Mordheim in Age of Sigmar Rules Playsheet 0 5 4

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Cast Spells: Wizards may cast their allotted spells; roll 2d6 against the spell's difficulty; enemies
within 18" may attempt to unbind.

Use Command Ability: Warband Leader may activate either Inspiring Presence or another command
ability that they have.

2. Hero Phase: Cast spells and use heroic abilities.

Rout Test: If warband has lost 25% or more models, make a Rout test (roll d6) and on a result of 6 or
higher, the test fails and warband flees (+1 if the warband leader is out of action; +1 if lost 50% or more)
Rally Test: Fleeing models make a Rally test (d6 + number of models out of action) against their
Bravery or continue fleeing.
Recover from Conditions: Models stunned become knocked down; knocked down models stand up
but move at half speed and may not run or charge that round

1. Recovery Phase: Make Route tests, rally fleeing troops and recover from conditions.

Game Turn Sequence

Mordheim: Age of Sigmar Playsheet

Scenario and Terrain Rules

Moving: Each model may move their movement characteristic in any direction; moving vertically
requires climbing. Models that fly may move across terrain and move vertically, up to their Move
characteristic. You may not move closer than 3" to an enemy model; if you start closer than 3", you
may either remain stationary or retreat. If you retreat, you cannot shoot or charge later that turn.

Climbing: May climb as part of move but may not move more than movement characteristic; climbing
requires a Climb check. Roll a dice and on a 2+ you successfully climb. On a 1, you fall. If the fall is
less than 6", suffer a d6 hits that wound on a 4+ with no rend and do 1 damage. If the fall is greater
than 6", you suffer d6 mortal wounds. Either way, if any wounds are suffered, you are knocked down.
: May jump an open space as part of move. If the distance jumped is less than half of your
movement, no check is required. If the distance is more than half your move characteristic, it requires a
Jump check. Roll a dice and on a 2+ you successfully jump. On a 1, you fall (see above).

Running: May run as your movement. If you run, roll a d6 and increase your movement by that amount
this turn but you may not shoot or charge later this turn.

Hiding: May hide at the end of a move if it has cover and did not run. A hidden model is not visible to
enemies. Hidden models may not run, shoot, charge, or use command abilities or they lose hidden.
Enemy models ending their movement within 12" may spot a hidden model on a 4+.

Cover: A model with interposing terrain gains cover and adds 1 to save rolls.
Buildings: Cavalry may enter buildings and ascend stairs but may not climb or use ladders. Chariots may not enter
buildings. Monsters activated in close combat in a building trigger Bringing down the House on 4+. Similarly,
buildings may be attacked by Monsters and Siege War Machines. Monsters may make one attack (instead of normal
attacks) against an adjacent building that hits on a 2+ and wounds on 6+ Siege War Machines use their own To Hit
value but wound on a 6+. On a 6+, proceed to Bringing down the House.
Bringing down the House:
Those in a collapsing building get a special save: Infantry on 3+, Cavalry on 5+,
Monsters on 6+. Models who fail take 1d6 (2d6 if building is more than 6" tall) mortal wounds.

Scenario Special Rules:

Darkness: Enemies beyond 12" may not be targeted.
Rain: Shooting attacks at -1 to Hit, and running and charging models check on a 2+. On a 1, they move half speed
and are knocked down.
Burning Building: On a 4+, suffer d3 mortal wounds upon entering.

Rickety Buildings: +1 on Brining down the House checks
Heavy Terrain:
4 pieces of terrain per 2'x2' (2+ must be buildings)

Traps: Upon entering objective, roll d6: 1-2: Suffer d3 mortal wounds, one time. 3-4: Roll d3 dice; suffer wound for
each 4+; one time. 5-6: Avoids trap but next model to enter objective must also roll on chart.

Terrain Rules:

3. Movement Phase: Move units across the battlefield.

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Battleshock for outnumbered Troops: All non-hero, non-monster models in close combat with two or
more opponents with no friendly models within 6" (knocked down, stunned, or fleeing allies do not
count) must make a Battleshock test. The player whose turn it is tests first. Roll 1d6 and add to the
result the total number of friendly models that are out of action. If the total result is less than the
model's Bravery characteristic, the test is passed. If the test is failed, the model flees (see below).
Battleshock for Wounded models: Any hero or monster that has lost half or more of its total wounds
must make Battleshock test (see above) or flee.
Fleeing: Any model who has failed a Battleshock test is fleeing and moves directly away from the
enemies as if he were running (Movement +1d6"). The model will continue to do nothing but run
towards the nearest table edge during subsequent turns unless he Rallies during one of his subsequent
Recovery phases. If he is charged while fleeing, the model is automatically hit and the fleeing model
may not participate in close combat. If he flees to the table edge, he is considered out of action but
does not have to roll on the Serious Injury chart during the Post-Game phase.

7. Battleshock Phase: Test the resolve of hardened warriors

Attacking: The player whose turn it is may pick one of their models who either charged or is within 3" of
an enemy model. If they are within 3" but must move to reach an enemy, they must move the shortest
distance to the nearest enemy. They then may attack with all of their melee attacks against any enemy
within reach. An attack with a successful To Hit and To Wound roll requires an enemy to make a Save
roll (modified by the attacker's Rend value). To Wound rolls of 6 or higher are critical hits and roll on the
Critical Hit chart (see below). Failed Save rolls cause the listed damage to the enemy. Enemies
reduced to zero wounds by this attack must roll on the Combat Injury Chart (see below). Then the
opponent to the left choose an eligible model, and repeats the above process. Activations continue to
rotate until all eligible models have been activated.

6. Combat Phase: Attack with melee weapons

Charging: Any of your models within 12" of an enemy may charge them. Roll 2d6. If this total would
move you within 1/2" of that enemy model, the charge is successful and you move the appropriate
distance. If not, the charge has failed and the charging model may not move.

5. Charge Phase: Charge units into combat.

Attacking with a Ranged Weapon: Each model with a ranged attack may shoot an enemy within
range. An attack with a successful To Hit and To Wound roll requires an enemy to make a Save roll
(modified by the attacker's Rend value). To Wound rolls of 6 or higher are critical hits and roll on the
Critical Hit chart (see below). Failed Save rolls cause the listed damage to the enemy. Enemies
reduced to zero wounds by this attack must roll on the Combat Injury Chart (see below).

4. Shooting Phase: Attack with missile weapons.

Knocked Down: May
crawl up to 2" but may not
fight in close combat, shoot
or cast spells. May only
crawl away from close
combat if enemy is fighting
another opponent. May not
be attacked if enemy is
threaten by another enemy.
Attacks against a knocked down opponent automatically hit. Attacks that
successfully damage automatically put them out of action.
Stunned: A stunned model may not take actions or move and is taken
out of action automatically if attacked. Stunned models may not be
attacked if the enemy is engaged in close combat with another opponent.

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Mordheim: Age of Sigmar Pre- & Post-Game Sheet

Pre-Game Steps

1. Create or determine your warband (see pg. x.x)
2. Choose or roll for a scenario (see charts below)
3. Set up game board (as per scenario description); add additional terrain as desired
4. Determine if you would like to use additional special rules beyond those of the scenario
5. Determine first turn (as per scenario description)
6. Play!

Post-Game Sequence

1. Determine Serious Injuries and Deaths

1: Roll once on Physical Injury chart (pg x.x) and once on Mental Injury chart (pg x.x). If hero was mounted,
the mount is killed.

2-3: Roll once on the Mental Injury chart (pg x.x).
4-5: Roll once on the Physical Injury chart (pg x.x).

Troop Injuries: Roll 1d6 for each troop put out of action. On a 1 or 2, that troop model dies and is
removed from your roster. On a 3+, they survive to fight another day.
Hero Injuries: Roll 1d6 for each hero put out of action and roll on the indicated chart if necessary.

6: Miraculously - No injury!

2. Experience and Leveling

Apply Experience:

1. Apply the experience to each hero model and trooper unit granted by the scenario. In most cases, each
survivor will gain at least 1 experience, with other optional experience they may have earned.
2. If the hero model or troop unit reaches a bold box on their experience chart, then they have earned an
advancement. Roll on the appropriate table below.
3. If your warband leader has reached a line (every 10 experience) on their experience char, then they have
leveled up and they increase their maximum warband size by 1.
*Note: Hero models and troop units only gain bonuses, including an increase in maximum warband size for
their advancement after the start of the game. Any experience a model or unit begins with is assumed to be
considered in their existing abilities at the start of a game.

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3. Exploration Phase

1. Roll a dice for each hero


















4. Recruitment Phase














Recruitment Notes:

Heroes may only be recruited by the Warband Leader.



. New troops must be added to preexisting

troop units unless there is an available Captain with unassigned troops of the corresponding type or if a
corresponding Captain does not exist for the recruited troops and there is not already a unit of that type in
the warband.









Document Outline


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