Kindred of Arkadia 3 Fated for Forever Alanea Alder

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Kindred of Arkadia 3

Fated for Forever

Ashby Fairfax has always looked for love in the wrong places. His last attempt left him running from an abusive boyfriend. Since coming
to Arkadia, life has been great. He finally has the family he has always craved. Only one thing is missing, his mate. But how can a small-
town fox shifter be mated to a vampire prince?

Prince Gabriel has led his people through the ages and into the twenty-first century. He is on the verge of losing his soul when he catches
the scent of what may be his mate. Once Ashby is confirmed as his, it seems their troubles begin.

Someone is after Ashby. Gabriel’s entire coven rallies around their new prince, and for the first time in his existence, Gabriel experiences
bone-numbing fear. Can he find the strength to send Ashby to Arkadia to ensure his safety? And will he be able to eliminate the threat
before he loses his reason for living?


Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves


50,026 words

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Kindred of Arkadia 3

Alanea Alder



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2013 by Alanea Alder
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-545-4

First E-book Publication: October 2013

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead
is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Letter to Readers

Dear Readers,

If you have purchased this copy of Fated for Forever by Alanea Alder from or its
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This is Alanea Alder’s livelihood. It’s fair and simple. Please respect Ms. Alder’s right to earn a
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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This one is dedicated to my Facebook fans. To everyone who wanted a story for the little guy. I

hope this one doesn’t disappoint.

To everyone who is reading an M/M story for the first time, thank you for giving my book a shot.

I hope you love Ashby’s story as much as I do.

To everyone who was brave enough to turn your back to your abuser and walk away. There are

no words to describe that kind of strength or courage.

To Peggy “And then...he smiled and grinned before laughing.” Thanks for putting up with my

rambling, you are the bestest beta!

And as always a big hug to my mom for being my cheerleader. I kept my promise and didn’t talk

to you about this story at all, I hope that you love this book as much as you loved the first two.

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Table of Contents

Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
About the Author

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Kindred of Arkadia 3


Copyright © 2013

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The gentleman sat at his desk, a dreamy smile on his lips. Throughout the entire estate he could

hear the anguished screams of the hyenas being tortured in the basement below. It had been centuries
since he had enjoyed the sounds of absolute human despair, modern day had no appreciation for the
soul-shattering desolation man experienced at the hands of a well-trained, methodical pain expert.

Humming, the gentleman stood and walked to his expansive bookcase. It would be criminal not

to take this time to relax and read, especially as he had such soothing sounds in the background. The
gentleman selected his favorite recently discovered novel, The Velveteen Rabbit. Smiling, he made
his way over to his chaise lounge and settled in for an enjoyable night.

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Chapter 1

Ashby checked the clock for the thousandth time that afternoon. Gabriel would be calling him

soon. Ashby had come to look forward to their evening conversations. At first he thought the gorgeous
nightclub owner simply felt guilty for what had happened when he and Rebecca had been kidnapped
by the hyena clan. But lately Gabriel had really started courting him. Last week he had received high-
end cake pans. This reinforced that Gabriel listened when they spoke on the phone. He had made an
offhand comment that he needed better bake ware because the cakes he had been baking for his ice-
cream cakes kept sticking to the pans. The next day a set of non-stick cake pans, better than the ones
he had saved on his wish list had been delivered using a shifter courier so that it arrived directly to
his shop. He couldn’t wait to bake Rebecca’s Coconut Dream cake. He wanted to make it as an add-
in for his newest ice cream concoction, Piña Coco-Colada.

This week he had gotten a dozen Rush Daffodils. He thought daffodils an odd choice until he

Googled the meaning. Return my Affection. He sighed smiling and glanced over to where the flowers
were proudly on display on the shelf above the ice cream case. He looked around his shop and began
to hum happily as he started to put his bowls away in preparation for the after-dinner rush. He had
come a long way from the scared young man he had been when Ma had found him in the alley beside
the diner years ago.

When he first came to Arkadia he had been on the run, trying to escape an abusive boyfriend. He

knew that Arkadia would be a safe place to hide. It was against the law to harm any shifter within its
boundaries. It had taken every penny to get him halfway to the shifter-only town. He then shifted and
made the rest of the way on foot. When he arrived he simply collapsed next to the building that had
drawn him in with the scent of food. He didn’t have any money and he had lost the clothes he had
been carrying when he had to run from a natural bear in the woods.

Ma simply picked him up and carried him to her office. He had shifted and stood there shaking

and naked. Connor had pulled the shirt from his back and offered it up to Ashby to get him warm. Ma
gave him a job as busboy and offered to let him live on the ranch. He declined the offer and simply
asked if he could sleep in her office at the diner.

After a few weeks, Ma had presented him with a check. It had been for nearly fifty thousand

dollars. She had gone to the council and presented his case for their review. The council did an
investigation and his wolf shifter ex-boyfriend had a long list of missing boyfriends. Ashby’s
testimony allowed the council to get the warrant they needed and upon searching his ex-boyfriend’s
home they discovered no less than a dozen bodies buried in the back yard. His ex, in an attempt to
run, shot at one of the Sentinels sent to search his house and he was killed by the man’s partner. His
ex-boyfriend’s house and possessions were then sold and the monies split between Ashby as the sole
survivor and the family members of the other victims. If not for Ma he never would have stood up for
himself before the council and he never would have gotten the money he needed to start his life over.

He had taken that fifty thousand dollars and bought the small run-down gym across the street and

a block down from the alley where Ma had found him and with the help from the Arkadion brothers
he turned it into a small, cozy ice cream parlor. It was small enough to feel homey, but large enough to
handle most good-sized birthday parties. He harbored a secret love of birthday parties. He loved the
idea of cake, presents, balloons and of course ice cream all rolled into a friends-and-family event.

He glanced at the clock again and sighed. Time was moving so slow. It was only four thirty—

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still another thirty minutes before Gabriel would call. He was about to check his topping supply when
he heard the tinkling of the bell over his door. It was Marcus Evans, a lynx shifter who worked in the
bank. He was constantly coming in here to harass him.

“Mr. Evans, what can I get you today?” Ashby asked, turning to take his place behind the ice

cream case. Then a hand grabbed his arm.

“It’s so rare to catch you when you’re out from behind your counter, pretty little Ashby. Feeling

braver since you bonded with the new Alpha Mother?” Marcus sneered and squeezed down on his
arm harder.

“You’re hurting me, Mr. Evans. Please let go.” Ashby said, trying to keep his voice and

emotions even. The last thing he needed was Rebecca racing in here due to a spike of fear from him.
He could handle the likes of Marcus Evans.

“You keep forgetting your place now that you’re bonded with the Rebecca Arkadion. Do you

think being bonded makes you better than everyone else?” Marcus said, jerking his arm.

It keeps me safe. “Being bonded with the Alpha Mother is a great responsibility as I help her

connect with the people of the town, nothing more,” Ashby said, tugging on his arm. Marcus laughed
and pulled Ashby closer, leaning down until their lips were almost touching.

“How about connecting with me?” he leered. Ashby’s stomach rolled and he felt like he couldn’t

breathe. He was so caught up in his blossoming fear that he didn’t hear the door’s bell chime.

“Is there a problem here?” a deep voice asked. Ashby turned his head and nearly fainted in

relief. It was Moe. There were very few men in town whose very size seemed to mandate a voice that
deep. It seemed to reverberate up the man’s barrel chest.

“No problem here Mojo,” Marcus said, not letting go of Ashby.
“Good, because I would hate for you to impede me getting my ice cream. It might impede me

serving you beer later, catch my drift?” he said, crossing his thick arms and staring down at the
smaller man. Marcus finally let go of Ashby’s arm.

“I’ll see you later pretty little Ashby,” Marcus said, grinning and then left, the door’s bell

tinkling as he left.

“That asshole still messing with you?” Moe asked.
Ashby nodded. “He now thinks that I am putting on airs by being bonded with Rebecca. Maybe

in his own way he thinks I’m playing hard to get.” Ashby rubbed his upper arm. He would have
bruises for sure.

“If he keeps fucking with you let me know, I can usually persuade people to see things my way,”

Moe said, cracking his knuckles and grinning. Ashby smiled back. It was hard to imagine that this
intimidating man was one of the main volunteers at the school. He worked with the kindergartners at

“Enough of that jerk. Your usual?” Ashby asked, reaching for the bananas.
“Yup, extra chocolate today. It’s going to be a long night. I’m breaking in Caleb’s replacement at

the bar tonight, Peyton Miller. The poor kid looks like he’s been through the wringer. I was going to
ask if you have any clothes you can spare. The kid doesn’t have much and you’re the only one in town,
uh, about his size,” Moe said wincing.

“So he’s a shrimp like me?” Ashby said, trying to make Moe feel better. Moe grinned at him


“Yup. You can tell he’s nervous, keeps looking over one shoulder expecting someone to walk

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into the bar and get him. I’d like to meet up with whoever has that poor boy jumping at every sound,”
Moe said darkly.

Ashby felt his heart sink. That was him only a few short years ago.
“Give me a few minutes, I’ll run upstairs, I have a ton of stuff he can have,” Ashby said, handing

over the six-banana split with extra chocolate syrup. Moe took the large bowl in one hand and got
comfortable at one of the tables.

Ashby ran upstairs to his apartment and grabbed the gym bag he never used. He started going

through his clothes. He actually had a lot he could part with, and by the time he was done the bag
wouldn’t zip. He shrugged and hefted the bag up to carry it downstairs.

“Holy crap Ashby, I didn’t mean for you to give him your closet,” Moe said, taking the bag.

Ashby shook his head, his blond curls swinging.

“Please tell him if he needs anything else to let me know. I’ve been where he is, I know what it

feels like to be without anything and reliant on the kindness of others. It’s my way of paying back
everyone who helped me,” Ashby said, looking up at Moe earnestly. Moe gave a slow smile.

“You’re a strong man, Ashby Fairfax, don’t let anyone tell you any different. Thanks for the

clothes, I know Peyton will be happy to have something else to wear.” He motioned to the
overflowing bag. Ashby blushed at the praise. He had been called many things, but strong was never
one of them.

“Catch you around,” Moe said and walked out. Ashby smiled. It felt good knowing that he had

helped someone.

He looked at the clock. It was well after five, then as if by willing it to happen his cell phone

rang. He jumped up and ran to pick it up.

“Hello?” he asked breathing hard.
“Why do you sound so out of breath, mon ange?” the melodic voice asked. Ashby felt his

insides quiver.

“I ran to my cell phone to answer it. You’re late today,” he said smiling. He heard a chuckle and

knew he was right to tease him.

“My apologies mon ange, how can I make it up to you?” Gabriel asked smoothly. Ashby thought

about it for a second. The episode with Marcus and hearing about Peyton had really made him want to
celebrate how far he’d come.

“Is your offer still open for me to visit?” Ashby blurted out. There was silence on the phone. He

felt sick. He knew that Gabriel would change his mind. “I mean it’s OK, if it’s not…” That was as far
as Ashby got.

“Do you need an escort? Do you have transportation? I can send my car. Will you be hungry? I

can arrange for dinner?” Gabriel asked. Ashby could hear him barking orders in the background
between questions to prepare his personal VIP room. Ashby smiled. His normally calm and cool
prince sounded frantic.

“No I don’t need an escort and no I don’t need transportation, I have my own car. I’ll be

stopping at the diner for dinner, so don’t put anyone out. And you don’t need to prepare a VIP room,
it’s just me,” Ashby said softly.

“I will prepare the VIP room, because it is you,” Gabriel said, his deep voice soothing.
“What time should I expect you?” Gabriel asked.
“I’ll be swinging by the diner after I close then coming back to my place to get ready. So is ten

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o’clock OK?” Ashby asked.

“Ten o’clock is perfect, mon ange. I will be waiting anxiously for you to get here,” Gabriel


“See you then,” Ashby said and hung up the phone. He took a deep breath. He had done it. He

had agreed to meet his vampire prince at last. He grinned, that’s how he referred to Gabriel in his
head, as his vampire prince. Shaking his head he decided to close the shop early to give himself extra
time to get ready. He made sure everything was closed and put away for the night and flipped the sign
to “Closed.” He had just enough time to eat, shower and then agonize over what to wear.

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Chapter 2

“There he is! You’re in early today,” Rebecca said. When he first met Rebecca Arkadion she

had been Rebecca Morgan, a human in a shifter-only town destined to be mated to Aleksander
Arkadion, the eldest Arkadion son. When Aleks’s parents fully retired, Aleks and Rebecca would
take over in leading Arkadia and the other Arkadian sister cities. Aleks and Rebecca had already
started stepping into their roles and making decisions for the town.

When they first met, Rebecca had looked at him with wide eyes and said, “It’s like your beauty

is wasted on my eyeballs.” Though he had known he was gay from the time he was eleven, he fell a
little bit in love with her. She was the only one who ever looked at him as though he were something
special, as if she could see into his very soul.

He had been kidnapped with Rebecca from Purgatory, Gabriel’s nightclub, months ago. She had

bounced back from her ordeal and was now experiencing her first pregnancy and due to the bond they
shared he was experiencing it right along with her, especially the morning sickness. There were days
when the very smell of waffle cones sent him running to hurl in the bathroom, though he never
admitted as much to his best friend.

“Marcus Evans dropped by again,” Ashby said, sliding into the chair between Rebecca and his

other friend, Kate Edwards.

“That guy needs to eat out of a feeding tube for a while,” Nic said, taking a French fry from what

looked to be the communal fry plate on the table. Rebecca frowned and swung her head back to

“Did he hurt you, Ashers?” she said, making sure she made eye contact. He looked away and

shrugged. She grabbed the hem of his shirt and manhandled it up over his head. It got stuck around his
ears, but she had somehow managed to get his bruised arm free.

“Kate! Look at this. That asshole Marcus Evans has hurt Ashby, we need to arrest him!” she

said, waving Ashby’s arm around. Ashby got his arm free and managed to pull his shirt down from
where it had been lodged around his head and put his arms through the sleeves.

“It’s OK, Moe ran him off. Even Marcus isn’t stupid enough to mess around with Moe,” Ashby

said grinning.

“No kidding, Moe would eat him for breakfast before coming to you for his banana split,” Nic

said, laughing. Kate snorted.

“Mojo,” She chortled.
“Kate, it can’t still be funny,” Bran said from across the diner, where he and Caleb waited for

their order holding the trio’s twin sons, Landon and Lucas.

“Mojo, Jojo,” Kate giggled. Rebecca, whose anger was fading, smiled.
“OK, it is kinda funny,” Rebecca said.
“As long as it doesn’t hurt his feelings, it could hurt him to hear something like that all the time,”

Ashby said quietly. Rebecca nodded. Kate grinned.

“Ashby you’re so sweet,” Rebecca said hugging Ashby’s arm. He blushed.
“He’s OK with it because I told him that he was totally hot and that’s why it was so funny,

because it was completely opposite to how he looked. The man is downright fuckable,” Kate said and
two ominous growls were heard from the counter. She blew kisses to her mates. Rebecca nodded.

“I’d totally do him,” she said without thought, and a long low rumble echoed from the door.

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Rebecca turned in her chair and her eyes brightened.

“Hi, baby, how was work?” she asked, turning her face up for a kiss.
“Do who?” Aleks demanded and he stalked over to where his tiny mate sat and kissed her


“Moe Jones. Kate and I agreed the man is fuckable,” Rebecca said.
“Girls, language!” Ma yelled from the kitchen.
“Yes Ma!” both women called out and then grinned at each other.
Aleks looked down at his mate frowning.
“You don’t need to think about doing anyone but me,” Aleks said, bending down to stare his

mate in the eyes. She looked up impishly.

“Aleks, Marcus Evans went into Ashby’s shop and hurt him today. He has bruises on his arms.

I’m getting a bad feeling about him,” Rebecca said as Aleks easily lifted her up, sat down in her
chair, and settled her in his lap.

“Ashby, do you want to press charges?” Aleks asked, concern on his face. Ashby shook his


“No. He has never done anything more than harass me. I have a feeling if I press charges it

would only escalate the issue. As long as he keeps his hands to himself then I don’t want to press
charges,” Ashby said.

“If he hurts you again, I’ll shoot him!” Rebecca said and Aleks looked down at her panicked.
“Becca, baby, did you bring your gun?” he asked gently as if approaching a wild animal. All of

the shifters at the table picked up on his edginess and subconsciously scooted back a bit.

“Of course! It’s not going to do me much good in a box under the bed is it? The next time hyenas

come to town it’s open season,” she said, patting her purse.

“Is the safety on this time?” Aleks asked, inventing new shades of pale. The purse had shifted

down between their bodies and was resting in his lap.

“Of course it is,” Rebecca said, picking up the purse and patting it. She dropped it to the floor

and a loud bang echoed throughout the diner.

“What in the hell!” Connor demanded coming out of the kitchen. Rebecca stared down at her

purse and then looked up at Aleks.

“OK, I swear the safety was on.” She tilted her head the way she normally did when she was


“Maybe...” She looked around the table and Nic and Kate were trying not to laugh. Ashby was

trying to get his heart to stop beating out of his chest. Aleks began to shake.

“Aleks, are you OK?” Rebecca asked. At the sound of her calm and rational voice Aleks


“That’s it! That. Is. It! No more gun for you. That is the second time you have almost killed

someone, the first time was when you tried to show me your cowboy stance. I can’t do this! I can’t
think knowing you have a weapon!” Aleks roared and bellowed. Rebecca sat on his lap calmly
petting his chest as he ranted.

“Don’t worry, I’m getting better, see this time I wasn’t holding the gun when it went off, so

technically I didn’t shoot it,” she said as if that made all the difference in the world.

Ashby watched the interaction between the mated pair. He could see Aleks’s hands shaking, he

didn’t know if it was from fear or from the effort it took not to shake some sense into his tiny mate.

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“Connor!” Aleks yelled.
“I’m here,” Connor said, walking over to the table and picking up the purse. He opened it up and

pulled out the gun, he slid open the chamber, checked the barrel, put the safety on and tucked it into
the back of his pants.

“Hey that’s my gun!” Rebecca protested.
“We’re going home!” Aleks said as he stood, and he swung his mate up in his arms.
“When we get home we’re going over gun safety, again. And this time the lesson will stick. You

hear me?” Aleks demanded. Rebecca got a dreamy look on her face.

“Yes, sir,” she said as Aleks carried her out of the diner.
“Oh my God did you see the look on his face?” Connor said, doubling over laughing. That set

off the entire diner. Kate wiped her eyes laughing.

“And to think he hesitated in mating her because he was scared at how delicate she was,” Kate

said and that brought a fresh round of laughter. Ashby smiled. Rebecca and then Kate had found true
happiness with their mates. He knew better than to ask for something like that, he only hoped his date
with Gabriel would go smoothly and that he wouldn’t embarrass himself.

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Chapter 3

Four hours later Ashby stood shivering in line outside the club. He was wishing he had gone

practical over sexy. The line hadn’t moved at all since he had gotten there nearly an hour ago. He
could feel the bass of the music from inside the club reverberating through his body. He had chosen a
simple light-blue tank that matched his eyes and a pair of black jeans that, according to Nic, showed
off his “bubble butt” to perfection. Looking around he felt decidedly underdressed. The paranormals
around him were dressed to the nines. There was mesh and glitter and liberal amounts of latex, and if
that didn’t have him nearly heading to the car, the conversations around him did. As a fennec fox, his
sense of hearing was so good he could hear prey moving around underground. As a human he could
hear nearly every conversation within a few hundred feet. Normally he was able to phase it out and
make it background noise, but one name kept popping up, grabbing his attention.

“I wonder if Prince Gabriel will be in tonight.”
“Did you see Prince Gabriel’s outfit last week? I thought I was going to come in my pants the

way it showed off his body.”

“Prince Gabriel looked at me last week, I just know we could hook up tonight. We are destined

to be together.”

Prince Gabriel. What had he been thinking? How could a prince be serious about him? In his

fantasies he was confident and suave. In real life he felt awkward and small. He stared down at his
cell phone debating on texting Gabriel that he couldn’t make it. He sighed.

He probably wouldn’t even me miss anyway, Ashby thought.
He sniffled and sighed again. Now that his nose was running, his picture as a pathetic loser was

complete. At least he didn’t have to smell the cologne of the raccoon in front of him anymore.

* * * *

“Where in the hell is he?” Gabriel paced his office checking the monitors constantly hoping to

catch a glimpse of the man whose blood caught his attention months ago. When the vans he had loaned
the Arkadions came back from the rescue operation, he had caught a faint whiff of blood from the one
that had held Rebecca and her missing friend Ashby Fairfax. He knew that it wasn’t Rebecca’s blood
that had affected him. That only left Ashby. And the man was late.

“What time did he say he would be here?” a calm voice asked and Gabriel swung his head

around to look at his acting second-in-command. He would have just called the man his second-in-
command, but Roman rejected the title outright saying that title belonged to Mikhail and Mikhail
alone. Roman didn’t want to be second-in-command to anything.

“An hour ago,” Gabriel grumbled, staring at the monitors again.
“Did you check outside in the line to get in?” Roman asked. Gabriel snorted.
“Why would he be in line? He knew he was expected as my guest,” he said, his eyes moving

from one monitor to the next. Roman rolled his eyes heavenward and sighed.

“From everything you have told me about him, in detail, repeatedly, whether I wanted to hear it

or not. He sounds like the type of man who wouldn’t assume he was entitled to anything. I bet he is
freezing his ass off outside,” Roman said, watching his words start to penetrate his Prince’s thinking.

“Damn. You may be right. Could you…no. Never mind, I’ll go look for him myself,” Gabriel

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said, ignoring Roman’s astonished expression. He made his way downstairs. He passed the dance
floor and walked to the front doors. The two vampires he trusted to monitor admittance practically
snapped to attention. Around him people hushed their conversations, trying to hear what would bring
Prince Gabriel to the front door. Bryn stepped forward, his blond hair pulled back from his face.

“Sir? Was there something we could do for you?” he began. Radek stepped up beside Bryn.
“I’m waiting on a young man. The name is Ashby Fairfax, has he been by?” Gabriel asked. Bryn

didn’t even have to look at his clipboard.

“No sir. We have been waiting for him to arrive so that we could show him in and bring him

directly to you,” Bryn said. Gabriel took a few steps outside and immediately the front of the line
grew silent before quiet whispers spoke of his presence at the door.

“Sir, he wouldn’t be in line, not if he was expected,” Bryn said. Gabriel nodded, thinking back

at Roman’s words about Ashby. The man was right, Ashby would never assume anything was due to
him. He stepped outside and started walking down the line. People stared and stopped their
conversations as he walked by, Bryn walking behind him. Radek stayed behind to watch the door.
Gabriel scanned the faces as he walked. He had memorized Ashby’s features from the only picture
Ashby had sent him on his cell phone. Gabriel had almost reached the end of the line when he spotted
a familiar head of soft blond curls. He stopped in front of the smaller man who gazed up at him with
one of the most beautiful faces he had ever seen. His aura was nearly as pure as the Alpha Mother’s
whom he had met months ago. He watched as the man opened his mouth then closed it, then sniffed,
obviously cold. The beautiful man blushed and ducked his head.

“I have been waiting for you, mon ange. I wish you had let me know you were waiting, I could

have come to get you before you got so cold.” He wrapped an arm around the smaller man’s
shoulders and guided him to the door.

Gabriel heard the astonished whispers that he had come out to personally get someone. There

were a few low growls of anger, but what concerned him the most was the wave of intense hatred
mixed with lust and jealousy. Most vampires were empathetic to some degree. It was nature’s way of
helping them keep their prey calm while they fed.

When he got Ashby to the doors he leaned in and whispered to Bryn.
“There is someone in line...” Bryn nodded.
“I felt it as well, we’ll take care of it my prince, enjoy your evening,” Bryn said winking.

Gabriel gifted him with a rare half smile and they felt the line surge forward.

“Sir, not to be disrespectful, but can you go be stunning in your rooms, where you won’t cause a

riot?” Bryn said, trying to hold back a smile. Gabriel nodded and steered the angelic man toward the
stairs that led to his personal rooms.

* * * *

Ashby heard the astonished comments as they walked past the line. In all honesty, he couldn’t

blame them. He couldn’t believe that Gabriel had come looking for him, to personally escort him into
the club. He felt completely out of place at the man’s side. Before he knew it he was led up the stairs
and into Gabriel’s opulent living quarters.

Everything in the apartment looked new. The color scheme was very monochromatic. Black

leather and chrome accents dominated the large space. It didn’t feel homey or lived in at all. He took

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a deep breath and was relieved that his sense of smell had returned from being outside in the cold. He
could smell cleaning agents and leather. When he turned his head to look at the man staring at him
with a smile on his face he caught the scent of something else. He shook his head.

It’s not possible. He’s a prince and I scoop ice cream. He looked up to see Gabriel watching

him from across the apartment with a soft smile on his lips. Ashby took another deep breath and the
scent expanded in his lungs and seemed to fill his body. He looked up and stared at Gabriel as
Gabriel silently watched him.

He was still staring when his cell phone started to ring. Without breaking eye contact he reached

into his pocket and answered his phone.

“Hello?” Even to himself his voice sounded strained.
“Ashby, is everything OK? I’m getting overwhelming feelings from you.” Rebecca sounded


“I’m fine,” he said, his eyes never leaving Gabriel.
“Where are you? Nic said you’re not at your apartment,” Rebecca said.
“I’m at Purgatory,” he said sounding lost in thought.
“Is everything OK? How are things going with Gabriel? Do you need us to come get you?”

Rebecca started spitting questions at him. When she took a breath he said softly, “He’s my mate.”
Silence seemed to pour from the cell phone.

“Oh my Gosh, that’s amazing, Ashers!” he heard from Rebecca.
“Bow chica wow wow. Tap that ass!” he heard Rian yell, then a slap and yelp.
“Rian hush! This isn’t some booty call, he just found his mate!” he heard Kate say.
“Maybe we should come up there anyway,” Rebecca started. Ashby was staring at his phone in

horror then glanced back up to see if Gabriel had heard anything from his friends. The wide smile on
the man’s face told him he had.

“Hey! That’s my phone!” he heard Rebecca exclaim.
“Ashby?” Ashby quickly brought the phone back to his ear, it was Aleks.
“Yes, Alpha?” he asked.
“Everything OK?” Aleks asked, his voice sounding concerned.
“Yes, everything is fine,” Ashby said as he watched Gabriel smile and nod.
“Good, we’ll let people know the parlor is closed for the weekend. Be safe.” Then Ashby heard

a click and the call ended. He would find a way to thank Aleks later. He turned off his phone and
looked back up to Gabriel.

“So you, umm, heard?” he asked and wanted to slap his forehead. Of course he had heard.
“You seem more nervous knowing I am your mate than when we were strangers getting to know

one another over the phone,” Gabriel said, walking around the perimeter of the room circling Ashby.

“But I didn’t know you were my mate then. After our rescue my nose was broken. When we

came back here to drop off the vans I couldn’t smell you,” Ashby said, turning his body to watch
Gabriel walk around the room.

“Maybe vampires and shifters have different ideas of what mates are. For vampires, finding

your mate is the ultimate gift. It’s the knowledge that you’ll never be alone again, that Fate has
provided you with a friend and partner,” Gabriel said, coming to a stop watching Ashby intently who
was nodding his agreement emphatically.

“It’s the same for shifters. For shifters mates come first.” He saw that nearly every muscle in

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Gabriel’s body was drawn tight. He could see the tension surrounding the man.

“Then treat me as the friend that I’ve become in talking to you every day. I don’t want to be the

prince to my mate. Just Gabriel,” he said with a silent plea in his eyes.

Ashby’s eyes softened. He had been so wrapped up in his own insecurities, feeling like he

wasn’t good enough, that he never thought how his hesitation could be perceived by his mate.

“Maybe if we talked as if we were on the phone?” Ashby suggested. Gabriel nodded.
“We could do that. Would you like something to eat? I could fix dessert.” Gabriel motioned to

the small kitchen.

“Sure, that sounds great.” Ashby smiled brightly and he could see Gabriel relax a fraction.
“I had Roman go out and buy green apples” Gabriel said, walking into the kitchen and heading

to the refrigerator. Ashby smiled.

“You remembered. They are my favorite,” Ashby said, following him into the kitchen and taking

a seat on the barstool across the counter from where Gabriel stood with two apples, a knife and a
cutting board. Very slowly and deliberately Gabriel began to peel each apple as if each movement
was an effort in keeping control.

“I bet you never imagined your mate as a fox-shifting ice cream parlor owner,” Ashby said, with

a self-deprecating laugh. The knife stilled and Gabriel looked up sharply.

“Every night when I lie down to rest, I wonder if I’ve done enough good that day to outweigh the

wrongs I have done to keep my people safe and every night I wonder if there is enough good left in
me to deserve a mate. Over the thousands of years I’ve endured, I have imagined my mate in a myriad
of different ways, each variation better than the one before. But nothing my mind has conjured in all of
those millennia could compare to the beauty and strength in you. Your sheer physical beauty is only
outshone by your amazingly kind heart and pure soul. No matter how much longer I have left on this
earth, I know that I will never do anything to deserve the gift of you,” Gabriel said, making sure he
kept Ashby’s gaze so that he could see the truth in his eyes.

Ashby couldn’t stop the tears. In an instant Gabriel was around the counter and cupping Ashby’s

face in his large hands. He carefully wiped away the tears before replacing each one with a gentle

“I have carried the weight of an entire race on my shoulders for so long, I don’t know if I can be

the mate you deserve. I had nearly given up my soul before I smelled your blood in that van the
morning after you were rescued. The tiny ray of hope that you were my mate has kept me going these
past few months.” Gabriel leaned forward and buried his face his Ashby’s neck, their bodies locked
in a powerful embrace. Ashby could feel slight tremors go through Gabriel’s body as the man held on
to him as if his very life depended on it.

“Ashby, sweet Ashby, what has fate done tying you to a monster like me?” Gabriel said into his

neck. Ashby pulled back and shook his head.

“Don’t say that. Don’t ever say you are a monster! I have seen real monsters. I was trapped with

my ex-boyfriend for nearly a year before escaping him, he was a monster. The hyenas who went after
Rebecca, Landon and Lucas, they are monsters. But you, my prince, are not.” Ashby said, unashamed
of the passion in his voice.

Gabriel’s eyes lightened from the black they had become to a steely gray before settling into a

royal blue.

“I had forgotten your ordeal with your ex-boyfriend, forgive me for bringing up such painful

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memories on what should be a happy occasion,” he said, nuzzling Ashby’s forehead.

Ashby blushed furiously.
“I’m fine. But if you really are interested in making this a happy occasion…” He stared up at

Gabriel who lifted up an eye brown and smiled down at his angelic mate. Ashby’s mouth twitched as
a moment passed where neither spoke and just looked into each other’s faces.

“Bow chica wow wow,” Ashby said, grinning. Gabriel’s mouth dropped before he started to

grin. The grin turned into a smile which soon stretched across his face before he lost all composure
and he began to laugh until he had tears coming down his face. Ashby couldn’t hold it in either and
laughed right alongside his prince. He had a feeling it had been too long since Gabriel had known
laughter and joy. He decided right then and there, that would be his job from now on, to make his
prince smile.

* * * *

Without wasting a second Ashby dropped to his knees and began to undo Gabriel’s slacks.

Gabriel’s laughter stopped almost immediately as he looked down in shock.

Mon ange, you don’t have to…” Gabriel’s words were forgotten as Ashby’s nimble hands

freed his heavy cock and he ran a tongue around the engorged head. He flicked his tongue into the slit
before swallowing the thick flesh down completely.

He swallowed the entire length until his nose hit the springy hairs at Gabriel’s groin.
Mon dieu! Don’t stop angel!” Gabriel said, unable to resist pulling back slightly and moving

forward again to feel the soft constricting flesh of his lover’s throat around him. Ashby hummed,
sending vibrations down Gabriel’s shaft.

Gabriel ran his hands through Ashby’s soft blond curls and looked down at his mate. When

Ashby’s eyes looked up and saw that Gabriel was watching he slid his mouth up and bobbed back
down until Gabriel hit the back of his throat.

Gabriel felt the familiar tingling at his spine signaling his impending release.
“Angel…coming.” Was all he was able to articulate before throwing his head back, letting wave

after wave of his orgasm crash through him. Ashby slowed his movements before releasing his cock
with a final swipe of his tongue.

Gabriel pulled Ashby to his feet and then swept him up in his arms. Ashby blushed.
“I feel like a bride being carried over the threshold.”
“Tonight is our wedding night my angel,” Gabriel whispered and made his way to his bedroom.

He set Ashby down next to the bed and pulled Ashby’s tank off, revealing a slender but toned body.
“You don’t have any hair.” Gabriel trailed his fingers down Ashby’s chest, and Ashby swallowed

“I don’t wax or anything, I’m just not that hairy,” he whispered. Gabriel nodded his approval.

He reached for Ashby’s jeans and easily unbuttoned them and pushed them down Ashby’s legs.
Gabriel nearly swallowed his tongue when he saw Ashby standing before him in nothing but a pair of
electric-blue boy shorts. Ashby tried to use his hands to cover his groin where evidence of his
arousal was clear to see.

“Never hide yourself from me, mon ange.” Gabriel trailed his fingers down Ashby’s sides

before hooking his thumbs into the boy shorts. He got to his knees and pulled one side of the boy

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shorts down to expose a hip bone. He ran his tongue across the ridge before dipping into his lover’s
belly button. He could smell the sweet musk of his mate and his fangs burst from his gums. He pulled
the other side of the boy shorts down and eased them down and off the most perfectly rounded ass he
had ever seen. He slid the shorts down and Ashby stepped out of them. Gabriel leaned back and
looked at his mate’s cock for the first time. It was average in length and girth, but the ordinary stopped
there. With the exception of the engorged purple head the rest of the shaft was creamy and looked as if
it were cut from marble.

Mon Dieu, you are a vision. Tonight I will make you mine forever.” Gabriel stood and he

gently picked Ashby up and laid him down on the bed. He took a moment to look down at the picture
of perfection before him. His Ashby looked like a fallen angel. His innocent eyes contradicted his
love-swollen lips and flushed cheeks.

“What do you mean forever?” Ashby asked. Gabriel looked over to Ashby and smiled gently.

He then removed his suit jacket and placed it on the bench at the end of the bed. Slowly he removed
his designer silk shirt and tossed it next to the jacket. He saw Ashby lick his lips.

“What is your ultimate fantasy my angel? You have given me so much pleasure already tonight

so selflessly, what can I do for you?” Gabriel asked, his voice deepening. He saw a shiver run
through Ashby and he felt ten feet tall.

“Can you make love to me? No one has ever just loved me,” Ashby said so quietly that even

with his vampiric hearing he had to strain to catch the words. When he heard Ashby’s soft request his
heart broke in two. The gorgeous creature before him should have only known gentle caresses and
tender words. From the little his dainty mate had told him about his ex-boyfriend, he knew that Ashby
had experienced hell at the hands of a man who should have protected him at all costs. He tried to
keep the anger he felt from showing on his face.

“We don’t have to if you don’t want,” Ashby said quickly and rolled over to his hands and knees

putting his head down.

Gabriel felt like someone punched him in the stomach. He quickly removed his slacks, throwing

them across the bench and went to the night stand and pulled out a packet of lube. He eased himself
behind Ashby, running his hands over the crease gently massaging the dark hole winking at him.

“My angel as much as I want to bury my face in your sweet ass and bring you to the brink of

pleasure over and over again with my mouth, I need to see your face and kiss those exquisite lips of
yours as we make love.” Gabriel placed both hands on Ashby’s hips and pulled him backward until
he was sitting back on his knees, his back flush against his chest. Ashby’s face turned up and he
looked at him with surprise in his eyes.

Gabriel ran a hand down Ashby’s chest and tweaked the tiny pale pink disk. Ashby moaned and

rested the back of his head on Gabriel’s breast bone.

“Does my bebe like that?” Gabriel whispered the words against Ashby’s neck, causing goose

bumps to run down his mate’s body.

“Y–y–yes,” Ashby squeaked.
“Good, you will know nothing but pleasure by my hands.” Gabriel ran his tongue up Ashby’s

neck and bit gently on his ear. Ashby groaned and pushed his ass back against Gabriel’s hard dick.

“Turn around my angel.” Gabriel said gently turning Ashby’s body in his arms. When Ashby

faced him his eyes looked out of focus. Gabriel eased him back and spread his legs wide. He leaned
down and ran his tongue between the two perfectly rounded globes before pulling them apart to get at

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his prize. He opened the packet of lube and started working one finger in Ashby’s hole. He stopped at
the second knuckle and waited.

“I’m OK.”
Gabriel nodded and continued.
He eased a second finger in beside the first and gently thrust them in and out. Ashby started

thrashing around on the bed, and Gabriel grinned. He scissored his fingers back and forth, stretching
his mate. He knew that in order for his angel to know only pleasure he would have to be well
stretched. When he got to three fingers he looked into Ashby’s face and saw his mouth slack with
bliss. He poured more lube on his heavy cock and he began to move forward. Ashby’s eyes met his
and he smiled. Gabriel moved and when the head of his cock popped past the first set of inner
muscles he stilled, trying to give his mate’s body time to adjust to his.

“More, it’s OK, Gabriel, I’m not made of glass,” Ashby gave him a lopsided grin.
“Only pleasure angel, only pleasure.” Gabriel leaned forward and rested his forearms on either

side of Ashby’s head. With a quick stroke he thrust until he bottomed out inside his angel’s tight

“Oh–oh–oh God, please move,” Ashby gyrated his hips. Gabriel withdrew and thrust home

again, he knew that he was hitting Ashby’s sweet spot on every downward stroke. He felt his control
start to fray at the edges as he began to slam into his mate. Knowing that he was close he leaned
forward and captured Ashby’s lips. Ashby went crazy beneath him. It was if this simple kiss had
unlocked every passion his mate had to offer. Gabriel felt Ashby’s legs wrap around his waist as their
tongues dueled endlessly, driving their fervor higher. Gabriel pulled back and looked into Ashby’s

“Will you allow me to mate with you my angel?” he asked and saw tears fill Ashby’s eyes.
“Yes my prince, make me yours.” Ashby pulled Gabriel’s head down to his neck. Unable to

avoid the gift his mate was offering, he buried his fangs into the side of Ashby’s neck and fed. He
knew for a fact they were mates when Ashby’s blood did not affect his mind, it sated his body but left
him lucid. Ashby’s blood tasted of every decadent treat he had ever sampled and he craved more. He
heard Ashby cry out and as a splash of warmth hit his stomach, he knew his mate had come again.
Still he fed. He closed his eyes as he felt the ice wall around his heart and soul shatter. His soul lifted
up and danced with Ashby’s, they merged and returned to their homes now for the first time whole.
He lifted his head and licked the two puncture marks so that it would stop bleeding but not so that it
would fade, not yet.

“It is done. You are mine,” Gabriel moved to one side and pulled Ashby into his arms. They

could clean up in a moment, he never wanted to let go.

“Only you,” Ashby replied.
“You have pulled me from the edge of darkness my angel, I’m not sure I could have survived

much longer without you.” Gabriel laid gentle kisses on the site of his claiming bite and Ashby
shivered in pleasure. Gabriel grinned and slipped from the bed heading to the bathroom. He quickly
grabbed a washcloth and wet it with warm water. He walked back in and Ashby’s eyes zeroed in on
his naked groin. Gabriel winked at him as Ashby blushed furiously. Gently he cleaned his lover
before tossing the washcloth back into the bathroom.

“Why do your eyes change colors?” Ashby asked as Gabriel got into bed behind him and pulled

him into the curve of his body.

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“I am one of the oldest of my kind, one of the first. As we age our eyes begin to reflect our

feelings. At first our eyes darken, then they are able to turn red with anger. Eventually if a vampire
lives long enough their eyes will change color with deep emotions. I know of only one other whose
eyes can shift to a different color than red, and that is Mikhail. He is the closest of anyone in the
coven to my age.” Gabriel ran a hand softly up and down Ashby’s side.

“So the older you get your eyes turn into mood rings?” Ashby giggled.
“It doesn’t sound as impressive when you put it like that, but yes, our age determines a lot of our

abilities. Only a vampire who is over a thousand years old is able to turn a human. I have set up a law
that any request for a human to be turned has to go through the council, usually only cases of human
mates are approved.” Gabriel leaned forward and kissed his mate’s shoulder. Ashby turned his head
to smile up at him.

“What else can you do?” His smile was infectious.
“I am the oldest of my race, there isn’t much I cannot do, mon ange.” Gabriel took advantage of

Ashby’s turned head and captured his lips. Ashby returned his kiss then pulled back.

“So you have to be a thousand years old to turn a human, when you’re really old your eyes

become like mood rings, and over time you acquire powerful abilities.”

“Yes and we’re extremely protective and possessive of our mates. Marching through time alone

can destroy your humanity. Having a mate makes you want to do better, to be better for them. I know
that I could not face eternity without you. I cannot go back to being alone.” Gabriel pulled Ashby even
tighter against his body.

“Hey, I’m not going anywhere. I may be small, but I’m scrappy.” Ashby gave him a goofy grin.
“I’ll love you for forever.” Gabriel firmly wrapped his arms around his mate and closed his


“Always,” Ashby replied yawning.
Gabriel fell asleep holding his mate and for the first time in centuries did not suffer the

nightmares from his past.

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Chapter 4

Ashby woke the next morning and stretched. He had the bed to himself. Gabriel had gotten up an

hour ago to go downstairs and see how the club had done during the night. He had kissed him
senseless and then promised to return as soon as he could. He smiled as he felt sore in certain places
and recalled the three additional times that Gabriel had taken him during the night. He reached up and
touched the twin puncture holes on his neck and sighed happily. He couldn’t believe that he was
claimed and mated. He had to call Nic! Grinning, he leaned over and dangled off the side of the bed
as he rummaged in his pants pockets from where they were dropped the night before. Humming he
dialed Nic’s number.

“Hello? Ashby? You alive?” Nic asked answering his phone.
“Yes and I’m claimed!” Ashby fell back onto the mattress.
“Congratulations! Is he treating you OK?” Nic asked.
“Yes, he’s a perfect gentleman and extremely considerate of me. I couldn’t have asked for a

better mate. He’s downstairs now checking on the club. I’m about to head down there, I’m starving.
Do you think they have food?” Ashby chewed on his lower lip.

“Older vampires don’t need to feed or eat much but are known to intake more food and blood

after they are mated,” Nic said, as if he were reading out of a manual.

“How did you know that?” Ashby asked curiously.
“Rebecca had me look into vampires when we realized Gabriel was really serious about you so

we would know what to expect. There’s a book about vampires in the town archives that she loaned
me. There is a lot of good information in here. You should borrow it. It can tell you all about your
prince, he’s mentioned all over the place in the history section,” Nic explained.

“Like what?” Ashby asked.
“Did you know your prince hobnobbed with royalty in France during the Renaissance period

and a number of paintings from the most famous artists supposedly use him as a model?” Nic said and
Ashby heard the clankings of a tea pot in the background.

“He’s certainly gorgeous enough to be in paintings, anything else?” Ashby asked.
“Evidently he’s the one that organized the current vampire council when he got tired of ruling

over all of them. He is one of the oldest vampires who hasn’t turned feral, most of them turned
centuries ago when they couldn’t find a mate, but Gabriel outlasted them all,” Nic said.

“He must have been so lonely,” Ashby said quietly.
“Yeah, which means he will definitely take care of my best friend the way he deserves,” Nic


“How’s Rebecca doing?” Ashby asked and heard Nic groan.
“She’s moping around missing you. We’re all bonded, but she has the closest connection to you.

We’re trying to keep her out of trouble, but she misses you little buddy,” Nic said.

“Tell her that I send my love and that she’s going to adore Gabriel. I can’t wait for them to really

get to know each other, it should be interesting.” Ashby smiled and Nic laughed.

“What will be interesting will be watching Aleks’s reaction to them becoming friends,” Nic said

and Ashby giggled.

“Is she still trying to carry around her gun?”
“Yeah, she’s still mad at the way he talked down to her during the gun safety lessons he gave her.

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He might be out of the doghouse by the time the baby is born,” Nic said.

“Ohh, that reminds me. I’ll see if Gabriel wants to go shopping. I bet they have a ton of baby

stuff in Brighton,” Ashby said excitedly.

“If you see a decent rocking chair small enough for her can you pick it up for me? She has the

one from Ma, but her feet don’t hit the floor and she’s too polite to say it’s uncomfortable,” Nic asked.

“Sure. I’m going for more clothes, my godson will have to have the best outfits.” Ashby grinned.

He couldn’t wait to hold the little guy.

“He will be my nephew too,” Nic reminded him and Ashby smiled.
“My godson and your nephew, which we’ll have to kidnap from Kate, Rian, Damian and Liam.”

Ashby cracked up.

“We called dibs when we first found out she was pregnant, there’s nothing they can do,” Nic


“Can you call dibs on an unborn baby?”
“I don’t know, but if I don’t know, then they definitely don’t know,” Nic said.
“I get first dibs, though, since I got morning sickness. Most of the time the Inner Court bond is

fun. However I don’t appreciate being nauseous randomly throughout the day. I don’t know how
women do it.”

“OK, I agree to that. That morning sickness is no joke.” Nic said.
Ashby shuddered. He didn’t know how women lived through pregnancy, he was never happier

to be a man. “OK, I’m going to head downstairs to look for some food. Miss you guys.”

“Miss you, too. Call us later.”
“I will! Bye.” Ashby hung up the phone.
He smiled and jumped out of bed. He raced over to the bathroom and washed up. Humming, he

went back to the master bedroom and picked his clothes up off the floor and got dressed. He looked in
the mirror and grimaced. He looked like he was going home after a one-night stand in his club
clothes. He went to the closet and pulled out one of Gabriel’s button-down shirts. Smiling, he put the
slate-gray designer shirt on over his blue tank top. When he looked down he laughed. It looked like he
was wearing a dress as Gabriel’s shirt hit him mid-thigh.

He shrugged and walked out of Gabriel’s apartment and down two flights of stairs to the VIP

floor. When he looked over the balcony he could see the club was empty. The lights were dim and no
one was in sight. He stood quietly and perked up his ears, and after a second or two he picked up the
sound of voices. He loved being a fennec fox some days. The superior hearing was one of the only
perks of his animal.

He walked back to the stairs and went back up a single flight until he found himself on the level

that looked like it held business offices. He followed the sound of the voices until he reached a
conference room. When he peeked his head inside, he smiled. His mate stood at the head of a long
cherry conference table speaking to a room full of men who ranged in ages and appearances. When
Gabriel’s eyes shifted a fraction and saw Ashby he paused in speaking and everyone turned to look at

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Ashby said softly. Using vampiric speed Gabriel was

standing in front of him and taking his hands.

“You could never interrupt, mon ange, we were just finishing up the staff meeting. This is

actually the perfect time to introduce you to some of my coven members,” Gabriel said, leaning

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forward and placing a soft kiss on his lips. Ashby sighed happily and allowed Gabriel to pull him
into the room.

“Gentlemen, this is my mate, Ashby Fairfax. He is to be protected at all costs,” Gabriel said in a

stern, almost cold voice. Ashby’s mouth dropped and he elbowed Gabriel in the ribs.

“Ow. Angel, what was that for?” Gabriel looked bewildered.
“You sounded mean. And if you order them to protect me like that it’s like you’re expecting them

to place my life above their own. I’ll never make friends!” Ashby said lowly out of the corner of his

Gabriel just stared at him in shock.
“I don’t think I have ever heard anyone chastise our prince before,” one man whispered.
“I did once. He didn’t live,” another replied.
“To clarify, Ashby, we will place your life above our own since you are our prince’s mate and

therefore that makes you his consort. If anything were to happen to you, we could lose our prince, and
that would not be acceptable. He is the driving force that has kept our people civilized and
progressing forward. Without him I fear chaos would ensue,” a dark-haired man explained and stood.
He gave a short bow before continuing.

“My name is Roman, I am the acting second-in-command. I assist Gabriel at night in running the

club and manage the finances. We meet every morning so that the night shift can hand off to the day
shift concerning issues with the club. The day shift is responsible for cleaning and restocking the club,
making arrangements for vendor deliveries and watching over those who sleep during the day. We
hold a similar meeting in the evening so that the day shift can prep the night on anything that we have
coming up for the evening. The night shift runs the club’s evening activities,” he said then pointed to
his right.

“You may remember Bryn and Radek. They are our two most empathetic vampires in our coven

so they are responsible for guarding the doors and screening people as they come in. Every vampire
is empathetic to some degree. It helped us in the days when we had to feed on humans, to allow us to
adjust to their moods so that they would not become frightened. Bryn and Radek are the best at it.”
The blond Bryn smiled and waved and the surly looking Radek just nodded his head.

“The man on the other side of Bryn is Noel. He is the general manager and he keeps the wheels

of this place turning.” The auburn-haired man smiled widely and waved. Ashby smiled back as the
introductions kept coming.

“Then there are David and Daniel, the twins. Stay away from them, far away from them. They

are nothing but trouble,” Roman said, scowling at the two smaller red-haired men. His left eye began
to twitch.

“Who, us?” they both asked in unison. Roman sighed.
“Yes. More trouble than the entire coven combined. Though, you are good in designing and

managing our web presence and keeping our network secure, so I guess it’s not a total loss.” Roman
rubbed his forehead. Ashby had a feeling that those two small, red-haired, sprite-like men drove the
acting second-in-command out of his mind. He turned to the twins and winked. Roman groaned.

“Next is Baptista. He is in charge of security and manages Larry, Moe, and Curly over there,” he

said, pointing to the three giant-like men standing against the wall. Each man turned to Roman and
growled. Baptista grinned from the table and stood. He was huge, standing at least six feet eight
inches tall and broad enough he barely fit in the conference chair. He had a shaved head and goatee

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and unlike most of the men in the room, he looked to be in his early forties. He epitomized the term
‘bad boy’. Ashby was immediately reminded of his friend Mojo back in Arkadia.

“I don’t know how you have managed to keep them from killing you, Roman,” Gabriel said.
“It’s my bubbly personality, sir,” Roman said straight-faced. Ashby giggled.
“Baptista, pick either Lauri, Montana or Kurt to replace you, I am reassigning you to act as

Ashby’s protector.” Gabriel emphasized the correct names. Ashby scowled.

“I don’t need a babysitter, Gabriel, I’m a grown man,” he protested. Gabriel raised a dark

elegant eyebrow and smiled.

“I know you are a grown man, mon ange.” His voice was low and seductive. Ashby’s mind

went blank. Gabriel turned back around and kept talking.

“The rest of you let the others know that Ashby is of the utmost importance,” he said, leveling a

look at the rest of the men that had them gulping and inclining their heads.

“You know you being sexy and scrambling my brains won’t always work,” Ashby muttered.
“Then I will have to find other, more inventive ways to scramble your pretty brain.” Gabriel

turned and smiled widely at Ashby.

It was one the few true smiles Ashby had seen on the man since they had mated. He knew that

his knees would give out any moment. Stupid knees!

“Angel, I have a few more meetings this morning and afternoon, are you comfortable in

acquainting yourself with the club?” Gabriel asked, running his hand over Ashby’s blond curls.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine.” He turned to where the twins sat.
“Can you guys show me around?” he asked. Two sets of eyes went wide with surprise before

twin shit-eating grins stared back at him. He had the strangest feeling he had made a pact with the

“Anyone but those two,” Roman started and Gabriel held up a hand. Roman quieted.
“David and Daniel are the closest in age to Ashby and will probably be the best to show him

around. Baptista of course will accompany them.” He looked to Baptista who nodded.

“Sure,” Ashby said and then got an evil idea. He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around

his prince’s neck before plastering himself against the hard planes of his mate’s body, allowing his
prince to feel his growing desire press against him. He placed a chaste kiss on his lips and stared up
at his mate.

“Have fun in your meetings.” He stepped back and motioned for the twins to follow. The twins

took one look at their dazed leader and edged around the other side of the table, as if to be on the safe
side before taking off behind Ashby. Baptista followed behind the three small chatting men.

“Sir?” Roman started.
Gabriel shocked the entire room by breaking out into chuckles which led to full-blown laughter.

His angel thought nothing to speak his mind, argue with him and then tease him in retaliation, and God
help him he was falling in love with the man for it.

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Chapter 5

“Oh my God! Did you see his face?” David exclaimed.
“I wasn’t looking at his face, I was looking at the growing bulge behind his slacks zipper,”

Daniel said, giggling.

“Hey! No eyeing my mate’s private of privates,” Ashby said, grinning.
“Does he know you have his balls?” Daniel asked. Ashby shrugged.
“He’ll figure it out,” he said matter-of-factly. The three looked at each other and burst out


“He smiled,” David said softly. Daniel did an arm pump.
“We’ve never seen him smile before. It’s about time he was happy,” Daniel said, agreeing with

his twin.

“You’ve never seen him smile? How long have you known him?” Ashby asked. Daniel held up

his fingers as if he were counting.

“He turned us in 1882…” Daniel began.
“1881, it was 1881 because that was the same year that Billy the Kid was shot and the Earp

boys got in that gunfight.” David argued. Daniel looked as if counting and then nodded.

“Yup, you’re right. 1881, so we’ve been with him for about one hundred and thirty-two years,”

Daniel said proudly. Ashby gaped at him.

“He never smiled, not even once?” he asked. Baptista shook his head.
“He turned me in 1199 after the death of Richard the Lionheart. I saw him almost smile when he

killed an enemy once. It was more like he was baring his teeth, though,” Baptista added.

“No smiling in the past eight hundred and fourteen years?” Ashby whispered, his heart aching

for his mate.

“You did that math in your head?” Daniel asked putting his fingers down. David rolled his eyes.
“Probably before then. There are others who have been with him longer. He’s the one who

turned us all. We’re the only coven made of nearly all turned members. In vampire society turned
vampires aren’t exactly looked down upon, but you can tell the difference in the way people treat you.
Our coven members are treated better since we were all turned by the prince himself. After he
created the council he started to enjoy his freedom and moved all over the world. It’s almost like he
collected us. He saw something he valued and didn’t want to see die, so he made us the offer, and
here we are,” Baptista explained.

“David and I were riding the Pony Express in California when he found us. I was handing off to

David and this gang showed up out of nowhere, shot us both and left us to die. Gabriel heard the shots
and said we were too full of life to die quite yet. We both said yes and stayed with him until he
dropped us off with the others at the coven he had established for his turned children outside of
Chicago,” Daniel explained and David shuddered.

“God I hated that city,” David said and Baptista nodded.
“I never liked it there either. I remember when you two first joined us, I thought our prince had

brought home two puppies, you were all over the place. Mikhail nearly killed you both that first
week,” Baptista said chuckling. Daniel and David winced.

“Who is Mikhail?” Ashby asked.
“He is Prince Gabriel’s true second-in-command. He is out on assignment right now trying to

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track down the origins of that drug,” Baptista explained.

“He’s a meanie,” Daniel said.
“He’s scary,” David said at the same time.
“Scarier than Gabriel?” Ashby asked, curious. Both nodded rapidly.
“Gabriel will kill you if you mess up or displease him. But he’s very reasonable with his

expectations and is consistent. He doesn’t play favorites. Mikhail will kill you if you breathe wrong,”
Daniel explained, eyes wide.

“We try not to breathe around him,” David said.
“Is that why you two keep fainting around him? I thought it was because he scared you silly,”

Baptista said, smiling.

“He is serial-killer scary,” Daniel said.
“He is clown scary.” David added. Daniel looked at David thoughtfully and nodded.
“Touché,” Daniel agreed.
“We don’t have anyone like that in Arkadia,” Ashby said as they walked into the large industrial


“What’s Arkadia like? It’s like vampire legend since no vampire has ever set foot in Arkadia,”

Daniel said, sitting on one of the barstools that had been pushed up next to the island.

“Well, it’s kinda small, just a couple streets, but we’re growing more and more. There’s the

diner where everyone hangs out. It’s run by Ma…”

“Ma who?” David asked.
“Ma Arkadion, she is the old Alpha Mother. Rebecca is the new Alpha Mother. We’ve bonded,”

Ashby said proudly. “Nic, Kate and I have all bonded with her to help her run the town. Nic and I run
shops so we see a lot of the townspeople. I run an ice cream parlor called Sweet Nothings and Nic
runs a coffee shop called The Grind. Kate is the Alpha Female of the Arkadian wolf pack and she
keeps Rebecca updated with how the pack is doing.”

“Then there are the lions. Before Rebecca came to town, Nic and I thought they were kinda

scary since they were male predators, and we shift into small animals. But once Rebecca came to
town and we all started to hang out, we learned that they are just a bunch of softies, especially Rian
and Damian. They’re a blast to hang out with,” Ashby said and realized he was rambling. “Sorry, I
guess I got excited.”

“Don’t be, they sound like a lot of fun. I wonder if we can invite them to the club one night.”

Daniel asked. Ashby winced.

“That may be a while. Aleks is still upset that Rebecca was kidnapped from here. The hyenas

wanted to drain Arkadia of blood for that vampire drug ring. I got kidnapped too since I was with her
when she was taken.” Ashby explained.

“Is she OK?” David asked. Both twins look concerned.
“Yup, she’s doing great. She’s pregnant and expecting their first child soon. She said she wanted

me to be the godfather,” Ashby said, beaming.

“Prince Gabriel is going to be the godfather to the next Arkadion Alpha?” Baptista asked and

then began to laugh.

“Does he know this?” He asked between bouts of laughter.
“No, why is that funny?” Ashby asked confused.
“It’s just that the Arkadions and vampires have a rocky past. I think it’s ironic that our prince

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would end up mated to someone who is bonded to the Alpha Mother and will be godfather to the next
heir. Life has a funny way of turning out sometimes.” Baptista said, grinning.

“Well as Rebecca would say, ‘That’s OK, because we’re all friends now.’” Ashby smiled at the

vampires in front of him.

“She sounds pretty cool,” Daniel said.
“She is. She accepts people for who and what they are. She likes everyone,” Ashby said,


“We can’t wait to meet her. Now, what would you like for lunch?” David asked, standing and

going to the cabinets.

“Hey guys, do you, um, eat food?” Ashby asked, blushing. David and Daniel looked at each

other and started laughing.

“Not that much anymore. In fact, you may want to make your own lunch, it’s been a while for

us,” David said. Ashby nodded.

“I can do that.” Ashby hopped down and began to rummage through the cabinets and refrigerator.

“I love sandwiches,” Ashby said, putting all the fixings on the table.

Ashby grabbed two pieces of freshly sliced bread and slathered on the mayo. Next, he drizzled

the bread with red wine vinegar and oregano. Then he added some lettuce, tomato, pickle and onion.
Finally he stacked thick layers of meat and cheese on the bread and flattened it with his hand. David
and Daniel were licking their lips.

“I don’t remember food smelling that good,” Daniel said.
“Me either,” David replied. Ashby smiled before cutting the sandwich in half and offered each

half to the twins. He looked to Baptista.

“Would you like to try?” he asked and Baptista shook his head.
“Not hungry at the moment, but I would like to try one of those if you make them again,” he said,

pointing to the sandwich. Moans filled the kitchen.

“It’s so freaking good!” Daniel exclaimed.
“Food was never this good before we were turned,” David said. Ashby made a second

sandwich and sat down and ate with them. Both twins mourned the end of their lunch.

“Just think, now I get to introduce you to all the foods you’ve been missing all these years,”

Ashby said, smiling.

“Food when we were alive was dry stuff with bugs in it. Blood was so much better that we

never went back and tried anything,” David said, patting his stomach while Daniel licked his fingers,
both having inhaled their halves.

“I can’t wait for you guys to try pizza or ice cream,” Ashby said, smiling.
“Maybe we can try chocolate too,” Daniel asked.
“Let’s go ask Roman to order some chocolate,” David said bouncing off the barstool.
“Yeah!” Daniel said and they both took off.
“Wait you two! He’s in a meeting with Prince Gabriel!” Baptista said and took off after the two

smaller men. Ashby giggled at his new friends. They weren’t trouble, just impetuous. He carefully put
all the ingredients away and looked around the kitchen. He spotted a huge walk-in freezer. He
wondered if they had any ice cream in there that he would share with the twins. It probably wasn’t the
same as the gourmet stuff he had at his shop, but it would be a start. He struggled to open the thick
metal door. When he finally got the door open he stepped inside. The door closed behind him and he

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turned the light on. He was fairly impressed with the freezer. It looked like someone really organized
it well. There were shelves on all four walls and a standing shelving unit in the middle of the room. It
took him a few minutes to find a gallon of chocolate ice cream. Grinning at his find he went to open
the door and it wouldn’t budge. He turned the handle and threw his weight into the metal surface and
nothing happened. He tried again and again to shove the door open, but it wouldn’t move.

What kind of idiot locks himself in the freezer? Oh yeah that’s right, me! Well they should be

back soon. I’ll just wait for someone to come into the kitchen and let me out. Yeah, I’ll just wait.
Ashby decided sitting on anything would just mean getting colder faster so he walked back and forth
to keep his blood moving.

Any minute now.

* * * *

“What do you mean you can’t find him?” Gabriel asked in a deadly quiet voice. He hadn’t felt

any pain or panic through their bond.

“Sir, Daniel, David and I left the kitchen for just a couple minutes and when we went back he

was gone. There was no sign of intruders in the club and no foreign scents,” Baptista said, hanging his
head low.

“All you had to do was watch over him,” Gabriel said, taking slow even breaths.
“I’m sorry my prince. I am heading back out now to assist in looking for him.” Baptista was not

able to look his creator in the eye. If anything happened to the small, sweet man, he would never
forgive himself and would gladly accept any punishment his prince deemed fit, right after he
destroyed the ones responsible.

“I want everyone awake and looking for him. I don’t care if the club stays closed until he is

found, he is everyone’s top priority,” Gabriel said, walking past Baptista to go look for his mate. He
paused at the doorway.

“If anything has happened to him, I am holding you responsible,” he said coldly.
“Yes, my prince,” Baptista replied.
Gabriel walked past the twins who were waiting outside the office, tears streaming down their


“You two, go over every second of surveillance footage. See if you can discover anything from

it,” Gabriel said and moved on without waiting for their response.

“We’ll find him Baptista, you’ll see,” Daniel said. Baptista turned a tortured face to the twins.
“I hope so, for all our sakes,” he said and he, too, left the office to join the others in searching.

* * * *

Two hours later and they still hadn’t found his mate. Gabriel paced the lower level dance floor

that had quickly turned into command central as his coven members frantically searched for his
missing mate. Everyone was doing their best to find Ashby, he knew that, but it did little to assuage
the mounting panic in his chest.

“Sir, we checked all the footage and no one came in and no one left during that time that he was

in the kitchen alone,” Daniel said.

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“What was the last thing he said to you? Was he sad? Wanting to go home?” Gabriel asked,

getting desperate. David sniffed and wiped his eyes.

“He said he couldn’t wait to introduce us to pizza and ice cream,” Daniel said quietly.
“What did you say?” Gabriel spun around and faced the two men.
“He said that Ashby couldn’t wait to introduce us to pizza and ice cream,” David said, looking


“Oh dear God! I know where he is!” Gabriel said, taking off in a blur that the twins could barely

see much less keep up with.

Gabriel ran past Baptista in the kitchen, who looked as though he were trying to see if there

were any clues he may have missed. Baptista followed Gabriel to the large walk-in freezer.

Gabriel jerked the freezer door open so hard he ripped the heavy metal door from the frame. He

dropped it to one side.

Mon ange!” he raced forward to scoop up his tiny mate.
“Ab–bout f–freaking t–ime you f–ound m–me.” Ashby shook as his teeth chattered together.

Immediately, a leather jacket was thrust at Gabriel. Baptista had stripped it off as soon as he saw how
badly the small man was shaking.

Mon dieu, I’m never letting you out of my sight. Never again.” Gabriel walked out of the

kitchen heading toward the stairs.

“I w–wanted to make sundaes. Daniel and David have never tried ice cream.” Ashby’s shaking

started to subside somewhat.

“I have been losing my mind looking for you.” Gabriel buried his face in Ashby’s neck.
“I was only a little lost, I’m sorry you got so upset. But see, I’m getting better now.” Ashby ran

his fingers through Gabriel’s shoulder length hair.

“We’re going upstairs. I am personally going to get you warm again.” Gabriel tightened his hold

as they walked into the main club area where everyone was assembled. Ashby giggled.

“OK!” he said, laying his head on his mate’s broad chest. Gabriel turned to face his coven.
“Thank you, all of you, for looking for Ashby.” He turned his head slightly.
“Baptista,” he said to the man standing at the edge of the dance floor without turning around.
“Yes, sir?” Baptista stepped forward, his back ramrod straight.
“Your punishment is that you are permanently assigned to Ashby’s protection detail. If this

afternoon is any indication, it will be more than harsh enough,” he said as a slight smile tugged one
side of his lips. Baptista’s eyes filled with tears.

“Thank you sir!” he said, bowing nearly in half. Gabriel nodded and carried his mate up the

stairs to their apartment.

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Chapter 6

“I think I resent that watching over me became a punishment,” Ashby said, poking Gabriel in the

chest. Gabriel smiled softly down at his mate who still had blue-tinged lips.

“You forget, I have been listening to your misadventures with Nicolas and Rebecca for the past

couple months,” Gabriel said leaning forward and taking Ashby’s lips between his own. Ashby
leaned forward in his arms trying to deepen the kiss, but Gabriel pulled back and winked down at his
shivering angel.

“Let’s get you in the shower, mon ange,” Gabriel said, walking through their door and shutting it

behind them. Without stopping in the master bedroom he headed straight to the master bath. He gently
placed Ashby on the counter and went to the large stone-tiled walk-in shower. He adjusted the
temperature to something lukewarm, and when he turned back around Ashby had already shrugged out
of his shirt and tank top and was removing his jeans. Gabriel threw the jeans in the corner and
stepped between his mate’s legs.

“When we couldn’t find you, I found myself willing to give up everything, my position, my

people, everything I am, just to get you back.” Gabriel leaned forward and wrapped his arms around
Ashby’s waist, resting his head on his shoulder.

“I’m so sorry, Gabriel, I didn’t mean to lock myself in, I just have this strange history with

freezers,” Ashby started. Gabriel lifted his head.

“What do you mean? You never mentioned this when we spoke.” Gabriel stepped back and

removed his own clothing. He heard a sigh and when he turned back around Ashby was staring at him
with a soft smile on his lips.

“Focus angel, what about you and freezers,” Gabriel said before wrapping Ashby’s legs around

his waist and carrying them both into the shower.

“That water is almost cold!” Ashby protested and Gabriel adjusted the temperature until steam

started misting around them.

“Freezers?” Gabriel asked, nearly getting distracted at the hard length that was poking him in the

belly. Ashby sighed.

“After I bought the ice cream parlor, I didn’t have a lot of money left over so I could only afford

an old and refurbished walk-in freezer for the shop. The first time I locked myself in, it took nearly
eight hours for someone to find me. After the sixth or seventh time, the town kids would check in on
me regularly. If they had to let me out of the freezer I would give them a two-scoop ice cream cone.
At the two-year anniversary of the parlor opening, the town chipped in and bought me a new freezer
with a release latch. I think they were convinced I would accidently kill myself.” Ashby shrugged and
looked at Gabriel who was staring at him with a look of pure terror on his face. With Ashby still
wrapped around his waist he walked to the far side of the walk in stone shower and hit an intercom
button. Roman’s voice immediately came on the line.

“Sir?” he asked.
“I want a new walk-in freezer ordered, with a safety latch so that no one can get locked in,”

Gabriel said

“Already ordered sir, you destroyed the one we have now,” Roman said flatly.
“I also want a surveillance camera installed inside the freezer,” Gabriel said, smiling when

Ashby began to blush.

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“I’m not that bad!” he protested. Gabriel silenced him with a quick kiss.
“Sir, to confirm, you want a surveillance camera placed inside the walk-in freezer?” Roman

asked, sounding only slightly intrigued.

“Yes,” Gabriel said simply.
“I’ll get Beavis and Butthead online to order an all-weather camera. We’ll have it in by the end

of the week,” Roman advised.

“Thank you.” Gabriel pushed the button to end the call.
“You have a telephone in your shower.” Ashby stared at the speaker in the wall.
“Technically it’s an intercom system, it’s only tied to a select few phone numbers. That way

those who have access to me upstairs are restricted.” Gabriel moved them back under the hot water.

“You didn’t have to put in the camera,” Ashby pouted, his lower lip sticking out.
“You are adorable when you argue.” Gabriel swiped his tongue across the protesting lip.
“Gabriel.” Ashby breathed his name and leaned in for a kiss. Gabriel took advantage and

plundered his mate’s mouth, pushing, demanding compliance. He turned to his left and used the hand
pump attached to the side of the shower wall to get some waterproof lube. He reached behind Ashby
and began to finger his mate’s tight hole. He was still partially stretched from the night prior and it
didn’t take long until he was easing Ashby down on his hard cock.

“Not gentle, please,” Ashby begged.
“How do you want it angel?” Gabriel left Ashby fully seated on his prick. Ashby looked

Gabriel in the eye and leaned forward and buried his teeth in Gabriel’s neck.

“Hard. Fuck me with your huge cock.” Ashby’s lips moved against Gabriel’s skin. Gabriel felt

his control snap as his mate took his life’s blood into his body and the dirty words fell from his
angel’s lips. He turned and pressed Ashby against the shower wall. He pounded into his mate’s
greedy ass again and again. The animalistic grunts and the sounds of flesh against flesh echoed in the
shower stall.

“Come,” Gabriel demanded and thrust his forefinger in beside his cock stretching his mate

further. Ashby’s eyes went wide and he screamed out his release, his hot cum mingling with the water.
Gabriel removed his finger and thrust deep once more before emptying into his mate.

“God I needed that,” Ashby said, closing his eyes. Gabriel lifted him off his softening dick and

gently washed his mate’s well-used hole.

“We have the rest of eternity. It will only get better between us,” Gabriel said washing his own


“What do you mean eternity?” Ashby asked, pausing in soaping himself up.
“I’m a true immortal, mon ange. Unless someone gets extremely lucky, I will live forever, and

as my mate, so will you,” Gabriel explained rinsing his hair. When he looked down he noticed that
Ashby had gone extremely pale.

“When were you going to tell me?” Ashby said. Gabriel could see a flash of anger in his eyes.
“I don’t know what you mean, does it matter when I tell you? We are mates, I am immortal, as

my mate so are you. Were you not going to mate with me had you known?” Gabriel asked, starting to
get irritated.

“No, but this is huge Gabriel. You should have told me,” Ashby turned his back to Gabriel after

he rinsed off the soap.

“I didn’t realize it would affect you this much. How about we have a nice dinner after we get

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back from shopping for your new things?” Gabriel said, turning off the water and stepping out of the
shower. Ashby stopped in his tracks behind Gabriel and gaped up at him.

“What do you mean new things?” he asked in the barest of whispers.
“You will need clothes and things since you will be moving in.” Gabriel looked down at Ashby,

not sure why his mate was looking at him as if he just suggested they go out and kill kittens instead of
the day of pampering and shopping he had planned for him.

“You never even asked me what I wanted,” Ashby said before grabbing a towel, his old clothes,

and marching out the door. Gabriel watched as he walked out of the master bedroom to the guest
bedroom and slammed the door.

What the fuck did I do? Gabriel slammed his hands on the counter. He took a deep breath, trying

to regain his composure as he dried off. He walked to the master bedroom and got dressed while he
replayed the conversation. He glanced at the closed guest room door. Sighing, he headed downstairs
to resume the meetings he had canceled to be with his mate today.

If he wants to be alone, then he will have all day to be alone, he threw himself into his work to

distract him from his mate’s hurt expression.

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Chapter 7

“We have three new guys in the pride and sweet baby Santa, are they hot! Liam was complaining

to his grandfather about getting behind with the pride accounts and about the hyena attacks. Grandpa
Lewenhart digs up three gay lion hotties and ships them to Arkadia. I almost peed myself laughing
when they introduced themselves in the diner. Liam cussed a blue streak, calmed down, and then gave
them the town tour. I swear if I weren’t mated… First we have Rex Townsend. Light-brown hair and
brown eyes, built like a linebacker. Rian trips over his damn feet around him.” Rebecca shared and
he could almost hear the eyeroll.

“Sounds yummy, what about the other two?” Ashby asked intrigued.
“Next we have Kent Fieldings, think really buff Clark Kent, complete with glasses. Swimmer’s

build, kinda shy, absolutely adorable. He blushes, Ashers, blushes! Kate and I want to adopt him. He
was Lachlan’s solution to Liam being behind in accounts and paperwork, the guy is a genius with
numbers. He makes you think bad things, like being naughty in study hall.” Rebecca laughed.

“Next?” Ashby asked, dying to hear about the last one.
“Last, but certainly not least, is Talon Forrester. This guy is almost as big as my bear, about six

foot seven. He’s massive, like blot-out-the-sun huge, but in the super cut and defined kind of way.
Kate and I are begging Liam to throw a pool party this summer, but our mates heard why we wanted
one and torpedoed that idea. But we are not giving up yet.” Rebecca dropped her voice to a whisper.

“Anyways, how are things in Purgatory? I still think that name is wicked,” Rebecca said.
“I locked myself in the damn freezer!” Ashby complained to Rebecca. He heard her giggle and

smiled. She had a way of making him smile even when he was mad or upset.

“Ashby, it could have happened to anyone,” Rebecca said warmly.
“I know, it just keeps happening to me. I hate being cold,” he said, shuddering.
“I bet you’re all wrapped up in a soft blankie now,” Rebecca said, teasingly.
“Yup. Gabriel bought me a baby penguin blanket during the months we were talking over the

phone. It was waiting for me in the linen closet. He must have been taking notes during our long
conversations this winter because I also found some coco in the kitchen. Imported stuff.” Ashby

“Is it any good?” Rebecca asked eagerly.
“It’s amazing, but, I miss my tiny marshmallows,” Ashby said quickly.
“I’ll buy a bag of mini-mini marshmallows for you so when you make your imported hot

chocolate you can have your extra sugar,” Rebecca said, laughing.

“I don’t know when I’ll be home again. I don’t have any clothes. Gabriel dropped this bomb on

me that I’m immortal now and that he was going to throw away all my stuff and I kinda freaked out. I
don’t mean to sound bratty, but I want my own darn underwear. I know that he will expect me to give
up my life and move here, but how can I leave you and everyone? My shop is there. If only vampires
could live in Arkadia, that would be the best, then the coven could be safe and I could stay with you
guys.” Ashby let all his frustration come forward.

“OK, one thing at a time. Was it really that big of a stretch that you would be immortal? You

must have known it was a possibility. Your only other option would have been to walk away from
your mating, and I highly doubt Gabriel was planning on throwing away all your belongings. What did
he say?” Rebecca asked.

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“He said the same thing about not really having a choice about the immortal thing and he said he

was going to take me shopping for new things since I would be moving in. I don’t want new things! I
don’t want to leave Arkadia!” Ashby let his tears fall.

“I admit that he shouldn’t have just assumed you would be moving in, especially since you have

your own business, but taking you shopping is an Alpha male thing, Ashby. You’ve seen Aleks. That
man practically becomes a caveman around me sometimes. It’s in their DNA to provide for their
mates. I don’t think vampires are much different than shifters in that regard. As for letting vampires
into Arkadia, let me talk to everyone and see what they think. I don’t want to lose you either.”
Rebecca paused.

“Ashers, did you tell him about Roger?” she asked gently.
“Yes.” Ashby twisted his blanket into knots.
“Did you tell Gabriel that’s why you are having issues with the way he is making decisions for

you?” Rebecca asked.

“Not in so many words. What if I say something and he…” Ashby couldn’t finish the sentence.
“What if he reacts the way Roger did and hits you?” Rebecca asked softly. Ashby nodded

knowing she couldn’t see him.

“Oh sweetie, I’m getting such sadness from you, even at this distance. I want to drive up there

and snuggle with you and make it all better,” Rebecca said emotionally.

“You think snuggling fixes everything,” Ashby smiled, making the effort to breathe through his


“Snuggling does fix everything. Invite your prince back upstairs and pull him into your blanket

nest with you. Tell him what’s upsetting you. We may be linked to our mate’s emotions, but that still
doesn’t make them mind readers or smarter,” Rebecca said and he could hear the smile in her voice.

“I love you, Becca,” he said, rubbing his cheek on the phone.
“I love you too, Ashers,” Rebecca said, making kissing noises. Ashby hung up the phone

wrapped the soft, fuzzy blanket around him and went in search of his prince.

* * * *

“Where did this come from?” Gabriel demanded, holding up a letter in his hand. Roman looked

over absently then frowned when he saw his prince’s glowing red eyes and descended fangs.

“It was in our normal stack of delivered mail. What is it?” Roman asked, standing and walking

over to Gabriel’s desk. He took the letter then paled. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his
phone before pushing a button that allowed him to use it as a walkie-talkie.

“Baptista, bring Larry, Moe, and Curly into Gabriel’s office immediately,” Roman said and

released the button.

“They have been with us nearly two hundred years, why do you still call them by false names?”

Gabriel asked, sitting down in his leather chair trying to latch onto something normal to control the
growing sense of rage brewing in his heart.

“When we first met they refused to introduce themselves or speak to me, so I made up names for

them. My personal favorites were Hickory, Dick and Dock,” Roman looked over the letter.

“Generic paper, no scent, not even of the human who would have delivered this nor the scents

from other mail. This was hand delivered. There’s nothing else to indicate where it came from. Since

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it was hand delivered I’ll get Frick and Frack to check the video surveillance,” Roman said, going to
his desk and sending an email to the twins.

“Sir, you needed to see us?” Baptista asked as all four men stepped into the office.
“Ashby will have a guard twenty-four hours a day, including the time he is with me. Post a guard

outside our apartments during the day when we sleep.” Gabriel stood and began to pace behind his

“Sir?” Baptista asked.
“Show him, Roman.” Gabriel said growling. Roman stepped forward and passed the letter to

Baptista. He read it over and his fangs dropped, he released a slow hiss. Montana’s eyes widened.

“It’s a threat that reads ‘Back off or die,’” Baptista said, thrusting the note into Kurt’s hands.
“The drug ring?” Kurt asked.
“They feel like they are untouchable.” Gabriel looked into the men’s eyes.
“Prove them wrong,” Gabriel said. Baptista nodded.
“Lauri, Kurt, Montana, we’re going to do twelve-hour rotations. Lauri you’re with Montana on

tracking this note down. Kurt you’re with me on protection detail. Dismissed,” Baptista said and the
three mountains left the office. Baptista hung back.

“If they are unafraid to threaten you, what must other covens be going through?” Baptista asked.

Gabriel froze in place and turned to face one of his oldest friends.

“They are scared to leave their homes,” Gabriel said quietly. “We need to find this ring and

destroy them, before anyone else is hurt.” Gabriel slammed his hand down on the wooden desk.

“Gabriel?” A soft voice asked from the doorway. Gabriel looked up and saw his angel standing

in the doorway wrapped up in his penguin blanket, his blue eyes wide. Their earlier argument seemed
so trivial now. Unable to speak he simply held out his hand and Ashby ran forward and wrapped his
blanket-covered arms around Gabriel’s waist.

“We’ll head downstairs to start checking on things,” Roman said, smiling at the way Ashby was

rubbing his cheek up and down on Gabriel’s chest. He didn’t miss the way his prince’s eyes melted
when looking at his mate. He had never seen his prince so open with his affections.

“I’ll be right outside sir,” Baptista said, smiling, and both left the office closing the door.
“What upset you?” Ashby asked, pushing his mate into his leather chair and then carefully

climbing into his lap.

“I received a distressing letter today. The men that I am investigating concerning the drug I told

you about, Shifted Death, have threatened us. They may go after you to get to me.” Gabriel wrapped
his arms around Ashby’s shoulders and pulled him close to his body.

“They won’t get me, you won’t let them. When I became your mate I knew there would be risks,

but it’s worth it to be with you.” Ashby said wrapping his arms around Gabriel’s neck.

“Any risk is unacceptable. Mikhail has been trying to track them down for months. Every time

we take one step forward we are pushed back five. You won’t be safe until they’re dead, but right
now there’s no end in sight. What kind of life is that for you?” Gabriel said, turning his head to stare
at the wall of monitors. Ashby leaned back away from Gabriel’s chest and placed both hands on
either side of his face. Gently he turned his lover’s face and looked up into his eyes.

“Just as any risk to me is unacceptable to you, being without you is painful to me. If it takes the

rest of our long lives to see this through then so be it. I’m your mate and no matter what happens you
are my life.” Ashby leaned forward and gently touched his lips to Gabriel’s. Softly he rubbed his nose

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back and forth against his mate’s.

“I’m sorry about earlier, I didn’t mean to upset you.” Gabriel nibbled on Ashby’s lower lip.

Ashby pulled back resting his hands on Gabriel’s chest his eyes looked downward.

“It wasn’t you, it was me. I told you about my ex-boyfriend, Roger, but what I didn’t tell you is

that because of what he did, I have a hard time letting others make decisions for me. Your innocent
comment about staying with you always and buying me clothes, in my mind, felt like you were trying
to control me.” Ashby stared down at his hands, which he had removed from around Gabriel’s neck.
Gabriel rubbed his hands up and down Ashby’s back in a soothing manner.

“You never mentioned any of this when we spoke on the phone all these months,” Gabriel said,

running his hand over Ashby’s hair.

“You were a fantasy over the phone. Even standing in line outside I didn’t think you really

wanted me. When you’re talking to your ultimate fantasy over the phone you don’t exactly tell them
you have anxiety issues stemming from the way your dead psychopathic ex-boyfriend used to abuse
you,” Ashby looked up at Gabriel.

“I was your ultimate fantasy?” Gabriel smiled. Ashby looked up coyly.
“Even before I knew we were mates, in my heart I referred to you as my prince. I’m sorry I got

so mad over your kind offer,” Ashby said, playing with Gabriel’s shirt buttons.

“I’m sorry I assumed that you would want new things instead of your familiar items from home. I

wasn’t trying to take your choices away, I was trying to keep you next to me as much as possible. I
didn’t even want you leaving for a little bit to get your things.” Gabriel kissed Ashby’s forehead.

“Rebecca was right, snuggling really does fix everything.” Ashby smiled up at his mate.
“I like the way she thinks. We may have to invest in more snuggly blankets.” Gabriel tucked the

penguin blanket around Ashby and settled back in his chair.

“Don’t you have meetings?” Ashby cuddled close.
“Nothing that can’t wait.” Gabriel said, laying his cheek on top of Ashby’s head and closing his


“I’ll borrow clothes from the twins for tonight and we can go shopping this weekend. You have

a godson to shop for.” Ashby smiled as he heard Gabriel’s heart pick up.

“Godson?” Gabriel asked looking down, eyes wide.
“Yes, godson. Rebecca has chosen me to be her son’s godfather. As my mate, you will be his

godfather as well. I can’t wait until he’s born! When we go shopping Nick told us to look out for a
small rocking chair, she doesn’t have one that fits her,” Ashby yawned.

“We’re going to be godparents.” Gabriel smiled wide.
“I think we’re up to the task,” Ashby said, snuggling down for a nap.
“I know we are.” Gabriel closed his eyes, once again enjoying the peaceful moment with his


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Chapter 8

“OK everyone, I call this meeting to order.” Rebecca stood next to the table where Aleks, Ma,

Kate, Bran, Caleb, and Liam sat looking at her with curiosity.

“If this is an attempt to get a town swimming pool so you can ogle pack and pride members, the

answer is no.” Aleks growled. Rebecca’s eyes widened in surprise. She brought her smartphone up
and made a note.

“Um of course not…” P.o.o.l. “OK, the real reason why we’re here,” she said, beaming at

everyone while Aleks tried to peek at what she typed on her smartphone.

“We’re also not doing a male calendar to raise money for the library,” Bran said, frowning.

Rebecca furiously tapped away on her phone.

“Nope, not that either. It’s—”
“And we’re not doing shirtless car wash either,” Caleb muttered. Rebecca paused and tapped on

her phone again.

“No, y’all are being silly, it’s nothing like that…for now.” Rebecca smiled wide. The men


“OK, baby, what idea do you have brewing in that head of yours?” Aleks asked.
“I want to modify the protective perimeter to allow for Gabriel’s coven to move to Arkadia,

that’s all.” She looked around the table as everyone stared at her in shock. Ma sighed.

“I saw this one coming, ever since Ashby was claimed by the prince.” Ma looked at Rebecca,

who was oblivious to the chaos she had created.

“Absolutely not!” Aleks roared.
“Aleks hush, you’re being loud.” Rebecca whacked him on the shoulder.
“No I won’t hush. That perimeter is there for a reason, to keep us safe. Specifically to keep us

safe against vampires, and you want to invite them in! Woman, this is too far even for you.” Aleks

“I’m not saying I’m one hundred percent against it, but we have the boys to consider Rebecca,

you have a baby on the way. Do we really want vampires in town?” Kate asked gently. Rebecca
nodded quickly.

“I know that I come off as, well…a bit of a flake, but I’m not. It’s just I have a lot swirling

around up here,” Rebecca said, pointing to her head and Aleks snorted. Her eyes narrowed
dangerously and he scooted a fraction of an inch away from his tiny mate.

“Anyway. I have been digging around in the archives and found out that the original plan for

Arkadia was for it to be a paranormal safe haven. Something happened and it became shifter only. I
can, as Alpha Mother, invite each coven member in individually. That will allow them access, but not
allow them to invite or bring anyone else into town. I can even word it so that if they turn feral the
invitation is negated. I can make it so that it’s just this town, not all of the other sister towns,”
Rebecca explained. Nearly every face around the table showed varying degrees of doubt.

“Rebecca, how come you can modify the perimeter, but couldn’t undo what Ethan did when he

invited the hyenas in?” Bran asked curiously.

“I think it’s because I will be creating new exceptions. I don’t think anyone could undo a breach.

It involves someone’s willing intent to allow harm, that willingness to do harm to a neighbor is old
magic and only their death could close the gap. I’ll just be creating tiny little loopholes,” Rebecca

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“I know you want to help Ashby, Becca, but I’m not sure this is the answer,” Aleks said softly.
“Give us time to think about it.” Bran said, and Kate nodded to Rebecca.
“OK, but let’s try to reach an answer soon. I have a bad feeling something bad will happen to

Ashby. I want him home,” Rebecca said, sitting down in Aleks’s lap. She rested her head on his chest,
trying to ignore the growing sense of danger.

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Chapter 9

“Are you sure this looks OK?” Ashby asked, turning around in the mirror again. Daniel and

David nodded enthusiastically. After Gabriel had finally let him out of his sight Ashby went to the
twins with the slight problem of not having anything to wear for the night. They were more than happy
to raid their closet as they were close in size.

“You look hot!” Daniel said, grinning.
“Gabriel is going to love it!” David said, fluffing Ashby’s soft blond curls.
“It’s not really me,” Ashby said unconvinced.
“Exactly!” the twins said together.
“Which is why it’s going to have the kind of impact you need. This is like your coming-out party

as Gabriel’s mate. You have to look the part, send a message,” Daniel said. Ashby looked down at his
low riding jeans and sheer white button-down.

“What exactly is the message I’m sending with this outfit? Twenty-dollar blow jobs?” Ashby


“Hey! We wear this, too, you know,” David said, frowning. Ashby ran his hands over his face.
“I’m so sorry, this outfit is amazing. It’s just so…” Ashby paused.
“Provocative?” the twins asked. Ashby nodded.
“I guess I’m not used to being center of attention,” Ashby admitted. The twins looked at each

other and burst out laughing.

“What?” Ashby demanded.
“Sweetie, you have looked in a mirror right?” David asked, gently turning Ashby around to look

into the full-length mirror.

“Darlin’, in the vampire world you could get any man you wanted. You are so beautiful it

borders on being sinful. If he hasn’t already, I will bet you my iPad that Gabriel has already called his
favorite artist to commission a painting of you…” David explained.

“Probably in the nude…” Daniel interjected. David shot him a dirty look.
“As I was saying. You are gorgeous, how could you not know that?” David asked. Ashby


“With shifters, strength is nearly everything. You need to be strong to hunt, to kill, to eat, to

protect your pride or pack and young. I’m small and girly. My hair is long and my voice is squeaky
and I’m short and my animal is a small fox, the smallest fox in the world. In fact I’m small even for a
fennec. Throw in the fact that I knew I was gay and I was always picked on,” Ashby admitted, staring
down at his feet.

“You stop that right now! If those Neanderthals couldn’t see the beauty in front of them, then fuck

them. You’re ours now, you look down for no one. There is a coven full of men and women who
would happily kill anyone who insulted you. You may have been picked on before, but that is a thing
of the past. You’re our prince now Ashby. If you allow others to look down on you, you insult the
ones who care about you, and in the vampire world you are second only to Gabriel. So when you
walk down those stairs and into the public for the first time as our prince you need to sell that outfit,”
Daniel said, his voice full of emotion.

“You won’t be charging for blow jobs, honey, they will be lining up to offer them,” David said

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with a wink. Ashby wiped his hand across his eyes and just grabbed both twins in a fierce hug before
pulling back.

“Nic was my only friend for the longest time. He always looked out for me. Then Rebecca came

along and she opened up everyone’s eyes that people were more than our animals and we met Rian,
Damian, and Kate. They are the only ones who really made me feel good about myself until you two,”
Ashby said, smiling shyly.

“Oh my God he is so damn adorable! I just want to eat him up!” Daniel hugged Ashby in return.
“Don’t let Gabriel hear you say that,” David joked and Daniel went pale.
“True,” he said wincing.
“You know, he’s not the big, bad monster you think he is,” Ashby said, getting kind of mad at the

way people kept getting scared of his mate.

“To you he’s not. You’re his mate, to the rest of us, he is one badass motherfucker that you don’t

ever…ever…want to piss off…like ever,” Daniel said.

“Think of it this way. Good parents are parents that instill the fear in their children, that if they

screw up they would rather die than face their parents right? It doesn’t mean those parents don’t love
their child or try to do the best they can for them and protect them, it just means that child has a sense
of right and wrong and consequences.

“Vampires are like really strong, powerful children. Gabriel has to be cold and calculating to

instill that type of fear into an entire people. But we as his coven know more than anyone exactly how
caring he is. He has sacrificed a lot to try to keep our people safe. But in order for him to pull that off,
the very people that he loves have to fear him more than anything,” David explained, his eyes sad.

“Which is another reason why tonight you have to be more than Ashby the ice cream parlor

owner. You have to be our prince, you have to show everyone that you not only support Gabriel and
everything that he does, but you also have the strength to stand beside him.

“I don’t think I can do that,” Ashby said, looking at Daniel and David, panic growing in his


“Of course you can. I think you can do a lot more than you think you can,” Daniel said fluffing

Ashby’s curls.

“And will be right there beside you, every step of the way,” David said smiling.
“Then what are we waiting for?” Ashby asked taking a deep breath.
“Exactly!” Daniel said grabbing both of Ashby’s hands.
“Let’s go downstairs and show everyone exactly what you’re made of,” David said. Ashby took

a deep breath and felt butterflies swarm in his stomach.

It was just dancing at the club his mate owned, with every paranormal in a fifty mile radius

standing by and judging his every move, he could do this. Right?

* * * *

Ashby felt like he was going to be sick. When he walked downstairs with the twins he knew

people were staring at him trying to figure out if he was Gabriel’s mate. He plastered a smile on his
face, straightened his back and stepped out into the club as if he owned it.

He made sure to keep his face up and met the eyes of any new people the twins introduced him

to. He pretended like he was a sultan or emperor from the fairy tale books he loved to read as a child.

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“I thought you didn’t know what to do?” Daniel asked amazed. Ashby turned to him and winked.
“I pretended I parked my flying carpet next to the elephant caravan outside,” Ashby said,

dramatically brushing the bangs out of his eyes.

“Is that why I caught you humming Prince Ali from Aladdin?” David asked, eyes wide.
“Yup, how am I doing?” Ashby asked, his eyes filling with the earnest innocence that the twins

had come to care for. The twins began to crack up.

“You’re totally play acting! We thought you had split personalities or something. Thank God!”

Daniel said, bumping shoulders with Ashby.

“It was the only thing I could think of to get in the headspace I needed,” Ashby shrugged his


“It’s cool, the other paranormals and vampires are eating the act up. No one would second guess

you as a prince,” David said as he nodded to the cluster of local vampires smiling at Ashby in a
fawning way.

“Ass lickers,” Daniel said rolling his eyes.
“Can we dance now?” Ashby begged. He had been dying to move his body, the DJ had been

spinning his ass off. The twins nodded and made their way from the VIP level where the gathered
paranormal leaders had congregated, to the dance floor where the everyday people were gyrating and
swaying to the music.

He danced between David and Daniel as the music moved through his veins. People pressed

against him on all sides, the dance floor moving as one. After about an hour Ashby felt a hand on his
shoulder. He looked up into the face of a handsome man who wore a sardonic smile. The man pulled
Ashby against his body, keeping a hand on his lower back.

“I think you should play with me tonight, little one.” The man smiled showing even white teeth.

Before Gabriel, Ashby would’ve been flattered to dance with such a man, now his touch seemed
revolting. This man wasn’t his mate.

“Thank you, but I’m here with someone,” Ashby said, trying to pull away.
“You can’t be here with anyone important, otherwise they’d be watching over you,” the man


“Trust me, he has made arrangements for my protection,” Ashby said, still tugging.
“Baby, I’m over five hundred years old. There’s no one here that can take me,” the man said,

leaning forward as if to capture Ashby’s lips.

“You better let him go!” Daniel said from one side.
“Yeah he’s spoken for!” David said from the other side.
“Please let me go!” Ashby said. His skin felt hot where the man’s hands touched him. He was

just about to call for Gabriel, when they heard a low, animalistic growl. The music stopped, the
people quieted, the club went silent.

“Take your hands off my mate,” Gabriel said quietly and coldly. The man began to choke. His

hands left Ashby’s body and grasped in vain at the invisible force around his throat that had levitated
him off the ground.

“The next time a man tells you his is spoken for I suggest you listen,” Baptista said from behind

the man. The choking man looked up into Gabriel’s face and his entire frame began to shake.

“Sir—I didn’t—know…” the man stammered gasping for air.
“Even if you did not know he was mine, he clearly stated he was here with someone. That alone

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should have been enough to leave him be. Baptista, please escort this gentleman out,” Gabriel said
from the VIP balcony. The man dropped to the floor struggling to pull air into his lungs. Baptista
nodded and hefted the man toward the front doors. Gabriel turned his eyes and met Ashby’s.

“Are you well, mon ange?” Gabriel asked, his eyes softening.
“Yes I’m fine, he didn’t hurt me.” Ashby rubbed his arms. Gabriel nodded.
“I hope that you join me soon.” Gabriel turned back to the VIP room, disappearing from sight. It

was clear that Gabriel was trying to give Ashby choices instead of demanding that he join him in the
VIP room. Ashby smiled. Maybe things would be all right after all. Slowly the music resumed and
hushed whispers were heard throughout the club. Ashby, David, and Daniel tried dancing on the
dance floor again, but it was no longer any fun. Where before he felt like he was part of the club as he
moved to the bass of the music, and melded with the people, now he felt like a circus attraction. Even
on the dance floor, everyone stayed at least four feet away. Grimacing, Ashby looked at David and
Daniel, and the twins shook their heads.

“Let’s head over to the bar area and have a drink,” Daniel said.
“Yeah, let’s take a break,” David said. Ashby smiled and nodded. They easily made their way

from the dance floor to the bar as everyone moved out of their way. It also wasn’t hard to get one of
the coveted leather couches in the bar area, two local vampires practically tripped over themselves
when attempting to get out of their way. Ashby would have found it amusing if he wasn’t so

“Prince Ashby, it’s an honor to wait on you. My name is Micah, what will you have tonight?” the

waiter asked.

“I guess the cat is completely out of the bag now,” Daniel said, sitting down.
“No hiding anymore, Ashby,” David added, sitting on the other side of Ashby.
“I’ll just have water, thank you,” Ashby said, fanning himself between the twins.
“Yeah I’m going to have water, too.” David threw himself back on the leather sofa trying to cool


“Make that three,” Daniel said, wiping his face with a napkin.
“Right away, sirs,” Micah said and hurried away.
“I could get used to hanging with you Ashby,” Daniel said, putting his feet up on the coffee table.
“Yeah we never get treated this well,” David said, putting a pillow behind his head.
“But you guys live here,” Ashby said, confused.
“Yeah, that doesn’t mean we get VIP treatment,” Daniel said, wiggling around on the comfy sofa.
“The staff knows us, so they serve customers first,” David explained. All three turned their

heads at the sound of glass shattering on the floor. David winced.

“Noel will kill him if he drops anymore glass,” Daniel said, shaking his head.
“That’s the third time this week,” David said, sitting up, straining to see over the crowd to see

what had dropped.

“Who the waiter?” Ashby asked, turning his head toward the bar as well.
“Yeah, he’s a great waiter, everyone loves him, he’s just clumsy,” Daniel said, shrugging.
“I think it’s funny that as clumsy as he is, he works around a lot of glassware.” David grinned


“You’re bad,” Ashby said, smiling.
“Well yeah, but we’re fun,” Daniel said, wagging his eyebrows. Ashby rolled his eyes and all

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three started laughing. After a few minutes the waiter came back out of breath, carrying a tray with
three water bottles.

“I’m so sorry it took so long. I had these ready, and someone knocked over a stack of beer mugs.

Of course the bartender thought it was me. Thank goodness they’re still cold,” the waiter said,
smiling, and handed over the three bottles of water. Ashby reached into his pocket as if to pull out
cash when the waiter backed away, eyes wide.

“You…you don’t have to pay, you’re our prince. Of course you don’t have to pay,” the waiter

stammered. Ashby blushed furiously. David and Daniel just grinned. The waiter hurried away to
another table that was flagging him down.

“See. VIP treatment,” Daniel said, chugging his water. Both Ashby and David unscrewed their

water bottles and also began to drink. They had worked up quite a thirst on the dance floor. David and
Daniel put down empty bottles and turned to Ashby.

“So, when you think we could try pizza?” Daniel asked, rubbing his hands together. Ashby set

his half-drank bottle of water on the table.

“We could order some tomorrow. My favorite is pineapple, chicken, and feta. I love pizza,”

Ashby said. All three watched the crowd, commenting on outfits and dance moves, as the music
continued to blare from the dance floor.

“I don’t know about skinny jeans on guys, it just looks odd,” Ashby said, pointing out one of the

male cheetahs. He was in the middle of laughing with the twins when Ashby looked up feeling funny.
He rubbed his stomach with a shaking hand.

“Hey guys, I don’t feel so good,” Ashby said, his words slightly slurred as his tongue felt too

large for his mouth.

“Yeah you don’t look so good,” David said, standing, looking around for Baptista. Daniel stood,

trying to help Ashby to stand.

“Hold on, we’ll get Baptista. He can help you to the VIP room,” Daniel said, wrapping an arm

around Ashby’s waist.

“Need…Gabriel,” Ashby said, his breathing becoming labored. Ashby staggered and swayed

between David and Daniel. On uneven feet he made his way to the stairs that led to the VIP room. He
was about to take the first step when he collapsed onto the stairs between the twins. In the background
he heard Gabriel yelling for him. Before anyone had a second to panic, Baptista was there scooping
up Ashby and running up the stairs. The twins ran behind Baptista trying to keep up.

Gabriel met them at the top of the stairs and immediately took Ashby from Baptista’s arms.
Mon ange, what is wrong?” Gabriel asked frantically, his hands moving over the body of his

mate. Ashby looked up, but his eyes were glazed over and he blinked repeatedly.

“I’m dizzy,” Ashby whispered barely audible, before his eyes fluttered shut. Gabriel leaned

forward nearly pressing his nose to his lover’s lips.

“Daniel, David, come here!” Gabriel demanded. Both men ran forward and dropped to their

knees beside Ashby. Gabriel leaned forward and smelled their lips as well.

“Almonds,” Gabriel said, right before Ashby started convulsing.
“No!” He yelled and turned to Roman who stood behind them stunned.
“Call that lone wolf pack and see if they have someone trained to care for sick shifters. We can’t

wait for the doctor from Arkadia to get here. Tell them he is a fennec fox and that he has been
poisoned with cyanide,” Gabriel said, easily lifting his small mate in his arms. He turned to Baptista.

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“Find out what happened and bring me whoever is responsible.” Not waiting for an answer he

rushed up the stairs to his apartments. He kicked open the door and gently lay Ashby down on the bed.
He removed Ashby’s shoes and clothes, replacing them with a loose pair of boxers. He grabbed a
small garbage can before he turned Ashby on his side. With tears in his eyes, he stuck his fingers
down his mate’s throat. He did it twice more before Ashby was able to vomit a small amount of
liquid. He prayed that it made the difference.

“Is there anything we can do?” David asked timidly from the door, Daniel standing behind him.
“Can you sit with him? I need to call Arkadia,” Gabriel said, grabbing Ashby’s phone from the

nightstand. They nodded and eased themselves onto the bed on either side of Ashby, who seemed to
be having difficulty breathing. They rubbed Ashby’s back gently and moved his hair out of his face.

Gabriel turned the phone on and went into his mate’s contact list. He scrolled through until he

found the contact he was looking for. Looking at the smiling face of Rebecca Arkadion on the contact
profile he pressed Call. After a few rings a soft voice answered the phone.

“Ashby? Why are you calling so late? Is everything OK? Why do I feel so dizzy?” she asked,

sounding sick.

“This is Gabriel, I’m afraid…” His voice failed him as his throat choked up.
“Gabriel! Where’s Ashby, why are you on his phone, what has happened?” Rebecca began

rapidly firing questions. Clearing his throat he tried to speak again.

“Ashby has been poisoned, it was cyanide. Is there anyone you can ask about treating a poisoned

shifter?” Gabriel asked hurriedly.

“What! I knew something was going happen!” Rebecca cried into the phone before dissolving

into sobs.

“What? What the hell is going on! Who is this?” Gabriel heard Aleks demand when he suddenly

came on the line.

“Aleks, Ashby has been poisoned, how do I treat him?” Gabriel asked. The low sounds of grief

coming from Rebecca was almost his undoing.

“Hold on, I’m on my phone…Ma, I need you over here now, Rebecca has received a shock. I’m

not sure how this is going to affect the baby, I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night,” Aleks said
to his ma from his own cell phone.

“OK, I’m back. What is his state?” Aleks asked in a steady voice.
“Before losing consciousness, he was complaining that he was dizzy, he is having trouble

breathing, and I can’t wake him,” Gabriel explained as Roman came up behind him. “Report,” he said
to Roman holding the phone away from his mouth.

“One of their pack is a medic, he’s on his way. ETA should be ten minutes,” Roman said,

watching Gabriel pace the floor with Ashby’s cell phone.

“Gabriel, do you have any idea how much he ingested?” Aleks asked. Gabriel turned to the


“What did you three have downstairs that could have been poisoned?” Gabriel asked.
“All we had was water. David and I finished our bottles, but Ashby only had half of his,” Daniel

explained wiping his eyes.

“He had about half a bottle of water. When we got upstairs I got him to vomit maybe two to

three ounces,” Gabriel said, waving Baptista over to his side when he appeared in the doorway.

“He may have a fighting chance. But whoever did this knew about shifters. Certain poisons and

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drugs we just piss out. Cyanide is one of the few that actually hits us harder than humans,” Aleks

“I can get Doc Claybourne out there, he can be there in about an hour,” Aleks said.
“Send him. I have a wolf pack medic on his way that should be here in about five minutes. But I

want a doctor to examine him as well. I want to take every precaution. Mating with me will give him
immortality but he is still vulnerable to shifter weaknesses,” Gabriel explained.

“Of course you do, he’s your mate.” Aleks’s voice became slightly muffled as if he turned his


“No we are not going to Purgatory, you can barely stand. You better get that sassy ass of yours

back in bed. We’ll visit him when he’s feeling better,” Aleks said gently to his mate.

“Call us with any and all updates. As you can hear, my mate is not taking this well, she and

Ashby are extremely close. She’s getting the effects of the poison through their bond,” Aleks said, his
voice sounding stressed.

Suddenly it struck Gabriel exactly how this could also impact the Arkadions. Could Ashby

dying hurt the young Alpha Mother?

“They’ll be OK,” Gabriel said with a shaky voice.
“There’s no other choice,” Aleks replied.
“I’ll call as soon as his condition changes.”
“Doc is on his way.” Aleks said and then the call ended. Gabriel turned to Baptista who stood

beside the shaking Micah.

“Just tell him what you told me,” Baptista said gently. Micah nodded.
“I was the one who served Prince Ashby, David, and Daniel their water. After I took their order

I ran back to the bar to get their water. I was excited that I got to serve Prince Ashby, so I wanted to
be quick. I placed the water bottles on my tray when a stack of the beer mugs was knocked over. But I
swear it wasn’t me this time Prince Gabriel! Of course Rhys didn’t believe me, so I helped clean up
the glass. When I was done I picked up the tray and gave Prince Ashby his water. It didn’t look
tampered with or I would never have given it to him!” Micah said emphatically.

“I believe you Micah, can you go back downstairs and help Noel close up the club?” Gabriel

said. Micah nodded and hurried from the apartment.

“I remember hearing the glass break, but I assumed it was Micah, too,” Baptista said, running a

hand over his shaved head.

“Whoever poisoned Ashby knocked over the glassware to distract Micah and either poisoned

the bottles on the tray or replaced them with tainted ones,” Gabriel said, walking over to stand at the
foot of the bed.

“They were replaced. We don’t sell this brand of water,” Baptista said, holding up a zip lock

bag with the three water bottles in it.

“I’m telling you he called us here!” A voice was heard from downstairs.
“Let them up now!” Gabriel yelled and seconds later the rapid steps heralded the arrival of the

lone wolf pack living outside of Brighton.

“This way,” Gabriel said, pointing to the bed. Immediately the man in front went to the bed.

David and Daniel got off the bed and stood to one side as the wolf shifter began to gather Ashby’s

“I heard downstairs you think it was cyanide, do you have any proof?” the man asked as he was

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taking Ashby’s pulse.

“You don’t believe our prince?” Baptista bristled beside Gabriel, who raised a hand to quiet


“I smelled almonds on his lips and on the lips of Daniel and David. It evidently hits shifters

harder than humans, but has no effect on vampires, which explains why Daniel and David are fine. We
have the water bottles we believe to have been used to poison my mate,” Gabriel said, indicating to
Baptista to hold up the bag.

“Your mate?” the tall man who stood behind the medic asked, his eyes wide. Gabriel nodded.
“Fuck me running, listen, no one said anything about treating your mate. We won’t be held

responsible if nothing can be done,” the tall black-haired man said, his eyes unyielding.

“As long as you do everything you can to save my mate, then there won’t be any consequences.

You didn’t poison him nor are you God. I understand this,” Gabriel said, hating but understanding the
wolf leader’s fear that his pack could suffer if anything happened to Ashby.

“The name is Eirik Lyall, the man treating your mate is Nathaniel Hamilton. I brought one other

pack member who I left downstairs, his name is Ronan Evans.” The large Alpha finished the
introductions as Nathaniel pulled away from Ashby.

“I won’t know for sure until we can run blood work, but from listening to his heart I’d say he

has a good chance of pulling through. I can feel two distinct ties holding him here, one to you as your
mate and another to a small dark-haired woman. The love and concern I feel coming from that bond is
extremely strong. Ashby’s soul is tethered by this bond and your bond as mates. I don’t know who she
is though.” Nathaniel paused, his brows coming together frowning.

“That would be Rebecca Arkadion. She is his Alpha Mother, they bonded months ago. He is

part of her Inner Court.” Gabriel was unsure at first about how he felt knowing that his mate was tied
to another, but now he was grateful. It was one more bond keeping Ashby alive.

“I’m not a doctor but I can heal small things, it’s a gift that runs in my family. If you would allow

it, I can ease his breathing a little.” Nathaniel said, looking up for permission.

“You don’t have to ask. If there is anything that can be done to ease any of his pain please do it,”

Gabriel said, indicating to the bed. Nathaniel nodded and took Ashby’s small pale hand in his.
Gabriel watched in amazement as Ashby’s breathing evened a bit and the pained expression lifted
from his face.

“Thank you,” Gabriel said, wearily sitting at the foot of the bed.

* * * *

An hour later, Dr. Claybourne showed up. He was immediately shown upstairs to where Ashby

still lay unconscious.

“I brought some of Nic’s blood. I’m hoping if I can flush his system with liquids and untainted

blood it will give his body the edge it needs to beat this. Let me be perfectly honest with you Prince
Gabriel, stronger shifters have died from cyanide poisoning,” Doc said, his face tired and grim.

“I understand, please do what you can.” Gabriel motioned to the bed.
“I was made to understand that you have medical facilities here,” Doc asked. Gabriel nodded.
“Downstairs where my people sleep we have a clinic,” he said.
“Let’s get him moved. He’s going to need a blood infusion and an IV drip,” Doc said, walking

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over to the bed.

“Oh, my Ashby, what has been done to you?” Doc said, looking down at the small, still pale


“He is not your Ashby,” Gabriel said flatly. Doc raised a single eyebrow.
“I don’t care if you’re the King of Siam. Ashby belongs to those who love him and I hate to

break it to you Dracula, but in Arkadia we have years on you when it comes to caring for this young
man. Now move out of my way as I try to save my friend,” Doc said, brushing past Gabriel to lift
Ashby gently in his arms.

David and Daniel watched the entire scene, their eyes wide.
“Dude, can I be you when I grow up?” David asked. Daniel nodded. Doc looked over at the

small men and winked. They both blushed. He carried Ashby’s form down the three flights of stairs
and waited on the ground level. Gabriel followed and went to the hallway beside the bathrooms,
where he waved his hand to reveal a small keypad. He punched in the code that unlocked the door. He
walked through the opened doorway and headed to the right.

“This way, doctor. And know that the only reason you’re still breathing is because I know you

can help my mate,” Gabriel said coldly. Doc rolled his eyes. Gabriel led the man holding his mate
into the underground chambers where his people slept for the day. He headed left and walked into a
darkened room, then reached out to the right wall and turned on the lights. In front of them were three
small rooms which made up the basics for their small clinic. Doc carried Ashby into the main
treatment room and laid him down on one of the beds. Behind him Baptista walked in carrying a bag
and a cooler.

“Perfect. If you could set those on the counter please,” Doc said, moving around the room

flipping switches and checking gauges. He went to a drawer and pulled out the small kit to start an IV.
Gabriel watched as the man who was obviously the master of his craft stuck his small mate and
started the blood transfusion that would give him the untainted blood from his friend. He carefully
removed a second IV kit and made his way to Ashby’s other side. There he started a second IV, one of
saline, antibiotics, and vitamins.

“What was done before I got here? His breathing is surprisingly even for someone who’s been

poisoned,” Doc asked.

“That would be me, sir. My name is Nathaniel, healing is a gift from my family,” the auburn-

haired man said, stepping forward.

“I’d be interested in seeing exactly what your limitations are Nathaniel,” Doc said, taking

Ashby’s pulse.

“He’s not an experiment. We prefer you not say anything about his gifts,” Eirik said from behind

Nathaniel. Without even turning around Doc snorted.

“You must be the Alpha. Please, it’s a closed space, try not to piss on him to mark him, the smell

will get overwhelming,” Doc said writing down Ashby’s pulse and temperature. He turned around to
face the room full of men.

“Gentlemen he’s not going to jump up and dance the jig. You can do nothing for him here, I’ll let

you know if there are any changes. Nathaniel, if you are able to stay I would like to see the changes
that you have on his physiology,” Doc said to the auburn-haired man. Nathaniel looked over to his
Alpha who scowled and nodded. Nathaniel’s head turned back to Doc smiling.

“I can stay.”

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“Wonderful,” Doc said. Pulling out his phone from the medical bag, his long fingers moved

quickly over the text pad. He hit send, and then turned to Nathaniel.

“I sent an update to Aleks. OK, let’s get started.” Doc turned back to Ashby.
Gabriel moved to the side of the bed and took a seat in the plush armchair.
“He won’t wake up for a while,” Doc said, his voice gentling from his normal slightly aloof

tones. Gabriel nodded.

“I know, but I can’t leave him.” Gabriel took Ashby’s hand. Doc nodded.
“I guess if it were my mate, I wouldn’t be able to leave either.”

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Chapter 10

“Gabriel, it’s been two days since I was poisoned, I’m doing much better now. I can stand, I can

dress myself, I can walk to the kitchen, I can make myself breakfast, and I’m bored out of my mind,”
Ashby said from their large king-size bed.

“You were on death’s door two days ago, please take it easy, for me?” Gabriel asked, tucking

the blanket around his mate.

“If I promise to take it easy can I at least get out of bed? Please?” Ashby batted his eyes.

Gabriel sighed.

“OK you can get out of bed, as long as you take it easy. If you feel weak or short of breath or

dizzy sit down and call me.” Gabriel looked around for Ashby’s robe.

“Whoo hoo! I’m free!” Ashby bounced out of bed, heading to the closet to grab some clothes.
“What did I just say about taking it easy?” Gabriel held up the robe. He watched as Ashby

pulled on underwear, jeans, socks, a T-shirt and sweater. Before Doc had left the previous day,
Gabriel had made sure that Ashby had clothes to change into for when he was feeling better. David
and Daniel happily went to the mall shopping for Ashby.

“I love my cashmere sweater, it’s snuggly!” Ashby ran his hands all over the sweater. Gabriel

watched Ashby’s enthusiastic movements and smiled. As he got to know his mate, he realized that
Ashby loved the simplest things in life. Shaking his head, he lay the robe down on the bed.

“So what are your plans for today?” Gabriel asked.
“I need to call Rebecca, she took my getting sick extremely hard. Do you think maybe…” Ashby

trailed off and looked at Gabriel.

“What, my angel?” Gabriel asked, curious.
“Do you think we could send her some of that imported hot chocolate that I love? I know that

would make her feel better,” Ashby asked. Gabriel smiled and went to stand next to Ashby and took
him in his arms.

“You’re always thinking of others, I love that about you.” Gabriel kissed Ashby on the nose.

Ashby’s eyes widened and Gabriel realized what he said. Cupping Ashby’s face Gabriel looked into
his eyes.

“Yes, I love you. I’m sorry that it took you nearly dying for me to realize I hadn’t said it yet. But

it doesn’t make it any less true. I fear for my coven if something were to happen to you. I’m not
romantic, you’re not my heart or my breath. You’re my sanity and my humanity.” Gabriel took Ashby’s
dazed expression as permission to capture his lips. He felt Ashby’s breath catch and grinned. Ashby
wrapped his arms around Gabriel’s neck and jumped. He wrapped his legs around his waist and
looked into his prince’s eyes. Gabriel easily supported his weight.

“I love you too. I knew that you were there even when I couldn’t wake up. I could feel you next

to me. You gave me a reason to wake up. I may be your sanity and humanity but you’re my future,”
Ashby said before slamming his mouth onto Gabriel’s. He licked and sucked his mate’s lips as if it
were his last meal. His body had its own agenda and he found himself grinding against his mate’s

“We have to take it easy my angel, I don’t want to hurt you.” Gabriel pulled away for a moment.
“We could suck each other off. That’s not too vigorous,” Ashby said, panting.
“I think you’re right,” Gabriel said, turning and throwing him on the bed. Ashby gave an unmanly

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squeak before unbuttoning his jeans and shimmying them down his thighs. He took his hard cock in his
hand and began to stroke it as Gabriel watched.

“I think even if I were dying I’d still want you like this,” Ashby said. Gabriel growled.
“We’ll never find out,” Gabriel quickly stepped out of his slacks revealing that he too was also

hard and ready for his mate.

“Gimme, gimme.” Ashby’s hands reached for Gabriel. Gabriel grinned and climbed onto the

bed. He positioned himself over Ashby in a sixty nine position so that his groin lined up with his
mate’s perfect mouth. He hissed as he felt Ashby’s lips wrap around him. It had been too long since
he enjoyed his lover’s body. Not wanting to neglect his mate he bent his head down and took Ashby’s
length down his throat. He felt Ashby’s mouth leave his body as he gave a strangled moan. He loved
driving Ashby insane. He came up off Ashby’s hard shaft and wrapped his tongue around the head. He
used the tip of his tongue and lips to nibble and dance around the crown and into the slit. His own
movements stilled when he felt Ashby’s mouth on him again. His little mate knew exactly what he
wanted and he moaned when he felt Ashby’s teeth slightly graze his cock. He lifted his mouth off of
Ashby’s hard prick and slicked up one of his own fingers with his mouth. When his head dipped again
to swallow Ashby down he pressed single digit into Ashby’s tight hole, and his beautiful baby went
wild. He felt the moist heat come off his cock and he heard Ashby yell.

“Please fuck me! Please! I need you so badly!” Ashby begged. Gabriel sat up and turned his

body around to face Ashby and watched as Ashby pulled his jeans and underwear completely off his

“Get the lube.” Gabriel rubbed his hand up and down Ashby’s length. Ashby quickly turned his

upper body and opened the nightstand drawer before handing Gabriel the lube. Gabriel took the small
tube and poured some slick onto Ashby’s fluttering hole.

“You really want it don’t you baby? Tell me what you want,” Gabriel said, easing two digits

into the tight rosette.

“I want you. I need you so badly. Just tasting you wasn’t enough,” Ashby said breathlessly.

Unable to tease either of them any longer, Gabriel poured some lube on his straining cock and eased
the head into Ashby’s dark entrance. He watched as his mate’s body seemed to pull him in again and

“I love this ass! Your ass is like heaven baby, I never want to leave.” Gabriel filled his mate


“Harder, Gabriel. Fuck me harder!” Ashby demanded. Gabriel leaned forward and pushed

Ashby’s knees into his chest. He slammed into his small mate again and again giving them both
exactly what they needed.

“No one is taking you from me. You can never leave me!” Gabriel roared and thrust as deep as

he could into Ashby. He heard his mate cry out before ropes of pearly cum splashed between them.
His mate’s orgasm triggered his own and he cried out as he filled the tight channel with his cum.
Gently he pulled out of his mate and collapsed to one side of Ashby. Gulping air between each word
he spoke.

“What…did I say…about…taking it easy?” he asked.
“I don’t know about you, but I feel a lot better,” Ashby said, giggling.
“Brat,” Gabriel said, catching his breath. When his breathing evened out he left the bed and

went to the bathroom. He returned with a warm washcloth and cleaned his angel. Ashby blushed the

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entire time. When he was done Gabriel leaned down and kissed Ashby’s lips softly, thankful his mate
was alive.

* * * *

“You’re kidding me. That is not the name of a real drink.” Ashby giggled as Rhys told him about

the different drinks he made at Purgatory.

“I kid you not, it’s called Choking Hazard. Not as popular as the Blow Job or Screaming

Orgasm, but I have fun with it.” Rhys smiled down at the smaller man.

“What is the craziest thing you have heard working here?” Ashby asked, his elbows on the bar.
“Let’s see, the craziest thing would be the proposition I got from one of the visiting wolf Alphas.

He wanted to make a paranormal sandwich. Me and him and a pretty blonde witch between us.” Rhys
lazily stocked his bar with tall bottles.

“Whadja tell him?” Ashby asked in a whisper, his blue eyes wide. Rhys winked.
“I told him my shift ended at dawn.” Rhys laughed and tapped Ashby between the eyes with a


“You should see the look on your face!” Rhys continued to laugh as Ashby blushed.
“Quit scandalizing the little guy,” Baptista said, though he too was smiling.
“I’m not scandalized,” Ashby protested.
“Sure thing, squirt. Where are your ladies in waiting?” Rhys asked, picking up a clipboard.
“David and Daniel said they had some work to do with a firewall router thingie, so I came

down here,” Ashby said, using straws to build a small house.

“Aren’t you bored kiddo? I’d be going out of my mind.” Rhys continued the bar’s inventory


“I am, a little. I love Gabriel and being with him, but my shop’s been closed for almost a week, I

miss my apartment and my things. I just don’t know how this is going to work,” Ashby sighed, sadly
fiddling with a straw.

“Don’t give up just yet Ashby, Gabriel is extremely resourceful. He’ll find a way for the two of

you to be together without you having to sacrifice everything, you’ll see,” Baptista said, ruffling
Ashby’s hair.

“Thanks. I think I needed to hear that.” Ashby looked up at the two men smiling. He was coming

to care for every coven member, they were starting to feel like family, just like Arkadia.

“Ashby!” Gabriel’s voice rang through the club. Ashby jumped up so fast his foot caught in the

rung of the barstool and he nearly fell over, only Baptista’s quick movements kept him from slamming
into the ground.

“I’m down here!” Ashby said, regaining his balance next to Baptista. By the time he looked up

Gabriel was breathing hard from the doorway. Before he could blink he was wrapped in Gabriel’s

“I’m fine, what is it? What’s wrong?” Ashby demanded, his face pressed against Gabriel’s


“I received another letter today.” Ashby could feel Gabriel’s heart pounding against his cheek,

beating erratically. He could also feel the deep terror coming through his mate bond with Gabriel.

“What did this one say?” Ashby asked, pulling back slightly to look up at Gabriel. Gabriel

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The fox will die, Gabriel recounted.
“This letter was delivered on vellum, I thought it was a function invitation.” Gabriel tightened

his hold on Ashby.

“They’re stepping up their game,” Roman said from the doorway, holding the letter.
“They’ll try to kill Ashby in an attempt to kill you, my prince,” Montana added. Most of the day

coven members had gathered in the bar.

“They will not take our little prince away from us!” Rhys yelled, slamming his hands down on

the bar. The coven members echoed his decree.

“Prince Gabriel, he will be with one of us constantly, I dare them to try and get to him,” Baptista

said, his eyes shining bright. Ashby looked around confused.

“They care for you, too, my angel. I told you, they would give their lives for you. Not just to

keep me safe, but I knew they would come to care for you as well. You’re just too sweet not to love,”
Gabriel said and Ashby could feel his heartbeats slow down to a more normal pace.

“I love them too. They are like family,” Ashby said, quietly underestimating vampire hearing.
“Oh my God, we love you, too!” Daniel exclaimed and ran up behind Ashby to latch himself on

in a hug.

“You are so damn cute!” David said squeezing his body into the hug. Gabriel looked down at the

armful of men he now held and sighed as they all squirmed around trying to get hugs and Ashby

“Gentlemen, if you’re finished?” he said, raising a dark eyebrow with his mouth twitching

slightly. All three looked up at him with identical innocent expressions. He couldn’t help it—he
smiled. David’s and Daniel’s eyes widened and he could hear the coven’s whispers of surprise.

“I am trusting all of you to watch over him in my absence.” He looked up and saw that most of

the coven members were nodding, misty eyed. In less than a week his mate had managed to steal the
hearts of his coven members.

“I have a meeting with the regional coven leaders upstairs. If you need me for anything don’t

hesitate to interrupt,” Gabriel said as David and Daniel stood back, leaving just Ashby in his arms.
Daniel snorted.

“That’s because you know that asshole Dorian is one of the leaders coming today.”
“You should not speak disrespectfully of a coven leader, Daniel. But…you’re right. He is an

asshole,” Gabriel agreed.

“I’ll be fine, see? Everyone here will keep me safe,” Ashby said, pointing to the coven


“OK my love, but we will need lots of snuggle time to get me out of my bad mood after the

meeting is over,” Gabriel whispered in Ashby’s ear. Ashby blushed.

“Deal!” Reluctantly Gabriel let go and walked across the room toward the door.
“Come on Roman, it is your job to keep me from killing these sycophants,” Gabriel said,

striding out the door. Roman rolled his eyes.

“Lucky me,” he said in his deadpan manner and followed his prince up the stairs.
Ashby looked at David and Daniel.
“So. Want to order pizza?” he asked, smiling.

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Chapter 11

Ashby was on his second slice of pizza when he felt it. At first it felt like a tugging, a slight pull.

But then the pull became twists in his soul and he started to feel bruised. He was rubbing his chest
when David spoke.

“Ashby? What’s wrong? Oh God were you poisoned again!” David demanded, staring aghast at

the half eaten pizza in front of them.

“What’s wrong?” Baptista asked, stepping forward from the doorway to put a hand on Ashby’s


“I feel strange, but not like before. It’s like someone is pulling on my insides,” Ashby explained.
“Oh right, because that sounds so much better,” Daniel quipped.
“It’s not a sharp pain, more like a terrible sense of wrongness. I don’t know how to explain it.”

Ashby frowned. Above them a dreadful roar reverberated throughout the entire club. Ashby looked at
the twins and Baptista.

“I thought the VIP rooms were soundproof?” Daniel asked, sounding scared.
“They are,” Baptista confirmed. Ashby rubbed his chest.
“There he is! Thank God he’s OK!” Roman yelled from the doorway. He was holding his left

arm which dangled at a wrong angle and his chest was covered in deep bloody furrows.

“Ashby, Gabriel needs you upstairs now!” Roman yelled. Ashby stood and took off down the

hallway and up the stairs to the VIP level. He saw coven members standing outside the conference-
room door visibly shaken. Ashby approached the doorway and stopped when Montana was thrown
through the air from the conference room to slam into the wall in the hallway. He fell to the floor
covered in plaster and dust and didn’t move. Another roar was heard, and Ashby clapped his hands
over his ears.

“Is this him? Is this his mate?” a shrill voice demanded.
“Yes, this is our Prince Ashby,” Baptista said from behind Ashby, placing a hand on his


“Good, send him in there. He can calm him down,” the stranger said.
“I am not sending Ashby in there with some unknown assailant, where is Prince Gabriel?”

Baptista demanded. A low guttural snarl was heard.

“That is Coven Leader Dorian to you, roughneck. That creature you hear is your Prince Gabriel.

We were in the middle of our meeting when he started snarling and growling before he lost his mind.
If this man is his mate, he may be the only one who can approach the prince in this state,” he

“Let me go! I have to get to him, he sounds like he’s in pain!” Ashby twisted out from under

Baptista’s steadying hand and ran into the conference room only to stop dead in his tracks. The room
was trashed. A man he had never met before lay on the floor unconscious as Lauri, Rhys and two
other men stood in a semicircle around a creature.

“Easy Ashby, Prince Gabriel has shifted to his most primal state, he may not recognize even

you,” Baptista said as he eased into the conference room and stood behind Ashby.

“Lauri, report,” Baptista called out.
“Mid-meeting Gabriel started to growl. First his eyes shifted to red, then his hands grew claws.

He stood and his body lengthened and his fangs dropped further than I have seen any vampire’s fangs

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go before. Then he gave that ungodly roar and started trashing the place going after everyone,” Lauri
said as the four men maintained a loose circle around Gabriel.

“Gabriel?” Ashby asked softly. The creature’s head swung around to stare at Ashby. Its head

dropped back and he began to sniff the air. It bobbed on its feet staring down the four men.

“Gabriel it’s me, Ashby,” he said. Stepping forward, the creature started a low purr sound.
“OK that’s encouraging. Go slow, Ashby.” Baptista took small steps behind Ashby.
“We need to keep him busy for a few moments longer. Roman, David and Daniel headed to the

infirmary to get the tranq gun we keep on hand for shifter crowd control,” Baptista explained.

“Keep talking to him.”
“Gabriel, remember me? It’s your mate, Ashby.” Ashby felt the tears drip down his cheeks.
At the word mate, Gabriel stood his full height and roared in anger, going wild and taking

swipes at the men in front of him.

“We’re here,” Daniel said.
“Clear the way, get us a clear shot,” David yelled.
Ashby turned to see both twins down on one knee taking aim with what looked like elephant


“No! You’ll hurt him! No!” Ashby kicked and fought as Baptista wrapped an arm around his

waist and swung him out of the way covering his body. That was when Gabriel went crazy. Ashby
could hear the roars and the men’s screams followed by the sound of four shots being fired. Then
there was silence.

“Let me up! Let me up!” Ashby demanded, pushing against Baptista’s heavy frame. When they

both stood Roman was ordering Lauri and Kurt to secure a set of chains around Gabriel’s hands and

“Why are you doing this? He is your prince!” Ashby demanded, getting in Roman’s face. He

stepped back when Roman looked at him with tears coming down his face.

“I know he is my prince. I know,” he said brokenly. All around him Ashby could see the

devastated expressions of the coven members.

“What happened? Why is he like this?” Ashby asked as Lauri and Kurt started to carry Gabriel

out of the room.

“Where are they taking him!” Ashby tried to follow but Baptista and Roman blocked the door.

David and Daniel ushered the visiting coven leaders out of the conference room and gave orders to
Rhys to make sure they were seen to in the VIP lounge before shutting the door and turning to face

“What is happening?” Ashby asked, his voice breaking.
“We all believed they would attempt to kill you to get to him, but this is an attack directly at the

prince,” Baptista said, wrapping an arm around Ashby’s shoulders.

“With the prince incapacitated, the coven leaders will try to take advantage of the situation. I bet

they are downstairs now scheming while the prince is indisposed.” Roman snarled at the thought.

“It’s why we sent Rhys with them, he has the best hearing,” David said, staring at the conference

table that was broken in half and winced.

“Ashby we can’t keep you safe here anymore, we have to get you home to Arkadia. If the prince

recovers we can send for you,” Baptista started.

“No! No way! I am not leaving my mate. He needs me.” Ashby stuck out his chin defiantly.

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“We can’t protect you here,” Baptista said sadly.
“I’m not leaving,” Ashby insisted.
“Ashby…” Daniel began.
“No. Either I am your prince or I’m not. Either I’m your prince’s mate or I’m not. You choose.”

Ashby stared down the four men. He watched as they looked questioningly at each other. Finally
Roman sighed.

“What would you have us do, Prince Ashby?” Roman asked, bowing to the small shifter. The

other three men bowed as well.

“I need a moment to myself. Can you make sure that the coven leaders aren’t causing trouble?”

Ashby said, straightening his back.

“Yes, Prince Ashby.” Roman smiled, laying a hand on Ashby’s shoulder for a moment before

turning and dragging the twins away.

“We’ll be online looking for causes,” Daniel yelled as they were pulled out of the room.
“I’ll be just outside the door, come out when you’re ready,” Baptista said sympathetically.

Ashby nodded.

When the door closed behind Baptista Ashby fell to his knees, biting his knuckles to prevent the

sobs from being heard outside the room.

Oh God, oh God, oh God. What do I do? What do I do? Oh Gabriel, please come back to me!
Ashby felt as if he were going to fly apart. He had maneuvered his way into a position of

authority to stay with Gabriel but he had no idea what to do. Out of nowhere, as clear as if she were
standing beside him, he felt Rebecca’s frustration with him. His hands flew to his pockets and he
pulled out his cell phone. Seventeen voicemails and thirty-two missed calls from Kate, Rebecca and
Nic. He sobbed, cradling the phone to his chest, when it rang for the thirty-third time. He answered
and continued to cry.

“Ashby? Ashby are you there?” a male voice asked over the phone. It was Aleks Arkadion.
“I–I–I’m here. Oh Aleks, I don’t know what to do!” Ashby wailed.
“Calm down. Are you hurt? Are you in a safe place to talk?” Aleks asked gently.
“I’m not hurt, it’s Gabriel who’s hurt. They shot him with tranquilizer darts, but he was going

crazy. They were going to make me leave, but I can’t leave him. I told them I was their prince since I
was mated to Gabriel. I don’t know what to do.” Ashby clutched the phone to his ear and shook.

“OK, take deep breaths. You are not alone Ashby. Now, one thing at a time, you said Gabriel is

hurt, how did he get hurt?” Aleks’s strong, calm voice soothed his fraying nerves.

“We don’t know. I was downstairs eating pizza with the twins. He was upstairs with the coven

leaders in a meeting. All of sudden we heard roars and screams so we ran upstairs. Gabriel was
snarling, he didn’t even look human anymore.” Ashby wiped his tears.

“He was fighting everyone. He calmed down for a second when he heard my voice, then they

had to shoot him with tranquilizers. They put chains on him and then carried him away. I don’t know
where he is. Baptista and Roman wanted to send me back to Arkadia,” Ashby said, starting to get

“Baptista is the one entrusted to keep you safe. If he wants to send you back here, he doubts they

can keep you safe while you’re in Purgatory.” There was a pause and then Aleks yelled to others in
the background.

“Connor, Emmett, you’re heading to Purgatory. Don’t trust anyone, not even the coven members,

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your only job is to keep Ashby safe,” he heard Aleks say.

“Really, you want to go? No I’m sorry Nic you can’t,” he heard Aleks ask. His heart soared. He

desperately wanted to see Nic.

“Nicholas, if you go, then Connor and Emmett’s attention will be divided between the two of

you. It could give the enemy the opening they need to get to Ashby—yes I know. I’ll tell him.”

“OK. All right Ashby, you have help on the way. Connor and Emmett are leaving now. They

should be there in about an hour. They will keep you safe, stay with them at all times. Nic wanted to
go too, but we can’t afford the extra men to keep him safe,” Aleks explained.

“I understand. But Aleks, I made them acknowledge me as their prince, they bowed to me. I’m

no Alpha!” Ashby said, pulling his legs to his chest, resting his head on his knees, rocking.

“Ashby, you are stronger than you think. Being an Alpha is like owning a business. Sometimes

you can plan for everything and find yourself facing a scenario you never could have imagined. Being
a good leader isn’t about having all the answers, it’s about being strong enough to ask the right people
for help. Call me if you get stuck. Gabriel is old enough that if he isn’t dead by now he will recover.
You just need to hold shit together until he wakes up. Don’t agree to anything, don’t sign anything. If
someone asks your opinion say, ‘That is a very interesting point of view.’ You can do this Ashby,
Rebecca and I have faith in you,” Aleks said warmly.

“Where is Rebecca? She is being surprisingly quiet.” Ashby sat back feeling like he might be

able to face the world now.

“Oh, um, I told her that you would want cake no matter what the problem was, so she is in the

kitchen baking and crying. I don’t think she has realized I got through to you yet.” Aleks was talking in
almost a whisper.

“Of course I know you got through to him. His emotions calmed down nearly ten minutes ago.”

Ashby heard Rebecca’s voice over the phone and he smiled.

“Give me my damn phone!” There was a pause.
Less than a second later Rebecca’s voice came over the line.
“Are you really OK, Ashers? You were in so much pain.” Ashby could hear her sniffling. He

forced himself to smile.

“I’m going to be OK. Aleks is sending help. I can do this,” he said, more to ease her mind than

because he believed it himself.

“Of course you can, honestly Ashby you aren’t the half-wit doormat you think you are,” Rebecca


“I don’t think I’m a doormat!” Ashby protested.
“See, you’re not,” Rebecca countered.
“What?” Ashby asked confused.
“Exactly!” Rebecca said. Ashby stared at the phone exasperated before bringing it back to his


“I love you Becca,” Ashby said, feeling like he had just stepped into the sun after being locked

in the dark.

“I love you too Ashers. Now show those vampires who’s boss!” Rebecca said excitedly.
Ashby ended the call and stared at the picture of Rebecca beaming up at him from his contact

list. Aleks was right, he wasn’t alone.

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Chapter 12

“I demand accommodations!” the coven leader Dorian screeched in Roman’s face. Ashby

clenched his fists and stepped forward. He could see Roman grinding his teeth.

“Purgatory isn’t just a club, it is also this coven’s home. You have no right to impose upon us to

see to your needs. Prince Gabriel is recovering as we speak. I see no reason for you to stay at all,”
Ashby said, wedging himself between Roman and Dorian. The tall, slender man looked down at
Ashby with a sneer on his face. Ashby wanted to shift and scratch the man’s rather pointed, rat like

“How dare you speak to me that way? You are nothing. Shifters cannot assume the title of

prince. You’re just a well-used hole that our prince is playing with. You have no authority here,”
Dorian spat out. Ashby felt the blood drain from his face. It took every ounce of determination in him
to fight his body’s natural instinct to drop his eyes to the floor. David and Daniel’s words flooded his
heart. He was their prince and if he allowed this man to treat him like a whore, no one would be safe.

“Baptista, if this man speaks to me like that again, throw his ass out and ban him from ever

returning,” Ashby said, staring down the coven leader’s beady eyes.

“Yes, my prince,” Baptista said taking a step closer to Ashby.
“But you’re a shifter,” Dorian said, his eyes going to Baptista nervously.
“I could be a polka-dotted blue alien stepping out of the Tardis—it doesn’t matter. This coven,

in particular these men recognize me as their prince, so when I order them to throw your bony ass out
of our home and make sure they break several bones in doing so, they will do it,” Ashby said,
clasping his hands behind his back taking a more solid stance. He imagined his eyes going cold the
way Gabriel’s did when he was irritated.

“Prince Ashby, are you sure that Prince Gabriel will recover? You must understand, he may be

the leader of this coven, yes, but he is also the fabric which holds our people together. Everyone felt
his rage earlier. We will be fielding questions from our own covens.” A tall blond man stepped
forward and inclined his head to Ashby.

“Before he was sedated I could feel him reaching out. I think it’ll only be a matter of time before

he’s returned to his normal state,” Ashby said with what he hoped to be a convincing smile.

“Thank God!” The blond man exhaled before smiling at Ashby.
“My apologies, my name is Clay Samuels. I run the covens on the East Coast, Dorian Ratcliffe

oversees the Midwest, Jerimiah RunningWolf there leads the Southwest covens and Roddrick Davis
watches over the brutes in the Pacific Northwest and all along the West Coast,” Clay said, introducing
each regional coven leader.

“I wish we had met under better circumstances.” Ashby nodded to each man in turn.
“If he truly is recovering then I’m heading home. I get nervous when I leave my covens alone for

too long. They tend to get into trouble,” the tall, gruff Roddrick said, pulling on a long leather trench.

“Gabriel will be fine,” Ashby said confidently.
He has to be.
“If the prince needs us for anything all you have to do is call, Prince Ashby,” Jerimiah said.

Ashby noticed right away that this man was slightly different than the others and it wasn’t just due to
his Native American background. When he saw the grin on the man’s face he resisted the urge to step
back. Jerimiah’s grin looked like it belonged on a feral beast or a psychopath. It completely

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contradicted the warmth and sympathy swimming in his rich brown eyes.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Ashby murmured.
“I’m the closest, if you need anything I’m just a couple hours away,” Clay said, his even,

cultured voice sounding as if he belonged in a lecture hall instead of a vampire coven.

“I’m closer,” Dorian protested.
“Barely,” Clay sniffed. Ashby turned his head to hide his smile.
“Thank you for your concern gentlemen, as soon as I allow Gabriel to go back to work, I’m sure

he’ll call you.” Ashby stepped back to allow the four men to pass.

“Allow?” Roddrick stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow.
“You’re not mated are you?” Ashby asked. Roddrick shook his head. Jerimiah chuckled and

clapped Roddrick on the back.

“You’ll understand when you get a mate. It seems the smaller and more delicate they are the

pushier they are about keeping you safe,” Jerimiah said as they filed out of the VIP lounge. Ashby
stood at the top of the stairs and laughed. The leaders stopped and turned to face Ashby.

“One of my best friends is the Alpha Mother to Arkadia. I’m taller than she is and her mate is

taller than Baptista, but she knows how to put him in his place.” He winked at the men. Roddrick

“I’d pay to see that.”
“Maybe someday,” Ashby said with a cordial smile.
“Good evening, Prince Ashby.” Clay waved as the four coven leaders made their way down the

stairs and out the door. As soon as the front door closed Ashby felt his legs give out.

“Whoa there, killer.” Baptista caught Ashby before he hit the floor. He carried him back into the

VIP lounge and sat him on one of the leather chairs.

“I can do this, smile, don’t look down. Smile, look them in the eye. Be confident, do evil

Gabriel stare. Don’t sign anything, don’t agree to anything. Don’t look down.” Ashby recited each
action over and over again.

Roman walked over and took both of Ashby’s hands in his.
“You represented this coven with dignity and aplomb. Gabriel would be so proud, as are we


Ashby looked up to see more faces peeping into the lounge smiling. A lot of the members gave

him a thumbs up. Feeling encouraged he took a deep breath and faced the room.

“Prince Ashby, we couldn’t help but overhear…” one of the onlookers began.
“Because you had your ear to the door…” someone else countered. The first man blushed.
“Anyway! We heard you say that the prince is recovering, is that true?” he asked, his eyes full of

hope. Ashby closed his eyes and shook his head.

“I didn’t think them staying here would be a good idea. Roman looked like he was about to

murder that Dorian guy,” Ashby began.

“Only a little bit,” Roman said straight-faced.
“I actually have no idea when he will recover. Aleks Arkadion said if he hasn’t died by now,

he’ll recover, but I would feel better if I knew what happened to him.” Ashby stood.

“I’ve taken the liberty of calling in Mikhail. This goes above my head. I hope that’s all right,”

Roman said, looking slightly guilty. Ashby looked around and couldn’t miss the expressions of relief
on the coven members’ faces.

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“I thought you were all scared of him?” Ashby asked.
“We’re not scared exactly. You definitely don’t want to piss him off. But he has yet to kill any

member of the coven, not even the twins,” Baptista explained.

“He’ll know what to do about Gabriel,” Roman said. Ashby just nodded.
“Then you did the right thing. The sooner Gabriel recovers the better. Aleks Arkadion is also

sending two shifters to help keep an eye on things. They should be here in the next forty-five minutes.”
Ashby sat down in one the chairs.

“The Arkadions are getting involved?” Roman asked, sounding shocked.
“I am bonded to the Alpha Mother and through my bond Gabriel is now tied to Arkadia.

Rebecca Arkadion takes her bonds seriously,” Ashby said, touching his chest where the bond to
Gabriel felt faint.

“What do we do?” Roman asked, looking at Ashby. Ashby looked at Roman and then looked

around at the expectant faces staring at him from the coven members.

Aleks said it was like a business, what would I do if Purgatory was Sweet Nothings? Ashby

thought about it for a moment before his head snapped up and he jumped to his feet.

“OK. Roman, until the Arkadions and Mikhail get here we’re closing Purgatory. Organize a

cleanup crew for the VIP conference area, make sure it’s repaired and set to rights.” Roman nodded
and started taking notes.

“David, Daniel, I want you to scour the internet, vampire archives, anything that might explain

what happened to Gabriel,” Ashby said, pacing back and forth in front of the sofa.

“Thank God we have something to do!” David exclaimed giving Daniel a high five.
“Baptista, I want you to organize security so that each coven member has a buddy, no one goes

anywhere alone,” Ashby said before turning to Rhys.

“Rhys, I want you to go online and arrange deliveries for the coven leaders that just left as an

apology and a thank you for their assistance.” Ashby tapped his lips and thought about it for a second

“Micah, I am putting you in charge of keeping everyone fed. We’re going to have a rough couple

days and Ma Arkadion always says that full men think better than hungry ones,” he said, then stopped.
Everyone was staring at him as if he were speaking another language.

“Well? Get to it,” he said, making a shooing motion with his hands. Everyone started talking and

moving at once. There was hope in their eyes and purpose in their steps that wasn’t there before.

“A quick question Prince Ashby, what exactly is a Tardis?” Roman asked a questioning look in

his eye.

“It’s a—you see there’s this doctor, oh never mind. I’ll explain later.”
Roman nodded his head, walked into the hallway and began barking orders to the other coven

members like a wartime general.

“Prince Ashby,” Kurt said, stepping forward.
“Yes Kurt?” Ashby asked.
“Lauri and I would like to volunteer to guard Prince Gabriel.”
“Yes, of course. I’d like for you to take me to him actually. I need to know that he’s OK,” Ashby

said, rubbing his chest.

“He’s downstairs in our dungeon. We hated to put him there but it was the only place we could

chain him to the wall,” Lauri explained, looking ashamed.

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“Don’t feel bad, Lauri. You all did the right thing. If Gabriel were here he would say that the

safety of the coven comes first,” Ashby said, laying a hand on the vampire’s arm.

“So he won’t be mad at us?” he asked hopefully as they started walking downstairs. Ashby

started giggling.

“I didn’t say that. He’ll be understanding, but you did chain him in a dungeon after all. He will

definitely say something.” He gazed up at Lauri innocently, but the guard paled further and swallowed
as if he were going to be sick.

“This way, Prince Ashby,” Lauri said weakly. Baptista was still laughing when the three parted

ways in the hallway on the ground floor.

Lauri walked past the bathrooms to the end of the hallway. He pressed his hand against the wall

and a panel slid open to reveal a keypad. He punched in a code and stood back. The door opened.

“This is the only way in or out of the lower levels. There are approximately ten feet of concrete

separating the lower levels and the club. The club could burn down and those sleeping in the lower
levels would be safe,” Lauri explained, and they stepped through the now open doorway and started
descending. When they had reached the bottom, Lauri motioned to the left and walked straight to the
end of the dark stone hall to a large metal door.

“He’s in here.” Lauri pointed to the room. He walked up and slid the window’s cover open.

Ashby took a step forward and placed a hand on the door. He stood on tiptoe trying to peek into the
viewing window but was falling short miserably. Lauri took pity on him by lifting Ashby up high
enough to look into the small window. Ashby leaned in quickly, he needed to catch a glimpse of his
mate. His breath caught and his eyes filled with tears. His proud prince was huddled in a ball on the
floor, the chains just long enough to allow him to lie down. If it weren’t for the slow rise and fall of
Gabriel’s chest he would have thought him dead. He wiggled until Lauri put him down. Lauri closed
the viewer on the window, stepping back to give Ashby some space.

Ashby wanted to fall apart. He wanted to curl into a ball with his mate and let the entire world

go to hell. He wanted to rage and cry and scream out his anger and pain. But he couldn’t. He looked
up and dashed his tears away.

“Guard him with your life, you really don’t want to face me if something happens to him,”

Ashby said, his eyes narrowing and for the first time in his life, a larger, stronger predator took a step
back from him.

“Y–yes, Prince Ashby,” Lauri said he took a position on one side of the door and Kurt the other.

Ashby took a deep breath and slowly started walking away from the unconscious form of his mate.

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Chapter 13

“I understand that you booked in advance, I’m terribly sorry but Purgatory will be closed for the

weekend. I’m sure we can make it up to you at another date.” Ashby winced as the she-wolf’s voice
hit new octaves.

“I’m really sorry, yes, yes, yes I know that twenty-first birthdays only happen once, I know your

daughter is disappointed but coven business dictates that we be closed. I mean it’s not like Purgatory
is the only paranormal club around.” Ashby looked up to see a frantic Roman waving his hands and
nodding. Ashby’s eyes widened and he cleared his throat.

“Exactly. We’re the only paranormal club so we are subject to demands placed on us from every

faction at every level. Let me see…maybe.” Ashby dropped his voice to a whisper and winked at

“Now, if you are willing to be a little more flexible with your dates I could secure you the VIP

lounge for no additional cost, yes…yes that’s right you have my word. Excellent! We will be
contacting you once we reopen. Thank you again for being so understanding, you’re making my job so
much easier. Good-bye.” Ashby dropped the headset to the desk and slumped back in the chair. He
opened his eyes to the sounds of clapping from the doorway. Connor Arkadion stood there with a shit-
eating grin on his face.

“Is that our little Ashby schmoozing clients?” Connor said as he and Emmett walked into the

office. Ashby felt as if a ton of bricks was lifted from his shoulders. He jumped up raced around the
desk and launched himself, mainly at Connor’s head. He could never reach him to give him a noogie
but always tried. Connor swung him around for what Ashby liked to call his “bear hug.” Connor
didn’t disappoint. He hugged Ashby and then passed him off to Emmett who also gave him a crushing
embrace before he set him down and ruffled his hair. In an instant Baptista was there easing Ashby
behind his huge frame.

“Excuse me gentlemen but I’d keep my hands to myself if I were you,” he said, never taking his

eyes off of Emmett.

“You must be Baptista, Aleks said that a professional was looking out for Ashers. Nice to meet

you. I’m Connor Arkadion, this is my brother Emmett. Connor extended a hand toward Baptista who
regarded it with distrust. Ashby jabbed him in the kidney and Baptista grunted before accepting the
proffered gesture.

“They’re here to help keep me safe. I doubt they’ll hurt me,” Ashby said from behind Baptista.

When the man wouldn’t move he simply walked to the desk in the middle of the room and sat down in
his chair. Emmett and Connor walked over and sat down in the chairs across from the desk.

“I don’t like outside help,” Baptista muttered.
“They aren’t outside help, they’re family,” Ashby explained.
“It’s just you haven’t met each other yet to know that.” Ashby smiled at everyone. Connor


“I swear that sounded just like Rebecca, God she’s infected you.” He just shook his head and

Ashby’s eyes narrowed as he regarded his friend.

“You must not want to eat any of Rebecca’s cakes, like ever again. Wait until I tell her you said

she was worse than a plague.” Ashby made tsking sounds.

“Wait! I didn’t say that.” Connor sat up in the chair.

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“And that she was as disgusting as pox-ridden bodies and a menace to society. Poor Connor.”

Ashby sighed and looked up at him with large sad eyes.

“OK, OK, Ashby, you win. She is not contagious. If anything her awesomeness is what is

spreading to everyone in town like sunshine. You are awesome too, so awesome in fact I’ll help you
unload your next delivery of ice cream and I’ll only need two sundaes to keep me going,” Connor said

“Oh, in that case I’ll let her know how much you helped and that you pined away for your little

sister,” Ashby said with a sweet innocent smile.

“You do know she wouldn’t have believed him right,” Emmett said amused. Connor nodded and

winked at Ashby who winked back.

“I really need to meet this Rebecca,” Roman said, sounding impressed.
“He missed me, that’s all,” Connor replied then turned to Roman.
“She is pretty amazing.”
“I miss every one. I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone now that Gabriel and I have mated,”

Ashby said as the sunshine drained from him and his eyes filled with sadness.

“Hey, it’s going to be OK, Ashby. Aleks was talking to Ma and she said that the older a vampire

gets the stronger he gets, and Gabriel is as old as they come. He’ll get through this,” Emmett said,
scooting his chair forward.

“Anything you need little buddy. Anything at all, we’re here for you,” Connor said with a kind


“The one thing I need right now is the one thing no one can tell me. What exactly happened to my

mate?” Ashby couldn’t keep the frustration out of his voice.

“Maybe that’s where I can help.” A deep voice rumbled from the door. Ashby looked up to see

the most lethal-looking man he had ever laid eyes on. The air around him seemed to race out in front,
whispering warnings to stay away.

“Mikhail, thank God!” Roman exclaimed.
“Where is he?” Mikhail looked right at Ashby.
“He’s downstairs in the dungeon. They had to chain him down,” Ashby said, standing and

rubbing his chest. He couldn’t shake that bruised feeling.

“You chained my prince to a wall in a dungeon?” Mikhail demanded, his voice barely

containing his sense of outrage.

“Yes, as his mate I allowed this, not only to keep Gabriel safe, but to keep the entire coven safe,

which is what Gabriel would have wanted,” Ashby said firmly, never breaking eye contact.

Mikhail simply turned around and walked out leaving everyone scrambling behind him trying to

keep up. The group made their way through the club and down to the dungeon where Gabriel was
locked behind a heavy metal door. Lauri and Kurt straightened quickly, nearly snapping to attention.

Ashby anxiously stood beside Mikhail at the door.
“Do you know what’s wrong with him?” Ashby asked, chewing on is thumb nail. Connor pulled

the thumb down from his mouth. Ashby scowled at him.

“What exactly happened?” Mikhail asked darkly, staring through the viewer.
“We were in a meeting with the regional coven leaders when Gabriel started rubbing his chest.

He got a panicked look on his face, yelled for me to check on Ashby, and then he started screaming.
His claws and fangs elongated to lengths I’ve never seen on a vampire before. Then he started

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trashing the VIP conference room, it took four tranquilizers to put him down,” Roman said, moving to
stand on the other side of Mikhail.

“If he were a shifter I would say that he is reacting as if his mate were killed. That’s the only

time one of our people goes bat-shit crazy for no reason,” Emmett said. Ashby winced at the tactless
way Emmett divulged that information.

“Actually that may not be too far from the truth,” Mikhail said. Stepping back and closing the

viewer, he turned to Ashby.

“Why do you keep rubbing your chest?” he asked, his gray eyes cold and hard as the metal door

before them. Ashby’s hand froze midmotion on his chest.

“It’s been aching,” Ashby replied quietly.
“Before or after Gabriel’s episode?” Mikhail continued to watch Ashby.
“After, right before we heard the screams. Why? What does it mean?”
“It means that something has fragmented your bond with Gabriel, causing him to think you’ve

been taken from him. You need to re-establish the bond, then the bloodlust and killing haze will lift.”
Mikhail explained.

“How do I reconnect with him?” Ashby asked.
“You would need to allow him to bite you again,” Mikhail said.
“Absolutely not! Gabriel would kill you for even suggesting such a thing, Mikhail. This is his

mate, Gabriel would never endanger him like that,” Roman exclaimed. Baptista stepped beside
Roman nodding.

“Is it the only way?” Ashby asked.
“We can find another way,” Roman insisted. Ashby turned to Connor who watched the entire

scene with his lips pressed together in a straight line. He nodded his head to Mikhail.

“Is this the only way?” Ashby repeated looking up at Mikhail.
“Time is of the essence. The longer he stays in that form the harder it will be to get him back,”

Mikhail answered coldly staring down Roman who looked up at him defiantly.

“Everyone, let’s head back upstairs and discuss our options. Mikhail, Connor if both of you

could stay a moment I’d like to talk to you,” Ashby said. Roman and Baptista walked up the stairs
hesitantly, Lauri and Kurt behind them. Connor and Emmett stood beside Mikhail.

“I thought I said Connor,” he said.
“You did, he would only tell me later anyway so this is quicker. Get on with it squirt,” Emmett

replied glibly. Ashby rolled his eyes and turned to Connor.

“If you were me, what would you do?” he asked. Connor looked into Ashby’s face a moment

then shrugged.

“We’re shifters, Ashby,” was all he said. Ashby nodded.
“You know what to do then,” Ashby said smiling up at his friend.
“I’ll call Aleks to give them a heads up.” Connor pointed to the top of the stairs.
“We’ll keep them away, but try to be quick. Baptista looks like one dangerous motherfucker,”

Connor said. Emmett chuckled and ruffled Ashby’s hair before he followed Connor up the stairs.

Ashby turned to Mikhail.
“OK, I’ll do it,” he said exhaling a deep breath.
“What did Connor mean?” Mikhail asked.
“In the shifter world mates come first, before everything else. Connor knew what I would

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decide.” Ashby stepped up and placed a hand on the door.

“Gabriel is my everything. Gabriel said that I was his humanity, but he is my reason to breathe.

If he needs every last drop of my blood then so be it.” Ashby removed his hand and looked up and
met Mikhail’s gaze.

“He said you were his humanity?” Mikhail asked, his eyebrows rising slightly. Ashby nodded.

Mikhail exhaled loudly and rubbed his hands over his face in the first true show of emotion he had
shown since returning to Purgatory.

“He is going to fucking kill me,” Mikhail said, placing his heavy hands on Ashby’s shoulders.
“Roman is right. You don’t have to do this. We can find another way,” Mikhail began and Ashby

shook his head.

“I want to do this. Now,” Ashby said, his small frame shaking.
“Yup, I’m a fucking dead man,” Mikhail said. He lifted his hands and unbolted the heavy door.
“See if you can get him to recognize you, it should make things easier,” Mikhail said, opening

the door. A long low hiss was heard from inside the room.

“I won’t be able to help you. Once he latches on, I won’t be able to get him to dislodge without

killing you. Relax when he bites, don’t tense up. Are you sure about this?” Mikhail asked, his eyes
softening for just a moment.

“Thank you. Thank you for saving my friend,” Mikhail said, stepping back. Ashby nodded and

stepped inside the dark cell. The door closed behind and Ashby felt the weight of Gabriel’s stare on

“Do you remember me? You liked me upstairs…remember?” Ashby said, moving slowly.

Gabriel’s head rose and Ashby could see a dull red glow in his eyes.

“I’m going to come over there OK?” Ashby eased forward.
He watched Gabriel sniff the air. Ashby looked at the face of his lover and couldn’t stop the

tears. The eyes were red and demon like, his canines were extended past his chin and his fingers
were now tipped with lethal-looking claws, but his mate was still in there. His eyes were the same
shape and the hair that fell around his face were his curls. He still had the pale skin that he had trailed
kisses over just that morning. Gabriel stared at the tears and his head tilted to one side as if confused.

“Come on, big guy, time for you to drink,” Ashby said, stepping in close and tilting his head. A

low purr sound filled the air. Gabriel leaned down and licked up the side of Ashby’s neck. Ashby
tried to imagine it as a sexy, erotic lick and not as an “I like how you taste” lick. Hesitating, he leaned
back a fraction and when Gabriel started growling, Ashby froze.

“Please Gabriel, please remember me,” Ashby pleaded.
Without warning Gabriel struck, sinking his long fangs deep into Ashby’s neck and shoulder. He

couldn’t help the scream that escaped as he felt his flesh rip and tear.

“Mikhail!” Ashby cried out. He heard the door slam open.
“Gabriel release him, you’re going to kill him!” Mikhail yelled. Gabriel growled loudly and

wrapped his arms around Ashby pulling him into his body.

“He won’t take me from you, I’m not going anywhere,” Ashby said weakly, patting Gabriel’s

chest. The pain was fading now it was being replaced by a bone-numbing lethargy.

“Gabriel snap out of it! You. Are. Killing. Him!” Mikhail inched closer.
Just as the world started to edge in darkness he felt the fangs slip from his body. When his knees

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gave out he felt strong hands holding him close.

“Mikhail?” Gabriel’s voice asked. His voice sounded faint and far away as Ashby struggled to

keep his eyes open.

“I’m here old friend, I’m here.”
Ashby felt himself being lowered to the floor then a body collapsed beside him.
“Guard us,” was the last thing Ashby heard before he allowed the darkness to swallow him.

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Chapter 14

When Ashby opened his eyes later he wished he hadn’t. His neck and shoulder blazed with pain

and his head was pounding. He managed to open his eyes but his attempt to sit up left him moaning.
He closed his eyes and collapsed back. Immediately a straw was pushed between his lips.

“You are extremely dehydrated. You’ll feel better the more you drink. I imagine you have a

splitting headache,” a familiar and refined voice murmured from his bedside. He peeled one open and
gave a crooked smile.

“Doc, you keep making a lot of long distance house calls for me. How long was I out?” Even

speaking that much exhausted him.

“Six hours. You can make these roads trips up to me in the form of ice cream. Besides the

headache, how is the shoulder?” Doc asked.

“Hurts. Gabriel?” he asked.
“Still unconscious, but from what Mikhail has told me, back to his normal form. Whatever you

did, worked. Good job in taking care of your mate,” Doc said, sounding proud.

“Good job my ass, he almost died,” a cranky voice said from across the room. Ashby smiled,

that was Baptista.

“I’m feeling better already. I should be back to normal after I shift.” Ashby sighed and opened

his eyes and the Doc nodded.

Baptista, Emmett, Connor, and Mikhail were either sitting or standing in various parts of the

room. He turned his head and found Gabriel lying in the bed beside his. He gave a sigh of relief
before turning his head back to stare at the ceiling.

“I’m starting to hate this infirmary.” Ashby groaned.
“Hurry up and come home then.” Doc patted his hand.
“I’m heading back to Arkadia. Stop abusing your body Ashby,” Doc said and gave a wink.
“I’ll try, Doc. Thanks again for coming,” Ashby said, straining to scoot up. Gentle hands pulled

him until he was scooted up far enough in the hospital bed to sit up. Ashby smiled his thanks at
Mikhail and waved to Doc as he headed out the door.

Ashby took a deep breath and looked up at the dark vampire.
“Will he really be OK?” he asked and Mikhail nodded.
“When he wakes up the bond will be back in place and he should be back to his normal

loveable self,” Mikhail said without smiling.

“He is loveable,” Ashby argued. Mikhail grunted and walked back to his corner. He leaned back

against the wall and crossed his arms.

“You’re awake! If you weren’t hurt I’d put you over my knee. Are you trying to get us all

killed!” Roman said, walking in with David and Daniel.

“You have to stop dying, Ashby, our hearts can’t take it,” Daniel said, taking one hand as David

took the other.

“Trust me, I have no plans on dying anytime soon,” Ashby said.
“Good. You still need to explain what a Tardis is.” Roman wagged a finger at Ashby.
“Time and relative dimension in space,” Mikhail offered from the corner. Everyone turned and

stared at the large man.

“You’re a Whovian?” Ashby asked in a whisper. Mikhail grunted.

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“Is that a martial art?” Roman asked.
Ashby looked around the room and everyone wore identical confused expressions.
Mikhail snorted and Ashby’s head swung around.
“You laughed!” Ashby exclaimed excitedly. Mikhail’s cold expression frowned back at him.
“You’re not so scary,” Ashby said, leaning back in the bed. Roman gulped.
“I feel like I’ve aged five hundred years since meeting you young man,” Roman said wearily,

sitting on the rolling chair at the foot of the bed.

“Not my fault. Unless I’m wrong it’s crazy vampires causing havoc this time,” Ashby argued. As

he turned he pulled his shoulder, which caused him to wince.

“I need to shift, will that bother anyone?” he asked, suddenly feeling unsure of himself. He

didn’t know if is heart could take it if they laughed at him.

“You’re going to shift? Cool!” Daniel said as he and David released his hands and sat down

together on the other bed.

“Go ahead and shift, we don’t mind,” Roman said. Ashby took a deep breath and let the change

flow over him. He felt himself shrink and suddenly he was looking out at the world from underneath
his clothes and blankets.

“Oh…oh…oh. Can we keep him?” Daniel said, popping up from the bed and scooping Ashby


“He is so freaking adorable!” David added. Running his hand between Ashby’s oversized ears.

Ashby yipped and rubbed his head against David’s hand.

“He’s not a pet Daniel, he’s our prince,” Roman said, a soft smile on his face as well.
“No wonder Rebecca loves your shifted form. You are the cutest thing ever, Ashby,” Emmett


“He brought out every single one of Ma’s protective instincts when we found him. She was

ready to hunt down Ashby’s ex and maul him. You can see why she was smitten with his fox form,”
Connor added.

Ashby listened to the compliments in wonder. He gave another yip and jumped down back on to

his bed and ducked under the covers before shifting back. He quickly pulled his pajama pants on and
popped back out of the blankets his shirt in hand.

“I wish we could shift. All we got was stupid fangs,” Daniel pouted.
“Yeah, stupid fangs,” David agreed.
“OK, today is what, Tuesday?” Ashby asked, shaking his head as if to clear it.
“Yes, surprisingly enough it hasn’t even been twenty-four hours since Prince Gabriel was

affected,” Roman confirmed.

“Right. Let’s get Gabriel transferred up to his apartments. I think he’ll be more comfortable up

there,” Ashby said, sliding off the bed and pulling his shirt on. When he turned back Roman was
frowning at him.

“What?” he asked. Roman shook his head.
“Nothing. Mikhail, Connor, if you could move Gabriel. David, Daniel, run ahead and make sure

the doors are open and pull the covers down on their bed,” Roman said. Ashby hovered next to
Gabriel the entire time it took to carry Gabriel’s tall frame up the stairs to the point where Connor
flat-out told him to get out of the way. Only when Gabriel was safely tucked into bed did he relax.

“We’ll be downstairs if you need us,” Connor said. Then he and Emmett left the apartment.

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“Do they have a place to sleep?” Ashby asked and Daniel nodded.
“They are crashing in the VIP suites.”
“Roman, why did you frown at me? Should Gabriel have stayed in the infirmary?” Ashby asked


“No, it’s just that you said ‘his apartments’. I had hoped we made you feel at home here with

us.” Roman stared down at his clipboard.

“You have! You really have. It’s just, I have my own shop and my own apartment, none of my

things are here. It isn’t something Gabriel and I have discussed yet,” Ashby said, sitting down on the
side of the bed taking Gabriel’s inert hand.

“Don’t worry about it. Gabriel would say you have plenty of time to figure that out,” Mikhail

said, stepping forward.

“Mikhail is right, don’t mind me,” Roman said, sounding contrite.
“All right everyone, Ashby still needs to rest and take it easy today, let’s let him get back to

sleep,” Baptista said, stepping forward. Daniel and David waved and left, Roman and Mikhail

“I’ll be right outside if you need anything, Prince Ashby,” Baptista said respectfully.
“Why so formal all of a sudden?” Ashby asked, climbing into bed with Gabriel.
“Ashby, everyone heard your screams and knows exactly what you went through to heal

Gabriel.” Baptista walked up and stood at the foot of the bed.

“Great, now everyone knows I’m a big baby.” Ashby frowned.
“No, they know your strength. You’re a shifter and heal quickly, yet you still bear the marks on

your neck and shoulder from where Gabriel reclaimed you, which means that the original wound was
life threatening. Not many people would have gone into that cell, mate or not. You are one amazing
person Ashby Fairfax, and that is why any of us would die for you.” Baptista bowed and quietly left
the room.

Ashby turned onto his side and buried his face into Gabriel’s arm.
“I don’t want anyone to die. Please wake up soon, my prince,” Ashby whispered and eventually

fell asleep.

* * * *

“Prince Ashby, repairs have started on the VIP conference room, it should be completed before

we reopen on Friday night. Do you think we could change the paint color while we’re at it, maybe a
neutral gray? What do you think?”

“Prince Ashby, the beer vendor we use is angry with us for denying them entrance on Monday,

should we try and retain them as our alcohol vendor or see if we can get someone new?”

“Prince Ashby, what do you think we should do next weekend for theme night?”
After the final person in what seemed to be a never-ending stream of people left the office,

Ashby slammed his head down onto Gabriel’s desk. He had been fielding questions all morning and
was shocked at the number of people coming to him for advice.

He had slept through the rest of the day Tuesday and woke up still moving slow on Wednesday.

Baptista made sure he stayed in bed all day. When he woke on Thursday he felt refreshed and much
better. The only thing left over from his ordeal were the teeth marks from the savage bite from

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Gabriel’s reclaiming. To his disappointment Gabriel was still asleep and hadn’t shown signs of
waking when he had left their apartments that morning.

“Gabriel does this every day?” Ashby turned his head, his cheek on the desk, to look at Roman

who was quietly typing at his own computer. Roman looked up surprised.

“Of course not. The coven loves Gabriel, don’t get me wrong, you’re just more approachable.

They would never come to him with these type of concerns.” Ashby groaned. Roman resumed his

“It just shows how much they have come to care for and trust you.” The sound of typing stopped.

Roman’s face inched toward the screen and he shook his head before the tapping resumed.

“Prince Ashby, I’m sorry to bother you again. But I contacted the alcohol vendor like you

advised, they are saying that they cannot make any deliveries to us for the next two weeks,” Rhys said
from the doorway. Ashby raised his head, his eyes flashing.

“That is ridiculous! They’re just messing with us. Contact the other vendor and say we’re

willing to give them our business, beer and liquor, contingent on getting a delivery out to us today, and
ask how low of a rate they can offer. Advise them we’ll need an answer back in thirty minutes and let
them know you are contacting other vendors, so their offer better be the best they can do, we’re not
negotiating.” Ashby tapped the desk thoughtfully.

“If their offer comes within five percent of what we’re paying now, switch vendors. Then

contact our current vendor and let them know their services are no longer needed.”

“Yes! These guys have been assholes from day one, but they offered the best price,” Rhys


“Sometimes you have to pay more to get what you want. In this instance it’s better customer

service. Let me know what they say,” Ashby said, grinning at Rhys who practically left the office at a
run to get back to his phone.

“Where on earth did you learn how to deal with vendors?” Roman asked, stunned. It was

Ashby’s turn to look surprised.

“I learned from the best. You should hear Ma make arrangements to get food and supplies. I

applied what I learned to run my own business. Whether it’s a restaurant, an ice cream parlor or a
club, they are basically the same.” Ashby shrugged.

A few minutes later Rhys returned with a swagger.
“Prince Ashby, it was epic. The second vendor was all too willing to help. It’s a smaller

company run by a family. The prices are slightly higher than what we’re paying now, but he said that
rescheduling shipments wouldn’t be an issue and is willing to make arrangements for evening or even
late night deliveries. That alone is worth the slight increase. Being able to split deliveries across the
day and night shifts will help immensely.

“But the best part was when I called the asshole back from our old vendor. He was still

screaming ‘You can’t do this!’ when I hung up on his ass.” Rhys was grinning from ear to ear.

“That’s awesome! I’m glad to hear about the split deliveries. You look happier too.” Ashby

couldn’t help but return Rhys’s grin. The man looked that happy.

“You have no idea what a load off my mind this is. I hated working with that douchebag.” Rhys’s

face turned dark.

“Is there more that you aren’t saying Rhys?” Ashby asked, concerned.
“Just that he was a little too touchy feely with me and some of the guys when he would come out

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with the delivery driver. Most of us are at least bi, but no one welcomed his advances. He would
touch us inappropriately or grind up against up from behind if we bent over while putting stock
away.” Rhys’s eyes went to the floor as he explained. Ashby felt his blood pressure spike. He hated

“Roman, which button is David and Daniel?” he asked, pointing to the multibutton intercom


“The one with the biohazard sign next to it, why?” Roman asked, as he and Rhys watched

Ashby. Ashby paused and looked down at the intercom, and sure enough, drawn on the intercom
system was a small biohazard sign.

Shaking his head Ashby pressed the button, and after a few seconds he heard Daniel’s voice.
“Hey bossman, what’s shakin’?”
“I need your kung fu,” Ashby said.
“ABA Distributers. Our old alcohol vendor,” Ashby said.
“Intent?” David asked. Ashby could hear keys tapping.
“Total annihilation. Find their current list of customers and let them know that we’re raising a

case with the Better Business Bureau for sexual harassment. They may want to check with their
employees. Then launch a Facebook campaign online to spread the word.”

“On it! Finally a fun project,” Daniel said, then the intercom beeped before going silent. Ashby

looked up to see that Rhys’s eyes were shiny with unshed tears.

“You matter Rhys. Let the other guys know that I will not put up with anyone hurting or

disrespecting our coven members. You shouldn’t have to feel threatened in your own home,” Ashby
said, his voice gentle but firm. Rhys cleared his throat and swallowed hard.

“Thank you, my prince,” Rhys said, turned to leave and nearly ran into Gabriel and Mikhail who

were standing just inside the office.

“Prince Gabriel, thank goodness you’re OK!” Rhys exclaimed.
“Gabriel.” Ashby’s voice was shaky. Gabriel crossed the room and pulled Ashby into his arms.
“I thought I lost you, I thought they had taken you from me. I felt the bond break,” he whispered

to Ashby.

“Not without a whole lot of kicking and screaming.” Ashby held on tight and buried his face in

Gabriel’s shoulder.

“I hear you have been taking care of things while I’ve been recovering.” Gabriel lifted his face

and his eyes immediately fell on the marks on Ashby’s neck. Pain filled his face. Ashby shook his

“I’m OK, I’d do it again in a heartbeat to get you back.” Ashby cupped Gabriel’s face. Gabriel

took his hand and kissed the center of his palm before turning to the desk and pressed the middle
button on the intercom.

“Hey, Ashby, what’s up now?” David asked.
“It’s not Ashby,” Gabriel said, wrapping an arm around Ashby’s waist, turning them to face

Rhys and Roman.

“Prince Gabriel! Thank fuck you’re OK!” Daniel screamed into the intercom causing Ashby to


“I have another fun project for you,” he said, giving Ashby a wink.

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“Seriously? A fun project?” Daniel asked breathless.
“I want you to hack into that ABA owner’s life. Dig until you find the dirt I know is there and I

want you to make his life go nuclear,” Gabriel said his voice taking on a hard edge.

“Fuckin' A, what did this guy do?” David asked.
“He hurt members of this coven,” Ashby said, watching the tears drop down Rhys’s cheeks.
“Initiating program Seek and Destroy,” David said in a serious tone.
“We’ll keep you posted. Consider this guy toast,” Daniel said before they heard the beep

indicating the call was over.

Ashby looked back to Rhys. Mikhail had a hand on his shoulder to comfort the man.
“Rhys, why did you never bring this to my attention?” Gabriel asked. Rhys just stared at the


“You’re not the most approachable man, my love. But don’t worry you have me now, we’ll work

on it,” Ashby said, patting Gabriel’s arm.

“My coven doesn’t trust me?” he asked sounding hurt.
“No! Prince Gabriel no! It’s just that we know that you deal with far more important issues that

impact our entire race. We try to take care of these matters so you aren’t bothered,” Rhys explained,
his face going pale.

“How can I hope to save my race when I can’t even protect my own coven?” Gabriel’s head fell

back until he was staring at the ceiling. Ashby wacked Gabriel on the chest to everyone’s surprise.

“For starters you can stop trying to take care of everything. Do you hear yourself? You’re trying

to manage an entire race, a coven and multiple businesses. I don’t care how old you are, that’s just
impossible. Start letting your coven support you more. Turn over all regional coven meetings to
Roman. He can handle more than being your personal assistant. Have Daniel and David create an
online feedback forum so that coven members across the globe can reach out to you. Have them create
a program that filters for keywords that would indicate an urgent matter. They can also create a
program that can correlate all the missing shifter information that you have and spit out next victim
possibilities or how they are all related. Reach out to Arkadia for assistance. Rebecca Arkadion is a
literal genius. She can probably give you fresh perspectives since she isn’t biased one way or another
despite being mated to Aleks, and I can help with the coven.” Ashby finished up his minirant,
breathlessly making eye contact with the men in the room. Roman scowled, Rhys looked nervous,
Mikhail’s lips were twitching, and Gabriel stared down at him a look of pure shock on his face.

“It’s what I would do.” Ashby stared down at the desk wondering if he had gone too far. He

looked up and was about to apologize when Gabriel laid a finger on his lips.

“Roman, you’re in charge of all intercoven relations including the organization and running of

the covens on a regional, national and global scale.” Roman started to sputter, unable to form
complete sentences.

“I know you prefer to stay in the background, but Ashby is right, I’ve held you back long

enough.” Roman dropped his head to his desk and repeatedly began to pound his head against the
shiny wood. Gabriel reached down and pressed the intercom button for the twins.

“David, Daniel, I need you to create an online program that will allow me to manage and

communicate with coven members around the world. I also want you to work with Mikhail while he’s
here to compile the information that we have gathered concerning the drug ring and murders and see if
there are any patterns.” Gabriel smiled down at Ashby, who was staring back at him with wide eyes.

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“Will Mikhail try to kill us…again?” Daniel asked timorously. Gabriel looked up and raised an

eyebrow at his old friend. Mikhail sighed.

“I’ll try not to,” he said flatly.
“You’ll be fine,” Gabriel said as he released the button. He removed his finger from Ashby’s


“Ashby, would you please assist me in the running of this coven?” he asked. Ashby could only


“Even if that means moving here?” Gabriel asked, and he could see the uncertainty creep into

Ashby’s eyes.

“We’ll figure something out,” Ashby said hesitantly.
“Gabriel, since it’s the first day for you to be on your feet, might I suggest you and Ashby go lie

down and take a nap? Both of you have been through a lot in the past couple days. I think Roman
might want to have his breakdown in private,” Baptista said from the doorway, jerking his head
toward Roman who was still pounding his head on his desk and muttering.

“Excellent idea,” Gabriel said, taking Ashby’s hand.
“Ready for a nap, mon ange?” Gabriel asked.
“With you? Always.” Gabriel wrapped his arm around Ashby’s waist as they walked toward the


“Rhys, can I ask that you also take on a new responsibility? Could you help me to identify

problems that our coven members may be reluctant to share with me? Possibly act as a liaison?”

“If you think I could help, then I will do whatever you need.”
“Do you need me to do anything?” Mikhail asked dryly.
“Yeah, don’t kill the twins.”

* * * *

“Are you not happy here?” Gabriel asked after he closed the door to their apartment.
“I love it here! Everyone has been wonderful…it’s just…it’s not home to me. I miss my

apartment, my shop and my friends,” Ashby said, sitting down on the black leather couch. Gabriel
walked over and sat next to him, pulling him close.

“We can have your things shipped here, maybe it would feel more like home if you were

surrounded by your own things,” Gabriel suggested. Ashby looked around at the immaculate, museum-
like apartment and shook his head.

“My things wouldn’t look right here. Some of my things are silly.”
“We can completely redecorate the apartment, gut it and design it anyway you would like,”

Gabriel offered.

“What about my shop?” Ashby asked quietly.
“Do you know anyone in Arkadia that you could leave the day-to-day management to?” Gabriel


“It wouldn’t be the same. I stock things a certain way and I have customers that I see every day.

Mojo only trusts me to make his banana splits. I also do birthday parties at the shop, they are
important to me.” Ashby rubbed his face against Gabriel’s chest.

Mon ange ,it sounds like you don’t want to live here with me, it is as if you have already made

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up your mind.” Ashby looked up to see the hopelessness in Gabriel’s eyes.

“What if you could live in Arkadia?” Ashby asked turning on the sofa until he sat on his knees

facing Gabriel.

“That is impossible. The protective perimeter keeps any vampire from entering Arkadia. It’s

been that way from the beginning and with good reason,” Gabriel explained.

“Rebecca is proposing that you and the coven be allowed in Arkadia. She said she would

discuss it with the other town leaders,” Ashby said excitedly.

“Rebecca must love you very much.” Gabriel took one of Ashby’s hands.
“I’d like to think that she does, I love her. She said that we are the family that we chose for

ourselves.” Ashby bounced slightly on his knees.

“I would not get my hopes up if I were you, angel, not even Rebecca can make changes that

affect the entire town without the support of others.” Gabriel watched his bouncing mate with an
amused smile on his face. His angel seemed to be overflowing with life and he wanted to keep it that

“Angel, I want you to go back to Arkadia until the ones responsible for these attacks have been

taken care of,” Gabriel said, pulling Ashby into his lap and wrapping his legs around his waist.

“But we don’t have any idea of how long that will take. Don’t you want me here? I was going to

help with the coven remember.” Ashby’s eyes brimmed with tears. The sight of Ashby’s pain nearly
destroyed Gabriel’s resolve to keep his angel safe, and right now the safest place for him was

“I want you with me at all times. Never doubt that. I’m jealous of the time I lose with you when

we sleep. But I am willing to sacrifice the time with you to ensure your safety, and with the changes
you suggested I should have a much easier time taking care of things until your return.” Gabriel pulled
Ashby close as his little fox burrowed into his chest whimpering.

“But I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too, mon ange, but I want you safe, no I need you to be safe.” Gabriel kissed the

top of Ashby’s head, inhaling his scent from the cloud of blond curls.

“I need…” Ashby whispered and began to grind his body into Gabriel’s hardening prick.
“I will always provide for you, my angel. Always,” Gabriel said, and with his claws ripped

apart Ashby’s pants. He pulled back from Ashby to reach the fasteners to his slacks. Ashby
immediately reached between them and began to stoke his hard length.

“Bite me, take what you need from me and pound this thick cock into my hole so that can feel

you deep inside me when I’m alone in Arkadia.” Ashby panted. Gabriel’s head fell back as the image
his angel painted scorched him from the inside.

“Are you sure? I hurt you.” Gabriel hesitated and Ashby shook his head, sending his curls flying.
“I need this, I have to give you what you need so that you’ll be strong when I’m gone. I’m not

afraid.” Ashby leaned forward and deliberately bit down on the meaty flesh connecting Gabriel’s
neck to his shoulder. Gabriel moaned deep in his throat and retracted his claws. He reached into his
slacks pocket and pulled out a small tube of slick. Ashby raised an eyebrow.

“That sure of yourself?” he asked jokingly. Gabriel shook his head.
“That hopeful.” He slicked up two fingers and eased them into his mate’s tight passage. Ashby

sat back on his fingers then raised up, fucking himself on Gabriel’s hand. Gabriel watched
mesmerized as his angel looked down at him with lust in his eyes, tempting him the way no devil

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could. He could feel his own desire filling him until he was harder than he had ever been before.

“This will be quick, mon ange. I’m not sure I can last long with you looking like every lustful

fantasy I have ever had.” Gabriel breathed heavily. Ashby looked through his lashes at his mate and
reached between their bodies to guide the heavy cock into his waiting hole. He rocked his body and
pulled off the invading flesh before slamming back down, driving him home. He took what he wanted
from his mate. When he felt himself getting close he tilted his neck and Gabriel leaned forward.

“Thank you,” he whispered and eased his fangs into Ashby’s neck, prolonging the pleasure of

penetration. He grabbed Ashby’s hips before planting his feet on the floor and began to lift his mate’s
body off his prick before snatching him close again, all the while pulling at his neck. Ashby cried out
and came, shooting spurts of cum between them. Gabriel extracted his fangs and looked Ashby in the
eye before leaning in for a kiss, never breaking eye contact. When he came he did so staring into
Ashby’s eyes. Never had he experienced anything so intimate or soul searing. Ashby wrapped his
arms around his neck and began to cry softly.

“I love you, my prince,” he whispered brokenly.
“I love you, too, my angel,” Gabriel said, memorizing every detail of his mate before he had to

send him away.

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Chapter 15

As Ashby, Emmett and Connor walked into the diner the next morning after the hour-long drive

from Purgatory the conversations stopped. Ashby was glad he had driven his own car back so that the
Arkadion brothers hadn’t seen him crying as they drove away. Ashby felt his cheeks heat in blush as
everyone stared.

“Ashby!” He heard the scream only seconds before a small body plowed into him. Immediately

the small body started bawling and it wouldn’t release the stranglehold it had around his neck.
Incoherent words were sobbed into his shirt and the only thing he could do was make shushing
motions and sounds.

“Rebecca, I’m fine. Everything is OK, you have to calm down,” Ashby said rubbing Rebecca’s

back in an effort to get her to let go of him. In the background he heard the diner phone ring.

“She’s fine, Ashby’s home and she’s a death grip around him. Yes…yes…she’s fine. Go back to

work Aleks,” Ashby heard Ma say.

“Ma, some help please,” he said, still trying to unwrap Rebecca’s arms.
“Now Rebecca let the boy breathe, he can’t fill you in on what’s been happening with you

wrapped around his throat,” Ma said pulling Rebecca back and handing her a tissue.

“I’m sorry! It’s just…just…he could have died!” Rebecca started crying again. Rian and Kate

walked up and steered Rebecca over to where they had been sitting and sat her down next to Damian,
who wrapped an arm around her shoulders and cuddled her. Ashby opened his mouth to start his story
when he heard the diner door slam open. There, standing in the doorway breathing hard was Nic.
Ashby stood, feeling tears fill his eyes. Nic pushed a chair out of his way and grabbed Ashby into a
hug. Just seeing Nic made him feel safe enough to let some of the emotions he had been holding back
come to the surface. Between Nic and Rebecca he really felt like he had come home.

“Vampires…and attacks…and you were poisoned…and you locked yourself in the goddamn

freezer!” Ashby could see fear in Nic’s face and leaned forward to place a brotherly kiss on his

“I’m perfectly fine now, really.” Ashby pulled Nic down to sit beside him, Nic refusing to let go

of his hand.

“Long story short, the drug ring that is responsible for the missing shifters has targeted me to get

Gabriel to back off on the investigation. Which really only proves how stupid they are, Gabriel won’t
stop now until they are wiped off the planet. So to keep me safe Gabriel sent me home to Arkadia.”

“We’ve missed you so much Ashers!” Rebecca said with only a slight sniffle.
“Lord yes! The pride has acquired three hotties of the highest caliber. First there’s Talon. That

man is huge, climbing gear required if you know what I mean…” Rian began.

“Rian…” Kate said.
“Then there’s Rex, be still my heart…” Rian clutched his chest.
“Rian!” Kate covered Rian’s mouth with her hand.
“Wha!” was Rian’s muffled reply. She removed her hand.
“They are sitting right there,” she said pointing to where all three lion shifters were staring at

them from one table over. She gave a little wave and they waved back smiling.

“So?” he asked. Kate rolled her eyes. Talon grinned, whispered something to Rex and Kent

before all three stood and pushed their table next to the table where Ashby sat with his friends.

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“And who is this delicate morsel?” the largest of the three drawled in a deep southern twang,

smiling down at Ashby.

“That is our mated best friend. Mated best friend Ashby, this is Talon. The guy next to him with

the soulful brown eyes is Rex and the wholesome piece of eye candy is Kent.” Rian introduced the
three lions to Ashby.

“Nice to meet you.” Ashby offered his hand. Talon took his hand and grinned down at the size

difference, his hand nearly twice the size of Ashby’s.

“What are your plans for the day?” Rebecca asked, scooping up Sebastian from the floor. He

immediately started purring before curling up in her lap resting his head on his front paws and going
to sleep.

“I’m heading home to get a shower and change into some of my own clothes. I’ve been living out

of the twins’ closet and they are a bit wilder than I am. Their names are David and Daniel. Daniel is
the zanier one and David is the slightly more serious one. This is one of Daniel’s T-shirts,” Ashby
said, pointing down to the T-shirt that proudly declared “One size fits all.” Rian burst out laughing.

“I’m stealing that T-shirt. You have to introduce me to these twins, they sound like a blast,” Rian

said, eyeing the shirt.

“You guys would love them. They really took care of me at the club, I wish I could show them

my shop. They hadn’t tried any human food since they were turned and absolutely fell in love with ice
cream when I started having them try different things,” Ashby said, looking at Rebecca. She shook her
head at his silent question.

“We’re still deliberating on that matter, Ash. We could arrange for Arkadian Night at Purgatory

so we can meet your coven,” Rebecca said, playing with her straw wrapper. Ashby nodded.

“You’re mated to a vampire?” Talon asked, leaning back in his chair.
“Yes, I’m mated to Prince Gabriel,” Ashby said. Talon’s eyes grew wide and Kent sat up in his


“Excuse our lack of formality, Your Highness, we weren’t aware of your station,” Kent said

softly. Rex gulped.

“Your Highness? Who? Ashby?” Rian asked, looking from Ashby to Kent.
“Oh Ashers we didn’t greet you properly either,” Rebecca said. Kate smacked her forehead at

the use of his nickname.

“I’m still getting used to the formalities, but you all are my family, I don’t really expect it from

you.” Ashby felt flustered. It was second nature to hear it from the coven, but this was Rebecca for
crying out loud.

“Wow, Prince Ashers!” Rebecca bounced in her seat excitedly.
In Rebecca’s lap Sebastian stood and arched his back. He stretched before he looked around the

table. Out of nowhere he began to purr. He jumped from Rebecca’s lap into Kent’s who held very still
and allowed the tiny tabby to circle twice before starting to knead his thighs. Kent winced and
adjusted Sebastian who finally got comfortable. The small cat happily curled into a ball and began to
purr loudly. Rebecca stared down at Sebastian with a frown on her face.

“Well that brings up the total number of people he’s affectionate to, to three. Myself included.”

Rebecca shrugged.

“Who is the other lucky soul?” Kent asked.
“Liam, though he likes to act like he is too cool. He totally spoils Sebastian rotten when he kitty

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sits,” Rebecca said.

“Kitty sits?” Rex asked.
“Yeah, kitty sits. Sometimes Aleks needs a break from the surprise attacks. He says Sebastian is

trying to give him a heart attack.” Rebecca grinned evilly and Kate laughed.

“Well on that note, I’m off. I have some inventory I need to unpack.” Nic leaned forward and

hugged Ashby.

“Try to stay out of trouble. My heart can’t take much more,” he said, standing and ruffling

Ashby’s hair.

“I should be going too, I’m dying for a shower and my own clothes.” Ashby stood and bumped

shoulders with Nic.

“I’ll walk with you.”
“Can you two come over for dinner? I’ll make your favorite, Ashby. King Ranch Mac and

Cheese, extra cheesy!” Rebecca pouted at Ashby who smiled and nodded.

“It’s a date. I don’t think I have anything edible in my fridge anyway.” He blew kisses to

Rebecca before he and Nic walked out of the diner. Quietly they made their way down the block to
where both shops were located.

“I’m serious Ashby. No more trouble. That night, when we didn’t know if you would pull

through…” Nic trailed off. Ashby stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

“I’m so sorry, Nic. You don’t have to worry anymore. See, safe here in shifter-only Arkadia.”

Ashby pointed down the empty street and Nic snorted.

“OK, goofball. See you in a few.” He waved and went into his shop.
Ashby, suddenly feeling like the goofball Nic had named him, turned smartly on his heel and

began to march like a toy soldier to his shop. Giggling at his own antics, he reached to turn the
doorknob and saw that the door was ajar. He felt his heart rate pick up.

It’s nothing. I just forgot to latch it properly when I left last week. I had Gabriel on the brain.
Shaking his head he pushed the door open and walked inside. When he looked around he felt his

insides turn to ice. Every glass toppings canister had been smashed and lay in pieces on the floor. The
glass of his ice cream case was shattered and all of the tables and chairs had been thrown about. But
what made him feel sick was the message spray painted on the wall.

Die! Whore! Die!
Shaking he backed out of the shop and stood on the sidewalk.
“Ashby! Ashby!” He hadn’t even noticed Nic running up to him. He felt Nic shaking his upper


“What’s wrong with him?” Rebecca demanded.
Kate, Rex, Kent and Talon stood behind her as Sebastian rubbed his head against Ashby’s legs

as if he knew Ashby needed the comfort.

“He’s shaking and not talking,” Nic said before turning back to Ashby.
“Ashby, what is the matter? You’re freaking us out buddy.” Nic said, wrapping an arm around

his shoulders. Ashby turned and buried his face into his friend’s chest.

“My s–s–shop.” He finally got out. Talon and Rex immediately went into the shop. It was only

seconds later before they walked out, carefully shaking their shoes free of glass pieces.

“Alpha Mother, I think you better call your husband. Someone trashed his store,” Talon said,


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“Oh my God.” Rebecca turned and pulled her cell phone out of her purse. Ashby shook his head.

Visions of broken glass and scattered candies filled his eyes and shattered his heart.

“Call Gabriel,” Nic’s voice said softly in his ear. Ashby nodded and stared at Nic, temporarily

forgetting how to use his cell phone. He held it out to Nic who looked at him with sadness in his eyes.
Nic took the phone and scrolled through the contacts before pressing a button.

“No, this isn’t Ashby, it’s his friend Nic. Listen Ashby’s shop has been trashed and he really

needs to hear your voice right now. I am handing the phone back to him…OK.” Nic handed the phone
back to Ashby.

“Gabriel.” The one word was spoken brokenly.
Mon ange, are you all right? Are you safe?” Gabriel said speaking slowly. Ashby nodded.
“Ash, he can’t see you nodding,” Nic said, rubbing his hands up and down Ashby’s arms.
“I’m no expert, but I think he’s in shock,” Kent said, eyeing Ashby closely.
“Shit! I think you’re right,” Nic said, looking around frantically for Rebecca.
“Ashby, hand the phone back to your friend Nic. Everything will be OK, my love,” Gabriel said

gently. Ashby nodded and handed the phone to Nic who looked down at it confused. He brought it up
to his ear.

“Yes?” he asked
“Take Ashby to the clinic of that sardonic asshole you have for a doctor. Keep him warm. He

has had enough shocks in the past few days to break down the strongest of men. Then I want you to put
me through to Aleksander Arkadion,” Gabriel said softly, but firmly.

“Rebecca, we have to get Ashby over to Doc’s clinic,” he said, steering Ashby to where

Rebecca stood.

“Rebecca, what’s this about a break in?” Aleks asked, jogging up to them in his sheriff’s


“Aleks, someone has trashed Ashby’s store,” she said, pointing at the door.
“You didn’t go inside, did you?” he demanded.
“No, just Ashby, Rex and Talon,” she explained.
“We’re taking Ashby to the clinic Aleks,” she said, taking Ashby’s other side.
“Here Aleks. Gabriel wants to talk to you,” Nic said, passing off Ashby’s cell. Aleks nodded

and took the phone.

“You three go to the clinic and stay there until I come for you.” Rebecca nodded and she and Nic

walked slowly down the street with Ashby heading toward the clinic, Sebastian trotting along behind
them. Aleks turned to Rex, Talon and Kent.

“Can one of you go with them and guard the clinic? I’ll need the other two to contact Liam and

Bran to start patrols through town,” Aleks said.

“I’ll go with them to the clinic,” Rex said and jogged after the three.
“I’ll contact Liam and head west,” Kent said.
“I guess that leaves me calling the wolves and heading east.” Talon nodded to Aleks and the two

took off. Aleks raised the phone to his ear.

“Gabriel, who wants Ashby dead and how did they get into Arkadia?” Aleks asked.
“I’ve been getting death threats against Ashby from the drug ring I’m trying to take down. If

vampires have found a way into Arkadia, then he isn’t safe there.”

“There is no proof that vampires have breached the perimeter. Let me work this like a human

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crime scene. Ashby is safer here behind the perimeter until we can prove otherwise,” Aleks said,
walking over to the open shop door.

“He is my mate.”
“I swear to you my brothers and I will guard him like our own. His bond to Rebecca has made

him like a brother to her and a part of our family. As soon as Doc clears him, we’re taking him home
to the ranch. There is no safer place,” Aleks said confidently.

“You keep him safe and I will do everything in my power to eliminate the threat to my mate,”

Gabriel said darkly before disconnecting. Aleks stared down at the phone and shook his head. He
tried to feel sorry for the bastard threatening Ashby but couldn’t. Ashby’s pain was Rebecca’s pain,
the son of a bitch needed to die, and die soon.

* * * *

“OK. I was a little rattled. I’ve put my whole life into my shop. I still think his comment about

getting a Life Alert necklace was totally uncalled for,” Ashby said, pouting, wrapped up in the softest
blanket Rebecca owned while sipping hot chocolate. Nic smiled down into his mug of tea. Ashby,
Nic and Rebecca were sprawled out on the guest room sofas after Aleks dropped them off at their
house before heading back out to meet with Bran and Liam about patrols.

“Oh Ashby, you know he was kidding. It was his way of showing his concern of having to treat

you for serious trauma three times in nearly a week,” Rebecca said, trying to smooth over Ashby’s
prickled pride.

“I didn’t ask for any of this. Finding your mate should be a happy occasion,” Ashby said,


“Yeah, I wouldn’t anything know about that. My mate rejected me, I was attacked like three

times, then kidnapped and whipped when I got mated,” Rebecca said, blowing on her hot chocolate.
Ashby’s eyes widened.

“Oh honey I didn’t mean to…” he started. She smiled up at him and waved off his apology.
“If this is what being mated his like, count me out,” Nic said, shuddering.
“But seriously, like being beaten and kidnapped, totally worth it for the great sex,” Rebecca

said, nodding to herself.

“She’s right. It’s totally worth it.” Ashby agreed. They both looked at each other and started


“No booty is worth all this mess,” Nic said, shaking his head.
He’s a freak, super freak!” Rebecca said poking Ashby in the arm. Nic laughed.
“No, Becca. No singing.” Ashby poked her back.
At first I was afraid. I was petrified.” Rebecca began the words to “I Will Survive” and Nic

groaned, burying his head between the sofa cushions. But the words sparked something in Ashby.
Rebecca was right. He would survive this. He threw off his blanket and put down his hot chocolate
before jumping up to stand on the sofa. He took over singing.

Oh no, not I, I will survive. He bounced his head from side to side and slapped his shaking

ass. Rebecca hooted and hollered beside him, egging him on as Nic rapped out the beat on the night

Just as he was finishing up the final notes he turned to face the doorway only to see Aleks

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standing there slack-jawed with a cell phone in his hand. The room suddenly got quiet. Aleks slowly
brought the phone up to his ear and trying to keep a straight face said,

“I would say he’s doing better.”
Ashby’s slapped both hands over his mouth and stared in horror at the cell phone. Aleks held out

the phone and wiggled it.

“It’s for you,” he said, chuckling. Ashby shook his head. Behind him he heard Rebecca and Nic

lose all sense of composure and began to laugh hysterically.

“Come on Ashby, your mate needs to hear your voice…some more,” Aleks said, walking over

placing the phone into Ashby’s hand and closing it around the phone.

“Come on Giggles, let’s leave the man in peace,” Aleks said, walking over to pick up Rebecca

who was still trying to breathe. She waved to Nic and Ashby as Aleks carried her out of the room.
Nic wiped his eyes.

“I’m jumping in the shower,” he said before walking to the en suite bathroom. Ashby stared

down at the phone.

“Angel, please put the phone to your ear,” he heard Gabriel say and immediately brought the

phone up.

“I’m here,” he said, wanting to kick himself for sounding so lame. He heard Gabriel’s soft

laughter and couldn’t help but smile. He jumped down off the sofa and walked over to one of the two
queen beds in the guest room he was sharing with Nic.

“I miss you, my angel. Life here seems so bleak without you next to me.”
“I miss you too. I wish you were here,” Ashby said, snuggling down under the covers.
“I belong by your side, but it seems that the safest place for you is as far away from me as

possible,” Gabriel said. Ashby could hear the frustration in his voice.

“My place is next to you. As soon as we find the vampires responsible I can come home,”

Ashby said and he heard Gabriel’s swift intake of breath.

“Do you mean that, mon ange? Do you consider the club your home?” he asked.
“No. You’re my home. I realized that today when I was scared and feeling lost. The only place I

wanted to be was in your arms. Wherever you are is my home,” Ashby said, meaning every word.

Mon dieu, the things you say to me. I swear, once this is behind us I will spoil you the way I

have been dying to,” Gabriel murmured seductively into the phone. Ashby shivered.

“Spoil me how?” he asked.
“Well first I would…” Gabriel started.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I love you, Ashers, really I do. But I draw the line at phone sex while

sharing a room. It would be weird, like kissing my brother or something,” Nic said from the bathroom
door and shuddered. Ashby made a face at Nic and heard Gabriel laugh.

“That gives me even more motivation to find the ones responsible,” Gabriel whispered softly.
“I love you,” Ashby said, closing his eyes tight and wishing his prince was with him.
“And I love you too my angel, sleep well and for my sanity stay safe.”
“I will,” Ashby said before ending the call. He stared down at the phone for a long time. When

he looked up Nic was in the opposite bed staring at him.

“I can’t wait until you’re mated so I can torture you,” Ashby said, throwing a pillow at his best


“Never happening,” Nic said, catching the pillow and putting it under his head.

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“Night Nic,” Ashby said, turning off the light.
“Night, Ashers,” Nic responded.
Ashby lay awake long after Nic’s breathing evened out. His last thoughts were of his prince

before he finally drifted off to sleep.

* * * *

The three sentries watched the light go out in the room assigned to their charge and continued

their patrol within the boundaries of the Arkadion ranch. It was the first time the bears had ever let
other groups on their land, which spoke volumes. It wasn’t only the importance of keeping Ashby safe
but a testament to how much the town had grown in such a short time. The wolf turned to the two

“Did you hear what Alpha Kate wants to do to the one who trashed Ashby’s shop?” he asked.

Both lions nodded.

“Did you hear what the Alpha Mother wanted to do?” the taller of the two lions asked. The wolf


“It’s not even physically possible. They would die long before it was done,” he said. The

smaller of the two lions shook his head slowly.

“That’s why she said she would skin them first, she planned it that way to determine how fast

they would heal, so that when she did the other bit it would go on for years, slowly healing and
then…” All three gulped.

“She’s so tiny and cute. But to tell you the truth, she’s scary as fuck too,” the taller lion said.
The wolf grinned.
“And we wouldn’t want it any other way.” The other two lions grinned in return and they

resumed their patrol.

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Chapter 16

“Don’t pick up any glass. And don’t lift anything heavy. Don’t breathe in any cleaning fumes, in

fact don’t help. Just sit there,” Aleks said as he paced in front of the table where Rebecca, Ashby and
Nic sat waiting on their to-go order of breakfast muffins at the diner.

“Aleks, don’t worry, we won’t let her do anything. She is strictly going for moral support. Right

Ashby?” Nic said and Ashby nodded.

“And to tell us what to do and point and laugh when we do it wrong,” Ashby added.
“Hey! You’re supposed to be on my side, just for that, I am adding snarky comments to my

agenda. Muwhahaha.” She sniffed dramatically and sipped her tea.

“OK, baby, I gotta run. If you see anything suspicious let me know immediately. Ashby, we did a

walkthrough of the shop and apartment yesterday and have everything we need. Luckily all of the
damage was to the shop, the upstairs looked untouched. Still be careful with the glass. If the smells
get overwhelming take breaks. The smell of candy, cake and sour ice cream was too much yesterday
so we weren’t able to pick up the intruder’s scent.” Aleks crinkled his nose, leaned down and kissed
his mate before heading toward the door. He paused, turned back around and his eyes narrowed at

“Stay out of trouble, I mean it.” He turned back and the door shut behind him. Rebecca rolled

her eyes.

“OK, boys, time to boogie,” Rebecca said as Connor handed her a box full of muffins and a

small box of bacon for Sebastian.

They waved good-bye to Ma and Connor before heading to the ice cream parlor. When they

walked in Rebecca looked around, her eyes sad. She passed Nic the muffins and immediately
scooped Sebastian up.

“We have to be careful Sebastian, we don’t want glass in your wittle paws.” She kissed the top

of Sebastian’s head as he settled down in her arms purring. Nic wiped down one of the few unbroken
chairs and held it out for Rebecca.

“OK, missy. Park it,” he said and placed the box of muffins on one of the tables. He turned and

looked at their pitiful inventory of cleaning supplies.

“Ash do you have any more bags? This lot isn’t going to cover it.” Nic pointed to the single box

of lawn and leaf bags they had brought from the ranch.

“I have some more upstairs, be back in a second,” Ashby said as he ran up the stairs.
When he got to the landing he saw that Aleks had left the door open. Shaking his head, he pushed

open the door and headed to the kitchen. He got down on his knees, rummaging around under his sink.
Finally he found the two boxes of bags he had been looking for. As he stood, he looked up, and clear
as crystal he saw the reflection of someone standing behind him in the polished metal of the
refrigerator. He spun around and dropped the boxes he hand been holding. A vaguely familiar man
stood in front of him holding a gun tipped with a silencer. He felt his heart try to climb out of his body
through his throat.

“What do you want?” he demanded. The man was about to answer when Rebecca and Nic burst

through the apartment door skidding to a stop when they saw the stranger with the gun.

“You two, over there, next to him! Now!” the man screamed as spit flew from his lips. Nic

edged in front of Rebecca and they walked over to where Ashby stood. Both men took defensive

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positions in front of their Alpha Mother.

“Why are you here?” Ashby asked.
“As if you didn’t know!” the man screamed. Ashby shook his head.
“I don’t know, really I don’t. I don’t even know you.”
“He is mine. He was going to talk to me that night, I just know it. Then you came along in your

tight jeans, tempting him. Swaying him to you. We are destined to be together.” The man’s voice rose
to a fanatic crescendo. Ashby gaped at the man.

“Oh my God, I remember you! You stood in front of me in line at Purgatory the night Gabriel

claimed me. You were the raccoon with the cologne,” Ashby exclaimed.

“I sent him a love letter, on special pretty paper. I told him you would die. I just knew he was

waiting for me.” The man walked back and forth in front of them waving the gun. Nic turned his head
a fraction caught Ashby’s eye and both turned to look at Rebecca, who mouthed a single word.

Both men nodded and concentrated on connecting through to the missing fourth member of their

Inner Court.

“If you wanted me dead, why did you attack Gabriel?” Ashby asked, trying to stall for time.
The man turned his faced crazed.
“I didn’t! I didn’t! I didn’t! You were supposed to die, not him. I have a secret. Yes a secret. I’m

only half shifter. The other half is witch. I was raised by my witch grandmother who taught me things.
I used a spell to break your mating bond. It should have killed you! Why aren’t you dead? Poison
didn’t work, the spell didn’t work. But I know what will work. My gun will work. Then he will be
mine,” he said in an insane singsong childlike voice.

“Mating bonds are built into shifters, you can’t break them in us. All you did was drive Gabriel

feral, you son of a bitch,” Ashby said furiously. This man was responsible for all of the pain he
experienced in the past week and had made his mating with Gabriel miserable.

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” The man pointed the gun at Ashby.
“Don’t piss off the crazy man with the gun Ashers,” Rebecca whispered.
“I’m not crazy! Step out in front, bitch!” he said, leveling the gun at Ashby.
“No!” Both Ashby and Nic protested. The man started to squeeze the trigger slowly with the gun

pointed at Ashby’s head.

“Wait! I’m stepping forward,” Rebecca said, easing forward until she stood in front of Ashby

and Nic. Sebastian jumped in front of Rebecca and arched his back hissing at the crazed half shifter.

“Is this the best protection Arkadia has to offer? A little kitty cat.” He laughed manically.
“Say good-bye, bitch.” He swung the gun around until it pointed at Rebecca’s small baby bump

and pulled the trigger.

“No!” Ashby yelled and dove to knock Rebecca down. He felt the bullet graze past his arm as

Nic jumped on top of him to cover them with his body. Above them an eardrum-shattering roar filled
the tiny apartment. Nic, Ashby and Rebecca looked up to see a huge saber-toothed tiger standing
between them and the shooter.

Roaring again, the tiger swiped away the gun before jumping on top of the attacker, who was

screaming in high-pitched tones. The screeches quickly turned to blood-filled gurgles as the saber-
toothed tiger bit down on the man’s throat and shook him like a rag doll.

Aleks, Kate, Bran, Caleb and Liam burst through the apartment door. Aleks’s hands shifted as he

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advanced on the saber toothed tiger. Rebecca wiggled out from under Nic and Ashby to stand
between her charging mate and the half-ton tiger behind her.

“Aleks stop! Leave Sebastian alone, he saved us!” she said, holding up both hands to stop her


Aleks stopped in the middle of the floor staring up at the tiger that was currently standing over

his tiny mate.

“Sebastian?” he asked incredulously.
Rebecca looked down and wrinkled her nose at what was left of the attacker, before stepping

over his body and moving toward Aleks.

“Yes, Sebastian. He shifted into super kitty and saved us,” she said, beaming proudly.
Ashby knew in that moment he never loved his friend more. The eviscerated man at her feet

warranted only a nose wrinkle and she was looking at her shifted cat like a proud mama. No other
could fill the role as Alpha Mother more.

“Thank you Sebastian. Is that your real name?” Ashby asked, walking up beside the tiger. He

picked up his bathrobe from the sofa where he had left it nearly a week ago.

The huge saber toothed tiger shimmered and in its place a lithe, sandy-haired man stood looking

at them with fearful brown eyes. Ashby wrapped the robe around him. Liam sucked in a breath.

“You knew. You had to know!” he yelled, turned, and left the apartment slamming the door

behind him.

“Oh dear. Aleks go after Liam, he’s hurting and needs you as a friend. Oh, and take that with you

please,” Rebecca said, pointing to the bloody body. Aleks opened his mouth, then closed it. He
looked at Sebastian, opened his mouth, then looked at Rebecca who was staring at him expectantly,
then closed it.

“Yes dear,” he said. He reached down grabbed the body by the ankle and dragged it out of the

apartment. Bran and Caleb winced as they heard the thunk, thunk, thunk sounds coming from the stairs
as the body hit each step on the way down.

“My name is Sebastian. I told Liam my name the day we met in the alley,” Sebastian said.
“Liam said it just popped into his head. Was that because you are mates?” she asked. Sebastian


“I have weak telepathic abilities,” Sebastian explained, still looking a little dazed.
“Sebastian, why didn’t you tell us? We would have kept you safe,” Ashby said, sitting the

smaller man down on the sofa.

“I didn’t mean to lie. When I first came here I was so scared but then Rebecca found me. And

she was warm and safe. I thought to myself, I’d rather be her cat and safe than a man again. I was
scared all the time,” he said shuddering.

“You must have realized at some point that Liam was your mate, and that he wouldn’t hurt you.”

Ashby wrapped an arm around the man when he began to shake.

“I was sold by my Alpha. I only recently felt safe enough where I was thinking about shifting

back. I knew the one that caged me was close to finding me and I had to warn everyone, I just didn’t
know how. Liam isn’t like my old Alpha, I know that now,” he said as tears began to stream down his

“I don’t mean to be rude, but how can you have two forms? I didn’t even know that we had

domesticated cat shifters,” Bran asked. Sebastian shook his head.

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“There aren’t any. I’m a hybrid. My grandparents on my mother’s side were a tiger and a wolf

and the grandparents on my father’s side were a lion and a hawk. Each couple produced a half breed
baby. Those babies grew up met, fell in love and had me. True hybrids occur when four individual
animals come together to make two, that come together to make one. I can shift into any animal that I
see and my telepathic abilities may get stronger after I’m claimed by my mate,” Sebastian explained.

“OK, I take back wanting to be a bear. I want to be a hybrid,” Rebecca whispered, eyes wide.

Kate smacked her arm.

“We’re not impossible to find, but we are extremely rare. That was why I was sold to the man

collecting hybrids. He was going to sell us. He drugged us, made us shift into small animals and kept
us in bespelled titanium cages. We weren’t able to shift into larger animals to escape. Malcom didn’t
know and when he shifted the cage cut him into tiny cube-shaped pieces. We were only able to escape
when the man who was collecting us left. His abused boyfriend came in and let us all out. He told us
to run and find Arkadian towns. We agreed that it would be too easy to track us as a large group and
split up. I saw the boyfriend here in town last week. It’s only a matter of time before that psychopath
finds us, and forces us to go with him.” Sebastian covered his face with his hands.

“Not going to happen, Sebastian. Didn’t I promise you that you would always have a home with

me?” Rebecca asked him, rubbing her hand over his head. He instinctively turned his head into her
touch. He caught himself and nodded.

“I swear to you that no one will take you away from us.” Rebecca turned to Nic.
“Can you drive him back to the ranch so he can get some rest? He’s had a long day,” she said,

leaning forward and kissing the top of his head just like she did when he was in cat form.

“You mean it? I can stay with you even though I’m not a cat?” he asked, his lower lip quivering.

She nodded.

“Of course, you’re family.” She smiled at him and hesitantly he smiled in return. Nic stood and

helped Sebastian to stand on his own two feet instead of his normal four. Slowly they made their way
out of the apartment and down the blood-stained stairs. No one moved until they heard the door shut.

“What next? The Loch Ness Monster?” Bran asked, pacing the floor.
“Like we didn’t have enough to worry about.” Caleb rubbed his face with his hands. Both

women glared at them. Ashby stared the men down, and through his bond he could feel Rebecca and
Kate’s aggravation.

“He’s family, we take care of family. He also saved my life,” Rebecca reminded the men who

looked down at her properly chastised. They looked up at Kate guiltily.

“You’re also forgetting that he’s Liam’s mate. Liam was willing to risk every man in his pride to

keep our boys safe when we couldn’t. Are you saying now that you aren’t willing to defend his
mate?” Kate demanded, tapping her foot.

“No, lovely baby, we would never turn our back on Liam that way,” Caleb said, taking one of

Kate’s clenched fists. Bran grabbed the other.

“We’re just worried about a new threat to the town, that is all,” Bran explained.
“Good, for a moment there neither one of you was going to get any sex for at least a month,”

Kate said, eyeing her men who paled under her gaze.

Rebecca looked around the apartment and down at the bloody floor.
“You know what, I’m freaking starving. Let’s go to the diner, I’m craving steak and eggs.”

Rebecca smiled and Ashby chuckled wickedly. Together they walked toward the door and headed

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down the stairs. Caleb and Bran turned a little green and Kate patted them on their shoulders.

“You boys can’t hang with the big girls.” She laughed and followed Rebecca and Ashby out of

the apartment.

Bran turned to Caleb.
“Never, ever, ever piss off those two women.” Caleb nodded. They quickly followed the other

three to the diner.

* * * *

“Liam wait up!” Aleks yelled as he marched down Market Street after his friend. Liam turned,

hissed and kept walking. Aleks rolled his eyes.

“Dammit, Liam, hold up!” Aleks yelled as they passed the diner. Behind him he heard gasps but

he kept walking. Fuck them if they didn’t like him cussing. Finally he added a little speed and caught
up to Liam.

“Fuck off Aleks!” Liam said through clenched teeth.
“Can’t. Rebecca sicced me on you. So here I am standing in front of you, when I would rather be

stripping my mate naked and inspecting every inch of her body. I almost lost her again today. Am I
with her? No! I’m with your flea-bitten cat ass! So you better spill your guts and cry or whatever shit
you need to do so I can tell Rebecca I was there for you, so I can get back to my plan of stripping her
naked,” Aleks bellowed.

In the background he heard children begin to cry. He frowned. OK, he admitted to himself that he

needed to watch his language. Liam stared at him blankly.

“You’re totally scared of her adorable psychotic little ass,” he said.
“I am not! And she isn’t psychotic. She’s brilliant,” Aleks protested. Liam nodded.
“At least she never denied you,” Liam said brokenly.
“No. But I denied her, remember?” Aleks said bitterly and Liam winced.
“Listen, I don’t know what’s going on with the little guy, but he looked scared as hell when he

shifted back to human. You don’t look that scared when you can shift into a fucking saber-toothed tiger
without some major trauma somewhere in your past,” Aleks said, taking a deep breath. Then he
stopped and his eyes went wide.

“He’s a he. I mean he’s a guy. He’s your mate. Oh my God you’re gay!” Aleks exclaimed. Liam

slapped himself on the forehead.

“You are just sick!” a woman on the sidewalk hissed at them.
“Fuck off you close-minded bitch, we don’t choose our mates, they are chosen for us,” Aleks

growled at her. Her mouth worked like a fish’s before she went running down the street calling for
Ma Arkadion. Aleks looked at Liam, his face scarlet.

“Look man, I don’t care who your mate is. I just want you to be happy,” he said in a gruff voice.

Liam wiped his eyes from laughing too hard and shook his head.

“Doesn’t look like that is going to happen anytime soon.” When Liam looked up at him there

was a new depth of sadness that wasn’t there this morning. Aleks opened his mouth to reassure his
friend when he heard something that chilled him to the bone.

“Aleksander Aaron Arkadion! What in the hell is wrong with you! Why are you dragging that

mangled corpse through town? You traumatized an entire first-grade class on a field trip to the town

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center,” Ma said, striding up to them pointing down to the body that Aleks still had a hold of.

He looked down at the ankle he was holding.
“Fuck my life.” Aleks looked behind his ma at the trail of blood heading back to the ice cream


Liam laughed, his arms wrapped around his waist holding his sides. Aleks had a feeling that

Liam was laughing to keep from crying.

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Chapter 17

“You know what this means Ashby?” Rebecca said, wiggling around behind the counter as Ma

walked into the diner muttering about dense sons. Ethan, Gina and Cecelia were giggling at Aleks’s
gaffe from a table by the door.

“What does what mean?” Ashby asked, picking apart a muffin.
“It means that you can go be with Gabriel. The threat was from his crazy-ass stalker, not the drug

ring. Speaking of crazy stalkers.” Rebecca rummaged around in different containers before holding up
her gun triumphantly. Connor paled as she tucked it into her purse. She returned to her table as Caleb
and Bran eyed her warily. She resumed eating her steak.

“Oh my God, you’re right. I can go back!” he said, grinning from ear to ear.
“Hate to lose you little buddy,” Mojo said from a side table where he was having breakfast with

a much smaller man who kept looking around nervously. Ashby identified one of his shirts and

“I’ll figure out a way to get you your sundaes. Is this Peyton?” Ashby asked, smiling at the

twitchy man. Mojo nodded.

“Yup, this is Peyton Miller, my new employee at the bar. Say hello to everyone Peyton. It’s OK,

everyone here is real nice.” Mojo waved to everyone who smiled warmly and waved back to the
small man. Slowly a shy smile appeared as he gave a small wave before ducking his head.

“He is so cute!!” Rebecca gushed. Peyton looked up blushing and looked back down again.
Ashby was about to comment when the door swung open and three strange men walked in.

Immediately the shifters in the diner went on alert. Ma stepped out from behind the counter.

“Can we help you gentlemen?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. Normally Ma was

very welcoming to everyone, but there was something off about these three. Ashby shuddered. He
wanted to get as far away from them as possible. The man in front looked around the diner and gave
an oily smile. His eyes went from Peyton to Kate then back to Ma.

“I’m looking for Bran McGregor,” the seedy-looking leader said. Kate stood and began to growl

loudly. Bran and Caleb stood in front of their mate.

“I’m Bran McGregor,” Bran said, frowning at the rough-looking man.
“I challenge you to become Alpha of the Arkadian wolf pack,” he said and Ashby gasped.
“You can’t do that,” Rebecca said calmly between bites of steak.
“It’s a dominance challenge, no one can interfere. I’m simply reclaiming what is mine. My

brother promised me a piece of that bitch there,” he said, pointing to Kate.

“Once I’m Alpha, she’ll be my bitch. I’ll also be taking that twink off your hands. He belongs to

my pack,” he said pointing to Peyton. Ashby felt the air move as Mojo took up a position in front of
him and Peyton. Out of the corner of his eye Ashby saw Ethan slip out of the diner and take off down
the road.

“You son of a bitch, why can’t you just leave us alone!” Kate demanded.
“Who is he, Kate?” Ma asked.
“He’s the brother to my old Alpha,” Kate growled.
“Interesting, so your parents failed on two occasions.” Rebecca looked up at the wolf and

scrunched her nose before shaking her head.

“Like I said before, you can’t challenge Bran. And even if you could, you can’t just own people.

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That’s just rude,” Rebecca said, chasing the juice from her steak around her plate with what looked to
be her last bite.

“Rebecca he’s right, no one can interfere with a dominance challenge,” Bran said, cracking his

knuckles. Caleb bared his canines at the man.

“Except when that challenge is issued to a pack that is under the protection of the Alpha Mother

in an Arkadian town. In the Shifter Council bylaws the only time such a challenge is recognized is
when approved of by the Alpha Mother. So like I said…again. You can’t do that,” she said, sweetly
smiling up at the man. He growled and knocked the table away from Rebecca to leave her sitting in
the chair before him. The entire diner began to growl as Connor jumped the counter and stood directly
behind Rebecca.

“Fine. Where is the Alpha Mother? Bring her to me,” he demanded. Rebecca stood.
“I’m right here,” she said, placing her hands on her hips.
“Where? Where is the Alpha Mother?” he demanded, ignoring Rebecca. She growled her tiny

growl at him.

“I know you’re not growling at me puny human. What could you possibly do to me?” He reached

down and squeezed her cheeks together. Her eyes flared with anger before two deafening shots
echoed through the diner. The skeezy wolf Alpha howled and dropped to the floor clutching at his

“I got it back just in time.” She grinned, waving her gun. Aleks and Liam entered the diner at a

dead run.

“We heard gun shots,” Liam said, eyeing the man writhing around in pain on the diner floor.
“Becca, baby, what’s going on?” Aleks asked as the two other wolves that had come in barred

the way to his mate.

“I shot their Alpha in the knee caps,” she said calmly.
“What did that bastard do?” he asked, his hands shifting as he and Liam faced down the two

wolf shifters.

“He grabbed me,” she said then stepped forward before kicking him in the face. Blood and teeth

skittered across the diner floor. The Alpha began to laugh.

He wheezed and said, “You broke Arkadian law. You hurt a shifter within the town’s perimeter.”

The Alpha forced each word out between painful breaths.

Ashby froze. Rebecca had. She had shot him. Oh God, what if she had to leave Arkadia?
“Bitch, please. I know every law, bylaw and Council suggestion that’s been enforced or

documented since Arkadia was created. It states that any town member is able to defend themselves
against physical harm. You laid your hands on me and caused me pain. I was simply defending

Aleks growled and stepped forward to go after the wolf on the floor.
“You dare touch my mate!” He stepped right into the wolf shifter’s chest that still stood between

him and Rebecca.

“I only grabbed your face, you shot me. It’s completely different. I’ll take my case to the

vampires. They will destroy your town.” The Alpha growled up at Rebecca. Ashby smiled and
stepped forward to stand next to Rebecca. He put on his haughtiest expression and looked down at the
man on the floor.

“I am Prince Ashby, mated to Prince Gabriel, who rules over all vampires. I can with utmost

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certainty, unequivocally advise you that we will never rule in your favor, nor will we ever attack any
Arkadian town. This I can swear to you.” Ashby looked at him in disgust.

“I will take my case to the Council. This isn’t over!” The two wolves stepped away from Liam

and Aleks and helped their leader to stand. Rebecca frowned and stepped forward.

“For your transgression against my person as Alpha Mother of Arkadia, I am hereby issuing you

this final warning. Do not seek to harm what is mine or I will ban your pack from Arkadia. If you
succeed in harming what is mine, I will destroy you. Not kill. Destroy. I will systematically and
painfully rip you apart piece by piece.” Rebecca stared at them coldly.

“As prince of the vampire race I also give you warning. If you ever harm so much as a hair on

my Alpha Mother’s head, I will set every vampire on the planet against you. There is no place on
earth where you could hide from my wrath.” Ashby stared at the man in disgust.

“I don’t believe a twink like you rules the vampires,” the Alpha spat out. Ashby calmly pulled

his cellphone out of his pocket and dialed Gabriel’s number.

Mon Ange, is something the matter?” Gabriel’s melodic voice was heard by every shifter.
“There is a wolf shifter here that doubts that a twink like me could be a prince to the vampires.

He is threatening my Alpha Mother,” Ashby explained coolly.

“How do we know that is the prince?” the wolf Alpha demanded.
“Step forward and know my claim to be true.” Gabriel’s voice was heard, but it was through

Ashby that his pulse of power was felt. The three wolves standing in front of Ashby were nearly
driven to their knees.

“My prince, can you please confirm to this wolf Alpha that I speak with your voice and through

you I represent the vampires?” Ashby asked.

“Prince Ashby, as my mate you speak with my voice and represent every vampire created who

has not lost their soul. I pity any creature that doubts your claim,” Gabriel said, his voice turning dark
and cold.

“Thank you, my prince.”
“I am waiting for you my love,” Gabriel said before Ashby ended the call.
“Peyton, you better come with me if you know what’s good for you!” the wolf Alpha screamed,

reaching for the small man in a last-ditch effort as they made their way out of the diner. Mojo simply
stretched his large hand forward and snapped the leader’s arm with as much effort as he would in
snapping a toothpick. He smiled widely at the Alpha who began screeching and cradling his arm.

“In case you didn’t understand our Alpha Mother. Everyone in this town and every other

Arkadian town is under her protection,” he said, winking down at Peyton.

“That goes for any current resident or anyone who finds their way here,” Rebecca said, smiling

at the Alpha sweetly.

“Now. It’s approximately five minutes to the edge of town. You have three minutes to get there

and get out of Arkadia. Kaden, Beau, Talon, and Rex, can you make sure these gentlemen don’t get
lost?” Rebecca asked.

“Yes, Alpha Mother,” they replied and began pushing the men out of the diner door.
“Well, I’m glad that’s over sooner rather than later,” Rebecca said, trying to wrestle her table

back in place. Aleks walked across the diner and wrapped his arms around Rebecca.

Ashby’s eyes misted. He wanted this. He wanted his mate and his family together in one place.
“Alpha Mother, I formally request that my mate and prince, and through him our coven, be

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allowed the protection of Arkadia,” Ashby stated loudly. Rebecca stepped back from Aleks and
turned to look at Ma, who nodded. She looked at Kate. Kate looked at Bran who smiled.

“Gabriel was willing to defend us though it gained him nothing. We say yes,” Bran said as he

and Caleb cuddled Kate between them. Rebecca and Ashby looked to Liam.

“Mates should always be together. No matter what,” he said simply and walked out of the diner.

Ashby turned back to Rebecca.

“Ashby, it is my pleasure to be able to extend an invitation to Gabriel and your coven to

Arkadia,” she said, smiling widely.

“What did you mean Becca, that you’re glad that it’s over sooner rather than later?” Aleks


“Sebastian said that he was on the run from some psychotic sicko collecting hybrids to sell. He

had been sold by his Alpha and kept in cages with other hybrids. It wasn’t until the sicko’s abused
boyfriend set all the hybrids free that he was able to come here. If I guessed correctly that brave
person was you Peyton,” Rebecca said, smiling warmly at small quaking man.

“He’ll get me. He’ll find a way,” Peyton said, shaking like a leaf. He drew his knees up in the

chair and wrapped his arms around his body.

“In case you haven’t noticed, our Alpha Mother takes her job extremely seriously. That man will

never hurt you again,” Mojo explained, wrapping a beefy arm around the trembling shoulders of the
small man.

“He won’t?” Peyton asked, looking up in disbelief.
“Not unless he wants to get shot again,” Rebecca said, brandishing her gun. Peyton smiled at the

way Aleks eyed her gun.

“Does that mean that the others are welcome here too?” Peyton asked, eagerly unwrapping


“Of course, as long as they don’t harm anyone in town,” Rebecca said. Peyton shook his head.
“They won’t. They just want someplace to be safe,” he said. Rebecca nodded.
“If that’s the case then you better let them know they have a home here,” Ashby said, winking at

Rebecca. Peyton turned to them and smiled. It was the first true smile Ashby had seen on his face and
it was breathtaking.

“Mojo, can we head back to the bar? I need to let my friends know it’s safe here,” Peyton said,

jumping up to grab Mojo’s huge hand in his small one and tugging for all he was worth. Mojo nodded
and let himself be pulled out of the diner.

“So more hybrids,” Rebecca said.
“And vampires,” Ashby quipped, bumping his shoulder with hers.
“Sounds like fun doesn’t it,” Kate said.
“Ashby, let Prince Gabriel know that if you need a place for your coven, I can sell him the

plantation house. It’s large enough to hold a lot of people,” Caleb said, wrapping his arm around

“Oh Ashers, that’s a great idea.” Rebecca clapped her hands excitedly, then tilted her head to

one side that Ashby recognized as her scheming position.

“Do you think he’d be willing to put in a pool?” she asked innocently. Kate gave her a high five

and the men groaned.

“For you, I bet he would,” Ashby said laughing.

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“I’m heading to Purgatory. This kind of news needs to be delivered in person!” Ashby said,

dashing back to the table to grab his keys.

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Chapter 18

“Gabriel! Gabriel! I’m home!” Ashby yelled as he raced inside Purgatory. It was the middle of

the day so he knew the day shift would be stocking and cleaning. He raced to the stairway that led to
the VIP suite and their apartments. He looked up and saw Gabriel appear at the top of the stairs.
Faster than his eyes could track Gabriel was down the stairs and pulling him into his arms.

“What are you doing back? I thought we decided that you would stay in Arkadia until I find the

drug ring,” Gabriel asked, peppering Ashby with kisses.

“It’s over. It was a stalker, not a drug ring. He tried to kill me this morning, but then Sebastian

shifted into a really cool saber-toothed tiger and saved us, then Liam realized he was his mate and got
upset. Then asshole wolf Alpha threatened to take Peyton and take over the Arkadian wolf pack and
that was when I called you. After that Rebecca and the town leaders voted. The coven has been
invited to move to Arkadia!” Ashby practically screamed the last bit in his excitement. Gabriel stared
down at him in horror as his mate’s words sunk in. He felt his fangs burst through his gums at the
threat to his mate and began to check every inch of Ashby for injury.

The coven members began to crowd around them. It didn’t take long for the entire coven to

circle around the little prince that they missed.

“Move? To Arkadia? Isn’t that the shifter town?” Baptista asked, as Gabriel growled under his

breath and continued to inspect Ashby.

“Yes, but seeing as how Gabriel was willing to defend Rebecca and the town and since we’re

mated they have agreed to let the coven move to town. This coven only. The coven members won’t be
able to invite others in, and if they lose their souls they are automatically kicked out of town by the
protective barrier, but we can all live there!” Ashby said, bouncing up and down in Gabriel’s arms.

“It can’t be that simple.” Gabriel started slowly feeling his heart rate return to normal.
“Why not?” The protest came not from Ashby but from several coven members. Gabriel looked

around, surprised.

“I just uprooted the coven to open Purgatory, I can’t ask the coven to move their lives again,”

Gabriel said, shaking his head.

“What about coven leadership meetings? We couldn’t have those in Arkadia or run Purgatory

from an hour away.” Gabriel let go of Ashby and began pacing in front of the assembled members of
the coven.

“Don’t we get a say?” David asked softly. Both David and Daniel stepped forward.
“I wouldn’t mind moving again if I knew that we would be there for a while. Arkadia is

protected, not only from shifters going rogue but also against other vampires. We could really set
down roots there, like a real home,” David said, igniting excited whispers throughout the crowd.

“What did I tell you about trying to handle everything all by yourself my love?” Ashby said,

wrapping his arms around Gabriel’s waist.

“Prince Gabriel, if I recall correctly, you put me in charge of the regional coven leader business.

I can easily commute to Purgatory for meetings as they arise,” Roman said stepping forward.

“Sir, if most of the coven lived in Arkadia, we wouldn’t have to split up the security detail to

run the club while the other half slept,” Baptista added.

“I also know for a fact that several shifters in town would be willing to take on work here in the

club to replace anyone who wanted to stay in town,” Ashby added.

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“We could even work in rotations so that everyone gets a break away from the club.” Rhys

stepped up beside the twins. Gabriel looked around them, eyes wide.

“You want this? You all want this?” he asked, amazed. He had no idea how much his coven

desperately wanted a real home.

“It would be a great move for the coven, but it would also mean that you and Prince Ashby

could be together without him having to sacrifice his shop or friends and family.” Mikhail walked up
behind Gabriel and clapped him on the back before ruffling Ashby’s hair. The coven stared in shock
at the rare display of affection from the ancient warrior.

“All in favor?” Ashby shouted. A deafening amount of ayes reverberated through the air.
“All opposed?” Mikhail asked. The silence was immediate.
“Looks like we’re moving in with the furballs,” Roman said. Everyone broke into cheers and

then started to disperse, excitedly talking about the upcoming move.

“I need to contact Aleks Arkadion and arrange the invitation ceremony…” Gabriel started.
“Roman!” Ashby yelled.
“On it.” Roman walked away, tapping on his smartphone.
“We need to figure out how to get our things into town,” Gabriel continued.
“Rhys, could you contact Duncan Arkadion? He and his brother own the construction business in

town. I bet he and his crew can assist in the move. They also have large trucks that can help transport
everything,” Ashby countered.

“Got it!” Rhys ran after Roman to get the number to reach Duncan.
Gabriel’s eyes narrowed at Ashby at the unspoken challenge.
“We also need to submit relocation forms to the vampire council, transfer all of our banking and

set up new accounts in Arkadia.” He watched Ashby, who smirked up at him.

“David, Daniel,” Ashby said.
“So totally one step ahead of you on that one, bossman.” The twins laughed and raced up to their


“We need a place to live,” Gabriel said as if moving into checkmate.
“Noel, reach out to Caleb Donovan of the Arkadian wolf pack. He is willing to sell us his turn-

of-the-century plantation home. Make sure you offer over asking price, they have two boys to support
after all. Oh, and also look into getting a huge pool installed. That will permanently add us to
Rebecca and Kate’s good list.” Ashby smiled up at his mate.

“It’s like no one needs me for anything anymore,” Gabriel said, almost pouting. Ashby smiled

and slid his hands under Gabriel’s shirt.

“I can think of one or two things you could do,” Ashby offered magnanimously. One of Gabriel’s

dark eyebrows shot up before he turned to Mikhail.

“Make sure Roman doesn’t piss off Aleks Arkadion by being the sarcastic genius he is. Be with

Rhys when he calls Duncan so that he doesn’t just agree to everything he suggests. Stand over David
and Daniel when they handle financials, they tend to get distracted by Call of Duty. And yes, offer
over asking price for the plantation house but also get a realistic list of repairs and upgrades needed
on the house before we close. And make sure that he doesn’t fill up the entire back property with a
pool in an effort to make Ashby happy.” Gabriel grinned at his oldest friend.

“Ass. Hole,” Mikhail muttered before he went to track Roman down.
“See, we make the perfect team.” Ashby snuggled close to Gabriel, relishing every second in his

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mate’s arms.

“I can show you how perfect,” Gabriel said, grazing Ashby’s neck with his fangs. Ashby


“Please,” he begged softly. Gabriel lifted him up off his feet, and with preternatural speed he

navigated the stairs. Once in their apartments Gabriel proved to Ashby over and over again exactly
how good a match they were.

* * * *

Ashby was humming to himself and swaying his hips from side to side as he washed his hands in

the bathroom that night after the club opened. Everyone in the coven was celebrating and the
atmosphere was jubilant and light. Grinning, he winked at himself in the mirror and turned to leave.
When he looked up, two tall men in a dark suits stood between him and the door.

“Excuse me,” Ashby said. Both men grinned, revealing descended fangs.
“Your prince should have heeded our warning and backed off on the investigation. Too bad. You

look like a hot little twink, it will be a shame to kill you.” The man on the left lifted his hand and his
fingernails elongated into claws.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me. What is it about these goddamn bathrooms!” Ashby


“I’m telling you, that bartender is hot.” A male voice was heard as the bathroom door was

pushed open, both vampires turned to the opening door. Taking advantage of the momentary
distraction Ashby shifted to his small fox form and ran between the legs of the shifter coming through
the door. He heard shouts as the two vampires knocked into the shifter in an effort to get to him.

Ashby ran out of the bathroom, he couldn’t head back to the dance floor as the two vampires

blocked his way. Instead he ran down the long hallway toward the kitchen. He knew help was
coming, he just had to stay alive long enough for the coven to find him. He shifted back to human
form, opened the door to the walk-in freezer and stepped inside. He just had to stay hidden until the
coast was clear. Gabriel would be looking for him any minute now.

Gabriel, I need you! Ashby thought desperately and began to shake in the cold. He shifted to fox

in the effort to stay warm.

* * * *

“Find Ashby! He is panicked and scared, search the club!” Gabriel shouted to the coven

members and they scattered.

“Excuse me. Prince Gabriel. This guy here and his buddy nearly knocked me over trying to

chase after a baby fox.” An extremely large shifter held up the unconscious form of a vampire.

“I don’t think they anticipated running into a mastodon, did you asshole.” The man shook the

body by the back of the neck like a doll.

“The fox?” Gabriel demanded.
“He ran down the hallway toward the back, this guy’s friend was behind him. I thought you

would want this one though.”

“Baptista, can you escort this gentleman and our sleeping friend downstairs,” Gabriel said, as

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he and Mikhail moved past the shifter in a blur heading toward the back of the club.

They slowed down as each warrior started edging close to the opened storage-room door.

Mikhail held up his hand, indicating to Gabriel he would go first. Gabriel nodded. Mikhail turned and
darted into the large storage room. Gabriel quickly followed. Slowly they made their way along the
left side of the room next to the open shelves. Gabriel felt his patience running out. He had to find
Ashby. He had to see him with his own eyes and hold him in his arms to know that he was safe, this
was taking too long. He tapped Mikhail on the shoulder as the only warning before he walked
blatantly out into the open under the single light in the room.

“Ashby, are you in here?” he asked, hoping he sounded pitiful. Mikhail was going to throttle him

for deliberately putting his life in danger. They didn’t have a long wait. A single shot was heard
before Gabriel felt the slug graze his arm as he turned his body to avoid the fatal heart shot. He heard
growls behind him, then the distinct sound of bones breaking and a man’s scream. Mikhail dragged a
struggling form into the circle of light where Gabriel stood waiting.

“Why have you come after my mate?” Gabriel demanded, pulling the vampire’s chin up to face


“You should have backed off, we warned what would happen if you kept investigating.” The

man hissed.

“The first note was from them, the second one on vellum was from the stalker. Only you could

be wrapped up in this much shit at once.” Mikhail shook his head.

“I will not be intimidated and I will not back down. I will find every one of you and destroy this

drug ring, if it’s the last thing I do. You cemented your fate the second you came after my mate.”
Gabriel felt his teeth grind together as he stared down at the defiant attacker. He then looked up at
Mikhail and smiled frostily.

“And you say I never give you anything nice,” he said, before turning his back and walking out

of the room. He was down the hallway when he heard scream after scream, the last one ending in a
gurgling sound. Mikhail caught up to him by the time he reached the empty dance floor.

“Sir, the feral is downstairs in the dungeon,” Baptista said.
“Good. Is everyone searching?” Gabriel asked. Baptista nodded.
“I’m about to join Kurt and Lauri, we’re searching the surrounding property in case there were

more than two,” Baptista said and headed out the front.

Gabriel headed up the stairs two at a time to his office. Mikhail moved next to him at the wall of

monitors scanning each screen.

“We’ll find him. We’ll find Ashby then have fun with the feral.” Mikhail met Gabriel’s eyes and

they shared a moment of perfect understanding.

They both turned to watch the monitors. Gabriel prayed he would see his mate walk across the

club floor. When this was over he was moving everyone to Arkadia as soon as possible.

“You may want to tell David or Daniel this one is broken, it keeps blinking,” Mikhail said,

pointing to one of the monitor screens.

“I’ll let them know,” Gabriel said, distracted.
“Though why they put a camera in the freezer is beyond me.” Mikhail shrugged and Gabriel


“What did you say?” he demanded, spinning Mikhail around.
“The camera in the freezer is on the fritz. It keeps blinking in and out,” Mikhail said, confused,

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pointing to the monitor. Gabriel spun around to the video feed from the freezer flashing on, then off.

“The camera isn’t on the fritz. Someone is turning the light on and off.” He broke out into a wide

smile and ran for the door. He passed several coven members.

“I know where he is!” he shouted and headed toward the kitchen.
When he got to the freezer he flung the door open. He looked around and didn’t see Ashby. He

heard a yip and looked down. There in his shifted fox form, his mate stood tiny, perfect and very
alive. He scooped him up and gasped as Ashby burrowed himself under his shirt, his tiny paw pads
ice cold. His poor mate was shivering. Smiling, he made his way to the dance floor and the stairs that
lead to his apartments.

“Sir! Where is he? Is he OK?” David asked. Most of the coven looked on concerned.
“Come out, Ashby, everyone is worried,” Gabriel said and Ashby poked his head out of the top

of Gabriel’s shirt before climbing out to sit on his mate’s forearm. The entire coven collectively
sucked in their breaths. Gabriel hid a smile at the way his jaded, cynical group of world weary
vampires melted on the spot.

“I’ll be upstairs warming him up,” Gabriel said and headed up the stairs. When he reached the

top Ashby shifted. He suddenly had his arms filled with naked man.

“In our new house I want a hot tub. And a sauna. And hot chocolate on tap and my own

collection of fuzzy blankies!” Ashby demanded, looking around as they entered their apartment.

“Where is the baby penguin blankie you got me?” he asked. Gabriel ignored him and headed for

the bathroom. He walked right into the stone shower and turned on the jets, keeping his back to the
water while it heated so that Ashby wouldn’t get any colder.

“Are they gone?” Ashby asked in a small voice. Gabriel nodded.
“With the move to Arkadia you will be beyond their reach,” Gabriel said, rubbing his chin over

Ashby’s head.

He set Ashby down when the water warmed and stripped off his sodden clothes. Ashby returned

to his arms but instead of facing his lover Ashby pushed his back against Gabriel’s chest and reached
behind him to pull Gabriel’s arms around his waist. Gabriel could feel his dick begin to harden as he
felt his mate’s soft skin against his body.

“I want you too,” Ashby said, shaking his ass from side to side and causing friction between

their bodies.

Gabriel reached around Ashby’s body to stroke his mate’s cock. Ashby began to whimper and

thrust up into his hand. Gabriel stepped forward, pumped some waterproof lube into his hand from the
shower dispenser and slipped his fingers between the crease of his lover’s ass, fingering his hole.
Gently he eased in one finger but quickly added a second then a third.

“Yes! I like the burn sometimes.” Ashby hissed, thrusting forward into Gabriel’s fist and then

backward onto his fingers.

“Fuck yourself, my angel,” Gabriel said and pushed deeper into Ashby’s body until he grazed

that small walnut-sized gland he was looking for.

Ashby cried out and came, shooting his load onto the shower walls. Gabriel pulled his fingers

free and Ashby moaned. He swept up his mate, the both of them dripping water, and placed his angel
on the bed before climbing up behind him. He grabbed his cock and pushed into Ashby’s stretched
entrance. He watched as his mate’s greedy hole pulled him in. He snapped his hips forward and
drove deep into his fox.

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“Never. No one is ever taking you from me.” He growled out and let his fangs drop. He leaned

forward until his larger frame completely covered Ashby’s smaller one and pounded into him

“I’ll be with you, always,” Ashby said, too tired to do more than accept the thorough fucking his

mate was giving him.

“Always.” Gabriel grunted and buried his fangs into Ashby’s neck. They both cried out as they

came together. Ashby collapsed under him, pulling his dick free, they both groaned.

Gabriel dropped to one side and pulled Ashby into his arms.
“We need to change the sheets,” Ashby said tiredly before yawning.
“Later. We can do it later, mon ange,” Gabriel whispered as they both fell asleep.

* * * *

Gabriel and Mikhail looked down at the struggling man they had strapped to the table. Mikhail

grinned down at him evilly.

“Let’s make sure that you understand the situation. I am going to remove your legs, followed by

your arms. Escape will be impossible. I will then lock you in that coffin over there for several weeks
before coming back here to ask you a few questions about who you work for. We will repeat this
several times until I am sure you have told me everything you know. The only thing that is a variable
is how I will kill you. If you cooperate and give me as much information as you can I will kill you
quickly and send your severed head to your associates. If you don’t cooperate, well, let’s just say at
that point things will start to get very unpleasant for you. Then I’ll kill you and send your severed
head to your associates. Any questions?” Mikhail asked. The man on the table began to froth at the
mouth and scream from around the wide leather strap in his mouth.

“Oh good, you’re going to make this fun.” Mikhail turned to Gabriel.
“I’ll send you updates on anything I uncover,” Mikhail said. Gabriel nodded.
He almost felt sorry for the prisoner before he remembered that the man on the table had killed

to lose his soul and wanted to take his angel away from him. By the time he walked away he felt
nothing for the nameless man or what he would endure.

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Chapter 19

“No, no, no! The piano goes into the front sitting room. You there! Muscle head with the perfect

ass in the tight jeans, don’t you dare set that metal TV stand on my freshly redone wooden floors. You!
What’s your name? Nevermind. That is obviously a grill, walk that shit around the house to the back,
do not carry it through the house!” Ashby watched in fascination as his friend ran from room to room
supervising the move of the decade. Rian nearly cried tears of joy when Ashby approached him about
restoring the plantation house to its former glory. For weeks Rian had spent every waking second
making sure that the house was ready to receive its princes. He was now reveling in his moment of

“Do you think he’d calm down if I faked labor pains?” Rebecca asked as she, Ashby, Kate, and

Nic watched Rian yell at yet another shifter.

Ashby was about to answer her when a loud crash was heard from the kitchen. Rian ran to the

back of the house, his friends close on his heels.

“We got it! Our bad! Everything is cool. Accidently bumped into the highchair,” David yelled

and righted the highchair that had fallen over. He then took Landon from Daniel, who was holding
both twins, and deposited him in the chair. Daniel put Lucas in the highchair next to his brother.
Behind them shaking and looking like a nervous wreck, Roman looked on.

“Careful with the floors, boys. It was hard enough getting the tiles through customs much less

here to Arkadia.” Rian huffed. Roman looked up at the group standing in the doorway.

“Alpha Kate, wonderful, you’re here. Maybe you could stay and feed the boys their lunch?”

Roman asked, his voice timorous and quaking.

“Nonsense, David and Daniel have this covered, don’t you?” Kate asked. David’s and Daniel’s

heads popped up and nodded.

“We totally got this covered,” David said and Daniel gave a thumbs-up sign. Smiling, Kate

nodded to her head and the small group walked back to the front of the house.

“Is Roman always that tweaky?” Rebecca asked. Ashby shook his head, looking at Kate who

was trying not to laugh.

“What did you do, Kate?” Ashby asked curiously.
“I told him he was responsible for Landon and Lucas.” She snort laughed, holding onto the

banister to stay upright. Ashby gasped. He turned back to stare at the hallway heading back to the
kitchen, then shrugged.

“We’ll bail him out later.” Ashby watched as his friends turned out to help his coven move in.

He never realized how much people truly cared.

“Oh my, it’s getting hot outside, do you think the men would like to cool off in the pool?”

Rebecca asked innocently.

“We can always ask,” Kate said, smirking at her friend. Low growls filled the air as Aleks,

Caleb, and Bran stood, arms crossed over their chests, in the foyer. Rebecca looked up whistling and
tapping her foot.

“First of all it’s only fifty five degrees outside. Second of all the pool is still closed. Lastly you

will never be over here when men are in that damn pool!” Aleks fumed.

“Of course she can come over here to enjoy the pool Aleksander. She will be in the middle of

her pregnancy during the hottest months of the year. As her mate you must think of her comfort,”

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Gabriel said, smoothly gliding up to kiss Rebecca on the cheek. When he stepped back he winked and
she giggled.

“We have a huge bathtub at home she can enjoy,” Aleks grumbled.
“Ahhhh! Oh my God, my silk chaise lounge. Away from the windows, away!” Rian screeched

dramatically and ran to the parlor.

“Best. Moving. Day. Ever!” Kate laughed.
“I’m going to go check on the twins…both sets of them,” Nic said, grinning and headed back

toward the kitchen.

Ashby hooked his arm into Gabriel’s as they walked out of the large front doors.
“Thank you for not painting over Caleb’s murals,” Ashby said softly.
“They were exquisite, I couldn’t bear to see them covered,” Gabriel said as they walked slowly

around chaos ensuing all around them. All Ashby could see was that his friends were finally together
as he smelled the first hints of spring. It was too bad that most of the townspeople were still reluctant
to welcome the vampires. Ashby could only hope that time would reinforce how trustworthy they

“One moment, my angel, I need to ask Baptista about the security patrol.” Gabriel leaned

forward to kiss Ashby’s temple.

“There you are, pretty little Ashby. Think you’re hot shit now, mated to a vampire? Too good for

a shifter huh?” Ashby turned around to face Marcus Evans. After being poisoned, facing down his
feral mate, standing up to Coven leaders and outwitting drug ring assassins, Marcus no longer scared
him. In fact, not much scared him anymore.

“Fuck off. And that’s Prince Ashby to you, not that you’ll have many opportunities to address me

properly since I’m telling you here and now to leave me alone. Never come near me again,” Ashby
said sounding bored.

Marcus turned red as his face contorted in rage.
“You!” He reached his hand out as if to grab Ashby only to be brought up short by a scowling


“I know you weren’t about to grab our prince?” he asked, twisting Marcus’s arm behind him.
“Is that asshole bothering you again, Ashby?” Mojo asked, putting down the dresser he and

Lauri were carrying. They both walked over.

“Again?” a dark voice demanded from behind them. Gabriel walked up as wave after wave of

power washed over them. Marcus began to shake.

“I never–I mean he didn’t…” Marcus stuttered.
“If I ever hear of you hurting my mate…” Gabriel trailed off as he stared the terrified man down,

his eyes shifting to a dull red glow. Montana released him, cussing as Marcus lost control of his

“Go” was the single-word command. Marcus took off sobbing and babbling to himself. Mojo

bent over laughing and slapping his thigh.

“I like the way you do things Prince Gabriel,” Mojo said.
Gabriel grinned, his eyes returning to their normal blue.
“Come on, Mojo, that dresser won’t move itself,” Lauri said.
He gave a nod to his prince and the two large men headed back to where they left the dresser.

Montana followed, shaking his shoes trying to get the piss off them. When Ashby turned back to look

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at the house he smiled. Rian was beating Duncan with his clipboard. Kate and Rebecca were egging
on Daniel and David who decided to do an impromptu striptease on the front lawn. Roman and Nic
like two conservative peas in a pod held Lucas and Landon. Mojo was flexing his biceps while Lauri
and Montana were striking poses showing off their own muscles. The lions had started a furniture-
carrying contest. They were timing the wolves and vampires as they carted stuff toward the house. Ma
and Noel had the Arkadion boys setting up long buffet tables and Peyton scrambled from person to
person offering something to drink.

“My angel, aren’t you glad we were fated to be together?” Gabriel murmured kissing the side of

Ashby’s neck. Ashby looked up and smiled at his prince.

“I’m glad we’re fated for forever.” Ashby didn’t wait and captured his mate’s lips. Right now,

forever didn’t look too bad.

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The gentleman clenched and unclenched his fists as he stood at his window. The normally

tranquil view was disturbed by the incessant cackling of the hyenas being tortured below. At first the
sounds were nostalgic, taking him back to simpler, happier times. Now they grated on every nerve.
He would just have to kill them all. He shook his head. No. They played a part in his plans.

“Payne.” He called out and a tall figure stepped into the room.
“Please tell the torturer to only service one hyena at a time. I know he has a plethora of

machines down there but the constant begging is starting to get to me. Bludgeon the others until they
lose consciousness and work through them one at a time. Oh. Also send for my Alpha puppy. He owes
me an explanation about my missing hybrids.” Soon the next phase of his plan would begin.



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Alanea loves reading almost as much as she loves writing and can be found at any given moment

either in front of the computer lost in her own world or on the couch with her iPad reading some of
her favorite authors. She believes that love truly conquers all and that everyone no matter what,
deserves a chance at that love and a place they can call home.

For all titles by Alanea Alder, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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