Mia Watts Boys in Blue 04 Knight's Fall

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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Knight’s Fall
ISBN #978-0-85715-370-8
©Copyright Mia Watts 2010
Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright December 2010
Edited by Andrea Grimm
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound
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proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature
readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.

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Mia Watts

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I’m constantly learning about the dynamics in the gay community. There are so many layers

of discrimination that are beyond normal social interaction for someone in my experience. I

hope I’ve treated this matter with justice and respect.

I dedicate this book to all the individuals out there who aren’t understood,

for whatever reason.

Any incorrect interpretations are purely the fault of this author.

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Agent Andy Powell could take down kidnapping cases, insurance fraud, and stake out

the meanest sons of bitches littering the planet. He could seduce men into bed with a glib

comment, or a slutty one. He’d done it before. He’d tried with Mack Sullivan. He might have

succeeded if Mack weren’t so in love with Geo. But Andy had known he didn’t stand a

chance with Mack. He’d had that look in his eyes when he talked about his partner that

announced Mack was taken.

Andy had made a move on him anyway. Call him a fairy godmother, but he hated to

see men insecure about their relationships for no apparent reason. It’s why he’d made the

play. A sleazy one for sure. Persistent and a bit bitchy, Andy had pushed Mack knowing that

until he admitted he loved Geo, the couple didn’t stand a chance of weathering the very

forward advances of Geo’s ex.

Okay, and if Mack had slipped up and slept with Andy, then Andy would admit he’d

been wrong about the two and take one for the team.

As though sleeping with Mack could be a hardship, he thought, snorting to himself.

It was a service to struggling gay men that Andy provided. Claiming that identity and

that of a crack FBI agent seemed a whole lot easier than just being Andy Powell, single man.

Wearing the armour of the job was easy. Being himself and rejected for it sliced him to the

core every time.

Thank God, Mack and Geo had each other. Andy felt more than a little bit of giddy

pride for helping them.

Andy lifted his Cosmo, playfully swirling the pink liquid before taking a sip. Barbeque

smoke drenched the air with savoury aromas and his stomach growled with appreciation.

Mack gathered the attention of his family and select friends by clinking on his mother’s

drinking glass. Andy smiled, knowing from the flush of the handsome man’s cheeks what

would happen next.

“Here it comes,” Nate Giamanti said.

“No way. Not at a mixed barbeque. He’ll tell his family privately,” David Rook argued.

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“Get that fiver ready. I’m telling you, he’s gonna announce,” Nate countered.

Andy took another sip, listening to the love play of the two men who were betting on

Mack and Geo. He barely knew these other two, but Andy’s gaydar had singled them out as

sympathisers immediately. It’s why he’d come over to talk to them.

“I’m with Nate,” Andy murmured.

“Correction, I’m with Nate,” Rook argued. He nudged Andy teasingly. “Mack told me

about the way you wouldn’t take no for an answer. Don’t even try it with my man.”

Andy was used to being misunderstood. He couldn’t blame them. He’d behaved like a

skeeze on purpose, aimed at self-gratification should he have been wrong about Mack. He

hadn’t much liked himself for it.

“Shh.” Andy wanted to hear the unfolding revelation. Ever since he’d come out to his

family—unsuccessfully—he’d taken a keen interest on how others did it. Maybe Andy had

come out wrong. Maybe that’s why his family wouldn’t talk to him. Maybe if he’d done it

differently. Like Mack was doing.

“…Geo and I have been dating for the past year,” Mack announced

Mrs. Sullivan gasped.

Mack continued, keeping a careful eye on his mother. “We didn’t tell anyone because

we needed to know this was the real thing. We knew this would be difficult for our families

to understand. Hell, it was difficult for us to understand.”

“Told ya,” Nate said.

Rook handed over a five dollar bill with good humour.

Mrs. Sullivan slapped Mack. Andy winced, feeling the blow as though he’d been struck.

Mack touched her arm lightly. Mrs. Sullivan sat heavily in a chair and looked up at him,


Andy’s throat clogged with sympathy. He watched, praying for Mrs. Sullivan to


“That was unexpected,” someone said from behind Andy.

“Not really,” Andy countered, not tearing his eyes away. “I think the mothers take it

the hardest. All in all, she’s doing pretty well.”

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Mr. Sullivan cuddled his wife. The music kicked up and Mack and Geo disappeared.

Andy sighed, sipped his Cosmo to find he’d already finished it while watching the family


“Geez,” he murmured with self-disgust at the empty martini glass.

“I’d get you another one, but my guy cred would slip,” the man behind him said.

Andy turned to face the newest addition. His eyes widened sharply as they took in the

very lean, sexy lines of the unknown man before him. The man’s brown eyes smiled back

and his lips twisted into a sardonic smile, before turning his gorgeous young face to the other


“Hey, guys,” the newcomer said.

“Knight, glad to see you made it,” Rook said, slapping the man on his shoulder.

“Free barbeque? I wouldn’t miss it,” Knight teased back.

“The carrot top is FBI,” Rook said, by way of introduction.

Knight’s lips curled into that sardonic twist and Andy realised that it was just the way

this man’s mouth moved. And God, it was a sexy little genetic trait.

“Nate? You brought the Feebees to this shindig? You know you’re only here because of

Rook. This is a boys in blue gathering. Kinda presumptuous to throw in another of your

badges.” Knight shook Nate’s hand firmly.

“Hey, you’re the newbie here,” Nate razzed.

Andy‘s eyes widened as he stared from one man to the next. His tongue tied. He

wanted Knight to look at him again, train those warm brown eyes on his face, see the wicked

twist of amusement, wanted Knight to want to look at him. Andy’s skin practically tingled,

standing near him and with sickening dread Andy realised he was totally screwed. There

was something about an attractive man that made Andy act like an idiot.

“So, you are…?” Knight trailed off, fixing his steady gaze on Andy.

Andy jerked his hand up to take Knight’s. His karate chop took out the other man’s

beer glass and threw it back over its owner.

Knight jumped as the cold liquid hit his chest. He fumbled but couldn’t catch the heavy

glass before it hit the patio and shattered.

“Jesus! Shit!” Andy yelped. He scrambled to collect the pieces. Glancing up he said,

“I’m so sorry.” It was only half-hearted. The beer plastered Knight’s cotton shirt to the leanly

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muscled chest. Knight’s hands rubbed his front as though swiping off the moisture, but it

only reiterated the tight lines of Knight’s body. Andy’s mouth went utterly dry.

“That’s it,” Knight said jovially. “If I ever get a dog, I’m naming him Jesus.”

The others laughed. Andy sweated.

Something jabbed Andy’s finger. He swore and lifted it to his lips where he sucked at

the slice made from one of the sharp edges of glass.

“Smooth, Agent Andy,” Rook joked.

Agent Andy? Agent Andy wasn’t here. Agent Andy could handle this with humour

and a sexual entendre. Andy Powell, stripped to his knickers as a man with a building crush,

was hopeless.

“It’s okay. I’ll get another one after we get this picked up,” Knight said. “I’ll get a


Mrs. Sullivan appeared out of nowhere, muttering platitudes as she gathered the mess.

Andy stayed low, holding the dustpan for her.

“Sorry, Mrs. Sullivan.”

“Oh, Andy, it’s okay. We’re all a little rattled.” She smiled tightly.

In what seemed like slow motion, she reached over and tousled his hair. Already the

three men over him were laughing. God, he’d never live that down.

Mr. Sullivan announced that the food was ready. Andy stood, stuffed his hands in his

pants pockets, and eased away while the three men continued to talk. Coming to the

barbeque had been a bad idea, even if he was invited.

With another longing look towards Knight, Andy slipped away. If there were any

justice, he’d never run into Knight again.

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Chapter One

Six Months Later…

“Why am I doing this again?” Andy asked his investigation partner, Lauren.

“Team building. I swear the senator has a bee in her bonnet about interdepartmental

relations. I’m surprised they didn’t invite the DEA,” she mused with annoyance.

Andy snorted. “You mean they didn’t?”

Lauren shrugged and dumped Andy’s second duffle at his feet. Considering her

slender build and heels, it astounded Andy that she hadn’t broken in half carrying the bag

for him.

She saluted him saucily. “Well, stud, you’re on your own with a cabin full of men.

Think you can handle it?”

“I know the equipment even better than you, though that’s hard to imagine,” he

answered just as dryly.

“Ha. Ha. Better claim your bunk before the next inmate bus arrives.” Lauren sauntered

off, not wobbling, though her heels sank into the dirt.

“I still think it’s unfair that you don’t have to do this with me,” he called after her.

“Don’t worry, sport, I pulled some strings for you. Or, should I say, rope? Don’t let the

opportunity pass.” She paused, grinning at him over her shoulder. “Besides, someone has to

hold down the fort. My moment of hell is scheduled for next month.”

What did that mean? What opportunity? Jesus, not only did he have this to contend

with, but one of Lauren’s vague pranks?

Andy dragged his roller bag, missing a wheel, and the oversized duffel into the cabin.

The screen door bumped his ass as he stopped to survey the cramped quarters. One week of

team building camp with the FBI and selected police officers—eight men crammed to a

cabin—was a recipe for disaster.

He’d been stripped of his partner and was clearly the only FBI agent to arrive so far.

The other campers would be shuttled in on buses. He wouldn’t say he was an elitist, but Andy

was selective about how he spent his free time. Hanging with the bugs and getting slapped

on his back weren’t ideal blowing-off-steam options. He had no illusions this particular

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assignment would be easy. If he could treat it like an unusual undercover op, maybe it

wouldn’t seem so bad. Maybe he wouldn’t notice the unrelenting summer heat, the wailing

grasshoppers in knee-deep grass, the trickle of perspiration down his spine, and that smell of

sulphur from the lake water in the faucets.

God. I’m going to smell like a flatulent fish for an entire week.

With his luck, the other seven in his cabin would be straight.

“Nothing like a sweat hut of macho, grunting men rife with homophobia to keep you

going,” Andy grumbled.

Picking a bunk near the door, he hoisted his bag to the mattress and began unpacking.

If things got rowdy, he’d want a direct escape route.

As he drew the zipper back, he let out a bark of laughter. Bold letters in marker across a

shoebox announced, Care Package, in Lauren’s handwriting. He whipped off the lid. Only

Lauren would provide supplies for a wilderness rendezvous. She’d tucked inside lubricant, a

box of twenty-four count ultra thin condoms, anal beads, and two kinds of plugs. One that

vibrated. One that inflated.

“Jesus, Lauren. One time, at cop camp…” he muttered to himself, stealing and re-

appropriating a line from a popular movie a few years ago. This must have been what she’d

hinted at.

The sound of bus breaks hissing outside sent Andy in a scurry to cover the box. Like a

confused meerkat, he swayed with his stash until finally darting to the built in drawers

beside his bunk. He shoved the box in the bottom of three and emptied the contents of his

duffel by dumping it upside down.

But the drawers weren’t large and his bag contents were, so clothes and boxers and

socks spilled over the edges in a giant pile.

Rowdy hoots and bellows of greeting swelled. Andy scrambled, down on hands and

knees as he desperately stuffed his over abundance of clothing into the too-small drawer. The

screen door creaked beside him.

Caught looking like an idiot with his hands buried in under things, he looked at the

newcomer. Light backlit him and the three guys behind him. The rowdy calls paused.

Someone hit a light switch and the men came into sharp focus.


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Looking better than Andy remembered, Knight had his gym-sized duffle hoisted over

one shoulder. His cotton shirt tucked neatly into low-slung, snug jeans that were faded in all

the right places. His legs splayed like any dominant male and his wide shoulders were

accented by the thick wrist sporting a wide plastic banded watch on tanned skin, near his

jaw. The white duffle bag strap hooked on his fingers.

Knight’s eyes lit with recognition. “Carrot top,” he said, grinning.

“Hey, quit blocking the door,” someone shouted.

Knight entered the cabin, dropping his much smaller duffel on the bed closest to Andy.

Andy nearly groaned. How the fuck was he supposed to sleep with Knight next to him?

He wasn’t even going to be able to jack-off in the dark without knowing he could be caught

or heard by the one man he’d fantasise over.

Andy should say hi or something. Hand still planted in underwear, he could only

watch dumbly as Knight sat on the bunk, propped his forearms on his thighs and leaned

over to watch Andy.

“You know there are two other drawers. It doesn’t all have to fit in the bottom one,”

Knight suggested.

Heat rose to Andy’s face. Goddamn his pale skin!

“Yeah,” Andy answered, eloquently.

“I only have a few things. Underwear, coupla shirts, pair of shorts and some toiletries in

here.” Knight patted his bag. “If you need more space, you can have two of my drawers.”

“Damn, you’re worse than my sister,” a bruiser commented, coming up to join them as

he stared in awe at Andy’s clothing dump. “What precinct are you guys from?”

“Seventh.” Knight added, “He’s FBI.”

“Shit. They brought the feds here?” the man sneered.

“That would be the interdepartmental aspect of this exercise,” Andy returned.

Knight laughed.

“Figures a Fed would have to pack his pretty suits and shoes for a team building

camp,” the other man joked.

“Not all of us can weave clothing from our own body hair,” Andy muttered.

Knight choked on another laugh.

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Andy grinned, though he looked critically at his clothing pile. None of it could be

mistaken for a suit.

“Which precinct are you from?” Andy asked, changing the subject. He rose to his feet,

wishing he felt as confident as the man in front of him looked. Or even half as pulled

together as Knight.

“I’m from the two-fifty-third.” The man actually slapped his chest.

Knight rose too. “Liam Knight.” He offered his hand to the bruiser.

“James Runyon,” the guy said, taking it.

Not offered a hand to shake, Andy dropped his own to his hips. This was going to be a

fun, fun week. Clearly. “Andy Powell,” he provided, though no one had asked.

Other men filed in. The room filled with baritone calls. A pillow whizzed into their


Knight raised a brow. “It’s like they’re thirteen-year-old girls.”

James wandered off, shouting louder than the others for vocal dominance. Andy

sighed, looking at his pile.

“I was serious about the offer. You can have two of mine,” Knight repeated.

“Thanks. I accept,” Andy answered, unable to meet Knight’s eyes.

What did Knight see when he looked at him? Pale skin, carrot top, diva boy with twelve

pairs of underwear since he couldn’t decide between boxers, briefs, boxer-briefs, and sadly,

bikini. What the hell had he been thinking? If the crew ever found the shoebox, it would all

be over.

Dusk fell. In the distance the small, screened cantina glowed with light. The cooler air

had brought haze and every yellow bulb sported a fuzzy halo. The whistle had blown and

they were all to report to the eatery for dinner and programme layout.

Liam held back. Andy walked towards the meeting point at the head of the pack and

completely alone. The other eight cabins had emptied, and there were definite divisions

among the gathering crowd.

Liam recognised a couple of guys and waved. Others did the same. Andy faced

forward, chin up, looking neither left nor right as he moved. Solitary, slim, duskily red-

haired, and proud, Andy seemed like a walking contradiction.

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How did the quiet, vaguely terrified man who’d awkwardly knocked Liam’s beer to the

ground compare to this other one? It was almost like Andy tried on outfits. That man at the

barbeque, adorable and skittish, had shrugged out of that persona. Since they’d been here,

Andy had shown only a glimmer of that man. He’d also shown wit, intelligence, insecurity,

boldness, and now a cocky, smug self-possession.

He kept watching Andy. Watched the way he stood with his food tray, one hip cocked

and absolutely silent. Watched him pick up his tea glass, sloshing it as though his nerves had

jumped when he’d caught Liam looking. Watched Andy squirm on his bench as tables filled

around him, then watched his jaw harden with determination when no one sat by him.

Liam ground his teeth. The precinct guys could be such asses. He’d seen it before.

Where men gathered it always became a power play. Smaller men were overlooked, their

approval unnecessary when other, larger males abounded. It was the fucking nature channel

for God’s sake, and Liam wasn’t having it.

Almost angrily, he zeroed in on Andy’s table and loudly dropped his tray in front of

him. He made a show of taking a seat and settling.

Andy looked up in surprise, his amber gaze widening, one copper brow rising. Still, he

said nothing.

“This seat taken?” Liam asked.

Andy looked around the room pointedly, before delicately scooping some peas and

eating them.

“You say a lot for a guy who doesn’t say a lot,” Liam noted.

“What’s there to say?”

“I guess I figured you’d be sending out signals or something.” Liam shrugged before

lifting the huge hamburger to his lips.

“Because I’m gay?” Andy whispered across the table. His eyes snapped and his lips

curled like he’d tasted something foul. “Do me a favour and don’t mention it here. This isn’t

exactly the kind of atmosphere that embraces my lifestyle.”

Liam finished chewing the overly big bite he’d taken which held the pregnant silence

between them longer than he would have chosen. Finally, he swallowed. “There are a lot of

gay men here.”

“Really?” Andy asked in a droll, dry tone.

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“Yeah.” Liam looked around. “The dark haired guy by the iced tea dispenser…the two

blond guys at that table sitting in the middle…me…” he trailed off.

Andy sputtered.

“What? You didn’t know?” Liam asked, grinning.

“Had no idea,” he answered roughly through another cough.

“Figured you knew because of the Sullivan’s barbeque.” He smiled at Andy, hoping the

revelation was one the man liked. Maybe one Andy would take advantage of. He wouldn’t

push the little carrot top away if he made a move. Gleefully, Liam took another bite of


“You weren’t wearing a ‘Hello, my name is Knight and I’m gay’ name badge.”

Huh. Not going like I’d hoped.

Andy continued, “You don’t have the gay vibe.”

Liam frowned, his shoulders tightened. Men who acted like men, looked like men,

behaved like men, but liked other men weren’t exactly welcomed with open arms into the

flagrantly gay community. They were always underestimated.

Just because he carried himself like a man didn’t mean he wasn’t gay. Bad enough to be

judged by the straight community, but to be stereotyped by one of his own? His bite of

burger dropped like lead into his stomach.

“I get that a lot,” Liam muttered. He took another bite of burger in defiance of the last

leaden one. Besides, it gave his mouth something to do besides kissing Andy or snapping at

him. Would Andy succumb to the stereotype too?

It must be easier to be out when you aren’t constantly judged, Liam mused. But that wasn’t

fair either. He knew Andy suffered scrutiny of a different sort. It was exactly the reason he

expected Andy to understand and not make those same predeterminations.

“It’s just that you’re a macho man. I can see you swilling beer, belching, taking up an

impromptu flag football game, but sucking down another guy’s cock? I don’t think so.

You’re easy on the eyes, but honey, you have no idea what it’s like to be gay.”

Liam put down his burger with disgust. “I thought you’d get it. Guys like me are

expected to be breeders. Yeah, I play football and mess with cars. I don’t wax my chest and I

don’t mind getting dirty. But tell anyone I like cock and people suddenly treat you like a

freak. I don’t slide into a convenient category. Sorry.”

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His opinion of Andy slipped a notch, even if his attraction didn’t.

“Probably don’t get a lot of action, either. You’re the guy real gays look at and want, but

when it comes to knowing how to get another guy off, they come to people like me. Gays

who know what they’re doing,” Andy snapped.

“I’ve never had complaints,” Liam answered tersely.

Andy’s words stung. He’d heard them before and it wasn’t any easier this time around.

He didn’t like this Andy. Where was the shy klutz?

“Why would you? You’re pumped full of testosterone. If some twink told you what he

really liked, you’d probably go macho ape on him. No. A gay man wants to know his gay

cock is being well taken care of. You, Knight, you aren’t gay until people look at you and

suspect it. You might be experimental, but gay? Doubt it.”

The slinging judgement hurt and Liam winced.

Not only didn’t the straight community get it, but neither did the gay community. He’d

thought Andy would be different. Guys in their field of work hid a lot of personal shit. It

wasn’t uncommon to find out a macho sonofabitch you worked with had secrets. Hell, Liam

had discovered another three in his own ranks that were like him. They even played on an

out baseball team against other community organised sports teams.

Andy’s idea of gay required expansion, but fuck explaining it now.

Liam picked up his tray and took it to the kitchen. He had to sit through the

presentation, but he didn’t have to sit where he’d eaten. He needed space before he saw

Andy again. He needed to order his thoughts about the man before he spent the night less

than four feet from his bed.

He was so goddamn tired of judgmental assholes.

Liam looked back. Andy’s gaze locked on his plate as he moved food around. He stole a

look at Liam, then drifted his glance over him to take up decided interest on one of the gay

men Liam had pointed out.


Though Andy had confused him from their first meeting, Liam had wanted to get to

know the guy. Andy seemed to struggle with his identity, like Liam did. But after that last

discussion, Liam wondered if he wasn’t projecting.

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Attention was called to the front of the cantina. The lights dimmed and an overhead

projector flashed a daily schedule on a screen. Two men went over expectations. One was an

FBI lead, the other from law enforcement.

Every cabin’s eight residents had equal numbers of FBI, NSA, DEA, and law

enforcement officers. They explained that back at their cabins they’d find their partner

assignments listed on the door.

Each pairing would be tied to each other around the waist and would work through the

week’s challenges, depending on each other for help. The pairings would not be from the

same department.

With a sense of dread, mingled with the thrill of hope, Liam wondered if Murphy’s Law

would reign and set him up with Andy. What were the chances?

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Chapter Two

“…I pulled a few strings, or should I say, rope.”

Andy stared at the length of soft cording coiled on his bed and silently thanked Lauren.

Though dinner the night before hadn’t gone well, he really did want Knight to himself.

Lauren had made sure of it, bless her high-priced, over-sexed ass. He was now convinced

that she had the rope in mind when she’d packed the shoebox, too.

He should’ve known that telling her about his instant crush six months ago would

haunt him.

Still, of all the things Andy was sure of, it was how to be an agent and how to flirt a

man into the sack. Usually, Andy and his bed partners split ways after a night. This time

Knight would be his all week. The flirt manoeuvres could develop into something a little

more daring to keep Knight interested.

But where to start? Knight strolled out of the bathroom towards him. It was time to get

hitched as the orientation to their week of challenges began. The others had already left the

cabin and were hooting outside as they trekked to the covered meeting area or the cantina.

Andy had waited for Knight to finish showering, his last solo act, before they tethered up.

“So” Knight began, letting the syllable drift off.

“So,” Andy echoed.

“Here goes nothing.” Knight pulled off his shirt, revealing his perfectly developed


Every line and bunch symmetrical to the next. Glowing with health and tanned,

Knight’s chest was indeed unwaxed. His shorts barely hung on lean hips and rounded ass.

Moisture pooled in Andy’s mouth.

“Tie me up,” Knight said cheerfully.

“…and rub you down?” Andy suggested.

Knight shot him an odd look.

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Andy kept his over-bright smile in place. His smile was his best feature. He moved in,

keeping his eyes locked on Knight’s, letting the other man see his interest when he dragged

his gaze to Knight’s lips and held.

He circled Knight’s torso, liberally tracking the cord’s progress with his hands around

Knight’s naked waist. Then, pressing the backs of his fingers into Knight’s abdomen, he tied

the knot low and loose.

So distracted by trying to look nonchalant, it surprised him when Knight gently lifted

Andy’s chin and placed a soft kiss on his lips. That’s probably why Andy made the strange

whimpering sound that Knight couldn’t have missed.

“Tease,” Liam murmured. “After your spiteful little tongue last night, I thought you

weren’t interested.”

“Who’s interested?” Andy snarked automatically.

He looked into Knight’s eyes and saw playfulness dancing in the dark brown depths.

Wishing for another, firmer kiss, Andy leaned in precariously just as Knight bent to the side

to collect his discarded shirt.

Andy windmilled wildly, all his weight on his toes. The side of Knight’s hip bumped

Andy accidentally and the fight was lost. Andy tried to catch himself, but hit the ground

shoving one of the bunks in his decent. The wood on floor grated loudly seconds before

Andy’s cheek struck the floor.

“What the fuck?” Knight yelped, leaping out of the way at the last second.

Andy’s cheeks flamed. “Tripped.”

Knight held out a hand.

Embarrassed, Andy knocked it away and stood. “I’m fine.”

“Yeah, okay, whatever. Just remember, we have to help each other this week, so get

used to it,” Knight replied tightly. Eschewing the subject just as quickly, Knight motioned

towards Andy. “Take it off and let’s get breakfast.”

Andy scraped together his FBI dignity and his sly flirtation. Knight had provided him

the perfect set up. “I’m a mouthful, but I don’t think I’ve ever been referred to as breakfast.”

“God, you’re frustrating,” Knight muttered. “Just take off your shirt.”

Andy sent him another suggestive grin. “Yes, sir.” He pulled off his shirt and held up

his end of the rope. “Do me?”

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Knight rolled his eyes. “You’re capable of tying knots. Hurry up. I smell bacon and I’m


Knight drew his own shirt over his head, leaving Andy with the rope. His smile

faltering, Andy tied the end around his waist and redressed.

What had gone wrong? Had he imagined that kiss? Fuck, no. A guy didn’t forget the

heady feel of another man’s lips touching his for the first time. He sure as hell wouldn’t

forget the clean smell of soap or the droplet of water, which splashed his cheek when Knight

took that kiss.

Cording tugged Liam’s waist as his toes found a board nailed higher on the tree they

climbed. He felt blindly for the next nailed slat, rough bark to smoothed plank. Silently, he

cursed the bandana covering his eyes.

The rope slackened as Andy presumably matched the move on the other side, just as

blindly. Both men relied on cues from the rope, and Liam couldn’t help but be impressed at

the ease of their unspoken communication.

“Almost there,” the instructor bellowed. “I don’t hear talking. Talk to each other. If

there’s no communication, there’s no teamwork, people!”

“Left foot,” Liam called loudly enough for the instructor to hear. It was pointless. Andy

had already taken the next step to relieve the tension on the rope.

Liam felt above his head. He’d looked at the platform before the climb and the

blindfolds were in place. He knew it jutted out like a crow’s nest with his approach having

the only opening to it. His fingers grazed the platform. “Two more steps to the platform on

the lee side of this tree. Feel for my ankle and I’ll guide you.”

Andy’s fingers circled Liam’s ankle. His unnaturally tight grip and the slight tremor in

his fingers told Liam that Andy was probably freaking out on the inside. Lord knew Liam

would be. It was one thing to climb a tree, but to circle the tree when both you and your lead

were blindfolded was pure malicious insanity by the obstacle course gods.

Liam’s fingers found purchase. He hoisted himself as far as the rope allowed. As Andy

followed more cautiously, Liam was able to sit. He reached for his partner and helped him

the last few steps.

“Thank God,” Andy breathed.

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Liam tore off his blindfold and found that Andy had beaten him to it. “Ready to zip line


“Only because we aren’t doing that part blindfolded.”

“Just wait. Tomorrow one of us is masked and the other has his hands tied behind his

back as we race through the woods to beat the other teams,” Liam told him.

Andy rolled his eyes. Liam found himself distracted by the overall adorable picture

Andy made. His dark rust-coloured hair lifted in the same breeze that made the treetops

whisper with secrets. His deep green eyes, recently hidden behind cloth, were bright and

sharply observant. His smile flitted into place before disappearing, timid in the face of Liam’s


Andy dropped his gaze to the platform. “We’d better get going. Red team is right

behind us.”

Liam caught the zip line, passed it to Andy then dragged the second one over. They’d

go down together, joined. Andy hesitated on the edge of the platform, then took a sudden

leap, lifting his feet up and tucking his knees.

Liam grunted with disbelief and hurried to follow. If the tether drew taut, the sudden

force on the line would either drag Liam off his stoop, unprepared, or yank Andy from his

grip and cause them to drop to the netting.

The ride was awkward. The two men travelling at different speeds—Andy slowing

while Liam’s powerful leap propelled him quickly—bumped against each other. Fortunately,

Liam didn’t have to feel that snug little rump on his cock when their legs tangled briefly. The

wheels of the two zip lines didn’t bring them that close together and Liam was blissfully


They dropped to the ground at the other end.

“Food,” Liam barked, heading towards the cantina. He didn’t like the direction of his

thoughts. It was one thing to look at Andy and think, he’s damn cute. It was another to

actively think about the emerald flecks in the darker green backdrop of his eyes, or wonder

just how wide they’d get if Liam surprised him with another kiss.

Liam could get lost in those eyes.

The lips weren’t shabby either. Petal soft, pale pink, like most of Andy’s sunburned

skin, and sweet tasting. He shouldn’t know that, Liam thought, grumbling to himself. The

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kiss he’d given Andy had been spontaneous. It had been a moment of combustion after the

tentative touches had turned bolder and Andy’s expression had become one of taunting heat.

The little flirt.

Liam hadn’t wanted to think of his attraction to Andy. Especially after his

disappointment that Andy hadn’t understood what being gay and macho was like.

Sometimes Liam thought the out and proud had it easier.

A twink, closeted or not, was still a twink. An athlete though? The expression of shock

after coming out when you didn’t carry yourself in the loose-gaited walk of a puff, was

practically garish.

Liam kept his pace ahead of Andy’s. If he slowed down, he might do something stupid,

like cuddle him up and devour him. The man was freakishly adorable.

It pissed Liam right off.

How the hell was he supposed to keep his distance from the lithe man?

“Too bad you’re headed the wrong direction for a victory fuck,” Andy teased.

Ah, there it is. Liam smiled with the words of his salvation. Nothing like a blatantly crass

come-on to ruin an erection. And as far as that last one went, Andy had been as subtle as a

Semi driving at Liam’s crotch.

He snorted. More of a snuffle than anything intending to be heard by Andy.

The cord went taut, jolting sharply at Liam’s waist. Turning, he saw that Andy had

stopped walking and now stood with his arms folded.

“Care to voice that thought?” he asked Liam.

Liam sighed, looking skyward. “Jesus, Andy, you go for the kill every time. How about

a little subtlety?”

“Because that works so well for you? As I remember, people don’t take your sexuality

seriously. Overt flirtation would clear that up.”

Liam’s gaze darted, checking to see if anyone had overheard as he grabbed the rope

and yanked Andy closer. Looking down into his startled features, Liam held back some of his


“That’s for me to decide,” Liam snarled.

“It seems to me, you are decidedly undecided.”

“What the fuck does that mean?”

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“It means, stud, that maybe the reason no one knows you’re gay is because you don’t

want them to know,” Andy pointed out.

Liam eyed him speculatively. “I don’t get you.”

“Clearly. I’ve been throwing my cock at you for two days and it’s like you’re one-eyed


A startled laugh escaped Liam. “The shit you say, man.” He shook his head.

“Is true and exactly what I’m thinking, which is why no one has to guess with me. You

don’t like what I say, then leave.”

Liam pointedly tugged the rope.

Andy narrowed his eyes. “You are so goddamn literal.”

People were coming up the trail. Liam hooked Andy’s arm and pulled him behind a

canoe storage shed.

“You’re full of bullshit,” Liam argued. “You’re never the same person twice, let alone

someone who always speaks the truth.”

Andy’s cheeks tinged pink. His eyes dropped their hold on Liam’s.

“You pretend to be indignant and superior about knowing yourself, when you can’t

make up your mind whether you’re a slut, a tease, a moralist, or a damn good agent. You

can’t even decide how to go about getting what you want. Why the fuck would I take advice

from you? Are you even sure you’re out?” Liam snapped.

He didn’t think it was possible for Andy’s face to turn any redder. But it did. This time

it wasn’t embarrassment; it was anger.

“You want truth? You want to know what I want?” Andy dropped his hands to his hips

and leant, his lifted face taking on a confrontational sassiness that made Liam’s stomach do


“I’ve got what I want. You. Tied to my side for the rest of this experience,” Andy said.

“Why do you want me tied to your side?” Liam had to hear it. He knew Andy found

him attractive; that much was obvious. What wasn’t was what Andy hoped to accomplish.

Did he want a relationship or a quick screw? Most of Andy’s antics pointed to the latter.

The little flirtations and sideways looks flew at Liam with pinpoint accuracy. What

confused Liam was that as much as he detested the heavy sexual flirtation, at least at this

stage of their relationship when Liam had no idea where he stood with Andy, he liked the

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insecure moments that peaked around the edges. The quick looks and blushes, the

unexpected open smile instead of the wicked grin.

God, it wasn’t that either. Liam had a devil of a time putting his finger on it. Maybe it

was the waffling between the alternate personality traits, the insecurity with the boldness,

the sweet alongside the biting, the unintentional flirtation next to the sexual offers. Liam

didn’t know what it was, but it had him in a tailspin.

The constant erection couldn’t be good for a guy’s blood pressure. Andy needed a

warning label. If erection lasts longer than four hours, seek medical attention

immediately…or wait for Agent Andy to take the next mood swing.

Like right now. Bold, sassy, in his face Andy ducked his head. His shoulders appeared

less resolute. Liam thought he heard a quiet sigh just before Andy took a half step

backwards. He didn’t want to let Andy off the hook.

“Why do you want me tied to you, when you don’t agree with how I present myself?”

Liam pressed.

“That has nothing to do with it.”

“Then what?”

“Nevermind,” Andy said, sounding sunny again as he lifted his head and shot Liam a

guileless grin. “Let’s go eat.”

“Quit changing the subject.”

Andy’s grin froze and he shrugged. “The other discussion wasn’t going anywhere.”

Liam sighed too, nearly exhausted from all the mood changes Andy had effected so far.

From tease, to angry, to shy, now calmly possessed of himself. What came next?

Andy averted his eyes. Liam lifted Andy’s chin, cupping it gently, making the shorter

man look at him.

“Talk to me,” Liam pleaded.

The cocky smile came out.

“No,” Liam snapped, exasperated. “Just you. The real you. Not some forced version of

what you think I want to see, or who you think I think you are.”

Panic drained the colour from Andy’s already pale complexion. “I don’t know what

you’re talking about.”

“Oh, you don’t, truth-teller? Really?”

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“Don’t what, Andy?”

“I just, I can’t do this with you,” he answered, cheeks giving way to another shift of

colour, this one bright and pink.

Liam dragged his thumb lightly across Andy’s lower cheek. “I’m not going to laugh.

You’re hiding from yourself as much as I am.”

Andy searched Liam’s face. His lips parted. Liam could see the words tumbling behind

that dark slit, ready to spill. He could see hope in Andy’s eyes tempered with doubt.

Questing fingers touched Liam’s stomach, a semblance of support, or need. Liam liked

them there. He liked the negligent weight, the warmth, the contact. He liked where they

touched and where they could touch.

“Why do you want to be tied to me, Andy?” he murmured.

Drawn by the look in Andy’s eyes and the words he couldn’t say, Liam closed the gap.

He traced Andy’s bottom lip with the tip of his thumb, anticipating the fullness against his


His eyes shuttered closed as he tasted the sweet heaven of Andy’s shy uncertainty.

Warm, soft, moist, it was what any stolen kiss ought to be. Andy inhaled sharply, those

teasing fingers skipping up to cup the back of Liam’s neck and hold him.

Andy’s parted lips closed on Liam’s, his tongue barely stroking in its timid curiosity. It

inflamed Liam. He heard his growl and hauled Andy against him, wrapped Andy in his

arms as need took over, devouring Liam with a hunger that shook him.

The soft moan, escaping Andy, only stoked the fire and at the first urgent bump of

Andy’s hips against Liam’s, Liam nearly let out a predatory shout that this, this was the man

behind the façade. This was Andy. This was the man who hid behind masks, being a

chameleon for everyone else, when all Liam wanted he held in his arms.

But what if Andy couldn’t give him this? What if he never trusted Liam? Then all

they’d have was incredible chemistry and a couple of amazing kisses. Because until he knew

he could have this Andy, he didn’t want any of them.

Liam broke away first, breathing heavily.

Andy’s naked, stunned, reaction slowly shifted. “That’s more like it, detective.” Andy

slid his palm over Liam’s bulging erection and squeezed. “Let’s put this to good use.”

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Liam blinked. Disappointment flooded him. “I’m hungry,” he said in a monotone.

“So am I.” Andy gave him another squeeze.

Catching Andy around the wrist, Liam pulled his hand off and dropped it. “For food,”

he muttered, walking backwards until Andy had to follow.

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Chapter Three

There was nothing more awkward than being tied to a man who wouldn’t talk. Oh,

wait, there was. Being tied to a man who makes your cock ache with need, who wouldn’t


Andy rolled away from Liam and cautiously rubbed his throbbing penis. His balls gave

periodic stings. Liam had him so wound his libido panicked to right everything as soon as

possible, so that they could fuck. The sexual chemistry was there, why wouldn’t Liam take

advantage of it?

It had been a solid day since that kiss…scratch that, a solid day and a half since that

ball-busting, cock-filling lip fest…and Liam still wouldn’t look in his direction.

He pressed his hand against his cock, hoping to relieve some of his need. If Liam

touched him like this, Andy would have lost his load. Andy turned his face into his pillow on

a moan.

“Andy?” a sleep-rasped whisper called to him.

His breath froze and he turned to listen.

“Andy? You okay?”

Andy rolled over, facing his tethered partner. Their beds, all the camp beds, had been

brought close in order to keep them bound with their partners. An inch separated Andy’s

bunk from Liam’s—torture in itself—and the nearest bed, James’ had been pushed several

feet away.

James snored sullenly. How they managed to sleep tied was a mystery. For his part, he

was insanely turned on by a man inches from him he couldn’t touch. The others seemed to be

fine if a bit tangled by morning.



“I’m fine,” Andy lied.

“You’ve been tossing and moaning.”

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“And apparently, you’ve been watching me toss and moan.” The darkness made blunt

truth so much easier, Andy decided.

“Can’t sleep.”

“Guilt?” Andy hedged.

“Why guilt?”

“For being a cock tease?” Andy suggested.

“Look who’s talking.”

“I would, but it’s dark and I’m asleep.”

“Bullshit.” Liam chuckled.

It was bullshit. But laughing Liam made Andy’s heart squeeze with longing and he’d

much rather be pissed and fighting, than getting along and pathetic over Liam’s lack of


James snorted, smacked his lips and settled in.

Andy released a pent up breath.

“Why are you awake?” Liam asked.

Andy thought about his cock, the throbbing sting in his balls, and the moisture at the

tip of his shaft. How exactly did he answer that? Comebacks raced through his mind,

everything from truth, to flirtation, to sassiness, to sarcasm—all the things Liam accused him

of. They fell in a huge thought pile until his words were so jumbled, Andy couldn’t make

heads or tails to answer.

“You’re driving me to distraction,” Andy said finally, grateful for the dark.

Liam shifted closer. “What do you mean?”

“I don’t know what to make of you. You aren’t like anyone I’ve met before.”

Liam’s silence offered Andy a strange comfort. He listened, waited, and Andy’s heart

ached a little harder because he wanted to keep Liam listening and waiting, instead of

frowning and walking away.

What should he say, though? What if Andy uttered the single word, whatever that

particular word was today, that would make Liam turn from him? Andy’s throat felt tight,

his tongue thick with fear.

“You started off great,” Liam encouraged quietly. “Keep going.”

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Andy dropped his cheek to his pillow, staring at Liam’s face, made unreadable by the

cloak of night. He closed his eyes, rationalising that he couldn’t see Liam anyway and

psychologically, it soothed Andy’s humiliation for saying the words he knew he had to.

“I like you. Why don’t you like me?” Andy asked.

“I do like you.” There was a telling pause. “Most of the time.”

Andy swallowed past the wad of fear at the back of his tongue. “What about the rest of

the time?”

“You annoy the shit out of me.”

Ouch. Okay, I asked for that. What he really wanted to know was how to have Liam like

him all the time. But you couldn’t ask that question. It sounded sadly pathetic and needy.

Fuck it, he was needy, for Liam.

In everything else Andy excelled. He busted cases open so frequently that he and his

partner, Lauren, were often called for the tough ones. He had friends. Hell, he even had

dates. Andy could find at least one guy in every joint police effort who’d want to fuck him.

Several more who thought he was funny.

What was it about Liam that made him insecure? Jesus, he should be owning this

situation, not waiting for Liam to make a move first. Why the hell was it so important for

Liam to want him? He searched the darkness for an answer.

“I annoy the shit out of you,” Andy echoed Liam’s most recent statement.

Liam propped up, pushed Andy’s shoulder until he lay on his back, and dragged

Andy’s bed the last couple of inches closer. Liam leaned over Andy, his eyes barely reflecting


“There’s a difference between you and the guy you pretend to be,” Liam murmured.

Andy licked his lips. “I’m who I am, Liam. Maybe you don’t like aspects of me, but this

is all I got.”

The shadow shook its head. “You’re who you think you want people to see. You crack

jokes when there’s an audience. You slide zingers at people you aren’t sure will hurt you

with intolerant remarks. You flirt outrageously when you think you might want something,

but aren’t committed to investing yourself beyond a few moments. And sometimes,” he

whispered, stroking the hair off Andy’s forehead with the softest touch. “Sometimes, when

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you think no one is looking, you’re this amazingly gentle, kind, resourceful guy with insights

into human behaviour that I’ve rarely seen.”

Andy had to part his lips to catch his breath. His nose just wasn’t hacking it anymore.

“I like that guy. I like him a whole lot,” Liam finished. “Sure, there are parts of those

other personalities in there, but when you’re on stage with them, they are exaggerated. For a

guy who is a student of human behaviour, it’s astounding you haven’t figured out your own


It was almost an insult. Yet, the way Liam said it, Andy couldn’t take it as one. Not with

the softness in his voice.

“It sounds like you want me to be something I’m not. A guy who quietly watches life

happen,” Andy countered.

“What I want is that Andy who is all Andy when no one is looking. He’s flirty, sexy,

smart, funny, sweet, kind, and he shivers when I kiss him. He’s all those parts together with

one aspect no more dominant than the next.”

Andy’s breath puffed with the effect of Liam’s words.

“You’re in there. I know you are because I’ve seen you. You don’t have to pretend with

me. More than anyone else here, I know how hard it is to be yourself and be accepted. Andy,

I accepted the real you a long time ago.”

“No, you’ve rejected me just about every other hour.” Andy knew he was losing this

battle, but his pride had him arguing anyway.

“Do you know how cute it is that you get tongue-tied and shy around me when you’re

being you? You captured my attention at the barbeque when you knocked my beer glass out

of my hand.”

“Pretty sure that captured everyone’s attention,” Andy grumbled.

Liam chuckled.

“Sometimes I’m bold,” Andy said, making a last ditch effort to prove that he wasn’t a

shy wimp.

“Yeah, you are. I don’t know how to describe it, but when you’re acting out a role, you

have this untouchable veneer to you.” Liam shrugged. His fingers left Andy’s brow to trail

the side of his face and along his jaw. Liam’s thumb stopped on Andy’s chin.

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What was left of Andy’s breath, escaped him as Liam covered his mouth, using his

thumb on his chin to drag Andy’s lips farther apart. Liam sampled him. Tasting his mouth,

licking against Andy’s tongue, testing Andy’s lips with the edge of his teeth.

Andy moaned. The darkness spun and he closed his eyes to lose himself in the moment.

He tried to lift his head, but Liam pulled back just enough to keep control of the kiss. Liam’s

heated breath filled Andy’s lungs. His bristled jaw hushed against Andy’s sensitive mouth

and cheeks, burning them pleasantly.

Andy’s hands slid up Liam’s bare sides, relishing the corrugated feel of his ribs beneath

his fingertips. He wanted more, so much more, but every other time he’d pushed, Liam had

backed away.

This time, Andy savoured him. It was as though his five senses joined to make a

symphonic experience to etch behind his eyelids a picture of this perfect bliss. Every breath,

every accidental scrap of Andy’s fingernail on pliable skin, every inhale and exhale flexing

the powerful ribs Andy held, every silken strand of Liam’s hair that tickled Andy’s face—it

was as though heaven blessed Andy with each precious piece. A gift of supreme importance

allowed only to him.

“Liam?” he asked breathlessly.

Liam grunted.

“I want you so bad.”

Liam placed a gentle kiss on Andy’s lips, so tame after the previous meeting of mouths.

“Thank you.”

“For wanting you?” Andy asked.

“For telling me.”

“But you’ve known,” Andy protested weakly.

“Yeah, but this is the first time I’ve believed you want more than sex.”

Andy thought about the flip remarks, the coarse manhandling of Liam’s cock. He could

see why Liam had said that. Andy could even see why Liam had seen him as hiding behind a

persona. He had been.

Liam threatened him on a very basic level. He had all the traits Andy wanted in a man,

including his ability to see through Andy’s bullshit. It meant Liam recognised Andy for who

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he was underneath. If he still wanted Andy, it would be a dream, come true. If he didn’t

want him, Liam would essentially be saying he couldn’t love the real Andy.

“You could hurt me,” Andy whispered, not really meaning to say the words aloud.

Liam dropped his forehead to Andy’s. “That’s why they call it taking a leap of faith.

Will you?”

“Leap alone, or leap with you?” Andy asked.

“Leap with me. Show me who you are and I’ll be just as honest with you. Give me the

rest of this week, Andy. If we don’t click, we go back to our separate departments with

nothing lost.”

“The week is yours, but if we don’t click, I’ll have lost everything,” he confessed


Wrapping Andy in his arms, Liam tucked him against his body, hips to buttocks. “Trust

me,” he murmured against Andy’s ear.

Liam’s hand gently stroked up and down Andy’s chest, making him heartily wish he’d

gone to bed shirtless like Liam had. But as his hand slowed to a rest over Andy’s heart, Andy

couldn’t help but feel peaceful when sleep finally took him.

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Chapter Four

“Whichever team makes it to the finish line first, wins the competition. You’ve been

practicing all week as teams, this is your pop quiz,” the instructor quipped to the groaning

men. “I’ll leave it to you to decide which partner has his hands tied behind his back, and

which will be blindfolded.”

Liam eyed the course ahead, if it could be called that. They faced at least ten acres or

more of wooded terrain, complete with shrubs, elevated roots, debris, and sink holes. The

challenge course looked like hell.

“If we get out of this thing in one piece, I’ll be surprised,” Andy muttered for only

Liam’s ears.

Liam’s thoughts exactly.

“What’s wrong, cocksucker? Too much wood for you?” James spat.

Andy barely glanced at him, and held out the blindfold to Liam. “Your turn to be in the

dark. I did the test run.”

Liam scowled at James over Andy’s shoulder.

“Good idea. If he has his hands tied, he can’t cop a feel,” James said, laughing at his

own joke as he walked away.

“Doesn’t that piss you off?” Liam asked, still scowling after James.

Andy shrugged. “I’m used to it. Guys like that are either homophobes, or in denial.”

“So you’re just going to let that shit pass?”

Andy eyed him with interest. “Yeah, I am.”

Liam shook his head. He turned Andy and tied his wrists at the base of his back. By the

time Andy faced him again, Liam was already fitting his mask over his head and securing it.

Andy carefully talked Liam to the starting line as the others were called to begin.

“I want good sportsmanship out there men. You have three clues to gather along the

way. Once you reach the finish line, take the clues to your team’s table and work out a

reasonable order of events,” the instructor shouted.

“Blindfolded?” someone yelled.

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“Yes. Remain in your bound states. This is a communication exercise, like all the others.

No matter what hindrances we have in the field, our departments can and will learn to work


“I knew there had to be a teaching point,” Liam muttered.

The instructor blew the whistle.

Andy took a step to Liam’s side, letting his shoulder and arm serve as a guide to Liam’s


“There’s a tree about ten paces ahead,” Andy informed.

Counting off the steps until they got to the tree, Andy then directed him left. The first

clue, flagged with their team colour, was almost too easy to get. He figured it out, though the

next two were progressively more difficult. Nothing like the test run the day before.

After Liam pulled the flag and tucked it in his back waistband with the clue envelope,

Andy glanced around at the other teams. James’ team barrelled ahead, hitting nearly every

obstacle in their path. Another team had taken a face dive from a hidden root.

Liam stepped out ahead of Andy’s direction, impatient. “Well?”

“There’s a dip in the path ahead. The other teams are a mess. If we play this smart, we’ll

be fine.” Andy glanced along their route, thinking several moves ahead. “It’s like chess.

Gimme a sec.”

“I trust you.”

Andy shot him a glance. Those three words filled him with nervous anticipation. The

last thing he wanted to do was let Liam down.

“Careful moving forward through the dip. It’s about a sixty-degree incline and there is

loose gravel at the bottom. Stay with me.” Andy pressed his shoulder against Liam again and

together they moved through the dip and the fallen log on the other side.

The second flag waved close by.

“Diagonal right three paces, about chest level on the tree is the second flag.” Using his

leg alongside Liam’s, they easily made it to the second location.

While Liam collected the flag with its attached bag of clues, Andy glanced around

again. James’ team had slowed, wisely. They remained just ahead as the only team still in a

place to be actual competition for Andy and Liam.

James looked back at Andy and smiled ferally. “Are you checking out my ass, fag-boy?”

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“Yeah, you wearing a diaper? I think it’s changing time, buddy.”

“Andy, I want to beat that sonofabitch. Where’s the next flag?” Liam said through

gritted teeth.

“At the end of the course. It’s going to be trickier than the last two.”

“Geez. Remind me never to go blind.”

Andy snorted.

He guided Liam to a level area, the only reprieve before the course went rocky. And by

rocky, Andy noticed, it was more like dry land mogul hopping. Boulders littered the path

ahead. This was going to suck.

A baseball-sized rock rolled to a stop in front of Liam.

“Hold,” Andy shouted.

Too late, Liam’s ankle twisted as his foot came down and both men fell. James laughed

in the distance. When the second rock tumbled into view, James sent Andy a wink, his foot

propped on a third one, ready to send it over with the others.

“Asshole,” Andy snarled.

“What the fuck happened?”

“Your homophobic pal thought we needed a challenge,” Andy answered.

“I’m gonna kick his ass,” Liam promised.

“Me first.”

“C’mon. Let’s finish this, and deal with him once and for all.”

“You got it.” Andy awkwardly got to his feet with Liam’s hand holding Andy’s elbow

for support. “Thanks.”

“I’d hold you a lot closer if we weren’t in the middle of an obstacle course and I wasn’t

ready to teach James some manners.”

Andy smiled. “Re-ally?” He drew the word out to convey interest.

“Competence is really sexy on you,” Liam said, smiling too.

“You can’t see me.”

“I don’t have to.” Liam leaned near, speaking loud enough for Andy to hear his husky

voice. “The blindfold, you brushing up against me, the confidence in your instructions—I’ve

been hard since your first direction.”

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Andy looked down. “Shi-it. Why’d you have to go and tell me that? Now I won’t be

able to think about anything else.”

“You mean the way I’m struggling to avoid taking your ass right here, right now?”

“I’m going to remember the blindfold thing,” Andy breathed.

“Let’s take it with us after the challenge.”


“Take your wrist ties, too.”

Andy swallowed hard. His thighs tingled and his cock swelled at the mental picture

Liam provided. “Gawd!”

Liam laughed. “Let’s go, hot stuff.”

Andy focused hard and directed Liam over the final stretch. James and his partner beat

them, though Andy couldn’t guess how with their run-into-everything technique. Still, Liam

and Andy were on their heels when they emptied their cache on the team table for sorting.

Crime scene pictures, suspect photos, and brief accounts by fictitious neighbours were

all they had to go on. While the clues were obvious, the main difficulty was communicating

which item to pick up for Andy to look at and how to describe the visual clues in the

photographs for his blindfolded partner.

Finally, they organised a reasonable order of events. Strategically placed cards, photos,

and Liam’s sloppy scrawl told their version of the story. Liam picked up the bell and rang it

for the instructor to check their results.

Another bell rang a split second later. James. The instructor cleared Liam and Andy as

the winners. James’ team also scored correctly, the short lapse between their two wins only

seemed to make James angrier.

“I don’t think James is a very good loser,” Andy noted.

Liam yanked off his mask, shoved it into his pocket, and carefully untied Andy’s wrists.

“You’re skin looks sore,” he murmured.

Andy kept a wary eye on James. “I’ll be fine, but somehow I don’t think James will be.

We’re going to need to watch our backs.”

Liam looked to James. “He won’t lay a hand on you. He has to get through me first.”

Andy’s chest tightened with emotion. His eyes might have moistened, too, but he chose

to chalk that up to a random, brief, allergy attack. Fortunately, he didn’t have to explain it,

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because Liam hadn’t seen Andy’s wobbled smile and rapid swallowing. No one had ever

stood up for him before. Not about his right to his sexual orientation.

In the ranks of the FBI, his work was respected. As a co-worker, his partner treated him

as an equal with an analytical mind for reading between the lines. As a man, his sexual

partners left happy. When it came to letting someone in close enough to see all those parts

together, Andy shied away from honest feeling.

Until now, it had worked. Until now, no one had questioned the sincerity of the person

he projected at any given time. Liam had cracked the code effortlessly.

It terrified Andy and humbled him. It charmed him, while still making Andy feel like

he was on a slippery slope, and it was just a matter of time before Liam saw too much. Liam

might decide against taking the chance at a relationship with him.

If Liam saw all of him and rejected him…

“What’s that look about?” Liam asked him.

“I can’t believe you’d be willing to take the heat for me.”

“Then why does it look like you just swallowed a horse pill and it got stuck?”

“Do you remember when I said I didn’t know what to make of you?” Andy asked.

Liam sidled closer, his quirky grin turning naughty. “Completely fresh in my memory.”

A blush filled Andy’s cheeks, yet this time, he didn’t drop his gaze. “I know what you

are now and it scares the shit out of me.”

Confusion dimmed Liam’s smile minutely. “What am I?”

“A witch,” Andy proclaimed with a half smile.

Liam’s laugh drew curious eyes. “How do you figure?”

The last time Alex had shared his heart, telling his family and friends he was gay,

telling them he loved them and respected them enough to share that part of his life with

them, they’d broken all contact. It had been a crushing lesson in how easily a solid seeming

foundation could be ripped from beneath him. Loyalty and love weren’t as unconditional as

he’d been brought up to believe, and he’d had no reason to fear losing his family. Family was

forever, right?

Yet here stood Liam. Were his affections as seasonal? Would his promises be as fragile?

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“I’m like Dorothy’s inner boy. Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?” Andy shook his

head, slowly. “If you have any doubt that you’re interested in me, please, please, don’t

encourage me any further.”

Liam grabbed Andy’s hand and dragged him towards the cabins. He didn’t stop there,

he kept walking until the cabins were far behind and the sounds of the campground were

lost to the wind. Arriving at whatever invisible spot he’d intended to find, Liam pushed

Andy up against the nearest tree.

“Explain what you mean and don’t, for the love of God, hide behind a veneer to

downplay your first true confession to me.”

The need in Liam’s voice rocked Andy. Liam’s dark brown eyes probed his with thinly

veiled urgency.

Andy felt tired. Hiding didn’t even present an option to him anymore. Hiding was like

a game, and this particular game felt wearisome. The fear of almost having Liam only to

discover he’d been fooling himself, weighed heavily on him. He’d never know unless he

spoke up.

His pulse raced and actually made his veins ache. The silence of the woods fell heavily

on them. Andy licked his lips. He needed to know.

“You get inside me, Liam.”

“Not yet, but I’d like to be. Soon.”

Andy shoved his shoulders, pushing him back. “This is serious. You’re in my head, in

my gut, in my lungs. If you aren’t going to want me, stop trying to understand me.”

Liam dropped his hands to his hips. “I want you.”

“For how long? Through the end of tomorrow, when we all go home? Through the

week? What do you want?”

“Unless you ends with the next week, and you has a time limit, the answer to I want you,

is I haven’t put a kill-date on a possible relationship with you.” His brow furrowed.

God, even that is sexy. How can he be sexy when he’s annoyed? How was that fair?

“Possible,” Andy echoed. “Possible means you aren’t convinced you want a

relationship with me. Possible means room for error. It sure as hell makes me think that

staying away from you would be self-preserving.”

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“So you want proof that I’ll stick around, but you won’t accept what proof I offer.

You’re kind of burning the candle at both ends, don’t you think?”

“You’ve offered proof? I missed that part,” Andy remarked.

Liam sighed with apparent exasperation. “All I have is my word and the fact that up

until this second, I’m the one who’s been putting on the breaks for exactly the same reason.”

“I know,” Andy agreed.

“Make up your mind, because right now you’re practically screaming that I’ve been

nothing more than the recipient of your teasing. Someone to get into bed until I decide to see

how serious you are. Is that what’s going on here?”

Andy dropped his head back against the rough bark. He closed his eyes. Everything

was happening so fast. “No,” he whispered.

Liam’s feet scuffed the ground as he moved in. His breath feathered across Andy’s

upturned mouth. “I know you’re scared. I don’t know what the hell happened to you, or

who hurt you so bad, but give me a chance to prove we aren’t all assholes.”

His lips brushed both eyelids in turn, dragged seductively along Andy’s cheekbone to

his ear.

“Would it help to know that I’m scared too?” Liam asked.

“Wouldn’t hurt.”

Andy couldn’t resist the lure of his warm body so near his own. Looping his arms

around Liam’s waist and exchanging rough bark behind his head, to sturdy, warm shoulder

pressed to his forehead, Andy’s defences melted.

“From where I stand, you’re a loose cannon. You flirt, you tease, you slip easily from

one situation to another without investing yourself. What happens if I let myself go heart and

soul, while you continue to coast on the surface of a true relationship?” Liam explained.

Andy lifted his head, meeting Liam’s steady gaze. “You’re worried about that?”

With a shy, self-depreciating laugh, Liam nodded. He buried his fingers in Andy’s hair,

trapping his head as securely as Andy suspected Liam had already trapped his heart.

“Tell me what happened,” Liam encouraged.

“My family happened. They’re supposed to be my safe place to run to when the world

goes shitty. When I came out to them, not one of them understood. Not one of them wanted

me around, either. Phone calls, holiday gatherings—they all became off limits to me.” Andy

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searched Liam’s sympathetic gaze. “If family is supposed to love me unconditionally and

does crap like that, how can I be sure that a man I just met won’t do the same?”

“Because this one thinks you’re worth knowing.”

“You have family that love you,” Andy redirected.

“They think my lifestyle is a distasteful phase.”

“How can you understand the kind of rejection I’m talking about if you’ve never

experienced it?” Andy pressed.

“Yeah, my experience is different, but it’s rejection of who I am nonetheless. If I came

out to the station, not one of them would believe me. My insides don’t match the

presentation I give. At least you don’t walk around feeling dishonest just for being yourself,


Like a shot of clarity, Andy winced with understanding. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry. I’m

doing it to you. I’ve been moaning about my family not accepting me for being gay, when

you are going through the same thing, and I haven’t accepted you.”

Liam wore a bemused smile. “Ah, so we’re starting to see eye to eye, are we?” His

hands slid down Andy’s neck, to his shoulders, then over his pecs.

“I’m openly gay and I look it. You’re gay and you don’t look it. Either way, the bias


“Sometimes the worst discrimination is by our own community. I don’t look gay, so my

life must be ten times easier. It’s not. It’s just different,” Liam murmured.

Andy kissed him, savouring the fullness of his lips. “I’ve been such a self-involved ass.

What the hell did you ever see in me?”

Liam pulled back, met Andy’s eyes with a look of tenderness and absolute stillness. “I

saw you, Andy. Just you.”

Liam watched Andy’s dark green eyes widen and fill with desire. He loved that look.

Anything that made his Andy look at him like that, deserved repeating. “You’re a hard man

to resist. If you don’t mind, I’d like to stop resisting now.”

Andy’s wide lips pulled into a revealing smile. Keeping his eyes locked on Liam’s,

Andy reached for the bottom of his team shirt and pulled it over his head. Dropping it to the

ground, he cocked an eyebrow. “Don’t let me keep you from it.”

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For a slim man, Andy’s lean physique offered an amazing array of muscled angles and

long lines. Lean and hard, Andy was a scrappy fellow. Liam had no doubt that they’d be

fairly well matched in a fight.

Good thing Liam only wanted to fight for the right to keep him.

Liam ran his hands over Andy’s chest. Andy lifted his face to kiss him, and bumped

their noses instead. He gave a nervous, breathy laugh.

Liam did too. Similarly stripping off his shirt, Liam’s gaze riveted to the purposeful

way Andy uncinched his belt and loosened his jeans. Andy’s breath rushed just as quickly as

his own. Andy’s flat stomach flexed and relaxed on each, the exhale causing a dark gap

between skin and denim.

Once Andy decided to let go, he apparently gave everything, and Liam was honoured

to be the one Andy trusted. Liam half-expected to see the veil of distance in Andy’s green

eyes, but what he actually saw stole his breath.

Andy didn’t just want him. He craved him. There was no denying the intensity of that

expression, or the softened parting of Andy’s lips, the flush of desire high on his slightly

freckled cheekbones. Green eyes burning for him, Andy’s hooded bedroom gaze took Liam

out of the world and dropped him solidly in that moment where nothing mattered but the

man in front of him.

He didn’t want this to go fast, no matter how badly he wanted his redheaded seducer.

Liam wanted to memorise every angle, every inch of pale smooth skin. Andy’s body, though

just as rigidly sculpted as his own, had beautiful differences. Liam’s tanned hand on Andy’s

skin seemed to glow. The comparison tightened his groin with need. What other differences

would he discover?

Andy hurried to undo Liam’s pants.

Liam caught his hands and gently squeezed them. “Yes, definitely take those off, but let

me worship you first.”

Andy groaned softly. “You can’t say shit like that and expect me to slow down.”

Liam ducked his head to catch Andy’s mouth in another searing kiss. He released

Andy’s hands to slide his around Andy’s waist, easing his fingers beneath the back waist of

jeans and lower. Calloused hands to smooth ass, Liam kneaded Andy’s firm flesh, squeezing

it, blindly examining each globe and the crease between with adoration.

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Andy broke away from the kiss first, gasping. “You’re trying to kill me. I know you


Liam flexed his hips forward, rocking his hardened cock into Andy’s. “Just as much

torture for me.”

Would Andy want him to speed through this? Was the proof of their attraction too

telling for such a romantically skittish man? Liam eyed him, trying to judge what his

thoughts might be on Liam’s need to fully experience this moment together.

Andy leaned his shoulders and head against the supporting tree, his hips levered

forwards. Heavily lidded eyes of deep forest trained on Liam’s and he shifted his stance

open, allowing Liam access to touch him however he wanted.

Andy didn’t look away. The shyness was there, beneath unhidden desire. His neck and

cheeks were flushed with colour and Liam caught the occasional upward quirk of a self-

conscious smile. Andy didn’t back down. He let Liam in, showing him without words that he

had lowered his defences.

For Liam.

It humbled him. Made him oh-so-careful to get this right. Liam’s need to protect Andy,

to treat the fragility of Andy’s heart with loving hands, and lips, and body, made him almost

nervous. Almost like a first time. And it was. It was their first time.

While cupping Andy’s ass firmly against his erection, Liam devoted himself to tasting

Andy’s neck and shoulders. He felt the strong cords against his lips and appreciated the

resilience of his straining muscles with the edges of his teeth. Salt from sweat tanged on

Liam’s tongue and the slightly musky scent of Andy’s body mingled with the clean notes of


Liam sank to his knees without further thought, pressing open-mouthed kisses along

Andy’s sternum and firm belly. Liam wanted more.

His hand left Andy’s ass to coast up his back and stroke his sides, his tightly pinched

nipples. Andy moaned, burying his hands in Liam’s hair as though he held a precious gift.

Liam felt adored. He wanted his Andy to feel the same.

His belly quivered as Liam scraped his teeth below the belly button and into the dark

brown trail of crinkled hair. Unzipping and dropping Andy’s pants and boxers naturally

followed. Liam got his first unfettered view of his beautiful, pristinely luminescent cock.

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Raspberry tipped and already moist, his staff filled Liam’s eager fist. Andy’s cock boasted

proud ownership of full, dusky sacs.

Liam couldn’t resist and tongued them playfully.

“Liam,” Andy rasped. “For God’s sake…”

There his thoughts seemed to die as Liam took them in his mouth and gently suckled

them. His fist slid up and down Andy’s smooth length. Liam murmured his approval of

Andy’s panting silence.

He released his mouthful and kissed the length of cock. Tracing the head with his

tongue, he wetted the spongy pink crown, delved the leaking eye, and savoured the moment

when Liam finally allowed himself to take him as deep as he could.

Andy shuddered for him. His knees shook.

Liam captured Andy’s hips, controlling the pace of loving Andy the way Andy ought to

be loved—deliberately.

Liam dragged one hand up Andy’s chest, feeling his heart pound against his palm.

Feeling the moment Andy began to tremble and his body undulate in near thrusting waves.

He was close.

Andy clasped Liam’s hand in a death grip, pressing it reverently to his chest as though

to show Liam that his heart was for Liam’s taking. That it was bursting for him in a private

dance he hadn’t let anyone else see.

With a ragged breath and a fine shiver, Liam knew Andy’s control slipped.

He let go of Andy’s hips completely, stretching the second hand up to join with the

other and showing Andy that he not only trusted him, but wanted Andy to use his mouth.

Fingers fisted Liam’s hair. Their eyes met with mutual understanding. Andy let out a

sharp cry and rolled his hips hard against his mouth. Liam took it, loving every moment of

possession as Andy’s cock filled him, his throat, numbed his lips, and slicked his tongue.

Andy’s eyes glazed over. His hips pistoned forward, forcing so much of himself into

Liam that Liam’s nose ground Andy’s pubic bone over and over and over again. Liam

wanted it, wanted all of it and he pushed into each thrust hungrily. Andy gasped sharply, his

movements becoming rougher, less coordinated.

Liam changed holds, grabbing Andy’s ass and forcing him to empty into Liam’s

swallowing throat when the time came. It proved too much. The milking action sent Andy

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over the edge, trembling, bellowing, grunting as hot cum sprayed Liam’s soft pallet and


After a few final squirts, Liam cleaned Andy off and looked up at him with a wicked

smile. “Your O face is amazing. It’s like you’re surprised to be coming, but you’re gonna

fucking ride that wave. It’s damn hot.”

Andy blushed to his roots, laughing through his gasps. He tugged Liam’s arm to stand

up. When he did, Andy pulled him tight to his naked body. Andy tucked his face into Liam’s

neck. “I don’t know how I got lucky enough to get your attention, but I’m sure as hell not

letting you go.”

Liam stroked his hair, kissed his temple. “I’m glad to hear it. It makes having you as my

boyfriend a whole lot more consensual.”

Andy chuckled on Liam’s shoulder.

“What. The. Fuck!”

Liam’s head jerked around. He held Andy’s face to his shoulder out of sight, as though

no one would recognise the tell-tale richness of Andy’s rust-coloured hair.

James loomed several feet away, sneering with disgust. “Did the little pervert force

you? The gay is contagious. I fucking knew it!”

Liam was tired of James’ bullshit. It was time to call it like it was, but not at the expense

of his naked lover. Liam carefully manoeuvred himself to protect Andy’s modesty. He could

hear Andy rushing to pull up his pants behind him. Liam’s own cock still strained against his


It was time to call a spade, a spade.

“My boyfriend here thinks you’re homophobic,” Liam began.

“Your boyfriend? You can’t be gay, man, you’re one of the toughest dudes here. He’s

just fucked up your mind. They got treatments to fix you,” James said.

His earnest entreaty only fuelled Liam’s annoyance. “I think you’re in denial.”

“Dude. You aren’t gay. He just brainwashed you. We’ll get help. Just step away from

the gay.”

“Fuck you, James. I’m gay. I’ve always been gay. And here’s a newsflash, so are you.”

“No fucking way! You’re messed up.”

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“James,” Liam softened his tone. “I should know what denial in a macho guy like you,

looks like. There’s nothing wrong with you. You aren’t broken.”

“Fuck that!” James turned and ran.

Andy put his hand on Liam’s shoulder from behind. “You think he’ll figure it out?”

“He already knows. It’s just going to take some time for him to work through the

psychological mess he’s let himself believe for so long.”

“You’re amazing,” Andy whispered.

Liam turned in his arms. “Not half as amazing as I am when I’m with you.” He pressed

his lips to Andy’s forehead. “So, when are we going to use all those nifty toys you brought

with you?”

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Andy hung up the phone and reached into his bedside table. He pulled out the binding

he’d worn on his wrists, one year ago, today. The interdepartmental camp hadn’t

successfully stripped the animosity between the different government enforcement agencies,

but there’d definitely been one improvement. Andy had Liam.

“That was James Runyon. He says he needs to talk to you sometime this week,” Andy

said conversationally.

He rolled to face his lover. Cocking an eyebrow, he dangled the rope in front of Liam’s

face, distracting him from the book he’d been reading.

“Imp,” Liam teased. He put the book against his bare chest and looked at Andy with

mischief in his eyes. “I’ll call him later. Right now, I think my boyfriend needs some one-on-

one attention.”

They’d already celebrated their anniversary. Now Andy wanted to celebrate them. It

was only a subtle difference and yet, to Andy, it made all the difference in the world.

Relationships came and went, but giving himself body and soul to one man—that was


As he dangled the rope, he wondered if Liam knew the significance of it. Did he realise

where the rope had come from? There was nothing to tell it apart from any other piece of


Liam turned away, putting his book on his own beside table. He reached inside the

smallish drawer and withdrew a box.

“What’s that?” Andy asked.

Liam shrugged with atypical uncertainty. “Something I got for you.”

Andy opened it. He laughed sharply. Tucked inside was the neatly arranged blindfold

from the same obstacle run. He pulled it out and something heavy landed on Andy’s belly,

killing his laughter.

Brushed platinum gleamed richly back at him. The top of the band had an inset

baguette diamond with inlayed onyx on either side.

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Liam took it from his limp fingers. He moved to face Andy, one arm propped on the

other side of Andy’s sheeted hip, the other poising the ring at the tip of Andy’s finger. Liam’s

smile flickered back into place. Andy thought his heart might stop.

“Andy, a year ago I knew you were going to be the one for me. I never believed in love

at first sight, and I think I doubted myself in recognising it at first. You made it clear that

giving yourself to someone required more than promises. I’ve respected that.”

Andy stared hard at the ring hovering around the tip of his finger. He looked back up at

the man whose presence, love, respect, and sincerity had proved more than his words could

ever say.

“I love you, completely. I can’t imagine my life without you. Tell me I won’t have to.”

Liam finished with a hopeful smile.

“You won’t have to,” Andy told him gruffly, pushing his finger through the ring.

“Thank God.” Liam took Andy to the mattress. “I knew the answer, but I was really

hoping I hadn’t overshot my confidence.”

“Thank you for being patient with me. You’ve been the perfect boyfriend.”

Liam picked up the blindfold and held it up for Andy to see. “I’d say let’s use this thing,

but I don’t want to miss a moment of your O face.” He tossed it aside. “Hope you don’t


“I got a better idea,” Andy murmured silkily. He parted his legs, shifting Liam between

them. Their naked cocks came into hard contact. “Let’s make that O face together.”

Liam snagged the forgotten cording from Andy’s hand. He wiggled his brows sending

Andy into nervous laughter.

“You aren’t,” he protested between laughs.

“I are,” Liam affirmed. He gently pulled Andy’s arms over his head and knotted the

cording around the headboard framing, and his wrists. “I are going to do a lot of naughty


Liam suddenly hopped off the bed.

Andy strained to see what he was doing. It wasn’t until he brought back a suspiciously

familiar shoebox, pulled the sheet off Andy’s body, and dumped toys on the bed, that Andy

finally understood.

“Oh, my God! You still have those?” Andy screeched.

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“I hid them for this moment. I want you to remember this day.”

“The day you proposed,” Andy said, smiling.

“The day you accepted, and the day the toys came back into the picture. I don’t have

happy sex with just anyone,” Liam teased.

“Make me happy,” Andy breathed. Every nerve ending zinged. His nipples budded.

Butterflies rioted in his belly. Living with Liam hadn’t been dull, but it looked like it was

about to get a lot more exciting.

Liam held up a butt plug. Liberally applying lube to the conical plug, he kneeled

between Andy’s thighs, using his position to push Andy’s legs apart.

Cool goo-covered plastic touched Andy’s hole. “You going to go straight for the

goods?” Andy complained.

“Nope.” But Liam didn’t explain.

The plug pushed at Andy’s entrance, nudging, and twisting, teasing the rosette as Andy

bit his lip to stem his whimper of pleasure. The plug entered marginally and retreated. Then

he heard whirring. Vibration touched him intimately and Andy trembled.

“Oh, yes, please,” he begged.

A few more pushes and Liam seated the plug firmly inside, leaving the vibration on.

Next he moved to Andy’s nipples. Leaning over, Liam kissed the little buds. He touched the

tip of his tongue to them, then pulled each between his lips until he’d turned them into tight,

aching points. Taking the clamps from the box of goodies, he carefully closed the rubber

teeth on both nipples.

With his anus vibrating—jiggling unknown parts inside and his testicles—and his

nipples pinched into delicious submission, Andy’s cock cried drops of pre-cum.

Andy looked at the face of the man he loved. Liam’s gaze covered him with adoration

and playfulness. He held up a bright red feather.

“I’m ticklish,” Andy said.

“Uh-huh.” Liam moved, careful not to press their bodies. That would have eased the

building ache in Andy, but he sensed Liam wasn’t finished with him. Andy was curious to

see what followed.

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A kiss followed. Luscious lips teasing his, smirking playfully from one light nibble to

the next, then moving to Andy’s neck where he suckled lightly. Ticklish airy zigzags flitted

from his sternum to his belly.

Andy moaned, lifting his naked hips for substantial contact with…anything.

The feather stroked his balls. Liam kissed his jaw line. Exquisite torture fractured his

mind into needy pools. Nipples begged for relief or more of the same, as his ass flexed on the

humming intrusion. His cock, swollen and desperate, lifted so full it pulsed with a beat

towards Liam’s warm body.

“Liam, I need you.”

“Soon, baby.”

“Ride me now, goddamn it,” Andy insisted.

Liam fisted their cocks in his large hand, pumping them and rolling them together until

Andy twisted, eyes slammed shut. Sweat broke on Andy’s brow and chest. He thought he

might explode.

Liam seemed to sense his urgency, and pushed Andy’s knee until his heel touched his

ass. Balls, dick, anus open and exposed only made Andy cry out in his wordless effort to

make Liam act.

With a sharp vibrating pop, Liam yanked the plug from Andy and swiftly slid his cock

home, balls deep. Both men gasped in sudden pleasure.

“I’m bareback, baby. I gotta get a condom,” Liam grunted, trembling with his own


Andy loved that about him.

“Don’t,” Andy begged, wrapping his leg around Liam’s waist. “We’re committed to

each other and clean. I don’t want anything between us.”

Liam’s sardonic grin twisted beautifully into place. “I hoped you’d feel that way, too.”

Andy lifted his hips, offering himself to his lover. Joined, bodies finally unfettered by

latex as they shared the most intimate contact. Liam stared into Andy’s eyes, seeming to feel

as Andy did, that this moment had to be etched into memory as the day they truly became


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Liam reverently pulled almost out, then eased in. Neither of them seemed able to take it

slow. Andy’s eyes glazed and his lover withdrew and thrust, growing more frenzied with

each re-entry.

Andy’s cock filled Liam’s hand. He shuddered a blissful sigh. Every pound jogged his

squeezed nipples and suddenly, Andy couldn’t hold back. With a shout, he erupted on

Liam’s chest, gasping as his cock emptied spectacularly.

Liam rode him only a few more thrusts before he too came, filling Andy with hot spurts

that made him tingle inside and out. He didn’t know if it was the warm spill or the

knowledge that he’d taken his lover’s load for the first of many times to come, but it didn’t


Liam was his. He knew Andy inside and out and loved him anyway.

Andy was the luckiest man on Earth.

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About the Author

Mia makes her home in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where she divides her time between
a job and spying on people. Mia enjoys long walks in Como Park, daisies, dancing in
the snow… (Delete prior sentence, meant for personal ad) …

Mr. Perfect may apply in person for a thorough evaluation and trial. All others will be



Mia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at


Also by Mia Watts

Wild Thing

Dangerous Distraction

Boys in Blue: Reasonable Doubt

Boys in Blue: Bad Boys, Bad Boys

Feral: Eat Me

Cougars and Cubs: Melting Melinda

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