Journey to Meet Her Master A Ash

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Journey to Meet Her Master

by A. Ash

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This book contains explicit descriptions of graphic

sex and is intended for adult readers only.

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This book is a work of fiction. The names,

characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's
imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be
construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or
dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely
coincidental. All characters portrayed are of legal age of
consent for sex – i.e. over 18.

Copyright © 2011 A. Ash

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First Electronic Printing July 2011

Cover by CP Designs

All Rights Are Reserved. No Part of this book

may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission, except in the case of brief
quotations embedded in critical articles and reviews.

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Part One

Mandy Quinn glanced around at the crowded

security line, certain most of her fellow passengers were
staring at her. At least here, the odd gait caused by the pink
orgasm balls tucked away in her pussy and the butt plug
crammed up her ass was less noticeable. All she had to do
was shuffle forward, nudging her carry-on with her foot.

As she neared the front of the line, the point of no

return, for one second she considered bolting.

Insanity. This was pure insanity. She'd never even

been on a plane before. And the plane ride was the mild
portion of this adventure.

Then his voice flashed through her memory. "If you

do not show up, we are completely through. There will be
no more internet play, no more phone sex. Nothing. As
always, pet, the choice is yours. You are the one in control

Her pussy twitched, clenching around the balls as

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they shifted. Her face warmed. She handed the security
officer her ID. He read it over, checked her ticket, then
waved her on to the screening area.

Past the point of no return.


Jack Anderson grabbed the phone on the first ring.


"Boss, that woman you gave us the heads-up on?

Well, she's at security now."

"Excellent. I'll be right there."
With a bounce in his step, he headed from his office,

down the corridor. Devin Kendrick, an old friend who now
lived on the East Coast, had asked him for a favor. And this
was one favor Jack was eager to provide.

At the security checkpoint, he stood to the side,

checking out Devin's latest woman. Nothing overtly slutty
about her. Shoulder length brown hair. Good looking pair of
tits filled out the form-snugging blouse she wore. Ass looked
pretty good in the low-riding jeans.

Yeah, this was going to be fun. With a covert hand

motion, Jack signaled the screener.

The wand bleeped.

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The brunette started. "Why is that beeping?"
"You tell me."
"I have no idea."
"Are you wearing an underwire bra?"
"Yes, but --"
Jack stepped in with a nod to his man. "I'll take it

from here, Larry. Miss, if you would just come with me, I'm
sure we can figure this out. Are those her things?" He
jerked his head toward the gray plastic bin.

"Yes, sir."
"Excellent." Jack scooped up the tray and tucked it

under his left arm, then fastened his right fingers securely
around the woman's bicep. "My name is Jack Anderson,
miss, and if you'll accompany me, I'm sure we'll get you on
your way in no time at all."

"But-but --"
"It's in your best interest to cooperate fully with me,

miss." He narrowed his eyes and glared down at her. "You
do want to make your flight, right?"

"Y-yes, I do."
He led her through a set of double doors. Once

inside the hallway, he made an abrupt right, steering her into
a tiny room. Closing the door behind him, he set the tray on
the long table against the wall, then slid a chair away from

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the long table against the wall, then slid a chair away from
the table. He made a big issue of studying her ID. "Amanda
Quinn. Where are you headed, Miss Quinn?"

"New York. Well, actually, the Hamptons."
"Business or pleasure?"
"Uh, well, actually, pleasure."
The girl's face turned scarlet, and Jack swallowed a

laugh. It was a pleasure trip, all right.

"Are you carrying any other metal on your person

besides your underwire bra?"

"No." The scarlet deepened. "Ummm…maybe. I'm

not sure. I don't think so."

"You don't think so?" Jack crowded into her space,

closing the gap between them. The scent of lemon body
spray filled his nose. "What does that mean, you don't

She gulped. "I don't know."
"Look, if you've got some weird body piercing, I

can assure you, I've seen it all. But I don't like the way
you're stalling with me. Makes me think you've got
something to hide."

"No, no I don't."
"Then what is it that you don't think is metal, but

might be?"

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She lowered her head to stare at her sock-clad feet.

"My…uh…orgasm balls," she mumbled.

"What? I couldn't hear you."
She cleared her throat. "Orgasm balls. Like Ben Wa


"You've got Ben Wa balls in your…" He gestured

to the juncture of her thighs. "Why in the hell are you
traveling on a plane like that?"

"The…guy I'm meeting in New York asked me to."
"The guy? Guy? Come on, princess, he must be

more than some guy if he tells you to travel with a set of
balls shoved up your cunt and you do it. Who is he?
Really?" He put his fingers beneath her chin and lifted it until
she met his eyes. He gave her the look Devin had taught
him, had helped him perfect. Master Devin had been the
one to instruct Jack in the fine art of Domming.

She half-shuttered her eyes, unwilling to meet his

gaze as she answered. "My…my master."

"What? I don't think I heard you correctly."
"My master," she repeated, slightly stronger.
Jack laughed at her obvious discomfort. "I figured it

had to be something like that. You've got submissive written
all over you, girl. Guys like me can just smell subbies like
you. You hiding anything else at his command? Because

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you know, I'm going to have to do a strip search. Ben Wa
balls could just be a clever ruse, a hiding place for drugs."

"I'm not smuggling drugs! Or anything else! That's


Well, there was some spark in her after all.

"Anything else?"

"A-a butt plug."
Jack pressed his lips together. Devin had told him all

about Mandy, including what she was supposed to have on
at his command, but he hadn't been sure she'd go through
with the anal plug. An anal virgin and quite skittish about it.
Devin had warned Jack to make sure she remained an anal
virgin when she got on the plane or it would be Jack's ass
that paid the price. And Jack knew Devin wasn't above
grabbing a flight to the West Coast just to exact that price.

Mandy's knees trembled as she snuck at peek at the

imposing man in the security uniform. This couldn't be
happening. The heat in her face turned solar-flare hot.

"Well, well. You're quite the slut, aren't you?

Appearances can be deceiving. That's good. It makes the
cavity search so much easier." He released her chin and
stepped away, dragging a chair from the table. He turned it
around and straddled it. "I can get you a woman, if you'd
rather, but I assure you, she's rougher than I am. You'd be

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rather, but I assure you, she's rougher than I am. You'd be
better off with me."

Mandy shrugged. What difference did it make?

She'd be humiliated no matter what.

And then there was the heat building between her

thighs. Heat that said, start the adventure right here. Right

"Great. Then get a move on, unless you want to

miss your flight. I'm betting your Master won't take too
kindly to your not arriving on time, especially because you
couldn't take your clothes off fast enough."

The shakes in her fingers made unbuttoning her

blouse difficult, but Mandy managed it. She slid it off her
shoulders and stood with it in her hands.

"Just toss it on the table. Bra next."
The front-fastener unsnapped, and she pulled the

cups away, baring her breasts to a complete stranger.
Something about him commanded her obedience, much in
the same way she'd been pulled into obeying her Master.
The tone of his voice, the snap of the commands… It all
pulled on the submissive part of her, the slut part of her.

A strange tremor of excitement raced through her,

and her butt clenched around the plug. But what would
Master say about this? Would he be angry with her? Still,

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it wasn't like she had a choice here.

"Nice tits." The man grinned at her. "Now the


She shimmied out of her pants, adding them to the

growing pile of her clothes. Without waiting to be told, she
peeled off her lace panties, well aware that the pink string to
her orgasm balls dangled between her pussy lips like a
psychedelic tampon string. The lack of support from
removing her pants had her clenching her inner muscles to
keep the balls in place. "Satisfied?" she asked, arms spread.

"Oh, honey, you'll know when I'm satisfied, believe

me." Coming off the chair, he approached her, taking her
by the arm again. "Face the table. Take a step back. Spread
your legs." His black shoe kicked at her feet. "Wider.
Good." He laid his palm against the middle of her back.
"Now lean over and put your hands flat on the table.
Terrific. Just like that. Do not move."

He pressed the full length of his body against her,

placing his hands alongside hers on the table. Hot breath
fanned the hair at the back of her neck, and his erection
brushed her flank, then he bumped the butt plug, making her
jump. His deep chuckle sent shivers down her spine.

He ran his hands up her arms, then slid them under

her armpits. Her nipples jumped to attention as he palmed

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her breasts, skimming over them, a cursory examination. He
hefted the weight of them, then used his thumb and index
finger to tweak both nipples.

Moisture flooded her cunt, and Mandy gasped at

the shockingly erotic sensation of being molested by a
perfect stranger. His teeth grazed her shoulder as he
continued to knead her tits. Then he slid his hands to her
back, tracing a path down her ribs to her hips. He twisted,
using his torso to apply pressure to her back, and leaning
over. A jolt against the butt plug ripped a soft yelp from her.
"Easy," he crooned, caressing her ass. "Relax."

Without warning, he reached between her legs,

grabbing the string. Mandy barely had time to clamp her
mouth together to keep from shrieking as the orgasm balls
were yanked from her pussy. Glistening with her juices, they
landed on the table in front of her. The scent of cunt and sex
flooded the small room.

Fingers probed her opening, spreading moisture

before abruptly plunging deep inside. The security officer
groaned. "Damn. This pussy is tight. No wonder you could
hold onto those balls so well." Two fingers became three,
causing a burning sensation as her skin stretched. He rotated
them inside her vagina, hooking his fingers and scraping
against her g-spot.

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against her g-spot.

Mandy opened her mouth, panting as the stimulation

drove her toward orgasm. Must not cum, must not cum,
she chanted silently. She forced herself to think of something
else, to try to ignore the sensations coming from her clit and
pussy. A shiver crawled down her spine.

The low rumbling chuckled washed over her again.

"Don't have permission to cum, huh?" Using his body, he
bumped repeatedly against her butt plug in time to the
rhythm of his hands.

"On-on the plane," she managed to get out. Good

lord, she was a slut. Only a slut would be naked in an
airport security room, trying desperately not to gush all over
a stranger's very talented, coaxing fingers that had entered
her body under the bogus excuse of a cavity search.

On her way to serve a man who intended to

dominate her sexually.

"What?" He sounded amused.
"On the plane. Master said I could cum as many

times as I wanted on the plane."

"Hmmm…I wonder if we could stretch that. Are

you sure he said plane? Maybe he said trip? Journey?"

"Pl-please, stop. Please. Stop."
Her pleading, and the trembling of her body only

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made Jack's cock harder. Leaving off her clit for a moment,
he unzipped his uniform pants and freed his dick, which he
then brushed against her ass cheeks. Straightening, he
leaned over her, speaking low into her ear. "Did master give
you permission to fuck anyone?"

"Fuck?" She swiveled her neck, trying to move

away from the table.

"Don't look at me," he snapped. "And I told you to

hold still." He pushed her back into position, pleased when
she slowly bowed her head. God, how he envied Devin this
one. She was going to be a fun playmate for his old friend.
Maybe, when she came back to the West Coast, Devin
would share her again. "That's right, sweet thing, give in to
the inevitable. I'm going to fuck you, and not only is there
nothing you can do about it, but you're going to enjoy it, like
the horny little slut you are."

Hand flat, he slammed his palm against the base of

the butt plug, making her cry out. Then he yanked it from
her tight ass, tossing it to the table next to the pleasure balls.
Bending his knees, he wrapped his fingers around his dick,
rubbing the head around her slit, coating it with the moisture
oozing from her pussy. The muscles in his legs shook as he
fought to contain himself, easing just the tip of his cock
inside her. With slight, tightly controlled flexes of his gluts, he

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teased her, barely fucking her at all.

Until she whined her impatience.
Then, grabbing her hips, he slammed himself home,

burying himself to the balls with one hard motion. Twin
groans filled the air, his lower pitched than hers. "Oh, yeah,"
he said, pumping into her. "That is one fine cunt, slut."

Still fucking her, he reached for the gray tray on the

table, dragged it closer. Rummaging around until he found
what he wanted, he pulled out her cell phone. "You know, I
think we should give your master a call, make sure he's cool
with this. Maybe he'll even give you permission to cum." A
hard thrust punctuated the final word.

"Oh, god, no, don't do that. You can't do that." She

made a grab for the phone he held aloft.

"Can't? I can fuck you, but I can't make a phone

call? Sweetheart, you're not the one calling the shots here,
and you'd better get used to that idea." He forced her hand
back onto the table. "I told you not to move. Learn to do
what you're told. It will make things easier on you." Slowing
his thrusts into her now-slurping cunt, Jack dialed Devin's
number, not even bothering to look for it on her speed dial.
He set the phone to speaker and laid it down on the table,
just in front of her. Now things were really going to get fun.

"Good morning, pet," said a smooth, low voice. "I'm

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"Good morning, pet," said a smooth, low voice. "I'm

guessing you're at the airport now, right?"

Jack dug his fingers into her hips and pounded her

harder. She grunted, then struggled to speak. "Y-yes,

"And have you obeyed my commands?"
"Y-yes, Master."
Jack reached around and grabbed her clit, making

her squeal.

"Pet? What's going on? It sounds like you're being

fucked. Are you being fucked, my little slut?" Devin sighed
heavily, making it seem like he was disappointed in her.

The girl's head dropped lower. "Y-yes, Master,"

she said softly. "I'm sorry, but --"

"Oh, your butt is going to be sorry, all right. Jack?"
"Yes, Master Devin?"
Her head snapped up and she shot a look of shock

over her shoulder at him. He grinned, slamming his cock into
her again so hard his balls rocked forward, then slapped
back against his ass.

"So, what do you have to say?"
"Thanks, Devin, for sharing your slut with me.

Great, tight little cunny. You're going to enjoy breaking this
one in. This one is subbie through and through. Untrained,

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doesn't quite know what she's doing, but that's half the fun,

"I want to see, Jack. I want to see your dick

pounding into the slut's pussy. Use her phone to take a
picture. Send them, and call me back immediately."

Jack retrieved the device, snapping several shots

that showed his cock, glistening with cunt juice, half in, half
out of the slut's shaved pussy. And just to torque his friend a
bit, he stuck his left index finger in his mouth, wetting it, then
worked it into her asshole, grabbing a shot of that while she
wiggled and whimpered beneath him. After firing the photos
off to Devin and redialing his number, which was answered
before the first ring even finished, Jack put the phone back
down and set to work on forcing the slut over the edge.
Finger plugged in her ass once again, he reached around
with his other hand, massaging her clit.

"Oh, oh!" She opened her mouth, panting like the

bitch in heat she was.

"Pet," Devin admonished. "You do not have

permission to cum. You know that, right?"

"Oh," she whined. "Yes, Master, but please,

please…I need to cum. Please, Master."

"No. This is not about your pleasure. This is about

Jack's pleasure. Tell me, Jack, is she pleasing you? Your

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cock looks happy enough in these photos. "

Jack grinned wickedly, increasing his efforts on her

clit, sliding it between two fingers as the moisture just
gushed from the girl's slit. "Oh, yeah, I'm about to shoot my
jizz into this tight cunt, Devin. Such a slut." He pounded into
her, timing thrusts of his finger into her ass to match.

"Oh, Master, please, please…Oh god. Please!"

With that, she started shaking, her cunt spasming around his
dick as the orgasm took her.

Pushing Jack closer to his own. He yanked his

finger from her ass, grabbed her hips with both hands, and
impaled her, forcing her against the table. A few more solid
pumps, and he shot his load deep into her cunt.

"Jack? Did My slut just cum without permission?"
Knees trembling, Jack made a few more slow

thrusts into her, even as his dick began to soften. "Yes,
Master Devin, she certainly did." He pushed against her,
knowing what Devin had planned as the next move in their
tightly choreographed sexscapade.

"Oh, pet." Another deep sigh. "I'm disappointed."
She leaned her head against the table, and her

shoulders slumped. "I'm sorry, Master," she whispered. "I
couldn't help it."

"I know," he said, understanding and compassion

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"I know," he said, understanding and compassion

thick in his voice. Devin knew exactly how to play the
psychological aspects of the game. "I'm going to help you
with that once you arrive. However, there will still be a price
to be paid for your disobedience."

"Yes, Master," she whispered again.
"Jack? Are you still in her?"
"I am."
"Good. Pet, when Jack pulls out of you, I want you

to cup your hand beneath your pussy and stand up straight.
Do nothing else. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."
Jack withdrew, chuckling under his breath as she

shoved her hand between her legs and straightened up. He
pulled a white handkerchief from his pants pocket and
mopped up his dick, though he would have preferred her
tongue doing the mopping. But Devin had other plans.

"Jack, go and get the bag."
"You got it, Devin." He leaned over, nipping the girl

on the shoulder before whispering in her ear, "I'll be right
back. Don't worry about someone walking in and finding
you like this. I'm locking the door behind me."

Mandy blinked back tears of shame and humiliation

as the door clicked closed. Mixed cum dripped into her

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palm. This wasn't how she'd imagined the trip to meet her
Master would go. He'd set her up with his friend for this
test, and all ready she'd disappointed him. Would he tell her
not to bother getting on the plane? "M-master?" she said,
disconcerted by his silence on the cell phone.

"Yes, pet?"
"Are you -- should I -- do you still want me to get

on the plane?"

"Oh, pet. Of course I do. I'm disappointed that you

couldn't control yourself. Let's be clear on that. But I know
you tried, and I know you're completely untrained. All
subbies fail a test now and again. No one's perfect, after all.

"With the proper training, which I intend to provide

you with, you'll do much better, I assure you."

The door opened, and Jack came back into the

room, carrying a large plastic bag. Uniform lines neat and
tidy, no one would ever know he'd just fucked her brains
out, had her creaming all over his cock even though she'd
tried so hard not to.

"I'm back, Devin," he announced.
"Excellent. Pet, I want you to carefully lift your hand

and show it to Jack. Do not spill. That's something even an

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untrained sub should be able to accomplish, no?"

Face warming, she pulled her hand from between

her thighs and held it up for Jack's inspection. The smell of
sex became overwhelming.

"Oh, yeah. A nice handful, Devin." He grinned at

her. "I've been saving myself for you."

Mandy's stomach tightened as she anticipated the

next order. He hadn't made her catch their cum just so she
could wipe it on a tissue, that much she was sure of.

"Excellent. Pet, I want you to lap up Jack's gift."
That she'd expected it didn't make it any easier to

do. She'd never swallowed cum before. When giving
blowjobs, she'd always made it clear that cumming in her
mouth was off-limits. She tentatively stuck out her tongue,
making slight contact. A long string followed her tongue
back to her mouth. The taste was salty and made her mouth
feel sort of numb. She grimaced.

"Well? Is she done yet, Jack?"
"No. She's making faces. I don’t think she

appreciates my gift, Devin. She's hurting my feelings."

"Pet, I'm warning you. One mistake I can overlook.

But two might make me have second thoughts, especially if
you're hurting the feelings of a friend of mine who's gone to
so much trouble for you today. Now eat that cum."

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so much trouble for you today. Now eat that cum."

"Try thinking of it as expensive caviar," Jack


She didn't like caviar, either. Still, knowing Master

wanted this, she thought of ice cream and chocolate syrup,
slurping up the slime from her hand as quickly as possible. If
people could eat bugs and such on Survivor, she could do
this. Other women did it all the time. Stifling her urge to gag,
she swallowed it.

"Way to go," Jack said softly, finger covering the

microphone of the phone. "But when Devin offers you his
cum, I'd suggest more speed and no faces. He's a patient
and tolerant Master, but you don't want to piss him off over
something as stupid as swallowing his jizz." He moved his
finger and spoke louder. "Her hand's clean, Devin."

"Good. Now, package her up and get her on that

plane. Pet, you are to obey and submit to Jack's
ministrations as he prepares you for your trip. I'll be waiting,
sweet one." The phone clicked, indicated he'd hung up.

Jack was pulling things from the bag, clothes, shoes,

and something else she didn't quite catch. "All right, sweet
cheeks, assume the position."

"Uh, what position would that be?"
He chuckled. "I want you bent back over this table.

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We've got a few things to do, then we'll get you dressed and
off to your plane."

Warily, she leaned over. His hand contacted the

small of her back, and he shoved her down until she rested
against the table, the cold surface chilling her boobs as it
mashed them flat. He shoved her feet wider as he had the
first time. "Now, reach back here and spread them."

Apprehensively, she reached back, spreading her

ass cheeks.

Something cold dripped onto her asshole. She

gritted her teeth. The cold sensation began to change, and
Jack forced one finger, then two into her tight opening.
Soon warmth became heat, and she felt the head of her butt
plug pushing against her.

"Push back. Make it easier on yourself," he


She tried. But the heat and the stretching… "Ow,

ow. Why does that seem bigger? That hurts!"

"It is bigger. You're stepping up. Phase two, sweet

cheeks." He ran one palm over the curve of her ass. "Damn
that Devin. Why couldn't I have hooked up with you? You
wouldn't have had to travel to get to me. Listen, if things
don't work out with you and Him, keep me in mind. I'd love
to dom you."

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"Really?" She had to admit, he had a good cock,

and a way of making her feel inside the same way Master
Devin did. And Jack knew she'd screwed up, and yet, still
was making an offer. "Thanks."

"My pleasure. Believe me, it would be my pleasure.

Now let's get this seated."

She shrieked as he drove the plug home, stretching

and filling her more than she'd ever been filled before. The
burning sensation intensified.

And it spread, as he rubbed the lubricant all over

her pussy lips, then shoved his coated fingers up inside her.

"That's hot."
"Yeah. Devin wanted your ass and cunt warmed as

punishment for cumming without his permission. I'm afraid
sitting is going to be uncomfortable for a while." His low
chuckle indicated he wasn't afraid, or sorry at all. "It might
be the first time, but I assure you, it won't be the last. This
warming is only a preview for the warming he has in store
for you when you get there."

Jack had her stand up, and he held out some

clothing to her. "This is what he wants you to wear."

This was a black mini-skirt, and a tight, low-

scooped, ribbed white polo shirt that hugged her tits. A pair
of heels followed. Jack gathered her other clothes and

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of heels followed. Jack gathered her other clothes and
crammed them into the plastic bag. "There. Now you look
like a proper slut, hair all messed up from being fucked, face
flushed, tits on display for everyone."

Mandy smoothed down her hair.
He laughed. "I was kidding about the hair. You look

fine. Fuckable fine, and I'm so glad Devin let me have a
sample. You are a First Class fuck. Now, let's get you on
that plane. He'll be waiting for you."

"What about the orgasm balls?"
Jack dangled them on his finger before tucking them

into the bag. "Those are mine. A memento, along with your
clothes. I think I'll use those pretty lace panties to whack off
into tonight."

He helped her gather all her belongings from the

gray tray, and took her by the elbow, escorting her from the
room and down the security corridor. The rest of the male
security staff gave them looks as he propelled her by. At the
gate, where her plane was already in process of boarding,
Jack pulled something from his pocket. "Here. Devin wants
you to listen to this on the plane." He handed her a RAM
card for her smartphone. "Good luck. I hope your pleasure
trip turns out to be all you hope for." He winked at her.
"Give Devin my best. And don't forget that tip I gave you.

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Don't push him."

"Thanks." With that, Mandy walked to the gate,

trying to approximate a normal stride once more, only now
the problem was the fact that her pussy and ass were on
fire, not to mention it felt like she had a lava lamp shoved up
her ass. Handing her boarding pass to the ground attendant,
she fingered the RAM card.

What did Master Devin have in store for her next?

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Part Two

Master had spared no expense for her trip.
Flying First Class had its perks, one being the

complimentary Bloody Mary Mandy had already downed
prior to take-off in an effort to calm her still-jangling nerves
after her "encounter" (i.e. fuck session) with Master's friend.
Heat from the lubricant Jack had applied still warmed both
her pussy and her ass. The larger butt plug made sitting
slightly uncomfortable, so she resisted the urge to squirm or
shift too much. The flight attendant had given her a once-
over, then offered her a blanket. Mandy suspected it had
little to do with the woman being concerned for Mandy's
warmth and more with wanting her covered.

Still, now that they were in the air and the wall

surrounding the window beside her had chilled, she
appreciated the blanket -- and since Master had given her
permission to cum as often as she wanted while on the
plane, she figured the blanket would serve another purpose
as well.

A bell chimed, and the head flight attendant came

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over the speaker to announce that portable electronic
devices could now be used. Mandy retrieved her cell phone
from the pouch of the seat in front of her. The RAM card
contained one audio file. Labeled "Master Speaks." She
inserted her earbuds, fingers trembling as she started the file.

Soft music began in the background. Then, he

spoke. Her cunt tightened at his first words, the deep timbre
of his voice. "Congratulations, pet, on passing the first of my
little tests." He chuckled, a deep throaty sound that sent a
shiver down her back. "That is, first test besides showing up
at the airport at all. I am so looking forward to seeing you in
person, pet. In seeing that delightful cunt that until now I've
only had the pleasure of seeing via a webcam, or a digital
picture. I'm eager to be able to touch you." He paused, and
dropped his voice lower when he continued. "To taste you."

"To fuck you."
Mandy sucked in a deep breath. His words were

making her wet. She slipped her arms back under the
blanket, settled her palms on her thighs. Not having a seat
mate would make it easier to do what she so longed to.

"Are you wet, pet? Is your pussy made eager by

my words? Do you want to touch yourself?" H e tutted.
"You know you do. Go ahead. Slid that skirt up around
your thighs and play with yourself, just like you've done for

background image

me on the webcam."

How did he always know? Glancing across the

aisle, seeing the two men there engrossed in an open laptop,
Mandy did as Master suggested, lifting the hem of her skirt
beneath the blanket until her bare pussy lay just exposed.
She glided her right middle finger over her clit several times,
then settled into a circular motion. Another furtive glance
around, and she let her left hand drift over her right breast,
lightly stroking the nipple through the thin fabric of the cotton
t-shirt. She pinched it, then rolled it between her thumb and

Then she went stock still as the flight attendant

suddenly appeared. "Can I get you another beverage?"

"No," Mandy said, clit jumping beneath her finger at

the abrupt lack of stimulation. "I'm good."

"All right. Let me know if there's anything I can do

for you." The woman turned her attention to the men in the
opposite seats.

"Are you free to move about the cabin, pet? If so, I

want you to go to the restroom," Master's voice said into
her ears. "Take your purse with you. Tuck your phone into
the waistband of your skirt. Go ahead, I'll wait for you. Just
hit the pause button. Once you're in there, we'll pick up

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Mandy shivered in anticipation, knowing he had

some sort of erotic game in store for her. Lowering the hem
of her skirt, she retrieved her purse from under the seat in
front of her. She rose, dropping the blanket. She had to wait
in the aisle for a few minutes, resisting the urge to shift from
foot to foot while squeezing her thighs tightly together. The
people nearby would have suspected she needed to pee,
but in truth, she was jonesing for some stimulation.

Once inside the tiny space, with the door locked

behind her, Mandy set her purse on the little sink, jabbed
the Resume button on the phone, and tucked it into the skirt
as Master had instructed.

"My, my, my, pet, so eager. That's something I like

about you."

Her cheeks warmed with pleasure at his words.
"Now, I want you to pull down the neck of your

shirt. Let those pretty titties out to play. Then I want you to
lift up your skirt. Tuck the hem into the waistband. Make
sure your cunt shows. Look at yourself in the mirror. What
do you see?"

Mandy looked at the reflection. She couldn't see her

face, but her boobs jutted out, proudly on display,
supported by the neck of the shirt. Beneath the narrow band

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of the skirt, her bald sex also showed. What she saw,
reflected in the warped mirror of the airplane, was, plain and
simply, a slut. Who but a slut would so wantonly display
herself like that, even if no one else could see her?

Again, as if he knew what she'd be thinking, Master

spoke. "Masturbate for me, slut. Rub your pussy. Make
yourself good and wet. Use your other hand to make your
nipples hard. I want them tight, and I want them to stay that

Without hesitation, she obeyed. After only a minute

or two, her cheeks had flushed, and her pussy was now well
lubricated. She squeezed the sensitive ends of her tits as
hard as she could bear, making her nipples stand at attention
and sending shockwaves through her body.

"Now, get your hairbrush from your purse."
Reluctantly abandoning her looming orgasm, Mandy

stopped stroking her clit. She rummaged in the handbag,
pulling out the round brush.

"Insert the handle into your pussy. Use one hand to

spread your lips wide, then slowly, slowly, push it up into
your cunt. Watch yourself in the mirror. Spread your lips,
look at that slutty cunt. I'll bet it's just dripping with honey,
isn't it? Are you watching that handle disappear inside

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She was. And a more erotic sight she didn't think

she'd ever seen. With the butt plug firmly seated in her ass,
she expected adding the handle to make her feel fuller than
ever, but it just wasn't wide enough. First chance she got,
she was going out and buying a new hairbrush - one with a
thicker handle. Still, the sensation was good. And she was
grateful the design of the round brush kept the bristles from
jamming against her sensitive openings.

"Now, before you get too excited and start really

fucking yourself with it, I want some pictures. I want the
proof that you've been obedient, pet. You can send the
pictures to me as soon as you land. In fact, I'll be expecting
them. I want to be outside the airport, waiting for you,
looking at the pictures of my slut in the plane's bathroom,
with a hairbrush sticking out of her cunt and a butt plug
shoved up her ass. Nipples peaked. And a set of earbud
wires running into her ears."

Mandy scrolled through the apps on her phone,

activating the camera.

"Take a shot of my slut's reflection in the mirror


She did. Never in her life had she felt more alive

than in that moment. More sexy. More…naughty. She'd
never expected this out of herself.

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never expected this out of herself.

"Now, take a closer shot of your cunt and ass. I

want to see the hairbrush in your pussy, and the base of the

Mandy set her foot on the lid of the john, opening

herself wider and snapping off a few more shots for Master.

"Okay, slut. Fuck yourself. Play with your clit. I

want you to cum. I want you to coat that handle with your
cream. Do you hear me? I want you to cum for me."

Laying the phone down, Mandy set to serious

work, pumping the brush in and out of her pussy, the bristles
prickling her palm, while the other fingers frantically worked
her clit. Leaning against the wall, she watched in the mirror,
not for the first time wishing for a third hand, one to
stimulate her tits while the other two worked her cunny.

A knock on the door nearly scared her out of her

wits, and she cursed under her breath as she heard the flight
attendant's voice. Did the woman have built in orgasm radar
or what?

"Miss Quinn? Are you all right?"
"N-no." That wasn't a lie. She needed to cum, and

she needed to cum bad! "I'm not feeling too well. I'm sorry.
I'll be out in a couple more minutes."

"All right, if you're sure. If you need something,

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there's a call button in there."

Mandy wanted to tell her what she could do with

her damn call button. Still, there was something extremely
exciting about knowing she was in here, nearly naked,
fucking herself and masturbating furiously, while there were
people only inches away. Knowing that the next person who
came into the tiny rest room was going to smell her sex, her

The thought nearly pushed her over the edge. She

arched her back -- and a sudden zing shot through the butt
plug. With a gasp, she discovered that positioned like this --
bent slightly forward, tits thrust out, back arched so her ass
hit the wall -- she could bump the plug in time with her
thrusts of the brush. Slight pain mingled with pleasure.

"I'm waiting, pet," Master said. "Have you cum yet?

Cum for me, little slut."

Mandy pressed her lips together to hold back her

moans and sounds of pleasure, which would no doubt bring
Miss BusyBody back to the door. Just a little more… She
rubbed her clit furiously and finally, orgasm claimed her, sent
her pussy into spasms around the brush handle. Her hips
twitched a few more times and she slowed her stroking,
then withdrew the impromptu dildo, which glistened with her

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"Have you finished? Was it a good one, pet? It's

not exactly the Mile High Club, but it's a good start, right?
Fix your clothing. And don't clean that hair brush handle. I
want you to tuck it back in your purse all slimy with your
cum. I want to smell it when you arrive. Oh, to be able to
smell your cunt juices in person, and not just from a pair of
panties you've used to clean your cum. The purple satin
panties are still my favorite. How many orgasms did you
wipe into those? Four or five as I recall. Yes, I've wrapped
those around my cock many times while watching you on
the cam."

While Master talked in her ear, Mandy set about

tidying herself, tucking her tits back inside the shirt, tugging
on the neckline to make it go back into the proper shape.
She used some tissue to clean her cunt -- Master hadn't said
anything forbidding that -- and lowered her skirt. She fluffed
her hair, then tried to school an expression on her face that
looked more like a woman who felt sick and less like one
who'd just had a terrific orgasm.

She settled for lowering her head as she slipped out

into the aisle, brushing past the man waiting outside the

Back in her seat, she re-covered herself with the

blanket as Master instructed. She leaned her head against

background image

blanket as Master instructed. She leaned her head against
the wall and closed her eyes, focusing on his words again.

"One of My favorite sessions," he was saying, "was

that time I made you punish that needy clit of yours.
Remember? You'd masturbated that day without My
permission? In fact, pet, why don't you go to the video list
on this RAM card. There's something special there I made
for you. Please note the timestamp on this track so later, we
can pick up where we left off here."

Mandy did as instructed. In the video section, there

was one called Clit Punishment. That had to be what Master
wanted her to see. She opened it. It began with a black
background and Master's voice. "Needy clits get into
trouble, pet. On this day I had to punish you for
masturbating without permission. I thought you might enjoy
seeing what I saw that day. What I look forward to seeing
in person in just a few more hours. Pay close attention, pet.
Remember this lesson. Greedy clits get punished."

The frame brightened. The image captured by her

webcam wobbled as she repositioned it on the edge of her
desk. It refocused, showing a fairly close picture of her
naked cunt, thighs splayed over the arms of the desk chair.
"Look, pet. Look at that pussy. I love how your lips are
puffy already," Master said. "Now watch. I've asked you to

background image

spread your outer labia. Wider. That's good. Now, pull
back that hood and show me that clit. The hidden pearl. The
fabulous spot that gets you in trouble and provides you with
such sweet pleasure."

On the screen, Mandy's cunt and clit were exposed.

On the plane, Mandy shifted the phone to her left hand,
keeping it tipped towards the window so no one else could
see, and she slipped her right hand back beneath the
blanket. She used her fingers to make a V, spreading her
outer labia and exposing her clit somewhat like in the video.
On screen, Master had made her hold that pose for some
time, making her feel the weight of his scrutiny and his
displeasure. Making her wonder what he would ask of her
in payment for her sin of pleasuring herself without his
permission. However, for now, she had his permission, and
in anticipation of what would happen next on the video, she
began to slowly stroke herself.

"I decided to be lenient with you the first time,"

Master says. "I let you rehood your clit."

On the video screen, Mandy's finger released her

clit hood, letting the sensitive little point retreat under its
protective covering.

"I didn't want to push you too hard, too fast. Didn't

want to scare you off. I could, by this point, already see

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how much potential you had."

In the session, Mandy's left hand spread further in a

V while her right hand left the camera frame to reach for
something. It came back with a wooden ruler that wobbled
with her hand's trembling.

"Ah, yes. Look how that ruler shook. Listen to your

breathing. You're breathing hard, from a delightful mix of
fear and anticipation. Possibly much like what you're feeling
now, on your way to meet me in person. Rest assured, pet,
just as you were in control that day, you are in control now.
Nothing will happen that you don't want to. Oh, yes. Here
we go."

The ruler came down across her clit. Lightly, as

Mandy recalled. And it hadn't gone unnoticed by Master,
who repeated what he'd said to her that day.

"Pathetic, that was. You didn't even flinch with that

one, did you? If you're going to play at it, we're through.
You can shut down that camera and forget me. Smack it as
though you mean it. It's meant to be a punishment, after all.
If it doesn't sting, what's the point?"

The next slap had a bit more force behind it. Mandy

remembered the sting, and the gasp she'd let out. But
Master had been pleased, and that made the bite worth it.

"That's better. Now, we'll consider those two a

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"That's better. Now, we'll consider those two a

warm-up, a bit of practice. The price for masturbating
without my permission is five strokes. Since that
masturbation led to an orgasm, for which you also had no
permission, the cost for that is ten strokes. That's fifteen
altogether, pet, in case you're too distracted to do the math.
You will count them out loud. Begin."

By the time she'd called out five, her clit had turned

red. On the plane, Mandy's fingers circled the bud,
stimulated as much by the video and remembered pain as by
the rubbing. By the time she'd called out ten, she could see
on the screen that fluids had begun to dribble from her slit,
sliding down toward her asshole. Those same fluids made
her "real-time" masturbation easier, too, and were oozing
around the butt plug's base. There was gonna be a wet spot
on this plane seat when she disembarked.

At fifteen, her clit had throbbed, fire red and angry

looking on the screen. But the copious amounts of honey
dripping from her pot had betrayed her -- and pleased
Master to no end.

"Excellent, pet. Well done. And look at you." He

tsked. "You got off on that." She could hear the smile in his
voice, the satisfaction. "You're turned on now, aren't you?"

"Yes, Master."

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"A true slut in the making. I'm pleased. Masturbate

for me now, pet. Two hands. One hand on that lovely red
clit, and you spare it no mercy if it hurts right now to touch
it, and one hand finger-fucking yourself. You may cum when
you're ready."

Aroused beyond belief by watching the events

unfold -- she'd never had such a front seat to watch her own
masturbation. Most times when she had her webcam on,
she kept the window minimized so she didn't have to watch
herself -- Mandy wished again for that other set of hands,
so she could both hold the phone and replicate the action.
She had to settle for rubbing her clit as hard as possible
without making the blanket bounce and betray her actions.
Control. She had to maintain some semblance of control.

Video Mandy had two fingers sliding in and out of

her cunt. The light from her desk lamp clearly illuminated the
glistening of her juices on those fingers as they came out of
her body. She added a third finger and rubbed her
throbbing clit even harder.

"Yes," Master hissed, and Mandy knew he was

stroking himself. "That's it. Force your cunt to take it. More.
Get that pinky tucked in, and shove that in as well."

Soon all four fingers were pushing in and out,

stretching the walls of her pussy.

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"Now your thumb. Tuck it towards your palm. Fist

yourself for me. You can do it."

Her wrist bent at an awkward angle, Video Mandy

followed Master's instructions. She'd never tried to cram so
much of her hand into her body. The edges of her cunt
burned as things got tight. God. She'd never felt so full or
known such pleasurable pain.

On the video, she could now hear herself gasping,

moaning, panting as she strove to reach her orgasm. In real
time, she edged closer, too.

"Oh, yes, pet. Look at yourself. Is that not the

hottest thing you've ever seen?" Master's voice had a
familiar edge to it. He was getting off on this trip down
memory lane, too. Maybe he was even employing the
purple panties, wrapped around his cock as he stroked it.
"Look how your cunt swallows your hand. Look at your
juices just gushing down your ass crack. Damn. Had I been
there, I'd have been licking those offerings from your ass,
adding my fingers to your lower hole. We'd have had you so
filled, you've have been crying with both the pain and the joy
of it."

Video Mandy, who on screen was basically just a

cunt, ass, and a pair of hands, added her disembodied voice
to the activities. "Oh, oh, yes. Oh, Master, yes. I'm going to

background image

to the activities. "Oh, oh, yes. Oh, Master, yes. I'm going to

Her hips pumped up and down, forcing her hand

further into her body. "Oh, oh!"

Amazed, Mandy watched her cunt tighten and

contract in visible spasms around the edges of her knuckles.
Master moaned his orgasm on the video's soundtrack, and
on the plane, Mandy's clit jumped and her pussy also
contracted in pleasure beneath the blue airline blanket.

Holy crap. At this rate she wasn't sure how she was

going to walk off the plane, let alone get to the baggage
check and then to meet Master.

On the screen, a tired and sore Mandy slowly

withdrew her hand from her sopping cunt. Her fingers had
been crinkled, like she'd been in a bath too long.

"Well done, pet," Master praised. "And that, my

dear, was when I first knew I had to have you in real life. So
much potential. I'm looking forward to our time together.
Now, you may close this video and return to the audio

Turning back to the Master Speaks file and

forwarding it to the point where she'd left off, Mandy first
heard Master's knowing chuckle. "I hope you found that as
stimulating as I did, pet."

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"Now, I think you should get some rest. A nap is

probably in order. I don't want you exhausted when you
arrive. That will never do. I've selected some music for your
relaxation, and I'll be back to wake you."

Knowing it wasn't a suggestion, and that she

probably would need her strength after she arrived at his
home, Mandy snuggled into the blanket, once again leaning
her head against the wall. She let the classical music flow
over her, comforted by Master's thoughtfulness, and by the
way he'd managed to accompany her on this flight without
really being there. Amazing.

She drifted, letting sleep claim her.


"Pet. Wake up. If my calculations are correct,

there's not much time left in your flight. I wanted to speak
with you some before you land."

Mandy kept her eyes closed and just listened. No

doubt he had more instructions for her.

"Remember that when you land, I want you to

immediately mail those pictures to me. My driver will meet
you at the baggage claim, and I will be in the limo, enjoying
the pictures of my slut in the plane's bathroom."

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"Have I told you about my house? I know you're

going to love it. You'll be quite comfortable, I'm sure. I don't
know how much I told you about the playroom. Oh, I can't
wait for you to see it. Better yet, to experience it. It's all
waiting for you. The St. Andrew's Cross. I've been
imagining you bound to it for some time now. I've selected
just the perfect crop to break you in with. Imagine it, pet.
You're bound with leather restraints to the cross. I'm
flogging your tits, and your thighs, and your cunt. Your skin
turns red with it. You'll writhe, tug on the restraints. Damn,
I'm getting myself hot again. Suffice it to say that I'm looking
forward to training you. To testing you. To discovering with
you just what your limits are."

"I'm particularly eager to take your sweet cherry

ass. You can thank me later for being so considerate as to
prepare you well with the butt plugs. My cock in your ass.
I'm getting a hard-on just thinking about it."

The bell chimed, and the flight attended announced

that portable electronic devices had to be turned off for
landing. Reluctantly Mandy turned off the smartphone and
stored it in her purse. Glancing out the window, she saw the
NYC skyline in the distance. Her hands grew clammy.
Soon, very soon, she would be with Master in person.

She swallowed hard as fear tightened her stomach.

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She swallowed hard as fear tightened her stomach.

Was this crazy? Of course it was. No sane woman would
ever do this. She'd left all the data -- Master's name, phone
numbers, address, place of work, etc. -- with her best
friend, who'd tried in vain to talk her out of the trip.

They'd scheduled several safety check-ins, and

Mandy knew Heidi would, in fact, call the police if she
missed one of those check-ins.

The plane bounced as the wheels connected with

the ground. The engines roared. Mandy leaned forward in
her seat as the plane slowed. Her heart thumped in her
chest. When the plane taxied to the gate and people around
her began to retrieve lower baggage and pop open their cell
phones, she did the same. In a flash, she sent the photos off
to him. No problem there. She'd sent him photos of herself

She walked off the plane slowly, other passengers

rushing past her on the tunnel. Once inside the airport, she
followed the signs for baggage claim, in no real hurry. Fear
and anticipation, he'd said. That summed it up pretty neatly.
She wanted this, and yet…the very idea scared the hell out
of her.

Still, she'd already fucked a complete stranger

today. Masturbated in a plane's bathroom, and in her seat.

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She could do this.

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Part Three

At the baggage claim, she waited with others. A

man -- the one who'd been outside the bathroom when
she'd come out -- gave her a knowing look, followed by a
slow once-over and a wink. She looked away, focusing on
the opening where the luggage would spill out. A buzzer
sounded, and the conveyer belt lurched to life.

"Miss Amanda Quinn?"
Mandy turned to find a man dressed in a black suit,

wearing a black hat, standing beside her. "Yes?"

He jerked his head down. "Caruso, ma'am, at your

service. The Master awaits you in the limo."

Mandy shivered.
"If you'll point out your bag, I'll get it for you."
When it finally rounded the corner, Mandy pointed

out the small bag. Master had given her a packing list of
what she was to bring, and told her he'd take care of
anything else she needed. The contents hadn't required a
very large bag.

Caruso offered her his arm, steering her through the

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crowd and out to the curb, where a long, sleek black limo
waited. Leaving her bag at the curb, he opened the door for
her. Taking a deep breath, Mandy slipped inside.

But no one was there. It wasn't like she could miss

him, either. Save herself, there was no one in the back of the
sprawling car. She reached for the door handle when an
intercom clicked to life. "Pet! Relax. I will join you in a
moment. I'm up here in the front of the car, enjoying the
pictures you sent me. I'm very proud of you. I have one
more request before I join you in the back. Remove your
clothes, roll down the window, and hand them to Caruso."

"You heard me correctly the first time. I said, get

naked and give your clothes to my driver. Or get out."

Mandy fingered the bottom of the t-shirt, heart once

again racing in her chest. This wasn't how she'd expected
him to greet her. She'd expected a slow introduction. A
warm-up. Some time to get comfortable with each other
before they dove into the sex.

"A dom's relationship with his sub is based on two

things, Amanda. Trust. And obedience. You show your
trust for me by obeying me. If you don't trust me enough to
comply with such a simple request, then get out. There's no
point in your going home with me. Go back into the airport

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and book yourself a seat on the next flight back to the West

Tears filled Mandy's eyes. Get naked or get out.

One final test. It was time to fish or cut bait. She pulled the
shirt over her head, then wiggled out of the black skirt. She
pressed the window button, lowering it only a small way,
then held the clothes out. Caruso took them, offering her a
quick smile and a reassuring wink. Then he held a strip of
shiny black cloth out to her.

"What's this?" she asked, accepting it. The driver

shrugged, and moved away from the door. Mandy quickly
closed the window.

"Your blindfold, of course. The final piece, pet. Tie

it around your eyes, and kneel in the center of the floor.
Head bowed. Knees apart. Then I'll join you."

Taking a deep breath, she did as instructed. Every

loop of the carpet felt magnified against her knees. Time
seemed to slow to a crawl. Head bowed, she waited.

The car began to move. "Just let us get away from

the airport, pet. We've been at the curb too long already.
Makes them nervous these days."

Nervous? Hell, she'd passed nervous several

minutes ago. Now she was moving toward panicked.

"You're doing very well, pet. Did I mention yet how

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"You're doing very well, pet. Did I mention yet how

proud I am of you? You are going to make a delightful sub.
I can just tell we're going to suit very well. So little training,
and yet, look at you. Naked except for a pair of high heels,
blindfolded, legs spread, in the back of my limo. Stop here,

The car glided to a stop. Mandy tried to remember

to breathe. The door opened, then slammed shut.

She could feel his presence in the passenger area. It

was as if something huge had suddenly crowded into the tiny
airplane bathroom with her.

The car began to move again. She felt a touch on

her shoulder. Not bare skin against hers. No. He wore
butter-soft leather gloves. And he let them skim down her
arms. She shivered again. He leaned closer, and she could
feel the heat of his body.

Then his lips brushed the lobe of her ear, and he

pulled it into his mouth, nipping gently. She jumped, and he
chuckled. "Easy, there. I'm not going to hurt you, pet. At
least…not yet."

On his own knees in the back of the limo, Devin

Kendrick pressed his chest to the young woman's back and
enfolded her in his arms. Tremors wracked her body. It had
been so damn long since he'd had such an untried, and yet

background image

so eager, sub at his disposal. Ripe for the training. Prime for
his taking. He needed to keep his own eagerness in check.
Control above all things.

"You're frightened," he said softly.
Her blindfolded head nodded.
"That's good."
She jerked in his arms.
"Easy, now. I just mean that's good because it lets

me know that I'm not dealing with a nutcase. Look at you.
You're naked, blindfolded, and in a car with a man you've
never met before, one you hooked up with on the internet.
Only a nutcase wouldn't be frightened right now."

And he'd come across a nutjob or two in his years

of Domming. Amanda Quinn had the most amazing potential
of any sub he'd ever played with on the 'net. With the
proper training, she could be The One. The sub he'd looked
for his whole life.

But he had to do his job right. The proper mixture

of compassion and discipline. Of pleasure and pain. He
reached around to skim one gloved fingertip over her nipple,
which peaked immediately, causing her to draw in a sharp
breath. He chuckled again, grabbing the end of her tit and
tweaking it. Hard.

She moaned, and his cock twitched. "Besides," he

background image

added, "you'll find that just the right amount of fear can
make the play all the more exciting. It heightens the senses,
which in turn, heightens the sensations." He made a pass
over her other breast, skimming it, then grabbing it, only this
time twisting the pink point.

"Y-yes, Master," she gasped.
"Good girl." He shifted away from her, shoving her

toward the back-facing seat until she was bent over it. "Get
up on your knees, pet. I want to admire the view while we

He settled in the rear seat and did just that for

several miles, admiring the pout of her cunt lips from
between her thighs, the base of the plug sticking out of her
ass. Letting her simmer and wonder what he was thinking,
planning. Jack had filled him in after putting her on the plane,
letting Devin know he'd struck the Dom jackpot with

Finally, he spoke again. "Did you enjoy the video I

made for you, pet?"

"Yes, Master."
"It turned you on, to see your cunt like that? Being

punished? Then being pleasured?"

"Yes, Master."
"What was the lesson of the video?"

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"What was the lesson of the video?"
"Greedy clits get punished, Master."
"That's right." The creamy globes of her ass called

to him. "Now, pet, I believe we have a score to settle on
that point. If I recall, your greedy clit got the better of you
when you were with Jack. You came, not only without
permission, but in direct defiance of my order. Correct?"

"Y-yes, Master," she whispered. "I'm sorry."
"I did tell you that your butt would be sorry, didn't


"Yes, Sir."
"So, we will begin the punishment with your ass.

Then we'll take care of the greedy clit."

She shivered, and his cock jumped again. "Yes,


"Crawl over here."
The limo wasn't that large, it only took her about

two "steps" to make it to his feet. He gripped her by the
upper arms and dragged her over his knees. Now her head
lay on the seat to one side of him, and her feet on the other.
He softly caressed the skin of her ass as she lay across his
lap, the leather of his gloves creating a barrier between
them. She hadn't yet earned the right to feel his skin on hers.
As he stroked her, he murmured gentle words designed to

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reassure her. When her muscles went softer, he prepared to
deliver the initial stroke. But first…

"Pet, you remember the color system we discussed,


She nodded.
"Explain it to me so I can be sure you understand."
"If you ask me for a color, and I'm fine with how

things are going, I say green. Green is for go. Continue.
Yellow is for slow down, I'm uncertain, I don't know how
much more I can take. Red is for stop, I can't take

"Right. And if you need to, you don't have to wait

for me to ask for a color. If you need to, you can call it out.
Trust and obedience, pet. That works both ways. The sub is
always the one in complete control of the situation. I may
not be happy with you if you call red, but I will always stop
immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."
"Very well, then. We shall begin your discipline and

training now." He lifted his right hand and brought it down,
hard, on the right cheek of her ass, so hard that it made his
palm sting.

She jumped and cried out, then managed to choke

out, "One, Master."

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Beneath her, his cock surged to life as a bright red

handprint appeared on her butt cheek. "Very good, pet.

"G-green, Sir."
He slammed his hand down on the opposite side of

her ass.

"Two-two, Master."
He waited, watching the matching handprint

blossom. Then he waited some more, admiring the perfect
images on her ass, loathe to add more strokes just yet that
would mar the pretty work. Besides, the waiting would raise
her apprehension. Make her wonder again.

Still, one could only wait so long before the sting

would wear off and make the next smacks less effective. He
began again, this time only pausing long enough between
strikes to let her choke out the count.

When they reached ten, he paused again, giving her

a brief moment to catch her breath and assume he was
finished. Then he raised his hand again and quickly, though
with a little less force, brought it down across the curve of
her ass cheeks, catching the base of the butt plug directly
with his palm.

"Ow!" she shrieked. "Ow, ow, ow!" Tears coursed

down her face and her entire body quivered in his lap. "E-e-

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down her face and her entire body quivered in his lap. "E-e-

His hard-on throbbed again, cock engorged to the

point of delightful ache. "Color, pet?"

She sniffled a few times, then said softly, "Green,


"Well done." He peeled off the gloves and caressed

her back, tenderly stroking her, easing her trembling.
Though it had just been a mild taste, she'd taken to
discipline like a duck to water. Jack had been spot-on.
Devin had definitely won the Dom lottery.

From the armrest, he removed a bottle of lotion --

his own special formula enhanced with herbs that would not
only moisturize her fiery red skin, but soothe it as well,
taking some of the sting from it. She gasped as the first
drops landed.

"Cold, pet? Sorry about that. You'll appreciate it in

another minute." He gently spread the lotion into her ass
cheeks, enjoying the sensation just as much as he'd enjoyed
walloping her. There was something to be said for running
one's hands all over a freshly-disciplined sub's body. "How's
that now?"

She nodded. "Better, Master. Thank you."
The limo lurched to a halt. Devin looked out the

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tinted window at the stopped traffic surrounding them on the
highway. He cursed, then clicked the intercom. "Caruso?
What's going on?"

"Looks like there's a bad wreck up ahead, Master

Devin. Get comfy because I think we might be here for a

"Thank you, Caruso. Let me know if you hear

anything more on the radio." Devin flicked off the intercom.
"Fortunately, pet, we have plenty of ways to entertain
ourselves back here, don't we? I pity everyone else. If
you're going to be trapped in stand-still traffic, do it with a
beautiful, naked woman at your beck and call. Turn over."

She did so slowly, hands fluttering about as though

she wasn't sure what to do with them.

"Put your hands behind your head, pet."
Hands behind her head, her tits thrust out, jiggling

for a moment with her movement. And now, he had her
delightfully bald, hot little cunny available for her punishment
and his pleasure. He drew a fingertip down, then up her
outer lips, checking for stubble, but found her as smooth as
the 700-thread-count sheets he preferred. "Excellent
shaving job, pet. Just the way I like it."

"Thank you, Master," she murmured.
He used one hand to spread her labia, then quickly

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thrust two fingers from the other hand up into her snatch.
Her tight, hot snatch. Jack hadn't lied about that, either.
God, after watching her shove her whole hand into her cunt,
he'd expected something a little looser. He hadn't
considered how small her hands were when watching her
damn near fist herself. His hard-on nestled against cleft of
her ass, poking the butt plug's base.

She wiggled beneath his probing fingers.
"Just checking, pet. I wanted to see what your body

really thought about having your ass beat. Feels to me like
you enjoyed it. You're nice and lubed." With a sigh, he
reluctantly pulled from her cunt. Right now was supposed to
be about discipline, pain, not pleasure. "I really wish I didn't
have to do this right now, pet. Honestly, I'd love nothing
more right now than to shove my tongue in your pussy and
let you come all over my face. I've been looking forward to
eating you for months. But, since you have a greedy clit --"
he squeezed the offending piece of her anatomy, eliciting a
sharp squeal from her "--I have no choice but to punish

"Thank you, Master," she said softly, breathing still

coming in little gasps as he continued to roughly manipulate
her clit.

"But this isn't how I want to do this." He slipped his

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"But this isn't how I want to do this." He slipped his

hand behind her neck and drew her upwards until she was
sitting in his lap. He pulled off the blindfold.

She blinked a few times against the sudden light,

then slowly focused on him. As soon as she realized what
she was doing, she averted her gaze.

"No, pet, look at me." When she did, he offered

her a wolfish smile. "Welcome." Then he kissed her, soft,
gentle…keep her off-balance above all things. Then he
dumped her onto the seat next to him, and retrieved a duffle
bag stowed in a compartment beneath the bench seat. After
rummaging in it for a moment, he said, "Give me your right

Mandy tentatively held out her hand, wondering just

what he had in store now. He slipped a leather band around
her wrist. Lined with soft fleece, it didn't hurt when he
tightened it, securing it with the Velcro strap. A metal ring
dangled from the cuff. He repeated the gesture with her left
hand, then he turned her so her back was pressed against
the middle of the rear seat. Lifting first one hand, then the
other, he secured her so her arms were now restrained
along the top of the seat.

Being able to see him now heightened her

anticipation. Dark brown hair flowed back from a high

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forehead. Broad shoulders were encased in a crisp white
shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, baring muscular forearms.
The open top buttons gave her a glimpse of wiry chest hair.
Power oozed from him. No wondered Master had done so
well in business.

He reached into the duffle again and came out with

two more leather cuffs. Kneeling in front of her like a shoe
salesman, He quickly had her ankles wrapped. In a flash,
she was spread-eagled, still-stinging ass on the edge of the
seat, her feet secured to hooks near the back door's roof

Master sat back on his heels and admired his

handiwork. "Beautiful," he proclaimed. "Look at how your
pussy is available for punishment. Still, I don't think we're
quite ready to begin yet."

Something else small was pulled from the bag of

tricks and hidden in his hand as he moved forward. Mandy
held her breath as he slowly advanced on her. His erection,
straining against his slacks, brushed against her clit, and she
twitched as the electric sensation raced through her. Then,
he slowly leaned over and took one of her nipples in his
mouth, sucking hard. He nipped the side of her breast, then
closed his teeth around the tip of her tit. Moving his mouth
to the other, He offered it the same treatment, sucking,

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nipping, and then pulling and twisting her nipples until she
wriggled beneath him. "You like your tits stimulated, don't

"Y-yes, Master."
"Good. Then you should love these." On his palm,

he revealed a pair of clamps.

Mandy sucked in her breath as he gave one nipple a

final, hard squeeze. The clamp bit into her sensitive flesh and
she pressed her lips tightly together to keep silent. The
second clamp hurt more, sending flashes of pain from tit to
cunt and everywhere in between.

Completely at his mercy, bound spread in the back

of his limo, nipples clamped – what a sight she must make.
She'd only thought, earlier in the day, that the security
check-point was the point of no return. Truth was, now
she'd reached that point.

There was no going back to the woman she'd been


Desire surged through her, pulsing her clit. She

bowed her head and bit her lip.

A small sound caught in his throat, and she looked

at him through lowered lashes. A slow grin curved his
mouth. “I'm glad you're here. You please me very much,
Amanda. I hope you continue to do so.”

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Amanda. I hope you continue to do so.”

So did she...

(Continue for the FREE Bonus short story!)

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The Art of the Deal with a Dom

By A. Ash

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This story contains explicit descriptions of graphic

sex and is intended for adult readers only.

eBooks are not transferable. They cannot be sold,

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the hard work of authors. Thank you!

This book is a work of fiction. The names,

characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer's
imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be
construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or

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dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely
coincidental. All characters portrayed are of legal age of
consent for sex – over 18.

Copyright © 2011 A. Ash

All Rights Are Reserved. No Part of this book

may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission, except in the case of brief
quotations embedded in critical articles and reviews.

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Sex could make one hell of a business tool, when

wielded by the right hands.

Nicholas swallowed a knowing smirk as he looked

across his massive mahogany desk at John Garrett, who sat
in a leather wing-back chair, contemplating the contract.
Like he hadn't seen it before. Hell, the guy's lawyers had
been over the damn thing with a fine tooth comb. The young
man, recently in control of his father's business, just couldn't

So, Nick was going to help a bit.
The man's sexual fantasies, the ones Nicholas had

determined by monitoring the man's internet activities for
several weeks, were about to help him close the deal. Come
back to bite Garrett in the ass, so to speak.

The smirk surfaced.
Literally, if that's what the man wanted.
The intercom buzzed and Nick glanced at his watch.

Right on time. He leaned forward and jabbed a button.
"What is it, Miss Holden? I'm in the middle of an important
meeting and I left word that I was not to be disturbed!"

"I'm sorry, sir. Your wife just dropped off your

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stepdaughter and left in tears. Said something about you
dealing with her this time."

His secretary knew damn well he had neither a wife

nor a stepdaughter, but knew Nick would do whatever it
took to close the deal. Even she didn't know the actual
details of what would go on in this room over the next few

Nick looked over at Garrett. "I'm sorry, John. I'm

going to have to handle this little emergency. 18-year-old
stepdaughter." He rolled his eyes. "If you like, I can have
Miss Holden show you to a private conference room while I
deal with Lissa."

"Oh, no, go right ahead. I'll just pretend like I'm not


Perfect, and exactly the response he'd anticipated.

Nick grinned. "Okay." He motioned to the massive man
stationed just by the door. "Get the little bitch's ass in here."

Garrett gave him a startled look, then quickly

returned his attention to the contract.

Lissa strutted through the door, dripping sex appeal

like a melting ice cream cone on a hot-summer-in-the-city
afternoon. And she was definitely not vanilla. Shoulder
length blond hair, blue eyes that sparked with the
knowledge of the game they were about to play. The white

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knowledge of the game they were about to play. The white
blouse of the private school uniform pulled tight across her
chest -- her 34 C's pushing against the confinement, the
dusky circles of her nipples making it apparent she wore no
bra. The plaid skirt riding high on her thighs would have
gotten her sweet ass kicked out of school, had she actually
been a schoolgirl to start with.

Which she wasn't. She was twenty-four, and his

very-willing sub, who had a penchant for this kind of role-
play. So for today, she was his 18-year-old stepdaughter.

She glided between the pair of chairs and stopped

just in front of his desk. She hung her head slightly, and
Nick laughed. "Well, at least this time you've got the good
grace to at least pretend to be semi-contrite. What did you
do now?"

She mumbled something under her breath.
"What? I didn't catch that." He did, however,

catch Garrett stealing peeks at Lissa's shapely ass. He knew
the hem of the skirt would allow the curve of her cheeks in
the white cotton panties to be seen if she moved just the
right way.

Lissa raised her head and defiantly stared at him. "I

said, I got caught blowing the captain of the football team in
the locker room. And since the principal is a dried-up, virgin

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prude whose cunt has probably grown shut from disuse, she
suspended me for a week."

Garrett's eyes widened, his Adam's apple bobbed,

and he hooked a finger into the neck of his shirt, yanking on

Nick sighed loudly, milking the role of long-suffering

stepfather for all it was worth. "Lissa, that mouth of yours
gets you into more trouble." It had also been known to
provide sweet pleasure. His cock twitched at the thought.
"Frankly, I'm sick of your attitude. I think it needs a major
adjustment." He opened the top drawer, pulled out a short
riding crop, and laid it deliberately in the center of his desk

"Oh, shit. Oh, no, Daddy, please."
"Amazing how you only call me that when you're

about to get your ass whipped." Or fucked. His cock
twitched again.

Garret cleared his throat. "Uh, uh, maybe I should

leave for now." He started to rise from the chair.

Lissa's head whipped around and she stared in

shock at the man. "Ohmigod. I didn't know anyone else was
in here."

"Sit back down, Garrett. As you can see, my

stepdaughter is quite the little slut. I think having you here for

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her punishment is only fitting. Maybe an extra dose of
humiliation is exactly what she needs. An audience besides
Mr. Bruce, my bodyguard."

Lissa looked back at him. "Please, Daddy, don't do


He smiled at her. Undeniable excitement glittered in

her eyes. He'd bet the entire company her panties were
already soaked. "We will begin by you removing your
panties and giving them to Mr. Garrett."

She whimpered softly.
"I'm waiting, Kitten. Your delay just added another

lash to your punishment."

She reached up under the little skirt and lowered her

drawers, then stepped out of them. Garrett loosened his tie
and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt as she held the
pair of white cotton underwear out to him.

"Take them, Garrett."
The man accepted the bit of cloth, face flushing red

with excitement.

"Go ahead, check them out. You know you want

to. Is there pussy juice all over them? I'll bet they're
sopping wet from her tight little snatch." He turned his
attention to the girl. "Now, spread your legs, lean over, and
grab the edge of my desk," he instructed.

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grab the edge of my desk," he instructed.

She did as she was told. Nick pushed his chair back

and rose. He stripped off his suit jacket, draped it over the
back of his chair. He removed his tie, laid it over the jacket,
unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled up his sleeves, slowly.

Deliberately taking his time, leaving her spread and

waiting. He finally picked up the crop from the desk. Lissa
whimpered again in anticipation.

Garret inhaled deeply, furtively sniffing the panties,

and getting, Nick was sure, a snootful of delicious young

Nick came around and stood directly behind her.

The naked curves of her ass showed from beneath the hem
of the skirt. He used the tip of the crop to flip the skirt up
over her back, exposing the whole glorious thing. The
leather tip whispered softly as he ran it along her creamy
white ass. His cocked throbbed to full erection.

Garrett made a noise deep in his throat, and Nick

looked over at him. "She's nicely built, isn't she?"

The man nodded.
"And you ain't seen nothing yet." He stepped to the

side, giving Garrett an unfettered view, laid his left hand in
the middle of her back, holding the skirt up, and pulled back
his right. "Count, Kitten."

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Swish! Thwack. Lissa jumped beneath his palm.

"One, Daddy."

Swish, Thwack, Swish Thwack, Nick kept

delivering them, laying them down her buttocks in a lovely
striped pattern, and Lissa kept counting them. By the time
he'd reached ten, her breathing had become labored, and
pain laced her counting.

"One more, Kitten, for losing the panties too slowly.

Are you ready?"

"Yes, Daddy," she gasped.
He knew some liked to make the last one the

gentlest. Nick preferred the theory of making the last one
really matter. So, he drew the crop back at a different angle,
and this time, brought it up directly between her legs, lashing
her clit. She screamed and gulped for air, twitching beneath
his hand but never actually moving away.

Pride in her performance welled in his chest.
Eventually she forced out, "Eleven, Daddy. Thank


"My pleasure, Kitten." He slid his hand between

her thighs, stroked her sopping pussy lips. "Yours, too,
apparently, my little slut. Your cunt is wet." He shoved two
fingers up into her tight snatch, causing her to gasp and arch
her back. He wiggled them around a bit, then withdrew,

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holding them up. They glistened in the light. "Take a look at
that, Garrett." He locked gazes with the man, who
swallowed hard. Nick lifted his hand, sniffed his fingers like
he was testing a fine Cuban cigar, then inserted them into his
mouth, licking Lissa's honey off. "You ever tasted 18-year-
old pussy, John?"

The man shook his head.
"Beats 30-year-old scotch, hands down." He

dipped back into the honey pot, enjoyed making Lissa
squirm a bit, but now it was time to make Garrett squirm.
He pulled out his slick fingers and stepped beside the wing-
back chair. "Here. Taste."

John shook his head. "Uh, no, I don't think so."
"Open your mouth. How often have you whacked

off to this very scenario, huh? Dominating a hot young girl?
Or's being dominated, huh?" Nick waved his
hand just below Garrett's nose, rubbed his fingers lightly
over the man's lips, leaving a glistening trail behind.

Garrett's tongue darted out, lapped at the honey.
"See? Now open your mouth."
The man complied, and Nick slipped his fingers

inside. "Suck," he ordered. "And if you do it like you mean
it, I might consider getting Lissa to do something about that
hard-on you're sporting." His own balls tightened as

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hard-on you're sporting." His own balls tightened as
Garrett, hesitantly at first, then with a bit more enthusiasm,
sucked the pussy juice off his fingers. His cock was an equal
opportunity cock - didn't matter whose mouth wrapped
around it. But...Garrett wasn't quite ready for that. Nick did
push things by drawing his fingers out, and shoving them
back in several times, finger-fucking the man's mouth.

"That's a good boy." With his other hand, Nick

trailed the flat piece of the crop up the man's thigh.

Garret's eyes widened and his nostrils flared when

the crop caressed his balls. His mouth stopped working on
Nick's fingers.

Nick pulled his hand away. "Easy, now. I'm not

going to hurt you. In fact, quite the opposite. We're going to
make you feel more alive than you ever have." He trailed
the crop along the obvious ridge in the man's tailored pants.
"Lissa, get over here."

In an instant, she stood before both of them. She

looked down at Garrett and licked her lips. He shifted in the

"Mr. Garrett has a problem, Kitten. Take care of it

with that naughty mouth of yours." He moved behind her,
trailed his fingers along the back of her neck, lowered his
mouth to her ear, and whispered, "Keep him on edge, but

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don't let him cum. We'll have him signed in no time. Don't
forget what's in it for you. He signs, you cum." He'd been
tormenting her for days with no relief. His sweet little bitch
was in desperate need of a good orgasm.

She moved back just a fraction of an inch,

imperceptibly rubbing her ass against his dick. "Yes,
Daddy," she said brightly.

Nick growled his frustration. She'd pay for that

tease. "Wait. I noticed how tight that shirt is. Why don't we
unbutton it some?" He reached around her and unbuttoned
her blouse. When it fell open, he hefted her breasts in his
palms. "Take a look at these, Garrett. Sweet young tits."
He brushed his thumbs over the nipples.

Lissa sighed as they peaked beneath his attentions.
He rolled her nipples, then clamped down on them.

She squeaked. He chuckled as he dropped his hands from
her tits, grazed his teeth over the nape of her neck, then
gave her ass a gentle swat with his palm. "Get down there
and take care of that hard-on."

Lissa knelt before Garrett. She reached for his

cock, stroking it through his pants. "Ooooo, what a nice,
big, hard dick." Garrett's zipper rasped, and Lissa
unbuttoned the tailored trousers. She stuck out her tongue,
then slowly ran it over the head.

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Garrett moaned.
Lissa wiggled his pants and boxers down to mid-

thigh while continuing to slowly torment Garrett with teasing
strokes of her tongue.

Nick placed his hand between Lissa's shoulder

blades and shoved her over. Garrett's cock vanished into
the dark recesses of her sweet mouth.

"Oh, god!" Sweat beaded on Garrett's forehead.
Nick laughed. "Sweet little mouth, isn't it?" He

picked up the contract from the floor alongside the chair.
Flipping the pages, he came to the first line requiring a
signature. "You've led a sheltered life, Mr. Garrett. I'm
willing to bet you've never fucked a woman's face before,
never shot your load down her throat and waited to see if
she'd manage to swallow it all, or choke."

Lissa's head bobbed up and down.
"Ooooo, shit. Uh, oh." Garrett clenched the arms of

the chair.

Lissa popped off his cock, and her hand flashed

forward. Nick knew she was squeezing the base of
Garrett's erection.

"Oh, god, what are you doing? Please, don't stop!"
Nick knelt down behind Lissa, making sure to

nudge his own hard-on along the crack of her ass to give

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nudge his own hard-on along the crack of her ass to give
her added incentive. He laid the contract on her back. He
held out a pen. "Sign here, Mr. Garrett, and Lissa will take
good care of you."

Lissa had already gone back to work, her pink

tongue lapping along the length of the man's shaft.

"This, this," he panted, "This is blackmail."
"No," Nick purred, "This is your fantasy come true.

And there's so much more, my dear Garrett. Much, much
more. We're only just getting started. Not to mention it's a
good business deal." He grabbed the man's hand, put the
pen in it. "Sign it."

Lissa stopped sucking again, and Garrett moaned.

His hand tightened around the pen. She looked over her
shoulder at Nick, put her fingers into her mouth and slurped
on them a bit before giving him a wink and going back down
on Garrett's dick. Her hand burrowed out of sight beneath
the other man.

"Ohmigod!" Garrett twitched in the chair, like he

was about to jump out of his skin. "Ohshit, ohshit."

Nick chuckled. "She's got her finger in your ass

now, doesn't she? Massaging your prostate? Ever feel
anything quite like that before? I'll bet your dick just wants
to explode into that sweet, sweet young mouth, doesn't it?"

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"Yes! Hell, yes!"
"Sign the paper. You know you want to. You

wanted to when you came in here, but without your daddy
around to run the family business now, you're scared of
fucking up. Your momma will kick your ass if you fuck up,
won't she, John?"

Garrett nodded, face twisted with excitement.
"Well, you're not going to fuck up unless you don't

sign." Nick smoothed out the papers on Lissa's back. "And
if you can fuck up, down, sideways, whatever
makes you happy. You can do Lissa on my desk. Hell, I'll
give her to you for 24 hours to do with as you please." He
reached down and fondled Lissa's dripping pussy. She
lurched forward, and Garrett gasped.

"Okay, okay!" The man leaned over and scribbled

on the piece of paper.

Nick reluctantly stopped tormenting his sub and

turned the contract page. "And here." He pressed his cock
against her ass while Garrett signed again. "And here."

"Excellent." Nick put his own signature on the

required lines, then waved the paper in the air. "Mr. Bruce?
Please take this out to Miss Holden and have her notarize
it." His massive bodyguard lumbered over from his position
at the door and accepted the papers without a word.

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"Now that business is out of the way, what say we

turn to pleasure, huh?" He grinned as he unfastened his
pants and freed his cock. He lifted Lissa's skirt and rammed
himself deep into her pussy with one sure thrust.

Garrett hollered, and Nick chuckled, knowing his

thrust had forced the man's cock down her throat. "Grab
her head in your hands, John, and fuck her face." He
pistoned himself in and out of her tight snatch. "Isn't she a
sweet slut?"

He ran his hands over her still-red, still-warm ass,

lightly scratching with his fingernails. Lissa moaned around
Garrett's cock.

The man had fisted his hands in her blond hair, and

he suddenly threw his head back against the chair's high top.
"Oh, shit, yeah baby, take it. Take my cum!" He

"Swallow all of it, Lissa. Don't you dare shame me

in front of my new business partner by dribbling his cum!"
Nick reached around, found Lissa's clit, started stroking it.

She moaned louder, then lifted her head from

Garrett's lap. She braced herself by grabbing on to the arms
of the chair. "Oh, yes. Oh, fuck me, Daddy. Fuck me

"If that's how you want it, baby." Nick held her hip

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"If that's how you want it, baby." Nick held her hip

tight in one hand, kept fingering her clit with the other. He
hammered into her, wishing for just a moment that he was in
her ass, but that could wait until later. He had plans for
Garrett, and Lissa's pussy, and he wanted his own load in
there first.

"Please, please..."
"Please what, baby?" Nick tweaked her clit,

eliciting a sexy gasp from her. "Garrett, grope her tits.
Squeeze her nipples. She loves that. Makes her crazy."

Garrett, still looking slightly stunned, but now

wearing a broad grin, reached out toward Lissa's boobs.

Lissa whimpered, then let her head fall back.

"Please, Daddy, please..."

"Please, what, baby? Go on, say it." Nick's cock

swelled in her cunt and he bit down on his bottom lip,
grabbing for control.

"Please, may I cum?" she gasped.
"Who are you?" he growled, slowing his strokes.
"I'm your little slut. A worthless cunt, only good for

pleasing you, Daddy."

"And who am I?" He worked her clit more

furiously, rubbing hard circles over it.

"M-m-master! My Master!" She groaned. "Please,

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"Squeeze her tits harder, John! Cum for us, slutgirl.

Cum now." He felt the tremors begin in her pussy
immediately. The walls of her snatch tightened around his
cock in waves. He resumed hammering her.

"Oh Master, thank you!" She shrieked her pleasure

as her body shook.

He drove into her all the way, then his balls

tightened and he shot his load deep inside her pulsating
snatch. He removed his hand from her clit, and held onto
both her hips, slowing his breathing, trying to let his racing
heart-rate come back down. Best freakin' aerobic exercise
on the planet. After a minute he lifted his head to meet the
awed gaze of John Garrett.

Oh, do I have plans for you, my boy, Nick

thought. Chuckling, he held out his hand. "Welcome

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Author's Note

Erotic works are fantasy in nature. FICTION. As

such, there may be no mention of a condom or other forms
of protection. (Depends on the needs of story if there are or
not.) The author advocates in real life people practice SAFE
sex and utilize barrier methods in all forms of sexual activity
to prevent the spread of STD's, including HIV, as well as
unintended pregnancies.

Also, when playing in the BDSM realm, not only

should you be safe, but you should be "safe, sane, and







Be on the lookout for more erotic stories by A.Ash,

coming soon to e-outlets on the web!

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