Charlie Cochet In His Corner

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In His Corner

by Charlie Cochet

"Some Sweet Day"

This was it. Five years.
Eli Mayhew had waited five years for this very


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moment, and all he could do was think about how he
should have taken the subway. To make matters worse,
his uncle was completely oblivious to his anxious state,
and had spent the last hour trying to get Eli to reconsider
his decision, which he had no intention of doing.

"Rule number one: don't touch his gloves if he ain't

wearin' 'em. Not unless you're looking to get your face
acquainted with 'em."

With a quick glance over at his uncle, Eli attempted

to deduce whether the man was pulling his leg or not. It
was hard to tell with Jasper. He always wore the same
cantankerous scowl. "Are you saying if I touch his
gloves, he'll punch me in the face?" Eli’s fingers
instinctively touched his jaw.

"That's exactly what I'm sayin'. Which brings me to

rule number two. Don't make him repeat himself. It
annoys him."

"Shouldn't that have been part of the 'things Jessie

Dalton finds annoying' list? Which, according to you,
seems to be everything." Eli moved his gaze back out
the window as his uncle's old Model T made its way
through North Brooklyn toward Big John's Gym. He
might have all but begged his uncle to let him take the
job, but he hadn't expected a list of rules so extensive it
could rival Webster's Dictionary.

Jasper took a sharp turn that had Eli flailing his arms

and scrambling to get a hold of whatever was within
reach in order to keep himself from getting flung across
the front seat, or worse, out of the automobile. Again, he
asked himself why he hadn't taken the subway.

"Rule number three," Jasper continued. "Don't razz


"Razz him?" Eli scoffed. "Jasper, the man's over six

and a half feet tall, weighs two-hundred and forty-five
pounds, and is known as 'The Demon'. Don't worry. I


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have no intention of insulting his mother. I don't
understand. Why are you trying to make him sound like
a bastard?"

"I ain't trying to make him sound like one. He is one."
Finally, they pulled into the narrow alley between

John's Gym and a boarded up house that was
undoubtedly a speakeasy. The joints were popping up at
an alarming rate all over the city. Not that he was
complaining. He happened to enjoy the occasional glass
of booze, providing it wasn't made with rubbing alcohol
or formaldehyde. Boy, he could really do with a little
something to fortify his nerves right about now.

"I don't remember there being this many rules. In

fact, I don't remember there being any rules at all. Are
you trying to give me the jitters? Because you're the one
who agreed I could do the job in the first place."

"I just…" Jasper killed the engine and sat for a

moment, for the first time in a long time, looking every
bit his weary sixty-seven years. "I just don't want you to
be disappointed, kid. I know Dalton's your hero, but he
ain't what he used to be." The sorrow in his uncle's voice
caught Eli by surprise.

"What do you mean?"
Jasper turned toward him, his voice low as if

someone might overhear them, like maybe Dalton
himself. "Come on, kid. Look at Dempsey. Twenty eight
years old and on top of the world. Dalton's peaking
forty, and not a good forty, either. His health ain't what
it used to be. All those years of brawling and bare-
knuckle boxing in saloons did a number on him. And his
heart…" Jasper shook his head sadly. "Losing the title
was one thing, he could have won that back. It was that
goddamn trial that broke him."

"Is that why he stopped accepting challenges?

Because of the trial? He was found innocent." Had his


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hero really thrown in the towel at the height of his career
over one incident? Eli refused to believe that. Jessie
"The Demon" Dalton had been one of the greatest
boxers Eli had ever known. With forty wins under his
belt, two draws, and two no contests, Dalton had been
unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with in and out of
the ring, and an undefeated World Heavyweight
Champion, until four years ago in 1919, when he had
lost the title to Henrick Hutton.

"Do you know what it's like to not only have your

reputation torn to shreds, but to have folks remember
you for nothing other than that one failure?" Jasper
climbed out of the car and slammed the door, muttering
something under his breath while he walked around to
wait for Eli, who stepped out onto the running board,
trying not to think about what had happened five years

At first Eli had understood Jessie needing time to

himself after the trial, but soon Eli had begun to wonder
if it was something else. He had snuck out of the house
one night, and showed up on Dalton's doorstep, ready to
confess his long-buried feelings, only to have his world
come crashing down on him when some blonde woman
in a skimpy nightdress answered the door. Eli had
promptly informed her he had made a mistake, and had
run off before he could make a bigger one. He had had
five years to get over Jessie Dalton, and yet…

Following Jasper into the gym, Eli was unable to

hold back a smile when he caught the familiar scent of
leather and arnica that permeated the air all around him.
He had been just a kid the first time he had walked in
here, trailing behind his big manager uncle. Jasper
"Mayhem" Mayhew had discovered an eighteen year old
Dalton brawling for money in some dusty, backwater
saloon, and the two had quickly become friends. Years


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later, Jasper was still Dalton's biggest supporter, fiercest
defender, and the reason he refused to retire. He was
also the one who had introduced Eli to Dalton all those
years ago.

Eli would never forget that day. He had been eight

years old and a speck compared to the muscular, twenty-
one year old Dalton who had knelt before Eli's scrawny
frame, sporting a wide grin, black shorts, a pair of beat
up old leather boxing gloves, and equally beat up old
leather boots. Eli didn't think he had ever seen anyone as
heroic or incredibly handsome as Dalton. His dark eyes
were nearly as black as his hair, which coupled with his
size and fierce fighting skills, had given Jasper the
inspiration for Dalton's nickname. Not only had Eli been
awestruck, but he had developed his very first crush on a
man. It had been an exceptionally confusing,
frightening, and wonderful day.

Four years later, and Dalton had become World

Heavyweight Champion. Not only had Eli been there to
see it, but Dalton had carried Eli on his shoulder after
his victory. Together with his uncle, the three of them
had gone for ice cream sandwiches -- Eli's favorite. For
a very long time, it had been just the three of them.
Dalton had even started teaching Eli a few moves.

With every passing year, Eli's secret crush grew. The

year before Dalton had lost his title had been the best of
Eli's life, because that was the year Dalton had stopped
seeing him as some awestruck kid, and started seeing
him as a grown man. Eli had just turned twenty and they
were out celebrating his birthday. The way Dalton had
looked at him that night, and every day after that for the
rest of the year, had Eli's silly heart skipping a beat, and
his head conjuring all manner of fantasies. In the end,
fantasy was all it had been.

Mentally shaking himself out of it, Eli went back to


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looking around Big John's Gym. It hadn't changed one
bit. Half a dozen heavy punching bags hung from
wooden beams on both sides of the room, some gently
swaying on their lonesome while others were getting
ferocious beatings. The sounds made by the leather
speed bags as they got worked over were all but
drowned out by the sounds of grunts, shouts of
encouragement, and cussing being flung about.

The numerous benches scattered around the place

were as scuffed as the old wooden floorboards, and the
paint-chipped walls were littered with peeling and faded
advertisements of past matches. Toward the end of the
room were two rings, and inside one of them was a
scrawny, fair-haired kid who looked like he could do
with a meal or two. Opposite him was the man of Eli's

Dalton was as fit and toned as ever, dressed in his

signature black shorts, brown leather boots, and scuffed,
brown leather gloves. His hair had fallen over one side
of his brow, and his muscles were gleaming with sweat.
Eli couldn't keep his gaze from raking over all that hard
muscle, from Dalton's broad shoulders, down his
expansive chest, to his flat stomach, over his backside,
to his muscular thighs and thick calves. He had a
chiseled jaw, a nose that was slightly crooked from all
the times it had been broken, a thin scar to the side of his
left eye that ran down to his cheek, and a wide mouth
that looked amazing when he smiled-- not to mention
had Eli aching to kiss.

"What did I say, Jimmy? You have to protect your

head and your ribs," Dalton explained, tapping Jimmy
where he needed to shield himself.

"At the same time?" Jimmy looked down at himself,

clearly attempting to figure out how he was supposed to
do that.


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Dalton moved Jimmy's gloves up over his ears and

pushed his elbows in. "Hunch over a bit. Good. Now
tighten your abdomen and bend your knees a little.
That's right. The moment you're done with that swing,
you snap your arm back into position. Don't leave
yourself open, and remember to keep moving. Okay,
now I'm going to take a swing at you."

Jimmy's eyes widened and he went white as a sheet.


"I'm not going to hit you hard, you pill. Just tap you.

Geez Louise, kid. You do realize that at some point,
someone's going to hit you?"

"I know," Jimmy squeaked. "But ain't no one gonna

hit like you, champ."

"I reckon they won't," Dalton admitted, "but that

doesn't mean it won't hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. Ready?
Left hook. You block it."

"Okay." Jimmy nodded and let out a shaky breath.
True to his word, Dalton barely tapped him. Even

used his left which everyone knew didn't have the force
of his legendary right hook.

The kid went flying across the ring.
There were some chuckles and laughs from some of

the bigger fellows nearby who had been watching,
probably waiting for that exact thing to happen. Dalton
quickly helped Jimmy to his feet and steadied him. The
kid looked like a twig in comparison.

"You okay, kid?"
"Yeah." Jimmy nodded and wobbled a little as he

leaned against Dalton, who called over one of the
cornermen and asked him to help Jimmy out of the ring.

"Why don't you sit down a spell, and then go practice

some," Dalton told Jimmy, reaching out to give him a
pat on the back, then seemed to decide against it. "We'll
continue where we left off tomorrow."


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Jimmy nodded somewhat dazedly as he was led

away, though the smile never left his face. "Okay, yeah.
Thanks, champ."

"Sure thing." Dalton gave a chuckle, standing with

his gloves on his hips and a lopsided smile as he
watched Jimmy being helped out of the ring. That was
when Eli realized that what he had once felt for Dalton
had never really gone away, no matter how much he'd
told himself it had.

Aw, hell.


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"Just One More Chance"

Jessie shook his head, wondering what he could do to

help Jimmy, aside buy him a couple of steak dinners.
Heading for the corner of the ring, he looked up and
froze, his gaze captured by familiar gray eyes. He
climbed through the ropes without a second thought and
hopped down before heading straight for the tawny-
haired young man watching his every move. Stopping a
few inches away, Jessie found himself grinning like a

Eli returned his smile, sending Jessie's pulse racing.

"Hi, Dalton."

"Aw, lay off," Jessie teased. "When did you ever call

me that?"

"Sorry," Eli replied with a chuckle, and shoved his

hands into his pockets. The kid had always been a bit of
a shy one around him. "It's nice to see you again,

"It's been what, five years?" Jessie couldn't stop

himself from giving Eli a once over. The kid was
looking sharp and handsome in an olive green V-neck
sweater, striped tie, and brown tweed pants with
matching cap. He looked every bit the Ivy-League
young man he was, which also made him stick out like a
sore thumb around here. In the five years since Jessie
had seen Eli, the fella had become even more handsome.

"Yeah, something like that." The way Eli was looking

at him had Jessie averting his gaze before he did
something dumb, like give himself away. No one needed
to know how happy he was to see the kid. He shouldn't
even be this happy, he reminded himself. He folded his
arms over his chest and made like this meeting was of
no consequence. Luckily Jasper chimed in before


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Jessie's thoughts -- and his eyes -- went back to Eli and
headed south.

"What am I? Chopped liver?"
Jessie grimaced in good humor. "Chopped liver

would actually be a step up for you." As per usual,
Jasper was not amused, which in turn meant Jessie was.

"I can see that you forgot to take your anti-asshole

pills again today," Jasper muttered before jutting a
finger in Eli's direction. "Meet your new cornerman."

And just like that, Jessie's amusement vanished. "I'm

sorry, what?"

"You needed one. I got you one," Jasper said with a

shrug, followed by a puff to his cigar. Was the thing
even lit? Jessie didn't even know anymore. What he did
know was that he had never agreed to this. Grabbing
Jasper's arm, Jessie excused them for a moment, and
pulled the old man into Big John's office, which
thankfully, was empty at the moment. He closed the
door, and thrust a glove out at Jasper, who didn't think
twice, and started undoing the laces. "Are you nuts? The
kid went to college, studied art. He should be out
painting portraits of the 'It' crowd, not putting ice on
some has-been's ouchy."

"First of all, don't try to be cute, 'cause you ain't.

Second of all, the kid idolizes you. I happen to mention
needing a cornerman for you, and he all but split at the
seams begging me to let him do it. Besides, I think
having Eli around will be good for you."

That statement caught Jessie by surprise. "How so?"
Letting out a heavy sigh, Jasper propped himself on

the edge of the desk, and removed his cigar from his
mouth, which meant he was preparing to say more than
the usual cuss word or two. "Kid, we've known each
other going on twenty years now. I know you better than


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you know yourself. The only time I ever saw you truly
happy was when Eli was around. You ain't been the
same since that night, which, may I remind you, was not
my idea."

"I had to." Jessie looked down at his old gloves -- a

reminder of better times, and did his best not to think
about that night, or all the ones that had come after. He
had done a pretty good job of filling himself full of
hooch in order to keep the crushing pain in his chest at
bay. After a while it had turned into a dull ache, but it
had never really gone away. That year, he had lost the
three things that had mattered most in his life. His title,
his reputation, and Eli. The last being the most painful.

"You broke his heart," Jasper reminded him quietly.
"I had to." Jessie threw his gloves on the old leather

armchair with a frustrated grunt. "It was safer that way."

"Safer for whom? Him or you?"
Jessie came to a halt, the expression on Jasper's face

sending a momentary wave of panic through him. Swell.
Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse.
Jasper might be a belligerent old man, but he was the
only family Jessie had left. Before he could so much as
open his mouth, Jasper cut in.

"Don't you dare," he growled, and got up to switch on

the old Willard Radio, filling the small office with the
sounds of Isham Jones' Who's Sorry Now. The irony was
not lost on Jessie. With that done, Jasper turned and
poked him in the chest with a bony finger. "I ain't going
nowhere, boy, so I suggest you stop insultin' my

Jessie rubbed the sore spot on his chest and frowned.

"But how?"

"I had an inkling for a while, but you remember Eli's

twentieth birthday?"

How could Jessie forget? That was the night


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everything had changed. Eli had been in his second year
of college and, although he should have been spending
his birthday with his friends, he had informed Jasper he
wanted to celebrate with him and Jessie somewhere
swanky. When Eli had walked out onto the roof garden
of the Ritz Carlton Hotel with a top hat in his white-
gloved hands, sporting a white tie, tails, and his hair
slicked back, Jessie had been rendered speechless. Gone
was the scrawny kid, and in his place was a grown man
who was handsome as sin. It was only Jasper's presence
that had kept Jessie from gawking all night, but it hadn't
kept his thoughts from wandering.

"You idjit, don't go thinkin' about it now!" Jasper

sputtered, looking absolutely scandalized. "I'm standing
right here."

All this time, Jasper had known, and yet… "You

stuck by my side?"

"Course I did. What kinda fool you take me for?

Look, I ain't sayin' I agree with it, I'm just saying you're
a good man. So as long as I don't never know about
what you do, with who, or where, it's all ducky."

As if Jessie would discuss his love life or lack thereof

with Jasper. That just made him feel… queasy.

"I especially don't wanna know about what you get

up to with my nephew. But if you break Eli's heart
again, so help me, I will not hesitate to shoot you. You
got that?"

Jessie was under no illusion that Jasper wouldn't do

just that, and then the old man's words hit home. "Wait,
you know about Eli?" Instead of a reply, he received a
smack on the side of the head. "Ouch! What the hell did
you do that for?"

"Heaven almighty, sometimes I wonder if you been

knocked in the head one too many times. I practically
raised that boy, of course I know. And guess what, I can


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dress myself and everythin'."

It was probably best he not bring up the fact that in

the time Jessie had known him, Jasper had yet to wear a
pair of matching socks. "Eli's a good kid, Jasper. Too
good for the likes of me. He deserves better."

Jasper shot him a penetrating look. "What he

deserves is a nice dame, but seeing as how that ain't in
the cards, you're the next best thing."

"Wow." Jessie stared in disbelief. "No one's ever

insulted me with a compliment before. That's some
talent you got there, Jasper."

"Now you listen here, because I'm only gonna say

this once. You're a good man, and if my nephew's gonna
be doin' whatever he's doin', it might as well be with
someone who will treat him right. I just don't wanna
know about it. Now get the hell out of here. You can fill
him in on the match and then drop him off at home."

"You're not sticking around?" Jessie didn't like the

idea of being alone with Eli for such an extended period
of time.

"No. I'm getting myself down to Anne's."
That brought a wicked smile to Jessie's face, and he

couldn't resist. "You know she's got fellas now." Jasper's
eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his skull,
and Jessie struggled not to burst into laughter. "Just
saying, is all."

"Oh, fuck you, Dalton." Jasper stormed over to the

door and slammed it open. "I'm gettin' the hell outta here
before I lose my lunch."

Unable to hold it anymore, Jessie threw his head back

and laughed. Eli appeared beside the office door,
looking from his uncle to Jessie with a curious smile.
"What was that about?"

"Nothing, just razzing the old man." It had been a

long time since Jessie had had any fun. It felt good.


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Grabbing his gloves off the armchair, he motioned for
Eli to follow. "Come on, I'll bring you up to speed on
this weekend's exhibition match and what you'll need to
get ready for it. Then I'll take you home."

Eli stopped in his tracks and looked over to the side

door where his uncle had disappeared through. "Oh, but
I thought--"

"I can get someone else to take you if that's a

problem," Jessie said, trying not to sound disappointed.

"No, that's not it at all," Eli said quickly, his cheeks

going a little pink, and making Jessie wish he was
wearing more than just a pair of shorts. "I just don't want
to inconvenience you."

"It's no inconvenience." He walked into the locker

room with Eli on his heels, and just his luck, the place
was deserted.

Eli ducked under the clothesline of hanging towels,

and grabbed the biggest one with the initials 'J.D.'
monogramed in black on the bottom right. He handed it
to Jessie with a knowing smile. "I might be a little rusty,
but I remember a few things."

Jessie reached for the towel and somehow ended up

covering Eli's hand with his own. Their eyes met and
Jessie found himself unable to look away from that
smoldering gaze. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Eli took a step closer, his gaze

shifting briefly to Jessie's lips. "Jessie, I've been
meaning to talk to you about something."

Just then, the boisterous laughter of two fellas

horsing around snapped Jessie out of his trance, and he
quickly released Eli. "I'll be out in a minute," he said
gruffly, and made tracks into the separate shower room
without so much as glancing in Eli's direction. Once
inside the white-tiled room, he turned the cold water on,
and hunched down under the icy spray, letting the tiny


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needles prick his skin, and relieve some of his tension --
among other things.

What the hell was he doing? Eli was handsome,

smart, and thirteen years younger than him. He deserved
to be with someone who wasn't all washed up. Years
ago, Eli had looked up to him, and Jessie had done his
best not to let the kid down. It had been that simple.
Now, Eli was a grown man, and there were so many
more ways in which Jessie could disappoint him. None
of them having anything to do with boxing.

"You're going to freeze something off standing there

like that."

"Jesus!" With a sputter, Jessie pushed away from the

wall, and instinctively threw his hands over his groin to
maintain whatever dignity he had left. Despite being
successful on that venture, he couldn't see a damned
thing. His hair was plastered down over his eyes, and
when he tried to blow it away, Eli's chuckle told him he
was getting nowhere fast.

"Here, let me help you." Eli's voice was soft, sweet,

and not at all helpful to Jessie's current predicament. He
felt tender fingers across his brow and soon he could see

"What are you doing in here?" Jessie took a small

step away from Eli, who was standing there giving him
the up and down, which again, wasn't helping him any.

"You forgot your towel," Eli replied innocently as he

held out the item in question. Jessie quickly snatched it
away, and looked down at himself. "You're going to
need both hands," Eli added, a devilish gleam in his
bright eyes. So much for the kid being shy around him.

Ignoring Jessie's protest, Eli took the towel back from

him, and closed the distance between them. As he
wrapped the towel around Jessie's waist, Eli pressed
himself against Jessie, and -- being the dope that he was


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-- Jessie couldn't keep himself from looking down at the
kid, a gesture that had their lips nearly touching. All Eli
had to do was lean in. To Jessie's relief, and perhaps
even disappointment, Eli pulled away.

"Pull your arms out."
Jessie did as instructed, and Eli secured the towel

tightly. With a nod of thanks, Jessie cleared his throat,
and motioned toward the door. "You should go.
Someone's bound to come in here any moment."

"So? I'm your cornerman. Besides, it's not like you

fellas don't all shower in front of each other."

"That's different," Jessie murmured, telling himself

he was too old to be getting sappy. Taking the initiative,
he walked around Eli and back into the locker room
where his clothes were. Again, the place was empty.
Usually the closer it got to dinnertime, the busier the
locker room was, but today, of all days, no one was
goddamn hungry. Typical.

"How's it different?" Eli asked, following close


"You know how so. Don't be a pill." Jessie swiped

his underwear up from his stack of clothes, turned, and
nearly collided with Eli. For crying out loud, why did he
have to get so close?

"No, I don't know," Eli said, crossing his arms over

his chest. "I thought I did, but then I remember the
blonde who opened your front door in her nightie."

"What the hell are you talking about? What blonde?"
"Nothing," Eli said with a sigh. "Never mind. I'll wait

for you outside."

Before Jessie could so much as utter a syllable, Eli

was gone. Great, now the kid was in a lather with him
and he had absolutely no idea why. Next time he saw
Jasper, Jessie was going to strangle him. Quickly, he got
dressed, then pulled his bag out of his locker, snatched


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up his jacket and cap from the coat rack, and thundered
out of the gym. Now he had a nice long ride into
Manhattan to look forward to. That wasn't going to be
awkward at all.

Once he was behind the wheel with Eli sitting

grumpily beside him, Jessie decided to pretend like
whatever had happened in the locker room hadn't
happened, and instead concentrated on going over
everything Eli needed to know about the exhibition
match coming up. Somehow he managed to keep
yammering until he pulled up outside Eli's bachelor-
apartments hotel in Greenwich Village. When Eli spoke,
his voice was low and void of its earlier warmth.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."
Damn it. Something told Jessie that if he let Eli walk

away like this, they would both regret it, and Lord knew
Jessie had accumulated enough regrets over the years.
Listening to the little voice in his heart, he reached out
and grabbed Eli's wrist. "Hey, wait."

Eli paused. "Yeah?"
Before he could talk himself out of it, Jessie blurted

out the first thing that came to mind. "Meet me for

"What?" Eli turned toward him, an endearingly

puzzled expression on his handsome face. "You want
me to have breakfast with you?"

"We could maybe make it a thing, if you want. You

know, meet at the gym early and have breakfast at
Mabel's, across the road. She still makes some mean
scrambled eggs. Catch up on old times?"

Eli seemed to think about it for a minute -- the

longest minute of Jessie's life -- until a bright smile
stretched across his face. "I'd like that."

"Great. I'll see you then." Jessie knew he was

grinning like an idiot, but he couldn't help it. Eli jumped


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out of the car, closed the door, and turned to lean on the

"Goodnight, Jessie. Thanks for letting me stick

There was so much Jessie wanted to say, but all that
came out was, "Thanks for wanting to."

Afraid of what might come out of his mouth next,

Jessie decided it was best he not hang around, and drove
off, telling himself he shouldn't be so damn hopeful.
Even so, he couldn't keep the smile off his face.
Breakfast was well on its way to becoming his favorite
meal of the day.


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"Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses"

"What the hell, Jasper? I thought you said I was

going up against Travis?"

Eli stood silently by as Jessie furiously paced from

one side of the small dressing room to the other. From
the moment they had arrived at the Polo Grounds in
Upper Manhattan, Jessie had stated something was
amiss. There were triple the number of attendees than
any of them had anticipated. It was only once Jasper had
spoken to the promoting manager, that they discovered
the reason behind the sudden influx in ticket sales.

"You were, until the idjit slipped on his kid's

goddamn set of jacks two days ago and ended up on

"So what, they replace him with Hewett?" Jessie spat

out. "I didn't come here to be humiliated, Jasper. It's
supposed be a charity event, not a goddamn massacre."

In all his years of being around Jessie, Eli had never

seen the man exude anything other than confidence, no
matter who he was going up against, no matter how
staggering the odds. Jessie Dalton never left his dressing
room without a playful grin, and a 'can do' attitude. It
was what folks had admired most about him. The last
week had been difficult for Eli, watching Jessie get
ready for the match. He was still one hell of a boxer, but
his lack of faith in himself reflected in his fighting, and
it had broken Eli's heart all over again. He took a deep
breath and decided to hell with it. "You can take him."

Jessie stopped pacing and spun toward him. "What?"
"You can beat Hewett," Eli stated firmly, believing

every word. "I know you can."

"That's real sweet, kid, but no I can't." Jessie shook

his head and let out a humorless laugh. "Please tell me
you're not about to break out the "I believe in you" pep


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"Why can't you beat him? Because he's younger than


"Younger, faster, healthier, you want me to keep

going? How about the fact that he's been training the last
two years for a shot at the Heavyweight title? That kid's
out for blood, and I sure as hell ain't volunteering to give
him mine."

"I knew you'd lost your edge; I didn't realize you'd

become a coward."

That stopped Jessie dead in his tracks, and he

marched over to Eli. "What did you call me?"

"You're afraid to fight him in front of all those people

because if you lose, it will just confirm that you've got
nothing left, but you're wrong."

"Kid," Jasper warned, edging a little closer to Eli,

probably afraid he was about to say something to get
himself pummeled. Eli wasn’t about to back down.

"No, he needs to hear this." He kept his gaze on

Jessie. "I don't care if you get sick of me all over again.
I'm not letting you walk away from this."

"What the hell are you talking about?" To Jessie's

credit, he looked completely perplexed.

Walking over to the door, Jasper turned the lock, and

stepped outside. "It's time you two hashed this out. You
got some time. Jessie's not due out in the ring just yet.
Eli, don't sock him. He'll be gettin' plenty of that soon
enough." With that he was gone.

Jessie threw hands up in frustration, and went over to

the beat up old couch where he dropped himself down
with a huff. "I'm surrounded by lunatics." He looked up
at Eli and glared at him. "Care to clarify just what the
hell you meant by me getting sick of you again?"

Well, it was now or never. "Hey, I get it. I was a

dumb kid who was always in your hair, and after the


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trial you had enough problems without me following
you around like some puppy. It may seem like I'm doing
that again, but I'm not--"

"Wait, you think I stopped having you around

because I got tired of you? Did Jasper tell you that?"

Eli cleared his throat. "Uh, no, I just assumed--"
"Well don't," Jessie snapped. "I got enough folks

trying to think for me, I don't need it from you of all

"Then why didn't you want me around anymore? And

who was that woman who answered your door?" As
much as Eli didn't want to reopen any old wounds, the
least he deserved was an explanation.

"Why are you springing all this on me now?"
"Because it's important," Eli replied angrily. "I went

to see you a couple of months after the trial one night,
and some blonde woman answered your door in a pink

"Kid, I was drunk out of my head," Jessie muttered,

as if that explained everything.

"That's comforting."
"Look, nothing happened with that dame. I thought

maybe it would help me… not be me, but instead I just
drank until I blacked out. She nabbed what was in my
wallet and made tracks. That satisfy you?"

"So you weren't attracted to her?" Eli asked, taking a

step closer to Jessie.

"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the

answers to."

"What's that supposed to mean?"
"For crying out loud, Eli." Jessie sat forward and

rubbed his hands over his face. "I'd just been through
hell, and all I could think about was what could have
happened that night if you had been there. And it wasn't
just your safety I was worried about. The papers were


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tearing me apart. I couldn't so much as have a sandwich
without someone turning it into a headline against me. If
they got wind of some good-looking college kid nearly
half my age hanging around me, they would have
dragged your name through the mud, too. I couldn't have

"So let me get this straight, it's not okay for me to

assume what you're thinking, but it's okay for you to just
make decisions for me?" Eli couldn't believe what he
was hearing.

"It was the right thing to do," Jessie insisted.
"It wasn't your decision to make!" Eli was all but

vibrating with anger. All those years of heartache, and
for what? To find out that Jessie had felt something for
him and had decided to throw away whatever future they
might have without so much as asking Eli what his
thoughts were on the matter.

"What the hell are you yelling at me for?"
"Because I was in love with you, you son-of-a-bitch,

and you sent me away!"

Jessie opened his mouth and closed it, before finally

managing to get himself to speak up. When he did, his
voice was quiet. "I'm sorry. I thought I was doing right
by you."

"Well, you weren't," Eli replied, taking a deep,

calming breath. "You broke my heart, Jessie."

"All this time…" When Jessie looked up, Eli was

taken aback by the tears in his eyes. It was then that he
saw how much damage the last five years had done to a
once confident and resilient man. "I tried my hardest
never to disappoint you, and in the end, it's exactly what
I did."

Eli knelt down in front of Jessie and took hold of his

hand. "Jessie, stop trying so hard to be my hero and just
be the man I fell in love with."


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"And who's that?"
The pout on Jessie's face brought a soft laugh out of

Eli. "He's the fella from Brooklyn who likes ice cream
sandwiches and falls asleep listening to records. He
loves going to the motion pictures, hates wearing
tuxedos, and loves animals. Except birds."

"They have beady eyes and unnatural feet," Jessie

murmured with a frown.

Eli laughed and threw his arms around Jessie's neck.

"That's the man I fell in love with, right there. Not the
big, tough boxing champion, just the fella wearing his
gloves. Which, by the way, I've been informed you
would punch me in the face if I touched them."

"I would," Jessie replied looking dead serious. "Your

uncle gave me those gloves on my very first
professional match. I take good care of them."

Eli blinked at him. "Oh, well, I guess I won't touch

them then."

"I'm just pulling your leg, you pill," Jessie said with a

chuckle, and let his head rest against Eli's. "Of course I
wouldn't punch you."

"But you'd punch someone else?" Eli was pretty

certain he already knew the answer to that.

"Already have. Three times. They were warned."

Jessie's lips cured into a wicked grin. "You, on the other
hand, have my permission to touch anything you like."

"Well, in that case…" Eli pressed his lips to Jessie's,

releasing a surprised gasp when Jessie threw his arms
around him and crushed their bodies together, his lips all
but devouring Eli's. Having waited for this very moment
for so long, Eli threw himself into the kiss completely,
shoving his fingers into Jessie's hair and climbing onto
his lap, his lips never leaving Jessie's. Pulling Eli down
onto the couch, Jessie lay over him, kissing Eli until his
lips were swollen, and they were both forced to come up


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for air.

"I've been wanting to do that ever since that night at

the Ritz," Jessie said breathlessly. "You really did a
number on me that night."

"I knew you wanted to. I could see it in your eyes,

which is why I thought--" Eli's words were cut off by
Jessie's deep, yet gentle kiss. When he pulled back, he
ran his thumb across Eli's bottom lip.

"I'm sorry I hurt you."
"What happened that night?" Eli asked, softly tracing

a finger down the thin scar a hair's breadth from Jessie's
left eye.

"There were four of them, claimed I put them out of

pocket when I lost my title. I knew I could take them,
but I didn't want to hurt anyone. I tried to walk away,
but they just weren't having any of it. So when they
came at me, I knocked them on their asses. I thought that
was the end of it. We started to leave when someone
yelled out. I turned around just in time for one of the
bastards to catch me with a broken bottle." Jessie put his
finger to his scar and sighed. "When he took a second
swing at me, I… well, you know the rest. He ended up
in the hospital for three months. Then he pressed
charges against me, and I was arrested. If there hadn't
been witnesses that night, and if they hadn't been honest
folk, I'd probably be rotting away in some workhouse
right about now. Either way, the newspapers had a field

"I'm so sorry, Jessie."
"What can you do, huh? That's life. I'm just… "

Jessie closed his eyes for a moment, and when he
opened them, Eli could see the pain in them. "I'm so
tired, Eli. I don't know how much longer I can keep this
up. I used to love what I did, and now… I'm just
hanging on for the sake of hanging on."


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"Then why not retire?"
"And do what? Fighting is all I know how to do. If I

don't do that, I got nothing." He pulled Eli with him as
he sat up, and wrapped his arms around Eli, pulling him

"That's not true. You're smarter than you give

yourself credit for. You still love the sport, and you're
good at it, one of the best. You could manage someone,
or open your own gym. Whatever you do, Jasper and I
will be there beside you."

"You bet." Eli beamed up at him, unable to believe

that he was here in Jessie's arms. "You can also bet I'm
going to give you the '"I believe in you"' speech." Jessie
let out a loud groan, his head falling back against the
couch and making Eli chuckle. "Stop being such a

"A baby?" Jessie snapped his head up and stared at

him. "Have you seen Hewett? I've seen redwoods more

"Be that as it may, you can beat him, and not just

because I believe in you, which I do, but because you
are Jessie "The Demon" Dalton. You've fought against
meaner fellas, and come out on top. If you decide to
make this your last fight, this is your chance to go out
with a bang."

"And if I lose?" Jessie asked, giving Eli as small

smile when Eli took Jessie's hand and placed it to his
lips for a kiss.

"Then you lose with pride, knowing "The Demon"

gave 'em hell."

Jessie chuckled and pulled Eli in for a kiss, before

asking, "And if I win?"

Eli thought about it for a moment, and then smiled

sweetly. "Then we book a swanky room at the Ritz, have


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dinner up on the roof garden, and then afterward, we do
what we wanted to do to each other that night five years

Jessie sprung up from the couch so fast, he nearly

knocked Eli over. For a moment Eli stared up at the man
as if he had lost his marbles. "What's wrong?"

"Get that sweet keister of yours in the locker room

right now. We have a fight to prepare for."
Feeling deliriously happy, Eli jumped to his feet, ran
over to Jessie and gave his lips a swift, but firm kiss
before making tracks, his heart pounding wildly in his
chest with the knowledge that not only did he finally
have the man of his dreams, but that he had every
intention of getting that room booked regardless of
whether Jessie won or not. He would just keep that little
secret to himself until after the fight.


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"Song of Love"

Eli stood mesmerized by the two men who appeared

to be in the midst of a battle to the finish. Hewett was
giving it everything he got, while simultaneously trying
not to get himself knocked out by the Demon's
legendary right hook. At first Eli had been a little
worried his feelings for Jessie would impede his ability
to do his job, but the moment Jessie stepped foot in the
ring, Eli had found himself completely immersed in his
role, doing his best to make sure Jessie had everything
he needed when he needed it. Whenever Jessie came
back to his corner, Jasper and Eli jumped to into action,
checking his injuries, giving him water, patting him
down, and offering words of encouragement. It had been
one hell of a fight from the get-go. At first the spectators
had booed Jessie, but as the fight progressed and Jessie's
goodhearted nature started to shine above Hewett's
arrogant and unsportsmanlike conduct, those boos had
soon started sounding a whole lot like cheers.

Jessie had spent the first round studying his opponent

and, in the second, Hewett had made the mistake of
underestimating him. That mistake cost him dearly, and
he went down hard, only managing to get to his feet just
as the referee reached the count of eight. Much to Eli's
frustration -- and that of the crowd -- Hewett then
resorted to either clinching Jessie or avoiding him
altogether in an attempt to wear him down. By the fifth
round, Hewett's plan had succeeded, and Jessie had gone
down after a fierce onslaught of right and left hooks.
The sounds of the crowd jeering distracted Hewett's ego
long enough for Jessie to push himself to his feet
without the danger of getting pummeled back down, and
all on the count of nine. Eli had held his breath for so
long, he was surprised he hadn't gone blue in the face. It


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was now the final round, and the crowd was going nuts,
one of nearby radio broadcasters had announced this
fight as Jessie's "second coming".

When Jessie next hit the corner, Eli dabbed the small

cut on his cheek, grateful that there was no further
bleeding. Jessie was covered in nasty bruises, nicks, and
dripping in sweat. His breath was coming out labored
and Eli realized that Jessie was pushing himself more
than he had in years.

"You have to let him hit you," Eli found himself


"What?" Jessie and Jasper exclaimed simultaneously,

both looking at him as if he was nuts.

"He knows he's wearing you down. That's why he's

been coming at you more. Every time you move away
from him, he moves toward you. Let him think it's all
over for you. One opening, Jessie, that's all you need. I
know you're tired, but you have to reach deep. You can
do this. Just like your fight with Jonson. He thought you
were beat, but he's the one that ended up beat,

Jessie nodded. "I remember." He got to his feet,

wobbled a little, but shook himself off. He turned to Eli
and gave him a wink before going off to face Hewett.
The gong sounded and the fight started. Jessie did as Eli
suggested. He swayed a little, and kept himself out of
Hewett's reach. The broadcasters started declaring
Jessie's defeat "despite his exalted efforts" as "tragic yet

And then Hewett took a swing at Jessie.
It was over in seconds. Jessie had patiently waited for

his chance and, the second Hewett pulled his arm back,
Jessie delivered a right hook to the ribs, sending Hewett
reeling back into the ropes. The moment Hewett doubled
over, it had taken Jessie a left hook, an uppercut, and


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one fierce right hook to slam Hewett into the canvas. By
the end, Jessie was barely standing, but Hewett was out
for the count.

"Ten!" The referee shook his head and swung his

arms. He grabbed Jessie's arm and raised it high above
his head, declaring him the winner. The crowd jumped
to their feet in a roar, boaters and caps soaring through
the arena.

"Oh my God!" Eli threw his arms around Jasper and

the two of them hugged, and jumped up and down. "He
won! He won!"

"Son-of-bitch did it!" Jasper hooted.
As soon as the referee released him, Jessie went over

to Eli and threw an arm around him, squeezing him tight
as managers and promoters, referees, and sponsors
flooded the ring to congratulate Jessie. Even Hewett's
manager came over to shake Jessie's hand.

"That was one hell of a fight, Dalton. Didn't know

you still had it in you. Shame there was no title to be

Jessie just shrugged and smiled. Once the man had

walked off, he bent his head down to whisper into Eli's
ear. "I've got the love of the crowd and the man at my
side. That's a win far more valuable than any title,
wouldn’t you say?"

Giving Jessie a discreet squeeze in return, Eli couldn't

have agreed more, and as soon as they were done
celebrating here, Eli would get that room booked and
offer Jessie his own personal brand of celebration. Not
only would fighting dirty and moving below the belt be
encouraged, it would be greatly rewarded.


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In His Corner

Copyright © 2012 by Charlie Cochet

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles or reviews. For information address
Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

Printed in the United States of America.

Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / September

Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press,
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680



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