deprecated js

/tmp/openlayers/tools/OpenLayers-2.12/lib/deprecated.js - OpenLayers deprecated.jsSummarydeprecated.jsDeprecatedThe deprecated.js script includes all methods, properties, and constructors that are not supported as part of the long-term API. OpenLayers.ClassPropertiesisPrototypeDeprecated. FunctionsOpenLayers.createDeprecated. inheritDeprecated. OpenLayers.UtilFunctionsclearArrayDeprecated. setOpacityDeprecated. safeStopPropagationDeprecated. getArgsDeprecated. OpenLayers.AjaxFunctionsOpenLayers.nullHandler@param {} requestOpenLayers.loadURLBackground load a document. OpenLayers.parseXMLStringParse XML into a doc structureemptyFunctiongetTransport{Object} Transport mechanism for whichever browser we’re in, or false if none available.PropertiesactiveRequestCount{Integer}OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders{Object}Propertiesresponders{Array}FunctionsregisterunregisterdispatchonCreateonCompleteOpenLayers.Ajax.BaseConstructorOpenLayers.Ajax.BaseOpenLayers.Ajax.RequestDeprecated. Properties_complete{Boolean}ConstructorOpenLayers.Ajax.RequestFunctionsrequestonStateChangesetRequestHeaderssuccess{Boolean} -getStatusrespondToReadyStategetHeaderdispatchExceptionIf the optional onException function is set, execute it and then dispatch the call to any other listener registered for onException.PropertiesEvents{Array(String)}OpenLayers.Ajax.ResponsePropertiesstatus{Integer}statusText{String}ConstructorOpenLayers.Ajax.ResponseFunctionsgetStatusgetStatustextgetHeadergetResponseHeadergetElementsByTagNameNSserializeXMLToStringWrapper function around XMLSerializer, which doesn’t exist/work in IE/Safari. OpenLayers.ElementFunctionshideDeprecated. showDeprecated. getDimensionsDeprecated. String.startsWithDeprecated. String.containsDeprecated. String.trimDeprecated. String.camelizeDeprecated. Function.bindDeprecated. Function.bindAsEventListenerDeprecated. OpenLayers.TileFunctionsgetBoundsFromBaseLayerTake the pixel locations of the corner of the tile, and pass them to the base layer and ask for the location of those pixels, so that displaying tiles over Google works fine.OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaultsThis class is DEPRECATED in 2.4 and will be removed by 3.0. PropertiesperformedDrag{Boolean}wheelObserver{Function}ConstructorOpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaultsFunctionsdestroydrawregisterWheelEventsdefaultClickdefaultDblClickdefaultMouseDowndefaultMouseMovedefaultMouseUpdefaultMouseOutdefaultWheelUpUser spun scroll wheel updefaultWheelDownUser spun scroll wheel downzoomBoxEndZoombox function.removeZoomBoxRemove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it.onWheelEventCatch the wheel event and handle it xbrowserlyOpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbarThis class is DEPRECATED in 2.4 and will be removed by 3.0. Propertiesmodebuttonsdirection{String} ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’buttonClicked{String}ConstructorOpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbarFunctionsdestroydraw_addButtonbuttonDownbuttonUpdefaultDblClickdefaultMouseDownswitchModeToleaveModedefaultMouseMovedefaultMouseUpdefaultMouseOutdefaultClickOpenLayers.Layer.GridFunctionsgetGridBoundsDeprecated. OpenLayers.Format.XMLFunctionsconcatChildValuesDeprecated. OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.PostInstances of OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Post are used to retrieve data from OGC Web Mapping Services via HTTP-POST (application/x-www-form-urlencoded). PropertiesunsupportedBrowsers{Array} Array with browsers, which should use the HTTP-GET protocol instead of HTTP-POST for fetching tiles from a WMS . SUPPORTED_TRANSITIONS{Array} no supported transitions for this type of layer, because it is not possible to modify the initialized tiles (iframes)usePost{Boolean}ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.WMS.PostCreates a new WMS layer object.FunctionsaddTileaddTile creates a tile, initializes it and adds it as iframe to the layer div.OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.UntiledDeprecated. PropertiessingleTile{singleTile} Always true for untiled.ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.WMS.UntiledFunctionscloneCreate a clone of this layerOpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.UntiledDeprecated. PropertiessingleTile{singleTile} Always true for untiled.ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.UntiledFunctionscloneCreate a clone of this layerOpenLayers.Tile.WFSInstances of OpenLayers.Tile.WFS are used to manage the image tiles used by various layers. Propertiesfeatures{Array(OpenLayers.Feature)} list of features in this tileurl{String}request{OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest}Functionsdestroynullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaksclearClear the tile of any bounds/position-related data so that it can be reused in a new location.drawCheck that a tile should be drawn, and load features for it.loadFeaturesForRegionAbort any pending requests and issue another request for data.requestSuccessCalled on return from request succcess. addResultsConstruct new feature via layer featureClass constructor, and add to this.features.destroyAllFeaturesIterate through and call destroy() on each feature, removing it from the local arrayOpenLayers.Feature.WFSWFS handling class, for use as a featureClass on the WFS layer for handling ‘point’ WFS types. ConstructorOpenLayers.Feature.WFSCreate a WFS feature.Functionsdestroynullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaksprocessXMLNodeWhen passed an xmlNode, parses it for a GML point, and passes back an object describing that point.OpenLayers.Layer.WFSDeprecated. PropertiesisBaseLayer{Boolean} WFS layer is not a base layer by default.tile{OpenLayers.Tile.WFS}ratio{Float} The ratio property determines the size of the serverside query relative to the map viewport size. DEFAULT_PARAMS{Object} Hashtable of default key/value parametersfeatureClass{OpenLayers.Feature} If featureClass is defined, an old-style markers based WFS layer is created instead of a new-style vector layer. format{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with. formatObject{OpenLayers.Format} Internally created/managed format object, used by the Tile to parse data.formatOptions{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created. vectorMode{Boolean} Should be calculated automatically. encodeBBOX{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded?  extractAttributes{Boolean} Should the WFS layer parse attributes from the retrieved GML?  ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.WFSFunctionsdestroysetMapmoveToaddTileMonitoringHooksThis function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tile (making sure to check that the tile is always the layer’s current tile before taking any action).removeTileMonitoringHooksThis function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks()onMapResizeCall the onMapResize method of the appropriate parent class.displayCall the display method of the appropriate parent class.mergeNewParamsModify parameters for the layer and redraw.clonegetFullRequestStringcombine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams.commitWrite out the data to a WFS server.commitSuccessCalled when the Ajax request returns a responsecommitFailureCalled when the Ajax request failscommitReportCalled with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter. refreshRefreshes all the features of the layergetDataExtentCalculates the max extent which includes all of the layer data.setOpacityCall the setOpacity method of the appropriate parent class to set the opacity.OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarthDeprecated. ConstantsMIN_ZOOM_LEVEL{Integer} 1MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL{Integer} 19RESOLUTIONS{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projectionPropertiestype{VEMapType}wrapDateLine{Boolean} Allow user to pan forever east/west. sphericalMercator{Boolean} Should the map act as a mercator-projected map?  animationEnabled{Boolean} If set to true, the transition between zoom levels will be animated. ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarthCreates a new instance of a OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth. FunctionsloadMapObjectonMapResizegetWarningHTML{String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get it working.setMapObjectCenterSet the mapObject to the specified center and zoomgetMapObjectCenter{Object} The mapObject’s current center in Map Object formatdragPanMapObjectgetMapObjectZoom{Integer} The mapObject’s current zoom, in Map Object formatgetMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixelgetMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLatgetLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLatgetLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLatgetMapObjectLonLatFromLonLatgetXFromMapObjectPixelgetYFromMapObjectPixelgetMapObjectPixelFromXYOpenLayers.Protocol.SQLAbstract SQL protocol class. PropertiesdatabaseName{String}tableNameName of the database table into which Features should be saved.postReadFiltering{Boolean} Whether the filter (if there’s one) must be applied after the features have been read from the database; for example the BBOX strategy passes the read method a BBOX spatial filter, if postReadFiltering is true every feature read from the database will go through the BBOX spatial filter, which can be costly; defaults to true.ConstructorOpenLayers.Protocol.SQLFunctionsdestroyClean up the protocol.supportedThis should be overridden by specific subclassesevaluateFilterIf postReadFiltering is true evaluate the filter against the feature and return the result of the evaluation, otherwise return true.OpenLayers.Protocol.SQL.GearsThis Protocol stores feature in the browser via the Gears Database module{String}NULL_GEOMETRY{String}NULL_FEATURE_STATE{String}jsonParser{OpenLayers.Format.JSON}wktParser{OpenLayers.Format.WKT}fidRegExp{RegExp} Regular expression to know whether a feature was created in offline mode.saveFeatureState{Boolean} Whether to save the feature state (<OpenLayers.State>) into the database, defaults to true.typeOfFid{String} The type of the feature identifier, either “number” or “string”, defaults to “string”.db{GearsDatabase}ConstructorOpenLayers.Protocol.SQL.GearsFunctionsinitializeDatabasedestroyClean up the protocol.supportedDetermine whether a browser supports GearsreadRead all features from the database and return a OpenLayers.Protocol.Response instance. unfreezeFeatureextractFidFromFieldcreateCreate new features into the database.updateConstruct a request updating modified feature.createOrUpdateConstruct a request for updating or creating features in the database.freezeFeaturegetFeatureStateForFreezeGet the state of the feature to store into the database.deleteDelete features from the database.createdOfflineReturns true if the feature had a feature id when it was created in the Gears database, false otherwise; this is determined by checking the form of the feature’s fid value.commitGo over the features and for each take action based on the feature state. clearRemoves all rows of the table.callUserCallbackThis method is called from within commit each time a request is made to the database, it is responsible for calling the user-supplied callbacks.OpenLayers.Layer.YahooConstantsMIN_ZOOM_LEVEL{Integer} 0MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL{Integer} 17RESOLUTIONS{Array(Float)} Hardcode these resolutions so that they are more closely tied with the standard wms projectionPropertiestype{YahooMapType}wrapDateLine{Boolean} Allow user to pan forever east/west. sphericalMercator{Boolean} Should the map act as a mercator-projected map?  ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.YahooFunctionsloadMapObjectonMapResizesetMapOverridden from EventPane because we need to remove this yahoo event pane which prohibits our drag and drop, and we can only do this once the map has been loaded and centered.fixYahooEventPaneThe map has been centered, so the mysterious yahoo eventpane has been added. getWarningHTML{String} String with information on why layer is broken, how to get it working.getOLZoomFromMapObjectZoomgetMapObjectZoomFromOLZoomsetMapObjectCenterSet the mapObject to the specified center and zoomgetMapObjectCenter{Object} The mapObject’s current center in Map Object formatdragPanMapObjectgetMapObjectZoom{Integer} The mapObject’s current zoom, in Map Object formatgetMapObjectLonLatFromMapObjectPixelgetMapObjectPixelFromMapObjectLonLatgetLongitudeFromMapObjectLonLatgetLatitudeFromMapObjectLonLatgetMapObjectLonLatFromLonLatgetXFromMapObjectPixelgetYFromMapObjectPixelgetMapObjectPixelFromXYgetMapObjectSizeFromOLSizeOpenLayers.Layer.GMLCreate a vector layer by parsing a GML file. Propertiesloaded{Boolean} Flag for whether the GML data has been loaded yet.format{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with.formatOptions{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created. ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.GMLLoad and parse a single file on the web, according to the format provided via the ‘format’ option, defaulting to GML.FunctionssetVisibilitySet the visibility flag for the layer and hide/show&redraw accordingly. moveToIf layer is visible and GML has not been loaded, load GML, then load GML and call OpenLayers.Layer.Vector.moveTo() to redraw at the new location.loadGMLsetUrlChange the URL and reload the GMLrequestSuccessProcess GML after it has been loaded. requestFailureProcess a failed loading of GML. OpenLayers.Geometry.RectangleThis class is not supported, and probably isn’t what you’re looking for. Propertiesx{Float}y{Float}width{Float}height{Float}ConstructorOpenLayers.Geometry.RectangleFunctionscalculateBoundsRecalculate the bounds for the geometry.getLength{Float} The length of the geometrygetArea{Float} The area of the geometryOpenLayers.Renderer.NGConstantslabelNodeType{String} The node type for text label containers. ConstructorOpenLayers.Renderer.NGFunctionsupdateDimensionsresizedrawFeatureDraw the feature. drawTextFunction for drawing text labels. OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG2Propertiesxmlns{String}xlinkns{String}symbolMetrics{Object} Cache for symbol metrics according to their svg coordinate space. ConstantslabelNodeType{String} The node type for text label containers.ConstructorOpenLayers.Renderer.SVG2Functionssupported{Boolean} Whether or not the browser supports the SVG rendererupdateDimensionsgetNodeTypesetStyleUse to set all the style attributes to a SVG node.dashStylecreateNodenodeTypeComparecreateRenderRoot{DOMElement} The specific render engine’s root elementcreateRootcreateDefs{DOMElement} The element to which we’ll add the symbol definitionsdrawPointThis method is only called by the renderer itself.drawCircleThis method is only called by the renderer itself.drawLineStringThis method is only called by the renderer itself.drawLinearRingThis method is only called by the renderer itself.drawPolygonThis method is only called by the renderer itself.drawRectangleThis method is only called by the renderer itself.drawTextFunction for drawing text labels. getComponentStringgetShortStringimportSymboladd a new symbol definition from the rendererer’s symbol hashgetFeatureIdFromEventConstantsOpenLayers.Renderer.SVG2.LABEL_ALIGN{Object}OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG2.LABEL_VSHIFT{Object}OpenLayers.Renderer.SVG2.LABEL_VFACTOR{Object}FunctionsOpenLayers.Renderer.SVG2.preventDefaultUsed to prevent default events (especially opening images in a new tab on ctrl-click) from being executed for externalGraphic and graphicName symbols DeprecatedThe deprecated.js script includes all methods, properties, and constructors that are not supported as part of the long-term API.  If you use any of these, you have to explicitly include this script in your application.For example<script src="deprecated.js" type="text/javascript"></script>You are strongly encouraged to avoid using deprecated functionality.  The documentation here should point you to the supported alternatives. OpenLayers.ClassSummaryPropertiesisPrototypeDeprecated. FunctionsOpenLayers.createDeprecated. inheritDeprecated. Properties isPrototypeDeprecated.  This is no longer needed and will be removed at 3.0. Functions OpenLayers.createDeprecated.  Old method to create an OpenLayers style class.  Use the OpenLayers.Class constructor instead.ReturnsAn OpenLayers class inheritOpenLayers.Class.inherit = function (P)Deprecated.  Old method to inherit from one or more OpenLayers style classes.  Use the OpenLayers.Class constructor instead.ParametersclassOne or more classes can be provided as argumentsReturnsAn object prototype OpenLayers.UtilSummaryFunctionsclearArrayDeprecated. setOpacityDeprecated. safeStopPropagationDeprecated. getArgsDeprecated. Functions clearArrayOpenLayers.Util.clearArray = function(array)Deprecated.  This function will disappear in 3.0.  Please use “array.length = 0” instead.Parametersarray{Array} setOpacityOpenLayers.Util.setOpacity = function(element,opacity)Deprecated.  This function has been deprecated.  Instead, please use <OpenLayers.Util.modifyDOMElement> or <OpenLayers.Util.modifyAlphaImageDiv>Set the opacity of a DOM Element Note that for this function to work in IE, elements must “have layout” according to:{DOMElement} Set the opacity on this DOM elementopacity{Float} Opacity value (0.0 - 1.0) safeStopPropagationOpenLayers.Util.safeStopPropagation = function(evt)Deprecated.  This function has been deprecated.  Please use directly OpenLayers.Event.stop passing ‘true’ as the 2nd argument (preventDefault)Safely stop the propagation of an event without preventing the default browser action from occurring.Parametersevt{Event} getArgsOpenLayers.Util.getArgs = function(url)Deprecated.  Will be removed in 3.0.  Please use instead <OpenLayers.Util.getParameters>Parametersurl{String} Optional url used to extract the query string.  If null, query string is taken from page location.Returns{Object} An object of key/value pairs from the query string. OpenLayers.AjaxSummaryFunctionsOpenLayers.nullHandler@param {} requestOpenLayers.loadURLBackground load a document. OpenLayers.parseXMLStringParse XML into a doc structureemptyFunctiongetTransport{Object} Transport mechanism for whichever browser we’re in, or false if none available.PropertiesactiveRequestCount{Integer} Functions OpenLayers.nullHandlerOpenLayers.nullHandler = function(request)@param {} request OpenLayers.loadURLOpenLayers.loadURL = function(uri,params,caller,onComplete,onFailure)Background load a document.  Deprecated.  Use OpenLayers.Request.GET method instead.Parametersuri{String} URI of source docparams{String} or {Object} GET params.  Either a string in the form “?hello=world&foo=bar” (do not forget the leading question mark) or an object in the form {‘hello’: ‘world’, ‘foo’: ‘bar}caller{Object} object which gets callbacksonComplete{Function} Optional callback for success.  The callback will be called with this set to caller and will receive the request object as an argument.  Note that if you do not specify an onComplete function, OpenLayers.nullHandler will be called (which pops up a user friendly error message dialog).onFailure{Function} Optional callback for failure.  In the event of a failure, the callback will be called with this set to caller and will receive the request object as an argument.  Note that if you do not specify an onComplete function, OpenLayers.nullHandler will be called (which pops up a user friendly error message dialog).Returns{OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest} The request object.  To abort loading, call request.abort(). OpenLayers.parseXMLStringOpenLayers.parseXMLString = function(text)Parse XML into a doc structureParameterstext{String}Returns{?}  Parsed AJAX Responsev emptyFunctionemptyFunction: function () getTransportgetTransport: function()Returns{Object} Transport mechanism for whichever browser we’re in, or false if none available. Properties activeRequestCount{Integer} OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders{Object}SummaryPropertiesresponders{Array}FunctionsregisterunregisterdispatchonCreateonComplete Properties responders{Array} Functions registerregister: function(responderToAdd)ParametersresponderToAdd{?} unregisterunregister: function(responderToRemove)ParametersresponderToRemove{?} dispatchdispatch: function(callback,request,transport)Parameterscallback{?}request{?}transport{?} onCreateonCreate: function() onCompleteonComplete: function() OpenLayers.Ajax.BaseSummaryConstructorOpenLayers.Ajax.Base Constructor OpenLayers.Ajax.BaseParametersoptions{Object} OpenLayers.Ajax.RequestDeprecated.  Use OpenLayers.Request method instead.InheritOpenLayers.Ajax.BaseSummaryProperties_complete{Boolean}ConstructorOpenLayers.Ajax.RequestFunctionsrequestonStateChangesetRequestHeaderssuccess{Boolean} -getStatusrespondToReadyStategetHeaderdispatchExceptionIf the optional onException function is set, execute it and then dispatch the call to any other listener registered for onException.PropertiesEvents{Array(String)} Properties _complete{Boolean} Constructor OpenLayers.Ajax.RequestParametersurl{String}options{Object} Functions requestrequest: function(url)Parametersurl{String} onStateChangeonStateChange: function() setRequestHeaderssetRequestHeaders: function() successsuccess: function()Returns{Boolean} - getStatusgetStatus: function()Returns{Integer}Status respondToReadyStaterespondToReadyState: function(readyState)ParametersreadyState{?} getHeadergetHeader: function(name)Parametersname{String} Header nameReturns{?}response header for the given name dispatchExceptiondispatchException: function(exception)If the optional onException function is set, execute it and then dispatch the call to any other listener registered for onException.If no optional onException function is set, we suspect that the user may have also not used OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders.register to register a listener for the onException call.  To make sure that something gets done with this exception, only dispatch the call if there are listeners.If you explicitly want to swallow exceptions, set request.options.onException to an empty function (function(){}) or register an empty function with OpenLayers.Ajax.Responders for onException.Parametersexception{?} Properties Events{Array(String)} OpenLayers.Ajax.ResponseSummaryPropertiesstatus{Integer}statusText{String}ConstructorOpenLayers.Ajax.ResponseFunctionsgetStatusgetStatustextgetHeadergetResponseHeadergetElementsByTagNameNSserializeXMLToStringWrapper function around XMLSerializer, which doesn’t exist/work in IE/Safari. Properties status{Integer} statusText{String} Constructor OpenLayers.Ajax.ResponseParametersrequest{Object} Functions getStatus getStatustextReturns{String}statusText getHeader getResponseHeadergetResponseHeader: function(name)Returns{?}response header for given name getElementsByTagNameNSOpenLayers.Ajax.getElementsByTagNameNS = function(parentnode,nsuri,nsprefix,tagname)Parametersparentnode{?}nsuri{?}nsprefix{?}tagname{?}Returns{?} serializeXMLToStringOpenLayers.Ajax.serializeXMLToString = function(xmldom)Wrapper function around XMLSerializer, which doesn’t exist/work in IE/Safari.  We need to come up with a way to serialize in those browser: for now, these browsers will just fail.  #535, #536Parametersxmldom {XMLNode} xml dom to serializeReturns{?} OpenLayers.ElementSummaryFunctionshideDeprecated. showDeprecated. getDimensionsDeprecated. String.startsWithDeprecated. String.containsDeprecated. String.trimDeprecated. String.camelizeDeprecated. Function.bindDeprecated. Function.bindAsEventListenerDeprecated. Functions hidehide: function()Deprecated.  Hide element(s) passed inParameterselement{DOMElement} Actually user can pass any number of elements showshow: function()Deprecated.  Show element(s) passed inParameterselement{DOMElement} Actually user can pass any number of elements getDimensionsgetDimensions: function(element)Deprecated.  Returns dimensions of the element passed in.Parameterselement{DOMElement}Returns{Object} Object with ‘width’ and ‘height’ properties which are the dimensions of the element passed in. String.startsWithDeprecated.  Whether or not a string starts with another string.ParameterssStart{String} The string we’re testing for.Returns{Boolean} Whether or not this string starts with the string passed in. String.containsDeprecated.  Whether or not a string contains another string.Parametersstr{String} The string that we’re testing for.Returns{Boolean} Whether or not this string contains with the string passed in. String.trimDeprecated.  Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from a string.Returns{String} A trimmed version of the stringall leading and trailing spaces removed String.camelizeDeprecated.  Camel-case a hyphenated string.  Ex.  “chicken-head” becomes “chickenHead”, and “-chicken-head” becomes “ChickenHead”.Returns{String} The string, camelized Function.bindDeprecated.  Bind a function to an object.  Method to easily create closures with ‘this’ altered.Parametersobject{Object} the this parameterReturns{Function} A closure with ‘this’ altered to the first argument. Function.bindAsEventListenerDeprecated.  Bind a function to an object, and configure it to receive the event object as first parameter when called.Parametersobject{Object} A reference to this.Returns{Function} OpenLayers.TileSummaryFunctionsgetBoundsFromBaseLayerTake the pixel locations of the corner of the tile, and pass them to the base layer and ask for the location of those pixels, so that displaying tiles over Google works fine. Functions getBoundsFromBaseLayergetBoundsFromBaseLayer: function(position)Take the pixel locations of the corner of the tile, and pass them to the base layer and ask for the location of those pixels, so that displaying tiles over Google works fine.Parametersposition{OpenLayers.Pixel}Returnsbounds{OpenLayers.Bounds} OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaultsThis class is DEPRECATED in 2.4 and will be removed by 3.0.  If you need this functionality, use OpenLayers.Control.Navigation instead!!!Inherits fromOpenLayers.ControlSummaryPropertiesperformedDrag{Boolean}wheelObserver{Function}ConstructorOpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaultsFunctionsdestroydrawregisterWheelEventsdefaultClickdefaultDblClickdefaultMouseDowndefaultMouseMovedefaultMouseUpdefaultMouseOutdefaultWheelUpUser spun scroll wheel updefaultWheelDownUser spun scroll wheel downzoomBoxEndZoombox function.removeZoomBoxRemove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it.onWheelEventCatch the wheel event and handle it xbrowserly Properties performedDrag{Boolean} wheelObserver{Function} Constructor OpenLayers.Control.MouseDefaults Functions destroydestroy: function() drawdraw: function() registerWheelEventsregisterWheelEvents: function() defaultClickdefaultClick: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event}Returns{Boolean} defaultDblClickdefaultDblClick: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultMouseDowndefaultMouseDown: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultMouseMovedefaultMouseMove: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultMouseUpdefaultMouseUp: function (evt)Parametersevt{OpenLayers.Event} defaultMouseOutdefaultMouseOut: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultWheelUpdefaultWheelUp: function(evt)User spun scroll wheel up defaultWheelDowndefaultWheelDown: function(evt)User spun scroll wheel down zoomBoxEndzoomBoxEnd: function(evt)Zoombox function. removeZoomBoxremoveZoomBox: function()Remove the zoombox from the screen and nullify our reference to it. onWheelEventonWheelEvent: function(e)Catch the wheel event and handle it xbrowserlyParameterse{Event} OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbarThis class is DEPRECATED in 2.4 and will be removed by 3.0.  If you need this functionality, use OpenLayers.Control.NavToolbar instead!!!SummaryPropertiesmodebuttonsdirection{String} ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’buttonClicked{String}ConstructorOpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbarFunctionsdestroydraw_addButtonbuttonDownbuttonUpdefaultDblClickdefaultMouseDownswitchModeToleaveModedefaultMouseMovedefaultMouseUpdefaultMouseOutdefaultClick Properties mode buttons direction{String} ‘vertical’ or ‘horizontal’ buttonClicked{String} Constructor OpenLayers.Control.MouseToolbarParametersposition{OpenLayers.Pixel}direction{String} Functions destroydestroy: function() drawdraw: function() _addButton_addButton:function(id,img,activeImg,xy,sz,title) buttonDownbuttonDown: function(evt)Parametersevt{Event} buttonUpbuttonUp: function(evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultDblClickdefaultDblClick: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultMouseDowndefaultMouseDown: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} switchModeToswitchModeTo: function(mode)Parametersmode{String} leaveModeleaveMode: function() defaultMouseMovedefaultMouseMove: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultMouseUpdefaultMouseUp: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultMouseOutdefaultMouseOut: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} defaultClickdefaultClick: function (evt)Parametersevt{Event} OpenLayers.Layer.GridSummaryFunctionsgetGridBoundsDeprecated. Functions getGridBoundsgetGridBounds: function()Deprecated.  This function will be removed in 3.0.  Please use getTilesBounds() instead.Returns{OpenLayers.Bounds} A Bounds object representing the bounds of all the currently loaded tiles (including those partially or not at all seen onscreen) OpenLayers.Format.XMLSummaryFunctionsconcatChildValuesDeprecated. Functions concatChildValuesconcatChildValues: function(node,def)Deprecated.  Use getChildValue instead.Concatenate the value of all child nodes if any exist, or return an optional default string.  Returns an empty string if no children exist and no default value is supplied.  Not optimized for large numbers of child nodes.Parametersnode{DOMElement} The element used to look for child values.def{String} Optional string to return in the event that no child exist.Returns{String} The concatenated value of all child nodes of the given node. OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.PostInstances of OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Post are used to retrieve data from OGC Web Mapping Services via HTTP-POST (application/x-www-form-urlencoded).  Create a new WMS layer with the OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Post constructor.Deprecated.  Instead of this layer, use OpenLayers.Layer.WMS with OpenLayers.Tile.Image.maxGetUrlLength configured in the layer’s <OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.tileOptions>.Inherits fromOpenLayers.Layer.WMSSummaryPropertiesunsupportedBrowsers{Array} Array with browsers, which should use the HTTP-GET protocol instead of HTTP-POST for fetching tiles from a WMS . SUPPORTED_TRANSITIONS{Array} no supported transitions for this type of layer, because it is not possible to modify the initialized tiles (iframes)usePost{Boolean}ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.WMS.PostCreates a new WMS layer object.FunctionsaddTileaddTile creates a tile, initializes it and adds it as iframe to the layer div. Properties unsupportedBrowsers{Array} Array with browsers, which should use the HTTP-GET protocol instead of HTTP-POST for fetching tiles from a WMS . Defaults to [“mozilla”, “firefox”, “opera”], because Opera is not able to show transparent images in IFrames and Firefox/Mozilla has some ugly effects of viewport-shaking when panning the map.  Both browsers, Opera and Firefox/Mozilla, have no problem with long urls, which is the reason for using POST instead of GET.  The strings to pass to this array are the ones returned by <OpenLayers.BROWSER_NAME>. SUPPORTED_TRANSITIONS{Array} no supported transitions for this type of layer, because it is not possible to modify the initialized tiles (iframes) usePost{Boolean} Constructor OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.PostCreates a new WMS layer object.Examplevar wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Post( "NASA Global Mosaic", "", {layers: "modis, global_mosaic"});Parametersname{String} A name for the layerurl{String} Base url for the WMS (e.g.{Object} An object with key/value pairs representing the GetMap query string parameters and parameter values.options{Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer. Functions addTileaddTile: function(bounds,position)addTile creates a tile, initializes it and adds it as iframe to the layer div.Parametersbounds{OpenLayers.Bounds}position{OpenLayers.Pixel}Returns{OpenLayers.Tile.Image.IFrame} The added OpenLayers.Tile.Image.IFrame OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.UntiledDeprecated.  To be removed in 3.0.  Instead use OpenLayers.Layer.WMS and pass the option ‘singleTile’ as true.Inherits fromOpenLayers.Layer.WMSSummaryPropertiessingleTile{singleTile} Always true for untiled.ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.WMS.UntiledFunctionscloneCreate a clone of this layer Properties singleTile{singleTile} Always true for untiled. Constructor OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.UntiledParametersname{String}url{String}params{Object}options{Object} Functions cloneclone: function (obj)Create a clone of this layerReturns{OpenLayers.Layer.WMS.Untiled} An exact clone of this layer OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.UntiledDeprecated.  To be removed in 3.0.  Instead use OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer and pass the option ‘singleTile’ as true.Inherits fromOpenLayers.Layer.MapServerSummaryPropertiessingleTile{singleTile} Always true for untiled.ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.UntiledFunctionscloneCreate a clone of this layer Properties singleTile{singleTile} Always true for untiled. Constructor OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.UntiledParametersname{String}url{String}params{Object}options{Object} Functions cloneclone: function (obj)Create a clone of this layerReturns{OpenLayers.Layer.MapServer.Untiled} An exact clone of this layer OpenLayers.Tile.WFSInstances of OpenLayers.Tile.WFS are used to manage the image tiles used by various layers.  Create a new image tile with the OpenLayers.Tile.WFS constructor.Inherits fromOpenLayers.TileSummaryPropertiesfeatures{Array(OpenLayers.Feature)} list of features in this tileurl{String}request{OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest}Functionsdestroynullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaksclearClear the tile of any bounds/position-related data so that it can be reused in a new location.drawCheck that a tile should be drawn, and load features for it.loadFeaturesForRegionAbort any pending requests and issue another request for data.requestSuccessCalled on return from request succcess. addResultsConstruct new feature via layer featureClass constructor, and add to this.features.destroyAllFeaturesIterate through and call destroy() on each feature, removing it from the local array Properties features{Array(OpenLayers.Feature)} list of features in this tile url{String} request{OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest} Functions destroydestroy: function()nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks clearclear: function()Clear the tile of any bounds/position-related data so that it can be reused in a new location. drawdraw:function()Check that a tile should be drawn, and load features for it. loadFeaturesForRegionloadFeaturesForRegion:function(success,failure)Abort any pending requests and issue another request for data.Input are function pointers for what to do on success and failure.Parameterssuccess{function}failure{function} requestSuccessrequestSuccess:function(request)Called on return from request succcess.  Adds results via layer.addFeatures in vector mode, addResults otherwise.Parametersrequest{OpenLayers.Request.XMLHttpRequest} addResultsaddResults: function(results)Construct new feature via layer featureClass constructor, and add to this.features.Parametersresults{Object} destroyAllFeaturesdestroyAllFeatures: function()Iterate through and call destroy() on each feature, removing it from the local array OpenLayers.Feature.WFSWFS handling class, for use as a featureClass on the WFS layer for handling ‘point’ WFS types.  Good for subclassing when creating a custom WFS like XML application.Inherits fromOpenLayers.FeatureSummaryConstructorOpenLayers.Feature.WFSCreate a WFS feature.Functionsdestroynullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaksprocessXMLNodeWhen passed an xmlNode, parses it for a GML point, and passes back an object describing that point. Constructor OpenLayers.Feature.WFSCreate a WFS feature.Parameterslayer{OpenLayers.Layer}xmlNode{XMLNode} Functions destroydestroy: function()nullify references to prevent circular references and memory leaks processXMLNodeprocessXMLNode: function(xmlNode)When passed an xmlNode, parses it for a GML point, and passes back an object describing that point.For subclasses of Feature.WFS, this is the feature to change.ParametersxmlNode{XMLNode}Returns{Object} Data Object with ‘id’, ‘lonlat’, and private properties set OpenLayers.Layer.WFSDeprecated.  To be removed in 3.0.  Instead use OpenLayers.Layer.Vector with a Protocol.WFS and one or more Strategies.Inherits fromOpenLayers.Layer.VectorOpenLayers.Layer.MarkersSummaryPropertiesisBaseLayer{Boolean} WFS layer is not a base layer by default.tile{OpenLayers.Tile.WFS}ratio{Float} The ratio property determines the size of the serverside query relative to the map viewport size. DEFAULT_PARAMS{Object} Hashtable of default key/value parametersfeatureClass{OpenLayers.Feature} If featureClass is defined, an old-style markers based WFS layer is created instead of a new-style vector layer. format{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with. formatObject{OpenLayers.Format} Internally created/managed format object, used by the Tile to parse data.formatOptions{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created. vectorMode{Boolean} Should be calculated automatically. encodeBBOX{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded?  extractAttributes{Boolean} Should the WFS layer parse attributes from the retrieved GML?  ConstructorOpenLayers.Layer.WFSFunctionsdestroysetMapmoveToaddTileMonitoringHooksThis function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tile (making sure to check that the tile is always the layer’s current tile before taking any action).removeTileMonitoringHooksThis function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks()onMapResizeCall the onMapResize method of the appropriate parent class.displayCall the display method of the appropriate parent class.mergeNewParamsModify parameters for the layer and redraw.clonegetFullRequestStringcombine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams.commitWrite out the data to a WFS server.commitSuccessCalled when the Ajax request returns a responsecommitFailureCalled when the Ajax request failscommitReportCalled with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter. refreshRefreshes all the features of the layergetDataExtentCalculates the max extent which includes all of the layer data.setOpacityCall the setOpacity method of the appropriate parent class to set the opacity. Properties isBaseLayer{Boolean} WFS layer is not a base layer by default. tile{OpenLayers.Tile.WFS} ratio{Float} The ratio property determines the size of the serverside query relative to the map viewport size.  By default, we load an area twice as big as the map, to allow for panning without immediately reload.  Setting this to 1 will cause the area of the WFS request to match the map area exactly.  It is recommended to set this to some number at least slightly larger than 1, otherwise accidental clicks can cause a data reload, by moving the map only 1 pixel. DEFAULT_PARAMS{Object} Hashtable of default key/value parameters featureClass{OpenLayers.Feature} If featureClass is defined, an old-style markers based WFS layer is created instead of a new-style vector layer.  If sent, this should be a subclass of OpenLayers.Feature format{OpenLayers.Format} The format you want the data to be parsed with.  Must be passed in the constructor.  Should be a class, not an instance.  This option can only be used if no featureClass is passed / vectorMode is false: if a featureClass is passed, then this parameter is ignored. formatObject{OpenLayers.Format} Internally created/managed format object, used by the Tile to parse data. formatOptions{Object} Hash of options which should be passed to the format when it is created.  Must be passed in the constructor. vectorMode{Boolean} Should be calculated automatically.  Determines whether the layer is in vector mode or marker mode. encodeBBOX{Boolean} Should the BBOX commas be encoded?  The WMS spec says ‘no’, but some services want it that way.  Default false. extractAttributes{Boolean} Should the WFS layer parse attributes from the retrieved GML?  Defaults to false.  If enabled, parsing is slower, but attributes are available in the attributes property of layer features. Constructor OpenLayers.Layer.WFSParametersname{String}url{String}params{Object}options{Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer Functions destroydestroy: function() setMapsetMap: function(map)Parametersmap{OpenLayers.Map} moveTomoveTo:function(bounds,zoomChanged,dragging)Parametersbounds{OpenLayers.Bounds}zoomChanged{Boolean}dragging{Boolean} addTileMonitoringHooksaddTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)This function takes a tile as input and adds the appropriate hooks to the tile so that the layer can keep track of the loading tile (making sure to check that the tile is always the layer’s current tile before taking any action).Parameterstile{OpenLayers.Tile} removeTileMonitoringHooksremoveTileMonitoringHooks: function(tile)This function takes a tile as input and removes the tile hooks that were added in addTileMonitoringHooks()Parameterstile{OpenLayers.Tile} onMapResizeonMapResize: function()Call the onMapResize method of the appropriate parent class. displaydisplay: function()Call the display method of the appropriate parent class. mergeNewParamsmergeNewParams:function(newParams)Modify parameters for the layer and redraw.ParametersnewParams{Object} cloneclone: function (obj)Parametersobj{Object}Returns{OpenLayers.Layer.WFS} An exact clone of this OpenLayers.Layer.WFS getFullRequestStringgetFullRequestString:function(newParams,altUrl)combine the layer’s url with its params and these newParams.Add the SRS parameter from ‘projection’ -- this is probably more eloquently done via a setProjection() method, but this works for now and always.ParametersnewParams{Object}altUrl{String} Use this as the url instead of the layer’s url commitcommit: function()Write out the data to a WFS server. commitSuccesscommitSuccess: function(request)Called when the Ajax request returns a responseParametersresponse{XmlNode} from server commitFailurecommitFailure: function(request)Called when the Ajax request failsParametersresponse{XmlNode} from server commitReportcommitReport: function(string,response)Called with a ‘success’ message if the commit succeeded, otherwise a failure message, and the full request text as a second parameter.  Override this function to provide custom transaction reporting.string{String} reporting stringresponse{String} full XML response refreshrefresh: function()Refreshes all the features of the layer getDataExtentgetDataExtent: function ()Calculates the max extent which includes all of the layer data.Returns{OpenLayers.Bounds} setOpacitysetOpacity: function (opacity)Call the setOpacity method of the appropriate parent class to set the opacity.Parametersopacity{Float} OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarthDeprecated.  Use OpenLayers.Layer.Bing instead.Instances of OpenLayers.Layer.VirtualEarth are used to display the data from the Bing Maps AJAX Control


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