Pulled Long Christine d'Abo

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Pulled Long
By Christine d’Abo

For months, coffee shop owner Ian Long has fantasized about a customer he knows only as “Blue Eyes.â€​ Until he learns Blue Eyes is in the
midst of a divorce—the last thing Ian wants is to be the rebound experiment of a straight guy. Giving in to lust, he invites the man into the café
after hours and they indulge in a little exhibitionist play, but Ian is unwilling to get involved.

When he’s forced to see Jeff again to return his briefcase, Ian finally agrees to go out on a date. Dinner quickly becomes an erotic encounter in
a special room at the sex club Mavericks, and Ian realizes Jeff satisfies desires he didn’t know he had. The more he gets to know Jeff as a
person, the harder it is to resist falling for him.

Jeff makes it clear he’s interested in more than just sex. He wants to go public with their relationship in more ways than one. But can Ian open
his heart, when he fears it will be broken?

Book 3 of the Long Shots series.

30,000 words

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Dear Reader,

I hope you’re reading this Carina Press story on the brand-new e-reader, tablet, smartphone or other fun device you got this holiday season.
There’s something magical about the combination of a new toy and a new story, isn’t there?

But even if you didn’t get a new device for the holiday, this Carina Press story is still up to the task of helping you forget about holiday stress,
bills, to-do lists and maybe even those few extra pounds you acquired thanks to the holiday cookies.

This December, let our authors sweep you away with stories of love, passion, lust, betrayal and revenge that run the gamut from erotic romance to
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Happy reading!
~Angela James

Executive Editor, Carina Press

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For my girls. Thanks for making me smile every day.

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A long pull: a barista term for getting the most caffeine from an espresso shot by letting it run through the espresso maker for a longer period of


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Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

About the Author

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Chapter One

Ian let his forehead fall into his hand, closed his eyes and yawned. Moving by rote, he took a gulp of cold coffee and hoped the caffeine would kick
in before the indigestion. He tried to focus on the inventory sheet in front of him, but it was getting harder and harder to do as the night wore on.

Pulled Long coffee shop, his pride and joy, had been closed for over two hours, leaving him in peace to do what he needed to make sure

everyone stayed employed. He loved owning his own business, except when it came to dealing with paperwork. He wished there was a way this
stuff would take care of itself.

The late November winds had picked up, rattling the doors and forcing Ian to turn up the heat. At least this year they weren’t going to

struggle to pay any bills. The store finally seemed to be on steady ground, giving them some freedom to hire a few more staff and let his sisters
work fewer hours.

Ian had no intention of working any less, no matter how much the girls bitched at him. He was determined to make this business a continued

success, and would do whatever it took to make that happen. But he wasn’t going to put his sisters through any more than they had to. Unlike
him, both Sadie and Paige had lives outside the shop, since both were in steady relationships. He hadn’t been surprised when Sadie showed
up this morning waving an engagement ring around. He and Paige had been taking bets on how much longer Paul would wait before asking.

Paige had won.
Straightening in his seat, Ian gave his head a shake to drive away the exhaustion. It was closing in on midnight and he needed to be up at

four-thirty to let the baker in for her shift. If he could get through the next two pages, he’d have everything ready for the inventory order tomorrow.
It was hard to run a coffee shop without any coffee.

The splattering of rain against the window made him glance up once more. Fuck, he hated this time of year. Not for the first time he wished

he’d been born in another country—Jamaica perhaps—before dismissing the idea.

A lone man came into view across the street, collar turned up against the weather, briefcase clutched to his body. Poor bastard must be

having a worse day than Ian to be out in this shit so late at night. The man stopped when he was directly across from Ian and turned to look in. With
the streetlight as dim as it was, it took Ian a moment to realize who was standing in the rain, staring back.

Blue Eyes.
The customer Ian had flirted with for months after he stumbled into their store one day, a grin on his face. The man Ian had fantasized about

late at night when he was too horny to sleep but too tired to find a bed partner. A stranger who Ian felt closer to than some of the friends he’d
known for years. The one who’d never told Ian his name, even after months of guessing and teasing.

The man who turned out to have a wife lurking in the background.
“Ex-wife,â€​ Ian muttered.
It had been months since he’d last seen the man. He’d come so close to asking Blue Eyes out on a date. The last time they’d

met, Ian had planned on discovering his favorite food so he could book a table somewhere. Ian would have asked him out that night if Blue Eyes
hadn’t received a call from his soon-to-be ex.

Ian had chased him out of the shop. The last thing Ian needed was to be an experiment for a straight guy. He’d never be able to handle

that again, not after Kyle.

Ian tried to break eye contact but couldn’t. Blue Eyes let his briefcase fall to his side and straightened. Another gust of wind blew hard,

sending his jacket flying around his legs. It was cold, wet and not a fit night for anyone.

If Ian had any sense, he would grab his things and go upstairs. He didn’t need a man in his life right now. He certainly didn’t need

some straight guy playing around with him, only to throw him aside when the next cute chick came around.

Blue Eyes walked forward, coming to the edge of the curb but not crossing the street. Ian set his pen down and tapped his fingers on the

countertop. Blue Eyes stepped onto the road, not even bothering to look for traffic, and crossed.

Ian’s heart pounded with every step closer Blue Eyes took. He’d forgotten how handsome Blue Eyes was, how intense he was one

moment, only to be grinning and easy in the next. Ian couldn’t move, his gaze locked on the other man until he stood outside the door to the

Neither of them said a word, simply stared at one another. Finally, Ian got to his feet and walked around the counter. He stopped at the end

of the aisle, frozen. Beyond the kitchen to his right was the staircase leading up to his apartment. To the left was the front door and Blue Eyes in the
cold night.

Ian took a deep breath and went left.
The expression on Blue Eyes’s face as Ian turned off the store alarm and unlocked the front door never changed. He looked tired and

lifeless in a way Ian simply couldn’t chalk up to the weather and time of night. Opening the door let in a blast of cold and wet, but Ian didn’t
step back. He let his gaze take in the sight of the man who


haunted his dreams, despite everything Ian did to remove him.

“The coffee is a bit stale, but it’s warm in here at least. You better come in.â€​
Blue Eyes didn’t smile or make a quip like Ian expected. Instead he nodded and made his way over to the counter, taking up a position

on the stool Ian always associated with him. The normal spark was gone, and for the first time since he’d known him, Ian was worried about the

Locking the door and turning the alarm back on, he jumped back into action. “I know you probably don’t care, but I’m going to

make a fresh pot. I can’t handle the hard stuff this late at night normally, but if you want an espresso then I can do that too.â€​

“Anything is fine. Thanks.â€​
Ian turned his back and frowned, quickly dumping the hours-old coffee and cleaning the pot out with hot water.
“Dare I ask what you were doing out there this late at night? I thought you worked in an office?â€​
When there was no response, Ian turned to face him. Blue Eyes was sitting staring at the counter, a thoughtful expression on his face. When

he looked up, Ian nearly forgot to breathe.

Blue Eye got to his feet, shrugged off his coat and set it down on the stool. He then proceeded to walk around the counter and joined Ian,

who still hadn’t released the empty pot.

He held out his hand and gave Ian a blinding grin. “Hi, there. My name is Jeff Carson. It’s nice to meet you.â€​
Blue Eyes—


—wasn’t wearing a tie, and the top few buttons of his shirt were undone, exposing the hollow of his throat. Ian found

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his gaze bouncing from Jeff’s face, to his throat, down to his outstretched hand and back up.

He wanted to rub his suddenly clammy hands on his pants, but that would have made him look nervous. And he wasn’t. Nope. Because

Jeff was standing there

introducing himself

after months of their not-relationship, there was nothing for Ian to be nervous about.

Not at all.
Carefully, Ian set the coffeepot on the counter, braced his hands for a moment before turning, grabbing Jeff by the collar and hauling him in

for a kiss.

The startled gasp from the other man was quickly swallowed up as Ian licked and sucked at Jeff’s mouth. The resistance in Jeff’s

body melted as he brought his hands up to cup Ian’s head, pulling him closer. Ian took it as a positive sign when Jeff’s tongue dipped into
his mouth, teasing his.

God, he’d wanted to do this forever.
Once his head was spinning from lack of oxygen, Ian pulled back with a gasp and stared into Jeff’s eyes.
“Hi, I’m Ian Long.â€​
Jeff licked his lips. “Nice to meet you, Ian. Come here often?â€​
“I’m the owner. Can’t seem to get away.â€​
“You should hire more staff. Get out more.â€​
“But then I would miss out on meeting interesting customers at midnight.â€​
“Can’t have that, can we?â€​ Jeff grinned and flipped them around to press Ian’s back against the counter and buck his hips

against Ian’s. “It’s nice to find a place that can provide a hot cup of coffee this time of night.â€​

Ian was hard as stone. He could feel Jeff’s answering erection pressed against his thigh. “I might be able to provide something

else, if I can interest you.â€​

“I was interested months ago. I got the impression I wasn’t welcomed.â€​
Things hadn’t changed. Ian still knew next to nothing about Jeff beyond his good nature, willingness to step in and defend others when

necessary, and his relationship with his ex-wife.

The reason Ian had pulled back.
“Oh no, you don’t. I don’t want that brain of yours working. Not now.â€​ Jeff leaned in and kissed him.
This time it wasn’t thoughtful or precise. Jeff attacked him with his mouth, biting Ian’s lip, sucking the wounded flesh as he thrust his

hips forward, rubbing his cock against Ian. Jeff’s hands were everywhere, touching and exploring, teasing Ian beneath his clothing.

Moaning and arching his back into the touch, Ian lost track of the reasons why this was a bad idea.
Jeff trailed kisses and bites across his jaw and down his neck. “I’ve had to walk past here every day on the other side of the street.

Do you know how hard it was not to come in here and see you?â€​ He bit down on Ian’s neck, pulling a gasp from him. “Do you know how
badly I wanted to come in and yell at you for being a stubborn ass? Or rip that damn apron off you and drag you out of here so we could talk?â€​

Ian couldn’t form a response, especially when Jeff started to unbutton Ian’s shirt, exposing his chest to the warm air of the store.
“Now that I’m here, that you let me in, I’m not going to leave. I’m going to do to you what I’ve been dreaming about for

months now.â€​ Pushing his shirt open, Jeff lowered his mouth to bite down on Ian’s nipple.

Groaning, Ian reached up for Jeff’s head with one hand, while bracing himself against the counter with the other.
“Someone will see us,â€​ Ian whispered, trying hard not to picture Paige walking in and finding them.
“I don’t care.â€​
“The lights are on. Anyone walking past—â€​
“I don’t


â€​ Another bite. “You’re thinking too much.â€​

Jeff pulled Ian’s head back, stretching his neck. “Does it bother you? The idea of people seeing the two of us together?â€​
“It’s not that.â€​
Licking a line from Ian’s collarbone to below his ear, Jeff nipped at his earlobe. “Because given how hard your cock is right now, I

think you like the idea. Being out in the open with the risk of getting caught… It turns you on, doesn’t it?â€​

Ian moaned. “No.â€​
“You’re not doing a good job of convincing me. And do you know what? It does turn


on.â€​ Hot breath against the cooling skin

had Ian shiver, his eyes closed as Jeff’s words wound him tight. “Knowing anyone could see us. Anyone walking with a turn of their head
would get an eyeful of you half-naked in the store, my hand on your cock—â€​ he grabbed Ian through his pants, “—and my mouth on your
skin. It makes me so hard, I could come without touching myself.â€​

“What?â€​ He squeezed Ian’s cock, teasing the head through the fabric. “What do you want? And please don’t ask me to

stop, walk away, because I don’t think I can. Not now.â€​

“I—â€​ Ian sucked in a breath. It had been too long since he’d been with another man in any meaningful way. The few one-night

stands he’d had left him more lonely and unsatisfied than if he’d stayed home and jerked off.

But this?
“No condom,â€​ Ian managed to mutter as Jeff jerked on his belt.
“Shit.â€​ Jeff didn’t stop, instead pulled Ian’s cock out of his pants. “No lube either.â€​
“Not here. Upstairs in my apartment.â€​
“I’m not letting you go.â€​
“No.â€​ Jeff worked on his own pants now, pulled his cock out and lined them together. “I’m not giving you a chance to kick me

out again.â€​

“Won’t happen.â€​
“I’m not willing to take that risk.â€​
Once more Jeff was kissing him, but this time he thrust his tongue in time with the canting of his hips. The slide of their naked cocks against

each other had Ian scrambling to get closer. It was his turn to work the buttons free on Jeff’s shirt, exposing his naked chest. Wrapping their
arms around each other, Ian reveled in the feeling of Jeff’s chest hair rubbing over his own hairless skin.

It had been years since he’d gotten off with a guy this way. Grinding, Ian closed his eyes and sank into the sensations of Jeff’s body.

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The stretch and flexing of his muscles beneath his fingers as he explored the expanse of Jeff’s back. The pinch of the opened zipper against
his groin as their cocks rubbed, spreading pre-come across their skin. The taste of coffee and mint mixed as they explored each other’s
mouths, kissing frantically in full sight of anyone walking by. Ian pulled back, only to bite down on Jeff’s chin.

“Come upstairs with me.â€​
“No.â€​ Growling, Jeff reached between them, recapturing both their cocks in his hand. “I want to feel you come. Here, in this store,

where I’ve been picturing you.â€​

Ian turned his head to see if there was anyone outside watching them. The street was empty, but the fear of getting caught was still real. Jeff

chuckled as he pressed his forehead against Ian’s shoulder.

“It’s strange, isn’t it? Knowing that any moment someone could walk by and see? What do you think they would think of you, if

they did? Maybe they’d stop and watch, wishing they could


you. Or me. Watching the way your skin is flushing red, or how fucking dark your

eyes are when you’re turned on like this. I bet they’d start to jerk off too. It could be a woman too. Think they’d get off on seeing us like

“Do you ever shut up?â€​ He tried to laugh, but Jeff did something with his wrist that stole his breath. “Fuck.â€​
“I would love to. I bet your ass is tight and you’d make the best noises. Are you a screamer, Ian? Do you think I could make you

come so hard your neighbors would call the cops?â€​

Jeff increased the pace of his hand, jerking on their shafts and brushing Ian’s balls with his free hand. Ian squeezed his eyes closed,

trying to hold back the noises Jeff wanted to pull from him.

“That’s not playing nice.â€​ Jeff nipped at his earlobe. “Let me hear you. Give me that much. Tell me what you’re thinking.

Feeling. Anything.â€​

Heat fired his groin and Ian could feel his balls tighten. “Fuck, your hand is big. I want to feel you everywhere. W-want to feel you i-i-nn my

ass. Shit, shit, gonna come.â€​

Jeff sped up again. “Yeah, do it. I want to feel your come on my fingers and belly. Do it, Ian. Come on.â€​
The orgasm slammed into him, and Ian screamed until his voice stopped working. He clung to Jeff, burrowing his fingers into the soft skin of

the back of his neck and panting hard. “Shit.â€​

Jeff turned his face to press his nose below Ian’s ear. “Need to…have to…â€​ The low groan was followed by the hot splash of

come on Ian’s stomach and the shaking of Jeff’s body. Ian ran his hands down Jeff’s back, needing to feel as much of him as possible.

Finally, they both stopped moving. The sound of their panting was augmented by the howling wind outside.
Jeff pulled back, his face flushed and lips swollen from their kisses. “You are amazing.â€​
“I wouldn’t go that far. You did all the work.â€​ But Ian couldn’t resist pulling Jeff’s hand up and licking the come from his


Jeff’s eyes widened and Ian couldn’t help but smirk.
“Like what you see?â€​
Jeff snorted. “I liked it eight months ago when I walked into the store that first time.â€​
Ian released Jeff’s hand. “Right.â€​
Ian’s awkwardness wasn’t from having sex in the storefront but from not knowing how to handle the torrent of emotions he had for a

man who might be gay, or who could simply be using him as a rebound experiment.

“No, no, don’t do that.â€​ Jeff brought his clean hand up and cupped Ian’s cheek. “See, you’re thinking again.â€​
“You have to admit, there’s a lot I need to think about. Like your wife.â€​
“Ex-wife. The divorce is finalized.â€​
Ian rolled his eyes. “Missing the key word there.â€​
“Ah.â€​ Jeff stepped back, putting a foot of space between them. “If I remember correctly, that was the problem a few months ago


“I’m not going to be that guy. I can’t.â€​
“What guy, Ian? I never understood.â€​
“The guy who’s desperate enough to have someone in his life, he’s willing to ignore the whole not-gay thing to get affection.â€​

Kyle came to mind for a heartbeat, but Ian pushed the thought away, determined not to dwell on him.

“I never told you I was or wasn’t gay.â€​ Jeff wiped his hand on a napkin before he did up the buttons on his shirt. “I also never

remember you asking if I was or not, either.â€​



you were.â€​ Ian wanted to stop him from getting cleaned up, leaving, but he stood and watched.

“If my actions aren’t enough to convince you that my intentions are genuine, then I think you’re right, and it’s best if we

don’t go down this road at all.â€​

Before Ian knew what was happening, Jeff was grabbing his coat and slipping it back on. “If I open the door, will I set this thing off?â€​
“Please open the door.â€​
Ian knew he was right. Knew it was better to let this go and have Jeff be able to move on with his life. Tucking his now-soft cock into his

pants, he walked around the counter and turned off the security system.

“I’m sorry.â€​ Ian swallowed past the unexpected lump in his throat.
“Me too. Take care.â€​
Jeff kissed his forehead before running out into the wind and rain. Ian watched him disappear into the dark, every retreating step Jeff took

making the pain of regret grow in his chest.

It was only when he turned around that Ian noticed Jeff’s briefcase sitting on the floor by the stool.
He turned on the alarm and turned off the light. The case sat in the dark, and Ian knew if the inanimate object could talk, it would be

screaming at him. He had no doubt that the contents would be important and, one way or another, Jeff would need to reclaim his property. The
weight of the case seemed greater than it should as Ian lifted it up.

It seemed fate wasn’t ready for Ian to be done with Jeff after all.

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Chapter Two

Ian clutched the briefcase to his chest and tucked his thermos under his arm as he stepped out of the elevator and into the hall. The directory listing
for that level was on the wall directly in front and pointed him in the direction of Trillium International Data Security. Exhausted, he scrubbed his hand
through his hair and tried to tidy up the too-long strands before turning left and making his way toward the large wooden double doors.

Ian had never been one for office buildings. When he was a boy, his dad would sometimes bring him to the office on a Saturday while he

took calls and worked on reports. Ian had hated every minute of those visits. The walls and walls of cubicles had been like a maze, one he could
easily get lost in, left behind with only the browning office plants and gurgling water cooler for company. The sound of his dad’s booming voice
as he yelled at someone or other had always been his tether, leading him back.

Sticking his head around the open door, Ian was thankful the lobby of this company in no way resembled his dad’s office.
A young brunette with angled glasses and bright red lips sat behind a tall black counter. She smiled the second she saw him. “Hi


Ian stepped in and, before he was able to say a word, the woman jumped to her feet and squealed. “Oh my God, you found it! Jeff!â€​
Before he knew what was happening, the woman was around the counter and taking the briefcase from his hands. Her grin was wide and

her brown eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Did you open it? Of course you did. How else would you know to bring it here? Was there
anything missing? Not that you would know if there was anything missing or not. Did you


anything? You know it’s illegal to take things that

don’t belong to you. We are a data security firm and if there’s anything—â€​

Ian jumped and Bev groaned at the sound of the voice. The little bit of control Ian had over his nerves quickly disappeared at the sight of Jeff

standing in the doorway to an office.

“Hi,â€​ Ian managed, his voice sounding a bit rough.
“I was wondering where I left that.â€​ Jeff lifted an eyebrow, a small smirk on his face. “I guess I was more tired than I realized last


“How many times have I told you that you’re working too hard?â€​ Bev let out a disgusted snort. “He’s here all the frigging

time. I have to order him three meals a day to make sure he gets food into himself. I would suspect he sleeps here if it wasn’t for the fact I see
he wears different clothing everyday. Not that he couldn’t keep an extra pair of—â€​

“Bev, would you mind getting Stephen on the line and telling him that I don’t need to reschedule our two-thirty call after all? I also

won’t need him to feed me the details of the Anderson project now that I have my report back.â€​

Bev smiled at Ian. “He’s trying to get rid of me. Thinks I don’t know these things, but I’m smarter than I let on.â€​
“Beverly…â€​ Jeff huffed.
“Going, boss!â€​
Ian watched, fascinated, as she flounced into one of the back rooms. “Quite the ball of energy, that one.â€​
“You have no idea.â€​ The silence went on a bit too long. Jeff was staring at him, only to look away when Ian met his gaze. “Do you

have a minute, or do you need to get back to the store?â€​

Jeff couldn’t have given him a bigger out if he’d held the door open himself. Yesterday, Ian would have taken it. But after the night

he’d had, staring at the closed briefcase, picturing the contents and the man who’d carried it, Ian wasn’t going to let himself take the
easy way out for once.

“Paige kicked me out after the morning rush. Something about me working myself into an early grave.â€​
“She’s a smart woman. You’re practically dead on your feet.â€​ Jeff stepped back into his office and held out his arm in

invitation. “What’s that you’re carrying, Mr. Long? Nothing dangerous, I hope?â€​

Letting a small smile slip onto his face, Ian took the thermos in hand. “I wasn’t sure if you’d have time for a coffee break or not.

Figured I’d bring some, in case of emergency.â€​

“Personal delivery? New feature of the shop?â€​ Jeff pulled out his chair from behind his large desk and wheeled it over to a small table

in the corner of the room.

The large window presented a dark gray sky and the front end of another building on the other side of Toronto’s Yonge Street. Two

large white porcelain coffee mugs were placed beside the thermos. Jeff’s shoulder brushed against Ian’s arm, drawing his attention back
to the reason why he’d come here.

“Sure you have time to stay?â€​ Jeff’s soft question seemed out of place coming from the normally boisterous man. “I know

you’re busy these days.â€​

The office environment aside, Ian didn’t want to escape. He’d always been amazed at how comfortable he was around Jeff and

wanted to prolong their time together as much as he could. Surprisingly, that hadn’t changed. “I’m fine. No sense in wasting perfectly
made coffee.â€​

“Okay then. I’m glad.â€​
Ian opened the thermos and filling the two mugs. They both took their coffee black, making the preparation easy. He handed Jeff a mug and

waited until the other man sat down before doing the same.

“Thank you for bringing the case back.â€​ Jeff took a sip of his coffee and moaned softly. “And double thanks for this.â€​
“I figured it was something important and you’d be searching for it.â€​ He swallowed down a gulp of his own coffee, pleasantly

surprised at the heat despite having brewed it almost an hour earlier.

“Still, you didn’t have to bring it yourself. You could have called and I could have sent Bev to pick it up. Or you could have asked

Paige or Sadie to bring it over.â€​

A blush heated Ian’s face. He shifted in his seat and stared into his mug. “I wanted to make sure you got it.â€​
“I would have.â€​
Finally, Ian met Jeff’s too-blue eyes. He squeezed his mug, but refused to chicken out now. “I wanted to see you again.â€​
“I see.â€​ Jeff swallowed the contents of his mug and slid it away from himself on the table. Pushing his chair back, he leaned toward Ian,

his arms on his thighs. “I got the impression last night you didn’t want anything else to do with me.â€​

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“I’m sorry.â€​ The rest of his carefully planned-out apology went out the window. On his way over, Ian had run over the words

he’d say, the tone of his voice, right where he’d put in the joke. But sitting here looking at Jeff, the way his brown hair flopped across his
forehead and the way his lips twitched as if a mischievous smile was skirting below the surface, Ian couldn’t think beyond wanting to kiss the

“Accepted.â€​ Jeff moved his chair closer to Ian, so their knees were almost touching. “I’m glad you came by. I haven’t been

able to stop thinking about you since…last night.â€​

Ian’s cock immediately twitched to life. He coughed, quickly followed by a nervous chuckle. “It was a bit unexpected. I never did get

my inventory list done.â€​

“I had a call with a company I’ve been working with in Hong Kong. The time difference means I need to be up late, and it went a lot

longer than I’d been expecting. I was surprised to see you there, to be honest.â€​

The men stared at each other. Ian gently set his mug down and rubbed his hands on his thighs. “I’ve been working a lot recently.â€​
“No hot dates to distract you?â€​
“Unfortunately, no. I’m not hot date material.â€​
Jeff grinned. “Are you fishing for compliments, Mr. Long?â€​
“No, I would never—â€​
“Because that definitely sounded like fishing to me.â€​
Ian knew himself enough to realize he was most likely beet-red by now. He wanted to get up from the chair and head to the window, make a

joke, anything to deflect Jeff. “I don’t normally go fishing for compliments. I’m usually too busy making an ass of myself to notice

Jeff moved forward again, this time bringing their knees in direct contact. “I have to admit, I like your ass. I keep imagining what it would

look like naked.


naked. I bet that blush of yours goes right down onto your chest.â€​ His voice was low but intense. Jeff let his hand fall onto

Ian’s knee. “Last night was too fast. But I was so fucking happy to see you, and you were warm and everything smelled fantastic to the point
where I couldn’t stop.â€​

Ian’s attention was drawn behind him and the sound of Bev moving out in the main office. Jeff squeezed his knee hard, bringing his

attention back.

“She won’t come in here unless I ask her to.â€​
“But she could walk by and see.â€​
“You didn’t mind the idea of people seeing you last night. In fact, I’m pretty certain the idea of people watching you was turning

you on.â€​

Ian surprised himself with how much the warring urges to hide under the desk or pull his cock out now to jerk himself off blended together.
“Have you ever done that before?â€​ Jeff’s voice was barely a whisper now. He’d lowered his chin until it nearly rested against

his chest, but his gaze wasn’t leaving Ian’s. “Have you had sex before where others can see you? Where you knew you were being

“No.â€​ Ian’s head spun as he tried to catch his breath.
“But you want to, don’t you.â€​
“Haven’t given it any thought.â€​
“Bullshit. I bet it’s been the only thing on your mind since last night. What turned you on more, the idea of someone watching, or the

potential of someone coming in, catching you?â€​

“Jeff!â€​ Bev’s voice rang out from the main room.
Jeff groaned, but Ian sent a silent thank-you to the woman who’d saved him the embarrassment of admitting he got off on the idea of

having other people watch him.

“Yes, Bev.â€​ Jeff sat back in his chair and reclaimed his empty mug. Without thinking, Ian reached out for the thermos and gave them

both a refill.

Bev walked in, her hands on her hips. “Stephen said he needs you to call him before the meeting anyway. He has a few changes to the

proposal to run by you first.â€​

Jeff looked from her to Ian before letting out a sigh. “Fine. Let me finish up here and I’ll get to him next.â€​
Bev winked at Ian as she left.
“I’m sorry.â€​ Jeff leaned back and closed his eyes, deepening the frown lines on his face. “Stephen’s my business partner

and we’ve been working on some new accounts. If this wasn’t such a big proposal for us, I would put him off.â€​

“That’s fine. It sounds pretty important and



“Information security and all that. If we get the contract, then I’ll be able to take things easy for a bit. Maybe have a few nights off


Ian screwed the cover to the thermos back on. “I get that. No rest for the small business owner.â€​
“I guess you know all about that yourself.â€​
“My ex-wife didn’t.â€​
Ian stopped moving and slowly turned to face Jeff, who was staring at him curiously, as if he wondered whether Ian would bolt from the room.

Clearly, Jeff wasn’t as straight as Ian had feared. Last night had proved that if nothing else.

Licking his lips, Ian picked up the thermos but didn’t get up from his seat. “It’s hard for someone who isn’t one hundred

percent responsible for the livelihood of others to understand how much effort it takes. Even with three of us running the store, it’s been hard.â€​

“Cassie tried to stick it out, but we kept drifting apart over the years. She wanted me at her beck and call, and I didn’t have time for


“How long were you married?â€​ Shit, he couldn’t believe he was having this conversation.
“Five years. We were together for seven in total.â€​
Ian let his gaze drop to Jeff’s feet. “No kids?â€​
“None. Cassie never wanted any. She’s not really the maternal type.â€​
“But you did? Want kids?â€​ Ian had never admitted it to anyone, but he’d always wanted a family of his own.

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Jeff’s own gaze was somewhere else, his mind lost in thought. “Maybe one day.â€​
“Jeff! Stephen is on line two!â€​
Ian finally got to his feet. “I better get out of your way.â€​
Jeff stood as well, but didn’t move away. “I want to see you again.â€​
There were many reasons why he should say no. While Jeff was gorgeous, funny, successful and the most amazing person who had ever

shown any interest in Ian in his entire life, the nagging doubt that things would go horribly wrong threatened to take over his vocal cords.

Ian ran a hand through his hair and cocked his head to the side. “I think I would like that.â€​
“Really?â€​ Jeff was pressed against him now. Heat from his breath ghosted over Ian’s face. “Are you sure? Because I

don’t think I could handle another night like I had after I left the shop.â€​

The painful angle of his fully erect cock made it hard for Ian to breathe. “I couldn’t sleep. I kept staring at your fucking briefcase,

wondering who the hell Jeff Carson was. Every time I closed my eyes I kept seeing your face as you jerked us off in the middle of my store. I had to
jerk off in the shower before I could get myself under control to come over here.â€​

Jeff grabbed his arm and squeezed hard. “Eight o’clock tonight. I’ll be at the shop. I have to take this call now.â€​
The air around them superheated. When Jeff stepped back, Ian shivered and wasn’t sure if he had the ability to use his feet. Ignoring the

way his hand shook, he tucked the thermos back under his arm and nodded to Jeff before bolting from the office.

“Thanks for dropping off the briefcase!â€​ Bev called out, throwing him a little wave as Ian headed for the door.
“No problem.â€​
The trip back to the store did little to clear Ian’s mind. What the hell had he been thinking? Jeff still kept in touch with his ex, he was a

busy and successful businessman who looked as if he should be gracing the cover of


, not hanging out with a coffee slinger. The chances of

anything long-term coming out of the relationship were next to nil.

Not wanting to face the crowd in the store, Ian ducked into the ally, intending to sneak up the back steps to his apartment. The murmur of

voices drifting through the closed door sounded much like his two sisters. Ian leaned up against the building, reached into his back pocket and
pulled out a nearly crushed cigarette.

It had been over a year since the last one crossed his lips. His reliance on the habit had been spurred on by his inability to handle any kind

of pressure. Plus it had pissed their dad off to no end when he’d found out. Stopping had been his first attempt to get a hold on his life.

He’d needed to grow up.
Lifting the cigarette to his nose, Ian inhaled deeply, letting the tang of the tobacco invade his senses. In reality there was only a little of the

smell remaining since he’d first shoved it into his back pocket, but regardless, he continued to perform this little ritual on this same stale
cigarette. It gave him the feeling of control, something he valued more than he’d admit.

“I’m surprised that thing hasn’t fallen apart on you yet.â€​ Sadie’s voice came from the doorway, bubbly enough that he was

surprised she didn’t float into the alley. “And why haven’t you bought yourself a car yet?â€​

“I took the extra cash and invested it into the store. Where do you think the second espresso machine came from?â€​
Sadie frowned as she stepped out to join him. Her short brown hair was caught by the wind, forcing her to tuck the strands behind her ears.

“You told us you found an investor?â€​

“I did. Me.â€​
Sadie groaned and punched his arm. “You’re supposed to keep your money. There’s no sense in killing yourself if you

don’t get to enjoy the rewards.â€​

“I enjoy them.â€​ He kicked the ground with the tip of his sneaker.
“When? At three in the morning, all alone in your apartment?â€​ Sadie wrapped an arm over his shoulders and stretched up to kiss his

head. “I don’t like seeing you like this. You’re losing your spark.â€​

“Ah, Sadie Clause, I’m fine.â€​
“No, you’re not. I’m getting worried about you.â€​
Ian loved both his sisters, but he’d always been closer to Sadie than Paige. She got him on a level other people didn’t, one that had

always made him feel safe. If she was worried about him, then chances were he was getting a bit too close to the edge.

He smiled at her. “Would it make you feel better if I told you I had a date tonight?â€​
The squeal that erupted from her was un-Sadie-like. Ian blamed Paul. “Oh my God, that’s awesome! With who? What’s his


“What’s going on?â€​ Paige leaned out the door as she fixed her ponytail, frowning down at them. “Christ, Sadie, I thought

someone was being murdered out here.â€​

“Someone’s about to be,â€​ Ian muttered.
“Ian has a date!â€​
“Holy shit, really?â€​ Paige stepped out into the alley, her hands braced on her hips. If it wasn’t for the amused glint in her brown

eyes, he would have teased her about using her teacher stare-down on him. “Who’s the unlucky guy?â€​

Ian shoved the cigarette back into his pocket and tried to duck away from Sadie’s grasp. “No one. Forget I mentioned it.â€​
“Oh no, you don’t!â€​ Two sets of hands grabbed him and pushed him back against the wall. Paige rarely took an interest in his love

life, but when she and Sadie got together, he was screwed. He was taller than both of them. It shouldn’t be too hard to break free. Right?

“Please can we let this go?â€​ He was willing to drop to his knees and beg. “Nothing will probably come of it.â€​
“No.â€​ Paige pressed a hand to his shoulder. “Where did you meet him?â€​
Sighing, he let his chin drop to his chest. “The shop.â€​
“And how long have you known him?â€​ Sadie pressed down on his other shoulder.
“Eight months.â€​
He wasn’t about to give the girls any more information, but it didn’t matter. The catch in Sadie’s breathing announced his

doom. “Blue Eyes?â€​

“No way! But you chased him out…â€​
Ian licked his lips and debated how much to tell them. “He stopped by when I was working last night.â€​
Paige snorted. “I was here past close and I didn’t see him.â€​
“He came later.â€​

Boy, did he



“What time?â€​ Sadie pressed harder against him. “Spill it, runt.â€​

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“Midnight, give or take.â€​
The girls both went off on simultaneous rants about working too much and too long, neither of which he could follow as they overlapped. Ian

let it go on for a few seconds before holding up his hands. “Hey! Do you want to hear about the date or not?â€​

Paige and Sadie glared at him.
Taking a breath, he leaned back against the wall. “I was doing up the inventory order when he walked by. He came over and I let him


“And?â€​ Paige lifted an eyebrow. He hated that she could do that and make him feel five years old. She’d always been as much a

mother to him as their mom was. More so in some ways.

“And nothing. We chatted, and when he left he forgot his briefcase. I returned it today and he asked me out.â€​
The last thing he intended to do was say anything about his little sexual exploits in the shop. Paige had fired the last person to screw around

inside, and he wouldn’t put it past her to do the same to him.

“You two were cute together, being all flirty and stuff.â€​ Sadie leaned in and kissed his cheek. “I think it’s awesome.â€​
“Yeah, we’ll have to see. Can I go in now? I have things I need to do.â€​ Once more he tried to step past the girls, but neither of them


“The only place you’re going is to bed.â€​ Paige pointed a finger at him. “You look like shit and if you want this date to go well,

you should rest.â€​

“I agree. And you know if we both agree, you don’t stand a chance, right?â€​ Sadie grinned. “Where are you going? Did he say

where he was taking you?â€​

“No idea.â€​ God, he hadn’t even questioned where they’d go. He’d simply trusted Jeff to pick something he’d like.

“Someplace close, I imagine. Can I go now?â€​

“To bed. Even if you don’t sleep, you can rest up for tonight.â€​ Paige held up her hand when he started to protest. “You

haven’t had a day off in ages. Take the break. We have more than enough people here to cover the entire day’s shifts. You could take the
whole week off and it would be fine.â€​

Ian’s shoulders ached and his lower back had been bugging him for weeks now. It would be awesome to take a few hours and do

nothing. Maybe have a long shower. Some of the weight on his shoulders lifted when he finally conceded and nodded. “I’ll take it easy.â€​

Thankfully, the girls took him at his word and backed off.
“When’s he showing up?â€​ Paige asked before stepping into the store.
“At eight.â€​
“You should take him to Mavericks.â€​ Sadie poked his side.
Ian’s face instantly grew hot. “I’m not going to a sex club on a first date.â€​
Sadie grinned. “Worked for me.â€​
“And me,â€​ Paige called out from inside.
“Besides, you never know, you might like it.â€​ Sadie went inside, leaving him alone.
Ian stood there floundering for words. He eventually snapped his mouth shut and gave his head a shake. A sex club…it was a terrible idea.

He’d most likely send Jeff screaming at the suggestion.

There was no way Jeff would want to go.
Ian wouldn’t even know how to suggest it.
He couldn’t, could he?

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Chapter Three

Ian brushed down the front of his navy blue shirt and fiddled with the belt holding up his pants. He’d been ready for over an hour but couldn’t
stop trying to fix every last detail. It shouldn’t matter. Chances were, things wouldn’t work out between them. Jeff would spend the evening
getting to know him over supper, maybe drinks, then drop him home. They might get one or two more dates out of the whole thing before Jeff would
make excuses, and that would be that.

It had happened enough to Ian in the past for him to know what to expect. He always seemed to disappoint people no matter how hard he


Still, he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to be his best for the other man.
Glancing over at his clock to see that only another minute had passed, Ian knew he needed to do something or else he would go insane. The

chances of Jeff sneaking in here early were low, seeing how he didn’t know how to get up to his apartment. Giving himself one final pat down,
Ian grabbed his long wool jacket and headed downstairs.

The store wasn’t crazy, but seeing the steady stream of people coming in and out had Ian smiling. It had taken them three years to get to

this point, a lot of hard work, and many doubts about whether or not they’d make it. But damn, they’d pulled it off.

The girls acknowledged him but neither approached as he took up a position at the table closest to the door. He’d barely had a chance

to lay his jacket across the back of the chair when the door opened and Jeff stepped inside.

Ian hated how he reacted to the sight of the other man. Hated how his body tensed, how a surge of lust rolled through him. Hated how in a

heartbeat he was back to being the nervous teen who had a crush on the school jock and could never breathe a word of it to anyone. It was nearly
impossible to ignore the nervous flutter in his stomach. Instead, he used the energy to move himself forward.

At least he looked his best, and even if nothing happened beyond this night, he’d finally get to live out one of his more persistent


Jeff walked over, his gaze raking him over from head to toe. “Wow. You look amazing.â€​
Ian barely resisted the urge to spin around to give him a better view of his ass. “Thanks. You’re not too bad yourself.â€​
“Bullshit. I barely had time to run home and change my shirt after my meeting. I think I remembered to wash my face, but I can’t

guarantee it.â€​ Jeff stepped close but didn’t make a move to touch him. “Have you given any thought to where you’d like to eat? I can
make some suggestions for downtown, but we can stay close if you want.â€​

Ian had done nothing but think about it. “We could go down to Mirabella’s. That is, unless you’d rather not have Italian?â€​
“No, no, that’s perfect.â€​ Jeff winked at someone behind him. “We have a bit of an audience.â€​
Ian turned to see both his sisters openly staring at the two of them. He couldn’t stop his groan when they both waved. “I hate them.â€​
“No, you don’t. You’d do anything for them. Everyone knows that.â€​ Jeff was staring at him intently, a half smile on his face.

“It’s one of the things I like about you.â€​

Ian swallowed. Hard. “Right. Okay, we better go if we want to try and get a table.â€​
“Don’t wait up, ladies,â€​ Jeff called out before ushering Ian out the door.
“You realize they’re going to be insufferably nosy about the whole thing tomorrow.â€​
“Thankfully, they’re not my sisters.â€​ Jeff bumped his shoulder, sending him stumbling a little. “It means they love you if they care

enough to tease.â€​

“You clearly don’t have sisters.â€​
“Nope, I’m an only child.â€​
“That would be nice some days.â€​
“You say it, but you don’t mean it.â€​ Jeff’s hand swung by his side. The backs of his fingers brushed Ian’s as they made

their way down the street toward the restaurant.

He wanted to slip his fingers between Jeff’s but couldn’t get up the nerve.
Ian had to admit he had a thing for Jeff’s hands. The way his long fingers wrapped around Ian’s wrist to pull him close. The strength

they projected when balled into a fist, especially the day Jeff had jumped to Paige’s defense against her ex-boyfriend. How they’d firmly
gripped Ian’s cock when he’d jerked them off.

Ian brushed their knuckles again.
The small restaurant had a cozy arrangement specifically designed to encourage quiet conversation between couples. The table they were

shown to was near the large front window and gave them a perfect view of the entrance to Mavericks.

Not that Ian was about to suggest they go there.
He played with the frayed edge of the cloth placemat as they drank their wine and chatted over bruschetta and salad. By the time a steady

flow of people started going in and out of Mavericks, Ian was finding it increasingly hard to keep his gaze away. It was only when there was a gap in
the conversation that he realized Jeff had asked him a question.

“Sorry.â€​ He chuckled softly. “I drifted. Say that again?â€​
Jeff leaned in, his gaze fixed on Ian’s. “I asked you if you wanted to go.â€​
“No, over to the club.â€​
“What?â€​ Ian cleared his throat at the horrible-sounding squeak that had emerged from his mouth.
“You keep sneaking glances every time someone goes in. We can go over if you want.â€​
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I’d been staring.â€​
“I don’t mind. It’s been ages since I’ve been out to a club.â€​
Ian’s cock was more than happy to go along with the idea. Thankful for the napkin covering his crotch, he tried to subtly push down on

his prominent erection. “I don’t think you’d want to go there,â€​ he muttered.

“Now what makes you think that?â€​
There was something in Jeff’s voice that wasn’t mock annoyance. Ian shifted in his seat and scratched the back of his neck.

“Um, have you ever been to Mavericks?â€​

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“Nope, never heard of the place.â€​
“Both Sadie and Paige have gone. I haven’t, but then again I’ve never had any reason to go. I don’t date that much, and

most of the guys I’ve been with aren’t into that sort of thing. I guess I don’t know you well enough—â€​

“You’re starting to sound like Bev.â€​
“It’s a sex club.â€​ Ian snapped his mouth shut as soon as the words left his lips. Fuck, he was probably blushing again. Normally it

was only his sisters who could made him squirm and turn red. And now, apparently Jeff. The man somehow managed to turn his world upside down
and slide into the empty spaces perfectly. “It’s a private members sex club.â€​

“And your



“Not together! Christ.â€​ Ian groaned and set his forehead on the table. “I did not need that mental image.â€​
When he peeked back at Jeff, he was surprised to see him sneaking glances out the window toward Mavericks. “What do they do over


“You can’t seriously want to go?â€​ Ian pushed himself up onto his forearms. “I mean, you hardly know me, and it’s a



“I think we’re past the awkward get-to-know-you phase.â€​ Jeff faced him with a serious expression. The normal sparkle of mischief

was wiped clean, replaced with something Ian had never seen on Jeff before—hunger. “Don’t you?â€​

It was easy to forget that he didn’t know Jeff well. They’d flirted for months, talked about everything in those moments between mugs

of coffee, but not about the big stuff. Certainly not about sex clubs and Ian’s unspoken desire to be splayed out on display while Jeff sucked his

Ian nearly came in his pants. “I guess last night took care of that.â€​
Jeff tapped his forefinger on the table. “Is it hard to get in?â€​
“I know the owner. Josh is a friend of Sadie’s. It wouldn’t be hard.â€​
Jeff threw his napkin on the plate in front of him and stood. “Let’s go.â€​



“It’s been a hellishly long week and I want to unwind and enjoy my first date in ages.â€​ Holding out his hand for Ian to take, Jeff

stared down him, ignoring the people around them who were starting to sneak glances. “Come with me?â€​

This couldn’t be happening. Could it? Ian might have teased his siblings about frequenting Mavericks, but he’d always been a bit

jealous. Sure, he could have gone himself, Josh had made it clear on more than one occasion that he was welcome. But the idea of frequenting the
place trying to pick someone up somehow seemed wrong.

Going with Jeff, that was different.
Before he lost his nerve, Ian slipped his hand into the other man’s and stood. “I’ll have to get Josh to let us in.â€​
“Work your magic.â€​
The night air had grown cool as they crossed the street and moved to stand beside the growing line by the door. The bouncer was someone

Ian recognized as one of the regulars from the coffee shop. Double cream, triple sugar.

It took the man a second to recognize Ian, but when he did, a grin burst across his face. “Ian, right?â€​
“Yeah, that’s me.â€​ He nodded in the direction of the line. “Busy night.â€​
“Josh has us turning people away most evening. He allows drop-ins some nights to help balance out the regular crowd, but he likes to

keep things at a certain level of class. Most of these yahoos are rejects.â€​

Someone near the back of the line shouted profanity at a passerby. The bouncer snorted. “Clearly they won’t be getting in either.â€​

Here goes nothing.

“Any chance of a couple of spots opening up on that extras list sometime in the next hour? I know it’s hard with

all the regular members in attendance…â€​ Ian let the rest trail off and shrugged.

The bouncer looked between Ian and Jeff. He narrowed his gaze when Jeff reached up and started playing with the hair on the back of

Ian’s neck. “You’re together?â€​

It wasn’t much of a secret that Ian was gay to anyone who frequented the shop long enough. Still, it was uncomfortable to announce it to

a stranger. Jeff either sensed his tension or simply was tired of waiting. He shifted his hand until it was now on the back of Ian’s head, turned
him and pulled him into a long, deep kiss.

When they finally broke for air, the sound of wolf whistles, a few slurs and a smattering of applause reached him. Ian couldn’t break

away from Jeff’s lust-blown gaze to acknowledge the crowd.

“Yeah, we’re together,â€​ Jeff said in a voice that was far too unaffected by what they’d shared.
Finally the spell was broken when the bouncer cleared his throat and they both turned to him. “Actually, Josh has your name on the

welcome list. I wanted to see what you’d do.â€​ He laughed. “You and your guy can go right in.â€​

Several people yelled as the bouncer opened the door and let them pass by. The sound was cut off as soon as the door closed behind

them, to be replaced by the heavy beat of dance music.

Handing their jackets over to the coat check, Ian found himself trailing Jeff into the main area of the club. They were both overdressed and

more than a little out of place, given the amount of leather and skin being paraded around.

“Fuck me,â€​ Ian said, soft enough that no one could have heard over the noise.
Jeff stopped short in the middle of the club floor, causing Ian to run into the back of him. He was about to ask what was wrong when he saw

the woman secured to a large cross in the middle of the room. She was currently being spanked by another woman, whose breasts were barely
concealed by their leather confines. A man stood on the stage beside them, holding something remarkably like a cat-o’-nine-tails in his hand.

“Wow,â€​ Jeff said mostly to himself.
“The ultimate in exhibitionism.â€​ Ian wanted to reach down and squeeze his cock. “I think I need a drink.â€​
“Me too.â€​
It took little effort to find the bar, but the crowd surrounding it was impressive. Ian found he couldn’t manage to start a conversation with

Jeff, his attention constantly being pulled to the different people and scenes in the room. When they finally reached the bar, Ian turned his attention
to getting some alcohol into his system.

“Two rye and Cokes, please.â€​ It took him a heartbeat to realize who he was talking to. “Beth?â€​
Beth’s surprised gasp and open mouth tuned into a grin. “Ian? Oh my God, I didn’t know you came here.â€​
“I don’t. Didn’t. This is my first time. You’re working here? Since when?â€​
The young woman started to make his drink and smiled. “Paige called me a few weeks after she fired me. Said she knew it was hard to

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find a decent job that would give me enough to finish school and pay the rent. She gave me Josh’s number and a glowing recommendation.
I’ve been here for a few months now.â€​

They chatted for a few minutes until he realized Jeff had wandered off. It was hard to find him in the crowd, but when he did, Ian found him

talking to Josh.

Shit, this won’t end well.

He turned back to Beth, but she waved him away. “Go find your date. We can catch up later.â€​
The crowd was heavy where Josh and Jeff stood, making his journey to them challenging. Ian couldn’t escape the gropes to his ass,

and at least one attempt to touch his crotch. By the time he worked his way through to his objective, he was nearly ready to pull his dick out and jerk
off in the middle of the club.

“There he is,â€​ Josh said with a smile. “The last holdout has finally arrived.â€​
“I didn’t realize there was a betting pool.â€​ Ian held out a drink for Jeff.
“No bets, more curiosity on my part.â€​ Josh turned back to Jeff and shook his hand. “I’ll be in touch. And please enjoy the


As quickly as he arrived, Josh was gone. Frowning, Ian stepped closer to Jeff. “What was that about?â€​
“I offered to help him out with a few security concerns he’s having with his membership database and financial records.â€​
“You were only chatting with him for a few minutes. How the hell did you manage that?â€​
Jeff grinned and something melted in Ian’s gut. “I’m charming, remember?â€​
“Too much sometimes.â€​ Ian swallowed down a healthy portion of his drink and surveyed the scene. “We’re here. Now what?â€​
“We go for a little walk.â€​
Jeff took his hand and they made their way through the crowd to a set of stairs. “Where are you taking me? How do you even know

where to go?â€​

“Josh mentioned something of interest. Said it was up here and we should come check it out.â€​
There was something odd about how Jeff said that, but Ian dismissed it as him being affected by their environment. He followed him

upstairs, not paying much attention to where they were going. “I can’t believe how many people are here tonight. Sadie never mentioned
how well the club was doing.â€​

They stopped about halfway down a hall. Ian was about to ask Jeff if there was a problem when he realized they were standing in front of a

window. On the other side was a couple, a man sitting in a chair, completely naked, while a woman was on her knees sucking his cock. Ian was
glad he was holding something as he watched her take the man down far enough that her nose pressed against his stomach.

“Wow,â€​ he breathed out, taking a step closer to the glass. “She’s…wow.â€​
“Don’t turn straight on me now.â€​ Jeff chuckled.
“No worries.â€​
Ian couldn’t tear his gaze away from the scene unfolding before them. The man’s bare chest and stomach weren’t defined—if

anything, he was a little overweight. He had an attractive face, and it took a minute for Ian to realize that the man wasn’t looking straight ahead.

He was staring directly at Ian.
“Fuck. He can see us.â€​
Jeff leaned in and nuzzled Ian’s neck. His hands found their way to the belt holding his pants up and tugged. “That’s right. He

can see us and we can see him.â€​

Ian slammed back the rest of his drink and barely noticed when Jeff liberated it from him to hand it over to a passing waitress. The man

didn’t break eye contact with Ian as he reached down and laced his fingers through the woman’s short black hair.

“Josh was telling me there are different types of rooms around the club.â€​ Jeff pressed his body against Ian’s, his mouth to

Ian’s ear. “There are private rooms where no one can see what you’re doing. Rooms where people can be tied up, tied down,
suspended. There are places where people can see in, but not out. And rooms like this. Nothing but a window separating us from them. We can
watch and they can perform.â€​

The man pulled the woman to her feet and spun her around until she also faced them. Her lips were red and spit-slicked, her eyes

completely unfocused, looking but not seeing. The man pulled down the tight pants she’d been wearing, exposing her panty-free pussy to them.

“I think he’s going to fuck her now.â€​ Jeff bit down on Ian’s neck. “Do you want to watch?â€​
The woman dropped to her hands and knees, facing the side wall and giving Ian a clear view of her slim body. The man pushed her knees

apart with his feet before rolling a condom down his cock, sliding in behind her and pressing forward.

Ian could practically hear the couple groan as they began to fuck in front of them. Ian hadn’t realized how hard he’d gotten until he

pressed against the edge of the window, forcing his cock against the cool glass. Jeff was right there with him, gently grinding his hips into Ian’s

“What are you watching?â€​ Jeff licked along the shell of his ear. “Are you looking at him? Her? What part of their bodies?â€​
“Him.â€​ Ian swallowed. “His thighs and his ass. The…â€​ closing his eyes, Ian tried to catch his breath, “…the way his muscles

flex as he fucks her.â€​

“Yeah, that’s nice. And now she’s thrusting back to meet him. Her ass up in the air practically begging him to pound into her. I

bet you would be as amazing on your hands and knees for me too.â€​

Jeff followed up the image by moving directly behind Ian, grabbing his hips and giving an experimental thrust. It was almost too much for him

to take. Bracing his hands against the window, Ian pushed back to give his body some space.

“You’re going to make me come in my pants like a kid.â€​
Jeff made a noise that sounded like a choked-off growl as he backed up but didn’t release Ian’s hips. “Can’t have that, can

we? I want us to try out one of these rooms.â€​

Ian wanted to turn around and face Jeff, but the ability to move was sapped from him the moment the man in the room pulled out of the

woman’s body, ripped the condom free and shot come across her back.


Could he do something like that? He wasn’t a subtle person to say the least. With the exception of a few times with Jeff, he couldn’t

even call himself a shy individual. He loved standing out in a crowd, putting himself out there to make others smile. The end result was every bit as
satisfying as a performance. He liked to please others—it turned him on.

He had an exhibitionist streak a mile wide.
Licking his lips as the man smeared the come on the woman’s back, Ian turned his head. He could barely see Jeff with his peripheral

vision. “Would you?â€​

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The hold on his hips tightened. “Fuck you in public, where anyone could see? Hell, yes. I don’t care who sees me do what.

Remember your shop? I’m attracted to the person, not the gender. And I’m


attracted to you.â€​

A black key was dangled out for Ian to see. Jeff slid his hand down to cup Ian’s ass. “Ready?â€​
A voice in the back of Ian’s head told him he’d been ready for this for a long time. He’d never had the right person to explore

this side of his sexuality with. Kyle would barely hold his hand when they were out, let alone allow any public displays of affection. Ian hadn’t
even considered suggesting something like this to him. The rest of his relationships had been too fleeting.

But now he had Jeff and a key to a place where he could live out each and every one of his fantasies. If Jeff walked away tomorrow, leaving

him behind to pick up the pieces and move on, Ian would have this night to remember.

Turning around to press his back to the window, Ian swallowed hard before he met Jeff’s steady gaze and smiled.
“Let’s go.â€​

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Chapter Four

The room was warmer than the club proper or the hall leading to the private area. If Ian had to guess why, it was as much about encouraging
nakedness as it was making people comfortable. Walking into the room was easy, but moving away from the wall was far harder than he’d

Of course, Jeff seemed to have no such hesitations. “I wonder what we have over here?â€​
Ian hadn’t spotted the low chest of drawers along the wall beneath the window. Jeff practically bounced as he made his way over to pull

out each drawer, peeking inside each, examining some of the contents briefly before moving on.

“Find anything interesting?â€​ He tried to sound casual, even as he balled his hands into fists behind his back. Shit, he shouldn’t be

this nervous. This was what he wanted, after all.

“Condoms, lube, dildos and…a bunch of things I don’t have a clue about.â€​
“I could take pictures and ask Paige. She’d get a kick out of that.â€​
“Let’s leave your sister out of the bedroom for now.â€​ Jeff winked at him. “I’d rather figure things out on my own.â€​
Ian had to squeeze down hard on his cock to stop from coming. “Now that we’re here, what do we do?â€​
Jeff shoved a few things into his pockets and turned around. The grin on his face reminded Ian of a shark or some other predatory creature

who was about to enjoy a tasty treat. If Ian was smart, he would get the hell out of there. He should have paid more attention to the Discovery

“I think the first step is for you to come away from that wall and stand in the middle of the room.â€​
“Yup, okay.â€​ Still, Ian had to push away from the wall to get himself to move. Unsure what to do with his hands, he shoved them into his

pockets and walked slowly to where Jeff had pointed. “Now what?â€​

He had a clear view of the window and the few people who walked past. No one was paying much attention to them yet, but Ian had a feeling

the moment the clothing started to fall to the floor, that would change.

Jeff circled around, his gaze roaming across Ian. “I think we should have a chat. Get to know each other better.â€​
“We’ve been chatting for almost a year.â€​
“But you don’t know much about me. And I certainly don’t know enough about you.â€​
Ian snorted, but his body started to relax. “We could play a game?â€​
“Interesting. What do you have in mind?â€​
“Truth or Dare?â€​
Jeff stopped walking and rocked up on his toes. “That’s very junior high.â€​
“Only if we restrict ourselves.â€​
Jeff cocked his head to the side, and after a moment he finally nodded. “Agreed. But I get to go first.â€​
“Deal.â€​ Ian let the wave of nervousness wash over him before he mentally went through every trick he knew to calm himself down. He

had to focus on Jeff and what he wanted out of the night, not on the past.

“Truth or dare?â€​ Jeff asked, once more circling around where Ian stood.

Best to start things off right.


“I somehow figured you’d say that.â€​ Jeff continued his slow path until he stood in front of Ian once more. “I dare you…â€​ he

licked his lips, “…to go outside and get the first woman you find to come back to the window. Once you do, I want you to kiss her. And not
some little peck on the cheek. A real, honest to God kiss.â€​

Shock drained the blood from his face to pool in his stomach. “What?â€​
“It’s not a proper dare if it isn’t hard.â€​
“Can I choose truth?â€​
“Nope.â€​ Jeff leaned in and nipped the end of Ian’s nose. “I promise it will be worth it.â€​
“But I’ve never…â€​ Ian’s words died when Jeff’s knuckles pressed against his cock. “Give me a minute.â€​
Blindly, Ian bolted from the room out into the hall. A woman—Jeff wanted him to kiss a woman. The corridor had filled up considerably from

when they’d first gone into the room, giving Ian plenty of options for his quest. Ignoring Jeff on the other side of the window, he sucked in a
breath and walked over to the smallest of the groups.

Two women dressed mostly in black PVC were speaking with a man. The older woman had a collar around her throat, secured by a lead

that the younger woman held. Ian’s experience in the whole Dom/sub realm was extremely limited. However, he knew enough to know he’d
need to be respectful if he had any hope of success.

Without announcing his presence, he stood to the side in the line of sight of the Domme and waited. He got the impression she was aware

of him long before she chose to acknowledge it.



When she finally acknowledged him, he gave her a small smile. “Excuse me. Could I interrupt for a moment?â€​
The Domme smiled back. “What can I do for you?â€​
“I’m on a task. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to kiss either you or your charming friend here over in front of that

window.â€​ He pointed and prayed he didn’t come across as the idiot he felt like.

The Domme lifted an eyebrow. “And why would I agree to that?â€​
“To be honest, I have nothing to offer in return.â€​ Fuck, he was probably red by now. “I’m playing a game of Truth or Dare with

my date and I stupidly chose dare right off the bat. He knows I’ve never kissed a woman before, so…â€​ Ian snapped his mouth shut and
shrugged. “I would appreciate it.â€​

He smiled at the sub. If he weren’t gay, he might have found her attractive in a sexual way. It wouldn’t be too much of a hardship to

kiss her. Hell, he might even enjoy it. It wasn’t as if Jeff wanted him to screw her.

“Since you were honest about it, I agree.â€​ The Domme handed the lead over to the man and turned to face the other woman. “Wait


Ian blinked. “What? I figured she’d—â€​
“She kisses no one but me.â€​ The Domme linked her arm through Ian’s. “Now, why don’t you show me where we’re

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going? I promise I won’t bite you.â€​

Ian found that incredibly difficult to believe.
When Ian returned to the window, Jeff was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. With his hands laced behind his head and his legs

stuck out straight, he could have been about to watch a movie or TV show.

“Cocky bastard,â€​ Ian muttered as he turned to the Domme. “Thanks for this.â€​
The Domme stared at Jeff for a moment, before smiling in such a way to put Jeff’s normal cockiness to shame. “He’s ready for

some entertainment.â€​

“No doubt.â€​
“Well then, let’s give him a show.â€​
She turned Ian with a hand on his hip and reached up to cup his cheek with the other. Ian found he couldn’t tear his gaze away from her

brown eyes, surprised by the humor and warmth in their depths. The first brush of their lips was as chaste as a kiss he would have given his
grandmother. He would have complained if it hadn’t been for the spark of energy that zipped through his body.

Ian found himself being pulled closer and had to move his hands around her back to find support. He barely had a moment to tip his face to

the side and close his eyes when she moved in for a second, proper kiss.

He’d no idea a woman’s mouth could be this soft.
Ian gasped as her fingernails curled into the back of his neck, giving her more room to slip her tongue past his teeth. She nipped at his

bottom lip, sucking it into her mouth before diving in deeper once again. Ian’s heartbeat tripped, and the rush of blood through his body made
him dizzy.

Soft breasts, arms, mouth,


pressed against him, consuming his senses. She even smelled soft with the light perfume and scent

of her hairspray. Finally, she pulled back, placing a quick kiss to the tip of his nose.

“Thank you,â€​ he said softly, fighting the urge to touch his lips.
“You’re most welcome.â€​ The Domme turned her head to the window and winked before walking back to her group.
Ian bit down on his bottom lip, the ghosting sensation of her mouth still tingling on her skin. When he turned to see Jeff, the man was no

longer in his casual stance. Gone was the relaxed pose and cocky smile. Instead he was standing up, staring intently at him. Jeff lifted his hand and
beckoned him back to the room.

A pulse of lust started somewhere deep in Ian’s balls and shot through his body.
The air upon his return had a faint hint of male musk, and Ian had to fight the urge to lick out to catch the scent. Jeff had undone the first two

buttons on his shirt, exposing more of his chest hair and the tanned skin beneath. The silence stretched on. Ian caught himself rocking from foot to
foot, stopped and let out a huff.

“How was that?â€​ Ian didn’t care that his voice shook. “I could go find another one—â€​
“Truth or dare?â€​
Ian blinked. “What?â€​
“Ask me.â€​
Reaching up to rub the back of his neck, Ian snapped his gaze up, locking onto Jeff’s. “Truth or dare, then?â€​


There were too many questions he’d wanted to ask over the past few months. Even more once he’d found out about Jeff’s

ex. Still, none of those questions seemed appropriate standing in a sex club with the man he’d jerked off over.

“Have you ever had sex with a man before?â€​
Jeff unbuttoned his shirt another notch. “Full-out sex, no. It had been all hand jobs and blow jobs before I met Cassie.â€​
“And she didn’t care that you’d been interested in men?â€​
“That’s two questions. It doesn’t work that way.â€​ Jeff didn’t smile. Ian wanted him to. “Truth or dare?â€​
With his cock throbbing, Ian took a step closer to Jeff. “Dare.â€​
“Get naked.â€​
He didn’t need to see out in the hall to know they’d started to attract an audience. The people would slow, hovering outside, clearly

picking up the signs that something was about to happen.

Ian ignored the way his hands shook as he fumbled through unbuttoning his shirt. He was an attractive guy. Maybe not movie-star caliber, but

none of his previous boyfriends ever complained and he’d gone to the gym whenever he’d been able.

But getting naked in a public setting like this was something Ian had never pictured himself doing.
“You’re nervous?â€​ Jeff sauntered over to the cabinet and sat on top of it. Watching. “You can back out if you want.â€​
Ian left his shirt open and started working on the cuffs. “That would mean you’d win the game. I never back down from a


“I gathered that about you.â€​ Jeff’s eyes narrowed as Ian slipped the shirt free and tossed it on the chair. “It’s why you run

your own business, isn’t it?â€​

“That would be a question. I chose dare.â€​ Ian smirked and unbuckled his belt.
The pants fell to the floor with a near-silent


, the belt making a hollow


as it landed on top of the fabric. He’d chosen to wear

black briefs, and now he was happy that he had. Movement behind Jeff caught his attention, drawing his gaze.

The Domme, her sub and the man were standing there watching him. The man seemed less interested in him and more on whispering

words to the sub. The Domme smiled at him, making a get-on-with-it motion before turning her attention back to the woman beside her.

People were watching.
It wasn’t a fantasy anymore, but a living, breathing reality. Ian hooked his fingers around the waistband of his briefs. His chest tightened

and his legs began to shake. The room around his faded and, before he knew it, Jeff was at his side, pressed against him.

“You don’t have to do this. I won’t think any less of you and I sure as hell won’t force you into something. I thought…this was

something you wanted.â€​

Fuck, he didn’t understand. Ian pressed his face to Jeff’s neck and giggled. Fucking


“I want to. Badly. The rush…â€​

“Shit.â€​ Jeff’s hot breath was quickly chased by his wet mouth, sucking onto any skin he could find. “Don’t you dare come.

Not until I’m buried in your ass. You understand me?â€​

“Yeah. Okay. I won’t.â€​

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“Excellent. Now take those off. I want to see you.â€​
Jeff stepped away suddenly, and Ian swayed to follow him. Gathering up as much of his resolve as he could manage, Ian closed his eyes,

pulled his briefs to the floor and kicked them to the side. “Truth or dare?â€​

“Bastard.â€​ Ian opened his eyes to find that Jeff had undone another two buttons on his shirt and it was now opened down to his navel.

“Tell me what you’ve fantasized doing to me.â€​

Jeff stepped close once more, but this time didn’t let his body touch Ian’s. “Oh, that’s easy. Back when Cassie and I were

finalizing the divorce and I first met you, I had the same image going round and round my head.

“I’d have you stretched out naked on a bed, your knees pushed up to your chest and opened wide. I’d use my fingers in your

ass to open you up as I suck on your cock. It’s been a long time since I’ve done that. My jaw would probably ache from the stretch, but I
wouldn’t care. I’d suck you down while I stretched you out. And when I had you begging for more, I’d take one of these and push it deep
inside you.â€​

The black butt plug Jeff pulled from his pocket was wide enough at the base for Ian to know he’d feel it for hours after they were done.

Ian could practically feel the press of the latex slicked with lube against him. Without thinking he grabbed Jeff by the wrist, pulled his hand over and
licked up the side of the toy.

“Truth or dare.â€​ Jeff’s whisper was barely audible.
Holding Jeff’s gaze, Ian licked another slow path up the toy. “Truth.â€​
“Why did the fact I’d been married to a woman bother you as much as it did?â€​
Ian was horny enough that the question barely registered. “What?â€​
“Cassie. Why did that bother you?â€​
“Because it meant you weren’t gay.â€​ Ian tried to get closer to Jeff, but he moved away. “Truth or dare?â€​
“Not yet. You’re not done answering my question.â€​
Ian growled with frustration, trying once more to get close. “Yes I did.â€​
“Clearly you knew I was interested in you. I’d been fucking flirting like mad for months. Why were you upset?â€​
Ian dropped to his knees, pressed his face to Jeff’s still-covered crotch and unzipped his pants. “Not now. Please not now.â€​ God,

he didn’t want to think about Kyle, not with Jeff doing


to him.

“We’ll talk later. Promise. Please…I need you to fuck me.â€​
Jeff reached down and pulled Ian’s head back, forcing him to look him in the eye. “Talk first. Fuck second.â€​
Panting, Ian’s mouth practically watered at the idea of sucking Jeff. He couldn’t give him the truth. There was no way. But he could

give him something close. “I didn’t want to be a straight guy’s experimental rebound.â€​

Jeff’s eyes widened and after a moment he nodded. “Dare.â€​
“Let me take your pants off and suck you.â€​
Jeff’s harsh breathing filled the room as he moved his hand from Ian’s hair, freeing him to do what he wanted. The weight of other

people’s stares pressed down on him, yet Ian was freer now than he had been in years.

Everyone’s attention was focused on him.
And if they were watching, it meant he wasn’t alone.
The scent of Jeff’s arousal was potent, making Ian’s mouth water as he dug beneath the layers. Unlike him, Jeff wore boxer briefs

that covered the skin halfway down his thighs. Grabbing both the band of his pants and the briefs, Ian pulled them down slowly, scraping the fabric
over the sensitive flesh of Jeff’s engorged cock.

Even though they’d jerked off together in the store, Ian hadn’t then been in a position to fully appreciate the man before him. But

now, with nothing but time stretching out before them, he relished every second as inch by inch the other man was bared to him. Before Jeff’s
cock sprang free, Ian dipped his head and pulled the material to the floor. Then, keeping his eyes down, he worked Jeff free of his shoes, socks
and the rest of his clothing.

The man was gorgeous.
The urge to see who was watching was nearly too much. Instead, Ian slid his hands up Jeff’s naked thighs until he framed his hard, thick

cock with his fingers. He wasn’t as long as Ian, but thicker from tip to base.

“Weren’t you going to suck me?â€​ The words weren’t full of Jeff’s normal humor. Instead his voice was barely a growl.
Knowing he shouldn’t push his luck, Ian squeezed Jeff’s thighs, moved in and licked from the middle of his balls, up his shaft, to

tease the tip of his cock with his tongue. The moan that came from Jeff increased in volume as Ian moved up, until the other man was gasping for
air. Biting down gently on the tip, Ian sucked the vein on the underneath part of Jeff’s cock, loving the way it jerked against his lips.

“Truth or dare?â€​ Ian whispered against the hot skin.
“My turn.â€​
He moved his face down to Jeff’s balls. “Then ask.â€​
“Truth or—â€​
“Dare.â€​ Ian sucked hard on the skin that had risen close to Jeff’s body. He assaulted the sensitive flesh with his tongue.
Ian released the skin with a pop as Jeff pushed him onto his back. “Do it. Get in the position I want.â€​
Already moving before Jeff had finished his sentence, Ian stretched out on the floor and pulled his knees up to his chest. Hesitating for only a

moment, he stretched his thighs wide, exposing his painfully hard cock to the man he’d been dreaming about for almost a year.

Jeff didn’t disappoint.
A strong, sure hand pressed down on Ian’s thigh, holding him open wide, while Jeff fished for the lube he’d stuffed in his pants

pocket. The cold weight of the butt plug Jeff pressed to Ian’s stomach sent a shiver through him that had little to do with the cool air or floor, and
everything to do with wanting to feel it stretch and burn his muscles.

The first press of Jeff’s lube-coated finger to his ass had Ian moaning shamelessly. His eyes closed for only a moment before he forced

them back open. His head was pointed at the window, but even from his upside-down position he could see two couples watching them.

“They’ve been staring at you for a while now.â€​ Jeff’s voice was soft, a contrast to the feel of his finger pumping into him.

“The women are so fucking turned on I think they’d let their men fuck them in the hall.â€​

A second finger breached him. Ian’s legs began to shake from the strain of holding them in position. He looped his hands beneath his

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knees to pull himself up.

“One of the men is staring at you too. I bet he’d get off on fucking a guy but is too chickenshit to try. Not the sort of man you want.â€​
Ian shook his head, ignoring the hard press of the floor into his scalp. “Want you.â€​
The wolfish grin Jeff shot him made Ian’s cock twitch. “You’ll have me.â€​
The third finger went in easily given the amount of lube Jeff used. Not that he kept them in there for long. Without teasing his prostate, Jeff

pulled out and took up the butt plug. Holding it where Ian could watch, he liberally coated the toy before moving down to Ian’s entrance.

“Stop me if anything feels wrong.â€​
“Do it, Jeff. Please.â€​
This time Ian did close his eyes, enjoying the feel of his muscles stretching to accommodate the toy. The first part went in easy enough, but

when they reached the base, he was dangerously close to full.

No, he had to relax. Jeff wouldn’t hurt him, he’d make sure everything was okay. He wasn’t like the others. He wouldn’t

leave Ian hurt and alone. He wouldn’t leave.

The pop of the toy passing the tight muscles blanked Ian’s mind and snatched a moan from him. Jeff pressed it in farther until there

wasn’t even a bit of space between toy and flesh.

“Fucking hell,â€​ Jeff muttered as he circled a finger around the base of the plug. “You’re…I’d always imagined, but you


It was challenging to open his eyes and meet Jeff’s gaze, but the awe and wonder on the other man’s face was worth it. In that

moment, Jeff was the most important person in the world to him.

“Truth or dare,â€​ Ian whispered, his voice threatening to abandon him altogether.
Jeff leaned in and, with only the tiniest hint of hesitation, sucked the tip of Ian’s cock into his mouth. It was clear Jeff hadn’t done this

a lot, or at the least, hadn’t done it in a while. But what he lacked in skill he more than made up for in enthusiasm. He licked and sucked Ian to
the point where he didn’t think he’d last long, only to pull back and toy with the handle on the plug. When he started to fuck Ian with the toy
hard and fast, he finally answered the question.

“Fuck me.â€​
With little care, Jeff corkscrewed the butt plug out and tossed it aside. “Wanted you for months now.â€​
Ian was beyond speech. Movement from the hall caught his attention. One of the men had his hand down a woman’s shirt, while the

other man appeared to be getting a blow job as he watched Ian. He swore he heard moans coming from the hallway.

Good on him.
Jeff made short work of slipping a condom on and lining himself up. Ian suddenly didn’t care about who was watching. The only thing

that mattered was Jeff—the bliss on his face as he started to push in. The way his mouth fell open and the muttered “Tightâ€​ that slipped past
his lips.

“That’s it… God, Jeff. You’re huge…but you can’t hurt me. Don’t worry, just…â€​ Ian tried to tip his hips up to

encourage Jeff to move faster, but didn’t have the leverage with his legs in the air. “Yeah, do it.â€​

The moments stretched on until finally,


Jeff was flush against Ian’s body. They moved together—Jeff leaning forward, bracing his

hands on either side of Ian’s head, while Ian lowered his legs to wrap them around Jeff’s body.

Their harsh breath mingled in the space between them. Ian found he couldn’t look away from Jeff’s eyes, losing himself in the mix of

gray, crystal and blue. Jeff gave an experimental thrust.

“Truth.â€​ Ian licked his lips.
“How old are you?â€​
“Truth.â€​ Jeff leaned in and bit Ian’s earlobe.
Ian turned his head to the side, exposing more of his neck. “How old are



Jeff picked up the rhythm of his thrusts. “Where is the kinkiest place you’ve had sex?â€​
“Besides here?â€​ Ian laughed. “The coffee shop. With you.â€​
Jeff groaned. “Not going to last long. You feel amazing.â€​
“Then come for me. Fuck me hard.â€​
Jeff slipped his hands beneath Ian’s shoulder and, with his face to Ian’s neck, pounded as hard and as fast as Ian had ever been

fucked. Each thrust forward scraped against his prostate, and Ian’s control slipped. It had been way too long since he’d done this. Jeff was
a talented lay—too perfect—and he couldn’t hold back.

The low cry from Jeff echoed in Ian’s ear as Jeff lost all control and slammed into him over and over. It was too much for Ian. The scream

was trapped somewhere in his chest and never made it past the lump in his throat. Jeff’s stomach rubbed him, giving him the last push he
needed into oblivion, and Ian’s cock pulsed come between them.

Jeff kissed him.
Unlike the Domme, there was nothing soft about Jeff. Stubble from his chin and cheeks rubbed against him as he devoured Ian. The arms

pulling him into a hug were strong, as was the scent of male and sex. Jeff’s cock was quickly softening and threatened to slip from his body. Ian
squeezed his ass tight, hoping in vain to keep the other man in place.

When they finally broke for air, Jeff bit down gently on Ian’s chin. “You’re amazing.â€​
“Not too bad yourself for a first time.â€​
Jeff chuckled, the rumbling vibrating through Ian’s chest. “Thanks. I don’t get why you’re single. What’s your deep, dark

secret that’s going to come back and bite my ass?â€​

Ian froze. “What?â€​


, what? I was only teasing.â€​ Jeff shifted to the side, propping his head on his hand and staring at Ian. “Unless you have a

deep, dark secret that you’re not telling me.â€​

“Don’t start.â€​

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The glow of happiness faded in a heartbeat. Ian rolled away and staggered to his feet. Their audience was gone, leaving them in peace to

clean up.

“There are wipes in the bottom left drawer.â€​
“Thanks.â€​ Ian found them and quickly cleaned up.
When he turned to offer them to Jeff, he was met with a confused frown. “I don’t know what happened to you in the past, but I’m

not like that.â€​

Ian nodded, but he didn’t believe it. Jeff was a decent guy, a handsome man who would sooner or later see Ian for who he was. And

when that happened, he would be left alone again.

Always alone.
Ian smiled and shrugged. “Ignore me. Let’s get a drink.â€​

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Chapter Five

The silence of his apartment was oppressive. Ian had ignored all calls, after letting Paige and Sadie know he wasn’t feeling good and
wouldn’t be coming down to work today. Neither of them believed him, but they didn’t push him either.

It was the fifteenth of the month and he had a call to make.
Normally, Ian would be able to brush off his anxiety and do what he had to. But after his date with Jeff, he found it hard to simply feel flip

about the whole thing. He’d been living with the guilt for years, and nothing anyone said could make him feel better about the situation.

The portable phone was warm in his hand and wasn’t about to disappear because he didn’t want to do this. He didn’t have to

make the call—no one expected him to, given the situation. Hell, even Paige had tried to get him to stop, and she was the queen of the guilt trips
when she wanted to be. It would have been easy to bury the idea and let it drift into the distant background while he got on with his life.

Instead, he pressed the talk button and typed in the number he knew by heart. It only rang three times before a voice chirped back at him

from the other end.

“Livingstone Extended Care. How can I help you?â€​
“Hi, Shelly. It’s Ian Long.â€​
“Ian! I was wondering when you’d call. It’s a bit later in the day than normal for you.â€​
Leaning back against the couch, Ian fought the urge to cry. “It’s been crazy today. You know how it gets, running your own store.â€​
“You need to come by again and bring some more of that wonderful coffee of yours. The girls are all in love.â€​
“I’ll be sure to do that soon.â€​ Ian squeezed the phone hard. “Is he able to take a call?â€​
“Your father has finished with his physio session. He should be back in his room. It’s been a bit of a bad day for him, so don’t

expect too much, okay?â€​

I never do.

“Thanks for the heads up.â€​

“I’ll patch you through.â€​
“Appreciate it.â€​
The normal roll of nausea began in his stomach when the transferred call began to ring through. The line rang eight times, nothing unusual

given the recipient, before the receiver on the other end was lifted. A muted curse and a sharp “What?â€​ greeted him.

“Hi, Dad. It’s Ian.â€​
The silence that followed didn’t give him any indication of how the conversation was going to go. Ian took a breath and tried to put as

much joy into his voice as he could. “How was your physio session? Shelly said you just finished up. Did you give them hell again this time?â€​

“It fucking hurt.â€​
“But are you doing better? How are your arms? The doctor told me you’d been complaining about a sore shoulder.â€​
“I don’t know why they bother with my arms. It’s my legs that don’t work. They need to work on them. Who is this?â€​

Ah, it’s going to be one of these calls.

“It’s Ian, Dad. Your son.â€​

“I don’t have a son named Ian.â€​
“Yes, you do, Dad.â€​
“No. I don’t.â€​
“It was the accident, Dad. You sometimes have trouble remembering. There’s three of us, Paige and Sadie and Ian. We all work

together at our store now. I brought you to see it a few months ago.â€​

“No, no son Ian. He’s dead.â€​

No son of mine will be gay.
It’s not like I


it, Dad.

No son of mine. You’re dead to me.

“I didn’t die in the accident. I only broke my arm. Remember? The impact was on your side.â€​ Ian could still hear the sound, the

sickening screech of metal twisting and glass shattering.

“What accident?â€​
“The one you had in the car. It’s been almost ten years.â€​


this? Why are you calling me?â€​

God, he was going to puke. “Guess this isn’t a good day. Bye, Dad.â€​
Ian hung up and threw the phone against the wall. He hadn’t cried over the accident or his broken relationship with his father in years.

Logically, he knew it hadn’t been his fault, not really. But if they hadn’t been fighting, if his dad had been paying more attention to the road
and less attention to his seventeen-year-old son, then he might not have run the red light and slammed into the oncoming car.

His dad was barely half the man he’d once been, and Ian couldn’t help but take the blame.
The knock at the door had him jump, but he made no move to answer it. It could only be one of two people, neither of whom he was ready to

talk to. Another, more persistent thump told him the chances of his visitor going away anytime soon were unlikely. Pushing himself to his feet, Ian
got as far as the door and pressed the heels of his palms to his eyes.

“Is that any way to talk to a door?â€​


Ian quickly undid the locks and yanked open the door. “What are you doing here?â€​

Jeff held up a pizza and a six-pack. “Your sisters said you took the day off. Sadie actually called me to let me know. I figured I’d

come over and gate crash.â€​ When Ian didn’t immediately move aside, Jeff half turned back toward the stairs. “I can leave if you’d

Ian grabbed him by the shirt collar and jerked him in. “I hope that’s meat lovers.â€​
“With no mushrooms. Sadie told me you refuse to eat anything that’s been grown in shit.â€​
“I blame my grade-twelve biology teacher. There was an educational video involved.â€​
The small apartment wasn’t much to look at, but Ian loved his space. The smell of coffee and baking from below filled the air, and on

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most days gave him a feeling of comfort. His odd assortment of books and DVDs filled his makeshift bookshelves, each one having some personal
meaning for him.

Jeff tossed the pizza box on the table next to the beer and unrepentantly gave the open living room the once-over. “Nice place. Do you

get a deal on rent?â€​

“As long as we let out the storefront downstairs, I do. It saves me having to commute.â€​
“I bet.â€​ Jeff didn’t immediately sit down when Ian did. Nor did he reach for the pizza or the beer. He tapped the top of one of the

bottles and stared out the window.

“What’s wrong?â€​ Ian twisted off one of the beer caps and pushed the bottle in Jeff’s direction. “Not that I mind you coming,

but it’s a bit out of the ordinary. Even if Sadie called.â€​

Taking a long pull from the bottle, Jeff finally turned to smile at him. Unlike every other smile Ian’d seen on the man, this one didn’t

reach Jeff’s eyes. “I wasn’t going to do this. From the impression I got from your sister, you’re having a bad day.â€​

Ian shrugged. It wasn’t as if Jeff could do anything to turn back time and make his life better. “We all have them. What’s up with


“I need your help.â€​
“With?â€​ Ian didn’t like the sound of this.
Jeff swallowed down half the contents of the bottle before setting it on the table and leaning toward him. “I’m hoping you’ll come

to a party with me.â€​

Ian opened his mouth to say something but found himself at a loss for words. Jeff was watching him intently, sending a tingle through his

body that had him squirming.

“You don’t have to.â€​
“What’s the party for?â€​
“Remember my briefcase and the papers inside? That was a proposal to take on the corporate information security review for a rather

large investment firm. The owner is something of a tight ass, and Stephen and I have been working ourselves stupid for months to get him to buy

“It’s his party?â€​
“Yes. The bastard is all about appearances and expects us to show up. Problem is, Stephen is in Hong Kong with another client of


“You want me to pretend to be Stephen?â€​ It had been way too long since he’d done any acting. And he’d never been Brad


“Hell, no. I was hoping you’d go as my plus one.â€​

Plus one. Not as his date.

“Surely they can’t expect you to bring someone.â€​

“They don’t.â€​
Ian wasn’t an idiot. He knew there was something Jeff wasn’t telling him, and the last thing he was going to do was go into

something blind. Things never ended in his favor when he did that.

“Truth.â€​ Ian would have laughed at the expression on Jeff’s face if he hadn’t been completely serious about the whole thing. If

he was going to do this, he wanted to go in with his eyes wide open. It hurt less when he got blindsided.

Letting his head hang, Jeff let out a sigh. “My ex-wife will be there.â€​
Ian normally could handle things like former partners coming back. Not well, but he could deal. But there was something about the idea of

coming face-to-face with the woman who Jeff had done more than sleep with that set him on edge.

“Ian, I know this isn’t ideal, and that you have every reason to say no, but I would appreciate it.â€​
Jeff didn’t pull back, giving Ian no room to escape the appraisement in his sharp blue eyes. If there was one thing that could piss Ian off,

it was being put on the spot. He needed time to think things over, consider his options. While he didn’t have a university degree backing him
up, he more than made up for it with his ability to see the larger picture and know how best to handle things.

Pushing away from the table, Ian got to his feet and grabbed a slice of pizza from the box. “When is it?â€​

Stupid idea.

“Thursday night. It’s a black-tie event and I’m more than willing to rent the tux for you.â€​
Damn. He liked tuxes. “And you need me there as moral support? I’m not about to get pulled into some elaborate scam and have to

jump out of windows or kiss girls or anything?â€​

“I don’t know.â€​ Jeff winked. “You looked like you enjoyed that kiss the other night.â€​
Ian’s balls tingled and his cock thickened in agreement—though it had little to do with the woman herself and more to do with Jeff’s

reaction. Not wanting to give him too much of an answer, Ian snorted.

Jeff’s grin did strange things to Ian’s stomach. “I promise, no James Bond while we’re there. I expect the whole thing to be

perfectly boring.â€​

Ian shoved half a piece of pizza into his mouth to delay the need to provide an answer. Unlike his sisters, who would normally call him an

oversize twelve-year-old, Jeff merely smirked, picked up his own pizza slice and shoved in as much as he could. Ian damn near choked as he
swallowed down what he had in his mouth, coughing and laughing as he struggled for air.

“What?â€​ Jeff barely managed to say around the enormous bite.
“Nothing.â€​ Ian smiled as he finished his beer. “


going to take me to a black-tie event?â€​

“I’ll even buy you a drink. Pick you up in the corporate car and everything.â€​
“I’ve never seen you drive it.â€​
Jeff shrugged. “Stephen usually has it when he’s in town. I prefer to walk and take the underground where I can. I hate Toronto traffic

so I only drive it when I have to pick up clients.â€​

Once again, Ian realized how little he knew of the other man, even though he felt like he’d known him forever. Jeff was nothing more than

a stranger he’d been flirting with for the past year. It didn’t matter that Ian was more comfortable around him than any other man he’d
ever been with. And the dreams he’d been having about large hands and bright blue eyes could easily be chalked up to simply needing to get
out more.

Or get laid.
Tapping the side of his empty bottle, he ignored the intent way Jeff was watching him.
“Truth.â€​ Jeff wiped his fingers on a napkin. “What’s the real reason you don’t want to go?â€​

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Because bad things always happen when I’m happy. Kyle…

“I’m not sure your ex-wife will be too pleased to see you with a


“Cassie won’t be too pleased to see me, period. She wasn’t happy when I broke things off, even though she didn’t try very

hard to patch things up. But we work in similar circles and the meeting is inevitable. I’m moving on with my life.â€​ Jeff shrugged. “Will you

“I’ll consider it.â€​
It wasn’t much, but it seemed to make Jeff happy. “Excellent! I’ll let them know I’m a plus one.â€​
Ian rolled his eyes. “I haven’t said yes.â€​
“You will.â€​
“What makes you so sure of that?â€​
Jeff pushed the chair under the table and stood beside him. Heat from his body made the scent of his cologne stronger, more potent, and it

had Ian’s head spinning. Leaning in, Jeff bit down on the muscle on the top of his shoulder, the place Ian was quickly coming to associate with
the man. Licking the wound, Jeff muttered a single word into Ian’s shirt.




A hand slid beneath his T-shirt as Jeff scraped his nails up Ian’s spine. “I thought you’d figured that out by now.â€​
“From almost the second I’d met you.â€​
Jeff pushed his other hand beneath Ian’s shirt, this one circling the skin around Ian’s navel. “And you didn’t run away?â€​
“I was too busy serving you coffee.â€​
“You were too busy staring at my ass.â€​
“You were walking away, how would you have noticed?â€​
Clever fingers worked their way up Ian’s chest to flick across a nipple. “You were too busy looking at my ass to notice me looking at



Jeff tweaked Ian’s nipple, dragging a moan from him. Ian leaned into Jeff and couldn’t help but wonder what the hell he was doing.

“I’m not going to have sex with you.â€​

“I didn’t ask you to have sex. I asked you to come to a party with me. I


you even.â€​

“Truth.â€​ Ian bucked his hips into the empty air in front of him. The pain and feelings of dread from the morning were blurring into the

background. His entire world was shrinking down to the man touching him, and the desire to get closer.

“You haven’t said yes to my dare yet.â€​
“I’ll tell you once you answer my question.â€​
Jeff pushed his hand beneath Ian’s waistband and into his underwear. Long fingers cupped Ian’s ass and squeezed hard. “Ask


The ability to think was rapidly deteriorating. “What would you do if I wasn’t available?â€​
Jeff’s finger teased the cleft of Ian’s ass, pushing against the sensitive skin. “I’d go alone.â€​
“You wouldn’t find some cute girl to make your ex jealous?â€​
“Not even a cute boy. It’s you or solo.â€​
Ian leaned forward and braced his hand on the table. The change in their position thrust his ass ever more into Jeff’s hand. “Yes,

I’ll go.â€​

“You are awesome.â€​ Jeff slipped his hand out, but instead pushed his crotch against him. “I honestly didn’t come here to have

sex. Sadie said you were upset.â€​

“Sadie exaggerates.â€​ He pushed back and they started a silent rhythm, humping against each other. “I had a bad phone call.

Nothing major.â€​

“Who was it?â€​
Ian groaned. “I don’t want to discuss this with you fucking me.â€​
As quickly as he’d started, Jeff moved away. “Then I can change that.â€​
“I hate you.â€​ Ian glanced over his shoulder. “Seriously.â€​
Jeff started unbuttoning his shirt, but moved no closer. “Why don’t I believe you? Who were you talking to?â€​
“My dad.â€​
“And that upsets you? Not close, I take it?â€​
Ian stood up straight and spun to face him. “If you want any hope of having anything resembling sex in the next few minutes, I suggest you

stop talking about my father. Please, don’t go there.â€​

Jeff stilled. “The last time we had sex, you went cold on me when I suggested you had a secret. Does it have to do with your dad?â€​
“Shut up, Jeff.â€​
“Secrets are my business. Sorry.â€​
“Do you want to have sex or not?â€​
“Not if you won’t talk to me. Lack of communication is what killed my marriage. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust

me enough to give me the truth.â€​

Ian didn’t have a chance to respond. Jeff noticed the smashed phone, lying in pool of plastic shards around the casing. “What


“My dad had an accident a few years ago. He suffers from memory loss and is partially brain damaged. Sometimes conversations with

him are…difficult. Satisfied?â€​

“No. Is that the big secret that upset you the other night? Figured I’d think less of you because of your dad?â€​
“Thanks for the pizza and beer. It was great of you to stop by.â€​ Any arousal Ian had quickly dissipated. “I’ll understand if you

want to get someone else for your date.â€​

Ian moved to the door and held it open, waiting for Jeff to make a move. Instead of taking the hint and leaving, Jeff bent down and picked up

the pieces of the phone.

“Do you have a vacuum? The plastic here splintered.â€​
“I’ll clean it up after you leave.â€​

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“Never mind, I’ll use the broom.â€​
Ian watched in disbelief as Jeff started sweeping up the mess, humming something completely off-key. The door was a heavy weight in his

hands, suddenly too much for Ian to hold. Quietly, he closed it, turning to press his back to it.

“You don’t have to do that,â€​ Ian said softly.
“I get the impression you don’t let people do a lot for you. You work too many hours. Try to take over parts of the business so your

sisters don’t have to do it.â€​ After emptying the contents into the garbage can, Jeff put the broom back without giving Ian a second look.
“There is nothing wrong with taking things for yourself.â€​

Yes, there is.

“I know.â€​

“Then why don’t you do it?â€​
Ian licked his lips and tried to shove his hands into his jeans pockets. When they wouldn’t fit, he sufficed with burying the thumbs

instead. “It’s not that. I do take things for myself. The business is for me. I like to work hard.â€​

You’ll never amount to anything.

Ian closed his eyes and ignored the threat of tears. He would


cry in front of Jeff, no matter how understanding the other man was.

“Today is a bad day. I’m sorry I freaked out the other night. You were amazing and the club was awesome. It’s been a long since
I’ve been interested in someone, let alone go on a date. I do tend to let things go a little too long when it comes to my personal life.â€​

He sensed Jeff’s approach but didn’t open his eyes. The brush of fingers against his cheek had Ian turning his head into the

contact, seeking the warmth silently being offered.

“We can take things slower, if that’s what you want.â€​
Ian chuckled, but didn’t feel any of the joy. “I should be the one saying that to you.â€​ Opening his eyes, he sank into the comforting

blue gaze before him. “I’m the one who’s gay.â€​

“I’m bi, not stupid. I know what I want and right now that happens to be you.â€​
The kiss held none of the franticness their previous ones had. The press of lips against lips was soft and uncertain, as though they were both

nervous. Their bodies didn’t touch except for their mouths, and Ian found himself sinking once more into the cresting rush of desire for this man
who’d stumbled back into his life.

Time lost its meaning. The seconds, hours, years the kiss lasted would never be enough. God, Ian couldn’t believe how much he wanted

this man—and that more than anything scared the shit out of him. He wanted Jeff, which meant bad things would happen.

But Ian was selfish enough to want him regardless.
He wasn’t sure which of them broke the kiss, but neither of them moved far. Ian licked his lips, brushing Jeff’s swollen skin as he

did. “I’m sorry,â€​ Ian whispered.

Jeff cupped his face and placed a kiss on the end of his nose. “Never apologize to me for telling me how you feel. I want to know. I want

to get to know you better.â€​

Another kiss to the tip had Ian chuckling. “You have an unhealthy obsession with my nose.â€​
“It’s cute.â€​
“You’re weird.â€​
Jeff smiled at him and this time his eyes danced with an inner light. “But that’s what you like about me?â€​
The uncertainty seemed weird coming from the normally self-assured man. Ian gave him another quick kiss. “I do.â€​
“You’ll still come with me Thursday?â€​
“Okay then.â€​ Jeff pulled back and ran a hand down Ian’s chest. “Maybe I will go. Give you some time alone.â€​
Part of Ian wanted to beg Jeff to stay, but the larger part of him was terrified of what he’d say, how much he’d confess to if the other

man were to continue to beat away at Ian’s walls.

“That’s probably for the best.â€​ Ian shrugged. “I’m not the best company today.â€​
Finally giving him space, Jeff backed up, and this time when Ian opened the door, he went out into the hall. “I’ll text you the

information about Thursday. Oh, and send me your suit size.â€​

At least there was that to look forward to. “I will.â€​
“And Ian?â€​
Ian clung to the door, more than a little terrified at what the other man could possibly say. “Yes?â€​
“Don’t think I’ll give up that easily.â€​ Jeff threw him a wink before bounding down the stairs.
He was screwed.

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Chapter Six

The music was a loud, pompous beat that spilled from the jazz quartet squirreled off in the corner. The hotel ballroom felt formal and imposing, not
at all the type of place Ian would normally set foot. If it hadn’t been for the prep phone calls and texts Jeff had sent him over the preceding days,
Ian would have turned around and left. The number of people present had to be closing in on at least fifty, and most of them by now had a glass of
wine or something stronger in their hands.

He was pleased the tux fit him as perfectly as it did, given there hadn’t been an opportunity for him to try it on beforehand. If Jeff’s

reaction to seeing him in it was anything to go by, then the rest of the evening would be worth suffering through the party.

Give him a rave any day.
Then again, going to a rave wouldn’t afford him the sight of Jeff in his own tux. The black of the fabric somehow made his blue eyes

seem even brighter. It was nearly impossible for Ian to tear his gaze away. Thank God the jacket covered his crotch.

“I need a drink,â€​ Jeff said with a smile that was as fake as the breasts of the woman who took their jackets. “Want me to get you


“Rye and Coke. I can come with you.â€​
Jeff grinned. “You stand there and look gorgeous. I won’t be a minute.â€​

Easy as that, eh?

Ian scoped out the room, not recognizing a single person. Not that he would, but he’d sometimes run into customers

in the oddest of places. His hands found their way into his pockets, keeping him from carding them through his hair. He’d spent way more time
on it than he normally did, and the last thing he wanted was to screw it up now.

This was stupid, standing here like an idiot. Ian was about to head toward the bar when someone bumped into him from behind.
“Oh my God, I’m sorry.â€​
“That’s okay, don’t worry about—â€​ Ian snapped his mouth shut when he came face to face with the Domme from Mavericks.
She was as startled as he, and it took them both a moment before they got over the shock. She smiled first and before he knew what was

going on, they were both laughing.

“This is a bit of a surprise.â€​ She held out her hand as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder. “Melanie.â€​
“Ian.â€​ They shook for a moment before he release her. “Nice to meet you.â€​
“I know you’re not an employee of Anderson Financial. We’re not that big a company and I would have definitely recognized you

before. What brings you to our little soiree?â€​

“That would be me.â€​ Jeff pressed the tumbler into Ian’s hand. “Jeff Carson from Trillium International Data Security.â€​
“Melanie Johnson. I’m an analyst with Anderson.â€​
The trio chatted about everything


their run-in at Mavericks. Ian wasn’t sure if this was how Paige had felt for years, knowing there

was this other world of fun and sex that not everyone was aware of. Knowing that Melanie had seen them both naked, fucking on the floor, had
Ian’s cock waking up and wanting someone to notice. Preferably Jeff. When the two started talking information security, Ian found himself
drifting off, his gaze darting around the room.

“I think we’re boring poor Ian to tears,â€​ Melanie said, touching Ian’s arm. “You’re not with Trillium?â€​
“No, I’m his plus one.â€​
“Wonderful.â€​ She toyed with the silver charm bracelet around her wrist. “My plus one couldn’t make it tonight.â€​
“Is she not feeling well?â€​ Ian asked, immediately regretting it when Melanie tensed. “Sorry.â€​
“It’s fine. The big boss isn’t as open-minded about things as others are in this day and age. I keep my personal life on the quiet

side here at work.â€​

Ian cringed. He’d been out for so long and surrounded with people who accepted him for who he was, he’d forgotten what it was

like in certain circles. “Sorry.â€​

“Stop apologizing.â€​ She reached up and kissed his cheek. “I’d better circulate around a bit. You boys stay out of trouble.â€​
As she walked away, tendrils of dread wormed their way through Ian’s chest. “Maybe it wasn’t a good idea, me coming with


Jeff leaned in but kept from touching. “And miss the opportunity to see your ass in those fitted pants? I don’t think so.â€​
Ian knew he was blushing when Jeff laughed at him. “Who do we need to go say hi to so you can play nice? I want to get out of here in

one piece.â€​

“There’s the big man himself and a few of the executive directors. And I better touch base with Jason Rylinski too. He’s my

contact with Anderson. We should only need to stay for an hour, maybe an hour and a half, before we can make our excuses and leave.â€​ Jeff
stepped away as someone else came up to chat with him, cutting short the thought Ian hoped would end with

and then we’ll have sex.

The music changed tempo, drawing others out onto the dance floor. Laughter and the rise of voices both comforted and excited Ian. It had

been ages since he’d been to anything like this, and even if it wasn’t his normal idea of fun, being here with Jeff and seeing the sparkle in
his smile was worth it. Who cared if they couldn’t shout from the rafters that they were here as a couple rather than friends? It only mattered that
he knew, and Jeff was happy.

Conversations blended together as their one hour became three. The never-ending flow of drinks induced a pleasantly fuzzy haze, allowing

the tension to bleed from his body, leaving him loose. The few inhibitions he’d had about any public displays of affection were quickly
dissipating. And if the occasional brush of his hand against Jeff’s ass was noticed by anyone, it could easily be pushed aside as accidental.

Jeff was neck-deep in conversation about some business that hadn’t bothered to firewall their network infrastructure, blah, blah, blah,

when Ian swallowed down the last of his fourth rye.

“He certainly knows how to talk up a storm.â€​
Ian turned to see yet another stunning woman, surprised at the surplus of beauty attending a single event. Her midnight-black hair was

cropped short in the back but long enough in the front to frame her heart-shaped face. Her eyes were a brown that would never be accused of being
anything less than gorgeous. Putting on his best smile, Ian snuck a glance at Jeff.

“He’s animated.â€​ Holding out his hand, Ian straightened and did his best to appear respectable despite his slightly drunken state.

“Ian Long.â€​

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“Cassie Welling.â€​
At the sound of her name, Ian felt the blood drain from his face. He’d long forgotten about her presence at the party, dismissing her

reality as one might a ghost. “You’re Jeff’s ex-wife?â€​

“I am. Couldn’t miss him standing over here and figured I’d come say hello. You’re a friend?â€​
While Ian wasn’t a paranoid man by nature, something about the way she asked the question didn’t sit right with him. He had no

reason not to trust her, and Jeff had never said a bad thing about her. Still, he’d rather play things safe.

“Yes. He invited me along tonight.â€​ When she cocked her head and waited, he felt obligated to give a bit more. “He started

coming to my coffee shop many months ago and we struck up a friendship of sorts. He always says I need to get out more.â€​

And I’ve

dreamed about him screwing me ever since I first met him.

“Nice crowd here.â€​

“Yes, they know how to throw a party.â€​ Cassie smiled up at him, smoothing her hand down the side of her little black dress. “What

are the odds of him actually talking to me tonight?â€​

Oh hell, don’t get in the middle of this.

“I should think pretty good.â€​

As if on some cue the universe had orchestrated, Jeff glanced over at the same moment Ian did. When Jeff’s gaze landed on his ex, the

ever-present spark went out of his eyes and he nodded toward them in acknowledgement. Ian cleared his throat as Jeff excused himself from the

“I think you’ll have your wish,â€​ Ian said, plastering a smile on his face. “Hi, Jeff. I was getting acquainted with Cassie.â€​
“Yes, I see that. Hi, Cass. How are things?â€​ Jeff either was a much better actor than Ian was, or else he’d had far less to drink.
“Wonderful. Busy but that’s nothing new.â€​ She clasped her hands behind her back and pointedly looked at Ian. It was worse than

anything even Paige had ever done, and she’d long perfected the arrogant schoolteacher sneer.

That was pretty much Ian’s cue to get the hell out of Dodge.
“I need to find the men’s room,â€​ Ian said, searching around, praying he didn’t appear as obvious as he felt. “Sorry. I’ll

go do that while you two catch up.â€​ Without waiting for a response, he made his way toward the nearest waiter to get directions.

The noise of the party was cancelled out when the door to the bathroom slid shut. Thankfully, there was only one other person at the urinal,

and Ian didn’t have to wait long for him to finish up and leave. It was tempting to flick the lock and hide out in here for the rest of the night.

He should leave. He’d had more than enough to drink, and spending any amount of time with Jeff’s ex would inevitably end up with

him saying something he’d regret in the morning. Unfortunately, he was sober enough that he’d remember every word in exact detail. Jeff
would appreciate his discretion, and if he didn’t, Ian would suck up to him through caffeinated beverages. Liquid, liquor, damn he had to pee.

Walking a less-than-perfectly-straight path over to the urinal, Ian laid his forearm against the wall above it and pressed his forehead down.

God, he was becoming a lightweight if four rye and Cokes were doing this to him. Bladder now empty, he took extra care to tuck himself back in,
not wanting to get his dick caught in the zipper and ruin his chances of getting laid later.

Turning around to face the sink, he wasn’t surprised to find Jeff opening the door and coming inside. “There you are.â€​
“I left so you could talk to Cassie. You should be talking to her. You know…â€​ Ian performed a move with his hand that he hoped

showed dismissal, “…conversations with the ex.â€​

“I find myself with little to say to her these days.â€​ Jeff chuckled. “You’re drunk.â€​
“I’m not drunk. Simply warm and fuzzy.â€​
“I’m pretty sure your skin is nice and smooth.â€​
“I wax.â€​ Ian grinned before groaning. “But you know that. Seen it yourself. Shit, maybe I am drunk.â€​
“I think you’re cute like this.â€​ Jeff let his gaze travel down Ian’s body as he flicked open the final button holding his jacket


Ian had never prided himself on his restraint. More often than not, he was too quick to act on his impulses, which had landed him into trouble

more than once. Deep down, he


the images currently floating in his head were bad news. And yet, he found himself not caring.

Letting out a soft growl, Ian closed the distance between them and pushed Jeff back against the wall with a hand on either shoulder.
“Ian, what the hell—â€​
“Shut up.â€​
“What are you—â€​
“I said shut up.â€​ Ian covered Jeff’s mouth with a kiss that was too much teeth but somehow managed to still be perfect. Nipping at

Jeff’s lower lip, Ian soothed the sting away by sucking the injured flesh into his mouth.

Jeff was strangely paralyzed until Ian started kissing his way down his neck. With a groan, Jeff tipped his head back against the wall and

pulled Ian’s hips flush against his own.

“Ian, anyone could come in.â€​
“Dare you.â€​ Ian pushed a hand between their bodies to squeeze Jeff’s semi-hard cock. “Dare you to let me suck you. Right

here. Dare you, dare you, dare, dare, dare.â€​

He didn’t wait to hear what else Jeff would say. The arguments didn’t matter. Ian wanted this man like he hadn’t wanted another

in his life. The fingers in his hair didn’t try to stop him or hold him back in any way. If Jeff’s rhythmic running of his thumb across Ian’s
temple was any indication, then he was nearly as desperate.

The belt holding Jeff’s pants was quickly opened, as was the double clasp holding the tuxedo pants together. The briefs below barely

contained Jeff’s now fully hard erection.

“Wait, wait, wait.â€​ Jeff held Ian in place as he reached over and flicked the lock on the main door. “I’m not going to be


“We won’t be. You’re not going to last long enough.â€​
Ian made a show of licking his lips before pulling down the last of the fabric barriers and exposing the solid-cut cock to the cool bathroom

air. The smell of sweat and soap, mixed with the heavy aroma of arousal, slammed against Ian’s senses. Pressing his nose flush to Jeff’s
groin, Ian sucked in a deep breath and did his best to memorize the essence of the man.

The lick Ian gave to Jeff’s cock head was more teasing than tentative. He kept the touches quick and small, making sure to draw things

out despite the pressure to finish off quickly.

Someone could come to the door at any time. It was easy to imagine someone walking in, shock and surprise on their face. Ian could

imagine the man, handsome and shy, slowly sinking to his knees to join Ian in Jeff’s torture. As his fantasy took on a life of its own, Ian licked a

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long swipe up Jeff’s cock, before swallowing him down over halfway.

“Fuck,â€​ Jeff ground out between his teeth. “So good.â€​
Ian hummed his agreement, which drew another moan from Jeff. It was surprisingly easy to increase the suction on Jeff’s shaft and

continue to hum a random tune that strangely reminded him of Saturday morning cartoons.

A hand on his forehead was the sign to stop what he was doing.
Jeff’s brown hair had fallen forward enough to cover his blue eyes. “Want to fuck you.â€​
Ian had only been planning on a blow job, but he was nothing if not flexible.
Jeff helped pull Ian to his feet, only to spin him around until Ian’s back was pressed against the spot where Jeff had been seconds

before. Together they tore at Ian’s pants, and they were soon rewarded with the sound of expensive fabric falling to the floor.

“Tell me you brought something,â€​ Ian whispered as he turned to face the wall, sticking his ass out into the air. “Because it would

suck to have to stop now.â€​

“I started carrying condoms and lube with me everywhere now.â€​ Jeff pressed against Ian, his cock rubbing between Ian’s ass

cheeks. “When you’re dating an exhibitionist, you have to be prepared.â€​

“Can’t help myself. I want you so bad.â€​ The alcohol and the stress of the past few days, months, were finally getting to him. The

dam of propriety had been shattered and Ian didn’t give a shit enough to put it back together.

When Jeff pressed two lube-covered fingers into his ass, any further response Ian might have made quickly evaporated. It didn’t take

long for Ian to start thrusting back into the rhythm Jeff had set as he stretched him open.

“Enough.â€​ Ian widened his stance and wiggled his ass as enticingly as he could manage at Jeff. “Fuck me.â€​
The condom went on easily, despite the way Jeff’s hands shook. Ian would normally think it funny when one of his partners reacted that

way, but with Jeff he was thrilled to see how much the other man wanted him. The blunt tip of Jeff’s cock pushed past the still-tight muscles,
making both men groan at the feeling. Jeff hadn’t pushed his pants down past his upper thighs, making the rough wool rub against the back of
Ian’s legs and ass. The sensations of the rough fabric on his sensitive skin made everything seem even more forbidden.

Ian reached down to stroke his shaft, rubbing his thumb over the tip to smear the pre-come across the hot skin. It was already too much for

him to handle.

Jeff braced his hands on either side of Ian’s head. Leaning forward, he sucked on Ian’s earlobe. “You wanted this bad,

didn’t you? Wanted to get fucked someplace dangerous where anyone could see you. Come in and find us. You’ve got a dirty streak in
you, Ian.â€​

He groaned and pressed his head back against Jeff’s shoulder. “Yes, want it.â€​
“And you’re getting it. My cock in your ass in a public washroom. Fuck, you make me hard.â€​
Jeff squeezed his hips as he increased the strength of his thrusts. Ian had to let his head hang forward once more under Jeff’s new

assault. Every other push into his body had Jeff’s cock pounding against his prostate. Spitting into his hand, Ian matched the frantic pounding
with fast, unmeasured strokes on his cock.

Ian couldn’t find words any longer. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the sensations, doing his best to fight the effects of the

alcohol. God, he wanted to remember this night—Jeff in his tux, the sound of the jazz, the feeling of something melting in his chest—for the rest of
his life.

His orgasm when it hit blindsided him. The rush of pleasure bowled Ian over, shooting through his stomach and chest, heating his arms,

throat and face. He had enough presence of mind to try and catch as much of his come as he could, not wanting the mess everywhere. Jeff
tightened his grip on Ian’s hips, pounding into him until he too groaned low, and flooded the condom with his release.

Neither of them moved for a bit, catching their breath and letting the afterglow carry them along. Jeff toyed with the longer hair at the back of

Ian’s neck for a moment, before pulling out with a mournful sigh.

“In a bed,â€​ Jeff muttered. “I want to do this in a bed next time.â€​
Ian chuckled, snatching a paper towel from the counter and cleaning himself up. “There’s a concept. I’ve never done anything

like this before in my life, and now it’s like this is all we



Jeff had tied off the condom and wrapped it in toilet paper when there was a loud banging on the door. Ian’s stomach bottomed out on

him as a surge of adrenaline course through his body.

“Shit,â€​ Ian hissed. “Do I look okay?â€​
“Like you’ve just been fucked.â€​ Jeff nodded toward the stall. “Go in there.â€​
“Right. Perfect.â€​ As Ian moved to comply, Jeff washed his hands, fixed his pants and opened the door.
“What the hell is going on in there?â€​ The gruff and pissed-off voice belonged to Frank Anderson, the big guy everyone needed to

tiptoe around. Ian cringed in the stall and hoped things would blow over quickly.

“Sorry, sir. I needed a little privacy to clear my head.â€​ Ian could hear the smile in Jeff’s voice. “I’ll get out of your way.â€​
“I don’t think so.â€​
“I’m sorry?â€​
“You heard me. It smells like sex in here.â€​
For a fleeting moment, Ian fought down the overwhelming urge to throw up. Peeking between the stall door and the side, he could see Jeff

standing to the side, his trademark grin still firmly in place but no longer reaching his eyes.

“I can’t imagine what you mean, Mr. Anderson.â€​
“Jeff, you never could keep it in your pants.â€​ The sound of Cassie’s voice should have come as a surprise to Ian, but it didn’t.
He should have realized the woman knew her ex-husband well enough to guess Ian’s presence at the party was as more than only a

friend’s. They’d been married a long time, and Jeff’s sexuality wouldn’t be a secret to her.

“I bet his little friend is still in there too,â€​ Cassie said with a note of mock tolerance that only the truly sarcastic seemed to manage.

“Jeff would have told him to hide in the stall.â€​

“Come out, whoever you are.â€​ Anderson’s voice seemed to fill the small bathroom and left no room for argument.
Ian took an extra few seconds to make sure he was presentable, before he steeled his nerves and stepped outside the safe haven of the

stall. Jeff’s jaw was clenched and his body was ramrod straight. His glare wasn’t being directed at Ian—thank God. With nothing left to do
but face up to the truth, Ian moved to stand beside Jeff. They were in this together, and he wouldn’t abandon him now.

“Who the hell are you?â€​ Anderson barked at Ian. His cheeks were red and his face swollen, giving him the appearance of a man who

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drank too much and too often.

Ian shrugged. “I’m his plus one.â€​
“You…you were having


in here.â€​ Anderson pointed at finger at both of them. “Together!â€​

“It’s less fun if you have sex separately,â€​ Ian said without thinking.
Jeff squeezed his arm. “Ian, let me handle this, please.â€​
“Mr. Anderson, while I know my actions were out of line, no one came in as we’d locked the bathroom door to ensure—â€​
“I don’t care about that!â€​ Anderson got right in Jeff’s face, close enough that Ian could smell the stench of nicotine and alcohol.

“You were fucking a


at my party.â€​

“Who I have sex with is none of your damn business.â€​ Jeff’s voice was low and biting. He didn’t back down and instead

leaned even farther into Anderson’s personal space. “It was consensual, even if our timing sucked. That’s all that should concern

“My concerns are my own. I employ people whose interests and skills are of vital importance to my company. Their image is critical! I

certainly don’t want the likes of


working for me, Carson. The contract negotiation between our organizations is terminated. I will be looking

at the next bidder.â€​

Ian shook his head, unable to believe what he was hearing. “You stupid, bigoted asshole.â€​
“I don’t want to hear a word from you, young man. You should be ashamed of yourself.â€​
“Ashamed?â€​ Ian stepped beside Jeff, forcing Anderson to finally retreat. “Ashamed of getting caught, or ashamed of being gay?

Because quite frankly, right now I’m finding it difficult to be concerned about either. No one actually


us doing anything wrong, and I’m

certainly proud of who I am. Please tell me, sir, what should I be ashamed of?â€​

Cassie sighed. “You certainly know how to pick them, Jeff. A little hot under the collar, this one is.â€​
“At least I know where I stand with him. Unlike you, I trust Ian.â€​ Jeff wrapped a hand around Ian’s shoulder. “Let’s get out of


“He hasn’t answered my question.â€​
“And we don’t want him to. Please, Ian.â€​
God, Ian wanted to fight. He never wanted to fight anyone. But faced with such outright idiocy, the urge to kick and scream and simply let his

rage explode shook him to his bones. Instead, the rational part of his brain let Jeff haul him out of the bathroom.

“Take care, Jeff.â€​ Cassie’s gaze was near glacial.
“Burn in a fire, bitch,â€​ Jeff muttered as they passed her.
Melanie was standing near the door, glaring at the chaos behind them. “I’m quitting Monday,â€​ she whispered.
Ian’s throat tightened. Shit, he’d ruined things for more than Jeff with his idiocy tonight. They grabbed their coats and stepped into

the cold night air.

They walked to the car in silence. With each step, the sick feeling in Ian’s stomach intensified. It was made worse when Jeff refused to

take his hand, increasing the length of his stride to put distance between them.

Instead of running to catch up, Ian stopped. It took Jeff several feet before he realized Ian wasn’t with him. Not that Jeff turned around to


“I’m sorry,â€​ Ian said, the anger finally starting to dissipate.
Jeff nodded, his shoulders slumping forward.
“I can take a cab from here.â€​
The hesitation before Jeff’s offered, “No, I’ll take you,â€​ was enough to confirm what Ian had suspected.
Jeff was through with him.
“It’s fine. Actually, there’s one now.â€​ He didn’t wait to see Jeff’s reaction. Ian stepped to the curb and flagged the taxi

down. Jumping in, he gave the driver the store’s address and sank down low into the seat.

He didn’t want to be tempted to look out the window.
He didn’t want to know if Jeff was still there.

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Chapter Seven

“Are you going to answer that or not?â€​ Sadie picked up his cell phone from the counter by the espresso maker. “They keep calling

Before she could check the call display, Ian neatly plucked the phone from her fingers and tucked it into his pocket. “Not for you, Sadie


“If you’re not going to answer it, then put it on silent. I can’t stand that

buzz, buzz, buzz.


He’d managed to deflect both his sisters’ questions about his big date with Jeff, and the man himself, for three days now. It had

helped that the store had been crazy now that they were officially moving into the holiday season and the streets were busy with shoppers. It was
easy to hide himself in the work, making sure no one could see how much he wanted to fall apart.

He wasn’t like that.
He’d survived news of their mother’s death, attending her funeral and the subsequent therapy sessions all without shedding a tear

in public. He’d never once cried in front of anyone when describing the accident with his dad, or let anyone see how much it hurt when his father
didn’t remember him.

He sure as hell wasn’t going to get all teary-eyed because he’d gotten caught with his pants down and subsequently dumped.
That was the nature of his life.
A hand on his shoulder had him staring into Sadie’s concerned face. “Are you okay?â€​
“I’m fine.â€​ He grinned. “Why wouldn’t I be?â€​
“Because you stopped moving and started staring at the floor. You’ve been off for a few days now.â€​ Sadie took the mug out of his

hands and turned to give it to the customer. She thanked the woman before turning back. “Does this have something to do with Jeff?â€​

Ian straightened and started to clean the counter. “Now why would you say that?â€​
“Because he keeps calling me to check on how you are doing. He won’t tell me anything and asked me not to tell you that he called,

which pretty much screams fight to me.â€​

“We didn’t have a fight.â€​ Ian stepped back to the counter and plastered a smile on. “Welcome to Pulled Long. What can I get

for you?â€​

The crowd picked up, stalling the rest of Sadie’s interrogation. After she’d gone back into the kitchen to make more cookies, Ian

took the opportunity to let the new staff members get their feet wet and went out to the alley for a break.

Not bothering with a coat, Ian let the chill from the air cool his overheated body. He hated this, the feeling of inevitability, knowing he’d

tempted fate by actually letting himself be happy with Jeff.

It was always the same. Bad things happened to the people he loved.
And he ended up alone.
He reached into his back pocket and pulled the cigarette out without thinking. Holding it to his nose, he breathed in the scent of tobacco as

he’d done many times before. When his free hand emerged from his other pocket with a lighter, the weight of it echoed through his entire body.

The wrinkles of the paper filter against his lips was odd, catching on the dry skin. The bitterness of the cotton on his tongue and the old smell

of failure filling his nose, Ian lifted the lighter and flicked it on.

“Don’t you dare.â€​
He froze, seeing Paige standing in the back door, her arms crossed. For once her long hair wasn’t confined in a ponytail, and whipped

around her face. She looked like some sort of avenging angel out for blood. Undoubtedly his.

“I think I’m old enough to decide what I can and can’t do.â€​ But he didn’t move to ignite the paper.
“You’re old enough to be an idiot. You’ve been off them for too long to go back now, Ian.â€​
His hand shook as he tried to hold it in place. It would be easy to give in to the temptation, let the nicotine rush clear his head and calm his

nerves. What did it matter if he smoked?

Paige joined him against the wall. She didn’t have a coat on and rubbed her arms with her hands. “I don’t know what happened

to bring you out here to do this, but enough. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, figure out what you need to do to fix whatever it is you think you broke,
and get on with it.â€​

“You’re always such a comfort, Paige.â€​
She snatched the cigarette from his fingers and, ignoring his protests, shoved it into her pocket. “What the hell is wrong with you?â€​
“I don’t want to talk about it.â€​ He tried to escape her, but Paige grabbed his arm and held fast. “Let me go.â€​
“No. Not until you talk to me about this. Jeff keeps calling Sadie, and you aren’t talking to anyone.â€​
“I said I don’t want to talk about it.â€​ Ian jerked his arm free and escaped through the back door, making a beeline for his


“Don’t think I’m going to give up that easily.â€​
Paige dogged his steps until he was sure he’d have to slam the door in her face. Not that she gave him a chance. She barreled in past

him, shutting the door behind her. With her body pressed up against his only means of escape, Ian knew he was going to have no way out of this
conversation without things getting nasty.

Good thing he was up for a fight.
“Despite your opinion to the contrary, you’re not my mother, Paige. I don’t need you to tell me what to do or what I’m doing


“You could have fooled me.â€​
“Don’t get all righteous on me.â€​
“Then talk to me.â€​ Paige closed her eyes and pressed her head back against the door. For a split second, she appeared exhausted

and utterly vulnerable. “You always do this, Ian. Close yourself off and bottle things up. You did when Dad had the accident, when Mom died,
when that jerk you were dating dumped you.â€​

Paige lifted her head and glared at him. “I don’t care what his name was. He was every bit as much of a jerk as Rick was.â€​

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It was lucky for Rick that Ian had only found out about his abuse of Paige well after the fact. Kyle might have been an ass, but he was no

Rick. The fight left him and Ian let his body drop to the couch. “No, he wasn’t.â€​

“Ian, he dumped you for a woman. He led you on and tried to blame you for his


â€​ Paige finally pushed away from the door

and joined him on the couch. “If you weren’t my brother, I would feel sorry for the amount of shit you’ve been through.â€​

Ian laughed. “You’re such a softy.â€​
Paige rubbed her eye with the heel of her hand. “It’s


you’re my brother that I don’t. You’re much stronger than

anyone realizes. You’ve accomplished things and survived others that most people couldn’t imagine. If our positions were reversed, I
don’t think I would have handled the accident and the way Dad treats you half as well as you do.â€​ She sniffed and turned away.

The only other person Ian knew who was as in control of their emotions as he was now sat beside him fighting back tears. Slipping to his

knees, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around her. “Why are you crying?â€​

“Because you looked so lonely and heartbroken downstairs, and I don’t know what to do to make it better. All I’ve ever wanted

to do was be there for you, but you fight and push me away.â€​

“You’ve always had too much on your plate. You don’t need to save the world for everyone.â€​
Paige returned his hug. “But you’re not everyone. You’re my baby brother.â€​
The single sob that popped from his mouth seemed to catch them both off guard. Rather than face her, Ian pressed his cheek to her

stomach and squeezed. “Thanks.â€​

“What happened?â€​ She started playing with his hair much like she used to do when he was little. It was strange how soothing that

simple action still was for him, even after all these years.

“I don’t want you to freak out.â€​
Paige snorted. “That bad, huh?â€​
He nodded. “The party Jeff took me to? His ex-wife was there.â€​
“She found out we were having sex in the bathroom and brought the boss in to see. They didn’t show up until after we were done,

but Jeff’s company lost the contract they were negotiating.â€​

“And Jeff blames you for that?â€​
“Hell, no.â€​ Ian pulled away, wiping the tears he could no longer hold back. “I blame me for that. It’s one more person I’ve

managed to curse.â€​

“What the hell are you talking about?â€​
Ian knew she would dismiss what he had to say as stupid. Hell, he knew it would sound stupid, saying it out loud, but it didn’t make it any

less true.

“Dad’s accident was my fault.â€​
“He ran a red light.â€​
“He ran it because I’d told him I was gay.â€​ Ian sat back on his heels and tried to catch his breath. He’d never told either of the

girls this part, never knowing what to say.

Swallowing, he took Paige’s hand, strong, reliable Paige, and finally let it out. “He was freaking out at me. Yelling and telling me that

no son of his could ever be gay. I tried to tell him it isn’t a choice, it’s simply who I am. He didn’t care. Said I was dead to him, that as
far as he was concerned he didn’t have a son. Paige, he was looking right at me when he went through the intersection. I saw the car coming
but couldn’t even react before it hit us.â€​

“Oh my…why did…why didn’t you ever tell me that?â€​ Paige wiped the tears from her face. “Ian, that still doesn’t make it

your fault.â€​

“I knew he was going to freak. I should have waited until we’d stopped.â€​
“Is this why you call him every month? To torture yourself?â€​
There were many things Ian did to try and make amends, but calling his dad wasn’t about him. “No. Mom asked me to. When she

knew she was dying, she made me promise that I’d try to make things up to him. I don’t think she realized that he’s never going to get

“Still, you weren’t driving, and it wasn’t your fault.â€​ Paige kissed his forehead. “It was a horrible accident, that’s all.

Not a curse.â€​

“Mom died.â€​
“Unless you found a way to give her cancer, you can’t own that one.â€​
“No, but I didn’t do as much for her as I could have. I was so wrapped up in Dad and what I’d done to him that I wasn’t as

supportive as I should have been. She might have gotten better if she hadn’t been worried about me.â€​

Now that he’d started, an entire wrecking ball of guilt and pain slammed into him. Ian knew he needed to calm down, and yet he’d

spent most of his adult life trying to keep calm, trying to hide his pain behind a joke and smile. God, he was dying inside.

“Kyle was confused when we were dating. I tried to help him, but he’d always push me away. It wasn’t the fact he left me for a

woman that killed me, but that he wanted nothing more to do with me. He said I was poison.â€​

It had been hard to live through Kyle’s self-destruction. Everything Ian had tried, all the tips he’d learned when he went to the

counselor after the accident, everything made Kyle worse.

“He had a hard time accepting the truth about who he was. There’s only so much support you can offer a person, and then the rest

has to be up to them.â€​

Paige got down on the floor with him. She braced his head in her hands and pressed their foreheads together. “Jeff isn’t like that.â€​
Ian shook his head. The threat of renewed tears reared up and he had to fight to keep himself under control. “I think my feelings for him

might be a bit more than


and that scares the shit out of me.â€​

“If it means anything, I know his feelings for you are more than


Anyone can tell by the way he looks at you.â€​

Groaning, Ian pulled back to lean against the couch. “The night we met again, after the first fight? He’d been working late on the

proposal for Anderson, and was tired and lonely. He saw me working, came over and…well, we got reacquainted. He’d been working for
months on that proposal, but because I’m a sick bastard who apparently gets turned on at the idea of fucking in public, he’s lost it. My fault,

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Pushing himself to his feet, Ian managed to make it to the kitchen for water. The liquid did little to soothe the burning in his throat and

stomach, and did nothing to help his guilt.

“Did Jeff come out and tell you he blamed you?â€​
Ian set the glass down in the sink, ignoring the hollow


it made. “No. He wasn’t saying much of anything to me after that, so I

caught a cab home.â€​ He was too much of a coward to hear the words he knew Jeff would say.

“Bullshit. The poor guy hasn’t given up on you even a little. Hell, I think Sadie is about to offer him a frequent caller card, he’s

been talking to her so much, wanting to know if you’re okay.â€​

“He doesn’t—â€​
Paige held up her hand to interrupt. “Has he actually told you that? Said the words,



I hate you, get out of my life?


“Other than understandably being upset, did he do or say anything to make you think he was angry at you? Directly you?â€​
Letting loose a little frustrated noise, Paige threw her hands in the air. “And you and Sadie say



“You are.â€​
“Maybe, but I’m not pigheaded. Jeff wants to talk to you. He probably did from the moment you got into that taxi to come home.â€​
As if on cue, the phone in his pocket began to buzz. Paige simply shot him a look that screamed

told you so.

“Ian, give him a chance

before you throw this away.â€​

“I can’t.â€​
“You can. If not for him, then do it for yourself. You deserve to be happy, Ian. We all do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have

someone for yourself. You’re not some horrible monster who deserves to be punished. You work hard, love your family and do the right thing,
even when it sucks.â€​ Paige kissed his cheek and made for the door. “I’m leaving so you can take that call. We’ll talk more later.â€​

“Okay.â€​ He waited until she was almost gone before calling out, “I love you, big sis.â€​
“Love you too. Now talk to your guy.â€​ And with a click of the door she was gone.
The buzzing of the phone stopped as Ian pulled it free. Jeff had called a total of seven times in the past three days. Enough to be concerned,

but not enough that Ian would feel as though he were being stalked. Tapping the phone to his forehead, Ian grabbed a beer from the fridge before
making his way back over to the couch to fall on it.

Circling his thumb over the speed dial button earmarked for Jeff, Ian tried to think of what he could possibly say to the other man. When

nothing came to mind, Ian drank down half the bottle and pressed talk.

“Ian?â€​ Jeff’s quick answer and frantic tone caught him off guard. “Are you okay?â€​

Brilliant conversation piece there.

Ian licked the beer from his lips. “I see you called.â€​

Fucking genius, you are.

“I was…hang on a second. Bev, can you tell Stephen I’m pushing our meeting out an hour?â€​
The muted yammering of Jeff’s assistant somehow managed to make its way through the line.
“I don’t care, this is more important. And hold my other calls, please.â€​
More yammering before the sound of a door closing. “I love her, but she could talk your ear off.â€​
Ian couldn’t stop the chuckle. “It’s a talent.â€​
The silence stretched on as Ian tried to find the words to start their conversation. Thankfully, Jeff broke first.
“I was calling to let you know I don’t blame you for what happened. I don’t particularly blame myself either. I’d rather throw

away a contract than work for a homophobe like Anderson.â€​

“Thanks, but I thought you needed the contract?â€​
“Don’t thank me. Even if we hadn’t gotten together, I wouldn’t have worked for him. Stephen threw a fit when I told him what

Anderson had said. He wants to sue.â€​

“Will you?â€​
“Not sure yet. I have a few other more pressing concerns to deal with first.â€​
Ian closed his eyes, letting the sure, even tones of Jeff’s voice lull his pain and fear. “Like what?â€​
Ian’s heart began to pound. “What about me?â€​
“If you’ll still consider being with me after everything I’ve put you though. Now at least I understand why you got freaked when

you’d found out I’d been married before.â€​

“It wasn’t that.â€​
“Then what was it?â€​
Ian gently banged the beer bottle to his head. “It’s been my experience in the past that people who are uncertain about their

sexuality will leave me in the end.â€​ When Jeff didn’t say anything, Ian was scared the call might have been dropped. “Jeff?â€​

“What makes you think I’m unsure about my sexuality?â€​
“You were married to a woman. I’m much different.â€​
“That doesn’t mean I’m uncertain. I know I’m bisexual. I know I loved Cassie until she and I started fighting about everything

and I left her. And I’m doubly certain that what I feel for you is nothing like what I’d felt for her. If anything, I’d say it’s much

“You can’t know that, Jeff.â€​
“No, I’m pretty certain I can.â€​
“I don’t mean to sound pigheaded, but the last guy to tell me something like that went back to his girlfriend. Trust me when I say

I’m speaking from experience.â€​

Jeff started to interject, but Ian kept going. It was the only way he’d manage.
“I like you. Too much, considering how short a time we’ve known each other. See, the thing I should have told you upfront is that bad

things always seem to happen to the people I care about. My dad is paralyzed because of me. Kyle is off in rehab somewhere because I’d
apparently messed with his head and he didn’t know how to be straight anymore. Even you. You would have never had sex in a public place,
especially one where you suspected the guy throwing the party might be a homophobe.


pushed you to do that. Stay with me long enough and

worse things will happen. Next time it won’t be a contract. Something serious might happen to you. I couldn’t stand it if something did.â€​

More silence that nearly pushed Ian to his breaking point. Jeff finally cleared his throat.

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“You know what scares me more than the idea of never seeing you again? The fact that you actually believe what you just told me.â€​
“No, it’s my turn to talk. I’m sorry about your dad. I don’t pretend to know what happened, but unless you pushed him into a

swimming pool, or hit him with a two-by-four, I doubt you were to blame.â€​


“And even if it


something like that, I’m certain it was an accident. Now, I can’t say much about your former boyfriend, other

than he must have been a pretty weak person to blame you for his issues. Knowing you, I bet you tried to help him figure things out. Am I right?â€​

Stupid, pigheaded…

“Not the point.â€​

“It’s exactly the point. I am not…what’s his name? Kyle? I’m not him. I know what I want and how to get it. I didn’t jump

into a relationship with you. I’ve been fucking


you from the minute I laid eyes on you ten months ago. Did you think for even a second

that I was a pushover, or uncertain about what I wanted either from you or my life?â€​

“No, but—â€​
“Yes, I was angry after the party. But not at you. Anderson was an asshole. Cassie was a complete bitch, and I told her so in loud,

straightforward terms that night on the phone. She actually had the gall to ask me out. For old time’s sake. I informed her I was in a relationship
with someone else and to back off.â€​

Ian opened his mouth, but he didn’t know what to say to that. Jeff’s sigh sent a shiver through him. It sounded lost and desolate,

much as if it came from a man resigned to accept a nasty fate.

“I can’t make you believe me, Ian. I can’t force you to see that I’m on the edge of truly falling in love with you. Only you can

do that. Sure, the sex is amazing and kinky, but that’s not what I’m drawn to. I want the man who is funny and driven, who cares about the
people around him so much he puts his own needs second.

“But I can’t make you want me. I can’t make you forgive yourself and see that the world around you is actually out of your control.

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. That doesn’t mean it’s your fault. But I can’t be with someone who is constantly playing
the martyr either.â€​

Ian didn’t bother to wipe the tears from his face. “What are you saying?â€​
“You need to figure this out. I’m not going to put pressure on you, but I also think you need to work this out in your head before you

can be with someone. Once you do, let me know.â€​

Ian didn’t remember saying goodbye to Jeff. He didn’t remember hanging up the phone or making his way into the shower. All he

could focus on were Jeff’s words, bouncing around in his head.

Jeff loved him.
Despite everything that had happened.
Ian let the scalding water slam into him and tried to figure out if he could be the man Jeff wanted him to be.
Ian needed to figure out how to let go.

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Chapter Eight

Ian’s arms ached. He’d been stretched out for what felt like hours now, but in reality couldn’t have been more than forty minutes. In that
time he’d been spanked, pinched and fondled in such a way that he would have come on the spot had it not been for the cock ring currently
squeezing the life out of his shaft.

Damn thing was torture.
It had to have been the busiest night at Mavericks in months. Well, Ian assumed. Because did this many people come here every night to

see naked people? Shit, he should have let Josh tie him facedown so he wouldn’t have to see everyone staring at him. Even though it was
turning out to be one of the biggest turn-ons of his life.

Oh shit, were those two girls watching him? They were! And if Ian wasn’t mistaken, they were rubbing each other off as they did.
Wow. Good to know.
Josh made another pass in front of him, catching his eye to see if he was ready to come down. The owner had made that clear as he strung

him up in the first place.

“You’ve never been up on a cross before, Ian. This isn’t for everyone, and I don’t want you freaking out and being stuck up

here. No one will come to your aid, they’ll all be thinking it’s part of your punishment.â€​

What Ian wasn’t about to tell Josh was that this


his punishment, a self-imposed one. And if he was lucky, it would hopefully also be

his salvation.

Another Domme came up onto the stage and raked her fingernails down Ian’s chest. He tried not to move, but it was getting freaking

hard to stand here and let himself be pawed. She had short blond hair and gray eyes that seemed bottomless. She pinched the tip of his cock
through the leather pants he’d bought for the night.

“You’re all alone up here,â€​ she said with a deep yet feminine voice. “It doesn’t seem right.â€​
“Thank you, ma’am. I’m fine.â€​
“You’re not looking for a friend?â€​
His eyes darted to the front door, but no new guests walked through. “I am, but he hasn’t arrived.â€​
“I see.â€​ Leaning in, she sucked hard on his exposed nipple. “If you change your mind, scream for me. I’ll see if I’m


She walked away, leaving Ian alone with his thoughts once more.
It had been nearly two weeks since his heartache call with Jeff. Two weeks of searching his soul and beating his head against a wall. Both

Paige and Sadie had been there for him, letting him talk and tell them things he never thought he would. The three of them even went to see their
dad at the extended care home, and while the visit had been less than pleasant, it somehow made things better.

The girls had both given him their forgiveness, even though they claimed it wasn’t required.
Jeff had been right about a lot of things, not the least of which was that Ian was the only person who could forgive himself. Dad would never

get better. He’d forever be trapped in an existence between yesterday and today, the lines blurred at best. And while Ian knew he could never
accept that he wasn’t responsible for the accident by distracting his father, he finally hoped he’d be able to forgive himself.

Be able to move on.
Ian shivered at the sensation of being watched. It hadn’t taken him long to let his mind blank out and begin to wander. Every gaze that

landed on him was like an invisible stroke, a tickle of fingers against sensitive skin. Having foregone his shirt, shoes and socks, Ian knew his every
reaction to being on display was visible to anyone who cared to turn his way.

Thrusting his hips out, he prayed Jeff hadn’t ignored his message to meet him here. Hoped to God the other man was willing to give him

a chance to make things right.

The time apart had turned out to be what Ian needed. It had helped him get his head back on and stop himself from going off the rails. It had

forced him to realize that everything else aside, he wasn’t willing to give up and walk away from this thing he had with Jeff.

Ian was ready to fight.
“Interesting. And here I thought you weren’t into the whole BDSM thing.â€​
Ian snapped his eyes open at the sound of Jeff’s voice. “Hey.â€​
Jeff stepped up onto the stage, his gaze drifting down Ian’s naked chest. “You emailed.â€​
“Yup. Glad you were able to make it.â€​
“Sure.â€​ Jeff licked his lips. “So, what’s up?â€​
Ian laughed. “Oh, the usual. Coffee bean order is late, had to hire more staff. Had a female sub offer to suck me off. You?â€​
“Been working late hours. I signed on a new client a few days ago, lots of things to do with that.â€​ Jeff ran his thumb across Ian’s

nipple, causing the skin to tighten and a shiver pass through him. “It’s been a busy few weeks.â€​

“Jeff.â€​ Ian sighed. “I’m sorry.â€​
“That’s what this is? An apology?â€​
Someone laughed behind them and the DJ started up another wordless beat. The crowd surged around them, but no one approached. As

far as it mattered to Ian, they were the only two people in the club.

“Yes. I was actually going for symbolic, but then I chickened out on the stripping-bare part and left my pants on.â€​
“I think it’s a good look on you.â€​ Jeff ran a finger around Ian’s bellybutton. “A very good look.â€​
Taking a deep breath, Ian let the sensations sink in. “I know I’m a bit fucked up. I tried going to counseling after the accident, and

I’d hoped I’d gotten over things. But I know all I was doing was running away. I was scared and never could shake the idea I’d never live
up to the ideal Dad wanted me to be.â€​

“I’m not your father.â€​
“Thank God.â€​ Ian chuckled. “But I found that the more I got to know about you, the more I realized what


thought of me mattered.

I wanted to deserve you. You’re gorgeous, smart, successful, and I couldn’t figure out what you saw in me.â€​

Jeff stepped closer until their chests were touching—cloth to skin. He leaned in and bit the juncture of Ian’s neck and shoulder, laving

the skin with his tongue. “You’re an idiot.â€​

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“You like me because I’m an idiot?â€​
“You’re as gorgeous, smart and successful as I am. And you’re younger to boot. I have no idea what you see in an old guy like



When Ian started to protest, Jeff swallowed it down with a kiss. It was downright chaste given the fact Ian was strapped half-naked to a St.

Andrew’s Cross. Pulling against the restraints holding his arms open, Ian squirmed, needing to touch the other man. For his part, Jeff simply

“You appear to have yourself in a bit of a bind, Mr. Long.â€​
“I was hoping I’d have someone help me out, put me out of my misery.â€​ Ian batted his eyelashes and lowered his chin.

“Happen to know anyone who could assist?â€​

More laugher and Jeff turned to face the source. “I don’t want to do this here.â€​
“Do what?â€​
By the time Jeff looked back, there was only a sliver of blue left in his eyes. “I believe we agreed that next time would be in a bed.â€​
Ian’s heart started pounding. “I didn’t want to assume there would be a next time.â€​
Instead of answering, Jeff went to work freeing Ian’s arms from the cuffs. His limbs were numb for only a moment before the rush of

blood returned. An army of invisible ants consuming his nerves would have hurt less.

“Let me help you.â€​
Jeff slipped an arm around Ian’s waist and helped him down from the stage. They’d barely gotten down when a Dom pulled his sub

up, securing her in place. It was stunning how much Ian ached, having done nothing but stand there restrained. The pain put things into perspective
for him though, helping his muddled mind focus.

“You’ll need these,â€​ Josh said, holding Ian’s shoes, shirt and jacket. “It’s a bit chilly outside.â€​
“Thanks,â€​ Ian said, but let Jeff take the clothing. “For everything, Josh.â€​
“Any time.â€​
Ian got dressed as quickly as he could, while Jeff hovered close by. They didn’t say anything else, and once Ian was finished they

headed out toward his apartment. The shop was closed, forcing them to take the back stairs. Still Jeff didn’t reach out for him, and yet Ian knew
it wasn’t because he didn’t want to.

It was because the moment they touched there would be no stopping them.
Stepping inside, Ian wasn’t sure what to say, but there was no doubting exactly what he wanted to do for once. As he turned to face Jeff,

he found the other man had already kicked off his shoes and draped his jacket on the back of Ian’s couch. Ian only had a moment before Jeff
was plastered to him, his mouth seeking out any and all flesh it could find.

“I fucking missed you,â€​ Jeff whispered. “I was terrified you weren’t going to call me.â€​
“I wanted to be ready. Don’t want to screw this up.â€​
They kissed and Jeff began to undo all of the buttons Ian had done up only a short time earlier. He didn’t care. Without looking, Ian

directed them toward his bedroom and the bed within.

“I want this to work. I’m going to show you it will work.â€​ Jeff was muttering, and Ian wasn’t sure if it was directed at him or not.
“It will. We’ll make it happen.â€​ Ian grabbed Jeff’s shirt and pulled it over his head, not bothering with the buttons. “Get

naked faster.â€​

Before long they were finally pressed together, skin to skin, mouth to mouth. Ian tried to slow his touch, but it was a losing battle. He’d

missed Jeff to the point where he was surprised a small part of him hadn’t died. How could he have been so stupid to risk losing the best, most
exciting thing that had happened to him in years?

Jeff must have had enough of the kissing and shoved him squarely onto the middle of the double bed.
“I’ve been dreaming of this since that first night in the coffee shop.â€​ Jeff climbed onto the edge of the mattress on his knees,

straddling Ian’s leg. “While I loved the rush, there’s something amazing about being able to take my time. I want to lick every inch of
your skin. I want to learn every little imperfection on that body of yours until I can map you out blindfolded.â€​ He reached out and gently pinged the
cock ring with his finger. “And that is fucking hot.â€​

“You can wear it next, if you’d like.â€​
“We’ll see.â€​ Jeff smirked. “For now, let’s test out the quality.â€​
Jeff pushed Ian’s legs apart until they were spread wide, fully exposing his cock and balls. Instead of diving right in, Jeff slowly ran his

hands up the full length of Ian’s legs, teasing the skin and light dusting of hair there. Ian’s groin was bare, exposing him to every tickle of
Jeff’s fingers on his smooth skin.

“I love that you wax,â€​ Jeff said, his gaze roaming over the area.
“I love that you don’t.â€​
Ian wasn’t normally a fan of hair on his lovers, but with Jeff he had a fascination bordering on unnatural. Right now he wanted to run his

fingers through the black hair on Jeff’s chest, feeling the softness of the strands. But that would require moving, stopping Jeff from teasing the
crease of his thigh. It could wait—they had time.

Jeff finally slid between Ian’s legs and lowered his face to Ian’s stomach. Groaning, Ian fought to hold himself still as Jeff kissed his

way down to his balls. The hot flick of a tongue against his skin had Ian moaning, pulling his legs wide and begging for more.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of you.â€​
Without waiting to be asked, Ian reached under his pillow for the lube he’d hidden there earlier and tossed it down beside Jeff.
Jeff chuckled. “Confident.â€​
“I’ll make it better.â€​ The snap of the lube cover popping open had Ian bucking his hips once more. Jeff slapped the outside of

Ian’s thigh. “Behave.â€​

The cold press of Jeff’s lube-coated finger into his ass shut Ian up in a hurry. Jeff pumped in and out of him at a pace far slower than Ian

would have liked. The feel of his mouth on Ian’s cock quickly drove him closer to an orgasm. Thank God for the cock ring.

Jeff teased the underside of Ian’s cock before he pulled back and added more lube to his fingers. “I love how you open up for me.

You’re still nice and tight even as you loosen. Means I’ll still be able to feel you squeeze around me.â€​ Jeff scissored his fingers, stretching

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him wide.

It was all too much for Ian. Sitting up, he grabbed Jeff’s shoulders and pulled him until he straddled his hips. “Fuck me. No more


“That wasn’t teasing.â€​
Ian shook his head, feeling more than a little frantic. “Later. We can do all of that later. I need you right now.â€​
“No. Now.â€​
Ian rolled them and now Jeff was on his back, cock stiff and straining between them. Despite his own desperate state, Ian couldn’t resist

the temptation. Sliding down, he sucked Jeff all the way down to the root. Moaning, Ian sucked hard as he played with Jeff’s balls. He needed
the other man to be as bad off as he was. Sure, they were doing this in a bed, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t be wild.

“Fuck,â€​ Jeff moaned. “Get up here.â€​
Bouncing to obey, Ian got back into his original position across Jeff’s hips. Without asking, he grabbed the closest condom, tore open

the package and deftly rolled it down Jeff’s straining shaft. When Jeff tried to get up, Ian forced him back with a hand to the chest.

“Relax.â€​ He chuckled at the desperate, confused expression on Jeff’s face. “You can’t tell me you’ve never been

ridden before.â€​

“Not by a guy.â€​
“Not a lot of difference, except I’ll do my best not to get come up your nose.â€​
Jeff’s laugher died as Ian lined himself up on Jeff’s cock and slowly slid down. The stretch and burn of not being prepared enough

was perfect. Ian’s eyes slid closed as he relaxed his body and let the pain and pleasure morph into one overwhelming sensation.

“God, Ian.â€​ Jeff grabbed his hips and helped settle him into place. “You’re going to kill me.â€​
“I’d better stop then. I’d hate to—â€​
Jeff forced Ian back down onto his cock, driving a groan from both of them as the tip of Jeff’s cock pressed against Ian’s prostate.

Jeff swallowed visibly, his eyes squeezed tight. “Do that again.â€​

Shifting his feet under himself for leverage, Ian set a slow, steady pace on Jeff. Once his body loosened up enough, Ian shifted forward and

kissed Jeff slow and deep. The hands on his hips squeezed, and Ian knew if he kept going like this, Jeff wouldn’t be able to hold out for long.
Before that happened he wanted to do something first.

“I want to come over you,â€​ Ian whispered against Jeff’s lips. “Can I do that?â€​
Jeff’s gaze widened for a second before his eyes rolled back into his head.
“Shit, yes.â€​
“Jerk me off.â€​
Ian pulled back and began to ride him in earnest. Grinding and bucking, he forced Jeff deep inside. Jeff opened his eyes and reached for

Ian’s cock. The first few strokes were off beat, but they quickly fell into a rhythm that had Ian seeing stars. His balls tightened, and the cock ring
tightened around his shaft as his cock swelled.

“Shit, shit.â€​ His moans grew louder as Jeff’s strokes grew firmer. Ian wasn’t going to be able to hold off. “Take it off.


Thankful for the snap that held the ring in place, Ian watched Jeff pop it free with his thumb. The rush of blood to the tip of his cock hurt for half

a second before the pleasure came roaring back. Ian’s gaze flicked from Jeff’s hand to his eyes, torn between looking at the source of his
pleasure and the awe on the other man’s face.

It was all Ian needed.
Throwing his head back, Ian cried out as he came. White come shot from his cock, covering Jeff’s stomach and chest in dotted stripes.

Sweat covered his body, and it was suddenly too hot in the room. Slowing his pace, Ian tried to catch his breath as he rubbed a spot of come into
Jeff’s stomach.

“You’re gorgeous,â€​ Ian muttered. Reaching up, he smeared some of his come onto Jeff’s bottom lip. The other man sucked

Ian’s thumb into his mouth, teasing the digit with his tongue. Ian groaned as his cock twitched once more.

Jeff released his thumb with a nip to the tip. “Make me come.â€​
Bracing his hands on either side of Jeff’s head, Ian bore down hard. Squeezing his ass as tightly as he could, Ian increased the pace of

his thrusts, taking Jeff deep.

“Tight,â€​ Jeff muttered, biting Ian’s earlobe. “Mine.â€​
Shuddering at the possessive tone, Ian couldn’t wait any longer, needing Jeff to find his release as well. With a swivel of his hips, he

clenched hard while grinding against Jeff. It was all that was needed, sending the other man headfirst into his orgasm.

Instead of pulling away, Ian lay down fully on Jeff. He didn’t care about the mess, only the warmth of Jeff’s arms wrapped around


As the companionable silence stretched on, Jeff kissed Ian’s temple. “So.â€​
“We’re a couple now, right?â€​
Ian chuckled. “It’s looking like that. Yes.â€​
“Okay. I wanted to check.â€​ Jeff placed another kiss to his temple.
Jeff squirmed beneath him, until Ian pulled back. “What?â€​
“Does this mean I’m not allowed to get coffee anywhere else from now on?â€​
Ian burst out laughing as he rested his head in the crook of Jeff’s shoulder, letting the warmth and peace fill him.

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About the Author

Multipublished author Christine d’Abo loves exploring the human condition through a romantic lens. She takes her characters on fantastical
journeys that change their hearts and expand their minds. A self-professed sci-fi junkie, Christine can often be found chatting about her favorite
shows and movies. When she’s not writing, she can be found chasing after her children, dogs or husband.

Christine is published with Carina Press, Ellora’s Cave, Samhain Publishing, Cleis Press and Berkley Heat. Please visit her at
www.christinedabo.com and come chat with her at Twitter Christine_dAbo.

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Welcome to Mavericks. Live out your wildest fantasies in the place where anything goes. Return to the carnal club with the first two titles in Christine


Long Shots

series, available now.

Double Shot

Coffee shop owner Sadie Long has been lusting after her good friend Paul Williams for years. When she caters an event at Mavericks, the sex club
where he works, she gives in to her threesome fantasy, and enjoys a night of mind blowing sex with Paul and his hot boss. But in the light of day, will

she lose Paul as a friend, or gain him as a lover?

A Shot in the Dark

Carter is one of the hottest men ever to walk into Paige Long’s coffee shop. The submissive in Paige is aroused to learn he’s a Dom, but

she’s unwilling to get involved. When Carter returns in his firefighter uniform, Paige can’t resist his offer to get to know him over a drink at

Mavericks. Conversation quickly escalates to a session in one of the private rooms, and Paige is thoroughly satisfied. But can she submit to





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ISBN: 978-1-4268-9289-9

Copyright © 2011 by Christine d’Abo

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Canada M3B 3K9.

All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same
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This edition published by arrangement with Harlequin Books S.A.

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