Alicia Sparks Hades Rising

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Alicia Sparks


Hades Rising

Sons of Zeus


Alicia Sparks

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Copyright (c) 2005 by Alicia Sparks

ISBN: 1-59836-094-9

Cover art and design (c) 2005 by D.L. Taylor

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Alicia Sparks



There was something about the old, weathered volume that called to Annalise as

she clicked from picture to picture on the internet auction page. It was well past midnight
and her attempts at sleep were getting her absolutely nowhere as she continued to click
and examine old copies of forgotten books. This particular lot was a little different,

The only picture was of a blue hardback book whose edges had seen better days.

The cover had been cloth at one time but now exposed so much of the board beneath that
it would have never brought in a nice price at a bookstore. She wasn’t interested in
collectable books so much as she was interested in the stories within those weathered
pages. It wasn’t the text the author had written but the markings and folded edges, the
imprints of dried flowers and pieces of ribbon that adorned the insides of all ancient
books. That was what called to her when she scanned the computer screen.

There were ten books in all. They were listed as “old journals, well worn, pages

yellowed.” Calling them journals only heightened her interest. Could they be stories
written by someone’s hand? Someone’s personal hopes, wishes, fears? She could only
dream that this was what these old books contained. God only knew she was getting no
closer to writing her own book, so she may as well read the writing of someone else.

Circa 1800. Damaged spines. Fifty dollars. U.S. only. Priority Shipping, $20.00.

She entered her user ID and password and placed her bid. Then she hoped against hope
that the books would be hers.

There had been many strange items come into her life in the past year. She

blamed her dreams for most of them. She would fall asleep and seem to go to another
place in time. Then, when she woke, she felt full of adventure, ready to find an old out of
the way antique shop that would reveal the treasures from her dreams. The last purchase
had been a painting. The yellows, reds and oranges seemed to swirl in an

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incomprehensible pattern, but she knew there was a message somewhere. The painting
wasn’t signed, but that didn’t detract stop the seller asking a hundred dollars for it. It was
one of those items that, once she saw it, she knew she had to have it. Parting with it was
not an option.

So, it was added to her collection, which now consisted of three antique ball

gowns, a pair of shoes, two paintings, a collection of postcards and now, she hoped, ten
journals. In addition, there was the strange charm she had found years ago, the charm that
started everything, including the dreams of the man who wouldn’t allow her to rest at
night. Instead, he took her to another place, owning her body in a way she would never
allow a man to do in reality. But he was safe. After all, he was only a dream.

She watched the online clock count down to her prize. In thirty minutes, she

would know if the books were going to be hers or not. She pushed away from the tiny
computer desk and padded down the hallway to her tiny kitchen. When had she lost
control of her life?

It had started with the dreams. They drove her to do silly things during the day,

like drive three hours to find a little hick town and buy thirty dollars’ worth of old
postcards. The treasures she found were scattered all around the state, and she had found
herself hitting the road more often than not to pick up her bounty.

But there was more to her eclectic collection than strange dreams. It was as if the

items were clues to something else. They were a code she couldn’t read, a mystery she
couldn’t solve. At least she hadn’t solved it yet. But these books, if they were items that
belonged to her, that called out to her soul the way she thought they did, they could be the
key to unlocking the big mystery of why she couldn’t sleep and why she felt compelled to
collect mementos from someone else’s life.

The fridge was almost empty, reminding her it was time to take a trip to the

grocery store. On a lazy Saturday night, she knew she should be out at a club or having a
late dinner at the pub with her friends. But the internet and its mysteries called to her,
claiming her free time. On Monday, she would go back to her normal, boring life, but
tonight, she could seek out treasures and pretend, just for a moment, that time stood still.

The alarm on her computer sounded just as she poured a cup of tea. Her bid had

gone through and the journals were hers. She emailed the owner, who lived only forty
miles away. Tomorrow morning, she would trek to the edge of the Louisiana-Texas

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border to retrieve her books. Then, she would spend the next week at work pretending to
catalog books while she poured over her new find.

And she would ignore the shiver that went up her back at the thought that

someone was in the room with her, watching her, willing her to read the texts, just as he
had willed so much in her life. Somehow, she knew these books were the key to
unlocking the mystery of this man and the mystery of her connection to him. For now,
she could only toss restlessly and wait, knowing he would come for her.

* * * *

“Hello?” Annalise stepped onto the porch of the old, white house. This was the

address she had received last night through her email. She checked it twice before
stepping out of her car just minutes earlier. There was no sign of life here, though.

“Is anyone home?” she called out, examining the screen door that was barely

hanging on by the hinges.

She made her way around the porch, looking for signs of occupation. As she made

her way over to the porch swing, she saw the box sitting there. Annalise. Her name was
written on the side in magic marker. Whoever lived here had to be the person who had
sold her the items. Lifting the cardboard box, she tried to ignore how completely eerie
this whole situation was. An abandoned house and an old box of books. It was the
makings of a wonderful horror movie.

A chill crept down her back as she placed the books into her car. Someone was

watching her. She turned back to the house to see that no one was there. Nothing was
there except for a creaky screen door and an old barn. Sliding back into the front seat of
her car, she turned the key and put the car into reverse, heading out as quickly as she
could. This was too weird for her.

She waited until she got home to open the box, the feeling of being watched still

with her as strongly as it had been back at the old house. The old charm she wore around
her neck seemed to hum with excitement as she brushed the dust off the first volume.
Annalise found a quiet corner and settled into it. The books were hand written, but the
writing didn’t appear to be modern. It was from a time when handwriting was as much an
art as fiction. She slowly opened the first book, ignoring the jolt that ran through her body
as the words began to make sense. This was the story of someone’s life. And for some
strange reason, it was her story, too.

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Chapter One

The Books
She began.
The desert was dark tonight. The moon did nothing to illuminate the vast stretch

of sand and wind. The wind had been whipping around in a torrent for several nights. The
elders warned that when the desert winds were restless, so were the spirits of the earth.
The spirits of the earth were not the only ones who were restless. Anakah of Lethos had
also grown restless.

Anakah was bored with her sheltered existence and craved open spaces. The

palace was too confining for her taste, but the desert, that was another thing entirely. She
was certain the desert stretched out for an eternity—infinitely wondrous and infinitely
untamed. She dreamed that one day she would ride so far that she would uncover the
ends of the desert and the secrets that lay beyond its borders.

She was certain that an entire world existed out there beyond the lands ruled by

her people and their neighbors. She was certain that a land existed where women had
choices and were not forced into unions with men they didn’t love. She wondered if
anyone understood the concept of love. She was certain that her father didn’t. If he had,
he wouldn’t be acting so selfishly and forcing her to marry someone whom she had never
met. How could she be expected to love a complete stranger? Of course, her father was
not concerned about this. The union would form an alliance between Lethos and
Harenthos, a tribe that was located to the South of her own.

She was sure that Harenthos’s kingdom was pleasant and the leaders competent,

but she had no desire to be bound to the kingdom or its prince. She knew nothing of
Jarkon, the prince of Harenthos. She had heard that he was handsome and generous. His
people revered him for being a benevolent man. However, she was so opposed to the idea
of marrying him that she knew no matter how handsome or kind he was, she would never
be able to willingly join him in wedded bliss.

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This was one reason why she journeyed out into the desert every night. She kept

hoping that one night she would find a way to escape her destiny and create a new one.
Her heart ached every night when her body grew tired. She would venture out as far as
she possibly could, returning only when her body wore out or the sun threatened to
expose her. She never knew how far she had traveled. She imagined every night that she
had gone further than she had previously and imagined one night she would ride out as
far as the moon and be able to reach out and touch it. Or maybe she would end up falling
into a dark abyss and would never be seen again.

Reluctantly, she always returned home. She knew that she was not brave enough

to ride to the end of the desert, and would never escape her fate, and would end up bound
to a man not of her choosing. Eventually, her nights of wandering the desert would come
to an end.

Perhaps that was why on this particular night she was feeling especially brave.

She had no way of knowing how far she had traveled and was completely unaware of the
fact that she had wandered into the lands ruled by the Canar king. She also didn’t know
that while she was attempting to outrun her fate, she was actually running straight into it.

Hades had been watching the girl for several nights. He watched as she inched

closer and closer to his borders. He would never take her until she touched his soil. To do
so would be dishonorable. If he could be considered anything, it was honorable. He knew
this to be true even though he had had her followed a few nights back.

His intentions were honorable. For now, he merely wondered about who she was

and from where she was riding. For the first few nights, he thought she was an apparition
of the desert, an echo of a maiden who had lived and died on the sand. As she came
closer, he realized that she was no ghost of the past. In fact, she was more of a vision and
the incarnation of a cherished wish. She struck a nerve deep within his heart. The closer
she came to him, the more determined he was to uncover her secrets.

That was why he had sent a spy to follow her. He had to know more about her and

why she came to the desert, so far away from civilization. He learned that her land was
near the river. In fact, it was the very land that he had hoped some day to conquer. The
gods had smiled upon him by sending her his way. She was what he needed, a bargaining
tool, to convince the ruler of the land to allow his people access to the river. And tonight,
the fates had allowed her to cross his borders and enter his territory.

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She had gotten down from her steed and was moving toward the caves. This was

going to be even easier than he had imagined. Now that she was off her horse, all he had
to do was catch her off guard.

Anakah hadn’t noticed the caves from a distance several nights ago. She

wondered how close they were to her. It was difficult to judge distance in the desert at
night. Especially when the sky was starless as it was tonight. She had tried to reach them
the second night after she had seen them, but they seemed to move further away as she
moved closer to them. Somehow, she had made it there tonight. She wondered what
secrets were hidden within the caves’ walls.

She entered the one nearest her, not realizing how dark the inside of the cave

would be until she reached the entrance. Blackness greeted her when she stepped inside.
She blinked her eyes to try and accustom them to the darkness. She hadn’t ever seen the
inside of a cave before and didn’t know what to expect as she stepped through the
entrance and ran her hand along the cave wall. She wished she had brought a torch so
she would see the inside.

She turned to leave and that was when she saw the dark figure standing behind

her. Her heart leapt into her throat. She hadn’t heard anyone approach her. She had heard
of the desert people who lived beyond the borders of civilization. They were barbarians
who murdered children and did even worse to women. She stood there for a moment,
weighing her options. There was no way she could make it past him. He was so large he
filled the entryway. Going further into the cave was not an option either. With no light,
she was sure to get lost and die in there.

She decided to confront him, face down the demon as it were. She whispered a

silent prayer to the gods as she spoke. “You startled me,” she said, trying to sound as
brave as possible.

“I didn’t mean to startle you,” he said in a thick accent.
“You speak my language?” she said, more surprised than anything. How could a

desert man know her language?

“Of course. Yours is a common language. Many tribes use it,” he moved a few

steps closer to her.

Panic shot through her body. What was he going to do? She closed her eyes,

expecting the worst of him.

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“You may open your eyes now,” he said. She could have sworn that there was a

hint of mockery in his voice.

She slowly opened her eyes to find the room completely illuminated. He stood

there holding a torch in one hand and a fire rock in the other. She didn’t know which
sight to be more amazed by. Her head seemed to spin as she took it all in.

The man gained her immediate attention. He was massive. His shoulders did span

almost the entire width of the entryway. He was shirtless, and she took in the guilty
pleasure of his hard, bronzed chest. His hair was as dark as the night sky and hung all the
way down to his waist. His legs were covered by the traditional garments of the desert
people, a loose, white linen. She heard a gasp escape her throat as she realized that he
was in fact one of the desert people. She had hoped that he was just another explorer,
such as herself. She had never been face to face with one of the desert people before, but
legends of their conquests had been part of her people’s lore for generations.

“You look surprised. I didn’t mean to frighten you. I have seen you for many

nights. I had hoped you would visit the caves.”

“You have been watching me?” she was very uneasy in his presence right now.

She hoped if he moved toward her, she would be able to spring by him and escape.

“Yes, and now I welcome you to my home,” he gestured toward the inner

sanctum of the cave, bringing her attention back to it and away from him for a moment.

The cave was spectacular. He had only lit one torch, yet the entire room was

illuminated, and the walls were breathtaking. They were covered with the most realistic
paintings she had ever seen. The paintings were of families, women and children
partaking in the riches of daily life. Some were bathing by a waterfall, others were
playing games. The men in the paintings were laughing rather than fighting. It looked as
if the artist had taken the people themselves and placed them on the walls. Could this be
the barbarian society she had heard so many things about? It didn’t seem possible.

“You live here?”
“Not in this room, but, yes, in the caves. Does this surprise you?”
“These pictures? Where are these places? I have never seen any place so


“They are part of my land. Beneath the earth. All of them.”

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Beneath the earth? She wondered how an entire civilization managed to exist

beneath the earth. “How is this possible?” she asked, her eyes wide with wonder as she
grew more comfortable with him.

“Would you care to see?”
She glanced at the cave entrance as the sky turned pink, a sign that the sun would

rise soon. “I’m sorry,” she said. “The sun will be up soon. I will be missed.”

He didn’t budge. “Will you ride again tonight?”
“Is that an invitation?” she flirted, realizing she was more comfortable with him

than she had ever been with a man. She was not completely at ease, still, just less
uncomfortable. This was quite a feat for her since she was usually completely awkward
around men.

“Yes, it is an invitation. Meet me here tomorrow and I will show you all the

wonders of my land,” he smiled.

His smile was devastating to her senses. It unnerved her and caught her off guard.

Barbarians, even the most civilized ones, were not meant to smile like this.

“Tomorrow, then,” she said.
The ride home seemed longer than ever as Anakah could do nothing but think of

those eyes, those soft, warm blue eyes. These were not the eyes of a man who murdered
children. She sighed. She didn’t even know his name or the name of his land beneath the

Sleep didn’t find her as quickly as she had hoped. The sun blazed through her

windows, forcing her to cover her eyes with a pillow. She tossed and turned until
exhaustion finally claimed her. In her half dreaming state, she pictured a man with blue
eyes and a devastating smile…

“Anakah, Anakah, you must wake,” it was her attendant, Riane. She sounded

excited about something.

Riane and Anakah had been friends since they were babies. They were more like

sisters now that they had reached marrying age. Riane was very different from Anakah,
though. She was the lucky one, having fallen in love with Jarkon’s general, Rouen.
Rouen had been to visit several times over the years. He was not only Jarkon’s soldier,
but also his assistant helping tend to diplomatic matters, such as the marriage of Anakah

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and Jarkon. He and Riane had met and fallen in love and planned to marry the next new
moon, on the date that Anakah and Riane would both reach their nineteenth year.

Anakah stirred and hoped it was nightfall so she could venture back out to the

caves. She was excited to see this new civilization. She was also secretly excited to see
the mysterious man whom she had me the previous night.

“Anakah, they have come,” Riane said.
Who had come? she wondered. Why was Riane so excited?
“What?” she said groggy from the lack of sleep.
“Jarkon and Rouen. They are here. They have come for us. They seek the official

word on our marriages. They are here!”

“They cannot be!” Anakah sat up in bed. How could this happen? They were not

supposed to come until the new moon. How could they be here now? She groaned. She
didn’t wish to meet Jarkon, and she certainly didn’t wish to marry him.

“They are.”
“I can not do this, Riane. I cannot marry him.”
“Anakah, you must. You are promised to him. Do you know what this would

mean if you were to refuse? You would dishonor your land and your father. You must
meet him. Give him a chance at least.”

“I can not meet him tonight. I have something planned. A place I must go to.”
“Anakah, you must. He has sent for you and you must meet with him tonight.

There is a feast being held in honor of your marriage. You must meet him. Are you not
even curious about him?”

“No, I’m not. I know all about his people. I don’t need to meet their future king. I

won’t like him, and I will not marry him. I just haven’t discovered a way out of it yet.”
She lay back down on the bed. She would leave this place tonight if she were going to be
forced into the marriage. Especially if her father intended for it to happen now. She had
planned another month’s worth of waiting and scheming to try to find a way out of the
marriage and didn’t plan to give in until the last possible moment when all chances of
escape were lost.

“Your father will never agree to this.”
“No, he will not, but he doesn’t have to know.”
“What do you mean, Anakah?”

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“What if I were to leave and go to a place where he would never find me? Then I

could be free to live my life the way I wanted.”

“There is no such place. He will find you no matter where you go.”
“No, he will not,” she sat up again. “I will meet with the prince tonight. But this

will be the first and last time. I will never meet him again. I will never see him again. I
will find a way out of this.” She was already forming a plan, determined to find a way out
of the marriage. Anakah decided to send a message to Jarkon, asking him to meet with
her tonight in the gardens. She would put an end to this ridiculous notion of marriage as
soon as possible.

* * * *

Riane had no trouble finding Jarkon. He and Rouen were in one of the lavishly

decorated suites that were reserved for guests. It was one of the most breathtaking private
areas in the entire palace. The floors were made of marble and the walls were white and
airy. A bay window overlooked the gardens. Jarkon was sitting in the window and Rouen
was at a large, mahogany desk going over some paperwork when she entered. Rouen
looked up and smiled when he saw that it was her. He stood and covered the distance
between the two of them in an instant.

“Riane,” he smiled.
“Rouen, I have missed you so!” she smiled up at him. This was the man she

intended to spend the rest of her life loving. He was everything she had ever wanted,
brave and honorable and very handsome.

Rouen was tall and broad shouldered. His skin was fairer than her own and his

hair was very light, the color of gold. He and Jarkon belonged to a race of people who
were not native to this soil. They were from a far off land that had sent settlers to the
desert over a hundred years ago. Their land was a watery place, lush and tropical. She
wondered why anyone would leave a paradise for the desert. She knew that for whatever
reason, she was very thankful that his people had come here.

He held her head between his hands and placed a gentle yet passionate kiss on her

lips. Her heart leapt with excitement and her blood felt hot just in his presence.

Riane wished her friend could share in her joy. She had luckily fallen in love with

a man who had a certain amount of freedom. As a general, Rouen was afforded many
luxuries that Jarkon, prince of the land, was not. Rouen was free to choose his mate. He
was free to fall in love and to marry and be happy. Jarkon was not so lucky. He would

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marry to help expand his land, end a war or bring about some other gain to his home. But
his heart would never be given to the woman he would marry.

Riane knew Jarkon was in love with someone else. His love was a young noble

girl named Perenlia. Perenlia was only sixteen and was, as was Jarkon, promised in
marriage to someone else. Jarkon had loved Perenlia for as long as Riane had known
Rouen. They had grown up in the same household because Jarkon’s father was bound to a
promise to his late friend, Perenlia’s father, to protect her and her mother. As part of the
protection, he aligned Perenlia with another nobleman, Rial. Rial was from the same
kingdom as Jarkon and Rouen and was as wild as the desert winds. He wouldn’t be a
suitable husband for Perenlia or any other woman.

Riane knew Jarkon had tried on several occasions to convince his father to

dissolve the promise between Perenlia and Rial. He had refused to do so because he knew
that doing so would cause Jarkon to break his promise to Anakah of Lethos. This could
be disastrous for their people because Anakah’s father controlled the mouth of the River.
In order to be successful traders, the Harenthos needed an outlet to the sea. This outlet,
unfortunately for Jarkon, was more important than love.

“Rouen, I have a message for Jarkon,” Riane said.
“What is your message?” Jarkon asked.
“It is Anakah. She wishes to meet with you. Now. Before you make your

announcement tonight.”

“Why would she want to do that?” Jarkon asked, clearly confused.
“Perhaps she is curious about her future husband.”
“What does it matter? The marriage will take place regardless of what she thinks

of me or what I think of her.”

“She is trying to give you a chance,” Riane insisted.
“I don’t need a chance,” Jarkon insisted. “It is done. There is no erasing it.”
“Jarkon, meet with her. You may change your mood if not your mind. There are

worse fates than being married to a beautiful woman,” Rouen said, looking into Riane’s

“I will meet her, but I don’t see the point. She will leave this place with me in

three days and there is nothing that either of us can do to stop it. It is decreed by the laws.
She may as well not resist.” Jarkon looked out over the garden again. “Where shall we

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“In the gardens. At sundown.”
“Thank you,” with this, Jarkon left the room.

* * * *

Jarkon didn’t know it, but at the same time, Anakah was also formulating a plan.

It would have to be brilliant. Perhaps she could offer him whatever he wanted in return
for her freedom. She was sure that a land such as her own could offer something to a
prince other than its own princess. She would find his weakness and use it against him to
get herself freed from the bonds of the promise.

She dressed carefully. She wanted to make a good impression, but she also

wanted to let him know that she was in charge. She planned to give him an ultimatum:
tell her what he wanted from her people and she would grant it if he would only let her go
or he could marry her and receive nothing. She was sure she could make his plans fail if
she went about it the right way. Whatever he wanted with her, he certainly didn’t love
her. She was determined to make this easier for herself and for him. If he agreed to

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Chapter Two

The garden was empty at sundown. The guests and the tenants of the palace were

busy preparing for tonight’s feast. The king would make the formal announcement of the
marriage tonight and within a few days, he and Anakah would be on their way back to
Harenthos. And he would begin convincing her to let him escape the marriage. Jarkon sat
on a garden bench. Perenlia would love this place and would look exquisite in it. He
smiled to himself. He wouldn’t let his love for her be in vain. He would find a way to be
with her.

He watched Anakah as she entered the garden. This had to be her. She was of

average height and was quite small. Her hair was long and dark and hung loosely about
her shoulders. She was dressed in a white linen garment that looked more like the
clothing of a commoner than that of a princess. She was beautiful, breathtakingly so. But
she didn’t compare to his love. He smiled to himself. Rial wouldn’t be able to resist her
when he saw her.

Rial was known for his conquests. Even though he was of noble birth, he was not

a noble man. He was quite the opposite. Women loved him for he was very handsome
and spoke pretty words, but he was empty when it came to emotion. This princess looked
empty as well. He was sure the two of them would make a perfect match. All he had to
do was get her to Harenthos, introduce her to Rial and the rest would take care of itself.

Jarkon could tell that she was taking him in. She looked as if the wheels in her

mind were turning as she approached him. She finally gave him a smile. Ah, yes. She
would have Rial begging for her attentions as soon as he took her to Harenthos.

“Prince Jarkon,” she said.
“Princess Anakah,” he nodded his head toward her.
“Welcome to Lethos. I hope you are enjoying my land.”
“I haven’t seen much of it. I only arrived a few hours ago,” Be pleasant, he

reminded himself. He would get nowhere if he continued to snarl at everyone.

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“Your arrival…surprised me. I was not expecting you. Had I known, I could have

made myself…more presentable,” she tried to flirt with him. He didn’t react.

“I’m sure you look fine,” he said flatly.
Jarkon realized that he needed to curb his attitude. He would get nowhere like

this. He had to charm her and convince her to journey with him to Harenthos. He knew
that this was not really accurate. All he had to do was tell her father that he intended to
take her, and she would be forced to go with him. He didn’t need to charm her or
convince her. It would be easier that way, but he would drag her across the desert if he
needed to in order to free Perenlia. What was important was getting her to Harenthos.
Nothing else mattered at this point.

“I apologize. The trip must have made me tired,” he said.
“It is fine. I’m glad you decided to meet with me. I needed to see you tonight

before the announcement,” she sat next to him.

“Why did you wish to meet with me?” he was growing impatient. He had other

matters to attend to and didn’t want to be here right now. His mind was several hundred
miles away.

“I had hoped to learn more about you since the two of us are to be married.”
“What do you wish to know?”
“I will not play games with you. I’m here really to ask you one thing. What is it

that you want of me?”

This question took Jarkon by surprise. She was straightforward. He hadn’t

expected that. How could he tell her what he really wanted from her? All he wished was
for his freedom. “I’m sure that I don’t know what you mean.”

“Why is it that you are marrying me?”
“Your father and my father arranged the marriage. That is the reason why I’m

marrying you.”

“I see. Quite a simple and convenient arrangement.”
“Convenient. For whom?” he was irritated now. He didn’t want to deal with this

woman. He didn’t know what she was insinuating, but he didn’t like any of it.

“For your people, I’m sure. If the marriage was arranged by your father and my

father, then there must be a political reason. I’m wondering if you know the reason.”

“I’m not concerned with the reason for the marriage. All I know is that it is my

duty to marry you and that is why I’m here. To fulfill my obligation.”

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“Your obligation,” she repeated.
“Yes, my obligation. And yours. You will return with me to Harenthos in three

days’ time. And then we will see what fate has in store for us.”

She stood, her face red beneath her obvious anger. “We know what fate has in

store, Prince Jarkon. A long, happy life with one another,” the sarcasm was thick in her

“Relax. I don’t wish to marry you right away. I will give you ‘til the new moon.

As promised.”

“Then why take me away so soon? My father will never allow it without the

contract of marriage.”

“My dear, our marriage contract has already been signed,” he lied, hoping to

subdue her. “You belong to me and you will go with me in three days.” Why was she
being so difficult? She acted as if she didn’t want the marriage, either. It didn’t matter.
Her voice couldn’t be heard in this situation. She must be swept away by Rial in order to
free Perenlia from her bonds. However, this notion was growing more complicated by the

“I will go nowhere with you.”
“Suit yourself. I will see you tonight at your father’s announcement. Anakah,

don’t be foolish. You will only make things more difficult for yourself,” as he finished
these words, he stood and left her there, fuming.

* * * *

Anakah was so mad she could have killed him. How dare he? What right did he

have to tell her not to be foolish. And exactly what did he mean by making things harder
on herself? Weren’t they hard enough already? She must leave this place. She would
leave tonight. By the time they discovered she was gone, she could be…she could be half
way to the caves. She was sure the mystery man from last night would welcome her into
his palace. Maybe she could strike a bargain with him.

Anakah stomped angrily back to her room. Riane was waiting for her, surely

hoping that she and Jarkon had become friends.

“Anakah, what happened?”
“What happened?” she shouted. “What happened is that Prince Jarkon is a


“Calm down. What did he say?”

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Anakah had already taken out a bag and was packing a few belongings. “He said

that I had no choice and I would leave with him and that I was his property. Can you
believe his nerve?”

“Well, it is all true. You do belong to him.”
Anakah slammed her bag closed and shot her friend a nasty look. “I don’t belong

to him.”

“You know what I mean, Anakah. You cannot escape this fate.”
“Watch me,” she said as she threw the bag over her shoulder and stormed back

out of the room.

Riane called after her, but Anakah didn’t answer.
“Rouen will know what to do,” Riane said as she made her way down the hall to

his room. Breathlessly, she knocked on the door.

“Come in,” Rouen called.
“Rouen,” she panted, opening the door.
“What is wrong?” he stood and came to her. She looked frightened.
“It is Anakah. She is leaving. She says that Jarkon was mean to her and she is

going away. We have to stop her,” she caught her breath finally.

“Where is she going?”
“I don’t know. She spoke of going somewhere where no one could ever find her.

I’m scared for her.”

“Don’t worry,” he smoothed a hand over her hair. He knew how much she loved

Anakah. The two of them had been friends their entire lives. She felt about Anakah the
way he felt about Jarkon. “We will find her.”

“Find who?” Jarkon entered the room. He looked as if he had just encountered a

storm himself. His face was red and his hair was out of sorts.

“Where have you been?” Rouen asked.
“Tangling with an ungrateful female and then with a horse.”
“So you and Anakah didn’t enjoy one another’s company?”
“That is one way to put it. Who is missing?” Jarkon asked.
“It would seem, dear Jarkon, that you have caused yet another woman a bit of

grief. Anakah is gone,” Rouen smiled.

“Damn! This is nothing to smile about. We have got to find her. She will ruin

everything if she disappears.”

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“Riane, stay here in case she returns. Jarkon and I will search for her.”
“What will I say to her father?”
“I will send him a message,” Jarkon said. “I will tell him that Anakah and I

wished to be alone to get to know one another. If she returns, don’t let her out of your
sight. Lock her up if you must,” Jarkon then turned to Rouen. “Come Rouen, let us find
my bride.”

* * * *

Hades again waited for the girl. It was several hours past sundown and she hadn’t

yet showed her face. Every time he thought he saw her on the horizon, it turned out to be
just an illusion. He was beginning to wonder where she could have gone and what may
have happened to her. He played out different scenarios in his mind. Perhaps she was hurt
or in trouble. He decided that she had just forgotten. He would have to approach this
matter differently. He just was not sure what he would do now. He didn’t want to take her
by force, but would if he were forced to do so.

Hades caught sight of her finally. She galloped wildly as if she were running from

something. He couldn’t imagine what would have caused her to ride in this manner. She
was reckless. Wild. She came into view even clearer. Her hair flew out behind her like a
cloud of black smoke.

That was when he saw the two horses in pursuit of her. That is what she was

running from. At the gait that they were riding, they would catch her in no time. Their
horses were larger and appeared more powerful than her own. He wondered who these
men were and why they were following her. He crouched down low so he could see them
better and they couldn’t see him.

The men caught up with Anakah as she was approaching the caves. The blonde

on the first horse caught up to her just as she fell from her horse. Hades watched as the
man jumped from his horse and ran after her. He was on her in an instant. Hades fought
the urge to run out there and save her. He couldn’t give up the entrance to his home. No
one knew about the entrance. Few people even knew that his civilization existed in
anything other than folklore and legends. He crouched lower, trying to figure out what
was going on between the girl and the two men.

The man and Anakah fell to the ground.
“Get off of me!” she yelled, swinging at him.
“Anakah, be still,” he muttered.

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“Why? So you can take me off and have your way with me?”
“I have no desire to have my way with you like that. I’m a gentleman.”
“Are you? Then act like one. Let me go.”
“You know that I cannot do that. You must go with me. You know that.”
“Then get off of me!”
“Do you promise not to run?”
“Where do you think I will go?”
“Those caves over there look nice,” he helped her up, holding her wrist the whole


“I have no desire to explore caves,” she said. “Now, please, let me go.”
The man dropped her wrist and stared at her coldly. “You’re coming with me.”
She would be forced to marry this man who called her his property and chased her

down in the desert. As he led her away, back toward Lethos, she turned to look back at
the caves. For a second, Hades swore their eyes had locked.

* * * *

Anakah was locked in her room upon her return to the palace. It was a fitting end

to an awful day. Riane tried to console her, but to no end. She finally gave up and
returned to her own room. She hated the fact that her friend was so miserable, but she
couldn’t help her at this point. The deed was done. The marriage would take place.

It was nightfall again. Anakah stared out of her window and tried to figure out a

way to escape. She couldn’t very well jump out of the window. She was up too high. She
would end up breaking her legs or something. She walked out onto the terrace. There was
no way to get down. She could try to climb down with a rope, if she had one. She could
tie her bed sheets together and make one. She wondered if this would work or not. She
was about to go inside and try when she saw a figure emerge from the darkness.

“Hello,” she whispered down to him.
“Good evening. I missed your visit last night,” he said.
“I apologize. I was detained. How did you find me?”
“I followed you. I saw what happened and came to see if you needed my help.”
“I’m locked in here,” she said.
“I had figured so. Who was the man who attacked you?”
“He is my betrothed. Prince Jarkon of Harenthos. He is a loathsome beast.”
“I will help you.”

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She smiled, hoping he would help her. She knew that he had to be here for a

reason. “How do you intend to do that?”

“I’m coming up. Do you have a rope?”
“No. I was just thinking of that. I was going to tie my sheets together.”
“Then do it. I will climb up and we will discuss this further.”
She tied her sheets together and hoped they would hold him as he climbed up. She

threw the sheets over the edge of the terrace and watched as he climbed his way up.

Within seconds, he was on the terrace.
“So, tell me why you were running from your betrothed. Has he hurt you?”
“No, he hasn’t. Come inside so no one will see you,” she said, opening the terrace

door and letting him into her room. He was the first man who had ever been in her room.

“Please, have a seat,” she said, motioning toward an empty chair.
“Thank you. You have a lovely room.”
“If you can call a prison lovely, I suppose I do.”
“Why are you being locked away?”
“Prince Jarkon fears that I will run again. He told my father of last night’s flight

and convinced him that the only way to keep me safe was to lock me away.”

“Why did you run from him?”
“I don’t wish to marry him. Will you help me?”
“You don’t know me. How do you know that my intentions are honorable?”
“If they were not, I suspect that you would have forced yourself upon me the

night we met.”

He smiled. “You read people well. I’m nothing but honorable.”
“Why are you here?”
“I came to rescue you.”
“Do I look like I need rescuing?” She laughed, knowing she did.
“Yes, you do. Tell me the story of this man, this Prince Jarkon.”
“We are betrothed. There is nothing much to tell. He is a vile man who claims that

he owns me. He has come to take me back to his home. He plans to force me to marry
him. He doesn’t love me. He doesn’t even appear to like me. I certainly don’t like him.”

“Then you will come with me. I will offer you protection. Sanctuary, if you will.”
“He will search for me. He will not rest until he finds me.”
“I can hide you and he will never find you. You must trust me.”

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“I just realized something, I don’t even know your name.”
“I’m Hades. And I will help you if you trust me.”
“Hades,” she said the name. She liked the way it felt upon her lips. “I’m Anakah.”
“Yes, Anakah, the princess of Lethos. I know who you are.”
Surprise showed on her face. “How did you know?”
“I have been watching you for several nights. I had to find out who the vision was

that appeared upon the desert sands every night.”

“And how did you go about doing this?”
“That is a trade secret. Will you let me help you or not?”
“Yes, I will,” she smiled.
She decided that she could grow accustomed to this smile. It was warm and

seemed to be lit from the inside. He was kind, and she knew she could trust him. She
packed a few of her things and then the two of them set out over the terrace. They were
both covered in black robes to hide them from the watchful eyes of the guards. They
managed to reach the gates of the palace without being spotted. His horses were hidden a
few yards away from the palace.

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Chapter Three

They rode in silence as Hades watched to be sure that they were not being

followed. They reached the caves safely, and he assured her no one would find them once
they entered the sanctuary of the inner caverns. He led the horses in as she followed him.

“Again, welcome to my home,” he said as he lit a torch.
“It is beautiful. Still. Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done if

you hadn’t helped me.”

“I’m sure you would have fought to the death before marrying him.”
“Yes, I’m sure I would have. But this way, I get to live and everyone is happy.”
“Except for your young Prince.”
“He is no prince, I assure you.”
They reached a divide in the caverns with three separate corridors. He led the

horses to the one on the far right and left them there.

“They know the way home,” he smiled.
“And this is our way in. They will not be able to track us this way.” He motioned

for her to follow. “Stay close,” he said.

Staying close was not a problem. The corridor was very narrow. She was all but

pressed against him trying to stay in the light. This close, he was difficult to ignore as she
watched the shadows on the back of his shirt.

“Sorry,” she said, stumbling into his back.
“Are you alright?” he asked, straightening her.
“I’m fine,” she whispered as he covered her hand with his. She clung to him as he

led her deeper into the corridors. They had taken several twists and turns before they
reached a room that contained a large pool of water. There was a waterfall flowing down
from an unseen source. It was breathtaking.

“Where are we?”
“At the castle gates,” he smiled. “Do you like the water?”

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“It is beautiful,” she smiled. She had forgotten that he still held her hand until

now when he let it drop to her side.

“No, I mean do you like water? We must go through the water to reach my land.”
She looked at him with amazement. How could this be the gateway to his land?

“Water is fine,” she said.

“Good. When I tell you to, hold your breath,” he led her into the pool and walked

toward the waterfall until they were neck deep in the water. “Hold your breath,” he said,
leading her through the waterfall.

She held her breath and closed her eyes as he guided her by the arm. She only felt

the water on her head for a few minutes. Then, she heard the roar of it behind her.

“Open your eyes,” he whispered.
She opened her eyes. What she saw before her was the most amazing sight that

she had ever seen. The place looked like it was lit with sunshine, but it was entirely
underground. There were trees with fruits hanging off of their branches. There were
animals, birds. There was another waterfall. It was equally beautiful. It led to a stream
that ran the entire course of the room. The walls and floors were white marble, and the
ceiling was painted like the night sky. The entire room was lit with torches. The sight was

It was what the home of the gods should have looked like. It was everything that

she had ever heard legends about, but nothing that she ever hoped to encounter in her
lifetime. She had always heard of a land where peace ruled and where the king was
generous and kind. She knew Hades was the king.

“What is this place?” she asked.
“This is my home. Welcome to Canar.”
“Yes, that is the name of my land.”
“Canar? Where have I heard of that name before?”
“Legends probably,” he smiled.
“Yes, probably. Thank you for bringing me here.”
“The pleasure is mine. I enjoy sharing my land with visitors who can be trusted.

There are not many.”

“I imagine. This land is so beautiful you must take care with it.”

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“Yes, I agree.” Their eyes met for a brief moment before she flushed and turned

away. “I have prepared a room for you.”

“Why would you have done that? Did you think I would stay here with you when

I returned to the caves the other night?” His comment took her off guard. She wondered
if his intentions were honorable. Why would he have prepared a room for her?

“No. I had hoped, though, that I could convince you to come to my land and visit.

I never imagined that you would come here so soon. I only hoped…Forgive me. I didn’t
mean to imply anything.”

“I’m sorry. I should be more grateful to you than this. Thank you for your

kindness,” she smiled at him.

“It is not mere kindness, I assure you.” He took a step closer.
“I have a personal interest in you being here.”
“Oh?” She swallowed hard as he took a step toward her.
“Yes. I want to be close to you. You fascinate me.” He ran his thumb along her

bottom lip. “You have held me spellbound ever since I first saw you.”

Her tongue darted out to wet the lip he had just caressed. “So your intentions are

not honorable.”

“My intentions, I assure you, are honorable. It is my desires that are filled with


Her breath hung in her throat as he slowly pulled her to him and lowered his lips

to her. Liquid fire shot through her body as he breathed into her, his hot mouth greedily
forcing hers to open. Her head spun from the sensation as she clung to his chest, knowing
that something was changing between them.

Finally, he released her.
“You are in danger if you stay here,” he warned a wicked smile on his face.
“I’m in danger if I go.” She stepped away, hoping he didn’t see the impact of his

kiss on her as her knees shook and her heart pounded out of control.

“Let me show you to your room. I promise to keep my distance.”

* * * *

Anakah’s room was spectacular. It was lavishly decorated with silks and velvets

of various colors. It was decorated for a woman. It contained all the items a woman
would need, such as a hairbrush, a vanity, various make up, sleeping garments. It looked
as if Hades had planned her arrival for some time. This caught her off guard, too. Why

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would he plan her arrival and stay if they had only met once? He said he had been
watching her and hoped to lure her to his home. This went beyond a visit, though. This
was more of a permanent residence than a vacation spot. She looked around the room.
There was more to this story than met the eye. She would find the answers she sought.
She would start with Hades.

She dipped her toes into the water and slowly submerged her entire body. Her

muscles ached at the feel of the warmth. She covered herself with the water up to her
neck and let her headrest on the marble of the floor behind the bath. She closed her eyes.
This felt heavenly. She felt like she could stay here forever. She slowly opened her eyes
to see the ceiling of the room. It looked like a giant mirror. It was…silver. She could see
her reflection perfectly. This land was truly amazing.

* * * *

He hadn’t meant to kiss her, but now that his lips had touched hers, a fire burned

within him that he could not control. She was in danger staying here with him. Every
moment with her, he would be thinking of a way to bed her, to see what secrets she kept
behind her thick lashes and enchanting smile.

For now, he sought out her bedchamber. This time, his intentions were honorable

even if the stirring in his groin wasn’t. Hades had come to talk to her. He needed to know
more about Jarkon and his plans. He found her sleeping very soundly on the bed. She was
wrapped in one of the white silk sheets. Her hair was still damp and it made little wet
spots in the silk. He couldn’t help but notice how the silk clung to her body in certain
places. He tried not to notice, but being a man, it was impossible to ignore the obvious.
She was a very beautiful woman. Of course, he hadn’t noticed this before. However,
having her here made her more real to him and made the thoughts he was having of her
seem more discernible.

He touched her hair carefully. He didn’t want to wake her. She had had a difficult

day. He wanted her to sleep so she would be well rested and could tell him more about
her land and her father. He knew that her father would do anything to get her back, but he
couldn’t very well ransom her back to her father and to Jarkon. He had only just met her
but he didn’t want to see her married to someone who would treat her as Jarkon had in
the desert. She deserved better than that. So, he had to come up with something better
than a simple ransom.

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She stirred a little as she slept. When she moved, the sheet loosened a bit,

revealing her leg. Hades knew that he must leave the room now. He couldn’t fight back
the things he was feeling for her if he continued to stay. No woman had ever stirred him
this way before. He was feeling more than mere desire. He was also feeling fiercely
protective of her. He realized that he would kill for her. He would also die for her if need
be. He was not sure why she affected him this way, but she did. It was as if he had known
her his entire life, or in a lifetime before.

He decided to leave. He willed himself to leave, but he just couldn’t seem to do it.

Instead, he found himself sitting on the bed next to her. He breathed in her scent. It had
been a long time since he had been this close to a woman. Women had unique scents.
That was something that had always fascinated him about women. Each one was
completely unique. He discovered this in his fifteenth year and had spent the next fifteen
years trying to record as many unique scents as he possibly could. Then, two years ago,
he had sworn off women. It no longer satisfied him to have a warm body in his bed and a
cold heart in his chest. He wanted more out of life and more out of his relationships.

She rolled over again. This time, her eyes opened. She looked surprised to see

him. She gasped as she sat up, holding the sheet in place so it wouldn’t fall off of her.
“Hades,” she said. “You frightened me.”

He smiled, that slow, heartbreaking smile. “I keep doing that to you.”
“Yes, you do. It must be your gift.”
He laughed, “I didn’t mean to frighten you. Again. I came to see you, to speak to

you. I didn’t know you were sleeping.”

“I’m awake now. What did you wish to speak to me about?”
“I…I should let you get dressed first,” he couldn’t help but notice the wet spots on

the sheet. One of them fell across her left breast. He tried not to look, but found himself
vulnerable to her again.

She blushed a little, forgetting temporarily that she was naked save for the silk

sheet. “You are right,” she said. “I should get dressed. Do you mind?”

“I could turn my back,” he smiled.
“Yes, and I could step into the next room. Tell me, what is the plan? Should I

dress formally or will I be exploring your land today?”

“I thought I should keep your presence here a secret for a time. I don’t want to

alarm my people. They may fear a conflict, if they know you are here.”

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“So, it will be a private occasion then?” she stood now and walked toward the

small closet. She had put her few items of clothing in there. She fished out a simple light
blue gown and carried it to the next room. The two rooms were divided by a thick gold
colored curtain. It was tied back, but she untied it, separating the two rooms as she
stepped behind it. “I can listen and dress,” she said.

She heard his laugh again. “I thought I would show you around the palace today. I

have a very small staff. Having a strange woman here will not upset them.”

“Oh,” was all she said in return.
She stepped out from behind the curtain. “I’m not accustomed to dressing

myself,” she said in a low voice, turning her back to him. “Could you help me?”

“I should call a maid.”
“No. Surely you can do it. It’s just a row of buttons.” She turned around before

having second thoughts. There was no need to bring in a maid for such a simple task,
even if having his hands on her again might be a danger.

“Are you having trouble?” she asked when she realized it was taking an awfully

long time to do this simple task.

He could hear the laugh in her voice. He couldn’t help but smile to himself when

she said it. Yes, he was having trouble. With every button that he closed, he was wishing
he could open one. There was no logical reason for him to have these feelings,
overwhelming and sudden. “I have almost got it,” he said when he reached the last three
buttons. “There, done,” he announced proudly.

“Thank you. I think I will have to invest in some slip on clothing or find someone

better equipped to help me dress,” she turned and smiled as she said this.

“Haven’t you ever heard that beggars cannot be choosers? I think I did fine for a

first time,” he smiled back at her.

“First time? I would have thought that your staff would say differently.”
“You would have been incorrect, then.” He turned to the door and opened it for

her. “Shall we?”

She followed him out of the door and down the corridor. She had to remind

herself that they were in fact underground instead of inside a palace somewhere. The
corridors looked like those in her own palace. They were covered with tapestries and
paintings and were lit with torches. The ceilings were all silver and reflected the light
from the torches, magnifying their power. Each doorway contained either a large wooden

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door or a pair of long, velvet drapes. Tropical plants were strewn throughout the place.
She was amazed at the fact that they were living and thriving without sunlight.

The two of them wound through several corridors before they came to the first

room she had seen, the one with the waterfall in it. “This room,” he explained, “is the
heart of my home. This water feeds each room and helps control the atmosphere. That is
why it is so warm in here. It helps the plants grow. It is fed from a natural spring that runs
beneath the earth’s surface.

“These trees are imported from all over the world. I have animals from many

exotic places as well. They all help me and my people survive. We grow what we need
here. My land is very vast. We have entire pastures of animals and entire orchards of
fruit. But there is one thing we are missing. We don’t have contact with the outside
world. ”

“We have been here for several hundred years. Our world was created when the

earth was young and when the gods divided the night and the day. Our land, the Canar, is
the night world. Your land, the Lethos, is the day world. Our people haven’t had contact
with one another since the divide. I know you have heard legends of us. They are all
false. They are the stories told by men who don’t remember or who never wanted to
remember that the two worlds were supposed to function as one. ”

“I need something from you.” He had stopped walking and now the two of them

were standing face to face.

“I owe you everything. You saved me from a horrible fate. I couldn’t have lived if

I had stayed and married Jarkon. You saved me. I’m indebted to you,” she was being
honest with him. She did feel indebted to him, but she was not sure if she could give him
what he needed. She was almost afraid to ask what it was. His hands were pressing hard
into her arms. She could tell that whatever it was, it was very serious. In spite of the
pressure on her arms, she was enjoying having him this close to her. Her heart was
beating quickly and she couldn’t help but look into his magnificent eyes. She could
drown there, she decided.

“What I ask of you is something big. You may not be able to grant it, even. But, I

must ask,” he was still holding onto her arms.

“Ask me, then,” she whispered. She hadn’t meant to whisper, but her voice had

gotten lost inside of her throat. He was unnerving her, standing this close to her. She

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decided that in this paradise, here with this beautiful man, she would probably give him
anything he asked of her.

“I need to know how to find an outlet to the sea. From the river. Your father

controls the river. How can I convince him to let my people use the river?”

Anakah was speechless. It was not what she had expected him to ask. She was not

sure if she could compose herself enough to give him an answer. Several emotions
flooded her at once. He had helped her because he needed access to the river. He had
helped her not because he was a kind, generous person, but because she could be used as
a political tool. Again. Well, she was not going to be this man’s tool or any other’s. She
moved away from him, breaking free of his hold. She turned her back to him, fighting
back tears. So, this was why her room looked as if it had been prepared for her well in
advance. It had been. He had planned all along to bring her here. She was a pawn in yet
another man’s conquest of the river.

She hated feeling this way. Once more, she was reminded that there was no place

where women could be anything other than bargaining chips. Hades was using her to
bargain just as her father and Jarkon had. He was no better than the two of them. In fact,
he was worse. He hid his intentions and made her want to trust him and want to like him,
then he sprang this on her.

“I cannot help you,” she said without facing him. She wouldn’t let him see how

angry or how hurt she was. “I don’t feel well. I’m going back to my room,” she said.

* * * *

Anakah was thoroughly infuriated by the time that she reached her room. Hades

was no better than the lowest scoundrel. She was also enraged at herself for trusting him
so quickly and so completely. She reminded herself that they had just met and that it
didn’t matter how blue his eyes were or how scintillating his smile was or how broad and
strong his shoulders were…anyway, none of it mattered compared to the deceit in his
words. All that mattered was that he was another man who intended to use her as a device
for his own gain. She would have none of it!

She began throwing her things back into her bag. She would figure out how to get

back to the original waterfall, the one that they had walked through. Its passage was in
the room she had recently left. From there, she was not sure of the way out. They had
taken several corridors in and they all looked the same. Even if she did find a way out,

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she would never be able to make it back home without the aid of a horse. She didn’t even
know if it was day or night, so she had no idea how to plan her flight.

Frustrated with another hopeless situation, she threw the bag across the room and

flung her body across the bed. She wanted to give in to tears, but fought the urge. She
wouldn’t let this man get to her the way all of the rest of them had recently. She could
scheme, too. She would convince him to take her back to Lethos so they could speak to
her father and then she would be able to evade this situation. But then what would she
do? Her father would send her off to Prince Jarkon as soon as she showed back up in his
realm. She was stuck here with Hades and would have to concede to that fact.

She laughed at herself when she realized that she was going to need Hades to help

her remove her dress. She couldn’t very well reach the buttons herself. Once more, she
was infuriated with him. She wouldn’t call him in here and tell him that. Instead, she
opted for ripping the buttons off as she pulled and tugged trying to get the dress to come
off over her head. She heard each one as the tiny pearls crashed against the white marble
floor. She would have gathered them up to sew them back on, but the dress ended up
ripping when it was half way over her head. It got stuck and she had pulled too hard. She
heard the fabric give way. This fueled her anger and it also hurt her ego. She realized that
she was completely dependent upon other people.

When had Anakah ever had to do anything for herself? Never. She had always

had someone there, ready and willing to do whatever needed to be done. Now, she was
alone. Not only was she alone, but she was in a strange new land with a strange man. She
hated the fact that her thoughts were insistent upon going back to him every time she just
wanted to get him out of her head. She took a simple black dressing gown out of her bag.
She decided that she may as well unpack. There was no need to pretend that she was
going somewhere. She knew that she wouldn’t be released until Hades deemed it so.

She hadn’t been in her room long when she heard a light knock at her door.
“Go away,” she said, through tears. She didn’t wish to see him now. Especially

not while she looked and felt like this. She didn’t want him to know that he had gotten to
her, that she was on to him and his deception.

The door opened despite her protest. In walked a small, middle-aged lady with

silver hair. She was shorter than Anakah and was dressed in a most unusual fashion. She
wore trousers like a man would wear. Anakah had never seen a woman wearing clothing
like this. She had to admit that it intrigued her. The woman smiled a kind smile. She was

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carrying a tray of food: wine, cheeses, breads and fruit. She placed the tray on the small
table beside Anakah’s bed. She then bowed to Anakah and left the room as silently as she
had entered. She didn’t give Anakah a chance to thank her for the food, nor did she seem
to pay much attention to Anakah.

Just another one of Sir Hades’s female guests, Anakah said to herself. She

couldn’t believe that he was having this kind of effect on her. She could get angry with
him without his needing to be in the room. She had never felt this way about any man
before. Especially not about one she had just met. Then she thought about her betrothed.
He had brought out similar feelings in her. Jarkon was different, though. She had never
liked him, so it didn’t surprise her that he made her so mad. She had liked Hades and
trusted him. That was why it was so difficult to understand how he could provoke her so.

Anakah pondered her situation as she ate and thought of Hades. There was no

way she could possibly escape his palace. She weighed her situation carefully. Why
couldn’t she help him? He had helped her, hadn’t he? He had rescued her from the
clutches of the repulsive Prince Jarkon. The least she owed him was her cooperation. She
hated to admit it, but the real reason behind her reluctance was her disappointment. She
had foolishly hoped that Hades had seen her across the desert and had felt an attraction to
her that caused him to seek her out and bring her back here. She had hoped that he found
her attractive and…womanly. She so needed to be desired by a man. The reality was not
nearly as romantic. The reality was that her father controlled the river and everyone
wanted a part of it. She was merely a means to an end.

* * * *

Before Hades could stop her, she had taken off running in the direction of her

room. She hadn’t answered him other than to say that she couldn’t. He was sure she
meant she wouldn’t. She had changed as soon as he asked her about the river. Why would
she do such a thing? All he wanted was access to the river. Hadn’t he given her more than
that recently?

She didn’t realize that his going to Lethos to help her put his entire civilization in

danger. If they had been followed back to the caves, and he was not completely sure that
they hadn’t, his whole civilization could fall to outside invaders wanting to harness his
technology for their own. He had taken her from Lethos because he wanted to help her
escape the man who had captured her. He brought her here to help her. He had planned to
use her as part of his strategy to gain an outlet to the sea, but he could have done that

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without going to Lethos and endangering his home. Why was it that women were never
grateful for anything?

Hades felt his foul mood approaching again. It had been coming regularly of late.

He didn’t try to follow Anakah. He would go to her later once he had decided what to say
to her. For now, he must send a spy to Lethos to help him figure out whether or not
Prince Jarkon was going to be an obstacle to his scheme. Then, he would know better
what to do with Anakah.

* * * *

Hades carefully chose a spy for his mission. He needed someone who could

infiltrate the palace and find out what was going on with Prince Jarkon. He chose a young
woman, Canala, to enter the palace walls. She would enter as an attendant to the throne.
She would be sent on behalf of Anakah and would carry a message that Anakah would be
sent to Jarkon as soon as the new moon phased. She didn’t wish to leave before this and
sought sanctuary in a neighboring land.

Hades and Canala reviewed the plan. Canala would seduce the prince and drug

him. She would then convince him to sign a letter freeing Anakah of the marriage bond.
By the time the letter reached Anakah’s father and Jarkon realized what he had done,
Hades and Anakah would be married. Her father wouldn’t risk a war by dissolving the
marriage. And, since Anakah would agree to the marriage, there would be no reason for
its dissolution. The plan was foolproof. Hades was sure that Jarkon wouldn’t be able to
resist Canala. Few men could. The only problem with the plan was Anakah. She would
have to agree to the marriage.

Canala would be dispatched within an hour’s time. She would reach the palace

within a few hours. She would bring several messengers with her to serve as liaisons
between her and Hades. The first one would report back within the next day with the first
piece of information. Satisfied that his plan would work, Hades dismissed Canala and
turned his attention to Anakah.

He had upset her earlier when he asked her about the river. That had been clear

enough. He was sure there was some deep-rooted reason for why the river would upset
her so. He would have to uncover this reason and use it to his advantage. He would also
have to figure out what Anakah needed, as a woman. All women had needs. Hades was
well aware of this fact. Some of them needed things, others needed pretty words, others
still needed devotion, worship, a thing that Hades had never been capable of giving.

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Hades was sure that Anakah fell into the latter category. She already had things.

She had everything a woman could want and was offered even more by Prince Jarkon.
She had turned it all down and sought solace in an apparently uninhabited region of the
desert. Things wouldn’t convince her. And as far as pretty words, what woman didn’t
love them. However, Hades knew that Anakah would expect more than mere words. She
would expect actions. Yes, she would want devotion. And she would deserve worship.
She did deserve worship. He was just not sure if he could give it.

He knew he could feel. He felt something for Anakah. There was no denying this.

He had felt it from the first time he saw her. It was somewhere deep inside. It made his
stomach hurt. It made his head hurt. It made him unable to sleep. It gnawed away at his
waking hours, causing him to lose focus on the simplest tasks. But, was it anything more
than unstated lust? Whatever it was, he had to get a handle on it. He couldn’t go into a
relationship with her, contractual or otherwise, until he had a clear understanding of how
he felt for her. The only problem is that he didn’t have much time. For his plan to work,
he would have to convince her to marry him by the next new moon. According to his
calculations, he had fourteen days.

What could he accomplish in fourteen days? He sat near the waterfall and looked

into its depths. It was as if he were searching for an answer in the blue waters. There was
none to be found. There was so secret charm or magic spell or… He stopped. Magic
spell. He smiled to himself. There was a way to convince her to marry him, but he would
have to move quickly and carefully. There was a way. A magic potion that would loosen
her inhibitions. It wouldn’t cause her to do anything against her will; it would simply
open her up to the possibility of him. His smile widened. This just might work.

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Chapter Four:

The old man’s house was not far from the palace. Hades had been there many

times over the years. The old man had a potion for every occasion. He also had cures for
every ailment. Hades hoped that he would have a cure for this situation. If he could name
the situation, it would help. He hadn’t yet decided how he felt about Anakah or what he
hoped to accomplish by marrying her. He did know that there was more at stake than
passage to the river.

The old man was seated before the fire. Hades found it curious that no matter

what the temperature, the old man had a fire. Hades and his friends had jokingly called it
the eternal flame. The flame was fed by the same mineral that caused the torches to let off
light similar to that of the sun. It was the heart and soul of his kingdom and the fire had
been burning for hundreds of years.

Hades entered and the old man didn’t look up. Instead, he motioned for Hades to

sit across from him on one of the large cushions. Hades looked around the room. He
hadn’t been here in a few months, but the place hadn’t changed. Herbs still hung by the
fire and various vials of potions were gathered on a table. The old man was not much for
company or conversation. He expected visitors to either need something or bring
something. He spent most of his time meditating and recording incantations in his
journals. He had little time for idle human contact.

“The girl is here,” he said when Hades sat down.
“Yes, she is.”
“Good. Soon it will be complete.”
“What will be complete?” Hades asked.
The old man looked at Hades now and raised his right hand to silence him. “Don’t

ask. Just know. You will need no potion with her. To see into her heart, you need to open
your own. That is all you need.”

“How do I…”

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The old man cut him off again. “You will ask her. You will show her your

intentions. You will be honest. She doesn’t need words or things. She needs you. Know
this and go to her.”

Hades didn’t move. Go to her. How could he do this? What would he say to her?
“You will tell her the truth,” the man said, reading his thoughts. “She will respond

with her own.”

Hades was speechless. There was nothing he could say to convince the man to

give him the potion. He wouldn’t need it, the man insisted. What if he failed? What
would he do then? His entire plan rested on her agreeing to marry him. Otherwise, his
people would never have access to the river. He knew, though, that there was something
else at work. He wanted her to marry him because he wanted her. Plain and simple. He
wanted her, but he didn’t understand why or how the emotion had come so fiercely and
so completely.

“She is the one. You must trust her. Always. If you don’t trust her, you will lose


“I don’t even understand how I feel about her. How can I trust her and expect her

to be honest with me?”

“You don’t listen, Hades. Listen to yourself. Listen to her. She will tell you all

you need to know.” Hades opened his mouth to speak. The old man waved him off. “Go
now.” The old man closed his eyes and began to chant softly. This was Hades’s cue to

He stood up and went toward the door. He looked back at the old man. He was

deep within his trance. Hades looked at the table. The vial was the pink one. The pink one
always contained the potion he needed. It was an unspoken agreement between him and
the old man. The old man always knew what he needed and always had it, ready for him.
Hades always took it, even when he was advised not to take it. The man knew that Hades
would take the vial; otherwise it wouldn’t have been there. Hades quietly slipped it into
his pocket. He didn’t notice when the old man’s eyes opened and the smile spread across
his lips. He was already out the door, wearing a smile of his own.

* * * *

Anakah looked over the note that had been delivered to her with her lunch. It was

an invitation to dinner. From Hades, of course. It was more of an announcement than an
invitation. It didn’t invite her to do anything; rather, it informed her of his intentions.

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They would have dinner tonight by the waterfall. They would discuss the morning’s
activities and would further their conversation. This was all the note said.

Further their conversation. Anakah had no desire to do this. Had he not realized

how upset she had been earlier? Had the whole thing just escaped him? It probably did.
He was a man, after all, and had probably never paid any attention to the wishes of
women unless they were strictly aligned with his own. Hers, she decided, were definitely
not aligned with his. She wanted to find a way to escape her life. Simple enough request.
She wanted a place where she would be free to choose whom she would marry and how
she would live her life. Instead, she was given degrees of complacency, none of which
seemed to suit her.

She wanted to give in and cry, but she knew that this was a typical female

reaction. She didn’t want to act like a female. She didn’t want to be weak anymore. She
wanted to be strong and capable. She wanted to depend on herself instead of everyone
else around her. She wanted to experience all of the things that she had somehow missed.
Most of all, she wanted to make her own decisions, choose her own fate.

Hades had requested her meeting with him at sundown. She was not sure how he

calculated this, but there was an hourglass by the bed in her room. She had calculated
according to the level of sands about when sundown would be. She was sure that Hades
had a more advanced way of keeping time, but she hadn’t seen evidence of it.

She had time to prepare herself and prepare what she planned to do. Right now,

she had no clue. She decided to bathe again and hoped that an answer would come to her
through the soothing energy of the water. The water was warm, the same as last time.
Steam rose from it. She slipped herself into it and let her muscles relax. She could grow
accustomed to this kind of treatment. The place was luxurious. If she pretended that she
were not being held prisoner here, she might just begin to enjoy herself. She smiled at
this thought. The place was beautiful and she had only seen the palace so far. She
wondered what the rest of the land would look like.

Hades had mentioned pastures of animals and groves of trees. She wondered if

there were roads and how all of the houses were connected. She wondered how they
traveled between the houses and the rest of the land. She wondered how long they had
been down here and how they had managed to harvest the powers of the earth and use
them to create this world. It was magnificent. The whole idea of it was fantastic. She
couldn’t believe that she was actually in a land such as this.

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She closed her eyes. Her thoughts drifted back to Hades. She wanted to figure him

out. She wanted to find out more about him. When she was not angry with him, she had
to admit that he intrigued her. He was one of the most beautiful people she had ever seen.
His hair was longer than any man’s that she had ever encountered. It was jet black, like
the night sky. It curled all the way down to his waist. He often kept the top of it tied back
out of his face with a leather band. His chin was rugged. It had been covered with hair the
night she had first met him. Since then, he had shaven the hair off, revealing a chiseled
jaw. His teeth were perfectly white and lit up his entire face when he smiled. Tiny lines
appeared in the corners of his mouth when he smiled. They spread to his eyes, which
were remarkably blue. They reminded her of the day sky. They were deep and dark. She
had thought about him too much by this time.

She smiled to herself. She decided that since she had taken it this far, she may as

well indulge the rest of the fantasy. He was tall. Taller than she was and taller than
Jarkon. His shoulders were very broad. She remembered how large he looked standing in
the cave opening the first night. He was still large compared to her. His arms looked as if
they were forged by the gods themselves. They were bronzed, as if he had spent hours in
the sun. He wore his shirt open too often. His chest was broad and covered with hair. She
wondered how it would feel to run her fingers through that hair. She wondered how it
would feel to have those arms around her and those lips on her.

Anakah sat up in the bath. She couldn’t continue this line of thinking. There was

no room for it. Besides, she was supposed to be formulating a way out of her current
situation. She couldn’t very well do that if she kept thinking about Hades in ways that she
shouldn’t be. What was wrong with her anyway? She had just met him. She had known
him long enough to be angry with him, but not long enough to feel desire for him. Now
that she had finally named the emotion that she was feeling, she didn’t feel any better. It
was desire. She wanted to have him near her, around her, on her. She would be careful to
keep that a secret from him. She couldn’t let him know that she was feeling this way. If
she did, he would gain passage to the river for sure. She would be helpless against him.

She stood up and eased herself out of the bath. She took a large, cotton towel and

dried her body and her hair. She would need to find something sensible to wear that she
could easily put on and remove herself. She looked through her clothing and turned up
two suitable options. One was a red gown, one of her favorites. The only problem with it
was the low neckline. She couldn’t wear it to dinner with Hades. She chose a green gown

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instead. It was trimmed with gold and buttoned in the front instead of the back. This was
convenient for her, considering that she didn’t want Hades’s help dressing and

* * * *

Hades was ready for Anakah. He had planned the night down to the last detail. He

had handpicked the foods for the night. He had chosen a wine made of grapes from his
private vineyard. He had also chosen a wide selection of fruits and breads. The dinner
would be in the waterfall room at the large marble table. It would be a private affair, just
the two of them. The food would be waiting for them when they arrived and there would
be no interruptions.

He was concerned about the evening. He was not entirely sure what he hoped to

accomplish tonight. He wanted to weaken her, break her down so that she would see how
his plan would work to her advantage. But he wanted more, too. He wanted to get
through to her and figure out what it was that she wanted. He needed to figure out what it
would take to win her over. For some reason, this was the foremost thought on his mind.
He couldn’t explain it. He had always believed in fate, but had never expected to meet
someone that appeared to be part of his destiny. He had instantly felt something
indescribable for her. It was a longing. He wanted her to be a part of his life. He realized
that all of the talk about the river was an afterthought. He had convinced himself that
marrying her was the only way to secure her freedom and his land.

Of course, this was not true. She could have been free if she had only appealed to

Jarkon’s senses. He was sure of this. He could find a way to utilize the river. He could do
it without using her. This was the plan that would bring her closer to him. Permanently.
Tonight was the first step in that plan. After tonight, he would have a better idea of what
to do about Anakah.

Hades was waiting for Anakah when she arrived that evening. He stood when she

walked into the room and went to meet her. He had been sitting on the edge of the
waterfall, thinking about her. Wondering what she would wear, how her hair would look,
how he would resist her. She was more stunning than he could have imagined. Her dress
was green and made her eyes even more striking. Her hair hung down her back in ten
thousand spirals. He wanted to get his hands into her hair. Now.

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He stood when she entered. “Anakah,” he started, but his voice seemed lost. It

came out as a whisper. He cleared his throat. “Welcome. I would like to start over with
you tonight.”

“What do you mean, start over?”
“I would like to start over with you. I want you to be a guest in my home. I don’t

wish to hold you here against your will. I did come to help you that night. I didn’t come
to be your jailer. Please, can we begin again?” He held a hand out to her.

She looked into his eyes as he said this. They looked very sincere. He was holding

his hand out to her, wanting her to take it.

“Why should I believe you?” She didn’t want to make this easy for him.
“Because I did help you and because you know this to be true.”
The food that was prepared for them looked as heavenly as the rest of the fare she

had tasted in his kingdom. Everything looked more appealing here than it ever had in the
outside world. Everything. Hades included. She sat at the table across from him and
watched as he served her. He filled her plate with bread, cheese, fruit and meat. It was
more than she could possibly eat. He also filled a goblet with wine and passed it to her.
She hoped it was not as strong as the wine she had previously tasted. If it were, she was
not sure she could keep her head together.

Hades watched as she slowly sipped the wine. He had emptied the pink vial into

the goblet before she arrived. He hoped it wouldn’t take long to secure the desired effect.
He wanted to move forward with his seduction of her. Of course, Hades wouldn’t carry
the seduction to the extreme. Rather, he would heighten her awareness of him and would
find out more about what he could do to gain access to both her and the river. If he played
his cards right, he could have both.

Anakah was aware of Hades’s stare on her. It was making her feel hot all of a

sudden, as if she were under the burning glare of the sun. She wondered why he was
watching her so intently. Was he trying to read her mind? Could he feel how intensely
she was focusing on her food, avoiding his gaze? Could he tell how self conscious she
was feeling and how much she hoped he found her pleasing? Could he tell how she was
feeling drunk and wondering what it would feel like to kiss him? She smiled up at him,
unable to avoid it.

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Hades noticed that she seemed looser. She had looked very tense at first. Now,

she was smiling across at him. He wondered if now would be a good time to broach the
topic of the river. And of their marriage.

“I have a question for you,” he announced, gauging her reaction.
“Yes,” she smiled. Her smile was coming too easily now. The potion was starting

to take effect.

“Why is it that you resist the marriage to Prince Jarkon?”
“I don’t love him,” she said, matter-of-factly.
“Is love a necessary component to marriage?”
“Absolutely,” she said, breaking off a few grapes and putting them slowly into her


“And because you don’t love him, you will risk angering your father and causing

a war?” he was trying to focus on his questions and not on her. If Hades hadn’t known
better, he would have sworn that she was teasing him with the slow movement of her lips
over the fruit.

“My father,” she laughed. “What does an old man know about love? Yes, I will

risk angering him. They will never go to war because of a woman. That would be
foolish,” she drank more of the wine. She was feeling light -headed.

“Yes, foolish. But would they go to war over a broken contract?”
“That is a possibility, I suppose. I’m sure they could reach an agreement without

having to involve me.”

“Yes, but a marriage insures that the river will be secured for future generations.”
“There would be no future generations. I would have died before I let him touch

me,” she became very serious. “You do understand that, don’t you? No man will ever
touch me without my permission. I will die or kill first.”

“I cannot see you hurting anyone.”
“Do you think I’m not capable?” He could tell by her eyes that she believed she

was capable even if he didn’t.

“I don’t think you have it in you to harm another person. I think you are too

kind.” He smiled at her. She was opening up to him now. He liked that. He just had to
remember not to be so bold and to avoid angering her.

His smile loosened her up and she was able to focus on his words. However, she

was feeling light-headed. She knew that he was trying to be kind to her, to compliment

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her, but she didn’t want his words to go to her head. She needed to focus more. “You
flatter me, Hades. It will get you nowhere,” she lied.

“I don’t mean to flatter you, Anakah. I mean to get to know you better. You are

my guest. I wish to learn more about you and why you were running from your prince.”

“He is not my prince. I had never even met him until the day you saw me running

from him. Can you imagine marrying someone you had never met? I couldn’t do it.”

“Why were you coming to the caves?”
“I had hoped you would help me. I thought…I’m not sure what I thought.” She

was trying to focus on him now. Her head was spinning. She was feeling dizzy. She
wanted to stand, to walk off the effects of the wine, but she was afraid if she stood, she
would fall.

“You thought I would help you,” he smiled. She was right. He would have helped

her. He did help her. He had gotten her away from Prince Jarkon and her father and the
outside world. Surely that was worth something to her.

“Yes,” she said. “I thought you would help me.”
“I did help you. I need your help now.”
“The river,” she said, standing. “You need the river!” she hadn’t quite found her

legs. They felt like jelly beneath her. She leaned against the table, not wanting to move
away from it because she again feared she would fall.

“No, I need you to help me figure out a way to release you from the marriage

agreement,” he stood also. He could tell that the potion was working its magic on her. He
moved to the side of the table where she stood. He reached out to steady her. He had
given her too much of the potion. He should have been more careful with it. After all, he
didn’t know exactly what he was giving her, he just knew that it was something prepared
for him by the mystic.

“Why do you want to help me?” she whispered.
“Because I don’t want you to marry Prince Jarkon,” his reply was a whisper also.

He was holding onto her as if his life depended upon the union of their skin. His nerves
were on edge. His entire body was trembling with desire for her. He fought the urge. He
wouldn’t have her like this.

“Why does it matter to you who I marry?”

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“It matters…” he released her. He saw her sway a bit before she touched the edge

of the table and held onto it for support. “It matters because I don’t want to see you
bound to man such as Prince Jarkon.”

She moved close to him. He could feel her breath on his chest as she looked up to

him. This was dangerous. She shouldn’t move this way. She shouldn’t look so tempting
to him right now. She shouldn’t…he swallowed hard. She placed her hand on his chest.
He almost jumped when she touched him. This was more difficult than he had ever
dreamed. He couldn’t stand this close to her and not react to her. He needed her to move
away from him now, move away or come even closer. He wanted the choice to be hers,
but he was afraid that if she didn’t move her hand soon, her choices would vanish and he
would make the decisions.

As quickly as Anakah had touched him, she also let him go. He watched as she

took her seat again on the bench. He wondered what thoughts had coursed through her
mind to make her come so close to him only to back off again. He wondered what he had
said or done to make her change her mind because he could have sworn, judging by the
look in her eyes, that she had been about to kiss him.

“Anakah, what is wrong?” he sat next to her. She turned to face him. He could tell

that she was fighting back tears.

“It is all about the river, isn’t it? You are using me to get to the river.”
“No, I’m not using you to get to the river.”
“Yes, you are. You don’t want me to marry Jarkon because you know that if I do

you will lose your leverage with my father. You need me to get to him. You need me to
get to the river.”

Everything she said was true. Yes, he needed her to get to the river, but he swore

he was not using her. Not anymore. He had to think of a way to convince her to marry
him. He thought he would die if she didn’t touch him again, if she didn’t look at him
again with the kind of longing that she had in her eyes just a few seconds ago. She would
be his ruin. He knew this.

He also knew that this was going to take some time. Unfortunately, he didn’t have

time. He now had thirteen days until the new moon. Thirteen days to convince her to
marry him. He sighed. He decided that he would get nowhere with her tonight. His
attempt to get the truth out of her only brought out a truth that he didn’t want to accept,

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one about himself. He was not so noble anymore. She had put an end to that with her very
presence. Now, he would leave before he took advantage of her.

Anakah watched Hades as he stood and left the room. He didn’t explain why he

was leaving, nor did he refute what she had said to him. His silence was all she needed.
She knew that the words she had spoken were true. He was using her to get to the river.

* * * *

Anakah was sleeping when he entered her room. She was tangled up in the sheets

as if she had been restlessly tossing and turning all night. Her hair was loose and strewn
all over the cushion. He remembered what happened the last time he had come in here.
He had seen her spread over the bed and had almost lost all of his good intentions. At
least she was dressed beneath the sheets tonight. This gave him a little strength. He
resisted the urge to put his hands in her hair. He had yet to feel the weight of it on his
fingers. That thought alone was driving him mad.

He sat next to her and her body shifted, moving close to him. She was warm

against his leg. He leaned over her. “Anakah,” he whispered. He put his hand on her arm
and gave her a light shake. He whispered her name again. She slowly opened her eyes.
When she realized that he was sitting on the bed next to her and that she was not
dreaming, she sat up quickly.

“Hades. What are you doing here?”
“Anakah, I need to speak to you.” His voice sounded desperate.
“What is wrong? Has something happened?”
“We need to talk. I…I have something to show you.”
She pushed the sheets off of her body. He could see that her nightdress was

flimsier than he had thought. It left little to the imagination. “Where?” She stood. She
noticed he was still sitting on the bed.

“You should…get dressed first. Meet me by the waterfall as soon as you can.”
“What is it?”
“It is a letter. From Lethos. I sent an emissary to your land. To see what was

taking place since your departure. This is the letter she sent back to me.”

“I cannot read it,” she said. It was written in a strange language, one that she had

never seen before.

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“Forgive me. It is written in my language, not your own. I will tell you what it

says.” He read the letter to Anakah. He watched her face change as she realized how
serious the effects of her departure had been. She looked very sullen all of a sudden.

“You must return me,” she said, tears filling her eyes.
“I cannot do that,” he said.
“Why can’t you? You are the one holding me here, not Jarkon. We cannot afford

a war with Harenthos. Do you know what it would mean?”

“Yes, I know what it would mean. Kian would attack on their behalf and your

world would collapse. Mine would probably go with it.”

“I must return. I never dreamed they would fight over this.”
“What did you think would take place? Did you think your father and Jarkon

would simply let you go?” Hades could tell that she hadn’t thought any of it through.

“You will take me back. As soon as possible.”
“Anakah, what will you do? He will force you to marry Jarkon.”
“Not if Jarkon doesn’t want me. Does he love another? Perhaps he will break the


“If he is in love with someone else, do you not think he would have broken the

arrangement by now if he could?”

“I hadn’t thought of that. How do we end this?”
“I cannot return you to him. He wishes to give you away to another man, like

cattle. I cannot let him do this to you.” Hades searched her eyes for a sign. He didn’t
know what to do, but he knew that the two of them needed to formulate a new plan.

“I demand that you return me!” she stood. “I will figure something out myself!”
“No, you will not,” he raised his voice to meet the heated tone of hers.
“How are you going to stop me?” There was a challenge in her eyes.
“I will stop you,” he met her challenge.
“What are you going to do, Hades, lock me away?”
“If I must, yes. I will keep you safe. I will not allow you to marry Jarkon.” He

hated raising his voice to her, but she was not cooperating. He had come to her in hopes
that the two of them could devise some kind of strategy. Why was she giving in so

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“And what do you expect me to do?” Her tone was exasperated. She didn’t know

what to do about Hades’s insistence that she stay with him.

“You will marry me,” he said, before he had time to consider her reaction.
“Marry you?” she asked.
He didn’t want to take the time to reconsider his words. “Yes, Anakah, marry


“I can not marry you,” she had a touch of a laugh in her voice.
“Why not? Do you have a more attractive offer on your plate?”
He was mocking her. He knew that she didn’t have another offer, other than the

one from Prince Jarkon and it was not more attractive.

“What will that solve?” her voice had calmed back down to her customary tone.
Hades sat next to her. “You will not be forced to marry a man you can not love,”

he said gently.

“This will make your plan work perfectly, won’t it? You get me and thereby gain

control of the river. That is the same reason Jarkon was bound to me. No, I will not have
another man bound to me for the sake of the river. I will find another way.”

“It is no longer about the river, Anakah,” he placed a hand under her chin and

forced her to turn her face toward his. “It is about you. I cannot let you marry a man such
as Jarkon.” His eyes searched hers for some kind of response. She was very still. He held
his hand under her chin and slowly brought his face close to hers. Before she could
protest, he touched her lips with his own. Slowly, gently. She gave in to him. Her hand
went up to his chest and he heard her let out a slow moan as he brushed his lips against
her own. “Marry me,” he whispered.

Her eyes were closed. She was reveling in the sensation of him. Marry him. What

a delicious idea. She let her hand wander up to his chest. She had been longing to touch it
ever since she first saw him. She just didn’t want to admit this to herself. His kiss was
slow and gentle. It was not demanding, but promising. It spoke of passion, latent and
waiting for her.

Hades’s hands finally found her hair. He ran his fingers through to the ends and

then balled his fist up, taking the weight of it and wrapping it around his hand and wrist.
It felt like silk, exactly as he had imagined. He wondered how she would look with it
strewn about his bed. Suddenly, the notion of marriage to her seemed to be the most
appealing concept he had ever dreamed of. He felt her mold herself to him, her hand

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caressing his skin. Yes, he could grow accustomed to her taste, her smell, her presence in
his life. He would convince her that this was the right thing to do.

Anakah slid herself out of his arms and into the waterfall pool. She went to the

edge of the waterfall and placed her hands on the marble edge that surrounded it. She
rested her chin on her hands.

He was watching her the whole time. She had probably not meant to be so

seductive, but when she slid from his arms and into the pool, it was all he could do to not
follow her and take her then and there. He resisted. He vowed not to take her until she
loved him and was ready for him. He watched her as she still had most of her body
covered with water. She was looking at him for a sign, he thought. He would ask her

“Is that a yes or a no?” he asked.
“Neither. I don’t recall answering you,” she said, suddenly feeling bold. “You

haven’t given me reason enough yet.”

I will give you reason, he thought to himself. I will give you ten thousand reasons.

“What do you want? What kind of reason?”

“I want…I want to marry for love, Hades. The fates haven’t decreed it. So give

me a reason.” She lifted herself out of the water. He sat staring, in awe of her again. Her
dress clung to her body in ways that made his brain feel numb. Her hair was dripping wet
now and her skin glistened beneath the water droplets. At this moment, she was the most
beautiful creature he had ever beheld. She sat near him again, but far enough from him
that he couldn’t kiss her without her moving into the kiss.

“I cannot give you love, Anakah. I don’t love you. But I can protect you. I would

die to keep you safe. I will not harm you or force myself on you. You will have many
freedoms that no other man would afford you. I will let you decide when and where the
two of us join. I will give you my entire world.”

“I will think about this.”
“We don’t have time. I must send an answer to Canala preparing her for what we

have decided. The messenger awaits your response.”

“Then tell him no, I will not marry you.” She stood again and began to walk away

from him. He followed her this time. He wouldn’t let her do this. She was a few steps in
front of him. He grabbed her arm and turned her to face him.

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“Anakah, don’t do this. Think of what you are doing. Will you willingly go to a

stranger’s bed? Bear his seed and his children? Will you let him touch you, kiss you,
know your inner most self? Will you give yourself to him?”

“He will end the marriage,” she sobbed. “He doesn’t love me. He will find a


“Do you trust him? Did you hear what Canala said? He plans to give you away,”

he couldn’t figure out why she was not responding to this fact. “Jarkon may not marry
you, but someone, maybe someone even worse than him, will. Wouldn’t you rather
decide who marries you?”

“Yes, I would. I don’t have that option,” she felt his fingers dig in to her arm.
“I’m giving you that option.” She was not being reasonable. He wanted to shake

her until she agreed to become his wife.

“I cannot marry you, either.”
“Why? Do you fear me more than you fear the unknown?”
“No,” this time she pulled away from him. “I don’t fear you, Hades.”
“Then marry me.”
She hadn’t realized that she wanted more from Hades that just convenience. It

tore her heart into bits to hear him say that he didn’t love her. Of course, she didn’t love
him, either. But she did feel strange when she was in his presence. She was sure,
however, that it was not love. “Convince me,” she said finally.

He took this as permission. He covered the small distance between the two of

them. He didn’t hold back this time. Instead, he met her with a force that he had never
released before. He took her in his arms and covered her mouth with his. She didn’t resist
him. Instead, she met him with equal force. His hands were in her hair again, clinging to
the dripping masses. Her wet body was pressed against his own. She let her hand roam
his shoulders and then his hair. A tiny sigh escaped his lips as she spread her own,
welcoming him.

He could feel her heart beating wildly against his chest. He could feel his own

heart beating out of control. The two together sounded like two exotic drums, each trying
to match the other’s rhythm. Her breath was hot against him. He breathed her in. She was
exactly what he had searched for so long. He knew this now. And she was here, with him.
He had to make her, his own. He would convince her.

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She pressed even closer to him as the kiss deepened. She had never felt so many

tangled emotions all at once. She wanted him near her, yet she needed to push him away.
If he stayed this close to her, she was not sure what she would do. She was likely to agree
to anything, even marriage. He was making her mind feel paralyzed by all of the different
emotions streaming through it. She couldn’t think anymore. She let herself go and gave in
completely to the feel of him.

Hades wanted to sweep her up into his arms and carry her to his room. He wanted

to make her his wife, contract or no. He wanted to feel her next to him, under him, within
him. He wanted to watch her moan and respond and enjoy. He wanted to give her
everything he had to give. He knew that in time she would grow to love him. He would
stake his entire kingdom on this fact. He knew that it would take even less for him to love
her. The river be damned.

Hades couldn’t bear to kiss her any longer. He pulled away and looked into her

eyes. They were both breathing deeply. He smiled at her. “Have I convinced you yet?”

“That is not what I had in mind,” Anakah still had her hands on his arms.
“What did you have in mind?” he cocked an eyebrow up as he said this.
“I meant for you to tell me why I should marry you.”
“You should marry me because it is an attractive solution to a terrible problem.”
“What makes you think I find it attractive?”
“I have kissed many women in my time and none of them who have found me

repulsive have kissed me back the way you just did.” He smiled as he said this.

“There will be rules,” she said.
“Of course,” he agreed.
“I haven’t even seen your kingdom yet. No one knows I’m here.”
“I will show you around. My people will love you.”
“When shall we do this?”
“So you agree?” he hadn’t expected her to agree so soon.
“Yes, I will agree to it. I will marry you.”
His smile widened. “Shall we seal the deal with a kiss?”
“No, we shall not. This will be a business arrangement. We will draw up a

contract. I will meet you in one hour with my requests. You should do the same.”

Anakah certainly knew how to ruin a mood. Hades would marry her, but he

wondered if she would ever show him the softness and passion that he had just felt when

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he kissed her. He was sure that he would be able to lure it out of her, but he was not sure
if he could stand to wait that long. A business arrangement. It was better than nothing. He
immediately wrote a letter to her father notifying him of the fact that he had Anakah with
him and he intended to marry her. Then he set about the task of drawing up his part of the
marriage contract.

What would he ask of her? He smiled at the thought. He didn’t want her

affections to come because of a contract. It was tempting, though. He wouldn’t require
her to share his bed, but he would require her to live with him. He would need an heir
also if his kingdom were to survive. Legitimacy was not an issue for his people. He
would give her five years to produce an heir. If she didn’t or refused, then he would seek
out a surrogate for the heir. She would allow the surrogate to live in the palace with them
and would treat her fairly.

She would help his people gain access to the river. She would help secure safe

passage through Lethos to the mouth of the River. She would assist him in affairs
between the two lands.

He would require her to attend formal functions with him. She would be attentive

and affectionate in public and wouldn’t allude to the fact that they didn’t share a bed. He
thought over this last one. He wanted more than this. He wanted her to be a real wife to
him, not a business arrangement. He wanted her to be faithful.

He lit the contract and watched it burn. He wouldn’t draw up a contract in order to

marry her. He would put no limits on his feelings for her. He also didn’t want her to limit
her feelings for him. He wouldn’t do this. She could decide the fate of the marriage, but
he wouldn’t bind himself to her through a contract.

* * * *

Anakah was undergoing conflicts of her own in her room. She had gone through

three contracts already and still hadn’t come up with an agreeable solution. Why had she
asked him to draw up a contract when she didn’t even know what to put in her part of the
agreement? She knew the reason. She wanted to know what he expected of her. She
wanted to know what he wanted her to do as his wife. Did he expect her to be his wife in
every sense? Did he expect her to allow him to bring other women to their home? She
hoped not.

What did she want from him? She was not sure. She had always dreamed of

marrying someone who desired her and loved her and who wanted to have her in his life,

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in his bed. She wondered if Hades wanted this from her or not. She had planned to use
the treaty as a way for her to figure out what he wanted and what he intended.

An hour was up before Hades had time to figure out what to do about Anakah. He

would go to her empty handed and would decide what to do when he saw her. He hoped
that he would be able to form a reasonable arrangement with her. He wanted her to be
happy, but he also wanted more than that from her.

She was waiting for him when he arrived. She had changed her clothes again. She

was now wearing some of the clothing that he had sent to her that first night. It was the
dress of his people. Her shirt was blue silk and was covered with embroidery. She wore a
long ivory colored wrap over it. He couldn’t help but notice how the clothing clung to her
more than that which she usually wore. It was also almost sheer. He hadn’t realized this
until he saw it against her skin. He couldn’t help but realize how everything seemed
different when it was connected to her.

He also noticed that she didn’t have a paper in her hand. He wondered if she had

come to the same conclusion that he had. They would let the fates guide them. They had
made it this far on nothing but fate, why not let it continue to plot their course of action?

“Anakah, have you drawn up your part of the agreement?” he asked when he

neared her. She was sitting on a large bench near the waterfall. She smiled when he

“No, I haven’t,” she said. “Have you?”
“No. I couldn’t.”
She smiled. “It was a stupid idea. I just thought…I thought it would make things


“I couldn’t figure out what to say. I have never drawn up a marriage arrangement

before and didn’t know what you would expect. Perhaps we should talk about this first.”
He was secretly relieved that she hadn’t drawn up a contract, either. This meant that he
could still have her in every way. As long as she didn’t place restrictions on their
relationship, he would be able to convince her that he wanted her in the way that a man
wants his wife. “What do you expect out of the marriage?”

“I’m not sure, but I do have an idea. Can we not say that we are married here?

Can we not draw up a contract and have it signed and approach my father with it? He will

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not break a contract once it is signed. I know that he will not. Can we not do this

“What are you asking of me?”
“I’m asking that you do what you said. I need your help. In return, I will help you

get access to the river.”

Hades knew that this is what he had asked her for, but it left him feeling empty.

He didn’t want things this way. “So you want a fraud for a husband. You want me to lie
and say that we are married when in fact we are not? Or do you want me to indeed marry
you and not take you as my wife? What exactly are you proposing?”

“Which would you prefer?” she asked.
“Neither. I will not lie about this and I cannot guarantee your… virtue…if I marry

you, either. I will need an heir. My people will expect it of me. So, the question is, which
do you prefer? A marriage of convenience? Or a convenient marriage?”

“Can we start over?”
“From where, Anakah? Damn! You have the ability to drive a man insane. You

want a contract and then you don’t. Then you want a false marriage and then you don’t
know. Where shall we begin?” he was standing now. He had become so frustrated with
her that he was not sure what to do. What did she expect of him? Cooperation? She
certainly was not giving much.

“Let us begin where you asked me to marry you. Yes, I accept. I will marry you.

For real.” She stood, too. They were face to face now. Hades raised his head to the
ceiling and threw up his arms.

“Do you make everything so difficult?” he asked.
“Usually. And it is almost never my intention,” she smiled.
“Then, Anakah, I will have to watch myself,” he was smiling now, too. She

maddened him. She made him absolutely lose his mind. She got beneath his skin and into
his very soul. She frustrated him, angered him, and gave him a reason to continue living.
She was his destiny, of that he was sure.

“Shall we seal the deal with a kiss, then?” she asked, teasing him.
“No, we shall not. You have fogged my mind enough for one day. We shall

instead prepare for our wedding and notify your father that you are in safe hands,” he
crossed his arms over his chest now.

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She moved toward him, planted a quick kiss on his left cheek and moved away.

She turned to go back to her room. She turned back and threw a smile his direction before
running behind the gold curtains.

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Chapter Five

Hades and Anakah were in Lethos within the day. Hades was nervous to find out

what would take place once they arrived. He had sent word that he would be escorting
Anakah back to Lethos safely. He hoped her father would greet them without contempt.
He also hoped that he would be able to convince Jarkon to back out of the marriage and
his plans to give Anakah to the highest bidder.

He hadn’t heard back from Canala. He hoped she was safe and that her situation

had improved a bit. He would find her when they arrived. After he met Anakah’s father
and announced his intentions, of course. He had to admit that he was a bit nervous. No
one in the outside world understood his home.

He looked at Anakah. She had been quiet all morning. She was even quieter now

that they were inside the palace walls. Hades was determined to keep an eye on Anakah.
The last time the two of them had been here, he had helped her escape. He wouldn’t
allow her father to do something foolish.

Her father was waiting for them in the throne room. He thought this was very

formal for the arrival of his daughter, but he had no notion of how these people handled
their personal affairs. Anakah’s father rose when they entered the room. He smiled and
opened his arms to his daughter. Hades watched as Anakah cautiously walked to him and
embraced him.

“Father,” she said.
“Anakah,” he held her for a minute. He was a small man. He was very old, but

looked as if he had been sturdily built in his younger days. “Where have you been?”

“I need to talk to you in private, father. I want you to meet,” she turned around

toward Hades, “I want you to meet Hades. He is the Prince of Canar, our neighboring
land. He… he helped me.” She smiled at her father.

“Hades,” he put his hand out to Hades and the two men shook hands. “Thank you

for returning my daughter to me. You will be rewarded.”

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“Thank you, sir, but I don’t wish to receive a reward. That is not the reason why

she is here.”

The man looked at Anakah. “Why are you here, then, Anakah?”
“Sir, I’m here to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage,” Hades managed.
“My daughter will marry Prince Jarkon of Harenthos,” he announced.
Anakah’s face went white. She looked at Hades as if to say, I knew this wouldn’t

work. His look said, Be patient.

“She doesn’t wish to marry Prince Jarkon. She wishes to marry me,” Hades said.
“Perhaps this is a private matter. We shall retire to my drawing room. We can

discuss this further,” he said to Hades. He turned to Anakah, “You will go to your room
until we call for you.” He motioned to his guard. “See her to her room, please.”

Hades watched as Anakah was led away. This was going to be infinitely difficult.

Her face was filled with terror and all he could do was watch her go.

Anakah’s father led Hades into the drawing room. Prince Jarkon was also in there.

Hades recognized him instantly. He wanted to hurt him, but knew that this wouldn’t be
acceptable behavior, even if the man deserved it.

“Prince Jarkon, what a surprise,” Anakah’s father said.
“Sir, I have a matter to discuss with you,” Jarkon said.
“Jarkon, this is Hades, Prince of Canar. It would seem that he also has a matter to

discuss with the two of us.”

Hades and Jarkon sat in chairs across from the large desk where Anakah’s father

sat. Hades didn’t like being in the room with Jarkon. His only thought was the rage he
had felt when Jarkon had dragged Anakah through the desert. He wondered how her
father would feel if he had known this.

“Our beloved Anakah has been returned to us. It appears that I owe you an

apology, Jarkon. It seems that she was with Hades the whole time,” Anakah’s father said.
Hades could tell by his tone that he was not amused.

“What do you mean, Sir? She is back? Is she safe?”
“Yes, she is. However she has put us all in a strange position. Her disappearance

has shamed us all. She did a great injustice to you. Do you still wish to marry her
knowing that she has been with this man for several days?”

“Sir, what do you mean?” Jarkon asked.

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“It is a custom here. If a woman spends several nights with a man, and she is

bound to another, the one she is promised to may change his mind and receive full
compensation. Do you want to marry Anakah or not?”

“She has been with this man this whole time?”
“It would appear so.”
Hades watched the whole thing unfold. Jarkon was acting angry, but Hades knew

that he couldn’t be mad. He was acting for the sake of her father and for the sake of the
river. He would end up getting exactly what he wanted and none of what he deserved.
This made Hades’s temper boil, though he didn’t show any of it.

“Did you harm her in any way? If you did, I will kill you,” Jarkon directed this at

Hades, obviously playing the role of the jilted fiancée.

“I didn’t lay a finger on your betrothed. I helped her find her mind. And I brought

her back home. Safely,” Hades said carefully, gauging the old man’s reaction.

“Hades brought her back to ask for her hand in marriage,” the old man said.
“I will not marry damaged goods,” Jarkon said.
This enraged Hades. Jarkon never wanted Anakah in the first place. He certainly

didn’t deserve her. How could he sit here and speak of damaged goods? He was the one
who was damaged. Hades clenched his fists in his lap. He wanted to plant them in Prince
Jarkon’s smug face.

“I wouldn’t expect you to do so,” her father said. “I will give your people passage

to the river if you agree not to make an incident out of this. Do you agree?”

“That is fair enough,” Jarkon said.
“Fine. I will draw up a treaty. I do apologize for this matter.”•

“I assure you

that it will be fine. I will accept your terms. Thank you for your honesty.”

“Thank you. You may leave. It would seem that Hades and I have business to


Hades watched as Jarkon left. He wanted to land one good left fist into his jaw

before he could smugly walk away. He fought the urge, knowing it would get him

“Now, Hades,” her father directed his attention to Hades. “You wish to marry my


“Yes, I do.”
“Why did you take her?”

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“I didn’t take her. She came to me. She was running from Prince Jarkon and I

took her in,” Hades said, assessing her father’s reaction.

“She was locked away. Tell me how she escaped.”
“The whole story is rather unbelievable. The point is she escaped and took refuge

across my borders. I helped her.”

“And now you wish to marry her?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Do you love my daughter, Hades?”
This question took him completely off guard. He didn’t know how to answer. He

was sure he loved her more than Prince Jarkon did. Love? He felt strongly for her. “I care
a great deal about Anakah, sir,” he said.

“Yes, but do you love her?”
“I will protect her and give her a good home.”
“She has protection and a home.”
“I can give her more.”
“She will only marry for love,” Hilell said.
“She doesn't love Prince Jarkon.”
“Ah, but that was a political arrangement. This is different. Unless you wish to

make it political. What do you wish from my people?” Hilell smiled.

Hades considered his question carefully. How should he answer? He didn’t love

Anakah, even though he cared a great deal for her. Now that she was rid of Jarkon, she
would only marry for love. She had told him this herself. Her father couldn’t be serious
about protecting her interests though. He had been so willing to give her up to Jarkon. He
couldn’t use her for a political purpose. He knew this deep down inside. “Sir, I don’t have
a purpose. I just want your daughter.”

“How does she feel about you?”
“I’m not sure. I know that she trusts me. Perhaps you should ask her how she feels

about me.”

“Does she agree to marry you?”
“Yes, she did. She may not after hearing this line of questioning.”
“Hades, if she agrees to marry you, then I will allow it. I will speak to her about it.

Until then, I must draw up an arrangement with Prince Jarkon. Please, stay with us. I will
have a room prepared for you shortly. Until then, you may tour the palace.”

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“I would like to check in on Anakah, if that is suitable. I worry about her.”
“Of course. Go to the gardens. I will have her sent to you.”

* * * *

Hades stood when he saw Anakah near him. He closed the distance between the

two of them and gathered her in his arms. Her hair smelled like roses. He took a handful
of it and felt it run through his fingers. She began crying as soon as they touched.

“Hades, I was so scared,” she said.
“Shh. It is ok.” He smoothed her hair. He pulled away from her and put his hand

under her chin. He kissed her tears. “Anakah, everything is fine. You are free,” he

“Free? What do you mean? I was so worried about you. Did my father harm


“No, Anakah, he didn’t. You are free of Prince Jarkon. He is leaving in the

morning. You don’t have to marry him,” or me.

He watched her face for her reaction. At first she appeared to be shocked. Then

she smiled a wide, genuine smile. Before Hades had time to react, Anakah had reached
up to him and pulled his head down toward hers. He braced himself for the kiss. Her lips
were soft against his. The kiss was gentle. It was honest, beautiful. He felt her arms lock
around him and he slid his around her. He breathed in her scent, her taste. She was
making him weak. He couldn’t stand kissing her like this. It only made him want her
more and he knew that since she was free of Jarkon, she wouldn’t need him anymore. He
would lose her now that he had found her. And now that they were free to marry for love.

Her father had wanted to know if he loved her. He didn’t want to admit it to

himself or to her father. However, here and now, with her in his arms, her lips pressed
against his, her mouth open, welcoming his own, he loved her. He knew that he did, deep
down inside. He probably always had. He remembered her riding out on the desert sand.
He remembered the first time he saw her when she was standing in the cave, terrified that
he would harm her.

The kiss ended almost as suddenly as it began. Anakah looked shocked that she

had kissed him. She touched her lips and pulled away from him. “I’m sorry, Hades. I
didn’t mean…”

“I didn’t mind, Anakah. I’m glad you are happy.”

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“I don’t know how to thank you. You saved me from that, that monster. I owe you

so much.”

“You owe me nothing, Anakah. I’m happy to see you free of him.”
“You are free also,” she said. Her voice lowered a bit.
“What do you mean?”
“You no longer have to marry me,” she focused her attention now on a rosebush

that was growing near her. She fingered the pink rose.

“I suppose I don’t,” Hades said.
Anakah turned to him, smiling. The smile seemed forced, but he couldn’t tell for

sure. “Isn’t it wonderful?” she asked.

Hades allowed a false smile to escape his lips for her sake. “Yes, it is wonderful,”

he lied.

“I must go. I’m sure you will be returning home soon. Thank you,” she said. She

turned and left before Hades could see the tears streaming down her face. She walked a
few steps and then she ran.

Hades watched her go. He loved her. He knew it now. He loved her with his

whole heart. She was free to love him now. Perhaps he could woo her, try to win her
over. He had no idea how to begin, but he knew that he didn’t want to give up on her. He
was convinced now more than ever that she was part of his destiny. She was exactly what
he needed.

Hades sat on the garden bench and looked at the rose that Anakah had stared at

fondly. He loved her and wanted to shout it to the world. He would convince her that they
were meant to be together. He smiled and fought back tears. She would be his.

Anakah went in search of her father. She had lost the guard and figured that her

father had had him called off. She really was out of danger of marrying Jarkon, but she
also had no hopes now of marrying Hades either. She went to the drawing room to see if
he was still there or not. The room was empty. She walked over to his desk and sat in his
chair as she used to do when she was younger.

She liked the smell of the leather. It had a manly, safe smell. It made her mind

wander back to Hades. She had fallen in love with him. Completely, totally in love with
him. She didn’t know what she was going to do. Frustrated, she placed her head down on

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the desk. That was when the paper caught her attention. It was a contract. For passage on
the river.

She picked the paper up and read it. There was no mistaking its purpose. It was a

treaty enabling safe passage through Lethos’s section of the river. She felt her heart rip in
half. It was a contract between Hades and her father. He had returned her for passage to
the river. She wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it with her own eyes. He had
betrayed her. All of the talk of marrying her had been a cover. He had planned to return
her the entire time and barter her for safe passage.

Anakah felt extremely naïve now. She had just kissed him. She had been in his

arms, wanting him and the whole time he was assured that he had everything he wanted,
passage to the river. His land would thrive now. He owed it all to her. That was why her
room had been prepared in advance the night she came with him to the cave. He had
planned to take her all along and exchange her for the River. She felt the tears building up
and she wanted to run again. She wanted to scream.

She left the paper on the desk and went to her room. She closed the door and

locked it. This time she would keep the world out. When she was sure that she was safely
behind closed doors, she cried. Hades had managed to make her fall in love with him and
break her heart in a matter of minutes. She didn’t know if she would ever recover from it
or ever trust him again.

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Chapter Six

Annalise closed the last book just as the sun began to sink into the horizon. She

had done nothing for the past four days other than hide in her corner of the library and
read. Her nights were the same, where she would go home, read and then went to bed and
read some more. As Hades’ story sank into her heart, becoming part of her existence, she
started feeling her old life fall away. Her answering machine blinked with unheard
messages while her mail lay unopened on the floor of her apartment.

These books came from somewhere, and she had to find their source, had to know

what had happened to the previous owner, and what had happened to Hades. Even as she
sat in the floor of her apartment, staring out the window, wishing he would come to her
and answer her questions, she knew she wasn’t alone. He was here with her, having sent
his story to her. He was the owner, the writer, the lover she had waited for.

The charm around her neck seemed to sing out the answer. She had to go find

him. There was no other way to figure out this great mystery. Her body tingled at the
thought of finding him, of being with him again. There was no doubt in her mind that she
was Anakah from the books; she was the one he had loved and lost.

Gathering up the journals and her keys, she knew what she had to do. She had to

go back to that old house where she had found the journals. The answer was there

Thunder roared across the sky, illuminating Newberry and the farmland

surrounding it. The wind whipped, threatening to uproot the ancient Louisiana pines and
level farmhouses. Annalise pulled the quilt around her wet body, hoping to stir up some
heat. When the lightning flashed again, she watched it from her haven inside the barn.

How far away was the storm? One Mississippi, two Missi… Thunder crackled

again, indicating the storm’s position right over her head. The old barn swayed and
creaked around her, forcing her to the center. If she survived this night, she may pack up
her old Ford and leave Newberry before she ever got settled in. If the Ford survived the

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storm. Right now, it was lodged in a ditch after having darted off the road to avoid falling

There was no way of knowing just how long this barn had been here, or how long

it had been abandoned. The hay inside was musty and moldy smelling, making her sneeze
at first. The old quilt served as her salvation, her only covering since her clothing was
drenched and covered with mud. Her eyes darted to her clothes, which hung over one of
the old stable doors.

Should she get dressed and go back out into the storm? The rocking of the wind

against the ancient structure was terrifying in itself. But she knew she would be no better
off traipsing around in an unknown area in the middle of a storm so blinding she had
barely made it to the barn. No, the best course of action was to stay right where she was
and wait it out.

Morning would be here in…shit. The rain had caused her watch to stop working.

Should have sprung for the more expensive model instead of the dollar store version. So
much for saving a couple of dollars.

Her heart raced as the thunder bellowed again. The wind blew the rain against the

window, making her feel as if she were inside a car wash. She wished she had known
about the weather before heading out to find that old house again.

“Calm down,” she told herself through chattering teeth. “You’ll be okay.”
She didn’t feel okay. To tell the truth, her head hurt like hell from the force of

being slammed against the back of her seat. The limbs came from out of nowhere,
seemingly blown into the road by the force of the wind. She blacked out for a few
seconds before coming to and stumbling her way out of the car and to the beacon ahead,
which was nothing but a shadow of a barn illuminated every five or six seconds by the
lightning. She couldn’t even be sure if this was the same place from a few days ago or
not. There was no way of knowing amid the torrential rain where she was.

She closed her eyes, wishing she would have stayed home.
She rubbed her legs together beneath the quilt, hoping to stir up some circulation,

to move some heat through her body, which seemed colder now than it had when her wet
clothing clung to it.

She stopped rubbing in mid motion. The hairs on the back of her neck stood to

attention, causing her to look up. For the first time tonight, she got the feeling she wasn’t

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alone. Her suspicions were soon answered when someone descended the ladder from the
old hayloft.

She pulled the quilt tightly around her body and stood, looking for a weapon.

Surely there was an old pitchfork somewhere. Her eyes landed on a rake. Good enough.
She tucked the edge of the quilt in on itself and grabbed the rake, prepared to waylay
whoever this man was.

He jumped when he reached the bottom few rungs. Then he turned and gave her a

movie star smile, causing her grip on the rake to tighten.

“Easy.” He held his hands out to calm her.
“Who are you?”
“I’m not here to hurt you, that is for sure.” He leaned against the ladder in an easy


She raked her eyes over his body. Jeans, boots, leather jacket. Nothing special

there. But, God, those eyes. They were the palest blue she’d ever seen and were framed
with thick dark lashes. His hair was unfashionably long, making him look more like a
rebel. Dark as the night sky, it touched his shoulders and fell over his eyes.

His jeans clung to his thighs as he shifted from one foot to the other.
“Sorry,” he noted her stare. “I’ve been asleep up there and I guess I’m sorta stiff.”
“How could you sleep in this storm?” She relaxed her grip on the rake but didn’t

completely release it.

“Storm?” he raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. “Oh. I guess it is

raining.” He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit a match. She watched as
he touched the tip to the cigarette, igniting the paper. “You want one?”

“No. Those things’ll kill you.”
He laughed, setting her at ease. There was something about him that was almost

familiar. It was as if he lingered on the edge of her mind. She shook the thought from her
head. She didn’t know anyone like this.

“What brings you out in a storm like this?” His eyes quickly assessed her before

turning to the window and the rain still pounding its assault there.

She couldn’t bring herself to tell this stranger the truth, especially when he was

looking at her the way he was. Everything about him seemed so familiar, as if she had
known him before. But that just wasn’t possible.

“How’d you get here?”

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She was apparently naked beneath that heavy quilt. Her dark hair hung to her

shoulders and seemed to be full of life in spite of its dampened state. Her face was
perfectly symmetrical, and her eyes were the eyes of a lover he had once known.
Glittering around her neck was the necklace, the aiko he had sent to her years ago. She
was the one he had been waiting for.

“I drove off the road. Just a little ways from here. Out that way.” She pointed in

the general direction of the road.

“There is no road out that way.”
“Then maybe it was some different way.”
“There’s no road near walking distance.”
“Well I sure as hell didn’t fall from the sky.”
“I’m dreaming,” he laughed, spread his arms up toward the roof of the barn.

“That’s what happens when you fall asleep in an old barn. And you,” he pointed a finger
at her, “are one hell of a dream.”

Annalise opened her mouth to protest his logic, but he moved so much faster than

she did. His hands were on her, his mouth pressing against hers before she could think to
push him away. And then when the thought did finally cross her mind, she abandoned it.

God, how it felt to be kissed like this! His mouth was hard against hers,

demanding, taking. His lips covered hers completely before parting to allow his tongue to
dart inside for a taste. And his taste, pure heaven. He didn’t taste like a man who’d just
smoked a cigarette.

Her hand quivered against his hard chest before plunging itself into his dark hair.

As she clung to him, the quilt gave way, leaving her bare body open for exploration. He
smiled against her.

“Hell of a dream,” he whispered as he slid his hand down her side to cup her

buttocks and drag her against his crotch.

Yes. One hell of a dream. That was the only explanation for letting some stranger

run his hands all over her. And for the wetness growing between her thighs. She moaned
and shook a little as his lips moved downward, one strong hand still holding tightly to the
back of her neck.

“I can’t do this,” she pushed against his chest, and he freed her.
“Do what?”
“Whatever intention you have. I don’t even know you and I…”

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“Yes, you do know me, Annalise. You know me because you have read about me.

You know my story, our story.” He took one step toward her, but still gave her enough
room to take a step back.

“I don’t know you,” she protested, even though the words weren't as strong as she

would have liked.

“Yes, you do. Anakah. That was your name. And you know who I’m. You know

that I once tempted you and lost you. I have become a desperate man, and I need you. I
couldn’t wait for things to be right. I had to have you this time. In this lifetime.”

The words echoed through the barn as the storm took a break. It was long enough

for her to hear her heart beating in her chest before the thunder crashed again.

“You can’t be.”
“This is your charm, your aiko. I gave it to you.” He reached out to finger the

necklace hanging around her neck.

“Yes, Anna. You know I did. Please listen to me.”
“You can’t be…”
“Hades. I am God of the Dead, but even I have rules. I broke them sending these

things to you. The books, the clothes, this necklace.”

“What do you want from me?”
“I want you to join me and be mine.” He closed in on her with those words. “For


“This is crazy.”
“No, it feels right.”
When his arms circled her again and pulled her close, she didn’t protest. He was

the man from her dreams, and he was the one she had been waiting for as well. Who
knew the devil wore blue jeans? She smiled as he lowered his mouth to her breasts,
taking turns with each nipple, he lavished them with affection, teasing, biting, licking.
Then he took the whole of her breast into his mouth, sucking roughly, his five o'clock
shadow burning a trail around the swollen orb.

She bit her lip and clung to his hair even as he lowered himself onto his knees so

he could access her parted thighs. He pushed her gently back against the hay bales. She
dragged the quilt with her, letting it cushion her descent. Throwing her head back in wild

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abandon, she let the stranger part her thighs and slide her to the edge of the hay so she sat
open and waiting for him.

Whether the rain outside stopped or not, she wasn’t sure. The only thing she knew

right now was that his tongue was making its way toward her core, licking up her thigh,
teasing her sensitive flesh. And when it finally made contact with her clit, she exploded
into a thousand pieces. No city boy had ever had this effect on her.

Clinging to the side of the hay bale, she pressed her pussy into his face as he

began working it, first licking the open slit, then biting the hardened nub of her clit. Then
he slid his tongue in, tasting her cream, lapping it up as if it were food sent directly to
him from the gods.

When his finger finally opened her and plunged inside, she shook, spasming

around him, begging him to delve deeper, to give her more. He smiled up at her, though
she could barely make out his face from beneath her passion-glazed stare.

“Some kind of dream,” he murmured against her.

* * * *

Hades slid out of his leather jacket and let it fall to the floor behind him, the scent

of her wet pussy teasing his lips. He moved away from her only for a second, long
enough to pull his t-shirt over his head and kick out of his boots and jeans. Naked, he was
finally satisfied. His dick ached to be inside of her, but she was so small, he knew he
would hurt her if he moved too fast. Still, it raged, demanding attention as it pressed
against his stomach. His balls drew up tightly at first when confronted by the cool air.
Then they realized how close they were to heaven and seceded.

She was a goddess, her legs spread wide, her wet hair beginning to dry and curl

around her shoulders. Her swollen lips were parted in a smile and her other lips, damn,
they just begged to be sucked until the end of time. And he was the man to oblige.
Settling it, he knelt in front of her and began running his tongue along her labia and then
taking her clit into his mouth again. Her cream rose and spilled out, coating the quilt she
had pulled beneath her.

He wanted to take her right now. Wanted his pulsing cock buried to the hilt inside

her sweet wet hole.

“You’re so wet,” he dipped two fingers into her tightness and was rewarded when

she fisted around him, begging for more. “Do you know how wet you are?”

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She mumbled incoherently as he moved his fingers out and then shoved three


“And so tight. I bet you could hold me, though. Tell me, Angel, have you ever

been fucked before?”

She nodded.
“I bet by somebody who loved to lick you, huh? Somebody who knew how to

make you come.”

She bit her lip and shook her head wildly.
“Don’t tell me you never came before.”
“It never felt like this before.” Her breath was coming in heavy gasps now.
He took the opportunity to slap his hand against her pussy as his fingers moved in

and out quickly, delivering his palm against her clit. The sound of his hand moving
within her was enough to make him almost come. The pre-cum already glistened against
the head of his dick.

“You want more?”
“Then I want you to suck me.”
He moved away from her, expecting a protest. Women usually didn’t like sucking

dick. He never understood that. Not this one, though. This one practically knocked him
over, pressing him back against his jacket as she took his dick into her mouth in one swift
motion. Ass in the air, she began sucking, moving his cock in and out between her plump
red lips.

He wished he could reach her ass. He’d love to slide his fingers in there, see if it

were as tight as her pussy. He knew it would be. It would be enough to damn near
squeeze his cock smooth off.

“I want to eat you,” he begged as she moved her head up and down, taking all of

him into her mouth and then releasing him and then going back down for more.

She lowered her pussy onto his leg and slid it against him, leaving a trail of juice

across one leg and then moving to reward the other with the same. Then she began
bucking against him, sliding her clit against the rough hairs on his leg, bringing herself
toward release.

Never had he seen a woman pleasure herself on his cock and leg at the same time.

Her relentless mouth continued to take and take while her hand started working his dick.

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The other hand snaked down to his balls and gripped, squeezing them roughly,
demanding their attention.

When she moved her hand, she placed it on her clit. He felt the warmth of her

hand move against his leg as her pussy moved with new frenzy.

“I want to see.”
She released his cock and raised herself up over him. He watched in amazement

as her fingers expertly worked her clit, roughly turning it red while the other hand parted
her lips before she shoved her fingers inside.

Watching her was like watching a wild sort of dance. She twisted her hips away

from him and then back so he could watch her work. Finally, she stilled herself over him,
letting him watch as she removed her fingers, took them into her mouth and sucked the
juice off. Then she began her assault on her swollen clit again, this time, coming with
such wild abandon, he couldn’t stand being outside of her for another second.

As she came and quaked, he put his arm around her waist and turned her so that

she lay at his mercy on the leather jacket.

* * * *

Annalise had never felt the need to touch herself like this before and was

surprised to find that not only did she move like an expert, but that she had the gorgeous
stranger spellbound. When he moved on top of her, she spread her legs wide, making
room for his weight, his size.

His skin was hot against hers and when their bodies connected, she felt the

explosions begin again. All it took was entrance for her to come. He stilled himself,
waiting for her orgasm to end before entering her completely, stretching her, filling her,
leaving room for nothing but the two of them.

“You feel so good,” she murmured against his shoulder.
“You feel good.” He bent his head down to take her lips with his. She wondered if

he liked tasting her on them. She knew the sensation of tasting herself was wildly erotic
to her. “You taste like pussy.”

His words caressed her, making her feel wanton and sexual in a way she never

had before. “You like my pussy?” she asked, feeling suddenly brave.

“It’s the best I’ve ever fucked.”

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“You want to do it like this or some other way?” She ground herself into him

when she asked. She had never tried it any other way, but then again, she’d never fucked
a total stranger before either.

“I want you like this first. Then I’m going to bend you over and take you from

behind. Then I’m going to let you ride me. You want to do that?”

“Yes,” she nodded her head wildly.
“Let me fuck that sweet pussy any way I want to?”
As he spoke, he moved himself further into her, pounding against her inner walls.

She would let him do anything he wanted to do as long as he didn’t stop.

His hands roamed her body, squeezing her nipples, rubbing her clit then moving

up to delve into her mouth. She took all of him until she couldn’t take anymore.

“I’m gonna come,” she managed through ragged breaths.
“You already are.”
They lay in silence, his fingers wrapping tightly around hers. She listened to his

heartbeat, knowing she had completely lost her mind. He could be anyone. But she knew
that wasn’t true. He was the man she had waited for.

“Are you ready to leave now?” he whispered into her hair.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you home. To my home. You’ve read the books, you know all about

it. You know where I live, how I live. I want you to be my queen.” He pulled her even
closer, nuzzling her neck with his chin.

“You really are him then?”
“Of course I am,” he smiled. “And I have finally come to take you home. This

time, I won’t try to trick you into being mine forever. You’ll have the choice. You saw
what happened with us before. I want you to know that it won’t happen again. I will
never betray you.”

The words sounded good to her. Why not give in to the fantasy? After all, he was

a god and did have the power to make all of her dreams come true. “I fell in love with
you as I read your story,” she confessed.

“Good. I had hoped that you would.”
“I’m ready to go with you. Wherever. Just say the word.”
The storm disappeared, and before she knew it, the barn was gone, too.

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“Where are we?” She looked around the grand bedchamber and ran her hands

along the cream silk cover that lay beneath her.

“We’re home. Finally.”
“Home,” she smiled. She had come to know him through the books, through his

story, their story, and she knew he had been with her all along. Right now, being here
with him seemed to be the most natural thing in the world.

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About the Author

Alicia Sparks has been writing erotic romance for two years. With over fifteen

books to her credit, she has written in almost every genre of erotic romance, including
paranormal, contemporary and futuristic.


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