24812721 CAE English in Use Tests

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CAE –Use of English- TEST 1

For Questions 1-12 read the text and then select the correct answer, A, B, C or D. There is
an example below:

(0) A reason B POINT C fact D logic


The (0) ... of Phobia Awareness Week is to highlight the difficulties that many people (1) ... in

everyday situations. It is important to (2) ... between a fear and a phobia. It's (3) ... usual for all of
us to have our own peculiar fears, for example being anxious around snakes or nervous about flying.

However, only a very small proportion of us actually have a phobia of these things. When these
fears begin to (4) ... you embarrassment or you feel that your life is being disrupted then you would

be wise to (5) ... treatment for what could potentially be a phobia. By far the most (6) ... phobia
and potentially the most disruptive is agoraphobia. The word derives from Greek and (7) ... means

'fear of the marketplace' but we apply it today to describe a distressing (8) ... in which people (9) ...
going outside because of the awful feelings of anxiety that arise. Treatment of phobias usually

consists of the patient (10) ... behavioural therapy during which they gradually get used to being
near the object or the situation that causes them fear. Drugs may be (11) ... to treat anxiety and

many people opt for alternative therapy such as acupuncture or hypnosis to help them come to (12)
... with their fear and conquer it.

1 A face

B confront

C meet

D join


















































specifically C




























experiencing D




















II. For questions 1-15, read the text below and type the word which best fits in each

space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example below:
(0) is

Stress (0) ... often called a 21st century illness but it has always been with us if perhaps (1) ...

different names. These days we regard stress (2) ... a necessary evil of modern living. Yet stress is
not negative and without (3) ... we would not enjoy some of the highpoints in life (4) ... as the

anticipation before a date or the tension leading (5) ... to an important match. All these situations
produce stress but (6) ... you can control it and not the other way (7) ... you will feel stimulated,

not worn (8) ... Unlike these situations, which are generally positive and easier to deal with, sitting
in a train (9) ... is late, (10) ... stuck in a traffic jam, working to a tight deadline are (11) ... harder

to manage and control. Stress is now recognised as a medical problem and as a signficant factor
(12) ... causing coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and a high cholesterol count. Patients

are often unwilling to admit to stress problems (13) ... they feel they are a form of social failure and
it is important that symptoms (14) ... identified in order to avoid unnecessary suffering. So what

should we be looking out for as danger signals? Common signs of stress are increased tiredness,
irritability and (15) ... inability to cope with certain situations.

III. Read the text and then write the correct form of the word on the right. There is an

example at the beginning:
(0) knowledge

Turn A Hobby into a Business

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It is not (0)


to make a hobby pay for itself


even if initially you had no (1) ... of turning it


into a business.
Depending upon the hobby, the necessary (2) ...


can be expensive and the idea of (3) ... offering items


up for sale can at the very least help pay for the
For those looking to make a profit on their (4) ...,


these days an audience for products can range from
the local to the truly global. Some hobbyists begin
by donating a piece of work to a (5) ... sale


just to see how quickly and (6) ... it sells.


Local shops can be the next outlet for items,
often the step taken by those making things like
hand-made greetings cards for instance. And for the
truly ambitious, websites like eBay enable the
hobbiest to reach a (7 ) ... audience.


As with any business idea, an honest (8) ... should be


undertaken regarding the demand for the work and the
price the customer is prepared to pay in (9) ... .


However, do not forget the degree of personal (10) ...


as well.

IV. For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three

sentences. Here is an example:
Could you do me a ........and hold the door open while I bring in the shopping?

All those in ........ of the proposal please raise your hand.
After being out of fashion for years the painter is now in ........ with the critics.

Example: FAVOUR

John has just taken up the ........ of Marketing Manager at a local college.

He put me in a really difficult ........ asking for money when he knows I'm not very well off.

The yoga teacher told everyone to remain in a standing ........ for 30 seconds.


Apparently, the police are going to ........ the man with assault following that fight the other week.

I couldn't get the car to start this morning and finally had to ........ the battery as it had gone flat.

The company have been asked to submit a proposal outlining how much they will ........ for the
consultancy work.

During the tutorial I was asked to give my........ of the portrayal of the main character in the film.

There was a wonderful ........ from the hotel window, which looked out over beautiful countryside.

Our son couldn't see the game as his ........ was blocked by the people in front.

I had a real ........ of achievement when I passed the exams and got my degree.

I don't see the ........ of going all the way into town when we can buy the dress locally.

Paul has a great ........ of humour and always has everyone in the office in fits of laughter.

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It wasn't my ........ - the vase just fell off the table.

There was a ........ with the computer and we had to take it back to the shop to get it repaired.

The manager is always finding ........ with people and complaining about the quality of their work.

V. For questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six
words, including the word given.

1. Apparently, the restaurant in town has been bought out by someone else.
I hear the restaurant in town .........................................

2. Sarah cried her eyes out immediately she was told she'd failed her driving test.

Sarah ........................................ soon as she heard she'd failed her driving test.

3. The Government recently said our problems are the fault of the worldwide economic slowdown.

The Government have ........................................ the worldwide economic slowdown for our


4. You led me to believe the job was mine if I wanted it.

I ........................................ that the job was mine if I wanted it.

5. He would never have guessed that at the age of 17 he would be playing for his country.

........................................ that at the age of 17 he would be playing for his country.
6. Feel free to telephone if you have any further problems.

Do not ........................................ if you have any further problems.

7. When you do decide what you want to do please let us know.

When ........................................ what you want to do please let us know.

8. Do you mind if I come over to see you later?

Do you ........................................ coming over to see you later?


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I. For Questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits
each space. There is an example below:

(0) A series B ISSUE C programme D release

Sound Advice for Language Learners

A recent (0) ......... of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the

(1) ........ of second language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for those (2) ........ a
language course. One suggestion is that you (3) ........... whether you are likely to be successful at

learning a language. Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? Do you have enough
time to learn a language? The major (4) ........ will be your own time and effort. Therefore you must

make sure that the course on offer leads to a (5) ........ qualification. Also, be realistic in your
(6) ...... . If you don't set achievable aims you are more likely to give up. Do not be deceived

(7) ........... thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. (8) ........... around to get the
best possible value for money. You should also bear in mind that the quicker you learn a language

the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, a French teacher, tried to teach herself German by
enrolling on a (9) .......... course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of

teaching methodology her chances of (10) ............ progress were high. Three years (11) ........ she
remembers very little. She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow (12) ............ her first

experience. "I should have consolidated what I'd learn by continuing to study, even if it were by

1 A domain

B branch

C field

D area

2 A wondering

B thinking

C looking

D considering

3 A assess

B review

C balance

D survey

4 A charge

B cost

C price

D valuation

5 A recognised

B understood

C valued

D regarded

6 A sights

B ends

C objects

D goals

7 A by

B about

C into

D in

8 A Nose

B Push

C Run

D Shop

9 A rapid

B crash

C quick

D fast

10 A achieving

B doing

C gaining

D making

11 A on

B forward

C from

D onward

12 A up

B on

C through

D out

II. For questions 1-15, read the text below and write the word which best fits in each
space. Use only one word in each space.


That fragment of pottery, that little piece of bone or the remains of an early human tool are (1) ...
often the only evidence we have of our early history. However, (2) ... a consequence of the work of

archaeologists and others in this field, we have (3) ... the years built (4) ... an extremely good
understanding of early human development. This is the case (5) ... the fact that there is no written

evidence of the period we term Pre-History. (6) ... is startling to note is that this period, which
predates the invention of writing, accounts (7) ... 99% of human existence. It was (8) ... this time

that discoveries that shaped the human race were made, early settlements created that (9) ... to
become our major cities and (10) ... general was the time when the very foundations of human

civilisation were laid. The evidence of our pre-history can be found everywhere, from remnants of
human existence buried deep in the ground (11) ... ancient pathways and burial grounds. The first

and easiest place to start your exploration of prehistory is of (12) ... your local museum, particularly
(13) ... you are interested in discovering more about the area where you live. You may (14) ... have

a local archaeological group that would be prepared to let you work (15) ... a volunteer.

III. Read the text and then write the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete

the gaps. There is an example at the beginning:

(0) knowledge

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21st Century Workplace

The economy of the 21st century will be based on
skills and (0)


according to a recent report.


The study shows that throughout this century there
will be more jobs in the workplace for those with (1) ...


and the right skills, and fewer jobs for those with none.
The best (2) ... will be one that can demonstrate a level


of academic or (3) ... achievement that can enable the


individual to support their CV with evidence of

desirable personal qualities. As (4) ... and


technological advances make typical working

practices redundant (5) ... employees will need


to show various personal attributes.

As well as wanting people who are flexible,
companies are also looking for evidence of (6) ...


It is also (7)............ necessary to be an excellent


communicator as the majority of (8) ..... make their


profits from the skills of people selling their goods as
much as from the producers themselves.

The new economy is here to stay and unless
businesses show the (9) ... to adapt they may find they


are (10) ... according to the authors of the report.


IV. For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three

sentences. Here is an example:
Could you do me a ........and hold the door open while I bring in the shopping?

All those in ........ of the proposal please raise your hand.
After being out of fashion for years the painter is now in ........ with the critics.

Example: FAVOUR

In the not too ........ future many of the diseases we suffer from today will be eradicated.

I'm a little worried about Steve lately as he seems so ........ and in a world of his own.

The story follows the hero as he travels to ........ galaxies in search of other life forms.


I am writing with ........ to our recent meeting on 21st May.

I think students in other countries seem to have more ........ for teahers than they do here.

The match has been cancelled out of ........ for the death of our previous Manager.


They are planning to postpone their house-warming ........ till the spring when the weather is nicer.

There is little support within the ........ for a change of leadership and most politicians seem happy

to support the Prime Minister.

The restaurant got very busy when a coach ........ arrived full of people travelling to the coast.

OK, I have time to answer one more ........ and then I'll move onto the next item.

The press are calling into ........ Government claims that the crime rate has fallen and point to latest
research figures as evidence that this isn't true.

The company claim there is absolutely no ........ of making anybody redundant as business has
never been better.

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I'm driving into town and can ........ you off at the station if you need a lift.

Can we just ........ the subject and talk about something else, please.

Gardeners be warned that temperatures are likely to ........ to below freezing tonight.

V. For questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between three and six words, including the word given.

1. How can I make him understand that I don't want to see him any more?

How can I ......................................... that I don't want to see him any more?

2. Parents predict chaos in schools unless the strike is called off.

Parents claim it ........................................ the teacher's strike goes ahead.

3. Police are warning people to check for forged notes which are currently in circulation.

Police are warning people to be ....................................... forged notes which are currently in

4. If you must be noisy could you go outside and play.

If you ........................................ noise could you go outside to play.

5. It's possible that they got the wrong idea and thought the party was next week.

They might ........................................ conclusion and thought the party was next week.

6. It was a mistake not to write the telephone number down.

I should ........................................ writing down the telephone number.

7. Apparently, they're planning on rerouting the traffic to reduce congestion.

Plans ........................................ reroute the traffic to reduce congestion.

8. Can you possibly get me the work as soon as possible.

I ........................................ you could get the work to me as soon as possible.


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I. For Questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits
each space.

How to Have Perfect Posture

Next time you take a look in the mirror, try standing sideways on. Do you see a long elegant back or

are your shoulders as rounded as the hump of a camel?
Bad posture normally starts in our teenage years when we slouch around with our

(0) ..................... trying to look cool. But (1) ............ up those who now while away their days
sitting in front of a computer where it’s (2) ............... too easy to neglect something as essential as

good posture.
As we grow older these poor (3) .................. are exacerbated, but by taking (4) .........

immediately we can not only look and feel better but protect our body for the future. Make sure you
sleep on a firm mattress at night. (5) .......... lying flat on your back; instead try sleeping in a curled

position on your side. The (6) .............. revival in platform shoes doesn’t help and wearing shoes
with heels more than (7) .............. centimetres high is just asking for (8) ............... Don’t load

everything into a bag that you wear on one shoulder or you’ll end up lopsided. (9) ............... the
weight evenly by wearing a rucksack or even a bag around your waist. When you get home from a

day’s studying or work it’s all too (10) .................. to slump on the sofa in front of the telly. Sitting
in this way (11).............. feel comfortable but it prevents you from breathing properly. Try to sit

(12) ................ with the stomach pulled firmly in.

1 A head

B feet

C eyes

D hands

2 A so

B quite

C all

D rather

3 A customs

B habits

C rituals

D practices

4 A course

B something

C moves

D action

5 A evade

B prevent

C avoid

D restrain

6 A existing

B topical

C contemporary D current

7 A various

B several

C considerable

D numerous

8 A concern

B problem

C trouble

D fuss

9 A scatter

B circulate

C disseminate

D distribute

10 A enticing

B attractive

C irresistible

D tempting

11 A may

B could

C will

D should

12 A level

B erect

C vertical

D upright

II. For questions 1-15, Complete the following article by writing each missing word in the

space. Use only one word in each space.
Thai Food

No other national cuisine has enjoyed quite the degree
of popularity that Thai food (1) .......... Ten years ago it was a rarity in

Europe and the United States and (2) .......... that it was virtually
unknown. Now Thai cooking has (3) .......... one of the West’s favourite

exotic styles of cooking. As well as the growing (4) .......... of Thai
restaurants throughout the world, there has been an increase little

(5) .......... little in the availability of ingredients on supermarket shelves.
(6) .......... Western cooks it is becoming quite practical to try authentic

versions of Thai dishes at home. One of the things that makes Thai
cooking (7) .......... a challenge is the sheer variety of types of dish.

Thai food lies between Chinese and Indian cuisine, with influences
(8) .......... Burma, Cambodia and Malaysia, each of (9) .......... has had an

effect on Thailand at different stages of (10) .......... history. Some of
the ingredients come from (11) .......... afield. Chillies, to give (12) ..........

one example, are originally from Central and South America but
were incorporated quickly (13) .......... the national diet. Taken all

(14) .........., these influences from abroad have (15) .......... Thai cooking
a strongly regional set of cuisines.

III. Read the text and then write the correct form of the word on the right:

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People of the Forest

This TV (0) ... documentary follows a family of chimpanzees


who live in the forest of Tanzania. Set in (1) ...


scenery the programme gives us a fascinating insight into
the life and social (2) ... of these creatures.


(3) ... we humans share 98% of our genes with


chimpanzees; indeed, they are our closest relative in the
animal (4) ... and scenes in the documentary offer clear


evidence of our (5) ... . The focus of the film is on Fifi and


we first see her as a (6) ... five-year-old who spends all her


time annoying her younger brother. Meanwhile, the older male
chimps seem to be involved in an endless fight for (7) ... . And it


is no suprise to learn that while all this is taking place the
females are left to deal with the day-to-day (8) ... matters.


Make sure you set aside an hour to watch this. The (9) ...


splendour of the location makes this programme worthwhile
viewing, although our (10) ... to these animals will make you



IV. For questions 1-5, think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three

sentences. Here is an example:
Could you do me a ........and hold the door open while I bring in the shopping?

All those in ........ of the proposal please raise your hand.
After being out of fashion for years the painter is now in ........ with the critics.

Example: FAVOUR

The local council have commissioned a local artist to create a statue in ........ of the late Prime

This compuer is so much faster since we added extra .........

I have difficulty remembering things from way back and have no ........ whatsoever of much before

the age of five.


The police have sealed of the crime ........ whilst forensic tests are carried out.

In the opening ........ of the play we see the two lovers making plans for their wedding.

Our reporter is at the ........ now and we can speak to her live now.


Tom has his own legal ........ in the centre of town.

I haven't ridden a bike for years so I'm probably a bit out of .........

He was telling me how much he's looking forward to leaving college and putting the things he's
learnt into .........

Can you keep an ........ on my bags while I pay for the tickets?

Her eyesight was failing and she was having real problems threading the cotton through the ........
of the needle.

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We are looking for someone who has an ........ for design and who will be able to contribute
creatively to the team.

You're ........ to choose wich module to study as long as there are no timetable clashes.

The service is entirely ........ of charge although they are always happy to receive donations.

I've been completely ........ from pain since I had that tooth out last week.

V. For questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use

between three and six words, including the word given.

1. You could have been seriously injured not wearing a seat belt.

You should ......................................... seriously injured not wearing a seat belt.

2. Would you give us your answer as soon as possible.

Please respond .........................................

3. The hotel was further away from the beach than was claimed in the brochure.

The hotel ......................................... the beach as they'd claimed in the brochure.

4. I wasn't expecting my colleagues to organise a farewell party on my last day at the company.

I ......................................... when my colleagues organised a farewell party on my last day.

5. It's not likely to happen but if you're not satisfied with the product we'll refund your money.

........................................ that you are not satisfied with the product your money will be


6. It's one thing to think there's a demand for your product and another to actually make a sale.

There's ........................................ between thinking there's a demand for your product and

actually making a sale.

7. I'm sure we went the wrong way at the last junction.

We must ........................................ at the last junction.

8. I'm so sorry, I didn't realise it was so late.

Sorry, I ........................................ time.


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