Kenley Britt Guardians Of The Gray Tower 2 Guardian's Vow

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Guardians of the Gray Tower 2

Guardian’s Vow

As a member of the Guardians of the Gray Tower, Gibor Vane is
unswervingly loyal to his king, but now that loyalty is in question.
Someone has betrayed the king, and he is the main suspect.
When Lael Monchmart shows up in his home village to bring Gibor
in for questioning, Gibor is stunned. In the village to be close to
his dying father, he feels emotionally wrecked by the news and by
his reaction to Lael.

Though Lael does not believe that Gibor is guilty, he must follow
his orders. But the attraction he feels for Gibor is impossible to
resist. When he learns that Gibor feels the same, he surrenders to
the passion that overwhelms them both.

As they journey to Winterreach and the fate that awaits Gibor,
danger stalks them. They must learn to rely on each other and
their growing feelings in order to survive.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Fantasy, Historical
Length: 25,062 words

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Guardians of the Gray Tower 2

Britt Kenley



Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove

Copyright © 2012 by Britt Kenley
E-book ISBN: 978-1-61926-786-2

First E-book Publication: July 2012

Cover design by Harris Channing
All cover art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Guardians of the Gray Tower 2


Copyright © 2012


In a medieval world very similar to our own lies the rich and

prosperous kingdom of Emryn. Emryn is located in the FarNorth and
is ruled by King Kelan the Wise. Enemies of the kingdom are many,
but most threatening is the neighboring country of Angkesh, whose
queen will stop at nothing to wrest control of Emryn for herself. The
king and the rest of the royal family are guarded by an elite group of
soldiers known as the Guardians of the Gray Tower. Called simply
the Gray by the citizens of Emryn, it is their sworn duty to protect
with their last breath the kingdom of Emryn and its royal family.
Their strength is unyielding. Their loyalty is unquestioning. Their
dedication unswerving.

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Britt Kenley

Chapter One

Lael Montmarch rode over the crest of a ridge and halted.

Looking down at the small village of Almere in the Feresa Province,
he felt an overwhelming relief to have arrived at his destination at
last. The journey had been a difficult one. Winter storms had swept
the countryside, and his journey had actually taken five days instead
of the usual four to complete. He was on an urgent mission from Rom
Dartel, Captain of the Guardians of the Gray Tower, and the delay
could have far-reaching results. A traitor suspected of being in league
with the hated Angkeshi had infiltrated the ranks of the Gray, as the
Guardians were called, and one of the main suspects was currently in
the village of Almere visiting his sick father. Lael had vowed to find
the man, Gibor Vane, and search him for the Mark of Ang. The mark
was used by the Queen of Angkesh to identify her followers. If the
man had the mark, it would end all speculation as to the identity of the
traitor. Even if he did not have the mark, he could still be in league
with the enemy, so it would not completely eliminate Gibor as a

As a member of the Gray, Lael felt personally insulted that

anyone would use the Gray in such a manner, and he was determined
to help identify the traitor and bring him to justice. When he’d been
given the assignment, he had expressed doubt that Gibor could
possibly be the man they were seeking. He knew the young man from
assisting in his training. Gibor had only been a member of the Gray
for two years, and each of the senior men took part in the training
exercises that the novice’s had to participate in. He’d noticed Gibor
because of his skills with hand-to-hand combat, though his skills with

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a blade had needed work. His attention had stayed on Gibor because
of the young man’s startlingly good looks.

Lael had been attracted, and from the frequent look of heat in his

eyes, Gibor had felt the same. But Lael had not pursued the attraction.
He was one of the young man’s commanding officers, which was of
real concern. Lael had always made a point of not getting involved in
those whose rank placed them below his. In his experience, it made
for uncomfortable situations. There was also the age difference. Gibor
Vane had joined the ranks at seventeen years. He was now nineteen,
but that still seemed incredibly young to Lael, who had reached seven
and twenty years himself. And felt every year of it, he thought to
himself, easing his seat in the saddle before starting his mount down
the hill and into the village.

Curious glances were cast his way. He knew his cloak marked

him as a member of the Gray, and he imagined that not many
members of that company were seen in this out-of-the-way hamlet.
Except, of course, for Gibor Vane, who was one of their own. He
spotted a small stable and headed his horse in that direction, sure
Snowmane would be glad to have a warm shelter and some oats to
eat. After arranging with a stableboy for his horse’s board, he made
his way down the street to the village’s only inn. According to the boy
who’d tended to Snowmane, it was a fairly decent accommodation
considering the size of the village. It was late in the day, and he was
tired. He would seek out Gibor later, once he was settled and had
something warm in his belly. He was sick to death of lanis bread and
cheese, Goddess knew. His hands and feet felt frozen, and he was
eager to get inside and out of the biting cold.

The innkeeper showed Lael to his best room, obviously eager to

please a member of the Gray, and informed Lael that he could get a
hot meal downstairs. Once Lael had checked out the modest
accommodations and dropped his pack on the bed, he went downstairs
to the taproom and ordered a dish of the hot stew being served and a
glass of ale. The waitress was a pretty girl with a flirtatious smile.

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Lael nodded politely at her but offered her no encouragement.
Females did not interest him. She obviously got the hint because it
wasn’t long before she became all business. She brought him his ale
and meal, and then, as if she could not restrain her curiosity, she
asked, “Sir, are you a friend of Gibor Vane?”

He should have expected the question. Naturally they would

associate the two members of the Gray.

“I know Gibor,” he answered carefully. “In fact, I’m here to speak

with him. Do you happen to know where I might find him?”

“He’s sure to be at his father’s house. I’m not sure if you know,

but Hersham Vane is very ill. I heard that the healers do not expect
him to last the week out.”

Lael nodded. “I am aware that Gibor’s father is not expected to

spend much more time in this world. Nevertheless, I do need to speak
with Gibor on an urgent matter. Would it be possible to send a
message to him?”

“Yes, of course, sir. My younger brother will be glad to run the

errand for a coin or two.” He quickly made the arrangements, and
soon the young boy was trotting off to the Vane household.

While he waited, Lael kept his eyes on his meal, hungrily wolfing

it down and sending back for an extra bowl. He was finally starting to
feel his toes and fingers again, and his belly was getting nice and full.
Field rations were fine for travel, but they never completely filled the
hole in your belly. He’d just finished the second dish and was
enjoying the surprisingly fine ale, when the outer door opened, letting
in a rush of cold air as well as a young man in a gray cloak identical
to his own. Lael watched as the man scanned the room and knew the
moment Gibor spotted him. The young man’s eyes widened, and he
immediately headed straight toward the corner table where Lael was

Lael watched the man as he approached. Gibor’s hair was a dark-

black, a striking contrast against his pale skin. It was tousled as if he’d
been running his fingers through it. His green eyes were almond

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shaped with a slight upward tilt, common to people from the Feresa

He stopped in front of Lael’s seat, an expression of surprise mixed

with concern on his face. “Sir, I thought the boy must have been
mistaken when he gave me your message.”

“As you can see, he was not.” Lael gestured to the seat opposite

his. “Sit down, Gibor. Would you like a glass of ale or something to

Gibor sat quickly and shook his head. “Thank you, sir, but no.

I’ve already eaten.”

Lael nodded, his eyes studying the face of the soldier sitting

across from him. Gibor looked pale and tired, and Lael assumed that
it was from the strain of dealing with his father’s illness. Gibor’s
father had been sick for several months, and Lael had heard that the
healers had told the Vane family that it was only a matter of time
before the old man passed, and the waitress earlier had confirmed that
information. It was good to know the young man had not
manufactured that excuse for being in Feresa so frequently.

“Sir, if you don’t mind my asking, what are you doing in Almere?

This isn’t a town that’s exactly on the beaten path, so I assume you’re
looking for me. Is there something wrong back in Winterreach?”

Taking another sip of his ale, Lael contemplated the best way to

broach the subject that had brought him to Feresa Province. Finally he
said, “I think that is a subject that would best be discussed in private.
It’s not something that the citizens of Almere need to be privy to.”

Gibor nodded, clearly not understanding Lael’s reticence but

acquiescing to his suggestion.

“How is your father?” Lael asked.
Gibor’s face darkened, and he shook his head. “Not well, I’m

afraid. He lost consciousness two days ago and hasn’t regained it. The
healer says it could be any day now that he passes.”

“I’m very sorry to hear that. Rom speaks well of him.”

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Gibor smiled slightly. “My father has great respect for the captain.

Rom’s sister and my mother were good friends, so my father has
known Rom for a long time. He is one of the reasons I wanted to
become a member of the Gray.”

“Is that a fact?” Gibor’s voice held a note of hero worship. Lael

felt a twinge of guilt about the news he had to tell the young soldier.

“Yes. Whenever he would come back to Almere for a visit, he

always looked so impressive with his great blade and fine stallion. He
would tell us tales of some of his adventures, and I wanted to
experience the same things.”

“I can see how that would be exciting for a young boy living in

such a small village.”

“Oh, yes. It absolutely was.”

* * * *

Gibor couldn’t take his eyes off of Lael as they continued their

conversation. He’d had a huge crush on the experienced soldier since
Lael had first corrected his grip on his training sword during his first
year as a recruit. Lael had come up behind him, and Gibor could feel
the hard strength of his arm as it came around him to change the angle
of his hand on the hilt. Gibor had looked up and into the bluest eyes
he’d ever seen set in a hard hewn, frowning face. Tumbled brown
curls had circled Lael’s face. His hair should have made him look
effeminate, but it had done the opposite, emphasizing the harsh
masculine planes of his features. He had reminded Gibor of a painting
of a fallen god he’d once seen in the manor of a wealthy merchant he
and his father had delivered a horse to. It had seemed incredibly
beautiful but untouchable.

Ever since that day, whenever Gibor had been in Lael’s presence,

he’d felt like a bumbling fool. He’d longed for Lael to take notice of
him, to cast him one of those wry smiles he’d seen the man give to
others who’d captured his eye. But Lael had never even given him so

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much as a hint that he had returned Gibor’s interest. Nothing except a
look in his eyes every now and then. That look had sent a tingle of
lust and hope through Gibor every time he’d seen it. Today, however,
that look was absent from Lael’s face. Instead, the man looked stern
and cold. Gibor couldn’t imagine what could possibly have brought
the soldier from Winterreach to the distant province of Feresa and the
small town of Almere, but he feared it must be bad news.

At last Gibor saw Lael signal the waitress. After he’d paid for his

meal, he led Gibor up the stairs and to his room. Once they were
inside, he indicated to Gibor that he should take the room’s only
chair. Gibor removed his cloak and sat, draping the material over his
legs as he waited for Lael to speak.

The man paced across the room and turned, his gaze meeting

Gibor’s. “The news I bring from Winterreach is not good, Gibor
Vane. We have learned that there is a traitor to the king within the
ranks of the Gray.”

Gibor was stunned. “Are you sure, sir? I can’t imagine that any of

the Guardians of the Gray Tower would betray the king. Every man I
know is unquestioningly loyal.”

Gibor saw Lael nod. “I would have said the same thing myself a

week ago. But it is true. Even now, the captain and the king’s cousin,
Sir Javan of Westmarch, are searching for clues to the identity of this

“That is good. But I don’t understand. Why are you telling me?

Do you think I might have some information about this man?”

Gibor saw Lael’s eyes darken. “Gibor, I’m afraid that you are one

of the main suspects.”

Gibor stood abruptly, his heart beating wildly in his chest at such

an accusation. “I would never do anything that would harm King
Kelan nor any loyal Emryn citizen. I would rather die first.” He was
outraged and hurt that suspicion should be cast his way.

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Lael’s words offered comfort, but his face was blank. “I know

how you must feel, but the captain has sent me here to bring you back
to Winterreach so that you may answer his questions.”

“Why? Why do they suspect me?” He sat back down, his legs

suddenly weak and shaky.

“According to a reliable source, the traitor is from Feresa Province

and has only been in the Gray for one or two years at most.” Lael
explained. “Also, he is someone who has made frequent trips to
Feresa in the past several months.”

Gibor was beginning to see why suspicion had fallen on him but

couldn’t hold back an explanation. “My father is dying! Of course
I’ve been to Feresa frequently.”

“We know that.” Lael solemnly stated.
“What else?” He had to know what other damning evidence there

was against him so that he could set about proving his innocence. It
would kill his family to know about this. They were so proud of him.
And with his father dying…well, it couldn’t have happened at a worse

“You’ve been seen spending funds that would seem to be more

than you can afford on your soldier’s pay.”

His heart sank. It was true. He nodded dully. “My father advanced

me some of my inheritance so that I could purchase some things I’d
been wanting. He said he wanted to witness my enjoyment of them
rather than waiting until after he’s dead.” His voice broke slightly as
he spoke of his father, and he took a deep breath to regain control.
“You can ask my mother if I speak the truth.”

He watched Lael’s eyes narrow. “A mother would lie for her son

to save his life.”

Gibor smiled wryly. “Indeed. You are right. And my mother is no

exception. She is a good woman, but I don’t believe there isn’t
anything she wouldn’t do to save one of her children from death as a
traitor.” He paused. “And who is it I’m supposed to be working for?”

“Queen Kalandra.”

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Gibor was not surprised. “The sorceress queen of Angkesh? Of

course, being so close to the border, it would not be a surprise if my
sympathies were with the Angkeshi, would it?”

Lael shrugged. “It is well-known that many who live in Feresa

have kinsmen in Angkesh. There would be much temptation to be
sympathetic to their requests for aid.”

“I suppose it wouldn’t help my cause any to admit that I do,

indeed, have Angkeshi cousins, though I have never even met them.
My father cut all ties to the Angkesh side of our family after our
grandfather was killed in a raid by Angkeshi bandits before I was

Lael smiled. “No. I don’t believe it would help your cause. But of

course, you’ve already admitted it to me, haven’t you?”

Gibor nodded. “Am I the only one under suspicion?”
“No. There are others. The captain and Lord Javan are working to

eliminate as many as they can.”

“How are they doing that?” Gibor needed to know if they would

remove him from the list of suspects.

“They are looking into the funds, to see if anyone has more money

than usual which would indicate they may have been paid off by the

Gibor thought that over before his mouth tightened in grim


“And they are being searched for the Mark of Ang.”
Gibor’s brows rose. “I do not have the mark.”
Lael nodded and met his gaze. “I have been instructed to search

you. You understand that I cannot just take your word?”

“Of course. But since I do not have the mark, does that mean that

I am removed from suspicion?”

The grim look on Lael’s face told him the answer to that question.

“No. If you have the mark, it will identify you positively. But if you
do not, that does not clear you completely. Not all of the Angkesh
faithful bear the mark. Only those in service to the queen.”

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Gibor understood. “So how am I to prove my innocence, then?”
“I am to take you back to Winterreach with me to be questioned

by the captain and Lord Javan. As are others.”

“How many?”
“That I do not know. All I know is that my orders are clear. I am

to search you for the mark and bring you back with me.”

Gibor’s hands tightened. “I can’t leave now. My father is dying.”
“I know, and I’m very sorry, but I have no choice but to bring you

back as quickly as possible. With the storms as fierce as they are right
now, it took me an extra day just to get here. I imagine the trip back
will be no different. We can’t delay our leaving.”

Gibor’s heart ached. Not to be there for his father’s passing? His

family would never understand. Even though his father had not
regained consciousness, he still felt like he needed to be there,
especially for his mother and younger siblings. But from the look on
Lael’s face, he would not be swayed.

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Chapter Two

Lael felt bad about forcing Gibor to miss his father’s funeral, but

he could do nothing about it. His orders did not allow room for
leeway. He was to bring him back to Winterreach as quickly as
possible. Too much was at stake for him to let his sympathy for the
young man postpone their departure. Changing the subject, he told
Gibor, “Will you let me search you for the mark? That will go a long
way toward regaining the trust of your king and your captain.”

He heard the bitterness in Gibor’s voice when he replied, “Since

I’ve done nothing to lose their trust, that doesn’t make me feel any
better, but yes. You can search me.”

Suppressing his feelings of guilt, Lael instructed Gibor. “The

mark is always located on the upper right thigh, so I need you to
remove your boots and your breeches.”

He saw the young man give a jerky nod of agreement before he

leaned down to begin unlacing his boots. Without being able to help
himself, he took in every movement the young man made. In other
circumstances, this would be a very erotic scene. They were alone in
his room, and Gibor was slowly removing his clothing. Lael could
feel his cock begin to stir as Gibor set the first boot aside and began to
unfasten the other one. Then he peeled off his stockings and stood.
Reaching for the belt at his waist, he looked up and met Lael’s eyes
with his own. Lael saw Gibor’s eyes widen in sudden realization of
the intimacy of the scene. His hands paused in their movements, and
he licked his lips.

Lael’s heartbeat grew faster, and his erection was pressing against

the lacings of his own breeches. In the periphery of his vision, he saw

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Gibor’s hands continue to release the belt, but his gaze stayed locked
with Lael’s for several long moments. Dropping his gaze at last, Lael
saw the outline of Gibor’s own hardness and knew that the man was
just as aroused as he was. When Gibor shoved his breeches down past
his hips, the young man’s erection sprang free of their confinement,
and Lael barely suppressed a groan.

Gibor’s voice was a husky whisper. “Do you want to take a closer


For a moment, Lael didn’t know what Gibor was talking about. Of

course he wanted a closer look. Then he remembered. The mark.
“Seven hells,” he muttered to himself. His eyes met Gibor’s once
more, and he took a step forward. He stopped a few inches from the
young man before dropping to his knees before him. His hand
brushed lightly over the clear, unblemished skin of Gibor’s right
thigh. He heard Gibor gasp at the touch. He couldn’t resist smoothing
his hand across the skin once more, and then he allowed his thumb to
just brush against the erection that bobbed directly in front of his face.
He heard a sharp gasp.

“Sir,” Gibor’s voice was strained.
“Call me Lael, Gibor.” He smiled wryly, knowing that he should

stop now but was unable to bring himself to do so. He looked up at
Gibor’s face.

“Lael, please.”
“Please what, Gibor?”
He was almost completely lost in the passion, but a shred of sense

remained to him. He would not do anything more unless there was no
mistaking what Gibor wanted. He was crossing a line here, but he
would not be accused of forcing himself on a young soldier. He
waited impatiently, his breath quickening. Finally, he heard what he

“Touch me, Lael. Goddess, please touch me again.”
Lael suppressed a small smile as he used his fingers to lightly

trace the length of Gibor’s erection, stroking over the vein that ran

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down the length of the sensitive skin and around the plum-shaped
head. He rubbed against the underside. A small whimper rewarded his
efforts. Then he curled his fingers around the long, slender stalk and
began a rhythmic stroking. He felt Gibor’s hands on his shoulders,
their grip tight and frantic as he built the pace of his ministrations.

He heard Gibor’s breathing become harsher and louder in the

small room. Not wanting to bring the man over the edge too soon, he
stopped and sat back, looking up in time to see his lover’s eyes flicker
open and disappointment streak his features.

“Don’t stop, Lael. Seven hells, I was getting so close,” Gibor

begged him.

Lael just shook his head. “I don’t want this to end so fast. You’re

beautiful. I like seeing you this way. Why don’t you take off the rest
of your clothes and go lie on the bed. That way we’ll be more

He could see Gibor’s throat working as he swallowed, but then the

young man shook his head in agreement. “All right. You, too. I want
to see you naked, too.”

Lael smilingly agreed. Both men stripped quickly, and then Gibor

stretched out on the bed looking a little self-conscious. Lael surveyed
him hungrily. “By the Goddess, you’re a beautiful man, Gibor Vane.”
And he truly was. Long, well-formed legs dusted with dark hair, led
up to a rampant erection, standing tall and proud in its nest of dark
curls. Gibor’s stomach was flat and indented with the outline of his
muscles, a testament to the strength and training of the Guardians of
the Gray Tower. His chest was almost hairless with just a light
sprinkling of curls bisecting the breastbone and leading down to the
treasures below. But it was the man’s face that captured Lael’s
attention the most. He was sincerely beautiful. Lael hadn’t been
exaggerating. His mouth was a temptation with its plump lower lip
that made Lael’s own mouth water. Green eyes under heavy brows
and a square jawline completed the picture of near perfection.
“Absolutely beautiful.”

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He saw Gibor’s face flush with embarrassment at the compliment

and found the reaction disarmingly endearing. If he wasn’t careful, he
could sincerely fall for this young man, who was under suspicion of
being a traitor. He paused only a moment, realizing that continuing
was a mistake but knowing that he was not going to stop now.
Whatever repercussions came as a result of this night, he would face
them as he faced everything. With knowledge of his own

His erection pulsed at the arousing sight before him, and he

reached down to stroke his fingers up and down his own cock,
squeezing tightly from base to tip, as his eyes took in the picture
Gibor made stretched before him like an offering to the Gods. A drop
of pre-cum oozed from the tip, and he swiped a finger over it.
Glancing up, he saw Gibor’s eyes follow his movement, and Lael
took the few short steps to the bed. Holding out his finger, he smeared
the sticky fluid across Gibor’s lips. Gibor’s eyes stayed focused on
Lael’s own as he licked the seed from his mouth and then rose slightly
on one elbow to capture Lael’s finger, sucking it gently until every
drop was gone.

Lael slid onto the bed, allowing his body to slowly come into

contact with Gibor’s warm one. His hands began exploring, moving
languidly down Gibor’s arms to rest for a few moments on his hips.
He brought the young man close against him so that they were lying
face-to-face, heart-to-heart. Gibor’s hand reached to stroke over
Lael’s thigh. Lifting his own hand, Lael ran his fingers through the
silky black hair falling in disarray around Gibor’s face. Cupping his
hand around the back of Gibor’s head, he drew him closer, an inch at
a time, until their lips were a mere whisper apart.

Gibor leaned forward to touch his lips to Lael’s, as though

impatient for the contact, and Lael finally allowed his eyelids to drift
closed. For a long moment, they just lay there, lips pressing together
in a kiss that was almost chaste. Then Lael pressed closer, his mouth
urging Gibor’s to part, and his tongue moved inside, just that easily.

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The passion that had faded somewhat as they’d undressed began to
build again, slower and deeper.

Their tongues touched, delicately at first until Lael couldn’t stand

it anymore, and his mouth took control of Gibor’s. His tongue thrust
deeper, claiming Gibor’s mouth as his own in triumphant possession.

His hand moved down between them, wrapping around Gibor’s

cock in a tight grip. As their mouths ate at one another, his
movements sped up. Gibor whimpered into his mouth and arched into
his touch. Not stopping the kiss, Lael drew Gibor closer and closer to
orgasm. He felt Gibor’s heart pounding in his chest in time with his
own. He swallowed Gibor’s moans and keening cries as the young
man reached his peak. His seed shot out to cover Lael’s hand. He
continued to pump Gibor’s cock until he had completely emptied

Gibor collapsed against him. Lael reached down to grab his

discarded shirt, using it to wipe the semen from his lover’s belly and
his own fingers. Then he tossed the shirt aside and turned back to
drop a kiss on Gibor’s parted mouth.

In a few minutes, Gibor began to stir, his eyes flickering open to

meet Lael’s. A smile quirked up the corners of his mouth. “This was

“Was it really?” Lael smiled back. “I’m sure you were aware of

my interest in you during our training sessions just as I could see you
were attracted to me. It was only a matter of time before we did
something about it. Don’t you think?”

“I tried to stay away from you. I should have known it would be


He saw Gibor’s eyes widen.
“Why, when you obviously knew it was what I wanted?”
“So many reasons, but right at this moment, they don’t seem to

matter that much.”

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* * * *

Gibor looked into the face of the man he’d lusted after for what

felt like forever. He could hardly believe that he was here, with him,
and that he’d just given Gibor one of the greatest climaxes he’d ever
had. Not that he’d had that many. Gibor had been a virgin when he’d
joined the Guardians of the Gray Tower, and his focus in the two
years since had been on completing his training and fulfilling his
duties. He’d succumbed to one brief affair when he was eighteen, but
it had left him unfulfilled. He had ended it before either of them had
become too attached to be really hurt.

His desire for Lael had been one that he’d never thought would be

consummated. He’d been content to see him occasionally and to
fantasize about what it would be like to be the lover of such a
physically demanding man. Now he knew. But Lael had not yet
reached the pinnacle of satisfaction that he’d just given Gibor. More
than anything, Gibor wanted for Lael to experience pleasure at his
hands. The other concerns, such as the reason Lael had come for him,
the need to clear his name, his father’s rapid deterioration, would still
be waiting for him tomorrow. But tonight was for the two of them,
and he planned to relish every second. No regrets, regardless of what
the morning might hold.

Gibor moved, gently pushing Lael until he was lying on his back.

He caught the look of surprised arousal on Lael’s face before he bent
his head and began placing a series of openmouthed kisses down the
warrior’s neck. He didn’t have a lot of experience, so he just let his
own instincts guide him, hoping that what he was doing was giving
Lael as much pleasure as it was giving him. He licked the side of
Lael’s neck, savoring the salty taste of his skin, and he heard Lael
give a husky murmur of approval. He took a deep breath, inhaling the
scent of his lover. Then he moved lower, pausing to give attention to
Lael’s masculine nipples, which had drawn up into tight peaks. Gibor

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sucked on them, biting them lightly, before releasing them to continue
his journey down Lael’s body.

He felt Lael’s hands come up to grasp his hands, his fingers

interweaving with Gibor’s own. Gibor gave Lael’s abdomen a few
scattered kisses, pausing briefly to dip into the man’s intriguing navel.
When Lael’s cock was a warm rod against his chest, he raised his
head and looked Lael straight in the eye, pleased at the look of dazed
arousal on the man’s face.

Releasing Lael’s hands, he grasped the man’s erection in one

hand, scooting further down the bed so that he could examine it more
closely. Naturally, he’d seen many men’s cocks before. Being a
member of the Gray left little room for false modesty. He lived in a
common barracks, and the men had long ago given up all ideas of
privacy. But somehow, Lael’s seemed more beautiful to him than any
he’d seen before. It was large, with a slight upward curve. The plum-
shaped head was broad and inviting.

Unable to resist, he bent his head and rested his lips against the tip

of Lael’s cock. Lael groaned. Encouraged, he let his tongue explore
the head, tracing around the sensitive skin. When he stroked over the
slit, a bead of cum oozed out. Gibor pulled the milky drop into his
mouth, savoring the flavor. He bent for another taste.

“Seven hells, Gibor. Stop teasing me. Suck it.” Lael’s voice was a

strangled growl.

At that rough request, Gibor smiled, for the first time really

appreciating the sexual power that came with pleasing your partner.
He closed his mouth around the head of Lael’s hardness, sucking
rhythmically even as he used his hand to explore further between
Lael’s legs, rolling the soldier’s balls between his fingers and earning
another strangled moan of appreciation.

He began sucking in earnest, drawing the cock as deeply into his

mouth as he could. He felt Lael’s hand drive through his hair,
clutching a handful and using it to direct his mouth in a deep, steady

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penetration. When Gibor gagged at the feeling of the cockhead
breaching the limit of his throat, he felt Lael pull back.

“You feel so good, Gibor. Take me as deep as you can. Just

breathe through your nose.”

Gibor nodded, following Lael’s harsh instructions, and soon

getting used to the feel of the large rod penetrating his throat. He
swallowed, and Lael’s hands tightened in his hair hard enough to hurt.

“Farking hell. Do that again.”
Gibor did, and Lael moaned. Then Gibor let Lael’s cock slip out

of his mouth and turned his attention to his balls. He licked them
softly before sucking them into his mouth. Rolling the orbs around in
his mouth, he smiled when he heard Lael let out a strangled cry.

“Goddess, that’s perfect.”
Encouraged that his inexperienced ministrations were achieving

such a positive reaction, he took Lael’s cock into his hand and stroked
it as he continued to suckle and lave his testicles. In moments, he
could tell the quality of Lael’s breathing had grown rougher and
harsher, and he knew that Lael was not far away from orgasm. He
sped up his strokes faster and faster, letting Lael’s balls slip from his
mouth to turn all of his attention to the pulsing erection.

“Put your finger in my ass,” Gibor heard Lael’s gruff request and

nodded, knowing that Lael’s prostate would be a spot of erotic
pleasure for the man. He moistened his index finger with his own
saliva and then slid his hand lower to probe against Lael’s anal rose.
Pressing gently, he pushed his finger past the tight sphincter ring and
into the dark channel beyond. He probed until Lael let out a groan.

“Yes, Goddess, there. Right there.”
Gibor knew he’d reached the magic spot and continued to caress

it. He bent his head to once again suck Lael’s cock into his mouth.
Lael’s head began tossing from side to side as Gibor sped up his
movements. It didn’t take much longer before Lael let out a long, low
moan, and Gibor felt the eruption of seed hitting the back of his
throat. He sucked and swallowed until the last spurts had died.

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When he pulled back and looked up at Lael, he saw the man lying

limply on the bed in a loose, satisfied sprawl, and he allowed himself
a smile of pride. He pulled his finger from Lael’s ass and then slid up
the bed to curl against the man’s warm, relaxed body.

After a while, Lael turned to look into his eyes. He smiled lazily,

and Gibor felt a tingle of some unknown emotion strike in the region
of his heart. Could what he felt for Lael be more than simply lust and
admiration? The thought crossed his mind briefly, but he shoved it
down. That was ridiculous. He didn’t even know the man except as a
commander and, now, a lover. Love took time to grow. It came from
knowing a person and enjoying common interests and not from heat
and passion and dark looks from beneath heavy eyelids.

“Are you all right?” Gibor heard Lael’s husky question, and he

brushed aside his disturbing thoughts to smile into Lael’s questioning

“I’m fine,” he managed as Lael’s hand cupped beneath Gibor’s

chin. His mouth closed over Gibor’s in a sweetly soft kiss.

“You certainly are.” Lael chuckled. “And I’m better than fine.

That was absolutely amazing. Thank you.”

“Was it really good for you?” Gibor wanted to unsay the words,

feeling like a young boy with his first lover. He cringed at what Lael
might say in reply, feeling the rush of heat to his face as he blushed.

Lael chuckled and gave him a squeeze. “You have to ask? I

thought that my response was pretty obvious. I’ve never felt anything
like that before. You were wonderful.”

Gibor lowered his eyes, unable to meet Lael’s curious gaze. “It’s

just. Well, I’m not very experienced, so I wanted to make sure that
you had enjoyed yourself.”

Gibor felt Lael’s hand pushing up his chin. He looked up and

stared straight into serious blue eyes. “If I’d enjoyed myself any more,
I’d be dead now.”

“Me, too.” They smiled at one another.

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“Do you want to talk about the reason I’m here?” Gibor heard the

reluctance in Lael’s voice and knew it matched how he himself was

“No. Not now. I don’t want to think about anything else except us.

Tomorrow will come soon enough. Tonight is just for this.” He leaned
forward and firmly kissed Lael again.

He felt Lael hesitate before parting his lips and allowing Gibor’s

tongue to slip inside. Gibor rubbed his tongue against his lover’s, and,
unbelievably, felt his arousal begin to stir again. Lael’s hand slid up to
his neck. Their lips parted.

“Whatever you want, Gibor. Tonight there is no king or traitor.

There’s just you and me.”

“Yes. You and me.”
Their lips met again, and Gibor lost himself in the passion.

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Chapter Three

The sun had barely lit the room with a dull glow the next morning

when Lael felt movement in the bed beside him. He rolled over and
saw Gibor stand and begin to pull on his discarded clothing from the
night before.

“Where are you going?” he asked and saw Gibor give a small

betraying start of surprise.

“I need to get home and see how my father is doing.” Gibor sat on

the side of the bed to pull on his boots and lace them up.

Lael reached out a hand to stroke over the man’s slender back.

“Why don’t you crawl back in for a bit. I’m sure no one will miss you
for another hour or so.”

Gibor pushed his hair back from his face and gazed down into

Lael’s eyes. Lael could see the desire in them, even after the night
they’d just spent together. “I wish I could, but I really need to be
home. My mother expects me there.”

Lael sat up and cupped his hands around Gibor’s face. He brought

it close to his own and pressed a short but possessive kiss on Gibor’s
mouth. “I understand. We still need to talk about returning to
Winterreach.” He hated to bring up the subject, but postponing the
inevitable would serve no purpose.

Gibor’s face clouded, but he nodded in agreement. “I know. Why

don’t you come to my parent’s home later. Say for the noon meal. I’ll
introduce you to my family, and we can talk then.”

Lael dropped his hands. “All right.”
“I would ask you…” Gibor halted, and Lael tilted his head.

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“Don’t tell my family why you are here. Please. They have so

much to deal with right now that the news that I am under suspicion
would take the heart right out of my mother.”

“What would you have me tell them?”
“It doesn’t have to be anything specific. Just say that you need me

to return to Winterreach on important business for the king. That will
be enough explanation for them. They are simple people and do not
go looking for hidden meanings.”

Lael considered the request. He could see no reason why he

shouldn’t do as Gibor asked, so he agreed. “I suppose that there
would be no harm in such a small deception.”

“Thank you.” Gibor stood and pulled on his tunic and cloak.

Looking down at Lael, his mouth creased. “Thank you also for last

Lael laid back and smiled lazily up at his lover. “No, Gibor.

Thank you.”

“I hope things between us aren’t awkward because of what

happened. Nothing has really changed. I’ve always had great respect
for you, Lael. I know that last night was just a thing that happened
between us, and I don’t expect more from you, but I want you to
know that it meant something special to me. I’ll never forget it.”

Lael just nodded.
Gibor stood there for another moment as if waiting for Lael to say

something. When he didn’t, he gathered his cloak firmly around him.
“I’ll see you later, then.”

“Good-bye.” Lael replied. He watched as Gibor left, shutting the

door behind him. He felt odd. He should have said something to
Gibor. He should have agreed with him about it being a onetime thing
between them, and treated it like the many other one-night stands he’d
had over the years. But somehow the words just wouldn’t come to his
lips. Gibor was right. It had been special, more special than Lael had
meant for it to be. He wasn’t sure if he could keep it simple. He
thought perhaps he wanted things to change between them, but there

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were just too many obstacles between them right now. Perhaps when
things had settled down, when he had proven Gibor’s innocence, he
could think more about it.

He stopped. Where had that come from? But he knew, deep down,

that this young man was not guilty of the crimes he’d been accused
of. He was too straightforward, too open. There had been no hint of
guilt in him. Every thought could be read on his face. And if he, Lael,
believed in Gibor’s innocence, wouldn’t that mean that he had to help
prove it, so that Rom and Javan could look for the real traitor and not
waste their time on Gibor? Should he get involved? His only
command had been to find the young man and bring him back to
Winterreach so that he could be interrogated. Maybe he should just
leave well enough alone.

Knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep with such dark thoughts

crowding his head, Lael rose. It was freezing cold, so he went to stir
up the fire and get some warmth in the room. Then he set about
dressing. When he was ready, he left the room, determined to find
something warm to eat and a distraction from his erratic thoughts.

The taproom was practically empty, but there were a few people

there, and the waitress from the night before was moving efficiently
from table to table taking orders and serving warm loaves of lanis
bread and steaming bowls of some type of porridge. Lael took a seat
at the same table from the night before, and the girl smiled briefly to
acknowledge his presence before she continued serving one of the
men sitting at the bar.

A few moments later, she was approaching his table. “Good

mornin’, sir. You’re up early. Can I get you somethin’ to eat or

He nodded. “The lanis bread and porridge looks good. And a cup

of warm cider if you have it.”

She returned quickly and set his order in front of him. Her eyes

studied him carefully. She hesitated for a moment and then said, “I
saw Gibor leave this mornin’. You and he must be very good friends.”

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He lifted his brow. He should have known the gossips in a small

village would have a field day with his presence. Now the whole town
would know that he and Gibor had spent the night together. He
wondered how Gibor would react to that news, then mentally
shrugged. Nothing to be done about it now. “Yes.” He replied to the
waitress, refusing to feed her curiosity by expounding more. “Can I
have some cheese as well?”

She got the hint and quickly took herself off, returning to set the

cheese in front of him before flouncing off again. Lael suppressed a
smile as he noticed the other customers cast him quizzical glances
before digging into his meal. He’d just finished and was about to rise,
when a man entered the taproom. “Hersham Vane has passed,” the
man announced with a grim expression on his face. Immediately
expressions of sympathy could be heard coming from the people
sitting around the room.

“Goddess rest his soul,” someone said.
Immediately Lael wanted to go to Gibor. He knew the young man

would take the news hard, even though it had not been unexpected.
He could tell from the way Gibor had spoken that he cared deeply for
his father. He only hoped the man had lasted long enough for Gibor to
be with him when he passed.

Wondering if he should still go to the Vane home later, he called

the waitress to his table. After counting out the requisite coins, he
stood and moved out of the taproom. Throwing his cloak around his
shoulders, he stepped out into the frigid morning air. Deciding to
check on his horse, he made his way to the stable. Snowmane was
snug and warm in her stall. He had grabbed an apple from the barrel
by the door and stood petting her as she gently plucked it from his

“Did you hear about old Hersham?” Lael heard someone say

behind him. Casting a glance over his shoulder, he saw two stable
hands entering. The taller of the two shook his head.

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“Yah. I heard. He was in bad shape, Goddess knows. It’s a

blessin’ that his sufferin’ is over now.”

“I heard Gibor was takin’ it hard.”
“He and the old man were always that close.”
“Heard they’re gonna have a funeral tomorrow and then Gibor has

to return to the capital with the Gray who come to town.”

Snowmane shook her head, begging for more, and the men’s

heads snapped around. When they saw Lael, they immediately
stopped talking. Tilting their heads respectfully in his direction, they
moved farther down the stalls and out of earshot.

He realized that his and Gibor’s departure would have to be

delayed long enough for the funeral. Grimly, he suppressed his need
to go to Gibor and offer him comfort. He hated that the young man
wouldn’t even get much time to mourn his father’s passing, but he
would not deny him the right to see his father’s last rites. Deciding
that he might as well go ahead to the Vane household, he left the
stable. He didn’t know if Gibor would want him there or not, but he
couldn’t stay away. He needed to see his lover to make sure that he
was doing all right.

* * * *

When Gibor saw Lael walk into his home, he felt an easing in the

tightness that had held him in its grip since learning that his father
was gone. He saw Lael greet his uncle, who had answered the door,
and then he looked up and met Gibor’s eyes. Gibor’s feet carried him
unerringly toward the large warrior, who looked so out of place in
amongst the group of people from the village who had come to offer
their condolences.

“Hello, Lael.”
“Gibor. I was sorry to learn of your father’s passing.”

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Gibor nodded. “Thank you for coming. My father would have

been truly honored to have a warrior such as yourself in his home. He
had great respect for the Guardians of the Gray Tower.”

Lael smiled, a small quirking of his lips in keeping with the

solemn atmosphere. “Then he must have been proud of his son.”

“I like to think so.”
“He was very proud of Gibor,” His mother’s voice came from

behind him, and Lael turned to smile at her.

“Mother. I’d like to introduce you to Lael Monchmart, senior

member of the Gray. Lael, my mother, Ilena Vane.”

His mother nodded toward Lael. “It is indeed a pleasure to

welcome you, Sirrah Monchmart.”

“Thank you, mistress. I came to offer my sympathies on your loss.

I never met your husband, but from everything I’ve heard about him,
he was a fine man.”

“That he was. What business brings you to Almere?”
Gibor should have realized his mother would have her own

guesses as to why a member of the Gray had suddenly shown up in
the village.

Lael cast a quick glance his way before answering, “I’m here on

the king’s business, mistress. Gibor is needed urgently back in
Winterreach on some private matter for His Majesty. I’m afraid I’m
not at liberty to speak more fully at this time.”

Gibor watched his mother study Lael’s face as he spoke. She was

a perceptive woman and must be aware that there was much the man
was not telling her. But he was grateful to Lael that he did not
mention the suspicion that had been cast upon him. His mother’s next
words drew his attention.

“Will Gibor be able to stay for his father’s last rites?”
“Indeed, mistress. We will delay long enough for him to be

present at the ceremony.”

“Good.” His mother looked at him, and he was relieved to see that

her suspicions, while not allayed, had been set aside. Then her

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attention was captured by someone near the front door. She smiled at
him. “Why don’t you introduce Sirrah Montmarch to the rest of the
family, Gibor. I see the Danbrooth’s have arrived, and I must speak to

She took her leave of them, and Gibor watched as she strode

across the room in that typical long-legged stride of hers. Lael’s eyes
followed his.

“Your mother is a strong woman.”
“She is. She grieves for my father, yet she will not let his loss

defeat her.”

“They were lucky to have one another.”
“I heard that the ceremony was to be tomorrow. Is that correct?”
He nodded. “In the morning.”
“We’ll leave in the afternoon, then.”
Gibor didn’t say anything for a moment. He felt a bit

overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the past two days.
Finally he said, “I thank you for allowing me to attend the funeral,
and for not telling my mother the true reason you are here.”

Lael stared down at him. “I’m not heartless, Gibor. I agree there’s

no reason for your mother to know the circumstances surrounding my
presence in Feresa. And I’m sorry we cannot delay longer, but I’m
pushing things as it is. The captain’s orders were clear.”

“I understand.”
At that moment some of his friends from the village walked up to

give their condolences. Lael moved on to talk to some others, and for
the next hour Gibor mechanically went through all the expected
motions of a young man grieving the loss of his father. When he’d
arrived home early that morning, it was to the news that his father had
taken a bad turn in the night and wasn’t going to make it much longer.
He’d just managed to say his good-byes before the healers had
pronounced him gone.

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Neither he nor his mother had cried. It was a sorrow that the man

who’d helped shape him in so many ways was now gone, but it was
also a kindness. He had been in pain and suffering for a long time. His
younger sisters were different. They’d cried and grieved enough for
ten people.

At last the roomful of people had dwindled to a small trickle of

their closest friends. His mother sat on a sofa surrounded by her
brothers and sisters. His own sisters had been dismissed to their
rooms to rest. Lael came up to him again. “Walk with me. We should

He nodded. After excusing himself from his mother, he grabbed

his heavy wool cloak and threw it on. Then he led Lael out the back
door and into the snow-covered garden which stood at the back of
their home.

The slow crunch of the snow under their heavy boot heels was the

only sound to break the silence of the dim, overcast morning. Gibor
was grateful that Lael didn’t disrupt that quiet for several minutes,
allowing Gibor to relax and just soak up the peace and calm.

At last Lael spoke. “Are you all right?”
Gibor could hear the genuine concern in the question. “I am fine.

To tell the truth, my father’s death is a relief in many ways. He was a
brave man, but this illness almost defeated his spirit. The pain was
hard to bear at times. I am just regretful that I wasn’t able to help out
more during the months he was ill. My mother had a heavy burden to

“You came home as often as you could.”
It was a statement, not a question, and Gibor wondered if that

meant that Lael was beginning to believe in his innocence.

“It was the least I could do.”
“Why did your father give you the money from your inheritance?”
Gibor smiled, recalling the conversation he and his father had had

at the time. “He told me that he wanted to see me enjoy the money.
He said that coin was worthless if it didn’t allow you to give those

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you loved joy. So I took the money and bought the things he expected
me to because he wanted to give me that joy, and I wanted to do the
same for him. Truth is, I didn’t even want the money. I wanted my
father to live, but we both knew that wasn’t going to happen.”

He saw Lael’s nod out of the corner of his eye. “Can I ask you a


Lael stopped and turned to him. “What do you want to know?”
“Do you think I’m guilty?”
Lael looked at him, his face expressionless. Several seconds

ticked by, and Gibor held his breath.

Gibor let out his breath in a quick exhale. “I’m glad.”
“That doesn’t mean that I won’t do my duty and take you back to

Winterreach. And that doesn’t mean that the captain will agree with
my opinion.”

Gibor nodded and began walking again. “I know. It was

just…important to me that you believed in my innocence.”

“The journey back will be difficult. The condition of the roads is

bad because of all the storms we’ve had lately.”

“I know. I’ve traveled bad roads before.”
Gibor felt Lael’s eyes on him and turned to meet that piercing


“You know, it’s all right to grieve.”
Gibor swallowed against the tightening of his throat. “I already

told you. I’ve done my grieving during the past several months as I
watched my father die.”

He felt Lael’s hand reach out to stop him from taking another step

forward. When Lael turned him face-to-face, he stood defiantly. He
would not break down. He was too strong for that. Especially not in
front of this man.

Lael’s tender concern was unexpected. “Oh, Gibor. I can see your

pain, and it’s all right. Even the strongest of men mourn when they
have lost someone they loved.”

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Gibor could feel the tears welling in his eyes. Until he’d seen Lael

enter his house earlier, he’d felt cold and numb. He’d thought it was
because his father’s passing was expected, but now he realized that he
had been fooling himself. The ache in his chest spread as he
remembered his father from better years, teaching him and his sisters
to ride, to hunt, showing him the right way to hold a blade, and
encouraging him to stretch his wings. Faster and faster the tears began
to pour down his face, and he dashed his hands over them, ashamed of
his loss of control.

He felt Lael’s arms come around him and pull him close, telling

him it was all right, and at last he felt safe enough to give in to the
tearing grief. He sobbed and heard the soft words of comfort being
whispered into his ear. He thought he felt a brush of lips against his
temple as well. Protected in his lover’s arms, he allowed himself to

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Chapter Four

The next morning, Lael joined in the funeral procession as they

made the short journey to the temple of Salara, the patron Goddess of
Emryn. A slow drumbeat was the only sound as the group moved
forward. Lael could see Gibor at the front near the draped bier with
his arm around his mother and the rest of his family arrayed around
them. He wished he could be there to lend his support but knew that
his relationship with Gibor was too new for such a public statement.

When they reached the temple, they filed inside, filling the room

to overflowing. It seemed the whole village had turned out for the
rites. A priest of Salara stepped forward to speak of Hersham Vane’s
life, listing his accomplishments and his hardships. He made a point
of pointing out the man’s love of his family and dedication to the
Goddess. Lael tuned out the man’s words as he kept his attention
focused on Gibor who looked pale and tired this morning. He never
faltered, however. Obviously his mother’s rock, he stood tall and
proud beside her, offering his support with a solemn, wordless

Family members were asked to speak as well as good friends.

Lael watched as Gibor stepped to the front of the room to stand beside
the priest.

He paused for a moment, and Lael saw him take a deep breath,

before he began speaking. “My father was a good man. He was also a
strong man. Not just physically strong, but he had a strength of
character that I didn’t always appreciate or understand. When I was
young, I foolishly believed that he was too ordinary. Too simple. That
he had no heart for adventure or battle. He was content being a farmer

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and horse breeder in a small village in a distant province, while I
longed to go new places. To see new things. To meet new people. I
didn’t really come to appreciate my father’s strength until the past
year when I knew that I would lose him. He never complained. He
never whined or railed against his fate. He stood as he has always
stood. Steadfast and true. I once thought that it was warriors and kings
who made countries great, who made Emryn great. Now I know that
it is the simple. The ordinary. The people like my father, who give
Emryn its strength and its honor. It’s people like my father who shirk
no task, however big or small. Who stay true to their faith and their
king. Who love their family. I will miss my father more than I would
have ever believed possible. I only hope that I can live my life in a
way that would bring him pride.”

Lael could see, even from a distance, the wash of tears in Gibor’s

eyes. He wanted to go to him so desperately that he took an
instinctive step forward. Somehow Gibor must have sensed the
movement because he lifted his gaze and met Lael’s across the length
of the temple. He didn’t know what Gibor saw in his face, but
whatever it was must have been what he needed because he threw his
shoulders back. He nodded his head once, a short acknowledgement
of Lael’s presence, and then he was returning to his place with his

A few others rose to speak as well, and then it was time to leave

the temple and make the trek to the last resting place of Hersham
Vane. Several strong men went forward to lift the bier that held the
body of Gibor’s father. The crowd parted to allow the body to pass
followed by the family members. Gibor nodded to him again as he
walked past, and Lael fell in behind the family with the rest of the
crowd. The procession wove its way through the village and to a wide
open area, empty of everything except for a funeral pyre. It was not
uncommon for the bodies in Emryn to be burnt after death because
the ground was frozen a majority of the year. Only the very wealthy
had tombs built to hold their dead.

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With simple but touching ceremony, the body was laid on the

platform that waited there. Then the family placed wreaths of
evergreen on the sides of the body. Finally a torch was brought
forward and handed to the priest, who blessed it and then passed it to
Gibor, as the oldest son. Gibor stepped forward, and Lael watched as
he thrust the flame into the dried twigs and brush that surrounded the

He stepped back when the pyre caught fire and passed the torch

back to the priest, who lifted it to the heavens. “May the Goddess
Salara take the soul of Herhsam Vane to her breast and give him a
final resting place within her golden halls. Peaceful rest.”

The rest of the crowd echoed. “Peaceful rest.”
Then the crowd began to disperse. Lael saw Gibor’s family

depart, mother and sisters weeping, leaving only Gibor to watch as the
flames consumed the body of his father. The priest spoke a few quiet
words to Gibor, and then he, too, left to make his way back to the
village. At last only the two men remained. Lael hesitated a moment
before walking to stand beside Gibor.

They stood there in silence.
At last Gibor spoke, his eyes never leaving his father’s pyre. “I

loved him. I just didn’t tell him enough. He was a good man, you
know? Probably the best I’ve ever known. I just didn’t appreciate it
until it was almost too late.”

Lael could hear the sorrow and deep regret in Gibor’s voice. He

reached out and rested his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “I’m
sure that he knew that you loved him, but he also knew that you had
to make your own way. It isn’t always easy, the relationship between
a father and a son. But he was proud of you. The people in the village
told me that. I’m sure he loved the son and admired the man you’ve

“At least he didn’t die believing that I had betrayed my king. At

least he didn’t hear that.”

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Lael’s heart ached for the young man. “We both know that you

did not betray your king. We just have to prove it.”

Lael saw Gibor’s head swing around to look at him. “How can

you be so sure? I know you said that you believe me to be innocent,
but I thought that perhaps you were just saying that because it…well,
it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.”

Lael shook his head. “I have always trusted my gut instinct. It

hasn’t let me down yet. I know you are not the traitor we seek. Which
means that he is still out there. And we cannot delay any longer in
returning to Winterreach so that all the king’s energies can be bent on
finding the true betrayer.”

Gibor turned back to the flames. “I know. I have already ordered

for preparations to be made so that we may depart after the noon
meal. There will be many people come by the house to pay their
respects to my mother, and I would like to wait until it is over, if that
is all right with you?”

Lael nodded. “I had planned on as much. Not that I really want to

set out in this weather, but the sooner we get started, the sooner we’ll
be warm and snug in Winterreach.”

“Luckily I have traveled that road many times, so we will have no

trouble finding shelter along the way.”

Lael allowed himself a small smile. “I hadn’t considered that.

Hopefully the trip back will be much better than my trip here, then.
Several times I had to camp as best I could in small wooded glens or
empty fields.”

“I know the area very well, so you don’t need to worry about that

this time.”

“We’d best return to my home. I imagine my mother and sisters

are wondering where I am.”

They began walking back down the path toward the village. “Who

will run the farm now that your father is gone?”

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Gibor shrugged. “My sister, Rona, is to be wed soon. Her

betrothed has been taking care of the farm while my father has been
ill. He will continue to do so, and once they wed, he will move in to
the main house with my mother and sisters.”

“That’s good.”
“Yes. It’s one less worry for me to have to deal with.”
They had reached the edge of the village, and Gibor paused a

moment. Lael halted beside him and listened as Gibor told him, “I
wanted to thank you for all you have done and for believing in me. I
don’t know how I would have coped without you.”

Then he continued to walk toward his home, leaving Lael to

follow behind.

* * * *

Gibor sat on his horse and looked down at the snow-covered path

before him. Turning to shake his head at Lael, he said, “I don’t think
we can go this way. There’s another trail just to the right that I think
will be easier on our mounts.”

Lael nodded. “Lead the way.”
Gibor nudged his mount forward and soon had them moving at a

slightly faster rate. The path opened up wider, and Lael moved his
horse up beside Gibor. “I’m lucky to have you with me. If I were by
myself, I’d still be trudging along on that other trail.”

Gibor flashed Lael a smile. “I’m glad you appreciate me.”
“Oh, I do.”
“We won’t get very far today since we started out so late, but I

know of a spot where the tree growth is heavy. It will make a good
place to camp for the night since we’ll be protected from the wind
there, and we’ll be able to build a fire to keep us warm and to keep
away any predators.”

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“Good. I wasn’t looking forward to having to make do in some

shallow ditch like I had to do one night on my way here. I almost
froze my ass off.”

Gibor laughed and thought again how much he genuinely liked

Lael. Though he’d admired the man before and had lusted after him,
he’d never really known him. Now, the more he was with him and the
more he learned of the man’s character and personality, the more he
feared that what was at first simple infatuation was turning into
something deeper and more profound. And that could be a dangerous
thing with a man like Lael, who had a reputation for never getting
seriously involved with any of his partners. Lael tended to like to keep
things light and easy, although Gibor knew that what was between
them was already more than that. The circumstances of their coming
together made that inevitable.

He cast a surreptitious glance toward the man who dominated his

thoughts. Even shrouded in his warm cloak, with the hood pulled up
and hiding his features, no one would ever make the mistake of
thinking he was anything other than what he was—a warrior. He rode
easy in his saddle, his hand light on the reins of his mount. His sword
lay against his leg within easy reach of the grasp that could wield it
with such skill that not many could best him when they sparred on the
practice grounds.

Suddenly Lael halted. Gibor pulled his mount to a stop beside the

other man’s and had opened his mouth to ask what was wrong when a
distant noise caught his attention. He turned his gaze to the
surrounding woods, his eyes scanning for any possible sign of trouble.
The trails were not without their dangers, and it was good to always
be on alert. He couldn’t believe he’d allowed himself to be so
distracted with his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed until Lael had
halted that something was out there. It was not unusual for common
thieves or even Angkeshi bandits to lurk within the dark shadows
waiting for unsuspecting travelers to happen by. They were close
enough to the border for the Angkeshi to feel safe venturing over in

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small groups to attack the unwary. Natural predators were also known
to stalk their prey through this area. The beasts usually avoided
humans, who were difficult to take down, but they sometimes got
desperate enough to try, especially during the hard winter months
when other game was scarce and hunger made them take greater risks.

He could see Lael’s attention was completely focused on

discovering the source of the noise. The man’s body was held tensely,
his gaze constantly moving back and forth, searching for the smallest
clue. Suddenly a jarker hare leaped from behind a nearby bush,
startling the horses before dashing away, back into the cover of the
woods. He saw Lael relax and shoot him a smile. He grinned back.

They continued on. The light was beginning to fade when they

reached the wooded area that Gibor had chosen for their campsite. It
didn’t take the two men long to tend to their mounts and set up an
efficient though sparse camp. With a fire going and a tarn’s hide
strung from the branch of a tree to form a rough tent, the two men
were quite sheltered and as comfortable as it was possible to be
camping out in the extreme cold of an Emryn winter.

They talked desultorily as they drank their hot red tea and ate

chunks of lanis bread and cheese. Gibor kept casting uneasy glances
to the woods beyond the reach of their fire. He saw Lael do the same
a time or two.

“I feel like we’re being watched,” he finally admitted to Lael.
Lael nodded. “I feel the same. Could just be some animal drawn

to the fire and curious about what we are doing.”

Gibor nodded. “I suppose. But I think maybe we should take turns

at watch. Just to be safe.”

Lael agreed. “I’ll take first shift. You go ahead and sleep. I’ll

wake you in a few hours.”

Gibor agreed. They continued their makeshift meal. After taking

another bite of his lanis bread, he asked Lael a question that had been
bothering him for some time. “What will happen to me when we
arrive in Winterreach? Will I be arrested?”

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Lael met his concerned gaze and shook his head. “Of course not.

There is no proof that you are the traitor. The captain and Lord Javan
will interview you and try to discover whether or not they have reason
to continue to be suspicious. I’m sure they’ve been looking into others
as well. Since you’re innocent, you shouldn’t have anything to worry

Gibor gave a short laugh. “It’s not like innocent men have never

been arrested, Lael.”

Lael nodded grimly. “I know. But I trust the captain. He won’t let

one of his men be condemned unless there is unequivocal proof. He’ll
stand by you as soon as he knows you’re not the man he seeks. He’s
determined to find the traitor, but not at the expense of sacrificing his

Gibor felt a bit better. It was true that Rom Dartel was known to

be harsh but fair.

“I will speak for you, Gibor, if it comes down to it.” Lael’s voice

was quiet but steady.

Gibor looked into Lael’s eyes and knew that there was no one

he’d rather have in his corner than this man. “Thank you.”

Lael nodded and took a sip of his red tea.
“Will I still see you once we reach the capital?”
Lael looked off into the distance. “I’m not sure that is a good


“Why not?” Gibor wanted to know.
The warrior sighed. “I’m a lot older than you, Gibor, and I’m one

of your commanding officers. That alone would be reason enough.
Besides that, if I want to be taken seriously in my defense of you, it
can’t look like I’m being swayed by a personal relationship. That
could work against you. I won’t compromise your freedom for my
own personal satisfaction.”

Gibor could understand what Lael was saying, but he didn’t like


“And after? Once my name is cleared?”

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“I don’t know, Gibor.” Lael’s eyes held a mix of so many

emotions Gibor couldn’t be sure what Lael was feeling. “I’ll be
honest with you and tell you that whatever this is between us, it’s
taken me by surprise. I feel more for you than I’d imagined I would.
But it bothers me that things have happened so quickly. Your
emotions have to be very tangled right now. You just lost your father,
and you’re under suspicion of betraying your king and country. I
don’t know that I can trust these feelings as something that are real or
just a product of the circumstances.”

Gibor wanted to deny that such a thing was possible but knew that

he couldn’t. He had also been surprised at how quickly he had
developed such intense feelings for Lael. Though considering the fact
that he had been attracted to the man since their first meeting, perhaps
it wasn’t that strange at all.

“I think you’re wrong. I think this is more than just a passing


Lael nodded. “Mayhap. We’ll just have to wait and see. Won’t


Gibor didn’t like it, but he understood Lael’s reasoning. He

nodded his head in agreement but vowed to himself that this wasn’t
the end of this particular discussion.

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Chapter Five

The next morning, the weather had worsened. Lael sat on the back

of his mount, hunched down into his cloak and counting each
plodding step made by his horse through the snow-filled gloom. A
short break for lunch was just as miserable as the ride had been, so
they didn’t tarry long. The oppressive darkness around them seemed
filled with eyes and voices, and Lael couldn’t throw off the sensation
that they weren’t alone. He kept his hand on the hilt of the dagger at
his waist, and his gaze scanned his surroundings as best he could in
the biting wind.

He watched Gibor, who rode slightly ahead. He was glad to have

the man with him. Gibor seemed to have an uncanny instinct for
finding a path where there seemed to be none, and his familiarity with
the area was very welcome. After what seemed like an eternity, Lael
saw Gibor pull up and motion him forward.

When he reached the other man’s side, he saw him gesture ahead.

Lael narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction Gibor had
indicated. They had reached a slight rise in the path, and the thick
forest had thinned. In the distance, he could just barely make out the
thatched roofs that indicated a town. Gibor leaned closer.

“That’s Leeson. They have a small inn. I know it’s early yet, but I

think it best that we stop for the night. The horses are exhausted and,
honestly, so am I.”

Lael heartily approved of the plan. “Lead the way.”
The inn had an attached stable, where they left their horses to be

fed and watered, and they made their way into the adjoining building.
The warmth of the air that hit his face when he stepped inside made

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him practically sigh with pleasure. After they’d secured a room for
the night, they quickly adjourned to the taproom where they ordered a
hearty stew and some warm cider to wash it down.

Once they’d appeased their hunger and thawed out somewhat,

Lael turned his thoughts back to the odd feeling he’d gotten as they’d
traveled. He looked at Gibor and asked, “Tell me, living so close to
the Angkeshi border, have you ever experienced anything unusual or
that you couldn’t explain? I’ve heard some wild tales of the Angkesh
queen and her followers.”

Gibor didn’t laugh at his question, as he’d half expected. Rather

he looked serious when he replied. “You felt it, too. In the woods.
Didn’t you?”

Lael nodded grimly. “Could be it was just my imagination. Or

simply thieves looking for likely targets.”

Gibor shrugged. “It’s possible. But to answer your question, yes. I

have. I don’t know if the rumors of the queen’s sorcery and shape-
shifting are true. But I do know that there have been some unusual
things that have occurred that no one was able to explain.”

“Like what?”
“Like hunters from the village being attacked by mysterious

beasts that they couldn’t see but could only feel their claws and fangs.
Like animals being slaughtered so viciously that there was hardly
enough of their bodies left to burn. Like strange noises in the dead of
night that sounded like no animal or person I’ve ever heard.”

Lael considered that. “All explained with rational explanations.”
“Perhaps. And then again, perhaps not. You tend to get used to

such things when you live close to the border.”

“We’re not that close to the border now. We’re two days’ journey

from Almere.”

“Yes. Though we haven’t made very good time, we’re no longer

in Feresa Province. This is Narda.”

Lael nodded. He’d never considered himself a superstitious man,

but the niggling feeling in the pit of his stomach as they’d ridden had

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Something…different. He didn’t know why he was so certain of it.
And maybe it was just exhaustion and a little bit of snow madness,
but he couldn’t throw off the idea that they were being tracked, and
by something other than men.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to find my bed.”
Lael turned aside his gloomy thoughts and managed a smile. “You

mean our bed.”

Gibor’s eyes held a gleam that Lael easily recognized. “You’re the

one who asked for only one room.”

“So I was.” He gestured for the waitress and paid their bill. “Then

let’s go up, by all means.”

Lael followed Gibor as he made his way up their stairs, his gaze

caught by the sway of the man’s hips as he moved up the steps, and
his thoughts rushing ahead to the time when he would have those hips
tightly clutched in his hands as he fucked Gibor long and slow. His
erection thickened in his breeches at the thought of the night ahead. In
their previous encounter, he had not taken Gibor’s ass as he’d wanted.
But tonight, he was claiming that dark tunnel for his own.

By the time they reached their room and had closed the door

behind them, Lael was primed and ready. Wasting no time, he pulled
Gibor around and roughly shoved him against the wall. He could see
the surprised arousal on the man’s face a moment before Lael’s lips
took his in a hard and heated claiming. His tongue thrust boldly into
Gibor’s mouth, brushing aside any hesitancy on the man’s part and
demanding a response. Gibor submitted to his hot need, opening to
him and giving him a sweet, generous surrender that ratcheted Lael’s
desire even higher.

Lael took everything Gibor offered, needing to place his stamp of

possession so hard and so deep that Gibor would never forget him. He
didn’t know where the instinct came from, but he didn’t fight it.
Maybe they would part at Winterreach, and this thing between them
would end. Maybe they wouldn’t. He couldn’t see the future. But

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whatever happened between them, he knew he would never be able to
forget Gibor, and he wanted the other man to feel the same.

He gentled the roughness of his kiss, and his hands released their

hard grip on his shoulders to reach up and cup gently around his neck.
His thumb stroked the tender skin of Gibor’s jawline. He felt rather
than heard Gibor’s broken whimper of need as he brushed his tongue
over the roof of Gibor’s mouth and then entwined it with Gibor’s

When he stepped back, they were both breathing hard. His hands

moved to grasp the hem of Gibor’s tunic and pull it over the young
man’s head, his eyes never leaving Gibor’s. Then he undid the laces
of the under tunic, and soon it was also tossed aside. He paused a
moment, letting his eyes drink their fill of the beautiful young man
who stood half-naked before him. Gibor’s eyes were heavy-lidded, his
lips parted and moist from their kiss, and his chest rose and fell with
each panting breath he took. The front of his breeches were tented
with Gibor’s erection, and Lael felt his heart tighten in his chest.

“You’re amazing,” he whispered, just before he leaned forward to

claim another kiss. He pulled Gibor nearer, wanting to get as close as
possible. Their erections brushed together, and Lael pressed harder,
rubbing himself against Gibor like a cat.

He felt Gibor’s hands come up to clasp his hips, holding him even

tighter. He released Gibor’s mouth and trailed his lips to the man’s
ear, nipping the lobe and sending his tongue darting to explore each
curve. He felt rather than heard Gibor’s groan. His mouth moved
lower, to Gibor’s neck, where his teeth latched down onto the
sensitive band of flesh. He pulled the skin into his mouth, suckling,
knowing he was marking Gibor and savagely pleased at the idea of
the man wearing his brand on his body.

“Please, Lael. I need more.” Gibor’s broken plea pierced his lust-

filled haze. He reached down for the man’s hand and drew him to the
bed. Tenderly he finished stripping Gibor and pushed him down onto
the bed. He rummaged through his pack and found the bottle of tunis

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oil he’d purchased before they left Almere. Setting it by the bed, he
quickly discarded his own clothing before covering Gibor’s body with
his own.

He buried his face in Gibor’s hair and inhaled, relishing the spicy,

clean scent that he now associated with his young lover. He ran his
hands down Gibor’s shoulders, surprised that a member of the Gray
would have such smooth skin. He wanted to spend hours, days even,
just rubbing himself over Gibor’s tender body but knew he’d never
last that long. Already his cock was insistently demanding release.

He reached down and wrapped his hand around Gibor’s erection,

stroking it a few times. When Gibor began to moan and arch his hips
into his touch, Lael covered his mouth with another kiss. Then he
released Gibor’s mouth and began moving, kissing, and licking his
way down the young man’s taut body until he finally reached his
ultimate goal. A quick glance up showed him that Gibor’s eyes were
focused intently on Lael’s every move. With a wicked smile, his
mouth engulfed the head of Gibor’s cock.

* * * *

Gibor gasped and reached down to grab the back of Lael’s head as

the man’s mouth took more and more of his cock inside, sinking
down until Lael’s nose was buried in Gibor’s wiry curls. Gibor could
feel the head of his cock hit the back of Lael’s throat, and the man
swallowed, sending a shard of pure ecstasy through Gibor’s body.
Gibor saw Lael’s cheeks hollow as he sucked in and pulled back,
almost releasing Gibor’s cock before repeating the downstroke. Again
and again, Lael performed the same action, until Gibor was mindless,
and his hand was clenched tightly in Lael’s hair.

Each time Gibor was certain he was about to climax, Lael would

halt in his ministrations and look up at him, waiting for Gibor to beg
him to continue. And Gibor would comply, wanting nothing more
than that sweet ecstasy held just out of reach. Then Lael would

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continue again. Over and over the pattern repeated until Gibor was
practically in pain from the need for release. He was thrashing back
and forth on the bed, words of pleading and sobs of need escaping his
mouth with every ragged breath.

When Lael’s hand stroked over Gibor’s ball sac, tugging lightly

and rolling those tender orbs between his callused fingers, Gibor’s
whole body went tight. With a long, ragged groan, he came in Lael’s
mouth. Lael continued to suck and lick until the last tremors faded
from Gibor’s body and he lay like a limp rag.

Then Gibor felt Lael’s hands turning him over and pulling him

onto his knees. From the corner of his eye, he saw Lael reach for the
bottle of tunis oil and dump some into his hand. Then those knowing
fingers were pushing against his anal opening, coating the spot with
the slippery liquid before pushing gently inside. Once, twice, Lael
thrust, twisting his fingers to widen the narrow passage before

He heard Lael growl in his ear, “Goddess help me, if I don’t take

you now, I’ll spew myself all over the bedding. I’m afraid I’ll be too
rough, though. I’m close to the edge of my control, Gibor.”

Gibor ached to feel Lael inside him, to know his full possession.

He urged him on, pressing his hips back against Lael’s erection.
“Please, please.” Like a litany, he kept murmuring the word over and

Gibor felt Lael’s body move over his, the prod of his hard cock at

the forbidden rosette. Then Lael was pushing himself into Gibor, and
Gibor knew that nothing had ever felt as good. When Lael was fully
seated inside Gibor’s ass, he paused.

“Seven hells, Gibor. You’re perfect. You feel so good and tight

around my cock.”

“Yes, Lael. Fuck me. Fuck me now.”
“I don’t want to hurt you. I need you so much.” Lael’s words were

almost unintelligible, and his voice was rough and deep.

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Gibor was panting now with his own desire. “The only way you’ll

hurt me is if you don’t move.”

Lael finally started to move, and Gibor heard the man’s moan of

pure pleasure as he pulled out and sank deep once more. Then again.
He kept his pace slow and steady, as if he feared what would happen
if he let loose of his control. But Gibor didn’t want Lael to be in
control. He wanted him wild with passion and need.

“Harder,” he gasped out, shoving his hips back into Lael’s stroke.
As if that were a signal, he felt Lael’s hands clench tightly on his

hips. And then he began moving. He pounded into Gibor’s ass with a
reckless force that made Gibor almost giddy with pleasure. He was
awed at the evidence of Lael’s need which fully matched his own.
“More, Lael, more,” he choked out the words and felt Lael’s hands
tighten even more, digging into the soft skin of his buttocks, and
Gibor knew he’d be marked there on the morrow. His own cock rose
again unbelievably, and Gibor buried his face in his arms as they
rested on the bed, giving himself up to the wild passion of their

With each stroke, Lael let out a grunt of exertion. His thrusts sped

up, getting faster and faster, and Gibor knew that the end was near.
His own hand moved toward his cock, and he began stroking himself
in time with Lael’s motion.

In moments, Lael gave out a shout, and Gibor felt the rush of his

cum as it coated the inside of his anal tunnel. Seconds later, he
reached his own release, his climax blazing through him like a
wildfire. He collapsed, taking Lael’s body with him. He could feel
Lael’s softening cock still embedded within his body.

They rested that way for a while, neither man saying anything.

Finally, he felt Lael pull himself from Gibor’s body and roll over to
lie in an exhausted sprawl beside him on the narrow bed.

“Farking hell, Gibor, that was incredible. You’re going to kill me

before this is done,” Lael said with a rough growl into his ear. Then

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Lael pulled him onto his side and back against his warmth, spooning
his body close so that they were touching from foot to shoulder.

Gibor reached over to draw Lael’s arms around his waist. When

Lael’s hands began to caress him gently, he found the spent seed from
Gibor’s final climax. He felt Lael drop a soft kiss on his shoulder.

“We need to get you cleaned up.” With that, Lael rose and moved

to the dresser where a bowl of water and a rag rested. He was back
shortly and gently wiped away all evidence of Gibor’s cum from his
body and cleaned the soiled bedding as best he could. Gibor watched
as Lael wiped off his own cock and then tossed the rag aside.

Then Lael climbed back into bed, pulling Gibor back into his

arms. Gibor nestled against his lover, a smile of satisfaction curving
his lips upward. He fell asleep with that smile still on his lips.

It was several hours later that Gibor rose back to consciousness.

He was lying on his side, facing the wall when he awoke to a room
shrouded in darkness, the only light the dim glow from the banked
fire. The feel of a callused finger moved gently down his arm and
back up with a delicate stroke. Then soft lips touched the side of his
neck, leaving tender kisses across his shoulder.

“Mmmm…” he murmured, leaning his head to the side to give

Lael greater access to his neck.

The kisses halted briefly. “You’re awake.”
Gibor smiled into the darkness. “Uh-huh.”
“Good.” More kisses, and another finger, stroking down his spine

to the spot just before the crease of his ass began. Gibor felt his cock
stir at the slow, gentle caress. Lips followed the path left by that
wandering hand and Gibor’s eyes drifted closed as he savored the
sweet arousal pooling in his loins. A delicate nudge moved him flat
on the bed, belly down. Then a large hand cupped one ass cheek,
giving it a gentle squeeze.

Hands spread his mounds, and then he felt Lael’s tongue probing

against his anal bud, teasing the tiny opening. Gibor spread his legs as
he felt Lael’s fingers moving down to softly caress his balls. More

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soft kisses down the dark crease of his buttocks, and then Lael’s
tongue was licking the sensitive skin of his sac.

Gibor’s cock hardened more, caught between his belly and the

bed. He moaned when he felt Lael take his balls into his mouth and
suckle gently. Gibor relished the slowly building sensation, such a
contrast to their earlier frantic passion.

“You taste so good.” Lael’s voice came to him softly. Then he felt

the man rise, and his warmth covered Gibor, Lael’s cock a prominent
ridge riding between the cheeks of Gibor’s ass. “I want to eat you up.”
Lael whispered in his ear. Then Lael began to move, sliding his cock
up and down the plump mounds of flesh. Finally, Lael reached for the
tunis oil beside the bed. Gibor felt the slippery liquid dribble into the
crack of his ass, and Lael’s fingers spread it around, pressing deep.
Then Lael’s cock slid smoothly inside. Lael paused a moment, giving
Gibor time to adjust to the hardness impaling him, before he began
moving. Each stroke was slow and measured, the passion building
into a slow, sweet fire that made Gibor ache. His own hardness was
being stimulated with each stroke as it was pressed more firmly into
the soft mattress.

The friction of Lael’s movements had both men moaning. Gibor’s

breath grew harsher as he felt his climax approach. Lael sped up, his
strokes coming faster until Gibor knew neither one of them would last
much longer. At last he came, emptying his seed into the bed covers.
Seconds later, Lael followed him with a sharp cry of completion, and
Gibor felt the man’s warm cum as it coated his insides. Sticky and
replete, the two men lay in silence in the chill and quiet room.

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Chapter Six

The next morning found them back in the saddle and once more

on their way to Winterreach. The bad weather of the previous days
seemed to be lifting somewhat, and they made much better time.
Instead of having to give all his concentration to their path ahead,
Lael was able to think about what was happening between himself
and Gibor. He’d never felt so much for one person before, and it
baffled him how to handle the emotions that were churning through
him every time he so much as thought about Gibor.

He knew the smart thing to do would be to break things off with

the younger man as soon as they reached the capital city. Any hint
that he might be personally involved with Gibor would work against
him when he was having to prove his innocence. Anything Lael said
would be weighed against his feelings for the other man. On the other
hand, Lael wasn’t sure he actually could stay away from Gibor. He
was stunned by the knowledge, and he didn’t quite know how to
handle it. Never before had he felt like he needed to be with someone
almost as much as he needed his next breath. He cast a look toward
the man who occupied his thoughts. Gibor rode beside him on the
wide path, obviously immersed in thoughts of his own. His mouth
was a firm line, and his eyes were narrowed against the still-biting

They had crossed an important line the night before, some kind of

invisible barrier, and he wasn’t sure that he would undo what had
happened even if he could. He was very much afraid that he had gone
too far now to stop. His heart was engaged. Even at the thought, his
breathing quickened, and he felt a now-familiar tightening in his gut.

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He would do anything he could to protect this man, even if it meant
sacrificing his own career, his own life, in order to do so. He hadn’t
wanted Gibor to know just how serious the charges against him were
and how difficult it was going to be to prove his innocence. What if
they couldn’t? What if Gibor was found guilty and sentenced to
death? How would he survive?

They could flee, he thought, a shade desperately. Right now, they

could leave Emryn and never return. Gibor would be safe. They could
hire themselves out as mercenary soldiers. It would be a hard life, but
they would have one another.

Another quick look at Gibor, and he could see that something had

disturbed him. His eyes were darting back and forth around the
clearing they were passing through.

He drew his horse nearer. “What is it?” he asked, his own gaze

searching for any sign of whatever had caught Gibor’s attention.

He saw Gibor shake his head. “I’m not sure. I thought I caught a

glimpse of something moving out of the corner of my eye in the
woods to our left, but when I turned my head, it was gone.”

Lael cursed. “Looks like whatever has been tracking us hasn’t

given up yet.”

Gibor’s face looked grim. “I think you’re right. There is

something out there, but what it is, I haven’t a clue.”

“Let’s keep moving. Whoever or whatever it is has had ample

opportunity to attack us. Perhaps they just want to keep an eye on us,
see where we’re going.”

Gibor nodded. “Perhaps.”
They both continued forward, unspoken between them was the

thought that perhaps whoever or whatever was following them was
just waiting for reinforcements.

Another mile went by, with the feeling of being watched growing

heavier and heavier.

Lael spoke again. “I don’t like this. My gut tells me that things are

about to get very bad for us.”

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“I agree. There are a lot of places ahead that would be the perfect

spot for an ambush.”

Lael thought about that for several minutes. “You know this area

well?” He had the beginnings of an idea but needed to know if it
would work or not.

“Pretty well.”
“Are there any towns nearby?”
Gibor shook his head. “The next town isn’t until Meredor.”
Lael nodded. That was what he had remembered from his own

trip, but he wanted to be sure.

“What about any caves or defensible spots? Anything like that


Gibor looked thoughtful for a few moments. He nodded. “There is

a cave not far. It is concealed, and I’ve taken shelter there before
when the storms were really bad. Not many people know it is there,
which is why I don’t want to lead our silent enemy to it unless it is
absolutely necessary.”

“Anything else?”
“Up ahead there is a small hill with a stand of rocks to the right

that would be good to have at our backs. That way, any attack could
only come from one direction, and we would have the high ground.
Unless they’re already there,” he ended dourly.

“Let’s hope that’s not the case. We’ll head for that spot.” They

continued on. Lael reached down to surreptitiously loosen the sword
that hung at his side. He saw Gibor do the same.

Lael caught a glimpse of a figure to his left that was gone so

quickly, he might have thought he’d imagined it if he hadn’t known
the truth. He met Gibor’s eyes and nodded, knowing the other man
had seen it as well. Whoever it was, they were getting braver, less
concerned with concealment.

They rounded a curve in the road, and Lael finally spotted the hill

that Gibor had been talking about. His gaze swept over it, and he
understood why Gibor had thought of this spot. The rise from the road

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was sharp, and the outcropping of rocks curved to form a natural
barrier to anyone standing within its confines.

He leaned toward Gibor. “When I give the signal, ride as fast as

you can to the rock shelter. Get off your horse as quickly as possible,
and get your blade out. We’re probably going to have to make a fight
of it, and I’d rather do it where I can see my enemy coming.”

Gibor gave a short nod. Lael caught another quick look at one of

their pursuers and knew that the attack would come soon. They
couldn’t afford to wait another moment. “Now!” he yelled.

He spurred his mount and took off, Gibor racing at his side. He

heard a shout of dismayed surprise at their sudden movement and
sensed, rather than saw, their pursuers bursting out of their hiding
place in the trees.

He leaned forward, low against Snowmane’s neck and urged the

horse on. At last they reached their destination. Leaping from his
mount, he turned and braced himself for attack, sword in one hand
and dagger in the other, seeing Gibor do the same. Their pursuers
rushed them, and he met them blade to blade.

The first man to reach him let out a savage yell before he dove

forward, his short sword lifted for an overhand swing. Reacting on
instinct, Lael raised his own sword to block the blow. Steel met steel
with a hard clang that jarred his teeth. A moment later he was twisting
to the side and driving his sword point first into the other man’s belly.
He jerked his sword free and then turned to meet another attack.

He wasn’t sure how many of them there were, but luckily not as

many as he had feared. He and Gibor pushed back the attack step-by-
step and sword thrust by sword thrust. Luckily, because of the way
the rocks curved, the enemy was limited in how many men could rush
them at once. It was the only thing that was giving them a fighting

A blade whistled by Lael’s head, and he blocked it easily, then

thrust upward with the dagger and killed the attacker. Another man
surged forward, and he whirled, taking the man’s head in one lethal

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stroke. A mad scramble ensued. Another man approached from his
right, his curved sword held low. With a grin, the enemy darted
forward, his blade coming within a hair’s breadth of cutting Lael’s
side. Lael pivoted, his footing unsteady on the rocky ground, and
barely managed to send his own blade into the other man’s heart
Again and again he found himself in deadly battle with his attackers,
managing to emerge relatively unscathed despite the uneven numbers.

He wasn’t sure how much time passed before the attack ceased

and the enemy withdrew, gathering together on the edge of the wood.
The ground around the two warriors was littered with several bodies.

Glad for the momentary respite, Lael looked over at Gibor.

Considering the fact that the young man had only been a member of
the Gray for two years, he had held his own, and Lael felt a stirring of
pride at how well he had acquitted himself.

“I guess they didn’t anticipate what it would mean to fight two

warriors of the Gray,” Lael mused as he turned his gaze to search the
shadow of the trees where their enemy’s force had reassembled, no
doubt planning another attack. “Probably used to taking down farmers
or peddlers.” His disgust of robbers and thieves obvious. “Luckily for
us, they seemed to be relying more on strength of numbers than skill
with weapons.”

Gibor spoke from where he knelt on the ground examining one of

the bodies. “They’re Ankeshi, Lael.”

Lael was surprised and turned his gaze on the fallen bodies. Gibor

was right. He hadn’t noticed in the midst of battle, but the golden skin
tones and facial markings clearly identified the bandits’ origin. Lael
tried to assimilate the information with what he knew about Angkesh.
The Angkeshi bandits usually concentrated their forays on lands close
to the Angkeshi-Emryn border, attacking outlying farms and
unsuspecting travelers. Border patrols had greatly halted the attacks,
but with the weather conditions being so poor, it made monitoring the
border very difficult. There had been an increase in the number of
attacks lately, but that wasn’t really all that unusual. Sometimes there

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would be long stretches with few reports, and then there would be a
series all within a small amount of time. Lael hadn’t heard of any
attacks so far into the country, and the knowledge worried him. They
were two days journey from Faresa. The queen was becoming braver
or more foolish, he wasn’t sure which. But he didn’t like it. Not at all.

* * * *

Gibor’s gaze lifted to scan the area. His gaze brushed over the

small gathering of Angkeshi bandits. Even from a distance, he was
able to discern the menacing gestures and frenzied pacing of the
shadowy figures. He remembered the wild light in the eyes of his
attackers, the almost inhuman growls that had come from their throats
during the midst of their attack, and it worried him. They resembled
nothing more than a pack of primal beasts being held on a tether.
Gibor didn’t know who or what was holding that tether, and he wasn’t
sure he wanted to either.

His gaze sharpened. There was something else there. He wasn’t

sure what, but he could sense a darker, more evil presence hovering
on the farthest edge of his vision.

“It’s not just the bandits, Lael.”
Lael turned from where he was studying the bodies around them.

“What do you mean?”

“I think there’s something else there, just out of sight in the trees.”
He saw Lael scan the trees where he had indicated. “Are you sure?

I don’t see anything.”

Gibor nodded. “I know there’s something or someone else there.”
“What could it be?” Gibor was pleased that Lael seemed to accept

his word.

“I’m not sure, but it worries me that we haven’t seen it yet. If they

want to defeat us, wouldn’t they throw everything they’ve got at us?”

“Unless maybe they’re trying to observe us? Try to figure out how

hard we are to defeat?”

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“But why?”
Lael’s eyes narrowed. “The Angkeshi queen has been very quiet

lately. Could be she’s got a plan in the works, and she is gathering
information to assist her in whatever that plan might be. Assessing the
fighting skills of the Guardians of the Gray Tower would be a natural
piece of information that she would wish to have.”

“But she’s losing a lot of men.” He gestured toward the bodies.

“Seems foolish to me.”

“She’s got plenty of followers. She would think nothing of

sacrificing a few in order to learn what she needs.”

“Is that really what you think?”
Lael shrugged. “I’m just speculating, but it makes an odd sort of

sense.” Then he reached for one of the bodies. “Let’s clear these out,
so we’ll have room to move when they hit us next time.”

“Push them down the hill so the bandits will have to come over

them. It will slow them down a little and make their footing

Lael nodded, and they quickly did as Gibor had suggested.
When they had finished that task, the two men began looking

around their sanctuary to get a good idea of what options they had.
The shallow bowl was not carved out of the side of the rock wall, as
they had thought. Instead, it was made up of a series of large boulders
stacked so close together they appeared to be one solid stone. As
Gibor was studying the right side of the area, he heard Lael call to
him. He walked over and immediately saw what had captured Lael’s

There was a short gap between two stones that led through the

back of the rock wall. The two men exchanged glances.

Lael spoke. “It’s not in me to run from a fight, but it will be nice

to know this is here if things start to go wrong.”

“Our horses are gone. How far will we get, on foot and being


Lael grinned wryly. “If we’re lucky, just far enough.”

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“At least the weather is clearing.”
“Yes. Of course, that could work against us as well.”
Gibor knew what he meant. With the weather cleared, they would

be able to move faster, but so would their enemy.

“Do you think they’ll attack again?” he asked Lael, who was more

experienced in this type of situation.

They returned to look once more at the force gathered against

them. Again Gibor sensed that malevolent presence just out of sight.

After several minutes, Lael spoke quietly. “I think I see what

you’re talking about. A shadow just back into the tree line.”

Gibor nodded, pleased that Lael was finally seeing what he

himself had seen. “It hovers just out of sight.”

Lael continued to study the vague, shadowy something. “Is it

some sort of beast? Like an icecat, only larger?”

Gibor considered what Lael had said. He had gotten the

impression of something large, larger than a man, but wasn’t sure
what. “I can’t tell.”

“In any case, the point is moot right now. I think they’re about to

make their second foray.”

Sure enough, Gibor saw that the group of men had started forward

again. He and Lael braced once more for the attack. He cast a quick
glance at Lael, noting the grim set of his chin and the tightening grip
on the blade held so confidently before him, and Gibor knew that
there was no one he’d rather have at his back than this man.

Then the enemy was there, and there was no more time for


Gibor could sense an edge of desperation in the men who fought

them this time. They pressed the assault harder, and it was all he
could do to hold his own. He hacked his way through several men.
They were lucky that the bowl curve of the rock wall prevented more
men from engaging them at the same time, otherwise there would
have been no way they could have held off the attack.

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As it was, he and Lael used their higher ground to their advantage,

and it wasn’t long before their enemies retreated once again. He was
exhausted and took a few moments to catch his breath before turning
to Lael. What he saw caused his heart to almost stop beating in his

Lael was leaning against one of the nearby rocks, his face pale as

death. One hand was braced against the rock wall, and the other was
clasped over his side where Gibor could see blood seeping between
his fingers.

“Lael!” He ran over to his lover. “Goddess, you’re wounded.”
Lael let out a small, sarcastic chuckle. “Yes, I figured that out.”
“What happened?” Gibor was stunned that an expert swordsman

like Lael would have taken such a blow.

Lael gestured with his chin. “Tripped on one of the farking bodies.

Gave the one I was fighting just the opening he needed, Goddess
curse him.”

“Sit down. Let me see how badly you’re hurt.”
Lael allowed Gibor to move him as far back into the sheltering

curve as he could go. Then Gibor lowered him to the ground and
peeled back his cloak. He pushed up Lael’s tunic and under tunic so
that he could examine the wound. The blade had slashed a long gash
just below Lael’s ribs. It was deep, but Gibor didn’t think it was life
threatening. Blood oozed sluggishly from the opening, giving Gibor
some hope that no vital organs had been punctured. Still, Lael was
losing too much blood, and he knew he had to stop it as quickly as
possible, or the man would go into shock.

Reaching down he took the edge of his cloak and, using his

dagger, ripped off a long piece, which he then folded over and over
before placing it against the wound. He pressed hard and saw Lael
wince at the pressure, but Gibor didn’t let up. He needed to get the
bleeding stopped.

“How bad does it look?” Lael asked.

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“It could be worse, but it’s bad enough. A long slice. Here,” he

took Lael’s hand. “Hold this firmly against you while I get something
to bind it.”

Lael did as he was told, and Gibor took his blade to cut off

another strip from his cloak. Then he proceeded to wrap the long
piece of fabric around Lael’s waist so that the bandage was held
firmly against the wound. He sat back to observe his handiwork. The
pad seemed to be absorbing most of the blood.

“That’s the best I can do right now. With the horses gone, my

pack with my medical pouch is gone as well.”

“You need to go for help. Leave me here. I’ll hold them as long as

I can.” Lael made the statement with his mouth set tight, and Gibor
knew he was in pain and growing weaker by the minute. “I won’t be
much help against the next attack, and you can’t hold them off on
your own.”

Gibor shook his head in denial. “There is no way I’m leaving you

here to die. And we both know that it’s unlikely I’ll find help soon
enough to get back here with aid. We go together, or we don’t go at

“I’ll just slow you down.”
Gibor bent down and pressed a hard kiss against Lael’s mouth.

“I’m not leaving you here alone.” He enunciated each word as though
talking to a child. “If that’s the only plan you’ve got, then we’ll have
to go with mine.”

Lael smiled. “And what is your plan, then?”
“We slip out through the break in the rock wall while they’re

regrouping. The ground is stony, so it will be difficult for them to
follow us. The cave I told you about earlier is not far from here. If we
can make it there, we’ll be well hidden. Then we can decide what we
need to do after that.”

“It’s a foolish plan.”
“Foolish or not, it’s the only plan we’ve got that I’m willing to

even consider, so you’d better get that into your head.”

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Lael nodded. “All right. We’ll try it.” He grinned wryly. “Why did

I never realize how stubborn you were?”

Gibor let out a small laugh. “Probably because you’re so stubborn

yourself, you just roll over everybody else. But not now.”

“No, not now.” He took a deep breath. “All right. Help me up. If

we’re going to do this, we need to do it now. The sooner we get out of
here, the more distance we can put between ourselves and the

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Chapter Seven

Gibor finally got Lael to his feet, and Lael stood there, panting

from the effort and grimacing from the pain in his side.

“Are you ready?” Lael heard Gibor ask.
Lael nodded, not wanting to waste his waning energy by talking.
“Put your arm around my neck.” Lael didn’t like the idea that he

might slow Gibor down and leave them at the mercy of the Angkeshi
bandits, but he realized that it was pointless to argue. Gibor had made
up his mind, and he was not going to leave without Lael. So Lael did
as he was told, determined to do as much as he could to assist Gibor
in saving both of them.

They made their way quietly through the short tunnel. When they

reached the other side, they paused, and Lael knew that Gibor was
getting his bearings.

“Can you get us to the cave?” He needed to know if what they

were trying had any hope of success.

Gibor nodded. “It’s going to be close. Depending on how soon

they try another attack. They won’t know we’re gone until then. It
should take us about twenty minutes to reach the cave…if we’re

“We can’t leave any tracks, or it will lead them right to us.”
Gibor nodded. “Let me check your wound and make sure you’re

not bleeding through the bandage. A trail of blood is something we
don’t need.”

It only took a few moments for Gibor to make sure that the

bandage was holding. Then they were off. It was slow going. Lael
threw all his effort into staying upright and putting one foot in front of

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the other. At first they were moving over rocky ground, and Lael
knew the Angkeshi would not be able to track them. But when they
reached the grassy, snow-covered slope that led down, they had to be
much more careful. Several times, Gibor stopped them and went back
to do what he could to obscure their trail.

The sun began to sink, and Lael knew that their enemy would

probably try another attack before dark. Which meant that their lead
time was about to disappear. They paused for a brief rest.

“How much farther?” Lael panted out the question, trying not to

think about the pain from his wound that was beginning to take its toll
on him.

Gibor pointed. “About half a mile or so that direction.”
“All right. Check my bandage again. I think I’m starting to bleed


Gibor nodded and pushed up Lael’s tunic. “I need to add more

fabric. Hold on.”

Lael watched as he got his knife and cut another slice from his

cloak. After Gibor folded it into a thick pad, he pushed it beneath the
strip of fabric holding the bandage in place. Lael tried not to wince,
but Gibor must have caught something on his face.

“Sorry,” he muttered to Lael.
Lael just shrugged, not wanting to give Gibor even more to worry

about. “It’s not that bad.”

“When we get to the cave, I’ll take another look at it. See what I

can do to ease the pain.”

Lael just grunted. “Let’s get to the cave first and worry about

anything else once we’re there.”

They started out again. Lael could feel the strength draining from

him with each step. He knew he was probably going into shock from
blood loss and just hoped that he could hold on and not pass out
before they reached safety. On they struggled, with Gibor giving him
brief phrases of encouragement as Lael’s steps became more halting.

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“I don’t know if I can do this, Gibor,” he panted once they’d gone

a short distance. The pain in his side was excruciating now, and his
limbs were so heavy he could barely lift them. He knew that Gibor
was having to bear the brunt of his weight.

“Don’t you quit on me now, Lael. I swear to the Goddess, if you

give up, I’ll beat you to death myself.”

Lael managed a brief chuckle. “Damn, you’re mean.”
Gibor smiled wanly back. “I’m whatever I need to be to get your

sorry ass to moving.”

Lael nodded. “Can we rest a moment?”
Gibor’s eyes scanned his face, and Lael knew he could see that

Lael was not going to last much longer. He was holding onto to
consciousness now through sheer cussed determination.

Finally Gibor nodded. “Just for a moment.” He helped him sit

with his back against a tree.

“I’m going to go back and see if they’ve started looking for us


Lael nodded, wearily leaning his head back to rest on the prickly

bark. “All right.”

“I’ll be right back.”
Then Gibor was gone. Lael sat there, trying to recoup some

energy for the final leg of their trek. Gibor had warned him that the
last segment would be up a steep hill, and he knew he needed to
gather all his resources for this last exertion. He only hoped they
weren’t walking into a trap. If the Angkeshi discovered the cave, they
would have no way out. They would be trapped like rats in a maze.

He prodded his wound and suppressed a groan. He hoped the

wound was shallow and had not reached any vital organs. If Gibor
could keep the wound from becoming infected, there was a possibility
he would be better in a day or two. Then perhaps they would be able
to hike out until they found a farm or a small town. It was too bad the
horses had run off. He didn’t even have a crust of lanis bread or a
hunk of cheese to fight off the hunger pangs that were sure to come.

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He heard a noise and looked up just as Gibor came into sight, a

worried look on his young face. He bent down to Lael.

“They’re trying to track us. We need to get to shelter quickly, or

they’ll be on us soon.”

Lael nodded. The news wasn’t unexpected. “Help me up.”
Gibor stood and reached down, pulling Lael to his feet. He

wrapped Lael’s arm around his shoulders, and the two men started
forward once again.

The next ten minutes passed in a blur for Lael. The only thing he

was conscious of was the effort it took to place one foot in front of the
other and the murmuring words of encouragement from Gibor. When
they paused at the base of a steep incline, he almost collapsed, but
Gibor held him firmly.

“Almost there.”
Lael looked up and up, not seeing any sign of a cave, just what

appeared to be another solid rock wall. He shook his head. “Can’t
make it.” He muttered the words so softly, Gibor had to bend down to
hear him.

“The hell you can’t.”
With Gibor pushing and cajoling, taunting and insulting, they

moved up the incline inch by inch. Lael ceased thinking and simply
responded to Gibor’s commands. He didn’t know how long it took
them, but at last they reached the cave, hidden behind a series of large
rocks. The opening was low and narrow, and he had to crawl the last
few feet until he was at last inside the small cavern. He lay sprawled
just as he was while Gibor left to cover their tracks.

By the time Gibor got back, Lael was barely conscious. He was

vaguely aware of Gibor maneuvering his body further into the cave
and tried to help him, though he knew his strength was almost gone.

He managed to open his eyes and saw Gibor’s face hovering

above his, concern etched clearly upon his beautiful features. Lael
was no longer surprised at how much just seeing that face now meant
to him.

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“Yes, Lael?”
He tried to raise his hand to touch Gibor’s face, but he could

barely manage to lift it an inch or so from the ground. He felt Gibor’s
hand clasp around his, and he was comforted by the warmth of
Gibor’s skin against the chill of his own.

Forcing the words out, he said, “Promise me something.”
Gibor bent lower, and Lael realized he was whispering, but he

couldn’t speak any louder.

“What is it, Lael? What do you want?”
“Promise that if they find us, you’ll do…what you must…to


He saw Gibor shake his head in denial. “They’re not going to find

us. This cave is well hidden, and I covered our tracks. Don’t worry.”
The other man’s voice was firm with resolution.

“But…if they do…”
“I’m sorry.” Lael thought he caught the shine of tears in Gibor’s

eyes. “I can’t promise you that. I love you, you ignorant ass. I’m not
deserting you to save my own hide.”

“Damn…me. I…love…you…too.”
His eyes closed, but he was still aware of the warm press of

Gibor’s fingers against his own and the tender brush of lips across his
forehead. The pain in his side was leaving him, and he was aware of a
peaceful lassitude settling over him. And then he knew no more.

* * * *

When Gibor realized that Lael had passed out, he breathed a sigh

of relief. He knew the man had been holding on with the last of his
strength, and yet he was still trying to issue orders. He shook his head
and then smiled. Lael loved him. Unbelievable. The knowledge made
him even more determined to do everything he could to save them

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First things first. He had to make sure that their hiding spot would

not be discovered. He left the cave and moved stealthily, making sure
that their trail was completely obscured. He had hunted for years with
his father and uncles and was very skilled at tracking, and so he knew
just what to do. He had to move quickly because he knew that it
wouldn’t be long before the Angkeshi bandits reached them, unless
they had given up already. Gibor didn’t hold out much hope of that
happening, so he did everything he could, even laying a false trail that
would lead them in a different direction.

Knowing he would have to tend to Lael’s injury with few

supplies, he scouted around the area for some sarberry. The common
bush had red berries that provided some anesthetic relief from pain,
and the leaves were good for preventing infection. When he spotted a
small outcropping near the bottom of a tree, he was relieved. Quickly
gathering enough for his purposes, he tucked it into the belt he wore
around his waist. Then he quickly made his way back to their hiding

Lael lay as he had left him. He set about making him more

comfortable, removing his cloak and laying it over him to help keep
him warm. He wished he could light a fire, but he didn’t dare. At least
not yet. Once he was sure the Angkeshi were gone from the area, he
would risk a small one set far back into the cave. He had to keep Lael
as warm as possible to combat the shock from blood loss.

Then he turned his attention to the wound. He pushed the cloak

out of the way and began unwinding the bandage and removing the
blood-soaked pad. The wound was bleeding much less, which
relieved him greatly. He knew a little about field dressings and
tending minor wounds. All soldiers did. Anything more than that
would be beyond his capabilities. The wound itself was red and
inflamed. He cleaned it as best he could, and then he crushed the
sarberry leaves and then packed the wound. Finally he cut another
strip off the bottom of his cloak, now several inches shorter than when
they’d begun their journey, and bandaged the cut again.

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He covered Lael once more with the cloak and then folded his

own cloak into a padded square and placed it under Lael’s head as a
makeshift pillow. Then he sat back and heaved a breath of exhaustion
and worry. That was all he could do for now. He would like to bathe
the wound in warm water, but that would have to wait until he could
make a fire.

He moved to lie down next to Lael, pulling his body close and

maneuvering the cloak so that it covered both of them. Though he was
unable to light the fire to warm Lael, his own body heat would do a
fairly decent job.

The cave grew darker and darker as night fell. Periodically Gibor

would get up to check and see if there was any sign of the Angkeshi
in the area. Once he thought he spotted some movement at the base of
the rock wall. Listening carefully, he caught the quiet sound of
murmured voices. Then they moved off in an easterly direction,
following the false trail Gibor had laid earlier. He waited another two
hours. When he saw and heard nothing more, he decided to risk
building a small fire.

The cave ran back about twenty feet before curving sharply left

into a small branch that ran only a few feet. He spent several long
minutes dragging Lael’s inert body into that small area. Daring
another foray outside, he stealthily gathered as many sticks as he
could carry. Once he arrived back at the cave, he set about making the
fire. Using the flint that he always carried in his pocket, it didn’t take
him long before he had a small flame burning. He had found a branch
that had a shallow bowl shape. Using his dagger, he cut deeper until
he had something resembling a rough ladle.

Going outside, he used the ladle to scoop up some snow. Then he

used the fire to melt the snow before adding some of the mashed
sarberries. He raised Lael’s head and pressed his lips apart, pouring
the warm liquid down into his throat. Lael coughed a few times but
finally swallowed down some of the mixture. Gibor breathed a sigh of

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Finally, hungry and tired, he banked the fire to embers and lay

down again beside Lael, cuddling close beneath the cloak. His eyes
drifted shut, and he fell into an exhausted sleep.

Gibor awoke a short time later when Lael began thrashing and

muttering unintelligible gibberish. He reached over to feel his
forehead, and it was blazing hot. Worried, he checked the wound
again. It was red with infection. He crushed even more of the sarberry
leaves, along with some of the berry juice, and repacked the wound
again. Then he prepared another ladle of the sarberry concoction and
forced more of it down Lael’s throat. Then all he could do was watch
and wait.

He must have dozed, because the next time he opened his eyes,

the sun had lightened the cave enough so that he could clearly see the
pale features of the man lying so still beside him. Panicked, he
reached to feel for a heartbeat. He let out a breath of relief when he
felt it pound strongly against his palm.

He sat up to check the wound and was glad to see that the red

streaks had faded. Using the last of the sarberry leaves, he tended to
the wound again. Then he moved to the cave entrance and dared a
look out. The dawn’s rays lit up the sky and glared off of the fallen
snow, giving him a good view of the surrounding area. He detected no
sign of the bandits and hoped that meant they were gone from the

He returned to the cave with another ladle of snow. He melted

some and took a drink himself before adding the final cache of berries
for Lael. As he worked, he glanced over at Lael and was startled to
see the man’s eyes were open.

He moved closer, brushing back the hair from Lael’s head. “Well,

good morning. How do you feel?”

Lael shook his head. “Like I’ve been kicked by a Nilerian ass.

What happened?”

“Your wound became infected. It’s better now.”

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Lael tried to sit up but collapsed back weakly. “Farking hell.

Where are we?”

“In the cave. Here, drink this.” He held out the sarberry and water

mixture. Lael eyed it suspiciously but did as he was told.

“Goddess, that’s awful.”
Gibor suppressed a relieved smile. If the man could complain, he

would be all right.

“So tell me what our situation is.”
Gibor explained everything to Lael, who listened and grunted

occasionally. Finally Gibor halted.

Lael met his eyes. “You saved my life, Lael.”
Gibor nodded. “What else was I supposed to do after you told me

you loved me?”

Gibor almost laughed at the look on Lael’s face. Obviously the

man didn’t remember what he had said.

He bent down and shut Lael’s stammering up with a hard kiss.

“Don’t even try to worm your way out of it. I know you meant it. And
in case you don’t remember, I love you, too.” Gibor saw Lael’s eyes
flash with heat. “However, the first thing we have to figure out is how
to get us out of here.”

Lael nodded. “Help me sit up.”
After Gibor had done so, Lael leaned back against the side wall of

the cave. The two men sat in silence for several long minutes before
Lael said, “You’ll have to try and find the horses. They won’t have
gone far, unless the Angkeshi stole them. It’s really our only shot.”

Gibor nodded reluctantly. “That’s what I figured, too. If I can find

the horses, all our supplies will still be with them as well.”

After another short discussion, Gibor made Lael as comfortable as

possible. Then he prepared to leave. He cast a concerned look over
Lael. “Goddess knows I hate leaving you like this.”

“I’ll be fine.”

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“You’d better be. At least you’re conscious this time. When I had

to leave you before, you were out of it. Anyone could have come into
the cave and killed you without you even aware they were there.”

“Go. The sooner you find the horses, the sooner you can get


Gibor found Lael’s sword and dagger near the entrance and took

them to lay beside Lael. “I’ll be as quick as I can.”

Lael nodded. “Here.” He passed Gibor his own cloak. “Take

mine. Yours is a bit short.”

Gibor leaned forward to press a short but thorough kiss on that

mouth he’d come to love so much. Then he slung the cloak around his
shoulders and, with a final farewell, he left the cave.

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Chapter Eight

Gibor moved quickly through the surrounding forest, pausing

frequently to listen and check for any sounds or signs that the
Angkeshi might still be in the area, but he found no sign of them. He
made his way in a roundabout route back to the site of their battle
against the bandits. Searching the snowy ground carefully, he finally
discovered the hoof prints of his own mount along with another which
he knew must be Lael’s. He followed the path of the prints for about a
mile to the west. He reached a stream and could see where the horses
had paused to drink. Thirsty himself, he knelt down and scooped up
several handfuls of the ice-cold water.

He was just about to rise to his feet when he heard the quiet crack

of a twig and heard a voice saying, “Well, well. What do we have
here?” He jumped to his feet and swung around, his hand
automatically reaching for his blade. In the shadows of one tree, he
could see the dim outline of a tall figure.

“Who are you?”
“Luckily for you, Gibor Vane, I happen to be a friend, otherwise I

could have gutted you like a fish.”

The shrouded figure stepped forward into the light, and Gibor felt

a great wave of relief as he recognized the gray cloak which was
identical to the one he currently wore. When the man pushed the hood
off his head and Gibor saw the jagged scar that bisected the man’s
right brow and carved a rough furrow down the side of his cheek, he
immediately recognized him.

“Caid.” The man nodded, and a half smile quirked his lips.

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“Yes, indeed.” He glanced around. “I was sent to find you and

Lael. Is he with you?”

Gibor nodded. “He was wounded in a fight with some Angkeshi

bandits. He’s in a cave about twenty minutes’ walk from here.”

“Wounded? Is it serious?”
“I was worried about it yesterday. He lost a lot of blood and

passed out from the shock. Last night he ran a fever, but I packed the
wound with sarberry leaves and gave him some crushed berries in a
tonic. He seems a lot better this morning, though still very weak.”

Caid nodded. “What are you doing so far from him?”
“We lost our mounts during the battle, and I was hoping to find

them. Not only do we need the supplies, but there is no way Lael can
walk any distance right now. It seemed our best chance.”

Caid grinned. “This is indeed your lucky day, boy. I just happened

to have found a couple of likely looking beasts.”

Gibor followed Caid upstream for several minutes until they

reached his campsite. Sure enough, there were his and Lael’s mounts
placidly munching grass beside Caid’s own horse. He moved toward
them and quickly checked to see that his packs were intact. He turned
to Caid.

“I can’t thank you enough.”
“No problem. I saw the signs of your fight with the Angkeshi. I

figured you were in trouble.”

“Did you see any of the bandits still in the area?”
Caid shook his head. “No. They’re long gone. Looks like they

searched around for a while, but then they took off heading east.”

“Help me break camp, and we’ll head back to the cave where Lael


It didn’t take the two men long to pack everything up, and in short

order, they were heading back the way Gibor had come. Gibor rode in
front and Caid came behind, leading Lael’s horse.

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The trail was narrow, making it difficult for the two men to talk.

When they finally reached a wider path, Caid moved his horse up
beside Gibor’s. Gibor cast him a glance.

“Did you say earlier that you were looking for us?”
Caid nodded. “Actually, I was really looking for Lael. I expected

him to still be in your village, but there was a possibility you and he
had already started out for Winterreach, so I kept an eye out for signs
that you might have already hit the trail. When I saw your tracks and
discovered that you were being followed by a large party, I thought
you might be in trouble.”

“We definitely could have used your sword yesterday. We were

outnumbered, and I was worried for a while there that we wouldn’t
make it. Especially after Lael was wounded.”

“I can’t believe the Angkeshi ventured so far from the border, but

I saw the bodies plain enough. They were definitely from Angkesh.
There was something else, too. Some large cat that left its tracks in
the same area as the Angkeshi bandits.”

Gibor met Caid’s questioning look. “We never saw it clearly, but I

could tell something was there. It felt…evil.”

He saw Caid’s eyes widen. “Evil?”
“I know how it sounds, but it’s the truth. Lael felt it, too.”
He could see Caid considering what he had said. Finally he gave a

brief shrug. “I don’t know about that. But what I do know is that the
tracks were bigger than any I’d ever seen in this part of the country
before. And I’ve seen a lot. It didn’t seem to be hunting the Angkeshi,
either. Instead, it was traveling with them. Very strange.”

Gibor agreed. Whatever it was that had been with the Angkeshi

bandits, it was unusual. He didn’t trust the Angkeshi at all. If they had
tamed some large cat to hunt for them or to assist them in battle, that
was something that the king would need to be told.

It wasn’t much longer before they arrived at the rock wall. They

tied their horses to some nearby trees. Gibor grabbed his pack which
contained food and some medicines, and then he led Caid up the steep

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hillside and into the cave. Lael was lying down dozing but awakened
when they entered. He was obviously surprised to see that Gibor was
not alone.

“Caid! Seven hells, it’s farking good to see you.”
Gibor watched as Caid grinned and walked over to where Lael

was struggling to sit up. “I’m glad to see you, too. I heard you got

Lael’s hand went to his side. “Can you believe I let some

Angkeshi blade get close enough to do damage? I’ll never live it
down when the others find out.”

Caid squatted down and looked Lael over. After he’d satisfied

himself studying the wound, he cast a glance in Gibor’s direction.
“Looks like someone has taken good care of you.”

“He saved my life, no doubt about it.”
Gibor lingered near the entrance, unsure of exactly how public

Lael planned on making their relationship. Then he saw Lael lift his
hand and beckon him over. When Gibor got closer, Lael reached up
and caught his fingers, tugging Gibor down beside him.

Gibor looked over to find Caid’s eyes on them, a speculative look

on his face.

Then Lael was saying, “We’re lucky you found us. We’ve lost our

horses, and there’s no way I’m walking out of here.”

“I found them. They’re outside. And it wasn’t luck. Captain Rom

sent me with a message.”

Gibor saw Lael’s eyes widen. “What sort of message?”
Caid’s eyes slid to him for a moment before returning to Lael. “I

was to tell you that the traitor has been found. It was Nysan
Markelich. Gibor’s name has been cleared completely. He doesn’t
have to return to Winterreach as ordered but can remain at home to
tend to his father.”

Gibor’s eyes closed at the wave of relief that surged through his

body at the news. He felt Lael’s hand wrap around his waist and hug

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him tightly. Then Lael was murmuring in his ear, “I knew you would
be cleared.”

When Gibor opened his eyes, he met Caid’s gaze. “Thank you for

bringing the news so quickly. My father has already passed into the
next life. We had the last rites the morning before we rode out.”

“I’m sorry for your loss. The captain spoke fondly of your mother

and father. I know he would want me to pass on his sympathies.”

“Can you tell us how they figured out that Nysan was the traitor?”

Lael asked.

Caid nodded and proceeded to tell them all that had happened

since Lael had left the capital.

When he finished, Lael nodded in thanks. “I hope that Javan is all


“The healers assured Rom that he would be fine.”
That reminded Gibor. He said, “We should continue on toward

Winterreach as quickly as possible. I’d like to have a healer look at
Lael’s wound.”

Caid looked Lael over assessingly. “Do you feel up to making the


Lael grunted. “Absolutely. I’m a bit weak, and we may have to

take things a little slower, but I’m eager to get out of this cave and
back to the capital. Besides, we need to tell the captain about the

Caid nodded in agreement.
Gibor reached for the pack he’d set down beside him. “Let’s tend

your wound and have something to eat, and then we can be on our
way. Luckily the weather’s cleared, and traveling will not be too


* * * *

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They took their time on the trip home to Winterreach, arriving in

the capital city two days later. Lael was immediately whisked away
by the healers, who tended his wound and then released him to
Gibor’s loving care. He was ordered to take it easy for at least seven
days but was predicted to make a full recovery thanks to Gibor’s
timely care of the injury. Lael figured there could be worse orders, so
he didn’t complain.

King Kelan, along with Rom, Captain of the Guardians of the

Gray Tower, and Lord Javan of Westmarch, all came to Lael’s
quarters in the Tower to talk to Lael, Gibor, and Caid about the
unusual events that took place on the journey from Feresa. It was a
tight fit getting everyone into the single room, which functioned as
bedroom, kitchen, and gathering room all at the same time. Though
Lael considered himself lucky as senior man to have a private room
instead of having to share the barracks as the other soldiers had to do,
he was still a bit embarrassed to have his king perched on the room’s
only chair while the others made do with standing, leaning, or sitting
on his bed.

He gave the king a short apology, but Kelan brushed his concerns

aside. “I don’t think it will kill me, Lael. Good grief, I’m no delicate
flower that needs soft cushions and servants to care for my every
need. That stuff drives me half-crazy, if you must know. Now—” he
leaned back in the chair—“I understand that you were followed from
Feresa and later attacked by Angkeshi bandits. Is that right?”

Lael affirmed that the king was correct, adding, “I’m not sure

exactly when they started following us, but it wasn’t long after we left
Almere that both Gibor and I felt like we were being tracked.”

Gibor nodded in agreement. “At first we thought perhaps it was

animals or even common thieves.”

“Until they actually attacked us, we had no idea they were

Angkeshi,” Lael added.

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“It’s hard to believe the Angkeshi would attack so far into Emryn.

There’s no doubt in your mind that they were actually from
Angkesh?” Rom posed.

It was Caid who answered. “I saw the bodies, Captain. There’s no

question. They were definitely Angkeshi.”

“This is very troubling,” Lord Javan spoke up. “My spies have

told me nothing about the Angkeshi venturing further into Emryn’s
territories. I’ll have them look into this in more detail.”

The king nodded his approval. “That sounds like a good idea.”
“And what about this large beast?” Rom’s eyes narrowed on

Gibor. “You say you believe it was some sort of cat? And that it was
working with the Angkeshi. Do you believe they had it trained?”

Gibor shrugged. “I cannot say. I only know that it was with them.

I caught only a glimpse or two, but I can tell you I felt a sense of great
evil coming from it. It never attacked us. Always stayed in the

“This sounds like another old wives’ tale to me.” Rom shook his

head. “Are you sure you weren’t letting the circumstances get to you?
Perhaps you just imagined this great cat?”

“I saw the tracks myself, Captain,” Caid interjected. “I don’t know

about the evil, but it was definitely there. Larger than any cat’s tracks
I’ve seen. And it did seem to be moving with the Angkeshi, not
tracking them.”

“Very strange. But this isn’t the first strange thing we’ve seen

lately, is it, Rom?” Kelan looked at his commanding officer.

“What do you mean?” Lael’s curiosity was raised at the strange

glances being exchanged between the king and his captain.

Kelan then went on to explain the circumstances surrounding their

apprehension of the traitor, Nysan Markelich.

“So you believe he was somehow controlled by Queen Kalandra?

With what? Magic?” Lael’s skepticism was obvious.

“No. Of course not.” Rom rolled his eyes. “Some form of

mesmerism, perhaps, or brainwashing. We’re not exactly sure.”

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“What we are sure of is that Nysan was not completely in control

of his actions. Our healers and priests are working with him now to
try and understand exactly what happened so that we can be on guard
against it happening again.” King Kelan was adamant.

“I don’t like the fact that the Angkeshi seem to be growing

bolder,” Lael offered. “It could very well be that these are just the first
forays against us in preparation for a larger strike. It is well-known
that the queen of the Angkeshi hates Emryn and all that we stand for.
She’d like nothing more than to destroy us and put herself on Emryn’s

Kelan nodded. “I agree. We must not be caught unprepared. Rom

and Javan, I know you’re in the middle of planning your bonding
ceremony, but I’m going to ask you two to be in charge of
discovering everything you can about what the Queen of Angkesh
might be up to. We also need to see if we can find out anything about
this beast. I don’t like the sound of it. There have been rumors for
years that Kalandra was a shape-shifting sorceress. Perhaps she is
feeding the rumor, stirring up fear with the idea that she can perform
magical feats. I don’t know. But it worries me.”

The two men nodded. The king stood. “And now, we’ll leave you

two so that Lael can get some rest.”

Gibor and Lael exchanged looks of surprise that the king could so

quickly recognize the bond that had formed between the two men.
Then Lael shrugged, and Gibor flashed a quick grin. The king always
had been a very perceptive man.

Gibor stood to escort the group out. At the door, the king paused.

His gaze moved from Lael to Gibor and back. “I want to tell you both
that I’m very proud of you men. You acted bravely and have brought
us information that just might help us keep Emryn safe.”

Gibor blushed. “Thank you, sire.”
“I also wanted to say that I’m pleased to see that there will

apparently be another bonding ceremony in the not too distant future.
Congratulations, you two.”

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Lael chuckled. “Nothing escapes your eyes, does it, Majesty.”
“Goddess, I hope not.” Kelan smiled and departed with the rest of

the group.

After closing the door behind the king and his party, Gibor walked

back over and sat beside Lael where he lay propped up on his bed.
Lael thought he looked a little uncertain, so he reached out and
cupped Gibor’s cheek with his hand. “Looks like the king might have
stolen my thunder. I had meant to ask you to bond with me, but there
just hasn’t been time.”

He saw Gibor’s eyes well with tears. “Lael, you know you don’t

have to do that. I realize it hasn’t been very long for us. We don’t
have to rush into anything. We can take our time to get used to the

Lael shook his head. “I don’t need time. But perhaps you do?”
Gibor shook his head vehemently, almost dislodging Lael’s hand.

“I know exactly what I want. I would love to bond with you, if you’re

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. Of course, my

quarters aren’t very large, but I want you here with me.”

Gibor smiled. “They’re palatial compared to the soldiers’


“Aha. So the truth comes out. You only want me for my spacious


Laughingly shaking his head, Gibor denied the charge. “You don’t

have to offer me anything but your love, and I’ll be quite content.”

Lael pulled Gibor closer and kissed him softly on the mouth. “I

know. I feel the same.”

They kissed again, this time with a growing passion that had them

both panting by the time they broke apart.

“We can’t do this, Lael. You heard what the healers said. No

strenuous activity for at least a sevenday.”

Lael groaned. “That’s not fair. I feel fine.”

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Gibor sat up. “I watched them stitch that wound closed, and I

refused to let you do anything that might reopen it. You’re just going
to have to be patient.”

“Ugh. I hate that word.”
Gibor grinned. “Me, too.”
“Well, we can still do a little something. Right?”
Shaking his head, Gibor allowed Lael to pull him down so that

they lay side by side on the bed, facing one another. “Is this what
you’re going to be like all the time? Having to get your own way?”

“Maybe.” He leaned down and dropped a wet kiss on the side of

Gibor’s neck in a spot that he knew from experience was particularly
sensitive. He suppressed a wicked grin when he felt Gibor shiver.
“You complaining?”

“Mmmmm. Not really.” Gibor tilted his head to the side, giving

Lael even greater access.

“Good. Because if you were, we’d have a real problem.” Lael

opened his mouth against the pulse throbbing in Gibor’s neck,
sucking on the skin hard enough to leave a mark.

He felt Gibor’s hand reach out to curve over his hip and felt the

man’s rising erection brushing against his own. “This is going to be a
damned long sevenday.” He heard Gibor’s husky chuckle and knew
that he would happily spend the rest of his days held close in the arms
of this man he loved as he’d loved no other.



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I am a fantasy author of male on male erotic romance. My favorite

books have characters who are strong but vulnerable, so that is what I
try to write. I love happily ever afters and believe that, if you try hard
enough, you can achieve it. I love for my characters to have integrity
and honor, something I’m afraid we see all too little of in this day and

I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing


Also by Britt Kenley

Siren Classic ManLove: Guardians of the Gray Tower 1:

Guardian’s Pride

Available at


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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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