Adams Derek Love Everlasting

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Philip goes to Louisiana hoping to recuperate
from the devastating loss of an important case and
ultimately his job. He checks in to an ante-bellum
mansion for some R&R and is quickly swept into
an erotic dream of a past life and a great and
enduring love. During a violent storm Philip must
choose between the present moment and the past
as his great love reaches out to him from beyond
the end of time.

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters,
places, and incidents either are products of the author’s
imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance
to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is
entirely coincidental.

Love Everlasting

Copyright © 2011 Derek Adams

ISBN: 978-1-55487-988-5

Cover art by Martine Jardin

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Love Everlasting


Derek Adams

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TO KRJ – Happy Halloween

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y God, Chamberlain. What the hell was
that all about? What were you thinking?”

“Sir, I…”
“I don’t want to hear any excuses, Chamberlain. I

left this up to you, man. I trusted you.”

“Mr. Henderson, I can’t explain it. I did the

research. I bird-dogged every witness, every piece
of evidence. There is no way in hell that I could
have missed that addendum to the contract. I’m
willing to swear it just wasn’t there.”

“Well, it was there, Chamberlain. Just ask the

opposing counsel. Just ask the judge. For that
matter, ask Ken Sexton.”

“Ken?” Suddenly my gut felt hollow. Ken Sexton

was a colleague. He and I had been vying for a
partnership in the law firm for over five years. I
knew he was driven, but it would never have
occurred to me that he would go so far as to
withhold evidence to undermine my position.
“What has Ken got to do with this?”

“He came to me just a few minutes ago. Right

after the judge made her decision.”

“If he knew something, why didn’t he come to


“He told me that he did talk to you, but you


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weren’t interested in hearing him out. He said you
told him to mind his own business.”

“Why would I do that, Mr. Henderson? What

did I stand to gain?”

“I don’t have any more time to discuss this,

Chamberlain. As far as I’m concerned, the matter is

“It’s closed.” Mr. Henderson turned on his heel

and stalked out of the courthouse.

I walked around downtown for a couple of hours

after my confrontation with Mr. Henderson. I was
physically and mentally exhausted, on the verge of
collapse. I couldn’t sleep. I was losing weight. My
concentration was totally shot. Consolidated Mining
vs. Winfield
had dragged through the courts for
months and when it finally came to judgment
earlier today, I had lost on a technicality. The
verdict devastated me because Mr. Henderson, the
firm’s founder, had made it crystal clear at the
outset that my future with the firm depended on a
favorable outcome. He had hinted that they might
ask me to become a junior partner if the case went
our way. Based on his demeanor after we left the
courtroom earlier this morning, I was convinced my
chances of advancement were now null and void.

When I returned to the office, Ken Sexton was

the first person I ran into as I stepped off the

Rich, this
is an
‘turned on
his/her heel
and walked
out. You
turn(or spin
abruptly) on
both heels.
Just try it.


The ‘was’ is
stylistic –
of ‘was in
Also the
needs a
n totally

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Love Everlasting


elevator. “Why, Ken?”

“Why what?” A supercilious smile twitched at

the corners of his mouth.

I felt like punching him. “Why did you fuck me

over, that’s what.”

“Hey, man, I just did what you or anybody else

in my position would have done. I want that
promotion and you’re the only thing standing in
my way.” Oh well, at least the bastard was upfront
about it.

“How the hell did you even know about that

document my case crashed on?”

“You were careless.”
“Careless? What was I careless about?”
“Very simple, pal. One night we were both

working late. You went down the hall with a pile of
old documents from the archives and I just
happened to notice that you dropped a couple of
pieces of paper. All I did was pick them up.”

“You must have known the significance of that

information. How could you hold it back?”

“Like I said—I’m ambitious. I want that

partnership. Julie’s pregnant. That’ll be number
three. I need the money and I need the security.
Sorry, old buddy, but all’s fair when it comes to
providing for my family. You’d have done the same
if you were in my place.”

“Actually, Ken, I wouldn’t.”
“Well then, pal, you won’t be getting that corner

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office either.” With that, Ken turned on his heel and
walked away.

It took all my self-restraint not to throw the

heaviest thing I could lay hands on at his stinking

After a few days of getting the cold-shoulder

treatment from Henderson and the other partners, I
tendered my resignation. I figured a clean break
was simpler and healthier than a long, slow slide
into limbo. After I had cleaned out my desk, I felt
better, but I was still jumpy and strung-out. I
definitely needed a vacation before I started to
search for another position. The only trouble was I
didn’t have a clue as to where I wanted to go. I
knew I wanted total peace and quiet, but wasn’t
sure how to find it.

I almost threw the information away without

reading it. It arrived in the mail, tucked in the
middle of a stack of bills and Visa card applications.
The whole stack was on its way to the recycling bin
when I saw the postmark. Destrehan, Louisiana
didn’t exactly ring any bells, but I did recall that one
branch of my father’s family was from some little
town not far from New Orleans. I picked up the
phone and dialed the familiar number. “Hey, Mom.
How are you?”

“I’m fine, sweetheart.”
“Listen, Mom, I was just sitting here, going

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through my mail, when I came across something
from a place called Cypress Grove. It’s apparently an
old plantation near Destrehan, Louisiana that’s been
converted into a guesthouse. Dad’s people were
from around there, weren’t they?”

“Phil, what are you doing going through your

mail in the middle of the day? Why aren’t you at the
office solving crimes?”

“Mom, I’m a corporate lawyer, not a detective.”

She had always had a fuzzy concept of my

“Phil darling, you know what I mean. Shouldn’t

you be doing something about corporations then?”

“I’m taking some time off,” I offered vaguely. I

wasn’t quite up to telling her that I was currently
unemployed. “I was hoping to find out what you
know about Destrehan.”

“Where?” She could be maddeningly vague at


“Mom, please, just tell me what you know about

Destrehan, Louisiana. I thought Dad had family

“I’m no expert on your father’s relations.” She

somehow managed to load thirty years’ worth of
marital baggage onto the word father. Mom was
very good. “Of course, you could always just ask
him. Oh, silly me, I forgot. He moved to California
with that blonde bimbo with the fake bosoms who
might just be barely half his age and now he has an

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unlisted number. What was her name? Taffy?
Candy? Treacle?” Mom’s voice rose in pitch and
volume as she warmed to her topic. “You’re not in
contact with that man, are you, dear?”

“No, Mom, I haven’t talked to him.” I had not, in

fact, talked to him. I had taken Mom’s side during
the extremely bitter divorce proceedings and my
relationship with my father was currently

“I just don’t think I could cope if my children

turned against me.” This conversation was veering
rapidly toward very rocky ground.

“Mom, I just wondered if you could recall

anything about a place called Destrehan. I seem to
remember hearing the name connected to some
episode in our family history when I was younger.”

“I do not specialize in old family tales, dear.”

This coming from the woman who could recite the
intimate history of every neighbor who lived within
spitting distance of her was truly maddening.

“I’m not looking for a genealogy chart, Mom. I

just asked a simple question.”

“Are you taking a tone with me, young man?”
“Of course not, Mom. It’s just that I was thinking

of going there for a few days.”

“Surely not, dear. Louisiana is hot and bug-

ridden at this time of year. If we ever had any
relations in that part of the world, I’m sure they’ve
all either died or moved away. I was talking to your

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sister Lila just yesterday and she said…”

I racked my brain while she chattered on about

my sister, but couldn’t make any headway
regarding the Louisiana connection—if, in fact,
there was one.

After I hung up the phone, I looked at the

contents of the envelope again. It wasn’t exactly a
brochure, more like a personal letter with a very
elegant ink drawing of a beautiful old antebellum
house above the letterhead. The text read like an
invitation to a country home. Of course, given what
places like this charged, they could well afford to sit
down and crank out something a few cuts above the
standard brochure. I was assured that I would
experience perfect peace and idle away my days in
languid bliss. It sounded exactly like what I needed
so I picked up the phone and made a reservation.
The agency that managed the property was a little
short on details, but Lucinda assured me in a
honeyed drawl that all the offerings in their
portfolio were strictly first class. The next morning I
took a taxi to the airport and caught a flight to New

By the time the plane landed, my stress levels

had already dropped appreciably. I picked up my
luggage and ducked into the men’s room at the
airport to freshen up after the flight. I hardly
recognized myself. It was the first time in almost six

Rich, this
insertion of
commas in
the wrong
place is
beginning to
irritate me.
The sentence
should read:

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Derek Adams


months that I hadn’t been encased in a three-piece
suit. The stranger dressed in casual slacks and a
pale green silk t-shirt who stared back at me from
the mirror as I washed my hands hadn’t even
shaved. I was pale and I had lost some of the hard-
won definition I’d been working out for years to
achieve, but a quick assessment of my reflection
assured me that all wasn’t lost. I still had decent
muscle tone, my belly was flat and my ass still did a
fine job filling the seat of my pants. I flexed and
winked at my reflection. The man who’d been
standing next to me suddenly moved three sinks to
the south. I grabbed my bag and walked jauntily
out of the bathroom, viewing my resurgent vanity
as a good sign. I hadn’t even reached my
destination and already I felt renewed.

The second I stepped out of the airport, keys to

the rental car in hand, I started to sweat. The heat
here was a physical presence, but it seemed a
relatively benign one. Besides, it would force me to
remain lazy and lethargic—it definitely wasn’t a
climate that lent itself to thoughts of jogging or
heavy exercise. Believe me, I seriously looked
forward to total relaxation and indolence for a few
days. If I got bored, then maybe I’d drive back to
New Orleans for a little fun and frolic in the

“You have a safe trip now, sir.”
The young man who checked my papers before I

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drove out of the rental car lot was easy on the eye.
His short-sleeved shirt bared a nice expanse of
muscled arm. Maybe it was just my imagination,
but I had a feeling he had been checking out more
than the rental agreement. I took the papers from
him, smiled, then drove out toward the freeway.
One thing was for certain—the loss of my job had
pumped new life into my libido. I was horny as
hell. Of course, I hadn’t had sex with anyone except
myself for months. It was just one of many things
that definitely had to change in my life—the sooner
the better.

By the time I turned my rented BMW off the

narrow two-lane road and drove through the
elaborate wrought iron gates of Cypress Grove, it
was mid-afternoon. I marveled at the beauty of the
scene that unfolded as I drove along. Huge live
oaks draped with lacy curtains of Spanish moss
lined the graveled drive. Jasmine grew pale and
waxy beneath the trees, scenting the air with its
heavy perfume. Emerald lawns, perfectly clipped,
rolled away on both sides as far as the eye could

When the house came into view, I stopped the

car and stared in amazement. It was perfect—an
antebellum mansion of extraordinary grace and
beauty that rose out of the shadowed landscape like
a pristine Greek temple. Tall white columns stood
ghostly sentinel at intervals around the structure

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and French doors opened from all the rooms onto
the wide, shaded veranda. I put the car back into
gear and continued up the long, tree-lined drive to
the front door.

I rounded a clump of shrubberies beside the

drive and instantly hit my brakes so hard the car
skidded sideways. The seatbelt jerked me back
when my nose was about half an inch from the
steering wheel. I got shakily out of the car and
looked to the right, then the left. Not a sound
beyond the chirping of birds and the whirring of
insects. Not a sign of anything, human or animal. I
walked all around the car and fearfully checked the
underbrush and the shallow ditches that ran
alongside the drive. Nothing.

But there had been something. I had seen a

man—tall, dressed in gray, a wide-brimmed hat
pulled low, shading his eyes. He hadn’t been
wearing a suit—more like a uniform, but not one I
recognized. Granted I had seen him for only an
instant before my foot hit the brakes, but I had seen
him. I was sure of it.

I got back in the car and started the engine. After

carefully checking the drive for as far ahead as I
could see, I put the car in gear and drove slowly
and cautiously up to the house. As the car rolled
forward, I continued to sweep the area on either
side. The dappled sun that poured down through
the trees illuminated ferns and other understory

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plants, but revealed nothing human. Maybe I had
only imagined the figure in the drive. Maybe I
needed sleep. And maybe the events of the past
week had taken a bigger toll than I had imagined.
Whatever the case, I arrived at the house without
further incident.

No one rushed out to greet me, but considering I

hadn’t been able to tell them exactly when I’d
arrive, I wasn’t surprised. I walked slowly up the
broad, shallow steps, crossed the wide porch and
knocked on the big double door. There was no
response. I tried the knob. The door was unlocked,
so I ventured into the cool, shaded hallway, which
appeared nearly dark to my sun-dazzled eyes. The
only feature that clearly emerged from the gloom
was a wide, spiral staircase that rose gracefully to
the second floor.

“Hello. Anybody here?” Still no response. I

walked further in and the door closed behind me
with a dull thud.

“May I help you?” The voice came from behind

me, almost in my ear.

“Christ!” I dropped my suitcase and spun

around. My heart pounded against my ribs. My
nerves were obviously still more frayed than I cared
to admit.

“I did not intend to startle you. Are you all


“I…I’m perfectly fine.” I surveyed the man who

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stood in the shadows by the front door. Maybe I’d
expected to see a southern belle in a hoop skirt glide
out onto the veranda to greet me upon my arrival—
I don’t know. All I know for certain is that the man
in front of me was definitely not the welcoming
committee I’d anticipated. He was tall and slender,
his compactly muscled body honed to perfect pitch
by hard labor, or so it appeared to me, to judge by
his mud-clotted knee boots and his filthy clothes.
His dark, curly, unkempt hair almost brushed his
broad shoulders. His eyes flashed a tawny gold
beneath the shadow cast by his jutting brows. His
sensual, ruddy lips contrasted startlingly with teeth
that gleamed in the shadowed gloom like pearls.
His hands hung limp at his sides, but I could see the
corded muscles of his forearms and the thick veins
that bound them, wrist to elbow. I had no idea how
he’d managed to get right behind me without
opening any doors, yet there he stood in a puddle of
dirty water that pooled around his feet.

“Welcome to Cypress Grove.” The man’s

honeyed baritone was sweet and lilting in its
southern cadences. “You’re Ambrose.” He breathed
a whole world of intimate meaning into the name.

The repetition of the word sent a pleasurable

shiver up my spine.

“It is your name.”

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“No.” His smile faltered. “I mean…well, I mean

yes. Ambrose is my middle name, but I don’t use it.
No one outside of my family even knows that
name. I don’t know…” I spluttered to a stop when
he held up his hand.

“You must have mentioned it when you

responded to my letter.”

“Your letter?”
He nodded.
“But I didn’t exactly respond to the letter. I

contacted an agency where I got driving
instructions to this place.”

“It is your name.” He wasn’t about to go off


I was suddenly too tired to argue. Besides, it

wasn’t such a bad name. A bit old-fashioned, but so
what? “Yes.” When I acquiesced, his smile became
dazzling. “I’m Philip Ambrose Chamberlain, to be a
hundred percent accurate. I’m expected then?”

“Oh, yes, everything has been prepared for you. I

am Etienne.” He made a courtly bow which was
oddly at variance with his ramshackle appearance,
but which quite charmed me nonetheless.

“It’s very nice to meet you, Etienne. Look, I’m

tired out by my long drive and this incredible heat.
Do you think you could show me to my room so I
can rest up a bit?”

He gestured toward his boots and cocked his

head quizzically to one side. “You see?” He

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shrugged his broad shoulders.

“Oh, sure, I guess I can find my own way.”
“It is the room at the end of the hall, Ambrose. It

is just as it has always been.”

“What?” I picked up my suitcase and turned

back to Etienne. He was gone. A shiver flashed
along my spine as I stared at the corner where he
had stood. He had slipped away as quietly as he
had come in, leaving me alone in the wide hall with
only a small puddle of water to indicate that he had
really been there. I must admit that I was a little
unnerved as I climbed the broad stairs to the second

I entered the designated room and closed the

door. After I stripped out of my sticky travelling
clothes, I sprawled out across the huge four-poster
bed. Etienne was definitely a hunk, I thought to
myself as I ran my hands up and down over my
sweat-slicked torso. He had an unnerving way of
appearing and disappearing, but I definitely hoped
he’d pop up again soon. Hell, at this point I’d even
take him all muddy and wet.

Cypress Grove was the perfect retreat. A slight

breeze ruffled the gauzy curtains draped across the
windows, then swirled lazily across to me, warm
and soothing against my bare skin. I needed to
shower, but first I closed my eyes—just for a

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―Good evening, Ambrose.‖ The silver-haired

gentleman who greeted me at the door wore his dress

uniform. The insignia on his sleeve marked him a
Captain in the St. Charles Parish Cavalry. He shook my

hand warmly.

―Good evening, Captain Fontaine. I hope I’m not late,


―Not at all, son.‖ He lowered his voice

conspiratorially. ―Although there have been a number of

inquiries from various young ladies as to your

―I would have been here sooner, sir, but there are

supply wagons strung out along the main road all the
way from Destrehan to here.‖

―Our boys are getting better at outrunning the

Yankee blockade, although I don’t know how much good

it will do, in the end.‖

―But, sir, I had thought that…‖ Captain Fontaine

raised his hand to silence me.

―Not tonight, Ambrose. We don’t want to spoil the

evening for the ladies. Or for ourselves, if it comes to

―No, sir. I would not wish to do that.‖ I looked beyond

my host’s shoulder and into the dining room. The table
had been removed from the large room and the carpet

rolled back to reveal wide cypress boards that gleamed in

the light from dozens of candles. A group of five

musicians tuned their instruments in the far corner.
Young men in uniform and young ladies decked out in

their finest gowns stood chatting in small groups as they

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waited for the music to begin.

―I expect you want to visit with my scamp of a son for

a few minutes before you boys both throw yourselves to
the mercies of the ladies?‖ A glint of good humor had

returned to Captain Fontaine’s eyes.

―Yes, sir, I would like that very much. I found this

when I travelled through New Orleans. I want to share it

with him.‖ I pulled a bottle of whisky—real whisky, not

the moonshine colored with walnut shells that passed for

whisky these days—from a pocket in my uniform.
Captain Fontaine whistled appreciatively. ―Of course you

are welcome to a drink, sir.‖

―No, son, you boys will appreciate it much more than

I could. It would only serve to make an old man sleepy,

but it will bring life and color to your faces. Etienne

stepped out a few minutes ago. He didn’t say where he

was going.‖

―I think I know, sir. Thank you.‖ I tucked the liquor

back in my pocket and hurried across the lawn, down to

the river. I saw him silhouetted in the moonlight, leaning

against one of the pilings of the dock that jutted into the
slow-moving current, a cheroot in his right hand. I

stopped and stood, content just to look at him, to listen to

the faint exhalation of his breath, to smell the sweet smoke
that curled like a silver halo around his head. He was tall

and strong and noble, but my heart ached because I knew

how fragile his strength really was. I had seen hundreds

like him mowed down like summer grass.


―Etienne, how did you know I was here? I swear I was

The repeated
‘and’ is a
choice. I
would prefer
to leave it
as written.

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going to sneak up and scare the bejesus out of you.‖

―I always know when you’re here, Ambrose. My heart

beats faster and I find it difficult to breathe.‖ He stretched
a hand behind, but remained facing the river. I stepped

forward and grasped his hand. He pulled it around and

pressed it against his chest. I pressed my body against his
and rested my chin on his shoulder.

―I have a surprise for you, sir,‖ I said a few minutes


―As pleasant as this is, I can’t say that I’m surprised.‖

He reached back and cupped my rapidly stiffening cock.

―Not that, Etienne.‖ I gasped, thrilled as always by

his touch. ―This.‖ I pulled the bottle from my pocket and
held it up for him.

―My God, man, is this real?‖

―Taste it and tell me.‖

―You first.‖
―But I brought it for you.‖

―I know that, but if your lips touch it first, even

swamp water would taste sweet to me.‖

―You are a shameless flatterer.‖
―Yes, I am.‖ He chuckled softly. ―You taste it first.‖ I

drank, then passed the bottle on to him. ―Ambrosia,‖ he

sighed. ―True food of the gods.‖

We passed the bottle back and forth in silence as we

watched the moonlight play on the eddying currents in

the river. Fireflies glimmered in the trees on the opposite

shore like tiny jewels. The liquor warmed my blood and
made my amorous thoughts even more intense. I slipped

my fingers through the buttons of Etienne’s uniform

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tunic and touched the skin of his hard, flat belly. He

pushed back against me and ground his buttocks against

my crotch. I breathed in the scent of him and brushed my
lips against his cheek. They came away wet.

―You’re crying.‖

―I’m not crying. It’s the damned smoke.‖ He tossed

the cheroot into the river. It arced sparks like a comet tail,

then hissed as it hit the muddy water. ―Hell, Ambrose, I

was shedding a tear.‖

―For what, Etienne?‖
―For all of this.‖ He swung his arm in a wide arc that

seemed to encompass our entire world. ―For my parents

and my sister. For us.‖

―Nothing is going to happen to us.‖ My grip became

fierce. ―I will not allow it.‖

―Everything is going to change. You know that. We

can’t win this. We shouldn’t win this if it means
perpetuating the whole rotten system. It will all change.‖

―My love will never change. I don’t give a damn about

any of the rest of it.‖ I turned him to face me. Our bodies

pressed together, belly to belly, cock to cock. ―You know I
love you.‖

―And I love you, Ambrose. I love you so much it hurts

me sometimes. I don’t know what I would do if anything
happened to tear us apart.‖

―Nothing will tear us apart.‖ I pressed my hand to his

heart, his hand to mine. ―We will always be together,

Etienne. I will love you until the end of time.‖

―Only that long, Ambrose.‖ He smiled at me and my

world was light.

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―Longer, then, Etienne. I will love you until beyond

the end of time.‖

―That will do nicely, sir.‖ His lips brushed mine. I

could feel his manhood pressed hard against my own. The

kiss intensified as my tongue thrust against his tongue.

My breath was his breath, my heart and soul and life
were his and his alone.

―The music,‖ he whispered when we finally came up

for air. ―We should go.‖

―Wait.‖ The musicians had begun to play, a sweet

tune that floated through the windows of the big house

and down across the broad lawn. ―Dance with me,


―With you?‖

―I’ll be in that damned room all night, dancing with

everyone, except you, watching you dance with everyone,

except me. I want to dance with you, Etienne. Please.‖

―Of course I’ll dance with you, Ambrose.‖ One of his

arms slipped around my waist as his fingers twined with

mine. We swayed and shuffled our feet, both of us

fighting to lead until I gave in to him. I pressed my cheek
to his cheek, my chest to his chest. Our heartbeats were

synchronous, almost as though we were one entity, not

two. I looked into his eyes and knew that I would never be
happier than I was at that moment.

After much too short a time the tune ended and we

ambled, arm in arm, back to the big white house, back to

the young men and women, back to the world and back to
the endless futility of the war.

I was using
but with the
except. That
would not
require a
comma before
‘but’. I am
changing to
‘except’ –

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The heavy curtains parted slowly and he stood there

before me, naked, head held high. During the months we

had been apart, I had forgotten somehow how beautiful he
was. His skin, pale in the moonlight, was smooth and cool

as marble. A thin line of dark, silky hairs split him in half,

running from the hollow of his throat down into the
dense cloud of his pubes. His nipples stood out thick and

hard from the squared planes of his broad chest. His

muscled back was reflected in the pier mirror mounted

between the two pairs of French doors at the foot of the
bed, wide shoulders tapering to a narrow waist. A dense

dark growth furred his long, well-formed legs, stopping

abruptly at the point where the globes of his delectable ass
began to swell out of the columns of his strong thighs.

His asscheeks were pale, dimpled, without flaw.

The flames of my lust rose in my belly as he stepped

across the bare cypress floor to the bedside. He stopped,
hands held out, offering himself to me. I closed my fingers

gently around the shaft of his rapidly stiffening cock and

pulled him toward me.

―Ambrose,‖ he whispered as he climbed into the bed

on top of me. He straddled my chest, the hair on his legs

tickling along my sides as he settled against me. The head

of his big cock brushed against my lips. My tongue
flickered lizard-like from between my teeth, barely

grazing the hooded knob. He sighed softly and his prick

twitched violently for a few moments before settling

heavily against my lips once again.

I took the silky foreskin gently between my teeth and

tugged it forward and away from the swollen, shiny

The word
cock has
been used to
refer to the
penis since
the 1600’s.

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Love Everlasting


glans hidden inside. I slipped my tongue between the

sheath of skin and the sweet fruit it covered as I probed

and dug in the tight, hot space. I heard his gasped intake
of breath and felt his thighs tense against my sides as he

thrust forward and forced his way into my mouth. When

I dug my tongue into his gaping piss slit to search for the
first sweet drop of his honey, he squeezed his cock from

base to tip and drizzled sticky juice onto my greedy lips. I

licked them, then raised my head slightly, urging him to

probe my mouth.

He leaned forward, braced his hands against the

ornately carved headboard of the bed and tilted his pelvis

so he could more easily slide his stiff manhood deep into
my throat. I grabbed his balls and pulled them back

against his asshole. I pressed my palm hard against them.

He looked down at me, eyes heavy-lidded, and watched

my tongue as it flicked lazily at his swollen cockhead. I
pulled teasingly at the thin line of hair that bisected his

perfect torso. I rubbed the ball of my thumb against the

thick brown points of his tits and his muscles flexed. He

bucked his hips and jammed himself deep into my throat.
I bit down and raked my teeth along the shaft of his cock,

then traced the pulsing veins that coursed along his

throbbing length with the tip of my tongue.

I could have been content to lie there and suck him till

his thick, creamy life gushed down my hungry throat, but

Etienne would not have it so. He moved back, knelt

between my legs and scissored them apart roughly. He
bent his shaggy head and lapped at my sweaty crack. I

clenched my fists when he nipped at my asshole. He

Prick dates
from 1590.

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Derek Adams


tugged the short hairs around the puckered flesh till I

groaned with pleasure and my prick snapped up tight

against my flat gut.

―It is good?‖ His voice was soft, his breath warm on

my balls. Etienne rubbed his spit around the spasming

ring of my sphincter, then pushed his long forefinger
tentatively into me.

―It is very good.‖ I pulled his head down to my chest.

―I want you.‖

He pressed his long thick prick against my bunghole,

then thrust forward with all his strength and jammed

deep into me. His long tongue snaked between my teeth,

abruptly cutting off my cry of ecstasy. He sealed his lips
against mine, then blew his breath into my lungs. A

wave of raw passion flowed through me that washed

away all conscious thought. I became his minion, at his

mercy with no will of my own. I wrapped my legs around
his narrow waist and opened my body to his frenzied

thrusts. I was overwhelmed with the sheer animal power

of the man as his pelvis ground hard against my aching

butt. His cum-heavy balls slapped against my tailbone,
his hands clamped hard against my shoulders, his fat

cockhead pounded my prostate. The intensity of it took

my breath and pushed me closer and closer to the point of
no return.

He rocked back on his haunches and pulled me up

with him, all the while driving his hard prick in and out

of my yielding body. He fixed me with his glittering eyes,
willing my obedience. Unable to speak, I nodded. He

smiled at me, his teeth gleaming. I felt his breath, hot


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against my neck, a moment of sharp pain, then a bliss

that transcended anything I’d ever known. My skin

began to tingle as our bodies pressed tight together. I felt
his heart pound against my chest, strong and steady. The

pulse became a roaring tide, deafening me, engulfing me.

―Yes, Ambrose, yes.‖ He moaned softly, his lips

against my ear. We were one now, our union perfect.

Our hearts pounded, his cock in my body, his strong

arms wrapped around me as his powerful thrusts carried

both of us beyond desire.

―Etienne.‖ He raised his head and looked at me, his

lips scarlet, his face and chest flushed, rosy, warm.

Scarlet ribbons fluttered down my shoulder across my
chest. My head was heavy, my eyelids drooped. My

world had contracted to the point where there was

nothing except his cock, pistoning in my guts. When he

dipped his head down between my legs and took me into
his mouth, I was finished. The touch of his lips brought

the jism boiling up from deep in my balls. The first jet

of my cream gushed into his mouth and brought his

own pumping to a climax. He stiffened and threw back
his head, calling my name as his hot spunk spouted into

me and filled me full of his hot, sticky life.

―Oh, Ambrose,‖ he cried, ―I’m coming. Hold me,

Ambrose. Until forever, Ambrose. Oh…‖

“…Ambrose. Are you there? Wake up.”
I swam slowly back to consciousness. I willed my

eyes to focus on the dusk-shadowed room around
me. I must have fallen asleep almost as soon as I

Once again,
this is a
rosy, warm’

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Derek Adams


laid my head on the down-filled pillows. “I’m
here,” I called out groggily. “I fell asleep. Just give
me a minute or two to wake up.”

I lifted my head and pulled myself slowly up

against the massive headboard of the bed. When I
looked down and saw my cock curved up against
my belly, resting in the pungent white puddle, I had
to laugh. What a dream that had been! Put a man on
the brink of exhaustion in a strange bed, in a strange
place, stir in a hot handyman or whatever the hell
Etienne was and stand back! I hadn’t had a wet
dream in ages, but there was the evidence, strung
out like liquid ropes against my chest and belly,
mingled with the sweat that sheened my body.
Evidently, Etienne had gotten under my skin even
more than I had realized. It must have been his
rough-and-tumble look as he stood there all muddy
and wet from his work. That, coupled with the
warm intimacy of his eyes and his deep, resonant
voice. That, and some…

“Your dinner will be ready soon, Ambrose. I

didn’t want you to miss the appointed hour.”

“Thanks, Etienne,” I called out. “Don’t worry, I

promise not to miss dinner.”

“Your bath is ready, Ambrose.”
“My bath?” I sat up in bed and looked around.

There was an antique tin bathtub in front of the
fireplace. It had most definitely not been there when
I first entered the room. I got up and walked around

please leave
as written.
There is a
reason for
it. No comma
after ‘look’
keep the
commas after

Thank you, R

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Love Everlasting


the tub. It was full of water. Warm water. The
candles on the mantel burned brightly, dispelling
the gathering gloom. I rushed to the door of the
room, locked. Then I remembered that the French
doors to the wide porch that ran around the second
floor of the house all stood wide open.

So he had come into my room while I slept and

brought the tub. But how could I have failed to hear
him? I was generally a light sleeper. Besides, he
obviously had to make multiple trips to fill the
damned thing with water. Where the hell was the
bathroom? I scanned the area, but the only door led
directly into the hall. A quick reconnaissance failed
to turn up a single bathroom on the upper floor.

I returned to my bedroom and noticed for the

first time a folding screen in the corner. “Not
possible,” I muttered to myself as I pulled it aside.
A chair with a wicker seat stood in the corner. I
examined it cautiously. I saw the hinges and lifted
the seat. A white porcelain basin gleamed in the
fading light. I was definitely going to have a serious
conversation with the woman who had booked me
into this place when I got back to New Orleans.

I walked back to the tin tub. Hell, I had crusted

jizz on my belly and I reeked of sweat from my
journey. I stepped into the water. The temperature
was perfect. I settled in and watched the shadows
lengthen on the lawn.

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Derek Adams


I started down the stairs just as the grandfather’s

clock on the landing chimed eight. There was a faint
light coming from the dining room, but the rest of
the house was cloaked in impenetrable gloom. The
long mahogany table was elaborately set for one. I
appeared to be Cypress Grove’s only guest.
Covered dishes were set out on a heavy sideboard
between two of the French doors that opened at
regular intervals around the room. Beyond the
veranda, the lawns stretched out, flat and pale in
the moonlight.

There were three bottles of wine ranged beside

the single place set for dinner. All were heavily
encrusted with dust and cobwebs. Bad marks for
, I thought wryly as I reached for the
nearest of the bottles. I wiped the neck carefully,
then poured some into the first glass that came to
hand. It was rich and full, blood-colored, the
bouquet so heady and complex that it must have
been developing for a very long time. I filled my
glass and drank it down in two long swallows. It
warmed my throat and tingled in my belly like a
subtle fire.

I started to get up to fill my plate, but decided

instead to have another glass of the wine. It, too,
went down easily. I began to feel the effects of the
alcohol. The humid night air in combination with
the heat generated by the wine made my skin burn
beneath my clothes. As I poured a third glass, a

The house
cloaked. It
Leave as

‘arranged in
a row,
usually a
. Please
leave as

Please leave
the ‘were’-
the sentence
makes no

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Love Everlasting


blood-red gush of wine sloshed over the rim of the
heavy crystal goblet and trailed across the white

When I reached for my napkin to soak up the

mess, a jagged streak of lightning flashed white in
the distance. In that instant of illumination, when
the night turned to livid day, I saw him. At least I
thought I saw him. It was Etienne, of course—the
man who had already invaded my dream to such
startling effect earlier in the evening—although
what he was doing naked on the lawn I couldn’t
quite imagine. I walked out onto the verandah and
stared out into the darkness. I saw nothing.

I returned to my seat and started to sop up the

wine, an effort that ended in disaster. I accidentally
clipped the bottle with my elbow and tipped it over.
It eluded me as it rolled unchecked along the center
of the long table, spreading a dark stain like a
swollen river on a flood plain. I jumped up out of
my chair, then suddenly realized that I was dizzy.
As I struggled to regain my balance, the lightning
flashed again. He was there! I was certain that I had
seen him this time.

A sudden gust of wind caused the curtains to

billow like white sails and extinguished the candles
on the table. The rumble of thunder obscured my
cry of alarm. I shook myself. God, I was coming
unhinged! The wine, my steamy dream, the sight of
Etienne naked on the lawn, all combined to fill me

Again, no
comma needed
and ‘which’
or between
‘rod’ and

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Derek Adams


with a tingling sense of urgency which I could
neither define nor ignore. When I crossed
unsteadily to the French doors, the curtains sprang
to life again, wrapping me in their silken folds.
Panicked, I thrust out my arms and tried to push
them aside.

In pulling free of the draperies, I wrenched the

heavy brass rod which held them away from the
wall. It crashed noisily against the mahogany
sideboard and sent a tray of decanters to a sudden
and violent end. I stumbled out onto the broad
veranda. As my eyes struggled to adjust to the
velvet gloom of the warm Louisiana night, the
lightning flashed again, closer now, and again I saw
him. He looked directly at me, hands outstretched,
his big prick curved mightily up against his
washboard gut. His balls dangled heavily, swaying
back and forth between his thighs as he moved
toward me.

“Ambrose,” he called, his voice uncertain,

supplicating. “Come with me, Ambrose. It’s so
lonely here. Please come.”

“Etienne?” I was unsure of what was happening,

only aware of the weirdness and sensuality of it all.
For one fleeting moment, I hesitated. His dark eyes
flashed, skewered me, took away any thought of
flight. I was so horny I could hardly breathe. I had
been ever since I woke up from my nap. My wet
dream had only served to make me more ravenous

Once again,
‘closer now’
l and should
be set off
by commas –
at least in
my book.

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Love Everlasting


for sex, for the touch of Etienne’s hands against my

I tore at my clothes as I stumbled across the

grass, kicking off my shoes, almost falling as I
fought my way free of my trousers. I tore my shirt
open and threw it aside as I reached the place
where he stood and waited for me. I stood before
him, trembling and naked. His touch was like
electricity on my skin. He stroked slowly down my
neck, over my broad chest, pinching my nipples
hard between his fingers, drawing me closer, till our
cocks crossed like two silk-sheathed swords. His
long cock rubbed up against my belly and left a thin
trail of glistening slime in its wake.

Our bodies pressed together from belly to knee,

my flesh hot, fevered, his cool and soothing to the
touch. I clasped his narrow waist as we continued
to grind against each other, prick mashed against
prick, pubic bushes—black and golden—tangled
inextricably together. Finally, he released his grip
on my tits, only to lower his head to my chest and
continue his ecstatic torture of the tender flesh with
his teeth. His big hands grasped my butt and forced
the muscular cheeks wide apart. He probed my
crack with his long, thick fingers. I clasped my
hands around the strong column of his neck, lifted
my legs and wrapped them around his waist.

The lightning flashed again, then the heavens

opened. The warm rain poured over us in torrents,

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Derek Adams


totally obscuring the big house behind us from
view. It plastered our hair flat against our skulls
and cooled my fevered body. Etienne pressed his
lips to mine, his long tongue tickling against the
roof of my mouth. I bit down gently and savored
the taste and texture of him. He probed my ass hole,
his strong fingers slipping deep into the yielding

“Fuck me, Etienne,” I moaned. “I want your cock

in me. I want to feel the heat of your cum pumping
into my body again. Fuck me.”

He turned then and carried me across the

manicured lawn, into the deeper gloom beneath the
moss-hung oaks. I clung to him, his muscle-knotted
torso shifting against me as he walked quickly and
surely over the uneven ground.

Then he stopped and knelt, still holding me in

his strong embrace. The lightning flashed around us
and revealed his chiseled features. His eyes
flickered with golden fire. “I’ve waited for you,
Ambrose. I’ve waited for you.” His honeyed
baritone was thick with lust.

“Oh, yes,” I replied, held in thrall by his

incredible sensuality. “I want you, Etienne. Now!”
He pushed me back, not onto the ground, but onto
something else, something hard, flat and smooth to
the touch. He knelt between my outstretched legs
and lifted them till the crook of my knees rested on
his broad shoulders. Then he fell forward and

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Love Everlasting


impaled me. His cock filled me, stretching my guts
to the sweet point of pain. In that instant, we really
became one body, one flesh, melded together into
one perfect and complete being.

His balls slapped wetly against my back as the

rain continued to fall in torrents over us. It streamed
in rivulets across his shoulders and down his wide
chest where it channeled between the swell of his
pecs, along the thin line of hair bisecting his torso,
then down to his crotch. From there it flowed
between my legs and into my pubes, plastering
them flat around the base of my swollen, bouncing

As the lightning flashed feverishly and the

thunder rumbled and crashed in a steady
crescendo, Etienne reamed my throbbing hole,
pounding me to ecstasy. Then he lowered his head
and pressed his mouth against the swell of my
chest. There was a pricking sensation, then the heat
gushed out of me. My heart began to slow,
pumping now in rhythm with his pistoning prick. I
felt my limbs grow heavy, my fingers go numb till I
could no longer feel the strong arms I struggled to
grasp. I watched the top of his sleek head and his
broad, rain-slicked shoulders as they began to fade
to silence.

“Etienne!” I groaned, my lips barely moving. He

raised his head, his gaze unfocused like a man
drunk on too much wine. He saw me, shook

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himself, pulled me up against him. I watched his
finger slash across the heavy curve of his right pec,
just above the nipple. A tiny mouth gaped in the
perfect skin and spouted warm, dark wine. He
pressed my mouth tight against it and I felt the heat
begin to flow back into my body like pale fire.

“Suck,” he groaned. “Suck me, Ambrose. I’ve

waited for you. I’ve waited. Suck, my love. Suck.” I
began to tremble as my strength returned, heat
coursing through my veins, my cock harder and
more sensitive than it had ever been before this
moment. Etienne fucked like a man possessed. As
my orgasm approached, the muscles in my groin
tensed. My cock hovered above my belly, straining
and flexing as jism got ready to explode across my
rain-washed torso. I heard a faint groan from deep
in Etienne’s chest as his prickhead swelled
perceptibly against my aching prostate.

Just as Etienne pushed me beyond the precipice

and I gave myself over to the first intense rushes of
orgasm, a burst of lightning directly overhead
brought the whole scene into sharp focus. A marble
monument rose behind Etienne, eerie in the
blinding flash of light. The words engraved in the
silvered marble remained etched on my eyelids,
even after the aching intensity of my feelings had
rolled my eyes back into my skull.

Erected To The Sacred Memory

Delete comma

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Love Everlasting



Etienne Henri Fontaine


By His Beloved Ambrose.

I Will Wait Alone For You, My Love,

Until Beyond The End Of Time

“I’m coming!” My body spasmed with intense

pleasure. My cock flexed and a blast of jism jetted
out of me, shot up over my head and splattered on
the slab of marble that loomed above us. I no longer
knew whether I was in this world or the next—and
I no longer cared. We were together now. That was
all that mattered.

Etienne cried out his ecstasy along with me. I

gripped his biceps and held on fiercely as his hot
life flooded back into my body. A final spasm shook
me and I sank into the void.

“Ambrose?” I fought my way back to

consciousness. “Ambrose!”

“Yes, my love?” I opened my eyes. He was so


“I waited, Ambrose. I waited for you.”
“Yes, my love.” His teeth were pearls.
“We’re together now, Ambrose.”
“Yes, my love.” His skin was translucent,


“Forever, Ambrose. Until beyond the end of


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Derek Adams


“Yes, my love.”

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About the Author

Derek Adams is the author of a popular series of
detective novels featuring the intrepid Miles
Diamond, as well as over a hundred short stories
which, he insists, are ongoing chapters in his
autobiography. Mr. Adams currently lives in


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