Mullins Eustace, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Propagandists (1981)

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THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Propagandists for Israel,, Falwell and Robertson, pose as Christians By Eustace Mull


Propagandists for Israel, Hargis, Graham, Falwell and Robertson, pose

as Christians


Eustace Mullins

The CDL Report

Published by the Christian Defense League

P.O. Box 493

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 70821

Issue 31

January 1981

One of the oldest legends in history is the story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who

appear just before some great catastrophe, as a warning to all the world. From time

immemorial, the Four Horsemen have stood for War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. Today,

in these apocalyptic times, the Four Horsemen appear before us as prominent television

personalities, masquerading as Christian patriots while they carry out their stealthy task of

propagandizing for the State of Israel and the maintenance of the power of the biological

parasite over its Christian host nations. These Four Horsemen are Billy James Hargis, Billy


Pat Robertson

, and Jerry Falwell.

Each of these men has made his reputation as a preacher of "fundamentalist Christianity".

Amazingly enough, the most fundamental belief which each of them propounds is that we

must "love" the Jews, and we must support the bandit State of Israel in its massacres of Arab

women and children in Israel's peace-loving neighboring countries. So terrible is the personal

tragedy of each of these Four Horsemen that it illustrates with merciless clarity the apocalyptic

or endtime situation into which we have been moved. We must understand from the awful

manner in which these men have been destroyed that it is a true presage of the Apocalypse.

Now, what is the Apocalypse ? It is from the Greek word

apokalypsis, meaning "the

Unveiling", or "the Revelation". The national prominence of these four Jewish propagandists

presages the temporary rule by the Prince, of Evil, who is also known as Satan, Belial, and the

Anti-Christ (may his reign be short!), and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse warn us of the

coming, of war, famine, plague, earthquakes and death. In "Paradise Lost", John Milton

wrote, iv. 2, "That warning voice which he who saw the Apocalypse, heard cry in Heaven


To understand why these four men, who between them rake in some three hundred million

dollars a year, presage the Coming of the Apocalypse, we have to know their origins, and who

put them in a position of power from which they could bamboozle three hundred million

dollars a year from well-meaning Christian Americans to finance their propaganda for the State

of Israel. It has long been common knowledge since the incorporation of the three major (1 of 6) [6/13/2010 8:15:01 PM]

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THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Propagandists for Israel,, Falwell and Robertson, pose as Christians By Eustace Mull

national television networks that each of them was owned, operated and completely controlled

by Jews, and that no Christian patriot would be allowed to appear on any of the Jewish

networks to preach the True Doctrine of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, "who had walked

in fear of Jewry, for they sought to kill Him." How then, did these supposed Christian patriots

gain admittance to the private preserves of world Jewry, the American television system ? It

is well known that the Jew, in his natural function as a biological parasite, must not only

control the thoughts of his host people if he is to survive, but he must also establish their

thought patterns and maintain supervision of them. Thus, the gentiles, or host people, are

taught to respect and obey the smaller, weaker parasitic organism who is taking his

sustenance, making him ill, and slowly destroying him. The entire host-parasite relationship

flouts the most basic law of nature, the instinct of survival and of self-preservation. The Jew,

being numerically weaker, must, if he is to survive, train the host to tolerate his presence, and

to allow him to control the host. The first step is to destroy the host people's native

leadership, the Alfalfa Bill Murrays and Ezra Pounds who warn their people against the

poisonous presence of the jew. The Jew then recruits from the weakest and most depraved of

the host people a new ruling class, known as the "shabez goi", or "Sabbath gentile cattle".

These servile and contemptible people live well as long as they do the bidding of the Jews, but

at the first objection to some particularly dastardly deed which the Jews demand that they

carry out against their own people, they are immediately cast down and destroyed. The

shabez goi always have in their degenerate backgrounds a "Panama", a sexual or financial

scandal which the Jews use as a hold over them. The "new class", or shabez goi, are the

epitome of the living lie, with their insidious conspiracies on behalf of the government of the

parasites. In their world, the virtues of manliness, strength and honor are ridiculed and

despised. This explains why Hargis, Graham, Robertson and Falwell were allowed to appear

on national television to influence and control millions of people in the host nation. To

overcome the criticism that all of the television networks were owned and controlled by Jews,

even including the Public Broadcasting Service, whose President is a Jew, we were suddenly

notified of the establishment of a "Christian Broadcasting Network". At last, or so it seemed,

the Christians of America would have their own Christian television network on which they

could observe the tenets of the Christian religion. They could escape the filth and the

Communist propaganda of the Jewish networks. Or so it seemed. And when the CBN began

its daily broadcasting, what was its daily message ? We must love the Jews. We must

support the State of Israel in all its depredations and its immoral devastation of the Holy

Christian Shrines in the Birthplace of Our Saviour. We must help the Jews, and we must,

above all, avoid the greatest sin, the sin of "anti-Semitism", whatever that is. Even the Jewish

networks do not broadcast as blatantly pro-Jewish propaganda as the Christian Broadcasting


To further understand why these Four Horsemen were promoted by the Jews to their present

positions of affluence and prominence, we must remember that for many years, the principal

"religious" agency which the Zionists and the Communists used to maintain thought control

over the American people was the National Council of Churches. In "The Rockefellers", by

Peter Collier and David Horowitz, p. 155 n, we are told that "In 1950 the Federal Council of (2 of 6) [6/13/2010 8:15:01 PM]

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THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Propagandists for Israel,, Falwell and Robertson, pose as Christians By Eustace Mull

Churches merged with twelve Protestant missionary agencies to form the National Council of

Churches, with Rockefeller providing the initial capital to fund a wide-ranging study of

organizational structures for the new group and donating a large parcel of land near Riverside

Church for its headquarters." Although no figure is given, the Rockefellers funded the National

Council of Churches with many millions of dollars.

A classic shabez goi operation, the National Council of Churches was staffed by impeccably

groomed graduates of Ivy League colleges, many of whom married into the Rockefeller family

or its immediate executive group. One Rockefeller trustee, Secretary of State Dean Rusk, was

forced to give his white daughter in marriage to a strapping black buck, the final humiliation

for this old Southern family. From the outset, the thinly veiled missionary goal of the National

Council of Churches was to destroy the white race. In the United States, this was to be done

by forced integration of the races in their schools, churches and homes, and in the first step

towards this goal, it was necessary for them to murder the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

of the United States, Fred Vinson, to overcome his opposition to forced school integration. In

Africa, every white settlement was to be destroyed or to be brought under black domination.

To this end, the National Council of Churches purchased arms for the most vicious black

guerilla groups throughout Africa, and trained them to massacre white settlers without mercy.

By 1980, most of the goals of the National Council of Churches had been achieved. With the

exception of a small white enclave in South Africa, the white settlements in Africa had largely

been exterminated in a well-planned and executed program of racial genocide. But the NCC

had come under much criticism for its program of arming the murderous black guerillas, and

for its well-publicized programs in the United States promoting drug use, homosexuality,

Communist fronts and forced racial integration. It was time for the NCC to retreat under

attack, and for new front groups to be formed and financed by the Satanic forces. If the

National Council of Churches had been so successful in achieving its goals, would not an even

more fundamental Christian front be even more useful in promoting the program of Satan ?

Certainly there were plenty of shabez goi wretches to be found who would be glad to do

anything for money. The new "fundamentalists" sounded very good in their initial programs.

They preached against drug usage, homosexuality, abortion and fornication, in short,

everything which the previous Rockefeller front, the NCC, had stood for. It seemed that a

new era had begun, an era in which the Christmas of America would rejoice in the celebration

of the most basic tenets of their religion. Alas, it was not to be. The "fundamentalist

Christians" always wound up their preachments with the universal admonition, "We must be

good to the Jews. And we must always support the State of Israel."

When the American people, in all their majesty, rose up in November 4, 1980, and voted out

of office many of the most degenerate of the Satanic stooges in Washington, expressing their

righteous indignation and disgust with the most notorious of the shabez goi at the polling

booths, the Rockefellers' new stooges, the "fundamentalist Christians" immediately tried to

seize credit for the victory. In fact, the Israeli stooges had little direct impact of the election,

the principal drive having come from the NCPAC which had raised funds from American (3 of 6) [6/13/2010 8:15:01 PM]

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THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Propagandists for Israel,, Falwell and Robertson, pose as Christians By Eustace Mull

patriots, and had spent them in a well-managed campaign to oust the pro-Israeli traitors in

Congress, the McGoverns, Churches and Bayhs.

Let us look more closely at our Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, whose programs are

designed to prevent the Holy Shrines of Christ from being taken from the Jews and returned

to Christian hands. First is the notorious Billy James Hargis, a confidence man so smooth that

he even managed to get sizeable donations from the late patriot H.L. Hunt, until Hunt's agents

discovered Hargis' unsavory practices. Hargis always needed plenty of money to finance his

expensive sexual debauches. This "patriot" had a penchant for committing perverse sexual

acts with handsome white boys. Being under constant threat of exposure, he needed to

expend large sums of money in order to continue his filthy pursuits. He insured a constant

flow of money to his "religious" work by acting as an unregistered agent for the State of

Israel. He repeatedly exhorted his Christian followers to defend the State of Israel, and to

uphold the "right" of the Jews to expel or massacre the Arab families who had owned the land

for thousands of years. Despite his personal predilection for white youths as his sexual

partners, Billy James Hargis also embraced the Rockefeller doctrine of racial integration, and

he used his preachments of "fundamental Christianity" to persuade his followers to adopt

hordes of mulatto, black and Asiatic illegitimate children and bring them to the United States

to further pollute our nation.

Although Hargis' sexual perversions were well known, and were even the subjects of stories in

such national magazines as

Time and Newsweek, the man was so utterly without shame that

he refused to get off his lucrative gravy train. Instead, with the full approval of his Jewish

backers, he has continued as a full time fund raiser, ignoring the national exposes of his

notorious personal habits, a typical shabez goi.

The second of our Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Billy Graham, has been even more

shameless in his promotion of Israeli political goals than Billy James Hargis. Billy Graham, as a

young, struggling preacher, suddenly was promoted into national prominence. How did this

happen ? Billy Graham and his ambitions came to the attention of William Randolph Hearst

(Hirsch), the publishing tycoon. Without giving any explanation for his action, Hearst

despatched a terse note to his editors, "Puff Graham". This order went out to newspapers all

over the United States which were owned by Hearst. With this backing, Billy Graham became

an overnight sensation. He soon began to lard his preachments about Christianity with many

strange and unfounded statements about the Jews. He was the first Christian in the United

States to publicly advance the Biblical claims of the Jews to the Holy Land, claims which were

prepared for him by the Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith, with whom he has always

worked very closely. Graham's claims ignore the entire history of the Jewish people, the

Zionist settlers being direct descendants of a tribe, the Khazars, who lived in central Russia

and who had never had any connection with Palestine. Benjamin Freedman first exposed the

geographical origin of the Khazar Jewish Zionists some thirty years ago, and his work was fully

documented by a famous Jewish intellectual, Arthur Koestler, in "The Thirteenth Tribe". (4 of 6) [6/13/2010 8:15:01 PM]

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THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Propagandists for Israel,, Falwell and Robertson, pose as Christians By Eustace Mull

Although Billy Graham's passionate love for the State of Israel was never matched by his

concern for the United States, he has become an elder statesman who is preparing to retire

with his millions to his palatial mountain estate in North Carolina. As Graham's successor as

the leading Israeli stooge, the Jews have been grooming Rev. Jerry Falwell, of Lynchburg, Va.

Like Graham, Falwell was recruited from the Anglo-Saxon heartland of America, the Southern

Appalachians. He came from what is known as a "rough" background. His father and uncle,

twin brothers, operated roadside "tourist cabins" on the outskirts of Lynchburg. As was

customary in the nineteen thirties, these cabins came complete with prostitutes, liquor and

gambling. During a quarrel over the division of the lucrative "take" from these operations,

Falwell's father shot and killed his brother. Because he had been paying off local law

enforcement officials who allowed him to operate these enterprises, Falwell escaped

punishment for his crime. He later died an alcoholic. Young Jerry Falwell, (

Newsweek, Sept.

15, 1980) was to have been named Valedictorian of his high school class, but was denied the

distinction after school officials learned that for an entire year he had been lunching with

bogus tickets. His schooling stood him in good stead after he began to rake in a million

dollars a week with his television program, "The Old Time Gospel Hour". In 1973, the

Securities Exchange Commission charged him with "fraud and deceit" in selling $6,600,000.00

in church bonds. An out of court settlement provided that Falwell would turn over supervision

of his financial operations to a group of businessmen. The head of the SEC who had launched

the investigation into Falwell's operations was a Jew. Falwell got the message. He soon

became known as an enthusiastic supporter of the State of Israel, and there were no further

investigations into his financial operations.

Jewish Week, Feb. 10, 1980, headlined "TV Evangelist Denounces Misguided Foes of Israel.

'Christian' Supporter. Dr. Jerry Falwell, Christian evangelist who supports Israel and

contributes to the Jewish National Fund ... He spoke at the Jewish National Fund headquarters

at 42 East 69th St. (New York City) on the occasion of an announcement that a Jerry Falwell

Forest was to be created in Israel. Falwell ... denounced anti-Semitism and declared that

anyone who wishes to destroy Israel 'stands against God' ... Falwell said that he loves Israel

and the Jewish people because God loves them and that the enemies of Israel and of the

Jewish people are enemies of God." One can only wonder if the contributors to Falwell's

"Christian work" know that he contributes money to the Jewish National Fund. In his own


Moral Majority, Falwell proudly published a photograph of himself visiting with the

world's arch-terrorist, the notorious mass murderer and Prime Minister of Israel, Menachem


The fourth of our Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Pat Robertson, claims that he had only

$1.75 in his pocket when he founded the Christian Broadcasting Network. He has managed to

parlay that stake into millions of dollars a week, a splendid office building, and the other

appurtenances of national prominence and affluence. Like the other Four Horsemen,

Robertson's Christian Broadcasting Network repeatedly exhorts his listeners to love the Jews

and to support the State of Israel. His political stance is more understandable when we learn

that he is the son of the late Senator A. Willis Robertson, (D. Va.). A loyal and lifelong (5 of 6) [6/13/2010 8:15:01 PM]

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THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE Propagandists for Israel,, Falwell and Robertson, pose as Christians By Eustace Mull

supporter of the Byrd machine in Virginia, Robertson was a Congressman until he was named

the successor to the famous Jewish stooge, Senator Carter Glass, who had been totally senile

and unable to answer a rollcall for eight years. Not only was his mental condition considered

to be no handicap by his Jewish masters, but they even reelected him to another term ! The

Byrd machine, of course, was operated by Harry Byrd's mentor, Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss, a

partner of the international Jewish banking house, Kuhn, Loeb, Co., the American

representative of the Rothschild family interests. Byrd named Robertson as his successor to

the chairmanship of the prestigious Senate Banking and Currency Committee. In this post,

Robertson faithfully carried out the desires of his Jewish banking masters. Should we wonder

that his son found that public support for the State of Israel would bring in a million dollars a

week ?

The public activities of these Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse should serve to warn us of

approaching war, famine, and pestilence. Let us be courageous and hold fast to our true Faith

in Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and let us not be misled by these propagandists for the

State of Israel. (6 of 6) [6/13/2010 8:15:01 PM]

Document Outline


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