve been thinking.”

“Don’t hurt yourself, big guy.” Kyle snorted.
Glade growled but continued. “I think I know why they’ve been

finding us.”

Tony sat forward. He’d love to know why so that he could figure

out a way to shake those goons lose. Tony had been thinking about
that. There was no way they were that lucky. Something or someone
was tipping those bastards off, and he wanted to know.

“Go on,” Kyle said as he sat forward, looking just as interested as


“Did Donahue get a feather from you, Kyle?”

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Kyle shook his head. “I didn’t let that slimeball get anywhere near

me. Why?”

“But you did shift in that room. How do you know one didn’t fall

free?” Glade asked.

“What are you getting at?” Tony asked. He had a sneaky

suspicion that Glade knew more than he was letting on. He really
didn’t know the guy all that well. Glade had been a gunrunner, and a
very good one. He owed Tony because Tony didn’t bust his ass when
he came across Glade’s stash.

No one said he was a shining cop. But he wasn’t a crooked one.

He just tended to look the other way when it didn’t directly pertain to
his case. He wasn’t going to win Detective of the Year, but it had
helped him to sow a line of associates he could call in favors from
when needed. And after everything he and Kyle had been through,
Tony was grateful he had taken that route.

“We all know Donahue isn’t what he seems, right?”
“Yeah.” Tony drew the word out.
“We also know that he can disappear into a puff of smoke.”
“Will you just spit it out? I don’t have forever…well, I do, but spit

it out anyway,” Kyle snapped.

“What if he used your feather to do some kind of locating spell?”

Glade finished.

Tony and Kyle sat in the backseat, slack-jawed. “No fucking

way,” Kyle whispered. “Can he do that?”

“Do you realize how crazy that sounds?” Tony asked.
“Your boyfriend can shift into a bird, and he’s immortal. He can

also make others immortal. How far-fetched is my idea? Really.”

Tony mulled it over in his mind. It wasn’t impossible. Loony as

hell, but not impossible with everything else he had witnessed. “Tell
me, Glade. How do you know all of this?”

Glade shrugged as he slid from the Hummer. “Wild guess.”

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“Wild guess my ass,” Kyle murmured as he opened the back door.

“I bet you Glade knows more than he’s telling. I say we beat the snot
out of him and get some answers.”

Tony climbed from the backseat just as the four men surrounded

them. “Might be a bad idea, babe.”

* * * *

Kyle rolled over, cuddling further under Tony as he blinked his

eyes open. They had both fallen asleep as soon as their heads hit the
pillow, but Kyle had other things in mind now. Feeling Tony’s strong
arms wrapped around him made Kyle feel safe, loved, and hornier
than hell.

He pushed his butt back, feeling his lover’s cock poke him. It was

only half hard, but Kyle still wanted to feel it deep inside of him.
Since getting with the detective, Kyle had turned into a horndog!

Kyle yelped when he was flipped onto his back. “Someone wants

a cock buried deep in their ass, doesn’t he?”

Kyle raised his hand above his head. “That would be me!” Hey,

there was no shame in letting his man know he wanted all eight
inches pounding him into the mattress.

Tony growled as he shifted between Kyle’s legs. Thank fuck they

had undressed before falling asleep. It made Tony fucking him so
much easier when clothes weren’t involved.

Tony manacled Kyle’s wrists, bringing them above his head with

one hand as the other skimmed down his side. Kyle shivered at the
contact. Tony’s blue eyes were intense as he gazed into Kyle’s eyes.
“I love you, Kyle.”

Kyle closed his eyes at the words, his heart crashing into his chest

as his emotions almost overwhelmed him. “I love you, too.”

Tony took Kyle’s lips with a hunger that fringed on madness.

Kyle opened, taking Tony’s tongue into his mouth as his legs spread
apart, telling his lover that Tony had complete control.

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Kyle snaked a hand between them, grabbing both their cocks in

his hand as he pulled at them, trying his best to stroke them, but
Tony’s cock was too large for his hands, making Kyle fumble instead
in his efforts.

Tony’s chest vibrated with a low growl as he ground his cock into

Kyle’s hand. At that moment, all Kyle wanted was to feel Tony deep
inside of him.

“Fuck me, Tony.”
His lover reached over, grabbing the lube from the stand next to

the bed. Kyle wiggled around until Tony leaned back, allowing Kyle
the room to get to his hands and knees. His legs almost buckled as a
wet finger entered him. It had been days since he had felt Tony loving
on him, and Kyle was feeling very needy.

He hissed when two more fingers entered him. Kyle bit his bottom

lip, pushing back as Tony stretched him. It felt fantastic.

Tony’s dry hand skated up his back, making Kyle’s skin break out

in gooseflesh. He was happy as hell when Tony pulled his fingers free
and replaced them with his cock. Kyle moaned, pressing his shoulders
into the mattress as Tony plunged into him.

He cried out, the feeling threatening to drown him. Kyle spread

his legs farther apart as he rocked his ass back and up, wanting Tony
to fuck him until he was unconscious. Kyle’s fingers curled into the
sheets as Tony hammered into him.

It was raw, fast, and made Kyle’s head swoon. He keened and

mewled, begging his lover to take him harder. Tony didn’t disappoint.
Fingers dug into his hips as Tony switched his position, tagging
Kyle’s prostate on every damn stroke. His body tingled and buzzed,
his heart beating faster as he felt the all-too-familiar tingling shoot up
his spine.

“Fuck me!” Kyle shouted as his orgasm roared up his spine and

down to his groin, and then his cock exploded, wetting the bed with
his seed. Kyle cried out, his hole throbbing with his release.

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“Kyle!” Tony shouted as he slammed into Kyle’s ass, his fingers

digging in so deeply that Kyle knew he was going to have bruises. He
rocked back and forth, bathing in the release that had had him hazy
and sated.

Tony kissed Kyle up his back before pulling free. His lover fell to

his back, covering his eyes with his arm. “Fuck. That’s what I

Kyle collapsed, wanting desperately to go back to sleep. He rolled

when he felt the cooling cum underneath him.

“We need to shower and get back on the road, babe.”
Kyle groaned as he crawled onto Tony, lying across his chest.

“Five more minutes, Ma.”

* * * *

Tony pulled the Hummer into a spot on Bourbon Street. They had

finally made it to New Orleans. He wasn’t sure if Glade was talking
sense about a spell with one of Kyle’s feathers, but if he was, then
they needed to find a way to reverse it. They would never get any
peace if they didn’t.

As crazy as it sounded, Tony wanted to find someone who

dabbled in voodoo. Maybe they could find a way to break the locating
spell. It couldn’t hurt. Tony didn’t know what else to do at this point.

Glade said he knew someone who lived down in the bayou who

could help them. This shit was getting stranger by the day, but Tony
knew he wasn’t going to walk away. Not when it involved Kyle.

He’d do whatever it took to protect his lover, even dance around a

bonfire, naked, with chicken bones tied to his neck. Yeah, he was
definitely in love.

“My contact is supposed to meet us here,” Glade said as he leaned

against the hood of the vehicle.

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“Are you going to tell me what you know? I’m not stupid, Glade.

I know you know more than you’re letting on,” Tony said as he
leaned against the hood as well.

“Nope. It’s not in your best interest right now. Just remember that

I’m here for Kyle. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect him.”

Could Tony ask for anything more? As badly as he wanted to

shoot Glade, he wouldn’t. The man had done nothing but get them out
of one fix after another.

“Is he on the up and up, or are we going to walk away with

feathers sticking out of our asses?” Sal asked as he joined them.

“Feathers, my friend.” Glade chuckled.
The three kicked back, waiting on the guy who was going to take

them to the guy that was going to help Kyle. Tony needed a drink.
This was all so secretive and crazy.

Tony whipped his head around, his jaw dropping when he spotted

Riojos, Collin, and Collin’s parents. He pushed away from the
Hummer, walking over to the small group. “What in the fuck are you
doing here? You’re supposed to be in New York!”

Riojos rolled his eyes. “Doing the tourist thing.” He chucked a

thumb over his shoulder at Collin’s parents. “They think they’re
twenty years old again.”

Tony looked over Riojos’s shoulder, stunned to see how much

younger Collin’s parents looked since the last time he’d seen them.
They could have been in their midtwenties instead of their sixties.

“Immortality, my man.”
“Damn.” Tony chuckled. “I hope I look that damn good.”
Collin squealed when he saw Tony, running to him and throwing

his arms around him, giving him a big hug. Tony hugged him back,
happy to see the little ghost man…until he heard the growl.

Tony peeled Collin off of him and turned to see Kyle standing

behind him. He swallowed hard when he saw Kyle’s eyes starting to

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turn red. This was not good. Tony cleared his throat. “Kyle, this is
Riojos and his partner, Collin.”

“And he’s touching you why?”
“We’re friends, Kyle, that’s it. I swear. Collin and Riojos are just

glad to see me.” Tony gestured with his hand for Kyle to come
forward. “I want to introduce the love of my life to my friends.”

The deep emerald green Tony loved so much bloomed back into

Kyle’s eyes as the man shot forward and grabbed Tony’s hand. Tony
planted a quick kiss on Kyle’s lips then turned to face Collin and

Before he could say anything, he heard Sal shout from behind

him. Tony stiffened for a moment, tightening his hold on Kyle until
he realized they weren’t in danger. Sal was just excited. Tony was
going to punch Sal the first chance he got.

“Holy fuck!” Sal whooped as he raced to his brother, Riojos,

plowing into him as he gave him a tackle-hug. “I didn’t think I’d ever
see your ugly ass again.”

Tony wasn’t sure what to make of all of this. He had an uneasy

feeling with two phoenixes in one location. This couldn’t be good.
While Kyle and Collin got acquainted, and they had a lot of
information to share, Tony pulled Riojos aside, explaining to him
everything that had taken place since Riojos and Collin had left
Portland. Riojos listened but stared at Collin the whole time as if he
was afraid to take his eyes off his lover.

“That’s fucked up.” Riojos shook his head. “We need to get off of

the street. You say Glade knows someone that can help?”

Tony nodded.
“Good, because we haven’t had an easy time of it either. Every

corner we turn, one of those bastards is on our tail. And I’m getting
damn tired of it. Let’s go see this voodoo man.”

“Ready?” Glade called as a car pulled up. Tony looked at Riojos

and then at Kyle.

“Yeah, we’re ready.”

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* * * *

Glade held the door open as Tony, Kyle, Riojos, and Collin

climbed into the car that had pulled up. He was relieved as fuck that
he had found the other phoenix. His boss was going to be thrilled.
Now all he had to do was hope the man down in the bayou could help.
It was their only hope right now.

Glade nodded at Samuel, Judd, and Riley. The three men nodded

in acknowledgement as they climbed into the Hummer to follow.
Glade eyed the driver as he climbed into the front seat. “You know
what to do.”

The driver nodded as he pulled away.

* * * *

Sal pulled Tibo close to his side and wrapped his arm around

Tibo’s shoulders. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he wasn’t
taking any chances. He had almost lost the man once, and this trip
wasn’t turning out to be one of his better ideas.

“Are you doing okay, Tibo?”
Tibo looked around the interior of the vehicle nervously. “I’m

scared, Sal.”

Sal ran his hand down Tibo’s back. The man had only been his

bartender for a few years, but he had grown on Sal to the point that he
wanted to take their friendship to the next level. Hell, who was he
kidding? He wanted to fuck Tibo into the mattress—for a week.

Sal turned and watched out of the window as the city disappeared.

He knew they were headed to the bayou, but he wasn’t too sure he
wanted Tibo mixed up in this crazy shit. He wanted to take the man
and run as far away as he could get.

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“I have you, Tibo,” Sal said as he sat back, allowing the three men

in the Hummer to drive him and Tibo into the unknown. “I have you.”
And he was keeping him, too.




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Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots

is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first
sight, soul Mates, true love, and happy endings.

You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand

and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man
for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers.

Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed but lovable.

She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to find the
shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

Also by Stormy Glenn and Lynn Hagen

Siren Classic ManLove: Phoenix Rising 1: Collin’s Awakening

For all other titles, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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