riddles in the dark

background image

Rid d le s in th e D ark

Rid d le s in th e D ark

En c oun t er 1

En c oun t er 1

Having run all night, you find yourselves in the
basement of a ruined tower. Crumbling stairs descend
into gaping blackness. You hear the cackle of your
pursuers. They're getting closer. Steeling your resolve,
you head into the gloom, unsure what awaits you.

Mon s t e rs

Mon s t e rs

Ettins . Goblin archers . Shadow Dragons . One open

S e t up

S e t up

Heroes are placed on the "X" in the Ruined Chamber.

Place the Search tokens bas ed on the number of
heroes .

Place the two Ettins as indicated in Hoggins ' Cave.
The elite Ettin gains +1 ≥ per player.

Place the Goblin Archers in the Gras s y Pas s age,
res pecting group limits .

Place the creatures from the Open Group in the
Runoff, res pecting group limits .

The dragon is not placed until the Overlord's firs t

S p e c ia l R ul e s

S p e c ia l R ul e s

The elite Ettin (Hoggins ) won't let the players pas s
until they ans wer his riddles via an Attribute tes t. A
hero mus t be adjacent to Hoggins to make the tes t.
There are s everal ways to ans wer him:

They can attempt to ans wer the riddle intelligently by
tes ting ∑.

They can threaten Hoggins by tes ting ∂ (though this
only works once, and all s ubs equent ∂ attempts will
only enrage him).

For each s ucces s ful attempt, the players take one ∏
from the s upply and put it on Hoggins ' mons ter card.
Once he has a total of five, he will s tand as ide and let
the players pas s him. His wife Margaret will als o
s tand as ide, allowing the heroes to exit the cave.

Up to two attribute tes ts can be performed each turn,
provided the firs t one failed.

At any time, the players are allowed to attack Hoggins
and/or Margaret (if in range). If this happens , he will
attack until killed.

Each failed attribute tes t will enrage Hoggins . Each
time he is enraged, place one ≥ on his mons ter card.
This counts as additional health. Once he has
three ≥, he and Margaret will attack the players .

R e in f orc e m e n t s

R e in f orc e m e n t s

On the Overlord's firs t turn, he places the Shadow
Dragon on the Canyon Path. Once killed, the dragon
does not res pawn.

At the s tart of the Overlord's turn, he may place two
Goblins in the Canyon Path, ignoring group limits .

At the s tart of the Overlord's turn, he may place one
mons ter from the open group in the Canyon path,
res pecting group limits .

The Ettins do not res pawn.

V ic t ory

V ic t ory

The players are victorious when all non-incapacitated
heroes are s tanding on the Cave Exit.

If Hoggins was killed, read the following:

Scrambling out of the cave, you breathe a sigh of relief.
Hopefully the ettins will make a suitable distraction
(and meal) for your pursuers.

If Hoggins ' riddles were ans wered, read:

The speed at which you solved Hoggins' riddles was
astounding, and has bought you valuable time as you
continue your escape.

background image

Rid d le s in th e D ark

Rid d le s in th e D ark

En c oun t er 1

En c oun t er 1

Document Outline


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