Lynn Hagen Edge of Control

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Brac Village 16

Edge of Control

After offending an alpha wolf shifter, Myron must run for his life. A

pack of wolves are hot on his heels, chasing him into Brac Village.

Scared out of his mind, Myron escapes into the back door of a

restaurant. Little does he know, he's running straight into the

arms of his mate. But Myron fights the pull, and after one moment

of passionate sex, he leaves his mate behind.

Caleb is part owner of the Lucky Clover. He's worked hard to build

a life for himself and is stunned when a fox shifter scurries into the

kitchen of his restaurant. When he discovers that Myron is his

mate, Caleb claims the man. But Myron is stubborn, cheeky, and

pushes Caleb's control to the edge.

When the alpha pursuing Myron catches up to the fox shifter,

Myron must not only fight to stay alive, but learn to confront his

personal demons before he loses the one man he realizes that he

can't live without.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal,
Length: 31,728 words

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Brac Village 16

Lynn Hagen



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IMPRINT: The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection

Copyright © 2014 by Lynn Hagen
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-517-2

First E-book Publication: November 2014

Cover design by Emma Nicole
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Amanda Hilton, Publisher

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Brac Village 16


Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

Myron knocked back another drink as the music in the Manacle

pulsed. His hips swayed from side to side as he waited for the
bartender to give him another shot. Checking his watch, he knew he
should be heading home. He had to get up for work in…crap, five

But the drink was like liquid fire in his system, and he wasn’t

ready to stop partying just yet. He was having a good time. He’d
spotted a couple of hotties he hadn’t danced with yet. They had eyed
him like a delicious piece of candy, and Myron was ready to melt in
their mouths.

After drinking his shot, Myron made his way back to the dance

floor. He used his body like a calling card as he danced seductively.
He gyrated around, catching the eye of a man who should be on the
cover of GQ magazine. The stranger’s looks were dark and inviting.
The guy moved closer and began to dance with Myron.

They moved together in a synchronized rhythm as the guy’s hands

began to explore Myron’s body. Myron’s lips parted as his head lolled
to the side. He was feeling the effects of his drink as bright neon laser
lights bounced over the room, mesmerizing Myron for a moment.

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The man leaned in closer and pressed his lips to Myron’s ear.

“You should come home with me.”

Somewhere deep in his subconscious, his fox was telling him not

to trust this guy. But Myron’s impulsiveness kicked in, and he agreed.
The stranger slid his hand around Myron’s waist and led him toward
the door. The night air rushed over him, cooling his skin as Myron
tried to focus. He swayed a bit to the side, but the stranger kept him

“What’s your name?” The man asked as he led Myron toward his


“Myron Banks.” He knew he shouldn’t be telling the man his

name. Myron usually made one up. He liked reinventing himself
when clubbing. It was fun, and no one could hunt him down later.

Myron pressed his fingers into his temples when his head began to

swim. He could still hear the pounding music outside and the hum of
conversation as people waited to get into the club as he tried to get his

He shouldn’t be going home with a stranger. Myron knew this, yet

he climbed into the passenger side of the car, and the door sealed him
in. The interior smelled masculine and had his cock growing rock
hard. When the stranger slipped into the driver’s side, all thoughts of
getting out of there fled.

“I’m Sheraton,” the man said before he started the car.
Myron rocked his head to the side and smiled. His face was numb,

and he didn’t care. God, the man was gorgeous. Myron closed his
eyes as the car began to move, almost rocking him to sleep.

He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but as Myron’s eyes

fluttered open, he noticed they were pulling into a driveway. Sheraton
got out and then helped Myron from the car. His thoughts were
cloudy, and a dull ache began to beat behind his right eye. Once again
his fox protested.

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Myron shook his head as he tried to dispel the fog that enveloped

his brain. He shouldn’t be going home with a stranger. That was the
second time he’d had that thought.

They crossed the lawn and then climbed the porch. Myron’s

warning bells were going off. Hell, not just his warning bells, his
spidey senses, a tornado siren. This was a F5 waiting to happen. He
had no clue how he knew Sheraton was no good, but Myron was
finally going to listen to his instincts…for once.

“Wait.” Myron stopped on the man’s front porch as he rubbed his

hands down his face. “I’m sorry, but I need to go home.” He wasn’t
even sure where he was. He’d have to catch a cab back to his place.

Sheraton pulled them close until their chests touched, and the guy

gripped Myron’s ass. “You promised me a good time.”

Had he? Myron didn’t remember that. He’d agreed to come home

with Sheraton, but that was it. “No I didn’t.” That was something that
never came out of his mouth. He couldn’t even promise himself a
good time, let alone anyone else. The guy was full of shit.

“You got into my car, which means you agreed to this.”

Sheraton’s features darkened as his grip tightened painfully.

What a prick. Myron struggled to get out of the man’s arms, but

Sheraton was strong. The guy’s arms were like steel bands as he held
Myron in place.

“I’m allowed to change my mind,” Myron said as he continued to

struggle. “I need to get home.”

Sheraton released him, and Myron thought he’d won until the man

backhanded him. Myron’s right eye exploded in pain as he stumbled a
few feet back. “I don’t like a tease.”

Myron gritted his teeth, the cloudiness in his mind clearing.

“You’re three gallons of crazy in a two gallon bucket. I don’t have
time for a mess like that.”

Myron’s eyes widened slightly when he noticed that a few men

had gathered on the front lawn. He looked back at Sheraton and
scented wolf.

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Fuck. How had he missed that?
The man hauled off and struck him again. “How dare you

disrespect an alpha?”

This time Myron’s left eye caught the brunt of the man’s abuse.

He was in serious trouble. Had he known Sheraton was an alpha,
Myron would’ve run far and fast.

“I’m sorry if I offended you when I called you crazy. I honestly

thought you knew.” This time he ducked when the man’s hand came
barreling toward him. The men on the lawn began to move in.

“You’re going to learn some manners,” Sheridan gritted out

before he reached for Myron.

Myron did the only thing he could think of. He shifted into his fox

form and took off. Before he gained enough speed, he heard the alpha
shout at his men to bring Myron back.

Fat chance.
He had no idea where he was, but he knew he wasn’t in the city

any longer. Maybe the outskirts? Woods bordered behind Sheraton’s
home, and Myron raced for them.

Damn it. He’d left his wallet and keys behind. He couldn’t go

home. Not yet at least. All Sheraton had to do was search Myron’s
wallet to find his ID card with Myron’s address on it.

Every single muscle in Myron’s body was stretched to the limit as

he raced through the woods. He knew he couldn’t keep this pace for
much longer. His muscles burned, and his lungs ached, but he
couldn’t stop. His very survival depended on him finding a place to
hide, finding a way to escape the wolves that were hot on his trail.

Why did he have to get cheeky with Sheraton? But then again,

Myron hadn’t known the man’s status. Not at first. Sheraton had
exuded sensuality at the club. Unfortunately he had turned out to be a
downright prick. Myron had just thought the man a dominant male.

What an asshole.
It was just Myron’s misfortune that the guy turned out to be the

leader of the pack. Who knew? He sure as hell hadn’t.

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As he made his way through the woods, he prayed that he didn’t

die tonight. Myron swore to the fates that he would never get smart
with another person if he survived this. He was too young to die. He
had a full life ahead of him.

Hopefully. Being a fox shifter was tough these days.
Myron’s heart was pounding so hard it actually hurt. He had been

running for what seemed like forever. He started to think that he
would never shake those mutts free when he spotted lights ahead.
Thank goodness. It was a town! Now maybe he could find a place to
hide until he could rest.

He just had to find a way to disguise his scent so those wolves

couldn’t find him. So far he hadn’t come up with a plan. But he was
working on it.

Moving silently from the woods, Myron hurried down the

darkened street. It was late, and a lot of the businesses were already
closed. His heart began to sink, and he started to lose hope until he
spotted a restaurant up ahead. There were a few people outside,
talking as they began to walk away.

Maybe his luck had finally changed. This was a small town, and

hopefully nobody would bat an eye at a fox running down the street.
Myron just prayed that animal control wasn’t around. The last thing
he needed was to get locked in a cage.

Been there done that.
Some of the pack members were probably at his one-bedroom

apartment right now, destroying the place. Myron wouldn’t put it past
Sheraton to give the order. Never had he met a man with such a large
ego. Myron was amazed that he’d made it off the man’s porch with
only a few bruises.

It could’ve been a lot worse. Had he not shifted, Myron knew he

would be pulverized right now. Some days it just didn’t pay to be

Moving quickly around the building, Myron headed toward the

back. He found himself in a parking lot. It was filled with cars, which

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meant the restaurant was still open. All he needed was the Dumpster.
If he could hide in there, he might be able to roll around in the
discarded food to disguise his scent.

At least he had a plan now.
Coming to a hard stop, Myron glanced around. He began to panic

when he didn’t see a Dumpster anywhere. What he spotted was
trashcans lining the back of the building, silver and gleaming under
the streetlamps.

Who used trashcans!
He was dead meat. He had to get out here. His time was running

out. But before he could take off, the back door to the restaurant

Myron scurried between the trashcans, trying to make himself as

small as possible as the scent of food wafted outside. His stomach
grumbled. He hadn’t eaten in two days. What he wouldn’t give for a
plate of food right now. But he couldn’t show himself.

He hadn’t had the best experiences with humans when in his fox

form. Myron didn’t want to end up dangling around someone’s neck.

The thought made him shiver. That might be his fate if those

wolves caught up with him. Images of his lifeless form hanging
around Sheraton’s neck made Myron nauseous.

The stranger who’d walked outside lit a cigarette and inhaled

deeply before blowing the smoke out with a long sigh. The man chose
one hell of a time to take a break. Myron was on borrowed time.

His chest tightened when he spotted someone emerging from the

shadows. At first Myron thought it was the wolves. He wouldn’t stand
a chance if they found him now. But it was another human, climbing
out of a car. The two men met halfway as the man who had been
smoking tossed his cigarette aside.

Myron groaned when they started kissing. He wanted to shift and

shout at them to get a room.

Oh great. My life is on the line, and these two want to make out in

the parking lot.

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He didn’t have time for this bullshit. Although it was pretty hot.

The first man grabbed the second man’s ass and squeezed hard.
Myron was getting a damn hard-on watching them. This wasn’t the
most opportune time to be turned on, but he couldn’t help his body’s

“My shift is almost over,” the stranger who had been smoking

said to the other man. “Give me twenty more minutes.”

“I’ll be waiting for you in my car,” the second man said.
He was pretty sure he knew what was going to happen between

those two tonight. Why couldn’t Myron be having sex instead of
running for his life? Well, he could be, but Sheraton no longer turned
him on. He’d rather have sex with a turtle.

Everything inside Myron froze when the light scent of wolf

drifted toward him. His time was up. They were closing in on him.
There was nowhere to run. He was trapped.

When the first man walked back toward the door and opened it,

Myron made a mad dash inside. He crept along a hallway, the
delicious aromas filling his lungs. The noise level grew the farther he
snuck inside. He could hear pots and pans being slammed around,
food sizzling, people shouting out orders, and a host of other noises.
He spotted a shiny chrome workstation and quickly slid under the
bottom shelf.

The medley of aromas in the kitchen was enough to disguise

Myron’s scent. The problem was, those wolves would be able to
follow him to the back door of this restaurant. They would know
where he was hiding.

Not good.
Why did wolves have to be so arrogant? They could just forgive

him and let bygones be bygones. But no. Those bastards wanted

A pair of black kitchen shoes appeared in front of Myron.

Someone was standing in front of the workstation he was hiding

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This was a bad idea. I should’ve kept running. When will I ever


He scooted farther back, not realizing that his rear-end was

sticking out the other end of the shelf until someone kicked him,
shouted, and then a loud shattering noise filled the room.

“What’s going on back here?” a deep, masculine voice thundered

through the room.

Myron quickly moved back under the station, only to hear

someone else say, “Something is under that shelf.”

With his heart pounding in his ears, Myron shot from under the

workstation. He skidded around a million legs, dodging everyone’s
feet as he tried to escape.

Myron twisted in the man’s grasp, trying to bite the guy’s hand.

He had to get free. If he was tossed out of the restaurant, there would
be no hope for him. There was no way he could best one wolf, let
alone three of them.

He knew he was in trouble when the stranger grabbed him by his

scruff and lifted him until they were eye-to-eye. The intense
magnetism this stranger exuded seemed to grow in strength,
becoming a near tangible impression of vibrant and unrelenting

Myron was riveted by the man holding him. The stranger’s bone

structure would make a sculptor weep with joy. He had a firmly
etched mouth, a blade of a nose, and intense light brown eyes that
made him savagely gorgeous. Those eyes narrowed slightly, his
features otherwise schooled into impassivity.

“What do we have here?”

* * * *

Caleb Shaw couldn’t understand what a fox was doing in his

kitchen. He could tell the animal was scared. The fox’s eyes were

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Edge of Control


darting around wildly, more than likely looking for an escape. Caleb
could also feel the slight tremor in the fox’s body.

“How did you get in here?” He knew the fox wasn’t going to

answer him, but it had been a knee-jerk question. Regardless of the
answer, he knew he had to get the animal out of his kitchen. Having
the fox here broke too many health code violations for his comfort.

Caleb had worked too hard to make his restaurant a success. He

had purchased the rundown tavern years ago and had transformed the
place into the elegant dining establishment that it was today. Although
he had taken on a partner, Caleb was very fickle on how the place was
run. Diablo wasn’t a hard man to work with, preferring to run things
in the bar instead of the dining area.

The dragon shifter got along great with the customers. But then

again, Diablo had owned his own club in the demon realm before
moving to Brac Village to be with his mate.

Tucking the animal under his arm, Caleb strode to his office. He

had a feeling he was dealing with a shifter. The fox’s eyes were too
knowledgeable for it to be a wild animal. Caleb had a soft spot for the
underdog and wanted to make sure the man wasn’t in any kind of
trouble before he let the guy go.

Closing his office door, Caleb set the fox on his feet. “You can

shift now.”

Nothing happened. Caleb squatted, reaching out to pet the shifter,

to ease the man’s worries. “Look, I know you’re—” He snatched his
hand back when the fox tried to bite him. Caleb narrowed his eyes.
“You are in my restaurant, not the other way around. Either you’re
starving, or someone is after you. How about I toss you out back to
fend for yourself?”

There was no way Caleb was going to have this shifter attack him.

Not when he was trying to help the man. He had his limits. He knew
the fox was frightened, but he wasn’t going to tolerate that kind of
behavior in his own office.

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Caleb gave a low growl when someone knocked on his office

door. He didn’t want to be interrupted right now. When the person
knocked again, Caleb stood and crossed the room. He opened the door
to find Reese standing there. The bouncer was holding a plate of food
in his hand.

“I figured the fox ran in here because he was hungry, so I brought

him something to eat.”

Some of Caleb’s anger dwindled. He didn’t take kindly to

aggressive behavior but had to remind himself that he was dealing
with a frightened shifter. He sighed deeply as he took the offered
plate. “Thanks, Reese.”

“Not a problem,” Reese replied before walking away. Caleb

slammed the door closed when the fox tried to dart past him.

“Not happening. You aren’t going anywhere until you shift and

tell me what’s going on.”

He glanced down at the plate of smoked sausages and oven-

roasted potatoes. The potatoes had a hint of olive oil and rosemary
and smelled damn good. His stomach rumbled lightly, reminding
Caleb that he hadn’t had dinner yet.

The fox trotted back across the room and then sat on its haunches,

giving Caleb his back.

“Damn that smells good,” Caleb said as he lifted the plate and

inhaled deeply. He plucked one of the roasted potatoes and popped
into his mouth, moaning as he chewed. “I’ll give you some of this if
you shift and tell me what’s going on.”

The fox didn’t budge.
Caleb crossed the room and took a seat in one of the cushy chairs

against the wall. He crossed his ankles and slouched before shoving a
piece of sausage into his mouth. He licked the seasonings from his
fingers, moaning at the same time.

He tossed another sausage in his mouth and then bit off a small

piece, dropping it to the floor by the fox’s hindquarters. He wasn’t a
heartless bastard. He just wanted the guy to shift and tell Caleb why

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he’d run into the restaurant. By all rights, he should just toss the fox
out and be done with it. But his conscience wouldn’t let him.

Caleb couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about

this fox that made him want to protect the shifter. He normally didn’t
bother with other people’s problems. He had enough of his own to
deal with. When he tended bar, Caleb wasn’t the normal bartender.
He didn’t stand there and listen to people’s problems. The need for
other people to validate their life wasn’t something he indulged in. He
was polite, charming, but he left the therapy sessions to Diablo.

Caleb had grown up with a narcissistic father. The man seemed to

think that the world had centered around him. His father had been so
into himself that he would emotionally drain everyone. The guy never
kept a friend for long. Who would want to be around someone that
talked only about himself?

His father had been abusive toward Caleb’s mother when drunk.

And that was most of the time. He hadn’t been kind to Caleb either.
Growing up in that type of environment had been a serious head-fuck
for Caleb. Any time one of his customers started talking about
themselves, Caleb would politely excuse himself.

Some would think that he shouldn’t own a business where he had

to deal with drunken patrons who felt the need to bare their souls. But
the Lucky Clover was a constant reminder for him of where he’d
come from and not to place his problems at other people’s feet.

Twisted logic, but it worked for him. So why on earth was he

trying to get this shifter to tell him what was going on? It made no
sense to him.

“Go ahead,” Caleb said as he nodded toward the bite of food.


The shifter turned his head in the opposite direction, ignoring

Caleb. But the fox scooted over a little bit at a time until he was
sitting on the piece of meat that Caleb had tossed to the floor.

Caleb chuckled. “Stubborn I see.”

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He ate a few more pieces of potatoes as he waited to see what the

fox was going to do. At this rate, he was going to have to ask Reese to
bring him another plate. Soon there wouldn’t be anything left for the
fox to eat.

When the fox didn’t move, Caleb sighed. “I guess you’ll be stuck

in here until you shift.”

The fox turned his head and gave a low snarl. Caleb sat there

stunned for a moment before his upper lip curled back, flashing the
fox his canines. “You’re pushing your damn luck.”

Caleb cursed under his breath when the fox quickly ducked his

head and his small body began to shiver. Now he felt like a damn
bully. He dropped the remaining pieces of sausage onto the wooden
floor before he got up and walked to the door. “Go ahead and eat. But
when I get back, you’re going to shift, and we’re going to talk.”

Caleb stepped out of his office and locked the door. He didn’t

want the fox shifting into his human form and getting away. Again he
wondered why he was going through all this trouble but decided he
would examine the reasons later.

“Why do I have a feeling you ate most of that,” Reese said as he

glanced at the empty plate Caleb carried to the kitchen.

Caleb set the plate by the sink. “He’s one stubborn-ass fox, I’ll

give him that.”

“You think he’s hiding from someone or just hungry?” Reese


“Both,” Caleb answered. “And I’m not letting him go until he tells

me who is after him. You should have seen the way he was shaking in
my office.” Although Caleb had something to do that, and he had the
inexplicable urge to go back to his office. He didn’t want the fox
afraid of him. Caleb only wanted to find out what was going on.

His gut was telling him that the fox needed his help. Caleb

couldn’t, in good conscience, let the fox go, knowing there was
trouble on the man’s heels.

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Both Caleb’s and Reese’s heads jerked toward the back door

when they heard shouting. They walked at a clipped pace until they
were outside. Caleb came to a hard stop when he spotted three
strangers in the parking lot. One had his hand firmly wrapped around
Lauren’s throat.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Caleb’s wolf was fighting to

get free.

The air grew thick with tension as the wolf shifter closest to Caleb

narrowed his eyes and said, “We followed a fox shifter’s scent to the
back door of this restaurant. Bring him to us.”

He had part of his answer. The fox was hiding from these three.

Now all Caleb had to do was find out why.

“Release my employee,” Caleb demanded. He noticed the sweat

on the men’s faces and knew they had been running hard. Now more
than ever, Caleb was determined to protect the fox. He wasn’t sure
what the guy had done, but the shifter didn’t deserve to have three
aggressive wolves after him.

That wasn’t a fair fight.
“You’ll hand him over, or we’ll search the entire restaurant,” the

wolf threatened.

Reese pulled up to his full height as Caleb did the same. He didn’t

like being threatened. “Step a foot inside my restaurant and I’ll tear
your throat out.”

The wolf who had been holding Lauren finally released the

human. The maître d’ crumbled to the ground as he gasped for breath.
Caleb waved his hand toward the door. “Go inside.”

If anyone was going to shift, Caleb didn’t need the human

witnessing it. Lauren had no clue about shifters, and Caleb wanted to
keep it that way.

Lauren stumbled to his feet, glared at the three strangers, and then

did as Caleb said.

“If we can’t go inside, then you must be hiding the fox,” the wolf

closest to Caleb said.

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“You’re not going to terrorize my staff and customers,” Caleb

retorted as he bared his canines. “If you have issues with someone in
Brac Village, take it up with the police department.”

Caleb crossed his arms over his chest and watched as the three

wolf shifters walked away. Their compliance had been a little too
easy. “We haven’t seen the last of them,” he said to Reese.

“Not by a long shot,” Reese replied.
Caleb didn’t care how stubborn the fox shifter was. The guy was

going to tell him why he was being hunted.

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Chapter Two

Caleb went back inside to check on Lauren. Aside from some

redness, the human seemed okay. The guy was talking fine, and there
didn’t seem to be any damage.

Thank goodness for small favors.
“Keep an eye on things,” Caleb said to Reese before heading back

to his office. He unlocked the door and walked inside to see that the
meat on the floor was gone. But so was the fox. There was no way the
shifter had gotten out of the office. So where was he?

Locking the door behind him, Caleb said, “Come out of hiding.”
The fox eased around the desk and then sat, staring up at Caleb.
“I just had a visit from three very angry looking wolf shifters. If

you don’t change to your human form and explain to me why they’re
after you, I’ll hand you over to them.”

The fox snarled once again, but shifted. The man wobbled a little,

grasping the desk for stability. Every sense that Caleb possessed went
on full alert. The slim man was naked, his skin flawless, his features
stunning. The guy’s red hair was the color of crimson, his eyes the
purest green. The thatch of hair at his groin was cut low, making his
cock stand out more.

“Okay, I shifted, bully,” the man snapped at Caleb. “Are you


Happy wasn’t the word Caleb would use to describe his current

state. Horny was more like it. His hormones began to rage, and his
body hardened. The aroma that filled the room was pure seduction,
laced with a sensuality that had his wolf panting.

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The pull of mates grabbed Caleb and shook him violently. He had

to grasp the door handle to steady himself. Once he had his bearings,
Caleb snarled as he crossed the room.

The shifter’s eyes widened before he darted behind the desk.

“Why do you look like you’re about to eat me?”

“Because I am.” Caleb growled his words. He was no longer in

charge. His wolf had forced its way to the surface, and the only thing
Caleb could think about was claiming the man.

He’d worry about the other details later.
The shifter pointed a finger at him. “Stay away from me!”
Caleb had a hard-on pounding beneath his jeans. His cock was

tight, erect, throbbing and pushing against the zipper as though trying
to burst free to get to the fox shifter.

“Get your ass over here,” Caleb said through gritted teeth. His

patience was wearing thin, and he was barely holding onto his control.
Now he knew why he’d felt a strange impulse to help the man. It all
made sense to him.

This fox was his mate.
“Uh-uh.” The shifter shook his head. “Not on your life.”
Caleb stripped his shirt off and tossed it aside.
The guy’s eyes glided over Caleb’s bare chest before he asked,

“W-what are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” He took a seat on the chair,

toeing his shoes off. “You’re about to be claimed.”

A forceful energy was flowing through Caleb. His skin grew tight,

and his canines elongated for the second time tonight. He narrowed
his eyes as he stood and stalked closer to his prey. And that’s exactly
what the fox was. Caleb was on the hunt.

“Stop right there,” the man said, holding up his hand. “No one is

claiming anything.”

Caleb flipped the button of his jeans open. Cocking a brow and

wearing a salacious smirk, he slowly pulled the zipper down.

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The shifter swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing forcefully. The

man’s fingers gripped hard into the back of the office chair, his eyes
glued to where Caleb’s hands were. “Don’t you dare take those pants

Caleb’s low laughter was dark. “I can’t allow you to be the only

man naked in this room. My control is not infinite.”

“Don’t make me go fox on you!” the guy shouted at him. “I’ll bite

the shit out of you.”

“Come to me,” Caleb said as he ran the palm of his hand over his

trapped erection. “I want to play with you.”

Arousal shot through the room, the scent so thick and alluring that

Caleb had to root himself to the floor. He licked his bottom lip, tasting
the scent on the air. “What’s your name?”

“Puddin’ Tame,” the shifter shot out. A defiant smile crossed the

guy’s face.

The cheeky little brat!
“Tell me,” Caleb demanded.
Caleb could hear a rush of air escaping from the shifter. The

man’s eyes slid over Caleb’s body until the two locked gazes. The
fox’s expression grew mutinous. “Fine, it’s Myron, and I need some

“What you need is to bend over my desk, Myron.” Caleb moved

closer before coming to a hard, pulse-pounding stop. “What you need
is for me to spank that tight little ass of yours for being so stubborn.”

Myron narrowed his green eyes as his lips thinned, puckering

slightly. “I’d like to see you try.”

The man shouldn’t challenge Caleb. Not when he was this close to

the edge. He looped across the room as Myron raced around the other
side of the desk. The little fox shifter was fast, but Caleb was

Pressing the palms of his hands into the desk, Caleb leaned

forward slightly. “You know you wanna play. I plan on licking and
sucking until I have you crying out my name.”

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Myron raced for the door, but Caleb caught him with ease. He

lifted the man off his feet. Myron thrashed around as he let loose a
slew of curse words.

Caleb took a seat in the chair against the wall, situating Myron

until the man was straddling his waist. He skimmed his hands up his
mate’s slim back and then down again before Caleb cupped Myron’s
ass. “Kiss me.”

“You can kiss what you’re gripping.” But Myron’s voice had

faltered, the words coming out more of a moan. Myron slid his hands
over Caleb’s shoulder as he arched his back slightly, his ass pressing
into Caleb’s hands.

“That’s right, baby. Let your needs take over.” Caleb slid a finger

down the crease of Myron’s ass. “Stop fighting me. Let me show you
how much pleasure I can give you.”

“Screw you,” Myron whimpered as his slender body slowly

writhed around. In Caleb’s arms, there was only Myron. There was no
danger and the man had nothing to fear.

Caleb threaded his fingers through his mate’s dark-red hair and

then pulled the man closer until he was nibbling at Myron’s ear. “Tell
me you don’t want my cock buried deep inside of you.”

A smile spread across Caleb’s face. He would soon have Myron

begging to be fucked. The lust seared his gut like a brand as sweet,
hot desire welled up inside of him. Caleb wet a finger before he
probed at Myron’s tight entrance.

Myron fell forward, pressing his chest into Caleb’s as his mate’s

fingers curled into Caleb’s flesh. Myron’s lips were so close to
Caleb’s ear that he could hear the small pants escaping.

Caleb canted his head to the side and nipped Myron’s ear. “Are

you ready to get fucked?” His question was a mere whisper as he slid
his finger deep into his mate’s ass.

“You talk too much.” There was a hard edge of desire in Myron’s


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Caleb gave a low chuckle before he pressed a kiss into Myron’s

neck, the salty skin making his lips tingle. He wrapped an arm around
Myron’s body, holding the man tightly to him as he fucked Myron
with his finger.

He wanted to take Myron slow, to show the man tenderness. But

Caleb couldn’t do that. Not when the emotions inside of him were
rioting, threatening to turn him feral. Caleb needed Myron on all
fours, shoulders down, submitting.

His wolf howled at the image.
Keeping his arm around Myron, Caleb stood, forcing the man to

wrap his legs around Caleb’s waist. He walked over to the desk and
grabbed a small bottle of lotion he kept in one of the drawers.

It would have to do.
After sitting back down, Caleb squirted some of the lotion onto

his fingers before plunging two back inside Myron. The fox shifter
hissed, digging his fingernails into Caleb’s chest.

Clenching his teeth, Caleb growled at the sudden pain. He was

already on the edge, and his cock was nowhere near the man. Myron
was pure ecstasy that stole Caleb’s breath. His lust raged through him,
burning across his nerve endings and sending his senses spinning.

He shoved a third finger into his mate’s ass as Caleb maneuvered

his head until Myron was threading his fingers through Caleb’s hair.
He slanted his lips over Myron’s, using his tongue to lick and nip. The
kiss was brutally hot, on the edge of starving, as though it were
feeding a part of his senses that he’d never known existed.

It burned to the core of him.
Myron shoved the material of Caleb’s pants aside, his hand

curling around Caleb’s erection, the caress like a fiery blast of
renewed hunger striking his gut.

His mate lurched back from the kiss, his breathing harsh, heavy.

Myron’s lips were swollen, damp. Caleb jerked his head forward and
nipped the lower one. Hunger marked Myron’s expression as he
stared at Caleb, his mate’s eyes becoming cloudy with desire.

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In return, Caleb thrust his fingers deeper, watching as Myron’s

eyes became unfocused, his head lolling to the side. Caleb had never
wanted someone this much in his life. His virgin days were long since
behind him, having put much experience under his belt.

But nothing came close to what he felt for the fox shifter. It was as

if Myron was some sort of a drug, and Caleb was ready to inject that
man into his veins.

The analogy rocked Caleb. He slowed his hand. He knew that

shifters felt an overwhelming pull, but it shouldn’t be this all-

“Fuck me,” Myron begged.
And just that fast Caleb was plunged back into his addiction. He

removed his hand, stood, and set Myron on his feet. “Get on your
hands and knees.”

The fox shifter was quick to comply as Caleb stripped away the

last vestige of his clothing. He tossed his pants onto the chair before
grabbing the tube of lotion. Myron rocked on all fours, his head
lowered, moaning in need.

A need Caleb planned on slating.
He lathered the lotion over his erection before tossing the bottle

aside. Caleb moved close, situating himself behind Myron. “Lower
your shoulders.”

Myron gazed over his shoulder, a frown marring his handsome

face. “Why?”

Now was not the time for the shifter to ask questions. Caleb only

wanted his submission. They’d talk later, after he’d fucked the man to
within an inch of his life. He narrowed his eyes, as if his expression
should say it all.

Myron matched Caleb’s expression as he began to push to his

feet. Caleb grabbed the man’s hips, keeping him locked into place.
“Do you always argue about everything?”

“Are you always so bossy?” Myron shot back, defiance in his

green eyes.

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This just wasn’t happening. It couldn’t be. Not when Caleb was so

close to claiming the man. He ground his teeth, taking a deep breath.

“Your nostrils flap when you do that,” Myron pointed out. “Not a

pretty look for you.”

Caleb growled, and Myron twisted and then landed on his back,

shoving at Caleb’s chest. Caleb grabbed the man’s wrists as he bared
his canines.

Myron began to chuckle and then outright laughed. He squirmed

until he had his legs wrapped around Caleb’s waist and then gave a
hard yank, pulling Caleb closer until he almost tumbled over.

“You need to lighten up.” He smiled up at Caleb. “Sex shouldn’t

be so damn serious.” Myron reached up and used his thumb to smooth
the crease between Caleb’s eyes.

Caleb turned his head and nipped Myron’s finger. “Better?”
“It’s a start,” Myron replied as he wiggled his ass against Caleb’s

thighs. “Now fuck me, but stop bossing me around.”

Caleb had never thought of having fun while fucking someone.

Sex had been hot, passionate even, but never fun. But Myron was
smiling up at him, only his eyes were still filled with want and need.
His face was flushed as well.

Caleb returned the smile before he reached between them and

positioned the head of his cock at the tight entrance. “Should I laugh
as I enter you?”

Myron smacked him on the chest. “You better not if you want a

repeat, buster.”

A knock sounded on the door.
“Go away!” Caleb shouted, the sound reminding him that he was

in his office, not at home. There were workers outside, plenty of
them, just a stone’s throw away.

Myron bit his lower lip as he snickered. His arms slid around

Caleb’s neck, pulling him closer, kissing him, deepening Caleb’s
hunger and turning it into a wildfire.

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As Caleb plunged his tongue deep, he thrust his hips, breaking

past the ring of muscles before inching his way inside Myron’s body.

He became lost in a vortex that he couldn’t stop, didn’t want to

stop. Hot, burning flames engulfed his senses as he let himself sink
into the fire of his mate.

Myron’s head rocked to the side as his eyelids fluttered and his

arms fell free of Caleb’s neck. His fingers curled, his fingernails
scratching at the wooden floor.

“So good,” Myron whispered.
The caress of desire leaving Myron’s lips had a shudder racing

through Caleb. It was spoken so softly, so shamelessly. It was like a
dark rasp of pleasure against his soul.

Caleb pulled his hand from between their joined bodies and

planted it on the side of Myron’s head. He had to see what his mate
looked like in the throes of passion, witness how his face transformed
from untrusting to ethereal.

Caleb’s knees rubbed against the floor as he lunged forward,

burying his cock deep in Myron’s body. He intensified his strokes,
watching as Myron arched his back, crying out.

“That’s it, my little fox,” Caleb crooned. “Fall apart for me.”
Because it was the single most sensual, erotic thing he had ever

witnessed. Myron was writhing beneath him, coming unglued.

“It’s so good,” Myron breathed out roughly. His mate turned his

head and looked at Caleb, hunger burning in his eyes. Caleb felt
savage and tender at the same time. The two conflicting emotions
puzzled him. Sexual intensity built inside of Caleb, wound through
his system and centered at his groin as he thrust his cock into Myron.

Caleb’s nostrils flared, and arcs of sizzling sensations shot

through him when Myron gripped his bobbing cock and began to
stroke the hard flesh quickly. The man’s balls were drawn up tight.

His mate was close.
Caleb leaned down and moved his lips from Myron’s jaw, to his

neck, sucking up a bruise. “Damn, I love your taste.”

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This was it for him. There would be no other lover in his life.

Caleb was fine with that. Myron was sensual and everything Caleb
could hope for when it came to sex.

“Caleb…close…” Myron’s breathing increased. His slim chest

rose and fell faster as his lips parted. Seconds later, a harsh cry
erupted, Myron’s body twitching as his cum shot up and landed on the
man’s chest and chin.

Inhaling the dark, sensual scent, Caleb jetted into Myron, a rough

growl vibrating his throat before he turned his head and clamped
down on Myron’s soft shoulder, sinking his canines deep. His eyes
rolled back as he felt the ribbons of their life forces untwining from
their separate souls and realigning together, binding them, their hearts
now synchronized.

A strangled sound filled the room, Myron’s body arching again as

his hand left his shaft and both of them gripped Caleb’s hair, holding
it tightly as Caleb fucked Myron until the man was scooting up the

Hunger rose inside him like a ravenous beast before Caleb’s body

shattered. His climax raced through him like a fiery storm as he
released Myron’s shoulder, the man’s name tearing from his lips.

The exquisite sensations wracked him until they left Caleb

fighting for breath, fighting to come back down to earth. He pressed
his forehead into Myron’s, both of them breathing raggedly.

Myron chuckled as he stretched his lips to give Caleb a quick kiss.

“I hope you plan on giving me a full meal now.”

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Chapter Three

Caleb had given Myron his shirt to wear. They’d waited until the

restaurant was closed before leaving. Myron couldn’t very well walk
through the place with no pants on. As he exited through the back
door, his eyes searched the empty and dark parking lot for Sheraton’s

They were lingering around here somewhere. He just knew it.

They hadn’t chased him all this way from the city just to give up and
go home. They were plotting something, and Myron had to stay on
full alert.

“It’s safe,” Caleb said. “I don’t scent them anywhere around

here.” The man walked across the parking lot, seeming at ease. Myron
was anything but. His nerves were wound so tight that his movements
were a bit jerky. He’d agreed to go home with Caleb, for now.

For the second time tonight he was agreeing to go home with a

stranger. God, was he ever going to learn? But this was his mate so
the guy had to be nice, right? Bossy, but nice. Maybe. He wasn’t sure.
He just needed some place to hide, and Caleb had offered him the
perfect solution.

He did have a home of his own that he planned to return to—even

if it might have been trashed. Myron loved where he lived and wasn’t
about to give it up. He’d worked too hard and too long to get the place
just right. Although he might have to remodel.

The sound of Caleb’s car alarm deactivating made Myron jump.

His hand slammed into his chest as he spun in a circle, searching
every shadow.

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“Are you coming?” Caleb stood by a shiny black SUV, giving

Myron an impatient look. If they hadn’t been mates, he would have
told the guy to go to hell. Caleb was a little too bossy in Myron’s

Myron hated to be told what to do, especially from anyone who

deemed themselves an alpha type. Those were the worst. Just because
he was a small fox didn’t mean he had to be bullied around.

He’d dealt with people like Caleb and Sheraton his entire life.

That was why he defied them so much. It was his way of sticking up
for himself, and he wasn’t going to change, for anyone. It seemed his
little promise to fate was going out the window. Myron just didn’t
have it in him to be polite when someone was acting like a jerk
toward him.

He slipped into Caleb’s SUV, his butt cheeks and balls sticking to

the leather. He really needed to get some clothes. This was going to
be a very uncomfortable ride.

The car purred to life as the headlights lit up the area in front of

them. Myron could have sworn he saw something move into the
shadows, but he couldn’t be sure. He kept his eyes trained on the spot
in front of them until Caleb pulled away.

“So, where are you from?” Caleb’s voice was subdued to a

melting sweetness as he eased from the parking lot and onto the
streets. The guy had just gotten his rocks off. Of course he was
mellow. But the man could at least pretend there was danger lurking
out here somewhere.

It was eerily quiet. Too quiet. But it being one in the morning

could attribute to that fact. Still, Myron wasn’t letting his guard down.

“A fast-paced town,” Myron replied as he scanned the streets,

trying to see into every dark alcove and around every parked car.

Those wolves had to be here somewhere.
“Back to being a smartass I see.”
Myron ignored the irritation in Caleb’s tone. He wasn’t the one

being hunted. Caleb didn’t have to worry about the three wolves

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jumping him. His mate was big like the ones after Myron. He was
pretty sure his mate could take one or two down with his eyes closed.

His mate.
Myron shook his head. His problems just continued to mount.

He’d been running for his life and ended up finding a mate.

A wolf shifter no less.
The irony wasn’t lost on Myron. He sat there ramrod straight, his

hands clasped in his lap as he tried not to think of how his skin was
melding into the seat. No doubt that when he tried to get up, it was
going to be painful.

The night was humid, and instead of turning the AC on, Caleb had

rolled the windows down. Myron could feel the sweat gathering
underneath him.

“I’m not being a smartass.” Not entirely. Myron had grown up

with seven siblings. He was the youngest of them—and the smallest.
Although they protected him fiercely against anyone who tried to pick
on him, they had done their fair share of messing with Myron.

Nothing rough, but the witty barbs and tongue sparring had been a

constant. Myron had learned at a young age to either sharpen his wit
or get scorched with jokes and quick comebacks.

He’d become the reigning champion in his household.
There were five boys and three girls, and his sisters had been the

ones to teach Myron how to fight fire with fire. His brothers hadn’t
purposefully been mean to him. It was more along the lines of them
trying to add a layer of toughness to him.

It had worked.
“Okay, then can you at least tell me where you live?”
“In a house with a mailbox.” Did that shadow move? Myron

peered closer to the frame of his window, almost sticking his head out
as he squinted, trying to see better, but Caleb was driving too fast for
him to study the figure any closer.

Finally he sat back. He could stare into the shadows all night but

knew he wouldn’t see anything until those pesky mutts decided to

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show themselves. He opted to stare out the windshield instead. “I live
close to the Manacle. You know the place?”

Myron doubted the man did. Although Caleb seemed a bit uptight

and bossy, he highly doubted the guy hung around a vampire Goth
club. That seemed a bit risqué for the man sitting next to him. From
what he had seen of the restaurant Caleb owned, it was upper crust,

The wolf shifter wouldn’t know a thing about getting down and

dirty, raunchy even. Myron loved Christian’s club. It was a place
where he could reinvent himself, be whoever he wanted to be for one

He’d even gone so far as to let some of the vampires drink from


“I know the place,” Caleb said. “A friend of mine works there.”
One of Myron’s brows rose. Go figure. “Who?” He knew a lot of

people who worked there.

“Well, he doesn’t technically work in the club. He protects the

manor at night while the vampires sleep. His name is Logan.”

So much for Caleb having a wild side. The guy knew of the

Manacle. Big deal. Now if he’d said that he’d partied there, that
would have been a different story.

Myron had ended up with a stiff as a mate. Caleb seemed much

older than Myron and was more than likely set in his ways—which
meant that Myron wouldn’t be able to persuade the man into letting
his hair down and having a bit of fun.

This only solidified his resolve to get back home as soon as

possible. Maybe he could call one of his sisters and stay with them
until this whole thing blew over. All three were already mated, but he
didn’t think they would have a problem with him crashing there for a

Jessica always made a big hoopla about him showing up.

Unfortunately, her mate looked at Myron like he was a big
inconvenience. Maybe he’d ask Rhonda instead, though Marla was

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closest to his age. She was the youngest of his three sisters and still
knew how to have fun.

“So, tell me a little about yourself,” Caleb said.
Myron’s head jerked back slightly as his upper lip curled in

disbelief. “What are we, on some dating game?” He cleared his throat.
“Well, Chuck Woolery, I like being hugged in the ass with a penis,
writing poetry—my last poem was titled ‘Go to hell, you mangy
dog’—and I’m seemingly well educated on stuff I randomly make
up.” Myron batted his eyelashes flirtatiously.

Caleb gripped the steering wheel of his Range Rover so tightly

that the blood fled his knuckles. “You know what?” The man shook
his head. “Never mind.”

Myron could hear the exasperation in the man’s tone. He didn’t

want to get to know Caleb. That would make it all the harder to leave,
and Myron planned on getting out of here.

He shrugged his shoulders and propped his arm on the doorframe,

gazing off into the village. It was quaint, homey even, and probably
boring. What did small-town people do for fun?

Caleb pulled into a driveway just on the outskirts of town. His

home was a nice two-story place. It was a creamy white with blue
trim. Masculine. The yard looked like it needed mowing, but the place
was…nice. There were woods bordering the back and no houses on
either side. From the looks of things, Caleb owned plenty of land.

“You live here?” Myron asked as he gazed at the open fields on

either side of the house. Trees lined the sides and around the front,
giving it a more cozy appearance.

“For quite a few years,” Caleb said as he cut the car off and

climbed out. “Feel free to shift and run the back woods.”

“With wolves on my tail?”
Caleb grunted. “With your whiplash tongue, I’m sure you can

handle them.”

Myron mentally flipped the man off as he opened the door, drew

in a fortifying breath, and then got out. He winced when his balls

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ripped away from the leather. A shot of pain swept through his lower
half, making his stomach twist into a knot.

He glanced back to see the pool of sweat where’d he’d been

sitting. If he ever got naked into a car again, he’d put a towel down

That was one experience he never wanted to have again.
When Myron entered Caleb’s home, he expected to see a model

home, something that belonged in a swank magazine. He was stunned
when he glanced around. The place looked lived in, a bit messy,
and…cozy. Well, I’ll be damned. Caleb wasn’t controlling over

“Make yourself at home,” Caleb said as he walked away, heading

toward the back of the house. Jeez, give a guy some ass and he
ignores you afterward. That was fine by Myron.

He snooped around until he found the kitchen and then dug

through the refrigerator. He was starving. Those small scraps Caleb
had given him hadn’t put a dent in his hunger.

By the time he was finished rummaging through things, he had a

mile-high sandwich, some chips, a soda, and one of Caleb’s pudding
cups. Myron took his plate to the living room and searched around for
the remote.

He groaned when he realized Caleb didn’t have cable, satellite, or

even Internet hooked up to the television so Myron could access his
Amazon video library.

What the hell?
The guy didn’t even have a shelf of movies that Myron could

watch. What did Caleb do at home, read books? Come first light,
Myron was getting out of Boredomville.

This town probably had hayrides and gathered at the local hall for

hoedowns. He shuddered at the thought. Give him the Manacle any
day of the week.

Myron sat there in silence and ate, hating that he could hear

himself chewing. This place was deathly quiet. He glanced around

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and grinned when he spotted a stereo. His smile widened when he
realized it was a Bose. At least Caleb had taste when it came to his
entertainment system. Myron slid from the couch, set his plate aside,
and wandered over to the wall unit. He turned the stereo on and then
winced when jazz music began to play.

He wished to god that he had his iPod. But this would have to do.

He flipped through the stations until he found something he could
listen to. He loved hard rock as much as he loved techno music.

He cranked the stereo up and began to dance around. Caleb came

striding down the hallway, glaring at Myron. “What is that god-awful

“It’s called music,” Myron answered. “It’s better than that dentist

stuff you listen to. Your music had me growing sleepy in the first five

Caleb scowled as he reached for the stereo, but Myron blocked his

mate. “Oh, come on. You don’t have anything to watch on the TV or
DVDs and or even Internet. Let me have a little fun.”

“It’s late,” Caleb pointed out. “Go get some sleep.” The man

reached around Myron and cut the stereo off.

Myron walked back to the couch, cursing under his breath. He

took a seat, grabbed his plate, and finished eating. Once he was done,
he crawled onto his side and closed his eyes.

He couldn’t wait to get out of here.

* * * *

Sheraton Hamlet gripped the cell phone tightly as he ground his

teeth. “What do you mean he got away?”

There was no way he was letting Myron Banks get away with the

insult. The man was bratty, rude, and Sheraton planned on teaching
the fox a lesson.

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“He slipped into a restaurant. The owner and some other guy

blocked us from getting inside,” Randolph answered. “But we know
where Myron is. All we have to do is wait for Myron to be alone, and
we’ll have him.”

“Where are you?”
“Brac Village,” Randolph said.
Sheraton cursed. Of all the places Myron could’ve run, the little

shit found refuge in a shifter town. “Be very careful,” he said.
“Maverick Brac isn’t a man to trifle with.”

“Maverick who?” Randolph asked.
Sheraton wanted to beat the wolf shifter’s head into a wall. He

should have sent his top enforcers after Myron. But Myron was a fox
shifter. Sheraton hadn’t thought the damn guy would get away. The
man was proving more cunning than Sheraton had given the guy
credit for.

“Just don’t stir up any trouble,” Sheraton warned. “Wait until an

opportune moment before you grab Myron.”

“Yes, alpha,” Randolph said.
Sheraton hung up, grinding his teeth. No one embarrassed him in

front of his pack members, even if it had been just a few. If Sheraton
didn’t punish Myron, his wolves would think him weak. And
Sheraton was anything but weak.

He walked out of his office and headed outside. His beta, Ashton,

was talking with a few men. Sheraton waved the man over. When
Ashton approached, Sheraton said, “We need to take a little trip.”

* * * *

Hawk walked out of The Café and nearly collided with someone.

He came to a hard stop before he ran the man over. “Sorry about

The stranger gave a low growl before he and his two friends

pushed past Hawk and entered The Café. Tilting his head back, Hawk

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sniffed the air. Wolves. He was pretty familiar with a lot of the
residents, and those three didn’t look familiar.

He walked back inside, ready to teach the three men some

manners when his mate stopped him. Johnny grabbed his arm and
pulled him aside.

“I can’t wait till Friday!” The man seemed to bounce in place.

Hawk searched his memory but didn’t know what Johnny was talking
about. What was happening Friday? It wasn’t Johnny’s birthday. Was
it their anniversary? For some strange reason, humans liked to
celebrate that day. His mind drew a blank.

“Don’t tell me you forgot!” Johnny’s shoulders slumped as his

beautiful smile slid from his face.

“Of course not, pretty baby,” Hawk said. He gave his mate a quick

kiss. “I can’t wait either.”

Goddammit, what was happening Friday? Hawk’s eyes slid

sideways at the three strangers. He gripped Johnny’s chin and gave
his mate another kiss. “I have to go.”

“Okay,” Johnny said. “I get off of work at two on Friday. I’ll just

meet you there.”

Meet him where? Hawk growled in frustration as he walked to the

back of The Café. He approached the man who had shoulder-bumped
him. The guy seemed oblivious until he turned and gazed up at Hawk.
“Can I help you?” The man’s tone wasn’t polite.

Hawk mentally counted to ten. He was in a coffeehouse with

humans. He couldn’t bitch slap the man. Well, he could, but he didn’t
want to frighten the citizens of Brac Village. He was a commander,
honor bound to protect the weaker. This bastard didn’t know just how
close he was to getting his head slammed through the glass pastry

And then a fight would break out. That wouldn’t be protecting the

citizens. Hawk and the three strangers would tear this place apart. “I’d
like to have a word with you outside.”

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The man gave Hawk his back. Okay, he’d had enough disrespect.

Snarling and bumping past him was one thing. Hawk would have let
that go, but the guy continued to be rude.

He had tried to handle this in a civilized way. After all, he was

standing in Johnny’s workplace. The last thing Hawk wanted to do
was get his mate into trouble.

Setting his cup of coffee aside, Hawk grabbed the stranger’s upper

arm and yanked the bastard toward the door.

“What are you doing?” the man shouted. People turned to look,

watching as Hawk dragged the man from the shop. He spared a glance
at Johnny to see his mate shadowboxing the air.

“Give him hell, Hawk!” Johnny shouted. The man had no clue

what Hawk was doing, but his mate was rooting for him. God love
that man.

Once outside, Hawk slammed the man into the brick wall. “What

is your problem?” Maybe he was overreacting. Hawk didn’t care.

“I don’t have a problem,” the man snapped. “I’m not the one

dragging people out of coffee shops.”

“Who are you?” Hawk asked.
“Who are you?” the man countered.
“Hawk Magnar, Sentry Commander to Alpha Maverick Brac. I

can scent that you’re a wolf shifter. You’re in my territory.” Hawk
snapped his head sideways and bared his canines when the guy’s two
friends came rushing out of the shop.

“We don’t want any trouble,” the smaller of the two said. “Mac is

an asshole, and I’m sorry if he offended you.”

“Mac” growled at his friend. Hawk tightened his grip on the

man’s arm. “I asked who you were.”

The smallest of the three approached Hawk. “I’m Shiloh Cross.

We were just passing through your lovely town when we decided to
get some coffee. We’ve been traveling for a few days and haven’t
gotten much rest. Mac is cranky when he’s sleep deprived.”

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Hawk wasn’t buying it. Shiloh’s blue eyes kept shifting toward

the ground as if the man were hiding the real truth. But aside from
being an asshole, Mac hadn’t done anything wrong. Hawk released
the guy. “Get your coffee and get out of my town.”

Mac walked back into the coffee shop without another word. The

other friend followed. Shiloh stayed behind. “I really am sorry.”

Hawk had a feeling that Shiloh was apologizing for more than

Mac’s rude behavior. He was going to keep an eye on those three. He
glanced up to see Johnny smiling at him.

Crap. Hawk had to figure out what was happening this Friday. He

was usually pretty good at remembering things. So why was he
drawing a blank?

He walked back inside and grabbed his coffee, ignoring the three

strangers. Johnny waved to him, and Hawk waved back before he left.
He got into his truck and sat there, watching the shop’s door. After a
moment, he pulled his cell phone free and called Kota.

When the man answered, Hawk said, “I have a situation.”
“You need me to meet you?” Kota asked. “I have to come that

way anyway to pick up Blair and Oliver from the rec center.”

“No,” Hawk answered. “I need you to help me find out what the

hell is happening Friday.”

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Chapter Four

Caleb woke, yawning and stretching as he turned over. He

glanced at the clock to see that it was almost eleven. He hadn’t slept
that late in a long time. And then Caleb remembered Myron.

He threw the covers back and slid out of bed. Caleb threw some

pajama bottoms on and then padded to the living room. He spotted the
plate, empty soda can, and the pudding cup on the coffee table, but
Myron was nowhere in sight.

After searching the house and coming up empty, Caleb walked

onto his front porch. He had to blink a few times before it finally sank

His Range Rover was missing.
Was it stolen, or had Myron taken it? Wasn’t that the same thing?

Caleb didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Maybe Myron had gone for
a run. Yeah right. Not when three wolf shifters were after his ass.

Red-hot anger lashed through him as he turned and went back

inside. He had stupidly trusted the man in his home, thinking Myron
wouldn’t do anything since they were mates.

He wanted to throttle the little shit. Thank god he had LoJack

installed in his vehicle. But instead of calling the police, he called
Detective Lewis Keating. The police would want him to file a report.
Lewis would find Caleb’s Range Rover without the hassle of

“Detective Lewis Keating,” Lewis said when he answered the


“Hey, it’s Caleb. I need you do me a favor,” Caleb said.
“Sure,” Lewis replied. “What do you need?”

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“For you to tell me where my Range Rover is.” Caleb couldn’t

believe he was having this conversation. That vehicle was only thing
he had truly splurged on. The profits from the Lucky Clover went
back into his business. He didn’t own an expensive home. He didn’t
take vacations or throw his money around. That Range Rover was the
only thing he had dropped some heavy money down on.

He still owed three years’ worth of payments. If Myron put a

scratch on his SUV, Caleb was going to paddle the man’s ass until
Myron couldn’t sit.

“Somebody stole your SUV?” Lewis asked. “Don’t you want to

file a report?”

Caleb ground his teeth. “No. I think it was my mate.”
Lewis had the nerve to chuckle. “I wasn’t aware that you were


Lewis and his mate, Evan, frequented Caleb’s restaurant. But

Lewis steered clear of the bar. The man was a recovering alcoholic. It
had been years since the man had taken a drink, and Caleb
commended the man. The couple came in and went straight to the
restaurant, bypassing the bar. Although Caleb wasn’t normally chatty
with his customers, he had gotten to know Lewis over the years.

There was nothing wrong with having a friend in law

enforcement. He’d just never thought he would need the guy.

“I wasn’t until last night,” Caleb answered. “Three wolf shifters

were after Myron, and my fox-shifting mate scurried into my

“A fox.” There was humor in Lewis’s tone. “Give me a minute to

locate your Range Rover, and then I’ll give you a call back.”

“Thanks,” Caleb said before he hung up. While he waited, he

would shower and get dressed. Because as soon as Lewis told him
where his vehicle was, Caleb was going after Myron.

Shit. He needed a car. He called Diablo. “I need a ride,” he said as

soon as the dragon shifter answered.

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“Do you know what time it is?” Diablo sounded as if he were still

asleep. Caleb knew the man had to get up soon. His son, Kahl, would
be up already, and Steele had to be to work. Diablo wouldn’t let his
mate be late for work.

“I know. But I need to borrow your car.”
“Where’s your Range Rover?” Diablo sounded a little more alert

now. “Don’t tell me that expensive piece of metal is already in the

Caleb ran his fingers over his brow, feeling a migraine coming on.

He was never going to live this down. “My mate stole it.”

He heard a deep, masculine laughter on the other end of the

phone. “First of all, you don’t have a mate. Secondly, I would’ve bet
that you slept in the thing just so nobody would steal it.”

Diablo was getting too much pleasure out of Caleb’s misfortune.

“I found my mate last night, and he stole my car this morning. Can
you just get over here?”

“That little fox that ran into the restaurant?” Diablo asked and

then started laughing again. “This is too damn priceless.”

“I’m failing to remember why I thought it would be a good idea to

have you as a partner,” Caleb said. He headed toward his bedroom
and began to pull out the clothes he was going to wear.

Diablo’s laughter died down. “Give me about forty-five minutes,

and I’ll be over there. You’ll have to give me a ride home. Kahl has
soccer practice.”

“What are you gonna do about a car?” Caleb asked.
“I’ll borrow Reese’s. He doesn’t have to be in until later this


“See you in forty-five minutes,” Caleb said before he hung up. He

tossed his phone on the bed and then took a quick shower. He hadn’t
even gotten to know his mate. What if Myron was a habitual thief?
What if he had been running from those wolves for nefarious reasons?
Caleb cursed his foolishness. He had been so hung up on mating the

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guy that he hadn’t found out why Myron was running from those

For all he knew, Myron could’ve been the one in the wrong.

Nonetheless, Caleb still would have protected his mate, but it would
have been nice to know the score.

He shaved, groomed his hair, brushed his teeth, and then walked

into his bedroom and dressed. Caleb slipped on a simple pair of jeans,
some loafers, and a dark-blue dress shirt. He went to the kitchen and
made himself a cup of coffee. As he took his first sip, his cell phone
rang. Caleb answered it on the second ring.

“You’re never gonna believe this,” Lewis said.
At this point, Caleb was ready to believe anything. He just prayed

that Lewis didn’t tell him that his SUV had been involved in some
kind of accident. “Try me.”

“Your Range Rover is in town. From the coordinates, it’s parked

by The Café.”

Caleb glanced at the clock to see that Diablo would be there in

roughly ten minutes. He thanked Lewis before he hung up. Caleb
couldn’t understand why Myron would steal his car to go into town.
Hell, the man could’ve walked there.

He heard a horn honk. Caleb set his cup in the sink, grabbed his

keys and wallet, and walked outside. He normally didn’t lock his door
but decided it might be a smart idea. He didn’t want to come home to
find that he’d been cleaned out.

Diablo still looked half asleep as Caleb slid into the car.
“I have time before I need to get back home,” Diablo said.
“I just need to go into town,” Caleb replied. “I need to stop by The


“Your Range Rover is at The Café?” Diablo asked in

astonishment. “Someone steals a luxury SUV and drives it half a

“Don’t remind me,” Caleb grumbled. “Just get me there so I can

get my freaking SUV back.”

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Diablo pulled from the driveway and took Caleb into town. Lo

and behold, his black Range Rover was parked in front of the coffee
shop. Caleb could feel his anger mounting as Diablo parked.

“Thanks,” Caleb said. “I can take it from here.”
“Oh no,” Diablo said as he got out. “I want to meet the man who

stole your baby.”

“I thought Kahl had soccer practice?”
“Paine agreed to take him,” Diablo replied. “My brother-in-law is

good for something.”

Caleb stalked into the coffeehouse. He glanced around and spotted

Myron at one of the tables, the three wolves surrounding the man.
Caleb could only shake his head. Why on earth would Myron risk
coming here and being caught?

“Is that him?” Diablo asked as he nodded toward Myron.
“And the three wolves that were after him,” Caleb gritted out as

he made his way toward Myron’s table.

“He has wolves after him?” Diablo asked as he followed. “Just

what kind of crap is your mate into?”

“I have no idea.” Caleb reached the table and pulled Myron from

his seat, shoving his mate behind him as he snarled at the three
wolves. Diablo did the same. The man had no clue what was going
on—and neither did Caleb—but his friend was ready to defend

“We don’t want any trouble,” the wolf who had choked Lauren

said. “Just give us the fox, and we’ll be on our way.”

Caleb shook his head. “Not going to happen.”
“Is there a problem?”
Caleb turned to see Hawk standing behind him. The man’s green

eyes were fixed on the wolves.

“I thought I told you three to get your coffees and get out of

town?” Hawk asked. “And now I find you harassing someone?”

“Hawk?” Diablo said. “What the hell is going on?”

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Caleb was lost. He had no clue what was happening. How had

Hawk managed to get involved in this?

* * * *

Myron nearly gasped at the wolf shifter standing behind Caleb.

The guy emanated power and authority. There was a lethal aura about
the man. He was huge and intimidating.

But that didn’t seem to matter to Mac. The mutt was on a suicide

mission as the guy squared his shoulders and glared up at Hawk. The
situation was getting way out of control. All Myron had done was get
smart with Sheraton. He prayed a brawl didn’t break out.

He should’ve stuck to his plan and driven out of town. But Myron

had spotted The Café and wanted a coffee. When was he ever going
to learn?

“That’s what I’d like to know,” Hawk replied. “I know you’re not

just passing through town. Why are you here?” he asked Mac.

“And why are you after my mate?” Caleb added.
Hawk’s dark brows furrowed. “They’re harassing your mate?”
Myron heard the lethality in Hawk’s tone. He sure as hell didn’t

want to meet that guy in a dark alley. Hawk looked as if he could kick
everyone’s ass who was standing around the table. With one arm tied
behind his back no less.

“We just mated last night,” Caleb said to the man.
Hawk lowered his voice, and the sound was menacing. “You are

forbidden to interfere with mating. The punishment is death. You
might not be from around here, but I know you are aware of the
Ultionem laws.”

Shiloh stepped forward, waving his hands back and forth. If it

wasn’t for the fact that these men were trying to drag him back to
Sheraton, Myron might actually like Shiloh. Although the rest of the
pack was nothing but assholes, Shiloh didn’t belong. The guy was
soft-spoken and didn’t seem in the least bit vicious.

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“Please,” Shiloh said. “We had no idea that Myron had mated.

We’ll be leaving town, I promise.”

“The hell we will,” Mac snapped. “We came here for Myron, and

we’re not leaving without him.”

“Do you have a death wish?” the man who had come in with

Caleb asked. “Because if you touch Myron, not only will the three of
us attack, but the Ultionem will come down on your entire pack.”

Shiloh looked as if he were going to be sick. “Please, Mac. Let’s


Mac turned on Shiloh and bared his canines. “The alpha is going

to punish you for your cowardice. I don’t see why he protects your

Myron knew why. He had smelled the underlying scent that clung

to Shiloh. To be honest, he was flat-out amazed that Sheraton had sent
the omega wolf. Omegas were rare and highly valued. Any alpha
would kill to have an omega in their pack.

Shiloh shook his head. “We shouldn’t be airing pack business in

front of the strangers.”

Hawk canted his head to the side before he leaned in and inhaled

Shiloh’s scent. Myron’s heart started beating faster than it already
was. He gripped Caleb’s arm when Hawk bared his canines.

“Whoa,” the stranger who had come in with Caleb said in a low

tone. “They’re humans in here. Easy on the canines.”

Mac yanked Shiloh behind him. “Back the hell up,” he said to


“Shiloh is an omega, and your alpha sent him to hunt down a fox

shifter?” Hawk sounded if he was ready to kill Mac. The man pulled
up to his full height, and Mac finally looked afraid.

But at least this was getting interesting. Maybe the small town

wasn’t as dull as Myron thought. Hawk was definitely an interesting
person, not someone Myron would make friends with, but the guy
was interesting…and scary.

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Caleb turned and said to Myron, “Don’t think I forgot about you

stealing my Range Rover. As soon as this is over, I’m going to deal
with you.”

“Do you wish to leave your pack?” Hawk asked Shiloh. “If you

do, my alpha will offer you refuge.”

“Now wait just a minute,” Mac said as his voice rose. “You can’t

just take an omega from his pack!”

Hawk ignored the man. “Well?” he said to Shiloh.
Shiloh looked uncertain as he glanced around. When he spoke, his

voice was low and soft. “I don’t want to be with my current pack, but
I don’t want to become your alpha’s whore.”

“Like that would happen,” Caleb muttered. “Cecil would cut the

man’s dick off.”

Myron had no clue who Caleb was talking about, but he was

starting to get the picture. Sheraton had been forcing Shiloh to have
sex with him. Now Myron wished that he had been ruder to the alpha.
The man was a piece of shit.

Myron didn’t think it possible, but Hawk’s features darkened even

more. “Is that what you’re alpha has been forcing you to do?”

Shiloh swallowed and took a step back
“Don’t say a word,” Mac warned Shiloh.
Hawk spun on Mac and grabbed the man by his throat. “Say

something else to Shiloh, and I swear I’ll rip your damn throat out.”

Myron wished the man would. And for good measure, he could

kill Randolph as well. The two wolf shifters were evil down to their
very bones. Randolph hadn’t said a word. He just stood there glaring
at Hawk.

Shiloh approached Hawk and placed his hand on the man’s arm.

“I don’t want any trouble.”

“If you agree to leave your pack,” Caleb said to Shiloh, “then

none of this will fall on your shoulders.”

“I’m the beta of the Brac Pack,” Hawk said. “I give you my word

that no one will touch you.”

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Myron blinked. For a beta to say something like that meant that

Shiloh was now under Hawk’s protection.

“Then I agree,” Shiloh said. There was heavy relief in the omega’s

eyes, but there was also a palpable amount of hesitation as well.
Apparently Shiloh understood that he was now being protected by

“Either leave town or face the wrath of my alpha,” Hawk said to

Mac and Randolph. “But you won’t have to worry about Maverick.
I’ll kill the both of you before he even gets here.”

“I highly doubt that.”
Myron turned to see a very tall and ominous man walk through the

door. This was turning into a damn circus.

“Johnny called me,” the guy said. “He told me there was trouble

at my favorite coffeehouse.”

“Maverick,” Caleb said as Maverick nodded in acknowledgement.
Shiloh tilted his neck to the side as he gave a slight bow.

Maverick stared at the omega strangely before he turned toward
Hawk. “Care to fill me on what’s happening?”

Myron stepped forward. This was his mess, and no one else

should have to explain but him. “My name is Myron Banks. It all
started when their alpha, Sheraton, asked me out on a date.” He
wasn’t about to admit that he’d agreed to go home with a stranger
from a nightclub. He was too embarrassed at the fact. “The man was a
prick, and I let him know. Well, I actually got very cheeky with the

Maverick smirked. “Go on, little fox.”
“Sheraton got pissed and sent his little mutts after me.”
“Mutts?” Maverick’s brow rose slightly.
Myron shrugged. “That’s how they act. Anyway, they chased me

to Caleb’s restaurant where I found out that Caleb is my mate.”

Maverick held up a hand. “Do those ‘mutts’ know you’ve mated?”
Myron nodded. “Caleb just told them.”

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“Then what happened?” Maverick asked, his tone growing a little


“I came into town for some coffee”—Myron was not about to

confess to car theft—“and the three wolves surrounded me. Okay,
Shiloh kind of hung back.”

“Shiloh is an omega,” Hawk added, “and I’ve just given the man

my protection. He’s agreed to leave his alpha—who has been forcing
Shiloh to sleep with him—and live in Brac Village.”

“That about sums it up,” Myron said.
“It’s like a soap opera,” a slim man with curly blond hair said as

he approached. “And then what happened? Did Sheraton die in a
horrible accident, come back to life, father a child, and then find out it
was his twin who’d killed him?” The coffeehouse worker placed a
hand over his chest and sighed dramatically. “These are the days of
Brac Village.”

“Not now, pretty baby,” Hawk said to the guy.
Pretty baby? Myron wasn’t going to touch that one. Hawk would

eat him alive. The guy was funny, though…in a twisted sort of way.

Maverick and Hawk towered over Mac and Randolph. “First,”

Maverick said, “I’m pretty sure my commander has warned you about
the Ultionem law that states no one can interfere in a mating.”

“He did,” Myron said.
Maverick nodded. “Second, Shiloh no longer belongs to your

pack. He is not only under Hawk’s protection, but mine as well.”

Myron’s eyebrows shot up. Whoa, this was getting deep. Too bad

Sheraton wasn’t here. Myron would love to see someone bitch slap
the man.

“And lastly,” Maverick said. He and Hawk took a step toward

Mac and Randolph. Maverick’s voice was low and threatening when
he said, “Get. The. Fuck. Out. Of. My. Town.”

Randolph grabbed Mac and pulled him out of the coffeehouse.

Myron watched as the two took off down the street. Why did he have
a feeling that they weren’t leaving town?

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“You can come with us,” Hawk said to Shiloh. Myron watched as

the three walked out. “Pretty baby” sighed and walked back to the
counter as if thoroughly disappointed that there wasn’t more drama to

Caleb turned and glared at Myron. “Mind telling me why you

stole my SUV?”

It seemed as if the drama wasn’t over just yet. He had planned to

drive home. He should’ve just grabbed a cup of coffee at Caleb’s and
headed out of town. “I need to go check on my apartment. More than
likely Sheraton had it trashed.”

That wasn’t the entire truth. Myron hadn’t worked out how he was

going to return Caleb’s vehicle, but he would’ve come up with
something. One thing was for sure. He hadn’t planned on coming
back to Brac Village.

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Chapter Five

Caleb was finding it hard to bond with his mate. Myron wasn’t

making this easy on him either. Caleb had always found it easier to
connect with friends than lovers. It might be lingering issues from his
childhood, although he wasn’t sure. But this was his mate, and he had
to try.

“You’re not telling me everything,” Caleb said. Myron might’ve

planned on going to his apartment, but that wasn’t the whole story. He
could see it in the man’s dark-green eyes.

The coffeehouse was loud. People talking and shouting orders and

the sound of the espresso machine filled the air. Caleb grabbed Myron
by his elbow and led him outside where it was quieter and he had a
tad more privacy.

Diablo followed. “I’m heading back home.”
“Thanks for giving me a ride, Diablo,” Caleb said. He led Myron

to his SUV before he turned the man around. “What’s going on inside
your head?”

Myron snorted. “You don’t even want to know.”
Caleb crossed his arms over his chest. Myron was a closed book.

The man refused to give an inch. “If you plan on this mating to work,
then you need to—”

“If I remember correctly,” Myron said, “it was you who cornered

me in your office. I never said anything about being tied down.”

The man could’ve punched Caleb in his gut and it would’ve hurt

less. He had no idea what was going on inside Myron’s head, but
Caleb was not about to stand here and be insulted. “What are you
implying? That I forced you?”

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The words were bitter on his tongue.
“No,” Myron said. “But I was caught up in the moment. You can’t

hold that against me.”

“You know what?” It took a hell of a lot of strength for Caleb to

rein in his control. He wasn’t going to force Myron to be at his side.
Caleb had more pride than that. If Myron didn’t want to be with him,
then so be it. “I’ll give you a ride home.”

Myron climbed into the Range Rover. For the first time since

laying his eyes on his mate this morning, Caleb realized that Myron
was wearing a pair of his sweatpants. He was also wearing one of
Caleb’s T-shirts, and his feet were bare. Pulling from the parking
spot, Caleb drove toward the city.

Neither said a word the entire ride. The silence was deafening.

Caleb was waiting for Myron to say that he had changed his mind,
that he wanted things to work between them. Myron remained quiet.

Once they reached the city, Caleb said, “I need your address.”
Myron gave it to him and then fell silent once more. Caleb didn’t

want to drop the man off. He wanted to take his mate home and get to
know the man, but Myron didn’t want the same thing. It was as if the
fox couldn’t get away from him fast enough. Caleb didn’t consider
himself a bad man. He was kind and generous to a point.

He was a dominant male who demanded respect, but he also had a

soft spot for the underdog. And Myron was definitely an underdog.
Caleb tried to think of something to say, but drew a blank. Short of
begging, which he wasn’t going to do, he couldn’t think of anything
to say that would make Myron change his mind.

He pulled up to a building that looked more like a warehouse

before he parked. Caleb double-checked the address to make sure he
had the right place. This was the address Myron had given him.

Removing his seat belt, Myron turned to him and said, “Thanks.”
Caleb just stared at the man. That was all Myron was going to say,

thanks? He was flabbergasted by the man’s indifference. His anger
began to grow, but Caleb clenched his jaw, refusing to say anything.

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Myron closed the door and walked into the warehouse-style

building. Caleb sat there for a long moment, watching the place. His
chest began to tighten at the thought of being mated to someone who
didn’t want him. What had he done so wrong to turn Myron off?

He rubbed his hands over his face before he pulled away. He’d

waited his entire life to find his mate, only to be rejected. It fucking
hurt. The farther he drove away, the emptier Caleb felt.

He drove by the Manacle and pulled into the parking lot. It wasn’t

open yet, but he knew he could get in. He parked and walked to the
door, pulling out his cell phone. There were a few humans who
worked there, and they should be inside, getting the place ready for

Vincent answered on the second ring. “Hey, Caleb. What’s up?”
“I’m outside. Can you let me in?”
Seconds later the door opened, and Caleb walked inside. The

place was empty, just how he wanted it. He didn’t feel like dealing
with the crowd. He’d just met Myron last night and shouldn’t be
feeling as if his life was falling apart. But he’d bonded with the fox.
They shared their very souls.

And his currently felt like it was being ripped out.
“I’m always happy to see you, but what are you doing here?”

Vincent asked as he locked the door.

“I need a drink,” Caleb said as he slid onto a stool. “Just start a tab

for me.”

Vincent walked behind the bar. “That bad?”
And then some. But Caleb didn’t want to talk about it. He wanted

to forget that he had ever met Myron Banks. Unfortunately, no matter
how much he tried to block the man from his mind, the image of
Myron writhing beneath him kept surfacing. Caleb was a timber wolf
and couldn’t get drunk. Or he shouldn’t be able to. But shifter DNA
was a tricky thing. Caleb had learned that if he drank Crimson, he
could get drunk off his ass, but it had to be mixed with Red Spanking.
When the synthetic version of Crimson was mixed with a drink given

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to the humans to lower their inhibitions, the combination became

The drink was referred to as the Red Devil. It was still fairly new,

only discovered recently. The mix had been accidental but was now
one of the most popular drinks among the shifters.

“What’ll you have?” Vincent asked.
“Red Devil.”
Vincent’s eyebrows shot up. “I hope you’re not driving.”
Caleb waved the man’s concerns away. “I’ll crash in one of the

rooms upstairs.”

Vincent held out his hand. “Give me your keys and we’re in


Caleb handed them over and then glanced around. He really didn’t

want to be here. He didn’t want to be anywhere. Where did one
escape when the pain of rejection became too much?

Vincent mixed the potent concoction and then poured Caleb three

tumblers full. Caleb downed the first one and then coughed before
setting the glass on the counter.

Vincent shook his head. “You know you have to drink that shit


Caleb was already feeling the effects. Soon he would be oblivious

to the gaping hole forming in his chest. Soon he would forget all
about Myron Banks.

* * * *

Myron stood in the foyer of his apartment building and watched as

Caleb drove away. He should be happy. He’d gotten what he wanted.
So why in the hell did it feel as if his heart was being ripped out?
He’d been impulsive his entire life, never thinking of the
consequences until it was too late, and it seemed he was still doing
just that.

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Now that Caleb was gone, Myron wanted to call the man back, to

tell Caleb that he wanted to try at their relationship. Instead, he
walked upstairs, feeling the emptiness settle inside of him.

He needed to stop partying so hard and get his damn life together.

As much as he hated to admit that his parents were right, he was
heading down a patchy road. Myron drank too much and had nearly
lost his job twice when he’d showed up not only late, but still hung
over. And as of today, he hadn’t shown up at all.

Myron would be lucky if he still had a job.
He also had a habit of pushing people away. Myron hadn’t even

noticed that he was doing that until his sister Marla had pointed that
fact out. Now, even fully aware that he didn’t let people get close,
Myron was pushing Caleb away.

The thing was, Myron had no idea why he did it. He’d convinced

himself that Caleb and Brac Village were too boring for him. He had
been quick to find faults and just as quick to run.

Myron reached the landing on the third floor and then felt like

banging his head into the wall. He didn’t have his keys. He’d left
them in his pants, and his pants were currently at Sheraton’s. When
he’d shifted, he’d lost everything. But Myron hadn’t been thinking
about that at the time. His only concern was getting away from the
wolves that were pursuing him.

He was going to have to get the super to let him in. Turning

toward the steps, Myron was about to walk down to the first floor
when his apartment door opened. He frowned. He was too confused at
first to see the shadow moving toward him. By the time he noticed, it
was too late.

Myron tried to run, but Sheraton caught him around the waist and

pulled him into the apartment, slamming the door behind them. “Nice
of you to finally join us.”

The living room furniture had been shoved to one corner, leaving

the wooden floor bare. Myron was thrown to the floor and then

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Sheraton shoved his foot onto Myron’s back to hold him in place.
“Not such a smartass now, are you?”

“I wish I could slap the ignorance out of you, but that might be the

only thing holding you together.” Myron tried to get up, but Sheraton
was strong. “But then again, your arrogance is probably a great

“You weren’t saying that when I asked you out.” Sheridan

reached down and grabbed a handful of Myron’s hair, yanking his
head back.

“From the first moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew I wanted to

spend the rest of my life avoiding you.” His fox had tried to warn
him, but Myron hadn’t listened. He knew he shouldn’t be
antagonizing the man, but Myron just couldn’t shut up. God, he was
asking for an ass whooping. The problem was, Sheraton was ready to

He might not be able to best the man, but Myron wasn’t going to

roll over and show his belly. The man was an outright asshole. Worse,
he had brought along Ashton. The beta wasn’t known for his

“We’ll see how witty you are when I’m done with you.”
Myron thought about shifting so he could get away, but before the

thought even finished in his mind, Sheraton snapped a collar around
his neck. He patted Myron’s face, hard. “Just in case you try to shift
and get away.”

And Myron tried. But the collar prevented him from shifting. He

was stuck in his human form. He frantically glanced around the room,
trying to think of a way to get out of this mess. His heart slammed
into his chest when Mac and Randolph emerged from Myron’s

He wasn’t going to make it out of this alive.
“You gave my omega away,” Sheraton said to Myron. “You’re

going to pay a heavy price for that.” The alpha looked at Ashton. “Get
him undressed.”

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As soon as Sheraton’s foot lifted off of him, Myron tried to race to

the door. But Mac must have anticipated the move. The guy raced to
the door and blocked Myron’s escape.

“There’s nowhere to run,” Sheraton said as he rolled back the

sleeves of his dress shirt. Myron’s breathing became ragged as his
muscles tensed when he watched Ashton pull a long whip out of a
duffel bag.

Mac gripped Myron’s upper arms and shoved him toward the

center of the room. Myron stumbled to his hands and knees, but
before he could get up, the sound of the whip cracked through the air
and Myron’s back felt as if were being sliced open. He screamed and
fell to his side as he writhed around in pain. Ashton set the whip aside
and used his extended claws to rip Caleb’s clothes from Myron’s

Myron couldn’t breathe past the pain. When Ashton ripped his

clothes away, Myron was in too much agony to fight the man.
Sheraton kicked Myron in his ribs, knocking the remaining air from
his lungs. Myron felt his face filling with blood, his eyes watering as
he tried to get up. But the pain drove him back down to the floor, and
all he could do was curl into a ball and protect his vital organs.

But Sheraton had other plans. He snapped his fingers, and Ashton

pulled something metal from the bag. The beta clamped the piece
between Myron’s legs, forcing them to stay parted. Next the beta
shoved Myron to his stomach before the man handcuffed Myron’s
hands above his head and then tethered him to his own wall unit.

Myron was unable to shift, unable to get up and run, and

powerless to protect himself.

Sheraton picked the whip up from the floor and snapped it through

the air, a sonic boom detonating in the room. Wuh-Pssh. The long,
corded leather cracked again.

“Gag him,” Sheraton said as he strolled around Myron’s prone

form. “I don’t need him alerting his neighbors.”

Ashton fastened a ball gag around Myron’s head.

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The room began to close in on Myron. He tried to shut down, to

sink inside himself. But when the whip sliced across his back, Myron
silently screamed as his body caught fire. Sheraton didn’t give Myron
time to recover. The bastard moved around Myron in a sickening
dance, cracking the whip every few seconds over Myron’s flesh.
Myron was hit on every part of his body. His feet, ankles, legs,
buttocks, and upper torso. Not even his arms were safe from the
man’s abuse.

Only his front was protected. But there was no guarantee that

Sheraton wouldn’t flip him over and inflict Myron with pain there as
well. He could smell his blood thick on the air, but Myron was in too
much agony to care.

“I will get my omega back,” Sheraton said. “And then Shiloh will

pay for his betrayal.”

Myron only half heard the man. He was too weak to focus. He no

longer felt the lashes, just the contact of the whip. He was one large,
open wound, and soon he would bleed to death, even if he did go into
shock first.

He had stopped counting after the fifteenth lash. He had stopped

fighting to get free. Myron just lay there, praying that this ended soon.
Tears began to fall, and Myron hated himself for crying. Sheraton
didn’t deserve his tears.

Myron mentally cried out for his mate. He shouldn’t have. He was

the one who had walked away from Caleb. Myron didn’t deserve to
take comfort in the knowledge that Caleb had wanted him.

He didn’t deserve the man, period.
His vision began to slowly dim as Myron closed his eyes and

slipped into the black comfort of nothingness.

* * * *

Caleb woke with a start. His head spun, and bile rose to the back

of his throat. He squinted at the clock to see that he had been passed

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out for only two hours. He shouldn’t be awake. He’d drunk enough
Red Devil to knock him out for days.

His head was pounding, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that

something was wrong. Pushing himself to a sitting position, Caleb
swayed as the room spun. He was never going to drink again. He felt
like death warmed over. Caleb tried to lie back down, but that
niggling feeling wouldn’t leave him.

Sliding from the bed, Caleb stumbled to the bathroom. He braced

himself against the doorframe until the boat stopped rocking. He had
to get the concoction out of him. There was only one way, and Caleb
wasn’t looking forward to making himself vomit.

The Red Devil wouldn’t completely leave his system, but he

would get rid of a good portion. He had to clear his mind. Something
was wrong, and he needed his wits about him.

Caleb hugged the porcelain as he retched. He was paying dearly

for his stupidity. Again. Only this time he just might hack up his gut.
That was a strong possibility.

When nothing else came up, Caleb slumped against the wall

behind him. He felt a little better, but not much. Nothing was going to
cure his drunkenness but sleep. He began to slide toward the floor,
and Caleb didn’t fight the sideways momentum.

As he closed his eyes, Caleb swore that he heard Myron calling

his name.

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Chapter Six

Slowly rousing, Myron moaned. From head to toe, a throbbing

pain radiated throughout his entire body. It was a sharp, reverberating,
all-consuming sting that had him gasping for breath. He couldn’t
move except for his head. He turned it with slow measures of care and
spotted Sheraton sitting on the couch, his legs crossed, brushing a
hand down his pant leg as if wiping lint free. In the other hand, he was
twirling the collar that he’d placed on Myron.

Myron’s legs were still spread, but his hands had been untied.

What good would that do him? Myron wouldn’t be able to stand even
if the building was on fire.

“You’re awake,” Sheraton said. He stopped twirling the leather

and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “I’ve given you
the opportunity to shift and somewhat heal before we begin again.”

Gritting his teeth, Myron managed two words. “Fuck. You.”
“I see you haven’t learned your lesson.” Sheraton stood and

walked into Myron’s kitchen. He could feel others in the room. Were
Ashton, Mac, and Randolph still here?

Myron’s heart pounded with a toxic blend of anxiety and anger as

he tried to lift himself from the floor, but his body wasn’t cooperating.
He could barely lift his arms. He knew that if he shifted, Sheraton
would mercilessly whip him again. Myron didn’t want to shift but
couldn’t stop it from happening. Even in his fox form, Myron was in
excruciating pain.

He wasn’t going to fully heal from this. He had waited too long to

shift. There was going to be some lasting damage. Myron just wasn’t
sure how extensive it would be.

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Glancing toward the window, Myron could see that night had

fallen. How long had he been out? How long was Sheraton going to
torture him? He tried to get up but immediately collapsed back down
to the floor. Myron whimpered and closed his eyes.

He wasn’t going to be able to survive another beating. From what

he could see, he’d lost too much blood. His body wasn’t healing as it
was. Going another round would kill him.

Myron regretted trashing his relationship before it had a chance to

grow. His laugh was a bark of grim resignation. He’d had something
good and had walked away. Maybe this was his punishment for
screwing up his life. Maybe he deserved to get beaten for walking
away from what could have been the best thing to happen to him.

Sheraton walked back into the room, a small saucer and cup in his

hand. Myron was lying here wondering if he was going to live
through the night, and the son of a bitch was having tea?

“I’ll give you an hour,” Sheraton said. “That should be sufficient

enough time. Besides, I have phone calls to make.”

Sorry for inconveniencing you.
Myron’s nails scraped across the wooden floor as he stared up at

the window, gazing at the brightly lit stars in the sky. What he
wouldn’t give to be out running through the forest or even sitting on
Caleb’s country-style porch. He hadn’t appreciated the true beauty of
his mate’s home. Myron had been too busy plotting a way to get out
of there.

Now that he thought about it—and he had plenty of time to

think—the quaint home had been the perfect place. It had a
wraparound porch and plants hanging from the porch ceiling. There
had been two wicker chairs with a small table nudged in between.

At this very moment he could be sitting there, enjoying the night

with Caleb. But his own destructive nature had forced him to run, to
get away. And exactly where had that led him? Bleeding and
suffering on his very own living room floor.

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“The first punishment was for you rude behavior,” Sheraton said

as he set the cup aside and shoved his hands into the front pockets of
his slacks. “The second will be for Shiloh being taken from me.”

If anything, Myron had done Shiloh a favor. He wouldn’t regret

that. No one deserved forced sex. He couldn’t even imagine the hell
Sheraton must have put the guy through. He’d take a beating for that.
Knowing that Shiloh was safe helped ease Myron’s pain. He wasn’t a
model citizen, but at least he’d done something right, even if it had
been by accident.

Myron glanced at the clock on the wall and felt his time slipping

away, and there was nothing he could do about it. He could almost
taste his death as he closed his eyes and sank into images of Caleb
making love to him.

For the first time since the beating had started, Myron found


* * * *

Caleb held his hand over his eyes as he walked out of the

Manacle. The sun was definitely his enemy. The brightness hurt
Caleb’s head. He had never tied one on like that before. Caleb felt as
if he’d been rolled over on hot pavement and then slammed into a few
dozen Dumpsters. His body was aching, his stomach churning, and
his mouth tasted like shit.

But the niggling he’d felt earlier had only grown stronger. He

couldn’t shake the feeling. He shook his head as he thought of the old
saying about someone walking over your grave. A shudder racked
through him, and a foreboding feeling slid down his spine like a horse
trying to get rid of a fly.

It was evening now, and the parking lot was filling up. Caleb had

walked through the club, his head splitting in two at the loud music
and the chatter of partiers who had yet to suffer their own hangover.
He moved slowly toward his Range Rover, every step pounding in his

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head. More sleep would be the cure, but his mind kept going back to

God, he couldn’t believe he’d been that trusting. For the first time

in a very long time, Caleb had let his guard down and allowed
someone to get under his skin. And where had that gotten him?
Kicked to the fucking curb.

He unlocked his SUV and climbed in behind the wheel. His

reflection in the rearview mirror attested to his drinking. He looked
like shit. His eyes were bloodshot and his face a bit pale. Hydration.
That was what he needed. A big bottle of Gatorade should help. Lord
knew he’d sweated enough of that toxic shit out of him, but he needed
to replace the fluids and hydrate himself.

After starting the SUV, Caleb pulled from the parking lot. He had

to drive slowly. Not only were people pulling in, hogging the width of
the exit, but he still felt a bit unsteady. He was no longer drunk, but
driving in a zombielike state couldn’t be good.

He scratched at the whiskers on his chin as he tried to find a store

open this late. Maybe he’d get a small bottle of mouthwash and swish
it around in his mouth. Anything had to be better than the carpet
lining his tongue.

As Caleb drove, he found himself heading toward Myron’s. His

subconscious was guiding him back to the fox. Was he really up for
another round of rejection? Myron had made it perfectly clear that he
didn’t want anything to do with Caleb.

Yet, he was still driving toward the warehouse. An unexplainable

urge had him turning down Myron’s street, gazing at the buildings
until was sitting in front of his mate’s. His stomach did a crazy flip,
and Caleb knew he was going to head inside.

His breath gusted out as he gave in to the urge and parked. Caleb

wasn’t even sure what he was going to say to the guy. “Hey, I know
you don’t want me, but I came by to see how you were doing.” That
sounded stupid as hell. He was going to have to wing this.

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He opened the front door and stepped into a cramped foyer. He

glanced over the names taped to a wall with the apartment numbers
next to them. There was a fake plant in one corner, an inch of dust
coating the plastic leaves. The carpet under him was threadbare, and
he didn’t want to know where the stains had come from.

Caleb found Myron’s name but didn’t see a buzzer. He tested the

inner door to see that it wasn’t locked. The door squeaked and then
slammed shut behind him as Caleb entered the interior of the hallway.
The stairs opened up like a grand staircase. The steps were made of
marble, but after years of neglect and lousy housekeeping, the once
shiny pale coloring was now a dull grey with splotch marks littering
their way up the steps as if they were heading to their own apartment.

The place smelled like cigarettes and must. Someone had set a

popup air freshener on the wooden banister, but the gel had long since
dried up. There was a fleck of something dark clinging to the inside of
the fresher.

Caleb started up the steps. The higher he climbed, the more the

place reminded him of what a hotel might have looked like back in
the thirties. Each landing swept out widely in a semicircle and held a
door on either side that led to a narrow hallway for the apartments on
that floor.

When he reached the third floor, Caleb decided to take the door on

his far right. If he was wrong, he’d come back and take the one on his

As soon as he entered the hallway, Caleb stilled. The heavy scent

of wolf lingered in the air. Someone came out of their apartment and
walked past Caleb, but the woman smelled human. His stomach
dropped to the floor when the scent grew stronger the closer he
approached Myron’s door.

Instead of knocking, Caleb pressed his ear to the worn wood. He

heard someone talking inside.

“The first punishment was for your rude behavior. The second

will be for Shiloh being taken from me.”

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The fuck? It took a second for Caleb’s sluggish mind to

understand what was going on inside the apartment. The wolves had
not only found Myron, but from what he’d just heard, they’d already
hurt the fox.

Caleb was ready to storm the place, but he had to use his brain.

There was no telling how many wolves were inside the place. He
walked halfway down the hall before pulling his cell phone free. He
started to call Diablo, but a thought occurred to him.

These wolves were interfering with his mating. They were warned

to stay away from Myron. The only person close enough to help was

Caleb called the Manacle and kept his voice low as he spoke. No

need tipping his hand and forewarning the wolves what he planned on

Vincent answered the phone. “I thought you’d be dead to the

world for days,” he said. “As much as you drank.”

“I need to talk to Christian. It’s urgent.” Caleb glanced back at the

door, his teeth grinding at what could possibly be happening to
Myron. He wasn’t going to wait for help, but it would be reassuring to
know someone was on their way.

“He’s not here, but I can give you to Christo.” The man’s tone had

changed from joking to no-nonsense. Caleb appreciated that the man
took the call seriously.

“Thanks.” He paced the hallway, running his hand over his hair as

he waited for Christo to get on the line. He could hear the riotous
atmosphere through the phone. The club had come alive and was now
beating with a pulse.

“This is Christo.”
Caleb quietly and quickly gave Christian’s second-in-command

the lowdown. He told the vampire about Maverick’s warning.
Normally, vampires might not get involved in a shifter problem, but
this concerned the Ultionem. That meant it was all the leaders’

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“Give me your location.”
Caleb did. “But I’m not waiting. There’s no telling what they’re

doing to him at this very moment.”

“Save your mate. We’ll be there before the dust settles.”
We. Who was Christo bringing? Caleb wasn’t going to stand

around and guess. He sent a quick text to Diablo to say that he
wouldn’t be in tonight. He didn’t have time to go into details.

Pocketing his phone, Caleb strode back to the door. He gripped

the handle and carefully tried the knob to see if the door was locked.
It wasn’t. The wolves had a little too much confidence. Caleb just
wished he didn’t feel like vomiting. Maybe he could upchuck on one
the bastards. He heard the same voice speak inside the apartment.

“Tie him up again.”
Anger lashed through Caleb like a brutal storm as he gently

pushed the door open. No one looked his way. There were two men
tying Myron’s naked form to a wall unit and two other men standing
with their backs to him.

“But my hour isn’t up!” Myron cried out, his voice laced heavily

with panic.

“Semantics,” a man wearing grey slacks and a white dress shirt

said. “I would think you would want to get this over with.”

That was the man Caleb had to take down. He was the head

cheese, more than likely Sheraton. Caleb’s teeth ground together so
violently that they should have shattered when he saw one of the men
pick a long leather whip up from the floor. His eyes shot to Myron’s
back to see angry welts decorating his backside from neck to ankles.

What the fuck had they’d done to his mate? Caleb howled in fury

before his claws extended and he grabbed the man standing closest to
him. He sliced his claws through the man’s abdomen before releasing
him, the man crumbling to the floor.

Sheraton turned, and his eyes were two flat stones of arrogance.

The man bared his canines and leapt toward Caleb.

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The guy was fast and powerful, taking Caleb down. But Caleb

fought back, flipped to his side, and was on his feet in seconds. He’d
never fought an alpha before and knew he was in for one hell of a
rumble. The two remaining men circled him. He recognized Mac, but
the other was unfamiliar.

“That’s Myron’s mate.” Mac sneered the words.
Sheraton straightened, and his smile was this side of demonic.

“Nice of you to come by. You can share your mate’s punishment.”

Caleb’s eyes cut sideways as he looked at the other two men. He

had to keep all three in his line of sight. “Not today,” Caleb replied.
“But you can die for what you did to Myron.”

Sheraton shrugged his shoulders. “If you can take me down, I’m

all yours.”

The three were waiting for him to make a move. Caleb wouldn’t

be so easily defeated. Sheraton was an alpha, which meant he was
pretty strong. The other guy standing there wore arrogance like a
comfortable blanket. He was willing to bet the guy was Sheraton’s

Caleb could hold his own any day of the week, but he was facing

off with two very dominant and forceful males. Mac, well, Caleb
could wipe the floor with the guy, but he had to defeat the other two

“Don’t,” Myron whispered.
Caleb glanced down at his mate to see the begging plea in the

man’s green eyes.

“I’m not worth it,” Myron choked out. “Just go.”
Right. Caleb was going to walk out with his dick tucked between

his legs and his manhood lying lifelessly on the floor. That wasn’t
going to happen. Regardless of how Myron felt, the fox was Caleb’s
to protect. He just had to outthink these bastards.

“You might want to listen to the fox,” Mac chided. “There’s no

way you can take my alpha down.”

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“You’re buying into his god complex,” Caleb replied. “Any man

can be taken down.”

Sheraton glared at Mac as if resenting the fact that the man had

spoken for him. What a prick. How had Myron ever thought Sheraton
charming enough to go out on a date with the guy?

“There will be no backing out.” Sheraton’s tone was filled with

rage. “You walked in here breaking bad, now prove your worth to
your mate.”

Caleb went for the stranger. The guy was hulking, but not enough

to dissuade Caleb from challenging the man. They tumbled over the
coffee table and landed on the floor, swinging at each other. Caleb
ended up on top and laid into the man, power driving relentless
punches until the man’s face turned bloody. He drove his fists hard,
unleashing not only the anger he felt inside, but his frustrations as
well. He wanted to kill the man underneath him and had planned to do
just that when he was tackled.

Sheraton had taken him down to the floor, slicing his claws over

Caleb’s chest. The scent of blood filled the air. Caleb was having a
hard time throwing the man off of him.

And then Sheraton stopped. His head snapped up, and he cocked

his head to the side, as if listening for something. Caleb used the
distraction to shove the alpha off of him. But before he could do
anything, Sheraton was up and out the door, leaving his men behind.

Caleb had no idea what just happened. He glanced from the

bloody man on the floor to Mac.

Mac stood there with uncertainty in his eyes. He looked out the

door and then began to back up as his eyes widened. His steps
faltered, and the man almost fell to the floor.

Caleb frowned until not only Christo walked over the threshold,

but Isla and Buck as well. Christo looked from Mac to the man still
lying prone. “Which one is the alpha?” he asked no one in particular.

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Isla grabbed the bloody guy, yanking him off the floor by his

blond hair. Buck snagged Mac before the wolf could run out the door.
The vampire held the man in a full nelson.

“He escaped,” Caleb said as he wiped the blood from his chest,

wincing. He hurried over to Myron and dropped to his knees, untying
his mate’s hands. He wasn’t sure where to touch. The man’s entire
backside was scarred, and he was pretty sure the man was in deep

“Why hasn’t he healed?” Caleb asked out loud.
“Collar.” Myron’s voice was raspy, rough. “I couldn’t shift until it

was too late.”

Caleb curled his fingers in as he cursed. He turned to look at

Christo. “I need Dr. Sheehan.”

When he turned back around, Myron’s head was moving slightly

back and forth. “The damage is done. There’s nothing a doctor can do
for me.”

Christo moved toward them and then squatted next to Caleb. The

vampire smiled gently at Myron. “We will find him, little fox. Rest
assured that he will not get away with what he’s done.”

And then the vampire stood. His eyes turned hard as he glanced at

Isla and Buck. “Use whatever resources you need, but I want that son
of a bitch hunted down and brought before the Ultionem.”

* * * *

Cecil slipped into The Café and sought out Johnny. His friend was

sitting at a table, a plate in front of him filled with a panini sandwich
and a soda. The man pushed the blond strands out of his face as he
chewed on the burnt food. Cecil hated paninis. A sandwich shouldn’t
be served on toast.

He walked past the people walking toward the door and then took

a seat across from Johnny. The man smiled and held up a finger as he
finished chewing.

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Cecil grabbed Johnny’s drink and took a long swig.
“It’s my break,” Johnny said and grabbed the cup from Cecil. “I

don’t have much time.”

Cecil glanced around to make sure Hawk was nowhere in sight.

Sometimes the man sat off in one corner, watching Johnny work. In
Cecil’s opinion, the guy needed a restraining order. No one should
watch their mate that closely.

Wait, did Maverick—scratch that last thought. “Did you do it?”
“Yeah, and I feel so guilty,” Johnny said as he picked at the last

half of his sandwich. “It was mean of me to trick Hawk. We’re not
really supposed to meet up on Friday.”

“The guy never remembers his own birthday. He won’t see this

coming. It’s called a surprise birthday party for a reason.” Cecil
snatched the other half of Johnny’s food. To hell with it. He was
hungry. “It’ll be fine. Just stick to the plan.”

Johnny narrowed his eyes. “Tell me you didn’t hire male

strippers. George is still mad at you over Tank’s birthday party.”

After swallowing his bite, Cecil said, “Hey, I paid good money for

those guys. How was I supposed to know that George would think the
cop outfits were real? I still have the video of him knocking one of the
guy’s out.”

Johnny snickered. “Send it to me.”
“You check out the new guy at home?” Cecil chewed a little

harder as his anger mounted. He’d been around shifters long enough
to know that most alphas claimed the omega in their pack. Although
Maverick had sworn to him that that wasn’t the case, Cecil was going
to keep his eye on Shiloh. He was rather fond of Maverick’s cock, and
he would hate to have to slice the damn thing off.

Johnny held up a finger and said, “Hold that thought.”
Cecil frowned and then turned to see Spencer walking their way.

He rolled his eyes. When Spencer and Johnny got together, it was a
gossip column in the making.

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“What did I miss?” Spencer asked as he took a seat at the table.

The man’s light brown eyes seemed to light up with anticipation. The
impala shifter was bursting with excitement as he practically bounced
in his seat. The guy looked like an excited puppy, and Cecil had an
urge to scratch the man behind his ear while telling him he was a
good boy.

Johnny took a long drink of his soda and then set it aside. “It’s a

secret so you can’t tell anyone.” Johnny leaned in closer. “We have an
omega in our pack.”

The man’s whispering skills sucked. Cecil grabbed the cup from

Johnny and took a drink.

Spencer’s eyes lit up. “Did Maverick claim him yet?”
Cecil gripped the cup so hard that he crushed it. Brown liquid

spilled over his fingers and the table. “No.” His teeth gnashed
together. He trusted his mate and knew that Maverick loved him, but
he was human and prone to jealousy. Shiloh was damn good-looking
and any man’s temptation. He felt the green-eyed monster crawling
up his back.

Spencer’s eyes bobbed around the room as if he hadn’t seen Cecil

sitting there. “This is awkward.”

“Anyway,” Johnny said as if he hadn’t witnessed Cecil crushing

his soda, “Shiloh was running from some wolf pack, and Hawk
offered the man his protection.”

Johnny said it as if Hawk were some sort of hero. Yeah, Cecil was

going to have to thank the beta. And he would, at the man’s birthday

“What powers does he have?” Spencer asked as he scooted away

from the soda that had traveled across the table and started dripping to
the floor. “All omegas have some sort of gift.”

“Oh! Maybe he’ll have powers like Hondo and will be able to

shoot fire from his hands.” Johnny’s blue-grey eyes lit up.

Spencer waved Johnny’s suggestion away. “What he needs to

have is the power to touch a tree and turn it into money.”

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Cecil couldn’t believe he was sitting here listening to this

conversation. They were like two hyped-up kids that needed Ritalin.
He tapped his finger on the table to gain their attention. “What he
needs is the power to disappear…permanently.”

“Maverick wouldn’t cheat on you,” Johnny said with confidence.

“Shiloh is drop-dead gorgeous, but you have nothing to worry about.”

The man should be a motivational speaker to a group with suicidal

tendencies. He’d bowl the crowd over.

“Awkward,” Spencer whispered in a singsong voice.
“I’m outta here.” Cecil had a party to plan. And the first thing on

his to-do list was revenge.

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Chapter Seven

Myron’s ears perked when he heard the sound of birds. He lay

there listening, wondering if he was dreaming or still in his apartment
with Sheraton. He could tell that he was lying on a soft mattress, and
he also knew that he was still in his fox form. He was too terrified to
open his eyes. If he was still in his apartment, he never wanted to
open them again.

He was safest in this form. Being human made him a bigger

target. He could still hear Sheraton’s cruel words as he cracked the
whip over Myron’s body. He could still fell the agonizing pain as his
skin split open. He didn’t care if he spent so much time in his fox
form that he lost himself to his animal.

It would be better that way.
A soft breeze floated over his fur, and Myron imagined that he

was back in Caleb’s arms. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed.
Hours, days, weeks? However long, his body still hurt. And if he was
finally safe, he wasn’t going to shift. The scars on his back would be
monstrous. He would never be able undress in front of anyone again.

“I’ve been waiting a while for this book.”
Myron nearly wept when he heard Caleb’s voice. This couldn’t be

real. He couldn’t be so lucky.

He felt fingers caress his fur with the gentlest of touches. It

skimmed from the back of his head to down his spine. He prayed this
wasn’t a dream, that he was really with Caleb.

His heart beat faster, and his mouth dried as he slowly opened his

eyes. Caleb was squatting next to the bed, his chin resting on his
folded arm. Behind him there was an open window, the sheer curtains

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moving gently with the breeze. The sun had to be on the opposite side
of the house because, although the room was lit, it was still a touch

“Hey,” Caleb said, his baritone voice tender, soothing.
Myron wanted to ask how long he’d been out of it, but that meant

he would have to shift. And that wasn’t something he was willing to
do. He would be naked with his shame bared for his mate to see.

Caleb gazed at him for the longest time, a warm smile on his

handsome face. The man’s light brown eyes were filled with a
kindness that tore at Myron’s heart. He’d walked away from this man,
discarded their relationship, and here he was, at Myron’s side. He
didn’t deserve the man.

Leaning back, Caleb grabbed something from the bed. Myron’s

eyes followed every move the man made. It was a book. So he’d been
right. Caleb didn’t watch television. He read.

“Like I said, I’ve been waiting a while for this book.” He took a

seat on his ass and braced his back against the nightstand. “I love a
good crime novel. The grittier, the better.”

Myron lay still as Caleb opened the book and began to read. If this

was a dream, or if Myron had died, he wanted to stay right here
forever. His mate’s soothing voice filled the room as he started at
chapter one and Myron listened to the opening scene.

He was paying attention, but it was Caleb’s presence, his tone that

pulled Myron in, calmed his shattered soul. His mate reached up with
one hand and began to caress Myron’s fur once more, making
Myron’s heart ache.

After a while, Caleb slid his hand under Myron’s body and lifted

him, placing Myron in the man’s lap. Myron shoved his muzzle into
the crook of Caleb’s arm, feeling safe for the first time since his
beating. The man’s hand continued to pet him as he read.

Myron lay there and examined his life, thought of the people he’d

purposefully pushed away, of the lost friendships that might have

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been. He dwelled on the excessive drinking and the risky behavior
he’d indulged in.

He’d thought that was the life for him. But this, this right here,

lying in Caleb’s lap as the man read him an interesting crime novel
was the most content he’d ever been in his life. Myron never knew
that just spending quiet time with anyone could be this relaxing, this

Pulling his head from under Caleb’s arm, he rested his chin on the

man’s knee. His mate was sitting cross-legged, one hand holding the
book, the other still stroking Myron’s fur.

“I bet you it’s the secretary killing those men,” Caleb said. “He

seems bitter and isolated. The man is too conniving.”

Myron started to say that it was the detective’s partner, but he

couldn’t talk in this form. Aside from school, Myron had never picked
a book up in his life, but he found this one engaging, intriguing,
pulling him in. He wanted to find out who was killing the prostitutes
and dumping their bodies in the river.

What made it all the better was the fact that Caleb was reading it

to him. He wanted to smile at the way his mate used different pitches
when reading different characters.

He curled up into a tight ball and lay there until the sun shifted

and began to slowly descend. He was amazed that Caleb had read to
him for so many hours.

His mate closed the book and set it aside. “I’m starving.”
He stood, carrying Myron in his arms, and walked into the

kitchen. The man used one hand to make him something to eat

Myron scooted up the man’s neck and rested his head there,

feeling guilty that Caleb was struggling with his food. Once his mate
was done, Caleb took his plate back into the bedroom, where he took
a seat on the floor.

He tore pieces of ham from his plate and feed them to Myron.

Myron ate them. He hadn’t realized how hungry he’d been until Caleb
offered him the food.

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When it grew dark, his mate undressed and curled in bed with

Myron in his arms. Myron burrowed deep into Caleb as his mate
tucked him close.

Never once had the man put him down or demanded that Myron

shift. He hadn’t mentioned the whipping or how Myron had left him.

Not once.

* * * *

For three days Caleb had kept Myron in his arms or on his neck,

or even in his lap. He didn’t know what was going on inside his
mate’s head, but he knew patience was the key. He would do
whatever it took to bring his mate back to him, to pull Myron from his
fox form and back into the real world.

The man had been a five-foot-four ball of fire, and truthfully,

Caleb missed his mate’s wittiness. He missed the man’s head of
crimson-red hair, his slim figure, and those deep-green eyes
narrowing on him.

Caleb never thought he would want someone who defied him,

who tested the edge of his control. But he was now craving those
things from his feisty little mate.

He slowly opened his eyes and was stunned when he found his

mate lying there in his human form, fast asleep. He had prayed for
this moment, but he also feared that Myron would be lost to him
forever, becoming fully fox from staying in his shifter form for so

It would take longer than three days for that to happen, but Myron

had seemed too frightened to shift. Caleb gazed over the man’s bare
back. There were crisscross lines running in every direction. His
anger began to simmer at what Sheraton had done to this gorgeous
creature. Caleb wanted to find the son of a bitch and return the favor.

He reached out and traced the longest scar that ran diagonally

from Myron’s shoulder blade to his hip. His fingers glided over the

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raised skin as he wondered if he’d ever be able to penetrate the wall
that Myron had erected around himself.

But Caleb wasn’t going to give up. He would never give up. Fate

had given him this little fox, and he had been a fool to drive Myron
home in the first place. Never again. He didn’t care how much
resistance the man gave him. Caleb wasn’t throwing in the towel.

Myron stirred, turning his head as his eyes fluttered open. Their

gazes locked, and then Caleb reached out and ran his knuckles down
his mate’s cheek. “Good morning.”

Myron froze, his breathing accelerating as his eyes widened

slightly. It was apparent that the man hadn’t meant to shift. Caleb
continued to smile softly at the man as his fingers traced Myron’s jaw.

Myron gave a slight nod to his head. Caleb pulled Myron into his

arms, their chests pressing together as he ran his hands over the man’s
short hair. He wasn’t looking for sex. All Caleb wanted to do was let
his mate know that he was okay, safe. He didn’t want the man

“It’s okay.” Caleb whispered the words. “You’re still perfect to


Myron’s eyes began to mist as the man audibly swallowed. His

muscles were still drawn tight, stiff in Caleb’s arms. He tried his best
to think of things to say that would soothe the man.

“Nothing’s changed between us. It doesn’t matter to me how

many scars you carry. That doesn’t change how I feel about you. That
doesn’t change how beautiful you are to me.”

“You still want me?” Myron asked, his words coming out

breathless. Caleb savored the sound of the man’s voice. He would
never take it for granted again. He wouldn’t take anything about
Myron for granted. It felt good to finally hold his mate, to feel the
man’s warmth against his skin.

He slid his hand over Myron’s shoulder before he kissed the bare

skin. “You’re my every minute of my every day.”

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“But I walked away.” Myron leaned into Caleb’s touch. “Don’t

you hate me for that?”

“I wasn’t happy that you left,” Caleb confessed. “But I think we

can start over. A fresh beginning.”

Myron didn’t look like he believed Caleb, as if he were waiting

for Caleb to tell the man to get out of his life. It was going to take
more than words to convince the man. Caleb knew this.

“I’d like that,” Myron said. “I haven’t exactly been the model


“Neither have I,” Caleb replied.
“Speaking of fresh beginnings,” Myron said. “You need to check

on your business. Although I appreciate everything you’ve done for
me, you do have a business to run.”

Caleb could see what the man was doing. Myron was trying to put

his life back in order. Before he could say a word, Myron slid from
the bed and padded to the bathroom.

He got up and found some clothes. It was late evening, and the

Lucky Clover would be in full swing. And in all honesty, Caleb
needed to check up on things. If Myron wanted to put all of this
behind him, Caleb would do just that.

But he kept a close eye on his mate as they dressed and then drove

through town. Myron peered out the window, staying silent for the

“Are you sure you can do this?” Caleb parked in the back of the

restaurant and cut the motor before he turned to Myron.

“I got my ass handed to me. It happens.” Myron reached for the

door, but Caleb grabbed the man’s arm and pulled him back.

“That wasn’t getting your ass handed to you,” Caleb said.
“Let it go.”
Caleb released Myron and watched as his mate got out of the car.

He did the same, only Caleb scented the air before he walked inside.
He wanted to put Myron in his office and keep him there for the rest

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of the night. Caleb wanted to put Myron in a protective bubble and
never let him out.

But he knew life didn’t work that way, and if Myron was going to

get past this, the man was right. Caleb had to let it go and allow
Myron to move on. That would be easier to do once Sheraton was

“About damn time you decided to work,” Reese said. The man

was leaning against the counter, tossing some jalapeño poppers into
his mouth. The guy was smiling, but his eyes were searching over

Caleb led Myron to a small table in the kitchen and told one of his

staff to feed the guy. Once Myron was taken care of, Caleb turned to

“I’m surprised you haven’t eaten me out of business.” Reese was

a polar bear, and the man had a ferocious appetite. The two stood at
the back of the kitchen as everyone else scrambled to get the orders
out to the tables. The noise level was a soothing balm, familiar. Caleb
felt like he was back in his environment. Back in control.

“I heard what happened,” Reese said as he set his plate aside. “I

can’t believe Sheraton defied the Ultionem. How is Myron?”

Caleb glanced over to where Myron was sitting. The little fox

shifter was pushing his food around his plate, staring at the chaos in
the kitchen. When he’d first met his mate, the man had been feisty,
mouthy. Caleb wanted those qualities back.

“Getting there,” Caleb replied. “He’s the one who insisted on

coming in. I think he’s trying to put all of this behind him.”

“Then let him,” Reese said. “Don’t mollycoddle him. Let him

know that you’re there for him, but give him room to breathe.”

Caleb patted Reese on his large bicep. “Way ahead of you.”
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Reese said. “Go do whatever it is you

need to do.”

Caleb nodded his appreciation before he left the kitchen to seek

out Diablo. He found his business partner and friend in the bar. The

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dragon shifter was serving drinks and talking to a group of
firefighters. Bear and Spencer were sitting there with Reno and
Rayne. The two EMTs, Denver and Dane, were there as well.

What surprised him was the fact that George and Tank were

lounging in some chairs along with Hondo and Chris. The Demon
Warrior was larger than all those around him and stuck out like a sore
thumb. Brac Village was nothing less than a melting pot. Although
Hondo and Chris didn’t live here, it seemed the Lucky Clover was the
hangout spot tonight.

Brac Village was also a place that attracted the less than desirable.

They’d been invaded with everything from rogues to Vampire
Hunters to creatures that had escaped hell. How the damn humans still
didn’t know they existed was anyone’s guess.

“Glad to see you’re still alive,” Diablo commented. “Heard about

your date with the Red Devil.”

Secrets didn’t stay secrets in the paranormal world. Everyone

knew each other, and everyone talked. The mates had established a
closed chat room years before where they could communicate with
each other. Caleb was pretty sure it had its advantages but was more
like a gossip column.

Bumping shoulders with Diablo, Caleb grinned. “Remind me

never to commit a crime.”

“Just don’t have any witnesses around. I’d hate to have to bury a

body, but I would for you,” Diablo said before he walked back toward
the bar.

Caleb glanced up when someone walked through the door. He

wasn’t sure why he’d taken noticed. People came and went from the
Lucky Clover all the time. But there was something different about
this guy.

The stranger’s eyes locked onto Caleb. They stood there for a long

moment watching each other before the man walked to the bar and
took a seat. Diablo looked Caleb’s way as if he felt something strange
as well.

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It wasn’t so much as the stranger wanting a drink. It was more like

he was checking the place out. He was looking at the structure more
than the people who were gathered in this section of the Lucky
Clover, laughing, conversing, and oblivious to the stranger who had
walked in.

Caleb’s first thought was of Myron, but his mate was tucked away

in the kitchen. Hopefully Myron wouldn’t come out here because
Caleb wasn’t getting a good feeling about this stranger in his
expensive suit and polished shoes, with his observing eyes.

“What’ll you have?” Diablo asked. Caleb could hear the

conversation across the room. He was a shifter with superior hearing.
Not much got by him in this place, but most conversations were
mundane—everyday people talking about their everyday lives.

“I’ll take any beer on tap,” the man said, but he still hadn’t sat

down. He turned until his back was pressed into the bar and rested his
elbows on the counter, gazing at the patrons.

Caleb walked across the dark calamander wood floor that was

streaked with touches of orange and gold until he was standing next to
the stranger. Diablo placed the glass down as he shot Caleb a
questioning glance.

“Since I’m getting such undivided attention from you,” the

stranger said as he turned and lifted his glass, taking a sip, “that tells
me what you are.”

Caleb scented human on the man. So how would he know that

Caleb was different from the other customers? How would he know
that Caleb was a shifter? Did he know this, or was the guy grasping at
straws? There were plenty of shifters and other creatures in the room.
How had Caleb and Diablo figured that there was something different
about this stranger while the others paid them no attention?

“I’m sorry.” Caleb placed the palm of his hand over his chest. “I

don’t think I understand what you’re—”

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“Cut the bullshit.” The stranger’s tone was low and casual. Some

might even say it was friendly, but Caleb knew better. There was
nothing friendly about this man.

Caleb treaded the water lightly. “Then tell me why you are here.”

He admitted nothing while trying to figure out who this stranger could
be and what his purpose was.

The man turned sideways and set his glass down, one arm still

resting on the bar as he laced his fingers together. His blue eyes
contrasted with his dark features, and something inside Caleb told him
that this was a very dangerous man.

“I’ve sworn to eradicate every last vampire, but it has come to my

attention that more than vampires might exist.” The guy smirked.
“You knew there was something different about me as soon as I
walked through the door, yet you’re not a vampire.” He cocked his
head to the side. “So the question begs, what are you?”

In that moment, Caleb knew who this person was. Joe Hephner.

The man who had killed one of the elder vampires. The man who had
shown up at Dante’s. The new head Vampire Hunter.

Hephner picked his glass up and saluted it toward Caleb. “It’s

only a matter of time before I figure out exactly what I’m dealing

Draining his beer, Hephner set the glass on the counter, tossed a

ten next to it, and then walked out.

“Shits about to get real ugly,” Diablo said.
Caleb agreed.

* * * *

“Do you think Sheraton tipped Hephner off?” Christian asked

Maverick. “There’s no way Hephner knew about Brac Village, and I
don’t believe in coincidences.”

“Neither do I,” Maverick said. The new head Vampire Hunter had

come to Brac Village. Fuck. Was his town ever going to catch a

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break? Maverick wished for a peaceful life, but knew better. He was a
shifter and lived in a world where chaos was more prevalent than in
the human world.

“We need to find Sheraton,” Christian said as he leaned back in

his chair. “Not only do I want to have a talk with him about Myron,
but I want to thank him personally for tipping Hephner to the
existence of other preternatural creatures.”

Maverick shook his head. “I want to be the one who thanks him

for that.” He had killed the last head guy, and he wouldn’t have a
problem wiping this one off the face of the earth.

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Chapter Eight

Myron noticed how agitated Caleb seemed when he walked into

the kitchen. Maybe leaving the house so soon hadn’t been such a good
idea. Myron watched his mate make a phone call and then talk with

He caught two words. Vampire Hunter.
Myron slid from the table he’d been sitting at and strode over to

Caleb. He waited for Reese to walk away before he looked up into
Caleb’s light brown eyes. “Okay, what’s going on?”

His mate tried to walk away as he said, “Nothing.”
Myron grabbed Caleb’s arm and pulled him to a stop. “I might

have been traumatized, but my intelligence wasn’t knocked out of me.
I know when something is going on.”

Caleb glanced around before he pulled Myron into his office and

closed the door. “I’m not sure if you’re aware of the Vampire
Hunters, but—”

“I live in the city. Of course I’ve heard of them.” Myron had never

told anyone, but he’d run into a few who had been in the middle of
killing a vampire. He was just a fox shifter, nothing big, nothing
ferocious. But he hadn’t been able to stand by and watch. Myron
shivered as he thought about that night.

“What is it?”
“I ran into a few. They were trying to kill one of Christian’s

members. I picked up a brick and threw it at the biggest man’s head.
It gave the vampire enough time to get away.”

“When was this?”
“Years ago, when Kenyon was in charge.”

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“There is a new one,” Caleb said. “He’s managed to kill one of the

elder vampires and is now gunning for Brac Village.”

Myron hadn’t heard that rumor. Although he wasn’t a vampire, he

knew killing one of the elders was next to impossible. If the new head
honcho had managed a feat like that, he was ten times as dangerous as

“What does Maverick plan on doing?”
“I just called him,” Caleb said. “For now, I want you on full


“Even more so than I am right now because of Sheraton?”
Caleb framed Myron’s face with his hands. The bitter sarcasm in

Myron’s tone cut threw Caleb. “We’ll catch him. I won’t let anything
happen to you, Myron. I promise.”

“You could always use me as bait,” Myron said. He would do

whatever it took to lead Sheraton to the Ultionem. Although Myron
never wanted to lay eyes on the bastard again, Sheraton had to be

“Hell no.” Caleb’s fingers tightened on his jaw. “That is not an

option. I’d rather die than let you become cannon fodder. I’m going to
pretend I didn’t hear you offer yourself up.”

“So we just sit back and do nothing?” Myron asked. “I can’t

accept that. I want that bastard’s head on a platter for what he did to

“As glad as I am that your old personality is returning, I can’t let

you do anything. Yes, we let those in charge handle this.”

Myron didn’t plan on letting someone else handle Sheraton. He

wanted to hunt the prick down and make him pay for what the man
had done. He smiled pleasantly at Caleb. “Okay, we’ll let the others
handle this.”

Myron was tired of being a victim, tired of allowing what

Sheraton had done to him to wreck his life. Myron might have been
seriously depressed after Caleb had brought him home, but the anger

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was starting to set in, and he wanted Sheraton to suffer the worst fate

Not death. Oh no. He wanted to hand the bastard over to the


“What are you thinking?” Caleb asked. “Your irises are growing


Myron pulled his face from Caleb’s hands. He didn’t want to lie to

his mate, but he also didn’t want the wolf shifter to stop him. “I’m
just thinking about what Sheraton did to me.” Which was a partial

Caleb seemed skeptical but didn’t prod any further. “With

Sheraton still on the loose and Hephner arriving in town, I want you
to stay close.”

“I’ll be tethered to your side.” Myron smiled.
Caleb grabbed Myron by the nape of his neck and led him from

the office. “Well then, let me introduce you to the kitchen staff and
show you around this joint.”

Myron spent the rest of the evening being charmed by Caleb’s

employees. Rico had an award-winning smile, and Kiki was
humorous. But what really had him smiling were the covert glances
Caleb gave him whenever he looked the man’s way.

Myron had come a long way from wanting to be rid of the wolf

shifter to blushing at those knowing eyes. Although Caleb hadn’t
touched him intimately since Sheraton had attacked Myron, he could
tell that his mate was dying to reconnect. What surprised him was the
fact that he’d felt more connected to Caleb over the past few days
than he had when the man claimed him. No one had ever been that
attentive before. Myron ducked his head when Caleb winked at him
from across the kitchen.

Kiki turned, looked at Caleb, and then back at Myron.

“Someone’s boyfriend is feeling flirtatious.”

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They had to use the word “boyfriend,” considering Rico was

human. Myron looked away from Caleb before he combusted from
the heat coursing through him. He felt his cheeks and ears flaming.

Kiki leaned forward in a conspiratorial whisper. “Someone looks

to get lucky tonight.”

Rico shoved at Kiki’s shoulder. “You’re dating Reese. You

probably get lucky every night.”

“Jealous?” Kiki asked. “I can’t help it if my big bear of a man is a

cuddle bunny.”

Myron burst out laughing. Not only because the image of Reese

being a cuddle bunny was at odds with the guy’s large, intimidating
stance, but Kiki had called the guy a bear, which in fact was true. Talk
about hiding something out in the open.

“I know, right?” Rico said to Myron. “I can’t imagine Reese

cuddling with anything other than some sort of gun or his

“Shows you how much you know,” Kiki said teasingly before

walking off.

“I guess I need to get back to work as well,” Rico said. “Tips

aren’t going to just fall into my pocket.”

Myron was left to stand there alone. But not for long. He felt heat

and a hard chest press into his back and then the scent of Caleb
surrounded him. “Lucky, huh?”

“They were just talking crap,” Myron said, though his voice was

strained. “You know how guys are.” His eyes fluttered closed as
Myron remembered how skilled a lover Caleb was. He wanted to feel
his mate’s lips on his skin, his fingers brushing over Myron’s body. A
shiver ran through him thinking about how it felt to have Caleb fill

“Why don’t we finish this conversation in my office?” It sounded

like a question, but Caleb was leading Myron down the hallway
without Myron agreeing. But he didn’t need to agree, and Caleb knew

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that. Myron was pretty sure the entire kitchen would fill with his scent
of lust if he stood there much longer.

Walking past the door, Myron heard the door close behind him

and the lock snick. Caleb turned Myron around and captured his lips.
Myron groaned at the way Caleb kissed him. Like the man wanted
total possession of Myron’s entire being, and Myron was more than
willing to give it to Caleb. Like Myron was the air Caleb breathed, the
nourishment Caleb needed to feed his starving soul.

Caleb nipped Myron’s lip and then pulled back, resting their

foreheads together. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Caleb
whispered. “I mean, I know I brought you in here, but if you aren’t

It took Myron a minute to catch up to Caleb after a kiss that hot.

His whole being was already on fire, and Myron couldn’t think past
wanting to lick every inch of Caleb’s lush body.

“I think you can make me forget.” Myron wasn’t so sure, but he

needed that connection, to feel as if he weren’t some sort of freak now
that he carried the scars of what Sheraton had done to him.

Caleb buried his lips at the base of Myron’s throat, where the

man’s breath scorched Myron’s skin. “I can make you forget, baby.
For now, for this moment.”

Myron slid his fingers through Caleb’s brown, business-style hair,

luxuriating in the softness. The strands felt like liquid silk as they
glided through his fingers.

“Keep that up, and you’ll have me panting.” Caleb nuzzled

Myron’s skin, raising chills all over Myron before his mate pulled
back. Myron stood there breathless as Caleb began to unbutton his
shirt, sliding down Myron’s body, pausing long enough to nip at
Myron’s jean-clad erection—an action that made Myron crazy with

Kneeling in front of Myron, Caleb helped him undress. Myron

could feel Caleb’s warm breath against his thigh, something that made

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Myron hard as his heart raced even more at the prospect of what
Caleb might do.

Suddenly, Caleb’s hand brushed over Myron’s erection, causing

Myron to throb terribly. He arched into Caleb’s touch as he kept his
back pressed into the wall. So long as Caleb didn’t see Myron’s scars,
he could handle this. He could expose himself. It was only his back
side that was disfigured.

They locked eyes before Caleb leaned forward and took Myron

into his mouth. Myron hissed, hitting his head into the wall as he
stared up at the ceiling, grinding his teeth as his knees threatened to
give out.

As if reading his mind, Caleb placed his hands on either side of

Myron, holding him in place as he worked Myron’s erection down his
throat. Myron felt dizzy as Caleb’s throat muscles massaged his cock,
sending waves of pleasure shooting through his body.

Caleb’s silken lips, the wet heat of the man’s mouth, the flickering

of his tongue combined to shred what little control Myron had left.
Groaning at the need to hold back just a little longer, Myron clenched
his teeth against the ecstasy pounding through his body and realized
that he was slowly losing his grip on the tightly held trigger of

He was going to come. Damned if Myron could hold it back much

longer. It was ripping through him, tightening through his muscles,
building until he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold it back much
longer. He couldn’t hold it back much longer.

His balls tightened farther, and the length of his cock throbbed,

pounded with the need for release. “Caleb. I can’t hold back.”

Caleb moaned against the head, a soft vibration of hunger that had

Myron’s cock spurting in release. A cry sounded from his throat as
Caleb sucked harder, his tongue flickering, probing, drawing in as
much of the taste as possible.

Myron would have collapsed if Caleb hadn’t caught him. His mate

lifted him into his strong arms and then carried Myron over to his

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desk. Still holding Myron with one arm, he used the other to sweep
the contents free.

“You really need to stop doing that,” Myron said. He gave a small

laugh, but was too tired to do anything else.

“That’s why I don’t put much on it these days. At least nothing I

want broken.” Caleb laid Myron out like a banquet before he reached
around the desk and pulled out that same bottle of lotion the man had
used the last time.

Myron was going to have to stock lube in the desk if they kept

having sex in here. And he planned on having sex in here over and
over again. He moaned and rocked his hips when Caleb inserted two
lubed fingers. Myron wasn’t sure why, but it excited him that his mate
was still fully dressed. It felt naughty and risqué.

“I want you on your hands and knees.”
Myron shook his head. There was no way he was going to allow

his mate to stare at his back as the guy fucked him. How could Caleb
even ask something like that?

With his free hand, Caleb cupped Myron’s jaw. “I won’t force

you. I’ll never do anything you don’t want, but we’re going to be
together for eternity, Myron. There’s nothing about you that repulses

“Please.” Myron turned his head, looking away from Caleb.


“Okay.” Caleb leaned down and brushed a kiss over Myron’s lips

as his fingers drove deeper. Myron’s fingers gripped the sides of the
desk as he writhed, his head rocking from side to side.

“So beautiful,” Caleb murmured, and Myron had to fight not to

demand that he be allowed to dress. He hated Sheraton for what the
man had done to him.

“Hey.” Caleb paused, staring down at Myron. “Stay with me.”
Myron nodded, slamming the door on thoughts of the bastard

alpha. He threw himself into what Caleb was doing, feeling his cock
growing half-hard. Myron lifted his bottom, meeting Caleb’s thrusts.

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His mate closed the distance, bending over as their lips clashed.

He felt his mate working his pants free before the tip of his cock
pressed into Myron’s body.

Caleb bit down on Myron’s lips before he drove home. Myron

cried out, arching his back off of the desk as his eyes fluttered closed.
But Caleb’s weight held him down, crushed him into the wood as his
fingers gripped fiercely into Myron’s sides.

This was what he needed. This was what Myron had wanted. He

wrapped his legs around Caleb’s waist, drawing the man in closer. His
arms slid around Caleb’s shoulders as he drank from the man’s lips.
He was trying to find the courage to move on, to live his life, to put
what happened behind him. To forget the scars that he would never be
able to get rid of, both inside and out.

Opening his eyes, Myron slid his hand over Caleb’s jaw, feeling

the fine hairs of his mate’s scruffy beard, his thumb tracing the strong
lines as he gazed into light brown eyes.

Caleb turned his head, closed his eyes, and kissed the palm of

Myron’s hand. The move was so gentle that it made Myron smile,
made his heart beat faster. He may have been a fuckup before, but
Caleb made him want to do better, be a better man. He made Myron
want to stop wasting his life and do something with it.

Myron cried out when Caleb thrust deep and then bit down onto

his shoulder. He thrashed under his mate, tightening his legs around
the man’s waist as his cock erupted. Caleb growled low as his hips
snapped forward. With a few more lunges, Caleb was joining him,
falling over the edge.

Caleb removed his canines and licked the wound before he

nuzzled Myron’s neck, placing small kisses across this throat. Myron
tried to calm his racing heart, to pull in enough air.

He groaned when someone knocked on the office door. How had

he forgotten that they weren’t alone?

“I swear I’m going to install a revolving door.” Caleb pulled free

from Myron’s body and fastened his pants. It was then that Myron

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realized that his mate had only pulled his pants down enough to take
Myron. Caleb crossed the room and grabbed Myron’s clothes from
the floor as he yelled. “One damn minute!”

Myron grinned as he dressed. Caleb looked as if he wanted to hurt

someone. It was good to know that his mate hated their time together
to be interrupted.

Myron slipped his shoes on as Caleb answered the door.
It was Reese.
“I swear you are trying your best to catch us in the act,” Caleb


Reese didn’t look apologetic. “I might be mated, but that doesn’t

mean I still don’t like to watch.” The man winked, and Myron felt his
cheeks heat up.

To Myron’s surprise, Caleb laughed. “Not likely to happen. What

do you want?”

Reese’s smile slipped as his eyes grew flat and cold. They shot to

Myron before something passed between Caleb and the polar bear.
Myron wasn’t sure what was going on, but whatever it was couldn’t
be good.

“I need to talk to you in the kitchen.” Reese turned and walked


Caleb glanced over his shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”
Myron watched his mate walk from the office. He counted to ten

and then slipped into the hallway, hoping to catch the conversation to
find out what was going on.

But fate had different plans.
Myron turned when he heard the back door of the restaurant slam

a few times. What on earth was going on? He moved down the
hallway, frowning at the sound of the screen door creaking open and
then slamming shut. The noise put him in mind of what a door would
sound like in a fierce storm.

He scented the air but didn’t smell wolf. He knew Caleb’s scent

and was able to distinguish that no others wolves were around. With

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measured steps, Myron moved until he was standing at the back door.
He glanced through the screen, but all he could see was the parking

Maybe it was those lovers he’d seen on the first night here. But

why would they slam the door repeatedly? It didn’t make any sense to
him. His heart leapt when he heard something bang into the trashcans.

Easing the door open, Myron stepped outside. There was nothing

in the air except the smell of nature, the woods, heat coming off the
paved parking lot, and the moisture in the muggy night air.

Nothing indicating that shifters were around. Regardless, Myron

wasn’t getting a good feeling about this. He shouldn’t have
investigated the sound in the first place. He’d turned to go back inside
when something caught his eye. Myron cocked his head to the side,
staring past Caleb’s SUV.

Something moved in the shadowed parking lot.
As much as Myron wanted to hunt Sheraton down and make the

man pay, in all honesty, he wasn’t that brave. He suddenly wished
that he’d stayed in the office. What was he thinking coming out here?

He spun on his heel and had reached for the door when something

hard slammed into the back of his head. Myron went down, lights out.

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Chapter Nine

With a soft groan, Myron slowly opened his eyes. His head felt as

if someone were drilling a hole through his brain. It throbbed like a
living pulse as a sharp pain shot across his temple. What the hell had
happened to him?

“It’s amazing what humans will do for you for the right price.”
Right. Sheraton. Myron had been an idiot to think that he had

been safe from the man. Sheraton was self-inflated and ignorant
enough to keep coming after him.

Myron rolled to his side and tried to push himself up, but he was

lightheaded, and the most he could manage was to prop himself on his
elbow. Twigs dug into his skin, but Myron ignored the discomfort.

Sheraton appeared before him and then squatted. “We’re going to

play a little game, fox. I’m going to give you a head start, and then
I’m going to hunt you down and kill you.”

Myron finally began to focus. He was in the woods. Worse, that

dreaded collar was back around his neck. He felt the weight of it like
a noose. He curled his fingers around the thick leather and yanked,
knowing the move was futile.

Sheraton smirked as he shoved Myron’s hand away and then

tapped on the collar. “Do you think I’d give you any sort of
advantage?” Sheraton shook his head. “I underestimated you once
before. It won’t happen again.”

The man stood. “You have ten minutes. I suggest you use every


Myron was stunned as he watched Sheraton begin to undress. This

couldn’t be happening. It wasn’t real. There was no way he was about

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to be hunted down like a rabid dog. Myron was finding it hard to
breathe. Sheraton’s words were having a hard time registering.

“You’re wasting your time.” Sheraton grabbed Myron under his

arm and yanked him to his feet. “Run, little fox…now.”

Myron stumbled forward, his eyes bouncing everywhere, trying to

get his bearings. He wasn’t sure if he was still in Brac Village or if
Sheraton had taken him somewhere else. His steps faltered as he tried
to run. His head was still pounding fiercely as he tried to figure a way
out of this.

The moon cut a path through the trees, the crickets were chirping

loudly, and Myron heard a bird or two call out. Never had he thought
the woods to be as sinister as they felt right now. He turned in circles,
searching. Tears sprang to his eyes, and he knew he wasn’t going to
survive this night.

Myron froze when he heard a howl break over the canopy of trees.

His heart beat at lightning speed. He wiped at his eyes and tried once
more to get the collar off his neck, but the latch was held together by
a small padlock, and he didn’t have time to wrestle it free.

He took off running.
Myron’s chest began to hurt, and his throat was growing dry the

harder he ran. He wasn’t used to running in his human form, not like
this. Not this far. And definitely not this fast. Myron was terrified, but
angry as hell, too.

This was insane. How could one man be so vengeful over being

slighted? Myron completely understood showing respect to an alpha.
He had mad props for Maverick. Myron even respected Zeus. He’d
seen the grey wolf alpha at the Manacle a time or two. But to be
hunted down relentlessly, to be shoved into some sort of death match,
boggled Myron’s mind.

He wanted to stop and shout that he no longer wanted to do this.

But he couldn’t. Sheraton wouldn’t listen to him, and Myron’s life
was on the line. The man had even defied the Ultionem. Myron had
never met anyone with a more inflated ego and a sense of injustice.

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Running as fast as he could, Myron hissed when a tree branch

slapped him in the face, causing his skin to burn. His body was
covered in sweat as he ducked and dodged around trees and broke
through thick weeds and overgrown brush.

Why the hell hadn’t he stayed in Caleb’s office? Myron would

beat himself up over his lack of common sense, but he was about to
pay the ultimate price.

Glancing over his shoulder, Myron didn’t see Sheraton, yet he

could feel the wolf closing in on him. It seemed as if everything
around him held its collective breath. The wind went still, the night
creatures silent. He couldn’t even hear the crickets any longer.
Everything knew that Myron was about to die.

He stumbled, fell, and then cursed as he pushed himself to his

feet. He glanced around once more as he tried to decide which
direction he should run. Nothing looked familiar. His chest was rising
and falling at a rapid rate as Myron placed the palm of his hand on his
forehead and inhaled a shuddering breath.

His facial features pulled back into a wince as he spun in a circle

over and over again. He didn’t want to die. Myron didn’t want to be
torn to shreds. He licked his dry lips before he took off once again.

Sheraton howled, and the sound was close. Too close. The wolf

was going to be on him in a matter of minutes, seconds. A shadow
shot to his right. Myron changed course and raced to his left. He could
hear low snarls and the sound of breaking twigs.

He was being run to ground. There was no way Myron could keep

up this pace much longer. His muscles were burning as well as his

Something crashed through the trees, and Myron had no clue what

it was. He didn’t have time to stop and figure things out. If only he
could find a road, then maybe he could flag someone down. But the
forest seemed to stretch on and on with no end in sight.

He rushed through some overgrown bushes, the thorns scraping

against his skin, and found himself in a clearing. The moon glowed

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brightly, acting as a spotlight, its rays bathing the field that Myron
stood in.

No sooner had he reached the middle of the clearing than Sheraton

appeared. The large wolf drew closer, head down, canines bared.
Myron walked backward, his heart ready to explode in his chest. It
was over. Sheraton had caught him.

The alpha shifted back into his human form and closed the

distance, his strides full of arrogance, his smirk triumphant. Myron
tried to catch his breath, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he
continued to take steps backward. But it didn’t matter how far he tried
to go. Sheraton ate up the distance until the man was standing a foot
in front of him.

“Game. Over.” Sheraton reached for him, his claws extended. He

wrapped his fingers around Myron’s throat, squeezing. Myron gouged
at the man’s skin, fighting to get Sheraton’s hand off of him,
desperate for air. He felt the blood being trapped in his head, the
throbbing, pounding, dizzying effects of being strangled.

The air stirred around them. Sheraton glanced around, his eyes

searching for…something. Myron tried to figure out what had the
man spooked, but he was too busy struggling to breathe.

“Release him.”
Sheraton’s grip loosened slightly, enough for Myron to pull some

air into his lungs. But it wasn’t enough. His vision was growing dim.

* * * *

Caleb couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He wanted to rip

Sheraton’s throat out, but Maverick held a hand up, keeping him at
bay. Caleb snarled as he flattened his ears, ready to strike. The
Ultionem was here, and he was damn sure they wouldn’t let him tear
Sheraton’s throat out.

“Stay back, or I’ll kill him,” Sheraton said as his eyes bounced

over each member.

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“You defied the laws,” Christian stated. “You are forbidden to

interfere in mating. You were warned, and yet you returned to pursue
your revenge.”

Sheraton’s claws were too close to Myron’s jugular. One false

move and Myron’s throat would be torn out. Anger sang through
Caleb at the helplessness he felt. How could seven, no, eight men
surround one and still be useless? They had the alpha caged in from
all sides—a circle of death waiting to exact its justice. Still, Sheraton
continued to hold Myron’s life in his hand.

“I have a right to punish him!” Sheraton’s features contorted into

a mask of rage. “He insulted me in front of my pack.”

“Then you should have taken it up with us,” Zeus said.
Sheraton’s laugh was mocking. “Does any other alpha come to

you for justice? No. You run your packs by your rules. Why should I
be any different? Why should I run to you men for something I have
every right to?”

“Because Myron is in the middle of mating,” Nazaryth said.
“He wasn’t when he insulted me,” Sheraton pointed out. “That

trumps his mating.”

“Nothing,” Rakeym said in a low snarl, “trumps mating. You are a

rogue alpha who thinks he doesn’t have to follow the rules. Do you
think we don’t know about your little escapades? Myron isn’t the first
man you’ve tried to force yourself on. Honor is not in your DNA. You
use your status to intimidate and coerce men into your bed. For that
alone you have been found guilty and will be sentenced to death.”

“Prove it!” Fear was finally shining in the alpha’s eyes. Sheraton

knew he had no way out of this. Whether he killed Myron or not, the
man wasn’t going to survive the night. But Caleb was going to make
sure that his mate did.

Caleb watched as Panahasi crossed the field, his strides menacing,

his expression born from the pits of hell. Caleb had some weird sense
that the man was more than a Demon Warrior, more than a leader.
He’d heard rumors that Panahasi was Christian’s father. He wasn’t

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sure how true they were though. Nevertheless, the man’s musculature
was intimidating, even frightful. “Your beta sang like a pretty little
puppet once we got our hands on him. He told us everything we
needed to know, hoping to strike a bargain with us.” The demon
leader shook his head. “He gave us nothing worth saving his life.”

“But he was rewarded for turning on you,” Ahm said. “We killed

him swiftly.”

“Something that won’t be happening to you,” Maverick stated.

Everything happened so fast—yet the scene played out in sort of
strange slow motion.

Nazaryth flew in behind Sheraton and snatched Myron from the

alpha’s grip.

Christian moved at lightning speed, slicing his claws across

Sheraton’s chest. Before the blood could drip from the wounds, Zeus
was power driving a fist into Sheraton’s back, between his shoulder

Rakeym quickly followed the move with precision sweeps of his

legs, driving Sheraton to the ground before he drove his elbow into
the man’s left eye.

Sheraton screamed.
Ahm yanked the man to his feet and then slammed his foot into

Sheraton’s knee. Caleb heard the loud snap as Sheraton went down.

Each leader moved swiftly, delivering some kind of damage to

Sheraton. When the man was lying on the ground, bloody, gasping for
breath, the seven men took several collective steps backward.

Maverick turned toward Caleb. “Finish him.”
It took only one look at the bruises forming on Myron’s neck, the

scars that formed over his mate’s entire backside. Caleb shifted into
his human form and walked over to Myron before he knelt next to his
mate. “Sheraton’s punishment belongs to you.”

Myron gazed up at Caleb, his green eyes filled with tears. “No, it

doesn’t. The punishment belongs to the Ultionem, for all the men who

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Sheraton demoralized. I was lucky and got away. Those other men
suffered a far worse fate than being whipped.”

Caleb gathered Myron into his arms and lifted his mate from the

grass, keeping the little fox close to his chest. He turned to the men
gathered around Sheraton. “He’s all yours.”

Caleb walked away to the sounds of screams, and then all was


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Chapter Ten

Myron was thankful to have the collar off of his neck. If he never

saw another one in his life, it would be too soon. He stepped from the
shower and then wiped the steam from the mirror, assessing himself.

The bruises on his neck were gone. He’d shifted while Caleb

brought him home. Thankfully his mate had gotten the collar off in
the car, and Myron was able to heal right away. He wished he could
say the same about the scars littering his backside.

It was Sheraton who’d put them there, and there was no doubt the

man had been evil down to his bones. But as Myron took a good look
at himself in the mirror, he knew that if he hadn’t been leading such a
risqué lifestyle, he would’ve never been put in that situation in the
first place.

Being irresponsible was what had led up to him leaving the club

with Sheraton. His parents had warned him that he would end up
going down a rocky road, but Myron had thought he knew it all. He
didn’t. Life had just handed him a hard-earned lesson.

The fucked-up part was that he’d nearly lost his life, twice, before

reality finally started to sink in. He’d taken so many risks, so many
idiotic chances that he was standing in Caleb’s bathroom by sheer
luck. He should have been dead many times over.

Myron had tried so hard to prove how tough he was, to show the

world that he could take care of himself, that he could hang with the
best of them, that he’d never once stopped to consider how much he
was wrecking his life. He’d nearly thrown away the best thing to ever
happen to him.


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His mate had proven his worth time and time again while Myron

had tried to push the man away, tried to wreck their relationship. Even
after the whipping, Myron held doubts that this would work out. Yet
when he needed Caleb the most, the man had been there, with no
judgments, no harsh words. Just a gentle hand and a loving embrace.

The bathroom door opened, and Caleb appeared, leaning his

shoulder against the doorframe. “Are you okay?”

Was he? Myron shook his head. He gripped the edge of the

counter, looking down into the sink. He tried to form the words that
he wanted to convey to Caleb, but they wouldn’t come to him.

Moving in behind him, Caleb placed his hands on Myron’s

shoulders. “What do you see what you look in the mirror, Myron?”

Myron closed his eyes. He knew what he saw, had seen it many

times before, had ignored the truth for so many years. “Failure.”

Caleb’s hands ran down Myron’s arms and then rested next to

Myron’s on the counter. “We’re all trying to be seen, to matter. You
might not have gone about it the right way, but that need is in every
single one of us.”

With his head still hanging, Myron said, “But you seem so


“My father was an abusive alcoholic who thought the world

revolved around him.” Caleb turned Myron around and placed his
hands on Myron’s upper arms. “I closed myself off from anyone who
talked about themselves. I was so busy running from anyone who
reminded me of my father that I’ve probably shut out a lot of people
who might have needed help or been looking for validation that their
life meant something.”

“How can you own a bar if you—”
“I learned the art of walking away before people told me their life

story. Not a very good quality in my line of work.”

“I just—” Myron ran his hand over his hair. “I just wanted

someone to see through my bullshit, and when you did, it scared me. I

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was so used to fucking things up that I just knew I would screw our
relationship to hell.”

“So you decided to give up before you did.” It was a statement.

“At first, I was willing to do the same. I knew you were trouble, and a
part of me ran as well.”

“Now?” Myron asked.
Brushing his knuckles over Myron’s cheek, Caleb smiled at him.

“This little fox wormed his way into my heart and showed me that I
can’t live without him.”

Myron’s bottom lip trembled. “I’m sorry for all of this.”
“Hey”—Caleb lifted Myron’s chin, and Myron stared into the

prettiest light brown eyes—”I see you, and you matter to me.”

Myron shifted from one foot to the other as his insides quivered.

He swallowed the fear rising up inside him. He’d never said those
three words to anyone, and the thought had his palms sweaty, his
knees weak, and his pulse racing. “I—” Myron cleared his throat. “I
love you.”

Caleb dipped his head and placed a gentle kiss on Myron’s lips

before he rested his forehead against Myron’s. “I love you, too. I love
your smile, pretty green eyes, beautiful red hair, your voice, laugh,
warmth, but most of all, I love your very existence.”

Myron threw his arms around Caleb’s neck and clung to the man

like a lifeline. He buried his face in Caleb’s neck, fearing that he
would wake and find that he’d only dreamt about this amazing man.
“I love everything about you, too.”

To his mortification, Myron began to cry. In some ways, it was a

cleansing floodgate that was long overdue, but he’d rather have not
broken down in front of Caleb. But his mate didn’t say a word. He
didn’t tell Myron he was any less of a man for doing so. No, Caleb
pulled Myron into his arms and held him close, rocking him gently.
Myron glanced up, ready to pull himself together when he saw tears
brimming Caleb’s eyes.

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“I hurt when you hurt,” Caleb said. “I told you once before that

you’re my every minute of my every day, and I meant it. Neither of us
is perfect, but together we make a pretty good imperfect couple.”

Caleb lifted Myron off his feet and settled him on the counter. He

framed Myron’s face as the two gazed at each other. For the first time
in his life, Myron felt a quiet calmness in his mind, contentment in his
soul. He lifted his head and brushed his lips over Caleb’s, inhaling the
man’s breath, drowning in Caleb’s mere presence. He opened his
heart to his mate, craving to feel love and joy, and everything this
man had to offer. Myron was exposed to Caleb, and it scared him, but
what frightened him the most was the thought of never feeling his
mate’s love at all.

Most thought a mate meant a perfect fit. It didn’t. Myron knew

this. It took hard work, the willingness to be vulnerable to another,
finding common ground but, most of all, also loving someone in spite
of their flaws. And Myron knew Caleb loved him without reservation.

He arched his back when Caleb began to kiss Myron down his

throat, across his bare chest, down his abdomen, and then licked
around his navel. Caleb moved in a slow, torturous way, his hands
skimming over Myron, touching him, making him writhe.

Slowly standing, Caleb pulled Myron from the counter and led

him to the bedroom where he laid Myron down. “You are, and always
will be, my everything.”

Myron rolled to his hands and knees and began to undress his

mate. “I hope like hell I can live up to that.”

Caleb laughed, and Myron nearly wept at the sound. His mate

hadn’t been laughing often enough, but it was something Myron
planned on remedying. Not now, though. Now was the time for them
to reconnect.

Caleb slid his shirt off and tossed it aside before helping Myron to

remove everything else. “We might have had a rocky beginning,
middle, and everything in between, but I don’t ever plan on walking
away again.”

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Slipping into the bed, Caleb hovered over Myron, their bodies

nearly touching, the excitement of what was to come clinging heavily
in the air. “Good, because the only place I’m driving you is straight to
my bed.”

Myron burst out laughing.
“Laugh all you want,” Caleb teased. “But the next time you steal

my Rover, I’ll have you handcuffed to the headboard.”

“Promise?” Myron asked, but the laughter died on his lips when

Caleb brushed their bodies together, sending electric jolts through
Myron. He moaned as he reached up and pulled Caleb down, the kiss
passionate, setting him on fire.

He was taken by surprise when Caleb pulled back and then flipped

Myron over. His insides knotted, knowing exactly what Caleb was

“So beautiful,” Caleb murmured as he began to kiss Myron from

neck to ankles. “Every inch of you.”

Taking a fortifying breath, Myron let go of his fears, his shame at

how he now looked. He let Caleb love every inch of his body.

“Lower your shoulders,” Caleb said as he grabbed the lube from

the nightstand.”

“Why?” Myron asked.
“Do you always argue about everything?”
“Still so bossy,” Myron said with humor. “Sex shouldn’t be so


Caleb leaned forward and nipped Myron’s shoulder. “A lesson

that a little fox taught me.”

Myron turned over, and Caleb tried to flip him back around. They

ended up wrestling, laughing, and Myron had never in his life had so
much fun. They toppled to the floor, ending up in a heap. Caleb shook
his head. “Then the floor it is.”

Myron tried to crawl away, but Caleb pulled him back. “Not so


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Edge of Control


He gave up his struggles when a lubed finger breached him.

Myron groaned as he pulled his knees beneath him, presenting his ass
to his mate.

“Nice.” Caleb drove another finger into Myron’s body, and Myron

nearly folded to the floor. His fingers curled inward as he rocked his
head from side to side.

A shudder tore through Myron. He wanted to feel Caleb inside of

him badly. It was all he could think about, all he wanted. His mate
scooted back and began to lick at Myron’s hole, and the lash of the
man’s tongue had Myron’s eyelids fluttering, had sensation shooting
straight to his cock and beyond as a wild, ragged cry left Myron’s

“I have you right where I want you.” Caleb pulled his fingers free,

positioned himself behind Myron, and then drove his cock deep.
Myron cried out again.

Spirals of sensation crashed through him,

making his body shake as Caleb snapped his hips, pounding his cock
deeper into Myron.

His body began to quiver when Caleb made a low, rumbling

sound of pleasure in his chest.

“Caleb.” Myron’s voice was strained as his legs began to shake.


“You need to work on your stamina,” Caleb said as his hands

glided over Myron’s back. But instead of taking Myron to the edge
and denying him his release, his mate grabbed Myron’s hips and
thrust faster.

Myron’s stomach tightened, rippled, convulsed, and then his eyes

widened as his vision blurred. The muscles of his ass clamped down
onto Caleb’s cock as Myron exploded. He twisted beneath his mate as
mindless pleasure tore through him.

Deep, hard, his thrusts quickened as Myron felt Caleb’s canines

sink into his shoulder. It triggered another orgasm that left Myron
gasping, fighting for breath as he writhed underneath Caleb’s
powerful body.

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Lynn Hagen

His mate’s movements became jerky, and then he felt hot spurts

of cum explode inside of him. Caleb growled before releasing
Myron’s shoulder.

Myron slumped to the floor and smiled. “I hope you plan on

giving me a full meal now.”

Caleb hugged Myron as he chuckled. “I plan on giving you the

world, my little fox.”

* * * *

Hawk was done with trying to figure out what he wasn’t supposed

to forget. He was completely and utterly stumped. He was going to
have to tell Johnny that he’d forgotten and hope the man didn’t lay
into him.

Getting out of his truck, Hawk walked into the coffeehouse. He

frowned when he didn’t see Johnny behind the counter. His didn’t get
off until nine, and it wasn’t like Johnny not to be around somewhere.

Ray, Johnny’s boss, waved Hawk over. “Johnny left this for you.”

He handed Hawk a piece of paper.

Hawk opened it and read Johnny’s messy handwriting.
Meet me at the rec center.
Shoving the paper into his pocket, Hawk walked back to his truck.

Why on earth did Johnny want to meet at the rec center? It was late at
night, and the rec center should be closed.

It was killing Hawk that he had forgotten something that was

obviously important to Johnny. That wasn’t like him. Johnny was his
entire world, and Hawk always remembered his mate’s important

This would be the first time he had let his mate down. As badass

as he considered himself, Hawk was not looking forward to facing
Johnny’s wrath.

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Edge of Control


He parked in the rec center parking lot and got out. Hawk tried

one last time to jog his memory, but nothing came to mind. He was
going to have to pay the piper.

Taking a deep breath, Hawk climbed the steps and walked inside.

He found it unusual for the place to be so quiet if he was supposed to
meet Johnny here. Even more bizarre was the fact that Thomas wasn’t
behind the desk. The place seemed empty. Hawk pulled the paper
from his pocket and read it once more.

Yep, it said rec center. Maybe he’d gotten here early. He began to

turn around so that he could wait outside when he heard Johnny yell,
“In here!”

Hawk went on full alert. His mate’s voice sounded strained. If

someone was hurting his pretty baby, Hawk would make the man
wish that he had never been born.

Squaring his shoulders, Hawk strode forward, ready to eviscerate

the son of a bitch. He rounded the corner, letting his claws slide free
when the room erupted. “Happy Birthday!”

Hawk jumped back, quickly sheathing his claws as he stared at

what appeared to be the whole damn town. Well, not everyone, but
the place was packed.

His birthday?
Johnny came forward, a party hat on his head. “I knew you would


“It’s my birthday?” Hawk asked as he glanced around at


“You know,” Johnny said as he placed a hand on his hip, “I don’t

get how a guy who helps everyone can forget about himself.”

Kota walked over, chuckling. “When you asked for help trying to

figure this out, I had to lead you astray.”

Hawk narrowed his eyes at the beta. “Thanks.”
Johnny slapped Hawk on his chest. “Don’t be mad at him. I swore

Kota and everyone else to secrecy.”

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“Happy Birthday!” Gabby shouted as he closed the distance, his

newborn son, Arizona, sleeping in the papoose Gabby had tied around
him. “Fooled you, didn’t we?”

“Uh, yeah.” Hawk hadn’t expected this. He pulled his mate into

his arms. Johnny never ceased to amaze him. Hawk didn’t care how
long he’d been with the guy. His love for Johnny was as new and
exciting as the day they’d first met. “Thank you.”

Johnny placed a kiss on Hawk’s lips and then wiggled free. He

grabbed Hawk’s hand and led him deeper inside. “Come on. We have
pizza, orange soda, and a humongous cake. I had to promise the kids a
dang trip to the amusement park if they didn’t eat any before you got
here. And then I had to promise them unlimited cotton candy if they
stayed quiet until we yelled happy birthday.” Johnny rolled his eyes.
“You are not a cheap date.”

Hawk chuckled as he was swarmed by his friends, family, and

even some he barely knew, but the one person he kept at his side was
Johnny Stone. The best birthday gift he could ever receive was the
wonderful mate he’d been blessed with.





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Lynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, but

lovable. She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges to
find the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.

You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and a

cup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.

For all titles by Lynn Hagen, please visit

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Siren Publishing, Inc.


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