Yates Serena Workplace Encounters 2 The Chauffeur

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Published by Silver Publishing

Publisher of Erotic Romance




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Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Editor: Nicole Hicks

The Chauffeur © 2011 Serena Yates

ISBN # 978-1-920484-52-1

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To those who don't hesitate to look for romance

and love

— even in the most unlikely places.

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Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and

trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned

in this work of fiction:

Corolla: Toyota Motor Corporation

Greyhound: Greyhound Lines, Inc.

Honda: American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

Frisbee: Wham-O Toy Corporation

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The Chauffeur

Serena Yates


Chapter One

Kyle Anderson was about to breathe a sigh of relief

that he hadn't been caught leaving the house this time. He'd

gotten quite successful at sneaking out unnoticed over the

last few months, the need for money driving him into a

second job. His uncle refused to pay him a decent salary for

the work he did as a chauffeur for Anderson Limousines.

The money Kyle did get barely covered the cost of gas for

the ancient Corolla he was allowed to use and the odd drink

when he went out. He'd had to find another job. What other

choice did he have if he ever wanted to become financially


Giving him food and a roof over his head after his

parents had kicked him out two years ago was plenty of

compensation, as far as Uncle Gary was concerned. Kyle

didn't agree. He hated his day job and the constant pitying

glances customers gave him when they noticed his

disfigured face. It wasn't a job he could see himself doing

for the rest of his life.

"Where are you off to at this time of the evening?"

Uncle Gary's voice was even gruffer than usual. It came

from the direction of the living room.

Damn, normally the older man fell asleep in front of

the TV long before now. Kyle had been about to close the

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front door behind him, but now he'd have to face his uncle.

"Just going out." Kyle didn't want to reveal where

he was headed. It was none of his uncle's business.

"Surely you're not going to tell me you have a social

life." His uncle's voice sounded much closer.

Thanks for reminding me about my ugly scar! Kyle

reluctantly turned around to face his uncle standing in the

middle of the hallway, his eyes puffy with sleep as he

scratched his belly. His mousy brown hair was mussed, his

glasses were askew on his bulbous nose, and one sock had

gone missing.

"I'm meeting some friends." Kyle smiled, trying to

look harmless. It wasn't even a complete lie. He and two

other exotic dancers had become a lot more than colleagues

over the last few weeks of protecting each other from over-

eager clients.

"You have no business meeting friends." His uncle

yawned, not even bothering to cover his mouth. "You need

your sleep. I want you be fit for tomorrow night's business

dinner at the Seabird."

"What?" Kyle almost fell over backwards. There

were just too many surprises in that one sentence for him to

be able to hide his shock. "What business dinner?"

"That's right; I haven't mentioned it to you yet."

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Uncle Gary grinned. "I'm about to land a major contract

with Tomahawk Industries. They want us to provide all

their executive transportation, including long-distance

drives to Milwaukee."

"What does that have to do with me?" Kyle had

never been informed about any of his uncle's plans, and

now it sounded like he wanted him to participate?

"I want you there, that's what it has to do with you."

Uncle Gary rolled his eyes. "Look, I know I haven't

involved you in any of the business decisions or how I run

things. But that was because I didn't know if I could trust

you. You just turned twenty-one, and since you spent your

childhood as a fancy model instead of going to school, I

wasn't sure you'd understand the business side of things. On

top of which the accident has left you, let's say, less than

attractive looking. Even your own parents kicked you out.

It's a good thing I hate my brother or I wouldn't have given

you a second look when you turned up here. Never mind a


I know I'm a fuck-up. At least his uncle had taken

Kyle in, albeit reluctantly, when he'd turned up out of the

blue. When he'd realized that the year spent in rehab hadn't

helped his facial scar heal like it should have, and his

parents no longer wanted anything to do with him, he'd

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hoped against hope that one of his older siblings might take

him in. He should have known better; they'd all been

jealous of his 'special' status, claimed that their own

families were more important, and had basically slammed

their doors in his face.

Rather than live on the street he'd decided to seek

out the only other relative he was aware of, an uncle in

Sheboygan. Due to a long-standing family feud, nobody

had been aware of the details of Uncle Gary's life. He'd left

New York after a major fight with Kyle's father several

years earlier. Hoping that his family's enemy might be his

friend, Kyle had used the last of his money to buy a

Greyhound ticket to Sheboygan, Wisconsin.

Kyle looked down at the floor, unable to bear his

uncle's contempt any longer.

"Be that as it may though, you have proven to be a

reliable employee over the last two years. I think it's time to

involve you in the way I run things." Uncle Gary chuckled.

"After all, who's going to take over the business when I

retire in a few years time?"

"You're going to retire?" Kyle looked back up into

the grinning face of an uncle he didn't recognize any

longer. "And you want me to run the business?"

"Sure, it's not like I have kids myself." A dark cloud

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seemed to pass over his uncle's face before he wiped it

away with a slightly shaky hand.

"Okay." Kyle needed some time to adjust to this

new development.

Run the business in a few years from now? Holy

shit; that would finally give him the wealth he'd longed for

since he'd realized how much money he, or rather his

parents, had made from modeling. Not that it had done him

any good. His stupid parents had wasted it all on an

extravagant lifestyle they were no longer able to afford

after Kyle's accident. Instead of being worried about the

permanent damage that had been done to the left side of his

face, they'd bemoaned the loss of their source of income.

Kyle had realized that was all he'd ever meant to

them. From the moment he'd been 'discovered' as a child

model when he was seven years old, he'd become the

breadwinner. As the youngest of five children, he'd been

ecstatic to finally be something special, only to see it all

come crashing down around him when he'd wrapped his car

around a tree on his way home from celebrating his

eighteenth birthday in a private club. He hadn't touched a

drop of alcohol since, but it was too late. Even though the

scar that ran from just under his left eye, across his cheek,

and almost to his upper lip was much better than it had

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been, it had been treated incorrectly and he didn't have the

financial means to get it fixed.

Having the kind of money he could make as a

business owner would make people less reluctant to deal

with him, money being the great equalizer it was.

"You'll need a decent suit, of course." His uncle

nodded as if to himself. "We can go shopping for one

tomorrow morning."

"I guess." Kyle nodded absently, trying to imagine

what eating at the Seabird would be like. It was one of the

best restaurants in Sheboygan, and not exactly cheap. His

uncle was right. He'd need to get a suit.

Shit, he also needed to find someone to cover for

him tomorrow at the Pink Circuit. Lou, the owner and

resident slave-driver, would have a fit if Kyle didn't turn

up. Despite the prospect of things looking up financially,

that was still a few years from now. A lot could go wrong,

and he wanted his own money. This was no time to quit his

second job on an impulse.

* * *

Kyle was still in a daze from his uncle's change in

attitude when he made it into one of the three Pink Circuit's

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slightly grungy dressing rooms. He shared it with two other

dancers. Chris was already done, while Tom was putting

the finishing touches on his costume.

"Glad you're able to join us." Tom's grin was

infectious as he slapped Kyle's shoulder in welcome. The

man wore his cowboy outfit tonight and looked more than

scrumptious with his short blond locks and streamlined


"I'm not that late." Kyle grinned back.

He put the duffel he kept in the back of his car on

the low sofa and turned to his friend Chris. The man looked

amazing with his broad shoulders, a trim waist, and thighs

muscular enough to evoke thoughts of tree trunks. His skin

was a light milk chocolate tone, and the dark wavy hair and

black eyes completed the picture of a rogue ready to cause

all kinds of mayhem. Chris usually did the uniform dances

and made as good looking a fireman as a police officer.

Tonight being Friday though, one of their most lucrative

nights, he'd gone all out and wore his white fantasy navy

dress uniform.

"Yes, you are." Chris, of course, was all done and

ready to take his turn on the stage almost ten minutes

before he was actually up. The man was too organized for

his own good.

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"Okay, I'm late." Kyle opened his duffel to pull out

his Zorro costume.

It was one of the identities that allowed him to wear

a face mask. He never took them off, and had gained quite

the reputation as a consequence. It seemed that clients

loved the mystery it created.

"As long as you admit it." Chris sat down next to

Kyle's duffel, opened a bottle of water and guzzled half of

it down.

"I had a good reason." Kyle started stripping,

unselfconscious about his nudity in front of his colleagues.

"In fact, I'll need your help because of it."

"Oh?" Chris raised his eyebrows.

"This oughta be good." Tom stood next to the door,

ready to leave when called, but clearly eager to hear what

was up.

"Apparently my uncle has decided to involve me in

the business. He wants me to attend a business dinner with

a new client tomorrow night." Kyle slid his boxer briefs

off, exchanging them for the much too tight black


"He does?" Chris leaned forward. "Man, it's about

time. He's been ignoring you for two years."

"Yeah, he has." Kyle paused to look at Chris. "And

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I'm not sure this is going to change anything, or how long

it'll last for. So I'm not quitting this job, but I do need you

to cover for me tomorrow night, please."

"I don't normally do Saturdays…" Chris frowned.

"I know, but this is an emergency." Kyle smiled.

"I'll make it up to you by covering for you next time you

have an exam the next morning. And I'll even let you have

my tips."

"How could I refuse an offer like that?" Chris

laughed. "There's a lot of mid-week exams coming up, so,

yeah, I'd be happy for the support."

"You're up, Tom!" The booming voice of the stage

manager through the door made them all flinch.

"Be sure to tell me all about your 'business dinner'

on Sunday." Tom smiled and left, already walking with the

strut that was his trademark.

"Thanks, Chris. I owe you for this." Kyle continued

getting dressed, pulling on the silky-feeling pants. He was

sure Zorro never could have worn pants this tight and

gotten on a horse without tearing them to shreds.

"Yep, you do." Chris got up, ready to go on next.

Kyle wasn't worried about that. The other man was

honest, and they'd already helped each other out many

times. After locking his wallet and car keys in the small

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locker, Kyle stuffed his street clothes into the duffel,

donned his mask, and made sure it covered the ugly scar.

Tying it securely in the back, he was ready for his


The booming rhythm of the music had been present

all along, but when he opened the door and made his way

to the backstage area it became gradually louder as he got

closer. It had taken a few months to get used to how loud it

was, but it had helped psyche him up for what he was about

to do.

He'd been quite used to posing for photographs in

all kinds of dress and even undress. Never totally nude, but

he'd come close a few times working for underwear

companies. He'd enjoyed the attention people paid to his

good looks and had taken good care of his body. Striping

for a live audience though? That was totally different. Not

only were the reactions more immediate, there were sounds

and smells to go with the experience.

He still worked out regularly, so he was in good

shape. Seeing people admire his body, unencumbered by

his ugly face, had given him back some of the self-

confidence he'd lost after the accident. But the perpetual

fear of his mask coming off and finding that pitying look in

the customers' eyes marred the experience considerably.

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Tom had come off the stage, sweaty and smiling,

and Chris had taken his place by the time Kyle returned to

reality. Holding a fistful of notes, his tight jockstrap stuffed

with money, Tom dragged his cowboy accessories with

him and vanished into their dressing room to clean up and

don his next costume. He had some time since five other

men would take turns before Tom was on again, but it was

always best to be ready.

All too soon, it was Kyle's turn to make an

appearance. He took a deep breath and stormed onto the

stage, brandishing the toy saber in a way that would have

made the real Zorro proud.

The crowd of watching men was raucous as usual.

Some of them were already well on their way to being

drunk, while others were naturally boisterous. All of them

leered at him as if ready to pull his clothes off for him,

rather than let him proceed at his own pace.

Doing his first walk around the stage area while

pretending to be a big, prowling cat, Kyle took the time to

observe the audience while they were checking him out. It

was always good to spot potential troublemakers before he

started to strip. There were a couple of bouncers whose job

it was to stop the worst from happening, but they weren't

always fast enough, as he'd learned during his first week

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here. Being pawed by an older man with greasy hair and

grubby fingers had been one of the worst experiences of his

life. The guy had almost succeeded in tearing his mask off.

All accompanied by shouts from the crowd, yelling 'off

with the mask' loudly enough to almost drown out the


He'd escaped unharmed, face still covered, but had

never taken his eyes off any audience since.

Done with his first round, having spotted a swarthy

man in the second row whose tongue was almost hanging

out as his eyes never left Kyle's ass, he turned his attention

to the seats further back. The men there might be a less

immediate danger, but he needed to make sure.

The vision in the fourth row almost made his heart

stop and his steps falter.

The man was a wet dream. Ass on the edge of the

chair, legs spread to display an impressive package, he

leaned back with a knowing grin on his face as his deep

brown eyes raked Kyle's body. One muscular arm was

spread across the backs of two empty chairs to his right, the

other held a beer glass. He was wearing the tightest jeans in

existence and a black muscle shirt that showed off his pecs,

large nipples and phenomenal abs to perfection.

He had high cheekbones, a narrow nose and skin so

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flawless he could have been a model. His short black hair

was almost the same color as his eyes and longish bangs

covered his forehead.


The man winked, one cheek dimpling as his smile


Kyle almost stumbled.

Man, what he wouldn't give to get himself a piece

of that ass!

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Chapter Two

Nick Giddings couldn't believe his eyes. The men

on the stage so far had been pretty spectacular already. It

looked like the Pink Circuit, what a name for a gay strip

club, was as good as its advertising. Or at least last week's

hot Friday night encounter's word of mouth. He'd met Pete,

no Perce, at his more usual hangout, the Riverbank Pub,

and they'd had a great time in the sack. After which Perce

had recommended this place if Nick ever wanted to 'liven

up his fantasies' with some hot images.

This was Nick's first visit to a place like this, and

he'd been worried about the price. It wasn't as if his meager

salary as a factory worker left him any spare money to

spend on luxuries like going out on a regular basis. He

could barely afford his dump of a studio apartment. But

something about the way Perce had described this place

had tempted him to make the expense. He could always put

some more money in his tiny savings account next month,


Now that he was here he didn't regret his decision

one bit. Hot images indeed. So far there'd been a sexy

cowboy and a very hot pretend navy officer. But the man

who was striding onto the stage now was simply


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Impersonating Zorro, he looked a good four inches

taller than Nick's six feet, muscular with wide shoulders,

flat abs, and narrow hips. His legs seemed to go on forever,

and the tight black pants he wore molded to his ass and the

prominent bulge in front, leaving absolutely nothing to the


Nick let his gaze wander upward to study the man's

face. Annoyingly, it was covered by a black leather mask

from the mouth upward, but the man's bright blue eyes

sparkled through the slits and his square jaw fit the image

he was projecting. There was no hat, and the man's hair was

blond, an interesting contradiction to the rest of his dark

Zorro persona.

It was a good thing Nick had already spread his legs

to make room for his growing arousal, or his quickly

inflating cock would have been strangled in the tight

confines of his fuck-me-jeans. He grinned and the man

almost stumbled on the stage. It appeared the attraction was


The music picked up and Zorro got back to his act.

Nick held his breath as the man started taking off his

clothes. The cape was first, dramatically swirled and

twisted before it was flung to the side of the stage, closely

followed by the saber. The tight black shirt, top two buttons

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open, showed off the stripper's hard pecs. Zorro slid his

hands down his stomach and hips to rest over that

tantalizing bulge, giving it a visible squeeze, before he

turned around to show off his equally impressive ass.

Man, it's hot in here.

The stripper made quite a production out of

unbuttoning his shirt, turning this way and that to offer

different views, much to the approval of the audience.

Catcalls and whistles abounded when he finally revealed

his chest as he lowered the shirt, turning around to show off

his muscular back. The glances he sent in Nick's direction

as he turned his head to stay in visual touch with his

admirers had become smoldering. Nick was tempted to

wipe his brow, but he didn't want to spare the time to look

away and search for a napkin. His eyes remained glued to

the man as he swayed to the music, throwing his shirt onto

the pile of clothes at the edge of the stage.

Zorro's pants were going to be next. Nick wasn't

sure he'd make it through the show without creaming his

jeans. He was ready to come right now, and the stripper had

only started to play with his belt. He opened it in

excruciating slow motion, pulling it out of the loops and

flinging it over his shoulder to have it land on the growing

pile of discarded items. Hands sliding all over himself,

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bulging front and taut ass cheeks alike, he turned this way

and that, making Nick want to scream for him to get on

with it.

Finally, he grabbed the top of the pants above one

hip, and in one fluid motion removed the tear-away pants to

reveal a tight black jockstrap that still hid the essentials. It

also became clear he wore black cowboy boots, and as he

turned to fling the pants toward the other clothes, Nick was

sure he was going to come any second now.

The tight ass cheeks were framed by the jockstrap,

it was clear the boots weren't going to come off, and the

man started to really shake his ass to the music as he

walked along the edge of the stage, collecting the money

that was being flung at him from every direction.

Nick held back. He couldn't have moved without

ejaculating at this point. And anyway, he'd decided he was

going to find a way to engineer a much more personal

encounter later on. He needed to get his hands on that

perfect skin, feel the muscles move under his touch and

hear the man moan as he came into Nick's mouth.

For now, he was going to stay right where he was

and enjoy the show.

* * *

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The parking lot behind the strip club felt a lot

creepier in the dark than Nick had expected. He'd never

noticed before, but he'd never hung around one in the semi-

darkness of insufficient street lighting, waiting for his

dream man to appear, either.

Was this what stalkers felt like? Shit, maybe this

wasn't such a good idea.

A few well-placed questions and a couple of drinks

bought for some of the guys who were clearly regular

guests had revealed that the routine rarely varied. Each

dancer had three performances a night, after which they

used what everyone supposed must be a back exit, since

none of them had ever been seen out front where the guests

parked their cars. The bouncers made sure nobody made it

to the backstage area, so that wasn't an option for Nick.

Nevertheless, he was determined to meet his Zorro.

Even thought the stripper had returned as a masked Viking

and a very sexy Dracula, he would always remain the man

he'd first impersonated in Nick's mind. Maybe he'd be able

to see him without his mask? Nick was curious enough to

want to find out what was hidden behind it.

Half an hour after the last show had ended several

of the strippers had already exited the building and left in

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their cars. Zorro hadn't been among them. When one of the

strippers glanced at him, then called the bouncer who was

positioned at the back exit and pointed at Nick, he knew his

game was up.

Before he could get away, the large man had walked

up to him.

"This is not an area where we allow customers."

The bouncer glared at him. "I will ask you once to vacate

the premises, or I will have to call the police."

"Technically, this is a public road, so there is no

way you can tell me not to stand here." Nick had

considered this carefully before he picked out his spot.

"What do you want?" The bouncer's glare had

turned angry.

"I would like to ask one of the dancers I saw tonight

to join me for a coffee." God it sounded inane, and having

coffee wasn't really what he wanted to do with Zorro, but

he was sure anything else wouldn't be allowed. There were

probably rules and regulations against the dancers picking

up guests or the other way around. Even asking for this

much was probably pushing it.

"You want to have coffee with one of them?" The

bouncer laughed out loud. "I had no idea that's what they

call it now. And I'm sorry, Sir, but I'm still going to have to

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ask you to leave. We don't want no trouble with the law."

"I can see why you're being careful, and I appreciate

that." Nick nodded. "But coffee really is all I want to

suggest. Could you please let him decide for himself?"

The bouncer took a step back, clearly surprised by

the unexpected suggestion.

"Please?" Nick couldn't believe he was begging a

total stranger to allow him to ask another total stranger for

a coffee date. But there'd been something so hot and

deliciously sinful about Zorro, that he just knew he had to

find out who was behind the mask.

"Okay, tell me who it is and I'll ask him if he wants

to come out and see you." The bouncer frowned. "But if he

says no, I want you gone or I will call the police."

"Fair enough." Nick was so relieved he almost

hugged the man.

Restraining himself just in time, he described Zorro

to the other man in great detail. The bouncer grinned when

he mentioned the mask.

"Why didn't you say so in the first place?" The

bouncer grinned. "I'll go ask Mr. Mask for you. Stay right


Nick didn't intend to move even half an inch. What

did the man think? He was finally close enough to meeting

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Zorro, he certainly wasn't about to leave now.

The bouncer was gone for half an eternity. When he

returned, the man who'd impersonated Zorro was walking

next to him. He was still moving like a big cat, and still

wearing the damn mask. What was it with that thing? Not

that Nick was about to complain, at least he was going to

have a chance to talk to the man.

While the mask was still Zorro's, the stripper's

clothing had changed. Painted-on jeans and a black T-shirt

framed his attractive body almost as well as the costumes

had on the stage. Somewhat worn sneakers and a duffel

slung carelessly over one shoulder completed the picture.

Mouthwatering didn't even come close.

"H-hello." Nick could have kicked himself. Was

that a stupid opening or what?

"Hello." The smile underneath the black mask was

dazzling, revealing perfect white teeth behind the dark red

lips. "I hear you have a proposition for me?"

The bouncer rolled his eyes and returned to the

club's exit doors.

"I was wondering if you'd be interested in having

coffee with me?" Nick blushed, thinking of all the things he

really wanted to do with the stranger. None of them had

anything to do with coffee.

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"I might." The stranger tilted his head as if thinking

about it. "Not the first thing that comes to mind when I look

at you, but I guess it's a start."


* * *

Nick was ready to explode from sheer desire.


He'd followed the hot man, whose name was

apparently 'just Kyle', to an all night diner that supposedly

served somewhat decent coffee. Not that it mattered one

way or the other whether the beverage was drinkable. Nick

didn't intend to spend a second more than absolutely

necessary pretending to have coffee. He wanted to make

sure he didn't pounce on the other man, so talking might

help to cool him off a little. He didn't really believe that

was even possible at this point, but if he kept telling

himself to cool down, maybe it would work?

Kyle had parked at the edge of the lot, as far away

from the single street light illuminating the darkness as

possible. The spot was out of sight of the three lonely

patrons who were visible through the diner's window.

Frowning, Nick pulled his outdated Honda up to Kyle's

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equally old Corolla and got out.

The man was still wearing the darned mask!

"So, tell me, Nick, are you really interested in

having coffee with me or was that just a ruse? I'm thinking

that maybe a more 'personal' encounter was what you might

have had in mind?" Kyle had come around his car and

leaned against his passenger side door.

"Oh, I'm all for the personal touch." Nick stepped

closer, entering the man's personal space without hesitation.

The signals were clear. There was absolutely no

coffee in their near future. Nick breathed a sigh of relief

when Kyle smiled. He lifted his right arm, placing a hand

on the other man's shoulder. Kyle responded by encircling

his waist and pulling them closer together. Nick hissed as

their groins touched through the fabric of their jeans. Kyle

was as hard as he was.

"The mask stays on." Kyle looked at Nick.

"Not a problem." Nick shrugged, though curiosity

was killing him. "We all have our kinks."

Kyle laughed and moved his head just enough to

have their lips almost touching. Nick didn't hesitate and

kissed the man. Hot lips greeted him and they held still for

a moment as they got used to being so close. Sharing the

same air, feeling Kyle's hot exhales on his skin made Nick

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realize how good the other man smelled. He was still

slightly sweaty from the dancing, but there was also a fresh,

clean scent like from an ocean breeze. Whatever that soap

or deodorant was, it suited Kyle extremely well.

Nick licked along Kyle's mouth until the other man

sighed and opened up for him. Nick pushed his tongue

inside to find a hint of mint and the delicious flavor of pure

Kyle. Their tongues touched and danced together,

increasing his arousal even further. Before he knew what he

was doing, he'd gripped Kyle's nape with his free hand and

deepened the kiss as he ground their erections together.

Kyle was obviously with him. A hot hand slid

around Nick's waist to the front, pushing between their

tightly aligned stomachs. Kyle's nimble fingers succeeded

in opening the button and zipper in record time. When

Kyle's hand slid inside his jeans and touched Nick's skin, he

moaned and pushed up into the touch.

Kyle's breath hitched, and he pulled back from the


"Commando!" Kyle grinned as he gripped Nick's

throbbing cock more tightly. "I like the way you think."

Thinking was the last thing on Nick's mind as he

blindly fumbled for Kyle's button, slid down the zipper and

found his erection covered by a quickly removed jockstrap.

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The strip of fabric brought back the image of Kyle shaking

his ass on stage and Nick moaned.

Kyle started jacking him off, hand moving up and

down with delicious pressure. Nick reciprocated and

mashed their lips together, making the experience even

more intense. Kyle bucked into his fist and made a

whimpering sound in the back of his throat as he started to

lose his rhythm.

It was just about the sexiest think Nick had ever

heard, and it almost drove him over the edge. He had no

idea how he managed to hold on, but he wanted Kyle to

come first. He squeezed more tightly, rubbing his thumb

over the tip on every upstroke and Kyle lost it. Hot spunk

splashed over Nick's fist, and the scent made him moan.

Shuddering his release into Kyle's fist he came so hard he

squeezed his eyes shut.

He collapsed against Kyle. The car at the other

man's back was the only thing that kept them standing as

they fought to regain their breaths. If this was what a hand

job with Kyle was like, he wasn't sure he'd survive the next


What a way to go though!

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Chapter Three

"Why did you promise Mr. Thomas we'd be able to

cover all those rides for him? We have nowhere near

enough cars, or drivers, for that matter, to even come close.

Isn't that a bit dishonest?" Kyle sat next to his uncle in the

cheap cab they'd called at the end of the business dinner.

As soon as their prospective client was out of sight,

Uncle Gary had gone back to his normal penny pinching

self. It was probably why the man was wealthy. His

business ethics though, as Kyle had seen tonight, were

somewhat questionable.

"Dishonest?" Uncle Gary snorted. "Don't get me

started, Kyle. This is what being in business is all about.

You want something, you go after it. No matter what the


"Even if you have to lie to get there?" Kyle

blanched as he realized what he'd said. He hadn't exactly

been honest about where he went in the evenings, either.

"Are you calling me a liar, boy?" His uncle

frowned. "Let me tell you, as far as I'm concerned it's only

a lie if you know that it's not going to work. Since we have

neither a signed contract, nor have we tried to find extra

drivers, what I was talking about was purely a scenario. We

have more than enough time to figure something out once

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Mr. Thomas signs the contract on behalf of Tomahawk


"But what about his demand that we use only white

drivers? Surely that's discrimination." Kyle had hated the

racial slurs the man had made.

How Mr. Thomas could get away with it in today's

world, given all the laws trying to prevent situations like

this, was beyond him. People like his uncle, eagerly

agreeing to the man's every whim, probably made him

think it was okay to be a bigoted asshole. Kyle shook his

head. What if the man had asked not to use disfigured

people? Or only straight men? What would his uncle do


"Discrimination? Is that what they taught you in

New York?" Uncle Gary shook his head. "Mr. Thomas was

merely stating a preference as to how we staff the cars his

company would be using. I see nothing wrong with that at

all. As far as I'm concerned, with the size of contract he's

offering, he can ask us to paint all our cars green."

"It sounds like they're blackmailing us into

following their bigoted beliefs," Kyle mumbled. This just

wasn't right. No matter what his uncle said, demanding

people have a certain skin color wasn't the same as asking

for cars of a certain coloring.

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"Are you trying to sabotage my efforts to gain

Anderson Limousines some new business? This is about

money, not morals." Uncle Gary's eyes narrowed. "If this is

the kind of attitude you'll be bringing to the table, I can tell

you two things. One, you won't make it very far in this

economy. Two, you won't even get the chance, because I

can find someone else to take over in four or five years

time. Nobody says this company has to stay in the family.

Got that?"

"Got it." Kyle leaned back and closed his eyes,

pretending to be okay with his uncle's decision.

Deep inside though, the unease he'd felt since he'd

met the smarmy Mr. Thomas had only grown throughout

the discussion with his uncle. Getting rich at any cost had

been his goal until last Friday. Meeting the explosively hot

Nick and realizing the man was way out of his league had

been an eye-opener.

He'd known that he wasn't attractive enough, now

that he had the blasted scar, to be an acceptable partner for

a young, hot guy like Nick. But even with the scar out of

the equation, as it had been due to the mask covering it up,

he'd never be boyfriend material. Who in their right mind

wanted a stripper for a boyfriend? A hot date, sure. An

explosively arousing sexual encounter, certainly. But a

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permanent relationship? Hardly!

Since he didn't want another man to pull him out of

his self-inflicted poverty, he'd have to continue working for

it himself. Whether or not his uncle was going to hand over

any actual cash in the next few years was questionable. If

Kyle wanted any kind of financial independence, he'd have

to keep working at the Pink Circuit. It looked like he was

still the only person he could rely on to give him a chance

at a better life.

Finally home, he looked forward to retreating into

the safety of his own room. Even all these issues at the

dinner hadn't stopped him from fantasizing about Nick.

Ever since they'd parted ways after one of the best orgasms

in his life, Kyle had kept flashing back to the picture of

Nick sprawled across that chair in the audience. Of Nick

looking at him with need and desire in his eyes; asking him

out for coffee, of all things. He'd almost laughed out loud at

that one.

Above all, though, what he kept remembering was

Nick kissing him and jacking him off in the semidarkness

of the coffee diner's parking lot. Even knowing that he'd

never have a chance with the other man if Nick ever found

out what he really looked like, Kyle couldn't quite stop

himself from wishing it could be different. Those kisses

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had been scorching hot, but they'd touched something deep

inside him at the same time. The place in his heart that

longed for companionship.

As soon as he'd said good night to his uncle, he

closed and locked his bedroom door behind him. Not for

the first time, he was grateful for his en suite bathroom. It

gave him the privacy he'd need to stroke off in the shower,

one of his personal places. Just thinking of Nick in there

with him, all slick and slippery, skin glistening with the

water cascading down his sleek yet muscular body, made

him half hard.

He tore his tie and suit off, barely managing to put

them over a chair rather than fling them onto the floor. He'd

deal with hanging them up properly when he was less


His socks and underwear joined his shoes in the

corner, and he was on his way into the bathroom. Letting

the water warm while he did his business meant a nicely

steamed up shower cabinet. He stepped under the hot spray

and tilted his head back as he relaxed in the heat. He teased

his nipples before trailing his hand down his abdomen to

his straining cock, soaping himself thoroughly. Lifting his

balls he moaned with the slight tension and circled his hole

with a soapy finger.

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Once, twice, around and around until he couldn't

stand it anymore and enclosed his throbbing cock with his

right hand as he slipped a finger into his opening. The

stretch was just enough to ramp up the tension even more,

and he began stroking his erection in the same rhythm as he

finger fucked his ass.

He closed his eyes and imagined Nick's lips around

his cock. The other man's dark brown eyes staring up at

him as he took the entire length of Kyle's shaft into his

throat and swallowed. Kyle almost came from that thought.

He sped up his stroking and inserted a second finger as he

pictured Nick's swollen lips retreating, creating suction as

he withdrew, before bobbing back and letting Kyle plunge

back into the hot, moist cavity of his mouth.

Kyle panted for release as his fist became a blur on

his engorged cock. His balls pulled up as he started shaking

with his release, splashing white semen against the shower

wall as he shuddered through his orgasm.

He put his head against the wall when he was done,

letting the hot water clean him off as he stood there. He

wished it really had been Nick who'd brought him off. This

had been good, but feeling the other man's skin against his

would have made it so much better.

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* * *

Nick was ready to go home long before the clock

agreed with him. Mondays were always hard, but after the

disappointing weekend he'd had, it was worse than usual.

The monotonous clanging of the production lines of

the various parts needed to make the large refrigeration

units was just the right background for Nick to get lost in

his work. Moving parts to the assembly areas where others

were in charge of putting the final units together wasn't

rocket science. Driving a forklift required concentration,

but the occasional down time while others helped him load

or unloaded his vehicle gave him time to think.

It had all started out so well on Friday night. He still

got a hard on every time he thought back to the

performance Kyle had given as Zorro. Showing his body

off like that just seemed to come naturally to the man. And

the hand jobs they'd exchanged in that diner's parking lot?

Hotter than anything else he'd ever done, including full-on


Then it had all fallen apart. Kyle had vanished on

him before he even had a chance to ask for a number. In

desperation, he'd gone back to the club on Saturday, only to

find out that Kyle wasn't working that night. The bouncer

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had looked truly threatening, so Nick had decided it wasn't

worth the risk. Kyle might not be interested in a poorly paid

factory worker anyway.

At the end of his shift he clocked out and made his

way to the locker room along with his colleagues. It may

have been only four p.m. but he was tired enough for an

early night to look attractive.

"You coming for a drink?" Vince was always ready

to visit the bar across the street.

"Nah, not tonight." Nick just wasn't in the mood to

spend an evening pretending he was straight. All the guys

ever talked about were cars, for which he had no money, or

women, for which he had no interest.

"Aw, come on. It'll be fun." Vince stepped out of

his slightly oily coverall, stuffing it into the locker instead

of taking it home to put it in the washing machine.

What was he supposed to say to that? Deciding

silence was his best policy he kept his head down, stuffed

his coverall into his duffel, and slipped into his summer

jacket. There'd be time to get cleaned up at home.

"You'll miss all the gossip." Vince waggled his

eyebrows as he pulled a comb through his unruly hair.

"I'm sure you'll tell me tomorrow." Nick grinned.

"You must be one of the best informed people in

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"Sure." Vince stood taller and smiled. "And as such,

I have to tell you that there are some very juicy bits floating

around right now."

"Yeah?" Nick still wasn't willing to go to the bar.

There was always one rumor or another. Most of them were

unfounded and went away as fast as they popped up.

"Really." Vince leaned over, whispering into Nick's

ear. "They're saying that the bosses are planning to close

the factory."

"What?" Now, that was a shocker.

"Yep." Vince straightened and looked smug.

"Apparently that or they're going to automate the process,

so people like you and me won't be needed anymore. Cost

savings or something."


Nick did not want to have to deal with finding

another job. Not in this economy and not with so few

medium-skilled vacancies. He didn't have any of the

qualifications needed to look for one of the higher-skilled

jobs that were still available, and his disciplinary record

wasn't exactly stellar. He'd managed to hang onto this job

for almost two years, but he wouldn't be getting any

glowing references anytime soon.

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Having been kicked out of high school for a prank

he hadn't committed had been the last straw that had driven

him to run away from home when he was sixteen. His life

hadn't been easy, but it was far better than getting beaten up

by his alcoholic father and screamed at by his frazzled

mother. He'd survived working as a waiter and dishwasher,

but he really didn't want to go back to that. He was barely

able to make ends meet as it was.

"So, you coming?" Vince was standing next to the

door, bouncing on the front of his feet, impatient to get


"No, I don't think so." Nick needed time to think.

"Suit yourself." Vince shrugged and was out the


Shit, the man hadn't looked happy. Nick sighed.

Having annoyed one of the few people who actually spoke

to an outsider from the south like him was not very clever.

But he really wasn't in the mood for dealing with other


He made it outside under the cloud of his darkened

mood, frowning as he went. When he looked up he realized

he'd made his way toward the administrative building,

rather than toward the factory gates.

Annoyed with himself for having to backtrack, he

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was about to turn around when he noticed a sleek black

limousine drive up to the front entrance of the imposing

brick building. The chauffeur opened the driver's door to

reveal a body to die for in a very tight-fitting dark blue suit.

Nick stood rooted to the spot as the blond chauffeur donned

his cap and turned to open the back door, letting three men

in even more expensive suits exit.

They took their briefcases, brandishing them like

weapons, and went up the stairs toward the main entrance

without a backward glance.

Arrogant pricks!

They were probably part of the consultant team that

always seemed to be around when jobs were about to be

cut. How could someone enjoy a job telling others how to

save costs by firing as many people as possible? He really

didn't get that. He should have gone to work for a

unionized place. Problem was there were too few of them

around here.

The chauffeur closed the back door with an

elegance that drew Nick. There was something awfully

familiar about the man, and especially about the way he

moved. Without thinking about it, Nick walked up to the

limousine, vaguely noticing that the company's name above

the license plate was Anderson Limousines.

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The chauffeur was about to get back behind the

wheel when Nick got close enough to call out.

"Excuse me…" Nick stopped walking.

The chauffeur turned around and Nick gasped, his

eyes widening in surprise.

"Kyle?" Nick's legs almost gave out. He'd been

right about feeling that the man seemed familiar. He'd

finally found his dream man again.

Kyle flinched at Nick's gasp and turned his head

away, making Nick long for his bright blue eyes looking

back into his own. Was Kyle trying to hide the ugly scar

that went from just under his left eye across his cheek

almost to his upper lip? Was that why he'd refused to take

off the mask last Friday? What had happened to him to

leave him this disfigured?

"Kyle, is that you?" Nick took another step toward

Kyle, hoping the man wouldn't run. He couldn't have cared

less about the scar; in fact, it made the man look even more

rugged, slightly dangerous.

Kyle nodded but didn't turn back around.

"Kyle, please, look at me." Nick was desperate to

find out more details.

"What, so you can stare at my ugly face some

more?" Kyle's voice sounded rough with anger, maybe

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even hurt.

"No! Just so we can talk." Nick shook his head.

"There's nothing to talk about." Kyle got inside the

car. "Not now that you've seen how ugly I really am. I don't

need your pity, so please, just leave it be."

Kyle shut the car door with a loud bang and took


What the hell was that all about?

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Chapter Four

"Shit!" Kyle hit the steering wheel for good

measure as he drove away from the Tomahawk Industries'

headquarters as fast as possible.

He really hadn't expected to see Nick in any other

context than the club. He'd never seen the man there before,

but he'd bet good money that Nick was going to return at

some point. He could have dealt with that. Mask firmly in

place, he would have felt free to follow his attraction to the

other man. It would have allowed him to keep Nick's


On top of that, the illusion of being thought of as

attractive by someone as gorgeous as Nick had felt too

good to have ended in disaster so soon. Even if it was

artificial, and he knew it couldn't have lasted, it would have

been a nice break from his otherwise nonexistent sex life.

But since he hadn't had a break in a very long time, he

should have been ready for this one to be over before it

really began.

The shock in Nick's eyes when he'd recognized him

had hurt more than Kyle had expected. He'd gotten used to

people staring at him, feeling sorry for him or being clearly

disgusted; but having to see Nick's startled eyes was too

much. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles

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turned white. He would have kicked himself as well, if that

were possible. He'd known the thing with Nick couldn't go

anywhere— why had he let himself be pulled into a fantasy

of imagining a happy ending?

Because I was stupid, that's why.

Almost grumbling with anger at himself, he pulled

into his uncle's company parking lot, switched off the

engine, and got out of the limo. This was his last job of the

day, and he was more than ready to go home. No stripping

on Monday nights either, so he had the whole evening to

himself. Just great!

He had just locked the limo when he noticed a

battered Honda pull into the lot. His memory of Friday

night was a little fuzzy around the edges, focused as it was

on Nick and the best orgasm of his life, rather than the car

the other man had driven. But the blue vehicle with its

dark-haired driver looked an awful lot like Nick's car.

What the hell? Was the guy following him now?

The man who got out of the car was indeed Nick.

He was walking slowly, and had the sense to look a little

abashed as he approached, but his gaze never strayed from

Kyle's face. That unwavering stare made Kyle want to sink

into the ground where he stood. He knew he was ugly, why

did the other man not have the decency to look away? Not

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that he was sure where Nick was supposed to look if not at

his face.

But at the same time, the whole situation, his own

helplessness to do anything about his physical

disfigurement included, made him angry enough to go on

the offense. It was supposed to be the best defense anyway,

wasn't it?

"What the fuck do you want from me?" Kyle had

trouble holding back now that he'd decided to stand up for


"Whoa!" Nick stopped walking and held up both

hands, probably trying to look non-aggressive. "I don't

want anything from you. Well, I want to talk to you, but

that's all, I promise."

"Talk?" Kyle almost took a step back, he was so


"Yeah, talk. What's so strange about that?" Nick

tilted his head in question.

"It's just—well, just really unexpected." Kyle

frowned. "What do you think we even need to talk about?"

"I don't know about a need to talk, but after seeing

how well we got along on Friday, I was hoping we could, I

don't know, maybe meet up for a drink? Or a coffee, even?"

Nick looked honestly hopeful.

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What was up with that?

"Look, I'm sorry for having followed you—again.

But it was the only way I could think of to get hold of you.

Well, other than looking up your employer's address and

trying to make an appointment to come see you here." Nick

shrugged. "That might have made me look even more like a

stalker, though."

"More than following me here? I doubt it." Kyle

shook his head. "I'll be honest with you. I don't get why

you'd be interested in me."

"You must be joking!" Nick looked incredulous.

"Surely you haven't missed this?" Kyle pointed at

his scar.

"What does your scar have to do with anything?"

Nick raised his eyebrows.

"Now I know you're trying to make fun of me."

Kyle was ready to walk away. "I won't stand for it, you


"I am not trying to make fun of you!" Nick growled.

"I'm trying to tell you that I had a great time on Friday,

short as it was. I'd like to see you again, so all I'm trying to

do is ask you out on a date. Is that so difficult to believe?"

"In one word—yes!" Kyle was shocked to his core.

He hadn't been asked on a date since the accident, and with

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his crazy traveling schedule there hadn't been the time for

many before then. The few he'd had were with women,

since he hadn't been ready to tell his parents that he was


"Why?" Nick frowned again.

The man was going to end up prematurely wrinkled

if he wasn't careful.

"The scar?" Kyle couldn't believe Nick had

overlooked it. "I saw how you looked at me earlier, when

you realized who I was at the factory. That wasn't joy about

finding me. That was shock and horror about what I look

like without my mask."

"I'll admit to being shocked." Nick nodded.

"Aha!" Now they were getting somewhere.

"But not about the damned scar!" Nick's face turned

red. "Think about it, man. I've been looking for you

because I really wanted to see you again. I even went back

to the club on Saturday, hoping I could find you. But I was

told you didn't work there that night. I wasn't sure I'd ever

see you again. And there you were, out of the blue, getting

out of a damned limo right in front of my place of work.

Sure, I was shocked."

"Oh." Kyle took a step back from Nick's


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"Yeah, 'oh' is right." Nick came closer.

Kyle needed some distance. He wanted time to

digest what he thought he'd heard Nick say. But Nick

wouldn't let him retreat. God, the man was deliciously


"What the hell have people been doing to you that

you're so paranoid about a scar?" Nick's anger was gone as

quickly as it had risen. He tilted his head, looking puzzled.

"Where have you been hiding?" Honestly, the man

had no clue how cruel people could be when confronted

with someone who didn't fit the norm. "Last time I

checked, looking diseased or ugly didn't exactly make you


"I haven't been hiding anywhere." Nick blinked.

"But what you say is probably true. It's just never been all

that important to me. I mean, in the scheme of things, your

scar, whatever horrible memory must be linked to it,

doesn't take away from your looks at all. It just adds a little

mystery to it."

"Mystery?" Kyle almost laughed. That was a first.

"Yeah, mystery." Nick grinned. "Like you're a

pirate or something."

"I'm no pirate!" Kyle snorted.

"That's okay, I still like you." Nick had stepped

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closer again, making it seem as though he was about to kiss

Kyle. "So—what about that date?"

"D-date?" Kyle swallowed. He could feel the other

man's body heat, he was so close.

"Yeah. I'd like to spend some time with you." Nick's

hand moved, as though he was about to touch Kyle.

"Okay." Kyle was too stunned to put up any

resistance anymore.

"Tonight?" Nick's eyes lit up.

"Sure." Kyle took a deep breath. He'd just agreed to

the first date in over three years—and it actually felt good.

* * *

Nick was ecstatic about Kyle's agreement to go on a

date with him. Where the hell was he going to take the

man, though? He didn't exactly have a lot of money. From

the looks of it, Kyle was quite well off. Being a chauffeur

for a solid-looking company like Anderson Limousines

must pay well. Plus he had some earnings from his work at

the club— shit, the tips alone were probably worth more

than Nicks weekly wages.

On top of which Kyle probably wouldn't want to be

around people who'd only stare at him. So, what he was

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looking for was an isolated spot. He grinned. That had

more than one advantage, now that he thought about it.

"Do you like picnics?" Nick watched Kyle's

reaction carefully.

"Haven't been on many, but, yeah, sounds like fun."

Kyle's eyes said he'd need more convincing.

"Okay. Why don't you meet me back here around

six-thirty? It'll give me some time to get cleaned up and to

organize some supplies." Nick reluctantly took a step back.

"Sounds good." Kyle smiled and pointed at the

building. "I'll need to go in there to finish some admin

work, but I'll be back here in two hours."

Nick had never made it to the supermarket so

quickly. Grabbing what he thought they'd need in terms of

food and some drinks, he added a cooler and basket at the

last moment. Luckily they were on special offer now that

the summer barbecue season had officially started. After

paying for his purchases, grimacing at the cost, he put

everything in the back of his car and raced home. He barely

had enough time to take a much needed shower, change

into shorts and a T-shirt before he had to make his way

back to Anderson Limousines.

He arrived in the nick of time. Kyle was already

waiting for him, looking as scrumptious as ever in khaki

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shorts, a white T-shit and sneakers. God, the man could

make anything look good.

Kyle suggested he follow Nick in his own car, and

even though that wasn't Nick's preferred scenario, he

agreed. It was the sensible thing to do. Kohler Andrae State

Park wasn't far, and since traffic was pretty light on a

Monday night, they got there quickly. Finding parking and

unloading the car only took a few minutes. He joined Kyle,

who'd been watching the lake.

"This okay?" Nick loved the park with its sandy


"Very." Kyle turned toward him and smiled.

"Haven't been here in over a year. I never seem to have the


Nick wondered what could keep Kyle so busy that

he didn't have time to have some fun, but he stopped

himself from asking. Kyle didn't seem like the trusting

kind, and Nick got that, so he'd wait a little before he

satisfied his curiosity.

"Come on then, let's find a nice little secluded spot."

Nick waggled his eyebrows.

It made Kyle laugh, as intended. The other man's

smile was beautiful, and Nick decided he was going to try

and keep it there. Kyle took the cooler and they set out,

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walking along the beach until they'd left all the families

with kids behind. Next were some couples, and finally they

were the only ones left.

Nick picked a spot near the trees, spread out the

blanket and made sure they were hidden from sight. Kyle

grinned as he took of his shoes.

"Secluded is right." Kyle pointed at the lake. "Do

you mind if I go splash in the water for a little while?"

"I'll be right behind you." Nick couldn't take his

own footwear off fast enough.

He grabbed the Frisbee he'd brought and half an

hour later they were wetter than they had planned and out

of breath. But the smile on Kyle's face was almost constant

now. Incredibly, the man looked even better when he was

relaxed and happy.

Nick unpacked the sandwiches, chicken wings, and

sausages he'd brought while Kyle made sure they each had

a soda, fresh from the cooler. They were both famished, so

the food was quickly reduced to a pile of used paper plates,

napkins and some empty food containers. Once he'd put it

all back into the basket, he got them each a second drink

and lay back on his elbows as he admired Kyle. The other

man sat with his back against a tree trunk and looked much

more relaxed than he had earlier that evening.

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"This was a great idea." Kyle smiled.

"Glad you liked it." Nick briefly debated which way

he wanted this to go.

On the one hand, he couldn't wait to kiss Kyle

again, but on the other, his curiosity about the man's

background was almost killing him.

"Why don't you come over here and join me?" Kyle

patted the spot next to him.

Nick tried not to seem too eager as he moved,

sitting close enough for their thighs to touch. His questions

could wait. Kyle's scent drifted over on the light breeze and

Nick wanted to bury his nose in the man's neck. Kyle slid

an arm around his shoulders and turned his head, bringing

their faces close enough so their lips almost touched.

"Thank you for a wonderful time." Kyle kissed him,

all too briefly. "I still don't know what I've done to deserve

this, but I'm very happy you followed me and insisted on

giving it a try."

"You want to do it again?" Nick held his breath. He

wasn't one to trust quickly, just like Kyle, but maybe that

was one of the things that attracted him about Kyle. Lust

was the bigger factor, sure, but there was nothing wrong

with following the impulse to see where it might lead, was


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"Oh, yes. I haven't got many free evenings, but I'd

like to spend at least some of them with you." Kyle

squeezed his shoulder.

"Right. The club." Nick felt a lot more disappointed

than he should have.

He knew the man was a stripper, so why did it hurt

to have him put his job before Nick? They'd only just met

and Nick shouldn't have hoped for more so quickly.

"Yeah. I have a commitment there and anyway, I

need the money." Kyle pulled back a little, as if waiting for

Nick to withdraw.

"But you've got a good position as a chauffeur. I bet

that's better paid than my factory job." Nick forced himself

to stop speaking. This was so not the topic for a first date.

"You have no idea." Kyle snorted. "My uncle owns

the company, and he refuses to pay me a salary. He claims

that food and board in his house is enough compensation. I

only do the exotic dancing so I have some money to spend

and save for my future."

"But that's awful!" Nick knew all about families

treating each other badly, but this was worse than he'd have


"There isn't a whole lot I can do about it." Kyle


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"I can see that." Nick hesitated for a moment. "So

you don't really like the work at the club? Even though

you're so good at it?"

"I like it well enough. I mean, it's not like it's hard

work, or dangerous or anything. I just get really tired

sometimes, working nights and then having to be back on

the road the next day, driving people all over the place."

Kyle smiled. "And thank you for saying that I'm good at it.

You certainly seemed to enjoy my performance on Friday."

Just the memory was enough to make him blush as

his cock hardened. Had he ever!

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Chapter Five

Kyle grinned when he saw the effect his words had

on Nick. The guy had the most adorable blush, and the

growing bulge in his shorts was a gratifying sign that his

apparent attraction to Kyle was real. The scar, surprisingly,

didn't seem to deter Nick in the least.

"So, customers never want more from you?" Nick

looked doubtful.

"Some do." Kyle hated feeling like a commodity, as

if they could buy his attention. He'd come close to feeling

like a prostitute on occasion, but it was part of the job. "But

they don't get very far. The bouncers help some, and I'm

perfectly able to fight off the few who try to get further."

"Doesn't it bother you, that they see you that way?"

Nick looked honestly puzzled.

"Not really. I mean, I know where my limits are."

He couldn't admit that it bothered him, or he'd have to stop

making good money. And that was what it was all about, he

had to keep that firmly in mind. "In fact, up until last

Friday I'd never even touched a customer other than to

accept a tip from him."

"Uhm, sorry about that." Nick looked away. "It was

the only way I could figure out to get in touch with you."

"Hey, it's okay." He slipped a finger under Nick's

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chin and lifted the other man's face so he could look into

his eyes. "I could have refused to see you and the bouncer

would have sent you away or called the cops if you'd been


"He would?" Nick looked relieved.

"Yes, without a doubt. Alex is a good guy, and he

actually cautioned me against approaching you." He

grinned when Nick's eyes widened. "But I told him that I

was just as interested in meeting you, so he needn't worry."

"Oh." Nick stared at him and blushed again. "I'm


"So am I." Kyle bent his head and brushed Nick's

lips with his.

Nick sighed and turned into his arms, as if he'd only

waited for Kyle to make the first move. Who knew? Maybe

he had. The way Nick pressed his mouth against Kyle's, it

was obvious that he was trying to get as close as possible.

Kyle opened up to the other man and let himself sink into

the kiss.

It was just as good as he remembered. Nick's flavor

of berries and musk flooded his senses and he let his tongue

caress Nick's. The other man moaned and pushed closer,

sliding a leg over Kyle's thigh, making his hard erection

push against his leg.

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Kyle grabbed the man's ass and pulled him across

his lap. Nick's hard bulge was now pushing up against his

painful arousal, which felt a lot better. When Nick started

grinding his hips, he almost lost it. There was no way he

wanted to come in his pants, so he slipped his hand

between them and pushed.

Nick shook his head in protest and pulled back. His

eyes were bright, and his lips swollen from their kiss. He

was gorgeous like this.

"Shhh, it's okay. I just want to make sure we still

have clothes we can walk to our cars in." Kyle opened

Nick's belt, button and zipper in one smooth set of


"Oh, God." Nick groaned when Kyle pulled out his

hard cock.

Kyle smiled, enclosing the length in his fist while

using his other hand to push Nick's hips up and to the side

so he could slide the shorts and underwear off. Nick had

thrown his head back and was pushing into Kyle's fist by

the time he was done.

He turned Nick onto his back, then bent over him to

kiss him as he stroked him off. When Nick was ready to

come, whimpering into Kyle's mouth as he fucked his hand,

Kyle slowed down to bring him back from the edge.

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A howl of protest was his reward as Nick pulled

back and opened his eyes.

"What did you do that for?" Nick looked hurt, sweat

beading on his forehead. "I was so ready to come."

"It'll be better if I make you wait." Kyle winked and

sped up his movements again.

"If it gets any better than it was on Friday, I'm not

sure I'll survive." Nick grabbed Kyle's shoulders, thrusting

his hips as he closed his eyes. "God, yes, just like that."

He grinned and kept going. Nick was so beautiful

when he let go like this. His T-shirt moved up his stomach

to reveal sculpted abs. Kyle licked his lips, wanting a taste.

He longingly stared at the engorged cock, wishing he could

lick and suck it. But they hadn't talked about their status, so

it was best to be safe.

When Kyle stopped his movements to slide his hand

further down and started stroking Nick's balls, the protest

was less vehement than the first time. Rolling the tight orbs

in his hand, Kyle watched Nick's face for any reactions. A

slight squeeze brought a moan, and when he pulled

carefully, Nick's eyes flew open as he bucked his hips.


Kyle would take that as approval. Incoherence was

always a good sign.

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"Please!" Nick's voice was rough, and he was

wiggling his ass in a most delicious manner, presumably to

try and get Kyle's hand back on his cock.

"Begging will get you almost anything, honey." He

winked and returned his hand to where Nick needed it


"Yes!" Nick looked grateful.

Kyle knew then that he couldn't resist giving the

man what he wanted. He was pretty close to the edge

himself, just watching the guy writhe and listening to him

moan. Tightening his fist a little, his strokes got faster.

"Fuck!" Nick bucked up, then stiffened and started

coming all over his stomach.

Kyle held on, milking him until he'd emptied his

balls. The look of bliss on the other man's face combined

with the scent of his spunk almost made Kyle come as well.

"Hmmm." Nick slowly opened his eyes and blinked

a few times. "Man, that was amazing."

Kyle nodded, moving back so he could get at his

pants. At the very least he was going to have to get them

open before he came.

"Hold on, let me help you." Nick pushed his hand


Kyle lay back with a groan, biting his lower lip to

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help him hold on as Nick bared his lower body. The feeling

of calloused fingers on his straining shaft was exquisite.

When Nick's other hand cradled his balls while his first

enclosed his cock, he grunted and pushed up. God, he was

so close.

"That's it." Nick's voice sounded far away. "Come

for me."

He wasn't going to argue. With a final push into

Nick's tight fist, he let himself go and sprayed his spunk all

over himself and Nick's hand. Shudders of pleasure racked

his body, and Nick kept caressing him as he came down

from his high.

Next thing he knew there was a towel cleaning him

up, then Nick pulled both their pants back up, lay down

next to him an put his head on Kyle's chest. He put his arm

around the other man and closed his eyes for a minute.

This was definitely the best time he'd had in


* * *

Kyle smiled as he listened to Nick's soft breaths

while the other man napped. He couldn't believe how good

it felt to hold him while he slept. He'd never imagined

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cuddling would feel this satisfying. It seemed to make him

happy deep down inside where he rarely ventured. It was

the place he'd been hurt so many times by family and so-

called friends alike. It was a very risky place to go.

When Nick woke, he opened his eyes, blinked a few

times and looked around as if he wasn't quite sure where he

was. Kyle smiled at him.

"I fell asleep?" Nick's eyebrows went up.

"Yeah." Kyle wanted to kiss him, but he had no idea

what the protocol was. He was on totally uncharted

territory now, and not too sure if he liked the feeling of

uncertainty that seemed to come with it.

"Oh." Nick got up, yawning and stretching himself


Kyle stopped himself from pulling Nick closer.

They'd had their fun, and the other man probably wanted to

go home. Kyle looked at the darkening sky. It was probably

after nine p.m. already.

"As much fun as we've had, I'm afraid it's time we

get back to our cars." Kyle tried not to sound as sad as he

felt. "It'll be dark soon, and I don't have a flashlight with


"Neither do I." Nick got up, reaching to offer Kyle a

hand with getting up.

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They collected the waste, folded the blanket and

walked back to the cars in complete silence. It wasn't

oppressive, but Kyle wished he could think of something to

say. He didn't want his time with Nick to end yet. When

they reached the parking lot, Kyle helped Nick stow

everything in the boot of the man's car, then stood back,

uncertain how to proceed.

It was now or never.

"I'd like to see you again." There, he'd said it.

"Same here." Nick seemed relieved and pulled his

cell from his pocket.

They exchanged phone numbers.

"Which evenings can you make this week?" Nick

sounded gratifyingly eager.

"I'm working on Tuesday and Wednesday, then

Friday through Sunday." Kyle shrugged. "Still trying to

make up for Saturday. I had to ask a friend to help me out

on short notice, and have to take his shifts on Tuesday and

Wednesday since he's got some exams."

"What happened on Saturday?" Nick tilted his head.

That was right, he'd said he'd gone back to look for

Kyle. He wasn't ready to talk about his uncle's ideas for the

business, nor his own potential involvement.

"Something came up." Kyle shrugged, hoping Nick

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would leave it at that.

"Obviously." Nick frowned, clearly unhappy with

the unrevealing answer.

"I'll call you, okay?" Kyle hoped Nick wasn't going

to be difficult about this. He wasn't ready to share his secret

thoughts with the man.

"Okay." Nick smiled, the effort showing in the little

lines around his eyes and mouth. He got into his car, rolling

down the window once he was seated. "I look forward to


"Same here." Kyle waved briefly, before turning to

his own car and making his way to his uncle's house.

Of course, the man was at home and still up. The

door to the living room was open, some game show's noise

in the background. Kyle had barely closed the front door

behind him when his uncle yelled at him.

"That you, boy?"

"Yeah." Who else was it going to be?

"Where have you been all evening?" His uncle

sounded irritated.

What rampage was he going to go on now? It was

usually work-related, as in Kyle didn't work hard enough,

or a lecture on his lacking social life. Meaning that his

uncle wanted him to date, so Kyle could get married and

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become a 'proper member of society', not to mention ensure

the continuation of the family line. The one time Kyle had

mentioned Uncle Gary's lack of a wife and children, his

uncle had told him that was none of his business, and to

never question his personal life again.

"I've been out." Kyle walked into the living room,

staying near the door and hoping for a quick get-away. He

didn't want to talk to his uncle, he wanted to go up to his

room and remember the wonderful time he'd had with


"Out? What sort of an answer is that?" His uncle

scowled. "In fact, you've been 'out' a lot over the past few

months, never coming home until long after I was asleep,

and I've been meaning to talk to you about that. But this

time you didn't just spend your evenings God-knows-

where, you left the office a lot earlier than normal, and you

turn up here just before ten p.m., and all you have to say for

yourself is 'out'?"

"It's the truth." Kyle scowled back.

"Have you finally been on a date?" His uncle's

eyebrows rose. "Is that why you're being so secretive?"

Oh, here we go!

"Yes, Uncle Gary, I've been on a date." Not the kind

you're thinking, but that's none of your business. Kyle

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"It was about time!" His uncle leaned forward. "So,

tell me all about her. Is she from a good family? Will she

make a good match? Have you discussed children?"

"What?" Even if Kyle had dated a woman, those

were not the kinds of things he would have been looking

for, thinking about or discussing with her. Not for the first

few weeks of a relationship, at least.

"You heard me! Those are important considerations

when choosing a wife." His uncle nodded as if to confirm

that he was right.

"Please!" Kyle rolled his eyes. "This is a first date

we're talking about, not twenty questions or a discussion of

the future."

"It's never too early to think about those things." His

uncle lifted a hand and pointed at Kyle. "You don't want to

start dating some woman only to find out that she's

unsuitable once you've wasted valuable time on her."

It was on Kyle's tongue to tell his uncle that he

wasn't dating a woman. But this was not the time. He

wasn't sure when, or if, it ever would be, but this definitely

wasn't. His uncle was in a mood already, and should he

decide to kick Kyle out there was nowhere else he could

go. It made him realize that it might be a good idea to start

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planning ahead a little.

"Well?" His uncle drummed his fingers on the back

of the sofa.

"I think it's too early to talk about this." Kyle took a

step toward the door. "I'm tired and I'll need to get up early

tomorrow, so I'm going to go to bed now. Good night."

"But—you haven't answered my questions yet." His

uncle stopped drumming his fingers.

"And I can't." Kyle was at the door, ready to bolt. "I

don't even know whether it's serious yet. All we've had is

one date!"

"All right, I'll give you some time. But I'm telling

you, as soon as this gets serious I want to know who she

is." His uncle frowned. "You know how important this

company is to me, and you marrying the right woman could

be a great asset in terms of contacts and business

connections. So please, think about it carefully."

Think about it carefully! There was nothing to think

about, not the way his uncle supposed. And at some point

fairly soon Kyle would need to make a decision about what

to tell his uncle. Just not now.

"I will, Uncle Gary." Kyle nodded, saw his uncle

smile and beat a hasty retreat.

He closed and locked his bedroom door behind him,

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back in his sanctuary at last. At last here he was free to

indulge in his visions of Nick. His fingers itched to call the

other man, but that would surely seem too needy, wouldn't

it? They'd just seen each other after all.

He frowned. All these emotions he was suddenly

feeling worried him. He'd just wanted a good time, and

Nick had proven to be a fun partner. Kyle had never come

so hard as from the other man's hand.

Why, then, was the one scene that kept playing in

front of his inner eye the time when Nick had cuddled

against him, his soft breathing like a song in Kyle's ear?

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Chapter Six

Nick had been convinced Thursday was never going

to end. The last two days since the date with Kyle had been

bad enough, but today was excruciating. Long and boring,

with nothing to do but drive the forklift back and forth

between the production lines and the assembly area, he was

ready for his shift to end by lunchtime.

Of course, it didn't.

Instead, he was sitting in the cafeteria, surrounded

by coworkers who had nothing better to do than discuss the

state of the economy in general and the latest rumors about

impending disaster at Tomahawk Industries in particular.

"Did you see those consultants running around the

production lines this morning?" Vince grinned as he bit into

his apple. "They looked like headless chickens more than

the overpaid idiots they are."

"It would be funny if it wasn't so sad." Bob nodded,

using his coverall's sleeve to wipe the mayo from the

corners of his mouth. "I mean, they haven't got a clue how

anything works, but they're going to be the ones making

recommendations about how to run this place? Doesn't

seem right to me."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Nick had

resigned himself to the facts of life a long time ago.

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"Without a union to protect us they can do whatever they


"Still doesn't make it right." Bob crumpled up the

packaging material his sandwich had come in and aimed it

at the bin at the end of their table. He missed.

"No, and the rumors aren't good." Vince nodded

wisely as he watched Bob get up to dispose of the waste

properly. "From what I hear, they'll automate the whole

operation, making forklift drivers as well as production line

loaders redundant. It'll take them a while to install the new

machinery, and some of us will stay on to do that. But once

that's done? It'll be good-bye semi-skilled labor."

Semi-skilled labor. Yeah, that described Nick all

right. But how was he supposed to have paid for school or

some sort of training? It had been hard enough to stay off

the streets once he'd been kicked out of school and rejected

by his parents. Selling his body would have made him

money, sure, but he'd sworn never to sink that low, and he

wasn't about to start now. He'd go back to washing dishes

or working in a fast food restaurant before he did that. The

pay would be even lower than now, and he'd probably have

to share an apartment with someone, but anything was

better than prostitution.

The gloomy atmosphere around work really got to

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him. All the more reason to focus on tonight's date. Kyle

had promised to pick him up after work, so he'd brought a

change of clothes. He didn't use the shower facilities in the

locker room very often, preferring his own four walls, but

today they'd come in very handy.

The relief when he was able to clock out was

enormous. Without thinking about it, he got out his towel

and shower gel, then started getting undressed.

"What's up with that? You never take a shower

here." Vince looked at him funny as he was getting ready to

take a shower himself.

Thank God Bob wasn't with them; he was an even

more merciless teaser. But his son had some sort of school

function today, and the man had run off in a hurry to try

and be there on time. How he, or rather his family, could

stand the smell was beyond Nick.

"Well, today's an exception." Nick grinned, slung

the towel around his middle and walked toward the shower

area in the back. He hated that they were open and kind of

basic , but he wasn't going to reveal his address to Kyle. It

was much too embarrassing. The other man surely lived in

a much better place than that.

"Hot date?" Vince laughed as he stepped under the

shower head next to Nick.

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"Nah, just going to hang with a friend." Nick turned

on the water and focused on willing away the erection that

had started as soon as he thought about 'hanging' with Kyle.

Having a hard on while showering with his coworkers was

not a good idea.

Thankfully the noise of the water and their focus on

getting the sweat, oil, and grime of the workday off their

bodies prevented further discussions. It made not getting

hard more difficult, but Nick managed. Barely.

He quickly dried off, shaved and got dressed,

managing to stay slightly ahead of Vince. Stuffing his work

clothes into his duffel, he made his way outside. Kyle was

right in front of the factory gates where he said he'd be.

He'd taken his own car, not a limo, so they'd be nice and


"Hey." Kyle opened the passenger side door for

him, leaning across the central console and smiling happily.

"Hey back." Nick grinned and got inside.

He was unbelievably tempted to lean over and kiss

the other man. What was up with that? They weren't going

to start anything here, were they? But kissing Kyle was so

much fun, he almost couldn't wait. In front of the factory

and in full view of his coworkers was not the place to do it


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"So, where are you taking me?" Nick fastened the

seatbelt and turned toward Kyle. The man had been

incredibly secretive about his plans.

"You'll see." Kyle pulled onto the road and started


They ended up at the Memorial Plaza shopping

center where Kyle parked the car. Walking out of the car

park and next door, their destination was apparently the

well known Marcus cinema complex.

"You're taking me to see a movie?" Nick grinned.

He hadn't been to a real theatre in a very long time. "I love


"I'm glad." Kyle smiled and bumped his shoulder.

"There's a new Will Smith movie, and I hear there are lots

of explosions."

"Perfect." Nick couldn't wait.

Kyle got their tickets and insisted on the largest

bucket of popcorn and two hotdogs, as well as drinks, and

they made their way into the semi-darkness of the theatre.

Their chosen seats were all the way in the back, away from

the three other people there.

"Good time to go, I guess." Nick loved the idea of

not having other people close. The things he wanted to do

to Kyle while they were watching were best kept under

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"Yeah, I figured it would be pretty empty. The

evenings are usually fully booked, but the five o'clock

performance is never that busy." Kyle waggled his


"Great minds think alike, I guess." Nick laughed as

he took his seat, stashing the popcorn on the seat to his

right, and his soda in the armrest.

"Totally." Kyle wiggled in his seat until he'd found

a comfortable position, handing Nick his hot dog and a

napkin. "Best to eat these while there's still some light."

Nick bit into his hot dog and almost moaned with

delight. The bun was deliciously soft, the hot dog hot

enough to burn his tongue and dripping with grease, and

there was just enough mustard and pickle relish to make a

real mess.

"You like hot dogs, huh" Kyle grinned, watching

him instead of eating his own food.

"Yeah." Nick blushed. He hadn't had a hot dog in a

long time. And one this good? Probably never. Ramen

noodles were more his usual fare.

"Hey, nothing wrong with that. I love them too."

Kyle bit into his and closed his eyes as he chewed. He

opened them when he was done and winked. "And I

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thought we'd need a snack to tide us over until we can have

dinner afterwards."

Okay, at least Nick wasn't the only slight nutcase

around. As for dinner on top of what he would consider a

meal already? Wow! At this rate, Kyle was going to spoil


They finished just before the lights went out and the

commercials started. Nick had crumbs, mustard and relish

all over his face and hands. He was about to use his napkins

when Kyle grabbed his hand.

"Allow me." Kyle's voice was lower than usual, and

his eyes shone in the darkness.

He lifted Nick's hand to his mouth and started

licking his fingers clean. Looking into his eyes the whole

time, he slid his tongue along each finger before sucking it

into his mouth. Slipping his tongue out to clean between

Nick's fingers, he caressed the soft skin before pulling

back, creating suction that went straight to Nick's quickly

hardening cock.

By the time his first hand was clean, he was hard as

a rock. Kyle started on the second and Nick couldn't stop a

few soft moans from escaping his mouth. He'd never

known his fingers were so sensitive, but he was never

going to forget it.

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Now that both his hands were spotless, Kyle bent

over and started licking around his mouth, his chin and his

cheeks. It all ended in a kiss that made Nick pant for breath

by the time Kyle pulled back, a small smile on his lips.

The other man quickly cleaned his own fingers and

face and sat back, taking Nick's hand in his and twining

their fingers.

"Enjoy the movie, honey." Kyle reached for his

drink and took a sip.

"Ungh." Nick was ready to come in his pants and

the man wanted him to watch the movie? That sure wasn't

going to happen anytime soon. He used his free hand to rub

his throbbing erection through his shorts. Damn, he needed


"Hold on just a little longer," Kyle whispered.

Hold on? How?

"Here, let me help you." Kyle reached over, opened

his button and zipper and slid his hand downward, taking

hold of Nick's cock with a firm grip.

That's not going to help!

With a small adjustment, Kyle encircled the base of

his cock and squeezed hard enough to force the rising

orgasm back. It hurt like hell, but at least Nick was safe

from coming for a while. When Kyle didn't take his hand

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back, Nick knew he was in trouble.

There were noises from the direction of the screen,

but Nick had no inclination to try and figure out what was

happening over there. His head rested on the seatback, his

eyes were squeezed shut as all his attention focused on his

cock and balls. They had become Kyle's newest favorite

toy, or so it seemed. Kyle's hand touched, stroked, and

caressed all over. Nick's entire focus was on his straining

cock, the tingles in his balls getting more insistent by the


"Man!" Nick had to move his hips, he just had to.

"You want to come, baby?" Kyle's voice came from

right next to his ear, the man's hot breath fanning over his

flushed skin.

Nick nodded frantically, incapable of speech.

Next thing he knew, Kyle's hot lips enclosed the tip

of his cock and the other man slowly sank down on him,

keeping his lips tight around his shaft.


God, that's good.

They hadn't spoken about being safe, but Nick knew

he was clean. He was incapable of stopping Kyle to tell him

that, though. All he could do was bring his fist to his mouth

to try and stifle the scream that wanted to escape as his

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thighs started shaking from the effort of trying to hold


Kyle opened his throat and took the tip of Nick's

cock into his tight throat. Swallowing around it put the

most exquisite pressure onto the sensitive head and Nick

lost it. Sweat streaming down his back, his hips started to

buck, and he fucked Kyle's mouth for all he was worth. The

other man was with him all the way, bobbing his head up

and down in counterpoint to Nick's movements.

It was too much.

Biting his fist in an effort to minimize the noise

from his scream, Nick lost it. Spurt after spurt of semen

shot into Kyle's mouth as Nick emptied his balls in spasms

of pure ecstasy. Kyle swallowed everything, making him

shake with aftershocks as the other man licked him clean.

When he was done, Kyle came off his softening

cock and grinned at him like the cat that got the cream. It

was the sexiest grin Nick had seen on the man so far, and

that was saying something.

* * *

The return to reality after the best date ever had

been hard on Nick. Thursday night with movie sex, making

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out and a wonderful Italian dinner to top it all off had been

a dream. When Kyle had said goodbye after dropping him

off at his car, which was still on the factory parking lot,

Nick had to swallow hard to stop the tears from falling.

Returning to his crappy apartment had been okay,

the shock moderated by a full stomach and tingles all over

his body from Kyle's touches and heated looks. But going

back to work on Friday? That was infinitely worse.

As soon as he arrived he'd known something was

up. There was an uneasy buzz about the place, and people

were talking in whispers. There was a notice on the board

about an announcement that was to be made an hour before

Nick's shift ended.


It didn't look good at all. Why they always did these

things on a Friday afternoon was beyond him. At the end of

his last job at the fast food restaurant, the manager had

called him into his office to tell him he was being laid off.

Also on a Friday afternoon. It felt like they wanted to make

sure everyone's weekend was good and ruined. More likely,

they wanted the anger to dissipate so that people were fit

for work by Monday morning, rather than too angry to do

at least a decent job.


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He wasn't motivated to do his job, but what choice

did he have? There was still a tiny sliver of hope that he'd

be reassigned to the warehouse, or another location.

Yeah, right. With his luck, they'd find a way of not

having to pay him notice. It was only two week's worth

anyway, but he'd need that to try to find another job.

When three p.m. arrived, everyone dropped what

they were doing and made their way to the space in front of

the assembly room. Normally, this was where some of the

half finished parts were stored until they were needed by

the skilled workers who put the big industrial refrigeration

units together. Today, that space had been cleared and a

small platform had been erected, a lectern standing on top

of it. Some management type had taken refuge behind it,

holding onto it as if it were a shield.

In a way it was. It was the only thing between him

and the group of workers. Several other men and women in

suits stood around as well, most likely to provide moral

support. From the feel of things, the speaker would need it.

The announcement was short, to the point, and

outlined the company's plans to automate the production

process. To stay competitive in today's economy, and to

maintain Sheboygan as a location for skilled employment.

All semi-skilled workers were going to be let go at the end

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of their two-week notice period.

Shit and fuck! One of his worst nightmares had

come true after all. What was he going to do now?

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Chapter Seven

Thank God it was Monday. Kyle finished his

shower, getting dried off while imagining the feel of Nick's

body against his. He'd actually missed the other man, had

briefly considered canceling one of his weekend

performances at the Pink Circuit to be with him before


But he'd rejected the idea as ridiculous. He needed

to make money more than he needed a boyfriend. He

snorted. Yeah, right, like he needed one of those. Nick and

he were good at having fun together, but that was all.

Wasn't it?

Kyle frowned as he got dressed. After last

Thursday's movie theatre 'interlude' and a wonderful

dinner, he hadn't seen Nick again. They'd briefly talked on

the phone on Saturday, but Nick had sounded distracted,

almost angry. Kyle hadn't called again, deciding it was

better to figure out what was wrong during their next face

to face meeting. At least Nick hadn't cancelled.

Nick had suggested they go roller skating, and even

though Kyle was a total beginner, he had agreed. He had a

feeling the other man didn't have a lot of money, so

something like this was a good compromise. They'd have

fun, Kyle would take care of snacks and dinner, and

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nobody would be the wiser.

Meeting at the rink had been Nick's suggestion, and

Kyle was now pretty sure the other man didn't want him to

know where he lived. Kyle grinned. He wasn't keen on

Nick finding out that he lived with his uncle, either. While

it wasn't quite as bad as still living with your parents, it was

a far cry from having an apartment. Having his own space

had become more attractive since he'd met Nick, but he

needed to keep his goal of financial independence firmly in

mind. If living with his uncle for free would get him there

more quickly, that was what he was going to do.

Nick was waiting for him near the entrance to the

rink. He looked ready to take on the world. Wearing jeans

despite the warm weather, probably to help protect his skin

from damage should he fall, and a dark green T-shirt, he

looked good enough to lick all over. Just licking his fingers

after their hot dog snack at the movie had made Kyle so

hard he'd almost come. Imagining Nick's body stretched out

to lick all over made him hard in seconds. Man, the guy

sure did it for him.

"Hi." Nick smiled, but it looked strained.

"Hi. Good to see you." Kyle pointed to the doors.

"You want to go inside?"

"Yeah. I…" The lines around Nick's eyes deepened.

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"Look, I can't do this."

"Do what?" Kyle stepped back. "Go roller-skating

with me?"

"I shouldn't do that either, but I really want to."

Nick frowned. "Look, there's something I've got to tell you.

I don't mean to bring down the mood or anything, but I've

lost my job. I have two weeks to find another one or face

unemployment. There aren't too many positions for people

like me, so it's going to be tough."


"I'd understand if you didn't want to see me

anymore." Nick looked at the ground, clearly dejected. "I'm

not going to be much fun to be around, and I can't really

afford to spend any money. So, uhm, just tell me if you

want me to leave, and I'll be out of your hair."

"Nick." Kyle wanted to take him into his arms, but

this wasn't really the place. Now he understood why Nick

had sounded so distracted on Saturday. Losing his job,

badly paid thought it had probably been, must have hit him


Nick didn't react, shuffling his feet.

"Nick!" Kyle raised his voice a little, just for

emphasis. "Look at me, please."

Nick slowly looked up, worry all over his features.

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"I'm sorry you lost your job." Kyle reached out and

grabbed Nick's shoulder to squeeze it. "But it's not the end

of the world, and certainly not a reason for me to stop

seeing you."

"It's not?" Nick looked hopeful.

Kyle realized he'd do anything to justify that hope.

He wasn't sure what Nick's job was, but the man had a

driver's license. Uncle Gary was going to need additional

drivers once the contract with Tomahawk Industries was

signed. At the very least it would tide Nick over until he

could find something closer to what he wanted.

"No, of course not!" Kyle smiled and dropped his

arm. "Did you think I was seeing you for your money and

your job prospects?"

"No." Nick laughed, looking relieved. "No, I guess I


"Okay, now that we've got that out of the way, do

you still want to go roller skating to get some exercise?"

Kyle pointed at his car. "Or do you want to go straight to

dinner and talk about some ideas I have that can maybe

help you?"

"You'd help me?" Nick blinked.

"Why not?" Kyle shrugged. "Unless you have

family or someone else who can come up with something,

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I'd be happy to see what I can do."

"Wow." Nick shook his head. "No, I don't have

family. They kicked me out after my last school decided to

discipline me for a prank I didn't commit. They never even

listened to my side of the story. And my parents always

thought I was a troublemaker, so they were glad for the


"That's disgusting." Kyle could relate, though. "Not

that my parents were any better, mind you."

"You got kicked out as well?" Nick's eyes widened.

"Yeah, long story. I'll tell you if you're interested,

but here and now isn't the time." Kyle grinned. "Sure

sounds like we're quite the pair."

"Yeah." Nick nodded. "Tell you the truth? I don't

really feel like roller skating. I'd rather listen to your ideas.

I haven't been able to come up with anything, even though I

read the 'wanted' ads in three newspapers over the

weekend. Nobody is interested in forklift drivers, and

nothing else seemed to fit my nonexistent qualifications

either. So if you know something I don't, I'm all ears."

"Okay, that makes sense." Kyle tried hard not to

show his relief. For a moment, it had looked as if Nick was

about to run. "Dinner it is, then. My treat."

Nick took a deep breath, and for a moment it looked

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as though he was going to protest. But he seemed to think

better of it, and nodded.

"Follow me." Kyle returned to his car, and by the

time he'd backed out of the parking space, Nick's blue

Honda was waiting for him at the parking lot exit.

The restaurant he'd had in mind for its great views

of the lake would still work. His uncle had taken him there

once before, so he knew that their dishes were a mix of

seafood and good old American comfort foods. He hoped

Nick would find something he liked on the menu. After the

enthusiasm the other man had shown at Luigi's and the

amount of food he had eaten, Kyle was beginning to

suspect Nick didn't normally eat very well.

That was going to end right now. He stopped short.

What was going on here? He liked Nick, that much was

true. They'd only had, what, three dates? And that was

including their first encounter at the diner's parking lot.

There was just something about Nick that attracted Kyle

beyond the physical.

Was it the fact that they'd had the same sort of

experiences in life? Except Nick seemed to have taken his

parents' rejection and converted into anger and a need to

stand up for himself. Kyle respected that. Now that Nick

was in trouble, he wanted to help a kindred spirit if he

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But there was more to it than helping someone in

trouble, kindred spirit or not. He was beginning to feel very

protective of Nick. It was as if just being fuck buddies

wasn't enough anymore.

How strange.

He shook his head and pulled into a parking space

at City Streets. It made no sense to dwell on it. He'd see

how the evening went, and they could take it from there.

* * *

Nick stared at the view from their corner table. This

place was so far outside his normal experience that he'd

given up trying to comprehend how lucky he was to make

it here. One whole wall of the huge dining room consisted

of floor to ceiling windows. The river was right there, and

they could even see a bit of the lake. At just after five in the

afternoon it was still light out, but he could imagine what it

looked like once it was dark and the city lights were

reflected off the water.

It looked and felt like a fairy tale.

Including the gorgeous man seated across from him.

Kyle's broad shoulders looked impressive in the black T-

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shirt he was wearing, his rugged looking face was clean

shaven and Nick's need to kiss those luscious lips grew

more intense by the minute.

"Do you think you can find something you like on

the menu?" Kyle looked up from his own and smiled.

"Uhm, sure." The menu had been the last thing on

Nick's mind. The view, both outside and across the table

from him, was far more fascinating.

Now that Kyle had mentioned food though, he

suddenly realized how hungry he was. He hadn't eaten well

since Friday's announcement, and faced with an

overabundance of food choices, that suddenly caught up

with him. He was famished. Everything on the menu

looked good. How the hell was he supposed to make a


They ended up both ordering the same thing. Kyle

had made the suggestion and Nick was only too happy to

agree. Hot taco salad, fried chicken with all the trimmings,

and a promise of home-made apple pie and ice cream for

dessert made his mouth water. With the food and drinks

orders out of the way, he leaned back in his chair, suddenly


"You don't need to worry about it." Kyle leaned

forward. "I was going to treat you to dinner anyway. We're

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just here a little earlier than planned, but I suspect we'll

need the time to talk things through."

Nick nodded. He was too overwhelmed with how

kind Kyle was being. He could sure use the support. He'd

never had that before, and Kyle's willingness to help had

already made a huge difference in how he felt. Even if

nothing came of the other man's idea, just to have someone

who wasn't trying to put him down or make him feel stupid

made Nick feel better.

It wasn't until dessert that they got around to talking

about the current job situation. Nick had been as curious

about Kyle's background as the other man had been about

his, so they'd ended up talking about their horrible families

and their miserable pasts. At least Kyle had, from the sound

of it, gotten the better deal on that front. Even though he'd

admitted to living with his uncle, as if that was all bad, at

least he had a job as well as a roof over his head and

enough to eat.

"The one problem with all that still embarrasses

me." Kyle looked down at his now empty plate.

"But it makes sense." Nick smiled, happy to have

fully understood about Kyle's second job.

"What does?" Kyle looked back up.

"Your job at the Pink Circuit." Nick had finished his

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own dessert and patted his nicely rounded stomach. He was

fuller than he'd been in months.

"What about it?" Kyle frowned.

"You need the money, don't you?" Nick could relate

to that, even thought he'd never sell his own body like that.

"Yes, I do." Kyle gritted his teeth.

"It's not an accusation, you know? All I'm saying is

that it explains why you're doing it and why it's so

important to you." Nick leaned forward and took Kyle's

hand in his, just for a brief squeeze. "If anyone can

understand the need for independence, I can."

"You really mean that, don't you?" Kyle relaxed.

"Yes, I do." Nick nodded.

"Thank you." Kyle smiled. "Now that we've gotten

all of that out of the way, I'd like to run my idea for a

solution to your work situation by you."

"Okay." Nick was all ears.

The 'wanted' ads had been very meager. There were

a lot of unskilled jobs, but they paid even less than his

current position. He'd only go there if he had absolutely no

choice. Anything better paid required qualifications he

didn't have. Without even a high school diploma, he didn't

stand a chance for any of the better paid jobs.

"Do you think you might want to be a chauffeur at

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Andersons Limousines?" Kyle tilted his head. "One with a

salary, of course."

"A chauffeur? Me?" Nick hadn't even considered


"Why not?" Kyle leaned forward. "You have a

driver's license, you've lived around here long enough to

know your way around, and the pay is probably better than

what you're getting at the factory. Well, maybe not initially,

but I know my uncle pays more for people who've been

with the company for over twelve months."

"Huh." Nick didn't know what to say.

"Will you at least think about it?" Kyle raised his

eyebrows. "You'd have to go through the normal

application process. I'm not sure my uncle would listen to

any of my recommendations. But I think he's either looking

for additional drivers already or will start to very soon."

"Of course I'll think about it!" Nick grinned. "This

is the best idea I've heard of so far! And I'll go through the

normal process, no problem. I wouldn't want to get you into

trouble if I fail miserably. How would that make you


"You don't need to worry about me." Kyle laughed.

"It's nice of you to be concerned, but it's more about not

ruining your chances than anything. I'm sure you'll do

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"Me—a chauffeur." Nick shook his head. "What an


Kyle grinned and ordered coffee.

As Nick sat there, watching the view, he realized

that he wasn't ready to end the evening. It was still early,

and spending more time with Kyle sounded more attractive

than returning to an empty apartment. He'd realized in the

course of the evening that his attraction to the other man

had grown to the point where he wanted more than a quick

hand job. He wanted to see what it was like to have sex

with Kyle.

Unfortunately, now that he knew Kyle didn't have

his own place, that would have to happen at Nick's shabby

apartment. He'd hoped nobody would ever find out,

especially not Kyle. But in the end, having the other man to

himself was more important than his pride, wasn't it?

"Are you ready to go home?" Kyle waived for the

waiter and asked for their bill once Nick had nodded.

"Would you like to come over for a nightcap?" Nick

held his breath.

"A nightcap?" Kyle's eyes widened and a slow

smile spread across his face. "Are you asking what I think

you're asking?"

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All Nick could do was nod.

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Chapter Eight

Kyle followed Nick's Honda, still in a daze that the

other man had asked him to come home with him. His

hopes of what they would get up to once they arrived had

him half hard already. He tried to focus on the road so that

he'd be able to find his way back later, but it was

increasingly difficult.

Visions of Nick spread out on his bed, or writhing

underneath him as he fucked him, kept interfering with his

sense of where he was. Thank God he always carried

condoms with him. He laughed. He was certainly ready for

this, and from the looks of it, so was Nick.

The area of town they ended up in wasn't as bad as

Kyle had feared. The apartment buildings were older and

slightly run down, but at least they were clean. Nick parked

in front of one of them and got out of the car.

"It's not much…" Nick pointed to the entrance. "But

it's mostly safe."

"Hey, don't worry about it. It's more than I have."

Kyle wanted to kiss him but knew he'd have to hold on a

little longer. "Having your own place is great for both of


"It is kinda nice, especially now." Nick smiled and

led the way.

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A front door, two sets of staircases and a flimsy-

looking apartment door later they were finally alone. Nick

locked and bolted the door and turned toward him. The

other man's eyes shone with desire.

Kyle stepped closer, forgetting about everything

except Nick.

Nick looked up at him and stepped right into his

arms. Their lips met, and Kyle focused on the other man's

flavor and the feeling of their bodies finally touching. The

contact from chest to groin, even though their clothes were

still in the way, was ramping up his arousal very quickly.

The erection that had gone down a little during the drive

was back, pushing his growing cock against his zipper hard

enough to hurt.

The kiss deepened as Kyle slid a hand up to hold

Nick's nape. Nick moaned and opened his mouth farther, as

if he was trying to devour Kyle.

When he pulled back to catch his breath, Nick's

cheeks were flushed and his breath came more quickly.

"Bedroom?" Nick pointed behind him.

Kyle nodded, following the other man along a short

hallway and into a small bedroom. Almost the entire space

was taken up with a big double iron-framed bed, neatly

made and covered with a forest green quilt. There was one

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nightstand, a dresser, and what looked like a door to a built-

in wardrobe.

All of it faded into the background when Nick

stepped back into his arms. Nick's hands slid around Kyle's

middle and the other man started pulling the T-shirt from

Kyle's jeans. He could so support that idea. Once his shirt

had been pulled off and dropped to the floor, he did the

same with Nick's; admiring the dusting of dark hair and the

dark, already slightly pebbled nipples.

He slowly slid his hand up Nick's arm, moving

across the strong muscles, feeling them bunch under his

touch. The other man's pecs were next, and by the time he

reached the nipple, Nick's mouth was open and his pupils


He circled the nipple, not touching it yet, caressing

the soft skin around it. Nick gasped when he finally did

touch the little bud. He experimentally twirled it between

thumb and forefinger. Nick closed his eyes and pushed into

his hand. He brought up his other hand and gave the second

nipple the same treatment. Nick threw back his head and


"Harder. Please." Nick's voice was rough with


"Bed first." Kyle wanted the other man to be able to

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focus on the touches, not on staying upright.

Nick nodded and moved backward, trusting Kyle

not to let him stumble. It was only three steps, and Nick

sank onto the bed with a sigh of relief. He scooted back

until he was in the center. Kyle followed, straddling Nick's


He brought his hands to the man's sides, just above

the waistband of his jeans and slid them upwards toward

the chest. Nick moaned when Kyle reached the clearly

sensitive nipples, stretched his arms above his head and

gripped the bars for support.

"God, you're sexy," Kyle whispered.

Nick's eyes widened. Then he smiled and pushed

his chest into Kyle's hands. Kyle experimentally pinched a

nipple and Nick's hips bucked, increasing the pressure on

Kyle's desperately hard cock. He pinched the other and got

the same reaction. He bent down and licked around one,

quickly following with a swathe of his tongue across it

before he started sucking. Nick moaned, twisting his head

back and forth. When Kyle used his teeth to lightly bite the

excited bud, Nick screamed.

"Yes!" Nick's head came up for a moment. "Yes."

I guess he wants no misunderstandings. Kyle was

too busy making a small meal of first one, then the other

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nipple to reply. When Nick's writhing became unbearable

because of the increased pressure on Kyle's cock, he lifted

his head.

"Don't stop." Nick's eyes were glazed over with

lust, his hair a tousled mess. He had never looked sexier.

"Need skin." Kyle wasn't going to come in his pants

if he could help it. That's not why he'd come all the way

across town to Nick's apartment.

"Good idea." Nick grinned, sitting up when Kyle

got off the bed.

Both their remaining clothes were gone in seconds,

and Kyle stared at the other man's erection and tight balls.

Nick slid his hands from his knees up his thighs, framing

his cock and balls as if to make sure Kyle paid attention.

He was paying attention all right.

"Supplies?" Kyle followed Nick's pointing finger,

opened the nightstand drawer, and pulled out some

condoms and a bottle of lube. "Don't want to get too


Nick nodded and lay back down, spreading his legs

invitingly. The man was definitely focused. No less

attentive himself, Kyle sheathed his cock before opening

the bottle and coating his fingers. Tossing the closed bottle

toward the bottom of the bed he bent forward and slid his

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slick fingers between Nick's legs.

The other man pulled his knees up and out,

presenting a picture of need and lust that made Kyle drool.

He brought a finger to the tight pucker, circled it a few

times and pushed slowly inside just as Nick raised his hips

in an unmistakable gesture of 'get on with it'.

Sinking in to the first knuckle he waited a few

seconds to make sure Nick was okay. When the other man

nodded, he started sliding his finger in and out. Watching

first the one, then two, and finally three digits vanish into

Nick's body had him clenching his teeth with the effort of

holding back. Finally he decided it was enough and

withdrew his fingers.

Placing himself between Nick's legs and aiming his

throbbing cock at the man's opening, he looked into his

widening eyes as he pushed in. Nick hissed with the stretch,

but his hand on Kyle's hip told him that he didn't want him

to slow down.

When he bottomed out, he paused. It was as much

to let Nick adjust as to try and get a handle on his own

arousal. If he wasn't careful, he'd come before he'd given

Nick what the other man wanted.

"Come on, man." Nick was panting for breath, and

his hand on Kyle's hip tightened its grip. "Fuck me

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Kyle pulled back slowly, then thrust back in. There

was no resistance, Nick was definitely ready for him.

"Yes!" Nick grabbed his shoulders.

Kyle supported himself on his hands and started

thrusting, finally giving in to the need to move. Nick met

every thrust, making their flesh slap together on every

inward stroke. When Nick started clenching his muscles, it

was all over.

Kyle bent down, kissing the man as he sped up to

try and truly fuck him into the mattress. Little whimpers

were all the sound that Nick seemed capable of. His hands

held Kyle's shoulders so tightly that he was sure he'd have

bruises tomorrow. None of that mattered. His balls tingled

and he sped up, making Nick groan. He was about to lift a

hand to start jerking the other man off when Nick's back

arched and his cock started pulsing spunk across Nick's


The scent made Kyle dizzy, and he pounded into the

other man, making sure his orgasm lasted as long as

possible. When Nick was done, falling back onto the bed,

Kyle let go and filled the condom in wracking spasms. He

pulled back from Nick's mouth so he wouldn't bite the man

as he shuddered through his release.

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"Fuck!" Kyle collapsed onto Nick's heaving chest.

"Yeah." Nick chuckled.

As soon as Kyle felt able to move, he pulled out,

dropping the used condom into the small bin next to the

bed that Nick helpfully pointed at. Nick handed him a small

towel from the still open drawer, and he cleaned both of

them up as much as possible.

"Stay?" Nick looked adorable.

"I'll have to get up really early." Kyle really didn't

want to go home, even though his uncle might have a fit.

"So do I." Nick set the alarm for five-thirty.

"That'll work." Kyle nodded.

Nick lifted the quilt and they got between the

sheets. He opened his arms, hoping to get the other man to

cuddle into him like he had on the beach. He wasn't

disappointed. Nick scooted right over and snuggled close.

* * *

Nick awoke to the insistent beeping of the alarm

clock, a strong arm across his chest, and noticeable

morning wood poking his thigh. Grinning, he hit the snooze

button to give himself another ten minutes. Waking up like

this, with Kyle next to him, was too much of a treat to rush

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straight out of bed.

Kyle hadn't even moved yet. His soft snores in

Nick's ears and the warm exhales that tickled Nick's neck

where Kyle had burrowed his face into him were testament

to the other man's still being deeply asleep.

Nick turned so he could face his lover. Kyle

grumbled and tightened his arm, moving closer. His snores

stopped, and he blinked his eyes as he took a deep breath.

"Morning." Nick grinned. Kyle still half asleep was

a very sexy sight.

"Hey." Kyle yawned and stretched, bringing their

erections into contact. "Hmmm, I like waking up like this.

It definitely has potential."

"Yeah?" Nick pushed back, aligning their cocks.

"Oh, yeah!" Kyle's eyes were wide open, and his

hips started rolling as they ground their groins together.

Fuck, that's good!

"Come here." Kyle pulled Nick on top of him,

making sure their cocks stayed where he wanted them.

Nick responded by pushing down, rotating his cock

in small circles for maximum friction.

"Man, that's good." Kyle stared into his eyes as he

pushed right back.

"Yeah." Nick was beginning to pant from the effort.

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"Gotta love exercising in the morning."

Kyle laughed, his eyes crinkling.

"What? It's healthy, even recommended." Nick

grinned, loving that he'd made Kyle laugh like that.

"Recommended?" Kyle laughed even harder. "I've

got to start listening to the experts more, if this is the type

of stuff they come up with."

It was Nick's turn to laugh. Kyle pulled him down

for a kiss and he groaned. This was the best morning ever.

The heat between their bodies kept growing, and their

rubbing became frantic.

"Yes!" Nick's balls contracted as he came, splashing

their stomachs with his hot spunk, making tingles of

pleasure travel up his spine

Kyle was right there with him, spurting his release

and adding to the sticky mess.

They stopped moving and Nick rolled to Kyle's

side, keeping his arms around the other man as they caught

their breaths.

"Now I'm awake." Kyle grinned as he pulled back

and kissed Nick on the forehead. "And I know why I need a


One shower later, Nick was making them coffee in

his kitchen area while it was Kyle's turn under the spray.

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The corner contained a fridge, a sink and two cupboards

above and below a tiny work area. It wasn't big enough to

call it anything else, but the breakfast bar that connected it

to the living room was kind of nice, and made up for the

missing comfort of an extra wall. It wasn't like he did a lot

of cooking, so he didn't need extra space. With Kyle here,

though, it became clear that this wasn't a two-man place.

Kyle emerged from the bathroom dressed in

yesterday's clothes, his hair still damp from the shower. He

ran a hand through it to move he longish bangs away from

his face. Nick grinned at him and lifted the coffee mug for

him to take.

"Thank you." Kyle took a sip and closed his eyes.

"Damn, this is strong stuff. Drink of the gods."

Nick was sure his coffee wasn't that fantastic, but

he'd made it man-strength because that was what he needed

to get up. Unless there was a hunk with him, who'd gotten

him up before he'd even made it out of bed.

"Glad you like it." Nick finished his own coffee. "I

usually have breakfast at the factory, but if you want to eat

something, I can get you some cereal or something."

"Nah, I'll be fine." Kyle grinned. "I'm going home

to get changed, and I can have breakfast with my uncle. I

just hope I can sneak back in before he notices I never

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came home last night."

"He keeps tabs on you? Not that it's any of my

business or anything…" Nick's cheeks flushed with


"I wasn't even aware he did until the other night,

after our beach date." Kyle put his empty mug into the sink,

cleaning it as he continued. "When I came he wanted to

know if I'd been on a date, if the woman was 'suitable

marriage material', and whether we'd discussed children."

"Damn." Nick's heart sank. He'd known Kyle wasn't

out to his uncle, but this family pressure for the other man

to get married was a factor he hadn't counted on. Neither

was the insane and totally unnecessary jealousy he

suddenly felt toward a non-existent woman.

"You can say that again!" Kyle nodded. "I told him

that I'd been on a date, but that the rest of it was none of his


"Too right." Nick's relief was only partial, though.

Keeping secrets like this was not good. Either Kyle was

going to have to reveal the truth at some point, or he was

going to have to go along with his uncle and get married.

Nick had no idea which way it was going to go, but he was

a lot more worried than maybe he should have been. This

possessiveness about Kyle was worrying. He had to stop

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feeling that way, or he'd get hurt.

Time to change the topic.

"Did you mean it last night?" Nick leaned back

against the counter.

"Mean what?" Kyle had dried the mug and put it

back into the cupboard.

"About me applying for a job as a chauffeur?" Nick

held his breath.

"Yes, I meant it." Kyle frowned. "Why do you


"Don't know." Nick started breathing again. "Just

wanted to make sure you still think it's a good idea in the

light of day."

"Is this about you thinking that you're not

qualified?" Kyle tilted his head. "Or is there something else

you're not telling me?"

"Partly it's the qualification thing." Nick gripped the

counter edge to stop from fidgeting with his hands. "But

I'm also worried about the two of us working together. I

mean, we'd have to be very careful, you know?"

"Yeah, you're right, we'd have to be careful. But it's

not like we'd be working side by side. Most of the time

we'd be out, driving people all over the place. I don't spend

that much time in the office, and it'd be the same for you."

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Whew, one less thing to worry about!

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Chapter Nine

Kyle sighed as he changed into his Zorro costume.

It was Wednesday, and he shouldn't even have been here,

but his uncle had insisted on Kyle's presence at another

dinner. This one was on Friday, and while moving his

performance nights hadn't been a problem since every

dancer wanted a Friday performance, it would mean

missing another great tip night.

At least he had tomorrow to look forward to. He

shook his head. He had no idea how it had happened, but

somehow they'd ended up having plans for every night that

Kyle didn't work. They hadn't talked about it. Well, not

really. When they'd parted ways at Nick's apartment on

Tuesday morning, Nick had asked when his next evening

off was and once he'd known, suggested they go roller

skating to make up for Monday. Kyle was already planning

another dinner and found himself hoping for another

'invitation for a nightcap', as Nick had put it. Staying

overnight and waking up to the other man had been a great


He grinned as he slipped on his mask, making sure

it covered the entire scar and that his hair was appropriately

mussed. Seeing Nick's eyes widen in surprise, then

gratitude, when Kyle had suggested he apply for a

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chauffeur position had been very rewarding. They'd spoken

on the phone last night, and Kyle had been happy to hear

that Nick had gotten an interview for Friday. Apparently

his uncle had mentioned it was somewhat conditional on

him signing a major contract, but that hadn't taken away

from Nick's enthusiasm.

"You're up, Kyle!" The stage manager's voice

through the dressing door room brought him back to the


Right. Shake-your-ass-time to keep those tips

rolling in.

As Kyle made his way to the stage, he ran into a

few of the other dancers on their way back to the dressing

room area.

"Rough crowd tonight." One of them shook his

head as he pointed at a bruise on his thigh. "Be careful."

He was a smaller guy, and it looked like he'd been


"Shit, what happened?" Kyle wasn't afraid for

himself, but he hated when the customers thought they had

a right to touch— and wouldn't take no for an answer.

"One of the more aggressive types thought he could

pull me into his lap. I didn't agree, and we struggled." The

other stripper shrugged. "The bouncer stopped anything

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more from happening, but it wasn't Alex, so he wasn't

exactly fast."

"Sorry, man." Shit, on top of everything it just had

to be Alex's night off.

Alex was the best bouncer there was, always fast,

and always on their side. Some of the more recent hires

made Kyle wonder if they were even interested in

protecting the strippers. Sometimes it seemed as if they

liked to watch a little violence, or were waiting for

someone to be hurt. Kyle had often wondered whether it

was because they were jealous of all the money and

attention the men on the stage were getting while the

bouncers had to stand aside and watch.

The others shrugged as they walked away, and Kyle

continued toward the stage. There was nothing for it but to

do his job, hope nobody would grope or otherwise attack

him, and collect the tips at the end of each performance.

It wasn't until his last turn just after midnight that it

got ugly. There had been more catcalls and whistles during

his earlier two turns, but it seemed as if the majority of the

patrons hadn't yet been drunk enough to do anything more.

By the time he'd moved across the stage for his

intro section, he knew that had changed. The smell of

alcohol was stronger than usual, the noise level was up, and

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not a few of the customers looked like they'd had quite a

few too many drinks. He continued to do his routine, but

kept a wary eye on the audience at all times. Zorro and

Dracula had gone unchallenged, but the Viking costume he

now wore seemed to bring out the worst in the group of

raucous men.

He hesitated before he left the stage for his round of

dancing among the customers to collect his tips. The hands

that stuffed his jockstrap with bills were less sure of where

they were supposed to go than usual. His ass was pinched,

groped and slapped. He knew that saying anything wouldn't

help, so he gritted his teeth and continued on.

One burly man finally went too far. He'd slid a note

into Kyle's pouch, then gave his whole package a none too

gentle squeeze.

Damn, that hurt! And not in a good way.

Without thinking about it, Kyle slapped the man's

beefy hand then stepped away.

The customer hissed as he withdrew his hand, then

turned beet red.

"Security," he bellowed, his eyes narrowing into

slits that made him look as mean as he'd acted.


A bouncer came walking over, still not in a rush,

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but faster than normal. It was Fred, one of the guys Kyle

trusted the least.

"Sir?" Fred's lips twitched.

Was he enjoying this?

"That man hit me." The customer pointed at Kyle.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"First of all, let me apologize on behalf of the Pink

Circuit management. Obviously, this was a regrettable

incident and the next round of drinks for you and your

friends will be on the house." Fred smiled. "I will take the

dancer to see the boss, and he will be severely reprimanded.

Does that meet with your approval?"

What the fuck? Kyle was the injured party here.

Signs posted everywhere clearly stated that the dancers

were not to be touched other than for the handing over of


"The free drinks are nice, but I think he deserves

more than a reprimand." The customer glared at Kyle.

"That is up to the boss, I'm afraid." The bouncer

nodded at the waiter and waited until the drinks had been


"Come with me." The bouncer waived at Kyle.

He was too stunned to say anything and followed

the larger man into Stan's office. The boss listened to the

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bouncer's story, then turned to Kyle.

"Is this what happened?" Stan's dark eyes were even

darker when the man was angry.

"Except for the first part, which Fred here didn't

see." Kyle told them what had caused him to react the way

he had.

"All right." Stan sighed and waived at Fred. "You

can go, I'll handle this."

Fred nodded and left, not even trying to hide his


"Listen, Kyle. You've been with us for a while now,

so you know how this works. Customers are always right,

even if, as in this case, they misbehave themselves." Stan

ran a hand through his mousy brown hair. "So, unless you

want to press charges, which I really hope you won't, we'll

let this go."

That was the kind of protection he had? Kyle

snorted. It sure made him think twice about the wisdom of

working here. Saying something wouldn't change a thing,

though, so it was better to shut up and start considering a

different dance club to work for. Surely there were nicer

places, and with his experience, he might be able to apply

for a position with them.

"Okay." Kyle nodded and walked toward the door.

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"Thanks." Stan leaned back in his chair and closed

his eyes.

The man looked as if he'd been the one to suffer the

indignity of having his package squeezed in front of a

roomful of randy men. Not what Kyle had envisaged when

he started working here. Not something he was going to put

up with, either. Stripping for strangers was as far as he was

willing to go. Being manhandled by them was a step too


What would Nick say if he found out?

He stopped short, the dressing room's door only half

closed. Where the hell had that thought come from? Nick

had never said anything to indicate what he thought about

Kyle's second job. They weren't even close enough for

Nick's opinion to be important.

Were they?

* * *

"This is a very important dinner, Kyle, I hope you

realize that." Uncle Gary was wearing his gray suit and had

commandeered a limo for the occasion.

What the hell was going on? His uncle had never

used one of their limos to get to a business dinner. Cheap

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cabs were all he usually sprung for.

They got into the limo and settled into the leather

seats. It was nice to be in the back for once, that was for


"We're going to pick up our dates. Once that's done,

we'll meet our prospective new client at his home." His

uncle looked smug.

"My date?" Kyle's jaw dropped.

"Yes, your date." His uncle frowned. "You refuse to

reveal the identity of whoever you seem to be dating with

increasing regularity. And I still don't know if she is even

suitable. So, I've decided to provide you with one on the

occasions you need to be seen with a woman on your arm.

This is definitely one of them."

"I do not wish to have my dates chosen for me!"

Kyle felt like hitting something. He had never dated a

woman in his life and he wasn't about to start now.

"Then come up with a suitable partner yourself,

young man." His uncle was red in the face. "This

prospective client is an extremely influential man and

supports family values. So we need to present the

appropriate picture."

"I can't believe you're saying this." Kyle leaned

forward. "Exactly how far are you willing to go to get

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someone's business?"

"As far as I have to." His uncle pointed at him.

"And so will you, if you expect to take over this company."

And that was the crux of the matter. Kyle leaned

back. He was going to have to make up his mind about the

importance of money and being seen as a success versus

sticking to his principles and who he really was.


He needed time to think all this through, but he'd

run out a few minutes later when the limo stopped in front

of a very large house. His uncle got out. Kyle sat there; still

stunned by the thought of a woman accompanying him to

the dinner or whatever their prospective client was


"Come on, boy, don't make them wait." His uncle's

face reappeared inside the car. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Kyle hated the lie the moment it left his


Kyle got out and joined his uncle as they walked up

to the massive wooden front door. Uncle Gary rang the

doorbell and a uniformed man opened the door.

"Good evening." The butler smiled stiffly.

"Good evening." His uncle smiled back, but only

just. "We're here to pick up Joan and Melissa Davidson."

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"Please come inside for a moment, and I will let

them know you have arrived." The butler stepped aside,

and closed the door behind them. "Please wait here."

Curt fellow.

The women who walked down the stairs were both

very blonde, wore the tightest cocktail dresses available,

and were clearly mother and daughter.

Heaven help me!

Introductions were made, and they were back in the

limo before Kyle knew what had hit him. Their perfume

was stifling, and Melissa sat so close she was almost in his

lap. Was she coming on to him already? He smelled the

alcohol on her breath, so he was going to have to be doubly


When they arrived at their designation, the house

was even more magnificent than the first one they'd

stopped at. Mansion was the right word for it. A huge

driveway, marble columns, liveried doormen, and a

ballroom full of chattering guests.

Who the hell was this guy they were supposed to

suck up to?

They walked inside and stood around, trying to

make conversation, and Kyle was bored out of his skull.

His date was quite popular apparently, as was Uncle Gary's.

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With his luck, these were local celebrities and he just didn't

know it.

He stared at Melissa as she chatted, smiled, and

worked the crowd. He supposed she was beautiful, with the

figure and manners any straight man would lust after. She

did absolutely nothing for him, except drag him around the

room as they followed his uncle. The brief chat Uncle Gary

had with the host, apparently some politician intending to

run for the senate, was hardly worth having wasted the

entire evening.

Kyle was in a truly bad mood by the time they

dropped the ladies off and got back into the limo for the

drive home. His uncle's mood was no better, from the look

of the scowl on his face. Neither of them spoke the entire

way home, but the second the front door closed behind

them, that changed.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Uncle Gary

whirled around and glared at Kyle. "You didn't even try to

look like you had fun, did you?"

"Well, that was because I didn't." Kyle opened his

tie, freeing him to breathe. "You forced this whole affair on

me without so much as a word of warning. You didn't give

me any kind of a briefing, or even the most basic

information. How the hell am I supposed to understand the

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business and become a partner if you don't tell me


"You're supposed to shut up and learn. Even

looking like you were interested in what was going on

tonight would have been enough. But you couldn't even

manage that." His uncle stormed into the living room and

tore open the drinks cabinet.

"Well, since you didn't tell me, how was I supposed

to know?" Kyle was in dire need of a drink himself, but he

had a feeling he'd need a clear head for the upcoming


His uncle poured himself a double whiskey,

slammed it back in one go, then refilled the glass and put

away the bottle before sitting down on the sofa.

"We need to have a talk about a few things. Lacking

sense for the politics behind business is one thing. I can

teach you that." His uncle sighed. "What has me far more

worried is your continued disinterest in women, except for

this secret date, or dates, of yours. Melissa is a beautiful,

attractive woman who was giving you all the right signals.

Yet you didn't react to her advances at all. Why?"

Kyle took a step back, bumping against one of the

easy chairs. So this had been a test? Naturally, he had

totally failed it.

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"It didn't occur to you that I might be in a

relationship?" Kyle couldn't think of anything else to

defend himself. He really wasn't ready to come out to his

uncle. With the man's preference for conservative politics

and politicians with family values, that was sure to lead to


"I don't think that's it." His uncle shook his head and

loosened his own tie as he leaned against the back of the

sofa. "Even if you are in a relationship, that doesn't excuse

treating Melissa like she didn't exist. Hell, you didn't even

look at her. Even married men check her out; she's just that

kind of woman."

Kyle stood rooted to the floor, the heavy piece of

furniture at his back the only thing that held him upright.

"Look, I've been suspecting this for a while.

Tonight was the final confirmation." His uncle stared at

him. "I think you're gay. I'm telling you here and now that

it's unacceptable, and you'll have to grow out of it. You

can't be gay and run Anderson Limousines. This is a very

conservative community and you'd ruin the business if you

admitted to your sexual orientation. You have until Sunday

to think about it, but I'll want your decision by then."

"What-what decision?" Kyle's knees were shaking.

This could not be happening.

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"The decision between being trained to run this

business, being straight and getting married as soon as

possible to prove it, or admitting that you're gay and losing

any sort of opportunity to work in my company. In fact, if

you go down that route I'd have to ask you to quit your job

and look for your own place." His uncle sighed. "I didn't

want it to come to this, but you've left me no choice."

What the fuck am I going to do now?

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Chapter Ten

Nick opened his eyes to brilliant sunshine streaming

into his bedroom from a window uncovered by curtains. He

really had to learn to remember to draw them in the

evenings. But from the angle of the sunshine it looked like

he'd slept in after all. The alarm clock confirmed it was

after eight a.m. He burrowed his head under his pillow and

tried to ignore the fact that he felt miserably lonely. In his

own bed, no less!

Unbelievably, he missed Kyle.

How was that even possible? They'd only spent one

night in the same bed, and now he felt as if something was

missing when the other man wasn't there.

It had been one hell of a week. The two dates with

Kyle and the night spent together had definitely been the

highlights. But Kyle's idea for him to apply for a position

as limo driver with his uncle's company was a close second.

It had given him new energy and hope that his future wasn't

entirely hopeless. Much to his surprise the person in charge

of recruiting had given him an interview that same week,

on Friday.

When he went there, he'd been pleasantly surprised

with the lack of difficult questions, including the ones

about education or other technical qualifications. The

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woman who interviewed him, apparently in charge of

recruiting, had explained that all they required was a valid

driver's license, three years of accident free driving, and a

willingness to work at all hours. She had quickly added that

this was not going to be more than forty or fifty in any

given week, unless there was a high level of overtime.

She had taken his information, mentioned a

requirement for a reference from his current employer, and

explained that the position might not come through for

awhile since there was some sort of contract that needed to

be signed with a large new customer. The salary she

mentioned was almost the same as the money he currently

got on a monthly basis, with tips from some customers a

definite possibility.

It all sounded too good to be true.

He'd wanted to share everything with Kyle

immediately. Unfortunately the man had gone to some

business dinner on Friday night, and he hadn't been able to

talk to him on the phone. At least they had agreed to meet

for lunch on Saturday, so he wouldn't have to wait much

longer to share the good news.

Finally crawling out of bed almost an hour later, he

made himself coffee, ate some cereal, took a shower and

got dressed. They'd agreed to meet at the Fountain Park

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farmers' market at eleven, so they'd have about three hours

to look around and browse. Neither of them were good

cooks, but watching people haggle over food was

something they both enjoyed. The fruit there was better

than what was available in supermarkets anyway.

He was in plenty of time, even found parking fairly

close to the entrance, and discovered that Kyle was already

waiting for him at the agreed meeting point. While the

other man looked scrumptious as usual in tight jeans and a

tighter T-shirt, his smile was tight and his movements more

restrained than usual.

"Are you okay?" Nick had never seen the other man

so gloomy.

"I'm just fine." Kyle didn't look as if he believed

that, though.

"Bullshit!" Nick winced at the glare he received

from an older woman passing them on her way to the


"Well, don't hold back." Kyle's serious expression

vanished for a moment. "This isn't the place to talk about


"As long as you admit that something's going on

with you, that's okay. I can wait to find out until we're

somewhere we can talk." Nick grinned. "I don't want to

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wait because I'm curious, but I promise you I'll hold on."

"You're too good to me." This time the smile on

Kyle's lips was real.

Much better!

They spent a couple of hours strolling along the

stands of produce, watching other people shop, but Kyle

didn't seem to be able to relax. Something was obviously

eating at the other man and Nick had finally had enough.

"Let's go find a place to have lunch." Kyle was

apparently ready to give up as well. "There's a pub not too

far from here, about two blocks north along Eighth Street.

I've dropped customers off there before, and everyone says

they make the best sandwiches in the city."

"Sounds good to me." Anything was better than this

uncertainty. "Lead the way, I'm right behind you."

The pub was one of those places where people went

to watch sports as well as have good food. They found a

relatively quiet booth in the back, got their drinks and food

orders sorted out, and Nick was ready to pepper Kyle with


"Before we start talking about me, I can't wait to

hear about your interview." Kyle leaned forward and

winked. "I really hope it went well, because I think you'd

look stunning in one of those blue uniforms Uncle Gary

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insists we wear."

"I sure hope this isn't a diversion to get me to talk

about me, and not about what's bothering you." Nick took a

sip from the soda he'd ordered.

"No diversion, I promise." Kyle smiled. "I'm just

sorry we didn't manage to talk last night. I really wanted to

know how it went, but something came up."

"Would this 'something' have anything to do with

your current mood?" Nick was pretty sure it did, and his

curiosity now almost killed him.

"Yes, unfortunately, it does." Kyle frowned. "We'll

get to that in a minute, though."

"Okay, so here's the deal." Nick settled back in his

seat, placing his hands on the table in front of him to keep

them steady. "I spoke to a Ms. Bates. She's in charge of

recruiting. She was really nice, didn't ask any difficult

questions, and explained that my position depended on a

major contract being signed, hopefully by next week."

"So they hired you?" Kyle looked relieved.

"Yeah, assuming the contract with this new

customer is signed, it looks like I have a new job week after

next." Nick grinned, letting himself feel the full impact of

the luck he'd had for the first time.

"That's perfect." Kyle looked like he was about to

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jump up and kiss him.

"I still can't believe it actually worked. The salary is

a little lower than my current pay, but Ms. Bates explained

that it will increase based on performance after the first

year. She also explained about tips." Nick rubbed his thumb

and forefinger together. "Apparently, they can be


"It depends on the customer, but yes, they can be."

Kyle looked thoughtful for a moment. "The corporate

clients never tip at all, so let's hope you get some rich

private ones as well. They can be really nice. Some of them

will even pay you to run errands for them."

"Really?" Nick shook his head. Some people had

more money than sense. Not that he was going to complain

if they wanted to give some of it to him.

"Really." Kyle nodded and smiled. "I'm so happy it

went well for you. At least you have a job to look forward

to now."

"I still can't believe my luck. And I'm not going to

pinch myself, just in case it is a dream. This is one I don't

ever want to wake up from." Nick folded his hands and

leaned forward. "So, now that I've shared my news, will

you tell me what's got you so depressed?"

"Depressed?" Kyle laughed, but it sounded forced.

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"Maybe depressed is a little strong, but something

isn't right." Nick was not going to rest until he knew what

was going on with Kyle.

"Nah, depressed is as good a word as any." Kyle

rubbed his face with both hands.

The waiter chose that moment to serve their food.

The steak sandwiches were huge. The bread was fresh,

cheese was dripping onto the plate and even the salad

garnishing looked appealing. Nick realized how hungry he

was and dug right in. Kyle wasn't far behind, and there was

silence for a while. When Nick was about half done he

came up for air, only to find Kyle smiling at him

"I love how much you enjoy eating. You just jump

right in and go for it." Kyle wiped his mouth and sat back.

There was some food left on Kyle's plate, but it

didn't look as though he was going to finish it. Pity.

"You look like you're done." Nick nodded at Kyle's


"For now." Kyle pushed the plate away from him.

"I'm still hungry, so I'll just finish while you tell me

what's going on." Nick returned his attention to his food

and continued eating.

"Do you remember the business dinner my uncle

wanted me to attend on Friday evening?" Kyle waited for

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Nick's nod before he continued. "It turned out not to be a

business dinner at all. It was a swanky function at some

ambitious politician's mansion. You know, lots of people

standing around, drinking champagne or expensive wine

and snacking on small portions of unidentifiable but nice

looking food."

Nick laughed. He'd never been to one, but he'd seen

what they were like in movies and on TV.

"But that wasn't the problem. Sure, my uncle didn't

warn me and didn't even give me a briefing, but I could

have dealt with that. What threw me was that he had

arranged a date for me." Kyle rubbed his temples.

"Apparently she was some society chick who was supposed

to make me more acceptable to the very family oriented

senator hopeful."

"A woman?" Nick almost choked on his sandwich.

"Apparently he's been unimpressed by my lack of

female dates and has decided to take matters into his own

hands." Kyle scowled. "Needless to say I was not


"Did you tell him?" Nick had dropped the meager

remains of his sandwich, suddenly no longer hungry.

"Of course I told him!" Kyle's eyes blazed with

anger. "Unfortunately we didn't have time to discuss

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anything until after the party was over. By then Melissa,

that's her name, had made her interest abundantly obvious

and my uncle was sorely disappointed that I hadn't taken

her up on her offers. Apparently she is one of those women

that straight men can't resist. Needless to say I more than

resisted, and it made my uncle very suspicious."

Nick did not like where this was going. He raised

his eyebrows, not wanting to interrupt Kyle.

"He'd noticed my 'resistance to Melissa's charms'

and concluded that it wasn't natural. He confronted me

point blank and told me that he suspected I was gay." Kyle

sighed. "But that wasn't the worst of it. He continued to tell

me that it was unacceptable for me to be gay. He told me I

needed to make a decision. My first option is to forget that

I'm gay, get married to prove it, and become his successor

in running and owning the company. My other option is to

quit my job, look for my own apartment, and never talk to

him again. He gave me until Sunday to think about it."

"What?" Nick sank back into his seat. This was too

ridiculous for words and he didn't even know where to


"Quite the situation, isn't it?" Kyle's grin wasn't an

expression of amusement.

"Fuck!" Nick realized he needed to keep his voice

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down when an older couple three tables over looked at him,

startled shock in their eyes.

"Yeah, and then some." Kyle put his head in his

hands. "What the hell am I going to do? I've been working

so hard to get my uncle to accept me, to do a good job for

him and to start building a future. And now he comes up

with this shit? I just can't get a break."

Nick had no idea how Kyle could be so relaxed.

Well, maybe not relaxed, but a lot less upset than he would

have been had this happened to him. Financial security and

having a good job were clearly important to Kyle. The

other man had mentioned this on several occasions. Nick

hadn't known it had gone as far as hoping to inherit his

uncle's company, but it made sense, now that he thought

about it.

As important as Kyle's future was to him, Nick was

afraid of the decision Kyle was going to make. It was far

better to find out now, though, than another few weeks or

months into their relationship. Because despite what Nick

had been trying to tell himself about not hoping for too

much too soon, a relationship was what they'd been

heading toward. Now it looked like all of that was going to

go down the drain.

"You're awfully quiet." Kyle looked up from the

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cover his hands had given him.

"What do you want me to say?" Nick wasn't going

to get involved in Kyle's private life. As much as he wanted

to, he didn't have the right.

"Anything. Don't just sit there and think whatever it

is that you're thinking. I want to know what's going on in

that head of yours." Kyle looked at the table. "I want to

know what you think I should do."

"I can't tell you what to do. This is your life." Nick

held up his hand to stop Kyle from interrupting. "From

what I can see you've got a simple decision to make. It's not

an easy one, but it's simple in the sense that it can only go

one way or the other. Either you're going to stand up for

yourself and tell your uncle that yes, you are gay. Or you're

going to accept a life of lying about who you are to the

extent that the person you'll share your life with can never

be who you want them to be."

"It's not as simple as that. There are financial

implications for each alternative as well." Kyle frowned.

"I think you should forget about the financial

implications for a minute. They only complicate things."

Nick knew all about that from his own hard-won


He'd never let financial concerns interfere with his

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personal choices. He was far too proud for that. Kyle was

another story, though. His choices so far had always been

in favor of making more money.

"You know what?" Kyle's eyes widened. "I think

you're right!"

"I am?" Nick was impressed Kyle would admit it.

"Yes, you are. I can always find another way of

making money. After all, I still have the income from my

exotic dancing job. I can easily live off that for a while,

until I figure something out." Kyle grinned, then sobered.

"If I decided to tell my uncle that I'm not gay, the

consequences would be pretty irreversible. Not to mention


"So you're going to come out to him?" Nick was

proud of Kyle for making this decision. Admittedly, he had

a vested interest in the outcome, so it was a huge relief.

"Yes, I'm going to tell him what to go and do with

his company, his money and his antiquated views of an

acceptable lifestyle."

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Chapter Eleven

Kyle hadn't wanted to cut his date with Nick short.

But once he'd made the decision to stand up to his uncle, he

felt a definite urge to get it over with. Nick had encouraged

him to go back home immediately, saying they'd have more

time to spend together on Sunday, if that was what Kyle


As if that was even a question. He'd be back with

Nick as soon as possible, most likely with all his worldly

possessions in tow.

As certain as Kyle had been about having made the

right decision, when he unlocked the front door and stepped

back into his uncle's house there was a moment of

hesitation. He shook his head, ruthlessly squashing the fear

that wanted to make him turn around and forget about the

whole thing.

"Uncle Gary?" Kyle pocketed his house key and

waited for an answer.

"Study." His uncle sounded tired.

Kyle walked into the small room that contained a

desk, a computer and some filing cabinets. All of them

second-hand of course, since no customers would ever see

them. He leaned against the wall, ready to leave the room if


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"I've come to a decision, Uncle Gary." Kyle

swallowed, watching his uncle straighten up on the leather

swivel chair.

"That was quick." His uncle turned away from the

desk to face him.

"I talked to a friend of mine and he managed to

make me see sense." Kyle grinned. "He unraveled the

situation and reduced the decision I have to make to its


"And how are those different from what I described

to you? Life as a respected member of the business

community, living in comfort, versus life as society's reject

with no real job prospects?" His uncle shook his head. "I

can't believe you needed a friend to explain that to you. I

thought I'd made myself perfectly clear."

"But you see, the way you put it just touched the

surface. The decision I have to make is much more

fundamental than whether or not I have a job, and whether

or not the majority accepts the way I live." Kyle took a

deep breath. "The decision you asked me to make is

between living an honest life, being true to myself, or living

a lie that may make me more acceptable to the majority of

people, but will only bring me unhappiness."

"Oh?" His uncle raised eyebrows, looking interested

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for the first time since the discussion started.

"Once my friend made me see that underlying

dynamic, the decision became really easy. I don't want to

live a lie. I don't want to hide who I really am, not even at

the price of financial security." Kyle smiled as his uncle's

eyes widened. "I can always find a different way of making

money, even though I may never be wealthy."

"Go on." His uncle leaned forward. "Tell me what

you have decided. I want to hear you say it."

"I'm gay." Kyle straightened, no longer wanting the

support of the wall. "I always have been, and I always will

be. Whether or not that is acceptable to your business

colleagues, the company's customers, or to anyone else is

really none of my concern. I don't want to deny who I am,

and if that means that you don't want me to take over the

company, so be it."

"You're sure about that?" His uncle almost looked

happy. "You're rejecting the opportunity to be trained to

run my business, make decent money, and lead a normal


"Yes, I'm sure. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm not

rejecting anything. I'm accepting who I really am, and I'm

ready to go fend for myself." Kyle couldn't believe how

good it felt to say those words. They'd sounded good in his

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head, but hearing them come out of his mouth was even


"Finally!" His uncle leaned back in his chair and

crossed his legs.

"What?" Kyle was thoroughly confused. Why did

his uncle look so happy?

"It took you long enough to get to the point of truth,

didn't it?" His uncle started to grin like a maniac.

"What are you saying?" Kyle frowned as he tried to

catch up to the conversation.

"I don't know what you think I'm saying. The truth

is that I couldn't stand by to see you throw your life away

by continuing to pretend to be someone you're not." His

uncle folded his hands across his belly, looking thoroughly

satisfied with what he'd achieved.

"You did this on purpose? The whole thing, this

entire situation with Melissa and your threats was just a

test?" Kyle felt like someone had pulled not just the rug,

but the entire floor out from under him.

"Yes. It was the only way I could think of to help

you avoid making the same mistake I made all those years

ago. You have no idea how many times I've regretted not

being honest with myself. But once I'd had the whole

business set up and was beginning to be successful, I could

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see no way to get out of it. And I wasn't ready to give up

the financial benefits I had acquired. Nor was I ever good

looking enough to become an exotic dancer." His uncle

winked, suddenly looking years younger than sixty-one.

Kyle didn't know what to believe any more. His

uncle was gay, but had hidden it for all those years? The

man deserved an Academy Award for his performance.

Then the second part of the speech hit him.

"You-you know about the Pink Circuit?" Kyle fell

back against the wall, no longer sure his legs would hold

him up.

"To tell you the truth, that was how I found out."

His uncle chuckled. "You see, once every few months I

treat myself to an evening out. I always went in disguise, to

make sure nobody recognized me. The Pink Circuit is one

of my favorite places because it's clear across town and I'm

least likely to meet someone who knows me there. Imagine

my surprise when about two months ago I see you strutting

onto the stage. I was so stunned that half your performance

was over before I managed to close my mouth."

"Shit!" Kyle needed a hole in the ground to swallow

him, and quickly.

"You can say that again!" His uncle laughed. "I

started putting two and two together. I was pretty sure that

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had you been straight, you would have 'danced' in a straight

bar, of which there are more than enough. I started

watching how you interacted with people, especially

women, and everything I saw confirmed my theory."

"So you decided to test me?" Kyle wasn't sure

whether he should be angry about the subterfuge or

relieved that the truth was finally out.

"Not immediately. But as I thought about it,

remembering my own resistance to being honest, I came to

the conclusion that there was only one way to get you to

admit the truth." His uncle shrugged. "I knew I had to push

you, I just didn't realize how far I'd have to go until you

decided enough was enough. Keeping you unbalanced was

quite a task."

"It wasn't any more fun from this end." Kyle

laughed, more relieved about the whole situation now that

it had been explained.

"No, I imagine not." His uncle shrugged. "I just

wish someone had taken the time and made the effort to get

me to admit the truth when I was your age."

"You know, it's never too late." Kyle tilted his head.

"Yeah, it is." His uncle looked sad all of a sudden."

I'm over sixty Kyle, there is no point in making huge

changes like that now."

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"Oh, I don't know." Kyle secretly vowed to come

back to this. It might take time, but there was no way he

was going to let his uncle remain in the closet.

"But I do." His uncle looked resolute. "So, now that

we've cleared the air, can I ask you a question?"

Kyle had a million questions himself, most of them

centered around whether he still had a job, and if he'd be

required to move out after all. He was sure they'd

eventually get around to discussing them, so there was no

harm in letting his uncle ask a couple of his own. He

nodded, curious what his uncle wanted to know.

"This friend of yours, the one who apparently

knocked some sense into you, would he be anyone

special?" Uncle Gary's eyes twinkled.

"Uhm, yes?" Kyle still felt dizzy from all the


"You don't sound very sure." His uncle grinned. "I

just wanted to let you know that if he is someone special, I

would love to meet him."

"You would?" Kyle frowned. "But what about all of

your business associates and your standing in the

community? What if they found out that your nephew has a


"A boyfriend? Oho, so it's more serious than I

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thought." His uncle leaned back. "Tell me all about him."

"Well, he's not my boyfriend yet…" Kyle sure as

hell wanted him to be though, that much had become clear

to him over the last few hours.

"Don't let him get away." His uncle looked sad for a

moment. "Official boyfriend or not, why don't you both

come for lunch tomorrow so we can spend some time

getting to know each other?"

Would the surprises never stop?

* * *

"Do you really think that this is a good idea?" Nick

fidgeted in the passenger seat as Kyle was driving them

toward his uncle's house.

It was apparently going to remain the other man's

home, at least for now. It was too bad really; Nick had

hoped that Kyle would want to move in with him. He shook

his head, disgusted with his own clinginess. It was too early

to think about moving in together, wasn't it? On the other

hand, with all the recent changes in how Kyle saw the

world, it was probably good he had something familiar to

hold onto.

"I don't know." Kyle stayed focused on the road.

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"But Uncle Gary was pretty insistent that he wanted to get

to know you."

"I wonder why…" Nick looked out of the window,

embarrassed to admit what he was hoping for.

"I'm not surprised." Kyle smiled. "I sort of told him

that you'd played an important role in helping me realize

what is really important. He must have drawn his own

conclusions. In fact, he called you my boyfriend."

Nick turned his head back toward Kyle so fast it

hurt. Kyle was still smiling.

"He did?" Nick shoved his hands under his thighs

so the shaking wouldn't be visible.


"What did you say?" Nick bit his lower lip.

"I told him that you weren't my boyfriend—yet."

Kyle stopped at a traffic light and turned his head toward

Nick. "It didn't feel right for me to call you that without

talking to you about it."

"What do you want me to say?" Nick had rarely

been this nervous in his life.

"I would like you to be my boyfriend." Kyle

grinned. "I've never had one of those, and it has a nice ring

to it, don't you think?"

"O-okay." Nick was so happy he wanted to jump up

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and down, but the seatbelt sort of got in the way.

"Just like that?" Kyle started driving again.

"Yeah, well, it's not like it's a difficult decision, is

it?" Nick grinned. "In fact I'm relieved I'm not the only one

who's been wondering how serious this thing between us

was becoming. I'm hoping this means that we're exclusive."

"That's what I thought 'boyfriend status' was for."

Kyle laughed.

"Good. I'm glad we agree." Nick nodded. "I think

we need to celebrate this."

"Absolutely!" Kyle pulled into a quiet side road.

"The problem is that the kind of celebration I have in mind

requires some privacy."

The thought of being alone with Kyle made Nick

hard in seconds. They hadn't been able to take their time

with each other for quite a few days now, and with Kyle

working evenings that wouldn't change anytime soon. Nick

sighed. He'd tried very hard not to feel angry about Kyle

stripping. The fact was that the thought of all those men

looking at the other man, possibly touching and trying to

grope him, made him extremely jealous.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Kyle had pulled into the

driveway of a modest two-story house and killed the


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"It's nothing." Nick shrugged. Nothing he could do

anything about anyway.

"I think it is too something, and I'm going to dig it

out of you." Kyle pointed at the house. "Right after our

lunch with Uncle Gary."

Nick shrugged and followed Kyle to the front door.

Kyle unlocked it and called out as they walked in. This was

utterly weird.

Kyle's uncle came out of what looked like the

kitchen. He was about Nick's height, had a slight belly and

mouse-brown hair. He looked to be in his early sixties, and

his smile was friendly, crinkles around his eyes deepening

as he walked toward them. Instead of shaking hands after

Kyle had introduced them, he gave Nick a hug.

"Call me Uncle Gary, okay?"

How odd was that? But it made Nick feel warm

inside to be accepted like that, and he certainly wasn't

going to turn down the offer, even if it made him feel a

little strange to be calling a complete stranger 'uncle'.

They chatted about a variety of topics while Uncle

Gary served what was clearly a catered meal. He explained

that he couldn't cook for the life of him, even though he'd

always wanted to learn. Building the business has taken

precedence though, and he jokingly said that he might get

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around to learning the skill once he retired.

Which got them to talking about the business. Uncle

Gary was quick to reassure Nick that he still had a job with

Anderson Limousines if he wanted it, as did Kyle. The only

thing he required was discretion.

"That's a really nice offer." Kyle finished the ice

cream they'd had for dessert, and moved back from the

table. "I've been thinking, though. I don't think there's a risk

of anybody finding out about Nick and me, not if we're

careful. But the idea of continuing to hide doesn't feel


Nick nodded. He'd had the same sort of thoughts.

He wanted the world to know that Kyle was his boyfriend.

He was hardly able to contain the joy and happiness he felt

at finally having found someone who accepted him.

"What do you want to do about it?" Uncle Gary

frowned. "As much as I'd like to, I don't think it's wise to

let my customers know that we're gay. The risk of too

many of them pulling out too quickly is too high."

"I understand that." Kyle nodded and finished his

beer. "It's why I've come up with this idea of starting a

separate company, one that provides a GLBT-friendly

driving service. It could start out as simple taxis or a few

limos; that all depends on what potential there is once we

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start doing some research. I just think that it's time for

someone to give the GLBT community the option of safe


"That's a brilliant idea." Nick was bouncing on his

chair. "I think you're right, there are lots of people who'd

want a driver they can rely on to be friendly and


"You might have to make sure the drivers can

double as bodyguards." Uncle Gary looked thoughtful.

"But we can work on that, I think the basic idea is


"You do?" Kyle looked ecstatic. "And did I hear

you say that 'we' can work on it? Does that mean you'd

want to be involved?"

"It depends on whether you want me to be involved.

I mean, I can't be linked to your business officially, for

obvious reasons. But I could help you behind the scenes

with things like financing, running a business and maybe

even finding drivers."

"You would do that?" Nick's eyes widened. Uncle

Gary was sure turning out to be one hell of a surprise.

"Sure." Uncle Gary grinned. "At least I'd still get to

see Kyle. And who knows, in a few years people might be

more open-minded than they are now and we could talk

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about combining the two businesses into one bigger


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Chapter Twelve

A few weeks later…

Kyle dropped the final box in the corner of the new

apartment's living room with a loud thud and followed it

with a sigh. They'd decided to dump everything here first,

then start to put stuff where it needed to go.

"That the last one?" Nick came out of the kitchen

where he'd been sorting plates, cutlery and all kinds of

implements you apparently needed when establishing a

new household.

"Yes, as far as I can see. Unless there's a third car

full of stuff hiding somewhere?" Kyle stretched, trying to

get the kinks out of his back. "Remind me never to move

again. This is damned hard work."

"I know." Nick looked around the living room.

"And it looks like it'll keep us busy for a while yet."

"I don't think so." Kyle winked at his now live-in

boyfriend so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding about

his intentions.

Ever since they'd started discussing the original idea

for what had now become Rainbow Limos, their lives had

been crazy. They hadn't had a moment to themselves; too

busy with being chauffeurs during the daytime to keep

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some money coming in, and entrepreneurs in the evenings.

They'd both taken self-defense classes to make sure they'd

be as prepared as possible for any potential issues with an

openly GLBT-friendly business.

He'd given up the striping within a week, relieved

about not having to guard his back around leering men

anymore. The money had been good, and what he'd put in

his savings account for months had come in handy to rent

an apartment and get them some furniture. But he'd been

sure Nick found it very hard to accept his stripping. The

man had never said anything, but the happy grin when Kyle

had told him he'd quit had said it all. Their lovemaking that

evening had been explosive.

"You don't think we should get everything set up

first?" Nick's eyes widened and his nostrils flared.

"Nope." Kyle moved toward Nick, opening his arms

when he reached him. "I think we've worked hard enough.

The stuff isn't going to run away, is it?"

"No." Nick had to laugh.

"And I hear it's bad luck to unpack all the boxes into

an un-christened home." Kyle slid his arms around Nick's


"It is?" Nick looked up at him, eyes shining with

mischief. "Well, we better start christening then. Wouldn't

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want to run into any issues later on."

Kyle laughed and bent to kiss Nick. He slid his

tongue along the seam of the other man's mouth until he

opened on a sigh. Nick's arms slid around Kyle's neck and

his lover stepped close enough for their quickly hardening

groins to touch. Kyle caressed everywhere his tongue could

reach, loving Nick's soft response. He tasted of chocolate

and coffee.

"Guess you found the box of truffles, huh?" Kyle

smiled as he pulled back.

"Yeah." Nick shrugged. "Can't stay away from


"I know the feeling. I can't stay away from you,

either." Kyle took Nick's hand and walked toward the

bedroom. "It may look a little conservative to start with the

bedroom, but I have a reason."

Nick quirked his eyebrows.

"I'd like to try something different, in honor of the

new apartment." Kyle stepped up to the bed, taking Nick

back into his arms. He'd thought about it for a while, and he

was finally ready now.

"Yeah? Something more than going bareback for

the first time, now that we've both been tested?" Nick

smiled. "You know I like it when we try new stuff."

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"I hope you'll like this." Kyle bent down to kiss

along Nick's jaw line until he reached his ear. "I want you

to do me this time."

"Fuck!" Nick's hips bucked, grinding their erections


"I guess you like that idea?" Kyle pulled back to

look at his lover.

"God, yes." Nick lifted his hands and cupped Kyle's

face. "If you're sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Don't know why I've never

suggested it before, but I'd really like to try it." He'd finally

decided that being a virgin, at least in that one area, was far

more embarrassing than asking Nick to fuck him.

"You've never…" Nick's eyes widened and he took

a deep breath.

"Never trusted anyone enough." Kyle shrugged,

embarrassed after all.

"Oh, man." Nick reached down and squeezed his

cock, which was now clearly outlined in his jeans. "You're

gonna make me come before we get started."

"You don't mind?" Kyle didn't know how to put

this. "I mean, I might not be very good at it."

"Baby, how in the world could you think that I'd

mind? It's a dream come true for me to be your first. And

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I'm touched that you trust me enough to ask." Nick kissed

him. "As for you not being good? Not even possible. Just

mentioning the idea almost made me come."

"Okay." It was Kyle's turn to take a deep breath.

"How do you want to do this?"

"Slowly." Nick chuckled and stepped back. "I want

to make it good for you, so we'll go real slow, okay?"

Kyle nodded, his mouth suddenly too dry to speak.

It was really going to happen.

"Let's get naked." Nick started by lifting his T-shirt,

revealing those hard abs, followed by the hair on his chest

and his dark nipples.

When the shirt was off, he started to open his pants,

raising his eyebrows in an unmistakable gesture to get on

with it. Kyle grinned and followed suit, discarding his

clothes in a somewhat undignified hurry. Nick lowered his

boxers and his thick erection slapped his stomach. Man, it

was beautiful. Hard and long, the head already dark with

blood, it deserved to be worshipped.

Since Kyle was naked and hadn't received any new

'instructions', he fell to his knees, grabbed Nick's muscular

thighs and licked along the sensitive underside of the hard

shaft. He circled the head with his tongue and was about to

close his lips around it to go down on his lover. But Nick

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grabbed his hair and pulled him back. Carefully; but in an

unmistakable gesture.

"Can't…" Nick panted. "Can't hold on if you do


"Okay." Kyle sat back on his heels, looking up at

his lover, who was panting and struggling for control.

"Hands and knees, baby. On the bed." Nick took

one last deep breath and reached for the bottle of lube on

the nightstand.

Thank God they'd unpacked the really important

stuff first.

Kyle got up and crawled onto the bed, spreading his

legs invitingly as he'd seen Nick do when it had been his

turn. He moaned as his engorged cock dangled between his

thighs, his balls softly swinging from side to side as he

wriggled into the best position. He'd had no idea how sexy

this would make him feel. Presenting himself to his lover

was proving to be a major turn on for him.

"Fuck, you look amazing like that." Nick stepped up

to the bed and put a warm hand on his lower back.

His lover slowly slid it up his spine, exerting gentle

pressure until Kyle lowered his chest onto the bed, hiding

his flushed face between his arms. Ass up like that, he was

more vulnerable than he' ever allowed himself to be.

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"Okay?" Nick's voice was soft.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kyle smiled. It was true. The

initial embarrassment had already gone and he was ready

for more.

Nick's hand wandered back down his spine,

caressed his buttocks, then a finger slid along his crease.

Kyle wanted to push back into the touch, but he held still.

Nick's gentle stroking made him feel so good that he

moaned. Nick chuckled, focusing on his hole for a while.

The finger danced around it in tantalizing circles, never

quite touching the opening long enough.

"Please!" Kyle was sure he wouldn't be able to

stand this loving torture much longer. And the man hadn't

even penetrated him yet.

"Shhh, we'll get there." Nick withdrew his hand.

It was back a moment later, and the slow teasing

resumed. Only, this time, the finger was slick with lube.

Finally Nick slid it inside. Kyle couldn't believe how much

better that felt than when he'd used his own. Slow, even

strokes followed, and he couldn't help himself from

pushing back into it. When a second digit followed,

including more lube, the stretch burned a little, but when

Nick found his prostate, that was quickly forgotten.

"Fuck!" Kyle rocked back, desperate for more.

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"Fuck me!"

* * *

Nick grinned as he thrust his fingers into Kyle's ass.

Any fear that Kyle wouldn't enjoy this was long gone. The

other man didn't even hesitate in his rocking when Nick

finally added a third finger. It looked like his lover was

truly ready for more.

Nick withdrew his fingers and Kyle whimpered.

"Turn round for me, baby." Nick pushed at Kyle's

hip. "I want to look at you when I take you."

He pulled up a pillow while Kyle turned onto his

back. Shit, the man was gorgeous. Hair slightly sweaty

already, his eyes were huge and glazed with lust. Kyle

shoved the pillow under his lover's ass and scooted between

his spread legs. Lifting Kyle's ankles to his shoulders, he

guided his cock to the spasming hole.

"Please." Kyle's voice was an octave lower than

usual. "I want you so much. Please, fuck me."

Nick grasped Kyle's thigh as he used his other hand

to hold his cock. He pushed forward and watched in total

fascination as his cock head was slowly swallowed by

Kyle's body. Kyle hissed, then tensed slightly, and Nick

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looked up into his eyes, not wanting to miss any signals.

"'s okay." Kyle smiled and relaxed around him.

"Surprised me is all."

Nick nodded, unable to speak. His entire focus was

on the tight heat enclosing the head of his cock. He wanted

to just thrust in, but he held back. He wouldn't hurt Kyle for

the world; and just pushing in, even as well lubed as his

lover was, would definitely hurt him.

Kyle lifted his hands and caressed Nick's arms as if

to help him relax. Nick smiled at the tender gesture and

took a deep breath before starting to push in farther. Inch

after inch sank into the tight heat of Kyle's channel. It was

pure heaven. When he was all the way inside, with his balls

touching Kyle's backside, he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Now the real fun can start." Kyle grinned.

Nick nodded and pulled back. Kyle gasped. Nick

pushed back in and Kyle's eyes widened.

"Un-fucking-believable." Kyle's hands on Nick's

arms tightened.

"Feels good?" Nick gritted his teeth with the effort

not to start thrusting like an animal like his instinct


"Better." Kyle wriggled his hips, making Nick's

groan. "Yeah, just like that."

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The Chauffeur

Serena Yates


"Looks like you're ready." Nick thrust in and out a

few times, letting Kyle get used to the movements.

"Yes!" Kyle's enthusiasm couldn't have been


Nick set a steady rhythm, his strokes long and deep

at first. Kyle's response was so enthusiastic it was really

hard to hold back. Finally, he gave up and increased his

pace to what they both wanted. Flesh slapping flesh and

their harsh breaths were the only sounds in the room as

they raced toward completion. Sweat streamed down Nick's

back and Kyle's hands were so tight he was afraid they

might cut off his circulation.

But all of that didn't matter. The friction on his cock

was fast driving him toward the edge. He needed Kyle to

come first, though, so he lifted a hand and enclosed Kyle's

straining shaft in his fist.

"Gahhh!" Kyle threw back his head and started

fucking his fist.

It tightened the man's ass even further, and Nick

was beginning to doubt he'd be able to hold on long

enough. He started jacking Kyle off even faster; his hand a

blur on his lover's cock.

"Come on, Kyle," he panted. "Come for me!"

With a scream, Kyle's back arched and he came in

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The Chauffeur

Serena Yates


long spurts of release that painted his stomach white.

"Fuck." Nick was close to screaming himself.

That picture, combined with the sharp scent of

spunk and the viselike, rhythmic grip of Kyle's channel as it

contracted around his cock were too much. He came so

hard, he thought he saw stars. He pumped his spunk into

Kyle's body as he was struggling for breath. The other man

was still spasming when Nick finally collapsed on top of

him, totally spent.

Kyle's arms came around him and they stayed like

that until they'd caught their breaths. Nick lifted his head

and smiled at the satiated look on his lover's face.

"That was so much better than I expected." Kyle

smiled. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You've got to find out for yourself." Nick shrugged

and pulled out before reaching for one of the small towels

they'd learned to keep in the nightstand.

"Boy, did I find out today." Kyle lifted an arm and

cupped Nick's face. "From now on, we're going to share

this equally, yeah?"

"You mean, take turns?" Nick grinned as he lay

back down; sliding a leg between Kyle's to make sure they

were as close as possible.

"Yeah, that'll work. Except for the catching up I

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The Chauffeur

Serena Yates


have to do." Kyle kissed him. "After all, we share all the

work equally; we should do the same in the bedroom,


"Or any other place we decide to 'christen'." Nick

pushed his face into Kyle's neck, breathing deeply to get all

of the delicious after-sex scents. If only there was a cologne

with that scent.

"You want to christen the rest of the apartment?"

Kyle chuckled. "I think I've created a monster."

"Nah, just want to make sure we do this right." Nick

grinned into Kyle's skin.

"You're all about the doing it right, aren't you?"

Kyle stroked the back of Nick's head and he almost purred.

Fuck, he loved the other man's fingers touching his head.

"Yep. Always have done. You know how critical it

is that we get it right in our jobs. As chauffeurs and as

businessmen we have to be aware of what's going on

around us and make sure we react accordingly." Nick

pulled back and looked Kyle. "But it's at least as important

in our personal lives. I don't want to lose you because I

overlook something that's important to you, or forget

something and end up hurting you. I mean, I've spent most

of my life looking for someone who understands and

accepts me. There's no way I want to lose that, now that

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The Chauffeur

Serena Yates


I've found it."

"You won't." Kyle hugged him tightly. "You've

taught me to stand up for myself and to start relying on my

judgment. Hell, you even convinced me we should move in

together. Nobody could be more perfect for me than you.

Absolutely nobody."

"It's mutual." Nick closed his eyes, more than ready

for a nap in their new home.

So very mutual.


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About the Author

Serena Yates is a night owl who starts writing when
everyone else in her time zone is asleep. She's loved
reading all her life and spent most of her childhood with
her nose buried in a book. Although she always wanted to
be a writer, financial independence came first. Twenty-
some years and a successful business career later she took
some online writing classes and never looked back.

Living and working in seven countries has taught her that
there's more than one way to get things done. It has
instilled tremendous respect for the many different cultures,
beliefs, attitudes and preferences that exist on our planet.

She likes exploring those differences in her stories, most of
which happen to be romances. Her characters have a
tendency to want to do their own thing, so she often has to
rein them back in. The one thing they all agree on is the
desire for a happy ending.

She currently lives in the United Kingdom, sharing her
house with a vast collection of books. She likes reading,
travelling, spending time with her nieces and listening to
classical music. She has a passion for science and learning
new languages.

Email: serena@serenayates.com




Serena Equality Yates


Serena Yates

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Books by Serena Yates

Available at Silver Publishing:


The Elevator Mechanic

The Chauffeur


Araton's Destiny


To Find and to Keep (print)

Available at Dreamspinner Press:


The Eye of Scota: Cináed


The Mistletoe Phenomenon

The Solstice Mistletoe Effect

The Mistletoe Experiment (February 2, 2011)


To Find and To Keep

To Keep and To Love

Available at Total-E-Bound:

Max's Italian Romance (February 7, 2011)


Rescuing the Librarian

Discovering the Actor

Encouraging the Writer (February 21, 2011)

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Finding Elliot

Rediscovering Adrian (January 17, 2011)

Understanding Mark (March 14, 2011)


The Magic Thieves (novel, December 27, 2010)

The Magic Thieves novella in the Stealing My Heart


with A.J. Llewellyn


The Cake (April 4, 2011)

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Literary Nymphs Review gives The Elevator Mechanic

4.5 Nymphs!

Joe Taylor is an elevator installer who enjoys his

work. If he could put in a bid for his ideal position, it would
come with a permanent location and a team to call his own.
As it is, his current job leaves little chance of that
happening. Trepidation over the possible reactions of his
employer and coworkers makes him keep his sexual
preference close to the vest.

Bill Evans has a mission and game plan. Building

his career has put a possible long term relationship on the
back burner. Bill is sure that's an ideal option until he looks
into the soulful brown eyes of Joe. There was so much
there that he was drawn to the man and couldn't let go of
the hopes of seeing those eyes glowing brightly below him.

When the opportunity presents itself, will Bill and

Joe keep things simple or will they decide to give love a

Bill is a man of action. While he was determined to

get what he wanted, he wasn't willing to hurt Joe in the
process. Joe's shy personality is a refreshing change from
the norm and adds a wonderful element to the story. Their
relationship alters as much as their individual personalities
after the men finally meet.

Serena Yates' The Elevator Mechanic is part of the

Workplace Encounters series. She has the ability to make
her charming characters believable and multidimensional.
Even during this short tale, the men evolved. Their mutual
respect was clear and enhances their relationship. You
could see them pull strength from one another in various
areas of the story and I knew it wouldn't be long until the
saw what I did; that their relationship wasn't trivial but
would become lasting and permanent. And their encounters
are sensual and laced with love. I'm looking forward to
future releases for this series.

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* * * *

Lena at Queer Magazine Online says:

'The Elevator Mechanic' by Serena Yates is about

Bill and Joe, two men with shaky pasts, devoid of the love
and support everyone deserves. Constant disappointment
and ridicule caused them to retreat into themselves and
avoid commitment, which effectively denied them what
they needed most—a fulfilling relationship of love and

Both characters showed tremendous personal

growth by recognizing that when it came to each other,
their fears were unfounded. They went from mistrusting,
insecure men into a strong, confident couple. They slipped
so naturally into a relationship that before they realized it,
'I' became 'we', and even more impressive, they were
willing to admit that they were happy about it. They
recognized that their passion for each other went much
deeper and broader than either of them had previously
experienced, then actively pursued what they needed to do
in order for it to work. The old doubts and fears gave way
to new truths and against all odds, they didn't let their
gloomy, negative pasts rob them of a bright, positive future.

I especially loved their personality quirks— Joe's

blushing, showing vulnerability as opposed to his outward
passivity, and Bill with his bad boy, apathetic attitude in
contrast to his nurturing tendencies. These details helped
set the stage for their future success. As disillusioned as
they seemed to be, subconsciously they continued to hope
for something more.

'The Elevator Mechanic' is a delightful,

heartwarming story which I thoroughly enjoyed, and would
recommend, particularly for anyone who believes in the
power of love and its ability to overcome all obstacles, and
in destiny, the feeling that there is someone out there meant
just for you.


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