Wedding Dare 1 Falling for the Groomsman Diane Alberts

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She’s the one that got away. He’s the one she can’t forget.

Photojournalist Christine Forsythe is ready to tackle her naughty little to-do list, and who better to tap

for the job than a hot groomsman? But when she crashes into her best friend’s older brother, Christine

realizes her list needs updating. And fast. Tyler Dresco took her virginity during the best night of her

life, then bolted. Now that they’re trapped together at a destination wedding, she’s going to get her


Tyler has never forgiven himself for how completely he lost control all those years ago. Being in

Christine’s arms had felt right…until he realized what he’d taken from her in the hallway of a cheap

motel. And oh, how she’s making him pay for it now. The insatiable heat between them has only

grown stronger, but every time things heat up, Christine walks away.

With every encounter, things go a little bit further until Christine’s caught in her own trap of

seduction. And before their time’s up, Tyler’s not the only one wanting more…

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the

author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons,

living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Jen McLaughlin. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute,

or transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact

the Publisher.

Entangled Publishing, LLC

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Brazen is an imprint of Entangled Publishing, LLC. For more information on our titles, visit


Edited by Heather Howland and Ellie Brennan

Cover design by Heather Howland

ISBN 978-1-62266-727-7

Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition June 2014

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Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Grab the rest of the Wedding Dare series!

Dare to Resist
Baiting the Maid of Honor
Seducing the Bridesmaid
Best Man with Benefits

About the Author

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Discover Diane Albert’s Shilling Agency series…

Temporarily Yours

Other books by Diane Alberts
If you love sexy romance, one-click these steamy Brazen releases…

Tempting the Bodyguard
Seducing the Playboy
Skin in the Game
No Romance Required
Out of Control
Unravel Me

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For Liz. Thanks for being you!

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Chapter One

Tyler Dresco closed the door to his hotel room and scanned the wedding itinerary. According to the

schedule, the first event took place in a little under an hour, which left enough time for a quick drink

at the bar, if he hurried.

God knew he’d need it.

He loved his sister, Kady, very much, as any older brother should, but a whole drawn-out event

centering on one wedding seemed a little bit over the top. There were dinners, scavenger hunts—and

ballroom dancing. Fucking dancing.

He’d been tempted to pretend the minor injury he’d gotten in Brazil was more serious than a bruise.

There hadn’t been much time to do anything fun while working there for Doctors Without Borders, so

his last day there, he’d done it all.

Bungee jumping. White-water rafting. Rock climbing. He’d injured his knee while zip lining, so he

hadn’t gotten the chance to skydive. Maybe next time. But ballroom dancing? Yeah. He could do

without that.

No one else could make him suffer through numerous days of flirtatious women, loud music, and

fancy ballroom moves. But for Kady? He’d do it and smile, too, damn it.

But first, he’d get a fucking drink.

Without looking up, he turned on his heel and stumbled backward as someone crashed into him full

force. He automatically steadied the person, making sure he didn’t lose his own footing in the

process. Judging by the slender frame plastered up against him, he held a woman. She was about five

foot three and had curves in all the right places.

Not that he was noticing or anything.

Oof,” the feminine form in his arms said. She started to step away, but stumbled back into his

arms. “Ah, crap. Hold on.”

The second her fingers closed on his biceps, he tensed. A shot of desire punched him in the gut,

making him frown. Her light perfume teased his senses, making him think of warm nights on the beach,

tropical drinks, and light laughter. And her voice. It sounded oddly familiar. Weird.

Clearing his throat, he stepped back and released his hold on her waist. She didn’t let go of him. He

glanced down to see what the issue was. Her red heel was caught in the cuff of his pants. Slim legs

were attached to that foot. Legs that made his mouth water. She had red hair that cascaded all around

her shoulders, and that’s about all he could see. It was enough. He was intrigued by a woman who

was literally stuck on him.

He shifted uncomfortably. “Do you need help down there, ma’am?”

The woman froze. For a second, he couldn’t figure out why. But she looked up at him, her bright-

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blue eyes that he’d never truly forgotten meeting his. “Tyler?”

Christine. Of course it was her. Shit. “Oh. Hey, Christine.”

No wonder his cock had immediately stood at attention. It always had with her. She’d always been

special to him…well, back when they’d actually spoken, anyway. He’d unknowingly taken her

virginity in Mexico in the heat of the moment, then left.

They really hadn’t spoken since.

“I…uh, didn’t recognize you right away.” She finally freed her heel and stumbled out of his arms,

smacking her elbow on the doorjamb in the process. She grabbed it and hopped on one foot. “Ow,

ow, ow.”

His lips twitched. “I see I’m as dangerous to your safety as always.”

“You’re as dangerous as a cuddly teddy bear,” she snapped, her blue eyes flashing with anger.

Interesting. “I just wasn’t watching where I was going, like usual. Man, that hurts.”

“I bet it does,” he said softly, watching her. She was even prettier than the last time he’d seen her at

her college graduation. They’d kept their distance that day. Something told him it would be a little

harder to do so now. He sighed and held out a hand. “Let me look at your elbow.”

She gripped it tighter and scowled at him. “I’m fine.”

“Just let me look at it.” He dragged a hand through his hair. “I am a doctor, you know.”

“Oh, I know what you are,” she said, backing up another step. “I know exactly what you are.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He stepped toward her, snatching her wrist in between his thumb

and forefinger. Holy shit, her skin was actually as soft as he remembered. “That I’m an asshole?”

She stumbled back again, a small breath escaping her. “I didn’t say that.” Her back hit the wall and

her chin tilted up stubbornly, ignoring his hold on her. “But, hey, if the shoe fits…”

He laughed. “I suppose I deserved that. Now let me look at this.”

“I told you—”

“You’re fine.” He gave her a level look. “I know.”

She huffed. “You’re as stubborn as ever, I see.”

“Guilty as charged.” He pried her left hand off her elbow. The skin was a little red, but she looked

otherwise uninjured. She didn’t even need ice, but for some reason, he didn’t want to let her leave

yet. They’d spent years avoiding each other and had it down to an art form. The second she slipped

away, this interaction would be over.

But they’d been avoiding each other for the sake of avoiding awkwardness long enough. Maybe it

was time to try something new. To start over.

“Well?” she asked, her soft voice sending something shooting through his veins. “Will I recover

full use of my limb, Doctor?”

Her graceful form drew his eyes, no matter how hard he tried to resist. Her slim waist curved to

generously swelled hips, and her long legs stretched on for what felt like miles. She wasn’t in a short

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skirt—it reached just above her knees—but for the way his body reacted? She might as well have

been strutting around in a fucking miniskirt.

“Yeah, but you need ice.” He turned away and mumbled, “And so do I.”

Christine watched Tyler swipe the card through the lock on his door with one smooth motion. He

looked so in control of every move he made, while she was literally falling into walls and crashing

into people. Bouncing off of Tyler wasn’t exactly the most flawless start to the wedding extravaganza,

but it could have been worse. Heck, the last time he’d held her in his arms, he’d looked at her with

horror after he realized what he’d done, apologized, and run away without any sign of hesitation.

Anything was better than that.

But still. Finding out his touch still affected her after all of this time was a bit of a shock, to say the

least. Sure, she’d been half in love with him back then—hence him taking her virginity in Mexico all

those years ago—but it had been years since they were within touching distance of each other. They’d

both moved on.

So why did his touch feel so freaking good?

Maybe she was just that horny. After all, it had been months since she’d gotten any action. Close to

a year, if she was being honest with herself. She’d been so wrapped up in her work that she’d

neglected life. She’d forgotten how to have fun.

So…she’d made a list of things she wanted to do before the wedding was over. Things she’d read

in romance books. Sexy things. She’d even titled it Christine’s Sex To-Dos . Not very creative but it

would do. So far it had three items on it: Kiss a stranger. Have sex outside. Make out in the


Rekindle an old flame was not on her list—and it wouldn’t be, either.

But maybe, just maybe, she should add another thing: Get payback on Tyler.

She could make it sexy to fit in with the rest of the items on her list.

No, that would be too dangerous. He’d already hurt her once, and she wouldn’t be going back for

seconds. She played it safe now, thanks in part to him.

Tyler came out with the ice bucket, his green eyes settling on her instantly. The weight of his stare

made her want to fidget, but she forced herself to stand still. His brown hair was longer than she

remembered, curling slightly at the edges. He had a little bit of scruff going on, and muscles like


It was obvious that he kept in shape while he was out saving the world. So not fair. He reached out

and placed a hand on her upper arm. His fingers on her bare skin sent a shiver straight up her spine.

She tilted her chin up. “Stay here while I go get you ice?”

And spend more time walking an unwilling trip down memory lane? No, thank you. She shook her

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head and looked over her shoulder. The elevator was awfully close. “I don’t need any. I’m fine, I


“Just wait here for me.” He skimmed his finger over her arm. God, he wasn’t even trying to tempt

her, yet he was. So unfair. “I’ll only take a second. I promise I’ll be right back.”

Unlike the last time you left, she added silently.

And then? Blessedly, the anger took hold. Anger she’d thought long buried.

Oh, he thought she would stand there waiting for him, after all this time? He had another think

coming. Time to turn the tables. Get payback on Tyler may not be on her actual sex list…but she was

metaphorically penciling it in right now. Dangerous or not, she’d make him want her. Then she’d

walk away and forget all about Tyler Dresco—and their sloppy past.

She gave him a sweet smile, satisfaction coming over her when he paused, his eyes heating up

with…desire, maybe? She reached out and tucked one of his errant curls back in place. His nostrils

flared. “Oh, I’ll be waiting, all right.”

His gaze dipped down to her mouth, making her stomach tighten, and then flew back up to hers.

“All right then. Good.”

He left, his steps long and even. Even while leaving, he managed to look so damn confident and hot

that it drove her insane. So much like a man, as opposed to the boy he’d been when he’d taken her

virginity and apologized before running away. He might have changed, but not enough to make her

change her mind about him. There was nothing between them except awkward silence and memories.

Time to go back to what they did best: pretending that night in Mexico had never happened. As

soon as he rounded the corner…she spun on her heel and headed for the elevator.

It was her turn to run away.

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Chapter Two

Close to an hour later, Christine leaned back in her chair and fiddled with her wineglass. She glanced

over her shoulder for what had to be the millionth time before looking back at her best friends. The

girls were all arguing over some nonsense or another, but Christine was clueless. Normally, she

would have been right there with them, fighting over…

What were they talking about, anyway? They could be telling her she was winning the Pulitzer

Prize for her upstanding investigative journalist abilities, and she wouldn’t have heard a single word.

Her mind was still stuck on Tyler Dresco and all the memories he’d brought back with him in that

stinking hallway.

Now all she could think about was Mexico, and all of the intense emotions that went with that

vacation. It had been three months after a drunk driver had killed her parents, and she’d been a shell

of the girl she’d once been. She hadn’t even wanted to go, but Kady had insisted she should. Insisted

she needed to live, and stop crying herself to sleep every night. She had reluctantly agreed, and tried

to act as if she were having fun for the sake of her friends.

Tyler had seen through her act.

Regan, New York City headhunter and her Tri Delt sorority sister, leaned close, pulling her out of

her thoughts. “You know how you haven’t told anyone else you’re moving to Maine? We’re all

together, so now might be a good time.”

Christine sighed. Regan had a point, but it just didn’t seem right to draw attention to herself when it

was Kady’s big week, let alone during the bachelorette party. Right before a wedding was not the

time to make a huge formal announcement about moving away. It wasn’t even all that important,


Maybe she’d tweet about it… Hey… Surprise! Moving to Maine. Come visit me sometime! Wait.

Was that more than one hundred and forty characters?

She sighed. “I’ll tell them after the wedding is over, but before we all leave. I don’t want to take

attention away from the blushing bride.” Christine smiled at Kady as she animatedly talked to Julie.

They all looked so happy, her news could wait. “But enough about me. How are you doing?”

“Great.” She made a show of looking around the bar. “But considering the man candy wandering

around here, I’m about to get a whole lot better.” Regan popped a mint in her mouth and asked, “Are

you excited to be going back home, living on your own for once?”

Of course her attempt to divert the attention from a topic she didn’t want to discuss failed with

Regan. It always did. “Yeah. I went from living at home with my parents and Jake, to college with

you girls, to rooming with Kady in San Francisco. Then, when she moved here to be with Colton, I

actually came with her, which is crazy, too. Now I’ve got a crap roommate who is anything but my

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friend, and for the first time in my life, I’m going to be alone.” Christine shrugged. “For once, that

doesn’t sound so bad. It’s time for me to try it out. Start over and all that crap.”

“Understandable.” Regan nudged her with her heel. “But if you ever want me to fly up for a good

Chunky Monkey binge night, you know I’m your girl. I’ll be the closest one to you once you move.”


Regan sipped her drink. “How does your brother feel about you coming back?”

“He’s happy about it. He’s not the same Jake he used to be, not after the war, but he sounded

excited about it.”

Now that he was a civilian again, Jake worked at a private security agency called Shillings

Agency. He’d gotten out of the marines only recently, after injuring his leg. He wasn’t the same man

anymore. He was quiet. Reserved. Serious. Not even remotely similar to the daredevil he used to be.

And he definitely wanted his big sister to come back home.

He was finally getting his wish.

Christine brushed her hair over her shoulder, using the opportunity to peek backward again. She

couldn’t concentrate on these things when at any second, a green-eyed, brown-haired, smooth-talking

devil could walk through the door. She hadn’t really thought about him much at all over these past

eight years, but now that she’d seen him again? She couldn’t think of anything else.

How utterly irritating.

“Holy crap. Why is Tyler wearing that god-awful shirt?” Regan whispered to Christine. “It’s got

tropical flowers on it, for the love of God.”

Christine blinked and yanked herself out of her head, scanning the room with a racing heart. “Huh?

He didn’t have it on earlier. Where is he? I don’t see him.”

“I know. But now I know you saw him already.” Regan looked at her skeptically. “I’d suspected as

much, considering the way you’re acting. So, how did it go?”

Christine shifted in her seat. Regan didn’t know about her and Tyler. No one did. It was their dirty

little secret. So what was Regan hinting at? Christine smiled. “It was fine. Why wouldn’t it be? We

barely know each other.”

That much was true. They just knew what each other looked like naked, is all.

“You tell me,” Regan said, watching Christine too closely. “Every time someone mentions him, you

tend to zone out and pretend he’s not real. Now that you’ve seen him, you’re acting like a space cadet.

Something’s going on.”

“My distraction has nothing to do with him.” Christine forced a smile. “I’m just tired.”

“I know a good remedy for tired,” Regan said, using air quotes around the word “tired.” “Want me

to share it?”

“Does it involve a hot man and a bed?” Christine asked, biting down on the corner of her lower lip

to keep from laughing, since she knew it almost certainly did. “Because that’s totally on my list.”

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“Ah, yes. The sexy list of ‘things to do while unemployed.’”

“I’m not unemployed,” Christine whispered, peeking at Kady. “I just didn’t start my new job yet.

Thanks for the help, by the way.”

“Don’t mention it,” Regan said, waving away the fact that she’d helped Christine get her new job.

“Back to the fun stuff…let’s talk about the party train you have planned. It’s about time you started

living life instead of reading about it.” Regan leaned closer, her expensive perfume wafting over.

“But as far as my earlier remedy goes? The bed’s optional.”

Christine laughed. “I’ll make a side note on my list.”

Julie came back in the room leading a wide-eyed woman by the arm who looked a lot like Colt,

Kady’s soon-to-be husband. She had to be his little sister, Sophie. She carried herself with the same

determined manner, and squared her jaw in the exact same way Colt did when he was dead set on

winning an argument. But Christine saw the way her eyes flitted about the room and recognized the

signs all too easily.

Sophie was nervous as hell.

“Hello, I’m Christine,” she said, smiling and reaching out to squeeze the other woman’s hand.

“Your brother told me so much about you.”

Sophie smiled shyly. “Don’t believe everything you hear from him.”

“Honey? I’m a journalist. I fact-check everything,” Christine said with a wink.

Kady looked past Christine toward the entrance, let out a little squeal, and took off. If she was

excited, it meant the men were here. If the men were here…

Tyler was behind her.

Had he been angry when he returned and found her gone? Or had he been relieved not to have to act

all compassionate toward a woman he would rather not deal with?

Lifting her glass, she chugged the rest of her champagne. She wouldn’t turn around and check him

out. She wouldn’t take a look at all the things she’d been remembering since she crashed into him,

like how huge his biceps had felt. Or how soft his hair had been. Or how her stomach had tightened

when her breasts had brushed his chest and—

Argh. She was doing it again. Thinking about him.

Time to stop. Maybe she should cross something off her sex list tonight. Find a stranger to make out

with. That shouldn’t be too hard…but it wouldn’t happen if Tyler was in the same room. She’d be too

busy trying not to look at him.

Regan leaned forward in her seat. “All right, tell me about these groomsmen so I can decide which

lucky one gets to see me naked.”

Christine stiffened. Not Tyler. Not Tyler.

Just because she didn’t want him and he didn’t want her didn’t mean she wanted him with someone

else. Yeah, super logical. But it didn’t matter if the logic didn’t make sense. She didn’t want to watch

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him hanging all over someone else, like, ever.

He could become a priest or something. That wasn’t asking too much.

When it came to men, Regan was everything that Christine wasn’t. Confident. Assertive. Fearless.

Christine had no problem asserting herself professionally, or channeling confidence and bravery

when necessary to get the story, because when it came to the job, she always knew what she was


Personally? Yeah. Not so much. But hey, at least she was aware of her faults. She also spent way

too much time playing Flappy Bird, loved all things Kardashian, and thought man had never actually

walked on the moon. Oh, and she drooled when she was drunk, too. Apparently, she could add

selfishly not wanting to see Tyler happy with anyone else, even though she didn’t want him, to that


She could live with that.

“So, who wants to bag a groomsman with me?” Regan asked. “Don’t leave me in this alone.”

“I’m in,” Julie blurted. Christine shot her a surprised look. Of all people, she hadn’t expected Julie

to jump in on the idea. Julie prided herself on being the quintessential Southern lady—not the type for

a one-night stand. “We’re on vacation, right? I want to be seen naked, too.”

So did Christine. But it wouldn’t be with a groomsman, thank you very much.

As Julie and Regan sparred back and forth about the best man to pick, Christine tightened her fists

in her lap, opening and closing them reflexively. She wouldn’t look. She would not look. Not until

she was good and ready.

She scratched her head and without even realizing her intention…she did one of those “not looking”

things where you peek over your shoulder nonchalantly as if you’re just curious about your

surroundings and not looking for someone.

And she, of freaking course, looked straight at Tyler.

When she glanced back, her gaze latched onto Tyler’s within seconds. Oh my God, had he been

watching her? As soon as their eyes locked, he winked at her. Hot damn, he looked good. Way too

good. He wore the same suit he’d had on earlier, but if anything he looked even hotter. More

irresistible than ever.

Same brown hair. Same green eyes. Same devastating effect on her senses.

She turned around, her pulse leaping at the eye contact. Holy crap. She was so screwed…and not in

the literal sense. Why had she looked? More importantly, why had she glanced away like a scared

little rabbit when she had? She wasn’t supposed to be nervous.

Bold. Confident. Free.

That was her.

She peeked over her shoulder again. He still watched her with a heat level in his eyes that made her

toes curl in her red stilettos and her breath whoosh out of her lungs. This time, she didn’t back down.

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She held his gaze for so long she couldn’t believe her heart didn’t jump out of her chest like in those


And this time? He broke the gaze first.

But the way he’d looked at her? Oh my God. It made her want.

“Looks like Julie’s made her pick.” Regan said while filling up her glass. “You sure about that

one? He is tall, troubled, and dangerously sexy. Not your usual type.” She paused. “Although maybe

he’s exactly what you need.”

Forcing her attention back to the girls, Christine ignored the urge to look at him again. Tyler’s name

had come into play again as a potential target. This was ridiculous. What was even more ridiculous?

She wanted to publicly claim Tyler just so no one else would. “I agree. He’s definitely the one you

should pick, Julie. So that’s settled, right? I vote for a topic change.”

Regan and Julie exchanged glances. “No. It’s not settled,” Julie said as her gaze moved over the

men. She lingered on a smiling black-haired man with an athletic build. “That one. Logan. Best man,

so he’s obviously trustworthy. I’ll take him.” Colton’s sister, Sophie, choked on her sip of

champagne. Julie reached over and patted her on the back. “All right, darlin’?”

“Never better.”

Regan nodded. “Driven, successful, total package. I can see why you’d want to go there. Wish I’d

called dibs first, actually.”

“You guys aren’t really picking out conquests, right?” Christine asked, her mind still locked on the

idea of claiming Tyler. “Can’t we just have a fun, relaxing girls’ weekend?”

“If you had the equipment, I’d consider it.” Regan waggled her eyebrows as she sipped her drink,

then took in the men one more time. “All right, I’m staying away from Mister Danger.”

Christine easily located the groomsman Regan commented on. He glowered off into the distance,

looking as approachable as an angry rattlesnake.

“Julie’s got her sights set on the best man.”

Ah, yes, the one who looked as if he belonged on a yacht or something else equally expensive.

“That leaves me with Kady’s big bro. I’ve always found him to be the sweet, strong, silent type.”

No. Just…no. “I don’t think he’s sweet at all,” Christine blurted out.


“In that case, I’m definitely going with Tyler,” Regan said, her eyes on Christine. “I think he’s got a

certain je ne sais quoi. Sophie? You getting in on this?”

Sophie’s reply was lost on Christine. As was the rest of the conversation.

Regan was going after Tyler, and Christine had no doubt in her mind she could succeed without a

whole lot of effort. She’d bet her last dollar that with Regan, Tyler wouldn’t apologize afterward. He

wouldn’t regret a darn thing. But would Regan actually go after him? She had always been uncannily

adept at reading between the lines, and right now Christine was screaming to stay away from him…

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Between the lines, of course.

She shoved her chair back from the table with shaking hands. She wobbled on her feet, trying to

keep her balance. The last thing she needed right now was to fall face-first onto the floor. “I-I need

some air. I can’t breathe in here.”

Regan reached out and grabbed her elbow. “How much did you drink?”

“Apparently not enough.” Christine offered her a smile. “But I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”

“You know I was just messing—”

“I know,” Christine said, stumbling away and beelining for the door. Wait. Was Regan saying she

knew about Christine and Tyler? But she couldn’t. “W-We’ll talk later.”

Regan let her go, but she watched her with a furrowed brow. Even though Christine knew she was

worried, she couldn’t take the time to reassure her right now. She needed to get out, escape Tyler’s

overwhelming presence, and start using her spicy romance novel tricks—such as going down on a guy

in public—on someone who didn’t make her heart involuntarily stop and her toes curl.

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Chapter Three

Tyler ran a hand through his hair and rocked back on his heels, trying his damned best to ignore

Christine. The fact that he could feel her eyes on him was not a good sign of how this week was going

to go. Not that it came as much of a surprise. He’d spent the last eight years trying to drown himself in

his work and in saving the world, one bloody surgery at a time.

It was kind of his thing, taking care of people. He was good at it, too.

But seeing her was hauling his ass back to the time he went down to Mexico with his sister and her

friends. Back to the time when he’d taken advantage of the shy but fiery redhead, then ran from her

afterward. That? Not so fucking good of him.

She’d been gorgeous, lonely, and grief-stricken. He’d wanted to help her. Heal her. If he’d known

she was untouched, he never would have touched her. He shouldn’t have in the first place, but the

whole virgin thing had just been the icing on top of the huge portion of guilt cake he’d been served.

The girls had been eighteen, and in their first year of college. That in and of itself was asking for

trouble. He’d been fresh out of med school about to embark on a crazy adventure with Doctors

Without Borders. The vacation had been a great chance to get some downtime before his departure,

keep an eye on the girls, and spend some time with his sister before he left.

But when Christine had slipped away from the group on the last night, he’d followed her to make

sure she was okay. He’d found her alone, sobbing and struggling to open her hotel door, and he hadn’t

hesitated. Hadn’t thought. He’d just pulled her into his arms to comfort her. Though his intention had

been to offer her a shoulder and dry her tears—maybe say something witty to bring out the smile he’d

come to treasure so damn much—she’d looked up at him with those wide blue eyes and he’d…just

fucking broken.

He didn’t have another word for it, even if that one didn’t make any sense.

The second he’d wrapped his arms around her, something inside him shifted. As if he needed to

kiss her to make her feel better. As if kissing her would make him feel better. It had been obvious and

frightening. The second their mouths met, her soft lips trembling under his, everything felt right.


And now, here they were. Should he say something to her? Break the silence? But what was he

supposed to say? Sorry for popping your cherry and not talking to you for eight years. But, hey,

can I buy you a drink? Somehow, that didn’t seem sufficient for the hatred she must feel for him by


Unable to resist, he looked her way again. Her deep-red hair shone in the dim candlelight, making

her stand out among the roomful of blondes and brunettes. He couldn’t see her eyes, but he knew they

would be as blue as the sky on a summer day.

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When she smiled…ah, when she smiled, an adorable dimple popped out to play. She only had one

—not two. He knew she hated it. He’d once told her he thought it was adorable. Still did.

An elbow slammed into his ribs, and Kady hugged him tight. “You’re here!”

“Of course I’m here,” he said, kissing the top of her head. “Did you think I wouldn’t be?”

“I don’t know,” she said, her voice muffled by his chest. “Maybe a little bit. You’re always in

some crazy country or another.”

He sighed and let go of her. “I wouldn’t have missed this for the world and you know it.”

“Yeah, well, you are a hotshot chief now.”

Kady, of course, referred to his promotion at work in Portland, Oregon. He’d been named the

newest chief of Emergency Medicine at Good Samaritan Hospital. He’d come back to the States just a

month or so ago, and would be staying for at least a year before he’d take a leave of absence to return


He knew that sooner rather than later, he would get that itch to travel again. He was like an

adrenaline junkie, and his rush of choice was helping people who couldn’t otherwise get help in

dangerous places. It would only be a matter of time before that was his life again.

“Hey. Pay attention to me.” She poked him in the ribs. “You look like you’re miles away…again.”

He smiled down at his little sister. Her brown hair was smooth and shiny, and she looked so damn

happy. It was a little crazy that it was his childhood friend who’d made her feel that way, but

whatever. “Sorry, it didn’t tell me I should pay attention to you on my itinerary. It just said

‘bridesmaids to gather for drinks in the Osprey Lounge.’”

“Oh, stop teasing. I know how you like to be in control all the time—admit it. You love it,” Kady

said, hugging him tightly and laughing. “Julie went above and beyond.”

“I noticed,” he said drily. “Is there really a scavenger hunt?”

“Yep! This is going to be the most epic wedding ever, and I expect you to show up at every single

event, no matter how big of a title you have in front of your name now.” She beamed at Colt, who’d

been standing by her side silently throughout the whole conversation. “I’m so happy we’re all here


“Congrats on the job, by the way,” Colt said, nodding his head. “That’s a big jump.”

“Thank you.” He shook Colt’s hand, trying not to glower at him. Because he was happy for them.

He really was. But he was still wrapping his head around the fact that his old buddy was about to

become his future brother-in-law…and seeing his little sister naked on a daily basis. It was fucking

weird. “But the real congrats go to you for marrying my sister.”

“Of course,” Colt agreed, his warm eyes on Kady. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Kady and Colt shared one of those wordless exchanges that couples could do. He’d like to think he

would find the same kind of happiness, one day. If he ever got to the point where his career didn’t

own him body and soul.

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As if on their own accord, his eyes strayed to where Christine sat. She shoved back from the table

and stood up unsteadily. When she wobbled, looking as if she might tumble, he stepped forward—

which was a stupid move. He was too far away to catch her, anyway. What had he expected to do?

Grow extend-o-arms to save the girl? He’d already tried to be her savior in Mexico, and look how

lovely that turned out.

When she righted herself and headed for the door, everything inside him shouted to follow her. But

their last encounter had been a huge failure. He’d rehearsed a whole fucking speech in his head when

he’d walked down the hall to get ice, and she had run away. Hell, he deserved it. Once upon a time

he’d run from her, too. Karma was a bitch.

He forced his attention back to his sister. Kady wobbled on her feet. This time, he was close

enough to catch the girl. He steadied his sister, holding her in his arms, and shot her a disproving

glance. “Jesus. How much did you girls drink before we got here?”

She snorted. “Enough to laugh at the look you’re giving me.”

“Don’t worry, Tyler. She’s not your responsibility anymore.” Colt held his arms open. “I’ll take

her off your hands.”

She wasn’t his to protect anymore, and that was something he’d have to get used to. Kady was right

when she said he liked being in control. He liked knowing all was well with those he cared about.

But he would have to back off. He released her, and she moved into Colt’s arms. Colt hugged her

close, his whole body relaxing the second she touched him.

That was what love looked like.

Tyler met the future groom’s eyes. “Are you going to make sure she doesn’t get this wasted on your


Colt rolled his eyes. “Please. If anything, I’ll be helping her get wasted. She’ll be my wife, not my

little sister.”

Tyler cocked his brow, unable to resist a little bit of teasing. “Maybe I should come along, just in

case, and make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble. You know, like in Mexico.”

“Come?” Kady squeaked, her face going pale. “Obviously he’s kidding.” She looked up at Colt.


“No,” Tyler said innocently, crossing his arms. “Why would I be kidding about something like that?

Someone has to keep you two under control.”

Kady’s eyes widened. “Yeah. Sorry. You’re not coming on our honeymoon.”

Colt nodded. “I’m in full agreement with my soon-to-be wife.”

“I know. I’m just teasing, of course.” He forced a shudder and threw in a dramatic gag for Kady’s

enjoyment. “I have no intention of joining you on that trip.”

She giggled. “Good.”

“You got that right,” Colt said, grinning. “I love you and all, man, but there’s no way in hell you’re

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coming on my honeymoon.”

Kady tucked her hair behind her ear and looked over her shoulder. “Did you say hi to Mom and

Dad yet? They snuck into my bachelorette party, and are over in the left corner with Aunt Meredith,

waving at me wildly. I think they’re telling us to come over.”

“I haven’t had the chance.”

His gaze sought out Christine again. She made her way to the door, but stopped to talk to a short

woman Tyler didn’t recognize. Christine’s gaze collided with his before skittering away. Her cheeks

flushed red, and she clung to her purse so tight it became a mangled mess in her hands.

“Ugh. Come on.” Kady held her finger up to their parents. “We’ll go say hello to them, then I’ll see

if I can round up the girls and the rest of the groomsmen for some real fun.”

He started to follow her, but stopped. He hesitated, shifting on his feet. “Um…give me a second.

I’ll catch up in a few.”

“You can’t send me in there alone.”

He backed up a tiny step, his eyes on the door. “I just need a second, okay?”

She shot him a look, but he turned on his heel and followed Christine out the door as

inconspicuously as he could manage. He crossed the room quickly, not wanting her to hit the elevator

before he had a chance to catch up.

After shoving through the doors, he came to an abrupt halt.

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Chapter Four

Tyler stood there, his breath coming unevenly and his heart leaping at the sight of her. She leaned

back against the wall, her eyes on her phone. She casually swiped her finger over the screen, clearly

not concerned enough to look up and see who had followed her outside. Or maybe she already knew?

Her wavy red hair tumbled down her shoulders¸ falling halfway down her back, and she continued

silently chanting something. His fingers itched with the need to bury themselves inside her waves. To

find out if her hair felt as good as he remembered.

It couldn’t be. No one had hair that damned soft.

She wore a black dress that fell above the knee, and a pair of red heels that belonged over a man’s

head, not on the ground. No. Scratch that. Not any man’s head.

His head.

When she bit down on her plump pink lip, a fist of desire clenched in his gut, squeezing tight. Shit.

Forcing himself to stop checking her out like a starved man looking at a steak dinner, he cleared his

throat. Christine startled and her eyes focused, zeroing in on him within seconds.

She fisted her hands and her gaze dipped low. He forced himself to stand still and let her look her

fill, just as he had with her. And, fuck, did she look.

Her gaze skimmed over him, seemingly taking in every detail. When she bit down harder on her lip,

her cheeks becoming suffused with a charming blush, his stomach tightened in response. She met his

eyes again; he forced himself to smile in what he hoped was a casual manner and didn’t come across

as I must have you.

“Hey, Red.”

She stiffened, returning her attention to her damn phone. “It’s Christine.”

“Not to me.” He shrugged. She’d liked his nickname for her in Mexico, but she didn’t anymore? Oh

well. He liked it, so he’d use it. He’d called her Red for the obvious reason—her hair—but also

because of her fiery spirit and the way she blushed whenever he’d come too close to her. Just like she

was doing now. “To me, you’ll always be Red.”

“Oh, how cute.” She cocked her head and offered him a fake smile. Oh, she didn’t mean for it look

that way, but he knew when someone was faking it. As an ER doctor he dealt with liars daily. He

knew when someone was bullshitting him. “But you lost the right to have any cute little names for me

when you left me that night.”

And there they were, at the heart of their issue. Had he expected any less? Her straight talking is

what made her such a damn good investigative journalist. She wouldn’t waste any time getting to the

good stuff. “Yeah. I’m sorry I did that.”

“I got that message when you ran away from me mumbling ‘Oh my God’ over and over again,” she

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drawled, slipping her phone into her small purse. “But thanks for the late apology.”

He flinched. “That was the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done, I’ll admit it. But I went down

there to protect you girls, not to fuck one of you.”

She crossed her arms and gave him an appraising look. “Looks like I won the unexpected prize

package then, huh?”

“No.” He eyed her. He could read her like a book. She intimidated people by being on the

offensive, making them back down. It wouldn’t work with him. “I didn’t mean it like that and you

know it.”

“Not really. I do know, though, that when you’re about to come, you close your eyes and your

fingers tighten on my hair before you tug—”

“Jesus.” His stomach clenched and he took a step toward her, but pulled himself short. “How the

hell do you remember that shit?”

“I have a good memory.” She crossed her arms and grinned. “Once I see or feel something, I never


“Maybe you need to,” Tyler said, thinking of her photographic memory of him running away like a

scared fucking pansy in Mexico. “Some things aren’t worth remembering.”

Her smile slipped a little, but she forced it back into place. What game was she playing? “I

remember it all, you know. Do you?”

Did she remember all of those details? It had been eight years. Sure, he remembered them, too, but

that was different. He’d been older and completely sober. “Weren’t you too drunk to remember your

name, let alone what we did?”

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than he wanted to take them back. He felt like an ass for

having sex with her when she was under the influence in the first place. The last thing he needed was

to remind her he’d done it. Stupid asshole.

She laughed, tossing her head back. “Actually, I wasn’t drunk at all.”

“You had three drinks.” He looked her up and down. “At your age and your size, you would have

been at an approximately 0.28 percent blood alcohol concentration, which is way beyond drunk. I

was a jerk for taking advantage of you, and I’m sorry.”

She tucked her hair behind her ear and averted her eyes. “That’s an awfully detailed calculation.

Thought about it much over the years?”

“You could say that.” He clenched his jaw. “Like I said, I’m sorry.”

“Well, save your apologies for someone else.” She lifted a shoulder. “ You had three drinks. I was

too distracted watching you to drink, so there’s no guilt needed. I didn’t even drink that night.”

How had he missed her not finishing her drinks? Maybe he’d just been that taken in by her. She was

more fun to watch than a fucking cup. “Oh.”

“I had sex with you because I wanted to. Because you made me feel good. Not because I was drunk

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and out of my head.” She cocked her head. “Can you say the same? Why did you do it?”

Heat swept through him, taking away some of the guilt that had been his companion for way too

long. She’d been fully sober and still fucked him? Well, that changed a few things. It meant she’d

wanted him as much as he’d wanted her.

Also, he couldn’t believe how much she’d grown up. Last time he’d been this close to her, she’d

needed him. Needed his help. She didn’t need him anymore…

But he might just need her.

He watched her, his fingers flexing. “You’ve changed. You’re bolder.”

Surprisingly, he found this version of Christine even hotter.

She raised her brows. “So have you, but I bet you’re still that same boy who runs away after sex—

just all grown up.”

“I’ve outgrown that particular habit,” he said drily. “But I don’t take virgins to my bed anymore.”

“That might be so.” She stepped closer, uncrossing her arms. “But I bet you still leave afterward,

even if it is for a different reason. Perhaps to avoid commitment? I’ve heard you’re not big on the

whole long-term relationship stuff.”

He gritted his teeth. She was way too fucking spot-on for his liking. “And what do you know about

me? It’s been eight years.”

She stepped even closer and ran a hand down his chest. His heart sped up at her featherlight touch.

“I know you’ve avoided commitments and seem to love throwing yourself into your work. I know you

feel more comfortable overseas in a jungle than you do here, in a hotel lobby. I know the last place

you want to be right now is here, with me.” Her hand dropped. “Am I right?”

Damn it all to hell, she was too fucking good. He curled his hands into fists, refusing to touch her

even though he couldn’t think of anything else he’d rather be doing right now. “Pretty damn close

except for the last part. I’m finding this whole encounter enlightening, to say the least.”

She smiled and bit down on the corner of her lip as if she tried to stop it. It was adorable and sexy

all in one. Just like her. “How so?”

“Like I said, you aren’t the same person you were in Mexico.”

Her smile widened. “But I bet you are.”

“Care to find out?” he asked, crossing his arms. “We could—”

“Yeah. I don’t know about that.” She crossed her arms and considered him. “The last performance

wasn’t all that great for me to revisit it. Especially the ending.”

Wait. What? He hadn’t been talking about revisiting the bedroom, for God’s sake. He’d been

talking about revisiting their friendship. But now she had to go and throw that insult out there? He

growled. “The hell it wasn’t.”

“Don’t like the sound of that, Doctor?”

He stepped closer, his heart pounding. “Yeah, because I know you liked it. Don’t lie to me.”

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She cocked a haughty brow at him, seeming completely and perfectly composed while he was

about to flip his shit. “So now you presume to know my mind better than I do?”

She might get away with talking shit to other men she’d been with, but it wouldn’t fly with him. He

backed her up to the wall, boxing her in. Leaning so close that their chests touched, he pressed his

hands against the wall on either side of her head. Getting this close to her was dangerous and stupid

and delicious all at once.

It felt fucking amazing.

She smelled like vanilla and some sort of flower perfume, just as he remembered. After all this

time, she still smelled the same?

Now her scent would drive him insane.

He caught her gaze. “It might have been your first time, but it wasn’t mine. I know for a fact you

enjoyed every single thing I did to you that night. Especially when I buried my head between those

sweet legs of yours and made you scream my name so loudly you woke up the entire floor. There’s no

faking the way your pussy clamped down on my finger when you came, Red.”

She bit down hard on her lower lip, and pink suffused her cheeks. “You talk to your patients that

way, Dr. Dresco? That’s not a very professional bedside manner.”

“No,” he said, leaning even closer. His gaze fell to her plump mouth, and his stomach lurched. “I

save it all for you.”

“Lucky me,” she replied, her breath coming out unsteadily despite her smooth expression. “You’re

going to have to do more than dirty-talk me to get me to fall back into your arms.”

He ran a finger down her cheek, caught her chin, and tipped it up to him. “I bet you’d love it if I

kissed you right here. Maybe you’d even like me to take you against the wall, just like I did in

Mexico. For old time’s sake.” He pressed his hips against hers, rolling them in a gentle circle, and

she let out a tiny moan. The sound went straight to his cock. “You could wrap your legs around my

waist, and I could bury myself deep inside of you where you need me. All you have to do is ask me


“I’m not asking you for anything,” she breathed, her eyes flashing a challenge at him. “So don’t hold

your breath.”

He pressed closer, rolling against her core. “I noticed you haven’t asked me to let go of you yet,

either.” He lowered his face to hers. “You want me to kiss you. Touch you. Fuck you. Admit it.”

Another small moan escaped her, and there was no denying the desire in her eyes. “Just do it

already, damn it.”

Satisfaction, hard and deep, rushed through him like a storm. He slanted his lips down on hers,

catching her moan with his mouth. The second their lips fused…all hell broke loose. Her nails dug

into his shoulders, but for the life of him he couldn’t figure out if she was pushing him away or pulling

him closer. But he knew for damned sure that she kissed him back. Her lips parted, and the sound she

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made was for him.

He took advantage of the opportunity and slipped his tongue inside, seeking hers. When she curled

hers around his, sucking gently, he groaned deep in his throat. He’d forgotten how amazing she tasted.

It all came rushing back to him now.

Not just her taste, but the way she squirmed when he went down on her, offering tiny little pleas the

whole time until she came…

This time, he wouldn’t forget a single detail.

Her nails dug deeper into his shoulders, and she slid them behind his neck and yanked him closer,

deepening the kiss. Her teeth dug into his lip, but he pushed even more, needing all of her. He trailed

his hands down her sides, his thumb brushing the curve of her breast, as he hauled her up against the


She caught on quickly enough, wrapping her legs around his waist so tightly he’d swear he’d died

and gone to fucking heaven. He rubbed his straining cock against her warmth, reveling in the broken

moan that escaped her, and thrust against her. When she broke the kiss and tilted her head back against

the wall, he bit down on her shoulder and slid his hand under her dress, palming her ass through the

satin underwear she wore.

When his fingers brushed her inner thigh, he hesitated. She wasn’t a virgin anymore, but he needed

to make sure she knew exactly what she was getting from him—hot sex. Nothing more, nothing less.

And it wouldn’t be in the fucking foyer, either. It would be in a bed this time. “Do you want me to

stop, Red?”

“No,” she moaned, her voice soft and breathy, and moved against him. “God, no.”

“Fucking A,” he growled.

He moved to slip his fingers inside her panties, eager to feel her wetness against him before he led

them both upstairs to his room. But just as he was about to touch heaven…she stiffened in his arms. A

door opened and a voice echoed in the empty hallway.

She smacked his arm. “Put me down. Your mom’s coming.”

Nothing like the mention of his mother to sour the mood. He pulled back and lowered her to her

feet, helping her smooth the skirt over her thighs. Once she stood on her own, he dropped his hands to

his side and stepped back. He couldn’t stop staring. She was fucking perfect, with her flushed cheeks

and swollen lips and messed-up hair. “This isn’t over.”

She pressed her fingers against her lips and looked at him with wide eyes. “Yeah, it is. This wasn’t

on my list.”

“Your list? What list?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Christine, I—”

“Tyler? Is that you?” his mom called out, her voice creeping closer.

Cursing inwardly, he turned and greeted the interruption with a false smile. “Yeah, Mom. Over


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He looked over his shoulder at Christine as he walked away. She stood there watching him, still

looking as kissable as she had before he’d touched her. The whole time he chatted with his mom, he

could think of nothing more than ending the conversation so he could finish what he’d started with

Christine. The second she headed back inside the bar—with his assurances he would soon follow—

he turned back to Christine. “Okay. What list were you—?”

She was gone.

Not again. Why were they always running from each other? His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he

pulled it out. It was from a number he didn’t recognize. He swiped his finger across the screen and

scanned it.

That was a mistake and won’t be happening again. I suggest we keep our distance from each

other from now on. All my love…to your parents. —Christine

His fingers tightened on his phone. How did you get this number?

I’m a journalist. I can get anything, anywhere. But I’m going to bed. I find myself suddenly

exhausted. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. It was…kind of fun, I guess.

He rolled his eyes. Bullshit. Pure and complete bullshit. Three more seconds and you would have

been screaming my name while you came, and you know it.

No. I don’t.

She was in denial if she thought she could convince him he hadn’t turned her on just now. He knew

the signs of arousal when he saw them. Flared pupils. Soaring pulse. Short breaths. They’d all been


She was playing hard to get, plain and simple. She had a plan. Probably that list she’d mentioned.

Knowing her, she’d laid out every step of her seduction plan, or something else she’d investigated

perfectly before he arrived.

Question was, did she really want to get caught?

He slid his phone back into his pocket without replying to her last text, adjusted his pants—which

were now way too tight—and headed back into the lounge. He’d played a few games of seduction a

time or two himself, and now?

He had a plan of his own.

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Chapter Five

The next afternoon, Christine slammed the flowers that Julie had assigned to her into the vase on the

table, muttering under her breath. She was in Spago helping Julie get ready for the event tonight, and

her mood was sour. After her kiss-and-run play she’d pulled on Tyler last night, he should have come

pounding on her door. Or he should have at least replied to her teasing text, for the love of God.

Begged for her to come back down with him so they could talk. Something. Anything. But instead

she’d gotten radio silence.

So much for her Get payback on Tyler plan.

What he had done to her in Mexico shouldn’t matter after all these years…but it did. Seeing him

again had brought new life to all those angry feelings she’d had for him. Was it so horrible that she

wanted to show him how desirable she was now? Then when she hooked him…she’d stop and walk


Just like he’d done to her.

Of course, she hadn’t been planning on actually kissing him, but at least she’d gotten to cross an

item off her list: kiss a stranger in public. Sure, he wasn’t technically a stranger, but this Tyler was

dominant and brooding. He wasn’t the Tyler she’d known in Mexico.

It should have counted as a win…and yet she hadn’t been able to resist poking the bear after she’d

fled the scene. She’d gotten his number from Kady, and she’d taunted him. Insinuated he’d been

lackluster at best. She’d gotten nothing in return.

Had she won that battle? Hell if she knew.

She’d done some more reading research this morning, a romance book where the heroine seduced

the hero for revenge, and according to the book, she’d done the old bait-and-switch properly. And if

she couldn’t count on Seducing the Hot Enemy for tips, she was screwed with a capital S.

He should have been desperate for her. Needing her. Not ignoring her.

Maybe she’d done it wrong. Oh well. She had to move on. Keep working on her sex list and forget

all about him. If she passed him in the hallway, she would smile politely and keep on walking. No

more kissing. No more desire.

No more Tyler.

If only she could stop thinking about him.

She jammed another set of flowers into another identical vase and Julie cleared her throat. “Is there

something you’d like to talk about?”

“What?” Christine stuck another set of flowers into the next vase. “No. Why?”

Julie eyed her and straightened the flowers Christine had just finished arranging. “You’re upset

about something and taking it out on the poor flowers. If you need to talk, I’m good at listening. You

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don’t have to beat up pretty flowers to prove it to me.”

“I don’t need to talk.” Christine sighed and filled another vase, setting them in place more gently

this time. Earlier, she’d come in to find Julie and Mister Danger himself, Reed, in a very

compromising situation. Like, a hand-up-the-skirt type of situation. “If anything, I’d like to talk about

safety and ladders. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”

Julie flushed and fidgeted with the green stems even though they were already centered. “Hush

now, professional subject changer.”

Christine smiled and whistled under her breath. Julie’s hot cheeks confirmed her suspicions.

Something was going on between her and Reed. Good. It was about time Julie let loose and had some

fun. Maybe Christine should ask her for a few pointers on seduction. She obviously had it going on.

“Come on. Help a girl out. Who kissed who first? And, oooh, is he a good kisser?”

“Christine Forsythe, I’m ashamed of you!” Julie huffed. “Why, I wouldn’t know, would I?”

Christine laughed. “Oh, I bet you would.” It wasn’t often Julie let go enough to want someone, and

it was obvious right now she wanted him, so Christine had to do a tiny bit of ribbing. That is what

best friends were for. “Maybe I should go find out for myself. Think he’ll show me?”

“More than likely,” Julie said a bit stiffly. She adjusted the flowers for the third time. “But what

about Tyler? I saw him follow you out last night, and when he came back in he was as agitated as a

grasshopper in molasses.”

“I have no idea why he would be upset,” Christine said quickly, focusing on the flowers in front of

her. “I had nothing to do with it.”

“I didn’t say he was upset,” Julie said, her eyes wide. “Or imply that you caused it.”

Christine snorted, but didn’t say anything else. She’d already said too much.

She had to hand it to Julie, she gave back as good as she got. That’s what Christine loved most

about her. Well, that and her utter dedication to making others happy. She was just the sweetest girl

around, which is what made her and Mister Danger work. If those two ended up in bed together, Julie

would forget all about saying please and thank you.

Although…Christine suspected Julie might thank the good Lord after Reed finished with her.

Julie stood up straight and smoothed her skirt. “But really, he’s not my ty—”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Julie shook her head. “How do you know? I didn’t even finish what I was going to say.”

“You were going to say he’s not your type.” Christine grinned when Julie glowered at her. “I know.

But you should be chasing after him anyway. Trust me on this. He’ll rock your world.”

Julie snorted. “You’re barking up the wrong tree, Christine.”

“I don’t think so.” Christine smiled. “But we’ll see.”

“Yes, we will.”

No sooner had Julie finished talking than the door opened, and the first of the guests trickled in. She

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rushed off to make sure they found their seats, and Christine plopped down at the bar. It was going to

be a heck of a long night, from the looks of it. After ordering a watermelon martini, she leaned on the

bar and pulled out her phone. She had about one hundred emails already, and it was day one of her


Three of them were from Jake. He wanted to know when her plane would be coming in, so he could

pick her up. She still couldn’t believe it had been so long since their parents were killed. She’d been

so young, but Jake had been even younger. When they’d died, a nice family had taken him in during

his final year of high school, and she’d stayed in college. The only reason she hadn’t rushed home to

take care of him, despite their closeness in age, had been the fact that he’d been so well cared for. But

man, she’d missed him.

It would be good to be back home with him again.

Someone sat beside her, so she smiled politely and looked up. Well, crap. It was Tyler. She had to

act all cool and calm now, when she was anything but. She dropped the smile. “Oh. It’s you. Hey.”

Tyler cocked a brow. “Hello to you, too. Nice to see you being so friendly.”

“You wanted more from me?” She stared at her phone, trying to act as if her every nerve weren’t

attuned to him right now. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’m done walking down memory lane with you. It’s

not on my list.”

He chuckled, relaxed and at ease. “I know, you mentioned that last night. But tell me more about

this list.”

“Nah, I don’t think so. It’s need-to-know, and you don’t need to know.” She opened another email.

She had no idea what it said. “Why are you here, talking to me of all people? Let me guess. You’re

feeling sorry for kissing me, and you’re here to apologize again.”

“Fuck no.” He leaned in closer, his thigh brushing hers. “I didn’t do anything worth apologizing for,


“I don’t know about that.” She fluttered her lashes at him. “I mean, maybe you pictured me naked

while we were kissing. You’d have to drop on your knees and pray for my forgiveness if you did.”

“If I dropped to my knees, it wouldn’t be to beg for your forgiveness.” He shot her a look that went

straight to her core, and rested his hand on her leg. She pressed her thighs together to ease the ache

he’d awoken yet again. “I’d be too busy rolling my tongue over your sweet little—”

She covered his mouth, no matter how childish it might seem. He couldn’t just go around saying

these thoughts out loud. A girl needed time to prepare herself. “That’s enough of that. We’re in


“That didn’t stop us before,” he mumbled through her hand. He yanked it down, pressed a kiss to

her palm, and let go of her. “I’m not about to let it stop us now.”

She curled her hand into a fist on her lap, not sure what the heck to say to that. “You want me to go

down on you, right here? In front of your family?” She shot a pointed glance at his lap. “‘Baby, let me

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taste you,’” she quoted from Seducing the Hot Enemy she’d read this morning. “‘You’ll love it.’”

Oh, crap. She hadn’t expected him to look at her as if she was actually doing it. Holy freaking

hotness. If he kept looking at her like that, this might stop being fiction and become nonfiction.

Despite her racing heart and sweaty palms, she didn’t drop his gaze or back off. Not this time.

“Oh, would you now?” His eyes seared her straight through her clothes, and he took a deep breath.

He motioned the bartender over without removing his eyes from her. “I’m tempted to call your bluff.”

She bit down on her lower lip, just like the heroines always did in her books. Hopefully it actually

looked more sexy temptress than hungry zombie looking for flesh. “Who says it’s a bluff, Doc?”

He narrowed his green eyes on her and laughed out loud. “I do. But if you’d like to prove me


She stiffened, wanting nothing more than to do exactly that. But she couldn’t. Not here. Not this

time. She didn’t drop her gaze at first, but in the end he won the battle of wills and she looked down

at her drink, taking a deep breath. Holy crap, he was intense. Her stomach was a knotty mess of

desire, and he looked calm as could be.

He smirked and leaned out, tracing a finger over her tense arm. “Want to know how I knew you

were bluffing?”

God, his finger on her bare skin was torturous. It made her want to jump him. “I have a feeling

you’ll tell me anyway, so go for it.”

His hand dipped lower, skimming over her wrist. “Right here? Your pulse leaped, but not in an

excited way, judging from the way you bit down on your lip.” So much for looking sexy. “You

looked away for just a second when you spoke, and you also fidgeted while shifting your weight on

the stool. Put them all together and it means you are bluffing.” The force of those green eyes made her

want to fidget or twitch or something, but what would he read into it if she did? “You may be able to

read people, but I can read you.”

“I’m seeing that.” She picked up her martini and took a healthy sip. She’d need it if he planned on

talking to her much longer. “Congratulations on being so observant. Should I get you a card or a cake?

Maybe a cookie?”

He chuckled. “Were you always this snarky?”

“I don’t know.” She stared down at her phone again, unable to look at him right now. She flipped

through another email, trying to stare at her phone instead of him. Anything was safer than looking into

those green eyes. “Were you always this condescending?”

“There you go answering questions with questions again. Ever the professional journalist.” He

snatched her phone out of her hand and slipped it into the breast pocket of his suit jacket. “You’re off

the clock, Red. Relax a little bit.”

She frowned and held her hand out. “Give me back my phone. I have work to do.”

And a brother to answer.

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“Not happening.” The bartender came over, but Tyler didn’t take his eyes off Christine. “I’ll have a

whiskey, please. She’ll have another of whatever fruity drink she’s having.”

The pretty blond bartender nodded and walked off, but not before Christine saw her give Tyler a

flirty smile. Tyler, on the other hand, didn’t notice it. He was too busy watching her. Her pulse raced.

He needed to stop looking at her like he wanted to see her naked again. It was doing weird things to

her psyche.

She gave him a small smile. “You don’t need to tell me to relax. I was fine until you came in here

and started flirting.”

“Who says I’m flirting with you?” he asked with not so much as a grin on his stupidly perfect face.

God, it wasn’t fair. “We’re just talking.”

“Please,” she said, turning back to her martini. She hoped she looked cool and calm in the face of

his interest—but she was far from it. At best, she was a hot mess.

He shrugged. “You know, I thought about leaving you alone tonight. Not flirting with you for the

rest of the week, even, after I got that text.”

“But you didn’t.”

“Right. I came in and saw you sitting over here, looking drop-dead fucking gorgeous, and I realized

something.” He reached out and tugged on a curl, sending tingles across her scalp and desire coursing

through her blood. “It would be pointless to even try to avoid you. In the end, we won’t be able to

stay away from each other. Last night proved that.”

Her jaw dropped and she yanked her hair free. A mixture of rage and desire warred within her,

making for a deadly cocktail. “It’s been eight years since we last talked, if you ignore the awkward

‘hi’ we shared at graduation. I’d say we’re pretty freaking good at staying away from each other.”

“That was only because we weren’t in the same zip code all that time.” He pressed his fingers

against his mouth and inhaled deeply. Why did something so simple turn her on and make her palms

get all sweaty? Why did she want to rip his fingers away and kiss him properly? Damn him. “But

when we get too close…sparks fly. Inevitably, you end up pressed against a wall with me in between

your legs. Mexico. Last night. Tonight…”

God, he was so freaking cocky. Of course, he totally pulled off the sexy confidence that seemed to

come so easy to him, but she wasn’t about to admit it. It would only go to his head. “You sound like a

Taylor Swift song,” she said, laughing uneasily. “‘Sparks fly?’ Really?”

“What can I say? You make me poetic.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Sure I do.”

“Want proof?”

“You gonna write me a poem now?”

“Nope. I’m going to sing you a song.”

Her eyes widened. “No, you’re not.” When he opened his mouth, she covered it again. “Don’t you

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He pulled free and belted out a few lines of the Taylor Swift song. She punched his arm and looked

over her shoulder, making sure no one noticed. Everyone nearby looked over, in various shades of

interest, trying to figure out who was singing Taylor Swift.

“Stop it,” she whispered.

He ignored her, and she buried her face in her hands. But when he held a note so long that even the

bartender stared…she couldn’t help it. She burst into laughter and waved her hand frantically. “Oh

my God, you win. Please. Stop singing to me.”

He cut off instantly. “Are you sure? I could keep going. I know the whole album by heart thanks to a

teen I once took care of in Europe.”

She dropped her forehead into her palm. “Please no.”

“Fine. Want me to stop?” He shifted his weight and leaned on his knee. “Tell me about your list.”

He was awfully interested in her little sex list. She grinned and shook her head. “Nope. Not


“Fine…for now.” His lips twitched and he tugged on her hair again. “I heard a rumor you girls all

picked groomsmen to seduce.”

She studied her drink, not sure where he was going with this line of questioning. “Who told you


“Kady, of course.”

“She never could keep a secret,” Christine muttered.

He pressed a hand against her lower back and moved closer. Her stomach tightened at the innocent

touch. Tiny little electrical sparks seemed to shoot from her scalp straight down to her belly, setting

her on fire. Damn Taylor Swift and her songs. “Did you pick one?”

She didn’t even attempt to pretend not to understand his question. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

His gaze darkened. “Did you? Tell me, or I’ll force it out of you with another kiss, or even worse?

A song.”

God, yes. She’d love another kiss. Wait. No, she wouldn’t. He was garbling all her thoughts with

those eyes of his, and those soft touches he kept torturing her with. Swallowing hard, she shook her

head slightly. “No.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, his voice low and deadly sounding. “No, you didn’t

pick one? Or no, you don’t want a kiss or a song?”

“Both,” she said, her throat parched.

“Why not?” He curled her hair around his finger, urging her closer. She didn’t move, even though

the pressure hurt a tiny bit. He could tug on her all he wanted. She wasn’t getting any closer. Not until

she knew she could handle the close proximity, thank you very much. Which would be…never. “Do

you have a man waiting back home?”

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Not for over a year, much to her friends’ dismay. They were always pushing her to take more

chances romantically. To be more like she was in her job in her personal life…but it just didn’t work

that way. It wasn’t as if she could just push a button and fix herself with a flick of her thumb. Hence

the sex list. “Why do you care?”

“Because I don’t like the idea of you having another guy in your life. Not after what happened

between us last night. Also, if you have a man, I couldn’t do all the things to you I plan to do tonight,

either.” He tugged harder on her hair, and she bit down on her lip, still refusing to budge. “Why are

you fighting me so damn much?”

She gave him what she hoped was a challenging look. “Why are you pulling me closer?”

“Because I don’t want to fight this anymore.” His mouth curved upward into a small smile. She

couldn’t help but watch, fascinated by how damn kissable his lips were. “I want to be friends, and

more importantly? I want you in every possible way. I’m not talking about one time. I have a feeling

once wouldn’t be enough for us.”

Heat rushed through her, centering on the wetness between her legs. Really? Was that all it took for

her to get turned on by him? Him telling her he wanted her? Pathetic.

Well, too bad he couldn’t have her. How cocky of him to think he could, after a single kiss in a

hotel foyer. She wasn’t that easy to get. She needed to remember this moment the next time he turned

those bright-green eyes her way, instead of turning into a puddle of need. Leaning close, she bit down

on her lip, watching as he stared at her mouth. “You want me more than once? Really?”

“Yes.” He shifted closer, his grip on her hair getting tighter. He thought he had her ensnared. She

could see in his eyes. “I can’t stop thinking about you. I even dreamed about you last night. About how

fucking amazing you tasted. How alive you were in my arms. Hell, I even dreamed about the way you

cried out my name in Mexico when you came all those years ago. About how tight you felt around

me… That’s something I could never get out of my head, no matter how hard I’ve tried.”

She swallowed down the moan that tried to escape and chugged the last of her martini just in time

for the bartender to bring the new one Tyler had ordered for her. She slipped her hand into his pocket,

took her phone back, and then hopped off the stool. “Well, keep dreaming, because that’s the only

time you’ll get to touch me, or hear me cry out in pleasure, again. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to

work on my list.”

New martini in hand, she walked off with her head held high. If her entire body was screaming for

her to turn around and straddle him, right here in the freaking bar, well, it could piss off.

She wasn’t giving in.

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Chapter Six

Damn it all to hell, that woman was stubborn. He could fucking see the desire in her eyes and yet she

pushed him away again. Refused to give in to the white-hot passion burning between them.

Tyler downed his drink and handed the empty glass back to the bartender. “I’ll have another,


For a second there, he’d thought he had her. But she’d rallied and held him off, her adorable nose

pointed up in the air the whole time. When he’d thought that she had a man back home, an inexplicable

rage had filled him. Jealousy, too. Lots of ugly green Hulk jealousy.

After all this time, he still ached to have her. Any other woman in his life had trouble holding his

attention for longer than an hour, yet with Christine…being back in her company made him feel as if

he’d never stopped thinking about her. Never stopped wanting her.

That had to mean something.

“I wasn’t sure if you two would be leaving together or what.” Colton sat beside him. “Fuck, man.

What were you up to over here? A battle of wills, sex edition?”

Tyler shook his head and forced a laugh. “Nah. We were just talking.”

“Sure you were.” Colt looked at Christine, as if he was trying to read her. Good luck with that.

You’d have better luck reading an ancient, unknown language . “You guys had a thing before,


Tyler choked on his drink. When he could breathe again, he rasped, “No. Why? Who said


“No one.” Colt shrugged. “Okay, Kady kind of did. But not really.”

“That doesn’t even make sense,” Tyler said, patience just barely there. “What do you mean?”

Colt grinned. “She told me something happened in Mexico that neither of you would talk about. I

think she’s avoiding the answer staring her in the face. It’s not like it takes much to put two and two


Tyler forced a laugh. “Well, maybe you should check your math. There’s nothing going on between


Colt said nothing. Just arched a brow.

Uncomfortable with the silence, Tyler shifted in his seat. Now would be as good a time as any for

the big brother talk he needed to have with Colt. Turning the attention away from him and Christine

was simply an added bonus. “So, we’ve been friends for a long time.”

Colt scratched the back of his head and leaned on the bar. “Uh, yeah.”

“And you know I like you.”

Colt’s brow lifted. “Yeah…look, if this is about the whole ‘being in love with your sister’ thing,

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it’s a little late to—”

“No. It’s not that.” Tyler narrowed his eyes on Colt. “Even though I like you, I need to know you’ll

take care of Kady. Make sure she doesn’t do anything stupid, but make sure she’s not scared to take

risks. Treat her like a princess, but not so much so that she forgets what it’s like to live. Don’t make

her cry. Don’t break her heart. And above all…”

Out of the corner of his eye, Tyler saw Christine cross the room and smile at some tall dude. Why

was she flirting with that guy instead of him? Was this all part of her “list”? If her list was all about

ways to piss him off, or getting him turned on before walking away…well, she was winning. Hands

fucking down.

Colt cleared his throat. “If you’re done glowering at Christine, I’d love to hear the rest of that


Tyler forced his attention back on Colt. He needed to stop being so damned obvious. “And above

all, don’t make me have to kill you. I’m a doctor—I can get creative.”

Colt laughed. “I’ll do my best. But since it is now my goal to make her smile as often as possible, I

think I’m safe from your creative ways.”

“Seriously, man.” Tyler forced his attention back to Colt. “I’m not fucking around about this. Make

her happy, or answer to me.”

Colt’s smile faded and he locked gazes with Tyler. “I know. I will.”

“Good.” Tyler signaled the bartender, satisfied now that he’d had his little talk with Colt. “I’d hate

to have to hurt you.”

Colt clapped him on the shoulder. “Me too, man.”

“Now that we’ve gotten that over with, how about a drink?” Tyler asked. “God knows I need one.”

“Did I hear something about a drink?” Brock, one of the other groomsmen, asked. “Because I could

definitely go for one of those.”

Brock sat down, and Logan did the same. Reed trailed behind a little more slowly. His attention

was focused across the room, perhaps on…Julie? Hmm. That would make for an interesting pairing.

He didn’t know the other three groomsmen very well. Brock and Reed had grown up near where

Colt’s dad settled in Tennessee, and Colt had gone to college with Logan. But what he knew of them,

he liked.

Reed was a cop and looked more likely to shoot than to ask questions with his dark looks. Brock

was a quintessential Southern boy, complete with charm and charisma. And Logan? The guy looked

like he’d be equally at home hanging from a rock face or facing down a boardroom. Out of all of

them, Tyler related to him the most.

They were both happily married to their careers.

Logan sat on the empty barstool next to Tyler. “Evening, gentlemen. Refresh my memory. What’s on

tomorrow’s agenda? Mountain biking, poker…what was it again?”

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“Scavenger hunt. Tomorrow afternoon,” Tyler said. “You ready for some outdoor adventure?”

Logan grinned. “What do you think?”

Brock lounged on a barstool on the other side of Colt. “I think you’re both going to win, because

Lord knows I’m not about to go traipsing across the mountainside for a prize I can buy myself.”

Reed sat down next to Brock, his attention still across the room and his frown even deeper than

before. He nodded at Colton’s glass. “What are you drinking?”

“Whiskey,” Colt said, waving at Kady. “But not for much longer. My bride’s beckoning.”

“Nice,” Brock said, grinning at Kady. He signaled for the bartender to come over. “Not before I

buy the first round of drinks, though.”

“Is it from Julie’s company?” Logan asked, grabbing one of those coasters that all bars had and

dealing them down the bar like playing cards. “If so, line ’em up.”

“They have that here?” Reed asked, a brow up. From what Tyler could tell, he’d stopped watching

Julie, but only because her family’s business had come into play. If he needed confirmation of his

suspicions—which he didn’t—he’d gotten it right there. “I want to try some, too.”

“Sure,” Brock agreed. The bartender came up, and he smiled at her. “Hey, sugar. Can we get a

round of One-Eyed Jack Whiskey?”

“And two champagnes,” Logan added, but the girl had eyes only for Brock.

“Sure thing,” she said, her cheeks flushed. “R-Right away.”

Not a big surprise there. From what Tyler had noticed over the past day or so in the man’s

company, women melted into a puddle of goo when Brock turned on the Southern charm. Last night,

he’d learned that he’d once charmed himself out of an arrest all because the cop was a woman. No

one knew what Brock had done to get arrested.

He hadn’t been so quick to share that part of the story.

Logan shifted a little on his feet. “Next round’s on me, but it’ll have to be tomorrow after the

scavenger hunt. Tonight I have to drink and run.”

“Why?” Brock asked, his drawl thicker than usual. “You got a hot date?”

Logan cast an odd look Colt’s way. “Hotter than you four.”

“Speaking of which…” Tyler eyed Logan’s casual gear. All of them were suited up except for him.

He wore khaki shorts and a T-shirt, with a pair of brown leather sandals. “Dude. You realize this is a

black-tie event, right? Not a visit to the Outback?”

“Seriously,” Colt said. “What the fuck, man?”

Logan shrugged. “Hey, I wore this for you, big guy.”

“Huh?” Colt frowned.

Logan leaned in and lowered his voice. “Long story, and no reason to get your panties wadded, but

I’m dressed like this so your little sister would come tonight. You asked me to keep an eye on her and

make sure she didn’t hide in her room, and this is what it took.”

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Colt shook his head and clapped him on the shoulder. “Okay, I’m not even going to ask. But, thanks.

You’re the best.”

“It’s nothing.”

Colt shook his head and withdrew his hand. “Actually, no. It means a lot to me.”

Logan looked vaguely uncomfortable with his friend’s gratitude, but he didn’t reply. Interesting.

Without even intending to, his eyes sought out Christine. She’d been staring at him, so their gazes

crashed in one hot, scorching collision. He froze, not daring to so much as move. Not when she was

looking at him as if she wanted to get him naked now. When she turned her back on him, he looked

away—only to find Logan watching him.

When the drinks came, Logan looked away. He downed his shot, picked up the glasses of

champagne, nodded, and then took off in Sophie’s direction.

“Jesus,” Reed said, his frown back in place. “Is she going to eat anything herself?”

“What?” Colt asked. “Who?”

Reed startled, as if he hadn’t realized he spoke out loud, and picked up his drink. “Never mind.”

Tyler cleared his throat. “Dude, you look like you’re about to drown a fluffy white kitten. Relax.”

Reed snapped himself out of it, frowning even deeper. “I’ve gotta go.” He headed across the room

without another word.

Tyler shook his head and sat down beside Colt, who cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “So,

uh, that was an interesting show to watch.”

“Who? Reed and Julie? I know. It’s fucking—”

“I wasn’t talking about them,” Colt said, rolling his eyes. “I meant the look you and Christine just


Tyler picked up his drink and took a swig of Julie’s whiskey. It went down smooth. “Okay, maybe

your math isn’t that far off.”

“You think?”

Tyler stared down at the amber liquid in his glass. “We’re playing a game of hard to get right now.

Her more so than me.”

“I bet something’s hard on you,” Colt muttered.

Tyler scowled at him. “Fuck you.”

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” Colt grinned. “Maybe she doesn’t want to be caught. Ever think of that?”

“Oh, she wants to be caught.” He fished out his wallet. Time to pay his tab and socialize before

Kady tracked him down and kicked his ass. “She’s just playing a game, but I’m determined to win the


Colt rubbed his jaw and stared across the room. “You might have to try a bit harder to convince her

of that.”

“Nah. I just need some more time.” After locating his card, he set it on the bar. “She’ll come

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“Will she come around before or after she’s done with that guy?” Colt pointed at the door, where

Christine was leaving with another man. Another man who looked way too happy to be at her side.

Asshole. “Just wondering and all.”

“Son of a bitch.” Tyler lurched to his feet in one smooth motion. “No fucking way.”

Colt stopped him with a hand on his elbow. “Let her go. It’s all part of the game, right?”

Tyler shook free of Colt’s grip but didn’t move. She would be gone before he could catch up to her,

and he’d be damned before he literally chased her out the door. As she left, she shot him a cocky look

over her shoulder, and as the door closed behind her he’d swear he saw her slide her hand into the

other guy’s suit jacket.

Tyler turned back to the bar and motioned the bartender over. “I’m going to need another drink or


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Chapter Seven

The tension in Christine’s shoulders increased as they neared the lodge. Her phone lit up and she

glanced down at it.

Where did you go, Red?

Her heart sped up. He’d been texting her since she walked out of Spago with Joe, the guy she’d

been halfheartedly flirting with after the Tyler incident at the bar, demanding to know where she was.

She’d been ignoring him, but… Biting down on her lip, she jotted off a quick text.

You want me that bad? Come find me, Doc.

A short pause, then: You got it. Game on.

A contradictory shiver crept up her spine. The man was good. Heck, even his texts made her want

him. Please. You were never in the game in the first place.

A reply came back within seconds, but she ignored it. Joe was commenting on the weather and she

nodded politely, hoping he wouldn’t notice how distracted she was. He was some distant cousin of

Colton’s—handsome, charming, and built like a freaking football player. Everything a girl could want

in a wild one-night stand. And…he might as well have been a rip-out poster for all the desire he

brought out in her.

Zilch. Nada. Zip.

She was half tempted to kiss him anyway, just to see if she could pretend enough to have a little fun,

but wasn’t that beside the point of actually having fun? This was supposed to be her opportunity to

cross another item off her list. She was supposed to have a make-out session with this guy in the

elevator. Maybe even more, if it went well.

But all she could think about was Tyler.

Finally, they reached the lodge.

“So, Christine.” Joe smiled at her. “Would you like to get a drink with me?”

She should say yes. She should take him up to her room and lose herself in his touch. Forget all

about Tyler Dresco. But she couldn’t. It felt…wrong. Forced.

Dull and boring.

“I think I’ll just crash. I have a headache.” It wasn’t a lie. She had a headache, and its name was

Tyler. She forced a smile to lighten her rejection, pressing her fingers against her temple. “Good


“Oh. Yeah, sure.” He dug in his pocket for his room key, and held open the door. Once she passed

through, he gave her an awkward hug. Yep. Nothing. All those muscles pressed against her did less to

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stir her emotions than a cocky smirk from Tyler did. “Catch you later, Christine.”

“Thanks again for walking me back.”

“Anytime,” he vowed, his eyes trying to catch hers.

Christine smiled, even though it felt fake, and wrapped her arms around herself. The dude gave up

on flirting with her and left. She sighed and looked over her shoulder, not sure what to do with herself

now that her plan to get it on was ruined. Broken. That’s what she was. Or maybe not. Maybe her

problem was Tyler and the way he made her feel. He made her feel like he was the one.

He wasn’t. He never had been.

So why couldn’t she get him out of her head?

She headed toward the elevator door. A footstep squeaking on the floor was her warning she

wasn’t alone anymore. She turned around, eyes wide when she saw who stood there. “What are you

doing here?”

“You told me to come find you. I did.” Tyler’s face seemed deceptively calm. But she could see the

irritation bubbling beneath the smooth surface. He was angry. Or was he…jealous? No. Not possible.

“According to you, that means you’re mine now.”

She shook her head. She hadn’t been planning on him actually finding her. He was supposed to be

at the dinner party, damn it. “Excuse me? I don’t remember—”

“‘You want me? Come find me, Doc,’” he said, his voice low and dangerous-sounding. “Well, I

found you. Now I’m prepared to collect.”

She backed off a step, her heart racing way too fast. Sure. Now she got turned on. Son of a mother’s

hairy knee. “That’s not quite what I meant.”

“Where were you?” he asked, crossing the foyer. “And who the hell was he?”

“None of your business.”

He stopped in front of her, his gaze dark. “Who was that man?”

“None of your business,” she repeated, heading for the elevators one backward step at a time. He

sounded jealous. God, that was so freaking hot. “Good night, Tyler.”

Tyler growled and caught her elbow. “Not so fast. Tell me who that was and what you were doing.

Did you kiss him? Did you let him touch you?”

“He just walked me back.” She watched him through her lashes, inspiration striking. “Or maybe he

was my lover, and we stole away for a few minutes of privacy. Which do you think it was?”

His eyes darkened. “I think if it were me you left with instead of him, I would’ve buried my cock

inside of you until you were too tired to stand, let alone leave with another man again.”

Oh my God. Her knees weakened, and her stomach twisted with desire. He said the boldest things

to her. Dirty things. Was he like this with everyone? “How come everyone says you’re so sweet and

kind and quiet, but with me you’re so bossy and…and…dirty?”

“I have no idea. I don’t act like this around other women,” he said, his voice agitated. He headed

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toward the elevator, towing her alongside him. “Maybe you bring out the worst in me. Shit if I know.”

Worst…or best? “Gee, thanks.” She tried to pull free by wiggling her arm, but he didn’t budge.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m taking you upstairs.” He watched her with a raised brow when she did a spin thing, trying to

pull free. “Are you going to stop dancing in circles around me?”

“Are you going to stop holding me captive?”

He let go of her. “All you had to do was ask, Sherlock.”

“Oh. Silly me,” she drawled. “I should have thought of that.”

The elevator doors opened, and he motioned her in front of him. She debated closing the doors on

him, but refrained from doing so. She wouldn’t stoop to such juvenile tactics, because then he’d know

how much he affected her. He hit the button for the third floor and settled into the corner. “Come with

me to my room.”

God help her, she wanted to. She wanted to stop working on her stupid sex list and start doing the

things she’d written down. Apparently if she wanted to actually have fun, it would have to be with

Tyler. But could she? How could she hold her head up high if she…?

Wait a second. A plan started to form, and she ignored the warning bells going off in her head. She

knew how to have some fun, and cross an item or two off her list. Get payback on Tyler and Make

out in an elevator. Two birds with one stone. The plot had a tinge of revenge to it, but that only made

it all the more naughty. How…empowering that would feel. To leave him wanting as he’d once done

to her. She turned her head to the side, her heart speeding up. “Why would I want to do that?”

“I think you know why.” He crossed his arms, his jaw ticking. “You’re playing a game with me.

How about if we stop playing, and start having some real fun?”

She flopped her head back on the wall, her hands splayed on either side of her hips against the cool

metal. “But why would I want to have some real fun with you?”

He cursed under his breath and crossed the elevator, backing her even further against the wall.

“Red, you think you know me, but I’ve learned a few tricks in the past eight years. I’ll bet my ass that

we both have.”

Make out in an elevator. Oh God, here we go.

“What a fine ass it is, too.” She braced her hands against his chest right over his heart, lifting her

head in challenge. Hers sped up from his simple touch. “I’m gonna need to see one of those new

tricks, because I’m sorry to say, your old ones weren’t too memorable. Impress me.”

He gripped her chin, latching gazes with her. “Done.”

He melded his mouth to hers without a second’s hesitation. As his tongue slipped inside her mouth,

his leg slid between hers. When he pressed his knee against her aching core, she moaned into his

mouth. God, why did he have to be the one who brought her body to life in ways no one else ever


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It wasn’t fair.

The elevator door opened, and he broke off the kiss. He caught her hand before heading out the

doors and led her down the hallway, their steps hurried yet somehow in tune with each other. They

reached his door within seconds, and he swiped his card key.

Unfortunately, the walk gave her a chance to come back into her head. She couldn’t do this.

Couldn’t go in his room with him. She’d kissed him in the elevator. That had to be the end of this…

this thing they had going between them.

She couldn’t cross all her items off her list with him.

The green light flashed and he opened the door for her. “After you.”

“Um.” She shook her head and backed up a step. “I’m not going in there with you.”

“Let me guess.” He crossed his arms. “The damn list again?”

“Yeah.” She lifted her chin. “You’re not on it.”

He closed his eyes for a second, his jaw flexing, and grabbed her by the hand. He dragged her

inside, closed the door behind them, leaned against the door, and crossed his arms. “You’re not

running away again. We need to talk about this. About what happened in Mexico. You’re obviously

holding a grudge.”

“We had sex. Then we didn’t see each other.” She sat down on his bed, clinging to the comforter

for dear life. “There’s nothing more to say.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it. I know you too well for you to pull that shit with me, Red.”

She glared at him, hating him right now for trying to barrel past the defenses she had in place. She

didn’t like to think about that night. About how he had made her feel. But she knew he wouldn’t stop

harassing her about it until he got his stupid apology out of the way. “You don’t know me at all.”

“I know enough, and there’s something I have to say.”

She sighed. “Fine. Say what you have to say and then I’m gone.”

He pressed his lips together. “I’m sorry I fucked up all those years ago. I’m even more sorry it took

me so long to contact you again. I’ve…I’ve regretted it every single day of my fucking life.”

Oh, he did, did he? Well, tough. He could kiss her butt. She laughed, but it sounded forced even to

her ears. “Oh, please. Stop trying to sound all mature and responsible in front of me. The only reason

you contacted me at all now is because we’re stuck in a hotel together. So don’t act as if you made

this huge step. You didn’t.”

“Okay. Fair enough. You’re right.”

“Great.” She blew out a breath and stood. “Now, if you’ll excuse me…?”

He dragged his hands down his face. “Christine, can you just let me get it all out in the open?”

“Why?” She fisted her hands. “Where was my chance to ‘get it all out’ when you ran away from


He glared at her. “Fine. You’re right. Say what you need to say now. Let’s do this.”

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So she could hear all the reasons he didn’t want to be with her back then? Yeah, thanks but no

thanks. If she needed her self-esteem knocked down a peg, all she needed to do was call one of her

exes. She didn’t need Tyler for that. “I don’t want to.”

“You need to. Yell. Scream. Hit me if you want.” He crossed his arms. “I’ll allow it.”

“You’ll allow it?” She prowled across the room and shoved his shoulders hard. He didn’t budge

because he was already against the door, and also because he had so many freaking muscles. “I don’t

need your permission, and I definitely don’t need to air my grievances to feel better about myself, and

neither should you. Get over it. It was years ago.”

“Well, we can’t all be so lucky,” he snapped, his eyes flashing. “Only you can be so perfect.”

“Fine. You want to know what I think? What I feel? You’re supposed to be this sweet, nice, kind

guy…and what are you to me? An asshole!” She pushed his shoulders again and he let her, not even

so much as lifting a finger to defend himself. “You were my first guy, and you took me and left.

You’re a…a…dick!”

His jaw flexed and he opened his mouth. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t…I didn’t know what I was doing

back then.”

She shook her head. “You knew exactly what you were doing.”

“Not with you. Never with you.” He dragged his hands down his face again and met her eyes. “All

of my life, I’ve remained in control under every situation. The one time I stopped thinking and let my

emotions rule me was that night with you. When it was over, and rational thought came back, I…I

panicked. I was leaving, and we were so young…and now it’s happening all over again. You get to

me, Red.”

She pushed him again. “Yeah, well, did it ever occur to you I panicked back then, too? That you left

me in the hallway, alone and practically naked, with no one to talk to? I couldn’t even talk to my best

friend about it, because she was your freaking sister. To this day, she thinks some guy named Rick

took my virginity that night in Mexico.” She swallowed hard, wishing she could stop the words from

flowing out. But they were like a dam. Once released, there was no holding them back. “And now I’m

supposed to stand here letting you apologize so you can feel better? Fuck you. You deserve to feel

like shit about something for once in your perfect, golden life.”

“You’re right.” He swallowed hard. “I do.”

“You want to know what the worst part was? The other thing my therapist told me?” she asked,

laughing and yet way too close to tearing up at the same time. Freaking fantastic. She never cried. Not

anymore. “Yeah. I got one of those after you. But anyway, she told me I didn’t even want to be with

anyone else, because none of them compared to you. No one will ever compare to you.”

He closed his eyes for a second. “Fuck, Red. I—”

“No.” She barely resisted the urge to stomp her foot. “Don’t you dare Red me, damn it. Go on. Say

it. Say you’re sorry.”

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“I-I’m sorry. I was an asshole, and you have every right to hate my fucking guts,” he said, his voice

hollow. He moved away from the door. “You can go. I won’t make you stay any longer.”

It still wasn’t enough. It wasn’t enough for him to hear how he’d made her feel. He needed to feel

the pain, too. She launched herself at him, ready to kick his ass from this side of the hotel room and

back. But the second she felt his skin under her hands…the desire to kill him faded and was replaced

with a much stronger one.

The bone-shattering desire she felt for him.

He caught her, his hands cupping her waist as he fell backward on the bed. He looked up at her in

surprise. “Red, I—”

She buried her hands in his hair and yanked hard. When he hissed through his teeth, she pulled even

harder. “Just shut up.”

Lowering her head, she fused her mouth to his, kissing him angrily. He let out a small groan and

closed his arms around her. So quickly she didn’t even get a blink in, he rolled her under him,

positioning himself between her thighs. He took control from her just like that…and she loved it.

His mouth worked over hers as his hands trailed down her body, all the way to the hem of her

dress. He slid his hand up her leg, making her quiver with need. When his fingers brushed her inner

thigh, she whimpered and pulled his hair harder. He deepened the kiss and palmed her ass, grinding

her against his rock-hard erection. When he rolled his hips, thrusting against her where she needed

him most, she cried out. The sound never escaped, though, because he didn’t end the kiss. He didn’t

even break contact as he jerked her skirt up high and slid his hands underneath.

When he reached the top of her tights, he growled, curled them into his fists, and ripped them in

half, seeming to not even want to take the time to remove them. She didn’t know why this made her so

hot for him, but God it did. Her stomach clenched with need, and she ached for him to fill her. To

bring her the pleasure only he could give her.

Only he could make her legs shake and her body turn to jelly. He was the one who turned her into

mush with a flick of his tongue. Only he did this to her.

He pulled the remnants of her stockings off of her body and slipped his hand under her panties,

cupping her butt firmly, sending a bolt of lust to her core. She moved against him restlessly,

demanding more. He broke off the kiss and palmed her harder. “You like that?”

“Yes,” she moaned. “God. More.”

He let out a tortured groan, then lowered his body over hers, sliding down her inch by inch. He

lifted her dress higher and sucked on her nipple through the fabric. She should stop this right now.

Tell him to get off of her and run away before it was too late. This wasn’t the way to get closure.

This was a new beginning, not an ending.

A dangerous one.

But the words that would make him stop making her feel so freaking good melted off her tongue the

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second his fingers glided inside her panties. He closed his mouth over her breast, scraping his teeth

against the fabric again. When he traced her slit, she forgot all about lists or words or thinking.

All she could do was feel.

She spread her thighs wide, letting him in without hesitation. When he thrust a finger inside her, she

cried out and arched her back.

“Damn, you’re ready for me, aren’t you? So fucking hot.”

God, she’d forgotten how sexy he sounded when he got turned on. He spoke in such a way that the

sound of his voice made her all the more desperate for him. She nodded frantically, biting down on

her lower lip to stop herself from babbling.

“Please,” she said, her voice breaking.

He slid even lower to his knees, shoved her panties aside, and thrust two fingers inside her. She

watched him as he watched her. Or more specifically, what he was doing with his hand. He looked

captivated by the sight, and she wished for a second that she could see what he saw. When he twisted

his fingers, she cried out.

He looked up at her, his eyes dark and stormy. “Do you want something, Red?”

“God, yes.” She rolled her hips and let out a moan when he moved his fingers again. “I want…I


“What would you like me to do?” He slid farther down, so close to where she ached for him that

she could feel his breath on her heated flesh. “Do you want me to taste you? Make you feel good? I

need to hear you say it.”

“Yes, I need you and your freaking mouth on me,” she said, grabbing hold of his hair. “Now.”

After that, he didn’t waste a second in giving her what she wanted. He lifted her leg over his

shoulder and ran his tongue up her slit before flicking it over her clit. She cried out and dug her heel

into the mattress, the other pressing against his back. He closed his mouth over her and sucked,

making her legs shake from the sheer intensity.

He deepened the strokes, his hands cupping her butt and holding her up for him. She drew in a deep

breath as he drove her closer and closer to the edge. When everything froze and exploded into pieces,

he still didn’t stop. He kept a light pressure on her, making her tense up all over again, and come for a

second time.


Then, and only then, he let go of her. She collapsed back against the mattress, breathing harshly. He

leaped to his feet and started removing his pants with shaking hands. For a second, she lay there

watching. Wanting, no, needing to see him. But the haze of her orgasm faded away enough for her to

remember her plan, her hurt, and what she was supposed to be doing.

And she panicked.

This wasn’t supposed to happen. She’d known she couldn’t be with him, but she’d completely

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ignored that in the interest of getting an orgasm. In all fairness, it had been an incredible orgasm, but

still. She couldn’t do this with him again.

When his pants dropped to the floor at his feet, she swallowed the moan that tried to escape. His

erection strained against his boxers, showing his cock off to perfection, demanding to be touched.

And God, she wanted to touch so freaking badly. He grabbed his shirt and hauled it over his head, his

six-pack flexing with every single motion. His skin was flawless, as was his physique. Hot damn, he

was perfect.

She could have him, if she let herself forget…

He reached for the boxers, ready to yank them down. Even though she wanted to see what lay

beneath, she knew if she did…she would never be the same again. She shook her head and slapped

herself back into reality. She yanked her dress back over her thighs, straightened her panties, and

stumbled to her feet.

Thank God she hadn’t gotten naked.

He froze with his hands on his boxers, his hot eyes watching her every move. “What are you


Even though she didn’t even want to leave, she lifted her chin and edged toward the door. Once she

had her hand on the knob, she turned it. “I can’t do this. I’m sorry.”


“No.” She opened the door. “This isn’t happening again.”

He followed her. “Don’t—”

She slammed the door in his face and took off running, not letting herself look back or stumble.

Jeez, she’d just been thoroughly pleased, and he hadn’t removed anything except her pantyhose. The

fact that he was able to make her feel more incredible than any other man ever had when given a

compass and a map was just ludicrous.

Even now, after having just left his side, she wanted to go back and crawl all over him. Sheer

lunacy. What would it take to break his hold over her? Would she ever get over this incessant

infatuation with Tyler Dresco?

Or would he forever haunt her?

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Chapter Eight

The next morning, Tyler groaned and closed his eyes tight. Christine knelt at his feet, her glorious red

hair brushing against his bare thighs. She rolled her tongue over his cock, moaning low in her throat.

Fucking magical. “Don’t stop,” he moaned. “Harder.”

She pulled back, and he squeezed his eyes tighter. No, she couldn’t leave him again. Not now. Not

when he needed her so damn much. If she ever tried to pull a stunt like that again…fuck, he’d go


Maybe he already had.

He squeezed his eyes shut even more, turning off his thoughts. In his imagination, Christine’s hands

worked over his cock, closing over the head and squeezing with the perfect amount of pressure.

Pretending his hand was hers, he tugged on his shaft even harder, his breath escaping his lips in a


In his mind, she closed her delicious lips over him, looking up at him with those blue eyes of hers,

taking him in so deep he couldn’t breathe. Looking up at him as if he was the best thing on this fucking

earth since peanut butter met jelly. He grunted and arched his hips higher, pumping into his hand. His

balls drew closer to his body, tightening painfully, and he knew he was close.

He moved his hand faster, picturing Christine bent between his knees with her bare ass in the air.

God, she was fucking gorgeous like that. In his mind, he cupped her perfect little ass and smacked it

gently. She cried out, pressing closer and begging for more. Begging for him and only him.

With a tortured groan, he came with an explosive pleasure even he couldn’t believe had come from

a fantasy. All from a dream that wasn’t real. He collapsed against the pillow, holding his other arm

over his eyes to hide from the sunlight for another minute or two at the very least.

He’d spent the whole night tossing and turning with a raging hard-on. After waking up with his

erection even more painfully obvious than when he’d fallen asleep, he’d finally decided he needed to

take care of it himself. But he had a feeling even that hadn’t helped. If anything, it had made the

discomfort worse.

He needed Christine, damn it.

He yawned, checked the time, and then cleaned himself off from his solo session. Damn it, he still

felt like he hadn’t even closed his eyes at all. Of course, it wasn’t every night he got left high and dry

by a certain investigative journalist who would probably ask him how he felt when she’d left, taking

notes in her little notebook as she nodded her head.

And he’d tell her.

He felt fucking lousy.

A part of him had to wonder if this had all been planned on her part. If she’d deliberately set out to

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seduce him, get him all hot and horny, and then walk away. But he couldn’t believe she could be so

cruel and calculated. Not his Christine. He didn’t think she could fake the panic he’d seen in her eyes

as she clung to the doorknob.

She’d looked as if she was about to cry, scream, or both.

He kicked off the covers and then padded barefoot into the bathroom to turn the shower on. He was

still hard as a rock. His body wasn’t satisfied with the half-assed replacement of his hand—and

neither was he. But he was ready to face the day again, and he had a lot to figure out.

He’d hurt Christine, and he owed her a hell of a lot of ass-kissing to make up for it. But he wasn’t

walking away. Not this time. Hearing what he already knew, how much he affected her, had hurt him

more than he expected. But she wanted him anyway. There was no denying that. Nothing would stop

him from winning her over now.

They weren’t over.

After showering and dressing in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, he picked up his wedding itinerary.

When he got married, if he ever got married, it would be simple and low-key. No waltzes or

scheduled meals or…what was today, anyway?

Ah, the scavenger hunt. Yeah, that wouldn’t work either.

He grabbed his gear and filled it with the few essentials he could scavenge from his hotel room.

Maybe he would pack a sleeping bag and camp out under the stars tonight if the mood struck. Take a

break from the incessant chattering and socializing and schmoozing. Just him and the stars. Hell,

maybe he could even find a way to get Christine to camp out with him.

They could start over again.

Yeah, he had a better chance of seeing a pig fly wearing a purple fucking tutu than he did of

convincing her that she should spend some quality one-on-one time with him. She’d made it pretty

clear she wanted nothing to do with him after that come-and-run stunt she’d pulled last night.

Good thing he didn’t give up easily.

He threw in a bottle of vodka he’d bought at the store, collected his sleeping bag, and headed into

the hallway. At this rate, he’d be lucky if he had enough time to grab a quick breakfast along the way.

He would get to the meeting point, make certain he didn’t pair up with anyone besides Christine, and

if that failed? Then he’d split on his own.

Drink. Think. Plan.

And by the time he was done, he’d know what to do with her. He walked in smooth, even strides

and squared his shoulders, looking straight ahead for the first time in he didn’t even know how long.

No more looking back for him.

The past was dead.

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Once he grabbed a blueberry muffin and a black coffee from the coffee shop, he walked out into the

bright sunlight and headed for the scavenger hunt. As Tyler bit into his meal, he studied the person

walking in front of him. She looked familiar but he couldn’t quite…

Aw, hell no. She wasn’t that grown up, was she?


Sophie turned around and eyed him before smiling, walking backward. “If it isn’t my future

brother-in-law himself, in the flesh. You’re late.”

“So are you,” he pointed out, taking another bite. “And you’re going to run into something if you

don’t turn around.”

“Yes, father.” She rolled her eyes and spun around, walking beside him. “I lost track of time.


He grinned. “I kind of slept in.”

She lit up her phone. “I’d say so. Rough night?”

“You could say that,” he muttered. “You enjoying yourself so far? Fitting in with the girls, causing

trouble, and breaking hearts along the way?”

Sophie lifted a shoulder and gave him a small smile. “A girl never tells. How about you? Fitting in

with the girls?”

He snorted. “Oh yeah. You know it.”

“Is that why you slept in? Were you fitting in with one a little bit too late?”

Tyler pointed his muffin at her. “That’s enough of that talk, little sister.”

“I’m not your little sister.”

He swallowed a bite. “Might as well be after this wedding.”

She laughed. “I think I’ll pass. I heard how protective of the girls you are.”

“Who told you that? Let me guess. Kady.”

She smiled, her eyes on the crowd in front of them. When she caught sight of Kady standing with the

other bridesmaids, she waved good-bye to Tyler and headed toward the bride-to-be.

Alone, he scanned the crowd. He spotted Christine’s red hair instantly. She had her back to him, but

he could tell by the way she stiffened that she knew he’d arrived, even if he hadn’t caught her

watching. She laughed at something the tall, dark-haired Brock said, and he stiffened.

Oh, is that how she wanted to play? Did she think he would get jealous because she was flirting

with another man—a man could take what she offered and thank her with the flawless Southern charm

that only a man like Brock could pull off?

Well, shit. It was fucking working.

She belonged to him.

Maybe he should cut out even earlier than he’d been planning. Escape before Kady realized he’d

shown up. He’d find a nice quiet spot, camp out, and relax. Christine stood across the group, talking

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to Kady, and he stood alone, standing on the edge of the crowd. He finished off his muffin and double-

checked his bag for supplies. Being an Eagle Scout had ingrained some lifelong habits in him.

One of those? Never go on a hike unprepared for anything and everything to go wrong. He found his

lighter, water bottles, vodka, a few protein bars, flashlights, and a sleeping bag. He dug deeper and

snorted. So, he still had bunch of condoms from the last time he used this bag, but his compass was

nowhere to be seen.

Eagle Scouts hadn’t taught him that one.

He heard a loud sigh and glanced up, squinting into the sun. Christine stood in front of him, tapping

her foot impatiently. She looked as if she were ready to skin someone alive, and from the looks of it?

That someone was him. “Yes?”

“According to your sister, we’re partners,” she said, hands on her hips. “I wouldn’t suppose you

had anything to do with that, would you?”

“No. I’d been planning on sneaking off alone.” He looked down at his itinerary, determined to

ignore her attitude. Looked like he was getting his wish without even having to try. Him and Christine

off in the woods alone. “But I’m not exactly complaining about the change of events, either. I can’t

wait to spend some more time reconnecting. Learning more about you. Last night was eye-opening

for me. How about you?”

She opened her mouth and closed it; her cheeks flushing, she snatched the paper out of his hand.

“There’s nothing more you need to know about me besides the fact that I’m not a big outdoors person.

I hate bugs, especially spiders, and am terrified of being eaten by a bear.”

“I thought investigative journalists weren’t scared of anything,” he said, eyeing her. “Isn’t that a job


“I’m not…except that stuff.” She shrugged and squinted down at the list. “Anything else? I’ll face it

with nothing more than my fists.”

“Why did you decide to become a journalist anyway?” He seized the slip of paper back out of her

hands and headed for the woods. “Last time we talked, you wanted to be a doctor.”

She pressed her lips together. “After my parents were killed by a drunk driver who was never

caught, I decided I couldn’t live with other people going through that uncertainty. That pain. So I

decided to do something about it.”

His chest tightened at how helpless she must have felt. “I’m sorry. I can’t even imagine how shitty

that must have been for you.”

“It was very shitty.” Her lips twitched into a small smile, but she quickly dipped her head to hide

it. But why? He loved her smile. She should stop hiding it from him all the damn time. “So I decided

to become a journalist to help solve mysteries. I briefly toyed with being a cop, but it wasn’t for me.”

Fuck no. He didn’t like the idea of her being shot at. “That’s quite the life change from a sorority


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“I never wanted to be one in the first place.” She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. “I only

joined because my mom wanted me to. After she died…well, there was no getting out of it without

feeling as if I’d let her down. Plus, I had the girls.”

That was probably why she didn’t talk about it much. All the other girls had brought up their

sisterhood numerous times, but he hadn’t heard Christine mention it even once. “So you’re not proud

of your sorority sister status?”

“I’m not ashamed of it or anything. Nothing so drastic as that.” She bit her lip. “It was a piece of

that part of my life, and that’s it.”

“I get that,” he said, thinking about the time he’d let her down by running away from his feelings for

her. He wished he could go back to that night. React differently. Not leave her. He reached out and

squeezed her hand before forcing himself to let go. “We all have those moments in life.”

She didn’t pull away from him at contact. It was ridiculous how fucking happy that made him. She

fell into step beside him, and he stole a glance at her. Her cheeks were flushed, and she studied the

ground as she walked. Her toned legs took small yet steady steps, and he remembered all too well

what it felt like when he’d been in between them. Now, he just needed to figure out how to get back

there…and if he was lucky?

A way to get to her heart, too.

Christine tucked her hair behind her ear, her heart racing. Last night had been a surprise, to say the

least. It had also changed her plans a teeny-tiny bit. She no longer wanted to keep her hands or tongue

to herself. No, she wanted him.

Rekindle an old flame might not have been on her list, but it was time to face the facts. She wasn’t

over Tyler, and wouldn’t be over him until she got her fill of him. That had to be what this whole

obsession thing was all about. In order to get over him, she needed to be under him several times. She

might have thought it was too risky before, but not anymore. She could keep her heart safe and her

body naked…or whatever.

She swallowed the hysterical laugh threatening to escape. This morning, she’d even written it on

her list: Rekindle an old flame. It was official. Make out in an elevator had been crossed off her list,

and so had Get payback on Tyler . She conveniently ignored how much her list revolved around him

ever since they’d kissed in the elevator. As if that hadn’t been enough, he’d blown her mind in his

room, too. Funny how a life-shattering orgasm could change a girl’s perspective.

She peeked at him. He stared straight ahead, looking all hot and broody. He wore a pair of shorts

that fell below the knee, and a formfitting shirt that hugged all his hard planes. She couldn’t wait to

rip it off of him. “So, what’s in the bag?”

“Water, flashlights, a knife, sleeping bag, some—”

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She snorted. “Let me guess. You were an Eagle Scout.”

“Why guess?” His hands tightened on the shoulder straps. “I’m sure Kady told you all about it.”

“Maybe,” she admitted. “I just didn’t believe her until now.”

“I was the leader, too.” He watched her out of the corner of his eye. “Go ahead and laugh. You

know you want to.”

Actually, she found it endearing, damn it. “No, I don’t,” she said. “I think it’s…cute.”

He looked at her, surprise clear in his eyes, and shook his head. “I didn’t realize you had a thing for

nerds. I wore glasses, too. Oh, and I had braces for three years. Does that gain me points with you? I

seem to be sorely lacking in that area lately.”

She tsked. “Nope. It’s not like you’re that boy anymore.”

“I grew up.” He lifted a shoulder. “People do that.”

She studied him for way too long before she bent over and studied the forest floor. She could feel

his eyes on her ass. If she were lucky, soon it would be his hands. “Oh, look. Here’s a green leaf.”

“In a forest,” he said wryly. “Imagine that.”

She chuckled and straightened. “Hey, she couldn’t make it too hard. I think she knew half of us

would be hungover.”

He skimmed his gaze over her length, setting her on fire without even trying. God, she wanted…no,

needed him. “You’re not.”

“No.” She looked at him, her cheeks heating up way too much. “I’m not.”

“Red…” They locked gazes. Images of exactly what they’d been doing last night came to mind with

vivid clarity. The images hadn’t left her alone at all, actually. “You might be looking at this

differently than me, but after last night I’m—”

She held her hand up, needing to shut him up before he said something to ruin her plan. She didn’t

want him being sweet or anything even remotely likable. This was all about the list, having fun, and

moving on. Plain and simple. No feelings or attachments or mushy-gushy stuff.

Just like in Seducing the Hot Enemy. Only she wouldn’t fall in love with him, like the heroine had

the hero. There was no happily ever after written in the pages for them.

“Don’t. Last night was mean of me, and Mexico was mean of you. I didn’t do it on purpose, but I

know it was low of me to get you all…all…” She gestured toward his groin. “…ready, and leave like

that. Sorry.”

He studied her. “I believe you. But that doesn’t mean I’m done with you, just because I let you run

away last night. We’re even now.”

“Oh really?” She walked forward, not looking at him. He fell into step beside her. “I’m not sure

you want to go down that road, Doc. Maybe we should go back to ignoring each other. We’re good at


He shook his head. “I don’t want to.”

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“Well, I might. I’m still deciding.” No, she wasn’t. She knew what she wanted: him. But she

couldn’t admit that yet. He needed the thrill of the chase, just like in all the books. As soon as he

caught her, he’d be bored. So she shoved the leaf at him. “Put this in your bag.”

When he took the leaf from her, her fingers brushed against his palm and her stomach locked down

tight. He captured her hand for a second, not letting go even when she tugged. “This isn’t over,” he


The instant attraction and need that hit her were about as subtle as a bitch slap to the face. He

released his hold on her hand, if not her mind, and put the leaf away. He was too intense. His hold on

her too strong. She moved even deeper into the trees. He followed her but glanced over his shoulder.

For a while they walked in companionable silence. She didn’t know how far they walked, but the

next time she stopped to dig around in the dirt, the sky looked a heck of a lot less bright. As far as she

could tell, no one else was near them. Had they walked far enough away from the resort to cross off

another item on her list?

Have sex in public.

“Uh, Red?” He stopped walking, shooting her a weird look. “Maybe we should head back toward

the resort. No one else is this far up. If we keep going like this, we’ll be camping tonight. I’m fine

with that, but something tells me you aren’t, if you’re scared of bears and spiders.”

“You’re right about that. I don’t camp. But you’re worrying for nothing. We’re almost done.” She

bent over and picked up a feather, her knees feeling all weak and shaky. “See? I already found

another one.” She looked up at him from her bent over position. “And a pinecone, too.”

His brows slammed down. “All these rare, one-of-a-kind things in the forest, of all places? It’s

unheard of.”

She stood up, juggling both items, and laughed. She dropped the objects into their bag, and he

crossed them off the list. The irony of him scratching stuff off a list, too, wasn’t lost on her. Hers was

more exciting, though.

He looked up at her, his stare steady and sure. “Do you have any idea how far we’ve traveled?”

“A few miles.”

“We need to head back,” he said, his tone hard.

She shrugged, deciding they’d gone far enough away. It was about time. While she’d been planning

her attack with such careful precision, she should have been watching where she was going. She

tripped over a jagged rock, landing on the dirt on all fours.

“Well, crap,” she muttered. This wasn’t exactly how she’d planned on being on her knees, thank

you very much. “That rock came out of nowhere. It should really watch where it’s going.”

“Yeah. It was obviously speeding,” Tyler said, his tone way too sarcastic for her liking. He bent

down and hauled her up to her feet as if she were weightless. “Christine.”

All that yummy strength in those arms…

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He frowned at her, his gaze skimming over her bloodied knees with the precision of a doctor. Of

course, he was one, so that made sense. This was so not the seduction she’d had in mind when they’d

started out this way. She brushed her hands over her butt. “Yeah?”

“We need to head back before it gets dark and we—”

She put her hands on her hips and flipped her hair behind her shoulder. She was not leaving this

forest until she’d gotten laid, damn it. “You don’t have the right to boss me around.”

“I’m not bossing you around,” he said, his voice irritated. “I’m employing common sense.

Something you refuse to listen to. As a matter of fact, you’re always the one wandering off, aren’t

you? Just like in Mexico.”

She flushed. “I had my reasons.”

“You were crying,” he said softly.

Her mind went back to that night. The way he’d held on to her while she sobbed, his hands so sure

and comforting. The way he’d tasted…so sweet and tender and yet sexy all in one hot package.

“Yeah. So I had to leave.”

He caught her chin, lifting her face up to his. “You didn’t have to walk away from me.”

“Yes, I did.” She pressed her lips together. “I don’t like showing my weaknesses to people. I hate

crying with a passion. It’s ugly, drooly, and snotty. That’s one of the last times I cried, thank God.”

“Over your parents, you mean.”

“No.” She met his eyes defiantly. “I mean ever.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Dead serious.” She tapped her fingers on her thigh. “It’s been a long, long time since I succumbed

to that particular weakness.”

As a matter of fact, the last time she’d cried had been after he left her in Mexico. But he didn’t need

to know that, now did he?

He ran a hand through his hair. “Well, no one’s crying now, and we need to turn around and go

back before that changes.”

“I’m not going because you demanded I do so.”

He fisted his hands and glowered. She had a feeling he was giving her his best “I’m a fellow and

you’re an intern” glare…but it wouldn’t work on her. “Christine, I swear to God—”

She cocked her head to the side. Time to go for the kill. “You look tired. I’m guessing you didn’t

sleep well last night? Was something bothering you? Something…hard…perhaps? Tell me. Were you

able to lay on your stomach at all?”

His backpack hit the ground and he stalked across the clearing, closing in on her. There it was. The

anger she’d wanted. When he was angry…he kissed her. She needed him to kiss her more than she

needed air right now. She lifted her chin at the fabulous show of anger in those green eyes that

haunted her, her breathing heavy and triumphant.

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When he pinned her body between his and the tree, it took all of her control not to praise the Lord

at the top of her lungs. Hallelujah, amen.

She was finally getting what she wanted.

He gripped her hard. “No, I did not fucking sleep well last night. Is that what you want to hear? I

had to jerk off while picturing you going down on me. It still didn’t help. I still need you.”

Her lips parted and she made a tiny sound she didn’t even recognize. “I can make it better.”

“And how will you do that, exactly?” He lifted her leg and insinuated himself between her thighs,

pressing his cock against her heat. She moaned and dragged her nails down his back. “Because I can’t

fucking keep track of what the hell you want from me.”

“I want you to stop talking” —she grabbed his hair and yanked hard—“and kiss me.”

He closed in on her mouth, but didn’t touch her. Instead he stopped just short of her lips. “Say it.

Say you want me.”

Damn it. He was trying to take control, and she didn’t have enough strength to keep it out of his

hands. Screw it. He could take the lead if it made him feel better—as long as he took her, too. She

nodded frantically. “I don’t want you. I need you. Please.”

He buried his hands in her hair and tugged her head back. “This time? I’m not fucking stopping.

And no running away.”

“No running away.” She yanked harder. “I won’t stop you this time. I’m yours, Tyler.”

Possession flashed over his eyes. Pure, hot, and archaic. Her nipples tightened, begging for his

touch. “Damn right you are,” he growled.

And he kissed her. Thank God.

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Chapter Nine

Christine collapsed back against the tree, inviting the pain of the bark digging into her shoulders. For

once, she wasn’t thinking about her list.

It was just them. Him. Now.

She broke the kiss and yanked his shirt over his head. He lifted his arms to help her and let it hit the

ground at his feet. He pulled her shirt over her head, then propelled her against the tree. The bark hurt

her back even more without the protection of the cotton, but she didn’t give a damn.

When his lips closed over hers again, she ran her hands over his hard pecs. Over the years, she’d

kind of hoped he’d let himself go soft and maybe had the decency to grow a beer belly or something.

But he hadn’t. If anything, he was even harder than he’d been back in Mexico.

And now she wanted him even more than she’d wanted him then.

This whole thing had “mistake” written all over it in bright neon marker. But with his mouth on hers

and his hands on her…oh my God. He closed his hands over her breasts and squeezed her nipples

through her bra. She whimpered into his mouth and reached down, unclasping her bra with a simple

flick of her wrist.

He pulled back and looked down at her, his eyes on his fingers. His fingers…oh my God, his

fingers moved over her nipples, rolling them between his thumb and forefinger with expert precision.

She arched her back and urged his head back down. He took the hint and lifted her higher up on the

tree, his hips supporting her weight. He scraped his teeth over her nipple, and she cried out.

He repeated the movement, harder this time. She shuddered and tossed her head back. When she

dug her heel into his butt, he rolled his hips against her and dropped his hold on her nipple. He met

her eyes, his own hot and smoky and oh-so-irresistible. “I’m going to make you scream so fucking

loud, Red.”

“I’m not a screamer anymore,” she panted, thighs tightening around him.

He gave her a cocky grin and bit down on her neck, where it met with her shoulder. At the same

time, he rolled her nipples and rocked his hips into hers, his erection brushing against her clit. She

moaned and arched her neck, drawing in a breath of air. The world spun around her so rapidly she

had no idea which way was up anymore.

He released one of her nipples and melded his mouth to hers. When he let his hand drift lower,

over her stomach and to the waistband of her shorts, she shifted her weight so he could move even

lower. She needed him to touch her. To bring her to the edge again, and hold her tight as she crashed

over it.

He traced his hand up her thigh, but didn’t give her what she wanted. No, needed. She broke the

kiss off and pushed at his shoulders. “Put me down. My shorts have to go.”

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“No.” He shook his head and nibbled on her lower lip. “Not yet.”


He nibbled on the side of her neck and cupped her mound. “But what?”

“Oh my God.”

He ran his thumb over her aching clit, his touch not even close to hard enough. “You like that?” He

repeated the movement, this time a little harder. “Don’t you?”


“You want it harder, though.” He massaged her clit through her jean shorts, in big sweeping circles.

He was going to freaking kill her with his not-quite-there touches. “You want me to fuck you hard,

right against this tree.”

“Yes!” she shrieked, not even realizing how loud she sounded until he chuckled. She smacked his

arm. “Just do it already.”

“I thought you didn’t scream.”

“You’re right. I don’t, not for anyone else. Only for you.” She smacked his shoulder harder. “Now

do it.”

His smile slipped away, and he let her legs hit the ground. With trembling hands, he undid her

shorts and yanked them down her hips. Her underwear came next, and she was left standing naked in

the freaking woods, wearing nothing but hiking sneakers. Even worse? She didn’t even care.

All she cared about was getting him inside of her, and making him as desperate for her as she was

for him. He reached down, grabbed his backpack, and removed a condom. Did the Boy Scouts teach

him that, too? Doubtful.

She dropped to her knees, ignoring the sharp rocks and twigs digging into her skin. They didn’t

matter right now. Nothing did but this. She undid his belt and tugged his shorts down. He wore a pair

of navy-blue boxers underneath, and his cock strained against the soft cotton. She held her hand up,

and he took the hint. When he placed the condom in her palm, she removed his boxers and leaned in

close, her eyes on his straining erection.

She looked up at him and closed a hand around the base of his penis. He groaned and tensed, his

muscles strained and hard. “Fuck, Red.”

“Time to make that dream a reality,” she murmured.

Without looking away from him, she flicked her tongue over the head of his shaft. He moaned and

buried his hands in her hair. She half expected him to put up some sort of feeble protest like men

always did. The “oh, you don’t have to ,” followed by the gentle push of the head so she moved

closer. But not him.

He urged her closer and grunted out, “More now.”

She swirled her tongue around the head of his erection and closed her lips around him. Sucking

gently, she took more of him in her mouth, moving deeper and deeper until her lips met her hand at the

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base of his shaft. He groaned and leaned back against the tree, his hands pulling on her hair so hard it

hurt. But it hurt so good.

He moved his hips, urging her to take him in and out of her mouth, and his muscles tightened. When

his hard abs flinched, she tasted the salty tang of his pleasure, and she braced herself for him to come.

But he grunted and yanked her off before she could so much as blink. “I’m not coming in that pretty

little mouth of yours. Not tonight.”

He lifted her to her feet and picked the condom up off the ground. She didn’t even remember

dropping it. He ripped it open and rolled it on without hesitation. She watched him, his hands on his

shaft, and her mouth dried out. The sight of him touching himself where she’d just been almost made

her whimper, but she swallowed it back.

When he dropped to his knees at her feet, she hissed in a deep breath. Within seconds he was on

her, his tongue circling her clit and his fingers spreading her wide. She barely had time to react to the

change in position before his fingers were inside her, his tongue moving faster. When he scraped his

teeth against her and sucked, she screamed.

She actually screamed.

And then she exploded in pleasure, and the whole world faded away except for him. When she

came back down from the clouds, he flicked his tongue over her one last time, applying just the right

amount of pressure to make her come again. She clung to his biceps and collapsed against the tree.

Luckily for her, he held on to her.

He stood up and positioned himself between her legs. When he brushed his cock against her clit,

she somehow, someway, came again. An unintelligible cry escaped her lips, and he swallowed it

with his mouth. With one hard, sure thrust, he was inside her, buried completely to the hilt.

Thank freaking God.

His own cry melded with hers, and she closed her legs around his waist. He lifted her even higher

and slammed into her again. The bark of the tree scraped her back, blending the pain with the

pleasure, and she cried out into his mouth. His fingers found her hair, entwined in her locks, and


She dug her teeth into his lip, deepening the kiss even more. This is what she’d been missing for all

these years. What she’d failed to find with other men—no matter how hard she tried. He moaned and

moved so he wasn’t supporting her weight anymore. The new position made it so he rubbed against

her clit with each thrust. She almost begged him to stop, it felt that good, but he kissed her before a

word could escape.

He wouldn’t have stopped, anyway. He was obviously determined to kill her with pleasure, and

damn if she didn’t want him to.

His mouth worked over hers, and the tension built higher and higher as he trailed his fingers over

her skin. Everywhere. When he closed his hands over her breasts again, she arched her back, ignoring

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the sting of the bark on her shoulder blades. He hissed when she tightened her hold on him and bit

down on his shoulder, thrusting harder. Faster.

The increased momentum sent her spiraling over the edge, and she miraculously came again. This

time, he joined her. He cried out her name and stiffened, his entire body going rock-hard. Then he sort

of collapsed against her, burying his face in her neck. For a while they remained that way, their harsh

breathing filling the silence of the forest surrounding them.

He was the first one to move. He stepped out of her embrace and lowered her to the ground. He

nibbled at her neck. “I thought you didn’t scream anymore, Red.”

She shivered. “I don’t.”

He smirked and stepped back. This is what they’d needed. Sex, sex, and more sex. Maybe, if she

had any luck left, when this week was over she’d be free of this crazy-strong attraction. This was the

way to get over him.

If she said it enough times, she might even believe it.

He examined her face, maybe looking for signs of her nonexistent regret or something, then bent

down to gather her clothes. He handed the pile to her and went about collecting his own clothing.

Maybe he didn’t need to do that yet. Maybe they could have another go. Work him out of her system a

little quicker.

She turned her back on him, knowing it was the only way she’d ever move. If she watched him

walk around fabulously naked, they might never get out of these woods. His muscles begged to be

touched, and boy did she want to do exactly that.

Have sex in public? Check.

Get over Tyler? Um…pending.

He cleared his throat. “Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, we need to head home or set up

camp. You decide.”

Camp in the woods? Ha. She grinned. “Home it is, then.”

She heard the sound of his zipper and he shuffled behind her. “No more arguing with me?” he

asked, his voice light with laughter.

Laughter—not guilt. Thank freaking God. Some small part of her had been expecting him to freak

out or something. To run away, just like he had in Mexico. Or even worse? To apologize again. It was

nice to find out that her fear had been for nothing. He hadn’t run or apologized. He didn’t look as if he

regretted touching her.

And she didn’t regret it, either.

She grinned. “Nah. I’m all argued out.”

When he hissed, she whirled and looked at him. He’d gone completely white, and yet somehow

looked green at the same time. “Fuck.”

“What?” she asked suspiciously. “What’s wrong?”

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He swallowed hard, his eyes slamming into hers. “I’m so fucking sorry. Come over here and sit


Déjà vu. He’d gone and apologized again. Un-freaking-believable.

“No. No, no, no.” She shook her head, her stomach hollowing out with dread. What the heck did he

have to apologize for now? She wasn’t a virgin, and she’d obviously been a willing participant.

Pressing a hand to her stomach, she glowered at him. “You are not doing to me this again.”

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Chapter Ten

Tyler blinked at her, trying to make sense of her anger. “Not doing what, exactly?”

“Apologizing,” she spat, her eyes slits. “You’re freaking apologizing to me again. What’s next? Are

you going to run away with your pants off again?”

He stiffened. “Hell no. I hurt your back, so I said sorry. I’m not fucking apologizing for the sex.

Now sit your ass down so I can fix it,” Tyler said before heading away from her.

He couldn’t even look at her. She was bleeding because of him. He should have thought of that

before he’d taken her up against a tree, damn it. Should have thought of her. Tyler headed for the

backpack, cursing his stupidity over and over again. He should have known fucking her against a tree

wouldn’t be the best of ideas. But Jesus, there hadn’t been much thought involved in it at all. One

second they were arguing, and the next she’d asked him to kiss her.

So he had.

He never lost control like that. Never forgot about everything but the pleasure. Except with her.

He’d lost control with Christine all those years ago, and it had scared the shit out of him. Now? It had

happened again. After grabbing the first aid kit, he took a deep breath. He faced her again, his eyes

scanning her for signs of pain. But she didn’t look as if she was in pain. She looked pissed.

“Stop looking at me like that,” she snapped. She picked up her shirt and started to turn it the right

way out. “I’m not broken or hurt or weak. I’m fine.”

“I never said you were.” He yanked the shirt out of her hand before she could put it on. “But I need

to clean those wounds so they don’t get infected.”

“Oh my God.” She threw her hands up. “It’s a sex injury. You don’t have to go all Dr. McDreamy

on me, for the love of God.”

His lips quirked. “You can call me that while I fuck you if you want,” he said, his voice heavy

despite his amusement. “But we’re not moving on until I treat you.”

She crossed her arms. “Maybe I should call you Dr. McStubborn. Or Dr. McAss.” She pressed her

lips together. “Or Dr. McCo—”

He rubbed his jaw. “I think I get the point. I’m a stubborn ass. Now let me look at your back.”

“Yeah? Well…” She lifted her chin. “I’m refusing treatment.”

He stiffened. “I’m refusing your refusal.”

“I’m refusing your refusal of my refusal.”

“I’m refusing—” He broke off and shook his head, looking up at the sky. “You know what? We’re

wasting time. Sit down.”

“No.” She stomped away, bending down and picking up his shirt as she passed it. She spun on him

but didn’t stop walking. “I’m fine and I don’t need you fawning—” Her eyes went wide, and next

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thing he knew she was gone.


He sprang into action, bolting toward where she’d just been. He skidded to a halt and looked down

the hill. She lay at the bottom of it, not moving. “Fuck.”

He made his way down the hill, the branches scratching him as he hurried by. One smacked him

right underneath his eye, stinging like a motherfucker, but he ignored it. He made it down the steep hill

within ten seconds, and dropped to his knees at her side. “Are you okay?”

She shook her head, her eyes on the sky. “No. I’m not okay, Dr. McAss.”

He ignored the insult. “Shit. Let me see.” He brushed her hair off her face gently and leaned in,

examining her pupils. For once, her blue eyes didn’t distract him. “Did you hit your head?”


He ran his hands over her arms. “Can you move your toes and fingers?”

Her lips twitched. Oh, hell. Was she about to cry? He couldn’t handle her tears. Never could. “Yes,

I-I think so.”

“Good, then we don’t have to worry about concussions or paralysis.” He swallowed hard, his heart

hammering in his ears. “I’m going to check you for injuries. I promise to be gentle so I don’t—”


Oh no. She was going to cry. He wrapped his arms around her, his heart thudding in his ears. “Shh.

I’m here. Don’t cry. Please. I can’t stand to see you sad.”

She made a weird choking sound, and she burst into hysterical laughter. “Oh. My. God. You should

s-s-see your face right now!”

She pealed off into another fit of laughter, clutching her stomach and rolling over onto her side, her

knees bent in the fetal position. He let go of her, frowning down at her back. Guess he could rule out

any sprains in her knees or her back. He rocked back on his heels and studied her, not sure what to

say or think right now. “You find this funny?”

She rolled his way again, looked at him, and laughed even harder, tears streaming down her face.

“Y-Yes, I find this funny. I tried to run away and fell down the freaking hill with no shirt on in the

freaking woods, and you’re acting like…like…” She dissolved into laughter again, but managed to

finish off with, “Like I’m dying or something.”

His lips twitched, and son of a bitch if he didn’t start laughing, too. He fell back against a tree,

banging his head in the process, and she laughed even harder at that. He did, too. Fuck, he didn’t even

know what they were laughing at anymore, but it felt good.

He never laughed like this. It wasn’t…him. Or was it? Maybe he’d forgotten who he really was,

over the course of the years. He remembered laughing his ass off with her in Mexico, too, those rare

times when she’d managed to actually have fun.

By the time they both wound down and could breathe again, the sky was even darker and she was

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still half dressed, lying in the dirt with an injured back. He stumbled to his feet and held his hand out

for her. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up and dressed.”

“All right.” She struggled to sit up. “I’m ready. Honestly, I’m fine. You don’t need to worry so


He studied her furrowed brow, knowing she was hurting somewhere even if she wasn’t willing to

admit it, and rubbed his aching head. “Just let me check you over real quick anyway. For my own

peace of mind.”

She gave a small nod and slid her hand into his. Once she was on her feet, he ran his hands over her

body, checking for any contusions or broken bones. When he reached her leg, she stiffened. Going

slower, he skimmed his fingers over her left ankle.

“Ow,” she hissed, clenching her teeth tightly at his touch. “That hurt.”

He nodded, squatting in front of her ankle. He squinted in the dim light, but even with more

shadows than sun behind him, he could see it was swollen. Already, it had turned a nasty yellowish-

greenish shade. He probed it gently, wincing when she cried out.

He reached behind him and grabbed his backpack, and pulled out a thermos of cold water. “We

need to get ice on this, and it needs to be elevated.”

She dropped her head back against the tree she rested her weight on. “Crap. Any chance we can

find ice in the woods?”

“Not really.” He pressed the cool thermos to her ankle and glanced up at the sky. It would be dark

within the hour. Reaching into his pocket, he held his phone up to the sky. No signal. Of fucking

course. “Do you have your phone on you?”


She reached into her shorts pocket and held it out for him. It took a second for him to confirm what

he already suspected. She didn’t have any signal, either. He sighed and handed it back. “Nothing.”

She pinched her lips together when he probed at her ankle again. “Now what?”

“The way I see it, we have two options.”

When he didn’t continue on, she raised her brows at him. “And they are…?”

“Either sit here and set up camp, hoping someone comes and finds us, or I carry you and we’ll try

to cover as much ground as we can before night falls—and then we set up camp. But either way, I

think we’re sleeping under the stars tonight.”

Her eyes went wide. “Out in the open? Where any wild animal could stumble upon us in our sleep?

Aw, heck no. I have no intention of being served up for a family of bears as the main course. We


They could walk all she wanted, but they would still be sleeping under the stars. He refrained from

pointing that out, though. Let her be in denial if she wanted. “Don’t you sleep outside when you’re on


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“No.” She shivered. “I avoid assignments that involve the great outdoors for long periods of time. I

tend to stay in the U.S., because I hate sleeping outside. Me and Mother Nature are not friends.”

He laughed. “All right. In that case? Let’s try to cover as much ground as we can.”

“Who knows? Maybe we didn’t travel as far as you think we did.” She nodded decisively, as if her

saying as much would make it true. “Let’s walk.”

He cocked a brow. “You’re not walking. I am.”

“I can do it.” She stumbled forward and hissed. She glanced at him, her face way too pale for his

liking. “Then again, maybe not.”

He managed to catch her before she hit the ground again. “Are you done trying to show how

independent you are yet? Because I’ll be damned if I let you hurt yourself just to be stubborn again.

Maybe I’ll have to come up with my own nickname for you, then.”

“Like what?” she snapped.

He swung her into his arms. “Like Patient McClumsy.”

A small laugh escaped her. “Oh, shut up,” she said through her teeth. Tears shimmered in her eyes,

and she clung to his biceps. “But yes, I am done being clumsy. Beam me up, Scotty.”

He set her down slowly. “Lean against the tree for a second,” he murmured, knowing she was in

pain and embarrassed and hating it. “I need to go grab the rest of my stuff.”

She leaned against the tree and closed her eyes, nodding. After retrieving his thermos and all the

other scattered items from the ground, he put his shirt on and studied her. Her face was pale, and

judging from the way she pinched her lips together, she was in pain. His gut tightened. He hated

seeing her in pain. If only he could take it away.

He tended to her wounds silently, neither one of them breaking the silence. When he was finished,

he kissed her bare shoulder and helped her pull her shirt over her head.

She turned her face away from him. “This isn’t your fault, you know. So don’t even think about

apologizing for it.”

He blinked at her. Where the hell had that come from? She’d been the one to fall down the hill. He

hadn’t pushed her. So why the hell would he apologize to her? He swept her into his arms. “I wasn’t

going to. You still think I’m that guy who panics and runs. I’m not.”

She shrugged. “To me, you’ll always be him. Nothing you do or say will erase that from my mind.”

“I’ll have to try my best to make it up to you from now on. To make you stop living in the past, and

start living in the now.” His arms tightened around her. “And Red? When I want something, I get it.”

She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I fear you’re in for a

disappointment this time around. I’m not up for grabs.”

“You were a few minutes ago when I was—”

“That’s different.” She looked up at him, her gorgeous eyes stopping him in his tracks. “What we

did back there was just sex. Really, really amazing sex. But sex nonetheless. It doesn’t mean you have

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me. It was just a way to scratch an item off my list.”

He flinched, even though he’d known she would say that. She was determined to keep him at arm’s

length. “Tell me about this list.”

“No.” Her fingers flexed on him. “And you can’t make me.”

The hell he couldn’t. Reining in his temper, he took a deep breath. “Fine. Tell me this, then: Do you

believe in second chances?”

“I think it depends on the situation.” She stared off into the distance, her hand wrapping around the

back of his neck. “But I could use a few of them myself.”

He latched onto that statement, hungry for anything about her. Anything she didn’t tell other people.

He’d never met a woman so closed off to talking about herself as her. “What would you do over?”

“I…” She cut herself off, her fingers softening on him. He held his breath, certain she was going to

push him away again. Refuse to answer. But she opened her mouth again. “When my parents died…”

She looked away from him. “I didn’t take their last call because I was angry with them. Want to know


His heart broke for the pain she must be feeling, still, to this day. “Red…”

“I was mad because they wouldn’t send me more money for food. I’d blown through my monthly

allowance in two weeks, and wanted more.”

“You were a kid. You didn’t know—”

“You’re right. I didn’t.” She took a deep breath and rested her head on his shoulder again. “But I’d

still like a chance to do it all over again. To answer my stupid phone and tell them I loved them one

more time before it was too late.”

“I get that.” He rested his chin on the top of her head. “But they loved you. You know that, right?”

She nodded against his shoulder. “I do.”

“Why did you go to Mexico right afterward like that?” He shifted her weight. “It was three months,

but you were still a wreck. You didn’t seem like you really wanted to be there at all.”

“That’s because I didn’t. But if I didn’t go, the girls would have canceled their plans for me, and

they were so excited about it.” Her shoulders went tense. “I was going to go home and hang with my

brother, but they suggested they do the same. Go with me. I couldn’t make them cancel their plans for

me, so I acted as if I wanted to forget and have some fun.”

That made sense, knowing what he knew about her. She was the type of woman who put the needs

of someone she loved before her own. He nodded. Time to change the topic. “Wait. You have a


“Yeah.” She grinned. “You didn’t know that?”

“Nope.” He gritted his teeth. How did he not know that about her? He should have tried to find out

more about her long ago. He shouldn’t have tried to shove her away in the past. “Speaking of which,

I’d like a few do-overs myself.”

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“Let me guess,” she said sarcastically. “Mexico?”

“Yeah, but not what you’re thinking.” He took a deep breath. Should he open himself up to her like

this? Why the hell not? It’s not as if she’d get more angry at him than she already was. “I would never

have left like I did, if I could go back. I’d have held you all night long, as close as I could. I would

have known you had a brother, damn it. Is he older or younger?”

“Younger.” She reared her head back and blinked up at him, her mouth open. “But w-why would

you care about that stuff? We haven’t exactly kept in touch over the years.”

“It’s what I should have done, and if I had a chance to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a

thing except instead of running…I’d have stood firm. I wouldn’t have given up so easily.” He met her

eyes. “Maybe we would have even been together.”

“I don’t believe you.” She pressed her lips together and shook her head for good measure. “If you

regretted it every day, why didn’t you come see me one of the many times you came back to the U.S.?

Try to win me over? I mean, I really haven’t seen you at all.”

“I did, once. When I came home a year after Mexico, I passed by a restaurant, and you were inside.

I saw you and some brown-haired guy sitting close and talking and laughing, so I backed off. He had

his arm around you, and you were resting your head on his shoulder. You looked so…so happy.” He

met her eyes, unable to believe he was admitting this shit to her. “I couldn’t bring myself to walk

through that door when you were happy and with someone else. What happened to that guy?”

She bit down hard on her lip, not dropping his gaze. She didn’t show much emotion, or at least not

that he could read, but she dropped her lids. “Did he have tattoos all down his arms?”

“Yes.” Tyler hugged her tighter to his chest as he stepped over a log. “Who was he?”

She opened her mouth, closed it, and let out a little sound that might have been a moan. “My brother

I was just talking about. He was in the military, and he’d gotten in some trouble back home. He’d just

signed up with the marines, and we were saying good-bye before he went to boot camp.”

Relief hit him hard and fast. “Oh.” He stepped over a fallen branch. “Shit.”

“Yeah.” She rested her head on his shoulder again. “But, you know, I haven’t been a nun all these

years. I have been with other men.”

He stiffened, the relief going away in a blink of the eye. “I’d rather not think about that.”

“That came out wrong. I’m trying to say is that I wasn’t a broken shell of a woman who couldn’t

live without you because you left or anything. I was fine. Happy, even.”

His arms tightened on her reflexively. “Don’t say another word, Red.”

She looked up at him, her brow furrowed. “I’m trying to make you feel better.”

He frowned down at her, jealousy ripping through him with sharp claws. “The idea of you with

another man will never, ever make me feel better. You were supposed to be mine.”

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Chapter Eleven

Christine rested her head on Tyler’s shoulder, not sure what to say to that. But really, what was there

to say? He didn’t like the idea of her with another man? Well, great. She didn’t like the thought of him

with another woman, but it didn’t mean anything. He was just stating the obvious.

There couldn’t be anything real between them.

Not now. Not then.

Tyler made his way around a fallen tree that blocked the path they’d been following. She glanced

up at him and flinched. Sweat streamed down his forehead and down his cheeks, and his face was

red. He hadn’t complained one little bit about carrying her. Knowing him, he saw it as some form of

penance for leaving her all those years ago.

He was sick like that.

She understood him so much better now than she had all those years ago. He carried the weight of

the world on his shoulders, and he felt responsible for everything and everyone. He felt the need to

make everyone happy and healthy and whole. When he failed or caused harm…he swallowed the

guilt and kept it inside him forever.

He grunted and stepped over a small boulder. The shadows were getting deeper by the second, and

try as she might she couldn’t make out even a hint of the resort. He’d told her they wandered too far

away, but she’d ignored him as she sought some solitude for her outdoor sex session. Stupid list.

Now they were stuck out in the woods with no rescue in sight. More than likely, they would be

setting camp for the night and sleeping in the great outdoors. Already, the mosquitoes had bitten every

exposed strip of skin she had, and the temperature had dropped rapidly. There wasn’t a snowball’s

chance in hell she’d make it through the night. Her idea of camping was the Holiday Inn Express,

complete with feather pillows and a soft mattress.

Not sleeping bags and rocks poking her in the butt.

As if on cue, Tyler stopped walking and leaned against a tree. “I think we might need to stop for the

night. I’m having difficulty seeing. I could wear a flashlight, but it’s still asking for trouble. If I step in

a hole and twist my ankle while carrying you, we’ll be sitting ducks.”

“That makes sense, I guess.” She wiggled in his arms. “Are we even heading in the right


“I think so. We’re following the incline.”

She nodded. “You should check your compass, just to be safe.”

“I can’t.” He flushed. “I don’t have one.”

“Seriously? I thought you had a survival kit in that thing.”

“I do.” He lowered her to her feet. “But I lost my compass.”

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She put the bulk of her weight on her good leg and leaned against a tree. There was a good-sized

flat clearing in front of them, which is probably why he’d chosen here to stop. “So you have condoms,

but no compass? What else do you have in your bag?”

“A lighter, a sleeping bag, water, and a few protein bars.” Her stomach growled at the mention of

food, loud enough for the whole forest to hear it. “Which I’m guessing you’d like me to find,” he

added subtly.

She dropped her head back against the tree. She couldn’t even muster up the strength to get

embarrassed at her bearlike growling stomach. “Yes, please.”

He chuckled and picked her up again. “Let’s go.”

“Wait, what are you doing?” She clung to him. “I thought we were staying here.”

“We are.” He skirted a huge boulder. “But over there, where it’s flat.”

“I could walk there myself,” she said.

“I know, Patient McClumsy. But I’m going to carry you anyway.”

Of course he would, because that’s the kind of guy he was. Compassionate, bossy, stubborn, and

irresistible. Once he reached the clearing, he stopped in the middle of it and set her down. She missed

his warmth as soon as he let go of her. It might be June, but it was still Colorado. She wrapped her

arms around herself and shivered. “Thank you.”

He bent down and yanked the sleeping bag out of his backpack, spread it out on the ground, and dug

out a handful of protein bars. “Get in this and eat these. It’ll keep you warm while I set up camp.”

She nodded, but looked off into the distance, keeping her weight on her uninjured ankle. “Uh…I

have to go…you know…I have to go.”

He looked up at her, his brow furrowed. “Go where?”

“Oh my God. Shoot me now,” she said, fisting her hands.

“I’m trying to—oh.” His eyes lit up with comprehension. He dug around in the bag a little bit, and

handed her a roll of toilet paper. “Here.”

She eyed his bag hopefully. “You got a toilet and a shower in there, too, Eagle Scout?”

He laughed. “I wish. It’s not so bad, I promise.”

“Maybe not for you,” she pointed out. “At least you get to stand. I have to squat with my bare butt

hanging out like a white flag for all the forest creatures.”

“At least it’s a hot ass.” He stood up and pointed over his shoulder. “I’ll go this way. You go that

way. Don’t wander off, though.”

“I don’t plan on it.”

She bit down on her lip and limped toward the trees, her eyes on the darkness surrounding her on

all sides. Was something out there, watching her even now? Plotting how best to attack, while she

was at her weakest? She was obviously the easy prey. She’d be the first to go. Tyler would wrestle a

bear with his bare hands.

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“I’m a dumbass.” He caught her by surprise, sweeping her into his arms again. “You can’t walk

there on your own. Let me help you.”

She should probably protest and assert her independence…but she didn’t feel like it. It was

freaking scary out here in the dark. Maybe in the morning she’d be all independent and fiery again. “If

you think I’m letting you watch me pee, you’re mistaken. I’m not that kind of girl,” she said, her hands

on his chest.

His laughter rumbled under her palms. “I have no intention of watching you pee, but it’s good to

know you don’t have any weird fetishes. I’ll drop you off and come back once we’re both done. Just

stay here and wait for me.”


He set her down and headed back the way he came. She glowered at the forest floor before forcing

herself to take care of business. Once she finished, she moved as far away as her gimpy leg would let

her and braced herself against a tree. This was so not how she’d envisioned this week going, thank

you very much.

She was supposed to have fun and let loose with some men she’d never see again. Cross items off

her list, and move on to the next one when she was finished. The thought of moving on from Tyler

didn’t fill her with joy as it previously did, though.

Instead, it felt…wrong. Just wrong.

What if screwing him didn’t get him out of her system? What if it only let him worm in even deeper,

and he never let go? What if she was never free? Even now, as she panicked over how strong of a

hold he had over her…she wanted more. Wanted him.

He was like a drug, and she needed another hit.

She leaned against a tree and waited for him to come back. She felt ridiculous standing in the

middle of the woods hugging a roll of toilet paper to her chest. And oh so vulnerable, too. What if a

bear came at her? How would she protect herself? Throw a roll of toilet paper at it? Yeah. Because

that would help.

The mental image of her pelting a bear in the nose with a roll of Charmin made her snort. A twig

snapped behind her, and she jumped. She licked her lips. “Tyler?” she croaked, half expecting a

gigantic beast to come out from the darkness instead of the man who plagued her thoughts nonstop. “Is

that you?”

“Yeah.” He appeared from the shadows, and she wanted to fling herself at him and thank him for

being there. But she didn’t. She’d already crossed too many lines. She wouldn’t cross another. She

couldn’t allow any more contact that wasn’t strictly sexual. It wasn’t on her list. “Hold out your hands

for me.”


She adjusted the toilet paper and held her hands out. He squirted hand sanitizer on her hands and

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did the same to his. As they cleaned up, she watched him watch her. “How’s your back feeling?” he


“A lot better than my ankle and my pride.” She rubbed her hands together some more, even though

the sanitizer was dry. “Thanks for taking care of me.”

“It’s ingrained in me.” He lifted a shoulder. “Scrapes like that should be cleaned out right away to

stave off infection. You can never be too safe.”

“Well, you did your doctoral duty.” She swiped a stray hair out of her face. “I haven’t succumbed

to malaria or typhoid or hay fever yet.”

He laughed, his eyes lighting up. He needed to do that more often. What would he be like it he

didn’t carry the weight of the world on his shoulders? She kind of wanted to find out. “Hay fever?


“Sure. Why not?” She rubbed her hands together, trying to warm them up and failing. “God. It’s not

supposed to be this cold in June, is it?”

“At night? Yeah.” He tucked the sanitizer into his pocket, grabbed her hands, and blew his hot

breath on them. His lips touched her wrist, placing a fleeting kiss over her pulse, and he looked up at

her. “Better?”

“Y-Yes,” she said, her voice wobbling. She was scorching hot now, thanks to him. “What do we


He didn’t drop her hands, but kept them pressed in between his. “Now you need to eat while I set a

fire to keep you warm. Then you sleep.”

“And you?”

He lifted a shoulder. “I’m not worried about me.”

Typical. “I am.”

“Well, don’t be,” he said, bending down and sweeping her into his arms. “I’m not the injured one.”

“I’m not so sure about that.” She looked up into his bright-green eyes, wishing she could see the

man behind the actions. He shouldn’t be so hard to read. “I think your injuries are just hidden better

than mine.”

Where the heck had that come from? Since when did she care?

He averted his eyes and stared straight forward. His jaw worked, and his fingers flexed on her.

“What makes you think I have injuries? I don’t.”

“We all do. It’s just a matter of what kind, and how deep they cut.”

He stared out into the woods, not moving a muscle. “Are you going all investigative journalist on

me? Trying to figure me out?”

She fell silent, not sure if she should continue in this getting-to-know-you type of vein. It would

only make walking away from him harder in the end. But there was so much she wanted to know

about him. So much she needed to figure out still. Maybe, for one night, she could forget about

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everything else and just…be with him.

When he lowered her onto the sleeping bag, she slid inside it and met his eyes. “Maybe. I won’t lie,

I want to know more about what makes you tick.”

“I don’t know why. I’m pretty simple to figure out.” He squatted at her feet, his eyes on her. “But go

ahead. Ask me something if you want. I’ll answer.”

She swallowed hard, but didn’t drop her gaze. “What’s new with your life? Anything exciting going


“That’s all you’ve got?” He blinked at her, the mockery clear in his voice. “I thought for sure you’d

ask me something about my dark and stormy past to prove that your theory that I’m broken is correct.”

She shook her head. “I think we talked about the past enough, don’t you?”

“I suppose we have.” He cleared his throat. “I got a job in Portland. Now that I’ve been offered the

position as chief, I’ll stay there for, well, maybe forever…if I can stand the domesticity of living in

the good ol’ USA. I’ll still go overseas every once in a while, but I’ll be here more than there, if that

makes sense.”

She pictured her favorite show, Grey’s Anatomy. If she were completely honest with herself, she’d

admit she watched it because it reminded her of Tyler. But she didn’t like being honest with herself

when it came to Tyler. It was too real. “Wow, that’s great. You must work crazy hours, huh? Like Dr.

McDreamy and Meredith Grey, on Grey’s?”

“Yeah, it’s even worse than you see on TV.” His fingers flexed on his knees. “But we don’t have

sex in the on-call rooms. We just snore, drool, and sleep.”

She bit down on her lip. Without even trying, she could totally picture him stripping some hot

nurse’s scrubs off, and she kind of wanted to stab her eyes out. “My hours aren’t quite so hectic as all


He averted his eyes. “Do you…date much?”

“Not really.” More like, hardly ever. None of the men she met interested her. Not like him. She bit

her tongue. “Just here and there. Like I said, not much going on in the love department for me.”

He flexed his jaw. “I’m not going to lie. I like that answer, for selfish reasons. I don’t like sharing

what’s mine.”

“I’m not yours.” She laughed. “I haven’t seen you in years.”

“I know that all too well.” He glanced down at the forest floor, his shoulders tense. “I hear you

have a new roommate now that Kady’s with Colt?”

“Yeah. She’s awful.” She hesitated. “I don’t know why I followed Kady out here in the first place,

besides out of habit, but it’s time to live alone. To have my own place. I already told my roommate I

was leaving once I get back.”

She declined to mention the fact that she was moving to Maine, but it didn’t matter anyway. It didn’t

change a thing between them at all.

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“Is this the first time you’ll be alone?”

“Yeah.” She glanced away, her cheeks heating. “At first I didn’t want to live by myself because it

made me miss my parents too much. I got used to having Kady around, so we moved in together out of

college, too. But now…”

“She’s getting married.”

“Yeah.” She lifted a hand and let it fall back to her lap. “And I’m stuck with the roommate from

hell. She hasn’t paid her portion of the electric bill in three months. And she took my favorite nail

polish, and denied it.”

He leaned closer and closed his fingers over hers, squeezing. “She sounds like pure evil.”

“She really is,” she said, laughing. “It’s time for me to go it alone, for once. I didn’t think I would

be, but I’m excited.”

His eyes latched onto hers, understanding shining from within their green depths. “I definitely get

that, more than you’d think. It’s why I left the States. I needed to be on my own. Have no one waiting

on me…needing me…you know? Be free.”

“I know.” She met his eyes and held her breath. “I get it.”

And she totally did.

He held her gaze, neither one of them moving for a while. “Good.”

She knew what just happened there. She hadn’t misunderstood the weight behind those words. He’d

been explaining why he left, and she really did get it. They’d been so young back then. What had she

expected from him? A proposal?

That would have been a disaster.

He looked down at his lap before handing her a protein bar. Once she took it, he stood up and

stalked toward the shadows with a flashlight in his hand. “Stay there. I’ll be right back.”

Her heart faltered. “Where are you going?”

“To collect firewood.”

As he disappeared into the shadows, she nibbled on the protein bar. He’d left four on the sleeping

bag, but she planned on eating one. He needed to eat, too, and who knew how long it would take for

them to find their way back to the resort? No matter how hungry she was she had to control her

portions as best as possible.

As the time passed, and she was left feeling even more alone than when she’d been in the trees, she

fidgeted with the empty wrapper. Tyler’s backpack rested a few feet away, so she dragged it over and

pulled out the other flashlight. After turning it on, she shone it into the shadows to search for any signs

of movement. Nothing.

No bears. No wolves. No bigfoot. He lived in the forest, right? At least she didn’t have to worry

about the abominable snowman or the Loch Ness monster.

Her heart sped up with each passing minute, but she didn’t know what she was worried for. It’s not

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like Tyler would leave her out here alone to die or something. But…he could have fallen down a cliff

or gotten eaten by a bear…

Why did all of her thoughts end with someone getting eaten by a bear?

She swallowed the rising panic and shone the flashlight into the backpack. What else was in his

bag, anyway? That’s just the distraction she needed. Placing the flashlight in between her teeth, she

dug around a little bit. There was a handful of condoms in blue wrappers, a few more protein bars, a

thermos, and…a bottle of vodka.

Damn, he’d been holding out on her. She pulled out the liquor and undid the lid. This should warm

her right up. As she lifted it to her lips, a twig snapped behind her.

She spun and shone the flashlight in that direction—right into Tyler’s eyes. He flinched and

squeezed them shut. “Jesus, Christine. Can you remove the spotlight, please? I can’t see a damn thing

with that shining in my eyes.”

“Oh. Sorry.” She shone the flashlight toward the middle of the clearing instead, watching as he

made his way there and arranged the logs and sticks in his hands. “So…vodka and condoms. Is that

standard Boy Scout fare?”

“No.” He looked over his shoulder at her. “I’d been planning on maybe camping out here today.

The vodka was my company.”

Interesting. “And the condoms…?”

“Left over from an excursion in Africa.” When she opened her mouth, he held up a hand. “No, not

an orgy. I was giving them out to teenagers to try to help prevent the spread of STDs. That’s all.”

“Hmm.” Every time he told her something he did, she admired him more. She lifted the bottle to her

mouth and took a tentative sip. “How long were you in Africa?”

“A year.” He looked up at her. “Then I went to Brazil for six months. I just came back from there.”

“Business or pleasure?”

He set twigs up on the ground. “Business. Always business. But I tend to stay in whatever country

I’m in for a week after my assignment is over for pleasure.”

Jealousy hit her with its big, ugly, sharp green nails. “What kind of pleasure? Do you have a

woman in love with you in every country?”

He snorted. “No.”

“Then what do you do?”

“Skydive. Bungee jump. Hike.” He glanced her way. She wished she could make out his

expression. “Basically, if it can kill me? I love doing it. Probably why I’m addicted to you.”

She swallowed hard. Jeez, maybe now she preferred him sleeping his way around the freaking

world. At least it wouldn’t kill him. Time to change the subject. What had they been talking about?

Oh. Right. His alone time in the woods. “Sorry I interrupted your man time.”

He chuckled and piled a bunch of sticks on top of one another. “I think I’ll survive. I happen to like

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my present company.”

Her cheeks heated. Was she actually blushing because he said he liked her? Holy crap. She was a

goner. Silently, she watched him pile more and more wood on top of the pile, seeming for all the

world as if he knew what he was doing. “What do you have to do to start a fire? Rub two sticks

together or something? Bang some rocks against each other?”

He laughed and reached into his pocket. “Sure. Or you could use a lighter and some dry kindling.”

Her cheeks got even hotter. “That works, too,” she said, nodding as if she had a clue what he was

talking about. She so didn’t. “Once you get that going, you need to eat.”

“I will once I’m ready,” he answered dismissively. He piled a bunch of dry leaves in a heap, and

held his lighter beneath those. Smoke rose from the bottom, and he picked up some more leaves,

turning them in his hand until they were aflame. “You can eat some more though.”

“No, thank you.”

He didn’t look at her, just kept feeding leaves to the fire. After a little while, he tossed a few small

twigs in, adjusting where needed. Seeing him working like that, making a fire in the middle of

nowhere while she huddled in his sleeping bag, made her realize how resourceful it was.

And it turned her on. She couldn’t help it.

His competence out here in the wild was hot.

Something about watching him make fire with his hands made her all warm inside. Or maybe it was

the vodka. She shrugged and took another swig. Either way, she wanted him more than she should.

“It’s only a matter of time ’til they notice we’re missing. Worst case, I’m supposed to meet Kady for a

workout session at seven tomorrow morning.”

He nodded. After a few more minutes of adjusting, Tyler sank back on his heels. “I think we’re

good now.”

She pressed the lip of the vodka bottle to her mouth. “Looks good. I can feel it already.”

“You need to come closer to the heat. It won’t bite.” He grabbed a hold of the bottom of the

sleeping bag and dragged her across the clearing. “But I might.”

She let out a squeal and clung to the bottle. As soon as she was within reach, he snatched it out of

her hands and took a hit. Swiping the back of his hand over his lips, he eyed her. She fluttered her

lashes at him. “I don’t mind it when you do it.”

“Yeah.” He took another swig and handed it back. “I know that, too.”

“You think know everything, don’t you?”

He shook his head, studying her in the firelight. “About some things? Sure. But I don’t know enough

about the things that matter.”

Oh, God. He was talking about her, wasn’t he? Her heart picked up speed and raced off into the

shadowy woods. Swallowing hard, she peeled the corner of the sleeping bag back. “This thing is big.

I bet we can both fit. Climb in.”

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“Yeah, I don’t think so.” He eyed her as if he wanted to take her up on his offer, but he looked away

and held his hands out to the fire. “I’ll be good out here. You stay warm.”

She knew what he was doing. He was always so worried about everyone else’s safety and comfort

that he never stopped to care for his own. If he got in, she might be cramped. So…he wouldn’t. Well,

with her, that wouldn’t fly. “You’ll get in the sleeping bag, or I’ll refuse to stay in it.”

“You wouldn’t.” He turned to her and scanned her face. “You’d freeze your pretty little ass off. An

ass I happen to love.”

“You better save it. Either we’re both comfortable, or we’re both cold. It’s that simple.”

“There’s no way we’ll both fit in there, Red,” he said, his voice low. “We’d be plastered to each

other all night long, unable to move a single limb. I could kick your ankle and hurt you again. It’s not


“I can handle that risk.” She tipped the edge back more. “Can you? Or are you scared?”

He raised a brow. “Do I look like I get fucking scared to you?”

“Prove it. Get in.”

“Why do you care so much?” He dragged a hand through his hair with a quick motion. “I told you

not to worry about me.”

“You’re always so busy seeing to everyone else’s comfort.” She cocked her head to the side. “Who

worries about you?”

“No one, but I don’t need anyone to.”

“Yes, you, do,” she said, holding his gaze. “We all do, sometimes. Get. In.”

He took a deep breath, mumbled something under his breath, and crawled up to her. After handing

her the bottle, he slid inside. He was right. They were glued to each another, from head to toe. Or

more like from head to calf, since her toes reached halfway down his leg. “There. Happy now?”

“Nope.” She set aside the booze, her head spinning from the effects of the alcohol on her mostly

empty stomach, and rested her head on his arm. “Not yet.”

He wrapped his free arm around her waist and sighed. “What do you want now?”

“This.” She held the bar she’d grabbed before he joined her between their faces. “Eat it for me.”

He clenched his jaw. “I told you, I’ll eat when I’m ready. Honestly, I think my hunger wore off

hours ago.”

“And I told you that I’m worried about you, whether you want me to be or not.” She poked him in

the chest. “So you’ll eat it and you’ll like it, damn it, because I care.”

His mouth softened, and he lifted his hand to cup her cheek. “Red. I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll eat it.” She unwrapped it and shoved it under his nose. “It’s open now. It’ll go bad if

you don’t.”

He let out an aggravated sigh, but the amusement in his eyes ruined the annoyed effect he was going

for. “You’re a lot more stubborn than I remember you being.”

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“Yeah, yeah.” She wiggled the bar under his nose. “Now eat.”

He let go of her, snatched it out of her hand, and took a big bite. “Have you always been this


“No. I kind of grew into it with age.” She lifted a shoulder and rested her hands against his chest.

“My turn to ask a question.”

He arched a brow and swallowed. “Are we making this a game?”

“Sure, why not? I don’t think there’s anything good on television tonight anyway,” she said,

gesturing toward the fire. “Do you like being a doctor?”

He took another bite, chewed, and swallowed. “Yeah. I love helping people. Healing people. I get

a bigger thrill out of going overseas to help people who can’t find clean water, let alone quality

health care.”

“Do you—?”

He pressed a finger to her lips. “Slow down there, Ms. Journalist. It’s my turn to ask a question.”

Her stomach tightened when he ran his finger down her lower lip, his eyes on her mouth. He looked

like he was debating kissing her. All she could think was: heck yeah, do it. “Go ahead.”

She wasn’t sure if she was giving him permission to kiss her or ask her a question, but he seemed

determined to do the latter. “How many men have you been with since me?”

She choked on a laugh. “And here I was being nice with an easy question.”

“I’m not nice like you,” he said. “Answer me.”

“Yeah you are. You’re just nosy, too.”

“Sure.” He shrugged. “Now answer.”

“Fine.” She scooted out of the sleeping bag and hugged her knees. He sat up, unzipped the sleeping

bag, and tucked their feet inside. “But if you want me to answer the question, you better hand over that

bottle next to you.”

He picked up the vodka and gave it to her. “Here you go. But give it back. I might need a swig

before I hear the answer.”

She took the bottle and sipped before she returned it to him, watching as he washed down the last

of his protein bar with some vodka. He set it down and stretched his legs inside the sleeping bag. She

rested her leg against his, soaking in his heat.

“Five.” She peeked up at him and blew out a breath. “None of them were serious.”

“Oh.” He flexed his jaw. “I see.”

She rolled her eyes. “You didn’t seriously think I was a born-again virgin, did you?”

He looked back at her, his eyes flashing. “No. But I underestimated the effect that the thought of

another guy touching you would have on me. I don’t like it.”

Her heart skipped a beat at the possessiveness in his voice and the way he looked at her. This

wasn’t good. He couldn’t go getting all territorial. She couldn’t let herself like it, because she’d only

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been crossing items off her list. Nothing more. Ignoring the need swirling violently within her, she

forced her mind back to the topic at hand. “My turn. How many have you been with?”

He flinched. “To be honest? I didn’t keep count.”

Jealousy ripped through her. Unwanted, harsh, hot, ugly jealousy. “That many?”

“It’s not that. I just tried not to concentrate on it or anything.” He dragged a hand through his hair

and took a long pull of the vodka. “I guess…ten or fifteen? Maybe.”

“At least you didn’t say fifty,” she mumbled, wanting to punch him in his perfect face. “Or a


Reaching out, he toyed with a piece of her hair. “Are you jealous, Red?”

“Me?” She snorted. “Jealous?” She snorted again. Okay. She was kind of starting to sound like a

dying pig. “Of course not.”

He smirked. “Don’t be. They’re all faceless women to me, really. A means to an end, or a way to

scratch an itch. I never wanted a relationship, or anything remotely resembling one. I’m already

married to my job. Plus, none of them made my heart race and my palms sweat. None of them made

me forget who I was and what I wanted out of life, or made me second-guess myself in those very


“Is that the medical definition of love?” she asked. If so, she was screwed, because he did that to

her. Always had. “Sweaty palms, racing hearts, and forgotten dreams?”

“I think so.” He lifted a shoulder and dropped her hair. “But who am I to say? I’m just a doctor. I

don’t know anything but my job. Love? That’s for normal men. Men like me don’t get married. We’re

never home.”

“That’s not true,” she said softly. She hesitated, not sure how to say what she wanted to say. So she

settled for, “You can be in love and not give up your career. You can be an excellent doctor and go

home to your wife and kids.” She almost choked on the words. The idea of him having a wife and

kids hurt. “You can be a doctor and a man. They’re not two separate beings.”

The way he looked at her when she said that made her want to curl up in a ball and rock in the

corner. He looked at her as if…

As if he wanted her to be that wife.

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Chapter Twelve

Letting her words soak in, Tyler tilted his head back, staring up at the bright, shiny stars. No matter

where you were in the world, the stars always looked the same. Constant and sure. What else in this

life stayed so steady? Nothing. That’s what.

Jesus. He was waxing philosophical about the fucking stars. How much had he had to drink so far?

Not enough to wipe out the fact that he wanted more than a night under the stars from Christine. At

some point, he’d realized how much he enjoyed being with her, and he wanted to keep it that way.

He wasn’t the “snuggling while talking about dreams, hopes, and aspirations” type of guy. He

didn’t play that way. Didn’t look for love around every corner or even want it. He was married to his

job. He didn’t need two wives. But with Christine in his arms…

Maybe he could see it.

She was telling him he was more than his job, that he could be the man she would need him to be

and the doctor he needed to be. He wanted to believe her so fucking bad it hurt. “You think I could

find a woman who wouldn’t mind sharing me with my other wife?”

She looked up at the sky, too, then back at him. “If she loved you and you loved her? Sure. Why


He let out a whoosh of air. She made it sound so easy, but he’d seen what happened to each of his

buddies when they married. They got divorced. Simple as that. If he got married, he wanted it to be

forever. He didn’t want to fail. He tugged on his shirt. Since when was the neck of this shirt so damn

small? “I guess it’s possible. But I’m not in the market for that right now.”

“Yeah,” she murmured. He watched her closely, looking for any sign of disappointment in her eyes.

Nothing. Not even a flash of uncertainty. “Me either. I’ve been trying to loosen up and…enjoy life.

Stop trying to plan everything all the time.”

“Is that why you made a list?” he asked. “To stop planning everything?”

She laughed. “Kinda backward, huh? But…yes. That’s why.”

He swallowed hard. “You know, when I touch you like this…” He ran his hands up her sides. They

were sweaty and a little bit shaky. “I remember what it’s like to really feel something. I’d forgotten

how you made me feel. How to feel, even.”

Her lips trembled. “Tyler.”

His cradled her cheeks with his hands and leaned in. When his mouth closed on hers, he kissed her

with all the pent-up passion and uncertainty he was feeling. Lately? It was a hell of a lot. When it

came to her, he didn’t know what he felt. But something told him if he wasn’t careful, by the time they

were finished with each other…

He would need her more than he needed medicine.

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Whatever this thing was between them, it had started down in Mexico, and had been left in waiting

until they saw each other again. Now it was alive and real, and he didn’t know what to do about it.

She moaned and her nails dug into his chest through his shirt. She kissed the spot under his ear and

reached down between them, cupping his cock and squeezing gently.

He closed his eyes and groaned. “Red…”

If he did this—if he took her now, everything would be different. He would be different. When this

wedding was over, if she didn’t want to see him again…he’d be a shell of a man. He should walk

away now. Keep himself protected and free. This thing between them was supposed to be a onetime


A scratching of an itch, just like he’d said.

But it felt like more.

And if he wanted more, he should say so up front. He should come up with a plan to have more,

because after this wedding was over, they’d be in different states. But the words wouldn’t come, and

instead of pushing her away, he brought his lips to hers, kissing her sweetly. They could talk later,

damn it. When she wasn’t touching him and so damn close he couldn’t stop himself from touching her.

From taking what she offered.

She massaged his cock with one hand, and the other rested over his heart. Rolling her underneath of

him, making sure to move slowly enough that he didn’t injure her ankle even more, he situated himself

between her legs before deepening the kiss. With his free hand, he unzipped the bag so they could

move more easily.

She ran her fingers down his back gently, her featherlight touches driving him mad. He slanted his

mouth over hers and slid his hand under her shirt, needing to touch her bare skin. She trembled and

arched into his hand, wanting him to touch her more.

And fuck, he wanted to, too. Everywhere.

She deepened the kiss, the heel of her good leg digging into his ass, and rubbed against his cock.

Knowing her heat was just a few scraps of clothing away made his stomach clench with need, a need

that if left unanswered would eat him alive. He broke free of their kiss and bit down on her shoulder,

then lower, on the swell of her breast.

Maybe this was a bad idea, but he couldn’t stop now.

She yanked his shirt off impatiently. He freed his head from the garment, and took off her shirt, too.

Next came the bra, followed by the rest of her clothes. His followed, and soon they were naked in the

woods. Again.

Next time, he’d make sure they were in a fucking bed.

He grabbed a condom before they got too hot and heavy, but the whole time he reached for one, her

fingers worked over him. She ran her hands over his back, and slid forward to close around his cock

again. “Now, Tyler.”

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He moved up a tiny bit and sucked on her nipple, hard and fast. She let out a mewling sound and

urged him closer. He sucked harder, using his teeth to create a friction for her. Her head tossed back

and forth, and she panted into the night air. When he bit down gently on the extended bud, she shrieked

and arched her back even higher.

Begging him for more, just like he liked it.

He pulled back and slid his fingers in between her legs. She was soaking wet, hot and inviting. He

wanted nothing more than to bury himself inside her and forget about everything but making her moan

his name. But she wasn’t ready yet.

He needed to make her scream again.

He moved to her other breast and scraped his teeth against her sensitive nipple, not stopping until

she squirmed and begged. Still not enough.

Tyler.” When she whimpered and raked her nails down his back, he thrust a finger inside her at

the same time he sucked her nipple hard. She screamed and dug her heel into the ground, her other leg

straight out.

Groaning, he removed one finger, replacing it with two. “You’re mine. Say it.”

“God, I’m yours.” She yanked at his hair, pulling him up for a kiss. “All yours.”

“Fucking right.”

He captured her mouth and thrust his tongue into her mouth in tune with his fingers. As his fingers

pumped inside her, he broke off the kiss and situated himself between her legs, sliding down her body

inch by torturous inch. He traced a damp finger down her slit before thrusting it inside. He watched as

her muscles clenched down on his finger, the pink sweetness begging to be touched. To be licked. The

sight drove him fucking wild.

His. All his.

The second his mouth touched her, she cried out and clenched down hard on his finger. He flicked

his tongue over her clit, savoring her sweet taste.

She shuddered and clung to him. “Again, Tyler.”

He pulled his fingers out and plunged them again. Hard. At the same time, he closed his mouth

around her clit and sucked. As he rolled his tongue over her, never breaking suction, he moved his

fingers, hard and fast.

There was no going easy on her. Not anymore.

He could feel how close she was to coming. Could feel it in the way her muscles clenched down,

squeezing his knuckles. He deepened his intimate kiss, rolling his tongue over her again and again

until she cried out and came against his lips. Even though he wanted nothing more than to drive inside

her right away, he hesitated.

Her back was scratched up and her ankle hurt too much for her to be on top.

When she relaxed, he withdrew and flipped her over onto her knees with one smooth motion. He

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pressed the tip of his sheathed dick against her clit and bumped it once, twice, a third time. She

screamed out and climaxed again, her nails scratching at the dirt in front of her.

As she convulsed, he entered her from behind, burying himself completely. Her warmth surrounded

him, and he curled his hands around her hips. Holding her in place, he slammed inside her again. He

moved faster, harder and harder, and her cries grew louder and louder.

“Mine,” he growled, slapping her ass gently. “Say you’re mine, or I’ll stop.”

She cried out. “I’m yours, damn it. Harder. More.”

Fuck yeah, he’d give her more. He slapped her ass again, harder this time, and pumped his hips

relentlessly. No breaks. No mercy. She screamed and came again, her walls clenching down on his

cock so hard she almost pushed him out.

His balls grew tight and hard, and his breath came faster, and he moved faster, too. His entire body

strove to reach the end of this crazy ride she’d led him on, and he bit down on her shoulder. Her body

went stiff under his again, and he pulled out of her, only to slam back inside her with one sure, deep


Then? He found heaven on earth.

Everything faded away but the pleasure taking over him and he collapsed on top of her. When he

came back down from his high, he withdrew from her and helped her lie down again. Hesitantly, he

lowered his head and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. The other times they’d kissed had been in

the heat of passion. Kissing her after sex felt awkward, weird, and yet somehow…fucking perfect as


She kissed him back after a second, her own mouth moving over his uncertainly. When he pulled

back again, she blinked up at him, looking confused and lost. He felt the same way right now. As if he

didn’t know what way was up and what way was down. She’d tossed him off his axis, and he didn’t

know what to do next.

So he did what he did best. He let go of her. “I’m going to get rid of this.” He gestured to the

condom and rolled to his feet. “I’ll be right back.”

She nodded and sat up, gathering her clothes silently. He swallowed hard and went into the

shadows, feeling like the world’s biggest fool. All this time he’d been telling her he wasn’t looking

for a relationship. And now? He couldn’t think of anything but being in one with her. Only her.

She had to be his forever.

For the first time in his adult life, he would be spending the night with a woman in his arms. He’d

never wanted to have that intimacy before. Never wanted a girl to stick around long enough to spoon,

for fuck’s sakes.

But with Christine, he was actually looking forward to it.

They were living in the same country now. Sure, he’d just accepted a job in Portland, and she lived

here in Boulder, but it was a hell of a lot closer than they’d been before. Why couldn’t they make this

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something more than a fling? Why couldn’t they try? There was obviously an attraction between them

that withstood the years of separation they’d put themselves through.

Why not try for more?

He came back into the clearing and saw her sitting there, hugging her knees. She glanced up at him,

her eyes dipping low over his body. In some weird, sick, twisted way, he was grateful that they’d

been stranded together, forcing him to sleep with her in his arms…

Even if he’d never actually spent the whole night with a woman before.

He was glad she would be his first. The question was…could she maybe be his last, too? Slowly,

he crossed the clearing and stoked the fire, his blood rushing through his veins as he did so. He could

feel her gaze burning into his back the whole time he worked. For some reason, the fact that he was

going to sleep with her felt more intimate than sex itself.

What if he snored? He had no idea.

He finished with the fire and squatted next to the blaze for a second, his hands out to the heat,

before glancing over his shoulder. “You look tired. You should sleep.”

“Come over with me?” she asked so softly he almost didn’t hear her. She yawned and covered her

mouth. “I’m cold, and I won’t be able to sleep without you.”

Oh, shit. What he wouldn’t give to hear that every fucking night.

“Y-Yeah.” His heart sped up. “Of course.” He swallowed hard and stood, brushing his sweaty

hands across his shorts.

Wait a second.

Racing heart? Sweaty palms? Dreams for the future?

Oh, fucking shit.

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Chapter Thirteen

Christine woke up slowly, the haze of her vodka-induced sleep drifting away to allow her

consciousness to creep back in. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in Tyler’s arms. At

first, he’d been stiff and almost uncertain of himself. As if he wasn’t sure how to sleep with another

person or something.

But he’d relaxed. As she drifted off, she was pretty certain he’d kissed her forehead, but she might

have imagined it. Even if it was in her head, it had been nice. Had made her feel special. Treasured.

Cared for. Happy.

All dangerous thoughts when paired with Tyler Dresco.

She peeked at Tyler from under her lashes. His own eyes were closed, and in sleep he looked

softer. More open to the possibilities that life might throw at him. It was hard to believe that he was

the same man who threw her against a tree and whispered naughty things in her ear. The same man

who was going to steal her heart…

Even if he wasn’t trying.

This wasn’t okay. She didn’t want this confused tangle of emotions he’d given her. She needed to

distance herself before it was too late. She’d made a huge freaking mess of her sex list. Heck, if she

was honest with herself, she’d admit she lost hold long ago. Probably ever since she’d kissed him.

But no more. She would find a way to still walk away from this with her heart intact, and she

would still be free of his hold. It was time to go back to avoiding him. Because that would be so easy,

what with them both being in the wedding party and all. She might as well put Fly to the moon on a

cow on the list while she was at it. Then she could add with Tyler after it, because he’d totally taken

over her list. Make out in an elevator…with Tyler. Have sex in public…with Tyler. Kiss a

stranger…with Tyler.

Maybe the list wasn’t even hers anymore.

She stared up at the sky, silently cursing her stupidity. The sun wasn’t even up yet, but the slightest

traces of dawn touched the horizon, painting tendrils of pink across the inky blackness. She shifted her

weight, gingerly testing out her ankle. It still hurt, but it didn’t hurt quite as much. She rolled it in a

circle and stiffened.

Okay. Never mind. That hurt.

“You shouldn’t do that,” Tyler said, his voice gruff.

Christine jumped slightly and peeked at him. With all traces of sleep gone from his eyes, he looked

like the Tyler she was used to. Slightly hardened, yet kind to everyone around him. She forced her

tone to remain cool and impassionate. “Why not?”

“You’ll injure it worse.” He sat up and rubbed his eyes before focusing on her. “You need to rest

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it, or you’ll be getting carried down the aisle.”

Hell no. She would walk down the aisle on her own two feet, thank you very much. “Not

happening. I’m not ruining Kady’s wedding because I’m an idiot who couldn’t watch where I was


He slid out of the sleeping bag and stretched his hands high up over his head. His shirt rode up,

baring those fabulous abs of his she loved so much, and her fingers twitched with the desire to stroke

his skin. To further explore the vee shape of his hip bones that led down to his cock, perhaps with her


No. She needed to remember that she was done crossing items off with him.

Before it was too late.

“Your ankle is more important than appearances,” he pointed out, eyeing her closely. Could he tell

she was keeping her behavior polite, but not personal? “You okay?”

“I’m fine. I just want to walk down the aisle on my own two feet.”

His brow furrowed. “But you could prolong your recovery period by pushing it too fast,” he said,

his voice hard. He didn’t look confused anymore. He looked pissed. “Instead of a few days, you’ll be

flat on your ass for over a week. How is that a better option than taking it easy?”

“I’m not getting carried down the aisle,” she said, fisting the sleeping bag. It was getting a lot

harder to keep her tone even. “And that’s that. It’s not up for discussion.”

“Why do you care so damned much?”

She raised a brow, looking him up and down. “One could ask the same of you.”

He stepped into his shoes, his eyes on her. “Why are you acting like we’re strangers again?”

“I’m not. I’m just talking,” she said, keeping her tone even. “Am I supposed to act as if we’re more

than what we are?”

The pain that flashed in his eyes was undeniable. An answering pain slashed through her. Wrong,

wrong, wrong. “And what are we, exactly?”

“Do you really want to have that talk in the woods, when I have a hangover?”

He slammed his foot into his second shoe. “You know what? Never mind.”

“Good.” She swallowed past her aching throat. “I’m glad we agree on that, at least.”

“On avoiding that particular conversation? Sure.” He shot her a hard look. “But you’re not walking

down the damn aisle. I’ll carry you.”

No way. His romantically carrying her down the aisle in his strong arms was not a good idea. “No.

I don’t want to be carried by you—or anyone. Got it?”

“I can’t help but notice that you mentioned me first,” he pointed out, bending over and grabbing her

shoes. He shoved them in his bag without even asking her whether or not she could walk, and started

gathering more items, including the almost-empty vodka bottle. “That’s quite telling if you ask me.

There something you want to tell me, Red? Did I snore and keep you up last night?”

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“Uh, no.” She shoved her hair out of her eyes. “I just don’t want your help. I don’t need to be saved

by you. I’m not one of your helpless patients.”

He snorted, but didn’t say anything. But his jerky motions said it all. He was pissed off, hurt, and

maybe a little bit confused. He’d get over it. It was better this way.

“Did I kick in my sleep?” he asked, yanking in his hair. “I seriously have no fucking clue. I’ve

never slept with anyone before.”

“I told you. I’m fine. I just—” She paused, his words sinking in. “Wait. You never slept with

anyone before? I was your…your…first?”

“Yeah.” He glanced away. “Did I do it wrong?”

Her heart twisted. “No. You did nothing wrong, Tyler.”

“Could’ve fucking fooled me,” he muttered. Once he finished gathering objects, he stared at her

with narrow eyes. “I need to pack the sleeping bag, then we’re heading back.”

She bit down on her lip, her mind still wrapping itself around the fact that she’d been the first

woman he’d ever slept with. “Do you even know which way to walk?”

“Yeah.” He bent down and lifted her to her feet, making sure he set her in the grass, away from the

sharp rocks and twigs. “Down the mountain, just like we did last night.”

“Well, that leaves about a million options,” she mumbled, smoothing her hair.

She probably looked more zombie than human right now, and her mouth tasted about as wonderful

as a week-old sock. She’d never felt more unattractive than she did right now, and of course it had to

be with Tyler. If nothing else gave them closure, one look her way and he’d be done with her.

He rolled the sleeping bag up. “Do you have a better suggestion?” he asked, his tone as perfectly

even as hers was. Apparently, he’d caught on to her desire to distance herself from him. “I’m open to

hearing them, unlike some people in this clearing.”

“No,” she admitted. He picked up the vodka bottle and opened the lid. She eyed him. “Drinking


“I’m tempted to,” he muttered under his breath, his gaze locked on her. He took the lid off and

swigged it, swished it around like mouthwash, and spit it out into the grass. “Here. It’ll make your

breath taste a little bit better. Just don’t swallow unless you want to.”

She took the bottle and did the same thing he did, shuddering at the taste of vodka at such an early

hour. It couldn’t even be five o’clock yet, judging from the barely there dawn. The pink had crept a

little bit higher, but the night still owned the sky. Once she gurgled and spit, she handed the bottle

back to him and wiped her hand across her mouth.

He was right. She felt a tiny bit less repugnant.

Of course, she probably smelled like a lush, but it was still an improvement. “Thanks,” she said,

her eyes averted.

“Yeah. Sure. Anytime.” He shoved the vodka into his bag. “Am I allowed to carry you off camera,

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or is that not allowed either?”

“Last I checked, you had my shoes in your backpack. Does it matter what I want?” she asked, her

brows up. “Or is this one of those pointless questions men like to ask women?”

He hauled her into his arms without another word. She wrapped her arms around his neck, but

didn’t rest against his shoulder this time. He shifted her in his arms and tipped his head upward.

“The sunrise is pretty,” he said, his tone still perfectly neutral.

She looked up at the sky, her breath catching in her throat. The pinks were now melded with

oranges and reds, and the sky was almost blue. The colors were so vibrant and beautiful and perfect.

She’d never have thought she would see a sunrise while cradled in Tyler’s arms. Even in Mexico, she

hadn’t gotten to watch the morning arrive with him, because he’d left her.

If she weren’t careful, he’d do it to her all over again. She was only protecting herself by pulling

away now. Which only made it even harder to keep him at a distance.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Yeah. It’s beautiful.”

“Absolutely perfect,” he said, his voice hushed. When she glanced up at him, more out of habit than

anything else, he was watching her with hooded eyes. Not the sunrise. “Red, I know we have a hell of

a lot of—”

Loud voices came from the left, cutting him off, and Christine recognized one of them. It was Julie

and another man. Maybe Reed? Christine looked through the trees, catching a brief glimpse of color.

Any second now, they’d be here. Saved by the bell.

“You can put me down now,” she said.

His grip on her tightened. “Just because we have help doesn’t mean you’re walking yet. I’ll carry

you to the resort, and I’ll take you to your room. Then, and only then, will I put you down.”

“Yes, sir,” she bit off, hating the way he was acting—all bossy and domineering again. Hating that

she’d made him act this way with her behavior.

Julie stumbled into view, with Reed right behind her. Judging from the tight lines around both their

mouths, Christine would place her money on the fact that they’d been fighting. Julie rushed forward,

her brow crinkled. “What happened?”

Christine opened her mouth to reply, but Tyler cut her off. “Ankle sprain.”

Julie paled. “Oh, you poor thing. Let’s get you back to the resort right now. Ice and elevation, that’s

what you need. We’ll get it fixed up real good. Don’t you worry, sweetheart. I’m going to have room

service bring you up a big old cup of coffee and some chocolate. Aunt Sylvie always said there’s

nothing you can’t cure with chocolate and time.” She patted Tyler on the arm. “Can you carry her the

rest of the way or should—”

“I’ve got her.”

Christine balled her fists. “I can—”

“I said I got it,” Tyler snapped. It. Not her. “ Julie, you can go lead the way with Reed, since you

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have the flashlight.”

Julie raised a brow at Christine but nodded. “Fabulous. Let’s get moving.”

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Chapter Fourteen

Tyler stood in the crazy, crowded lobby, watching everyone fight to be heard over one another. He

was getting sick of the ever-increasing noise all around them. His patience was wearing dangerously

thin. Especially since he wanted to put Christine down in her bed, and go to his room for some

fucking peace and quiet.

Ever since she’d woken up cold and distant, he’d been on edge and ready to snap. It’s not like he’d

expected her to be in love with him or anything, but here he was thinking about the future, and she was

pushing him away. It was as if they were already a done deal.

In her head, maybe they already were.

“Guys, I’m fine.” Christine let out a sigh. “Seriously.”

No one heard her. They just kept planning and shouting and talking. Tyler pulled her closer and

looked down at her. She had bags under her eyes and looked as if she would pass out at any given

time. He hugged her closer and cleared his throat.

“Excuse me.” No one turned around. “Excuse me!” he shouted.

Everyone stopped talking and turned around. His mom stepped closer, her blue eyes wide with

concern, and rested her hand on his arm. “I’m taking Christine upstairs. She needs to rest.”

“But shouldn’t a doctor check her out?” someone asked from the back of the crowd. He couldn’t

even see who, that’s how crazy the lobby was right now. All he could see was a fake tree. “Make

sure she’s okay?”

He shifted her in his arms. “She doesn’t need another doctor poking at her. I already checked her

out, but if the pain persists, she should get an X-ray. Until we give it some time to heal, we’re wasting

all of our time arguing about it. I’m taking her up to her room for some sleep. Don’t disturb her for a

couple of hours.”

Julie nodded. “If you’re sure…?”

“I’m sure.”

He gave them all a tight smile and headed for the elevator with long steps. The sooner he got her in

bed, the sooner he could find his own and crash. And man, he needed some sleep stat. Maybe once he

was rested, he’d be able to make sense out of the fact that he’d fallen for Christine, while she’d

basically shoved him away the second the sun rose.

How fucking ironic was that?

“Hello? Earth to Tyler?” Christine tapped him on his chest. When he looked down at her, he

stiffened. There was something in her eyes that made his heart lurch in reply. “Thanks for doing that.

Rescuing me from the masses.”

At least her monotone voice from earlier this morning was gone. She sounded like herself again…

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whatever the hell that meant. The elevator doors opened, and he walked inside the elevator. “Don’t

mention it. What floor are you on?”

“The same one as you. Five doors down.”

Five fucking doors down?

If he’d known she was that close, nothing short of a disaster would have stopped him from breaking

down her door so they could finish what they had started the other night after she’d run away from

him. But he didn’t say anything. Just watched the numbers climb higher as the elevator gained floors.

When it hit their floor, he stepped off the elevator and headed toward his room. “What’s your room


“308,” she said.

He passed his room and kept walking until he stood in front of hers. “Do you still have your key?”

“Yeah. It’s right here.” She tried to swipe the card down the lock, twisting in his arms, but she

couldn’t reach it. “You’ll have to put me down so I can open the door. I’m fine on my own.”

“Not yet. Just give it to me.” He plucked the card from her fingers and ran it through the lock. “I’ll

put you down on the bed once we’re inside, but I don’t want you putting any weight on that ankle until

absolutely necessary.”

She sighed. “You don’t have to—”

“Yes, I do,” he snapped. “Do you have to argue with me every time I fucking open my mouth?”

She blinked up at him, but the surprise was quickly overcome by anger. “Maybe if you weren’t

always being Dr. McBossy, I wouldn’t.”

He kicked the door open and entered her room. There was no point in replying to that statement. It

would only make her even angrier, and he’d done nothing but anger her ever since she woke up. He

might as well quit while he was…well, behind. After laying her down on the bed, he straightened and

glanced around. Her room was spotless. It looked as if no one lived in it right now. It was that tidy.

He felt as if he made it dirtier just by stepping inside.

“Did you unpack at all?” he asked, smoothing his hair.

“Yeah.” She looked around her, blinking. “Uh, why?”

“There’s nothing out. Where your stuff? Perfume, makeup? Clothes?”

“Oh.” She flushed. “It’s all in the bathroom, and my clothes are in the closet. My suitcase, too. I

like to keep things organized. When I get to my room, I take the first hour to unpack.”

He nodded, not sure why he was talking about this stupid shit when there was so much more to say.

But maybe that was the problem. There was so much left unsaid that he didn’t even know where to

begin. He crossed the room to the ice bucket. “I’ll be right back.”

“You don’t have to come back. I’ll be fine alone.”

He froze with his hand on the bucket, his left hand gripping the table edge so tightly he was

surprised it didn’t crack from the pressure. She was so eager to be done with him that she couldn’t

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wait to shove him out the door. He’d be lying if he said that her willingness to get rid of him didn’t

hurt. “I’m getting some ice for your ankle. I’m going to put it in a bag and set it on your injury. Once

I’m done, and only once I’m done, I’ll leave you alone.”

He grabbed her key and the ice bucket, and slammed the door shut behind him. He headed down the

deserted corridor toward the ice. He should have kept his hands to himself. No, that wasn’t true. He

didn’t regret what they’d done. That was just the frustration talking. They were both exhausted and

they both needed a few hours of sleep.

Later tonight, he’d talk to her again.

Try to find a way to ask her if she’d be interested in taking this a step further after the wedding was

over. Hell, he was even considering the impossible: changing his life for her. To be with her. He was

willing to try just about anything…if she was. But right now? It didn’t seem as if she was. It was

probably just the exhaustion talking, though. They were both ready for some sleep. They both might be

much more amicable to the type of conversation he had in mind after some R & R.

That decided, he called room service on his cell and ordered her some food. He also ordered

himself some, but in his own room. As he filled the ice bucket, it occurred to him he didn’t have any

Ziplocs, so he spent another ten minutes hunting one down. By the time he returned to Christine’s

room, he half expected her to have fallen asleep.

But when he opened the door, she sat up and smoothed the blanket over her lap. Her wet hair was

pulled back in a flawless ponytail, and all the traces of dirt were gone from her face. She’d

showered. Just the thought of her standing under a stream of water was enough to make his mouth go

dry, so he forced himself to focus on the other aspect of her showering. “You should have waited for

me to help you.”

“For what? A shower?” She arched a brow. “I think I can handle it myself. I’ve been doing it on my

own since I was five.”

He gritted his teeth, his exhaustion heightening his frustration. “You could’ve slipped.”

“But I didn’t.” She tilted her chin up in the air, her nostrils flaring. “Stop worrying about me so

freaking much. I’m not your problem, Tyler.”

He set the ice down hard. “Yeah, you’ve made that clear. But it doesn’t stop me from worrying

about your well-being. I care.” Yep. He totally threw her words from last night back in her face.

“And you can’t make me stop.”

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t,” she said, her voice so soft he barely heard it.

Ignoring her, he peeled the blanket off of her, grabbed an extra pillow, and gently lifted her leg.

After putting the pillow under her ankle, he laid the ice over her swollen ankle. Probing it a little bit,

he nodded in satisfaction. It already looked better than it had last night. The swelling had gone down.

“Make sure you keep it elevated, okay?”

She squirmed under his touch. “I will.”

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“Good.” He ran his fingers over the swollen ankle and lifted the blanket back over her. “And no

dancing tonight.”

She sighed. “Yes, Doc.”

He grabbed a bottle of water off the table next to the bed. After opening it, he handed it to her.

“And you should hydrate, too. It was a long night.”

“On it.” She lifted the bottle up and raised it to her lips. Her hand trembled as she drank. She was

worn out and needed rest. It was time to go before he said something he regretted. At the doorway, he

hesitated, one foot in and one foot out. “I ordered you some food. I’ll leave the door open so they can

get in without you getting up. After you eat, get some sleep.”

“Thanks for ordering the food. That was…” She hesitated, as if unsure what to say, and settled on,


“Call me if you need anything.”

“I’ll be okay.”

He nodded and opened the door, making sure to slide the metal lock in between the door and the

jamb so it wouldn’t latch. And then? He went against every instinct inside him and left her alone.

Just like she so obviously wanted.

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Chapter Fifteen

A few hours later, Tyler stood in the crowded ballroom and rubbed his eyes. The orchestra

performed quietly, and he could barely manage to keep his eyes open thanks to the lullaby tune they

played. Would it be so much to ask for an upbeat salsa or the fucking Macarena? Maybe something

that didn’t make him want to find the nearest bed and sleep for the rest of the week.

He scanned the room and hid a yawn behind his hand. Everyone looked like they were either bored,

tired, drunk, or all three. The only person who looked like they even cared about this damn thing was

Julie, and even she looked as if she were forcing the never-ending enthusiasm she always sported.

Hell, even Kady wasn’t there yet—and neither was Colt. If the bride and groom couldn’t bother to

show up on time, why should they?

Brock elbowed him in the ribs. “If you yawn one more time, I might forget my good manners and

punch you right in the teeth. I’m exhausted enough as it is without you trying to catch flies over there.”

Tyler snapped his mouth shut on another yawn. “I can’t seem to control it.” As if on cue, he yawned

again, earning another scowl from Brock. “Sorry.”

“You’re not the only one.” Brock inclined his head toward Christine, who yawned and covered her

mouth. “She looks as if she’s about to tip out of her chair,” Brock said. “She better not fall asleep in

that thing, or she might hurt an elbow, too.”

Tyler’s gaze stayed on Christine. He kept trying not to look at her, but he’d have better luck ripping

his eyeballs out. She drew his eye like a moth to a flame, and there was no possible way for him not

to look at her when they were in the same room. She sat in the corner, her fingers tapping on her

thighs in tune to the soft music. Her soft blue dress made her eyes appear bluer, and he wanted nothing

more than to cross the room, pick her up, and kiss her in front of everyone.

She was so…so…infuriating, stubborn, beautiful…perfect.

Okay, that might be a stretch. He knew her flaws, but he liked her because of them, not in spite of

them. Did that even make sense? Shit if he knew. Lately, he wasn’t making any sense at all, and he

knew it. That was the worst part. He knew how much of an idiot he was being around her, but he

didn’t give a damn.

But he had to tell her he wanted to be more than a memory.

His gaze strayed down her long, lean legs to her feet. She wore a pair of silver flats—which

looked new—and a brace on her ankle. Had someone bought it for her, along with the shoes, or had

Julie managed to find it for her? Even with the addition to her apparel, she was the most beautiful

woman in the room.

He took a step in her direction, but a man Tyler didn’t recognize beat him to her. The jerk talked to

her, his attention on her leg as he gestured with his hands. When Christine laughed and pointed down

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at it, her cheeks pink, he could practically hear their conversation even though he was across the

room. “Yes, I hurt it. I was all alone in the woods and fell,” she’d say.

At this point, the jerk would be planning how best to get up her skirt. “Oh, let me rub it for you.”

“Oh, dickwad, I couldn’t.”

Insert a long, meaningful stare here. “Sure you could. After, we’ll go to my room.”

“Well, okay. At least you’re not Tyler.”

Christine looked over at him as she spoke, seemingly in time with his thoughts. When she saw him

watching her, her eyes went all wide. After the way she’d acted earlier in the morning, he half

expected her to glance away. To ignore him, maybe. But she stared right back at him before turning

away to bestow the fool at her side with another smile.

She hadn’t smiled at him, damn it.

He took a step toward her without even realizing it, his fists clenched. No way he was going to

stand here and watch her pick up another man right in front of him.

Hell, no. She was his.

“Uh, Tyler?” Brock grabbed his elbow. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Tyler looked at Brock’s hand pointedly. “To check on Christine. Let go.”

Brock clucked his tongue, but didn’t release him. “I think you need to wait a second and cool down.

You look like you’re ready to kill that guy for talking to her.”

That’s because he was ready to kill that guy for talking to her. “Who the fuck is he?”

Brock didn’t even pretend to misunderstand. “I don’t know, but even I can see his ring from here.

He’s married. Relax, man.”

Tyler flexed his fists and forced his eyes off of Christine and the mystery dude. What the hell had

gotten into him? She was allowed to talk to other men. He didn’t own her, for Christ’s sakes. Damn it,

he didn’t like the churning jealousy eating him alive. Not one little bit. After taking a calming breath,

he turned back to Brock. “Shit.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, his eyes across the room. Logan and Regan were on the dance floor, and Brock

flexed his fingers before looking back at Tyler. “Love sucks, doesn’t it?”

Tyler stiffened. Why would Brock of all people mention him being in love with Christine? “I

don’t…we’re not…” He clamped his jaw tight. “Shit.”

“Yeah.” He clapped Tyler on the shoulder. “That about sums it up.”

“How did you know?” That’s not something the laid-back Southern charmer should have been able

to piece together all on his own. Tyler hadn’t even realized that was what he was feeling. Not really.

“I didn’t even know.”

“I can see it in the way you’re watching her.” Brock lifted a shoulder. “I’m not blind, you know.

You love her, but you’re not sure what to do about it yet.”

A part of Tyler wanted to deny his feelings, but what was the point? He rubbed his aching temples.

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“What should I do?”

“I’m observant, not a therapist,” Brock said. “That’s for you to figure out.”

Tyler was saved from answering when Kady walked up to his side. “What are you two up to over


“Just chatting,” Brock said, his eyes on Regan again. Logan was still dancing with her, but he kept

looking toward the door impatiently. Who was he waiting for? Sophie? Jesus. What a mess they’d all

become. “You look ravishing tonight.”

“Thank you. But I came to steal my brother away,” she said, reaching out and holding Tyler’s arm

close to her side. “Do you mind?”

“Of course not.” Brock bowed. “He’s all yours.”

Kady led him away, her hand on his arm loose yet firm. “You doing okay?”

“Of course I am.” He smiled at her. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

She gave him a weird look, but smiled back at him. She looked so gorgeous in her soft pink gown,

her hair piled on top of her head. He couldn’t believe his baby sister was getting married. Fucking

married. Unbelievable. “You know how much I love you, right?”

“Of course,” he said, his voice coming out a little bit gruff. “Why? What did you do this time?”

“Nothing.” She shook her head and laughed. “Just because I say I love you doesn’t mean I have bad


“It always has before,” he reminded her.

“Not this time.” She sighed, the smile slipping away. “I want you to be as happy as I am with Colt.”

“Colt’s nice and all, but I doubt I’ll ever feel the same way about him as you do,” he said lightly.

“He’s not my type.”

“I’m serious,” Kady said, laughing and nudging him with her elbow. “I want you to be happy.”

He cocked his head. “I am happy. Why would you think otherwise?”

“You’re always so alone. You’ve never even brought a girl home to Mom and Dad.” She wrung her

hands, mangling his suit jacket in the process. “I know you like being single, but I want to see you in

love. With someone who I know will love you back.”

“I’m fine just the way I am.” His eyes found Christine again. She was watching him and Kady with

a soft look on her face. When she noticed him looking, she turned away, her cheeks red. “Are we

being assigned partners during this thing, or what?”

Her brow furrowed and she looked at Christine, too. “You’re supposed to be, yes. But with

Christine out…it messes the numbers up. I don’t know what to do with you now. Maybe I could split

my time with you and Colt…?”

“No way.”


“No buts.” He rubbed his jaw. “How about this? Since she can’t dance, how about if I go over to

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Red and keep her company? Then you’ll be back to even numbers, and I don’t have to dance. It’s win-


Kady blinked. “Red?

Oops. “Christine.”

“No one calls her Red.”

“I do.” He gently pushed her toward Colt. “Now go. Have fun.”

She watched him. “If you’re sure…”

“Positive. You go to your man and show him all those moves I taught you.”

Kady leaned in, kissed him on the cheek, and headed toward Colt. As soon as she reached his side,

the instructor clapped his hands and started lecturing everybody about the waltz. Tyler tuned him out

and made his way toward Christine. The jerk who had been flirting with her earlier was gone, so she

was alone again.

Good. He didn’t like that dick.

She had a pair of crutches up against the wall. Where had she gotten them? Julie, no doubt. She had

a way of finding anything that was needed.

When she caught sight of him approaching, she curled her hands into fists. “Let me guess. You’re on

gimp duty?”

“Yep.” He stood next to her, his hands clasped behind his back. “But I don’t mind.”

She lifted a shoulder. “I figured you wouldn’t. You’re that guy.”

“What guy?”

“The one who volunteers to be with someone who can’t dance. The one who always helps other

people, even if he’d having a lousy day himself.” She tipped her head back so she could see him.

“You know. That guy.”

“Is that such a bad thing?” He smoothed his shirt. “You know what? Don’t answer that. How’s your

ankle feeling?”

“It’s better.” She looked down at her ankle, lifting it up slightly, and stared up at him. “It hurts a

little bit, but I elevated and iced it all afternoon, just as the doctor ordered.”

He stared at it, resisting the urge to drop to her feet and examine her for himself. “Technically, you

should still be in bed.”

“I didn’t want to miss the dancing.”

“You can’t even dance,” he said, gesturing out at the couples on the dance floor. “What’s the point

in coming down?”

“I don’t know,” she said wistfully. “I like watching.”

He turned to her and examined her face. Big mistake. Huge.

The sight of her longing expression as she watched the dancers made him want to rip his own leg

off and give it to her so she could dance. That’s how bad he had it. He shoved his hands in his

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pockets. “Well, I for one hate dancing, so I’m much more content to stand here with you.”

“How could you hate dancing?”

“Easily.” He shrugged. “I just do.”

She tapped her fingers on her knee. “You can’t hate it that much. You taught Kady your moves all

those years ago.”

“That’s different. She’s my sister.”

“You’re so good to her,” she said, her gaze latched onto him.

I could be good to you, too, if you gave me the chance. “Isn’t that what all brothers do? Spoil their


“I know mine does,” she agreed. “But a little birdie told me you’re quite an excellent dancer

because of a bet gone bad.”

He watched Kady, wanting to cross the room and shake her until she promised to never tell anyone

else his secret again. He’d been forced to take ballroom dancing lessons in college, when he had

made a wager that his football team would beat his buddy’s team…and lost. The cost of his losing

had been six months of ballroom dancing with a bunch of old women.

He’d gotten damned good at it, truth be told, but by the time he was finished, he’d never wanted to

see a dance floor again. “I made her swear not to tell anyone about that.”

Christine snorted. “I’m not just anyone.”

“Yeah, I guess not. Did she tell all of you?”

“I don’t think so.” Christine smiled. “We were alone when she told me, anyway. It was over a

container of Chunky Monkey, after a particularly painful breakup.”

He fisted his hands. “Whose? Hers, or yours?”

“Hers. I told you. I didn’t have anyone serious.”

He swallowed the words trying to escape. He wanted to be her first serious man, damn it. “So she

told you about my secret because some jerk broke her heart?”

“Yep.” She laughed. The sound made his heart soar. He loved her laugh. “We called you Tiny

Dancer for a week after that conversation.”

Fucking A. “Yep. I’m going to have to kill her. Right before her wedding, too. What a tragedy.”

She laughed again. “What? It’s cute.”

“A baby or kitten is cute.” He crossed his arms. “Me dancing with a geriatric patient on a Friday

night isn’t. Neither is you laughing about it afterward.”

She tapped her fingers on her knee. “I bet she was hot though, wasn’t she? A little spitfire of an old


He burst into laughter, remembering the little old lady he’d danced with every week. She used to

bring him cookies, and knit him scarves with matching mittens. “Oh my God, no.” He pictured her

hitting on him and burst into laughter again. “Just…no.”

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She joined in. “That bad, huh?”

“She was the sweetest thing ever,” he managed to say. “Not a spitfire at all.”

“I bet.” She smiled up at him, and he smiled back. God, she made him so happy. Around him, he

stopped worrying about everything and just…lived. “You liked her, didn’t you?”

He rubbed his chin. “I did. She was nice to me.”

“I’m kind of jealous of her.”

“Why?” he asked, watching her. The idea of her being jealous of an old lady was preposterous to

him. “You’re much prettier, I promise. And your ass is much—”

“It’s not that,” she said, smiling and waving a hand dismissively. “She got to dance with you before

you hated it. I won’t get that chance today. I won’t get to dance at all.”

His breath punched out of his lungs. “I would’ve danced with you tonight, just so you know.

Because it’s you, I would’ve. But if anyone else asked, I’d say no.”

That was the closest he could get to admitting he had feelings for her without some sign from her

that she maybe cared about him, too. He needed something. Anything. Their gazes collided and didn’t

let go. This moment, this conversation, scared the hell out of him. Almost as if he’d admitted

something he shouldn’t have.

Or…maybe it was the opposite.

Maybe it was because he admitted something he should have admitted long ago.

Finally, she broke off the connection and looked back out at the floor. Her cheeks flushed red, and

her pulse raced at the base of her throat. “Now I’m even more angry at myself for falling down that

hill than I was before. I would have liked that very much.”

Damn it. How could he hear that and not give her what she wanted?

“Well in that case…” He held out his hand, knowing as he did so he offered her more than a simple

dance. He offered her himself. “May I have this dance, Red?”

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Chapter Sixteen

Christine didn’t know what to do with the Tyler standing in front of her right now. He was charming

and the look in his eyes changed while saying sweet things. Really, really sweet things. Now he

wanted to dance, after he just finished telling her how much he despised dancing?

That had to mean something.

Whatever it was, it made her pulse race and hands tremble. If she dug into it like she would with a

story she was presented with, she would have the answer within seconds. But this wasn’t her job, it

was her life. Right now reality was scary as heck. Way too scary to jump in with both feet looking for

answers she may or may not want to find.

God, she was supposed to be avoiding him now. But she didn’t want to. She wanted to be in his

arms and dance with him. No matter what happened, that wouldn’t change. She liked him. Somewhere

along the way, she’d fallen for him all over again.

Thoughtless. Careless. Unavoidable.

She looked up at him, her heart wrenching at the warm look in his bright-green eyes. How could

she have gone so wrong? “I can’t. Doctor’s orders. My doctor gets cranky when I don’t listen.”

“He sounds dreadful,” Tyler drawled. “Now stand up before I make you stand in front of this

whole room. I will, too.”

Oh, she knew that. She struggled to her feet, making sure not to put her weight on her foot. “What

are you going to do? Carry me around the dance floor like a child?”

“Yep, pretty much.” He hauled her close, squishing her breasts against his hard chest. His gaze

dipped to her mouth before returning to her eyes. Her entire body tingled with need. “You’re the same

height as Mrs. Morris, you know.”

She clung to him and laughed. “So it’ll be just like old times?”

“Except with her, I didn’t want to get up her dress the second the dance ended.” After dropping that

bombshell, he lifted her weight effortlessly, leaving her feet dangling in the air, and swung her in a

sweeping circle. “First rule of dancing? Make big circles. It makes you look like you know what

you’re doing.”

She laughed again and clung to his shoulders, her head spinning and her heart soaring. Is this what

true happiness felt like? She didn’t want this moment to ever stop. Didn’t want real life to intercede

any time soon. “Is that so?”

“It is.” He did an elaborate turn, his grip on her never loosening. “It works for me, anyway. Mrs.

Morris told me I had the prettiest polonaise she’d ever seen. To this day I have no idea what the hell

that means.”

“Oh my God. Really?”

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He dipped her low, his chest pressing against hers. Her nipples hardened and her stomach

tightened. Being this close to him drove her body crazy, no matter how much she tried to avoid it. He

lowered his face to hers until their noses touched and gave her a seductive grin, his hand on her lower

back sliding even lower. “Really.”

He straightened her and twirled her so fast her head spun. She laughed. His laugh mingled with

hers, clear and bright and glorious. She met his eyes, the smile fading off her face. He looked at her as

if…as if…she mattered.

As if they were something.

She wanted to freeze this moment in time—maybe in one of those pretty snow globes her mother

used to collect. Where a perfect scene was captured.

This scene, this moment? It needed to be remembered.

She tightened her hands on him, hesitating. This moment felt so deep and powerful that she was

afraid to open her mouth and break it. Especially since it was all based on a silly list designed to

make her more sexually adventurous. Then it had shifted slightly to include a little payback.

It all felt wrong now, even if she’d failed in her “get him hot and leave him” plan. The next day,

they’d had sex. Twice. At least he would never know about her botched payback plan, if you could

even call it that. To him, this would just be a fun weekend spent with an old flame. “You don’t have

to do this, you know.”

“I do.” He met her eyes, and his fingers flexed on hers. He stared down at her, his green eyes so

pure and bright that it hurt. “I really do.”

She bit down on the corner of her lip, her gaze held captive by his. “But why?”

“Because…” He took a deep breath, his grip on her tightening. “Because you’re special to me. You

know what sent me running last time? The feeling we might be something huge if I let you in. That’s

why I left. That’s why I ran away.”

Her chest tightened. She had to stop him right now. Had to stop him before things went too far.

“Tyler…don’t say anything else.”

“You’re not stopping me from talking, damn it.” His fingers tightened on hers. “And you can’t stop

me from caring, either.”

She shook her head slowly, as if in slow motion. Everything was about to crash down on her head.

She knew it. “You really sh-shouldn’t.”

“Yeah, I should. I’m not running away this time, Red. I want to let you in. I want you.” He looked

down at her, his eyes warm. He had no idea what he was doing to her right now. This wasn’t

supposed to happen. “I don’t want to go back to ignoring you like before. I don’t want to stop talking

the second this wedding is over. I want to take you out on a real date. We can do this again, but the

right way. I know this sounds absolutely insane, but I made a few calls, and there are some openings

at a great hospital in Denver. I took the job, Red. We’re going to be in the same city.”

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Oh my God. He wanted to see her again. He wanted to move to be with her. Actually move. This

was huge. Gigantic. Amazing. When she got home, he’d be there—oh, crap.

She wasn’t going to be there anymore. How could she have forgotten, for even a fraction of a

second, that she was moving? He had no idea. She hadn’t told him.

The whole room spun around her, and she closed her eyes tight. “Tyler…I-I need to sit down. I

think I’m going to pass out.”

Tyler’s fingers flexed on hers, but he led her back to her chair, gently guiding her to sit. “I didn’t

think it would be that much of a shock, considering how this week has gone so far. Put your head

between your knees and breathe in small spurts.”

She did as he suggested, her eyes still closed. At least she couldn’t see him staring at her with

concern in his eyes. She didn’t deserve his kindness. She’d played him and he didn’t even know it.

Used him to complete her stupid list, because she’d wanted any excuse to be with him. To spend time

with him. “Water,” she croaked. “I need water.”

“I’ll go get it,” he said, his voice tight.

Obviously. She’d just had a panic attack when he’d told her he wanted to be with her—that he was

willing to move to a completely different state to be with her. She couldn’t blame him for his

terseness one bit. But she hadn’t been expecting that at all. She was leaving, for the love of God.

Moving to Maine. He was too late.

Silk rustled, and a hand rested on her knee. “You all right, honey?”

Mrs. Dresco squatted in front of her. “I’m fine. I’m just…I made a mistake and I don’t know how to

fix it.”

“What mistake did you make?” Tyler asked, his voice tighter than before. “Can you excuse us,

Mom? We need to talk.”

Mrs. Dresco nodded, looking between Tyler and Christine with curiosity clear in her eyes. “Of


Tyler watched her go, and knelt at Christine’s feet in her place. He handed her the glass of water,

and she took it gratefully. “Drink it all.”

Christine gulped down the water and lowered the empty cup to her lap. She clung to it as if it

would give her all the answers in the world. As if it would fix this current mess she’d found herself

in. He wasn’t supposed to want more from her—and she wasn’t supposed to, either. That possibility

had never even occurred to Christine.

But he did. If she was being honest? So did she.

But she didn’t know how to get it.

“Tyler, there’s something I have to tell you.”

“Wait. Let me go first.” He placed his hands on her legs, squeezing gently. “Look, I know it’s a big

step for you. To trust me again.” His fingers flexed on her. He caught her gaze, his own vulnerable

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and raw and open in a way she’d never have expected. He laughed again, the sound hoarse. “I know

it’s crazy that I’m willing to move to a different city after a few days back in each other’s company—

believe me, I know—but hell, it worked for Kady and Colt. Why can’t it work for us?”

“Tyler,” she said, her voice breaking.

He squeezed her hands. “We can make this work between us. I know it. I could make you so

damned happy, if you’ll let me. Just let me.”

She had a feeling he could, too. She’d never felt as alive as she had when she’d been in his arms.

But what was she supposed to do? He’d taken a job to be with her, and she wasn’t even going to be in

Boulder anymore. Was she supposed to give up her new job back home, because he was ready to

move to her city to be with her in some blind leap of faith? Give up her job back home with her

brother, whom she missed like hell, to give them a chance at becoming something?

She couldn’t do that…could she? God, she didn’t know.

This was a huge thing. Freaking huge. Her heart sped up, choking her when it seemed to leap into

her throat. She’d never expected this to happen. Not in a million years.

She’d fallen hard for Tyler back in Mexico, and a small part of her had always fantasized about

him crawling back and confessing he was in love with her. Begging her for another chance with tears

streaming down his cheeks or something else equally ludicrous. She would laugh and tell him no, and

he would crawl away brokenhearted.

But now he was here, and he’d told her he wanted to be with her…and she had no clue what to say

because she wanted to be with him, too.

“Red,” he said, his voice low. He caught her arms in his hands, squeezing gently. “Say something.

You’re kind of freaking me out here.”

She’d been silent too long. He watched her as if he’d handed her his heart and she’d stomped on it

with a stiletto. “Tyler, I’m moving.”

His fingers twitched on her. “I know. You have to leave your old apartment. But we can make sure

it isn’t too far from my new place. We can coordinate this ahead of time.”

“No, you don’t get it. I’m moving moving.” She took a deep breath and added, “Back home, to

Maine. I leave next week.”

“Maine,” he said, his voice hollow. “You didn’t think this was pertinent information to share with

me before?”

“No, I didn’t.” She crumpled her dress in her fists and started babbling. “When I came here, I made

a list of things to do before I left this part of my life behind me. I was supposed to find random men

and do crazy sex things with them, but I saw you and I couldn’t think of any other guys. Then my

whole list became yours, in a way.” She laughed uneasily. “We had sex outside. Kissed in an

elevator. Heck, I even got a little payback when I—”

“Payback,” he echoed. He let go of her, his face going pale. “Jesus.”

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“Yeah. Stupid, huh? I even wrote it on my list. Get payback on Tyler . But it turned into so much

more.” She laughed nervously, knowing she was making a mess of trying to explain herself. But her

head was still reeling from his desire to see her again. Never in a million years had she expected him

to want more. “You weren’t supposed to want more than a fling. Neither was I, but now—”

“Shit.” He stood and backed away from her, watching her with a look in his eyes that said he half

expected her to strike if he got too close. Like a poisonous viper. “I never stood a chance with you,

did I? It all makes sense now.”

Wait. What was he talking about? What made sense? He wasn’t making any sense at all, even if he

thought he was. “W-What do you mean?”

Tyler laughed and looked up at the ceiling. “This was never anything more than a game to you. The

list you kept mentioning, it’s why you immediately backed off of me once you had sex with me again.

I’m an idiot for not seeing it sooner. You set me up. You seduced me so you could break my heart.

Just like I did to you.”

She bit down hard on her lip, not sure what to say. It was true, kind of. “That’s not what I meant. It

wasn’t all for that.”

“Bullshit.” He laughed again, throwing his hands out to the side. “Did you add get payback on

Tyler to your fucking list, or not?”

She swallowed hard, her whole body hurting as if he’d physically harmed her, and stood up. “I did.


“No matter what, you knew this week ended with you on the other side of the country. You didn’t

care if I fell for you, or wanted more. If I did, it was like a bonus, huh?” He pointed a finger at her.

“Hell, if anything, it would only make leaving sweeter.”

She shook her head and blinked back tears. “No. Getting payback on you was only one little item on

my list, and I got it the night I left your room. I wanted—”

“You mean after you left me high and dry?” He placed his hands behind his head and tugged on his

hair. “You’ve been planning it this whole time. It all started in that lobby when you left me and texted

me, goading me on, and it finished here. All that was left was the big reveal so you could laugh in my


“No. That’s not true!” She stood and took a step toward him, but he shot her a look that froze her

right in her tracks. Swallowing past her aching throat, she held her hands out in plea. “I told you, I

wanted that for a fraction of a day, but changed my mind and crossed it off my list after that night. You

have to believe me. Somewhere along the way—”

“Do you honestly expect me to believe a word you say to me now?” He covered his face with his

hands, a harsh laugh escaping him. “Fuck me.”

“Tyler, please. I—” She clenched her jaw. This was a mess, and she was only making it worse by

trying to explain herself. “I didn’t plan all this. You’re wrong about me.”

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“Yeah. I really was.” He clasped his hands behind his neck and let out a harsh laugh.

“Congratulations. You won. You fooled me real good—now get the hell away from me.”

His voice rose with each word until he was almost shouting at her. She backed up a step, her ankle

throbbing at the swift gesture. All around them, people stopped dancing and started watching. “Tyler,

stop it. People are looking at us.”

“I don’t give a damn,” he snapped. “You had to make me fall for you, didn’t you? You wanted to

see me hurt. Admit it.”

She glanced over her shoulder and saw everyone watching and whispering. He was making a

scene. So much so that she couldn’t get a word in edgewise. “Let’s go to my room and talk in



No?” She let out a loud breath and glared at him. “I refuse to do this in front of everyone. I didn’t

confront you in public, and you don’t get to do it to me.”

“The hell I don’t. Answer me, and I’ll leave you alone.”

“Fine,” she shouted back. “For a short time? I wanted to see you freaking hurt.”

He rubbed his forehead. “Son of a bitch.”

“What’s wrong?” She poked his shoulder with her finger. “You wanted the truth, right? Well, yes, a

small part of me, at one time, wanted to hurt you. Key word? Wanted. I wanted to hurt you a little bit,

just like you hurt me. I didn’t want to want you so badly it hurt to breathe without you. But that’s what

I got.”

He made a broken sound and gave her his back. His whole body trembled with emotion. She’d

never seen this side of him, and she wished she could take it all back. Everything. But it was too late

for that, wasn’t it? “I can’t believe I fell for this.”

“Like I said, it’s what I wanted. But that changed when—”

Kady came running to their sides, out of breath. “Why are you shouting at each other?” Her gaze

flitted between the both of them. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing is going on between us,” Tyler said, his eyes on Christine the whole time. “Nothing at all.

This is nothing to me. You are nothing to me.”

Kady looked at Christine, her eyes as wide as saucers. “Christine?”

“He’s right.” She wrapped her arms around herself, getting the message loud and clear. He was

done with her. “It’s n-nothing. I’m going up anyway. I don’t f-feel well.”

Christine limped toward where her crutches stood, her heart shattering at the way he stood there,

looking broken and angry all at the same time. This wasn’t what she wanted. She needed to get away.

Needed to think.

“Stop walking on your damn ankle,” Tyler snapped. He grabbed her crutches and shoved them in

her hands, stalking past her and leaving without another word.

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Christine watched him go, her heart shattering with each step he took away from her. It was over.

They were over. She’d won that fight. Then why did she feel as if she’d lost? Maybe because she had.

She’d lost him.

Kady shook Christine’s arm, her eyes narrow. “What happened here? What did you say to him?”

“I-I can’t,” Christine said, shaking her head. “I can’t do this. I have to go.”

Christine turned and swung toward the door, her breathing coming fast and hard. If she didn’t know

better, she’d think she was about to cry. But she didn’t do that anymore. Not since Tyler had left her

in alone Mexico.

“Christine!” Kady called. “Get back here!”

Nope. Not happening.

She’d rather break her other ankle into a million freaking pieces than talk to anyone right now.

From the back of her mind, behind the pain and fear, she heard someone stop Kady from following

her. Colt, maybe? It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she escaped before she broke down and

cried in front of everyone.

She hobbled toward the doorway, the overwhelming grief squeezing her chest tighter and tighter

with each step. She needed to get out of here. Needed to get away from all the prying eyes and curious

stares. She focused on the door, refusing to look anyone in the eye. Focus, Christine, focus. Once you

get to your room, you can break.

But not a second before.

“What the hell is wrong with everyone?” Kady shrieked.

Christine wanted to turn around and comfort her friend, but she couldn’t. Not this time. She entered

the elevator on autopilot, her emotions shut down and locked up tight somewhere inside her. She left

the elevator and hobbled down the hallway, her eyes on her door. As soon as she got there…she’d be

okay. She had to be.

As she passed Tyler’s room, she heard something loud crash against the door, followed by a string

of curses. She flinched, knowing he hated her right now. She wanted to knock and continue their

discussion, but she couldn’t. Not now.

Instead, she opened her door and closed it quietly, not wanting him to know she’d come up, too.

Then, and only then, she let herself slide down the door and crouched on the floor in front of it, her

back pressed against the steel and her injured leg straight out. Her facade crumbled, and so did she.

God, so did she.

Tears blurred her vision, and she covered her face with her hands, sobbing hard and deeply. For

the first time since Mexico…she cried.

And once she started, she couldn’t figure out how to stop.

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Chapter Seventeen

Tyler took a swig of vodka, set down the bottle, and fell back on the bed, his eyes scrunched shut. He

massaged his temples, unable to believe the turn his evening had taken. A list. This whole damn thing

had been about a stupid sex list, and he hadn’t seen it coming at all. He’d thought she was as into him

as he was with her, and she’d been playing him the whole fucking time. He’d been willing to move

for her, and she’d been laughing at him this whole time.

Knowing that when the wedding was over, she’d be gone from his life for good.

Knowing they never stood a chance in hell. But she hadn’t cared, because she hadn’t wanted them

to stand a chance, had she? The irony of the situation hit him hard. She didn’t give a damn about him,

and he couldn’t stop giving a damn about her.

He growled and rolled over, rising to his feet. The vase full of fake flowers he’d thrown against the

door lay in shards now. Something more he’d have to pay for, but it had been worth it. Watching that

vase shatter had been more satisfying than he’d thought it would be.

He picked up the bottle of vodka. Tipping his head back, he lifted the bottle to his lips but nothing

else came out. He cursed and shook the bottle as if that would magically make more appear. When it

didn’t, he chucked it into the recycle bin.

He needed another drink. His head wasn’t spinning enough yet.

And the pain wasn’t gone, either.

He crossed the room, bent down, and picked up the shards, tossing it into the recycle bin. Then he

laid the fake flowers on the desk. Much like the broken vase on the floor, it was time to pick up the

pieces and move on. He had a huge promotion waiting for him in Portland. A nice house. Enough

money to help out those who needed it, and plenty of reasons to smile.

He’d give himself tonight to mope about her not wanting to be with him, and then he would move

on. He would watch his sister marry the man she loved. He would report for duty with his job in

Portland. But first? He needed to get fucking drunk.

So drunk that he didn’t give a damn about Christine.

As he exited his room, he hesitated in the hallway. If he turned left, he’d hit the elevator. If he went

right…well, he’d be in front of her room. Was she in there? Had she left the waltz when he had?

She’d said she was going to her room.

Maybe if he had more time with her, he could make her want him as much as he wanted her. It might

have been all about her list for her, but she’d had fun with him, too. There was no denying that. If he

could get back into her bed, he could win her over through seduction.

But what if that was all she wanted to give him? It wouldn’t be enough. He wanted more. He

wanted her heart. When it came to Christine, it was all or nothing.

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She had to belong to him.

He headed for the elevator. The whole ride down, he fought the urge to go right back up to her

room. But he wouldn’t give in to the urge to chase after her. Not this time. He’d have enough drinks to

be plastered into oblivion and go back to his room, crash hard, and wake up a new man.

A man who learned a hard lesson: love fucking hurt.

He sank down onto the barstool, not even bothering to scan the room for any familiar faces. If he

had any luck left, there wouldn’t be anyone he knew. If he had any luck at all, he would be able to

drink in peace.

The bartender came over and smiled at him, her eyes inviting. “What can I get you?”

She picked the wrong guy to flirt with tonight. She didn’t have red hair or blue eyes or a list of

ways to fuck with his head. “I’ll have some Maker’s Mark, please. Two glasses.”

“You waiting for someone else?”

“Nope,” he said. “They’re both for me.”

“Oh,” she said, her tone even. “All right. I’ll be right back.”

She must’ve read the anger in his voice well enough to know he wasn’t in a playful mood. Good.

For once, he didn’t want to be that guy, as Christine called it.

When the bartender set the drinks in front of him, he downed the first one and picked up the second.

He should probably wait a few minutes to see how the bourbon mixed with the vodka he’d already

drunk. His mouth quirked, and he downed the second glass defiantly.

He lifted the empty glasses and wiggled them in the air. “I’ll have two more, please.”

“You’re upset about something.” The bartender watched him with critical eyes. “It’s a girl, isn’t


He laughed, the alcohol already numbing a fraction of the pain. About damn time. “You got it,


“Want to talk about it?” she asked, making her way over to collect his empty glasses.

“Not a chance in hell.”

“Fair enough.” She picked them up and inclined her head toward the doorway. “But there’s a

woman glowering at you right now, and it looks like she’ll be heading this way soon. Be warned.”

“There is?” His hands curled into fists. “Shit.”

If it was Christine, he would walk right up to her, tell her she’d lost a man who could love her the

way she deserved, and kiss her until she begged him to stay. Until she told him she wanted to be with

him. Then…he’d stay by her side for the rest of his life.

Yeah. That’s what he’d do.

That would teach her a lesson.

He turned around, trying to be nonchalant but probably failing, and scanned the bar. In the doorway,

a woman did glare at him—but it wasn’t his Christine.

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No, it was worse. It was his sister. He lifted his hand and waved.

Kady stomped over to him, her eyes promising a hell he didn’t want to visit right now. “What are

you doing here, drinking like you’re hoping to not remember anything at all, when you’re the one who

ruined my waltz?”

He flinched. “Yeah. I’m sorry about that,” he slurred. “Wasn’t my intention.”

The words came out in one long drawl. He hadn’t had that much, had he?

“Ugh. You’re drunk,” she said, her eyes narrowing on him. “I’ve never seen you get drunk.”

It was true. She hadn’t. Well, there was a first time for everything. “Some things are enough to

drive a man to drink. Christine is one of those things.”

She sat down beside him. “What happened tonight?”

“You don’t want to know.”

“Here you are.” The bartender set his drink in front of him and smiled at Kady. “Would you like a


“Yes, I’ll have a dirty martini,” Kady said, giving her a small smile. As the bartender walked

away, Kady said, “And you will be telling me what the hell is going on between you and Christine.”

His grip tightened on his glass. “Absolutely nothing. That’s the problem.”

“Stop speaking drunk, and tell me everything in English.”

“I thought we had something between us. Something real, but we didn’t,” Tyler said, his gaze on the

amber liquid. “She wanted payback for something I’d done to her in the past, and she got it.”

She made a weird noise and shook her head. The bartender brought over her drink, and she picked

it up, taking a dainty sip. “What could you have possibly done to make her want payback?”

He hesitated. “You don’t want to know.”

Yes. I do.” She glowered at him. “You’re going to tell me what you did, but first? Know this.

Christine doesn’t have a spiteful bone in her body. You’re wrong about her.”

He glowered at his own drink. “No, you’re wrong. She wanted to punish me for taking her virginity

and leaving, and she did. I fell for the whole act, hook, line, and sinker.”

Kady was taking a sip when he’d started his sentence and by the end of it, she was gagging.

Literally. She choked on the liquid and set the glass down with a clunk. She flailed her arms, gasping

for air as if she were drowning in the ocean.

“Oh, stop being a drama queen.” Tyler rolled his eyes and reached over, slapping her on the back

hard. It didn’t help with choking, but she wasn’t choking anyway. “You’re not going to die. Just

breathe and you’ll live to get married.”

She held a hand over her throat and shot him a look that should have set him afire. “Y-You’re an a-


“She lives,” he slurred, flinching when she smacked him hard on the arm. “Ow, that hurt.”

“Good. You deserved it.”

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He cocked a brow. “For pointing out the obvious?”

“No, for throwing that out there when you knew I’d react that way.” She picked up her drink and

took a long sip. “And, uh, seeing as I didn’t know she, uh, lost her V-card with you in the first place, I

kind of needed a second to absorb that.”

“Well, absorb and we’ll discuss.”

Kady took another drink. “But when did this happen? I thought she lost her virginity with some guy

named Rick in…” Her eyes lit up and he could see all the pieces forming in her mind. “Oh my God.

Mexico. It was you.”

He averted his eyes and tugged on his collar. Why hadn’t he gotten out of his suit before coming

down to the bar? “Hi. I’m Rick. Nice to meet you.”

“Oh my God, that explains so much. I mean…I knew she had a crush on you, but I couldn’t

understand why she kept asking about you all these years. Why, after one short trip in Mexico years

ago, she had to know what you were up to all of the time. What you were doing. If you were seeing

anyone.” She shook her head and let out a soft laugh. “I’m such an idiot. That’s why. Because of


“She didn’t care about me. She just needed intel so she could plot her payback, is all. For her list.”

He shook his alcohol-hazed head. “Why else would she care about that stuff? She doesn’t even like


Kady shook her head, her eyes still on the bar. She seemed to be trying to understand everything.

“How did this happen?”

He snickered. “Do you really need me to explain the logistics of how to—”

“God, no. Ew.” She smacked him on the arm again. “You know what I mean, so answer the


He sighed and rubbed his abused arm. “She was upset about her parents and left the group. I

followed her and found her crying in the hallway of the hotel. I tried to comfort her. Next thing I

knew…” He waved his hand. “Well, you know.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, images bombarding him from that night. The sight of her leaning

against the wall, tears creeping down her cheeks as she tried to straighten her clothes. The way she’d

held her hand out to him as he bolted from her side. She’d looked…devastated, confused, and scared.

Well, no shit, Sherlock.

No wonder she wanted a little payback. He deserved it. She had every right to want to punish him

in some way for what he’d done to her, and he’d flipped out on her like a lunatic.

“Okay, so now I know what happened back then. What happened tonight?”

“We spent the last few days together…reconnecting.” He cleared his throat. “And I thought we had

something going on. But she was only playing with me. Nothing more. She even made a list of ways to

do it. It was all a game to her.”

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Kady smacked him on the back of the head hard enough to make stars shine in his vision. “Do you

hear yourself?”

Ow. Stop hitting me.” He rubbed the sore spot. “Why did I get hit that time?”

“Tell me this.” She leaned in, her eyes spitting fire. “Would a girl who only wanted payback want

updates on where you were and what you were doing?”

Shit if he knew. Women didn’t make much sense to him. “I…I don’t know. Like I said, maybe she

was making her list.”

“She wouldn’t do that. She’s not cold enough, or duplicitous enough, either. I guarantee if you told

her how you felt, she’d give you another shot if you wanted it.”

“But she’s moving to Maine.” He dropped the remainder of the napkin on the bar. “I can’t believe

she’s leaving, right after I took the job in Denver to be close to her. What kind of twisted sense of

humor does God have, anyway? I’m going to—”

“Wait a second.” She held a hand up. “You took a job in Denver to be with her? Seriously?”

He averted his eyes, knowing she was seeing the similarities to their situations and feeling like a

dipshit for thinking he and Christine could have the same happy ending as Colt and Kady. “Yes. I

figured since it worked for you two…maybe it would work for us. Stupid, right?”

“No.” She reached out and squeezed his hand. “Not stupid. It’s romantic and sweet. Do you still

want to be with her, even after all of this?”

“I don’t know. I just know…I don’t want to lose her. I fucking love her. I do. I love her.” He

wanted to be her person. Wanted her to need him. He stood up, clumsily righting himself, and tossed

some cash on the bar for the bill and tip. “I’m going to go tell her right now.”

Kady stood. “No, you’re not.”

“Yesh, I am,” he slurred. The floor swayed under his feet, and he grabbed the bar edge to keep

himself upright. When did hotels start moving like fucking boats on an ocean? Once the hotel stopped

moving, he nodded decisively. “She’s not getting away from me that easily.”

Kady shook her head. “You going up there drunk as a skunk won’t do a damn thing to help your



“No.” She grabbed his arm. “You’ll ruin it all. If you go up there, slurring and bumbling up the

declaration of love you’re bound to make, she’ll push you away. I mean, hello. Her parents were

killed by a drunk driver. Something tells me a drunk declaration of love isn’t the way to go.”

He nodded and swallowed past this dry throat. “Shit. You’re right.”

She relaxed. “I never thought I’d hear you admit that. I might have to get this moment recorded in

writing. Are you too drunk to sign your name?”

“What’s it matter? I’m a doctor. My signature is always horrible,” he said, pinching the bridge of

his nose. “Fuck me. I don’t plan on drinking like this ever again. Write that down, too, will ya?”

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“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” Kady said, grinning. “Now let’s get you to bed…after I get that


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Chapter Eighteen

The next morning, Christine flinched at her reflection. She looked more monster than glowing

bridesmaid, and who could blame her? She’d been up all night, going over every single thing that had

happened since the second she’d crashed into Tyler in the hallway. Since he kissed her and made her

forget, for a short time, that she was supposed to be having careless fun and leaving her past behind


Now she was supposed to leave him behind, too.

She wasn’t sure if she could do it. Continue on like this, letting Tyler think she didn’t care about

him. Maybe she should tell him the truth. Make him listen, since he’d refused to last night. She would

tell him he’d meant more to her than he would ever comprehend. Or maybe she should just leave him


Christine left her room, deciding to hobble around without the crutches today. Her footsteps slowed

down at Tyler’s door. She was supposed to go straight down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast, but

she stopped at his door, her heart racing light speed ahead.

Lifting her hand, she knocked on the door before she could talk herself out of it. After a minute of

waiting and no sounds from within, she realized she was wasting her time. He wasn’t there. She

straightened her shoulders and headed for the elevator. As she waited, she tugged her skirt down and

slapped her cheeks. She looked like a ghost and knew it. Any little kids who crossed her path would

be certain to run away screaming for their mommy and daddy. She kind of wished she could do that

right now herself.

Run to her parents.

Her mother had always been the best at giving advice. Dad hadn’t been quite as good, but he had

always been great at listening and letting her talk. Then, after she spilled her guts out, they would go

get ice cream and she would dangle her feet off the back of the truck—just her, her mom, and her dad

against the world.

She’d never felt as alone as she did now.

And she missed her brother.

The doors opened and she scanned the dining room. Tyler wasn’t there, but her girls were. She

plastered a smile on her face and made her way over to them. As she seated herself between Regan

and Julie, she picked up the cloth napkin and placed it in her lap.

“Hey guys,” she said, trying to sound cheery and alert.

Regan looked at her, her gaze scanning her in the way that only Regan’s could. She had a way of

looking at someone and knowing that something was up—and she usually figured out what that

something was far too easily, too. But today she didn’t look quite as together as she normally did.

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She had her hair pulled in a loose ponytail and wasn’t wearing any makeup. Christine tried to think of

the last time she’d seen Regan out and about without makeup on.

She couldn’t even remember.

“You okay?” she asked Regan.

Regan waved a hand. “I’m fine. Let’s talk about you. What happened with you and Tyler last night?

Spill your guts.”

She didn’t even pretend to not know what Regan was talking about. “He thinks I was playing him,”

Christine said, her voice low. “And now he hates me.”

“You can fix it,” Julie said, leaning forward and closing her hand over Christine’s. Whereas

Christine felt like pure shit, Julie radiated something that looked like pure happiness. In fact, she’d

never looked better. No doubt because of her association with Reed. Good for her. “There’s nothing

that can’t be undone if you explain your reasons.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Christine said, swallowing hard. “But I think I’m going to try anyway,

even though it’s hopeless.”

“What are you going to do?” Regan asked, leaning over and grabbing the carafe of coffee. She

poured Christine a cup and handed her two creamers and a pack of sugar. “What will you say to


“I don’t know yet,” she admitted.

When she fumbled with the creamer lid, Regan took it from her and poured it in. At the same time,

Julie opened the sugar and dumped it in Christine’s cup before stirring it. “Drink. It’ll help,” Julie


Christine picked up the cup and inhaled the aroma. “I have no idea what to say, honestly. The truth,

I guess? All of it.”

“Do you love him?” Regan asked, her voice uncharacteristically soft. She liked to present herself

as hard and tough as balls—which she was—but she had a squishy chocolate center she didn’t let a

lot of people see. “Do you want to be with him?”

“I…I think I always have, even if I didn’t know it.”

“Tell him,” Regan said, shrugging. “Simple enough, right?”

The waitress came up with her pad. “What can I get you girls?”

“Waffles,” Regan said, closing her menu.

“Me, too,” Julie said, doing the same.

“Make that three.”

The waitress smiled and took their menus. “I’ll put that in right away.”

As soon as she was gone, Christine blurted out, “He was going to move to be with me. To


Regan’s eyes went wide. “Oh boy.”

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“Wait just a gosh darn second.” Julie frowned at Christine. “Start at the beginning.”

Christine took a deep breath and proceeded to tell them everything. From Mexico, to the first night

at the wedding, to the woods, and finally ending with the dance they’d shared last night. By the time

she was finished, she felt even more drained, and yet somehow more energetic. “…So, yeah. Now I

need to figure out how to fix it.”

“Fixing it should be easy enough to do,” Regan said, pouring a second cup of coffee. “I’ve seen

him. He loves you, too.”

“No, he doesn’t. He didn’t say anything about love.” Christine looked from Regan to Julie. “If he

loved me, he would have said it, right?”

Julie shook her head. “Sweetie, around you, the man doesn’t know whether to check his behind or

scratch his watch.”

Her heart stuttered. “Really?”

“Really,” Julie said, grinning. “When the wedding shenanigans are over, you’ll be good to go.”

“Well, uh, about that.” Christine nibbled on her lower lip. Reagan nodded and gave her an

encouraging smile, and reached out to squeeze her hand. “There’s something I haven’t told everyone


“What?” Julie asked, leaning forward on her elbows. “What didn’t you tell us?”

“I’m moving.”

Regan rolled her eyes. “Everyone knows that. Tell her where.”

“I’m moving back to Maine,” Christine said in a rush, holding her breath as she waited for Julie to


“What?” Julie shrieked. “Since when?” She turned to Regan. “Wait, did you know about this?”

Regan leaned back in her chair and smiled, as calm as a cat basking in the sun. “She told me since,

well, I’m a headhunter. I helped her find her new job.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Julie asked. “You’re supposed to tell me everything.”

“I was going to.” Christine grabbed her hand and squeezed. “I wanted to, but I know how busy

you’ve been with the wedding. I didn’t want to give you more to think about.”

“I wouldn’t have minded!” Julie said, hugging her tight. “Why are you moving?”

“Well, for one…it felt like it was time to move on. All this time, I’ve kind of clung to Kady as my

security blanket, in a way. When she moved to Boulder, I did, too—even though it wasn’t with her.

But now she’s getting married.” Christine shrugged. “It’s time for me to be on my own.”

“So you’re not going to move in with your brother?” Julie asked.

“No. Not at all. I’m going to be in my own place.”

“You need it after your roommate from hell,” Regan said.

“Seriously.” She dropped her face into her hands. “This was so straightforward before, but now

it’s a big mess. I just don’t know what to do anymore.”

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Julie rubbed Christine’s back in big, sweeping circles. “You know what you need? You need to

indulge in some waffle therapy. Here comes our waitress.”

The whole time they ate, Christine’s mind was on Tyler. She’d been in love with him since

Mexico, and she’d been a fool not to know it. Sure, it had been years and years in between with no

contact, but those feelings had never died. It had taken one conversation and a kiss to show her that

much, even if she’d stubbornly ignored what was staring her right in the face in her attempt to get


When they finished eating, she scanned the room for their waitress. She was in the corner of the

room, taking an order from Kady, Colt, and Kady’s parents. Tyler wasn’t there. Good. Maybe that

meant he would be in his room this time.

Regan laughed. “Go. I’ll cover your portion.”

“Huh?” Christine looked back at Regan, her cheeks hot. “No, that’s okay.”

“You need to go talk to him or you’ll explode. I can see it.” Regan grabbed Christine’s empty plate

and set it on top of her own. “Just go.”

Julie nodded and kicked her chair with her foot, shoving it back some. “We got this.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes,” they both said at the same time.

Regan shooed her away. “Hurry up, and report back to us when you’re finished.”

“I will.” Christine stood up on shaky legs. She bent and hugged Regan, then Julie. “Thanks, guys.”


She smiled at them and headed across the dining room. She avoided looking at Kady’s table. If she

were spotted, she’d have to go over and hug everyone and talk and sit and all that crap. Right now,

she wanted to talk to the only Dresco who wasn’t there.

She needed him to listen to her.

The whole elevator ride up, she went over everything she wanted to say in her head. Rehearsed her

speech so she wouldn’t mess it up again. Went over all the things she had to make him understand

before he gave her an answer. All alone in that elevator, she was ready. Confident.

Ready to conquer the world for him.

But when the elevator doors opened and she started walking toward his room, her legs felt as if

they were weighted down with anvils, growing heavier with each step she took toward his room. Her

pulse leaped so fast that she worried she would have a heart attack before she even spoke to him. At

least he was a doctor. If she collapsed, he could resuscitate her with a little mouth-to-mouth.

Hmm. She liked the sound of that.

She knocked three times. As she stood there, heart racing, she shifted her feet and swiped her

sweaty palms on her skirt. The longer he took to answer, the more her mind hopped from one scary

conclusion to another. It wasn’t until she heard a feminine laugh from inside the room that she realized

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he might not be in there alone.

As a matter of fact, he must not be. If there was a woman in there…

Then she was too late. He’d already moved on. Julie and Regan were wrong—he didn’t love her.

Not if he was already in there with another woman. She backed away slowly, swallowing past her

aching throat, and headed to her own door, blinking back the tears trying to escape. She hadn’t cried

in eight years, and this made twice in twelve hours. She was a mess. A big, ugly, crying freaking

mess. She slid her card into the lock and pushed her door open.

She froze…unable to move or speak or think.

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Chapter Nineteen

Tyler stiffened when the door opened, a basket still half filled with murdered roses in his one hand,

and a handful of petals in the other. He was supposed to cover the bed and floor surrounding it with

the red things before she came back. He was trying to create a romantic setting and all that shit, since

he’d messed up the last romantic gesture he’d made for her, but now it was ruined.

He’d been caught red-handed…literally.

He’d sent Kady down to keep an eye on Christine. She was supposed to text him when or if

Christine left the dining room, but that hadn’t happened, had it? Apparently, she’d missed Christine’s

exit, because she stood in the door with tears on her cheeks and wide eyes. Wait…tears?

Why the fuck was she crying?

He dropped the basket and rushed to her side, cupping her cheeks and wiping the tears away with

his thumbs. “Shit. Don’t cry. I can’t…I won’t…what’s wrong?”

She made a weird sound, half laugh, half moan, and gripped his forearms. “I thought…it doesn’t

even matter. What are you doing?”

He ignored her question. “It matters. Tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s stupid.” Her eyes were shining with happiness, even as tears ran down her face. Would

women ever make sense? She even smiled up at him. “Did you leave your TV on?”

He blinked at her. “I don’t know. Maybe. Why?”

“I went to your room and I heard…voices.” She licked her lips. “I thought you weren’t alone in

there. I thought there was a woman in your room with you.”

His heart squeezed tight. Had she been crying because she thought he had someone in the room with

him? If so, that meant she cared. If she cared…he stood a chance in hell of getting her to give him

another chance to love her right.

He wouldn’t fail this time.

“Red, I wouldn’t be with someone else.” He kissed her forehead. “You’re the one I want. No one

else will ever be good enough. Just you.”

She blinked up at him. “R-Really?”

“Really. But you’re early. I’m not ready for you yet.”

“Would you like me to go back in the hallway?” she asked. The tip of her nose was still red, but the

tears had stopped. “I can wait out there if you prefer.”

“Don’t be silly,” he said, his heart racing.

She peeked over his shoulder at the half-covered bed. “So, uh, what’s going on back there? Why

does my room look like a greenhouse?”

“Give me a second to get my thoughts straight.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re early.”

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“You already said that.”

He laughed nervously. “You’re right. I did. So, let me just say this: I get it now. I get why you

wanted payback, and I’m not mad at you anymore.”

She bit down on her lower lip. “When I came here, I had a list of things to do, but none of them

were about you. I wanted to be wild and free, but then I saw you. I wanted you so badly it hurt. My

whole made-up list turned into a reason to be able to touch you. To be with you. It was a stupid, silly

excuse and nothing more. You have to believe me.”

“I know. I do.” He grabbed her hands and led her toward the bed, easing her down on it. He

frowned and looked over his shoulder. “Wait a second. You should be still be using your crutches. If

you don’t want to be carried down that aisle, you’ll—”

She rolled her eyes. “Focus, Tyler.”

He cleared his throat, knowing he was stalling because he was about to spout some shit about his

feelings, and he’d never done that before. He’d learned to suppress his feelings long ago. In the ER,

emotions got in the way of rational thinking. People got killed in his line of work if his head wasn’t

on straight.

Now he had to let all those suppressed feelings out of the cages?

God help them both.

He couldn’t fuck this up. Couldn’t lose her. Not this time. He kissed her head again, loving the way

she leaned into him and sighed. “That night in Mexico, I was a different man than I’ve ever been. With

you, I knew we had something special. That it wasn’t just a one-night stand.”

She nodded and squeezed his biceps. “I know. You don’t have to explain yourself. Just like you get

it, so do I. I’m not mad anymore, either.”

He shook his head. “I know, but that’s why I ran away.” He let go of her and dragged his hand

down his face, knowing he was fucking this up. “I knew we could be something serious. I was young,

and I was due to leave the country in a few days. But I’m not that boy anymore. There’s so much I

have to tell you. So much to say.”

She bit down hard on her lip and remained silent, nodding.

“I was scared back then, but I’m not scared now.” He blew out a breath. “Okay, that’s a lie. I’m

terrified. Terrified of not being enough for you. But even more so, I’m terrified of losing you. I’ve

spent a long time trying to deny the fact that we belong together. I spent a hell of a lot of years running

from the way you made me feel that night, thinking that it was for the best, but I refuse to run away

again. From now on, I’ll run with you, not away from you. If you feel the same way about me, all you

have to do is say the word.”

“Tyler,” she whispered, her voice cracking. She reached out and pressed her hand to his cheek.

“Yes. I feel the same way.”

Relief, joy, and hope crashed through him and he kissed her hard. She tried to wrap her arms

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around him and pull him closer, but he ended the kiss before she got too close. There was more he

had to say. He wasn’t done yet. “Wait. There’s more.”

She blinked up at him. “There is?”

“You’re moving.”

Her smile faded. “I know. But we can—”

“Shh.” He placed his finger on her mouth and smiled down at her. “There’s a lot of things we can

do, but there’s only one thing I want to do, and it’s not open for discussion. I’m moving to Maine with

you as soon as I can possibly manage it—just like I’d planned to move to Denver.”

Her eyes went wide. “What? No. You can’t. You just took that job, and Kady is out here. Your

parents—no one else is on the East Coast.”

“But you’ll be there.”

She bit her lip. “Tyler…”

His heart twisted. Did she not want him there? Was he moving too fast? Probably, but he didn’t

care. He’d spent the last eight years missing out on time he could have spent with her by his side—he

didn’t want to spend another second in that state ever again.

But if she wasn’t ready…

“Why are you hesitant? Is it because you think it’s too much to ask of me?” he asked, his voice

cracking despite his best attempt to keep it even. “Or I can’t because you don’t want me to be with

you? Which is it?”

“I want to be with you. I do.” She cradled his face in her hands and kissed him before pulling back

from him. “But you just got that job, which you took after you gave up your other new job to be with

me. It’s absolutely asking too much of you.”

“Exactly. I took the job to be with you,” he said. “If you’re not there? Well, it loses its appeal.” He

met her eyes again. “I already politely declined the job in Denver, after explaining the situation. Turns

out they have a sister hospital out in Maine, and they’re looking for a new ER doctor, too.”

She blinked up at him. “And they want you?”

“Of course they do,” he said, grinning. “Why wouldn’t they? I’m an excellent catch.”

She laughed and swatted at him. “I know that.”

“But the question is…do you want me? Because, Red? I know I should have said this years ago,

and I’m an idiot for not doing it already, but I love you.” He kissed her gently, making sure not to

press too close. There was too much left unsaid. “I love you, and I don’t want to make the same

mistakes I’ve made in the past. I know you’ll need time to trust me before you could maybe love me,

too, but I’m willing to wait. I’ll wait forever if I have to. I swear it.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled at him. “You don’t have to wait. I already love

you, you silly man.”

He froze. “You do?”

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“I do, and I have since Mexico. I just didn’t know it.”

He didn’t move. Didn’t blink. Barely dared to breathe, in case he woke up and found out this was

all a dream or some shit like that. “So can I move to Maine with you?”

She let out a happy laugh and nodded. “Yes. If you really want to, then oh my God, yes.” She leaned

in and tried to kiss him, but he pressed his fingers to her lips again. She sighed in exasperation, but

the happiness in her eyes told him she wasn’t that annoyed. “What now?”

“I’ll move there with you on one condition.”

Her brow furrowed. “Okay?”

“We live apart from each other.” He smoothed her hair back. “You need to try out that

independence thing for a little while first, and I refuse to mess that up. When we’re both ready, we’ll

move in together. Deal?”

She nodded and smiled up at him, tears swimming in her eyes. “Deal.”

This time when she kissed him, he didn’t stop her. Her mouth melded to his perfectly, and she

pressed the entire length of her body against his. He groaned and walked her backward to the bed.

When the back of her knees hit the mattress, he pushed her back on it. He landed on top of her, pulling

back far enough that he could look into her eyes, but not so far that he had to let go.

He couldn’t. Not now. Not ever.

“I love you,” he murmured.

She smiled up at him and brushed his hair off his forehead. “I love you, too.”

His heart soared, and he closed his mouth over hers, keeping the kiss gentle and sweet. He was

going to take his time showing her just how much she meant to him.

And for once? They were in a fucking bed.

He kept kissing her, his tongue moving across hers, and stripped her skirt off, followed by the rest

of her clothes. Once she was naked, he stood and divested himself of all of his own clothing, too. She

leaned up on her elbows and watched, her eyes smoky hot. The sight of her lying sideways on the bed,

her bare feet on the floor and her naked body all there for him to see, made him fall to his knees

between her legs.

“Jesus, woman.” He trailed his hands up her thighs, inching toward her clit. “You know, this is the

first time I’ll be making love to you on a bed.”

Her head dropped back and she let out a shuddering breath. “It won’t be the last.”

“Thank God for that,” he murmured. “You look wet for me, babe. Are you ready?”

Yes.” She moved restlessly. “I need you so bad.”

“Hmm.” He slid his fingers in between her legs, brushing against her slit. “I’m not sure you’re

ready for me to take you yet.”

She whimpered. “Please.”

He bit down on the spot right above her knee. She moaned and pressed closer, so he did it again, an

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inch higher. When she whimpered and buried her fingers in his hair, urging him higher, he moved up

her thigh until he was just close enough to touch. But he didn’t.

“Say it again.”

“I need you,” she panted, her breasts moving with each breath. “So bad.”

“Not that.” He ran his finger up her thigh, climbing higher until he reached her clit. He moved his

finger over her, making a small circle over the distended bud. “Tell me what I want to hear.” He slid

his finger lower, plunging into her depths. “Tell me you love me.”

“I…” She licked her lips. “I love you.”

He thrust his finger inside her in one fluid motion, his thumb pressing against her clit. He watched

her the whole time, studying the way her body took his finger in. She squirmed beneath him, needing

more. He pressed a kiss to her thigh, right next to her core, and wiggled his fingers deep within her.

She cried out and arched her hips, rolling them in a circular motion. He pulled his finger out, added

another one, and thrust his hand again. She dug her nails into his scalp, calling out his name, and he bit

her soft thigh. She cried out again, rambling on and on about needing him.

He could get used to hearing that every single day.

He’d get to.

Pulling out of her, he thrust his fingers again, but this time he added his mouth, rolling his tongue

over her clit until she was thrashing about on the bed, one leg flung over his shoulder and the other

pressing down into the mattress. When he scraped his teeth against her and sucked, flicking his tongue

over the love bite, she clenched around his fingers and came, hard and long.

He rode out the climax, moving his fingers and applying a light pressure until she came back down.

When she fell back on the mattress, he grabbed a condom off the nightstand—thank God he’d thought

of that before—and rolled it on. He slammed into her with one thrust. She shrieked and clung to the

headboard, soft whimpers escaping from her as he pulled out and rested against her entrance.

She cupped his face with her hands, wrapped her legs around his waist, and kissed him. He

groaned, melded his mouth to hers, and moved inside her. At first, he kept the tempo slow and easy,

making love to her instead of seeking out his pleasure. But as they moved, becoming one even more

with each thrust, he lost control. As he made love to her, her nails scratched down his back, drawing


His stomach clenched, and his balls tightened, but he still didn’t let himself go. Not until she came,

too. He reached between them and pressed his thumb against her clit, deepening his strokes. Every

fiber in his being demanded he seize the pleasure that was so fucking close he could grab it, but he

didn’t reach out. Sweat poured down his temples, but he kept moving, angling his hips just right.

He broke off their kiss, his breathing harsh. He rested his weight on his free elbow, his forehead

pressed to hers. “Fuck, babe, I need you to come. I need your pussy tight on my cock, squeezing me.”

“I’m…so close.” She moaned and dragged her nails over his back, sending shards of pain shooting

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through him. “I love you,” she moaned.

“I love you, too,” he said, kissing her again.

As his tongue moved over hers, he rubbed his finger over her clit and thrust again. Her body

tightened and she clenched down on him, sending him over the edge, too. He stiffened and the

pleasure crashed over him, taking him to a different plane for a little while. By the time he came back

to reality, she was collapsed on the mattress beneath him, a limp hand resting on either side of her


He lifted up on his elbows and smiled down at her, brushing the hair off her face. He knew he’d

made the right choice, no matter how scary it might be to walk away from the known. Because without


He wasn’t the man he now knew he could be.

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Tyler leaned back against the chaise longue, closed his eyes, and smiled. Mexican music played in the

background, and all around him Spanish intermingled with English so smoothly it was hard to

remember which was which. It had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, but he couldn’t be happier

they’d decided to come back to the place where it had all started.

It would make his Christmas present for Christine all the more sweet.

Behind his closed lids, he pictured her sitting beside him, so young and sad. The first time they’d

come here, he’d fallen in love with her. He just hadn’t known it yet.

The memory of their conversation in Mexico all those years ago washed over him like a soft wave

from the ocean. It had been the same day he’d taken her virginity—only hours before, when the sun

had still been shining. It had also been the first time he’d realized exactly how special she was. He’d

been hooked on her ever since then.

Back then, he’d been teasing her about something. He couldn’t even remember what, but he’d been

trying to make her have fun since she’d looked so sad. He’d said whatever it was he’d said, and she’d

laughed, her dimple popping out before she turned away from him.

“I love that dimple, Red. You should stop hiding your smile from me.”

She shook her head, laughing lightly and dipping her head. “It’s stupid. Who has one dimple?”

“You, and it’s perfect.”

“No, it’s not,” she said, smiling that shy smile she’d always given him. “You’re just being nice.”

“No, I’m just being honest.” He reached out and caught her chin, turning her face up to his.

“You’re beautiful just the way you are.”

She flushed. “You’re too kind.”

“You’re too modest.”

He wanted to kiss her so bad, and he’d swear he saw the same desire in her eyes. “Red…”

“Why do you call me that?”

“Because it’s something that only I do,” he said, leaning closer. “It’s our thing…”

“Hey,” present-day Christine said, ripping him from his memories. He lifted his heavy lids,

watching her with a warmth in his heart he still wasn’t used to. She sat down on his lap, smiling down

at him from underneath a floppy straw hat. “You sleeping on me again, Dresco?”

“Of course not.” But he was tempted to. They’d been up all night making love, and woken up early

to go hiking to the top of a waterfall. He was fucking beat. “I was just watching the backs of my

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She snorted. “Sure you were.”

“I swear it.” He played with the strings of her bikini, his eyes on her. “There were dragons and

monkeys and a flying cat.”

She laughed. “Really?”

“I solemnly swear it,” he said, grinning. “But if you’re worried you’ll lose me to my exhaustion,

how about if we take a walk along the beach? Splash around in the water for a bit?”


She hopped to her feet and picked up her fruity umbrella drink. He grabbed his Corona and smiled

at her. He had no idea where all her energy came from, but he wished he had even a small portion of

it. It’s one of the things he loved most about her, but sometimes he just couldn’t keep up with her. She

was always going, going, going until she crashed at about midnight.

Then? She didn’t move until the alarm went off.

He grabbed her hand, entwined his fingers with hers, and led her toward the water. “Can you

believe this vacation is almost over?”

“I know.” Her fingers tightened on his. “Tomorrow we go back to chilly Maine, where there’s three

inches of snow on the ground.”

He laughed. “That’s nothing compared to Colorado. The other day, Kady said they had almost three

feet at their place.”

“I know, but it’s a lot compared to this.” She pointed at the blue ocean. “Don’t you think?”

“I do.” He smiled. “But unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and we have to go back

to our apartments tomorrow.”

She shot him an annoyed look. “When can we move in together again?”

Lately she’d been getting antsy about moving in together, but he knew she actually enjoyed being

alone. She loved him and wanted to be with him, sure, but she’d needed to experience being alone.

Because once they lived together…it would be forever. He had no doubt about that. “We’ll talk about

it after we get back from Guatemala.”

“It’s hot there, too.” She took a sip from her drink. “Another escape from the doom and gloom of


“Mmm-hmm.” He threw his arm over her shoulders, tugging her close. When he told her he wanted

to volunteer overseas again, he’d been braced for her anger or even for her to be hurt. But instead,

she’d asked to go with him. Her job was even excited about it, since she’d be working overseas the

whole time. Maybe he could even convince her to go camping with him again. “We’ll only have to

suffer through a month of snow before we’re back in the sweltering heat again.”

“And we can finally move in together,” she mumbled, snuggling closer to his side. “I can’t wait.”

“I said we’d talk about it—not do it.” He took a draft of his beer, his heart picking up speed the

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closer they got to his destination. “Before you get too mad, remember. It’s all part of the plan, Red.”

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. “What plan?”

“You’ll see.” He took another long pull of beer, trying to ignore the fact that his legs felt all weak

and shaky. “In time. But you’re grateful I refused to move in with you…right?”

She pressed her lips together. “You’re going to make me admit it? Really?”


“Fine.” She blew out a loud breath. “Yes, it’s been good being on my own. Getting used to it and

all. Having you right across the hall is a plus. Like the night you were sick, and we made love over

the phone.” She stopped walking and turned on him, her eyes blazing hot. Fuck, he remembered that

night all too well. “Knowing you were across the hall, touching yourself? It made me so hot.”

His cock twitched, hardening with desire. “Me too, babe. Me too.”

She started walking again. “Maybe we should do it again when we get home, just for fun. I mean,

you don’t have to be sick for us to—” She froze at the end of the path, and looked at him. “Wait a

second. Is this…are we…?”

“Yes. This is where our hotel is. Or, where it was.”

The worn-out path that had led to the tiny hotel had flowers and overgrown grass surrounding it,

and the palm tree he vaguely remember being next to the sign was a bit bigger—but it was still there.

That was more than he could say for the hotel. Instead of the quaint little joint where he had

unromantically taken her virginity, there now stood a house. The water crashed on the sand behind

him, and the sun beat down on his head.

Nothing could have been more perfect. It was time.

He set down his beer, reached into his pocket, and dropped down on one knee. As he waited for

her to turn around, he took a soothing breath in an attempt to calm his galloping heart. It didn’t work.

“Crazy how things work out, huh?”

“Yeah. It doesn’t look so familiar anymore, though.” She laughed and tucked her hair behind her

ears, still not turning back to him. “Someone built a new house here. It’s pretty.”

He nodded even though she couldn’t see him. “I know. They kind of ruined my plans because I

didn’t know about it.”

“I thought we were done making plans and lists,” she said teasingly, craning her neck to get a better

look at what had once been a hotel. When would she turn the hell around? “It’s still neat to see, even

if it’s not the same place.”

His fingers clenched the ring even tighter. “That’s not the part it ruined. I wanted to ask you inside


She froze, her hand tightening on the glass she still carried. “Ask me what?” Slowly, she turned

around, her cheeks flushed and her lower lip caught between her teeth. When her gaze fell on him,

taking in the fact that he was on bended knee, she pressed a hand to her heart. “Oh my God.”

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He had no idea if she was panicking or happy, so he just went on with his planned speech. He’d

spent ten minutes rehearsing it in front of the mirror that morning while she showered. “I know we

don’t even live together—”

She blinked back tears. “Yes.”

“Red,” he said, laughing. His heart skipped a beat. “I didn’t even ask yet.”

“I just didn’t want you to have to wait for an answer when it is most assuredly yes.” She dropped to

her knees in front of him, eye level for once, and set her glass down, too. She smiled at him and rested

her hand on his knee. “But go ahead and ask me anyway.”

He loved her even more for that. Loved that she cared about him so much that she wanted to assure

him before he even had a chance to ask her like he was supposed to.

“I know we don’t even live together—” He broke off and laughed. “You know what? Fuck it. I had

a whole rehearsed speech planned, but you know what I love most about life with you?”

She smiled and swiped away the tears falling from her eyes. “What?”

“Nothing ever goes according to plan.” He cupped her cheeks and pressed a kiss to her lips, the

ring still in his hand. “You make me live—and I’ve never been happier. You’re the one person in this

world who makes me feel alive, and baby? I feel fucking alive right now. I feel like I own the world.”

She kissed him again, lingering this time. “I don’t know about all of that, but I know you own my

heart and have for a long, long time.”

When she pulled back and smiled up at him, tears shining in her eyes, his soul soared. That’s right.

He’d fucking said his soul soared. Corny or not, it was true. He held the princess-cut diamond ring

out to her. “I love you and will always love you. You’ve shown me what life really is, and I know I

never want to lose you. Never want to go back to the way I was before you. I know it’s kind of

sudden, but Red…will you make me the luckiest man in the world by saying you’ll marry me?”

She pressed a hand to her mouth, but smiled at him through the tears. “Am I allowed to say yes


He choked on a laugh. “Yes. You’re allowed.”

“Then, yes.” She kissed him, quick and soft. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

He laughed, his heart taking flight. “Thank God.”

“Here. Put it on.” She held her hand out. “It’s bad luck if I do it myself.”

“Is it now?” He held her finger and started sliding it over the knuckle. “Don’t tell me the

investigative journalist is superstitious.”

“When it comes to my happiness with you?” She nodded, her eyes on his. “But with everything

else, it’s pure shit.”

He laughed, sliding the ring the rest of the way down. “Seriously, though. I got off track here. I

promise to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I promise to never let you down.”

“Well, then, you’re off to an excellent start.”

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She launched herself at him. He hadn’t been prepared for the sudden movement, and he flipped

backward onto his back. From her new position on top of him, she spread her legs on either side of

his hips and threaded her hands through his hair.

He caught her behind her neck and tugged her down, kissing her passionately. They were in the

middle of the beach, where anyone could see them, but he didn’t give a damn. All that matter was

tasting her. Having her.

She deepened the kiss and trailed her fingers down his chest, skimming over his hip bones. When

she slipped her hand under his waistband, he groaned into her mouth. “Christine…”

She pulled back from him, closing her hand around his cock. She jerked her hand, sending a shaft of

pleasure shooting through his blood. “You know, I did a little bit of investigating myself before we

came down here.”

“Oh yeah?” he asked breathlessly, arching into her hand despite their audience. “And what did you

find in this said research?”

She tugged again, her hand moving against him again. “See those trees over there?”

Trees? He didn’t see anything but her lush, sweet lips waiting to be kissed. He arched his neck,

scanning their surroundings. A few feet away were some palm trees. “Yeah…”

“Nothing is in them. No houses or anything.” She nibbled on his neck and jerked her hand again,

making him groan. “We could do anything we wanted, and no one would know.”

“Well in that case…” He picked her up, set her on her feet and rolled to his own within seconds.

“What are we waiting for?”

She clung to his hand as they raced to the trees, her laughter bubbling outward and blending in with

his. This was life. This was living.

And he never would have gotten there without her.

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Grab the rest of the Wedding Dare series!

When four bridesmaids dare one another to find lust—or maybe even love—at the destination

wedding event of the year, the groomsmen don’t stand a chance. But little do the women know, the

men are onto their game, and sparks will fly alongside the bouquet.

Four bridesmaids. Four groomsmen.

Five New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling authors. Long-carried torches, sizzling new

attractions, and forbidden conquests will ensure a wedding never to be forgotten.






a Wedding Dare novella by

Laura Kaye

Colton Brooks is in hell. Being trapped in a tiny motel room with Kady Dresco, the object of his

darkest fantasies, will require every ounce of his restraint. She’s his best friend’s brilliant little

sister, not to mention his competition for a lucrative military security services contract. Craving her

submission is not allowed. But as her proximity and the memory of their steamy near-miss three years

ago slowly destroys his resolve, Colton’s not sure how much longer he can keep his hands off…or his

heart closed.









a Wedding Dare novel by

Tessa Bailey

Julie Piper and Reed Lawson are polar opposites. She’s a people-pleasing former sorority girl. He’s

a take-no-prisoners SWAT commander who isolates himself from the world. But when they’re forced

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system, but he’s about to find out one taste is never enough…






a Wedding Dare novel by

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Regan Wakefield is unafraid to go after what she wants, so she’s thrilled when her friend’s wedding

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Regan may pretend the erotic electricity sparking between them is simply a distraction, but Brock

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a Wedding Dare novel by

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Logan McCade’s best man duties have just been expanded. Coaxing his best friend’s little sister out

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explore all of her forbidden fantasies…and wondering exactly how far a favor to his best friend can


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A special shout out to Sam, Tessa, Katee, and Laura—thanks for being so freaking awesome to work

with! Y’all are seriously the best!!

Thank you to Heather Howland for taking this series on--we couldn’t have done it without you!

Thanks to my agent Louise Fury for being so wonderful. I love having you there with me!

And finally, to my readers. Thanks for buying my books and rocking at life!!

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About the Author

Diane Alberts is a multi-published, bestselling contemporary romance author with Entangled

Publishing. She also writes New York Times and USA Today bestselling new adult books under the

name Jen McLaughlin. Diane has always had a vivid imagination, but it wasn’t until 2011 that she put

her pen where her brain was and became a published author. She is represented by Louise Fury at

The Bent Agency. Though she lives in the mountains of Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a

husband, a schnauzer mutt, a cat, and a Senegal parrot, she dreams of being surrounded by hot, sunny

beaches with crystal clear water. In the rare moments when she’s not writing, she can usually be

found hunched over one knitting project or another.

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Discover Diane Albert’s Shilling Agency series…





a Shillings Agency novel by

Diane Alberts

Stats whiz Kayla Moriarity is en route to her sister’s wedding—without the fictional boyfriend she

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ridiculously hot former Marine Cooper Shillings in the seat beside her. When he hears her

predicament, Cooper offers to be her stand-in boyfriend. All Kayla has to do is ensure her family

falls for the ultimate bluff, without falling for it—and Cooper—in the process…

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