Marie Tuhart His For The Weekend [Wild Rose] (pdf)

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His For

The Weekend


Marie Tuhart

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places,

and incidents are either the product of the author’s

imagination or are used fictitiously, and any

resemblance to actual persons living or dead,

business establishments, events, or locales, is

entirely coincidental.

His For The Weekend


2012 by Marie Tuhart

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used

or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without

written permission of the author or The Wild Rose

Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations

embodied in critical articles or reviews.

Contact Information:

Cover Art by Angela Anderson

The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

PO Box 708

Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

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Publishing History

First Scarlet Rose Edition, March 2012

Digital ISBN 978-1-61217-272-9

Published in the United States of America

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To my editor Trish, who always helps me make the

book stronger and more emotional.

To Nia, Isabel and April, without you this book

wouldn’t be the book it is.

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Marie Tuhart



“Another fantastic read by Marie Tuhart, the

series just keeps getting better and better. I was

worried my computer would combust as I kept


~ Sensual Reads

“Saddle Up is an engaging novel with strong

character development and a unique setting. Marie

Tuhart masterfully turns up the heat as Angie fully

submits to Jared in the bedroom. Nothing is off

limits to this highly inventive and creative couple as

they push their sexual boundaries with BDSM play,

various sex toys and a onetime ménage.”

~ Blackravens Review


“This story has something for everyone and will

thrill readers looking for depth in their erotica story

as Tuhart spends equal time on the physical and

emotional sides of Becca and Tyler’s romance.”

~ RT Reviews

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Chapter One

Cassie Adams marched into Marcus DeLuca’s

office, her light purple shirt buttoned to the top and

tucked into her black slacks. Her blue eyes flashed

with displeasure, her golden brown hair now pulled

back from her face in an uncomfortable-looking clip.

And that was telling. Her hair had been down

earlier and the first two buttons of her shirt undone.

Now she was building up her defenses.

Satisfaction washed through Marcus. His gift

had the desired effect—her in his office. She’d waited

until almost everyone was gone to lunch to confront

him. Admit it or not, she was attracted to him or

she’d want witnesses. “Good afternoon, Cassie.” He

kept his tone even.

“Don’t ‘good afternoon’ me, Marcus DeLuca. I’ve

had enough. This has got to stop and stop now.”

She stood before his desk, vibrating with anger.

Or was it unfulfilled desire? More than likely, it was


He’d picked his latest gifts to make sure she

confronted him face-to-face. Leaning back in his

executive leather chair to ease the pressure in his

groin, he asked, “What’s got to stop?”

A storm kicked up in those baby blues of hers

and it took all his control not leap out of his chair

and drag her into his arms. She did that to him—

made him lose control—and he didn’t like it. Not one


“Don’t play games with me. The flowers, the

notes, and the gifts. It stops now.” She all but

stomped her foot in anger.

The time for teasing was over. “I made my

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intentions clear two months ago. I told you then the

gloves were coming off and I was going to pursue you

until you gave in to our attraction.” But it was more

than attraction, at least on his side. Inside, he

wanted to get to know her better, to find out what

made her tick, and to make her his.

And if she told him eye-to-eye she wasn’t

interested and to leave her alone, he’d respect her

wishes, but so far, she hadn’t done that. And he

didn’t think she would now. No, there was more

between them. Sexual chemistry arched between

them every time they were together and he wanted

her like no other woman. She called to him on an

elemental level.

“Yes, but…” Her gaze dropped to her feet, a

delicate flush covering her cheeks.

Tenderness welled up in him, along with the

need to take her into his arms and comfort her, but

at the same time, the need to kiss her senseless until

neither one of them had a single breath left.

“I can’t take this anymore.” Her voice was

whisper soft, but he heard the words as clear as if

she had shouted them.

His heart leaped—now he could prove to her

there was more to him than a co-worker and give

their relationship a chance. “What are you willing to

give me?”

Her head snapped up and she gnawed on her lip.

“Twenty-four hours.”

“Not enough. A hundred and twenty.”

Her mouth opened then closed. Her gaze darted

left, then right, before settling back on his face. He

could almost see the wheels turning in her head. A

good sign—she was willing to be his.

“Too long. Forty-eight.”

He stood and crossed over to her. He needed to

be close to her as they negotiated. “Still not enough

Ninety-six uninterrupted hours with you.”

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Her nose scrunched up and her lashes swept

down, cutting off the view of her expressive eyes.

“Sixty—six tonight until six Monday morning.”

He noted the stubborn set to her chin. It wasn’t

ideal, but he could do it. He would not fail in

winning her over. Leaning close, he whispered, “I’ll

take it.”

She exhaled, lashes rising until she stared at

him. “What are the ground rules?”

“There are none.”

Her eyes widened. Oh, yes, he had her now and

he wasn’t letting go.

“No barriers. No rules.”

Her shoulders dipped, then straightened. She

acted like she was preparing for a battle, but it

would be a battle of sex. “All right, but when the

sixty hours are done, we’re finished. I mean it. No

flowers, no gifts, no mention of this weekend. Ever.”

Without another word, she spun on her heels to

walk out of his office.

He was quick to cross the room. He captured her

by the shoulders, bringing her to a halt. His lips

brushed her ear and a shiver shook her. “Remember

what I said at the party?”

She didn’t answer him, but her swift intake of

breath was the only answer he needed.

“You belong to me.”

“I belong to no man.”

He slid his hands down her arms, past her

clenched fists and encircled her waist, bringing her

back flush against his chest, her breathing shallow.

She didn’t struggle, not even when he tilted his

hips, letting her know how much she aroused him.

“You will belong to me. I promise.”

She trembled in his hold. “For sixty hours only.”

She wrenched herself from his embrace and turned

her head to stare at him. “That’s all you’ll get,

Marcus. That’s all it can be.”

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“Don’t bet on it.”

“There is the sexual harassment law of twenty-

twenty. You have to abide by it.”

“If you file.”

“I will, if you make one move toward me after

our weekend.” Pivoting, she marched out of his office.


What in God’s name had she done? Made a deal

with the devil, that’s what. Cassie couldn’t stop

shaking. Her pussy pulsed, her breasts tingled and

her breathing was too shallow. And it wasn’t from

fear. Only Marcus could make her this aroused

without even trying.

She’d confronted Marcus to get him to back off,

not to agree to a no-holds-barred weekend. How did

she let him talk her into it? Maybe talk wasn’t the

right word. Negotiated was better. But darn it, she

was the head of customer service, negotiation was

her specialty. Yet she’d been outwitted on this one.

Even now, her heart continued to pound and her

pussy pulsed with unfulfilled excitement. But

Marcus’ last words also sent a chill through her.

She wouldn’t be his. She was not submissive like

her mother—she was her own woman. The weekend

would get him out of her system and that’s all she

would allow. While it would put her in a vulnerable

position with Marcus having control, she would still

be on her guard. She wouldn’t leave herself open to

whatever Marcus wanted to do to her, no matter how

painful. No way—her mother was like that, but she

wouldn’t give control to a man. Ever.

He’d been a thorn in her side from day one, but

over the last year the pain from the thorn had

turned into unchecked desire and need. Not only did

he keep her on her toes professionally, but mentally

as well.

Was it because her last relationship crashed

right before Marcus started flirting with her? Or was

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it because she had engaged in the services within

the company, Fantasies Inc.? Had Josh, the lead

manager in the department, talked to Marcus about

her fantasy? No, he wouldn’t do that—client

confidentially was critical to their business.

Damn, why was she spending so much time

analyzing the whys? The whys didn’t matter. Not

when her emotions were all over the place and she

was having trouble regaining control.

She strode into her office without even realizing

how she got there. Settling back into her chair, she

looked down at her desk.

If there was one thing she loved, it was her job.

Fantasies Incorporated was a company that

specialized in making sexual fantasies come true, by

any legal means. People paid handsomely for their


Since the Sexual Freedom Act, sex companies

were no longer taboo. Fantasies Inc. paid well to

have the best people working for them. And she was

the best as far as customer service was concerned.

And Marcus was the superman of Research and

Development from everything she saw during

departmental meetings. And Josh…the master of

ménage from all the customer recommendations

she’d received about his group.

Her phone rang and she jumped. Her hand

hitting the white box still sitting on her desk, she

scowled at it as she picked up the receiver. “Cassie

Adams, how may I help you?” she answered


“Now there’s a loaded question.” Marcus’

whiskey smooth voice shimmered through her blood


She fought against the boneless feeling invading

her being at the sound of his voice. “What do you

want, Marcus.”

“All business. I wanted to remind you to bring

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the present with you tonight.”

Her gaze sought out the box still sitting on her

desk, mocking her. Why hadn’t she taken it up to his

office and given it back to him?

“Umm, sure.” What else was she going to say?

She was the one who’d agreed to the weekend.

“Good. I can’t wait to try those nipple rings on


Before she could answer, he hung up. No. No.

No. She wasn’t going to wear them. The teddy, yes.

The rings, no way.

But her nipples tightened in anticipation

anyway. She wasn’t adverse to sexual play, but

memories flooded her.

A time when she was a teenager and exploring

her own sexuality, she’d found a set of nipple rings

in the bathroom. Since her parents were very open

about sex…Her lashes drifted shut.

Keep breathing. In and out. In and out. The

memory of the pain flooded her. She hadn’t known

they would hurt so much when she clipped them on.

Fighting against the memory, Cassie breathed

deeply until she regained control.

She would keep her control this weekend, even if

it killed her.


By four in the afternoon, Cassie was holding on

to her control by a thread.

Since Marcus’ call, all she could think about was

him and those damn nipple rings.

Her gaze slid to the box still sitting on the

corner of her desk. Unable to help herself, she

opened the pristine white lid. Pushing the midnight

blue teddy aside, she pulled out the smaller velvet

box and opened it.

She stared at the two gold nipple rings before

pulling them out. Holding them in her palm, she

admired the smooth feel of the metal and their light

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These looked nothing like the ones she

remembered from her teenage years. Those had been

round but made of steel and they had little spikes on

the inside. These were round and would easily slip

on to her sensitive nipples, making them even

harder than they were now. How would the gold feel

against her skin? Her pussy tightened as moisture

gathered. She could picture Marcus standing before

her, his fingers playing with her breasts before he

slipped the gold rings over her taunt nipples. Her

breath caught in her throat.

Stop this!

Before she could put the rings back in their box,

a click of the door captured her attention. Marcus

stood with his back against the wood, an ultra

satisfied grin on his face.

“How…” She cleared her throat. “How long have

you been standing there?”

“Long enough.” He pushed away from the door

and stalked toward her desk.

Dropping the rings into their box, she shoved

them back into the bigger box. “Is there something I

can help you with?” She cursed silently the second

the words left her mouth.

Yep, his green eyes lit up at her words, taking

them as an invitation.

“Yes, there is something you can help me with.”

He rounded her desk.

Her pulse kicked up a notch. “Marcus.” She rose

to her feet.

“Put them on, Cassie.” His voice was low and

firm, sending shivers up her spine.

“Later.” Much later. Maybe never.

His green eyes darkened. “Now.” This time there

was steel in the command.

Her hand hovered above the box, but the second

she realized what was happening, she dropped her

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arm. She wasn’t like her mother—she wasn’t going

to mindlessly obey a man. That wasn’t who she was.

“Our time hasn’t begun yet.”

Strong masculine hands closed over hers. His

skin wasn’t soft, but rough enough to send shivers

along her nerves and to remind her he was all man.

“Put them on.” His voice dropped to a husky

whisper that stroked her nerves like velvet fingers.

“You know you want to. Think about how they will

feel against your skin. How they will cause your

nipples to harden and rub against your bra, making

your breasts more sensitive. So when I take them

into my mouth and suckle them, you’ll cry out with


Cassie pried her hands from beneath his to grab

the edge of her desk before her knees gave out. The

images his words invoked caused her pussy to spasm

and her nipples to tighten into hard buds. If he could

do that to her now, how was she going to survive the

weekend? Without saying a word, she watched

Marcus lift the lid on the box.

He cradled the smaller box in his large hands

and it set off an earthquake inside her. How would

those hands feel on her skin? In her hair? Stroking

her pussy until she climaxed?

His long fingers began to unfasten her blouse

and Cassie opened her mouth to protest, but no

words emerged. The heat from his skin seared hers,

making her forget everything.

Palms skimmed over her neck, to her shoulders,

pushing her blouse down over her arms, trapping

them against her sides and baring her lace-covered

breasts to the cool office air. Her skin tingled at the

light scraping of his skin against hers. But even as

her breathing increased, she knew had to stop him.

They were at work.


“So beautiful,” he whispered, his breath

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brushing her cheek. “I knew they’d be.”

His palms covered her breasts and more heat

exploded within her and she fought against moaning.

The next thing she knew, he’d maneuvered her

so her ass now rested against her desk, and his chest

brushed her sensitive, fabric-covered breasts.

“This is a bad idea.” Dear God, they were in her

office and anyone could walk in at any time. What

was she thinking? She wasn’t, because her brain had

short circuited the second he touched her.

“Best idea I’ve had in a while.” With deft fingers,

he undid the front clasp of her bra. Her breasts

spilled out of the lacy cups.

She started to raise her hand, but it was trapped

by her clothing. “Stop, Marcus.” She tried to make

her voice firm, but it came out soft and needy.

“Do you mean that?” The rings rolled onto his

palm and a metal twang echoed in her office.

She wanted his hands on her bare breasts. She

wanted him to caress them, to make her ache for his


“Let me tell you about these little beauties.” He

leaned forward, his breath caressing her cheek. “I

created these to give a woman pleasure. That’s why I

love R&D, so I can create things for pleasure, both

giving and receiving.”

His thumb brushed over her right nipple,

causing a tremor to sweep through her. Then he did

the same to her left nipple. Her pussy clenched and

her skin began to flush, hot with pleasure.

“Marcus.” His green gaze clashed with hers.

“Stop, now.”

His gaze hardened, but he removed his hands

from her breasts. She took a deep breath. She’d been

so afraid he wouldn’t listen to her and that he’d do

what he wanted, regardless of her wishes.

Without a word, his gaze never leaving her face,

he fastened her bra, slid her blouse back onto her

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shoulders and re-buttoned it.

“Later, we’ll try these out.” He set the nipple

rings back in their place. “Actually, I’ll take the box

with me. I’ll see you at six.” He marched out of her

office and Cassie collapsed in her chair.

Oh, dear God. She raised a trembling hand to

her chest. Marcus had listened to her. She wasn’t

sure if she was happy or sad that he’d listened to her.

Maybe both? But it wasn’t just him stopping when

she asked—it was her reaction to his touch, the

excited feeling of anticipation that swept through

her when his skin touched hers.

Fire still burned low in her belly, her pussy

throbbing with unfulfilled desire.

If she was going to react this way without

knowing why, how could she go through with this

weekend? How could she not? She’d given her word,

and she would never renege on it.

Why did she have the feeling her life was

spiraling out of control?

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Chapter Two

It was six-twenty. Cassie wasn’t going to show.

Marcus shook his head, unable to believe she stood

him up. He paced around the dark wood paneled

security room, disappointment filling him.

Pausing, he looked at the security monitors for

the hundredth time. He’d pushed her a bit earlier

today in her office, but only because he knew if he

didn’t, she’d retreat to hide behind that layer of


Sitting back in the chair, he continued to stare

at the monitor. Did he regret pushing her? Maybe,

just a bit. He’d watched Cassie enough to know the

sensual woman in her was alive and kicking, from

the gentle sway of her hips, to the small smile

hovering around her lips. But today, there was

something else.


Damn. Is that why she wasn’t coming? No, he

didn’t believe that. He’d seen her in action, and his

Cassie wasn’t a coward. She’d taken on other

managers in the office when they talked down to her

or made lewd jokes, and never batted an eyelash.

The ringing of a bell startled him out of his chair.

He blinked and glanced back at the monitor. A small,

gunmetal gray SUV with a very harassed-looking

Cassie behind the wheel idled at the gate.

His palms were damp with anticipation. Wiping

them down his pants, he then pressed the button,

allowing the security gates to open. He hit several

keys on the keyboard and the cameras followed her

progress. He zoomed in the focus, giving him a close

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up view of her face.

She was stressed. He could see it in the

tightness of her mouth, the way her brows were

scrunched up, and the way her hands were gripping

the steering wheel, her knuckles white.

Was she nervous? Afraid? She had no reason to

be. Marcus watched the gate close. After making

sure it was secure, he left the room to greet his guest.

Maybe a change of plans was a good idea.


Cassie took another deep breath for what

seemed the hundred thousandth time. A last minute

problem had tied her up at the office, and by the

time had she finished, ran home and packed a bag,

she knew she’d never make it to Marcus’ by six.

While driving, she cursed him for not giving her

a number where she could reach him. And she drove

as fast as she dared. The police were ruthless on

speeders and the last thing she wanted tonight was

to be arrested.

Pulling her SUV to a stop in the circular

driveway, she stared out the windshield.

What are you doing? The answer hadn’t changed

since the last time she asked herself the question.

Doing what you’ve wanted to do for the past year—

have sex with a man who has dominated your

dreams and fantasies.

A sliver of fear held her back. Not fear of Marcus,

but of herself. She refused to believe she was like her

mother, submissive to the point of letting her

partner do whatever he wanted, no matter what.

But isn’t that what happened with Marcus today

in her office? She shook her head. No, that wasn’t it.

When she told him to stop the second time, he had.

So who was in control?

That was it. Control. This was all about control.

And she was an expert at it. All she had to do was

control her emotions and all would be fine.

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Her mother had no place here this weekend. Her

mother was happy the way she was, regardless of

what her daughter thought. Pushing the depressing

thoughts away, Cassie’s gaze settled on Marcus’


The front door remained closed. Well, I can’t sit

here all night. Exiting the vehicle, she snagged her

bag out of the passenger seat, slammed the door and

used the key fob to lock it.

Striding up the walkway, she realized that

Marcus was very security conscious. She’d noticed

the security cameras at the gate, and she’d counted

at least two cameras and five sets of flood lights

from the gate to the front of his house.

The arched entryway was impressive. It looked

as if it were marble. And the size…she wondered

why Marcus wanted such a large home.

He never struck her as a person who was into

material possessions. But then again, what did she

really know about him? Except that he was

straightforward and honest. He’d been that way

from day one with her, when he made no bones

about wanting her.

Even after he left her office today, he’d emailed

her his latest physical from his doctor, showing he

was free from any sexually transmitted diseases.

She’d done the same—not that it mattered, since it

had been well over a year since she last had sex with

a man.

The heavy wooden door swung open when her

feet hit the porch. Out of the corner of her eye, she

found yet another camera perched in the corner.

Marcus stood in the doorway. Her heart

contracted. His hair was a mess and his arms were

crossed over his chest. His stance screamed anger,

but she thought she caught a glimmer of relief in his

green eyes. She dismissed it.

“Sorry to be late,” she said in a rush, and then

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wondered why she was apologizing. No more being

sorry. She was not going to be like her mother.

“Until you drove in, I figured you stood me up.”

“I gave my word, and I never go back on my

word. Shall I leave then?” She took a step back.

“No.” He grasped her forearm gently and took

her bag with his free hand. “Welcome to my home.”

He guided her inside, and then kicked the door shut

behind them.

The lock engaged.

Her heart jumped. “You live pretty far out.”

Calm down, just the door locking.

“I value my privacy.” His hands curved around

her shoulders as he spoke, his dark gaze captured

hers. “Plus it’s better not to have neighbors close. No

calling the police when they hear you scream.”

Cassie swayed on her feet, her senses going on

full alert, the fear she’d pushed away springing back

full force. Warm masculine palms cupped her cheeks

and Marcus’ thumbs swept over her parted lips.

“You’ll scream in pleasure, Cassie. I’m not into

pain either, giving or receiving. Pleasure is what I


The breath rushed out of her. “You had me


“Something told me you would be.” An unusual

light flickered in his eyes, but it was gone before she

could figure out what it meant. “Let’s get you settled

in and then we can have dinner.”

“Dinner?” Confusion ran riot through her mind.

Only a few hours ago, he couldn’t wait to get his

hands on her. Now he wanted to feed her?

“We need to eat.” Releasing her, he curved his

arm around her waist and guided her up the

winding staircase. “I suspect you missed lunch


Heat swept into her cheeks. Of course she had,

since she’d been in his office during lunch time. Her

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feet glided over the highly polished wooden stairs. At

the top, Marcus guided her right to an open door.

Cassie jolted to a halt. Marcus squeezed her

waist before continuing into the room with her bag.

His bedroom? Of course it was. Wasn’t that what

this weekend was about? But Cassie wasn’t sure if

she’d call this a bedroom.

Crossing the threshold, the room seemed larger

than her entire apartment. The bed almost took up

one entire wall, the cherry wood frame gleaming in

the light from the huge picture window.

Oh, what a view of the mountains you would

have from that bed every day and every night. With

a quick glance, she noticed the small sitting area

with a love seat, but his walls were bare of pictures.

The room was immaculate—either Marcus was very

neat or had a housekeeper.

“I’ve made room in the dresser and closet for

anything you wish to store.” He gestured to the door

which she assumed lead to the closet.

They were going to share a room? Well, of course

they were. She mentally smacked herself. Sex.

That’s what this was all about, nothing more and

nothing less. No emotions.

Marcus sat her bag on the bed, and their gazes

met as she walked farther into the room.

“Unpack and freshen up if you want. I’ll be

downstairs, finishing up dinner. You’ve got ten

minutes before its ready.” His long strides had him

standing in front of her before she realized he had

moved. “The dining room is on the left from the

bottom of the stairs. Please, don’t be late.”

His index finger brushed over her lips and then

he strode out of the room.

Confusion ran through Cassie’s mind. Why

wasn’t he taking her to bed? Yes, he mentioned

dinner earlier, but she fully expected him to jump

her bones the minute she entered his home. And he

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didn’t. Why not?

Nothing was making sense right now. Earlier he

couldn’t keep his hands off her, but now he was

playing it cool. She rubbed her temple to ease the


There was no figuring out what Marcus was

thinking. She was usually pretty good at reading

body language, his told her he was angry, but his

actions were gentle and kind. He was confusing her

and she didn’t like it. Now all she had to do was keep

a lid on her own emotions and get through the

weekend. She didn’t want a controlling man like

Marcus in her life.

Picking up her bag, she strode over to the door

and opened it. A walk-in closet. She stepped in and

noticed another open door at the end, leading to the

master bathroom.

Maybe splashing some cold water on her face

would help her pull herself back together. She had a

feeling she was going to need all her wits about her

to deal with Marcus.


Marcus walked into the kitchen, fighting the

need to hightail it back upstairs and throw Cassie

onto his bed and sink into her wet pussy.

The second he opened the front door and saw

her tenseness and the slight glimmer of fear in her

eyes, he knew he’d made the right decision to slow

things down. But he couldn’t stop himself from

playing lord of the manor and showing his anger.

But then it dissipated the second he saw her fear,

making him more concerned than angry. What in

her past was making her so wary?

Checking the pot of water on the stove, he added

the angel hair pasta, then went to check the table


There was something about Cassie that called to

him on an emotional level. He wanted her, that was

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a given. And from her earlier reactions to him, she

wanted him, too, but she was holding back. Or

something was holding her back.

Was she afraid of sex? He didn’t think so, since

the woman worked for a sex fantasy company. She’d

engaged one of their own departments for a fantasy.

That meant it had to be fear of him. His gut clenched.

Had a man hurt her in the past? He knew her last

relationship went south a little over a year ago. But

he would never hurt her, she had to know that. Or

did she?

Automatically, he checked the wine glasses,

plates and candles; everything was in its place—

except his libido. It was out of control, but he’d never

had much control around Cassie anyway.

He’d wanted her for almost a year now, and he

wasn’t used to denying himself. Striding over to the

stereo, he pushed the button and soft jazz filled the

air. Jazz always helped him relax and tonight he

needed it. He would show Cassie that she had

nothing to fear from him.

Soft footsteps caused him to turn. Cassie stood

in the doorway of the dining room, her rosy lips

slightly parted in amazement.

Marcus was glad to see she’d taken her hair

down and let it float around her shoulders. Plus

she’d changed out of her business suit into a

lounging-type outfit. Good, he wanted her to be


“Come, sit down.” He sauntered across the room

and pulled out one of the cherry wood chairs for her.

“Dinner is almost ready.”

Cassie glided over and sat down. When he

leaned to push her chair in for her, he smelled honey

and cream. He inhaled the scent and his cock leapt

behind the zipper of his jeans.

Later, he promised. Later he’d bury himself in

her scent until it covered him completely. Enforcing

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his own will, he picked up the bottle of white wine

and poured her a glass. “If this isn’t to your liking,

let me know. I have other wines.”

She nodded, but otherwise sat still as a statue.

She looked uncomfortable and he didn’t have a clue

how to make her relax.

“I’ll be right back with dinner.” He didn’t wait

for her to answer and bolted to the kitchen.

What the hell was wrong with him? Not only

was his cock hard, but he ran out of the room like

the nerdy boy with a crush on the head cheerleader

in high school. Control, he reminded himself. He

needed control. Crossing the tile floor, he pulled the

asparagus and pine nut salad out of the fridge.

The pasta was done. After draining it, he poured

it into a large bowl and tossed it with olive oil, then

added the shrimp he’d cooked earlier.

Putting the plates on the tray and covering

them, he then set the chocolate soufflé into the oven

and set it on low. It would be ready when dinner was


Seduction by food. A smile curved his lips as he

picked up the tray and carried it into the dining


Cassie was relaxing back in her chair, sipping

from the wine glass in her hand, swaying lightly to

the music.

“Dinner is served, my lady.” He set the tray

down and took his seat to her right.

She set her glass down and her mouth opened

into an O as he set the salad plate in front of her.

“You cooked?”

“Yes.” He tried not to laugh. “What did you


“You don’t have someone who cooks and cleans

for you?”

“Clean, yes. Cook, no. I enjoy cooking. Eat up.”

He picked up his fork and watched her do the same.

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Spearing a small piece of asparagus and the other

vegetables, she brought it to her lips. Her eyes closed

as she chewed.

She let out a light moan, obviously enjoying the

taste of the food. “Oh my,” she said, after swallowing.

“This is delicious and I usually don’t like cold veggies.

What did you do to it?”

Outside of his R&D work, cooking was a passion.

“Sautéd the asparagus with pine nuts in olive oil.”

He relaxed. He’d wanted to make a good impression

with the food and he had. And that made him happy,

grinning he said, “You have to let it cool completely,

then add spinach and toss it with more olive oil and

a hint of white wine vinegar. Then into the fridge to


“Delicious.” She took another bite. “So where did

you learn to cook?”

“College.” Marcus picked up his wine glass and

leaned back. “I was tired of eating out or getting

pizza, so I took one of the university’s cooking


“And excelled at it.” She flashed him a grin and

his cock hardened further.

“Naturally.” He fought against his reaction. He

wanted her calm and relaxed, to show her he wasn’t

a threat, because he wasn’t. He was just a man who

wanted to make all her fantasies come true. Every

single one of them.

Cassie sipped the white wine, savoring the light,

sweet flavor as it slid down her throat. It helped

keep her confusion under wraps. Marcus had cooked

for her? This didn’t fit the picture she had of him as

the wild bachelor who took a different woman to bed

every night, and this wasn’t the way she thought the

weekend would start out.

She glanced at the covered plates and wondered

what other surprises he had for her. The heavenly

scent wafting from the plates made her mouth water.

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“You’re not eating.” She dabbed her lips.

“I’m not hungry for food.”

Cassie held her breath when Marcus leaned

forward, but all he did was remove her empty plate

and replace it with a covered one. With a flourish, he

lifted the lid.

Pasta with shrimp. Her stomach grumbled while

the delicious scent filled her brain. Without

hesitation, she picked up her fork and dug in,

knowing Marcus was staring at her. But she couldn’t

help herself—she was hungry. The pasta practically

melted on her tongue. She wasn’t a bad cook, but her

pasta never tasted like this.

“You like?” There was a hint of amusement in

his voice.

“Love it. You’re a great cook. My pasta always

sticks or is tough.”

“Add a little olive oil to the water when it boils—

it helps stop the sticking. As for the toughness.” He

leaned forward when she set her fork down. “You’re

not cooking it long enough. Everything is better

when it simmers for a while.”

It wasn’t just cooking he was talking about by

the heat in his gaze. Was that why he wasn’t

rushing her into bed, because he wanted their need

to simmer for a while?

Picking up her wine glass, she took a sip and sat

back in the chair. “So what was your major in


Chicken. A small voice inside her whispered.

She wasn’t chicken, but self preservation was still an









“No wonder you like R&D so much.”

His laughter caressed her every nerve, the rich

husky sound warming her.

“The R&D job at Fantasies Inc. was made for

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me.” He refilled their wine glasses before lounging

back in his seat again. “Tell me how you came to

work there?”

“I was bored in my last job and saw the online

ad for a customer service manager. I applied and got

the job.”

“And what did you do before that?”

Cassie exhaled. She really didn’t want to get

into this, but she was the one who opened the door,

now she needed to shut it. She waved her hand in

the air. “Too many jobs to go into. What about you?”

A smile crossed his lips, but it wasn’t one of

those nice smiles. It was his wolfish I’ll get you, my

pretty grin, as if he knew exactly what she was doing.

She forced herself to breathe normally, hoping

he wouldn’t see her racing heart. Stay calm. Stay in


His forefinger traced the rim of his wine glass. “I

worked with several engineering firms after I

graduated college. When Fantasies Inc. started up, I

saw the potential and joined up.”

“So you’ve been there since the beginning.” The

company was only a few years old.

“Yes. The president and I are old friends from

our college days.”

What? Cassie blinked. He was friends with the

president of the company. Oh God, if this weekend

headed south, he could get her fired without cause.

Her hand twitched.

Warm fingers closed over hers. “I don’t abuse

the friendship. You have nothing to fear.”

“How…” A ping sounded and Cassie jumped.

“You have a very expressive face. Time for

dessert.” Releasing her hand, he rose to his feet,

picked up the plates and strode into the kitchen.

Get a hold of yourself. She had no idea her face

was expressive. She would need to school her

features around Marcus or he’d know all her secrets.

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When he returned, the scent of rich chocolate

assaulted her. Oh, damn, she was in trouble now.

He set the confection in front of her and her

stomach somersaulted. A chocolate soufflé. Perfectly

cooked. A scoop of vanilla ice cream melted on top,

and sliced strawberries decorated the edge.

“Are you trying to seduce me with food?” She

glanced up at Marcus. His green gaze met hers.

“And if I am?”

“I’d say it was working.”

“Good. Eat up before the ice cream melts.”

She closed her eyes on the first bite. Not just

any ice cream, but French vanilla along with

chocolate heaven. Moaning in pure bliss, she took

another bite.

“So, Cassie, where did you grow up?”

Cassie started coughing. Marcus started to rise,

but she waved him back into his seat. She picked up

her water glass and took a deep drink.

He kept his gaze on her. What was going on in

that brain of hers? He’d asked a simple question.

And while she gave a lot away in body language and

facial expressions, there were still missing pieces to

the puzzle. He waited until she recovered her breath.

“Are you okay?”


“Shall I repeat the question?”

“No.” She pushed back from the table, but didn’t

rise. Her hands came up and rubbed her arms. “Why

did you ask where I grew up?”

“I’m interested. What did you expect?” Curiosity

filled him. Why was she hiding her past from him?


Marcus threw back his head and laughed—he

couldn’t help it. This woman was precious.

“It’s not funny.” She rose.

“Cassie.” The hurt in her eyes cut his laugher

short, and before she could take a step, he was there.

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He placed his palms on her shoulders, fighting the

need to pull her into his embrace.

“This isn’t going to work. I never should have

made this bargain,” she whispered.

He tightened his hold when she tried to shrug

away from him.

“I can’t do this.”

“Yes, you can.” Giving in to his need, he let his

hands slip down her arms until he encircled her

waist, holding her loosely. She tilted her head back

and when their gazes met, her eyes were clouded

and troubled.

For the first time in his life, he wasn’t sure how

to put a woman at ease with him. A sense of failure

started to creep up his spine. No, he wouldn’t fail.

He would never fail again—once was enough.

“Marcus, I…”

“Shh.” He brushed his lips over hers, tracing the

seam of her mouth with his tongue before pulling

back. “This weekend is about so much more than


Unable to help himself, his mouth closed over

hers again. Her lips parted and he delved in. The

taste of warm chocolate teased his tongue. Her

fingers tangled in his hair, urging him closer. He

wanted nothing better than to strip those clothes off

her and find her wet core.

Even as her tongue dueled with his, he softened

the kiss. He was going to do this right. He pulled

back from her luscious lips.

Her eyes were closed, her breathing rapid and

her fingers still buried in his hair.

Keeping things light and easy was going to be

harder than he’d counted on because she was so

damn sensual. But then, nothing with Cassie was

easy. She was a complicated woman, a woman who

hid from herself and from others.

“If it’s not about sex, then what is it about?” she

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asked, her breath brushing against his sensitive


“It’s about two consenting adults learning about

each other, exploring each other and enjoying


“Then by all means, let’s enjoy ourselves.” She

pressed herself against him and damn if his cock

didn’t jump.


“Don’t you want me?” She squirmed and his cock

jerked, seeking her warmth.

“I want you.” He kissed her hard and fast before

he pried her arms from around his neck and took a

step back. Control. He needed to keep himself in


He held her hands loosely until her eyes grew

wide and the sensual haze lifted. “Oh, God.” Her

cheeks turned a lovely shade of red as she took a

step back. “I never…I mean…Oh, hell.”

Marcus bit back a chuckle. She was about to

panic and he didn’t want that. “Go upstairs and

relax while I clean up.”

“Umm. Sure.” She spun on her heels and all but

ran out of the room.

Stupid. Crazy. Slut. She heard her father’s voice

in her head as she sank down onto the mattress in

Marcus’ bedroom. Her father had said that often

enough to her and her mother. What the hell had

happened to her?

You’re meant to be like your mother. There was

her father’s menacing voice again. No! She forced

the voice away. She was not like her mother. She

would never be like her mother. But the fear

remained inside her, eating slowly at her confidence

in herself.

Taking a breath, she closed her eyes, letting her

mind wander back to a few minutes ago. What kind

of game was Marcus playing? Or was he? Consenting

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adults learning about each other, exploring each

other, and enjoying themselves—that’s what he said.

But she didn’t want him to learn about her past.

She could handle the exploring and enjoying, but

that was it. Sex, pure and simple, was the best way

to silence the voices in her head.

Her heart fluttered. Marcus wanted to know

what made her tick. And she wouldn’t allow that to

happen. This weekend was simply to get Marcus out

of her system so she could move on. That’s what

they’d agreed to and she was going to hold Marcus to


Surging to her feet, she crossed the room. A

shower would make her feel better, and she’d be

ready for Marcus. He wouldn’t know what hit him.

Because she was going to be in full control.

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Chapter Three

Cassie’s heart pounded at the sound of Marcus’

solid footfalls against the wooden floors. A shower

had been refreshing, but now nerves were getting to


She’d had lovers before, but she never played

the seductress. Hell, she hadn’t even brought the

right clothes with her. She couldn’t find the teddy

he’d sent to her. Her oversized T-shirt wasn’t exactly

seducing material, but she couldn’t greet him nude.

Nope, that wasn’t her and he’d see through her

ploy in a half-second if she did that. Instead, she was

in his bed, covers over her.

Maybe not such a good idea. She needed to show

a little skin, but before she could do anything, he

entered the room. His gaze settled in on her and a

smile played around his lips. Heat filled her veins

and her pussy throbbed.

“I like the sight of you in my bed.”

“That’s good, since we’re going to be spending a

lot of time in here.”

“We might.” He rubbed his chin while he stared

at her. “I’m going to take a shower. The TV remote is

on the night stand.”

She stared at him as he made his way into the

bathroom. What the hell was wrong with him? She

was sitting here, waiting in his bed and he acts like

its nothing unusual.

Okay, maybe for him it wasn’t, but for her…Her

fist hit the mattress. Damn the man, she wanted

him in this bed with her, kissing her, taking her the

way she wanted him to. Fast and hard, then they

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could get on with the weekend without the first time

hanging over her head.

Reaching out, she snagged the remote and hit

the power button. A large flat screen TV lowered

itself from the ceiling. Men and their toys.

The screen flickered to life and Marcus came

striding back into the room. Damn, that was a very

quick shower.

She stared at him. His hair was slicked back,

and he was only wearing a pair of black boxers. Her

mouth watered at the sight of his muscular chest,

trim waist, long strong legs, and damned if she

couldn’t see his cock bounce with each step he took.

She licked her lips.

“Anything in particular you want to watch?” he

asked, settling down next to her on the bed and

taking the remote from her lifeless fingers.

“No, whatever you want.” Breathe. Don’t drool.

Oh, but there was so much to drool over.

Six pack abs, a chest to die for, shoulders she

ached to touch, and…was his cock peeking over the

edge of his boxers?

Her pussy throbbed with need. This was not

good. Not at all. She closed her eyes, trying to find

her control. It wasn’t working.

His arm brushed hers. His heat called to her.

She jumped out of bed.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“No.” She stalked across the room and stood by

the window, closing her eyes in frustration. Why

wasn’t this going like she thought it would?


She shook her head. No, she wasn’t nervous, just

out of sorts. Off balance. She’d had lovers before—

this should be no different. But those times had been

spontaneous, not a deliberate assignation to have

sex, and never for a set time frame.

Oh God, how would she have reacted if Josh had

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been able to set the ménage up for her? This was so

not good.

“Come back to bed, Cassie.” His voice was like a

lure a fish couldn’t resist.

She padded back over to the bed. Marcus had

propped up several pillows, and gestured for her to

use them.

“Why?” she asked. She needed answers before

she went crazy. “Why are we not having sex right


Marcus blew out a breath. “This weekend is

about pleasure, not just sex. You’re strung so tight

right now, you wouldn’t enjoy anything.”

“You’re the one who has done that.” And it was

working. She was taut as a bow string, and she

didn’t have a clue how to calm herself down.

“I was hoping dinner would calm you down, not

make you more nervous.”

“Maybe it’s time I leave.”

“No.” The word burst from him as he snagged

her wrist before she could leave the bed again.

“Marcus, this isn’t going to work.”

“It will.” He forced himself to gentle his hold

around her wrist before capturing her gaze with his.

“Relax a bit and realize nothing is going to happen

that you don’t want to happen.”

“Even if I say no to sex?”

“Sweetheart.” Tugging her to him, he cupped

her shoulders and turned her face to his. “I’m not

into force. And I don’t think not having sex is the

issue.” His cheek touched hers, her smooth skin

teasing his. “You want me as much as I want you.”

“Yes,” she whispered.

“But not while you’re afraid.”

“I’m not.”

“Bullshit.” He took her earlobe between his

teeth and bit it gently before pulling back.

He’d sensed her fear since she arrived and he

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wondered about it. He wasn’t going to let her out of

the deal, but he wasn’t going to push her, either.

This was for her as much as him.

He could be patient. “How about an old movie?”

Flipping the channels, he found an old Fred Astaire

film and rested against the pillows.

Cassie sighed and settled among the pillows he’d

set up for her.

Marcus kept one eye on her and another on the

TV screen. This woman was tying him up in knots.

And damn if he didn’t like it.

What was it about her? He’d wanted women

before, but never to the extent of making a deal like

this. There was something beneath the surface that

called to him.

Her sensuality shimmered right beneath the

surface, and his cock hadn’t softened since he’d open

the front door to her. Every time he touched her, his

blood sang with fascination over her soft skin, and

his heart pounded with need.

She needed her sensuality coaxed out and he

was the man to do it—he was sure of it. Once it was

out, nature would take over. That was if Cassie

would cooperate.

She wiggled and he hid a smile as her gaze

drifted over to him. She wanted to pretend there was

nothing between them other than sex, but she was

wrong. Lust was just the beginning. He wanted more

from her than sex—he wanted to know her and for

her to know him. Their connection was deeper than

sex, and he’d show her by the time their weekend

was done.

Cassie couldn’t concentrate on the movie, and it

was one she usually enjoyed. She was too aware of


She peeked at him from beneath her lashes.

Damn, the man was all male. Not a spare ounce of

fat on him. A lean torso, sprinkled with dark hair

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making her fingers itch to touch. His stomach

muscles contracted with each deep breath he took,

making her heart flutter. And his scent…she would

never get enough of the pure masculine allure of

pine and…she couldn’t put her finger on it, but he

smelled deliciously of all male.

A part of her wanted to throw herself at him,

while the other part wanted to run in the opposite

direction. And she wanted to run a mile because she

was afraid of how he made her feel.

It wasn’t fair. He made her feel soft, feminine

and all woman. Made her think that she was more

like her mother than she wanted to be.

No, she wasn’t submissive to the point of being a

slave. She wanted Marcus, end of discussion. Keep it

to sex and cold hard logic. Leave the emotions at the

door and she could make this work.

Pushing everything but the sound of their

breathing out of her mind, she shifted closer to him.

His heat called to her.

A calloused hand closed over hers. Her gaze met

his as he raised her hand and his lips caressed her


Thank goodness she was already reclining,

because his soft mouth against the back of her hand

made her knees weak, causing liquid heat to flow

through her veins.

“I want you,” she whispered.

The TV went dark. “Lay down on your stomach.”

Her stomach fluttered and she reminded herself

that she could call a halt to this anytime she wanted.

She did as he said.

“Okay.” His fingers swept her hair to one side.

His lips slid and nibbled along the back of her neck.

A shiver danced over her spine.

“Easy, I’m going to take this slow.” His mouth

caressed her nape. “You smell like fresh sunshine of

the new day. Do you taste the same?”

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His tongue darted out and damn if it didn’t feel

good. The roughness of his tongue against her

sensitive skin of her neck. Slowly, the tension began

to leave her.

“You taste like warm, rich soufflé.”

Cassie giggled, her body going lax.

“That’s better.” The bed shifted, she turned her

head and her gaze met Marcus’ again.

His eyes were glowing like twin emeralds. “Can

I take your nightshirt off? It’s only going to get in

the way.”

She nodded, rolled over and sat up, raising her

arms. He lifted the fabric and whisked it off her.

Fighting the instinct to cover herself with her hands,

she laid down, resting her breasts against the cool


“Thank you,” he whispered, dropping a soft kiss

against her cheek. “Now let’s have some fun.” He

opened the nightstand drawer.

She tensed. How many times had she heard a

drawer open, and then her mother screamed? She

held her breath, ready to tell Marcus to stop, until

she spied the small bottle in his hand.

“Massage oil.” He straddled her hips. “You’re

still too tense. This will help get the kinks out.”

A pop of the lid, then the smell of roses filled the

room. His palms swept across her shoulders. “Knots,

and lots of them,” he said.

Oh my. His touch was firm and sure as he

kneaded her muscles. His fingers pried into her skin,

not painfully, but skillfully, kneading the muscles,

loosening them.

She sank deeper into the mattress. His hands

were delicious against her skin, finding all those

spots that needed attention.

Inch by inch, he massaged her back and her eyes

drifted shut. If he kept this up, she was going to fall

asleep on him.

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A soft snore made Marcus smile, but he didn’t

stop caressing the oil into Cassie’s skin. Her back

was a mess of knots and tension.

He lightened his massage and wondered what in

her past caused her to be so tight-lipped. Over

dinner, she’d talked a little, but her short answers

and deflection of his questions made his curiosity


What skeletons were in her closet? Lifting his

hands from her luscious skin, he climbed off her hips.

She didn’t budge. All that tension was

exhausting her. Quietly, he put the oil away, then

washed up before returning to the bed.

When he settled against the pillows, she shifted

and mumbled something in her sleep before scooting

toward him.

Turning on his side, he stared at her. Her golden

brown hair was spread out against his pillows, her

face serene in sleep. It was going to be a long night,

but at least he had a view to enjoy.


Several hours later, Cassie’s eyes fluttered open.

“Marcus?” She kept her voice soft.

“Hello, sleepy.” His lips brushed against hers.

“What time is it?”

“About two in the morning.”

“Mmm.” She stretched, her hand making contact

with his fabric-covered cock. “I see something else is

awake.” Her nails swept over the head, enticing him

through his boxers.

“Witch.” This time when he captured her lips, he

thrust his tongue into her mouth. Then he cupped

her breasts, his rough skin tantalizing her softness.

A moan escaped her lips as he lifted his head.

“More,” she whispered.

“Anything my lady wants.” Lowering his head,

he captured one taut nipple and pulled it into his

mouth. Her back arched when his tongue began

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playing with it, before switching to her other breast.

Cassie couldn’t stop the rush of pleasure

coursing through her veins. His mouth was like wet

heat. His tongue played with her nipples, making

her pussy clench with need.

When she woke, the only thing she could think

of was being in Marcus’ arms, and now…reality was


How could his touch affect her this way? Other

lovers had left her cold, but not Marcus. She was

burning up. Her pussy pulsing with need and

moisture gathering as well.

He shifted closer to her, his hard cock now

resting against her leg. His boxers did little to hide

his condition.

She was about to slip her fingers beneath the

fabric, when he began to trail kisses from her

breasts to her stomach.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, guiding her onto

her back as he kissed his way down her stomach, his

tongue teasing her belly button.

Before she could make a sound, his fingers

slipped inside her panties. Shivers of excitement

fluttered up her spine. Oh, yes. She lifted her hips,

allowing him to remove them.

His palms slipped to her inner thighs, pressing

them outward. Heat flowed through her like lava

and more moisture flooded her pussy.


“Your scent is intoxicating, Cassie. So fresh, so

seductive…I must taste.”

His hot breath brushed over her outer lips and

then his tongue was there, licking from bottom to top

of her eager slit.

Her eyes fluttered shut, only to open when he

chuckled. His green eyes blazed with passion and

need as he stared up at her.

“Tasty.” He licked his lips before dropping his

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head again.

She arched into his mouth as his tongue swept

over her pussy, then stopped at her clit. He paused

there, her muscles quivered, waited for his next


His tongue began to play with her clit, flicking it

from side to side, licking it. Her fingers tangled in

his raven hair. “Ahh.”

Marcus had a wicked mouth and he knew how to

use it. Her stomach tightened and her pussy

throbbed in time with his licks.

He nudged her thighs wider and pushed a finger

into her core. Sweet heaven, his finger caressed her

pussy, causing her to clench hard around the digit. A

moan escaped her lips. What was he doing to her? It

was as if Marcus had awakened something inside

her, something she wasn’t even aware of. Her nerves

throbbed with more than need, more than want, but

she didn’t know what it was.

He thrust a second finger into her pussy and

drew her clit into his mouth.

She cried out as her orgasm rolled over her

without her even knowing she was that close. How

had it happened? No man had ever made her come

just from his mouth and fingers.

Unknown emotions crashed through her and she

tugged at his head, urging him to lift it from her


He grinned up at her and her insides melted.

“Come for me again,” he whispered. A third finger

slid into her wetness and he lowered his head again.

This couldn’t be happening? Her belly tightened,

and her pussy began to quiver with another pending

climax. How?

Her hips arched into his mouth when he curled

his fingers into her G-spot and she screamed with

another orgasm as he continued to stroke her pussy

with those magical fingers.

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“Marcus…” Her brain sought the right word. It

was too much, and now her brain was overloaded

with sensations she never expected. “Please…”

His gaze was molten when it captured hers.

With care, he gentled his caress within her pussy,

then slid his fingers free of her tight hole.

“You were fantastic,” he said, his lips caressing

her stomach.

She shook with the aftermath of her climaxes,

but her brain was a scrambled mess. Tears filled her

eyes. He’d taken her higher than she’d ever been,

and now she couldn’t control her emotions.

She didn’t want to feel this way. She needed to

be in control, to control her emotions, but she was on

the verge of tears because he gave her multiple


How could she allow him to do this to her? He

controlled her as surely as her father had her


“Did I hurt you?”

His question made brought more tears to her

eyes. “No…I…” She hiccupped. “Let me up, please.”

He rolled off her. Cassie sprang off the bed and

hightailed it into the bathroom.

She slammed the door shut and leaned against

it, praying Marcus wouldn’t follow her. Her heart

was pounding so hard and sweat beaded her skin.

The bitter taste of fear coated her mouth.

When she heard no sounds from the other side

of the door, she pushed herself away from the wood

and stepped up to the sink and stared at herself in

the mirror. Her face was flushed, her eyes wide and

her lips swollen. A well satisfied woman.

So why was she in the bathroom instead of in

Marcus’ arms? Her fingers curled into her palms at

her sides. She’d lost control. Turning on the faucet,

she splashed cold water on her face, and then lifted

her head to examine her features.

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She looked the same, nothing physically had

changed, but inside her nerves danced with

excitement, and part of her wanted to cry while the

other part wanted to shout out. She’d been with men

before, but rarely climaxed. It had taken Marcus no

time at all to make her orgasm and she wasn’t sure

if she liked that he could make her climax so easily.

And then there was the way he touched and

licked her. Oh, so good, but oh so gentle. So different

from what she’d experienced before. Most men would

just dive in, regardless if she was ready or not. But

with Marcus, her pussy creamed at the first touch.

Her pussy clenched. So what was she doing in

the bathroom? Straightening her shoulders, she

turned and marched out of the bathroom. Nothing

would get settled while she was hiding in here.

Marcus stood by the bed fluffing the pillows.

He’d changed the sheets while he waited for her. Her

heart leaped. He swiveled around and smiled at her.

“Come back to bed, sweetheart.” He held his

hand out to her.

Her fear of being dominated returned full force.

She maneuvered around him, settling onto the far

side. She stretched out on the mattress dangerously

close to the edge, but she needed distance between


The mattress dipped as Marcus climbed onto the

bed. His fingers lightly trailed down her spine before

the lights went off. She stiffened.


“I know this is going to sound silly, but do you

have a night light?” Even now she couldn’t stand

total darkness.

“Give me a minute?” He caressed her spine once

more before climbing out of bed. Turning on her back,

she waited. Seconds later a match flared, and a

small flame appeared. “Will candlelight work?” He

lit the wick and set it on the night stand within the

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candle holder.

“Yes.” She turned toward him and gratitude

filled her. He didn’t think she was silly. “Thank you.”

“I can turn the bathroom light on.”

“No.” She placed her hand on his forearm to stop

him from turning on the light. “The candle is fine.”

With a nod, he climbed back into the bed and

settled the covers over himself. He turned toward

her, his arm curving around her waist.

“This isn’t going to work, is it?” she whispered.

“It will. Can you tell me what happened?”

“I’m not sure. All was fine, then…” Her lashes

fluttered, she wasn’t ready to share with him yet.

Maybe in the morning, when the light of day made

things seem different.

“It’s okay.” He brushed his finger over her

mouth. “Go to sleep, tomorrow is another day.” He

drew her closer and closed his eyes.

After a few minutes, she relaxed and her

breathing evened out.

“You’re a good man, Marcus DeLuca.”

He chuckled. “Maybe, but I can also be a very

bad boy. Now sleep.”

“I happen to like bad boys.”

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Chapter Four

Early the next morning, Cassie slipped from

Marcus’ hold and out of the bed, quietly padding

across the room. The last thing she wanted to do was

wake him, especially as her comment about liking

bad boys still echoed in her mind.

It was almost six in the morning and she

couldn’t lie in bed anymore. Finding her robe, she

slipped it on and then went over to the soft, bench

window seat.

Marcus stirred and her gaze darted to him. He

settled back down and she breathed a quiet sigh of

relief. Her mind was in turmoil. She wanted to be

close to him, yet at the same time run a thousand

miles away.

Pulling her knees up, she wrapped her arms

around them and she stared out the window. Her

loss of control last night still bothered her and she

needed to find a way to deal with it. She watched the

sky lighten as the sun rose—light yellow gave way to

orange, until the sky turned blue. She didn’t have

much time left to come up with answers.

There was no denying she wanted Marcus, or

she never would have agreed to the weekend. But

now everything seemed different.

He made her come twice. Her tears last night

had resulted from part amazement and part fear.

The amazement that he’d been able to give her two

orgasms, the fear…was how he was able to make her

lose control.

Who was she kidding? She rarely climaxed with

a man. She was good at faking it, but with Marcus,

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there was no need.

Sighing, she rested her forehead against the

window. What was she going to do?


Marcus woke slowly, his arms empty. He

reached across the bed. The sheets were cold. He lay

still and listened. No water running, so she wasn’t in

the bathroom. Turning his head, he let his gaze

wander around the room.

There she was. Sitting on the window seat,

staring out at the sunrise.

He glanced at the clock—seven. They’d been

awake at two, followed by her having two mind

blowing orgasms, only to fall back asleep at three or

three-thirty. He was about to call out to her when he

noticed her trembling slightly. Sliding out of bed, he

pulled the quilt into his arms and strode over to her

side. He settled the fabric around her, tucking it in

before sitting near her feet.

“How long have you been up?”

“What time is it?”


“About an hour.” She snuggled down into the

quilt. “I don’t sleep very well.”

“Why not?” At least she was talking to him, it

was a good start.

“Not sure.” She shrugged. “The doctors tell me

there’s nothing wrong, but after about five hours I

wake up and my mind refuses to shut back down.”

“But you only slept about three.”

“I was asleep earlier. It doesn’t matter.” She

shook her head.

“Hmm, I’ll have to see what I can do to wear you

out so you sleep more.” Leaning forward, he brushed

his lips over hers.

He fully expected her to push him away, but

instead her arms entwined around his neck,

deepening the kiss. He fought to keep the kiss soft,

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tracing the seam of her lips with his tongue, feeling

their slight roughness, but also tasting her

undeniable sweetness.

He broke the kiss and gazed down at her. “Now

that was a good morning kiss.”

“There are different kinds?” She tilted her head,

a glint of laughter in her eyes and a small smile

around her lips.

She was joking with him—a very good sign.

“You bet there are.” He brushed a kiss across

her cheek until his lips nibbled at her ear. “I’m going

to show you each and every one.”

“I can’t wait.”

His cock jumped and he forced himself to lean

back from her alluring scent.

“Breakfast first and then we’ll discuss our day.”

Her nose scrunched up and she made a face at

him. Marcus laughed, dropped a kiss on her nose

and then stood.

Cassie let out a small gasp, and he looked down.

His boxers had slid down, revealing his cock. “Later

he’s all yours.” Without a backward glance, he

grabbed a pair of fresh briefs and a pair of shorts

and marched into the bathroom.

After a quick brush of the teeth and a shave, he

began to feel more like himself. Striding out of the

bathroom, he found Cassie in the walk-in closet.

“I’m going down to start coffee.” His lips brushed

over hers. “I’d tell you to leave your clothes off, but I

want you to be comfortable, so wear whatever you


Whistling, he made his way downstairs and into

the kitchen. He glanced out the window. It was going

to be a very nice, sunny spring day. Maybe later he

could convince Cassie to go skinny dipping in the


After turning the coffee pot on, he turned to find

Cassie standing in the doorway wearing the teddy

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he’d sent her yesterday. He’d left it hanging in the

bathroom where she was sure to find it. His dick

jumped to attention and his mouth went dry.

The midnight blue fabric hugged her figure. Her

breasts threatened to spill out from the lacy bodice,

the lace so sheer he could see her nipples. His gaze

traveled down and he swallowed, hard. The lace did

nothing to hide the outline of her pussy from him,

and her legs seemed to go on forever down to her

bare feet.

“Can I help you get breakfast ready?” Her voice

was soft, almost husky.

Why couldn’t he breathe? Without a word he

crossed over to her, tugged her into his arms, and

covered her lips with his.

He tasted mint toothpaste as their tongues

dueled for dominance. He won, when he retreated

she followed, and began kissing him. His arms

tightened around her.

Passion. She vibrated with it, was on fire with it

and he wanted to stroke the flame until it was out of

control, but at the same time he knew he needed

some answers.

Her fear appeared to be muted this morning,

since she wasn’t shying away from him. His hands

wandered down her semi-bare back to her ass,

cupped those luscious ass cheeks in his palms, as he

pressed his hips against hers. Then he broke the kiss

to allow his lips to trail across her cheek.

“What’s changed?” he whispered.

She tensed for a second then relaxed back into

his embrace. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Squeezing her ass, he rotated his hips, letting

her feel his hard cock. He leaned back to stare into

her eyes. “Last night you were nervous and so

wound up I was afraid you’d snap.”

“It had been a stressful day and I really didn’t

know what to expect last night.”

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“And today you do?”

“Well.” She shifted, his cock rubbing against her

pussy. “I know you want me.”

He nodded. Of course he wanted her, he hadn’t

kept it secret.

“And I want you.”

That was obvious, she was here. If she didn’t

want him, she wouldn’t be. He waited, watching her

face for any signs of distress or fear, but there wasn’t


“Fear doesn’t disappear overnight.”

Her blue eyes widened before she could stop

them. “It wasn’t fear of you.”

“Wasn’t it?”

She licked her lips and he fought his own urges

to swoop down and take her rosy mouth in a deep,

hard kiss.

“I needed some time to deal with what I was

feeling, what you make me feel.” Her gaze skittered

away before returning. “I rarely climax with a man,

let alone have multiple orgasms.”

His mouth almost dropped open. It couldn’t

be…he shook his head. “You’ve been with the wrong



Taking a deep breath, Marcus loosened his hold

on her. “You put the teddy on to make a statement.”

He liked how relaxed and playful she was this

morning and he wanted to keep her that way.

“Yes.” Her hands gripped his shoulders. “I want

this weekend with you.”

“You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t want it.”

“You’re right.”

She surprised him by admitting it, and then her

stomach growled. Marcus laughed and he forced his

arms to release her.

“I better feed you breakfast, then we can play.”

Moving to the fridge, he pulled out ham and eggs,

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and then looked back at Cassie. “If you want to help,

you can chop the ham while I get the eggs ready.”

She grinned. “You got it.”

They worked together in silence and Marcus

found that he liked having her in his kitchen.

Another first for him—he usually hated having

anyone else there, but with Cassie it was different.

She didn’t try to carry on a conversation or get in his

way. It was as if they were in total sync with each

other, no matter what they were doing.

Marcus slid the omelets onto the plates and

carried them over to the breakfast bar while Cassie

refilled their coffee cups. She picked up her fork as

she slid onto the stool, then took a bite. “Mmm,

that’s good. Talk about melt in your mouth.”

“I have other delicacies that will melt in your


“Oh.” She peeked at him from beneath her

lashes, but the heat from her gaze made his cock


“Yep.” He grinned. It had been a long time since

he’d had a lover he could have fun with. He’d been

right to follow his gut on how to handle Cassie.

Silence fell as they ate and when she was done,

she slipped from the stool and carried her plate and

cup to the sink.

Marcus followed and when she turned, it was

right into his embrace, his arms around her as her

ass pressed against the cabinet.

“I want you to be yourself this weekend, Cassie.”

“Huh?” She tilted her head and confusion made

her wrinkle her nose.

“I told you last night, this weekend is about

pleasure.” His fingers trailed up her spine, tunneling

under her hair, his nails tracing the nape of her neck.

“Pleasure can be fun.”

“I’m sure it can be.”

“It will be.” He lowered his forehead to hers.

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“What is your middle name?”

“Michelle. Why?”

“If I do anything you don’t want me to or if you

start to feeling uncomfortable at all, just say

Michelle and I’ll know you want me to stop.”

“And will you stop?”

Her breathless question hit him in the stomach

like a sucker punch. Dear Lord, had some man not

stopped when she asked him to? Had he hurt her so

bad that she was still struggling with it? Was that

why she hid her sensuality?

“Yes, I will stop no matter what. You have my

word on it, Cassie.”

There was nothing more he could say to

reassure her. Now it was time to show her he meant

what he said.

“Why don’t we take this upstairs to the

bedroom?” Taking her hand, he guided her out of the

kitchen and back upstairs.

When they entered the room, Cassie tugged her

hand away, hurried to the bed and started making it.

“You don’t need to make the bed.” He lounged

against the wall watching her flit around

straightening the sheets.

“Yes, I do.” Beds must always be made—your

father hates messy beds, her mother’s voice echoed in

her head.

“We’re only going to mess it up again.”

“I know, but…” She stopped and the quilt

dropped from her fingers. Her confused gaze met his.

“I don’t know how to do this.”

He crossed to her side. Taking her hands in his,

he kissed the back of them before capturing her gaze

with his. “Do what feels good and let me take care of


Her head inclined and he grinned. “Come on.”

He swept her into his arms and she let out a

squeal as he carried her into the bathroom. “First

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things first,” he said, setting her on her feet.

“While I adore this on you…” His finger found

the ties that held the teddy together. “I want you

naked.” Pulling the ties, the fabric slipped away.

“You are so beautiful.”


He brushed his fingers over her breasts. “Rosy

perky nipples. I plan on playing with these a lot this

weekend.” He pinched them lightly and then turned,

opened the shower door and turned the water on.

With a quick deft motion, he swept his shorts and

underwear off and kicked them across the room. A

second later her gaze slid down and his cock jerked

in response. Her eyes closed and she trapped her lip

between her teeth, and then released it.

Was she nervous? Or scared?


He bit back a laugh. She was worried about the

size of his cock—that was a first. His ego and dick

swelled. “Let’s get wet.” Snagging her around the

waist, he maneuvered her into the large shower stall

and closed the door.

There was something different, Cassie thought,

as Marcus closed the shower door. It took her

another minute before she realized there was water

all around them.

Last night only the overhead shower head

sprayed water, but today, they were surrounded by

water jets—over their heads, on the walls pulsing

around her upper back and stomach. Even more

were lower around their legs. It was decadent, erotic.

Marcus nudged her under the water, and she

ducked her head, allowing the water to flow over her.

When his lips touched her neck, she let her head fall

back against his shoulder.

Heat surrounded her as their skin came into

contact. Every nerve ending came alive.

“You smell delicious.” His lips trailed over her

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shoulder, skimming over her skin, making her

wonder how his lips would feel on her stomach,

thighs and pussy.

She sucked in a breath when something cool and

smooth touched below her breasts. She glanced down.

“What the heck is that?” she asked, more

curious than alarmed.

“Something I’ve been working on in R&D.” He

held the soap up by the small rope. “Cock on a rope.”

The beige, cock-shaped soap was about four

inches long and she couldn’t help but laugh. “I can

see that.”

“Women in our focus groups have told us they

want to have fun in the shower when there isn’t a

man to please them. Waterproof vibrators don’t

always do the trick.”

“I’d heard you guys were working on stuff from

the last focus group. Customer service received lots

of positive calls asking when we were going to have

another one.”

Marcus chuckled. “The women seemed to enjoy


His chest pressed against her back when he held

the soap under the water and then began to lather

his hands. “This soap has many uses.” He slid the

rope on the hook on the shower wall and then his

palms covered her breasts.

She let out a moan as he lathered her breasts,

paying careful attention to her nipples. The scent of

vanilla wafted up with each pass of his palm, and

her nipples puckered more when he circled them

with a finger.

“I wanted to find something that would smell

nice, but also pleasure a woman.”

He directed the water over her chest, washing

away the soap. Her nipples ached, wanting his

hands on them again.

“Of course, the model on the wall is our

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standard version.”

“Standard?” Was that her breathless voice? Of

course it was. Marcus was making her so hot. She

was surprised the water didn’t sizzle when it hit her


She didn’t understand it. The brushing of his

fingers against her breasts and arms caused her

pussy to clench with need. Never had a man done

this to her.

“Yes.” He tilted her head back, his eyes glinted

with wickedness and she shivered with a delicious

shiver of anticipation.

“Will you trust me, Cassie?”

Her heart pounded, but she nodded.

He took her lips in a deep hard kiss, making her

knees grow weak. His arm curved around her waist.

“You’re going to be the first person outside of

R&D to try our newest item.” Again, something

smooth and cool touched her stomach, and she

started to lower her head.

“No, sweetheart.” His teeth closed over her

earlobe and her stomach clenched. “No peeking.

Close your eyes and just feel.”

Taking a shaky breath, Cassie willed herself to

settle down and rest against him.

“That’s it, baby,” he whispered, his slippery

hand sliding lower. “Open your legs.”

He was going to soap her down there? She

shifted her feet apart, anticipation heating her blood.

She’d never had foreplay in a shower before.

The soap rubbed up and down, but this one was

different from the one he used before. She couldn’t

put her finger on the difference, but it was there. A

gasp left her lips when his fingers spread her pussy

open and the soap ran over her clit.

“Remember the women wanted something to

please them?”

Her mind turned the words over in her head as

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he guided the soap down to her pussy, over her clit

and back again. Her pussy clenched with each pass.

“Spread your legs wider.”

She wiggled her feet further apart until the cool

air teased her. Then the soap was at the entrance to

her pussy.

Pleasure. The word swept through her as

Marcus pressed the soap into her pussy with a firm


“Ahh.” Her mouth dropped open. “It’s bigger,”

she panted.

“Yes, a larger version. Women complained the

waterproof vibrator wasn’t big enough, and the

larger ones became awkward.”

The soap slipped further into her slit and her

muscles clenched while he continued to stroke her

with it.

“The soap is hypo-allergenic. Our focus group

gave us the dimension they felt would be the best for

most women.” The fake cock slipped a bit before he

pushed it again. “The rope is made to go over your

wrist and be tightened so you won’t lose the soap if it

happens to slip out.”

Slip out? Her pussy was clenching the thing like

it was a real cock. Her hips arched when his thumb

brushed over her clit.

“We’ve been thinking about adding something to

the soap so a woman can tease her clit at the same


This time, his finger was slick with soap when

he touched her clit.

“I think what you have is more than enough,”

she said in a rush.

Damn, her nerves tingled and her pussy…her

eyes drifted shut and her head rested against his

shoulder. He continued to stroke the soap cock in

and out of her throbbing pussy, her clit twitching

with need.

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“More,” she whispered, arching her hips,

moaning when the soap hit her G-spot.

“Easy, sweetheart.”

He pulled the soap from her pussy and she

barely bit back a groan of disappointment. But then

his fingers were there, spreading her pussy lips

apart and…”Ahhh.”

Warm water hit her pussy and her clit, her hips

shifted backward away from the spray.

“Just removing all the lather.” He maneuvered

the spray, the pulsing water cascading over her clit,

sending shivers of pleasure through her.

Her stomach tightened. She was so close. A

touch or a thrust and she’d go over the edge. The

water disappeared and she almost cried out until he

plunged two fingers into her core.

“Yes!” She bucked into his touch.

“You’re so slick, so warm and tight.”

Her hips followed the rhythm of his fingers as

her pussy pulsed and her stomach quivered with her

impending orgasm. Yes, she was almost there.

Then his fingers were gone.

“Damn it, will you quit teasing me.” She glared

at him over her shoulder.

“The wait will be worth it.”

“Really.” An idea popped into her head. He

wanted to play the teasing game. Well, let’s see how

he liked it.

Biting her lower lip so she wouldn’t grin and

give her plan away, she maneuvered around until

she faced him. Without a word, she dropped to her

knees and drew his rock hard cock into her mouth.

“Cassie,” he groaned.

She wrapped her fingers around the base of his

cock, sliding them forward as she traced the veins,

sliding her lips to the very tip of him. Steel covered

by silk. Once there, she used the tip of her tongue to

caress the tiny slit.

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“Fuck.” His hips shifted and his hands tangled

in her wet hair.

Phase two, she thought, very glad now that

she’d read several of the sex manuals made available

to company employees. She drew him deep into her

mouth and her fingers slid to his balls. She caressed

his balls while her mouth and tongue teased his cock.

His hips thrust, as his cock slid in and out of her

mouth. Pleasure flooded her—she was getting to him.

Relaxing her throat, she took him all the way back

to her throat. Deeper than she had taken any man.

His balls tightened within her grasp. Grinning

around his dick, she drew her mouth back and off


“Cassie,” he groaned, his fingers caressing the

back of her head.

“The wait will be worth it,” she said, mimicking

his words.

His fingers tightened as she rose. His eyes were

blazing with desire. “Who’s teasing who?”

Tilting her head, she gave him a grin. “Turn-

about is fair play.”

“Then by all means, let’s play.” He snagged her

around the waist before she realized he’d let go of

her head. His lips descended.

The kiss was one of passion and possession. And

she sank against him, kissing him back. Her skin

was on fire for him. She needed him. She never

needed a man like this before.

The water stopped and Marcus maneuvered

them out the shower door while still kissing her.

Then he lifted her into his arms and carried her into

the bedroom.

Harder, deeper, their tongues dueled. They

groaned into each other’s mouths.

He broke the kiss when her feet touched the

floor. Cassie watched from beneath her lashes as

Marcus threw the covers back.

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“We’ll get the sheets all wet,” she said.

“Who cares?” He lifted her and tossed her on the

bed, only to follow her down.

His legs trapped hers, and his arms pulled hers

above her head. His weight felt good against her. In

the past she hated being enclosed this way—she’d

felt trapped—but not with Marcus.

“Mine,” he whispered, his head lowering. His

tongue licked her puckered nipple. Her back arched

and her lips parted as her breath rushed out of her.

He smiled against her skin, before his mouth closed

over her right breast and his hand over her left.

Molten lava flowed through her veins.

“More,” she whispered. Oh God yes, she wanted

more, she wanted everything he could give her.

“My pleasure.” He stretched his arm out,

reaching for the nightstand drawer.

“I’m on the pill.”

“Good, but a condom is not what I’m after.”

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Chapter Five

Cassie stiffened as the drawer slid open—she

couldn’t help it. Was he reaching for a whip, like her

father had? Or was it something much more

dangerous. How many times could he hit her before

she said her safe word? And would he stop?

“Michelle.” The word rushed out along with her


Marcus froze and his gazed caught hers.

“Sweetheart?” Instantly, he dropped to her side,

his arm encircling her waist, cradling her into his


Oh, God, she was acting like a frightened virgin.

She opened her mouth, but she couldn’t find the

words to demand that he release her.

“Did I scare you?” His voice was soft as his

hands stroked up and down her spine, soothing her.

“It’s not you.” The words tumbled out of her

mouth as another tremor shook her frame. It wasn’t

him. She knew in her heart it wasn’t. But

unpleasant memories kept interfering and she didn’t

have a clue how to stop them.

Her pussy still hummed with Marcus’ touch, and

she wanted more, yet fear was lurking in the back of

her mind. Fear of the unknown.

“What were you reaching for?”

“A toy.” He sat up, opened the nightstand

drawer, and then settled down next to her. “This is

another new invention.” He held the small item up

for her to see.

It was odd shaped, with something like cups on

the end of it. Cassie tilted her head one way then the

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other as her fear receded. “What is it?”

“Let me show you.”

“Will it hurt?”

“No. It’s made to bring pleasure, not pain.”

Her fingers shook when she reached out to touch

the gadget in his palm. “Suction cups?”


She took a deep breath and let it out, her gaze

capturing his. “Show me.”

“Only if you’re sure.”

She was as sure as she could be. He’d stopped

when she said the safeword. Part of her realized she

could trust him to keep his word. “I’m sure. Please,

I’m on fire with need.”

“Lie on your back.”

Looking up at him from her reclined position,

Cassie reached up and traced the lines on his

forehead. “I’ll be okay, Marcus. I just need to see

what you’re going to do to me. The unknown

sometimes frightens me.”

He nodded. “I’m going to play with your breasts

and nipples.” Before she could reply, his mouth

closed over her right nipple, licking and sucking

until it became hard, then switched to the left. By

the time he was done, flames engulfed her entire


Lifting his hands, he placed the small suction

cups over her nipples. “I want you to talk to me

about how this feels, Cassie. Tell me about your

pleasure. Tell me what you want me to do.”

It took a minute for his words to sink in. He was

giving her control.

Her mouth dropped open and he tapped the

remote in his hand.

“Oh my.” Her hands moved toward her breasts,

but he intercepted them.

“No touching, sweetheart. Talk to me. What are

you feeling?”

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Her chest shuddered as she took a breath. “The

cups are sucking my nipples, and it’s so good.”

“Better than a man’s mouth?”

She scrunched up her nose. “Yes and no. The

suction is stronger, but it’s not as warm.”

“I’ll make note of that. Ready for the next step?”


He touched the remote again. A gasp left her

mouth. Shivers of pleasure swamped her body as the

sucking continued, but now it felt like someone was

licking her as well. “You’re a wicked, wicked man.”

Marcus laughed. “What does it feel like now?”

“Something almost like a tongue is licking my

nipples, while the suction continues.”

“It’s working as it should. Any pain?”

“No.” Pleasure. Her pussy was growing moist

and her skin flushing with need.

“Good, I’m going to move on.”

He put his palms on her thighs and spread her

lax legs apart. “I’ve been dying to taste you again.”

“Marcus,” she called when he licked her pussy.

Hands on her hips, he lifted his head and their gazes


“Talk to me, sweetheart. Let me know I’m not

scaring you.” He lowered his head and his tongue

found her clit.

“You’re not,” she panted, squirming on the

sheets. “I’m burning and now you’re stoking it by

licking me and—” She cried out, her hips arching up

off the mattress when he slipped two fingers into her


Oh yes. Cassie shifted, her fingers curling into

her palms. Rivers of pleasure ran riot through her,

starting at her pussy and traveling up to her breasts,

then back again. Pleasure flowed and built with each

pass of his tongue on her clit, with each stroke of his

fingers in her pussy and with each flick of his toy.

“I need more,” she whispered, her fingers sliding

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to tangle in his hair. Touching him made the

connection even more prominent.

He curved his fingers, hitting her G-spot, and

she exploded when he drew her clit into his mouth.

Her back bowed as her climax hit. She could

barely breathe from the pleasure sweeping through

every part of her, the unadulterated pleasure, until

she collapsed against the mattress, eyes fluttering


Breathing hard, Cassie lay there, waiting for her

core to stop clenching, her skin to stop humming.

But at the same time, she wanted more. She wanted

to feel Marcus deep within her, pumping his cock

into her pussy, bringing her to heights she’d never


“Cassie?” His voice was soft.

“I want you inside me. I want to feel your

strength, your passion. I want you.” She let the

words slip out.

Her lashes fluttered when his fingers touched

her breasts. The toy was turned off, and he removed

the suction cups. Then he settled between her thighs,

his cock poised at her pussy.

“Come into me,” she whispered, her arms

encircling his neck.

Marcus let out a groan, and then sank into her

moist heat. Cassie thrust her hips up to his and let

out a moan.

He froze. “Did I hurt you?”

“Hell no.” Their gazes connected. “You feel so

good, so big, so manly. I want more.”

Grinning, he took her lips in a soft kiss, before

pressing forward again.

Her pussy adjusted to him as he sank into her.

While he was taking his time and she appreciated

his efforts, she was primed and ready for more.

“More, give me more, Marcus.”

Her nails were digging into his skin with each

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stroke he made. Cassie couldn’t help it—the

pleasure flowing through her demanded some


Then he nuzzled her neck as he lifted his hips,

until only the head of his dick rested inside her, then

he sank back down into her welcoming pussy.

Cassie let out a groan as he continued at this

pace. He was going to kill her slowly with pleasure,

she was sure of it.

If he didn’t start thrusting faster, she was going

to lose her mind. “I thought you were going to fuck

me?” She’d never been this way with another lover,

but then none of them had been Marcus.

“I am fucking you.” His mouth was on her throat,

she arched her neck encouraging his touch.

“You’re teasing me.” Her breath caught when he

rested fully inside her. His hard length caused her

stomach to flutter and her pussy to clench.

Marcus groaned and she tightened her pussy

muscles once again. But still he didn’t move. Time to

take action.

“Come on Marcus, a turtle moves faster than

you do.” Taunting him may not be the best idea, but

if it got him moving it would be worth it. “Hell, a

vibrator would do a better job than you’re doing

right now.”

“Oh really.” He pulled back, but sank into her at

the same slow pace.

It was all Cassie could do not to pound her fists

against his back and demand he go faster.

“Let go of your fear.”

“I’m not afraid.” She tried to buck against him,

but he held her hips immobile with his. “You’re an

ass, you know that.”

“Humm, don’t give me ideas. Have you ever been

fucked in the ass?”

Oh. Dear. God. Liquid heat flowed through her

veins. There was no fear only anticipation and need.

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“Maybe not today,” he whispered against her


She blew out a breath only to suck it in again

when he seemed to sink further into her. Her pussy

tightened, wanting more of him.

“Do you know how much I’m enjoying fucking

you?” His breath was hot against her skin. “Maybe

later when you’re up to it, we’ll try it doggy style so I

can get deeper penetration.”

Deeper? How much further could he get? He was

filling her to the brim now. A moan escaped her lips

when he rotated his hips.

“Can you feel me, sweetheart?”

“Every damn inch.”

“Good.” His lips caressed her ear. “Feel my cock

sliding into your pussy because I can keep this pace

up for hours.”

Hours? Her pussy was gushing with wetness

now, and his lazy strokes weren’t enough to send her

over. She was going to be a basket case before he

was through. But she’d beat him at his own game.

He wouldn’t be able to hold out much longer, she

was sure of it.

Her clit ached for relief, her stomach kept

tightening waiting for her to go over the edge.

“Fuck me, Marcus,” she whispered.

His green gaze captured hers. “Tell me what you



His lips spread into a grin. “Hold on.”

He pulled out and slammed back into her, then

did it again. Faster and harder.

“Yes!” she cried out. This was what she wanted,

what she needed. Her pussy tightened around him

with each hard thrust he made. Her hips rose to

meet his.

Her fingers grazed down his back as her legs

curved around him.

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“More,” she whispered.

Their harsh breathing filled the room, then his

fingers were on her stomach moving south. Yes. Yes.

Yes. She chanted silently when his warm fingers

touched the top of her mound.

He brushed her clit and she cried out as her

climax hit. Her body bowed against his, her pussy

tightening around his cock.

“That’s it baby, come for me,” he encouraged as

another orgasm shook her. He continued to thrust

into her while his fingers danced over her clit.

Her entire being hummed with her climaxes, yet

it was spiraling upward once again. Marcus

continued to thrust into her. He must be close, she


Then he pulled back and slammed back into her,

at the same time he pressed down on her clit.

She arched into him as he climaxed, spilling his

seed into her. Their bodies undulated against each

other as their orgasms continued on and on. Finally,

they collapsed against the mattress.

Cassie’s fingers found his hair, shifting through

it. “That was incredible.”

“Fantastic.” His lips found hers, and he kissed

her deeply, before rolling off of her onto his back.

Cassie lay there waiting for her heart to return

to its normal rhythm and realized it probably never

would. Not as long as Marcus was around. He’d

already shown her more pleasure than she’d ever

known, but he also helped her through her fears.

Marcus helped open a side of her she’d been

afraid to explore. Good or bad, she would let that

side out this weekend. She needed to let it out and

see where it led. Turning her head, she stared at


His eyes were closed, and his faced relaxed. Her

gaze traveled down over his broad chest covered

with fine dark hair, his brown nipples barely visible,

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to his flat abdomen, on down to his groin.

His cock lay against his leg. Damn, he was big.

She’d known that already, but it didn’t mean he

didn’t intimidate her just a little bit. Then his cock

twitched and she bit her lip.

“If you keep staring at me that way, you’re going

to end up on your back with me buried to the hilt

once again.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” Her gaze met his as

her fingers traced across his stomach, barely above

his groin.

“Witch.” He captured her wandering fingers. “I

think it’s time we moved on to phase two.”

“Phase two?” What did he have in store for her

now? Excitement zinged through her veins rather

than fear.

“Yes.” He slid off the mattress and she found

herself admiring his tight ass.

Marcus knew Cassie was watching him. Good.

Walking over to the dresser, he opened a drawer and

pulled more toys out.

Returning to the bed, he set them on the

nightstand before he strode into the bathroom. He

was going to give her some time to look the toys over.

After he cleaned himself up, he pulled another

washcloth from the cabinet and ran it beneath the

warm water. Then he grabbed a fresh towel and

strode back into the bedroom.

Cassie was sitting on the edge of the bed,

staring at the items he’d placed on the nightstand.

“Lay back down, sweetheart.” Her gazed darted

to him, then back to the nightstand, before she let

out a breath and lay down.

She was tense once again. Sitting at her hip, he

took the warm washcloth and began running it over

her chest.

Her eyes drifted shut. “Oh, that feels good.”

“That’s the point.” He washed her breasts, arms,

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face and neck before moving lower. “Open your legs

please.” He noted that her pussy was rosy, and kept

his touch light. The cloth passed over her clit and

she let out a gasp.

“Sore?” He wouldn’t be surprised, they’d played

a little hard earlier.

“Sensitive.” Her hips wiggled, but he didn’t take

it as an invitation. Now was not the time. He

finished cleaning her legs, then used the towel to dry

her off.

When he was done, he put the washcloth and

towel back in the bathroom.

Cassie still lay on her back with her eyes closed

and, while Marcus didn’t want to disturb her, they

needed to talk.

“Why did you fight against us for so long?” he

asked, sliding back onto the mattress, nudging her


“I don’t understand your question.”

She began to turn away from him, but he

gathered her into his arms. “Don’t hide anymore,


A sigh left her lips. “I didn’t think it was a good

idea for us to become involved.”

“And?” She was holding something back, she

was too tense after their lovemaking, and her eyes

avoided his. When she stayed silent, he cupped her

chin and tilted her head up. “Look at me,


Apprehension filled her blue eyes when they met

his gaze. “Tell me why?”

Her tongue moistened her lips. “Because other

men have always found me lacking.”

“Idiots.” His palm moved to her cheek. How

could her past lovers think she was lacking, she was

perfect. “They were inadequate, not you. Never you.”

“But they said—”

His fingers covered her lips. “Shall I prove it to

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“Prove what?” she mumbled against his skin.

“That you are a very sexual being and never

lacking in anything.” He removed his hand from her


Doubt filled her eyes, and he vowed if nothing

else came out of this weekend, she would understand

her own sensuality better.

“Marcus, let’s not go off course for the weekend.”

“I’m not.” He took her mouth in a slow, long kiss.

The men in her past were damn fools for not being

able to see what they had in her.

Cassie had pure, raw sensuality within her, and

he was going to tap into that. He wasn’t afraid of it

or her pleasure. He broke the kiss.

“I’m going to pleasure you, Cassie, all weekend

long. Give yourself over to me.”

“Marcus, I’m not—” Uncertainty crept into her


“I know you saw my toys on the table.”

She nodded.

“When you’re ready, I’m going to use the egg on


“Ready? Hell, my pussy is already dripping.”

He laughed as he sat up. “I want you to lay over

these pillows.” He piled three of them up.

She eyed him, then the pillows, before her gaze

came back to his. “If it bothers you, say your safe


“It doesn’t.” She rolled onto her stomach and

positioned herself over the pillows.

Much better. He ran his palms over her ass and

she jumped.

“You’ve got one hell of a sexy ass.” He couldn’t

wait until he was able to fuck her there. But that

would take time, time for her to trust totally and


“Oh really.” She wiggled her butt at him and he

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smiled, this was much better.

“Yes, but I like other parts of you too.” Two

fingers traced down her butt, to find her wet mound.

She let out a contented sigh as he stroked her.

“Bring your knees up, sweetheart.”

He waited until she got her knees into position.

“Spread them apart.” Her butt wiggled as she moved

her knees out, opening herself up to his fingers and

his gaze.

Stroking her a few more times, he pulled his

fingers away and reached for the egg. “I’ve got the

egg now.”

“And what do you plan on doing with it?”

Her question surprised him. “I’m going to

pleasure you with it.” Using his fingers, he spread

her pussy lips apart and placed the egg at her


With gentle pressure, he pressed it up into her

core. She wiggled as he placed the egg where he

wanted it.

“Okay?” he asked, removing his fingers, allowing

her pussy to conform around the egg.

“Yes.” Her voice was soft and full of wonder.

Was it possible she’d never played with toys before?

He shook his head. It didn’t make sense. She

worked for a sexual fantasy company. Maybe none of

her other lovers ever played with her before, never

revved her up.

Today, it was her pleasure he was after. His

pleasure would come from watching her climax from

his toys, from his touch, from his kisses.

Leaning back, he picked up the small remote

and switched it on.

“Ohhhh.” Her hips pressed down on the pillows,

and he noticed her sex twitching around the egg.

Her skin flushed with excitement.

“Like it?”

“Oh yes. It’s different.”

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“Haven’t you ever tried a vibrating egg before?”


“Vibrator?” Maybe his assumptions were wrong,

just because she worked for Fantasies Inc., didn’t

mean she used toys.

“I’ve used a vibrator, but I don’t really like


“Why?” The question slipped out as his palms

covered her pale globes once again, caressing them.

“Too plastic.”

“A common complaint.” He watched goose

pimples decorate her skin as he traced the pads of

his fingers over her ass, up to her spine and back

again. “Tell me what else you’ve tried?”

She turned her face into the mattress trying to

hide her pink cheeks.


“This is embarrassing.” Her voice was muffled,

but he smiled.

“There’s nothing you can’t talk to me about, you

won’t surprise or scare me. But why don’t I go first.”

He checked the egg to make sure it was secure,

before leaning over her. “Do you know why I came to

work for Fantasies Inc.?”

“No.” Her words were clearer.

“I wanted to create toys to satisfy both men and

women, but also because I wanted to see the toys

used. I enjoy watching both men and women as they

are in sexual heaven.”

“You’re a voyeur?”

“Sometimes.” He moved the switch on the egg up

another notch, noting the way her hips squirmed. “I

like to see my toys bring pleasure. But pleasuring a

man can be more difficult than a woman.”

Slipping his fingers down, he gathered her

moisture and began massaging her sex with it.

“What did you create to pleasure a man?” Her

voice wasn’t quite steady.

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She was becoming aroused. Her hips moved in

time with his fingers.

“I developed a sleeve a man can put over his

cock and an egg to make it vibrate. The thing is, I

added two other cylinders to it.”

“And what do they do?” Her voice was crisp and

clear, but she’d turned her head back to the side and

her eyes were closed.

Leaning down, he blew on her pussy, causing

her to gasp. A smile danced around his lips. Settling

back on his knees, he continued to stroke her pussy,

while his other hand caressed her ass.

“The man puts the sleeve over his cock,” he

started. “Then places one cylinder in front of his

balls and the other one behind until they lock in


“Ouch, sounds like it hurts.”

“Not when it’s done right.” Removing his hands

from her pussy, he knew he wanted to do more for

her. “Roll onto your back, but keep the pillows under

your hips.”

He helped her position herself. His mouth

watered, he couldn’t wait to taste her again. But

first he had to finish his explanation.

“The cylinders are something like the egg you

have inside your pussy.” He flicked the switch up

another notch and her hips rose. “They stimulate his

balls, and the sleeve sucks his cock. But he has

perfect control of the levels, you don’t.”

His mouth covered her pussy as he turned the

egg up another notch. She moaned and his palms

covered her hips. He didn’t want her moving away

from him.

Finding her clit, his tongue flicked it before

drawing it deep into his mouth, then releasing it.

She was dripping, and she tasted sweet, like

cotton candy. A taste he was becoming addicted to.

He felt her inner muscles tightening and releasing

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around the egg. It wasn’t going to take much more to

shove her over the top.

Burying his face in her sex, he played with her

clit until the spasms started and she arched into his


Without pausing, he drove his tongue into her

pussy, pushing against the egg, as his fingers found

her clit and pressed.

She cried out as her orgasm hit. Finding the

remote, he turned the egg up another notch and

continued to feast on her.

Cassie opened her mouth trying to get more air.

What the hell was he doing to her?

Her hips arched against his mouth, the heat in

her belly flaring down to her thighs, spreading clear

down to her toes as her first climax rolled over her,

and she’d barely started down from it when another

one hit.

Only with Marcus could she have multiple

orgasms. She fully expected him to pull back, now.

Instead, the egg increased its vibrations. How high

did it go?

Oh, Lord. Did he have any idea of what he was

doing to her? All these delicious and totally wicked


His tongue pressed against the egg and another

climax tore through her, making her shake. Her

head thrashed from side to side as her fingers curled

into her palms.

Pleasure. So much pleasure. She’d never felt so

alive, so much like a woman. And she was enjoying

everything Marcus did to her.

Her belly and pussy began tightening again.

What was this going to be number four or five? She

wasn’t sure if she could take much more.

“Marcus,” she called out his name. Did he

realize what he was doing to her?

“Go with it, sweetheart.”

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“I can’t.”

“You can.”

Oh yes, he knew what he was doing. His mouth

returned to her pussy as the egg began to vibrate

even harder. Didn’t he understand? She was a big

bundle of exposed nerves already. Soon she would

explode all over the place unless he stopped.

But he wouldn’t stop. He continued to play her

pussy like a well-tuned instrument.

Her stomach tightened, another orgasm was

going to hit. She opened her mouth panting, then he

removed his mouth and slipped two fingers into her

dripping pussy.

“Shit,” she yelled, when Marcus wiggled his

fingers, pushing the egg higher and pressing it

against…her scream echoed around the room and

she lost all control, her climax tearing through her.

She undulated under the force of her orgasm

and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

It wasn’t until several minutes later that she

realized Marcus had removed his fingers and the egg

was no longer vibrating.

She couldn’t move. Hell, she could barely

breathe. Marcus’ skin brushed over hers. She forced

her eyes to open, to see him grinning down at her.

“How do you feel?”

“Boneless.” And sated.

“Very good.” He brushed a kiss over her lax

mouth. “Have you ever screamed like that before?”

A blush filled her cheeks. “No.” Of course she

hadn’t, she’d never, ever lost control like that.

“Another first,” he whispered, his fingers tracing

over her damp skin.

Her hips shifted and the egg moved within her,

causing shivers of pleasure to course through her

veins. “Will you please take that damn egg out?”

“Don’t you like my toy?”

“Like it yes, but I don’t think I can stand

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another climax without passing out and, if it keeps

shifting inside me every time I move, it’s going to


“Ah, I see.”

He slipped his fingers into her core and a moan

left her mouth. She sighed when the egg slipped

from her dripping sex.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He gave her another light kiss,

and then slid the pillows from beneath her hips, one

at a time. “Rest for a few minutes, I’ll be right back.”

The mattress shifted, but Cassie knew she

couldn’t move even if she wanted to. Her muscles

were so limp and loose, she was sated.

Hearing the water run in the bathroom, she

knew she should get up and go take a shower, but

she wasn’t ready to be upright yet.

Marcus’ heat called to her. She forced her lashes

open and found him sitting on the bed, washcloth

and towel in hand.

With gentle hands, he bathed her skin and her

sex. She’d never had a man do this for her before,

and she liked it. He took care of her in a way no one

ever had, not even her mother. When he finished, he

disappeared once again. Into the bathroom she


Turning her head, her gaze found the clock on

the nightstand. Four? It was four in the afternoon?

“Continue to rest.” He knelt on the mattress,

leaning over to take her lips in a kiss.

She opened her mouth to his, their tongues

thrusting against each other, mimicking their earlier

lovemaking. And she wanted more, more of Marcus

and his brand of love making, then he broke the kiss.


She opened her mouth, but he brushed another

kiss across her lips.

“I’m going to go start dinner, it will be at least

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an hour before it’s ready.”

He gave her another kiss before rising and

crossing to the door. Her eyes devoured his naked

form, his hard cock and sweet, tight ass. “Aren’t you

going to put some clothes on?”

“What’s the point?” She let out a groan as he

walked out of the room.

She had to be the most satisfied woman on the

planet, hell, in the whole universe. And what did

Marcus get out of it?

She was very aware of his hard cock and how

he’d denied his own pleasure in favor of hers. No

man had ever done that for her. Even now, he was

downstairs cooking for her, while his cock pulsed

with need.

Her pussy clenched thinking about his hard cock

thrusting into her again. Cripes, she couldn’t want

more sex. She’d had what, four, five orgasms. She

should be weary, but her libido was letting her know

it was more than ready to go more rounds with


Rolling to her side, she glanced at the clock. If

she wanted a shower before dinner was ready, she’d

better get moving. But she wasn’t even sure if she

could stand, let alone walk.

Start off small. She wiggled her toes—they

worked. Knees were next—yes they bent and

straightened without problems. With effort, she

pushed herself up onto her elbows and swung her

legs over the side of the mattress. Her muscles

protested, but it wasn’t pain, rather a pleasant

soreness that came from being pleasured over and

over again.

Pushing to her feet, she wobbled before balance

took over. That’s it, she thought. Now, one foot in

front of the other.

She made her way into the bathroom. She gave

the big bathtub a loving glance, but knew she didn’t

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have enough time to soak. Instead, she opened the

shower door and stepped inside.

Thirty minutes later, she slipped downstairs

and into the kitchen. She stood in the doorway,

watching Marcus.

He stood at the counter, his back to her. Her

gaze roamed over his nude body. There was not an

ounce of fat on this man. His firm hard ass begged

for her touch, long lean legs, wide shoulders and

muscles flexed as he chopped up something for

dinner. Unable to stand still, she padded across the

kitchen. Her fingers traced those muscles, then her

lips followed.

“You smell like musk.” It wasn’t an unpleasant

scent—it turned her on.

“I didn’t expect you to be up yet.” To his credit,

he kept chopping and allowed her to explore him.

“It’s a miracle I can do anything at all after you

pleasured me so well.” She slipped her arms around

his waist, her fingers brushing the head of his hard

cock. His dick jumped beneath her touch.

“Satisfaction is my middle name.” His voice was


“Is that so?” With a light touch, she ran the pads

of her fingers down his dick, then back up. Steel and

velvet. His skin was like velvet, but there was steel

underneath as he pulsed against her skin.

God, how long had he been like this? Hours?

He’d pleasured her. He deserved something, didn’t


Oh yes, she wanted to give him pleasure. She

wanted to see him lose his control and climax in her

hands. Curling her fingers around him, she began

stroking him from tip to base and back.

“Cassie.” The knife clattered to the counter.

“Yes, Marcus.” Her lips trailed over his well-

defined shoulders.

“You’re playing with fire.”

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“It doesn’t feel that hot to me.” She squeezed his

cock as she stood on her toes to blow against his ear.

“At least not yet.”

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Chapter Six

The air in the kitchen thickened, and Marcus

stiffened when she tightened her hold on his cock

and bit his ear lobe, but that didn’t deter Cassie. She

enjoyed the power flowing through her at having

Marcus in her hand, so to speak. Her nipples

tightened and her sex moistened while she stroked


Accepting this weekend was the best thing she

could have done. While part of her was still a bit

apprehensive, she needed to let herself go, to have

sex without any remorse. To enjoy herself for once.

His hand closed over hers, then pulled it from

his pulsing cock.

“I want to touch you.” And she did. She wanted

his skin on hers, his cock in her hand.

“I don’t know if I can handle you touching me

right now.” He brought her hand to his lips, placing

a soul-destroying kiss onto her palm.

“Sure you can.” Using her free hand, she found

his hardness again.

His groan was lost against the palm of her hand.

And Cassie smiled.

“Why don’t we try this?” Tugging her hand free,

she dropped to her knees and took him deep into her

mouth. She wanted to give him pleasure and she

hoped he didn’t mind this was only her second time

doing this to a man. Correction, second time doing it

to him.

His salty taste wasn’t unpleasant and she

inhaled. His musky scent filled her, along with a

hint of spice. Oh, yes, Marcus was spicy. She ran her

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tongue over the veins of his cock. His fingers tangled

in her hair and a sense of satisfaction ran through

her veins. He wasn’t pushing her away, but keeping

her close.

“Oh yes, baby. Suck me.” He thrust a little


Relaxing her throat, she took him deeper, and

then remembered something she read at work. She

pressed her finger to his perineum and waited in


“Fuck,” he cried out. She didn’t have to wait long.

His balls tightened and his salty fluid filled her


She swallowed, loving every second of the

empowerment she’d never felt before. She made him

lose control, maybe not for long, but she’d done it.

His cock finished pulsing in her mouth and her

tongue encircled the head of his cock before she let

him slip from her lips.

He urged her to her feet, then covered her

mouth with his. She started to pull back, but his

hands against her skull held her fast. Apparently he

didn’t mind his taste on his tongue as he thrust it

into her mouth, kissing her deeply. When he broke

the kiss they were both breathing hard.

“Why did you bother to put a robe on?” He

fingered the collar.

“I can’t run around naked.”

“You should try it.” His fingers parted the lapels

cupping her breasts his slightly rough skin against

her soft skin sent shivers of pleasure coursing

through her. “It’s very freeing.”

Her moan was lost against his lips. When he

pinched her nipples, their hips rocked against each

other as their tongues dueled with each other again.

His green eyes were blazing when he lifted his

head to stare down at her. “If we don’t stop, I’m

going to take you on the kitchen counter.”

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“Is that a problem?”

His gaze darkened and fire spread through her

when she realized she was making him lose control.

Power and control rushed to her head. Wiggling

around, she pushed her hand between them and

cupped his growing sex.

“You’re asking for trouble.”

She grinned at him. “I like trouble.”

Before she could blink, she was flat on her back

on the island in the middle of the kitchen. Her legs

hanging over the edge, robe spread apart and

Marcus between her thighs.

His cock rubbed at her entrance, then he thrust

into her, causing her back to arch off the island. Oh

God. Her mouth dropped open. He was so large, so

hard, so male. There were no other words she could

think of to describe the delicious sensations coursing

through her.

He was amazing, was all she could think when

he gripped her hips and began thrusting hard. She

linked her ankles at the small of his back and

opened herself even more to him.

“Yes, Marcus. Take me.”

The little witch shattered his control, Marcus

acknowledged with another thrust into her warm,

willing pussy.

She’d done something no other woman had ever

managed, and in a damn short period of time, too.

Even now as he was buried in her silky warm pussy,

he couldn’t stop himself from thrusting harder,

faster. When her legs wrapped around his waist, he

leaned forward and captured her mouth.

His tongue, in her mouth, mimicked his

thrusting cock and her pussy clenched around him.

But Cassie didn’t have a clue what she had done;

she’d awakened the sleeping master within him

when she made him lose control.

The master wanted his due and he wasn’t going

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to stop until he got it. Her first climax made the

master lick his lips, her second caused him to grin. It

wasn’t until her pussy constricted for a third time

that the master agreed it was time.

Reaching between their bodies, he found her clit

and pressed it as he thrust into her.

Cassie screamed out his name, throwing back

her head as his release flowed out of him. He pulsed

again and again into her tightening pussy.

It could have been a minute or an hour before

they stopped shaking from the force of their

respective climaxes.

Gazing at her, he noticed her eyes were closed,

her mouth open, her breathing shallow.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his own voice hoarse.

“Peachy.” Her pale blue gaze met his. Her lips

were puffy from his kisses, but a smile played

around her lips.

“Did I hurt you?” He started to back away only

to realize her legs were still wrapped around his

waist, holding him to her.

“Nope.” A smile curved her lips. “I think I

uncovered the tip of the volcano.”

She flexed her hips and damn if his cock didn’t

react. Control. They both needed time to recover, but

by the way his dick was twitching, it didn’t need

much recovery time.

While he was trying to figure out a way to

disengage himself, her stomach rumbled.

“I think someone is hungry.” He chuckled,

placing a soft kiss on her belly. “Baby, you need to

release me so I can fix you something to eat.”

“But you feel so good.” Her hips flexed.

“Food first, then we can have more fun.”

Her lower lip puffed as she pouted, but her legs

slipped from his waist. With care, he stepped back,

then reached down and helped her sit up.

“Baby,” he said when her fingers slipped to his

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half-erect dick, toying with it. “Keep your hands to

yourself.” No matter how good it felt, he had to get

her to stop touching him or they’d never eat.

“Spoil sport.” She slid off the counter to her feet.

He gripped her waist when she wobbled. Then

gathering the fabric of the robe, he pulled it over her

skin and tied it shut. It was better if her lush curves

were covered up.

Her stomach growled again. “I guess I better

feed it or we’ll never get to the fun.”

“Food coming right up.” Forcing himself to leave

her, he washed his hands and went to the cutting

board to finish up their meal.

Marcus grinned as Cassie ate dinner with relish.

Thankfully, their impromptu kitchen sex hadn’t

ruined dinner. Keeping his gaze on her, he thought

about dessert.

Maybe spreading her out on the table, scooping

ice cream onto her breasts, stomach and pussy, and

then licking it off as it melted sounded good.

His cock jumped. But not yet. Relaxing back in

the chair, he cradled his wine glass.

“Another great meal,” she said, setting her fork

down and wiping her lips.

He inclined his head, staring at her. This was a

different woman he was seeing now. This woman

was relaxed and open, compared to the sexy wildcat

of earlier and compared to yesterday’s uptight,

closed up woman. Cassie had a way of putting on

different faces and he wanted to get to the bottom of


“Today is the first time you’ve let your control

slip.” They both had that in common, yet he had to

wonder why she felt the need to keep it in check.

“No.” She pushed her chair back. Before she

could take a step, he was in front of her. He wasn’t

going to let her hide, not yet.

“What has you so afraid of losing control?”

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“I’m not.” She crossed her arms over her chest

and gave him a mutinous stare. Maybe if he took

this conversation in another direction it would help.

“We’re all afraid of something.” He tilted his

head. “Me, it’s spiders. I hate the things. I have this

place debugged, so to speak, every two weeks.”

A giggle escaped her lips and her arms fell to

her sides. Good, he didn’t want her defensive, but he

wanted to find out what was going on inside that

head of hers. But something in the way she was

watching him told him she wasn’t about to answer

his questions. At least not yet. If only he could get

her guard down…A thought popped into his brain.

“I’m going to clean up the dishes. Why don’t you

go into the library?” She always had her nose in a

book when she was at lunch in the break room.

Maybe it would help her relax more.

“Library? You have a library and didn’t tell me?”

Her eyes narrowed.

“I forgot. Didn’t think we’d have a lot of time to

read.” Taking her hand, he led her down the hall and

pushed open the closed doors. He was proud of this

room, floor to ceiling bookcases full of books,

everything from fiction and non-fiction, including

history tomes, biographies, and lots of books about

sex. He found reading helped him relax. “Have fun.”

He left her standing in the doorway, mouth

agape. Whistling, he strode down the hall to the

dining room.


Cassie wandered around Marcus’ library. The

wood shelves were overflowing with books. A sitting

area had been set up with a sofa and two overstuffed

chairs. Two side tables sat with lamps on them. A

very impressive library it was. The walls were lined

with bookcases that were filled with books.

There were great literary works, mysteries,

thrillers, history and even some romances. But what

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drew her attention the most was the bookcases filled

with erotic books.

Erotic romances, how-to-books, erotica and even

what looked like to be some porn books. One of the

titles caught her eye, The Submissive Has All The

Control. Her heart pounded as she plucked it off the

shelf, she curled up on the sofa. She opened the book

with a trembling hand.


Cassie’s head snapped up, her cheeks warming

when she noticed Marcus lounging in the doorway.

She tucked the book face down next to her leg. Had

he noticed what she was reading?

“I wanted to let you know I’m heading upstairs

to get the bedroom ready.”

“Ready for what?” His face showed nothing.

Maybe he hadn’t read the title of the book.

“My surprise. Don’t come up until I call you.” He

sauntered off and she stared at the empty doorway

for a few minutes before picking the book back up.

After reading the first few chapters, her mind

was becoming clearer on her mother’s relationship

with her father, and she had gained some insight to


Marcus was dominant—there was not a doubt in

her mind about it. But in a totally different way

than her father—Marcus didn’t hit her or even

verbally abuse her in any way. She was beginning to

notice the difference and that difference made her

feel better about Marcus. While she’d taken control

in the kitchen, Marcus had taken it right back.

A tingle of excitement crawled through her veins.

She couldn’t ask for a better lover than Marcus. Not

only did he make sure she was satisfied, he took care

of her like no other man ever had.

There was something tender in the way he

touched her, in his gaze, in his kisses. Oh, he could

be a little rough with sex, but she didn’t mind.

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And pleasure. He enjoyed making her climax

even while denying himself. One of the lines from

the book stood out in her mind, ‘An excellent Dom

will make sure his submissive is happy.’

And so far, Marcus had made her happy. She

wasn’t convinced yet that she was a total submissive,

but the book pointed out there were different types

of submission. There was the slave who was totally

submissive to their master and had no voice all the

time—that had been her mother. Then there was the

sexual submissive who submitted only in the

bedroom, and those who only showed submission in

the home and not in public.

The book also talked about the power exchange

between the two, how trust in your partner was

powerful, and it would make a relationship stronger,

closer, and sexier.

Her stomach contracted. While her mind might

deny it, her heart knew Marcus was the alpha male,

one who would not only take care of her physically,

but mentally as well.

Marcus was a man with whom she could put her

trust in.

Her heart began to pound. Could she do that?

Trust a dominant man?

“Cassie, you can come upstairs now,” Marcus


Heart beating triple time and her lungs

struggling to get enough air, Cassie climbed the

stairs to the bedroom.

Air whooshed out of her lungs. The room was

bathed in candlelight and Marcus stood next to the

bed, gloriously naked.

Gliding across the room, she discarded her robe

then stood in front of him. But she was distracted by

the towel-covered nightstand. What did he have

hidden there? Anticipation with a tinge of fear

worked its way up her spine.

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The next thing she knew, she was lying in the

middle of the bed, with Marcus straddling her.

“Marcus—” Her heart pounded hard in her chest.

“Shhh.” He brushed a light kiss against her lips.

She shook her head. “No, I need to say this.” She

took a deep breath. She needed to trust him and that

meant taking the first step. “You’re the first man

I’ve never had to fake an orgasm with.”

“They were fucking idiots.” She couldn’t help the

small smile curving her lips.

“The men in your old life don’t know what a

treasure they had in you.”

“Maybe.” Her teeth dug into her lower lip. “It

might have been I was too afraid to let them give me


Marcus’ head jerked and he stiffened. Well, she

had his attention now.

“You were right when you said I was afraid of

losing control. Until now, I saw losing control as

something to be feared.”

“Then how the hell were you going to handle

using Josh’s services?”

“How did you find out about that?” Oh, Lord. He

knew about that.

Marcus blew out a breath. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t

have blurted that out, and before you ask, Josh

didn’t tell me. It was an educated guess.”

“Until this weekend, I thought I could just have

anonymous sex, but within five minutes of making

our deal I knew I couldn’t. And now I understand

more about my need for control.”

“And what helped you understand your need?”

“Reading the book in your library opened my

eyes, and helped me understand certain things.”

“Which book?”

“It doesn’t matter.” He hadn’t seen the title.

Good. She wasn’t quite ready to share that with him

yet. “While I can’t say I won’t be afraid of losing my

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control, I know I’m safe with you if I do.”

“You’ll always be safe with me.” He took her lips

in a soft kiss. “That’s the reason for the safe word. It

gives you the control to stop whatever is happening,

no matter what.”

She nodded, too choked up to answer him.

“How do you feel about being restrained?”

Cassie closed her eyes, then reopened them and

stared at Marcus.

“Your skin is flushing. Shall I take that as a


“I’ve never tried it,” she said softly.

“But have you fantasized about it?”

“Yes.” She had, with him starring in every one of

her fantasies, and now he was going to make them

come true.

“Let’s see how this goes. Put your arms above

your head.”

Nerves pulsing, Cassie raised her arms up.

Marcus leaned over her, his chest brushing her

breasts. Softness touched her wrists and then a

distinct metal click sounded.

She tugged—a natural reaction. But instead of

the cold steel she expected to cut into her wrists, a

velvet softness embraced her arms. She couldn’t get


“I’ve run the handcuff link between the slats on

the headboard.” Marcus’ voice was husky. “The cuffs

themselves are fur-lined, so it won’t mark your

beautiful skin.”

His lips and tongue followed a path from the cuff

on her right wrist all the way to her shoulder,

leaving a path of blazing arousal.

She turned her head and her gaze met his. “Are

you going to let me see what’s on the nightstand?”

she asked, jerking her chin in that direction.

“No.” His lips took hers, tongue diving into her

mouth, tangling with hers before withdrawing. “Lift

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your head please.”

Cassie dropped her chin to her chest and fabric

covered her eyes.

“No.” She jerked against the handcuffs, her

breathing shallow and sweat breaking out on her

skin. “Michelle, Michelle, Michelle.”

Marcus’ green eyes were filled with concern as

the blindfold was slipped away. His gentle fingers

brushed her hair away from her forehead, before

stroking her cheek.

She fought to get her breathing under control.

“My father used to blindfold me to punish me. That’s

why I can’t stand total darkness.”

“I’m sorry baby, I had no idea.” His breath was

cool against her overheated skin. “Shall I remove the


“No, they’re okay. No blindfold.”

“Not a problem.” The fabric was sent flying

across the room. “Can you keep your eyes closed?”


“Because I don’t want you to see what’s coming

next. I want you to use your other senses rather

than sight.”

“Okay, I’ll do my best.” She let her lashes fall.

She could handle that—she could open her eyes at

any time if she wanted.

Marcus fingers clenched at his sides while

fought to keep his anger at her father at bay. How

dare any man blindfold a child as a punishment.

Taking a deep breath, Marcus maneuvered until he

was facing her feet.

He kissed he toes and she wiggled her feet.

Reaching over, he pulled out the leg restraints. He

secured one ankle. “Okay?” At her nod, he secured

the other.

Glancing over his shoulder he was pleased to see

her eyes were still closed. Her nose was wrinkled up

as if she was thinking about what he was doing.

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He began to tighten the leg restraints. A small

tremor shook her, but she didn’t say a word.

“Are you okay?” he asked when he had the

restraints as tight as he wanted them.

“Fine,” she said on a breathless whoosh.

He trailed his fingers from her ankle to knee,

watching her face. No fear, no apprehension, her

skin was flushed from excitement.

“You said you fantasized about being tied up?”


“Later you’ll have to tell me some of your other

fantasies so I can fulfill them for you.”

Another tremor swept over her. She was

reacting to him, and it was a good thing.

His cock was already hard. Hell, who was he

kidding, he’d been in a constant state of arousal

around this woman since the party. He was a highly

sexual male. He’d never been this hard, this often

around a woman. Only Cassie.

Slipping off the bed, he took the towel off the

nightstand and lifted the feather he wanted, then

ran it over her lips.

Her mouth puckered against it before he trailed

it down her neck to her breasts, carefully caressing

each one before teasing her nipples.

“What is that?” She squirmed against the sheets.

“You tell me.” Leaving her breasts, he trailed

the feather down her stomach, past her sex to her

thighs, then to her knees and feet, before reversing

course. By the time he made his way back up to her

pussy, her hips were shifting and he could smell the

sweet musky perfume of her arousal.

“It’s a feather.”

“Yes.” Dropping a kiss on her abdomen, he put

the feather back and picked up the eggs. “Let’s see if

you can tell what this is.” Her hips shifted once

again as he twirled the toy over her clit.

“A dildo?”

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“No.” He pressed it into her wetness, then drew

it out, only to slide it back in, watching her face.

“Okay, too small for a dildo,” she said, forehead


He had to give her credit. She didn’t open her

eyes or even try to peek to see what he had in his


“It’s something small and round,” she said. “But

very small. Maybe something for a woman who

doesn’t want something too big, but something to

make her feel good.”

“Close. Do you remember what we give our

clients when they first come into Fantasies Inc?”

“Oh my God, you’ve got one of those toys the

women rave about in me.”


“You’re a wicked man.”

“You haven’t seen anything yet.”

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Chapter Seven

Cassie lay on the mattress, fighting to keep her

eyes closed as her heart rate increased, then she said,

“Go for it.”

“I plan to.” Marcus chuckled.

She heard him rustling around, the mattress

dipping with his movements and she was tempted to

take a peek, but she didn’t.

She’d given her word to keep her eyes closed and

she would. Another feather whisked over her already

hard nipples then down to her belly making her skin

prickle with excitement.

Wait a second. This had a different feel to it. A

round feather? No, a ball covered with feathers.

Marcus rubbed her stomach with it, then

something pressed against her pussy lips.

A small vibrator, it had that shape and feel to it.

But then the vibrator and feather ball shifted at the

same time. The more the vibrator was pushed into

her pussy, the closer the feather ball shifted to her


Her hips jerked when Marcus flipped the

vibrator on full and began running the feather ball

around her clit. The feathers tickled her clit and the

vibrations made her pussy clench. She didn’t know if

she should laugh or moan in pleasure.

“You’re shameless,” she said, fighting to keep


He chuckled again, and began thrusting the

vibrator faster, keeping the feather ball teasing her


“How long can you last, Cassie?”

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Oh, there was a teasing tone to that question.

But she didn’t bother to answer because she knew

she was primed and ready. She wouldn’t last long.

The mounting pleasure was so good. Him

teasing her with the vibrator and the ball. She

jerked at her hands wanting to touch him, but she

couldn’t. And she wanted to close her legs around

the toys so she could rock her hips and climax faster,

but she couldn’t do that either.

She was tied by an expert. Marcus could do

anything he wanted to her and she couldn’t stop him.

A tremor of fear shuttered up her spine, but then she

remembered she could say her safeword. Marcus had

already proven that the second she said it he would

stop. There was nothing to fear.

A shudder of pleasure swept over her. “Release

my hands.”


“You’re not playing fair, I want to touch you.”

“I never said I’d play fair and I like having you

at my mercy.”

“Damn it, Marcus.” But all he did was laugh.

“Such language, my dear Cassie.”

“Just wait. I’ll pay you back for this.” And she

would, she’d find a way this weekend to get even

with him.

“I can’t wait.” He removed the ball and vibrator.

She groaned—she was so close.

The mattress dipped again. “Anytime.” His

breath brushed her ear. “You want me to stop, say

your safeword.”

Something wet dribbled down her pussy, as if

she wasn’t wet enough already. Then Marcus’

fingers were there, rubbing the moisture into her clit,

over her outer pussy lips. He slipped two fingers into

her, twirling them around.

She couldn’t help herself—her hips shifted

upward and the scent of roses filled her nose. “Rose

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“A very special rose oil,” he replied and she

wondered what he meant.

Her stomach tightened as warmth began to

spread through her pussy, to her clit and throughout

her body.

“What is it?” Her ass wiggled against the sheets.

The warmth was getting hotter by the minute. It

wasn’t an unpleasant feeling and it made her nerves

dance with anticipation.

“Warming oil. A little something to keep you on


His fingers were spreading her labia open and

he pressed something new against her pussy. Cassie

tried to concentrate on the shape and feel of the new

toy, but the warmth spreading through her limbs

was distracting.

“Another one of your inventions?” she asked, her

breathing shallow in anticipation of what he had

planned for her.

“One of my engineers came up with this one.”

There was a slight pinch to her clit and she let

out a moan. His fingers against her stomach made

her shiver, then the toy was shifted, and the pinch

was replaced with a strong tug on her clit.

“Ahh,” she cried out as the toy was switched on.

It was like a mouth on her clit, sucking then

releasing it. And the warming oil was only

increasing the sensations.

“I’ll have to let him know about the adjustments

I just made.”

“What the hell is that?” She could barely get the

words out. God, he was going to kill her with

pleasure. Blood pumped through her veins straight

to her pussy and clit.

“It’s a fun little toy.” The pressure on her clit

increased and Cassie’s ass squirmed. “In our focus

groups women complained that toys didn’t have

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enough suction to recreate the feeling of a lover

sucking their clit. So one of my engineers began to

make some modifications.”

“Oh hell, this thing is…” Her back arched as

much as it could, then settled back against the

mattress. “Diabolical,” she panted.

She was getting close, she was going climax any

second now.

“Interesting word choice.” He slid between her

spread legs.

“Oh yes,” she whispered when his cock touched

her pussy. “Yes, please, fuck me.”

She was so wet, yet so snug, Marcus thought

when he pushed his hard cock into her pussy.

He would need to be careful not to dislodge the

toy. Moving with care, he slid fully into her pussy

and turned the clit sucker up another notch.

Cassie bucked against him. Grinning, he pulled

back, then began sliding in and out at a measured

pace. Every few strokes he’d increase the sucker on

her clit. Soon she was undulating beneath him. Her

pussy tightened around him with each stroke.

“Please,” she whispered, her head thrashing

from side to side.

“Please what?”

“Fuck me. Make me come before I go crazy.”

Her mouth opened on a moan when he slid deep

inside her filling her to capacity, and he captured

the moan with his lips. Kissing her softly, he trailed

his mouth from her cheek to her ear so he could

whisper, “Your wish is my command.”

Marcus pulled back and thrust deeply into her,

keeping one eye on the toy as he did.

“Harder,” she yelled, her arms jerking in the


A grin crept over his lips at her command, but

he kept his same pace until she said, “Please, I need

you.” Then he began to pound into her, all the while

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upping the sucking on the toy.

“Almost there,” she whispered. Her hips met his

stroke for stroke.

“You’re so beautiful.” He brushed another kiss

over her lips. Her eyes were still scrunched shut.

Her pussy clenched around him and then

released, only to spasm even harder. “Let it go baby,

come for me. Show me the beauty of your orgasm.

Let me see you go wild.” He pushed the sucker toy to

maximum speed.

She jerked and their hips slammed together.

Cassie let out a scream as her orgasm hit. Marcus

continued to thrust until her second orgasm hit,

then he sank into her and let his own climax take


At the last second he remembered to switch the

toy off and only the sounds of their harsh breathing

filled the room.

Her pussy twitched around his cock. God, he

could stay here all day but…he started to pull back.

“No.” The cuffs rattled against the headboard.

“Stay, at least for a few more minutes.”

His heart melted at her words. Reaching up, he

brushed the hair away from her face. “You can open

your eyes now.”

A giggle escaped as a drowsy blue gaze met his.

“I’d forgotten they were closed.”


“Perfect.” Her pussy tightened around him again.

“Keep that up and I’m going to fuck you again,”

he said.

“I wouldn’t mind, but this time I want to use my

arms and legs, and I want to keep my eyes open so I

can see you fly apart.”

“Deal.” Within seconds, Marcus released her

from the restraints. “But you need to give me a few

minutes to recover.”

“I’m sure I can pass the time.”

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“Yes, we can.” His lips captured hers.

Empowerment he never knew rushed through him.

When he broke the kiss, they were both

breathing hard. “First tell me more about yourself,”

she said.

“What do you want to know?”



Her laughter warmed his heart and he grinned.

“My parents are both still alive. Right now they’re on

a European cruise enjoying their retirement.”

“How do they handle you working for Fantasies


“They’re both happy I’ve found a creative outlet

for my experiments.”

“Why do I have a feeling you played with

chemistry sets as a child.” She laid her head on his

shoulder and his arms curved around her back. He

enjoyed the feeling of her breasts pressing against

his chest.

“Chemistry sets, experiments on the stove, I’d

tie up my friends to see if the knots would hold, oh

and I accidently set the dog house on fire.”

“How do you accidently do that?” She tilted her

head up.

“I was playing with candles and wax, how the

heck did I know at the age of ten that wax could

burn that hot when it hit skin. I knocked over the

candle, which caught the dog bed on fire, then the

dog house.”

“And the dog?”

“He was outside whining because I’d kicked him


“And what did your parents do?”

“After the fire department left, I was given a

lecture on playing with matches and candles,

grounded for two weeks, and I had to pay for the

wood and build the new dog house myself.”

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“You’re parents sound wonderful.” Her lashes

lowered as her fingers toyed over his chest.

“They were fair and understanding.” Something

he had a feeling she didn’t have in her parents. In

time, he’d hear her story, when she was ready to tell


“So you really enjoy your job at Fantasies Inc.”

She snuggled closer to him. And while his libido

reacted, he held it in check.

“Oh, yes. I love creating toys for both men and

women, but you want to know the best thing about

the job?”


“It was meeting you and being able to see you

every day.”

He waited for her to react, but she was silent.

Glancing down, Marcus smiled. Cassie had fallen

asleep. Tightening his arms around her, he laid

there planning their day tomorrow.


Cassie turned her head and looked at the clock.

Five in the morning, too early to be awake, yet she

knew she wouldn’t go back to sleep.

Not wanting to disturb Marcus, she slipped from

his embrace and the bed. Gathering up her robe, she

wrapped it around herself, then padded over to the

window seat.

She was in trouble. Deep trouble. Hell, who was

she kidding? She’d been in trouble for a while now,

all because she was falling in love with Marcus. She

gazed out at the dawn sky filled with stars.

She’d agreed to this weekend to get him out of

her system, but instead he was becoming more

ingrained in her life. Telling him about her father

blindfolding her was freeing. Marcus didn’t judge

her—he let her be herself. And then him tying her

up…she never expected it to be so exciting, so erotic.

Even after their mind blowing sex last night, he

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held her in his arms telling her about his family, and

how much he loved his job, especially since it

brought her into his life. But she didn’t know how to

react to his comment. It warmed her heart, but there

was also a tiny bit of apprehension.

The man was everything she could ask for, witty,

intelligent, sexy and an imaginative lover.

How was she going to leave him on Monday

morning? But she had no choice. They could never

have a life together. She couldn’t live with a

dominant man, not without always fearing she

would lose herself. She was a challenge to Marcus

and the challenge was almost over. He would move

on like every other man in her life had.

After reading a couple chapters of the book, it

became more apparent to Cassie that her father

used sex and toys as weapons, not to enhance

pleasure, and her mother had let her father do it.

Glancing at the bed, she smiled to see Marcus

spread out against the sheets, his dark hair tousled,

and for once his cock didn’t tent the fabric.

She’d savor this time with him. They’d both

agreed to sixty hours and she wasn’t going to trade

this time for anything. Funny how she’d almost

forgotten about their crazy deal. Her heart might

break into pieces after tomorrow, but she’d deal with

it, just like she’d dealt with all the other heartbreak

in her life.

Marching across the room, she lowered the sheet

exposing Marcus’ nude body. Pay back’s a bitch. She

found the restrains for his legs. She’d have to do this

very carefully so as not to wake him. Otherwise he

would spoil her fun.

She slipped the first restraint over his ankle,

then she tiptoed around the bed and slipped the

second one on. She was careful to make sure the cord

would be within her reach, so she could tighten them

at the last minute.

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Now his hands. The cuffs still lay where he’d left

them. Lifting them, she winced when the metal

scraped against the headboard, but thankfully there

was enough slack for her to do what she needed to do.

One of his arms was flung over his head, the

easy one, but what about his other hand? She

glanced down—it lay over his washboard stomach. If

she lifted it, he’d wake up. His cock twitched and she

smiled. What a dilemma.

“Marcus,” she whispered in his ear. “Sweetheart,

I need you to move your arm.”

He wiggled in his sleep and his left arm fell from

his stomach to his side. Not what she was hoping for.

Trailing her fingers from his shoulder, her hand

found his. Keeping her gaze on his face, she began

shifting his arm up and over his head.

“Cassie,” he murmured, shifting against the bed.

“I’m here.” She brushed a kiss against his

dream-softened lips. “Just getting comfortable.”

“Hmm.” His arm relaxed, allowing her to

maneuver it into place.

Yes. She almost pumped her fists in the air after

she locked the cuffs in place around his wrists.

Carefully, she maneuvered herself off the bed

and to the foot of the bed. She tightened the

restraints, not so much that he’d awaken, but

enough so he couldn’t get loose when he did wake.

And he’d have a surprise when he woke.

Shedding her robe, she climbed back onto the

mattress, and laid her head at the juncture of his

groin. Circling the base of his cock with her hand,

she lowered her mouth. Let’s see how he likes this

wake up call.

Marcus grinned, now half awake. Something

soft and wet was covering his cock. Not that he

minded. But he’d rather have the real thing than a


He tried to pull his hand down from over his

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head. Why wouldn’t his arm move? He tried again.

Nope, something wasn’t right.

He forced his eyes open. The sight of Cassie’s

head over his cock surprised him. But then again, it

shouldn’t have. He was enjoying her growing sense

of adventure when it came to sex.

He tugged at his hands, wanting to tangle his

fingers in her hair, but again he couldn’t lower them.

What the hell was going on?

Tilting his head, he noticed the cuffs around his

wrists. The little minx had cuffed him. Score one for

her. Then he tried to shift his legs. Damn, she was

good. He was a light sleeper, yet she had managed to

restrain him.

Her tongue swirled around the head of his cock

and he began to harden. He fought against the

natural urge to struggle in his bonds—he’d never let

anyone tie him up before. As the dominant partner,

he shouldn’t allow it now. But Cassie needed this,

she needed at least this one time to have him in her

control, so he relaxed and let her pleasure him. He

trusted her.

The thought didn’t shock him as it once would

have. Trust wasn’t something he gave to a woman

easily, especially since the last woman he let in his

life betrayed him by trying to destroy something

special to him. But he trusted Cassie more than he

had any other woman in his life. Hell, he was in love

with her; otherwise, he’d never spoken to her about

his family.

Their sixty hour challenge was only a means to

the end, a way of getting her into his territory. He’d

find a way to convince her that tomorrow didn’t have

to be the end, but another beginning.

He wasn’t going to give up on her. He didn’t do

failure. He wasn’t a failure like his biological father

predicted. No, he wouldn’t fail with Cassie either.

Her fingers squeezed his balls and he gasped at

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the pleasure coursing through him

“Good morning,” he said.

Rising from his cock, her gaze met his. “It will

be.” She took him deep again.

Damn, her mouth was pure torture, if you

considered pleasure torture. She’d suck him deep,

then run her tongue up one side to the head of his

cock and down the other side, before taking him

back into her moist mouth.

Her fingers circled the base of his dick, and his

balls tightened. If she kept sucking him like this, it

wouldn’t take long for him to come. She continued to

stroke and suck him, then he realized her other

hand was cupping his ass, her finger toying with his


Would she? Before he could finish his thoughts,

the pressure of her finger against his anus shook his

body and he stiffened before pure pleasure flooded

his system and he orgasmed. When he came down

from the high, he shook his arms. “Time to release


“Nope.” She slid off the bed and sauntered over

to the doorway.

“What do you mean, no?” While he didn’t mind

her restraining him this one time, he’d had enough.

He wanted to touch her, to kiss her, to fuck her.

“I’ll release you when I’m done with you.”

Flashing him a grin, she sauntered through the door

to the bathroom.

Marcus lay there, stunned. She wasn’t going to

let him loose? His cock reacted to the stimuli, his

brain slid into full gear.

“Cassie,” he yelled.

“Right here.” She strolled back into the bedroom

with a washcloth and towel. Oh shit. He didn’t know

if he could handle her bathing him without reacting.

“Baby, untie me, please.”

“Later.” She ran the warm wash cloth over his

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chest, then dried him with the fluffy towel, then

bathed his groin. Just as he’d done to her yesterday

and damn if it didn’t make his skin tingle with


Her touch was gentle, but sure. When she

bathed his dick and balls, his dick stiffened. He had

to stop himself from struggling against the

restraints. He knew how strong they were—he’d

made sure of that himself.

He breathed a sigh of relief when she lifted the

towel from his groin. But he lost his breath when she

straddled him.

“What shall I do with you now?” she asked,

running her nails up and down his hard cock.

“Untie me and I’ll show you.”

“You have a one track mind.”

“Yes, being free and fucking you.”

She laughed and he realized he was seeing

another side of Cassie. While she’d been playful

before, this was different. She’d taken control and

she wasn’t afraid of it.

He sucked in a breath when she leaned over him,

her lips touching his before her tongue licked a path

down his neck to his chest.

His back arched when she took one of his flat

nipples into her mouth and sucked.

Damn! It was erotic to have a woman suck his

nipples. Fire swept through his veins. Then she

shifted to the other nipple, causing the blood to rush

from his brain straight to his cock.

This woman was going to throw him over the

edge without even touching his dick. He wiggled

beneath her trying to find a way to slide himself into

her slick pussy, but she’d positioned herself well, he

couldn’t shift his hips good enough.

“Baby,” he groaned when she alternated licking

and sucking his nipples. Fuck, he never knew they

were that sensitive.

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“It’s hard to explain.” She sat up staring at him.

“You taste like a man, all masculine.” Leaning down

she gave him another lick, then smiled. “A little

salty, but not unpleasant, but with an underlying


“If you don’t fuck me soon, I’m going to come

without being inside you.”

“And how is it a bad thing?” She slid her

stomach over his cock, teasing him with her soft

silky skin. Just wait until he was free.


“I love it when you groan my name out like

that.” She undulated over him, skin brushing skin,

causing him to grit his teeth.

“I love having you under my control and while I

know you’d rather have control over me, it’s my turn

to pleasure you.”

“Then fuck me.” His muscles quivered with need.

“Put my cock in your pussy and ride me until neither

one of us can move.” He was burning up with need.

“Later.” She took his mouth with hers, her

tongue diving in and tangling with his, all the while

rubbing her skin against him, breasts against his

chest, legs against his legs, and stomach to cock.

By the time she broke the kiss they were both

breathing heavy. His balls were tight and ready to


“Honey, if you don’t fuck me, I’m going to come

all over both of us.”

“Oh.” Her eyes grew wide and she flashed him a

cheeky grin, then she rose up and grasped his cock.

His hands jerked in the cuffs as she held his

dick at the entrance to her pussy.

“Nice and hard,” she whispered, stroking him

from root to tip.

“Fuck.” The curse ripped from his lips.

“Naughty word.” She nipped at his chest and

damn if his cock didn’t grow harder. How much more

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could he take before he exploded?

“They’re only going to get worse.”

“Oh goody.” She positioned herself over his hard

cock, and then slowly lowered herself. Her hot moist

pussy opened to his dick.

“Shit!” His struggle with the cuffs had the bed

shaking as she slid the tip of him inside her. “Move.”

He tried to buck his hips, but she’d restrained his

legs too well. Oh, when he got loose…her pussy took

another inch of him.

Giving him a cat-like smile, she rose up leaving

on the tip of his cock inside her pussy, and then slid

back down, taking his cock deeper. “You’re not in

control now.” She kissed his chin.

“I know that.”

“I’m sure you do.” She lowered herself

completely onto him until their pubic bones met.

His moan of pleasure was short lived. Cassie put

her hands behind her, putting more pressure against

their groins, and then she arched her back, taking

him even deeper.

“You’re so big,” she whispered, her pelvis flexing

ever so slightly against him.

He swore his cock grew even more. Her pussy

surrounded him with wet heat. He wanted to thrust,

but he couldn’t. His fingers curled into his palms.

Her eyes drifted shut and pure pleasure flowed

through him at the look of rapture on her face. She

was enjoying herself giving him pleasure, and it

wasn’t just the sex. She was enjoying the control.

He’d found a rare woman, one he wasn’t about to

let go. Before he could find the words to speak to her,

her pussy tightened around him, and she pressed

her pelvis down harder against his.

Oh god, he was going to die right here. He

couldn’t thrust into her like he wanted to. His foot

jerked…it was loose. She must have released the


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Testing his left leg, he found it loose as well.

Finding some traction, he arched up as she pressed


“Yesss,” she cried out.

He met her on every down stroke with an

upward thrust, adding more and more force with

each pass.

“That’s it baby, fuck me,” he whispered, never

feeling turned on so much in his life.

Placing her hands on his chest, she began to ride

him hard and fast. He fought back his climax until

her pussy tightened hard around him and she cried

out, “I’m going to come.”

She screamed as her orgasm swept over her. He

allowed his own release. She fell against his chest,

her breathing fast, his cock still buried deep inside


The cuffs fell away from his wrists. He wiggled

his arms, pleased to see they were still in working

order. He embraced her, holding her against his

thudding heart before tilting her head up for a kiss.

After the kiss, she laid her cheek against his

and said, “That was fun.”

The smile in her voice made him grin. “Now, it’s

my turn.”

Rolling her onto her back, his cock stirred

within her pussy.

“Again?” she asked.

“What do you think?” He flexed his hips and she

let out a sexy groan as her pussy tightened around


“You’re insatiable.”

“So are you.” He took her lips in another kiss.


“Why are we getting out of bed?” Cassie asked

several hours later.

“Because there is something I want to show

you.” He pulled her to her feet.

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While they lay in each other arms, in the

afterglow of yet another earth shaking climax, he

knew he wanted to show her his special room.

Taking her hand, he pulled her out of the bedroom.

“Wait a second.” She tugged him to a stop.

“What?” Once he made the decision, he was

impatient to see her reaction.

“I need my robe.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Marcus.” The exasperation in her tone made

him smile.

“We’re the only two people in the house. Besides,

I like having you naked and ready for me.”

Her cheeks turned pink and he couldn’t help but

grin. With all they’d done together, she could still

blush. He loved it.

Leaning down, he brushed a kiss against her

lips, then tugged her down the hall. At the door, he

punched a code into the electronic lock.

“Why is it locked?”

“Long story, I’ll explain later.” He’d started

using the electronic lock when an old girlfriend

broke into his home and into his special play room.

She’d ruined several thousand dollars worth of stuff.

Slipping his arm around Cassie’s waist, he

guided her into the room, waiting until they were

deep within the dark space before saying the

command to turn the lights on.

He kept his gaze on her face, not surprised to

see her eyes widen, her lips compress and her arms

cross over her breasts. Had this been too much to

hope for?

She slipped free from his embrace and walked

over to the leather-padded bench. Almost seductively

she ran the pads of her fingers over the supple

material, before going to the swing suspended from

the ceiling. “Oh, my goodness.”

She padded softly around the room, her feet

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almost silent against the highly polished floor. He

kept his gaze on her, judging every little nuance. She

didn’t seem repelled by the room, more curious.

Could she accept this part of him? Or would she

walk away because of it?

“Your special room.” She glanced over her

shoulder at him. Her mouth parted, her breathing

slightly elevated.

“Yes.” He joined her. “Explore the room all you

want,” he then commanded, “unlock all cabinets.” He

wanted her to know everything—he would keep

nothing hidden from her.

Cassie jumped as the locks opened and stared at


“The room is voice controlled by me, set to my

voice only. It helps when you don’t have a free


“Another one of your R&D projects?” She strode

over to one of the cabinets and opened the door.

“I’m very creative in my R&D.” He forced

himself to stand still, but watched her carefully.

From what she’d shared with him, he didn’t want

her to panic. Not now. All he could hope is she didn’t

panic. While he hadn’t used everything in his room,

he loved his collection of BDSM toys and equipment.

There were six cabinets and the sixth one was

only about half full of whips and paddles. Her soft

gasp filled the room, and he couldn’t stop himself

from moving to her side.

His arm automatically curved around her waist,

anchoring her to his side. A small tremor shook her


“Spanking cabinet.” Wouldn’t have been the first

one he wanted her to look at, but he wasn’t going to

hide it either.

Cassie swallowed while staring at the

implements inside this cabinet, glad Marcus was

holding her. Of course she would pick this one first.

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Was this what her mother found so fascinating?

Memories of her mother’s screams filled her head

and she pushed them away. Marcus was not like her

father. She trusted Marcus.

Riding crops of every size and shape, canes,

whips and several other items she’d only seen in the

Fantasies Inc. catalogues.

“I’m not into pain,” she said, forcing the words

past the restricting lump in her throat.

“Neither am I.” Marcus reached past her, pulled

out a black-handled whip and ran it over her arm.

Gooseflesh popped out all over her skin. The stands

from the whip were covered in velvet. They stroked

her skin like a lover’s touch.

“This is one of my favorites,” he said, running

the whip across her breasts. “Soft and supple, it

caresses the skin even if I use it.”

He snapped it against her hip. She jumped, but

more from surprise than anything else. There was

no pain—a slight sting, but nothing harmful. And

pleasure zinged through her veins, a reaction she

didn’t expect.

“I created this to entice and pleasure, not hurt.”

“And the others?” She had to bite back a moan

when he ran the whip over her breasts, teasing her

nipples with the velvet.

“Some are made to warm your ass, but only if

you want it.”

She bit her lower lip.

“Don’t get nervous, my love.” His finger caressed

her lip, coaxing her to release it. “I haven’t used

them in years.”

“But they look well kept.” Her stomach

tightened. How many other women had he

entertained in this room?

“I spend time keeping the leather supple, but

that doesn’t mean I use them.”

“And the other cabinets?”

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“Go find out.”

He put the whip back in its place, yet she

couldn’t take a step. Her mind was filled with

apprehension and anticipation, as she remembered

another time, another place.

“Go investigate,” he said when she hadn’t moved.

He gave her a light swat on the ass.

It jolted her out of her dark thoughts. “Bossy,”

she said with a grin, then went to the next cabinet.

Anticipation thrummed through her veins as she

pulled the doors open wide.

Sex toys. Dildo’s, vibrators, cock rings, pumps,

bullets, all toys known to man and probably more

than a few of Marcus’ R&D prototypes.

Oh, the fun they could have with these items

alone. Going to the next cabinet, she found all the

items for anal play. Not sure if she was ready to

investigate it, she went to the next cabinet.

This one held oils and body paint, along with

adult DVD’s and videos, implements for restraining

or tying a person up.

Her blood pumped hard through her veins and

her pussy moistened. Marcus was a man with

hidden depths and she wanted to explore each and

every one of them. Too bad they only had the rest of

today and tonight to discover those depths.

Finishing with the cabinets, she made her way

around the room. Rings were drilled into the walls

and ceiling, and some held restraints. There was a

bed in the room as well, its metal frame large and

imposing. Restraints were already attached to the

headboard and the footboards.

Hot molten heat her blood as she wondered how

quickly Marcus could tie her up and fuck her.

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Chapter Eight

Marcus watched Cassie tour his version of a

BDSM dungeon. Her face showed nothing. Was she

disgusted? He couldn’t tell. But she was flushed.

Maybe she was embarrassed.

Was his special room too much for her? She

approached him with her gaze down at her feet. His

heart pounded.

If she couldn’t accept this side of him, he’d have

to let her go. He’d have no choice, as he wanted a

woman who would embrace her sexuality, not hide

from it.

“Cassie?” He couldn’t stand her silence any

longer. His fingers curled into his palms to prevent

himself from touching her.

“I never…” The hesitation in her voice caused

his heart to drop to his feet.

His hands clenched tighter. “It’s okay. Let’s go

back into the bedroom.” He spun around, his hopes

dashed, as much as he wanted to take her in his

arms, he couldn’t not here. Not when his heart was

being ripped out of his chest.

“No!” She grabbed his arm and he turned back

to her.

Her eyes were bright and glassy. “It’s okay,

Cassie.” He cupped her cheeks with his palms when

tears slipped down her face. “I understand if you’re

not into this.”

“Wrong.” His thumbs brushed away the tears. “I

never thought I’d find a man who was interested in

exploring sex this way.” Her voice trembled.

“You’re shaking with fear.”

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“Yes and no.” Her fingers encircled his wrists.

“There’s something you need to know.”

He nodded and led her over to the padded bench.

A rock formed in his gut. Whatever she was about to

tell him wasn’t good.

Sitting down onto the bench, he pulled her onto

his lap and waited. When she didn’t speak he asked,

“Why the tears?” He brushed several more away.

“It’s hard to explain.” Her fingers entwined with

his. “I told you yesterday about my father

blindfolding me to punish me.”

The rock turned to a boulder the size of a

mountain. “Yes. Did your father beat you?” That

would explain some of her fear.

“Not me, my mother.” She let out a sigh and

rested her head against his shoulder. “I’m saying

this all wrong.”

“It’s okay.” He brought her hand to his lips and

kissed each finger.

“My mother is a submissive.”

“And your father a Dominant.”

“Destructively so, for both of them. Of course

when I was little, I didn’t understand why they’d go

into a locked room all the time. It wasn’t until I was

older I realized what was going on.”

“How old were you?”

“Fifteen. I suspected something unusual was

going on with my parents before that. Dad was

always ordering mom around and she’d do whatever

he wanted.”

“But you didn’t.” Some of the pieces were falling

into place. When her sexuality was beginning to bud,

it was stifled by a father who didn’t know how to be

a proper Dominant.

“I rebelled. I resented his attitude, especially

when I started dating. Each time I defied him, he’d

blindfold me, tie my hands behind my back and

shove me into a closet.”

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“Bastard.” He cradled her against him.

“He never hurt me physically, but he exerted his

control over me.”

“And your mother.” The picture was becoming


“Yes, and as hard as it is for me to admit, my

mother liked it.”

“Some women do.”

Cassie raised her head and nodded. “One night

when he locked me in the closet, I realized I could

hear things. What I found out later was he purposely

locked me in that particular closet. It was right next

to the room where he and my mom had sex.”

“A room like this.”

“Not really.” Her gaze swept around the room

before returning to him. “This room isn’t cold and

unfeeling. It reflects the man who lives here and he’s

anything but cold.” She snuggled up to him.

“I’m glad you feel that way.” He kissed her

temple. “Do you want to finish your story?”

She sighed. “Dad’s room only had benches where

he could tie Mom up. This one night I could hear

them. I heard him whipping her and she was

screaming. But she was also telling him to whip her

harder, to hurt her while he fucked her.”

“I would never—”

Her fingers against his lips stopped his words.

“I know you would never hurt me. I didn’t

understand their relationship until I read the book

in your library the other night about the submissive

having power. My mother was a true submissive,

and I was afraid that when it came to sex, I was,


“How could you think that?” He shook his head,

and then turned her in his lap until she was

straddling him. “You are not submissive, not by a

long shot.”

Her warm breath brushed against his skin as

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she sighed again. “The men in my past freaked out

when I suggested anything remotely kinky, so I

always fell in with their wishes.”

“They were idiots.”

“I began to wonder if I needed someone to

dominate me in order to enjoy sex.”

“You don’t.”

“I know that now. You showed me what control

really meant. We both have it and we brought each

other pleasure with it.”

“So you’re not turned off by my room?”

“I’m excited and apprehensive at the same time.

Mainly excited.” She took a breath, her palms

resting on his shoulders. “While I’m not interested in

the whips and chains, I think we can still have fun. I

wouldn’t mind if you tried spanking me with your


His lips covered hers in a soft kiss before he

leaned back. “We’ll build up to the spanking. For

now, we can play with some of the other items, the

ones that don’t scare you.”

“Now that sounds like fun.” She grinned at him.

“Can we start now?”


Several hours later, Cassie lazed in the bathtub.

Her muscles ached, but it was a good ache. A grin

tugged at her lips as she remembered the afternoon

in Marcus’ special room.

They’d played all right and she’d climaxed so

much it was a wonder she could function. Her

breasts were tender, her pussy pulsed and her heart

was bursting with love for Marcus. Love she could

never acknowledge to him.

She had one secret in her life that only she could

deal with. Marcus couldn’t defeat all her demons. A

secret she wasn’t sure she was ready to expose even

to herself.

“Aren’t you done yet?” A nude Marcus strode

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into the bathroom with two glasses of wine. She held

her hand out to take one of the glasses.

“Almost.” She sighed as she sipped the white

wine. “I’m not used to such vigorous exercise.”

“Finish your bath and I’ll give you a massage.”

He took a drink from his glass. “I want you to

answer something. Why do you keep hiding parts of


Cassie leaned her head against the tub,

watching Marcus. It wasn’t a surprise he wanted

answers, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to give


“My last relationship went sour very quickly

when I expressed my interest in something other

than the missionary position in bed, let alone the

introduction of toys into the bedroom.”


She laughed. “I built up a defense against my

sexuality and my needs.”

“A damn hard wall that took me forever to beat

down.” He set his empty wine glass on the counter.

“Are you coming out or do I join you?”

Relief poured through her. Good, he wasn’t

going to question her more. She was nowhere ready

to confess all. Handing him her empty glass, she

rose from the cooling water.

Marcus held a warm towel for her. She was

going to miss the way he pampered her this weekend.

“How many people know about your special

room?” The question popped out.

“Four. Including you.”

She blinked in surprise. “That’s not very many.”

Had women run screaming when they saw it?

“There is the builder, you, myself and an ex-


Dread spread its icy fingers over her heart and

she smoothed her fingers over the frown marring his

forehead. “What did the ex do?”

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He pulled her into his arms. “I ended my

relationship with her and she wasn’t happy with me.

She broke into the house and then into my special

room and trashed it.”

“That’s why you have so much security.” She

couldn’t blame him.

“Yes. I will never allow something like that to

happen again.” He paused. “Enough.” He swept her

off her feet and Cassie let out a squeal. “I’m tired of

all this serious talk. Time for a massage.” He carried

her into the bedroom and proceeded to not only give

her a massage but a night she’d never forget.


Cassie slipped from bed, fighting back the tears

filling her eyes. Walking across the room, she slid

the door almost closed before turning on the

bathroom light. Gathering up her clothes, she

started to dress. She couldn’t even look at herself in

the mirror, knowing she’d see the love she couldn’t


Marcus made love to her for hours before they

fell asleep and even then she hadn’t slept long.

Instead, she lay quietly on her side watching him.

She’d lost her heart to Marcus and there wasn’t

a darn thing she could do about it. The fantasy was

over. It was Monday morning.

She squirmed against the constriction of her

clothing. She’d become accustom to being nude this

weekend. Finding the paper and pen she’d stashed

away, she wrote Marcus a note.

Yesterday she knew what she’d have to do this

morning, but she couldn’t leave without saying good-

bye. Finishing the note, she picked up her packed

bag and turned out the light before opening the door.

The candles flickered as she tip-toed across the

room, set the note on the dresser and set her bag by

the door. Then she quietly scooted to the bed and

flipped the alarm clock off. It was due to go off in five

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Cassie stood there, staring down at Marcus as

he slept. His face was relaxed, his mouth slightly

parted, his legs spread and his cock semi-erect. She’d

never find another man like him, and she didn’t

want to. But she also knew she might never be able

to be the woman he wanted her to be.

The clock clicked. Six a.m. Brushing the tears off

her cheeks, she leaned down and brushed a kiss

against his cheek.

“Be well, Marcus and know that I love you.”

With a heavy heart, she straightened, then she

strolled to the door and picked up her bag. Glancing

back, she stared at Marcus.

It was over. But in her heart she would never

love another man the way she loved Marcus.


Marcus groaned and rolled over, a ringing in the

room. Who the hell was calling so early? He found

his cell phone.

“What the hell do you want?” It was too darn

early to be civil.

“Umm…Marcus, it’s Josh. It isn’t like you to be

late, so I was elected to check on you.”

The words were rushed, but they were like cold

water being thrown on him. Late? Sitting up, he

glanced at the clock. Nine? What the hell?

“Sorry, Josh. I’ll be in the office shortly.” He

tossed his cell onto the nightstand and turned to the

empty space beside him.

The sheets were cold. Cassie was gone. Anger

filled him. Why did she leave? Hell, why did she turn

off the alarm and sneak off?

“Damn it.” He swung his legs off the bed. After

last night, he had thought for sure she understood

he didn’t want this to end, but apparently his

thinking was flawed.

She had to be at work. The second his staff

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meeting was over with, he’d lock her in his office and

not let her go.

He yanked open the dresser drawer. That’s

when he caught sight of the envelope. Ripping it

open, he began to read.

Marcus, our weekend together was the most

wonderful experience of my life and one I will never

forget, but it was just for the weekend. It’s now over.

It’s time for us to move on with our lives. I wish you

all the best.

His temper grew until it was a living flame

inside him. This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.


Cassie replaced the lid of the box sitting on her

desk. There hadn’t been a lot to clean out of her


“I still can’t believe you’re leaving today,” said

Lisa, her executive assistant.

“Time for me to move on.” Cassie shrugged her

shoulders, keeping her emotions tightly bottled up.

She couldn’t afford to let them out.

She’d sworn her staff to secrecy until she could

talk to the president of Fantasies Inc. She owed it to

him and the company, since she was leaving without

notice. A quick glance at her watch told her it was

twenty after ten. She was due in the president’s

office at ten-thirty.

Picking up her letter of resignation, she crossed

to Lisa. “I’ve recommended you for my position.”

Cassie walked past her stunned assistant to the

elevators. Marcus would be in his weekly staff

meeting, if he was here at all.

She’d made sure she’d timed everything so she

could avoid him. If she saw him…she didn’t have a

clue what she would do.

Her heart dropped to her feet while the elevator

whisked her up to the top floor. This was for the best.

Jackie, the president’s secretary, smiled at

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His For The Weekend


Cassie when she walked in. “Go on in, he’s waiting

for you.”

“Thanks.” Cassie took a deep breath before

knocking on the door and entering.

“Cassie, you’re always so punctual.” The

president rose to his feet.

She stopped in her tracks. There was someone

sitting in front of his desk. “I’m sorry, Jackie said to

come in. I can come back later.”

“You will not take one step,” a familiar voice


Shock at hearing Marcus’ voice froze her into

place. What the hell was he doing here?

“That’s my cue to leave.” The president crossed

over to her. “I’m going to tell you what I told Marcus.

I’m not taking either of you seriously about leaving

the company. You two work this out.” He stepped

around her, opened the door and closed it behind


Her stomach clenched when Marcus stood and

faced her. He was pissed.

Marcus’ first reaction was to take her by the

shoulders, kiss her hard and deep. But the sadness

in her blue eyes stopped him cold. He needed to be

careful or he’d lose her for good.

“Why did you leave, Cassie?” He fought to keep

his tone level but his temper was boiling to get out.

“It was time. Our weekend was over.” Her cold

tone fueled the fire burning within him and all his

good intentions blew up in smoke.

“We never had a chance to finish our talk.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. What are you so afraid of?”

Where was the warm passionate woman he held in

his arms this weekend? She’d gone cold on him and

he wasn’t about to let her do it.

She stiffened and he knew he was pushing her

buttons, but he couldn’t control the fire within him.

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They’d spent a wonderful weekend together, one he

wanted to repeat over the next sixty or seventy years,

if the damn woman would let him.

“I’m not afraid of anything.” She crossed her

arms over her chest, the paper in her hand crackling

against the pressure.

“Wrong. You wouldn’t have walked out this

morning without saying good-bye if you weren’t


“The deal was for sixty hours and that’s what

you got.”

Anger sparkled from her eyes. Good. Get angry,

get mad at me and show me those emotions. Show me

the passionate woman who isn’t afraid. “I’m not

talking about our agreement.” He stepped toward

her then stopped, his fingers flexing at his sides.

“Did I scare you in some way?” The thought floored

him. “Too much sex? Whatever it is, we can work it


And they could. He’d come to the realization on

the drive to the office he wanted her in his life, even

if it meant accepting her terms for sex.

“There is nothing to work out. I told you in my

note, you had your weekend. End of story.”

“Bullshit.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

Having their deal thrown in his face wasn’t what he

expected. No, he expected more from her. He

expected her to be honest with him and herself.

He took her by the shoulders, driven by the need

to touch her, to see her face. “After everything we’ve

done this weekend, you still want to end it?”

“It was sex. Nothing else.”

He almost believed her until her gaze skidded

away from his. Hope flared in him. “It was more to


She didn’t say a word.

“This weekend was more than sex—it was about

finding the one woman I want to keep in my life.”

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His For The Weekend


“Marcus.” Her voice trembled.

“I told you I only wanted the weekend and I lied.

I want more than that. If you walk away from me

now, my life will be empty. I love you and there is

nothing more I’d like to do than make you my wife.”

She tore herself away from him and turned her

back to him. Marcus knew he’d lost. Failure hit him

in the solar plexus worse than a sucker punch.

He never failed. Never. His biological father’s

voice taunted him and Marcus pushed it away.

There was a first time for everything, but he wished

it wasn’t something as critical as this. In anything

else he could have accepted failure, but not this.

Her silence was killing him. Without another

word, he stepped around her and reached for the


“No!” Her fingers curled around his wrist.

He froze, unsure of how many more blows he

could take before he crumbled.

“I love you, too.” Her words were soft and still he

couldn’t unclench his muscles. “There’s something

else I need to tell you.”

He waited, then looked over his shoulder at her.

There were tears in her eyes—the emotions she’d

kept bottled up were breaking free.

“Don’t cry, sweetheart.” He gathered her into his

arms. He couldn’t stand it when she cried, especially

if he was the cause of her tears.

“I can’t help it.” She buried her face against his

shirt. “I’m so afraid.”


She shook in his embrace. “I’m afraid I can’t be

the woman you want me to be.”

“What do you think I want?” Where the hell was

this coming from? How could she think that?

“A submissive.”

“What the fuck?” He held her at arm’s length.

“Where the hell did you get that idea from?”

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“Come on Marcus, this whole weekend was

about control—you controlling me. You let me be the

aggressor now and then, but it was all you. Even

your special room reeks of a Dominant and his


Her eyes told him another story. There was

something she was holding back. “You’re no


But it was like she hadn’t even heard him. “I

won’t be like my mother. I won’t allow a man to

almost kill me.” She pulled herself out of his

embrace, then her hand covered her mouth when she

realized what she said.

The last piece fell into place. From what she told

him yesterday, he should have made the connection,

but he hadn’t.

“What happened?” He reached for her but she

avoided him and marched over to the window.

“It was the week before I turned eighteen. I

don’t know what set my father off, but he took Mom

into their play room. He’d already tied me up and

put me in the closet. I could hear her screaming and

screaming more, but there was something different

than before.”

She rested her head against the glass and

Marcus could barely prevent himself from going to

her. She looked as if she’d shatter into a million

pieces if he touched her.

“She kept begging him to stop. She’d never done

that before. I started kicking the wall trying to get

his attention. But he didn’t stop. So I started

screaming at the top of my lungs. A neighbor heard

me and called the police. By the time they arrived,

my mother was unconscious.”

“They arrested your father.” Even with the

Sexual Freedom Act, the police would react to it as

spousal abuse and they had no tolerance for it.

“Yes, but Mom refused to press charges.” Cassie

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His For The Weekend


gave a bitter laugh, causing his heart to tighten.

“She told the police their sex play got a little out of

hand, but she had a hard time explaining why I was

blindfolded and tied up in the closet. I turned

eighteen while she was in the hospital and I left

home the day she allowed my father back into the


“Cassie, you have to know I’d never do that.” He

touched her waist, watching her reflection in the


“I can’t be submissive. I won’t allow a man to

beat me like my father did my mother. I won’t let

anyone tie my child up.”

Cupping her chin in his hand he turned her face

to his. “Our children will be cherished, not punished

as you were. I love you, Cassie. I don’t want a

submissive woman, I want you. Just the way you


There was doubt in her blue eyes. “What if I can

never fully explore all the things you want to do?

There are some things I’ll never want to try.”

“It makes no difference.” And it didn’t. He drew

her against him. “I love you. I don’t care if you want

to spend the rest of our lives having sex in the

missionary position. As long as I have you in my bed,

in my arms, in my life, I’ll be a happy man.”

Tears began running down her cheeks again. He

leaned down and kissed them away.

“I think we should finish this where it all

started.” Taking her hand, he guided her from the

President’s office, to the elevator, then into his office.

Once inside, he locked the door, then took a box

out of his pocket. Dropping to one knee, he held the

open box up to her.

“Cassie Adams, will you do me the honor of

wearing these?”

Cassie inhaled. Inside the box were two

matching gold bands along with two sets of matching

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nipple rings. Gazing down at Marcus seeing the love

in his gaze.

Heart in her throat she croaked out a “yes.”

With a wide smile, he rose to his feet and pulled

her into his arms. “The bands are for our wedding

day when you’re ready. Your engagement ring is at

the house. The nipple rings are for tonight.”

She laughed as a sense of joy overcame her.

“Only you would propose with nipple rings.”

“I am special.” He brushed a light kiss against

her lips. “But not as special as the woman I’m

holding in my arms.”

“I love you so much.” She buried her face against

his chest. She was a lucky woman.

“Me, too. So what do you say I get the ball

rolling and we get married tomorrow?”

She lifted her head. “So much for waiting until

I’m ready?”

Marcus grinned. “After tonight you’ll be ready.”

Cassie laughed. “No way can we get married

tomorrow, I need until Saturday.”


“Thursday,” she countered with a grin.

“Done.” He laughed before taking her lips in a

quick, hard kiss. “But don’t expect me to negotiate

like this once we’re married.”

“Oh?” She pulled back and gazed up into the

face of the man she loved. His eyes were twinkling

with mischief.

“I intend to make sure you’re too sexually

satisfied to argue with me.”

“Sounds good to me.” She drew his mouth down

to hers.

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About the Author

Marie Tuhart enjoys writing sexy erotic romance

for her readers. There is nothing more fun than

creating new characters and telling their story.

Marie lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and loves

hearing from her readers.

Visit Marie at

To chat with Marie Tuhart and other Wild Rose

Press authors of erotic romance, join us at

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Marie Tuhart


Also Available

Quick Sivler Ranch:

Saddle Up


Marie Tuhart

At loose ends after her best friend’s wedding,

Angie Davidson needs a vacation, so when the
gorgeous yet aloof co-owner of the Quick Silver Ranch
insists she stay to explore their sexual attraction, she
agrees. Though she eagerly bows to his commanding
touch in the bedroom, Jared’s distant air after
lovemaking sparks too many bad memories. Dare she
yield to his sexy persuasion and prove he has nothing to
fear or will he abandon her like everyone else in her

Eager to explore Angie’s vulnerable, submissive

nature, Jared plans two weeks of toys and other naughty
play. However, the last time he reached for to a
woman—mentally and physically—she rejected his
dominant streak. Jared has no intention of letting Angie
that close, no matter how sweetly she shivers beneath
his hands.

Can two bruised hearts discover a way to make

their tantalizing escape into the perfect way of life?

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Quick Silver Ranch: Saddle Up


Chapter One

I’m pathetic, Angie Davidson thought while she

sat at the table, watching her best friend, Becca, and

her husband, Tyler, enjoy the bride and groom dance.

The ranch had never looked more beautiful to her,

with the large pavilion tents shading the guests from

the sun shining down. The place was filled with joy,

laughter and love.

And she was jealous.

Jealous of Becca finding her man, jealous of

losing her best friend and jealous of everyone’s

obvious happiness.

Angie had spent the last two days helping Becca

prepare for her wedding and enjoying herself, but

now she realized once she went back to San

Francisco she’d be alone. Her best friend would be a

hundred miles away from her, here, at the Quick

Silver Ranch.

Not that Angie wasn’t happy for her friend—she

was very happy. But loneliness began to settle in

and she hated it. She’d hated it as a kid at the

orphanage and later as a teenager. She was always

the one standing alone, never picked for anything,

and she never fit in. At least with Becca, she had a

friend she could share a bottle of wine with, or go out

to the movies or dinner, or hell, just sit and watch

chick flicks and cry. Someone she could discuss sex

with and not feel like an outcast.

Forcing her gaze from the dancing couple, Angie

looked around the tent pavilion, which had been

erected on the ranch for the wedding, only to have

Jared Turner ambled into her line of sight. At six

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foot two, he towered over most of the wedding guests.

Maybe guests wasn’t the right word. Everyone here

was an employee of Quick Silver Ranch—except her.

Becca wasn’t about to invite her mother, and

Tyler had no family. Besides, Becca told Angie, she

considered the employees at the ranch like friends,

as they had accepted Becca with open arms as the

ranch caterer. Angie tilted her head and wondered

how it would feel to be part of this special family?

Shaking away her thoughts, she allowed her

gaze to travel over Jared’s fine form, a sigh escaped

her lips. He was a real man. Jared didn’t treat her

like other men did, like she had to make every little

decision for them. No, Jared took charge. And it

turned her on. Her nipples grew hard anytime she

saw him.

Her pussy moistened, too, because she knew he

was a man who knew what he wanted, and he was

confident enough to take on anything. Nothing like

the men in her life, or at work.

Working for an accounting firm, Angie had

worked her way up, but somehow along the way

she’d become one of the boys, and they all looked at

her to make decisions, to be the top dog. And she

was tired of it. She wanted a man who would take

control, at least for a little while. And the more she

was around Jared, the more she knew he was the

man to do it. But how could she pull it off?

While Becca and Tyler were leaving for their

honeymoon later today, she wasn’t due back to the

city until tomorrow. Could she seduce Jared tonight?

Maybe not quite seduce. The goal was for him to

take her to bed, not for her to do all the work as

she’s done in the past with other men.

A female squeal caught her attention and Angie

found Tyler had dipped Becca low to the ground.

Angie smiled. They were so perfect for each other, so

in love.

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Quick Silver Ranch: Saddle Up


She jumped when a masculine hand closed over

hers. She glanced up to see Jared, his brown eyes

twinkling and a grin playing around his sensual lips.

Her heart jumped. Without a word, he pulled her to

her feet and out onto the makeshift dance floor.

The music had changed. Angie realized as the

best man Jared was required to dance with her, the

maid of honor. Jared spun her into his arms. Her left

hand rested on his shoulder when he grasped her

right hand, his left hand resting against her lower


Blood surged through her veins as they began to

waltz. Thank goodness she’d taken dancing lessons

years ago, not that it mattered. Jared held her close

enough to cover up any stumble.

“It’s a beautiful wedding,” she said, then wanted

to groan at the comment. How silly could she be?

“Yes. I’m glad I could do something for Becca

and Tyler.”

“They are great together, aren’t they?”


Angie drank in the feeling of his body against

hers. His hardness to her softness, and part of her

wanted to melt in a puddle at his feet, another part

wanted to be bold and daring.

“Becca mentioned that you’re closing down the

ranch for a while.” Maybe a little flirting would work.

“Two weeks. There needs to be some renovations

done, and the staff needs some downtime. It was a

good time to do it with Tyler gone.”

“How much can be done in two weeks?” She

thought back to when they were renovating the

offices she now worked in, it seemed like it took

months and with every little problem the workmen

came to her.

“A lot, if you know how to motivate people.”

“Really?” Angie tilted her head up and fluttered

her eyelashes. “And how would you do that?”

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The corners of Jared’s lips tilted up. “Lots of


Okay, subtle flirting wasn’t working with him.

Her fingers trailed over his broad shoulder, to his

neck, where she stroked his dark brown hair. His

hand tightened on her lower back, bringing their

hips together. And Angie swore she could feel his

hard erection. Good, he wasn’t immune to her.

She let her fingers skim from his neck, down

over his shoulder blade, down his spine, over his

well-defined ass, until she could rest her palm over

his butt cheek. Then she squeezed it.

“Behave.” His breath brushed her ear and he

swatted her ass.

“You hit me.” She couldn’t believe it; he actually

smacked her on the ass. Not that it hurt, but heat

flowed through her body making her nipples grow

harder. She’d never realized a little swat could make

her so hot.

“I’ll do worse if you don’t behave yourself,


“Promise?” The word was out of her mouth

before she even realized it. The music ended, Jared

escorted her back to the table and pulled out her


His palms cupped her cheeks, tilting her face up

to his. “We’ll talk later.” He dropped a hard brief

kiss on her lips before striding away.

Angie’s heart skipped several beats while she

observed Jared cross the room. She put her fingers

to her lips and sank down onto the chair with her

core pulsing with need and her panties wet. If he

met her later, they wouldn’t be talking if she had

anything to say about it.

Jared strode across the tent wondering if he’d

lost his mind. No, just control of his libido. Angie

was a force to be reckoned with and he was just the

man to take her in hand.

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Quick Silver Ranch: Saddle Up


Since the day she’d stepped foot on the ranch, he

was aware of her and his dick hadn’t gone soft yet.

Beautiful in the classic sense, yet he enjoyed the way

her blonde hair would escape the clips she tried to

force it into, and how her blue eyes would deepen in

color whenever she looked at him.

His reaction to her surprised even him. She

wasn’t his type of woman—she knew how to use her

sex appeal to her full advantage and was in full

control. And her control could be an issue. Her

strong need to be in control over the past few days

had not gone unnoticed.

He needed a woman who wouldn’t be in control.

He’d learned years ago that his sexual psyche was

one of dominance. Unless he could dominate a

woman in the bedroom and in their sex life, he

couldn’t be satisfied. And there weren’t a lot of

women willing to give up total control to a man, even

a man they professed to love. It was possible Angie

couldn’t give up her control, either. He’d have to test

her first and see how she reacted.

Jared shook his head. He hadn’t questioned his

life or his sexuality in a long time. Yet since Tyler

and Becca announced their engagement, and he’d

been introduced to Angie, it was nagging in the back

of his brain.

Tyler was one lucky man to find Becca, a woman

who enjoyed his sexual games, and didn’t mind the

work they did at the ranch. Jealousy hit Jared hard.

He wanted someone permanent in his life like Becca,

a woman who accepted him for what he was, but he

knew it wasn’t possible. His luck with finding a

woman who understood his needs was zero.

Across the room, Vic, the ranch’s chef, wheeled

out the wedding cake. Good, the party was almost

over. Then he could get Angie alone and see how

serious her flirting was.

An hour later, Jared guided the happy couple to

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their waiting car.

“Now, don’t work too hard while were gone,”

said Becca, standing on her toes to brush a kiss over

his cheek.

“Mind your own business, woman. You’re to

enjoy your honeymoon not worry about what I’m

doing.” Besides he wasn’t about to tell Becca about

the sensual activities he wanted to do with her best

friend, Angie. Some things were best left unsaid.

“Oh, we’ll enjoy it all right, thanks to you,” said


Jared waved him away. Yes, he’d paid for the

exclusive trip to the Meadowood Resort in Napa

Valley. But Tyler was his best friend and it was the

least he could do for the couple.

After watching the couple drive away, he turned,

and Angie was there, not twenty feet away. His

blood heated. Angie did that to him. She’d been

spending weekends at the ranch with Becca,

planning the wedding.

Every time he saw her, damn if his cock didn’t

take notice, too. She’d bat her eyelashes at him, and

make some comment about how he filled out his

jeans. But today there had been more in her gaze

than simple flirting. Today he saw need and raw


Now was the time to deal with her and her not

so subtle flirting. It was time to find out what she

really wanted. With a quick glance, he noticed that

everyone else was already making their way to their

quarters. Marching over to Angie, he pushed her

against the wall, took her hands and raised them

over her head.

Her eyes grew wide when his body pressed

against hers. As her mouth opened, he took her lips

with his, not giving her time to protest. His tongue

thrust deep into her mouth, tasting the coffee she’d

drunk earlier. More, his body cried out. When her

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Quick Silver Ranch: Saddle Up


lips softened and her tongue began to tangle with his,

he broke away and stared down at her. Her eyes

were cobalt blue now.

“What do you want, Angie?” He wanted her, but

first he had to make sure she wanted him. He didn’t

take unwilling women.

Her tongue slipped out and wet her lips. “You,”

she whispered.

“I’m not like other men.” Could she handle the

dominant male within him? The man who would

take everything she had to give and then some,

before giving it back to her. Could she handle his

forceful sexuality when other women couldn’t?

“I don’t want another man.”

“If you stay, you’ll play by my rules. I’ll be in

charge. The rest we can discuss later.”

She nodded, her breathing shallow.

“Fine, you’ll stay here for the next two weeks

with me. So make it happen. I’ll see you in the

morning.” Without another word, he released her

and walked away. He had to set the tone of this test

from the beginning. She’d either turn tail and run,

or rage at him. It would be interesting to see which


Angie’s stomach clenched at Jared’s retreating

back, and she almost yelled at him when he

sauntered away from her. But then she realized

she’d never been so turned on in her life. Her panties

were dripping, her legs weak and damn if her heart

wasn’t pounding in her chest. Now she wondered

who was seducing who. Seduction hell, he told her

what to do and expected her to do it. And she was

considering it.

Carefully, she made her way across the

compound to the cabin she had been given. Once

inside, she strode into the bedroom, kicked off her

shoes and removed her dress. Then she flopped on

the mattress in her underwear and stockings. “So

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what are you going to do?” she asked herself out loud.

Part of her wanted to pack up and be ready to

leave in the morning, but the other part told her to

stay. Staring up at the ceiling, she listed out the pros

and cons in her head. Pros meant sex and not being

lonely, the cons were Jared in control, whatever

other rules he had in mind and…

When she was half way through the list, she

stopped. This wasn’t something that was to be

decided by cold hard logic—it came down to how

Jared made her feel.

And he made her feel…like a woman. Damn

that sounded so silly, but it was true. Her body grew

hot from a single glance from him, dancing today

made her wet and kissing him…those lips could be

considered a lethal weapon.

What it all hinged upon is what she wanted to

do. Jared told her she had to play by his rules, and

she had a feeling those rules were going to test her,

both physically and sexually. Her pussy clenched

with need.

With a sigh, Angie rolled off the bed, grabbed

her favorite waterproof vibrator and headed for the

bathroom. First, she needed to take the edge off,

then she’d make a decision.

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Quick Silver Ranch: Saddle Up


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