Hi folks.
Well, I imagine lots of you are wondering just what on earth all of these gadgets are for
so I'm going to try to explain it to you. Psionics is the art of manipulating psychic
abilities by means of physical instruments. Now, these instruments may be big bulky
things with lots of dials and lights and amplifiers and stuff or they may be as simple as a
pattern printed on a piece of paper. But the important thing to remember is that they all
Part of Psionics is the art of Radionics which was discovered, or invented, by Dr. Albert
Abrams in the early part of the last century. One day in 1910 he was in his office with a
patient, percussing him which does not mean he was swearing at the man but rather
tapping his tummy to see how his innards sounded. It's a doctor thing. Anyway, Doc
Abrams got a kind of strange noise when the man faced one way but a normal noise when
he faced another. So the good doctor spent the afternoon marching the man around the
office, tapping his tummy while the waiting room outside was filled with fuming other
patients waiting to get their tummies tapped.
The upshot of all this was that the good doctor decided that the magnetic field of the earth
had something to do with the differing tummy noises and so he set up a series of
experiments to find out if different phyisical and disease states would cause different
tummy sounds. He procured an assistant and a length of wire, a handle and two
aluminum discs. One disc was fastened to the forehead of the assistant by a rubber band
and wired to the other disc on the handle. While a second assistant held the handled disc
over tissue samples with various diseases, Doc Abrams tapped the tummy of the first to
see where on the tummy the different sounds were coming from. This yielded all kinds of
useful albeit rather strange information until one day disaster struck! The same sound
came from the same place on the tummy from two different diseases!
Fortunately for the world, Doc Abrams was a scientific fellow and thus had in his
laboratory a death ray -- er --sorry about that, a three dial resistance box which all good
scientific people had laying around in those days. They never used them but it was
important to look the part. Well, the good doctor took a page from Alexander the Great
and cut the Gordian Knot, well actually he cut the wire, and fastened it to the connectors
of the box and then fiddled with the dials while tapping the assistant's tummy. And yea,
lo and verily there were different sounds again at different dial settings. The world was
And he was off and running! For the next fourteen years until he up and died, Doc
Abrams designed a plethora of instruments, all for healing unfortunately, to use what he
called his Electronic Relations of Abrams (he assumed that what he was doing was
somehow electrical). Of course there was one little problem?finding assistants willing to
stand all day and have their tummies tapped. Abrams solved that by inventing the
Reflexophone which looked like a bongo drum on its side and sort of acted like a portable
tummy. That became the precursor to the stick pad.
Now the reason I just bored you with all that is because it's a good fun story and I love to
tell it. Modern Psionics has actually rather little to do with Abrams because we don't
think of it as purely electro-magnetic and we aren't that interested in healing, well, at least
I'm not.
There are three basic principles of Psionics.
1.If it exists it can be known.
2.If it is known it can be studied.
3. If it an be studied it can be manipulated.
Psionics is a means of gathering information and then manipulating that information to
bring about results. Information is gathered by variants of dowsing, using various tools
such as the pendulum or stick pad and then manipulated either by translating the
information into a numerical readout on a radionic instrument and then working the
numbers or by direct influence such as by using an amplifying pattern or hooking the
helmet into the system, using the instrument to lock onto the target and then visualizing
the result.
Numerical manipulation is used most often in healing. That is done by placing the
witness (which can be anything that represents the subject) on the witness plate of the
instrument and then turning each dial while mentally asking what is the rate for the
condition in question. On a three-dial machine using dials calibrated 0-10 the rate might
be 1.4, 5, and 2.3. To cure that condition a balancing rate is used. That is found by
subtracting all three rates from ten so the dials are then reset to 8.6, 5, 7.7. This rate is
then left on the machine with the witness and by some means we have no idea what the
disease condition is removed from the energy field of the body ultimately resulting in a
physical cure,or at least that's the theory. It doesn't always work that way and sometimes
people don't get well but it works often enough that it's worth the try. Now, that technique
can be used for any psychic influence as well, so if you have a troublesome thoughtform
floating around, you can balance that out of existence as well.
The capacity of radionic devices to lock onto a target is extremely useful in remote
viewing and direct psychic manipulation. In those cases you take what we call a contact
rate for the subject and that rate is like an open telephone line to the person. You then
hook up your headgear and visualize either the result you want or send the message you
want the subject to receive.
So there you have the basics. The rest of what you need is pretty much explained with the
descriptions of the instruments so have fun.