Bella in Wonderland (Incomplete 1 19) by Ccon5

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Storyid: 4741917
Name: Bella in Wonderland
Author: Ccon5
Chapter 1 to 19

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Chapter: 1

a/n: Twilight ain't mine...its just so fun to play with.

Chapter 1


I exited the restroom not knowing exactly where I was headed. I could have texted Angela and
gotten my answer quickly but I was ok with wandering around for a little while. The thing is, as
much as I loved Angela and Ben, both separately and together, I couldn't help but feel like a
complete third wheel around them. They insisted that wasn't the case and I whole-heartedly
believed that they were happy to have me around, but it still felt like a god damn tricycle.

I continued to wander through this packed L.A. club, trying my best to ignore the half drunk
groups of people. I so wanted to be them right now. I had recently had a few, ok maybe more
than a few, run-ins with Jose (Cuarvo) and Morgan (of the Captain variety), oh yea and Jack
(Daniels of course) so I swore to myself I wouldn't drink tonight - though I was quickly starting
to regret that decision.

The thing about me is, I hate being sober when everyone else is trashed. They seem to find
everything hilarious and I find them all just downright annoying and sloppy. It may not even be
the fact that they are drunk and I'm not, but the fact that every single god damn one of them
looked likes like they just climbed off of a fucking runway... and together?

Oh, grouped together like they are now, 2 or 3 here, 5 or 6 there, they looked like a god damn
advertisement. For what you may ask? It really doesn't matter, as long as you've got gorgeous
men and women in your ad laughing their asses off and having a good time, you've got gold
baby, pure fucking gold.

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And of course these people all look like models, that's exactly what they are. Most people in this
town are aspiring models, actors, singers or some combination of the three.

OK wait, I sound beyond bitter. I'm not. Look I swear ok, its just that little old me, little old Bella
Swan from Forks, Washington can't compete on the same level as these assholes. I don't even
know where their level is, but I'm ok with that. These 'model/actor/singers' they're all pretentious
pricks with whom I wouldn't want to waste my time anyway.

So now that you're probably convinced I'm some kind of bitter little bitch you're wondering how
I ended up here in L.A. right? Well Angela I and moved here from Forks to attend school and act
as roommates for each other so that neither of us got stuck with that inevitable schizophrenic
roommate from crazy-town.

You know the type. The one that starts off all sweet and innocent and one day you accidently eat
of one her granola bars and she flips her shit. The next thing you know, you've got a chunk of
hair missing and she's whispering voodoo chants in some mystical languages (that you're pretty
sure she pulled out of her ass) into a doll with pins all over it that looks suspiciously like you.

Yea that schizo. Anyways, back to the story.

I was working on getting my degree in creative writing but after a few years of living in this god
damn city it started seeping into me. With everything aspect of it being so fast-paced I started to
feel like my own life was creeping forward an inch every decade. Between work and school, I
started feeling trapped.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate my job. I'm a bartender at a restaurant on campus, its the only
place that sells alcohol so it's pretty popular. I make good money, but I've been there for 3 god
damn years, so you can see what I mean about feeling trapped right?

And school, well I know its important and all but I can't say if a better opportunity presented
itself I wouldn't take it in a fucking second. Even though I know it would be tough, I can always
come back to school, but right now, being 21, I have nothing tying me down. Later on down the
road, when I have kids and all that shit, I won't be as free as I am now. So basically with all of
this weighing on me, I've just now decided that I'm having some kind of a quarter life crisis.

And that, ladies and gents, that is the state of mind in which you find me now - wandering
through this club, frustrated with my job, school, seemingly perpetual position as third-wheel,
and with a stupid promise to myself that I wouldn't drink tonight. Smart, Bella, real fucking

Shit this place is packed I thought to myself. I began weaving in between the high cocktail tables
and the mobs of people gathered around them - lord knows none of these conceited bastards were
going to move in order to allow me room to pass.

Just as I broke free from a truly heinous group of frat guys I got a glimpse of the back of
Angela's head. Thank god she's tall I thought to myself. I was ready to stop wandering around

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alone, I knew if I continued this way I'd end up with a drink in my hand and a guy on my arm, so
I attempted to make my way over to Angela. As if I wasn't clumsy enough, keeping my eyes on
her made me completely oblivious to the scene around me.

"You told me the wrong place, asshole." I suddenly heard coming towards me, "And I just got a
drink too. Let me down it and I'll meet up with you guys in - Shit!" As if by fucking clock work,
and lean tall figure on a cell phone crashed into my right shoulder, thus spilling the contents of
said newly acquired drink down the front of my newly purchased dress.

"Of. Fucking. Course." I spat as the ice-cold liquid registered in my brain. I immediately looked
down and began wiping my hands down the front of my dress, attempting to slosh off some tiny
amount of this guy's drink. Great, I already smelled like it. Whiskey? hmm nice choice, but you're
still an asshole, Asshole!

I began ranting under my breathe."God, Do any of you have a single ounce of self-awareness? I
don't care if you people are models/actors/singers/fucking curers of cancer, you can't treat-"

"Ex-model." A smooth, too smooth, voice interjected.

"Excuse me?" I huffed. Who did this guy think he was? I looked up and got my answer.

I had it right from the beginning, Of. Fucking. Course. my brain repeated.

This wasn't just another beautiful, yet virtually meaningless, L.A. citizen. This was the newest
rising star in Hollywood. You couldn't go anywhere without seeing this asshole's face plastered
on every bus, billboard, tabloid, even young girl's tee-shirts, you name it, his face was on it and
now it was right in front of me.

This face would have been on the fucking cover of God's 'Best Of' album. It was gorgeous. He
had that rugged, somewhat disheveled look about him. What? I can't help it ok, I've always had a
thing for the dirty bad boy 'I-don't-give-a-shit' type. And obviously so does the rest of the world.
Case in point: Johnny Depp. And this guy was definitely up there with the best.

He had piercing green eyes that found a way to stand out from beneath a mess of brownish,
slighted auburn hair. He had chiseled, masculine features and was a tad scruffy but had a
charming-as-all-hell way about him.

He was starring in some new vampire movie that was expected to launch him and the rest of his
relatively unknown cast into complete, historical, never-look-back stardom.

Who did he think he was? I had wondered just before looking up.

Edward fucking Cullen, that's who. Heart-throb to tweens. Young, too young, fantasy fuck to
grown women. The guy was 22 and living the god damn dream.

He tucked the phone into the inside pocket of his leather jacket and repeated.

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"Ex-model." Tipping his head toward me to emphasize 'ex' while flashing me a smirk that only
god, himself, could have created when he was feeling extremely fucking generous. This guy
really was meant to be adored wasn't he?

"My bad. I'll try again." my eyes narrowed. "I don't care if you're an
EX-model/actor/singer/fucking curer of cancer OR the star of the biggest movie to hit theaters
since Titanic, you can't treat people like they are fucking door mats." I shot back, though not as
strongly as I would have liked, I had a gallon of ice cold liquid down my chest.

"...expected to be the biggest movie, we won't know until opening weekend a few weeks from
now. Fingers crossed!" He pleaded sarcastically. What an ass. He flashed me that crooked smile
again. That thing was like a god damn weapon, and he knew it too. The fact that he was so
casual, calmly continuing this stupid conversation while I was pissed as hell and sopping wet
was infuriating me.

"Whatever. Hey do me a favor slick and find some shred of gentlemanly fiber in your body and
help me out here?" I said, motioning to my dress.

"On it." He replied. The beaming smile that followed would have implied that he had just handed
me a brand new, dry as can be, cocktail dress, but no. Instead he handed me the cocktail napkin
he was holding between his hand and the now empty glass.

"Thanks?" I half said, half asked looking down at the 4 inch by 4 inch square and then down at
my literally soaked dress.

"Unless this napkin is from one of those commercials where that one little paper towel cleans the
entire fucking house and soaks up Fido's piss puddle off the kitchen floor, this isn't going to help
one bit." I replied. He laughed, a genuine smiling flashing across his face for the first time.

"Yea I guess that's not really helpful is it?" He ran his hand through his hair thoughtfully, looked
around and said, "Here come with me."

Dipping his arm around my shoulders, he guided me. I assumed he was headed for the bar to
grab more napkins but instead I found myself being directed towards the long wall lined with
coved booth seats and little round tables. Each one with a dimly light chandelier hanging above

"Um, the bar's back that way, Ace." I said craning my neck in the opposite direction peering over
his arm.

"I know, but I've got bottle service here and there's a bunch of cloth napkins and shit at my table,
I figured those would be better." He said, nodding his chin towards the bouncer who held the
rope open for us to pass.

Table service. I thought to myself. Of. Fucking. Course.

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5 minutes ago I could barely squeeze my way through this fire-hazzard of a crowd and now with
this guy's arm around me I felt like I could waltz into the fucking Pentagon... naked.

Is that a rabbit hole I see?
It sure looks like fun to me.?

That rabbit, he's tricky and as smooth as they come.??
So listen daring, you'd better run.

a/n: So that's that. I hope you're enjoying it.... the whole rabbit rhyming thing is like a
metaphor for what's going on between Bella & Edward (it also lends itself nicely to the title), it
is at the end of most chapters and sometimes mixed right in but always set off with the
horizontal rulers and italics..if it gets annoying or lame just let me know.

I'd love to hear if you guys are enjoying it so please let me know what you think!

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Chapter: 2

"Here come with me."

Dipping his arm around my shoulders, he guided me. I assumed he was headed for the bar to
grab more napkins but instead I found myself being directed towards the long wall lined with
booth seats and little round tables. Each one with a dimly light chandelier hanging above it.

"Um, the bar's back that way, Ace." I said craning my neck in the opposite direction peering over
his arm.

"I know, but I've got bottle service here and there's a bunch of cloth napkins and shit at my table,
I figured those would be better." He said, nodding his chin towards the bouncer who held the
rope open for us to pass.

Table service. I thought to myself. Of. Fucking. Course.

5 minutes ago I could barely squeeze my way through this fire-hazzard of a crowd and now with
this guy's arm around me I felt like I could waltz into the fucking Pentagon... naked.

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Chapter 2


He removed his arm from my shoulders, bent down and began unfolding a few black clothe
napkins. I took a seat on the tacky purple velvet couch as he handed me a fistful of unfolded

"I think my duties stop here, if I do much else people might get the wrong impression." He said
as he watched me dab at the wet material clinging to my chest and laughed.

"Yea, it's been, what, 5 minutes and I've already gotten dirty looks from the entire female
population of this club... and about a quarter of the male population, I might add." I rolled my

"What can I say? I'm a popular guy." Charming piece of shit.

Sitting down next to me he continued, "But look I am sorry. I don't think I've had a chance to say
that yet. Its just that I had this book signing thing over at Hollywood and Highland that ran late
and my friends told me to meet them here so I raced over and of course they texted me about the
change of location but I didn't know because I have no idea how to work this piece of shit phone
my agent gave me, but I have to use it because the phone company gave it to me for free as long
as I'm seen carrying it around or some bullshit. I really just need to give in and get a fucking
assistant, I can't be keeping track of this kind of crap anymore but-"

"Its fine." I said, accepting his apology and cutting off his incessant rambling. "And yes it's a
terrible, terrible life you lead isn't it, how do you get by without an assistant?" I mocked him

"Hey I wasn't complaining, I was just explaining why I ran into you... wait a minute, you sort of
ran into me too."

I stopped and though for a second. I really had been keeping my eyes glued to Angela and I'm
not exactly the most graceful person, so the guy's accusation was a possibility.

"Oh no sir. Nice try. You ran into my shoulder, which means that I was already passing in front
of you."

"Ok, I guess you're right but you did look a little out of it."

"Yea, I'll own up to that."

"You looked like you needed a drink, is what you looked like. Fuck, you look like you need one
now more than ever!" He laughed motioning down to my current state.

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Oh how right you are.

"Well I swore off drinking tonight, and besides I don't think I need one considering I've got one
down my fucking dress. What was this, a double!?" I laughed waving my hand in front of the

"Yea. I told you, long day." He responded laughingly, "But fuck I'm sorry, are you going to keep
throwing it in my face?"

"Are you going to keep throwing drinks in mine?" I sassed right back.

"If they'll continue to make your dress cling to your tits like that then, yea maybe!" He laughed.

We had shot that banter back and forth quickly, playfully, but that last line was a too far. This
guy was charming, no doubt, but he obviously was a pig, or at least had the tendencies of one. It
was clear that he was used to talking to girls this way and having them fall to their knees.

"Wow, classy. Thanks for the napkins. I'm going to get going now." I said as I began to stand.

"Wait..." he said. Don't do it. I thought to myself. but I did, I stopped and looked down at him.
He was leaning forward on the low couch with his elbows on his knees. His left hand still
clutching the empty glass while it rested on the small table, the other hand reaching up to his
bowed head and running through his choppy hair.

"..I'm sorry." His head was still bowed low, but he glanced up at me through his disorderly locks
and looked like he honestly meant it.

"Fucking Actors." I sighed. "I know, and its fine, honestly, but I really should go meet up with
my friends."

"You're dress is soaked. Just wait a little longer for it to dry off?" It was a piss-poor excuse to
stay, but I took it, sitting back down.

"Fine. but don't be an ass anymore ok?" I asked sincerely.

He smiled sheepishly and nodded once, looking like a child.

It beckons, it calls, it invites you in.?
That god damn rabbit hole's games begin.

"So..." I said after sitting back down next to him and waiting out an awkward couple of seconds.

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"So." he said smiling, more mimicking me than attempting to cut the awkward feeling like I had
been. He seemed at ease again.

"Wait, I thought you were on your way to meet up with your friends at some other place?" I
questioned, remembering back to his rambling.

"Oh, uh..." He trailed off, pulling the phone out of his jacket pocket. As it lit up I noticed it had
no new messages. "They'll be just fine without me." He replied, the smile faded and he leaned
hard against the booth, lifting his hips and tucking the phone in his back jean pocket.

"Oh." was all I said. I wish I could have said more to counter whatever thoughts had caused his
mood to shift but there was nothing. I didn't know the guy well enough.

"I need a damn drink." He stated. Shaking his head quickly as if clearing away the unwelcomed
thoughts. "Yoouu stole mine." He playfully swirled his finger up and down in front of me. He
had barely lifted his hand in the air, and a moment later a waitress came rushing to our table.

"Fine, get yourself one, but I'm not-" I was cut off as the little blonde waitress bounced up in
front of us.

"Edward, I though you'd left! I was so sad." She frowned playfully. "What'll it be this time
sweetie?" She asked. Yea she was definitely the model/actress/waitress-until-I-get-my-big-break
kind of girl.

"We'll try for another Jack and Coke, thanks Jessica." He winked at me.

"And for you?" She asked. I was about to say 'nothing, thank you' but I paused as I met her eyes.
Her face surprised me.

She had a friendly, at-your-service smile securely in place but she had one eye brow arched and
her eyes raked over me. Right then and there it hit me, she must have seen me a million times a
week. Well, not me, Bella Swan, but me, the random fling that Edward had chosen for the night.
He was notoriously single in the tabloids, but everyone knew the guy certainly wasn't lonely.

I took her look as a threat, like she was convinced she was the only consistent girl in his life.
Fuck it. Lets drink.

And with that it was done?- she tipped into the hole.
Where she'd end up??She really didn't know.


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a/n: thanks so much to the reviews and adds to favorites I've been getting! I am slowly
learning to navigate this site and am trying to thank people as I go... so if I don't get a chance
to respond just know I'm extremely appreciative!

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Chapter: 3

"And for you?" The waitress asked. I was about to say 'nothing, thank you' but I paused as I met
her eyes. Her face surprised me.

She had a friendly, at-your-service smile securely in place but she had one eye brow arched and
her eyes raked over me. Right then and there it hit me, she must have seen me a million times a
week. Well, not me, Bella Swan, but me, the random fling that Edward had chosen for the night.
He was notoriously single in the tabloids, but everyone knew the guy certainly wasn't lonely.

I took her look as a threat, like she was convinced she was the only consistent girl in his life.
Fuck it. Lets drink.

Chapter 3


"Gin and tonic please... oh, and, Jennifer? Was it? I'd like a wedge of lime with that. Thanks."
and I flashed that fake plastic smile right back at her.

"Its Jes-sic-a." she said nodding with each syllable like I was incompetent.

She shifted her gaze back to Edward, winked and said, "I'll be right back with those." She then
whipped around, the only trace of her left was her long blonde hair suspended in air as she
dashed into the sea of people.

"You did that on purpose." I could hear a smile in his tone. His voice had come from behind me,
and I turned to discover that he had leaned back into the booth and spread his arms across the
back of it casually.

"Did what?" I feigned dumb. I knew he was referring to me calling her by the wrong name but I
had hoped perhaps he'd missed that. It was childish of me, but those god damn
model/actor/singer/rocket scientists just bring it out of me. I really do hate them. He smiled

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knowingly and just shook his head.

We chatted casually until Jessica brought us our drinks.

"To... tonight, and the drunken debauchery that is sure to ensue." He toasted, raising his glass
with an arched eyebrow.

"To tonight." I conceded. "but there will be no drunken debauchery."

He grinned and crashed his glass to mine. The clear liquid of mine and dark one of his splashed
up into the air, mixing together. We laughed and just as we brought the drinks to our lips I swear
I heard him say "We'll see about that" and drink.

Our eyes stayed locked over the edges of our lowball glasses as we each took a long sip. I felt a
spark run up my spine. Who, or better yet, what the hell was this guy?

It was strange, every time we'd get down to the bottom of our respective drinks, dear sweet
Jessica would be right there with replacements.

Somewhere around number 3 or 4 I wondered aloud, perhaps the tiniest bit slurred, how much
our tab was going to run. Edward responded smiling, "I don't pay sweat heart." It sounded
arrogant, but he didn't mean it that way. It was simply the truth. His truth, but the truth none the
less. Fucking celebrities.

I decided to text Angela, it had been a while since I was supposed to meet up with her and I
didn't want her to worry. I found it amusing that right as I decided to meet back up with her
because I didn't want to end up with a drink and a guy, both a drink and a guy found me. Of.
Fucking. Course.

I told her to have a good night with Ben, that I'd found some fun of my own and I'd meet her
back out our apartment later.

I didn't want to go into detail, she wouldn't have believed me if I tried. The movie he had coming
out was based on some 4 book series, all of which Angela had read, twice. In fact, on the way to
the club tonight she had excitedly mentioned that Edward is often photographed coming out of
these types of clubs and maybe she'd get a glimpse. Yea, she wouldn't fucking believe me. I
giggled at the memory.

"What?" He asked laughing. Why is everything so funny? I wondered to myself. Oh yea, we'd
had at about 6 drinks by now, everything is funny at that point. Not to the sober people though,
oh no, we've covered that base already, remember? But I wasn't one of them right now so I let
myself turn into the giggly girl I normally hated.

"I was just remembering that on our way here tonight, my friend had mentioned that she hoped
she might see you or at least hear you were in the building somewhere. And here I sit." I shook
my head in disbelief.

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I still didn't get it. Why hadn't he gone to meet up with his friends? He had practically been out
the door anyway. Why had he asked me to stay? Did he think I was going to put out or
something? At this rate it seemed like a sincere possibility but I would do my damnedest not too.
I had to put this guy in his place.

"I'm just a normal guy you know." He said lifting his glass to his lips. God, those lips. Though he
was simply taking a sip, my drunkenness was causing me to be extremely aware of tiny little
things like this. It was seriously turning me on.

"...said the movie star who has every set of female eyes glued to him." I finished his sentence for
him about being just a normal guy.

"Don't forget about the men too!" He laughed.

"The men gave up when they saw you sitting here with me!" I pointed out.

"Aww!" He clutched at his heart as if hurt.

"Fucking actors." I scowled playfully.

"But seriously." He continued, "People think I'm this kid, running around Hollywood like its my
own personal playground, but its not like that. I take my job seriously, the same way they do. I
may enjoy going out at night but I always get my shit done the next day. Always. Sure my job
may also have a few more perks, but its not my fault people see me the way they choose to." He
shrugged and took another sip.

"You're serious?" I laughed, half asking, half stating.

He looked confused. "Completely."

"Look, Edward. I get that maybe you don't like the fact that people see you that way, but don't
act like if you take that out of the equation you'd be a normal guy."

I paused. He listened.

"Normal guys don't have Andre the fucking Giant granting them access to exclusive VIP areas of
clubs, they don't have people waiting on them hand-and-foot."

I grabbed his wrist and tossed his arm in the air. The movement caught little Jessica's eye and she
literally took 3 steps towards us. You know, the way a dog jerks around when you pretend to
throw its toy but it never actually leaves your hand.

I continued, shaking my head at the absurdity of the Jessica thing, "They don't have book
signings at Hollywood and Highland, they don't get free phones, nor do they have the difficult
job of deciding whether or not they want a personal assistant...fuck I'd give anything to just be an

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assistant to someone like you, let alone have one!" I said throwing my hands up dramatically,
trying to keep it light. I didn't want to offend him.

He shook a single hand in front of me indicating me to stop. "Ok, Ok, I get it, but cut out all the
free shit and table service and all the other crap. Me..." He patted his his hands against his firm
solid chest. Not too muscular, but jut enough to be... ahh focus Bella! "I'm just a regular guy.
Yea, I enjoy all of it, I admit, but by no means do I need it."

"Don't need it huh? Who's the one contemplating a personal assistant?" I gently teased him.

"Ok, but that I seriously do need! I don't know how to work a washing machine so none of my
clothes have been cleaned in weeks. I have a parking ticket that I don't know how to pay off and
I've got a long list of appointments, photo shoots, meetings, TV & radio interviews, whatever,
that I'm supposed to show up to on time and I have no idea where I put it." The assistant
comment took him on a long rant and he played right into the character he'd just been trying to
convince me he was not. But I let it slide, he was obviously serious. Fucking celebrities.

"Then get one. Can't the studio, or your agent, or a friend or someone, set you up with one?" I
reached over to his glass, took a sip and handed it back.

He grinned and shook his head.

"What? Mine's empty." I smiled coyly and shrugged.

He nodded as if impressed and continued. "My agent did offered actually, but I feel like anything
given to me from him, or the studio, has some kind of underlying ulterior motive. Like the phone
thing. And I'm worried that this assistant would just end up working to make the studio happy
and not really for me. I don't know..." he trailed off like what he was saying wasn't important, but
I could tell, to him, it was.

"No, I get it. It makes sense. In this town especially, you never know who wants you for you and
who wants you for what you have to offer. I mean, I'm not even a fucking celebrity and I deal
with that shit in my own job." Time and time again I had students come into the bar acting like
we had some kind of bond because we had one G.E. class together freshman year, all in a futile
attempt to get a free fucking drink.

"Yea exactly!" He said nodding his head up and down, up and down. The copious amounts of
alcohol were definitely taking over. "What do you do anyway?" he asked and finished off the last
of his drink, setting it aside with mine.

I suddenly felt shy. Here I was with this massive celebrity and who the fuck was I? Bella Swan,
bartender-extraordinaire. Going nowhere, doing nothing with her sad, single little life.

"I, uh, bartend at a restaurant on my school's campus." I couldn't lie and I didn't really want to.
The alcohol was letting us both be our true selves so I just rolled with it.

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"That's so cool, I've always wanted to learn to bartend, like a total badass you know!?" He said
excitedly, waving his hands around in the air like he was flipping bottles and catching them
behind his back. Such a guy, I thought to myself, laughing and shaking my head at him.

Though he truly was a big-time, up-and-coming celebrity, every once in a while I got a glimpse
of that regular guy he had claimed to be earlier, and if I'm being honest, it was really fucking

"Well the restaurant is on campus, and most college students don't have a vast knowledge of
drinks so they stick to beer, wine and a few mixed drinks." I said motioning to the two, now
empty, glasses in front of us.

"Wait a minute! Why, by George, are these glasses empty!?" I demanded in an uppity, stiff old
man sort of tone. Damn it Bella, you're smashed! My brain chided. Talking in accents and weird
voices was my tell-tale sign.

He laughed. "I have no fucking idea, Jennifer, another round please!" He called, waving his arm
in the arm like he was at a god damn rodeo and she scurried off. I began laughing hysterically.

"What!? I may not be a bartender baby, but I know the signal for another fucking round!" He

"Its not that!" I choked out. "You just called her Jennifer!" We both erupted into drunken
hysterics. Debauchery, here we come.

After Jessica, recently re-named Jennifer to her complete disdain, brought us our drinks and
cleared away the empt glasses, we got back on track.

"Ok, so you bartend. Big deal. You said it like you were ashamed or something. Its a totally
normal job for someone our age." He said. I hadn't told him how old I was but I figured he
wouldn't have been hanging out with me if he thought I was too far from his own age. I knew he
was 22. It was strange knowing things about him that he hadn't offered, yet he knew nothing of

"I'm not ashamed so much as I'm just bored with it, I need a change. I was thinking about apply
for an internship at a production company or something like that. Its not along the lines of
anything I really want to do but I think something new and exciting would be good for me. And
besides, this town has a way of sucking you in like that." I tossed out, swirling the straw around
in my new drink.

"You mean like an assistant?" he asked, interest colored his voice.

"I think they'd shove me in the mail room or something like that but thanks for thinking so highly

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of me!"

"No, I'm serious. It's basically bitch-work anyway, coffee runs at all hours of the day etc. you
just have to keep track of appointments and shit like that."

"No, I know I'm probably capable of it, but they aren't just going to place me there from the start,
not to anyone important anyway. How long have you been out of the real world again Cullen?" I
heckled him teasingly.

He looked me square in the eyes. "Come and be my assistant."

I laughed.

He blinked.

"I'm serious. I need one. Badly. You can handle it, I can tell. Plus, you'd keep me out of trouble."
He said excitedly, I could tell he was really into the idea.

My first thought was that this guy could never have a female personal assistant within 10, no
make it 20, years of himself, for the obvious reasons. He was a total flirt. But thinking back
quickly over the evening, my heart sank a little. Though he'd been flirting, he'd simply been
drunk and he didn't seem to have an honest interest in that way. We had simply been getting to
know each other. He really thought I could do it, and apparently was positive nothing would
happen. I had to admit, my ego was a bit bruised.

"I'm not working for your bitch-ass, sorry Cullen." I retorted. Taking a swig.

"Jessica!" He yelled over his shoulder, still with his eyes on me.

"Tell you what..." he glanced over, seeing that Jessica was indeed approaching, and turned back.
"...We'll bet on it."

"What!?" I screeched, he couldn't be serious... about any of it. The job offer, The bet... any of it.

"Jessica, honey." his eyes slid my way mischievously and then back to her. He was obviously
attempting to charm her, though she didn't need it. That girl looked like she'd shoot a man
point-blank if he asked her to. "Think of a number 1 through...?" He looked to me for an answer.

"a billion." I responded dully. I was so not doing this.

"Come on, be realistic." He whined.

"Fine. 50."

" `eh too low"

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"Fuck, Cullen! 100... happy?" Wait a minute, had I just settled on that number or had I been
steered to it?

"Extremely." A grin grew fast and wide across his face.

"This is ridiculous, I am so not betting on this. I can not be your assistant. I know nothing about
it!" I assured him as I realized he was about to continue.

"I told you it's easy. Now pick a number, whoever is closest wins." He paused at my still hesitant
expression "What? Don't tell me you're afraid of a little wager?" He said, sliding his hand up and
down my thigh. The asshole was challenging me... and turning me on.

"Fuck that. Got a number in mind Jennifer?"

"Yes, and its Jessica." She glared at me.

In all fairness, I didn't do it on purpose that time. I was just so caught up in this guy's little
challenge and I was totally wasted and Edward had just slid his hand on my thigh and his
gorgeous emerald eyes were searing into mine and him calling her 'Jennifer' earlier didn't help
matters at all. Both names had been said so many times throughout the evening, I honestly didn't
know which was right.

"Ok, well write it down there on a paper cocktail napkin or something, I don't want you
cheating." I waved my hand at a the table.

Edward laughed, amused that I'd figured that girl would cheat for him at any cost and happy that
he was actually getting me to play along. Why the hell was I anyway? Oh yea, because you can't
say no to a bet when you're fucking trashed, stupid Bella.
And besides, this guy was just so damn

Jessica whined at my request but wrote something down.

I turned my whole body towards him. "Ok, what are the stakes?"

"If I win, you're mine."

"Yea, yea yea. I assumed that much. For how long?" I pressed.

He thought for a second, "12 months. That'll get me through filming and most likely the premiere
of vampire flick numero dos. We can negotiate payment later." He winked.

"Pig." I scoffed playfully, though my blush betrayed me. And his smile proved it.

"And of course," he continued, "You're welcome to stay on longer if you'd like." His eyebrows
danced up and down like it was some highly generous offer.

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"Fine, whatever." I replied quickly, trying not to dwell on the details, because I really was not
expecting to have to go along with this ridiculous idea. "And if I win?"

"Well, what do you want?" The corner of his mouth curled up slightly. I couldn't help but hear
the double meaning in that question, and by the look in his eyes and those damn lips, I think he
meant it both ways too. That is, if I was willing to accept it. Which I was, most definitely, but not
right now. I had a bet to win.

"If I win..." I paused. I had nothing. I barely knew the guy, what was I going to require of him?
'Sex!' my intoxicated and horney-as-hell brain yelled loudly. Yea, yea, but he'd probably fucking
love it if I admitted I wanted him. No, this had to be something that would be difficult for him.
So I went with embarrassment.

"Well I've heard you have a tendency to propose to girls..." I said slowly. I smiled coyly and his
eyes widened. "So, if I win, you, Mr. Permantantly-Single, have to go to the DJ, ask for a mic
and a spotlight. Then declare your undying love for me, claim me as you're own, get down on
one knee and propose in front of the entire place." I knew it sounded childish but there really was
nothing else I could think of. It wasn't anything too serious or damaging, it kept the situation
light but was just enough to put a thorn in his side.

He laughed at my request and replied, "12 months of servitude versus a single declaration of
unyielding, can't-live-with-out-you love? Followed by a heart-felt proposal? Sure, why not. I
think I've got 2 weddings next week anyway. So, deal then?" he asked, extending his right hand
out between us.

I looked at it for a second contemplating what exactly I might be signing my life away to, that is,
if he turned out to be serious about this whole thing. Which I was starting to realize he was.

I barely knew this guy, and though I'll admit, sure he was nice, hot, and charming as hell, he
could also be a downright pig. I'd seen it first hand.

I also had school and work to think about. And though earlier I'd said that I'd drop them both for
something new and exciting, I never, in a million years expected it to come along.

Sure I talked a big game, who doesn't when they're speaking hypothetically? But now the
universe was calling me out on my bullshit and it was the moment of truth.

I peeled my gaze from his outstretched hand up to locked into his deep green eyes, clapped my
hand into his, nodded and said "Deal!"

Silly, silly, little girl
down you spin and down you swirl.

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a/n: Ok I know this club scene is taking a while, there's just one more chapter of it and then
we'll move on. I just needed to lay a solid foundation of their meeting and I wanted them to
reach the bet thing naturally, not rushing into it and making it seem all arbitrary. Still
enjoying it? Review and let me know!

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Chapter: 4

12 months of servitude versus a single declaration of unyielding, can't-live-with-out-you love?
Followed by a heart-felt proposal? Sure, why not. I think I've got 2 weddings next week anyway.
So, deal then?" he asked, extending his right hand out between us.

I looked at it for a second contemplating what exactly I might be signing my life away to, that is,
if he turned out to be serious about this whole thing. Which I was starting to realize he was.

I barely knew this guy, and though I'll admit, sure he was nice, hot, and charming as hell, he
could also be a downright pig. I'd seen it first hand.

I also had school and work to think about. And though earlier I'd said that I'd drop them both for
something new and exciting, I never, in a million years expect it to come along.

Sure I talked a big game, who doesn't when they're speaking hypothetically? But now the
universe was calling me out on my bullshit and it was the moment of truth.

I peeled my gaze from his outstretched hand up to locked into his deep green eyes, clapped my
hand into his, nodded and said "Deal!"

Chapter 4


A huge grin spread across his face. "Ok, ladies first." He replied, rubbing his hands together

"50!" I shouted, smiling. That basically gave me a 50/50 chance of being closer and I could tell
from Jessica's eyes narrowing that I was definitely close. Score!

"Smart." Edward said nodding, then he leaned into me, out of Jessica's earshot, and added "...but

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not smart enough."

I saw a wicked look in flash in his eyes and his lips twisted into that stupid half smile and I knew
he had me beat. I didn't know how, but I knew enough to trust that he knew when to use that god
damn smirk.

"69." He tossed out casually over his shoulder at Jessica, who's mouth dropped open. He held my
gaze, raising a single eyebrow. Cocky bastard.

"Oh my god! You got it right on the dot! How did you know!?" And the poor girl really was
dumbfounded. She tossed the cocktail napkin on the low table in front of us and it spun around.
The 69 revolving over and over again mockingly, like a god damn slap in the face.

"I'm just lucky I guess!" He faked amazement. He was playing into her astonishment, but still
looking at directly at me and I knew what he meant.

He wasn't saying he was lucking for picking the stupid number, he was implying that he was
lucky because of what he'd just won. 12 torturous months together. Torturous in too many ways
to count. Sure I was basically going to be his slave, but spending that much time with this guy as
my boss was going to be the biggest fucking sexual tease of my life.

He sent Jessica off on a mission to find a bottle of Cristal, he said we had some celebrating to do.
Seriously, Cristal? I thought to myself. Fucking Celebrities.

"Look Edward, I don't know if you've taken me on as some kind of charity case or something

"Stop. Ok. Just don't. I really do need an assistant and you really need some fucking change in
your life. You briefly mentioned it earlier but I could see in your eyes how badly you desire it.
You want something, someone, to come and just sweep you up and away. Its not going to be all
glamorous and shit but it'll definitely be an experience. I'm one fucking exciting guy." He
finished with a shit eating grin on his face.

I didn't respond. For his sake I couldn't do this, we were both drunk and I knew he'd regret this
entire thing, not just the bet, but the entire fucking night of sitting and talking with me. I bit my
bottom lip and looked down at my lap.

"Fuck. fine, if you hate the idea that much then just go." He looked away, flicking his hand
towards the crowd. I could tell he was offended. And that wasn't what I was trying to do at all.
But he couldn't see that I was trying to do him a favor, not right now anyway, not 8, 9, fuck, lets
be honest, some 1,000 drinks deep, and a bottle of Cristal on the way. He just couldn't see it, and
with that many drinks in me as well, I couldn't resist it the way I knew I needed to. So I gave in.

"Oh alright, lets pop some bottles!" I yelled with fake enthusiasm, throwing my hands in the air.
"...or whatever the hell they say." I finished under my breath.

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Jessica returned moments later with a large bottle and two champagne flutes. We polished off the
bottle just as the club was closing. As people began filtering out I grabbed my purse and began
standing but was pulled back into the booth by two strong hands on my hips.

"Not so fast there darling." I fell back into the booth more dramatically than necessary due to my
severe drunkenness, his right arm was trapped between my hips and the booth. He didn't remove

"I like to wait a little while before I get going, the paparazzi usually leave after it looks like the
place has cleared out." He said in a simple, matter-of-fact way with a distant expression on his
face. He really didn't revel in this new life he was quickly acquiring, did he?

"That's fine, now we can take care of some business." I responded.

He had been looking off towards the exit but hearing my words, he slowly turned his head to
face me. I hadn't meant that in a sexual way at all but apparently he found some meaning in it.
Fucking guys. So, I played along. The cheeky bastard deserved it.

I turned my body towards the back of the booth and sat on my calves, I was pretty much facing
him straight on. I placed my hands on both shoulders and pushed him back into the booth, hard. I
trailed my hands down his chest. God it was amazing. He was lean, but not too muscular and his
chest was smooth and hard.

I slid my hands down to his waist and had to leaned into him in order to reach the far side. My
face was now inches from his and I could literally feel his breath on me. He didn't move a
muscle but his heavily lidded eyes stayed on me.

The club was basically empty now and the staff, seeing that Mr. fucking Cullen was still at his
table, had given us privacy by staying out of the area.

I slipped my hands around to the small of my back. Fuck, that was one of my weaknesses when
it came to guys, but I continued on my mission. I slid my hands down towards his ass and
pressed lightly with my fingers. His eyes questioned me momentarily, but he responded by lifted
his hips slightly for me.

I swiftly plucked his phone out of his back pocket and grinned. "Thanks!" I said pulling myself
back quickly. What a fucking tease I was. Oh well, he deserved it.

"Tease!" He huffed, repeating my thoughts exactly. He ran his hand over his face trying to pull
himself from the daze.

I was still smiling and continued, "I know, I'm sorry. I just couldn't resist. But look, I'll put my
number in here and call it, that way you have mine and I'll have yours. So you'll call me if you
need to and I'll do the same. Deal?" I rambled on lamely. Don't judge me, I was giving my
number to Hollywood's newest sex symbol.

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"Oh, ready to make more deals tonight are we?" He teased, regaining his composure and the
position of upper-hand which he'd had throughout most of the night.

"Nope. Though I only made one deal this evening, it's changed the next year of my life, so I
think I'll pass thank you." I entered my number, hit send, and felt my phone vibrate in my purse.

"Alright well I guess thats that...?" I half asked, half stated. We both stood.

"We should probably meet soon to discuss your responsibilities." He said, a smiling coloring his

I watched in my drunken revery as he reached down for his Jack and Coke, his long lithe fingers
spread around the wide rim. There was about an inch or so of liquid left at the bottom. He
swirled it and brought it to his lips. Tilting his head back he poured the dark liquor into his
mouth, it flowed out over the rim, in the wide space made between his thumb and index finger.
He closed his eyes for the split second it took for the glass to empty. Good god that was hot.

He set the glass down, reached into his back pocket with the other hand, and tossed a wad of
cash onto the table. I panicked. He had said that he didn't have to pay! I wasn't about to let him
pay for my half but at the same time I knew I didn't have the cash to cover it. I had forced myself
to only bring enough for the cab, cover charge and just a tiny amount extra. It was my way of
cornering myself into sober-town. Yet here I was a million miles from it. Of Fucking. Course. He
noticed my expression.

"No, no-" he mumbled still with the drink in his mouth. He shook his head quickly, attempting to
dispel my, apparently, off-base assumption. He gulped, giving himself the opportunity to

"Its just a tip. Sure I don't pay, but the wait staff still works its fucking ass off. Plus, I owe Jessica
big time." He informed me while chewing pieces of ice in his mouth. A small smile escaping at
the Jessica comment.

I sneered at him, but let it slide. He reached into his jacket pocket and fished out a cigarette
carton. He hit it into his palm a few time and flipped the lid back. He then used his lips, yes,
those god damn perfect lips, to pull a single cigarette from the carton he held in one hand, the
other was lightly brushing the small of my back as he smiled at me and said, "Shall we?" He
waved his hand that clutched the little box towards the exit. The cigarette danced on his lip as he

As he escorted me out of the club I couldn't help but glance back at the whole scene. Had all of
that really just happened?
I gave the booth one last look and committed it to memory. As I
pulled my gaze back around to face forward I noticed, not one but possibly two, three or more
Ben fucking Franklins crumpled in a pile among the empty glasses, dusted champagne bottle,
scrunched up cocktail napkins, discarded straws (Edward preferred to drink straight from the
glass), and stray ice puddles.

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"So, about that meeting to discuss your duties..." He asked in an attempt to regain my attention.
He wasn't going to let this go was he? Eying me devilishly with a side glance as we pushed out
into the cold, he removed his hand from my back to light his cigarette.

"Fine, I'm not going to fight with you anymore. It's late, and I'm assuming you don't do early
unless you must, so... Canter's Deli around 3 tomorrow?"

"Perfect. I'm taking off to New York the following day. I'll be gone for a few days, so I'll give
you the run down tomorrow, and those days that I'm gone will give you time to learn it and-"

"Where the fuck are all the cabs!?" I cut him off. I had barely been listening when I noticed there
wasn't a single yellow cab in sight.

"Oh shit, yea they tend to leave when they think the club is empty." He said casually. He
removed the cigarette from his mouth, holding it between his fingers and exhaling away from
me. I watched the smoke twist and swirl through the cold air. I shivered and wrapped my arms
around my body, even though it was Southern California, 2:00 in the morning was still fucking

He glanced around the relatively desolate street and turned back saying, "Look, I know that it is
freezing but I think we have to walk."

I looked at him like he was insane. He laughed, placed the cigarette back in his mouth, silently
shrugged out of his jacket, and moved to slide it onto my shoulders.

"Oh god no! I can't take your jacket!" It was so sweet of him but I just couldn't do it.

"You'll freeze!" he argued, jabbing the jacket towards me, the glowing cigarette bobbed on his
lips as they moved.

"Its my own damn fault for not bringing a jacket. Please, put it back on, I'll be fine. I used to live
in weather like this." I said, thinking back fondly to Forks.

"So you lived in cold weather? You're still tiny and will freeze out here." He starred at me
expecting me to give in. I didn't. So he shook his head and slipped it back on. He reached his
right hand up to retrieve the cigarette and pushed his left deep into his jacket pocket.

"Edward, I live in Santa Monica, there's absolutely no way-"

"This is Sunset blvd, darling, if we just walk a block or two, we'll catch a cab, don't you worry
your pretty little head."

And so we walked. And I fucking froze. Just as I was thinking I should have simply taken the
stupid jacket, I felt myself being wrapped in its warmth. He had compromised. He still
technically had the thing on, but with his left hand in the pocket and the font unzipped, he
reached around my shoulder and tucked me deep inside of it. My right arm instinctively snaked

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around his slim waist and I instantly felt warmer.

He hadn't said anything when he extend the jacket around me, and I didn't say anything back. He
knew I was thankful, there was no need disturb the night's comforting silence with words.

We continued walking. Occasionally he'd reach his cigarette-clad hand, down to my lips and let
me take a pull. The weird thing was, I didn't even smoke. Not since I was a silly-know-it-all
teenager, but it was something we were sharing, which was nice, and well, it caused his fingers
to brush against my lips. How could I resist? At the third offer, I took it from his hand, took a
pull, and reached up and placed it back in his mouth, this time, my fingers pressed into his lips.

All too soon, the bright headlights of a cab sliced through the night towards us, slowing as
Edward raised his hand in the air. At this point I would have been content to walk all the way
home tucked away inside his jacket with him, but I knew it couldn't last forever.

I slinked my arm out from around his waist as he leaned in to open the door for me.

"See you tomorrow, assistant." He crooned before closing the door. He patted the top of the cab
a couple of times and I was off.

I don't know if we were ultimately headed in the same direction but I was glad we were taking
separate cabs. I needed some time to clear my head and just fucking think. The entire night I felt
like I was in some alternate universe where everything was VIP access and free alcohol.

As I accepted it as reality, I reminded myself that that was exactly what my life would be like for
the next 12 months. My heart leapt, at the exact same time my stomach churned. How had this
fucking model...wait... EX-model/actor/singer/full-on-heart-breaker talked me into this?

The answer was easy. He had used his charm, fucking actors, aaaand I was 99% sure I'd been
swindled into playing that god damn rigged game of Pick-A-Number. 69? Really Jennifer?...
Jessica... ugh, whatever your name was! The entire night I thought I was being so clever not
putting out and serving the shit he dished out right back to him, but he knew what he was doing
all along.

Of. Fucking. Course he did.

a/n: I hope everyone had a safe and fun new years! Happy 2009, woo hoo! haha
I'd love reviews, let me know if you still like it, just started it, hate it, whatever. Thanks so

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Chapter: 5

a/n: Ok, so in this chapter we finally get Edward's pov! I know it took a while but I needed the
story to start off and really develop completely on Bella's side... only feeling and knowing what
she did etc. And for those of you who just love the childish, bickering antics of Bella &
Edward... strap your seat belts on, this one's fun.

Also, my plan is to start each chapter new, I know the past few I have had a small little
recap/segment of the previous chapter type thing but that was simply because all those
chapters took place at the same location/situation etc. That is my plan from here on out...if
you guys would prefer that I do it for each just let me know, its not a problem.

Chapter 5


3:00 PM
Damn, that little brunette girl that just got seated at table 18 is hot. She's got two menus in front
of her though, I hope she's not meeting a guy. Shit. She's got her hair down, a cute little dress on,
and her make-up is flawless... she's definitely trying to impress someone though.

3:36 PM
She keeps checking her phone, he must be late. What a jerk.

4:02 PM
Damn, if it is a guy she's waiting for, he better bring flowers... and a bodyguard, she looks like
she's going to kill someone.

4:17 PM
She storms passed me towards the front doors. All I hear is her mumbling under her breathe,
"This wasn't even my fucking idea anyway...." as a wave of strawberry scent hits me.


I was livid as I pulled out of the parking lot onto Fairfax. That asshole stood me up. I was
fucking furious. He was the one insisting on this whole thing, yet he didn't bother to show up!? I
felt like a total idiot. He should have called if something was wrong, and as much as I'd like to
say I stood my ground and refused to call him, the truth is, I tried. He had some kind of block on
his phone so that even when he called someone, they wouldn't automatically get his number.
Fucking Celebrities.

I told myself to calm down and take it as a sign. 'You hadn't really even wanted to do this whole

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thing in the first place, remember Bella?' And though that was true, once I got up this morning
and resigned myself to it, I actually got a little excited about it. Damn it.

I needed to get away and just get my mind off of all the bullshit that had just taken place. That
past 24 hours was not my life. I called Renee and when she told me that she and Phil were in
New York for a few games I decided a complete change of scenery would be perfect so I booked
a ticket and flew out that night.

It was great seeing her and Phil and after a few days I felt better. Renee didn't ask many question
about my abrupt visit and for that I was grateful. Though the whole Edward thing still bothered
the shit out of me, I had sort of come to terms with it, sort of. I would be fine as long as I simply
continued on with my life, I just couldn't handle any reminders yet.

Renee dropped me off at JFK int'l a few nights after my arrival. I gave her a big hug and kiss and
told her I'd call soon, I had forgotten how much I loved spending time my mother. She and I
were incredibly different which is why it was so refreshing to see her.

I got to the gate about an hour early, so I began reading a book I'd purchased there in New York.
Reading tends to completely occupy my attention, and before I knew it, the plane was boarding.
Of course the first class passengers were called first - fucking rich bitches - and soon after, the
rest of the rows and I followed.

I put my bag in the overhead compartment and side-stepped my way past an empty seat and sat
down in my own. Preparing myself for a quiet, boring next few hours, I curled myself into the
seat, leaned comfortably against the wall and opened my book on my lap.

"Well, look who it is." I heard come from the aisle. Smooth, too smooth.

I whipped my head up quickly. Of. Fucking. Course. it was him.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I asked incredulously, my eyes narrowed darkly.

"I told you I was heading to New York for a few days, remember? What kind of assistant are you
going to make if you can't even remember that? I just finished up over at Leno and am heading
back to LA. What are you doing here?" Edward spoke casually as people pushed their way
around him. They were annoyed that he was blocking the aisle. He was completely oblivious.
Fucking Celebrities.

"I....uh... my mom... I came to visit for a few days..." I was in total shock and probably sounded
like an idiot. This was the last person I expected, or even wanted to see.

"How nice and how is mommy dearest doing?" He asked sarcastically as he sat down in the seat
next to me shoving his bag under.

"Oh fuck no. There's no way that is your seat!" I blurted out, slamming my book closed.

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Without a word he got up, looked intently at the seat number displayed on the overhead bin and
tapped it. "12B? Oh, yes this is precisely my seat." Fucking Actors.

He waved his ticket around in front of me like bait. I grabbed at it furiously, there was no way he
had that seat. After my hand jabbed at the air a few times he pulled the ticket away and quickly
shoved it down his pants. He looked down at me and grinned. "Still want it?" He asked, cocking
his eyebrow. What a fucking asshole.

"Not. At. All." I punctuation each word. "Sit it if you must, but don't expect any of that pleasant
airplane conversation bullshit." I said, wrenching my book open and staring into it.

"My, my, my, someone's pissy." He responded, throwing his weight down into the seat.

"Are you deranged?" I snapped my head back up at him. "You stood me up at Canter's just a few
days ago! What was it you said that night?...'I may enjoy going out at night but I always get my
shit done the next day. Always.'
BULLSHIT! Why the hell would I want to sit and talk to you for
the next few hours. I'd rather hurl myself from this plane."

"Simmer down feisty, shit, and stop being so dramatic. you would not rather die than sit and talk
to me." He scoffed leaning his chair back.

"You can't do that until we take off." I snapped.

"I can do whatever the hell I want." He said, leaning his gorgeous head of hair back against the
headrest and closing his eyes.

I wanted to smack him. And not in that sexually frustrated way where two people are fighting
viciously and after a beat of silence crash into each others lips. No, I simply want to slap this

"No. Edward you can't. The world is not your toy. Why aren't you in first class anyway? Not a
big enough star?" I finished with a sneer as he slid his eyes over to look at me.

"I'd rather slum it. You know, with you regular folk." He mirrored my face right back.

Just then a flight attendant passed. "Excuse me. Mame!" I practically yelled, throwing my arm
out in front of Edward's face.

"Yes sweetie?" She asked kindly.

"Can I please move to a different seat. Any seat would be fine, I just really would rather-" I was
cut off but the loudest ear-splitting shriek you'll ever hear in your life. The deepest pits of hell
had nothing on this sound.

The flight attendant winced, paused for a beat and replied, "Its a booked flight sweet heart I'm
sorry. And the only available seat I have seen is located directly next to... that." She replied with

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an remorseful look on her face.

Edward had been witnessing our exchanged with fake enthusiasm and after hearing that last part
he turned back to me with a stupid unapologetic frown on his face. Pure delight danced in his
eyes. Asshole. He knew there was no way I was going any where.

"Oh alright, thanks anyway." I sighed.

"Is there anything else I could do for you miss?" she asked.

"Actually yes." An idea was forming in my mind. "Could you please insist that man, here, return
his seat to the upright position. I am absolutely terrified of flying and wouldn't feel comfortable
taking off unless he follows all of the rules." I lied. I knew it was petty of me, but if Edward was
going to win one round, I was going to win one too.

I continued. "Oh and you should really check his ticket. I'm pretty sure this isn't even his seat."
Ok now I was just being mean, but honestly I didn't care. I was beyond pissed about the Canter's
stand up and what was even more aggravating was that he didn't seem the least bit regretful
about it.

"Come on Edward, show the nice lady your ticket." I smiled politely and glanced down at his
crotch. He looked flustered for a moment but she responded quickly.

"That won't be necessary dear, he can sit wherever he'd like." Say what lady? I know he's hot but
shit, he isn't that important. She turned to Edward, "But she's right about the seat, you can recline
it as soon as we level off ok." She patted the back of it and sighed as she turned and made her
way down the aisle towards a man who was trying to stuff what looked like a 200 pound duffle
bag into the overhead bin.

Edward begrudgingly yanked the seat forward and I beamed at him. As soon as we took off he
reclined it once more and smiled widely back at me. Fucking baby.

He began pestering me about what book I was reading, how my mother was doing, what kind of
grades I'd gotten since the semester had ended that week and all kinds of things I knew he cared
nothing about. So much for a quiet, boring flight.

"Please just go away." I groaned.


"I'm rather comfortable right here actually." I knew I was driving her crazy, and almost felt bad,
almost, but it was just so entertaining.

"Fine. Then let me pass." She ordered as she reached to unbuckle her seat belt.

"No can do sweet heart." I said, placing one hand on hers and stopping her from unbuckle the

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belt. "The 'fasten seat-belt' sign is on." I said nodding up towards the glowing symbol. "And we
have to follow all the rules, right?" I grinned, throwing her words right back at her, I couldn't
have planned it better if I tried.

"Of. Fucking. Course." She spat, yanking her hand out from under mine and slouching back into
her seat. She violently ripped open her book and glared down at it.

Though she'd kill me for thinking it, she was adorable when she was all worked up. Her tiny face
would get all flushed and she would jut her plump little bottom lip out angrily. Her eyes, though
a dark chocolate brown color, flared up with fire and the way she crossed her legs to tap her foot
impatiently and flicked her long chestnut hair over her shoulder was downright hypnotic.

After deciding I'd tortured her enough for now, I pulled a book out of my bag. I noticed her
watching me and shake her head as if surprised that I was even literate.

"Give me some credit. Shit." I rolled my eyes and opened to the dog-eared page. About an hour
went by and I noticed she hadn't flipped a single page in over 10 minutes. Something was
obviously clouding her thoughts. It didn't take long to find out what it was, though once it came
out I would have rather it hadn't.

"Why didn't you show up?" she asked quietly, still looking at the open page.

I shifted my gaze past her, out the window at the dark sky and was silent for at least a full
minute. After she'd mentioned Canter's earlier I felt terrible. I had hoped to god she hadn't shown
up that day, but the girl was responsible and seemed good to her word so I knew, deep down, she
probably had.

Once she'd verified it for sure I felt sick, imagining her sitting there all alone waiting for me,
especially since I was the one so adamant about this whole assistant thing. Suddenly she reached
up and slammed the window cover down cutting off my view and my train of though. Damn she
was feisty.

"Do you want the dramatic made-up sob story about my dog dying or the lame, shitty truth?" I
asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Whichever you think I deserve." She said sullenly, closing her book, resting her hands softly on
its cover and still staring down at it. Damn, that girl had a way of pulling at my heart strings.

Of course she deserved the truth, even if it was pathetic and made me seem like an irresponsible
loser. "I was ridiculously hung over and slept until 4:00 PM. When I woke up and figured out
what had happened I felt aweful. I grabbed my phone to call you and realized I never actually got
your name the night before so I didn't know how to find it." A defeated laugh followed my
confession. It was so pathetic that it was down-right embarrassing.

"I sat there alone for over an hour." She whispered, her eyes still glued to that damn book. The
fact that she was refusing to look at me was honestly breaking my heart. Though I think looking

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into those large, soulful eyes just might have been worse.

"Fuck." I sighed "I'm so, so sorry." I said in a low meaningful voice. I don't know where it came
from but my hand flinched towards hers for a split second but I quickly redirected its route and
pushed it deep into my hair.

She sighed. "I know you are. And its fine, I'm over it now, I guess. But for just the record, I left
my number in your call log." She offered, glancing up at me in forgiveness.

"You know I'm incompetent when it comes to that thing." I reminded her smiling.

"Yea, but 'recent calls', really Edward? Thats common knowledge." She finally gave in and
laughed a little.

"Will you reconsider?" I inquired, the humor had faded from my voice again. Though she hadn't
said anything about pulling out of the deal, I knew as soon as I stood the poor girl up she would
considered the whole thing null and fucking void. I honestly didn't blame her.

"Edward, I really don't think it's a good idea-"

"Please. You don't know how badly I need this." I said, sincerity dripped from every word. Fuck
I sounded pathetic. "If it makes you feel any better, think of it this way. If I had an assistant to
remind me to get my ass up and over to Canter's I would have been there that day." I offered

"Fine." She said finally. "And I'll even one-up you. Not only would I have gotten your sorry ass
out of bed on time but I would have cured that hang over like that." She snapped her fingers in
front of my nose. God she was adorable when she was playful. I'd have to remember to keep her
like that. The ranting crazy chick from earlier was amusing and actually quite a turn on, but
honestly that side of her scared the shit out of me.

"Well, please enlighten me. The way I drink, I'll need it, badly."

"Some girl in my dorm building freshman year taught me this recipe and its incredible. You
blend equal parts of that blue 'mountain blast' power-aid, tomato juice, orange juice and ice
together. Down it and follow it with a shot of pickle juice. But it all has to be consumed within
like a minute or it won't work." She said confidently.

"That is fucking foul. You'll never get me to drink it." I crinkled my nose in disgust.

"You say that now, but just you wait..." She laughed, shaking her head with her warning and
snuggling into the corner of her seat and the wall. Apparently we were ending our conversation
and I have to admit, it was cute that she was calling the shots, or at least trying to.

She dosed off quickly, and I know it sounds creepy as fuck, but I couldn't help but look over a
few times. She just looked so peaceful and adorable. She began mumbling incoherently and it

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was all the more endearing. I could have sworn I heard my name, but maybe that was just me
being paranoid.

About 10 minutes later the flight attendant from earlier made her way towards us. Lauren was
her name actually. The studio always sent me on the same airlines and I'd gotten to know a few
of the staff.

She was pushing a food and drink cart in front of her. With her comment earlier about being
allowed to sit wherever I wanted, I was worried to see what she was going to do about my meal.

She helped the people across from us and began speaking before looking in our direction. "What
would you like to drink with your-" She quieted as soon as she saw the sleeping girl beside me.

I nudged her knee with my own and cleared my throat a little, grinning. She immediately
snapped up.

"Huh, wait... What, sorry?" She attempted to catch up to the current situation, but it was obvious
she had been completely out.

"I was just asking what kind of drink you'd like with your meal?" Lauren informed her.

"Water, please. Thanks." She responded, a beautiful pink glow colored her cheeks as she wiped
at the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand.

Lauren handed over the travel size bottle as well as a small square plastic dish of lasagna. It
looked disgusting.

She then turned to me, "Mr. Cullen, I wasn't sure which meal you wanted since your ticket is

"That lasagna looks great Lauren, thanks." I said quickly cutting her off and grabbing one off the

We ate in silence. I never looked over at her in fear that she might ask about that odd exchange
with Lauren. As we finished up though she casually asked. "Do you know her?"

"Huh?" I replied. We hadn't spoken in a few minutes and I wasn't sure what she was talking

"The flight attendant... you called her Lauren." She clarified. Shit.

"...uh, name tag." was all I came up with as I shoveled the last bit of that god-awful excuse for
food into my mouth. 'Smooth Edward' I thought to myself.

A few minutes later, stupid Lauren came by again to pick up our trash. She proceeded to offer
me that fucking rolled up hot towel and I frantically waved it away in silence. Didn't she get it,

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fuck! The little book worm beside me had turned, yet again, back to her novel after handing her
empty tray over and I hoped to god she hadn't noticed the towel incident. A moment passed
however and I got my answer.

"You really do have a first class ticket don't you?" She asked without looking up from the page. I
could tell she wasn't expecting an answer though. "Fucking Celebrities." She sighed but I saw a
small smile pull at her lips. I couldn't help but stare at them for a moment, they really were
perfect. Slightly pouty, but not in that fake way and I could just imagine them slick and sliding
down the length of my- 'ahh Edward stop!' I shook my head in an attempt to push away the
thoughts that would have me embarrassingly hard, embarrassingly fast.

There was a bit of turbulence as we made our descent into LA and I noticed that she'd discarded
her book off to the side. Her breathing was shallow and coming in quick uneven bouts. If the girl
didn't calm down, she was going to fucking throw up all over the place, not only grossing me
out, but I'm sure she would have been embarrassed as hell, I know I would have been. Her hands
grasped the arm rests so tightly that her knuckles were turning white and I could see her tendons
straining harshly. I instinctively placed my hand on top of hers trying to soothe her.

She immediately tensed. Fuck I was going to make it worse. I didn't retreat though. I began
stroking my thumb in soft circles into the smooth skin on the top of her hand and slowly she
became calm. A minute or two later the tires bumped and screeched as they made contact with
the runway. She squeezed her eyes shut and flipped her hand over, our fingers interlocked
instantly. She held my hand tightly all the way until the plane came to a forceful, jerking stop. I
squeezed hers reassuringly and slowly let go.

She looked up at me with a slight blush and smiled sheepishly in appreciation. I smiled and
nodded back.

It was just like when I'd silently taken her within my jacket. No verbal communication was
necessary, it was simply understood. And on that note, what the hell was up? I barely showed
this much affection to women with whom I was actually getting some, but this girl meant
nothing to me and here I was, driven to gallant acts of gentlemanly kindness when she was
simply cold, or nauseous.

I stood to open the luggage bin and as if she couldn't help herself, she suddenly blurted out from
her seat. "I know you rigged that game by the way. 69? Seriously?" Her eyes blazed into me but
there was a playfulness in her voice.

I pulled down a bag, indicated it to her and she nodded. I leaned in close to hand it to her and
responded with a grin, "Gotta love Jessica and her predictably dirty little mind." In all fairness, I
hadn't planned that out, but having known Jessica for a while now, I would have bet my life on
the fact that she was skanky enough to subconsciously pick that number. I pulled my messenger
bag out from under the seat and slung it over my head.

She finally stood, stretching out her arms and legs. She looked around the plane and blurted out
again. "This wasn't a full flight!" She glared at me with her hands firmly on her hips. This

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ferocious kitten act she had going on was hysterical. "But, how... why..." Though she sounded
pissed, I could see amusement in her eyes. I laughed and simply shrugged my shoulders at her.

Apparently she hadn't figured it out yet. Which honestly surprised me. She was astute and had
caught onto things quickly that I hadn't even noticed. Like me slipping up with Lauren's name
and realizing I did, indeed, possess a first-class ticket.

She huffed and pushed her way past me. I allowed her a few paces to gloat but promptly pushed
her shoulder with one hand sending her into one of the aisles. I laughed and passed in front of
her. She quickly scurried up behind me, pawing at my shoulders and pushing my messenger bag
from side to side, but never getting by.

As we reached the cabin doors, the flight attendants and pilots lined up to say their 'thank you for
flying with us, goodbye's.

We said thank you to each and finally reached Lauren. I extended my hand out, shook hers and
said thank you, palming her a nice chunk of cash.

"Aw, what the hell!" I heard from behind me. Damn it, she'd noticed.

"That's for telling me the flight was booked isn't it?" She whined. "You two had this whole thing
planed out!... you did know her!" Everything became clear to her and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I saw you waiting at the gate. You were too engulfed in your book to notice me so I came up
with a little plan, and Lauren, generously, helped out." I explained simply. She turned to Lauren
in shock.

Lauren smiled, "Sorry honey, but what Edward Cullen wants, Edward Cullen gets." I blushed

"Yea, I'm starting to learning that." She responded. Her eyes narrowed playfully at me and I
couldn't help but laugh. She turned back to Lauren and went on. "But, come on, us girls have to
stick together! Besides, he's not even that hot!" She finished, rolling her eyes and moving along
past me.

As we continued off the plane I heard Lauren gush, "Oh god yes he is." That made me blush for
real, though thankfully, no one noticed.

We got all the way to the sliding doors leading outside of the airport before we said anything,
simply walking along side each other, silently, comfortably.

"So you know how to call me now?" She teased. I saw her glance down the curb towards a
crappy red car waiting in the 'pick up' zone. Fuck, the studio had sent a town car for me since the
trip was considered business. I knew she'd never let me live this kind of shit down.

"Yes I do now, thank you very much." I nagged back at her condescending question about being

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able to operate my cell phone.

"Alright, then, uh, I'll talk to you soon?" She questioned awkwardly. I could tell she didn't know
exactly how to say goodbye, and honestly neither did I. Do we hug? No, that'd be too personal.
Shake hands? Nah, too professional. And now that a few photographers had gathered, she really
looked eager to bolt.

"I'll call you tomorrow so we can get started, assistant." I grinned at her and walked towards the
car door being opened for me.

"Fucking Celebrities." She rolled her eyes at the sight but didn't press it. "Ok fine, call me
tomorrow." She said as she turned towards the crappy car down the way. "And Edward?" I heard
her add. I jerked around in response. "I don't mind assistant, but my name is Bella."

A large genuine smile spread across my face and I nodded in appreciation.

And into the rabbit's world she fell.?
Would it be heaven or would it be hell?

a/n: Ok so there's a few things, bear with me...

1. That hang over remedy is complete bullshit... Its an amalgamation of random tricks I've
heard and some things I found in a 10 second google is intended to sound please don't try it!!

2. Sorry we didn't get into the assistant stuff right away but once I got this idea of them being
stuck on a plane together and totally at each other's throats (Bella at his anyway) I just had to
go with it (in fact I had a whole Canter's scene written but scratched it as soon as I came up
with this idea). I promise, though, that the next chapter will have Bella in all her assistant-y

3. This was by far the longest chapter and I hope it wasn't hard to get through. Its just that
since it was the first time we got to 'hear' from Edward I thought it was important to catch up
on all the things he was thinking/feeling etc.

4. I'm surprised no one noticed they never exchanged names. Sure she already knew his, but
they never had a proper introduction. And since that whole intro was from her perspective, we
never got to 'hear' Edward thinking about her or referring to her (which is what made it a
little difficult with this last half of the chapter from his perspective, I just had to keep writing
'she' and 'her' etc.) I didn't do that on purpose originally but after re-reading it a few times I
notice and thought it was kind of funny. Totally an Edward thing to not even remember (or
get) a girl's name... and even after he mentioned it on the plane, he STILL didn't remember to

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get it... oh what are we going to do with you Edward!?

5. As if this hasn't gotten long enough haha... but this one isn't my fault... has anyone else had
trouble checking their story traffic.. since like WEDNESDAY?! boo on that.

ok enough!... review pleeaseee & thank you kindly :)

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Chapter: 6

Chapter 6

3 months later


"Where the hell is your boarding pass, Cullen?" I asked impatiently. Really Edward? I thought to
myself. Really?

"I don't know... Shit, Bella, you're sure you don't you have it?" He responded, dipping his hands
in and out of his jacket and pant pockets.

"No, I handed it to you so you could present it at the security check point. You never gave it
back." I'd ran into him on the plane that one time, but apparently getting onto the plane was a
total nightmare with this guy.

"I probably put it down somewhere when I sat to put my shoes back on, why the fuck do they
make us take off our god damn shoes?" He ranted, still patting himself down.

"I don't know why they make us take off our shoes Edward but look, you can't fucking get on the
plane if you don't have that thing, and I'm going to Oregon with or without you but I don't think
the studio exec's will be very pleased if I show up without their beloved star."

"Calm down, let me just look." He came to a halt, threw his messenger bag on the floor and
stooped down to riffle through it. He sounded irritated. He hated when I sarcastically made
reference to the fact that he was famous, but fuck, Edward, its no secret.

In fact, a few minutes ago a poor girl almost choked on her Cinnabon at the mere site of the you
passing by. And have you already forgotten the mob of paparazzi we left at the security check
point? No. Fucking. Secret. Sorry darling.

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He unzipped pockets and dug through the crap at the bottom of his bag. Finally he pulled out a
crumple piece of paper. "Found it." He was beaming like a child who had just found a long lost
dollar in the pocket of a pair of old jeans.

"Good. Now hand it over, jackass." I said, snatching the paper away from him as he stood and
we continued walking. "I swear to god I don't know how you survived without me for all that
time." I said unzipping my Edward-centric-planner and tucking it safely away.

"I honestly don't know how either." He smiled, pulling my head into his chest and kissing the top
of it. It looked sweet to anyone who would have glanced over, but then for about 5 more strides
he kept me in that god damn head lock, my body awkwardly walking along beside him.

"Ok, enough." I said annoyed, wrenching my head out from under his grasp. I reached up and
snatched that stupid black beanie he loved so much, right off of his head.

"Bellaaaa." He whined, his hair stuck out in every direction, worse, if you can image, than usual.
I tossed the ragged knit hat into his chest. Fucking baby.

"Lets get to the gate and once we're settled there, I'll go get you something to eat ok?" I said,
checking the time on my phone.

"Ok mom." He responded in a mono-toned drone as he yanked the hat back on, covering that
mess of hair I hated to love so much. He sounded like petulant child with whom no one would

It really was astounding. This guy was It. He was Grade-A, cool-as-ice,
top-of-the-mother-fucking-VIP-list, move-the-god-damn-rope-because-he's-coming-through
Hollywood Royalty. But somewhere, sometime within the past three month he had retrograded
into a sniveling little child. Here was Edward Cullen, the hottest face in Hollywood, pouting like
a brat because I wouldn't play his headlock games, yet he hated my hat-stealing ones.

"Its going to be fine Bella." He said casually, still walking along side me but not looking over.
He had gone from child to parent in .2 seconds flat. I didn't respond nor did I question him. I
knew what he meant.

For weeks now, anxiety had been growing within me. I was worried that I'd make a fool of
myself in front of his friends and colleagues up there in Oregon. My responsibilities were about
to multiply exponentially and having only been an assistant for three months, I was worried that I
wouldn't be able to handle it.

I hadn't voiced that fear to Edward though, he had enough to worry about with the shoot coming
up and everything but he obviously must have noticed. So here I was, stressed to the max and
being impatient with him, which wasn't fair or warranted at all, and he was reassuring me. The
jerk definitely had his moments.

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The first 3 months had been easy. Up until now I was basically baby sitting the guy. There was
the personal side of it... taking care of his dry cleaning, making sure his bills were paid on time,
restocking his never-large-enough-supply of hot pockets, although I was trying to get him to eat
healthier and shit like that. The thing was, if I was really going to do this, I wanted to do it well
and actually make some improvements to his life.

Every once in a while I'd chauffeur him and his friends to clubs, sometimes I'd stay and hang out
by the bar, other nights I'd just drive off, do my own thing, and show up again when it was time
to shuttle his drunk ass home. Sure the occasional bimbo accompanied him back to his place, I
expected it, if I'm being completely honest. And on that note, there had even been a few
awkward as hell morning run-ins with a few of them as well.

One exquisitely awkward incident took place one morning when I had let myself into his
apartment. Now, when he gave me that key I'd been reluctant to use it. I didn't want to invade his
space or anything, but the truth was, the guy was out so often and I was constantly making trips
around town for him that it became a hassle trying to orchestrate meetings at his place.

So, he insisted that I just let myself in whenever was necessary. And on the off chance that he
was home, I felt terrible forcing him stop what he was doing just to let me in, it made me feel
like a guest, which I hated, so I finally gave in and started using the damn thing.

Anyway, I let myself in that morning around 6:00 AM. He had a meeting at 7 with his agent and
some director who was boarding a jet a few hours later and couldn't meet any other time.
Anything before about 11:00 AM is the absolute bane of Edward's existence, so I knew this was
going to be tough for him.

The day before had been my off day, so I wasn't sure if he'd gone out that night, but he knew he
had this important meeting so I hoped to god he'd been responsible and gone to bed early.
Having gotten to know Edward however, I knew those chances were slim. So, I just used the
stupid key since I knew he probably wouldn't be up yet.

"Edward. I'm here." I made my presence know as I yelled into the silent apartment which, by that
point, felt more like home than my own since I was there so often. I turned into the kitchen and
heaved all of the crap I was carrying in my arms out onto the counter top. Keys, script, phone,
sunglasses, day planner, mail (he never checked his box), morning paper, purse, and a bag from
Urth Caffe containing 2 ham and cheese croissants and 2 precariously placed coffees (1 spanish
latte for him, 1 honey vanilla latte for me). I deserved a fucking trophy for turning into
wonder-assistant so quickly.

He came out of his bedroom barefoot, in low sweat pants and a worn tee shirt. He had that sleepy
look on his face and his hair was a positively unruly. Now, with any other person 'sex-hair'
would have been a dead giveaway, but with Edward it was the norm.

"Hey Bella." His voice was gritty and he was rubbing his eyes. "Can you make me some of your
hang-over crap again?" Yea, now he likes the stuff.

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"Damn it Edward, you have that meeting!" I went into a flurry, flinging the refrigerator door
open and snatching up the ingredients. "Don't do this to me today ok? Shit. Any other day, just
not this one." I pleaded hopelessly under my breath as I pulled out the blender and started
dumping things into it. "Look we have to leave in like 30 minutes so start getting ready and I'll
bring it in to you. I brought back a bunch of stuff from the dry cleaners yesterday so you've got a
lot to choose from. I was thinking maybe that black button down you got that one time, over
on..." I trailed off.

Said black button down came sauntering through the bedroom doorway being worn by a pretty
little redhead. When my voice trailed off he followed my gaze to the figure behind him and
turned back to me with an odd, embarrassed look on his face.

"...or the grey." I finished lamely and pushed the blender's 'on' button, thus ending the
conversation with an unbearably loud, gravely roar.

Though my eyes stayed glued the appliance and its contents swirling and jumping around, I
could feel him looking at me for a few long moments as if willing me to meet his eye line. I
wouldn't. Finally he turned and padded back to his room.

30 seconds later the blender died down and its noise was replaced with the equally annoying
sound of the girl whining in the bedroom. I was pouring the drink into a glass when Edward
emerged, walking the girl towards to door. She shot me a quick icy glance.

"Oh, don't worry, honey. I'm just the assistant." I responded and gave Edward a wink, sliding the
glass down the counter to him quickly. He shot his hand out and caught it fast, it was our routine.
He shook his head smirking, knowing I was messing with the girl, but she wasn't amused at all.

I poured the shot of pickle juice and set out our breakfast, though I had a feeling we were going
to have to eat in the car. I then sat on the counter, lamely pretending to flip through the script he
was to be discussing in the meeting later, as they awkwardly said their 'morning after' goodbyes.

Not that he owed me any explanations, but we never really talked about any of those girls, ever.

Now back to the rest of those first 3 months.

The personal shit I did for him kept me just as busy as the professional stuff. The occasional
interview or red carpet event found its way into our otherwise boring routine. And even then, it
wasn't anything to stress about. Since he was between projects all interviewers wanted was an
excuse to catch up with 'Hollywood's latest It-Guy' now that the first bloodsucker flick had
opened and made millions.

The events were child's play. He'd work the carpet, answering interview questions, signing
autographs, taking photos and socializing with important people. All while I trailed along behind
him, ready with purse full of Sharpie pens and mints, and trying to usher him along on time.

Yea, the whole thing had been a piece-o-cake.

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Except now, I'm sitting on a this god damn airplane, in a first class seat of course, next to said
It-Guy (who is dead asleep of. fucking. course) and I'm having a full blown panic attack. Not
because of the flying, but because here, way fucking up here somewhere above Northern
California, all that anxiety and quietly building stress came crashing down on me. I came to the
realization that I truly had no idea what the hell I was doing.

Up until now I had been coming by his apartment a few times a week to make sure the house was
well-stocked and that he got to appointments on time. Most days I was just making phone calls
and driving his ass around.

When I wasn't engaged in a never ending game of 3-way phone tag with his agent, Tyler, and his
publicist, Erica, I was confirming things like appointments, interviews, photo shoots etc. I
usually drove him to and from most of them, but sometimes he preferred to.

Because of the casualness of the job and the long hours we spent together, the two of us had built
up an nice little friendship. Sure it was twisted and riddled with underlying sexual tension but
now that I was working for the guy, no matter how hot he was, no matter how much I wanted
him, I wasn't going to go there. And I made it clear to him from day one.

The day after that horrendous flight from New York he called me up and we planned a lunch. I
got his address, picked him up and took us to the restaurant he chose. As we drove he began
mentioned a few helpful tips. One of which was that it might be useful if I assigned him his own
ringtone. I told him I'd already taken care of that.

We sat in the restaurant for almost 2 hours discussing, in detail, the jobs I was expected to carry
out. They were typical personal assistant, bitch-work type things - like taking care of grocery
shopping, laundry, anything home-related and then the professional crap like driving him around,
making phone calls, balancing his schedule etc. Nothing was too crazy or out of the ordinary. He
was in no way, shape or form the 'diva' type, he was just sincerely, genuinely, honest-to-god

On the way back to his place, my phone started ringing, 'Womanizer' by Britney Spears. He
immediately burst out laughing and I looked at him curiously.

"Why are you calling me?" I asked, disregarding the call but letting it play out since it seemed to
be brining him utter amusement.

"I wanted to know what song you picked for me." He choked out through the laughter.

"Well I'm glad you find it amusing, Edward." I joked with him. "But honestly, I'm telling you
right now, I'm not one of those... assistants." I finger quoted the word, "You know, the kind who
sleep with their bosses to get ahead and all that crap. This, you and me, is strictly professional
ok?" I know it was an awkward thing to bring up on our first meeting, but I needed to lay down
the law from the beginning, especially with this guy.

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His laughter had easied and he responded, "I know Bella. And as much as I'd love to have one of
those assistants, I'm glad I have the real kind."

So like I said, I made it clear from day one that I was not crossing that line. And though he knew
it, he seemed to enjoy placing his toe over that line ever so carefully, toy with the idea just to
mess with me and acting like he was interest.

When I pulled up to his apartment he began reminding me, "So tomorrow. Try to be here by 10,
we'll swing by the agency to talk to Tyler by 11..."

I cut him off, "Not try. I will be here by 10. That right there is your problem Edward." I laughed,
he was just way to casual about his career. "After Tyler's we'll be off to that casting at 12, I'll
pick up your lunch while you're in. You want an In-n-Out double-double animal style with a
large coke, I'll be back to get you around 1. You'll eat in the car while I drive you to your fitting
for some of the costumes for the movie you're shooting up in Oregon in three months. After that
we have to get back to your place and do a live-video chat with MTV. From there, you'll have
some down time until about 7 at which point you have to get ready for that benefit auction thing
that your agent's partner's wife's sister is hosting, which is over at the Roosevelt Hotel. During
your down time I'll go pick up your outfit and run a few errands. I have the car coming to pick us
up at your place at 8. We'll arrive by 8:30 and you'll need to socialize and work the party but
want to be out by 9:30 sharp. I'll be updating you on the time every 15 minutes. The car will be
waiting out front at 9:30, I'll make sure it contains a few Red Bull, it'll drop us off at your place
and from there I'll take you out wherever you want to go for the night."

"Damn you're good." He laughed getting out of the car.

"I know." I grinned at him. "But I do have one question. What do I wear?" I know it seemed silly
but I really wasn't sure.

"Well, when we're out about town, running errands and crap like that you can wear whatever you
want, when I'm casual, you are too."

"and vice versa?"

"Not exactly, I have to dress up for appearances and shit like that but you don't really have to. I
guess for those just look sort of professional. The only time you have to dress up is for events
and things like that, but you don't have to go all out, just blend in and shit. Does any of this make
sense?" He laughed running his hand through his hair.

"Yea it does. So tonight... dressed up?"

"Yea, slightly... or, you know Bella, you could just go nude." His lips twisted into a huge
shit-eating grin and he slammed the car door. I rolled down his window as he walked away and
blared 'Womanizer' as loud as I possible. I could see his shoulders shaking with laughter.

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Fucking Guy. He loved the chase. Well he better, I thought to myself, because it was all he was
going to get.

So you can understand my nerves when I realized what a fucking fake I am, and that it would be
proven in front of the entire cast and crew of Hollywood's most anticipated movie, as soon as
shooting began. Edward was big, and he deserved an assistant who knew what the hell they were

As if that stress wasn't enough, I also have to admit I was just as terrified to be spending the next
4 months months living, practically 24 hours a day, with the hottest, most desired guy on the
planet, who made it a game of openly throwing himself at me.

Sure I swore I'd never sleep with him as my boss, and I meant it too. But the thing was, I think he
thought I was a lot stronger than I let on, and 4 long months together was going to be quite the

Only you sweetheart, only naive little Bella Swan, would wind up in a twisted situation like this.
Of. Fucking. Course.

a/n: So Urth Caffe doesn't open until 6:30, `eh creative liberties :) Edward simply couldn't
drink something as ubiquitous as Starbucks. Maybe Urth even opened early just for him. haha
ok enough.

I love getting reviews, it helps me know what you guys are thinking and I just really appreciate
the time that goes into writing them... so even if its just a simple sentence, I'd love to hear what
more of you have to say :)

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Chapter: 7

Disclaimer: There's a scene in this chapter that takes place in a 24 hour restaruant & its
inspired by an adorable lunch scene from Two Weeks Notice (w/ sandra bullock & hugh
grant)... if you haven't seen it go now, its so cute, but I just wanted to throw the movie a
reference since the idea isn't mine. ok now, be on your way & please make sure to review - it
makes me happy to know that after pouring my heart into this story, people take a simple 2
seconds to acknowledge that - and for those of you that do review... thank you, thank you,
thank you!

Chapter 7

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We landed in Portland around 9:30 but by the time we deboarded the plane at a snails pace, got
all of our luggage which of course was last to come out on the carousel, picked up the rental car
which Edward insisted be an unsuspecting silver Volvo and finally drove to our hotel, almost 2
full hours had come and gone. I got us both checked in at the front desk as Edward wandered
into the nearby lounge. Once I was finished, I had our bags taken up to our rooms and went to
get him.

I found him sitting at a table with a tall blonde across from him. Though her back was to me, I
knew it was Rosalie Hale, one of the actresses playing a sister of his in the film. She was blonde,
big-boobed, leggy and gorgeous, but completely full of herself and a serious bitch. And I'm
telling you it wasn't just a public perception, it'd seen interviews with her that ended with the
interviewer, a grown man mind you, in tears.

Edward had told me a while ago that the first time around up here in Oregon, Carlisle, their
father in the movie, tried to set them up on a date. Edward wasn't feeling it and Rosalie, being
ridiculously conceited, never got over it.

As I approached she was giggling and going on and on with some story. Edward looked
completely bored. I almost felt bad for him, almost. The second he saw me he, his face lit up. He
excused himself from the table and rounded behind her. She turned and met my gaze for a split
second only to turn back around with a flip of her long golden hair. Fucking actors.

By the time we got settled in and all of our shit was unpacked it was nearly 12:30 AM. We hadn't
eaten anything since before takeoff and were completely famished. Sure the flight wasn't that
long but traveling drains the shit out of you, especially when its with a 22 year old child, not to
mention how exhausting a full-blown,
put-her-in-a-straight-jacket-and-white-room-with-padded-walls panic attack is. So I mentioned
room service, but instead Edward wanted to go to a little 24 hour hole-in-the-wall place he'd
discovered while up here last time. I didn't feel like going out, but I gave in. I needed to keep
things simple, happy, peaceful... for both our sakes.

We sat in a corner booth and talked about the upcoming shoot. He filled me in on all other
actors, as well as the book stores, restaurants, coffee shops, music stores, and other places he'd
discovered while being up the previous time.

As he spoke, I would reached across and scooped the sour cream off the side of his giant plate of
fajitas (he always said he never trusted any creamy white foods... sour cream, cream cheese,
yogurt etc. Fucking Celebrities). He nodded in appreciation as he kept on about some vintage
record store he'd found. He waved his fork animatedly as he continued. Throughout the
conversation he'd reach across and spear the tomatoes I'd flicked to the side of my salad dish, he
knew I couldn't stand them.

It was a dance we had comfortably fallen into. We probably looked like a couple to the outside

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world, but that just wasn't the case. We simply had gotten to know each other extremely fucking
well. We had each other's likes and dislikes committed to memory and didn't even notice when
we catered to them.

The days passed more easily than I had expected and that plane melt down proved to be a tad
over dramatic. Sure, I had to learn the ropes and my responsibilities increased tremendously, but
now, after being up here for about a week, I was thoroughly enjoying it and even thriving on it.

I finally felt like I was deserving of my job, not that I wasn't before, but when bringing home 4
grocery bags filled to the hilt with hot pockets lights up your boss's face like a fucking christmas
tree, you'll understand when I say it wasn't exactly satisfying.

Some days I would run errands. Target was my favorite location. With food, toiletries and
entertainment all in one, how could it not be Mecca. Other days I'd stay back at the hotel and
make phone calls, rearrange his schedule, plan out his appointments for stunt training etc. and
just fucking relax in the comfort and warmth of the hotel room.

Oregon was beautiful, but it was just so cold. Living in Southern California, even for just a few
years, had spoiled me rotten and ever since visiting my dad over that first winter break, I'd
realized I had lost my tolerance for cold weather.

Most days I'd go to the set with Edward. I was getting to know the cast and crew and honestly
felt welcomed. By the way, 'welcomed' by that Rosalie chick, simply meant she had stopped
calling me "Edward's bitch."

I had struck up a nice little friendship with a few people in the wardrobe and makeup
departments as well as a handful of other assistants around set. Perhaps the most shocking of the
new friends I was making was Alice Brandon, the actress who played the second of Edward's
sisters. Alice and I had very few things in common, but we balanced each other out nicely.

She absolutely loved fashion, which I rarely gave a second though to, and was charming and
light-hearted, while profanities spewed from my lips every 10 seconds. She was tiny and had jet
black hair. It was cut very short and stuck out in pieces all over her head and she pulled it off
flawlessly. The girl not only had the whole world wrapped around her dainty, perfectly
manicured little pinky finger, but she also had Jasper Whitlock, the tall handsome blonde who
played a brother of Edward's in the film.

In fact, as Edward had informed me that first night at the 24-hour place, Jasper and Alice had
gotten together during last year's shoot. Shortly after it had wrapped, Rosalie, who was still
licking her wounds from the Edward rejection, went and paired off with Emmett McCarty, the
muscle bound teddy bear with curly black hair. He played the 5th and final sibling in the movie.
Though Rose had seemingly turned to him out of convenience and pride issues, it turned out to
be a perfect match. Emmett was the epitome of masculinity to Rosalie's quintessential
femininity. He could handle her acidic tongue and fiery personality the same way she could
regulate his wondering eye with the slap of her hand or the even more subtle, swish of her hips.

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When Edward had told me about the 4 of them pairing off I felt bad that he was the odd man out.
There was an actresses on set who played his love interest in the movie, but she had a boyfriend
and never really hung out with the cast. Edward assured me he didn't mind and said if he ever did
feel like the 5th wheel this time around, he'd just drag me along for kicks. I figured he was
kidding. I found out about a two weeks into shooting, however, he most certainly was not.

One night after filming a bitch of a scene, the two couples decided to head into town, grab some
drinks and just take it easy. Edward usually went along solo but for some reason he asked me to
come along that night. Though I was exhausted from being on set all day, I agreed.

As I followed Alice's little yellow porsche I wondered if the night was going to be awkward.
Though I'd gotten to know the cast, and liked most of them well enough, I wasn't exactly on the
same level with them. Assistant, remember? Yet, here I was about to spend the entire evening in
their company.

I was comforted with the knowledge that Alice would be there. The only problem was that, being
so sweet and amazing, Alice actually got along with that twat, Rosalie. Whether that girl actually
despised me or simply enjoyed making my life difficult, I wasn't sure, but either way I was not
looking forward to dealing with her that night.

And the Rose thing was just the half of it. I couldn't figure out why the hell Edward had asked
me to join them. When we got in the car, he turned the radio up immediately and I never really
got the chance to inquire about it. Not that I was complaining. He and I got along great, and yea
I'd even say we had a friendship, but I wouldn't exactly consider us friends either since I was
technically his employee. Friendship, but not friends? Ugh, its complicated.

Alice finally pulled into a parking lot along side a shitty little dive bar. It would be perfect for
just relaxing and not having to be bothered by fans and things like that. This group was great
with their fans, even Rose I'll admit, but sometimes they just wanted to go unnoticed.

Though it was a bit dingy, the bar was alive with soul. It had a large inviting fireplace with a
house jazz band playing opposite from the bar. Down a short hallway there was a large room
with several pool tables, couches and arm chairs.

The 6 of us drank and chatted comfortably over the next hour or so in the privacy of that back
room. The guys played various games of pool while Alice, Rosalie and I sat off to the side
watching and laughing at their antics. They really were quite a group.

Jasper could sink almost any shot, if given enough time to figure out the angles. Edward of
course was showing off, doing unnecessary tricks, but I had to admit the guy had skill. And
Emmet, well he was entertaining in his own way. The poor guy just couldn't wrap his mind
around the concept that his muscles weren't going to win that game for him. After his 8th or 9th
time scratching the cue ball off the table, he finally gave up and headed to the bar to pick up
another round of drinks.

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Believe it or not, Rose was actually starting to warm up to me, kind of. I don't know if it was
because Alice was around to soften her or if she had finally let go of her whole holier-than-thou
attitude, but I sure as hell wasn't going to press my luck by asking. After a long conversation of
Alice and Rosalie comparing their favorite fashion houses - and me completely zoning out -
Rosalie turned to me with a smirk on her face. Great.

"So Bella, what's up with you and Edward?" She asked in that girly, gossipy, sleep-over tone. I
half expected her to start braiding my hair.

"Oh leave her alone Rose!" Alice said, lightly pulling on a lock of Rosalie's golden hair.

"What!? The guy invited her along tonight with two couples, I'm just curious." she replied
innocently. "And don't touch the hair pixie." She shot Alice a playfully stern look and smoothed
her hand over her hair.

"Its fine Alice." I began. Though Rose was being nicer tonight than usual, I could see that I
needed to stand my ground with her now so she would know I wasn't going to take any of her
shit in the future. "There's nothing to tell, Rosalie. I'm just his assistant. Sure we get along, shit,
that's basically a necessity in a job where you spend this much time together, but that's it. Sorry I
don't have any juicy details for you. And about him inviting me tonight, well, honestly I don't
know why he did. You'll have to ask him." ...and then clue me the fuck in, please!

"Sorry sweet heart but I don't buy it. Edward can't just be friends with a girl. Especially one he
spends every waking moment with." She wouldn't let it go. I wanted to remind her he chose to be
just friends with her, but I knew that'd burry me under her wrath for the rest of the eternity.

"I have to agree." Alice chimed in with an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry Bella. Not that I
don't believe you, but I mean, you're always together and I've seen the way you two interact,
you're like 2 Jimmy Choo's in a box (Alice's alternative phrase to 'peas in a pod'). You have the
same dirty mouth and sense of humor and are constantly laughing and glancing at each other
over some kind of joke that no one else is in on. Even if nothing is going on, it just has to be
downright unbearable, no!?"

"Look, I'm not going to pretend like I don't find him attractive. I do. The guy is gorgeous, but
he's also my boss. Besides, I know he doesn't see or want me like that... not that I want him. It's
just... ugh, you know." I finished lamely and took a sip of my iced tea.

"Yea, I guess I see what you mean, sort of." Rosalie squinted her eyes with her half approval.
"He never made any plays at Alice or me when we were single at the beginning of last year's

"I thought you two got set up though?" I asked, now curious. Did the guy respect work
relationships or not.

"Ugh, don't remind me, but yea Carlisle tried. He had been hinting that he thought me and one of
the guys on set would be perfect together and promised to set it up. I'd always had a thing for

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Emmett and figured that's who dear `ol dad was talking about. Wrong! He set me up with
Edward and I was in a pissed off mood the entire time. I think he thought my pride was hurt
because he wasn't feeling it, but fuck, neither was I." She explained looking somewhat annoyed
at simply talking about the event.

I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Edward had completely misunderstood the whole thing.
Then again, it really didn't surprise me at all.

The girls finally left the topic of Edward and I alone and for that I was thankful. This strange
little relationship we had going on, or didn't have going on, or whatever, was complicated
enough with just the two of us. Trying to explain it to an outsider would be horrific.

A few minutes later Jasper and Emmett decided to team up with their girls for a game of couples
pool. Jasper, always the gentleman, was sweetly trying to 'teach' Alice how to play in that cliched
reach-around-the-back way, but the girl was practically pro as soon as she picked up the cue

Rosalie, on the other hand, could have benefited from a lesson or two but Emmet's teaching
methods were less than helpful. Every time she would bend over to line up her shot, Emmett
would wind up and slap her on the ass. Hard. She'd get all pissed off, whip around and swing her
pool stick violently at his head. You'd think he would have learned to stop after the first time, but
no, he continued on this way throughout the entire game, finding it thoroughly amusing.

Edward and I sat on a couch the entire time, watching the comedy play out in front of us. I swear
this group of friends could be utterly entertaining in the most boring, mundane situation.

At the end of the game Emmett demanded a rematch. He swore Alice had been slipping her and
Jasper's solids into the pockets when he wasn't looking. Alice and Jasper happily agreed to
replay, knowing they had won fairly and that Emmett was simply a sore loser.

"Alright you guys play nicely, I'm going to head outside and make a few calls." I announced as I
walked towards the hallway.

"Hey, I'll come too." Edward said catching up to me and slinging his arm across my shoulders

I glanced over at Rose and Alice, both were grinning at me. Maybe they were onto something.
Maybe not though. Shoulders were friendly, waste, on the other hand, not so much. Then again,
he didn't have to touch me at all.

The air outside was chilly and biting, but it felt good to be out of that stuffy bar.

It was about 1:00 AM in Oregon, as well as California, so I called Angela just to check in and
see how she was doing. Next, I called Renee. It was around 4:00 AM in Florida, but I knew she'd
be up. Last time I had talked to her she was on some new cyber-exercise kick. She had joined
some 'Breaking Dawn Yoga' class online that broadcasted live at 4:15 AM. Though she and her

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friends claimed to hate it, they all seemed to be sticking it out till the end.

Edward lit a cigarette and leaned against the side of the building as I made my calls, giving me a
little privacy. Once I was finished I walked towards the entrance and asked him if he was coming
in. He said no, and asked if I would stay with him as he finished his cigarette.

We stood in silences together and that single question of why swirled around in my head. As
appreciative as I was that he had invited me, I just couldn't figure out why he had.

He held the cigarette out to me while looked up at the night sky and I took it. I pressed it to my
lips for a short time and passed it back. I held my breathe for a moment, feeling my chest burn
with the lack of oxygen. I finally exhaled, releasing the feeling and asked, "Edward, I mean this
in the nicest way possible but, why did you ask me to come along tonight?"

He was quiet for a second, looking off down the street as he took a long drag. The cigarette
burning away quickly only to be replaced by ash. Finally he exhaled and said, "I thought you
liked them... well most of them anyway?" I saw a small smile curve at the corner of his lips and I
knew he was speaking of Rosalie, though I couldn't help but notice he hadn't really answered my
question. He flicked the ash that had built at the tip of the cigarette down at the ground.

"I do. A lot in fact, and Rosalie for some reason can actually stand me now, but I just don't really
get why you..." I trailed off. I wanted to get back on track but maybe I was making more of this
than there actually was.

He finally turned to me and though he'd looked at me hundreds of times, it always took me a
little by surprise. The guy truly was beautiful. "Just have a good time. Don't worry so much
Bella." And I would have tried to do just that, except he then flicked the cigarette into a puddle,
fucking wrapped my hand in his, and pulled me back into the bar.

After a second loss, Emmett refused to play any longer. Alice and Jasper had told him to keep a
count on their pool balls this time around to prove his earlier theory wrong. By the time he lost
the second game, he decided that Alice was slipping his and Rose's balls back onto the table. He
said he had never been so insulted and would not reduce himself so low as to play with such low
life cheaters.

The 6 of us closed out our tabs and headed back to the hotel.

From then on Edward made it a habit of inviting me along to all of their get-togethers.
Sometimes we'd go out, just as we had that first night. Other times Emmett would hold poker
tournaments in his room or Alice would host movie night.

At first it was strange being with these couples all the time and not being one ourselves, but after
a while I got used to it. It simply felt like a bunch of friends hanging out.

After as short as a week or two, they no longer invited Edward along, it became 'Edward and
Bella'. And if I'm being completely honest, I can't say I minded one bit.

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Oh silly girl you're falling in deep.
Why oh why did you take that leap?

?a/n: Sorry about the Breaking Dawn reference...It was originally called 'Before Dawn Yoga'
and Renee was loving it, but once I made the connection, well, I just couldn't resist. :)

Also, I hope you enjoyed the Alice/Jasper/Rosalie/Emmett face time. Unfortunately they don't
make many appearances in this story (its my first one guys I can't keep track of that many
story lines!) they will make another appearance later but not as detailed. I just really wanted to
get at least one group event in. Their characteristics and personalities are just so great
together, and of course for that, and ALL of this actually, we have the wonderful amazing
stephenie meyer to thank for that! Review ppllleeease and thank you! I'll love you forever :)

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Chapter: 8

a/n: ok so I haven't done anything like this yet, but I like when other authors do so I'm going
to give it a shot. There are a few outfit descriptions in this chapter and I've linked them up
from my profile so click away if you're interested.

Also, I've gotten a few reviews and pm's asking about the little poems at the end of some of the
chapters... yes I've written them, basing them off of the idea of Alice falling down the rabbit
hole in Alice and Wonderland, but yes they're my silly little creations. I started writing them
when I noticed the parallel between that character and Bella (a naive little girl falling deeper
and deeper into a crazy world she knows nothing of). AND it worked out well because it
provided me with a title as well!

Chapter 8


About 3 or 4 weeks into the shoot, I was driving Edward and myself from the set back to our
hotel. We had just finished up a truly kick-ass rendition of 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl' by Jet.
Edward played percussion on his lap, the dashboard, arm rests, and even the roof of the car,

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while I sang lead vocals. Of course, he'd chime in during the chorus at which point we'd lean
towards each other pretending to sing from the same mic.

It was silly and stupid, but we always had a blast goofing off and doing shit like this together.
After the song ended, a commercial advertisement for a movie which was coming out in the near
future, came on. It reminded me instantly that Edward had tickets to its premiere in LA the
following night. The studio was prepared to foot the whole bill, knowing it would bring a buzz
about what he was currently working on. I had told him abut the invite a while back, but of
course he had forgotten.

I turned the radio down and brought it up once more. He complained that it was one of his few
days off but I reminded him it was a film directed by the man with whom he'd met that odd
morning of the one-night-stand girl. The meeting had gone really well and Edward was
practically a shoe-in for the lead in the director's next project.

"I spoke with Tyler earlier, he seems convinced that if you go, it will seal the deal with the
director." I informed him, navigating the dark roads flawlessly. I'd come to know them well.

"Tyler Crowley is the typical Hollywood agent. He'd advise me to do a porno if it made him
enough money."

"Hey, I'd pay to see that!" I laughed.

"Only if you're my co-star darling." He retorted, knowing he'd won. I sneered at him in disgust
and he laughed.

A moment passed and he continued. "Alright well, how many tickets? Are Jasper and all of them

"Sorry, it's just you. So you'll get one, which includes the guest that you never invite, and then
just let Erica know how many extra you need for your entourage." I sneered at him and he
winced. Referring to his celebrity status and it making him cringe just never got old.

"Which theater is it at?" He went on.

"Edward I don't know the details, do you want me to call Erica?" Erica Yorkie was his publicist
who knew anything and everything going on LA. She was smart and quick as a whip. She could
walk into complete and total mayhem, regulate, and lay down the law in under 60 seconds flat.
She was everything I was not, and I loved her to death.

"No, you're driving, I'll do it. Where's your phone?"

I retrieved it from the center console and handed it to him. "Where's yours?" I questioned back.

"Dunno..." He shrugged as he scrolled through and found her number. Of course he didn't know
where his phone was, the guy could barely tie is own shoelaces.

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He conversed with Erica for a few minutes, getting the details and finally clicked off. I had
zoned out and not really heard his end of the conversation, only a few 'mhm's and 'ok's.

"Well?" I pressed.

"I'm going. Will you come too?" He responded.

"Of course Edward, you know I will. I'll just follow around behind you like a puppy dog." I
laughed at the statement, though that's exactly how it was. It was always the same deal, walk a
few paces behind - close enough to grab his jacket if he took it off, far enough that I wouldn't be
in pictures or footage.

"No I mean, like... with me." He said trying to sound casual. He stared straight ahead never
looking my way.

"What? Like a date?" I scoffed, somewhat amused yet entirely confused.

"Not like on a date, like the action. But as a date, as in the person who accompanies another...
ugh I don't know. Erica wants me to bring a date ok and since I'm not seeing anyone and you're
already going to be there I figure it just made sense that way, its the least amount of hassle
really." An awkward silence hung in the air.

"I thought Erica liked you going stag to those things, giving the adoring fans hope and all that
crap." I tried to lighten the mood with another stab at his celebrity status. What the fuck was
going on?

"Yea well, apparently before I left LA I was photographed coming out of clubs with a different
woman every night. Since I've been up here she says she hasn't had much to work with in trying
to reverse, or at least downplay, that image. She thinks this is the chance to do that. She says that
it would look good if I actually took someone to a premiere, you know, making me look a little
more stable than just a guy who has one night stands all the time." He explained, still looking at
the road.

"Sure then, I guess. But don't you think it'll be... I dunno, weird? I'm your assistant for god sake."

"Yes thank you Bella I know that, but we'll just explain that to the interviewers and everyone.
They'll want to know who my date is anyway, so we won't even have to bring it up. They will, I
guarantee it. We'll say my real date bailed at the last minute and you stepped in as the trusty
assistant that you are." He laughed at the plan.

Though I didn't understand why we needed a plan in the first place. Either he wanted his
assistant to go with him or he didn't. Why was he sneaking around trying to find me a way into
this thing, if, according to him, it wasn't a big deal that I go?

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The next day we flew back down to LA and I would have enjoyed being home if it hadn't been
so hectic. We were taken to the beautiful Beverly Wilshire Hotel hotel but were quickly whisked
away to separate rooms in order to prepare for the evening. All of which Erica and a team of
on-call stylists, make up artists, and hairdressers had planned out to a tee.

The entire day Erica was being oddly stand-offish with me, which was extremely out of
character. I chalked it up to stress since she had less than 24 hours to prepare two people for one
of the year's biggest premieres. Though technically it was her own fault for requiring that
Edward bring a date.

My make-up was done, professionally of course, but I interjected a few times, making sure the
end result was at least some-what like me. And it was. The outcome was pretty, yet natural and I
was more than pleased.

For my hair I requested that it simply be left down. The hairdresser obliged, setting it into wavy,
loose, wind-blown curls. I know I was being a bit vocal, though I'm sure they were used to way
more, it was just that I didn't want to look like I was trying to be something I wasn't.

The personal stylist had a massive amount of dresses and accessories sent over for me to pick
from. They were all rented of course, but I still marveled at the fact that they were mine for the
choosing. I sifted through each garment and realized I was not equipped to make these decisions.

I turned to the stylist for help but she was off in the corner on her cell phone. She spoke hushed
but quickly and I could tell the conversation was urgent. Erica had been flying in and out of the
room the entire day and currently, she was out.

I quickly dialed Alice and explained the situation to her. She and the rest of the group knew I had
accompanied Edward to this thing, but none of them knew I was actually his date.

After an on-slot of questions I finally snapped. "ALICE! I don't have time to explain to you what
is going on with Edward, I don't even know, but as of right now I need your help!"

I quickly snapped a picture of each garment and some group shots of accessories. I put the phone
on speaker, set it down near by and looked over the garments again waiting for her reply.

Once the photos were sent Alice immediately prattled off, "Pair the Oscar de la Renta dress with
the Christian Louboutin clutch and the Louboutin sling backs. Done." I could imagine her
dusting her hands together, like it was child's play.

"The who, what, where?" I stuttered. There was no way she could see the labels from the photos
I'd sent her. Damn, this girl was serious about fashion.

"Bella." She whined. "The embellished- I mean sequined bow dress with the feathery little
purse and the peep-toe ankle strapped heels." She spoke slowly and thoroughly, like I was an
idiot and finished with a sighed. I'm sure it physically pained her to call such expensive things by
such mundane names.

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My eyes darted around, mentally matching the pieces together. "Alice." I began politely. "That's
beautiful but I think its all too... much. The sequins and the feathers and the bows... its just not
me. And you didn't even mention jewelry..."

She scoffed. "That outfit doesn't need jewelry Isabella, especially a necklace, don't you dare put a
necklace on that neckline!" She ranted. "And god, with the feathers and sequins and bows..." She
imitated my voice with perfect accuracy. "You make it sound like a Las Vegas show girl outfit!
De la Renta and Louboutin know what they are doing!"

She had used my full name, that right there should have told me that she was not messing
around. If I didn't get the message though, the tone with which she spoke the last sentence was
with a passion I had never seen or heard come from that tiny body of hers. She spoke of those
designers like they were gods.

When I didn't respond she sighed. "It's all subtle enough that it would work, Bella." She pleaded
with me in a whiny voice, but knew it was no use.

I should have know that was the best advice I was going to get though. Suddenly I heard
Rosalie's voice.

"Wait, am I on speaker!?" I blurted out. They ignored me.

Sure, they were, but the only other person in the room with me was the stylist and she wasn't
paying attention, nor did she know them. This whole situation was embarrassing enough and I
died a little thinking about who else may have been listening on the other end.

I could hear Rose speaking, but not directly into the phone. "Ok, Pixie. Translate. That dress with
that clutch and those, no those heels! She'll have Edward eating out of the palm of her hand."

"Rosalie, that is way too 'tough-chic' for Bella. Maybe one of those pieces mixed in with a much
more classic ensemble but-"

"Alice." Rosalie warned icily. Even though the two were great friends, even Alice knew when
not to cross Rosalie.

Alice voice suddenly sounded close again. "Rose votes for the Tibi dress, Devi Kroell clutch and
Burberry platform heels." Alice droned robotically. I could tell from her tone and use of
label-talk, the outfit was not going to suite, or interest me at all. She knew I couldn't pin-point the
pieces by designer.

Rose's voice was far away still but came out with force. "Alice don't say it like that! Give my
outfit some credit, at least the dress I chose isn't four thou-"

"Rosalie Hale! Don't you dare mention that price! Bella won't even look at another one of those
dresses if she knew-"

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"GIRLS!" I screamed into the phone. I didn't even want to fathom where they were going with
their bickering. Though they had been carrying on their own conversation, I could hear it clear as
day. I knew perfectly well that these dresses, shoes and accessories were outrageously overpriced
and was doing everything in my power to keep from hyperventilating over that fact.

"Sorry Bella, but do you know which pieces she suggested? She wanted all the studded stuff.
Together." Alice informed me.

"Oh god no- I mean, thanks for the input Rose, but uh, that's not quite me either." I treaded
lightly and as politely as possible, but I still heard her huff with annoyance at being rejected.

"Ok Alice..." I sighed, my eyes hopping from one thing to the next. "...what about the short,

Alice promptly cleared her throat. "Speak 'Fashion' Bella." She chimed happily. I groaned

"Ok, what about the..." I carefully inspected each label, "...Jill Stuart dress with the Anya
, Hinedmarch??..."

"Hindmarch. Yes, continue."

"ok well that clutch and the Christian Louboutin heels you wanted." I stressed each desire's name
for her complete satisfaction.

"But Bella, Oscar de la Renta is so much bigger than Jill Stewart and I really think that-" She
began picking up momentum to rattle on for at least another minute and a half but I stopped her
before she could really get going.

"Alice." I hissed. "I am not a celebrity. People don't care what or who I wear, I just want to look
amazing and... I just want Edward to like it. Ok? There I admit it." I wasn't fooling anyone, all
this obsession over something as simple, and unimportant to me as clothes was a direct result of
wanting to look great for him.

"If you want Edward to like it go with my picks!" Rosalie yelled form far away. Apparently I was
still on speaker. Of. Fucking. Course.

"Girls please." I groaned, finally having had enough of their shenanigans.

It was quiet for a moment and finally Alice's voice came through. "That outfit will look beautiful
on you Bella. It's perfectly you and he will love it." I thanked her sincerely and since I was
apparently still on speaker, I thanked Rose too, I had to stay on good terms with that girl.

"Alright I'll call you guys later, bye." I finished.

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"Bye Bella!" I heard four fucking voices chorus together.

"Bye Jasper. Bye Emmett." I sighed as I clicked off the phone.

The stylist helped me into the dress and shoes and handed me the tiny clutch. "Are you sure you
don't want any jewelry? Your fiesty little friend on the phone knows what she's talking about,
most of these dresses don't need jewelry, but since yours is strapless, it could use a necklace if
you want one."

I looked down at the plethora of glittering, glinting jewelry laid out before me. I was tempted to
throw it all on. I picked up a large gold and black ring. It's edges were hard and sharp and the
ring itself was bold, gaudy, almost offensive. It offset the sweet simplicity of my dress, just

"Ah, the pièce de résistance." The stylist spoke to herself nodding. "That's a Roberto Cavalli, and
it's one of my favorites." She said, though I had no idea who she was talking about.

She then picked a beautiful necklace up with a large, striking gold bauble and hung it around my
neck, temptingly . "It'll give the outfit a splash of warmth and color." She smiled. I stared at it in
the mirror and it really did look fantastic, but it just wasn't me.

"It's striking but I think I'll go without it. Thank you though. I'm a pretty simple girl and all of
this is already way more than I'm used to, I don't want to look like I'm trying to be someone I'm
not." I admitted, though I already felt like it.

"If that's the case, then you're right. You should stick to being you. Simple is great. Its timeless.
And besides, in her infinite wisdom, the immortal Coco Chanel once said, 'When accessorizing,
always take off the last thing you put on'
so you did the right thing. You look absolutely
stunning." I blushed and quietly thanked her as I followed her out of the room.

She walked me down the hall and stopped in front of a door. "Edward's just finishing up in here.
Have him down in the lobby in 10 minutes, ok? There'll be a limo out front." She said, sliding
the key in and out of the electronic lock and pushing the door open for me.

"Thank you so much." I replied as I took a step in.

"You're welcome. And Bella," Her voice hushed at the second part. "Don't worry, he's going to
love it. If your other friend on the phone, the bossy one, was right about your guy eating out of
the palm of your hand in that other outfit, he'll die over this. Its just as sexy but way more girly.
With all that leg and neck and shoulder skin showing, he won't be able to keep his hands off of
you." She winked at me and the door fell closed between us.

Though the room I found myself in was empty, I could practically see the chaos that had taken
place within it. There were articles of clothing and shoes strewn about all over it. I knew those
pieces costed hundreds, and thousands of dollars and I was positive Alice would have broken
down in tears if she had seen what I was starring at. But it was perfectly acceptable, since it was

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all for Mr. Cullen, of course. Now, where the hell was he, anyway? I questioned internally.

As if he read my mind, Edward suddenly came through the bathroom door, which I hadn't
noticed was occupied. He was tying the knot in his long slender tie which hung over a crisp
white button down shirt. He had on a perfectly tailored jacket and pair of pants. The suit was
sleek and fitted, showing off his form, but not too tightly.

The entire ensemble was black and white, though not boring, not boring at all actually. In fact, it
was classic and sharp and sexy as hell. And to add his own Edward-twist, his hair was perfectly

He looked... exquisite... though even that doesn't do justice to the sight I was met with.

I had never really seen him like this. Sure he dressed nicely for the few premieres and events I'd
dutifully trailed him at, but he'd never been this dressed up. The extend to which I had seen him
was a button down shirt under his leather jacket, black slacks and his warn out dock martins.
That look was hot, sure, but this one was on a whole other level.

With his hands at his neck and his head still bowed down, his emerald eyes shifted up to me
through his eyelashes and fallen locks of hair. He smiled that most genuine smile of his, which
I'd come to know so well. Now that I think about it, he had never seen me this dressed up either.

"Bella you look..." He trailed off.

"Yea, yea, you too." I teased back before he could finish and I looked down at my feet as I
blushed. Doing this usually comforted me, but then again, I was usually looking down at my
dirty-ass converse sneakers. The sight of an 860 dollar pair of Christian Louboutin's pushed an
even deeper flush across my face. I fumbled nervously with my clutch, a 460 dollar clutch. That
realization caused me to smooth my hands over my dress... 1,148 dollars. I fiddled with the ring
on my finger... 315 dollars. Fuck this shit was everywhere.

After having nothing left to do, my eyes darted back up to Edward's and instantly locked, finding
refuge. He was still smiling widely and his eyes were warm and full of awe and that was the only
thing that put me at ease.

The night came and went in an odd yet somewhat comfortable fashion. Though I felt completely
out of place, Edward was at my side the entire night, his hand placed firmly on my lower back,
guiding me down the never ending red carpet.

As planned, he informed the interviewers that I was his merely his assistant, his friend, his ally
and that I was stepping in for his no-show date.

I was flooded with question after question like "Who are you wearing?" And it was then that I
silently thanked Alice for brining the labels to my attention. And of course the 64 thousand
dollar question of the night was "What it was like to go from Edward Cullen's assistant to
Edward Cullen's date?"

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To which I simply smiled and replied, "Its not much different than before, I just get to walk
along side him this time rather than behind." Though it was completely different, I knew it, and I
sincerely hoped he did too.

And to emphasize that nothing was going on, I always reminded them, "...and besides, tomorrow
I'll wake up and be getting his coffee once again." With a wink to him I finished, "One sugar, no
cream, piping hot."

We approached the photographer section and I panicked. I had vaguely noticed candids being
taken of us the entire time, but I didn't really mind. I was used to that. Sure I was usually in the
background hidden beneath sunglasses, a phone, and my day planner but it wasn't a big deal to
me - I knew I wasn't the focus. The few times I'd actually ended up in a photo that ran in a
magazine or on a website, I was typically labeled as the 'unidentified female' which I was
perfectly fine with.

It came time, however to actually stand and pose in front of the sponsors' logos and movie poster
shit and my nerves suddenly multiplied. As we waited to be photographed, Edward pulled me
behind one of the backdrops out of public sight for a moment. He must have noticed my
incessant fidgeting and shallow breathing.

He looked me in the eyes and put his hands on my shoulders - typical set up for the pep-talk I
knew was coming. Only, what wasn't typical was the fact that he absentmindedly stroked his
hands along the smooth bare skin that was there. "Bella, its going to be fine. Just smile and look
in each direction, try to follow my lead, but really, none of this is a big deal." I looked around
frantically, not taking in a word of what he'd just said.

"Bella. Hey. Look at me. Only me." He slid his hands up my shoulders, lightly cupping my neck
and the underside of my chin causing my head to stop darting around. "I won't let you be
embarrassed. I won't let anything happen to you, ok?" He spoke with such sincerity, that I
couldn't help but believe him.

"God, you look amazing tonight. Have I told you that yet?" He asked in disbelieve as his thumbs
grazed over my skin. My eyes slid downward as I blushed and I smirked knowing Rosalie, and
the stylist had been right. Edward couldn't resist a little - or, ok a lot - of skin.

After the paparazzi bombardment we finished working the red carpet. Occasionally he'd lean into
my ear and whisper, "You doing ok?... It's almost over, I promise... Thanks again for coming
tonight... Have I mentioned you look fantastic?"

The premiere ended and Edward and I skipped out on the after parties and went directly back to
the hotel. All of our belongings were there and we had just enough time to change, rest for a
short while and then get right back in the car and head to the airport. Edward had a 5:30 AM call
time the next morning so we had to fly back to Oregon that night.

Erica escorted us up to our rooms. After seeing Edward off at his, she walked me down to mine

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in silence. I still couldn't figure out why she was being so strange with me the entire day.

As we got to my room she instructed, "Just leave the dress and accessories in Edward's room, I'll
pick them up tomorrow morning when I come by to check you guys out."

"Thanks Erica... for everything tonight." I said kindly and I really was thankful. She had done a
whole lot of unnecessary running around tonight just for us to be able to attend the event, but I
was also being a tad overly sweet in an attempt to figure out what the hell her problem was.

She stared into my eyes for a long moment with a questioning look in her own and her head
cocked slightly to the side. She opened her mouth and began, "Is there something I should know
about..." She trailed off and shook her head. "Never mind. You're welcome Bella." She said as
her lips twitched into a tight, quick smile. It was nice and polite, but I could tell it was forced. It
was like she wanted to be nice to me, as if it was natural - because it was, well it used to be
anyway - but in this moment she was having a really fucking hard time, and I couldn't
understand why.

I knew she wasn't jealous, the women was married and had been working in this industry for
years now. She was way too professional to get caught up in that kind of shit. Whatever her
problem was, I realized just then it had to have been career-oriented.

I got my answer, soon enough when she picked up her phone while walking back down the hall
towards elevators. She didn't know I hadn't closed my door yet and her voice echoed down the
empty corridor.

"Tyler!" She snapped. "Don't you dare yell at me! I don't know why he brought a date, let alone
her... No, I don't know if there's anything going on with them... Listen Crowley, you don't have
to tell me how disastrous this could be, I know. I'm the publicist, remember? I'm the one who's
going to have to mitigate the shit-storm that follows this, I can see it now 'Edward Cullen
sleeping with Assistant' uuugghh! This is a nightmare."

He had lied to me. She hadn't asked him to bring a date at all. In fact, she was angry that he had.
Everything he had said was reversed. She did want him single for this stuff, she wanted his
image to be recluse and cad-like.

He had lied, and because of it, she was pissed off at and about me. I should have been livid, but
oddly enough I was fucking ecstatic.

I wasn't completely sure why he'd gone against Erica's wishes but I couldn't help but think it had
to have meant he had some kind of feelings for me. I began changing out of the perfect clothes,
in the perfect hotel, thinking about the perfect guy. It all seemed too good to be true. With an
abrupt, impromptu performance from Britney Spears singing 'Womanizer' I suddenly realized it
was. The lyrics brought me to a screeching halt and my silly fantasies quickly dissolved away.

I stared at the phone for an eternity of a moment while everything around it blurred into oblivion.
No, Bella, no. I told myself. This is what he does. He's smooth and calculating and every single

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action of his is planned. He had made up that whole thing about Erica wanting him to have a date
to reinvent his image, and not having enough to work with since he'd been in Oregon. He'd made
up all of it on the spot in the car that night. Fucking Actor.

If he had any kind of feelings for me he would have expressed them, said them, showed them.
But he didn't. All he did was feel me up and tell me I looked hot.

I dutifully answered the phone, but did it with caution. Edward asked me to head over to his
room as soon as I had changed so we could discuss the plan for the following day. Like a good
assistant, I obliged.

When he answered the door he was still in a good mood and I tried to be normal, just
middle-of-the-road with him. I wasn't a bitch, which I could have been since he'd lied to me, but
neither didn't I allow myself to fall head over heels into his world like the naive little child I had
been only 20 minutes prior.

We sat on the balcony going over the next day's itinerary as he lit up a cigarette, took a drag and
held it out to me, just as he had done countless times before.

It sat there in front of me like a symbol. A shining example of how I was just letting myself fall
into his world - not stopping to think about my own personal preference, morals, opinions,

"I don't smoke." I blurted out abruptly. "Before you, I hadn't smoked since I was a sophomore in
high school, hiding under the bleachers at football games, making out with Jacob Black, and
smoking Marlboro Lights and all that crap. Not one cigarette since then... until you, anyway. Did
you know that?" It came out rushed, confession-style. It was ridiculously arbitrary, but I needed
to put my foot down. I needed him to know I wasn't just another thing in his world. And I have to
admit, I wasn't just trying to convince him of it... I was trying to convince myself as well.

He stared out over the balcony into the black LA night and spoke. "About Jacob Black and the
bleachers? No." He smirked and his eyes slide over to meet mine for a brief moment. "But the
smoking, yea I did actually." He nodded slowly but had turned his gaze back outward.

"What!?" I screeched, this was my confession, my moment of clarity and taking a stand. I was
going somewhere with this randomly sudden admission yet here he was stealing my show. Of.
Fucking. Course.

"Bella, you don't own a lighter. I've never seen you buy or carry a pack. The only time you
smoke is with me, and its from my cigarettes." He said, finally pulling his outstretched hand back
to his own lips.

"Why didn't you ever say anything?" I asked in astonishment.

"Why would I? What, accuse you of being a fake or something? Fuck that. If you didn't want
them you wouldn't have accepted them, its not my place to dole out judgement." He simply

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shrugged, exhaling out into the darkness.

"Edward, why did you ask me to come along tonight?" I asked. And it was the the second time in
the recent weeks that I'd asked him that very question. I know it sounded like a total shift in
topic, coming from the smoking conversation, but in my mind it was all related. I needed
answers as to why he was trying so hard to pull me into his world.

"Bella I already told you, Erica wanted me to bring a date. I mean, ask her I guess, wait no don't,

"Edward stop. I know. I know she didn't ask you to bring a date. In fact she's furious that you
did." I informed him and even sighed a light laugh because I wasn't angry and didn't want him to
think I was. I just needed answers.

He snapped his head over to look at me for the first time in a while and I knew he was worried
she had chewed me out about it.

"I heard her talking to Tyler on the phone while she made her way down the hall. She didn't
know I could hear." I answered his unspoken question. His body relaxed and he simply nodded,
seemingly content and turned back to gaze out over the balcony.

"We're friends right Bella?" He asked after a long pause.

"I guess, but I'm also your assistant-" I reminded him. The two were becoming blurred and I
don't think thats how it was supposed to be.

"Yea I know, but I mean... you and me, we get along, we're... we're just friends ok." He finished
with a definitive tone in his voice. And he said 'just' friends because he couldn't come up with a
better way to describe it. As if to say, 'I'm just going to use it for lack of a better term so that I
can move on with what I'm trying to say.' But I heard it another way too.

"Yea, Edward, we're just friends." I repeated his chosen words and sighed. It was true that we
were just friends but after this whole amazing night and finding out he'd brought me against
Erica's will, well I was sort of hoping in a school-girl way that perhaps there was something

I sure as hell wasn't ready to admit it, even to myself, but deep down I knew I was starting to feel
something for the schmuck. Sure I'd felt a rush of energy as early as that first night when he'd
graze my hand or lightly touch my back. But lately, I could tell those feelings had changed,
grown, matured after having gotten to really know him. And though I was aware of them, I was
also scared shitless. And if I'm being honest I don't know if I was more scared of him
reciprocating the feelings once he knew how I felt or not reciprocating them at all.

He went on - not picking up on the double meaning which I had noticed, but that was fine, I still
wanted to hear what he had to say. "I wanted a friend there with me. I get so sick of all the fake
Hollywood bullshit. I wanted someone there to laugh with at the ridiculous outfits and the

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insanely petty questions the interviewers ask. I know Erica wants me to go stag to this stuff, but I
don't care. It's my life, sure I've asked her to deal with that part of it, but I never asked her run it."

"Ok. So that's it then?" I asked. Giving him one last chance to say no, that wasn't it. To either
own up to the fact that he was doing what he does best and trying to score or own up to the fact
that he really truly was starting to feel something for me.

"Yea, that's it." He answered never once pealing his gaze away from the darkness that stretched
out in front of us with pinpricked lights scattered about.

I could have sworn I heard hesitation in his voice, but I told myself to stop. Stop imagining there
was anything else going on, and just know he was too chicken shit to admit that he planned out
this huge lie, this huge day, just to fucking try and score.

As we flew back to Oregon, I let Britney's words repeat in my mind like a warning and the
golden rule I was now, vowing to live by.

Lollipop. Must mistake me for a sucker, to think that I would be a victim, not another.
Say it, play it how you wanna, but no way I'm ever gonna fall for you. Never you, Baby.

Boy don't try to front I know just what you are.
Womanizer. Woman-Womanizer. You're a Womanizer. Oh! Womanizer. Oh! You're a Womanizer

a/n: Ok I had way too much fun with this chapter and for that reason it turned out
ridiculously long, I hope it wasn't hard to get through. But it gave me an excuse to scour the
internet in search of Bella's perfect outfit and I enjoyed that way to much. Originally the
Alice/Rosalie stuff wasn't part of the plan, but when I found so many amazing pieces I just
had to find a way to fit them in.

And in case you're intersted, here's the break down of who's taste was most expensive:

Though Bella threw on that ring at the last minute, out number the other girl's ensambles in
number of peices, she comes in third.

Bella: dress (1,148) + clutch (460) + shoes (860) + ring (315) .... grand total = $2,783

Though Rosalie gets extra credit for choosing the most expensive clutch and shoes, she still
only clocks in at second place.

Rose: dress (341) + clutch (2,790) + shoes (940) ... grand total = $4,071

And of course, that leaves Alice in first, thanks to that ridiculously expensive Oscar de la

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Renta dress. Did you ever have any doubt it would be our girl Alice on top? Nope, didn't think
so ;)

Alice: dress (4,790) + clutch (1,215) + shoes (860) ... grand total = $6,865

Alright so that's it, and just a reminder, reviews are good for the soul ;)

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Chapter: 9

Chapter 9


When we got back to Oregon it was like nothing had happened. Sure Alice and Rosalie pestered
me for hours on end trying to get details about what had gone on, but the truth was, nothing had.

I know they didn't believe me since I'd just come back from a huge, fairy-tail-like night with him,
but it was true. Nothing had happened. And after at short as a few days of seeing Edward and I
acting the same exact why we had before the premiere, I think they started to finally believe me.

Sure he had been a little touchy-feely but that's just Edward. Well, any guy for that matter. He
gravitated to the skin like a moth to a motherfucking flame. It was my own fault really, for
putting the bait out there. He had always played his interest, fake as it was, up front so he wasn't
really doing anything new. I, however, had always played it coy and careful, so once I actually
threw him a little bait, he jumped on that shit like a fucking parana.

Any inkling I had that something may have been starting between us was shot down the moment
I gave himself a chance to explain why he'd invited me. He didn't take the opportunity to own up
to anything, simply explaining he wanted a friend there with him. I literally wanted to smack
myself over the head for going all school-girl on him and thinking his inviting me actually meant
something more.

Besides, I probably would have been in even more confusion than I currently found myself in. If
he had mirrored my brief stint of insanity, I wouldn't have known what to do. The guy was my
boss for fuck's sake, and the fact that he was a total womanizer was the cherry on the god damn

Edward and I fell back into our same little routine for the next few weeks, the rest of the world,
however, was curious. Pictures from the premiere got online that very same night and fan
message boards and celebrity gossip blogs went berserk. It finally died down, however, when the

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interviews came out with Edward stating I was merely his assistant and was stepping in as his
date. Any extra speculation was quickly dispelled when Erica purposely leaked rumors that he
was dating some model named Tanya - the girl originally intended to be on his arm that night.

Mine and Edward's rooms were on the same floor of the hotel, but the similarities ended there.
His was near the elevators, mine was down the hallway and around 2 corners. His had a door
bell, mine did not. His had double doors, mine had one.

You guessed it, the guy had a fucking suit. It had a kitchen, living room, 2 bed rooms - each with
a walk in closet, bathroom with jacuzzi tub, and flat screen TV - a closet with a washer and
dryer, great view, the works. The funny thing was that the guy could have lived in a box and
been happy.

Because the whole thing was fully furnished, on some of the nights I was at the hotel and he was
coming back from set I'd make him dinner. Very 1950's housewife of me right? I didn't mind
though, and honestly, after the hours he worked and everything he put into his performance, the
guy fucking deserved it.

So one night just like all the others, about a month and a half into the shoot, I headed over to his
room, slid the key in and out of the lock and let myself in. His crap was all over the place, as
usual. He never let the house keeping staff clean up. I understood why though, it felt more like
home and less like a hotel that way. But fuck Edward, let them straighten up every once in a

In typical Edward fashion, the kitchen was untouched of course. I was positive it hadn't been
used since our Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry Night last week. I kicked off my shoes and began
unloading the contents of my packages onto the counter.

Tonight was Spaghetti Night. It was one of the easiest things to make yet seamed to be his

I looked down into the last package sitting on the counter, it held a few candles and a bottle of
red wine. Now, don't get the wrong idea. I wasn't planning on seducing the guy or anything, just
listen. I know its silly and stupid but it's a tradition, ok?

When I was young, my mother, Renee, and I would have Spaghetti Night together and we would
prepare the entire thing by candlelight. She insisted that it emphasized the Italian theme, making
the food that much better, and said we couldn't turn the lights back on until after the meal was

When I moved in with Charlie in high school, I was hesitant to bring the tradition, it seemed
juvenile. But one night while I was making it he casually asked where the candles were. At
seeing my shock, he went on to explain how he knew. Though I didn't remember at all,
apparently the three of us - he, Renee, and myself - used to do the very same thing when we all
lived together in Forks. It made me sad to not remember these memories of our short time

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together as a family, which he obviously held so dearly, so I vowed then and there to always
continue the silly little tradition.

Now, there was no way in hell I was going to make Edward eat in the near-darkness with me, so
I decided to prepare the dinner my way and then serve and eat it normally. So I found one of his
lighters, lit the candles and placed them around the kitchen.

Flipping off the lights, the suite was illuminated with white moon light as it splashed in through
the large window on the opposing wall. The candles flickered weakly in comparison, but
provided a warmth and softness that the harsh white light did not.

And that bottle of red, You ask? Well, I may have added that to the tradition. What? Don't judge
me, this job is beyond stressful.

I poured myself a full glass. As I took a long sip I thought to myself, its too quiet in here. I
reached over to the iPod dock Edward had set up the counter. Of. Fucking. Course. My iPod was
propped up in it. I didn't even remember him borrowing it. Oh well, the guy was helpless, I really
shouldn't have been surprised.

I opted not to use the dock and plugged the headphones into the tiny device. I clicked through
my options and laughed when I came across Dean Martin, not my typical choice but due to the
theme I had going I couldn't resist. I slipped the iPod into my back pocket and danced around the
kitchen with my glass of wine as the lyrics and melodies filled my head.

I put the pot of water on the stove and I began chopping basil and garlic while I waited for it to
boil - taking sips of wine in between and snacking on all the ingredients. Soon enough the water
was rumbling and my glass was empty. I slid the raw noodles into the pot and refilled my glass.

From there the rest was quick and easy. I sautéed the garlic and some butter in a frying pan,
began heating the bolognese sauce on the stove, and threw the garlic bread in the oven for a few
minutes just to heat it up. The place smelled fucking delicious if I do say so myself.

Nearing the end of my work I walked over to the sauce pan, picked it up and swirled the think
red liquid around, not wanting it to burn. With the other hand I finished off the last sip of wine in
glass number two and set it aside. Wine had the most delicious affect on me now.

Since I had become Edward's assistant I decided to cut back on my drinking. Now that I was in
the middle of working for him and discovering what a toddler he could be, I realized that
drinking was practically a necessity. But still, I had cut back tremendously and now, two nicely
poured glasses gave me the most wonderful, carefree buzz. My mind was swimming, and I was
loving it.

The CD's final song was filling my already hazy head. As I swirled the sauce pan away from the
flame and I lazily closed my eyes. I swayed my hips, a little tipsy, back and forth and rolled my
head with the slow romantic music that was flowing through the ear buds. I was feeling good.

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Suddenly a single hand snaked around the front of my waist. I gasped and practically dropped
the sauce pan back onto the stove. I quickly snapped out of my trance-like state, clicked off the
flame and yanked the earphones out of my ears, tossing the cord over one shoulder.

"Edward!" I yelped, jumping around to face him and swatting him on the chest.

He did shit like this from time to time, especially when I was doing my 50's housewife thing. He
probably yelled "Honey, I'm Home!" when he walked through the door, like he always did, but I
hadn't heard it because of the iPod. Keep doing it Edward, it never ceases to amuse, not even
after the 10th fucking time.

Typically he'd swat me right back - usually on my ass but whatever - and pull himself up onto
the counter, swing his legs back and forth, and munch on the raw materials I was using to make
the dinner with. He'd tell me about his day as I finished up and served the dishes and we'd go sit
down to eat.

Tonight, however, when I turned to face him, his other hand was holding flowers. That was a

"For you, my own little June Cleaver." He beamed. He lifted the bouquet, indicating for me to
take it. "What's with the lights and the candles?" He asked, looking around the kitchen in

"Thanks Ward, but I might have to divorce your ass if you don't start picking up your shit!" I
laughed, looking around the suite which was in complete disarray. I took the flowers with
appreciation and tossed them on the counter behind him. Flowers were new and I didn't really
know how to react to them.

His face fell a bit as I tossed the bundle aside, but really, come on now. They were probably one
of dozens that collected at the front desk everyday from the many fans that came all the way out
here to see him and the rest of the cast.

There had even been a white envelope stuff into them. That right there told me they weren't from
him. He never filled out cards or anything like that. Edward didn't do personal. And though they
may not have been from him, the fact that he thought to bring them to me was still kind of sweet.
Sweet for a womanizer, anyway.

"Oh, god the lights and candles? Don't get the wrong idea!" I laughed suddenly realizing I hadn't
answered his question about them. "Its just this thing I used to do with Renee and Charlie. Its
stupid I'll turn them back-" I reached for switch.

"Don't." He put his hand on mine. I pulled my arm back in, causing his to fall away. "You don't
have to stop you know." He said and he was still standing directly behind me, making me

"Stop what?" I asked, stirring the sauce that had been ready for 3 minutes already. I honestly

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didn't know what he was talking about though.

"Dancing." I dropped the wooden spoon. Ugh, he saw that? Em-bar-ras-sing. "I will dance with
you madame." He said with bravado, twirling me around by my hips to face him.

"Cut the shit Edward, the food is just about ready and its going to be delicious, as always." I tried
to redirect the conversation. He knew I wasn't going to fall for his lame attempts. He'd been
throwing them at me since day one and each one I shot down like I was a god damn sniper. So
why the hell was he not letting up as quickly as he normally did? One swat to that pesky fly and
he'd usually go on his way, laughing and shaking his head a little.

"Come on, dance with me." He said with a slight whine in his voice, but I could tell he was using
it to cover up the fact that he was serious. Fucking Actors.

I tried to duck away from him but he quickly slid the iPod out of my back pocket and reached
over with one hand still holding my hip, the other popped the little gadget onto the Dock. He
discarded the earphones to the side and Dean's voice came through clearly.

"Nice choice,we can totally dance to this." He laughed and put his hand back to its original place
on my hip

"Edwaaard." I whined like a child. "And don't laugh at my choice, I never listen to this CD
anyway- Hey! How was your day?" I spouted out the question trying to sound really interested,
"You were doing some insane stunt work right?"

"Fuck, the harness for the wirework was grinding into my... wait!"

I bursted out laughing. "I'm sorry darling but its just so easy." I reached up and patted his cheek
with my right hand. He circled my wrist with his long fingers before I could retract it. I knew
what he was doing. "Edward, I'm not dancing with you."

"Why not Bella, give me one good reason." He pleaded, playfully, but pleaded.

"Because you're a piece of shit, that's why." I teased, though, yea I'll admit it, I was diverting.

Ok I know what you're thinking... on the outside I know it looked like we were terrible to each
other, but truthfully, it was all done with love. Sure it was that sibling, platonic kind, but hey,
that shit is strong. We called each other foul names from the very beginning - that night in the
club. It had always been a joke, and when something wasn't a joke, when it was really fucking
serious, we never used those names. We were a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen,
and though it didn't look like it - with all the ass slapping, name calling, lewd comments and
such - we really did respect each other.

He had his right hand on my hip, from twirling me around to face him and his left was now
holding my wrist up near his cheek. His face dropped at my crass response.

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"What the fuck Edward?" I questioned, he looked like I'd just kicked a puppy.

"No Bella. 'What the fuck' to you."

"What? The dancing? You're mad about the dancing? Please." I tried to shake it off.

"No Bella. Look..." He sighed, and I could tell he was preparing to tell me something kind of
really big. Shit. "I know I started off as a complete dick, the way we met and everything. And
yea, I'll admit, I enjoyed getting you all worked up like on the plane and shit, well I still do...
fuck ok, this isn't where I was trying to go with this..."

He stopped for a moment, took a deep breath and continued slowly, thoughtfully. "Its just that
ever since then I've tried to be better, sure sometimes I just can't help it and I slide back a little
because its entertaining and come on, you can't deny that it is fun, but no one's perfect. What's
important is that I really have been trying to be a decent enough guy for you and, well, fuck I just
don't think my ego can take any more rejection." He wouldn't meet my eye line and I could tell
he was dead fucking serious.

He had always made passes at me but I figured that was his way, his game, our game. He was
the cheeky-ass bastard that shoved plane tickets down his pants and dared me to retrieve them
while I was prudish girl who flippantly shot down his flirtatious advances. It had all been just a
big joke, one big never ending game. 'Had been' suddenly didn't apply anymore though.

"Edward-" I tried to touch his arm with my free hand to comfort him, but he dodged it. Shit. He
really was serious, wasn't he?

It had always been a game, and now that he wasn't playing, I didn't know what my next move
was supposed to be. I did not have a playbook for this.

"why?... I mean, I'm just... and you're..." I stuttered probably not making any fucking scene. I just
didn't understand how this guy could actually want me, he could literally have anyone he wanted,
and he had already had me as his date that premiere and didn't do shit about it.

Sure, if I put out easily I could see him accepting, but to actually put effort into it and attempt to
clean up his act or whatever he had just said - it just didn't make sense.

"Huh?" His face contorted into a confused, questioning expression. Though he was still being
very serious, he laughed a little at my tongue tied jumble of a statement.

I thought about my options and came up with a plan. "Never mind, look mister..." I tried to keep
it light. "If the next song is slow, I'll dance with you." I had figured out that the next artist on my
iPod, after Dean Martin was Death from Above 1979. The CD started off with the song 'Sexy
Results' which would be sheer perfection because it would cut the awkward-ass tension that was
quickly building in this kitchen.

I felt bad knowing he wasn't going to get his way but I just couldn't let it happen. I definitely had

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started feeling something for the guy, and though I'd told myself to be extremely careful after the
premiere, the truth was, I just couldn't let go of whatever it was. And even though I'd finally
come to terms with it, I wasn't exactly prepared to face it head on right this second. Even if part
of my silly little heart wanted something to happen, the rest of me knew it was a terrible idea.

He was my boss. I was his lowly assistant.
He was gorgeous. I was average.
He was god damn Hollywood Royalty and I was Bella from Forks.
No matter how you looked at it, I was destined for heartbreak.

After telling him I'd dance if a slow song came on, a small smile returned to his lips. "Knowing
you, you've figured out exactly what song is coming next, so we're putting it on shuffle."


"No, play fair." The grin grew bigger, my objection proving his assumption right.

Shit. He knew me way too well. He took his hand from my hip, leaned over and clicked the
Shuffle button, never breaking eye contact with me. The guy was smooth. Fucking Celebrities.

He reclaimed my hip promptly and we waited.

We were staring at each other in silence and my heart was fucking racing. At this point, I was
thinking how awkward would it have been if some upbeat pop shit came blaring from the
speakers?! I would have had to just hop out of his grasp and made a joke out of it. Or if
'Womanizer' came pumping out, I'd just fucking die. Ugh, a second ago I wanted an upbeat song
to save me, now I didn't, now I wanted to fall into this thing? Shit was getting way too confusing
for me.

Silence still.

Was he trying to kill me? As he looked down at me his grin grew into an outright smile. He was
enjoying the torturous silence because he knew it was positively killing me.

A moment later the beautifully slow strumming of an acoustic guitar filled the little kitchen. It
was childlike and pretty, yet sad and hollow. It could only be one thing. Bright Eyes. The song
was 'Lua' and not just the album version but the bonus one with the extended intro. And it was
my favorite.

Of. Fucking. Course. Does this piece of shit never lose a gamble?

The guy actually looked down at me with curious eyes, the smile had faded. I don't know if he
wasn't familiar with the song or if maybe he wasn't really registering the soft music because, like
me, he was running on survival mode at this point.

I knew what his eyes were asking me though. Of course its a slow song silly Edward, no song

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starts off that slow and delicate and then just picks up into some metal jam session.

"Yes." I softly answered his unspoken question. "It is a slow song... one of my favorites
actually." My eyes watered slightly. This song had so much meaning to me. "How the fuck do
you do that Cullen?"

"Do what?" He asked with slight confusion in his voice as his eyebrows knitted together, but a
triumphant smile was starting to grow after hearing that it was, indeed, a slow song.

"Cut straight to the only ace left in the deck." Damn Emmett for forcing poker terms into my
brain. "...shuffle randomly to, not only a slow song, but the slow song that has reminded me of
you, of us, since the night we met." I finished completely astounded.

"I'm just lucky I guess." He beamed down at me. It was the same thing he'd said to Jessica, but
meant for me that night in the club when he won the bet that had lead us to this exact point. And
now, in typical Edward fashion, he'd won this round too and he began gearing up to collect his

The right hand he had on my hip slid around to the small of my back, pulling me in closer. His
left hand, which was still holding my wrist in the air, slipped upward and caught mine in it.

He's got you now, you took the bait.
You still can run, its not too late.

a/n: OK so both songs mentioned in this chapter are ACE. Go check them out.... Death from
above 1979's song Sexy Results is best as the Mstrkrft Edition, its hysterical and catchy and
just downright fantastic (i'll warn you though, the video is minimize it or
something haha). And Lua by Bright Eyes... well that's just perfection - though you might
want to wait till next chapter to really listen. Note, however, that there is no 'extended intro
version', or at least that I'm aware of, I just needed it to have a long intro so that these two
could have their little exchange.

So the story is getting juicy little ones, I promise I'll update on time. review, review, review.
thank you, thank you, thank you!

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Chapter: 10

"Yes." I softly answered his unspoken question. "It is a slow song... one of my favorites actually."

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My eyes watered slightly. This song had so much meaning to me. "How the fuck do you do that

"Do what?" He asked with slight confusion in his voice as his eyebrows knitted together, but a
triumphant smile was starting to grow after hearing that it was, indeed, a slow song.

"Cut straight to the only ace left in the deck." Damn Emmett for forcing poker terms into my
brain. "...shuffle randomly to, not only a slow song, but the slow song that has reminded me of
you, of us, since the night we met." I finished completely astounded.

"I'm just lucky I guess." He beamed down at me. It was the same thing he'd said to Jessica, but
meant for me that night in the club when he won the bet that had lead us to this exact point. And
now, in typical Edward fashion, he'd won this round too and he began gearing up to collect his

The right hand he had on my hip slid around to the small of my back, pulling me in closer. His
left hand, which was still holding my wrist in the air, slipped upward and caught mine in it.

a/n: bolded type = lyrics out loud. I'm sure you smart cookies would have figured that out on
your own, but what can I say :) ...I specify 'out loud' because I included those britney lyrics a
few chapters ago but they were just in Bella's head so were written differently.

Chapter 10


"I know that it is freezing but I think we have to walk."

The flawed childlike voice filled the candle lit room and I was suddenly overcome with
memories of the first night we met.

Walking outside to the empty street, I remembered that damn cigarette on his lips and the smell
of his jacket as he wrapped me inside of it with him just after saying those exact words - I know
that it is freezing but I think we have to walk.
It was right out of a god damn movie. Fucking
Actors. But, in his defense, he truly had no idea what he'd just said.

At that first line I turned my face to the right, softly resting my head against his chest and gazing
at our hands. He had my tiny one tucked inside of his. We swayed back and forth in the dim
candlelight, while the steadfast moon shone in the dark sky beyond him. The air was heavy with
the rich scent of pasta sauce, garlic, and basil.

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The lyrics continued to spill out into the room and I became worried. I realized I had told him
that this song reminded me of him, of us, and the next few lines were precisely something I could
imagine him saying, but I didn't want him to know it. It would make me look like a scared little
girl, and though that's exactly what I was, I didn't want him knowing it.

"...but me, I'm not a gamble; you can count on me to split.
The love I sell you in the evening, by the morning won't exist."

I hated that I could so clearly hear those words come from his mouth, but it was the truth. He was
Edward Cullen, womanizer-extraordinaire, and even, though he seemed to be sincere in his
actions tonight, I still knew him well enough that it wouldn't surprise me in the least if come
morning he shrugged this whole this off as if it weren't the most amazingly romantic thing in my
entire life.

I was fairly certain he figure out who I imagined actually speaking those lyrics was. I suppose it
could have been reversed, but we both knew who was more fickle of the two of us. And even
though I acted like I held all the cards, we both knew as soon as I caved, he would have all the
power. All the power and capability of surely breaking my heart.

The rhythm with which he was leading, skipped a beat and I held my breath. He had made the
connection. But then, he just kept right on going, swaying to the music, pulling me in a little
tighter, and kissing the top of my head sweetly.

He left his lips there, pressed into my hair and happiness and relief and trust and hope washed
over me. The tears that had pooled in my eyes with the first few notes of the song spilled over
and onto his chest, where I still had my head laying. I swayed with him enjoying the rest of the
song and the entirely new and life changing moment we had somehow stumbled into.

And I chose to ignore the fact that the with each chorus, a message similar to that first one drifted
from the speakers. And mostly, I chose to ignore the final message which was looming like a god
damn omen. It fit more perfectly with tonight than anything, I knew it, and I hated it.

Things seemed so perfect right now, and I didn't want those fucking words ruining anything. But
we both knew how true the message was, and with that realization, out it drift...

"What is simple in the moonlight, by the morning never is.
It was so simple in the moonlight now it's so complicated.
It was so simple in the moonlight,
so simple in the moonlight,
so simple in the moonlight."


The song ended and the iPod shuffled on to the next, and I honestly couldn't tell you what it was.
I was so wrapped up in this entire moment, a fucking bomb could have gone off and I wouldn't

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have notice.

I lifted my lips from her hair - I loved that it always smelled like strawberries - and looked down
at the top of her head as she continued to rest against me. A smile spread across my face at the
simple sight.

I gently pulled her away from me. She looked up quickly, questioningly, fear flashing through
her eyes. I removed my hands from her grasp and waist and she dropped her chin in rejection. No
Bella - sweet, silly, beautiful, Bella - you've got it all wrong.

I quickly scooped her tiny face up into my hands and she looked up at me with those beautiful
large watery eyes. I slid my thumbs out to lightly rubbed away the tears that were bathing the
smooth skin under them. Her eyes instinctively fluttered closed at my touch and I knew it was
now or never.

I leaned down, tilting her face up slightly to mine and I pressed my lips, softly against hers. I
waited, gauging her reaction. A meaningful few seconds later she slowly parted her lips, dipping
her head to capture my bottom lip in between her two unbelievably soft ones. She suck on it
gently before releasing it and tilting her head to the side just a little more, slipping her tongue
into my mouth. The kiss was slow and deep. Meaningful, and sensual. And it was fucking

I had been wanting to kiss her from the first moment I met her and that desire never once let up.
But after getting to know her and realizing how amazing she really was, not only did that longing
not relent, it intensified and grew into a deeper more meaningful craving.

When it finally happened there in the kitchen it could have been hasty and rushed, I know we
both felt the yearning and sexual tension for months now. It would have been so easy and
satisfying to simply give into the fire that had been steadily building.

But I didn't want to take the easy way out - she deserved so much better. I wasn't looking for
instant gratification and I needed to show her that. By taking that first kiss, that first touch of our
lips, slowly and carefully it was my way of telling her I knew what I was doing and all that
would come with such an action. I wanted, needed her to know that it wasn't sporadic or rushed
or unplanned. Actions taken that way often lead to regret. No. I was complete aware of what was
taking place, and I'd be damned if it was anything but respectful and worthy of her.

Italian. She tasted like a delicious combination of Italian food and... Bella. "Someone's been
snacking before dinner." I smirking, speaking into her mouth. I felt her smile back.

She quickly caught my bottom lip again, but this time with her teeth. "Yea, and what are you
gonna do about it?" She teased scrunching up her nose and leaning back a fraction so that her
large doe eyes met mine.

The mood had turned light-hearted and playful just then, but after our eyes met for a few
seconds, she released my lip and pulled back a little more, giving us a clear view directly into

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each other eyes. All smiles and playfulness faded.

Our eyes stayed locked for a few long seconds and I'm positive the realization of what was
happening was running through both of our minds. Now it was both of our ways of saying... I
know what I'm doing... I know what's happening and I'm 100 percent fucking positive its what I

And with that she crashed her lips back into mine with a force and an eagerness that I didn't
know was in her.

Her hands quickly roamed my body as mine did the same to hers. I spun us around and stumbled,
pushing her backwards, towards the counter top which had been behind me. I shoved the long
forgotten flowers aside and helped her hoisted her little body up onto the counter. She wrapped
her legs tightly around my waist.

We stayed that way for... I don't know how long... just kissing and grabbing and moaning and
simply allowing ourselves to be caught up in the moment. Months of agonizingly strong sexual
tension had finally led to this, and neither of us willing to waste any time.

Finally she pushed her little palms against my chest and I stepped back, more from the action
than than the actual strength of her tiny hands. I made room for her to slide down from the
counter and into the space in front of me, our lips never once broke contact.

We blindly stumbled out of the kitchen and both knew where we were headed. The bedroom.

Looking back, I know it seemed quick. Less than 20 minutes ago she was my assistant making
my dinner while I was on my way back from work, but it wasn't as simple as that and we both
knew it. Though we hadn't been romantic at all in the past, we had gotten to know and care for
each other better, probably, than most couples of 4 and a half months - which was how long we'd
known each other.

I knew that she hated that uncontrollable blush that always caught her off guard, but what she
didn't know is that she had two of them and I was infatuated with both. One was a deep flushed
red and it spread quickly and violently across her face and even her neck, when she was angry.
The other was softer, more pink than red, and it flourished slowly whenever she became
embarrassed. It was usually accompanied by her dropping her little face to hide, while
awkwardly twisting her feet.

I knew that even though she gave me a hard time for always being late, having disgustingly
disheveled hair, being able to eat hot pockets for breakfast lunch and dinner, using my smirk to
get my way, and being completely helpless without her - even though she gave me shit for all of
that, I knew, in fact, it was just a few of the things she liked most about me. That I didn't pretend
to be someone I wasn't when I was with her. She liked all that crap she claimed to hate because
she knew it meant I was comfortable enough to be myself around her. And though I knew she
liked that about me, the truth is, I liked, even loved, that she brought that out of me. Very few
people could.

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I knew that she tried to act tough and confident, like she held all the cards, but I also knew it was
an act, a way of keeping her heart from being too exposed. I knew she didn't fully trust me not to
hurt her, and to be honest, I didn't fully trust myself either. Though I wanted so badly to treat her
the way she deserved, I knew myself well enough to know I could fuck things up in 30 seconds
flat. I knew she felt something for me the way I did for her but she was scared to see what it was
or where it would go. And even with that fear and uncertainty, she was willing to carry on with
where the night was going -and for that, I swear I felt like I loved her.

I knew all of this, and for that reason, this, right here and now, heading to the bedroom only
minutes after kissing her for the first time, I knew it was all ok. Because mine and Bella's
relationship had never been normal or socially acceptable or even law abiding... sexual
harassment, anyone? It had always defied logic and every social 'rule' out there, but we didn't

As we made our way towards the bedroom pieces of clothing were discarded, strewn about the
moonlit suite. Her jeans here, my shirt there. They lay scattered about like a map, the
metaphorical trail of bread crumbs that Hansel and Gretle left in their wake as a message to the
outside world. Come and find us the message had said. Come and save us.

But not ours, tonight Bella and I were staying as far away from the outside world as possible and
tonight, we were saving each other.

Silly rabbit, silly girl,?the moonlight is a shield.
The sun will rise, the pain will start?and be so hard to heal.

a/n: I know its downright sinful of me to cut it off there but come oonnnn I had to! But hey,
we got Edward's pov again, nice huh? ...finally giving us a little insight to what that sneaky
bastard has been thinking & it turns out, his intentions are pretty damn good. Hooray right?
And not just that but his pov will actually be more frequent from here on out. Good news huh?
pretty great yea? OK OK I know, you just want the next chapter. It'll be out soon k... or will it?
I guess reviews will tell. Oh how awful of me, I've never threatened to withhold chapters but
what can I say, I love reviews!

ps. I don't know what it is with me and children's stories... alice and wonderland, hansel and
gretle.. sorry `bout that.

ps round 2. I'm only kidding about holding the next chapter hostage in exchange for reviews...
well half kidding ;) get to it you smut-hungry readers, the chapter will come soon enough!
...and so may our favorite duo. ew ok, too far too far haha

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Chapter: 11

a/n: of cooourse I wasn't going to withhold this chapter, I'm not that cruel... but I have to say
it was nice to see some new reviewers jumping in!... and as always, those who review every
time, without fail, hold a special place in my heart. awww ok enough sweetness, now on to the
nasty haha.

alright obviously, if you've been paying attention, there's some smut up in here. The scene is
all contained into this chapter so if you'd rather not read it, I'm sorry, you'll just have to wait
for the next chapter to be posted. OR for a more PG-13 version scroll down to the very last bit
with Edward's pov, though you'll be missing some important internal dialogue from the
characters and lets me honest, this story is rated M and clearly stated there would be smut.

For those of you who are fine with it and even been waiting for, it carry on your dirty little
way. Also, if anyone is interested or likes following along with music and shit like that, I wrote
and imagined the climax (no pun intended, no seriously) of the scene to the song 'Prophecy'
by Remy Zero and put a little reminder in the chapter if you want to play it (its linked up in my
profile). Its a great song on its own but fits really well with deliciously dirty scenes ...if anyone
saw The Last Kiss with Zack Braff and Rachel Bilson, then you may recognize it from la sex
scene. Alright enough, lets get at it!

As we made our way towards the bedroom pieces of clothing were discarded, strewn about the
moonlit suite. Her jeans here, my shirt there. They lay scattered about like a map, the
metaphorical trail of bread crumbs that Hansel and Gretle left in their wake as a message to the
outside world.
Come and find us the message had said. Come and save us.

But not ours, tonight Bella and I were staying as far away from the outside world as possible and
tonight, we were saving each other.

Chapter 11


Just as we reached the french doors leading into his bedroom, Edward slid his a single hand
down under my ass and picked me up. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist, causing
me to press directly into his rock hard erection. I moaned loudly at the feeling and tightened my
legs, eliciting the same reaction from him.

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He slid the doors open with his free hand, guided us in and reached behind himself to slid them
back closed. It was a small gesture but I appreciated the privacy and intimacy of the action.

Now, I know what you're thinking. 'Fast' right? And I honestly don't blame you, but hear me out
ok. The thing about Edward and me, and I know its just going to sound like an excuse, but the
truth is, we spent so many hours a day and days per week together that we truly knew each other
better than our own friends and family probably did.

I knew that whenever I blushed he couldn't look away from it, he loved that stupid color on my
checks for some absurd reason. What he didn't know was that I had developed a brand new color
since I met him. Before it had always been the same fast spreading crimson that overtook my
face and even my neck when I was really angry or embarrassed. But since meeting him,
whenever something embarrassing happened in front of him, and him alone, the blush became
softer, more delicate, but never less embarrassing.

I knew that even though I gave him a really fucking hard time about things like: being late all the
time, never washing his dirty-ass hair, his unnatural love of instant foods with expiration dates
further away than my great great great grandchildren's births, the way he used his smirk to his
advantage, and being completely and totally hopeless without me... even though I gave him crap
for all of it, in truth, it was what I liked most about him. Because I knew, those exact things
where what made Edward... well, Edward.

I knew he put on a front as that suave, extroverted, debonaire guy, and now that he was famous
and girls were literally throwing themselves at him, he almost had a right to be that cocky - but
after knowing for him for less than a week, I saw something different. I saw the guy who was
introverted, sang loudly and rocked out to songs in the car, enjoyed reading and was even lame
enough to sit home on the occasional saturday night. So even though I gave him crap about those
silly things, I knew it was him showing me his real self, the one that not everyone got to see. And
I liked, even loved, the fact that he was comfortable enough with me to do that.

I knew that even though I tried to act like I was in charge of things around here, he could see
right through my act, but played along anyway. And for that I was grateful. We both knew that if
he really wanted to, if he pushed just enough and in just the right way, he could probably have
had me a long time ago. I could never understand why he just didn't, that is until his confession
this evening - about wanting to treat me right.

And that was sweat and totally gentlemanly of him - especially coming from someone like him -
but I'd being lying if I said I wasn't completely terrified he'd break my little heart. Because even
though he swore to try to treat me well and I could see him excited with hope and good
intentions, I could also see the doubt flickering in his eyes.

It made me sad that he doubted his own ability to treat a girl with love and respect, but at least he
was honest enough with himself to know it was a sincere possibility that he could screw this up
in less than half a minute.

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I knew he could fuck it up, we both did, but even with that knowledge, we continued on with
where the night was taking us. Because, for the first time in 4 and a half months that felt like an
eternity, Edward and I were being completely honest with one another. No games. No unspoken
implications. Nothing but the truth. And the truth was that we wanted each other, entirely. And
we wanted it right, fucking, now.

So though it may have seemed fast to anyone outside of the situation, to us it was a long fucking
time coming... 4 and a half months to be exact.

He walked me back towards the bed and sat me down, gently, on its edge. Our lips finally broke
apart and he stood, looking down at me and me back up at him. We stared into each others eyes
for a long time while the moon bathed the room in its white invasive light.

He knelt down in front of me slowly, gently, reverently and though it may have been to be at the
same eye level, I have to say it felt like he was putting himself on my level or even lower, by
kneeling himself at my feet - because for so long I never felt like I was on his.

He reached out both hands, curling his fingers under the hem of my shirt. Without a word I
raised my arms and he slowly, carefully pealed the shirt up over my head.

His fingers grazed my stomach and my, though restrained, extremely hard nipples as he went. I
shivered each time his skin made contact with mine. Once it was off, he placed both hands on
either side of my rib cage and stroked the soft skin there with his thumbs.

I watched his eyes as he watched hands. They began exploring, memorizing inch by inch every
piece of skin - every single, solitary freckle - none of which he had ever seen before.

He slid one hand around to unfastened my bra. It lightly flicked open and hung on my shoulders

He placed his hands on my arms and slid them upwards with the lightest of touches. His hands
met and passed the loose straps. First he slipped one hand down, causing the strap to fall, and
then the other. As the second strap came down, the bra fell away silently to my lap and I slipped
it down to the floor. I watched as his eyes moved from his hands, down to take in the newly
revealed sight before him.

He paused for a moment, but then slowly moved one hand down to cup a single breast, and then
the other, brushing his thumbs across my nipples. I gasped and closed my eyes, letting my head
fall back. I had enjoyed watching him watching his hands, but now I was getting caught up in the
moment and wanted to just let myself go... with him... for once. He slowly began kneading and
massaging the tender areas and it pushed me deep into bliss.

"Edward." I mewled quietly. It instantly spurred him on. He began twisting and pulling and
pinching my nipples and I groaned, this time from deep within my throat. I dove one of my
hands into his hair, slid it around to the back of his head and pulled his face forward, into his
own hands.

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I heard him breath a light laugh but obliged my silent, yet forceful plea. His hands slipped down
to my waste as his mouth, tongue and teeth replaced his them and it was exactly what I wanted,
needed. After a few moments he pulled away and I heard him stand up. I opened my eyes
quickly, snapping my head up at the sudden loss of his mouth.

He placed one knee beside me on the edge of the bed. I leaned back on my elbows as he towered
in over me, planting his hands on either side of me, while his other knee found rest on the bed as

I lifted my heels to the edge of the bed and slowly crawled backwards on my elbows and feet as
he mirrored my movements above me. He was a lion stalking his prey and I was more than
happy to be taken by him.

We grinned back and forth at each other with locked eyes until my head reached a pillow and I
let myself gently down onto it. For a long moment we gazed at each other, lust raging both green
and brown. It was the second time we'd taken things slowly, and again it was our way of says we
fully understood the weight of the situtation. And just like the first time, this slow meaningful
declaration was followed with pure, eager passion.

Suddenly he swooped down kissing me roughly and I gladly met his vigor. We made quick work
of removing the few articles of clothing we still had on and soon he was reaching his free hand
down between us and slowly sliding a single finger up through my slit which was slick with my
own warm moisture. He finished his stroke by flicking his finger has he reached my throbbing
clit. I sharply in-took a breath and he grinned at the knowledge that he was driving me crazy.

"Damn you're wet." He said in awe and I simply bit my lip and nodded up at him. He had no idea
how often he had me like this.

He worked his fingers in circular motions that both satisfied and teased me beyond belief. Just as
it was getting to be too much he plunged two long fingers into me and immediately I bucked
myself up into his hand at the new sensation it brought. It fueled him to work harder, faster.

My hips, his fingers and palm all found a steady rhythm and though I'd like to say I held out a bit
longer, within what seemed like less than a minute, I came. My body arched and writhed
uncontrollably under him as it rippled through me, and I shuddered with aftershocks as his
fingers slowly worked to bring me down.


All of my senses were in overdrive. I was completely mesmerized by this beautiful sight reeling
and thrashing in front of me, under me, around me, because of me. The sounds coming from her
were making me even harder, which I honestly didn't think was possible at this point. And as I
gently slid my fingers out of her I had could see, feel and, fuck, smell the new wave of her juices
that had just hit as a result of the orgasm I'd given her. And taste? Well, that I was ready and
willing to find out next, since my mouth was already watering with her sweet scent heavy in the

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I looked up at her face. Her eyes were closed and her soft full lips were slightly parted as she
breathed heavily through them. Her gorgeous unrestrained chest was rising and falling quickly.

I took that opportunity to lean over and press my lips to hers quickly causing her eyes to open
lazily. She then quirked her lips into the sexiest damn smile I'd ever seen and I should have
known she was forming a plan.

Faster than I knew what had happened, she pushed me onto my back and kneeled down in
between my legs. I watched as she turned her head, giving me a side view as she brought her
hand directly in front of her face. She laid her tongue out flat and pressed it to the base of her
palm. Slowly she dragged her hand down, causing her tongue to slide it all the way up her hand
in one slick, long stroke and flicked it as she reached the tip of her middle finger.

She turned back to me with a mischievous grin and I must have looked like a dumfounded idiot.
I didn't give a shit though. I was just too fucking happy to finally be in an honest situation with
Bella, for once, and I wasn't going to waist any time or energy by holding back.

I had literally been hypnotized at the sight of her tongue and left in sheer awe after that little
stunt. Who knew this seemingly reserved girl had it in her? What came next was even better.

She curled her glistening fingers into a loose fist and slipped her hand slowly down the length of
my cock. I had been waiting for some kind, any kind of warm physical contact all night and the
waiting seemed to only intensified every action, every touch, every inch she took within her

She brought her other palm to her mouth, licked it quickly and brought it down to meet its pair.
She slowly, rhythmically worked her hands up and down sliding and turning them as she went.
Every few intervals she'd brush her thumb over the tip and it didn't surprise me at all that this girl
would figure out my weakness. She was perfect like that.

I had closed my eyes somewhere around the first touch and was failing miserably at trying to
maintain any kind of composed look on my face. I didn't care though, and just let myself
plummet deeper into the situation.

Occasionally I'd feel one of her hands disappear yet return quickly, freshly slick. I figured she
was simply re-licking them but after hearing her moan during one of the absences I opened my
eyes to see what she was up to.

With each removal of her hand I'd see her dive her free fingers into herself, getting them slick
and wet and ready to slide back down my length. Each time she'd do it, her head would loll
slightly in one direction, obviously enjoying the pleasure, temporary as it may have been.

It was a simple act, one that she didn't even intend to been observed, the way she had blatantly
displayed the licking of her hand moments ago. But this was just as, if not even more, hot. The

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knowledge that she was using her own juices to coat and pleasure me with, was the hottest thing
I'd ever fucking seen. My mouth watered, yet again, at the sight of her gleaming fingers.

Soon I saw her leaning down, her beautiful dark brown hair cascading down around her face. She
was just about to take me into her mouth and tempting as it was, my mind was miles ahead of

I grabbed her roughly by the shoulders and flipped us over, back to where we had started. I
quickly snatched up her hand and dove it into my mouth, tasting and sucking every last remnant
of her. "Waste not." I simply replied to her sinful little smile. And of course, her flavors were

When ever trace of her was gone from her fingers, I reached over to my bedside table and pulled
open the drawer to retrieve a condom. I knew she was on the pill - we'd spent enough time
together for me to have awkwardly witnessed her taking it - but I wanted her to know I respected
her enough to wear one. I needed to cover all of my bases, so as never to give this girl another
reason to call me a god damn womanizer ever again - because with her, I truly was far from it.

Once it was on, she smiled lazily up at me and eagerly wrapped her legs around my waist. I
waited at her entrance. The warmth and slickness there was beaconing me in.

We bore into each others eyes once again and the intensity and trust I found in hers was
staggering. And with that, I pushed myself deep inside of her.

BELLA POV (remy zero song):

When Edward had thrust into me, I threw my head back, my eyes rolling up towards the head
board in ecstasy. I felt him hesitate. Whether it was from adjusting to the sudden feeling of being
sheathed inside me or at the thought that it may have been too forceful, I wasn't sure but either
way I wanted more.

"Again." I groaned, pealing my head up to look at him. He grinned widely at my request and I
threw my head back onto the pillow. He pulled back and obliged, pumping into me again swiftly,
but retracting slowly.

Then again...

and again...

and again...

He continued with these strong, thorough movements. Each one more agonizingly satisfying than
the one which had preceded it. It felt fantastic but wasn't enough of a pace to feel the swell, the
build, that I so desperately needed at that moment.

Finally when I was about to ravish him myself, he leaned down, burying his face into the crook

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of my neck and quickened the pace. My hands flew up and clasped onto his back, vehemently
encouraging him.

He continued on in that new quickened pace, never once letting up or losing rhythm. Fuck he
was good.

I dug my nails into the skin of his back as the new pleasure grew and he groaned into my neck in
response. The vibrations sent sparks down my spine causing me to moan back and arch into him.

Each of our actions was met with a response from the other and I knew it meant that everything
which was taking place and being enjoyed was with one another, because of one another. Neither
of us was enjoying it individually, it was only good, great, fucking perfection because it was
happening together.

I felt him slide his hand down along the inside of my hip bone. As soon has he made contact with
my clit I felt myself coil tightly. I knew it wouldn't be long now. At the feeling, I dragged my
nails down his back. Hard.

"Ooh god Bella." He groaned in response, violent pleasure reverberating from every word. And
that alone almost sent me over the edge.

"Edward, I'm..." I panted ...falling in love with you I wanted to continue, though I didn't. He'd
think I was insane. Which I guess I was, insanely falling in love with him. And I came to that
realization, not as he entered me, though yea, then too, but the moment he'd kissed the top of my
head and squeezed me reassuringly as we danced in the kitchen. I realized then, that I'd been
falling for a long time, but I hadn't really figured it out until that exact moment when he showed
me he truly cared. The action wasn't for fun, or laughs or to torment me. There was no one
around to impress or amuse. It was for me, and me alone.

"I know Bella... Oh god... same here..." He heaved back. He must have thought I was going to
say 'I'm going to come' and I couldn't exactly say he was wrong either.

With one last thrust from him, I shot into oblivion. Within seconds of clenching tighter and more
intensely around him than I ever had in my life, he followed.

As we rode out wave after wave together he tangled his hands into my hair and gripped tightly,
my nails continued to scored into him.

It was the most excruciatingly exquisite euphoria either of us had ever experienced.


We couldn't get enough of each other that night. If the whole thing was played in fast-motion it
would have been one continuous blur as our bodies tumbled every which way all over the bed...
er, room.

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Finally, utterly exhausted, we threw our sweating panting bodies down in the mess of sheets and
slipped into dreamland. Though I'm not so certain it could have been any better than what we
had just experienced.

As I hovered somewhere between consciousness and sleep, I recalled what Bella had begun to
say that very first time, which now, was several hours ago. I knew what she was going to
continue saying, I really did. And, yes, I meant exactly what I had responded with. Same here,
Bella. Same here.

?a/n: OK you dirty dirrrty readers, you finally got what you wanted. I've seen some
impressively steamy smut scenes out there, I hope this was good at least. Please review give me
your thoughts!

and before you jump to any assumptions.. no I'm not a sado masochist or anything like that
haha I just felt like it intensified the situation immensely.

For those whole chose to go the PG-13 route and only check out that last bit here's what
Edward is referring to:


"Edward, I'm..." I breathed ..... 'falling in love with you' was what I wanted to continue with,
though I didn't, he'd think I was insane. Which I was, insanely falling in love with him. And I
came to that realization the moment he'd kissed the top of my head and squeezed me reassuringly
as we danced in the kitchen. I realized then, that I'd been falling for a long time, but I hadn't
really figured it out until that exact moment when he showed me he truly cared. The action
wasn't for fun, or laughs or to torment me. There was no one around to impress or amuse. It was
for me, and me alone.

"I know Bella... same here..." He breathed back.

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Chapter: 12

a/n: Wow thanks for all the responses on last chapter! It was really strange and awkward to
write haha since it was my first smut scene and all, but I'm glad you dirty little readers enjoyed
it... and for those who PG-13-ed it, power to you, I'll continue to warn about that kind of stuff
at the start of each chapter. Which brings me to point #2. There are some flash backs to the

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sexy night haha in this one... literally flashes, image descriptions, quick and snapshot-like.
They are all in italics so are easy to spot if you want to skip `em.

lastly, this chapter is inspired by Jack Johnson's song Banana Pancakes. For continuity's
sake I'll link it in my profile but you eager little readers don't seem to take advantage of the
extras like that (from what my profile views indicate anyway). I don't know why I think its so
cool and love checking it out when other authors include them - I guess its because its like a
new way of reading and engaging in the story, that only came about with the wonderful
internet - ok I sound like a nerd. Anyways, onto the story!...

Chapter 12


Eventually sunlight replaced moonlight, pouring itself through the large window, and was
accompanied by the sound of rain falling heavily. No surprise there. I looked around at the room
which was not mine. Suddenly a rush of snapshots flooded and overtook my mind.

...candles. wine. spaghetti. flowers. edward frowning. iPod shuffle. edward smiling. guitar
strumming. tears. lyrics. kiss. passion. flurry. clothes on floor. slow/fast. hard/soft. loud/quiet.
push/pull. give/take. paradise.

I lay awake for a few moments replaying everything that had taken place the night before. A
million and a half worries began to invade but I noticed I had a huge shit-eating grin on my face
and the gorgeous man who had my heart laying beside me, and I decided all worrying could wait
until later. I would enjoy this. As short lived as it may turn out, as naive as it may be to put
reality off until later, I would enjoy this.

Sure I swore to listen to Britney and live by her lyrics, but shit, she didn't have Edward Cullen
throwing himself at her every second of every god damn day. She and I may share initials and
all, but now that I slept with my 'Womanizer' that's about all the pop princess and I had in
common. Besides, how sane could she really be? She was a taco-bell-eating, head-shaving,
occasionally-talks-in-british-accents, bat-shit-crazy nut case.

Attempting to turn over, away from the unwelcomed light I immediately found myself tangled
tightly in a knot of sheets, arms, and legs. I felt like a fucking surgeon extracting myself from the
mess, but somehow I did it without waking the embodiment of perfection that lay flat on his
stomach beside me.

His hair was softly strewn out around his face as he rested on his cheek. I had never seen him
look so at peace. As my eyes wondered over his body I noticed two sets of scratches down a
good few inches of his, otherwise flawlessly formed, bare back.

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...pleasure. pain. fuel. explosion.

I grinned widely at the memories and ever so lightly trailed my finger down one of the red

I soundlessly slipped from the bed and crossed the room in search of my clothing. I found my
panties, but no bra. Ok, I can live with that, I thought to myself. I final resigned myself to that
fact that any garment which would actually cover me had been lost in a black hole and ended up
just pulling one of Edward's white button down shirts out of his closet. I knew it was there. I'd
washed, dried, ironed and hung it after all. I then quietly eased the french doors open, slid
through and pushed them back together.

My eyes fell on the desolate kitchen. candle light. moon light. tipsy. arm slinking around my waist. a dance. two dance. first -
was the one we often engaged in. back and forth, push and pull, flirt and reject. the next -
traditional. hand in hand, hand on hip. swaying sweetly and perfectly. ...basil. spaghetti sauce.

The iPod had long since run out and the preparations for our Spaghetti Night sat eerily untouched
about the kitchen as evidence of our abrupt exit the night before. The candles had all burned out
and I was thankful they hadn't caused a fire, not that we would have noticed.

I cleaned up the dishes and began chopping bananas and mixing some pancake batter in a large
bowl. About 10 minutes later I heard Edward rummaging around the bedroom, I smiled
imagining him searching for his clothing the way I had done just minutes before, though quite
unsuccessfully. Then I was reminded that this was his fucking room and he had access to all of
his own clothes in there. Of. Fucking. Course. Such was his luck, and such was mine.

I glanced at the time, it was around 7:30. Just then I remembered Edward had the day off and I
suddenly felt bad for possibly waking him so early on one of his very few work-free days. I was
about to go in there and order him back into bed, just as he pulled the doors apart and stepped
through, leaving them open behind him and rendering me completely and utterly speechless.

Good god he was gorgeous and I could see the mess of a bed behind him which was glaring
reminder of last night's numerous rounds. A huge stupid smile spread across my face at the sight
of both.

He was in a pair of dark blue pinstriped boxers. They hung low on his hips, showing off his
incredible body and that god damn delicious 'V' was leading right into them.

...white light and shadows across the valleys and crests of his bar chest and stomach. my fingers
lingering, tracing, trailing down it. not enough. replaced by tongue. enough. more than enough.
satisfaction. satiation.

His face had that innocent look of having just woken up, it was adorable but so damn sexy.

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His hair was a mess, which I loved of course, and it was sticking out every which way. He
dipped his head down, reached his hand up to rub across his eyes sleepily and pushed the hand
up into his unmanageable locks.

"Good morning." I greeted him casually, but I'm sure that god damn smile was giving away how
giddy I was. His head was dipped low with his hand still tangled in his hair, and he slowly raised
his chin, grinning when his emerald eyes met mine.

"Good morning." He returned my greeting with a gritty gravely morning-voice that melted me.


She stepped out from behind the counter and I nearly died. She was wearing one of my button
down shirts, but only had a button or two fastened just at and under her tits so the collar swept
open wide around them... and she wasn't wearing a fucking bra. She had chosen white so I could
practically see through the thing anyway.

The rest of the shirt hung open and a dark deep navy color stood out at her waist. Damn that
color looks great against her skin.
I never fully appreciated them the previous night in my haste,
but to be honest, they had simply been an obstacle to me.

I wondered down and her legs looked incredible. I raked my eyes up to her face. She still had
that silly little smile in place on her naturally pouty lips. Her hair was hanging in loose messy
waves around her shoulders. Just-tumbled-out-of-bed never looked so damn good. At the sight of
those tousled amber colored locks, I was suddenly overcome with flashes of the night before.

...close. so close. both of us. her head throws back. she's there. hair draping down her flawless
arched back. moonlight illuminating the curve of her spin, and sparkling in her hair and off the
sheen of her body. I followed immediately.

I shook my head to clear away the sudden, and extremely erotic memory and pulled my hand
from my hair, bring the other to it. With both hands I clutched my heart, lifted my eyes to the
ceiling and bent my knees slightly like I was about to fall back and die.

"Fucking Actors." She signed.

"You look incredible." I told her, supporting my corny acting but coating every word sincerity.

"I was just thinking the same about you." She replied with a soft blush - that was blush number
two. A few seconds of silence passes and I became worried that she'd want to talk about what
had happened.

I wasn't worried to speak to her about it, shit I'm not that much of a coward, but the little that had
taken place this morning was going extremely well and I didn't want any of that to change just
yet. I knew we'd have to talk about it, and soon too, but I wanted to enjoy the innocence,

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simplicity before it was ruined by reality and complications.

I noticed Bella was holding a large bowl and saw stray banana peels scattered across the counter.
"Banana pancakes?!" I asked enthusiastically as if they were god's gift to the world. What the
hell was it about this girl that turned me into a god damn child?? 'Banana Pancakes!?' ?? Really
Edward, get a grip.

I cleared my throat in that manly way. "I mean-" Setting my voice unnaturally low.

"Yea Yea, you meant exactly what came out." She laughed. "And Yes, Banana Pancakes! ...but I
forgot it's your day off, so go back to bed and I'll leave them in the fridge for you before I head
out. They probably won't heat up all that well but-"

"That won't do." I shook my head, a plan forming in my mind. She glanced up at me with a
questioning look, but willing to take off in any new direction I chose. She was so sweet and
selfless, if I had asked her to come back and make them for me fresh she would have. Of course I
would never do that it her, but I knew she'd do it.

"Breakfast in bed?" I smiled.

She laughed. "Ok, ok fine. Go back to bed baby." She probably didn't mean it endearingly, she
was always referring to me as a helpless infant. "They'll be ready in about 20 minutes."

"Thanks baby." I used her chosen word and I turned back into the bedroom, sliding the doors
shut behind me.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew she was waking me up gently and I could
smell bacon and coffee in the air. God I love breakfast.

"Come on sweetie, wake up." She said softly as her hand slid up and down my arm gently.

I sat up against the headboard, she tossed the morning paper on the chair in the corner and placed
a tray on my lap.

"Fuck this looks amazing, Thanks Bella." I looked around the room "Hey where's yours?"

"In the kitchen." She said with a look on her face that could only be described as duhhh.

"Well go get it. You don't want it getting cold do you?" I said causually as I began dousing my
deliciously golden and fluffy pancakes in syrup.

"Look Edward, I was just going to eat out there quickly and get going. It may be your day off,
darling, but its not mine. Erica wants me to call all and confirm your presence at the locations of
the promotional book-signing tour the studio is sending you on before the premiere."

"They're sending me on that thing again!?" I blurted out, despite the fact that I had a huge chunk

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of pancake in my mouth. I knew better than to speak with food in my mouth but I couldn't help
it, plus I knew Bella well enough that she wouldn't judge me for it. It was merely that I had just
gone on one of those damn things and by now I was hoping the whole project would have gotten
too big for mall tours.

"4 books baby. F-O-U-R." she teased me, wiggling four fingers in the air.

What was with all the 'baby's, 'sweetie's and 'darling's, by the way? She had always used them
condescendingly, but never this much. I focused back on getting her in bed with me.

"I know you. So... " I stated, putting down my fork. "You probably don't have to start making
calls untiiiiill..." I trailed off thinking. "Ok lets see... its Tuesday, sooo... Thursday!"

"Fuck you. Lucky guess." she spatted, rolled her eyes and looking away from me. I knew she
hated feeling predictable.

"No guessing here sweetie." See I can use them too Bella.

I continued casually placing another bite in my mouth, god these things were heaven. "I just
know you well. One day early for you just isn't enough time, you know, cutting it too close, and
three, well that's just a little to many." I replied waving my fork in the air.

"Fine, whatever." She stomped off to the kitchen, though I knew she was just pretending to be
annoyed by now, since she had given in so easily. If she had really wanted to fight with me about
it, I know damn well that she would have, and she would've done it until she got her way. My
girl was stubborn like that, and it was just one of the countless qualities she had that left me in
awe of her.

She returned with a tray of food a moment later. I expected her to sit next to me with her back
against the head board, but she didn't. See Darling, you're not so predictable. Instead she sat
beside my tray facing me. She had her knees bent and her cute little toes just barely reaching the

...toes tensed, rigid as they pressed into the matress. followed by toes curling in pleasure.

She set her juice glass and coffee cup on the bedside table and held her plate and utensils up in
front of me.

"Hold please." she said. I took it, watching her in silent amusement. She reached down and
discarded the now empty tray onto the floor beside the bed. The act required her to lean down
pretty far and it gave me a fantastic view of her ass in those god damn lace panties. hands and fingers holding, gripping, clenching, digging into her perfectly round, cute ass...
God Edward, focus. Come on man.

She sat back up and reclaimed the plate and flatwear.

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"Thank you." She said looking at me as I nodded back. I was still at a loss for words.

"Why are you smiling?" she questioned, balancing the plate on her bent knees and began eating.

"No reason, Bella. Its just... you, thats all." I replied, finding my words. I took my left hand and
patted the inside of her smooth calf which was right beside me.

...trailing kisses over every inch of her legs. starting at her feet, up her ankles, shins, calfs, knees,
thighs. exploring, learning, mesmerizing, caressing, honoring every perfect inch of her.

I could have easily slid my hand all the way up her to knee and down the inside of her thigh if I
wanted to. The knowledge that I could was turning me on, but I kept it simple, sweet.

We laughed and chatted and ate our breakfast at a leisurely, comfortable pace and it felt down
right amazing to not be on a fucking timeline. Once we were done we set the dishes on my tray,
and the try on the floor, and we settled in to watch TV for a while.

Bella tucked herself under my arm and rested her head against my chest and shoulder. She fit
perfectly there, of course she did. And I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel like the more natural
thing in the world - like we'd been relaxing that way for years. And it sure it pleased me, but it
also should have scared me, but I think what was even more terrifying, is that it didn't scare me
one bit.


After about an hour I clicked off the television and peeled myself from his warm, intoxicating

"And just where do you think you're going?" He asked playfully.

"To put these dishes in the kitchen and get back to the real world." I answered back.

"I don't think so."

"Edward, we've been in this bed for almost two hours, we ca not stay in it all day." I said,
crawling to its edge.

"Yes, actually we can." He said grabbing the tail of my shirt, well his shirt with a single hand.

... hands. clenching, clawing, grabbing at sheets, mattress, pillows, skin, hair.

I shook my head at the invading memories and looked back at him and could tell he had an idea
forming in his mind.

"Edward..." I said slowly.

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"What?" He whined. "It's raining and we spend so much time in the god damn rain that I'd really
rather just stay in-"

"Edward its a tuesday for god sake-"

Pretend like its the weekend then! Besides, it is my day off and we've already established that
you don't have any work that needs to be done for another two days. So I'm calling the shots, and
today we are not moving from this bed."

"That's ridiculous, Edward look-" I began to protect.

"No. My decisions are final." He said, yanking the shirt and sending me toppling backwards into

"Ok fine. whatever." I said, straightening myself up. The idea was ridiculous but I have to admit,
I wasn't ready to face the outside world. I knew we'd eventually have to talk about what had
happened, but I felt like as long as we stayed in that room, in that bed, we wouldn't have to deal
with any of it right away.

And whether or not he knew it, I have a feeling that's why he suggested the idea, well demanded
it really, but whatever. We could have just as easily gone out and made use of his day off, but
instead we both wanted to stay in our safe little hiding place, just a little while longer.

"Well, there's not alot we can do right here." I continued and a devilish grin spread across his

"Fuck you. I'm not having sex for the rest of the day." I retorted smiling. He laughed.

"We'll just have to get creative then, won't we." He said still laughing lightly and that still made
it sound like he was talking about sex.

I thought for a second. "Ok, you won't like this but technically I won't be leaving the bed so... I
have to e-mail Erica about some Magazine launch party that you're invited to after we wrap up
here. She wants to make sure you go directly back into the public eye, blah blah blah. So, do you
mind if I use your laptop really quickly?" I asked, looking over at silver MacBook Pro on the
bedside table.

"Yea, I suppose that's ok." He said warily and I was glad. I was willing to play along but I really
did needed to get some of my own shit done.

Less than a minute had passed of me focusing on the laptop and Edward was restless. He really
was a fucking child. I ignored him though, leaving him to fend for himself.

After another minute, out of the corner of my eye I saw him scoot to the edge of the bed. If he
dared swing his feet down I was going to call him on it. If I had to play this ridiculous game, so

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did he. But without a world, he ended up kneeling at the edge and placing his right hand securely
on the bedside table. He lean his weight onto it, testing its stability and the muscles and veins in
his forearm and bicep twitched.

... his hands on my hips. his arms flexing as he guided and rocks them back and forth, back and
forth, back a forth. forearms and biceps glistening with sweat as moon light gleams off of them.

Seemingly satisfied with the strength of the night stand, he leaned further onto it and out over the
bed. He balanced precariously for a moment and with his free left hand he reached out for the
newspaper which was sitting, taunting him on the chair in the corner.

The chair was about 5 or 6 feet away from the bed. So this should be interesting I thought to
myself. I still said nothing however.

His reach was far, but not far enough. His fingers missed the paper by a good few inches and I
could see his tongue sticking slightly out of the side of his mouth as he concentrated.

... don't even get me started on his fingers and, oh god, that tongue. the mere sight of them in the
same glance literally made me wet.

He looked around, still hovering there. He then reached his left hand across his body and grabbed
the television remote from the bedside table that was holding his weight.

With that, he was able to retrieve the paper and quickly made his way back to the bed. By this
point I had completely given up e-mailing and was giving my full attention to the hilarious scene
that had just unfolded in front of me.

Once he was back resting against the headboard, paper in hand, he looked over at me and
grinned widely. Beaming with pride, he looked like a child who poured juice into his own cup
for the very first time. I smiled back and nodded with approval. Yes you big baby, you did a good

Well, we somehow managed to make it until dusk without leaving that god damn bed. We traded
off using the laptop and reading the paper, did the crossword and sudoku together and played
every game imaginable from 'I've never' to '20 questions.'

He taught me how to play Grand Theft Auto and some other games on the television package (I
kicked his ass in Mario Cart), and yea, I'll admit, we resorted to sex a few times too - come on, I
was in panties and his button down, he in those god damn boxers, and we both reeked and looked
of sex and I don't know about him, but I was having flashbacks of that totally fantastic night the
entire god damn morning - but we never left that stupid damn bed once all day.

At one point we wandered into a serious conversation, where he confided in me that he was
scared shitless that he may have signed his soul away to this vampire franchise. That he felt like
his faith in this art that he loved so much at the beginning was slowly dying away now.

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I inserted 'Yea's and 'Uh-huh's at all the right moments, but for the most part I listened. I knew
that's all he really need. The guy was gorgeous and had simply become a pretty face to so many
people, and because of it no one really listened to him anymore. So I did... and not as his
assistant, or anyone he worked with, but as his friend, and as, whatever it was I was now.

Finally it was dark outside and we decided the day was officially over and named ourselves
conquerers of the lazy-asses-who-spent-the-whole-day-in-bed game. Oh yes, we were proud.

We climbed out, dressed, used the restroom - which we were both dying for - and headed out
into the dark living room. We flipped on some lights and decided to go out for dinner. We were

First though, I wanted to head back to my own room to shower and change before we left. As I
headed for the door he picked up the flowers from the night before, reminding me to take them
with me.

"Just for the record, I know those are from the fan-pile at the front desk... but it's still really
sweet, you know, to think of me and all." I informed him gently, but finished it with a smiled. I
didn't want him to think I was upset or hurt, but I wasn't going to let him get away with giving
me second-hand flowers either, without calling him on it anway.

"How... Wait, what... Why would you think..." He fumbled over his words. Caught you darling.

"There's a card with them." I shrugged, still trying to keep it light. "Over these past few months,
in all the times I've bought your flowers for you send, I've always left the cards out for you to
sign. You never do. Its ok, I'm not hurt or anything. Its just, I know you don't do the personal
thing, and on that note, we don't have to make this..." I waved my hand back and forth between
us, "...whole thing all that personal either." I finished.

I didn't mean a single word of it, but I knew it was way to early to expect him to commit to
anything, so I said it. I was scared, but felt so much for him and was willing to do whatever I
needed to in order to keep him around.

Also, with the entire teen world going into red-alert over the premiere photos, I knew Erica
would go ape-shit if she had to deal with another Boss & Assistant thing, though this time it
would be for real.

"Oh, um, yea...sorry about that." He said looking down and fishing the card out. "And, um... yea,
casual sounds good." He finished. His voice was distant and distracted as he studied the sealed
envelope, in a strange way I didn't entirely understand.

"It's still really nice though, Edward, honestly." I smiled and claimed the flowers from him,
pressing my nose into them. I then leaned up on the tips of my toes and kissed him lightly. "See
you in 30?"

"Yea" A smile returned to his face and he tucked the card into his back pocket. "See you in 30."

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You may want to keep him because it was fun,
?but oh silly darling what have you done?

a/n: I though 'Banana Pancakes' captured the lazy, fun, silly mood of this chapter of being in
bed all day - talking about it raining and there being no need to go out & staying in and
pretending like there's no world outside and a million other parallels so go check it out, or at
least the lyrics, if you didn't already. Its a must! Also a must... are reviews! haha get to it my
lovelies. please & thank you. thank you. thank you!

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Chapter: 13

a/n: warning... there's a tad bit of horny mischief in this chapter, nothing hard core or
anything but I just wanted to state it since I know some people would rather avoid it. You'll be
able to tell where it is as it approaches in the story. ...and though this is the third chapter in a
row where I've warned of some sexy time I swear its not becoming a regular thing... I know
some of you are sighing with relief... other, well the majority, are probably all like 'dammnn
it.' haha what can I say, I can't please everyone!

Chapter 13


I was a bit leery as to how this whole thing was going to work. We were both obviously more
than willing and wanting to continue what we had started but we both admitted we had to be
careful. The photos from the premiere caused a complete and total melt down, sending the fan
world into crisis mode and there wasn't even anything going on at that point.

At dinner after that lazy-day-in-bed we decided that since it was so new and I was in fact his
employee, it would be best not to tell anyone. And at the risk that if it didn't go anywhere, there
wouldn't be any loose ends to tie up - not only with the cast and crew but if it got out to the
general public, fuck, it'd be a mess all over again, but this time, for real.

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We fell into this new routine easily - late night visits to each other's rooms, hooking up in his
trailer when he had long enough breaks, and then of course there were the games we played on
set in front of the cast and crew. Lingering touches, smoldering glance, cocking of eyebrows and
licking of lips while peppering our conversations with sexual euphemisms every chance we got.

We were lucky it had started in Oregon. There weren't any paparazzi and the small amount of
reporters and interviewers we did get, only stayed for a few days at a time and their arrivals were
made known to us beforehand. Also, because it was a closed set, the fans that gathered on the
outskirts were never close enough to witness anything good... or bad... depending on how you
looked at it.

One day, about a 3 weeks into this thing we had started, Edward and I sat in the breakfast hall
eating and waiting to head off to wardrobe. My phone rang and I knew that it was some teeny
bop magazine calling to confirm the quote they had from Edward about his preferences on girls'
styles or some frivolous shit like that. It was too loud to conduct the conversation inside so I told
Edward just to meet me out front when he was finished.

I ok-ed each quote, laughing internally because I knew Edward had pulled half of them out of his
ass. Just as I ended the call, two sets of wheels come to a quick stop on the gravelly road in front
of me.

"Hey Bella!" The driver of the golf cart greeted me. It was accompanied by a friendly boyish
smile set against sandy blonde hair and two twinkling blue eyes.

"Oh hey Mike." I greeted him back warmly. I swear I don't think I'd ever seen Mike out of that
damn driver's seat.

He was constantly carting people to and from various locations which were spread widely around
the massive outdoor set. He always had his clipboard and walkie-talkie within reach. The
clipboard held a call sheet with an account of the entire day, hour by hour, and stated where each
person was coming from and going to.

Though it was the assistants' jobs to keep the actors on track, Mike was the one who had to be
ready to pick them up and take them to the next stop. Plus, only the leads had assistants, so it was
up to him to take care of the rest. I had a hard enough time keeping one celebrity in line, I don't
know how he managed to regulate the majority of them.

"You feeling better? I heard you were sick for a while." I continued.

"Oh yea I'm doing a lot better thanks for asking-"

Suddenly a body-less voice interrupted him. "Hey Mike, do you have Rosalie yet? Her assistant
isn't answering his phone and even though she's not due on set for another 20 minutes, the clouds
just rolled in and we need to take advantage." The voice belonged to one of the AD's and was
followed by a static-y exit.

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Mike picked the walkie-talkie up from the seat beside him and brought it to his mouth. "Well I'm
near hair and make-up right now but she wasn't ready 5 minutes ago when I checked... I'll go
ahead and swing by again, I guess. But hey, we're still on the north lot so even if she's ready, we
won't be down there for at least another 10 minutes." He replied and tossed the black device back
on the seat.

"Sorry Bella you know I'd rather talk to you but duty calls, and I've got to rush off and pick up
satan in heels... dang, sorry, I always forget you're friends with that group, anyway, will I see
you tonight?"

"She's got plans, sorry kid." Edward had just walked up behind me with an apple in hand,
looking and sounding completely unapologetic.

"I thought you had tonight off." Mike said to me as he slowly tore his disappointed eyes away
from Edward.

"She does, but like I said, she's unavailable." Edward responded before I could. The casual tone
from a second prior was replaced with a tiny hint of forcefulness.

"Yea? And just what've you got planned that's not work related?" Mike suddenly became
curious. Though my insides tightened for a moment in fear that we were going to be caught, I
relished the fact that Edward was in the hot seat and not I.

"Look... Newton, is it? My personal schedule does not concern you. Bella has kindly offered to
help me out with something on her night off rather than hang out with... well, you. And since
when, by the way, do I answer to you?" Edward suddenly became became firm and his voice
strong and menacing.

I was so used to him being helpless and childlike that it was refreshing, and quite a turn on I
might add, to see him be so masculine and defensive. Though whether the defense was of
himself, or me, I wasn't quite sure.

Mike's mouth opened in an attempt to respond but nothing came out. It snapped shut but then
opened again slightly.

"Don't worry Mike, I'll charge him over time." I said with a wink and cutting in before his
embarrassing display got any worse.

"Oh, and not that I care about your welfare," Edward continued, but casually again since he'd
succeeded in regaining the upper hand. "But I really don't want Emmett getting bad press for
beating up a minion... again... so try to keep your Rose bashing to a minimum got it?"

"Oh... uh... Yea, sorry Mr. Cullen." Mike finally managed to stuttered out. "I guess I'll see you
around then Bella." He finished completely flustered and jammed his foot down on the gas pedal,
escaping as quickly as possible.

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"So what lame thing did Newton invite you to tonight that you're definitely not attending?"
Edward asked taking a bite of his apple, completely unaffected by the situation that had just

"Edward, don't treat him like that, you're such an ass sometimes." I said grabbing his elbow and
taking off towards the wardrobe department.

"Oh come on, that gofer is such a tool anyway. He's always chatting up the extras telling them
he's got connections and shit, its pathetic. And besides, I always catch him staring at you like a
fucking pervert. You know how like 6 of your set ID's have gone missing. Well I think he stole
them and I'm 99% sure he's got them paper-clipped under that stupid call sheet of his. He
brandishes that thing likes its the god damn top secret files of area 51. One time Jasper said he
was over 20 minutes late to pick him up, he was probably jacking off to-"

"Ew ok stop. It doesn't matter-"

"It doesn't matter that the little creeper was tugging it to your pictures!? That's some fucked up
shit Bella!" He laughed loudly.

"Jesus Edward keep it down!" I hissed, though there was no one around on our long path to hear
him. "You just can't talk to people like that. He's my friend and..." Edward gave me a doubtful
sideways glance. "...ok he's not really, but we get along and its important to me that I stay on
good terms with them."

"Them who?" The man of my dreams mumbled with a large chunk of apple in his mouth. Class
Edward, real classy.

"The crew, other assistants, interns, you know, people like that. Look, tonight a bunch of them
are getting together in Mike's room to watch some game, or fight, or race or something. I don't
know, you know I-"

"But you hate sports." He interjected, unintentionally finishing my sentence. Though it was
annoying as fuck that he did that so often lately, I had to admit I sort of loved it too.

"Yea I know, but I figured I should go. A bunch of them think I think I'm too good for them or
something because I'm always hanging out with you guys, their bosses."

"Well you are too good for them Bella." He said it casually but there was an honesty to his voice,
like it was a simple truth, and it made me blush slightly.

"Ugh, whatever. I guess its for the best, I think he sort of has a thing for me anyway - not a word
about the ID pictures..." I warned as I saw him open his mouth to speak. "...and I don't want him
to get his hopes up and start following me around and shit."

"Damn right... not that he's any competition." He said cockily and threw his apple core off into

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the forest that practically had engulfed the wardrobe department building.

"Oh please, you're the one making up fake plans to keep me from hanging out with him." I
countered as we came within a few yards of the building.

"Who said anything about fake..." Edward said mischievously, suddenly pulling me around to the
side of the building which was hidden in a thick cover of lush green vegetation.

With my hand in his, he ran a few yards down the wall and pushed me up against it. He began
placing wet, hot, rushed kisses on my neck and I immediately tilted my head to the other side,
giving him more skin to cover. Damn traitorous instincts.

"Ugh... Edward... you're going... to be... late..." I tried to maintain clarity but my mind was
rapidly descending into nothingness.

"You know I don't care about that stuff." He mumbled as he continued to quickly work those god
damn perfect lips and tongue. The vibrations sent a chill racing through me.

I weakly pushed my fists into his chest. I figured if my words weren't strong enough to get the
message across maybe my body would be.

He easily captured both wrists with a single hand and pinned them above my head. My hips
instinctively pushed into his and he half groaned, half growled at the sensation. So much for my
body being strong enough to resist him.

"Of course you... don't care... but its my ass... that's on... the line." I finally managed to finished
my single sentence, though I wish it had come out with the least bit of force.

"Fiiiine." He begrudgingly relented and pulled back. I took a deep breath and smoothed my
hands over my clothes and hair, making sure I looked decent. I began walking towards the front
of the building. Though he'd given in, I knew he wouldn't move unless I did.

As I made my way to the corner, he came up behind me. "And what a fine ass it is." He said,
squeezing it casually as he passed and making me yelp out playfully.

a/n: I know this chapter was shorter but the last few have been pretty heavy and full of info so
I wanted to keep it light. Don't forget to review!... I heard the more you do, the faster time
goes, which means the sooner Thursday will get here... honest. ;)

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Chapter: 14

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Chapter 14


I'll be the first to admit the whole secretive thing we had going on was hot. It was fun and
everything related to the physical side of the relationship was fucking heaven, but after a month
and a half I found myself a little disheartened.

Even though the covertness of the entire operation made it that much more fun and sexy, I started
to feel like his dirty little secret, but not in a good way. I know we had both agreed to keep it this
way to avoid problems, but I was starting to feel like Edward was settling in, a little too
comfortably, with his secret, no-strings-attached situation.

I was faced with a sickening realization one day when he, Jasper, and Emmett were shooting
some stunt scene together out in the middle of the freezing cold fucking forest. They were
hoisted among the towering trees, at least 50 feet in the air on cables and just dangling there,
waiting to start the next take.

Though actions sequences look fast paced and exciting once their on the big screen, I learned
they are, in fact, boring and monotonous as all hell to shoot. The boys had done at least 63 takes
and the director still wasn't happy. And it didn't help that Emmett found it hilarious to deliver his
lines in reverse, thus causing the script supervisor to scratch his head, frantically scan the page
and eventually flip his shit at the discovery.

I sat with the huge set-headphones on, huddled in Edward's chair with a half cold coffee and
prayed that the day would move along faster.

It came to a screeching halt, however, when I heard Emmett invited Edward to some bar later
that evening. He went on to say that the bartender was gorgeous and since he couldn't hit it, he
wanted to pass her off to Edward.

Either Emmett had forgotten that he was mic-ed or he simply didn't care, either way my heart
basically stopped. I had my hands pressed over the large earphones and was staring wide-eyed up
at the three bodies high above me, waiting intently for the conversation to continue.

I wasn't so worried about Edward's response, he would never go... would he? But, I have to
admit, I was a little hurt that Emmett was even asking. Sure he didn't know we had started this
whole whatever-you-want-to-call-it, but I was always the 6th member at our group events. Did it
not even occur to him that Edward and I could have something between us? Or maybe Edward
had previously denied anything was going on. Either way, I was quickly starting to feel
nauseous, and the fact that I was holding my fucking breath wasn't helping either.

After a few beats of silence Jasper casually spoke up. "Nah, man leave him alone. He doesn't
need your help finding girls." Again, I wasn't sure if Jasper was aware that I, and the rest of the

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crew were listening in or if he was just a little more astute than dear, lovable yet dense Emmett,
but I appreciated his defense... whether it was for me or not.

The director mega-phoned up to the guys that they were ready to start rolling so Edward didn't
have a chance to respond. Later that night, however, I found out his answer.

On our way back to the hotel I heard him tell Emmett over the phone that he'd meet him down in
the lobby around 10. My heart sank, but was followed by a surge of anger. I know we had agreed
to keep it casual, but what, we weren't exclusive, either? We had never talked about that, but I
had no interest, whatsoever in anyone other than him. And besides, he had practically turned into
a caveman - throwing my over his shoulder, unintelligently grunting 'mine' and waving his club
in the air - when Mike never-harmed-an-ant Newton invited me to a group event. What a

Edward clicked off the phone and immediately turned on the radio, in an attempt, I assume, to
avoid any sort of discussion with me. And for the first time since, well, ever knowing Edward,
the karma gods threw me a damn bone.

Edward unknowingly turned the radio on to 'Womanizer.' I let out a loud fake laugh of
enjoyment at the sheer irony but just as he was about to change the station I growled through
gritted teeth, "Leave it."

He pulled his hand away from the dials and shifted uncomfortably in his seat but he never said a

I know he came home alone that night, which relieved the fuck out of me, but I was still annoyed
that he'd agreed to go under those terms.

The next morning on our way to set I decided to try and get some answers and ask him, finally,
what I had not so eloquently tried to ask him that night of the Spaghetti Dinner after reveling to
me his true feelings.

"Edward..." I began.

"Hmm?" He responded absentmindedly as he read over the recent script changes made for his
scenes that day.

"Edward." I commanded with more force.

"Yea, Bella, what's up?" He said, snapping out of his daze and turning his head my way.

"Why did you pick me?" I asked directly as I glued my eyes to the road out ahead of me.

"Well.." He turned his attention forward and rubbed the back of his neck in contemplation. "I
could tell from the moment I met you that you were responsible and would be able to handle my
insane schedule-"

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"No Edward, not as your assistant." Fuck, was I going to have to spell it out for this guy? "That
night in the club... you were on your way out to meet your friends, then you stayed. I tried to get
up and leave your table, you asked me to stay. Why? And now, after all that's happened between
us, just, why did you pick me as..." What the hell was I going to call it? The girl you're sleeping
with? Ugh, this had gotten way too confusing. I found myself at a dead end and just sort of let it
go, like I always seemed to do.

And that jackass, he didn't say a word. Not one. He simply sat there like a coward and looked out
at the grey foreboding sky.

We approached the set in silence, and with each second that passed my temper flared. I flashed
my ID at the guard and flew past the cast parking lot. I pulled up quickly along the back side of
the trailers and came to a sudden jerking stop. Never cutting the engine, never even putting the
car in park.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Well since you won't fucking talk to me, I need some time to sort this out myself. Breakfast is at
7 - wardrobe 7:30 - hair and makeup 8 - on set by 9. Do you think you can handle that without
me for once? And don't you dare slack off and be late just because I'm not around." I snapped. I
rarely spoke to him that way. Sure, when I'd first met him I was feisty as a firecracker, but now,
shit, now the guy was my boss - and in the process, he'd become my friend - so I had toned my
attitude down immensely. And though I knew it wasn't right to speak to my boss that why, I
knew the guy I was screwing, well who was screwing me - I was coming to realize - deserved
every bit of it. And the lines were no longer that cut-and-dry.

"Where are you going?" He asked quietly.

"Edward," I began quickly but paused and took a deep breath. I continued more kindly this time.
"I'm not sure, I won't be long though, I just... I need this, ok?" I couldn't look him in the eyes, but
I spoke softer to him.

"Ok... see you soon I guess." He sounded defeated and I don't blame him. I had just been a total
bitch to him, but at the same time, he had cowardly ignored my attempt at an honest fucking
conversation and I had every right to be a little pissed about it.

He got out and shut the door carefully. As I watched him walk off down through the pathway
between the trailers, rain started to mist around him. I saw him pause for a brief second but then
continued on. Sadness stabbed at me with the simple sight. I always carried an umbrella and all
that kind of shit with me, and of course he knew that. He could have run back to the car and
retrieved it quickly. I knew it and he knew it. But he simply forged on as it began to come down
harder, never looking back at me once.

I drove a few miles down the road and pulled over into a wide open space that overlooked the
gorgeous expansiveness that was Pacific Ocean and all the lush greenery surrounding it. We had

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spent the first week or so shooting on location here and I had been completely enamored with its
breathtaking views.

I sat there in silence just thinking about our insane relationship, and how we were choosing to
conduct it. It was terribly unhealthy, by any standards, and I think we both would have admitted
that but we were in too deep to turn back.

I listened to the cathartic sound of the rain beating down on the car and eventually I decided it
was time to head back. I hadn't realized that two whole hours had pasted, but I didn't care, I
needed that time to myself and I knew Edward really didn't mind, he truly was an easy-going

On the drive back I decided that I didn't want to get into it with him again - not now on set
anyway - so I would take a deep breath, put a smile on my face, push all those thoughts away and
just fucking do my job... for now.

When I arrived, umbrella over head, I found Edward hanging around under the overhang of the
hair and makeup trailer. With the rain pouring down the way it was now, there wasn't a single
person in sight.

It was 9:17.

"Edward you were supposed to be on set 17 minutes ago." I scolded him playfully as I reached
the shelter. I shook off my umbrella and tossed it onto the metal steps leading up to the doorway.

He caught onto my shift in mood. "I know, but Bella this time, it's not my fault. I swear." He
began, a small smiling etching its way onto his face. "Emmett was slated before me in there..."
He jabbed his thumb toward the trailer. "...and when he came out he didn't have an umbrella and
Mike wasn't around because he was probably off-"


"Ok. Ok. Well, Emmett tried to make a run for it..." I groaned, simply imagining the horrific
scene. "I know." He rolled his eyes in response and continued. "I swear, if looks could kill, Jane
and Chelsea would have had him writhing in pain since they had just spent an hour creating his
fight wounds."

He trailed off and I stood up on my tip toes to peer in through the window and sure enough, there
was Emmett. Wet as a dog being blow dried, pulled, pushed, and make-uped in the center of a
blurred frenzy.

"Only Emmett." I shook my head and laughed lightly.

"I know... Fuck, its freezing out here." He said, brushing his hands up and down his arms and his
warm breath became visible as it swirled and mixed with the frigid air.

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"Where's that ever present cigarette that always seems to make an appearance when the weather
is this cold?" I teased.

He shrugged. "Eh, I'm trying to quit." He said casually looking out at the open space between the
trailer and the large windowless building in which we ate breakfast every morning. It was a good
50 yards away and extremely difficult to see due to the heavy sheets of rain which were now
pounding down. There still wasn't a single soul in sight.

I couldn't help but smile, thinking the choice to quit may have had something to do with me.

"Look Bella, about what happened in the car..." He suddenly changed the direction and mood of
the conversion.

Ugh, I had arrived planning to push it behind us, pretend like I hadn't dropped him off alone in
the cold wet rain without much of an explanation after he'd cowardly avoided my questions.
Well not avoided, just simply didn't answer. Who does that!? But apparently he wasn't going to
let me hide. Of. Fucking. Course. not.

"Edward just forget it, its fine." I cut him off.

"No, its really not, you asked me a question and I should have answered it-"

"Well then?..." I suddenly demanded. I stared up at him with raised eyebrows, giving him the
chance to do just that. Sure I had wanted to put it behind us, but if he was insistent upon digging
it up, I was going to press him on it.

He broke our eye contact, looking out at the rain once again. More silence Edward, really?

I was pissed. Man up, coward!

"Bella, I'm sorry..." he began as he looked back to see fury pulsing in my eyes.

He attempted to put his hands on my shoulders. But I wasn't in the mood. He knew how to calm
me down, but I didn't want to be calmed. I had a right to be confused and mad and upset and sad
about this whole fucked up situation. I wrenched my shoulders out of his grasp and took off in
long strides towards the building across the way.

In my haste, of course I left the umbrella on the steps of the trailer, but I didn't care. The rain was
refreshing and helped wash away the haze which I constantly found myself in when thinking
about our twisted little relationship. I heard him call out my name over the sound of the rain
violently hitting the gravel. I ignored it.

A second later I felt his hand on my shoulder and it swung me around with ease.

"Edward go back! Alec is going to beat you senseless for getting your hair all wet before you sit
down in his chair." I yelled over the rain.

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"No!" He shouted back. "I'm sorry I didn't answer you in the car. I'm sorry I fucking chickened
out again right now but-"

"Edward go back!" I yelled at him threw squinted eyes as the powerful raindrops stung my face.

"Listen to me! You wanted an honest answer, Bella? You're getting it...

You never treated me like a celebrity. Not from the first moment I met you. You flew off the
handle when I spilled my drink on you before knowing it was me, and even when you did look
up and realize who I was, you simply continued. I fucking loved that. I needed that. Those guys I
was supposed to met don't care about me, the just like hanging out with Edward Cullen. You
have never been like that. I was so used to girls just falling at my feet, and even when I did have
to put in the slightest effort, it was always met with the same submissive reaction. You were
stronger, you treated me like a normal fucking person and even when I tried the half-assed shit
on you, that most girls melt over, you didn't respond. Not to any of it, because you were stronger.
You were better.

And as soon as I realized that, I knew I needed to act better, treat you better and just be better. I
knew, fuck I still know, that I don't deserve you Bella, but I swore to at least treat you the way
you should be. That is why I didn't try anything the night of the premiere. Not because I wasn't
interested and not because I was just trying to use you. I was trying to treat you the way you
deserve to be treated. And you made it hard, you made it really fucking hard with that dress and
your hair and all that skin and just... you. But I held my ground as well as I could because I knew
you deserved nothing less. I know I should have explained it better that night when you asked
why I had invited you, but it was so early, I thought you'd like I was crazy.

To answer your question directly, why did I pick you... I didn't. I simply found myself treating
you in ways I barely treated the women in my life whom I actually cared about, and I had just
met you. Deep down, I knew you were different. I didn't consciously pick you because, you, with
your personality and wit and won't-take-crap-from-anyone attitude, made me pick you.
Something, someone way out there picked you for me. I never really had choice Bella, I was a
sucker for you from the start."

An admission like that would have had me blushing and mumbling all the way through, but not
Edward. He spoke confidently, like it was the truth of all truths. His eye blazed into mine with an
honesty and intensity like I had never seen. I could tell he'd been waiting a very long time to tell
me everything he just had - and no amount of rain, or me yelling at him, or Alec's pending wrath
was going to silence him.

I stood there staring into his vivid green eyes has the words came spilling out of him. His clothes
clung to his taught, built body and as he attempted to blinked away the water that was getting in
his eyes, I could see little beads of rain flick from his dark, wet eyelashes. He continually ran his
hand through his sopping hair trying to push it off of his face. He was a watery, soaking mess -
we both were - but he had never looked more beautiful or sincere.

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"Edward..." I began but did not finish. I had no words. I didn't expect his answer to be so
truthful. I figured it would have started as a convenience or proximity thing up here in Oregon. I
never would have thought it ran so deep as to have started that very first night in the club.

Since I couldn't speak, he did again. "I know you're scared Bella, and I am too. I don't know how
to get of this this damn corner we've pushed ourselves into. But we will get out of it, and we'll do
it together."

He pulled me into a tight hug and pressed his cheek to the top of my wet matted hair, right there
in the middle of the rain. And I'd be lying if I said it wasn't exactly what I needed in that
moment. And like the intimate, private dance in the kitchen all those nights ago, it made me fall
a little more in love with him.

"I know its a shit situation baby and I'm so sorry about that, but its going to be alright." He
continued, not having to yell anymore now that we were so close.

And that sweet public display of affection would have been nice, and I honestly would have
believed it was going to be alright, except for the fact that as soon the sound of the trailer door
banged open, he dropped his arms and took one swift step back, rain immediately falling down
between us like a heavy metal sheet.

And that step back wasn't just away from me. It was a stupid giant step backwards in this insane
relationship we had created.

After his admission, apology and promise to find a way out - together - I started trying to instill
little romantic gestures into our relationship, hoping to eventually just transition into the couple
thing or at least a more normal, traditional situation. I wasn't doing anything drastic, but instead
of simply sleeping together, I wanted it to feel like we were together in more ways than just that

Driving around and watching TV, I'd sometimes reach for his hand. He'd let me hold it and even
began reaching for mine occasionally. But when it came to the set, in front of the other actors
and crew, it was strictly business - or at least the way we conducted business.

Even though we weren't doing anything in front of them, I had a feeling they might have begun
to catch on. Though we thought we were smart and sneaky as shit, these people weren't idiots,
we all spent practically 24 hours a day together, and Edward and I had been flirting shamelessly
for the past month and a half since we had slept together... well 3 months since the shoot
started... ok well 6 if you want to count the entire time we'd known each other.

I began receiving knowing smiles around set. Esme, his mother in the film, who was actually
married to Carisle in real life as well as the movie (fuck, were all of these actors paired off!?)
would wink at me each time I passed her. Alice opted for kissy-faces while Emmett favored lewd
hand and mouth gestures followed by that huge dimpled smile. I wasn't sure if they actually
knew there was something between the two of us or if they just though I had a thing for him.
Either way, it was all ridiculously childish and I half expected to hear 'Edward and Bella sitting

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in a tree...' being sung next.

It was all a bit awkward at first but I figured, hey at least they were all signs of approval, in one
way or another, and maybe I could use them to convince Edward to fucking just take the plunge
and go public with it.


I could tell Bella was getting restless with the whole situation and I knew she had a right to be,
but I just didn't know what the hell to do about it. Though she'd fished for information by asking
round-about questions and I told her that one time in the rain that I knew we were both cornered
and scared, we had never really talked about the predicament we were in, and I wasn't going to
bring that shit up. It would have been opening a can-o-fucking-worms and most likely would
have ended in either disaster or a stalemate, because I honestly had no fucking idea how to make
it any better.

It wasn't that I was ashamed of her or any crap like that, the girl was a fucking dream. For one, I
had never been very good at keeping relationships going - well I hadn't really had any interest
actually - but, excluding the secretive aspect, this one was going really fucking well and I was
worried that the slightest shift might change that.

And then there was the whole other element to consider - people's reactions. I didn't give a shit
about the fact that I was celebrity and she wasn't, fuck, I wasn't that shallow. But there was a
very distinct possibility that some people were going to flip out because she was my assistant,
and I couldn't say I'd blame them.

I knew none of my real friends would care, they'd probably love it in fact, they already loved her.
Even Rosalie, one night when Bella was off making popcorn with Alice, had pretty much told
me we weren't pulling anything over on her and she knew what we were up to. She promised not
to tell anyone but said she couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't figure it out on their own.

Though I denied it, she went on to say she even thought we were great together. That in itself
was strange. According to Rose, anyone who turns her down is completely impotent. Though she
gave me the seal of approval, she still laughed at the irony saying "But really Edward, the Boss
and the Secretary thing is just so cliche!" and she was completely fucking right.

It didn't worry me that the press would inevitably run their 'Edward Cullen Sleeping with his
Assistant!' stories, which is probably what she thought, thanks to Erica. Sure that woman would
lose her shit, but I didn't care, this was my life, and no one, not even my tyrant of a publicist was
going to tell me how to live it.

My problem was that the girl did technically worked for me and I didn't want to get that kind of
reputation amongst the people in Hollywood whom I did respect and wanted to be taken
seriously by.

This whole thing was just so confusing and had gotten completely out of control and what was

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worse, was that I had no I idea how to fix it, and tensions were growing which gave me a
nagging feeling it was all coming to boiling point.

Fucking cowardly rabbit.?
Stupid silly little girl.

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Chapter: 15

Chapter 15


We staying in that weird sexual, secretive, yet-no-discussion-about-any-of-it, limbo for another
few weeks until we came within just a week or two of the end of filming. After a fucking long
day of re-shoots a bunch of the cast and crew decided to go out for drinks together. Yea we get a
little sappy near wrap-up, so what? Bella came too, no surprise there.

The bar was on the street for night life around here and there were people milling about
everywhere. As we drove past our ultimate destination to park, I noticed a huge sign out front. It

Great, I thought to myself. Not that I disliked karaoke, I found it quite entertaining in fact, but I
knew that meant the place would be packed and our group, with a good number of the cast, crew
and some assistants was rolling about 15 deep.

"Of. Fucking. Course." I heard Bella swear under her breath. She must have seen the sign the
same time I did.

"Aw, not a fan of karaoke, babe?" I teased her as I squeezed the hand of hers I was already
holding. It made sense, she just wasn't that type of girl and though we had amazing jam sessions
in the car, I knew anything in public was a completely different story.

"Not exactly. Though I don't entirely despise it, I can't say I like it. What I do despise is the
fucking peer pressure to go up there. It always makes me insecure and feel like I'm in 5th grade
again." She divulged as she pulled into the valet car line.

"Well I promise I won't say a word, but I'm telling you right now, someone in this group is going
give it their best effort. I can see Emmett, or maybe Carlisle, or even Rosalie, if she's feeling
bitchy. Wait no, what am I saying?! My bet is definitely on Alice." I told her truthfully.

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"Fuck, you're right, and that girl is persistent too." She whined. Our hands broke apart as we each
stepped out of the car doors being help open for us by the valets. She took the validation ticket
and rounded the back of the volvo, meeting up with me as we headed for the bar.

The place was packed but as always, Alice worked her magic and got our huge group a row of
tables centered right along the back wall. Perfect view and perfect location for our now, quite
famous group. I'm telling you, always bet on Alice.

The wall side was lined with booth seats while the facing side had free standing chairs - small
circular tables were scattered down the row. I slid into the booth with Bella on my right side and
Jasper on my left. The rest of the group settled in around us, and soon after, the drinking began.

We endured song after song being butchered terribly, with the occasional refreshing performer
who could actually carry a decent tune. And then of course there were the typical acts. I swear,
its an unwritten rule that certain songs must be performed at Karaoke Nights, and badly too.

There were the 'Don't Stop Believing' and 'Living on a Prayer' guys who were so drunk, that they
clutched at their chest and reached out to the crowed with the more intensity than Journey and
Bon Jovi themselves. They were fucking riots.

Then there were the groups of girls too shy to go up by themselves, singing, well more like
shouting, songs like 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' a la Modana and 'If You Wanna Be My Lover'
by the Spice Girls.

Though most acts were down right rotten, they were always met with an animated round of
applause. Hey, it takes a lot of fucking guts to get up there, and besides, there was a whole lot of
alcohol running through the crowd's veins tonight.

I had a few beers in me and I was feeling good. Bella was being cautious, just starting drink
number two. I knew she had cut back on her drinking when she started the job, but I also knew
this girl liked her drinks - that first night in the club told me that much. I understood that she was
just trying to do her job well, but she really fucking was so I wished she'd just let go sometimes.

I slid my hand onto her thigh under the table and whispered into her ear. "You're not on the
clock, baby. You can drink more than two if you want. Well even if you were..." I trailed off
laughing lightly. She could drink even on the job if she wanted to, she knew it and I knew it.
This job merely required it at times.

My comment was met with a simple smile as she took another short, quick sip. Oh well I
thought, leaning back and removing my hand. At least I gave her the Ok. But I often did, and she
never, ever, took me up on it.

A little later, Alice and Rosalie performed 'Unbelievable' by EMF and just fucking killed it. As if
that song isn't hot enough on its own, the girls' performances had every guy in the place drooling.

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Alice strutted back and forth across the stage, working it like total a pro. At one point she was
singing the chorus to the audience...

"The things you say, your purple prose just give you away.

The things, you say..."

...and with that dramatic pause in the song she flung the wireless mic high into the air.

It whipped around rapidly and I swear the entire place went silent at the sheer suspense of it. I
bet the equipment technician shit his fucking pants. The mic spiraled back down. Catching it in
her tiny hand, she shot the crowd a smoldering look and finished cooly.

"You're Unbelievable."

The place went fucking nuts.

And then there was Rose, she had an entirely different way of going about the performance. It
took less effort but had the crowd just as worked up, at least the guys anyway. She danced along
seductively to the music. Rocking her hips back and forth and grinding up and down the mic
stand to that damn cow-bell, she sent the crowd into a fucking frenzy.

At one of the dramatic pauses that energetic counterpart wasn't using to throw her mic in the air,
Rose turned her face to the side and froze. Right at that beat before "You're Unbelievable," she
whipped her head around shooting the crowd the sexiest look she had and crooned out the line.
And unless you're immune to her like I was, you were fucking done for.

Her long golden hair fanned out around her face and shoulders and I swear to god it moved in
slow motion. That girl could be a god damn vixen at the flip of a switch, and Rosalie... well lets
just say, she was the master of flipping that switch.

Individually those girls were lethal, but together, shit, together they should be outlawed entirely
from the whole fucking planet.

They strutted off stage to a standing ovation and made their way back to our table.

"Very subtle girls," Carlisle commented to them. "You know that'll be on YouTube tomorrow,
right? Followed by a segment on Access Hollywood. I can see it now, 'Vampire Girls Vamp it up
at Local Karaoke Night'."

"Oh please Carlisle, you may play our dad in the movie, but loosen up tonight, shit." Rosalie
shot at him and took a swig of her pink martini as Emmett slide his arm around her waist
defensively. Though whether it was from Carlisle or the numerous guys still staring at her with
slacked jaws, I wasn't really sure.

At that point Jasper turned to me. "What do you say brother?" Tilting his head towards the stage.

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"Nah, sorry Jas, but I just can't bring myself to do a duet with a guy." I laughed.

"Aw, a little Simon and Garfunkel perhaps?" Bella teased, playfully patting my hand which was
resting on the table and gave it an encouraging squeeze.

"Sorry to disappoint." I laughed shaking my head.

A second that felt like eternity passed and I realized she hadn't lifted her hand away. I saw Jasper
look directly down at it, smirk and look away, off towards Alice.

I fucking panicked.

I yanked my hand out from under hers quickly, causing hers to fall to the table with a sad little
slap. In trying to get my hand away from hers as fast as possible I hadn't really thought my
actions through entirely and mine was literally just hovering mid-air. After a solid few seconds, I
lamely reached for my empty pint glass and brought it to my lips. Smooth Edward I thought to

She pulled her lonely little hand from the table quickly and tucked it protectively into her lap. I
knew I had just made her feel like crap and I hated that, but, fuck this was getting so confusing.

The waiter came by and I ordered another pint. That had sobered me right up and I needed to
dive right back in. Just as he was about to walk away Bella's hand shot out in front of my face to
get his attention.

"I'll have another one of these." She said lifting her full gin and tonic. "But, uh..." she continued
timidly, "make it a triple." She finished with a nodded and a sudden wave of confident.

The falling and twisting was fun for a while,
but much too quickly, did it turn quite vile.

Further and further down you go
Into that silly rabbit hole

a/n: I've worked and re-worked and read and re-read this story countless times since I started
it but that image of Alice and Rosalie up there singing 'Unbelievable' just gets me every time
haha I think its so perfect for those two.

By the way, in researching it a bit I realized its lyrics are totally insane, everyone knows the
song and the melody and that one line, but if you actually look at the lyrics, i bet not one
person can single that song live. That is with the exception of those two girls ;) haha

Ok I held off asking for reviews last time because I realized I sounded like a greedy little

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toddler asking and reminding about reviews every chapter buuuut now I see you guys are just
as childlike and need encouragement! haha so pppllease get out there and review, this story is
coming to an end pretty soon (yes darlings, sadly its true) and I'd love to hear what more and
more of you have to say as it comes to a close. So please do and to those who review
consistently... thaaank you so much, you guys keep me writing and editing and perfecting until
the very last second to get the chapters out on time and it means the world to me to see you're
names reviewing each and every time!

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Chapter: 16

The waiter came by and I ordered another pint. That had sobered me right up and I needed to
dive back in again. Just as he was about to walk away Bella's hand shot out in front of my face to
get his attention.

"I'll have another one of these." She said lifting her full gin and tonic.

"but, uh.." She continued timidly. "make it a triple." She finished with a nodded and a sudden
wave of confident.

Chapter 16


The waiter whistled as if impressed. "Yes mame." He said with a nod just before turning away to
fetch our drinks.

"Damn Bella's gettin' crazy down there!" Emmett yelled from a few seats over. She smiled
sheepishly over at him.

"Bella, your drink is full." I reminded her in a careful whisper. I didn't want to completely piss
her off, but she needed to be reasonable.

She picked the glass up and gulp after gulp she downed it, like the champ I knew she was.

"And now its not." She said flippantly, staring straight ahead, never meeting my eye line.

"Bella-" I began cautiously.

"What Boss? I thought you gave me permission to drink?" She asked condescendingly, still

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facing forward.

"Bella, please-" I began again, of course it wasn't like that. My pleading stopped short however,
when she jerked her face towards mine and I was met with coldest look I'd ever seen in those,
normally, warm pools of liquid chocolate.

Yea that thing I just said about not wanting to completely piss her off... too fucking late.

No more than 15 minutes had passed and Bella had finished the triple. She was laughing and
joking with the entire group, but any time I'd chime in she'd throw me another fucking death
stare. I had completely lost that good-feeling, light-hearted buzz and was now owning the
sad-pathelic-depressed-asshole act to perfection.

The couple on stage had been singing 'Summer Nights' from Grease, complete with the talking
intro - which wasn't even on the teleprompter by. the. way. Fucking assholes. They made me
want to vomit.

I was so fucking depressed by that point that I had slumped forward, resting my forehead on the
rim of my pint glass that sat on the table in front of me. Looking this bad you'd think someone,
anyone in the group would have been concerned, but no. In fact they all seemed to be blatantly
ignoring me and welcoming Bella in as their new god damn queen.

The duo from hell came near the end of their song, and I was positive he'd do it. I knew I'd regret
it, but I lift my head a few inches just in time to see that jackass raise his arm at the final note, in
true Danny Zuko fashion. I groaned in disgust and dropped my head back to the glass.

"Ok, we need another performance from this group." Someone around me yelled. I was so out of
it, I don't even know who had spoken. There were a few mumbles of agreement but no one

"Oh come on you chicken-pieces-of-shit, the Pixie and I went up!" Rosalie scolded, and I only
knew it was her because she had mentioned performing with Alice, or 'the Pixie' as she liked to
refer to her. And aside from my girl, Rose was the next female with the dirtiest pirate mouth I

"Yea and Rose was fucking hot so I don't blame anyone for not wanting to go up after her!"
Emmett boomed, and I only knew it was him because he mentioned Rose being hot, and though
she was, no one got away with saying in front of Emmett, except Emmett - unless of course he
was asking you to agree with him.

"I'll do it." Came quietly from my right. I knew it was Bella. I'd know her voice anywhere,
anytime. She had said it at a normal level though so I knew no one had heard her.

I lifted my head from its resting place on the glass, and was 99% certain that by now I had an
indentation from the rim, but I didn't fucking care. I leaned into her lazily and said, "Bella, I get
that you're in a shitty, defiant mood right now and I know I'm to blame for that, but you don't

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have to go up there. No one heard you so its fine." Even though I was annoyed with her for being
such a bitch to me after the hand holding shit-fest, I knew she'd regret going on stage, and I just
couldn't let her.

She looked over at me and this time it wasn't with wild rage or daggers and I sighed with relief,
thinking I'd convinced her. Though her face wasn't cold this time, it certainly wasn't warm. In
fact it was cool, calm, resolved. Keeping her eyes locked on me, she opened her mouth and
yelled loudly, commanding every attention in our party.


Silly little, sweet darling girl,?
what are you getting into?
You're in over your head, you don't even know
?exactly what you pursue.

Everyone around us began clapping and cheering. The excitement jostled us around, but we
never broke eye contact. For the first time in a long time I had absolutely no idea what she was

She had been all over the place earlier, laughing with everyone yet still royally pissed off at me.
Though I hated it, I knew the laughing thing was an act just to annoy the shit out of me. I'd seen
girls do this before and that much I could follow.

But the girl staring back at me in this moment was unreadable. She was as cool as ice, confident
in whatever was brewing in her mind and I was scared fucking shitless.

She ripped her eyes away from mine and placing her left hand on my knee, she pushed off of me
to stand. She pushed hard. Before she had a chance to take a single step, Jasper shot up from my
other side, grabbed her shoulder and whispered something into her ear. She looked back at him,
first shocked, then a bit embarrassed, but ultimately nodded before taking off towards the stage
with purpose. What the fuck was that about?

Our party slapped her on the back as she weaved her way through our tables. Emmett was
pumping his fist in the air chanting "Bella! Bella! Bella!" as she made her way up to the DJ
which was to the side of the stage.

What the fuck was she doing?


I had no fucking idea what I was doing.

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Well I did, but it just wasn't like me. Fuck you Bella my mind lashed out. Learn to be a grown up
and not solve everything with alcohol in quantities that would get a fucking wholly mammoth

Though I was scared shitless, I did have a plan. A damn good one too, but I didn't know how it
would go over. Then again, I didn't really give a crap. I was sick of this asshole and his games.

Though I had thrown myself into the drunken madness right after the whole
hand-holding-debacle, I knew I wasn't that convincing. I wasn't the fucking actress around here. I
had a feeling the only reason our group welcomed me in so warmly and played along with my
act was because they not only knew what was going on, which I'd suspected lately anyway, but
they were actually on my side about it too. They ignored Edward right along with me and he
looked downright miserable. Well, you deserved it, jackass.

After he'd tried to deter me from going on stage, with that stupid indentation on his forehead
from being such a lazy, self-pitting asshole, I decided I had no other choice. When I'd gathered
enough strength to stand and head up to the stage, Jasper grabbed me by the shoulder quickly. He
leaned into my ear and whispered, "Stick it to him baby girl." and he winked at me. The bastard
actual winked at me. He did know. They all must have, and though I figured as much, it was
another thing to have my suspicions confirmed. I was mortified but then anger surged through
me. What a waste of time it all had been. All this time we could have been open about it.

Still a bit embarrassed but with a new found confidence, I nodded to him and used that wave of
fire to push myself out of the crowd and up the steps to the DJ booth.

When I got up there the DJ announced to the crowd that he was going to taking a short break, but
was going to let me pick the song I wanted to play out during his absence.

I had been debating between two songs to sing. Though both had perfect meanings, one was just
a little more me, and the other Edward already knew I thought was his anthem. So I requested the
latter of the two and saved the other for myself. The DJ nodded and within a seconds,
'Womanizer' came pulsing out of the speakers.

I wouldn't have been able to sing it anyway, it would have required way to much sexual energy
and enthusiasm and I could barely stand on my own two feet at the moment. And besides, as
strong and woman-power and all that crap, as the song was, it not only called the guy out on his
womanizing ways, but also told him 'I'm never gonna fall for you' and shit like that. Well, oops.
Been there, done that.

I waited in the DJ booth, never once looking at Edward. I just couldn't. Not yet anyway.

As the song came to a close the DJ returned and he asked me what I wanted to sing. I asked him
if he had the band. He nodded. I asked him if he had the song. He turned to his laptop and
searched. He nodded.

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"You sure?" He questioned casually.

He probably asked everyone that but I took the opportunity to actually consider it for a second. It
had a different meaning to me. What I was about to do was big, really fucking big and I needed
to be 100% about it.

I took a deep breath and nodded my head once. "Absolutely."


I watched her weave through the crowd. I watched her climb the steps to the DJ booth. I watched
her as the DJ announced that she would choose the song he went on break to. I watched her as
that god damn 'Womanizer' song played as her fucking choice.


Jasper, Alice, Emmett and Rosalie burst into laughter and cheered loudly. Whether they knew it
was about me or were just fucking trashed I wasn't sure, either way, they were enjoying this way
to much.

I watched Bella as the DJ returned and they exchanged a few words and nods. I watched her
walk out to center stage and lower the mic stand with shaky hands. I hadn't taken my eyes off of
her since I had pleaded with her not to go up there and since then she hadn't looked at me. Not

After giving a nod to the DJ that she was ready she looked down at her shoes, her feet were
twisting and squirming nervously. She had left the booth so cool and composed I thought she
knew what she was doing, but now I knew otherwise.

Shit. She had acted on an impulse and was obviously regretting it. I should have fucking insisted
she not do it rather than just whine at her like a child. I felt terrified for her. She looked terrified.

My mind pleaded with her again. Oh god, baby, just get through it. You're already up there, and
yea, that's your own fault, but just fucking make it through alive.
I didn't want her to be
embarrassed or shot down by the crowd. I'd fucking kill each and every one of them if they hurt
her like that.

The song's intro started and I recognized it. Vaguely. It must have been on her iPod, I was
constantly steeling that thing when I misplaced mine.

The intro was upbeat and 'pop' like - that's a good sign right? - and a girl's voice sang the
background melody. After silently praying that she'd make it out of this unscathed, I realized my
prayers were unnecessary.

That girl looked up slowly, finally meeting my eyes with the most confidence I'd ever fucking

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a/n: thaaaaanks so much for all the reviews last chapter, what can I say? I'm a child and I need
positive reinforcement haha

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Chapter: 17

a/n: ok so I haven't made any dedications yet...mostly because I'm new and don't really know
anyone very well. But this chapter is dedicated to halojones and the amazing work that is 'I
Hate Myself for Loving You' more specifically chapter 36... i'm not explaining why... you'll
just have to read it and then you'll understand. Yea, I'm a tease like that. ...anyways, thanks
for the green light ;)

After silently praying that she'd make it out of this unscathed, I realized my prayers were

That girl looked up slowly, finally meeting my eyes with the most confidence I'd ever fucking

Chapter 17


The intro started and it was all I needed, it served as that last push into this insane situation I'd
gotten myself into. My eyes lifted slowly, the lights shone brightly on me but I found my target.
He looked petrified, and once he realized I was staring at him, he became confused and
uncomfortable and slightly worried all that the same time.

I could tell he still had no idea what I was up to. Well baby, you're about to find out. And with
that, the intro was over and the lyrics, my message, began.

"Baby boy, you're face is pretty and your life's a toy."I delivered the line in a small sexy baby
doll voice like Nina did. At 'toy', I toss my hand in the air the way she did in the video.

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Edward's eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms over his chest. He slouched back into the booth
and glared at me through the shadows. Fuel to the fucking fire, baby. Bring it.

"Master man, I'm never better than your latest plan." I covered the last two words with ice
and sneered at him, thinking back to the time he went with Emmett to that bar with that
supposedly gorgeous bartender.

"Poor donee. What are you gonna try to be? Where are you gonna go without me now?"I
built up the the chorus and was jabbing my shoulder and the mic stand forward a little with each
pulsing beat. Though I wasn't planning on quitting or going anywhere - not that I really could,
lost bet, remember? - the thought of Edward going on without me as his assistant down right

"I've been your mother, I've been your father. Who can ask me for more? I've been your
sister, I've been your mistress, maybe I was your whore.
Who can ask me for mo-o-ore?"

I couldn't believe I was fucking doing this. I continued to burn my eyes into him. He probably
thought it was for dramatic effect but I knew if I looked into the crowed or allowed myself to
take in the current situation at all, I would crumble. So I kept my eyes locked with his and

"Superstar, I've tried to educate your childish heart.?I made your bed"...and did your
laundry, and cooked your food, and all but wiped your fucking ass,
my mind ranted. "and I was
in it when your faith was dead."
I remembered back to our in-bed-all-day-extravaganza when
he'd poured his fears out to me.

I sang the chorus again and was thankful when the song took off on its instrumental solos for a
minute. The weight of the situation was getting heavier as I sang these words to him, basically
baring my fucking soul. The drum symbol crashed loudly, violently, making it sound like the
song was breaking down, and I felt like I just might too, but I took a deep breath and forced
myself on.

"Sweetie pie, I'm your personal pro, you know.?You know what number to try, when to
I snarled the lines out, hoping to god he could feel my emotions. If not, I was feeling
enough for the whole god damn room.

I repeated the chorus again twice and out of the corner of my eye I noticed the teleprompter for
the first time, flashing the lyrics at me. I hadn't needed it, I knew this song by heart. I knew what
it was telling me to sing but I changed the ending a little. I had to.

"Who could ask me for more??What kind of person wants more??Baby you.. can.. take..

I knew it was a complete and total contradiction. I just sang the whole song to put the guy in his
fucking place and at the very end of it, I submitted and told the asshole he can just go ahead and
keep on taking. Though it basically voided the entire thing, it was true and I knew it. But hey, at

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least I got up there and did it, right?

Finally as the song came to its end, I opened myself up to the scene around me. My emotions
must have really come through because the crowd was going wild, and I knew it wasn't my
fucking voice that had them roaring. I don't think I had ever seen a group of people react like that
until I my eyes fell on the group I had been sitting with.

The entire party was on its feet cheering like fucking crazy.

Each and every one of them.

All... except Edward.

My eyes roamed and soon found him again, sitting deep in the booth, even more difficult to see
through the standing jeering bodies. I expected to find him with the same narrowed eyes and
crossed arms. I mean fuck, he hadn't moved throughout the entire song, but he had now.

Now, he had his elbows on his knees. His head hung down low and his hands were clutching
fistfulls of hair. Not running through, just clutching, clenching. Seeing the crowd's reaction and
finally speaking my mind had washed away my tensions, but seeing him like this, well, they
gripped at my body again. More tightly than ever before.

And then a devastating realization hit me. Maybe I'd pushed him too far, I had just thrown our
private situation out into the public for all the fucking world to see. He was forced to live so
much of his life in the public eye, what if I had just revealed the one thing he held dear, private.



As soon as she sang the first searing line, I knew the song. 'Been It' by the Cardigans, they had
that hot ass chick as the lead singer. Though I'd heard it before its actual message didn't dawn on
me until each line was thrown in my face.

And although I knew I was getting exactly what I deserved, I was mortified. She was basically
telling the entire world what we had been up to. And not only that but she was making it sound
like I treated her like a fucking whore.

I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest at that realization. Is that really what she
thought? I slouched back into the booth feeling like a child. She had me feeling that way so
often. She was putting me in my fucking place and I couldn't do a god damn thing but sit there
and take it. What did this girl do to me.

When I first met her I was King-of-the-mother-fucking-Castle and the Dirty Rascal. I could
smooth talk my way into anything, and out of anything. I made girls weak at the knees with an
that effortless smirk. I was a charming son-of-a-bitch that could probably lay a nun if I put an

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ounce of effort into it.

Yet, over the course of nearly 7 months, this girl had turned me into a fucking toddler, who could
barely color inside the lines. I needed to reclaim my title. All I needed was an opportunity. So I
waited. And watched her continue.

She didn't have that classically good voice but damn did she have something. She had this sexy
little sugar and spice thing going on. One second she was batting her eyelashes singing with the
sweetest tone you'd ever heard, and a second later she'd burn her eye into you, ripping you wide
open and pour her venom soaked lyrics into your body. That shit was hot.

When she was doing the baby doll thing she'd lightly stroke her hand up and down the mic stand.
She did it absentmindedly, but it looked like she was jacking the thing off in a slow rhythmic

Damn, this girl was to be my undoing.

Aw who was I kidding, I was already undone... a long fucking time ago.

The song continued with more lyrics that where pretty much written for me, the asshole and all
throughout it, that girl never took her emotion-filled eyes off me once. As the came to a close I
noticed she changed the lyrics a little. I couldn't figure out why exactly, I knew she knew the
song word-for-word, but before I had the chance to give it a second though, the entire crowed
rose and went completely insane. I looked around me at our group, which had gotten on its feet
the minute Bella went up there.

Alice was literally jumping up and down clapping her hands over her head. Every once in a
while she'd look over at me and stick her tiny little tongue out.

Rosalie was leaning back on one leg, the other was bent in front of her. She clapped slowly and
stared straight at me with a shit-eating grin on her face. Ok, ok Rosalie, you knew all along and
the girl finally put me in my rightful place! Is that what you want to fucking hear!?

Emmett was doing one of those ear-splitting, annoying-as-fuck whistles with his fingers in his
mouth and glancing over at me every few seconds, searching for a reaction.

Carlisle looked over, cocked his eyebrow, tilted his head slightly and grinned, as if to say '
hell of a performance `eh?' While Esme linked her arm through his and simply smiled sweetly at

Holy mother fucking shit balls.

They knew. All of them.

Each. And. Every. One.

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I leaned forward and put my head in my hands in an attempt to zone them out, I simply couldn't
deal with them right now. I pulled at fistfuls of hair and finally focused my attention sharply on
Bella's made up lyrics, scrutinizing each word.

'What kind of person wants more? Baby you can take more.'

What kind of person does want more? I thought back to the lines in the song that perfectly
paralleled our situation. The entire thing was basically about a good looking jackass with a
charmed life who was taking this poor girl for granted and treating her like shit. What kind of
person actually continues to ask more of a girl so giving? A selfish asshole thats who.

Yet the last line she made up invited the asshole back in. Invited me back. After all she had put
up with, all that I had selfishly taken from her, she was telling me it was ok to want, no, take
more. Fuck, I didn't deserve this girl. She treated me so well and I treated her miserably.

A moment ago I had said that if I had the chance to reclaim my title I'd take it. Well, it's now or
never, you selfish undeserving asshole. What're you gonna do?

You had your fun you tricky rabbit?
like you had nothing to lose.

But you went too far, and now its time?
for you to pay your dues.

?a/n: I thought leaving you all with a cliff hanger before the smut scene was cruel but WOW
you all freaked out about last chapter... I've slept with one eye open every night since! haha
well I'm so sorry to do it to you again this time but the story is building, and I've got to keep
you on the edge of your seats, exciting isn't it? haha but with intense built up comes, well, the
end. Its true my lovlies :( Its been a great run, more amazing than I ever would have imagined
but we'll save all that sappy stuff for the very end. And even though we're almost done here,
some things, however, never change: review your little hearts out, will ya? :)

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Chapter: 18

(EDWARD POV) I had said, a moment ago, that if I had the chance to reclaim my title I'd take it.
Well, it's now or never, you selfish undeserving asshole. What're you gonna do?

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Chapter 18


I panicked. Though I couldn't see his face everything about his body language indicated that he
was beyond pissed.

Suddenly his head snapped up, his determined eyes meeting my terrified ones. I expected him to
storm out of the place and never talk to me again.

Without warning he jolted up, Jasper slapped him on the back and spoke something to him.
Edward gripped the side of the small table with one hand. Leaning onto it, he threw his weight
up and over. He began pushing his way through the cheering crowd, coming straight for the

I remember thinking... Holy shit, what the hell is he up to!? He's either going to drag me off this
stage or get back at me by singing some equally embarrassing and insulting song.
I probably
deserved both. And though I was terrified of what he was planning, I can't say I regretted my
actions at all. All of this crap had been culminating for some time now and well, that shit just
needed to be done.

As he made his way closer, his eyes never left me and the determination I found in them was so
intense, so staggering, it would have scared me if I hadn't known him as well as I did.


I sliced through the crowd, pushing the asshole guys to the wayside. They were cheering for her
loudly, and though her performance warranted such praise, I knew they were all just sloppy-ass
drunks who probably wanted her to jack them off the way she was the microphone stand. But
this girl was mine. And I was making it clear, to the whole fucking world, right fucking now.


He was coming straight towards me and I doubted that he had much of a plan. The stage was a
good 5 feet high and was packed to the front with people. If his intention was to come up, he
would have needed to use the stairs but he proceeded, without hesitation to its edge. Though he
had been pushing through the mob of people, he was so determined, so set on whatever it was
that was motivating him, that he had enough momentum to plant one hand on the stage and
swing his body up easily to the side. A single foot landed effortlessly, soundlessly, on the stage -
followed by the other. He stood up no more than an arm's length away, and just looked at me
with that constant unshakeable intensity.

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The crowd died down with his sudden arrival and a beat of silenced passed as we stared at each
other. I swear the green of his eyes was strengthening in even intense pulses.

"What?" I finally demanded, tossing my hands in the air, and letting them slap to my sides
exasperatedly. The mic, which stood evenly between us but just slightly away, carried my voice
loud and clear over the now silent room, but I didn't care. He had made his way up here like he
was on a god damn mission and I'd be damned if I let him cowardly shy away it.

I began to hear a few hushed whispers. " that Edward Cullen? it is..." Great, just what I
needed. Nothing like public recognition to scare this guy shitless, but I mean, come on, he came
up here on his own accord. I was so sick of his impulsive actions that never led anywhere - like
that time in the rain when he kept bringing up that god damn topic I just wanted to forget. Yet
each time he'd bring it up he'd look away and never finish his thought and though, sure, he finally
finished it, and yea, it was a confession for the record books I was so not playing this game with
him right now. We were not dancing around this topic until one of either caved or croaked
because I honestly didn't know which would come first. So I forced him to be up front.

His unblinking eyes bore into mine and I continued. "What the fuck are you going to do
Edward... in front of all these people?" I motioned my hand towards the silent crowd but never
took my eyes off of him.

"I... we are not hiding anymore. In front of all these people, Bella Swan, my Bella, I'm fucking
taking more."
He growled, repeating the one message in the song - which held a million - that
truly mattered.

All at once he scooped me into his body with one hand around the small of my back. He dove the
other into my hair, cradling the back of my head with his strong wide spread fingers, and he
crashed his lips to mine.

I imagine the crowd had roared up again loudly.
I imagine the entire wait staff had gone inactive, just watching the dramatically corny scene
I imagine Alice and Emmett had jumped up again cheering and Jasper falling back down into his
seat, throwing his hands in the air and sighing 'Finally!'
I imagine it all happened exactly this way but I really couldn't tell you. All I can tell you is that
Edward fucking Cullen was claiming me as his own in front of the whole god damn world.

After what felt like an eternity, we separated. The crowd fell quiet again, I swear they thought
they were watching a fucking movie.

"You know how to make one hell of a scene don't you Cullen?" I smiled uncontrollably and
shook my head. I began to blush and looked down at my feet.

"Wait, let me guess. 'Fucking Actors' right Bella?" He teased.

"Fucking Actors." I nodded in agreement, and that god damn unwavering smile was literally

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welded to my face.

"Well it looks you finally got what you asked for all those months ago. See Bella, karma doesn't
hate you." He continued, and happiness was radiating off of him in every direction. I didn't know
what he meant by his comment though, and I knew he could tell.

"Me. Mic. Spotlight. Crowd. And a declaration of undying, universe-shaking, all-consuming,
can't-live-with-out-you love." He spelled out for me.

And I remembered that night in the club, which seemed like so much more than a mere 7 months
prior. The silly little drunken bet which had brought us together, and brought us here to this
moment - and me asking him to do basically what he'd just done, only this was so much greater.

"Love?" I asked. Yea it was a bold thing to ask but, hey, I felt bold and technically he was the
one who had just mentioned it.

"Damn Bella, can't one ground-breaking act of gentlemanly gallantry be enough for one night!?"
He teased still smiling, though the silly little girl in me couldn't help but noticed he didn't exactly
answer the question. It really didn't bother me though, there was already a whole lot of honesty
going around and the entire thing was still so new anyway.

"And the proposal?" I pressed on jokingly, reminding him of the second half of that assignment
and raised my eyebrows for effect. I'd already asked the guy point-blank if he loved me, what
was a tiny question about a proposal after that?

He took my hand, and with complete and utter sincerity on his face, he dropped down to one
knee. I almost fucking fainted. If I thought the place was silent before, now I would have sworn
not a single fucking person took a single fucking breathe.

Once his knee touched the ground, he began, "Bella..." and stared straight up into my eyes. my
heart. my soul.

"....its going to be a hell of a lot more romantic and private than this." He finished, and grinned
that brilliant grin at me, knowing he'd almost given me a heart attack. He kissed my hand and
stood back up.

I blushed like crazy and said to him, "Well that whole bet thing was suppose to embarrass the
shit out of you Edward, not make you the fucking smooth, grand gesture guy that makes every
girl in the whole room weak at the knees. Fucking Actor. How the hell do the tables manage to
turn in your favor every damn time!?" I simply laughed at the irony. This guy was so good
looking even the karma gods were impressed and favored him - and that shit just isn't fair!

He continued smiling and spoke the only thing left for him say.

"I'm just lucky I guess." It was the third time he'd said it to me in the 7 months that I'd known
him. Each time he said it, it was at a generic point in the conversation where anyone would have

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used it. But each and every time he said it, he saturated it with meaning that only he and I

So I played right along and said the last thing there was for me to say.

"Of. Fucking. Course." I rolled my eyes one last time, wrapped my fingers in his collar and
pulled his face down toward me.


As she pulled me down towards her perfect lips, Jasper's words echoed in my mind. The very
ones he had said to me, just before I'd jumped up and committed myself to exposing this whole
thing for what it truly was.

"About fucking time." He had said. And it really fucking was.

?a/n: Awwww isn't bold, smooth, chivalrous Edward just delicious. It simply doesn't get any
better than that, not from me anyway. which means..... epilogue time guys and dolls... buuuut
mostly dolls bc I'm not sure that there are many guys. haha

I'm a sucker for an exciting, climactic, sappy-sweet ending like this, but for those of you who
don't like everything ending with unicorns riding off into the sunset with a rainbow overhead,
flowers and other inanimate objects singing and dancing and glitter and sprinkles raining
down from the sky (carried away? yea, just a bit. damn, sorry haha), don't worry, the epilogue
will ground itself in real life. and for those of you on the other side of the fence, don't freak
out and take that to mean all hell is going to come crashing down haha I haven't steered you
wrong through 18 chapters, have some faith my young grasshoppers.

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Chapter: 19

a/n: IMPORTANT: My original author's note got ridiculously long, so as not to mislead you
with an extremely high word count I've kept it focused on comments for this chapter only and
put all my sappy, end-of-story commentary into the following chapter, so my apologies if the
addition chapter got any hopes up. Clarification: this chapter is the last in the story the one
that follows is simply an author's note. So savor it, cry, curse me, whatever haha just don't
throw stones when you get to ch.20 and don't find any Bella/Edward goodness.

ps - sooo non-members may not know but log in's were down since saturday night, apologies
for not having this chapter up on time :(

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Chapter 19 - the epilogue

"Where the hell is your boarding pass Cullen?!" I asked laughingly. Déjà fucking vu. It was a
god damn repeat of that stressful day at LAX so many months ago, but now, everything was

After my little karaoke performance and the ridiculously corney reality-show display that
followed, Edward and I just were. We didn't really have to explain it to anyone around set - they
had either already known, heard it instantly, or figured it out once they saw us holding hands and
kissing and all that shit. Of course that didn't deter them from congratulating us to an
embarrassing extent but by the end of another week or so we found ourselves packing everything
up and getting ready to head back to L.A.

Edward and I had talked about the future and whether or not I should continue to be his assistant.
Though the bet clearly stated 12 full months of servitude, we decided that since many things had
not gone as planned - believe it or not, sex was never intended! - we might as well change a few
other rules too.

So we decided that I should step down, and just be his very attentive, helpful girlfriend. I
jokingly added that his new assistant would have to be male, or a female over the age of 65. I had
included 'lesbian under 65' in there as well, but Edward seemed to welcome the idea with a
cocked eyebrow and glazed over look in his eyes, so I nixed that idea quickly, for the poor girl's

As for all the free time my future now held, well, I was feeling refreshed from my little
sabbatical and decided that I'd re-enroll at school and I knew the managers would be happy to
have me back at the restaurant. Everything seemed to be falling into place, but neither one of us
was naive enough to think life would be perfect from there on out.

Erica appreciated mine and Edward's maturity in deciding that we should no longer work
together, but still had a hard time getting used to the new arrangement. I know it mostly had to
do with the fact that her golden-boy was now off the market.

Erica and I have yet to reclaim the friendly, care-free relationship we once had, but as time goes
on I do believe she'll accept everything for what it is.

Edward and I understood that the cast and crew's easy-going, supportive reaction - though
appreciated as it was - was not at all indicative of what we would face once we were back in L.A.
We were much too aware of the fact that we had been conducting our relationship within a safe
little, unrealistic bubble, which all to soon we would have to step outside of.

We knew that the public - both media and fans - would be relentless. Going to extremes to find

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out who I was, how I'd managed to capture the heart of Hollywood's bad boy bachelor, and
scrutinize every move the two of us made. And though I didn't give a crap about what others
thought, the fact that my life was going to be unapologetically invaded sacred me to death.

But there was one thing that could always put me at ease - no matter how horrific a paparazzi
assult or a gut wrenchingly painful and scandalous lie my mind imagined in my near future - and
that one little thing was that Edward, my Edward, would always be at my side. And that thought,
simple as it was, made it all worth it.

So here we were, rummaging through his nearly empty suite, getting ready to leave everything
behind. My hands flung open drawer after drawer, over turned pillow after pillow when I finally
heard him yell "Found it!" from the other room.

"Thank god!" I hassled him and threw my hands in the air dramatically.

He came into the bedroom laughing and already had the ticket extended out to be placed in my
already waiting hand.

"We should head down and check out. Are you ready sweet heart?" Since we were now together
and I was no longer his assistant, he didn't expect me to do that kind of stuff on my own

"I think I'm just going to do a once-over real quickly. Knowing you, you probably left your
wallet somewhere!" I chided him playfully.

"Very funny." He tease back. "Alright, well, I'll see you down there then." He said and placed a
kiss sweetly on my lips.

"Ok. I won't be long, promise." I spoke to his retreating form as it disappeared around the corner
of his bedroom doorway.

I heard the suite door click shut and walked over to the large window, admiring its gorgeous
view as I had done countless times over the past 4 months. I turned silently and looked slowly
around the bedroom, taking everything in. I did want to check the place one last time, but I also
wanted a bit of time alone here.

It saddened me a little knowing that we were leaving this place held so many memories for us
and was incredibly pivotal to our relationship. But I also knew, with almost complete certainty,
that we'd be back the following year, and possibly the one after that.

I sighed and finished overturning cushions and blankets, opening closets and drawers. I got to his
bedside table and found the usual contents - the Bible, the Book of Mormon, a pad of paper with
the hotel's monogram top and center, a few maps of the area, a room service menu, and then
there were the remnants of my dear boyfriend.

Discarded hot pocket wrappers, a million empty Nicorette packets, and a shit load of opened

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condom foils. I blushed at the thought of the house keeping staff finding them, but shrugged it
off - I'm sure they found that kind of shit all the time. Scrunched in the very back of the drawer
however, was a white envelope. I pulled it out.

It was sealed and didn't have any writing on it. I wasn't entirely sure what it was. I flipped it over
in my hands a few times and then it came to me. It was that damn card that I had seen in the
flower bouquet he'd given me that night.

I had called him out on it the next morning, clueing him in on the fact that I knew they weren't
from him because of that very envelope. He had embarrassingly removed it and looked at it for a
long while which I remember being curious about, though we never spoke of it again.

The entire thing seemed so long ago, and that envelope would have gone on being forgotten, if it
had not been sitting in my hot little hands at that very moment. I contemplated for a moment and
decided to open it. It wouldn't do any damage at this point - me and my guy, well, we were rock
fucking solid.

I slid my nail under the little flap and broke the ancient seal. Inside wasn't a card but a folded
piece of white unlined paper. I saw the first word and my stomach dropped.

"Bella," It read in that all too familiar handwritting.

It had been from him. My heart sank as I realized how painful it must have been for him to
endure my horrendous commentary about knowing that he didn't do personal things like write
cards or letters. My knees gave out and I slid to the floor, leaning against the side of the bed. I
took a breath and forced myself to continued reading.

"I know I didn't make the best impression when we first met, but even then, even within the first 5
minutes of knowing you, something inside of me knew you were different. special. vital. You
somehow make me a person I admire and have always aspired to be. I never, ever, thought I'd be
anything close to the person you make me, and if ever in your entire lifetime, I can make you feel
that, even for one fucking second, I will know that my entire sorry excuse for a life will have had
served its one and only purpose.

And even though I was a piece of shit at the start of this, I swear to god, if its the last thing I do, I
will spend the rest of forever showing you how much you mean to me, if 'forever' is what it takes.
However you wish to fit into my life, if at all, when this 12 months is over, I will forever be trying
to prove that to you.

I know I can be fickle at times, and I can guarantee that it will get complicated. But the thing is, I
never thought I'd be willing to try this hard for anyone. I realize now though, that I am ready to
try, and the only reason I am ready, isn't because I've matured, or anything having to do with

Its you Bella.
It was you then, and its you now.

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It has always been you.
And it will always be you.
I am ready now, because I've finally met you.

- Edward"

By the time I got to his name I had tears streaming down my face that could rival the most
intense rain storms Portland had thrown our way over that past 4 months.

He had been ready to tell me that he not only had feelings for me but was willing to use words
like 'forever' and 'always'...multiple fucking times.

I had not only thrown it in his face the next morning but freaked out and started rambling about
keeping it casual, after he had written those words less than 12 hours before. Fuck!

It must have discouraged him so much that he downplayed the entire thing from that point on.
The secrecy, the sneaking, and going to that bar - even though he must not have had the slightest
interest in Emmett's hot bartender find - seemed to be his way of showing his casual take on the
situation. Sure, the boss and assistant thing was totally unprofessional and horribly tacky, but we
could have worked past if we had simply been honest with each other from the beginning.

I jumped up and raced through the suit.
Out the door.
Down the hallway.

The elevator took excruciatingly long to arrive, and took equally as long making its way down to
the lobby floor. I fidgeted the entire way. I honestly would have taken the stairs, I had so much
god damn energy, but even my most fuel induced flurry would have tapered out after 22 flights
of stairs.

The doors dinged opened and I couldn't fly through them fast enough. I jolted to a halt a few
yards out and quickly spotted him standing across the large foyer as he completed the check out

He turned and began walking towards the entrance when he, at last, saw me. He smiled at first
but then furrowed his eyebrows. My intensity and franticness must have confused him, and to be
honest I didn't blame the guy one bit.

I propelled myself across the marble floor and launched myself up and into his arms. My legs
wrapped around his waist while the letter and envelop remained grasped tightly in my hand as
my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Its lovely to see you too darling, but why such a warm welcome?" He laughed.

"Edward, oh god Edward, I'm so sorry..." I sobbed with my face was tucked into the crook of his
shoulder and neck.

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When he heard the crying in my voice, he quickly pulled me away from him, as if my strongest
grasp was fucking licorice. Concern covered his face.

"Baby, stop..." I buried my head back into his shoulder. "Bella, please. What's wrong?" He
pleaded. And I gave in way too easily.

I unwrapped my legs from his waist and touched down to the floor with the tips of my toes as he
gently set me down. He placed his hands on my shoulders and looked into my watery eyes,
waiting for an explanation.

"This." I said mumbled, lifting the letter weakly. "This is what's wrong... Well not wrong, but the
fact that you had this for me and I was so terrible the next morning..." I trailed off looking down
at my shoes.

I felt him take the paper from my hand. He was silent for a moment, which I assume he was
using to look it over, and remember what it was exactly. I then heard him breathe a light laugh
and my eyes flew up to discover that he was smiling.

He pulled me close to him, locking his arms around me tightly and I turned my face to the side as
it pressed into his chest. "Bella, look. I know how you must feel, but don't. It was way too early
to give this to you anyway, I probably would have just ruined things before they even had a
chance to begin."

"But Edward, to not give it to me at all? ...Even after you knew that I felt the same way?..."

"Honestly, I tucked it far away so that I wouldn't have to find it again. I was a little embarrassed
for writing it so soon and then later, well I guess I simply forgot about it." He spoke calmly and
rationally, though I know it was for my benefit. I could hear a smile color his voice. He was

What he said made sense and I was no longer upset, so I continued, matching his calmness. "I
just hate the thought that this whole thing could have been avoided. We could have completely
bypassed all of the secrecy and the hiding and the... karaoke! My god, Edward, the karaoke!" I
got all worked up again, pulling away slightly from the hug he had me in and my voice flew up 2

"Shh, Bella. Its ok." He laughed, pulling me back in and stroking my hair to calm me down once
more. "The important thing is that we're together now. And you know what? I'm glad all of that
happened, because without it, I might not feel about you exactly as I do now. And honestly," He
peeled me away and cupped my face in his hands, staring deeply, directly into my eyes. "I can't
imagine myself more in love with you, than I am right here, in this moment."

It was the first time he'd told me he loved me. Though 'forever' pretty much screamed it, and his
going on stage basically declared it and although I knew I'd felt it for some time, it was still
monumental hearing it in his voice and seeing it fall from his lips.

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As I continued to look up at him, I felt my face saturate with that vivid pink he loved so much
and he stroked it lovingly with his hands that were already there on my checks. I smiled widely
and opened my mouth to respond when he cut me off before a single word came out.

"...and besides, it all makes for one hell of a story, doesn't it Bella?" He said, grinning crookedly
down at me.

It was the very same smirk from that first meeting at the club. It was the same exact one I'd seen
him unleash countless times over the past 7 months, yet it melted my heart every damn time.

And there in the grin, I saw my future. I knew that no matter what life conjured up and threw our
way, we'd be able to face and over come it. And just as we had done since the beginning of us
knowing each other, we'd do it together.

"Fucking Actors." I rolled my eyes playfully at his ridiculously liking of the fact that it made 'one
hell of a story'.

"Oh, you love me." He teased, calling my bluff and just beaming.

"Yes Edward, I do. I love you so much." I told him in the most honest, sincere voice I could
manage, as my eyes filled with more tears.

And with that, he picked me up bride-through-the-threshold style and kissed me deeply, for the
whole fucking world to see...

... and I didn't need to look around to know that they, indeed, were watching and would be
watching from here on out. But it didn't matter, because with Edward at my side, the whole
fucking world melted into oblivion.

And now my dears, the tale is done.
It was great and it was fun.

I plotted, I schemed, I tricked, I planned
And our dear little Bella found Wonderland.

a/n: Ok so you all knew it, that damn letter was from him. I suppose I made it a tad too
obvious way back when it first appeared but oooh well, I got away with a few things without
you sneaky, intuitive little readers picking up on them so I guess all is fair in love and fan
fiction haha

the next chapter is the rest of my ridiculously long a/n so get-a-clickin' if you're interested.

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