Agnes Moore The Holy See

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The Holy See


Agnes Moore

2012 as Satan’ s r ise fr om the gr eat deep (space) is a function that was
depicted to be unr ighteous in the ter ms of the calculations. This was taught
to be the “End of Time” and a time ever yone should be scar ed of.

Instead it simply calculates to be a time that is a Univer sal Phase of
tr ansition, a tr ansition in a wave r atio that affects evolution on Ear th and also
our conscious thinking pr ocess. We inher it because of space and the
pr esence of the space power = wave foundation. This is why inher itor walks
on the waves – the Univer sal Ocean’ s wave – space.

RA is the r ighteous r etur n and ascension which became the inher ited Chr ist
ter m “ r ise” via C 100 (Ar k ter m) + magic of H as Mother Calculations OS =

S “ on” space is the sine factor in the wave condition and ther efor e
unrighteous Son r etur ning comes thr ough the ter m expr ession of the “ salient
motion”. This is an expr ession fr om the Heavens r egar ding the wave factor
and its return in TIME.

To retur n to the S on space factor as the r ighteous ter m is to r eview the
yin/yang balance. This is the symbol of the Mother space body under the
OS ter m of “ bones” . These ar e the 2 bodies in equilibr ium, the 2 who bir th
the factor for the 1 = S – sine ter m.

The Law in the Heavens as the true nature is found as a Buddha factor called
Dhamma as the univer sal oper ating status. This is r ighteousness.

As Mother causes the split function in time as Six, the Vir gin number ,
Mother is AMMA meaning Satur day bor n = 6


placement. This is the

Supreme Creator term and a term relevant to push-pull and navel. This is

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the sky God and a ter m cur r ently used to expr ess “ advanced memor y
management ar chitectur e” . Thus Mother is the gr eat mind and gr eat builder
in the Heavens, how she gives bir th.

The Pyramid, as the architecture and “ block” structure, symbolizes this
status factor . This is why the Pyr amids wer e given a King ter m and also the
ter ms for the Gr eat Builder s. These wer e all symbols of the PHI calculus
and the r elevancy of the wave r etur n. This is split of the head into the 2

quantum’s Ф as O is the head in time over and over. 1 is always inherited
over the other = lineage.

It is because the Pyr amids ar e consider ed our human legacy and r eminder of
what had befallen humanity in our ancient past that they have been heavily
studied for the answer s to the secr et wisdom many knew lay hidden in the

Atlanteans building the pyr amid simply r ectifies that the fundamental
wisdom the pyr amid displays is the same factor built in the Heavens. The
wave calculations found in the Univer sal cycles ar e simply mir r or ed in the
Pyr amid lay-out, what Atlantis r ectifies.

The Pr iests used these ter ms to build the symbolic r eplication of TIME
passing in the Heavens, the ter ms of wave calculations found embedded in
the Pyramid structure and ground lay-out.

Egyptians did build the Pyr amids based on the wisdom passed on fr om
pr ecession, as we constantly gain our wisdom fr om the Heavens and its
cycles. These cycles affect our conscious state on Ear th and our states of
evolution. This is what Atlantis means, as Atlantis is the wave calculation
pr edicting these values and how the Ear th’ s face is alter ed via wave

Our reminder on Earth as the Stone Philosophy r elates to points in time and
star cycles and how this affects planet Ear th. It is a r eminder to keep to the
holy sanctions of ener gy LAWS and not play ar ound with the natur al ener gy
cycles and balance on Ear th.

The Pyr amids wer e built as a war ning to the Pr iests/Scientists to keep to the
Sacr ed Oath, an oath that has been ignor ed, and ignor ance is not without

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The salient ter m defines noticeable-strik ing-relevant-

projection from surface-angle-jum p or leap-defensive alignm ent. In the
law 2 halves or sides need to be equally balanced

The differ ence in the wave status that we inher it thr ough the Univer sal
condition is either a r ise or fall value. It is either a r ise fr om the Mother-Son
holy ter m (cold r ise AM) or the r ise is a heated ter m in light as Satan’ s
return (PM) post mor tem – fr om the dead. This is how the dead shall ar ise
when Satan r etur ns, as it is a calculus in TIME by face var iable of AM/PM.

To pr edict this in the letter account used by the Roman Magi is to deter mine
A = Alpha O head value in time
M = Mother and meta ter m 1,000 value
AM = Mother mound = wave r etur n or fir st r ise
P = the split of the head Ф

into the 2 = the great crime

M = Mother and meta ter m 1,000 value

Thus Chr ist Son and Satan Son have a ter m value of 1,000 r etur n.

As Satan caused the imbalance of inher itance in the Heavens, then we need
to r efer ence what this statement means in the TIME equation.

The imbalance in the wave r etur n is called the salient when 2 sides ar e not
connected or 1 side is weaker . A door in time or por thole is ther efor e
activated in the wave r etur n, the “ br eak open” and the yang lines open
upwar ds thr ough yin.

(Refer ence


It is because the univer sal constants r elate to our DNA her itage that we find
the wave amplitude is associated to a “ str ing” and displacement as the signal
r efer ence – air pr essur e and the logar ithm for mula expr essed. In the God 10
factor and the point factor BEL = decibel. This is dir ectly r elated to the
Code of inher itance and why the wave for ms in the Univer se have a bear ing
upon the Ear th’ s Genesis.

BEL = ancient ter m for thor n tr ee, hence points in TIME is a thor n in time
ar ound the head statement O.

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A null amplitude r elates to minus infinity dB. Amplitude in a wave can be
constant or it can also var y with time and position – envelope wave as the
MOSES LAW equation r eveals (Little Book of Aliens).

Ther efor e the SIN – sine in this factor as the r etur n equates

with the ar c value as peak to peak r etur n

This is the r oot mean

squar e. (

Refer ence Wikipedia)

Spacing values wer e ther efor e calculated in the Pyr amid layout r elative to
the mean, expr essed in the Royal Egyptian Cubit, the measur e for the ARK
as 20.620 inches – 0.52375 meter .

The plan of Giza, as studied by J ohn Legon, has detailed how these 3
pyramids related to a r efer ence known as the “ vanishing point” . This is why
the Pyr amid calculations link to the Biblical 3 Mar y’ s and the placement of
the 3 Queen Pyr amids as the wave – walk upon the Univer sal Ocean
inheritance = the Gr eat Cr oss in Time.

From Mother womb as the zer o count, the Gr eat Ar c is calculated as r ise and
fall values, wher e the wave passes back thr ough the zer o quantum as the
return from the Great Deep.

We ther efor e have a r etur n function that is “ anti” and against the r ise of the
wave. Legon calculated the following fundamentals, why the change as the
MIDDLE factor – META r elates to 1,000 in value as both the Chr ist r ise
term and Satan return term.

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For the m athem atician, these dim ensions are of strik ing significance, for
they represent the square roots of the first two prim e num bers, two and
three, m ultiplied by a factor of 1000. T he theoretical values are:


2 = 1414.21...


3 = 1732.05...

The north-south dim ension thus expresses the value of 1000

3 exactly, while

the east-west dim ension displays a discrepancy of about 3.3 cubits with
respect to the true value of 1000


Answer ing “ Goodfellow” on his theor y of the vanishing point, Legon
announced - I now find, however, that your vanishing point is exactly 1000
cubits southwards from the theoretical axial line that passes through the
Sphinx! T hese sim ple relationships with dim ensions I work ed out years ago
for quite different reasons, are beginning to persuade m e that there m ight be
som ething in this vanishing point idea, after all. (;

The wave r etur n function has also been descr ibed as the “ har monic
conver gence” – mathematical constant. As the Chr ist calculus of time is the
BC and AD factor s – D = half over fr om 0, then r etur ning to the calculations
of God’ s cloak as the Heavenly weave is the AB-BA ter m.

As a cut in time, this cut as a fight in the Heavens (by swor d) is a line of
division, hence Angels of Good against Angels of Evil = angles.

We have the pr opor tional value (salient factor ) for the line division. So we
have the r ighteous Alpha ter m as the letter s A and C = AC divided by the
half ter m of the cloak AB and the befor e ter m as BC to gain PHI is AB/BC =
BC/AC as the point of inher itance r atio 1.618 as the one half ter m AB (1)
then BC = 1.618.

So befor e the r ise as the sign in the sky the calculations of the r ise begin in
BC moving into AD as the 2-dimension phi r atio spir al. Beginning to end is
ther efor e acted out in this sequence to NEW TIME – BEAK OF TIME from
the pr evious inher ited position of BC-AD fr om the 0 placement as NEW
TIME calculations.

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2012 became this pr ediction because fr om beginning to end, the letter ed
ter m equating to TIME value of the 2 faces OO 24 is the 2 over ter m. 2
bodies take the cr ossing for the 1 Alpha and r etur n.

26 stated as the letter sending ter ms of infor mation for war ded = A-Z which
equates Z = 2,000. 12 is the holy r etur n statement O of the 1 new face of
inheritance fr om the pr evious 2 bodies OO = 2012.

This is why the Sacr ed See exhumes the tr uth bur ied within the Biblical
Quotes and r ectifies that these quotes ar e the exact same quotes passed down
by the Wise thr oughout time, r egar ding TIME and the HEAVENLY

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Agnes Moore





TIME Δ, the peak .

Inheritance = time values related to the peaks in time as

rise and fall values, the wave ≈≈≈.

Blood of the Gods is the inher itance featur e of the Heavens at points in time
O = thor n on the cr own.

This is an inher itance that states the alpha inher itance fr om the Heavens is
by a TIME value O. These are points ar ound the head. Head over head =
constant, head over head = tr ansmission and head over head = time vir tue
O+O+O+O. Ther efor e, the head is always sur r ounded by an over lay =
cr own or halo as the 1-12 value ST = ar c r ise eaST and weST Ө

rise and fall


Points in time as the secr et wisdom of the Heavens as the gener ations
therefore transfers infor mation acr oss in the plasma str eams via wave
induction. This is the univer sal inher itance pr ocess.

This states that a cycle of time = a cycle of light and fr om light we follow a
sequence of evolution. Light moves thr ough sound values and flow values,
it becomes liquid and it also cr ystallizes.

This is the ancient wisdom = wave calculation and path changes.

CHI as the spir it br eath in time is a C 100 value passing by H = 8 into I = 9.

9 as the Magi point of tr ansfor mation and destr uction is a value

incor por ating 3-3-3 as the time tr ansfer in Heaven Ө

half of the head

value O.

3 pillar s of the SePHIr oth = hor ns in time is calculated, the passing pathway
in time vir tue.

This is H and I as the HI value of the cut head O into P Ф =


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Roth is the r other = hor ns fr om the head and PHI the separ ation/cut of the

head in time calculations Ф.

Passing via the sacr ed 3 pillar s as the SEE I-I-I eye ter m is wher e the ionized
gas – electr ons in the atom ar e separ ated fr om the nucleus as the 4


state of

matter in transfer. This is following the power of light into the power of its
transfer function.

Plasma occur s thr ough the ionization pr ocess as a loss or gain of atoms
contr olled by temper atur e hence either the AM cold r ise of the mound
(wave) or PM heated r ise – post mor tem r ise of the dead (Satan) ter m.
These 2 ter ms both have a 1,000 inher itance ter m in the Heaven statement.

GENESIS = the factor of 50 as the half ter m because 5 is a value of passing
on fr om the pr evious point. 50 is half of 100 = C ter m.

Ther efor e this tr ansaction begins the cr eation sequence of the GENESIS
fr om the conver sion function of GO for ce into the split foundation of D, the
half of the cell O. The atom/molecule as the path of plasma induction is
conver ted into the ion PILLAR by adding or r emoval.


THE VOICE OF GOD = OM = the ATOM ter m in the Bible

Voice has to be changed into the I ON ter m = PILLAR OF GOD = THROUGH WORD =

Spir it of God upon the face of the water s = movement, wave flow of conver sion. Wave
is upon the Gr eat Deep of space.

Adding or r emoving a char ged par ticle = dividing the light fr om the dar kness, as dar kness
= 0 quantum of the vacuum. Divide water s fr om the water s = wave fr om the wave.
Fir mament - hem isphere or arch = ARC, thus landing point is the fir mament MADE. So
half of a spher e is cr eated = D ter m.

To gain the angle needed as a deter mined pathway the CODE has to
constr uct the linear and tessellation toler ances for the length of the measur e
= MOSES TILES or the MOSAICS = floor plan in God’ s House. God’ s
House is the constant/squar ed for mulas for ming the geometr ical design of
the plasma featur e – close packed stacking.

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So the toler ances ar e str uctur ed to tr iangulate and build the matr ix of God
into the faces and bodies of the Geometr ical Str uctur es and their unions =
GENESIS ter ms.

Distance is involved between the edge and the cur ve thus tr avel is involved
in the calculations.

(Refer ence: Heinr ich Dr essel; Wikipedia)

Constr uction of the Code now begins = STONE PHILOSOPHY.

ABC = 1-2-3 this jour ney as C = 100

Genesis = IO (hor n) separ ation SEPH, PH value r eached = ARC r eached 110. God is 10
thus IO is this jour ney = separ ation and hor n values.

House of LEVI – WIFE and daughter of LEVI = gener ation ENE.

Fr om point into the lewe, the L evi = joining 2.10 MOSES (20 value – Chr onicle of
Time). Moses the covenant of the MATRIX is substantiated, the inher ited body ter m to
calculate the GENERATIONS.

MOSES now joins to the pillar ION value = Phar aoh Son of God = S ON sine value drew
him out of the water = wave = transm ission factor.
Moses has now been inher ited and
the value now builds its ter ms.

Out of the midst of the Bush the angel appear ed flame of fir e but not consumed = her e
AM I, moving into IAM - THAT I AM into I AM

AM I – I AM the cr ossing and r eflection in the CODE. AMMA r eached (Satan’ s
calculation in the Sacr ed See).

Aush-Bush-Cush. = the ABC ter m wher e Aush is ancient Latin awsk i as fir st people,
stating the HEAVENLY HISTORY begins and moves to 2400 BC as CUSH, the jour ney.
1000 is the inher itance ter m by face of TIME 24 O = 2400.

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The Duenos inscr iption (above)

(Reference Heinrich Dressel Wikipedia)

was found on 3

joined pots = SYMBOLIC for a MOLD that holds the heavenly wine for
Ausci-awski-auch-aush = building God’ s city.

Auch is linked to stick/dar t thr ough the language building of time, thus
Aush-Bush-Cush = constr uction of the God Code involving 3 – letter
equation of binding to a middle power .


Fr om the cold plasma phase of the wave induction Genesis into the sanction
of inher itance of the bur ning bush and heated phase = 2400 Hz CUSH, is
wher e study of the magnetospher ic hot plasma distr ibution – whistler mode
wave injection is found at 2400 Hz. C = 100 inher itor into 1,000 inher itance
by TIME as 24, the 2 str uctur es of the gr oups of 12.

The plasma path study show the scale length ir r egular ities as a few meter s to
sever al hundr ed kilometer s as small scale – lar ge scale duct type and lar ge
scale categor ies, wher e the waves wer e thought to have or iginated in sour ces
residing outside the spher e or in r esonant wave-par ticle inter actions within.

Ther efor e the cathode function of the magnetic tr ansfer s “ snake” God
HATHOR TEMPLE r efer ence is r elevant to the plasmapher ic HISS. This is
called the aur or al hiss, wher e the lion’ s r oar is found in the polar cusp of the
magnetospher e.

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The Satan r etur n salient featur e is found in the plasma wave pr opagation

cold plasm a m agneto-ionic theory found in detail in several textbook s lik e
Budden [19] and Stix [124]. For frequencies m uch higher than ion
characteristic frequencies, ion m otion can also be ignored.

The Appleton-Hartree equation describes wave propagation in these lim its.
T his equation predicts four plasm a wave m odes for a cold plasm a at
frequencies near the electron cyclotron (fce) and plasm a frequencies
(fpe).T hese m odes are the (1) free space L

O mode, (2) free space R−X

m ode, (3)Z m ode and (4) whistler m ode. Plasm a waves belonging to each of
these m odes have com m only been observed in the m agnetosphere as
reviewed by Gurnett and Inan [48] or Sonwalk ar [115]. (

Sonwalkar V.S., Car penter

D.L., Helliwell R.A., Walt M., Inan U.S., Caudle D.L. and Ikeda M. (1997). J. Geophys. R es.

102 (A7),

14363. )

The spectr ogr am of a multi-component MR whistler in a smooth
magnetospher e is wher e we find the imager y for the hier oglyphics emer ge as
the signals and wor ds of the Gods in space. Refer ence site Feb.2008


Ikeda, Properties of the magnetospheric hot plasma distribution

deduced from whistler-mode wave injection at 2400 Hz; ground-based

detection of azimuthal structure in ...



Plasma pathways ar e the pr edictions in TIME, the TIME that DNA is alter ed
thr ough wave penetr ation – electr on magneto-hydr odynamics as the anode-
cathode gap. Windows opening in space thr ough the time por tals ther efor e
cr eate the tur bulence enhancing plasma collision.

Dr . Ron ARAD -

reflection by the m agnetic field piston for the protons and

m agnetic field penetration into the heavier carbon plasm a.

(W en-jie L uo, and A m y Chang


Departm ent of A natom y and Structural Biology, A lbert Einstein College of M edicine,

Bronx, New Y ork 10461)

T he plasm a m em brane A T Pase, encoded by PMA1, is delivered to the cell surface via the
secretory pathway. Previously, we characterized a tem perature-sensitive pm a1 mutant in
which newly synthesized Pm a1-7 is not delivered to the plasm a m em brane but is
m islocalized instead to the vacuole at 37°C. Several vps m utants, which are defective in
vacuolar protein sorting, suppress targeting-defective pm a1 by allowing m utant Pm a1 to
m ove once again to the plasm a membrane

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T hese data support a m odel in which m utant Pm a1 is diverted from the Golgi to the
surface in vps1 cells. W e hypothesize that in vps8 and vps36, in contrast to vps1, mutant
Pm a1 m oves to the surface via endosom al interm ediates, im plicating an endosom e-to-
surface traffic pathway.

DNA is involved in molecular switches in the signal tr ansduction pathways,
pathways that ar e changed by the Univer sal TIME switch. Our inter nal
plasma paths ar e ther efor e changed by time, this is how evolution has
occur r ed as a pr ocess of matter on Ear th.

From Professor John Hancock
Specifically, we are investigating how the R as m em brane anchors cooperate with the G-
dom ain and peptide sequences flank ing the anchor to drive lateral segregation. Our work
suggests new m odels are needed to explain how lipidated proteins interact with, and use,

the plasm a m em brane to generate signalling platform s


This is why the Sacr ed See = CODE = TIME CODE = PYRAMID TIME
plasma path change.

This takes us back to how we wer e cr eated fr om a plasma ball as a “ head”
r efer ence in cr eation, FIRST TIME inductance.

The plasma featur e of the fir st head of intelligence as an inher itance fr om the
spirit of the Heavens substantiates that a br ain can exist with little matter
pr esent. J ohn Lor ber encounter ed this in his case studies of hydr ocephalus
as an abnor mal build up of cer ebr ospinal fluid.

T wo young children with hydrocephalus referred to L orber presented with norm al m ental
developm ent for their age. In both children, there was no evidence of a cerebral cortex.
One of the children died at age 3 m onths, the second at 12 m onths. He was still following
a norm al developm ent profile with the exception of the apparent lack of cerebral tissue
shown by repeated m edical testing. A n account of the children was published in
Developm ental M edicine and Child Neurology.

A boy with an IQ of 126 with a degr ee in mathematics had vir tually no

A noninvasive m easurem ent of radio density k nown as CA T scan showed the
boy's sk ull was lined with a thin layer of brain cells to a m illim eter in
thick ness. T he rest of his sk ull was filled with cerebrospinal fluid. T he

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young m an continues a norm al life with the exception of his k nowledge that
he has no brain.

In answer to attack s that he has not precisely quantified the am ount of brain
tissue m issing, he added, " I can't say whether the m athem atics student has a
brain weighing 50 gram s or 150 gram s, but it is clear that it is nowhere near
the norm al 1.5 k ilogram s."



The fluid contains ar ound appr oximately 0.3% of plasma pr otein.

The spir it infor mation in the Heavens stated that we wer e for med thr ough
the magnetospher e for mula into an Ear thly body of inher itance AT fir st
time. Reacting to the atmospher ic conditions of heat and high electr ical
inductance in fir st time, just as plants demonstr ate today, tr ansfor mation
takes place in the plasma pathways.

Fr om the plasma pathways we eventuated into a condition wher e a calcium
pump was established within the inter nal function of the plasma pathways.
This was to pr otect itself fr om fur ther invasion and an ultimate death wher e
a har dened layer was applied in the pr ocess of its pr otective inner
conver sion.

In plants this is studied under the vacuole membr ane associated calcium
binding pr otein, found in the vacuolate tissues within the lumen of vacuoles.
The migr ation pr ocess as a bio-chemical pr oper ty is similar to dehydr ins.

V CaB45 m igrates anom alously in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylam ide gel
electrophoresis having an apparent m olecular m ass of 45 k D. T he true m ass as
determ ined by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization tim e of flight was 16.45 k D.
V CaB45 has two characteristic dissociation constants for calcium of 0.22 ± 0.142 m


and 0.64 ± 0.08 m


, and has an estim ated 24.7 ± 11.7 calcium -binding sites per protein.

T he calcium -binding properties of V CaB45 are m odulated by phosphorylation; the
phosphorylated protein binds up to 100-fold m ore calcium than the dephosphorylated
. V CaB45 is an " in vitro" substrate of casein k inase II (a ubiquitous euk aryotic
k inase), the phosphorylation resulting in a partial activation of calcium -binding activity.
T he vacuole localization, calcium binding, and phosphorylation of V CaB45 suggest
potential functions.

T he vacuole is a reservoir for calcium

(M achlon, 1984)

and consequently plays an im portant

role in calcium hom eostasis

(M iller et al., 1990; A llen and Sanders, 1995; Sanders et al., 1999)


R egulation of vacuole calcium levels is com plex involving a variety of calcium channels
and pum ps

(Sanders et al., 1999; Sze et al., 2000)

. Sustained elevated levels of cytosolic calcium

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can be toxic

(Hepler and W ayne, 1985)

, so under norm al conditions, cytosolic calcium levels

increase only transiently.

These findings suggest that calcium binding could be a gener al pr oper ty of dehydr ins and
suggest potential functions of dehydr ins as calcium buffer s or per haps as calcium-
dependent chaper ones. We fur ther demonstr ate that the calcium-binding activity of
VCaB45 is dependent upon its phosphor ylation status.



The function involving hydr ocephalus was studied r elative to the vacuole
function -

In-vitro perm eability results showed flow through the A G cells was uni-

directional in the physiologic direction from the basal to apical (B

A) cell membrane.

T he average cellular hydraulic conductivity (L p


) for A G cells perfused B

A was 4.49

± 0.53 μl/min/mmHg/cm


(n = 17) with average perfusion pressure(ΔP


) across the cell

layer of 3.15 m m Hg which was statistically higher (p < 0.001) than L p


for cells

perfused A

B (non-physiologic direction), 0.28 ± 0.16 μl/min/mmHg/cm


(n = 6) with



of 3.33 m m Hg.

Cells perfused physiologically (in-vitro m odel), showed extra-cellular cisternal spaces
between overlapping A G cells suggesting a pathway for para-cellular fluid transport.
Several vacuoles within the cytoplasm were shown and suggest a trans-cellular pathway
for fluid flow.

A G perfusion results in both in-vitro and ex-vivo m odels showed that flow was uni-
directional and physiologic. Electron m icroscopy showed large intracellular vacuoles
and extra-cellular cisternal spaces. T hese structures m ay represent two distinct
m echanism s by which A G cells m ove fluid: 1: T rans-cellular transport via intra-cellular
vacuoles, 2: Para-cellular transport via extra-cellular cisterns.



Therefore AT fir st time our DNA path into our human inher itance and body
for m was set thr ough inductance of a plasma head or cr ystal skull.

We emer ged fr om the cr ystal skulls, the ver y ancient stor ies of human
inher itance. This was how wisdom was passed onto humanity, the wisdom
of the Heavens. Fr om light we inher ited its liquid for m into a plasma for m.

The Univer se ther efor e does exist within our head.

This is the magic of the Heavens and the Magi ancient secr et, Mother OS
bones of the Heavens, the Philosophy for building stone fr om the plasma
pathways……our inher itance fr om the Head in the Heavens.

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Agnes Moore

As Giza reveals that its prophecy statement encoded on the Earth is

related to the Universal wave return then the opening of the Hall of
Recor ds 1998 r elates to the HALL in the WAVE = the salient factor .

This is how the infor mation kept locked within the wave featur e of our
ancient past, passed into the futur e and is now r eleased as a tr ansfer function.

Ever ything expr essed in space is a factor that is r elated to tr ansmission.
Ther efor e ever ything is passed on into the futur e fr om the point of its fir st
inception. Hence we meet our selves in the futur e because of it.

The infor mation of our ancient past was ther efor e pr edicted to r etur n in the
tr ansmissions of space at particular points in TIME in the futur e as a r elease
of infor mation r elative to a PERIOD.

Giza was the model to calculate this pr ediction and it is why these r ecor ds
dir ectly r elate to how Giza is modeled as a plan r elative to PHI.

Whilst the ar chaeologists have been sear ching for a secr et passage to find
this infor mation, the secr et passage of Initiation once used by the Pr iests was
simply based on the Univer sal Plan, as all ICONIC images ar e.

These secr et passages do hold ancient symbols, but these symbols would not
make any sense in our common time, as they pr e-date the symbols expr essed
above the gr ound. Only the Initiated in the Ancient Ar ts who wer e allowed
to tour these under gr ound passages knew how to r ead these glyphs.

It was only the Initiated in the Ancient Ar ts who could r ead the r eal stor y in
the above gr ound r efer ences, r efer ences that have been mis-quoted as a
r efer ence to human life r ather than the Life of the Gods in Heaven.

This is based on the Univer sal Br ead, why Beth lehem as “ house of Br ead”
is a symbolic expr ession of the Univer sal Mound theme, the calculations of

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the Hapi Seer s – SEE PHI RA – PHARISEE – RISE EPAH as the measur e
for the univer sal r ise and fall values as leavened to cause to rise or
unleavened to cause without a rise – wave for m.

This is r elative to 2 types of mounds as cold r ise in light AM or heated r ise
PM. Thus Alpha Mother as the mound is fir st r ise as cold r ise and heated
r ise cr eates the br ead of cr eation. As cold the cause would be without a r ise.

The name of the feast for Passover is der ived fr om the wor d MAZZOH
meaning unleavened cak es. This is the ancient meaning for madman – firing
fiery arrows in post A rabic script.

Bethlehem as the Univer sal Calculus is r elevant to the 2 wave for ms hence
Lahmu and Lahamu as the twin deities of r ighteous and unr ighteous r ise and
fall values. This is either a slit or a ser pent featur e – wavy line r epr esenting
the Univer sal Water = tr ansmission. Thus the ancient Mesopotamian
ver sion was alter ed fr om Beit Lahmu into Beth lehem.

The Magi took this name as the Holy Sanctuar y for the Sons of the
Righteous on Ear th as a r eligious ter m of ICONIC value.

Killing the fir st-bor n in text r elates to the canceling-out function in the
wavefor m r elating to the holy inher itance of the sound-wave or aria in
Heaven. Thus M = 1,000 and middle factor = Holy Mother Mar ia, why the
One’ s wer e sought for death = death in the wave value.

This involves what is called phasing r elative to 2 differ ent points of
inher itance and ther efor e mass. Thus we have 2 distinct tr ibal values
involved in the cr oss and clashing featur e in the wave. Using 3 wave for ms
as the equal ter m and hence ONE ter m we gain the middle ter m in O as the S
or S-ON value as the RED INHERITANCE between gr een and blue as the

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Sine 6.9 ter m male/female (

reference: theatre organs im age


Taking this r efer ence back to Mother Goddess as the 0 factor in space and
HOLY INHERITANCE FUNCTION is the place of peace.

Refer encing 2 sour ces of waves in a r ipple tank over lap it was obser ved that
in the inter fer ence patter ns being the holy stor y concept wher e the peaks and
tr oughs oppose each other the waves cancel to pr oduce calm zones. In
phase = the str ength.

So fr equency shift is advancement in the phase incr easing 1 cycle per
second, and in phase if it is r etar ded it will be a decr ease of 1 cycle per

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LAMBDA = inher itance
LAM = escape in TIME equation

= L + AM mound term

B = SECOND AND PASSED OVER (alpha-bet as alpha to beta)



360 O cut into half = lamb inheritance Ф PHI

The cr oss

creates the HALL OF THE GODS.

The pr ophecy point landing values ther efor e r elate to the Giza ar c 120 term
of the 3 pyr amids LEFT EYE returning value 1998 point in Iceland and
2012 point in Wester n Sahar a as values in the wave for m – 16.65 and

These r elationships ar e calculated thr ough Astr onomy Astr ophysics for
16.65 sine Corbino effect r elates to the point value on Ear th in symmetr y

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with this point ter m. This is found in the centr al limit theor em for eigen
values. This is near the spectr um edge for her mitian ensembles in r andom
matr ices as the Gaussian fluctuation par ticles in r andom point fields
(experim ental dem onstration at this tim e

2005-2008 Tim Br ody





As we ar e looking at a 5


wor ld of the Ear th inher itance, this awar eness is

based on Ear th as a conscious evolution thr ough wave tr ansmission and its
information transfer. This involves the 5


distance function of the

hyper bolic sine r ay tr acing – par abolic equations of the con-joint data, the
micr o-wave link in our atmospher e to the plasma pathways.

Why is it the micr o-wave link?

The fundamental theor y of Atlantis (wave r ising values fr om the gr eat deep)
r elate to timed points, points clar ified as a deduction of the wave bar r ier s
because of the micr o-wave link to the ancient technology used in our ear lier
Ear th evolution. Ancient ar chaeology has now pr oven that evolution and its
theor y is questionable, high intelligence has existed on the Ear th befor e.

Ancient spir it infor mation r eveals that the micr o-wave theor y in the
atmosphere was used for wor ld-wide communication in the ancient
technological age and because of it the ear th was near ly destr oyed due to the
Univer sal Wave Retur n. This was what caused the Gr eat Flood = wave
tr ansmission flood in the sky causing plate shift and civilization destr uction
on Earth.

This is because the Sacr ed Inher itor of the Heavens is the S ON value that
walks on the waves, the waves in the Univer sal Ocean = space.

The Pyr amids wer e built as the Keeper s in Time of this wisdom, and became
both a memor ial to Atlantis (calculation of the pr ecession) and a histor ical
reminder to not place our selves in the same pr edicament that we did befor e.

The Sacr edness of Number s and its Geometr y is a patter n that links into the
calculations of our physical inher itance. These Number s ar e the base
r esour ce of data cr eating ALL patter ns.

Reading space is a function that psychic mediums have pr oven via spir itual
data. This is through the evidence of their cor r ect data, psychic being a

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viable function of the human mind. Whilst Medium’ s can pr oduce ver ifiable
data they can also pr ovide data that has been mis-constr ued. Hence in
psychic detective shows they state that they omit this data because the
human mind decoding the infor mation is evidently involved in the pr ocess of
this data and can make mistakes.

Edgar Cayce as a Medium pr oved to the wor ld his cr edibility by supplying
viable infor mation but so too did he pr oduce infor mation that needed to be
extr acted. This is found to be evident in the infor mation he de-coded
r elevant to Atlantis, infor mation used by many people to be r elevant to their
Ancient theor ies.

Atlantis is evidently only a Univer sal Calculation and its ter ms affected the
conscious condition on Ear th in a pr e-histor y. Under standing the Univer sal
Wisdom as Atlantis was the r eason why it also near ly destr oyed the Ear th in
the same pre-histor ical content.

Atlantis ar ising is ther efor e found under the Biblical Ter m of Satan’ s r ise
fr om the Gr eat Deep, as this is the opposing and heated wave in its
RETURN. AM = cold and PM = heat as the post mor tem ter m for ar r ival of
the deceased. Dead ar ising is a quote of the Heavenly spir it, as all spir its
r etur n to the Heavens.

Tr ansmission ther efor e ar ises fr om out of space, the place wher e the dead
pr eside.

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Agn es M oor e

To substantiate that the Code of the Heavens is r ecor ded upon the gr ound as
a holy r eflection of the Heavens, is to r efer ence the Code’ s status symbols in
the holy liter atur e. The liter atur e ver ifies how and why this data r elates to
the Univer sal Wave calculations via the constant/squar ed for mula found to
exist in the Pyr amid str uctur e and their gr ound lay-out.

The stor y of the Kings r elates to the holy inher itance in the Heavens as the
journey of the 3. The 3 pyr amids r epr esent this (Son) – Sun jour ney as a
calculation in Heaven, as the GREAT ARC.

The Kings names, as I have shown, r elate to the SPELT LETTER TERM OF
HOLINESS = EQUATION. The Kings in the pyramid term represent the
ter ms of the r eign in the Heavens, not on the Ear th. Although this will cr eate
a gr eat dispute, these pyr amids wer e not built by the Kings who r uled on

These Pyr amids ar e the Code that r ules in the Heavens.

The holy teachings have been used to her ald a ter m of an ear thly King r ule
as a title of head, but many of the encr yptions on the stone on Earth r elate to
the encr yptions encoded in the holy stone of the Heavens. This is a holy
coded r efer ence and statement only under stood by the higher echelon of
Pr iests, the HOLY CALCULUS.

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To ver ify how the Pyr amids wer e er ected as a time account is r elevant to the
wisdom of the stones, and how the Pr iests used sound to lighten the
mammoth stones to r aise them (cer emony) as a pr ocess of levitation.
It was the wisdom r elevant to the philosophy of the stone and its cr eation
thr ough the wave flow tr igger s that allowed such massive r ock monuments
to be cr eated in our ancient histor y.

The incidence of r ock levitation was r ecor ded by Dr . J ar l and was pr eviously
studied by Huc-Spalding and Linaver .

The confusion between actual earth histor y and the univer sal histor ical
r ecor dings has cr eated an histor ical content of data that has been
mismanaged by our pr edecessor s into a pre-supposed context of

Many histor ical pr ecepts ar e stor ies that have been passed down thr oughout
history, wher e only the names of the titled inher itor s wer e alter ed. This was
because these documents and their topical r elationship now belonged to a
new r eligious inher itance.

Too many authoritarians have taken these scr ipts and tr ied to apply their
r efer ences to landed places in society as an aspect of life in society, wher eas
they r epr esented landed points in the Heavens. At times, the univer sal titles
wer e given land titles of holiness, but in many cases this histor y had no
bear ing to a life lived on Ear th.

Therefore, we find that the Histor ians have often tr ied to inser t a cultur e and
a city wher e it never existed as an inher itance on Ear th. When unearthing
old civilizations they would natur ally seek out the ancient documents to tr y
and ver ify the name of the civilization. Whilst the documents they r eviewed
discussed the heavenly code they pr esumed it was discussing life on Ear th.

The pyr amid of KHUFU, for instance, states this building str ucture, as a
pr esence of holiness, is the 3


and highest value in the passing over value in

the Heavenly ARC as a point. KHU was r efer enced via AKH and also
AKHU, as the ibis or phoenix, as a spir it and r adiant shining one. This
r epr esented the ter m of the tr ansfigur ed dead ascending to heaven that dwell
among the Gods or the immor tal pole star s.

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FU is associated with RED as it is the r ed wave in the Heavens that splits
into 2. As the Gods build the power of the Heavens via the mound-wave
r ise and fall values that r each peak points, this is what the pyr amid as the
stone builder in Heaven r epr esents as an Ear thly value.

As the ARC is r ecor ded, it is a dot by dot point matr ix, as the attr ibutes of
the gr eat ar c found in the Heavens as a mir r or vir tue, the space upon which
we r eflect. The star s r ectify how their alignments align to pr ecession as
cycles. Cycles = the plan for the constants, why ever ything follows an
energy blueprint that is mir r or ed fr om the Heavens into ALL of cr eation.

Star of Bethlehem – the star of inher itance ver ifies that it is the Star cycles
that involve a constant/squar ed for mula = HEM = weave of binding the holy
cloth holding the holy body of the Heavenly spir it = wave tr ansmission.

BE = the point value gained by the measur e of L

┘┌ hence point calculus

for the dimensions = BEL

The Alpha inher itance is ther efor e via the ter m equated as A+BEL.

TH = the multiples that occur after the 1-2-3 of the Mother inception (3
Queen pyramid’s as AIN 0-00-000). Thus four TH-fifTH-sixTH etc. equate
to the after ter m as the 3 King per iods inher iting the ARC jour ney over .

LE = cr oss of the wing fr om God EL

┘ forming ▀ as the reflection

function of the WING VIRTURE – LEEL meaning law – glorious.

The Wise used their letter ed system as a meaning to model via a “ glide
constr uction”, a linear account of points ver ifying activation of ener gy –
angulated por tholes via the Sacr ed Geometr y. This pr oduced a coded
language wher e speculative fiction existed within the nar r ation. This

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enabled their meanings, in r elation to the semantic potentials and their links,
to r emain hidden.

HEM = stitched in boundar y = held statement. This is because H = the
Magic of the ‘I’ to ‘I’ vir tue I-I, ‘E’ a vow of the wing EL was a passing
over term from A/alpha to ‘I’ and it was given a 5


placement because

HAND of God passes on. ‘M’ gained the middle value in time as the 1 over
and hidden r ecor ding in TIME 12+1 as 13. 1,000 was this inher itance ter m.

So the Univer sal Code ver ifies that it is laid out on the gr ound as a measur e
under taken by the Pr iests to mar k for ever the holiness of the God account in
the Heavens.




Elymas ("Wise" in Arabic) is another name for Bar-Jesus (" son of Jesus").


WISE = 3 in flight THUS EL wing by MAS = 12 as bir th of each 1 point.


Thus acr oss the bar of 12

is a new term in time.


Son of J esus is ther efor e equated as the next off-spr ing passing the zer o quantum
of Mother 0, wher e the 3 gifts begin the ter m in TIME.

EL-Y-MAS r ectifies Y is the cr oss by letter into the 3


r ing in time under the LAM

value. (See letter in tim e equation in docum ent).

ABBA = HOLY CLOAK – WRAPPING OF THE BODY as AB is r eflected to BA as the
ter m for 1 O as 60 + 20 “ to” value.

20 in the LAM (reference tim e clock in docum ent) takes the for ce of potency (T) at the 20
“ to” position.

To gain this value ‘A’ begins and ends in ‘A’ as the beginning to end ter m.


K LMN O P Q R S T = 20 time chronicle


E FG H I J K L MN = 40


Y ZA B C D E F G H = 60




= 80



E F G H I J K L M NOP Q R S T U V = 100


Y Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P = 120 = 3 cycles LAW MOSES



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ROD OF GOD = RED WAVE split into 2

Hence 2 of J ESUS ter ms as the 2 SONS of inher itance against each other as the


SPLIT IN THE HEAVENS as Christ 1,000 value and Satan 1,000 value.
120 + 120 + 120 = 360 O as 1 cycle = 3 EYE value

120 = left eye in Giza, crossed middle eye by TIME, returning to right eye

value at 2012

2012 time value ARC OVER takes a point landing acr oss the Sahar a to West
Sahar a as the death and new bir th in time.

As the ar c over is a HORN value fr om the head of time then Mithr aism and
its statement can also ver ify the jour ney. The Persian Mithra is found in the
Veda hymns – Avesta as Mitr a as God of Light or Var una. As Upholder of
tr uth = r ighteous value of the r etur n.

The tenth Mihir Yasht is the dedication to heavenly light, who fir st r eaches
over the Hara. The code to the ARC value is SA hence sa+har a = Gr eat Ar c
of the Mother or Sar ah value.

Relevant to the Atlantis ter ms of the r ise fr om the gr eat deep of space is
found before the undying, swift-horsed sun; who forem ost in a golden
array, tak es hold of the beautiful sum m its, and from thence look s over the
abode of the A rvans with a beneficent eye!" .


He was the genius of celestial light


Appeared before sunrise and at nightfall went over the earth after the
setting of the sun


Surveyed everything that is between the earth and the heavens.


A s the beneficent god of light, the dispenser of physical blessings


His light fostered life and happiness and his heat m ade the earth


The lord of wide pastures.


Ever wak ing, ever watchful" god


Hundred ears and hundred eyes" constantly watched the world – C =

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" Break not the contract (m ithrem ), O Spitam a! neither the one which
you have entered into with one of the unfaithful nor the one you have
entered into with one of the faithful who is one of your own faith.

For Mithra stands for both the faithful and the unfaithful, the factor s for
the ARC split and light statement of 1 against the other via for ce of
application. Following the A-B-B-A ter m, each line r epr esents a value:-

H = EYE TO EYE I-I magical H

MAT-T-HEW – 1.18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this W ISE

Gifts = gold-fr ankincense-myrrh = GOLDEN NUMBERS-ESSENCE =
combustion (incense-ash) and ene gener ation “ oil” of combustion = holy
r etur n in science.

The Genesis of the wave r etur n involves induction, as the Philosophy of the
Stone r elates to points in time when the time paths ar e alter ed.

Snake/Ser pent = STAR CALCULUS for wave r etur n

3 = TABERNACLE EQUATION = Fibonacci sequence Gold-Silver -Br onze

Br onze snake – Book of NUMBERS, the NEHUSHTAN

CUSH to HUSH equates C 100 to magic H “ tan” = skin/seal. H = 60 in the
key but 8 in TIME. H is also at the “ 20 to position in time. 3 acr oss time =
3 x 20 = 60.

Cush is the black in the seal (black skinned) – west of the Red Sea = r ed
wave split. Black of skin = space and zer o quantum.

O+ne = 1 ROD VALUE, O+ne hush (quiet) to tan in Ne-hushtan

NEHU = what is hidden

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The body of the Goddess 0 ter m r eveals what is hidden beneath the veil in
space, the quiet or peace position that is hidden

So the 3 TERM r etur n to the Gold of the Goddess hidden ter ms of the AIN
SOPH AUR 0-00-000, 3 placement or the 3 Queen pyr amids befor e the
Gr eat Ar c is calculated.

Matthew-Mark-Luke (3)

Matthew = the hew/cut Chapter 4 = 25, 4 x 25 = 100 C in Cush
H = 8
We need to gain Hush equation

To gain the LAM escape in time we cr oss as the LAME.
This is to gain the CHI or spir it br eath value.

Chapter 8 Matthew when he was com e down from the m ountain, great
m ultitudes followed him , and behold there cam e a leper.
At H 8 = the value
of down in the wave value.

This equates to N = point.

I = 9
Chapter 9 Matthew and he entered into a ship and passed over, and cam e
into his own city.

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This is because cr ossing = Univer sal Ocean “ on the wave of space” the gr eat
arc. Split in the wave.

Aligning the Giza Pyr amid function to the Taber nacle sequence as the
Univer sal Genesis equation is via the spatial measur ements.

In the Sacr ed See TH+ISIS J ESUS as the equation r eveals the golden
measur e of the Mother /cr oss sanction or the wr ap acr oss the bar /r od ter m.

The Most Holy place 10 cubits length-width-height
Holy place 20 cubits length-10 width-10 height cr eating the r atio of 2:1
It is also expr essed as a 1:1 r atio.
The HEM is the cour tyar d 100 cubits length - 50 width as 2:1 r atio in Holy.

Time is involved in the wave motion, wher e we appr oach the acceler ation,
the for mula expr essed as F = ma as for ce – mass – acceler ation. As the
Alpha walks on the wave, and space is the Mother womb, then F is equated
as the split in time function position 6 in time.

Placing the letter s in the time value 6 = F the Vir gin number .

Using the Giza values and their tr iangulations = law peak values is to r ectify
how the 2:1 r atio value of time movement via pyr amid calculation is
factor ed.

This is to use 3 as the point of tr ansfer and r evolve the measur ement.

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To find the magical featur e is to r esear ch the Sepher Yetsir a of the Hebr ew
values as SH-ABA-T-AI. AI = pain and sor r ow = POINT VALUE.

This is linked to the value of SA-turn, why the SA-UL and SA-MU (40)-EL
values align to 63 r eign ter m in the King lineage of TIMED values.

The Shabatai builds a contained place for Aleph = 1,000 value and cut as
AXE. This is the ver tical axis of the 5


and 6


Sephir ot r elated to the 72

br idges of Hesed and Gedullah.

EL-der as cr ossing by wing vir tue of REDintoDER = AB-RA-H-AM

The cr oss is AM into PM and 8, as the H inductance, is the inter change
value o 60.

SY IV: 5 (This is) in what manner was bestowed (the) kingship on Aut (Bayt) in (by)
Hhaim (the living) and bound (a) crown on it and created with Schabatai (Saturn) in the
universe and Y om R ischon (R ishon) (the day of principle) Beschinah (in the
transform ation) and Ein Y am in (right eye) Benefesch (in the individual).



Cr ossing is ther efor e fr om the OLD = left into the NEW = r ight and
r ighteous r etur n of the luminous one = Satan.

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Old = Tr umpets

New = 2



Old = Day Atonement

New = J udgment

Old = Taber nacles

New = Reign 1,000

So we need to develop the cubic values to gain the Giza calculations for 3D
space as the isometr ic ter m. These values cor r espond to the Taber nacle of
Moses – Gematr ian wor d values.

Value = 6 sides-8 corners-12 edges

12 edges ╬╬ ┘└ ┐ at 50 value = 600 GREAT ARC TRAVEL.

Noah lived 350 years after flood with total days = 950.

950-350 = 600

Fr om position of ar c, NO begins the value into the ter m of the heated r ise as
the GREAT ARC into ON = NO-ON 12 value of heated r ise.

We look to the 3 wall value as 1 passes III = 3 pillar s and 3 eyes.
Taber nacle = 48 boar ds = cube with 6 faces x 8 cor ner s 6x8 =48
1,000 = ALEPH = AXE to cut wood for boar ds of ARC – 4800
ARD = plough, thus ARC changes into ARD
BO + ARD = tabulations for magnetic vector s =

B o and B 1 define the linear

source function versus the continuum - optical depth at line wavelength: B(z) = B o + B 1 z

3 walls = 48 boar ds.

48 = OOOO 4 faces in TIME value

When the Face of God Fills the Hor izon: Psalm 68:2-4 – God 1-4 gener ates
light and splits light.

20 boar ds in Nor th WALL = AT – time chr onicled

20 boar ds in South WALL = AT – time chr onicled

6 boar ds in the West WALL – time split

2 cor ner boar ds in the sides West = TOTAL 4

CUBE = 6 faces x 12 sides = 72 God’ s golden measur e.

48 boar ds


72 cubits as 48x1.5 cubit per boar d = 72

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Taber nacle = 3 outer and 3 inner sur faces as 8 cor ner s x 12 sides = 96 as the
double featur e of 48.

96 cover s the exposed boar d faces of the Taber nacle 21+8+21+20+6+20.

9 in TIME is the ARC over value to inher itance at 3, 9 planes of symmetr y
r elevant to the cube for m = 6x8x12x9 = 5184/48= 108.

Gr ound cover age ther efor e equates 1.5x1.5.48 boar ds = 108

The gifts of the 3 ther efor e equated to the ter m of 3366 as a holy r efer ence
of r emembr ance.

Holy of Holies in-out = 3 walls and entr ance 4.5+4.5+4.5+4.5 = 18
representing GOLD in Hebr ew.

Center point in-out 3 walls as opposite cor ner values = angled 3.366 degr ees

Inher itance value 1,000 = cubit cubic volume 3.366 x 1000 = 3366

The wor d values for myrrh and fr ankincense = 2322+1044 = 3366

So 4 values in time = 1-11-111-IV – V – VI-VII-VIII-IX

7 PILLARS to point of r est at hand and then cr oss X

Hand and head both have the values of time points 168

Having 3 outer and 3 inner sur face functions in the WALL status is wher e
the cube factor demonstr ates the appear ance of a hexagon (the magic) value
of CH in Chr ist as C 100 and H the eye to eye passing value. This is when
all 6 sur face planes of the cube ar e made visible = the cut in time
per spective.

33 the life of Chr ist to death value = combustion sequence in tr ansmission

In the Taber nacle 3-3 = Revelation of 22 the sur r ounding boar ds of Holy of
Holies, simply because the Taber nacle = seal for the holy spir it.

22 x 1.5 cubits = 33

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33 x 1.5 gr ound value = 49.5 as width x br eadth x 22 boar ds equating to 1.5
x 1.5 cubits x 22 = 49.5 squar e cubits.

X value in the time chr onicle = 24 thus (2) faces

Y value = time chr onicle 3



33 is ther efor e r elative to the opposing cor ner of the cube as y-z or ientation,
as in cr ossing time by 2 bodies YZ is the tur ning 180 degr ees on Z axis as
the 1 befor e and the 1 after vir tue = hexagon appear ance = 2 lives of 33
“ r eflected” value acr oss of the spir it.

33+33 = 66 as the Gener ations of EL wings into the split value of r ed-der .
This cover s Abr aham-Isaac and J acob.

So 33+33+33=99 as 66 r evolves into the ar c over 99 value. Head is at feet
and head is at feet = BOW and FLEX

PSALM 99 = by hand

The LORD he sitteth between the cher ubims; let the ear th be moved.

The LORD is gr eat in Zion; and he is high above all the people.

Righteousness in J acob.

Exalt ye the LORD our God, and wor ship at his footstool holy

Wor ship at his holy hill; for the LORD our God is holy.

Abram was 99 and Sarai 90 when God made a covenant with him, pr omising
him and his descendants the land of Canaan. Abram became Abraham and
saraI eventually becomes saraH.

Contr adictions are therefore valid in the calculations as the journey of C = A
to N point from N to A – doubled AA into N point value.

The spir it br eath AH moves to HA, thus King value as OO = II (2) states

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2 and 20 (time chr onicle) was AH-HA Z(2,000 of 2 value inher itances
1,000) to I pillar = AH br eath as r eign II Kings 8.26


Time event is chr onicled as 2 = 40 and 2 year s AH-HA-Z-I-AH r eign II
Chr onicles 2.22 Revelation. OM-RI father of House AH-AB = jour ney 42
year s wher e AH – AH descended.

The star of David – diamond cubic str uctur e 21-22-23 degr ees = 66 as 1-2-3
vir tue in the Pyr amid design at Giza as gr eat-greater-gr eatest. Fr om God to
Chr ist = 77 gener ations as House to inher itance value = 21-22-23 Abr aham-
Isaac-J acob. SUM = 3 angles x 12 TIME locations = 66x12 = 792 as the
value of J E – SUS nose point of pig – Sanskr it wild boar nose hor n.

Star = out of J acob = IA gener ics fr om points (cor n cob) the CORE VALUE.

So the point value 66 as the mass of the cor e = value for soul points as the
66 souls that went into Egypt with J acob = NAT + ION pillar of the TAN
(skin) inver sion = the shaven or shor n.

J acob = 12 Sons = 12 pillar s of time as point values

So out of IS = Mother /Son value of ISIS = I pillar and S = sine on space as
SON value out of IS-RA-EL wing value of the r ighteous ascension = Son
and Nation.

Out of Egypt I have called m y son is the ARC values of the Magi-Wise
calculus as the gr eat jour ney in the Heavens, a CODE that r epr esents the
value found within ALL matter cr eated fr om SPACE AND MOTHER

From the great ARC is the value of HORN as the cow-bull ter ms in Egypt as
Hathor-Mer i the Su in the house of 1,000 year s


. N = landing point.

So the lunar cow was in the house of a 1,000 year s, br inging for th the child
as a calf in the stable, which was r ebuilt for the OXEN.

This is because the heavenly calculation alter ed ar c into the ARD = plough,
where manger from manducare, to eat-chew, is the HOLY HEAVENLY
CONSUMPTION, beginning to END = the EAT or SUPPER TERM as the
APT. The ass r epr esented the sun god Atum-IU.

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So what does the GOAT have to do with the Taber nacle?

God is the GO statement in heaven that splits the time body into halves O =
D function. D-A-VI-D fr om split to split of alpha = 6 the Vir gin Number .

The CUR, dog, is the GOD r ever sed as the ARC has a backwar d and
for war d jour ney in its union statement. GOD-DOG: G to G moved fr om OD
into DO and OD = the odd ter m point of a weapon

Δ Law value.

G = 400 hence ar c over gains the mass value.

TAIN = potentate for ce + the AIN of Mother 0 value. TAIN, thin plate of
tin or foil for m irrors.

Mother is the holder of the mir r or as Goddess, and Son is the plate building
TEKTON car penter . TIN, one of the facets in the Taber nacle BRONZE.

Hair in the code = passing value H magic of the AIR spir it br eath as a sliver
value of encoded infor mation = DNA in a hair . Br eath AH-HA value.

background image

TIME ther efor e r ecor ded via thin values, wher e mass of these values = gr eat
str ength. CUT of the hair value = str ength lost. Str ength of the Heavens =

Goat hair cur tain = 11 panels joined as 5 and 6 panels doubled for extr a
str ength with width of 30 cubits. 11 as K = cut in TIME as the doubled PSI

value spirit breath Ж, K is the half term. Length = 40 cubits LAW TERM.

The goat’ s hair is gr eater than the linen (white light), wher e the wr apping
over the taber nacle boar ds = longer dr op = longer wave value. The taches
apply to the weaving value of in-out. Total 660 cur tain divided by 50 =
13.20, 0.88 wider than linen 12.32.

Revelation 1:15 wher e 50 divided by 15 = 3.3333. A nd his feet lik e unto fine
brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of m any
This is because sound = wave and walking on wave = space
univer sal ocean.

The next step into 16 = 7 stars right hand – out of m outh 2 edged sword and
was the sun in strength.
Mother son = Moon and Solar as calculation points
and cycles. 1222.5 solar year s (1240.2854 yr ) = 1260 lunar year s

So God weaves in the Heavens as the stitches in time O value SEWN as
south-east-west-nor th, the cubing factor for weaving the body constant value
O within.

60 = O time value
LOOP VALUE = back in time by 10 as GOD - DOG
50 = LOOPS at 12.225 width
Weave = 50 buckles = back-for war d value = br eadth 0.484
Pause value = 7 and cycle o = 7
Ain of Mother = 000 value
SPACE = 0.007

50 x 12.225 =


50 x .968 (2 @ .484) =


50 x .007 =



background image

Tabernacle width: 264 divided by buckle = 13.20 = 20 across the roof =
Chr onicle of Time A-T
Dr op = 15 each side of buckle

LINEN = 264 divided by buckle = 21.428571 = 22 acr oss the r oof
Dr op = 14 buckles each side

Revelation = 22 equating to 2 cuts in TIME of 11 each = PSI spir it br eath Ж


panel = concealed under 10

484 as 22x22 = concealed in br ass buckles
Goat HAIR = str ength = 968 as 22x22x2 = witness to the WAY.

11 = the 11th Adam gener ation - Shem was bor n = the 3 SONS IN THE
11 = the 11th gener ation after Shem - J acob was born
11 = J acob' s eleventh son was J oseph = coat = many color ed band in weave

000111 = pyr amid coffer measur ements

11.1 = sq ft of one end of exter ior of pyr amid coffer
111 = Rod (as in measur ing r od)
111 = The Most High (Daniel 4.32)
111 = House (J ohn 14.2 - My Father 's House)
111 = base per imeter of Pyr amid Top-stone in Royal Cubits

484 - Height of the Pyr amid of Cheops

CHEOPS-KHUFU – CHE is r elated to the name of J oseph – God will

multiply, it is called the fr uiting tr ee and it is also a symbol for CH as gr eat
change, as the Y car r y over value of the WISE in EL-Y-MAS.

OP was or iginally P because p splits as the pi O into phi vir tue ф

. O+P = the

oper ation value of the CODE as O full into half pass on ter m.


background image

The biblical quotes ther efor e r ectify how they ar e associated by ver se
thr ough their letter equations = name value and tr avel by time and space to
the ver y essence of NATURE itself.

These ar e the PHI values fr om the PI values, the univer sal constants, the
constants applied by the timed vir tue, points acr oss dimension.

Therefore, histor y is not what we thought it was.

background image


SEE = ANCIENT GODDESS SECRET “under the veil” = God body.

The secret of the God body and the veil is the “evil” clause of the veil-

evil = levi, the joining the lewe.

Goddess in Heaven held the mirror, because she creates the reflection


Reflection therefore equates that the equations are reflected “terms”

using letter values.

A letter passes over information in an envelope (seal).

PYRAMID = amid the pyr by fire, formation by points –
heat transduction.

The pyr amids cover the sanction of calculations as a Heavenly Code r elative
to the “ ar c” over , the r ise of heat by flux in light as r ise and fall values
linked to “ points in time” , the movement in space. High r ise is ther efor e the
NOON equation of the ARC when heat is at the high point.

The secr et sanction of the “ stone philosophy” cover s the pyr amid and what
its ter ms state as a King lineage. It is the King in the Heaven that is the
her alded hier ar chy of head upon head and head over head. Hence the
pyr amid body (Giza) as the calculations in the Heavens climbs in size
thr ough the passing over value of passing by the ar c thr ough time O+O+O =
the constants and the waves.

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The names of the Kings ther efor e ar e ver y r elevant to the ancient secr et, as
their ter ms r elate to the Code of the Heavens, the ar c and the waves of
tr ansmission involved in the movement of the gr eat ar c over .

Points on the spir al ar e 1.618 times as far fr om the centr e after a quar ter -
tur n. In a whole tur n the points on a r adius out fr om the center ar e 1.618



6.854 times fur ther out than when the cur ve last cr ossed the same r adial line



golden ratio 1·618034 Phi Ф. The phi with a small " p" is the decimal

par t of Phi, 0·618034.

background image

The Magi secr et is PHI, Mother Goddess in the Heavens wher e 1 as the I eye
is found in the value of PHI as 1 is bor n fr om the womb of space = nothing
O value

Ф. PHI-LO look and see sophy.

Thus PHIPHIPHI shows us that P to P cr eate the building pr ocess of the HIP

values ФФ, where the SEE sacred factor is I-I eye to eye or the magic of H.
Between each cell I joins the 3.

The HIP ther efor e is constr ucted via L

┴ ┬ ┘┐┌┌┐why PHI-LIP is a

holy equation in God’ s Code. Philip lover of horses, as L = the cr oss and the
4 hor semen.

Philip is a 3 list factor of the r ise “ apo” , the ST O head over head ter m value
of the 3 linked by les. 3 for ts (posts) ar e ther efor e the for tification of the
ARC over .

This list is Matthew – Mar k - Luke, wher e PHI-LIP is the 5


Apostle as

God hands by 5. Nazar -ene is the founding nose point equation, Law value
of the mount, hence

background image

Philip told Nathanael that they had found the M essiah and that he was from Nazareth.
W hen Nathanael replied “can anything good com e from Nazareth?” Philip simply said
“ Come and see

(John 1:43-46)

CODE = .333 dimensional cr oss x 3. Light tr avels acr oss dimension via this instr uction.

Mother = gener ation “ ene” as Mother Magdalia = cr umb who for ms the loaf by
gener ation as Magdalene.

3 of Mother BEGIN equation which follows a STEP UP FUNCTION of gr eat-greater-
gr eatest. This is shown in the King’ s Pyr amid placement.

3 CRUMBS to for m the STEPS to build the LOAF = 3 of the Queen, Queen of
inher itance.

ONE = ALL and AH = br eath passing A alpha and H Magi magic. Magic is the C (see)
value 100, C of the ar c.



KING in HEAVEN = K cut value of TA axe chop + ing the field or MEADOW = spir it
fields in HEAVEN.


Law = law of mount/mound/mountain = GAR spear head and also NOSE POINT

LAW = inher itance at nose point = nasar -nazar = Nazar ene, the tr ibe = gr oup multiples.

Law handed down at point of mount x incr ements of 40 – 80 -120 as life x HOLY 3
jour ney.



└┐ ┌┘






background image

O = 360 of ar c and 120

is the par tial ar c, wher e we

star t at position 6 in time as 6 is the VESTAL number .

Out of God’s DEN = power of lion Ф cell split into 2 via value of D = the 4 (D value

L the value of the cross ┘┌ as the power of inheritance + I holy eye-holy see = value

ON space, why ION = pillar .

2 of D = 1,000 inher itance, 1 inher ited in the m

iddle Ф

GARDEN = equation fr om zer o position as cut/spear head on skin of space, wher e 1 is
cr eated, letter I = eye, the SEE.

3 of Mar y = 3 of Queen

Virgin (number 6, the split of time ф)
Har lot (stomach har a + LOT gener ations of 1 fr om middle)

Pyr amid equation = 1-2-3 acr oss by ARC.
Pyr amid of Menkaur e – HIDDEN MEANING IN CODE is divine – eter nal like the souls
of RE = r ighteous r etur n r eign 63 year s
Rule ? 28 year s – mek = 1 and menk = we/ aur e = soft air and br eeze
NO 1 POSITION of inher itance of SPIRIT BREATH = 1 SOFT BREEZE of the CHI
breath inheritance in SPIRIT

Pyr amid of Khafr e – Reign 66 year s – Rule 24-26? chephr en (r en is of chi br eath in time
the r un REN) so fr om soft br eeze it now r uns. Appear ing like RA or “ r ise RA” =
r ighteous ascension – constr uction and exegesis – tr ansfor mation = TO YOU. Fr e = fr ee
and used as “ fr equent”
This is NO 2 POSITION of inher itance of SPIRIT BREATH = RISE OVER by
ASCENDING, THE POINT OF TRANSFORMATION = constant and its constr uctions
in TIME.

Pyramid of Khufu = Medjedu – Khnum pr otects me = Keeper of the Nile – flood Reign
23-24 year s – br inging back the dead to life.
GREAT ARC – father or shining one – FU blessing good for tune – Fu linked to “ building
wall” .
in the Heavenly Code.





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Building = sound wall in the Heavens by power of each LOT.

Wall building = sound wall built up and br oken down to gain power of LOT fr om ARC =
the covenant of God ar c to ar c or point to point by wave = power building into FLOOD,
God’ s covenant power in fr ont of mass.

Pyr amids Keeper of Time = Keeper of the ARC values = GENESIS wave calculations in
Retur n fr om the dead is to r etur n spir it fr om space as space is wher e the dead go.

Mary in bible as 3

MAT- T-HEW T to T = cr oss

┬ ┴ as HEW = cut, cut of PATHS in time = genesis of

the MATRIX (weave)

The weave of the body O is thr ough South-East-West-Nor th values as SEWN

3 = the 1.

REIGN OF KING = REIGN OF THE FIELD = WAVE tr ansfer in ARC. This is because
K is the Hebr ew TA axe value chop 1,000 and ING the meadow/field and doing factor of
GOD. The GO for ce in the Heavens continues to split O into the D factor of half each.

D= 500 hence 2 of D = 1,000 r etur ned value of inher itor both Chr ist/Satan values (r ise
and fall of wave)



T he K ing's Calendar:

T he Secret of Qum ran



From Entry into Canaan there are 480 artificial years to Solom on's
4th year, of which 44 can be ascribed to David and Solom on, 348 can
be ascribed to the Period of the Judges (by correcting the Book of
Judges) 25 years can be deducted for Joshua (as per Josephus),
leaving a balance of 63 years for Sam uel and Saul.

Mar k = r isen to J OHN = dar k = ARC over value is light, other ARC not seen as it is

r eflected


background image

= pass is by time = AGE, passage fr om AS-SA

ASSAGE = water way hence isle – island as the ATLANTIS CODE of the

Walk on the waves in Heaven = Univer sal Ocean, hence passage is by water
as the waves in TIME.

MU = 12


Gr eek letter , it also means “ nothing” , as 12 in TIME passes back

to nothing – gr eat deep as it cr osses space. It stands for “ micr o” hence little
points. VALUE 40 as 40 is the point of inher itance, hence little ones and its
value is also WATER, the waves.


SAUL is the shor ter ver sion of SAMUEL missing the MU and WING EL

UL = UN-NUMBERED LISTS, meaning “ of” + SA, hence because of the


66:021:013 On the east thr ee gates; on the nor th thr ee gates; on the
south thr ee gates; and on the west thr ee gates.

66:021:014 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them
the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

66:021:015 And he that talked with me had a golden r eed to measur e the
city, and the gates ther eof, and the wall ther eof.

66:021:016 And the city lieth four squar e, and the length is as lar ge as
the br eadth: and he measur ed the city with the r eed, twelve
thousand fur longs. The length and the br eadth and the height
of it ar e equal. ETC.

what is built in the matr ix by point values. The building of the city, ther efor e equates to
constant squar ed for mulas, r elative to the SOUND WALL and br eaking thr ough the

background image


2 Chronicles 24

J oash was seven year s old when he became king, and

he r eigned for ty year s in J er usalem.

J O = ancient ter m IO Goddess HORNS = ARC TERM
Fr om the ashes of angels = ANGLES as EL is GOD FORCE – CHANGE OF ANGLE =

Chr onicles = TIME count of 20 under LAW of 40 as 2 TABLETS = A- T r eflected into
TA = cut and 1,000 inher itance.

EZ-RA 4.24

Then ceased the wor k of the house of God which is at J er u-salem = geru or
girasole “turn” to peace = 0

HAPI SEER = r ise epah


Homer or Cor = 10 epah


Lethech = 5 epah


Ephah = 1 epah


Seah = 1/3 epah


Issar on = 1/10 epah

CRUMB TO LOAF AS THE GREAT RISE = heat causes the r ise = ARC OVER

" From your dwelling places you will bring bread for a lift offering: [loaves] of two tenth
[of an epah] of fine flour they will be: W ith leaven they will be bak ed: they are
first fruits to the Eternal
" (v17).


God’s matrix or

labyr inth in Heaven.

CODE = univer sal wave distr ibution function behind all
Genesis on Ear th and in Heaven.

background image


©Agnes Moore

The Law of the Stone

Many inscr iptions on the stone, as the Philosophy of the WISE – PHI LO
SOPHY OF THE STONE, ar e r elative to the cycles of the Heavens and what
the Kings in the Heavens, at that time period, bestowed upon the Egyptian
community. These inscr ibed ter ms would r elate to abundance and pr osper ity
or oppr ession, as the seasons wer e pr edicted by the Heavenly Code.

Keeping r ecor d of these cycles was evidently a holy sanction, a sanction that
meant sur vival or decimation via the Heavenly statement.

The ear thly King was only secondar y to the status of the Heavenly King and
the r ecor dings of the ear thly leader s wer e mainly r ecor ded upon the next
sacr ed element of the Law, the papyr us. Ther efor e, many of the King
r efer ences taken to be actual Ear thly Kings ar e incor r ect in their assumptions.

The ter m of Khepr i finds that the living Kings bowed to the Gr eat Cr eator in
the Heavens “

thus I evolved myself under the evolutions” from

Papyrus of Nesiamsu

(Ptolemaic Period).

As a psychic medium I asked the infor mation in space what was a defining
featur e that we could use to separ ate the Ear thly Kings fr om the Heavenly

The scar ab was the key, as was the r efer ences to the Heavenly weave of
TIME, the 2 of Nekhbet – on the basket ter m. The sacr edness of the scar ab is
found as far back as the pr ehistor ic per iod in the King Den of Dyn. The
study of the scar ab with the King inscr iption r evealed that it would still be
wor n even after the “ death” of the King.

This was because it was a lucky amulet if the King Per iod, stated in the
Heavens, was one of pr osper ity. So it became a good luck char m. This is the
letter term of HPRR, rising from , com e into being itself. This is how HPRR
became HPRI in Khepr i, the Cr eation God.

The gr eat builder in the Heavens was the gr eatest King inher itance, the
statement of the char acter of the wave r etur ns, how the SON walking in the

background image

waves of the Heavens affected the SEASONS, as space was the Univer sal
Ocean – the sea term.

The Gr eat RA soul – BA soul – KA soul r elated to the elements of the wave
in the Heavens and its r etur n. Hence the hear t, as a r efer ence to the Heavenly
Code, the Dead - Chapter XXXB stated in the Papyr us of Nu XVII dynasty -
r elated to ALL the Chapter s, as a Chapter is r elevant to the cuts/slits/splits in

This is the Chapter of Coming For th by Day, why the Son ter m r elates to
“ gr een” in the X ter m Biblical equations, as the Son of the Gr eat Builder
found in the Khufu, as a r ecitation over a “ gr een stone scar ab” r elative to the
hear t of the deceased for the “ opening of the mouth”, as the heart m y M other,
my heart, my Mother.

The inscr iption, being the factor for what is r ecor ded in space as the hear t of
the stone (space is held within all cavities), is the ter m of the Scr ibe. This is
NEB-SENT in the pr esence of the Mother , the ancient secr et of OS-ir is = the
middle of the EYE, of the Mother ’ s bones.

It is in the sacr ed LETTER ter ms, as the r efer ence of sending infor mation
abroad in a seal, that the secr et of the Kings is r evealed.

The RULE is substantiated as a Heavenly factor thr ough HWFW, the
Hebr ew for m of HAWAH, how YHWH was factor ed thr ough the ter m of I
AM as the secr et code of PILLAR - MOTHER MOUND FIRST RISE in
light as mor ning light.

YOD 10 HE 5 WAU 6 HE 5 = 26

HE, as the double ter m of the secr et, factor s 2 of WINDOW in space.

So YOD AND WAU = 16, YOD 10 is br oken down by 2 of window 5 each.

This links to how the Egyptians wor ked out their fr actions r elative to the
sacr ed ter ms in the Heavens as ½ + 1/3 + 1/16.

Looking at var ious points in the King Line is to find 26 – such as in the 26


Dynasty AMAS-IS “ the moon is bor n – son of Neith” .

background image

The biblical Hophr a link to Wah-ib-r e “ constant is the hear t of RE” .

The Rhind papyrus states “ a quantity and itself added together becomes 16,
what is the quantity?



Dynasty – Hor us Qa’ a, Hor us as the Son for ms the HOURS. Last

King fir st dynasty = 26 year s



Dynasty Taharqa – Lor d of the 2 lands = 26 year s.

2 is the split of the 2 lands in Heaven and the r etur n of the wave under the 2
ter ms of r ighteous or unr ighteous. Egypt was named so after the Heavenly

Amenhotep II = 26 r eign

Smendes = 26 year s 21


Dynasty “ chosen of RE” .

Nebir ir aw – 13


dynasty = 26 year s – Hor us and 2 ladies of divine


RE = Hor us of Hor izon
RA = IS HORUS OF THE HORIZON as the pillar ter m of passing over OS-
IRIS-IS = ISIS r eflected, the 2 LADIES.

The Sons of Zabulon in the bible under Number 26– ZEBED is gift – 3


-J AH EL EL with 6 Sons. EL = WING, hence 2

wing ter ms OSIR – IS into IS-IS.

Zabulon discloses by way of the sea- Univer sal Ocean – which sat in
dark ness saw great light and to them which sat in the region and shadow
death light is sprung up -
Matthew 4:15-16

So the sign via ONE-simus is the point J e-

SUS Λ nose point SUS – pig

(horn) of inheritance. Thus the head O Peter , the r epeat repetere is Sim-


Wher e the alpha/A at the point N is dr awn upon fr om the gr eat deep of
SPACE, the well = Andr ew. Casting a net into the sea, for they were

background image

The NET or MATRIX is for med by “ thr owing out” , the hyper bolic function.
This is the GREAT FEEDING in the Heavens, wher e the br ead is molded by
mound r ise or fall, EPAH of the RISE EPAH – SEE PHI RA ter m. The fish
ar e caught in this HEAVENLY NET.

This is wher e we find the gr eat whale, also a function of the Heavenly Sea,
the stomach wher e the Gr eat Flood is held NOAH-J ONAH. J onah = noah +
J = Son inher itance. ‘J’ was pr eviously ‘I’, and IO = Goddess of hor ns. ‘J’
was factor ed to be a sacr ed letter because it split and “ ar ced” fr om ‘I’ in PHI


As shown above in the hyper bolic cr oss, on each side in the tr ansmission
field the “ mouth opens” . Hence E = AT time, the gr eat consumption factor .

Thus fr om NO into ON = position of ‘J’ taking the gr eat flood of NO-AH
spirit breath into J-ON – AH.

background image

As 32 is the Elder factor , 16 as YOD and WAU thr ough HE x 2 as 10 is
found in the Egyptian equation – (3/2)x = 16, x = 32/3, x = 10 2/3.

The Chr ist factor of the death = 33

This pr oblem is expr essed as ‘q’ quantity – its 1/3, its ½ and its 1/7 added
together to become 33.

The answer becomes 14 ¼ 1/56 1/97 1/194 1/388 1/679 1/776 – pr oblem
solved by Ahmes as 28/97 as 2/97 and 26/97.

To find the value of 26 the solution continues x + (1/3)x + (1/2)x + (1/7)x =
33 via
97/42x = 33, x = 1386/97, x = 14 +28/97
2/97 – 1/56 = (112 – 97)/(56*97) = 1/679 1/776
26/97 – ¼ = (104-97/(4*97) = (4 + 2 + 1)/(4*97) = 1/97 1/194 1/388

(Refer ence: Wikipedia)

The building of the Pyr amids has r ectified that cer tain pyr amids seemed to be
cr assly designed with r ed pyr amids and also bent pyr amids. This seemed to
clar ify that the building of these Pyr amids meant their designer s did not have
the wisdom of PHI, the inher itance wisdom of the Sacr ed Mother 0 factor in
their building technique.

Instead the Law of the Heavens pr oposes the r eason for these str uctur al
differ ences are, the monuments r epr esenting the CODE at point values in

Using the data of the Heavenly Code as 26 + 1000 is to r ecalibr ate the
structure, as shown below, as date and or ientation of the pyr amid Ruler –
accepted accession date – or ientation D-west side of pyr amid – or ientation D-
side of pyr amid and r ecalibr ated accession date.

Djoser 2640 BC , + 1809 (ref. 3)
Snofru±Meidum (1) 2600 BC (-2/+17) -18.19 (ref. 11) 61.0 -20.69 (ref.
11) 61.0 2526 BC 6 7

background image

Snofru±Bent Pyramid (2) [2583 BC] (-2/+11) -11.89 (ref. 12) 6 0.2 -
17.39 (ref. 12) 6 0.2
Snofru±Red Pyramid (3) [2572 BC] (-2/+9) -8.79* 6 0.2
Khufu (4) 2554 BC -2.89 (ref. 1) 6 0.2 -3. 49 (ref. 1) 6 0.2 2480 BC 6 5
Khafre (5) 2522 BC (-1) -6.09 (ref. 1) 6 0.2 -6.09 (ref. 1) 6 0.2 2448
BC 6 5
Menkaure (6) 2489 BC (-4) Average: +14. 19 6 1.89 (ref. 2) +12.49
(ref. 2) 6 1.0 2415 BC 6 10
Sahure (7) 2446 BC (-15) , -239(ref. 3, 6) 6 10 2372 BC 6 25
Neferirkare (8) 2433 BC (-16) , + 309 (ref. 3) 6 10 2359 BC 6 25
Unas 2317 BC + 17. 49 (ref. 1) + 17.19 (ref. 1)
Senwosret I 1956 BC , -909 (ref. 13)
Amenemhat III 1853 BC + 15.79 (ref. 14)

(Ancient Egyptian chronology and the astronomical orientation of pyramids;
Kate Spence;

Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Cambridge, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge CB3 9DA, UK)

The measur es of the Heavens wer e depicted in the ter ms of vessels – wine as
the holy blessing in Heaven. The seeds to make the holy br ead wer e a holy
measur e of the holy wisdom. The cattle r epr esented the mass and hor n ter ms
of the heavenly ARC, the power of SOUND, the ability to LEAP acr oss the
gr eat chasms in space via TIME.

These measur es wer e cr yptic values r elative to the sacr ed values calculated in
the BOOK OF THE DEAD. This r elated to the ter ms of the Heavenly spir it,
how space is wr apped into a BODY by following a univer sal measur e that
equated to a univer sal code of conditions.

This sanctified how ever ything was measur ed, wrapped and then unwrapped,
as the pr ocess fr om space into a body and then the decease of that same body.

By looking back in time we assumed that, in moving for war d, we have to be
far clever er in our designs and our wisdom than those who had pr eceded us
on Ear th. We wer e ver y wr ong using this impr ession because time denies
this supposition.

Time states that wisdom is r ecor ded as a point value in TIME and although
TIME pr ogr esses it also r etur ns as a wave value to STRIP fr om the value that
was gained as a step fr om the point.

background image

Therefore, we ar e only at a position in time as a step for war d in our evolution
that has evolved wisdom fr om another GREAT PLACE in our histor y. This
was because a huge amount of ener gy was str ipped fr om the wave
tr ansmissions in our pr e-histor y, a histor y that wiped away our ancient
inher itor s of the GREAT WISDOM.

TIME has eventually allowed us to once again r eceive the wisdom of the
ages that we had left behind us in our jour ney thr ough time. This is the r ise
of ATLANTIS, the Heavenly Code of our pr ecession, a CODE built into the
landscape by the Egyptian ancestr y, KEEPERS OF THE CODE, the secr et of
our Ancient Past, the Sons of the Righteous r etur ns.

Document Outline


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PRC and the Holy See Anna Carletti
20 The Holy Spirit Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipresent
De Piaget 7 The More I See You
'The personality of the Holy Ghost'
35 Letting the Holy Spirit Lead
23 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Guardian Angel
The more i see
the holy family puzzle nor
who went on the crusades to the holy land
Michael Tsarion Shiva, The Holy Spirit And The Age Of Aquarius
Invokation of the Holy Spirit ISIS
Moore The Enneagram
Fr Justificatus The Vision Of The Holy Guardian Angel
Erwin Hessle The Holy Guardian Angel
The power of the Holy Ghost
Is This the Holy Mountain
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