Lotto System

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LOTTO LINK - The World's Most


Lotto System!






By Ken Silver

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LOTTO LINK - The World's Most


Lotto System!



International Edition

Last revised 28 June 2003

Copyright © 1992 - 2003 by Ken Silver

Every effort has been made to ensure that this manual is free from error or omissions. It is

sold with the understanding that no responsibility will be accepted by the publisher for loss or

action occasioned to any person or corporation acting or refraining from action as a result of

material in this manual.

All Rights Reserved

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including photocopying, beyond that permitted by the Copyright Law, without the permission of

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Contents QuickFind

Blank system sheet.................14 and 51
Up to 40 Number Instructions............15
41- 49 Number Instructions................27
50- 54 Number Instructions................39

Honest Lotto website:

Have you won a Lotto prize using my Lotto Link system?

I'd really like to hear from you:


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Can You Make

Your Fortune

With Lotto?

Imagine the thrill knowing the last ball rolling down the perspex tunnel on your TV

screen is going to make you a



As it bounces to rest against the others on the rack, you realise your

future is


at last.

You know you’ll never need to work again. You can give yourself and your family

anything you want, and still have money left over to free you from the drudgery
of everyday life.


dining out

having fun

a secure future

. . . all these advantages are within your reach now.

But for millions of hopeful Lotto players around the world each week, this is just a

dream. And all because their ticket number selections are based on luck, hope and

None of these approaches will help them win the life they want and deserve.


thankfully there is an answer.



Your Winning Odds

By using my scientific system, anyone can increase their winning odds

dramatically. You can improve your chances to win an unlimited number of lotto
division draws with this unique system.

By using my researched number combinations in the Lotto Link System, I won



in paper winnings in Draws over the last 3 years. I've won Division 4

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and 5 for most weeks I have played, winning over


(that's 8 out of every 10


The information in these pages prove with my scientific approach your chances of

winning divisions

are higher than any other method I have come across.

You don’t have to use complex mathematics, graphs or charts to use this system,

because it is set out for you in an easy to-use format. If you don't want to fill out your
system, you can buy a unique customized combination for your game at:




I discovered and named my system when I was searching for a missing link in

the many ways to find a usable lotto winning number combination. The Lotto Link
System offers a way to vastly increase the odds of winning a division, if you follow
my instructions carefully.

You can also test my system without spending a cent. In the early days of my

research I missed many winning opportunities because I was researching results
rather than participating.

I was regularly getting multiple wins of

$60 to $10,000

- on paper, often each

week. You can do the same.

Please read this carefully

While my Lotto Link system can reduce the odds and

hugely improve


chances of winning a prize, I cannot guarantee you will win any prize in any division at
any time. No one can predict that, and no foolproof system has yet been devised.

But what my system will do is help you

increase your chances

many times of

winning in a logical, methodical, scientific way . . . rather than using a random,
everchanging number of guesses.

But first, a little background knowledge to help you . . .

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You need more than Luck.

Some people use systems as simple as seeing whether 'hot' or 'cold' balls are

coming up at the present time and acting on a lucky winning streak.

Others compare predictors which are hot, or use wheeling indicators. Still others

cross-compare predictors with some of the statistics that are available overseas.

Confused? Don’t be - you won’t be doing anything as complex as this with the

Lotto Link System


Some of these other systems are very much more complicated, and compare the

ball’s frequency of hits, patterns of hits, groupings, etc. over long periods of time.

And superstition also plays a large part in the way people select their lines. For

example, the numbers up to 31 are popular because people use calendar
as part of their selection.

But there is very little concrete evidence that any of these methods really work.

They are based on hope, not science. You hear a lot about the winners, but very little
about the many who use these systems and lose.

Forget ‘Lucky’ Numbers

Do you believe in luck? Throw away your rabbit’s foot, because my

Link system

will help you more than superstition will. Luck does play a small part in the selection
of your numbers, but don’t rely on someone else’s interpretation of it.


If you use horoscope readings and lucky numbers, my research shows the

person giving you these tips have not much more idea than you.

At best, all they can give you is a random selection of numbers with a little hocus

pocus added in. It’s often no better than letting the lotto store computer make your

Lucky numbers are not!

So why do people rely on lucky numbers based on their birthday, their age, the

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temperature and other unrelated links?

It’s all to do with trying to manipulate luck out of ignorance. And it is a natural tendency

for the winners to match their win to the 'lucky number' factor, rather than the true reason they
won - the laws of chance.

What about Giant Syndicates?

In Australia in 1992, a large organised syndicate of 2,500 people paid $3000 each to enter

the Virginia State Lotto, and won $27 million. However, the payout was spread over 20 years,
and was subject to tax at 34 percent.

This meant each person only received $7,128 over this time. It proved not much better than

putting the money into a saving account for the same period.

Random is just that

All these other methods have one thing in common...they are trying to predict a random

drawing that uses millions of unpredictable combinations.

What many people don’t realise is that no trend or pattern will emerge because of this

very randomness. It is mathematically impossible. But my

Lotto Link

System has the answer

for you.

Before we look at my Link System, its advantages and workings, here's why lotto is a good

choice for a game. Why do I choose lotto for my system against other forms of lottery-style
betting, such as Keno or Bingo?

The answer is simple - for the

larger jackpot payout.

There is also the convenience factor

. . . lotto is easy to enter, and the odds for prize money ranging from $10 and more appears
within reach of the average purse.


If you plan to spend a lot of money on a lottery system, a gradual weekly investment

over a longer period of time is more productive than a one-week binge of hundreds of dollars
that leaves you penniless at the end.

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Your return on investment (yes--that's what it is with your Lotto Link system), is

often greater with lotto than with any other game. For a mere cents or a dollar per
line/board, you have the chance of winning many

millions of dollars.

This is the appeal for many ticket buyers, and for serious users of my Lotto Link System.

Invest - don't gamble

You’ll notice I use the term ‘investment’ for your lotto ticket purchasing. It is important that

you consider the money you put into the system as an investment.

Your lotto money is different from any other form of gaming, because with my system you

are using it in a considered, structured way. By considering your ticket purchase as an
investment, you realise several things




It is important that you see the money as a Wealth Deposit . . . a set amount to be used

over a defined period of time. It is not unplanned spending or lost money.

Calculate Your Risk &


By using the term 'Investment' means that there is a possibility of losing as well as winning.

In the financial world there is a saying: “High risk brings high return.” If you consider all the
financial deals that people put their money into, from property to ostriches, there is
considerable risk of loss in all of these. Your lotto investment is no different. You need to
consider your money invested for long term returns.

Call It

Play Money

By considering lotto as an investment, you will make sure it is spare money set aside so

you can still eat.




By thinking of your money as 'investing', this means you won’t worry when absolutely nothing

comes up one week. You have the confidence and resources to go back again next week
with the same professional detachment. It is only a matter of time before your numbers roll

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down that chute!

Waiting for the

Big One -


You won't win the First Division every week. But using my

Lotto Link

System, you can win

smaller Divisions that allow you to reinvest your money back into the game, and happily sit
waiting until your numbers turn up.




It’s important to manage your funds correctly with my system. Remember, the

unpredictability of number selections in lotto means that you cannot tell when you will
make a win.

You still have to live and eat while you invest, so make sure you are not risking your

future security by overcommitting yourself in the early stages. Check these points:

Make sure you can afford your investment. Limit your funding to comfortable


Why you are doing it? For most people it is the Jackpot that is the driving force

in their lotto investment. They are prepared to spend for years to keep opportunities open,
and you need to think the same way.

Set a time to your investment. You may consider investing for three months, six months,

a year or longer. But it is important to remember that persistence plays a very important part
on the road to regular winnings.

Don't give up too soon.

Your Weekly


Many of your wins under my system will be regular. Take them as an added bonus, but

avoid the temptation to plough your winnings back into a larger number of tickets. The
probability of hitting the jackpot will not be increased if you do.

If you need to reinvest, you would be wise to put the win away in a savings account and

draw from it to make your continuing weekly lotto investment.

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Your Investment Period

In any business or venture, the most


come from steady, persistent work towards a

defined goal. Investing in lotto with this system is no different. Don''t spend a large sum on
tickets in a very short time.

My theories show that a longer period with reasonable investment is the best way to win.

For that reason you should be looking at a long term for your investment.




A Secret



Like many people who try and figure the Lottery odds, I had often wondered if there

were a secret combination of

successful winning numbers

, and whether the

enormous processing power of today’s computers could unlock these combinations.

I wrote several computer programs to try and predict the probability of winning a

LOTTO prize.

FACT: The more I searched, the less I found to prove probability through pure


How To


Your Odds

Lotto is a game. A simple way to describe the Lotto Link System as an odds

game is this:

Imagine being blindfolded and asked to hammer in a small number of stakes on a

front lawn, spreading around them at random. Being blindfolded means you cannot
tell where you place the stakes. You can't tell what pattern they're in.

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Then another person is also blindfolded, and told to start throwing horseshoes in the

direction of the lawn.

The horseshoes land in a scattered pattern around your stakes, some hitting them - some

landing over the fence.

The chances of the horseshoes hitting the stakes are reasonably high because they are

being thrown in the same area, ie; this front lawn, and not the next street. So the laws of
gives them some certainty here.

But what if every time the person threw a horseshoe, you were told to pull all the stakes out

and place them somewhere else . . . even in the lawn down the next block!

You would have to admit there would be almost no chance of a stake being hit. This way of

playing is exactly the same situation for the average weekly lotto player.



are slim

For them the game is a losing proposition:

A changing number of horseshoes (winning draw numbers) being thrown
(selected) each time at . . .

A number of constantly-moving stakes (your ticket numbers) in . . .

A vast number of front lawns (different weekly Draws).

The chances of winning under these conditions are very remote.

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But we can change the odds if we try and pin a few of these changing, movable options

down to increase our winning opportunities.

That's part of the real secret to the Lotto Link system.



where you can

Even knowing that we have no control over which horseshoes (winning draw numbers)

will roll out of the barrel each week, or which lawns (weekly draws) they'll appear on,

we can


where we put our stakes (ticket numbers).

In other words, you know there that are large areas all around where you could have planted

your stakes/tickets, but you choose instead to keep them in

one area

and reduce the odds.

You can't change any of the other factors, so this going to be the only way to control your

part of the game.

How The


System Works

Simply put, one of the main factors of the Lotto Link System is

not moving the

position of your stakes

- your lotto numbers.

You select a series of carefully chosen linked numbers. Then without making

any alterations to them over a period of time, you wait for the lotto balls (horseshoes)
to be 'thrown' at them.

Mathematically you have improved your winning chances considerably. This

makes this system quite different to many others, including wheeling systems, which
tend to concentrate on unrealistic pattern and repetition trends.

There's More To The



But this is not all that is needed to make this Lotto Link System a workable and

successful one. There are other conditions just as important that are needed which I
have called

Key Factors


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NOTE: You don't need to know about these Factors for filling in your coupons, but this is a

handy background.



There are 4 Key Factors to be used in the the Lotto Link System. These 4

determine how your winning numbers may come up.

These are based on my analysis and generalisations of probability, and the proven

results from a large number of games. Together they work to increase again the
chances of a closer winning estimate. There are others, but I have chosen to highlight the
important ones for you.



Key Factors:


EVEN/ODD NUMBERS. I've found most draws will have an even mix of Even and

Odd numbers. Draws with all Even numbers, or all Odd numbers are not common.


LOW/HIGH NUMBERS. Most draws will have an even mix between Low and High

numbers. Draws with all Low numbers, or all High numbers are usually very rare. Where
they may occur is so unlikely that you can ignore them for the sake of the Link system.


REPEATING NUMBERS. Most draws will have a low amount of Repeating numbers.

For example: If game 1 draws 5 10 12 20 25 31 first, and game 2 draws numbers 5 11
17 23 29 38 next, there is only one Repeating number: 5 . The chances of a further
repeat of 5 are only occasional.


CONSECUTIVE NUMBERS. Most draws will have a low amount of Consecutive

numbers. For example: If the game draws 5 6 7 11 15 32, the three numbers in a row: 5
6 7 are unlikely to be repeated the third time.

The secret is to use these

Key Factors

to select a spread of numbers like a net that will

draw in as many win chances as possible.

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Getting the



The more number lines in your coupons with the right combinations, the more

opportunities you have to win.

In order to use the largest selected range and combination of numbers in one

draw, you will use a table of 40 numbers down, and 6 across, called a


Number Profile.

Each line across is selected using the Key Factor guidelines.

(Don't be concerned at these fancy terms--they are all you need to know from now


On the next page is your blank Master Number Profile Sheet. You can work out

your number selections on it, and it also shows how much you can spend depending
on your budget. The dollar numbers are for a 50 cent line. Your own area's lotto
prices may be different and you'll need to make any prices changes yourself here.
They are a budget guide only and not important to your game.

Master Sheet

There are 3 Number Profiles on your Master sheet. For a balanced investment,

and to effectively spread and increase your odds, you fill in all three Master Number
Profiles using my instructions.

Find Your Correct Game Profiles

First, make sure you are using the right game based on the numbers played in it:

If your game has up to and including


numbers as the maximum number, use

the following instructions with the Master Number Profiles sheet on the next page.

If your game has between (and including)




numbers, go now to page

27. Use the Master Number Profiles sheet on the next page or page 51.

If your game has between (and including)




numbers, go now to page

39. Use the Master Number Profiles sheet on the next page or page 51.

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Profile #3

Profile #2

Profile #1

3 Profile










































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Filling Out The Master

40 Number


For lotto games up to and including 40 numbers

This is an easy step to do, and one that shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to


The number combinations get transferred to your Lotto coupon, and you present

these same coupons each time you play. Once done, you keep your coupons for the
complete period

for all the draws

you have decided to play. I have kept and used

several sets of my own numbers for several years.


You don’t change any numbers even if you win a major prize. Keep

playing them, or simply take that world holiday you planned first!)

To start

Choosing Your Numbers:

Your numbers must be different from the sample ones here. The reason for this is

that every time a winning selection is duplicated, the lower your own payout
becomes. For example, if 10 people, including yourself, win the main prize of $10
million because you all share the same Master Number Profile, then each of you may
only receive a tenth - $1,000,000. Far better to have the winning combination to
yourself and keep the $10 million.

Sample Selection

I have calculated the Master 40 Number Profiles so that all the

Key Factors


taken into account for the best possible selection. This means the Number Profiles:

• Do not have more than three Even and Odd numbers in each combination.

• Are an even mix between High and Low numbers.

• Have few Repeating numbers.

• Have limited Consecutive numbers.

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• Show no definable Patterns in the number selections.

There are several other factors not shown here but they built in to the instructions you're

using here. They are based on proprietary and confidential information.

Filling In The


You can now begin to make up your own Master 40 Number Profiles. You can

use the sheet on page 14 so you can follow these instructions.

Using the Profiles

The Master 40 Number Profile sheet has grids headed Profile #1, #2 and #3. In

each grid you'll make up separate Number Profiles that you use to enter on your lotto
cards. You need to use all three because that offers the best number spread.

Don't worry - it's not complicated... you only need to work out the top lines across

the top of each grid, then you can fill in the columns down automatically.

Make photocopies of this sheet first if you like, or write in pencil so that you can

correct any errors or make changes along the way.


If you don't want to spend the time here working it out, or want to be sure

your numbers are fully accurate, you can get your own customized Master Number
Profile. Go to:

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Filling out

Profile #1

(Odd/Even Number Spread)

1st box. Write any Odd number between 1 and 6 in the top lefthand box in the first row. (In

our sample it is 1).

2nd box. Because this first number is Odd, now select an Even number between 7 and 13

and put it in the top box next to it. (In our sample we put 8).

3rd box. For the next box choose an Odd number higher than your last selection, but no

higher than 20. (In the sample we will use 11).

4th box. This box requires a closely-spaced Even number between the last number you

selected (ours was 11), and no higher than 27. This number should be no more than 3 away
from your last number. (Our sample selection is 14).

5th box. Put any Odd number between 28 and 34 in the 5th box. (Our sample is 29).

6th box. The last box requires any Even number higher than the last number (29), and

either the same or less than 40. (We selected 38 for this example).

Here’s the first line with our samples:

Now we are going to place our numbers in Master Number Profile #2. This step also

makes sure there are no Repeating Number combinations.

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Filling out

Profile #2

(Avoiding Repeating Numbers)

NOTE: After each of these steps, check with your Master Number Profile #1 again to make

sure you have not duplicated any other number. Change the Profile #2 if you have.

1st box. Put any number between 7 and 14 in the top lefthand box in the first row of Profile


Now check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

2nd box. Select a number between 15 and 22 for the next box.

Now check Profile #1 to

make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

3rd box. For the next box choose a number approximately halfway between your number in

the 2nd box and 27.

Check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

4th box. The fourth row requires a number higher than the last number you have just placed,

but under 30.

Now check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

5th box. Put an Odd number that is higher than your last number but under 34.

Do not forget

to check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

6th box. Put any Odd number more than 34.

Now check Profile #1 to make sure you have

not duplicated any number there.

Still with me? It is not difficult if you follow it step by step. Now there is just one more to do . .


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Filling out

Profile #3

I call this a Contradictory Profile, because it does not follow the pattern of Profiles #1 and

#2 you have filled out.

Profile #3

is important to catch any further random draw indicators.

1st box. Put any Even number between 1 and 10 in the lefthand box in the first row.


check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the
Profile #3 number if you have.

2nd box. Select an Even number higher than your last number, but less than 21.

Now check

#1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the Profile #3
number if you have.

3rd box. For the third row we choose an Odd number higher than your last number, but

under 30.

Now check #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

4th box. The fourth row requires a close Even number, no more than 5 numbers away from

your last number.

Now check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any

number there. Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

5th box. Put an Even number between your last number and under 36.

Now check Profiles

#1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the Profile #3
number if you have.

6th box. The sixth box requires an Even number more than your last number and less than


Now check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

Remember the above numbers are samples only. You should have slightly different


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Fill Your Numbers


You've come to the last step now, and the difficult calculations are over. This final stage is

the easy part.

You should now have three Master 40 Number Profiles, with the top line of each box filled

out across.

The next step is to complete the Profiles by filling them down. You do this by adding a

single number down from your numbers on the top line.

NOTE: Don’t go beyond 40 in any line. When you reach 40, start with 1, and so on until the

line is filled up:

See the next page for instructions.

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In our sample Master 40 Number Profile #1, the top left-hand sample number was 1.

So we enter down: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... and so on until we reach 40 at the bottom of the

Profile. (Remember, your number will be different. Use your own starting number instead of
our sample number).

Then start from the next top box, which is 8 in our sample. Fill in 9, 10, 11, 12, etc (use your

own numbers remember), until you reach


, and then continue, filling 1, 2, 3, 4 etc until you

reach the bottom of the sheet.

Our next sample box begins with 11. Enter 12, 13, 14 etc down until you reach


, and then

continue, using 1, 2, 3, 4 etc until you reach the bottom of the sheet.

The next row begins with 14. Enter 15, 16, 17, 18 down etc until you reach


, and then

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continue, using 1, 2, 3, 4 etc until you complete it.

Our next sample box begins with 29. Now enter 30, 31, 32 down etc until you reach


, and

then continue, using 1, 2, 3, 4 etc until you complete it.

The next row begins with 38. Enter 39, 40, and then continue, using 1, 2, 3, 4 down etc until

you complete the column.

Make sure you continue adding each number through to the bottom of the column, then stop

there, always finishing at 40. Then start at 1 until the row is finished.

Do this now for Profiles #2 and #3, and complete them. When you have finished, you have

120 master combinations ready to transfer to your Lotto coupons or cards.

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How To

Fill Out

Your Tickets

Lotto tickets vary from state to state, from country to country. For that reason there

are no detailed instructions here on filling out your card.

For all Profiles and your 120 lines, you will need enough coupons to fill out up to the

maximum number of 120 entries.

Decide how many tickets you want to play. The maximum number of 120 is the ideal, but

you will need to decide the limit based on your budget.

General steps

Many lotto coupon tickets have sections labelled:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M.



From your Master Number Profile #1, and using the top line only, fill out section A
on the lotto coupon with your selected numbers. From our sample numbers this will






38 (your numbers will be different)



Tick that line off on your Profile #1, and repeat for the top line on Profile #2, using section B

on the lotto coupon. In our sample this will be:

7 17 23 25 33 35 (your numbers will be different)

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Now transfer Profile #3 to Section C on the lotto card, and then continue filling your

selections starting from the 2nd row on Profile #1. Keep going across the Profiles,
then down to the third row on Profile #1.

Go down to the line which matches the amount you want to spend each week.

For example, on the Master 40 Number Profile Sheet, filling your lotto coupons down to

line 6 across all Profiles will cost $9 each time.

You're finished!

Your filled-out lotto coupons will be used for each weekly visit to your Lotto outlet. You do

not change them.

Make sure they are returned to you after being put through the Lotto on-line computer, and

ask if your outlet forgets to hand them back. Keep them in a safe place and undamaged, to
use as often as you planned.


Trialling Without Worry

You needn’t spend a cent trying out my system if you just want to prove its success

rate. Once you have filled out your Master 40 Number Profiles, match them each
week to the Draw results and see the outcome before you spend any money.

In that way you can test the system without any cost. (Though, human nature being

what it is, you will regret it as I did when you win a large division just on paper!).

Progress - You Have To Be In To Win!

Weeks without results can be disheartening sometimes. But always remember

that in order to be a player, you have to play--

make an investment each time.

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That investment will seem to be wasted some weeks, but you will not know whether you

should have taken the chance without committing your funds to the system at that particular

As an often-used promotional phrase says: “You have to be in to win,” and there is no

real alternative.



Should You Spend?

Can you afford to invest $20 or more weekly? If so, that is the best way to profit.

Profile Sheet selector

You can select how much you want to invest each week. After you have filled out all

Profiles, go to the amount on the left hand side of Profile #1. Select the amount you
want to spend, and rule a line under it right across all Profiles. Use the all numbers in
all 3 Profiles down to your line to make out your coupons. (See the dotted example
line for $9.00).

Syndicate for


If you want to speed up the process by using a greater selection of your three

Master 40 Number Profiles, you could take in some partners on a syndicate basis.

Before you take on partners, form a club, or just share with a couple of friends,

spell out exactly what will happen when you invest with them. Make sure these points
are covered adequately, in writing, and don’t skimp on the legal detail.

There can be fewer unpleasant experiences than an argument over large winnings

with friends:

1. Set out each partner’s obligations in a written document.

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2. Decide in advance who will make the payments, buy the tickets, be the syndicate leader.

3. Cover the syndicate leader against theft or misappropriation.

4. Decide what the consequences will be if a winning ticket was not bought.

Make Your Move


You are now in control of your own lotto destiny. Rather than sitting each week and hoping

your numbers will come up, you have the satisfaction of knowing your positive action each
week will bring a greater chance of a win.

And you have a greater chance than any other player who depends on luck and

superstition to make your fortune with lotto and the

Lotto Link System


Good Winning!

The next sections of this manual are for other number combinations, and won't

apply to yours.

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Filling Out The Master

41-49 Number


For lotto games from 41 up to and including 49 numbers

This is an easy step to do, and one that shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to

complete. Once done, you keep it for the complete period

for all the draws


have decided to play. I have kept and used several sets of my own numbers for
several years.

These combinations get transferred to your Lotto coupon, and you present these

same coupons each time you play.


Your game may have 42, 45, 46 or another number under 49 as its

maximum number. This Master 49 Number Profile covers all those numbers. Just
remember when you fill out your Profile that you don't exceed the number you're
playing. For example, if your game is 45 numbers, then only go up to (and including)
45 as your maximum number for this Profile.

To start

Choosing Your Numbers:

Your numbers must be different from the sample ones here. The reason for this is

that every time a winning selection is duplicated, the lower your own payout
becomes. For example, if 10 people, including yourself, win the main prize of $10
million because you all share the same Master Number Profile, then each of you may
only receive a tenth - $1,000,000. Far better to have the winning combination to
yourself and keep the $10 million.

Sample Selection

I have calculated the Master 49 Number Profiles so that all the

Key Factors


taken into account for the best possible selection. This means the Number Profiles:

• Do not have more than three Even and Odd numbers in each combination.

• Are an even mix between High and Low numbers.

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• Have few Repeating numbers.

• Have limited Consecutive numbers.

• Show no definable Patterns in the number selections.

There are several other factors not shown here but they built in to the instructions

you're using here. They are based on proprietary and confidential information.

Filling In The

Key Factors

You can now begin to make up your own Master 49 Number Profiles. Print the

sheet on page 14 or page 51 so you can follow these instructions.

Using the Profiles

The Master 49 Number Profile sheet has grids headed Profile #1, #2 and #3. In

each grid you'll make up separate Number Profiles that you use to enter on your lotto
cards. You need to use all three because that offers the best number spread.

Don't worry - it's not complicated... you only need to work out the top lines across

the top of each grid, then you can fill in the columns down automatically.

Make photocopies of this sheet first if you like, or write in pencil so that you can

correct any errors or make changes along the way.


If you don't want to spend the time here working it out, or want to be sure

your numbers are fully accurate, you can get your own customized Master Number
Profile. Go to:

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Filling out

Profile #1

(Odd/Even Number Spread)

1st box. Write any Odd number between 1 and 8 in the top lefthand box in the first

row. (In our sample it is 3).

2nd box. Because this first number is Odd, now select an Even number between 8

and 17 and put it in the top box next to it. (In our sample we put 8).

3rd box. For the next box choose an Odd number higher than your last selection,

but no higher than 26. (In the sample we will use 13).

4th box. This box requires a closely-spaced Even number between the last

number you selected (ours was 13). This number should be no more than 3 away
from your last number. (Our sample selection is 16).

5th box. Put any Odd number between your 4th box last number and 40 in the 5th box. (Our

sample is 35).

6th box. The last box requires any Even number higher than the last number (35), and

either 49 or less than 49. (We selected 48 for this example).

Here’s the first line with our samples:

Now we are going to place our numbers in Master 49 Number Profile #2. This

step also makes sure there are no Repeating Number combinations.

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Filling out

Profile #2

(Avoiding Repeating Numbers)

NOTE: After each of these steps, check with your Master Number Profile #1 again to make

sure you have not duplicated any other number. Change the Profile #2 if you have.

1st box. Put any number between 9 and 17 in the top lefthand box in the first row of Profile


Now check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

2nd box. Select any number between 18 and 26 for the next box.

Now check Profile #1 to

make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

3rd box. For the next box choose a number approximately halfway between your number in

the 2nd box and 34.

Check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

4th box. The fourth box requires a number higher than the last number you have just placed,

but under 36.

Now check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

5th box. Put an Even number that is higher than your last number but under 43.

Do not

forget to check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

6th box. Put any Odd number more than 43.

Now check Profile #1 to make sure you have

not duplicated any number there.

Still with me? It is not difficult if you follow it step by step. Now there is just one more Profile

#3 step.

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Filling out

Profile #3

I call this a Contradictory Profile, because it does not follow the pattern of Profiles #1 and

#2 you have filled out. Profile #3 is important to catch any further random draw indicators.

1st box. Put any Even number between 1 and 8 in the lefthand box in the first row.


check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the
Profile #3 number if you have.

2nd box. Select an Odd number higher than your last number, but less than 26.

Now check

#1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the Profile #3
number if you have.

3rd box. For the third box we choose another Odd number higher than your last number, but

under 36.

Now check #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

4th box. The fourth row requires a close Even number, no more than 3 numbers away from

your last number.

Now check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any

number there. Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

5th box. Put an Even number between your last number and under 42.

Now check Profiles

#1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the Profile #3
number if you have.

6th box. The sixth box requires an Odd number more than your last number and less than

49 - or the highest number in your own game.

Now check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you

have not duplicated any number there. Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

Remember the above numbers are samples only. You should have different numbers.

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Fill Your Numbers


You've come to the last part now, and the difficult calculations are over. This final stage is the

easy part. You should now have three Master 49 Number Profiles, each with the top line of
boxes filled out across.

The next step is to complete the Profiles by filling them down, adding a single number down

from your numbers on the top line.

NOTE: Don’t go beyond

the number in your game, or 49

(if 49 is your game's maximum


in any line. Your game may have 42, 45, 46 or another number under 49 as its

maximum number--do not exceed it. When you reach your maximum game number, or 49,
start with 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on until the column is filled up.

In our sample Master 49 Number Profile #1, the top left-hand sample number

was 3.

So we enter down: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... and so on until we reach the bottom of the Profile.

(Remember, your number will be different).

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Then start from the next top box, which is 8 in our sample. We add 9, 10, 11, 12, etc until

you reach the bottom).

Our next sample row begins with 13. Enter 14, 15, 16 etc down until you reach the bottom).

The next row begins with 16. Enter 17, 18, 19 down etc until you reach the bottom).

Our next sample box begins with 35. Now enter 36, 37, 38 down etc until you reach


, and

then continue, using 1, 2, 3, 4 etc until you complete the column.

The next row begins with 48. Enter 49, and then continue using 1, 2, 3, 4 down etc until you

complete the column.

Make sure you continue adding each number through to the bottom of the column, then stop


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Always fill each number DOWN from the top.

Finish all rows

Do this now for Profiles #2 and #3, and complete them. When you have finished, you have

120 master combinations ready to transfer to your Lotto coupons or cards.

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How To

Fill Out

Your Tickets

Lotto tickets vary from state to state, from country to country. For that reason there

are no detailed instructions here on filling out your coupon card.

For all 3 Profiles and your 120 lines, you will need enough coupons to fill out up to the

maximum number of 120 entries.

Decide how many tickets you want to play. The maximum number of 120 is the ideal, but

you will need to decide the limit based on your budget.

General steps

Many lotto coupon tickets have sections labelled:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M.



From your Master 49 Number Profile #1, and using the top line only, fill out section
A on the lotto coupon with your selected numbers. From our sample numbers this
will be:

3 8 13 16 35 48 (your numbers will be different)



Tick that line off on your Profile #1, and repeat for the top line on Profile #2, using section B

on the lotto coupon. In our sample this will be:

12 24 27 33 42 45 (your numbers will be different)

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Now do the top row of Profile #3 in Section C on the lotto card, and then continue filling your

selections from the second row of Profile #1 on the lotto coupons.

Go down to the line which matches the dollar amount you want to spend each week.

For example, on the Master 49 Number Profile Sheet, filling your lotto coupons down to

line 6 across all Profiles will cost $9 each time.

You're finished!

Your filled-out lotto coupons will be used for each weekly visit to your Lotto outlet. You do

not change them.

Make sure they are returned to you after being put through the Lotto on-line computer, and

ask if your outlet forgets to hand them back. Keep them in a safe place and undamaged, to
use as often as you planned.


Trialling Without Worry

You needn’t spend a cent trying out my system if you just want to prove its success

rate. Once you have filled out your Master 49 Number Profiles, match them each
week to the Draw results and see the outcome before you spend any money.

In that way you can test the system without any cost. (Though, human nature being

what it is, you will regret it as I did when you win a large division just on paper!).

Progress - You Have To Be In To Win!

Weeks without results can be disheartening sometimes. But always remember

that in order to be a player, you have to play--

make an investment each time.

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Lotto System!


That investment will seem to be wasted some weeks, but you will not know whether you

should have taken the chance without committing your funds to the system at that particular

As an often-used promotional phrase says: “You have to be in to win,” and there is no

real alternative.



Should You Spend?

Can you afford to invest $20 or more weekly? If so, that is the best way to profit.

Profile Sheet selector

You can select how much you want to invest each week. After you have filled out all

Profiles, go to the amount on the left hand side of Profile #1. Select the amount you
want to spend, and rule a line under it right across all Profiles. Use the all numbers in
all 3 Profiles down to your line to make out your coupons. (See the dotted example
line for $9.00).

Syndicate for


If you want to speed up the process by using a greater selection of your three

Master 49 Number Profiles, you could take in some partners on a syndicate basis.

Before you take on partners, form a club, or just share with a couple of friends,

spell out exactly what will happen when you invest with them. Make sure these points
are covered adequately, in writing, and don’t skimp on the legal detail.

There can be fewer unpleasant experiences than an argument over large winnings

with friends:

1. Set out each partner’s obligations in a written document.

2. Decide in advance who will make the payments, buy the tickets, be the

syndicate leader.

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3. Cover the syndicate leader against theft or misappropriation.

4. Decide what the consequences will be if a winning ticket was not bought.

Make Your Move


You are now in control of your own lotto destiny. Rather than sitting each week and hoping

your numbers will come up, you have the satisfaction of knowing your positive action each
week will bring new surprises.

And you have a greater chance than any other player who depends on luck and

superstition to make your fortune with lotto and the

Lotto Link System


Good Winning!

The next section of this manual is for other number combinations, and won't apply

to yours.

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Lotto System!


Filling Out The Master

50-54 Number


For lotto games from 50 up to and including 54 numbers

This is an easy step to do, and one that won’t take more than 30 minutes to

complete. Once done, you keep it for the complete period for all the draws you
have decided to play. I have kept and used several sets of my own numbers for
several years.

These combinations get transferred to your Lotto coupon, and you present these

same coupons each time you play.


NOTE: Don’t go beyond

the number in your game, or 54

(if 54 is your

game's maximum number)

in any line. Your game may have 50, 51, 52, 53 or 54 as

its maximum number--do not exceed it. When you reach your maximum game
number, start with 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on until the column is filled up.

To start

Choose Your Numbers: Your numbers must be different from the sample ones

here. The reason for this is that every time a winning selection is duplicated, the lower
your own payout becomes. If 10 people, including yourself, win the main prize of $10
million because you all share the same Master Number Profile, then each of you may
only receive a tenth - $1,000,000. Far better to have the winning combination to
yourself and keep the $10 million.

Sample Selection

I have calculated the Master 54 Number Profiles so that all the

Key Factors


taken into account for the best possible selection. This means the Number Profiles:

• Do not have more than three Even and Odd numbers in each combination.

• Are an even mix between High and Low numbers.

• Have few Repeating numbers.

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• Have limited Consecutive numbers.

• Show no definable Patterns in the number selections.

There are several other factors not shown here but they built in to the instructions

you're using here. They are based on proprietary and confidential information.

Filling In The

Key Factors

You can now begin to make up your own Master 54 Number Profiles. Print the

sheet on page 14 or page 51 so you can follow these instructions.

Using the Profiles

The Master 54 Number Profile sheet has grids headed Profile #1, #2 and #3. In

each grid you'll make up separate Number Profiles that you use to enter on your lotto
cards. You need to use all three because that offers the best number spread.

Don't worry - it's not complicated... you only need to work out the top lines across

the top of each grid, then you can fill in the columns down automatically.

Make photocopies of this sheet first if you like, or write in pencil so that you can

correct any errors or make changes along the way.


If you don't want to spend the time here working it out, or want to be sure

your numbers are fully accurate, you can get your own customized Master Number
Profile. Go to:

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Filling out

Profile #1

(Odd/Even Number Spread)

1st box. Write any Odd number between 1 and 9 in the top lefthand box in the first

row. (In our sample it is 5).

2nd box. Because this first number is Odd, now select an Even number between 9

and 19 and put it in the top box next to it. (In our sample we put 10).

3rd box. For the next box choose an Odd number higher than your last selection,

but no higher than 29. (In the sample we will use 19).

4th box. This box requires a closely-spaced Even number between the last

number you selected (ours was 19), and no higher than 39. This number should be
no more than 3 away from your last number. (Our sample selection is 22).

5th box. Put any Odd number between 40 and 49 in the 5th box. (Our sample is


6th box. The last box requires any Even number higher than the last number (49),

and either or less than 54. (We selected 52 for this example).

Here’s the first line with our samples:

Now we are going to place our numbers in Master 54 Number Profile #2. This

step also makes sure there are no Repeating Number combinations.

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Filling out

Profile #2

(Avoiding Repeating Numbers)

NOTE: After each of these steps, check with your Master Number Profile #1 again

to make sure you have not duplicated any other number. Change the Profile #2 if
you have.

1st box. Put any number between 7 and 19 in the top lefthand box in the first row

of Profile #2.

Now check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number


2nd box. Select a number between 19 and 32 for the next box.

Now check Profile

#1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

3rd box. For the next box choose a number approximately halfway between your

number in the 2nd box and 37.

Check Profile #1 to make sure you have not

duplicated any number there.

4th box. The fourth box requires a number higher than the last number you have

just placed, but under 46.

Now check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated

any number there.

5th box. Put an Even number that is higher than your last number but under 49.

Do not forget to check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number

6th box. Put any Odd number more than your last number and under 54.


check Profile #1 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

Still with me? It is not difficult if you follow it step by step. Now there is just one

more Profile action . . .

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Filling out

Profile #3

I call this a Contradictory Profile, because it does not follow the pattern of Profiles #1 and

#2 you have filled out. Profile #3 is important to catch any further random draw indicators.

1st box. Put any Even number between 1 and 9 in the lefthand box in the first row.


check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the
Profile #3 number if you have.

2nd box. Select an Odd number higher than your last number, but less than 20.

Now check

#1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the Profile #3
number if you have.

3rd box. For the third box we choose an Odd number higher than your last number, but

under 34.

Now check #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

4th box. The fourth row requires a close Even number, no more than 3 numbers away from

your last number.

Now check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any

number there. Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

5th box. Put an Even number between your last number and under 46.

Now check Profiles

#1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there. Change the Profile #3
number if you have.

6th box. The sixth box requires an Odd number more than your last number and less than


Now check Profiles #1 and #2 to make sure you have not duplicated any number there.

Change the Profile #3 number if you have.

Remember the above numbers are samples only. You should have different


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Fill Your Numbers


You've come to the last part now, and the difficult calculations are over.

This final stage is the easy part.

You should now have three Master 54 Number Profiles, each with the top line of boxes

filled out across.

The next step is to complete the Profiles by filling them down, adding a single number down

from your numbers on the top line.

NOTE: Don’t go beyond 54 in any line. When you reach 54, start with 1, and so on until the

line is filled up:

In our sample Master 54 Number Profile #1, the top left-hand sample number was 5.

So we enter down: 6, 7, 8... and so on until we reach the bottom of the Profile. (Remember,

your number will be different. Use your own starting number instead of our sample number).

(Illustration on the next page)

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Then start from the next top box, which is 10 in our sample. We add 11, 12, 13 etc (use your

own numbers remember), until you reach the bottom.

Our next sample row begins with 19. Enter 20, 21, 22 etc down until you reach the bottom.

The next row begins with 22. Enter 23, 24, 25 down etc until you complete the column.

Our next sample box begins with 49. Now enter 50, 51, 52 down etc until you reach 54, and

then continue, using 1, 2, 3, 4 etc until you complete the column.

The next row begins with 52. Enter 53, 54, and then continue using 1, 2, 3, 4 down etc until

you complete the column.

Make sure you continue adding each number through to the bottom of the column, then

stop there, always finishing at 54. Then start at 1 until the column is finished.

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Always fill each number DOWN from the top.

Finish all rows

Do this now for Profiles #2 and #3, and complete them. When you have finished, you have

120 master combinations ready to transfer to your Lotto coupons or cards.

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Lotto System!


How To

Fill Out

Your Tickets

Lotto tickets vary from state to state, from country to country. For that reason there

are no detailed instructions here on filling out your card.

For all Profiles and your 120 lines, you will need enough coupons to fill out up to the

maximum number of 120 entries.

Decide how many tickets you want to play. The maximum number of 120 is the ideal, but

you will need to decide the limit based on your budget.

General steps

Many lotto coupon tickets have sections labelled:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M.



From your Master 54 Number Profile #1, and using the top line only, fill out section
A on the lotto coupon with your selected numbers. From our sample numbers this
will be:

5 10 19 22 49 52 (your numbers will be different)



Tick that line off on your Profile #1, and repeat for the top line on Profile #2, using section B

on the lotto coupon. In our sample this will be:

9 20 28 43 46 47 (your numbers will be different)

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Now do the same for Profile #3 on Section C on the lotto card. Then continue filling your

selections from your Master 54 Number Profiles from the second row of Profile #1 on the
remaining lotto coupons.

Go down to the line which matches the amount you want to spend each week.

For example, on the Master 54 Number Profile Sheet, filling your lotto coupons down to

line 6 across all Profiles will cost $9 each time.

You're finished!

Your filled-out lotto coupons will be used for each weekly visit to your Lotto outlet.

Make sure they are returned to you after being put through the Lotto on-line computer, and

ask if your outlet forgets to hand them back. Keep them in a safe place and undamaged, to
use as often as you planned.


Trialling Without Worry

You needn’t spend a cent trying out my system if you just want to prove its success


Once you have filled out your Master 54 Number Profiles, match them each week

to the Draw results and see the outcome before you spend any money.

In that way you can test the system without any cost. (Though, human nature being

what it is, you will regret it as I did when you win a large division just on paper!).

Progress - You Have To Be In To Win!

Weeks without results can be disheartening sometimes. But always remember

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Lotto System!


that in order to be a player, you have to play--

make an investment each time.

That investment will seem to be wasted some weeks, but you will not know whether you

should have taken the chance without committing your funds to the system at that particular

As an often-used promotional phrase says: “You have to be in to win,” and there is no

real alternative.



Should You Spend?

Can you afford to invest $20 or more weekly? If so, that is the best way to profit.

Profile Sheet selector

You can select how much you want to invest each week. After you have filled out all

Profiles, go to the amount on the left hand side of Profile #1. Select the amount you
want to spend, and rule a line under it right across all Profiles. Use the all numbers in
all 3 Profiles down to your line to make out your coupons. (See the dotted example
line for $9.00).

Syndicate for


If you want to speed up the process by using a greater selection of your three

Master 54 Number Profiles, you could take in some partners on a syndicate basis.

Before you take on partners, form a club, or just share with a couple of friends,

spell out exactly what will happen when you invest with them. Make sure these points
are covered adequately, in writing, and don’t skimp on the legal detail.

There can be fewer unpleasant experiences than an argument over large winnings

with friends:

1. Set out each partner’s obligations in a written document.

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Lotto System!


2. Decide in advance who will make the payments, buy the tickets, be the syndicate leader.

3. Cover the syndicate leader against theft or misappropriation.

4. Decide what the consequences will be if a winning ticket was not bought.

Make Your Move


You are now in control of your own lotto destiny. Rather than sitting each week and hoping

your numbers will come up, you have the satisfaction of knowing your positive action each
week will bring new surprises.

And you have a greater chance than any other player who depends on luck and

superstition to make your fortune with lotto and the

Lotto Link System


Good Winning!

background image

Profile #3

Profile #2

Profile #1

3 Profile











































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