Wine Club - Reasons Why You Should
Join a Wine Club
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Wine Club - Reasons Why You Should Join a Wine Club
If you love wine but hate going to the wine store, you may want to consider joining a wine club. This
is also great if you're a novice wine drinker, because along with the monthly (or weekly, depending
on the club you join) shipments of wine you also get information about the bottles you're receiving.
There are different types of wine clubs to suit your preferences. For example, if you like Pinot noir
more than Pinot grigio you can join a club that will only send you the former and never the latter.
Moreover, if you prefer Italian wine to its Napa Valley counterpart you can join an Italian exclusive
Another advantage to joining a wine club is that in many cases the wine comes at a discount. You'll
get the wine at a fraction of the price that you'd be able to buy it in stores. In some instances, the
discount is as much as 20 percent. In almost every case, the discount more than makes up for the taxes
and shipping costs incurred.
In addition to the price advantages, the selection that gets sent to you is a larger one than you would
be able to find in most local stores. When you join a wine club, you leech off of the expertise of the
people who run it. Instead of scouring snobby wine magazines for a good bottle or two, you can rely
on the people who make their living off of finding good wine.
There is a disadvantage to becoming a member of a wine club, however. Some clubs will
automatically renew your membership, charging your bank account for the wine even though you
don't want any more. This is the only disadvantage to be found, and to be honest it's not something
that every wine club does.
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