Family in Transition Credits

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pp. 13–25: William J. Goode, “The Theoretical Importance of Family” is from The Family, second
edition. Copyright © 1982. Reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle
River, New Jersey.

pp. 25–31: Anthony Giddens, “The Global Revolution in Family and Personal Life” is from Run-
away World: How Globalisation is Reshaping Our Lives.
Copyright © 1999. Reproduced by permission
of Routledge, Inc., a division of Informa plc.

pp. 31– 40: Arlene Skolnick, “The Life Course Revolution” is from Embattled Paradise: The Ameri-
can Family in an Age of Uncertainty.
Reprinted by permission of Basic Books, a member of Perseus
Books Group.

pp. 40 –56: Claude S. Fischer and Michael Hout, “The Family in Trouble” is from “The Family in
Trouble: Since When? For Whom?” from Steven M. Tipton and John Witte, Jr. ( Eds.), Family
Transformed: Religion, Values, and Society in American Life
( pp. 120 –140). Copyright 2005 by George-
town University Press. Reprinted with permission.

pp. 57–76: Sharon Hays, “The Mommy Wars” is from The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood
( pp. 131–151). Copyright © 1996. Published by Yale University Press. Reprinted by permission of
the publisher.

pp. 76 –96: Janet Z. Giele, “Decline of the Family: Conservative, Liberal, and Feminist Views” is
from David Popenoe, Jean Bethke Elshtain, and David Blankenhorn ( Eds.), Promises to Keep: Decline
and Renewal of Marriage in America
( pp. 89–115). Copyright © 1996. Reprinted by permission of
Rowman & Littlefield.

pp. 101–109: Robert M. Jackson, “Destined for Equality” is from Destined for Equality: The Inevi-
table Rise of Women’s Status
( pp. 1–23, 157–171). Cambridge, MA.: Harvard University Press. Copy-
right © 1998 by Robert Max Jackson. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 109 –114: Kathleen Gerson, “What do Women and Men Want?” is from The American Prospect,
18(3), 2007. The American Prospect, 2000 L Street NW, Suite 717, Washington DC 20036. Re-
printed with permission from Kathleen Gerson. All rights reserved.

pp. 114 –124: Andrew Greeley and Michael Hout, “The Conservative Christian Family and the
‘Feminist Revolution’ ” is from The Truth about Conservative Christians ( pp. 136 –149). Published by
University of Chicago Press. Copyright © 2007. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 125–141: Beth Bailey, “Sexual Revolution(s)” is from David R. Farber ( Ed.), The Sixties: From
Memory to History.
Copyright © 1994 by the University of North Carolina Press. Reprinted by per-
mission of the publisher.

pp. 141–152: Paula England and Reuben J. Thomas, “The Decline of the Date and the Rise of the
College Hook Up.” Copyright © 2005 Allyn & Bacon.


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pp. 153 –164: Lynne M. Casper and Suzanne M. Bianchi, “Cohabitation” is from Continuity and
Change in the American Family
( pp. 39– 66). Copyright © 2001. Published by SAGE Publications,
Inc. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 164 –171: Michael J. Rosenfeld, “Alternative Unions and the Independent Life Stage” is from
The Age of Independence: Interracial Unions, Same-Sex Unions, and the Changing American Family
( pp. 85–92). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Copyright © 2007 by the President and
Fellows of Harvard College. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 171–192: Andrew Cherlin, “American Marriage in the Early Twenty-First Century” is from
The Future of Children, a publication of The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International
Affairs at Princeton University and The Brookings Institution.

pp. 192–201: Arlene Skolnick, “Grounds for Marriage: How Relationships Succeed or Fail” is
revised from Inside the American Couple: New Thinking/New Challenges edited by Margret Yalom and
Laura L. Carstensen. Copyright © 2002, The Regents of the University of California. Used with
permission of the University of California Press.

pp. 203–210: Lawrence M. Friedman, “Divorce: The ‘Silent Revolution’ ” is from “Who Are Our
Children? Adoption, Custody, and Related Issues” in Private Lives: Families, Individuals, and the Law
( pp. 96 –123). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Copyright © 2004 by the President and
Fellows of Harvard College. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 210 –233: Joan B. Kelly and Robert E. Emery, “Children’s Adjustment Following Divorce: Risk
and Resilience Perspectives,” is from Family Relations, 52(4), 2003, pp. 352–363. Blackwell Publish-
ing. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 233–250: Mary Ann Mason, “The Modern American Stepfamily: Problems and Possibilities”
is from Mary Ann Mason, Arlene Skolnick, and Stephen D. Sugarman ( Eds.), All Our Families:
New Policies for a New Century
( pp. 96 –116). Copyright © 2003. Reprinted by permission of the

pp. 255–275: Philip Cowan and Carolyn Pape Cowan, “New Families: Modern Couples as New
Pioneers” is from Mary Ann Mason, Arlene Skolnick, and Stephen D. Sugarman ( Eds.), All Our
Families: New Policies for a New Century
( pp. 196 –219). Copyright © 2003. Reprinted by permission
of the publisher.

pp. 275–283: Dan Clawson and Naomi Gerstel, “Caring for Our Young: Child Care in Europe and
the United States” is from Contexts, 1(4), 2002, pp. 28–35. Copyright © 2002. University of Cali-
fornia Press. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 283–293: Nicholas Townsend, “The Four Facets of Fatherhood” is from The Package Deal:
Marriage, Work and Fatherhood in Men’s Lives.
© 2002 by Temple University Press. Used by permis-
sion of Temple University Press. All Rights Reserved.

pp. 293–306: Steven Mintz, “Beyond Sentimentality: American Childhood as a Social and Cultural
Construct” is reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 306 –318: Annette Lareau, “Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life” is from David
Grusky, Inequality Reader. Reprinted by permission of Westview Press, a member of Perseus Books

pp. 318 –328: Vern L. Bengston, Timothy J. Biblarz, and Robert E. L. Roberts, “How Families Still
Matter: A Longitudinal Study of Youth in Two Generations” is from “Why Families Still Matter”
in How Families Still Matter: A Longitudinal Study of Youth in Two Generations ( pp. 155–168). Copy-
right © 2002. Cambridge University Press. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 328 –341: Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, “A Longer Road to Adulthood” is from Emerging Adulthood:
The Winding Road from the Late Teens through the Twenties
( pp. 3–17). Copyright © 2006. Reprinted
by permission of Oxford University Press.

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p. 336: Figure 25.3 is © 1996 Cathy Guisewite. Reprinted by permission of Universal Press

pp. 349 –356: Arlie Hochschild and Ann Machung, “The Second Shift: Working Patterns and the
Revolution at Home” is from “Joey’s Problem: Nancy and Evan Holt” in The Second Shift. Copy-
right © 1989, 2003 by Arlie Hochschild. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of
Penguin Group ( USA) Inc.

pp. 356 –365: Kathleen Gerson and Jerry A. Jacobs, “The Work-Home Crunch” is from Contexts,
(4), 2004, pp. 29–37. University of California Press. Copyright © 2004. Reprinted by permission
of the publisher.

pp. 365–373: Pamela Stone, “The Rhetoric and Reality of ‘Opting Out’ ” is from Contexts, 6(4),
pp. 14 –19. University of California Press. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 375–392: Lillian B. Rubin, “Families on the Fault Line” is from Families on the Fault Line
( pp. 217–243). Copyright © 1994 Lillian B. Rubin. Published by HarperCollins. Reprinted by per-
mission of the author.

pp. 392–399: Harriet B. Presser, “The Economy That Never Sleeps” is from Contexts, 3(2),
pp. 42– 49. University of California Press. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 399 – 417: Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi, “Why Middle-Class Mothers and
Fathers Are Going Broke” is from The Two-Income Trap. Reprinted by permission of Basic Books,
a member of Perseus Books Group.

pp. 419 – 443: Ronald L. Taylor, “Diversity within African-American Families” is from David H.
Demo, Katherine R. Allen, and Mark A. Fine ( Eds.), The Handbook of Family Diversity ( pp. 232–251).
Copyright © 1999. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press.

pp. 443– 469: Maxine Baca Zinn and Barbara Wells, “Diversity within Latino Families: New Les-
sons for Family Social Science” is from David H. Demo, Katherine R. Allen, and Mark A. Fine
( Eds.), The Handbook of Family Diversity ( pp. 252–273). Copyright © 1999. Reprinted by permis-
sion of Oxford University Press.

pp. 469 – 480: Rona J. Karasik and Raeann R. Hamon, “Cultural Diversity and Aging Families,” is
from B. S. Trask and R. R. Haman ( Eds.), Cultural Diversity and Families ( pp. 136 –146). Copy-
right © 2007. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 480 –502: Judith Stacey, “Gay and Lesbian Families: Queer Like Us” is from Mary Ann Mason,
Arlene Skolnick, and Stephen D. Sugarman ( Eds.), All Our Families: New Policies for a New Century
( pp. 144 –169). Copyright © 2003. Reprinted by permission of Oxford University Press.

pp. 503–520: Jeremy Travis, “Prisoners’ Families and Children” is from But They All Come Back:
Facing the Challenges of Prisoner Reentry
( pp. 119–138). Copyright © 2005. Published by Urban
Institute Press. Reprinted by permission of the Urban Institute.

pp. 520 –526: Kathryn Edin and Maria Kefalas, “Unmarried with Children” is from Contexts, 4(2),
pp. 16 –22. University of California Press. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

pp. 527–536: Michael P. Johnson, “Domestic Violence: The Intersection of Gender and Control”
is from Laura L. O’Toole, Jessica R. Schiffman, and Margie Kiter Edwards ( Eds.), Gender Violence:
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
(September 2007, pp. 257–268). New York University Press. Reprinted
by permission of the publisher.

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